#the bed isnt the same because mine does not have as much detail but it is the same maker
thebiggestmenace · 6 months
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me thoughts
why did I expect Mary to sort of know Dean? it makes sense that she wouldn't, but still
Dean knows everything about her :( I do not know all of this about my parents
so Sam did get shot
is Lucifer still around??
yeah, Sam, you tell her
that was a big hug, guys
I love how protective Cas is of Sam, I don't feel like we usually get to see this
wtf even is this drug??
of course they get hit smdh
I think I remember Mick?
Sam's trying so hard :(((
agents Beyoncé and Jay-Z 🤭
omg recap with everything for Sam's powers??? *
* oh, it's because she's psychic :(
Sam is so good with kids :(((
come on, Sam, you take all the fun out of antiquing!
surely in a house full of hunters, the demon would have limited vessels??? what happened to the anti possession symbol? does no one else have that?
I know he's the devil from the bible, but I can't say I don't get why Lucifer's so hurt about God leaving
omg isn't that Jack's mom? **
** it is!!!
of course Cas has the exact amount of time the boys have been in prison
Cas, don't beat yourself up :( there's no way you would've known
is someone just attacking all the angels???
"light stick!" tbh it is a light stick. that's not a normal lamp
firstly, this is the episode Cas professes his love. second, the fact that Dean immediately noticed Cas was hurt?? and Sam just kept talking to Mary??
oh, my god, is Crowley tearing up????
I knew it was coming, but don't you dare, Cas, don't you fucking dare
all that for the colt??????
Dean isn't gonna join the British Men of Letters, there's no way in hell
love the reference to the walking dead, JDM really does love bats
I love Claire
omg I have that nightstand!!! and a pretty similar bed? it's definitely from the same maker
he's learning sign language for her :(((
love that Sam is talking Dean down with Cas missing
actually, the nightstand is literally all of them???? Dean has it, too! I imagine the beds are all the same?
they're leaving their marks :((((
oh, the mixtape :(((
lmao they stole Baby
Cas is gonna be such a good dad
they never even took care of Toni???? I thought Mick would've killed her or something
why is there a hellhound after Eileen????
that's how they kill Eileen?? what the hell, man?? I thought we had more episodes with her
ugh, they are so cool
Mary, you will not be killing Jody.
I don't even know if I have words after Dean talking Mary out of that? just ouchie, such a big ouchie :(((
oh, it's a family hug :(((
he didn't actually kill Rowena, right? right?
Cas took a doula class? that's so sweet :(
Bobby!! totally thought it was gonna be someone else :o
Crowley, no. please, no :(
and Cas??????
they just lost everyone
hi, Jack
I do not even know what to say. that ending fucking hurted, man :( this was such a funky season, though. you got the British men of letters, you got Mary coming back, you got Sam finding a new love interest only for them to kill her, you have all of the Nephilim stuff, and Lucifer coming back, and then that ending. I think I'm just not gonna say anything if the finale is normal cause I feel like this one came with double the ouchie
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
hiii so i have a request! Could you do one like still in harry's 1d days. So like y/n is louis sister and she has been friends with the band since the beginning and harry has been in love with her since he first laid eyes on her and all that. But he never told her because she always had a bf but those bfs would never treat her right like always ignoring her and flirting with other girls so harry kept this like journal where he wrote how in love he is with y/n and how he would treat her right, how he know everything about her all the little things and how no one could love her as much as he does. So then one day like during prince hair harry her and harry are sharing a hotel room with seperate beds (ofc haha, but because they have always been best friends) and y/n finds this journal and like reads all the things he has written and then she goes to him and is like "well, if i didnt know any better i would say mr styles has a crush on me" and he gets all nervous and says that it isnt just a crush and he is in love and that and then he asks "will you be my girlfriend. I cant' go another day of not kissing you, hugging you, touching you I cant stand you not being mine" and y/n finds it very sweet but she is very insecure and kind of rejects him in a nice way because she feel they will critisise her because they expect harry to be w a model and gorgeous girl and harry is tells her how beautiful she is and how he feel in love the moment they met and how it didnt matter what the world thought because no one can love her like he can and he know eveything about her so he asks again "will you let me be your boyfriend" and she finally agrees and then he holds her close and protectively and then y/n starts tearing up and says sorry because she was being silly and he says "dont be. Its not silly, baby. I'll be her to wipe every tear and to comfort you. Your heart is safe here, you are safe with me, my love" and then how they spend the first night together because well they share a hotel room and then the morning after harry saying how happy he is and how he has always dreamed about it and then they meet with the boys and tell em the news and they are all very happy and are like "about time" and yeah hope you understand it thank you again so much it would be great i feel its so cute! <3
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Does he know?
OMGOMG THANK YOU FOR THISS!! the detail you put in and the image it painted in my head AHHH❤️
I’m so sorry this has taken so long!! I really wanted this to be perfect!! 🌷 but thank you for your patience It means the world x
Warnings: jealousy, mentions of toxic relationships, cussing, smutty themes if you squint, pent up emotions.
— — — — — — —
— early 2013 —
Harry’s fingers held a ballpoint pen between his fingers, the lined paper sat empty on the table adjacent to him.
There new album ‘midnight memories’ was due mid November of this year, he loved his job but these deadlines took the piss.
‘Fuck’ he whispered to himself, he didn’t realise the clock had gone over midnight.
The shared tourbus was at a halt for the night the rest of the four boys remained in there bunk and no one heard a peep from them through the rest of the night.
“Y’alright H?” Y/n said Peeling the curtain that separated the bunks to the lounging area of the bus, and pulling it back behind her.
“Sorry y/n, did i wake you?” He quietly asked, dropping his pen instantly.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t have a crush on y/n, she was also the youngest of the Tomlinson family so her and Harry grew up together at the same time and age, hitting each milestone and big birthdays together.
“No, no not at all” she waved, sitting on the sofa next to his.
“What y’doing awake still?” She asked, taking a sip of her water.
“Tryna get song ideas, getting absolutely nowhere” he said, crossing his arms back and leaning back on the cushions.
“What are you doing awake? He smirked.
“Can’t sleep, excited for tomorrow” she smiles.
“Haven’t seen you all on stage for a while” she added.
They sat and spoke for awhile, what y/n was oblivious of is how many ideas he was racking up watching her.
She reached her arm out to grab her water bottle, her wrist was exposed from her hoodie sleeve for a second, what Harry didn’t expect was to see an inky drawing.
“Is that a tattoo?” He asked.
“Oh this?” She askers pulling her hoodie up her arm.
“Yeah, me and Louis got matching a few days ago, a random spontaneous idea that popped into our heads” she laughed repressing the day her and her older brother got matching ‘28’ tats.
“It’s funny because ben, hasn’t even noticed it, and it’s like our 4th month together” y/n mentioned, a slight frown forming on her face.
Harry’s heart teared a tiny bit, she was still with this ‘Ben’ it was clear none of the boys got on with him, he wasn’t the bestest of boyfriend.
“Really?” He asked, eyes widening.
“Mmhmm, don’t know what to do about this whole Situation-ship thing”
“Well, do you love him?” He asked, fiddling with the hem of his band tee.
“I can’t say I do Harry” she sighed, “but there’s a part of me that feels bad” she added.
“Don’t feel bad, if it’s not meant to be, s’not meant to be”
All y/n wanted to do was scream out her attraction to him, something clicked in, the soft and gentle words he spoke, the way he still looked good at 1am after a busy day, the way he made a band tee look like piece of designer. Y/n wasn’t sure what happened.
Y/n soon enough found herself back in her bunk, trying to push down her sudden butterflies, hoping it’s just a 1am sleepy thought, the last thing she wants is to thirst over her brothers best friend.
When y/n and Harry exchanged there goodnights, he instantly got back to his paper.
‘Does he know’ he whispered.
‘Does he know’ he repeated.
‘Your secret tattoos?” He asked himself.
He instantly jotted these phrases to himself.
Harry tried to think to himself of the little things you do.
Maybe you could be his muse this time around?
It was 8:45am the next day the bus was off again at 5pm so for now they could relax.
Y/n believed she was alone on the bus, she thought the boys were out doing the coffee run, she thought wrong.
“But she doesn’t know who I am, and she doesn’t give a damn about me” she sang whole continuing to organise her suitcase on her bunk.
As the beats of ‘teenage dirtbag’ continue, she moves her body to beat and sing.
“Cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baaby” she sung.
“Y/n you may be a Tomlinson doesn’t mean you can sing like one though” he interrupted, almost kicking the tourbus door open and walking over to her bunk with her Starbucks in hand.
“Heeeey, I’m a lovely singer, it should be me selling out O2” she said with pride.
“She got you there tommo” Niall piped in walking in.
“See” she giggled.
“Thank you for this lou” she dragged taking a sip of her iced coffee.
“No problemo, me and and the lads are heading to the studio in a bit y’ can come if you want?” Louis offered sitting on his bunk opposite to y/n’s.
“Yeah will do” she answered.
At this point all boys were back on the bus enjoying some quality time together, but all Harry could think of was the remaining lyrics.
‘The songs that you sing when your all alone?’ He thought to himself, that’s a keeper.
——beginning of where we are 2014——
In past year y/n and Harry had become closer than ever, it’s was a night at the MSG, the boys opted on a hotel instead of the bus, to Louis’ dismay y/n and Harry were up for sharing a hotel.
“Neither of you better be doing anything” Louis called the opposite of the hotel door.
“Fuck sake lou, you can come in” she laughed, laying her head back on the hotel bed frame.
The door clicks open to see a wet head louis, who was still clad in his joggers and ‘the who’ tee.
“You nearly ready Harry!” He called, pulling his phone out and glancing the time.
“Yeah man” he said emerging from the bathroom.
“Have fun tonight guys” she called out as they both met each other at the door. “I’ll be sure to watch some shitty livestream of you all prancing about on stage” she laughed.
“Thanks love” Louis said rolling his eyes.
“See you y/n don’t get too lonely without us” Harry smirked flashing her a wink while adjusting his head scarf which kept his unruly curls at bay.
“Bye boys” she called as they slowly walked off and headed to the arena.
They had been gone about an hour and y/n knew they wouldn’t be back till maybe after midnight.
She decided to set down and get ready to stay in her bed and have a relaxed night.
When unpacking her bags and digging to find her favourite pyjamas she was sure she packed. A large ‘thump’ was heard the other side of the room.
“Shit” she jumped.
A relieved smile, when it was something falling out of Harry’s suitcase.
She turned her head and spotted a brown, leather notebook that was lying on the carpet by his bags.
Once y/n had picked out her pjs for the evening, she walked over to the bed she picked out in the hotel room.
She placed them down by her pillows and was about to reach out for her phone by the charging port until something about this note book, caught her eye, ‘one and only’ was scribed into the leather with black ink.
She knows she shouldn’t, she knows that not hers, that’s Harry’s, that’s his property not y/n’s but there was something pulling her in a feeling she couldn’t push down.
A shaky breath left her mouth as her fingers reached out towards the book in front of her.
She peeled back the smooth cover:
23rd of February 2013
Ben doesn’t know how lucky he is, such a smart, beautiful, caring woman, how could he take her for granted??.
Y/n’a heart was running a Marathon.
“No” she said louder than she anticipated.
She flicked to the next page:
28th February 2013
‘All of us were at the studio this evening I couldn’t stop staring at y/n, I feel terrible knowing it’s my best friends sister, but she is wonderful’
Her mind was now matching her palpitating heart, a million thoughts were being processed at that moment.
He really thought the same the whole time?
She quickly flicked another.
3rd of March 2013
Write a couple of songs for midnight memories is it bad to say there all inspired by one person.
If she was mine she wouldn’t be ignored or treated terribly, I hope Louis talks to her about this Ben.
Y/n did agree with this statement getting rid of Ben was the best thing she’s done.
But she didn’t know Harry was the one with a crush.
She couldn’t believe her eyes, he really felt the same? He really did like her? She was almost hyperventilating.
10th of March 2013
I’ve noticed when y/n gets anxious she plays with the ends of her hair, I wish I could just scoop her into my arms and tell her it’s going to be okay.
Ben is finally out the picture, hopefully she can be with someone who knows her self worth.
Her heart is beaming, butterflies fill each side of her tummy, her mind still feeling a little delusional and still very much in disbelief.
Maybe this was her sign to take there friendship another level up.
She slammed the cover over the paper and decided if she’d read anymore she’d become a crimson red mess.
She gently tucked it into the suitcase of where it fell and tried to go on as normal.
She decided to wait up for Harry and see what she could do about this, she couldn’t hide this any longer she wish she knew sooner about his little crush.
It was just past midnight and she heard the hotel room key click in approval.
A tired looking Harry appears.
“Y’alright” she quietly asked.
“Mmm” he hummed shutting the door behind him.
Y/n move to one side of her bed, and patted the empty space beside her, inviting him to join.
Wether it was just his sleepy mind, but he took no time and accepted her invitation.
Y/n let him adjust to the light, and get comfortable not wanting to overload him already.
“Y’okay” he asked, noticing her thinking face.
“Yeah” she smiled.
“Well if I didn’t know any better, than I think that you mr styles have a teeny crush” she said, a breathy laugh leaving her mouth.
His eyes widened, now it it was his time to go red.
“Wha-“ he nervously laughed.
“I guess y’right” he said looking straight ahead at the blank wall.
“Y/n, m’gonna be honest”
“I’m in love with you”
Y/n’s heart pounded inside her chest, this is real? This was real life, he admitted.
“Harry” she blushed.
“And I know, it’s probably weird, we’ve been friends for 4 years now and on a random night , I’m now saying this but, seeing you keep hurting yourself on these boys that don’t understand you, it hurts”
“Harry-“ her cheeks becoming a strawberry colour.
“Be my girlfriend?” Harry blurted.
Y/n’s ears almost burned at the question, Someone she actually had interest in liked her back? And wanted to be with her? She felt like. Lovesick teenager again.
She wanted this, more than ever.
But Louis.
Realistically there was nothing wrong with it, they were the same age, and both wanted it.
“I can’t stand another day, not touching you, not hugging you, not wiping your tears away” he added, which caused y/n’s thought process to halt.
“Harry, y’too good for me” she started, a glossy layer had formed over her eyes.
“Y’need someone better, your options are so big” she said head almost dropping to her lap.
“Hey” he said taking using his index finger and thumb to guide her chin up.
“What I’ve learnt is your the one I want, haven’t been able to settle because of you y/n”
“Be mine?” He asked once again leaning his forehead on hers using his free hand to wipe the tears away.
“Please” he whispered, this is all he’s wanted.
Worried that her words would fail her at that moment all she could do was frantically nod.
“Yeah?” He smiles, there noses basically touching at this point.
“Words baby, need y’words” he reminded.
“Yeah, yes harry yes” she smiled, tears still manage to cascade her cheeks.
“Thank fuck” he breathed, now hesitating to wrap his arm around the girl, oh how he’s longed to do that.
The girl crashes into his touch, not taking her time either.
“Your okay, y’safe in my arms love” he whispered into her hair, pressing his long awaited kisses.
— the following morning —
Both Harry and y/n were getting ready to meet the rest of the lads on the bus, which was round the back of the hotel.
“How are we gonna tell them?” Harry asked getting the rest of his stuff.
“They’ll understand, Louis will be unsure but he’s my brother he can’t hate me forever” she laughed.
She pressed a kiss to his cheek, and they made there way to the boys.
“Guys we have something to tell you all” y/n began.
— — — — —
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thedevilliers · 3 years
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this is less a tutorial and more a semi in-depth explanation on my process while taking screenies. my do’s and don’ts about lightning, angles, text/dialogue, close-ups and other!
as a disclaimer, anyone is free to take their screenies however they want and this is just my personal preference and opinions ♡ everything is under the cut! i did say its LONG so dont say i didnt warn u 😳
i use the nobluv2 and noglo mods by luumia! i recommend them 100000%
1. lightning
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with its exceptions, this being i’m in a room with candles/chandelier/anything that doesnt naturally produce a white light OR ambiance reasons, my setting with screenies is with the ‘Neutral White’ color. this is for me, more visually appealing than just bathing your sim in yellow light.
warmer white:
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poor lit:
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good <3:
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i usually test my lightning before i actually take any screenies so my sim is well-lit but also preventing overexposure bc of the lighting. an example of overexposure is when for example the lighting is SO strong, your sim looks like its ‘shining’
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you can see it here on her chest highlights, her arm and her cheeks. i exaggerated it here so its more obvious. fixing overexposure is HARDER than upping the brightness in a poor-lit screenshot. overexposure and makin sims look like they are SHINING is a crime. JAIL
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the best light ever tbh. just dont get... to carried away
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1.2 outdoor lightning
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this is one a bit trickier depending on your location but USUALLY your screenies would look well dark. again, test lightning before actually shooting screenies! i generally look for a lamp posts that have good lightning and shrink them down so if im taking angled shots, it doesnt get in the way. change the color to neutral white and if its too much lightning, just lower the dimmer:
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2. just no
just no to all this:
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in general, you can ZOOM to the max, and with the scroll-wheel zoom out THREE TIMES. four times we on the edge but its still acceptable. five times and you are goin to JAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in general i also recommend having a semi-big room so you can move around without any problems. small rooms DO work but chances are while moving around you’re either going to go outside the room, run into a plant in the shot or into another decor item.
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for example, this is a ‘small’ room. while taking photos i have run into the bookshelves for over the shoulder shots like 8000 times. still, doable, but why put myself thru the suffering>?????
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2.2 fill the room
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nothin sadder than, for example, doing a bedroom scene and there just being...a bed. the game comes with so much clutter and theres also a lot of clutter cc to make rooms seem more ‘lived in’. its also a lot more visually appealing than the room being empty.
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3. angles for screenies
my controversial OPINION!!!! i dont care for FULL surroundings shots for more than for a singular panel. THERE I SAID IT!!! usually i show the surroundings/scene setting in ONE panel and then i move on to other angles. again, has exceptions. these being a banquet, party, ball, another sim joins the scene, montages, etc! ANYWHERE that has something happening with multiple people in general.
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for example, i don’t see why repeat the same angle with different poses. i can do it for one panel, but for the next ones? there’s the option of over the shoulder shots,  detail shots, them looking at each other shots, cinammon tography shots........... more than likely your reader already has an idea of where your characters are so showing it in every single panel is not necessary.
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always try and leave a lil breathin room for the heads on top so it isnt all CRAMPED! but this all depends on the pose, if theres a height difference included in said poses and the angle you are taking the screenshot from!
same thing about not just doing...full on surrounding shots for when something is HAPPENING. say, someone is fainting, collapsing...ANYTHIN!! theres so many shot options than just repeating the same angle over and over again. DONT BE SHY!!!! DO VARIETY !!!
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we in photography class now. BUT yes keep these in mind ALSO while taking photos so it isnt just the same angle, same distance just different pose. your sim has a nice outfit? showing it once is enough! every panel? ummmm......... your sim is crying?  do a medium close up/medium shot and not a full body shot!
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3.1 close ups
your close ups and ALL screenies in general, don’t have to be FRONTAL only. they can be right/left side, a lil angled...
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waist/chest level is a good level for a close-up sim wise since if you ZOOM in too much WELL
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4. text/dialogue
i’d recommend any SANS-SERIF fonts. serif fonts are so hard to read even if nice looking. usually a font-size of over 40px+ works and you can add outside stroke and even drop shadow!
i personally use calibri (bold italic) for my screenies, but other subtitle fonts like arial, myriad pro, helvetica...really any sans-serif ones work.
my stroke settings:
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i also wouldn’t recommend putting 4000 word paragraphs in ONE screenie because it’s just visually exhausting. the MAXIMUM i’d do and thats if ABSOLUTELY necessary is FOUR!!!! lines of text. id keep it to three ONLY and thats if your text is the same size as mine. if bigger then two 😳
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yes <3:
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another no-no for readability is INSIDE stroke or adding bevel/emboss to the text. pick bright, contrasting colors to the background or even clothes your characters are wearing so it’s not hard to read.
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something a lil extra i also recommend is if your dialogue has different sentences and one ends and another one starts in the same line, continue it on another line. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE ok lets see:
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the “Yes, maybe I went on [...]” continues on the first line, but to make it a bit easier to read just press enter and move it to the second line so it’s on it’s own line.
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same thing for the "Be nice or [...]” line! it gets cut off to the third line anyways, so just put it in a singular line. final result:
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for me, this is easier to read, less I GUESS ‘immersion breaking’  and easier on the eyes too.
and just other quick things to keep in mind:
will the post be horizontal or vertical? if its vertical, you have to angle and move the camera around keeping in mind you’re going to crop it later. yes, the scenary might be nice if its horizontal, but a lil vertical photo is cute!
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best times for OUTDOOR lightning photos are 2pm-4pm. morning light is a bit too dark, 12 pm is the slightest too bright, but 2pm-4pm is just ENOUGH!!!
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and thats all : ) i THINK i talked about most things screenies wise??? if you have questions, my askbox is always open : ) and remember these are just my opinions : )
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You Better, You Better, You Bet - Chapter 9
As Long as You’re Mine
Ron Speirs x Juliet Fletcher
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Summary: Juliet Fletcher reaches a breaking point in her life. When she is at her absolute lowest, she meets Ron Speirs, and something happens between them that neither of them will ever forget.
Word Count: 4.1K
Tag List: @vintagelavenderskies @how-are-those-nuts-sarge @iilovemusic12us @hesbuckcompton-baby @tvserie-s-world @whovian45810 @50svibes @cagzzz107 @evelynshelby @piano-isnt-my-forte​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this update!
Warning(s): None :)
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8
AO3 link
Chapter 9 let’s go!!!
“Okay, how does this sound?” Juliet asked Ron, who sat on her bed as she put together her story of the trial. He was careful not to recline, lest he disturb her pages of notes carefully organized atop the quilt. “Meredith Fisher confessed to the murder of six-year-old Peggy Lee in front of the courtroom before her trial began. Mrs. Fisher was arrested and charged with the murder in September of last year. Her lawyer, Mr. Harvey Cooper, originally planned to plead not guilty, but in a shocking turn of events, Mrs. Fisher herself admitted to the jury she killed Peggy Lee before even opening arguments could be made.” 
“I’d read that,” Ron replied. 
Juliet huffed and looked around her room at the Blue Boar. Papers littered the floor, pens were nowhere to be found, and her typewriter was mocking her. Now that the trial was finished - with such a dramatic twist - she was hard at work, trying to ensure she reported it just right. An impossible task, it felt like.
“Okay, but would you read it because I’m your girlfriend or because of the writing?” she asked. 
“The writing,” he told her. “It’s simple, it explains everything.” 
“It feels a bit long for the lead,” she said. “Perhaps I should put the bit about her arrest in the nut graph.” 
“That does feel more like background information,” he agreed. 
She pulled a pencil from behind her ear, scratched out the sentence, and began again. “So, it’d go like this - Meredith Fisher confessed to the murder of six-year-old Peggy Lee in front of the courtroom before her trial began. Her lawyer - I’m gonna take out his name and have that later - so, Her lawyer originally planned to plead not guilty, but in a shocking turn of events, Mrs. Fisher admitted to the jury she killed Peggy Lee before even opening arguments could be made. Then I’ll go into when she was arrested, the details of the murder, then the evidence the prosecution had prepared, and finish with her sentencing date. How’s that?” 
“I think it’s perfect,” he said. 
She chewed her lip. “Should I use the word shocking? I don’t want to tell the readers how to feel.” 
“When she confessed, what was the first thing you heard?” he asked. 
“Gasps,” she answered. 
“There’s your shock,” he said. 
Juliet had to concede that point. Ron almost didn’t believe her when she told him the story. The judge had barely gotten the words “How do you plead?” out before Meredith let out a wail like wounded animal and confessed to the whole gruesome thing. She sobbed that she was sorry, but she knew she had to be punished. She wasn’t safe. And truthfully, Juliet felt bad for her. It was truly one of the most pitiful things she’d ever witnessed. 
But the one thing Juliet could never forget, the image that would stick with her for all her days, was the look on Peggy Lee’s parents’ faces. The Lees watched, dignified, proud, yet misty eyed as the person who killed their daughter begged for mercy. Their grief was profoundly felt, despite their stately manner. They said nothing. They did nothing. And they spoke to no one upon their exit from the courtroom. 
Ron’s voice brought her back to the present, his hand on her shoulder making her turn to look at him. 
“Sorry,” she said, shaking her head. “Just...it’s so unfair. If anyone had a right to be screaming and crying it was the parents.”
“They must be very English,” he said. 
“Oh, they were proper English,” she agreed. “Stiff upper lips and all. The mother did at one point hide her face in the father’s arm, but other than that, they were stoic.” 
“Thinking about including that in your story?” he wondered. 
“God, no,” she replied. “I’ll mention that they were there and offered no comments, but this isn’t that kind of article.” 
“Just the facts, huh?” 
“As usual.” 
“The article’s gonna be great,” he said.  
“How can you be so sure?” she asked. 
“Because you care this much,” he said. He accentuated the point with a kiss to the top of her head. “I’ve got a staff meeting. Are you alright here?” 
She nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for being so patient with me.” 
He kissed her again. “I’ll see you tonight.” 
“See you later, Ron,” she returned. 
With that, he left. Juliet started trying to condense the lead again, still feeling like it was too long. There had to be a better summary. But it was a lot to try and fit into one sentence, so she resigned herself to making it more than one line. She hadn’t chosen a headline yet, either, but she usually liked to write the article first. That way she could pick out the singular most newsworthy part and headline with that. As she organized further, the phone rang. 
“Hello?” she answered. 
“Juliet, it’s Lottie.” 
“Hey, Lottie, how are you?” Juliet asked. 
“Fine, same as usual,” Lottie returned. “Otis just rang and told me about the trial. I hope you’re hard at work.” 
“Absolutely,” Juliet assured her. “I’ve nearly got the lead down. I’ve just got to get the facts organized. I’m thinking of doing a follow up story about the shortcomings of Operation Pied Piper, since Cooper’s little tidbit did prove to be true.” 
Sad as it was, Harvey Cooper was right. There was no process for vetting the families agreeing to take the children. The committee had been in such a hurry to evacuate, they had not even considered that some children could end up in more danger than they were at home in the cities. Juliet found the whole thing fascinating, and it could open up a conversation about war time protocol - be meticulous or swift? 
“I think that’ll be fine,” Lottie said. “But have you gotten any war news? I know I wasn’t enthusiastic about it initially, but you’re the only reporter I’ve got with the Airborne.” 
Juliet bit her lip. While the prospect of war news had originally driven her to accept the Peggy Lee story, she found herself conflicted about it now. Her relationship with Ron threw a wrench in it. 
“I think it’s a conflict of interest for me to cover the Airborne,” she said. 
She could practically hear Lottie’s eyes roll. “Oh, come on, Juliet, don’t be absurd.” 
“It isn’t right, Lottie!” Juliet insisted. “I’m in an intimate relationship with one of the soldiers, there’s no freeing me from bias there.” 
“You could use it to your advantage,” Lottie said. “Obviously, you can’t use him as a source, but couldn’t he lead you to the right person?” 
“I can’t ask that of him,” Juliet said. “I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.” 
“What wrong idea?” 
It was something Juliet had already put a lot of thought into. As badly as she wanted to cover the war - and it did seem like things were ramping up even more in Aldbourne - she was hesitant. She had actually considered asking Ron for a source and then immediately hated herself for it. She would not use her relationship to get ahead in her job. She couldn’t. It just wasn’t right, simple as that.
“That I’m using him,” Juliet explained. “If I ask him to get me a source, he might worry that it’s the reason I entered the relationship, and that’s not the case.” 
Lottie sighed. “So, you just want to give up on covering the war?” 
“I didn’t say that,” Juliet returned. “I’d be happy to cover something else once I get back to London, but-”
“Forget it,” Lottie cut across her. “Just focus on the trial for now and then Pied Piper, if that’s what you want.” 
“Lottie -” 
“Good afternoon, Juliet,” Lottie said harshly, hanging up before Juliet could protest any further. 
She sighed, hanging up as well, and sitting back in her chair. She had a feeling the conversation wasn’t quite over, but she’d hear more about it on her next trip home. For now, she wanted to focus on what happened at the trial. The sentencing would be in another few weeks, so she needed to get this done. 
Ron was right of course. The article was published and the London Pursuit sold the most copies it had in years. It surprised Juliet a little, but perhaps people were tired of war news and what better than a dramatic murder trial for a change of pace? It was morbid, sure, but Juliet knew she’d handled it as well as she could. 
Lottie called, absolutely elated by the circulation numbers. And honestly, Juliet was thrilled too. She found Ron later that day and leapt into his arms as a display of her unmitigated excitement. She’d done it, and done it well! It was cause for celebration. So they went to London for the weekend - staying with Nancy of course, since she would have had a fit at missing an opportunity to see Ron - and they went to a nice dinner, champagne and everything. Juliet could hardly believe her luck. Everything was going so perfectly. 
And that night, as they lay together in the afterglow, she looked at his face and knew she loved him. The kind of love she read about in books and poetry. The kind that crooners sang about on the radio. She’d found it. It was scary enough to admit to herself, but she determined that she would - one day soon if the opportunity presented itself - admit it to him. 
He caught her gazing at him. 
“What is it?” he asked. 
“Nothing,” she replied. “I’m just happy you’re mine.” 
The sentencing hearing was not as interesting as the trial itself, but Juliet was relieved to report that Meredith Fisher was going to prison for life. There would be no chance for parole, either. So justice was served. 
However, Juliet couldn’t help but notice the look on Mr. Lee’s face. Mrs. Lee had not come for the sentencing, so it was just father. When the judge announced Meredith’s fate, Mr. Lee only closed his eyes and let out a long breath. He nodded, put a hand over his heart, and inhaled again. A single tear rolled down his cheek. It made Juliet look away so that he could have that moment for himself. To take in whatever feelings came to him. To remember Peggy and take some solace in that her killer was going away. 
“I thought I’d be happier,” Juliet told Ron as they prepared for bed that night back at the Blue Boar. “But it still just feels...rotten.” 
“Nothing can bring the girl back,” he said matter-of-factly. 
“I know,” she replied. “But I just....I suppose you’re right. What else could anyone have hoped for in this situation?” 
“Right,” he agreed. 
“I’m also grateful we didn’t have to hear that lawyer make that ridiculous argument in a courtroom,” she said. “I don’t think I could bear the looks on the parents’ faces at that.”  
“That would have been awful,” he said. 
“Even so, it feels rather anticlimactic,” she said. “Especially for the prosecution who spent months putting everything together.”
“They still got the result they wanted,” he pointed out. “So what does it matter?  
She shrugged at that. She still felt unsatisfied, as if there was something more to be done. Even though logically, she knew there wasn’t. She would write an update for the paper, and that would really be the end of it. That was when it hit her. What was really upsetting her was that now that this was over, there was no more reason for her to be in Aldbourne. Especially now that she didn’t want to cover the Airborne. It meant that she would go home to London, in turn reducing her time with Ron significantly. And that was a dreadful thought. 
“What do you mean you aren’t coming back to London?” Lottie cried through the phone. “What about the Pied Piper story?”
“I reckon it can wait,” Juliet said, entirely unconvincing, but she hoped Lottie was buying it. Her reasons for remaining in Aldbourne had nothing to do with her job and everything to do with the man she was in love with. “And maybe with some time, I can find my own sources on war news.” 
Lottie remained silent for several minutes. “So, you’ve just changed your mind all of a sudden about covering the Airborne?” 
“Not completely,” Juliet lied. “I...I’m just not sure I’m quite finished here. And what if there’s something else about the Peggy Lee story that comes up? I could -” 
“Give it a rest, Juliet,” Lottie groaned. “I know you want to stay for your boyfriend.”
“That’s not -” 
Lottie cut across her protests. “Please do not insult my intelligence by suggesting otherwise. You want to be near him.” 
“You don’t sound quite as sympathetic as I hoped,” Juliet said, giving in. 
“You have a life in London, Juliet!” Lottie reminded her harshly. “You have a job to do, your mother is here, and you want to put everything on hold for some man?” 
“He’s not just some man!” Juliet argued indignantly. “He’s...different from any man I’ve ever known. And what we have means more to me than anything I’ve ever known.” 
She glanced down at the necklace that sparkled against her skin. A constant reminder of how much she meant to him as well. 
“Oh, come off of your cloud, will you?” Lottie snapped. 
“Lottie,” Juliet said seriously. “The whole time I was with Arthur, did you ever know me to put him before work? Or my family?”
“No, so why is this Ron fellow -”
“Because it is different,” Juliet emphasized. “This is it, Lottie. He’s the one.” 
That seemed to stump her. “Has he...proposed?”
“No, he hasn’t,” Juliet said. “I don’t even care if he does.”
Lottie scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous, you can’t just carry on living in sin.” 
Juliet rolled her eyes. “Could you please pay attention to what's important here? There’s a man in my life who I genuinely see a happy future with and I just...I want to focus on that. Is that so wrong?” 
“I suppose not,” Lottie sighed, and Juliet inwardly celebrated a moment of victory. “But I can’t pay you if you aren’t working. At least be making the proper phone calls to follow this Pied Piper story. Conduct interviews of other families there who have taken in children from the cities. Part of the story is there if you know where to look.” 
“No problem,” Juliet said. “You’ll be glad to know I’ve already begun. I’ve got an interview with the Barnes family next week, who are housing a little girl. I’ll ask them about how the process went for them.” 
“Perfect,” Lottie said. She paused for a beat. “And, Juliet?”
“I really am happy for you.” 
Juliet smiled softly. “Thank you, Lottie.” 
Spring fully thawed the winter out by the time April arrived. Aldbourne was rather charming in bloom. But Juliet wasn’t sure if it was the flowers or that she was in love. She found herself humming a lot more than she used to - these days she didn’t even need food to start a merry tune in the back of her throat. She had more energy, despite spending rather long nights in Ron’s arms. And she found her enthusiasm for work - even though her priority shifted - a great deal easier to come by as well. 
The interview with the Barnes family went splendidly. They were also housing a couple of lieutenants from the Airborne, though they were not in Ron’s company. Juliet only exchanged brief greetings with them, as they were heading to work just as she was entering the house. She nearly melted at the connection they had formed with the girl - Ann - which was clear in their goodbyes to her for the day. She seemed particularly close to the tall redhead. 
Juliet told Ron about it that evening over drinks. 
“Yeah, that’s Winters and Welsh,” he told her. “Good officers.” 
“Do they spend much time here?” she wondered, indicating the Blue Boar.  
“Welsh does, but Winters doesn’t drink,” he said. “He spends most nights there with the family.” 
“I can tell,” she said. “I mean, it was seriously precious. She hugged his knees and he patted her on the head and I think I fell a little bit in love with him for a moment.” 
He scoffed. “Good luck, I think he has a girlfriend.” 
“Has he?” she questioned. 
“Yeah, the nurse,” he said. “She works for the regiment.” 
“You lot have your own nurse?” 
“She’s got some connection to Colonel Sink,” he said with a shrug. “I’ve never actually met her.” 
“And what about the other chap?” she asked. “Welsh?” 
“He’s engaged,” he told her. “Her name’s Kitty.” 
“You know that but not the name of the nurse?” she questioned. 
“I only know because Harry never shuts up about her,” he said. “The whole regiment knows at this point. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Krauts knew.” 
She giggled. “I think that’s sweet.” 
“It’s obnoxious.” 
“You mean, you don’t brag about me to the whole regiment?” she teased. “Romance is dead.”
“Sorry for your loss,” he retorted as he took a swig of his drink. 
“Not as sorry as I am,” she returned. “Now I’ll have to spend God knows how many hours in mourning.” 
“At least you look good in black,” he said. 
“My saving grace,” she agreed with a smile. She paused for a beat. “Seriously, you don’t talk about me at all?” 
“I do if you come up,” he told her.
“And what do you say?” she wondered.
“Whatever’s relevant,” he said. 
She rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.” 
“I prefer not to broadcast my personal life,” he said. “All they need to know is that you’re mine.” 
She smiled as she leaned over to kiss his cheek. “That’s true.” 
April was drawing to a close. Juliet stood in her room, preparing to go and interview another Aldbourne family about their process in fostering a child from London. These interviews were restoring the bit of faith she’d lost in covering Peggy’s story because most of the families were very kind, and doted on the children. They were proud of doing what they could to ensure the future of England. And the children were mostly happy. What happened to Peggy was a tragedy and an outlier. 
She was just getting ready to leave when Ron entered her room. A grim shadow of doubt on his features made her smile disappear as fast as it had come. Something was wrong. He definitely had bad news. 
“We’re moving out,” he told her. 
She had expected this at some point, but she still blinked in surprise. Her shoulders drooped as the reality of it percolated through her.  
“Oh,” she said. “Well...when?” 
He hesitated. “This is off the record -” 
She scowled at him, momentarily offended that he felt the need to clarify. 
“Everything between us is protected, Ron,” she said sharply. “You and I are always off the record unless stated otherwise.” 
“Sorry,” he said quickly, picking up on her tone. “I know that, I just -” 
“When?” she demanded again.
“End of May,” he said. “I don’t know when we’ll be back.” 
The if hung in the air, but remained unsaid. This was it. The moment she had been dreading since she met him. Well, maybe not that long, but since they had started getting to know each other there in Aldbourne. The war was taking him from her, like it took everything. 
“I see…” she trailed off, her annoyance easing up. That was sooner than she had hoped and she didn’t want to waste any precious time being angry at him. “Um...where - wait, I can’t ask you that.” She bit her lip. “When - oh, no, you’ve just told me, that’s right -” 
“Wait for me.” 
Once again, Ron failed to disappoint her. Despite all the reassurance, she worried that when they shipped out, he would take the opportunity to break it off with her. Instead, he was asking - in his way - for a commitment from her. She held his gaze for a long moment, waiting for him to say more. But he didn’t. 
“You really want to stay together?” she asked. 
“Yes,” he said assuredly. 
“Oh, thank God,” she sighed, and she threw herself into his arms for a kiss. 
He returned the kiss with enthusiasm, his lips fiery and desperate against hers. As if he were leaving the following morning instead of a couple of weeks. But Juliet wanted the intensity. She wanted to savor every touch, every kiss, every moment she had before he was gone. She also wanted to let him know that she absolutely would wait for him. She would do anything he asked of her. She just wanted him. Forever, if possible. And if the war robbed her of that, she would at least have the memories of kisses like these. Of nights in his arms. Of his unwavering dedication to her. 
The arrangements were made for Juliet to return to London once Ron and the rest of the Airborne were off. On his final morning in Aldbourne, they of course made love again, only it was the after that they relished even more. Juliet etched into her brain the feeling of his embrace, the warmth of his skin, the sound of his voice. She wished desperately that she could freeze time and hold onto him for just a little longer. She had found something so wonderful and now it was being dragged away from her. 
“Jules,” he said, voice low as if there might be someone listening on the other side of the door. 
“We’re going to France,” he said. 
She blinked and adjusted her position so she could look him in the face. “France?”
He nodded. “I wanted you to know.” 
She couldn’t explain why that felt more intimate than anything they had just done in her bed. 
“Why tell me now?” she asked, curious. 
He swallowed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, but his arm gave her shoulders a squeeze. 
“Trust,” he said. 
She pressed her lips tenderly to his chest to let him know how much she appreciated his trust. There was no longer a need to specify on or off the record. His statements were privileged. Anything he told her would remain between them. 
For a fleeting moment, she considered telling him right then that she loved him. Because if he was going to France, there was a chance he would never come back. And shouldn’t he know just in case? But her heart told her to play it safe. If she didn’t tell him now, perhaps whatever power there was would protect him enough so that she could say it later. If there were still things left to be said, hopefully that would keep him alive. 
There were no guarantees, of course. All they had was each other and their promise.
That afternoon, the trucks began rumbling out of Aldbourne. Juliet walked Ron as far as she was allowed. Her chest felt tight as the impending goodbye hung in the air. She hated this. It was too painful. How could it be that the very war that brought them together would also be the reason for their parting? What was fair about that? Nothing, that’s what. 
A kiss from Ron drew her out of her thoughts. He held her firmly against him, almost as if he were afraid she would disappear right out of his grasp. When they parted, they were both breathless. 
“Be careful,” she said. 
His eyes searched hers. “You too.” 
Her brain was practically screaming at her to tell him now just what she felt. But she was too afraid. Too afraid it would doom him. Too afraid he wouldn’t say it back. Or even worse, say it only because of the passionate nature of the moment. It had to be when they weren’t so desperate. When they really meant it because whatever was coming was not a threat. 
“I’ll write,” she told him. 
“I’ll respond when I can,” he returned. 
She nodded. Her throat was dry and thick. The lack of tears in her eyes surprised her. How could she not be crying when she could feel her heart breaking so badly? She kissed him again. Just to prolong the last moment where he was only hers. 
“Stay safe,” she told him. 
He nodded. 
With one last kiss, they said goodbye without saying it. Juliet went to the train station and headed home to London. And Ron went to war. 
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dukeofonions · 3 years
Season Two Episode Ranking
Warning: I get very, very, very, critical in this ranking. Like, angry ranting that’s almost laughable. Should I be getting this worked up over an online series? Eh, probably not. But this is my life and I’ll get outrageously angry over whatever media I want. 
Seriously though, this is all just my personal opinion. I’m not saying you have to agree with me and if you like the episodes that I don’t then that’s perfectly fine. 
I tend to overthink things a lot and I spend most of my time analyzing every little details of this series because what else am I supposed to do at work?
So yeah, this ranking is definitely less positive than the one I did for the first season. But I hope y’all can still have some fun going over it! And if anyone does their own rankings be sure to tag me because I’d love to see them and see how mine compare! 
Anyways, enough of me acting like this is more important than it is, on with the ranking! 
I can’t believe season two only has 12 episodes. Now I went ahead and counted Moving On as one episode in this ranking since my opinions on both parts are pretty similar, but sweet cheese and fish this season started on September 1st, 2017 with Fitting in and right now is left on Putting Others First which came out on May 1st, 2020. And as of me writing this it is now May 2nd, 2021. It’s been a whole year since the last episode and we still have no idea when the finale is coming. 
Like, bruh. 
Also remember how the longest episode in season one was only about 15 minutes long and the shortest one was barely four minutes? 
Well the shortest episode in season two is Crofters- The Musical which is 8:42 seconds. The longest episode is Putting Others First which is a whopping 51:09.
And I wish I could say that the writing was on the same level it was in the first season, but there’s a reason I put that warning up there. 
Well, enough stalling, let’s get this ball rolling.
#11 Embarrassing Phases
There are no words in the English language that can describe the sheer amount of hatred I have for this episode. If I could rank this any lower, I would, which will happen once we finally get the season finale. I don't know how that episode will go but it'll definitely be better than whatever dumpster fire this was.
Like, okay. I have some positives. Roman, Patton, and Virgil's costumes were cool. I won't lie I live for vampire Virgil. And the message about embracing your past "phases" and exploring how they helped made you who you are. That's neat. I like that.
And that's it.
My biggest gripe with this episode is Virgil. He just acts like a complete bitch in this! And I don't mean that in an endearing way he's literally so mean for no reason!
He's all "You guys are trivializing my past!"
In response to them going "Hey Virgil, we're glad you're part of our group now and are proud of how far you've come!"
Like okay, even if it was insensitive to call it a "phase" literally there was no reason for him to get as angry as he did.
Just a simple; "Hey, I don't like it when you refer to what I went through as a phase because it feels like you're not talking it seriously."
Isnt that what this whole show is about? Communication???
It wasn't fun watching him just insulting the others, it was annoying!
Like poor Patton, just trying to help and be encouraging, only for Virgil to keep treating him like dirt.
What did I miss here? Virgil was fine in the last few episodes, so what the heck happened?
Oh and let's not forget the great advice Thomas offers Patton at the end of the episode in regards to handling Virgil: "Don't do anything to get on his bad side or else he'll do bad things to you!"
Okay I'm paraphrasing here but that's basically what he says! And since Virgil is supposed to be a representation of anxiety, this is a horrible message!!!
What happened to finding healthy ways to cope with your anxiety? What happened to keeping it in check so it didn't take over your life?
Yeah I'm definitely gonna make a full post about this one episode later because there's a whole lot more to unpack here. But yeah -10/10
#10 Putting Others First
There is just way too much going on with this episode. They try cramming so much in here that I don't even remember more than half of it.
I remember the opening song, then the Lilypadton fight and everything that happens from there. That's it.
And those are the best parts of this episode, but even that has problems because everything with Janus feels like a completely different episode.
Also the whole way they try to teach about morality is all over the place. How did we go from choosing a wedding over a callback to deciding whether or not you would die for your friends to self care is important?
And while the video game sequences, while utilized well in some places, were way too distracting and it felt like they were just trying to shove as many video game references in as they could.
You could take out just about all of them and the episode wouldn't change. Everything they were used for could have been done just through having the characters talk to each other, and knowing this makes the fact that this video was delayed for so long because of it just makes the whole thing worse.
Like the animations were well done, and I don't want to downplay the hard work the animator did. They were just doing their job after all.
But the trolley scenes (especially the second one) hurt my eyes with all the flashing (would have been nice to have some kind of warning for that) and some of the voice effects (especially on Logan's) were grating and distracting.
I want to rank this episode higher, but it has almost zero rewatch ability and honestly besides the ending, when I first watched this episode I was just kinda let down.
#9 Crofters- The Musical
Okay look, the song is a bop and I adore the fact that Logan and Roman got two episodes in the spotlight, but it's just kinda "meh" to me. Plus I get just a tinge of second hand embarrassment but that's just me.
And I know this is kinda unfair but another reason why this one isn't higher is because of a couple of things. One is that they set up some angst for Roman, he's clearly not doing well and Thomas thinks the best thing to do is tell him that he might get his own jam flavor.
Then he does, and instead of following up on that little plot point from this video, they just rushed out a commercial and completely ignored and potential story telling or character development for Roman.
So yeah "Return of the Jam" is the main reason why I don't like this one as much as I used to. And I actually just got an idea for a new post comparing these two so add that to my to-do list.
#8 Fitting In
I actually skipped this one during my first official watch through for one reason and one reason alone: I wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter.
But I realized that my parents wouldn't approve of me of watching a gay man's content either so I just said screw it.
And luckily I understood enough Harry Potter references to get what they were talking about and honestly, this episode is a lot of fun.
It's a good follow up to Accepting Anxiety, and a nice way to kick off season two. Virgil is finding his place among the group and everyone is trying their best to make him feel welcome, it's really sweet.
And of course we get the new costumes (which i hadn't even noticed that they were wearing their old costumes at first) and I dunno it just gives off season one vibes and it makes me happy.
#7 Moving On Part One/Moving On Part Two
Yeah honestly my thoughts on both parts of this episode are the same. What can I say? It's really good.
This definitely one of the more emotionally heavy episodes in the series, and we see the characters at their lowest for really, the first time in this series.
I adore Patton's room and how each side gets their own corners. All the little details they add in, including the changing picture in the background, it really gives off that nostalgia feel they were going for.
What I love most about this episode is how (unlike some other episodes) they actually let the emotional moments sink in and don't throw in a joke immediately after. Like the ending is bittersweet, sad almost, and I love that they stuck with the mood up until the episode ended.
Not to say there weren't some jokes here and there (mostly in the first part) but once the mood shifts and things become more serious they let that mood stay. And when there are jokes they all work really well.
This is one episode I've actually watched the least out of season two, so it'll be interesting when I go watch it again to see if any of this holds up.
#6 Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?
Honestly I only put this one above Moving On because Logan and Roman are my favorites.
This episode is actually one of the weaker ones, which hurts to say because again, favorite characters, but goodness it's all over the place. It feels like a precursor to POF and not in a good way.
Logan and Roman just basically argue back and forth throughout the whole episode, never seeing eye to eye with each other, to the point where I think think the writers realized they couldn't find a way to get these two to agree so they just had Thomas step in and be like, "You guys make a really good team!"
Dude, were you even paying attention? They never even reached a conclusion on their own. And even though they have their little moment at the end, it's all kinda ruined when nothing in their relationship changes.
Yes, in Learning New Things About Ourselves, they acknowledge that there's more work to be done in regards to them, which makes sense. People aren't going to suddenly change overnight.
Yet despite having come to some kind of understanding with each other twice now (both here and LNTAO) in the following episodes they still act like they hate each other! Heck Roman is downright nasty to him for seemingly no reason and I don't really blame him for it.
More like I think the writers just don't know how to develop their relationship and just aren't as interested in them as the others. Logan's been reduced to being Mr. Exposition and apparently Roman's personal issues aren't enough for him to carry a room episode on his own because they felt the need to introduce two new characters before he finally gets it.
Sorry, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the episode.
There's some funny bits here and there and the little animations are cute (even if unnecessary) but really it's only saving grace is being Roman and Logan centered.
Even though they felt the need to include a cameo from literally every other character because apparently no one has any faith that Logan and Roman can carry an episode on their own.
#5 The Sanders Sides 12 Days of Christmas
This episode is just pure fun. Look, I'm not a big fan of Christmas, even less of a fan of Christmas songs, but my gosh this episode almost makes me appreciate the season.
The way they're all just bickering the whole time, being very confused, and how there's just so much personality from each character even when they're not talking/singing and just being in the background is *chef's kiss* perfect.
There's so many fun little details to pick out during the song and it's fun to go back and watch how each side reacts to different things.
#4 Selfishness vs Selflessness
Gonna be real, this used to be my favorite episode. Until my overly critical brain started finding all kinds of problems in the writing department but I think I’ve been negative enough on this post so I’ll save it for another time. 
Janus steals the show in this one, it’s his first official appearance since his debut and he just soaks up the spotlight. It’s refreshing to have an antagonist in the show again, and he’s the perfect foil for each of the original Sides. 
He knows how to play into Roman’s insecurities, know how to feed into his ego and get him on his side. He’s in direct opposition to Patton, who believes that everything Janus represents is wrong. He’s able to silence Logan and take him out of the conversation, speaking over him most of the time. 
And I guess he and Virgil have some beef I dunno. 
The courtroom scenario is fun, and I love how Janus is the only one who sees how ridiculous it is (even though it was your idea in the first place, Jan) and everyone else seeing it as perfectly normal is hilarious. 
I do like some of the more dramatic moments in this episode, especially that final bit with Janus questioning Thomas until he finally gets him to admit the truth. It was intense and reminded me of the scene where Janus confronts Roman in a similar manner. 
While far from perfect this is still a good episode and I can find a lot to love about it, like Janus in a suit. 
#3 Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts
This episode scared the shit out of me and I loved it.
Okay it didn’t actually scare me. But I stayed up to wait for it to be posted, which wasn’t until 2 or 3 in the morning. So by the time I finally watched it I was half awake and not expecting anything that I witnessed. 
The result was me being terrified of Thomas with a mustache and it prevented me from sleeping. I was over it the next day though and had Forbidden Fruit stuck in my head all day. Which isn’t good when you’re running the register at work and you can’t stop singing it. 
There’s a lot of reason why I love this episode, Remus being the primary thing. His entrance is iconic, the first few notes from his theme play as he creeps up behind the TV, him smiling at Roman all creepily until he whacks him over the head and knocks him out for most of the episode. 
Then we get the song, Forbidden Fruit, which is just great. Slight secondhand embarrassment but seeing the finished product and all they put into it, I can’t help but love it. 
Still miffed that Janus hasn’t gotten a song... specifically a villain song... I won’t ever let that go...
Logan is another highlight in this episode (no surprise) and seeing him go head-to-head against his polar opposite without batting an eye was interesting since I was kinda expecting them to show Logan having trouble dealing with Remus but nope. He handled it like a champ and I love them both. 
Now I am kinda wary as to how they’re going to handle Remus in the future, especially with the intrusive thoughts aspect. It’s a sensitive topic and they’re already screwing up anxiety. But Remus has only been in one episode so far which means I can’t make any solid judgments until he’s appeared in more episodes, so I’ll have to wait and see. 
All in all, great episode! Definitely deserves to be in my top three. 
#2 Learning New Things About Ourselves
This episode made me feel so nostalgic. I freaking love puppets and grew up with Sesame Street and the Muppets, so I’m probably biased towards this episode but to me this is really one of the better written episodes. 
Perfect? Heck no. But really, really good. 
I love that we get to explore a bit more with Logan and Roman’s characters, in a lot of ways this is kind of a Logan episode which has him standing against the other Sides, and it’s really interesting to see just how different he is compared to the three of them and it could just be me but it seemed like he’s becoming more of an outsider and isn’t as close with the original four as he used to be, and this episode is what really kicks that idea off. 
I can also relate to the “Well that’s nice but what do you do for a living?” message, except in my case it’s more like I want to quit my “real job” to pursue what I’m passionate about while people tell me it’ll probably never happen or “Yeah that’s a nice hobby!” So this episode really struck close to home and I just have a lot of sentimental feelings towards this one. 
I love all of the designs for the puppets, they all just fit perfectly and I wouldn’t mind seeing them make a comeback one day. I know that’d be difficult since they’d need a professional to puppet them but hey, one can dream right?
And oh my gosh the song, it just gives off the same feel from Sesame Street and Muppet songs with it’s jazzy feel. And I won’t lie I flipped my lid when Logan and Thomas were in the same shot together. We hadn’t seen any of the Sides share the screen with Thomas yet and the fact that it was Logan, and he was arguing with Thomas and they were singing over each other? Ah I love it!
Also don’t get me started on how Logan’s bit in the song sounds more villainous than the others. I’m not saying anything just a neat little observation. 
I have a lot of happy feelings attached to this episode, so despite the few problems I have with it I could never bring myself to hate it. The only one that tops it is...
#1 Can Lying Be Good?
The episode that started it all. The one that caught my attention and sparked my new fixation on this little series that I had just glossed over before.
I really don’t know what prompted me to watch this episode, other than I wasn’t in the best place and it just happened to pop into my recommendations one day and I figured, “Huh, haven’t watched this guy for awhile. Let’s see what he’s been up to.”
Once the episode was finished my first thought was “Holy shit when did this series start having lore?!”
This episode is probably the closest thing to perfect out of all the season two episodes so far. The writing is clever, pretty much all of the jokes land, and oh my gosh the editing in this one is phenomenal. 
The way they show Roman shifting between himself and Joan throughout the episode is what sticks out the most. Having Roman’s voice coming from Joan, or having them briefly change back to Roman, I love it so much. 
Not to mention Thomas’s ever changing shirt that reflects what he’s thinking/feeling is a neat little detail.
Did I mention this episode is hilarious? The ridiculousness of each scenario that they act out, with all the little inputs from Logan and Virgil who are both trying their best to do their jobs besides not even wanting to be part of it in the first place is adorable. 
And of course, the man of the hour, Deceit. Or Janus as we now know him as. 
Is it weird that I like Deceit more as a name? Probably, but that’s just because I don’t like how early his name was revealed. 
Okay that was my last negative comment. Promise.
Now since I hadn’t watched Sanders Sides in a while I didn’t notice anything off about “Patton” during my first watch. But going back after seeing the rest of the series helped me catch all the little hints they added to clue in the audience that something wasn’t right. 
A lot of it is really subtle, mostly in the acting department, but once you’ve caught on to everything it makes you wonder how you didn’t notice the first time. You can even see Logan and Virgil throughout the episode, knowing that something is off with “Patton” but holding back their concerns until Virgil finally calls Deceit out. 
I’ve rewatched Deceit’s reveal so many times. When he finally drops the act after Thomas makes up his mind not to lie, you can just tell he no longer cares whether Thomas knows or not. Then things get even more tense when Logan is silenced, and everyone knows what’s going on except Thomas. 
The music starts to build up, Thomas is flipping out, then after Deceit taunts him again he finally demands to know what’s going on and BAM there he is!
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I love everything about this. 
Like, what else can I say? This episode is brilliant. It really shows exactly what this team is capable of when they’re at their best. The pacing, the build up, the writing, all of it combined together to make the perfect episode.
Season Two has been, interesting. The long waits have caused some problems with the pacing and characters, not to mention the departure of Joan from the writing team with new writers entering the room, not to mention the first welcome now unwelcome arrival of Asides, and with only the season finale left before season three, it makes me wonder just where this series is headed.
I know this series is capable of doing incredible things, season one is still solid and it really holds up even after all this time. But season two just feels like a jumbled mess. Sure, it’s easy to enjoy the episodes individually, but once you try to fit them all together it’s like trying to jam a puzzle piece into a place where it doesn’t fit. 
The best way to describe this season is as an experimental season. Each episode has the team trying something new, sometimes it seems these gimmicks take precedence over the story itself. Of course, some of these can work to the episode’s advantage, while others are just distracting and you’d know you wouldn’t miss them if they were gone. 
It’s a mixed bag that’s for sure. One that has me watching in morbid curiosity as I wait to see whether it’ll crash in the end or blow my expectations out of the water. It really is fun to analyze these episodes, and yes I know I can be very harsh but believe it or not this is how I engage with media that I love.
My hope is that team will learn from season two and try to take a more simple approach with their production once season three roles around. Because if they continue at the same pace they are now I doubt there will be many people around to see this series through. 
And on that note, that was my ranking of season two! I’m actually kinda excited now to go back and rewatch everything, I hope I don’t have to wait much longer to do so but that all depends on when the season two finale comes. Whether it ends up exceeding my expectations or just being “meh” I know it’ll be interesting regardless and I can’t wait to see just how they plan on wrapping this all up before the final season arrives. 
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lucid dreams | part one
Obi-Wan Kenobi X Reader [Soulmate AU]
synopsis: Dreaming has become a meeting place for two people destined for each other. They say you see everything related to your soulmate in your dreams, including your soulmate. Surely meeting someone you’re destined to be with wouldn’t be difficult, right? Wrong. For you, it’s impossible. Sometimes you think your dreams are mere compensations for not having a soulmate.
warnings for this chapter: mild swearing
word count: 1,153
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He has a unique and, admittedly, odd name: Obi-Wan Kenobi. Charming with his auburn hair, neatly pushed to one side, eyes resembling a clear blue sky on a summer day, his accent thick and melodious, and a well groomed beard—not too long, but not short enough to be a stubble—he looked attractive under the dimly lit void of dreamland. He captivated you with every bit of his presence ever since the first time you talked. 
You wish to learn more about this man. Usually, you’d work day and night for some commissions which meant, no sleep; sometimes, it’s him who doesn’t show up. It was conflict on schedule and you knew little of him. Coruscant was one thing, he said he lived there. Did you believe him? No. You looked it up right away when you woke; no place or planet like that ever existed. And you swore to talk to him about it, but the time never came. 
You hoped for tonight to be different. You covered up you paints, cleaned your brushes, and left your studio downstairs to go up to your room. Vincent was already sleeping in the new bed you bought for him. Crawling in yours, with your tired eyes and aching back from your awful desk set up, you sank in the soft mattress and drifted off to sleep. 
The void was filling up, but you pay no attention to it. He was there and, as per usual, keeping safe distance from you. “Obi-Wan.” You greeted him, walking closer to the man. “Hello, y/n.” He smiled. “We haven’t talked in a while.” You said sheepishly. “You’ve been busy.” “I’m sure you have as well.” You notice the floating window again, Coruscant. “Tell me more about where you come from.”  “I’m from Stewjon. I do not remember much about my home, I was taken away at a very young age.” He explained. “No, I meant Coruscant. I think you’re lying to me.” You accused, “Why would I lie about any of that?” “Because it doesn’t exist! I’m sure the same goes for ‘Stewjon.’” You emphasized on the name. “Your planet does not exist. You’re telling me you live a non-existent planet, Obi-Wan. No human can live in another planet.” “I assure you, many of us are in different planets.” He said, crossing his arms. “Your archives must be incomplete.” You roll your eyes at him. “How am I supposed to get to know you, if you won’t even tell me where you’re truly from?” You raised a brow at the man. “I’m not lying to you about Coruscant or Stewjon, yet you refuse to believe me.” He said. “I suggest we talk about what we’re seeing.” So, he’s a negotiator. You thought, proceeding to ask him what he sees. “I see you’re well acquainted with art.” He said, walking around the void, admiring things you cannot see. “It’s my job. You like to read?” You asked, remembering the floating books. “I do,” Obi-Wan smiled. “I see you do too. And... you live in an awfully crowded city.” He scrunched his nose. “That’s New York.” You sighed. “I read on my free time or when I need to spark up an inspiration for an art piece.” “You must be very talented.” He replied. “Thank you. Do you like Sci-Fi?”  “What’s that?” He turned his attention, from whatever it is he was looking at, to you. “Well, I keep seeing laser swords and spaceships.” You picked one up, examining the object that held no weight. “You probably can’t see it, but I’m holding one right now. It’s fascinating.” An amazed laugh escaped your lips. Obi-Wan couldn’t see what you were holding, but he could see the blue light illuminating your face. “It’s called a lightsaber.” He said nonchalantly. “You should be careful, it’s a dangerous weapon to yield, not to mention it’s weight.”
“It’s light as a feather.” You said. “You can’t feel anything physical here in Dreamland.” Obi-Wan’s lips formed into an ‘o.’ “Yeah, it’s cool right? My parents told me about it. Their dreams were always my favorite bedtime story.”
You and Obi-Wan wandered around the void, naming all the things you see and providing each other with information. He asked you if you liked animals when he saw Vincent’s collar. You asked him if he made robots or owned any, because you saw a golden human-like robot and a robot with blue details. “That’s C-3PO and R2.” He said. “Do you own them?” You asked him. “No, a good friend of mine does.”  “I really think you like Sci-Fi.” You chuckled. “And I still have no idea what you’re talking about, darling.” You blushed at the pet name, quickly dusting it off with a question, “Are you, perhaps, an astronaut?” This caught his attention, turning his head to you, a confused look in his face, “Definitely not. I’m completely human.”  “Very funny, Kenobi. I meant to ask about your career.” But before Obi-Wan could say anything, a vortex pulls you in.
Darkness. That only meant that your time was over. A few hours came and when the rays of sunshine hit your eyes, you reached for your journal without hesitation. You list down everything that happened in your dream. “He doesn’t like Sci-Fi.” You chuckled lowly, shaking your head. Looking at the gray cat bed in the corner of your room, you notice Vincent still asleep. Good. You smiled. At least you could finish something this morning without any distractions. Or so you thought.  Your mind was filled with images of him. You thought of his perfectly swooped hair, dreamy eyes, and charming personality. Your cheek heats up upon realization. Before you knew it, your hand scribbled a picture of him on the paper in front of you. A rough sketch of your soulmate. You wondered if it was worth showing your friend. You put the sketch aside and worked on rough ideas for a commission. But your mind couldn’t let go of this man.  You managed to finish a few pieces by noon, just the right time for lunch. Walking to the small kitchen, you opened your magnet-filed fridge and grabbed your leftovers from last night, you also grabbed a can of cat food from the cupboard under the sink. You hear the bell on your cat’s collar ringing. You smile as you see Vincent descend from the stairs upon hearing you pull on the can’s tab. “Here you go, buddy.” You dump the cat food in his blue food bowl and pet his head. You heat up the leftovers in the microwave. Heading to your desk in the studio, you look for the sketch of Obi-Wan and snapped a picture of it, smiling while sending it to your friend. 
Your phone chimed from a notification: Is that him? Another chime: He’s muy bueno ;) I’d tap that You replied with: “Please stop being weird”  Tell. Me. Everything!
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here’s the new update for lucid dreams! i hope you guys liked it. -mori <33
tag list:  @itsyellow​​ @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching​ @fandom-blackhole​ @marvelunistudent @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @ina-lotta @stargazingcarol
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diamondcamefromhell · 4 years
Jaskier x Witcher!Reader
Summary: This was a request from @oldfashionedvillain-x :  I was thinking Where the reader is a female witcher and has been travelling with Geralt for a while and when they meet Jaskier he is determined to get her attention because she isnt like other girls and after a rivalry eventually he gets close to her
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1, 649
A/N: tHank you Ash for requesting such a good idea! it was really fun to write, esp perpective being from a witcher, and jaskier just trying to please her and what not ahhh thank you! i truly hope you like it <3 i know its a bit all over the place, so sorry abt thatt
Traveling with Geralt was as fun as traveling with a Witcher gets – not fun. But being a Witcher myself, I tolerated his company just enough. But then he went for some ale because he wanted to drink alone, well. He came back. Not alone.
Jaskier was fascinated that I was a woman and a witcher. It took him mere minutes to compose a song about me, where he clearly tried to impress me, putting as many compliments as one could possibly fit in one ballad. I chose to ignore him, glaring at Geralt, who also seemed to be annoyed at the bard.
I jumped on my horse, Night, as Geralt sat on Roach. I saw Jaskier look from horse to horse, and before he could even mutter anything, I ushered my animal to move. Geralt followed, and the bard was left to tag along of foot. Which he did. Sadly.
His mind must be working overtime, as he was chatting non-stop. I wasn’t really paying attention, but did notice that Geralt and I both were riding slower, so the bard could keep up. His mouth was working at superspeed, as he now picked up his lute and began singing, trailing behind us a little bit.
“Seriously, Geralt?” I hiss at my companion, who gives me a stare. “Don’t give me that look, you brought him along.”
“I think he stayed for you.” Geralt mutters, as I roll my eyes. Jaskier seems oblivious to our conversation, so I continue.
“Do you plan on protecting him? Because I’m not helping you with that.” I grunt, as my horse neighs. I pet the nuzzle, knowing he must be frustrated having to walk so slowly.
“Leaving him now would be the death of him.” Geralt responds, and I see him glance at the bard, who still is enjoying himself.
“I know, but until we reach another town, at this paste, it will take us days.” I respond, stopping my horse. Jaskier nearly walks to it’s arse, as I break a smile. “C’mon. At least this will stop you from playing that damn thing.”
“Y/N, are you offering me a ride?” He asks as I roll my eyes, petting Night, who is anxious to run a little.
“Climb up and shut up.” I grunt as Geralt stops Roach just a little ahead of us. The bard takes his time climbing Night, but eventually he manages, his hands wrapping around my waist. “Watch the hands.”
“If I don’t hold on, I will fall.” I grit my teeth, ushering the horse to a sprint, overtaking smirking Geralt.
“See if I care.” I finally respond, as the wind plays with my hair, calming me down.
We travel for a couple of days, I allow Jaskier to ride with me, mostly because I am anxious to dump him in the next town. He tried to chat me up, but if he does it too much, I make him walk. He now learnt, not about being quiet, no, but about not talking to me. Directly.
That, of course, only matters until we set camp. Then every evening he doesn’t shut up, trying to get anything he can out of me. He shows such pure interest, sometimes I am painfully reminded I was an experiment. And that’s why I am interesting. I know Jaskier doesn’t mean any harm, but I wish he would shut up.
We were at a tavern now, as he was performing. Geralt and I were drinking ale, silently. I wondered if we will ever be able to get rid of the bard, as he seemed so eager to tag along. I chug last bit of the drink, looking at Geralt, who’s yellow eyes land on mine.
“We’re stuck with him.” I point out the obvious, and Geralt offers a hmm to me. “Great, you have good ideas about how to unstuck him from us.”
“He’s interested in you.” I squint at the Witcher, hu shrugs. “He needs to see how not interesting you are, maybe then…”
“Thanks.” I cut him off, as smile enters his face.
“Usually women don’t complain about attention.” I lean back, crossing my arms.
“Usually those women aren’t witchers, Geralt.” I point out as his face grows ever so sour. I know it’s impossible to, but he seems to sometimes forget I am like him. An experiment. Tossed into the world to kill monsters, protecting most men.
Those very same men who hate us. I was surprised when this tavern allowed two witchers in. Of course, some patrons were shooting angry glares our way and there were whispers. But those followed us wherever we went.
Our kind was a rare occurrence, as our numbers were decreasing. Two witchers at the same time was even rarer sight, as for the most part, we preferred to be alone. And on top of all of that, add the fact that I am a woman.
Not many men would ask a woman for help, witcher or not. So tagging along with Geralt was pretty much my only way of making coin. He would get us jobs, I’d assist, we split the payment.
I am startled when Jaskier plops down next to me. He is blabbering about something, but I completely ignore that, sliding away from him, edging my seat.
“Don’t worry Y/N, I don’t bite.” He says, noticing my movement. I glare at him.
“You couldn’t bite me if you tried.” I hiss at him, as he lets out a giggle. The bard doesn’t seem to be phased by my aggression.
“Don’t challenge me.” He winks at me as I turn away, giving Geralt a glare yet again.
To my surprise and the fellow Witchers great amusement, Jaskier pretends to nib at me, biting the air near my shoulder. I lean away from him, stopping his face with my hand.
“Stop.” I say, not being able to withhold a smile. Dammit. Jaskier notices that, grinning.
“Don’t play all though on me.” He says, winking yet again, before springing to his feet. It takes me a moment to realize he went to get more beer.
“He’s an interesting thing.” Geralt points out as we both follow him with our eyes.
“Indeed.” I agree.
Needless to say, Jaskier didn’t stay put. He tagged along with us, until we couldn’t really imagine traveling without him. His constant blabber was still annoying, but soothing. His music also became more pleasant, even if we were test listeners to all his songs. Some of which weren’t that good at all.
Him tagging along became a norm, even if we would leave him, Night and Roach as we fought the monsters, later having to give him all the details, so he could write a ballad and sing it. I began warming up to him, not ever letting him know that, of course.
We were sitting in a warmed up room, Geralt taking a bath. Jaskier for once wasn’t fiddling with his lute, and it was silent, as I was cleaning both of my swords. I notice him staring at me, so I lift my gaze and face him.
“How did you and Geralt meet?” he asks, out of the blue.
“Some locals, they needed help. I guess the news reached me and Geralt, so we ended up arriving at the same time. The monster were a couple kikamoras, as the townsfolks were afraid of leaving their homes.” I shrug. “We took care of it. Then, I don’t know. I kind of tagged along.”
“Like me.” I glare at the bard, who smiles, not phased.
“At least I was useful to him.” I sigh, looking away. “And we got used to each other. Both beings of the same nature, we didn’t need to talk to get how the other may be feeling.”
“But witchers don’t have feelings.” Jaskier says sarcastically and I offer him a sad smile.
“We are also monstrosities, brutal killers.” I close my eyes for a moment. “Horrible, horrible creatures.”
“I never believed that.” I look at him as he crosses his arms. “And I don’t think you don’t have feelings. You just don’t show them.”
“In their eyes it’s the same thing.” I point out, but he giggles.
“But its not, is it?” I nod, agreeing.
“It’s not.” Jaskier gives me a kind smile, going from the other bed to sit next to me, I don’t move away. “You’re an interesting thing.”
“How come?” He asks as I shrug, falling backwards on the bed.
“People avoid Witcher. You stuck with two.” I finally say, after Jaskier continues to stare at me. He laughs, falling on the bed too.
“You both allowed me to stay. You protected me.” I cant disagree, so I remain silent. After a short while, bard continues. “I want the world to see that you aren’t that bad at all. Probably way kinder and better than any man.”
I turn my head to stare at him for a little bit. He is trying to change the way world works, one song at a time. I didnt have a heart to tell him it won’t work, or maybe part of me also hoped it would work. What if the world actually changed?
For weeks to come, slowly but surely, Jaskier and I had more insightful conversations. As Geralt would bathe or do whatever Geralt does, we would sit and chat, and it didn’t take me long to realize I actually enjoy his company. 
When he wasn’t trying to flirt or write a song, or any other way be Jaskier-annoying, he was a great listener and advice giver. 
As someone with not too many life experiences himself, I noticed not only does he learn from everyone else, he does it swiftly. That’s why he is such a good story teller and writer, he can put himself in other shoes so easily.
He kept telling me I am not like other girls, and I began to wonder, does he even know he’s not like other guys? 
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atzfiles · 5 years
getting to know jeong yunho
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hi! i will be looking into yunhos natal chart and share some of the information i have gotten out of it! thanks to yunho, we know the exact time he was born! i am not entirely sure if the place of birth is that exact though. so as always, this is not 100% accurate and i am not saying i know everything about astrology. this is a hobby of mine which i taught myself.
Sun Aries 
aries is the first sign of the zodiac which shows in their characters
they’re always first to start and always first to finish
aries people are natural athletes which, in my opinion, fits to yunho quite nicely
they cannot sit still for longer periods of time
their natural instinct is to use their bodies to get things done
they live a “simple” live, dont like long/drawn out moments and they also dont like planning ahead
aries sun are known for being direct, straightforward and uncomplicated
they also tend to live in the moment
whatever happens right now is most important to an aries
this trait can make them very impatient but also highly innovative 
aries suns are also very brave 
they dont like the long way to a goal, they need to take the quickest route
they also have some childlike qualities which makes them real charmers
yunho has a strong personality, entrepreneurial spirit, ambitious, self-willed and stubborn
possible downsides of an aries sun: very nervous, impulsive, wasteful, provoking and restless
Sun in V
yunho wants to be recognized for what he is doing
he has a lot of unique and special qualities and he wants people to pay attention to those
he has a flair for drama and sports (now we all know what sorta high school student he was lmao)
yunho is proud of the fact that he has such a positive outlook on life
expressing himself brings him happiness
he needs to be careful because sometimes those things can make him look like an attention seeker to others
188 Conjunction Sun in Mercury
he owns a lot of mental energy because his ego and mind are on the same level
yunho is very intelligent and he takes pride in that
he also loves to communicate with other people
he talks and expects others to listen but he himself can have a hard time listening to others, that doesnt mean he dominates every conversation
and here you can see yet again that he has great joy in expressing himself
he studies best when reading over the material rather than listening (to a teacher for example)
this also comes from the strong need to communicate
yunho cant listen and absorb information well, he has to act on it
he has his own opinions and those are set
very independent thinker
if not listened to, he can get quite butthurt
he also cant handle criticism too well when it comes to his own opinions
he has a very witty, bashful and playful sense of humor
272 Conjunction Sun in Jupiter
extremely generous, helpful, good-hearted, well-informed, friendly and possesses strong morals
seems like luck is always on his side
he attracts good and positive things like a magnet
yunho is not very competitive which, as a result, is the reason why a lot of people like him
he also loves to travel because he is interested in foreign places and people
he has a lot of faith in life and people 
he does believe in orders and rules and generally dislikes people that tend to break the rules or even go against the law
very impatient with the wrong people around
he can be trusted very well, is sincere and is good at keeping promises
as mentioned before, very optimistic 
laughs very easily
240 Sextile Sun in Neptune
very sensitive and dreamy
strong appreciation for music
he is naturally very compassionate
very open minded; realizes that there is more to the world than whats in front of his eyes
yunho is attracted to spiritual subjects which works in favor for musicians and artists
he can be taken advantage of because he feels strongly for those who are suffering 
very humanitarian; adores animals
very imaginative, inspired and emotional 
Moon in Gemini
people who have their moon in gemini tend to be very witty and charming
but they can also become very moody and irritable, especially at home or with family
very curious 
a certain nervousness and worry are also known for lunar gemini
he needs way more stimulation than other people
there is a lot going on inside of him
here we can also see his urge to express himself again
lunar gemini think and talk a lot
they like their homes but tend to hate housework
yunho can get a bit messy
he does like improving his home though
re-organizing is something he seems to enjoy
very easily bored
is in touch with his own emotions but he can struggle with handling others complicated emotions
inside the family he is the one getting everyone together for a meeting
doesnt like repetitive routines
yunho likes having to do a lot of stuff
very sociable, friendly and talkactive
comfortable around a lot of people and can speak well in front of crowds
very open to new ideas
wants to talk about problems as soon as possible
sharp intellect
-57 Square Moon in Mercury 
his head and heart get in the way of each other
he can be too emotional or too logical
can be very jealous and possessive
can sometimes feel the need to change partners quickly because he gets bored
imaginative sense of humor
can be hypersensitive because of mood swings
because of the what he talks, yunho tends to misrepresent himself
very happy when he can escape in his own little world 
cant find his ideal world on the outside so he creates his own, imaginative world
loves drama but reacts negatively when he is the one getting criticism 
Mercury in Pisces
soaks up feelings and moods from the people around him
which can affect his own mood quite drastically 
very tactful, tries not to offend people
15 Trine Mercury in Lilith 
can get quite provocative in communications
sees flaws very quickly
Venus in Taurus 
likes sensual surroundings
looks like he would be a satisfying lover/partner
needs to be able to depend on his partner
can become very possessive of his partner
he needs “hands on” expressions of love
cant get pushed into a relationship
likes comfortable things
he needs a lot of time
his partner would need a lot of patience
“love arrives slowly, but with force”
Venus in VI
he wants to help sick and poor people all the time
wants a job in a medical or social setting
likes being of service to his partner
goes to extreme lengths so always be available for his partner
he isnt ‘showy’ with his love/bad at expressing it but much rather shows it by his availability, doing practical things for his partner or other thoughtful things
pays attention to small details
he is scared that, if the relationship he is currently in ends, he might not be able to find better
-224 Opposition Venus in Mars
from affairs over to full blown relationships; love is what gets this boy out of bed
this can get challenging in youth
he can have a hard time finding a relationship that meets his expectations
very creative
passion for romance is often channeled in his creative output
prone to have love-hate relationships (the fanfics have been right all along)
can get angry quickly but that anger disappears just as fast as it came
likes truth and justice
he never plays false, his sentiments are deep and sincere
might be into someone older because he appreciates peoples intelligence 
-95 Square Venus in Neptune
his ideals are not always easy to achieve 
easy going
yunho is in love with being in love
very romantic
can be a little too romantic; his romantic dreams might get shattered by the reality of relationships
sees what he wants to see rather than what really is
clings to romantic delusion which can be very dangerous and unhealthy
tends to devote his all to someone who is unreachable
he is also prone to loving someone who treats him badly all while he is clinging to an idealized image of his partner
he thinks that loving someone requires self-sacrifice 
Mars in Scorpio
likes to challenge himself to do the impossible
keeps his cool on the surface very well
does not let people in easily 
scorpio in mars is known for having the strongest sexual stamina
even though he tends to dislike people who break the rules, he often fantasizes about breaking taboos
he like the scenario of their partner giving into them, wants his partner completely and will do absolutely anything for them
im sweating
his sexual appeal is strong enough to get what he wants
very jealous, doesnt want to share
doesnt find pleasure in compromises: needs to hear either yes or no
constantly tests himself and others
thinks that life isnt fair  
Mars in XII
puts all of his energy into his working life
likes to research
jobs like a doctor, teacher, police officer would fit him well
he should try to give things a real shot instead of feeling defeated instantly 
he can handle a lot of things by himself in his own unique ways
works more for others than himself
ignores his own needs and desires for others which secretly makes him very angry
takes time for him to warm up to a new sexual partner
likes to solve problems
likes to overcome obstacles
he sometimes can seem cold when he is in his work-mindset
-117 Square Mars in Uranus
tends to be eccentric and too headstrong, impatient
Jupiter in Aries
attracts good things in life
he is initiating, inspiring, enthusiastic and brave
likes doing things on his own
likes games
gets distracted easily
lucky in love and his profession
adores children
yunho likes helping people in difficulty
Saturn in Taurus 
dislikes greedy people
needs to learn that he is also deserving of good things in life
likes precision
a true worker
possesses all the necessary qualities to be successful in the medical field
Uranus in Aquarius
gets overly excited when starting a task but quickly loses interest
this can give others a banal impression of him
doesnt like routines
-10 Square Uranus Lilith
he can have difficulty finding a peaceful love life because he is the type to fall in love at first sight
seeks adventures which can be harmful to his relationship
Neptune in Aquarius
solves other peoples problems just to see them happy
cold facts are hard for him to absorb#
he can get quite nostalgic
Pluto in Sagittarius
love and sexuality are idealized
Ascendent in Scorpio
he has a lot of presence
their manners command respect and he lets people know he shouldnt get pushed around
very powerful and determined 
he can look right through people which can make him very intimidating 
he often gets confused when he earns such strong reactions from people though
yunho likes to read between the lines
values his privacy a lot, so much that it can even cause paranoia
he feels the strong urge to always be in control of his environment 
he plans out every move very carefully and lets no one look into his plans
he is drawn to down to earth and natural partners on which he can rely on
he needs full commitment because flighty partners make his patience run thin
House II in Capricorn
he sees spending and making money as an adventure which can cause financial risks for him
nothing is left to a chance
likes to calculate his plans and dissects them slowly
House IV in Aquarius
he may leave the family home very early on
wants a life that is out of the ordinary 
doesnt like traditions 
House VIII in Gemini
this placement is known for making artistic people generally very successful
House X in Leo
great leadership qualities
the way he is seen by society grows more important to him as he gets older
wants surround himself with equally artistic/influentiual people
if you really read this far...god bless u lmao
i tried keeping this as short as possible, leaving out some constantly repetitive traits and placements and trying to combine his placements rather than to dive into each one individually. please dont forget that i am doing this purely out of fun and interest. My ask box/messages are always open if you want to talk or have questions! please also let me know which member you want me to analyze next :)
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geekygoddesss · 6 years
Story of Us
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Part I: How we meet
This is such a bad idea.
“So, let me get this straight” I speak, sitting on the bed while my best friend stood in front of me, looking at me like I was stupid “you meet this guy on tinder-”
“He found me” She Interrupts, correcting what I just said.
“And he invited you for drinks? Just like that?” I finish my sentence, totally letting pass the fact that Abby is being totally annoying tonight and pushing me into this kind of dumb things that could go very wrong so easily.
“Us, it’s a double date, dumbass” She says with a smile, rolling her eyes while walking into the bathroom in a poor attempt of ignoring my attitude.
“It doesn't matter, are you out of your mind? He could be a rapist or something” I argue, following her into the bathroom.”I did not flew all the way from Georgia to get raped by some guy”
This was the kind of things that sometimes made me doubt a lot of things about Abby. One thing I knew for sure is that Abby was in no way stupid and second, she was also not the kind of person that would sign up on a dating app and just date whatever guy appeared in the picture. This situation was weird for me in a lot of ways, starting from the fact that I was almost entirely sure that there must be a reason on why she is trying to set me up with someone I don’t know while setting herself with a random guy at the same time. It was so creepy, Something was up with her and to be completely honest, I don’t even know if I want to know why.  
“He isn't a psycho” she says “plus, he has a friend and he's very single” her eyebrows go up and down, looking at me with a weird look through the mirror.
“How do you know?” I scoff, leaning in the door watching her brush her teeth “You said this guy is an actor? Like a TV one or whatever?” I say, almost just speaking to myself, this was just a crazy and not good idea, I can’t believe we’re even doing this “I don’t know about you but I smell bullshit”
‘I’m telling you, it isnt” she says with a mouth full of foam before rinsing it all off in one quick move “I don’t know, I actually have no idea what he's done, but why are you so surprised? This is LA, every 3 of 10 people does acting” she rolls her eyes, turning to look at me as she spoke “the others are instagram models and tourist”
I scoff, shaking my head at her statement “Then there's me” I say taking a step closer to her “I really don't feel comfortable with this” I mumble.
“It's going to be fun, I promise” she smiles putting her hands on my shoulder and moving me out of the way “from what we talked he seemed pretty fun”
“Huh” I nod, that did not convince me at all.
“And if you think about it, it's a very good and fresh way to start the weekend” she adds, jumping on her bed before yelling out loud “we’re getting laid!”
“Jesus Christ” I groan, this is probably why the neighbors hate us, not my fault at all, but I am sure it’s pretty self- explanatory. “Listen, I am not even sure If I am going to be able to go” I tell her as she jumps off the bed and checks herself out in the mirror, she’s pretty hyper right now. “I have a block” I excuse, even though I wasn’t lying at all.
“You always say that” she says, rolling her eyes.
“Well, I have it and I need it to go away” I say sitting down on the bed as she walked around the room. “Writer’s block is no joke”
“Well I’m helping you here!” Abby exclaims turning to look at me“What better way to get out of a block than making out with a guy you meet in one night?”
“I’m not making out with anyone” I laugh.
“We’ll see” she says, jumping on the bed, right beside me “It’s just one night, C’mon”
I look at her and she looks at me, I analyze all of my options. Maybe there is some kind of way where I can get out of this one and she would let me be, I would have the apartment to myself and I could overcome my block, but one thing was for sure, If that happened she would hate me for a while, she took dates very seriously and although this is the first time she has ever dragged me into a double date with her but I could see in her eyes she was really looking forward for this and it would be really shitty of me to just turn this down.
Do I really have any other option, anyways?.
“What can you tell me about him or his.. friend?” I say finally giving up, there was no way I could get out of this one.
She yells and claps with her hands in pure excitement “Well, they’re visiting so they won’t be staying long” she explains to me before smiling widely and saying  “They’re english”
My eyebrows raise “Oh la la” I joke in a french accent.
“Sono così emozionato” she answers in italian “Whatever, they are here for like a month or whatever and I just told them we would show them around” she smiles and shrugs. she gets up her spot and walks through the room again as if she was done
“That’s all you know?” I ask her, that did took me by surprise, I was hoping she knew at least a little more about this guy.  
“Pretty much” she says, reaching for her makeup bag “besides the fact that I’ve seen his picture and in my book he seems pretty hot for a white boy, so i’m down” She says shortly looking at me but still being to focused on her reflection in the mirror.
“That’s so…-nevermind” I say rolling my eyes. I was going to say something else, but I’d rather shut my mouth than having her fight me for a while “Can I see him?” I ask.
“No!” she laughs, shaking her head.
I chuckle “Oh, c’mon, so now it’s top secret?”
“More like a surprise” she wiggles her eyebrows  “It’s going to be so fun”
“It better be” I point at her and let my body fall on the bed “But if they turn out to be a pair of weirdos or a hot mess of a date, I’m making you pay for it”
“I don’t doubt that” she laughs and turns to look at me “Hurry, we have to be out that door soon” she says, now walking my way and looking at me more in detail “Are you wearing that?”
I look down at my outfit “What’s wrong with this?” I say, pointing down at one of my most fancy shirts and jeans I had on, I didn’t look like a freaking model, but I think I look decent enough.
“Oh honey, you need to learn so much” she laughs and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the bed.
This was already starting to feel like one long night.
Two and a half hours later, the two of us are sitting at one of the countless tables at the bar, Abby really did a good choice on the place, it was very nice and subtle, not too loud, people weren’t trying to desperately get you drunk to start the night, just a nice place to have a first date in, she really knew what she was doing.  
“Are they here?” I ask her taking a sip of my soda as she looked around the place
“I don’t know, I don’t see them” She says shrugging not taking her eyes from her surroundings.
I shrug “Maybe we gave them wrong directions”
“Honestly, this is the only bar with the name 21 around the area, maybe they're just stuck in traffic” she says as another option of what could be the reason of why they are kind of late. However I don’t care too much how late they are, as long as they actually make it, this is LA, everyone was late for everything.
I stare at her for a long moment before coming to a very strong conclusion, I know understand the meaning of being the ugly friend. I really do. Not that I was completely ugly, but compared to her tonight, I was looking like I should have a little touch of femininity, which is something I had a lack of, most of the time. Her yellow blouse made the perfect contrast with her dark skin while her skinny jeans made her have some killer curves that would for sure make any man crazy for her. I was jealous, I wish I could look as good as her right now.
Her eyes light up when turning to the side, looking straight at the door of the bar, she waves her hand to someone and smiles widely, I guess that’s a good sign.
“Oh my gosh, they’re here, I see them” She says almost mumbling, turning to look at me “Play cool” she warns me, getting up from the table and basically making me do the same as her, as she makes me leave my drink down to stand up.
“I am” I say, standing up right beside her as she looks around, I recognize two guys in between the crowd, I don’t know any of them but they are probably the ones we are supposed to meet since they are clearly the only guys approaching us. “I’d like a heads up, though, who am I looking at?” I say, just making sure I didn’t eventually fuck up.
“Okay, so, blondie tall boy is your date and the brunette is mine” she explains quickly as she smiles at the two guys, who wave at us when they are getting closer and closer “Wave back” she instructs me, I do.
“he’s cute” I whisper to her as they are already too close to probably hear me if I speak normally.
“I know” she smiles to them before whispering “Gosh, I hope they’re not psychos”
She seems too happy to see both these guys here, the moment they reach our table she yells the name of her date and hugs him thigh, as the other guy welcomes me with a hug too, which is pretty much awkward, seeing that I don’t know this guy at all and he is already hugging me, adding the fact that he is quite attractive is somehow overwhelming to me.
“This is (Y/n), my best friend” she introduces me to the other guy as he approaches my way.
“Tom” He says with a lovely smiling and a welcoming hug. It felt weird, really weird. Not only because I just hugged two very attractive men, but also because there was something inside me telling me something about this night, something about tonight felt different, I don’t know what it was or how something could happen, but I could feel it inside of me.
“Harrison” Says the guy I just hugged, smiling towards me as he introduced himself for both of us. I guess he is my date for the night, I can’t say I am mad about it at all. “We didn’t take too long, did we?” he says, almost as an apology. Somehow, I almost seem surprised by the strong english accent coming out of him, I knew they are English, but the accent just seems to suit them perfectly. It was a nice add on.
“Oh no” Abby says waving it off, pretending like we haven’t been waiting here for more than thirty minutes. “We just got here, Sit down, please”  she smiles, walking to my side and sitting on the spot right beside mine, signaling me to sit beside her as the guys took the opposite sit.
“Oh, hold on” Said that Tom guy, before getting on his seat “can we pick some drinks for you, Ladies?” he says, waiting for our response as Harrison gets up too.  
“I’ve got you covered” Abby says, snapping her fingers in the air, in a matter of five seconds one of the many waitresses in the place comes to our table with a tray full of drinks and shots. great. Now, they’ll probably think we’re super rich and powerful or something, which is definitely not the case.
The boys sit back down on their spots and we all pick a drink up, ready to start up the night. Abby looks incredibly happy and before even trying a little bit of her own drink, she raises her cup and says in a cheery and a little bit of an exaggerated tone “For an amazing night”
I see the guys smiling at her and I laugh, this seemed a little bit dramatic in my opinion, but who cares? This was already starting to look like a great night and we might as well take a drink for it.
“Cheers” the rest of us say almost at the same time and all of our cups touch in one smooth move.
I drink, the taste was strong on my tongue but very sweet, I was loving it so much, I just hoped it didn’t make me drunk for the night. I was happy though, the night was still young but this somehow felt right. My best friend is here, we have two handsome gentlemen as our dates for the night, this was just too good to be truth and it felt right, I felt incredible, this is right.
The night went on faster than expected, it wasn’t over, but it still felt like everything was happening a little too fast for my liking. One moment we were on the bar, laughing at twisted stories and drinking, having a great time and on the blink of an eye we were on the beach, walking right by the ocean and talking about everything and nothing, getting to know each other better and making this night last longer.
At this point, I was really starting to doubt on my ability to talk to a guy at all. Yes, my date was just too nice and sweet, but all of this time I have been just hearing and adding things to all of Abby’s stories, never telling my own or talking a little bit about my life, I was just there to listen to everyone and make some presence, which wasn’t wrong at all, I just would like my date to know I am a little more interesting than that.
However, In a matter of a second, this date took an interesting turn for everyone. We were passing right by the small line of stores placed right by the beach when Abby spotted down some kind of merch about her favourite show, apparently, Harrison was also a big fan, one way or another the conversation they both started was becoming bigger and a deeper than ever, to the point were before any of us could realise they were walking away from us and leaving me and Abby’s date all alone.
Neither of us saying a word while walking alone the sightly crowded street. A very awkward moment I was not ready for, I needed it to end now, before It could be any worse.
“So, actor” I say, being the first one to break the ice, catching his full attention in a second  “How’s it like? Does it freak you out to pretend to be someone else? How useful is it in the real world?” I ask, trying to not sound too annoying or repetitive when making that question. Sometimes I could be a little too specific when making my questions and that’s exactly what I did not want for now.
“Oh, That’s a great, great question” he says with a little smile, I was really hoping I was not making this awkward, I just really needed to start up a conversation. “Well, What can I say? I’ve been on this for a long time and I really love my job” He says “It’s very useful in real life, If you were wondering, you’d be surprised on how helpful it is in certain- situations” he says elaborating a little more “Not that I am using it right now-”
“Huh” I nod, interrupting him mid sentence with a chuckle, I could sense a little freak out on his voice and being completely honest, it was kind of funny. “Good answer”
“Good question” he says back, almost as a compliment.
“I am hoping to go to school soon for that actually” I say as a nice add on, finding it a great fact about me to put on the table  “People say I'm good at making questions”
“I see” He chuckles softly “Is that school here in LA?”
“No, it’s actually in London” I smile proudly. That was something I was very proud about, going to school there would be such a privilege for me, I was really hoping I could get in this school soon.
“That’s amazing” Tom says raising his eyebrows almost as if he was surprised  “It’s a beautiful place, you’re going to love it”
“So I’ve heard” I nod, blushing a little.
We fell into an awkward silence so easily. We walk and walk but none of us say anything at all, now I am almost completely sure that my skills with men are almost null. none existent. Zero.
Step it up, (Y/n), C’mon.
“On the scale of 1 to 100, How famous are you?” I randomly ask, making him look at me with a really strange look “Please feel free to be as precise as you can, I need to tell my mom about it”
“Your mom?” he laughs, His accent now sounding stronger than ever.
“Yeah, she kind of told me I needed to tell her about every celebrity I met here in LA or ever” I chuckle, while telling that little fact my mom always reminded me of “She’s probably a fan” I add “She knows like every human being that does some kind of entertainment, you’d be surprised”
“Hm ok” he says with a nervous chuckle “1 being not famous at all and 100 being a super famous celebrity, Like, the kind that barely are able to breathe because of -y’know - paparazzi and all that” he explains “I would say I am a solid 60” he says, being really confident with his answer.  
“oh, holy shit” I say, not expecting that answer at all “I might have to do my research about you, sir” I scoff “First name Tom, Last name?”
“Holland” he completes in a quick second.
“Alright” I nod with a smile “I might have seen you somewhere around”
He laughs, nodding “Yeah, maybe”
We keep walking in silence, Now being a lot less uncomfortable than a few seconds before. I can hear our friends in front of us, laughing at something we couldn’t hear and I smile, I was glad Abby is having fun, she seems really happy.
“I believe,Your date just ditched you for my date” Tom says, chuckling at his own comment.
“Oh” I say, just actually realizing that really happened, I am now date-less “Yeah, I guess”
He nods “They look happy, though” he mentions and indeed, they do, they look really happy “Good to know this little meeting is having it’s results”
I laugh “I mean, that’s what tinder is for, right?” I say shrugging “It’s making its magic on our friends”
“Yep” he chuckles “I guess” he says in a mumble “It’s kind of funny because It was my idea”
“Was it?” I act surprised, even when it was a very bad impression. “Can’t really say I am not surprise, why would someone like you use Tinder?” I ask with all honesty. I don’t really get why would any of this guys use the app when being that attractive and apparently famous. In my head that made no sense.
“I don’t know” He says with a small shrug “I like meeting new people, you know?” he says “but also, the fact that I’ve never had a real date in years is playing a big role right now”
“No way” I say with a frown as I stop in track "you can't be serious" "I am" he shrugs, stopping right beside me "not a single date in at least, two or three years" "Wow" I say in real surprise, now that was something odd to hear. I really don't get why someone like him doesn't get a date with anyone, I mean, he wasn't bad at all, in fact, he was really, really attractive. I do understand why Abby was so eager to come to this date, but now that she moved on to be with his friend instead of him, I am not even sure if I am a good replacement at all. I am not Abby or at least as attractive as Abby, but I will do my best to make him feel like I'm worth his time. I'll just be myself and whatever happens, happens. "Well, I am on the same boat as you are" I chuckle looking down "I've never really been on a real date before" I say shrugging "I have a special power to keep males away from me" I joke with a small chuckle “What’s your specialty?” “Probably being awkward” he laughs and shakes his head "It's ridiculous, you won't believe the amount of times I've turned normal situations into the weirdest thing ever" "No way, honestly, are you that awkward?" I say, really doubting if I should or should not believe him. "Again, you'd be surprised" he says with a chuckle.
Surprisingly from this point, the conversation went on pretty well. One way or another, we ended up walking along the end of the sidewalk in a good but slow motion until we reached the very end, both of us telling stories about our life and getting to know at least a snip of each other’s life before this came to an end, because somehow right now it was starting to feel like the climax of the night and I didn’t know how to feel about it yet.
I leaned against the wall behind me as Tom narrated one of his “best” stories to me, not that it wasn’t a good story, it was actually really good, but to be honest, he seemed to have such an interesting life, I kind of doubted this was really one of his best stories. It was too funny anyways.
"Once, I showed up on a costume party that was apparently not a costume party, I showed up wearing a Lycra suit and everyone thought I was crazy"  He says as he tries to top my last history with his. We’ve been having this competition for a while on who has the most embarrassing moment, I don’t know who is winning, but this is just too fun I could go on forever. "What?" I laughed shaking my head “No way” "The most awkward moment of my life" he says laughing with me, giving me more details about the story as I kept laughing. "Oh shoot" I say shaking my head while laughing "ok I guess I'll have to compete with that" I breath, trying to remember any of my many stories to top that one "the day I had my first kiss, burped right in front of the guy" I said and my cheeks instantly went red "not my fault, by the way" "How did that happen?" he says breaking into a laugh. "Well, i guess it'd be totally unnecessary to explain how a burp happens" I say rolling my eyes "but in my defense, Before that I had some Starbucks so That explains pretty much everything"
“Oh god” he says still laughing and shaking his head at the visual of that moment “I’m winning though”
“Are you?” I raise and eyebrow at his statement “Are you proud?” I ask.
he smiles at me and shrugs, I could see it in his eyes, he was proud of winning our dumb competition, that was something odd, but honestly, I was glad he won, at least I know he has handfuls of good stories to tell. "Guys" Abby’s voice calls for us, interrupting our little moment and stepping into our conversation just like so. We both turn to her waiting for what she has to say, she looks at us with a smile before making her little announcement "Uh, so, I think Harrison and I will be on our way back" "Oh, already?" I ask, pouting a little, it kind of felt a little soon to end the night, but there’s not much I could do about it "well, I guess we'll be right behind you" I say looking at Tom for a second, who just nods in response. “Is it my turn to call the uber?” I ask her but before I could say anything else she stops me. “Actually, I think we’ll take a long way” She says, throwing me this look that tells me pretty much everything. She wants alone time with him. “Oh, it’s okay, I’ll just- I’ll take an uber” I say nodding, totally understanding that my main goal right now is just to disappear for them to have some alone time I later on expected to hear about. “I’ll go with her” Tom says, stepping into my side “I’ll walk from there” he says to his friend, nodding at him that he will be just fine. “Good” Abby cheers, giving a little jump on her feet as she walks up to Tom and gives him a big hug “This was so much fun, thanks for coming” she says as she separates from the hug to then Hug me “I’ll see you later” she whispers on my ear “Good luck” “Yeah, yeah” I say chuckling and rolling my eyes as I hugged her back.
She walked back winking at me as she reached Harrison side, she grabbed his hand and pulled him on the sidewalk so they could start walking now.
“Bye mate” He waves to Tom as they walk away from us.
“Later” he says waving back to them.
Again, as we watch them walk away to the “long way”, we fall into a weird silence that surprisingly doesn't feel like an uncomfortable one at all. We turn to look at each other and smile awkwardly, basically reading each other’s mind, asking us what to do next since both of our friends just left without us. Maybe we would really walk me home, or maybe it was just an excuse and this is where we part ways. I hoped not, to be honest, I was having fun tonight.
“So” he says, starting off a new conversation “Let me be honest with you, I don’t think I want to take a cab”
I chuckle and nod in agreement “Me neither” I shrug as a quick response “Lucky us, I know a short cut, we don’t need to take a cab” I say with a smile.
“Really?” he says in fake surprise, I already told him I’ve been living here for at least six months, he knows I know a shortcut.
“This one is special, though” I smile, adding some mystery to my voice. “I don’t think you’re ready”
“Am I not?” He raises an eyebrow in surprise “Wow”
“Yeah” I shrug “You clearly aren’t, but, I’ll make an exception” I say, grabbing his hand and walking to the opposite side where our friends left “Just because you’re famous”
He laughs and leads his free hand to his chest “I am so honored”
“Oh, you should be” I say shooting him a smile “Because I am about to enlighten your night”
“How do you feel?” I ask as we step into the front door of my building.
I held a little cup in my hand with Ice cream inside and I balance it out in a single hand as I tried to find my keys so we could get In for a little while before he had to leave. This has been great, I don’t think I have ever had such a great conversation with someone until tonight, we talked, we laughed and before we could notice we were in front my favourite Ice cream shop in the world, that happened to be just a block before my building, I always will feel grateful for that.
“I don’t think I am” he says as he takes another taste of his ice cream “This is such a game changer, Who the hell thought about making Rum with caramel cake? this is amazing” he says with true excitement as we enter the building.
“I know right?”  I chuckle, taking a bite of my ice cream “It’s my favorite place ever, we don’t have those in Atlanta”
“Well, that sucks because this is amazing” he says chuckling, still with a mouth full of Ice cream.
We take the stairs up and we talk as we reach my floor, which happens to be about six floors up. He seems happy and I appreciate it, I had a feeling he would like this little extra I just added to this night and I am glad my feeling didn’t fail me.
“How long have you lived in LA, again?” he asks as we walk down the hallway.
I sigh and think about my answer, it was kind of difficult to remember for some reason “Six months, maybe seven” I shrug “I won’t stay here for a while, Abby is the one living here, I just make her some company”
He nods “That’s nice of you” he says “So you’re moving to London?”
I laugh as we get to my door and I stop right in front of it “Nothing is really 100% sure, yet, I’m still waiting for my acceptance”
“Right” He nods, and we stop talking.
He looks around the hallway, almost as he was checking everything out, but on the other side, I am just putting my ear against the door, just making a quick check to make sure that there are not any disturbing noises inside that warn me to not come in, but thank god, I don’t think Abby is home yet, so I guess I have a couple of hours for myself.
“You know what? You’re kind of cool” He says out of the blue, really taking me by surprise. I turn around and even when he kind of took me by surprise, I am really trying to not look like an idiot “You are kind of cool too” I say with a sincere smile. “Maybe we should- you know- keep in touch” He says with a bit of nervousness in his voice  “just saying, You showed me around tonight, maybe I could do the same for you while you’re at London, it’d be better than asking a stranger to do it, right?” he chuckles “I mean, we’re already strangers but you know what I mean” “Are you asking me for my number?” I raise an eyebrow and smile to him a little. I could feel he was nervous, maybe a smile would remind him to take a breath and calm down. “Yeah, basically” he nods awkwardly.
I smile and nod softly. He hands me his phone over to me and I write my own contact name on his list, I make sure to put every number in the right place, just to avoid any possible accident that could happen.
When I hand him his phone back, he smiles widely to me. I know, I am glad that we are keeping contact in a way.
“Want to come in?” I offer, while I put my key through the lock.
“Oh, no, thank you, I have a thing tomorrow, I should probably go” “Thanks for the ice cream though”
“You paid” I chuckle.
“You found it” he says back
I smile and laughs softly, letting out very old school “Touche” before opening up the door.
When I step inside just a little, I already can see him from the corner of my eyes, turning around to walk away, looking down at his phone that still had my contact showing on the screen, full display. “Tom” I call his name, he turns around in my direction. “Yeah?” he says with a soft smile. “I had fun tonight” I smile at him, letting my body hide behind my door. “I did too” he says with a small nod as he took steps back “I’ll text you later” “Good night” I wave my hand at him as I watch him walk away.
“Bye” He says winking an eye at me and disappearing on the stairs right around the corner.
For some reason, it takes me some time to get myself moving from the front door to my actual room. It’s weird how everything started with being a really random double date to coming over and meet a guy who would connect so well with me. Whatever this was, it was weird and I had no idea how this was supposed to work from now on.
Maybe it was not going to end in something, by any means, but maybe it would. However, something inside of me told me this time something was up and I had no idea what, whatever it is, I just hoped it is good.
I jump on my bed and close my eyes, after a while of walking around the city I was already starting to feel a little tired of it. My eyelids were already feeling heavy from the moment my head touched the pillow and without caring one single bit what I was wearing, I went ahead and tugged myself in bed, ready to call it a night.
The moment I close my eyes is when I feel my phone buzzing. It had to be a text from Abby, but surprisingly, it wasn’t.
Just checking it :) I’m omw to the hotel, hope it’s not a fake number
You bet I am, tinder boy
Good to know :)
So how well do you know the city? Hope you don’t mind showing me around  
Call me when you’re free :)
Now, I definitely had a feeling this was going to be unique.
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magpiefngrl · 6 years
This is definitely *not* your boyfriend, but since you're taking questions (and since I haven't figured out this damn tumbly thing yet and can't find the numbers for them remind me to ask Hermione to go over it again) how about detailing your favorite position? It might be helpful for your boyfriend in the future, is all. (Again, who *isnt* me.) Also, anything specific you like about him? Other than that whole, annoying chosen one thing.❤❤❤
(this response is related to the draco does memes posts (and makes more sense when you read those))
Sure yes, this isn’t *my* seeker, but some rando, totally believe you*winks*
Thing is, this is one of the hardest questions I’ve had to answer since my father asked me ‘Is this Potter’ at the Manor. My boyfriend, you see, is rather inventive in bed, which I wasn’t expecting, to be totally frank.@Dark-and-hung69 had always said that Gryffindors favoured vanilla sex and it was the Ravenclaws that were the kinky bastards. At school, we’d all accepted this as truth, but one of the things about growing up is that you realise that your youthful generalizations and stereotyping were just a load of crap.
This is going to get really NSFW so it goes under the cut
In any case, Harry’s the kind of chap who wants to try everything and so we’ve had quite some fun these past seven months, shagging in all sorts of positions. I know people think against-the-wall sex is sexy af, but that’s because they don’t have any idea what it’s like to see you Harry lying on a bed on his front, back arching, arse in the air, my hands squeezing his arse cheeks, spreading them open and tasting the most private, the most secret part of him. That’s not my favourite position, but I do love seeing his arse like that, I won’t deny it.
I know Harry likes riding me, and let me tell you, that’s quite something, too—him writhing over me, his thighs squeezing my hips his handscholding my wrists down. I like to think I’m at his mercy at those times, evenif he’s the one fucking himself on my cock. I also like the reverse, me riding him but thinking he’s at my mercy.
Face to face is a great favourite because I love seeing his face as he comes. Harry has the most ridiculous come face and I adore it, because I’m the only one who gets to see it. When he’s below me—whether I fuck him slow and sweet, or put his legs on my shoulders and pound him really hard—I sometimes feel a complete sense of wonder at how life’s brought us together. I marvel that he’s letting me fuck him. That he likes it as much as I do. That he loves me even a fraction of how much I love him.
I could go on forever. Bending Harry over the sofa and slipping him one makes me feel dirty and I love it. Him on all fours feels fantastic for my cock, same with me on all fours. Feels like his cock reaches so deep inside me that it’ll come out of my mouth. I think I’m getting aroused now. But we go back again and again to the favourites: me sitting up and he straddling my lap, so he’s riding me and kissing me and I can lick his sweaty chest or bite his neck if I want to; or pinning him down and feeling his cock trapped between us, his hot skin against mine, his mouth close to mine as I pump and pump his lovely sweet arse.
Tl;dr: My favourite position is any position which allows me to hold Harry close.
As for the meme questions, I’ve tagged you to answer the same ones, you muppet
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silverwing2522 · 6 years
Silverwing: The Red Thread (7)
OMG im so happy!! This is the first time finishing a fanfic story! I mean theres many in this series lol but writing is hard for me. I had adhd and autism, so for me it can be quite difficult. I'm really proud of this one and i hope y'all like it :D
“So, we’re all in agreement. This is what we’re going to do.” Danny stands with his arms folded in the drawing room of the x mansion.
Me, victor and danny had been discussing about what we were going to do about my pregnancy.
“Absolutely!” Victor stepped up, head held high.
What we had concluded was that we would jointly live for the next 9 months in the apartment danny owned in new york city, all three of us. Which meant that danny and i would be separate from K’un Lun during that time. He was not happy about it, but he still understood and reluctantly accepted the conditions.
Later while Victor was sleeping i slipped into dannys room. He was awake, thinking the same thoughts i was.
How were we going to explain this when we returned home?
As much as we had been getting along better recently, this would be more than a stretch to be believed. There was no way anyone could believe that this was really ours.
“This isnt going to be easy..” I sit down on the edge of the bed in my silk long nightgown, facing away from him.
“I know, but theres not much that can be done about it. Youve made up your mind youre keeping it, so...we just gotta hope everyone believes that its mine. On the plus side though, at least Victor is blonde…” He said, lightheartedly. Typical danny, always seeing the positive in things.
“Yeh.” I gave a small light chuckle in reply. “I just really want this danny. I wanted it a long time ago, but then….things happened and i thought it was all over. But now...now i-i might finally get it. I cant let that go. And i know how much this means to Victor too. This is OUR kid. Mine and his.”
“Sess, you dont need to explain it to me. I know, its okay. I can already see you really want it. So have it. We’ll work out the details later. We’ve got plenty of time to prepare.” He smiles at me warmly.
I touch his hand and thank him. “Okay, so whats got you all pensive then?” I ask, confused. I was certain it was about the pregnancy, but clearly it was something else.
“I was thinking of my future. I mean...you’re married-” “Twice.” “-twice, yeh! And i’m...i dont have anyone. I had misty, but that didnt really work.” He sighs and flops his head back onto the pillow. “I guess i’m feeling lonely. Here you are, expecting. All glowing and happy. And… i guess a part of me wishes i had that.” He looked at me so forlornly. I didnt really know to say. The chances of the right girl coming along and being okay with me being tied to him were slim to none.
“You do. In a way. You have me, in a very unconventional sense. We’re stuck together, which means you’re part of this new family thats being founded as we speak. You’re a part of this dan.” I smirk as i think of my next response. “Someones got to be a good god parent! Get some morals into them! Goodness knows it aint gonna come from me or Vic” I laugh.
He chuckles in response and sighs wearily. “I guess” and gives a small smile.
I know its not quite what he wants, but its the best i can give. Its all i can give.
A thought strikes me, but i quickly ignore it. Can danny be having feelings for me? No, my mind rejects the very notion. He cant!
I start to trudge back to bed, burdened with uncomfortable thoughts.
“Sessa…” he calls me back.
“Yeah?” I turn to face him from the doorway, hesitant about what he might say next.
“What you gonna do about logan?” I sigh with mixed relief. This topic was slightly easier in comparison, which said a lot!
“Nothing. Theres nothing i can do, because of the baby. The only thing i can think of is to help him back to his homeworld, so he can find peace there somehow. Be buried with his family at least. If it gets to that.”
Saying out loud was horrible. I was essentially letting a man die. But i wasnt going to let go of this baby to help him. And nothing else seemed like it was going to work, so sending him back seemed like the best option. Part of me wanted to do that, just so that i didnt have to watch him die, or hear about it.
“Is that all?” Danny was unimpressed, but understood the situation and the circumstances surrounding it. Yet he still found it necessary to ask. As much as we had been getting along better lately, it was still fraught with conflict between us. He still said and did thoughtless things that angered me.
I stamped my foot a little on the bare wood floor and huffed at him. “What do you want me to give him?! A parade?! Yes danny! Thats all!”
He motions for me to calm down. “Its just...i...i feel like...i dont know.”
“Well thats just great! Goodnight!” And then just like that i was out of the door, heading back to my room. I knew how he felt and what he was trying to say. I felt it too. I felt that there must be something to be done. Some fix. Some other answer. And maybe there could be during the next several months. Some secret revealed. Some device discovered. Something that didnt hinge on me!
But there wasnt. And after five months Logan had gotten worse. It wasnt just his healing factor failing him now, his overall health as at an all time critical low. He struggled to move around, and when he did he would soon stop from being breathless.
He understood my decision and accepted it. But standing here, it was hard to witness it.
He laid a shaky hand on my bump and whispered low and hoarsely to me. “If its a boy, make sure you name it James.” and he winks a cheeky smile at me.
I smile and laugh back. “I’ll see what i can do.” I hold both in hands in mine. “I have something for you, just in case.”
We stood below the city of K’un Lun where the jewel of tabentha was kept. Using the machinery used to create portals to realms and dimensions, we managed to find a doorway to his homeworld. It stood there in front of us, blazing a hot mid days sun through it onto us. Sand swept through the portal and landed at our feet.
“Looks like a good day”. He laughs and holds my hands tighter in his.
I say nothing but move my hands to lay on top of his. Nestled in his palm is a small vile of blood and bone marrow. Mine.
He looks down and frowns in confusion.
I bow my head nearer to his, face to face. “Just in case you find a way.”
In the five months i had been trying to help hank and jean find a way to synthesize my unique adapting gene, so it could be used as part of a therapy regime for logan. But unfortunately we had no luck with that avenue.
So this was my last ditch attempt, that maybe he could find something or someone there that could use it to help him.
My last gift. My only gift for him.
He cups my cheek and grounds it in his palm roughly. He sniffs deeply, scrunching up his face keeping the tears at bay. His head held high he exhales and walks away into the light.
And like that, he is gone. The portal shuts off and we, me and danny are left alone in the dim light of the temple’s basement. We dont say anything. But he moves to put his arms around me. And i start to cry for the first time in eighty years.
Its strange to think that five months ago i looked at logan and felt nothing. No affection, no connection, nothing but a stranger. An annoyance. But now, i felt like something important had just stepped out of my life. Its funny how life does that sometimes.
But i am comforted in knowing what i felt before he left. Not a man who was afraid of what was to come, but of one who was hopeful what what still might be.
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untoldtruths · 3 years
Lifting me up , tearing me down , I take responsibility for everything I have done.
I was so infatuated , every move, every word I was so consumed in wanting to be everything and anything you wanted. I wanted to be where you were . Time & Time again I fell short. I was never good enough then ( and it is clear I am not good enough now ). 
The world really has its fucked ways of working . I spent years trying to convince you I was worthy of your time you dated Cain& Clau....only for you to then spend years doing the same watching on the side lines of my life ... which is what you would portray as a tragedy and train wreck ( also known as MY LIFE ) . It is no surprise if today you feel you wasted years of your life , I would say those thoughts are justified but wouldn't be fully accurate. At least not for me . 
Fear : It consumed us , jealously it ruined us, Anger it killed us. 
Where I went wrong is literally the moment in your life when you try what you believe is last HOPE the last straw ,you stoop to levels to get a reaction because you fear he has lost all interest .... yes I am talking about seeing if something you would do if your actions would get a reaction (THE worst idea don’t ever do this people ) if something you’d do would make him mad or jealous ( i had this notion that if it does anger him he still cares ) I wanted anything any reaction , of jealousy of anger.... but when I walked into your friends house (you were still seeing one of the girls or maybe just ending things with them ) and you stood there to only find out it’s all good he gave me permission to “ sleep with you “ .... PERMISSION.... WHAATTTT . I didn’t like being weak I didn’t like being controlled or to show anyone I cared about anything I didn’t want anyone to have power over me .... do even know thé feeling the rage NO You dont because NONE of my friends are or ever will be able to fuck you because I would kill them never would i never have i allowed anyone to know how amazing you are in bed I don’t speak on these things for a reason ... but to be told YOU gave someone .. PERMISSION . do you know what type of anger that ignites in a person when you hear “ I was given permission to bang you “ that isnt bro code fellas .....thats a straight loan from the bank like a rent to buy ...It didn’t matter that I knew and loved every inch of you it didnt matter that i could pick you out blindfolded from a line of people just by the smell of your clothes ... it didn’t matter NONE of it matters because I was SO hurt SO angry (your probably saying but isn’t this what you wanted .a reaction to see if he cared well he clearly didn’t care )because the way I seen it is you could care fucking less about me standing there giving permission like you owned me . Fuck At least take me to dinner and pretend to be interested before RENTING me out to your friends. Which in hindsite was a very bad fucking idea because it fucked everything Up when I went through with it
Anger , sadness PAIN, all the things I felt a long with very broken this combo of things is atomic , disastrous ... the thing is you could trash me and you did and in the same breath tell the world you loved me while simultaneously giving permission to your friend to rail me. But somehow I was horrible for following through with it NOT  HIM HE ASKED PERMISSION .... so when years later it happened again I guess my letter to ask you if I could fuck you friend to piss you off to see if you cared HOPING YOU DID AND WOULD SAY FUCK NO OFF LIMITS CLEARLY got lost in that snail mail .... , it wouldn’t be totally false to say I did it to fucking piss you off. I mean we aren’t here to speak on those humans . But if you asked your friend they would say my work could use a little work because of how uninterested I was in truly banging them . I was bitch about anything or anyone trying to control me I just knew the reason I was there was because you said I should be you gave the man your blessing ..  Sounds ironic doesn’t it ... I didnt want you telling me what I should do who i should do but here I was , But as the days months went on it didnt phase you me sleeping with him was like a transaction so it seemed , I would cry for you like a bitch baby call you up you would continue to allow me to reach out like a sick dog when i was in need youd come get me .. youd care for me ... you’d try to comment on what I wore in pictures the negative attention I craved but NEVER once explained yourself. YOU fucking OWNED me every single inch of me. Don’t worry people this isn’t all his fault I hold myself accountable I mean I didnt have to fuck his friend... or his other friend but I was the only one who told him he was my best fucking friend of course I was going to tell him like fuck life was wild ) 
Realizing what I did it fucking hurt man , so bad I cry to this day even thinking about how much you controlled my every breath without EVEN fully realizing it ....the firs 4 years you'd text me I would drive to you... I would drop my life It didn’t matter I was there.
 I can still  smell you. I can still feel the warmth of your body on mine. The way you would run your hand through my hair as you kissed me the way you stared at me. The way you’d trace my tattoo knowing I only got it because you had it too . 
The fucking stubborness of us both .
and here I am with the AUDACITY to write about it all .
Well folks judge me all you want . People have been doing it all my life even when I was good so why not express yourself.
I am leaving out so many details like the ones that make me look like the shittiest human but in my version of How ROS met Me it started with me who was obssed with him to the point of trying to convince myself i wasn’t .... so in that moment of my life loving him wasn’t allowed .. you know when you try to do everything or truly ANYONE really to try and get over someone and prove to yourself that the love of your life isn’t a douche bag who just told his friend he could bang your psycho ass ......that is what got me.. I wanted so bad to be KARMA to be like OH YOU WANT TO GIVE SOMEONE PERMISSION TO SLEEP WITH ME PFFT this wont be the best sex your friends had because only YOU GET THAT duh, but I wasnt letting this go quietly .. I was now angry and on a mission to prove to myself you meant nothing , I tried so hard. 
Funny thing is every year without a shadow of a doubt we seen each other with until something happened I ended up at the hospital alone dealing with something.... i had to make a decision that I knew would kill you and so I did it alone I got scared to face the reality of my horrible choices (did you know that they keep medical records of when these things happen ... yup so becareful who comes with you to your check ups because I never wanted anyone to know what I did ) but after that I needed to get away and I got a job with an jazz airline to go move to AB I was running away to leave the town and I had a goodbye party and everything and right before it happened I latched on to a broken man from my work a man whos life was so far from being connected with anyone here I literally abandoned everyone moved literally just to a city over and never seen anyone, it was a growing experience. ( It didn’t do much because here the fuck I am writting about you 13 years later ) 
I don’t know at what point you’ll be at in your life when you ever get the chance to read this but I’m sorry for what I did. I know it’ll add to your hate towards me but I think we’re past that . Not sure you could dislike me More than you already do .
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audiovisualrecall · 4 years
So I started making my comic of part of my story, because I figured im not a writer, I wouldnt have a clue how to write this, but I have the plot, I know what happens (for at least this whole first part, enough to draw and write brief descriptions and fill speech bubbles) in the story, and I think visual's the way to go. So I sketched out the whole plot of part 1, and started making the pages, and I then got distracted after doing page 2, and I still have page 3 and then the 2-4 over the years pages that come before what I dubbed 'page 1' to do. But I got distracted and I figure I'll go back to it sooner or later, nbd. But then we rewatched the hobbit and the fellowship of the ring, and I started rereading the hobbit and even though I've been reading fics - many very very good, amazingly well written fics - theres just something about Tolkien's storytelling style/narration that really just. Inspired me. So I wrote an entire random scene from part 2 of the story, which doesnt have half as many definite details as part 1, which again, I was doing as a comic book. And now im really excited about the idea of writing part 2 of my story as an actual story. Just going for it. Because I really liked the snippet I wrote. It didnt borrow from tolkein so much as his writing woke the writer part of me back up, and it was like the way I used to write before I decided I wasnt any good at it after all. And so I was sitting in bed wondering how I would make it work, because if part 1 is a, like, 10 pages maximum visually-focused comic book, and part 2 is a novel, how does that work? If I wanted to publish it, eventually, if it ever comes to be anything. Part 1 isnt long enough to be anything on it's own, but it's weird to stick comic pages at the beginning of a book and then change to text. And then I had an idea, so part 1 would be a free comic book story online, and I could also do as a thin little book people could buy from my shop, but I could also write a novella of part 1 as well, which would be it's own book or be in the same book as part 2. And im not only thinking like this because publishing but because I want the parts of the story to fit together, to be the same form of media, without making the comic book a waste of time or forgetting about it, because I definitely love it and I think part 1 needs to be a comic before I can write it tbh, though i have more ideas for part 2.
Im also rethinking some things about part 2's story a bit, like some of the worldbuilding I did, im changing or expanding on. Im inspired by escapist fantasy that simultaneously deals with realities that arent fun, but focuses on the light in the dark.
I doubt mine will be like that per se, because I'm not really a great writer, but. It's still inspired by the feeling I get from stories like that. I still have a lot of things to figure out, including the names if everyone including the damn main character themself. Names are hard! I keep balking at even thinking about it, because I dont know enough about the world the story is set in, and I need a name for the world too. And what year of their calendar parts of the story take place during. So many things. (I do want my culture - Judaism - to be a part of it, despite it being an entire different universe and world than our own.)
Also the story is going to balance identity and specifically nonbinary experience and transphobia, sexism, gender, along with dragons and dragonriding and a world that isnt ours and has different culture. (Some things stay the same and other things are different, but their society is changing and the main character is going to stir things up on purpose once they realize that they can make an impact)
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: How to Keep it Simple with Your Camper Van Conversion
If you have dreams of traveling and camping in a photoshoot-worthy campervan, youre not alone. Lots of people are inspired by the beautiful campervan conversions they see on social media. But do you really need your camper to look like something out of a catalogue? Or do you simply want to live and camp comfortably while traveling?
The reality of converting a van into a campervan is that everything you add has the potential to create more work and more issues when youre on the roadnot to mention the upfront time and money youll need to install every fancy feature you find on Pinterest.
When I bought my GMC Vandura and started living in it part-time, simplicity was my focus. I wanted to seriously downsize my life, so I didnt want to fill my van with too many extras.
The Key to a Successful Campervan Conversion? Keep it Simple.
The van life movement is rooted in minimalism. The VW van-dwellers of the 60s didnt have Pinterest to source ideas from. They lived and camped in their camper vans as a way to escape the confines of too many possessions. And the recent resurgence of van-love, now replete with a hashtag (#vanlife), grew in tandem with the tiny house obsession, along with the idea that less is more. People wanted to reinvent the American Dream, without expensive mortgages and working their lives away to pay the bills. They wanted to get outside more. Mobile living (including tiny homes, vans, RVs etc.) offered a simpler version of comfort, along with mobility, freedom, and low-cost living.
Kelly S. is keeping it simple with her 2002 Chevrolet Express camper van conversion.
But as this alternative lifestyle has turned into mainstream clickbait, the minimalism is sometimes overshadowed by expensive Sprinter van build-outs and elaborate rigs.
Now, dont get me wrong. I love a gorgeously curated interior. I bet you do, too. But the reality is I dont have the budget or the time for all the bells and whistles. And when Im sleeping at campgrounds, I really dont need them. If youre looking to turn your van into a camper van, you might not be interested in the fancy build-outs either.
Whether youre parking at campgrounds or boondocking, you dont have to spend tens of thousands of dollars in converting a van into a camper van.
Lets break down the things you do need in your simple camper van conversion
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Camp fire in the woods
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Two Girls One Van
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(@two_girls_one_van) on May 30, 2018 at 3:29pm PDT
5 Things to Focus on for a Simpler Campervan Conversion
I spoke to some fellow vanlifers some of them live in their vans full-time, others camp in their vans on weekends to round out my own advice on what you need for a simple van conversion.
M own camper van conversion is a 1986 GMC Vandura. Its old and creaky and slightly unreliable, but (most of the time) I love it, and its perfect for camping.
A Bed
The bed is the foundational difference between a van and a campervan. (Related: once you have a bed in your van, its officially an RV, according to AAA, and youll need their RV coverage if you ever want a tow. I discovered that on the side of the highway in Seattle.)
Ive seen vans with the backseats removed and a mattress thrown in. Ive even seen a hammock strung up inside of a van, which can be easily removed to maximize living space when youre not sleeping.
My van came with a bed that folds into itself to create a bench seat. Its similar to this one, built by @gnomad_home:
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Everyone has been asking us how our couch to bed situation works in our #van! So we decided to make this little #timelapse video for you all to see! Thanks for all the questions and compliments so far, and feel free to keep 'em coming!!
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Delilah (@gnomad_home) on Mar 5, 2017 at 12:43pm PST
But I keep mine out like a bed all the time, and find the bed works fine for sitting and occasionally working on my laptop. If I did a camper van conversion myself, I wouldnt bother with the fold-up feature.
The vanlifers behind Two Wandering Soles built a super simple platform bed in the back of their Chevy, and they offer detailed instructions on how to make your own.
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The sleeping area! A custom cut (bigger than) king sized mattress! It fills the back of the Doka and creates a HUGE bed!
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@Vanlifeing_com >>> #ThisisVanlifeing Captured by@vwdoka
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(@camper.lifestyle) on Jun 21, 2018 at 12:11pm PDT
When it comes to bedding, Im a big fan of an excessive number of pillows. And Im kind of in love with my Pendleton wool blanket. But now that the weather is warming up, its much too hot. I love the concept of the Rumpl blanket its made out of sleeping bag material which stays nice and cool, but also keeps you warm. Plus, my dogs hair wont stick to it, like it does with the wool blanket. I dont have one yet, but its on my list for summertime van camping.
Power + Light
Theres something special about being in the van at night. I drove miles up into the coastal mountains of Oregon to reach Horse Creek Campground on my first van camping trip. The dark tunnel of dirt road was eery, as I drove further and further away from civilization. But then I reached the nearly empty campground, turned on my collection of Christmas lights, strung around the vans ceiling, turned off the headlights, and felt right at home.
The thing is, if you want to do anything in your van at night, youre going to need light. Ive amassed more and more Christmas lights, which I plug in to The Lycan Powerbox from Renogy. If I want to read, I also turn on a little lantern I have hanging over the bed.
My lights, computer, and fan can all run at once from The Lycan Powerbox. So I have power for camping or working in a Starbucks parking lot (as Im doing, here).
I have a foldable lantern in the storage compartment over the drivers seat in my camper van conversion, so I can see to find my clothes. And a few smaller lights scattered around the van, so theres always one in arms reach when I climb in and need to see before I accidentally step in my dogs water bowl.
The UCO Gear Sitka Lantern is another appealing option. The extendable arm can give you light from above, which is especially handy when cooking or reading.
Im also a big fan of battery operated twinkle lights. Theyre not great for reading, but they give my van a cozy vibe for nighttime relaxation.
My dog, Jackson, likes the twinkle light vibe. He does not like it when I shine my headlamp in his face to take a photo.
Because you can never have enough options when it comes to your ability to see in the dark, I also keep a headlamp on hand. Ledlenser Headlampsare so much brighter than most headlamps Ive tried. Stick one behind your gallon of water for a makeshift lantern when its not on your head.
Fellow van camper Kelly S. also keeps it simple when it comes to lights:I didnt want to mess around with wiring a van, storing an extra battery, figuring out how to charge an extra battery, etc, so I have hooks on the ceiling for battery powered LED lanterns. This way, theyre portable too, and you can use them outside of the van!
Econoline-dweller Rachel loves her LED lights for keeping things simple, too: For lights I have an LED strip that plugs into USB and I just use those little backup phone batteries and switch them out and charge them through my lighter while Im driving.
Shelly S. is hooked on LUMINAID. I get the Cairn subscription box, which is how I received the initial run of this awesome little lantern and have been stuck to it ever since.
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We recently upgraded our water tanks. We bought 3 taller tanks that fit in the same space as our 2 old tanks. We now have ~ 15 gallons of water which can last 1-2 weeks depending where we are and what we're doing. Great decision. #garageviews
A post shared by Megan Cable (@meganmcable) on Jun 7, 2018 at 2:49pm PDT
Rule number #1 with any type of camping: Bring more water than you think youll need. This isnt hard when youre van camping theres plenty of room! But you have a bunch of options when it comes to water storage.
Kelly S. shares how she sourced her best van ideas from traditional tent camping, including water.
For water I have a 7-gallon aquatainer. If you need drinking water? Theres a spout right there! Coupled with a tub on the floor underneath the split, you have a sink to wash your hands, too! Having it bungee corded in place for transport works great, and then if you want to spread out somewhere you stop, you can take it out!
Related Reading:
This Family is Building a Modern Camper Out of Free Materials Found on Craigslist
When it comes to water storage, you really cant beat the classic big blue jug. The Reliance Aqua-Tainer 7 Gallon holds plenty of water for a summer weekend of water drinking, dish washing, and the occasional foot rinse after a barefoot stroll around the campground. Just make sure you have a way to secure it to the floor when youre bouncing down dirt roads.
As for showers, if your van is strictly for camping, then you can usually rely on campground bathrooms for bathing or simply embrace the dirt while youre out there.
If you want to get a little crafty, you can add a makeshift outdoor shower to the roof of your van with ABS piping and a hose.
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One afternoon last spring, we wandered into a Home Depot and stared up at the black ABS piping in the plumbing section. Keith figured there had to be some way to make a shower outta that stuff. Wed mount it to our @yakimaracks roof rack, the sun would warm it up, and gravity would send it down. And thats exactly what it does. Simple. Just like everything else we have goin on in this home of ours. We dont have a fridge, we have a cooler. We dont have LED lighting, we have an old string of Christmas lights. We dont have air conditioning, we have wet rags and a tiny tower fan we got for 9 bucks. We dont have a toilet, we havethe groundand Starbucks.. What Im saying is, you can install plumbing in your van if you want toyou can spend months on end googling every tutorial on earth if you want toyou can pay big money to build out the most well-equipped vehicle around if you want to We simply hope to serve as a reminder that you dont necessarily *have* to.
A post shared by Brianna Madia (@briannamadia) on Apr 3, 2018 at 7:50am PDT
Since I sometimes spend several weeks in my van, I wanted to have a place to wash my face and brush my teeth. I relied on disposable face wipes and gym bathrooms for the first few months. But then my friends at Wood Intimations built a gorgeous sink that is super simple and looks great and its been a game changer.
The pump faucet draws water from a 4 gallon jug beneath the sink, and gray water drains down into a hole in the van floor, so I dont have to empty anything.
It also provides some much needed counter space, and a little shelf for storing those tiny things that always get lost in the van, like the remote to my twinkle lights and my chapstick!
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. . #doit #doitagain #comfortzone . . #ontheroad #optoutside #wanderlust #nature #vwcalifornia #vankit #freedom #solitude #stayandwander #wilderness #rygg #vegan #croatia #roadtrip #issiontour #vanpuppy #explore #adventure #vaninterior #handmade #bagdesign #travel
A post shared by VANTALE (@van.tale) on Jun 8, 2018 at 8:31am PDT
Organization is so important for your sanity when living or camping in a camper van conversion. Even if youre a minimalist guru who wears one outfit and lives off protein bars, youre going to manage to collect more stuff than you think.
And if your lighting isnt great, its going to be even more difficult to find that stuff.
Staying organized will make you feel like you have a handle on the whole #vanlife thing. Organization can be as simple as a few plastic bins that can slide under your bed. Just make sure you know exactly what youre storing in each of them. (Clear storage containers are ideal so you can see whats in there when you inevitably forget.)
Shelly S. camps in her 4Runner. Its not a van, but the same concepts apply, she tells me. Organization is important for her, too. Mountainsmith has some nice storage cubes soft sided and stuffable. That being said, you can do about the same with those free cloth shopping totes, stored in either a cardboard box or a plastic bin.
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#HELP All right Vanlifers or Van designers or Anyone reallyI need your help! I have this space. All this space. Crazy right when you live in a van, usually it's the complete opposite. So.what the heck do I do with it!? I'd prefer not to put any more storage or I'll just fill it with crap (most of this stuff in the back is not mine). I don't need a pull-out kitchen or a place to store bikes, adventure gear. So other than turning it into a bedroom and renting it I'm at a miss.. Any suggestions???
A post shared by Sian Knox (@exmouth_vanlife) on Dec 22, 2017 at 9:07pm PST
Leah W. recommends as few belongings as possible for staying organized. My biggest recommendation is really paring things down to what you NEED. I had one set of basic utensils, one pot, plate, and bowl, a one burner stove, etc. A small toiletry bag, one duffel bag of summer clothing, one duffel bag of winter clothing. She agrees with Shelly about using bags for organization. While most people are fans of creating boxes for organization, we found that sturdy-ish bags worked best.
I went to the Container Store and bought a couple of soft containers with attached lids. Because the structure of the containers is fabric, theyre easy to stick into places where they barely fit, like the storage area above the driver and passenger seats of my GMC Vandura.
Hooks have also been a sanity saver for me in my sometimes not so organized camper van conversion. I keep a jacket and a couple of shirts that I dont want to be all wrinkly, hanging on a hook by the door. I always know where they are, and I can reach extra layers if I get cold at night. I also have a hook for my headlamp, because that is something that always gets lost.
When it comes to food storage, youll need to think about uninvited house visitors.
Store your food in closed containers or bins, advises Leah W. We started our trip with our food in an open crate, and quickly had mouse friends also enjoying our snacks.
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Truck Bed Tents
Off Road Campers
The post How to Keep it Simple with Your Camper Van Conversion appeared first on The Dyrt Magazine.
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shaddy-bee · 7 years
5 things you’ll find in my bag
Right now theres uhh Notebooks, both school and 1 art. Drink mix ins, with such great flavors as sour apple jolly rancher and crush pineapple (tm) Two packs of cards, one of which steam punk themed and the other your regular ol bicycle. A calculator. Its a shitty old one but its for tests, i have google and shit for anything i need myself.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom
A roommate. Idk if he is gay or what but he isnt straight, name’s will. Chill dude. Sleepin rn, what a fella MY SICK ASS COMPUTER IM MISSING OUT ON BECAUSE MY ROOMMATE IS ASLEEP AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANNA PLAY ROCKET LEAGUE WITHOUT LAGGING TO HELL also programming my mods. Need to upload that shit. Shit what number we on, 3? Okay cool. A bed. Wow really a bed in your bedrooM? yeah its pretty fuckin spectacular i know. I dont have posters n shit so like i gotta be creative you feel. A microfridge. Now i know what youre thinking, “ah a small fridge whats the big deal?” but no you dont understand, its a microwave fucking bolted onto the top of a fridge. They gave zero fucks attaching these two together and apparently the name is the same way, WHY NOT A FRIDGEWAVE EVEN LIKE MICROFRIDGE JUST SOUNDS LIKE A SMALL FRI- Last but not least, im tempted to just say my wallet here tbh, cuz its old but like, youd EXPECT that now would you? Something boring and mundane for me to fill out the word count with making everything super exciting so nah man, fuck it. Theres air in my bedroom. Fight me.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
Make a videogame. Like okay, a lot of stuff on this list is jokes and stuff, and I know im going into too much detail and my followers will probably murder me in cold blood for this shit, but im serious about this one like - i have some ideas, but i never have the motivation alone to like work whole-heartedly and finish one but like, at some point in the future id love to sit down and just go at it and make a game. Doesnt matter if its popular or big or small just i wanna make something that i love ya feel? I wanna like, go to newark, delaware. I know, its delaware and all, no one lives there, but ive met a bunch of cool people there and i was promised a donut run sometime, so lookin forward to that. Yknow that post awhile back that was like “i dont wanna be rich and like buy shit, i just wanna have enough money to throw at kickstarters whenever i want without having to strain on my food and rent costs” thats me. 100% Like i wanna have just enough money to be able to donate to cool people and watch them do cool shit - it wont always work out but thats fine, I just love shit. I wanna be able to donate like the high prize and fly out to meet these game studios for coffee and shit and just talk with em and see their passion and ideas. I love it. Im not actually really sure besides those. Like idk. I think itd be cool to enter a game tournament with my brother and win, but i doubt thatll happen and its not super like on my desires just itd be cool cuz we named ourselves Sora and Shiro after NGNL and to see that like, have us win would be great. Yeah. Ill make my fifth to think of a fifth one.
5 things on my to do list
FLOPPY DICKS i mean disks. Floppy disks. I do binding of isaac ab+ modding shit, and im currently working (its mostly done for what i want it to do) which adds a new consumable called floppy disks, effects are based on viruses, bugs, and just computer based shit. Like BSOD for instance, which makes the screen literately bluescreen. Or atleast look like it. Cant wait to watch people play with it. I gotta work on the programming class project too but honestly i dont waannnaaa. Like its cool as shit. Recreate a card game using c++ code. But man, i just love Apocrypha and Floppies so much more. Eat today???? Please. Dining hall opens in 3 hours. Its goddamn 4 am. I want my food. Dunno if ill get it - if ill stay awake till then. But i want it. Probably draw some stuff? Like i posted one drawing already (check it out if u wanna ;) kay?) but like theres wacom tablets here i can just kinda use whenever???? its great. I love being able to just draw stuff on em. Even if i suck at drawing, even if it took 10 hours to make the one i posted here, still love. Probably play more rocket league. Sleep first, soon as i get that food im CRASHIN BOI IM OUTTIE HA but uhh, rocket league has a halloween thing rn and i like playing it. Was playing earlier today and i matchd with a dude in 2v2 that had the same car, skin, AND colors set up as mine. Totaly random. We kicked some major ass together. I kept thinking of the same hat comic the entire time. (also my card was superior because it had furry ears on it ;))
5 things that make me happy
Getting an idea for a thing and working at said thing until like boom it went from this abstract idea to now it has a physical form and it works! And its fun and its great and i can share it with other people and they can have fun too!!!! that feeling is wonderful.  Obviously friends man. Just doing shit with people can be so great sometimes - like not all the time sure but like man. Its nice to talk to people and share experiences and just smile and tell bad jokes and have them groan but like it anyway like thats the shit. Going out at 2 am and walking to a nearby run down schoolyard and swinging on the swingsets and watching shooting stars burn up. Thats the good shit. Getting tents and setting em up in your friends back yard when your friend from far away comes up for a few days, and playing ridiculous games in a group like kick the can or fuckin zombie screaming your lungs out in the dark to freak em out, or just talkin around a fire about fuckin life man. The people make life great. Shits worth living for. I realize that last answer covered a LOT of shit but like, im just gonna add here videogames. Would be amiss if i didnt mention that, considering the rocket league rant above lmao. Yeah i better not make this category any longer.
5 things I’m (currently) into
Isaac modding, probably will be for awhile. Its good shit. As a suggestion from one of the people I work with (we also fuck around its a good time) i have started watching space dandy. Its a slow progress through lol like an episode or two a day but god man like its pretty ridiculous and the main character is pretty much everything i was expecting from seeing him everywhere. Rocket league again. It comes and goes with various different games to tide me over, give me a break from working. Bout 2 months ago or so said relaxing time was dominated by anime - i suddenly went on like a massive streak of watching shit. By that i mean, i watched all of hunter x hunter in like 2 weeks, among other shows prior to it. But yeah. Fuck man HXH I LOVED THE KING WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I have too many emotions about that. I wrote a rant to the Groupchat (tm) about the fucking battle and how everything is in slow motion but it fucking like makes it like foreshadowed and have so much of an impact and still so much fucking happens even while everything runs at super slow mo just GOD KLASFJBHUGHASFIUHIPJASK anyway. Yeah. Music, as always im listening to like constantly. Wireless headphones are a wonder for this, but uhh....i cant say im especially into any specific thing rn right? Like a bit ago i was super into joywave and then that faded out and now im just listening to whatever random shit, yknow? But I am into music in general. Its good. Art! A lot of times i dont do shit like for drawing right, like especially not in like pencil in notebooks but like, i sorta started doing a lot more art stuff? Like i had a period awhile back last year where i stopped using pencils and used only pens and i just loved the aesthetic of the ink like how it looked (funny how im doing the opposite of the fucking inktober though, huh?) but yeah im back into using pencils to draw shit occasionally. Im still terrible at drawing people (which is what i see mostly everyone drawing on tumblr lmao RIP) but its fun to sketch stuff out and just let my thoughts run and bounce to some music and shit right? Also the tablets. Especially with the tablets.
5 things people may not know about me (at least on tumblr)
I basically constantly wear sweatshirts, and they all have like earbuds where the strings go. All the earbud shits are broken pretty much, like occasionally they work (the one i have rn does) but like, i dont ever really use them? i have wireless headphones for my phone and a headset (because i need the mic for my computer) for said computer so like, idk. But yeah. I rarely take em off when im not home, and sometimes even when i am i just kinda keep em anyway? (also just now i realized i talked in the section for room shit about all the stuff in my current dorm, my room at home has all KINDS of wierd fucking shit in it. Really missed an opportunity there.) Like many people i like to stay hydrated and shit, but drinking water all the time seemed like a chore more than anything so i got like drink mix ins and shit, mio’s or whatever offbrand version you can find at your local SUPERSTORE CONGLOMERATE. I drink em like all the time pretty much so atleast im health in one way :P. Also gummy vitamins. I dont excercise but you can only ask for so much. Idk, its hard to think of things for this section because tumblr knows so little about me yknow? Like i never make my own posts or shit like its SUPER rare so im pretty much just tryna find random facts but that might not be interesting? Like i have a bad habbit of like talking way too loud when im excited about something right? Not quite yelling but like getting there and like idk. See? Thats not super interesting but it is something no one online would be able to really know ya feel? Idk. I mean physically im kinda fat as you do, but im also like wierdly strong? Like for someone who never works out i sure do have arm strength if nothing else lmao. My endurance is shit tho. Honestly? I can only blame it on osu and groceries. Osu is just a game i like where you mash buttons to the beat of weaboo shit tier music. The groceries is just because like, well, my policy is Least Trips Possible which means carrying in 13 bags at a time if need be it, fuck it milk too? And a watermellon? Bring it. 
Who am I tagging? Idk man. Just for shits and stuff tho i do wanna tag @theoriginalyami just to see what all’s changed in teh long time since i actually went to fill it out :P Dont feel like you have to add as much as me tho omg @milkchocolateowl because honestly? love you. Think about you a lot, just like glad im mutuals with that ray of sunshine. Good. @fantaledfish <3 (this is the friend i mentioned earlier, runs a QUALITY blog i guarantee it, better than mine for sure) @dragonfucker-supreme always top in my notes, a silent bond, like two guards assigned to watch back to back in the early dawn. Birds gather round. I can only tag so many people (i set myself a limit of 5 because...idk why i just mentally it felt right) so for my last trick gotta go with @ask-oncies-jizz like cmon man name changes for the win, also has quality icons and quality shitposts tbh, supreme top meme. Have fun yall.
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in-paradox-space · 7 years
when I'm high I'm able to realize nothing matters so I shouldn't worry about it. Shit doesn't always have to be bad, I can find happiness. 
its been a long week and i have thoughts to purge.
When I'm not high I think about how everything is meaningless. We're tirelessly destroying the planet (probably) to keep our lives and expansion going but none of it matters. I am sad, empty and can't find reasons to be happy.
 I think about a girl who I've only met twice in my life. She's not my type... If I even have a type. It hurts how much I want to be with her. I've stopped trying to make sense of it. I'm trying to ignore my feelings. Hoping one day the pain will stop. I'd go through so much pain if I knew I was guaranteed time with her at the end of it though. I spoke about her in September...
 During my huge one week MDMA comedown which made me want to quit everything for good. It took a few weeks but I got over her. She was on my mind every second though. I couldn't make sense of it as I only met her once. I put it down to being very low after taking so much drugs and the fact that I literally never hang out with girls.
 I put it down to that this time as well. 3 or 4 months later I got to meet her again. Last week, I went into town with two other friends. We met up with her there. I did coke for the first time that night too. Friday, December 15 2017 and the early hours the next day. I did coke. I almost got off with a 35 year old woman but my friends were there to stop me. We went to the girls house that night too. I sort of cuddled her while she slept but I was wide awake.
 It was awkward but I was taking in the moment. The other two friends were in the same bed too. It was awkward. They was telling me to cuddle her. I would've never made that move myself. It felt like an arranged marraige. It was awkward because I knew she probably didn’t want me there but she kept saying its alright I can hold her. 
 In the end I just sat by myself, on my phone, wide awake, almost the last of my cough syrup, cocaine and too much booze slurring my mind left to right, while the others slept. We left at 10amish, went back to my friends house.
 Last night. Two days ago. Wednesday. The girl and those two friends went into town again, but I was at my dads place so I didn't come along. Real shit if I knew she was there I might have just got a train that day. Maybe it was best I didn't. So my good bro, uhhhhh they all did MD, not a lot but they blacked out because they was drinking.
I need to stop going into so much detail here. I just feel like I'll read back on these in a few years and I don't want to forget. Why does it matter though?
Well, the girl I like said that my bro was making moves on her and probably fucked her that night. His gf was there too. Nobody remembers so nobody is really viable here.
(switching from mobile to PC typing here)
The girl seems to remember¿
well I think my friend and his gf are probably gonna break up for good. My friends pretty unstable right now.
I was planning on spending a nice night with a different friend, who would never get himself into this kind of mess, he's having a lot of people round and I wanted to be there.
I'm probably gonna be in a hospital waiting room with my friend the whole night though. Being alone right now can't be good for him. Being alone is painful for me right now. I used to like it.
so how do i feel about this?
a little imbalanced. a lot of different feelings.
I slept a full day after the coce. 
I came down hard. My liver has been having some problems so I’m stopping drinking for good. 
Had a funeral on the Monday. My grandmothers.
It’s sad to see her go. 
It was a hopeful funeral though. A lot of tears but she knew how to turn a bad thing into a good thing. There was that feeling there. Surrounded by good family with good intentions and bad pasts.
Went to my fathers, on the other side of the country, later that day. 
I’ve been so depressed there. In that wintery void. 
I’ve been getting fevers and illnesses, likely from my liver. Nausea, fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite, unfortunately no weight loss (typical). 
I had way too much of being isolated and alone on wednesday.
I came back yesterday. Was so depressed in the morning but I saw my friends. Had two joints with my bro which I mentioned before. I very rarely smoke weed. It was cool. I felt great.
Then the drama unfolded. My friend and his gf started arguing like fucking crazy. I was sat there for two hours extremely stoned and panicked by the screaming. I wanted to leave. His gf was telling me not to. Partly out of an awkward politeness, partly because she didn’t want my bro to be alone after the breakup because he’s usually unstable after they argue.
I left, went home, there was no electricity. Had to wait until today until I got more. Just slept in the dark.
I’ve been doing nofap for the past 3 weeks. Dying of liver failure (exaggeration) has made it easier because I really don’t have much libido. 
I keep having wet dreams though. It’s common when you don’t fap, you just kinda let loose in your dreams. 
They’re really inconvenient though because I have to change my underwear and shower. 
I usually wear the same underwear for 3 days until I shower. 
I wash my clothes like once every 2 weeks. 
I had to wear an old pair of underwear last night. 
A lot of people do but nobody ever really talks about it. 
Now. Friday.
A lot went down in the past week. 
 I’ve been thinking about that girl every minute of the past week. Really fucking sad because I don’t have her. 
There’s nothing going on in my life really. 
I’m not making it out like that isn’t my fault for not actively making sure I have something to occupy me. That’s just how it is.
I’m gonna find work next year so I’m occupying myself with something, getting outside. This sad, empty loneliness is too much. 
The fact that being around one girl for one night makes me think of her for the weeks ahead is just an eyeopener
I really need to get out more
I need to interact with more people 
obviously I don’t really feel for that girl and no other girl
its just the fact that I was with her that night, along with the fact my serotonin is low and looking for a pick me up after the drugs and I have no other females on my mind to turn to
i have female friends yes but not IRL, I don’t really get feelings for them
I’m sick of the sadness. 
I want to stop drugs. I have stopped codeine. I really have. I have no way to get more codeine other than CWE cocodomol pills which can be laborious to supply. 
I haven’t touched it in weeks, other than 3 days where I kept overdosing just to feel high, the 3 days before the 15th.
I stopped for a week before then, went through the physical withdrawal. 
I gave all the pills to my friend. They’re too expensive to just flush and I want to take them to America because people there appreciate it for more than just a painkiller.
This lifestyle.
It’s harming me in so many ways.
I want to find real sources of happiness. Not short  term fixes. 
I want to find my rat park. 
During the sadness and isolation from friends (my dads place) I just wanted to be high
I just 
I was so sad
I rarely smoke weed but I smoked it yesterday
because I wanted to remember what it was like when the sadness didn’t hurt or disconnect you.
It doesn’t hurt as much today as I’m not as under-stimulated.
I want to repair my liver. I’ve always had liver problems but I didn’t realize how seriously it was getting until recently.
The heavy drinking and daily codeine overdoses (300mg-520mg at a time) have been killing it off. I’ve been high on painkillers every day so I didn’t notice the liver pains.
I hope it’s not permanent. I’m getting symptoms of liver damage still but the liver pains have stopped.
and yeah
its hard but I’m stopping drugs
If i continue, I will come to a point when it isn’t a choice and it will be even harder 
I’m planning to save up and do a big fucking sesh in january or february then not do drugs again except for maybe the occasional xtc every few months, or acid if i ever get the chance
i was going to invite the guys i went with on friday but they’ve all fallen out (probably) because of the drama
Februaryish, imma invite the girl out on the weekend
hopefully shes still single
we’ll get high if she even says yes, idk if she will. she has reasons to and reasons not to.
I’ll just tell her, I think shes awesome and I want to see her more.
She was never mine anyway. If this scares her away, so be it. I got over her last time, I’ll do it this time and I’ll do it again. 
I have nothing to lose.
I think she just wants meaningless sex and drunken nights though. 
I thought I wanted that but I don’t.
All I care about is being happy with friends. 
Talking about random shit, often shitfaced, all night.
Whenever I get a chance with girls, I feel uncomfortable at the thought of it.
I don’t want to fuck girls. I am attracted to them but idk
i would rather just spend time with them
will I be like this forever
I know it isnt normal 
I do sometimes make out with people I don’t know. guys or girls
but if I get to know them at all it throws me off
Like, they’re not anonymous, there’s a name to the face now, they know who I am.
I feel like there’s a witness to it, even if it’s only them
and I mainly associate shame, not pleasure, with sex.
Then there’s a witness to validate the shame.
I like this girl.
I had chances to make moves. I didn’t want to. 
It’s like, if I do then it’s final. It’s a one night fling and nothing more. I also may have scared her away. I’m so ugly recently and I doubt she would’ve been into me then.
I was so happy just talking with her, fuckfaced, about everything. 
It felt like I had a new IRL friend. I just want to talk with her
I wanted to be able to see her again. 
If I did anything, even a kiss, with her that night then I’d feel ashamed whenever I thought about it. 
Then the memory of her would be tainted. 
she was high though
I doubt shes interested in me at all
but fuck it
after I’m over her, I can look at her objectively again
she’s just another regular young girl/woman
which isnt a bad thing
but it means I can look at her clearly, without all these feelings clouding my vision.
then every weekend
I’ll make plans with people, just so I can invite her out too
‘hey im gonna be in town with some friends this weekend, do u wanna come along we need more people’
sure, it’ll be weird
but the offer of free cocaine must take her fancy one night
and thats it
I’ll act like the world is ending 
we’ll have a good time
and I’ll talk about what’s been eating me up for over half a year
Sure, I might get rejected but it must be easier than just carrying on, knowing she will go her separate way when it could have been. 
I need closure. I don’t even think she’s the one or see a future with her, although that’d be great too. 
I just want to go out with her for a few weeks, maybe half a year or so. then we both lose interest in each other, she dumps me
I’m not gonna say ooo i love you, or anything
I’m not gonna ask her out
I’ll just say I really fucking like her, I think she’s great and I’d love to be able to see you often.
something like that
she can say whatever she thinks
probably that its weird i invited her out after all the drama that happened with my friends yesterday(current tense, as im typing this)
At least I will know then. 
Man, I hope she doesn’t have someone by then but I won’t be surprised if she does. 
so today
christmas is a good time isn’t it?
for me its lonely.
everything stops.
winter is already sad enough.
 everyone wants to be with family, but the only day ill be with family is christmas day itself
im glad i get to be with my friends today, that was a nice surprise,
although i might have to leave to be with josh so that he doesnt hurt himself. 
oops. mentioned his name, his anonymity has been erased. voila. 
ive been typing my thoughts her for like an hour
a lot of shit I forgot to mention
but yeah
i need to do a lot of shit which ive been putting off
shower, wash my clothes, pay for electricity, go to my friends. im currently on emergency credit and i only remembered that was a thing an hour ago. after i slept in the dark. 
I feel sad that I’ll probably not be with her, but in time that will pass.
I feel sad because winter is coming, i have nothing to occupy my time.
this will all pass in time, it hurts now, but I will feel happy again soon enough.
hang in there
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