#the all time best Christmas song by a mile
prufrocked · 2 years
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mayearies · 1 year
sfw alphabet with miles. genre: floof
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—‘A’ IS FOR AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?) holy moly is he attached to you. he will literally take your attention away from whatever it is you’re doing and direct it towards him. 10 hugs, 20 kisses a day, sounds about right for him. he annoys you with it sometimes but he’s a cutie, so he gets a pass.
“mamiii, focus on meee”
—‘B’ IS FOR BESTFRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?) he’s a pretty energetic person so expect to do some dumb shit with him. a jokester but also will listen to you rant and vent about your life and will do all he can to distract you from it.
—‘C’ IS FOR CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?) hes big on cuddling. quality time in general is important to him. if you don’t like that he doesn’t fw you. in some situations he would be the big spoon, others he would be little. doesnt matter. in fact he doesn’t even really know what those terms mean. he’s also a fan of skin to skin contact to expect his hands to be somewhere on your upper body.
—‘D’ IS FOR DOMESTIC (settling down? how will they be helping out around?) would want to marry you as soon as his parents give him the okay. he’s down tremendous for you. he isnt the cleanest person (did you see his room 💀). he kinda just throws things wherever they are supposed to be. not the best at cooking, either. the only thing he can perfect are probably waffles or pop-tarts.
—‘E’ IS FOR ENDING (how would breakups work out?) lots and lots of tears. it doesn’t matter if you broke up with him or he broke up with you, he would be crying. he didn’t think he would be able to lose someone like you.
—‘F’ IS FOR FIANCÉE (how do they feel about commitment?) he wants to get married as soon as possible. he always rambled on about getting married and the places he would take you, the things you would see. you would have to tell him to slow down before thinking about all of that, but he wouldn’t listen (playfully).
—‘G’ IS FOR GENTLE (how gentle are they?) oh, he’s really gentle. he’s into the slow kind of love. he can be rough if you want him to, though. just not really how he likes things to go. he’s got a sweet tooth for you and you have one for him. only comes naturally. a few kisses traveling from your forehead, down to your cheek, stopping at your collarbone is all he needs.
—‘H’ IS FOR HUGS (do they like hugs?) he loves hugs. love love loves them. he can’t go an hour without some type of physical contact from you. he gives the best hugs too, he gets it from his dad. he likes it when you compliment the way he hugs you, you call him your little build-a-bear.
“aww mami, i love when you call me that. it makes me feel special!”
—‘I’ IS FOR I LOVE YOU (how long does it take them to say the ‘l word?’) pretty fast. unlike his other counterpart, he is pretty head over heels for you. he would probably say it on the second or third date you two had, of while in the talking stage. he probably doesnt even really know what a talking stage is because it’s his first relationship.
—‘J’ IS FOR JEALOUSY (how do they get jealous?) he’s not easily jealous. he would let you have guy friends but they can’t get too close. this man can get predatorial pretty fast. he would brush it off, dismissing it entirely.
—‘K’ IS FOR KISSES (whats their kissing schedule?) hes all for kissing. i mean all. everytime he sees you expect a kiss. the spot changes everytime so he’s unpredictable. but each spot has been kissed at least once. his favorite place is your lips because he likes how they feel. when you kiss him, he shuts down. but if he had to choose, he likes when you kiss him on his forehead or nose. makes him feel comforted.
—‘L’ IS FOR LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?) kids like him, and he likes kids. more or less he tolerates kids. with him being spiderman, many see him as a rolemodel. i mesn, he does have his own cereal. and christmas song.
—‘M’ IS FOR MORNINGS (how will your mornings go?) scrap the morning routine, it does not exist anymore. he will tangle you in bed with his limbs and hold you there until he’s ready to wake up with you.
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—‘N’ IS FOR NIGHTS (how will your nights go?) they're pretty much the same as the mornings. he just wants to drag you to bed and cuddle all night until the sun rises. something he always looks forward to.
"please come back to bed, i can’t live off of me dreamin’ of you."
—‘O’ IS FOR OPEN (when will they tell you about themself?) he would want to get as comfortable with you as possible. if you ask him a personal question, he might be hesitant to answer it but will come around sooner or later. he would let certain details about himself slip by without knowing what he just said.
—‘P’ IS FOR PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?) he's pretty laid back with you. he isn't one to get upset easily. but if he does get upset it might be over little things.
—‘Q’ IS FOR QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?) he tries to remember everything about you. emphasis on try. sometimes he might forget and with acknowledging on how forgetful he is, he will write important details about you in his sketchbook.
—‘R’ IS FOR REMEMBER (what is his favorite moment in your relationship?) his favorite moment? everything he's done. but if he had to choose it would be showing you his sketchbook that had a section dedicated to drawings of you, or that time you complimented his nose.
—‘S’ IS FOR SECURITY (how protective are they of you?) he's really protective. but he can't always express it. when he has his spiderman suit on, and say he's saving you from being robbed or hit on by someone else, best believe he will step in with that deep voice to protect you.
"thanks, but do i know you from somewhere? your voice sounds familiar." "whattt nooo! i've never seen you before in my life!"
—‘T’ IS FOR TRY (how much effort do they put into dates? special occasions?) depends on the day. if it's pretty busy with crime, then he would take you bowling or something along those lines. if we're talking a normal date, a normal date for him is doing graffiti in the subway and running from the po po.
—‘U’ IS FOR UGLY (what's a bad habit of theirs?) he can be sassy, as sassy as you. he does this when he's irked or annoyed. he has the most eligant eye roll for some reason too?
—‘V’ IS FOR VANITY (how insecure are they?) can be pretty insecure sometimes, but you don't mind assuring him he looks good. sometimes, he thinks deeply about how he got with someone like you. if he could live up to your expectations. but him being himself is all you ask for.
—‘W’ IS FOR WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?) yes.
—‘X’ IS FOR XTRA (a random headcannon about them?) he probably has tagged you somewhere throughout brooklyn where only he would know. consider it his safe space.
—‘Y’ IS FOR YUCK (what are some things they dislike?) he wouldn't like someone who lies often (💀), makes the whole time he spent with you seem like a waste of time.
—‘Z’ IS FOR ZZZ (some of their sleeping habits?) he's a pretty messy sleeper, on top of that—he's a heavy sleeper. he can sleep through almost anything. so, here's what is expected. you fall asleep envoloped in his arms as he lays in your chest and falls asleep to your heartbeat, then you wake up to the feeling of sheets everywhere, pillows gone, and him spread out on your bed.
© mayeluvsu 42 version
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
I’ll Be Home For Christmas | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - written for @pacifymebby ‘s 2k Follower/Christmas Celebration
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Summary: Tommy promises (Y/N) that he’ll be home for his family’s first Christmas in Arrow House. (Y/N)’s hoping it won’t only happen in her dreams.
Warnings: none - just some Christmas fluff
Word Count: 2223
A/N: Congrats on 2K, Layla! I went with the song ‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’ … I listened to Brett Eldredge’s version of it and came up with this idea. I hope you like it. And it’s fitting that this is being posted on Christmas Eve, right? Sorry for cutting it close. Happy Holidays to all! Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one
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(Y/N) sat back on the chaise lounge with a sigh. She bit on her bottom lip as she held the reciever up to her ear.
“Are you still there?” came from the other line.
“I am,” was what she was able to get out before she choked on her words, fingertips pressed against her lips as she tried her damnedest to hold back tears.
“Tell me what’s wrong, love.” Even miles away and through a phone call, Tommy was still able to read his wife like an open book.
There was a moment of silence before she responded. In that time, (Y/N) was trying to decide whether she wanted to make her plights known or not. On one hand, he was her husband; the person who she was supposed to disclose these sorts of problems to. On the other, she didn’t want to add another problem onto his probably already full plate.
“(Y/N)?” Tommy’s voice cut through her internal debate, bringing her back to the conversation.
“When will you be home, Tommy?” she decided to come right out and ask.
“I’ll be home for Christmas,” he assured her within seconds of her making her worry known.
“But…but Christmas is tomorrow,” she stammered out, wracking her mind to try and figure out if his homecoming was even possible, “where even are you right now?”
“I’m in London, and I know it’s tomorrow. I’ll be home,” he assured her once more.
“It’s our first Christmas in this new house,” she said as she looked around the reading room that she’d decorated to her particular taste. The manor was beautiful, but it felt so empty when Tommy was away. “The kids had the best time decorating the tree,” she added, a smile gracing her face as she thought back to the time she spent with her three children earlier in the week. A time that Tommy had missed out on.
“That’s good to hear,” Tommy smiled as he closed his eyes and pictured his three young children gathered around the large tree in the living room. He never had a chance to make a memory like it when he was younger. The fact that he wasn’t present for his children at this time felt like a stab to the heart.
(Y/N)’s smile faltered as the thing that had been eating her alive from the moment her husband’s car pulled out of the driveway returned to the forefront of her mind. “I can’t have you gone much longer, Tommy,” she finally spoke, deciding to come out with her thoughts rather than keep them in.
“I won’t be, darling,” he assured her.
“When will these business trips end?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” he sighed as he ran a hand over his face.
“Yes you do. You’re the head of the company,” she insisted, a tinge of desperation seeping into her words.
“They’re part of the job.”
“They’re taking away time from our family.”
Silence rang on the line after (Y/N)’s declaration. She was no longer able to hold back the tears, letting them silently slip down her cheeks as she tried to keep the front that everything was fine on her end of the conversation.
“I’ll be home for Christmas, (Y/N),” Tommy was the one to break the silence after a few moments had passed.
(Y/N) swiped away her tears and nodded even though he wasn’t able to see her. “Ok, Tommy,” she agreed, even though she knew that it would most likely be a moot promise.
“I have to go,” he told her then.
“Ok,” she nodded once more, “I love you.”
“I love you. Give the kids a kiss for me.”
“I will.”
The line went dead after she told him she would. (Y/N) hung the phone up and let out a shuddered sigh. She looked at the garland lined mantle for a minute before closing her eyes and silently hoping that Tommy’s promise would come true this time around.
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The sentence “mumma, wake up!” graced (Y/N)’s ears at the beautiful hour of seven o’clock the next morning. The feeling of three, small bodies bouncing on the bed soon accompanied it, making the woman finally open her eyes.
She was reluctant to at first because she knew that doing so would bring her beautiful dream of sitting by Tommy while watching the kids play with their presents to an end. The sight of the empty spot next to her in bed still hit her like a ton of bricks even though she was prepared for it. She couldn’t dwell on it though, because the kids’ excitement increased tenfold the second they saw her eyes open.
“Let’s go downstairs!” Charlotte, the oldest of the three, declared as she hurried to get off of the bed and make her way to the door. Max and Henry - twins who were two years younger than Charlotte, quickly followed their sister, their excitement practically palpable.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile as she tossed the covers to the side and moved over to where her robe was hung on the dressing screen. She took the same path as her children once the cozy garment was tied tightly against her frame.
The children were already rooting around the gifts that were placed under the tree, trying to find the ones that had their names on it. (Y/N) smiled as she made her way over to the couch and sat down on it. A tinge of sadness crept up on her before she could stop it. Tommy should be here, she thought to herself as the children went about unwrapping their presents.
Tommy’s words from the previous evening then echoed in her mind: “I’ll be home for Christmas”. She wanted to badly to believe that and think nothing else. But that sadness still loomed.
The children were excited to have their mum unwrap the presents that they made for her once they were finished opening theirs, and (Y/N) was able to push the sadness away as she beamed at the thoughtful, homemade gifts they’d given her.
The gloomy feelings came back when the kids went back to playing with their toys and she was left alone on the couch once more. An even larger wave washed over her when she noticed the unopened presents that still sat under the tree. One of the tags was facing upwards, and the name ‘DAD’ was written on it in Charlotte’s unmistakeable hand.
“I’ll be home for Christmas,” Tommy’s words rang in her mind again. She sighed and hugged her robe tighter to her body before looking over to the clock. Only in my dreams, she thought as she tried to focus back on the kids.
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(Y/N) and the children ate a wonderful breakfast before the three young ones quickly dragged her back into the front room so that they could continue playing. She’d just gotten comfortable under the blanket when the sound of tires on gravel was heard outside. It made her eyebrows furrow. The family wasn’t supposed to come over until later, she thought to herself as she glanced over at the clock sitting on the mantle. It was still early in the morning.
Then the worry started to set in. (Y/N) was no stranger to the type of business that Tommy was involved in. She was by his side while he created a name for himself, and she stayed with him every step of the way. He continuously assured her that no one would ever come to their home and attack their family, but (Y/N) still couldn’t get the possibility of it to leave her mind.
She was so engulfed in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Frances say “welcome home, Mr. Shelby. They’re in the front room,” as her husband entered the foyer. It didn’t even set in as Tommy appeared in the archway, and the three children went running over to greet their father.
Things didn’t become clear until Charlotte turned to face her and exclaimed: “mumma! Dad’s home!”
Then everything came into view. Charlotte with a wide smile on her face. Max and Henry in their father’s arms. And Tommy. Tommy was looking right at her with one of the widest smiles she’s seen from him in a long time.
“Let’s go over and see your mum, eh?” Tommy said to his sons before he made his way over to the couch. Max and Henry wriggled out of his arms once he stopped in front of (Y/N), clambering up into her lap to give her a hug and a kiss before they went back to their new toys.
Tommy’s eyes quickly found (Y/N)’s once it was just the two of them. “You made it home,” she said, her smile practically stretching from ear to ear.
“I told you I’d be home from Christmas, love,” he answered, winking as he sent her a grin.
“C’mere, Tommy,” she held her hands out to him, and he got the idea, sitting down next to her on the couch. (Y/N) didn’t waste a second, throwing her arms around his frame and practically climbing into his lap as she hugged him tightly. “I’m so happy you’re home,” she whispered into his neck as she nestled her face deeper into it.
“Wouldn’t miss Christmas with you for the world,” he told her, his hands finding her shoulders then. She took it as a hint and lifted her head to look at him. “I love you,” (Y/N),” he said as he reached up and ran his hand down her cheek. She leaned into his touch, her smile widening before she closed the gap between them to press her lips to his.
The kiss was filled with so much love, and (Y/N) would have happily held it longer if her lungs weren’t screaming for air. She was the one to pull away, but she didn’t move far, opting to rest her forehead against his. “I love you, Tommy. Merry Christmas,” she breathed, her eyes still closed as she reveled in his presence.
“Merry Christmas,” he responded in a similar tone, his arms moving to wrap around her frame.
“Dad! We have presents for you!” Charlotte’s excited voice broke into their reverie moments later.
(Y/N) moved slightly so that she was now sitting next to him, and Tommy managed to tuck one of his arms behind her back - in efforts to keep her as close as possible - before their children came over to him with presents in hand.
“Open mine first!” Max exclaimed, thrusting the small box into his father’s lap.
Tommy smiled at the boy before he went about opening the present. (Y/N) watched on with a smile, knowing exactly what her husband was getting and how excited their son was to give it to him. Max let out like giggles of excitement as Tommy took the silver tie clasp that had a horse’s head on it out of its holder.
“Do you like it?” the boy asked with anticipation.
“I love it,” Tommy smiled before adding, “I’ll wear it the first chance I get.”
Henry gave him the next gift, which was a fancy pen that the boy had picked out himself. He said that Tommy could use it to write all of ‘his important letters’. Tommy made a promise to use it as his only pen from then on.
Then it was Charlotte’s turn. “Be careful when unwrapping it, dad. It’s fragile,” she gave a warning, one which Tommy chuckled at but also heeded to. “Do you like it?” she asked, like her younger brother had, when it was completely unwrapped.
Tommy didn’t say anything at first. Instead he stared at the present. (Y/N) peered over his shoulder to see what it was. Charlotte had been keeping it a secret from everybody. What Tommy was holding made (Y/N)’s heart swell. It was a hand drawn picture of her family - Tommy and (Y/N) stood on either side, then Max and Henry were standing next to them. In the middle was Charlotte, holding both of her brothers’ hands while she was wearing her favorite, purple colored dress. (Y/N) also didn’t miss the fact that Tommy, Max and Henry were all wearing a peaked cap.
“Do you like it?” Charlotte asked again, getting slightly impatient as her father was taking too long.
“I love it, sweetheart,” Tommy answered, finally looking up to smile at his daughter, “it’s perfect, Charlie,” he added, sounding choked up.
“It’s our family!” Charlotte exclaimed, a beaming smile now present on her face.
“It is,” Tommy nodded, “and it’s going in a frame so that it can sit on me desk.”
“So you can look at it always?” she asked.
“So I can look at it always,” he answered with a nod. Charlotte then rushed to get onto the couch so that she could hug her father.
(Y/N) quickly took the picture out of Tommy’s hands before it would get crumbled. She couldn’t help but smile as she looked down at it. Everything she needed in life was present in that picture…and was sitting beside her on the couch.
She was thankful that Tommy was able to make it home for Christmas.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @areyenotfondofmelobster @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
Listen to Brett Eldredge’s version of I’ll Be Home For Christmas:
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qiupachups · 11 months
miles.g / wiles
.。.+*☆ headcannons 👾💭
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contents: general hcs, mention of his father’s death, i call 42-miles ‘wiles’, me sorta bullying him
a/n: after a lot of procrastination and harassment gentle encouragement from @vhstown i’m finally posting my hcs. :3c (they’ve been sitting here since july)
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Despite his tough guy exterior and criminal career, he's actually a massive nerd geek. Like: gundham, comics, posters all over his room.
Until you bring up those interests, he won't mention them. But once you start a conversation about them, he can tell you all the lore front to back or tell you where and when each collectible is from. Just listening to Wiles and nodding along will make his day.
Accepting help from others is not an option. Ever. He's an overly D.I.Y guy since his father's death and it's staying that way.
... unless you're very close to him. Wiles will begrudgingly accept your help and then be adamant on repaying you. No matter how trivial it was, he'll show his gratitude through service.
Wiles has great memory and knows all the lyrics to his favourite songs. Go through his playlist and pick something at random- he'll recite them flawlessly!
A good memory also helps with remembering those flashes of songs playing on your lock screen. Just a split second glance? He's adding it to his playlist, maybe listening to it as he works on his latest gear.
Would be a straight A student if he were there half the time. The only thing keeping his total grades down is attendance, where he’s often absent.
However, if he’s in a group project with you, Wiles will put more effort into it. Getting a ‘C’ or GPA point lower is fine if it means keeping Brooklyn safer. What’s not fine is him being the reason for your lower marks.
Unlike his counterpart from 1610, Wiles’ art is more realistic. He tries to capture the subjects’ essence quickly and minimally, so colours are an afterthought.
Accuracy was his pride in art until it came to you. He’d be so nervous in getting your smile right, scribbling failed attempts over and over again. Wiles even resorted to a pencil sketch.
Following the passing of Jefferson, Wiles has gotten much closer to Rio. That’s a no brainer; he was fourteen— a kid. And Jefferson never got to see his son in that overpriced Visions uniform.
Wiles makes an effort to speak more Spanish. He lets his mamí braid his hair even if it hurts like hell. Those stupid telenovelas aren’t that bad on the second watch.
Once upon a time, Wiles used to be a choir boy (keyword: used). He’d love singing hymns and doing nativities before he could read; all for his mamí and dad to see.
However, the christmas after Jefferson’s passing felt… empty. Wiles quickly lost his passion for choir and now just attends mass with Rio at most.
After years of experience being a choir boy, Wiles has the voice of an angel. Not that you’d know, of course— he intends to take that to the grave. But there’s also a deeper, darker secret… he can’t rap to save his life.
An extremely personal and harrowing Musically comment told him so. Following that attack, twelve year old Wiles abandoned his account with only a black profile picture left behind.
Like any other middle schooler, Wiles had a hype beast phase (he denies it). When Aaron got a Hype shirt for Wiles’ 12th birthday, words couldn’t describe how he almost knocked Aaron down with a hug.
The shirt’s first stain had Wiles distraught and furiously searching ‘remove paint on shirt hacks’ on Youtube. His heart would probably stop if he misplaced a gift from you.
Wiles isn’t the best cook, but he can definitely make himself a good meal. With Rio working night shifts and Uncle Aaron doing… jobs, he has to be self-sufficient.
A secret lil’ side project: he’s trying and failing to replicate Jefferson’s mac ‘n cheese. It wasn’t the best, but it was his. Something’s always off when Wiles makes it and he’s not quite sure what.
Sure, cooking isn’t that hard, but baking is like wizardry to Wiles. AP Chemistry and it’s endless calculations felt way easier than making pan de agua with his mamí.
But, mamí didn’t raise no quitter! On a particularly busy birthday, Wiles pulled together a modest little cake for Rio. She burst into tears seeing the shaky ‘!Feliz Cumple!’ written in too-sweet icing.
Calling Earth-42 a wreck is a massive understatement. Shit’s like Gotham, only very real and very deadly. Just breathing in that damn city air makes Wiles’ skin crawl.
Luckily, he’s got an outlet: boxing. A fun hobby he picked up from Uncle Aaron became his release. Wiles might never be in the ring, but Brooklyn’s more than enough.
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a/n #2: what the fuck. this was supposed to be short and silly and fun. exsqueeze me how did this… erm. disjointed mess.
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Masterlist 3!
Here’s the third masterlist for all of my works! If you want to check out more of my work, here’s the links for masterlist one and masterlist two Imagines marked * are smutty imagines! Imagines marked ` are requests! Imagines marked ⭐ are personal favorites!
STRANGER THINGS small ~ jim hopper` dance with me ~ eddie munson ⭐ starry night ~ steve harrington* (part five) ⭐ at the hip ~ steve harrington` ⭐ triple date ~ steve harrington (part six) ⭐ the freak ~ steve harrington (part seven) ⭐ oblivious ~ eddie munson ⭐ jason doesn’t know ~ eddie munson ⭐ this is music ~ eddie munson` ⭐
SUPERNATURAL strange human feelings ~ castiel` cleaning ~ dean winchester`
HANNIBAL into fiction` sob story ~ hannibal lecter
THE BOYS obsession ~ billy butcher* ⭐ herogasm ~ soldier boy* ⭐ alone on christmas ~ billy butcher can’t get too close ~ billy butcher ⭐ change in a heartbeat ~ billy butcher ⭐ the bad room ~ homelander ⭐
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY life father ~ diego hargreeves` rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves’ ⭐
THE LAST OF US (HBO) friendly neighbors ~ joel miller ⭐ too sweet ~ joel miller
BARRY attraction ~ barry berkman` treat him better ~ barry berkman
AMERICAN HORROR STORY late night sins ~ xavier plympton (1984)*`
VICTORIOUS lost dog ~ tori vega` junker ~ beck oliver
HEMLOCK GROVE i don’t ever wanna see you with him ~ roman godfrey ⭐
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES roses are red ~ damon salvatore` ⭐
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH captive ~ blackbeard/ed teach ⭐
PEAKY BLINDERS moved on ~ thomas shelby
FUTURE MAN winner ~ josh futturman* ⭐
GAME OF THRONES littlest lion ~ oberyn martell (part one) ⭐ freedom ~ oberyn martell (part two) ⭐
THE WITCHER destiny ~ geralt of rivia
DOCTOR WHO looks of a princess ~ eleventh doctor ⭐
BRIDGERTON by the lake ~ benedict bridgerton
THE GENTLEMEN the assistant ~ raymond smith ⭐
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN spirit of nature ~ jack sparrow`
THE MAZE RUNNER i’ll keep you safe ~ newt`
MARVEL how things are now ~ marc spector and steven grant` ⭐ kneel ~ loki* the most wonderful time ~ bucky barnes fast ~ pietro maximoff ⭐
1917 early morning ~ will schofield*`
THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT happy birthday ~ javi gutierrez ⭐
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S i need someone older ~ william afton ⭐ the ice cream girl ~ mike schmidt
SALTBURN new toy ~ felix catton ⭐ partners ~ oliver quick ⭐
THE SANTA CLAUSE santa’s sister-in-law ~ bernard the elf
8 MILE one of the guys ~ jimmy smith jr ⭐
THE FALL GUY the space cowboy and the pa ~ tom ryder
A QUIET PLACE i’d find you in any life ~ eric ⭐
GLADIATOR II betrothed ~ emperor geta ⭐
PETE DAVIDSON your gift` favoritism`
HARRY STYLES the perfect tree a star in the making` sleepy head`
MACHINE GUN KELLY baby mama` ⭐ my queen*` getting your attention*` all the mistakes` not what it looks like` can’t keep doing this*`
EMINEM may the best artist win*` too close for comfort` ⭐ when it’s wrong but it feels right` in the dressing room*` he’s acting different` we have to stop meeting like this` every inch*` let’s surprise the world` i’m sorry i let you down`
GOODGUYFITZ wake up call*`
CORPSE HUSBAND letting go` they forgot` ⭐
ASHTON IRWIN home life` cover me*`
CONAN GRAY pushing`
MATTHEW LILLARD accidental drunk confessions`
JOHNNY KNOXVILLE feeling good*`
ALEX TURNER more than a song*` ⭐
BO BURNHAM can’t handle this right now ⭐ look at me*`
KRISTEN STEWART special customer`
TARON EGERTON he already has my approval ⭐
ROBERT PATTINSON my favorite superhero
GERARD WAY good girl*`
GWILYM LEE history repeats itself`
RYAN GOSLING play date`
JOSEPH QUINN bad idea, right? ⭐
RANBOO fluffy haired gamer boy`
JACOB ELORDI height advantage`
MOTLEY CRUE she is mine ~ mick mars`
CHRIS EVANS not used to normal` ⭐
SWAGGERSOULS our next step`
JSCHLATT too far ⭐ the hotel room* ⭐
JOHNNY DEPP just for us`
TRAVIS BARKER the parent trap`
family reunion ~ hermione granger x draco malfoy`
showing pedro pascal fan edits ⭐ sitting on jschlatt’s lap ⭐
rook (jp capellette)*` eddie munson* ⭐ billy butcher* ⭐
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thmles · 1 year
| August.
- You weren't mine to lose.
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[pairing: miles morales x best friend!reader]
[warnings: sweet to angst, a bit of spoilers since the some scenes described came from the movie, regret, heartbreak]
[a/n: if you know august by taylor swift, yk the pain. it's based off that song bc i was thinking about some past situationships and how for some of them i was just a rebound so... anyway for the you're losing me fic, i'm not sure if i would make a part two, but i'll definitely think about it! anyways enjoy 🫶🏻]
You and Miles had met when your family moved into the apartment above them. You were both nine and to be honest, you kind of saw him as weird. When you were hanging out (much to your dismay, you would rather read than be with some boy), he would mumble songs as he drew on the sketchpad he got for his birthday. You, on the other hand, were silently reading fantasy novels that you got for Christmas. Despite your differences, you made quite the pair even going into high school.
Summer had approached Brooklyn faster than you anticipated. It was hot and humid. The air conditioning in your room would not work for some unknown reason and you were stuck sweating it out in your room. You grabbed a folder and used it to fan your face. A knock on your door grabbed your attention before eventually opening. “Miles, you can come into my room, you know.” You told him with a slight edge to your voice. He let out a chuckle before replying, “That’s just rude. My mom raised me better.” You rolled your eyes and stood to the side to let him in. You closed the door behind him as he sat on your desk chair and twirled around.
“Something on your mind, Morales?” You ask him as you sit on your bed cross-legged. You could tell he was nervous. He was looking down on the floor and sort of sweating. “A-Ah, it’s nothing. I just, uhm.” Miles mumbled out. You raised an eyebrow at his behavior. He was rarely ever like this.
“Just what?”
“Well, I was hoping that Gwen would come back and we could go to an art museum.” Miles paused to look at you to which you just stared back at him.
“And what do you want me to do?” You would be sad if Miles asked you only because Gwen wasn’t around. But, time with Miles is still better than anything. You have harbored a crush on him since you guys were ten. At first you were even in denial of your feelings for the boy but when you guys danced at your school’s halloween party, you knew it was over for you.
“Come with me instead? I mean do you want to stay in this heat?” Miles in a know-it-all tone. You rolled your eyes before chucking the folder you were using at his face. He laughed as he caught it with ease, setting it on your desk.
“Is it a yes or no?”
“What do you think, Morales?”
And that was the beginning of an eventful summer. You two were going out together more often than staying in. Everyday was a summer adventure for the both of you. Summer filled with laughter, longing stares, and nightly stargazing at the rooftop. It was the best summer you ever had, especially because you two might or might not have shared a kiss underneath the moonlight. You weren’t sure what exactly the label you guys had. You guys were best friends, for sure, but best friends don’t look at each other that way. They don’t kiss and draw the other on their sketchbook. They don’t take polaroids of each other to keep in their wallets to admire and treasure.
But all things came crashing down when you saw Miles with Gwen that autumn at his dad’s party. You were clutching the sketchbook he left at your desk the last time you guys hung out. Miles looked so…so in love with Gwen. Like she was the life of the party. You had an epiphany. All summer, you thought he looked at you lovingly. But, he wasn’t. It was different from the one he was giving Gwen right now. You knew better than to look through his sketchbook because it was his safe space. He could draw and doodle all that he wanted to help with the stress of life and school. As you opened the first few pages, it was filled with random sort of graffiti art. Flipping through more pages, there were drawings of spiders, Spider-Man, and,
“Gwen.” You breathed out. Tears were pooling at your eyes as more and more pages were filled with drawings of her that you were sure he drew over the summer. But there was only one drawing of you. The page also contained the polaroid he took of you as you were looking out into the city. You shut the notebook with one hand and wiped your tears with the other. His mom walked over to you while holding a plate of cake. She greeted other guests before she was in front of you. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She asked with concern. She rubbed your back as you tried to prevent more tears from rolling down your face.
“Tía, can you…can you give this to Miles?” You told her softly and handed her the sketchbook. She looked confused but accepted it nonetheless. “And tell him to never talk to me again.”
You left that party without looking back. You weren’t even sure what to say to Miles or his parents. That he made you his rebound? That you were just a summer fling? You locked yourself in your room before your dad could question why you weren't at the party upstairs. You didn’t even make it to bed before you broke down sobbing. You slid against the door and began to cry. Your heart ached as memories of the wonderful summer you had flashed in your mind. You stood up and grabbed your wallet from your desk to pull out the polaroid of Miles’ stuffed face that you thought was cute. You took that picture when he was eating too much cake from your dad’s birthday. You stuffed it inside a drawer because you knew you couldn’t get yourself to get rid of it.
That night Miles kept trying to call you to which you promptly put your phone on ‘Do not disturb.’ You spent hours with a tear stained face and a numb heart. You stared out into space wondering what you did to deserve this pain. But you remembered that, it was kind of your fault too. Who were you to assume you and Miles had something after a summer filled with dates and stolen kisses? You were just his best friend. You were just a rebound. A summer fling.
“You weren’t mine to lose.” You mumbled to yourself as you brought your knees to your chest to hug them. Meanwhile, Miles is stuck in another dimension wishing he could go back to fix the mess he made, to go back to you and the amazing summer you had.
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filmofhybe · 10 months
A Magical Christmas with enhypen
🗯️ pairing : ot7 x oc 🎀 GENRE : fluff , 8th member of enha. 1093 wc (approximately)
; AUTHORS NOTES : welcome to day 6? of “24 days of Christmas with filmofhybe!!” Hope you guys enjoy this one!! And happy birthday to Niki & sunghoon!!🤭 (even tho it was yesterday)
MASTERLIST to my other works
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정원 jungwon
He knows you have major, and I mean MAJOR SEASON DEPRESSION. All the members could just tell it has hit you when you start spacing out during the comeback recordings, not even trying in practices, rarely posting on weverse and giving fans less attention during offline fan sign. (you weren’t trying to be rude, again is just SEASON DEPRESSION and is draining you.) Is like you want to do good during winter comebacks but can’t because you HATED winter and as I said - season mf depression.
Jungwon being jungwon - whose a really good leader. Decided to take you out during Christmas just try to help you feel a bit better. Takes you to eat Korean BBQ in your cozy pajamas, buys you hot chocolate while you guys enjoy the beautiful Christmas lights all around seoul. He helps you take photos despite you being in your pajamas. Saying it would be nice to update your fans once a while to know you’re not “dead”. You captioned “thank you to our lovely jungwon for the pictures!!”, fans thanking him for taking you out during Christmas to feel the festive season and grateful that he cares about you, as well as understanding your seasonal depression.
“thank you for making my Christmas a bit better wonnie.”
“is okay! I’m glad your happy, not letting that silly season depression get to you!”
“Is still here but you made it better.”
“I’m flattered. This could be our little tradition.”
“Maybe if I’m in the mood to come out again next year!”
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박종성 Park Jeongseong
Remember how he said he took Niki back to his place during their break. Yeah that would 101% be him. He knows how it feels to not being able to celebrate such a special occasion with your family, so he doesn’t hesitate to ask his parents to let you stay over. They all loved you anyways. His house was filled with really Christmas vibe decorations and a large Christmas tree in the middle of the living room and you’re groups signed album on the shelves which reminds you of your home :(
He cooks with dad during Christmas Day and it’s so good. You kept going back to his steak because who wouldn’t. They will include you in their Christmas karaoke later on as well as make you and jay perform your songs, which they will film it and send it back to your parents.
Not to mention, they brought you gifts and when you open each one of them, it made you really emotional because it felt like you were part of their family. Your parents were so grateful that they are taking good care of you, even miles away where you can’t celebrate Christmas together.
“Thank you so much for these gifts, I’m so thankful for all of you…”
“There’s no need y/n you would always be a family member to me!”
“Jay you’re gonna make her cry even more..”
“Good so I can post this on weverse..”
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희 승 heeseung
Would stay in the dorm with you and you guys will just play games the whole time while streaming it. Either valorant to roblox, or even just chilling while listening to music. Constantly going into each others room to say hi to each others chat. And reading out funny donations.
“When’s the groups next comeback?”
“Guys we just had one?!”
“Did we-?”
“If you mean the one where you only sang for 6 seconds than yes..”
Munching on shin ramyun and you both did a room tour of your rooms, showing how festive it is. Telling the chat what gifts you guys got each other and told them this is how you would be spending your Christmas with them. They honestly love you for that. Will go viral on Twitter for being the “best gaming duo.”
“What about your families?”
“Oh me and heeseung’s family hang out yesterday so we are just vibing today. The others are out.”
“We wanted to talk to engenes and play games so please enjoy!!”
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심재윤 Sim Jaeyun
You both decided to film a cover for the fans during Christmas, so the whole day you guys were just in the HYBE building, vibing to Christmas music with the staff and filming. You will update your personal insta account of you and Jake that day. Showing the cute Christmas doughnut he got you along with a gift, and both of your microphones. Teasing the fans with the upcoming cover.
It maybe a simple Christmas but it would always be fun with Jake because he also brought in Layla. She will constantly come up to you, begging for body scratch or even treats. Even posting a selfie of you and her on twitter.
“Istg that dog likes you more than me…”
“Maybe if you start feeding her than she will..”
okay but MOVING ON. When the cover dropped, IT WENT VIRAL VIRAL. The Christmas lighting, the eye contact between you both was IMMACULATE. Fans felt the warmth after listening to it, like drinking a hot chocolate on a cold winter day. They kept asking for more covers between you both, maybe you guys would do one on New Years🫣
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성훈 Sunghoon
Mr takes you to ice skating on Christmas. Both of you are known to be the ice skaters of enhypen. Both extremely good at it so it wouldn’t be a problem. Kept trying to show off your moves to each other. Everyone on the rink jealous that you both could do these amazing tricks. Even though you guys kept going head to head in the rink, obviously he got to take pictures of you so you can post on Instagram.
Man you almost couldn’t land on one of the turns and he zoomed right beside you to catch you. You kinda blushed🤭 anyways. The pictures you guys posted was so cute and majestic, fans was so happy that you guys are hanging out together during Christmas.
“omg the ice prince and princess together on Christmas!!”
“We love to see them back on the ice once again :( “
“We need a performance from them.”
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선우 Sunoo
The type to just drag you to every single café and enjoy each others presence while filming for en-log. It was just a soft cute Christmas and you both also exchanged presents. Linking arms as you both went to different phootbooths and thrift stores taking those 90s pictures.
“y/n~~ you look so silly In that hat HAHA!!”
“what do you mean sunoo? I look sexy😝”
“Whatever you say😐”
He loves including you in this sunset photos so when he added you to his little dump, everyone freaked out because that means you guys were hanging out together during Christmas. Very grateful to have each other during this cold season. Just wrapped around warm coats and each others presence.
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にしむら りき Nishimura Riki
Since both of you can’t go back to visit your family, you both decided to just go to a shopping trip. Kept buying stuff like non stop. At the end of the day you both have at least 15 bags on you.
“So do you think our manager will say anything about this addiction?"
“y/n I think he has gotten use to it by now..”
“You’re right..”
You both got caught by a fan and they said you both was struggling to hold your bags but you guys looked so cute struggling😭 They even saw you vibing to Christmas songs and you buying Niki hot chocolate because he wanted it so bad #stillachild . Fans was so surprised by this duo because they actually never saw it coming.
“Idk whose influencing who😭”
“Is giving older sister bringing her younger brother on a shopping treat”
“Sometimes I forgot they are both making BANK”
“Y/n struggling while Niki sipping on his chocolate is too unserious💀💀”
No because tell me why your stuff can’t even fit in the car.. you both were suffocated at the back of the car. Your manager laughing at you both and begging him to spare some mercy on you😭 you guys are just too funny.
“Next year same time same amount of stuff?”
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
here's a list of bob's burgers episodes that focus on a specific relationship dynamic between main characters (examples: bob and louise episodes, linda and tina, gene and louise etc) obviously not including every episode where they interact with each other bcuz that would be uhh every episode. but episodes where their relationship or dynamic is the heart of the story and some silly subplots focused on their dynamic w/ each other (with probably a few exceptions)
hopefully this is helpful if you feel like watching louise/tina or bob/gene etc episodes but don't remember all the titles!!! in the future I would like to do a similar list but for ship-related episodes (fischoeder/bob episodes, rudy/louise etc) but we'll see if that happens lol
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bob and louise episodes:
s1ep9 spaghetti western and meatballs
s3ep22 carpe museum
s5ep10 late afternoon in the garden of bob and louise
s5ep20 hawk and chick
s6ep19 glued, where's my bob? (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer
s8ep18 as i walk through the alley of the shadow of ramps
s10ep20 poops! i didn't do it again
s11ep14 mr. lonely farts (subplot)
s12ep8 stuck in the kitchen with you
s13ep6 apple gore-chard (but not gory)
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gene and bob episodes:
s2ep9 beefsquatch
s3ep12 broadcast wagstaff school news (subplot)
s5ep5 best burger
s5ep14 little hard dad
s7ep18 the laser-inth
s8ep8 v for valentine-detta (subplot)
s9ep12 the helen hunt (subplot)
s10ep2 boys just wanna have fungus
s11ep7 diarrhea of a poopy kid
s12ep7 loft in bedslation (subplot)
s12ep19 a-sprout a boy
s13ep7 ready player gene
s13ep12 oh row you didn't (subplot)
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tina and bob episodes:
s1ep4 sexy dance fighting
s1ep6 sheesh! cab, bob?
s3ep7 tina-rannosaurus wrecks
s3ep10 mother daughter laser razor (subplot)
s4ep5 turkey in a can (subplot)
s4ep7 bob and deliver
s4ep17 the equestranauts
s6ep14 the hormone-iums
s6ep17 the horse rider-er
s10ep3 motor, she boat
s11ep22 vampire disco death dance
s12ep21 some like it bot part 1: eighth grade runner
s12ep22 some like it bot part 2: judge-bot day
s13ep17 crow encounters of the bird kind
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gene and louise episodes:
s1ep9 spaghetti western and meatballs
s2ep6 dr yap (subplot)
s4ep18 ambergris
s5ep17 itty bitty ditty committee
s6ep12 stand by gene
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s7ep5 large brother, where fart thou?
s7ep8 ex mach tina (subplot)
s7ep13 the grand mama-pest hotel (subplot)
s7ep15 ain't miss debatin' (subplot)
s9ep9 ufo no you didn't (subplot)
s9ep17 what about blob?
s9ep20 the gene mile
s10ep5 legends of the mall
s10ep10 have yourself a maily little christmas (subplot)
s10ep11 drumforgiven
s10ep14 wag the song (subplot)
s10ep15 yurty rotten scoundrels (subplot)
s10ep18 tappy tappy tappy tap tap tap (subplot)
s12ep10 gene's christmas break
s13ep11 cheaty cheaty bang bang (subplot)
s13ep14 these boots are made for stalking (subplot)
s13ep17 crow encounters of the bird kind (subplot)
s14ep5 bully-ieve it or not (subplot)
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louise and tina episodes:
s1ep6 sheesh! cab, bob? (subplot)
s3ep21 boyz 4 now
s4ep18 ambergris
s4ep20 gene it on (subplot)
s5ep7 tina tailor soldier spy
s5ep8 midday run
s5ep9 speakeasy rider
s6ep16 bye bye boo boo
s7ep6 the quirkducers
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer (subplot)
s8ep14 the date escape (subplot)
s8ep15 go tina on the mountain
s8ep18 as i walk through the alley in the shadow of ramps
s8ep20 mission impos-slug-ble
s10ep2 boys just wanna have fungus (subplot)
s10ep12 a fish called tina
s11ep4 heartbreak hotel-oween
s11ep5 fast time capsules at wagstaff school
s11ep9 mommy boy (subplot)
s11ep15 ¿y tu tina tambie?
s12ep1 manic pixie crap show
s12ep19 a-sprout a boy (subplot)
s13ep1 to bob, or not to bob (subplot)
s13ep7 ready player gene (subplot)
s13ep8 putts-giving
s13ep10 the plight before christmas
s13ep15 the show (and tell) must go on
s14ep3 the pickleorette (subplot)
s14ep4 running down a gene (subplot)
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linda and louise episodes:
s1ep7 bed and breakfast
s3ep10 mother daughter laser razor
s4ep9 slumber party
s5ep14 little hard dad (subplot)
s5ep19 housetrap (subplot)
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s7ep1 flu-ouise
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s7ep19 thelma and louise except thelma is linda
s11ep2 worms of in-rear-ment
s12ep7 loft in bedslation
s12ep17 the spider house rules
s13ep13 stop! or my mom will sleuth!
s13ep22 amelia
s14ep1 fight at the not okay chore-ral
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gene and linda episodes:
s3ep23 the unnatural
s4ep20 gene it on
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s8ep11 sleeping with the frenemy (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer (subplot)
s10ep3 motor, she boat (subplot)
s10ep9 all that gene
s11ep9 mommy boy
s11ep22 vampire disco death dance (subplot)
s13ep18 gift card or buy trying
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linda and tina episodes:
s2ep8 bad tina
s5ep13 little hard dad (subplot)
s7ep13 the grand mama-pest hotel
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s8ep8 v for valentine-detta
s9ep12 the helen hunt
s10ep15 yurty rotten scoundrels
s10ep21 local she-ro
s11ep14 mr lonely farts (subplot)
s13ep11 cheaty cheaty bang bang
s13ep14 these boots are made for stalking
s14ep7 the (raccoon) king and i (subplot)
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tina and gene episodes*
*tina and gene have never had a real episode or subplot focused on their relationship dynamic so this section may be. a little sparse. and include episodes that don't focus on their relationship but have significant interactions between them. I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE THE BOB'S BURGERS WRITERS ARE GIVING ME NOTHING
s3ep16 topsy (subplot)
s4ep9 slumber party (subplot?)
s5ep17 itty bitty ditty committee (subplot kinda?)
s5ep19 housetrap (subplot)
s7ep10 there's no business like mr business business (subplot)
s7ep19 thelma and louise except linda is thelma (subplot?)
s9ep18 if you love it so much, why don't you marionette? (subplot)
s10ep12 a fish called tina
s11ep17 fingers-loose (subplot? maybe?)
s12ep8 stuck in the kitchen with you (subplot)
s12ep15 ancient misbehavin' (subplot of a subplot)
s13ep6 apple gore-chard (but not gory) (subplot)
s14ep2 the amazing rudy (subplot?)
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ash5monster01 · 2 years
Master List
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Who I write for - Headcanon’s
Requests are closed <3
please keep in mind that not all requests will be fulfilled. sometimes a request can be something I have no knowledge on, no interest in, or desire to write. don’t let that discourage you from asking though, you never know what kind of ideas you can spark just from suggestion :))
Posted Fics:
Steve Harrington
More Than You Know
Somebody’s Baby
Just The Way You Are
Speak Now
Not Just The Books 18+
Every Thought
Favorite Song
Sunday Morning
Pizza Mixup
Wrong Address
Perfect to Love series
Lifetime Tour series
Joe Keery
Unexpected Greetings
Drew Starkey
All Yours 18+
Talking In Your Sleep
First Love
Rafe Cameron
Air Supply
Why Didn’t You Say So
The Perfect Day
Learning to Love 18+ series
Andrew Garfield
She’s A Keeper
Seal The Deal
Should’ve Known it Was You
I Can’t
TASM Peter Parker
Baby Steps 18+
Best Kinds of Kisses
Spider-man/Peter Parker (whichever one you desire)
Knew It (Platonic)
Bradley Bradshaw
Do You Want Me
Overprotective (Platonic/Hangman Fic)
Lessons of You 18+ series
Miles Teller
Not Yourself
Angus MacGyver
I’ll Prove It To You
I’m Okay With That 18+
Back To You
Scars of Our Past
Tension 18+
Wish it Was Me
It Should Be Wrong 18+
It’s Only Fair
Ground Rules
Steve Rogers
Dreaming With a Broken Heart
Billy Tepper
Marty McFly
All of You
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
This Moment
Always You 18+
Only Comfort
Charlie Dalton
Getting Red
Only Thing Left to Live For
Snowed In
Red Lips 18+
I Can See You
First Snow
You’ll be Okay
Perfectly Me
Guilty as Sin? 18+
Turn Back Time
The Best I Could
Truths of Our Past 18+ series
Goes On series
Getaway Camp 18+ series
Neil Perry
New Romantics 18+
First Time 18+
Sick Days
It’s Just Practice 18+
Todd Anderson
Study Buddies
DPS Fics
Trapped In Time
It’s Not Christmas Without You
One’s Hour Has to Come
For actual stories here is my Wattpad
423 notes · View notes
lambtotheslaughterr · 2 months
Summit : Chapter Three
A Ransom Drysdale Series
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WC: 4.6k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
all AI images are created from prompts i wrote. they are not real images.
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            You weren’t sure which direction you wanted to go in just yet, just that you wanted to avoid the woods where you had got bitten. Though Ransom was helpful enough to provide you a bite kit & anti-serum, you didn’t want to have to use it. As the sun carried over your right shoulder, you thought deeply about the last 48 hours.
            You recalled how Ransom shared with you that you were welcome back should you want or need to return to his estate, that he would be there. But you were not naïve enough to consider it. The world was full of madness & you felt the safest you would be from it was to be alone. Though Ransom never made an attempt on your life, you knew better than to trust him. It didn’t matter that he offered you shelter, food, clean water, a bath, & protection against wildlife. He could be as dangerous as he was welcoming.
            Leaving was the best decision. You had been on your own for the last year, never having interacted with another human in that timespan. That was enough to prove to yourself that being alone was in your best interest. If your father was still alive, he would have never let you be saved by Ransom. He likely would’ve held him at gunpoint to retrieve the anti-serum then ran off with you. But he wasn’t here anymore. It was just you. You & whole wide empty world.
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            It was midday, the sun at it’s highest point in the sky when you decided to take a break. You estimated you had walked roughly seven miles or so but it was difficult to tell since you stuck to the woods rather than the suburb of Sudbury.
            You came across a watering hole. There was a small waterfall cascading over moss covered rocks. Immediately, you felt the tranquil essence of the spot. Deciding this was a good spot as any, you perched yourself on a nearby rock & swung your backpack to your front, holding it between your knees.
            Inside the backpack, you blindly searched for the box of granola bars Ransom had given you as a parting gift, but instead your hand found something hard & metallic. You frowned as you pulled it out. It was a liter sized water bottle. You unscrewed the top & peered inside. The liquid was dark brown & steaming.
            On the other side of the bottle was a sticky note taped to the bottle.
            Hot chocolate for your travels. –R.
            Bringing the rim to your nose, you sniffed, your senses filled with the sweet aroma of chocolate. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had hot chocolate. Had to of been when you were younger, during Christmas, when your mother was alive.
            Hesitantly, you brought the bottle to your lips & savored a small sip. It was as sweet as it smelled. But with it being the middle of the summer hot chocolate didn’t sound as appealing as you expected it would. Recapping the bottle, you decided you would save it for later that night when you sat by campfire to enjoy the drink.
            Silently sending a thanks to the man who aided you, you returned the bottle to your backpack before finding what you had initially been in search for. The box of granola bars had only five bars left. You snatched one & ripped it open, taking a bite. Though the bar wasn’t as good as it likely would’ve been during it’s shelf life, you still welcomed the sweet & savory flavors of the stale bar.
            You chewed mindlessly, staring ahead at the waterfall. The forest was quiet. Not even the scattering of a critter or the song of a bird could be heard. Just the muffled hush of water rushing & pooling.
            Removing your hat from your head, you angled your head upwards & faced towards the sun. It was only peeking through the treetops but enough reached you to warm your already heat-riddled face.
            Summer had always been your favorite season. Being sweaty & overheated never bothered you as much as being cold & shivering did during the winter. You had grown up in the South after all, & these New England summers had nothing on South Carolina summers. But you welcomed the warmth, nonetheless, having experienced far hotter & humid conditions.
            You lounged alongside the watering hole for some time before you decided to keep moving. Though the sun would not set for quite some time, you still wanted to find a decent clearing to rest for the night. The compass in your backpack assured you that you were still heading in the general direction of Nova Scotia, but without knowing exactly where you were on the map having come from Ransom’s estate & not knowing where his estate was, you knew it may be a day or two until you found a land marker that would help you in your travels to navigate better.
            Tomorrow, you decided, you would wake & the first thing you did would be to head towards where you thought the next closest town would be. Then you’d be back on track.
            Securing your backpack against your back, you had just risen from the rock you were sitting on when you heard a twig snap in the distance. Unfortunately, because of how sound carried through the trees, you couldn’t be exactly sure where the sound resonated from. But you felt it in your gut that it came from the direction you had come from not long prior.
            Crouching down, you hid behind the rock you had been sitting on & peered into the trees. The forest returned to being peacefully quiet, but you still felt uneasy. Waiting a moment longer, you heard no more sounds of life.
            This would be your only chance to get a head start in the event that someone was watching or following you.
            Buckling the strap of your backpack around your middle, you turned away from where you believed the sound of the twig snapping came from & took off. As you ran swiftly through the trees, you were sure to avoid stepping onto gathered foliage or fallen branches to avoid making sounds.
            Controlling your breathing, you paced yourself & ran for what felt like twenty minutes before you paused & hid behind a tree to listen.
            No sounds.
            With that, you took off once more, & didn’t stop until you felt safe to.
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            It was early in the evening by the time you got your camp set up. It was simple. A sleeping bag rolled out, a small fire built that you would only use to heat up some food & then stomp out before night fall. You lined the clearing of your campsite with twigs about twenty feet out. That way if an animal, or human, approached your site, you would be alerted to their presence.
            After heating up some beans & a quarter cup of rice, you ate the bland dinner. When the sky turned into a soft pinkish blue, you brought out the hot chocolate. Fortunately, it was still steaming. Watching the small fire cackle, you sipped on the dessert drink & stared aimlessly ahead.
            Your body was tired, your mind more so. As long as no danger came to you on this night, you would sleep like a baby. In fact, you were looking forward to it. Sleeping on a plush bed inside Ransom’s estate felt unusual. It was too soft, too big, too safe. You had grown much too accustomed to life on the hard ground to accept anything else.
            Once another hour passed & the sky was now a darkening blue, you stomped out the fire & covered it with dirt. You secured all your belongings in your backpack & perched it right beside your sleeping bag. Before going to sleep for the night, you checked the safety measure around your campsite once more, pausing every now & then to listen to the trees. It was still only you as far as you knew.
            Back at your campsite, you kicked off your shoes & crawled into the sleeping bag. It was still light out so you pulled out your favorite novel & lied on your stomach, perched on your elbows as you did. Time seemed to pass much too fast & before you knew it, the words were no hardly eligible. Closing the book & stuffing it beside you in your sleeping bag, you rolled onto your back & stared at the treetops.
            Eventually, the first sound of life came, but it was the welcoming kind.
            That’s what was missing from Ransom’s too-good-to-be-true humble abode. The chirping of the insects. It was like your own personal lullaby.
            Curling into yourself, you allowed your eyes to drift close. Your muscles relaxed after another full day of walking & carrying 30lbs on your back. And as you fell into what you hoped would be a restful sleep, you felt a smile form on your lips.
            The world may not be safe anymore, but it was your world to thrive in. And you felt so alive.
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             Your eyes snapped open too late.
            A scream tore from your throat as you felt someone grab you by the hair at the top of your scalp & yank you out of your sleeping bag.
            Cackling, hoots, & hollers filled the clearing of your campsite as you swung blindly in the pitch black darkness of the forest.
            “Bitch thought we would fall for her trap!” A voice sounded above you, the one dragging your body across the clearing.
            “Not very smart, eh?”
            Needing to think fast & move faster, your hand reached for the knife holder attached to your thigh. You swiftly removed the knife you had there & thrusted it upwards, successfully attacking the hand that held your head.
            “Ah!” The hand gripping your hair released you & you collapsed against the forest floor. But you didn’t stay down long. “Fuckin’ bitch cut me!”
 Quickly, you rose to your feet & ran towards your backpack.
            But the darkness was not your friends.
            Before you could reach your backpack only a few feet away, the sole of someone’s boot kicked you in the ditch of your knees, sending you flying forward. Dirt gathered in your mouth as you fell face first into the earth.
            An angry grunt sounded from you as you quickly turned onto your back & peered into the darkness just barely in time as you caught a shadow racing towards you.
            Throwing yourself to the right, you evaded your attackers launch as they landed where you once were.
            A war cry parted your lips as you swung the knife towards them, catching them in the thigh. But it wasn’t a successful stab, only a deep cut as you heard fabric tear & the scent of blood stain the air.
            Another attack came from your left, & you were unprepared to stop this one.
            The boot came down on your wrist holding the knife, smothering your hand between the forest floor & their shoe. A pained cry left you as you struggled out from under the boot.
            “Spunky little bird thinks she can take on two of us!” An amused voice shared between shaky breaths.
            Ignoring their comment, you swallowed the pain erupting up your arm & leapt forward, wrapping your arms around the leg of your attacker & sinking your teeth into their leg.
            The man yelped once more & reached for your hair, tanging their fingers there.
            But you refused to let go, tearing into his skin with your teeth until blood filled your mouth.
            Then you reached up & gripped the man’s genitals through his cargo pants & squeezed until your nails hurt.
            The man collapsed beside you & you quickly used this opportunity to crawl on top of him. However, the hand that had been holding the knife was limp, likely sprained or broken.
            He then used his elbow to knock you in the face but you took it, barely registering it as you quickly brought your head down on his. The impact caused your nose to flare in pain & blood spilled from your nostrils.
            Somebody tackled you next, sending the two of you flying off the man.
            Now, you were on your stomach. A loser’s position.
            You reached blindly for anything to aid in your defense but only found dirt & rock pebbles.
            A hand reached around your front & secured you by the throat, cutting off your air supply.
            “Feisty little bitch.” The voice commented in your ear, “Been following you for some time now. Been a loooong time since we came across a female.”
            The revelation had dread pooling in the pit of your stomach.
            “Paulie!” The voice above you shouted, “Quit your crying & get over here!”
            Frustrated tears blurred your vision as you felt another pair of hands snatch you by the ankles, spreading your legs apart.
            “Now, hold still sweetheart, we’re tryna make this easy for ya.”
            But you continued to struggle in the man’s hold as the other reached for the hem of your yoga pants & began to yank them downwards.
            “Hold the bitch still, would ya?!”
            With your right hand, you reached backwards, aiming to catch the man straddling your hips but he must’ve easily evaded your attempts as he kept knocking your arm to the side.
            Warm air kissed your bare thighs as the second attacker succeeded in yanking your bottoms down to your knees.
            You fought harder, attempting to wiggle the man off you but he weighed much more than you & was sturdy on top you like a boulder.
            Fear took a tighter hold on you when you finally felt the fabric of your yoga pants disappear entirely & get flung somewhere in the darkness.
            “Alright, sweetheart, now be a good girl & hold the fuck still!” The voice above you seethed as the maneuvered their body until their hips were flush with your backside.
            Desperate wails erupted from you when you heard the unbuttoning & unzipping of pants.
            This was happening…
            A set of fingers found the top of your underwear, prepared to pull them down & leave you entirely at their disposal, but just as the fingers curled themselves inwards, a gunshot rang out.
            Hot liquid sprayed across your backside & the body above you went limp & fell to the side.
            Immediately, you scrambled forwards in the darkness.
            “Hey, hey!” The other man shouted, “What the fuck? Oscar? Oscar, y’okay?!”
            Fearful of what exactly was happening, you searched desperately for your knife. You quickly felt the handle of it covered in loose dirt & quickly gripped it.
            Spinning around, facing the darkness of your campsite clearing,
            “Oscar’s down for the count, buddy.” A third voice joined the noise but their face & body were shadowed by nightfall.
            “Hey man, hey!” The second voice shook with fear as you peered into the darkness, noting how he rose to his feet to face whoever was aiding you. But you trusted neither.
            Slinking to the edge of the clearing, you circled the outside to get to the second man who attacked you in your sleep.
            “Ya don’t gotta do this man, you can have her, I don’t care. Oscar’s the one who wanted to her. I didn’t care, I swear.”
            “Two men against one girl.” The third voice began. “Cowardly, I’d say.”
            “We were gonna let her go, I promise. Man, hey, c’mon, put the gun down!”
            “Nah, I don’t think so.”
            As they focused on one another, it gave you opportune time to reach the side of the clearing that was behind your assailant. Still, you could barely make out the man holding the other at gunpoint, but that would not deter you.
            You were fast & swift. You needed to be. Out there it was survival.
            As your attacker was unaware of your presence, he took another step backwards. Further from the man with the gun, & closer to you with the knife.
            “Just lemme go, man. I’ll get outta here. Won’t come back! C’mon, I don’t wanna die!”
            “And I doubt she wanted to be raped by two fuckin’ losers.”
            “I wasn’t gonna touch her! Oscar wanted her!”
            Having heard enough, you launched yourself forward, the knife poised in your unharmed hand. Reaching the man, you quickly wrapped your right arm over his shoulders before sinking the knife into his back.
            A chortled gasp sounded from the man as the knife sunk deeper, surely piercing his lungs between his ribs. His body went stiff as he blindly reached behind himself in search of you. Then you twisted the knife, gritting your teeth as you did.
            Using the man’s body as a shield, you then rushed forward, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you maneuvered the man’s body to knock into the other, the one with the gun.
            The man with the gun had not been anticipating the added attack & was not quick to get out of the way. You, with your knife still dug into the second man’s back, fell on top of the third man. You heard the gun he had been holding fall to the side.
            Swiftly pulling the knife out, blood coating your hand, you swung yourself around the two men & quickly brought the knife down on the ankle of the man that had been holding the gun, making it so he could not walk properly if he tried, let alone run. It didn’t matter that he had ‘saved’ you. As far as you knew, he was simply saving you for himself.
            The third man shouted & thrusted his body upwards, shoving the second man off him.
            A grunt sounded behind you but you ignored it as your fingers felt the cool touch of metal on the forest floor.
            Gripping the gun, you raised it upwards & aimed towards the now crouched figure in the darkness.
            With your finger over the trigger, you were just about to shoot the man dead when his next words forced you to stop.
            “It’s Ransom!”
            Breathing heavily, you frowned in the darkness at that & peered towards him.
            ‘It’s me…” He grunted in pain, “It’s Ransom.”
            Noting that you were now only a foot from your backpack, you kept the gun aimed on the man as your hurt hand dragged your backpack closer to you. In a side pocket, you found your flashlight & flicked it on, bringing it under your hand that held the gun, like how policemen did it in the movies.
            Sure enough, as light flooded the clearing, the man at the other end of your gun was none other than the man whose estate you left only the previous day.
            He had his eyes shielded from the light. He was dressed in all black as he eyed you from behind his hand.
            “You’re okay…it’s me.”
            Grunting distrustfully, you kept the gun aimed on him.
            Why the fuck was he out here? This far?
            “I hunt at night.” He revealed as if he could read your thoughts.
            But his excuse wasn’t convincing enough for you.
            The gun remained trained on him.
            “And…and I was following you…” He finally admitted, “But only until you reached the edge of Sudbury. I wanted to make sure you got out of here fine.”
            You sneered at that. Bullshit.
            “Only if you got bit again… but then I spotted these guys earlier. Following you. I couldn’t just leave.”
            The sound of a death rattle emanated from beside him. You aimed the flashlight onto the man you had stabbed & you watched as his body finally went still.
            Ransom kept his eyes on you.
            “I know it looks bad. But it isn’t. Here, look.”
            When he turned his back on you, he reached for the knife that had been tossed to the side after you stabbed him in the ankle.
            Ransom grabbed the knife & threw it towards you. It landed only a few inches from you.
            “Fuck!” He grunted, falling to his butt as he inspected his ankle, “You got me fuckin’ good.”
            You watched silently as he pulled up the fabric on his leg to inspect his wound.
            Ransom touched the skin around his ankle then hissed.
            “I’m gonna try to stand now. Please. Do not shoot me with my own fuckin’ gun.”
            Taking a step back, you kept the light & gun trained on him as he shifted to a knee before making an attempt at standing. He stumbled slightly but used the trunk of a tree closest to him to aid his stance. However, once he put weight on his injured ankle, he grunted painfully & fell back to his knees.
            “Goddamnit!” Ransom rested against the tree as he stared at you. His skin looking pale as blood pooled around his foot.
            Fuck. You licked your dry lips, your mind racing.
            “Hey, so… I get it if you don’t wanna help me… but considering how I helped you, twice now, I think the least you could do is help me, no?”
            You frowned at that. I never asked for your help.
            “Look. We’re about 10 miles from my house. There’s no way I’m making it back on my own. Walking is out of the question. If I crawl… I’ll bleed out before I even get there.”
            You swallowed a lump forming in your throat.
            “I know you don’t trust me. Or anyone. I don’t blame you. But now it’s me who needs your help.”
            You said nothing, as usual.
            “It’d be so much easier if you would just talk…” Ransom commented though his voice was low, as if he was speaking only to himself.
            “Please… don’t leave me here.”
            Sighing heavily, your eyes trailed to the two bodies in the clearing.
            He had saved you, though you still felt uneasy about using the word ‘save’. And now he was injured because of you.
            If he hadn’t shown up, you would certainly be in a different position right now.
            “I need you.” Ransom voiced, his eyes trying to find yours behind the bright light.
            “As much as I hate to admit it… I need you to help me, now.”
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            It was late morning by the time you reached Ransom’s estate.
            You took a great risk in choosing to trust him. After agreeing to his pleas, you helped bandage up his wound, gathered your things, & let him lean on you as the two of you trekked back the 10 miles to his house.
            There were many breaks, mostly for him. You shared water & food, the granola bars to be exact, which Ransom grimaced at but ate, nonetheless.
            Returning to his estate had been bittersweet. You were back where you started. But where, really, were in such a rush to? The world was staying the same no matter where you went, & it wasn’t like anyone was waiting for your arrival.
            Inside the estate, Ransom guided you to a family room just off the foyer. You gently deposited him on one of the leather couches.
            “There’s a better med-kit under the sink in the hallway bathroom.”
            Following his instructions, you quickly found the med-kit before going to the kitchen & retrieving more water & a bottle of vodka from a liquor cabinet.
            Back in the family room, Ransom had already managed to peel off his dirtied & bloodied pants. He was now only in a black long sleeve & black boxer briefs.
            You eyed him warily but still pushed yourself to help him. Dragging the coffee table closer, you raised his injured leg & placed it on the table. His blood had dried at this point, a good sign, but you still needed to properly mend the wound.
            Ransom chugged a bottle of water as you undid the bandages you had made out in the wilderness. You cleansed the area with an anti-septic wipe before reaching for the bottle of vodka.
            “Oh, hold on.” You paused as Ransom reached for the bottle you held & uncapped it. Taking a few swigs from it before handing it back.
            “What?” He asked when he noted your frown, “It’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”
            With that, you finally poured some of the vodka over his wound. Ransom stiffened on the couch, pressing his lips together so hard that they turned white.
            Inside the med-kit, you made quick work of stitching up his wound before bandaging it again. He wouldn’t be able to walk for a couple days.
            As if reading your thoughts, Ransom commented, “There’s a cane in my father’s study down the hall across from the kitchen.”
            Your eyes met.
            “He was in a car accident a few years ago, fucked up his leg really good. Crutches were too classless for his taste.”
            Nodding, you left him once more in search of the office. You eventually found it, but upon stepping inside, it was less of an office & more of a library. Your eyes briefly strayed to the shelves homing thousands of books. Your heart lurched at the potential there. But you quickly remembered that you needed to help Ransom.
            Approaching a large, finely polished desk, you peered around objects & furniture until you found a cane. It was beautifully crafted & reminiscent of an elite man long gone. Snatching it, you rapidly returned to Ransom. In the short time you were gone, however, Ransom appeared to be knocked out. Exhausted. His mouth was slightly ajar as he slept in an awkward position on the couch. You watched him for a moment longer before finally resting the cane against the couch near his head. He did not stir or wake.
            Exhaustion was hitting you at that moment.
            After the events of last night, you thought well enough that you too deserved a good sleep. More importantly, an undisturbed sleep without faceless monsters attacking you.
            Leaving Ransom to rest on the couch, you gathered your things & went towards the stairs. There were many doors in the upstairs hallway like you remembered, but you didn’t want to sleep in the room you had once before. If Ransom proved himself to be untrustworthy, you knew he would look for you there first. So, you chose a door at the opposite end of the hallway from the bedroom you stayed in prior.
            The bedroom you opened the door to was extravagant, more so than the one you stayed in. It had a higher ceiling, adding to the grandiose of the space. More so, it had an attached bathroom.
            Locking the door behind you & placing a nearby book expertly between the handle & wood of the door, you finally dropped your things near the foot of the bed. If Ransom attempted to come inside, the shaking of the door handle would knock the book to the floor, alerting you to his presence. It was your only choice, until you could trust him. If you ever could.
            Flinging back the many layers of blankets on the bed, you crawled inside, sure to keep your shoes on this time. Though Ransom had proved only thus far that he had no intention of harming you, you would not put the worst things he could be capable of behind him.
            Facing the door, you curled in on yourself, your knife tucked under your pillow, as you felt sleep reaching out for you. And as the naturally lit room began to darken around you, you eventually found yourself falling into a deep sleep.
            You only hoped that when you woke next, you’d feel rested enough to attempt your journey. This hell hole called Sudbury long forgotten.
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chapter three!
sorry for the long wait! been busy</3
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silantryoo · 2 years
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kang haerin x non-idol!reader (fluff, angst)
WARNINGS ; idol life
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who was kang haerin?
she was the quiet kid in the back of the class that you struggled to befriend. the girl that you had managed to bribe into talking to you after offering a small block of cheese to during the middle of a lesson.
kang haerin was someone your parents considered their own daughter, basically living at your house more than you had been. she was the one who dragged you around, looking for stray cats on the road to feed ice cream to.
kang haerin was someone your parents considered their own daughter, basically living at your house more than you had been. she was the one who dragged you around, looking for stray cats on the road to feed ice cream to.
haerin was the girl who you would've called your best friend, and maybe if you had told her back then, the love of your life.
but now, haerin was nothing but a memory to you. she was a feeling that you would get from time to time, like how a warm breeze blows past you on top of the tallest hill during that field trip so long ago. haerin was the feeling of scraping your knee for a hello kitty bandaid.
but she was also the despair that you felt when your mother promised you that you would see her again on that halloween years ago.
kang haerin was a beautiful, empty promise.
you just wished she was yours.
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who was y/l/n y/n?
kang haerin would answer love immediately.
haerin always knew that she loved you, years before she knew what that word had even meant. she would find any excuse to find herself next to you while you talked to your plethora of friends. she found herself caring about what she looked like more often, trying to impress someone who didn't know about her feelings, just like her.
all she needed to know was that you were the person who made her unafraid of the harsh spotlight. she knew that no matter what, you would be cheering her on from anywhere in the world.
haerin wondered where you were now.
did you still think about her? were your dreams filled with the two of you, just like hers were? did you still keep that one picture from that one christmas where she had asked her parents to not buy her a present that year, so she could buy you one?
did you even remember her?
haerin remembered you. haerin would always remember you.
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the world had finally fallen in love with kang haerin, just like you had many years ago.
you could see her posters everywhere, one even in front of your house as she danced to her newest single 'OMG'.
she was successful. you were happy(?).
your roommate — song jisoo, a first-year high school student with a focus in entertainment who happened to be from your elementary school — would say otherwise.
you were miserable. so much so that most days, she would drag you out of the house to go on her horrid five-mile walks with her, just so you would forget the pain that you felt from the taunting faces of your first love.
however, since the new idol had blown up, everywhere you had gone was filled with her (even in that bathroom near the station at SOPA... who leaves their photocard on the floor like that?).
still, that didn't deter jisoo in any way.
"get up." the girl shook you back and forth.
jisoo shook you harder, trying to roll you out of your bed. "get. up."
you groaned, hating the feeling that sat upon your chest as you watched videos of haerin on your phone. "why?"
jisoo could think of a million reasons why, but it was clear that you weren't exactly open to hearing them.
"let's go somewhere." she told you, her face engraved with a small smile. "that cafe near hybe."
you sat up, expressionless.
"you're torturing me, aren't you?"
"i am not." she groaned, grabbing your arms as she pulled you up. "you'll be fine. maybe we'll even get to meet suga or jin."
there it was. jisoo had always been a big fan of bts, even back when you first knew her. you knew that she had an ulterior motive. she hates sit-in dining.
you looked at her, confusion all over your face. "jin's in the army now."
"no." jisoo covered her ears, glaring at you. "not if i don't believe it. now get dressed, we'll be out in five minutes."
you sighed, rubbing your eyes as you heard the door slam in front of you.
you made your way to your closet. part of you sure that you had no more clean clothes left since someone (read: jisoo) had forgotten to take you laundry with her yesterday.
you opened your closet, not a single shirt in sight.
muttering under your breath, you shuffled around in your closet, trying to find a box that had 'clothes' labeled on them. you must've had something that you could wear, even if it was a little small on you.
you smiled, thanking yourself in your head that you had managed to label this one properly.
lifting up the box, you set it on your bed. you opened it, fully expecting your clothes to be there.
in front of you stared a cat beanie, one that you knew didn't belong to you. its soft gray ears stuck out in surprise as if it was shocked to see you like you saw it. its eyes were still in the shape that you knitted them a couple years back.
kang haerin's eyes.
gently, you picked it up, the wool of the beanie touching your fingertips. it was soft, softer than you expected.
you turned it around.
be brave, kang haerin!
you wondered if haerin ever went looking for it. if it were you, you would've done everything in your power to get it back. perhaps if you paid the idol a visit...
no. you couldn't. you don't even know if she remembered you. it would be too humiliating to.
you would kill to see the owner again.
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haerin wanted to kill minji.
not in a literal sense, but more in a 'why did we just practice for two hours straight with no break?' sense.
at least practice was over. that was all that mattered to the cat-like girl.
"i'm tired." hyein muttered as she stumbled into the car, danielle close behind her. haerin watched as hanni leaned onto their leader's shoulder. "unnie, i want coffee."
"no." minji shook her head, mindlessly on her phone as danielle closed the door. "it'll stunt your height."
hyein whined. "but i don't want to keep growing!"
minji sighed as the car moved. although they did have a few hours to kill before their next schedule, minji knew that it should've been spent resting instead of running errands.
minji couldn't handle a grumpy, overtired hanni.
"haerin," the leader called out. "do something."
haerin turned her head, blinking tiredly at minji. she never understood why hyein would listen to her rather than their leader. perhaps the youngest knew that eventually, minji would allow her to if she begged hard enough.
haerin hummed, wanting a pick-me-up from the tiring practice.
"i kinda want coffee too."
minji pursued her lips as the youngest cheered. in front of her, danielle muttered to the driver, asking to drop them off near the curb to a cafe she always frequented.
"wow." hanni chuckled, her eyes closed. "minji got betrayed. imagine that."
minji frowned down at hanni as haerin blinked in disgust. the cat-like girl looked over to hyein, the youngest with a grimace as she watched the interaction. "you're supposed to be on my side."
"me? your side?" hanni looked up, minji's face erupting into a blush. "funny."
the three other members looked at each other. danielle shook her head with a small smile, telling the others to just let them be.
haerin sighed, feeling the car come to a halt. she was glad that the cafe wasn't out of their way. minji would most likely calm down after a while, and they would still get the much-needed rest before the shoot.
the idols stepped out of the van, putting on their masks as the cold winter air hit their exposed skin. the entered the warm store, the rest picking a booth at the back of the cafe as danielle ordered for them.
it was cozy. the lights were dim enough for haerin's liking, but the overwhelming smell of caffeine made her head hurt.
she looked around, trying to find something else to focus on as the others conversed.
"i'm serious!"
she knew that voice. why did she know that voice?
"haerin-unnie?" hyein looked over to the girl as her head perked up, her eyes trying to find where that sound was coming from.
it couldn't have been you.
her eyes locked onto your figure, her entire body tensing up as you rolled your eyes at your friend.
wait, was that song jisoo?
"do you know her?" hanni asked, rubbing her eyes awake.
song jisoo. your former seatmate in second grade. why were you here with her?
"y/n..." she whispered under her breath, her eyes wide.
the others looked at each other, shocked to hear that name again.
it was a name they hadn't heard in a while, but one that they heard every minute of the day back during pre-debut. they had never asked haerin in great detail who you were, but they knew enough to understand that haerin wanted more.
the members turned their heads to look at you.
"it's a stupid idea."
song jisoo... haerin didn't understand why you were with her here. was it because you were meeting up again? why didn't you ask her instead?
right. she thought. i changed my number.
"you're a stupid idea." you frowned, sticking your tongue out at the girl. "just let me give it back to her."
haerin watched as jisoo rolled her eyes.
"how?" she asked you, taking a sip of her coffee. "are you gonna go up to hybe and say 'hi! i'm kang haerin's long-lost best friend and i have a beanie that's two sizes too small that i want to return to her. i promise i'm not a creep!'"
haerin found herself smiling.
you still remembered her.
haerin watched as you took a sip from your cup, your eyes glaring at jisoo with something else laced beneath them. "you are so supportive, y'know that?"
haerin knew she should just go up to you. she would reach for your shoulder like she always used to do, and you'd smile at her with your signature smile, your eyes dancing with curiosity.
courage. she thought to herself as she prepared to stand up. i just need courage.
jisoo smirked, making you twitch your eyebrow. "that's why you sleep in my bed, yes."
"whatever." you muttered, a bright red blush on your face.
the members frowned, haerin's eyes drooping as she looked at you.
suddenly, she felt like she went back in time, back to when you didn't know her name.
"ha!" jisoo pointed at you, smiling victoriously. "you want me sooo bad."
haerin looked down at the table, a small, disappointed smile on her face. you were always good around people, it was your charm. she couldn't blame you for finding someone who appreciated it.
she missed her chance. if only she hadn't been so stupid.
"shut up and eat your pastry before i shove it down your mouth."
haerin was tired.
"just say you want me." jisoo stuck her tongue out. "i already know."
haerin stood up.
danielle walked up to the table, drinks in her hand as she looked over to the younger idol, confusion laced across her face.
i wanna go home.
"i'll be in the car."
you were love. but sometimes, haerin forgets that you could also be heartbreak.
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it had been two weeks since the cafe incident and haerin hadn't felt this alone since she was younger.
it was stupid. she knew it was stupid. you two had completely separate lives now. for all she knew, you were only here to visit jisoo, the girl she was sure was your girlfriend.
she wondered if she would've been your girlfriend if she stayed in contact with you.
"haerin." she turned her head to find minji peeking her head through her door. "there's someone here for you."
haerin tilted her head. who would be here on an off-day for her?
the quiet girl stood up, walking out of her room and into the living quarters. her eyes met hyein's watching as the young girl awkwardly looked at a figure from across the couch.
haerin swore she almost burst a lung.
this had to be a dream.
"kang haerin." you smiled at her, just like you always did. "hey."
she looked at you with a blank expression, her eyes pooled with curiosity. this had to be a dream. there was no other explanation. you would never visit her, not when you had a girlfriend.
"i didn't stalk you! i promise!" you tensed up, uncomfortable with the way she had been eyeing you. "i asked if i could give you back something at the main building but they took me here."
her manager. she knew who you were.
haerin made a note in the back of her head to convince the company to give their manager a raise.
haerin nodded, still looking down at you with a blank stare.
danielle winced as hanni covered her mouth, watching the entire thing. they knew haerin was this awkward but this was a level that they'd never seen before.
you furrowed your eyebrows, watching as she stood still. "hi?"
the idols looked at each other in silence as haerin continued to look at you.
hyein bit her lip. she was sure she's seen you before.
"are you--"
"sorry about her." minji covered her mouth, shooting you a smile as you looked at the two confused. she chuckled. "we're just going to our rooms now."
the leader ushered everyone away, pushing them down the hall as she sent haerin a worried look. the younger girl had missed it, too emerged at the person in front of her.
"uh..." you cleared your throat, ignoring the mutters that could be heard from down the call. "i came to give this back."
haerin watched as you stood up, pulling out a piece of clothing that she hadn't seen for over a year.
slowly, you walked over to her, reaching out as she grabbed it gently. you let go, watching her face morph into a smile.
pretty. you thought.
"my cat beanie." haerin whispered. she had cried so hard the night she lost it. it was almost as if she lost the last piece of you. "i thought i lost this a while ago."
"i stole it before you packed up for hybe." you scratched your cheek, avoiding her shocked face. "i forgot about it until now, but here you go."
she traced the engraving on the back.
be brave, kang haerin!
haerin smiled, her chest filling with love as she stared at you. "thank you."
you nodded, a bittersweet grin on your face.
it was obvious to you that the idol was uncomfortable. her awkward stance, her refusal to sit on the couch next to you... you didn't want to prolong your stay any longer.
you were glad to see her smile one last time.
you stood up, dusting yourself off. "it was nice seeing you again."
haerin felt her shoulders drop. why were you leaving so soon? did you not want to see her?
why couldn't you just stay?
haerin wanted you to stay.
the idol's eyes followed you as you walked towards her, towards the door. "you too."
she remembered you, back when she was packing up for the dorms two years ago.
("be brave, kang haerin!" you said, giving her a beanie with similar features. "and stay warm!")
be brave.
she grabbed your wrist. "y/n."
i love you.
"i..." haerin blinked, her brain racing a mile a minute ("be brave, kang haerin! for me!"). she couldn't. not now. "i've missed you."
if you could describe kang haerin right now, she would be hope.
the idol watched as your eyes softened, becoming glassy with tears. "i've missed you, too."
"this beanie." she whispered, holding it up. "you gave it to me."
i gave it to you with love. you thought, the knitted eyes of the beanie staring back at you.
"i did."
"you told me it would keep me warm." she looked at it, letting go of your wrist as she grasped it with two hands. "i..."
you stared at her curiously.
her eyes met yours once more, an emotion you couldn't place filling it. "i don't want it."
i want you. haerin thought. i want you so bad.
"oh." you chuckled, scratching your cheek with embarrassment. "sorry, i thought you would want it ba--"
("be brave, kang haerin! i believe in you!")
"i don't want it if you're just going to disappear from my life again." haerin shook her head. she watched you inhale sharply. she looked away. "can i... have both?"
down the hall, danielle held back a squeal as hanni slapped her shoulder, their maknae right beside them nodding her head.
"wow." hyein was impressed. "unnie's smooth."
"shut it, you idiot." hanni whispered loudly, glaring at the younger girl as danielle giggled beside her. "minji's gonna find us listening."
behind them, minji's door opened slightly, her head popping out into the hallway.
the three girls' eyes widened.
"i don't care." minji looked down the hall. "i'm listening too."
haerin was a beautiful promise, one that you could reach out in front of you and grab. she was the promise of ice cream on a hot summer day. she was the promise of the window seat when traveling on a bus.
she was the promise of love.
you wrapped your arms around her, burying your head into the idol as she found herself doing the same.
"i'm sorry for not keeping contact," you muttered, your warm breath hitting her skin.
you still smelt the same. like the warm laundry detergent haerin had found in your basement while playing hide and seek.
and just like before, she still loved you the same (if not more).
"me too." haerin smiled, feeling herself melt into your embrace. "i should've tried harder."
i will. i'll make up for it. i promise.
"me too."
haerin sighed, pulling back as she watched tears fall from your face. it was the same time of tears she had seen the day she had got accepted into the company. the one that fell down the side of your smiling mouth as you looked at her proudly.
("be brave, kang haerin!")
"can we..." she trailed on, her eyes on you as you tried to figure out what she was going to say.
you smiled. she always knew that you would understand her, no matter what.
"just like then?" you whispered.
she whispered back. "just like then."
she watched as you backed up, clearing your throat as you smiled the same smile as she remembered.
"hi. i'm y/l/n y/n! i think you're really pretty." you winked at her, making her roll her eyes. "can we be friends?"
('hi! my name is y/n! let's be friends!')
"hi. i'm kang haerin." she smiled. "i think you're really pretty too."
("i'm kang haerin.")
"does that mean we're friends?"
("be my friend, kang haerin!")
"yeah." the idol nodded. "we're friends."
haerin'll worry about song jisoo another day.
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> main masterlist.
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Somewhere Only We Know
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, modern AU
Summary: Five hours of snowfall, four miles from the nearest paved road, three weeks before Christmas, two old friends and one bed….
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Warnings: 18+smut, minors DNI, fingering, handjob, vaginal sex, passing mention of oral sex, all sorts of feelings.
Word Count: 7.9 k I'm so sorry...
Build a blurb prompt 1: Benedict 👅 smut 🌲 mutual pining 🛌 only one bed - from @amillcitygirl Build a blurb prompt 2: modern Benedict 👅smut 👥friends to lovers 🌲mutual pining 🛌only one bed - from anon
Authors Note: *beep beep* make way for the trope bus, it’s coming thru!! Is this original? No. Was it fun to write? Hell YES! This thing was supposed to be 1k follower celebration Drabble (HAHAHA) but it grew its own legs and took over my brain for the last week. This is my winter epic and I even listened to the namesake song as I was editing it. I hope you all enjoy. Betaed by the total trooper @makaylan and beautiful artwork above made especially by @bridgertontess thank you 🧡
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“You’ll just have to stay here,” he shrugs, peering out at the falling snow.
You glance at your watch. It’s 5pm and already dark, snowflakes swirling furiously in the glow cast by the window.
This was not your plan. You are booked onto a late flight back to London tonight. You only came out to the beautiful Highlands for a day in nature after your business trip to Glasgow. OK, and a dose of time with the most handsome friend you have, but mainly for the scenery.
He’s rented a tiny cottage for a week as a painting retreat. Why he would do that in early December is a slight mystery. However, the scenery will undoubtedly be even more breathtaking with a blanket of snow tomorrow—an artist's dream.
“Look, the roads here are tiny and treacherous. It’s too risky to attempt the airport drive tonight in the dark in this snowstorm. I will pay for you to fly home tomorrow instead,” Benedict assures, “penance for not checking the forecast before inviting you?” he winces in the hopes of forgiveness.
“But…” you protest weakly, not exactly hating the idea of being trapped in a remote cottage in the mountains with the man who has haunted your dreams for more years than you care to remember.
“This place is warm,” he points to the roaring fireplace. “And well stocked, in more ways than one,” he adds, gesturing to the kitchenette full of supplies and, with a flourish, to the small selection of single malt bottles on a nearby shelf. “There’s even some festive decor,” he argues.
You are entertained that he believes some sprigs of holly, which he has obviously collected on one of his hikes, count as Christmas decorations. Although, to be fair, wrapped around the bookshelves and candles the way it is, it does look lovely.
‘Yes, but… there's also only one bed,” you argue, nodding to the not-exactly sizable double bed at the other end of the room, partially obscured by a room-dividing bookshelf. Even as you mention it, your belly has a warm fizz at the fleeting thought of waking up pressed against him.
“I can sleep on the sofa,” he says hurriedly in a reassuring tone.
“Ben, don't be ridiculous. You are six feet tall, and that thing is barely five. We are not so young we can just sleep anywhere and still be okay anymore,” you remind him.
“Yeah, thanks for that reminder,” he deadpans.
“We are grown-ups; we can share a bed,” trying to keep your tone breezy, but it feels like the reassurance is for yourself as much as him.
You pretend not to see how he swallows thickly at your suggestion, his Adam’s apple bobbing heavily.
“If it makes you more comfortable, I can fashion a barrier with some throw cushions,” you shrug, a short nervous laugh bubbling up as you secretly chastise yourself for suggesting such a thing.
“No, no,” he rushes out very quickly. “What I mean is… it’s not a big bed, so by the time we do that, we would both be clinging to the edges. Let’s just, as you say, be adults about this and share the best we can.”
“Agreed.” You give a business-like nod, wanting to change the topic.
“Besides, the night is young,” he states, clapping and rubbing his hands together as if reading your mind. “What do you say we cook dinner together? Then, well, it’s card games or jigsaw puzzles, I’m afraid,” he skews his mouth with an apologetic twist.
“Sounds delightful on all counts,” you assure and bump him with your shoulder.
The evening seems to fly by, and the snowstorm outside somewhat abates as you make a delicious spaghetti bolognese together. Even though it's a tiny kitchen space, you make it work, moving around each other with an almost balletic fluidity as soft music plays from a Bluetooth speaker. There's no Wi-Fi or even much phone signal out here, but he came prepared with songs loaded onto his laptop. You exchange easy chat about mutual friends and what has been happening since you last saw one another a few weeks before.
As you sit down to eat together, the conversation flow continues. It's one of those meals you sop up the sauce from your plate with the warm bread rolls you serve as a side. Lingering in your chairs long after eating is complete, chatting amiably and animatedly about anything, everything and nothing all at once, with a delicious bottle of scotch.
Later, you take turns in the bathroom, cleaning teeth and changing into pyjama bottoms, and then you drift to the living room area. You watch as Benedict pours you both a nightcap into scotch glasses and glance outside to see the storm has picked up again, large clumps of fluffy snow gather in the corner of the window pane; you feel very cosy in this small but perfectly formed little rustic cottage.
“So, how have you been entertaining yourself all alone here for the last four nights?” you inquire, enjoying the smooth, smoky burn of the single malt.
Benedict is now sprawled across the nearby armchair in the most Benedict way, legs akimbo.
“I’ve read two books, and I’ve slept for nine hours every night,” he confesses, taking a sip of his drink and looking at you over the top of his glass.
The room feels like it's getting warmer regardless of the fire; how much is due to the delightful fog of whisky in your veins versus the handsome man across from you is indecipherable.
“Are you not lonely?” you blurt out.
“I live alone in London. What's the difference?” his brow knitting in confusion.
“Alone in the city is very different to alone out here,” you offer, “you can’t be that lonely when you’re only twenty feet from your neighbour through a wall.”
“Hmm, never thought about it like that,” his mien turns thoughtful, scratching his palm on the shadow of stubble on his chin.
You hear the rasp from where you sit, and you almost squeak in surprise as your treacherous mind supplies a vivid snapshot of that stubble teasing the soft skin of your lower belly as he looks up at you with a seductive smirk. You have to shake your head to get rid of it.
“Fear of murder out here is different,” you offer, trying to reroute your thoughts.
“Morbid,” he shoots back, raising an eyebrow with a bemused expression on his face.
“Out here, no one can hear you scream,” you jest, aping the movie line.
He guffaws into his glass. “Sometimes that can be a good thing.”
“The ability to scream and not be heard,” he clarifies, his tone markedly more languid than before.
“Painting not going well?” you ask with a chuckle.
“It’s going great, but not what I was referring to,” he argues, and you can’t seem to look away from his mouth all of a sudden.
Damn, how much whisky have you had?
“Had a girl here, Bridgerton?” your venture, a flutter in your chest even as you ask.
“Not until now,” he scoffs, but the intensity in his hazy blue stare causes a riot in your stomach.
You have to look down at your feet before you do something stupid, like climb into his lap and suck on his luscious bottom lip.
“Have you been masturbating loudly?” you quip, still looking down, the thought leaving your lips before you can censor it.
There’s a sharp intake of breath, making you look back at him—big mistake. His eyes look stormy, and you can see a vein in his neck pulsing hard. Like you’ve awoken something.
“I’m sorry, that was rude of me,” you stutter even as your mind floods with images of just that—him stroking his cock and panting, preferably your name.
The atmosphere feels a little too thick, and you briefly curl your lip into your mouth and bite it to give yourself something else to focus on.
“More whisky?” you offer, standing up and changing the subject.
“Sure.” He holds out his glass, and you swear his fingers intentionally slot between yours as he passes it to you.
You use the few moments it takes to refill your drinks, with your back turned, to gather your thoughts and slow your breathing. Having served, you sink onto the couch again but intentionally shift to face him more directly. The alcohol makes you bold and intrigued to know where this might go. He seems to do the same, his feet looping over the armchair's edge and almost touching yours.
“Hey, do you remember that summer when we were, l think, maybe twelve and…”
“Excuse me, point of order,” you butt in, “If you were twelve, I was ten. OK? Continue…” you motion with your hands for him to go on.
“Yes, thanks for reminding me I am older,” he snarks and skews his mouth into an affectionate pout.
“You are welcome, old man,” you tease with a slight smirk.
“Well, anyway… do you remember that summer Colin came home with headlice? And Ant’s answer was to shave all of our heads? Mum almost had a heart attack when she walked in on that. She was forever grateful he’d only gotten around to doing us three boys. She might have died if we’d made it down to Daph or El…” he is laughing heartily around his scotch glass at the memory.
“Remember it?!?” you pipe up, “of course I do! Don't you remember you were trying to push me in front of your sisters in Ant’s barber line? You seemed concerned to ensure I either got rid of or never got them in the first place; I don't remember which,” you laugh, an ache of fond nostalgia in your chest at little Benedict.
“Well, of course, I’ve always looked out for you,” he rolls his eyes as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
You smile a genuinely warm smile at him. He's been a wonderful person in your life for as long as you can remember.
“But you’ve always looked out for me too. I remember you brought me a Malteser every day when I was sick with the mumps.”
“I did?!” your voice incredulous; you do not remember doing so.
“Yes, and I've never forgotten it,” he voices sincerely before he takes a draw of his drink. “But then there is so much about you that is unforgettable, isn't there?” he adds, looking at you with an intensity you don't know what to do with.
“Stop it,” you answer bashfully, embarrassed to meet his gaze, staring beyond his shoulder at the snow falling heavily and sticking to the window in fluffy clumps. “And if we’re on this flattery train, what about you? You think I don’t know it’s been you sending me an ‘anonymous’ rose every single Valentine's Day?”
He gapes at you in surprise. “Wait, how did you know it’s from me?’”
“You are the sweetest person I know. It could never be anyone but you, Ben.” You shrug as if the answer is obvious, “and I know it was never out of pity for the times I’m single because you sent one those years I was with Dan, which used to make him so mad, by the way, and when I was with Julian and Paul….”
“Urgh, Dan deserved to be mad,” his tone dismissive, and his face ticked, “I always hated him.”
“You hated everyone I dated, that you met anyway,” you point out, that fact just dawning on your as you speak it.
“But him the most,” he grouses with a sour expression.
“‘Cos he got the closest to marrying you. And I really didn’t want to have to do that whole stand-up in church and object thing. But, by god, I would have.”
His powerful words stun you; you had no idea how deep his feelings on the subject ran.
“Y… you would?” you stutter.
His eyes are so intense now. Even as he takes a swig, he doesn't look away. “He was not worthy of you,” he declares, slow and deliberate, enunciating each word crisply.
“So, who is?” you ask quietly as you take a sip, the question echoing hollowly in your glass.
“I haven't met anyone yet,” he notes with finality.
You had no idea he had judged every single one of your boyfriends and, what’s more, found all of them to be somehow lacking. In hindsight, he was correct, but he never said anything to you at the time, and you can't decide if you want to hold that against him. It might have saved you a lot of heartache and possibly a lot of money.
“Well, if you meet someone that has the Benedict seal of approval, you’ll be sure to send them my way, yeah?” you volley, your voice light.
He breaks into a smile that makes something flutter strong in your ribcage.
“Certainly. I hope you don't mind waiting until possibly your eighties for me to find a worthy suitor,” he jokes.
“Oh god, really?” you groan, “but I can’t not have sex until then,” you lament and kick your legs out as if in a fit of pique.
“Oh, you can have all the sex you want,” he lobbies back, waving his hand dismissively, “you just can’t fall in love,” his eyes twinkle with mischief you’ve always found beguiling.
“Duly noted,” you giggle.
There is a beat where you just look at each other with a shared fondness that makes your heart ache a little—perhaps under different circumstances, he could be the one person worthy of you, as he puts it.
“Well, that is the last log on the fire dying down. I'm not going out in that damn snow to fetch more, so I think the safest thing to do is get under the covers before it gets too cold in here.” he opines.
“Ben, it's 10:30 pm… really?” you whine, “are you really going to bed already, grandpa?” but as you complain, you stifle a yawn.
“Haha, I saw that yawn!” he retorts triumphantly, “and I've got news for you, missy. You are going to bed too.” He grabs both of your hands and easily hauls you off the sofa.
“Why?!?” you scoff but are secretly enthralled when he rounds behind you, his sizable hands landing warm on your hips and propelling you towards the bedroom area.
“Because I’m not having you crawl under the covers later bringing in all that cold air with you, nope, no thank you, not happening,” he chimes over your shoulder.
“So I have to go to bed now?!” you throw your hands up in the air, but he keeps propelling you forward.
“Yup,” he grins, popping the ‘p’ rather obnoxiously.
You capitulate with a weary sigh. “Urghhh, fine. But I will be up reading for a few more hours, so I hope you can sleep with the light on.”
“Fine with me,” he chuckles, herding you towards the bed. “I once slept in your dorm room when your flatmate was having a full-on dance party. I think I can sleep through your reading.”
You collapse onto the bed giggling at that memory, tugging off your shoes and socks but nothing else as he does the same. He pulls the covers back, and you both settle under, still in your fleecy jumpers. Without your socks, however, your feet feel freezing, and with a wicked grin, you cook up a solution.
“Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with your feet?!? Why are they so cold!!” he exclaims as your toes wrap around his exposed ankle.
He twists to try and get away from you, but your feet chase him under the covers, you laughing, him shrieking.
“My hands are cold too,” you chortle, clamping them onto his surprisingly muscular forearm.
He squeals in the most undignified manner, trying to shake your grip, but you just limpet on harder, giggling in that way only tipsy people do.
There is the most delightful resulting tussle, him trying to wrestle your hands and feet away as you try your damndest to keep them on him—the duvet entwining around all of your limbs.
You end up with his weight and warmth partially on top of you, pinning you down, him triumphantly ensnaring your wrists and holding your hands firmly onto the pillow. Your joint heavy breathing and giggles slowly die out as you stare at each other. Your faces have never been so close before. You have no doubt your pupils are as blown as his, and you are certain that he can feel the racing heartbeat at your wrists where he pins you down. His breath is warm on your cheek.
After a few silent moments, his gaze drops to your mouth; he suddenly mutters an apology and starts to pull away.
As if in slow motion, you push up and press your lips to his. You are not thinking at all, just going with your instinct. His lips are warm and plush, and you want more. So much more.
You feel the moment his whole body freezes; he is stunned in the truest sense of the word.
You pull back quickly, sinking into the pillow under him.
“Oh god. I’m so, so sorry,” you whisper, mortified, “please forgive me, I….”
Your words die out as he makes a noise you’ve never heard before. It seems to come from deep inside him, making every hair on your body stand on end.
Then he is on you. Closing the gap between you and capturing your lips with a passion that steals your breath and thoughts. He is kissing so hard, so quickly, you feel lightheaded, pressing you into the mattress under his body. His lips open over yours, his tongue teasing against your lips. He tastes of toothpaste, traces of whiskey and something that is all him, and you flood your underwear; there's also a noise from your throat that doesn’t sound human. He kisses like a storm, hot and electric, and you want to drown in him.
Suddenly his hands are everywhere, and so yours follow suit. It’s a desperate clambering of wanting more. Before you can completely acknowledge it, his hands are questing under your jumper, squeezing your waist, sliding up and over your bra, and tweaking a nipple as his tongue parries with yours.
“Please, please take this off,” he implores passionately into your mouth, tugging at your top. His voice, this close and breathless, is lethal. He is everywhere, surrounding and covering you, and your focus narrows to just him as he sits up to peel off his jumper and t-shirt together, exposing his torso. You freeze. Your arms crossed, halfway through taking off yours.
“Fucking hell,” you exhale before you can stop yourself.
You figured Benedict would be in shape from the feel of his body when you hug, but you haven't seen him shirtless in a long time, and just how much in shape he is, is a revelation. He smiles demurely at your outburst, which makes you want him even more if that were possible.
“Take yours off,” he sounds impatient, and you realise you are still frozen in the same position. You quickly whip yours over your head; his responding noise is your new favourite sound. You feel so grateful you only brought nice underwear on this trip; your lacy bra appears to work for him.
“The knickers match,” you murmur, revelling in the flash in his eye.
You grab his hand and move it to the drawstring on your pyjamas. His long slender fingers pluck the bow tied there; his gaze is on your face the whole time, his kiss-damp lips glowing softly in the low light. You breathe deeply and can’t look away from his captivating face. When the string relents, he winks. Rather than pull them down, his hand quests inside and between your legs.
You gasp and buck up off the pillow as warm, strong fingers press on your clit through the lacy fabric. You know he can feel your heat, just how wet the material is.
“I’ve wanted you for years,” he rumbles low and sinful as his fingers tease a circle over your clit. “Although this seems unreal - I half assume I’m going to wake up in a minute with my hand wrapped around my cock, alone.”
Hearing him say the word cock makes you moan. He licks his lips, and his fingers curl firmer on you.
“Tell me this is real; I’m not dreaming again,” he pleads fervently, pressing his forehead to yours, breathing your air. He is achingly beautiful this close up, his eyes just a thin ring blazing around dark inky pupils staring into your depths. This man has always been able to make you feel seen, but this close, this intense, it feels like he’s peering into your soul.
“You’re not dreaming, Ben,” you reply shakily, trying not to lose all composure at what the word ‘again’ might imply as he gradually tortures you with unhurried, steady movements.
He is watching your face, so closely observing, cataloguing your micro-expressions. His fingers move, spidering along the lace trim before pushing under the fabric this time, sliding down through your trimmed pubic hair and into your naked, soaked folds.
“Ben!” You call out, grasping that strong forearm again, biting your lip and staring into his fiery gaze.
“What do you need?” he questions. It’s the first time anyone has ever asked you that in bed.
“You,” you reply honestly.
“You have me, 110% you have me,” he asserts in a tone that melts something in your chest. “As if you don't know it, you’ve had me for many years,” he admits as his hand slides lower. You cry out as he pushes two fingers just a fraction inside you.
“Fuck, you are on fire,” he exclaims, a shaky exhale across your lips.
“Only for you,” you answer, knowing you’ve never been this turned on before in your life.
He growls, actually growls. And then his lips are back on yours in the most potent kiss yet. You pulse around him and groan into his mouth as he sinks his fingers deeper. When the kiss ends, you glance down your body, seeing the stiff peaks of your nipples poking insistently through the lace and his sinewy forearm buried into your pyjama bottoms.
“Do you like what you see?” his voice a velvety tease.
“I’d like it even more if we were naked,” you respond honestly.
He chuckles at that, and his lips descend, dropping light kisses down your neck as his fingers tease you, surging in and out of your body so achingly slow. His thumb rests on your clit, a little nudge of pressure every time his fingers rock into your channel.
“I need to make you come like I need air,” he confesses, his voice resonant, his warm breath skittering over the sensitive skin of your throat. It’s the hottest thing you've ever heard.
“Please do…” it’s a quiet plea.
You feel the curve of his cheek as he smiles, and the fingers inside you flex.
“I suppose if you’d like to be more naked, then I’d better strip you down first,” he remarks, gently withdrawing his fingers.
Warm hands hook into your underwear, and he scooches away, pulling them down your legs, taking your PJs with them. Suddenly, the image that flashed in your mind earlier becomes a reality, his stubbly chin grazing your belly as he crawls back over you.
“You look amazing,” he sighs over your belly button and leans his forehead on your stomach as he takes a deep breath. “You smell it too.”
He runs his nose and lips over your skin as he surges up and nuzzles your bra, pleading with his eyes for you to remove it as he pulls the straps down over your arms, kissing along the lacy cup edge.
When his lips wrap around one of your nipples, you grab his hair and push up against him, the swoop of sensation in your belly like riding a rollercoaster, the thrill tingling along the back of your scalp.
He moves to lay beside you, and you watch the duvet move as he strips off his bottoms under it. Suddenly there is a thick wave of body heat as he rolls next to you; you feel something sizeable and solid brand your hip.
“Oh, Ben,” slips out on instinct, but he stops your questing hand.
“Not yet,” he shakes his head and smirks at your corresponding pout. “When you have come, preferably screaming, then you can touch my cock. Okay?”
You physically feel the shiver down your spine at that line. Who even says things like that?
He smiles against your temple as he slips his fingers back into you, and you moan at the sensation. He curls his body around you, legs twining around your right one to hold you open. That cock is still rigid on your hip; it feels sizeable and delicious.
“Tell me what you like,” he murmurs, his thumb rubbing a circle over your clit his fingers stroking in a come hither motion.
“This… exactly what you are doing,” you reply breathlessly, “just please don't stop and maybe go a little harder?” you request timidly.
He smirks and pushes his fingers deeper; his motions get stronger and faster. You close your eyes and nod, licking your lips.
“Yes, that oh god Ben, thattttt,” you stumble as his magical fingers spiral you higher.
When they jab a spot inside, a bloom of pleasure hits you, and your eyes fly open, going wide.
“Oh, that’s the spot,” he preens, redoubling his efforts as you start to pant loudly, clinging to his arm and whining his name—the hot and intense pleasure building remarkably fast.
“That’s it come on,” he encourages, whispering into your hairline right above your ear; his tone is both soothing and achingly filthy.
“Ben… I,” your words morph into needy noises, drunk on the sensations rippling through your body, fanning out from his fingers buried inside you.
“Yes, yes,” he hisses, “you’re close now; I can feel it. Look at me,” he orders.
And you do. Mouth hanging open, squirming on his fingers, feeling something primal washing over you. His eyes burn into yours.
“Don’t fight it,” he warns.
It's almost like permission; you feel something inside you give way. You scream loudly as a tide of orgasm washes over you. Blood rushes in your ears, and you feel his leg bear down over the apex of your thigh, holding your pelvis onto the bed as you cry and convulse. Your body fights his fingers, trying to push them out as your whole channel clenches in strong waves.
After a few moments of deep breaths, you open your eyes, and he kisses your cheek, then your lips.
“Wow… that was…. absolutely amazing,” he confides, kissing more. “And it's a damn good thing no one can hear us here. You scream like a horror movie queen, and I mean that with all the very best compliments.”
You laugh a little abashed and bury your face into his armpit, loving the smell of his deodorant and just him.
“Your turn,” you mumble, deciding to be bold and snake a hand down your side to grab his cock at your hip.
It’s large and thick enough your fingers don’t quite meet when you wrap around it. It makes your insides melt at the thought of how it would feel sliding into you. He makes the neediest huffing noises as you twist onto your side to face him and begin an unhurried rhythm, watching that pretty cock twitch in your hand.
You tease him with a gentle twisting motion, squeezing a little as you reach his head, swiping a thumb over the bead of precum that appears, gently massaging his frenulum as he lets out a faint moan. His hand covers yours, stilling your movements.
“This is so wonderful, but I need you to stop if you want sex. Do you want to… have sex?” he asks so demurely your heart clenches.
“Yes, Ben, please,” you whisper.
“I didn't bring any condoms with me,” he says quietly, “I didn't think I’d meet another soul up here, let alone well…” he trails off, pitching forward, so his lips are warm on your cheek.
“I didn't either, but I'm on the Pill,” you shrug. You've never had first-time sex without a condom, but this man isn't a stranger; he's a lifelong friend, and you trust him with your life.
“I know,” he says softly, kissing your nose.
“Wait, how do you know that?” your brow knitting lightly.
“I know everything about you,” he asserts against your skin, staring into your eyes. “How you take your tea - English breakfast before 2pm, Earl Grey after, both with milk and one sugar. I know how the tip of your tongue here,” he softly trails his nose over the corner of your mouth, “sticks out of your mouth when you type on your laptop. I know you always loop your glasses into the neckline of your top,” a finger tracing gently over the swell of your breast, “and somehow always forget they are there and have a ten-second panic every time.” He laughs gently. “I even know how you prefer plain Hobnobs over chocolate; I have no idea why, and you are so wrong on that, by the way,” he shoots you a devastating lopsided grin. “And I know you are on the Pill because I've watched you take them religiously for years; when I stay at yours, and you make coffee in the morning, it’s the first thing you take before your multivitamin.”
His casual recounting of so many little, human things that make you, you, astounds you. This man knows you better than you know yourself, and you get a weird swooping sensation in your chest. Of elation that you've finally figured it out, he might just be the one - your human, but also a crushing regret you haven't done so sooner. You could have been doing this, intimately entwined with this wonderful, thoughtful, sensitive, handsome man, for so many years.
Not wanting to waste any more opportunity and so very desperate to have him inside you, you use all your strength to roll him onto his back and climb on top. Surprised and aroused, he looks up at you devotedly, his pupils blown wide.
Silently and without breaking eye contact, you reach between your bodies, line up his weeping beautiful cock, and sink onto him without another thought. The needy noise he makes is like poetry.
He feels perfect, and you close your eyes to revel in being stretched around him, a solid hot presence filling you up and holding you so open. Just the perfect length and girth for you, almost like his cock was made for you.
Warm hands grasp your hips, and your eyes fly open and look down at him, his expression pleading with you to move. Gradually you rise up, then drop down just once, savouring the sensations as he drags against your walls.
“You feel perfect,” he groans “please….”
You know what he is asking, begging for - more. Something in you wants to draw this out, go so achingly slow both of you get mindless. Luxuriate in this carnal, sensual meeting.
“Talk to me,” you implore, starting a leisurely pace.
“What about?” you watch him glance down between your bodies, watching his cock disappear into you as you sink down.
“Talk to me, Ben,” you repeat but pointedly, grabbing his chin to look at you and raising an eyebrow.
There's a lightbulb of understanding behind his eyes, and that killer crooked smile spreads across his face.
“You like my voice, don't you?” he says, pitched low, and you bite your lip, grabbing his hands as leverage for your movements.
“Yes,” you admit quietly, gasping as the pleasure grows between your legs just as he says those few words.
“I know,” he smirks, “I’ve known for years.”
You look at him in surprise. “Wait, how?” you breathe, disbelieving.
He grabs your shoulders and pulls you down on top of him: so much heat and warm flesh.
“I have noticed your pupils dilate every time I drop my voice just like this,” he murmurs low and sinful into your ear. “The temptation to say so many dirty things has been so strong. God, I love it when you are aroused, and you think you can hide it. I knew you were getting wet; it would take all my willpower not to grab and kiss you senselessly. Especially those days when you are only in a little floaty skirt, I could actually smell it. Delicious and sweet and so fucking sexy. That little squirm you would do. How you move your body is fucking sinful. And now I get to enjoy it. You riding me like this. Fuck, if this isn't every fantasy I've ever had coming true.”
By the time his filthy soliloquy is done, you are panting hard, not from the exertion as you rock on him but the way he has pushed you so close to orgasm with so little effort - just his voice and words.
“Ben,” you shudder, “I….” words fail as you feel your body flush.
“I can feel you are fluttering. Are you going to come so soon?” he exhales, impressed. “Oh god, please, please do it,” he urges. “I need to feel it.”
You sit up and reach down to touch your clit, and he swears at the sight. You are tipping over the edge, stilling your movement as you sit with him at your hilt and clench around him. He feels impossibly huge inside you, twitching and pulsing.
“Fuckkkkkkkk,” he groans long and loud, clenching his teeth. You know he is also fighting the urge to come, wanting this to last much longer.
Greedy for more, for another stronger climax, you go to move again, but he stops you.
“Please don't move, not yet,” he pleads, grabbing your hips and quelling your movement. “I need… a few moments, please.”
You smile down at him indulgently and link your hands again, bringing the back of his hand to your mouth and kissing it delicately. Then to be a tease, you envelop his middle finger in your mouth, running your tongue over it, tasting his tangy skin. He growls as you add his pointer finger and suck hard, staring down at him heatedly.
“This isn't really helping,” he warns reluctantly with a playful pout.
You let his fingers slip out of your mouth and guide his hand to your breasts, pressing his now-damp fingers against your nipple. He enthusiastically grips your flesh, and you throw your head back and moan as he teases your sensitive buds, pinching them between his fingertips. You gyrate your hips, dragging his tip against your cervix.
There is another growl, and suddenly you are tipped over onto the mattress, him still buried inside you. He grabs your legs and loops his arms under them, pulling your body so open under him.
“Hold onto me… twine your arms around me,” he instructs.
You do, fingers digging into his smooth, muscular torso. Panting in anticipation; at the feel of him holding you down, his pelvis crushed against your engorged clit.
He begins to move, and you can't help but make noises; he just overwhelms all your senses. His kisses, his skin, his arms, your legs held high and wide. He is almost delicate in his motion, but you can tell he is holding back.
“Don't be too gentle, Ben,” you beg, bringing one hand up to cup his jaw and running your thumb over his bottom lip. “Please just fuck me.”
His mouth captures your thumb, and you gasp as he spears into you hard. You hiss your approval as he crowds over you to kiss you fiercely. Then everything is a haze as your mind switches off, and you are rooted in your body, chasing sensation as he takes you hard. He feels so hot and rigid, pounding into you as you lay under him, pinned and almost helpless to this onslaught but wanting nothing more than being right where you are. For a first time together, it’s not awkward or timid; it's exciting and mindblowing but somehow still safe, knowing you can trust him with everything, including your body.
Between kisses, there are whispered encouragements against lips and hands grasping so tight to each other as movements become more frantic and fast. He is hitting your clit on each stroke and panting, so present in the moment, eyes boring into yours. You know he is so close, hanging by a thread when he screws his eyes shut and pleads with you to come with him. A few more strokes and it is happening, your orgasm hitting you hard and breaking over your body in waves, fanning out from your core as you clench around him, making your muscles spasm and your toes curl. You feel him coming hard, too, a warm bloom inside you as he jerks a few heavy thrusts, then stills, mouth open over yours and huffing gulps of air as he twitches.
After a few moments of deep breaths and slumped limbs, he pulls his face up to kiss you tenderly.
“Wow,” he breathes, and you giggle and nod your head. “Why haven't we been doing that for the last god knows how many years?” he shakes his head, his voice a little ragged and rough-edged.
“I don't know, but we should be doing a lot more of it,” you respond brightly, “make up for lost time?”
He laughs warmly and agrees, taking his weight off you and rolling and rearranging your bodies so you are both on your sides, facing each other, hands laced together, noses touching. And that is how you fall asleep.
You awaken to dazzling sunlight streaming in, reflecting off all the snow. You wince against the brightness and clamp your eyes shut, burrowing back into Benedict. You feel surrounded, in the best sense of the word. He is a warm solid presence behind your back, an arm slung around the dip of your waist, a hand curled around your breast, legs entangled, downy hair tickling your calves. And best of all, a hard cock nestles the back of your thighs. You flex your hips and shuffle until his tip is poised right at your entrance. He stirs, and there is a hot exhale on the back of your neck.
“Get inside me, please,” you petition quietly, voice scratchy from sleep.
Wordlessly, he rolls his hips, surging into your body in one swift stroke. You moan so loudly that he huffs a laugh, then stills, buried inside you.
“Now go back to sleep,” he grumbles affectionately, arm pulling you into him tighter, your whole body flush to his, curling his legs up so you are almost in the fetal position.
“Like this?!” your tone incredulous, as his fingernails trace an idle ellipsis around your areola.
“Mmm hmmm,” his hum vibrates into your spine.
“Bennnn…” you protest, clenching around him, so he groans deeply.
“I promise to fuck you so hard you forget your name… later, if you let me sleep just a little more,” he proposes, nuzzling your hair.
What a lovely thought. You lay still in his arms for a few minutes, but his cock holding you open is far too distracting.
“Bennn…” you try again.
“Shhhhh…” he reacts, but you can tell he's not sleepy anymore; there is a smile on the nape of your neck.
“You feel too good; I can’t sleep,” you whine, slightly petulant.
“You’re not even trying,” he chuckles richly.
“You can't do this to me,” you wheedle, your breath hitching triumphantly as he tilts his pelvis and slips a fraction deeper.
“If I fuck you right now, will you stop complaining?” his tone laced with amusement.
“Hmmm, maybe,” you shoot back, twisting to glance at him over your shoulder, seeing his eyes dancing with mirth.
Your lips meet, and it's a breathy passionate kiss, all open mouths and tongues, teasing each other and fighting for dominance.
As your mouths dance, he starts to move at a languid pace, just rocking into your body gently, and it’s the best wake-up you have ever had. You cover his hand on your breast, and he intuits what you are asking, squeezing the swell, your nipple snagged between his middle and pointer finger. You break the kiss, and his teeth gently skim the cord on your neck as he speeds up a little.
“Will you wake me up like this every day, please?” you sigh, not thinking about the implications of your words, just drunk on the sensation.
“Happily,” he rumbles and spears a little stronger, making you call out his name.
“The sound I really want to wake up to though….” his voice teasing and low. “is this one…” and his hand slips from your breast to between your legs.
You moan and writhe in his strong hold, little sparks of pleasure firing where he touches.
“That’s it, that’s the sound,” he encourages as you both move together in sync.
It’s a wonderfully sensual experience, growing in intensity until he rolls you over onto your front, still inside you, fucking into you from behind, covering your entire body with his. His hand is trapped between your body and the mattress while teasing your clit.
“Oh god, Ben,” you cry as he seems to slide deeper than ever, your thigh trapped shut together, his legs bracketing yours, using all his effort to drive into you, the tone shifting from languid to vigorous. You’ve never been taken in this position before, and at this angle, he is hitting all the right spots inside you to make your eyes roll back and bite the pillow.
It hurtles you fast, beginning to pant raggedly, and you urge him on, asking for more and harder, and he obliges, thrusting so strong your whole body rolls and the bed squeaks loudly in protest. Your voice becomes one long moaning sound; you are pushing back onto his cock as much as possible, a chorus of please don't stop as he drives you fast towards a climax. His body is bowed, breathing hot puffs of air across your upper back, with an occasional kiss, his lips soft and wet.
He holds you on a precipice for a moment; you crane to look back at his face pleadingly; his expression is wild and so gorgeous it catches your breath.
“You are magnificent,” he rasps against your skin.
Then the hand not on your clit suddenly spanks your butt cheek while his teeth sink into the top of your trapezius muscle, pushing you over the edge, calling his name as you pulsate hard around him. Him grunting and thrusting deeper, fighting your clenching muscles. Then he stills, and every muscle tenses as he empties into your body, almost shaking from the intensity.
He collapses onto your back, breathing in wracked sounds.
“Fucking hell,” you both say almost in unison, then giggle at your matching assessment of the experience.
He pulls out of you reluctantly and flops down onto the mattress to your left, wrapping an arm around you and manoeuvring so are the little spoon once again.
“That was intense,” he voices, and you make a noise of agreement, lacing your fingers with his and holding your joined hands up, watching his fingers sink between yours and curve over, his fingertips resting on your palm.
“We are awesome at sex,” you opine. Benedict chuckles at that, hooking his chin over your shoulder. “And you know what that means?”
“What?” his tone lilting.
“We just have to keep doing it all the time,” you observe with a mock, burdened sigh.
“What a terrible hardship for us,” he concurs with an ironic laugh, nuzzling your neck with a grin on his face. __
Half an hour later, you have showered together - which proved almost as distracting as morning sex until the hot water tank ran out, and you jumped out squealing as the water turned ice cold - and are now leisurely making brunch. You both only wear towelling robes you stole from your Glasgow hotel room, the fireplace roaring again. You agree to go for a walk in the snow later, neither of you mentioning booking your flight home.
“Wait, why is this sofa so bloody uncomfortable” you bemoan, taking a sip of coffee and flicking idly through a book you took from a shelf. “I don't remember it being this bad last night,” you ponder aloud.
“Well, you had had a couple of whiskeys by then,” Benedict points out as he cooks an amazing-smelling breakfast a few feet away in the kitchenette.
“True, but honestly, what is going on with it?” you grumble, putting the book aside, not yet sufficiently caffeinated.
“Sofa beds tend not to be comfortable. As either a sofa or a bed,” he rattles out, flipping a slice of bacon in the pan.
You grind to a halt in your efforts to get comfy.
“Sofa bed…?” You echo out loud.
He suddenly freezes and realises what he has admitted.
“Benedict bloody Bridgerton!!” you exclaim loudly, standing up, “did you trick me into sharing your bed?!?”
He turns around slowly, knowing he is foiled and pulls a sheepish face.
“Yeahhhh, a lil bit…” he admits as you gape at him, attempting his most winning remorseful smile. “But, in my defence…” he adds, waving the spatula, “you are the one who kissed me first. I just stacked the deck; you drew the first card.”
He expertly swerves the cushion you throw at him before flicking off the stove and pushing aside the pan.
“Right…” he charges at you as you squeal.
He corners you with ease in the compact space and throws you over his shoulder.
“We are using this stupid sofa bed right now,” he instructs and, rather attractively, casually flicks a handle on the side with his foot to open it. He practically throws you onto the (admitted thin, rather uncomfortable) bed and tugs open your robe, snaking his way down your body and throwing your legs over his shoulder, shooting you a molten hot gaze from between your thighs.
You have no arguments with this development. None whatsoever.
You return to that tiny cottage every year for that same week as a ritual—a little private anniversary. Sometimes you stay through New Year, just the two of you ringing in the entire festive season.
He buys it for you as a wedding gift, and you cry at the sentimentality of the man buying you the place you first got together. (One thing you do early on - buy a new, comfortable sofa.)
It becomes a haven for your lives together, even when you have to bring cots and camp beds for your children, all sleeping communally in that one room. (You don’t tell them, but all of your children are named after characters in an obscure old book he finds hidden in the rafters when you are renovating while pregnant with your firstborn.)
Nothing brings you more joy than when you can escape to that little cottage in the Highlands. You never tell anyone besides your children where it is—it’s your escape, your sanctuary. The “somewhere only we know,” as Benedict always called it.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld
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pancakes4two · 2 years
baby please come home
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happy holidays everyone! i wanted to write something short for @watchmegetobsessed​‘s fanficmas to close out the year. i’ve had the best time writing a bunch of concepts these last few months so... here is an ode to the first harry i wrote this year & the most recent 💗 enjoy!
preview: Harry disappears from public view until January, wanting to close out the year in private. He does, however, decide to share a photo of the three of you sitting under the tree on Christmas. You’re grinning at the camera, leaning close to Harry. Beau is sitting in your lap, fuzzy antlers sitting atop his head. His entire body is turned towards Harry, big brown eyes glittering as he stares as his dad and reaches for him with tiny hands. Harry’s smiling so wide his eyes may as well be closed, his face flush with nothing but pure joy.
He captions the photo: Christmas Morning. Harry’s House. December, 2022. It gets 10 million likes in 24 hours.
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1. christmas with dadrry (from this blurb!)
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Harry is playing his last show of 2022 when he decides to have a little fun. He’s been in Brazil for the past couple of days, closing out the Latin American leg of Love on Tour. Three stops ago in Argentina, he’d sent you and your son off on a plane home to London. With the two of you now being 5,000 miles away, he can’t help but ache for home a little more than usual, despite the fact that he’ll be joining you at home soon. A sign at the barricade reminds him of this fact, as he prepares to give a speech to lead into his encore.
“So…” Harry says, popping out his hip dramatically, “Before we move on to our last couple of songs, there’s a sign up at the front here that I want to address.”
The arena explodes in chatter as a spotlight comes down from above, searching for the flashy poster board. Harry squints and twists his microphone cord between his fingers, (he mentally notes that next year will be the year he finally starts using a wireless mic) and points when he manages to spot the sign he had noticed earlier.
“Right, this sign says,” Harry pauses as a cameraman beside him zooms in on the sign, projecting it onto the large screens behind the stage. “We came here for Y/N and no-one else.”
The crowd bursts into collective laughter and hoots, and Harry sees a few phone shoot up in the front row, eager to capture the obvious fan interaction that’s about to take place. He walks closer to the edge of the stage, and kneels down directly in front of the two fans that had brought the sign.
“Let me just start by saying how could you,” Harry brings a hand to his chest, squeezing his fist and trying his best to school his expression into one of dramatic anguish. One of the fans belly-laughs, while the other takes his reaction more to heart, waving her hands in the air and trying to rationalize the statement that had been written on their sign. “Only joking! But I am a bit hurt. It’s my name that’s attached to the tour, the posters, the merch, after all...”
“Sadly, I do have to inform you that Y/N has left with our son to go back home,” Harry squints out at the audience. The crowd groans loudly at that, and the sound of Mitch’s laughter comes through his in-ear monitors.
“Soooo, you’ll have to deal with it just being me up here!” Harry points a thumb at himself, turning around to give Mitch the finger with his other hand. “It is, however, close to Christmas, and I must admit I’m missing my family too. So we’ll see if we can do something about that.”
Harry gestures for the production lead then, and the fans that make up the first couple of rows in the stadium look to each other curiously, wondering why Harry’s suddenly gone off-script. While they whisper amongst themselves, the production lead runs up on stage and hands Harry his phone. He wiggles it in the air, brandishing it in front of the crowd. They cheer in anticipation for what he’s about to do next. The screen on Harry’s phone turns on in response to all his movement, and the stadium unexpectedly gets a glimpse of his wallpaper. It’s a picture of you and Beau, taken not more than a month ago, posing in front of Foro Sol in Mexico City. Beau’s wearing a Love on Tour shirt that’s comically large on his tiny body, sucking on a pacifier as you hold him to your chest, pointing at the massive screen displaying Harry’s name behind you. The entire crowd coos upon seeing the image, and even more phones shoot up to record the moment. Harry smirks knowingly, as if to say: adorable, isn’t it?
He holds his phone to his chest then, hiding it from view as he types in his passcode and swipes through his apps. He opens up your contact card and presses the FaceTime button, shushing the crowd when the call goes through. It’s late enough at night back home in London that he’s sure Beau’s asleep already, but you’re still awake and will be able to pick up his calls without disturbing the sleeping baby. The screen takes a moment to load before your face pops up, slightly pixellated and makeup-less, but beautiful nonetheless. Harry turns his phone back towards the crowd, and they can’t hold in their excitement when they see your face projected onto the stadium screens.
“Say hi everyone!” Harry waves at his phone, grinning at how the crowd has welcomed you. “Y/N, everyone’s been missing you, and now that I’ve got you here, it only seems fitting that I sing something special tonight...”
You give Harry a confused look through the phone, and he says nothing in response, just smiles and cues Pauli in. Pauli twirls a set of mallets between their fingers and begins to play a xylophone in front of them. They count themself in, and the starting notes to Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas Is You sound through the stadium. 
Harry can’t hear you over the noise of the crowd, but he sees you shake your head at him and swears you yell out, “Shut the fuck up!!!” as he starts to sing.
“I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need. I don’t care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree. I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know, make my wish come true... all I want for Christmas is you!”
Harry prances around the stage with you on his phone, directing the lyrics to your smiling face on the screen. The crowd dances along and Sarah points and laughs when Harry passes by, fondly admiring just how much of a hopeless romantic he is. As the song continues, Harry decides to leap across the catwalk, determined to make this performance as extra as humanly possible. The crowd reaches for him, but in this moment he only has eyes for you. He brings his phone out in front of him as he shimmies in front of the camera, reminding you that, “Baby, all I want for Christmas is you.”
When Harry launches into the bridge, he points up at the sky. A loud pop sounds through the venue as cannons that had been rigged onto the stage release tiny pieces of confetti that had been shaped into snowflakes. The paper rains down onto the crowd, blanketing the entire stage and floor into a sea of white. The pretend-snowflakes continue to cascade through the sky, glistening under all the stage lights, and Harry ends the song by running back towards the main stage and collapsing backwards onto it. He moves his limbs up and down through the confetti that now covers the surface as if to make a snow angel. He looks up at your smiling face, still watching him sing through his phone, and it’s almost as if you’re there with him. It’s only been a few days and yet he still misses you like crazy. Harry gets lost in the moment for a second, before the crowd drags him back down into reality. He sits up, brushing the confetti out of his hair, and smiles at the sea of people looking at him adoringly.
“Hope you didn’t mind that little switch-up, there,” Harry beams, “just felt like singing a Christmas song tonight.”
“Now, we’re gonna say bye to Y/N,” he continues, placing his microphone behind his back so he can speak to you privately. The crowd boos in response, and you laugh. 
“Let me talk to your fans!” you say, wagging a disapproving finger at Harry.
“You’re a demanding bunch!” Harry jokes, putting his microphone back under his phone speaker. Your voice comes through over the venue speakers, a little tinny, but understandable. 
“Goodnight everyone! Hope you had lots of fun tonight, and thank you so much for the surprise. Take care of H for me so he comes back home all in one piece,” you blow a kiss to your phone and Harry catches it, keeping it in his back pocket.
“That was for the fans, you idiot!” You laugh, and Harry throws his hands up at the crowd when they start to laugh at him.
“Okay, no more listening privileges for you lot if you’re just going to make fun of me,” he sighs jokingly, hiding his mic behind his back again. He brings the speaker up to his mouth so you can hear him properly.
“Be home soon,” he says, “love you so much. Sleep well and text me when you’re up.”
“Love you too, goodnight, H,” you smile, hanging up the call. Harry turns back around and sees his crowd looking disappointed at the fact that they weren’t able to hear the last bit of your conversation.
“Don’t look at me like that! Some conversations are better left private,” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, and Mitch throws a guitar pick at him, having heard the conversation and knowing that it had not gone at all like what Harry was implying. “Anyways, onto the encore...”
Christmas morning arrives in a blur. Harry’s finally sufficiently rested after battling with jet lag, though he still finds himself waking up slightly earlier than usual. The sun is only starting to rise, and it had snowed the night before. He looks outside the window to see the landscape painted in a winter glow. The Christmas lights that you’d put up after coming home are wrapped around the trees and shrubs outside, providing some warmth to the otherwise blue atmosphere.
Harry makes his way into the living room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He finds you awake already in the kitchen, with Beau on your side, heating up a pot of tea. Beau is looking determined, sucking on a baby bottle with force as he clings onto his mother. You both notice Harry at the same time—you look up at him and your features soften, while Beau drops his bottle on the counter and reaches for Harry, babbling for his dad.
“Alright, alright; there’s more than enough me to go around,” Harry laughs, taking Beau from you. “Good morning. Happy Christmas.”
“Mm,” you hum while Harry kisses you. You pour two cups of tea, putting milk in sugar in one mug for you and just milk in the other for Harry. You hand his mug to him, and the two of you head over to the tree. It’s placed right in front of the largest window in the living room so it catches the most light. In the early morning, the entire space fills with a cozy light, the ornaments shining softly under twinkling lights. Both of you had decided on not giving each other gifts this year, preferring to absolutely spoil Beau rotten instead.
“Let’s open your presents now, Beau-bear,” Harry coos, bouncing the infant gently in his arms. It’s crazy, how much his life has changed in the last year. He looks at Beau, who’s looking curiously at the box in Harry’s hand, and you, quietly sipping on your morning tea. Harry’s chest swells with a whole host of emotions that he doesn’t necessarily know what to do with—but he does know that this is exactly where he belongs. He’s spent the better half of the year away from home and written an entire record exploring the idea of home. But he knows now that this is it. This is home: Christmas morning spent with the love of his life and his child. The presents that fill the entire space underneath the tree, a Christmas album playing over the sound system in the living room, Beau in a reindeer onesie, you wrapped up in a wool scarf, the snow that’ll decorate your lashes later when the three of you go out in the snow.
Harry disappears from public view until January, wanting to close out the year in private. He does, however, decide to share a photo of the three of you sitting under the tree on Christmas. You’re grinning at the camera, leaning close to Harry. Beau is sitting in your lap, fuzzy antlers sitting atop his head. His entire body is turned towards Harry, big brown eyes glittering as he stares as his dad and reaches for him with tiny hands. Harry’s smiling so wide his eyes may as well be closed, his face flush with nothing but pure joy.
He captions the photo: Christmas Morning. Harry’s House. December, 2022. It gets 10 million likes in 24 hours.
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2. christmas with young harry (from this blurb!)
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“Y/N!” You hear someone call out distantly from your bedroom window. “Y/N!”
The voice gets closer, and you realize it belongs to Harry. Abandoning the notebook you were currently writing in, you cap your pen and run down the stairs. Once you’ve turned the corner into your living room, though, you see that your parents have already let him in. Harry waves at you from the front door, pulling off his shoes and dusting snow off of the knit beanie resting atop his head. He hands a tin of what could only be Christmas cookies to your mom, and she pulls him into a hug.
“Happy Christmas,” Harry grins, “Mum said she liked the cookies best plain, but I think they’re better with warm milk.”
“We’ll have to try them both ways, then,” your dad responds, clapping Harry on the back. “Happy Christmas, H. Did you bike here?”
“Yeah,” Harry responds a little breathlessly. You notice that his cheeks are more pink than usual due to the cold, and the parts of his hair that weren’t covered by his hat were curling in all different directions, blown out of place by the wind. “Wanted to give Y/N her present before dinner.”
“How lovely!” Your mom coos in response, “We’ll leave you to it. Don’t forget to keep your door open, Y/N!”
Harry laughs while you roll your eyes exasperatedly at your mom. The two of you head upstairs, him trailing slightly behind you with a careful hand on your waist. You hadn’t realized earlier, but he’s wearing a backpack. It looks rather full, like the zippers are about to burst from the size of whatever he’s stuffed inside it.
“What are you planning on giving me, a bomb?!” You joke, poking at the bag’s exterior.
“Shut up!” Harry groans, “of course not! I couldn’t bring a bigger bag with me on the bike, so like, I had to make do.”
“Only joking,” you giggle, opening the door to your bedroom. Harry takes off his jacket and hangs it on the back of your desk chair before flopping onto your bed. He’s wearing a navy-colored crewneck that’s too big for him, and the sleeves go past his hands. His skin is still flushed from the temperature outside, and you think he looks absolutely adorable like this, all cozy in your room. You sit across from him and tangle your legs together. The two of you have been together for almost four months now, thanks to your friends leaving you in a room alone and basically forcing you to confess your feelings to one another at the end of the summer, but you can’t help but still be a little awkward. Harry’s your first boyfriend, and you’re still trying to make sense of the magnitude of what you feel for him. It scares you a little, how much you’ve started to care for him and how you find yourself wanting to know more about him always, from the big things down to the tiny mundane details of his life. But it also brings you comfort, knowing that you can hold so much fondness for someone else, and have those same feelings be reciprocated.
The two of you have been looking forward to Christmas—you got together too late in the year for Harry to be able give you what he had called a proper, boyfriend birthday gift, and Harry has yet to celebrate his own in February. Both of you were excited to exchange gifts as a couple for the first time, somehow, they just meant so much more to you now that your relationship had evolved beyond just friendship. October had barely ended before you started thinking about his gift. You wanted it to be absolutely perfect.
“Were you doing homework before you came?” Harry asks incredulously. He must’ve caught a glimpse of your notebook when he set his backpack down. “How do you still have work left to do?”
“It’s for next term,” you reply sheepishly, “I got bored and wanted to plan out the classes I’m taking starting January... I figured I might as well get a head start while I’m home...”
“Ever the bookworm,” Harry looks at you fondly, reaching over to ruffle your hair. You loved that about him, the fact that he never made you feel badly about anything you did. Between the two of you, you were definitely the more academically-inclined one. While you sat diligently at the front of class taking notes, your boyfriend preferred to sit near the back, cracking jokes until your teacher got annoyed and focusing more on making the setlist for his band’s latest gig, instead of his assignments.
“Wonder if I can convince you to do my homework for a month as a gift,” Harry pulls you closer to him, cupping your face in his hands. He’s about to kiss you when you turn around suddenly, forcing his lips to meet only your cheek.
“No can do,” you smirk when he pouts at you, obviously disappointed that his act of affection didn’t go as originally planned. “We both know you’re meant for bigger things than school, H, but you just need to stick it through for a few more months and before you know it, you’ll be all done with GSCEs.”
“I suppose,” Harry huffs childishly, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning up at you. You kick at his arm with a socked foot, giggling at him. He reaches for your hand and unzips his backpack, pulling out a large, misshapen object that’s been tied together with ribbon. You’re not sure what the gift is meant to be—the Christmas tree-patterned wrapping paper is folded and bent in ways you didn’t know were physically possible, and there’s several pieces of tape stuck to the sides of it, patched on in an attempt to cover places where the gift wrap had ripped.
“I wanted to wrap it myself,” Harry explains, pulling at a non-existent thread on his sleeve, “but it obviously didn’t go too well.”
You laugh as he hands the gift to you, looking sufficiently deflated. “You get full marks for effort.”
“Before you open it,” Harry adds, watching you pull at one end of the ribbon. “I tried my best to get you something you really wanted, but I didn’t know if, like, someone else had already bought it for you, or anything... so there’s a receipt in there for you to exchange it for something else if you’d like.”
“Don’t be silly,” you reassure him, taking extra care to tear the paper carefully. The gift feels delicate in your hands, as if the item inside were made of something soft and pliable. You pause on opening the present for a moment to press a gentle kiss to your boyfriend’s knuckles: the last thing you’d want is to make him think you’d ever be disappointed in anything he gifted to you.
You finally manage to pull away at the gift wrap and tape, and your hands land on a cream-colored cardigan. You gasp and look at Harry, who’s looking between you and the object in your hands fondly, like he’d known exactly how you’d react all this time.
“There’s no way...” you say, turning the cardigan over in your hands, running your fingers along the careful stitches and admiring the tortoiseshell buttons. “But this is so... it costs so much... how?!”
Harry smiles at you, watching you unbutton the sweater carefully. “Well, I remember how much you liked it when you tried it on in the shop, so I worked some extra shifts at the bakery at the beginning of Christmas hols. I made Gem drive me down to the city yesterday and got it for you. It took a lot of convincing. She’s making me do her laundry for the next month.”
“It’s so perfect,” you say sincerely, enveloping Harry in a hug. You wish you could stay like this forever, safe in the embrace of a boy who makes you feel so massively, his arms locked behind your waist and his heartbeat steady against your chest. “I love it so much. You’re just the best.”
“Glad you love it,” Harry says softly, kissing your forehead and tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. He watches you intently as you reach under your bed and procure a holiday-themed bag. You hand it to him, tapping on his knee while he plays with the tissue paper inside.
“Your turn.”
“Did you gift me a bomb?” Harry jokes, weighing the bag in his hand and pretending to drop it because of how heavy it is.
“Like I’d kill you off after that incredible present you just got me,” you retort, kicking at him impatiently. “Enough stalling. Open it!”
Harry pulls away at the tissue paper and pulls out a large vinyl record, covered in plastic wrap. He shakes his head and looks at you with wide eyes. “Y/N. You didn’t.”
“I did,” you reply, grinning at him as he continues staring at you in amazement. Over the summer, Harry’s parents had accidentally donated his copy of Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours to a charity shop along with a box of his old clothes. You knew how much that record meant to him, so you’d gone to a small record shop the last time you were in the city and picked up a replacement.
“Y/NNNNN,” he drags out your name dramatically, peppering your face with chaste kisses.
“Come on, look at the bottom of the bag, there’s more,” you say, playing with his hair. Somehow, the two of you had ended up shifting closer and closer to each other in your excitement, and now you’re basically sitting on top of Harry, eagerly waiting for him to finish opening his gift.
“No way, two gifts?” Harry clutches his chest dramatically, “you must really like me.”
He pulls out a book from the bag, checking to make sure there’s nothing else inside that he’d accidentally overlooked. The cover is made of linen and bound together with ribbon. Stuck to the front is a polaroid of the two of you on Harry’s bike, you sitting behind him as he poses for the camera, both of you brandishing massive scoops of mint chocolate ice cream.
“What is this?” Harry whispers, flipping through the pages. Each page is covered in memories of the two of you, filled with pictures and tiny souvenirs from places you’d gone together.
A picture your mom had taken of the two of you asleep on the living room couch, your head enveloped in Harry’s chest. There’s a blanket covering the two of you, and in the distance, a TV is playing the ending of The Notebook--you’d obviously fallen asleep before getting to the best part.
A ticket stub from the first concert you’d gone to together. You still remember how you felt that night, colorful lights streaming down from above as music filled your ears, Harry dancing and singing loudly from right next to you.
A picture you took on your computer when the two of you were meant to be studying together in the school library, Harry sticking his tongue out at you while you flip him off playfully.
A picture your friends took of the two of you holding hands on the bus. The two of you dancing in Harry’s garden. The two of you running through a corn maze at the local farm. Harry waving at you from outside your bedroom window. A photobooth strip of the two of you: a vignette of him looking at you, a vignette of him turning your chin towards him, a vignette of your lips meeting.
“I figured, next year, when you’re off to the X-Factor and you get all big and famous, you can keep this with you when you’re away and it’ll remind you that I’m always thinking of you,” you say shyly. “You know, so you don’t forget me while you’re away.”
“How could I ever forget you?” Harry asks, and his voice is so sincere that it cuts straight to your heart. “I’d never get big or famous enough to forget about you. But this book, Y/N, it’s amazing. It means so much to me that you made this for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Mhm,” you respond, smiling at him.
“Of course, you’re going to feel silly when they send me home right after auditions, and it’s back to me being your average boyfriend.”
“That’s not going to happen,” you say, and you mean every word of it. “Whole country’s gonna know your name soon.”
“Well, then I couldn’t be more grateful that you were the first one to know,” Harry says, pulling his phone out from his pocket. “Let me take a picture of us and tweet it to my two fans.”
You laugh then, and run your fingers through your hair to tame it. You pull yourself into Harry’s chest and he brings his phone out in front of the two of you. He kisses the top of your head, smiling through the action, and the digital camera clicks. You watch as he attaches the photo to a tweet and begins to type up a caption.
Christmas with my number one fan. Lucky she doesn’t know I’m her biggest fan, too. 
Harry presses send on the tweet and locks his phone. For now, no one sees it except for his sister, and the four other friends who actually follow his Twitter account. But twelve years later, when the whole world knows his name, a fan will find the tweet on his account, buried under thousands of other messages, and tag him in it. He’ll open it in the morning, with you asleep still beside him, and smile to himself as he remembers your first Christmas together. He’ll pull you a little closer as snow falls silently outside, brush your hair aside and listen to you breath steadily in his arms. He’ll lean in and whisper, Told you I could never forget you, and count himself lucky for all the holidays he’ll get to spend for the rest of his life with you right there beside him.
TAGLIST: @crazygirlinthisworld​ @grapejuice-rry​ @b-reads-things​ @s8tellite @michellekstyles​ @vrittivsanghavi​ @alienorknight​ @flwrmuse 
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aanoia · 9 months
𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏 - 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔
Sirius Black x reader day nineteen of christmas advent calendar words; you're not gonna believe this, 4,075 warnings; none really just crappy family this took me hours and I love it and i love life. this is a sorry for all the short fics :)
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The mere thought of the Christmas season made Sirius sick to his stomach. He was so used to spending his Christmas’s hiding from his parents in his room, fear filling his body, that he could never shake the feeling of existential dread when the holiday was brought up. 
He sat quietly at the table in the Great Hall as students ate their last Hogwarts meal before going home for Winter break. Christmas music was playing quietly and snow was magicked to fall from the ceiling, melting into nothing before it hit any surface. Sirius’ friends laughed loudly with each other, enjoying this day together before they would leave. Sirius wouldn’t. He’d stay at Hogwarts, alone, like every other year. 
“Could we please pause, for a mere moment? And give our attention to the great Miss L/n, while she sings us a farewell song.” Dumbledore spoke loudly and the hall silenced, the only sound being forks scraping against plates. Dumbledore smiled and turned to the girl who sat on a stool, a muggle piano in front of her. He nodded and she thanked him.
“Hi, thank you, I promise I won’t keep you from your friends for long.” The girl said, her wand at her throat to make her voice louder. “I’d just like to sing you a muggle Christmas song, so we all leave Hogwarts happy and full of good food.”
The crowd laughed and Sirius rolled his eyes. In his eyes, she was just another witch privileged with a good family to go home to and have a good time with. And just like everyone else, she completely ignored the students who stayed at the castle for Christmas. 
“Have yourself a merry little Christmas.” She sang softly and any murmurs that could be heard disappeared. Her voice was undoubtedly breathtaking. “Let your heart be light.”
Sirius sighed, “Hey, Prongs, I’m going back to the common room. Have a good Christmas.” He whispered to his best friend and James nodded.
“You too, Padfoot. Love you.” He focused back on the singer.
“Love you too.”
“Next year all our troubles will be miles away.” Was the last thing he heard before he shut the doors rather loudly and walked back to the common room.
The sky outside the common room was dark. The train had left hours ago, and the only Gryffindor left in the common room was Sirius. He sighed as he stared at the fire, mentally cursing himself for declining James' offer to spend Christmas with his family. 
His head shot to the entrance as it opened quietly and the girl from the Great Hall walked in, a frown on her face. Sirius’ brows furrowed, he didn’t know she stayed for Christmas. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked, not even realizing the words as they spilled from his mouth. 
The girl cocked her head, “Uh, going up to my room, I believe. Is there a problem?”
Sirius blinked, “Uhm, no. Sorry.”
The girl nodded, “Alright then. Good night.” She said and began walking up the stairs to the girls dormitory.
“Your voice is beautiful.” Sirius winced, what in the world is he saying?
The girl turned her head and gave him a soft smile, he didn't notice the way his heart skipped a beat, “Thank you.”
Day one
The next morning, Sirius ate alone at the long Gryffindor table. He didn’t spare a glance as the doors opened, figuring it was just another Slytherin whose parents also sucked. 
“May I sit here?” A voice asked and Sirius looked up to see the girl from before. “It seems as if we are the only Gryffindors who have decided to stay for Christmas.”
Sirius glanced along the table to find she was right, no other soul sat at the Gryffindor table. He nodded and motioned for her to sit down across from him. 
“I’m Y/n, by the way.” She said with a smile.
“Oh, I know.” Y/n said, grabbing some toast. 
“You do?”
Y/n laughed and Sirius swore it was the best thing he had ever heard, “I’m pretty sure the entire school knows you, Sirius.”
Sirius smiled, “I guess.”
“So, I’m not gonna ask why you're not going home, because obviously you aren’t allowed to ask me, but I would like to know why you aren’t going with Potter to his house?”
“How did you know he invited me?”
Y/n shrugged, sipping from her goblet, “Remus tells me everything.”
It clicked in his head, “Oh, I know you. Remus talks about you every once in a while.”
Y/n smiled, “All good things, I hope.” 
Sirius grinned, “Nope. He talks about how evil you are, all the first years you drown in the lake.”
Y/n’s face got serious (pun intended), “He told you?”
Sirius nodded, “Yep.”
Y/n sighed, “And I really liked you. Oh well, I have to kill you now.”
“Awh, you like me.”
She grabbed a butter knife, “Not for long. I don’t like dead people. But, seriously (pun intended), why aren’t you going with Potter?”
“I don’t want to intrude on their family time.” Sirius shrugged. “Besides, I don’t like Christmas.”
Y/n dropped the thing of jam she had in her hand, causing a loud clatter. She winced as every set of eyes in the room locked on her. 
“Everything alright, Miss L/n?” Dumbledore asked with a smile from the teachers table. 
Y/n nodded, “Yes, professor, my sincerest apologies.” Sirius snickered and Y/n glared at him. “How do you not like Christmas?”
Sirius shoved some ham in his mouth, “No good memories from it.” He said with a mouth full.
Y/n grimaced, “Okay well, I don’t either, doesn’t mean I don’t love it. It’s so happy and cheerful.”
“Not for me.”
“Okay well then, it is now my mission to make this Christmas amazing for you. I have five days to get you into the Christmas spirit, are you ready?”
“I didn’t consent to this.”
“Does it look like I care?” Y/n deadpanned and Sirius sighed and nodded. Her face lit up. “Perfect! Okay, after breakfast, go put on a coat and some gloves and meet me in the common room. 
Sirius walked down the stairs to the common room, coat, Gryffindor scarf, and gloves in hand. He smiled when he saw Y/n sitting on the couch by the fire, reading a book. 
“What’re you reading?” He asked, sitting next to her as she looked up from the pages.
“Oh, a muggle Christmas book.” She said, showing him the cover.
Sirius nodded, “You really like Christmas, huh?”
“Love it. Let’s go.” She said, standing up and setting her book on the coffee table. 
“Are you just gonna leave it there?” Sirius asked, afraid it would get stolen.
Y/n snorted, “There’s no one here to take it.”
“Oh, yeah.” Y/n grabbed Sirius’ hand and dragged him out of the common room and down the stairs. She led him to the snow covered courtyard and finally dropped his hand. They both found themselves missing the warmth. 
“So, what now?” Sirius asked and Y/n smiled.
“Make a snow angel with me.” She said, plopping onto the snow.
“A what?” He asked as she began moving her arms and legs up and down.
“A snow angel.”
“What’s a snow angel?”
“Oh my Godric.” Y/n said in shock. “Okay, get on your back in the snow and just flail your limbs like this.” She said, continuing to demonstrate as Sirius laughed, but did as told.
He laid down, ignoring the cold on the back of his head as he moved his arms and legs up and down exactly how instructed. 
“What’s the point of this?” He asked as they laid there, moving in sync. 
“I’m not sure. It’ll be cute when it’s done though, I promise.”
“And how do we know it’s done?”
“We decide.”
“So can we be done?” He asked. “I want to see them.”
“Sure. Get up very carefully, try not to step on them and ruin it with your foot print.”
“Got it.” Sirius said and they both stood very carefully. Sirius smiled as he saw the imprints left. “They look like angels.”
Y/n nodded, “That’s probably why they’re called snow angels.”
Sirius shoved her gently, “Shut up.
She shoved him back, “They look like they’re holding hands.”
“You’re right, they do. Do you think they’re in love?”
“Probably. Can angels be in love?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
Y/n looked at Sirius silently, “Was that supposed to be a-”
Sirius nodded, shushing the girl, “Yeah, it was pretty bad.”
“It was.” She agreed.
They stood in silence for a moment before they began to laugh.
“Okay, snowman time.” Y/n said.
“Do you think we could ice skate on the lake?” Sirius asked, gazing out to the lake.
“Uhm, not sure, I’d rather not try. It’s snowman time, though, so get in the zone. This is very serious.”
Sirius looked back at the girl, “Is it?”
She nodded, “Extremely serious.”
“Well, last time I checked I was Sirius, but I’ll let it slide.”
Y/n dead panned, “I hate you.”
“I don’t think you do.”
“You’re not funny.”
“I think I am.”
Sirius nodded, “Snowman.”
Y/n gasped, “We should make our snowmen be in love! Just like the angels, they can hold hands.”
Sirius laughed, “Whatever you wish, I suppose.”
Y/n immediately got to her knees and started rolling snow in a ball and Sirius mirrored her actions. Somehow, this girl had single handedly made him forget how much he hated Christmas for the day. It was a miracle, honestly, but he still couldn’t get rid of the sadness in his gut. 
“Okay, here’s your hand.” Y/n said softly, feeling quite tired from the day. 
“Thank you.” Sirius said, his tone matching hers. He stuck the branch into the snowman and bent it slightly so the end was touching Y/n’s snowman.
“They’re so cute.” Y/n smiled and Sirius nodded.
“Yeah, they are.”
“We should go back inside. I’m tired and cold.” She said and Sirius stood up, holding his hand out to hers. She took it and he helped her up, not letting go of her hand even after she was standing. 
“Oh, look, your book is still there.” Sirius said as they entered the warm common room after eating dinner. Sirius still had her hand in his. 
Y/n smiled, “I told you it wouldn’t get stolen.”
“Goodnight, Y/n. Thank you for today.” Sirius said.
“Goodnight, Sirius. Anytime.” She responded and walked up the stairs, untangling their hands. Again, they both immediately missed the warmth the other provided. 
Day two
“We should try to ice skate on the lake.” Sirius said as they sat down at the table for breakfast. 
“Sirius, we talked about this, I don’t think it’s safe.”
Sirius glanced at the teachers making their way past, “How about we ask? Professor Dumbledore, Minnie, do you think it’s safe to ice skate on the lake?”
The two professors looked at each other and shrugged, “I don’t see why not.” Professor McGonagall said. 
“Have fun, be safe.” Dumbledore smiled and they continued walking. 
Sirius grinned as he looked back at Y/n, “Looks like we are going to be ice skating.”
Y/n sighed, “Okay, fine. For the sake of Christmas.”
“Okay actually, I’m changing my mind.” Y/n said as she sat by the lake, ready to transfigure her ice skates back into her shoes.
“Y/n, come on. I’ll help you.” Sirius offered, skating to the edge of the lake and holding his hand out. 
“Sirius.” She whined and he urged her to grab ahold of his hand. She finally obliged and took his hand. Immediately her feet began to slip out from under her and she grabbed tightly onto his arms to keep her steady.
“You got this. I believe in you.” Sirius said quietly as he began to move them around slowly. 
“I’m gonna cry.”
“Who cries on Christmas?”
“We do.” 
“Not this year, Y/n.”
Y/n looked up and met his eyes before nodding, “Yeah, not this year.”
“You’re doing great. I’m gonna speed up a little bit, just hold on tightly, alright?”
Y/n nodded, taking a deep breath. “Alright.”
Sirius stayed true to his word and began to go quicker. Y/n began shaking less as she got more confident. It was all going good until a long, dark figure slithered under the ice. Y/n shrieked and kicked backwards, making her fall down as she dragged Sirius along with her. 
“Oh my- what happened, are you alright?” Sirius asked and Y/n breathed heavily. 
“I- yeah, um, I’m okay.” She stuttered, realizing how close his face was to hers. 
Sirius cleared his throat and sat down beside her, a small laugh falling from his lips. 
“What?” Y/n asked and Sirius smiled at her. 
“You’re just funny.”
Y/n smiled sarcastically, “Awh, no you’re funny.” She paused. “Funny looking.”
Sirius put a hand on his heart, “You wound me.”
“You’ll get over it. Let’s try again.” She said, attempting to stand and just barely doing so successfully.
“Look at you.” Sirius smiled, standing up with her. “Now go forward, carefully.” Y/n took a few steps forward and eventually she was gently sliding on the ice. 
“I’m doing it, SIrius, I’m doing it!”
Sirius nodded, skating circles around the girl, “You are.” He agreed with a smile as she laughed. 
“This is so much fun!” 
“I told you!” Sirius watched the girl with a fond smile. If there was a world record for the shortest amount of time it took for someone to fall in love, Sirius was sure he’d get it. It was the third day of knowing the girl, and he already found himself completely infatuated with her. She was perfect, surely. 
Day three
“Today we’re going to Hogsmeade with the teachers.” Y/n said as Sirius sat down.
“Are we?” He asked.
“Yes. We’re going to look at some lights, do some shopping, and get a butterbeer.” She decided and Sirius nodded.
“Sounds good to me.” He said as owls began to swoop through the castle. 
A small bundle of letters dropped in front of Y/n and Sirius and they each opened their respective ones. 
The first one Sirius read was from James. He talked about how he and his parents wish Sirius went to their house for Christmas. The second was from Peter, who just asked how his break was going. The third was from Remus, who told him to treat Y/n right - she had sent him a letter telling him that they were getting along - and Sirius laughed. 
The final one was from his parents and he froze. Y/n glanced up at his uneasy expression and her eyes flitted to the letter.
She carefully took the unopened parchment from his hands, “They don’t matter, Sirius.” She said quietly, throwing the letter to the side. “Let’s have fun.”
Sirius gave her an uneasy smile, “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s have fun.”
“Okay, you two. Be safe, don’t get into trouble.” Professor McGonagall instructed as they walked into Hogsmeade. 
The two teens nodded, “Yes, professor.” Y/n said.
“Now, Minnie, when have I ever gotten into trouble?” Sirius asked and Professor McGonagall raised her brow. 
“When have you ever not?” She responded curtly and walked to the three broomsticks. 
“You think she’s meeting up with her husband?” Y/n asked.
“She’s married?” Sirius questioned as they walked down the street. 
“I’d assume so. She’s beautiful and smart, why wouldn’t she be?”
Sirius shrugged, “Where are we going first?”
“Actually.” Y/n said. “I’m leaving you.”
Sirius glanced at her, “Why?”
“I need to get you a Christmas present, duh.”
He shook his head, “No, you can’t.”
“I’m not that important.”
Y/n laughed, “Don’t be silly. You’re very important. Meet me at the three broomsticks in an hour, alright?”
Sirius nodded, “Alright.”
“Don’t die.” Y/n called as she walked off.
“You too!”
Sirius sighed as he walked into a vintage shop at the end of the street. The bell rang quietly as the door closed and Sirius smiled at the woman at the front corner. His eyes flitted over the bucket of old black and white photos.
“Are you looking for something specific?” The lady asked and Sirius smiled. 
“No. In fact, I’ve not no clue at all what I’m looking for.” He confessed and the lady smiled.
“Who are you shopping for?”
“A girl.”
“Do you love her?” She asked and Sirius laughed.
“That wouldn’t be far off.”
The woman hummed in thought before her eyes lit up, “You stay put, I might have the perfect gift for her.”
As Sirius waited, he flipped through the black and white pictures. He gazed at a picture of a man and woman in wedding attire and he flipped it over. ‘Just married! 7/24/36’ it read. He put the picture down with a smile and studied another one of two teenagers in their driveway, holding hands and seemingly on the way to a dance.
“Okay, sorry for the wait.” The lady hobbled back out and laid down a shimmering gold locket. “Here it is.”
“I think she’d absolutely adore this.” Sirius beamed and the woman smiled.
“Good. Take it.”
“How much?” Sirius asked, pulling out his wallet.
The woman waved him off, “Don’t be silly. It’s free, in the name of love.”
“No, you can’t-”
“Be off, I’m closing.” She said, pushing him towards the door.
“You don’t close until eig-”
She shut the door and flipped her sign to close, winking at him and walking off. He sighed and put the locket in his pocket, shivering as he made his way to the three broomsticks. He relished in the warmth as he opened the door and walked inside.
“Sirius, over here!” A voice said and he looked over to find Y/n sitting at a table already. 
“You’re early, we still have half an hour.” He smiled as he sat down.
Y/n shrugged, “It didn’t take as long as I expected it to.”
“Shall I order the butterbeer?” Sirius asked and Y/n waved him off.
“No need, I already have. It should be here soon.”
“DId you have fun shopping?” Sirius asked with a smile.
Y/n nodded, “I think I bought you the perfect gift, you’re gonna love it a lot.”
“I think you’re gonna love yours too.”
“You got me a gift?”
Sirius laughed, “Did you really expect me to let you get me a gift and not get you one as well? You’re crazy.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Don’t be rude. So, do you officially love Christmas?”
“I don’t hate it.” Sirius confessed and Y/n smiled.
“Good enough, for now. Oh, thank you.” Y/n smiled as the waiter brought two glasses of butterbeer. She took a sip and Sirius burst out laughing. “What?” She asked. “Sirius! What is it?”
“You have- oh, Merlin.” He said, taking a deep breath. “You look great with a mustache, you should grow it out.” Y/n rolled her eyes and wiped her upper lip. “Oh, well now it’s all along your cheek.”
“Help me, please.”
Sirius leaned over the table and gently wiped her cheek with his thumb. He smiled proudly and pulled away.
“There you go, all better.”
“There’s nothing on your thumb. You’re a liar.” Y/n said with a grin.
Sirius shrugged, “And what about it?”
Day four
“Happy Christmas Eve, Y/n.” Sirius said, sitting down at the table. 
“Happy Christmas Eve, Sirius. How are you this fine evening?”
“I’m quite well. What are we doing today?”
“Well, I thought we’d stay in today and then later tonight build a fort in the common room.”
Sirius smiled, “Will you sing me a song?”
Y/n laughed, “Maybe, if you’re lucky.”
“Fingers crossed.”
“Okay, you have every blanket and chair you could find?” Y/n asked, looking at the pile of blankets and chairs in the middle of the common room.”
Sirius nodded, “I stripped all of our beds and stole chairs from most of the dorms up there.”
“Okay, that’s good. Let’s start by moving these back.” Y/n said, motioning to the couch and armchairs. 
The two worked together to push back the furniture and create their fort with the chairs and blankets. They laughed every time a chair fell and either one got tangled in sheets or blankets. Through all the hardship, after almost two hours of building their fort it was finally finished. 
The two crawled under the fort and sat comfortably.
“Now, you sing me a song.” Sirius said, motioning towards the guitar Y/n had brought. 
Y/n sighed and grabbed the guitar, “Alright, what song?”
Sirius shrugged, “Sing the same song you sang before everyone went home. I left before you could finish.”
Y/n strummed her guitar with a laugh, “I know, you slammed the doors.”
Sirius winced, “I’m sorry.” 
Y/n smiled, “Have yourself a merry little Christmas, let your heart be light.” 
Sirius watched with a soft smile as she sang, glancing down at her guitar every once in a while. 
“Once again as in olden days, happy golden days of yore. Faithful friends who are dear to us, will be near to us once more.”
Her eyes sparkled, “Someday soon we will all be together, if the fates allow. Until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow. So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.”
There was a moment of silence before Sirius spoke, “You’re beautiful.”
Y/n blushed, “Sirius.”
Sirius hummed.
“I love being around you.” She said softly.
She hummed.
“I love being around you, too.”
“That’s good.”
“Do you think we could always be around each other?”
“I definitely do.” Y/n nodded.
“Y/n?” Sirius asked.
Y/n hummed.
“Do you think I could kiss you?”
“I definitely do.”
Sirius gently moved the guitar to the side and cupped Y/n’s cheek, pulling her closer and placing a soft kiss on her lips. The kiss was sweet and slow, nothing but genuine passion.
Sirius smiled once they pulled away, “Maybe Christmas isn’t so bad.”
Day five
Sirius gently shook awake the girl next to him, “Y/n, wake up.” He said quietly and the girl's eyes fluttered open. 
“Oh, hello.” She said with a smile.
“Happy Christmas, Y/n.” 
“Happy Christmas, Siri.”
“Do you want your gift?” Sirius asked and Y/n shook her head.
“No, you open yours first.” She said reaching over and pulling out a neatly packed bag
Sirius laughed, “Okay, okay.” He took the present and took out the tissue paper and gasped. “Y/n, this is like a gazillion galleons.” He said, pulling out the leather jacket.
Y/n smiled, “Not quite. Do you like it?” 
Sirius nodded, “I love it! But now you have to open mine.”
He demanded, pulling out the small wrapped box. 
Y/n carefully unwrapped the present and took the lid off of the small box. It was her turn to gasp at the shiny golden metal.
“Sirius.” She breathed out, gently taking the locket from the box. “It’s beautiful.”
“Reminds me of someone.” Sirius said. “Can I help you put it on?” Y/n nodded and handed him the necklace, turning around and lifting up her hair. Sirius clasped the necklace around her neck and sealed it with a soft kiss.
“I love it, thank you so much.”
Sirius smiled, “I’m glad you like it. Thank you for mine, as well. It's official, I love Christmas.”
Sirius and Y/n laughed quietly to each other as students filled the Great Hall once again. They sat next to each other, rather closely, as they looked over a muggle paper, laughing at all the drama involved. 
“Uhm, hello again, Pads, who’s this?” A voice asked and the pair looked up to see James, a smiling Remus, and a nonchalant Peter.
“Ah, Prongs, this is Y/n, my girlfriend.”
James cocked his head, “I left you for two weeks and you got yourself a girlfriend?”
Sirius smiled and looked at Y/n as she talked to Remus, “Yeah, I guess I did.”
James shook his head with a laugh, “You are one of a kind, Pads.”
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 9 months
A very Spidey Christmas - Pavitr
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x fem!Spider!Reader (Margo, 1610!Miles, Gwen and 42!Miles are here too [not coloured means no lines, just mentions])
Word count: 742
Warnings: CHEESY AS HELL! Nickname used (meri jaan), Pavitr kinda falls off a building, Mariah Carey lyrics (those deserve a warning don’t they 💀), lil bit of desi coded reader if you squint??
A/N: I know I included lyrics in this but now if I have to hear Mariah Carey crooning about Christmas one more time I will scream ��
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“Pass me those scissors, please?” You managed to mumble around the roll of tape in your mouth, your hands occupied with holding down the corners of wrapping paper which were stubbornly refusing to sit flat and cover the gift properly.
Margo glanced up and shot a web, grabbing the scissors and handing them to you. “Here. Watch out, they’re really sharp.”
“Got it, thanks.” You shifted your elbow onto the layers of paper where the corners met, snipping albeit uneven pieces of tape to secure the haphazard folds. “Wait, where’s Pav? Didn’t he say he would get the ribbons-”
“Meri jaan!”
The familiar nickname drew your attention to the terrace of a building just opposite the balcony. You squinted at the shape of a person, all characteristics hidden by the sun’s glare except for the fact that they were waving their arms hysterically at you and seemed to be holding a megaphone of some sort.
You shared a glance with Margo, who was nervously studying the way that Pavitr was rather precariously standing at the edge of the right corner of the terrace, right next to the safety railing — which didn’t even reach past his knee. Some safety railing.
“This one’s for you!” He yelled, bringing the megaphone to his mouth. “I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…. I don’t care about the presents, underneath the Christmas tree — I don't need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace…”
Look, you adored that boy, you really did - everyone knew it. And you knew that he could sing Bollywood songs beautifully if he wanted to. English pop songs, though… specifically Mariah Carey… not so much.
The megaphone crackled and slowly faded out for the next few lines, until Pavitr stopped and bashed it against his palm thrice and it fizzled back to life in time for the most iconic line. “All I want for Christmas… is y-”
Before he could finish his onslaught of mildly terrible singing, too many things happened at once — Pavitr, who had been unknowingly inching toward the edge during his spectacle, toppled off the side of the building, Margo dropped the scissors with a sharp clack, and both variants of Miles leaped through the kitchen window and crashed into the dining table, followed by Gwen gracefully sticking the landing in a crouch before stumbling over the rolls of decorative tape you and Margo had left on the floor and almost falling flat on her face.
Whoops. But then again, you probably had bigger problems.
Namely looking out for the absolute dumbass you had fallen in love with.
You leaped out the window that Miles and Gwen had dived through, shooting a web to the side of the building and using it to pull yourself toward it, then lever yourself down into the small alley on the ground beside it.
“Pavitr, where are you? Wh- Pavi!” You were almost frantic as you spotted the familiar blue-and-red fabric of his suit. You knelt beside him, rolling him over onto his back, your heart in your mouth. His shoulder were shaking, maybe spasming…. was he…
“What the hell, Pavitr,” You complained, watching him get up easily by himself, now in peals of laughter, and pull you in by the waist. “I was worried!”
“I know you were. I’m fine, meri jaan. And I had to profess my love for you in a dramatic, Christmas-like fashion, right? After all, aap sabse achchhe tareekon ke hakadaar hain. (You deserve the fanciest/best stuff) Even if it means belting out Mariah Carey on a random rooftop.”
“Uh-huh. Did Hobie say something that inspired you to do this?” You asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically and biting the inside of your cheek to prevent a smile from breaking through.
“Nope. All my own idea. It had that certain flair, didn’t it? Did you like it?” He widened his eyes in that way that made him look like a sad puppy, still holding onto you.
“…of course I did, my love. But, good grief, you’re such an idiot sometimes,” You sighed, puffing out your cheeks as you blew air through your mouth in exasperation. You gave into his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck while he dipped his head to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Well, I prefer the term hopeless romantic,” Pavitr corrected, giving you one of those sunshiny, I’m-here-with-you-don’t-worry-everything-is-fine grins that, for some reason, could reassure you every time without fail.
“Of course you do. Come inside and help with the presents. No more dangerous stuff, you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Meri jaan - my light/my life 😁
@vhstown @l0starl @tatumis-a @deritosmi @hobiebrownismygod @therealloopylupin2099
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bloomingforerza · 2 years
Ouran High School Host Club HC’s — Being their girlfriend would include…
notes from bloom: hi guys!!! thanks for the love on my previous works. lost inspiration for my levi oneshot so for now she’s benched and instead i wrote this. enjoy :)
tags: fluff, loads and loads of fluff
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Tamaki Suoh
🌸 Tamaki is obviously very flamboyant in nature and super pushy, but he’s also the sweetest man you’ve ever met.
🌸 And sure he puts on that show for the host club ladies, but you aren’t a host club lady, you never were. You used to despise Tamaki Suoh.
🌸 But then one day, he watched a group of boys mess with you in the courtyard, and he didn’t just stand by.
🌸 After kicking one guy to the ground, He threatened all of them, using his father’s power against them (a move he learned from Kyoya), and sent the boys running with their tails between their legs.
🌸 After that, you decided to take time to get to know Tamaki. Being his girlfriend though, that was a secret to anyone outside of direct host club members.
🌸 And they all loved you. You’d get to hang out with them. Being in the same class as Tamaki and Kyoya, you spent most of your time with them during the day.
🌸 But host club hours were your favorite part.
🌸 Tamaki would find some time to sneak away with you and just hold you for a moment, just so you knew he loved you.
🌸 He’d bring you flowers every Saturday, always your favorites of course. He’d love to take you out on food dates and shopping trips, he’d love to buy you things.
🌸 But most of all, Tamaki loved holding your hand. 🌸 You’re the first girl he’s truly loved, and he loves being able to do simple things like walk down a street together.
🌸 He’d play piano for you, all the time. The songs he’d play would tell you how he was feeling that day, but whether you knew it or not, moments like this he spent with you were the best part of his day.
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Kyoya Ootori
🌸 Kyoya is a man that hardly shows any kind of happiness. That being said, you truly enamored him when the two of you first met.
🌸 You had met outside of Ouran entirely. Fuyumi had extended an invite to the Ootori group’s Christmas party to one of her friends from work. They would be bringing a sister, and that was all Kyoya knew.
🌸 But then he met you. And you took his breath away. Of course, Kyoya is the cool type, so he’s going about this super chill.
🌸 He’ll first ask you your name, and then he’ll compliment how lovely that sounds, repeating it back to you, making your heart race.
🌸 But after he gets your phone number, he’d start calling you to ask you out on dates. He’d take you to all kinds of beautiful places like butterfly sanctuaries and botanical gardens.
🌸 After he’d ask you to be his girlfriend though, he’d start going the extra mile just for you. He’d take you to far away cities you’ve never seen before when you’d both have the time off from school.
🌸 He’d love exploring new cities with you as well, places he’s never been. He loves having opportunities like this with you, sharing these experiences together makes these memories feel that much more special.
🌸 I feel like Kyoya’s love language would be gift giving and words of affirmation. He’d love to give you gifts and then tell you how much you mean to him.
🌸 During class hours, he’d pass you notes. Little notes with doodles of you. They’d say some little compliment on them, something about how your hair looks today or how radiant your smile was.
🌸 In private, Kyoya was very touchy. He loved hugs believe it or not, but only your hugs. He’d lay with you for a while and just play with your hair.
🌸 When it came to the host club, Kyoya would try to keep you as far away from the band of idiots as he could.
🌸 But you’d always sneak in for a little piece of cake and some time with Kyoya, and he never truly minded it.
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Hikaru Hitachiin
🌸 We all know that Hikaru is insecure. He does know how to be confident, but when it comes to himself and his romantic feelings, he doesn’t know what to do.
🌸 He asks you to go on a little shopping date with him, and you agreed. He was surprised you had said yes, but after that it became a regular thing.
🌸 He loved watching you try on clothes, he’d compliment you in every single outfit you tried on. He thought you were ethereal.
🌸 And once you were his girlfriend, he’d surprise you with endless outfits he’d love to see you wear on your dates with him. Some of them were really well put together, while others were….too promiscuous.
🌸 He’d love to go on coffee dates with you, too. He’d even plan trips for the two of you to other cities just so you two could experience coffee in new places together.
🌸 And he’d also love to go on beach dates with you. He’d fly out to Okinawa just for a day with you in the water.
🌸 Hikaru loves to talk about himself, but he swears that there is nothing more interesting than what you have to say. If you’re telling him a story of your past, he will remember every detail.
🌸 Hikaru’s love language is definitely physical touch as well as quality time, so he’d love to have his hands on you at all times.
🌸 Linking arms when walking in the street, always snuggling you close to him when he’s asleep, sitting with his arm around you or with his hand in yours, he just loves knowing you’re right next to him.
🌸 Hikaru would definitely have those moments of self doubt and anxiety, and when he did they could get rough.
🌸 On one occasion he had said something that made you cry, but he snapped out of it quick after seeing the tears roll down your face.
🌸 He realizes he hates to see you cry and he swears he will protect the smile that he loves so much.
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Kaoru Hitachiin
🌸 Kaoru is the soft spoken, easygoing twin. Haruhi DID say that Hikaru was the mischievous one.
🌸 But Kaoru is a little more sure of himself than Hikaru is. And when he realized he had feelings for you, he didn’t wait to ask you out on a date.
🌸 Kaoru likes to do fun educational things I feel like. He’d take you to a planetarium or an art museum.
🌸 Or, he’d take you out to a festival. Kaoru loves dressing up with you for them, he’d have his mother make an extra matching kimono for you.
🌸 He’s definitely the type of man to take you out on picnic dates and hand feed you strawberries. You’d eat, and then he’d let you lay with your head on his lap while you both digested.
🌸 Kaoru would also like to take you out on trips, but he definitely is more of a middle-of-nowhere type of guy. He’d rather take you to the mountains of Norway or to a huge forest house in America, but he is still down to go on trips like Rio de Jenario or Berlin.
🌸 His love languages are also probably physical touch and words of affirmation.
🌸 You’ve seen how close Kaoru is with Hikaru, it’s only natural that Kaoru will also be touchy with you. He loves to simply hold your hand for the most part when you two go out.
🌸 But when you’re alone, Kaoru is the best snuggler. He loves to be big spoon, and he’ll wrap himself around you entirely as if he’s protecting you.
🌸 However, because Kaoru sometimes feels as if he’s trailing behind Hikaru instead of walking beside him, this will make him insecure.
🌸 He loves when you help reassure him of himself, and ground him again.
🌸 He also loves when you remind him of what you love about him and what makes him special to you, what sets him apart from Hikaru.
🌸 He’d just so happy that he has someone like you, someone who has crossed into his world and brought out the best in him. He loves that you see Kaoru, not ‘Hikaru and Kaoru’.
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Mistkuni Haninozuka
🌸 Mistkuni can be a bit of a child, but we all know he is a full grown boy and he knows it himself as well. He just doesn’t care.
🌸 So when he decided to finally ask you out, it was on a date to the aquarium. Of course he had to ask if Usa-chan could come along with you two.
🌸 He’s obviously very into sweets. And once you were his girlfriend, he’d love to take you out on bakery dates and buy you any sweets you’d want.
🌸 He’d also probably be the picnic type of guy. He’d love to have a nice picnic with cake, tea, Usa-chan and you, all of his favorite things.
🌸 Mitskuni is also a fun dates guy, but more like amusement parks and zoos. He loves to take you to exciting places.
🌸 He’d probably take you to Disney and make you get matching ears with him honestly, he’s that cheesy and cute.
🌸 But unfortunately Mistkuni also still has a dojo to attend to. The first time you visited his estate, watching all of the members of the dojo bow and respect him was almost humbling.
🌸 You’d watch him train on weekends before you’d be able to go out with him, but you didn’t mind. You loved seeing this side of Mitskuni.
🌸 His love languages are quality time and physical touch. Mitskuni loves to spend his time with you. You could be doing anything and he didn’t care.
🌸 We all know he takes afternoon naps, but if you take one with him he’s sure to never let you go. He would love to cuddle up to you while you’d sleep together.
🌸 Honestly, you might just be Mitskuni’s favorite person. But don’t tell Takashi that.
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Takashi Morinozuka
🌸 Okay but everyone knew about Takashi turning down a girl because his priority was serving Mitskuni.
🌸 That was, until he met you on the first day of your first year at Ouran.
🌸 Takashi was a a simple man, all he really cared for before was Mitskuni. But he found himself speaking more around you, and coming to find you were listening.
🌸 And one day, you had nearly fallen down a flight of stairs, and he caught you. And in that moment, he realized just how much you could take over his heart and he’d willingly just give it to you if you merely asked.
🌸 But after making sure you were okay, Takashi did ask you out on a date. He was a simple man, and your first date was actually to a park. All he wanted to do was take a walk.
🌸 But after that, he’d take you out on dates to the animal shelters or to fun hiking trails. Takashi is a fit guy, so I feel like he’d enjoy lots of exercise dates like that.
🌸 He’d also be the type of guy to go on a bike riding date. He’d get bikes for the both of you and the two of you would ride around together all day exploring the city.
🌸 And if you really enjoy doing these things with him, he’d take you to fun places like Amsterdam or Paris, somewhere to cycle around and enjoy the sights to see.
🌸 Or, he’d take you on a cool hiking trip through the Amazon Rain Forest or through the Grand Canyon. He loves just spending that time with you.
🌸 Takashi’s love language would definitely be quality time and acts of service.
🌸 He isn’t a man of many words, even if he has more for you than most others, nor does he often display his affections, but just doing the things he enjoys with you is more than enough for him.
🌸 He would definitely carve out just a little extra time in each day just to spend it with you. Seeing you was his favorite part of the day.
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Haruhi Fujioka
🌸 Haruhi doesn’t really know she likes girls yet, so when she meets you on her first day at Ouran, her heart began to race, and she didn’t really know what do think or do.
🌸 After she had joined the host club, you never said anything, but you knew she was a girl on her first day of school. She had lost her glasses, but you definitely saw right through them.
🌸 And soon after you recognized the growing crush you had on Haruhi, you began attending the host club.
🌸 But you made Haruhi just slightly more nervous than usual, and you didn’t know why. Your initial first thought was she didn’t like you. But after spending more time with her, she had asked you out on a date.
🌸 And after asking, she told you she was a girl. But you laughed, informing her you already knew, which brought about her shock afterwards.
🌸 She eventually started to laugh with you, and after that everything fell into place. She’d taken you to a bookstore in her town, and you were obsessed with it.
🌸 After that though, you would take her out on dates instead for the most part. She’d plan them sometimes, but you loved to be the one to spoil her.
🌸 You loved taking Haruhi to museums and sushi restaurants. The look on Tamaki’s face when you bragged to him about buying Haruhi fancy tuna was priceless.
🌸 And her face, the first time she tried it, was also priceless. You loved to see her happy.
🌸 Haruhi’s love languages are most likely words of affirmation and quality time. She gets tired and stressed after having to deal with the host club, so spending time with you after is always her favorite.
🌸 She loves just sitting around and drinking tea with you, watching movies until you’d fall asleep together.
🌸 She also knew that as a first born lady in a family with status and money that you were self doubtful, so she’d love to share her own personal thoughts of you when you’re in that funk.
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