#the adventures of Abby and Ness
much-ado-about-whomst · 11 months
Little ficlet? Idk. I started writing this but its been a long day and I've lost steam. I don't know if I'll finish this or not.
The first time Abby met Ness she liked him immediately. She was at the library with Mike though she has no idea where he went. She's been wondering around for so ling that she has no idea where she is now, the shelves of books all looking the same.
Ness was researching (like he was most days.) Today he was at the library to read up on mycelium because one of his customers mentioned offhand that mushrooms can talk to each other through them.
As he was picking out a few books, Ness saw a little girl wonder around the bookcases. Definitely lost. No one else seemed to notice her.
"Hey, are you lost?" Ness asked softly. The girl nodded.
"I can't find my brother." Her voice had a wobble to it.
"I can look with you if you want?"
"Mike says I shouldn't talk to strangers."
"That's really good advice. He sounds like a smart cookie. I promise that we'll just look around the library and once you find your brother you don't have to talk to me again." Abby thought for a moment.
"Whatcha reading?" Abby asks as,they start to look around.
"It's a book on fungus."
"Does it have pictures?"
"A few. Not as many as they should though. What about you?"
"Mike and I are read 'A Series of Unfortunate Events.' I have the third one."
"I love that serise." Ness gushed. They talk all about their favorite moments from the books. Its going well up until some scruffy looking guy walks up to them.
"What are you doing with my sister?" He hissed.
"I- uh- well we-," Ness starts to stammer.
"Mike!" Abby hugs him. "Ness we helping me find you. Hes really nice and he like the Serise of Unfortunate Events." Mike's demeanor softens only slightly.
"Well- uh- have fun finishing the serise. I'll leave you to it."
"Don't go." Abby pleaded.
"Abby." Ness's eyes flick to Mike then back to her then lowers himself so they're eye level. "Remember what I said about us finding your brother and then we can go back to being strangers?"
"But I don't want to be strangers." Abby pouts.
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fangirlanxiety74 · 11 months
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What will MIKE and friends do?
(FNAF Movie and Omori spoilers + me rambling under cut)
Sooo here's my contribute to the FNAF movie: A sketch of kid!Mike and "friends" in an Omori-style battle! It was going to be against Springtrap but I liked the idea of Garrett's airplane better, since there's already an airplane enemy in the game.
From top to bottom, left to right we have: kid!Max, kid!Vanessa, kid!Mike, and kid!Ness. Vanessa and Mike were pretty easy to do since we already know what they look like as kids, Ness I had to take inspiration from what Matpat looked like when he was younger, and Max was completely just, me winging it. Oops!
But while drawing this I had this entire Omori AU for the gang. Essentially, they were all friends back when they were kids up until Garrett's disappearance. Mike then cut them all off out of grief, and having been the one to introduce the group to each other, they all fell out of touch. In this AU, I think Vanessa knows that it was William who took and killed him, but obviously she can't admit that now can she? Or maybe she doesn't, unclear yet.
It isn't until the events of the movie that they all finally get back in touch with each other, and the plot follows with the added edition of Mike's "dreams" now being Headspace and following the regular Omori plot of traveling through the dreams, with the added "Trying to find his killer." The enemies would be the different animatronics and added versions of the people Mike meets irl (ie: Imagine Steve Raglan being Mr. Jawsum. Or maybe Springtrap? It would explain Boss!Hero).
The only exception of getting back in touch before the events was Mike and Max, cause Mike needed a babysitter and so they got in touch maybe a month prior, but neither of them actually talk to each other and pretend like they never knew each other beforehand because neither of them are ready to discuss what happened.
Also in this AU, this is who takes who's place: Mike is Omori/Sunny (obvi), Ness is Kel, Max is Aubrey, and Vanessa is Hero. Also also, Garrett is Mari and Abby is Basil.
Why does Abby take Basil? Cause the whole surface plot of the game is to try and figure out what happened to Basil and "save" him. And I think that feels very reminiscent of what would happen to Abby in this AU: She tries to goes on adventures with the gang, but because she came so much later + knows too much (the drawings and ghost kids) she disappears in the subconscious to showcase Mike's relationship with her in real world. Because really, yes he wants to "save" Abby, but more than that he wants to save Garrett. He wants to change what happened. Abby, in his subconscious, gets in the way of that.
I have other small ideas for this AU. Like how, instead of the '3 days until you move' it's '3 days until court' because ofc, Aunt Jane taking him to court. Instead of photographs, it's Abby's drawings. Instead of the picnic blanket, it's the picnic table :)! And also I think the final fight between Basil and Sunny is actually the fight with Springtrap like in the movie.
Sorry this is a lot!!! Idk if any of this makes sense but I might draw more for this AU! I'll call it: Five Nights in Headspace :)! Hope y'all like it and if you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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fluffybun24 · 8 months
random facts about my characters and AU’s nobody gives a shit or asked about! HOORAY!!
Jolly And Friends!
• Jolly has a large 8 foot tall butterfly/cat mixture pet.
• Kessi is the host of a very popular night show.
• Kessi and Jolly are not my only characters!
• this is all kinda like a mixture of welcome home, amanda the adventurer, and FNAF but it’s still genuinely interesting.
• Jolly is constantly treated like a child despite being over eighteen.
•Jolly and Kessi are the most self aware(and autistic) but Kessi hides it the best.
Half-Abstracted Pomni AU!
• Pomni doesn’t believe she’s human, ALL of her memories were wiped out of existence, she couldn’t even remember how to speak.
• Pomni tends to wander off a lot, no one knows why.
• sometimes Pomni doesn’t like to walk herself so she climbs onto whoever she sees walking around and doesn’t get off until they get to where she wants to go.
• Caine thinks Pomni’s like a big cat so instead of a normal bed Pomni has a large cat bed
The Amazing Digital University
• Jax and Pomni are children of divorce and both live with their mother
• Caine and Pomni are both on the Autism spectrum, Caine’s on the more extroverted and social side while Pomni is more in the sensitive and shy side.
•Jax makes fun of Pomni’s height all the time but when he’s serious he sits on the ground or crouches down to speak to her face to face.
• Gangle is HUGE theater kid and likes to put Pomni on big pedestals while Pomni’s anxiety goes through the roof.
• the gang are in a study that Caine forced everyone into, he likes to sit next to Pomni all the time.
•Kinger likes insects and insects like him, he has a pet spider.
• the Sun and the Moon are the principal and assistant principal, the Moon likes Caine because he’s a very intelligent student.
• Ragatha usually likes to buy lunch for everyone
• Abby is not Able
• Abby was supposed to be a temporary AI that Caine made for a babysitting related adventure called WATCH THE BABY! where everyone just had to watch over a small baby like AI, but since Caine made her, she was rowdy and chaotic!
• Ness was around even before Pomni arrived, her purpose was to be a tourist AI! that failed miserably
• Ness had a girlfriend named Vi!
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blazenka · 1 year
If Cutter was still alive and the team traveled around the world tracking anomalies together. Loch Ness, Chupacabra, and Sasquatch; what will the team find? More importantly, what might the team find out about each other? Series of one-shots
Original source: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6349056/1/Legends
Chapters: 3
Published: 2010-07-03 - 2010-09-06  
Words: 4823
Rated: Fiction T - Language: English - Genre: Humor/Supernatural - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3
Exported with the assistance of FicHub.net
Part three: Now we head to Mexico. Let's see what adventures and mishaps the team shall find this time. Hope you enjoy! 
Chapter 3: La Chupacabra de Mexico:
Connor and Abby awoke early that morning as they got ready for the airport. "How many hours difference is there between England and Central America?" Abby wondered as she made arrangements for their pets. "Um… I think about… five or six hours behind of us," Connor stated as he moved the luggage to the SUV waiting outside.
"So, do you know exactly where we're headed to?" Connor asked the team as they finished loaded up. "No clue, as usual," Jenny stated with a glare towards Cutter. "It'll be a surprise," he smiles as he climbed into the vehicle. "Really? A 'surprise'?" Jenny squeaked, "If its somewhere cold as bloody hell again, I'm going to put you in a lot of pain Nick Cutter," she threatened.
Connor and Abby sunk back into their seats as Becker and Sarah tried to look out the windows with all their intention. "Well, hope you did not pack for somewhere cold because it's not," Cutter announced to the group as they headed towards the airport.
It was almost unbearably hot as they headed to the center of the city. Actually, it reminded Connor a lot of Abby's flat except for the abnormally thick smoked atmosphere. "Alright, if you need water or to wash anything, please, I'm warning you to use bottled water," Cutter warned the group.
"And don't eat anything that has been washed with water here, either," Jenny added as they headed towards a smaller town. "As long as we're out of this smoke," Abby demanded as she grasped Connor's arm when they went over a bump.
"I thought Mexico City was supposed to be picturesque?" Sarah asked as they continued down the dirt road. "According to their tourism department, it is," Cutter stated with dry amusement. "But we're not staying in the city, are we?" Connor asked and Cutter nodded in agreement from the rear view mirror. "We're staying in the outer limits of the city near farming villages," he informed the group. Jenny felt all her enthusiasm drain as she could only guess why and where exactly they would have to stay.
"Cutter, I hate to ask but what creature are we exactly looking for?" Connor spoke warily. "The Chupacabra, I believe it is pronounced," he replied. "We're searching for a monstrous goat eater?" Jenny and Connor squeaked or gasped, it was hard to tell in the cramped vehicle. All Cutter could do was smile.
The whole day had been a disaster. Cutter had used the matrix to predict an anomaly in Mexico and they had no problem finding the creature in the country side. It was trying to capture and deal with the futuristic furless canine that had been the issue.
Sarah, Cutter and Connor had tried to set a trap for the creature. Their plan ended up failing in true Scooby-Doo style as Connor got caught in the trap. They eventually sent the mangy canine back into the anomaly and locked it after it tried to attack Abby.
Connor and Abby were exhausted and decided to go to a local bar for at least a lager. The cantina did not have lagers or any alcoholic beverage they recognized however, the bartender there suggested they tried a strange amber colored liquid - tequila. Both Abby and Connor had never seen nor tried the foreign drink before. After some coaxing from Abby, a very reluctant Connor tried some tequila with her.
Abby woke the next morning with a serious hangover, who would know tequila was so strong? She sure hadn't. Now she thought it was probably a bad idea to convince Connor to try it with her.
With a groan, Abby wrapped the sheet tighter around her slim frame as she rolled over into something warm and hard. As first she just continued to nudge whatever it was only to have to move back towards her. It was only when it growled in protest that did she stop and finally open her eyes. She was met with a half naked Connor lying on his stomach next to her.
For the first time, she lifted the sheets to see that she was, in fact, naked. Abby couldn't help but wonder how she managed to not notice or how she ended up this way. She quickly drew more of the sheet tighter around her. Yet, as she drew more sheets to cover herself, she had to use the sheets that were covering Connor.
Unfortunately as she did, it caused the sheets to be drawn off of Connor's body. Abby was shocked to find that Connor was not half naked as she originally thought but was completely butt naked in bed beside her. She let her eyes wander down his bare back all the way down his naked ass and muscular legs.
Even though Abby had seen Connor all the time in their flat in just his boxers, it had been at least a year since then. Now Abby could see the entire effect anomaly work and dinosaur chasing had down to his body. His body looked toned with subtle muscles, and Abby would have never noticed any of this since Connor always kept himself hidden under layers of clothing.
Grim thoughts popped into her mind and Abby hoped she had not slept with him. It would most certainly ruin their friendship and Abby could not bare losing him. She needed to wake him before the team found them both in such a situation.
"Connor," she whispered harshly as she again tried to nudge him awake. Connor just continued to whimper in protest. "Please, Abbs, five more minutes," he muttered as he snuggled deeper into the pillow. Abby rolled her eyes; she guessed she should be glad he didn't call her 'mother'.
"Connor," she pleaded, "You need to wake up, please." Somehow that got Connor's attention as he awoke to see Abby clutching a sheet to her body. "Abby, why are you in my bed?" he asked, still in a sleepy daze. "One way or another we ended up in bed together last night and we're naked, Connor," she informed him sternly.
Connor's eyes went wide and he tried to sit up. Unfortunately, he rolled over into sitting position and right off the bed with a load thump unto the floor. This also allowed Abby to view the whole front of his body - all the way from his head down to his… er, waist. Of course, she couldn't help herself but to look at everything with a surprised wide-eyed expression.
Abby eventually turned away as she felt blood rush to her cheeks. She had just seen Connor naked, could she still think they possibly might maintain a normal 'just friends' relationship? She would try as she turned away and coughed, "Connor," she warned cautiously.
Quickly, Connor jumped up as he grabbed a pillow off the bed to cover himself. Just as he started to try to somehow explain, a knock came to the door. Well, more like a bang with forced entry, "Connor? Abby? Are you two… alright?" a masculine voice asked with deep confusion.
Connor turned around to face the rest of his team. Sarah stood baffled along with Becker while Jenny and Cutter seemed to have mixed amused expressions of their face. "We can explain," Connor began before Abby made her presence know.
"No, we can't, Connor," she stated dryly. "We can't?" he asked as his voice rose to near soprano. "Unless you can remember last night since I can't, then no, Connor, we can't explain," she explained as she gathered up the sheet to move into the bathroom. "Right," Connor admitted as he donned a pained expression to the rest of the group.
Stifled laughs and whispered comments could be heard as the team loaded up their vehicle. Cutter explained how tequila was notorious for its potency, and Abby could literally feel the shame on her face. She couldn't image how Connor felt, especially since everyone on the team saw his unclothed backside.
Yet, Connor seemed to go on as normal unless Abby was near and she knew he blamed her for the whole incident. "Listen, Connor, I'm…" "Abby, I'm sorry," he told her, beating her to the apology. Abby just stared at him, he was sorry? "Please don't kick me out of the flat," he added with sincere fear in his eyes.
"Why would I kick you out of our flat, Conn?" she had to know why he was sorry. Spiking drinks was something Connor would never do so other than that Abby could not think of anything he should apologize for. "I embarrassed you in front of the whole team. I can't remember last night to give you a proper explanation and I'm so terribly sorry," he explained.
Abby sighed in understanding, it was so typical Connor. "Connor, I convinced you to drink the tequila in the first place. You have nothing to apologize for," she informed him but when he just stared at her she reassured him, "And no, I will not be kicking you out of the flat," and Connor's shoulder's relaxed.
"Thank you," he whispered as they finished packing the last of their luggage. "You know," he stated, "I remember us dancing. It was nice," he admitted. "Yea, me too," she agreed with a smile. "We could go ask that bartender what and if anything happened that night, if you want," Connor offered. "How about we just leave this a mystery, Conn?" she offered in return and he nodded as they entered the vehicle. Both Abby and Connor were equally excited that they were going home and far away from any tequila.
Maybe it was best if they did not mention their time in Mexico, especially since the rest of the team was sure to never let them forget any time soon.
Thank you for reading!
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
abby, bc as moomin characters with explanation please 🎤
(you may also include robin 😌✨️ ..as a treat ..for me)
Niko: Little My. not just for size but because Little My is loud and bites people.
Olli: we all agree on his Snufkin vibe but I do want to point out his Muddler-ness. Muddler is scared lil thing who loses everything, including his own son. he also gets nauseous easily.
Porko: Moomintroll. friendly, social, adventurous, gets excited about everything.
Joel: Snorkmaiden. rather emotional, often moody and impulsive. cares about her looks.
Tommi: the Muskrat. aloof grumpy hermit.
Aleksi: I keep trying to find a better fit but I cant - he's Stinky. he's a little shit.
+ Robin: Alicia. sweet and friendly, talented, ambitious, just cheeky enough to secretly sneak out to hang out with her friends.
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gomoviesweb01-blog · 5 years
My Most Anticipated Movies of 2011
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As we kick off a new year in cinema, I thought I'd take time to look ahead at the films we'll be hit with over the course of the year. In this article, I'll be going over what my 15 most anticipated movies are for the year. Now it should be noted, these aren't the movies that I feel will be the best of 2011 necessarily. Rather, they're the ones that, as of the time of this writing, I am anticipating the most. So without further ado, here are my most anticipated movies of 2011.
1. Sucker Punch
Director: Zack Snyder
Writer: Zack Snyder and Steve Shibuya
Stars: Emily Browning, Vanessa Hudgens and Abbie Cornish
Release Date: March 25, 2011
Genre: Action Fantasy Thriller
What is it: A young girl is institutionalized by her wicked stepfather. Retreating to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, she envisions a plan which will help her escape from the facility.
Why it should be good: Really hot and badass chicks wearing schoolgirl outfits and other skimpy clothes, with swords and guns, coupled with Snyder's awesome visual flair? Yea, definitely count me in. The trailer for this thing just looks completely awesome. From the style to the action, even the story (while seeming a bit out there) seems cool. I'm beginning to thoroughly enjoy Snyder's work. If The Adjustment Bureau could be this year's new Inception due to its mindfuck story, then Sucker Punch could absolutely be this year's Inception meets The Dark Knight meets 300 meets Inglorious Basterds due to it's style and epic adventure, yet dark tone with alternate realities. This movie just oozes style and badass-ness and I really can't wait for what is sure to be an absolutely entertaining, epic adventure.
Why it could suck: Snyder can be a bit off his mark sometimes. While Watchmen was enjoyable, it did get a bit boring. And Legend of the Guardians is said to suffer from some pacing issues as well and has drawn mixed reviews from critics. Though to be fair to Snyder, he wrote neither of those movies, but is responsible for the writing (or at least screenplay) of the badass 300.
2. Sherlock Holmes 2
Director: Guy Ritchie
Writer: Kieran and Michele Mulroney
Stars: Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law, Noomi Rapace and Stephen Fry
Release Date: December 16, 2011
Genre: Action Mystery
What is it: Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.
Why it should be good: I'm a big Sherlock Holmes fan. The Doyle stories still stand as my favorite books today. I love Sherlock. He's such a badass. And finally, a movie seems to have captured that pretty well. The first was one of the better portrayals of Sherlock I had seen. Rather than being portrayed as a snooty, 'proper' and sophisticated Englishman, he was shown with all the rough edges that Doyle wrote him with. While the movie was indeed Hollywood-ized beyond anything you'd find in the books, it was a fun adventure and quite an enjoyable movie. Guy Ritchie is a very good filmmaker as well. For these reasons, and my love for Sherlock, I'm very much eager to see how Part 2 turns out, especially as they go head-to-head with Moriarty. Also, I'm eager to see how well Noomi Rapace (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,etc) does in her Hollywood debut.
Why it could suck: New writers. The original writers from the first aren't coming back instead Kieran and Michele Mulroney are taking over the job. So let's see how they handle it. Relatively new to writing, the two previously wrote Paper Man which didn't fair so well with critics.
3. Paranormal Activity 3
Director: Tod Williams
Writer: Christopher B. Landon and Michael R. Perry; characters by Oren Peli
Stars: Katie Featherston
Release Date: October 21, 2011
Genre: Horror
What is it: Well, we have no idea what this one is going to be about as nothing has been given. However, the first movie followed a couple that were being haunted by an evil spirit who possessed Katie. The sequel (which was more of a prequel) followed Katie's sister's family as that same spirit haunts them and their baby. This all culminates to the two stories converging at the end of Part 2 where it gets to the point where Part 1 ends and we see what happens after the whole event. Undoubtedly, Part 3 is set to pick up where Part 2 and 1 left off. What happens from there? Your guess is as good as mine.
Why it should be good: The first Paranormal Activity became something of a cult phenomenon/sensation. Hailed as the scariest movie of the year, people flocked to the film making it a huge success. And rightly so in my book. It was a minimalistic horror movie that took it back to the roots of the genre by using tension and suspense to really instill fear and terror in the minds of the audience. Part 2, while some people seemed to not like it as much as the first, did more of the same. I actually thought Part 2 was pretty much right on par with the first. And the ingenious storytelling that created a parallel prequel to the first was definitely cool. The creator and writers of this franchise have really shown that the horror genre can be revived and doesn't have to be all about gore and such. They've done a good job with instilling that fear in the audience as well, tapping into that fear, leaving the audience's imagination to run wild while being completely captivated. I expect no less from the third.
Why it could suck: If you feel the second was worse than the first, then you may be in for some disappoint when you find out the same writers and director of the sequel are back. However, like with Part 2, Oren Peli (the creator of the franchise) is still very much involved and is serving as producer on this film.
4. Paul
Director: Greg Mottola
Writer: Nick Frost and Simon Pegg
Stars: Nick Frost, Simon Pegg and Seth Rogen
Release Date: March 18, 2011
Genre: Sci-fi Comedy
What is it: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) reunite for the comedy adventure Paul as two sci-fi geeks whose pilgrimage takes them to America's UFO heartland. While there, they accidentally meet an alien who brings them on an insane road trip that alters their universe forever. For the past 60 years, an alien named Paul (voiced by Seth Rogen) has been hanging out at a top-secret military base. For reasons unknown, the space-traveling smart ass decides to escape the compound and hop on the first vehicle out of town-a rented RV containing Earthlings Graeme Willy (Pegg) and Clive Gollings (Frost). Chased by federal agents and the fanatical father of a young woman that they accidentally kidnap, Graeme and Clive hatch a fumbling escape plan to return Paul to his mother ship. And as two nerds struggle to help, one little green man might just take his fellow outcasts from misfits to intergalactic heroes.
Why it should be good: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost back together again. That should be enough. Seriously. When these two guys get together it's gold, as evidenced by Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. This might be my favorite duo around these days. They'll also be pairing up to write this which is always a good thing as well (well, this will be Frost's first real writing job, but Pegg has been responsible for their first two outings together). Now, they won't be reuniting with Edgar Wright for this one, instead they'll be teaming with the director of Adventureland andSuperbad, two movies which I definitely enjoyed. On top of all of that, they have comedic star Seth Rogan joining them. Sounds like quite the team really and I'm rather excited for what I'm sure will be a very funny movie, and possibly end up being the comedy of the year.
Why it could suck: You do have to wonder if some of that magic from Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz will be lost as Frost and Pegg carry on without Wright. I think they're great comedic talents though and can stand on their own. And the somewhat all-star get-together should compensate.
5. The Adjustment Bureau
Director: George Nolfi
Writer: George Nolfi; Based on Short Story by Philip K. Dick
Stars: Matt Damon, Emily Blunt and Terence Stamp
Release Date: March 4, 2011
Genre: Thriller
What is it: Just as he is on the brink of winning a senate seat, politician David Norris (Matt Damon) meets a ballerina named Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt). Though David is smitten, mysterious men conspire to keep him away from the beautiful dancer. David learns he is up against the powerful agents of Fate itself, and, glimpsing the future laid out before him, must either accept a predetermined path that does not include Elise, or defy Fate to be with her.
Why it should be good: Honestly, this sounds like it could be this year's Inception. With plenty of mindfucks going on, it's a thriller involving different levels of reality and mysterious forces. Matt Damon really tends to shine in these types of movies. The trailer has me rather intrigued and looks like it could provide quite an enthralling adventure. While this is Nolfi's directorial debut, he did write The Bourne Ultimatum, thus will be teaming up with Damon once again. The movie is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick, whose work has been the grounds for such movies asBlade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Paycheck and A Scanner Darkly. So with presumably some good source material, and a writer that can definitely do the part (as illustrated with The Bourne Ultimatum) we could be in for a real treat.
Why it could suck: This is Nolfi's first time in the director's seat, so we'll have to wait and see if he's in over his head. Furthermore, it is being billed as something of a romance thriller. So let's hope they don't go overboard with the romance part and make it some sappy romance film for which they sacrifice some of the plot to focus on the romance.
6. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Director: Rob Marshall
Writer: Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio
Stars: Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Penelope Cruz and Ian McShane
Release Date: May 20, 2011
Genre: Fantasy Action-Adventure
What is it: Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too.
Why it should be good: Some people have hated them. Some have thought they've gotten worse as they went along. I've found the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise to be a fun adventure. Just a fun movie with plenty of adventure, some cool special effects, and just good times. And maybe it's my man-crush I have on Depp, but I'm absolutely thrilled to see him back as Jack Sparrow. The character is so much fun and always provides for some entertainment. Should be interesting to see how they go about freshening up the franchise as well as they get a new cast of characters while Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann are out.
Why it could suck: It's a Hollywood sequel, those always have chances of sucking. Also, the exclusion of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann could put a damper on things. While there is a chance that it could freshen it up, there is just as much a chance that some of that magic might be lost as they look to replace those characters. Also, while we do get the same writers back, we have a new director taking on this sequel. Pirates seems to be out of Rob Marshall's comfort zone (best known for Memoirs of a Geisha and Chicago) so we'll have to wait and see how he can handle an action adventure of this scope.
7. The Hangover 2
Director: Todd Phillips
Writer: Todd Phillips, Scot Armstrong and Craig Mazin
Stars: Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms and Justin Bartha
Release Date: May 26, 2011
Genre: Comedy
What is it: Not a lot is known about the plot of this sequel. What is known is that the gang is back to get into more trouble as they travel to Thailand. And Phillips promise a lot of fucked up surprises and hilarity.
Why it should be good: The Hangover was hilarious I thought. The cast of the original had good chemistry and the writing was hilarious. It provided for several laugh-out-loud moments and was one of the funniest movies of the year (one of the funniest I've seen in a while too). Hopefully, getting the gang back together will provide for more hilarity that the first one delivered.
Why it could suck: New writers. The writers from the first aren't coming back and have been replaced. Instead we get Scot Armstrong and Craig Mazin that have brought us such garbage asSemi-Pro, Starsky and Hutch, Scary Movie 4 and Superhero Movie. If their past work is any indicator of their talent, the writers could really butcher this franchise.
8. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Director: Michael Bay
Writer: Ehren Kruger
Stars: Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson
Release Date: July 1, 2011
Genre: Sci-fi Action-Adventure
What is it: The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft hidden on the Moon, and race against the Decepticons to reach it and learn its secrets, which could turn the tide in the Transformers' final battle.
Why it should be good: I've enjoyed the franchise so far. While Part 2, was blasted pretty well by critics, I didn't hate it that much. Granted it wasn't as good as the first, but I still found it fairly entertaining. And the movies are always a fun visual treat. Also, Michael Bay. I still have no idea why he receives so much crap while James Cameron is given a pass. Bay is just as adept a director as Cameron is. Anybody that still likes to tell me there's a difference between Pearl Harbor and Titanic will kindly receive a "fuck off" as you buy into the pretentious drivel. At least Bay knows his place (a mindless action director who can make pretty movies and fun explosions). Whereas Cameron believes his some gift to cinema which often leads to his films being poorly written, yet pretentious as hell. Seriously, I'll take Armageddon, Transformers, The Rock and Bad Boys over Titanic, Avatar, Aliens, and T2 any day of the week. Even though, yes, I know that will enrage many people and get me flamed for that opinion. Now, this movie (Transformers: Dark of the Moon) surely won't be a great cinematic piece. But as a mindless "let's make some cool special effects scenes and also blow some shit up" type of movie, it should be entertaining.
Why it could suck: Well, if I had to pick one movie from the franchise that was better, it's definitely the first. The writer for this third film, unfortunately, is the same writer from Part 2 rather than the first. Also, it's still Michael Bay. He's not the greatest of directors.
9. X-Men: First Class
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Writer: Jane Goldman, Ashley Miller, Jamie Moss, Josh Schwartz and Zack Stentz; story by Bryan Singer
Stars: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence
Release Date: June 3, 2011
Genre: Sci-fi Action
What is it: Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN.
Why it should be good: A look at when Xavier and Magneto were younger. A backstory to where it all started. For such a thrilling franchise, this could be a nice take on the story and provide quite some entertainment and thrills. Plus, having directed movies like Kick-Ass andStardust, Matthew Vaughn is, I believe, much more adept at creating a movie like this than say a Jon Favreau or such. Vaughn also has the enjoyable Layer Cake under his director's belt, which very much shows off that he learned well producing Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels andSnatch. Furthermore, his friendship and learning under the great Guy Ritchie, only further adds value to his role as a filmmaker. Meanwhile, the writers have brought us such movies as Stardustand Kick-Ass as well as TV shows such as Fringe and Chuck. Also, it has a pretty good cast.
Why it could suck: Well, those writers did also bring us The Sarah Connor Chronicles andAndromeda. Also, prequels sometimes have a tendency to not do so well. It's, sometimes, almost as if a prequel is a last resort when the writers have run out of ideas of where the current story can go, so they decide to go back and cash in on the name once more by filling in some gaps from the beginning. I guess only time will tell if this becomes a Batman Begins (ie a very good prequel movie that did very well to reboot the franchise) or it falls more in line with The Scorpion King (ie a complete waste of my time that probably shouldn't have even been made).
10. Source Code
Director: Duncan Jones
Writer: Ben Ripley
Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan and Vera Farmiga
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Genre: Action/Sci-fi-Thriller
What is it: An action thriller centered on a soldier who wakes up in the body of an unknown man and discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train.
Why it should be good: The trailer just makes this like it could be a cool creative story that provides for an entertaining thriller that could keep you on the edge of your seat. This is Duncan Jones sophomore release, after 2009′s highly acclaimed Moon. So, if he delivers again, we could have a nice treat on our hands and he could solidify his place as a talented filmmaker. I also really enjoy Jake Gyllenhaal. I think he's a great actor and should do fine in leading this movie. Vera Farmiga is also a really talented actress and one I definitely don't mind seeing. Meanwhile, Michelle Monaghan isn't too bad either.
Why it could suck: This is coming from an unproven writer. And while Duncan Jones' Moon was well-received, it's not rare that a filmmaker comes in to become something of a one hit wonder. Let's just hope Jones can deliver a worthwhile follow-up.
11. Battle: Los Angeles
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Writer: Christopher Bertolini
Stars: Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez and Bridget Moynahan
Release Date: March 11, 2011
Genre: Sci-fi Action
What is it: A Marine platoon faces off against an alien invasion in Los Angeles.
Why it should be good: The official trailer makes it look so damn bad-ass. Maybe that's in part due to the great song selection for the trailer, but it looks just completely thrilling. It looks to be a sci-fi action movie that actually has some depth too. It sort of reminds me of Independence Day but with the seriousness, depth and emotional-center of some type of good post-9/11 movie. It's like we may finally get a really good sci-fi movie with the heart of the best war movies, coupled with the awesome actual and visual treats of some of the best sci-fi/alien movies. Eckhart is a good actor that should do well in this movie as well. Also, the writer's only past feature film work was The General's Daughter which I thoroughly enjoyed. So if that's any indication of the type of writing we'll get for Battle LA then we should definitely have a compelling story to go with the visual flare of it all. Likewise, Jonathan Liebesman has brought us The Killing Room which I felt was a fairly enjoyable suspense/thriller movie.
Why it could suck: Liebesman also brought us Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginningwhich was garbage. On top of that, movies like this can often take themselves too seriously and often times become pretentious and/or preachy and just plain unimaginative with no real heart to the movie (I'm looking at you War of the Worlds). Let's hope they avoid that here.
12. Cowboys and Aliens
Director: Jon Favreau
Writer: Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof; based on the comic book by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg
Stars: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde
Release Date: July 29, 2011
Genre: Sci-fi Action-Thriller
What is it: A spaceship arrives in Arizona, 1873, to take over the Earth, starting with the Wild West region. A posse of cowboys are all that stand in their way.
Why it should be good: It just looks fun. It's like Indiana Jones meets Men in Black with a good western feel to it. This also comes from the writers that brought us such movies as Transformersand Star Trek, and such TV shows as Alias, Fringe and Lost (though in my book "Lost" might be a bad example, though others seemed to enjoy it). Also, there's a good cast (Craig, Ford and Wilde), coupled with a nice supporting cast which includes Sam Rockwell and Paul Dano. At the end of the day, it may end up being a mindless action movie, but still looks to be fun.
Why it could suck: Jon Favreau. I'm sorry, but the guy hasn't sold me. People seem to like him, but I'm not entirely sure why. The guy hasn't delivered any really great movies. And only a few decent ones. Well, Elf I thought was really funny. Both Iron Man movies were really nothing to write home about though. Both were enjoyable, but they definitely weren't spotlights in their genre. And the second one was panned quite a bit (though I enjoyed both, but the second was a bit lacking). And that's really the only movies (Iron Man) that he's done in this genre/realm. So that doesn't give me a big vote of confidence in the guy. His other movies: Zathura was crap andMade was decent. Nothing else to note really. On top of that, the writers did also give usRevenge of the Fallen, which I enjoyed well enough, but wasn't on par with the first Transformersmovie. And they're also responsible for such things as The Island and Legend of Zorro.
13. Apollo 18
Director: Gonzalo López-Gallego
Writer: Brian Miller and Cory Goodman
Stars: None Given
Release Date: April 22, 2011
Genre: Sci-fi Horror-Thriller
What is it: Apollo 18 is a found-footage movie that claims to be "a film about the real mission to space in the 1970′s that was canceled by NASA." With the tagline "There's a reason we've never gone back to the moon", while implying a government cover-up of monsters existing on the moon.
Why it should be good: With these found-footage movies, they tend to go terribly wrong or be very entertaining. This one is looking to go the way of the latter. It's giving a fresh take on the rising sub-genre and taking us to an interesting location. Furthermore, it's basing itself on some real actual events, thus adding some extra layer to it. The viral marketing on this movie is going along nicely and the film has become something of a hot ticket. Gonzalo is a Spanish-born director who has had a couple of critically-acclaimed films in the past as well.
Why it could suck: It's kind of the nature of the genre. If they don't hit they mark, then they tend to really suck. Couple that with a pair of brand-new writers, and there are no guarantees for this movie. I'm getting a feeling though that this will end up being up there with Paranormal Activity.
14. Unknown
Director: Jaume Collet-Serra
Writer: Oliver Butcher and Stephen Cromwell; based on the novel by Didier Van Cauwelaert
Stars: Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger and January Jones
Release Date: February 18, 2011
Genre: Drama Mystery Thriller
What is it: A man awakens from a coma, only to discover that someone has taken on his identity and that no one, (not even his wife), believes him. With the help of a young woman, he sets out to prove who he is.
Why it should be good: Liam Neeson is a bad-ass. Watching the trailer, I'm reminded of Neeson's past movieTaken. Seems to be that similar mystery action thriller type movie. And I absolutely loved that movie. Neeson made it a very good film showing off his bad-assness in it. If Unknown turns out to be as good as Takenwe'll have a very entertaining movie on our hands. Didier Van Cauwelaert, whose novel the movie is based on, is an award-winning author with multiple best-selling novels. The novel this movie is based on has met plenty of praise. So, we're sure to find that the story/source material is good.
Why it could suck: Two virtually unproven writers. While the source material may be good, they could mess it up and adapt a bad screenplay. On top of that, the director is responsible for such things as Orphan and House of Wax, neither of which were that good.
15. Red State
Director: Kevin Smith
Writer: Kevin Smith
Stars: Melissa Leo, John Goodman and Michael Angarano
Release Date: TBA (Screening at Sundance 2011)
Genre: Horror Thriller
What is it: A horror film in which a group of misfits encounter fundamentalism gone to the extreme in Middle America.
Why it should be good: Kevin Smith. Smith is one of my favorite directors around. While last year's Cop Out was rather bland, this year he returns to writing his own material with Red State. Furthermore, he'll be treading into a new genre with his first horror movie. I love Kevin Smith as a writer/director and have been fond of pretty much all of his work. From Clerks to Mallrats to Clerks II to Jay and Silent Bob, everything Smith has actually wrote and directed, I've enjoyed really. Couple that with the enjoyable John Goodman and the "fresh off an Oscar-worthy performance" Melissa Leo, and we should be in for a real treat.
Why it could suck: As stated before, this is Kevin Smith's first venture into the horror genre. Some writers/directors find gomovie  that there are just some genres that they can't do, while they're better suited for another particular genre. We'll have to wait and see how Kevin Smith's foray into the horror/thriller genre goes.
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beaulesbian · 6 years
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I decided to finally make a part two of this post, it took me half a year longer than I anticipated, but I rushed to finish it at least for June.
🏳️‍🌈 Happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley – The best kind of subtle romance I have ever read. Includes mysterious pocket watch, solving bomb threats in Victorian London, a lady scientist, changing of future based on occurring events, an adorable clockwork octopus, and so much more! Did I mention the best, most beautiful romance I didn’t even expect to get?? Read it! (mlm main characters)
All out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages by multiple authors, edited by Saundra Mitchell – This book was so refreshing to read!!! Retellings of fairy tales but queer and poc and mostly happy. I enjoyed each of the short story so so much, I don’t have words to say how much I loved this book, just, can we please have more stories like that? Thank you.
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman – Ever wanted a book with a main character boy and girl who won’t end up together by the end of the book? Then this is a book for you. Frances and Aled do not only become best friends who won’t end up together, but there’s even more diverse characters than these two main ones. This book even has an ace (demi) sexual representation, which I was very excited about, and the main character is biracial bisexual girl. There is lot of fandom talk and a radio show drama (kind of similar to Welcome to Night Vale). But also talks about other important topics like deciding that college might not be for everyone despite them being a great student in high school.
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee – It’s a cute and sweet superhero themed futuristic story, first book of a trilogy I think. The main character is Vietnamese American bisexual girl, Jessika Tran, whose parents are both superheroes, but she doesn’t have any powers. She starts working for a company she later discovers belongs to town’s villains, but with time she learns that not everything about superheroes and villains is perfectly black and white. Also she’s working there with her crush, so that’s a bonus. It’s a really great book, there’s wlw romance and lot of diversity, action and silly scenes. The history behind the people’s superpowers and worldbuilding was really interesting too. The sequel is also already out, featuring a poc trans boy as the main character, who is part of Jessika‘s friend squad.
The Gentleman‘s guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee – A book everyone here should read!! A historical roadtrip with lot of angst, fluff and mutual pining of two of the main characters. It takes place in 18th century Europe. Monty is kind of an asshole, some moments you will hate him then you will love him, but as the journey progresses so does he. He travels with his sister, Felicity, and his best friend (and crush!) Percy, to visit few cities in Europe before he has to start work in his fathers company. This book addressed lot of issues, like white privilege and racism in that time period, sexism and ableism. But it’s also an adventurous book that’s funny and charming, and makes you feel really happy one moment and sad the next. There are also pirates!
Dreadnought by April Daniels – This is a first book of a duology about a lesbian trans girl Danny who receives superpowers after witnessing death of the superhero Dreadnought, which means she now has to become the new Dreadnought. But with the powers also becames real the ideal vision of her body, that she always wanted. She is very happy about it, but it also means she has to face her family and best friend and explain why she looks different. On top of that she has to help the other superheroes with stopping the new threat to the city, the villain who killed previous Dreadnought. Trigger warnings for transphobia, but it’s really worth to read.
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller – I’ve seen mixed reviews of this book but personally I loved it. It’s a fantasy YA with lgbt protagonist, that I don’t have enough of. Sal is a genderfluid, also bi? pan? thief who enters a competition to become one of Queen’s Assassins. Basically the last one standing (or rather living) takes the place. Sal knows how to fight and survive but also needs to learn other things to win this position. Like taking classes of writing/reading which teaches him a lady of court they previously stole something from, whom Sal quickly starts to like more than they should, with the competition at play. For me it was a really great book to read and I can’t wait to read the sequel!
The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli – I had to read this one quickly before Leah on the offbeat came out, and it was a joy to read this one too! Again so much representation, I love Becky’s books and the Simon vs world. This story is about Molly who has had a lot of crushes but never actually dated anyone. She’s jewish, has anxiety, is fat, loves her family, is very creative, and has another crush on a guy who is her coworker. There’s so much cuteness in this book, I was smiling and crying the whole time reading it. More for representation: her sister is gay, she has two moms, a new Korean-American pansexual friend (who her sister totally likes) and more. I need to meantion trigger warnings for fatphobia, because of part there with her relative, it made me cry so much, it was very reletable and I hated it but there was very good closure for it in the end, which I’m happy about. Anyway read this book, overall it’s a cute and happy book with lots of fluff!
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli – I loved Leah from the Simon vs book, so I was really happy we got more focus on her. She’s fat and funny, unapologetic about who she is, in her words: “basically your resident fat Slytherin Rory Gilmore”. There was mentions she likes boys as well as girls. Because of a tour for her college she goes with Abby to see where she will live the next few years and stuff happens. And then there’s also their high school prom, which she thought she was ready for, but maybe she’s not ready for at all. I’m not even going to write more, it’s an amazing book, I cried so many times.
Timekeeper by Tara Sim – This story takes place in a Victorian era Britain where clock towers are needed for time to flow correctly. Therefore there is lot of mechanics who repair said clock towers, because if the clock stops, the town around it stops in time as well. The main character Danny is one of those mechanics in London, but his father is trapped in a town that Stopped and Danny needs to find a way to save him. But after someone tries to sabotage a clock tower in a small city, Danny is assigned in that town to fix it, and he eventually finds out that the myths he heard – that in clock towers could sometimes be seen beings, spirits of the towers – might actually be true. This book was so nice to read, there was the atmosphere of the Victorian era, mystery, cute mlm romance and awesome female characters.
I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson – I cried a lot reading this book. At first it actually took me few months to read past first two chapters, because the writing style was so different from what I was used to, but after that I got absorbed in it very quickly. It’s a story about two siblings, Noah and Jude Sweetwine, who both go through some difficult times, with family, school and personal stuff, it’s about making mistakes and fixing mistakes. It’s about love, art, sibling struggles and growing up.
Other books that I read and loved and definitely recommend:
Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst (f/f fantasy romance)
We are the Ants –  Shaun David Hutchinson (m/m)
In Other Lands -  Sarah Rees Brennan (bi mc, m/m)
Release – Patrick Ness (m/m)
Our dark duet – V.E. Schwab (sequel of duology, agender character, not much romance at all in this duology, it‘s one of my favourites)
A Conjuring of Light – V.E. Schwab (a beautiful fantasy, last book of trilogy, happy ending for m/m pairing whose each story is important throughout the whole series. Again, one of my favourite series)
Magnus Chase and the Ship of Dead - Rick Riordan (I don‘t want to spoil here but it‘s good, genderfluid representation since book two, more in this final book)
Ice crypt - Tiana Warner (sequel of the Ice Massacre, wlw romance between mermaid and human girl, who knew each other since childhood, there is third final book, Ice Kingdom, already out, but I still haven‘t read it..)
Happy reading!
(tagging few people who i think might enjoy it ♥♥: @eradne, @poefinn, @twomillionfreckles, @eliotcoldwater, @queen-max, @tsukiyam-a)
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reactingtosomething · 6 years
Financial worry is an ever-present weight around Abbi and Ilana’s necks; it limits their movements, dampens their happiness, and drags them through indignity. But Broad City is really not about these burdens; it’s about Abbi and Ilana’s relentless, indomitable spirit. They might be broke—again—but they’re having too much fun to notice. Abbi and Ilana, at their best, reject the shame of financial hardship; they revel in the mess of their lives with relish that would horrify Killam’s gray-wigged boomer. They embody some of the harshest stereotypes of millennials, but they also indicate, with every undignified adventure, that they’re merely treating the world as it has, until now, treated them.
I would not go so far as to say that Girls was naïve about money; much of that show focused on how a bubble of privilege can insulate and even weaken the characters within it. Both it and Broad City know how our world works, with its unfair advantages and uneven execution. But only Broad City, as it has matured, expresses anger about this fact. In Girls, the characters’ millennial-ness has to be tamed by the realities of the world, in what feels like a fulfillment of parental scold; characters eventually pair off, settle down, and surrender to the way of things. Watching it, one gets the sense that the millennial whiners have, finally, grown up. But Broad City rejects that framing: even as it rejects the standard definitions of maturity, employment, or a happy ending.
by Sonia Saraiya
Click through above for the rest.
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cathygeha · 4 years
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Temper by Chantal Fernando
Knights of Fury #3
Looking for a tame biker romance without explicit violence? This book might be for you. It is NOT your typical biker romance but a rather sweet story of an ongoing annual request for a date when Temper rolls through town and that request has always been turned down by abbie...until...one day Temper comes into Abbie’s bar and says he might not ask her out this year, she decides that would NOT be good thing at all and so they do go out on their first date...finally.
The date is splendid till it is not and then her life changes dramatically. Given a chance to leave her town, state, controlling mother and a life that was not the one she chose she spreads her wings, meets new people. Does the tourist thing and gets to know Temper better.
Of course there is a bad guy to thwart, some surprises, twists and turns with the expected HEA.
What I liked:
* Temper: rugged, mature, commanding but with a tender heart
* Abbie: a woman who needs change and is willing to take a chance with Temper
* The Knights of Fury and their women
* Learning the back stories of both main characters
* The thwarting of the bad guy
* That there is a HEA for the two
* The potential for more stories in the series
What I didn’t like:
* The overly tame nature of this not so gritty MC romance
* The way Abbie moved from mouse to wannabe Wonder Woman
* Abbie’s mother
Did I like this book? Yes, as a romance
Did I like this book as an MC Romance? Not as much as others I have read
Would I read more in this series? Maybe
Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin-Carina for the ARC – This is my honest review.
3-4 Stars
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Title: Temper
Author: Chantal Fernando
Series: Knights of Fury MC series, #3
Length: approx. 60,000 words (256 pages)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Imprint: Carina Press
eBook On-Sale: April 20, 2020
eBook ISBN & Price: 9781488054037, $4.99 USD
Book Description:
New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando returns to the Knights of Fury series with her most complicated hero yet. He may be the epitome of cool, but this MC president isn’t called Temper for nothing…
Every year, the hot, tatted biker comes into Abbie’s bar, orders whiskey and asks her out. Every year, Abbie turns him down. After all, dating a man that goes by Temper seems like a really bad idea, no matter how attracted she is to him.
But this year is different. Abbie’s different. Older, wiser and tired of being stuck behind the bar in a sleepy town. This year, she’s ready for whatever adventure the sexy but sweet biker has in store for her.
Or so she thinks…until an elegant candlelit dinner ends with a dead body.
Now Abbie finds herself on the ride of her life, whisked away to the big city in Temper’s protective custody. She should be scared, but—despite his nickname—it’s clear the last thing Temper would ever do is hurt a hair on her head. And when danger catches up with them, Abbie soon realizes that holding tight to her man while straddling a Harley may be the safest place of all.
Buy Links
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YCQPTBW
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/temper-chantal-fernando/1133792899
iTunes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/temper/id1481346510
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/temper-13
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Chantal_Fernando_Temper?id=e-WxDwAAQBAJ
It’s been a while since I’ve seen [Temper], and he looks good. It’s like the man doesn’t age. He’s tall, strong, and kind of mean looking, but he’s been nothing but nice and respectful toward me. We kind of have a routine going every time we see each other. We chat, we flirt, he asks if he can buy me dinner, and I say no. He ac­cepts that and leaves, until next time.
I don’t know why I always say no anymore. The first time was a combination of him being a biker and feel­ing so much older than me. But the age thing doesn’t bother me that much anymore. Truth is I’ve never said yes, to any man, to any date. I get asked out by people coming into the bar, but you don’t have to be experi­enced to know what they are really looking for, and it’s not a loving, long-lasting relationship. My experience is severely lacking, aside from prom and the mistake I made after it, and there’s no saving me now. I’m going to be a spinster. Hopefully Ivy will give me some nieces and nephews I can claim as my own.
Temper places money on the table, with a huge tip, like he always does. “Seriously? Who tips that much?”
His lip twitches. “You can take yourself out to a nice dinner with it, since I know you’re never going to let me take you out.”
“You giving up that easily?” I tease, giving him a flirtatious smile. I don’t know where this sudden bold­ness is coming from, other than the fact that I don’t want him to stop asking me out, and I’ve only just re­alized this.
I’ve never met another man like Temper, and I don’t think I ever will. I see how people treat him, avoid him, and make sure not to challenge him. Hell, my own mother warned me to be friendly with him, but never too friendly. He has this air of menace about him, but over the years I’ve also seen how he treats his MC brothers like family, and he’s always respectful, even to the people who work here. I’ve seen him vulnera­ble when he talked about his Prez… Hammer was his name, I think. He’s never rude, or arrogant—to me, anyway—and he’s always generous and polite. When he speaks to me, he always uses a humble, gentle tone, one that I’ve come to enjoy listening to. I know there is another side to him, and I can’t help but want to get to know that more.
“It only took a few years of rejection,” he jokes, lifting the whiskey glass to his lips. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him make a joke before.
“Maybe this was the year I was going to say yes,” I reply, clearing my throat. I don’t know what’s come over me, but I have the feeling like if I truly do want to take a chance and go on this date, it’s now or never. I’m stuck here, in the same job, doing the same thing every damn day, and I deserve to have a little fun and do something reckless for once in my life. I’ve always been the good girl, the trusted daughter, and the responsible older sister, taking care of my family as much as I can, since my dad has never been around. I know his name, Cohen Pierce, and that he lives in California somewhere. But he wanted, and still wants, nothing to do with me, and that’s fine. I’ve accepted that.
But what have I ever done for me? Other than college, which I had to drop out of anyway, I can’t think of one single thing.
Temper lowers his glass and studies me, brown eyes filled with surprise and suspicion. “You want to go on a date with me? Why now?”
Shrugging, I lower my eyes to the counter before returning them to him. “Time for me to live a little.”
Being safe hasn’t gotten me anywhere in life.
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Chantal Fernando is the New York Times bestselling author of the Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club series, the Cursed Raven Motorcycle Club series, and the Maybe series, along with several other novels. She lives in Western Australia, where she is working on her next book. Find her online at AuthorChantalFernando.com, and on Twitter and Facebook.
Connect with Chantal Fernando
Website: http://www.authorchantalfernando.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorchantalfernando
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChantalFernando
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7056719.Chantal_Fernando
Your latest release, TEMPER, is the third book in the Knights of Fury series. What three words best describe TEMPER the novel?
Fate, alpha, suspense.
Now on to Temper the man. What is his most surprising quality?
His loyalty, and his protective side. He will do anything for those that he loves.
Abbie has been turning Temper down for the last five years. What prompts her to finally give him a chance?
Abbie gets tired of doing the same thing every day, and her life not working out the way she had once envisioned. She wants adventure and to take a chance, and Temper ends up being that chance.
What do you love most about Abbie?
Abbie is resilient, and she becomes stronger and stronger with each obstacle life throws at her.
What would you like readers to take away from Temper and Abbie’s story?
I want them to just enjoy the ride and to feel the love between the two main characters.
Where did the inspiration for the Knights of Fury series come from?
I actually had a dream about the first chapter of Saint, and the rest just flowed from there.
What do you love most about writing MC romances?
I love that there are no limitations and I can go wherever the characters take me.
What can readers expect from you next?
A spin off series, maybe? ;)
0 notes
“She asks for peace and instead she gets HIM.”
Or, I wanted to write angsty mid-s2-ish Kabby smut so here we are. Bit canon-divergent in no specific direction and obviously NSFW.
She goes to the water when she gets the chance. There are hundreds of things she ought to be doing at this given moment, but that’s never stopped Abby from following her heart and right now that heart is saying she needs to breathe. Just for an hour, maybe two if she gets distracted in a nice sort of way, certainly not enough time for the entire encampment to catch fire in her absence. And hell, if she’s wrong, enough people have a vague idea where she is and...
Oh, she doesn’t care about them right now. She doesn’t care. She’s overwhelmed, she hates being in charge, and she wants to forget for a little while. Even the more sacrificial part of her soul can justify that.
She stops a couple yards from the edge of the lake and begins to slowly shed her clothing, taking inventory of her bits and pieces as she does so. There’s a tear on the left sleeve of her jacket that she ought to mend - perhaps she’ll do that next time she hits breaking point, curl up with needle and thread and be a damned person instead of this escape - and a few bruises on her legs that she doesn’t remember getting. Her skin feels loose in places, and she knows that even with resources as they are she’s not eating as much as she ought to because half the time she genuinely forgets. Sleep gets the same respect from her lately, and she’s almost amazed that she’s even on her feet right now. No, perhaps that’s too strong a word for her current state... she is, after all, having a minor breakdown in private to keep from a major one in public, but...
Abby has never feared her emotions before, but lately she just wants to numb them. Stop feeling, stop caring. Stop feeling the pressure to be a perfect mother, an honorable leader, a person capable of herding several hundred people around without any major disaster. Stop wondering when the stars will stop taking from her. Just stop. Not permanently or anything, but for a little while, long enough to heal.
Her fingers involuntarily ghost over the scars on her lower back. Hadn’t that been enough sign of her not-enough-ness? Her blood bought healing, but at such cost. Just thinking of that day sends an echo of pain pulsing though her body, a sensation she fears she will never forget. Unlike those she loves, Abby does not have a martyr’s desires. She wants, so desperately, to live. She wants...
She unties her hair, lets the piece of cord fall atop her clothing, and walks forward into the lake. In water, peace. In water, untouchable.
She half expects these little adventures will get her bitten and killed by some sort of water serpent, like what almost happened to that poor Blake girl - poor kid, maybe the only of their kind with even worse luck than herself - but Abby doesn’t feel so much as a harmless fish as she pushes off the bottom of the water and floats on her back. Teaching herself to swim has been a little bit trial and error, but there’s a primal human instinct for it and floating is the most natural thing in the world to her. Worst case scenario, this part of the water is only waist deep, so she’ll be able to save herself if she gets distracted or-
In the distance, footsteps. Peace broken as she remembers that she is alone, female, and unarmed. (Not to mention undressed, but that feels like a lesser concern.) She drops down fluidly, sinks neck-deep in the water, waits. Probably nothing. Probably just a mutant raccoon or some other strange wildlife. She’ll be fine. She’ll be-
No. Human, coming towards her, and familiar as a figure starts to emerge through the trees. No, even worse. About the last person she wants to deal with right now, because so help her they’ve known each other since childhood and no matter how hard she tries she can’t remember a single interaction that hasn’t given her a headache. Dammit. She asks for peace and instead she gets him.
“Where did you go?” Marcus growls. He’s within arm’s distance of her clothing pile, scanning the area for any sign of life. Not worried, exactly, but getting close and Abby feels almost proud of herself for inspiring that and yet-
“Out here,” she calls, not making herself any more visible.
He shakes his head, the perpetual look of frustration blossoming all over him. “At least tell someone next time.”
“I did. Just no one you bothered to ask.”
He grants the point and, without any verbal explanation, sits down on the ground next to her pile. A few slight shifts of position for maximum comfort and oh, there is something strangely natural about the sight of him there, middle-aged lion protecting a woman he doesn’t even like half the time. If Abby were braver, or perhaps a little more lucid, she’d say something about that. As it is...
“Join me?”
Apparently, two words is all it takes to make Marcus’s face turn a beautiful shade of pink beneath his scruff. “What?”
“Water’s much more comfortable than open air,” Abby shrugs, shifting herself so her shoulders break through the surface. “I promise I won’t splash you.”
“That’s not what worries me,” he mutters. “But if you insist...”
She stares as he strips down. She can’t help it. She’s seen more than her share of naked bodies over the years, each with their own form of beauty, but she’s especially captivated by this one. The shape of him is pleasing, she thinks, perhaps not yet enough scars on his skin but there’s still life to be lived and that will come in time.  And okay, fine, she wonders what a soldier’s calluses would feel like brushed against her skin. She wonders, not for the first time, what it would take to break him apart and taste the wreckage. Perhaps, she thinks, it would be enough.
First, though, first she gets the pleasure of watching one of the strongest people she knows have an overwhelming experience. She’d expected otherwise, figured poor Marcus would’ve had to charge into the water chasing something by now, but apparently not and she giggles as he reacts to cold water on skin. Comparatively comfortable, perhaps, but still a hell of a sensory experience for the uninitiated and-
”You’re enjoying this too much,” he growls. He’s almost hip-deep by now, could reach out and touch her if he wanted to but doesn’t because of... heavens, could be any number or combination of reasons, damned if she knows but-
“Not too much at all,” she counters, rising to her full height. Abby’s aware she’s tiny by comparison, but she doesn’t care as she twirls around so her back is facing him and pushes her hair out of the way so her scars are fully visible. “That was still worse.”
He closes the distance and brushes his fingertips across her marks, gentle as can be under the circumstances. “I was wrong. Is that what you want to hear?”
“Depends. Do you mean it?”
“More than anything.”
“Prove it.”
She’s not sure what to expect, but she’s pleasantly surprised as he pulls her back against him and cautiously wraps his arm around her waist. “Tell me when to stop,” he murmurs as his other hand begins to climb her inner thigh.
“This doesn’t mean anything at all.” As if saying it will make it true.
“First thing you haven’t complicated.”
Abby shifts her body just so, satisfied with the response against her lower back. “Make me forget.”
He traces patterns efficiently yet with an adaptive gentleness that pleasantly surprises her. No teasing or unnecessary foreplay, just a finger on her clit applying pressure just so. And no unnecessary words either, and she’s thankful for that. Means better odds this will help her go numb. Means-
She’s thankful for his arm around her as the world goes suddenly very bright, and when she comes back down all is exactly as she left it and she’s thankful for that to. For that, she repays the kindness by twirling around and pulling him down for a kiss and-
“Still means nothing,” she breathes against his lips.
She rests her head against his chest and feels... perhaps more than she wants to, but not so much the overwhelming weight of the world. A flicker of light taking human form opposite her, stroking her back and allowing her to claim whatever pieces of him she needs.
“I like when we forget we hate each other,” Marcus breathes, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Abby’s head.
“I’ve never hated you,” she counters. “You annoy me more than anyone else I’ve ever met, but it’s nothing personal.”
”Damn. And here I thought you’d intentionally spent the last twenty years making my life a living hell.”
“You did most of that to yourself. All I really needed to do was point it out.”
“Not anymore. As long as I can remember your screams... I will do better.”
“I know.”
Abby closes her eyes and, for a heartbeat, she forgets and it is enough.
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awellboiledicicle · 7 years
So I married Sebastian and it was great, everything was perfect-- then he’s in the kitchen the first day he’s in Farmer Moe’s house and says he needed some coffee because he had a nightmare and couldn’t get back to sleep.
On one hand this could mean he was anxious, on the other hand he literally agreed to move into the several square acres of land in all of Stardew Valley that the uncollected yard waste collects into monsters and comes for you.
I imagine he got up in the middle of the night to pee or something and looked out the window and saw a grass monster pawing at the glass. Or was getting water and there was a slime sliding down the window. Sebastian then went to bed, curled up against Moe, who was sleeping fitfully but seemingly undisturbed by the unnatural eyes at the windows.  He reached up, closed the blinds and snuggled down under the covers to try to sleep, insisting to himself that there’s no way things would go past the wall of bright street lights his new spouse had set up.. after all, if that wasn’t what they did, why have them?  After about twenty minutes of no sleep, only soft thwacks on the glass and his partner’s breathing to drown it out-- he caved. With a light shake to their shoulder, he woke Moe up. “Wha, smthin gon on?” Their eyes weren’t even open, they hadn’t moved much from their semi-reflexive curl into his shoulder that they’d settled into once he’d gotten into bed. He was pretty sure they were also not fully awake either, considering they were snuggling back down again. “Whaaaat?” “Monsters.”  “Babe, i like when you whisper, but i can’t hear you without my glasses.” “Moe, there are monsters outside.” He lightly shook them again and they pushed themselves up on their elbow, squinting at him in the dark. “One stared at me through the window.” “Seb, lovie, I told you they do that.” They reached up and ran a hand over his cheek, face getting softer. “You want me to go kill the monster?”  “No...It’s just..” He sighed, feeling kinda childish now-- they were inside and it wasn’t. “It’s just weird.” “Trust me, I know.” They patted his cheek and kissed his forehead as they hauled themselves up to their knees to close the blinds over the windows above the bed, then getting up and closing the rest. They made shooing motions at the shambling figures meandering around the edges of the torchlight and drew the final blinds. He felt much better when he couldn’t see them. They crossed the floor to his side of the bed and gave him a slightly off-center kiss. “I should have closed things up before dark, I’m sorry.” “To be fair,” He pulled them down to him and gave them a squeeze. “we were really busy with.. other stuff.” “Lots and lots of other great stuff.” They nuzzled his nose-- well, as close as they could get to it. To be fair, there looked like there were two of him and it was dark. “That happens when you get married.” “We keep this up, we’re going to get cavaties.” “I don’t have the energy for that.” “Me either.” “Whao--” And thus Sebastian dumped them on their side of the bed and sleeping positions resumed, cuddling and all.
Well, there was an attempt. Even with the cat wandering around, purring between them at times and sleeping on the pillows-- Sebastian just kept tensing up. Every time he drifted off-- if he did-- all he could imagine was something breaking the door, the windows, something coming up on Moe when they were working. He knew they could take care of themselves-- they had till now and probably could do so well without his help. Hell, he probably could learn a lot from them. It didn’t stop the mental image of them being distracted just long enough to.. Or them sitting down to dinner with the door propped open in the summer and..  Oh, Yoba, what if they had a kid here? What if that kid went outside past nightfall and they didn’t know? He snuck out all the time without his parents knowing, and did plenty of stupid shit-- what would happen to a kid?  Sleep, what is sleep, his name is Sebastian and he has no idea what sleep is and would like to meet it at some point when it shows up in his wedding bed. 
The next day he’s nursing a whole pot of coffee so he looks vaguely alive and not like he’s been panicking this whole morning. And he knows it’s mostly him because they talked about this before they got married. Moe never made a secret about how it’s literally a fight to and from their door. Their weapons collection and membership to the adventurers guild is part of what was so damn attractive in the first place. Ok, there were more things but it helped. 
“Seb, you ok?” “I’mfine.” Yeah, smooth. “That is the sound of not fine-ness.” Moe sipped their coffee and looked at it with a face that one would wear appraising roadkill. “And this is crunchtime coffee. What’s wrong.” He took a deep breathe in and let it out, sitting at the old, gothic style table. “How in Yoba’s name did your grandfather live here for like, 20 years. Or raise a family.” “Seb.” Moe took an appearantly instantly regretted drink of coffee. “I had this same freakout like, a year ago. The thing to remember is like.. Your mom and dad had you and Maru in this like.. general area? And you lived. Sam, in spite of his best fucking efforts, is alive. Same with Abby, bless her tiny goth heart.” Sebastian thought on that a little while Moe continued, sitting down at the table with him and putting the coffee away from themselves. “These monsters could wander anywhere they pleased but they don’t. They could attack whoever they please, but they don’t. They’re mine. My problem. Like yeah-- don’t make that face yet-- I’m working on it and it’s a problem, but i can deal with it with a Scythe or literally any weapon i can literally get kicking up dirt around here. Also, between you and me babe--” they gave him a look while he was rubbing at his forehead. “I am 90% sure this has something to do with the Wizard and his ex-wife and if that goes to 100%, i’m going to kick some magical ass.” Sebastian put his head on the table. “Please don’t get turned into a toad.” “I’d be a pretty toad.” They grinned down at him and they could see him squinting at them through his bangs. “Besides, you’d kiss me anyway. You like frogs.” He poked them on the arm with all the energy of one who has had a night and early morning anxiety episode has, and sighed. “I can’t go kissing random frogs now, i’m married.” “Exceptions for pretty frogs.” “All frogs are pretty.” “You’re such an adorable, sleepy, sleepy man.” “Yes.” “Go to bed and i’ll make some fish for dinner.” He hugged them as they got up. “I love you so much.” “I love you too, dear.”
[continues to have emotions about random dialogue]
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123movies2-blog1 · 5 years
My Most Anticipated Movies of 2011
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As we kick off a new year in cinema, I thought I'd take time to look ahead at the films we'll be hit with over the course of the year. In this article, I'll be going over what my 15 most anticipated movies are for the year. Now it should be noted, these aren't the movies that I feel will be the best of 2011 necessarily. Rather, they're the ones that, as of the time of this writing, I am anticipating the most. So without further ado, here are my most anticipated movies of 2011. 1. Sucker Punch Director: Zack Snyder Writer: Zack Snyder and Steve Shibuya Stars: Emily Browning, Vanessa Hudgens and Abbie Cornish Release Date: March 25, 2011 Genre: Action Fantasy Thriller What is it: A young girl is institutionalized by her wicked stepfather. Retreating to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, she envisions a plan which will help her escape from the facility. Why it should be good: Really hot and badass chicks wearing schoolgirl outfits and other skimpy clothes, with swords and guns, coupled with Snyder's awesome visual flair? Yea, definitely count me in. The trailer for this thing just looks completely awesome. From the style to the action, even the story (while seeming a bit out there) seems cool. I'm beginning to thoroughly enjoy Snyder's work. If The Adjustment Bureau could be this year's new Inception due to its mindfuck story, then Sucker Punch could absolutely be this year's Inception meets The Dark Knight meets 300 meets Inglorious Basterds due to it's style and epic adventure, yet dark tone with alternate realities. This movie just oozes style and badass-ness and I really can't wait for what is sure to be an absolutely entertaining, epic adventure. Why it could suck: Snyder can be a bit off his mark sometimes. While Watchmen was enjoyable, it did get a bit boring. And Legend of the Guardians is said to suffer from some pacing issues as well and has drawn mixed reviews from critics. Though to be fair to Snyder, he wrote neither of those movies, but is responsible for the writing (or at least screenplay) of the badass 300. 2. Sherlock Holmes 2 Director: Guy Ritchie Writer: Kieran and Michele Mulroney Stars: Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law, Noomi Rapace and Stephen Fry Release Date: December 16, 2011 Genre: Action Mystery What is it: Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty. Why it should be good: I'm a big Sherlock Holmes fan. The Doyle stories still stand as my favorite books today. I love Sherlock. He's such a badass. And finally, a movie seems to have captured that pretty well. The first was one of the better portrayals of Sherlock I had seen. Rather than being portrayed as a snooty, 'proper' and sophisticated Englishman, he was shown with all the rough edges that Doyle wrote him with. While the movie was indeed Hollywood-ized beyond anything you'd find in the books, it was a fun adventure and quite an enjoyable movie. Guy Ritchie is a very good filmmaker as well. For these reasons, and my love for Sherlock, I'm very much eager to see how Part 2 turns out, especially as they go head-to-head with Moriarty. Also, I'm eager to see how well Noomi Rapace (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,etc) does in her Hollywood debut. Why it could suck: New writers. The original writers from the first aren't coming back instead Kieran and Michele Mulroney are taking over the job. So let's see how they handle it. Relatively new to writing, the two previously wrote Paper Man which didn't fair so well with critics. 3. Paranormal Activity 3 Director: Tod Williams Writer: Christopher B. Landon and Michael R. Perry; characters by Oren Peli Stars: Katie Featherston Release Date: October 21, 2011 Genre: Horror What is it: Well, we have no idea what this one is going to be about as nothing has been given. However, the first movie followed a couple that were being haunted by an evil spirit who possessed Katie. The sequel (which was more of a prequel) followed Katie's sister's family as that same spirit haunts them and their baby. This all culminates to the two stories converging at the end of Part 2 where it gets to the point where Part 1 ends and we see what happens after the whole event. Undoubtedly, Part 3 is set to pick up where Part 2 and 1 left off. What happens from there? Your guess is as good as mine. Why it should be good: The first Paranormal Activity became something of a cult phenomenon/sensation. Hailed as the scariest movie of the year, people flocked to the film making it a huge success. And rightly so in my book. It was a minimalistic horror movie that took it back to the roots of the genre by using tension and suspense to really instill fear and terror in the minds of the audience. Part 2, while some people seemed to not like it as much as the first, did more of the same. I actually thought Part 2 was pretty much right on par with the first. And the ingenious storytelling that created a parallel prequel to the first was definitely cool. The creator and writers of this franchise have really shown that the horror genre can be revived and doesn't have to be all about gore and such. They've done a good job with instilling that fear in the audience as well, tapping into that fear, leaving the audience's imagination to run wild while being completely captivated. I expect no less from the third. Why it could suck: If you feel the second was worse than the first, then you may be in for some disappoint when you find out the same writers and director of the sequel are back. However, like with Part 2, Oren Peli (the creator of the franchise) is still very much involved and is serving as producer on this film. 4. Paul Director: Greg Mottola Writer: Nick Frost and Simon Pegg Stars: Nick Frost, Simon Pegg and Seth Rogen Release Date: March 18, 2011 Genre: Sci-fi Comedy What is it: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) reunite for the comedy adventure Paul as two sci-fi geeks whose pilgrimage takes them to America's UFO heartland. While there, they accidentally meet an alien who brings them on an insane road trip that alters their universe forever. For the past 60 years, an alien named Paul (voiced by Seth Rogen) has been hanging out at a top-secret military base. For reasons unknown, the space-traveling smart ass decides to escape the compound and hop on the first vehicle out of town-a rented RV containing Earthlings Graeme Willy (Pegg) and Clive Gollings (Frost). Chased by federal agents and the fanatical father of a young woman that they accidentally kidnap, Graeme and Clive hatch a fumbling escape plan to return Paul to his mother ship. And as two nerds struggle to help, one little green man might just take his fellow outcasts from misfits to intergalactic heroes. Why it should be good: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost back together again. That should be enough. Seriously. When these two guys get together it's gold, as evidenced by Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. This might be my favorite duo around these days. They'll also be pairing up to write this which is always a good thing as well (well, this will be Frost's first real writing job, but Pegg has been responsible for their first two outings together). Now, they won't be reuniting with Edgar Wright for this one, instead they'll be teaming with the director of Adventureland andSuperbad, two movies which I definitely enjoyed. On top of all of that, they have comedic star Seth Rogan joining them. Sounds like quite the team really and I'm rather excited for what I'm sure will be a very funny movie, and possibly end up being the comedy of the year. Why it could suck: You do have to wonder if some of that magic from Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz will be lost as Frost and Pegg carry on without Wright. I think they're great comedic talents though and can stand on their own. And the somewhat all-star get-together should compensate. 5. The Adjustment Bureau Director: George Nolfi Writer: George Nolfi; Based on Short Story by Philip K. Dick Stars: Matt Damon, Emily Blunt and Terence Stamp Release Date: March 4, 2011 Genre: Thriller What is it: Just as he is on the brink of winning a senate seat, politician David Norris (Matt Damon) meets a ballerina named Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt). Though David is smitten, mysterious men conspire to keep him away from the beautiful dancer. David learns he is up against the powerful agents of Fate itself, and, glimpsing the future laid out before him, must either accept a predetermined path that does not include Elise, or defy Fate to be with her. Why it should be good: Honestly, this sounds like it could be this year's Inception. With plenty of mindfucks going on, it's a thriller involving different levels of reality and mysterious forces. Matt Damon really tends to shine in these types of movies. The trailer has me rather intrigued and looks like it could provide quite an enthralling adventure. While this is Nolfi's directorial debut, he did write The Bourne Ultimatum, thus will be teaming up with Damon once again. The movie is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick, whose work has been the grounds for such movies asBlade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Paycheck and A Scanner Darkly. So with presumably some good source material, and a writer that can definitely do the part (as illustrated with The Bourne Ultimatum) we could be in for a real treat. Why it could suck: This is Nolfi's first time in the director's seat, so we'll have to wait and see if he's in over his head. Furthermore, it is being billed as something of a romance thriller. So let's hope they don't go overboard with the romance part and make it some sappy romance film for which they sacrifice some of the plot to focus on the romance. visit: 123movieshub.eu/ 6. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Director: Rob Marshall Writer: Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio Stars: Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Penelope Cruz and Ian McShane Release Date: May 20, 2011 Genre: Fantasy Action-Adventure What is it: Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too. Why it should be good: Some people have hated them. Some have thought they've gotten worse as they went along. I've found the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise to be a fun adventure. Just a fun movie with plenty of adventure, some cool special effects, and just good times. And maybe it's my man-crush I have on Depp, but I'm absolutely thrilled to see him back as Jack Sparrow. The character is so much fun and always provides for some entertainment. Should be interesting to see how they go about freshening up the franchise as well as they get a new cast of characters while Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann are out. Why it could suck: It's a Hollywood sequel, those always have chances of sucking. Also, the exclusion of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann could put a damper on things. While there is a chance that it could freshen it up, there is just as much a chance that some of that magic might be lost as they look to replace those characters. Also, while we do get the same writers back, we have a new director taking on this sequel. Pirates seems to be out of Rob Marshall's comfort zone (best known for Memoirs of a Geisha and Chicago) so we'll have to wait and see how he can handle an action adventure of this scope. 7. The Hangover 2 Director: Todd Phillips Writer: Todd Phillips, Scot Armstrong and Craig Mazin Stars: Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms and Justin Bartha Release Date: May 26, 2011 Genre: Comedy What is it: Not a lot is known about the plot of this sequel. What is known is that the gang is back to get into more trouble as they travel to Thailand. And Phillips promise a lot of fucked up surprises and hilarity. Why it should be good: The Hangover was hilarious I thought. The cast of the original had good chemistry and the writing was hilarious. It provided for several laugh-out-loud moments and was one of the funniest movies of the year (one of the funniest I've seen in a while too). Hopefully, getting the gang back together will provide for more hilarity that the first one delivered. Why it could suck: New writers. The writers from the first aren't coming back and have been replaced. Instead we get Scot Armstrong and Craig Mazin that have brought us such garbage asSemi-Pro, Starsky and Hutch, Scary Movie 4 and Superhero Movie. If their past work is any indicator of their talent, the writers could really butcher this franchise. 8. Transformers: Dark of the Moon Director: Michael Bay Writer: Ehren Kruger Stars: Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson Release Date: July 1, 2011 Genre: Sci-fi Action-Adventure What is it: The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft hidden on the Moon, and race against the Decepticons to reach it and learn its secrets, which could turn the tide in the Transformers' final battle. Why it should be good: I've enjoyed the franchise so far. While Part 2, was blasted pretty well by critics, I didn't hate it that much. Granted it wasn't as good as the first, but I still found it fairly entertaining. And the movies are always a fun visual treat. Also, Michael Bay. I still have no idea why he receives so much crap while James Cameron is given a pass. Bay is just as adept a director as Cameron is. Anybody that still likes to tell me there's a difference between Pearl Harbor and Titanic will kindly receive a "fuck off" as you buy into the pretentious drivel. At least Bay knows his place (a mindless action director who can make pretty movies and fun explosions). Whereas Cameron believes his some gift to cinema which often leads to his films being poorly written, yet pretentious as hell. Seriously, I'll take Armageddon, Transformers, The Rock and Bad Boys over Titanic, Avatar, Aliens, and T2 any day of the week. Even though, yes, I know that will enrage many people and get me flamed for that opinion. Now, this movie (Transformers: Dark of the Moon) surely won't be a great cinematic piece. But as a mindless "let's make some cool special effects scenes and also blow some shit up" type of movie, it should be entertaining. Why it could suck: Well, if I had to pick one movie from the franchise that was better, it's definitely the first. The writer for this third film, unfortunately, is the same writer from Part 2 rather than the first. Also, it's still Michael Bay. He's not the greatest of directors. 9. X-Men: First Class Director: Matthew Vaughn Writer: Jane Goldman, Ashley Miller, Jamie Moss, Josh Schwartz and Zack Stentz; story by Bryan Singer Stars: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence Release Date: June 3, 2011 Genre: Sci-fi Action What is it: Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN. Why it should be good: A look at when Xavier and Magneto were younger. A backstory to where it all started. For such a thrilling franchise, this could be a nice take on the story and provide quite some entertainment and thrills. Plus, having directed movies like Kick-Ass andStardust, Matthew Vaughn is, I believe, much more adept at creating a movie like this than say a Jon Favreau or such. Vaughn also has the enjoyable Layer Cake under his director's belt, which very much shows off that he learned well producing Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels andSnatch. Furthermore, his friendship and learning under the great Guy Ritchie, only further adds value to his role as a filmmaker. Meanwhile, the writers have brought us such movies as Stardustand Kick-Ass as well as TV shows such as Fringe and Chuck. Also, it has a pretty good cast.
0 notes
walkerbooksya · 7 years
Summer Reads Competition!
We’re giving away a selection of our favourite summer reads (plus swag!), and to be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is follow @WalkerBooksYA on Twitter and retweet the competition post.
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The competition is UK and Ireland only, and closes at midday GMT on 23 August 2017.
Find out more about each of these great reads below:
Girl Out of Water by Nat Luurtsema
A thoroughly British teen comedy starring a hilariously flawed heroine with a quip for every occasion – perfect for fans of Holly Smale, Holly Bourne, Caitlin Moran and Sophie Kinsella. Lou Brown’s life is going down the pan. Best friend Hannah sailed through the Olympic time trials and is off to her fancy-pants new swim training school, while Lou’s own failure to qualify leaves her without a hobby – or a friend. As Lou tries to navigate her post-swim world, a chance encounter with three boys with stars in their eyes takes her life in a surprising new direction. One that leads to a crazy world of underwater somersaults, talent show auditions, bitchy girls and one great big load of awkward boy chat.
Getting Over Garrett Delaney by Abby McDonald
Sadie is in love – with her best friend, Garrett Delaney. But Garrett has been oblivious to Sadie's feelings for him ever since he sauntered into her life and wowed her with his passion for Proust, not to mention his deep blue eyes. For two long, painful years, Sadie has been Garrett's constant companion, sharing his taste in everything from tragic Russian literature to art films to '80s indie rock. When Garrett leaves for a summer literary retreat, Sadie is sure that the absence will make his heart grow fonder – until he calls to say that he's fallen in love with another girl! Heartbroken, Sadie realizes she's finally had enough and that it's time for a total Garrett detox. Aided by a barista job, an eclectic crew of new friends (including hunky chef Josh) and a customized self-help guide, Sadie embarks on a summer of personal reinvention full of laughter, meltdowns ... and a double shot of love.
Life: An Exploded Diagram by Mal Peet
A brilliant coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of the Cold War and events leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Clem Ackroyd lives with his parents and grandmother in a claustrophobic home too small to accommodate their larger-than-life characters in the bleak Norlfolk countryside. Clem's life changes irrevocably when he meets Frankie, the daughter of a wealthy farmer, and experiences first love, in all its pain and glory. The story is told in flashback by Clem when he is living and working in New York City as a designer, and moves from the past of his parents and grandmother to his own teenage years. Not only the threat of explosions, but actual ones as well, feature throughout in this latest novel from one of the finest writers working today.
The Moonlight Dreamers by Siobhan Curham
An inspirational, heart-warming book about four girls trying to find their place in the world. Siobhan Curham celebrates very different but like-minded friends in this captivating novel. Amber craves excitement and adventure. Instead, she’s being bullied at school for having two dads, and life at home isn’t much better. Inspired by Oscar Wilde, Amber realizes that among the millions of people in London, there must be others who feel the same as she does; other dreamers – moonlight dreamers. After chance encounters with Maali, Sky and Rose, Amber soon recruits the three girls to the Moonlight Dreamers. It’s high time they started pursuing their dreams, and how better than with the support of friends?
Subway Love by Nora Raleigh Baskin
Two souls destined to love ... divided by time. A brilliant novel for fans of The Time Traveller's Wife and Sliding Doors. If her parents had never divorced, Laura wouldn’t have to live in the shadow of Bruce, her mom’s unpredictable boyfriend. Her mom wouldn’t say things like "Be groovy" and Laura wouldn’t panic every weekend on the way to Dad’s Manhattan apartment. But when Laura spots a boy on a facing platform, lifting a camera to his face, looking right at her, Laura feels anything but afraid, and she can’t forget him. Jonas, meanwhile, thinks nonstop about the pretty hippie girl he glimpsed on the platform – trying to comprehend how she vanished, but mostly wondering whether he will see her again in a city of millions – and whether if he searches, he would have any chance of finding her. In a lyrical meditation on love, Nora Raleigh Baskin explores the soul’s ability to connect, and heal, outside the bounds of time and reason.
The Messengers by Edward Hogan
Fifteen-year-old Frances has been sent down to the coast for a little break. Her brother, Johnny, is out on bail after punching an off-duty policeman, and some shady characters have thrown a brick through the window of their flat. Frances's mum went off to stay with her boyfriend and Frances is sent to Helmstown, to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin Max. Frances befriends Peter Kennedy, a somewhat tramp-like character who lives in a beach hut along the Helmstown seafront. As soon as they meet, Peter recognizes that Frances is a messenger, just like him. As messengers, Frances and Peter experience black-outs. Afterwards, when they come round, they have the ability to draw, in minute detail, the scene of an accident. Peter lives with the burden of telling the people in his drawings about the circumstances of their death. He believes that if he doesn't, something bad will happen to his family. While Frances lives in dread of anything happening to her brother Johnny, she begins to think more positively: although she can't change the past, she can change the future, at least for a chosen few. Another compelling and thrilling novel for teenagers by the young author of the highly acclaimed Daylight Saving.    
The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James
A romance set in space from the beloved author of The Next Together series. Can you fall in love with someone you've never met, never even spoken to – someone who is light years away? Romy  Silvers is the only surviving crew-member of a spaceship travelling to a  new planet, on a mission to establish a second home for humanity. Alone  in space, she is the loneliest girl in the universe until she hears  about a new ship which has launched from Earth – with a single passenger  on board. A boy called J. Their only communication is via email  – and due to the distance between them, their messages take months to  transmit. And yet Romy finds herself falling in love. But what  does Romy really know about J? And what do the mysterious messages which  have started arriving from Earth really mean? Sometimes, there's  something worse than being alone...
Plus there’s bookish swag from titles like The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, Wing Jones by Katherine Webber, Release by Patrick Ness and The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman!
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common-mushroom · 7 years
Character headcannons for Elliot and/or Abigail if it's not too much trouble? :)
Not at all! :) 
1: sexuality headcanon - bi/pansexual
2: otp - leah. obviously they’re paired on purpose anyway but they seem like a really natural fit, personality and interest-wise (and let’s be real, their kids would be gorgeous)
3: brotp - willy. the only two people living on the beach, they’ve come to know each other very well in the time elliott moved to town
4: notp - sam. not just romantically, but i think friendship-wise, their personalities would clash very badly. elliott’s kind of pretentious (i love him for it tho) and sam’s really immature sometimes so i think elliott would just kind of scoff at him all the time you know? and sam would think elliott is a snob
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - he’s super old-fashioned, and hates technology of any kind. he doesn’t even own a phone or tv.
6: one way in which I relate to this character - i’m also a writer and i prefer seclusion sometimes, especially when i write. i also can be admittedly snobby sometimes because i think i’m smarter than i actually am, LOL
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - why do you have to be so edgy? why do you insist on being ~different~ 24/7?? lol his hipster-ness kills me8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - cinnamon roll, he’s a good guy when you are able to get past his glamorous exterior 
1: sexuality headcanon - bi/pan (spoiler, i think all the bachelors/bachelorettes are bi or pan) but i could actually see her being aromantic 
2: otp - if she’s not aromantic, then her and haley. she would take her down to the mines to explore and haley would get scared but she’d protect her
3: brotp - i said this in another post but seb, all the way, because she ships seb and sam together, and because they’ve got all of the same interests. plus she makes him come out of his shell and try new things!
4: notp - besides seb, i could never see her with alex. she’s too independent and they’re both too stubborn to ever cave in an argument 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - she totally does gaming streams on twitch 
6: one way in which I relate to this character - we both like doing things on our own, and we both have a taste for adventure
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - she’s way too old to be stuck in that “i need to rebel and scare my parents just because i can” phase8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - cinnamon roll BUT she’s very high maintenance as a daughter, lol
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nataliecrown · 8 years
4x02 Recap - Heavy Lies the Crown (The 100)
This was a quality episode. It’s not gonna jump on to my all time faves list, possibly because pretty much everything was spoiled beforehand (can’t wait to be past the screener eps, honestly), but it was some high calibre shit.
Warning: I am in a foul and irritable mood. If this recap is saltier than usual, I apologise. Unless you like salt, in which case - I did it especially for you!
- NOTE: They fixed Zach’s name in the credits. My question is, how the hell was that mistake ever allowed to happen. My god.
Radioactive, Radioactive
- The butterflies are back! I am HERE for throwing back to the S1 radioactive imagery. Could it be that we will see random dude from S2 again at some point? A GIRL CAN DREAM.
- So this whole opening sequence was seriously rad. We got to see ALIE again. Who knew that would excite me so much (Erica’s performance is just so damn good), we got to hear Tree Adam’s awesome soundtrack again, and we got a pretty brilliant introduction to Ilian. I gave exactly zero shits about RILEY later on in the episode, but I am instantly a fan of this dude.
- I also think it’s worth pointing out that his trauma must be EXTREME. He murdered his family. Yes, he wasn’t in control. But he can remember every damn moment. I doubt he will remain an antagonist forever, but I can’t say I blame him for being seriously fucked up and needing to expel that fucked up ness through violence and rage.
- It’s legit pretty rad that an older couple get to have proper on screen sexy times on a ‘teen’ show. Kudos! It’s hawt.
- Paige Turco’s legs. Damn.
- ALSO when Abby said Roan was expecting her...was I the only one whose mind swept off into an AU where Abby is like...the king’s wife, but she’s getting it on with one of his most trusted Ambassadors and it’s a tale of star crossed lovers and... @kane-and-griffin SURELY YOU WENT THERE?
- Kane’s smile while she has her back to him is just lovely.
- AND THEN the whole interaction with the necklace is just wonderful. Abby will never stop loving Jake, she will never stop missing him. But she is allowed to move on. Knowing that won’t stop her feeling guilty though, at least for a little while. Her hesitation is true to real life, and Kane’s gentle understanding is absolutely exquisite. He is not at all fazed by the spectre of her dead husband, to the point that he does not hesitate to help her put the necklace back on. And Abby does not express her gratitude with words, but with a kiss - her own gentle reminder to him that despite that guilt that is impossibly to not feel, she knows that she wants him. That she wants this.
The T Kru
- So we check in with the new peeps. We have the leader who is alllll about taking out King Roan. I think it’s important to note Ilian pointing out that he only wants revenge against Skaikru, and not the king. 
- Just kidding, it is clearly Octavia and I am about to be controversial...are you ready?
- Yes, Octavia looks like a badass, and angel of death, a vixen ready to get a mixen. HOWEVER...isn’t the point of an assassin meant to be that they are inconspicuous? If she wants to fade into the background and eavesdrop on conversations...if she wants her identity to remain secret for more than two minutes...shouldn’t she dress like everybody else? The cape is stunning but also....VERY UNIQUE COMPARED TO EVERYTHING ELSE WE HAVE EVER SEEN ON THIS SHOW.
- ANYWAY nobody notices her REALLY UNIQUE CAPE and Octavia learns vital information. The T Kru are going to challenge Roan to combat. Which, normally might be sweet, but Roan was shot - remember?
- God, I hate that crown. FREE ZACH’S BROW 2K17.
- I just want to point out that Octavia is still wearing Niylah’s clothes. JUST POINTING IT OUT LEAVE ME ALONE.
- Octavia has continuous smug face going on this season and I love it. Echo, perhaps, is not such a fan.
- ‘You’ll lose. Lexa kicked your ass...’ ROAN’S FACE AHAHAHA. And Kane’s reaction is priceless too. I am living for a season of Octavia just straight talking 24/7.
- Roan, Octavia and Kane are a squad I can get behind. Kane is going to try for diplomacy...we’ll see how that goes...
- Clarke’s look is fucking great, I love it so much. It is hints of S1 whilst also being fresh. I am a staunch defender of most of season 3. I think the overarching...arcs... were necessary and well placed. But lawwwwd it is nice to see Clarke back at home, and looking like Clarke again.
- This scene really nicely sets up the differing stances of Bravelarke. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. The back and forth is really nicely done. It’s all very head, heart, and hands I must say.
- ‘A choice your dad died for’ RAVEN REYES, SLYTHERIN.
- Clarke’s expression and voice get super fierce here. It makes me so sad for her considering the end of the episode. So Raven is Jake, Clarke is Jaha, and Bellamy is Abby? I’m for it.
- The real MVP of this scene is Monty, and I love how he isn’t actively part of the conversation that the ‘leaders’ are having, but his mind is constantly working. While the others are going around in circles, Monty thinks up a solution.
- ‘We’re standing in our viable solution.’ The way they all look around at the Ark which was both salvation and prison for them, all hopeful and wide eyed...IDK my dudes, it gives me the heart feelings.
Checking in with the other delinquents...
- Something about Bellamy going to Miller and Bryan gives me feelings, mostly bc of the knowledge that Bellamy and Miller are BFFs. RIGHT.
- Bryan is recovering remarkably well. I somehow doubt you should ever base gunshot wound recovery times off of this show folks.
- Bryan gets more character in this episode than he has at any other point. Jonathan does a really fantastic job of portraying his trepidation, his anger, and his general level of irritation at Miller.
- I LOVE THE PIKE CONVERSATION. IT IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. It’s also super important that what Octavia did is referred to as murder here. Last episode we had Clarke assure Bellamy that Pike had it coming. I think that was said, for the most part, to make Bellamy feel better. But this show is nothing if not fair when it comes to showcasing all sides of things. Pike was, in most respects, a hero and saviour to Bryan. And he was elected Chancellor, fairly. It’s not a simple situation.
- ‘To save you, Nate.’ I’m not hardcore Briller or anything, but the delivery here was spot on. Annnnnd I actually think super important in establishing Bryan’s character some more. We all know Bryan will be heading out the door sooner or later, but I still appreciate how the shows likes to give any and all characters depth.
- The hug and no kiss thing is...weird. There can be no denying.
- HONESTLY THOUGH. When Jasper says ‘Monty’ all serious and turns off the shower, I CACKLE. And then ‘look at me’ I’M TRYING NOT TO. BLESS YOU LOVELY CHILDREN.
- As things stand, I am loving where the show has taken Jasper post 4x01. And I’m intrigued to see where it goes.
- Obviously the best part of this scene is THE JONTY HIGH FIVE. HUZZAH.
- ‘Hey, you wanna hug?’ *giggles*
- Okay, so Bellarke. There is this super brief shot after Clarke hands over the whatever whing, where Bellamy looks away from her and she just STARES AT HIM YOU GUYS. HER FACE IS SO WARM AND FOND AND GLOWY. I’VE NOT SEEN ANYONE ELSE MENTION THIS MILLISECOND FRAME BUT IT’S EVERYTHING.
- Bellamy is so...energised this season? I’m fully loving it. I’m sure his self loathing is absolute, but he’s channelling it in such a positive way since he got to unload at Pike in 3x16. Clarke doesn’t have that same energy though, and you can almost see more of her own seep away as she watches him leave. 
- Also, another cute Raven and Monty nod. I POINT OUT ALL THE DETAILS OKAY. MAKE YOU READ ALL THE WORDS.
- That was a quick trip.
- The Marper hand hold is cute.
- Things go to shit pretty fast! Bellamy is all about making sure everybody else chills out in this episode. Even when he gets smacked upside the head, he is DEDICATED TO THE CAUSE.
- It’s not my place to talk about in depth, but the casting of extras and small bits parts on this show feels remarkably diverse compared to literally everything else I watch.
- We get a clear indication that the Ice Nation are not particularly fond of their King.
- Personally...I don’t reallyyyyy get why they back down? But whatever. I guess the leader does at least slightly fear the king?
- Okay, so Raven having to do her first mini boss speech and feeling all awkward and overwhelmed is the start of what will end up being another amazing arc. I FEEL IT IN MY BONES.
- SINCLAIRRRRR. But we do at least see now why he kind of needed to die. Kabby must, obviously, be protected at all costs. However, this show very much is about the 100 (+ Raven and Bellamy). Raven has to rise to the occasion in his absence.
- This conversation between Raven and Clarke is EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. It reminds me so much of S1 and ‘I’d pick you first.’ GAH. Just seeing them working together, and supporting each other means so much. Neither of them really know what they’re doing, but they’re doing it anyway. MORE. GIVE ME MORE.
- Fucking Jaha.
- Okay, FINE. Jaha having actual relevance to main characters is infinitely more interesting than Jaha out on his own doing his own wild things.
- I LOVE RAVEN BRINGING UP THE WRIST THING, AND CLARKE FINDING THE STRENGTH WITHIN TO POINT OUT THAT JAHA WAS ALSO CHIPPED. But Raven is having NONE of that. Remember that Jaha, at ALIEs behest, zoned in on Raven. She was the key. He went after her, after her injury, preyed on her pain. No wonder she is seething. Jaha’s zen owning of all his crimes is...vaguely interesting, I guess. 
- Sort the scrap you dumb dumb.
- Even if preview articles and teasers hadn’t already given away what Bellamy’s choice would be, as soon as we saw that little girl we all know he was saving the slaves, right?
- The appearance of the slaves strikes me as entirely random and contrived though. Why would the Ice Nation have massacred so many of Farm Station if they had a legitimate use for them? Whatever.
- So, Riley! Definitely in to the idea of him and Bryan having a history together, and the two of them rowing off into some off screen happiness together later in the season. I’m sure, given time, Riley may grow on me. This show does a remarkable job of making me care about everyone. But at this point I feel nothing. I’m all in with Ilian, and intrigued by Kenza...Riley, not so much.
- Everything about Echo and Roan’s sparring is attractive. EVERYTHING.
- I’m sorry, but Abby is totally checking Roan out in all of her reaction shots. That, or she’s fantasising about Kane.
- ‘If you can’t help me, why the hell are you still here.’ That clearly influences Abby’s decision to leave later.
- So, I didn’t talk about Roan and Echo much earlier because I LOVE THIS SCENE HERE. I’m so intrigued by where the show is going with these two. It’s a huge deal that Roan trusts her with the radiation information. I suppose it might not be trust per se, perhaps more like necessity - but still! And I also think it means a lot that Echo seems truly dedicated to helping him. As was said in 4x01, she’s very loyal. It’s proving true so far.
- Echo at Arkadia. Now, that will be interesting.
Octavia, back at it again with the sass and the smirks.
- Kane makes a valiant attempt at diplomacy! He points out that while Arkadia might have helped spread the CoL, they also destroyed it and saved humanity. 
- When that doesn’t work, Octavia employs an intimidating lead with some shit talking. Solid tactics, O.
- NIYTAVIA FOR LIFE...but in the meantime, we’re calling it Butterfly Assassin?
- ‘Well that went well.’ Kane’s look up at her is just like, DON’T.
- I kind of adore that Clarke’s reaction to hearing music is DA FUQ IS THIS? NO TO MUSIC. NO TO JOY.
- I really enjoy the scene with Clarke and Jasper. You can still feel his anger at Clarke, but...I don’t know...there’s something different about it. I almost feel like Jasper has put aside his anger, and is just...shooting from the hip, rather than from grief? Clarke’s face breaks my heart when he points out how similar it all sounds to them being sent to the ground though.
- Okay, so first of all...I love that we got to hear everybody’s perspective. This was democracy at work and it wasn’t a decision Bellamy made alone. So we can put that narrative to bed now.
- Minty lives
- I’m actually not going to go in depth on the choice that Bellamy ultimately makes, because I can see both sides and I don’t think either is right or wrong. We don’t have to justify anything here. Yes, perhaps somewhere down the line the squad will realise that the generator really was their only option and the reality of his choice will crash down on Bellamy. But imagine that he had decided to leave the slaves, and then in two weeks time they found a gigantic underground bunker that could fit 10,000 people. He’d feel pretty shit about letting the slaves suffer then, right? The characters don’t know what the future holds, and they don’t have the benefit of knowing they are part of a narrative which ensures that some of them will at least survive. 
- So, whatever basically. I’d have been cool with this going either way.
- Stoke that they saved Riley though, obviously.
- Important quote to note... ‘we have Raven.’ I, like Bellamy, believe that Raven Reyes can do anything - including make water out of nothing.
- Also worth noting how...incredibly risky their plan was? Like. Yikes.
- Harper kicking due in the face is my kink.
- MONTY IS SUPER GREAT IN THIS EPISODE. Everything about his reaction to meeting his dads murderer is just exquisitely well done. Leaving his death to the slaves is both powerful and also really quite dark.
Heavy Lies the Crown
- The Clarke/Jaha scene is so good and so hurtful to me. 
- Fucking Jaha.
- Clarke referencing her father and being locked up is really important, but...so is the parallel to Jaha’s choices. Ugh. Everything he says is actually so on point, and you can see realisation that Clarke is seeing herself in Jaha is disgusting to her but also unavoidable.
- Back to Kabby. We saw Kane have absolute faith in Abby last episode, so it’s nice to hear her being so sure that he will figure something out (YES, IT’S ALL VERY BELLARKE I KNOW).
- Kane quickly figures out that Abby is going back to Arcadia (judging from the promo, she’s going to be needed). I’m excited for this because more Abby and Clarke, but also maybe some Clarke and Raven please? We get some more gloriously supportive stuff from Kane...
- And then Kane notices that Abby isn’t wearing her necklace! Upon first viewing, I didn’t pick up on the fact that this scene feels a bit cut up. I can see it on second watch, and I can understand that’s frustrating. That being said, I don’t think the scene loses its meaning? To me, the removal of her necklace is Abby’s way of saying she’s ready to move on and it’s her way of saying it to Kane without putting it into words.
- Prayer circle that Abby gives the rings to Clarke.
- So, I’m skipping straight to the murder. I FUCKING LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT. I just...I’m so relieved that Octavia’s mudering is FOR her people, and not against. It makes so much sense.
- I can’t help giggling a little at Octavia being so ballsy about dueling these folk. THEY MIGHT ALL BE TONS BETTER THAN YOU, BABE. THEY’VE HAD YEARS TO PRACTICE. But whatever.
- Soooo the stabbing into the earhole to hide the wound and thus make it seem like he died of natural causes is BADASS.
- HEADCANON: Octavia did not learn this tactic on the ground. She learned it as a child when Bellamy was reading her some classic murderous fiction.
- Kane is CONCERNED about his daughter’s MURDEROUS WAYS.
- Ilian has also figured it out.
- And Echo too seems suspicious. STICKING A PIN IN THAT FOR THE FUTURE.
Clarke, we have adopted more children
- So Briller are breaking up, and I can’t be mad at the show for it because Jonathan got a new gig and can’t commit (sound familiar, oooh I went there). I do hope that this time around they let him just disappear into the sunset. Learn from your mistakes show.
- Make sure he takes Riley with him.
- Again, kudos to Jonathan for this ep. He really brings it.
- Okay, so the scene where Riley and Clarke are revealed as old friends (I have zero romance fears here btw) is HILLARIOUS TO ME. It’s so blatantly shoe horned in. AS IF they would be reunited, hug, and then just...blah. Like...it’s so noodley? 
- Anyway, Raven realises there is no generator and Bellamy fesses up to his maternal instincts.
- I actually love Clarke’s ‘you just did’. The delivery doesn’t imply blame to me, which is backed up by how immediately Clarke accepts his choice. It’s more a simple statement of fact, coming from a place of understanding.
- Raven, on the other hand, is pissed. ‘You’re not the only one who has to live with it. As usual.’ This is a direct throwback to Bellamy chucking the radio, right? That’s pertinent to their history. Look, Raven is a spitfire. She’s scared and under pressure, and she hasn’t had to make the leadership calls yet. She clearly will at some point this season, and we’ll see her gain a healthy dose of respect for Clarke and Bellamy when she does. For now, I think her anger is perfect.
- I know ‘no more than a 100′ is really on the nose but I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH. WHO’S GONNA MAKE IT YOU GUYS. AHHHH. MY SHOW.
- Clarke is just the accepted leader of Skaikru now and I love it.
- TOGETHER. Looks at Bellamy. OF COURSE SHE DOES. Can we also talk about Raven’s heart eyes towards Clarke? I mean...they fade to ash pretty fast, but just for that moment it’s the purest of loves!
- So, Clarke lies, and just like Bellamy and the generator...I won’t call right or wrong. There is no answer, just a choice. 
- ‘Your father would be so proud’ OUCH. OUCH. OUCH. Raven lashing out at Clarke here is much more personal than what she says to Bellamy. It’s more vicious. But I’m still not going to rail on her, for the same reasons as mentioned above. It’s time for her to get to work. I am so excited to see her in this role.
- And so Bellamy repeats ‘we save who we can save today’ and the important thing here is how Clarke nods. She’s not mad. She respects and understands his choice. Most of all she trusts him. Even if she CAN’T understand a choice he makes, she’ll always trust that it came from the right place. They’re a team.
- And to reinforce that, the episode ends with a glorious Bellarke shot as they contemplate what is to come.
- How many episodes will end with a Bellarke shot this season? I say 12/13.
My laptop is acting up and I’m as grumpy as a Clarke that hears music playing, so I’m not even re reading this. Apologies for typos. And congratulations if you made it to the end!
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de febrero 2020
Tras un enero interminable, lega un febrero más asequible en cuanto a ficción. Thrillers, comedias, dramas musicales o dramones a secas, hay de todo para hacernos el mes más llevadero.
¡Feliz febrero!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
2 de febrero: 
Power (series finale) en Starz
The Trial of Christine Keeler en BBC One
3 de febrero: 
Manhunt: Deadly Games (2T completa) en Spectrum
Inside No. 9 (5T) en BBC Two
Baghdad Central (1T) en Channel 4
McMillion$ en HBO
4 de febrero: The Flash (vuelve) en The CW
5 de febrero: 
Home (2T) en Channel 4
The Pharmacist en Netflix
6 de febrero: 
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (7T) y Indebted (1T) en NBC
Katy Keene (1T) en The CW
Tommy (1T) en CBS
The Sinner (3T) y Briarpatch (1T) en USA Network
Interrogation (1T completa) en CBS All Access
Tell Me a Story (2T finale) en CBS All Access
7 de febrero: 
Locke and Key (1T completa), My Holo Love (1T completa) y Horse Girl en Netflix
High Maintenance (4T) en HBO
MacGyver (4T) en CBS
Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet (1T completa) en Apple TV+
8 de febrero: The Coldest Game en Netflix
9 de febrero: 
Homeland (8T y última) y Kidding (2T) en Showtime
The Pale Horse en BBC One
Endeavour (7T) en ITV
Power (series finale) en Starz
10 de febrero: 
The End (1T) en Sky Atlantic
L'amica geniale (2T) en HBO
11 de febrero: 
For Life (1T) en ABC
Cherish the Day (1T) en OWN
The Split (2T) en BBC One
Camino a Roma en Netflix
12 de febrero: 
To All the Boys: P.S., I Still Love You en Netflix
Cherish the Day (cambio de día) en OWN
White House Farm en ITV
13 de febrero: Narcos: Mexico (2T completa) en Netflix
14 de febrero: 
Las chicas del cable (5aT completa) y Isi & Ossi en Netflix
Vergüenza (3T completa) en Movistar+
High Fidelity (1T) y Utopia Falls (1T) en Hulu
15 de febrero: The Thing About Harry en Freeform
16 de febrero: 
Outlander (5T) en Starz
Duncanville (1T) en FOX
Good Girls (3T) en NBC
NCIS: New Orleans (cambio de día) en CBS
18 de febrero: Intelligence (1T) en Sky One
19 de febero: Criminal Minds (series finale) en CBS
20 de febrero: Spectros (1T completa) en Netflix
21 de febrero: 
Hunters (1T completa) en Amazon
Puerta 7 (1T completa), Gentefied (1T completa), Babies y The Last Thing He Wanted en Netflix
Fresh Off the Boat (series finale) en ABC
Cobra (1T finale) en Sky One
22 de febrero: Almost Family (series finale) en FOX
23 de febrero: 
Better Call Saul (5T) y The Walking Dead (10bT) en AMC
The Rookie (vuelve) en ABC
24 de febrero: Better Call Saul (cambio de día) en AMC
26 de febrero: 
I Am Not Okay with This (1T completa) en Netflix
SEAL Team (vuelve) en CBS
Burden of Truth (3T finale) en CBC
27 de febrero: 
Altered Carbon (2T completa) y Followers (1T completa) en Netflix
Death in Paradise (9T finale) en BBC One
28 de febrero: Queen Sono (1T completa) y All the Bright Places en Netflix
Estrenos de series
Manhunt: Deadly Games (Spectrum)
Manhunt: Unabomber se emitió en Discovery Channel. La segunda temporada, que cambia de cadena, contará la historia del atentado en los Juegos Olímpicos de verano de 1996 en Atlanta. Richard Jewell (Cameron Britton; Mindhunter, The Umbrella Academy) era un agente de seguridad que encontró una mochila bomba, alertó a la policía y ayudó a evacuar la zona. Posteriormente, la periodista Kathy Scruggs (Carla Gugino; The Haunting of Hill House, Jett) publicó en el mayor periódico de Atlanta que el FBI le estaba investigando como principal sospechoso. Completan el reparto Judith Light (Transparent, American Crime Story), Jack Huston (Boardwalk Empire, Mr. Mercedes), Gethin Anthony (Game of Thrones, Aquarius), Jay O. Sanders (Sneaky Pete, The Sinner), Desmond Harrington (Elementary, Dexter), Arliss Howard (Moneyball), Kelly Jenrette (The Handmaid's Tale, Pitch) y Ness Bautista (Sense8). Creada, escrita y producida por Andrew Sodroski (Manhunt: Unabomber) y dirigida por Michael Dinner (Unbelievable, Masters of Sex). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 3 de febrero
Baghdad Central (Channel 4)
Thriller basado en la novela de Elliott Colla (2014) y ambientado en 2003, tras la muerte de Hussein, en el que un expolicía iraquí (Waleed Zuaiter; The Spy, Altered Carbon) debe buscar a su hija desaparecida (Leem Lubany, Condor). Con Neil Maskell (Utopia, Humans), Bertie Carvel (Doctor Foster, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell), Clara Khoury (Homeland), Corey Stoll (The Strain, House of Cards), Charlotte Spencer (Glue, Line of Duty), July Namir (The Looming Tower, Collateral), Tawfeek Barhom (The Looming Tower), Youssef Kerkour (Marcella, Jack Ryan), Hisham Suliman (Fauda), Nora El Koussour, Maisa Abd Elhadi (The State) y Dipo Ola (We Hunt Together). Escrita por Stephen Butchard (The Last Kingdom) y dirigida por Alice Troughton (A Discovery of Witches, In the Flesh) y Ben A. Williams (Humans). Seis episodios. Estreno: 3 de febrero
Indebted (NBC)
Dave (Adam Pally; Happy Endings, The Mindy Project) y Rebecca (Abby Elliott; Odd Mom Out, How I Met Your Mother) están listos para recuperar su  vida tras años de pañales y noches sin dormir, pero los padres de Dave, Linda (Fran Drescher; The Nanny, Happily Divorced) y Stew (Steven Weber; Studio 60, 13 Reasons Why), se presentan sin avisar. Y arruinados. A Dave no le queda más remedio que acogerlos, y a partir de ese momento no queda claro quién debe criar a quién. Escrita y producida por Dan Levy (Schitt's Creek). Estreno: 6 de febrero
Katy Keene (The CW)
Spin-off de Riverdale ambientado en Nueva York varios años después, donde Katy (Lucy Hale; Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother), una aspirante a diseñadora de moda, conoce a Josie McCoy (Ashleigh Murray, Riverdale), que acaba de llegar persiguiendo su sueño de triunfar en la música. Allí les acompañarán Pepper Smith (Julia Chan, Saving Hope), una misteriosa socialite; y Jorge Lopez (Jonny Beauchamp), un intérprete amante de Broadway que actúa como drag queen. Los cuatro formarán una familia que no se detendrá ante nada para llegar a la fama. Completan el reparto Katherine LaNasa (Imposters, Future Man), Camille Hyde (American Vandal, Power Rangers Dino Charge), Lucien Laviscount (Scream Queens, Snatch), Zane Holtz (From Dusk Till Dawn), Bernadette Peters (Smash, Mozart in the Jungle) y Daphne Rubin-Vega (Smash, Tales of the City).
Escrita por Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Riverdale) y Michael Grassi (Riverdale, Supergirl). También está producida por Greg Berlanti (Arrow, Riverdale).
Estreno: 6 de febrero
Tommy (CBS)
Abigail 'Tommy' Thomas (Edie Falco; The Sopranos, Nurse Jackie) fue agente de policía en Nueva York y ahora se ha convertido en la primera jefa de policía de Los Ángeles. Su filosofía de trabajo es distinta a la de sus predecesores. Usa su honestidad y sus habilidades para lidiar con los retos políticos y sociales que le demanda su trabajo. Con Adelaide Clemens (Rectify), Michael Chernus (Manhattan, Orange Is the New Black), Russell G. Jones (The Americans, Godless), Joseph Lyle Taylor (Sneaky Pete), Thomas Sadoski (The Newsroom, Life in Pieces), Olivia Lucy Phillip, Vladimir Caamaño (Runaways, Superstore), Katrina Lenk (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Good Fight), Paul Schulze (Nurse Jackie, The Punisher) y Philip Anthony-Rodriguez (The Morning Show, Why Women Kill).
Escrita y producida por Paul Attanasio (Bull, Homicide: Life on the Street). Estreno: 6 de febrero
Briarpatch (USA Network)
La primera temporada de una antología producida por Sam Esmail (Mr. Robot, Homecoming) está basada en la novela homónima de Ross Thomas (1984). Trata sobre una investigadora (Rosario Dawson; Daredevil, Seven Pounds) que vuelve a su pueblo de Texas para encontrar al asesino de su hermana y acaba descubriendo un sistema corrupto. Con Kim Dickens (Treme, Fear The Walking Dead), Jay R. Ferguson (The Romanoffs, Mad Men), Brian Geraghty (Chicago PD, Ray Donovan), Edi Gathegi (StartUp, The Blacklist), Ed Asner (Dead to Me, The Mary Tyler Moore Show), Alan Cumming (The Good Wife, Instinct) y Sarah Minnich (Better Call Saul). Adaptada y producida por Andy Greenwald (Legion). Diez episodios. Estreno: 6 de febrero
Interrogation (CBS All Access)
Basada en la condena real de un joven (Kyle Gallner; Veronica Mars, Outsiders), que se declara inocente, por el brutal asesinato de su madre. Los nueve primeros episodios mostrarán interrogatorios apoyándose directamente en los archivos policiales y podrán verse sin un orden concreto como si fuera la investigación de un caso sin cerrar durante años. Completan el cast Peter Sarsgaard (The Killing, The Looming Tower), David Strathairn (Lincoln; Good Night, and Good Luck), Kodi Smit-McPhee (Let Me In, X-Men: Apocalypse), Vincent D'Onofrio (Daredevil, Men in Black), Frank Whaley (Luke Cage, Ray Donovan), Pat Healy (Hap and Leonard, Blunt Talk), Melinda McGraw (Outcast, The Crossing), Michael Harney (Orange Is the New Black, Weeds), Vinessa Antoine (Being Erica), Ebon Mosss-Bachrach (Girls, NOS4A2) y Autry Haydon-Wilson (Paradise Lost).
Creada y producida por Anders Weidemann (30º i februari) y John Mankiewicz (House of Cards, Bosch). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 6 de febrero
Locke and Key (Netflix)
Adaptación de la novela gráfica de Joe Hill sobre tres hermanos -Tyler (Connor Jessup; American Crime, Falling Skies), Kinsey (Emilia Jones, Utopia) y Bode (Jackson Robert Scott, It)-, que se mudan con su madre (Darby Stanchfield; Scandal, Jericho) a la casa de su padre tras su asesinato. Allí descubren unas llaves mágicas que esconden muchos secretos. También participan Sherri Saum (The Fosters), Steven Williams (The Chi, The Leftovers), Griffin Gluck (American Vandal, Private Practice), Laysla de Oliveira (The Gifted), Kevin Alves (Shadowhunters, Degrassi: The Next Generation), Petrice Jones (Step Up: High Water), Thomas Mitchell Barnet (Wayne), Asha Bromfield (Riverdale) y Felix Mallard (Happy Together, Neighbours).
Escrita por Hill y Carlton Cuse (Lost, Colony). Diez episodios
Estreno: 7 de febrero
My Holo Love (Netflix)
Drama coreano sobre una mujer exitosa (Go Sung Hee, Suits) que tiene problemas para reconocer caras y debido a esto se distancia de la gente y se encuentra sola la mayor parte del tiempo. Un día conecta con un holograma de inteligencia artificial llamado Holo (Yoon Hyun Min) de apariencia idéntica a su creador pero de personalidad muy distinta, que la entiende y se preocupa por ella, y descubre un amor que nunca esperó encontrar.
Escrita por Ryoo Yong-Jae y dirigida por Lee Sang-Yeob.
Estreno: 7 de febrero
Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet (Apple TV+)
Comedia sobre el día a día y los problemas de un disfuncional equipo de desarrolladores de videojuegos en plena creación de un juego muy popular. Protagonizada por Rob McElhenney (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), Charlie Day (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), F. Murray Abraham (Homeland, Chimerica), Danny Pudi (Community, Powerless), Imani Hakim (Everybody Hates Chris), Charlotte Nicdao (Please Like Me, Camp), David Hornsby (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Six Feet Under), Jessie Ennis (Veep, Better Call Saul) y Ashly Burch.
Creada, escrita y producida por McElhenney (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), Day (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Cool Kids) y Megan Ganz (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Community). Nueve episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 7 de febrero
The Pale House (BBC One)
Adaptación de la novela de Agatha Christie (1961) en la que aparece una misteriosa lista de nombres en el zapato de una joven asesinada. Uno de los nombres es el de Mark Easterbrook (Rufus Sewell; The Man in the High Castle, Victoria), un anticuario viudo que ha encontrado el amor de nuevo con la joven Hermia (Kaya Scodelario; Skins, The Maze Runner) pero aún sigue obsesionado por la trágica muerte de su primera esposa. ¿Por qué está su nombre en esa lista? ¿Está destinado a morir? Su investigación le llevará hasta The Pale Horse, la casa de tres mujeres que se rumorea que son brujas. Completan el reparto Bertie Carvel (Doctor Foster, Baghdad Central), Sean Pertwee (Gotham), Henry Lloyd-Hughes (Killing Eve, Indian Summers), James Fleet (Outlander, Unforgotten), Poppy Gilbert, Madeleine Bowyer (Black Mirror), Ellen Robertson, Sarah Woodward (Queens of Mystery), Georgina Campbell (Broadchurch, Flowers), Claire Skinner (Outnumbered, Next of Kin), Rita Tushingham (In the Flesh), Sheila Atim (Harlots) y Kathy Kiera Clarke (Derry Girls).
Escrita por Sarah Phelps (And Then There Were None, Ordeal by Innocence). Dos episodios.
Estreno: 9 de febrero
The End (Sky Atlantic)
Drama familiar sobre tres generaciones de una familia de Australia que tratan de averiguar cómo morir con dignidad, vivir sin nada y hacer que la vida valga la pena. Kate Brennan (Frances O'Connor; The Missing, Mr. Selfridge) es una doctora especialista en cuidados paliativos y se opone a la eutanasia. Edie (Harriet Walkter; Flowers, The Crown), su madre, está a favor del derecho a morir y tiene miedo a las residencias de ancianos. Con Luke Arnold (Black Sails, Glitch), Morgan Davies (The Girlfriend Experience), Alex Dimitriades (Secret City, The Slap), Noni Hazlehurst (A Place to Call Home, City Homicide), Ingrid Torelli (Five Bedrooms), John Waters (Offspring, All Saints), Roy Billing (Rake, Jack Irish), Andrea Demetriades (Janet King, Pulse) o Uli Latukefu (Marco Polo, Harrow).
Creada y escrita por Samantha Strauss (Dance Academy, Offspring). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 10 de febrero
For Life (ABC)
Drama legal sobre un prisionero (Nicholas Pinnock; Counterpart, Marcella) que se convierte en abogado y lleva los casos de otros reclusos mientras trata de revocar la sentencia de cadena perpetua que le impusieron por un crimen que no cometió. Cuenta también con Indira Varma (Game of Thrones, Luther), Joy Bryant (Parenthood, Good Girls Revolt), Glenn Fleshler (Billions, Barry), Dorian Missick (Tell Me a Story, Animal Kingdom), Tyla Harris (Six, Claws), Mary Stuart Masterson (Fried Green Tomatoes, Blindspot), Timothy Busfield (The West Wing, thirtysomething), Boris McGiver (House of Cards, Person of Interest) y 50 Cent (Power, Spy).
Escrita y producida por Hank Steinberg (Without a Trace) y producida por Isaac Wright Jr. -la serie está inspirada en su vida- y 50 Cent (Power). El piloto está dirigido por George Tillman Jr. (Men of Honor, The Hate U Give).
Estreno: 11 de febrero
Cherish the Day (OWN)
Narra el romance de una pareja de Los Ángeles durante cinco años, con cada episodio centrándose en un día significativo de la relación. Protagonizada por Xosha Roquemore (The Mindy Project, I'm Dying Up Here) y Alano Miller (Underground, Jane the Virgin), contará también con Cicely Tyson (How to Get Away with Murder, The Help), Michael Beach (Third Watch, Sons of Anarchy) o Kellee Stewart (Midnight, Texas; The Soul Man).
Creada y producida por Ava DuVernay (Queen Sugar, When They See Us). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 11 de febrero
High Fidelity (Hulu)
Inspirada en la novela de Nick Hornby (1995) y la película del año 2000, esta versión nos cuenta la historia de Rob (Zoë Kravitz; Big Little Lies, Divergent), la cínica y desencantada dueña de una tienda de discos de Brooklyn. Amante de la música pop y las listas top five, decide visitar a las cinco personas que le rompieron el corazón.
Con Jake Lacy (I'm Dying Up Here, Girls), Da'Vine Joy Randolph (People of Earth, Empire), David H. Holmes, Kingsley Ben-Adir (Vera, The OA), Rainbow Francks (Jett, The Umbrella Academy), Ivanna Sakhno (The Spy Who Dumped Me) y Thomas Doherty (Legacies, The Lodge).
Creada y escrita por Veronica West y Sarah Kucserka. Producida por Zoë Kravitz. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 14 de febrero
Utopia Falls (Hulu)
Dentro de unos cientos de años, entre las ruinas carbonizadas de la Tierra, veinticuatro adolescentes de la última colonia son elegidos para competir en la prestigiosa The Exemplar, un concurso de artes escénicas. Tras descubrir un misterioso archivo que le ayuda a conocer el hip-hop, Aliyah (Robyn Alomar), la independiente y aventurera hija de un oficial del gobierno, empieza a cuestionarse todo lo que sabe y convence al resto de jóvenes para comenzar una revolución y sacar a la luz la verdad gracias al poder de la música. Con Akiel Julien (The Next Step), Robbie Graham-Kuntz (The Next Step), Humberly González (In the Dark), Phillip Lewitski (Vikings), Devyn Nekoda (Backstage), Mickeey Nguyen (Make It Pop), Kate Drummond (Wynonna Earp), Huse Madhavji (Saving Hope) o Alexandra Castillo (Mary Kills People, The Girlfriend Experience). Escrita y dirigida por R.T. Thorne (Find Me in Paris). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 14 de febrero
Duncanville (FOX)
Comedia de animación sobre la familia y los amigos de Duncan, un chico de quince años con una gran imaginación. Con las voces de Amy Poehler (Inside Out, Parks and Recreation), Rashida Jones (Angie Tribeca, The Office), Wiz Khalifa (Dickinson), Ty Burrell (Modern Family), Riki Lindhome (Garfunkel and Oates, Another Period), Betsy Sodaro (Another Period) y Yassir Lester (Black Monday, Making History). Escrita por Mike y Julie Scully (The Simpsons, The Carmichael Show) y producida por Amy Poehler (Parks and Recreation, Broad City). Trece episodios. Estreno: 16 de febrero
Intelligence (Sky One)
Comedia ambientada en el cuartel general de comunicaciones del gobierno británico en Cheltenham y centrada en un arrogante y disidente agente de la NSA (David Schwimmer; Friends, American Crime Story) que se une a un inepto y falto de tacto analista informático (Nick Mohammed; Uncle, Drifters) para formar un equipo contra el crimen cibernético. Completan el cast Sylvestra Le Touzel (The Crown, Utopia), Jane Stanness (Sally4Ever), Gana Bayarsaikhan, Oliver Birch (In the Flesh), Eliot Salt (GameFace) y Colin Salmon (Arrow, No Offence).
Escrita y producida por Nick Mohammed. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 18 de febrero
Spectros (Netflix)
Un grupo de adolescentes del distrito de Liberdale en São Paulo, Brasil -conocido por su gran comunidad japonesa- acaban en una realidad sobrenatural en 1908, donde tendrán que enfrentarse a extraños y siniestros acontecimientos. Acaban entendiendo que alguien está trayendo de vuelta a los muertos, que quieren venganza por lo que les ocurrió en el pasado. Protagonizada por Danilo Mesquita (3 %, Rock Story), Enzo Barone (A Garota da Moto, A Voz do Silêncio), Cláudia Okuno, Pedro Carvalho (Nerd of the Dead, Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho) y Mariana Sena.
Escrita, dirigida y producida por Douglas Petrie (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Daredevil). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 20 de febrero
Hunters (Amazon)
Inspirada en hechos reales, nos presenta a un grupo de personas que comienza una sangrienta búsqueda en Nueva York durante los años 60 para llevar frente a la justicia a cientos de oficiales nazis que viven de incógnito en Estados Unidos y planean crear allí el cuarto Reich. Jonah Heidelbaum (Logan Lerman; The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Percy Jackson), tras el asesinato de su abuela, entrar a formar parte de la banda y se convierte en el protegido de Meyer Offerman (Al Pacino; Scent of a Woman, The Godfather), un cazador de nazis retirado. Completan el reparto Lena Olin (Alias, Riviera), Josh Radnor (How I Met Your Mother, Rise), Jerrika Hinton (Grey's Anatomy, Here and Now), Carol Kane (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Gotham), Saul Rubinek (The Last Tycoon, Warehouse 13), Tiffany Boone (The Chi, The Following), Louis Ozawa Changchien (Kidding, Bosch), Greg Austin (Class, Mr. Selfridge), Dylan Baker (Homeland, The Americans), Kate Mulvany (Secret City), James Le Gros (The Passage, Mildred Pierce), Ebony Obsidian (If Beale Street Could Talk), Caleb Emery (Good Girls, American Vandal), Henry Hunter Hall (When They See Us, Waist Deep), Jeannie Berlin (The Night Of, The First), Julissa Bermudez (106 & Park), Becky Ann Parker (Men in Black), Josh Mostel (Big Daddy), Miles G. Jackson (The Last O.G.) y Jonno Davies (Spotless).
Creada y escrita por David Weil (Moonfall) y producida por Jordan Peele (Get Out, The Last O.G.). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 21 de febrero
Puerta 7 (Netflix)
Thriller sobre las barras bravas argentinas, los peligrosos hinchas de fútbol. En la serie, una mujer (Dolores Fonzi; Truman, La cordillera) quiere limpiar la corrupción de un equipo y el nombre de su familia, un joven se convierte en barra brava para salvar a su familia de la pobreza y diferentes facciones del mismo club se enfrentan en una guerra civil. Con Esteban Lamothe (El marginal, Estocolmo), Carlos Belloso (La odisea de los giles, Atrapa a un ladrón), Daniel Aráoz (Una especie de familia, El hombre de al lado), Juan Gil Navarro (Floricienta, La casa del mar) y Antonio Grimau (Se dice amor, Soy gitano).
Creada por Martin Zimmerman (Ozark, Narcos), escrita por Patricio Vega (Los simuladores) y dirigida por Israel Adrián Caetano (El marginal, El otro hermano). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 21 de febrero
Gentefied (Netflix)
Dramedia bilingüe que sigue a tres primos mexicanos de Los Ángeles y sus intentos de vivir el sueño americano, incluso cuando este sueño amenaza su barrio o el negocio familiar. Protagonizada por Karrie Martin, J.J. Soria (The Oath, Animal Kingdom), Carlos Santos y Joaquín Cosio (The Strain, Narcos: Mexico). Les acompañan Julissa Calderón (Revenge), Annie González (Shameless, Good Girls Revolt), Laura Patalano (Vida), Felipe Esparza, Rafael Sigler (Ugly Betty), Jaime Álvarez (Grey's Anatomy, Shameless), Bianca Melgar, Michelle Ortiz y Alejandro Patiño.
Creada y escrita por Marvin Lemus y Linda Yvette Chávez, de la webserie del mismo nombre; y dirigida por Lemus. Producida por America Ferrera (Superstore). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 21 de febrero
I Am Not Okay with This (Netflix)
Cuenta la historia de una joven de quince años llamada Sydney (Sophia Lillis; Sharp Objects, It), enamorada en secreto de su mejor amiga Dina (Sofia Bryant, The Good Wife) y con unos poderes telepáticos que aparecen siempre en los momentos más inoportunos. Completan el reparto Kathleen Rose Perkins (Episodes), Wyatt Olef (Guardians of the Galaxy), Aidan Wotjak-Hissong (Falling Water) y Richard Ellis (Veronica Mars).
Creada por Jonathan Entwistle (The End of the F***ing World) y Christy Hall, dirigida por Entwistle y basada en la novela gráfica de Charles Forsman (The End of the F***ing World). De los productores de Stranger Things. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 26 de febrero
Followers (Netflix)
Natsume Hyakuta (Elaiza Ikeda; Sunny: Tsuyoi Kimochi Tsuyoi Ai, Isle of Dogs) es una aspirante a actriz que no está teniendo demasiada suerte ni en el mundillo ni en su vida personal cuando la popular fotógrafa de moda Rimi Nara (Miki Nakatani; Ringu, Ringu 2) publica una foto suya en Instagram. El éxito de Natsume en las redes crece a pasos agigantados mientras se cruza con una serie de personas de Tokyo que desean mantener la relevancia social mientras persiguen sus sueños. Con Nobuaki Kaneko (Diner), Mari Natsuki (Vision, Isle of Dogs), Yuka Itaya, Kom I, Yutaro y Shuhei Uesugi.
La primera serie de acción real original de Netflix Japón está dirigida por Mika Ninagawa (Diner). Nueve episodios.
Estreno: 27 de febrero
Queen Sono (Netflix)
La primera serie de Netflix original de África es un thriller sobre una espía altamente entrenada (Pearl Thusi, Quantico, Catching Feelings) que trabaja para una agencia sudafricana y lidera operaciones criminales mientras lidia con una crisis personal. Con Vuyo Dabula, Sechaba Morojele (Human Cargo), Chi Mhende, Loyiso Madinga, Rob Van Vuuren (Munki and Trunk, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom), Kate Liquorish (Madiba), Khathu Ramabulana (Shadow), Enhle Maphumulo, Abigail Kubeka (Wild at Heart), Connie Chiume (Black Panther), Otto Nobela (Wizard) y James Ngcobo.
Creada y dirigida por Kagiso Lediga (Catching Feelings). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 28 de febrero
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