#the bin weevils show
weevil-weekly · 2 years
RADIO SCOOP - Some extracts from Andy Goddard (iamandygoddard) as “Tink” on The Bin Weevils Show on Fun Kids! Does anyone remember this? I was in it!
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My childhood is being hated on right now. I feel attacked
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
I have this idea in my head: Sleepover with Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn (separately)? I just received my pink unicorn onesie with socks in the set and it inspired me to ask this question. Of course, the reader also bought a blue unicorn onesie for Caitlyn and Jinx and a pink onesie for Vi.
What could I expect and what do you think we would do?
Watching movies?
Playing video games?
All-night talk?
Of course, I invite you to this pajama party too c:
No party like a pajama party c:
Jinx: Your onesie gift has been shredded and repurposed into something with studs, safety pins and a glow-in-the-dark eye at the back (so you can be treated to the sight of her sneaking off in the middle of the night to rummage through other people's recycling bins for cogs and doodads).
She will arrive at your place with her own gaming console, her own snacks, and a burner phone that buzzes at three hourly intervals. If she doesn't send a text, a car with tinted windows begins circling your block, flashing lights at your doorstep. If asked, she'll roll her eyes and sigh, "Ughhhh, just my dad's minions. Gotta make sure I haven't been abducted by the evil weevils of suburbia."
Weirdness aside, she's a bundle of hyperactivity. She'll suggest one movie, grow bored, and when you go refill the popcorn bowl, you'll come back to another movie in its place. Halfway to the one-hour mark, she'll fall asleep curled like a cat on the couch. In the middle of the night, you'll wake up to the clamor of her raiding your fridge for midnight snacks. She'll have brought her own sleeping bag, but by morning, you'll wake up to her folded around you, her braids stuck in your mouth.
By eight o' clock sharp, Silco's limo will roll up, and issue a single imperious honk. Mouth stuffed with cereal, she'll scramble to get her things, give you a haphazard hug, and bounce out the door, "Ihadfungottagobyeeeeee!"
She'll leave her toothbrush behind at your place. That's no accident, but an excuse to come back again later.
Hopefully without Silco setting a timer on all her fun.
Vi: She shows up in the onesie with her overnighter slung from her shoulder, and two boxes of pizzas with your favorite toppings. There's also a nice bottle of some vintage brew she may have... appropriated from the Drop's cellar. "What Vander doesn't know won't make his customers drunker," she'll say with a wink.
She'll be amenable to playing video-games and a movie afterward. Unfortunately, the moment you start playing together, her competitive streak will take over and she will get intensely focused on winning, while shouting profanities at the other players through the headset. "N00b trending?! Oh, I'll show you n00b trending!" At some point she'll lose her temper and punch a dent into the wall.
Um... send her the bill for that one, okay?
Afterward, stuffed full of pizzas, she will switch the lights off for spooky ambiance, and begin narrating creepy urban legends from the Undercity. This lady is good at horror stories. Like... a little too good. At some point you'll get so reeled in, that when the microwave dings to signal your popcorn is ready, you'll end up lurching from your seat and screaming at the top of your lungs.
Prepare to be ribbed mercilessly for the rest of the night.
You'll fall asleep together on the couch, watching movies. You'll wake up having overslept, and find yourself tucked in bed, and your house cleaned up. There will be a note on the counter, stating she had lots of fun but there was an emergency at the Drop so she had to dash.
Emergency? Oh, Mylo got busted for burglary and needed bail money.
Y'know. The usual Lanes drama.
Caitlyn: Oh, a pajama party? How exciting! She's never been invited to one before - unless falling asleep in Jayce's workshop counts? She appreciates the onesie gift, but alas, she's too tall, and it doesn't fit quite right. No worries. She's brought a gigantic pashmina shawl for you both to share. It's so soft and finely stitched that it's like being hugged by a cloud. An expensive, well-mannered cloud.
Video games aren't much her thing, unless there's a puzzle or a mystery to solve, and she's not really up on lots of movies. Her family were more the outdoorsy sort, spending summers hunting raptors on the family estate. She did learn how to make some native Tereshni dishes on vacation to the islands, however.
In the kitchen, she'll roll up her sleeves, and whip up something unusual but which smells and tastes pretty darn good. If asked how she learned to cook, she'll grow self-conscious, then admit to spending time with the family's cook a great deal, since there would seldom be anyone else at home, with her mother so busy with Council work, and her father off managing her various business affairs in her absence. Learning recipes gave her something to keep her mind on - and a practical life skill!
You'll end up spending the rest of the night swapping happy and not-so-happy childhood stories, then fall asleep nestled under her shawl like peas in a pod.
Afterward, you'll receive a lovely Thank You card and a box of candies from House Kirraman, and an invitation to have the next pajama party at their estate<3
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pu-ryao · 11 months
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Today was the Halloween party on Bin Weevils! It was my first time at a party and meeting any in-game characters, which was really cool! Some other little screenshots below...
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Posh said about people missing out on codes "You snooze you loose darlings." and Fum declined to move from his spot in case he stepped on anyone.
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On the topic of codes, Lab said a My Little Pony-themed code would be great. I like the idea of BW characters liking shows from real life, especially Lab liking MLP of all things...!?!? Posh said she likes Fum and he was flattered ::-]
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I asked Lab what his favourite colour of potion is and he said purple. At the end, everyone wished us a happy and safe Halloween ::-)
Here are the six codes that were given out that you can redeem for money and items. They all expire in a week (next Monday):
And of course there is an older code Vampire that can still be redeemed.
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harmlessplant · 2 years
i am obsesse dwith your bin weevils art. I have never played bin weevils but if you showed me your splosh the dosh amv with zero context or knowledge of what bin weevils is i would just assume the art was from an official Bin Weevils Cartoon or comic that was published or aired in like the mid 2000's or something. I kind of think you should be in charge of one.
thank you! it's kinda funny actually, during the time i was making the comics in 2016 they were passed around and read by the people working on bin weevils, and years later I would notice that they actually incorporated some of my ideas into the website.
in any case the whole site and company is like dead and gone so my city now.
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The Doctor is about to capture an enemy, one she's been seeking for months but then Torchwood show up and get in her way meaning that she loses the enemy and they get away.
The Doctor edged closer to the Weevil that was hunched over at the other end of the alleyway, its attention diverted as it picked through the bins of a nearby fried chicken shop. From the pocket of its tattered jeans, she could just make out the glimmer of the laser spanner she’d misplaced while carrying out essential TARDIS repairs in the backstreets of Cardiff some weeks before, and as she watched, the Weevil extracted the device from its pocket, pressed it against the padlock holding one of the bins shut, and grunted in satisfaction as the lock split open and fell to the wet concrete.
She was on the verge of stepping out of her hiding spot and revealing herself to the creature, and was hoping that her rudimentary course in Weevilese had prepared her for negotiating with the alien, when a voice behind her shouted “go, go, go!” and five people sprang out of the shadows with taser-type devices and aerosol cans held aloft, shouting directions to each other. The Weevil, to no one’s considerable surprise, yelped in shock and took off, and four of the figures peeled off after it as the fifth strode over to the Doctor with his hands in his pockets.
“Well, well, well,” Captain Jack Harkness said with a low whistle. “We are honoured. What are you doing in my neck of the woods?”
“Trying to get back my laser spanner. What are you...”
“Reports of a Weevil with higher technology. Had to check it out. How did it get-”
“Lost it while I was parked up doing maintenance.”
An out of breath man in a suit jogged up to them, his expression apologetic. “Sorry Jack - it got away.”
The Doctor swore under her breath in Gallifreyan, and Jack looked from her to the young man with a grin.
“Well, Ianto,” he said brightly. “I think we owe the Doctor an apology drink, don’t you?”
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torchwoodtrash · 4 years
Some facts about Ghost Machine (series one episode 3)
Amongst the fake ID cards that Owen carries one is for UNIT
Graffiti we see on the side of a rubbish bin features a p in a circle, which is the symbol of the preachers in the series two Doctor Who story Rise of The Cybermen
The chase sequence in the opening scene was supposed to include Captain Jack but John twisted his ankle on set before they were due to record it so had to be rewritten so Jack joined in the chase in the SUV
In the script the ghost machine was described as a mobile phone shaped device but as you can see the props team went a bit mad (in the words of Peter Mckinstrey the concept artist)
At this point in the series there have been 17 weevil sightings (from the torchwood archive book)
I’ll be honest this is all I have so far for this episode but I do think it works really well to have Owen as the focus point in a rape story line, because what he did in episode one with the alien sex mist was a teeny bit rapey ngl sort of shows him having a conscience about it
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bearprofessorr · 5 years
The real questions: How many Fandoms was I in this decade?
Sources: My old subscriptions, sketchbooks, notebooks and such.
And if you see some fandoms we have in common, shoot me a message or something! I’d love to know a few people outside of the CR sphere!
(In no particular order)
Still in vs not anymore vs partially
> Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Pewdiepie  - 2013 
> DanTDM, Cupquake + (other Minecraft YouTubers) - Late 2014
> Smosh + Tomska- - 2011~
> Polygon + BDG - 2018~
> Minecraft (PC) -  28 May 2014 
> Roblox -  16 June 2012  
> D:BH -  9 June 2018
> Undertale/Detlarune -  29 Oct 2015 
> Moshi Monsters - 2013~ (Earliest Mention was 23/12/2013)
> Bin Weevils - 23 March 2012
> Club Penguin -  April 2012
> Night In the Woods - 27 Feb 2017
> Doctor Who - Early 2016
> Fleabag - August 2019
> Sherlock - Late 2015
> Critical Role - Late 2017/Early 2018
> D&D - Late 2017
> Good Omens - Mid 2019
> Melanie Martinez - Late 2015
> Steven Universe - Late 2014
> Vocaloid - Late 2016
> Heathers  - 2015
> Hamilton  - 2016
> Falsettos - 2018
> Spongebob (Show + Musical) - 2010/Early 2019
> The Maze Runner - 2015/2018
> Shadowhunters  - Mid 2019 (Earliest Exposure was Mid 2018 - Unassociated with the show)
Note: I’ve not got many music things on here since I think listening to them ≠ being in their fandom, what I consider being in a fandom is interacting with others in a community based on the interest in a certain topic (Game, Youtuber, Musical, TV Show etc.) Also, I may have forgotten a few just since there was a lot.
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kibanafuji · 5 years
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he doesn't usually post the things he draws.
... actually, no, he NEVER posts them. he very rarely shows them to anyone, either, and only the innocuous drawings. most people, including his friends, don't even know he CAN draw.
but... he kinda likes how this turned out. it's pretty cute. he doesn't think much of his own artistic ability, but he can acknowledge that this one's pretty decent, cute, and it isn't all that INTENSELY PERSONAL like most of the other things he draws.
plus, maybe someone else will try drawing their pokemon as humans. that's a pretty fun idea.
... yeah, fuck it, sure.
bin weevil famous #slommyslutz @burnem241 concept: reverse furry. pokemon with a humansona
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t0ranu · 6 years
some of you haven't played bin weevils before and it shows 😞😞😞😞
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piplupod · 2 years
gotta vent real quick lmao
school is stressful, we are bad at interacting w ppl and it is immensely draining to be on a zoom call for six hours a day.
finally was able to put together bedframe so we're not sleeping on the floor anymore. that was fucking exhausting.
dinner consisted of half a protein shake because the other half of the bottle went flying everywhere when i forgot I'd unscrewed the cap and went to shake it. was too tired and upset to try to have anything else
found a weevil. not awful, just annoying.
but then i found a spider in our bedroom. it disappeared as soon as i grabbed the bug container we have (old spinach bin w lid) to catch it and put it outside, so it disappeared into a clothing bin we have.
i place clothing bin carefully into larger rubbermaid. i move rubbermaid into kitchen. i dump out clothing bin carefully, but not carefully enough. spider freaks out, comes out of nowhere, runs over the side of the bin where I'm holding it, which means it ran across our fingers, and i drop the bin and make some awful strangled yelling noise, immediately start crying because i am so goddamn fucking tired, and eventually i put the rubbermaid lid on tightly because every time i try to look at it to attempt to find spider, we keep crying.
try to google how to cope with arachnophobia, articles about it show fucking photos of spiders which upsets us further, no one has anything helpful (exposure therapy is not a fucking option in any way right now lmfao), so we're basically fucked.
i cannot fucking do this, i just pray we sleep well tonight or we will actually be in full crisis mode tomorrow but we have to do this fucking college program now.
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soaringwindflower · 3 years
Island of Sunflare Weekly Journal: Week of 7/25
K.K. is in the plaza today due to yesterday’s Bug-Off
Got Silver bug trophy in the mail from Flick
DIY recipes: Pile of zen cushions, Tropical vista
Made Underwater flooring, Tropical vista
Caught Whale shark, Blue weevil beetle
Visitor at campsite: Drake
Gullivarrr on beach; should get a pirate-themed item from him in the mail soon
DIY recipe: Bonsai shelf
Made Shell wand
Caught Moon jellyfish
Got a Pirate outfit in the mail from Gullivarrr
Kicks in plaza; bought some Visual-punk boots from him
7/28 - 7/29
[Didn’t play]
C.J. visiting; gave him three black bass for Flick to make into a model
Sundays in August will be firework show days
Did a Treasure Hunt with Teddy (it was easy since I’d already found all six fossils today); got a gym tee as a reward
Wisp visiting; got a rattan waste bin
Made Shellfish pochette
Got Black bass model that Flick made from C.J. in the mail
Made Pile of zen cushions
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mycozykitchen · 4 years
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The pandemic has affected everyone differently, and I feel compassionate toward those who've been affected negatively. Plus, I'm extremely grateful and impressed by the dedication of those on the front line. I've been blessed to not have the pandemic impact me much. I've been working from home since July, 2016. I've been ordering many of my groceries online since 2018. And I've been stocking up because...well, just because. Am I a prepper? Not really. I've just been unemployed before...and hungry. So I like to have food around for...well, just in case. My research showed whole grains, rice, beans, etc, store forever essentially, so I stocked up on that. And I bought dehydrated vegetables for soups and stews. Then today I went to use some of my buckwheat groats for breakfast, and I noticed BUGS! Tiny bugs that look like fleas, but they're not. Apparently, they're weevils. Yuck. Weevils! More research tells me I can freeze or bake the affected food at 140 degrees farenheit and pick the bugs out one by one, but who wants to do that? There are too many! Again, YUCK!! So all this is going into the compost bin. Whaaa! 🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲 #wholegrains #rice #beans #weevils #prepper #pandemic https://www.instagram.com/p/CJWfDsuA4sj/?igshid=cxfyy1mss6cf
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14 May 2019: It Came from Memphis, various artists. (Upstart, 1995)
3 June 2019: It Came from Memphis Volume 2, various artists. (Birdman, 2001)
Immediately following my Terry Manning post we have a pair of acquisitions directly inspired by my Big Star reading, which quickly went beyond the band itself and into a general interest with Memphis (or fascination, I should say; I read so much about Memphis this summer, I started to think I was from there). A great thing the Rob Jovanovic book (see previous post) did was to get me to pull other books off my shelf that had been there unread for as many as 25 years (not to mention get me to buy things I would have balked at extravagantly in days past). I have long been a believer that books will eventually be read if they sit there long enough, and one piece of proof I have is that in July this year, by god, I finally read Robert Gordon’s It Came from Memphis (1995), which I bought in a Champaign, Illinois, bargain bin when I lived there, and I haven’t lived there in over 20 years. I loved and lived with this book so much this summer that I actually lost it on a night of barcrawling with my oldest friend, and the damn thing is so out of print and long gone in its original guise that I can’t hope to get a copy back that compares to my mint-condition first edition, but as I always take dust jackets off hardcovers when I read them I at least have the cover that I can show you. I had to finish reading it with a copy from the library, which thank goodness was there and available. But first, let me mention those CDs pictured above. What I did not know until four months ago is this book has not one but two companion albums, and as soon as I learned that I was pressing “purchase” on whatever sites it took to get them to my house. The discs were fantastic companions that in some ways I liked even more than the book. Robert Gordon is eminently qualified to write about Memphis, but he let his flag fly a little too wildly at times in the book, which strives with frequent success to tell the story of the lesser known Memphis and the city’s singularity as one of America’s numerous hotbeds of culture. Here is the book, both its front covers and back, which I’ve looked at countless times and that I’ve packed and moved from state to state on more than one occasion, always wondering, “Should I read this? When will I read this?” It has survived the trade pile countless times. Again, I lost the book--somewhere between Hugo’s Frog Bar and Dublin’s--but I still have the dust jacket.
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Now, what of the discs? One strange thing is they both contain plenty of music by people who are never mentioned in the book. I felt at times that Gordon was a better compilation producer than writer, but that isn’t fair (and I’ve since read other writing of Gordon’s that I enjoyed more). Let’s start with the first compilation, whose design matches that of the book’s first edition.
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I hadn’t thought about the Upstart label in a good long while; Nick Lowe recorded for it briefly, but not much else of interest to me came from it. This compilation is my favorite of the two. It focuses heavily on the eccentric: Drive Inn Danny (who’s never mentioned in the book) and Ross Johnson (a Chilton associate who also drummed in Tav Falco’s Panther Burns) both turn in exceptionally bonkers tracks, and Alex Chilton’s muse Lesa Aldrige is not far behind with her musical entry; there’s a very light smattering of traditional Memphis-area music (Furry Lewis doing acoustic blues and Othar Turner’s Rising Star Fife and Drum Corps); there are a couple of clips from crazed 1950s Memphis DJ Dewey Phillips’s radio shows; the early Stax scene gets a bit of coverage through The Martinis, a phony studio band led by Packy Axton; and up-to-the-minute group Big Ass Truck, featuring Steve Selvidge, son of Sid Selvidge whose 1976 a capella stunner Boll Weevil is also included. I could go on and on about each of the tracks on this album. I fully enjoyed it--it made the book come to life all the stronger, and it’s one of the compilations I’ve enjoyed the most in recent years.
Now, Volume 2:
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The artwork on this volume matches that of a paperback edition of the book that came out in 1997. I don’t know who was calling for a second album four years after that edition’s publication, but nonetheless Birdman Records released a follow-up in 2001 and I was happy to get a copy (from a man whose wife was making him thin his collection; I promised him in an email conversation that it’d have a good home). It’s a bit less daring than the first volume, although Band of Ones (never mentioned in the book, though its frontman Randall Lyons does figure heavily throughout) turns in a deranged track called Family Values; traditional music figures more heavily here (Otha Turner makes another appearance, and then there’s the Beale Street Jug Band); Sid Selvidge, both with and without obstinate chooglers Mud Boy and the Neutrons, appears again, too; and a special treat for specific kinds of Memphis maniacs comes with the notorious appearance by Tav Falco’s Panther Burns on Marge Thrasher’s morning talk show where the band (featuring Alex Chilton on guitar, introduced by Falco as Axel Chitlin) performs a Captain Beefheart-level destruction of Johnny Burnette’s The Train Kept A-Rollin’. Maybe it’s not less daring than the original volume. 
Out there in the universe is a completely different two-disc anthology of Memphis music also called It Came from Memphis and also compiled by Robert Gordon. My absolute fever for all things Memphis has faded a bit, but I have threatened loved ones that I “need” to visit Memphis in 2020. I’ve been there twice before: once in 2000 to present a paper at the University of Memphis and again in 2007 for a work conference, but never for pure pleasure. If that day comes I may be scouring the internet for that other Gordon collection.
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ijunoposts · 6 years
End of Month View of the Garden – January 2019
With thanks to Helen at the Patient Gardener for Hosting this meme.
We have endured January and have come out the other end. Month 1 of the year is over. We have gained approx 30 mins of extra daylight at the end of the day. Just enough time for me to get home from work and see if the Shed and Greenhouses are still standing after windy weather.
Hamamelis × intermedia ‘Jelena’,
Any work done in the garden during this month happened at the very beginning of the year whilst on still on Christmas break from work, or the last weekend when a bit of sunshine appeared.
I’ve got a splendid display from my Hamamelis this year, my new Hamamelis × intermedia ‘Jelena’,  is in its second year here and its performed wonderfully,  Further up the same border my Hamamelis intermedia magic fire is also blooming well.
Hamamelis intermedia Magic Fire
I’m delighted to see that the Helleborus are putting on a flowery show, many of these plants were purchased over the years as babies and not really at flowering stage, but now they have reached the age to flower. I’m very pleased to see them, I’m still annoyed that I lost the list identifying what each plant was.
Unknown Hellebore
Unknown Hellebore
Harvington Hellebore
Unknown Hellebore
Towards the end of January I turned out my big compost bin and spread it over various borders and beds in the garden so I could start the next years composting.
I uncovered a Phantom Potato, which gave me a start when it emerged as I had already disturbed a Mouse.
Phantom Potato
The Blackbird and Robin were very appreciative of fresh compost on the beds and spent quite a bit of time feeding on the bugs I had disturbed. I’m hoping that it will help keep some moisture in the ground during the hottest months.
Hamamelis intermedia magic fire.,
Long border with wonky edge.
My long border is not looking too shabby, except maybe for the wonky edge. I might keep it, or I might cut it into a straight edge when the ground dries out…  My Pulmonarias are showing lots of buds, so hopefully lots of flowers soon.
Iford Cherry in pot
Iford Cherry Planted
Hellebores moving
Acer re-potted
Earlier in the month I spent a happy few hours in the garden moving around a few plants that have been annoying me as I decided they were too overcrowded or in the wrong place.. amongst those dealt with was a big clump of single ‘wishy washy’ flowered Helleborus which I transferred to where I work.
I had an Iford Cherry living in a big pot which has been unhappy since last summers hot temperatures, so it was time to plant it into the ground. I potted up some small Acer’s into bigger pots, so I can move them around to areas where they would prefer to grow, sheltered from hot sun and windy conditions.
I divided a poorly Strawberry plant that I had in a big pot, and discovered it had Pesky Vine weevil Larvae, so I washed off all traces of compost, trimed the plants, and potted up the new bits into fresh compost.
I’ve also made a few tentative seed sowings into my tunnel propagator with heat mat. Sweet Peas, Sweet Peppers, Chilli Pepper some Lupins, Spring Onions in clumps and some Heritage Onions from the Heritage Seed Library.
Propagation tunnel
Lupins coming up
One of the last jobs I got done before the end of the month was to bravely shin up my ladder at the side of the house to retrieve my House Sparrow nest box to give it a good clean before breeding season starts. unfortunately I was unable to do this last year due to the snow, high winds, rain and the House Sparrows moving in.
Nest Box cleaning
Of the three chambers available, the House Sparrows only appear to like to use two sections. they were mostly full of dried grass and feathers.
Until next time, bye for now.
End of Month View of the Garden – January 2019 End of Month View of the Garden - January 2019 With thanks to Helen at the…
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sosexyalmostevil · 7 years
Sapphy Out of Context II: Electric Boogaloo
“Everybody knows that Goku can kick Naruto’s ass.”
“Look at you, you’re so primitive. I have a caveman as a girlfriend. My dream of dating Eep from the Croods has become true.”
“Hey! Who’s the pirate here?”
*doing a terrible impression of Towlie* Hi I’m Towlie and I’m fucking high as balls!”
“Them’s fightin’ words!”
“We’ve gotta watch Laserblast, dude.”
“Remember that time we got Mario to dab? Good times.”
“Sometimes you come to a point in your life where you just gotta run as fast as you can and inevitably die from whatever is ahead, then rage about it.”
“Imagine being in an unfamiliar house. Then imagine seeing things from your worst nightmares happening before you. Now imagine running out of said house only to be drug back in, nails scraping the ground. That’s only a MICRSCOPIC peek of fear Marissa and Hymel felt walking into our domain that Halloween. Pretty horrifying stuff, Cassie.”
“Swiggity Swanus, prepare your anus.”
“Fuck you, Cindy! Lemon Oreos are the best Oreos!”
“Breaking News: I’m really fucking immature.”
“I’ve always wanted to kiss Ember McClain, okay? And before you ask, Ross, no I wouldn’t pull a Randy Stair to meet her. I’m immature, not literally insane.”
“Oh wow. Someone made a Quest for Camelot reference on /mhg/. How... random actually...”
“I’ve got blisters on me fingers!”
“Sally Stageplay, Cala Maria, and Baroness Von Bon Bon are all cute as FUCK.”
“So Ash, I heard you like Mudkips.”
*plays ocarina*
“I heard Satan gives guitar lessons for a good deal.”
“I had a dream you got a tattoo of Sans on your butt and you vowed to never wear pants again.”
“Are you telling me that we should make a Bin Weevils account? Because that’s fucking genius.”
“I literally named my Gardevoir after you; A$$-lynn.”
“Totally Spies was literally fetish: the show.”
“What was with the early 2000’s and having literally every girl in a crop top? It’s just something I’ve noticed.”
“At one point Mads had a Neopet named MassiveSket.”
“Hey Ben can we change the topic my girlfriends’ huge thighs?”
“I never said that this wouldn’t become a Gone Wrong, Gone Sexual type o’ deal.”
“As they say in St. Olaf, Helgenbargenflergenflurfennerfen”
“One time I found a to go box filled with food in a Jurassic Park arcade Machine.”
“I’m actually raging hard enough this chairs beginning to melt.”
“They did the mash. They did the monster mash.”
“Hey Ash you came in time to see that Laura is shlumped.”
“Release the Party Freak; Freddie Freaker.”
“Squiddly Diddly came into my house and stole all the churros, Ben! America is fucked! The world will burn!”
“Silence! I KEEL YOU!”
“Get away! I'm too pink to die!”
“Ay Caramba!”
“Sometimes I actually ENJOY plowing through and leaving behind chaos, thank you very much.”
“Someone get me off this merry-go-round called life!”
“Oh? Excuse me for doing pop culture jokes.”
“Hey Mackenzy, you’re the only broad I know who puts bacon on everything.”
“Folks, here's a story 'bout Minnie the Moocher She was a red-hot hoochie-coocher...”
“I like to think that I’m the more musical one out of the two of us.”
“If I had a penny every time you said I looked like Weird Al, I’d be able to buy everything out from under Trump a trillion times over.”
*narrirator voice* “...and that’s how Cindy found out she was attracted to Mackenzy’s thighs”
“Oh JJ, fuse with me~”
*in a shitty skeletor voice* He-Man! I can’t control my murderous urges! NYYYYAAAAHHHH”
“They should make a movie called Cindy’s Ass: Maximum Squish.”
“Why is there a pop tart nailed to the ceiling?”
“Is rather stick my dick in an anthill.”
“I’ll have you know that I can play the ocarina you fucking asshat.”
“Apparently Hamilme is Binweevil famous. What a dork.”
*angry deer sounds*
*Join me as I launch this rock into the air at maximum velocity.”
“They say waffles are pancakes with abs.”
“Remember: draw dicks on everything. Also no buttholes.”
“It takes effort to rob eggs from nests like I do, Ash.”
“Bloberta Puppington is kinda hot.”
“I think you’re gross for shipping yourself with that eggplant.”
“I haven’t eaten a Twinkie since the Permian, dude!”
“Your mum.”
“I’ve been sitting here for the past hour thinking of a funny way to say “futanari” out of context and I’ve literally got nothing.”
“You owe me one Cadbury Creame Egg and 420 Bells.”
“I smell fear. And it smells like sweat and weed.”
“No! I’m not gonna cosplay as Tom Nook! I can’t run around without a shirt, you know!”
“Where the fuck are your pants?!”
“My favorite joke ship is Blue Diamond x Yellow Diamond x Pink Diamond x Bloberta Puppington x Cala Maria x Ghoulia Yelps x a drawing of Figment. It’s hilarious.”
*Bobby Hill voice* “Okeh Dad.”
“Holy FUCK Pink Diamond is a cutie.”
“I’ve got Hoodoo, I got Voodoo, I got things I ain’t even tried! I got friends on the other side!”
*jokingly* “I hate your smile, I hate your uh.. fingers, I hate your that stupid look on your face. It’s so fucking doofy and it’s making me lose concentration, Ash.”
“Fucking Winx Club lore, man.”
“Hold me.”
“Oh bravo. You fucked up. Again.”
“I’ll have you know I watched Life in the Dreamhouse last night and it’s actually kinda funny. Check your privilege.”
“Draw me like one of your French girls.”
“I need some salsa on these chips.”
“It’s a small world, I’m so gay. It’s a small world, I’m so gay. It’s a small world, I’m so gay. You. will. DIE.”
“I smell shenanigans!”
“I’m not the one who mixed 7Up, Fanta, Pepsi, and Hi-C together.”
“Chloe’s gonna feel a burn alright. A burn called HER FACE SLAMMING INTO THE PAVEMENT!”
“Honk off you dastardly doodybasket!”
“You’re not getting it. I really like a movie about a rag doll saving a friend from pirates.”
“So I read this one book and it was like being kicked in the nads by a fucking cassowary.”
“Trollhunters was good. Shot Steven Universe right outta the water.”
“Quit drawing penis people, Dax!”
“You wanna see scary? Ohhoho... I can be scary.”
“Changeling? What’s that suppos- Oh! Haha! You’re referencing me being trans... aren’t you? *goofy smile*
“What do you call a dweeb who sucks at Mario World? Y O U!”
“That’s when Ashlynn started chomping down on Trix in a raging fit after her death in Ocarina of Time.”
“Macho Macho Man I’ve gotta be a Macho Man.”
“Sometimes, Ash, you gotta dance the magic dance. Also fuck what others think. You’re drop dead gorgeous at all times.”
*whistles Hall of the Mountain King ominously*
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