#the arcana matchups
Can i have a matchup for the arcana please
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body type black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses 50% of the time (i only wear them when i need to im still getting used to them)
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence sassy sarcastic soft spoken (my friends think im cute so ig that counts)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime cartoons music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration people i care about not taking care of themselves not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater i have a cat i have EDS (a hyper mobility disorder) but it’s not extreme i have internal existential crisis
Thank you
Thank you millions for being the first new ask! Now, I did debate between two potential matchups for you because both could honestly work! However, both I decided to set aside for the match I'm giving you. Asra and Julian are pretty easy to match with others given how open they are, but I think you'd actually be much better with the man I have in mind!
I pair you with...
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He would never hurt a thing if he can help it. You can see that in every careful step he takes to avoid stepping on something accidentally.
I can imagine him being VERY gentle with your cat. Inanna might scare your kitty at first, but she's also a gentle beast at heart! You're all a big family.
I feel like while the others would push your limits and encourage you to try new things, Muriel is VERY understanding. If you don't like eating something, you will never have to eat it with him as your partner.
Have I explained how cautious and careful this man is? Because he keeps it safe, you don't usually have to worry about him getting severely hurt unless it's an emergency. But, you'll have time to care for him because sometimes he'll need it!
Offer to make sweets/bread with him and he's yours. This man definitely loves eating with you, but baking with you?? That's like TWICE as loveable.
Imagine his surprise when you both wander out in the forest and you're petting a deer. You radiate such positive energy that animals can't help but be so curious of you.
I can't imagine him really being physically affectionate unless you outright tell him you're a cuddly person. He won't be on you all of the time, but he'll cuddle up at night like a big ol tired bear and let you be little spoon.
He really understands your insecurities. He's not a fan of himself either. But it's not just your body he fell in love with, is it? He saw your heart. Saw every good thing about you and fell into a deep and true love. Your body he ended up craving just as much as your love. You'll never meet a man more caring or obsessed.
I really hope you liked this! I thought about it for a little bit but ultimately something in me paired you with Muriel <3
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livingfictional · 2 months
I just stumbled upon your blog, and you're match ups, I really like your content! :D I saw that your requests are open, and I thought I might as well request one! ^^
I would like to request a match up for COD and The Arcana. I am 19, female, and use she/they pronouns. I am also Pansexual (I don't have any gender preferences, we just gotta vibe and all is well✨️).
I really love listening to music and singing, I'm also an avid reader and have recently started down my path with practising witchcraft. I am not sure if this qualifies as a hobby, but I also enjoy taking my motorcycle out for a ride across the country whenever I have time (and money for gas 🥲). I do not do well in crowds or around loud and mentally draining people. Neither do I enjoy cooking because it, for some odd reason, drains me incredibly, baking on the other hand I enjoy thoroughly!
I speak English, German and Italian. My father is from Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and my mother from Austria🇦🇹, I have an equally good connection with both sides of my relatives even though I am more in tune with my Austria side due to the fact that I grew up there.
I'm an INFP, I wouldn't call myself shy or skittish but I do struggle to build up relationships because of trust issues and fear of betrayal. I prefer a small circle of people around me, mostly calm and like minded people that know how to get me out of my shell. I'm also a big fan of animals and especially fond of dogs and cats (even though I'm allergic lol).
I hope that was enough info for a match-up! Have a wonderful day/night, Lily!✨️💜
Sorry you had to wait so long, thank you for your patience 🩵
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I match you up with... Asra!
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I genuinely think Asra would be the best choice for you.
Lazy mornings in the back of the shop. A mess of limbs tangled into the blankets as you slowly flip through the pages of your book.
Asra just lays there, watching your focused expression with a content smile. He could stare at you for hours. The shop won't run itself, though. Unfortunately.
He'll happily support your witchcraft journey, helping whenever possible. He grabs any and every book he thinks you might like.
Asra is one of the least draining people to be around, his company is always pleasurable. The atmosphere never feels heavy, and he can make the converation flow for hours on end. It always feels so natural and nice to be around him.
Might as well mention Faust, who fell in love with you just as Asra did. You can often find her perched up on your shoulders as you go about your day.
I match you up with... Soap!
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Not an avid reader, doesn't always know what books to buy you. Just ask! He would buy the whole bookstore for you.
Johnny wants to spoil you, okay? He can be gone for long periods of time, and your books are the only thing keeping you company on cold winter evenings. So in his mind they are perfect gifts for you, might as well, with some help, get you one of those gift baskets with a fuzzy pair of socks, a blanket, some candy and books.
Before he has to leave, he will also take your bike and fill it up for you. Can't afford gas? Well, he can. Go for your ride sweetie :3
Slow evenings with him after he comes back from being deployed are the best. You guys are full after getting takeout from your favorite place, you've got a fire going in the fireplace and a random movie is playing on TV.
To be fair, you are not paying attention to it at all. You're brushing your fingers through his dark hair as he goes on about anything and everything.
Just as with Asra, conversations with Johnny are so natural to you, nothing ever feels forced. You guys can talk for hours and not get bored.
He can be more on the hyper side, but next to you, he can truly unwind. He will lie on top of you, placing his head over your heart.
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medic-matchups · 1 year
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hey my dear! How are you? I'd actually like to participate in your matchup game! If that's ok.
You can even surprise me with the fandom! Either Haikyuu (I got a Kuroo match from you once!), JJK or The Arcana! So I'm a heterosexual girl, that's also down for trans men! I'd love a romantic Mystery-Date ofc. I'm very open and talkative. I love cuddling and going on adventures. Hiking? A city trip? Count me in! I'm hardly ever sad, but I have a shoulder to cry on, and I like to take care of my loved ones by cooking for them or comforting them. I usually dress either in dark academia style or sporty. I love books, tea, and cottage core.
I have a vast music taste but mostly love Gorillaz, Musicals, and Nightwish.
My love language is definitely physical touch and acts of service. I mostly like to kiss and cuddle or help my loved one.
Love, Kia!
notes: hello my love!!!! first i would like to apologize that this didnt make it to the valentine's event, but i want to thank you for all of your patience and kindness that you have showed me. I know we've both been really busy, but i am so glad i get to make this matchup for you!!! sending lots of love dear <333 (also gorillaz is top tier so you're rad for that lmao)
the character I choose for you is...
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this man could listen to you talk all day tbh
like will just gush over you silently in his mind while he listens to you talk about stuff you love
honestly, you cant escape cuddles from this man
he's so cozy
and like really warm???
like s tier cuddles ong
like this is the perfect man if you want adventures and such
you two will just spend an entire day or even week just out doing stuff
it's amazing
you're the couple with the best stories to tell frfr
he's never really sad either, but to know that he has a shoulder to cry on makes him so overyjoyed omg
and he will also be that shoulder for you
he wants you to know that he is there for you at all times <33
literally you two will just take turns caring for each other tbh
like he loves cooking for you but LOVES when you cook for him
he's a lil passenger princess and he is proud
you're little malewife tbh
he just loves how similar the two of you are and it really makes the relationship a lot of fun
LOVES your style omg
like dark academia is his shit dude so he will just be amazed everytime you get all dressed up
you two will sit, read, and drink tea while listening to the birds chirp early in the morning <3
Asra woke up after a long day to find you making breakfast. The window was wide open, the sheer white curtains pushed to the side and he could hear the chirping of the morning birds as the sun spilled in the room. "Good morning, Asra," you smiled. "Good morning, love," Asra yawned, pulling his cardigan over his shoulder. "That looks delightful." "Well, I know you had a long day, and sometimes, you need to be taken care of." Asra smiled at you and pressed kisses all over your face as you plated his food. When you finished, you threw your arms around him and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, taking a deep breath of you in. He smiled and sighed wistfully as you played with his shining, white curls. He pulled back from you only to press a couple of kisses onto your soft lips and scoop up his plate, leading it to the small dining room table. You followed shortly behind and the two of you ate breakfast in near silence, hearing the fresh green leaves on the trees rustling from the morning breeze. The tea kettle you had set was squealing and you ran over quickly to prepare both of your tea. When you had come back to the dining room, you found Asra reading a book, putting your current work in progress where you were sitting. You slid him his tea and he thanked you, his bright eyes meeting yours with a smile. The rest of the morning continued with reading and smiles on both of your faces. Nothing calmed Asra more than seeing your helpful face.
pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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Hello! May I please request a star wars, the hobbit and the arcana match up? ^^
I'm 19, omnisexual and I go by they/them. I am a enfp, 3w4, saggitarious, so basically I'm impulsive, ambitious, fun loving, sensitive, expressive, understanding, always seems a lil high, blunt, out of pocket, creative, rebellious and live by the phrase Yolo. (I also have really bad anxiety, depression and adhd)
I'm like a mix of emo, metalhead, goth and punk in terms of music and style but I like mostly sticking with a cleaner look. I'm pale, 5'4, have shoulder length straight dyed black hair, brown eyes, skinny but has some muscle, lots of scars I am very proud of, and visible scoliosis but I like to pretend it's the emo hunch
I enjoy creating, dancing, music, trying new stuff, fashion, stuff that makes me feel sophisticated, comics, horror, zombies, learning, bugs, dark stuff, my pet bird, experimenting, running, space, writing in code, science, working out, reading, plants, red and black, collecting, info dumping, and I love taking care of things and people for some reason.
Lastly my ideal date is going and trying something new togethor or like a amusement park. What I look for in a person is passion and ambition extra points if there a little dorky lol. My love Language kinda differs from person to person I take there needs and wants into consideration but I am a little touch starved soo :)
And here you go good luck and keep up that good work fellow writer!! <3
Hi! Thanks for requesting a matchup! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the wait! <3333
Star Wars;
Luke Skywalker:
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✨ You were already a part of Han's crew when you met Luke, chilling on the Falcon as you fixing one of the monitors; you heard blasters shooting in the distance, watching out the main window to see Han and Chewie running with two other people, (some old guy and a pretty cute looking young guy)
✨ Immediately getting into flight mode, you didn't get the chance to say hello to the newcomers until after you escaped the planet, and that's when you finally met Luke; hubba hubba
✨ Skipping the year that you both were just friends, you and Luke finally got together after he got back from cutting off a Wampas's arm on Hoth, (and after he got out of that water tank), but to get to the point, Han liked to joke around with you both; you were almost polar opposites, looks-wise, Luke was a blondie and you had dyed black hair, and you wore dark colors and he didn't really
✨ But opposites attract, and you and Luke actually had similar personalities, you were both passionate, caring, understanding, fun-loving, and impulsive; you both had anxiety and he definitely had ADHD
✨ Luke really, truly love you, from your love for trying new things to stargazing at the million stars in the sky - you're perfect; and you adored Luke, his willingness to learn and grow, his quirky charm, his bashful smiles, his dorky attitude; he was perfect
The Hobbit;
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🌿 You met Ori when you joined the Company, Gandalf asked you to come along since you were pretty great at knowing what plants can help heal or ones that you could eat, and you were great at keeping things light; basically your job in the group was to make sure no one was upset, trying your best to joke around and get smiles on everyone's faces
🌿 But sometimes you needed someone to bring a smile to your face, and Ori was your guy! From little jokes here and there, or just being his little, dorky self made you smile; he was your little, dorky boi
🌿 There wasn't a lot to collect on the road, so you'd collect a rock wherever you could, and Ori would help, running up to you with a huge, sheepish smile on his face as he handed you a few rocks he had found for you; you're swooning
🌿 Near the end of the journey, Ori took his chance and asked if he could braid your hair; having learned and read about Dwarven culture, you felt your heart skip a beat and you joked a little before saying yes and allowing him to braid you hair
🌿 As said before, Ori's a dork, like the number one dork of all dorks, but he was your dork, and he understood you, he cared about you, and he loved you
The Arcana;
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🐱 You met Portia when you came to visit your friend Nadia, yes, ou were friends with royalty, lucky you; for some reason the other many times you visited Nadia, Portia was at her cottage, what a coinkydink
🐱 But it was love at first sight, you loved how sweet she was, how energetic, upbeat, and mischievous she was; and you absolutely loved her eyes, you could stare at them all day
🐱 You had both started talking, going on walks together, talking about everything and anything, and soon a romance blossoms; from secret kisses in the castle to dancing in the garden, you and Portia were in love
🐱 She loves your bird, and you are so glad that she does; she also loves looking at plants with you, reading with you, trying out new things together, (all when she has free time, that is)
🐱 You both are two sweet peas in a pod, always there for one another, and always bringing out the best in each other :)
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grand-line-library · 2 years
MORGA, VALERIUS, NADIA, ASRA, JULIAN - When They Calm Their Angry Partner
MORGA, VALERIUS - Stressed Partner Runs Off
PORTIA - 1 2
NADIA - 1 2 3
ASRA - 1 2 3
JULIAN - 1 2 3
MURIEL - 1 2
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humanmostlikely · 2 years
I’m looking for matchups for The Arcana, Obey Me, and Last Legacy. If anyone is open and interested please message me. I’m willing to do trades if you want one too.
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moonnandpoetry · 2 years
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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙗𝙤𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨: 𝙊𝙥𝙚𝙣
𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙥𝙨: 𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙣
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐩𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐩𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 🪄
𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐚 🔮
𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐟 📖
𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬
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theshadowgardenx · 1 year
Arcana match up please, if you are still taking requests? A pan 26 female medium black curly hair 4'11" and pretty petite covered in tattoos and piercings with a grungish style, hardwokrer, I love rock music, reading, my family friends and dog and all animals, walks in downtown at night, I'm a ESFJ I make puns all the time. I'm more crafty then artsy. I collect mugs. I'm not much of an outdoor person but I have a lot of indoor plants and flowers. I scare really easy but I love horror movies.
Oh this is easy- Julian! Julian would be one to encourage your night walks, he would enjoy going with you and seeing how much he can make you laugh by making jokes about people you walk by. He too prefers the nightlife, and while hes out doing god knows what, you are inside caring to your plants! He may be gone for a while, but he always comes back with a new mug for your collection, mostly strange foreign ones he traded a sailor for. He did have some strange contacts after all, and what better to use them for than his favorite girl?note: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I LOST MY LOGIN FOREVER OMG
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bonkers-4-hatter · 2 years
@handmesomecoffee asked: Hello! could I get a supernatural and the arcana game ship? I’m Anna and I’m a Dumpster fire of a Hufflepuff. I’m 5’8, straight and female. I’m Italian and very white... (I’m a meme). Im an INTJ and being alone with people I love. Not very affectionate with actions more affectionate with words. But, if I find someone interesting I’m an open book. I love 1920s music and 1980s music. I love animals so much especially dogs. I have long brown hair and greenish blue eyes. Thank so much love!
-If you enjoyed this work, please consider buying me a coffee.
I match you with:
Dean from Supernatural
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Will eat any Italian dish you put in front of him. Man is a literal garbage disposal and he’ll always compliment whatever you make him. While he is goofy in the relationship, he does pay close attention to you so he can tell what you’re feeling around him. He wants to make sure you’re comfortable in the relationship. He’ll fall in love with you so hard as you both rock out to 80′s music, he’ll have heart eyes for sure.
Asra from The Arcana 
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This man has enough affection for the both of you and he’s not afraid to show it, unless you tell him you’re not comfortable with it, but the bulk of his affection is when you’re both alone in the bedroom. He’ll sweep you around whatever room you both are in and will sway and rock to the gentle 20′s music. You already know he adores animals and this man will let you have as many dogs as your heart desires.
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acewithwords · 2 years
Hello! I'll be doing matchups for Arcana twilight this week for Valentine's day. I'll try and add a short headcanon alongside it.
For the Matchup please include:
Personality, Hobbies, and any other information you want to include!
Please note that I will not be doing anything including NSFW and please be patient with me because I've never really done this before. Also don't get mad if you don't get the character you wanted. I'll do my best!
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Thinking about doing Arcana matchups and maybe X Readers! Feel free to send a message and/or ask!
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medic-matchups · 1 year
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Match-Up Rules! <3 (CLOSED)
All fandoms I write for I will also do matchups for! Check those fandoms here
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pronouns/preferred terms/gender <3
fandom you want to be matched up with
if you would like it to be platonic or romantic
if you have any characters you wish to not be paired with, let me know
your personality! tell me about yourself!! :)
what you want out of a relationship
how you present yourself (fashion or just who you are in front of others)
your type
love language
mental illness/trauma
no pictures of yourself unless you really want to include it, just because i respect privacy, you dont have to include it
first date
mini fic
just any little fic idea you want
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mxtchups · 2 years
hihi! could I request a romantic matchup for 'The Arcana' (′▽`〃)?
i use they\them pronouns and I'm pan^^
my mbti is intp. I'm a very shy and reserved person in public, I try not to cause too much attention but also express myself openly. I suffer from anxiety ( I don't take meds or anything so I'm usually on edge) and overthink about people/other things. If you get to know me, im a huge extrovert and cheerful person. I love making jokes and laughing <3 I'm airheaded and clumsy, I hit my head or trip on air too much smh. I'm a very random person too, more eccentric for sure. I do the most offwall things because I'm bored ( like jumping off things or asking off-putting questions). I love talking! About anything I'm hyperfixated on atm ( as in old interests or new ones!) and I can go on for hours tbh. I'm pretty childish, but mature and mother like when I need to be. I love physical affection (even tho I say I hate it) anything like hugs is nice for me! I'm a caring person and mostly a listener. Very sassy (which people say it's "cute" from me) and sarcastic, with a whole lot of blunt. I'm a flirt too, but anything flirty from someone else gets me shy (like Julian lol). I get very bad mood swings and it is causing trouble for me to make friends or keep them, since I'll just isolate myself from them- I also have insecurities regarding my looks (particularly my body) so I get v sour when I think about that. Alot of the times you can tell when I'm in a mood bc I get quiet. ANyway I'm a lazy, procrastinater and plainn lmao.
my interests r playing the piano, reading/watching anime, romance novels (love triangles are my life), alternative/gothic fashion and music, hard rock and metal, stuffed animals and playing videogames!!
if it helps I pursued Julian to the very end ╰_╯!!!
hello! first of all, thank you sm for requesting, you are the first person that asked for a matchup so I hope I do it well. I don't want to leave you disappointed.
soo I ship you with Muriel!
Firstly, if anyone would understand your need to withdraw and not always be surrounded by people, it's Muriel. If you want to spend time alone with him, not doing anything in particular, he's there for it. If you don't even want to be with him and want to be left alone, he can understand that too. He won't get mad, offended, or sad, he'll just know you need some you time.
But in case you completely cut contact with him suddenly and isolate yourself, at first, even though he'd be worried, he'd think that maybe it's best he leaves you alone, and let you come back when you want to. But I feel like his worry would get the best of him and he would definitely check up on you. If you let him in, perfect, he now knows what he needs to do. If you don't he would truly not mind you coming back after a few days, weeks, or months and continuing where you left off.
With Muriel, there would be fewer reasons for you to overthink and panic about his true intentions or thoughts as it would be clear he sees you differently from other people. Although his ways of showing love wouldn't be the most open ways, definitely not always conventional they would be clear. If he loves you, you know it.
Also, I feel like both of you wouldn't like public displays of affection, but when you are inside, alone, you would get as much physical contact as needed. Both you nor Muriel aren't someone that would outwardly ask for cuddles, even though both would want it, so at least at the beginning of the relationship, you would be the one to initiate it.
Neither of you would get into a relationship without knowing someone well beforehand, so your extroverted side would definitely come out by the time you were dating, and he'd love and understand that one just as much as the introverted one.
The first time in what felt like a century since he laughed, it was on one of your jokes. Since then you probably would try to make him laugh as much as possible.
It's good that he has good reflexes as you said you were clumsy, but don't worry he's there to catch you every time you trip on air, or put a hand between your head and a cupboard, or guide you through a big crowd.
Your off-putting questions would at first surprise him and he'd never know how to answer them, but I feel like you'd always find a way to get the answer out of him. By the time you are deeper in the relationship he'd get used to them, and usually was able to see them coming and is more open with his answers. Though sometimes you'll still see him blush and take some time before spitting it out.
He'd also like the fact that you can talk for hours, and for all those hours he'd listen to you intently. Sometimes he's not sure if he's interesting enough for you as you have so many things you like and are good at whereas his past stopped him from that. But there you come in with your long talks teaching him about this and that and introducing him to so many wonders of the world. That would definitely be one of his favorite things about you.
Regarding your looks, he'd just never really think about it until you mention you are insecure about them. From the moment he met you he saw you as stunning and beautiful, so hearing that you don't like it came as quite a shock for him. He'll probably at first express his love for your body physically but he knows words are needed too, and he'd put in all the effort to find the right ones to explain to you just how gorgeous you are in his eyes. He knows that won't make your self-image go away so he'll make sure to compliment you more in the future, till you start believing him. You are the one that made him see good in himself so he'll make sure to at least return the favor.
He'd love you being blunt. He's not always good at interpreting the hidden meaning behind someone's words so just saying it how it is would make it a whole lot easier for him. And if you always say it like that it would also make it easier for him to express himself.
He is not good at flirting, and he'd get super shy every time you openly flirted with him. Before you dated he never knew if you were joking or if you'd actually want to have something with him, but either way it'd leave him a blushing mess.
And AAA I can already see you playing the piano and him sitting on the stool next to you, slightly leaning towards you, scared to do it fully so he doesn't interrupt you in any way and end the alluring music. He'd love it every time you play and once he's relaxed he'd often ask you to do it for him.
OMG, I CAN ALSO SEE YOU READING TO HIM. Imagine laying in bed, cuddled up, you with a book in one hand, the other hand in his hair, gently playing with it as you read to him. He's scared to fall asleep, so you don't think you bored him but once you tell him it's okay it'll be the best sleep he's ever had.
And as he knows you are reading romance books he might think you have big expectations as to what couples are supposed to do, or are simply more knowledgeable than him in this entire matter, so he'll consult one of your books and try doing something from it to win you over.
He'd adore the way you dress, and do your hair and make-up. And once he trusts you enough, which is pretty fast compared to how he feels about other people, he'd let you do his hair sometimes or put some makeup on him.  
He'd make you stuffed animals and then like leave them somewhere in your house for you to find or like on your porch because he'd be too shy to give them to you in person, but you'd know whose it's from.
In any way, you'd make each other feel comfortable, safe, and cared for. The roles of the caregiver and care receiver would be equally divided and would switch.
Regarding you and Julian I can also see that, but to me personally, I see it more as friendship.
I can see you two dressing in romantic gothic fashion together. Being dramatic together. Having all sorts of fun. He'd definitely like listening to your stories and having a myriad of his own to share. Imagine introducing him to metal! That'd be super fun. He'd still flirt with you, but most of the time it would be jokingly, he'd just like to see you get all shy.
I really hope this is okay, once again thank you for requesting!
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grand-line-library · 2 years
(in alphabetical order)
The Arcana
Game of Thrones
Monster Prom
One Piece
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