#the arbitration
euuzaik · 5 months
I'm sure many people in the U.S. have seen discord's new terms of service thing pop up today, April 15th 2024, but haven't actually read it. this is an update to make it so you can't sue them or participate in any class actions against them. these kinds of agreements should be illegal and stuff but they aren't so here we are. there's no easy button to click that says opt out. to opt out you have to email their arbitration opt-out email, [email protected], with the following subject and message:
subject: Opt-out notice
I, (your legal name), decline the agreement to arbitrate in Discord's Terms of Service updated March 15, 2024 for any and all accounts I have or use, past and present, and those that I create, have, or use in the future, regardless of their association with this email.
Please acknowledge your receipt of this opt-out notice in writing by replying to this email.
(your legal name)
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spacedace · 5 months
Forced Arbitration Added to Discord's Terms
First up: forced arbitration is effectively a legal way (in the Unites States) for a company to stop you from suing them. It means if anything happens that is sue-worthy (say they massively fucked up and people's data got stolen en masse), you would not be allowed to sue them.
Instead you'd be forced into a process called arbitration which is private (you wouldn't be allowed to speak on what was going on publicly) removed from the courts and handled by arbiters who were selected by and beholden to the company that did the shady/illegal thing (Discord, in this case) so your odds of getting anywhere are basically zero.
The good news:
You can opt out of this bullshit pretty easily. You just need to send an email clearly stating that you are opting out from the email address associated with your discord account.
Unfortunately, you only have 30 days from April 15, 2024 (or 30 days from your account's creation if you made a new one) to send this opt out email. So you're gonna wanna get on that pretty quick, even if you don't ever imagine you needing to sue Discord, having the option taken away from you is never a good thing.
The email you need to message is:
Again you need to send from the email inbox associated with your discord account, you should also save the email after you send it so if you need to pull it out and wave it in someone's face later you have it handy.
The email doesn't need to be in depth or long, just something direct and simple like:
"I am writing to opt out if the arbitration clause added in their most recent update to their Terms of Service."
Remember, just because you don't think you'll need to does not mean it's okay for them to be shady and take the option away from you.
Go forth and be spiteful my dudes
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boag · 1 month
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the-witchhunter · 6 months
I’ve had an interesting thought swimming around my head that I swear I’ve been meaning to write
You know what would be an interesting combination of characters?
Jazz and Harvey Dent/TwoFace
Specifically a Dent just getting back on his feet, released from Arkham and trying to learn how to exist in the world with his condition
I’m thinking a reveal gone wrong, Danny has disappeared to ancients know where, so Jazz cuts ties and Stays with her Uncle Dent, or maybe her bio dad if that’s more your game. Just an soaking wet and miserable Jazz showing up at his crappy apartment saying she’s his daughter or niece and him resisting the urge to flip a coin because he has enough on his plate as is, only to let her in telling her they’ll talk about it in the morning and point her to the shower so she can clean up and dry off
Why do I think this would be an interesting combo?
Jazz’s interest in psychology. A lot of times, as a fandom we depict her as an expert, and in a future timeline where she went to school and has been practicing psychology maybe, but default Jazz? She’s not an expert
Jazz wants to be a brain surgeon, psychology is an interest of hers but her understanding is very limited. She quotes Freud and Jung and has some amount of academic knowledge of the field, but she clearly doesn’t understand that psychoanalyzing friends and family and offering unwanted psychiatric advice is actually rude and something she shouldn’t do. She lacks understanding of actual therapy and is clumsy in applying her knowledge to people she knows
And I find putting her in proximity of someone with DID and probably PTSD would really be an eye opening experience for her
Because Dent might humor her, TwoFace will call her out. They both have hung around Harley to know enough to tell her, “maybe don’t take Freud so seriously” because man does everything go back to sex with Freud, and maybe quoting a guy that says she wants to boink her dad is not as strong of a point as she thinks it is
And the thing is, Harvey would likely still be receiving therapy as an outpatient, potentially taking meds to help deal with his conditions, likely a mood stabilizer or anxiety med to manage PTSD symptoms, so she’s front seat of him learning to live as a regular person in Gotham with his condition. She’s gonna see his good days, his bad days, the side effects of his medication, and it’s going to change her idea of what psychology is. It’s not just quoting things at people, it’s not just saying “this is good for people” but she’d see what it being put into practice would look like
Maybe that’ll push her away from the subject. Maybe it’ll make her more inclined to study, to learn not just about it as an abstract but how to actually apply it to help people. Learning about actual therapy practices. Maybe living first hand with mental illness would be the push to switch from neurosurgery to clinical psychology in her future plans
Also I just think that Dent would be empathetic and do what he could to help her, meanwhile TwoFace would help her cut loose a little, get a little chaotic and have some fun
You can’t tell me there’s not something fun about her and “Uncle Two-y” having a night on the town that only results in a little property damage. Relax Harv, they didn’t do anything too illegal, because they didn’t get caught or nothing
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loveable-sea-lemon · 5 months
opt out before May 15, 2024 by emailing [email protected]
email template from reddit:
"Dear Discord,
By this email, dated XXXXXX, I am opting out of the agreement to arbitrate as authorized by the new changes to the Discord Terms of Service Agreement.
with email: [email protected]
and SMS: 218-XXX-XXXX
Please let me know immediately if there is additional information needed to implement my opt-out request. Finally, I would like to ask for written confirmation that you have received and processed this notice.
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leahsfiction · 3 months
mustard red and the divine comma arbitrage are each other's right hand arm man/confidante/companion/silly rabbit etc
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odinsblog · 7 months
🗣️ Please pay attention
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Amazon argues that national labor board is unconstitutional, joining SpaceX and Trader Joe’s
Amazon is arguing in a legal filing that the 88-year-old National Labor Relations Board is unconstitutional, echoing similar arguments made this year by Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the grocery store chain Trader Joe’s in disputes about workers’ rights and organizing.
The Amazon filing, made Thursday, came in response to a case before an administrative law judge overseeing a complaint from agency prosecutors who allege the company unlawfully retaliated against workers at a New York City warehouse who voted to unionize nearly two years ago.
In its filing, Amazon denies many of the charges and asks for the complaint to be dismissed. The company’s attorneys then go further, arguing that the structure of the agency — particularly limits on the removal of administrative law judges and five board members appointed by the president — violates the separation of powers and infringes on executive powers stipulated in the Constitution.
The attorneys also argue that NLRB proceedings deny the company a trial by a jury and violate its due-process rights under the Fifth Amendment. (source)
ICYMI, this is a case of corporations going, “7th Amendment Protections for me, but not for thee.”
It is strongly worth noting that in 2018 the John Roberts Court ruled 5-4 that companies can use forced arbitration clauses to stop people from joining together to fight workplace abuses - in effect denying individuals their 7th Amendment protections.
Subsequently, binding arbitration clauses used by corporations has proliferated; sneaking into all manner of common legal documents: personal banking applications, ordinary car loan applications, furniture purchases, and more. This is, unsurprisingly, a direct violation of the 7th Amendment that guarantees HUMAN BEINGS AND PEOPLE the right to a jury trial in certain civil cases and inhibits courts from overturning a jury's findings of fact. Republicans and SCOTUS are perfectly okay with corporations having more rights than workers and using forced arbitration to block people from having access to jury trials—but God forbid if corporations don’t have their right to a jury trial.
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This legislative push to bestow corporations with more rights than people, while simultaneously taking away rights from human beings, has been nothing if not thoroughly and methodically done. At this rate, no corporation will ever need to fear a class action lawsuit again.
Amazon, SpaceX and Trader Joe’s are union busting.
But this latest case against the NLRB isn’t just an attack on labor and worker’s rights, it’s a fascistic attack on the very heart of fairness and democracy itself.
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shadowxamyweek · 4 months
If you reside within the United States, remember to opt-out of Discord's arbitration.
How to Opt-Out, with an email script provided:
If you need help finding your actual User ID:
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thewellofastarael · 1 year
Today in: The Death of Twitter
Here's the rundown:
Twitter had its employees sign forced-arbitration agreements
Twitter offered generous severance/benefits payouts to people they fired
Musk bought the company and initiated mass layoffs
Former employees allege they were given the axe for illegal discriminatory reasons [link]
Musk reneges on promised severance/benefits [link] [link]
Employees file a class-action lawsuit in court, it gets dismissed because of the arbitration agreement [link]
Almost TWO THOUSAND employees file arbitration claims since they can't sue in court. Twitter's law firm says they'll drown in paperwork from all the arbitration cases [link]*
Which brings us to today:
Twitter refuses to pay for arbitration services (as required by the arbitration agreements signed by employees)
Toss arbitration costs onto the pile of things that Twitter can't afford: their rent, their cloud services, their loan interest payments…
*In a class-action lawsuit, all the proceedings, depositions, document searches, etc, get combined and streamlined. The legal fees are cheaper. Arbitration cases cannot be combined, so all those depositions and paperwork have to be redone for every case. People have compared mass-arbitration filing to a DDoS attack.
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When Facebook came for your battery, feudal security failed
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When George Hayward was working as a Facebook data-scientist, his bosses ordered him to run a “negative test,” updating Facebook Messenger to deliberately drain users’ batteries, in order to determine how power-hungry various parts of the apps were. Hayward refused, and Facebook fired him, and he sued:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Hayward balked because he knew that among the 1.3 billion people who use Messenger, some would be placed in harm’s way if Facebook deliberately drained their batteries — physically stranded, unable to communicate with loved ones experiencing emergencies, or locked out of their identification, payment method, and all the other functions filled by mobile phones.
As Hayward told Kathianne Boniello at the New York Post, “Any data scientist worth his or her salt will know, ‘Don’t hurt people…’ I refused to do this test. It turns out if you tell your boss, ‘No, that’s illegal,’ it doesn’t go over very well.”
Negative testing is standard practice at Facebook, and Hayward was given a document called “How to run thoughtful negative tests” regarding which he said, “I have never seen a more horrible document in my career.”
We don’t know much else, because Hayward’s employment contract included a non-negotiable binding arbitration waiver, which means that he surrendered his right to seek legal redress from his former employer. Instead, his claim will be heard by an arbitrator — that is, a fake corporate judge who is paid by Facebook to decide if Facebook was wrong. Even if he finds in Hayward’s favor — something that arbitrators do far less frequently than real judges do — the judgment, and all the information that led up to it, will be confidential, meaning we won’t get to find out more:
One significant element of this story is that the malicious code was inserted into Facebook’s app. Apps, we’re told, are more secure than real software. Under the “curated computing” model, you forfeit your right to decide what programs run on your devices, and the manufacturer keeps you safe. But in practice, apps are just software, only worse:
Apps are part what Bruce Schneier calls “feudal security.” In this model, we defend ourselves against the bandits who roam the internet by moving into a warlord’s fortress. So long as we do what the warlord tells us to do, his hired mercenaries will keep us safe from the bandits:
But in practice, the mercenaries aren’t all that good at their jobs. They let all kinds of badware into the fortress, like the “pig butchering” apps that snuck into the two major mobile app stores:
It’s not merely that the app stores’ masters make mistakes — it’s that when they screw up, we have no recourse. You can’t switch to an app store that pays closer attention, or that lets you install low-level software that monitors and overrides the apps you download.
Indeed, Apple’s Developer Agreement bans apps that violate other services’ terms of service, and they’ve blocked apps like OG App that block Facebook’s surveillance and other enshittification measures, siding with Facebook against Apple device owners who assert the right to control how they interact with the company:
When a company insists that you must be rendered helpless as a condition of protecting you, it sets itself up for ghastly failures. Apple’s decision to prevent every one of its Chinese users from overriding its decisions led inevitably and foreseeably to the Chinese government ordering Apple to spy on those users:
Apple isn’t shy about thwarting Facebook’s business plans, but Apple uses that power selectively — they blocked Facebook from spying on Iphone users (yay!) and Apple covertly spied on its customers in exactly the same way as Facebook, for exactly the same purpose, and lied about it:
The ultimately, irresolvable problem of Feudal Security is that the warlord’s mercenaries will protect you against anyone — except the warlord who pays them. When Apple or Google or Facebook decides to attack its users, the company’s security experts will bend their efforts to preventing those users from defending themselves, turning the fortress into a prison:
Feudal security leaves us at the mercy of giant corporations — fallible and just as vulnerable to temptation as any of us. Both binding arbitration and feudal security assume that the benevolent dictator will always be benevolent, and never make a mistake. Time and again, these assumptions are proven to be nonsense.
Image: Anthony Quintano (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mark_Zuckerberg_F8_2018_Keynote_%2841118890174%29.jpg
CC BY 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A painting depicting the Roman sacking of Jerusalem. The Roman leader's head has been replaced with Mark Zuckerberg's head. The wall has Apple's 'Think Different' wordmark and an Ios 'low battery' icon.]
Next week (Feb 8-17), I'll be in Australia, touring my book *Chokepoint Capitalism* with my co-author, Rebecca Giblin. We'll be in Brisbane on Feb 8, and then we're doing a remote event for NZ on Feb 9. Next is Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. I hope to see you!
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thedesertpenguin · 3 months
What do you think the argument (and it was definitely an argument) was like in deciding who went as Mario and who went as Luigi? Like how did Mac secure Mario, why did Dennis agree to Luigi?
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itshype · 5 months
Anyone who wants to opt out of Discord's new arbitration policy (if you've accepted them and you're in the USA, you've accepted that policy.) You have 30 days to email them.
I do encourage people to read the ToS themselves if this will affect them but essentially, if you want to sue them in the future for less than $10k the case will go through an arbitrator and you have waived your right to a jury trial.
Opt-out. You can decline this agreement to arbitrate by emailing an opt-out notice to [email protected] within 30 days of 15 April 2024 or when you first register your Discord account, whichever is later, otherwise, you shall be bound to arbitrate disputes in accordance with the terms of these paragraphs. If you opt out of these arbitration provisions, Discord also will not be bound by them.
Now, they don't say exactly what needs to be included in the email, however, Discord's parent company 'Take Two' put this clause into the ToS of a video game they also own back in 2019. In the ToS for that game they go into some details about what was required to opt-out. I am NOT a lawyer, but I have made a template for the opt-out email based on that older boilerplate, and my general understanding of new current ToS. Here is the link to my template.
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embraquil · 1 year
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They have something going on and I cant be convinced otherwise
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thetravellingprovider · 5 months
Discord opt out Action Network email above! I made it quick and dirty so if there's a better way, lmk. Use the link to send the appropriate opt out email (afaik)
Template modified slightly @lilywolfgray
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gloobottle · 3 months
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stalkiwi · 2 years
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So my brain had a thought
A.Corp (Arbitrer of the Head) identity Don would do everything to have arbitrer identities for my favorite idiots please
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