#the billowing cape
marciabrady · 2 years
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age-of-moonknight · 2 months
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Blood Hunt (Vol. 1/2024), #5.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Pepe Larraz; Colorists: Marte Garcia and Fer Sifuentes-Sujo; Letterer: Cory Petit
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lunarharp · 9 months
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when an obsessed orufrey person plays ace attorney for the first time in a while
#witch hat tag#orufrey#you know those times when the defendant is still in shambles at the end of a case because it was not a clear-cut thing#but you get to present one Special Sentimental piece of evidence that proves not all is lost#qifrey's breakdown would be like... he turns up calm and pleasant like dahlia kristoph gant etc but very quickly:#well first he's hiding his scar so you have to use the bracelet and also you find out about the seal on his hat using that.#eventually he is throwing water that comes out of nowhere like that coffee prosecutor guy. and his cape starts billowing#the more he breaks down his neck thingies start coming undone btw. To represent his descent into guilt and his LIES becoming undone.#course as the player i have already used my magatama and seen his 35894 psychelocks. but theyre those BLACK psychelocks#representing his repressed memories taken by the brimhats. also his glasses shatter out of nowhere when you keep presenting evidence#and tartah's testimony etc. and the player is like UHH this guy is A PUPPET MASTER but coco's heartfelt testimony commands the tone#and of course he's someone who has been twisted and damaged by trauma like adrian andrews. the mastermind is of course the brimhats#only me with my magatama knows that... only i can do it. It has to be me.....#just like how as the reader i can see everything about qifrey and i can hold him dear as much as i judge him#whereas if i were oru things would not be ok unless memories can be restored and mentally ill decisions can be illuminated#WELL ANYWAY !!!!! what i appreciate about ace attorney is its ability to mix silliness with seriousness#i cant usually make jokes about serious heavy heartbreaking stuff in witch hat because it is all very intense emotions for me#but i appreciate ace attorney's mix of sincerity and psychological pain and the inherent silliness to being a character in a situation#so.....Get Iguin on the stand. Now. BAILIFF.. TAKE OFF THE MASK#i would most love to be able to prove qifrey's eyesight is failing. hed be like I have no reason to pursue the brimhats (smiles pleasantly)#and it would be like You're lowering your gaze.. proof that the court lighting is too harsh for you..!#his glasses would crack at that moment btw. I used apollo's bracelet and saw the glyphs on the glass.#I know all about u. and i will save u
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girlscience · 1 year
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
if vilgefortz is so evil why is he so quotable. or perhaps being evil and being quotable do not contradict one another, but instead correlate
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snapeysister · 2 years
Lately we've had a huge storm passing over us. The rain and wind strength were immense, and all the days through I had to dry jackets and boots over and over again. My mum bought me a rain cape which saved me from most of the rain. But each time I wore it and it billowed behind and around me in the wind, its hood tied tightly over my head, I couldn't help but be reminded of, well, a Death Eater on his way to a mission. Or Snape. Or both. Pity too few people around me happen to have such associations. 😅
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Daily Log 3
Trying out (probably just temporarily) making short daily-ish notes about things, in an attempt to see if it helps me be more reflective or productive lol.
Activities: Not too much, stomach kind of upset today and my chest muscle aches/shoulders/etc. are still too irritated for like typing a lot or anything.. grr... At least it was less hot than yesterday, still not feeling great symptoms wise though.
Worked on painting the tapestry thing and getting more of the basic design down. Still don't have the Avirrekava text fully translated.
Recorded another sims episode for the let's play series on my games/side youtube channel because I just realized that I definitely won't be able to in the summer since it gets so hot in my apartment that my computer runs hotter too and I can't even play games lol, so I should get a few recordings out of the way as a backlog before it gets warm. I'm always so caught in the bliss of winter (favorite season, best season, ultimate season) that summer kind of sneaks up on me and I have a moment of realization like "OH gOds I only have like one month to get a bunch of things done that are way harder for me to do in the heat!!'' , and then scramble lol..
Wrote down a script for calling a few doctors.
Thought more about the religions and other cultural systems that exist in certain elven cities in the south, where the story I mentioned in the first Daily Log takes place. Drew the basic sketch of an outfit for one of their primary religious figures (kind of like priest robes?).
Put together a load of clothes but didn't actually wash them because by that point I didn't feel good, but at least I have them out for tomorrow lol.. hashtag ultimate productivity win
Notable sights: Found 19 four leaf clovers and 1 six leaf clover that's actually kind of a double clover? Like there's a clear spot on the stem where it's two 3 leaf clovers not entirely all the way merged. Saw 4 cats in windows, one cat actually outside roaming, and a rabbit in a tennis field. There was also a pile of rocks outside that was very nice, resisted the urge to pick one up and take it home for my rock collection. Watching a show about tudor monastery farms and there was a sheep on there that looked round and funny.
Goals moving forward: Same as yesterday basically lol.. especially post the poll adventure thing that has been sitting in a draft for weeks (I thought I would get it done today, but alas.. I don't even have to do much, just proofread and post it, I just keep having no energy/being preoccupied with other things/hurts to be on computer.. grrr.. I want to continue the story >:T.. for the second day in a row, nothing has changed lol..).
Notable foods: Not much of interest, but had salmon, my favorite fish. Also had a chia seed fruit snack sort of thing which was in a squeezy pouch, and I love anything in that sort of packaging so, very fun.
Really craving spicy udon, chicken wings for some reason (which I don't even like that much), and something like lasagna?? I'm probably vitamin deficient again from my weird diet and it's making me yearn for hearty savory foods.. evil... chronic anemia cravings lol..
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lokislytherin · 1 year
lookism dnd au?
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if you see this and wanna art PLEASE i’m thinking of doing this for nanowrimo and actually making it novel-length and it would be cool to have concept art! of course with credit where credit is due i always give credit
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Eternal Diva Fic (Part 9)
Funny mask man time aka my favorite part of the movie. We're already getting to the best part and we still have. 5 parts left. How am I gonna split up the time? You'll see :]
Trigger warnings for kidnapping, mentions of death, and heights and risk of falling from a great height (no one falls)
Word Count: 1.5k / Previous / Next
Before anyone had a chance to recover, Descole rushed the group, scooped up Melina in his arms, and ran back.  No one could run to get Melina back because Descole’s wolves promptly circled them all.  He gently set Melina down next to him.
“What are you doing?  Descole!” Layton called up to him.
“I’m afraid I need this young lady’s voice if I’m to accomplish my real goal here.”
“What are you planning?”
He threw an arm out of his cape and pointed up. “To bring Ambrosia back to life!”
The opened roof revealed another higher roof with a drawing of the Ambrosian seal at the very top.
“The legend of Ambrosia was famous,” the masked man began to explain. “But it was I who discovered the complete seal.  Layton, do you know what the lines around that symbol mean?”
I knew what those were… I think.  “Music, right?  A song?”
Descole seemed surprised for a moment, but then he smiled as he looked at me.  “Very astute, Clare; that is correct.  Ambrosian music.  That seal is the first key to unlocking Ambrosia.  It is ‘A Song of the Stars’.” He opened a little book on the Detragan’s tray.  It was a two page spread of doodles, notes and sheet music. “The second key… is you Melina.”
“What?  How can I be a key?” She asked.
“The Ambrosian Seal hides not one key, but two of them.  Two songs that resonate in perfect harmony.  A song of the stars and the sea…”
The music on Melina’s piano’s tray.  That was called a Song of the Sea.  Now everything was coming into focus.
Descole grabbed Janice’s hand, even as she resisted. “When the two songs are played together here, Ambrosia will rise once more!”
Mr. Whistler growled. “How could I not see it…?  All he ever wanted was the Ambrosia Kingdom!”
“But just as I cracked the code, the one person who knew A Song of the Sea-- the other key I needed-- could no longer sing it.  But her memories remained.”
“That was the real point of the Detragan then,” I muttered.
“Precisely.  All I needed was someone to bring those memories alive!”
Descole flipped a switch on the machine, and the ground suddenly let out a cloud of steam.  There were giant rumbles and cracking sounds.  I ran forward to try and help Melina, but soon found no ground to stand on.  I hit something metal right on my chest which knocked the wind out of me.
Once the smoke cleared, it revealed that Descole had built the platform to extend out of the castle.  I had landed right on the beam that extended it out… and found myself hanging right over the woods below.
I yelled and scrambled to fix my position on the beam.  Now I had a good hold on it thankfully.
Still wanting to help Melina, I started to climb up the giant iron tower.  Thankfully, I was pretty close to the platform already, so it didn’t take very long.  But with all the running I already did and barely any food to keep me going, it was a struggle.
“This… is your farewell performance,” I heard Descole say.
“Not if… I have… anything… to say about it!” I shouted as I pumped myself up and then jumped up to grab the rim of the platform.  Luckily, I gripped it pretty well.
…Now the trouble came in how to get up.
“Clare!!” Melina’s head popped over the edge, and she gasped upon seeing my precarious situation.  She tried to help me climb up, but she was only very strong in her lungs.  She struggled to lift me, and I was worried I was going to plummet right down into the forest below.
Suddenly (and thankfully), I got pulled right up by my arms.
“Are you alright?” Descole asked simply, worry etched in his voice.
“Fine, fine, I’m fine,” I said, avoiding his puppy-dog gaze.
“When I heard you underneath us, I…” He suddenly seemed to remember Melina was here and that he was supposed to be doing evil things. “Well dear, I was tickled.  You climbed all the way up here just to see me?” The speed at which his tone changed astonished me.  He was good at putting on masks. “You needed only to ask to come along, you know.  But you’re here now, and that’s what matters.” He set me down.
“Do you two… know each other?” Melina asked.
“I was there with Layton and Luke at Misthallery.  He used a giant digging machine to try and destroy a whole town, just to get some treasure.”
“Oh please dear, you’re making it sound so much more uncouth than it actually was.” I glared at him, trying to look past his new mask.  He smiled back, not letting anything slip.  Janice stood in the middle, perplexed. “As much as I enjoy talking with you dear, I have some business to take care of.  Then I’ll do whatever you wish.”
“Stop this right now!”
“I’m anxious to spend time with you too, but I said after my plans were done.  Besides, you’re about to see history in the making.”
He turned back to the Detragan and started to play a few notes.  A familiar song began to float into the sky: A Song of the Stars.
“Sing Melina!  Sing A Song of the Sea!  Sing, Melina!” Descole commanded.  Janice looked down, and I followed her gaze.  To my horror, I saw everyone surrounded by Descole’s wolves.
Melina eventually complied, and began to sing A Song of the Sea.  In perfect harmony, they were chillingly beautiful together.  But something… didn’t feel right.  Or more accurately, sounded right.
Apparently it didn’t matter too much as the ground began to shake.  No, it wasn’t the ground.  It was the sea.  Where the castle had already cracked from losing a wall, it started to collapse even more.  Thankfully, that seemed to be the distraction everyone needed to get away from the wolves.
Descole spun around in delight to the edge of our platform, pulling me over with him, almost like a little impromptu dance. “Ambrosia… will rise again!” He shouted to the air, triumphant and sinisterly gleeful.  He turned to me with a wide grin, holding me by the arms. “You should feel extremely fortunate, dear Clare.  Not everyone can say they’ve witnessed an ancient kingdom rise from the depths of the ocean.  And not from such a spectacular view!”
He laughed, holding me tight at his side… but then the shaking at our feet stopped.  We all looked out confused.
Besides what happened to the castle… nothing had changed.  The night was now calm and eerily quiet.
“Huh?” I gaped.
“What?” Melina asked.
Descole growled and let me go.  He walked back on himself, and I could see his hands tighten into fists. “Why… Why won't it rise?!” He pointed at Melina without looking at her. “Again!  Sing it!  Sing!” Clearly, he was too mad to form coherent sentences.  He walked back to the Detragan as I joined Melina’s side.
“Why didn't it work?” Melina asked me quietly.
“... I don’t know,” I replied.  …There was something missing here clearly.  But what?
Descole started to play again, and Melina followed right behind.  There wasn't even a rumble from the ground.
Descole suddenly slammed down his hands on the keys, making a loud disjointed sound.  “Why… Why…  Why…” He breathed out in rage.
I shielded Melina by putting her behind me.
Then… Descole started to laugh.  A humourless, cold, cruel laugh. “Well, if the door to Ambrosia will not open by this music… I WILL TEAR IT DOWN!” 
He threw his hands down on the keys again, but this time hidden compartments in the Detragan sprung out and all sorts of levers flipped up ready to be pulled.  He threw his cape behind him and started pressing buttons, turning dials, flipping levers-- all at the speed of an expert inventor.  
The Detragan was suddenly cast in an eerie blue-white glow.  The platform lit up below us with patterned lines.  Melina gripped my arm behind me and I swallowed hard.  Looking over the edge, other parts of the castle were glowing just the same.
Then the castle began to deteriorate even more.  Bricks fell away to reveal iron mechanisms hidden underneath.  Wires started snaking their way up to our platform to connect everything together.
Then… we began to move with giant metal steps.
Melina and I both stumbled and nearly fell with all the shifting around, but we held each other steady.
“Wh-What is he doing?!” Melina yelled to attempt being heard over all the noise.
“Doing what he does best: doing the absolutely most extra thing he can to get his way, because apparently he can’t be bothered to USE A SHOVEL!!”
The blue-white glow started to rise up the whole contraption, making the wind whip around us.  Descole’s cape billowed dramatically behind him.  He grinned wickedly.
“Ambrosia… shall be mine!!”
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snailplush · 2 years
btw was like. thinking my fingerless skeleton gloves n spiderweb leggings were too much. but somebody walked past me wearing a full cape so. feeling better.
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dino-anarchy · 2 years
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yeah okay this ones my favorite surprised animation by far
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joculatrixster · 28 days
The other anons are wrong and weird you're right about the weirdness of abusive Scott headcanons stay cool :D
thank u anon lets skip off into the sunset bc i appreciate open dilouges about fandom issues even if my default state is either 10 paragraph essay w FACTS and LOGIC or like. a silly court jester w jeers and jibs. no inbetween
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datubooty · 3 months
chaos ideating cosing “coven scout covered in abomination goo”!hunter from the end of eclipse lake because that still works with the obscure fits trend i have going (and i get to wear a cape! and flapjack is there! 🥺)
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terminalmemes · 4 months
Last night I was talking to my bro in the winco parking lot when suddenly two guys on lime scooters sped in, one of them was literally dressed like the Burger King. So like mid-conversation I was like “bro hold on. That guy is dressed like Burger King” and Alfonzo was like “yeah man” like it was obvious. And I mean yeah it was the winco parking lot at 11pm so I guess he had a point. Anyways we forgot what we had been talking about before
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boop-le-snoot · 6 months
can the people sending me hate mail please provide the context because randomly dropping a word salad anonymously into my askbox makes you look like a di*ney cartoon villain character and thus renders me unable to take you seriously
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frownyalfred · 3 months
I would’ve clocked Batman as a theater kid in .2 seconds because to maneuver that much cape and have it billow around you without looking ridiculous takes talent and practice. blousing the fabric, knowing the wind direction, where to pinch the cape edges to keep it up and off the ground — that’s not just something you pick up on day one.
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