#the background is SOOO BAD LMAO SORRY…. i hate doing them!
nonbinoclard · 4 months
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i spent WAY too long on this dumbass post. please enjoy
(original post)
there is a HUGE part of me that deeply regrets coloring this bc. idk. it feels a teeny uncanny. i used their in-game portraits as color references which was a big challenge for me and i really dk if it came out looking good but…..at least i learned something… i think!
anyway. check out the lineart, i fuck w the lineart a lot
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i know harry looks weird but i need you guys to be supportive bc im sensitive ok? ok
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yepmadness · 2 months
Malevolent Part 44
Spoilers under cut :))
Just my thoughts I wrote down while I listened
Oh…oh. He’s no longer being called “the entity” in the episode description. He’s his own person. He’s like—he found himself in that. He knows who he is now. Fully. He is himself, who he wants to be. I haven’t even listened yet and I’m going to sob.
Honestly mostly thought calling him “the entity” was a thing for any new listeners. So they didn’t get spoiled about the name and all that. But always thought it was kinda odd considering he’s called John so early on.
But it was an intentional choice. He’s *John* now. Wholly. And fully. And he believes that too and so it shows.
God I’m so attached to this mf.
The singing is lovely actually. Have no idea what the fuck is going on through. Song seems fitting lol.
“Where am I?” yeah I wanna know too dude.
I like this waiter :))
Oh we going back. Sorry Arthur. We know where this goes.
“I’ll take care of you,” and what if I sob then, hm?
No I’m with John on this one let’s just take a week I don’t care if it’s in the fucking worm womb. We got a bed.
I LOVE YORRICK. Anyone who tells me I shouldn’t is wrong.
Oooh. Arthur doesn’t remember. Hm hm. Fun.
“Not when, if”
John…buddy. Arthur’s human :(( also don’t like the constant death foreshadowing lately guys. I know he just died but I really need Arthur not to die at the end of all of this please.
Arthur don’t word shit like that stay alive for you, you bastard.
LMAO, Yorrick is so fucking silly. The dark world will embrace you :D.
FUCKING FINALLY ARMOR. LESS CHANCE OF GETTING STABBED WOOO. Hopefully this breastplate goes relatively low because we get stabbed in the gut a lot.
Oh no we are being depressing about Faroe again :(. Arthur has suffered so much im so sorry my guy. John is being so sweet about it I love him.
I love our new trio sooo much.
Arthur was totally looking to be called “someone not to fuck with” again when he put that armor on lol.
Arthur :(( read the letter. I’m begging you. It’s gonna get destroyed and then we will ALL be sad about it.
“We have six more bullets” John i love you but that will not help.
The ringing when Arthur starts to like, talk, is interesting. Wonder if it’s just because he’s remembering being stabbed..or?? Either way interesting to me.
“And you know I love you too. And that I couldn’t do this without you.”
Im am going to sob I love them so so so much. They’re my guys ;-;
emotional moment over and I’m devastated.
No we are not sending Arthur into nasty ass water with his wound??? No???
Im with John, how about no??
Mmm. Yorrick is being weird. Once again reminded of the whole, don’t trust vanguards. But like…he’s a silly guy.
The background music tells me this is a bad idea guys. Let’s not drown. We have had enough of that.
You think dying would have made them make better choices but noooo.
John are you like…guilty about killing her? Haunted by it? He sounds kinda…upset :(.
THEYRE SO HAPPY YES. LAUGH. JOY. (Yorrick has no fuckibg idea why we are laughing love him)
Lmao Arthur I think if you didn’t let John help he would have strangled you. Stop getting injured.
Aw Arthur not letting John apologize, it’s not his fault aaaah.
Yeah Yorrick is planning smth but I love him too much to hate him for whatever his evil plans are.
“You’ll see.” Cryptic bitch.
“Owl don’t eat people, boys” I LOVE THIS.
This is too soft I’m so happy.
“Somebody knows your order.” Uh huh. Someone we know hmm. A certain guy I want to meet. Eventually? I can hope.
Yeah I fucking loved this episode. Easily one of my favorites. EASILY. it was just so sweet. And silly. I love these guys so much.
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prince-simon · 4 months
AIGHT I thought DBD was gonna be a fun lil show. You have: two dead boys with AMAZING chemistry (I LOVE their different accents/slangs/outfits to reflect the times they're from), two living girls with AMAZING chemistry (deadass thought Crystal saw the lights around Niko because maybe she liked herrrrr and the lights were psychic related instead of LITERAL SPRITE INFESTATION), two wildly horny demons who I believe need to get it on and leave Crystal and Edwin alone please and thank you (David and the Cat King), TALKING CATS, a witch cosplaying as Cruella de Ville (I thought she was MURDERING her poor bird Monty!!!!), the cutest adorable most precious little astrology nerd I've EVER SEEN (the aforementioned Monty who wasn't a victim of animal abuse after all), a cursed walrus (still salty Edwin interrupted Tragic Mike's story of how he was cursed, I was INVESTED) OH AND A SUPERHOT BUTCHER LADY!!
ANYWAY this show was supposed to be fun. I watch Supernatural and yeah there were scary episodes but I can't think of anything as traumatic as the Devlin House episode! 😭 Just... watching the dad murder his poor family over and over was awful, seeing how affected Charles was broke my heart, the dad having a secret room to spy on his family was creepy and disturbing and OH MY FUCKING GOD?!?! THAT MISERY WRAITH?!?! I ALMOST THREW UP!! I NEARLY DIED!!! ABSOLUTELY AWFUL TERRIFYING 0/10 WOULD NOT RECOMMEND I NEVER WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!
I can't wait to watch more DBD tonight!
PS sorry for the essay
okay okay first of all. i'm so excited about this ask. don't apologise haha i've got things to say!!! (i hopeee i'm not spoilering you for anything with this longgg reply lol)
the chemistry between all of them is soooo insane i'm so happy about it!! and yeah lol i think the entire fandom thought it was gay lights for crystal and niko lmao (and you know what? just bc it was parasitic lights who's to say it's not ALSO gay!! sksk i was spoilered about this particular thing before i watched the show and when i saw that scene i STILL thought it was gay lol
sksk thank you for clarifying that by demons you mean david and the cat king bc i was like ??? david and edwin's demon??? interesting take but sure. let's go with it slfjsldfj but yeah calling the cat king a demon works too lmaooo i just love how pathetic the cat king is kssksk
the talking cats are sooo iconic hahaha
omg i totally thought esther was killing monty too. when i first watched it i did a bit of a live reaction with friends and i literally was like noooo not monty!!! he doesn't deserve it!!! i was FLOORED when he turned human skjdflsj in general esther is such a good villain. like i fucking hate her so so so much but man. i LOVE to hate her she just steals every scene she's in ("ouch my ghost skin" lives rent free in my head tbh)
SUPERHOT BUTCHER LADY yesss i love jenny so much. her "oh my fuck" cracks me up every time. fun fact before i watched the show and only saw stuff on tumblr i thought she was gonna be the bad guy sksksk
the show is so camp one second and then soooo devastating the next!!! the devlin house absolutely broke me!! fun fact- or actually not fun at all, idk if you noticed but when the camera is on charles when they're watching the murder happen, you can hear him begging his father to stop hurting him in the background. also another not so fun fact i was listening to jayden revri's charles playlist and the song that's playing in that episode is on there and when it came on i literally had to skip it after a couple seconds bc it triggered me sooo much lmfao but yeah omg don't get me started on the misery wraith!!! the first time i watched it, i was binging and i'd started pretty late already so when i got to that episode it was already dark and i was supposed to go to bed soon and i literally had to cover my screen bc i usually can't do horror at all!! so i was like nopenopenope this isn't happening nope
enjoy the rest of your watch and you're always welcome in my inbox for more yelling!!
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sunrizef1 · 2 months
I'm sorry, but something about what the other anon said about Logan kinda gave me the ick in some parts so I felt the need to write this. I think Logan's situation is no where as straight as a line as they made it out to be, and in part I feel like you kinda have to be American to understand certain things. I heavily agree with you on how the "Americaness" is pushed onto Logan. In my opinion, Logan isn't even all that American? Like he's very toned down (which makes sense as he spent the majority of his teenage years + early adult years in Europe, and not in America). Even then, why can't he be proud of being American? We see other drivers like Carlos, Checo, and Guanyu to just name a few use this same very tacit! Williams is no where near as popular as a team as it used to be, and Logan being American brings in more fans and sponsors. I think the huge personality change from now to Prema is also BECAUSE of the ridicule he faced for being American. Americans in general have this pre-connotation of being very cocky which was dragged along with him during his rookie season, and coupled with the fact that his first year did not go very well it's no wonder he's not showing his personality as much. The other anon honestly said it themselves, you only know American stereotypes. When has American pride became synonymous with being a Republican? I don't want to become very political, but I think the bottom line is don't really comment on another countries politics that you clearly don't know a lot about. Also the gun part? That's just plain rude. I don't think we've ever heard of Logan saying he even owns a gun. Once again, you're laying hurtful and may I mind you ignorant stereotypes on him.
I do agree with his family being problematic though (The long history of America and their oil wars), and their undeniable ties to Trump (who I also don't agree with and his many, plainly stated, evil policies), but I think you also have to realize that almost all the drivers are shitty people and have questionable backgrounds. To come after just Logan for his family ties to a party is just you being silly.
The whole ask just seemed very insensitive IMO.
Yeah, there's fully compilations of Logan being “european” so to say lol. He often talks like someone who's been raised in Europe for their formative years, which he was sooo
Like if you think that Logan is “so american”, I know people who would give you a heart attack lmao
Just down south, horse-wrangling, truckers who play Willy Nelson songs on their guitars and have never taken their hats off their mullets in public lmfao
And yeah, American politics is one of those things where I refuse to listen to other countries opinions about it because, unless you've lived here, you don't really understand.
And I hate trump. But, also, this is one of the reasons I don't attach to the drivers.
Most of them, probably not wonderful people. Probably don't have wonderful families who I'd always get along with. But Im not cheering for those people, I'm cheering for car number 2 and that's really all I care about.
It always great to have some level of separation from the drivers, or celebrities in general, because a lot of them suck as people and I'm not about to get emotionally attached to someone who turns out to suck real bad.
(Lewis gets a pass in my book but, again, whole other explanation)
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alright here i am with my love victor opinions no-one asked for
- i was gonna originally do episode by episode commentaries but i'd seen a few spoilers and was scared i'd say something good about a bad character or something so didn't end up doing it asfgcjhvfkhj
- rahim is great but making him a love interest for victor was NOT it. a love triangle was not needed at all and it would've been really nice to have two gay guys be platonic friends with nothing more. also why did victor need a date to the wedding when felix and lake were broken up anyway??
- to extend from that, i don't hate benji as much as i expected to from people's posts and i think it's mostly bc both he and victor are?? flawed people?? who i actually think should end up together but they either need to work on communication OR take a break and work on themselves without bringing in other love interests into the equation
- furthermore, victor obviously wants to be with benji but i think the best thing for him rn would be to be single while he and his family go through the process of his coming out and their acceptance. he doesn't need to handle a relationship rn but he could do with a friend who understands what he's going through, aka rahim
- benji also clearly is too accustomed to being accepted and they touched on that a little especially in that he has white liberal parents but it wasn't talked about enough. they didn't really have him acknowledge the difference himself but also they didn't acknowledge that he has simply been out longer, and that not everyone wants to re-closet themselves. hence why maybe it's not the right time for either of them to date rn
- i found myself relating to a LOT to what victor was going through, not in terms of culture/ethnicity or religion specifically but the dealing with a homophobic mother and a partner who isn't experiencing it the same way, and just with a variety of things he dealt with throughout this season. however, and i found this in the first season, i just don't connect with his acting the way i do with every other character. idk why
- i really wanted felix x pilar to happen in season 1 and even at the start of s2 but after watching this season i wish it didn't honestly. i get why felix can't be with lake rn of course, and i also like that it emphasises how much of a risk she took in the decision she made. however, they reduced pilar's AWESOME character to be literally just a girl with a crush in this season and while there's nothing wrong with that, i found it really disappointing and also kinda doesn't work with the storyline. had felix been with pilar instead what would she have done?? and would she really have been there the way lake was, or at least different to lake? i don't know. i feel like it would have made more sense for felix and lake to break up properly in the finale and for felix x pilar to happen more as a slowburn in season 3. that being said they clearly just put them together to please fans and i'm worried they'll continue doing this
anyway i'm excited for bi lake with andrew's ex (lucy?)!! i wish we had more scenes of them pre-finale but i can't wait for more!!!!!!
- speaking of, i like how they made andrew this season with everything and i'm glad to see him and mia finally together. but i hope he doesn't just become ~the boyfriend~ with no other character to him. i also am so angry at mia's dad for taking that job and feel so bad for mia bc she's been through a LOT this season like damn:/ that being said i feel like everything about mia is what she's dealing with and not so much who she is?? so would be nice to see more of her as herself in season 3
- they don't show victor playing basketball enough. but i REALLY like how they talked about stereotypical 'gay' hobbies and how sports isn't one of them, and sort of touched on what MAKES a gay person, really. i just wish it wasn't "you're the best player on the team, of course they'll accept you" in every show that does this bc like?? why do you have to be the best player on the team to be accepted lmao
- i loved the PFLAG thing and it was great to see ormando being a supportive father!!! so refreshing and great to see and also to contrast the differences in how parents react. it was also great to see simon's dad running it and being super involved long after his son had moved out
- i did hope bram would at least be in the background of the simon scene but i guess we can't have everything
- the mum walking in on victor x benji fucking THE WAY I LITERALLY SCREAMED and then i couldnt even watch the next episode bc i had to go to work LMAO like THE CLIFFHANGER. benji was 100000% in the wrong there, it is NOT homophobic for a parent to be traumatised walking in on their child having sex lol and especially when adrian was home??? it could've been him that walked in sooo
- did my memory fail or was adrian kinda 'feminine' last season ??like he liked frozen and stuff and the grandparents made a comment about it?? what happened to that he literally wasn't anything like that this season it was kinda sad
- also why on earth were victor and benji kissing at work sorry but no matter what sexuality you are and how comfortable you are with PDA that is just?? weird?? like sorry but as a customer i would feel so uncomfortable like am i intruding lmao. a kiss hello and goodbye when you're starting and finishing is fine and cute but in between serving customers and making coffees and shit is so unnecessary lol
- where was victor and felix's friendship this season?? like he stayed in his house after a traumatic life event and they didn't talk about it?? they only talked when they were going through love triangles like thats it??
i saved this as a draft the other day and forgot what else i was gonna add so i'll end here lol!!
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
Christmas Dinner || Jurdan X-mas in July
AHHHH there is more Christmas!Jurdan!!!!!!!!! 🎄🎄
Rating: T
Summary:  The Duarte's are hosting their Christmas dinner and Vivi sets a trap for Jude to bring his boyfriend and introduce him to the family.
I guess this can be considered a little prequel to You got me trippin? 
This is also my first time posting somethin in 1st person sooo...let’s see how it goes lmao
Tags:  @jurdannet @jurdannetrevels @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @sweetlyvillainous @aesthetics-11 @thesirenwashere @jurdanhell @demydreamer-otaku-and-book-lover @nightbringer @b00kworm @mysweetvillain @thefolkofthefic @yafandomsdotnet @vanessa172003​
[if you wish to be tagged/untagged or if I forgot to tag you pls let me know!]
A massive thank you to Becca @sweetlyvillainous​ for betaing this for me!! Love u 🧡
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This is a terrible, terrible idea I keep repeating myself.
If I’d shown a little more steadiness with my sister I wouldn’t be in this situation. I knew she was nervous about presenting her girlfriend to the family, specially to our father. And because she is extra as hell, she couldn’t choose another date that wasn’t on Christmas Eve. For weeks now she’d been texting me, grumbling about how was she going to be able to pull it off. I told her to relax and just go with it.
What I didn’t expect though, was for Vivi to arrive out of nowhere to the school where I work, talking nonsense about me bringing a fake date to dinner with hopes of taking the attention away from her. 
After spending 15 minutes trying to convince her it is not necessary for me to do that, her insistence is such I end up babbling how bad that idea is since I already have a boyfriend, and fake dating someone else would certainly create problems.
Big mistake.
Looking at me with something like betrayal in her eyes, now she starts questioning me about that boyfriend who I’d never talked about before. I bite my lip. When it comes to personal stuff I prefer to keep it private, even with my own family. I have my reasons. 
And just because luck is not on my side today, in the middle of her inquiries I hear a faint “Hey, babe!” behind me. I groan. Of course. Of course he had to arrive in that moment. 
We both turn to look at him. Cardan approaches us wearing that mischievous grin reserved only for me, so different from the polite smile he uses with his students. His hair is tied up in a bun as he also wears it for work, few curls escaping it in the most adorable way. 
With a pang of panic, I notice Vivi noticing how dumbfounded I’m looking at him. Her eyes light up in a way that I know means nothing good. I frown at her. 
“I was looking for you on the cafeteria, one of your students told me you were here.” He pauses. “I- didn’t notice you were busy though, sorry.”
“Not at all!” Vivi says with exaggerated enthusiasm. “I’m Jude’s older sister, Vivi! You must be her lovely boyfriend.”
“Oh, yeah I am. Nice to meet you!” If I didn’t know him so well I wouldn’t notice the slight blush on his cheeks or the way he looks at me in contained alarm.  
It’s too late by the time I put the pieces together. When I realize what is about to happen, my sister is already handing Cardan a rolled piece of paper.
“I came to make sure Jude invites you to our family Christmas dinner! She’s so absentminded sometimes isn’t she?” 
I’m going to kill her. Slowly.
Horrified, I stand there and see Cardan take the invitation, grinning. His polite, charming smile.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” He says. “Thank you so much Vivi.”
My sister turns to me and whatever look it’s on my face makes her hesitate. Although, not enough. She claps her hands once and makes an excited squeal. “Well I must go now! But I’m so excited you’re coming to join us Cardan, see you there. Ciao!”
With that she turns and leaves.
So here we are. My boyfriend driving by my side, as we are about to arrive to my parent’s house.
My knee bounces without control as I twist my scarf between my fingers. At any moment now, I’m sure my heart is going to bolt out of my chest. 
“Jude dear, is everything ok?” He asks. I notice I’ve been quiet almost the entire road.
I turn to look at him. He looks dashing, even if it’s not a strictly formal dinner he always finds a way to dress as it was. Black ensemble and green scarf that stands out his pale skin, though his nose and cheeks have a touch of color because of the cold weather. 
“Yeah it’s just... My family is a little,” I pause. “I don’t know how to explain it.”
We are not the type of family that introduces romantic partners, ever. My twin sister tried to do it some years ago with a terrible and embarrassing outcome. At some point in the middle of breakfast, she’d asked her daddy to pass the salt. Both our father and Locke moved to grab it at the same time. What came next, well… if that Locke dude had restrained himself to make a sarcastic and really tacky comment about it, maybe he would still be welcome in the house. Alas, he is not. 
Ever since that day, every time someone brings a guest to the house my father gets in a mood that is pretty uncomfortable for everyone. Sooner or later he makes everyone run.  Not exactly the first impression I want Cardan to have. 
We’ve been together for some time now, about eleven months. But the topic of introducing our families has never been on the table so far. I know he comes from a problematic family even if he doesn’t talk much about them. As for me, I have to admit I’ve grown so attached to him that I’m terrified of Madoc, or any other of my relatives, scaring him away.
He takes my hand in his, warming it, and smiles softly. “It’ll be ok. Breathe.”
I sigh, hoping he’s right and grip his hand tighter.  
The inside of the house looks as if Santa’s bag had exploded. There are lights and ornaments everywhere. Even the tree is bigger than previous years. A delicious smell of food fills the place. As I stare in awe I hear voices coming from the living room.
“Jude? Is that you?” Hurried steps sound in the wooden floor and a few seconds later my little brother appears wearing an absurd red and white onesie. He crashes against me and I laugh, hugging him back.
“You do realize that’s for little kids don’t you?” I ask. “It looks good on you, though.”
Oak scoffs and pulls back. “Well of course it does. I look good on everything.”
Cardan chuckles next to me and for the first time my brother notices him. His eyes and mouth open widely, blinking at him and then turning back at me. Once. Twice.
“Jude,” He murmurs. It cracks me up how shy he can get around new people. “Who’s this?”
Ah, here we go. I take a deep breath and grab Cardan’s hand again. 
“Don’t be rude,” I warn him. “His name is Cardan. Cardan, this is my brother Oak.”
Cardan greets him, extending his hand to him. Oak shakes it, visibly puzzled. “And Cardan is…?”
“My boyfriend.” 
A slow, mocking and devilish smile spreads on his face. I swear to god that kid was taken out from the movie Cheaper by the Dozen. All the shyness is suddenly gone.
“You and Vivi are really trying to give dad a heart attack today aren’t you?” He turns to Cardan and adopts a serious expression I almost believe. “Please tell me Jude doesn’t call you daddy.”
“OAK!” I hiss. I look at Cardan and he gazes back with amusement, I notice he’s biting back a laugh. 
“WHAT? I need to know earlier if I need to take my phone out, last time I didn’t have time to record when dad…” He motions with his hand. Yeah, I remember.
“She doesn’t.” Cardan affirms. Mimicking my brother’s mischievous smile he asks. “Is there a story there I need to know?”
Oak hesitates, even though I’m sure he’s dying to spill it out.
“Taryn would kill you.” I remind him.
“She’s not coming. For what I’ve heard, either it’s Locke’s turn to visit his family or something about dad running him under the car if he dared appearing. I’m not sure.”
“What if I beat you at Mario Kart?” Cardan asks, pointing at the console resting next to the tv. 
Oak squints at him. “Are you challenging me?”
“It’s not a challenge when I know I’m going to win.”
Turning to me, my brother grins. “I like him.”
I know this is the first time I’ve brought someone home, but still I don’t know if I should be offended at my parent’s surprised faces. Oak had to tell my mother twice that Cardan is my boyfriend before she nods in understanding.
On his side, Cardan is being the full gentleman. To be fair he always is, but I notice the extra effort he’s doing today. It warms my heart. The only sign of nervousness I notice in him are occasional deep breaths he takes when he thinks no one is watching.
We get to meet Heather too, who is adorable and I honestly don’t know how on earth she fell in love with my lunatic sister. In a matter of minutes Cardan is already friends with her which helps with her evident tension. Vivi seems to relax as well. 
Christmas music plays on the background as we eat. This is probably my favorite part of the evening. Don’t get me wrong, I love gatherings with my family but food calls me on a spiritual level. Cardan knows it too, chuckling at my excitement while I’m serving us mashed potatoes. 
“So, Cardan.” My father starts, serving the wine. My heart leaps in my chest, oh no. “You met my daughter at work?” 
He nods. “Yes sir, I arrived there about two years ago. I teach preschool and first grade.” Winking at me he adds. “Jude used to hate me.”
Madoc turns to me, frowning. “What happened?” I roll my eyes, classical worried dad.
I take a long drink from my wine and shrug. “Nothing, he stole the ‘best teacher award’ from me, on his first six months. I’m pretty sure he bribed the students that year.”
To my surprise, my father barks a laugh. We all stare at him wide-eyed. 
“Keep repeating that to yourself, love.” Cardan teases. “It was a clean triumph.”
“You’ve always been competitive Jude, that’s no secret.”  Vivi adds. “It’s nice to finally meet someone who can pull up with that.”
I turn to glare at her. You and I are going to talk later. She sticks out her tongue at me. 
“Do you guys have sex?” 
“Oak!” My mother shouts as my father and I both choke on our wine.  
When Cardan parks the car outside my apartment it’s already past midnight. 
Surprisingly, this turned out to be one of the best Christmas celebrations I’ve ever had. My boyfriend somehow managed to not only avoid any uncomfortable moments around my family but also to wrap them up around his little finger. With jokes and tales about us the night had passed incredibly fast. 
Toasts were made, hugs and gifts were given. By the end, we were sprawled on the floor wearing silly sweaters and watching the merciless Mario Kart match between Oak and Cardan. It ended up in a tie. Rematch was already set for New Year’s Eve.
It was everything I never thought it would be.
“Well, did Vivi’s plan work?” Cardan asks.
I turn to find him already looking at me with a knowing smile on his face. Still, it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“C’me on, you weren’t really planning on inviting me to your family’s dinner. Something was surely going on the day she gave me the invitation.” 
Sighing I whisper. “I’m sorry.” 
He knows me too well, more than I even know myself sometimes.
“Don’t be, it’s not a topic we usually discuss.” He shrugs, reaching my hand with his. His thumb makes slow circles on my skin “Still, I should’ve asked if it was ok with you. Forgive me if I crossed a line.”
“You didn’t. I just wasn’t planning for you to meet my family yet.” I regret those words the moment they leave my mouth, knowing how they sound. Cardan doesn’t let go of my hand but he stops his ministrations. “Wait, that wasn’t…”
“Jude, it’s ok.” He says, turning to the windshield. I know him well enough too, and notice the touch of sadness behind his words. 
“No it’s not. Please listen.” I insist, my heart is beating fast now. That look on his eyes is exactly what I tried to avoid the whole night. “The reason why I wasn’t thinking to introduce you to my family is that they’re ridiculously hard and annoying with every new person that visits. And this is the first time I took someone home and…I don’t know, I-”
“You thought I’d leave?” He turns his gaze back to me, warily. 
At the beginning of the day I did. But I don’t find the words to admit it, so I don’t answer.
After a moment of silence he asks “Do you want to know why I agreed to go?”
I swallow and nod. Cardan inhales deeply..
“We’ve been together for some time now. And you know, you must know, I’m not playing around Jude.” I start to say something but he silences me with a soft finger against my lips.  “I love you. If I agreed to whatever scheme your sister had in mind it was because I wanted to show you that I’m not going away. No matter what.”
“My family…”
“They love you. It’s only natural for them to ask what my intentions are… and maybe tease us about it too. I’m willing to admit your dad is a little scary. But not enough to make me run away.” He winks, cupping my face.“There is nothing on earth that would make me want to run away, Jude. That’s how much I love you.”
Feeling my eyes sting I blink. “I love you too.”
We’ve said those words before. But I find that they acquire a different meaning, somehow deeper. My chest is suddenly too small to hold everything I feel for this man. He’s not going anywhere. He loves me. I’m grinning like an idiot and I’m proud of it. 
I lean to rest my forehead against his. “Since it’s our first Christmas together… and you already met my family.” His smile widens at that. “Would you like to stay the night?”
“There’s nothing I would like more.” Cardan angles his head to give me a kiss that I accept gladly, coiling my arms around his neck.  “I usually spend Christmas alone, I guess it’s time for new traditions.”
We remain entwined for some minutes, it fastly turns into something hotter and desperate. I’m already straddling his hips when I pull back a few inches. I bet my lips are as swollen as his. He is looking at me with hunger… and love.
“How about a tradition in which we spend Christmas night undressed and watching some crappy Netflix movies?” I suggest.
My toes curl when he leans to bite my lobe and purrs. “Yes, please.”
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vtmb2s · 3 years
I had this from an ask meme from like 2 months ago or so and deleted the og post, I dunno why -_-  anyway it was in my google docs so I’m reposting it
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
You know… fun Zion Canyon trip!! (credit for this one goes to Dany cause I don’t have good ideas but the whole ordeal would actually happen pre-game, because that’s when the courier would most likely sign up for a caravan I think) 
Audrey thought Follows-Chalk was just messing with her when he said who they were gonna meet, no way this guy is still alive. Needless to say she hates him, she’s heard enough horrendous things about him in her NCR days to form her opinion. He didn’t like her much either aaaghhh how can you see through my fake atonement thing where I’m basically doing the same as before. (she doesn’t really see through it initially, she’s just too stubborn to buy the whole redemption arc thing from the beginning and ends up realizing that she just happened to be right). Understanding why she doesn’t trust him but also resenting that. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
fjjhdsjhd he does probably, vaguely. She has a much harder time accepting it considering his background and all that, so that came later.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
YEAH! Both actually, enemies to vaguely friends to lovers and all that but like I said, Audrey has a much harder time coming to terms with this, she feels a little stupid about it because she knows what this guy has done!!! ( and he knows that, hence why he’s pushing it all down in favor of his stupid little revenge thing) He’s so weird and just looks like a mummy, what is there to like objectively. But she does. What thematic parallels do to a mfer 😔
Who initiated the relationship?
She did… Canyon visit nr 2, she technically fucking hates it there but for some reason she wants to go back (well. you know why), perhaps just a little vacation. And well there was clearly something there so why act on it. The most embarrassing moment of her life but it’s worth it I suppose. 
Who said “I love you” first?
Also her… Sorry queen you have to do all the work
Who gets jealous easily?
I think him but not in a way where he’d say anything, he’s just like 😐 but you can’t see it because. bandages. And Audrey has no competition lol so. 
Who is more protective?
Also him, she gets into more stupid shit and isn’t as crazy. 
Who remembers the little things?
She does :)
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
God neither. They’re too weird for pickup lines. If anything Audrey would list a few bad ones she overheard on the strip as a joke.
What does a first date look like for them?
They don’t go on dates lmao. What is there to do in a canyon, they’d just go to some random place where there are no other people and talk about whatever.
What do they like to do together?
Just mundane things, doing random shit while one is talking about whatever. A lot of times it’s just Audrey chatting about something funny or weird that happened to her on her travels while she puts on one of her favorite holotapes and does something, her stories are more light-hearted after all :/
Other than that… nothing too insane, they’re too weird to have proper hobbies. Her making him read his stupid mormon bible out loud so she can hear his sexy grandpa voice 😍
Do they like PDA?
No -_- maybe hand holding when no one’s looking, if anything. 
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
God he’s probably gonna die if she tries to spoon.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
She does but it’s not really possible sometimes. Leans against him until he's like aha. okay that’s enough :/
Who hogs the blankets?
Audrey does. She never sleeps much when she’s travelling so when she finally does get a proper night’s rest it’s limbs thrown around. Taking the entire blanket for herself. Sleeping for 20 years.
Do either of them like to cook?
I can’t imagine either, she just does it out of necessity. She can’t cook though, it’s blamco mac and cheese every mf day.
If they get married, who proposes first?
Godddd realistically he would at least think about it but they don’t get married lol. The mental image of it makes me cringe too much.
What kind of wedding do they have?
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
NO LMAOOOOO no one wanted them to get together and pretty much everyone would object to it if they knew. She probably doesn’t tell her family but if they knew they’d be against it, for obvious reasons. She doesn’t tell her friends either except Callisto lol, who thinks it’s epic somehow. Great Khan past and all that, not that she agrees with the legion in any way but 🤷‍♀️
Do they have any kids?
Maybe they do… maybe not. Who knows, I don’t control them.
(I made up two but Idek if they exist. a son named Ben and a daughter, Rachel. they’re weird and that’s all you need to know)
Do they have any pets?
I was gonna say no but she still has Rex who she forgot to return to the King 💔
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
In the followers' camp, not long after she moved to Freeside :) iirc the King tells a story about how he went to the Followers Camp to seek help regarding Rex and ended up yelling at them and even knocking out a few doctors.. something similar, one of his guys got their ass beat and the King got impatient and asked why tf this is taking so long. And Diana told him to sit his ass down and wait, which resulted in an argument 🙄 As for the first impression. Diana thought he was just your typical annoying man, maybe sexy and in a cooler suit than the guys on the strip, but annoying nonetheless. And the King thought she was being rude and had a big mouth. But again, kind of in a sexy way.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
THE KING… pretty quickly actually. A few months after the argument they had at the old mormon fort. For Diana on the hand it took a little bit longer :/
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Hm not really, but like I said Diana didn’t really fall that fast for him. She met him shortly after she left the Gomorrah (she was a dancer, not a prostitute but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t seen and experienced some shit) so she’s not really thinking about men and pretty much ignores him flirting with her (also he stops once he finds out about her past lol). She figures she likes him because they do have the same principles and something about being good people in a shitty world and all that so there’s a lot of admiration there, also their shared love for music and stuff. Elvis things. But she’s trying to heal from the shit she witnessed at the strip so no thanks!! Until… until...
Who initiated the relationship?
Well… technically him, he was the first one to flirt with her probably but she never really paid any attention to it. The actual relationship though.. her.
Who said “I love you” first?
Diana but I think he would have said it too… she was just faster 😌
Who gets jealous easily?
Both do. She’s sexy so nasty old men will flirt with her while she’s doing her job but the King doesn’t have to know that because he would be MAD. Diana on the hand will act like she’s mad at him when random people are being a little too friendly with him -_-
Who is more protective?
HE IS… that one text post about saying “that’s my wife” and punching someone. Yeah.
Who remembers the little things?
He does :) Little things she likes, her favorite song or stupid little things she finds funny… sigh
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
THE KING but unironically. Some Elvis shit, telling her she got him “all shook up” or something and she’s into it!!!
What does a first date look like for them?
He wouldn’t say this counts (she would) but technically that one time she was doing some random music thing with her freeside kids for fun and he showed up to talk to her and Diana was like. Hey wait, why don’t you stay and sing something for these kids :-) it was stupid but fun I guess and they hung out after, her saying how impressed she was because her kids were having a good time and so was she :)
What do they like to do together?
Like on the (unofficial) first date, doing random performances together. I guess he can sing (I think?? all Elvis impersonators can sing in my mind) and she’s a dancer so.. fun!! Other than that, watching random Kings member #58 perform on their little stage, going to ugly Freeside Casinos and leaving immediately after they lose 3 caps, just fun things!! Also he likes to listen to her talking about random stuff she read in her magazines. 
Do they like PDA?
Fuck yeah… Diana constantly having her legs in his lap whenever possible, him having his arm around her shoulders or on her waist all the time. Physical contact but in a cool way. 
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
They wouldn’t spoon I think but she’d sleep on his arm :) wakes up and it’s numb but that’s okay
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
Like I said. constant physical contact (but in a cool way) but actual cuddling WOULD be a thing in private.
Who hogs the blankets?
Diana -_-
Do either of them like to cook?
l can’t imagine him being able to cook but she can. Yes I do the cooking yes I do the cleaning. 
If they get married, who proposes first?
There’s no real proposal probably, It would just come up in a conversation and they’d decide to have one of these quick Las Vegas weddings.
What kind of wedding do they have?
Again. One of these quick Las Vegas weddings… people get married by the King but who marries HIM 😔 (probably one of the other kings). It’s not much but it fits them, I don’t think huge wasteland weddings are much of a thing anyway (or weddings in general) sooo...
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
No one objected, except maybe annoying ass Pacer for literally no reason and some random followers :/ As for Pippa and Isabel (Diana’s besties), they didn’t meet before she started dating the king so they obviously weren’t rooting for them to get together but they wouldn’t object to it either, I think. Isabel certainly doesn’t, she likes the King and thinks they fit. Idk what Pippa thinks she’s not my oc, but I don’t think she’d object to it either.
Do they have any kids?
NO lmao. No biological ones at least, Diana has her Freeside orphans though that she takes care of (kinda), they’re basically her kids. She even refers to them as such :-)
Do they have any pets?
Heh… Rex :-)
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
In the distillery district 😳 On the first mission, Georgie prob caught him sneaking around her clinic (by accident) and was like. WTF get out with your creepy mask… wait ACTUALLY since you’re good at sneaking can you get me [random thing for her medical research that she has tried to get her hands on for ages] and i can give you a discount on health potions and free leeches 😏 NPC behavior… 
Georgie thought the mask looked fucked up and he seemed mysterious but well. She meets strange people every day so 🤷‍♀️ Also she thinks it’s kind of sexy. He thought she was a bit strange, but ig he liked her. She’s funny. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
GEORGIE. relatively quickly actually, she really likes him early on but she doesn’t really say anything with Jess’ death being so recent :/ He does… later on, about two or three years after dh1, probably when she’s on official business in dunwall tower (YES underqualified royal physician Georgie is a thing now 💕) and she remarks a random cut he has on his cheek & turns his face to get a closer look and he’s like 😳😳😳😳 why do I like that she just did that. Love Wins.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Her kind of, again with the whole Jessamine thing because it was so recent and she’s like aaagh i'm not gonna hit on a guy in mourning so she tries to ignore it 😐 
Who initiated the relationship?
GOD technically Georgie, she didn’t say anything of course because she’s too weird but she does kiss him first... and makes him leave right after :/
Who said “I love you” first?
He does… Georgie would NEVER say it first and doesn’t say it right back immediately but. He knows she’s weird about things so it’s okay.
Who gets jealous easily?
Her. That is a thing. 
Who is more protective?
Both :-) 
Who remembers the little things?
Also both but mostly him. Remembering the weird little things she offhandedly mentioned she likes. Or her little plague research things. 
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
Both but they’d just whisper them to each other for funsies when they’re somewhere. In public.
What does a first date look like for them?
They wouldn’t have a proper official first date but it’d likely be some random event they’d both be at when she’s the royal physician (I don’t think she’d get invited to anything but well. Maybe the Boyles run out of crazy things to do at their parties and invite her) Or taking a walk at Dunwall’s somewhat nicer-looking docks. Something boring. 
What do they like to do together?
Also boring things. They’re old, nothing too crazy. Chatting about random stuff whenever she’s over at Dunwall tower, taking walks in the gardens together and watching ships or something, talking shit about aristocrats that they find annoying or just about weird hobbies, maybe she can bring him along to meet her friends (who he already knows) to look at rats in alleyways but he eats them idk. Summons a whole swarm of rats but they end up trying to kill them 
Do they like PDA?
NO. I don’t think she’d be too much into the whole ~aristocrat life~ after becoming the royal physician and just does business-related things but neither would want people talking about this. Semi-secret relationship for no reason and they’re both more private sooo
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
She’s the little spoon.. likes being held :)
Who hogs the blankets?
He does -_-
Do either of them like to cook?
No lol
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
I think the only person really knowing of this is Marzanna (AGAIN. by dany… Georgie is also besties with Slackjaw… the Rat Smackers. but she wouldn’t tell him about this lol), who would probably not object to it?? but I don’t think anyone else would be rooting for them. I guess Emily likes her as her cool doctor but NO WAY that’s gonna be her stepmom :/
Do they have any kids?
No :/
Do they have any pets?
Georgie has a cat. Not together though, Pluto is hers.
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
ok so picking up after the david trilogy, which hit hard as FUCK, we have book 23, which basically was a semi truck that ran over my corpse, jesus christ, they really followed up the david trilogy w/all that....
23 was so so good and also painful. its the culmination of a lot of tobias’s characterization in the series thus far and also we finally get the reveal we’ve been waiting for about elfangor....ooooh man 
and there was a lot of painful stuff in this book but the worst imo was tobias wondering if it were possible that somebody wanted him and would take care of him, only to have it all come crashing down in the worst way when it turned out aria was visser three in morph, ouch. 
that was so brutal augh. and when he figured it out and just crash landed and kept thinking about how he wanted to die and how he was stupid to think he could have a home...bro get these kids some THERAPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
so yeah that book was absolutely brutal but also so good...and it further fleshed out the animorphs working as a near-flawless team, w/the whole setup of tobias meeting w/the lawyer being so airtight and well-planned 
also more free hork bajir!! its cool that there's stuff happening w/them offscreen, I like that 
I literally had to take a break from reading the books bc the david triology + 23 was like so much, and also bc the olympics were on and all my time got dedicated to watching those, but then I opened 24, not sure what to expect, and BAM it was the helmacrons lmaoooo
I don't even remember the helmacrons but ig a lot of people hate them? lmao so that whole reputation preceded the book and I was like oh wow time for a change in tone
which wasn't wrong but also I liked that book?? I was never bored, even tho the whole thing was patently ridiculous and also had very little bearing on the overarching story
but I think it would be a standout if it were a TV episode w/a good budget - the visuals were amazing even in text, and I can imagine all the cool shrinking/growing/cellular stuff would be WICKED cool visually (ideally 2d animation but an ant man-esque live action adaptation wouldn't be terrible if they had the budget for it)
whatever let me dream. so yeah I didn't hate the helmacron book even tho the helmacrons themselves were...sure something. lmao I think they come back? that should be interesting
next book is the arctic one, we have yet another alien of the week style adventure - I liked this one too, it felt like more plot-y stuff happened since they destroyed the base, and marco’s POV is always fun 
I do find it funny/interesting how sometimes when the animorphs do something - like in this book, destroying that base in the arctic - it doesn't really seem to impact the yeerks much/it doesn't get brought up much after that. and then other things like them destroying the ground-based kandrona get mentioned a lot (that example is understandable tho bc that WAS a big deal). its just hilarious to me how blowing up entire building complexes has become so routine that it isn’t even worth mentioning at this point
Also I adore when they meet other random people/kids and are chill w/them, like w/that kid they met in the rain forest earlier on w/the time travel 
the descriptions of the brutally cold weather were great. I hate the cold so I was like oof this is a nightmare lmao
also ig that was the first ghostwritten book and I did kinda notice it was slightly different than usual? maybe? I could be imagining it tho 
okay but book 26 tho...BOOK 26. bruh 
that was SO good and I really didn’t know what to expect - but when we finally revisited Jake’s dream w/crayak I knew it was gonna be good (but I didn’t expect it to be a chess game war epic..!)
basically I loved it. SUCH a good Jake book - I really appreciate his character now as opposed to when I was 10 and often overlooked him (sorry jake).
similarly, when I was a kid and read these I sympathized a lot w/the chee and felt bad for them towards the end of the series when they had to get more involved in the war (genuinely don’t remember what they even do but ik I felt bad) 
but now I've basically 180′d and I'm like damn those chee sure are hypocrites huh. 
like they could solve So many of the animorphs problems but their stringent adherence to nonviolence leads to them actively getting in the animorphs way sometimes? and obviously pacifism is a complicated topic, but in this case it also intersect w/the whole ‘child soldier’ thing, and as beings who are insanely old and wise, the chee probably shouldn't just leave all the dirty work to a bunch of literal middle schoolers
aaaaanyways. there’s so much I love about this book. the iskoort! they were sure something. and the ‘plot twist’ that they are actually 2 beings, the Isk and the Yoort - and the Yoort are essentially Yeerks - that slapped. the symbiosis of it all! 
I loved the part where they all realize what this means, that this is why Crayak wants the iskoort destoryed - because someday the yeerks might come across them and realize parasitism is not the only way. I love it! 
alas I don’t recall the iskoort returning in the story (but also my memory is terrible so who knows?) but still that would be cool
basically I feel like this is the book where Jake Truly comes into his own as a leader, in every sense. he outmaneuvers Crayak, and even the ellimist, who’s yanking them around in his own way
the scene where jake shoves the howler off the cliff and jumps off and morphs and acquires the howler...that was fantastic and tense. 
also the murder is definitely becoming more overt. I mean, it has been for a while, but it isn’t really pointed out as much anymore. oof
more on the chee - as Jake points out in this book, and other characters point out in other books - the chee could have saved the pemalites, but instead just stood by while their creators were slaughtered. on the other hand, jake says, what do the chee do AFTER they’ve killed the howlers - where to point them next? when is the end of their violence? 
buuuuut also standing by while atrocities occur is pretty damning, as is frequently mentioned in this series - from the very beginning, when marco initially doesn’t want to get involved in the war at all, and the other animorphs basically tell him that turning his back on the war and acting like he doesn’t even know it’s happening would be immoral and cowardly (which imo this reaction helps to push marco in the direction he ends up going, but I digress) - this topic comes up again in 19 when cassie quits the team and rachel is upset bc she sees it as cassie elevating her own feelings above the greater good (as in, as long as cassie feels good about how she acts, it doesn’t matter how much preventable evil the yeerks are committing while she turns away). etc etc. but that’s essentially what’s happening w/the chee - even tho they help w/intel, the lack of any sort of Action on their part means that they’re essentially allowing awful things to happen when they could prevent them. this is rambly but basically...animorphs deals so much in grey areas, and the chee are noticeably black and white in their actions, despite falling, in a meta sense, in an extremely grey area. its such good, thought provoking writing!
anywayssss I keep talking about the chee lmao what else was there. oh YEAH jake and cassie kissed for the first time awww that was super cute 
and ofc immediately marco teases them as asks jake if he’s gonna kiss him next, and all I can say is...marco is a bicon 
also I love the background worldbuilding w/the iskoort, how they have all these groups and guilds and stuff - its not dwelled on much, which actually works really well to give the world/species a sense of lived-in realness 
okay oh man and the reveal at the end that the howlers were just like...children who thought the whole thing was a game...AUGHH man that’s sooo fucked 
like, when jake morphs the howler and has rachel ready to knock him down in grizzly morph if he gets out of control due to the howler’s murderous instincts, and he morphs to find that the howler is...playful, like a dolphin morph. SUCH a good fucked up sense of dawning horror there 
and the fact that as far as I can tell the chee KNEW this, but wanted revenge anyways, so they let the animorphs assume that the howlers were Evil On Purpose
also I love smaller moments, like jake seeing that ax is ashamed for briefly running away during one battle w/the howlers, and then entrusts him w/an important task bc he knows that ax will see that as redemption - and when everyone thought jake was dead and were so happy when he wasn't (they all love each other so much im gonna cry about these child soldiers augh)
basically that book was so good
man one thing I absolutely love is that the longer the series goes on the more obvious it is that andalites, despite inventing morphing technology, barely use it themselves 
like, most of the andalite characters we see barely morph. its kind of a last resort to them, as they’re already plenty dangerous in their regular forms 
meanwhile for the animorphs, that’s all they have to fight with. that’s their only weapons against the yeerks, and its so fun to see them use the power in so many varied ways, and so creatively, while the andalites have barely scratched the surface of their own technology
its also interesting to contrast against the yeerks who start out w/absolutely no technology, and the andalites share some but not all of their technology w/them...its too bad that morphing technology was just starting out cause that would’ve been interesting
like imo a lot of the conflict w/the yeerks could’ve been avoided if they could just nothlit into better forms - of course, there’d still be plenty of yeerks who want to go start wars or w/e, just like pretty much any species in the series, but a lot of yeerks would probably be like ‘yeah I'm good’ and just chill out as nothlits
also people online love to talk about how humans are alienfuckers and would definitely have sex w/sentient aliens and whatnot, and while I'm not saying that's untrue, its just funny bc in animorphs the truest alienfuckers are definitely the andalites
as of the hork-bajir chronicles, we now have a second instance of an andalite morphing another species to be in an inter-species alien romance (and eventually have kids) 
speaking of, I don’t think I’ve talked abt the hork bajir chronicles yet??? even tho I read it a while ago lmao 
HBC was great...I honestly haven’t really run into an animorphs book I’ve actually disliked at this point, I’m sure it’ll come w/all the ghostwriting and whatnot, but I’ve liked at least some aspects of every book
anyways HBC was great, and it’s funny bc I remember that I read this book as a kid, and yet rereading it now I didn’t remember a single bit of it lmaooo
I really liked the framing device of the free hork bajir telling this story to tobias. I also liked how we know from the beginning that this story wont have a happy ending - we know all the hork bajir end up enslaved by the yeerks, but it’s still somehow hopeful at the end? I think this is largely due to the framing device tbh. 
also I love toby, and I love that the First free hork bajir named their kid after tobias ;_; 
and oooh mannn I LOVED the different POVs from this book. all the characters were so interesting! aldrea was fascinating - I really like the increasingly negative view of the andalites that the readers are getting, all while maintaining the sense that they aren’t like, actively evil, just that they have their issues - like aldrea’s arrogance, and the general andalite arrogance which lead to the loss of the hork bajir. also, who knew andalites had their own brand of sexism? Ls
I did like getting a female andalite tho, that was cool. and dak was really cool, he was such a good, compassionate character who was able to maintain his morals in an interesting way throughout the story
and VISSER THREE...or should I say esplin 9466, because he’s not visser 3 yet...getting his ‘origin story’ was excellent - I really like how we’re learning about visser 3 backwards - we start off the series w/him as the main villain, and he’s campy and menacing, and then we see him in the andalite chronicles as a power-hungry sub-visser trying to climb the ranks and eventually getting alloran as a host, and then back even further here, w/the start of his focus on the andalites and the beginning of his ambition. its been very cool and interesting to see
plus, the beginning of the yeerks as we know them! seerow! alloran! it’s a party and nobody is having a good time, except for some of the yeerks. 
I like how it’s pretty obvious that the andalites are well-meaning with their interactions w/the yeerks, but go about it the wrong way - they give them enough technology that the yeerks realize there’s a whole world out there to experience, and then they blockade the yeerks on their planet and tell them they can’t leave. nnnnot the best approach imo
again, as I said above, I’m interested in how things could’ve gone if the andalites had given the yeerks morphing technology early on - could a lot of the conflict have been avoided, or would it have been worse? the yeerks seem pretty evil in this book, immediately jumping to enslave anyone they can. otoh we hear from esplin that not all yeerks like having host bodies, and find it overwhelming, preferring to swim around in the yeerk pool as a slug - I assume as host bodies became more available this type of thinking was probably stamped out in yeerk society or w/e, but there are a lot of interesting what-ifs in the situation 
I loved the scene where esplin first experiences having a host, and immediately knows he can’t go back. there are a bunch of great sensory descriptions, and it’s a nice scene to pinpoint as a foundational moment for the visser three in the current story, who spent a lot of time and energy getting what he sees as the best possible host body, an andalite
I find it interesting how much visser three clearly respects the andalites, even while constantly deriding them. and you can see the origins of that here as he immediately focuses in on the andalites, working to become an expert on them in order to make himself useful enough to move thru the ranks
another thing I like is how esplin seems a lot more crafty and ambitious than the visser three from modern times - I would guess that reaching his goal (andalite host body) and being given all that power was detrimental, playing on his weaknesses instead of his strengths. basically, I don’t think it’s ooc or anything, I can see how HBC-esplin became animorphs-esplin, especially w/TAC in between
as for seerow...poor dude. you really do have to feel for him, because you get the sense he really did just want to be kind to the yeerks, but it was borne from a place of pity, and he (and the other andalites) consistently held too much power over the yeerks for the species relations to ever be truly equal and functional 
AUGH I have so many thoughts about alien space politics. omg. I need to talk about the actual story lmao
so yeah I also feel for aldrea, she had a rough time, watching her entire family die and being thrown into a hopeless war
and then the andalite council or w/e not listening to her bc she's a girl AND seerow’s daughter...oof
also, I really really liked the running theme of the andalites - specifically aldrea - looking down on the hork bajir as ‘simple’ and constantly underestimating them, especially dak
and I like how this is portrayed as a bad attitude for aldrea to have, and she still remains and interesting and sympathetic character even while having obvious flaws. it’s about being 3-dimensional baby!
and oh man I love that dak realizes that aldrea looks down on him, and his entire species, but he can see that that’s how the andalites are, and it all connects back to the beginning of the story w/the yeerks, bc the andalites looked down on the yeerks and treated them with pity and kept them pinned under their proverbial thumb ‘for their own good’ and look how that turned out 
but dak is wise and kind enough to not hate aldrea for this, even acknowledging when she’s using him, but not pushing her away because he recognizes good in her too - and she ends up changing, partially because of his faith in her
and I feel like it can all be compared to that scenario of like - a hypothetical creature that lives in a 2D world suddenly being thrust into a 3D world, and comprehending what its seeing, and understanding that there’s so much more out there outside of the flat lines of its world - and then its dropped back into 2D-land with the knowledge of all the stuff its missing out on, and no way to get back to it or explain it to anybody else
I loooove that ‘trope’ or w/e you wanna call it, and it’s done beautifully here w/the yeerks - whos the say they wouldn't have been fine in their pool swimming around; as esplin said, a lot of the yeerks were terrified of having a host, it was only from the andalites’ perspective that their lives were sad and pitiful, and the andalites showed them what the world could be like, and then said ‘no, you can’t travel the stars like we do, you have to stay here on your planet and do what we say.’
and then again, w/the hork bajir - dak talks about how, even though he drinks up the knowledge that aldrea gives him, in the end it might have been better to just have lived peacefully, not knowing what was in the sky or the Deep - as aldrea says: “It was too late for Dak: he knew that the stars were not flowers.” 
plus the hork bajir having to go from a completely peaceful species who don’t even understand the concept of violence, to a bunch of soldiers fighting a war...oof 
basically everyone in this story uses the hork bajir. the yeerks use them as hosts, the andalites use their planet as a convenient place to dump seerow and then take their sweet time coming to help, and the arn created them as means to stabilize the planet, but block them off from their society and refuse to help when the yeerks come
like, the arn modifying themselves to be un-infestable by the yeerks and then being enslaved for physical labor instead? oof guys. if they had teamed up w/the hork bajir resistance things might have gone better, but probably not 
more on aldrea - throughout the story I was always thinking ‘how am I supposed to see her? as a good person, or as a bad person?’ 
as a POV character, especially a ‘good guy’ andalite, you just start off automatically thinking of her as a good person, but as the story goes on, she starts getting lost in revenge and begins using dak and the hork bajir, and you’re left wondering if this is a story about her slide into darkness, and then towards the end of the story her character development culminates in her making the decision to stay w/the hork bajir, and the be with dak, and that’s about when I went ‘ohhh right this is animorphs so every character is pretty much gonna be grey’
I feel like that moral grey-ness was on full display w/aldrea, and I really enjoyed that. I love so much when characters who are good do bad things, for good or bad reasons, especially in media like animorphs that’s aimed at kids. it’s so compelling. 
oof, and the ending when aldrea convinces dak to mobilize the hork bajir and teach them violence...and dak asks her if she’s ever killed another andalite, and she’s horrified, and says of course she hasn’t, and he says that that’s what she’s asking him, and all the hork bajir, to do - to kill their own people, even if they are being controlled by the yeerks. biiiig oof. I love that dak can keep up w/aldrea and her andalite supremacy attitude - it seems that the non-andalite characters who get along best w/the andalites are the ones who wont take their bs 
what else happened....oh my god how could I forget about alloran, and his quantum virus. oooof. I like how we find out about alloran in parallel to visser three, in the same backwards way - in animorphs he’s the tragic host of visser three, in TAC he’s the disgraced but still semi-respected war-prince who becomes the first ever andalite controller, and here he’s the guy who decides to commit some war crimes because, hey, we haven’t tried that yet 
but yeah that was fucked up, I love it. I’ve said it before I think but I like that alloran isn’t some perfect martyr tragically taken by the yeerks - it’s a lot more compelling that he’s a very flawed person who was taken as a controller partially due to his own bloodthirstiness. 
but yeah, the part where aldrea morphs alloran and ‘sneaks’ into that room was great. aldrea’s dedication to disposing of the virus is a great indicator of her character development - it really feels like the straw that broke the camels back w/re: to the andalites not being what she thought they were, w/their tardiness coming to help the hork bajir planet and the way her father was treated being the precursors to this realization. it all culminates nicely in aldrea saying ‘fuck this actually’ and nothlit-ing into a hork bajir.
and it’s really tragic but realistic that even though aldrea and dak end up seeing eye to eye at the end and getting together, the virus ends up being released anyways (and fails in its objective to stop the yeerks from using the hork bajir - the whole thing was p much a lose-lose situation oof), and aldrea and dak still die fighting a hopeless war 
but then we have the free hork bajir on earth, including toby, who, like tobias, has andalite ancestry, but no DNA to show for it - I like that they have that connection as well as tobias being her namesake
so yeah I enjoyed that one and its many-layered themes
WOW this got long uuuuuhhh ok I think i’ll leave this one off here. at the time I’m actually finishing the writing and editing, I’m on book 35 lol so I have some backlogging to do. never fear, I have a lot to say....
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im-a-meteorite · 4 years
i’ve been marathoning the harry potter movies since im in quarantine and i’ve been taking some notes. i’ll post them all bc why not 
sorcerer’s stone
harry knowing that there’s no post on sunday,, a genius
hedwig’s theme playing when harry looks out of the window and sees an owl flying by, very nice
hagrid doing magic at the house on the rock thing,, wouldnt the ministry be able to track that?? since there’s no wizard that lives there, they should be alerted?? or did they remove the trace from hagrid once he got expelled?? like does it work by the trace only or? bc if it doesn’t work by location then how would they know that a muggle witnessed the magic?? idk anymore
the kids staring at the nimbus 2000 and saying its the fastest model yet,, then the camera zooming on the handle w/ the background blurred -> the most straight forward foreshadowing
hagrid is actually the worst person to take harry on his tour situation,, like bro literally left him in the middle of a train station
the weasleys and harry going to the platform while theres a shit ton of ppl walking around,,, statute of secrecy where??
the great hall is on the first floor?? i thought it was on the ground floor
ew the hats
i wish the movies had dumbledore’s weird few words speeches
“theres not one witch or wizard that went bad that wasnt in slytherin” broooo
mcgonagall is so savage i love her
snape is an asshole
a crap ton of chessboards in the great hall study hall scene,, foreshadowing the challenges?
madam hooch really yeeted herself out of neville’s way
✨🥰 oliver wood 🥰✨✨
harry really wiped the troll buggers on his robe,, disgusting
snapes hair is lowkey on fleek tho,,
making most of the slytherins ugly bc they’re the “evil” house is just a disservice to all the inbreeding
hermione setting snape on fire is truly iconic and very extra tbh like sis why tf would u know a spell like that
seasonal transition wasnt that great tbh
overall the directing style is kinda basic
“not in the restricted section,,” rule breaking hermione is the best hermione
dumbledore’s handwriting is so extra and loopy like tf?? but it fits his character
the hedwig flying season transition was good
“immortal?” “it means you’ll never die.” “i know what it means!”
50 points each for being out of bed??? wtf is this point system
filtch saying there’s werewolves in the forbidden forest,,, thats illegal sir
hagrid calling the trio by their first names but draco by his last,, we love favoritism
harry’s thoughts r so ridiculous,, “snape doesnt want the stone for himself, he wants it for voldemort!” lmaoo wtf,, evidence pls sir,, u don’t even know he was a death eater. was it the bad vibes?? bc same
harry figuring out that the person who gave hagrid the dragon egg is voldy,, a genius
“kill us faster?? now i can relax!!” ron is so iconic i love him
“lucky we didnt panic!” “lucky hermione pays attention in herbology”
how is it that harry’s hand burned quirrel but not the skin on harry’s neck?? that shit makes no sense
yeah i really cant imagine this dumbledore fighting voldy in movie 5
hermione’s headband in the reunion scene is so cute i love it
chamber of secrets:
how is dobby even allowed to just jump on the bed?? like is it bc harry isnt his master that he can do smth like that
“dobby has heard about harry potter’s kindness” or whatever,, bro u work for the malfoys either the elves gossip or draco is waxing poetry about harry
aunt petunia saying “we have ice-cream” after that whole affair is just ridiculous
this seems like the extended version bc i dont remember the borgin and bruks scene to be that long
the close ups with lucius and ginny’s books r insane lmao like chris columbus made it so obvious
also mr weasley’s acting is so funny like its so exaggerated
lucius malfoy is so dramatic and extra we love it
also lucius knowing hermione’s name and “draco’s told me all about you”??? bro whats with draco?? lmaoo
snape really got mad with the whole car business
mandrakes r fucking weird bro how did jkr come up with that
omg colin had so many lines?? wow
omg erol with the fucking howler,, iconic
ron’s facial expressions?? pure comedy, rupret is so good
“pesky piksy pescinomy” this bitch dumb
“why is it always me?” poor neville
omfg ✨🥰 oliver wood 🥰✨
ahh using the seeker position for fighting
ew draco used the m-word
the shit the basilisk is saying is so lame lmaoo
how does harry not recognize that he’s hearing a different language?? or does parsaltongue act weird
“i know the counter-curse that could’ve spared her” bitch the dirty looks he got?? omfg
the movies would’ve been 500% better if they had lee jordan’s iconic quidditch commentary
“what did you expect?? pumpkin juice??” madam pomfery is a queen
dobby is dumb dumb
“who am i, hedwig? what am i?”
“reading? i didnt know you could read?”
“look at my face” “look at your tail!”
“you can’t cancel quidditch!”
“oh harry, if you die down there, you’re welcome to share my toilet”
lockheart: do you live here? ron: no *smacks him in the head with a rock*
“voldemort is my past, present and future” are all slytherins this dramatic??
the tension between hermione and ron in the last feast was insane
justin filtch fletchy is so ugly im so sorry i cant
prisoner of azkaban:
im sorry but harry doing underage illegal magic pisses me off every time
aunt marge 🤢
“do they use a cane boy?” “oh yeah, i’ve been beaten loads of times”
that whole scene is so chaotic
“you cant do magic outside of school!” “oh yeah? try me”
sirius really dumb for barking at harry like it makes no sense
the knight bus is probably one of the best things in this movie
“whatcha doing down there??” “i fell over” “whacha fell over for?” “i didnt do it on purpose!” “well come on then, lets not wait for the grass to grow”
harry leans over and looks for the grim, stan: “whatcha looking at?”
“yeah take it away ernie,, its gonna be a bumpy ride”
this whole thing is written and directed so perfectly
i hate how they replaced tom bc it really made no sense
all the bits of magic in the leaky caldron is so genius
fudge reminds me of trump but like dumber
the blue lighting and coloring is just great, it fits the colder vibe of the story (not like HBP with the hazy/blurry effect)
ugh the glass and mirror transitions are one of my favorite things,, alfonso curon really did that 
i love the weasleys,, also everyone looks great in this movie
omg the scene with arthur talking to harry about sirius with the sirius poster always being in sight?? amazing
contrast of light and darkness just echos the whole dementor vs patronus situation
i dont even understand why remus took the train other than for the nostalgia
the lights slowly turning off in the different carriages?? amazing
the visual representation of the dementors’ effect is great
i wish there was more emotion from remus when he’s talking about sirius,, like that was one of his only friends
snape clapping literally twice for remus,, ajhshsh
ahh the placement of the slytherin and gryffindor tables right beside each other to increase the tension and further the plot
oh yea the new dumbledore, also cool hat he has
omg the new fat lady painting
omg the candy scene?? so cute i love lads being lads. that scene just echo’s dumbledore’s light in the dark quote bc its storming outside at night and they’re creating a happy environment within the dark especially with the dementors
ah yes the clock references + following the bird to show us important parts of hogwarts and putting the whomping willow in the forefront
ron’s reading of harry’s tea leaves,, still on point tho. ron really has a knack for divination
buckbeak! omg drapple
draco is so hot especially with that ring also the slytherin pins??
“oh yeah, terribly funny, really witty. god, this place has gone to the dogs”
the kids look so messy i love it + harry’s uneven tie
“its killed me! your gonna regret this, you and your bloody chicken”
omg the boggart lesson
“riddikulus!” “this class is ridiculous”
fuck snape!
draco really pushed someone with his bandaged arm
remus is such an amazing professor i love him and i just miss him so much
ugh harry in this hoodie?? amazing
remus and harry’s conversation with the music :(( lily :((
wtf is that eye painting??
percy screaming about being head boy,, bro stfu
sirius is such a dramatic little bitch i love it
seasonal changes marked by the wimping willow
“turn to page 394”
what a fucking rude ass bitch,, i hate snape
harry really be seeing the grim everywhere
i wish they had “wheres wood?” “trying to drown himself in the shower”
winter transition with hedwig! + clock tower
“come and join the big boys”
i just adore this scene of the twins giving harry the map (bro i really want a series about the marauders)
whos that skinny bitch with draco???
harry’s way too rash tbh
also mcgonagall being also too nonchalant about the whole marauder’s situation?? like those werent your students
remus is a soft boy dark academia icon
if only dumbledore wasnt a dumbass,, remus could have been uncle moony raising harry with sirius
ron’s nightmare scene?? iconic
“my dad didnt strut. nor do i” umm james potter was also a drama queen sooo probably strutting
“you, YOU FOUL LOATHSOME EVIL LITTLE COCKROACH” “hermione no, he’s not worth it”
sirius’ dog form really looks like a rabid dog omfg
the part where hermione grabs harry while she’s on the wimping willow omfg
“finally the flesh reflects the madness within” “well you’d know all about the madness within, wouldn’t you remus?”
why the fuck is the shreaking shack is swaying in the wind??
why the fuck didnt they knock peter out?? like tf?? they’re actually dumb dumb there were so many ways for this to go right
this man really sent 2 13-year-olds on this dumbass mission
buckbeak really beat up remus,, “professor lupin’s having a really tough night”
harry’s a fucking psycho with this patronus bullshit,, i cant
can they stop screaming while flying on buckbeak?? someone might hear them
im still mad sirius didnt get his name cleared,, so much would’ve changed
“we did it” “did what? goodnight” i fucking hate dumbledore and his mindlessness omfg sometimes i wanna punch him in the face
fuck snape for outing remus as a werewolf,,, but also he really didnt have to resign. like istg wheres the marauder energy when it comes to defying everyone??
i wish the movies had went into the marauders’ history :(( its one of my favorite aspects of the series
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jenhrding · 4 years
dead to me season 2; a review
hello, i need to write about this because i woke up at 4am to watch season two and i have soooo many feelings that i need to vent even if nobody really cares
this is gonna be long so i divided it by episode and i'm doing a summary at the end if you don't feel like reading the entire thing
if you follow me on twitter you may have seen a lot of my comments on the season, as i needed to tweet about it while i watched it, but this is more of an organized type of thing
> i'm a die hard judy/jen shipper so if you liked michelle this might not be for you, i'm sorry
okay, the season picks up on the morning after ted's death and that was something i really appreciated. i usually hate when tv shows skip things and only mention what happened, not showing us how it happened
judy and henry's relationship warms my heart. they have a really strong bond and i'm glad we got to see more of them together throughout the episodes.
but, as we can't have everything, it hurt me a lot to see the way jen was treating judy. i love them both equally and because of that i can clearly see their mistakes without being biased, or at least i hope i can. i get that she was hurt with everything that judy did, and i loathed steve deeply, but still, the guy was his ex-fiancee, and she loved him to death even if he was a toxic piece of crap. the way jen said she was just there to pick up stuff and then told her she burned everything without even looking at her made me so sad for judy, and her dropping judy off saying they would never talk again was very cold, but that i would've seen coming from jen.
i was constantly feeling bad for judy because she didn't have time to mourn steve or abe and there she was, broke and without a place to stay. and let's just say, abe was an angel in her life even after he died. props to him for treating her like she deserved to be treated.
the thing with michelle started and it seemed a bit forced to me, like they just wanted to shove judy to someone else so we would stop asking for jen & judy being together.
and then jen called judy and i just KNEW that was happening, that scene really made me happy and it felt like they were taking a step forward in their relationship. jen worries about judy so much, even if she's not the best at showing it.
"like an excuse to see me again." "did it work?"
steve's twin thing was 100% so they wouldn't have to kick james out. it was very predictable and unnecessary. i guess it added a bit to the plot but his presence really annoyed me. but, i need to say, james did a nice job because ben didn't have any of steve's traits (i know that's what actors are supposed to do but i felt like he needed a compliment).
diana was irritating me from the beginning, and i'm glad i got to like her more by the end of everything.
i didn't get the deal with nick. i know breakups are hard but he looked depressed af. maybe it had to do with his history, everything with his friend and him losing his job and stuff. but i'm not really interested in that so it didn't bother me.
and may i just add? the scene with judy and the bird, she truly is a princess, i can't with her. also, i liked the subtle hint when jen told ben not to climb on the freezer because it was too low, and we would come to find out later that steve's body was in that freezer.
episode two had a lot of fun moments and it was a lighter one, maybe to prepare us for the chaos that was coming next.
"you look beautiful. i wish you would love yourself more."
judy hugging the freezer got me ????? i know she's an espiritual person but was she really acting like steve was feeling anything? i was confused, honesly, but i don't blame her "she will never do anything wrong :)"
the rats scene was funny but i hated how long they took to solve the freezer thing and just showed jen going there and crying sooo many times it kinda got tiring.
jen was being so nice to judy, touching her and hugging her and i had my hopes up for a little bit (only to get played again but i'll talk about that later).
the scene with michelle was cute, kinda necessary for judy to realize things about her grief, but sincerely speaking she just makes me very bored.
the breakdown scene in the garage was GREAT, linda and christina did an amazing job and i want to give them all of the awards.
"just wanted to tell you that i forgive you."
this episode had so much potential to be gay lmao, i could actually picture jen trying to comfort judy and end up kissing her and then they would've been together and all, but liz really doesn't want to give us what we want.
the scene at the bar was one of the best scenes in this season. they finally TALKED about their feelings. about how they still cared about both of the men who hurt them even if they were still mad at them for being shitty guys, and that was so important, love really does weird things to us.
and the dancing scene was EVERYTHING!!!! plus, they slept in the same bed even though there were two beds in the room, so...
judy hugging henry because of his bird = my heart cried they really are mother and son
jen telling judy that she could say goodbye and LINDA's SINGING!!!!!!!! a big yes for me
"will you be my person?" "yes, i will be your person."
hated this one. jen telling judy she needed space was hurtful, specially because judy was planning a day to make her feel better.
i just really hated this one. jen and ben is a NO, and judy with michelle was bothering me.
the highlight of it, for me, was when jen called judy to help her with charlie because, well, he is his mom too.
plus: the car burning scene was hot.
judy and jen talking to charlie like his moms was sooo nice i liked that scene a lot.
the voicemails steve left judy were disgusting. i hate that guy so much and i'm glad he's dead (sorry) and not able to hurt her anymore. we only want happy and safe judy here.
jen was jealous when judy mentioned her "new friend" you can't change my mind on this one.
i actually thought judy and michelle were gonna kiss in the car, but i appreciated that liz dragged it a little bit more.
i loved most of the arcade scenes, specially the ones with their family. i liked how they portrayed jen's relationship with the boys getting good again but didn't drag it on for too long, i think it was quite nice the way they did it.
and no, i'm not here for judy and michelle even though linda looks very hot while kissing another woman.
um, judy and michelle slept together and i was not happy. in fact, i made a lot of tweets complaining about it and twitter actually put me on limit for a few minutes. her saying "i love you" felt so forced and fake, i don't know, maybe it's cause i just don't like them together.
i was really appreciating scenes with jen and charlie, even if i don't like him very much. it felt good to see their relationship developing and getting better again because i do love a mother-son plot.
"of all the lesbians in lagoona" (jen included if i may add). this scene really showed a trust between them that i missed, jen telling judy she couldn't see michelle anymore and even though judy was upset she agreed with it because she knows jen only wants what's best for her.
it really hurt me to see that girl pregnant, because i know how much judy wanted a baby and for her to have five miscarriages and have to see that other woman pregnant with steve's baby must've hit her hard.
hated jen and ben together. honestly, it felt so weird to have jen kiss the guy who looks so much like the guy she killed, so, i did not like that.
judy's speech to diana was really important. it really showed more of who she is, really, a person who just tries all the time to do everything right and keeps fucking it up (like myself, i'd say), and i liked that scene a lot, specially when she goes to pick up the plastic bags hahaha.
this one showed a bit of why we should've been prepared for episode nine.
jen and judy's first scene was really good. they started it fighting but the ending was so lovely and just showed us how much they love each other and the things they'd give up for the other one to be happy.
i really hated how michelle treated judy on this episode. judy didn't have to tell her anything right away, they were together for five seconds. (or maybe i'm overreacting because i love judy way too much and hate seeing her being mistreated).
the end of this episode showed a lot of phone calls that made me confused and it had a few cliffhangers that i found to be a bit unnecessary. the show is interesting enough and i think liz overdid the cliffhangers a bit in this season, but it wasn't something that deeply bothered me.
i have a lot to say about this one so just take a deep breath before i vent lmao.
jen and ben fucked. which i thought was unnecessary and out of character for her. i really didn't see jen sleeping with a guy who has the same face as the guy she killed, and the scene where she looks at ben and remembers steve's dead body was so weird.
plus, i wish they would've gotten deeper into jen's mastectomy story. the only mention to it in this season was when she was in the bathroom, and she couldn't even bring herself to look in the mirror. it was unlike her to sleep with some stranger after that, since she's so ashamed of it, and it made me sad that the first person to see her naked after surgery (besides ted) wasn't judy, who she actually trusts. i didn't need jen to talk about it, because i know her character doesn't like to talk feelings, but the scene where she was alone could've been longer and showed a bit more of her story.
they showed so much of judy's background in the last two episodes and i loved it! i like how they were slowly revealing why her character acts the way she does. we knew she didn't like to be alone, but now we know that it's because she was alone most of her life, and because of that she clings to anyone who shows a bit of interest in her. therefore, why she didn't like nick that much and still tried to make things work out with him, and when steve showed her a little bit more of compassion, she went back to him. and now it's michelle, who she started seeing right after jen told her she needed space. judy is codependent, and i liked to understand her relationship with her mother so i could understand her relationship with others.
jen's scene at city hall was so important and powerful. first, i was afraid she might embarrass herself but she was incredible. the way she called andrew out not even scared if all the white men sitting there wouldn't believe a woman's harassment story, the way she talked about ted and ugh everything was great.
then, things started to go downhill. jen's relationship with the boys started declining again and it broke my heart (but i liked how henry asked for judy because he was sad and wanted to see her). and this anticipated what i elected (as if i have any room to say anything) to be the best scene of the show.
the garage scene. i have so many feelings towards it but at the same time i don't know how to express them.
first, judy said she was going to take the blame for charlie and that right there is what a mom would do (and finally they talked about judy's s*icide attempt). besides that, judy said that jen had a family and she couldn't lose that family, and then we realize how much it hurt her when her mom said she didn't have a family of her own (even though, in season one, jen said she was a part of their family).
linda and christina were brilliant in this bit. linda's expressions send me every time, and personally, i love it when she curses because it shows a side of her character that only comes out when she's really nervous and stressed, since she's always trying to see the good in everything. the way she raised her voice and said a lot of "fucks" really brought a different tone to the scene that we hadn't seen during the season.
jen had a lot of breakdowns during this season. but none of those were as exceptional as this one. ted fucked up her mind badly, and steve saying all those things triggered her to do what she did. imagine being married to a person for eighteen years and finding out, after his death, that he was cheating on you for a year and a half, that really must mess up with your self esteem and how you see yourself. jen is constantly thinking that everyone that she loves hates her and she ends up hating herself (as judy said "i wish you would love yourself more."). she is an extraordinary character and there's so much i still need to know about her.
now, here's something that bothered me. this scene was great, but i think jen was a bit out of character when she said "that's because you love anyone who just gives you a morsel of fucking attention, even if it's abusive. it's like you get off on it or something". honestly, the jen i know and have grown to love would never blame a woman for being abused, even if she was out of her mind for being upset. she saw how judy was mistreated by steve and she always knew he was toxic, but she would never say that to judy, as if she had any guilt on it.
this scene was so raw and chaotic but it was breathtaking, in a good way. judy's "i'm not like you" and their fight in front of the house, also judy's screams, everything was on point.
and then, jen got to see something we've been noticing for the past season and this one as well. when judy's stressed or hurt, she starts self-harming. it was never brought up before but it's something to watch out for. how many times did she curse at herself and hit herself in front of mirrors? and in the car she starts hitting herself really strongly when she's asking jen to stop. now, i don't know which part of her history this has to do with but i'd really like for them to get more into this, as it seems like a great storyline.
jen watching judy sleep and putting her hair behind her ear was so gay pure and i loved this scene so much.
what jen did for her family was beautiful, even if it didn't start that well. now, about her letter to judy, i sobbed so much reading that one.
this episode said a lot about diana's humanity. her and jen's talk about their mothers showed another side of her that i really liked. and i'm a sucker for motherhood storylines, so i cried a lot during that scene.
i liked this episode a lot too. loved to see charlie so worried about his mother for once in his life, and how well judy handles things as a mother.
now this is where i get mad. the scene where jen and judy are talking outside was the perfect setting for them to confess feelings. michelle felt like something that judy needed to replace steve, so it wouldn't last anyway (me hoping that she's not showing up on season 3), and because she had that experience, now she could love jen in a healthier way, in a way that maybe she couldn't before. there were so many 'i love you's and so many hugs and touches and no kiss and i was sad.
i loved the way jen said that judy needed to learn how to say no (and also, can she please stop saying sorry all the time? she's always making herself sad to make others happy-- i can't stop seeing myself in her). and it was genius how they used this thing to make her say no to her mom, who only wanted to see her to get out of prison, it showed her strenght.
the way they picked up jen's grief for her mom was really nice, i'd also like to learn more about that in the future. we could really understand where her anger comes from and why she despises herself so much.
and, baby, let me tell you, judy hale is a GENIUS. the money inside the paintings? i never saw that coming and i was so happy watching that scene! specially when she showed jen and they held hands. :(
charlie found the letters and he's finally getting to know what actually happened to his father (i'm guessing), and i wanna see his reaction. and i'm so here for their vacation! "talk to me like lovers do!" she really just keeps playing with my heart. (and jen calling judy "judes" was really cute.)
the last scene was something. them talking about the sign and then ben hitting them because he was drunk? i wasn't expecting that. and, as i said before, liz likes a good cliffhanger, but this one didn't seem that harsh. if she wanted to, she could've just left us in the dark about whether jen was alive or not, but she didn't, and i appreciated that.
i still don't know if this leaves room for another big storyline, maybe this should be something to be solved in the first two episodes of season three so they could jump into something more exciting, i don't know.
"i love you more than wine. thank you for loving me and our boys."
i liked this season a lot. it felt a lot different from season one, the settings, the air. it was a bit more chaotic, i must say, and i do think they could've maybe chilled for a little bit and left the high point of stress being only on episodes 9 and 10. literally, everything was happening, all the time, and the only time they had to breathe was when they went dancing that night.
there was a shift in my feelings, for sure. last season i picked up on a lot of judy's mistakes and things she did that bothered me. this season, i did that more with jen, but i still love them so much istg i'd die for them (not to sound dramatic or anything lmao). it's just that last season i identified a lot more with jen's anger and behaviors, and in this one a saw a lot of myself in judy, and that might've prevented me from criticizing them as much in their respective moments.
i love this show to death, and i'm just waiting for award nominations that i'm sure will come. let's just hope that, this year, they also acknowledge linda's brilliant acting and even give both of them some awards.
this is me, (im)patiently waiting for a season 3 confirmation and i'm sure i'm just gonna rewatch everything for the next year like i did with season one.
i needed to talk about this season, and twitter doesn't give me enough space to do that, but this is not something i usually do. if you read all of this, you're brave, and i'm thankful for your attention.
now, can liz please make judy and jen girlfriends?
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nokikissa · 5 years
Whooooooooo did it, beat the story of borderlands 3 now. It took me 42 hours but I think I got still like some of those fight wave of enemies arena things I could do but I’ll look into that later, I did all the crew challenges and side mission outside of those type of things.
Story and character wise it was a bit of a mixed bag, there were a lot of things I like and couple things I really didn’t like, but all in all I had fun, the gameplay was excellent, and most likely I will play it again, to co-op with buddies or to try out different vault hunters.
Putting more in-depth thoughts about some story and character things under the cut, extreme major spoiler warning as I’ll be talking about like big plot moments and such.
I quite like most of the new characters they introduced in this, I’ve only played Fl4k and loved them, but from everything I’ve seen I feel like I’ll love the other new vault hunters as well. The Calypso twins were delightful villains, very entertaining but also like I couldn’t wait to get to kill them lmao. And then there’s like Ava, I loved her and her relationship with Maya that was good stuff. And Wainwright I quite liked as well, and I was very happy that Hammerlock finally has a boyfriend and is in a good relationship. And also Lorelei and Clay were both good too, tho I probably like Lorelei more of those haha.
How it handled some old characters tho.... That’s a bit mixed. Like I liked a lot of them: Lilith, Eliie, Tannis, Maya, Zer0, Sir Hammerlock.... Even Rhys! They got Rhys down surprisingly well in my opinion! Obviously he was bit more comedic and doofy but like it was still reminiscent of how Rhys acted in like comedic moments of tales, I could recognize where they got his personality from and so on, it was fine!
...Which makes it even more baffling that they fucked up Vaughn so completely that with Vaughn it feels like the writer maybe got a super vague description of the character at best which had been passed down through multiple people twisting it around like a game of broken telephone. I just don’t understand where they pulled some character traits for him at all.... During the game I tried my best to ignore his existence, which worked well for a long while until the game made you go back to pandora and made him story relevant again, god every time he spoke my reaction was like “please shut up...”
But. I knew that was coming. The Commander Lilith DLC and promotional pics and so on made it clear ahead of time that I would not like Borderlands 3 Vaughn. I had had time to go through the stages of grief and resign to being all well I’m gonna be one of those salty tales fans and keep on drawing content of like tales Vaughn and ignore the rest of the canon for him.
So anyway I was really liking the story during like the Promethea Atlas Vs. Maliwan Arc actually, Rhys and Zer0 and their interactions were fun, Katagawa was an enjoyable villain as well, I just hope the fandom don’t make him annoying to me... So yeah that arc was good and fun.... and then the Promethea Vault happened. I am still a bit on the fence about how I feel about Maya getting killed off. On one hand, I did not see that coming and it did get an emotional “Nooo D:” reaction out of me, which well I’ve seen games with similar character getting killed off scenes that are supposed to be a big deal but my reaction is just like “ok”, like Borderlands 2 with Roland for example. But like yeah I didn’t want her to die, and it feels like kind of a waste cos let’s face it in 2 she didn’t have that much personality since the game didn’t do voice lines for the vault hunters reacting to the story etc. So now she was finally getting to be her own character I feel like aaaand then she dies. :/
And then we moved on to the Eden 6 arc and initially I was excited all Oh get to meet Hammerlock’s Boyfriend! But soon my excitement soured............
So Aurelia’s evil now huh.... And like cartoonishly evil...... Man I hate what they did with Aurelia in this game, it really smashed my good mood coming from the promethea arc to this.... Like in pre-sequel sure she kept claiming herself to be evil and a bitch and so on, but yet when Jack did like actually horrible shit she did not agree with those, she felt bad about Felicity’s fate and didn’t agree with Jack killing the scientist, she even objected when Jack was killing off all claptraps! But nah here’s she’s evil, murdering people left and right and also fucked Troy Calypso cos idk she evil now  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Like god............ I really didn’t expect Aurelia of all the characters whose portrayal I’d be having this much issues but here we are... I guess I’m more pissed about it atm cos as I said with Vaughn I knew what was coming, but with Aurelia I kinda feel Bait and switched by the promotional material cos in all of those that I saw they showed like both the Hammerlocks and Wainwright standing next to each other so you know I was expecting her to be an ally, like maybe she and Alistair had started to tolerate each other and so on but NOPE! Go kill this character you like! Thanks a lot gearbox...
That’s the major issues I had with characters I suppose, Tho it is a bit disappointed Maya and Zer0 were only vault hunters from 2 that showed up. Would’ve been fun to get more personality for more of them. I did find some echo logs involving Krieg at one point which were interesting, aaaand according to like the sort of background filler assets Axton does porn now lmao. Also hmm where were Athena and Janey? Fiona and Sasha? So many characters missing... I know they’ve said probably more characters show up in dlcs, but still. Story wise kinda funny tho, like did Lilith contact the vault hunters from 2 for help at all? Were all of them like “sry I’m busy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “??
Also one weird bit about the Eden 6 arc, it felt kiiinda out of place for borderlands that there were npcs being all “Oh man I sure love the Jakobs family they treat me well”, borderlands has sorta been all “the gun corporation suck” beforehand... I suppose the Promethea arc was bit too pro corporation in some way, but with that at least mostly the npc I saw were like “Rhys says he’s trying to do good with atlas... hm we shall see how that’ll pan out...” suspicion, but with the Jakob there were characters being all oh Jakobs is so great such good corporation :)
At the end side of the game you could get sooo much lore about like sirens which I loved, translating the eridian artifact things like clarified on like how sirens come to be and all which is great! According to that siren in her life can choose who specifically inherits her powers after she dies, or “release her powers into the unknown” which when described kinda gave me the impression that it’ll pass those onto some baby that’s born at some point, which yay clarification on the whole are sirens born as sirens or do they get their powers later: answer is both!
And it appears that Angel decided to pass her powers onto Tannis before she died? Which is interesting. And aw Maya chose Ava to inherit her powers.
That ending tho..... uhhh isn’t Elpis an inhabited place? How did that whole thing affect the people living on elpis lmao....?
And god that ending credits song, it is fitting but I just can’t take it seriously asfsfdggs...
i guess I’ll now move onto talking about the gameplay....
The gameplay was great. Same old Borderlands gameplay except with some improvements making it better, and that is exactly what I wanted from the game.
I especially love the way the guns are now and how much variety there is between the manufacturers, and even within them! Like previously I rarely liked to use shotguns in borderlands games, but in this one I fell in love specifically with the Maliwan Shockwave shotguns, and when one I had started to be too low leveled I desperately tried looking for new one everywhere lol.
And also Atlas gun’s smart bullet gimmick is so good especially now that I played on console, I know I joked about that before the game came out I’m sorry Rhys lol.
I really enjoyed the environments in the game, the planets looked cool and unique, and the maps were interesting. And god some of them are so huge! Which does cause some issue tho... They are weirdly stingy with ammo vending machines. In previous games they usually had ammo vending machines before like boss fight rooms, but in this one nope! Most of the time they only have those in like beginning of the map or like where fast travel points are? That’s annoying... And another issue is that the maps are big and sorta maze-like at times, so even though you have the mission marker in the mini map, I still needed to constantly open the map to see how to get to it, you can’t just go straight in the direction of the mission marker.
Gotta say, I was bit disappointed that we only visited Athenas to get Maya, I was hoping we’d return there cos the planet was very pretty but nope....
Fl4k’s gameplay was really fun, I got the skill that lets fl4ks pet heal you and man that skill is a lifesaver, there were some boss fights I survived purely because of Mr Chew keeping me alive by reviving me lol.
I did encounter few glitched that caused me to have to restart the game cos some mission objective got stuck somewhere and I couldn’t advance, that was a bit annoying. But it was only very few and like well into the game, compared to the hours I played it feels like a pretty good track record for playing a game right on it’s release haha.
So uh yeah. In summary again: Extremely fun gameplay, mixed bag story and characters. Had fun, will play again.
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luciellebp · 5 years
Tumblr media
Is that LUCIELLE BEAUMONT-PETERS? Wow, they do look a lot like ESTER EXPOSITO. I hear SHE is a 17-year-old JUNIOR who originally attended LUXOR Academy. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be MANIPULATIVE and ARROGANT, but on the bright side they can also be TACTICAL and VERSATILE. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
Hello everyone. I go by Yo, I’m 17 and I reside in the gmt+2 timezone. My pronouns are she/her and without further ado, let me introduce you to my trash child!!
Lucielle Beaumont-Peters (or just Lucy like she prefers) doesn’t know anything about her birth parents. She grew up in the home of a wealthy lesbian couple who adopted her when she was really young. Renee Beaumont is a famous fashion designer and her wife, Kathryn Peters is a very well-known detective. (Of some sort. I really don’t know LMAO)
Her moms raised her with a lot of care and love but they’ve always been a little distant with her. They pushed her into the spotlight really early on, dragging her to meetings and banquets, whispering the secrets of all these unknown people in her ear. They taught her how to hide her emotions and guard her secrets, grew her into a very proper lady.
Renee was the one who went to Luxor so she insisted Lucy attends it, as well. 
Between you and me, Lucy’s really lost as to what to do. She has all this ambition but she has no idea what careers she’d like to pursue so she’s basically using it to climb the social ladder and keep her place on top.
She’s a tricky thing. Lucy’s rarely ever mean to someone, actually, she appears very nice to most people, albeit a little reserved. She makes ‘friends’ and uses them (would disclose really personal information, don’t test her) and when they’re no longer of use she moves to the next one.
That being said, she has a  few people she actually likes and is close to and she’d have more if she actually allows herself.
She’s had a fair share of boyfriends and girlfriends most of them probably didn’t end too well and it was probably her fault. She’s very emotionally distant. If she feels like she has to stay in a relationship (say for popularity or something) and she gets bored with the person, she’d cheat.
Look, she’s a Bitch. She nasty. Her bio is “bad guy” for a reason. I’m sorry. It’s just how it is.
She’s really good at chess and loves playing it. Few know that she’s actually interested in photography. Also, secretly she always peeked at Kathryn’s cases. It intrigued her a lot and her mom actually allowed it sometimes sooo
Her!! Favorite!! Thing!! Ever!! is her cat, Cashmere. She’s a? ersian blue, the actual love of Lucy’s life and she misses it so much!!
Lucy’s very open-minded. She’s bisexual and out and proud.
She’s never really inquired about her biological parents, seeing as it usually just put her moms in a bad mood. She is pretty curious tho.
Her favorite place is the sea.
Favorite type of cake is the red velvet one.
She’s a gemini and her Hogwarts house would be Slytherin.
She’s not a big fan of social media, barely gets on there.
She loooves Game of Thrones and her favorite character is Cersei.
Her pinterest.
American Literature
Advanced Psychology
World History
Fashion Design
Lucy’s also a part of the debate club.
childhood friend - Someone whose parents know hers. They grew up around each other and although the friendship has had its ups and downs they’re still pretty close.
exes - Can be male or female. Maybe Lucy’s still polite to them, maybe it ended up in flames and they hate her guts. Maybe it was real and they broke her heart. 
hook ups - Here for the fun of it. Next to no feelings but maybe there’s more.
actual nemesis - Someone who sees through Lucy’s games. Maybe someone whose secret she made public. 
+ anything else on my wanted tag that i’m yet to add anything to
-  updated june 15 to include class schedule -
That’s all I have from the top of my head but!! Give this a like and I’ll pop in your inbox ASAP for plottings (and probably to adopt your children)!! 
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starryseo · 7 years
only 2 more left after this
im sad
also,,, warning,, a bit of swearing in this oneeee
Chan | Woojin | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Jisung | FELIX | Seungmin | Jeongin
without further ado
lee yongbok felix!!!!!!!!!! idk a yongbok
ok so felix totally watches buzzfeed unsolved
im sorry i was watching that b4 writing this
and he unironically quotes the guys on there
refers to the rest of the sk guys as demons bc he’s always saying “hey demons, it’s me… ya boi” #GottaLoveShane’sSkepticAss
does a lot of research into the haunted/ paranormal stuff and has dragged hyunjin on his hunt for haunted places
kinda hard to find some places bc they’re barricaded and he doesn’t wanna break the law by breaking in :’))
plus his parents would probably not let him stay overnight at a haunted place
but he tries his best to go during the day to, like, a haunted house or something
along with being a supernatural fanatic
he makes videos on conspiracy theories
all. the. time.
deffo the type to cover his laptop/ desktop camera bc the government are watching lmfao i do this too
also deffo believes in shit like the illuminati and men in black i doooo
in some of his videos you can see his room
he’s sooo got pictures, newspaper articles and shiz like that on his wall
and the typical red string tying different pictures and articles together
he’s,,,, really,,,,,, into this kinda stuff
alongside that
he’s obviously into memes
so in his videos he’ll have trashy Comic Sans comments
y’know how WillNE used to have in his videos? like that.
is also really into those theories relating the disney princesses together bc damn those are actually cool
[cyanide voice] DID YOU KNOW… elsa & anna’s parents are also tarzan’s parents????? [just a theory bUT IT MAKES SENSE OKAY]
y’know those parkour videos i keep mentioning
bringing it back real quick
one time felix was skateboarding by some lil’ lake
and he tried doing a trick but he almost fell in
and he let out the most girly scream ever and changbin was dYING
thankfully he didn’t fall in,,,,
but then he tried it again and he fell half in and changbin lost it. he. could. not. stop. laughing.
felix was just like “bro <\3″
even jisung was laughing,,, he almost dropped the camera,,, but luckily he didn’t and he managed to get felix’s scream recorded
felix actually wasn’t too mad about that
he made a meme out of it?? like why???
y’know that one meme that uses Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars as background music [the song fyi - if you dont know what im talking about; use earplugs & low volume!!! there is swearing after the 1st so watch out]
and he managed to cut a picture (of himself) from jisung’s video as he was falling
and he moves it so he’s falling through loads of different things and ends up falling through space that escalated quickly
that was a crappy explanation but watch that video and you should understand
so yeah
he’s a bit crazy :)
it’s ok tho bc he’s funny
he also does vlogs
you can imagine how active and crazy he is in those
& he’s literally always screaming in those
someone get him to chill pls
he and chan will speak english and use australian slang in the vlogs
and 1) comments overflow with how cool they sound
but 2) the other guys just go ughhhhh and start speaking korean really fast so they cant understand - or, well, felix mainly, can’t understand
or c) they’ll chat shit about chan and felix slowly so they understand and are like hey ://
it’s all banter dw
he watched jisung’s make-up w/ my minho thing right
and tried doing that too
but with changbin
obviously he didn’t tell changbin what he was gonna do
but when changbin got there
and felix got him to sit at the table rather than where his game console was he was suspicious
when felix came out of his room with make-up
you bet your butt changbin got outta that chair and ran
felix was just like “wow… i got jisung’s make-up and everything and he up and left :(((”
that didn’t stop him tho lmao
he had already set up a camera to record in that room
so he just got that camera, put it on the table
and recorded himself doing his own make-up
it was going decently until he got the eyeliner
and started doing it around his eyes
and then he found inspiration in Big Daddy’s (from Kick Ass) eye make-up [fyi]
yeah after that he kinda just fcked up his own face
but he was so proud of it
he took a pic of himself and sent it to the sk group chat like “this is what you missed out on, binnie”
changbin: so not much then, yh?
felix: im breaking up w/ u
changbin: finally
as revenge for that bad changlix break-up
he gathered the ‘00 line [SQUAD ROLL OUTTTTTTT]
and they planned to get revenge on changbin
so on a saturday when they knew changbin was gonna be sleeping till like midday
(because he was up all night gaming the idiot)
they came to his house early
and got the make-up kit ready lmfao
seungmin held the camera
whilst hyunjin blended like 5 different shades of lipstick
jisung put concealer, blush and bronzer on him (God knows how some ended up in his hair but whatever)
and felix did the eyeshadow and eyeliner
just to feel a little rebellious
jisung let seungmin do the highlight
omg bad boy!seugming im deadddd
but then jisung accidentally sneezed and everyone was like SHIT and froze
they waited like 5 seconds until they heard changbin mumble “what the fuck…”
and then his eyes opened
and he was like “what the hell are you guys doing here?”
and hyunjin just smilled, discreetly hiding the lipstick he was currently holding behind his back
“ah,, we just came over to wake you up!!”
changbin was having none of that shit and he was like
changbin: “why is seungmin holding a camera then?? and jisung’s literally got something in his hand”
changbin: “jisung,,,,, is that… make-up?? you fcking did not”
felix: “RUN!!!!!!!!”
seungmin managed to get a clear shot of changbin’s pissed off face before they goT THE HELL OUTTA THEREEEEEEE
changbin flew straight up and chased them 
but unfortunately they got outta the house just in time
and he wasn’t about to dash out of his house in his pj’s
imagine if seungmin had forgotten to actually start the video holy shittt lmfao
he remembered dw
anyways they got back to felix’s house and he immediately started editing the video
he managed to get a picture of changbin’s final pissed off face before they ran
he sent that to the group chat
and all the guys made that their youtube profile pictures it was HILARIOUS
whilst i’m on the topic of ‘00 line
they have killer gaming matches
and felix lives to troll people
he doesn’t limit himself to just annoying the other ‘00 guys
nah that’s too basic
he’ll troll anyone on his team
he’s blocked so many people from getting through doors
or blocked them in one corner
and he can sometimes hear them swearing and shouting to move the fck away dude!!!
and he deadass just laughs over the mic
he’s gotten a lot of people killed that way 
(including himself lmao)
he still somehow managed to not be last on the scoreboard??
he plays really well actually
but he never misses an opportunity to troll
he gets a lot of hate messages from people online like “dude wtf why’d you do that”
and he’s just like “y not bro <3″
so yeah
although he loves trolling and annoying as many people as he can
he loves the sk guys
and he’d do anything for them
he can get real cheesy at times
making edits of them all dramatically falling in love with him
like he cut a clip of woojin saying “i love merigues!” and “felix keeps messaging me, should i just block him” from his cooking videos
and merged them to get “i love felix!”
and then he played that behind a clip of woojin just talking into the camera so it looked realistic enough
and he sent that to the group chat like “changbin wHO? i only know a kim woojin <3 love you bby <3″
everyone knows he edited that but they still mock woojin anyway
and changbin literally just said “good luck with him woojin, he’s insane”
back to the sentimental ending:
he loves the guys & they love his annoying ass too
knows that even tho he annoys them to the extreme a lot
he can trust them and they’ll help him with whatever
they’re like his home away from home and he loves it so much
his desktop picture is a rlly cute pic of them all together, completely unedited and unfelixified
he loves it
whoa that was long. 2?? updates in a day?? damn im on a roll :)) 
i got a coupla requests for boyfriend texts w/ some stray kids members
like damn after this,,, a,,, bf stray kids thing??? idkkkkkk ?????????? so many series, so little timeeee
anyways thanks 4 reading :) <3
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emi100395896 · 3 years
A/N: Hi, yes I’m back. I’m sorry for being inactive for 60 smth days and probably going to be inactive for another 2 weeks because of exams but it’s fine. <3 I promise I binged lots of animes and I’m back with more headcanons. Also, I’m not sure if you guys would like me to do more than headcanons, but do tell if you want me to. I started this as a fun blog and hope to continue that even though I’m always inactive lol. Anyways, here you go, a jujutsu kaisen rant! Ps: these are my personal thoughts and feelings, if you don’t agree with them then fair enough! ^^
Genre: Crack/Comedy/?reviewing?
A/U(s): None.
Warnings: spoilers are put in brackets and are red! Watch out for them. :D
Trigger warnings: None.
Summary: Just me ranting. :)
UHHH REVIEW TIME! The main characters ;)
Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi is best sasuke trope boy. By far my favorite emo boy. Why? Well, it’s mostly because when animes introduce characters like Megumi they’re all emo and have to avenge their village and kill people and are ‘brocken’ or smth idk.
But jujutsu kaisen does the whole sasuke trope a big middle finger and makes Megumi a less tsundere, and broken character.
Honestly, I never expected Megumi to have this type of personality because most animes try to give his archetype the whole ‘their honest’ when in reality they are just rude and selfish. Megumi is literally honest. My guy had no problems telling Gojou that he wants Yuji to stay as his own opinion which if you asked any of the people under this archetype they would respond with ‘Ugh, just keep him alive okay?’.
Like he is honestly sweet and even when trying to force Yuji and Nobara to leave it WASNT for his own well-being it was for theirs. Literally is the opposite of Ray, Sasuke, and any type of character that is emo and rude. Also he is one of the few characters that deserves to be as powerful as he is because he didn’t get his powers because of ‘his burning rage for the person who killed his village as he tries to avenge them.’ And he also has a bad background but is quite an average character. I just appreciate him. :)
Nobara Kugisaki
Honestly though, she’s amazing. My favorite character since she literally is a girly girl yet is powerful (nothing wrong with that, it’s just wow.), which hear me out.
Most shounen anime girls fall under 3 categories of female characters.
The useless damsel in distress that is a tsundere.
‘Another Naruto reference? Seriously Mochi?’ I’m so sorry my lovely reader, but Naruto is one of the founding fathers of all Shounen anime stereotypes. So yes, another Naruto reference.
First of all, I don’t hate this characters, I actually don’t dislike them either. That being said I don’t like them. I get this neutral emotion whenever someone like idk Sakura I guess is on screen next to Aiura Mikoto (Who btw, is another underrated female character that deserves love even though the anime is crack-y.). I guess it’s because throughout all of the Arc’s and episodes, Sakura hasn’t changed or developed or even learned from past mistakes. It sucks seeing character that could’ve had potential, being boring and just bad. Also she’s ungrateful for her parents for no reason, and that just says a lot about her persona. To be honest, most Naruto female characters are like this, and I don’t want to hear crap about Hinata’s character because she barely got screen time and the only times we see her is when the creator pushes her to be next to Naruto more often or if the whole gang is together. (I watched a bit of Naruto so I could be wrong about this whole thing but this is again, my opinion.)
The dimwit and clumsy/tsundere/strong female fan service
Oh look, it’s everyone’s ‘favorite’ Erza Scarlet from Fairytail. But whoops, her whole character is just her having cleavage. Or everyone’s favorite crime Taboo Tattoo (I didn’t watch it but most fans have come together and agreed that it would’ve been a decent anime without all of the fan service.) Or maybe the stereotypical dimwit character that is clumsy?
Yeah, you know who I’m talking about right?
I feel like some animes, that are 23 minutes long, would be reduced to around 15 minutes without all the fan service (not counting the Opening or ending)
(Also all the dumb jokes, but that’s for another time.)
Looking at how many creators complain they can’t go too in-depth with their OC’s, because they don’t have much time, but they somehow can fit in a whole scene of people literally having their clothes ripped off because of how ‘delicious’ it is. Yes, I’m coming after you Food Wars. Even though I am a big fan, that doesn’t mean I can ignore the flaws. I am fair and will admit that, as far as characters go, Food Wars is shallow.
Personally, mha is also another crime with lots of fan service of 15-16 year old girls. 😀
I don’t want to get into the heated Hero Hei debate wether this doesn’t count because they’re ‘fictional’ or if it does. So moving on.
Can I mention how much Momo Yaoyorozu could’ve been an amazing character with amazing development and a cool quirk? I mean personally, I hate how Momo is now just fanservice. This queen has an amazing quirk, went in through recommendations, smart, helpful, is class Vice President, heroic, tall, thoughtful, rich but doesn’t brag about it and is humble, and just a cool character that could be delved deeper on?
Haha nope. Boobs.
W h a t
This literal queen could carry this series on her back yet they have the audacity to make her have zero personality and just a background character? Like excuse me, I don’t think you understand, but Principle Nezu has more screen time than her. Literally her and Koda (Creati and Anima) could be so cool but no one ever acknowledges them. :(
Anyways let’s move on.
And finally, the love interest.
Ochako Uraraka. That’s it.
Ochako really deserves more, honestly. I was hyped up in the sports fest. because she just showed off that she isn’t backing down, and now she’s just a mindless love interest.
Honestly, I don’t like talking about this topic the most because A, it’s controversial for some reason. And B, it sucks seeing these amazing characters being watered down to just a love interest.
She’s fine on her own, thank you very much.
I mean best scene was when she was fighting Sabrina the witch and didn’t seem to care much about scars and she just debunked all of those things and I just UGGGHHHH- <33333
Like animes try so hard to have a feminist role model by making her tomboyish and mean and a tsundere and calls anyone that looks at her a pervert.
But Nobara isn’t any of that. Nobara is fashionable and powerful. She loves shopping. She loves eating expensive. She loves Luxuries. She loves proving people she’s strong. She isn’t easily scared. She protects, and I just love her. She isn’t your stereotypical tomboy or at least she doesn’t fall into the smurfette effect or smth.
Tbh, I was worried when she joined them. I said either she’s a tomboy who’s a tsundere or a soft spoken damsel in distress, but now that I’ve seen her, I know that Nobara is Nobara. And that you all should appreciate her also.
Okay enough of that rant lol, moving on to Yuji!
Yuji Itadori
Are we going to use stereotypes again? Yes we are!
Usually shounen MCs have the worst personality either being too bland (mf MC from re-zero) or just too much of a coward/weakling/pervert/happy-go-lucky character.
I mean, if we are going to have a strong character he has to be a pervert for some reason.
A respectful character is a crybaby/weakling.
And a happy character has a dark secret side and ‘OmG lOoK hE’s SoO sc a Ry!1!1!’.
And tbh Yuji falls in the rare category.
The category that isn’t a crybaby, perverted, 11 year old that looks like he’s at least 20.
That category is what I’d like to call. The Saiki K. category.
I love MC’s like this because they aren’t too shallow, but not the whole story is about THEM and THEM ONLY.
It’s amazing to see how they still have the same personality but somehow have went through a bigger character development than all those other MC’s.
(Not disrespecting your faves, once again this is a personal opinion-)
And the way he isn’t OP and actually has trouble and the way (Slight spoilers!) that we can see that when he asks Sukuna to heal yoshino and the way Sukuna just laughs and I just like how they didn’t make Yuji just ‘become OP through the power of friendship’ and just they accepted he was dead or how his hand was cut off and he accepted it but how when he was dying he actually cried saying how he didn’t want to die showing us hey, it’s okay to cry but please don’t cry when you win a prize or competition or something. (End of spoilers!)
Ugh I just love Yuji being an MC. Again, he is one of those few rare MC’s with interesting character design, and personality without overwhelming it or just underwhelm it.
Satoru Gojo
Honestly most surprising character.
DHEUIWOWV should I make a separate post for the plot, story and Gojo? It’s getting late where I am sooo this gonna get a continuation! I’m Mochi and see you guys next time, Bye-Bye! (。- u -。)
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taocastleprincess · 7 years
For the fanfiction questions thingy, Forget-Me-Not- 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 15 (if that's not too many lol) and for the child Kiri fic you wrote for Eijiroctober (I'm sorry, I forgot the title)- 4, 5, 8, 13 (I just read it today and it was sooo cute X'D)
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
– i think “lyrical prose” is most effective in getting across intense melancholy or just intense emotions, in general. when i write serious fics (which is rlly rare lol) it’s bc i want the story/message to be really intense and meaningful and i feel like usual fictional prose falls short of conveying the emotions i’m trying to get across when i’m doing something serious. also, that specific story deserved a lot of attention to detail and word-choice (which is something i slack on if i’m not careful). also i feel like sometimes soulmate aus demand a different type of care when it comes to writing them.
2: What scene did you first put down?
– the drowning scene, because the entire foundation of the fic rested on the actual legend of the flower itself so i wanted to establish a certain tone.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
– mmmm, i debated whether or not to kill tooru off and end it with ojiro ending up in the same position she had always been in, like, as a “full-circle”/”plot-twist” sorta thing. but that felt needlessly dark/cruel to me. so i scrapped that idea like the same day it came to mind. i don’t like cruelty for cruelty’s sake, you know? there’s gotta be a lesson or a message worth sending. im probably being overdramatic, but it didnt sit well w me. like even typing this rn is making my stomach turn lol
11: What did you like best about this fic?
– this is weird, but i liked the descriptions. im rlly bad w descriptions, i think. i feel like i over-describe or i don’t do enough and then the background falls flat and i just get frustrated and quit for a few hours or so. but i think i did pretty well this time around.
12: What did you like least about this fic?
– I HATED HURTING TOORU I LOVE MY DAUGHTER SO MUCH SHE DOESNT DESERVE THIS. LMAO. but srsly that was the worst part, also, her personality kinda got diluted/erased for the sake of the narrative. i kinda tried rewriting it so she didnt feel so… different. that’s why i added the super small part about graduation to let yall know she wasnt ALL doom and gloom 24/7.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
– i learned that i rlly like ojiro and tooru’s dynamic. i drafted this fic before my other ojitooru fic for rarepair week and i was rlly excited to write them again bc theyre rlly so cute and they compliment each other SO WELL. like i enjoy alot of ships, but rarely do i think that characters compliment each other to the extent that ojitooru does. like you could drop them in any setting and you’d still root for them and get super good vibes. theyre the best. i love them. the truest otp lol.
Child Kiri fic
awww thank you! i rlly like that one so im glad other ppl like it too!
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
– LOL. i always think babies/toddlers tripping over words is super cute
“Yamamoto has super-strength, Hiragi can bend metal, Wari uses tel— teli— te—““Telekinesis?”“That,” the boy huffs in frustration. Hanaki stifles a giggle and nods at him to continue.
5: What part was the hardest to write?
– Kiri’s mom’s dialogue/train of thought. not even because i had to make up a personality for her, but because I had to figure out what she was going to say as enouragement bc im horrible at giving meaningful advice/encouragement.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any of it?
– not really. i modeled baby kiri’s movements and actions after toddlers i’ve babysat before, but that’s it.
13:  What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
– i wasn’t listening to anything! and while i dont think that this particular song choice completely fits the specific background/tone of the fic, “Something Like This,” x The Chainsmokers ft Coldplay is a song that reminds me of Kiri and his insecurites a whole lot. that’s his Song. lol.
thank you so much for asking!!
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strydcr · 7 years
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hellooo babes, i’m blair waldorf acacia (◠‿◠✿) nineteen, she/her, and the main admin here. lol sooo sorry you guys are all trapped in this rp with me. but wtver~ you guys will learn to adore my 3am messages comin’ up with plot that’ll hurt us and what not. also meet the beauty that is stryder estrellas. anyways, i’ll try to keep this as short as possible. since i always get lazy halfway thru writin’ intros. :~)) )) ) &&. of course this got way longer than expected so just find the ☪  at the end to read the summary // aim: alohacacia && skype: alohacacia
****psa you clicked on this so you’re obligated to plot with me srry but i don’t make the rules.
░   * . ╰ ✯ ›  ⊰ SELENA GOMEZ, CIS-FEMALE, TWENTY-THREE ⊱ is that STRYDER ESTRELLAS ? the BARISTA & FLORAL SHOP ASSISTANT MANAGER. they’re known to be INTELLIGENT & INDEPENDENT. but also BLUNT & CYNICAL. unknown to them, they are the reincarnation of PERSEPHONE.
well to kick things off, stryder is that one night stand baby. let’s call her biological dad “bio father/dad” and her mom’s husband “dad” then of course her mom is “mom”. sorry if this is confusing. but just think about how stryder is gonna feel once she finds out about this.
once upon a time her mom and her dad were happily in love. like they were the high school sweethearts who ended up getting married and blah blah blah. but before she was born, there was a point in time where the two broke up. probably once they were both about to start freshman year of college. that’s when her mom hooked up with stryder’s bio dad. she obviously ended up getting pregnant. but she ended up making up with stryder’s dad. SOOOOOOO…. he thinks he’s stryder’s father. but he ain’t. the one night stand hook up is.
stryder is completely unaware of the fact that he’s not her real father. her mom is still in contact with her biological dad. obviously, keeping that a secret from both her husband and stryder. but it’s only because her bio dad always sends her money to help provide for stryder. so basically this family is a mess. but only on the low. because on the outside this family is absolutely perfect. she grew up in a really nice household. suburban type of wealth in a town outside of los angeles, california. big house, nice cars, a vacation every now and then. but not rich enough to like be bill gates or something you get what i’m saying? just a nice upper middle class.
you might be wondering... how did they end up in seattle? one day her dad told the fam he had to move out to there because of work. (occupation: tbd) so they packed up everything they had and left. this was around the time stryder was starting her senior year of high school. stryder really isn’t the type to throw a fit over dumb shit. but you know this girl started bawling knowing she wasn’t going to graduate with her only two friends. ‘cause she had to start the loner life all over again.
now, stryder works at a small coffee shop as a barista and an assistant manager at a floral shop. (cause persephone, flowers, how cute.....) she does go to school at a community college about 30 minutes away from her house. probably studying to become a botanists. (a literal flowerchild yes.) and to her surprise she is actually enjoying living here. she doesn’t know why, but she feels drawn to the place.
PERSONALITY wise, she’s that tumblr post that’s like ——— me: i love myself i’m such a bitch // me: i hate myself i’m such a bitch. because one day she’ll be like “oh my god you’re my best friend!!!!!” then they’ll do her shady and she’ll be like “new phone who dis?” like do her dirty and she’ll get angry real quick. which is bad because it’ll trigger her anxiety. but yayayayayayayayyyyy. she’s the type to be sippin’ tea with her pinky finger up. she is the “is it bad that i secretly want to be hit by a car all the time” but also the “gotta better myself, my body, my skin and my bank account” type in one. she has a very clean exterior. although she outcast herself a lot. she does care about her appearance. (i.e. she has a sense of fashion.) she really likes to read and learn. so, you can always catch her doing something of the sort. talk to her about flowers or coffee and she gotchu. overall, stryder is pretty wishy washy. it all depends on her mood. she’s kind of a wallflower. isn’t exactly the most popular baby. but that’s by choice, not by force.
when it comes to FRIENDS stryder can always use some of 'em. she possess the qualities of a good friend loyal, honest, trustworthy. however, she can be quite obstinate. which might be a reason why she might not have as many friends as she would like. once her mind is set to think a certain way it’s hard to persuade her to believe otherwise. she’s the type of friend to listen to your problems, but be prepared to listen to her opinions – all of them. she’s also the type to put a friend in check when they need it. she thinks of it as trying to convince them to see the bigger picture. first impressions is something she might not be very good at. while she isn’t exactly the definition of rude, she tends to not filter then things she says. overall, i would say that she might just need a handful of friends and just a whole bunch of acquaintances.
i’m pretty sure stryder doesn’t think she has is ENEMIES. but, i could obviously understand why a girl like her would have any. she tends to be very outspoken and although she doesn’t mean to insult anyone or come off rude, she can’t help it. so, there’s always that. stryder is the type to hold grudges. (this is mostly because of her mother — trust issues man) she thinks once you fuck her over, then inevitably, you’re gonna do it again. basically, if you lose her trust everything you had, despite how far back your past goes, she isn’t going to trust you fully again. so if there was any type of fall out at all, stryder is gonna be pissed 5ever. but if in some point in time where she had to chose between her life and saving another’s, she’d save them before herself. stryder’s a good person guy’s. she has good morals. they’re just messed up in her black hole of thoughts. enemies? *grabby hands*
alright, so stryder and LOVERS. i have a feeling she’s dabbled in the dating world. she’s had a few boyfriends, dates, etc. but most likely nothing LONG TERM. possibly because she doesn’t see the point unless it’s for marriage. just like her mom and dad (lol troll.) she has the independent woman facade going on right now. which makes her seem like she doesn’t want anyone. but deep down she’s a hopeless romantic. this girl would love to be loved. and she truly needs it. most of the time she makes herself the outcast. this girl is completely oblivious to anyone having a crush on her. assuming friendship automatically. she’s probably read tons of books about love and fluffy shit like that. so she has high expectations when it comes to relationships. so someone rlly needs to come here and treat this girl right.
best friend — someone who will always be there for her. the person she feels most comfortable with. // m, f, or nb
partner in crime — they may not be the most reliable person like her best friend. but definitely someone she can get turnt tf up with. // m, f, or nb
childhood friend(s) — her first friend(s)! the one(s) she’s known since birth. she will never switch up on the real ones. (or so u think...) // m, f, or nb
rivals — someone who hates her and some she hates too. maybe they just don’t get along yo. it happens // m, f, or nb
old bully — maybe somebody who bullied her or someone she might have bullied? bc honestly, if she bullied someone it would’ve been a joke. // m, f, or nb
old flame that didn’t end well — this is someone she used to date. maybe they wanted it to go further than just a date. but she ended up cutting ties with them. now it’s just made awk. // m, f, or nb
hate/love — just ‘cause these are my favorites. just little bickering. maybe they’re too much alike or just not a like at all. // m, f, or nb
old flame that ended well — the classic, exes that ended on good terms. they don’t hate each other at all. are actually still on really good terms. and possibly still have lingering feelings.  // m, f, or nb
currently dating — going on dates and what not. having a good time. who knows where this could go.  // m, f, or nb
☪ overall, this bitch is flippy floppy. she’s loyal. quiet, but has a lot of opinions. intelligent, but sometimes stand-off-ish. she’s a bit of a feminist. trusts no bitch. but if you’re her friend, she’s chill AF. but really — she just doesn’t know how to process her good thoughts into words. she’s a barista and florist. she’s independent, hardworking, and determined. my muse for her is michelle (spider man homecoming) & margo roth spiegelman (paper towns). she’s a bit sketch when it comes to making new friends. since she’s a bit of a loner. and she’s super family oriented. despite her being absolutely oblivious to the fact that her mom cheated on her “dad” with her bio dad. anyways, give her girl scout cookies and she’ll love you til the end of time. overall, she’s not as lame as she portrays herself to be and is actually a pretty rad chick.
wEW this got waaaaaay longer than i expected it to be. anywho, if you actually read all this i love you and i cherish you hella. if you just skimmed, i would too. i would really love to plot with everyone. so just slide into my dms and we can get things started!! but okay, so, now imma go touch up my other intros. hope u don’t hate me after this long ass essay lmao. luv u *blows a kiss*
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