#the amulet is a placebo
wisteriawater · 20 days
I keep wondering if his primary rehab caretaker would cut his hair to make it easier for him to take care of on his own (giving Thistle some independence back post demon), or if that would be cruel despite the good intentions (because it takes away a part of himself.)
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niphredil-14 · 9 months
ROTTMNT With a Witch! S/o
Just a quick reminder that requests are open!
- we all know that Leo is a magic nerd, though he may have a slight preference for stage magic over the actual, less show-y magick.
-i feel like Leo would love to have a witch as a partner, and would probably get into some basic, low energy types of spells as a result. He would be your biggest fan, and would want to help with most of your spells.
-he will be devastated if you say no, but sometimes it's just easier without this tease-prone ball of energy inside of the circle, you know?
-will BEG for you to do spells for him!! even for the smallest issue, he would be kneeling at your feet giving them the biggest puppy eyes with a matching pout.
-i can see him getting into glamour magick as a primary form of magick for him.
-all the magick-themed pick up lines. anytime you do anything he just tells you how you've enchanted him and how he's completely under your spell, how he's convinced that he must have drank a love potion, etc.
-not a fan for a good long while. will go on about his "science is fa superior to your little dumdum magic!!" until you hit him with the "magick's success and cause and effect has stood the test of time, people would not use it if it did not work. and btw magick is just science that we don't yet have the technology to understand."
-after that he would be like "okay challenge accepted!" and would probably conduct a ton of experiments on the movement and manipulation of subtle energies, and how the placebo affect effects spellwork, etc.
-i feel like he wouldn't participate in any spellwork outside of his experiments, at least not until he got his ninpo, at which point he would do a ton of studying about the occult.
-he'll warm up to it eventually, but i don't think it would ever be something that he ever really found a passion in.
-i could see him combine some of his chemistry knowledge with your occult knowledge to help you with potions though!
-he might like tech magick, or adding spells/sigils in with his tech, but i don't think you'd ever find him doing any more than that unless you get him to.
-loves magick, loves mystics, loves you
-would take any and every oppurtunity to engage with/ help with your magick! He wants you to teach him everything you know, and I feel like he would learn a whole lot on his own, and the two of you would just bounce ideas off of each other.
-we all know that Mikey becomes a super powerful mystic, so with you by his side?? power couple!! (everyone is afraid of the two of you.)
-supportive but does not understand. like at all.
-will bring you every crystal he sees, every rock, every branch, every flower, and (if you're a vulture culture kinda witch) every bone.
-he likes to watch you do magick if you're comfortable with it, but wouldn't dare try to participate in the spell. he's just a big ol' fanboy.
-i feel like he would love protection magic, it's very important as someone with a job as dangerous as his. if you were to make him some kind of protection amulet, he would probably cry. He's the oldest, he's used to having to protect everyone else, he's not used to anyone trying to protect him. He would never take it off, and if it ever did it's job as much as it could, and finally broke, he would cry, please make him another.
-he would probably crochet some blank poppets for you, that could easily be customized.
-(please help her make fun and flashy assignments that won't backfire like Donnie's tech does!)
-I think she would love to help out in your spells as much as you'll let her, but knows better than to overstep. This is your thing, she understands that you're the boss when it comes to mystic stuff, and just enjoys being along for the ride.
-would pay you to do spells for her, she isn't a fuckin freeloader (like LEO), she knows that it's a craft, and that the hard work you do deserves to be compensated, and if you don't let her paay you for spells because you love her, then she'll just insist on paying for your next date, or buying you that trinket you've had your eye on for a while. you can't stop her.
-she only cares if you can do spells to help her conquer the world (and if you can hex her enemies c:<)
-no but forreal i think she would love to have a witch lover, and would want to participate, she'd be the BEST at raising energy for spellwork and ritual!
-i think she'd actually make a super powerful practitioner once she learned how to direct her energy
-she would 100% collect bones, so if you're the type of witch to like that, then she may just give you a few from her collection.
-bitch would SLAY at baneful magick
Casey Jr.:
-an alt boy and his witchy partner, is there a better combo than that?
-seriously though, I feel like he would love to just sit around while you were doing magick, he likes to watch, and likes it even more if you teach him anything.
-i feel like he would really only ever use magick for others though. Like if he was struggling, the thought of doing a spell to help himself doesn't even cross his mind, but one of his friends or family members has even the slightest issues and he's jumping for his athame (he would def mainly use an athame, a pretty basic and minimalistic one though).
-another one who just brings you anything he can find that's even slightly related to your craft, and brags about how amazing you are to everyone, all the time.
-please teach him how to use tarot, he wants to commune with the spirits. he'll be responsible, he swears c:
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moleshow · 1 year
people using the placebo effect get so mad at being reminded of how effective the placebo effect can be. they really want to believe the amulet heals them 😭 😂
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stagbeetleboy · 1 year
i headcanon your spider-wizard isnt even cursed, the amulet is just a placebo and hes so completely convinced that it just always affects his magic. but perhaps while hes asleep in his web he accidentally sleepcasts (like sleeptalking but magic casting) non-spider magic but he will never know because his wizard roommate hates him. until he and his roommate have to go on a wizard quest together to defeat an evil wizard ceo and have an enemies to lovers arc. and at the climax spider-wizard realizes the amulet was a placebo, and realizes his roommate new the entire time. and feels betrayed. but they come together in the end. and spider-wizard continues to use spider magic because he finally realizes that it wasnt the spiders he hated but himself. its like a metaphor for embracing his queer autistic identity. and he uses his spider magic to create innovative wizard technology. yeah.
Wait I loove the idea that the curse is fake. Like maybe they have a special interest in bugs, arachnids, etc but suppresses it bc people think it’s icky and weird, so his magic starts manifesting as spiders (which happens to coincide with finding the amulet, bc deep down he’s just excited to have something special interest related)
The spiderman persona is just an outlet to be himself but he’s convinced it’s a curse
Also I was imagining spiderwizard going to a mage academy kinda like the college of winterhold in skyrim, so it would be unimaginably based to have his love interest be a fellow wizard who initially wants them to flunk out
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yoinkschief · 2 years
Merman Tord can survive out of water for about half an hour but when he's been crawling around for longer than that he begins to get dehydrated. An hour or longer and it becomes harder for him to breathe and he starts to feel weak and thirsty.
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Tord can survive for like, exactly 30 minutes outside of any body of water, preferably salt water though, before he starts choking on,,, well,, nothing. So suffocating, that's the word. But this is only because his body goes into survival mode and uses up what water it has left in, on and around it to filter into oxygen before he doesn't have any left (And yes I do mean on his skin, like a frog) This can change though, depending on the weather or where exactly he's outside of the water Like, say he's in the middle of summer, he's basically gonna dry up like a fish stick, but if it's winter he gets like,,, an extra 15 or so minutes of breathing just because his body exhausts his resources slower while he goes into hibernation mode, yk? Weird anatomy shit
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Additionally, I'd like to think that Tord does that thing where you just forget to breath, but instead of it being a thing where like "oops I'm too focused on this task, forgot I had bodily functions to attend to" and more of "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO DO THIS SHIT MANUALLY???" Cause he's just so used to his body having to manually intake air, like "lungs" are this new thing to him, he's used to body just casually filter the oxygen out of water for him that he just forgets to do it. But he does like RELIGIOUSLY drink water, like a SHIT TON of it. There's no real need other than a placebo effect where he convinces himself that it does something for him- it doesn't. He has a normal human body now so he has no need for water more than the average person does. HOWEVER, he can't drink sea water. He found this out the hard way and REGRETTED it, which was a NEW FEELING for him- the salt in it was unexpected. He didn't realize human tastebuds were little bitches but here we are. Edd and Tom witnessed him trying to drink it and Tom couldn't stop fucking laughing, but to be fair neither could Edd.
Also I'd like to add that the amulet around his neck is from Edd, the resident magic man of the crew. He gave it to Tord to as a sort of "prison" for him cause Captain Tom was scared that Tord would find a way to escape like the little escape artist he was so they wanted to make him,,, weak, persay. At least somewhat incapacitated and harming the merchandise was off the table. As a compromise, Edd gave him the necklace cause it said something along the lines of "grants those who are immortal who wear it mortality" and they assumed it would do something to hinder Tord, maybe make his freakish fish person strength null at least and he ended up Ariel-ing his way into being the Swab of the crew so he'd be in the Captain's line of sight at all times and too busy to think of an escape. (Just to be safe, of course, Edd more or less added some curse to it that allowed only himself to take the amulet off of his neck and no one else, so if Tord ever did try to take it off he'd zappered)
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Ok, I know that the show has kind of tried to show us "hey, Wilderwolves are bad" but I don't think it's anywhere near as simple as that.
we see with Freddy and Cherry that being a "Wilderwolf" is something deep inside, something that is exclusive to only certain wolves (not counting the time Rick used an evil amulet, as it's mostly just a mind control device.)
Let's analyze, shall we?
In Rick's history lesson on Wilderwolves, he states that Wilderwolves split away from normal wolves do to a moral difference. That Wilderwolves wanted to "hunt without being controlled" and "destroy all humans"
But there are a few things about that. 1. Rick is the one telling it, and he wasn't there when the split happened. 2. This is based on history that the rest of the werewolves wrote, and as they say, history is written by the victors...
To explain this further, lets look at the morals of the Milford Werewolves; no hunting animals, resist animal instincts, be as placid as possible. This is all just ridiculous. They are werewolves, they are designed for hunting prey. Hunting an animal is something humans do, and humans are far less adapted for it. If anyone should be hunting animals for food, it's werewolves! and the resisting of animal instincts, it all reads like they're trying to domesticate themselves to be more palatable to humans. I mean, they Howlington straight up has a play about it. It's straight up anti instincts propaganda.
And to add even more evidence to this, yall remember the Howloween episode? When they stated the super moon would turn werewolves into "feral beasts" with no control.
Freddy had control.
Yeah, he's a werepoodle, but it should still effect him. When he get's ubered, he becomes more or less feral, just, as feral as a poodle can be. If it's the increase of moon magic that causes them to lose there minds, then the super moon should still effect Freddy, as he has moon magic. Heck, it should likely effect Batty as well.
I think they've gaslit themselves so hard, that they have tricked themselves into thinking the supermoon thing is real, and it's actually just a massive placebo effect. Like the headmistress had MILES of woods she could have ran into, and she went to the city. Why? because she was actively worried that it was the place she'd go. I think the super moon does make them stronger, but not by much.
Let me put it this way;
-Werewolves exist. -Wilderwolves exist. (I'm gonna assume being "wilderwolf" just means a wolf who has a special "wild" power that allows them to get strong, faster, ect. cause that's what it seems like to me.) -Werewolves are demonized by humans due to religion, fear of the unknown, and hypocrisy. -Werewolves are hunted. -Werewolves hide, and try to better integrate themselves into human society. (no hunting, resist natural instincts, ect. be as human as possible. No going out during a super moon because it makes you stronger.) -Wilderwolves are ostracized for having a wild based power. -Wilderwolves get ticked off by being treated badly and seeing werewolf culture die, and werewolves domesticating themselves. -Wilderwolves leave/hide -decades of this going on, you get wilderwolves who join bad wolves like Rick because they're tired of hating themselves/sick of the wolf council gaslighting them.
What I'm saying is that the werewolves hurt themselves by trying to deny what they are.
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simplekeikaku · 2 years
Learning tricks you can do with no prep time that actually work
Hi, I’m an older student who’s returned to school and is having to learn for the first time in my life how to study! I’ll write a separate post on note taking/revising methods that are working for me, but the following are the fastest and easiest tricks I’ve found to boost retention and efficiency. Some of them sound silly, but trust me, I’m a former 4.0 student who never had to study to get perfect scores when I was young and used to judge people for using some of these strategies. As my course load increases, I learn to value them more and more. Remember, the student who looks like a dork but gets perfect scores is having way more fun than the cool asshole who’s failing. Get a new piercing if you need to look cool, but study hard either way.
Utilize color psychology. There’s no need to make it complicated. The only tip from this article I’ve tried so far is to write in blue ink rather than black ink, and it works. It actually does boost concentration and retention.
Take advantage of aromatherapy. I know this sounds crazy. Buy or make a diffuser necklace and drop lavender and/or rosemary essential oil into it every morning. It will look like a fucking wizard amulet, so if that’s not your vibe, just wear it under your shirt. It needs to be in contact with your skin for proper heat transfer anyway. Aromatherapy positively affects mood, EEG patterns of alertness and math computations. Dig through the research if you want, but it will be faster and easier to just give this one a try. I’ve found rosemary oil in a diffuser necklace relieves headaches, helps me concentrate, and as a neat bonus, keeps mosquitos away.
TIP 3 
Take some brain vitamins. Sounds like I’m selling snake oil, but if you’re suspicious, consider that I’m not making any money off this. This is what I use, and because it is way too expensive, I take a sale sticker off an item of similar weight, place it over the bar code, and go through the self checkout line at a local grocer who carries it. I paid $3.99 for my last bottle and my food stamps covered it because it rang up as discounted almonds. I noticed quicker concept acquisition as soon as I started taking it which was sustained as long as I was on it, disappeared as soon as I stopped taking it, and reappeared when I started taking it again. It could be a placebo affect, but I don’t care as long as it works.
Medically induce relaxation if it doesn’t come naturally to you. You can’t learn very well if your body thinks you’re going to need to run from lions any second now. The first two weeks of this term were hell on my nerves, and I got really behind in all my classes because I got such intense anxiety whenever I sat down to study. For those of you with diagnosed anxiety disorders reading this, yes, I do understand what anxiety feels like -- in high school I had an eating disorder and such severe anxiety surrounding food that I could not swallow food if someone was looking at me, and if I tried to eat where people could see me my hands would shake so hard that my food would fall off my fork before I got it to my mouth. I know what anxiety feels like. I’m not bullshitting you. Anyway, these overpriced chocolates they sell at Whole Foods contain L-theanine, magnesium, and chamomile. You could probably find just about any supplement with the above ingredients and it would work, this is just the one I’ve been using lately. It takes the edge off. If you’re rolling in money, see a naturopath or head to an IV lounge for a magnesium push, but be aware that’s going to produce a very pronounced effect. Last time I had a magnesium push I fell asleep immediately and did not move until morning (no, I did not sleep on the exam table, I did it myself at home). I also really like MetaRelax but it’s expensive. These lavender oil pills work too, but they will make you burp and all your burps will smell like lavender.
All these things in combination have helped me go from feeling insane to feeling in-control and capable when it comes to keeping up and getting good scores in my classes. If I run across anything else that works well for me, I’ll be sure to share that as well.
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McGuffins can be a person, can be a artefact, can be a place, can be something intangible...
Magical Eye
Cold Iron
Crystal Prison
Cards of Power
Voodoo Doll
Flaming Sword
Unholy Holy Sword
Apple of Discord
Artifact of Doom/Death
Artifact of Attraction
Artifact of Hope
Fatal MacGuffin
Artifact Domination
Animating Artifact
Amulet of Dependency
Egg MacGuffin
Dangerous Forbidden Weapon
Green Rocks: An object, piece of technology, or substance with effects that are seemingly random and varied, but always do something to move the plot along.
Magic Feather: A supposedly magic item that ends up being a placebo.
Is/Turns Setient/Turned Human
An Anchor
Living MacGuffin
Sentient Phlebotinum
Mundane Person
Made/Born out of an Person/Being
Born from an Sacrifice
Part of Someone (Soul maybe?)
Made/Created/Born out of another McGuffin
Vessel of a Soul? Connection to a Sealed Begin? (like Horcrux or the One Ring)
A Person being the Key to something valuable
Family Heirloom
Power Nullifier
Summoning Artifact
Morph Weapon
Unbreakable Weapons
Transformation Trinket
Bag of Holding
Immortal Breaker
Empowering McGuffin
Corrupted McGuffin
Clingy MacGuffin
Cursed Item
Hypno Trinket
Blood-Locked Artefact
Instant Allegiance Artifact
Loyal Phlebotinum
Clothes Make the Maniac/Clothes Make the Superman
Portable Hole/Portal Book/Portal Picture
Synchronize/Connect with a Artefact (Place? Person? Life Force?)
Trojan Horse (or at least use you to take a object of sorts to a place/out of a place/with you. Like a transport mule?)
Changes with the Owner Container (prision? seal? puppet? weapon feeding off a person life force?)
Deadly McGuffin Removal
MacGuffin Melee
Fakin' MacGuffin
Escort Mission
I'm Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin
Stolen MacGuffin Reveal
MacGuffin-Person Reveal
Dismantled McGuffin
In Pieces/Broken/Fragment
Put the Parts Together
Take it off/Put it on/Fuse/Split
Accidentally Broke the MacGuffin
Possessed/Controled McGuffin
McGuffin Substitute/Take the McGuffin's place
Two Halves Make a Plot
Gotta Catch Them All
Gotta Rescue Them All
Gotta Kill Them All
MacGuffin Delivery Service
Refusal to Share with Others
Test to see if you are Worthy the McGuffin
Having an object stuck on you (an shard?)
Only the Chosen May Wield/Only the Worthy May Pass
Bring Dangerous McGuffin to an Place
It May Help You on Your Quest
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ainews · 6 months
There are many beliefs and superstitions surrounding the vegetable carrot and its connection to the spiritual realm. While some may dismiss these claims as mere myths, others firmly believe in the power of carrots to protect against ghostly forces. One such belief is that carrots, with their lobate (having a lobe or lobes; lobed) shape, are the perfect retreats for ghosts.
According to folklore, ghosts and other supernatural entities are typically attracted to places that are dark, cramped, and secluded. This is because such places are believed to be easier for them to haunt and haunt others from. Carrots, with their unique lobate shape, provide the perfect hiding spot for these vengeful spirits.
The lobes of the carrot are said to act as barriers, creating a protective shield against negative energies. This makes carrots a popular choice for placing in corners of homes or hanging in doorways to ward off malicious spirits. Additionally, the bright orange color of carrots is thought to counteract any dark energies and bring positive vibes to a space.
Furthermore, it is believed that carrots have the ability to absorb negative energies from their surroundings, making them an ideal material for amulets and talismans. In some cultures, mothers will give their children a piece of carrot to hold onto when they are scared at night, believing it will protect them from any ghosts that may be lurking around.
Some also believe that carrots have a strong connection to the spirit world due to their growing process. Carrots grow underground, hidden from sight, and are only revealed when they are pulled from the ground. This process is seen as a symbol of the journey of the soul, from the physical world to the spiritual realm.
In addition to their protective qualities, carrots are also associated with bringing good luck and prosperity. As such, they are often offered to ghosts as a peace offering, hoping to appease them and prevent any hauntings or disturbances.
While there is no scientific evidence to support these beliefs, the power of the mind and the placebo effect cannot be discounted. The belief in the protective abilities of carrots may bring a sense of peace and security to some individuals, making them effective tools for warding off ghosts.
In conclusion, the lobate shape of carrots is seen as a physical manifestation of their spiritual potency, making them perfect retreats for ghosts. Whether these beliefs are rooted in fact or fiction, it is undeniable that carrots hold a special place in the realm of superstition and have been used for centuries as a means of protection against unwanted spiritual visitors.
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theinsidiousdice · 2 years
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[ID: Text reading, “When Floret opened the chest, he found only an amulet and a scrap of paper, which read ‘Amulet of Placebo.’ He didn’t know where ‘Placebo’ was, but he shrugged and put it on, feeling slightly more powerful.” /end ID]
This is probably my favorite joke I’ve ever written
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niuniente · 2 years
hi! it's the anon with the "haunted" house that's been causing quite a bit of worry in your comments (whoops sorry) :D just to reassure people: i live in Finland as well, my apartment has no fireplace or gas stove or other sources of carbon monoxide/smoke/fumes except for the occasional candle i burn, so i have considered the physical world too and always do so first. the space is recently renovated too, so probably not mold either. i try to ventilate the house often and sleep with the window open for fresh air. been living here for about 3 years and these weird symptoms only showed up one night about 2 weeks ago, coincidentally around the time i bought some second-hand antique armchairs (i get chills every time i enter the living room and feel cold sitting on them so maybe they came with the previous owner's ghost or something). But anyway, last night i followed the tips you linked, went around every room with a white candle, a cross and an amulet and asked for any negative energy or presence to leave/be removed and for the space to be protected, and went to bed feeling relaxed and slept like a log! Maybe it worked or even if it was just the placebo effect of me thinking it did, but the house feels calmer now :) --- so thank you and thanks to all the people who i had worried too! sorry for the hassle, i might get a CO-alarm just in case, for fun :D
Thank you for reaching back at us :3 We seriously don't need the same safety measurements as people living in USA - like gas stoves. Never seen a gas stove in Finland! As long as you've got the fire alarm, that's good :D Your case was a good reminder to check also physical things (esp. to the people who deal in their daily lives with things which can be physically harmful if not being careful with them, like gas stoves).
When the events started with the chair, either you got an unwelcome guest with the chair or just remaining old energy lingering on the chair (like "memories" so to say). Reminds me of this old paranormal program where a medium said he saw washing machines in the old room. It somehow got dubbed by everyone that he was seeing the "ghosts of washing machines". My friend was laughing at it, saying it was stupid - and I didn't have a heart to tell the friend that the medium wasn't see any machine ghosts but lingering "memories" in the room.
Asking for energies to leave is always effective. If not, then a ritual/spell/prayer/energy work along it helps pretty much in 9/10 cases :3
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gardenergulfie · 3 years
We still in Mythguard!
Awwwww he’s gonna contact everyone in the alliance to get back! With an item for each of them!
fWhip gets Deepslate Redstone, Gem gets Amethyst, and Pearl gets a Sunflower!
Pft magic telephone
I love how Sausage is like “HEY I NEED HELP FROM YOU” and everyone else is like “Sausage get over here we need your help just do it”
Sausage just floating down out of the sky like a very loud Jesus yelling “GEM GEM GEM GEM” the EXACT way Bdubs does. Beautiful
Gem i swear if you dont give him an invite to the school there will be PROBLEMS
Oh so the amulet is like placebo effect! Sausage believed it worked so it did!
I love how Sausage got Blue Orchids thats so fitting!
Aww he checked in on Bubbles and apologized for leaving her I LOVE THEM
ALL BUBBLES ARE CONNECTED??????? Why does that make sense? I guess Bubbles is the new Jellie of being an eldritch hivemind pet
I love greenhouse builds!
“What are the odds my favorite flower and the flower of Mythland is now next door in Jimmy’s area. Thats so fitting. Thats my boy right there!” I can feel the Meat HusbandsJausage fans jumping for joy rn
Sausage panicking and looking for his robes awwww 
fWhip???? got an invite????? What kind of magic is he studying???? 
Oh Katherine’s a prof! That means she passed the test!
PLEASE let Sausage tech about Blood Sheep Magic PLEASE
So Katherine is teaching herbology!
Oh the garden at the front of the School that Gem made while Corrupted has changed!
Sausage and fWhip are literally brothers. Brother behavior right here
Love how Katherine is teaching about good flowers and bad flowers. She’s not as innocent as people think
“Fireball” “NO”
Sausage maybe dont sound so eager to be burned by fWhip’s fire magic
Spore blossoms can be used with healing? Thats so cool! I love empires’ unique lore!
also Tulip oil can also be used for healing very cool
No wonder Sausage likes them
“Smells a little like fish” Codgod Grian real
And fWhip summoned a turtle egg by mixing a blue orchid and sand
Sausage why did you say it feels like something bad’s coming I AM WORRIED
“It cant be this good for this long” WIAT NO MY BOY HAS TRAUMA
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ask-the-prototypes · 3 years
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Oh god I can’t stop making OCs I keep getting inspiration from things Anyway! Banded Barrel is an earth pony sailor! She’s one of Leystone’s crewmates. Blackfeather is the pegasus captain of the local weather team. She runs and coordinates all teams and sections. Cirrus is a pegasus, and Sundew’s spiteful younger sister. She holds a lead position within one of the weather team’s sections. Scorned Rhythm is a unicorn necromancer! Directly inspired by the song “Necromancin’ Dancin’”, his talent is actually singing. The amulet he wears is broken and incomplete, but he coaxes the spells to work by adding music to the rituals. Sundew is the pegasus that leads the weather team’s ground station. Tradewind and Boneyard are her co-workers. Sweet Placebo, nicknamed “Sweet P”, is an earth pony pharmacist! She has a lazy right eye. Sorry for the long post! I keep saying that I’ll get back to answering asks, but to be honest there’s no telling when that inspiration will strike me again. Don’t worry though, the pixel art isn’t going anywhere!
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babysfirstpentagram · 3 years
History of Witchcraft Part 1
What are some common misconceptions with witchcraft?
witches do not sell their souls to the devil
you don’t have to subscribe to any particular belief system or set of rules to be a witch
Not all witches are wiccan
wiccan isnt your only choice when becoming a witch
Christians can be witches
Jewish can be witches
Muslim can be witches
pagan, wiccan, atheist, anyone can be a witch
What separates magic from religion is the lack of a deity. this doesnt mean the lack of believing in a god or goddes, just the choice to not work with one. There is nothing wrong with choosing against working with a deity. The most important part of witchcraft is working with nature and energies to better yourself or your area. 
However, the religion and witchcraft often go hand in hand as many witches are pagan or wiccan (or any other religion) where they work with one or more deities. 
As most religions, witchcraft also has holy books or books that are used as outlines in your personal craft (or coven craft). Most people know it as a grimoire. Going back to the religion part of magic, many deities and aspects are closely related to writing or studying, which makes keeping a grimoire or book of shadows very important to a lot of people, as it honors their deities or themselves. 
Throughout all of witch history, keeping a book of your practices was very common, up until the 14th century, which is when it became illegal to have possession of a magic book. This lead to the persecution and death of many witches. One person who was punished was Bernard Delicieux, who owned a book on necromancy and was sent to prison for it. 
During the 17th and 18th centuries, occult magic was quickly being replaced with stage magic, in the name of “rationalism”. It was making a mockery of actual witches, mocking the struggles they were going through, the persecution and death they faced for following their own paths. 
However, the concept of “science” changed throughout history. Ancient civilizations believed that spells and offerings to deities could cure the illness of loved ones, so magic was already science to them. Later on, Aleister Crowley (who is not a great person, but I digress) stated that magic was “the science of understanding one’s self and one’s condition.” 
Continuing on, during the early 1940′s, Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustave Jung began to observe the origins of magic, leading to Jung publishing a book called “Psychology and Alchemy” which would relate the symbols from both subjects. Freud, in the 1920s, claims “words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their power.” 
Currently, it is hard to say and undecided whether magic is scientifically proven, or if it is just a placebo effect in the brain to simply convince the witch or practitioner that magic is leading to their successes or failures, but it is proven that the two subjects have been intertwined with each other since the beginning of time. It is possible that magic is just unexplained science. 
Earliest forms of Magic
According to cave paintings, the earliest signs of magical thinking can be found in sites like Lascaux in the south-west region of France. The found cave paintings were in hard to get to areas, which could have been to protect ones practice or spells. In the Trois Freres cave, there seems to be another early “Shamanistic” painting, depicting a sorcerer. 
Though French caves have the earliest pictures of magic, the first spells and incantations were found in the site of ancient Sumer, around the 4th - 1st millennia BC. Around 1900 BC, Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian cultures had permanently taken over Sumer, leaving Babylonia to produce clearer spells that were taken from the Sumer civilization. 
Ancient Babylonia itself was filled with depictions of spirits and demons, said to be terrorizing the civilians daily. These include Lamashtu, who targeted pregnant ladies, and Lilith. (Lilith has since been adopted into the Jewish religion, making her closed. Read my post on cultural appropriation to learn more.) To protect the people of these demons, amulets were created to provide protection. 
Not only this, but astrology is said to have first originated in the Mesopotamian area. 
Later on, the knowledge of the spells and magic were passed onto the Egyptians, who started to practice divination and had the belief that the life force, named Heka, was present in everything around them. This was the earliest sign of animism to date. Priests were said to be gaining knowledge from Throth, and provided magic to all who needed it. The teachings of Throth were written in a book, “Book of Throth”, and is said to have been buried under the Nile River and protected by a spell that was given to it by the priests. 
But, as most things, Ancient Egypt fell due to Alexander the Great. Because of this, the religions of Hellenism and Egyptian merged, creating a new-ish religion in about the 2nd to 4th century AD. 
This is just the beginning of the history, and I will certainly be making more posts about this as I go along. 
Remember that I love you all, and you are worthy of love. Be kind to yourself. 
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-necklace, photos and fic by me-check the e*ts*y link in my bio if you like the necklace-bonus pic of my cat as The Admiral under the cut
“Promotion gift,” said Elias, smiling in that way that made him look wise beyond his years. Jon wondered with irritation what the polite way to respond to this was, and somehow settled on 
“Ah. What is it?” 
Hm. Good thing he was already promoted. 
“I presume you mean the design, not the necklace,” said Elias, inclining his head slightly. 
“Well yes obviously it’s a necklace, I mean--better question, why?” 
“The nazar is a protective design traditionally used in amulets to ward off the evil eye. I find it interesting that the eye design is used to protect against the evil eye--I suppose it’s a case of ”if you can’t beat them join them”. Also, eyes are associated with understanding and knowledge, so I thought it seemed a fitting gift.” 
Jon, who was rather too familiar with people complaining about his tendency to infodump about unusual interests, sternly restrained himself from remarking on what a weird string of non-sequiturs this whole interaction was and simply said “Uh, huh, thank you. I mean, it’s not--it isn’t dangerous, working in the archives, is it? I hardly think I’d need protection.” 
“Oh, no, not at all. But you could get hit by a bus on the way to work, and it would frankly just be too inconvenient to have to replace two archivists in one year.” Elias laughed, and Jon, taking the cue, smiled faintly, and clipped the necklace around his neck, planning to drop it in the dustiest corner of his desk drawers when he got home, or maybe donate it. But he never got around to it.
There was something oddly clarifying about wearing it--he felt like his sight was sharper than usual, that he worked faster and made connections more easily, that he was able to find pertinent statements with an ease that he found frankly shocking considering the neglected state of the archives. He took to wearing it almost every day, at first telling himself that he was visibly expressing his gratitude to Elias, then finally admitting that he seemed to like it. 
At some point after the worms he realized he’d stopped taking it off entirely. When he wore it, he felt like he had some protection; as if someone were watching his blind spots. He hoped that wasn’t an indication that he was losing touch with reality, as Tim seemed to think. But it was good to have something to hang on to. Placebo effect, he told himself, running his fingers over the smooth beads. He must be desperate. Well, he’d take whatever help he could get, real or otherwise. And that’s what he thought, until Leitner. 
“This place belongs to one of them,” he only half-asked, silently begging Leitner to say he was wrong, but the old man only gave him a tired look. 
“You know the answer to that.” 
He rubbed the beads pensively, then stopped when he realized what he was doing, fingers twisting the necklace tight like a chain. 
“And I...” 
“You belong to it to,” said Leitner, still with that tired air. And maybe he was right. Maybe he should have realized this long before. But-- 
“I need some air,” he said, feeling the weight of the necklace around his throat even after he’d let it go. 
He should take it off. He should burn it. 
He rolled the beads along his fingers, in a gesture that had become familiar and comforting. 
He should take it off. He should really be inside, talking to Leitner, who knew something he didn’t and seemed to think they were short on time. But he should take it off, first. It felt wrong, wearing a symbol of the Eye to--but that was paranoid, surely, he knew he was getting a bit paranoid, he could trust this gift as much as he could trust Elias--ah, right. 
Quickly, before he could think about it, before he could convince himself not to, he yanked the necklace from his throat, snapping the thread and turning away from the beads rolling down the alley, trying to convince himself that he felt better for it. 
It was only hours later, pacing and shivering in the darkness outside Georgie’s apartment, trying to come up with some excuse, that he found himself rubbing a small object between his fingers, and realized that he’d kept one of the beads in his hand. 
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𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓈 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝒯𝑀𝒜 𝒾𝓈 𝒶 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓁 𝒶𝓇𝑜/𝒶𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒸 𝒾𝓃𝒸𝓁𝓊𝓈𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝑜𝒻𝒻𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒶 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓊𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝒻𝓁𝓊𝒻𝒻𝒷𝑜𝒾 𝒸𝑜𝓈𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓈 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝒹𝓂𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓁
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sendmyresignation · 4 years
i probably won’t be on tumblr much these next few days- my phone finally ate the dust and i would rather eat dirt than regularly use tumblr desktop so. but update on music listening! i finished some more albums such as: placebo’s meds (which i really really vibed with, i liked it a lot more than their self-titled), sonic youth’s goo (which i enjoyed but should come back to, kinda got lost in the middle), oathbreaker’s rheia (which was completely up my alley, i loved it), lady beast’s the vulture’s amulet (which i recommend for my metalheads, just really well-crafted nwothm) and gym class heros’ the papercut chronicles (which i was super into, definitely need to give it a few more listens to digest it more though) but probably will slow down on the listening today.... i have essays due
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