#the boy's as prickly as ever lmao
shima-draws · 3 months
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More info on him below!
Name: Rozen (Codename: Cavalier)
Age: 32
Hair color: Strawberry blonde
Eye color: Magenta
Element: None
Rozen is currently a member of Nahu's party, but before then he was working as a high-ranked officer of an underground gambling ring 😳 It wasn't a job occupation he necessarily chose, he really ended up there because he had nowhere else to go after a tragedy occurred in his childhood. And speaking of which--
Rozen was abandoned by his parents at a young age, dumping him into the first orphanage they could find. This of course caused a lot of trauma and essentially made it so that he no longer trusted anybody due to fear of abandonment. He grew up bitter and angry at the world, living as a troublemaker and pretty much going by his own rules (which caused the director of the orphanage plenty of headaches). Unfortunately due to his prickly personality this made it nearly impossible for any one to adopt him--but he preferred it that way, intent on leaving the orphanage on his own as soon as he was of age.
This all went to shit when a new kid was brought into the orphanage, by the name of Malachi :)
Malachi's circumstances were completely opposite of Rozen's--he had a family who loved him, but their lives were brought to a violent end when they were suddenly attacked by a group of rogues after their fortune. Rozen looked at Malachi and immediately saw himself; angry, bitter and broken because of the cards he'd been dealt. This in turn lead to a very...rocky start between them, due to how similarly they acted around people. Rozen viewed Malachi as a little brat and basically had the opinion of "boo hoo you're an orphan well at least your parents loved you and didn't throw you away like mine did". (So, a biiiiit of jealousy there. LMAO) Malachi thought Rozen's arrogant and stand-offish personality was annoying and correctly called him out for being a total fake. They were definitely at each other's throats for a while!
All of this changed when Rozen got a bit too big for his britches and pissed off the wrong crowd. Surprisingly, Malachi rescued him from being beaten to absolute shit and Rozen was shocked that Malachi actually helped him. Nobody had ever shown him that kind of care all his life, and Malachi was in the same shitty situation that he was, except probably worse. Rozen started to soften up around him after this, and slowly started to drop his defenses and show his true personality. Despite Malachi finding Rozen's change of heart "creepy", and his sudden personality change kind of drastic, he couldn't help but grow attached to him too. Before long they were practically attached at the hip, and if you saw one of them you'd know the other wasn't too far behind.
At this point Rozen was fully himself instead of the persona/act he'd been putting on for all his life. AKA he essentially has the personality of a golden retriever, is kind of an airhead (or an idiot, according to Malachi), and is a total softie. Him finally showing his kinder side helped Malachi too, and eventually, after spending two years together, Malachi was crushing on him HARD lol. Of course, Rozen only really viewed Malachi as a best friend, especially due to their age difference (being 4 years apart, with Rozen being 17 at the time and Malachi being 13).
The two of them were determined to leave the orphanage together, either being adopted as a package deal or just leaving when they were finally of age. This came crashing down when a couple looking to adopt just Malachi showed up, and despite the pair's attempts to sabotage any sort of chance Malachi would get adopted, the couple was insistent on taking him home. This sparked some suspicion in Rozen, wondering just why they were so intent on Malachi. He soon found out that these people were connected to the rogues that had killed Malachi's parents--they were seeking the same fortune and knew that Malachi was the key to finding it. Rozen confronted them and convinced them to take him instead, as Malachi had told him he had no idea about his parents' riches so he'd essentially be useless to the couple. Rozen offered his services and promised he would stop at nothing to find them the treasure, as long as they left Malachi alone. The couple agreed.
Malachi, of course, was devastated to find out about Rozen being adopted (and right before he'd become of age too), not wanting to be apart from him. Rozen explained his reasoning and revealed it was all part of his plan--he'd go away with the couple and then slip back to the orphanage in the middle of the night, where he and Malachi would run away together. With a promise to return, Rozen left with the couple, and they stopped at a nearby manor for the night.
As Rozen was preparing to sneak out and back to Malachi, the manor was suddenly attacked. The couple who had adopted him were slaughtered in the ensuing break in, and Rozen barely escaped alive. One of the villains managed to catch him off guard and cut his eye, leaving him half blind. Horrified, he raced back to the orphanage, only to find the entire village engulfed in flames--along with the orphanage itself. Rozen immediately tried to run into the building, fearing that Malachi was still inside, waiting for him--but before he could do so, he was pulled back by a strange figure.
The figure revealed he was the one who organized the attack on the couple and their accomplices, explaining that they had betrayed his trust. The couple were the ones to initiate the fire in order to wipe any evidence that they'd visited the town in the first place, wanting to cover their tracks. The figure introduces himself as the head of an underground crime organization by the codename of Roi...you see where I'm going with this right 👀 He tells Rozen that, regretfully, there were no survivors, and Rozen breaks down in tears upon realizing that Malachi was gone.
Roi offers Rozen a place among his men, seeing as he had nowhere else to turn to. Rozen, too distraught and emotionally unstable, numbly agrees. This would turn out to be the worst decision of his life.
Roi takes Rozen back to his headquarters and has him sign a contract, essentially chaining him to Roi and the organization as a whole. Rozen is trained to become a master of deception and the overseer of the gambling ring, working at various casinos and resorts to scam big spenders out of their money. By the time Rozen realizes what he's gotten into it's far too late; there's no escape for him and he's completely under Roi's control. Escape means death, and while Rozen wouldn't mind dying to be reunited with Malachi, fear stops him from ever going through with it.
Years pass and Rozen's skills only improve. Out of all the "games" that go on in the ring he becomes an absolute master at cards and takes pride in it (his sleight of hand is actually insane). Being a non-elemental, he uses card-based magic as his offense. He becomes a well-known and respected (and feared) member of the organization, and Roi regards him highly, eventually promoting him and giving the codename "Cavalier". However, things are a bit different behind the scenes--Roi is merciless, abusive, and just an overall toxic person to be around, and Rozen is not excluded from his wrath despite being his so-called "favorite". Rozen has had to endure his abuse for years, and is in constant fear for his life. It's really bad 😭
Things start to shift when Roi brings in a new pawn by the codename of Valet. Valet is surprisingly sympathetic considering the type of people Rozen works with, and Rozen grows to admire his cool head, sharp tongue and intelligence. However, Valet begins to butt into his business, urging him to break free from Roi and find a better path in life. Rozen isn't too happy with someone intruding on his personal matters and lashes out at Valet, causing a rift between them. Valet only wants to help and doesn't want to see Rozen suffer; Rozen knows better than anyone that there's no escape from Roi and has resigned himself to his fate--and he doesn't want to see Valet get hurt either.
This is when Nahu and co. come in ;)
Nahu and co. are sent to infiltrate the gambling ring, and immediately things are thrown into absolute chaos. After many twists and turns (and plot), Nahu goes to face off against Roi in one final fight. Roi captures Rozen and chains him up, unwilling to let his perfect pawn go free, and poisons him so that he loses any strength to escape. While Nahu is absolutely wrecking shit fighting Roi, Valet sneaks up to where Rozen is being held and attempts to set him free. Through the haze, Rozen witnesses Valet trying to free him, and sadly reminisces about Malachi. Rozen tells Valet to let him go, to let him die--that way he can be with the only person he cares about again. Valet yells at him and says no, he can't die, because--
Valet is Malachi.
Recognition hits immediately. Valet has always seemed familiar to Rozen, though he could never put his finger on it. But now he can see it, Valet is Malachi, Malachi is alive, Malachi has been by his side this ENTIRE time and he is SUCH a fucking idiot for not realizing sooner--
Nahu defeats Roi, and before Rozen succumbs to the poison, Malachi threatens him and says he'd better not die before he can kick his ass. Rozen laughs and thinks I can't BELIEVE I didn't notice, they talk the same way.
Days later he finally wakes up to find Malachi beside him, and immediately bursts into tears. Malachi explains that he'd been rescued by one of the townspeople when the orphanage went up in flames. It left him with a few burn scars but it ALSO awakened fire magic within him, which he can now wield freely. Malachi was told that Rozen had been killed by the people who attacked the village--which weren't actually the rogues, the village had been attacked by Roi himself, and HE was the one to set the village ablaze. (So Rozen had even been manipulated by him back then. MAN) Malachi refused to believe that Rozen was dead despite all the evidence claiming otherwise, and spent the next 15 years searching for him. Malachi was eventually employed by a sort of intelligence agency that sent him undercover to the gambling ring, and that was when he found Rozen again and realized he was alive. However, while Malachi was 100% ready to blow his cover and escape with Rozen, he was coerced into staying for the mission, much to his frustration.
Malachi tells him that he hadn't thought of anything else for the past 15 years, and now that he'd found Rozen he'd never leave his side again 🥺 Rozen feels the same way. They both realize they're probably in trouble, with Malachi prepared to abandon his duty to be with Rozen and Rozen with his...complicated history being involved in an underground crime organization. LMAO
Luckily for them, Nahu is all about recruiting them, and they both agree to join his squad <3 Their new life together begins!! Rozen has to grapple with the fact that Malachi is definitely not the kid he used to know and has grown up, a lot. Malachi, meanwhile, has been in love with Rozen since he was 12 and is trying everything he can to properly express that. Rozen slowly comes to terms with the fact that yeah, he's probably in love with Malachi, and things just get more interesting from there as they dance around each other for months just trying to figure it out ;)
AND THAT'S HIM MY MASTER OF CARDS MY HEARTBROKEN KING MY SLUT TITTY-WINDOW THIGH-HIGH WEARING KING thank you for reading mwah <3 (Also Malachi will be posted soon I have to write his side of the story as well lol)
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thisisxli · 3 months
What about tooru oikwawa x Hajime twin brother!reader who is shy headcanons?
( I don't know if you do male reader)
Omgg yes ofcc! I really like this idea, it's really cute
Anddd Oikawa's also my fav! <33 I used to be a huge big haikyuu! fan back then lmao. But yes, I will happily do this request. 💗💗
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Rs: Tooru Oikawa x Male!Reader
Warnings: small angst, mentions of panick attacks, drama, Tooru's homophobic ex, love quarrels
Tags: Reader is Hajime's twin brother, fluff, Tooru is lovesick and down bad for reader, small The Notebook reference, slice of life, sweet stuff, Golden Retriever x Black Cat energy
wc: 1.8k
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First impression/how you met:
Obviously, you both met through Hajime. You've known each other since you were kids. You were born only by five minutes later after Hajime and even so, you were left behind sometimes. This caused you to be really hesitant when Tooru was around. Hajime? Not as much since he was your twin. But Tooru was a different story. You don't know why you got so nervous around him. You started to get really annoyed with yourself when a buzzing prickly feeling started to pick up in your gut whenever he was around. Other than that, Tooru's best friend was Hajime. Not you.
Tooru was never one for introductions as a child but ever since he had met you, it was like you had to know everything about him. Something else told him he just wanted to know everything about you- but it was whatever. Other than that, he felt a little... timid by you. And he swears it's not that he didn't know what to say or anything but you were quiet and you would get really flustered every time he asked you a question. His ten year old brain that time clearly was not fixated on the early signs.
First realizing you had feelings for each other:
You realized you had feelings for him when you watched him set a ball in your backyard, your twin brother spiking it as usual. You were thirteen at the time and you just started puberty. So the hormones and voice change was a huge big weird surprise to you. Watching Tooru glisten in sweat, wiping his nose with the neckline of his shirt. You were practically drooling. That's when a thought popped up in your head, 'oh my god! He's so attractive!' That was when you ultimately decided you were attracted to men. Not many girls were that appealing to your eye anyway.
Tooru realizes his feelings when you two were eleven. He suggested the idea of teaching you and you shyly accepted. He set the ball your way but when you tried to spike it to the other side of the net, you missed and fell on your butt. And it hurt. Tooru immediately rushes to your side, checking if there was some other sort of injury you had. And yet, when he had looked into those teary eyes of yours, that's when he knew that you were going to be the one he was going to marry when he was older. His husband in hand. Surely you did look like Hajime, but you were different. You were unique in a way that made his heart flutter.
How you get together:
You guys got together on Valentine's day. Literally.
Tooru's locker was immensely filled by letters and boxes of chocolate by girls all over the school, some were even boys. You can't lie and say you weren't jealous. You even had your letter you were going to give him. A letter explaining your true feelings and some parts reminiscing some fond memories you two had with each other. But for some reason, he was the one who gave a letter to you. But it wasn't just a letter, he had chocolate.. and gifts! Flowers! And he made sure everyone in your hall saw his proposal! Hajime was in the crowd, crossing his arms over his chest, a soft scowl displayed on his face. Did he know about this? Perhaps he even helped Tooru?
"(Y/N), will you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" Girls shrieked, some cried, some stared at him in disgust while he just stared at you like you hung the moon. You felt small under all these eyes of the people who were crowding you and recording. "Y-yes.." You nod warily, watching him excitedly let out weird sounds and chirps while he jumped with his friends, careful not to drop any of your gifts. Later on that day, he walked you home with your hand held in his hand, both of your other arms occupied with the override of gifts he brought you. Just until Hajime booked his head with a fist, of course.
First kiss/how you kiss:
Much less to say, you were really nervous. You were on your first date with him and it was soon coming to an end; you had a feeling where it was going. "The moon looks beautiful tonight, does it?" When you turn to look at Tooru, he isn't even looking at the moon, he's looking at YOU. You nod, biting the inside of your cheek, "yeah.. it does look beautiful." You both stood on top of a bridge, a small river softly rippling through the streams. As much as you tried to take your mind off things by staring into the reflection of the moon on the water, you couldn't. So you scooched a step closer. And then another step. And another until Tooru took one for you, making you stiff. "(Y/N).." You turn your head to meet his eyes but your lips meet his instead. You were unprepared and was internally screeching inside. But soon enough, you got used to it and start to move your lips against his own. It was slow and passionate. You did not regret a single embarrassing thing you did in front of him as kids after that day.
Whenever you two kiss, they're very playful and chokeholding. At least for you. Tooru loves to bite onto your lip and drag it with him, doing it in front of his friends to show you off and get reactions out of them. When they're not playful, they get sensational and sweet. Some tongue is used here and there. Whenever it's used, you get flustered every time and he absolutely loves it.
Dealing with his ex:
His ex absolutely HATED you. And she hated the idea of a dude and another dude dating each other. You did try to be peaceful with her but she irked you. Tooru would reassure you and pepper you with kisses, rephrasing, "don't worry about her. She's just jealous so don't waste your time, love."
You stepped out your comfort zone and absolutely blew up at her when you caught her putting her hands on Tooru. Non-consensually.
"You better back the fuck up," you raise your voice at the hand-wandering girl, her face falling once she sees you. Suddenly in all your years, you never felt any more bold than you did now. Phones started to pull out from people's pockets and record while you marched your way over to the girl, chest in her face. You were only an inch short from Tooru, same as Hajime. "I don't fuck with the gays, hun. Who are you again?" Her question only seemed to irk you more just before you tightened your fist around Tooru's collar and smash his lips against yours. The colors literally drain from her face when she watches Tooru cling onto you desperately. And you make SURE she watches his tongue slip into your mouth. You seperate your lips from his when she turns to walk away, "yeah, walk away, puny bitch."
Teaching each other:
Tooru LOVES teaching you volleyball. Although you fail miserably at it, he still loves teaching you. Because he gets to pick you up and start back all over again, just to see you try. And he thinks it's cute to see you struggle. He notices you have the habit to pinch your sleeve between your finger nails when you concentrate or struggle.
You laugh every time he attempts to copy one of your drawings, only to end up looking like they were drawn by a five year old. You try to teach him how to draw in your way step by step but he miserably fails at it so. When you suggested to just have him draw his own thing, it was two stickmans. It was him and you, to be precise. You found it adorable and is now hung up on the wall of your room till this day.
Panick attacks:
There was a time you noticed he had been acting strange. You went by the gym to check it out but when you did, you only saw him there just serving balls and setting them as high up as he could. When you called out his name, he messed up his momentum and that's quite literally when he started to cry. He started to hyperventilate and close in on himself which you immediately rush to his side to comfort. He quickly took you in his arms, breathing heavily against your shoulder, his dry throat and muscles burning intensely. Luckily, you had a bottle of water with you. So while he calmed down and laid on your lap while drinking water, he went back to being okay. He did vent to you about his problems and insecurities though. And you were there to hear it all.<3
You both barely gotten into arguments. But after finding out he was going off to move into South America, you were bawling and begging at his feet.
"(Y/N)- look- I'm sorry! I can't stay! I really wish I could but I can't! I don't even know if we.." His voice trails off, eyes softening at your kneeled figure. You were clinging to his pants, soft hiccups leaving your chest as you rest your forehead against his thigh. "We have to stay together," you murmur, snot slowly rolling down and over your lip. Tooru smiles before kneeling down to meet your eyes, placing a hand on your cheek. "And we can. It's not impossible. If someone really wanted to do or keep something, they would've done so already," he kindly smiles, warning a ripping whine out of you, tears over spilling your cheeks. He's quickly alerted and tries his best to wipe away your tears and snot.
Adult life:
"My brother and brother 'n law will be here in a min', just give them a se-" "Tooru (L/N) is here people!!" Tooru slams the door open, cutting off Hajime who now had a grim scowling look on his face. You and Tooru had just got back from your honeymoon, and you both had a great time. It was wonderful and beautiful. You followed behind your husband not too short after, awkwardly lightly bowing to the guests in the house at Tooru's loud boast.
You two lived in a house together. He pursued his dream as a volleyball player and you pursued yours. You both supported each other in every way. But now, there was a debate whether you two should get a surrogate or an adopted child. You two decided you wanted a surrogate, one of your own and one of his own. You two now have one girl and one boy. They were basically twins; the only difference was that one was born an hour after the other.
The girl was named 'Najime' and the boy was named 'Hajime', after your brother.
Fun Fact:
There was huge drama between you, Tooru, and Hajime. You guys were in your late teenage years and Hajime suddenly realizes his love for Tooru. You were sort of devastated when Tooru couldn't really deny his feelings for Hajime. Could you really blame them?
But in the end, Tooru chose you. He made sure he gave you all the attention and love after that, doing whatever he could to gain your trust back again. And Hajime apologized profusely to you so many times. You weren't really happy with him but you managed. You two became close again after a talk with your parents.
As old people, you both passed peacefully in each other's arms at a nursing home.
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diorkyeom · 8 months
「✦」 oh, how i adore you | TEASER
joshua x dokyeom, non-idols, friends to lovers, fluff, slight angst, inspired by "jump then fall" by taylor swift
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teaser word count: 860 (full fic ~ 22k)
warnings: none
notes: this was meant to be part of a svt fest but,,, the disorganization of the mods bothered me so i dropped out lmao. couldn't abandon the fic tho, so i finished it here! there are vvv blatant references to the song lyrics but like. it's a very seoksoo coded song. what can i say.
summary: "and joshua… well, joshua had realised something. seokmin’s laugh was, without a doubt, one of the best sounds that he had ever heard." - in which joshua always has and always will do anything for seokmin, and perhaps that should have been his first sign that he'd well and truly fallen for him a long, long time ago.
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Joshua had met Lee Seokmin for the first time during his third year of university.
It had been an odd encounter, but it had been an encounter brought on by one Yoon Jeonghan, and so when Joshua thought about it, by that man’s standards it hadn’t really been all that odd in the slightest.
“Joshuji,” Jeonghan had declared one afternoon, opening the door and flouncing through the small dorm into their kitchen, dragging a tall boy by his oversized hoodie sleeve behind him. “Meet the first-year that I’ve collected this year.”
Joshua, who had been peacefully sipping his fifth coffee of the day, didn’t even bat an eye at Jeonghan’s declaration. “Another one?”
Even in the present, Joshua could very truthfully admit that Jeonghan had been the sole reason he’d decided to carry on going to uni in Korea and not turn on his heel and return to the States three months after the first day. 
It was because Jeonghan had had this… thing, where he liked ‘collecting’ first-years in their literature department who he wanted to take under his wing. During their first year at uni, he’d latched onto Joshua, who’d been a confused Korean-American student that Jeonghan had, for some reason, taken an immense liking to. Their second year, it had been Lee Jihoon, prickly and snappish but who had a hyper boyfriend who Jihoon stared at with hearts in his eyes.
It was a weird, almost mother hen-like act from Jeonghan, but it was a sweet habit, and Joshua had long since given up questioning anything that he did. 
And so, a little absently, Joshua had turned to look over at Jeonghan’s newest adoptee, a polite smile on his face, before promptly freezing.
“Meet Lee Seokmin,” Jeonghan had said, proudly, like a mother introducing her favourite son. “Isn’t he just the cutest?”
Joshua blinked rapidly, because goodness, Lee Seokmin really was cute.
He was biting his lips nervously, tugging at the sleeves of his hoodie before Joshua finally made eye contact with him, and his eyes rounded as if surprised that Joshua had looked his way.
And then Seokmin waved, before ducking his head, as if attempting to (unsuccessfully) hide behind Jeonghan’s much shorter form. The action was so startingly cute that Joshua couldn’t help the genuine smile that tugged at his lips, giving a small wave back even if Seokmin looked too busy avoiding his gaze to see it.
“Hello,” Joshua said, and awfully, his voice managed to crack on that single word. Jeonghan stifled a snort. So, in order to cover the awkwardness, Joshua did something even more awkward, and stuck his hand out in Seokmin’s direction. “I’m Joshua Hong. Or, Hong Jisoo. You can call me whatever’s easiest.”
Seokmin had stared down at his hand for several seconds, confused, and Joshua wanted nothing more than to turn back time and restart this entire interaction because really, how much more embarrassing could this get?
Before he could retract his hand, trying to forget the handshake and hopefully forget the new layer of awkwardness, Seokmin leaned over and grasped Joshua’s hand, strands of hair falling into his eyes as he looked up at Joshua, eyes startlingly warm and earnest.
His hair was awfully fluffy, Joshua realised suddenly. And he had big eyes.
He looked like a large, adorable puppy, if adorable puppies were tall uni students who drowned themselves in oversized hoodies.
Seokmin’s cheeks were rather flushed as he shook Joshua’s hand, eyes wide. He had a brief thought that maybe Jeonghan had chased him around their apartment block until he finally reached their floor.
Jeonghan did that sometimes.
And then Seokmin smiled, so brightly like a blinding beam of sunlight, his earlier perceived shyness completely forgotten as he released Joshua’s hand and instead lunged forward to engulf the elder in a hug.
“Hello!” Seokmin chirped, arms still wrapped around Joshua’s shoulders, and when he pulled away, he was still smiling so widely that Joshua felt a little dazed. “It’s nice to meet you, Jeonghan hyung’s told me a lot about you. I like your eyes! Can I call you Shua hyung?”
Joshua blinked rapidly, surprised by the sudden and random bout of chatter coming from the boy, but Seokmin’s eyes were lit up with that white gold light and he was so cute that Joshua couldn’t be anything but endeared.
“Sure,” he said amusedly, and marvelled internally at how Seokmin’s eyes crinkled and he seemed to vibrate happily on the spot. “You can call me Shua hyung.”
Seokmin let out a small laugh, delighted. “Shua hyung!” he cried, and then launched himself into Joshua’s arms again, pulling him in for another hug as the elder stumbled back, arms wrapped securely around Seokmin for balance.
Jeonghan had met Joshua’s eyes over Seokmin’s shoulders, face set in a curiously indecipherable expression. When Joshua furrowed his brows, he just grinned, nodding proudly. “Seems like I chose my first-year very well.”
And, well, Joshua couldn’t say anything at that, because Seokmin still had his face buried in his shoulder and he was just so warm and friendly and also because—
Because Jeonghan might have been the tiniest bit correct.
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katasstrophy · 2 years
I feel like I've seen every Bluelock boy paired with a very cute, very bubbly, and chill gf/reader before, but I haven't seen any of them paired with a cool and competent or even bossier type. Are there any guys you think of liking that type??? Or maybe just deserve that type to be kept in line lmao 🤣
nonnie!! 😳 NONNIE UR BRAIN I’M GIVING IT A THOUSAND KISSES UR SOOO RIGHT FOR THIS!!! i guess it doesn’t really show with the fics i’ve uploaded so far – which is a damn shame, i should fix that – but i am absolutely all for readers who are just… out there, ya know? they’re prickly, or easy to anger, or sardonic as all hell, or way too clever for their own good or yes yes, bossy<3 i eat that shit UP like it’s my last meal. this is not to say i don’t enjoy sweet, bubbly readers (bc i do!) but the type you describe just… scratches a certain itch iykwim 👁️👁️
i think one of my first posts ever about blue lock on this blog (cw. mid writing LMAO) was exactly about this. obviously most of the blue lock guys are only extreme egoists when they’re playing soccer, but i do think that aspect of their lives will ultimately start to bleed into their personality as they grow up/go pro. so having someone who’s just like “yeah that’s great and all but if you won’t make it to date night i’ll leave your sorry ass” is just. so sexy to them like?? they haven’t gotten their ego knocked down a peg in a while so i think they’d be drawn to a partner like that askdhxnbz idk if i’m explaining this very well but as far as i’m concerned all blue lock boys deserve an unhinged reader lol 😤
THAT BEING SAID!!! >:))) i have a top three list of blue lock men who i, personally, would love to put in their place and encourage anyone out there to do so as well LOL
1. MICHAEL KAISER — this cocky motherfucker ugh need i say more 🙄 the urge to censor his name was real strong but i persevered still cannot believe i’m (sadly) attracted to this horrible, horrible man. he’s sooo insufferable and just so obsessed with himself like he unironically refers to himself as the emperor when i tell you there’s nothing i want more than to make this man beg on his knees i mean it – what a pretty sight that would be hm? <3 all his past lovers probably treated him like he was god’s greatest gift to women (HE IS NOT) – and by now he’s not only used to it but comes to expect it – so when he meets you and you’re like “mm you’re kind of a prick leave me alone thenk yew✨✨” he’s just. so scandalized LMFAO suddenly he’s the one chasing after you and vying for a shred of your attention oooohh yes that’s exactly what he deserves how it should be
2. ITOSHI SAE — listen he might be my precious babygirl now but i used to hate this mans guts like no other and that little resentment still lives on in my heart in the form of wanting this man’s downfall to be a woman like don’t tell me that’s not the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. he’s just so single-mindedly focused on soccer – japan’s treasure and what not – and thinks he can get away with being an asshole because of it but you place down your foot and tell him to cut the bullshit or you’ll find someone who treats you better (AMEN SISTER) and suddenly he’s grappling with the reality that shit he might just fall apart without you yes girl make him suffer
3. OLIVER AIKU — i couldn’t not include the resident fuckboy here mmmm the possibilities for him are endless and each one more delicious than the last. he might not be as insufferable as the others but he still thinks extremely highly of himself, especially when it comes to his way with the ladies. typical “oh no i don’t do relationships” kinda guy who can show you a good time for a night before dipping in the morning – and you just don’t want that. so you reject his advances, say you’re not interested and move on, but for some reason, oliver can’t. literally physically wounds his pride when he crawls back for a second chance but you don’t budge, still wary of him due to his past behavior unless he can show you otherwise. and the way he scrambles to prove himself as trustworthy to you? god tier groveling from a man YUMM
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Have you ever thought about what it would be like if Eomer and Grima met as children lmao (also love your work🤍 I’m a huge fan of what you write and I’m married to Grima as well he’s my wet pookie)
sometimes there are people who come into my inbox with only the best and most amazing messages - you are one of them! (also thank you so much for the lovely compliments! I'm always so happy when people like my Grima nonsense <3)
I have never considered this but it is objectively hilarious. It would require them being the same age, which shifts their dynamic a bit I think since Grima is, at a minimum, like 13 years older than Eomer but really it's much more like 15 to 20 or more, depending if you're doing book or movie Grima re: age. (Book is ambiguous. He's described as "old" but what does that mean? Aragorn's also old! Anyway, I usually head-canon him as somewhere between 45-50. Eomer's like 27 and making some Peak Life Choices Boy Howdy.)
Them meeting as children would be a mess. Grima's that kid who is like "I dissected the dead bird the cat brought in, do you want to see it? The insides are interesting--you can see where it might have been ill and dying anyway" and everyone is like "….no". He also suffers from the "everyone thinks I'm a weird freaky asshole so I might as well be the weirdest freakiest asshole they've ever met" - ouroboros situation. I also think he was born prickly which helps little. His natural personality is like pickle brine and life just made it worse.
(Eomer: it's a good thing pickle-backs exist. Shot of whisky followed by a shot of pickle brine. It's great.
Grima: what are you saying??
Eomer: that you're an acquired taste. and sometimes I feel like I've woken up after a bad night at the bar with Eothain.
Grima: .. ….,. .,,.. you know. I'll take it.)
Eomer is rough and tumble and also trying to live up to the Image of His Father. He's also a prince and therefore used to getting what he wants when he wants it. I think he was also born a bit truculent. Like, the slightly compulsive need to just Start Shit with people on occasion is there in his late 20s, I presume it was there in his childhood as well. It's not a constant thing, but when it strikes Eomer cannot resist.
(will this one day end up with him causing an International Incident? possibly.)
At the same time, I think Eomer was a child with a sunny disposition that dampened really swiftly after his parents died and he became a bit grave and serious in his teens. When you're fifteen and taking up your father's mantel and being told that he was a Hero and you're going to be Just Like Him is a lot to hold and I think Eomer's response to it was to try and be the Grave Heroic Lord that people expected him to be. Another ouroboros, just in a different direction to Grima.
All of this to say - them meeting at like twelve? Disaster. Grima would be weird and trying to figure out how to keep Eomer from beating him up or something but he's not perfected the ability to manipulate people or situations because he's twelve. Eomer would be like "why is this freaky kid staring at me and being weird" then would either try and start shit or would ignore him because Eomer is a Prince and Grima is a Commoner.
Also, I think Grima started doing his thieving at a young age and Eomer is at once offended because that is against the law! and you're not supposed to do that! and only sneak-thieves and villains do that! at the same time I can see ten year old him thinking it secretly kind of cool and badass. There's some mischief in Eomer that Grima can prod into the light of day (not to mention the natural desire kids have to test boundaries and push limits).
They meet because idk Grima's father is in Edoras for business reasons. It's sheering season, there's wool to sell.
(a half-drabble-thing below the cut)
Grima's loitering in a market square watching people and feeling a bit envious of the other boys who muck about together because he wants to be included but he knows if he tries it'll end poorly so he just watches and feels resentful.
Eomer's been taken to market by Theodred for whom Eomer acts as page since it provides him a quasi-apprenticeship in how to be a good Eotheod lord. Theodred being fourteen years older than Eomer has his household established and is in a good position to take Eomer on. Theodred says, ‘You can take a few hours to yourself. Consider it a half-day holiday.’
Eomer is well-chuffed with this development and is sauntering around with some of his mates. Determining if they’re going to make trouble or not – Eomer is conscious of needing to set a good example and wanting his cousin and uncle’s approval so does talk them out of the more insane ideas.
The squad gets distracted at some stall or other and Eomer isn’t interested in the wares so is looking around. He sees a slight, strange looking kid a few stalls over who is leaning against a pole watching them then he watches some of the common kids who are kicking a ball about in the square, others are running hoops &c. Eomer doesn’t at first pay attention to him because he’s just some peasant. Look at his clothes! Clearly not from Edoras. Clearly some boy from a farm or small village.
Then the boy seems to disappear and Eomer thinks that this is strange. He was sort-of keeping an eye on him since Eomer got a sense that he was planning some mischief but now he’s gone. La!
Into thin air.
Eomer’s mates are done with this stall—they want to go to another. Or maybe find a cockfight to bet some of their allowance on. All else fails, they say, we can go up to the first floor of the White Hart and look at the girls passing by.
This all sounds swell to Eomer and the roudy group makes their way towards the back of the market where the more dubious activities occur. As they round a corner Eomer collides into someone who hadn’t been there but a moment ago. It’s the boy from before! The little rat-faced one with the greasy dark hair and large eyes.
Eomer’s back up and dusting himself off as one of Eomer’s friends hauls the boy to his feet, ‘Don’t you watch where you’re going? Eh? We’re walking here, can’t you see?’ He’s jabbing into the boy’s chest and the boy is in turns frightened but also, somehow, sneering at them as if he were their better. The boy is gripping his hands into fists and there is dirt between fingers, as if he had grabbed up something from the ground. ‘What’s that smell? Sheep-shit? Wool? You got wool for brains?’
Eomer is all, ‘Leave him alone. He’s not worth it.’ And his friend laughs, wags a finger at the boy, ‘You’re lucky we’re kind.’ Then they’re off and Eomer doesn’t really think about the encounter until they’re at the cockfight and he goes for his purse to put a bet on and finds it lighter than it was an hour ago.
When they crashed into that boy.
And Eomer recalls a hand near his back then his belt but he hadn’t thought much of it. Just thought the boy was floundering a bit, being knocked over as he was, and Eomer so much bigger than he.
The little bastard nicked some of his money!
The little bastard is good if he got some but not all. Too smart to take the whole purse, too smart to cut it. The fall must have loosened it enough for some of the coin to fall out and the boy grabbed it up. Eomer thinks he should report the theft, because no one is above the law as his cousin tells him with regularity. As Third Marshal it will be Eomer’s job to ensure that justice is dispensed. It will be his job to ensure that the laws of the land are enacted fairly, honestly.
But it was only a few coins. In any case, Eomer doesn’t think the boy could stand the whipping that would follow. He had a pinched, starved look about him. That cringing, mincing manner some apprentices get when their masters are hard handed. When his friend was jabbing a finger into the boy’s chest Eomer had half expected the ribs to cave in.
Best leave him be. He’ll get his comeuppance at some point should the boy makes it to manhood with the same unwise habits.
Fishing out some pennies, Eomer says, ‘I’m going in on the cockerel with the green feathering on its wings.’
‘Only five pence? And that bird is going to lose, look how small he is!’
‘He may be small, but I think he’s got some cunning in him. In any case, thrift can be the mark of a wise man.’
His friends laugh: oh ho ho, Eomer sounds like a grandfather. Look at their friend the prince Eomer, trotting about as if he were a sage.
Eomer rolls his eyes, grabs one of his friends closest to him to knuckle his head, then they are cajoled into behaviour by the pressure and presence of the crowd.
Eomer’s bird wins the day. He preens all the way home.
Years on from then, Eomer will be visiting his uncle and cousin in Edoras and his uncle will say, ‘Come meet the man Aethelrod has marked as his successor, once he can no longer perform the role of Law Speaker.’
Eomer will say that Aethelrod has years left in him, surely? And his uncle will laugh his loud laugh that fills the golden hall: Oh yes, he’ll be long lived. Still, best to think about the future early.
When Eomer follows his uncle out through the golden pillars and the golden doors of Meduseld into the sun, he will see the broad, soft face of Aethelrod at the top of the stairs and behind him a tall man built lightly, with dark hair and large eyes. And Eomer will look at the man and the man will look at Eomer and Eomer will think the face to be familiar though he cannot place it. The man will bow, a perfectly executed action of someone who practices. Aethelrod will thump the man’s chest with his large fist and say, ‘This is Grima son of Galmod, found him out in the hinterlands some years back. He’s whip-fast and clever as an adder. He’ll do well for a Law Speaker, my lord. He’ll do very well indeed.’
And the man with the large eyes will seem to stare through Eomer then he will smile and it will be one of dark amusement. As if there were some joke being played at Eomer’s expense. Eomer’s back will get up, his skin will bristle, he will think that this man from the hinterlands shouldn’t be so confident or comfortable. He has yet to prove himself, after all.
It will be later, months or years on from the introduction, when Eomer will be rounding a corner in Meduseld and he will collide with Grima who has somehow made himself a fixture in Theoden’s household and Eomer cannot help but think there a secret, subtle magic at work. Because who is this man? No one has heard of him? Who is his father? Some shepherd from the east Emnet. No one of note or noble name. And if a man has no name or history can he be trusted?
In any case, they will collide and Grima will step back begging his pardon, he will be bowing, and Eomer will be saying, ‘It’s fine, don’t worry about it’ and Grima will be leaving, their shoulders will be brushing, and Eomer will think he feels the ghost of a hand at his back, his belt-purse, and when he looks over his shoulder he will see Grima also looking back and Eomer will realize oh Gods, it’s that kid. It’s that boy who nicked half my allowance that one day. And he will wonder at himself and how it was he never made the connection, but the moment is over because Grima is gone—back to the main hall where he will weave his plans for advancement and Eomer is in his room, checking his purse, and thinking to himself: I could have sworn there was a cup on the bedside table. A pretty one with gold in the rim. I could have sworn I left it there this morning.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
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like a secret in your throat | eddie munson x steve harrington
Pairing | Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), thigh riding, kas!eddie, vampire!eddie, feeding, mentions of blood, bloody play, spitting, fumbly boys doing dumb shit.
Word Count | 1.1k
A/N | i mean we all saw this coming i’m a steddie whore lmao, i hope i did them justice!! this drabble is loosely based on this gorgeous work of art by @vivalski 🖤
“And you’re sure you’re good with this, Harrington?” Eddie asks again, just to be sure, hand wrapped around the side of Steve’s neck, fingertips in the hair at the nape to tug it to the side and backwards, exposing the vast expanse of his jugular. Eddie’s mouth goes dry, his fangs ache, he can hear Steve’s blood pumping under his skin, can almost see it with his new, sharpened eyesight.
“Just get on with it, Munson. Try not to drain me dry though, yeah?” Steve’s bitchy, huffing and puffing — he needs for Eddie to speed up before he loses his nerve. The feeling of Eddie’s cold hands all over him make him shiver, goosebumps appearing and littering his arms. Steve knew this was a dangerous game to play, Eddie had only ever fed from Hopper before, when there was a short supply of blood at the hospital. Hopper was an assertive man, bigger than Eddie even though he was stronger now, in his new form, but Hopper could still shove him off.
Eddie leans in a little closer, opening his mouth to bare his fangs. Steve doesn’t see, but he can feel it when the sharp tips scrape along the stubbly underside of his jaw, can feel Eddie sniffing at him, inhaling his scent.
He smelled good, Eddie thought. Like ripe peaches, a summers breeze, the ocean air. Under it, a typical boy-like musk, but still, he was good enough to eat. Literally.
Steve huffs again, annoyance starting to creep under his skin at how long Eddie was insisting on drawing this out for, “Are you fucking doing this or — oh,” His hands come out in a blind panic to grip at Eddie’s bony hips as the vampire sinks his teeth deep into the connection where his neck meets his collarbone.
“O-oh fuck,” Steve scrambles a little, still talking shit even though he’s got a vampire sucking and licking at his skin, draining him of his blood. His hips buck up into Eddie’s a little, the cool venom dripping from Eddie's fangs and settling deep into his veins sending jolts of electricity all through his body.
"Is this - shit, is this supposed to happen?" Steve's words come out fast, high-pitched, stressed - arousal washing over him in heavy waves. Eddie's ignoring him, groaning into his skin as he feeds, one hand deep in Steve's hair and another squeezing his waist achingly tight, pushing him even flusher up against the wall.
No, this didn't usually happen, if it did he's pretty sure Hopper would never of agreed to letting Eddie feed from him. Eddie didn't know what was going on, couldn't find it in himself to care with how sweet Steve's blood tasted as it filled his mouth, dripped down his throat, sating his hunger and desire.
Steve's cock is ridiculously hard in his pants, adrenaline rushing through him like he'd never felt before. His head thuds against the wall, legs starting to turn to jello as Eddie continues his feed, hands roaming up Steve's shirt to feel at his toned body. Every touch feels like it's setting his skin on fire, burning up and leaving behind a prickly heat.
It’s homoerotic in a way Steve never expected — the way their hands caress each other, Eddie slotting a leg in between Steve’s own so that he has something to bear down on. Steve’s thankful for it, the little bit of relief that Eddie’s tense thigh gives him.
Eddie groans into Steve’s skin, overcome by the scent and taste of him — he’s just so sweet, like nothing he’d ever tasted before. Eddie didn’t know what to expect when he decided to feed from Steve, but it wasn’t this. The carnal desire overcoming him, not just to sate his hunger, but to make Steve feel good whilst he did it.
He feeds until he’s stuffed, head dizzy with Steve’s blood and the gorgeous moans he’s eliciting from the larger man’s mouth. It’s intoxicating, all of it, clouding his senses and driving him mad. Steve won't let up his grinding on Eddie's thigh, whimpering at the feeling of their layers of denim rubbing his cock deliciously.
Eddie’s fangs retract eventually, leaving Steve’s open wounds gaping. Eddie pulls back a little, spitting on the holes and lapping it up, knowing the venom in his saliva will help heal them fast. Steve cries out, the unexpectedness taking him by surprise and a hand fists in Eddie’s hair to keep him in place.
“It’s enough, Steve, I’m full.” Eddie’s voice is deep, gravelly as he speaks, tongue lapping at Steve’s salty skin — all Steve can do is grind against Eddie’s flexed thigh like a bitch in heat, hand grappling in Eddie’s hair and tugging.
“No, no, do it again, please.” Steve’s begging, pushing Eddie’s head back towards his neck in a desperate attempt to feel his fangs once more, breath shaky and eyes wild.
Eddie groans against Steve’s skin, inhaling once more and running his nose up Steve’s neck a bit higher before he’s opening his mouth, baring his teeth and sinking in again.
Steve sighs, whimpering as he rubs himself against Eddie even harder, cock leaking in his pants and leaving a damp patch in it’s wake, “F-feels so good, god, I’m cumming,”
Eddie digs his bitten nails into Steve’s hips and hauls him onto his thigh like it’s nothing, pushing their bodies tightly together as Steve shakes and shudders through his orgasm, unable to think about anything other than Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
Fangs retract once more as Eddie helps Steve through the last of his high, his cold lips kissing gently at Steve’s sweat slick skin. His head clears, the taste of Steve still heavy on his tongue, and an aching desire in the pit of his belly.
Steve’s body weight gives out on top of Eddie and he grapples at the larger man to keep him upright, “Hey, hey. You good?” Eddie sounds genuinely concerned, unable to decipher if he’d gone too far and really had tried to drain Steve dry.
“Mmph,” Steve grunts, forehead thumping onto Eddie’s shoulder, “we’re doing this again, I’ve never jizzed so hard in my damn life.”
Eddie barks out a startled laugh, arm wrapping around Steve’s back and tugging at the material of his shirt, “Whatever you want, big boy. Let’s drag your ass to bed before you pass out on this damn floor.”
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izanyas · 1 year
Hello! I noticed you said you're currently engrossed in FMA 🤭 it's also one of my all time favorites anime 🥰
If you don't mind, can you say what personally draws you to it and what are your thoughts on your favorite characters? (In case these 2 aren't your favorites, can you mention what you think about Ed and Roy? Not as a pairing :)) just them individually)
Sorry for being so specific in an ask 😅
Hope you have a great day! 🤗💫
fma has been my favorite manga since i was a kid i'm really attached to it 😭 me and a couple friends decided to rewatch the CoS movie together and we both fell down the deep end and have been obsessively rereading and rewatching everything since then. i'm having so much fun i luv fma...
i think what really drew me in was edward himself tbh! he is such a unique protagonist, and especially at the time he was the odd one out among shounen heros—not naive and untalented meant for eternal nekketsu powerups but a boy who had always been frighteningly smart and had gone thru extremely traumatic events and whose goal as a hero wasn't to become The Best at his craft or to save the world but to fix a mistake he had already made.
i was (still am) very attached to him being disabled and how the story manages to include all that this entails (chronic pain, reduced mobility, special needs...) while at the same time engaging in really cool prosthetic design and functions and without ever making it demeaning or pithy toward amputees. arakawa was an absolute genius for how she went about ed's disability.
ed is just such a GOOD character. flamboyant and flawed and unflinchingly moral. self-sacrificing and self-hating but with a drive and devotion to overcome everything. he's a truly unforgettable character and he is insanely enticing as a protagonist in a story like fma, where every plot point is carefully connected to the overall story... like a transmutation circle in and of itself. icarus fell as his wings melted but ed keeps standing back up even with a whole leg missing, even after facing his own punishment for trying to play god. he is loud and bad-tempered and hilarious and his character design is awesome and that would've been enough to make him a fav for me but when u add in his generosity and kindness, which are so painfully obvious despite the prickly exterior, he's Ultimate Fav material. my blorbo my meow meow.
that his personal story is all about love for his brother and trying to fix the terrible mistake he made and which he will forever blame himself for (even tho everyone around him knows that he was only 11 at the time, and it's a miracle he managed to save alphonse at all, and doesn't think he deserves to hate himself for it) is just... it's good ok. it's a wonderful story with a wonderful conclusion. it suits him, his personality, perfectly. edward elric is a marvel of a protagonist.
damn it's hard for me to pick other fav characters bc i love everyone so much. i love izumi and ling and greed (both versions lmao) a lot... and scar and hawkeye and hughes... its too hard to pick.
roy mustang is definitely up there in the fav list tho. it's a bit funny because usually i wouldn't be much into him as a character bc his whole shtick is pretty much "i committed genocide but i feel bad about it" but he managed to have enough personality and flair to make himself vital to the story and extremely enticing too. it helps that everyone in fma has so much chemistry together, so his team has a lot of charisma. if mustang had been alone or even with just hawkeye or hughes i don't think he would've been nearly as interesting to me. i do think the story should've gone a bit deeper with his goals bc people tend to forget that he doesn't just want to become fuhrer, he wants to disestablish the military state altogether and make it so war criminals (including himself) can be tried legally. his ultimate goal can be seen as very selfish in that way—he wants to be made to face justice. and to the end he's not reluctant to use every tool at his disposal, including marcoh's last philosopher's stone from ishval to heal himself... that's the sort of plot point that leaves you feeling a bit sick and makes him into a character worth his weight in salt.
it's cool to put his choices next to ed's. like ed literally refused to use his deadbeat dad's philosopher's stone, which was made from people from 400 yrs ago that he never knew and who would've been dead anyway and whom hohenheim actually talked to in depth, to save alphonse; instead he sacrificed his most precious passion. and he refused to use kimblee's philosopher's stone when he almost died in baschool—instead he used his own damn lifespan to heal himself just enough not to die lmao. meanwhile, mustang, even while expressing reservations and acknowledging all that it means, used a stone made from the lives of the people he personally massacred. he is what you can genuinely call a morally grey character and that doesn't change thru the story. and i like that.
also he's funny
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hummingbirdsinjune · 2 years
I am so behind in Bed Friend but better late than never leggo!!
- Oo Uea that's a nice apartment gooorl
- Wah that's a lotta people to try to remember right away but I respect it
- If a son of a bitch, why pretty????
- a double whammy of sad
- only psychos have padlocks on the outside of room doors for fucks sake
- I don't think I've ever liked someone so much I hated them. But I want to.
- scratch that. I want what Uea and Jade have
- lmao if Jade ends up with the boss I'll probably laugh because that was a heck of a set up
- king is a GOOD BOY
- I take it back he gets a negative point for drink sex as your first sex after saying yourself he was really drunk
- why are they holding those coffee cups like that.
- 👁️👄👁️ relax, son
- Uea you are so prickly. Like a cactus.
- Put watery eyed King away I can't handle it
- bro is having a bad day, week, month, life damn
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erisenyo · 1 year
Hi!!! So I promised like forever ago I would come scream at you about All I Need is to be Struck (By your Electric Love) and I NEVER DID!!! I've been going thru it in my classes, I'M SORRY!!!!! But I'm here now and Jesus fucking christ I am rusty at comments again! Here we go, I apologize if this is just a bunch of nothing lol.
The little intro where they're getting dressed to go out is so cute! It feels so domestic to have Zuko pretending to be annoyed while Sokka spends too long picking out an accessory for an outfit that is supposed to keep them out of sight. I love them so much! Even the little moments where Sokka fixes Zuko's collar and then Zuko grabs his hand to hurry him along?💕💕 I'm melting! The comfort they have with touching eachother is so sweet!!! They're so intune with each other's habits and moods! I am so smiley, they love eachother hehe.💞 And now having read this a couple times, Zuko is such a sneak!! Love him planning this day from the very beginning, I think I thought he set up like a sunset picnic the first read thru. This is UM NOT THAT. Love it for them tho. You ever just so wildly in love, you have to spend all day indulging in someone's presence and then ravish them on a roof as soon as you feel a storm coming??? Babe. Your experiences ARE NOT UNIVERSAL!! The little details about how Zuko uses more vernacular from the South when he's been talking to Bato is so fucking cute!! Oh! Love the flirting between the boys!! The ass grab and titty fondling? Lmao am I obsessed with their constant bickering turning into basically causing a scene in public. The date!!!! God one if my favorite tropes is Zuko being taller! Yes be a little shit about it to your boyfriend!!!! Crying about them making notes of which food the other enjoyed the most. I am over here sighing wistfully again, it's about loving someone enough to watch their reactions over everything. 💘Stop it, not Zuko using his badass heat bending to make Sokka more comfortable if he ate something too warm!!!! He's so cool and just uses it to be hot and make Sokka smile! He's a DORK. "Zuko’s thumb is slowly stroking over Sokka’s hand, his firebender heat pressing all along Sokka’s left side, his foot intercepting Sokka’s swinging every so often, a quiet tap just a bit too far to the side to be anything but a deliberate nudge." This??? So cute and so fucking realistic, you're amazing at humanizing your characters I swear. Sokka's brain is so fucking cool btw, like he notices Zuko isn't stopping as often, contemplates the joy in the city vs the very recent anxiety of war that used to be a constant, sees a bobble for water benders, considers what could help the South and what the South could provide in return, figures out that Zuko would want to speak to some firebenders, and plans out how to get him chances to, while still shopping. I'm love. He's brilliant. Oh and the bag modeling???? The playful posing and touching!!! Zuko going along with the game is!!!!! Sjdhhdjdjd my cheeks hurt from smiling!!!!! Everyone knows him as a serious leader, but he's just a sucker for Sokka! I love the way they bring out the best in eachother. 💗Zuko picking out the armbands!!!! Not me spinning around and twirling my hair cause Sokka said "later"!!!!!! The implications of it all. The teasing in public is painfully sweet. And Zuko getting grumpy when Sokka talks about The Boulder wjhsjdjsjsjs I am snort-cackling that is fucking adorable!!!! I live for the different sides of these characters in your writing! I'm so used to imagining Zuko as prickly (which he is) but seeing him become someone who can be playful and unbearably attentive? It's so nice! I won't mention the spicy bits but I really like the way you include tenderness and romance in these scenes!!! They're stupidly in love and you can see it in everything they do and say!!!!! The fact that whenever asked about listening to Sokka or memorizing what he wrote, Zuko replies "always" every time. I am WEAK. They love each other so much!!! This is not my best work, I'll get back into it I swear!!!! I love your writing!! The whole time I had a smile on my face and couldn't stop giggling! Amazing job as always!!!! You deserve the best!!! 💝💌💝
Anon, hello!! Hopefully you made it through the roughness with classes, my fingers are crossed for you, and absolutely no need to apologize ever, you have no idea how much this made my whole week to see when it came through!
I love that you enjoyed the opener and that all the cuteness and domesticity hit right from the start! I'll admit I didn't even truly register that Sokka was spending too long picking out an accessory for their go-unnoticed-outfits, but that is absolutely what he is doing and Zuko is absolutely here for it haha. I'm so happy their comfort with each other came through so clearly, and the ways they're in sync with each other's habits and moods and just that their love was so obvious right from the first scene!
I'm also doing a little happy dance that you've already read it a few times, rereading is truly such an amazing compliment. And Zuko is a sneak! I'm cracking up that you thought it was going to be a cute sunset picnic from the start, that is very much not it even though that is also very nice. But Zuko has plans for this day. He's got goals and an agenda and he might not be entirely sure how it's going to come about but he's going to make sure it happens haha
It's so fun seeing all the little details that stood out to you, from Zuko's vernacular to the flirting moments (both blatant and subtle lol) to Zuko lording his current height over Sokka (I like to believe it's a constant and very smug competition for them) to their bickering basically being some light foreplay. It's the enemies to lovers in them :P
And it's so lovely to see that even in the midst of all their ass-grabbing and arguing-as-flirting that those moments of romance shone through, too! Zuko automatically taking care of Sokka with his heat bending, them paying such close attention to each other because they want to make each other happy, both of them being such dorks and so into it with each other haha. And that the moments are not only cute and sweet but feel so realistic just puts such a smile on my face. It's such an amazing compliment that they feel so human when I write them, truly it means so much to hear, and I'm just beyond happy that you think the way I write Sokka's thought process is so cool!! He's simultaneously about the details and also the free-associating from topic to topic and I love how you frame that chain of thought that gets him from 'Zuko isn't stopping' to executing a plan to give Zuko something he wants.
It makes me so happy too that their flirting and playfulness was so fun to read and had you smiling so much! Zuko absolutely being focused and determined and totally gone on Sokka when they get the chance to just be with each other. I love those moments when there's that window into their relationship vs how they might appear to someone on the outside, and it's so awesome that you can see the way they bring out the best in each other like that!
I love that the armband scene had you spinning around and twirling your hair! I apparently can't resist slipping an engagement tease into fics about the two of them haha. And that the teasing in general was so sweet is such an awesome thing to hear. That all their winding each other up still had such affection and sweetness to it for you is so wonderful, and I've been smiling ever since this ask came through that my writing shows you so many different sides of these characters (especially when it comes through fun little moments like Sokka's crush on the Boulder haha), that is so sweet and I'm genuinely so touched that my fics showcase these different facets of their personalities in a way that feels so authentic to them still.
It's so nice too that their tenderness and romance came through so clearly even during the spicy moments when their surface thoughts are unrepentantly horny, too! That the quest to find a private-enough place to hook up still showcases how stupidly in love they are is all I could hope for with this one :)
Thank you again for these amazing thoughts. I so enjoy reading your reactions and what stood out to you, it really is a bright spot in my whole week and I'm so thrilled you liked this one so much <3 <3
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
aurora, i just realized that we haven't really talked about our ocs' relationship dynamics that much :0 like, what are your thoughts about them, do you think any of them could be friends, rivals, enemies, maybe you have ideas for potential ships? 👀 i'm just curious!
Ooh~ Talking about ocs' relationship dynamics, eh? 👀
I actually made a post on Mia and Irene's thoughts on your RSA ocs, so that covers their relationships already. XD
I've sent in interactions for Avery with Slyvan and Iris before. I think both of them would want to befriend Avery for the same reason, but perhaps with different ways of going about it? They just see a cute angry boy and go: Wow! :D That's so cute. But whereas Slyvan is all smiles and offering gifts, Iris chooses to tease the poor boy instead.
We both already know how Violet thinks of Vance. 😶 There's potential for a genuine friendship though! Once Vance stops being such a chaotic troublemaker and Violet learns to let a few things slide. Wyn would totally get along with Vance though! Their cheerful energy would bounce off each other so well! Though Vance's fourth wall breaks do scare Wyn sometimes.
Reading Merrill's personality and unique magic again...Iris would be drawn to him like a magnet. He's flirty, mysterious, and somehow knows the juiciest romance gossip in NRC? She'll be eagerly looking for any chances to talk to him. Perhaps they'd get along really well, perhaps Merrill would find her exhausting. Either way, he's not getting rid of her for a while. 🤭
Allen and Mia would get along like a house on fire. Cheerful and energetic boy, always smiling? Mia would like to know your location. She doesn't even mind that much when he does something wrong and claims he didn't know it was wrong either. She actually believes him when he says that! She'll just forgive him and tell him not to do it again ajsajsasaaksa So yeah, they'd be great friends! 😄
Emile and Roland are best gardening buddies and I will die on this hill. I can imagine them pruning leaves together now. 🍃
Austin is like a prickly little hedgehog that won't stop biting people lmao. Good thing Zoya is immune to tsundere behavior. I don't think they'd ever be friends, really. Just acquaintances perhaps. Zoya tries to be friendly and teasing with everyone she meets, and she might double down on Austin because he actually fights back. She loves a good challenge. Wyn is another one that would try and befriend Austin! He thinks Austin might just be shy or has trust issues, so he tries his best to seem trustworthy! Hah...My poor sunshine boy will get hurt someday at the rate he's going.
Violet and Minnie are 🤝 constantly are we know it. Their energies are almost completely similar so it's safe to say they'd make a great team! (Aajsaiodiandi I can imagine Minnie and Violet scolding Vance and Seth now- 💀)
Aurora has taken an interest to Hayden, as he seems to change his personality depending on who he's talking to, so the poor boy will have a mini panic attack whenever they approach him now.
Xenon and Riley superiority, that's all I have to say on this relationship. I think Duran wouldn't mind hanging out around Riley either, as long as he stays quiet and doesn't draw any 'fans' over.
With time and effort, perhaps Chandani and Blythe could be friends! As of now though, Chandani sympathizes for her poor vice dorm leader in silence. Perhaps she'll bring her a snack to relax one day.
Aurora would be drawn to Seth at first, finding him to be super interesting and fun! He's already 18, but he's only a first year? How odd. They'd start to find him annoying once he shows more and more of his main character syndrome though, finding him to be too self-absorbed to get along with. Xenon would also find him interesting, but prefer to observe him from afar. Maybe he'll find out more about Seth than everyone else watching him from behind the scenes.
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asyouleft · 4 months
SARAH! I miss you. :-*
✨which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
Hm, I think I relate to Dean Winchester in a lot of ways (abandonment issues, self loathing) and also Charlie Spring (eating disorder history, anxiety, thinking I'm a burden to everyone whose ever talked to me lmao). I wish they could be happier characters, tbh. Oh and Rodney McKay, the whole humor to hide self loathing and sometimes being looked at as someone whose a bit prickly or mean. Boy do I know how to pick characters, don't I?
🐝describe your aesthetic in emojis
I don't honestly think I have an aesthetic? lol I've never been able to answer this question. I just like things? Maybe just books and rain, lmao. 📚☔
🌸what is your favorite flower?
I do like sunflowers a lot!
🍃would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
Sea with mermaids! I love the water, I'd have fun. But I mean like if I was a mermaid too. If I wasn't then I'd drown lmao
🍂what’s your middle name?
Colleen! I have a very Irish name, Megan Colleen :D
💒which show would you want to live in?
Doctor Who. I would do whatever it took to be a companion lol Like, I will find that TARDIS or I will be ~mysterious~ or whatever. Just let me go on adventures, please!
🎶 favorite song right now?
I've been listening to Billie Eilish new album a lot lately and I really like The Greatest.
🍒how do you act when you have a crush?
Like an idiot! I usually just act like a lost puppy and always try to be around the person. I have no idea how people don't know immediately because I am not good at it. On the flip side, I apparently have no idea if someone's crushing on me (or in one case, taking me on dates lmao).
🎥what show are you currently binging on?
Joe and I just finished Taskmaster NZ! And I just finished Traitors NZ as well. I think I'm going to fall back on some old school Survivor!
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mangosimoothie · 1 year
46, 52, 53, 88 for Aja and Ryan, please!
Thank you, Morri! ☀️
46. Does your oc lie a lot, or is the truth very important to them? What is their reaction to other people lying to them?
Honesty is a BIG thing for Aja; she doesn't even like white lies for the sake of being polite. And even if she tried, she's a terrible liar, it makes her feel terrible, and it really hurts her if she finds out someone lied to her, even if it was just a "little" lie. Ryan's morals are a liiiittle looser than Aja's lmao. He doesn't lie a LOT but it's easy for him and doesn't eat him up inside at all to get away with a lie. If it benefits you and doesn't hurt anyone he doesn't see any issue with a little lie to get ahead. He also has one of those voices where his tone sounds exactly the same whether he's serious, joking, being sarcastic, being sincere, being honest, lying, so...he could cheat a lie detector test just about.
52. In what ways does your oc cope with anger? How easily angered are they? Do they lash out?
Aja isn't a very hot-headed person but she does get frustrated and she cries when she's frustrated which is annoying and embarrassing for her lmao. But when she's legitimately pissed at someone she's actually pretty collected about it. She's a quiet angry, which can be kinda scary but it gives her the control to be able to say "you're pissing me off right now" and walk away. Ryan is definitely hot-headed but he's not one to lash out anymore. He used to get in a lotttt of fights and trouble when he was younger, but he reeled it in. When he's at his restaurant he'll definitely go into The Bear mode and rip someone a new one though 😅 Ryan's always been kinda prickly - his baseline is annoyed. Getting turned made it WAY worse for awhile like mf was angry ALL the time but then it calmed back down and he's actually much more level headed than before. Still an angry boy, but less likely to blow his lid.
53. If your oc was to host a podcast or TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc actually be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
Aja had a whole career as a social media personality so this is definitely something she's thought about extensively. It would've been an extension of her travel account and she'd talk to locals or people she met on her travels about the real hidden gems in their area. She always hated the "Top 10 things you NEED to do in Sulani!!" format of most travel stuff, and just wanted something that felt like telling your besties about this cute spot you just happened to stop by and omg should we get brunch there tomorrow?? Something organic and unsponsored and fun. She would've been really really good at it, but her priorities shifted away from social media after the Bachelorette. After Dragula, Ryan got MANY offers to appear on chef shows. Guest judging, hosting, competing - told them all to fuck off. That siad, the Bachelorette and one episode of Dragula were the only TV Ryan ever wants to do and he barely wanted to do either of those anyway. And people who have podcasts annoy him. So, yeah, that's a no on this one for him.
88. Does your oc hold grudges? For how long? Does your oc have any rivals?
Aja sees the good in people; she's a believer in second chances. But not like, tenth chances - she's not an idiot. She believes everyone has the capacity to grow. Ryan's a Scorpio. Hard to gain his trust, VERY easy to lose it, and IMPOSSIBLE to get it back after losing it the first time. He would take a grudge to the grave...and now that he's a vampire that means he'll hold that shit for ETERNITY.
Prompt: 100 OC questions!
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razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Top ten fav video games?
Oh boy oh boy oh boy
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. Nostalgia baybeeeeee!! Game I played the most on my DSi as a child.
OR/AS was my intro to mainline pokemon games, Sun and Ultra Moon are held in high regards because of ✨Primarina✨, but I also have a particular fondness for randomized Platinum/White/HeartGold because the randomizer creates so much chaos.
Minecraft! I haven't played it in forever but sometimes it's nice to go into creative mode and spend several hours building a fancy mage tower. And the entire time I'm building it I have a cutesy little hut set up for all of my cats to be warm and safe in.
Miitopia on the switch is funny as fuck actually. Even ignoring the meme potential this game had me by the throat during the summer and it's starting to grab me again. Paris wrote Alekai a poem and his response was "okay" and then Darli got jealous of Alekai. Zach Varmitech is the prickly husband in Neksdor in all three of my saves. The twerkeys slaughtered me
I bought Terraria on a whim a while back because I went, "hey, I have money now." It didn't work right away but when it did I used TEdit to give myself a terraprisma so I wouldn't die every five seconds lmao
Clubhouse Games! Recently got the switch version because I loved playing it on the DS.
Igor™ The Game for the wii. I remember barely anything about it but I also know that I completed it multiple times, which is really notable since I didn't usually complete games as a child (in fact, I don't think I ever beat PMD so. yeah). Also it's a fun movie and I liked the game a lot :]
I loved Super Scribblenauts as a kid. I spent so many hours just dicking around in playground mode; I used the level editor to make cool new maps for playground mode; it was a fun game for me. The Scribblenauts games for the 3DS (I have Unmasked and Unlimited) didn't have playground mode and that's honestly their biggest drawbacks.
Kirby's Epic Yarn. Played it nearly every time I visited my dad's, completed it multiple times. Loved customizing my apartment :]
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes. I know nothing of the Might & Magic lore I just know that I thought the game looked cool when my aunt played it and then when I got it for myself I spent hours playing through the campaign so I could unlock all the characters in the quick battle mode.
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inanthesis · 3 years
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"No. Go back to wherever you were, I finally had some peace and quiet."
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nyxelenios · 2 years
SAGE WITH A BALD/BUZZ CUT HAVING MC.I DONT KNOW WHY BUT ITS BEEN STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR A WHILE.ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE A PRICKLY SCALP. He will not leave you alone because of His Stupid Cat Tendencies. Would not stop head butting you. If you're shorter than him I'm sorry but your head is officially his head resting spot. You're like his walking scratch post :D. He likes itchy rugs too. That fan art of him rolling around in the grass? Yeah.
Also him shoving his head into your armpits cause he's secretly a smol spoon so he just latching onto your side even if you're trying to work, cats generally like shoving their faces in pillows btw. Do you think he sleeps face down in pillows to the point you're wondering if he suffocated in his sleep? I think Ozzy mentioned this in their posts that He Likes It When You Smell Like Him!!!!!!As You Should!!!!
You know those cars without hoods? Completely open with the wind in your face? Once he understands cars a bit better, and finds out there's different types he'd find those sooooo cooooolll. He wants to take you for ride [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] in em, doesn't matter if he has no license. Then he finally gets the chance to sit in one and He Hates It. All that wind going straight into his ears and giving him a headache >:[ He's squinting the whole time and puts his head down at some point. You can't hear eachother the entire time. Never goes near one again.
-egg anon (dumb bitch anon)
egg anon's brain is a gold mine 0.0
no because buzz cut/undercut?? the spiky hair? you'll always find Sage touching your head all. the. time. seriously, he can't get enough of touching your hair, rubbing his face all over your head lmao because the Texture is just exquisite!! do you think he'd like the texture of tennis balls because i like scratching the tennis ball on my arms-
being shorter than Sage would not be fun half the time. imagine being in a serious conversation/meeting and this 6'2" cat just walks over and scratches his cheeks on your buzz cut. seriously help you can't move because he's a big beefy boy that's already fixated on your hair please help oh no he's Melting wait Sage you're crushing m-
fan art of Sage... rolling in grass? 👁👁 i haven't seen it send link please-
yes. Sage likes to feel Smol around you because he feels comfortable and safe in your presence. when you're reading at your desk or in your bed Sage is tucked underneath your arm, snuggled nicely, all warm and comfortable and sleepy, aww~ Sage cuddling into a purring ball of warmth is the cutest image in my head right now and i don't think any cute thing will ever be able to top that
:( soft cuddly sleepy Sage tucked into a ball sleeping underneath your arm, feeling safe and loved and- *cries*
yes. Sage sleeps face down on a pillow but he doesn't suffocate because... idk why, he just doesn't?? my cats sleep face down on pillows all the time and it's concerning but they wake up alive and well lmao-
you walk in on him laying face down on your bed one evening and it looks like he's not breathing, oh gods is he dead?? poisoned? oh dear god- oh never mind he's awake-
and when you smell like Sage? when he catches his scent clinging to your clothes? blankets? pillows? oh he is so proud of himself because you smell just like him, in a really good way. i do think he has this kind of rustic/wood scent that's mixed with a little bit of your favorite perfume or cologne when he isn't smelling like sweat and/or iron lol
ah just him coming up to you, hugging you so tightly and when he inhales you smell so familiar! so like him! like Sage when he doesn't smell like dirty laundry! :D
wyeuwyeueueyeue i don't like convertibles either, Sage, they terrify me-
oh poor Sage suffering a major headache after you go on a ride [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] with him :(( he's got this dull pain in his ears and it doesn't help that his eyes feel dry from the wind blowing into his face too :((
Sage will not be touching a convertible ever again, no sir, he's going to enjoy the comfortable space of a regular car, even if it means feeling a little cramped no matter where he sits it's fine, MC why don't you drive and i sit in the back this seat is killing me-
— cain
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 320: Deku vs. Class 1-A
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Kacchan was all “fuck Deku and fuck his stupid goodbye letters, I need to speak to somebody in charge.” Endeavor was all “hello, I am Somebody In Charge.” Kacchan was all “listen up asshole, you need to let us go out and collect our wayward nerd because you stupidly left him alone with All Might and that’s a fast track to disaster right there.” Endeavor was all, “[self-incriminating silence].” Rat Principal was all, “okay sure, have fun kids.” Back in the present, class 1-A was all “hi Deku” and Deku was all “I’M FINE!!!!!” and Kacchan was all “THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT YOU’D SAY YOU DUMB FUCKING NERD” and so the kids all got ready to fight, because OF COURSE they’re gonna fight. Sorry guys, but yeah it’s happening.
Today on BnHA: Kacchan is all “what’s up Deku you look like a possessed Rorschach test, so anyway how are the new quirks coming along.” Deku is all “they’re coming along like THIS” and uses Smokescreen to try and get away. Kacchan is all “PHASE ONE COMMENCE”, and Kouda, Sero, Jirou, and Ojiro leap into the fray to shower Deku with heaps of love and violence, because this is a shounen manga and kicking someone’s ass while simultaneously proclaiming your undying admiration for them is just how it’s done in these parts. The KoudaSeroOJirou squad then passes the baton to Satou, Momo, Tokoyami, Kaminari, and Shouji, who are all “fuck this mask” and do a bunch of stuff to tear Deku’s mask off because they’re the real heroes. Shouto is all “LOOK AT THE LITTLE CRYBABY, THAT’S RIGHT, GO AHEAD AND FUCKING CRY and by the way let us share your burden please,” and once again I swear this is all very deeply moving and touching within the actual context. The chapter ends with Tsuyu being all “look at me. I’m the cliffhanger now,” and damn.
lol what
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I don’t think anyone was expecting that. I mean, not that I’ve got anything against Tsuyu or anything. anyways it’s a very nice cover and I love the colors and I hope this means Tsuyu’s gonna do something badass
also, “Deku vs Class A” -- pretty much the expected title, but it’s still got me hyped nonetheless fuck yeah let’s go
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Iida Tenya really said “fuck the uniform code, we’re leaving the helmet at home today.” sorry kids, prim and proper C-3PO Comic Relief Iida has left the building. can I interest you in some Serious Iida
meanwhile Kacchan is all “sup Deku, I heard you got a few more quirks, and might I just add that you look like the Snyder Cut of Detective Pikachu”
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“you look like a tarred and feathered squid” okay easy there Kacchan. I mean it’s all true of course, but still
yep and there’s Smokescreen, right on cue
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okay Horikoshi, I leave it in your hands. hopefully you can come up with some more interesting combos than my dumbass predictions lol
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“explosions solve everything” -- Horikoshi Kouhei, 2021. something something shockwave, something something handwave ta-da no more smoke. lol okay then
oh, ouch
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he would know, wouldn’t he. nice application of one of your many hard-earned life lessons, Kacchan
by the way you guys, just as an experiment, I’m going to try to anticipate some of the discourse this week in the hopes of preemptively addressing it and thus saving myself some time later on lol. so here’s our first test run!
ANTICIPATED DISCOURSE: “oh my god what a fucking hypocrite can you believe this fucking guy”
PREEMPTIVE REBUTTAL: it’s precisely because Kacchan has been in this exact situation himself that he’s able to recognize his past self in Deku now and call him out on it. just because it took him sixteen years to get it through his head that he can’t accomplish every single thing completely by himself doesn’t mean Deku has to go down that same path. so yeah, maybe it is a bit hypocritical, but if you insist that the only people qualified to call out stupid shit are people who have never done a single stupid thing in their own lives, then what you’re basically saying is that absolutely no one on earth is qualified lol. so yeah, I’d have to disagree
and one last unrelated note, I’m willing to bet the whole “you didn’t even say a word before you ran off” thing is possibly the first thing Kacchan’s said in this whole encounter that actually does stem from genuine hurt rather than his tough-love-harsh-truths strategy. I’M TAKING NOTES HERE HORIKOSHI. at this rate it’ll take twice as many chapters as DvK2 for them to hash out all the stuff between them, geez
anyway so I gotta say, so far Deku vs. Class A is looking an awful lot like a DvK3 wearing a hat, trenchcoat, and sunglasses lol
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FUCK YEAH, YOU GO KOUDA. and I guess he ditched his mask as well! excellent
so far the strategy here seems to be “Kacchan says all the mean tough love shit while the rest of 1-A balances it out with warmth and kindness”, which actually works pretty well imo. Deku is one of those people that doesn’t usually need a Kacchan Translator anyway, but just in case, this is very efficient
mm but of course Deku is slingshotting himself away with Blackwhip. all right then, who’s up next!
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okay but seriously you guys, what is going on with Sero’s face in these last couple of chapters though, it’s really starting to unnerve me. is he trying to emulate Kacchan’s whole asymmetrical facial expressions thing?
in fact let me just quickly hit pause here because,
oh snap looks like Jirou’s getting in on the action too!
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poor Jirou probably spent days racking her brain trying to think of something she could bond with Deku over. is Horikoshi doing these in reverse order of the kids who have had the most interaction with him? that would explain why poor Kouda didn’t get a flashback lol
omg. well that answers that
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so by my count, Satou and Hagakure are the only ones remaining in this first tier of kids who Still Appreciate Midoriya even though they’ve barely ever spoken two words to him in their lives lol. so they’ll probably be next, and then we’ll get to the next tier of kids who are pretty good friends with him but not quite besties. and then we’ll move on to the IidaRokiRaka trio, and then lastly, to the boy who is in a tier all his own
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and by “sponsor” I mean the Dekuangst. just in case that wasn’t clear. indeed, many thanks to the Dekuangst for making this all possible
(ETA: okay so this whole “take me away” line seemed pretty weird to me, and sure enough it’s yet another one of those cases where only the verb is specified, and the object is left to the reader’s interpretation. so even though the translation says “take me away”, I’m pretty sure that what Deku’s actually saying is “take you away” -- as in, his loved ones will be taken away by AFO.
and that is literally the way he phrases it, though -- the verb used is “奪う” (ubau), meaning “to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal.” which, god, that hurts my whole goddamn heart though, because for him to say it like that?? not “AFO will kill you”, but “AFO will take you away from me.” he can’t have nice things anymore because of AFO. he can’t be around the people he loves because AFO will hurt them. he can’t have happiness because AFO will take it away from him. anyway so where the fuck is AFO right now, motherfucker I just want to talk.)
by the way can Ojiro just extend his tail to whatever fucking length he wants or what because it’s like twelve feet long in this panel lol
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okay so now Satou’s stepping in which is back to my anticipated order, so maybe Toko will finish his little moment afterward
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actually I am curious about what Hagakure’s part will be because, you know, the whole traitor thing lol
(ETA: funny how we just skipped right over it huh. can we get a traitor reveal countdown started here? definitely getting close to that time.)
whoa lol wtf
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and here I thought she’d get a flashback to her time on the Baku Rescue Squad or something. but nope, no flashbacks from Momo, only terrifying sci-fi torture devices
poor Dark Shadow is such a trooper omg
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“why am I the only one who has to make prolonged contact with his smelly disgusting self” taking one for the team there DS
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THE PRICKLY BASTARD WHISPERER STRIKES AGAIN!! don’t suppose you brought any clean clothes you could sneakily force him into huh Kami
okay here we go, so now Shouji and Tokoyami are joining forces
um excuse me this is fucking awesome
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wonder how he’ll break free? don’t think he’ll reveal Fa Jin until the end of the chapter, so maybe Air Force or something? idk
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and Shouji just casually hitting him with what is easily the best comment from anyone yet. too bad Deku’s just gonna ignore it. you deserve better Shouji
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it only just occurred to me that Kami is currently trapped inside Dark Shadow right along with him lmao omg. realest one in the entirety of BnHA, right here. we will never forget your sacrifice
aaaaaaand Deku’s yeeting himself
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do you really hate the thought of taking a bath that much my dude
oh shit the mask!!
-- oh shit the feels
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fuck. and I mean, we knew he was crying, that was a done deal. but still, to see him in this much pain is just...
and the acknowledgement that he knows they’re worried about him, but that it doesn’t change his mind one bit. this, right here, is why they have to be a bit harsh with him, you guys. because they’re up against the full, unbridled stubbornness of Midoriya fucking Izuku, and if they don’t match that stubbornness with an equal stubbornness of their own, they basically don’t stand a chance
(ETA: quick note that there is apparently another mistranslation here -- rather than saying that his friends are oblivious to the danger, what Deku is actually saying is that none of his friends have activated his Danger Sense once throughout this entire fight. which I had been wondering about, and it turns out Horikoshi actually confirmed it. so basically none of the kids bears any ill intent toward him, and there’s literal proof right there.
incidentally, as @class1akids​ pointed out, this also casts an interesting light on this chapter in terms of who hasn’t fought Deku yet. not to play the Hagakure Traitor Music for the billionth time you guys, but I’M JUST SAYING lol.)
anyway, but the good news is that they all seem to understand that. and the even better news is that we have reached the tier 3 friends!!
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“OR ELSE” lol, great to see Shouto wielding his friendship just as aggressively as Deku once did towards him. I do love a good role reversal
p.s., ANTICIPATED DISCOURSE: “why is Shouto being so cruel to Deku can’t he see how hard this is on him”
PREEMPTIVE REBUTTAL: this is a callback to the classic “even heroes cry when they have to” Shouto line from chapter 137. Shouto is clearly following Kacchan’s lead here and going for the more ruthless approach, knowing that the gentle approach isn’t getting through to him (if anything it’s only making him more stubborn as we saw on the previous page). basically it’s his way of pointing out that even heroes are still only human, and so is Deku last time he checked
ah okay, and there Tsuyu is at last
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okay real talk, I get why Tsuyu is included in the tier 3 friends, because she was one of the first people to team up with Deku going all the way back to USJ. but that said, this probably would have had more impact if their most recent interaction hadn’t been like 150 chapters ago
but anyway though it’s still a good speech. maybe not quite a cliffhanger-level speech, but a good speech nonetheless. in a way though, I’m glad to see that Horikoshi seemingly didn’t give a fuck whether he ended this on an actual cliffhanger or not for once
and that “headed toward the climax” part has me excited too, ngl. because if we really are getting to the so-called climax this soon, that makes me even more certain that there is indeed a DvK3 in the forecast. so I presume that next week (or I guess two weeks from now) will be the tier 3s along with the remaining tier 2s like Kirishima and Aoyama
and then after that, well... [orange and green banners being hoisted] [sound of screeching airhorns and vuvuzelas in the distance] [sound of All Might approaching in his car which I didn’t notice until I looked back at this page a second time whoops] THE PROPHECY WILL NOT BE DENIED
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