#supernatural matchup
bonkers-4-hatter · 1 year
@handmesomecoffee asked: Hello! could I get a supernatural and the arcana game ship? I’m Anna and I’m a Dumpster fire of a Hufflepuff. I’m 5’8, straight and female. I’m Italian and very white... (I’m a meme). Im an INTJ and being alone with people I love. Not very affectionate with actions more affectionate with words. But, if I find someone interesting I’m an open book. I love 1920s music and 1980s music. I love animals so much especially dogs. I have long brown hair and greenish blue eyes. Thank so much love!
-If you enjoyed this work, please consider buying me a coffee.
I match you with:
Dean from Supernatural
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Will eat any Italian dish you put in front of him. Man is a literal garbage disposal and he’ll always compliment whatever you make him. While he is goofy in the relationship, he does pay close attention to you so he can tell what you’re feeling around him. He wants to make sure you’re comfortable in the relationship. He’ll fall in love with you so hard as you both rock out to 80′s music, he’ll have heart eyes for sure.
Asra from The Arcana 
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This man has enough affection for the both of you and he’s not afraid to show it, unless you tell him you’re not comfortable with it, but the bulk of his affection is when you’re both alone in the bedroom. He’ll sweep you around whatever room you both are in and will sway and rock to the gentle 20′s music. You already know he adores animals and this man will let you have as many dogs as your heart desires.
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Hey !! Sorry to bug you i know that I just asked for a match up but I saw that you also do supernatural is there anyway I can get a ship from that fandom too ? If not that’s totally okay !! Anyways love your blog ❤️❤️
Hi dear 💖, thanks for your request.
For supernatural I ship you with:
Sam winchestre😇
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He is super sweet and brave, your personality would male a great match.
You were a nephillium, an angel and human hybrid.
You met Sam and Dean secretly when they were hunting down a demon.
Sam started to develop feelings for you but you didn't say you were a nephilim.
Dean would tease Sam over it, you joined their gang.
Dean would be playful but slightly flirty with you, you liked Sam more because he was honest.
You would secretly blush when Sam saved you.
Dean would comment on your clumsiness but Sam would defend you.
When you and Sam married, your child was only quarter your power meaning they can heal faster. They have your hair and his eyes.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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dorkofclanlavellan · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a DC (batfam if possible), marvel (the Netflix shows if possible), dragon age and Supernatural matchup? My pronouns are she/her and I’m bisexual.
Personality: I originally come off as quiet, and aloof. It can seem standoffish but I don’t mean it too I just don’t trust very easily and am uncomfortable with strangers/new environments. I am my best when I am by myself or with my closest friends. With my closest friends I’m quite open, fun and talkative especially when talking abt things that interest me. Im quite the good listener as well when it comes to my more extroverted friends. Im also introverted, imaginative, creative, individualistic, reserved, structured and picky in my own way, all sprinkled with a little bit of sarcastic humor.
Hobbies: Digital Art is probably my biggest hobby. If I could I would spend all day at home with my trusty tablet and stylus drawing with an audiobook of my favorite novel/tv show running in the background. Apart from art I absolutely love working out. I kickbox and weight lift most days of the week. Lastly I love spending time at comic book stores and coffee shops.
Interests: I work in the digital media arts and love creative coding, interaction design, and computer graphics. I think my favorite thing is that combination between the artistic and the technological.
Love language: this one is definitely acts of service.
Hope that’s enough and thank you!
Of course! Sorry, it took longer than I'd planned. Me, being an absolute genius, saved it in drafts instead of the queue before going to bed and didn't notice until just now.
DC ~ Jason Todd. (Red Hood) Honestly, I think that after his death and after his stint as a killer, Jason would want to be with someone like you. Reserved and quiet and a good listener. He'd need someone he could turn to outside of a paid therapist. Just someone who's there when he needs them. And not just as emotional support. I personally think Jason's love language is a tie between Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service.
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Marvel ~ Bucky Barnes. I think the two of you have very similar personalities. Bucky is definitely full of sarcastic humor. Like you he's only really open with the people he's closest to. So when you'd open up to him, he'd understand what that means and be very touched and honored. While Bucky may not understand everything about your hobbies and interests, he'd certainly love to learn. And he'd very much adore listening to you talking about them.
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Dragon Age ~ Leliana. Due to being a bard/spymaster, Leliana would look forward to a partner who's more on the reserved side. And someone she could talk to and vent to. I believe Leliana's giving love language is Acts of Service so anything she thinks you might need her to do, she's going to do it.
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Supernatural ~ Sam Winchester. Sam would know immediately that you were just reserved and uncomfortable around strangers from the moment you first met. He'd respect any boundaries and be patient for you to get comfortable around him. And when you did, he'd be touched. Sam would love to chat with you and listen to you talk about your interests and your hobbies. He'd see it as a very welcome and peaceful break from hunting and researching.
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worstmombracket · 1 year
The Worst Dad Bracket Masterpost
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ROUND 4: Ends Thursday, May 25th at 2:00 PM CST
Feel free to send in any propaganda for the shitty dad YOU think should win the coveted World's Worst Dad cup!
1A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs Dr. Martin Brenner (Stranger Things) - Battle of the Training From Hell Dads Winner: Endeavor
Donald Davenport (Lab Rats) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Rich Dads Winner: Preston Northwest
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Every Dad from Fire Emblem Fates (Fire Emblem Fates) - Battle of the Dads of Timey Wimey Nonsense Kids Winner: Bro Strider
Mr. Turner (Fairly Oddparents) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epiteth Erased) - Battle of the Dads of Kids who Should Not Have That Responsibility Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Viren (The Dragon Prince) - Battle of Dads I Know Nothing About Winner: Straff Venture
Iemitsu Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of Mafia vs Robber Baron Dads Winner: Jacques Schnee
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Trigon (Teen Titans) - Battle of the Demon Hunter and Demon Dads Winner: John Winchester
John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs Nyarlathotep (Persona 2) - Battle of the Dads Whose Submission Reasonings Made Me Go WTF the Most Winner: John "Jod" Gaius
1B Matchups:
Clay Puppington (Moral Orel) vs Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Battle of the Religious Trauma Dads Winner: Claude Frollo
William Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Roy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) - Battle of the Purple and Yellow Dads Winner: William Afton
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) - Battle of the Bald Dads Winner: Walter White
Buck Cluck (Chicken Little) vs Ghetsis (Pokémon Black and White) - Battle of the Animal Abuse Dads Winner: Ghetsis
Masayoshi Shido (Persona 5) vs Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) - Battle of Your Rival's Shitty Dads Winner: Manfred von Karma
Harry Wormwood (Matilda) vs Gabe "Smelly Gabe" Ugliano (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) - Battle of the Ordinary Shitty Dads with Extraordinary Powerful Kids Winner: Harry Wormwood
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Gozaburo Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Battle of the Corporate Shithead Dads Winner: Gabriel Agreste
Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs Firelord Ozai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - Battle of the Dads of Kids in Desperate Need of Therapy Winner: Firelord Ozai 2A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (BNHA) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Classless High Class Dads
Winner: Endeavor
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) - Battle of the Neglectful Toy Enthusiast Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of the Arshitocracy Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) - Battle of the John Dads
Winner: John Gaius
2B Matchups:
Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) vs William Afton (FNAF) - Battle of the Burning Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Ghetsis (Pokemon Black & White) - Battle of the Kingpin Dads
Winner: Ghetsis
Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs Harry Wormwood (Mathilda) - Battle of the there's not a coherent theme here ngl dads
Winner: Von Karma
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Firelord Ozai (ATLA) - Battle of the Big Bad Dads
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 3 Matchups:
Endeavor vs Martin Blyndeff - Battle of the Selfish Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture vs John Gaius - Battle of the Literary Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
Claude Frollo vs Ghetsis - Battle of the Ominous Latin Chorus Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Manfred von Karma vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Rival’s Shitty Dad… 2!
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 4 Semifinals Matchups:
Martin Blyndeff vs Straff Venture - Battle of the Dark Horse Dads
Claude Frollo vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Awful Authorities Dads
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astralis01 · 8 months
Hello! May I request a match up for Supernatural with slice of life drabble?
In the interest of conciseness, I have all of my info pinned to my blog. I hope that won't be too much trouble.
Anyhow, thank you so much. I appreciate it!
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Hello, sorry for the lateness, school has been eating me up on the inside.
I match you with...
Sam Winchester
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Your wide variety of interests in the darker side of things has genuinely peeved him before when he was trying to live a normal life but now that he is on the road with his brother, he enjoys the facts you may sometimes rattle out during joint hunts you do as it helps him to find a semblance of normalcy.
“Sam, the fuck you doing here,” you exclaimed as your ex-highschool classmate popped out from the woods and into the clearing you were camping in to capture a vampire.
“What are you doing here?” he exclaimed, soon followed by a similar looking shorter man who you assumed was his brother.
“Camping,” you said, without missing a beat. Which was technically true but the half-truth at the most.
He looked suspiciously at the open tent ad then said, “It’s a dangerous place you are camping at."
“Adrenaline junkie,” you simply responded.
It was only at night time that you figured out why he was there. He too was hunting the same vampire you were and it was worst time to find out as the giant fell o you while trying to run from the vamp.
"You idiot,” you screamed, as you load your gun with the silver bullet and shot the following vampire.
Sam laid there as you shot the incoming vampires and whispered, “Oh shit, that looks hot."
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months
Hi,I was wondering if I could get some matchups for marvel,x-men and supernatural.
I am 19 years old intj female with mid length thick dark brown very wavy hair(borderline curly).I have big brown eyes kinda round and almond shaped at the same time.I love exercise so I am relatively fit.My face is a bit rounded(big cheeks) with some angles.I am very pale but have a lot of moles one or two in my face but most in my arms and torso.I also have this weird birthmark(a tag in my one ear).In terms of fashion i like darker clothing with an occasional dash of pink since it's something that looks good on me.Flared pants,jean and leather jackets,leather bags, custom made bags with rock bands and a bag that looks like a duck(i like ducks).I also like custom made shirts with jokes regarding my personal interests (books,series ect...) and my messed up sleep schedule.
At first glance I am a bit reserved but if I am made comfortable I will open up(i kinda choose the people I will open up to).I love sarcasm and very dark humor.I will joke around a lot and I want to encourage people around me to be happy.I like teasing people a lot. I deeply love learning information in every form.I study physics because I love astronomy and I want to become an astronomer but I am also a big history/archeology/mythology nerd.In my free time I love learning new stuff(psychology, law, history ,random facts ect...),reading,working out and listening to music(fav song:soltitude by m83).I like art a lot,drawing,reading about it,going to museums and exhibitions.I also love going out on nature and on all sorts of adventures but I dont have the right person to do that with.I deeply love nature and the sea since I grew up in an island.
I have clear goals in life,I am very ambitious,patient,curious and diplomatic but still have a bit of a nihilistic approach to life(in a good sense,to fuel questions about the world around me).
As I said before I can be quite reserved and appear as cold but I am a very sensitive person,an extreme overthinker.I feel insecure because when I get too comfortable/excited my voice gets really loud,I get all giddy and I have been told off about it enough times.I dont know how to receive a compliment or acts of friendship/kindness because growing up I had very bad experiences in school.However I like to be there for people and I want them to feel good around me.I like helping a lot by solving problems and being kind but I hate myself for it because I feel like I am showing weakness (but once I realise someone is a friend I am THERE no matter what)I also am the "I told you so" kind of friend but I am not judging(quite the opposite) .I deal with anxiety and I get lonely around people but I dont let it affect my social life,I really push myself out there no matter what and I always push myself to get back on my feet and keep going after bad experiences because we only have one life and we have to make the most of it.
I also am a very calm even during arguements,until someone crosses a line and hell breaks loose.
Sorry,I hope its not way too long.
Hi! I hope you like your matchups! <3333
Thor Odinson:
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⭐ You met Thor when you were hired by Nick and SHIELD in general when they wanted to learn more about Thor and his mythology - you being the little genius that you are - were more than happy to tell them more about his myths, history, and culture (since you had read some stuff about it in the past); you knew a few fun facts, but those facts were exactly what they needed... Who knew?
⭐ Finally, you got to meet the man in question, he wanted to know all that you knew, and you were a bit nervous at first, but you were happy to tell him everything you knew - you may have gotten a bit excited, and may have apologized for getting a bit too loud, but Thor was reassuring and sweet; telling you that he admired how passionate you were and to not be afraid to be yourself around him
⭐ Once the two of you begin to hang out more, you begin to open up more, sliding in a few dark jokes here and there (Thor gets confused in the beginning, like the golden retriever he is, but after a while he's laughing along with you); during the holiday, you both know you both like each other when you both accidently gift each other cute custom things (you gift him a custom shirt with one of your favorite quotes of his, and Thor gifted you a backpack that was shaped as a duck)
⭐ Thor often takes you to Asgard, where he gets to give you the royal tour, introduce you to new foods, and gets you a custom Asgardian outfit (that has dashes of pink in it); and at the end of the day, you and him watch the Asgardian sun set
⭐ You are there for Thor, always standing up for him if he ever is in a verbal argument with Tony (which is often, poor guy may be loud but Tony is often very adamant in being right) - and Thor is always there for you, obviously, finding you incredibly smart, talented, and lover of nature and life
Logan Howlett:
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💛 You met Logan when Charles had found you and asked you if you wanted to move into the X-Mansion (so he could help you master your amazing nature-esque powers!) - you were practicing in the courtyard and Charles came to introduce you to the mysterious, tall, dark, and handsome man; Charles was quick to point out your almost matching leather jackets that you were both wearing at the time
💛 You nor Logan really sought each other out, but fate is weird, and caused you to both run into each other on many occasions - though, the one time Logan actually had a full conversation with you, was the day you found out he had a motorcycle; by the end of the conversation, Logan offered to drive you around (how could you say no to driving around nature, the wind blowing through your dark brown hair, feeling free?) You could drive around with Logan for hours
💛 You are even lucky enough to get Logan to accompany you to art museums, seeing such beautiful works like Andy Warhol and Yayoi Kusama - Logan acts bored, but he's pretty interested, especially when you tell him all the cool facts that you knew about each art piece you past; at the end of your museum adventures, you always end up going to the museum gift shop, and leaving with a small handful (armful) of artist merch/supplies/and whatnot
💛 You and Logan, going back to adventuring thing, often go on adventures out in nature, spending a couple days camping, sitting in wildflowers as you draw - listening to music - just the two of you; Finding each other's company calming and peaceful
💛 You work together pretty well, both very YOLO, but both very fire and ice - you are patient and love solving problems, while Logan is not that; he likes to solve problems with his claws/fists; but you know what they say, opposites attract, and Logan really likes you (for your kindness, how understanding you are, and how much you say 'I told you so' to him
Dean Winchester:
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🥧 You were just minding your own business, walking around the woods that close to your home, when BAM creepy monster thing, oh no, what are you to do? But then you see him, Dean Winchester, well, he was too late, you were able to scare the monster off - Dean was impressed, but you never told him how you did it... Mysterious...
🥧 You were a bit reserved in the beginning of your conversation, but after he brought up the quote on your custom shirt - from a favorite book of yours - you felt yourself being swept away in the topic of books; which led into college, and then astrology, and then mythology, and then pie, and then-
🥧 You soon enough found yourself joining Dean (and Sam) (and Cas) in their monster-hunting adventures; and they were quick to realize that you were actually a great new member of the team - you are patient, hardworking, and a problem solver, which is pretty important, (you're great at not letting anyone get killed)
🥧 Before you and Dean even knew it, you both began to feel a little bit of something for each other (Sam and Cas could see it clearly, you and Dean had this chemistry that was just amazing); you and Dean often - when you can't sleep or mess your schedule up enough - drive in Baby, just driving and listening to tunes together
🥧 You are so comfortable with Dean that you can truly be yourself around him, teasing and joking around - often teasing Dean about his love for his car, Baby, and his love for pie... He can't get enough pie... It's becoming a problem... He has like five different types of pies in the fridge... He would probably say he could eat them all himself just fine, but let's be honest here, he needs someone to help him eat them all ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ🥧🥧🥧
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ppoppokari · 9 months
🎃...Wren's Spooktober Halloween Ships...
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October is a special month, so to celebrate my birthday, halloween and my 200 followers I will be opening two limited time ships.
Hogwarts Life Ship:
So I adore Harry Potter and the Wizarding Universe so I am creating Hogwarts Life Ships but with my own not so secret little twist. If you request a Hogwarts Life Ship you will be randomly assigned 1 of 3 symbols
Now to make it interesting. This symbol will pop up somewhere random in your ship so keep your eyes open like wide open. And if you find a symbol that isn't where it's supposed to be dm and tell me where the symbol was.
If you do find it you will be entered into one of the tri-wizard tournament categories. Which means that you will receive either 1. a full one shot starring you and the idol of your choice and it can be a fluff, smut, angst, whatever you want fic with whatever plot. 2. a short drabble, or 3. A relationship headcanon either one is of a member of your choice.
Now to request for a Hogwarts Life Ship I need to know your; Hogwarts House (Unless you wish to be sorted), Patronus (if you know it), Your personality, sexual orientation (for the relationship section of your ship), appearance, likes/dislikes, your favourite Hogwarts subject, Your favourite professor, What extra curricular activities would you do at Hogwarts and anything else you feel like relates to your life as a Hogwarts Student.
And you will receive a fully nerded out comprehensive Hogwarts Life Ship with your romantic and friend life, your identity at Hogwarts, what Hogwarts clubs you are a part of, enemies or rivals, past relationships and Yule Ball Dates.
Now this can be completely random like the Idol life ships or you can choose 1-4 groups and I will include some members in the final ship. If you are requesting for a non-kpop fandom you can do this and get a spliced Hogwarts Life ship or just choose your favourite fandom to adapt into this world.
But again in the instance of kpop if you do not choose a group it will be completely randomised by my choosing like the Idol Life Ships I do
Please request one at a time and only one of these ships since it's supposed to be a very special once off thing
Halloween Trick or Treat Date:
Let's set the scene, Halloween is no fun without a partner by your side so instead of a Valentines Date you will have a Handsome Little Devil or a Gorgeous Ghoul (so cheesy I know let me live) who asks you to spend Halloween day with you.
In this ship you send me the same details that you would with a written or overall ship (it's your choice)- stuff like personality, likes/dislikes, mbti, hogwarts house, astrology, favourite halloween thing to do, favourite halloween costume, favourite candy, ideal date stuff like that and you will receive a ship that tells you your secret admirer, what your Halloween date, a small drabble and a moodboard and a shufflemancy song reading that says all you need to know about the vibes of your date!
Please request 1 group per ship but as soon as I am done you can keep requesting these until my special submissions are shut.
8-31st of October submissions are now open!
Side note all of my ships are open for other fandoms besides Kpop only until the 31st of October otherwise this is a standard Kpop blog
List of alternative fandoms
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lovelymindescape · 3 months
Hi! Do you take matchup requests for supernatural?
Yes , i would do a supernatural matchup so Anon , request if you want , just have in mind it will take a while to write it 💖
Luv ya'll ❤❤
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Most Influential Yaoi Pairing of All Time Tournament
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im making this poll for fun and because all the other polls ive seen contained western live action shows/movies (like supernatural, star trek, harry potter 🤢). also, this is my first time making something like this, so please be patient with me 🙏
im gonna be scheduling the first half of the matchups tomorrow, so follow to keep up to date 😈
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Younger Siblings Tournament Bracket Reveal
A few things I want to mention before I reveal the bracket (and make the post really long because all the matchups will be listed in text):
Seeding of fictional characters in tumblr polls is inherently subjective. I did try to make it so that more popular characters/media would (most likely) face off against each other in later rounds, but I may be overestimating or underestimating the popularity of some characters/media, especially ones I'm not familiar with. There are some round 1 matchups that are probably a closer match but none of them are between the strongest candidates... I think.
The more niche characters will probably get obliterated in the first round as per Squimbus' Law. This is a tumblr poll and I do fully expect more popular characters to sweep, but that doesn't mean you can't encourage your friends to give your niche faves a fighting chance.
Also there are some matchups I literally just thought would be funny. Please don't take this too seriously.
I'm sorry BNHA fans.
(Preliminary Patch Notes 3/14: Swapped brackets 2 and 3, and brackets 19 and 21.)
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[Image description: A 64-person tournament bracket labeled "younger siblings tournament" with a smiley face. The top-left quarter is labeled "quarter A" and color-coded red, the bottom-left quarter is labeled "quarter B" and color-coded green, the top-right quarter is labeled "quarter C" and color-coded purple, and the bottom-right quarter is labeled "quarter D" and color-coded gold. The starting brackets are labeled 1-32 and are as listed below. End ID]
Quarter A:
Ritsu Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) vs. Ame (Wolf Children)
Malo (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) vs. Cat Valentine (Victorious)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom) vs. Fern (Adventure Time)
Skeletor (Masters of the Universe) vs. Shuri (Marvel)
Ryotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider Den-O) vs. Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch) vs. Sir Agravain (Arthurian Legend)
Dewey Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle) vs. Siobhan "Shiv" Roy (Succession)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) vs. Razputin Aquato (Psychonauts)
Quarter B:
(9) Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) vs. Louie Duck (DuckTales)
(10) Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Saburo Yamada (Hypnosis Mic)
(11) Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) vs. Krel Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
(12) Melinoë (Hades) vs. Han Yoohyun (The S-Classes That I Raised)
(13) Abel (The Bible) vs. Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6)
(14) Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons) vs. Greg (Over the Garden Wall)
(15) Dante (Devil May Cry) vs. Alisaie Leveilleur (Final Fantasy XIV)
(16) Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs. Kofuku (Real Life)
Quarter C:
(17) Luigi (Super Mario) vs. Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
(18) Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) vs. Saki Tenma (Project Sekai)
(19) Fleabag (Fleabag) vs. Emerald Haywood (Nope)
(20) Sam Winchester (Supernatural) vs. Jiang Cheng (The Untamed)
(21) Nico Di Angelo (Percy Jackson) vs. Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim)
(22) Manny Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) vs. Jimmy "Saul Goodman" McGill (Better Call Saul)
(23) Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs. Sunny (Omori)
(24) Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Mugman (Cuphead)
Quarter D:
(25) Michelangelo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs. The Knight (Hollow Knight)
(26) Vash the Stampede (Trigun) vs. Ruby Rose (RWBY)
(27) Sensei Wu (Lego Ninjago) vs. King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
(28) Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
(29) Jinx (Arcane) vs. Caduceus Clay (Critical Role)
(30) Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
(31) Hop (Pokémon Sword and Shield) vs. Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto)
(32) Rhyme Bito (The World Ends With You) vs. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 1 is ongoing! Matchups are linked (or if you prefer to scroll through the matchup posts, go to the "younger siblings tournament" tag on my blog)
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bonkers-4-hatter · 1 year
@the-kinnie-in-me asked: Hello!Can I please have a atla,hp and spn matchup?I'm female and straight.I'm a 5'0 Hufflepuff with black hair,brown eyes and glasses.I look intimidating but just shy and compassionate.I'm an ambivert more on the introverted side.When I warm up to someone I became geeky,more talkative and supportive.I'm a very patient person according to my friends.I'm creative.I like to watch movies and listen to music.I'm smart but unpredictable and pretty chaotic but still chivalrous.Im a just minded person.
-If you enjoyed this work, please consider buying me a coffee.
I match you with: 
Prince Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender
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Dean from Supernatural
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Ron from Harry Potter
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Hey!! Are your supernatural matchups still open? If yes, than here goes mine:
Im female, 19 y.o., 164 cm height and 73 kg weight
Natural hair colour is brown, but i have coloured it in black. And dark green eyes.
I'm funny, like computer games, walk on the beach, listening to music.
My favourite music bands is Hollywood Undead, Billie Eilish (i know she's not band lmao), Asper X (he's not band, but i like him).
Like watch anime, fantastic movies, like animals.
Like draw and do something by myself from clay or something :D
I think, thats enough? English is not my first language, so sorry for mistakes
Hello dear 💖, for supernatural I ship you with:
Dean winchestre 🍺
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He isn't the nicest the person at first but you warm up to him.
Dean is quite the opposite of Sam and what you would expect.
He is quite a slob around you but you either scold him or ignore his bad habits.
He would protect you and learn to love you.
Dean would probably take you out to bars and party places.
He would have the same music taste as you.
Sometimes he would get jealous of Sam since you two are quite close.
Since you were introduced in the supernatural life with angels, demons and monsters you were quite excited.
You would draw and construct the different creatures you've encountered.
Dean was worried when a demon kidnapped you.
If you marry him, he would devote himself to you and you would have a kid with your eyes and his hair.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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dorkofclanlavellan · 4 months
Ship for @perseephoneee
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Want one? --- click here
I ship you with Sam Winchester!
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I'd ship you with Sam due to your shared deep empathy and caring nature, complemented by his appreciation for someone brave and feisty. The dynamic would be filled with sarcastic banter, aligning with both your senses of humor. Together, you'd form an affectionate connection.
Best Friend - Charlie AND Dean
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- Sam would enjoy reading whatever fantasy novel you recommend, mostly because he loves how excited you'd get talking about it. And it could be something you'd share. But, you and secret-but-not-so-secret-nerd Dean would bond over fantasy, which would result in your own mini-book club.
- Sam sitting behind you in bed, legs on either side of you with you leaned back against his chest. You'd be researching a case together and you dozing off like that.
- The Impala becomes a sanctuary for your coffee-fueled conversations. Dean would teasingly gag as you cuddle up with Sam in the backseat, crocheting and chatting.
What would you be in Supernatural: A Hunter and a researcher.
Everyone sees it but the both of you
Friends to lovers
Sickeningly Adorable
(Bonus) Found Family [a given with the Winchesters the main exception is you don't die]
Feel free to tweak or add any details to make it more personalized!
0 notes
Greetings, everyone, our contestants have been finalized, and I want to provide a certain opportunity before the preliminaries begin. Namely, to provide additional propaganda for competitors in need of it. So, I have created a form to collect this new propaganda, and a list of both preliminary and non-preliminary participants under the cut. An asterisk next to a name indicates they have fewer than three pieces of propaganda, which is the amount that will be included in each poll. This form will be open for the duration of the tournament. You can make as many submissions you want for any character.
NOTE: The order of participants does not reflect the bracket matchups. Preliminary matchups will be announced next week, and the complete bracket will be announced after the preliminary round is finished.
UPDATE: Additional characters have been added in bold because I failed to fill out the bracket by counting incorrectly. One has been added to the preliminary round, and the others are regular competitors.
Cordelia Chase
Kendra Young*
Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Barbara Gordon
Cassandra Cain
Katma Tui*
Koriand’r aka Starfire*
Stephanie Brown
Talia al Ghul
Tara Markov*
Dragona Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The JOJOLands)*
Holy Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders)*
Lisa Lisa (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency )
Lucy Steel (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run)
Is (Kamen Rider 01)*
Kanon Fukami (Kamen Rider Ghost)*
Poppy Pipopapo (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)*
Saki Momose (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)*
Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics)*
Elektra Natchios (NMCU)*
Ochako Uraraka - AUTOMATIC ENTRY
Magne (My Hero Academia)*
Momo Yaoyorozu
Nemuri Kayama*
Toru Hagakure*
Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)*
Kes (Star Trek: Voyager)*
Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
Tasha Yar (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
T'Pol (Star Trek: Enterprise)*
Bela Talbot
Charlie Bradbury
Eileen Leahy*
Mary Winchester*
Tetra (The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker)*
Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)*
Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)*
Aoi Zaizen/Skye Zaizen (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)*
Kotori Mizuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL)*
Mai Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow)*
Ada Vessalius (Pandora Hearts)*
Agent Texas (Red vs Blue)*
Alex DeWitt (DC Comics)
Allura (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Alys Brangwin (Phantasy Star IV)*
Amber Volakis (House MD)*
Amy Amanda Allen (The A-Team (TV))*
Amy Pond (Doctor Who)*
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)
April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012))
Arcee (Transformers)
Asuna (Sword Art Online)*
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Britta Perry (Community)*
Brunhilda aka Mym (Dragalia Lost)*
Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper )*
Casca (Berserk)
Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball)*
Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Chloe von Einzbern (Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA)*
Clarke Griffin (The 100)*
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)*
Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney)
Elya Musayeva (Топи/The Swamps (2021))*
Eve (Paradise Lost)*
Flora Reinhold (Professor Layton)
Gamora (Marvel Cinematic Universe)*
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler)*
Gwen (BBC Merlin)*
Gwen Stacy (Marvel Comics)*
Hélène Kuragina (War and Peace)
Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto)*
Irene Adler (BBC Sherlock)*
Iris Sagan (AI: the Somnium Files)*
Jade (Dragon Quest 11)*
Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Jennifer Lopez (John Dies At The End)*
Jiang Yanli (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Julia (Hellraiser)*
Julia Wicker (The Magicians)*
Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail)*
Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Kallen Kouzuki (Code Geass)
Kamala Khan (Marvel Comics)*
Katara (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Katherina Minola (The Taming of the Shrew)*
Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaires)*
Konan (Naruto)*
Laurel Lance (Arrow (CW)*
Leia Organa (Star Wars)*
Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
Madison Paige (Heavy Rain)*
Malty S Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero)*
Margaret Houlihan (MASH (Movie 1970) )*
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Marwa (What We Do In The Shadows (TV series))*
Megaera (Hades)*
Mikaela Banes (Transformers)*
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Mikoko Sakazaki (Kaiji)*
Mikuru Asahina (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)*
Mildred "Millie" Knolastname (Helluva Boss)
Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia)*
Misa Amane (Death Note)
Misaki Unasaka (Buddy Daddies)*
Nami (One Piece)*
Naomi Misora (Death Note)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Natasha Rostova (War and Peace)
Nemu Kurotsuchi (Bleach)*
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)*
Nya Smith (Lego Ninjago)
Ochette (Octopath Traveler 2)*
Ophelia (Hamlet)*
Ophiuchus Shaina (Saint Seiya)*
Orihime Inoue (Bleach)
Padmé Amidala (Star Wars)
Pussy Galore (Goldeneye)*
Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
Quiet (Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain)*
Ran Mouri (Detective Conan)*
Rey (Star Wars)
River Tam (Firefly)*
Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)*
Skye (Lost in Blue)*
Sonia Hedgehog (Sonic Underground)*
South Dakota (Red vs Blue)*
Stephanie “Steph” Nocanonlastname (EverymanHYBRID)
Susan Pevensie (Chronicles of Narnia)*
Sweet-P (The Caligula Effect)*
Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)*
Sylvia (Two Gentlemen of Verona)*
Teresa (Maze Runner series)*
Throné Anguis (Octopath Traveler 2)*
Yan Hui (Back From the Brink)*
122 notes · View notes
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64 nearly identical, incredibly generic dudes have stepped to the plate to find the LAMEST, most BASIC man in a suit as determined by Tumblr.com! You, the viewer, get to choose who gets to continue and who has to go home and change!
Send propaganda for your favorites in the asks or in the reblogs when polls go live!
SIDE ONE begins June 5th. A week after, on June 12th, SIDE TWO begins. Matchups under the cut:
Richard Watterson (The Amazing World Of Gumball) vs Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl)
Dad Egbert (Homestuck) vs Tony Dinozzo Jr. (NCIS)
Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Herbert West (Re-Animator)
Trey MacDougal (Sex and the City) vs Jeff Winger (Community)
Tyrell Wellick (Mr. Robot) vs Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Pheonix Wright (Ace Attorney) vs The Narrator (Fight Club)
Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) vs Bob Parr (The Incredibles)
Mark Scout (Severance) vs Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman (Breaking Bad)
John Reese (Person of Interest) vs Dwight Fairfield (Dead By Daylight)
Tally Hall (Real Life) vs Nathaniel Plimpton III Esq. (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
Larry (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet) vs Agent Brick (Milo Murphy's Law)
The Elsen (OFF) vs RTGame (Real Life)
Shin (Dorohedoro) vs Stanley (The Stanley Parable)
John Constantine (DC Comics) vs super ☆ business ☆ dancing ☆ night (The Internet)
Vincent Freeman (Gattaca) vs Tad Strange (Gravity Falls)
Frank (Subway Surfers) vs The Slenderman (The Internet)
Almond Cookie (Cookie Run) vs Julian Fawcett (BBC Ghosts)
Frederick (Fire Emblem Awakening) vs Paul Matthews (Hatchetfield)
Jim Halpert (The Office) vs Ted Templeton (The Boss Baby)
Kishibe (Chainsaw Man) vs Anthony Lockwood (Lockwood & Co.)
Koutarou Amon (Tokyo Ghoul) vs Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Brian Pasternack (Yuppie Psycho) vs David Tennant (Real Life)
Thomas "Neo" Anderson (The Matrix) vs Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
Elder Price (The Book of Mormon) vs Roddy St. James (Flushed Away)
Frank Grimes (The Simpsons) vs Robert Philip (Disney's Enchanted)
Meursault (Limbus Company) vs The Entire Cast Of Succession (Succession)
Mumbo Jumbo (Hermitcraft) vs Roland (Library of Ruina)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows) vs James Wilson (House MD)
Castiel (Supernatural) vs Jonathan Harker (Dracula)
Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs Bobby (Company)
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds) vs Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition)
All polls are in the tag #round one
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months
Hey there, asking for a romantic matchup for SPN.
- I am a women, bi, and in my early twenties. I am slightly taller than average, brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly black hair. My pronouns are she/her, and I’m of Indian ethnicity, but I was born in the States and raised up in different countries, having to travel a lot as a kid.
- My personality type is ESFP, but I’m more of an ambivert. I am sarcastic, downright bitchy at times, but I am an extremely sweet person to the people closest to me. I can be selfless, but it takes me a while to open up to new people sometimes.
- I love coffee, positively cannot go a day without it, and at a bar I’d pick the strongest cocktails, cause I’m not a fan of unmixed liquor.
- TW: I struggle with self-harm, eating issues and am a recovering nicotine addict.
- I love all kinds of music, classic rock like Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Van Halen, hip-hop, Tupac is my favorite, and so many other genres, even Russian pop music.
- I used to be a much wilder and more outgoing person, extremely flirtatious with everyone, but I’ve had traumatic experiences in the past that have changed me, made me much more introverted at times.
- Horror and slasher movies are my therapy, and my comfort activity to do.
Thanks again for the matchup.
Hello! :) I hope you like your matchup! <33333
Dean Winchester:
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🥧 You bumped into Dean (and Sam) when you were hunting soe monster - turns out Dean and Sam were hunting the same one - Dean wanted to take charge, you were a bit quiet, but after some time your persistence took over, this was your monster; you ended up working together as a team
🥧 After defeating the monster, you, Dean, and Sam ended up getting a coffee - though Sam seemed to have become the third wheel near the end of the coffee trip - Dean loves your sarcasm, and your dark humor
🥧 Skipping to being official, you and Dean spend a lot of time together watching your favorite slasher films, or just quietly hanging out together; Dean would do basically whatever as long as you were with him
🥧 Sometimes whenever you both are free, you and Dean just spend time listening to some of your music - like AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, and Tupac - just laying (or sitting) letting the music flow through you
🥧 Dean would always be there for you - and you him - and he'd always be there in case you needed anything or needed someone to talk to or just rant at; even if you don't want to talk, he's there for you to keep you company, and if you want to be alone, he's more than willing to go out and drive Baby around for an hour or so - he understands completely - (he'd return with some of your favorite coffee when he gets back)
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