#the actual character I have to Reluctantly Tolerate at best
ardentpoop · 2 months
castiel supernatural as he is clumsily written within the text evokes a wide variety of emotions in me ranging from acceptance (as in the stage of grief) to white-knuckled irritation
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Imagine the 3.8 Secret Summer Paradise event but with Wanderer and you. Nahida sends Wanderer to investigate something in the desert and you tag along for fun but you two get sucked into a magic bottle somehow?! Klee dubs his title as the “Sorcerer” - her mage sidekick - and yours as the “Soldier” - her protecter! (Or whatever you want, I’m bad at this.)
The rollercoasters are nothing compared to Wanderer’s flights of fright. He will do loops, twists, turns, upside downs in the air all while holding YOU… at least in the rollercoaster there are seats. Klee is amazed by your endurance and wants to try flying too! (Wanderer reluctantly gives her a piggy back ride and flies a safe distance up from the ground… Kaeya’s watching him very carefully, but you vehemently reassure him that Wanderer would never hurt a child. The cavalry captain actually grows to like him!) Though you manage to convince Wanderer to ride a slow rollercoaster with you. There’s no one else in the Choo-Choo Cart, and it’s late at night. Wanderer lays on your lap as you play with his hair, the both of you silent as you stare out the window, taking in the lovely sights of this realm.
Idyia’s quite scared of Wanderer at first but overtime she comes to fawn over and admire how deep your love is, she’s met many people in her little bottle, but no one has ever had a relationship like yours! Not to mention, Zosimos takes inspiration from the two of you for his characters. And speaking of plays, I think despite the fact the one the group acted out had poor plot, Wanderer finds joy in it, because I believe he likes the arts/dance/performances, and also he found Klee’s acting endearing. (When Kaeya runs out of stories for her, Wanderer takes over and tells her Inazuman folktales!)
Collei is extremely nervous speaking to Wanderer, but finds herself liking him more than she expected. She feels like she can… relate to him, for some strange reason? She doesn’t really understand, since she’s never met him before, but she doesn’t question it. Plus, she knows you’re a really nice person, so you wouldn’t date someone who’s mean, anyway. Eula is suspicious of him at first too, but seeing Collei warm up to him makes her tolerate him, while Kokomi finds the stranger very interesting. She has a few chats with Wanderer, and the things he says about Inazuma has her only more curious. The most important part is, Klee wants to be the flower girl at your wedding, whenever that happens.
Moving on, Wanderer has a soft spot for the Hydro Eidolons because they remind him a bit of the Aranara. He acts all annoyed when they want to play hide and seek with him but secretly he enjoys it (and you’re enjoying his fervent denial at being soft.) You two play all of the games together, although Wanderer is less enthusiastic about it than you (as usual of course) but he actually enjoys Bing-Bang Finchball! :3 (He wonders if his creator and that kitsune would like it, too.) Most of all, Wanderer especially enjoys the solitude he gets at certain places of the realm. Sometimes you’re with him, sometimes you’re not, but when you are, during these moments he’s oddly quiet and clingy. Sometimes he still struggles to accept his life and what he’s been through. But making memories like these with you make him happy.
At the end of your stay, when you have to bury a treasure to leave behind, you put in two dolls of Wanderer and you that you quickly made in the mirage! (Wanderer had taught you how to make them that nicely.) You didn’t show your lover at first, a bit embarrassed and scared of his reaction, but he found out anyway and sighed, but pulled down his hat to cover his blush. He flew you to a beautiful spot with the best view, and you two buried it together. You wonder if it would still be there if you ever visited again.
Even after many years pass, Idyia never fails to tell the engrossing tale of the grouchy puppet and his darling lover, an unlikely but loving couple. Maybe if you’re lucky, you could meet them spending their days strolling the streets of Sumeru with the young Archon.
Overall, an unplanned but very necessary vacation that Wanderer needed. Nahida had a blast listening to all of your stories! (And happy he has made some more friends, which he of course denies that accusation.) 
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kindasleepywriter · 7 months
Bird of Prey - Chapter 12: Flight Risk
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Bird of Prey masterlist. Azriel x Reader.
Chapter summary: You finally face Rhysand, prepared to defend your place in the Night court. You never expected it would end this way, though.
Story rating: Mature - Minors DNI
Warnings: Some good ol' trauma, as always, but that's about it!
Word count: 2.8k
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“Well, if this is your idea of necessary training, Az, you had better watch out before I try finding new powers of my own.”
Rhysand’s voice echoed in the modest living room, the amusement lacing each word sobering you up faster than a bucket of ice water ever could. You looked over your shoulder and hissed harshly at the man standing in the doorway, the length of your wings snapping back to their usual folded position in response to the intrusion.
Your centuries-old reflexes had you about ready to launch yourself at Rhysand, but Azriel’s hands landed on your hips and kept you from leaping backwards. You struggled against his hold for only a second before ceasing your efforts, regaining control over your instincts. You remained tense as a coiled spring, distrusting the High Lord.
“Not the best moment, Rhys.” Azriel sighed, dropping his head back lightly on the backrest’s cushioning.
“By all means,” Rhysand purred, “don’t let me stop you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, darkness by his feet almost unnoticeably flickering as your intertwined shadows made their way back into the room. You lost track of them quickly as they blended into Azriel’s, but you felt their presence around you as they distantly told you there was a box of spare linens in the attic.
You fought the urge to slap them away, frustration slipping into your very bones. They had apparently been too busy to count blankets to notice an entire person coming into the very small house. Spatial awareness was visibly not their forte.
“What,” you sneered, ignoring the pressure Azriel added to your hips in warning, “So bored of your own sex life that you have to live vicariously through other people’s?”
Rhysand rolled his eyes, unimpressed by your taunt. “All that training did not include manners, it would seem. Noted.”
“How about you shove your manners up your-”
Azriel cut you off before you could further insult the High Lord, his shadows pushing Rhysand encouragingly towards the kitchen. “Alright, let’s not do that. Rhys will you just- just give us a minute, alright?”
Rhysand sent another smirk your way, winking. “I’ll let you lovebirds finish what you were doing.”
You snarled as he turned around, still immobilized by muscled arms. “He better sleep with one eye open,” you hissed once he left the room. Azriel reluctantly let go of you and you sprung to your feet, using every last bit of your restraint not to follow into the kitchen. You fiddled with a fallen feather, and your shadows trailed the man, assuring you they’d report back on any suspicious activity. If they even kept their attention on him long enough, you thought.
Azriel shook his head as he put his shirt back on. “Can we reschedule the regicide for another day,” he sighed. “He just wants to talk.”
“About what.”
“About you not being a threat to the Night Court. My impression is that you’re not currently helping your case, I’m sure you know why.”
“I don’t need that asshole’s permission-”
Azriel’s eyes narrowed, and he took a slow step towards you. “Watch it.” he snapped.“You’ve made your opinion about him abundantly clear, but I won’t tolerate insults. You do, in fact, need his permission to be here, so I encourage you to take it down a notch and go talk to him.”
You gritted your teeth, pacing throughout the room. You’d tried all week to get a clearer idea of who Rhysand actually was, and you’d gotten nothing more than ‘You can ask him.’ in return. If anything, the evasiveness around the man’s character had only made you more distrustful of him.
Your twin shadows slithered back to you, reporting nothing other than the fact that Rhysand was clearly listening in. That, you’d expected.
“Fine. But if he tries anything-”
“He won’t.” Azriel assured you swiftly, almost pleading. “Nothing more than a conversation, I promise you.”
You barely kept yourself from flinching at his last words. ‘Promises’, you’d heard that too many times. Nevertheless, you finally nodded, and the relief on his face was clear as day. You knew this would happen sooner or later. He softly laid his hand on your lower back, careful to avoid sensitive areas, and ushered you towards the kitchen.
Rhysand sat comfortably with a bottle of red wine at the dining room table, his wings almost brushing the floor. The open layout of the kitchen gave you enough space that you weren’t anywhere near close to him, and you hesitated to come closer. Azriel tried to lead you to the delicately carved oak table to sit down as well, but you remained standing. He gave in to your silent compromise and leaned against the kitchen isle at your side. Your shadows kept to themselves, hiding in your feathers.
All three of you stood in silence for a moment, too tense for the situation to be considered awkward. This was a battle, you knew, and you would not lose. You kept your eyes firmly on Rhysand, unwilling to show any sign of weakness. Your mental walls were stacked as high as they could go, ready for assault.
Rhysand’s silken voice was the one to cut through the silence that hung over the room, gesturing towards you.
“So few words from someone who’d been planning my assassination only a second ago. Still thinking up new ways to accomplish the feat?”
“Depends.” you said, infusing boredom into your every word. “Are you here to taunt and provoke me, or can we talk like adults and get it over with?”
He tsked and shook his head in disappointment. “So preoccupied with efficiency. No word of thanks for the man who has so kindly let you into his court?”
“I never asked for anything. If you want me to leave, you just have to say the word.” you said flatly.
Azriel’s hold on the kitchen counter tightened and you took a step, your arm brushing his. In the periphery of your vision, you saw his hands loosen, shifting closer to you. Barely noticeable, but just enough for Rhysand to raise an eyebrow, and you hated how vulnerable such a simple act made you feel.
“Ah,” he said, looking towards Azriel, a glimmer in his eyes before turning back to you. “I see. Well, you haven’t caused any trouble yet, but you must understand why I’m curious about what this ‘training’ consists of. Care to clue me in?”
Azriel looked towards you, a nod toward Rhysand indicating not so subtly that you’d be doing the talking. You took a calming breath.
“We have been working on… powers I can apparently wield.” you said, carefully choosing each word. “More specifically, on finding a way for me to use them consciously rather than instinctively.”
“Go on.” Rhysand encouraged, firm but without any anger or surprise.
“We have confirmed that I can use someone else’s powers as my own, that’s what happened with Feyre in the study.”
His gaze wavered, brows furrowing. “And how are you sure that they’re not yours?”
You didn’t reply, instead willing your lighter shadow to slip out from your plumage and explore the room. It joined with Azriel’s own companions, briefly brushing against his dark curls before making its way towards the dining table. It flowed over the wooden surface, a small cloud of white smoke dancing just out of Rhysand’s reach. He leaned forward, inspecting it, but the shadow flickered and skittered back to you, taking refuge in your feathers once more.
“I’m not a Shadowsinger. Well, I wasn’t one before arriving in Velaris, at least.” Before you met Azriel, you noted to yourself. “We’re still not sure how it all works. Nesta explained that she didn’t feel any power missing, and Az…” You threw a glance at him in confirmation.
“I didn’t, don’t, feel anything amiss. With Nesta, it had stopped the second you’d realized what you were doing, but her shadows haven’t dissipated. I don’t understand how, but she does have the ability, Rhys.”
Rhysand looked… he looked concerned at the implications.
“They’re like familiars.” he mumbled.
“What?” you asked, his voice so low you couldn’t make out the words.
“They’re like familiars.” he said again, louder. “When you conjure them, you use a burst of energy in a short period of time that lingers over time. They don’t fade away because in normal circumstances they don’t need a constant flow of power.”
“That could explain it.” Azriel said, nodding, “We haven’t tested the limits of it so far. Training has been…” he hesitated, and you froze. It was true that there were many words one could use to describe how you’d progressed, ‘not at all’ and ‘a waste of time’ at the front of your mind.
“Progress as been next to non-existent.” you cut in. Azriel frowned at your side and went to speak again, most probably to tell you that your shadows were a good sign of progress, but you didn’t give him the chance to coddle you. “At this rate, I might be able to start a forest fire in a couple centuries. I’m more of a danger to myself than to any of you.”
Both of their eyes snapped to yours, and you winced at Azriel’s concern. Ah, why were you never able to keep yourself from oversharing?
“What do you mean, Dove?” he asked carefully.
“Look,” you said, avoiding his stare, “We’ve established that these powers are not mine, and that they don’t come from your reserves either. I’m apparently making up these abilities out of thin air. So, where’s the catch, who or what’s paying for it? There has to be a give and take, there always is. I might not have noticed anything yet, but something or someone is paying the price for what I’m doing.”
In truth, the thought had lingered in the back of your mind since the moment Nesta had revealed her power was intact after your scuffle. You were bargaining with powers you did not understand, racking up a debt of uncertain value, and you didn’t see a scenario in which it would end well.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Azriel breathed, his hand gently guiding your head back to him. You were still very aware of Rhysand’s presence in the room and his analysis of you both, and you pushed away to walk to the other side of the kitchen counter. You still refused to look at him.
“It doesn’t matter. I… have to train, don’t I? That’s how I can stay here.” With you, you didn’t add, trying and failing to sound as detached as you were earlier. “I understand the conditions of my presence here, and what will happen if I’m considered a possible threat.”
Azriel ran a frustrated hand through his hair and a low growl escaped him, his shadows rippling around him with a renewed fervor like winds in a storm. Your own were pleading to join them, but you held firm against their song.
“Dove, you-”
Rhysand’s voice resounded gravely across the room, stopping him in his tracks. “I think we need to clarify some things.” he said, looking unpleased at Azriel.
There it was, you thought, you’d given yourself away. What High Lord would let you in their court when you were possibly putting citizens in danger? You were nothing but a volatile threat to a leader. You reinforced your mental shields, forcing yourself not to flinch when you felt the unfortunate familiar talons grate at your mind, and furtively looked around the room. Your inability to keep your mouth shut was once again going to cost you your freedom.
Not this time.
Two doors, 3 windows. The windows were out of the question, you could never fit your wings through them despite their size, and one of the doors was blocked by Azriel’s large frame and his own fully flared wings. A common sign of anger, you knew that.  That left the other door, the easiest to reach. Only a few feet to your right, right where the dining room seemed to start. Past that, no obstacles other than the front door. You evaluated the distance of the two men in relation to yourself.
You could make it, but you’d have to fly to get away, if you even could. You’d used the privacy of your guest room to stretch and move them, but you weren’t sure you could hoist yourself up in the air. There was a small ridge overlooking the Sidra next to this house… maybe it would be enough to bring you airborne. You’d just have to climb the stairs to the lookout.
You’d have no choice but to try. You tensed, ready to spring into action.
Rhysand’s voice resonated through the room again with an edge it had previously lacked. “Did you think you were on trial?”
Azriel took a step towards you, and you took one in turn towards the door. Your chest squeezed at the hurt that flashed across his face. You wished you could go to him, you wanted to go to him, but he was still a subject of the Night court. Rhysand called the shots. Had all of this been a set up?
“Aren’t I?” you asked carefully, keeping both men within your sights as you angled yourself subtly towards your planned exit.
“No, of course not!” Azriel protested sharply, taking another step. You did the same. He looked agitated, too agitated.
“You are not a prisoner here,” Rhysand stated, “and it seems that our good clueless friend here seems to not have made it clear enough.”
You stilled under their eyes, evaluating the situation. You wouldn’t be able to detect deception from Rhysand, not if he’d been fooling the entirety of Prythian for centuries. Instead, you looked towards Azriel.
You almost stepped forward at the devastation you found in him and his surrounding shadows, the latter reacting to the desperate song yours sent their way. Maker, it was all you could hear, the deafening silence broken only by their longing. Azriel took another step, raising a hand towards you gently.
“Az, don’t-” Rhysand warned, but it did not reach his brother’s ears.
“Dove, please, we only want to help you.”
Help you? Voices rang around you. Your scars were flayed back to life, flames licking at your back and wings.
‘Quit whining child, this is all for your own good.’
‘You can end the pain if you earn it.’
‘We’ll stop if you stop hiding your powers, dear.’
‘We’re only trying to help you; you’ll be grateful when you’re older.’
‘We’re only trying to help-’
‘We’re only trying to help-’
No, no, no, no, no, not again-
Your head yelled at you to run, run, run. Darkness, your mind wished for, darkness. Rhysand’s darkness, you realized. You couldn’t tell who started it, him or you, but an absolute void of light was created, snuffing out the sunlight streaming through the windows as easily as you would a candle. You heard Azriel shouting your name in the pitch black of the room, but you were already running. His voice followed you into the sun.
It was only when you reached the rocky ledge that you dared to look back. Azriel was right outside the house, violently trying to shake off the grip Rhysand had on him, holding him back. You couldn’t make out what he was saying to the shaking man in his arms through the ringing in your ears.
Azriel shouted for you one last time, eyes wide, when you used your momentum to propel you off the rocks of the lookout in a dive down towards the Sidra’s rushing water. It enveloped you in its noise and offered you a brief respite from your mind.
At the last moment possible, praying to the Mother to give you a helping hand this one time, you snapped your wings open to catch an air current. You thrust desperately against gravity, every muscle in agony, and your confidence wavered as you approached the water rapidly. If you hit the surface at this speed, you thought, at least it would be a swift death.
You doubled your efforts with a roar, using every second of your training to save you from the icy wall, still going down, down down until- you finally caught a strong draft. The tips of your feathers barely brushed the water, a moment stopped in time as you witnessed the reflection of your spread wings at your sides, black and white shining in the sun’s light, before you were shooting back into the sky.
You didn’t dare look back as you shot through the sky, heading for anywhere that wasn’t here.           
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Okay first off- this is not edited, I got REALLY tired of waiting to find the time and I wanted to give you guys something! I'll probably go over it in the next few days.
We've got some angst today (I'm a whore for trust/betrayal storylines, can you tell?) and FINALLY a reveal of her ability to fly!! Rhysand tried to do damage control, at least x)
If I break up the next chapters like planned, the next one will be the first of the final story arc (the last one planned, anyways) and lemme tell y'all its WILD
Please tell me your thoughts, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Banner created by the amazing @saradika!
Taglist: @sapphenaa @minnieoo @weasleyreidstyles @anuttellaa
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
A cream of mushroom soup and a chicken noodle soup
With a mushroom pizza please?
Can the character be scaramouche?
sincerely, yours
a/n: dont be like me procrastination is not healthy!!
you had never gotten along with scaramouche. that arrogant attitude, as if he was better than everyone! the nerve! the amount of arguments you had gotten into with him shocked even you. but, he still seemed to tolerate you at the very least. you actually kind of liked him when he wasn't up in your face, dropping snarky comments whenever he could. but archons, you just hated everything about him at this very moment. he had somehow started probably one of the largest arguments you had ever had with him, you tried your best to defuse the situation, but his childish remarks were too much to handle. you snapped, yelling in his face about how annoying he was, and how he couldn't just drop the topic and be done. he had scoffed and yelled back in the same tone, but you didn't hear a word he said, already grabbing your coat and storming out into the freezing cold land of snezhnaya. which brought you to this moment, reflecting about everything you had said to him. you kind of wished that you had just stopped talking about it in the first place, but what could you do now? you dragged yourself back in tiredly the next day, hoping to in some way, apologize. but scaramouche had disappeared, his office left in the same state as the argument. you had searched all over, but one of the fatui soldiers had told you that he had stepped out for a break. you eventually left the safe haven of the tsaritsa's castle, finding scaramouche in the city. you sat down next to him, he narrowed his eyes at you, but said nothing.
"i wanted to apologize..i didn't mean to snap at you like that. i guess it was just too much." you didn't say anything further, fearful of his response. he spoke, to your surprise, "i have to go for a mission. a long one. i won't be here to revel in my victory of your apology." he stood up, brushed himself off, and left. you sat there, still taking in what he had said. you eventually just decided you would send him a letter.
he had left about a day ago, and after pacing around your room for a while, you worked up the courage to finally send him a letter.
i wish you safety on your travels. how is inazuma? i've never been before, as i was birthed in the land of snezhnaya. have you accepted my apology yet? i'm not rushing you, albeit the curiosity is gnawing away at me. let's change the topic. where are you right now? perhaps at the dock of liyue, preparing to board? or already in the thunder-filled lands of inazuma? i wonder how the delicacies of inazuma would compare to those of snezhnaya. perhaps i will one day travel to a different region, not for a mission, but simply to see how the culture compares to ours. that's really all i have to say here, but my main point was simply "will you accept my apology?".
sincerely, [name]
there. that should do it. dropping off the letter at one of the many mail station of the castle. it was getting late. you should probably sleep. as you drifted off to sleep, you realized, you kind of missed his snarky comments and personality.
it's been quite a while since you've sent that letter, you wonder whether he got it or not, but quickly shake that thought out of your head, opting to focus on the various papers strewn out on your desk. not long after, you heard word that the balladeer had returned from his mission. you slowly dragged yourself to meet him, dreading the answer to your letter. but when you arrived, he simply inclined his head, and mouthed "we'll talk later.". you didn't know whether that was a good thing or not.
now seemed to be later, as the fact that scaramouche had walked over to your office a couple hours after. "so." he mused, "i saw your letter, if i didn't know better, i'd think your quite desperate to get on my good side. let's go for a walk." you stood up reluctantly, and joined him as he walked briskly. "i guess i just feel bad for lashing out like that, although you sometimes deserve it." you said. and you had to admit, scaramouche was quite attractive if he wasn't all up in your face. "same could be said to you." he stopped abruptly. "what..are your thoughts of me?" he said, to your surprise. "...what are you getting at?" you asked. "just answer my question." "fine. i guess, you are... tolerable, if you aren't acting like a brat." he snorted at the last sentence. you looked at him, bemused. "i guess i missed you a little, even if your presence is that of an annoyance." you said after a while. "well, glad to know that. one more question. do you. return the feelings i have for you?" you stared at him, shocked at his tone, it wasn't usually this..soft. "give me some time to think about it. this.. is a lot." he nodded and walked off.
you tossed and turned in bed. did you..like him like that? yeah. yeah you did. no need to deny it at this point. the next day, you walked yourself to his office, and as you opened the door, he stood up suddenly, and beckoned you in. "so... i thought about it for a while. and yeah, i do return your feelings, but.. what does that make us?" you said slowly. he frowned and said "whatever you want to be."
you were off at a mission, in the lush greens of sumeru. and one of your guards handed you a letter, with a purple electro stamp on it.
dearest [name],
how are you? i miss your presence, as much as it pains me to say. is sumeru treating you well? i hope so. anyways, things here are going well, yet childe still seems to somehow be a bother. that dense idiot somehow seems to be able to annoy me no matter what. i don't say this often but, i love you. i hope that your travels are safe and enjoyable.
scaramouche ♡
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
Bark, Bite and Break Bones - Tyler Galpin x Van Helsing!reader | Part.8
Summary: It’s time for you to face the decision of the school board – what will this change for Tyler and you? There’s also a conversation the both of you can’t dodge anymore. The walls of the infirmary will definitely witness a turning moment. 
Warnings: swearing, angst, smut (characters are between 17 and 18), mention of child neglect (minor)
A/N: Okay I’m sO sorry this chapter came out so late, it’s been a chaotic few weeks (apartement hunting, beginning a new job, moving to another town etc etc. And everything’s not completely settled yet!). Anyway I hope you’ll enjoy this part! 
[Masterlist] [Prologue] [Part.1] [Part.2] [Part.3] [Part.4] [Part.5] [Part.6] [Part.7]
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The following morning, you woke up feeling like you had been hit by a truck. The mere action of opening your eyes ripped a groan out of you. If only the mattress could swallow you all instead of getting up, it would be easier. However, school had no tolerance for your sorry little feelings and you got up very reluctantly. And to think you just stopped an armed attack the day before, you could at least have a day off. 
The tiredness weighting in your limbs was so numbing you didn’t even pester against the horrendous Nevermore uniform. After you got dressed you went to the dining hall without a word for breakfast. A whole barrel of coffee, that’s what you needed. 
Not completely awake yet, you didn’t notice the whispers in your trail as you entered the dining hall. Force of habit, you guessed. If you had listened to them, you’d notice all of the students whispering among themselves about yesterday's attack. It was only when you were halfway through your first coffee cup and a blonde tornado tackled you, that reality literally crashed into you. 
“Y/N!!” screamed Enid, “Oh my god, are you okay?! We heard about what happened yesterday, how are you holding up?”
You blinked slowly at the blonde werewolf, registering slowly all of her anxious rambling. “I’m…fine,” you articulated, noticing equally anxious Ajax, Xavier and even Wednesday standing behind her – the “we” she mentioned, surely. “I’m fine,” you repeated, “I got out of it without too much damage. But uh,” you cleared your throat dryly, “why are you asking?” 
The bluntness of your question took them off guard. Xavier and Ajax exchanged surprised glances, a hurtful expression draped over Enid’s features, and even Wednesday frowned in disbelief. None of them had expected you to react that coldly to their worries. Sure, you weren’t the best friends in the universe but…your harshness still surprised them. 
“Because…because we’re worried, that’s why,” tried Ajax nervously, looking at his comrades who nodded their heads.  
“But why?” you frowned, a bit lost. 
It wasn’t something you controlled or even understood, really. Tyler had been an isolated case, the only person it had felt natural to open up to. Maybe Enid and the others were sincere, but the habit of having every outcast being wary of you was hard to break. The defensive position would always sprung up first. It was a foreign concept to you that was one of their concerns. 
“Well, because we’re kind of friends,” said Enid shyly, a glint of hope in her eyes, “right?” 
The way you blinked silently only deepened the awkwardness of the moment. Wednesday scoffed, “As far as my knowledge about human interactions goes, I was under the impression that the return of friendly feelings after such a statement was a socially acceptable answer.” 
All of the others nodded discreetly in agreement. And you nervously fidgeted with your cup of coffee at the realization of how hurt they were, casting your eyes down. “I’m a bit awkward about all of this I think.” 
Ajax was the first to chuckle, “Yeah…yeah you are. I’m sorry,” he said defensively to his friends who all looked at him with wide eyes, “but it’s so weird to see Y/N Van Helsing being actually cringy about something.” 
A light laugh slipped from your lips at his words, “Cringy, that’s right. I’m socially awkward, can’t help that.” You licked your lips nervously and looked up to the group, “I’m sorry for being such a bitch sometimes.” 
“No, no it’s nothing!” assured Enid quickly. 
“The venom is pleasant,” said Wednesday at the same time. 
Everyone looked at the brunette, and then burst into laughter one by one. It effectively eased the tension a little. Except for Ajax with whom you were getting along just fine, you had never expected to be friends with any of those students. At your arrival in Nevermore, you had thought it would be a harsh year, that you would go through with gritted teeth and defensive sarcasm. The harsh part wasn’t untrue; but deep down, seeing this small group laughing and being genuinely concerned about you, just proved to you how wrong you had been about the second part. 
“What even happened?” asked Enid again after a moment, sitting next to you and taking your hands in hers – and you didn’t even protest. “We heard there had been armed guys and- and that many people were there too. And we heard Tyler got shot??”
“Did they aim for his head,” asked Wednesday. 
“Only sedated, don’t worry,” you reassured Enid, giving her a small smile in reassurance but you could see all of them frown – Wednesday in deception, no doubt. That made you shift uncomfortably and you lowered your voice, “He transformed under the pressure,” you whispered, “but no one had been hurt by his fault, I swear.” 
“But…I thought all the mercenaries were dead?” quipped Xavier. As an answer, you only held his gaze; and you could gradually see the cogs turn in his head and he rapidly did the math. The way his face paled was unmistakable. 
Ajax and Enid’s eyes switched between the two of you, and quickly they understood too. “I did what I had to do,” you mumbled defensively, looking away. Just because it had been self defense didn’t mean you were overly proud of killing those men. Thankfully and much to your surprise, that didn’t seem to bother them for very long. 
Wednesday’s lips twitched slightly. “Nice,” she simply noted. 
“You’re both fine, that’s all that matters,” Enid said, sending a small glare to her slightly-too-much-pleased-looking girlfriend.
The two boys nodded in agreement. Their genuine relief was heartwarming; maybe you could let them in too, just like you had let Tyler. Well, not that far of course. But it was still something. 
Clearing your throat, you tried to temper their excitement, “There’s still the school board to deal with, thought. Weems is willing to back us up, but the board, well it’s something else.” 
Ajax frowned in disbelief, “What do you mean? It didn’t happen in Nevermore, why should they care?” 
Wednesday was quicker to understand and answered for you, “It’s a menace for them if a normie press charges,” she explained flatly. “And I suppose the board isn’t the biggest fan of either Y/N or Tyler, am I right?” 
You nodded, “If no one press charges against us, the board might get off our backs, but nothing’s so sure.” 
That made them – your friends now – look at each other in worry. All you could do now was to wait for Weems and the board to debate about the whole situation.
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Apparently, the negotiations were short; at least that’s what you supposed when you saw one of the board members gesturing you through the window to come and meet them; it was the middle of your last session before lunch. Excusing yourself to the teacher, you gathered your belongings and exited the room. Once in the hallway you gave a polite nod to the pale ginger witch who had requested your presence. 
“Good morning Miss Van Helsing,” she greeted politely. 
“I assume the board has reached a decision?” you asked, shifting uneasily from one leg to another. Better finish this quickly, even if there was only one member you never particularly enjoyed your discussions with the board. 
The witch nodded, “We have indeed. I came to inform you of our decision regarding yours and mister Galpin’s status for the rest of the year.” 
Swallowing thickly, you tried to look anywhere but at her, “And?” 
“You’re both staying at Nevermore.” 
Not expecting such an answer you whipped your head to her, eyes wide in shock. 
“What?” you blurted in disbelief, to which the witch only shrugged. 
“No official complaint had been filed on the normies’ side, some members of the board didn’t assess wise to frame either of you for what happened. You did save lives after all.” 
You nodded slowly, registering that the board was letting you go. “Well…thank you I guess. It must’ve been quite the debate, uh? I wonder how much it has cost your pride.”
The witch chuckled at the return of your usual sarcasm. “Believe it or not, but personally I pleaded in your favor. Some members of the board aren’t trying to put your head on a spike.” 
“Mmh, who could have guessed,” you grumbled, “none of you had been really friendly so far.” 
Maybe playing witty wasn’t the best strategy. But even if the woman was honest you couldn’t help yourself. The board member glanced around and lowered her voice. “Some of us are more than concerned about this attack, Miss Van Helsing,” she confided in a whisper. “Those men clearly weren’t simple muggers, their presence in Jericho raises many questions.”
“For once we agree,” you nodded with the same low voice. “Is there anything new about them?” 
The ginger witch shook her head, “Not yet. The possibility of this attack being directed toward outcasts isn’t to be discarded.” 
That made you gulp slowly. Of course, you knew this was a legit thought but this still made you uneasy. At least knowing that some members of the board were suspicious too comforted you a bit. 
With one last polite nod the witch left, disappearing in the corridors like she had never been here in the first place. Instead of returning to class, you turned away and hurried the other way. 
A couple of minutes later you pushed the infirmary’s door. Glancing around you noticed the absence of the school nurse – probably on lunch break, it was close to noon anyway. There was no one there and you got to the room where Tyler was. He laid in his bed, sleeping peacefully, looking less pale than before. The anesthetic had worn off, his body should’ve healed since then. 
Sitting next to him on the bed you brushed the curls off his forehead mind-absently. Tyler winced softly at the contact, eyes fluttering open gradually. Brown orbs seemed lost, unable to settle for a few seconds before finding your eyes. He mumbled your name weakly, grasping onto consciousness. 
“Hey tiger,” you whispered with a smile, “glad to see you back to us.”
A lazy chuckle escaped Tyler, “You won’t get rid of me that easily, doll.” 
You grinned softly, “How are you feeling?” 
“ ‘m fine,” he mumbled, “ still feeling like I got hit by a truck.” His eyes shifted to the bruise on your jaw, faded but still visible. 
“I’m fine,” you answered his silent question, “we had worse, you and I.”. This felt awfully similar to the scene the night before; but now Tyler’s mind was more clear. 
He nodded but the worried look lingered on his face. Instead he tried to move to another subject, like remembering what you had talked about when he had woken up the day before. “The board?” 
“They’re letting us walk away from all of this,” you smiled weakly, “no jail for us.” 
Tyler’s eyes widened in surprise, mouth opened in a half-smile, half-bewilderment. “How did you manage to do that?” 
“Why, with my charming personality of course. Did you ever doubt that?”  
Tyler cracked a grin, his face illuminating at the news, “Nah never, sweetheart.”
Without really thinking about it, your hands had found each other, grasping tightly for support. It felt natural, like the gesture had been a mutual call from your needy bodies and souls. In a sudden rush of emotion, you felt your heart swell and you leaned forward to press your lips against Tyler’s. The softness of your mouth against his made him sigh, and Tyler’s other hand reached for the back of your neck, caressing it gently. The warmth blooming within your chest elicited a small whimper, stifling from where your lips locked with Tyler’s. It felt different, more passionate from the other times you had kissed him. More intense, and even more right. It felt that being right here, kissing Tyler with everything you had, was just the place you belonged. 
Caught up in your make-out session, you soon ended up half laying on Tyler, chests pressed together as his tongue rolled around yours. A moan broke from your lips and you started to feel hot, the collar of your uniform shirt suddenly feeling too tight. Just when you were ready to rip the stupid mandatory tie away, Tyler suddenly broke the kiss. 
“Wait,” he panted, “I have to ask you something first.” At your perplexed frown, Tyler only bore his gaze to yours in the most serious expression you ever saw on him. Then after a long handful of seconds he finally asked, “Why didn’t you shoot me at the Weathervane?” 
Breath hitching, you felt your throat become dry. Part of you hadn’t expected Tyler to remember so much of the events during his transformation. Maybe you had hoped he wouldn’t, to avoid the sensitive question yourself; while fully knowing you’ll have to face it eventually. 
Seeing your hesitation, Tyler pressed his question further. “You had ten times the opportunity to pull the trigger. Why didn’t you?” 
Licking your lips, you hesitated a few more seconds. “I couldn’t,” you whispered. 
“But why?” he insisted softly. 
The silence that followed answered for you. This had been beyond your strength; for the first time in your life, you had been unable to do the job because you hesitated. And deep down, you knew why.
“I just couldn’t,” you repeated. 
Instead of feeling hurt by your lack of a clear answer, Tyler gave you a tender smile. Grabbing your hand he brushed his thumb over your knuckles. “Does that mean that you like me a little, then?”
The lightness of the joke brought a smile to your face. “Don’t flatter yourself too much, pretty boy.”
“But you didn’t deny,” he grinned. 
An amused huff left your lips; and then before you chickened out the words left your lips. “I didn’t shoot you because I couldn’t hurt you. I- I love you Tyler. I know,” you chuckled with a sob to his widening eyes, “quite the plot twist, uh?” 
One of his hands came to brush your face, trembling fingers barely touching your cheek like fearing you’d vanish. “You love me?...” he repeated.
You nodded, tears brimming at the corner of your eyes. Tyler’s digits caressed your face and you leaned on his palm. “You really love me?” 
The tremors in his voice made your heart squeeze, realizing that his stupefaction was only due to your switching behavior. Yesterday morning at the therapist’s office you told him you weren’t sure of what you felt, and now you were telling Tyler you loved him; you definitely hadn’t made things easy. “I know it might sound like coming out of nowhere,” you muttered, “guess I’m more a girl of action than words.”
He chuckled weakly through his overwhelming emotions, “No shit. Took you an hostage situation to realize you had fallen for me.” 
“Yeah, I’m that much of a romantic,” you grinned, bubbly feeling inside of your chest trying to spill out under the intensity of the moment. It was the first time you ever said those words to anyone, after all. “I…after what you said at Fern’s office, and when I saw you as the Hyde I just…I couldn’t bring myself to shoot you,” you confessed softly, mirroring his gesture and caressing Tyler’s scarred cheek. “I realized that I couldn’t lose the person I love.”
Tyler suddenly brought your face down and crashed his lips against yours. A surprised gasp escaped your lips, quickly replaced by a breathy moan. The kiss overwhelmed you all at once, Tyler’s touch drowning your senses until numbness. Pressed against his chest you couldn’t repress a breathy whimper through the entanglement of your tongues. Tyler’s body reacted on its own with a growl and an involuntary grasp of his hand that had shot to your hip. The way he softened his touch ever so slightly just after the grip made you smile through the kiss. Parting slightly from his lips, you grinned at him. 
“Does that mean you like me a little?” you asked teasingly, repeating his own words and Tyler grinned back at you. 
“Took you this long to notice?” he sassed back, but the underlying softness in his voice was still here. 
“My mind got a bit lost,” you admitted with a grin, “do you know how hard it can be to think around you, pretty boy? You’re kinda distracting.” 
Sliding an arm around your waist so you could be even closer to him, Tyler smiled and dropped a teasing feather-like kiss against your lips. “This might be the strangest way I’ve been called hot.”
With a shrug you jabbed him on the rib, making him jolt with a laugh, “Told you, I’m a true romantic.”
The insolence and sarcastic unconventional answer made him smile even more. “That’s why I love you, doll,” he said softly, and you felt your heart soar and your throat tighten at the confession. 
Even if you knew he did, for Tyler had hinted and mentioned it a few times before, it felt utterly different to hear it so clearly. It simply felt right. 
Leaning closer you kissed Tyler again, lips instantly capturing his when he opened his mouth to welcome yours. The kiss quickly turned into a more heated make out session, Tyler’s hand returning to your hip and gripping it tightly. One of your legs slid over his and sooner than later you ended up straddling his lap, not once breaking away from his lips. Teeth clashing and tongues curling around the other, none of you seemed to care to remember where you were, or that someone could enter any moment. That being said, both of yours and Tyler’s reputations were already quite juicy at Nevermore, another scandal wouldn’t taint it much more. Plus, the school nurse must've caught teenagers making out more than once. 
The tenderness of the previous moment evolved into a heated atmosphere, hands clinging and kneading on each other’s clothes. While he hungrily kissed your mouth, Tyler’s gripping hand traveled from your hip to the curve of your ass; the squeeze he gave elicited a breathy groan, from the depth of your throat. A hot feeling irradiated through your entire body and the need to tear off your own clothes became unbearable. Needy fingers – yours or his? – clinged on the tie of your uniform, but in the hurry of the moment it was messy and none of you managed to successfully untie it. Huffing in frustration you gave up the tie but didn’t stop ravishing Tyler’s mouth. As a reflex under the building frustration, your hips grinded down, trying to find some relief and the gesture was welcome with a long moan from Tyler. You couldn’t help the smirk that grew on your face at the feeling of the hardening swell against your clothed core. A surge of passion made you bolder, your hands let go of Tyler’s shirt and jaw to push down the already disheveled bed sheet. When he felt you fumble with the zipper of his pants, Tyler gasped, breaking away from the kiss. The shadow of a protest formed on his lips but it quickly vanished when another moan tore from his throat and his hips bucked needly against you. 
“Eager lover boy?” you grinned down at him. 
With a raise of his pelvis, Tyler helped you with the laborious tugging of his pants through ragged breaths. “Won’t complain for sure, babe,” he grinned playfully. At the new intimate nickname your heart dropped for a second; but then a rush of newfound passion flooded through you. 
Impatient fingers found his hardened dick and wrapped around it, eliciting a heated moan from Tyler. Hair messy sprawled on the pillow, eyes half closed in pleasure, Tyler had the most delicious fucked out expression on his face. With his cheeks flushed and bruised lips slightly opened, it was hard to believe you barely touched him. And yet even you could feel yourself starting to get wet at the errotic vision of him sprawled under you. This wasn’t about teasing anymore, this was a messy and urgent need to have him inside you. 
From under his long lashes, Tyler glanced at you in surprise when you rolled your skirt up your thighs. As an answer you winked at him playfully. 
“Those ugly uniform skirts come useful after all.” 
Tyler swore he had never heard anything sexier before. But it was the vision of your panties being pulled hurriedly down your thighs that definitely made his heart implode and his cock twitch in your hand. Flicking your thumb over the head leaking with precum you grinned, panting in expectancy. The contact of your glistening folds against his length made you both moan hotly. 
“Fuck,” you swore under you breath, “I need you so bad Tyler.” 
His breath hitched at the contact, but he still looked up with a questioning look. “Here?”
You grinned at how thin the last string of his self-control was, “If I’m not riding you in the next ten seconds I’m gonna kill someone, pretty boy.” 
Just on cue you lowered yourself on him and he swore loudly, throwing his head back on the pillow. “Holy shi–” 
The warmth of your slick walls around his length made him choke on his own breath. Even if the delicious feeling was more than familiar Tyler couldn’t hold back the shiver running down his spine. His previous worry was thrown out of the window in the blink of an eye. A hand immediately shot to grab your ass cheeks, pushing you down harder on his throbbing cock, eliciting a high pitched moan from you. Smirking at your reaction he thrusted his lips upward playfully, meeting yours with a groan. 
“Better now, doll?”
With a grin you rolled your lips even harder on him, “Definitely.” 
A familiar knot already started to build in the pit of your stomach and with no time you found yourself bouncing on Tyler’s cock mercilessly. Juices spilled all over his hardened length, making Tyler dig his fingers on the soft flesh of the curve of your ass. Instead of making you hiss in pain it elicited a deep moan from you. The hot feeling of his thickness inside your sensitive walls made you buck your hips even harder, riding Tyler at a passionate, harsh pace. It didn’t matter where the two of you were anymore or who could walk on you; for now the only thing that mattered was the pounding inside your dripping cunt and Tyler’s hands grabbing your flesh to ground himself through his own thrusts. 
Mind clouded with lust, you didn’t notice the greedy fingers brushing upwards to your hip bones, trying to get a better hold of your hips to flip you. But caught up in his own pleasure, Tyler was too sloppy to switch your positions as swiftly as he would have wanted, and with a guttural moan at a particular strong squeeze of your walls around him, he completely gave up his plan – and gave himself away at the same time. Noticing what he wanted to do, you pinned him down the mattress, using his shoulder as leverage to ground yourself with the unforgiving pace your hips set. 
Tyler’s questioning look was met with a bossy glint of amusement in your own eyes.
“What do you think you’re doing? You’re not the one in charge here, pretty boy.” 
Like a proof of your words, you squeeze around him, grinding down harder and eliciting as expected a muffled moan from him. But a flash of cockiness also appeared on Tyler’s face. “D’you really think that, doll?” he teased with a feral grin. 
The brush of his hand from your hip, and up your belly followed his smug question. The lust-clouded laziness of your brain registered, but oh so slowly, the sensual trail ghosting over your clothes, covering your heated skin like a plague. Despite knowing where it would lead, you couldn’t help the high pitched moan breaking from your lips when Tyler’s calloused fingers wrapped around your throat. A shiver of pleasure immediately ran down your spine.
Your reaction made his smirk stretch further.
“Let’s see who’s in charge now, sweetheart.” 
The pressure on your windpipe made it impossible to articulate the singlest word, only a wanton cry escaped. That made Tyler’s cock twitch inside of you, and the pulsing veins throbbed against your pussy’s walls, making you moan again. Sensing how responsive you were by the way you cunt clenched around him like a vine and how impossibly wet you got at his gesture, Tyler grinned and increased the pressure around your throat. A loud gasp and a wild buck of hips was what he got immediately. 
“Fuck,” you rasped in a breathy voice, short and edgy thanks to Tyler’s grip on your throat, “I’m close, I’m close don’t fucking st– ah!” 
The sharp thrust of his hips combined with the choking had cut you mid sentence. “You wanna come, uh? Gonna cum all over my cock with that slutty pussy of yours?” asked Tyler, voice heavy and tainted in lust. 
Unable to form a coherent answer like your mind had frozen, your body responded itself. The way you were bouncing, alternating with riding Tyler mercilessly was explicit enough. 
How sensitive you were to both his chokehold and dirty talk made Tyler’s heart soar in pride. It was incredible to feel having such a dominative power when you were the one riding him.  Tyler watched mesmerized how your thighs jiggled at every bounce on his cock, juices dripping on the soft inside of them from under your rolled up skirt. Your panties dandled on your left ankle, long forgotten, but the flash of the fabric barely hanging up with the force of your fucking looked so fucking hot to him. And the vision of your utterly fucked out expression and breasts bouncing despite the confinement of your bra and school shirt would definitely stick in his mind for a long time. What could he say, you wore his hand around your throat like the prettiest necklace of pearls. 
Another hard thrust made you throw your head backward with a long moan. Shooting up in reflex, one of your hands clutched the one of Tyler’s wrist close to your neck, holding on it for some grounding. The orgasm built up within your insides and you squeezed your walls harder around Tyler. He groaned in pleasure, his free hand squeezing your hip until his knuckles turned white. 
“Holy shit– doll I won’t last long–” 
The edge in his tone matched the eagerness arising from the erratic thrusts of his dick in you. Another squeeze, and he let his head fall down the pillow with a deep lustful moan, releasing himself with a burst of pleasure. The feeling of Tyler’s cum painting your insides and the pressure around your throat made you come undone almost on the spot. A spasm ran through your entire body, shivering under the weight of the crashing orgasm. You felt your own juices spilling and mixing with his own, milking all over Tyler’s spamming cock. 
The pace of your hips gradually become sloppier, just like Tyler’s grip around your throat softened as both of your orgasms sank in. Only lazy thrusts and heavy pants remained, for the two of you to recompose your spirits after the mind-blowing fuck you just had. 
It took you every ounce of will to leverage yourself on your wobbly knees and slowly pull off of Tyler’s softening dick. He hissed slightly, but quickly grabbed a wipe on the nearby table, swiping the mess on your abused cunt carefully without a word. When he finished doing the same on his length, you helped him tuck himself inside of his pants and finally let yourself drop on top of him. 
A breathy sigh left your lips. “Phew, this was…certainly something. Probably the best infirmary sex I’ve had.” 
Tyler snorted, “Because you have fucked in an infirmary before?” 
“I’m going ahead for the next time, lover boy,” you said playfully, nuzzling your head against his shoulder. 
The usual flirting didn’t erase the feeling of warmth flooding through his heart, and Tyler slid his fingers in your hair tenderly. Then after a few seconds of peaceful silence, his own teasing nature resurfaced, “We need to talk about your choking kink thought, babe.”
Head shooting up, you frowned at him like he had wounded your pride. “I do not have a choking kink!” 
This could have been menacing enough if it hadn’t been for your still blushing cheeks and the slight pout you gave him; Tyler let out a heart-warming laugh. “Sure you don’t,” he grinned, “and you never cum right away when either of us are getting choked. Good to know you’re into vanilla and denial, duly noted.”  
You huffed, putting your chin on top of his chest and glaring at Tyler, “You’re such a dumb ass.”
The words may have been mean, but Tyler knew they were tainted with playfulness and stubborn embarrassment. So he smiled down at you and angled his face to press a loving kiss on your forehead. “Yes, but I’m your dumbass.” 
You smiled too at his words and cuddled closer to him, your lips against his throat. “Yeah, you’re my dumbass,” you repeated fondly. 
When the school nurse came back half an hour later, the bed was empty – and the sheets long dumped into the laundry pile. 
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The next few days become gradually calmer at Nevermore. The panic that had risen at the news of the attack downtown wore off as daily school life began again. If the police carried on the investigation on the mercenaries, nothing reached the ears of the Nevermore gossip; and thus the topic slowly disappeared in everyone’s mind. Even if the lack of news about the attack that had almost cost your lives weren’t to please either of you, Tyler and you were glad to have some peace at last. For two whole weeks the only thing in your mind was the newfound label on your relationship. Ever since you officially became a couple, both of you gave even more space to this “us”. 
It had become incredibly rare to see you being apart, even during the nights – your room had basically become Tyler’s now, even if he had already spent a lot of time there before. Ajax had even called you in the middle of the night once, worried about the absence of his roommate for the fourth night in a row. The gruff voice tainted with sleep on the other side of the phone, asking who it was had been an enough answer, and the gorgon had let out a “oOOOOH” after a long second of silence, putting two and two together. On the other hand, Ajax was rather relieved at the prospect of Tyler now spending most of his time in your room. Not that he disliked his roommate, they were friends now; but the idea of not risking to lose his sight by walking on the two of you fucking – again – was deeply appreciated for the sake of his remaining sanity. And he was also genuinely happy for Tyler and you. Not that he hadn’t seen that coming but he had honestly not expected love to go through your thick headed behavior. 
And honestly, you were kind of thinking the same. Not in a billion years would you have imagined you’d fall so hard for someone. The more time passed, the more you felt your love for Tyler grow deeper and stronger. Since you had come to the realization of your feelings and confessed to him, every single detail you had already noticed before became more and more attractive in your eyes. The way he always, always, let you walk in first or made sure you were okay and did so effortlessly. Or how his hand found its way around yours no matter where you were, at the slightest sign of discomfort from you. And no one got you started on the usual flirty and cocky comments, you would have never thought he could sound sexier than before. 
This newfound coziness wasn’t only beneficial to you. Tyler found it even easier to talk about what he felt, sometimes about very serious topics way too dark to address in therapy. Maybe it was because both of you had definitely lowered down your defense walls around each other. Once or twice, while you were cuddling on your bed late at night, Tyler opened up about his mum. You had come to understand that the topic had been brought up during his sessions with his previous therapist; yet he had never told Dr.Fern about her once. But in the secure embrace of your arms and the soft thumping of your heart under his ear, he felt safe enough to talk about it. Having him talking about his late mother touched you deeply, and you had listened to him patiently every time, fingers running through his hair as he laid his head on your chest. For you who always had a highly complicated relationship with any member of your family, especially your parents, the affection and love Tyler had for his mom was both an amazement. Mrs.Galpin seemed to have been an incredible woman, and the more he talked to you about her, the more you wished you could meet her. 
The feeling grew stronger as the parents’ weekend rolled by. It was perhaps out of nostalgia and longing for his mother’s presence, but Tyler had a melancholic expression the day before. Two weeks after the attack at the Weathervane, the upcoming event had taken place in everyone’s minds, including his. The prospect of ever other students getting to see their loved ones but him certainly did put a stain on his mood; but on the other hand, knowing you’d be here was enough to comfort him. That’s how you ended up plopped on the balcony of the passageway above the quad, observing the living yard in bewilderment. 
“Who do you think will get on Weems’ back first? Vampires or Sirens?” you asked out loud. 
Next to you, Tyler chuckled. Half-sitting on the edge of the stone balcony, your side was leaning on your boyfriend’s chest. Having preferred to stand Tyler could easily plop his chin on the top of your head – which you found annoying, but had to admit it was also cute. Although the way he could quickly press a kiss on your forehead made up for that. 
“My bet’s on the Vampires,” he answered, enjoying the relative peace the high-perched spot allowed from the crowded quad. “Is Yoko’s coven coming?”
“Nah, didn’t see any of them. They’ll probably be avoiding Nevermore for a few years,” you shrugged. “What a waste, really.” 
The freckled boy snickered and nudged you playfully, “C’mon babe, at least their absence is the only good thing today.” 
“Not it’s not the only thing,” you corrected, eyes suddenly caught by the newly arrived family, “holy shit is that Wednesday’s mom?” 
Both pairs of eyes immediately got glued to the tall, dark and elegant figure of Morticia Addams greeting her unfazed daughter. Anyone could have felt jealous of having their significant other ogling at someone else, but Tyler and you were equally too caught up in mesmerization to care.
“She’s really pretty,” whistled Tyler slowly, still not quite believing such a beautiful and sensual woman had given birth to the worst case of resting bitch face he knew. 
“Bruh, she’s hella hot,” you corrected in a blurt, “is this too late to say I may have a mommy kink now?” 
A chuckle escaped Tyler, throat dry at the sight of the goddess-like mother in the quad, “You know what, I’m not even concerned about that. Totally understandable.”
“Do you have any idea on how to respectfully ask someone to step on you?” 
That made you laugh and you tore your eyes from your newfound crush to raise an amused eyebrow at Tyler, “You’ll beg her to step on you, pretty boy.”
“Damn right I will,” he grinned smugly, to which you pressed a finger on his chest. 
“Listen, I love you handsome, but I’ll push you under a bus to get this gorgeous and sexy mum to ever grace me with a smile okay?” 
The scarred boy gave you a crooked smile and leaned closer to you. “At least we’re on the same page, doll,” he breathed against your face before kissing you softly.
You felt yourself grin against his lips, and you locked your arms behind his neck. Oh, how much you loved that dumbass, flirty man of yours. Despite all of your previous words, you knew that none of you would actually leave the other – not ever. Even if Wednesday’s insanely hot mother asked you to. 
Breaking away from Tyler’s lips, you dropped one last feather-light kiss on his lips before turning toward the quad again. You were curious to see how the weird Addams bunch would react to everything – especially Wednesday’s bright and colorful girlfriend. But before you had the time to look for either of them, your face fell at the vision of two familiar figures entering the quad. 
“Motherfucker,” you swore slowly under your breath, making Tyler turn to you at the sudden change of mood. 
“Babe? What’s up?” he asked gently. But no matter how sweet he was, the anger rose up in you like a flood of lava inside of a volcano. 
“You got to be fucking kidding me,” you growled, and without any more explanation turned sharply in the stairs’ direction. 
Your very confused boyfriend followed you immediately, not quite understanding what put you suddenly in such a wrath. The last time he had seen you like that had been just after the assault at the Poe cup. Despite your furious pace through the crowd of students, he still managed to grab your hand and tug you close to him. 
“What’s going on?” he whispered to you, trying to not bring any more attention that your sudden appearance to the quad had bought. 
Fuming, you didn’t even look at him as you answered through gritted teeth, “My parents are here.”
Tyler’s eyebrows rose high in surprise at the news. He wouldn’t have expected any more Van Helsings in this school, but come to think of it your parents were maybe the less dangerous for the outcasts. For themselves however, it was a risky bet to come to see you, they would realize that sooner than later. 
“Tell me this is a fucking joke,” you barked at them. 
The sudden raise of your angry voice made the couple whip in your direction with wide eyes, stopping their nervous glancing around. They both had their mouths agape, taking in your angry posture a few feets away from them. You hadn’t seen them in years, but you'd be damned if you approached those people too much.  
Being the first to recompose her spirits, your mother attempted a small beaming smile. 
“Y/N it’s– it’s good to see you again,” she tried carefully, which encouraged your father to do the same. 
“We’re glad to be here to meet you,” he added, to which you only snorted loudly. This definitely didn’t help either of them to feel more at ease, you could see your mother fidgeting nervously at your cold behavior and lack of answer. 
"You look...well."
"You look like yourself," you snapped back bitterly, "that's how bad. And you'd look even better ten foot away from me, so take all your morals and go the fuck away."
The gasp your mother let out was so loud it made a few heads turn in your direction. Even Tyler sucked in a sharp breath next to you, eyes flickering back and forth between the three people. Of course, he knew you weren’t the biggest fan of your folks, and that your relationship was rather complicated with your whole family. But given you almost never brought up the subject he hadn’t imagined you being that bitter toward them. Although he understood why the anger, from what he had understood it was your parents’ change of mind regarding the family missions that had participated to put you where you were now. 
Despite the clear animosity emanating from you, your father couldn’t help but insist a little more harshly. 
“Watch your tone young lady,” he warned in a hard voice, “you’re still our daughter.” 
“Ah!” you snickered, “Now I’m your daughter you’re worrying about? Sorry you’re about ten years too late.” 
“Keith please,” your mother said softly, touching her husband’s arm to calm him down. Then she turned to you again, “We just wanted to see if you were feeling well here, that’s all.” 
Her words made your blood boil in anger, and if it wasn’t for Tyler’s hand gripping yours you would have jumped on them to gauge their eyes out. “Except it’s not, isn’t it?” you snapped angrily; still, you squeezed lightly Tyler’s hand behind you, signaling that you wouldn’t lose control now. “You’re here because you want something from me, right? It’s always like that!” 
The way they both looked away was enough proof. That angered you even more, but it also made a sharp sense of fury rise in Tyler at the same time. He had never thought much of your parents before, but now they were down right assholes. 
Frowning at them, you started to understand their motives. 
“You’re here to use me as a banner of your naive little non-violence ideology,” you spat venomously, “again. Now that I’m out of juvie I'm useful, uh?”
This time it was your mother’s turn to scoff, “Your time in prison was on you only.”
“You don’t know shit about that,” growled Tyler, speaking up for the first time. 
The three Van Helsing whipped their heads in his direction; you, eyes wide in surprise that he stepped up to your defense, and your parents seeming just having noticed him. The way both of your parents’ eyes squinted at him, scanning the freckled outcast from head to toes, didn’t please you. 
“You’re in no place to talk, boy,” sneered your father in disdain, and for the first time in years you thought you saw a glimpse of disgust in his eyes. So much for promoting peace betweens Van Helsings and outcasts. 
The growl that rose in Tyler wasn’t announcing anything good. “Don’t call me boy,” he snapped. “And I have every right to talk about this since I know what really happened to Y/N.”
Your father scoffed again, while your mother’s eyes flickered between Tyler and you perplexedly, frowning in disbelief. Still, she couldn’t help but defend themselves, “We know what happened to our daughter, don’t interfere with this conversation.” 
Snickering loudly, you let out a bitter laugh, “No you don’t. You didn’t even bother to bring your sorry asses to my trial, what kind of parents do that?”
“And he was there?” spat your mother. At this point none of you cared if curious students and parents witnessed your bitter exchange. 
“No I wasn’t,” said Tyler passionately, still gripping your hand tightly, “but at least I’ve listened to her instead of throwing her under a bus like you did.”
“What an outcast like you can know about this?” 
“God damn, here we are,” you said, throwing your hands in the air, “there’s the crack in your shell of hypocrisy. You really defend outcasts when it’s convenient for your image, uh? The infamous good Samaritans of the Van Helsing family, y’all!” you called louder, gesturing dramatically to the whole quad, making even more heads turn in your direction. Which didn’t please your father the slightest and just as he stepped closer to grab you, Tyler’s hand shot first. Gripping the older man’s wrist tightly, he glared at him darkly. 
“Don’t touch her.” 
“Let go of me this instant or you’ll regret it, boy,” seethed your dad. In the corner of your eye, you could see that even with her worried look, your mother was ready to attack any moment. 
“Then do it,” Tyler sassed, “go on, attack me. At least you won’t be looking down on your daughter after that. No more good and righteous Van Helsings.” 
This may have been the hottest way someone had come to your defense. You’ll have to properly thank him later. Plus his witty dare seemed to work because after a few seconds of tension-filled silence, your father tore his wrist from him, glaring at the both of you. Turning on his heels he stormed out of the quad without a word, no matter how pleading your mother’s eyes were. She turned to you, tears brimming in the corner of her eyes. 
“What have Ephraïm and Irina done to you,” she muttered in a wavering voice. 
You scoffed again at the mention of your despicable grandparents. “Nothing more that you and dad did. Until you admit you’re as responsible as them for ruining my life, don’t even bother trying speaking to me again.” 
With that you grabbed Tyler’s hand and turned away from your dumbfounded mother, not gracing her with another look as you walked away. Crowd of students and their parents parted on your way, heads turning as you held yours high. The anger that had risen in the blink of an eye had died down as quickly, leaving you with nothing but a content feeling. Tyler however was still worried and as soon as you both reached a more scheduled area, tugged you gently to face him. You met his rich brown eyes filled with concern, a crease between his brows showing how deep he worried. 
“You’re okay?” he whispered, to which you only raised your eyebrows in surprise. 
“Mmh? Yeah I’m fine, I’m okay. They’re dicks but that’s fine,” you shrugged. 
A calloused hand cupped your cheek, “You’re sure?” 
The mere gesture made your heart melt, and you gently put your hands around his, “I’m fine,” you repeated in a soft voice, “truly I am, don’t worry. I haven’t been taking seriously anything my family has to say to me for years now, it’s not a big deal anymore.” 
Tyler still did not look completely reassured so you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, feeling him relax instantly. “I’m okay babe,” you said with an unusually gentle smile, “their arrival just upset me that’s all. They’re already forgotten.”
The worried expression on Tyler’s face turned into a pout and you couldn’t help but laugh at that. Hearing you laugh made him relax immediately and he smiled softly at you. Tyler slid his arms around your waist, tugging you close to his chest. 
“I love you, you know that?” he grinned softly, nuzzling his nose against yours. 
“I love you too, tiger,” you whispered back, before his lips found yours again. 
The rest of the day went rather smoothly. Most of the students’ families went on to discover the academy, or spend the day either in the quad or in Jericho to catch up. Even if you’d rather have spent the day in your room, you and Tyler actually stayed with most of the guests. Of course you never really mingled – except when you somehow ended up talking with Ajax’s mom, who didn’t seem to care the slightest of your last name – and always stayed at a good distance; but at least you showed that you were invested in the school life. Given the recent events, it was probably better for the two of you to show signs of good faith. 
It was almost dinner time when the new bomb dropped. Hand in hand, Tyler and you debated whether or not you should take the opportunity of the parents’ week-end to sneak outside of the academy and grab a bite somewhere, when an unexpected voice called from behind. 
Your boyfriend froze before even turning to them. He knew that voice only too well. Whipping your head around your eyes widened at the sight of none other than the sheriff himself. Even if there were less people than earlier, Tyler’s dad didn’t seem comfortable in the middle of the outcast families. 
“You came…” muttered Tyler in disbelief, still not quite believing his father had actually shown up; better late than never. 
But instead, the gruff man only shrugged uncomfortably, “Yeah it’s kind of…a late minute decision.” 
Fighting the urge to scoff at him, you put a calming hand on Tyler’s arm. He was trembling under your touch, but it wasn’t clear if it was of emotion or of anger. 
Tyler snorted bitterly at his father’s words; definitely anger then. “What are you doing here, if you didn’t want to come?” 
The attack seemed to hurt the sheriff in his pride, because he immediately switched to a defensive attitude. “I’m here to help you, son.”
This time it was your turn to snort, “Woaw, big fucking deal. Someone gives me tissues, I’m gonna cry.” 
The sheriff immediately glared at you. There was kind of a déjà vu impression with the earlier confrontation. 
“Who the hell are you?” 
“Aww, you don’t remember me sheriff, I’m hurt,” you cooed in a mocking tone. “I thought purposefully ignoring your son had given you a better memory.” 
He narrowed his eyes at you, nostrils flaring. After a few seconds he frowned. “You’re the Van Helsing kid. Should’ve lock you down for 20 years, you fucking psycho.” 
You gave him a mocking salute, while you could feel Tyler tense next to you. “Ah, that would be me, yes. But a psycho who saved some of your civilians sheriff, so I’d say we’re even.” 
Trying to ignore your provocative attitude, the sheriff turned to his son. 
“That’s who you’re hanging with, uh? Do you even realize what she did?” 
“You don’t get to say anything about this,” growled Tyler; but under the provocative words, you could still sense how febrile this encounter was making him. 
His dad, of course, didn’t notice that and chose instead to frown in disgust at your intertwined hands. “She’s not good for you, not good for anybody. You won’t change with people like that around you, son.” 
The insults almost made Tyler snap, but before he barked back at his dad, you let out a loud, exaggerated laugh. 
“Ah! Excuse me, but who the fuck are you again? The dad who never bothered to listen to him, or god forbid talk to him? The one who buried his head in the sand at every minor inconvenience? You’re damn right, Tyler won’t heal with someone like that around him!” 
The sheriff’s face turned into a bright shade of red. Stuck by your sudden outburst, Tyler tried to tug on your hand to calm you, to try to not let the situation escalate, but boy he was too late. You were fully launched now, and you would not stop until the roasting was over. 
“You want Tyler to change, but to what? Do you have any idea of who he is now? Oh that’s right, you don’t! You were too busy being the crappiest, most ignoring, gaslighting fucking dad in the whole universe, and believe me I had my fair share of shitty family.” 
“I won’t allow you to–”
“Shut up!” you cut him with a bark, making both of the men jump. “I’m so fucking sick of hearing you moralize Tyler instead of being an actual human being, and for once in your sorry life listen to him! God fucking damnit, the world doesn’t turn around you and this shitty attitude of yours!”
Through all of your speech, Tyler looked at you with wide eyes. All the things he never dared to say to his dad just magically flew out of your mouth. It felt almost too good to be true. 
“If you really did want a son, you would have listened to him instead of trying to change him,” you spat angrily. “And guess what? He’s absolutely perfect the way he is and if you think otherwise as his dad, you should be the one taking some fucking therapy sessions instead.” 
And just like this morning, you stormed away from the bewildered parent with Tyler by your side. The confrontation with your parents had upset you, but the arrival of Tyler’s dad and his life lessons had brought up unbelievable anger. But just like before, the more you walked away from him the more the anger died down. 
Suddenly becoming aware of Tyler’s silence for the past minute, you stopped and turned your face to him. 
“You’re okay?” you asked him. 
Eyes and mouth wide open, Tyler stared at you for long seconds. It was hard to tell if his expression and the slight blush on his cheeks were due to intense emotion or excitement. Little did you know, seeing you roasting his dad had brought in him a level of amazement and attraction beyond compare.
“Please have my babies,” he blurted out of nowhere. 
A laugh escaped you, resonating through the corridor. Sliding your arm around his waist, you tilted your head to kiss him briefly. 
“That sounds like a plan, pretty boy,” you smirked before tugging him to the dorms’ direction. 
A few minutes later the upsetting encounters of the day were long forgotten. Blessedly unaware of the real reason behind the arrival of the sheriff at Nevermore, unfolding at the same time in Weems’ office, Tyler and you found comfort in each other’s arms like always. Whatever dreading news had been bought by sheriff Galpin would wait.
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A/N: yes I’ll make every single character simp over Morticia “step on me mommy plz” Addams, because I can 
Thanks everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part ♥ Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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zhaoly · 1 year
k so I didn't know this before but halsin apparently originally wasn't even intended to be a companion plus he's intended to be part of a poly romance... which is why his mono romance was barely developed??
man how were we supposed to know that :\ but suddenly it all makes so much fucking sense... why his character arc and romance fell so flat and why you can't romance him for so DAMN long. I suppose you're supposed to romance another companion and then bring halsin in to be part of a poly relationship instead and it's not intended that you get to act 3 with no romances--they assume you've romanced another companion already
i'm really damn disappointed that his mono romance is pretty much nonexistent and that his character development is so all over the place. I don't think I'll ever be doing a poly romance because I'm just not into that at all so unless they fix halsin's mono romance guess I gotta live with it
the only other companion who really interested me for a romance was karlach but her story is almost equally nonexistent and apparently she's got bad endings only?! like just kill me man. i want to try karlach's romance but i feel like her story is just... nonexistent, i mean all you do is find infernal iron and go to dammon. there's not even a specific quest arc or challenge for her, you just sort of naturally find the iron during regular exploration.
guess i'll be trying the other romances more out of curiosity rather than desire. like they all have aspects i like but then there's just like one (or two) things that turn me off.
i liked gale initially bc i was like holy shit an alistair/anders lovechild but then he started all that weird mystra stuff and i was like aight im outie. and i was also like wait we're supposed to be able to romance this guy?! isn't he very clearly not over this thing with mystra? i mean dude's gonna blow himself up for repentance or sth
wyll is like... fine i guess but too nice LMAO and i wont lie the dance scene was just like........... not my thing at all. just really not. and i honestly really don't like his devil appearance, i feel bad for saying it bc it's not his fault lol 😭 i liked him way more as a human but then quickly realized he doesnt stay that way for long. i think his story is definitely intriguing with the whole mizora thing and him being the son of the duke but man.
astarion is insufferable lord i can't stand the way he talks. i kicked him right after the nighttime blood sucking scene bc his voice/personality were so grating and i'm just not into the vampire shit at all. he also just like... looks like a creep and the way he talks doesn't help... tbh i think the only way i'll be able to tolerate him is to mod his face he just comes off as a creepy insufferable old guy i'm sorry
i like shadowheart as a companion but not really into her for a romance. her whole utter devotion to shar was also a huge turnoff lmao and for this first run I just decided that my tav wasn't into that. i did make the choice that basically had her turn against shar but i'm like yeah she can be besties with my tav i like that more. I actually really like sh's arc as a close/best friend
couldn't stand lae'zel initially either, left her in the cage after she wouldnt say please since tav is petty like that. found her later and reluctantly went the creche with her and then ended up killing her oops but hey she threatened to kill me first 🤷‍♀️ i'll def take her on future runs but i don't think i'll ever romance her
so like who does that even leave me with?? halsin basically fit a lot of parameters i like in a companion until i played through more of the game and realized that they really didnt deliver with him. i'm sure if i play through these companion quests/romances further in the future i'll warm up more to these characters but my initial impressions were just... not favorable and hey it's an rpg and my tav has opinions! who knows maybe i'll end up loving one of these character romances but rn i'm still lamenting over halsin's utterly lackluster one
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You know what
Highschool au
(There is a disclaimer on the bottom of this, just in case you need one/want to read it before the prompt! It's separated by " ~~~ " )
Character A is a character that can have so many different personalities, I can't even fully describe the friend group, or anything because of it (for sanders sides, I'm thinking Janus as top pick with Remus and Roman as alternatives if you want to do those instead. Or whatever, it's your choice). Anyhow. One day, they're in their group and they are being mean to a kid well known to be a loser at their school behind their back (Character B (I'm thinking Logan or Virgil would be best for this in a sanders sides thing))
So, one of Character A's friends dares them to go and ask Character B on a date. They end up making a bet that if Character A can get Character B to go out with them for a certain period of time, they owe Character A something.
So, they go over and ask Character B to go out with them, only to be outright denied. Character A persists for a few minutes before giving up and slinking their way back to the group.
Needless to say, they continue to try and get Character B to go on a date with them--continuously acting 'charming' to them--until they start genuinely hanging out with Character B, and they grow closer over time, and Character A starts *genuinely* liking Character B.
Character B has started to like Character A as well, and when they open with 'Will you go on a date with me?' (A usual greeting that turned into an inside joke) they are met with an embarrassed 'yes', and Character A is *elated*.
They go on a date, become partners, yadda yadda yadda
After a certain amount of time (the original parameters of the bet) passes, the friend comes up to Character A (in front of Character B) and reluctantly gives them the prize for getting Character B to date them.
Character B--who initially thought it was a prank, but over time just thought it was Character A being awkward--thinks their *entire* actual relationship was a sham for Character A to win a bet, and quietly excuses themselves
I don't have an ending for this, make one yourself >:P
Okay, disclaimer;
This is absolutely not meant to be a bully/victim prompt or post.
Character A is initially pulling a cruel prank on Character B, but that is just shitty behavior, it is not Character A repeatedly putting B down/hurting them (emotionally or physically) for a long span of time, and it quickly turns from a prank to actual, genuine, feelings.
I want to make this clear because I cannot STAND the bully/victim troupe, and will not have it on my page. This is a silly prompt that is kind of close to that line, so I wanted to make sure that I will not tolerate that on this page, and that this is 100% NOT in support of the dynamic.
If you are doing that dynamic with this prompt, I am not condoning it, but I physically can not stop you/do not care. But, do not bring it up in my replies or reblogs or anything, else you will be blocked immediately.
Okay, serious time over
I spent ro long writing this, I need to sleep :PP
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bobbiestakes · 1 year
Watching a very old movie from 1944, The Uninvited, A ghost story of sorts with a beautiful story to tell. Even though I have seen this movie before, I had forgotten the story.  One has to look closely into the character(s) with each a role in that story and as the plot comes together, we can see how important each role was in getting to the end.  This particular ghost story told being set up by each role was beautifully written and I sat at every word- at times- I laughed, and other times, I sat on the edge of my seat wondering what is coming next and toward the ending my anticipation of a fright turned into a smile. All emotions in one old movie.
They say they don't make movies like they used to and of course, we know times and people are ever-changing. Movies of old did not have much in the way of animations or CGIs, only those playing a part with words and actions. Most movies, today, I feel and I could be the minority of ONE, don't get to act as they did long ago. Too many actions or things added that take away from the character. Today, we have movies that show more things that have to be made on a computer rather than in the words of a character. Don't get me wrong, I love movies, NOT into Zombies. I grew up watching them and make believing as most young ones do of being that "moment". Maybe, I am just a bit sentimental and to be honest, I do not "cotton" to change very much. It's needed for us humans but I go reluctantly and being dragged until tolerance sets in. And before anyone lights up of age, I am NOT old, only old-fashioned values. Things change for the better and we are always seeking the next best. But, this day and time, we seem to always be in a hurry. Never able to sit and just enjoy the moment.  In watching this wonderful golden oldie, the announcer reminded me of why I love these types of movies. He stated that the studios wanted to person(s) to imagine or use the imagination rather than see the events play out on screen. The imagination can bring more intensity, excitement, passion, fright, sadness, and tears than actually seeing it on the screen. We have today, in-your-face moments where everything is shown-decent or indecent.  I say this maybe because I am on the downslope and trying my best to put on the brakes; I find my values different from what they were when I was very young. I am no prude nor never profess to be innocent. Each time I watch an old movie such as this one, my imagination gives me an appreciation of the arts and the story being told.
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0 notes
multifandomimagines · 3 years
Obvious - A Kai Parker Imagine
Characters: Kai Parker x Reader
Word Count: 2285
Summary: Kai and the reader go to a party at the Salvatore house, but they can’t keep their hands off each other.
Warnings: Alcohol, suggestive comments, making out
Written by: Josie
A/N: First imagine! Really hope you guys like it, we’ll be posting more like this soon so be sure to check out our page to help us get going! x
Disclaimer: Gif isn’t ours - credit to who it belongs to.
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Kai and Y/N didn’t have what was known as a typically conventional relationship. A witch with unlimited power and a somewhat insane siphon, both with a thirst for chaos and excitement? I mean, causing mayhem together isn’t usually on most people’s date night ideas list.
The Salvatore house was once again home to a massive Friday night party, courtesy of Caroline Forbes’ charm over Stefan, who reluctantly agreed to let her use their house as the venue. Only one of the couple was technically invited, as Y/N was best friends with the hostess. The others weren’t exactly thrilled at Kai appearing by her side with a wide grin when they arrived, but they wouldn’t object. For now at least. Not when he brought enough snacks and drinks for at least ten people.
A few drinks later, and the two witches were almost ready to let loose on the unsuspecting partygoers. What they were planning wasn’t quite as extreme as Kai would have wanted, but Y/N was able to convince him of something both fun, and that wouldn’t kill her friends or land them in a magical coma of sorts.
“Come on,” Y/N giggled as she dragged her boyfriend by the hand away from the snack table and toward the middle of the room. Kai eyed the food with longing as he was taken away from it like he was being torn from his soulmate. He kind of was, really. “Dance with me.”
Turning back to his girl, he raised an eyebrow at her flushed expression. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Only enough to give me confidence,” She turned to face him when she reached her destination in the middle of the crowd, having forced herself and Kai through various sweaty bodies. Kai got smacked in the face by a dancing drunk blonde on the way, but Y/N’s grip on his hand was too strong to give him the chance to get angry at her.
Kai smiled and pulled her close as she wrapped her arms round his neck, beaming up at him. “I thought you wanted to cause some trouble?” He smirked, leaning close as he spoke. Y/N was already a little tipsy, but having him this close made her feel completely intoxicated. He was stronger than any alcohol she could drink, and she never got hungover after a hit of him, she only wanted more.
“I do, but can’t we just act like normal people at a party for a bit? And besides, I like this song!” She swayed with him as the bass boomed through the speakers, making it all the more intense.
“You know I’m not all that much of a dancer.” Kai chuckled at her moves; she was so carefree once she let herself go and her smile was enough to pull at the corner of his lips.
“You liar,” She hit lightly at his chest and looked up at him with a challenging fire in her eyes. “You dance all the time at home.”
“Okay yeah, but that’s not in front of everyone else,” His eyes drifted behind her as she cocked her head in confusion. “And your friends are watching us.”
Y/N turned her head to the side, still latched onto her boyfriend, and caught Damon and Elena keeping a watchful (and definitely judging) eye on the couple. Rolling her eyes, she turned back to Kai. “Let them,” She spoke, reeling him in with her gaze. He was basically putty in her hand. “Just pretend we’re back at home, dancing in the living room, just like we do at the weekends.”
A smile crept its way back onto Kai’s lips as the memory flashed against his mind. Saturday nights were traditionally romantic - they’d cook dinner together, cuddle on the sofa and watch tv, then afterwards he’d always somehow end up twirling her around the room with the lights dimmed until they couldn’t dance anymore, and he’d carry her upstairs to bed.
“Unless,” Her voice by his ear pulled him out of his reverie, looking forward to tomorrow’s date night and thinking about how well he was going to treat her. “You fancied going somewhere else?”
The hair on the back of his neck pricked up at her words, eyes snapping to hers, pupils dilated. His signature smirk appeared, quickly melting her down. “You know me so well.”
Grabbing her wrist, their roles were reversed as he dragged her out of the crowd this time, eyes darting quickly as they searched for somewhere to hide.
“Here,” Y/N said, pointing to a small storage cupboard. “No one ever comes in here.”
“Well then,” Kai said, pushing her inside and closing the door behind them. “You’ll be the first.”
In a flash, she was slammed against the door as Kai’s lips moulded with hers in desperation. He had needed this all night. He might be an expert at hiding it, since emotions had never really bothered him before, but the critical gazes of her friends made him uncomfortable. They made him start questioning every move he made, just because he wanted Y/N’s friends to approve of him and be happy that she’s with him. Kai Parker would never let stupid emotions get to him. Not like love. At least, not until her.
She sighed into his mouth as he took her breath away, her hands gripping his hair tightly while his held her waist firmly in place. His fingers slowly trailed up her shirt, brushing the skin underneath, making her shiver. Breathing heavily, her hands found their way to his chest as he pulled away from the kiss and moved his lips to her neck.
“Eager, are we?” She giggled, her voice thin from the exhilaration. She felt Kai chuckle in response against her skin, sending a tingling sensation through her veins.
“Impatient, actually. I want you now.” Kai trailed his lips down to her collarbone, and back up to her jawline.
Y/N was finding it harder and harder to think straight as Kai pulled away, his fingers tracing the faint marks he’d left on her neck. I’ll definitely have to add to these later, he thought. “What about the plan? Still want to cause a little chaos?”
Kai’s hand that was on her neck moved behind and into her hair, her head automatically tilting up to make capturing his lips easier. “To hell with the plan.”
Leaning in for another heated kiss, their lips had barely met when the door of the storage cupboard swung open and the two of them fell to the ground with a good thump, Y/N groaning as Kai’s whole body weight crushed her.
“Seriously?” Caroline stood over the couple with her hands on her hips, looking mostly irritated yet somewhat amused. The twinkle behind her eye when she looked at Y/N gave that away - she was always the most supportive of her dating Kai.
The female witch glanced sheepishly up at her friend, lightly shoving Kai to the side. The siphon didn’t even want to make eye contact with the blonde vampire. He was yet to familiarise himself with how to deal with awkward.
“Y/N, I thought I said making out in dingy cupboards was off-limits! Raise your standards,” Caroline eyed her friend, the ghost of a smirk lingering on her lips. After looking briefly at Kai’s embarrassed expression, she leaned in closer to Y/N and whispered, “If you guys want to have some fun then just leave. The party’s starting to clear out now anyway, and it’ll be a lot more fun than in a dusty old closet.”
She winked at her and strutted back into the crowd, not before giving Kai a light pat on the shoulder on her way past. She was right, the crowd was slightly smaller than before.
“God,” Kai sighed. “That was awful. I don’t like awkward, it’s my least favourite emotion so far.”
Y/N laughed at her boyfriend; he still discovers himself experiencing new emotions all the time, and she finds it oh so endearing to see how he reacts to the foreign feeling. “Well if anyone was to catch us, I’m glad it was Caroline.”
The tall boy looked at the girl he thought was an angel, although she didn’t quite see herself that way. Sometimes that made him sad, another feeling he didn’t particularly enjoy. “Let’s just get out of here,” He said, taking her hand and intertwining their fingers, something she always loved. “Bring the party back home, just you and me. We can pick up where we left off and no one will even notice we’re gone.”
Y/N grinned, happy that they were always on the same page. She took a step forward, watching as Kai’s eyes lit up more and more the closer she got to him. Their sparkle seemed to be directly proportional to his distance from her. “You just read my mind.”
It wasn’t long until Kai was driving his silver car back to their shared apartment, one hand on her thigh as it always was. She was his comfort blanket no matter what, and physical touch was Kai’s love language, so even when driving he craved some contact with her to keep himself sane.
Mostly sane anyway.
Eventually, they returned to the warmth of their apartment and wasted no time in latching onto each other. See, that was the thing about Y/N and Kai. She might be his comfort blanket, but he was hers too. When they’re apart it feels like two separate parts of a magnet, aching to be able to touch, see, feel the other, so when that ache is satisfied, it’s like a force unlike any other, and pulling them apart proves difficult as neither of them wants to ever be away from the other.
Their love for each other was obvious, you’d have to be blind not to see it. The only reason Y/N’s friends tolerated Kai was because they couldn’t deny the clear adoration and care he had for her. They’d tell her Y/N, he can’t be trusted, he doesn’t feel, he can’t feel love, but when you witness a love like they have, how could you ignore it? They’d almost come to a silent truce: Kai stays out of trouble and never hurts Y/N, and they’d leave him be. It worked for them.
What they had said about him not feeling love was true though, before. Kai thought that love was a wasted feeling - relationships crash and burn everyday, he’d said once, so why would he let it waste his time if he can’t one hundred percent confirm that it would be for life? Y/N came into his life like a wildfire spreading through dry forest, this new and unusual feeling coursing through him at an alarming pace, and it made him want to scream. He couldn’t understand why he was unable to shake this one girl out of his head, it was distracting him and he couldn’t concentrate, it was a nuisance.
But as time went on and he started wanting to make sure she was safe and happy, it became less and less of a burden to him. In fact, he started to revel in it. Any excuse he could find to see her, he’d take it. Any chance to protect her, he’d be there in an instant. He actually started to care, which baffled him at first because Kai Parker doesn’t care. But as he looked at her then, wind blowing her hair around her face, he didn’t mind it. Maybe caring wasn’t so bad, if it was this one girl he cared about. He decided then that he would dedicate all his emotion to her, all his care, all his time, all his love.
Love. When Kai realised he was in love, he wasn’t sure if he was awake or dreaming. Love was pointless, he told himself so. But he couldn’t bring himself to lie to himself any longer. It may have been pointless to him back then, but not now. Now, his whole reason for living was to make this one girl happy, this one girl who had managed to change a man so set in his old toxic ways. He loved her.
Y/N wasn’t sure if she’d ever definitely know that she was in love. I mean, how can you really know? Everyone’s experiences with love are different, and all relationships vary, so there’s not one set formula for it. Love is complex, and that was scary to her, because she didn’t want to let someone in thinking they’re her soulmate, and they end up breaking her heart. She’d made that mistake before, and she didn’t want to let the wrong person get to her again. But with Kai, there wasn’t a single question or doubt in her mind. This, this was what love was supposed to feel like. All that fear of allowing the wrong person into her heart had vanished in an instant, because she knew there would be no one else ever again now that she had Kai. He had taken up residence in her mind and there was no space for anyone else. He was her person, she knew, it was obvious. She loved him.
Back in the apartment with the two of them getting lost in each other, those intense feelings resurfaced. In that moment, it was just the two of them: no problems, no death, no prison worlds. Only the crystal clear love they had for each other that everyone could see. It even got them a bit of a reputation in the local supernatural community as the couple that defeated all odds.
The sociopath who learned to fall in love, and the witch that taught him how.
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Chapter 3
A/N- Evey couple of chapters you will get Professor Hemsworth's POV and this is the first one 🥵 I really wanted to write his story and hear his thoughts too.
Summary- He can't get her out of his mind, the girl in the coffee shop. Will fate bring them together again?
Word count- 2.9K
Pairing- Prof!Hems X Reader
Warnings- Age gap (OC is 20) student/professor relationship, swearing, dirty talk
18+ Only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 5th Sept 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle @help2700 @presidentpotts
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Chris Pov
My Apartment was silent as usual, empty like always when I arrived home from work, throwing my coat and bag on to the sofa and slumping down next to them.
I couldn't stand the silence, it taunted me and brought back memories I'd rather not remember. I'd thought about getting a roommate but still hadn't gotten around to posting out an ad, the idea made me nervous. Although I hated being alone, living with a stranger would be even worse. I turned on the TV to fill the expanse of the large empty room that I'd work so hard for but ultimately meant absolutely nothing to me.
My mind began to wander back to this morning and the chance meeting with the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on. She'd taken my breath away and made me so nervous that I'd used some cheesy chat up line. I'd known at the time it would come back to haunt me tonight, no wonder she ran out of there as soon as she could. Thats why I hesitated, my hand brushed against the small of her back when I was about to ask her for her number and it took away my sensibility. I leaned in like I was about to kiss her, thank god I stopped myself though, how ridiculous would that have been?
I'd spoke to her for no more than ten minutes but somehow felt like I'd known her all my life. Asking for her number wouldn't have been the most unusual thing but she was in such a rush and I didn't want to make her late. There's absolutely nothing more I hate than tardiness.
I still couldn't get her off of my mind, she was beautiful, long dark hair that flowed down her back and the most piercing green eyes I'd ever seen. I couldn't stop looking into them, framed by dark eyelashes that made the emerald green pop even more. It's been a long time since I'd met a woman that made me feel as nervous as she did. The only thing is, she was young, much younger than me and I'd be fooling myself to think I'd actually stand a chance with her. Even if by some miracle I did, she deserved more than what I could give her, I was a mess, even after all this time I was still living in the past.
I woke up feeling like a teenage boy again, a tent of my erection in the cotton sheets sprawled across my middle. I'd dreamt about the girl all night and honestly nothing about it was innocent. I rubbed at my eyes and stretched my muscles before finally getting out of bed, I had my first Junior Comms class to teach today and of course, I couldn't be late.
To say I was dreading today would be an understatement, I'd made a deal with the Dean to teach the Comms class because none of the other professors were willing and I was desperate for a job. I was hoping that if I exceeded expectations during my first semester I would finally get to teach psychology like I'd planned in the first place. Of course that meant being on my best behaviour and a lot of arse kissing, which I would do, albeit reluctantly.
The air was crisp this morning as I set off walking towards the university, luckily for me I didn't live to far away from the campus and the walk would help distract my thoughts because God knows they needed distracting. They always did.
Before I knew it, I'd arrived at the halls, looking up at the architecture of the building and realising my idea to walk obviously hadn't worked. I'd barely paid attention the entire time and it was only muscle memory that had gotten me to my required destination.
I held onto the door handle of the lecture hall and took a deep breath before stepping in, the room erupting into wolf whistles was not what I expected but admittedly better than what I was thinking. I scanned the room and my students, rolling my eyes at the girls lining the front row, their eager faces taking me in. 
The class was full of typical students, the usual cliques you see at every educational institution. The jocks and cheerleaders, the nerds and oh fuck. The air was almost knocked from my lungs when I spotted her sat at the back of class. The girl I'd been talking to in the coffee shop yesterday, the girl that had been on my mind and in my dreams ever since. She was here, right in front of me which meant she was my student and younger than I'd actually thought. Fuck.
Even though she was now out of bounds I couldn't take my goddamn eyes off of her, the way her wavy hair cascaded over her shoulders. I could feel my cock tingling when my eyes fell to her low cut top and that unreal cleavage. I pulled my eyes away from her so as not to draw attention and focused on preparing for the lesson, leaving the students to whisper for a while longer while I recovered my composure.
Like a magnet, my eyes unwillingly kept finding their way back to her and she looked uncomfortable, squirming in her seat. I was making her uncomfortable and I still couldn't stop myself, I frowned as I subtly watched her cheeks blush and realised she's probably embarrassed because she'd been flirting with her Professor. Of course she'd be embarrassed, I was so much older than her but was it wrong that I didn't feel one ounce of awkwardness at the fact I had been flirting with a student?
All I could think about as I watched her tits bounce as she moved In her seat, was burying my face in her cleavage and I knew I had to look away before my dick reacted. The last thing I needed in a class full of students was to be walking around with a fucking erection.
I could stand there and watch her all day but certain students had stopped talking and they were waiting for me to speak and I'd almost forgotten why I was here In the first place. I really needed to get my head in the game, being infatuated with a student would definitely not get me the promotion I was looking for.
I pushed my hands in my tight pockets, hoping to stretch the fabric a little so my semi-hard dick wasn't so apparent, then my eyes were drawn to her again and she was talking to Jake. That pissed me off and I could feel my jaw tensing as I cleared my throat rather forcibly, hoping to get the attention of the whole class at the same time as distracting her from the rather friendly conversation she was having with another guy. A guy her age at that.
"Now I've got your attention, we're going to use our first session to get to know each other a little better. You'll be doing quite a lot of speeches so it's best if you feel comfortable with one another. I'll start by introducing myself." I looked at her again, gulping hard when I saw her with the end of her pen in her mouth and the way her lips wrapped around it. Fuck. "So, I'm Professor Hemsworth and I'm originally from Melbourne in Australia." I looked to her and she smiled, remembering what we spoke about yesterday.
A student started with the typical Australian stereotypes although I'm actually surprised no one told me to throw another shrimp on the Barbie. I laughed along anyway, I'd been expecting it, it's literally the first thing anyone who isn't Australian says when they first meet me. So when I told him it wasn't very original I meant it, I'd heard it a thousand times before and I'll hear it a thousand times again.
I told the class a little about myself before informing them they would do the same, it didn't go down well, the room filled with groans. I looked to her and she looked downright terrified, I sympathized for her, it wasn't easy speaking in front of a room full of people but was the best way to break the ice.
"Claire Abbott." I called, watching the blonde at the front stand, nervously. She giggled and twirled her hair around her finger as she smiled at me, I knew what she was doing. I quickly glanced at the girl from the coffee shop as she rolled her eyes at the blonde at the front, I smirked back at her, amused at her tolerance for predictable girls.
"I erm… I don't know what to say?" The blonde said, looking at me questioningly.
"Just anything about yourself that we might find interesting, the first thing that comes to mind."
"Well I own four horses and I'm the cheer captain." I had to stop myself from laughing when she rolled her eyes again but the smile soon disappeared when I saw Jake lean over to speak to her and the way she laughed at him made my blood boil. I was seething, not because they were speaking instead of listening but because she was speaking to him instead of me.
"You two at the back, we'll wait for you shall we?" I called them out, my voice more stern than I expected. I was pissed off that Jake would easily be able to get to know her and I couldn't. She stared at me, her eyes wide, she was surprised I'd called them out in front of everyone which made me even more pissed off because that probably blew my chances even more. What the hell am I thinking? What chances, I need to remember I'm her fucking Professor.
She sat silently through the rest of the class, I still couldn't keep my eyes off of her and thankfully neither could she. She looked flustered and I liked it, I liked that I could make her feel that way without even touching her. She was so goddamn hot I could hardly concentrate on what the other students were saying.
When I glanced down at the sheet of names in front of me and saw Jake's name my jaw clenched.
"Jake Hudson." I couldn't help narrowing my eyes as he stood up, I just knew he'd say something cocky and I was so fucking jealous of him right now. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath, I needed to keep my cool, especially in a room full of students and her. If she knew what I was really like she wouldn't look at me the way she did.
"Hi, I'm Jake." I bit onto the inside of my gum, that bit of pain keeping me grounded. "I'm also from Australia." He gave me that fucking cocky half arsed smile I'd been waiting for and the adrenaline shot through me. I was thankful no one noticed apart from maybe the one person in here I didn't want to notice. She was watching me carefully. I had to loosen my tie a little as he continued to speak, I was burning up with rage.
I'm glad class was almost over, I needed a stiff drink and I needed it now. I looked at my sheet of names again and there were only a couple left, I wondered which one was hers. I needed to know her name. Fuck. I needed to know everything about her.
"Jessica Watson." She stood up. Fuck, Jessica, it was a cute name and fit her perfectly. I was mesmerized with her and the way she spoke as she tucked her long hair behind her ears. "These last couple of days have been pretty eventful for me." She looked right at me, what was she going to say? "I'm living the life of a romance novels heroine and I'm excited to see what the next couple of days bring." Oh fuck. Was she talking about meeting me? Or Jake? I like to think by the way she studied me as she spoke, she was talking about me. This was wrong, so wrong but why did it feel so right? I forgot there was anybody else in the room, my cock twinging as I pictured myself fucking her on this desk. I needed to stop thinking like this, it's unprofessional and completely immoral. I shook my head and turned back to the class.
"I hope we all feel a bit more comfortable with each other now, some of you shared some pretty revealing things." I looked at Jessica. "Some of you, not so much." Then raised my eyebrows at a group of guys in the middle of class that had used thier time to inform everyone about the party at their frat house this weekend. "I'll have a schedule for you all next time I see you, anybody that has any questions can see me after class, everyone else is free to leave." I looked at her one last time, hoping she'd use this opportunity to come and speak to me.
I sighed when I sat back at my desk and a group of girls took their opportunity, I wasn't in the mood for it but answered their questions anyway. I didn't take my eyes from Jessica, especially when Jake started speaking to her again. The girls in front of me were taking up my time, trying to flirt with me instead of asking relevant questions and I was over it.
"Do you actually have any questions about the course ladies? I have other things to be getting on with if not." I was a little short with them without actually meaning to be. I just wanted them out of my goddamn way so I could see what was going on with Jessica and Jake.
The girls finally left, more like stormed off but I couldn't care less right now. She was still sat at her desk which means she waited until I was alone which has got to be a good sign. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, the silence driving me insane so I cleared my throat and she blinked like I'd woken her from a daydream. What was she thinking about?
She packed up her things into her bag slowly, I could tell she was buying herself time but I felt relaxed now we were alone, in fact I felt excited which was completely ridiculous. I felt like a damn teenager.
"Did you need to talk Miss Watson?" I was amused and I needed to break the ice before the silence got the better of me. I leaned back in my chair and folded my arms across my chest.
"I erm…" She walked towards me, down the stairs, looking at her feet. She was unsteady and looked nervous as hell, was she going to tell me to back off? "I wanted to apologise, I had no idea you were a Professor." She stood at the bottom of the stairs, I was glad she wasn't too close. I don't know if I'd be able to control myself around her and lord knows I had to. The atmosphere was tense, neither of us really knowing what to say or do, all I could think about was ripping off her clothes.
"There's no need to apologise Miss Watson, I also had no idea you were a student but I was hoping to bump into you again. Funny how things work out isn't it?" I cocked my eyebrow at her, testing her, seeing how she would react to my comment. Something changed and she didn't look quite so nervous anymore.
"I think fate can be rather cruel Professor Hemsworth." The way she called me Professor stirred something deep inside me, a hunger I didn't know I had and when she moved closer to me I began to feel nervous.
"Oh really? Why is that Miss Watson?" She was so close now, I could smell her sweet scent of coconut shampoo. I wanted to touch her badly, I didn't though. I didn't dare because I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself and I must restrain, she's my student after all. It's wrong. It's forbidden.
I still couldn't stop myself from flirting, like an uncontrollable impulse and as soon as I opened my mouth to try and be professional I would just go right ahead and flirt. She was so outrageously attractive but the kind of attractive where she didn't know it and didn't flaunt it, which I found even more endearing.
"I was hoping to bump into you again too, only now the thought of what could've happened will have to remain a fantasy." My restraint was really being tested now, she was teasing me, egging me on and the fact she'd also been fantasising about me made it extra difficult to resist. I had to loosen my tie again, I needed my fingers to be busy so I didn't touch her. I had an internal conflict going on inside my mind and it was like torture, if this was day one of class how the hell was I meant to survive the whole semester?
"I better get to my next class, we can't have anyone thinking I'm your favourite now can we?" Fuck sake. I ground my teeth together, I was glad she was leaving, I couldn't take the tension any longer but at the same time I knew, with distance the desire would only intensify. She turned to leave and I couldn't stop myself watching her hips sway as she walked, her ass was so round and bouncy, it hypnotised me and that's when I knew I was in deep trouble.
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monstersandmaw · 3 years
Tell us more about your inquisitor!! I would love to hear about him(?) and Dorian
Ok, here's the second of the two asks I got about Ciúin thank you thank you thank you (His name is pronounced like 'queue-inn'). I've talked about him a fair bit before, but I'll do a new post now for the sheer, self-indulgent fun of it! Thank you.
He, like Lein, means a huge amount to me for all sorts of reasons not really related to the game itself, and he's one of the few characters of mine who really does live rent free in my head all the time. His story has had a few versions over the years, but here's my latest 'canon' version, as of 2021.
(I've also written for him before, and if you want a sfw angst-fluff-fest story with him and Dorian, you can read that here on my AO3) Also the immeasurably talented @hanatsuki89 drew him for me and you can find that here Alright, here he is. For tonight's other post with more photos, see this one.
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And a close up (please ignore the horrible Skyhold pyjamas):
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Ciúin is quiet, reserved, and a bit gruff, but he has an affectionate heart and will laugh freely around people he feels close to. Outside of the limitations of the game's hair options, he has very long, black hair that falls almost to his waist, and no side-shave.
He's actually a quarter Tevinter, with his grandfather being a low-ranking (now-disgraced) Tevinter magister, who fell in love with an elven slave and risked everything to free her instead of selling her when he fell on hard times in the Magisterium, and had to sell almost everything. She was taken in by Clan Lavellan, and her son was born a few months later. Ciúin tends to keep his heritage quiet on the whole, given the distrust in the South of Tevinter in general.
His half-elven father died when Ciúin was quite young, and he was sort of raised by everybody and nobody in the clan after that. He helped out where it was needed most, and slept alone near the halla most nights. He’s a spectacularly good rider and loved caring for the halla. His Red Hart mount with the Inquisition is called Conker.
He was an apprentice with the Clan's blacksmith (hence choosing June’s vallaslin, the Dalish god of craftsmen) before his magic developed quite late at the age of 14, at which point he reluctantly began to train with the Keeper in his spare time so that he didn’t lose control of his magic and hurt someone. He found he had to become her First when he was 19, since they had no other mage and he was pretty talented.
As is the case for many Dalish clans, his clan was attacked a fair bit by opportunistic humans, which made him wary of them, but they continued to trade and interact anyway. Unless his life depends on it, he rarely uses his magic (unlike Dorian, who will happily use it for everything), preferring to do things by hand. Vivienne finds this provincial and endearing, and Dorian is somewhat confused, but they can both see that Ciúin’s not going to change his ways…
He's panromantic and demisexual, and before he unwittingly falls for Dorian, he's only ever had one relationship.
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More miscellaneous facts include:
His vallaslin (tattoos) go all the way down the centre of his chest, branching out towards his shoulders, and down over his hip bones as well. He also has a similar design to the one at the centre of his forehead going right up his spine, from the small of his back into his hairline. He will freely admit that the most painful bit to have done was his lip and throat.
Prefers savoury to sweet, and doesn't like fish
Hates ale and beer but enjoys liquors like brandy, elven fruit spirits, whisky, etc. He's a truly miserable drunk though, so it's best if he sticks to his limits.
Gets on really well with Bull and the Chargers, and ships Scout Harding and Professor Kenric really hard.
He's very, very unapologetically Elven about a lot of things, especially about his beliefs/religion, though respects people with different beliefs. For example, he admires that Dorian considers himself Andrastian while simultaneously loathing the hypocrisy of the Chantry and all it stands for.
Ciúin's 28 at the start of Inquisition
He's surprisingly nervous of mabari (who adore him, especially the one Cullen acquires in Trespasser), but he kind of wants to adopt one anyway
At Skyhold, he helps Blackwall with his carpentry projects - making June puzzles for the children of Skyhold - when he gets (or needs) a moment to himself. He can also be found in the forge quite a bit, making new weapons and armour for his friends in the Inquisition.
Can't cook. Don't ask him to. You'll get charred sludge.
Any more questions, please feel free to ask. I will literally talk about him (and Lein) until I keel over.
I'm also probably going to do some writing based on my gameplay, so if that's of interest (it'll be a 'Lavellan x Dorian' story with lots of plot and ambient description because it's me), please also feel free to let me know. If not, thank you for tolerating this long post about my Dalish elf.
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^him scowl.
Also boop the halla snoot for good luck if you made it to the end of this post :)
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
Title: Vantage Point.
Commissioned by the very patient, very lovely @yandere-vale.
Word Count: 5.1k.
Pairing: Yandere!Glimmer/Reader (She-Ra).
TW: Fem!Reader, Aged Up Characters, Imprisonment, Implied Kidnapping, Isolation, Emotional Abuse, Slight Infantalization, Mentions of Physical Abuse, Past Injury.
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At least the view was nice, in Bright Moon.
You should know. You’d had plenty of time to take it in, by now, not that a single glance wouldn’t have been enough to convince any battle-weary refugee that the destination was worth the tiring journey. The jutting canyons, the darkened forests, the permanent twilight painted across skies so stunning, the bay surrounding Glimmer’s kingdom couldn’t rest until it was beautiful enough to reflect them – it was pretty, you could admit that, and it was nice to finally have enough time to take it all in. It was a small silver lining, running thin enough to border on the verge of complete nonexistence, but it was a silver lining all the same. You were allowed to appreciate it. You’d give yourself that. You liked being able to appreciate it.
You just wished you didn’t have to do so from such a distant vantage point.
It might’ve been a tower. You thought it was, at least, from what you could tell from your perch at its peak. Tall, looming, just as rounded and just as seamless as every other building on Bright Moon’s shores. There was no ladder, no staircase, no way down beyond finding the nearest ledge and hoping for the best, and if there was anything to discover beyond the confines of your bedroom, there certainly wasn’t a way to access it. You’d already tried, searched for hidden doors and passageways, tried every possible escape route Glimmer might’ve overlooked, spent a memorable week attempting to break through the solid stone floor, but it was fruitless, pointless, an effort you could only look back on with resent for your own naivety. There was no way for you to get out, not without risking your own life, in the process, and there wasn’t a way for any would-be savior to get in. You were trapped, isolated, cut off from everything you’d ever called your home. Cut off from everyone you’d ever called your friend.
Except her, obviously.
But you’d never made the mistake of calling Glimmer your friend.
You could hear her, your routine silence broken by slow footsteps, but you didn’t look, you didn’t bother to. You’d already been sitting there for hours, perched inside of a carved-out windowsill, admiring everything that you couldn’t have, not anymore, not after Glimmer decided you didn’t deserve it as much as she deserved you. No, you didn’t acknowledge her, you didn’t let yourself acknowledge her, but that never made a difference. She was already approaching you, already behind you, an arm soon wrapped around your torso and a chest slotted against your back, pulling you into something you might’ve called a hug, if she thought to let go. You bit back your rising complaints, swallowing the urge to shove her away and give her another reason to think of you as immature, irresponsible, incapable, but if she appreciated your self-restraint, she clearly didn’t think it was worth her praise.
Glimmer only sighed, shaking her head at your absentee reaction, more than content to act like she couldn’t imagine why imprisonment might lead to some lingering resentment. “Still busy sulking, sweetheart?”
You didn’t answer, not at first, keeping your eyes on the scenery below. You didn’t like it when she got so close, not after everything she’d done. You didn’t like that you had to let her get so closer, or risk spending another month in somewhere far less pleasant than a homey, familiar, inescapable tower. “I’m not sulking,” You mumbled, fighting not to curl into yourself. “You keep me here, imprisoned and alone, and you know I don’t like it. I don’t have to pretend I’m happy to see you.”
“No, but it might be nice if you tried.” There was a laugh, a squeeze, but she pulled away quickly, sliding into the space next to you and forcing you to shrink further into the nearest wall, forcing to you avoid her, if only because she refused to give you the space to reach out on your own. “You can’t act like I haven’t given you plenty of chances to make yourself happy,” She went on, her tone still light-hearted, vaguely amused. She wasn’t taking this seriously. You doubted she would, until you said something to upset her. “It’s not my fault that you refuse to accept my gifts without a fight.”
You didn’t have to ask what she meant. The evidence was still scattered around your bedroom, found in torn lace and ripped silk, crushed flowers and chipped gems, neglected toys and trinkets she'd offered, half-heartedly, attempting to fill she'd left in your life. On good days, you could ignore it, pretend they were meant for someone else, anyone but you. On most days, felt sick at the thought of indulging Glimmer's one-sided show of kindness.
“Presents won’t make this bearable. I don’t need distractions.” You let yourself exhale, leaning back, your posture just slack enough to make the idea of continuing this conversation tolerable. Something shot through the flesh below your shoulder blade, a single strike of agony before the feeling faded into a steady throb. A reminder of a wound that wasn’t quite healed, but one you’d already disregarded, nonetheless. “I need to go outside. I need you to let me go. I need you to stop acting like you’re doing this for my safety.” Glimmer flinched, her jaw locking into place, but you ignored the small pang of guilt that followed. Good. If she expected you to find a way to live with this, she could find a way to live with the discomfort. “I was doing fine before I met you, and I’d still be doing fine, without your help. It’s not fair to assume I’d—”
“Really?” Glimmer cut you off, any trace of her levity gone. “Are you sure you can’t come up with a single reason I might be hesitant to let you take care of yourself?”
Immediately, you fell quiet, turning away yet again. This time, Glimmer didn’t seem to mind your silence.
“Believe it or not, I’m not trying to make you miserable,” She said, not for the first time. Like you were supposed to believe it. Like she could expect you to believe it. “I just want to keep you safe. If you have to be unhappy for me to do that, then so be it.”
And, just like that, she was gone.
For a moment, you almost missed her.
You didn’t break her next gift.
You wanted to. The temptation was always there, you doubted you’d ever grow fond enough of Glimmer for it to completely go away, but you ignored it, brushed it off, pushed it just far enough down to pretend it didn’t exist at all. It helped that she’d given you a book, this time. Usually, her gifts were materialistic, unsubstantial, things that were better at making you look cute and harmless than helping you pass the time. She hadn’t left, yet. That helped too. You still had bruises from the last time you didn’t give her rage time to cool, and you weren’t eager to reopen old wounds.
Books could be used. Books could be read. Books were heavy, and they meant you could do something, if only sit passively and take in a story that wasn’t yours. That was more credit than Glimmer had ever given you before. Part of you worried it was more credit than she’d ever give you again.
That might’ve been why you asked. You wanted logic. If there was a method to her madness, there would be a way to predict what comes next, to try to guess if there was a reason she’d done this at all. You wanted there to be a reason. “Aren’t you afraid I’m going to use this?”
Glimmer didn’t look up from the letter in her hands, multiple pages of important political correspondence, you were sure. She’d taken your bed, when she first arrived, and you’d hid yourself away at the vanity on the other side of the room. A part of you hated it, how she dominated what was supposed to be your space so easily. Another part of you was just glad to have a reason to feel like you actually had a space you felt was yours, if only when someone else invaded it.
Her response came in the form of a hum, light and curious, then a question. “Use it?”
“You know,” You started, before you were entirely sure what you wanted to say. “To escape, or something. I might still find a way to.”
Glimmer laughed, and suddenly, you knew why she was such an unopposed ruler. By the time she actually spoke, you’d already begun to regret saying anything at all. “Planning to beat the walls in with a paperback? I think I’d have to hand over my crown, too, if you managed that.”
Your face burnt, and your grip around the novel tightened. If you hadn’t known better, you might’ve reconsidered your decision to keep this one. “I could always attack you.”
“Do you want me to take it away?”
“Please don’t.” You spoke quickly, as softly as you could, but your panic was still audible, the rush of anxiety you wished you didn’t have to give weight, after so many months of letting your instincts lay dormant. “I just… I guess I just want to know why you didn’t do this earlier. You’ve always given me clothes and that kind of stuff, and this seems more—”
Glimmer didn’t let you finish. She rarely did, when you spoke for any longer than she cared to let you. “C’mere, angel. You shouldn’t be so far away.”
It wasn’t a demand, not really, not when she said it so casually. It wasn’t, but you treated it like one, pushing yourself to your feet and reluctantly approaching her, your eyes never leaving the ground. In your defense, you didn’t fall into her arms, choosing to sit on the edge of your bed and retain a fraction of your dignity, but your aversion didn’t matter. All it took was a strong arm wrapped around your waist, a light tug, and you were tucked into her side, regardless, your head resting on her chest and your legs folded underneath you. For once, you were glad she kept you so isolated. You wouldn’t have been able to live with the embarrassment, if anyone else was around to see you like this.
“Everything I do, I do because it’s what I think is best for you.” There was a pause, like this meant anything. Like she thought she was comforting you. Like this could be comforting, to anyone who didn’t share in her twisted fantasy. “Don’t worry about the details, that’s the kind of thing you’re supposed to let me take care of. It won’t do you any good to overwork yourself, like that.” Her hand fell to your waist, signaling for you to agree. You managed a quick nod, and Glimmer went on, pleased. “Just sit back and relax. No need to worry your pretty little head over anything I think you do or don’t deserve.”
Your throat felt dry. The sheets below you felt scratchy, uncomfortable, like you were sitting on sandpaper rather than satin. You wanted to get up. You wanted to, but you didn’t. “I don’t… I mean, you’re probably right, but—”
“I am right.” She was laughing, reaching over to cup your cheek and tilt your head back, her lips soon pressed against the top of your head, but the gesture was hollow, it felt hollow, and you could’ve hated yourself for ever trying to give it meaning. Glimmer was good at that, making you feel like you were paranoid, too preoccupied with yourself to ever see the bigger picture. She was good at making you feel like you were in the wrong. She was good at making you feel like you’d always been wrong, even if you knew she couldn’t be right. “You just need a little help, that’s all. You were too reckless, when you came to me, you just got yourself into too much trouble. I just want to make sure you don’t get yourself hurt, anymore.”
You believed her. You could believe her. If you wanted to, you could make yourself believe her.
You’d have to believe her, if you ever wanted to survive what came next.
It felt like fire.
In your veins, in your blood, under your skin and spreading, every time you moved or shifted or took a breath deeper than the shallow, airy inhales you’d gotten used to, by now. It didn’t have any right to hurt as much as it did, honestly. The wound was old, mostly healed, a shadow of a scar of a lasting injury that’d already overstayed its welcome, but it felt like something new, something fresh, something that you’d gotten the other day, rather than so many years ago. Something raw, something bloody.
Something that Glimmer was making worse with every passing moment, whether or not she meant to.
She was trying to help. You reminded yourself of that. She didn’t trust a medic with you, and you’d had to beg her not to use the temperamental healing magic that so often left much more able-bodied soldiers in much worse condition than simple, external wounds could ever achieve, but you almost wished you hadn’t bothered. She must’ve been using the wrong ointment, the wrong elixir. She must’ve been being too harsh, or too gentle, or messing with something that made flesh and tissue smolder where it shouldn’t have, the pain vivid enough to make you curl into yourself, sink into the mattress, try to escape something that you already knew couldn’t be as bad as you were making it out to be, in your own mind. Whatever she was doing, it hu-
“Does it hurt, love?” Glimmer asked, slowly.
“It doesn’t,” You answered, without hesitation. “It just… It stings more than I expected it to.”
You tried to sound confident, but your voice wavered as her fingertips skirted over scarred tissue, your fists curling around the pillow you were clinging to, despite the way you knew it must’ve looked. Her bed was so much softer than yours, everything in her chambers so much more plush, but that made sense. She was royalty, and you were her prisoner. Your bedroom wasn’t simple, not by any means, but Glimmer's was…
She was a queen. You shouldn’t forget that, however convenient she made it to try. She was a queen, and you weren’t.
“If you’d let me tend to it earlier, it wouldn’t be so bad.” She was scolding you, but playfully, tenderly enough to let you calm down, some of the tension in your rigid form dissolving as you crossed your arms under your head and tried to relax. There was a moment of reprieve, the sound of glass clinking against glass, and a wave of cold air rushed over your injury, dulling any lingering pain into an unpleasant awareness. You would’ve thanked her for it, if the thought did leave a bitter taste on your tongue. You might’ve, still, if she hadn’t chosen to keep going before you could say anything at all. “Count yourself lucky it’s not infected. It’s almost as bad as it was, when we first met.”
It wasn’t. It really wasn’t. Or it might’ve been, you couldn’t really remember. It’d been so long since it was first inflicted, since the last spark of a war that’d spanned longer than your lifetime died out and you were left with the scars to prove you’d survived it, even if the majority of your hometown hadn’t been able to recover in the years that followed. You could barely walk when you first arrived in Bright Moon, but that might’ve been the exhaustion, or the stress, or some other vague, abstract concept that’d been just apparent enough for Glimmer to catch and take pity on you, despite the horror’s she must’ve faced on her own.
You stopped yourself before your thoughts could spiral any further. She pitied you, but you wouldn’t pity her. You refused to. You’d seen where it led, what kind of obsession it could create, and you didn’t want that. You wouldn’t let yourself believe you did.
“But it’s going to get better, right?” You couldn’t keep that hopeful lilt out of your voice, an equal mix of manufactured positivity and genuine optimism, despite yourself. “That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? So you can take care of me?”
There was a brief silence, then a small chuckle. Your wound felt warm, again, smoldering around the edges, and for a moment, you almost found it reassuring. “Of course,” She agreed, but she was still laughing. You wished she would stop. “That, and because I like having you around.”
It was almost funny.
You thought you’d be relieved, when she was finally honest with you.
It hurt, again. It must’ve been the paste she was using, something thick and elastic that kept a cluster of soft, generously applied bandages plastered to your skin. It was far from comfortable, too tight in places, too loose in others, uneven in a way that meant you’d have to tear off what you could and wrap your chest more thoroughly in an hour, at most, but you forced yourself to smile, to sit up and stretch as if doing so didn’t leave something in your spine twisted and cramped. You could complain, if you wanted to, you doubted Glimmer would be that petty, but there wasn’t a point. It was easier to keep her happy, with or without any caveats. You could live with the mild pain, for now.
Glimmer rewarded you with a small grin, a gentle hand on your cheek when you turned to face her. “My brave little sweetheart,” She started, nearly cooing. You tried to tell yourself it was unintentional. “You should probably rest, I might not be able to help if you make things any worse. I’ll take you back to your—”
It was a flare of panic, sudden and unmistakable. A shot of anxiety, a sudden burst of pure dread – something so mindless and so overwhelming, you were throwing yourself at her before you had a chance to think better of it, burying your face in her chest and latching on to her shirt, letting her wrap her arms around you when she recovered from any short-lived shock. “Do I… do I have to go back?” You managed, reluctantly. You didn’t want to ask, you didn’t want to fall so far, but you couldn’t go back to that tower. You just couldn’t. “Please, you can restrain me again, I just don’t want to—”
You were cut off by a squeeze to your side, an idle chuckle. You already knew what she would say, but the way she paused still made you hesitate. It made you feel unsure, obedient, like anything she’d done had ever mattered to you.
Like you were starting to need her as much as she claimed to need you.
“All you had to do was ask.”
It took you three hours to pick the lock on Glimmer’s door.
Three weeks, technically, if you counted the time you spent observing, watching, waiting until she trusted you enough to leave you to rest in her palace, rather than sending you back to that freezing, forsaken tower. It was a frustrating precaution, molding yourself into something submissive, begging to spend just one more night in her bedroom rather than your own, but you needed to know Glimmer’s schedule, the rotation of her guards, what you had to work with and how many flimsy, flat trinkets you’d be able to get your hands on before Glimmer started to question your new fascination with hairpins and letter openers. You needed to know who else was in the palace, who else you could get to before you were caught.
You needed to know who to run to, when you finally got out of the softened, insufferable cage Glimmer kept you locked inside of.
Three hours. On and off, one minute at a time, every little creak and jolt and tell-tale snap serving as another reason to hold your breath, to stop and listen, to shut your eyes and hope you’d never have to do this again. You could’ve cried when the lock finally gave away, when the polished marble of her door finally slackened and relaxed, falling open without a struggle. There weren’t any guards outside, you timed it so there wouldn’t be, but you doubted you would’ve cared if there were. You could already hear footsteps against solid tile, and hope flared in your chest before you could think to press it down, bright and burning and overflowing as you took in your soon-to-be savior – a girl, a few years older. A woman. Her name came to you in a moment.
Catra, a warrior, a war hero.
Someone who could help you.
You didn’t throw yourself at her, not like you threw yourself at Glimmer. You didn’t have to, you didn’t want to sacrifice your pride like that, not anymore, but that didn’t stop you from grinning like an idiot, from stumbling over your own feet as you sprinted in Catra’s direction, barely listening to her stifled swearing before it came to a jarring stop. You might’ve said something. You might’ve just opened your mouth and closed it again. You might’ve stuttered and mumbled and blabbered incoherently until her expression shifted, gave away, more out of relief than kindness. More out of understanding than any real empathy.
She cut you off, and something in your heart clenched painfully.
“You’re Glimmer’s, right?”
You shook your head. You would’ve denied it, but you couldn’t remember how to speak. Part of you wondered if you’d ever really known how to, at all.
“Dressed like it,” Catra went on, rolling her eyes, her tone only a touch above sardonic. You didn’t have to throw yourself at her – she was already taking you by the wrist, dragging you in the same direction she’d been heading, regardless, never giving you the choice not to follow. “C’mon, I don’t want to deal with Sparkle’s tantrums, today. You’re coming to the war room.”
You didn’t get a chance to refuse. You doubted she would’ve listened if you did, but you could’ve tried, you should’ve said something. It would’ve felt right, if nothing else, to put your foot down, to make a run for it, to tell someone what Glimmer had done to you, even if it was starting to seem like Catra might not make much of a shoulder to cry on. Even in the moment, you knew you’d regret it, but…
But, you couldn’t bring yourself to do much of anything.
You didn’t know what else you’d expected, honestly.
The palace was bigger than it looked, from your usual vantage point. The adrenaline had started to die down by the time you reached the ‘war room’, leaving you drained, tired, dragging your feet as Catra tugged you through a door twice your height, the guards that stood on either side of the entryway barely batting an eye at your bare feet and disheveled appearance. The ceilings were too high, the gold accents just a little too polished, everything too bright despite the lack of an apparent light source. It hurt, in a way. You wondered if it would hurt this much if you actually got outside.
Catra didn’t introduce you. She didn’t have to, not when you were abandoned as quickly as you were brought in, left to stand at the head of their table, tense and alone, as Catra drew attention to herself, instead, clearing her throat as she approached the other Princesses. You recognized most of them, anyone would – Mermista, barely glancing over you before she lost interest, Perfuma, kind enough to try to smile in your direction, and Adora, the Adora, She-Ra, still dressed in full armor, her arms crossed over the rounded table, her lips pressed into a thin frown and her expression…
And her expression identical to the one Glimmer wore, back when youstill had the option to look at other people.
It hurt, obviously, but you didn’t have much time to linger on the festering sting. You were already being lifted off your feet, a pair of strong hands or… claws, rather, clamping around your biceps and pinning your arms to your sides, squeezing so tight, you could hear something in your torso crack. You didn’t have to guess at a name. Even if you couldn’t see Scorpia’s face, her voice was enough, light and jovial, as if you hadn’t flinched away as she touched you. As if you weren’t close to tears. “Catra brought a friend!” You could’ve cried. You might’ve, if your embarrassment hadn’t been so much less ignorable than your mounting trepidation. “Finally, I was starting to think our wildcat would never break out of her shell. This is great, right, Adora?”
“It’s perfect,” Adora replied, obviously upset, but Catra only shrugged her off, draping herself over Adora’s shoulders she scoffed, keeping her glare centered on you. “You’re late. Is this supposed to be an excuse?”
“This,” She said, gesturing in your direction, “is supposed to be one of Glimmer’s. I wouldn’t have mess with it if I had a choice, but she looked lost, and you know how Glimmer would get if she wandered off.”
There was a huff, a chuckle, a mumbled ‘you know I’m right’, but it was hard to listen, it was hard to care. Your vision was blurring, your throat tightening up, but you fought back the tears as well as you could, knowing it’d only make your frustration that much worse. You didn’t want to make yourself look helpless, not here, not surrounded by people who were obviously so much stronger than you, but you couldn’t hold your hands steady, you couldn’t stop the way your breath hitched while it was still in your lungs. You wanted to hide. You wanted to run. You wanted to go back to your tower, and you hated yourself for it. “Please, I… I’m a captive, I shouldn’t—”
“Ah, why didn’t you say so sooner? Glimmer must be worried sick.” It was Perfuma, this time, still watching from a distance. You couldn’t tell if she’d heard you, but you choose to believe she hadn’t. It’d be easier, if you assumed no one was listening to you at all. “Scorpia, you’re not holding her too tightly, are you? It’d be a shame if there were bruises, after we finish.”
“Who, me? You know I’d never hurt a fly,” Scorpia laughed, tightening her grip. You made a breathy, pitiful sound, something between a gasp and a whimper, but neither seemed to notice. Neither seemed to care. You weren’t sure which you would’ve preferred, anymore. “Even if this one’s a little more… fleshy, than what I’m used to.”
You opened your mouth, ready to tell her she would leave bruises, that she wasn’t being gentle, but you didn’t have time, not before Adora spoke up, her posture a fraction more relaxed than it had been, a minute ago. “Don’t worry about leaving marks,” Adora cut in, nonchalantly. She had an arm strung around Catra’s waist, now, but she was still looking at you. If you’d been a touch more desperate, you might’ve thanked her. If you’d felt any smaller, you might’ve asked her to stop. “Glimmer’s been talking about this for months. I haven’t seen anyone that excited since…” She trailed off, throwing a glance in Catra’s direction, earning a wicked grin in response. For a moment, you wondered why you’d ever thought either one of them would try to help you. “Since someone realized she didn’t have to wait for us to fight to get her claws out.”
Perfuma rolled her eyes. Scorpia groaned. You wanted to ask what she meant. You wanted to scream for her to go on, to tell you what that was supposed to mean, to just go on until you could pick one of the awful, dark, twisted thoughts swirling around in your head and let that shove you off the edge before anything worse could. You had to know what was going to happen to you. You didn’t want to know, you didn’t want to anything, but you had to find out. It was a matter of survival. It was a matter of life and death. It was something you needed, and for a second, you thought you might be able to vocalize that. You thought you might be able to say it. You thought you might be able to actually say it.
Then, a familiar voice called your name, and again, you lost your chance to do much of anything at all.
Scorpia didn’t have to be told to put you down. By the time you could think to ask, you were already back on your feet, your knees threatening to buckle as you struggled to keep yourself upright. You could’ve collapsed. A part of you wanted to, most of you wanted to, but it only would’ve made things worse, it only would’ve made you seem more childish, even you doubted anyone was paying attention to you, anymore. No, Scorpia had gone back to the other Princesses, Catra and Adora still preoccupied with each other, and you were left alone, shaking, at the mercy of the woman currently positioning herself in front of you, cupping your cheek, tilting back your head as you fought not to push her away. You didn’t want her to touch you.
You weren’t really sure what you did want, anymore.
“Poor little thing,” She said, her voice already soft, sweet. She might be angry, later on, she probably would be, but you tried not to think about that. You could only be thankful she wasn’t, right now. “I think you’ve had enough fun, for today. All of this is clearly too much for you to handle.” She stopped, leaning down, her lips barely brushing against your forehead. It wasn’t a kiss, but it was close to one. It didn’t hurt, and that was all you could bring yourself to care about. “Are you ready to go home?”
She might’ve been talking about her room. She might’ve been talking about the tower. She might’ve been talking about something else entirely – a dungeon, a prison cell, a cramped, darkened room you wouldn’t be able to slip out of quite as easily. You didn’t know. You should’ve, but you didn’t.
“I…” You were barely able to whisper. It was pathetic, honestly, but you forced yourself to go on. It would be worse, if you drew it out. It would be unbearable, if you had to stay here.
You just wanted to be alone, even if you had to be alone with Glimmer.
“I’m ready.”
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straycat-writes · 4 years
I'm not sure if you write for AUs, but a reader in the same high school as the BSD characters would be fun! Maybe some S/O headcanons for Aku, Atsu, Dazai and Chuuya?
[This was so much fun to write :D]
Highschool AU
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
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Theatre kid, but also the dark and mysterious loner.
He acts like he doesn’t care much about anything, least of all academics, but he actually works quite hard.
Repeatedly gets into trouble with authority, but since he’s fairly gifted at nearly everything, they let it slide  
Refuses to believe that, though, because he holds himself to stupidly high standards. What’s the point of just being good at something? He has to be the best.
If you’re interested in him, you’re going to have to be the one to broach the subject, because there’s no way in hell he’d ever do it, even if he reciprocates.
When him and his s/o first start dating, people give them weird looks in the hallways. The resident mysterious loner? In a relationship? It’s the talk everywhere for quite a while.
You would have to walk him a little through the motions of being in a relationship. Suggest date ideas, drag him to a movie, stay up late texting him, and wouldn’t be long before he picks up and starts reciprocating these gestures.
He’s a little clueless, but he means well, please be patient with my dark floofy babey
He’s too intimidating for anyone else to approach him, anyway, but even so, he treats his s/o like they’re the only person that matters in the world.
Atsushi Nakajima:
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Probably the most normal of them all xD
Teachers adore him, classmates look up to him, and his friends love him beyond measure. He’s just so sweet that you can’t help but like him.
Very helpful. Will agree to crash tutor you the night before exam if you ask him to.
Probably on the track team too.
His friends mean a lot to him, and he’s very amicable to everyone in general. The kind of person to invite you to his cafeteria table if he sees you sitting alone.
Gifted at athletics as well as academics, but gets flustered and politely denies if somebody praises him for it.
It’s not effortless, though. He works very hard for everything he has achieved.
Will crush on you from afar for months on end before his friends finally get fed up and physically push him to you.
“E-eh? I’m sorry, I d-didn’t mean to bump into you like that. I just…I wanted…uhhh wouldyouliketoogooutwithmesometime!?”
Is over the moon when you say yes, and even more so when the two of you progress into a relationship.
The sweetest boyfriend ever. If you tell him you’ve had a bad day, he will turn up outside your door with chocolates and cozy up to watch some sappy feel-good movie to make you feel better.
He is nice, but that doesn’t mean he will ever tolerate anyone talking shit about you or your relationship with him. Do not test him.
Dazai Osamu:
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Resident popular bastard. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Also double-times as the class clown sometimes. Being constantly sleep-deprived and having no self-preservation instincts definitely proves helpful for that.
Verrry popular with the ladies, but doesn’t stick with one for too long.
Also gets into trouble with authority a lot, but manages to smooth-talk his way out of it.
Plus, he’s so effortlessly gifted at everything he tries that it makes him kind of indispensable. Academics, sports, art, music, extra-curriculars, you name it, this dude has got it nailed. The school cannot afford to put him in too much trouble.
However, just because he’s a prodigy doesn’t mean he actually cares much about any of it. The only things Dazai cares about is amusing himself enough so that he doesn’t kill himself for one more day.
Has a secret affinity for classic literature and poetry, but hates the teacher.
Doesn’t pay attention in class and never studies for any of the exams but still manages to ace every single one of them, somehow.
The kind of person to throw paper balls at the teacher during class because he’s bored.
Gets along with most people, but has a small, intimate circle of friends he really cares about.
When he first starts dating you, most people don’t even bat an eye, because this is Dazai Osamu. He has a new girl hanging off his arm every week, let’s see how long this one lasts. Which is why they’re so surprised when it has been months and he’s still so hopelessly, head over heels in love with you.
Being taken does not decrease the amount of female attention he gets, and although he still revels in it and has fun making you jealous sometimes, at the end of the day, he only really has eyes for you.
“I have a plan, belladonna. Let’s commit double-suicide in front of everyone on our graduation day!”
Nakahara Chuuya:
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Quite popular with everyone, and why wouldn’t he be? He’s beautiful, rich, and throws the best and wildest parties.
He is rich, but not arrogant. You might think he’s a jock, but that’s not actually true either. He is extremely good at sports and athletics, but refuses to actually join any of the teams.
Quite serious about his academics. He has got his eye on all of the ivy league colleges.
He’s actually very smart, but that gets overlooked in lieu of all his other qualities.
Scores fairly good in almost everything, but his best subject is physics. He is a literal genius at that.
Will reluctantly agree if you ask him to tutor you.
He doesn’t actively start fights, but he never backs down from one either. You have to be an absolute idiot to provoke him, because he is strong and will not hesitate to break your face and hand your ass back to you.
Is the crush of almost all the girls in his year, plus some more.
Who can blame them, though? Have you seen him??
Is ridiculously good at playing the guitar, but hardly anyone knows about that.
Not actually that much into dating, but the first time he lays eyes on you, he’s dumbstruck. You have him completely whipped, and you haven’t even talked to him yet.
He will muddle through his head for days on end, trying to come up with the best way to ask you out. He wants to be very suave and gentlemanly and completely sweep you off your feet.
Ends up a nervous mess when he actually tries.
“So, uhm, would you – uh – would you maybe go out with me sometime?”
Cue his sigh of relief when you reply with, “I’d love to.”
He’s gruff and intimidating with everyone else, but very sweet with you. Will even watch cheesy romance movies with you if you pester him enough.
Flowers bouquets and sneaking you out at midnight for bike rides
You are sure to incite the rage and animosity of many girls if you do start to date him. Not to worry, though. He would defend you against any and everyone, because you are the one he cares about, not any of them.
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poutyyybangtan · 4 years
ready or not - j.jk
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genre: friends to lovers, enemy to lovers, (almost a slow burn?), a mix of everything lol  character pairing: jeon jungkook 9bts) x female oc warnings: not really any lol just angsty fluff kinda stuff word count: 5.4k (it’s alot) authors note: i wrote this months ago and it’s not finished but i can finish it if yall want? let me know :)
(prompts from @im-here-to-help-you-all-write​)
“i think the longer you look at it, the worse it gets.” “yeah, kinda like your face.”
“i need your help.” “holy shit, i never thought i’d hear you say that.’ “please don’t rub it in right now.”
“i don’t feel like i’m ready for this yet” “you’re going to have to be, because we’re out of time.”
you can’t believe you actually had to do this. the last person you ever wanted to look at was your only shot at getting out of the situation you brought upon yourself. you had originally counted on one of your other friends to help you out, but of course, life never seemed to work out the way you wanted it to. 
“jin, please. can’t you just cancel and come with me?” you begged, watching as your older companion continued to chop away at some vegetables. 
“you know i would love to help bamboozle your family with my impeccable acting skills, but unfortunately, i do have a business to run. this weekend is a big deal for the restaurant and joon would kill me if i left him alone to handle such a thing. and besides, we all know joon can’t toast bread without having to call the fire department first,” jin laughs. you laugh softly, knowing jin had a point. poor namjoon had amazing business skills, but unfortunately that means he lacks in the cooking department. 
“i guess you’re right,” you mumble begrudgingly. 
“why not ask jimin if he can go?” jin asks, sliding the chopped vegetables into a pot.
“my mom knows him, she’ll know something isn’t right. and besides, he and hobi are going to a dance camp for school,” you shrug.
“and tae? yoongi?” jin asks.
“he’s got that test retake for his photography class and yoongs has an audition for an entertainment company in gangnam,” you sigh. you’re really proud of all your friends and the successes they have, but you really wished they could’ve helped you in your time of need. but you couldn’t be that selfish, so maybe you had to admit defeat. 
“you know, you could just ask jungkook,” jin asks nonchalantly. 
“you know i can’t do that,” you answer bluntly, refusing to even entertain the idea.
“i mean, you could,” jin laughs, putting the lid on the pot and onto the stove top, turning to you afterwards.
“jin, you know i can’t. he is the last person on earth i would ask to help me. i would rather die of embarrassment than to ask him for his help,” you dramatically claim.
“you just might if you don’t ask. besides, what's the big deal? it’s only for a weekend,” jin shrugs.
“yeah, a whole weekend of him pretending to be my boyfriend. jin, we can barely tolerate each other as is, having us cooped up together and pretending like we actually like each other is a whole other ball game,” you said.
“well, here’s the way i look at it. either you tell your mother that you don’t have a boyfriend and face embarrassment at your mother's wedding, or you can suck it up, ask jungkook nicely to do you this one favor, and have fun this weekend. you never know, jungkook might actually be up for it,” jin says, an underlying suggestive tone in his voice; one that you never caught.
you had to admit, jin was right. as painful as it was, jungkook was your only chance at escaping this nightmarish weekend. 
you found jungkook in his usual zone of comfort: with his lips attached to some random girl he probably barely knew. you found yourself scrunching your face in distaste. such a vulgar display in a library no less. you huffed off your second doubts and approached the table with confidence. you noticed that neither party acknowledged your presence, so you knocked on the table to gain their attention. reluctantly, the girl pulled away first to throw you a bitter look.
“jeon, can we talk?” you say softly, not trying to cause a disturbance.
“i’m kind of busy, can’t it wait?” jungkook asks, a smug look on his face, the girl sat next to him donned a complacent smile on hers.
“please, i saw you making out with some bimbo blonde yesterday, i’m sure you can find some other toy to play with when we’re done,” you smirk, watching the look on the girls face fall with every passing word that escaped your lips. she glanced over at jungkook with disgust before grabbing her belongings and walking away in a fit.
“great, well there goes my whole afternoon,” jungkook scoffs. he leans into his chair, folding his arms over his chest.
“you’ll deal. look, i need your help,” you admit, much to your dismay.
“holy shit, i never thought i’d hear you say that,” jungkook laughs ironically.
“please don’t rub it in right now,” you groan.
“how can i offer my service to you?” jungkook smirks, looking up at your obviously irritated figure.
“i need... i can’t believe i’m saying this. i need you to be my boyfriend for the weekend,” you spit out.
“you what?” jungkook asks incredulously. you don’t blame him for his confusion. what you were asking was heinous, add to the fact that you two barely tolerated each other? it was the biggest taboo situation you could’ve put yourself in. but you were desperate.
your mother, as loving as she was, was relentless. she just wanted the best for you. you were about to graduate college soon, about to get a real career and be a real adult. and to her, that meant start a family as soon as possible. and that couldn’t happen without being in a relationship first. and what better way than to hook your daughter up at a gathering for family friends? cause nothing says love like a wedding, right?
“what’s in it for me?” jungkook asks. you looked at him in disbelief.
“wait, you’re actually considering it?” you asked.
“well, you gave me a proposition, so why not?” jungkook asks. 
“uh, because we’re not necessarily friends? it’s not like you owe me anything to even consider the idea,” you chuckle.
“you might not be my friend, but that doesn’t mean i’m not yours,” jungkook shrugs, finally standing up and collecting his scattered books. you hadn’t actually noticed them before, you just thought that the library was a good place for jungkook to hook up, not an actual study zone. 
“well, uh, what do you have in mind?” you asked, answering his question finally. 
“i need a date for this work thing, and my usual hookups aren't going to cut it. they’re not exactly what you would say… modest?” jungkook jokes, causing you to laugh a little bit. 
“sound like a deal?” jungkook asks after a moment of silence passes. you pretend to consider his proposition, as if you actually had a choice. you look up at him and you can see that he saw that too.
“what kind of work thing?”
“where are you going?” jimin asks, watching you step out of your bedroom clad in a cocktail dress. you really would’ve rather been at your shared apartment, cuddled up next to jimin and tae watching some horror film eating greasy food, but alas, you had to uphold your end of the bargain.
“remember i told you that in order for jungkook to uphold his end, i have to uphold mine? apparently, he works at some magazine company and they’re having a company gathering to celebrate the issue's 90th anniversary and he needed me to come with,” you groan, strapping on your heels. 
“you’re going all out for this,” taehyung comments, a teasing tone hidden in his words. you looked up and glared at him, knowing what he meant.
“if i put forth 100%, maybe he will too,” you say. 
“oh, he most definitely will be putting in 100% effort,” jimin says, low enough for only taehyung to hear which makes him giggle. you look up and see jimin smirking at you which makes you groan internally. 
suddenly, the doorbell rings and you thank whatever being there is that saves you from the conversation that was happening, with or without your participation. you pull the door open and the first thing you see is jungkook, properly dressed head to toe. you notice the bow tie pressed snuggly against his neck, not a wrinkle in his suit jacket or his dress shirt. his long hair was parted down the middle, brushed out out of his eye. you hated to admit it, but he looked breathtakingly beautiful. 
“wow,” jungkook finally says, eyeing you in a way that made the blood pool in your cheeks. 
“uh, yeah. let’s- let’s go,” you murmur, noticing the boys in the living room giggling at your guys’ interaction. you shove him in his chest. he grabs your hands and laughs, pulling you out the door.
“what did i miss?” jungkook asks. you roll your eyes, noticing the way jungkook held onto your hand, even after you got further and further away from your apartment, but not minding the warmth his hand provided against your cold one. 
“trust me, nothing you want to hear, and nothing i’m willing to repeat,” you scoff.
jungkook was right. he had warned you beforehand that everyone at his job was stuck up and snobbish and would continuously point out that fact that you were no model. and like he had forewarned, all you heard all night was “you’re too pretty not to be a model” or “jungkook ended up with you?” you were appalled, sure, but you didn’t take their words to heart. you don’t know these people, and after tonight, you’re never going to see them again. 
but jungkook flinched every time someone opened their mouth. he felt bad for you, but when he saw you delicately handle the situation, he knew you would be fine. still, it didn’t make him feel any less bad. 
“we can leave whenever you want, you know?” jungkook whispers into your ear. you look up at him and smile.
“sounds like you’re using me as an excuse to ditch this snooze fest,” you giggle. jungkook smiles back down at you and laughs with you.
“busted,” he finally says.
“thank god, let’s ditch these runway wannabes and get some pizza. i’m starved,” you groan, looking away, missing the endearing glance he tosses your way. you both ditch the stuffy building, and headed to a late night pizza shop down the corner. you sigh in relief once you step into the restaurant, inhaling the smell of cheese and dough. you both decide to seat yourselves in a booth in the corner of the dining area.  once you both place your orders, you settle into a comfortable silence. 
“so, what caused you to conjure up this boyfriend lie?” jungkook asked after awhile. 
“my mom thinks that i need to be in a relationship to be happy since i’m getting ready to enter the real world,” you sigh, rolling your eyes and leaning into your elbows that rested on the table.
“thats stupid,” jungkook scoffs, leaning into the booth. you were caught off guard by this, expecting jungkook to somewhat agree with your mother.
“you look surprised,” he says, gauging your reaction.
“i kind of am. not gonna lie, i was expecting you to agree with her,” you say, shrugging. the waiter brings your slices and leaves you two alone, settling back into the conversation.
“no way. if you want to be single, you should. i’m sure you’re single by choice anyways,” jungkook says, picking up his pizza and taking a huge bite of it.
“what do you mean?” you ask him, slightly confused behind the intentions of his sentence. 
“i just mean that you’re insanely smart, funny and talented. and you’re extremely beautiful. if you wanted any guy, you could have him,” jungkook shrugs, munching on his pizza in peace. meanwhile, his statement sent you into a frenzy. who knew jeon jungkook thought so highly of you. you were under the impression that he dispised your entire being. he never really complimented you before, so his statement shocked you. 
“never knew you thought so highly of me,” you said, smiling to yourself. you can’t really explain it and you don’t know why, but knowing how jungkook truly felt about you made you extremely happy. 
“there’s a lot you don’t now about me,” he winks, causing you to roll your eyes and eat your pizza. and yet again, you missed the way jungkook smiled at you, enjoying your presence more than he would care to admit to. 
“i don’t feel like i’m ready for this yet,” you murmur, feeling your hands start to shake as you stood outside the venue. 
“you’re going to have to be, because we’re out of time,” jungkook smiles, taking hold of your hand and waltzing you two into the building. your mom had asked you to come early for a surprise so you decided to give her a surprise of your own.
“jungkook, maybe we should say you caught food poisoning and we had to leave,” you murmured as jungkook continued to drag you further and further into the building. jungkook smiled at your child-like nature and shook his head.
“we’ve come too far to give up now. let’s just rock this and get home,” he says, smiling at you. you felt a sudden urge of confidence that surges through you and gives you enough momentum to swing open the doors of the chapel hall. you were taken aback by the way the chairs are decorated with white pieces, hanging off the backs. you take notice of the pale yellow and white combo that you didn’t think would match so well. you felt happy for your mom and that she met someone who loved her so much that they were willing to do this for her to cherish the day.
“it’s beautiful,” you gape, admiring all the minute details your mother probably agonized over. jungkook admired the astonished look on your face as you practically ignored his presence to take in your surroundings. he always found you beautiful, but watching you be you while nobody was looking was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. jungkook had the biggest crush on you for as long as he could remember. and he refused to even fathom the thought of confessing to you when he knew how you felt. he knew you couldn’t stand his lifestyle, his choices that he’s made regrettably. but how else was he supposed to cope with the fact with the one person he’s allowed to steal his heart hates him. 
“ah, there you are,” a voice says from behind you two. you both turn around and you see your mom, hair curlers and full glam. 
“hi mama,” you smile, running up to her and giving her a big hug. 
“hi sweet pea,” your mama coos, swaying you both back and forth. you pull back and look behind you to see jeon smiling at the interaction. this made your heart jump for a split second before you returned back to your surroundings.
“ma, this is my boyfriend, jeon jungkook,” you smile. 
“oh my, you’re so handsome,” your mother gushes, rushing up to him and pulling him into a hug.
“thank you,” jungkook smiles, blushing slightly. you’ve never seen jeon blush before and to see him in a such a fragile state made you happy. and you couldn’t seem to figure out why. your mom finally released jeon from her clutches and she turned back to you. 
“hun, i’ve got a surprise for you. follow me,” she says, grabbing yours and jeon’s hands dragging you to what you assumed was the dressing room. there were two dresses that were covered hanging off of a clothing rack. your mom shoves you guys onto a couch and rushes over to the dresses.
“one of these beauties will be yours to wear for the wedding because… hon, will you be my maid of honor?” your mother asks, eyes full of stars that made your heart swell. you felt the air leave your lungs and your heart begin to race. you remember watching your mom struggle with love all her life, her face in a frown always. you’ve never seen your mom so happy now, and you would do anything just to see her happy. 
“ma, are you serious?” you ask, wanting to be sure this is what she really wanted. 
“of course baby,” she smiles. you jump up and hug her tightly, muttering a yes into her hair. you both squeal with delight, jumping in place like teenage girls. suddenly, another pair of arms are wrapped around you, chest pressed against your back. you managed to look up and see jungkook bouncing with you and your mom. 
“i wanted to join too,” jungkook says, his voice high pitched and filled with excitement which in response, made you giggle. you all finally stop bouncing and jungkook pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you, catching you off guard. you felt your heart race and you swore his heartbeat matched yours. you brushed it off as it being the sudden activity you all had just endured.
“i’ll leave you two alone so you can try the dresses,” your mother says after she catches her breath, winking at you. 
“you’re just gonna let your daughter get undressed in front of her boyfriend alone?” you ask incredulously. 
“hon, he’s your boyfriend. i’m sure he’s seen more,” she giggles, exiting the room, leaving you with your jaw wide open. 
“can you believe this?” you ask, shocked at your mothers bold statement.
“i’ve always wondered where you get your vulgarity from,” jungkook teases, his chest causing a vibration that you felt in your back, reminding you of your close, read as nonexistent, proximity. you push yourself away and whip around to face him, catching a glimpse of him trying to fight the smile that tried its best to take place on his delicate features.
“i’m not vulgar and you’re not watching me change. however, i do need an opinion on the dresses, so i guess you can stay,” you say, walking past him to try on the dresses. you snatch both of them of the rack and head into the bathroom, changing into dress number one. 
at first you thought it was a joke, the frills and exotic colors making your eyes hurt from how loud it was. you tried it on anyway, and you couldn’t believe how ridiculous you looked. no way your mother was being serious when she picked this dress out. you unlocked the bathroom door and stopped your way to where jungkook was sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. you clear your throat to capture his attention and you nearly explode with the laughter with the way his eyes widen and face drops.
“what do you think?” you ask him, twirling around in the godforsaken dress you know your mother probably bought as a joke. 
“i think the longer you look at it, the worse it gets,” jungkook says, a dumbfounded look on his face. you withhold your laughter and stare at him in distaste.
“yeah like your face,” you scoff, playing with the dress as if you actually admired it. 
“are you gonna wear that?” he asks, secretly hoping you’d say no so he could release a breathe he didn’t know he was holding. 
“well, i like it, don’t you?” you say, continuing to pretend like you actually were considering wearing this deafening dress. 
“uh.. if you like it then… sure,” jungkook says, shifting in his seat. you admired the fact that he was trying to cater to your feelings and for some reason it made your heart race at the thought. you don’t know whats been going on with you lately but every kind gesture has made your heart race with excitement. you didn’t know when it happened, but you started looking at jungkook as more and it scared you. you couldn’t be with him. you knew that. jungkook had a reputation, and he was proud of it. he was proud of the amount of women he could pull in one night. hell, in one hour. he was used to the idea that feelings were a concept he wasn’t willing to understand or try out. and you had to accept that.
“i’m messing with you gukkie. my mom probably bought this as a gag, the real dress is still in its cover,” you say laughing at jungkooks face that was contorted into one of discomfort. you leave him to relish in your teasing as you retreat back to the bathroom to change into the actual dress. you could still hear jungkook laugh to himself as you unzipped the dress to change into the other one. little did you know, he was laughing to himself about the nickname you gave him. he’s never had a nickname he actually enjoyed before. he was still lost in the thought of you calling him gukkie forever when you finally exited the bathroom.
he always thought those scenes in cheesy rom-com teen films where the guy is staring at the girl like she’s the only one that matters was cliche. but he was wrong. so very wrong. watching you in the tight floor length pale yellow dress that just made you glow knocked all the air out of his lungs. you’re hair that was in a messy ponytail allowed some pieces of hair to frame your face as you continued to fumble with the dress.
“it’s a little longer than i thought, but it fits well, yeah?” you say, still looking down at the gown. you honestly felt ridiculous. you rarely dress up like this. you hid your body underneath baggy clothing so to have something so tightly pressed against your body made you severely insecure. the silence coming from jungkook made everything worse. you looked up to see jungkook leaning forward, elbows resting on his thighs, hands holding his head up. there was a look in his eye you had never seen before and it made your stomach churn with excitement.
“that bad huh?” you joke, hoping to ease some of the tension that was building in the room. jungkook stands to his feet and approaches you, his body so close to yours you could feel the heat radiating off of his body. 
“you look beautiful,” jungkook says, smiling down at you. you feel yourself blush and begin to fumble with your fingers, a nervous tic jungkook found absolutely adorable. jungkook was helplessly in love with you, this much he knew. from the way you laughed, to the way you rolled your eyes in his presence. he loved the way you gave yourself wholly to the ones you cared about, willing and able to do any and everything for the people you love. he loved the way you strived to work hard and how incredibly intelligent you were. and suddenly, his heart was full with all the love he was dying to give you, but know he never could. because you deserved much more than some player who was willing to sleep with anything with legs. but if he could at least pretend like the love between you two was real, even if for a short while, he’ll take it. as desperate as he was, he wanted to know what it felt like to have you love him back. even if he knew it was all pretend. 
“jungkook, i can’t thank you enough for doing this. i know you would rather be in some girls bed trying to figure out a way to sneak out without her noticing, but i’m glad you’re here… with me,” you smile, hands gripping his bicep’s to keep him close. his cologne was hypnotizing, causing you to pull him closer and closer.
“there’s no place i would rather be,” jungkook said honestly, placing his hands onto your waist, allowing you to lean in. 
“you don’t mean that,” you scoff, smiling and rolling your eyes, getting ready to pull yourself back from a dangerous territory. jungkook stops this from happening, wrapping his arm around you til your pressed flush against his body. 
“you have no idea how bad i want you. all of you. mind, body and soul. but for right now, for the sake of our friendship and the momentum its growing, i will take you in whatever way you will allow me to have,” jungkooks says, forehead pressed against yours as he wills himself to hold back from pressing his lips against yours and taking you on the small couch in the dressing room. the words jungkook spoke so honestly made you shake from it’s intensity. 
“jungkook i--” 
“how’d the dress fit?” you mother asks, barging into the room. you and jungkook scramble apart from one another, him taking seat on the couch and you standing in front of him. you mother misses the way you two seemed highly unfocused and nervous as she coos over how adorable you look in the right dress. 
“you need to finish getting your hair and makeup done, so scooch along so me and your beautiful boyfriend can get to know each other,” your mother says shoving you out of the room and directing you to where the other bridesmaids were getting their hair and makeup done. it wasn’t until you were sat in the chair that you realized.. your mother and jungkook were alone. oh boy. 
you never felt so girly in your life. your hair was curled and put up in a half up half down situation, your makeup light and barely noticeable, but enough to tell you were wearing it. this wasn’t you, you didn’t like wearing makeup mainly because at the end of the day you forget to take it off and causes acne. you were working part time and went to school full time so you always left your hair in a ponytail or a bun. this look was new for you and you were kind of excited yet nervous for jungkook’s reaction. 
you surprised yourself with the thought, not really caring about jungkook’s opinions before, but now it was all you could think of, and that scared you. you knew this was just a favor he was owing to you, but he was really going above and beyond and it warmed your heart. but you had to remind yourself that you were just friends, nothing more. hell, you were barely friends. had it not been for you incessant need to prove yourself to your mom, you two would’ve never even became cordial with one another. 
you brush these thoughts aside, trying to manifest positive vibes for such a joyous occasion. you leave the dressing room, filled with chatter, in search of jungkook who may be suffering your mother’s constant conversation. you return back to the room you first were in when you arrived, catching your mother exiting the room. 
“you didn’t scare him off, did you?” you tease, hugging your mom. 
“honey, you look beautiful!,” your mom gushes, taking in the sight of her daughter. you smile and thank her, happy that she was happy.
“is he still in there?” you ask, nodding towards the door she came out of. she giggled and placed her hands on your shoulder. 
“he is, and he is absolutely in love with you,” she smiles, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.
“what do you mean?” you ask, your heart starting to race. 
“the way he talks about you, the way his eyes gleam with love with the mere thought of you. hunny, this man is undoubtedly in love with you,” she smiles. you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, there was no way that jeon jungkook, the university playboy, is in love with you. you two barely conversed without an argument taking place. you doubt he knew anything about you, despite you two running in the same circles. sure, you knew a lot about him, just because your friends talked about him a lot and it was hard not to listen to sometimes. 
“you’re crazy ma. you need to finish getting ready, the weddings going to start soon,” you laugh, trying to brush off the conversation. 
“jungkook is in there getting ready, one of robert’s groomsmen caught food poisoning so he’s gonna walk down the aisle with your cousin, sam,” she said, rushing off to get ready, leaving you no room to reply. this wasn’t what he signed up for and you felt bad, so you went into the room to check on him. you caught him standing in front of the vanity, trying to finish off his tie. you had seen jungkook dressed up before, but there was something different about this time. you felt something more for him, and honestly, you always have. but his reputation…
“looking sharp,” you smile, looking up at him. his eyes meet yours in the mirror and he smiles, and this time you see it. the love your mother was talking about.
“you look beautiful, as usual,” he says, his charm peeking through. you scoff at his comment, walking up to him. you seemed small compared to him, and it was kind of an odd sight for you. you leaned your head against his shoulder, just staring at him staring at you through the mirror. 
“something on your mind?” he asks, noticing how lost in thought you were. you focus in on him and the surroundings around you.
“my ma said something interesting earlier that’s got me thinking is all,” you say, hoping he wouldn’t press the issue much further. you didn’t want to make the air awkward or uncomfortable by trying to involve feelings, but a big part of you want to know how he feels from his own lips. 
“what did she say?” he asked, his nerves jumping. he didn’t say anything wrong did he? he tried to be as cordial and respectful as possible, wanting your mother to like him. if things were to happen in the future, he didn’t want to be on bad terms with your mother. 
“she said… she said that you love me?” you murmur, you heart caught in your throat now that the truth was out there and you can’t take it back. jungkook froze, caught off guard by your confession. he wanted to play it off like it wasn’t true, that your mother was delusional. but he knew the truth. and he knew that you also knew it too. he wanted you. he’s always wanted you. and now, he’s presented with the opportunity to have you in any way he wants and he can’t make the move to move forward.
“is it true?” you ask, trying to get a clear and concise answer. you’re not sure what’s going to happen, regardless of what his answer is, but the anxiety of not knowing is starting to kill you. you shouldn’t be forcing him to confess, but now that it was out there in the air, you couldn’t take it back. maybe you should tell him?
“if you’re not comfortable talking about it it’s o--”
“i love you,” he blurts, interrupting you. you pick your head up off of his shoulder and now you’re standing side by side, staring at him through the vanity mirror. you’re frozen, unsure of what to do now. you didn’t actually think he was going to say it. you thought your mother was pulling your leg. but she didn’t know that you two weren’t actually a couple and maybe that’s why you had hoped what she said was true. 
“did you hear me?” he asks, voice laced with nerves. he couldn’t even begin to explain the amount of fear and vulnerability he was feeling at the moment. he meant it. he loved you. but why should you believe him. he was a playboy, and though you may never understand his reasons as to why he tried so hard to escape you by sleeping with other people, he wanted nothing more for you to believe him now. 
“i did,” you whisper, afraid that the sound of your beating heart was louder than the words you spoke. you wanted him, god you wanted him, but you were scared that his words were from false bravado. a heat of the moment feeling that was fleeting. 
“i know you might not believe me, and you have every right not to. but i love you with my entire being and.. it’s scary,” he chuckles, trying to explain his emotions to the only person he’s ever been vulnerable with. 
“and like i told you earlier, for the sake of us finally gaining friendship, i will play it to your pace and whenever you’re ready, let me know. because i’ll be here,” he smiles. he turns to you, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to your cheek before walking out of the room, leaving you confused as to what the hell just happened.
an: part two? let me know :)
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Characters: Angel Reyes x black!reader
Summary: A fight with your boyfriend leads you to hide a big secret from Angel
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence, torture (nothing explicit), blood, violence, and swearing.
A/N: Shoutout to @starrynite7114​ for indulging me and all of my ideas. Thanks friend, you’re the best! Also, I’m really in love with this story, so I kinda got carried away and made it 3.2k words. Sorry guys! I hope you enjoy. 
Divider by: @firefly-graphics​
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Of course, you would refuse to call anyone to come get you. Frankie’s job was never easy and why should it start now? Since, you were put in the cell, Frankie was trying to get you to call Angel, EZ, Miguel, or Nestor, but you refused to.
“Y/N, please!” Frankie was not above begging. He would do anything to get you to call any of your close friends. “They’re gonna find out either way and if they find out I didn’t let you tell them, they’re gonna kill me.”
“Frankie, stop being so dramatic. They’ll beat your ass, not kill you.” The deputy groaned and childishly stomped his feet. “I’m kidding. They won’t lay a finger on you. But if you’re scared of what they’ll do to you, what do you think they will do to Russell?”
Russell, your boyfriend, well your ex-boyfriend now was the reason you were sitting a jail cell. Something must have possessed him, because he was bold enough to punch you, but when you turned the tables and beat his ass, he actually called the cops on you. Then, the cops arrested you because Russell looked like the victim.
“I don’t understand why you’re protecting him. He put his hands on you.”
“And I beat his motherfucking ass. That doesn’t warrant his death. Now let me make my call.” Frankie threw up his hands and let you out of the cell. “Fucking finally!”
The only person you could call knowing they wouldn’t tell any of the Mayans (specifically Angel) and Miguel was Felipe. “Mija,” he whispered when he saw you. He tilted your head gently to inspect your new black eye.
“It looks worse than it feels.” You patted his hand and began walking to his truck. “You know you have to tell Angel.” Felipe began his spiel, commenting on how he couldn’t keep this from his son. “I will. Just give me some time.”
The Reyes patriarch reluctantly agreed and went on to make sure you were feeling okay and safe. He even ignored your protests and walked you inside your home and quizzed you on how to shoot a gun properly. “I’m good, Felipe. I promise, girl scout’s honor.” His eyes roamed your house once more, checking for any threats. “Okay, mija. Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.” Then he left you to wonder how you were going to avoid seeing Angel, someone you nearly see every day, until you were healed.
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Angel was getting really worried now. He hadn’t seen you in a couple of days due to you being busy, but now you were missing Wednesday breakfast at Pop’s. You never missed those. Even if you were drunk or too tired, you would drag your ass over like a zombie just for that breakfast.
If you were missing breakfast because of Galindo, then he wouldn’t hesitate to tell him off. That man took too much of your time already. “You think something happen to Y/N? Maybe I’ll go over to check on her.” Angel asked his little brother.
“Relax Angel,” Felipe sits a cup of coffee in front of his eldest. “She’s probably just healing up.”
Angel spits out his coffee when the words finally register. “Healing?”
“Fuck,” Felipe mutters. “Healing? Pops, she’s healing from what?” Felipe explained everything to his sons. He told them how Russell hit you and when you defended yourself, he called the cops on you and you had to spend some time in jail.
Both Reyes brothers were pissed, but Angel more than EZ. He’s been in love with you since you were kids. “And you’re just fucking telling me now?!”
“I was giving her a chance to tell you herself. You know she’s as stubborn as you. She almost didn’t call me at all.” Felipe didn’t mind his son’s outburst, he completely understood it. He’s just as pissed at himself for keeping the secret so long (if you consider two days long).
EZ probably understood you a bit better than Angel, because you were both alike, so he could see why you didn’t tell them. That’s why he stopped Angel. He knew if Angel confronted you right now, that you would deflect and shut down. “Angel, not this way.” He pulled his brother back by the bicep.
“Then what do you fucking suggest, Ezekiel?” If EZ didn’t hurry up, he might just catch the hands that were meant for Russell. “Just hear me out. Let’s make a call and if you still wanna go then we’ll go.” After EZ explained exactly what he wanted to do, Angel calmed down significantly.
From the sink, Felipe watched his sons come together and well-meaningly plot against you. When the boys left, Felipe went to Marisol’s urn and pressed a kiss to it. “You think she’ll forgive me, mi vida?” Soon, he felt an overwhelming warmth and calmness. “Thank you, hermosa.”
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You fidgeted with your sunglasses. Hopefully, Miguel wouldn’t comment on you wearing them in the house. If so, you’ll lie about having a hangover or something.
He gave you a couple of days off per your request but called you in for an emergency. He promised it would be quick and that you could go home promptly.
But then you saw the motorcycles. This wouldn’t be the first time you had to mediate between Miguel and the MC. They never spoke about anything illegal around you, but they did call on you to ease the tension. You were better than Marcus at switching in between the two and making them agreeable with each other.
Dealing with their drama was the least of your concerns. Not only do you have to lie to Miguel, but all of the Mayans as well. Plus, you had to deal with Angel, who you’ve been avoiding for the past two days. This was gonna be a challenge.
“Gentlemen,” you greeted everyone. At least they didn’t look like they were gonna kill each other. “What can I do for you?”
“It’s more like what can we do for you.” Miguel was at the table, chin in hand. “No one’s heard from you in a couple of days.”
They couldn’t possibly know. Could they? “Ah, you know this cold is kicking my ass. I’ve just been sleeping.”
Angel sat up a little straighter before leaning his elbows on his knees. “Hmm, and the sunglasses, querida?”
“Oh um, you know cough medicine plus whiskey equals a bad hangover.” All of the men looked like they didn’t believe you. Time to abort mission. “Um, well if there is nothing I can do, I’ll just go on home and get that much needed rest.”
You went to grab your purse, but you were no match against Angel’s long legs. He was in front of you lifting your glasses off. “Angel, no!”
If Angel was pissed about this earlier, now seeing you and your black eye, he was nuclear now. Fuck this, he thought. He was gonna go kill Russell right now.
Grabbing his wrist, you tried to stop him, but Angel was too strong. He slightly pushed you away, but when he heard you wince in pain it stopped him dead in his tracks.
This time it was Miguel’s turn to inspect your injuries. He lifted up your blouse and saw your bruised ribs. All of the men were in a commotion now, ready to ride out and string that motherfucker up.
“Querida,” Angel sighed and gently pulled you into a hug. You could feel his tears on your own cheek which made you shed some of your own. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Bishop chimed in.
“Because it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Because it wasn’t a big deal?!” Miguel repeated, blown away by how nonchalant you were about this. “THAT PENDEJO HIT YOU! Don’t you think it’s a big deal?”
Oh shit, you don’t know if they’re more pissed at you or Russell at this point. “No, it is, but I handled it. Now he has to walk around town looking fucked up knowing I was the one who did it to him.”
Bishop tapped the table in anger. He could just shake you right now. “No, you should’ve called one of us the moment that pussy called the cops on you.”
“Hey, let’s not go insulting pussies! They take poundings most men couldn’t handle.” You weren’t going to allow Bishop to insult the thing they all loved sticking their dicks in.
“Y/N!” Miguel was beginning to get frustrated with you and your deflections. “Miguel!” You mimicked his tone. Nestor stepped in between you, to play ref. Even though you were Miguel’s assistant the two of you fought like siblings. “Okay, Y/N/N that’s enough.”
“Is it, Nestor?” You cocked your head to side, annoyed with being told what to do. “I come out of the comfort of my home thinking my help was needed, but instead I get ambushed!”
“Because you fucking lied!” Angel slammed his hand against the table, causing everyone even you to jump a little. “You let everyone believe you were okay when you were in pain.” His voice cracked slightly, thinking of how much worse you could’ve been. He always heard the horror stories of domestic violence and he promised himself that if something as ugly and vile would happen to anyone close to him, then that sorry excuse of a man would never walk the face of the earth again.
“Okay, I get it. You’re upset. But I handled it, there’s no need for any of you to get involved.” Honestly, you wouldn’t mind if they would just beat Russell’s ass, but that’s all you wanted. A simple (well maybe not so simple considering who these men are) beatdown. But you knew these men who you called family were. A threat to you was a threat to them and vice versa. Their pigheadedness wouldn’t allow it.  As you thought, they explained to you that an affront to you, an extension of the Mayans MC and the Galindo family was disrespect to them and that would not be tolerated.
However, by the grace of God and lots of negotiating techniques, you were able to come to some middle ground. They wouldn’t kill Russell, just make him wish they did. It was going good until a call came in from Russell’s sister Sienna. She was calling you all kinds of bitches, hoes, sluts, and claiming you as the mc’s whore, threatening you that her and a gang of her cousins were gonna jump you for fighting her brother. Conniving little bitch. He probably convinced all of his friends and family you were the aggressor and they would have no problem trying you.
When the phone call ended, you immediately try to place everything back right on track. “This changes nothing, okay?” Even though you could see that you lost them, you were gonna be in the fight of your life. “Really, Y/N? Now he’s lying on your name to his family and they’re ready to beat yo ass. Fuck that! What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Angel was fed up with you protecting Russell’s weak ass.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!” Everything that happened over the past couple of days were finally bubbling over. “It’s all of you fucking alpha males with your machismo thinking I need protection. I’m not weak! I’m not some damsel in distress! I can handle my own damn problems.”
You grabbed your things and shoulder checked Angel on your way out, but you were stopped by one voice that had yet to speak up until now. “Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!” It was a decibel below a yell, but it still held the same energy.
Marcus Alvarez was your dad’s best friend outside of Bishop. Your dad was his mechanic whenever Marcus came into Santo Padre and that how the quickly bonded with each other. Last year, when your dad died of a stroke, Marcus promised to keep an eye on you. “Sit down,” he ordered, and you quickly listened, knowing his tone tolerated no insubordination.
“You gotta teach me that.” Angel told the revered El Padrino, which earned him harsh glares from you, Marcus, and Bishop.
Alvarez ignored Angel and came to sit next to you. “No one is calling you weak, sweetheart. When you’re a real man, things like what that cabrón did really works you up. Add that you know the woman he did it to and it makes you bloodthirsty. Now if your dad were alive what do you think would happen?” He asked, his voice lighter and more conspiratorial.
Laughter bubbled up your throat. If your dad were alive this conversation wouldn’t even be happening. “Get that baseball bat and bash his knees in and that would be the least of it.” Marcus playfully shoved your shoulder. “You know it. So, you know what we gotta do?” You nodded your head, not liking it, but Russell was grown and should’ve known this would seal his fate.
“And after this could you please put Angel out of his misery? Bishop can’t take anymore of him walking around like a sad puppy dog.” Your eyes went to Angel who was indeed standing not too far away with his puppy dog eyes and fidgeting with his rings. “Yeah, I got you.” Your eyes stayed on Angel as you answered Alvarez. Suddenly, Angel got nervous under your warm stare and smile. He didn’t know what you could possibly be plotting with Alvarez.
Angel was granted his reprieve when you asked what the plan was, which sent everyone in a tizzy. There was a resounding no in the room as the men denied your request to be part of their revenge quest. “You can’t be there, Y/N. You need complete deniability.”  Miguel began to escort you out and you couldn’t even argue against that.
You knew now it wasn’t a woman thing. If they ever find out about his death or dig into his disappearance you would be suspect number one. So, you allowed Miguel to push you into the arms of his mother as him and the rest of the men planned who knows what.
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Russell was smart. He knew word about what happened to you would get to the Mayans and Galindo, so naturally he went on the run.
It took them a little longer than they have liked to find him, but they did. Chasing Russell fueled them even more. By the time they got their hands on him, Russell knew he was a dead man.
Everyone gotten their pound of flesh when they caught Russell. Even Prissy Miguel (something Angel loved to call him behind his back) got his hands dirty.
The best was saved for last though. Angel stood back and watched his brothers and Miguel and his crew beat the dog shit out of Russell.
“What? You’re not gonna get in on this? You’re the whole reason why that whore got hit in the first place.” Russell glared or tried to glare at Angel through his swollen eyes. He thought if he poked the bear hard enough maybe just maybe the bear would go ballistic and end his life right then and there. He didn’t know how much more of this torture he could endure.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Angel was so caught up that Russell hit you that he didn’t bother to ask what led up to it. To him it didn’t matter because no man should ever put hands on a woman, but to hear he was the cause didn’t sit right with him.
“Of course, she didn’t tell you, dumb fucking slut.” Angel whacked him across his ribs with a baseball bat. “Watch your damn mouth! And start fucking talking.”
“Okay!” Russell cried out in agony. “She was breaking up with me to be with you! She said she couldn’t be with another person knowing she was in love with you.”
Angel stood there shocked. All this time he didn’t think you felt the same way about him and now he found out you got hurt because of your true feelings.
Coco could tell it would take a while for Angel to process that. He was always slow on the uptake when it came to you. So, Coco took his cigarette and burned holes into Russell’s skin. “So, what you’re saying is that Y/N was kind enough to let you down easy and not cheat on you. She told you the truth and you decided to hit her? That’s some weak ass shit!” Everyone was ready to take another hit, but they knew Russell wouldn’t last and that Angel should be the one to take him out.
Finally, Angel snaped out of it and went at Russell with the bat, making sure he broke his knees. “Fucking piece of shit!” Eventually, the baseball bat was forgotten, and Angel was beating Russell with his bare hands. Life left Russell awhile ago, but that didn’t stop Angel. His brothers literally had to pull him off the dead body.
“EZ get your brother cleaned up and make sure he’s calmed down before he goes see her.” Bishop ordered the new patch. Everyone else would stay behind for cleanup. “Got it, Prez.” EZ lightly shoved his brother, “C’mon Angel, let’s go get your girl.”
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You had just gotten home from the movies and drinks with Emily. From how she wouldn’t take no for an answer you knew the guys had found Russell.
Chucking your heels across the room you made your way to your kitchen until you heard your door unlocking. The door opened and revealed Angel. You could tell he just showered by the little droplets of water still clinging to his hair.
“Angel, what are you doi-,” he caught off your question with his lips. He cradled your face as if you were the most precious thing ever.
“Do you love me?” He asked, out of breath like he wasn’t the one to just rock your world with a simple kiss. “Duh Angel, I love you. Why do you think I laugh at all your dumb jokes? You’re not that funny.”
“Ouch, querida that hurts.” He covered his heart in mock hurt. “Question is do you love me, Mr. Angel Ignacio Reyes?” You rested your palms on his chest and looked up at him expectantly.
Angel licked his lips in deep thought and ticked his head to the side. “I thought when I kissed the living daylights out of you it told you so.”
Backing away you patted his firm pecs. “Okay, chill your kiss wasn’t even all that.”
“Is that so?” A smile ghosted on Angel’s lips.
“Yup.” You deadpanned, crossing your arms across your chest. “Okay then.” Angel sighed before he chased you through your house.
All you could hear was Angel’s heavy feet, your giggles, and the occasional taunting. Finally, Angel caught you and sat you on your island. Loud giggles turned into soft chuckles. Soft chuckles turned into silent longing gazes with soft smiles. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Angel.”
Angel grabbed one of your hands and interlocked your fingers with his. “I’ll keep you safe.” Angel tilted your conjoined hands to kiss yours. You mimicked Angel’s action and did the same to his. “I know.”
The rest of the night you spent it where you felt the safest, in Angel’s arms.
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k-s-morgan · 3 years
Hello! Over so many reciepts and articles I have seen many fannibals divided on their views on Alana Bloom. Some love her, some tolerate, and some outright hate her. I, myself, have mixed views on her. There are moments where she is my ultimate badass lady, some where I pity her, and also some where I hate her.
So I wanted to know yours- your analysis of Alana Bloom. (because your analysis/theories REALLY make sense and agreeable, and I love them and they have really helped me to get to catch up the show bettter since I’m new.)
Hi! Thank you so much - and yes, some attitudes to Alana are very intense. I’m surprised by most of them.
For me, the characters are divided into those I love (usually the protagonists), those I dislike, and everyone else. Alana falls into the latter category. I don’t have any strong feelings for her, but I think she is greatly and consistently written. Some of what I’ll say is my interpretations, other stuff is canon facts. 
I believe Alana has always been interested in Hannibal romantically. It wasn’t strong enough to encourage her to make her move, but it was simmering there. Hannibal was her mentor, she’s known him for years, and their relationship was always deeper than her relationship with Will and Jack. With Will in particular, we know Alana wasn’t really interested in him romantically. From the script of E3 of S2:
Alana: I don't have romantic feelings for Will Graham. I have a professional curiosity.
Brauer: I like "professional curiosity." It's so... indifferent. Unless you look like you're lying when you say it. But you didn't.
Will: She wasn't lying.
Alana is looking at Will, the painful truth of this hurts.
I think she wasn’t attracted to him either. Alana has a big heart and strong empathy for people, to the point where it affects her professionalism. The way she behaved with Abigail is unprofessional: she tried to be a friend instead of a therapist, buying her clothes, offering her gift cards, etc. Same with Will: I believe Alana felt sorry for him, and she confused it with attraction for a while. 
It is important to reinforce the fact that Alana doesn’t know Will, but she does know Hannibal. Will is a stranger to her. Before S1, they were never even alone in the same room together. When they get closer, they discuss their more immediate problems, but their conversations aren’t insightful. Alana wants to help Will, but then she realizes he’s a killer. She believes he’s guilty because all the evidence points in this direction. She knew he’s unstable, she knew he’s struggling with something, but she didn’t know much of anything else. So believing Will is guilty is logical of her. 
Alana supports Will up until the moment he gets treatment and stops playing in vulnerability. When he tries to kill Hannibal, Alana is horrified. She sees a dark and manipulative person, not a vulnerable soft man who needed help. She also starts feeling protective over Hannibal because Will hurt him.
I never understood why many people hate Alana for choosing Hannibal over Will when everyone would have done the same. She has never been friends with Will while she knew Hannibal for many years. She knows as a fact that Will tried to kill someone; there is no evidence against Hannibal. It’s natural that Alana picks her old friend and believes him. She’s smart, but like Hannibal later admits, he worked hard to blind her.
The moment Alana sees that something is indeed wrong with Hannibal, she reacts. We see her growing confusion and suspicion as Hannibal keeps interacting with Will: Will is getting darker and Hannibal keeps repeating how he’s getting better now. Soon enough, Alana comes to Jack. After realizing how wrong she was, she dedicates herself to correcting the wrongs she contributed to. She steps into Hannibal’s house to help Jack because she can’t deal with the thought of someone else dying. She pulls the trigger for the same reason.
After becoming injured, Alana grows colder and darker, but I’m confused by why some fans see her as some kind of vicious monster who’s not better than Will and Hannibal. Yes, she  became more willing to sacrifice some of her morality to achieve ultimate justice, but justice remained her major goal throughout her decisions in S3. Alana used Mason to catch Hannibal, planning to arrest both of them. She didn’t actually side with Mason. The moment Mason took Hannibal, Alana warned Jack so that he could storm in with his people, according to their plan. But Jack got delayed, so Alana had to wait. When she realized no one is coming, she chose to let Hannibal kill some terrible people to save others (like Margot, Will, and those Mason would continue to torture.)
Alana honors her word to Hannibal and gives him comfort in prison. When he breaks her rules, she punishes him. I think she does abuse her position to an extent, but it’s understandable, knowing what she’s been through. Alana also seems to be taking Jack's lead in the second part of S3. I'd say it's because she feels guilty for not believing him in S2 and ending up fatally wrong - she's more insecure now. It's clear how scared and uncomfortable she is with Will's escape plan, but Jack wants to follow it, so she's reluctantly on board.
I think her journey from wanting to believe in the best of people to slow disillusionment and hardness is very consistent. 
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