#the beast roller coaster
thebatfliesagain · 1 year
Sorry, I'm not too active, however: What type of content would you guys like to see from me? I'm heading to KI today, so expect some form of trip report soon!
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apicelladonna · 1 month
Honestly, if Queenie was there to hear Grindelwald's thoughts during that confession- it'd be like a mic feedback or a windows error sfx into an earpiece.
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guest-1-2-3 · 1 year
I love it when animated movies are like “the system has been corrupt for years, the government’s been feeding everyone propaganda, and those we believe to be monsters were never evil at all” with a dash of found family featuring a man who works for the government in some way and a young(ish) girl who makes him realize how fucked up the government is. Then they overthrow the government. Good shit
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noconcessions · 8 months
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winterwolf0120 · 2 months
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The Kings Island gang, are all here together. 🥰😍🤩🌌🎢👑🎆🩵💙❤️💜💚🧡💛🖤🩷
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heartsoulrocknroll · 1 year
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I FINALLY made it to Kings Island this past weekend, and I have so much to say, but first on my mind right now is this: The Beast is obscenely underrated by most coaster enthusiasts. Even my three daytime rides totally blew me away. But I was also lucky enough to get a night ride, and it was one of my top WTF IS HAPPENING experiences on a roller coaster ever. I can't say enough good things about this ride. More to come later.
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toodeepforyou · 1 year
there are def wooden coasters whose ride experience p objectively outclasses the beast but nothing touches the feeling of interacting with a legend. it’s gonna beat you silly (even with the new track sections) but it’s like getting your ass kicked by bruce lee
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eddie-rifff · 11 months
randomly broke into tears just now. i think i might be a little emotionally overworked
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tinytrexstudios · 2 years
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Kings Island coaster personifications:
The Rivertown Posse: The Beast, Diamondback, and Mystic Timbers
The Action Zone Crew: The Bat (formerly Top Gun/Flight Deck) and Banshee
Solos: Vortex (RIP) and Orion
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arrow-dykenamics · 2 years
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lillybean730 · 2 years
top ten rollercoasters that said a slur
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sinkthoseshipspoll · 1 year
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I actually have been sitting here thinking about Viking Fury at Kings Island all day! Actually kings island also had that smurfs boat ride too, but I think that was replaced by the scooby doo ride that’s now boo blasters at boo hill lol.
Okay someone please submit the love tunnel Garfield dark ride from Kennywood tho. That’s a boat ride for sure 😂
#I really should make a rollercoaster or flat ride bracket#because that’s one of my hyper fixations#literally me giving my dad a two hour breakdown on why I love arrow dynamics#magnum xl-200 is my favorite rollercoaster because it feels just like Vortex used to before it became too rough to ride#as a kid I would ride vortex like 6 times in a row every time we went to kings island#that was before I was tall enough to ride the beast#the first time I rode the beast I HATED it#I rode it like a decade later and now it’s one of my favorites#best ride experience on a roller coaster I’ve had is steel vengeance#I really wish I had bought the picture of my dad and I riding magnum xl-200#because I was gleefully grinning and he was bracing himself and grimacing#and I think that’s the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen#rollercoasters are so much more fun when their not perfectly smooth but don’t actually hurt you#like Rougarou at cedar point was smooth the first half and then head banged me so hard the second half that I literally#just don’t remember the good parts on the first half#Raptor at Cedar Point is the best B&M I’ve ridden#I’ve only ridden 4 coasters at Cedar Point rip#my home park is kings island#which is great bc kings island deaths are like#a drunk lady slipped her restraints on a flat ride that turned her upside down#three people electrocuted in the fountain on the same day#and the guy that jumped off the Eiffel Tower on my dad’s graduation night at the park#tower Johnny still haunts the Eiffel Tower to this day
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danielstalter · 2 years
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I loved this as a kid, and it held up exceptionally well. For a book that was written as a one-off promotion for a roller coaster in Ohio, The Beast is way better than one might expect. I’ve come to think of The Beast and its sequel as the lost books of the original Goosebumps series. I mean, it certainly reads like a Goosebumps book, it was published at the height of Goosebumps fame in 1994, and it even features a cover by Tim Jacobus. It’s a real shame it’s been overlooked among Stine’s body of work because it would easily rank among the best. The Beast is a great example of what Stine excels at, delivering a near-perfect balance of adventure and horror. Do you want to read a book about a haunted roller coaster that travels through time? Who doesn’t? Did I mention that there’s also a massive tornado? Sign me the fuck up. I felt like I was there right alongside James and Ashley through the last page. There were a few plot holes if I thought too hard about time travel rules and ghost biology, but the book itself was such a page-turner that I genuinely did not care. If you deliver the goods, the reader can forgive a lot. I save my harshest reviews for boring books. Keep me entertained, and I will write you a glowing review on my blog for my tens of fans to see. That seems like a good deal to me. I’m now officially a fan of The Beast. The only thing left for me to do is find an excuse to end up somewhere near Cincinnati so that I can finally ride the roller coaster itself.
Score: 5
My full review with memes, snark, and spoilers can be found here: https://www.danstalter.com/the-beast/
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gustedesign · 2 years
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"Roller Coaster Beast" is an original painting that captures the emotional journey of life. The striking imagery of a black silhouette hiding under its own hand, pushing towards a vulnerable point represented by a green dot, is a powerful visual representation of the ups and downs we all experience.
by Gusté Vasiliauskaité | Gusté .Design
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winterwolf0120 · 1 day
Kings Island Resistance crew
Jada (Queen) 🩵👑
Leon (Prince) 💙👑
N (Second Captain Guard) 💛
Bendy (King) 🖤👑
Loona (First Captain Guard) ❤️
V (Royal Guard) 💛
Freddy (Royal Guard) 🧡
Our connections with our Kings Island roller coasters 🎢:
Orion (Leon's roller coaster) 🩵💙👑🌌
Diamondback (Bendy's roller coaster) ❤️🖤🐍
Banshee (Loona's roller coaster) 💜❤️👻
Mystic Timbers (N's roller coaster) 💚💛🌲
The Beast (Freddy's roller coaster) 🧡🧡🐻
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heartsoulrocknroll · 1 year
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Kings Island trip report!!!!! June 2023.
Kings Island was as great as I had hoped. I had been wanting to go here so badly for so long, and it exceeded expectations. Beautiful park, great operations, great rides. Loved it. Now let's talk coasters.
1) Mystic Timbers -- 5 rides -- This has been one of my most anticipated coasters for a long time, because of how insanely fast it looks in POVs, and I was not disappointed. It absolutely feels as fast as it looks -- the pacing is excellent, the transitions are quick, and the airtime never stops. The twisting drop is fun, and every hill delivers with the negative Gs, from the larger hills to the smaller banked hills. However, the out-and-back layout causes Mystic Timbers to lack the twists/turns that make Thunderhead feel so out of control for me. As a result, while I love both rides, Thunderhead remains my favorite GCI by a small margin.
2) The Beast -- 4 rides, including 1 night ride -- The Beast may be one of the most iconic roller coasters in history, but it is still ridiculously underrated among enthusiasts. Because of that, I went into this ride with low expectations. And boy oh boy, was I blown away. The first drop into the tunnel rocks. The setting deep in the woods is incredible. The ride feels like it is never going to end. The finale after the second lift hill is, of course, the highlight. The unnatural banking on that shallow drop is a crazy sensation on its own. And then, the love of my life, the double helix in the tunnels!!!!!!!!! The continuously increasing speed plus the LATERALS plus the tunnel wall being right beside my head on the left side of the train!!! All of this is crazy enough during the day, but at night, deep in the woods where you cannot see what is coming next??? WTF????? I waited over an hour and a half for my night ride, and my god, for the way I was losing my mind during that ride, it was sooooo worth it. A large part of me wants to put The Beast above Mystic Timbers. It's impossible to choose.
3) Diamondback -- 4 rides -- This is one of my favorite B&M hypers, right up there with Goliath. It's hard to choose between Diamondback and Goliath, as they are both great for different reasons. The airtime on Diamondback is unlike any of the other B&M hypers I've ridden. Diamondback may not (key word here is may) have a hill that outdoes the first hill on Mako in terms of one singular moment of sustained floater, but cumulatively, Diamondback has way more airtime than Mako. Even in row 7 (the closest to the front that I rode), the airtime hits. But in the back row??? I managed to be the least stapled I've ever been with this type of restraint, and I thought I was going to die on the first two camelbacks because of how sustained (and relatively powerful) the floater air is. Even the drop off the midcourse and the small hills after the midcourse give good airtime. And I love the splashdown on this ride, not only because it looks cool, but because you can actually get wet in the back row if you try.
4) Orion -- 4 rides -- This ride is extremely underrated. I think people who act as if there is some kind of night and day difference between Orion and Fury are insane. The height and the sense of speed alone are amazing, but Orion also has a great mix of forces. The first drop is excellent and basically indistinguishable from Fury's first drop, giving great airtime all the way down. The positive Gs at the bottom of the first drop are awesome. The inward banked hill after the drop does nothing, so that's one legitimate complaint. The speed hill after the turnaround and the camelback that follows are the standout elements. The speed hill gives borderline ejector airtime, while the camelback gives great floater. I also like that this ride has a helix to add some more positives into the mix. The helix is not as intense as I would have hoped, but it was still good. (Maybe I'm just spoiled by the beautifully sustained positives of Goliath's 540 degree helix.) Overall, just a great ride.
5) Banshee -- 1 ride -- I really needed to ride this more than once to get a good feel for it, but I just didn't have time, and honestly, I didn't really want to because of the restraints. I try not to let little things ruin my opinion of a ride, but I cannot get past those vest restraints on some B&Ms. Anyway, I liked this ride. The drop is huge, and there are no midcourse brakes, so this ride has breakneck pacing and crushing positive Gs, which I love. However, the inversions are more gracefully profiled with far less whip than the other inverts I have ridden. I found the slow inline twist at the end to be particularly out of character. The snappy inversions are the main reason why I have loved every other invert I've done, and because Banshee falls short in that regard, it ranks as my least favorite invert. (Also of note, this ride rattles hard for its young age. I personally don't mind that, but thought it was worth mentioning.)
6) Invertigo -- 1 ride -- This inverted boomerang is so much better than a traditional boomerang. It is incredibly forceful and didn't really bang my head at all.
7) The Bat -- 1 ride -- This is a completely different ride than the only other Arrow suspended coaster I've done, Iron Dragon. The Bat has a great sense of speed, as it is continuously descending throughout the ride. The setting in the woods is nice, and the swinging is crazy in parts, particularly coming into the final brakes.
8) Racer -- 1 ride -- I love my woodies, but these old PTCs just aren't the intense ride experience that I need. This one actually did give a little bit of airtime on some of the hills, and it is very smooth since the recent track work. Just a nice, fun ride.
9) Adventure Express -- 1 ride -- This is one of the better mine trains I've done, but it's still a mine train.
I didn't ride Flight of Fear or Backlot Stunt Coaster, as I have already ridden their clones at Kings Dominion and wanted to spend my time on re-rides on the top 4. But they would rank at #9 and #10 respectively, following Racer.
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