#the apocalypse arc
ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Demon Twin AU 
Tim Drake comes across a LOA manuscript detailing the sacrifice of a Demon Heir that’s dated around the time Damian is born and brings it to the cave. There’s no other mention of what went down, but it looks like Damian was a twin and the twin was thrown into the Lazaras Pits- Tim kind of forgets about it but shows it to Damian cause he figures that the guy deserves to know, and leaves it out for Bruce to see (basically the same thing as telling him). It doesn’t really change much but there is an obscured name in the corner so they can presume that the kid’s name would have been something starting with D A N. 
Well here’s the thing: Names carry power. Damian reaches out to John Constantine to ensure that the child is actually dead, because presumably John can do that. John wants to give the kid some closure, so he does what is supposed to be a super chill seance to an infant. He pricks Robin’s finger, chants a little and the air... turns violent.
Uh oh. Dan appears, unshackled from his prison in the Infinite Realms now that John has called upon them by someone with Familial blood. He cackles madly about the fact that it’ll be a good time to bring about the apocalypse again, promising to spare the bird for now, since he would have to get answers later. 
The alarms are blaring, the whole JL is hands on deck to try and stop Dan as he attacks across the globe. They’re saving as many civilian lives as possible but its getting very HAIRY in less than 2 hrs. Robin is out in the chaos, trying to track him down with John and Zatanna trying to recapture him and banish him back to the realms. 
Phantom touches down just as the three of them reach Dan- Danny has some choice words for his older alternate timeline self, including “This is why you have no friends.” and “Seriously, you didn’t even stop to say hi to my timeline’s Jazz this time.” and “Soup time for 1,000 years and then we can talk remediation.” 
After a short but brutal fight, Danny floats over to Damian, John and Z. After making sure they’re all right he’s like “Maybe you can never do that again? Also tell me how and why you did that so I can banish that spell?” And Damian explains that it was meant to ensure that the infant twin he never knew had passed peacefully and clearly that was not the case. Danny blinks a few times, uh, a twin?
Damian goes through the shit, John explains that it was a familial summoning meant to be an advanced seance (hence the lack of safe guards to keep the entity in) and Z confirms that there was nothing special to it beyond that. 
Danny then explains, that uh, “I guess my parents weren’t kidding when they told me I was adopted. Hi? I’m your brother. Uh, I go by Danny though. Dan was me in a different timeline and he’s normally under super strict lockdown.” 
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diavoloinajar · 1 year
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Zombie apocalypse au? Zombie apocalypse au!! :D
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dreamerslovechaos · 7 months
*wakes up in a cold sweat* the reason the black rose arc had to be forgotten by everyone is because its foundational tenet operated on giving the Brides agency to protest against their role in the dueling system and seek to leave it, further exemplified by its final shot being that of anthy's complicitness in the dueling game. the black rose arc gives a 'voice to the voiceless' and exploits their rage against their lives into rage against the Bride - which though it furthers ohtori's system of oppression (the dueling game is built upon exploiting the internal conflicts of the duelists after all), the methodology of giving 'voices' to the Brides by allowing them to Speak Their Mind within the framework of 'self improvement' via seeking out therapy is shown to be antithetical to ohtori academy as a whole because true self actualization of the bride will mean the end of ohtori academy as a system. in this essay i will
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raiiny-bay · 28 days
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finally finished cricket's group
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obito: hey can you pay attention we’re basically trying to end the world
naruto: yeah i get that but sasuke is RIGHT there
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carrotkicks · 11 months
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btw just for reference. they're the new-new-but-not-really-double black. they're partners currently in the au. just for reference.
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maukiki1 · 6 months
They are twinning✌️idk i just wanted to draw them or somehting idk.
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awobbles · 4 months
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neonleon22 · 7 months
RWBY characters as things I have heard and/or said - pt. II
basically just incorrect quotes + stuff from my life
Ruby: I just wanna jump into the puddle—I’m water resistant
Weiss: I’m not
Ruby: This ain’t about you
Yang: Zwei could you stop acting like a total goblin for five seconds
Goodwitch: Who would you bring with you to the island
Ruby: I would bring Pyrrha’s boyfriend and then sacrifice him to the animals
Jaune: wAIT WHAT—
Blake, about Yang and Ruby: Okay did I just drop acid or are they really singing Puns N’ Roses to an Apathy
Ruby: The moment they added the alphabet to math I knew I was done for
Yang: I would make fun of you but I feel the same way
Weiss: Ozpin told me I’m one of a kind
Ruby: Yes, and my mom once told my dad she was coming back
Blake, reading to her child: “And then the fairy godmother whispered in her ear—”
Weiss: [barges in] SHE’S A LESBIAN!?
Blake: …actually “she’s a frog”
Ruby: You went to the bathroom?
Weiss: Yes
Ruby: To use the bathroom?
Weiss: YES
Ruby: Sorry I’m just shocked whenever someone actually uses the school bathroom
Weiss: There’s a force field? Why didn’t you tell me?!
Blake: Well, because I wanted us to fail
Weiss: …
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
when the levee breaks is literally the most insane episode of all time. like ok. you have dean, who faced the very real threat of losing his humanity and becoming a demon a year ago, was raised to hate monsters of all kinds, and literally had john tell him with his dying breath to kill sam if he went bad. and he's so desperate to make sure sam doesn't get caught up in demon shit again that he's signing away his freedom to the angels despite swearing that he'll never be a soldier again, never blindly follow orders in a way that'll make him feel like less of a person
and then he has to lock sam in a room to detox the demon blood. sam, who's struggled his entire life to get any bit of freedom, continuously has his autonomy taken away from him, feels like he has to justify his very existence because people keep telling him he's inherently evil and a living abomination. and he's literally hallucinating people telling him that he can do the right thing, everything can be good again if he can just get strong enough to defeat lilith. that he was damned to begin with anyway so he might as well finish the job even if it means becoming the very thing he hates
like how do you even engineer a situation that fucked up for both characters. do these writers have a fucking phd in giving these guys the worst trauma you've ever seen in your life??? AND the apocalypse is literally starting and both angels and demons are gearing up for lucifer being released from hell. like jesus christ ok. gimme a second here
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What if what if I what if if I what if if I could what if I went crazy what then what then what then
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I know Sonic does manage to turn into Super Sonic just in time to save everyone after that idw panel, but at the time of reading all I could think was how Classic Sonic had arrived in the nick of time to save him before in Forces
But that this time there is no Sonic to show up out of nowhere to defend him or comfort him🥲😭
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sukutrauma · 23 days
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au doodles
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arkos404 · 11 months
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back when the divine tree episodes were just airing out and people were talking abt what if the effects were more physically visible and well here we are
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boywifesammy · 9 months
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god i love doomed romances because it’s like. “what is grief if not love persevering” but the grief and love are happening at the same time. how do you grieve something that’s still alive? how do you love something that has always been dead? and the answer is just. intensely.
good? bad? ending where tim survives the unknowing and is actually there when jon wakes up, and in the times post coma and apocalypse trekking they slowly and adamantly mend their wounds and rebuild their friendship (that'll never look like their former pre canon one that i KNOW existed, but hey, they both kinda died there already, so whatever)
but when the decision comes between releasing the fears somewhere else or starving them there? they both agree that they cant let anybody else go through what they (and danny, and sasha) had to suffer
(<prev. Meeting on the turret stairs jontim) [apocalypse blues tag]
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dtchia · 4 months
This is for scientific purposes
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