#the annual golden bunnies
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u2fangirlie-blog · 1 month ago
Superb Owl Party 2025
Welcome to my Superb Owl party! Greetings owl!
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Please enjoy these poorly made posters - with typos and all the skill of a middle school art student.
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You are invited to your neighbor's annual Superb Owl party where you will meet the guests of honor who are vying for the title of Superb Owl.
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Is that that a football or an owl's egg?
Remember, this is a human party and you should blend in. Do not unalive any guests.
[Yes. I know sign has typos. But it has GLITTER! A bloody stupid vampire made the posters.]
Now it is time to vote for the owl that is the greatest owl of all time!
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Let me introduce the five contestants in the 2025 Superb Owl Contest. @herpsandbirds Paxon - I hope you approve!
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Angelina - Stygian Owl
Angelina was a classical opera singer with a vocal range of four octaves. She became the lead singer of the metal band Talons of Death. The wildly popular band recorded two gold albums: Prey for Mercy and Night Screechers. Stygian owls have golden yellow eyes which glow red in low light, earning the nickname the devil’s owl. When not on the road with the band, she teaches music in local public schools.
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Benjamin - Spot-Bellied Eagle Owl
Benjamin works for the United States Postal Service. He delivered bills and junk mail. Years of dedication, hard work, and attention to detail advanced his career. Now he works in the Dead Letter office deciphering illegible handwriting on envelopes in the Great Lakes district office. He enjoys chess and reading spy thrillers and murder mystery novels.
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Bunny - Screech Owl
Bunny was a child star actor in popular nature shows, including Into the Wild with Jack Hanna. She was the runner-up for national bird of the United States, just behind the bald eagle. Today she models for Audubon and Birds and Blossoms. She creates mixed media artwork and builds avant-garde nests that are shown in art galleries around the world.
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Jared - Spectacled Owl
Jared is a respected pundit and scholar of political science and philosophy. He is best known for his work on Foucault’s panopticon and state sponsored surveillance to control citizens. He’s an outspoken political activist. He enjoys world travel and eating exotic foods.  Recently, he wrote a dystopian science fiction novel and is waiting for a publisher to pick up the manuscript.
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Nigel - Great Gray Owl
Nigel is in his third term as Prime Minister of the Parliament of Owls. His passion for serving owls and other species led to a life-long career in politics. He works for a better world for all animals and plants. His actions center on legislation to protect migration routes, conservation of wilderness habitats, and protection of endangered species. He enjoys touring the national parks and vacations in a cabin at Lake Tahoe.
Who is the superb owl! Please vote! Does anyone know how to create a poll? Please vote in the notes. Thanks!
Note: At the hospital were I work, the social wellbeing committee is having an office decorating contest for the Super Bowl. I work as an admin. assist. in a department currently has two people - myself and my boss. The office has space for 12 cubicles, and I'm the only one working here. The boss is only at the business offices one day a week, otherwise she's over at the main campus. To complicate matters, the office is locked on both sides and very few people ever come in. [Technically, my position is part of the administrative team, over on the main campus, but I never see anyone. Only one admin. assist. works with me remotely.] So how do I: 1) participate in social wellbeing and engage with coworkers, 2) decorate an office that is isolated from the outside world, 3) cleverly mock a sports event, and 4) be my true weird self? I choose the Superb Owl Party!
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To make the decorations visible for people in the business center campus, I put the decorations in the hallway. We have a big white board that isn't attached to the wall. I put the posters on the white board and slid it out into the hallway! Then I notified a few people in other offices, "Hey, I decorated for the super bowl. Come over and see." And then I put out a little basket with a pen and sticky notes for people to cast their votes. At the end of the day on Friday, Bunny was the winner.
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sapphire-writes · 2 years ago
Thin Ice (modern!HOTD)
pairing: Aegon x Reader & Cregan Stark x Reader
summary: Aegon and you attend the annual hockey awards. The spring semester comes to a close and you and Aegon plan to say goodbye for the summer.
rating: Mature/Explicit/18+ (detailed warning below the cut)
series masterlist
previous chapter ~ Ch. 11: Worth It
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warnings: language, explicit p in v, oral (fem receiving), titty slapping, finger sucking, car spicy times, mentions of recovery
word count: 3.6k
note: SUPRISE!!! hope you enjoy this finale! thank you so much for reading my story about this lovable goofball 🥹
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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As long as you’d been in college, you’d always felt the spring semester went by faster than the fall semester. This year was no exception. January melted into spring and hockey season came to its inevitable end. Sara, though saddened at first, was overjoyed when she realized she could spend more time with Jace.
“No more practice to get in the way of date night,” she said triumphantly, “You and I have to double date.”
“Of course,” you’d assured her. 
Everything was going great. Classes were easier this semester with philosophy out of the way, the Knights had won their championship game. A celebration banquet was held for the team, along with an awards ceremony. Though, you were missing the majority of the awards as you were currently otherwise occupied. 
“Aegon,” you moan, right leg draped over his shoulder. 
Look, you hadn’t meant to miss the first part of the ceremony, but Aegon was insistent. You’d joined Aegon and the rest of the team for the fancy dinner, held in the ballroom of The Golden Lion Hotel which, coincidentally enough, was owned by Jason Lannister’s family. 
Suddenly, before you could find your seats, Aegon was dragging you down the hallway and into a supply closet, kneeling before you and removing your panties; throwing them to a forgotten corner. Aegon swore it wasn’t his fault, you just looked so tempting in your dress and heels.
Aegon’s head is currently buried between your plush thighs, tongue lapping your folds like your pussy is ambrosia. He murmurs a soft command “Keep quiet bunny, c’mon you can do it, that’s my good girl,” and you’re suddenly raking your nails against his scalp, soaking his mouth with your release. 
Aegon rises from his knees, his hands trailing a path up your thighs to rest on your waist. He looks too damn good in his black tux, with his forest green tie that matches the silk dress you’re wearing. His shaggy silver hair is slicked back with gel, he runs his palm over the side to make sure he didn’t mess it up too much with his antics. 
“I love it when you’re noisy,” he murmurs, kissing you passionately, beginning to grope your ass while grinding against you.
Your eyes roll back into your skull as he trailed kisses down your neck. He’s so hard, you can feel him pressing against your legs-
“We have to go, they’ll be looking for you-” your concerns are silenced by another kiss.
“I’ll be quick,” Aegon promises, kissing your lips gently.
“You’re never quick-”
“And you love it every time-”
“Seriously,” you tell him, fisting his hair and pulling his face away from you, “Don’t give me those puppy dog eyes! I’m doing you a favor, Mr. Player of the Year.”
“You don’t know that,” he mumbles, a blush blooming on the apples of his cheeks, “I’m not that good-”
“Stop it,” you tell him, “You are. You’re going to win. C’mon.”
You adjust your dress back over your ass, smoothing the silk fabric over your thighs. As you exit the closet Aegon smacks your ass with the palm of his hand- the very reason you’d ended up in there in the first place. 
You glance back at him, a playful disapproving smile on your face. His eyes are glued to your ass, as he takes his lower lip between his teeth.
“How’d I get so lucky?” he murmurs, reaching for you again.
You move away, just out of reach of his grabbing hands, ushering him down the hallway and back into the ballroom. It’s been decorated for the occasion, with lots of streamers and centerpieces in the colors of KLU. You catch Cregan’s eye, he’s sitting next to Jace, and flashes him a small smile.
He returns it, smiling politely before turning to say something to Aly Blackwood. You’d heard through the grapevine they’d reconnected recently at Riverrun Cafe. Judging by Aly’s smile, it was going well between them. You can’t help but feel a warm feeling spreading in your chest as you watch them. Cregan deserves to be happy, he’s a great guy. 
You slide into the seat next to Sara. She raises her eyebrows at you and Aegon before mouthing ‘quickie?’ You quickly shake your head no, but Aegon nods, a smug smile plastered on his face. Sara lets out a snort and you jab Aegon in the ribs with your elbow. Jace turns to Sara, frowning at the lack of context as to why his girlfriend is in stitches. 
“Alright, listen up,” Coach Mormont says, clearing his throat, “Next is player of the year.”
You notice Aegon shift in his seat, his goofy attitude switching to one more anxious. He begins picking at his cuticles and you reach for him, taking his hand in yours to distract him.
“This player is integral to our team. He’s a fighter, always has been, but always shows up when the team needs him. I’m proud of how far he’s come, how he’s handled challenges on and off the ice,” Coach Mormont pauses, “And I’m proud to announce that the Player of the Year is our center, Aegon Targaryen!”
The hall erupts in cheers, even Cregan is clapping and nodding in agreement as Aegon rises on shaky legs to accept his award. You can’t stop the tears that blur your vision as you clap for him. Sara squeezes your shoulder, a smile plastered on her face.
Aegon makes his way to the podium, hugging Coach Mormont and taking the trophy before standing in front of the mic.
“Shit I-sorry I shouldn’t swear but…..shit,” he says with a breathless laugh. Aegon pauses for a moment, just gazing down at the trophy in his hands.
He looks up, meeting your eyes across the room and smiling.
“I really didn’t think this would happen,” Aegon begins, “My freshman year was pretty rough. I couldn’t have gotten the help I needed without the guys on this team.”
Aegon pauses, voice cracking with emotion.
“I’m proud to say I’m almost two years sober, and hockey…it means everything to me,” he says, wiping his eyes, “And I want to thank my siblings, the guys again of course, and my girlfriend.”
Your heart stops. 
“I couldn’t have made it through this year without her. I wouldn’t be right here, without her. So, thank you. Thank you so much,” he says smiling.
The crowd erupts into cheers as Aegon leaves the stage. You stand to greet him, wrapping your arms around him in a fierce hug. 
“Holy shit,” Aegon says, holding the trophy in his hands. 
He hasn’t stopped grinning since accepting it onstage. The dinner had long ended and you’d been seated in his car for the past few minutes. Jace and Sara had driven separately and had already headed back to the hockey house for the celebratory after-party. 
“I’m so proud of you, Egg,” you tell him, for the millionth time. You’ll probably never stop reminding him. 
“I just…” he trails off for a moment, eyes becoming glassy with tears, “I don’t know. I was never the make mom and dad proud kid, you know?”
Your expression softens, and you can feel your throat begin to constrict, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. 
“But I’ve been really trying, you know? It’s nice…for someone to notice,” he finishes, with a sniffle.
You reach for his free hand and he looks up at you, watery violet eyes meeting yours. 
“You are amazing, Aegon Targaryen,” you tell him, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he says, a tear falling down his cheek, “I should probably put this down before driving, huh?”
You release a breathy chuckle.
“Yeah I think that’s wise,” you tell him, “We can buckle it in the back seat, like a child?”
“Our child,” Aegon says, his tone teasing, “What a beautiful baby.”
You laugh, opening the passenger side and getting out. Aegon slips out of the driver’s seat and opens the back door of his car. He glances at you from across the seat, smiling suggestively.
“On second thought…” he says, placing the award on the driver’s seat and slipping in the back, “Get in, bunny.”
Your eyes widen, sensing where this is going.
“Egg, no way-”
“C’mon we’ll be quick,” he says pouting, “It’s a celebration!”
“What if someone sees?” you whisper, but slip into the backseat all the same. You close the door behind you and Aegon grins, looping an arm around your waist.
“Everyone’s gone,” he murmurs, kissing your lips softly, “No one left but us.”
You melt into him, as you always do. He seems to have that effect. Aegon keeps one arm around your waist, the other wraps itself around your neck, his thumb smoothing the outline of your jaw. Your tongue seeks out his metal tongue ring as you kiss, and you arch your back to push yourself closer to him. 
“I fucking love you,” he groans, breaking away from kissing you for just a moment.
“Egg, I love you so much,” you whine, “Please, please.”
“What do you need, pretty girl?” he asks, whimpering as you tug harshly on his silver locks. 
“Just you, always you,” you tell him, burying your face in the crook between his neck and shoulder. 
Aegon quickly unfastens his belt, freeing his hardened cock. He strokes himself with his hand, pausing to swipe his thumb over the tip, wiping away a bead of precum. You get on your knees, preparing to straddle him when he stops you. You frown, confused, which causes Aegon to chuckle.
“Backwards, baby, c’mere,” he says, motioning so you straddle him, facing away from him.
Aegon’s hands move to push your dress up your thighs and he chuckles, feeling the wetness there. He playfully frowns at you, his lower lip jutting out in a dramatic pout.
“What happened to your panties?” he questions, sliding a finger through your dripping folds.
“Probably still in that closet,” you admit, breathing heavily with anticipation as you hover over his cock. 
You were in such a rush to get back to the table, you’d forgotten to put them back on. You can feel the head of Aegon’s thick cock prodding at your entrance and you sink down on top of him. The angle is new, and you feel every inch deep in your abdomen as he bottoms out. Your mouth falls open, a moan spilling from your lips.
“Fuck,” Aegon murmurs, lifting his hips to thrust into you, “Gods this fucking pussy, feels so good wrapped around my cock baby.”
“Oh fuck,” you whimper, lifting your hips and bringing them back down, matching Aegon’s thrusts, “Gods you’re so big.”
Aegon brings his hand to your neck, wrapping it lightly around your throat, squeezing just enough for there to be a pleasurable lack of oxygen. Your head is spinning as he continues sliding his cock in and out, the wet sounds of your soaked pussy filling the car. Through your lashes, you can see steam begin to cloud the windows.
Aegon takes his free hand to your chest, freeing your breasts from the top of your dress. It didn’t make sense to wear a bra, the back was too revealing. You thrash against him as he removes his hand from your neck, pressing his fingers against your lips. 
“Open up,” he murmurs, placing a hot kiss against your neck.
You do as he says, allowing him to push three fingers into your eager mouth. You suck the digits greedily, the cool metal of his rings kissing your lips as you do so. Aegon palms your breast with his other hand, tweaking your pebbled nipples before lightly slapping them. You whimper against his fingers, but they keep you quiet.
“So pretty like this baby,” he coos as you swirl your hips around him.
It’s perfect, his cock pulsating inside of you, rubbing against your sweet spot with every swivel of your hips. Not enough to get you off, just leave you on the edge of pleasure, your sanity slipping with every slap he delivers to your heaving breasts. 
You gaze at him with pleading eyes, and Aegon grins wolfishly. He pulls his fingers from your mouth, trailing them between the valley of your breasts, and down your stomach; knowing exactly what you need. 
His hand comes in contact with your clit, and with his well-lubricated fingers, he begins rubbing circles around the sensitive little button. Pleasure courses through your veins, prickling your nerves like lightning and he squeezes your breast harshly. 
“Aegon, oh fuck Aegon,” you moan, head dropping back onto his shoulder as your legs begin to shake.
“Just like that bunny, that’s a good girl,” Aegon encourages as you desperately ride his cock, chasing your release. 
It builds and builds before you finish with a cry, walls fluttering around his thick cock. Aegon moans as you cum, bringing both hands to squeeze your breasts as he finds his own release, deep within your pussy. 
You take a moment to regain your breathing and Aegon reaches out drawing a smiling face on the fogged window. 
“Girlfriend,” he says, phrasing it like a question, “I hope you don’t mind that I called you that during my speech.”
You rise from his softening cock, reaching over his lap to write on the window. 
“Of course, I didn’t,” you murmur, “I want you to be my boyfriend, Egg.” You finish your drawing. 
Another smiley face, right next to his. 
Aegon presses a kiss to your cheek, and you make yourself presentable before driving to meet your friends. 
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Finals are a blur, and to your dismay, Aegon finishes his before you finish yours. 
“It should be illegal for this to happen,” you argue, as Aegon finishes putting his things in Criston Cole’s car. 
Cole has yet to return from helping Helaena with her luggage. Aegon likes to joke that she’s a princess and has 7 bags. Finals take place on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday. Aegon had his last final this morning, along with Helaena and Aemond. 
Thus, the siblings were being packed up and shipped back to their hometown, while you were stuck here until Monday. At least Sara, Baela, and Rhaena were in the same boat, but still. You were not ready to say goodbye to your boyfriend. 
“Bunny,” Egg says, pulling you towards him, wrapping you in a warm hug, and placing a kiss on top of your head.
“You really have to leave now?” you murmur against his chest as you bring your hands around his back.
Maybe if you hold on tight enough, he won’t go. You can feel his chest shake as he chuckles. 
“You know how my mom is,” Aegon says with a sigh, “But, she was pretty cool about you coming on the Summer Isles trip.”
“I can’t wait,” you tell him, honestly.
“Two weeks,” Aegon says, pursing his lips and nodding, “We can survive two weeks.”
You grab his cheeks, connecting your lips once more.
“Gross!” Helaena calls, appearing from the direction of her dorm carrying a duffle bag. 
You pull away from Aegon, but Helaena only smirks.
“Is this going to happen the entire time in the Summer Isles?” Helaena teases. 
Aemond walks up beside her, taking her bag.
“Gods I hope not,” he grumbles, taking Hel’s bag to the car. 
Criston appears a moment later, pushing a luggage cart full of Helaena’s suitcases. 
“That’s everything,” he assures and you quickly count 9 bags on the cart. 
Helaena embraces you, pulling you against her tightly.
“Good luck on your finals,” she says, “You’ll do amazing. And I’ll see you soon.”
“I’ll miss you Hel,” you tell her, squeezing her close.
“2 weeks, no biggie,” Helaena says, pulling away, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” you tell her, “Drive safe!”
“Criston will!” she confirms, sliding into the back of the car. 
You turn back to Aegon once more, your heart heavy. Goodbyes are never easy, no matter what.
“I love you,” you tell him, trying to fight the tears that form in your eyes. 
“I love you too,” he says, giving you a final kiss.
You wave to Aegon and Helaena, watching as their car disappears. 
“Okay enough of that!” Sara’s voice says before you feel her arms on your shoulders, dragging you away, “I’m starving, and besides! What about me? What am I supposed to do without you?”
Sara links her arms through yours, starting to walk to the main dining hall. You wave, spotting Baela and Rhaena headed toward you from the opposite side of the main quad. The sun is setting, casting a golden haze over campus. The flowers are in full bloom and the air has a lovely chill to it this late in the day. 
“Wither and die?” you sarcastically suggest.
“So not funny,” she says, shaking her head, “And you are so visiting Winterfell this year, I’m not driving all the way south for your ass-”
“Okay, you drove one-time last summer-”
“I haven’t recovered,” she interrupts, “Plus, I need to show you my hometown! And we’re going to Facetime every-”
“Night,” Baela says, joining you, with Rhaena beside her, “At 7 pm sharp, but you know Rhaena’s gonna hang up promptly at 9 for her mandatory 8 hours.”
“Some people care about their routines, and don’t want to waste their summer!” Rhaena interjects.
“I’m not wasting anything! I have an internship,” Baela insists.
“How long is this one going to last?” Sara snickers.
“Shut up,” Baela scowls, “Are you going to visit Jace at all?”
“Of course, I can’t survive without his big co-”
“Sara!” the three of you scold in unison causing her to snicker.
“We’ve become too comfortable here,” you say laughing as you enter the main campus dining hall.
It’s relatively quiet, some students cramming in some last-minute studying while scarfing down various fried food options. It makes you momentarily reminisce about when you met your best friends freshman year. You don’t know what you would have done without them.
“One more year,” Rhaena says, her expression wistful.
“One more year of KLU,” Baela says with a sigh, “I can’t believe we’re seniors now.”
“Don’t remind me,” you tell them. You can’t imagine college ending. 
Sara smiles knowingly.
“One more hockey season,” she says with a smirk.
Your cheeks flush at the thought of spending your senior year with Aegon. At his games, at the hockey house, in the library. No scheming this year, just you and him. You can’t think of anything better. 
“Dude guess what?” Sara says suddenly with a gasp, “I have to take Intro to Philosophy.”
“I thought you got out of that?” Baela asked with a frown.
“Nope, you’ll tutor me, right Y/N?” Sara says, pouting, “Please please please!”
“We’ll see,” you tell her with a chuckle, “I don’t know if I’m the best tutor.”
“Egg passed!”
“That was special circumstances!” you argue, grabbing a table. 
Sara slumps into the seat across from you, Baela sits beside you and Rhaena squeezes behind Sara. 
“I’ll ask you again in the fall,” Sara says with a smirk, “You’ll be with Egg all loved up and will have to say yes.”
Just as she mentions his name, your phone buzzes. You glance at it, seeing Aegon calling you. You rise from your seat. 
“One sec,” you tell your friends and they roll their eyes. 
You can tell they don’t mean it though, they’re only teasing you. They were beyond happy for you and Aegon. You walk out of the dining hall before answering. 
“Hey you,” you say, unable to stop your smile, “You miss me already?”
You push through the glass door, the warm spring evening air washing over you. 
“You could say that,” Aegon says, and you can practically hear his grin through the phone.
You laugh, before glancing up and meeting a pair of violet eyes. 
It’s Aegon. 
You’re still holding your phone against your ear as Aegon hangs up, sliding his own phone into his pocket. And even though it’s been maybe 20 minutes since you’d last seen him, you throw yourself into his arms, kissing him ferociously. 
Aegon chuckles, lifting you off the ground and spinning in a circle.
“What are you doing here?” you manage through a giggle as he plants you back on the ground, “Your mom, you said-”
“I told her I had a final Monday,” Aegon says, grinning ear to ear, “My car’s still here, I’m driving down after.” 
He holds your hands in his, his thumbs caressing yours. 
“I was thinking maybe, you could come home with me? You know Helaena misses you and Daeron seemed to like you and Aemond is-” You cut him off with a kiss.
Aegon came back for you. He’s staying, for you.
From the beginning, Aegon’s always made it clear. Even when you didn’t understand. Even when you weren’t ready to admit it. Even when you were scared.
It’s always been you.
You pull away from him, smiling ear to ear. In the light of the setting sun, he’s so beautiful. And he’s all yours. And you’re his. 
“C’mon,” you tell him, grabbing his hand, “Sara is taking philosophy next term and needs pointers.”
Aegon groans, but a smile plays on his lips as you drag him back towards the dining hall. You all sit together in the dining hall, staying long after you finish eating; laughing, nearly crying, and just talking the entire time. The smile never leaves Aegon’s face.
He can’t help it, it’s the happiest he’s been in what feels like forever.
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note: and that's a WRAP! thank you so so much for supporting me through this series! I love each and every one of you, and will miss my KLU babies!! Until next time, ilysm ~ Jo
Thin Ice Tag List:
@padfooteyes, @nina2697, @julieeba, @darkenchantress, @heavenly1927, @fan-goddess, @possiblyafangirl, @n4tforlife, @serving-targaryen-realness, @bubblyabs, @cicaspair418, @jamespotterismydaddy, @tssf-imagines, @platonichug, @tosiaf, @skikikikiikhhjuuh, @rwdkarla, @partypoison00 @moira-strangle-me-please @clairacassidy, @sh4dowrav3n, @okfashionista, @kravitzwhore, @queenofshinigamis, @misspendragon, @marytargaryen, @dope-trope-105, @imarimon, @whoisalexa, @oneeyedvisenya, @valeskafics, @aemondsmoon, @doublesparrows, @namelesslosers, @fidelias @imarimon @trifoliumviridi, @bellstwd @elle4404 @schmexie @sahvlren @clairepotter, @m1ndbrand @shessthunderstoms
bold means I could not tag for some reason!
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titlemewickedwonderland · 2 years ago
Run Little Rabbit (Ghost Oneshot)
Summary: After Swiss makes his intentions known for his feelings of possessiveness to Y/n with surprising results he finds himself in a cat and mouse game with her for show of dominance.
Prompt: Part 2 of 'Possess Me' since you wanted a part two! Here you go! @holyhalin
Support My Work!
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As the vibrant hues of the setting sun danced upon the horizon, casting a warm golden glow, the air grew crisp and cool, signaling the arrival of a blissful autumn evening. Nature's paintbrush had transformed the world around, adorning the trees with fiery shades of red, orange, and yellow. The leaves, now kissed by the gentle breeze, fluttered down gracefully, creating a carpet of rustling whispers beneath her feet.
Y/n strolled along the winding path, embraced by the earthy aroma of fallen leaves, mingling with the faint scent of wood smoke from the distant bonfire that was going on nearby shy of Primo's Greenhouse. The daylight gradually waned, allowing the stars to peek through the emerging twilight, casting their celestial sparkle upon the ever-darkening canvas above.
A symphony of sounds greeted her ears as she ventured deeper into the heart of this enchanting evening. The chirping of crickets resonated softly, while the occasional hoot of an owl echoed through the nearby woods. The gentle rustle of small creatures scurrying about, preparing for the coming cold, added to the captivating melody of nature.
The girl found solace in the rhythm of her own footsteps, each one a gentle percussion upon the earth. The cool breeze teased her cheeks, whispering secrets of the changing season as it rustled through the branches overhead. She paused for a moment, basking in the tender embrace of the autumn evening, letting the world around her wash away any lingering worries.
Ahead, was the bonfire where poles with fairy lights were constructed by the Greenhouse that held the majority of the Abbey's gathered Clergy for the annual Halloween party. It beckoned her with the inviting glow of its warm lights spilling out into the forest. A tantalizing aroma of fresh hot cocoa, smores, and cinnamon-laced pastries wafted through the air, enticing her senses. The comforting chatter of the other siblings around carried a sense of camaraderie and shared stories.
With a smile, Y/n stepped through the treeline into the light of the fire. The light around her revealed her outfit of choice costume for this year; a skin-tight body suit that was white as the snow, long-sleeved with a hood that contained loppy bunny ears. It wasn't the sluttiest outfit among her peers but she hadn't dressed up for them; only one person in particular that her eyes sought for in the crowd of mingling Clergy. Her friends embraced her with their welcoming calls of hello as she passed by and she gave a sweet smile of greeting to them in return as she headed for the refreshments table.
As she poured herself a foam cup of hot cocoa to stave off the chill of the autumn night she felt a presence behind her. It was familiar and the feeling of eyes on her was intense; like a dark predatory sizing up their catch. But when she looked over her shoulder her smile dropped when she looked up at Kenneth instead of who she thought was behind her.
"Kenneth. Hello." she greeted him formally as she eyed his choice of costume.
He was dressed up as a vampire, with fake fangs, a cape, and slicked-back hair to boot. He eyed her skimpy outfit and smirked as he grabbed himself a cookie from a tray near her.
"You look good enough to eat." his tone was friendly enough but Y/n wasn't stupid; ever since the whole debacle with Swiss and Aether months prior he had kept his distance but his distaste for her and for the ghouls had ramped up.
"And you look like every other fake vampire with poor taste in costume. Vampire, how original, Kenneth." she replied with a sugar-sweet smile; to anyone else around them they would think the pair were just flirting with each other. But that was far from the case.
"At least I'm not dressed like a whore." he piped up with a sneer and Y/n's nostrils flared up at the insult even as she tried to keep her smile on her face.
"Well, at least I can take rejection." she replied back before shoving her way past him knocking shoulders with him and causing him to drop his cookie with a curse.
Seething at the insult, Y/n looked around at the gathered siblings and spotted the ghouls off to one side; they were dressed head to toe in costumes that hid most of their features from any prying eyes but it wasn't hard to figure out who was who.
Dewdrop was dressed up as a plague doctor with a matching bird beak mask and cane, Aether was dressed like a gladiator with a helmet on hiding half his face and carrying around a sword that looked far too real to be fake, Rain looked like some kind of modern pirate with an eye patch and a bandana wrapped around his neck and a sleeveless top with tight pants on, Mountain resembled something like reminded her of either an ancient shaman or medicine man with an animal skull on his face, and Swiss...swiss looked utterly delicious in an evil ringmaster costume on with the cane, tophat, and long-tailed coat over his vest.
Y/n had to look away from the man's intense stare as she came up to them with a smile. "Well, look at all of you guys!" she smiled placing her hands on her hips and examining each of them in turn.
"Aw, you look so cute Y/n!" Rain chirped with a smile as he eyed her outfit of choice. "Cute bunny costume."
"Thank you! It was a last-minute change, I was going to be a witch but..." she eyes traveled back to Swiss, a teasing glint in them that had him clenching his jaw. "I thought being a bunny suited me better."
"Well, watch out for the Brothers here, a few of them had too much to drink from the spiked punch; they'd eat you up alive in that costume. Not much left to the imagination there, sweat pea." Aether chuckled as he caught the look between his friends.
"Oh I can handle myself just fine Aeth. But thank you for the warning." the girl smiled and turned around with a hop to show them the back. "Look, I even have a little tail." she wiggled her butt, the fluffy white tail of the bunny costume wiggling with it.
"Adorable." Mountain chuckled.
"I thought so! Where's Papa and the ghoulette's?" Y/n spun back around to face them again.
"Oh, I think they are playing a game of bob the apple or something." Rain replied looking around before spotting his friends. "...or they are terrorizing Copia." he sighed.
Y/n followed his gaze to where the ghoulettes were messing with Copia who was already drunk on the other side of the bonefire.
"Well, we should probably go save him before he ends up passed out somewhere." Rain added with a sigh as he linked arms with Mountain and dragged him over to their friends.
"I'm going to go get me some punch and maybe hit that fine piece of ass over there; she's been giving me the eyes all night." Dewdrop added as he stalked away to go to another sibling who was dressed up as some kind of cat girl in leather.
Aether looked between Y/n and Swiss before sighing and adjusting his helmet. "Don't cause a scene." he warned before leaving his two friends alone; ever watchful from across the yard as he chatted up with another ghoul from the older eras; probably Alpha who was dressed up like a viking warrior or something akin to that.
The sister looked around the crowd idly even when she felt the heat of Swiss at her side as he drew nearer; bending down slightly to speak in her ear.
"So, what was that about with Kenneth?" he asked watching the people around him acting nonchalantly like her even when he felt the urge to hide this little woman away from the prying eyes of other men who were unabashedly eying her up; probably drunk or tipsy at the least, hoping to get lucky tonight.
Y/n gave a little shrug of her shoulder and looked over her shoulder at him with her best innocent eyes. "Nothing. He's just a little boy who's got his ego hurt a bit. Nothing I couldn't handle."
"I saw the way he was looking at you." Swiss muttered meeting her gaze with the firey ones of his own that held dark promises.
"So? What if he was looking at him a certain way?" she taunted with a slow curl of her lips. "Jealous? If you are, maybe you should do something about it, Swissy." she cooed before sashaying away with a bounce in her step that made her bunny tail wag along with her hips as she went to mingle with her friends.
The night was long and the drinks just kept on coming. The moon was high in the sky casting more light into the forest as people partied together. Some snuck away together while others - drunk off their asses, were having a full-blown make-out session right where they sat. Y/n had taken a seat by the bonfire and was roasting a marshmallow while talking to another brother of sin - Toby, was his name if she recalled. They were laughing and chitchatting but all the while she could feel the burning gaze on her from across the clearing but she wouldn't give Swiss the satisfaction of catching his eye.
When a particular song came on the stereo she jumped to her feet and pulled on Toby's arms to get him to stand as she cheered. "This is one of my favorite songs! Let's join the dance floor." she winked as she dragged him along to the spot where others were dancing.
The song was hot and heavy, booming with promises of fun later. While others took dancing partners to dance within the clearing to the obviously sexy song Y/n began moving along with the music; swinging her hips and allowing Toby to hold her close as they moved against each other; all the while her skin felt hot - but not because of the fire or the heat of her skin tight outfit but from the glowing eyes from across the clearing that pinned her with possessive anger. Her moves were deliberate as if she was dancing for someone in particular - certainly not Toby but nobody knew that as they danced or watched from the sidelines. When the song ended and some migrated to the bonfire to roast some more marshmallows Y/n noticed the pile of firewood dwindling.
"Oh shoot, we're almost out! I'm going to go gather some more, save me a spot at the bonfire, yeah?" she called to Toby as she grabbed the basket for wood and headed into the darkness of the forest.
Even when she couldn't see she knew she was being followed - that ever-growing presence of dark energy at her back as eyes glued to her was evidence enough as she gathered some spare branches and wood she could find. When she was far enough from the celebratory clearing she stopped and straightened up.
"I know you are following me." she said into the darkness.
"How'd you figure that?" Swiss' body came into view in the dim light causing her to turn to look at him.
"I could feel your eyes on me the entire night." she cocked a hip as she eyed him up and down; he looked utterly terrifying in the dark with his outfit on and the burning in his eyes.
"Do you like him? That boy you were dancing with? did you have fun taunting me the entire night?" he asked, his voice low and commanding causing her to take a step back.
"Who said I was taunting you?" she quipped back with a jut of her chin. "Maybe I like Toby. He's a sweet guy."
The cool air of autumn kissed her cheeks as she was suddenly yanked forward faster than her eye could catch and her back pressed against a tree so hard the breath got knocked out of her lungs.
"Don't fucking play with me, woman." Swiss snarled inches from her face. "You were taunting me with that ass all night. When are you going to realize you're mine, sweetheart?"
"Am I yours though? Because last time I checked Swiss, you didn't claim me." the girl raised her chin; her lips ghosting over the stubble on his jaw from the angle causing his skin to grow ten times hotter.
He licked his lips slowly, his eyes closing for a moment as he tried to keep his cool. He wasn't usually so possessive but watching her dance like that, seeing her in her skimpy skin-hugging costume knowing it was a jab at him made his blood boil.
"Run." his voice came out more demonic than human. "Fucking run, little bunny."
Y/n's eyes sparked with a sense of fear as much as they did in excitement knowing what he was implying and with a saucy grin she darted from beneath the cage of his arms and disappeared into the darkness. Swiss clenched his fists, counting until ten before he swirled and gave chase.
Heart pounding, adrenaline surging, Y/n raced through the dark woods, the cacophony of her footfalls blending with the haunting silence of the night. The moon's feeble glow barely penetrated the dense canopy above, casting eerie shadows that danced and twisted with every erratic movement.
A bone-chilling gust of wind howled through the trees, as if urging her to run faster, urging her to escape the impending danger. The air, thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, filled her lungs, fueling her sprint.
Behind her, a sinister presence lurked with promise as heavy footsteps reverberated through the forest floor, a haunting reminder that a certain danger was close at hand. She could feel him closing in, an invisible force that clawed at her back, spurring her on, pushing her beyond the limits of her own exhaustion.
Each stride she took was a battle against her pounding heartbeat and trembling muscles. Twigs snapped beneath her feet, amplifying the fear and excitement that gripped her as if the very forest conspired to betray her presence. The rustling of leaves intensified as if the woods themselves conspired to expose her to the relentless predator on her heels.
Y/n's senses heightened, every flicker of shadow, every distant hoot of an owl, became an ominous omen, a reminder of the relentless pursuit. Her eyes strained to pierce the inky darkness, searching for a glimpse of escape, but all she could discern were gnarled branches and twisting roots, obstacles conspiring to trip and impede her flight.
Time seemed to warp, stretching every agonizing second into an eternity. The air grew colder, chilling her sweat-soaked skin, and goosebumps prickled across her flesh beneath her costume, a visceral reminder of the encroaching presence of the ghoul chasing her. Panic surged within her, threatening to overtake rational thought as she teetered on the precipice of exhaustion.
But then, a faint glimmer of hope flickered ahead—a sliver of moonlight peeking through a narrow gap in the trees leading back toward the Abbey. With renewed determination, she summoned her last reserves of strength and lunged toward the light, pushing her body to the brink of its capabilities.
But just as she was reaching the end of the path a hand snaked around her waist and she was yanked back into the darkness; the harshness of tree bark dug into her spin while a hot body pressed against her front - pinning her between a hard place and an immovable body trapping her within strong arms. Harsh pants escaped her lips as her head leaned back against the tree; hot breath breathed against her neck causing her to shiver as her hands dug into the tree on either side of her.
"Well, looks like you caught me..." she licked her suddenly dry lips. "What are you going to do about it?"
Her vision was suddenly filled with Swiss' dark orbs as he lifted his head from her neck and a strong hand reached up to wrap idly around her throat; not choking but simply resting there like a promise as a dark smile slowly revealed his fanged smile.
"I'm going to devour you."
"So do it." Y/n taunted arching up against him while exposing her throat. "You say you're going to claim me so that no other man can have me right? Do I have to go get Toby or finish the job you started?"
His nostrils flared and his grip tightened around her throat as he yanked her face to his until they were just centimeters away from each other; the small space shared by their uneven breathing.
"You're mine," he snarled, his voice laced with possessiveness. The words lingered in the air, holding an undeniable weight between them that only amped up their desire for each other.
Y/n stared up into his eyes. His eyes, smoldering with an intense hunger, locked onto hers, capturing her attention entirely. There was a dark fire in his gaze, a primal need that mirrored her own desires.
With an irresistible force, he pulled her closer, his grip firm and possessive. His lips met hers in a fervent collision, igniting a passionate flame deep within her soul. The kiss was a dance of dominance and surrender, an intertwining of lips and tongues that spoke volumes of his claim to her. Teeth nipped at lips and clanked together as hands roamed and yanked on clothes. She arched up into him, throwing a leg over his hip which he gripped tightly in a large hand.
"Fuck this suit!" he tore his lips away from her; his eyes zeroing in on the speck of scarlet smeared along her lip that had nothing to do with her lipstick and his thumb instinctively wiped at the blood there created from his fangs. She didn't seem to mind.
"So why don't you stop playing this game Swiss and rip the fucking thing off of me?" the girl replied shoving at his chest making him drop his hold on her and take a step back.
Oh, she was taunting him all right; pushing his buttons. It was a dangerous game to play - a game that he'd never have expected from sweet little Y/n who was loved by all but this side of her sparked the primal animalistic need to claim her.
"You better start running and if I don't fucking find you where your meant to be...I'm fucking you against the nearest available surface; peers be damned." his words came rumbling out through a ghoulish growl and he watched as her eyes lit up with excitement again while she slunk away from him slowly before turning on her heels and bolting straight to the Abbey.
Straight into the safety of its walls...and straight to the Ghoul's wing for Swiss' bedroom.
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whostheweakersexnow · 2 months ago
A Memorable Day at the Women’s Country Club
The sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the lush green grounds of the exclusive women’s country club. The club was renowned for its impeccable service and willingness to accommodate the most outlandish requests from its high-profile corporate clientele. The staff, a mix of experienced servers and newcomers, had grown accustomed to unusual themes and eccentric events. But today was destined to be a standout.
Elliot, Chris, and Mason, three of the younger staff members, were summoned early by their manager, Diane. The boys had worked at the club for over a year, usually tasked with routine jobs like setting up events or waiting tables. But as Diane handed them three garment bags and a set of instructions, it became clear this day would be anything but routine.
“The Businesswoman’s Guild is hosting their annual Easter luncheon,” Diane explained, trying to suppress a smile. “They’ve requested… an Easter theme. And you three will be our ‘bunny boys.’”
The boys exchanged puzzled glances. “Bunny boys?” Mason asked, already suspicious.
Diane nodded, her grin breaking through. “Easter-themed fun. Bunny ears, bow ties, fluffy tails, and all. The outfits are in the bags. You’ll be serving drinks, posing for photos, and generally keeping the mood lively.”
Elliot groaned. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, I am,” Diane said, crossing her arms. “The guild is one of our biggest clients, and they expect perfection. Think of it as… character building.”
Reluctantly, the boys retreated to the staff dressing rooms to change. The outfits were exactly as Diane described: black and white briefs, cuffs, bow ties and, of course, bunny ears and a fluffy tail clipped to the back. Chris stared at his reflection, tugging at the ears. “This is ridiculous.”
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“You think?” Elliot muttered, adjusting his suspenders.
Mason, the most laid-back of the group, chuckled. “Could be worse. At least we’re not in full bunny suits.”
When they emerged, Diane gave them an approving nod. “Perfect. Now remember, charm is key. Smile, laugh at their jokes, and keep the drinks flowing. You’ll do great.”
The boys stepped out onto the patio, where a dozen elegantly dressed businesswomen were already sipping mimosas and chatting. The women greeted them with laughter and applause as soon as they appeared.
“Well, don’t you boys look adorable!” one of them exclaimed, beckoning the m over.
The event was a whirlwind. The boys served colorful Easter cocktails, helped the women with an egg hunt across the grounds, and posed for countless photos. One of the guild members had even brought pastel-colored face paint, and the boys found themselves with whiskers and pink noses by mid-afternoon.
Despite their initial embarrassment, the boys quickly found their groove. Mason leaned into the role, cracking jokes and entertaining the crowd. Chris, ever the perfectionist, made sure every drink order was flawless. Elliot, though still red-faced, managed to smile through the occasional cheek pinch and teasing comment.
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As the event wound down, one of the women raised her glass in a toast. “To the best bunny boys we’ve ever had! You’ve made this Easter unforgettable.”
By the time the last guest departed, the boys were exhausted but laughing as they recounted the day’s antics. Diane met them back in the dressing room, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
“See? That wasn’t so bad,” she said.
Elliot shook his head. “I’m never going to live this down.”
“Maybe not,” Mason said with a grin, “but hey, we got a ton of tips.”
Chris nodded, pulling a stack of cash from his pocket. “I guess it wasn’t all bad.”
As they changed back into their regular uniforms, the boys couldn’t help but laugh. It had been a humbling day, but one they would never forget—and one that would undoubtedly become legendary among the country club staff.
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7grandmel · 11 months ago
Todays rip: 04/04/2024
Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume C
Ripped by Jiko Music (@jikomusic)
Requested by Memmy! (Discord)
Well, would you look at that: It's a rip request six months in the making!! I hope the wait will have been worth it, Memmy! And thank you endlessly for championing the blog so early on in its life <3.
Now - I recently spilled a lot of words regarding SiIvaGunner's fifth annual April Fools event back with Your Best Nightmario and Bowser's Finale, just four days ago. It is arguably one of the channel's all-time high points, an event that I still see discussed from time to time by random internet dwellers, even now three years later. And its clear to see why: akin to something like Mega Man Dropping January 7th‼️from earlier this year with Hella Pummel, Mario's "Death" on March 31st was an event that a huge part of the internet was already keenly aware of, one we'd all been anticipating, and one that SiIvaGunner in turn had a golden opportunity to leverage for an amazing channel event. From March 31st to April 3rd, we got to see Mario's existence as a figment be celebrated for one final day, then be entirely erased from the SiIvaGunner channel's reality at the day's end, only to then begin fighting tooth-and-nail in Your Best Nightmario for his memory to live on - a battle that, through our continued support as YouTube commenters, he was able to win in Bowser's Finale. A storybook journey, a clear beginning/middle/end structure, with a clearly-told message by the end of it all - Super Mario was back.
Yet, it still wouldn't be complete without that one last touch. Any book needs a back cover, any film its credits roll, any game a return to the title screen. Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess, then, was what truly closed the whole event out - and in typical SiIvaGunner fashion, did so in a deviously clever manner.
A lot of the appeal in this event as a whole, I feel, is just how easily understood the bit was at a moment's glance. Without even clicking on the videos, a viewer will notice Mario's gone, it's IMMEDIATELY apparent that something is wrong - and that likely drew a lot of eyes to the event that may have otherwise missed it. This shift in dynamics with how viewers engage with the SiIvaGunner channel is practically what this year's April Fools event, from just a few days ago, was entirely built on, yet there it was done in an incredibly tounge-and-cheek way. Because really, what it pretends to be doing almost goes against everything the channel is meant to be! The bait-and-switch, though not nearly as effective as it once was back in Season 1 with rips like Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl, IS core to what the SiIvaGunner channel is all about. It has always been a channel all about surprising you with something delightful, be that with surprise bangers like Beyond the Floating Isles, hilariously executed bits like ​THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG, or everything inbetween. There's a reason why I said that this year's event only *pretends* to be going against this - because the bit with this year's overly-explained, corny titles, is that the rips themselves still hold a secret bait-and-switch bit within them. Even when it appears to be quite literally explaining the joke, the channel hides further layers to rips just out of sight.
But what does all of that have to do with Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess? Well, what I'm trying to say isn't that the Season 5 April Fools day event betrayed the essence of SiIvaGunner or anything - rather, that by intentionally breaking its own rules for an entire day's worth of uploads, rules it had otherwise kept up for five whole years prior, it made this sudden subversion and the stakes of the event hit all the harder. That part may be rather obvious, sure, yet the brilliant thing here is that as a closer to the event, Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess employs the exact same trick in reverse order. Because after an entire day's worth of rips going against the grain, a storyline clear as crystal to follow no matter what rip you've landed on - the LAST thing anyone would've expected would be for it to close with something so seemingly low-key, standard-fare, outright NORMAL for the SiIvaGunner channel, as a single rip of Super Mario 64's Staff Roll theme. I'm sure many were expecting a grand fusion collab, some sort of CCC-esque lore video, a true mind-blowing celebration of the journey's end...and yet, to me, this return to normalcy is absolutely brilliant in so many ways, both as a subversion of those expectations, but on so many layers yet deeper. Yes, it marks the return to the SiIvaGunner status quo, it marks that Super Mario has finally been remembered - yet look beyond that, and you may just realize that Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess's one joke subtly hides layers of meaning, that almost recontexualize the entire event.
But, alright, let's get the ground rules set first - Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess is an absolutely lovely rip as is in isolation. Jiko Music is no stranger to the channel nor to the blog, having worked on several hidden-gem favorites of mine such as Trail on Powdery Snow Halation and YACKER TOILET - they very clearly know their way around a rip, and have a stellar track record over their seven years of activity. Super Mario 64's Staff Roll theme is a lovely piece of music already, one I covered a fair bit already with Staff Roll (SM64) Fusion, and Jiko Music absolutely leverages that quality to full effect here - its nostalgic percussion, melody, and instruments that sound so indescribably "Nintendo 64" push this arrangement to some truly excellent emotional heights. The original song's vocals are no longer here, akin to rips like Blessing the Dire, Dire Rains - yet through changing the lead melody's instrument from section to section, from verse to chorus, Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess is able to elegantly replicate how the original song's vocals would change per how many of its six vocalists were singing at any one time. It's a great rip!! ...but wait, what exactly IS the original song its arranging?
Alright, here we go - Fukashigi No Carte is the ending theme to the anime series "Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai", a story about many things, yet primarily about a mysterious girl suddenly made invisible to the world around her, dressed in the titular "bunny girl" costume. The immediate surface-level box to tick is, of course, that it's the ending theme to an anime, a credits roll to match the dramatic storyline of the event - but you may also start connecting some other dots, too, hm? Mai Sakurajima, the titular bunny girl, isn't merely made invisible to the world - she is FORGOTTEN by the public consciousness, her existence at all erased from all's mind, save for the series' protagonist who works to get the rest of the world to acknowledge her existence. Sakurajima's curse in the series is, effectively, that of a forgotten Figment - the fate that befell Mario in this very event, with us as the audience taking the role of the story's protagonist, together helping Mario win the fight against his fate by collectively remembering him.
That's a great reference all on its own, but there's another part left to discuss - the coolest part, I'd argue! Unlike comparable events such as Season 7's with ...of 2023, the Season 5 April Fools event spanned a total of five days - from the day Mario's execution was scheduled on the 31st, to April 1st itself when the event of his disappearance kicked into gear, a day-long break of April 2nd leaving his fate uncertain, the final push to resurrection on April 3rd, and the credits rolling on April 4th - which, during 2021 in particular, just so happened to be Easter. And do you notice anything in particular about this timeline of events? Executed on the 31st of March, brought back from the brink on April 3rd: Mario, just like Jesus Christ himself, AROSE ON THE THIRD DAY. Almost through sheer luck, the holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ fell *right* next to Mario's great story of returning from public execution - allowing the whole event to come to a close on the most perfect day imaginable. And aside from Jesus himself, what is THE thing that defines Easter as a holiday?
That's right - The Easter Bunny. Bunnies. Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.
The way every single puzzle piece clicked into place for Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess to work is genuinely incredible and some of the coolest shit I've ever seen the channel pull off. Not only is the rip itself a beautiful listen, it nails the landing on every single imaginable front: Subverting the expectations of the entire event's premise by its return to the status quo of rips, connecting the very lore that the SiIvaGunner channel is built on to an anime series with a rather iconic and recognizable ending theme - and connecting the event's storyline to the very foundation of the Easter holiday, and one of the Bible's most well-known events. On the very last video of the event's runtime, Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess made SUPER FUCKING MARIO into a Jesus allegory within the SiIvaGunner channel - and if that's the case, does that make Grand Dad the holy spirit? Is SiIvaGunner ITSELF a loose allegory for Christianity?!
...Mamma Mia, this post got long. But I hope you've been able to understand why I have so many words to say on it - so many thoughts finally able to spill over in the three years I've spent ruminating on this incredible event. Mario's return itself after Bowser's Finale was already pitch-perfect, featuring a sudden reappearance of The Reboot from Season 1 (don't get me started, I'll be here all day) - but ending it all off with something so seemingly plain, yet hiding so many layers of beauty and connective tissue, as Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess...it, to this day, blows me away how perfectly the pieces clicked into place.
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moodymelanist · 2 years ago
On The Line
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happy day 5 of @nestaarcheronweek everyone! I had a lot of fun with this fic and I hope you do too 💙 title came from Call Me by Blondie!
Summary: Nesta sends a group text for her birthday plans, but there was a mix-up with one of the numbers and Cassian gets the text. He doesn’t know Nesta, but a party’s a party, so he decides to go!
Prompt credit to @creativepromptsforwriting!
Word Count: 4,890
Read on AO3 here!
♕♕♕♕♕ Nesta
When Nesta sent out the group text announcing her usual movie marathon and girls night in for her birthday, she’d been expecting the usual fanfare surrounding her birthday. Her family and friends had long been used to her chiller nights in to celebrate, so by the usual fanfare, she had planned her annual girls night in to celebrate her twenty-eighth birthday.
What she hadn’t been expecting was that one of her friends from college that she invited out of obligation had changed her number.
Nesta Archeron, 1:33 PM
Hi everyone! My birthday’s coming up, so we’re getting together again as usual. Bring your comfiest pajamas, your favorite chick flicks, and your best face masks to help me ring in turning 28 this Saturday at 7:30 PM 💙
Nesta added her address and some instructions about where to park before sending a cute, celebratory gif. There was a flurry of immediate, excited responses – everyone was liking and loving the message and saying if they could come or not. It was all business as usual, at least until a couple of texts came in from what was supposed to have been Deirdre’s number.
Unknown Number, 1:42 PM
Uh… did you mean to send this 2 me?
Happy bday tho @Nesta whoever you are
But this sounds rlly fun can i pls come anyway :)
“What the hell?” Nesta muttered under her breath as she read the texts. Before she could get a chance to reply, her youngest sister jumped in and took charge of the situation. 
Feyre Archeron, 1:45 PM
Send a pic and we’ll see
And ur name pls
Cassian Valladares, 1:47 PM
Cassian Valladares
& here
Cassian sent two pictures, the first of which made Nesta’s jaw drop of her own accord. He was one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen, with golden brown skin, hazel eyes, and a thin scar slicing through his right eyebrow. In the photo he’d sent, a giant, pink, fluffy headband complete with a bow was pushing his hair back from his smiling face. His skin glowed from being recently moisturized and his jaw looked cleanly shaven – maybe they’d caught him in the middle of his self-care routine.
Ha. As if. Most of the men Nesta knew, especially the straight ones, barely bothered to use more than 3-in-1 products. It would practically be a miracle if this so-called Cassian even knew what moisturizer was, let alone actually used one that was made specifically for his face. 
Nesta snorted to herself before swiping to the other photo. The second photo was of a serious stash of face masks, a matching pajama set, and a very fuzzy pair of bunny slippers laid out against a dark blue comforter. He’d clearly just tossed everything onto his bed, but Nesta noted that his bed was actually made and his room actually looked clean – there was no way he’d managed to clean everything and grab his supplies for the photo that quickly, so she hoped that meant he was 1) actually clean and 2) maybe even had a skin care routine.
Cassian Valladares, 1:47 PM
Hope I pass inspection :)
Huh. Color her surprised. Nesta had barely finished ogling the man and his face mask collection when her phone started ringing. She rolled her eyes and slid to answer, not even bothering to greet her sister since she knew Feyre would come into the conversation guns blazing.
“Nesta, you have to let him come,” Feyre said the moment Nesta answered the phone, proving her initial guess correct. “He’s so fucking hot.”
“Hi to you too, Fey,” Nesta replied wryly. “He’s hot, but for all we know, he could be a serial killer.”
“I mean, he already knows where you live,” Feyre pointed out. “If he’s a serial killer, maybe we should try to get him on our good side.”
“Because that’s sound logic,” Nesta responded, rolling her eyes even though Feyre couldn’t see her. “We don’t know this guy!”
“Okay, but maybe we should,” Feyre said. The sound of her voice changed as she switched to speaker phone. “I’m just saying we should consider all our options.”
Nesta’s phone buzzed against her ear and she shifted Feyre to speaker phone before going to read the new messages. Her eyes bugged out of her head as she read what Feyre had written. 
Feyre Archeron, 1:53 PM
You 100% do
Please come my sister would love to have you!
In more ways than one ;)
“Don’t hate me,” Feyre told her, sounding like she was trying not to laugh. 
“Feyre!” Nesta hissed over her sister’s hysterical cackling. She’d barely even tried before losing it, her pure glee coming through the phone loud and clear. “That’s not funny!”
“It’s a little funny,” Feyre replied, still laughing. Nesta pulled the phone away from her face to read the next text that came in.
Emerie Castillo, 1:54 PM
RIP to Feyre Archeron, time of death 1:53 PM
Everyone sent a bunch of laugh reactions and funny tombstone memes in response, and Nesta couldn’t help but snort at the one Elain sent. Maybe if everyone else was laughing, she could find the humor in the situation, too.
Nesta put the phone back to her ear once she was reasonably sure all the reactions were finished. “Okay, maybe it’s a little funny.”
“See?” Feyre responded, teasing. “I knew you’d come around.”
“I’m still going to make sure he’s not a creep,” Nesta told her sister. She was already mentally preparing a list of ways to look into Cassian – social media would hopefully be the easiest way, but she wasn’t above looking him up on Case Search to make sure he didn’t have anything weird under his name. White Pages probably wouldn’t hurt either, now that she thought about it.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Feyre said. “I mean, all jokes aside. I’m sure it’s gonna be a funny story at the end of it, but I don’t want to get murdered in my pajamas either.”
“Exactly.” Nesta shifted the phone to her other ear so she wouldn’t overheat. “I knew you’d come around.”
“Ha ha, very funny,” Feyre responded sarcastically. “I have to go, but this made my day. I’ll talk to you soon?”
“Yeah, I’ll call you tomorrow,” Nesta agreed. “Bye, Fey. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye!”
Nesta wiped her phone screen off before firing off a quick couple of messages to the group. 
Nesta Archeron, 1:57 PM
I guess you’re ok
You can come but I’m not afraid to use my taser
Elain Archeron, 1:58 PM
Gwyn Berdara, 1:58 PM
Emerie Castillo, 1:58 PM
If you try anything I’m not above kicking a grown man’s ass
Cassian Valladares, 2:01 PM
Warning received
Promise im a normal guy tho
Not in like a “i’m a nice guy” way but like in an i’m actually normal way
Promise i’ll be on my best behavior :-)
Nesta snorted as she read Cassian’s message. She’d be the judge of that.
By the time Nesta’s birthday celebration rolled around, even she’d been forced to admit that Cassian would probably be fine. She’d done all her due diligence, and he’d come up as squeaky clean as they could come. Between White Pages, LinkedIn, and Instagram, she felt like she had a pretty good idea of who Cassian was. He’d gone to a good college, and he’d been teaching at the same high school for a few years now. Most of his feed was made up of him either doing some physical activity – boxing, running, and even hiking – or spending time with his friends.
Nesta’s phone had been steadily blowing up over the course of the day, but she hadn’t been able to check it much between the deep cleaning she was giving her townhouse. By the time she was able to pick it up and scroll through all the messages, several of her guests were already on their way, but her curiosity was piqued when she saw Cassian had texted her separately.
Cassian Valladares, 7:04 PM
hey stranger
u sure it’s cool if i come?
no hard feelings if not i promise(:
Nesta paused halfway to turning on the shower, a little touched by how considerate that was of him. Most of the guys she knew wouldn’t have even bothered to send a confirmation text, let alone made sure she was actually okay with what was happening.
Nesta Archeron, 7:05 PM
Yes, it’s fine
If I was going to change my mind, I would’ve said something earlier than 30 mins before the party
Cassian Valladares, 7:05 PM
thank god
would’ve been a waste of my money otherwise lol
Cassian sent a photo of a reusable shopping bag with a bunch of face masks and what looked like a bottle of wine sticking out of the top of it. Nesta snorted and typed out a quick reply.
Nesta Archeron, 7:06 PM
Someone’s an overachiever
Cassian Valladares, 7:06 PM
Have to make a good first impression ;)
See u soon, birthday girl
This time, he sent a picture of his fuzzy slippers, pulling a little chuckle out of Nesta before she finally put her phone down and got in the shower. She didn’t have as much time as she wanted, but this was supposed to be a pajama party, so she didn’t have to worry about doing her hair or her makeup once her body was freshly washed and moisturized. By the time her friends had started showing up, she was comfortably dressed in a set of navy pajamas and already had her hair pulled back with a giant, fluffy white headband.
It was almost eight when the last of her planned guests had arrived, and Nesta couldn’t help but wonder if Cassian was going to show up after all. Even though he’d said he’d be there, she didn’t actually know him enough to trust his word.
“He’ll come,” Elain said, wisely picking up on the source of Nesta’s worries as she helped Nesta in the kitchen. Everyone had been assigned various tasks to make the night a success, and the three Archeron sisters were on snack organizing duty. “I just know it.”
“If he doesn’t, me and Emerie will track him down and beat him up,” Feyre added with a wink before she dumped a bag of chips into a big bowl. “But I’m sure he’ll show up.”
Before Nesta could open her mouth to reply, someone rang the doorbell. She made eye contact with Feyre, who was already grinning wide with excitement, before she sighed and wiped her hands on the nearest dish towel. “Don’t be weird about it.”
“No promises!” Feyre called out to Nesta’s retreating back.
Nesta made herself take a deep breath before she went to answer the door. She had a house full of friends and family to help defend her if things went wrong, but she knew deep down she was more worried about things going right. What if Cassian was actually a cool, normal guy, and she actually had fun with him?
She supposed there was only one way to find out.
“Hey,” Cassian said once Nesta opened the door, already smiling down at her with a ridiculously goofy grin. Just like in the picture he’d sent, he was holding a reusable bag filled with goodies, but he hadn’t mentioned the bouquet of beautiful flowers that were in his other hand. “Happy birthday, stranger.”
“Hi,” Nesta said back, hoping she didn’t sound as nervous as she felt. She took the offered flowers and leaned down to smell the pink and white blooms with a tiny smile, careful not to lean down too far lest her birthday headband shifted off her head. “I can’t believe you actually came.”
“Of course I did,” he replied. He moved inside so she could shut the door behind him, taking off his shoes and looking to her for directions. “A party’s a party, right?”
“I guess it is,” she responded. She beckoned for him to follow her and the two of them made a path toward the kitchen, and she grabbed a vase, filled it up with water, and gently placed the flowers into it. “These are beautiful.”
“Anything for the birthday girl,” he answered with a wink. Feyre and Elain had made themselves scarce, so he didn’t have anyone blocking him from emptying the contents of his bag onto her kitchen island. He’d brought a bottle of wine, a bunch of sheet masks, a container filled with cupcakes, and the pajama set and bunny slippers he’d sent a picture of before. “Where should I go change?”
Nesta resolutely pretended like her cheeks weren’t pink from his words and the sheer amount of supplies he’d brought with him. “Um… the bathroom is the second door on the left. Feel free to change in there.”
“Aye aye, captain,” Cassian replied. He grabbed his clothes and fired off a mock salute in her direction before heading to the bathroom. 
Nesta made herself take several deep breaths before she quickly organized her way through the rest of the snacks. Feyre and Elain had clearly taken some things with them to the living room, but she made sure to put the bottle of wine in her fancy wine fridge before sorting through the remaining snacks. The cupcakes were added to the display that Gwyn had brought, and the sheet masks were deposited into the container of skin care supplies. 
“Wow. That was fast,” Nesta said once Cassian had emerged from her bathroom. He’d changed out of his street clothes into a long-sleeved, red pajama shirt and matching plaid pants. The bunny slippers looked almost funny on him, but even she couldn’t deny how muscular he was, even underneath all the flannel.
“Didn’t want to keep anyone waiting,” Cassian responded with a grin. “Where’s everyone else?”
“In the living room,” she answered. He moved forward to start grabbing things off the counter once she picked up the container with the sheet masks in it. “This way.”
He trailed after her for the short walk to the living room. It seemed things were just getting started; Emerie, Feyre, and Gwyn were good-naturedly arguing over what movie to put on first, Clare was helping Elain pour drinks for everyone, and Ilana and Roslin were dividing the blankets up to make sure everyone had one. Nesta cleared her throat and tried to force down the blush that came from so many pairs of eyes on her.
“This is Cassian,” Nesta announced to the group at large. Cassian put down everything he was carrying on the coffee table before turning to wave at everyone. “Cassian, this is… everyone.”
“Thank God you’re not a catfish,” Feyre said with a grin. She hopped up from her spot on the couch to hand over the last fluffy headband that all the women were wearing to keep their hair pushed out of their faces. “I think Nesta would’ve really killed me otherwise.”
“Can’t have that, can we?” Cassian replied, matching Feyre’s grin right back. He took the headband and immediately put it on, revealing that his right eyebrow had a thin scar running through it that only served to make him more handsome. “When are we getting to the face masks?”
“As soon as we decide what movie we’re watching,” Gwyn answered. She patted the seat next to her and Cassian went without hesitating, leaving the only empty space in the room between him and the corner of the couch. “Come on, Nesta, you too.”
Nesta clutched the container of sheet masks to her body like a lifeline before she gingerly sat down next to Cassian. His body was solid but warm even through the pajamas, and she almost leaned into him before she reminded herself she didn’t really know him. “What are our movie options?”
“Mean Girls, Clueless, Legally Blonde,” Emerie listed. “Bring it On, 10 Things I Hate About You, Charlie’s Angels…”
“Mean Girls,” Nesta said decisively. “And then Charlie’s Angels, but only if it’s the one with Lucy Liu.”
“As if I’d suggest any other version,” Emerie responded with a roll of her eyes. She clicked through several screens on the remote until they had Mean Girls loaded up. “I’m a lesbian with taste, thank you very much.”
“Psst,” Elain said after a few moments. “Nesta. Pass around the masks.”
Nesta grabbed one out of the box before passing it to Cassian, the face masks slowly but steadily making their way around the group until they ended up on the floor at Nesta’s feet. She’d picked a cooling one, and she sighed happily as she spread the sheet mask over her face and let it work its magic.
“Thanks for coming, everyone,” Nesta said softly. Despite how introverted she could be at times, it really was nice being surrounded by the people who meant the most to her – other than the stranger to her left, but something told her he wouldn’t remain that way for long. “It really means a lot.”
“And thanks for letting me crash,” Cassain added with a small smile. “You’re all pretty fun so far.”
“You can stay as long as you give good advice,” Clare told him. She looked significantly less menacing with a sheet mask pressed to her brown skin, but Nesta knew she was serious – Tamlin certainly wasn’t a fan favorite, to put it lightly. “We’re trying to get Feyre to break up with her boyfriend.”
“Oh my God, can we give that a break?” Feyre complained with a dramatic roll of her eyes. “I know you guys don’t like Tamlin, but you’e not the ones dating him.”
“Well… what’s wrong with him?” Cassian asked cautiously. “Cause I can beat him up if he’s giving you problems.”
“You’d have to get in line,” Roslin muttered under her breath.
“He’s not that bad,” Feyre attempted to defend herself.
“Stop having sex with him and see if you change your mind,” Elain chimed in with a roll of her own eyes.
“Ladies, come on,” Cassian jumped in. “Let me hear Feyre’s side of things, at least.”
“Thank you,” Feyre responded. She reached over and turned the movie down before she delved into the story of how she’d met Tamlin, giving Cassian a brief overview of their tumultuous relationship and how much she loved him even though he didn’t show up quite as much as she’d hoped in their relationship. “I really do care about him.”
“Yeah, but love isn’t about a feeling,” Cassian replied sagely. “Love is a choice, and it kinda sounds like he’s not choosing you the way you’re choosing him.”
“What do you mean?” Gwyn asked, her voice curious. “Not that I disagree, but I want to hear more.”
“Well…” Cassian trailed off awkwardly, but at everyone’s encouraging faces, he sighed and kept talking. “The way I see it, love is a feeling, but you have to choose to do it. It’s all about your actions, you know? Does he bring you flowers? Does he remember things that are important to you? Does he make you feel good outside of the bedroom? Do you feel like you’re putting in the same amount of effort? Does he make you feel loved the way you need to be? Stuff like that.”
“Sheesh,” Emerie said, breaking the tension a little bit. “Sounds like you’d be a hell of a boyfriend.”
“I like to think so,” Cassian said with a shrug. “I haven’t had anyone to do that kind of stuff for in a while, but… always good to have a game plan.”
Nesta was aggressively reminded of the way he’d brought her flowers tonight and desperately needed a subject change. “Okay, that’s enough hounding Feyre tonight. Let’s get back to the movie.”
Feyre sent Nesta a grateful look before turning the volume back up. They hadn’t missed too much of the movie, and once everyone had massaged the leftover essence into their skin, they all relaxed into the couch as the movie continued to play. 
Nesta found herself leaning more and more into Cassian’s side throughout the duration of the movie. By the time the credits started to roll, she was practically mushing her face into his chest, and she forced herself to sit up before any of her friends noticed. He shot her a weird look as she did so, but clearly chose not to say anything.
“Charlie’s Angels is up next, right?” Cassian asked the room at large.
“Yes, but first we all need a bathroom break,” Elain answered. Nesta didn’t miss the way her sister’s voice lingered on bathroom break, but she’d been surprised with cake enough times at these things that everyone knew it wouldn’t exactly be a surprise. 
“Right! And I need more snacks!” Feyre exclaimed, continuing the act. Nesta rolled her eyes as her sisters and her friends made various excuses to clear the living room, from needing to use the bathroom to getting more drinks or even going to wash their faces so they could do another mask if they wanted.
Eventually, Nesta and Cassian were the only ones left on the couch. “You don’t need a bathroom break too?”
“No,” Nesta answered with a snort. “They’re going to get my cake. Elain probably put it in the fridge when she got here – she and Feyre are sneaky when they want to be.”
“That’s sweet of them,” he replied. 
“Yeah.” She couldn’t take how adorable he looked in that stupid headband and how earnest his expression was, so she forced herself to look down at the green blanket covering their legs. “They are. I’m lucky.”
Thankfully, she didn’t have to risk further embarrassing herself in front of him, as her friends picked that exact moment to pop out from the kitchen with her birthday cake. Elain was holding her cake, which was beautifully decorated as usual; the way she’d iced it made it look like it was made of blue roses, and she’d procured blue candles that said 28! to match.
“Happy birthday, Nesta!” Gwyn trilled once the cake was close enough. Everyone started singing happy birthday, and Cassian’s voice stood out amongst the higher register of her friends. Nesta’s cheeks burned at all the attention on her, but she couldn’t help but feel the love anyway. 
“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” Nesta hastily interrupted before they could launch into another refrain of how old are you now, pulling laughs from pretty much everyone. “Let me make my wish.”
Elain tilted the plate she was holding the cake on so that Nesta could make a wish. Nesta took a deep breath, already thinking generic things like I hope I have a good year and I hope I get a promotion at work, but then she made eye contact with Cassian, and all the generic hopes suddenly faded away.
I hope this isn’t the last time I see him, Nesta thought suddenly, and then she blew out her candles before she could second-guess herself. Everyone cheered and Elain whisked the cake away so she could start cutting up slices, and Nesta was so focused on dodging Feyre and Emerie’s birthday punches that she didn’t have to think about where her sudden birthday wish had come from.
“This is so good,” Cassian remarked once the cake had been passed out. “Where did you get this from?”
“Elain’s an amazing baker,” Nesta informed him with pride. Her sister was smart as a whip and anything she whipped up in the kitchen always tasted amazing; that particular gene had skipped over Nesta, so she made a point of enjoying Elain’s food any chance she got. “And a chef, too, but the baking is my personal favorite.”
“It’s just another kind of science, if you think about it,” Elain replied with a small smile. She was just about finished with her grad program, and Nesta couldn’t wait to attend her fancy PhD graduation. “But thank you.”
“I’m gonna have to talk to you about doing some cupcakes for my end-of-the-year party,” Cassian continued. “The kids would go crazy for them.”
“What kids?” Ilana asked from her spot on the edge of the couch.
“I’m a teacher,” Cassian explained. “Middle school, so they’re just old enough to be able to hold their sugar.”
“A teacher,” Emerie repeated, making eye contact with Nesta and raising her eyebrows. “That’s cool.”
“We love a man who’s good with children,” Gwyn added. She waggled her eyebrows ridiculously in Nesta’s direction. 
Nesta hoped she didn’t look as incredulous as she felt. Were her friends trying to set her up right now? “Let’s get back to the movie.”
Charlie’s Angels passed without any more teasing on Nesta’s behalf – at least, not about Cassian. Feyre and Elain were more than happy to poke a little fun at how many times Nesta had rewatched the scene with Lucy Liu dressed up in her leather outfit, but Cassian came to her defense, claiming he’d done the exact same thing so many times his mom had stopped letting him watch the movie.
Nesta couldn’t help but chuckle at the image of a tiny Cassian getting in trouble for that, and Cassian kept up a steady stream of commentary during the best parts of the movie just to keep her laughing. It left a nice, warm feeling in her chest, and she held onto it for as long as she could.
Eventually, the night had to come to a close. Everyone was more than ready to help her clean up, and by the time they started exchanging goodbye hugs and promises to let the group know when everyone arrived home safely, Nesta’s space was more or less restored to how it had looked before the night began.
Nesta made sure to give her sisters an especially long hug, thanking them profusely for coming over and making her birthday special.
“It’s what we do,” Feyre replied with a smile. Her eyes flicked over in Cassian’s direction before returning to Nesta’s with a knowing look, and she added, “I’ll accept my thank you with a free lunch.”
Nesta just rolled her eyes before not-so-gently pushing Feyre toward the door. “Good night, Feyre.”
“You know she’s just teasing,” Elain chimed in, laughing. “But don’t let a good thing get away from you, Nesta. He seems really nice.”
“Not you too,” Nesta responded with a groan. She flicked Elain in the arm before similarly herding her toward the door. “Bye, Lainey.”
Once her sisters were out the door, Nesta realized that Cassian was the only partygoer standing between her and going to bed. She certainly didn’t feel as nervous about him being in her space as she had before he’d shown up, but there were some butterflies floating around in her stomach as she looked up at him.
“And then there were two,” Cassian joked.
“And then there were two,” Nesta repeated with a small smile. She looked away from him and settled her gaze on the pretty flowers he’d brought her, adding a pop of color to the space. “I’m really glad you came.”
“I’m really glad you let me,” he replied. “You have some pretty cool people in your corner.”
“Yeah,” she agreed. She looked back up at him to see he was already looking at her with a tiny grin on his face. “I’m just happy you got along with everyone.”
He laughed, his hazel eyes crinkling around the corners, and she knew she was a total goner. “You and me both, sweetheart. I fully believe I would’ve gotten my ass kicked otherwise.”
“Emerie means business,” she told him with a little chuckle. His entire expression brightened once she laughed, and it was so wholesome she almost wanted to do it again just to get him to make that face again. “Feyre, too.”
“Speaking of Feyre…” he trailed off. “Did she mean what she said?”
“What did she say?” Nesta asked, trying to remember what he might’ve been referring to. 
“That you’d love to have me,” Cassian answered. She could tell he wasn’t trying to make fun of her, but that didn’t stop her cheeks from heating. “In more ways than one.”
“Um,” she sputtered, her brain going completely blank. “I. Um. What?”
“I don’t want to be too forward or anything,” he said, taking a few steps closer to her, “but I think you’re really great, and I want to get to know you better. Can I take you out?”
“Like on a date?” she asked. Her heart was beating hard in her chest and she hoped she didn’t sound as nervous as she suddenly felt.
“Yeah,” he replied with a smile. “If that’s okay with you.”
“Definitely okay with me,” she agreed, matching his smile before she could overthink it too badly. 
“Great.” He stood there grinning at her for a few moments before he blinked and backed away, quickly gathering his reusable bag and street clothes that he’d come into her place wearing. “I’ll text you.”
“You do that,” she told him. They moved toward the door and he gave her one last lingering look before heading out into the night. 
As Nesta watched Cassian drive away, she could admit to herself that this had been one of the best birthdays she’d had in a long time.
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard
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renhaswritersblock · 2 years ago
Easter Egg Hunt with the Dast Boys(Johnson, Murdoc, Abner, Bobby, and Coco):
A/N: Happy Easter! Wanted to give ya'll some head-cannons of what some of the boys would do in an Easter Hunt. Just some ramblin'. I also reference something from a request I did a few months ago with Murdoc.
Warning: Nothing! (I hope...maybe a teensy-bit of violence.) No proof reading. Also added a hc of mine of Johnson.
Hope you guys enjoy! Happy Readings!
In the Bang’A’Rangs, Joel would have an annual easter egg hunt for Lyla to have fun. A few Brawlers and the Phoenixes would partake in the hunting for eggs scattered around the compound – because they all made bets on each other to see who finds the golden egg first. So when it starts, Lyla goes straight to Uncle Johnson, sitting by one of the tables near the outside bar, for assistance, knowing he wouldn’t refuse to help the little girl out. With a little bit of time-stopping, he and Lyla take their time searching for every egg on the Bang’A’Rang, some inside the large entertainment room, by the car repair shop, and inside the hood of one of Queenie’s cars. By the end, they find the golden one lodged between two branches in a tree behind the trailers, and Johnson wins the bet.
For sure, this will be Abby’s first-time easter egg hunting. He would be confused at first as to why he found Harley, Cleo, and Nanaue painting eggs in Harl’s kitchen – Nanaue lifting up a horribly painted egg, saying Abner and smiling. Once they fill him in on the whole festivities, it’s time for the hunt – Flag and Harley hid the eggs while Cleo prepares Nanaue and Abner by giving them easter egg baskets. Bloodsport is also there, willing to participate since Cleo insisted. At first, the egg hunting was fine until it turned to which one saw it first and blamed each other for stealing the other eggs and then a full-on battlefield. All Abner could do was curl up into a ball and hide somewhere far from Harley’s egg-throwing wrath and Flag nagging at Nananue for breaking all his eggs. But surprisingly, while he was hiding in a bush, he found the golden egg.
In the break of dawn, Bob would get up before his partner and go downstairs into the pantry to grab a plastic bag full of chocolate easter egg candy and begin sprawling them all around the house and outside. When it’s time, he goes back upstairs into their shared bedroom and starts poking their shoulder in a poor attempt to wake them up, mumbling [Name], get up...it’s…it’s easter. After dragging them out bed and into the kitchen for a cup of coffee, Bob can’t hold back his excitement. They fail to see at least five chocolate eggs on the kitchen counter before Bob slides an egg towards them, earning a sigh and a tired reply: It’s 7:30, Bob. No matter the excuses, his S/O gets ready for the day and tries to find every egg Bob hid surprisingly well.
S/O [staring at a chocolate bunny taped to the ceiling.]: How the fu–
Although he isn’t into any festivities since he was a kid, he celebrates holidays like easter because of Cassian. So, come around easter morning, Murdoc is woken up by something heavy landing on his stomach and the mattress moving up and down. Cassian is jumping on the bed, thrilled about today's holiday. While [Name] was working their morning shift at the grocery store, Murdoc took responsibility prepping for the easter hunt. Evening comes, and Cassian is ready to  search for eggs in the backyard. Murdoc sits in one of the lawn chairs, watching [Name] and Cassian run around looking for the eggs, taking a moment to himself whilst hiding a smirk.
Easter hunting hasn’t been a thing for eons. Usually, Coco would say Happy Easter to a few of his co-workers, who don’t reply back, before going on with his day. Not really caring for the holiday in general. However, when a small chocolate egg appeared on his desk, Coco was curious as to who anonymously gave him the strange colorful tin foil candy. Unwrapping it, he examined the round texture before putting it in his mouth, bewildered when it was real chocolate. Nowadays, it’s hard to find actual, decent chocolate and not the synthetic kind. He hopes, one day, he’ll find the person who made his day and return the favor.
Lemme know what you think and I hope ya'll have a good Easter Day!
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mceproductions · 2 years ago
How to do a reboot injustice. (What Rugrats 2021 Has Taught Everyone)
Hello once again.
I come back on before the 2nd decade of my annual countdown to revisit a popular entry I did.
6 years ago with the reboot wave cresting, I took a look at what I now realize was its peak (with Animaniacs close behind)
DuckTales (WooHoo!)
How it encapsulates the old with bringing in the new.
Yet the wave despite it cresting San Andreas style still kept going. Although we did get some other great continuations with the notables being ICarly, Doogie KameAloha, Queer Eye, and Twilight Zone 2019. There is one that manages to undo so much in a short period.
Rugrats aired from 1991-2004 with its spin-off All Grown Up going until 2008. In it we saw the babies learn the lessons of life while in their own world and mindset.
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With 2 movies that saw the group expand and continue to grow.
But also a finale that just seemed more to fulfill a fanfic than tell what seemed to be building up as a well defined final chapter of a story.
No matter how much 4am pudding or baby doing what a baby has to do we got to see a crown jewel of Nickelodeon thrive.
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Until being overtaken by a certain cleanup item from underwater that is now like the energizer bunny.
But here is where this twists. Like the aforementioned SpongeBob spinoffs Paramount+ decided to bring back the babies into the modern era of the 2020s.
Now the main 5. Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Angelica keep the same traits and wonder that was prevalent all those years ago.
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But our deep dive begins here as changes are made.
Beginning with the aging down of Susie Charmichael. Now no longer the foil of Angelica, she is placed into the playpen with the other 4 as she was intended to have been around the pickles since she was born. Sometimes this is good but she worked as a foil and wise older spirit, now she’s just another member.
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Taking her place age wise is Kimi, and although Chas still dates Kira now Kimi is mainly thrown in where Susie once was.
But the big stuff comes with the parents. And surly enough has been said about a certain person who has been written off.
But Howard DeVille deserved better. Especially considering the original that had him meek but caring parental wise. Especially with Betty being the strong willed maternal figure for Phil and Lil.
Also prevalent is Grandpa Lou, who goes from Golden age veteran to Middle Aged spirit.
Even the normal traits of Stu and Didi seem more like box checking than homage to a classic.
There is only so much of a reboot that can be twisted before it actually starts to harm the original’s legacy.
And with Rugrats here that is the case.
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Now is this a bad show. No the stories are still good. With the highlights being the recreations of classic moments in the preview shorts that came out before the release.
You have an iconic property that has been around 30 years and you just fit them into modern standards. When some were curious to know how those babies would have been if they had grown up into today.
Tommy being a director, Chuckie getting together with Susie and being a risk analyst. Phil doing his own Mike Rowe style look at Americana. Lil with her sense of determination inherited from her mom becoming an entrepreneur. Dil hosting his own podcast on SoundCloud and Spotify about the mundane and weird things in our world.
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Even Angelica getting over her upbringing to become an important figure in the world with a loyal duo of Kimi and Harold by her side running her day to day operations. That would have been far more interesting to see.
More so if they continued to stay close and have a next generation of their own to have their own adventures like they once did.
All that we could see glimpses of here potential for something better but bogged down in 2 things that play large into calling this injustice.
Familiarity and modernization.
(Note I have no issues with characterization here I’m just pointing things out as I see them.)
And I’ll see you all in November for the countdown.
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caughtupindrama · 2 years ago
*The List* (1 of 2)
Current list of musicals I've listened to and/or seen!!
* = seen live (includes high school productions, amateur theatre, etc.) ^ = seen a recording/movie musical version & = listened to multiple recordings or demos !! = performed in (partially or fully)!! ! = was otherwise involved in a production favourites are in colour <3
Hamilton * Death Note Falsettos ^& (March of the Falsettos + Falsettoland) Be More Chill & SpongeBob Squarepants: The Musical *&!! Little Shop of Horrors *& Book of Mormon *^ Mean Girls ^ In Trousers ^& Avenue Q ^& Everybody's Talking About Jamie Heathers *^&!! Nine ^ The Lightning Thief & Dear Evan Hansen ^ Matilda ^& Spring Awakening *^&!! Junie B. Jones Frozen *^ The Little Mermaid *! Six *& Hairspray ! Adrian Mole Legally Blonde ^& Chess Starlight Express & Emojiland Hadestown Bright Star * Wicked Sophia, Our Beloved 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee * Frankenstein Cats * Charlie and the Chocolate Factory La Cage Aux Folles & Addams Family Mary Poppins ^!! Beetlejuice &!! Aladdin ^ Bare: A Pop Opera The Theory of Relativity Little Miss Perfect Curtains !! Lizard Boy Hedwig and the Angry Inch Treasure Island Co-Op Jagged Little Pill A Year With Frog and Toad * The Prom ^& Newsies *^ Carousel & Camelot & Oklahoma 21 Chump Street ^ Ordinary Days Shrek the Musical !! Bat Boy *! The Sound of Music * A Strange Loop *& Crazy for You Chicago * Goosebumps The Musical: Phantom of the Auditorium Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 Fancy Nancy: The Musical Come From Away Amélie & The Mad Ones 3hree Island Song Snoopy!!! / The World According to Snoopy & Drag: The Musical Flat Stanley Dear Edwina Guys and Dolls * A New Brain Beauty and the Beast *^ Wuthering Heights Meet Me in St. Louis * The Fantasticks [title of show] Cabaret *& John & Jen Les Misérables * The Great British Bake Off Musical Into the Woods *& KPOP Shucked Kimberly Akimbo The Lion King Bend it Like Beckham Footballers' Wives Dog Man: The Musical Hats! The In-Between In Transit A Chorus Line The Golden Apple The Love Note She Loves Me Octet Preludes Candide The Music Man Linie 1 Mamma Mia! ^ In the Heights The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Oh Captain! 13 Waitress & Ushers Rats! Spamilton Weird Romance & Juliet You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown * A Very Potter Musical ^ Ride the Cyclone The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Wedding Singer Babes in Toyland Urinetown Dear Pen Pal Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Finding Nemo Blues in the Night Unfortunate Sole Mates Operation Mincemeat * The Three Little Pigs Anastasia The Phantom of the Opera *^& Arf! Back to the Future: The Musical * Pellets, Cherries, and Lies Rocky Horror Picture Show ^ A Little Night Music * Sunday in the Park with George Pretty Woman: The Musical Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street & Carrie Fun Home Hello Again Kinky Boots The Full Monty A Man of No Importance The Producers Jesus Christ Superstar 36 Questions ^ The Little Big Things * Jersey Boys * My Son's A Queer (But What Can You Do?) The Dolls of New Albion Band Geeks The Band's Visit Wait Wait Don't Kill Me Diary of a Wimpy Kid Groundhog Day Anything Goes* Technically: A Musical * Footloose * The Trail to Oregon ^ tick... tick... BOOM! * Epic: The Troy Saga Leap Day Grease * Duolingo On Ice Nunsense Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Pinkalicious Parade * How to Dance in Ohio Tootsie Something Rotten! !! Two Strangers (Carry a Cake Across New York) * The Last 5 Years Next to Normal Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story Wuthering Heights Supernatural: The Musical The Pajama Game Kiss Me Kate * Babies * Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Musical Mad Libs Live! Lyme Disease: The Musical Your Lie in April * Lempicka [continuation]
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casinoroyale · 2 years ago
(It's that time of year again. Not only is it time for Quackity to break out the bunny suit, it's time for Las Nevadas' annual Spring Feast. Having fell asleep hunched over his laptop, he elected to use his cane today, leaning against it as he watches over the festivities.)
(Citizens flit in and out of the casino's dining hall, eating their fill and chatting freely. Platters with different assortments of meats are on every table. At the head of it all he stands, two chairs beside him — one for Charlie, and one for Wilbur. He eats his fill and then some, laughing as Charlie engulfs his entire plate, kicking Wilbur under the table ever-so-often.)
(Wilbur, whose expression is morose for the occasion. He considers asking, but chocks it up to the day and moves on.)
(After sinking his teeth into another rare steak, Quackity gives a short toast, raising his mimosa to the golden ceiling.)
(Everything is so different from last year's feast. With a full nation, no immediate threats, and people he cares about close — Quackity is on top of the fucking world.)
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pof203 · 2 years ago
Tiger & Bunny Justice Week: NHK Broadcast
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This is Hero TV Live! We are now getting closer to the first annual Justice Week. This week will celebrate the anime, Tiger & Bunny. This was thought up by fans to celebrate. The official is that this week will last from April 1 to 8. But since the day after the 8 is Easter Sunday, for this year, we will have an extra day. I hope you're all excited for what this celebration. I know I am.
First, let's see what the Sterbild Heroes are up to. They could be doing anything, folks. Remember, April 1 is not only the first day, it's also April Fool's Day.
First up, the team of Golden Rose.
>The scene now showed a live feed of Golden Ryan and Blue Rose in the break room.
>Blue Rose opens refrigerator and screams to see a snake in it. But when she gets a closer look, she saw it was only a rubber snake.
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April Fools!
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(sorry if the image is too small, you know the policy) That did get me a bit. I thought it was real.
Golden Ryan: (proudly) Yeah, I'm awesome!
>Golden Ryan sits down and opens a box of cookies that he believed came from a fan. But when he does...
Golden Ryan: (freaking out) AHH! Spider! Spider! Spider! Spider! Spider!
>But when he looks closer, he saw that the "spiders" were actually spider-shaped cookies with a blue rose with them.
Blue Rose: (laughing) April Fools!
Golden Ryan: (also laughing) That's a good one! I never would have thought of that one.
Mario: Sounds like fun. Now let's check on Origami Bison.
>In the training room, Origami Cyclone and Rock Bison were doing some minute training before going to the celebration. (Pretend their faces are blurred out to protect their identities.) Bison was opening his water bottle when it suddenly sprouted flowers from the opening.
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Happy April Fools Day, Bison.
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(he may not look like it, but he is laughing) Ha! Ha! That's a pretty good one.
>Origami opened his bag to get his shuriken. But when he opened it, he squealed to find a giant cockroach inside. But it turned out to be a plastic one that was playing La Cucaracha.
Rock Bison: (laughing loudly) April Fools!
Origami Cyclone: (breathing heavily) Oh. That gave me a few grey hairs.
Mario: Who could tell? You're hair's already shiny. Now, let's see Sky Emblem.
>In waiting room, Sky High and Fire Emblem were just resting a bit. Fire had just sit down to read a book. But when they opened it, the book was completely blank except for one sentence that was repeating over and over: April Fools.
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April Fools!
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Not a very clever trick, but I'll take it.
Sky High: Glad to hear it.
>Sky High, who had taken off his shoes to rest, put them back on. But when he did, they made a squishing sound. He looks in to find that he shoes were filled with chocolate pudding.
Fire Emblem: (laughing a bit) April Fools.
Sky High: (also laughing) That got me good! I thought John or Jonjon got to my shoes again.
Mario: Now that was pretty sweet! Now, for Dragon Cat.
>Dragon Kid and Magical Cat were hiding behind some dividers at a restaurant when someone walks in.
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Hello? I'm suppose to be meeting my daughter for lunch here.
>A waiter leads the woman to a table that's reserved. The waiter already has a dish out.
Woman: Spegette and meatballs? Well, I guess I could- (shocked) Oh my god!
>The woman jumped back when she saw it was actually worms. But when she takes a closer looks, she saw they were actually gummi worms. Then, Dragon Kid and Magical Cat come out of their hiding place.
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Got you good!
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Happy April Fools, Mama.
Woman: (smiling a bit) I'm not too happy with you both ganging up on me, but it was still a clever trick. Well done.
Magical Cat: Sorry. I'll make it up on you on Mother's Day.
Mario: The Gummi Worm Trick. That takes me back. I wonder what He Is Black are up to.
>He Is Thomas and Mr. Black were hiding in their manager's office under her desk. Thomas was wearing a Friday the 13th mask holding a toy chainsaw while Mr. Black was wearing a Michael Myers mask with a toy machete. Then, their manager, Carlotta Lindell, comes in.
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Of course I would forget my keys. My mother always said I'd forget head if it weren't glued on.
>Carlotta just picked up her keys when Thomas and Mr. Black jump up from behind the desk, brandishing their fake weapons. Carlotta gasped a bit, then they took of their masks.
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Gotcha! Happy April Fools!
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... Ditto.
>Carlotta said nothing... except turned on the lights and swarm of bats dropped down on them.
Mr. Black: (freaking out and activating his powers) Holy shit!
He Is Thomas: (gasping)
>But they saw they were actually rubber bats from office's Halloween party half almost half a year ago.
Carlotta: (smiling a bit) April Fools.
Mr. Black: (chuckling nervously) I.. knew they were fake.
He Is Thomas: (doubtful) Really?
Mario: Guess that one didn't work out. Now, last, but not least, the moment you've all been waiting for... Tiger and Barnaby! ... Wait, what do you mean you can't find a live feed of them? ... Oh well, let's take a look at this car commercial they left us this morning that stars them. Let's take a look.
>At first, it looked like a simply white car driving through the hills... until a man in a zombie costume jumps up screaming.
Mario: (screaming) Oh my god!
>Then, something else appears on screen with a live feed.
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Happy April Fools Day!
Mario: (almost breathless) Wow! That really got me. And I think it got a lot of our viewer as well.
Barnaby: Thanks, Mario. Just thought we'd open Justice Week with a bang.
Kotetsu: You bet. Now... we better run before Agnes comes screaming at of for that video.
Mario: Well, there you have it, folks. This is how the heroes are spending the beginning of Justice Week and there's more to come.
This is Hero TV Live!
NOTE: I'm sorry if this is coming too late and it's not on Twitter, but this is the best that I could do. I hope you all understand.
P.S. I think you know which prank video Kotetsu and Barnaby used. I decided not to actually put a link in this because it scares the shit out of me. (When I first saw it, I got so scared, I was screaming and foaming at the mouth.)
Please don't send me that link.
Let's believe HEORES.
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higamearticles · 1 year ago
Hi.Game's Fortune Rabbit: Legends and Slot Wonders
In the quaint village nestled near the Hengduan Mountains, a unique and enduring tradition has thrived for over five centuries—the annual Fortune Rabbit Festival. This cultural phenomenon, centered around the revered rabbit as the guardian of production and wealth, has been the heartbeat of the village for generations.
The legend that birthed this celebration dates back to a time when the village faced the dire consequences of drought and a scarcity of food. In the village's darkest hour, the wise chief embarked on a quest for magical paddy seeds that promised to mature overnight. In a twist of fate, a bunny guided him to a carrot field, where he unearthed not only carrots but also the mystical seeds. Planted with hope, these seeds miraculously grew into grains overnight, saving the village from starvation and laying the foundation for the annual celebration.
This year's Fortune Rabbit Festival carries an extra dose of enchantment as a golden rabbit statue takes center stage. Believed to bring eternal luck and wealth to those who offer prayers, the village is abuzz with anticipation for this grand occasion.
**Fortune Rabbit Slot: A Gaming Extravaganza**
Hi.Game introduces the Fortune Rabbit slot—a captivating 3-reel video slot with an innovative layout featuring 3 rows in reels 1 and 3, and 4 rows in reel 2. The game boasts prize symbols with rewards reaching up to 500x, promising an exciting gaming experience.
The Fortune Rabbit Feature, a delightful addition, can be randomly triggered during any spin, offering 8 fortune spins where only prize symbols adorn the reels. As players spin their way through, the elusive golden rabbit statue holds the promise of unparalleled luck and wealth.
**Asian Game Design with a Modern Twist**
Fortune Rabbit seamlessly blends classic Asian themes with a touch of modernity. The game's visual appeal is heightened by a rabbit skateboarding on the start screen, bringing a dynamic energy to the traditional setting. The rabbit's reactions to in-game events add an immersive layer to the gaming experience.
**How to Play Fortune Rabbit by Hi.Game**
The game features a 3-4-3 grid focused on prize symbols, with players vying for prizes up to 5000x their stake. Activating the Fortune Spins feature requires the appearance of 5 or more prize symbols, leading to 8 rounds filled exclusively with these lucrative symbols.
**Payouts and Features**
Fortune Rabbit introduces Wild and Scatter symbols to elevate the chances of winning. The bonus feature, coupled with the free spins round, enhances the overall excitement. Regular play can result in payouts of up to 200 times the stake with just three Wild symbols, while the coveted prize symbols hold values ranging from 0.5x to an impressive 500x the stake.
**RTP, Volatility, and Compatibility**
With an RTP of 96.75%, Fortune Rabbit ensures a sustainable payback over the long term. The game's mid-level volatility, akin to Hi.Game's popular title Dragon Hatch, presents players with the opportunity to win up to 5000 times their stake. Fortune Rabbit is accessible on various platforms, including mobile phones, tablets, and computers.
**Playing Fortune Rabbit: Advantages and Disadvantages**
- Captivating and cute design
- Abundance of bonus features
- Mobile-friendly gameplay
- Playable in demo mode for practice
- Cashback rates may not be as high for some players
- A stable internet connection is necessary
- Relatively modest bonus offerings
**Embark on the Fortune Rabbit Adventure**
To immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Fortune Rabbit by Hi.Game, follow these simple steps:
1. Visit the Hi.Game .
2. Click on "Sign Up" or Register  and complete the required information.
3. Confirm your application via email or phone.
4. Begin your Fortune Rabbit adventure by spinning the reels and unlocking the potential for luck and wealth.
Experience the charm of this beloved slot game, where tradition meets innovation, only with Hi.Game's Fortune Rabbit.
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thursdaygarbageday · 1 year ago
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Esma’s Pumpkin
It all started when the notorious villain, Sir Fuzzbottom, decided to rob the local bakery of its coveted chocolate chip cookies. The police, led by Detective Whiskers, were hot on his trail but failed to apprehend him. In a series of comical events, Chloe innocently stumbled upon the scene of the crime, unknowingly wearing a disguise similar to Sir Fuzzbottom's trademark outfit - a fluffy onesie with bunny ears.
Detective Whiskers, convinced that Chloe was the mastermind behind the cookie heist, dramatically arrested her and hauled her off to Fluffington's peculiar jail. The jail, known as the Puffy Paws Correctional Facility, was an extraordinary place filled with whimsy and humor. The cells were adorned with rainbow-colored bars, and the inmates had their own personal puffball pillows.
Inside her cell, Chloe met her quirky cellmate, Bubbles the Bubblegum Bandit. Bubbles, renowned for stealing bubblegum from candy shops, turned out to be an exuberant and friendly companion. Together, they concocted a plan to prove Chloe's innocence and catch the real culprit.
With humor and resourcefulness, Chloe and Bubbles began investigating the cookie heist themselves, collecting clues from the local bakery and interviewing pastry enthusiasts. Along the way, they encountered eccentric characters like Professor Whiskerfuzz, a brilliant feline scientist who specialized in cookie crumb forensics, and Captain Fluffernutter, a dashing squirrel pirate with a secret cookie recipe.
As their investigation unfolded, they discovered that Sir Fuzzbottom had framed Chloe to distract the police from his real plan - stealing all the pies from Fluffington's annual Pie Festival. Armed with their wit and a touch of whimsy, Chloe and Bubbles rallied the townsfolk and orchestrated an epic pie chase through the streets of Fluffington, where pies flew through the air in a chaotic yet entertaining showdown.
In the end, as the truth was unveiled, Sir Fuzzbottom's pie-heist scheme was foiled, and Chloe's innocence was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Fluffington celebrated with a grand party, presenting Chloe with a golden cookie trophy for her bravery and resilience.
And so, Chloe became a local legend, forever known as the girl who went to jail for a crime she didn't commit but triumphantly brought justice and humor to the whimsical town of Fluffington.
#power #powerpittsburgh #pittsburghpower #pittsburgh
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achillesuwu · 2 months ago
Imagine if Merlin got some hardcore defenders! (That's me UwU) too 😭😭 like I bet his ass did so many great things in his long life so you get people being like
@/oldmanyaoi"actual he is morally grey ☝️"
@/willythewitch"that's a grown ass 1500 yo man not some fictional characters"
@/Jean-Jacques : "Well he did argue in favor of Indian Americans having a soul" (actual trial btw) "back in the day and he did many great things against war and colonialism so yeah maybe he was bad at the beginning of his life but 🧵"
MyrddinWilt reply to @/Jean-Jacques : I would have against them having a soul if it means Arthur wouldn't have died tbh MyrddinWilt reply to himself : Well to be fair I had hoped that me saying no to stop the magic genocide would have brought so golden age so MyrddinWilt reply to himself : yeah nah still would tbh I'm a natural force tbf I value deeply the life of a bunny, as much as a do all human life. Understand that as you wish.
@/GoldenEyes64 : did The Merlin just admitted that he would go full Uther for his situationship!?!??!
@/MyrddinWilt replied to GoldenEyes64: Actual he is my boyfriend now 🥰
@/CIA : We take Myrddin Wilt's word very seriously and we will investigate them.
@/MyrddinWilt replied to @/CIA : and what are you gonna do exactly? Remove one begging for the annual letter you send me about not moving the milky-way when y'all want to some research? @/Nasa replied to @/MyrddinWilt : please, sir, we have no affiliation with this organisation, sir, please. Please could you not move Mars please? @/puttheMinmayonais replied to Nasa : Myrddin being down for genocide wasn't on my bingo but sure as hell him domming Nasa AND the CIA wasn't either.
Merlin should be able to enjoy some lightweight lying 😤 he deserves it
I like to think that modern Merlin confesses to crimes and shit he did in medieval times completely unprompted and without context just for shits and giggles.
No one knows if he’s joking or not because he’s always completely deadpan when he says it
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Calibash 2023: The Ultimate Latin Music Extravaganza
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Calibash 2023, the annual Latin music festival, will make an exciting comeback in 2023. Famed for its electrifying performances, star-studded lineup, and vibrant atmosphere, Calibash has quickly become one of the world's premier musical events. Here we explore what makes Calibash 2023 special and ensure it delivers an unforgettable experience to attendees.
Calibash 2023 lineup: A Stellar Showcase of Latin Music Talent
Calibash 2023 promises an extraordinary lineup. Festival organizers have assembled an outstanding collection of Latin music's biggest stars, guaranteeing attendees an exciting and diverse musical experience. Ranging from reggaeton and Latin trap to salsa and bachata performances, Calibash offers it all. Here is a closer look at some of these headlining acts and performers who will grace its stage this year. Reggaeton Royalty Reigns Supreme Reggaeton music has taken the world by storm, and Calibash 2023 commemorates this global trend by featuring reggaeton royalty such as Daddy Yankee, J Balvin and Bad Bunny to bring fans a thrilling reggaeton concert experience. These chart-topping artists are well known for their infectious beats and energetic stage presence and will keep attendees dancing to catchy melodies! The Salsa Sensation Calibash 2023 pays homage to the timeless genre of salsa by gathering some of its most influential artists today, creating a memorable evening filled with rhythm and passion. Marc Anthony, Gilberto Santa Rosa, and Grupo Niche promise mesmerizing performances that will transport attendees back into salsa's golden age with their heart-stirring music. Bachata Bliss ( Calibash 2023 las vegas ) Calibash 2023 offers romantic ballads and silky melodies in abundance at this festival of the senses, featuring an outstanding lineup of bachata artists like Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, and Aventura who will bring this seductive genre alive with heartfelt lyrics and thrilling performances under a starry night sky. Get lost in its irresistible charm!
Beyond the Music: A Multifaceted Experience
Calibash 2023 offers more than just music; it's an immersive cultural experience celebrating Latin culture in all its splendor. Alongside captivating performances, attendees can participate in cultural activities and culinary delights from traditional Latin American cuisine to vibrant art installations and dance workshops; Calibash is truly a holistic event that celebrates Latin American heritage in all its beauty. Culinary Delights At Calibash 2023, attendees can savor the flavors of Latin America through an abundance of culinary offerings. From delectable tacos and empanadas to refreshing tropical beverages, Calibash's food vendors create a delectable gastronomic journey - whether your preference lies with spicy Mexican cuisine or Puerto Rican fare, Calibash has something deliciously tasty to satisfy every palette! Cultural Exhibits and Art Installations Calibash 2023 invites attendees into Latin American culture with breathtaking art installations and cultural exhibits from traditional crafts to contemporary masterpieces spanning its rich artistic legacy. Attendees can explore these exhibits while discovering Latin American cultures firsthand and developing a deeper appreciation of diversity across Latin America. Dance Workshops and Performances Calibash 2023 offers more than just watching performances; attendees are actively invited to take part in celebrating dance. There will be dance workshops conducted by professional instructors that allow people to learn different Latin dance styles like salsa, bachata, and reggaeton during this festival. Attendees may hone their dancing skills or discover an interest in Latin dancing during these workshops conducted by professional instructors. Furthermore, breathtaking dance performances by world-class dance groups will inspire and dazzle their audiences!
Unforgettable Atmosphere and Community Spirit
Calibash Festival stands out among festivals for the incredible atmosphere it fosters on festival grounds. When music fills the air and vibrant colors and lively rhythms engulf festival goers, a sense of unity and community spirit develops among attendees from diverse backgrounds and cultures gathered together to celebrate Latin music; making lifelong friendships while forging lasting memories along the way. Calibash's infectious energy and shared love of music create an environment filled with joy, camaraderie, and pure bliss that draws them in year after year! Immersive Stage Productions Calibash 2023 will transform the concert experience with its captivating stage productions. Expect mesmerizing light shows, spectacular pyrotechnics displays, and captivating visuals that enhance performances while transporting attendees into an enchanting world of spectacle and wonder. Careful attention has been taken in crafting each show to ensure an unforgettable sensory feast - making each performance an unforgettable experience for the senses. Surprise Collaborations and Special Guests Calibash 2023 promises to keep its fans on edge with thrilling surprises as Calibash has made this its hallmark since previous editions, offering unexpected collaborations and guest performances that leave attendees buzzing with anticipation - from surprise collaborations and guest appearances to unexpected collaborations or guest performances from their favorite artists themselves! Calibash is known for keeping audiences guessing who might take to the stage during each performance, keeping fans guessing who may take to their favorite artists' stage next. Calibash 2023 looks forward to continuing this tradition and keeping fans guessing who might take their favorite performers alongside their favorite artists at every moment! Calibash 2023 promises fans another incredible journey filled with exhilarating surprises at every moment!
Calibash 2023 promises to be an extraordinary Latin music extravaganza that will enthrall fans from all around the globe. Boasting an international lineup, diverse musical genres, and rich cultural experiences - Calibash is poised to provide a transformative journey into Latin American culture and music - perfect for fans of reggaeton, salsa, or bachata alike or those simply seeking an electrifying and vibrant festival experience - Calibash 2023 will provide it all and more - celebrating its beauty while celebrating its richness through dancers, singers and unforgettable festival experiences alike! Prepare to sing, dance and create memories at this unforgettable festival experience where music unifies and uplifts us all! Read the full article
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akaraboonline · 2 years ago
2023 MTV Movie & TV Awards results
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The MTV Movie & TV Awards were produced in a whirlwind of changes during a tumultuous week due to the writers' strike, and a ragtag group of actors were presented with golden popcorn statuettes on Sunday. 2023 MTV Movie & TV Awards results With the most nominations among written material, the blockbuster movie "Top Gun: Maverick" is accompanied by the TV shows "Stranger Things," "The Last of Us," "The White Lotus," and "Wednesday." Shows like "Jersey Shore Family Vacation," "RuPaul's Drag Race," "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," and "Vanderpump Rules" led the nominations in the unscripted categories. The Comic Genius Award went to Jennifer Coolidge, and Purple Hearts won for "Come Back Home" as best musical performance. Drew Barrymore had been scheduled to host the annual event, but she said on Thursday that she will no longer be doing it in support of the ongoing writers' strike. Even though part of Barrymore's material had already been recorded before the strike started, the ceremony continued without a designated presenter. Barrymore promised in a statement that she would return to host the program in 2024. The MTV Movie & TV Awards are "pivoting away from a live event" by airing a pre-recorded version of the ceremony in response to reports that striking Writers Guild of America members planned to picket at the Santa Monica Barker Hangar, where the event is being filmed. Executive producer Bruce Gillmer said this in a statement to CNN. Flashback clips from previous MTV Movie & TV Awards events, which made up the vast portion of the show, and pre-recorded remarks from winners were both parts of that pivot during the telecast. Following is a complete list of the nominations, with winners highlighted in bold. BEST MOVIE “Avatar: The Way of Water” “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” “Elvis” “Nope” “Scream VI” *WINNER “Smile” “Top Gun: Maverick” BEST SHOW “Stranger Things” “The Last of Us” *WINNER “The White Lotus” “Wednesday” “Wolf Pack” “Yellowstone” “Yellowjackets” BEST PERFORMANCE IN A MOVIE Austin Butler — “Elvis” Florence Pugh — “Don’t Worry Darling: KeKe Palmer — “Nope” Michael B. Jordan — “Creed III” Tom Cruise — “Top Gun: Maverick” *WINNER BEST PERFORMANCE IN A SHOW Aubrey Plaza — “The White Lotus” Christina Ricci — “Yellowjackets” Jenna Ortega — “Wednesday” *WINNER Riley Keough — “Daisy Jones & The Six” Sadie Sink — “Stranger Things” Selena Gomez — “Only Murders in the Building” BEST HERO Diego Luna —”Andor” Jenna Ortega — “Wednesday” Paul Rudd — “Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania” Pedro Pascal — “The Last Of Us” *WINNER Tom Cruise — “Top Gun: Maverick” BEST VILLAIN Elizabeth Olsen — “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” *WINNER Harry Styles — “Don’t Worry Darling” Jamie Campbell Bower — “Stranger Things” M3GAN — “M3GAN” The Bear — “Cocaine Bear” BEST KISS (presented by Cheetos®) Anna Torv + Philip Prajoux — “The Last Of Us” Harry Styles + David Dawson — “My Policeman” Madison Bailey + Rudy Pankow — “Outer Banks” *WINNER Riley Keough + Sam Claflin — “Daisy Jones & The Six” Selena Gomez + Cara Delevingne — “Only Murders in the Building” BEST COMEDIC PERFORMANCE Adam Sandler — “Murder Mystery 2” *WINNER Dylan O’Brien — “Not Okay” Jennifer Coolidge — “Shotgun Wedding” KeKe Palmer — “Nope” Quinta Brunson — “Abbott Elementary” BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE Bad Bunny — “Bullet Train” Bella Ramsey — “The Last Of Us” Emma D’Arcy — “House of the Dragon” Joseph Quinn — “Stranger Things” *WINNER Rachel Sennott — “Bodies Bodies Bodies” BEST FIGHT Brad Pitt (Ladybug) vs. Bad Bunny (The Wolf) — “Bullet Train” Courteney Cox (Gale Weathers) vs. Ghostface — “Scream VI” *WINNER Jamie Campbell Bower (Vecna) vs. Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven) — “Stranger Things” Keanu Reeves (John Wick) vs. Everyone — “John Wick 4” Escape from Narkina 5 — “Andor” MOST FRIGHTENED PERFORMANCE Jennifer Coolidge – “The White Lotus” *WINNER Jesse Tyler Ferguson – “Cocaine Bear” Justin Long – “Barbarian” Rachel Sennott – “Bodies Bodies Bodies” Sosie Bacon – “Smile” BEST DUO Read the full article
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