#the ability to hold on and fight till the very end
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livetogether--diealone · 1 year ago
I just rewatched the race and honestly what Charles did was AMAZING. He's him. 😤
Good for you going through a race with the label versatan as winner! But yeah Charles did that 🤌, the new floor is actually doing something right to the car and it's great to see him confident with it again, despite the ups and downs you can really see him getting the handle on things the last few races
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mirtash · 11 months ago
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a lil bit of lore: Princess Luna had to banish her sister on the Sun for 1000 years  Luna doesn't have enough power to hold the sun on the sky for long enough because Celestia being in her nightmare form (it's not a Day Breaker but I don't have a name for her yet eeeee like Supernova or smth???) weakens Luna's connection with the sun (and also Luna holds less magic power than Celestia in general) what's more Nightmare Celestia cursed Luna's ponies to be "the creatures of the darkness where you belong", turning them into Bat Ponies. most of the ponies in Equestria are bat ponies. Pegasy Unicorns and Earth ponies only comes from ancient pure blood families like Apples, Pies, Glimmers, etc some as Rainbow and Rarity mostly look as regular pegasys and unicorn but they can hold trates of the bat ponies (fangs, ears, sometimes wings) Bat ponies and the hybrids don't feel good enough during daytime (their eyes works so much better in the dark, they flies faster during night time and prefer lower temperature) and that's another reason why Princess Luna has to hold moon at the sky longer than sun Apple Jack
- She puts flowers in her mane in the memory of her mother. In this AU Pear Butter is a very cool genetic. She died when Apple Bloom turns 5 and Apple Jack (who just turned 15) left absolutely heart broken. However this tragedy made Apple siblings much stronger and they've become closer than ever. That's when Apple Jack finally gets her cutie mark, representing her bond with apple family (three apples represent Apple Bloom, Apple Jack and Big Mac) - Apple Jack is one of the ponies who doesn't really enjoy Luna's reign mostly because she is a farmer and it's hard for her to take care of the various apple trees during longer night time. - The Apple family is VERY conservative they are one of the very few families in Equestria who still grows original sorts apples (and other crops), including a super rare Zap Apples and that need extra care due the lack of sunlight. - one of the Apple family ancestors happened to be the leader of the earth ponies rebellion that happened in the first years of Luna's reign. Luna's spirit was broken after she had to banish her sister and things didn't go very well in her kingdom. Hundred of angered ponies led by the "iron mare" Red Delicious broke into the Castle of the two Sisters. The guards didn't even try to stop them.  When ponies entered the throne room they saw The Princess of darkness, crying over her sister's broken throne. The room was filled with blooming Sunflowers, favorite flowers of Celestia. Then Luna turned to them and she spoke to them as a princess and they saw the power she holds and they realized she can destroy them all with a single spell. But she didn't. Red Delicious who was determined to fight "the princess of darkness" till the end finally saw the real Luna and she wasn't scared or angry anymore but started to feel the compassion for her. - Red Delicious herself helped Luna to make a plan on defeating hunger. Ponies were starving due the lack of crops and Red Delicious worked hard alongside with Luna to invent plants that would be able to grow effectively in the dark on the shortest time. Ponyville became the first night farmers city (very close to the Castle of the two sisters). 
Rainbow Dash - Her full name is Rainbow Stormcloud Dash. - Her mother and father are both pegasy and her grand grand father is a hybrid bat pony (she likes him sooo much he is super cool) However, she doesn't have any trates of bat pony except of the ability to see in the dark and flying at night. - Rainbow mane in different varieties is a very rare gene that only exists in her blood line a very long time ago one of her ancestors tried to save his friend from a dragon and flied so fast he broke the laws of physics and a Sonic Rainboom happened.  After that his mane turned rainbow colored. Pegasus with a rainbow mane was born once in a generation since then but a very few of them were able to perform a Sonic Rainboom. - Rainbow Dash is the first pegasus in Equestria history who was able to perform the Nocturnal Rainboom. - Her dream is to become a Shadow Bolt. They are the best flyers in Equestria!!! And most of them are bat ponies because it's hard for a pegasus to perform bat's tricks. Not for Rainbow though! 
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shebreathedherlast · 1 year ago
Daughter of the Sea
Part I
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Done For
Luke Castellan x f!reader
Summary: You wanted glory but Luke already had it. You have no option but to take it from him.
Word Count 1.3k
TW: Violence, weapons, blood
. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・.
Tearing through the forest your legs carried you as fast as you could go. This was the day. You needed this win. The wind flew through your hair as you ran. You were in enemy territory now, and that meant you had to be on high alert.
As an unclaimed half-blood you needed a way, anyway to prove your worth. And since camp offered glory you figured you might as well take it. You would've long ago if it wasn’t for Camp Half Blood’s designated golden boy, Luke Castellan. In your mind, he could be labelled by anything besides “the golden boy.” Luke was overwhelmingly competitive. He fought hard to earn the place of the “best swordsman at camp.” But even harder to keep it.
Living in close quarters with him for a little over a year, you had learned Luke’s best and worst qualities, and he did have many bad qualities.
For one Mr. Golden Boy, all but self-assumed the role of head counsellor. He just saw an opportunity for power and took it without question. When you thought about it, it did make sense. Luke wanted control because being a half-blood, a tool for the gods was all but a freeing life. You never had any say, no control, no power.
Luke might have enjoyed power, but you craved it in your very soul.
. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・.
Your sword rang out with a clang when it met your opponent’s blade. You would earn glory, even if you had to claw it from between the fist of Luke himself.
With another swift blow, your opponent was down. Sprawled on the ground, trying to regain his breath. The boy, Chris, was supporting his body weight by placing his elbows on the ground beneath him. You had disarmed him and now you were holding your knife against his throat.
“They should call you the wraith, with the way you sneak up on people.” Chris said, a chuckle muffed by his inhale of breath.
“That sounds so extra.” You shiver, ���Not my style.”
A voice flitted through the air behind you, “That sound’s like it’s exactly your style, Chaos.”
You groaned in annoyance. “I was supposed to hunt you down, Castellan, you took all the fun out of this.”
Luke rolled his eyes at you. He contended with a raise of his brows, “Well, it looks like I was the one who caught you by surprise.”
You laughed at that. Did Luke really believe he could sneak up on you? “I could hear you coming from a mile away with your loud footsteps. You’re about as subtle as an elephant, Castellan.”
By now Chris was shifting his weight to get up. Noticing this, you pulled a knife from your boot and threw it in his direction. Chris froze, knife pinning his shirt to the ground.
“Stay down Chris.” Was all you said before turning your attention back to the boy in front of you. Christ obeyed, not moving an inch, in fear that your patience would wear thin. After all Luke could handle himself right? It wasn’t a hidden fact that for the better part of an entire year, you had been on the hunt for glory… specifically, the same glory that made Luke Castellan the camp-proclaimed “Golden Boy.”
“I’m going to enjoy humbling you, chaos.”
You scoffed, “In your dreams Castellan.”
And with that, your weapons clashed. Metal against metal, blade against blade. You had sparred with Luke many times before, he claimed you were the only one who could actually “put up a fight.” Every other time Luke had bested you. Your fights would last hours on end, each of you refusing to let the other assume victory. But, he always had this ability to fight without emotion. Anger never made him sloppy. You on the other hand. You used your anguish and pain to fuel you. It was both a blessing and a curse. You had the drive to fight till the end, but your rage could make you careless. Not today. You would keep your head on this time. You would win glory, one way or another.
He had his sword pointed to your chest, in response you raised your knives to push against his blade. You spun out of his reach and delivered a kick from behind. Luke stumbled forward as he tried to regain his stance. You wasted no time in lightly sinking your blade into his bicep. He hissed in pain.
“Chaos,” Luke groaned at the painful contact of your knife.
You snickered, “Ready to give up Castellan?”
He faced you head-on this time, “Never.”
Luke brought down his sword with such force, you thought the ground might have trembled. You held your daggers against his sword, preventing the weapon from piercing your skin. But he was stronger than you. Your arms weakened and he saw this as an opportunity to push down harder. Realizing this, you attempted to evade the sword, tumbling to your side, but the blade cut the flesh of your shoulder. Blood seeped out from the wound, coating your orange camp shirt in a deep crimson.
You drew a sharp breath, instinctively pressing your hand to the injury.
“That was way deeper than the nick I gave you.” You said through gritted teeth.
A brief look of concern filled Luke’s eyes before they glassed over with a dim look. His eyes darkened when he remembered that you wanted his glory.
“Get up and fight me, Chaos. Don’t you want my glory?” He taunted.
Your hand slid from your wound, readjusting the blades in your hands. “I will have your glory, Castellan, even if I have to kill myself trying.”
Luke’s eyes drank in your appearance. Eyes wild, hair falling from your ponytail. Knives in your grasp. And the determination radiating off you. This time was different from almost every other. You were determined to beat him, and loss wasn’t even a possibility. You and Luke always fought, both with blades and with words. And though he tried, he couldn’t deny that he started to find your anger increasingly more…attractive.
You swept his legs from under him, fighting for dominance as you straddled his waist. He wrested you off his frame as you grabbed his arm with the sword. You shifted your weight on his body as you reached for Luke’s sword. And at this, you could’ve sworn you had heard him inhale sharply.
Luke finally managed to push you off of him. He stood, holding his sword to your throat. The prospect of glory was fleeing from you and you would not accept it. You needed it, you craved it. With one last effort, you dropped your weapons, placing your hands on the belly and top of the sword. Luke stood fixed, too bewildered to calculate his next movements. The metal dug into your palms as you twisted your arms, disarming Luke in his confusion. You elbowed him in the shoulder, hearing a pristine popping noise before tackling him to the ground and pressing your forearm to his throat.
“Yield.” You spoke, breathlessly.
Luke simply nodded, seeing as he was defenceless and now his limbs were rendered useless.
A victorious smile reached your lips. You lifted your body off of his and reached the blue flag. Taking it in your bloody hands you ran to the boarder of the teams, firmly placing it on the soil of the read team.
Your fellow teammates let out a victorious yell. Even the conceited ares champion, Clarisse gave you a nod of approval. Near the lake a halo blue tridant appeared over your head, claiming you as Poseidon's child. You had achieved much more than glory. You had been seen by your father. After over a year of trying to earn your godly parent's favor, you had finally given your father something to be proud of.
As Luke and Chris walked back from their assigned station, they could see the glorious smirk that painted your features.
Yes, after that encounter Luke Castellan was definitely done for.
A/n This will become a series.
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ideahat-universe · 1 year ago
It's like Pokemon but mask off.
I like monster catching games and like with most westerners my first taste of the genre was with Pokemon. But it didn't end with Pokemon. A lot of people who fell in love with Pokemon rarely extended their interest to other titles. As a result many other members in the genre languished in obscurity. The most notable ended up being Digimon but Digimon never got a big piece of the pie, but when rpgs were having a monster catcher craze I jumped in.
Monster Rancher, Dragon Quest Monster, Digimon, Azure Dreams, Robopon, and even something completely off the wall.
And after playing that and many more I had my illusion completely shattered on how good Pokemon actually was.
Every game had a little something that Pokemon either dragged their feet on having or never had.
Robopon gives you the ability to customize and change your abilities based on whatever load-out you gave your Robopon. On a surface level this looks like something that makes the identity of your Robopon irrelevant but that's far from the case as items have to be compatible and certain levels of compatibility make moves more or less effective. But the most important part is acknowledging is that when this game came out Pokemon still had sparse, single use TMs and HMs that were permanent. Robopon allowed you to access to basically every move in the game, you just had to discover which combination of items on which Robopon enables it.
Dragon Quest Monsters 1 has a breeding system and mandates that you use it. Not only are bred monsters stronger than wild ones but carefully bred monsters can have unique and very powerful offspring and even if you settle on a specific monster and want it to be your main, the monsters have level caps that are less than 100 meaning that you'll fall off if you insist on holding a monster indefinitely.
Dragon Quest Monsters 1 came out a full year before Pokemon Gold and Silver came out and when that came out and had breeding as well, the differences were brutal. You were expected to wait out the egg hatching (as if running around in a circle was ever going to be a fun game mechanic), then your egg would hatch and the Pokemon would either be the mother in its base form or a not Ditto. But wait, it's even worse. Pokemon have breed compatibility that is obfuscated with vague terms and now instead of mixing and matching at will you have to consult an insane flow chart to divine who can make babies with whom and you just end up using Ditto anyways.
But the worst part is that outside of shiny breeding (and learning a couple of moves from the parents that can't be acquired otherwise) and getting baby forms you don't get anything special from breeding Pokemon because any random Pokemon can have the stats you're looking for meaning that catching Pokemon is going to be better than breeding in almost every regard.
Azure Dreams allowed you to fight with your monsters and your monsters followed you around in the over world. Two years prior Pokemon Yellow came out with the trademark mechanic of having Pikachu following you in the over world. But this feature would not consistently stay in future titles and it took till Arceus for a trainer to be ever slightly more involved in the fight than just standing and giving commands.
Monster Rancher sacrifices a lot of commonly loved mechanics in monster games in order to have the most definitive monster training experience. Monsters have to train via mini games and non-combat related activities.
Monsters get tired, they get sick, they eat, they have favorite and least favorite foods, they can get hurt, they can get angry, they can run away from home, they can cheat their training, and they can fight with or without your guidance. When you play Monster Rancher you will miss out on the exploration and the range of creatures but when you let your Pokemon get one shot because you didn't know the match-up and basically nothing happens to you or them you'll miss how Monster Rancher makes you care about the well being of the Monster and when you're in a cave or a patch of grass or a large body of water, grinding out experience by fighting a small handle of Pokemon over and over again (back then! I know experience gain is really easy now but back then) you'll wish you can just go to a real gym and exercise the experience you want.
Digimon World changes from game to game but the very first one for the PSone is THE game that screwed up how I felt about Pokemon's basic mechanics.
Digimon World 1 gave you only one Digimon to train and raise at a time and a couple dozen transformations but you could feed the Digimon, it has moods and behaviors, you need to discipline it, you can train it in combat or at a gym, you can adjust its stats, it can learn dozens of moves on top of a super move and Digimon are programmable. Intelligence isn't just a magic damage stat. The smarter your Digimon is the better it can comprehend specific commands and complex maneuvers, meaning that with enough training your Digimon can be told to do everything from evade oncoming attacks, go whole hog and do max damage, Defend from all attacks, or even conserve mana spending.
Dragon Quest Monsters had this as well where depending on how they are trained they handle fights and understand commands based on your training or lack thereof.
Nothing like this really exists in Pokemon. When Reverend breaks Pokemon down to "press the button to receive dopamine." It's a joke but in reality, as a trainer you should be expected to actually train your Pokemon well enough to actually do things on their own. In real life every trainer for every sport expects the person they train to be self directing, when you do a coliseum match in Dragon Quest Monsters you can't give monsters specific commands so you have to rely on how you conditioned them to fight well beforehand.
A Pokemon Trainer should be able to be hands off, and have your Pokemon handle it on their own. If you have to tell your Pokemon what to do and when to do it, have you really even trained them anything?
And you might think this is a long diatribe on what is clearly a post about Palworld but my point is that I play the Monster Collector/trainer games and have been finding Pokemon lacking for maybe 15 years. So I look forward to and support the little differences that make other monster collection/training games better than Pokemon and Palworld offers a very unique experience when compared to Pokemon.
Let me break it down.
Pokemon slowly phased out regular real world animals in favor of more Pokemon but they often gloss over how because there are no normal animals and there's just Pokemon for everything, that Pokemon have to be the main product that's consumed and killed and that hundreds of Pokemon more than likely exist to just be butchered and consumed regardless of how sentient and sapient
many of them are. At the very least Pokemon have their own food cycle where they brutally murder each other to stay alive.
In Palworld you don't have that issue! It's a dog eat dog world, whatever you don't feel like capturing or keeping you thrash 'em and scrap 'em. The game has ragdoll physics so when you're done murdering the sheep and stripping it of its assets you can roll its dead body into a river.
Pokemon talks a big game about friendship and love and how you can't just treat Pokemon like emotionless weapons. However, that's exactly what players do. There's no consequence for letting your Pokemon get nuked so there's no particular care for their well being. Nine times out of ten you don't win because you love your Pokemon more. You win because your Pokemon out levels the opponent or they hard counter the opponent.
In Palworld they don't worry about that ethical dilemma. You know what? Your Pals are weapons and if you really want to up the ante, give them a gun! In the Pokemon world most conflicts are resolved with a Pokemon battle but in Palworld killing people is a team effort!
Gary may think he's smarter than you but is he smarter than bullet?
Throughout the games and the movies and the comics and even TV show what you'll notice is that actually Pokemon battles are a low priority for most Pokemon owners. A lot of people treat Pokemon as family members and pets but even more use Pokemon as a utility to solve everyday problems or participate in special contests.
Depending on the Pokemon game you are playing the side content can enable ways for you to treat the Pokemon like a friend and not like a living gun. There are even mini games that allow you to train your Pokemon towards a goal that doesn't involve just fighting the opponent but these things aren't added on top of each other with each title, they're swapped out. Never the same mini games, never the same friendship mechanics and in each game they are very shallow.
In Palworld you are expected to fight with your Pals but the main feature is putting your Pals to work at your base. Building and turning your complex into a well oiled machine. Not every Pal does the same job so you're invited to get many pals for many different tasks.
So in Palworld they are a pet, they are also a gun, and a hammer. But it's all a core feature and not side content and there's no pretense where you pretend that the creatures you control is not just tools to serve you and do what you desire.
Speaking of desire! Pokemon has Winked and nudged at the idea that Pokemon are occasionally more than friends and pets. There are an odd amount of Pokemon that are more human than monster and there's a redacted text log that says Pokemon and humans were mates and got married. It's hard to know just how close Pokemon are to humans without it being kid friendly or just extremely strange.
Palworld doesn't have that issue! In fact.
Here's Lovander! A Pal whose text entry more or less says that it's fucking everything that moves! It has only recently set its sights on humans, but that's not a big deal. After all, humans can be captured in Pal spheres like any other Pal. That's right game theorists! in Palworld humans are just Pals and are subject to the exact same mechanics.
It takes courage to say the quiet part out loud.
Now is Palworld the Monster Catcher game I've been waiting for? Kind of. It's in early access and if it adds more tasks and locations and objectives it could be quite good. Being completely unhinged and unethical is what makes Rimworld great. If this game can be modded easily, for 30 dollars. It's worth your time. Let's just hope that Craftworld was just a stepping stone for this and not an indication of the devs being more idea dogs than developers.
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reddesires · 8 months ago
Refutation. [Noa x Human!Reader]
Reference: This Imagine
Noa x Human!Reader
Rating: No Warnings.
Fandom: (Kingdom Of The) Planet Of The Apes
A/N: Writing this was very satisfying in a way. It just kinda scratched a part of my brain in such a way that I can't even begin to explain why. I love Noa sm ❤️
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Noa watches your form as you slump against the threshold of your shelter, his eyes observe the gentle motion of your breathing admiring the way the sun's rising rays caresses over you, the glow unlike anything he's ever seen, and just like any other time he's unable to tear his eyes away from all the miniscule details that he somehow discovers each time he takes the time to look for them.
His fingers twitch as he thinks about brushing away the lock of hair that's fallen infront of your face blocking his view of the cute twitch of your eyebrows that only happens when you try to fight the sleep that's cascading over your sleep induced body, your eyelashes fluttering as you attempt to open your ample eyes to gaze over at Noa, he smiles gently at the the effort.
Despite not sleeping himself, too immersed into the conversation that prolonged till daybreak he didn't feel the least bit tired, too invigorated by your presence alone but as he watched you slump more into yourself, he decides it's about time you slept so he gently stands stretching his back muscles that stiffened from his lack of movement.
You didn't react to the motion, too laden with tiredness, Noa shakes his head at you lack of response before he snakes his arms under your knees and your back picking you up into his arms, a small noise of acknowledgement escaping you as your fingers glide into his fur, a benign shiver traveling through his body, his fur rising up at the action.
he only allows himself a moment of weakness as he nuzzles his face into your hair before he stops himself completely. What was he doing? No. This is very wrong, and he needs to recollect his self-control.
As he amiably lays you into your makeshift nest, he's completely enamored by the scent of you that's wafting off of it, the urge to lay with you inexplicable as he goes to pull away, your hand holds on to his, your eyes only slight cracking open as a sleepy smile graces your face
"Thank you, Noa." Noa can only nod. He's lost his ability to vocalize a response.
'Calm Noa, stay calm, Noa.' His thoughts blare to him but he doesn't need to respond as you had already fallen into the sweet depths of sleep, the softness of you cheeks making him reach out to touch but he snatches his hand back in self restraint, the frustration creeping its way up his throat, a growl threatening to emerge.
"No, it's not right."
He's not sure how he ended up avoiding you but it just happened too naturally for him to comprehend, this instinctive action to avoid you overtaking him, he'll find excuses of being too busy caring for the eagles or fixing up things around the Clan.
he could see the clear disappointment on your face but he perseveres in hopes that his overwhelming feelings of being around you would die down but it seems now that there's an ache that envelopes his heart everytime he glances over at you, the desire to be near obscuring his every thought, he's fighting tooth and nail just trying to control these intrusive thoughts.
He really shouldn't be thinking of you in that way.. so why does it persist him like a sickness?
"You know you could tell me what's wrong?" Noa is suddenly pulled from his train of thought, your sudden appearance making him snap his head up to meet your upside down gaze, your figure predominating him, tilting your head smiling at him, your body somewhat grazing him as you sit next to him, he tries to steel his nerves as he weakly huffs at your attempt of getting him to open up to you.
"Nothing is wrong.." He murmurs, turning his attention to the calloused fingers, years of climbing and tinkering building the needed hardness to his hands. You also turn your attention to his digits with a pout.
"I'm not so sure about that.. you seem distant.." His mouth downturns at your hurt concern. He can't help the way he lightly bends into himself in an attempt to shield himself from it.
Your concern for him just makes thing all the more harder, the way your eyes try to capture him within your gaze, the closeness of your body sends shockwaves throughout his, he feels like he's drowning in your existence
"I'm fine.. promise." he's far from fine.
He hated this. He hated that he's pushed you away, the denial that follows close behind each time he catches a glimpse of you, but it's not just that.
You've found company from another male ape from the clan, and it killed him every time he sees the way your head tilted back in joyful laughter and the carefree attitude you had towards your new companion.
His eyes narrow when he sees the way the ape is unusually close to you, his jaw tightening as you allow the familiarity of him.
Yeah, he hated the idea of somebody else being in the place he wanted to be in. He wanted to be the one to pull you intimately into him.
the overwhelming desire to share everything with you.
He wanted you to be his and his only. His crossed his arms with reserved irritation as he stares at the other male's aim to make you laugh, the tension in his muscles feeling as if they're gonna snap any moment now the longer he watches the scene infront of him.
He's hit with immense regret as he thinks more about it. What if you wanted to be with someone other than him? Is it too late for him?
His shoulders hang low. You seemed happy now, and he truly wanted that, but he also wanted you, so would it truly be wrong to not want to deny that any longer..
"Echo!" You turn in response to his call, your eyes falling on to him and you quickly turn to your friend waving a goodbye before you jog in Noa's direction, a beaming smile on your lips "Noa!"
That only affirmed his decision to not deny his feelings any longer. He wanted you, and he won't let somebody else have you.
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swanimagines · 2 months ago
how about E27 with Steve Harrington? Thank you sm! <3
Prompt: E27. Waking up after a nightmare
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Just a few years ago, when peculiarities first started happening, you wouldn’t have believed what you’d end up in. One of the biggest things in your personal life was how the asshole Steve Harrington you had had a stupid crush on in kindergarten had gone through a redemption, and had ultimately became your boyfriend.
Through him, you had gotten yourself tangled up in strange happenings around Hawkins, and then you found out you were basically all part of a real-life horror film. And that led to even stranger things, you all just accepted your part in it.
So when you heard your friends had all gone missing, you didn’t even hesitate to go through the hole in the basement. You just knew Vecna had taken them.
Vecna smirked, holding up a body. Guts were still spilling out of it, a fresh kill. You knew why Vecna showed it, you did, but you couldn’t look at the face.
“This one screamed for you,” Vecna taunted. “But you didn’t come.”
You felt a tear slip down your cheek, but you refused to speak, refused to show your fear. If Vecna would take you, you wouldn’t go down begging and crying.
Vecna paused and threw Steve’s body in front of you. His brown eyes unseeing, mouth open, blood trickling out. Vecna laughed.
“You see what you’ve done? You’re too late.”
“You let them down. You let him down.”
Your eyes blasted open as you shot up to sit on your bed, and it took a moment before you realised where you were.
Steve’s bedroom.
And he was right there beside you, breathing, slightly puzzled, groggy. “What is it?”
You took in a shaky breath, realising a tear was running down your cheek and you brushed it off. “Just that stupid dream again.”
Steve was quiet for a moment, and you already thought he fell back asleep, but then you heard the sheets shift as he pushed himself to sit up. “The one about Vecna?”
You swallowed and nodded, before you muttered, “El said she can still feel him and it’s possible he didn’t die.”
Your words made him sigh. “Yeah, I see those too. I feel like he’s playing with us somehow. I’m thinking of asking El if that’s possible from where he is.”
El. She had been working on enhancing her abilities, making herself stronger, trying everything to prepare to fight the war that would wait in Hawkings. Mike had tried to ask her if there’d be a way to find more people like her, but she insisted most of them were dead because of Vecna and those who escaped, she had no idea where they went, they could be anywhere in the world and you didn’t have time to look for them.
You closed your eyes for a moment. “What’s the time?”
Steve shifted to look at the clock on his nightstand. “Not enough to get up. Almost three.”
You groaned, reluctantly lying down again. “I don’t think I can sleep anymore.”
Steve joined you, pulling you in his arms. “Whether you’ll sleep or not, I’ll protect you from all kinds of monsters.”
You snorted. “Even those you can’t punch with your baseball bat?”
He smirked, his hand wandering up and down your back. “If they’re causing you harm, I’d even fight with air for you.”
You let out a small huff at that, but relaxed against him. You knew it was true, he’d do anything to keep you safe. And you’d do the same for him, and had done that too. There had been times you had protected each other during a fight, times one of you got hurt, times you were scared of losing each other. But despite that all, you had endured, you had stayed up to fight. 
And that was something you’d do till the very end if necessary. 
Requests are open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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starlight-artbby · 10 months ago
Y'all the newest X-Men 97 episode blew me away. Like the animation ate down and it was just so good like I was thoroughly enjoying every second.
I knew that Scott was gonna hold some grudge against the professor and I don't blame him. He left his dream to his team and honestly failed him and damn did this episode remind him that over and over again. Especially Rogue who clearly was fed up with his ass. And I swear I was gonna cry when I saw her wearing Remy's coat and I had a tear nearly fall from my eye when Kurt looked so devastated to tell her again the Remy is dead like ugh I was in so much pain.
Speaking of pain Jubilee and Roberto. How dare they do this to me. I knew from a mile away that Roberto Was gonna go with Magneto (along with Rogue) and I completely understand why. His mother straight up abandon him and handed him to the people who wanted to kill him. Like of course he is gonna be pissed but when Jubilee said you still have me I felt like a part of me died because he walked away and that shit had to hurt.
Now I completely laughed when Magneto said the line about Lilandra. I can't remember exactly what he said but I do recall being gagged and gooped and not him telling Xavier to shut up like if those two don't just go to couples counseling...
Now I won't lie, Morph had me when he pretending to be Sinister so if I were Bastion I most certainly was gonna get caught. May I also express how I thought that Beast was going to get pieced through the chest during that fight sequence like I was on the edge of my toes.
Once again Sinister proved to me why I hate him so much. Having Jean fight her own son?!? Foul and then her contacting Cyclops to tell him that she loves him!!! Like why does X-Men 97 like hurting us? And if Storm or Forge ends up dead, I am most certainly fighting someone.
Now the new looks... Huh... Why did they have to put that cap on my boy Scott. And Jean she ate down with the boots but the gloves and the mask?!?! No mam. I loved Rogues outfit along with Logan's. They could've had morph in something a lot better. Kurt ate as usual and of course Jubilee ate up her look along with Storm. I couldn't tell if beast put on anything different so I can't say much about that but regardless, some of the team needed a better wardrobe.
Now I know some people will probably get mad at Rogue and Roberto for going with Magneto but honestly, Rogue was there on Genosha. It has messed her up so badly and we continue to see the side effects till this very episode. I already explained Roberto so I honestly am not mad at him but I am sad that he couldn't see that Jubilee was there for him just like sadly Rogue couldn't see that the team would be there for her but honestly, their feelings are still valid as fuck and I don't want to hear anyone else say other wise.
Also why did they have to do Wolverine like that!! Huh!!! Like y'all better have his regeneration ability kick in. I also feel so bad cause I know that nobody was expecting murder to occur up there that's for sure.
(also Scott stopping Xavier from forcing Magneto to return power was everything to me cause he did it for Jean and it's time he shows that woman some love.)
Also where is Bishop!?!?!
Now for the things I enjoyed. I loved the new opening. I was so happy to see Storm back in it again. It really made things start off well for the episode. I loved Rogue clocking Xavier and telling him exactly what she needed to say.
My favorite part of the episode though had to be when Jean and Storm had reunited and when they parted ways on the mission. Those two are sisters and I love the show for reminding us of their incredible bond I just lived to see it.
I also enjoyed Scott and Jean giving each other a hug before they parted ways and when Scott gave Nathan that advice I truly loved it. I am hoping that'll stop him from attacking Jean (possibly) if not, Jean will girlboss her way out of there.
I can't wait for the final episode (I hope I get Remy and Logan and anyone else who gets injured back) ♡♡♡♡
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kaynanarie · 5 months ago
JourneyTober! Day 17 - Weapon
            Breathe in. Breathe out.
            Smooth wood pressed against her palm. The string dug into her fingers, taunt and ready. Tension shook through the bow as Jen drew it back.
            Breathe in. Breathe out.
            The arrow perched on its rest, nocked and ready to fire. Jen guided a steady hand till the tip was lined up, eyes completely focused on the distant target.
            Breathe in. Breathe out.
            A breeze tickled her cheek right before a raspberry was blown in her ear.
            “Ack!” Jen’s fingers slipped, releasing the string and flinging the arrow wildly into the underbrush. She spun around, scowling at the snickering monkey behind her.
            “That’s not funny,” she grumbled, grabbing another arrow from her quiver. “I’m actually trying to practice, you know.”
            Monkey plucked the arrow from her hand before she could even set it on the bow. Despite the teasing manner, she could sense an apprehension behind his dark eyes. “Why?”
            Jen rolled her eyes. “So I can fight.”
            “No.” The abrupt shift in tone startled Jen. All playfulness had vanished, leaving the words blunt and final. “Too dangerous.”
            “I know it’s dangerous, that’s why I’m practicing,” Jen argued. “Do you expect me to just stand by while you do all the fighting by yourself?”
            The admission was as sincere as it was insulting. A pang of hurt clenched Jen’s heart and stung her eyes. Before Monkey could see, she turned around, blinking her tears away.
            “That’s just too bad.” Jen huffed after a moment. She snagged her quiver and stomped away to practice elsewhere. “I’d like to be able to defend myself, thank you.”
            She didn’t get very far before a strong arm looped around her waist and lifted her off the ground. While the hold wasn’t painful, no amount of squirming was going to break it. Monkey easily carried her back to their campsite, relieving Jen of her weapon before setting her back down.
            “Why?” he asked again. Frustration furrowed his brow and deepened his frown. His tail lashed behind him and his fur fluffed up in agitation. “Do you not trust me to protect you?”
            His wounded words caught Jen off guard. While there had been plenty of scares and close calls, Jen had nothing but the utmost faith in Monkey’s abilities. He had never let her down and now, she realized his promise was being called into question.
            “Of course I trust you,” Jen assured him, reaching out to take his hand. Monkey huffed but relaxed at her comforting touch. “I’m just…tired of being useless all the time.”
            Monkey’s anger deflated, pivoting quickly to disbelief. The hand in her grasp shifted to soothe her instead. “But you’re not.”
            “Yes I am.” Jen tugged herself free and crossed her arms, tears building as she forced out her words. “All I do is run and hide every time anything happens. You’re always the one fighting and getting injured. I thought if I learned to use the bow, I could actually help and you wouldn’t get hurt as much.”
            Silence followed as both pondered the other’s words. Finally, Monkey sighed and held the bow out to Jen. “Fine.” When she went to reach for it, he pulled back with a pointed look. “On one condition.”
            “Only long range. Stay away from the fight, where it’s safe. Okay?”
            Jen nodded in relief. “Okay.”
            The bow was returned to her, along with the quiver. Monkey glanced at the make-shift target Jen had been using and the measly arrows scattered around it. “Better keep practicing.”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Already had the idea for Jen picking up archery during the main story. The only weapon Monkey approves of is one as far away from the fight as possible for maximum safety. Wasn't quite sure how to end this but the hour is late and I am tired. Thanks for reading!)
Journeytober Master List
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neuroticbookworm · 3 months ago
i know it aired a while back but i cannot move on: tien from la pluie
Friend, I absolutely relate to not moving on from this show and this character.
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(linking the The Great La Pluie Meta Roundup, because we deserve to read and reread those posts forever and ever, till the end of time)
How I feel about this character
He is my sassy little son and I love him so much!
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He has opinions and he is not afraid to let people know about them.
He read his brother for filth right from the beginning, took absolutely no shit from Lomfon when he was being a sulky, annoying pest,and was the #1 hype man for Patts and Tai’s relationship. I don’t think he really needs any protection from me, I know that he can comfortably eviscerate his enemies without breaking a sweat, but I will be there for him at the end of the day, on the couch, with fluffy blankets and snacks and soda, so he can unwind and tell me all about how most people in his life are stupid, are making their stupidity his problem.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Listen. As much as I hated Lomfon and his stupid ass for the mess he made, I really believe that the Lomfon we saw in the finale is a good match for Saengtien. And I believe Tien is the right match for Lomfon because when that boy throws another tantrum, a whack from Tien is what will set him straight (heh) once again. So I only ship him with Lomfon and vice versa. Also, take a moment and send a prayer into the universe for a La Pluie sequel, please and thank you.
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My non-romantic OTP for this character
I wish we had gotten to see more banter between Saengtien and his dad. They are both extremely perceptive and witty. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they have a gab session.
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My unpopular opinion about this character
Saengtien is a very strong, level-headed, and complex character, and I feel like his maturity and ability to handle bullshit by himself was underplayed by the audience as the show went on. Him being quirky and high-energy and jumping up in excitement whenever he feels like it without a care in the world does not mean that he is immature. He does not need to be rescued, and he definitely does not need to be coddled. He’s been taking care of his self-absorbed elder brother for years while he refused to work through his soulmate bond issues, and he made sure Tai still kept in touch with his parents even while nursing a misplaced anger on their mother. Taking care of himself? Pfft. My son is fine. All he needs is considerate love and companionship, not pampering.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
We only ever saw him have a really strong outburst of emotions when Tai was stuck on the mountain. The hurt on his face when he finally faced Lomfon after their fight in the rain was heartbreaking, yet measured. And when he returned home, he didn’t lash out at Tai. Instead he sat down with his brother and calmly talked it through. I like these original character choices for him, and I understand the character and thematic cohesion reasons behind it. But I still wish we’d seen him scream out in anger just once in the show. Has he ever gotten to express his frustration in his whole life without having to consider how it would affect the people in his life, and ultimately holding back? Based on what we saw on the show, I would safely bet no. And that hurts my soul.
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The bestest boy to ever best boy.
Give me a character ask game
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seafoamstatice · 3 months ago
I wonder if Momo being small will be a saga long plot point or only last till the end of this arc? I was leaning towards the latter at first b/c I figured the author wouldn't want Momo to be out of commission for a long time and the arc directly following her being shrunk was about fairies, but now that the pygmies seem to be a dead end, I'm not so sure. If the first saga was the entire group helping Okarun, and Okarun growing as a person, it would make sense for the second one to be about them helping Momo, and her development. Also, Momo's fighting ability isn't hindered, so she won't be useless plotwise. I could definitely see a bunch of arcs where they follow up on leads about shapeshifting aliens and ghost and such, only to run in to trouble and dead ends, like how looking for Okarun's balls lead them to meet different supernatural phenomena and antagonists and other players were after them as well.
I like both options (I don't really mind that Momo being shrunk down will push back the confession. I think the romance has been really well paced so far, so some dragging now probably won't make me stop liking it), but Momo being small for a long time will mean that she won't be able to act independently for quite a while. Yes, she can definitely still hold her own in fights but she can't like. Go to the grocery store. She needs help eating/drinking, moving around, and because most people can't see her, communicating. She'll also be considered absent from school and she can't go to work or talk to her non paranormal friends or even wear the clothes she likes. Which could be very interesting to explore! Momo having to rely on others much more than she's used to could lead to a lot of fun character interactions and growth. But it might mean that we won't see much of the world outside of the supernatural elements, unlike in the first saga, where we could see the effects of the characters' adventures bleeding into their everyday lives. It also might mean that there will be less chances to show Momo's personality- her confidence, independence, and sense of style.
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evangelineshifts · 1 year ago
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Pairings: book!percy jackson x black!fem!reader
Word count: 5.3k (oops?)
Warnings: angst, mentions of death (literally in the underworld :/), hades being a dick (SORRY I LOVE YOU HADES), swearing (like one word), mentions of throwing up, pet names (angel, sweet girl, little dove)
a/n: this is kinda my first fic (?) so be kind! This is completely self indulgent as it’s literally a scenario for my desired reality so keep that in mind. If you want some back story visit my dr list on my pinned post! Have fun, stay super freaky, have great vagina I LOVE YAAA
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I never considered the Gods to be enemies to myself. Of course, I could understand where the animosity the other kids held towards them came from, I just couldn’t find it in myself to share it.
I’ve always seen myself as quite the lover and I’ve always known that it was my undoing. Holding out till the very last minute to toss out hope for redemption. I’ll love until the ability is carved out of my sternum.
I hate it.
The pain that comes with being such a tender-hearted individual is nefarious. But that recurring pain that plagues the minds and souls of those who are cursed to live a life of love and loss is what tortures the poets; and makes for a dam good book.
I hope to be able to transfer my heart from sleeve to page one day. But for now, I’m forced to keep dwelling on the feeling of dread and despair as I march my way through the dreary entrance hall of Hades’ palace.
Truth be told it’s not that dreary, it’s incredibly well-decorated. I'm just determined to be a hater. After fighting monsters, dealing with death traps, and arguing with temperamental Gods, I'm ready for the quest to be over and done with. It’s not as glorious as everyone made it out to be.
I looked over at Percy as the four of us reached the big set of doors at the end of the hall. He looked to be struggling with the weight of his backpack but I couldn’t understand why. Unless Oreos had suddenly gained weight in the day or two that it took us to get here he should be just fine. He wasn’t that scrawny.
“Well, guys,” Percy said. “I suppose we should… knock?”
As if on cue, a hot wind blew down the corridor and swung open.
“I guess that means entrez-vous,” Annabeth said in an exaggerated French accent. I giggled at her pronunciation and she sent me a playful glare as we all tentatively walked into the room.
"You are brave to come here, Son of Poseidon," Hades said in an oily voice. "After what you have done to me, very brave indeed. Or perhaps you are simply very foolish. And you legacy child, well, I expected better of you.” He seemed almost saddened as he uttered the last line.
My three quest mates looked over at me with varying levels of confusion plastered on their faces, I had half a mind to shrug bemusedly as I tried not to show my growing guilt so plainly on my face. What did I have to feel guilty for? Why did I care what Hades thought?
Percy stared at me a few seconds longer before facing the god again with renewed vigor, “Lord and uncle, I come with two requests”
Hades looked toward me and lifted his eyebrows in a “Is he serious???” sort of way but truth be told, I was too in awe of Percy's sudden diplomacy to give him a reaction. I fully expected him to at least glare at him but maybe I underestimated his desire to get his mom back. Hades leaned forward on his throne, a subtle incredulity painted on his sculpted face,
"Only two requests?" Hades said. "Arrogant child. As if you have not already taken enough. Speak, then. It amuses me not to strike you dead yet."
Spoken like a true older sibling. Christ.
I looked over at Percy in time to see his throat bob with trepidation. My heart gives a twinge of empathy, poor kid has only been in this life for a little over a month and he's already facing the god of the dead.
“Lord Hades… Look, sir, there can't be a war among the gods. It would be…bad.” smooth, fish sticks.
“Really bad,” Even smoother Grover, thank you.
Annabeth and I share an exasperated look as I think over every action I've ever made in my life to land me here.
“Return Zeus’s master bolt to me,” Percy pleaded. “Please, sir. Let me carry it to Olympus.”
Looking at Hades I'm getting the feeling that was not the right thing to say. His eyes grew glaringly bright as his face crumpled in anger,
“You dare keep up this pretense, after what you have done?” He spat.
I'm getting sick of the vague accusations thrown at us, “Percy hasn't done anything. I don't know if you’ve noticed but he's very new to this whole thing. I mean look at him, he's like a baby fawn,”
Percy looked mildly offended but he looked more concerned at the fact that I was practically mouthing off at an already very angry god.
Hades fixed me with a furious glare and I was sure I was sure I was going to be smoted. But then he did the strangest thing, he closed his eyes and took a steadying breath and when he opened them again the rage that had previously engulfed his irises seemed to lessen. Only a tad but it's still strange.
“Do you think I want war, child?” He said in an eerily calm manner.
I looked at the others utterly perplexed and when my gaze landed on Percy I had to fix him with a warning glare just to be sure he didn't try to be a wise guy at the wrong time. The last thing we needed was for fish Jesus to be filleted.
“My lord, I’m afraid I don’t understand. Wouldn’t a war expand your kingdom?” I said carefully.
His eyes widen a tad as he look on with absolute disbelief and frustration, “Did my brothers tell you that?? Fucking typical. Do you think I need more subjects?! Did you not see the sprawl of the asphodel fields??” Hades said, his voice risen an octave.
I hesitated to reply but I found I didn’t need to as Hades took it upon himself to continue his rant, "Have you any idea how much my kingdom has swollen in this past century alone, how many subdivisions I've had to open?"
Percy opened his mouth to respond, but Hades was on a roll.
"More security ghouls," he moaned. "Traffic problems at the judgment pavillon. Double overtime for the staff and the mortals just. keep. dying. You know, I used to be a rich god, godling. I control all precious metals under the earth. But my expenses!”
I was suddenly overcome with the fear that I was gonna have to comfort this emo god on his economic problems. And then Percy spoke and I was saved, “Charon wants a pay raise,” He blurted. I just had to laugh.
Hades went on to gripe about Charon and his troublesome discovery of Italian suits. He insisted that a war is the last thing he wanted and I wish I could say I was surprised.
“But you took Zeus' master bolt.” Percy said.
"Lies!" More rumbling. Hades rose from his throne, towering to the height of a football goal post. "Your father may fool Zeus, boy, but I am not so stupid. I see his plan."
"His plan?" I questioned.
"He was the thief on the winter solstice," Hades said. "His father thought to keep him his little secret. He directed him into the throne room on Olympus,”
Before I could even open my mouth to object and say that I was at the winter solstice and Percy wasn’t even a member at camp yet, Hades steamrolled on,
“You took the master bolt and my helm. Had I not sent my Fury to discover you at Yancy Academy, Poseidon might have succeeded in hiding his scheme to start a war. But now you have been forced into the open. You will be exposed as Poseidon's thief, and I will have my helm”
"But..." Annabeth spoke. I could tell her mind was going a million miles an hour. "Lord Hades, your helm of darkness is missing, too?"
"Do not play innocent with me, girl. You and the satyr have been helping this hero-coming here to threaten me in Poseidon's name, no doubt-to bring me an ultimatum. Does Poseidon think I can be blackmailed into supporting him? And you girl!" He directed his attention back to me and I was left to wonder what was so special about me that he felt the need to keep addressing me individually.
“This betrayal is disappointing but not unseen. I would think you would know better.” He glared heatedly at me, apparently abandoning his attempts at civility.
"No!" Percy said. "Poseidon didn't-I didn't- (y/n/n) had nothing to do with this- none of us did!"
"I have said nothing of the helm's disappearance," Hades snarled, "because I had no illusions that anyone on Olympus would offer me the slightest justice, the slightest help. I can ill afford for word to get out that my most powerful weapon of fear is missing. So I searched for you myself, and when it was clear you were coming to me to deliver your threat, I did not try to stop you."
"You didn't try to stop us? But-" None of what he was saying was making any sense. Not according to what we knew anyway. Did we really know anything?
"Return my helm now, or I will stop death," Hades threatened. "That is my counter proposal. I will open the earth and have the dead pour back into the world. I will make your lands a nightmare. And you, Percy Jackson-your skeleton will lead my army out of Hades."
The skeletal soldiers all took one step forward, making their weapons.
At this point the smart thing was to probably be scared out of my mind, but with Hades threatening Percy, fear seemed to be the last of my worries. This boy who I had made fast friends with in the short time that I’d known him. The boy who had lost his mom and his old life all within five minutes and was just expected to be okay with it. Percy Jackson, the dork who watched teen titans with me during the uncharacteristic storm at camp and convinced me to make blue Shirley temples. My very own guppy.
Yeah me and Hades were gonna have words.
“Stop this, now.” I said in my sternest voice. Hades halted and looked at me with intrigue and… slight fear?
“He didn’t steal anything, Hades, enough with the unfounded claims. We didn’t even know your helm was missing until 2 minutes ago and up until then we thought you had the bolt.”
The other 3 went stock still with shock. I’m guessing they were saying their goodbyes to me in their heads but I’m not one to go down that easily. Even if I did want to cry from the confrontation.
Hades looked at me with unbridled fury but when he spoke you would’ve thought he was simply telling me not to steal from the cookie jar again,
“I have tried to be kind to you child. I have tried to treat you with respect as you have done for me in the past but your foolishness and insolence will be your undoing.” He paused for a moment seemingly cherry picking his next words, “What would your mothers think? Hm? How would they fare if they learned of your impertinence?”
I froze. My blood ran cold and my stomach was churning something awful.
“….what?” I said, trying my hardest to steady my voice but it was a lost cause at this point. Grover and Annabeth looked on with pity that could shrink me with a glance but Percy? Percy looked furious. He glared at the god with the fury of a thousand suns,
“Don’t talk about her mothers, leave them out of this- leave her out of this. This is between me and you-“
“SILENCE!” Hades bellowed, as the throne room shook but Percy didn’t even flinch. “You have said quite enough godling.” He spat out the word like poison on his tongue.
Hades turned back to me, a new smugness hidden in the depths of his eyes, “How about we see what they would think? Would you like that legacy child? Would you like to see your parents?” His lip curled in a smirk.
I could’ve thrown up at the thought. What did he mean? Surely he wasn’t going to bring them here? My head was like a circuit, thoughts lapping around my brain like race cars. In my periphery, I could see Percy physically shaking with rage. Grover and Annabeth looked like they wanted to reach out for me but thought better of it, fearing Hades’ next move.
Hades surveyed all of us, taking in the horrified silence as he grinned almost sinisterly. He lifted a hand to the far left wall of a throne room and the surface of it rippled like a disrupted pool.
All of a sudden colors and shapes flew into the frame and found a place on the wall. Almost as soon as it started an image came into focus. A dining room with light pink walls filled with pictures and portraits of hand painted flowers. Most of the pictures were of one woman, a ginger with deep brown skin, gorgeous amber eyes, and a blinding smile. She looked like the personification of the earth and everything good. She looked warm, safe.
In some pictures she was joined by another woman, a more stern looking one but beautiful nonetheless with her honey blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes a stark contrast to her tawny skin. She held a smaller smile than her auburn counterpart but it was no less happy. The way they looked at each other in some photos was almost baffling. I didn’t know you could capture such tangible emotion on camera but they made it happen.
As for the portraits, I would’ve guessed the paintings were professionally made if it wasn’t for the cute little smiley faces and hearts surrounding the flowers in almost every portrait. They were mature and yet so childlike at the same time. Precise strokes coming together to form stunning flowers of bright color. Lilies, gardenias, and orchids filled every frame. It was captivating how real they looked. I could’ve stared at them all day but my attention was drawn toward the dark oak table as a giggle erupted from one of the occupants.
My heart sank.
The same woman in the photos sat at the table seemingly working on another floral piece. My breathing quickened as I put the pieces together. As I stared at the ginger woman’s dimpled smile and traced the slope of the blonde's nose it clicked.
These were my moms.
The women who died when I was just a baby in an effort to protect me. And they succeeded but at what cost?
I ran over to the wall ignoring the calls of my worried friends. Tears clouded my vision as I tried to push all the words I wanted to say past the lump cemented in my throat.
“Mamma?” I said timidly, worried this was an illusion or they wouldn’t be able to hear me.
All of that faded away when the bubbly lady whipped her head around at the sound of my voice and her lover not far behind.
“(Y/N)…?” She called, voiced thickly coated in awe.
The dam broke.
Tear rushed down my face faster than I could process as I nearly yelled out for my mothers, “Mamma! Ma!”
They came rushing over to where I was and knelt down at what I’m assuming was a projected image of me to wherever they were, “Baby angel! What are you doing here??” My mamma, who I’ve deduced is the child of Artemis, Davina, wailed as she went to reach out for me before retracting her hand. Probably figured the image would fade if she did and I’m grateful for that.
“You shouldn’t be here little dove, it’s not your time you must go home.” My Ma, Alexandra, said. A crease firmly placed between her brows that contradicted the wobbling smile that was growing on her lips.
They looked at me with a type of adoration that had my knees wracking. This is the type of maternal affection I thought I would never get to receive in my life. Of course, I had Aunt Go-go but that wasn’t the same.
Before I could respond Hades cut me off, “We can get to all the loving pleasantries in a moment. We have more important matters at hand. Your daughter has aided a thief.”
I glanced at him quickly before I quickly tried to defend myself, adamantly denying his claims.
“He’s lying! She didn’t steal anything and neither did I!” Percy erupted, his stare burning into the god's own, “"You're as bad as Zeus, you think I stole from you? That's why you sent the Furies after me?"
I drowned out the rest of what they were saying as I could only focus on the fact that my parents were looking me in my eyes, “We believe your friend, angel. We know our sweet girl would never do anything to cause harm.” Mamma told me as she looked on with kind eyes. “You’ve gotten so big! I remember when you were just a little raisin”
We shared a watery chuckle as I tried not to bawl my eyes out.
“She’s got your eyes,” Alexandra said fondly as she looked between her daughter and her wife.
“And your nose,” Davina giggled, “What a gorgeous girl you’ve grown into.”
“Thank you,” I managed as I felt my face heat up, “Are you guys in Elysium? Could I come see you?” I said hopefully.
They both glanced at each other warily and I felt dread pool in my stomach. I whipped around to face Hades as the words tumbled out of my mouth, “I need to see them! Please let me see them, I’ll do anything” I begged.
“Anything?” I nodded fervently as the trio voiced their protests, “Return my property and I’ll allow you a visit with your mothers!”
I choked out a sob as I looked helplessly at the others, “We-we don’t have it. I swear, I swear we don’t have it! We came here for the master bolt. They-they told us you had the master bolt, that’s why we’re here. Please I’m begging you, just let me see my moms” I rushed out, desperately trying to convince him of mercy.
“ENOUGH WITH YOUR FALSITIES GODLING!” I flinched back at his booming voice, the throne room walls rumbling and the image of my parents warbling. I panicked. “You already possess the master bolt, you came here with it, you insolent fool. You think you can try to deceive me?!”
I’m reduced to wails and gargled pleads as I try to bargain with this clearly unhinged man, “Please I don’t know, I don’t know. P-Percy tell him, please tell him, please”
“We didn’t steal the bolt! We’ve already told you-“
“Then open your pack!”
I looked at Percy in desperate confusion as his face fell. I can practically sense his panic as he slung his bad off his shoulder and unzipped it. Time stopped.
Inside was a two-foot-long metal cylinder, spiked on both ends, humming with energy. I could’ve fallen to my knees right there. I turned back to my mothers begging for them to understand. This was one of the worst realizations I’d ever made. We’d been framed.
'Percy," Annabeth said. "How-"
"I-I don't know. I don't understand." He said, his gaze flickered towards me as a tortured sound ripped from my throat.
"You heroes are always the same," Hades said. "Your pride makes you foolish, thinking you could bring such a weapon before me. I did not ask for Zeus's master bolt, but since it is here, you will yield it to me. I am sure it will make an excellent bargaining tool. And now ... my helm. Where is it?"
I was speechless. Percy was speechless. Annabeth was speechless, and I’m quite sure Grover passed out like 5 minutes ago. We had no helm. The world turned sideways and I didn’t deal well with vertigo.
"Lord Hades, wait," Percy said. "This is all a mistake."
"A mistake?" Hades roared. Quicker than I could process Hades lifted his hand and the image of my parents faded before my eyes.
Oh my gods.
Oh my gods.
“No- no, no, no, no, no, no, NO,” I gut-wrenching scream pierced through the air as I tried to conjure up the image again uselessly, “NO BRING THEM BACK, GODS, PLEASE BRING THEM BACK HADES PLEASE!” He didn’t even spare me a glance as Annabeth ran over to hold me back from slamming my fist into the stone. My fingernails were reduced to stubs as I clawed at the wall like my mother was going to be standing behind it waiting for me. I was wailing, calling out for my mommies. Usually I would scold myself for such a display of weakness at a time like this but at the moment all sense of self control was out of the question. I was inconsolable as Annabeth tried calming me down, cooing soft assurances in my ear that I couldn’t hear over my own gasping.
The skeletons aimed their weapons. From high above, there was a fluttering of leathery wings, and the three Furies swooped down to perch on
the back of their masters throne.
"There is no mistake," Hades said. "I know why you have come- I know the real reason you brought the bolt. You came to bargain for her."
Hades loosed a ball of gold fire from his palm. It exploded on the steps in front of Percy, and there was who I could only assume was his mother, frozen in a shower of gold.
In my panicked state at the renewed loss of mothers, I had almost forgotten about his.
"Yes," Hades said with satisfaction. "I took her. I knew, Percy Jackson, that you would come to bargain with me eventually. Return my helm, and perhaps I will let her go. She is not dead, you know. Not yet. But if you displease me, that will change."
Someone, or something, was growling. I think It was me. I was so angry. He already took my mothers away, he wasn’t about to take Percy’s.
I went to charge for him when I realized Annie was still holding on to me. I struggled against her hold as she dug her heels into the ground.
"Ah, the pearls," Hades said, and my blood froze. "Yes, my brother and his little tricks. Bring them forth, Percy Jackson."
Percy’s hand moved and brought out the pearls.
"Only four," Hades said. "What a shame. You do realize each only protects a single person. Try to take your mother, then, little godling. And which of your friends will you leave behind to spend eternity with me? Go on. Choose. Or give me the backpack and accept my terms." Percy looked at me and Annabeth and then Grover.
"We were tricked," He said. "Set up.”
“No shit,” I muttered bitterly, tears still tracking down my face.
"Yes, but why?" Annabeth asked, as she side eyed me. "And the voice in the pit-"
"I don't know yet," Percy said. "But I intend to ask."
"Decide, boy!" Hades yelled.
"Percy." Grover put his hand on Percy’s shoulder. "You can't give him the bolt,"
"I know that." He replied, though his stare was focused on me.
"Leave me here," Grover said. "Use the fourth pearl on your mom."
"No!" Percy exclaimed, his eyes darting towards the satyr.
"I'm a satyr," Grover said. "We don't have souls like humans do. He can torture me until I die, but he won't get me forever. I'll just be reincarnated as a flower or something. It's the best way."
"No." Annabeth drew her bronze knife, finally letting go of me and I returned back to the wall trying to see if there was some sort of passageway. "You three go on. Grover, you have to protect Percy and (y/n/n). You have to get your searcher's license and start your quest for Pan. Get his mom out of here. I'll cover you. I plan to go down fighting."
"No way," Grover said. "I'm staying behind."
"Think again, goat boy," Annabeth said.
"Stop it, both of you!" Percy yelled, and the two quieted.
I realized I had been silent through this whole ordeal and knew what I had to do.
“I’ll stay.” I croaked.
“What?!” Percy said, his head turning faster than I could process. “Absolutely not.”
“No.” He strided over to me so he could look me in the eyes, “I’m not leaving here without you,”
“You don’t get it!” I exclaimed, on the verge of collapse. Gods, I’ve never been so tired. I’ve never done this. I know the stakes. I know how serious this is. But still, at the end of the day, I’m just a little girl who had gone her whole life without parents. Never knowing their faces or voices. Just to meet them and have them taken away within the same hour.
“What don’t I get (Y/N)? Hm?” Percy said frustratedly as he grappled my shoulders. I know he didn’t mean to be harsh but I couldn’t help getting upset.
“I want to stay here, Percy.” I said defeatedly, looking up at him through my lashes. “I ha-have to meet them. I just have to. Please just let me stay here. I need to stay, just let me stay,” I begged him, grasping at his arms to let me go.
He looked at me with a devastating amount of empathy that I couldn’t help breaking down again. He pulled me into a one armed hug as he turned towards Annabeth and Grover,
"I know what to do," Percy said. "Take these."
He handed them each a pearl.
Annabeth said, "But, Percy ..."
I was rambling incoherently into his shoulder, begging him to leave me there. He took my face into his hands and forced me to look him in the eyes,
“Hey-hey! Look at me!” I did, “I know.” And by the gods, I knew that he did. My knees went weak as he pulled me back in and held on to the back of my head as he wrapped an arm around my waist, “I’ll get you back here one day, ang-” he paused, realizing his mistake but continued on, “Even if I have to breakdown the doors of Olympus myself and force them to make it happen, you will see your moms again. Okay?”
I hesitated for a breath before I nodded reluctantly. There’s nothing else I could do.
Percy held me in his arms as he turned his head and faced his mother.
"I'm sorry," he told her. "I'll be back. I'll find a way."
The smug look on Hades's face faded. He said, "Godling ... ?"
"I'll find your helm, Uncle," he told him. Again with this uncle thing. "I'll return it. Remember about
Charon's pay raise."
"Do not defy me-" Hades tried.
"And it wouldn't hurt to play with Cerberus once in a while. He likes red rubber balls."
"Percy Jackson, you will not-"
Percy shouted, "Now, guys!"
He smashed the pearls at our feet. For a scary moment, nothing happened.
Hades yelled, "Destroy them!"
The army of skeletons rushed forward, swords out, guns clicking to full automatic. The Furies lunged, their whips bursting into flame.
Just as the skeletons opened fire, the pearl fragments at our feet exploded with a burst of green light and a gust of fresh sea wind.
We were encased in a milky white sphere, which was starting to float off the ground. My head was still buried in Percy’s shoulder, sobs racked my body as we floated up, Annabeth and Grover were right behind us.
Hades yelled with such rage, the entire fortress shook and I knew it was not going to be a peaceful night in L.A but I couldn’t bring myself to care.
"Look up." Grover yelled. "We're going to crash!"
Sure enough, we were racing right toward the stalactites, which I figured would pop our bubbles and skewer us.
"How do you control these things?" Annabeth shouted.
"I don't think you do!" Percy shouted back.
Is it bad that I kinda wanted to be skewered? Stop.
The trio screamed as the bubbles slammed into the ceiling and ... Darkness.
No, I could still feel the racing sensation. We were going up, right through solid rock as easily as an air bubble in water.
That was the power of the pearls, I realized- What belongs to the sea will always return to the sea.
For a few moments, I couldn't see anything outside the smooth walls of our sphere, then our pearl broke through on the ocean floor.
The two other milky spheres, Annabeth and Grover, kept pace with us as we soared upward through the water.
We exploded on the surface, in the middle of the Santa Monica Bay, knocking a surfer off his board with an indignant, "Dude!" I wanted to hit him.
Percy grabbed Grover and hauled him over to a life buoy. I caught Annabeth and dragged her over too.
A curious shark was circling us, a great white about eleven feet long. Maybe I’d get my soul surfer moment. Stop it.
Percy said, "Beat it." And the shark turned and raced away. New Yorkers.
The surfer screamed something about bad mushrooms and paddled away from us as fast as he could.
Somehow, I knew what time it was: early morning, June 21, the day of the summer solstice.
In the distance, Los Angeles was on fire, plumes of smoke rising from neighborhoods all over the city. There had been an earthquake, all right, and it was Hades's fault. He was probably sending an army of the dead after us right now.
But at the moment, the Underworld wasn't my biggest problem.
Annabeth and Grover shared a glance as they muttered something about getting a headstart to shore. Percy and I were still treading water as he analyzed me.
“What?” I snapped. I can’t say I didn’t mean to but I did feel bad.
“I’m sorry.” He said and my face softened. “It’s not your fault, nothing you could do.” I tried to give him a reassuring smile but I’m sure it looked more like a grimace.
He was starting to gain a real habit of hugging me as he pulled me into his chest. I couldn't tell the difference between the saltwater and saline on my face anymore.
He didn’t say anything, just sort of awkwardly petted my hair. He pulled away to look me in the eyes and some sort of understanding passed between us.
I gave him a nod and gestured for him to catch up with the others. He looked hesitant for a second but ultimately nodded and swam to the duo who were treading just a little ways away.
I looked down at the water as if I’d be able to see the underworld below my feet. I gave a kiss to my fingers and swirled them in the water in the shape of a flower, “I’m sorry Mamma, Ma. I’ll come back for you.”
I start to slowly make my way towards the others thinking over everything that just went down. I realized with a sharp ache in my chest, that I felt more despair than I did hatred when thinking of Hades. I wanted to despise him. To think that he was evil and want to plot some sort of revenge. But I couldn’t. Somehow that was worse.
He was uncaring in his dealings with us. I knew his intentions with the words he spoke to me, burning a hole through my chest till I was left spiraling searching for some sort of reprieve. And yet compassion still had a hold on me. I felt sorry for him but oh my gods, was he ruthless.
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✧ dividers by @hitobaby !
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thenanbakacorner · 7 months ago
Can I request some headcanons of Jyugo, Musashi, Momoko and Upa from a fem reader who controls lava and is very strong?
Sure thing!! ( ゚▽゚)/ Lava powers are so neatttt
* * *
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
Jyugo first heard of you from a rumor of a block of Building 13 getting shut down after a female inmate had filled the area with ankle-deep lava
One day while breaking out, they run into you, having broken out of your own cell
Everyone introduces themselves and you all decided to continue your breakouts together
The first thing that surprises them is your sheer strength, being able to hold open two closing walls with just your hands long enough for everyone to get through
The walls end up crumbling from the pressure, and the boys are left speechless
Sometime soon, guards find you all, and when you shoot lava out toward the guards' feet, the boys are even more stunned, realizing that rumor wasn't just a rumor after all
Jyugo comments that you'll have to join them on their breakouts more often-- things just got a lot more interesting!
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🔥 Musashi 🔥
You and Musashi knew each other for a while; you'd met him back in one of your old prisons as cellmates and friends.
However, while you were aware of Musashi's powers, he didn't know of your own for a while
At one point during your incarceration together, two guards were being very abusive, physically harming both you and Musashi
One day you had enough and punched one guard's skull in, then more or less melted the other with a blast of lava
Musashi- having one of his two eyes at the time- wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it
After that incident, you were sent to another prison, and you and Musashi missed each other quite a bit
You met again after the two of you were sent to Nanba, and though you weren't cellmates this time, you still kept in touch, chatting whenever you met during meal or recreation time
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💎 Momoko 💎
Your sheer strength is what got you hired as a guard at Nanba, and Momoko praised you for it
Many inmates didn't dare to misbehave when you were on duty, greatly reducing everyone's workloads
However, when you were put on duty in Building 13 for the day, you ended up needing to whip out your lava powers to stop a runaway Cell 13 in their tracks
Of course, it left a huge mess and a half to be cleaned up, and Hajime was pissed
He brought you to the warden's office to inform her about the situation, and she was thoroughly stunned
She lectures you about the danger your ability poses to yourself, your coworkers as well as inmates, and warns you to only use it in emergencies from then on out
She does make note of your powers, and keeps it in mind for if it may be useful for possible situations in the future
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🧘🏻‍♂️ Upa 🧘🏻‍♂️
You were put in cell 8 with Upa and his cellmates, and Upa was indifferent to you from the start
He did commend you for your brute strength, though-- you were very well up there with his own abilities
When Enki escapes, you are trapped in the underground with Upa and Liang till Jyugo frees you all
Your strength is a great help with cutting down the numbers of the surveillance dolls, and keeping everyone else as safe as possible under the current circumstances
Once Jyugo, Uno, Honey and Trois split off, and you run into Hachiman, you finally use your lava powers to aid your cellmates in the fight
Liang and Upa are stunned by your power, while Nico is more or less fanboying on the sidelines by how cool it is
After Hachiman is dealt with, Upa praises you for a job well done, but does lecture you a bit for being a little "careless" with it
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mrfellsans · 8 months ago
✩Smg8 info dump✩
Btw this might take a WHILEE
Smg8 is from a different universe, technically he's like an alternate version of smg4 and smg9 also being an alternate version of smg3, in smg8s universe all the characters are different from the og universe but I'll touch up on them later. Smg8 just like smg4 is a YouTuber and he works hard on his memes and animations, while smg8 runs a meme/animation channel he also has an art channel which is his main channel where he works on his art and comics etc, he usually records him doing the art if it's painting or traditional or digital art and while he does this he does some commentary and plays music in the background or collabs with other people, he's a cartoonist so he mostly just draws cartoons on his art channel and he usually live streams gaming on his other channel too. Smg8 also has a little schedule thing for when he post his stuff on his meme channel and art channel so he has enough time to hang out with the smg8 crew and to go on silly adventures with them.
Also smg8 is best friends with smg9, they did start off as mortal enemies from the beginning where smg9 would try to copy smg8s videos and steal his art but after years of fighting they started getting to know each other better and smg9 stopped trying to steal smg8s stuff and they soon became best friends and smg8 and 9 would teach each other about there own art styles, something smg4 and 3 will never do in there universe.
Edit: they still fight eachother and stuff lmao they aren't super friendly like in this photo lol ☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟
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Anyways supplies! ✨
Important Supplies Smg8 has:
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Smg8's secret sketchbook has a state of the Cats lock on it which means it is literally impossible to open without the kitty key that was given to smg8 during the ending of the war of the cats arc in his universe given to him by the kitty god, also the kitty god gave him a kitty, his name is kitty and ever since smg8 has sworn to protect kitty just for the kitty god. (also wanted to say that kitty was given to smg8 in like almost the beginning of the start of smg8 and the crew, when it was only Mario, peach, smg8, and 9 and smg8 and 9 still looked like Mario)
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ArtsyMario89's Pencil is a very powerful pencil that was used to save the universe from Bowser who tried to steal that pencil to make the whole world bow down to him, this pencil has the ability to make anything you draw in air or paper come to life, like axols pencil in a way, Artsymario89 would use this pencil to make creative arts and statues for places and many other things and one night Bowser kidnapped ArtsyMario89 and took him to space where Bowser had started making a whole empire and needed artsymarios help so now artsymario was like a slave working tirelessly on the moon to satisfy bowsers evil needs, when smg8 found out about his idol being kidnapped he immediately started asking around and found out he was in space so smg8 asked Mario to do a BLJ to space and it worked, together Mario and smg8 had to go through many weird levels and stuff to get to bowsers castle and they eventually made it but since the empire was too huge everything started to form a black hole behind the castle and Bowser fought smg8 and Mario for a bit till the hole got huge and started sucking everyone in, Artsymario89 started getting sucked in and smg8 tried to hold onto him and artsymario told him to grab his pencil and draw something big enough to seal it and he also told smg8 that he believes in him to do this just for him and smg8 was crying since that's like his idol and then artsymario89 let go and flew into the blackhole dying, to make things a bit shorter smg8 told Mario to get ready to BLJ while smg8 drew a huge sealing net thing to close the black hole and then when he closed the black hole he quickly got on Mario and BLJ'd back to earth while Bowser flew back to earth in his koopa car, though artsymario89 died now smg8 had something of his to remember from him.
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Here is artsymario89 by the way :3
I'll find more little supplies that smg8 has later :3
Also another character that starts an arcade cuz of his hungry ass
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Basic info about him: tophatman is the consumer of smg4 universes, his job is to consume universes that are absolutely useless, like a universe where smg4 has a mustache in his redesign or something, obviously before he consumes universes he must kill everybody in said universe and then he eats them just to make sure they don't cause any chaos while he eats the universe lol, anyway how he starts an arc is that he gets sick and tired of eating these absolutely useless universes because he has heard that the ones that are ever so slightly Relavent taste way better so he goes to smg8s universe to kill off everyone but he fails because he gets beat up really badly so he just decides to leave but in the process he accidentally slaps smg8 and 9 into the multiverse and 8 and 9 are left in the multiverse alone and they decide together they are gonna go swim around and look for a universe that could help them and suddenly when they did they found the smg4 universe, it was in the center of the universe and they swam there knowing that they could probably get help from there and then they crash landed in the universe sadly separating from each other for a bit while they are in the universe...
The info dump shall continue someday
Smg9 belongs to: @yago-undertale
Also @izzy-the-chaotic-gremlin if you wanna know more info on smg8!
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pianostarinwonderland · 1 year ago
Well that ending for Playful Land was something !
Seeing the differing reactions of the ending among fans has been pretty interesting for me. Some find it to be the perfect ending, others find it a cop-out and a disappointment.
Personally, Playful Land's ending is the most interesting ending I've seen in a Twst event. I've never experienced a lot of mixed feelings for an ending till now.
On one hand, based on the event tl summaries, it did feel like a cop out to me. Fellow did win against the boys. They were going to die. And it was all ended by a call from his boss. It felt anti-climatic the first time I heard about it. Heck, it reminded me of how I felt with Endless Halloween's ending with how it was all just a prank. Admittedly, a lot of these feelings is because we had one book dedicated to 9 people fighting underworld blot monsters and saving the world, and they came out victorious xD with how Twst boys always manage to win in dire situations, it feels so weird that they were losing here.
On the other hand, I'm not mad about it. In fact, I think the "cop out" works for a few reasons.
There was indeed build up to the call, with Fellow calling his clients and boss in Episode 3 of the event. We saw how shitty the relationship is, we already see that Fellow was only in it for the money. If you researched or watched Pinocchio for this event, you would know that Honest John himself wasn't comfortable with Pleasure Island. But he still took up the job simply because it promises money. And Fellow is the same—he took up the amusement park job because there was money promised. And with his employers and clients being rich people? All the more enticing, especially since he isn't from a privileged background. Fellow has to make ends meet one way or another.
The boys were in a losing situation. Our boys may have witnessed many terrifying things like Overblot and Tartarus and came out victorious, but they're not invincible. The park was funded by influential people who have the magic and resources to make it so nobody escapes no matter what they do. They were also taken down one by one, with the SSR trio being turned to puppets by Fellow ripping their ticket, which was out of their control. And I think it may be worth keeping in mind, they're not Azul, Idia, and Malleus. They don't have the powerful magic or the ingenuity that the Glomas trio hold. They have their own strengths that do make them worthy of being the SSRs of the event (Ace's wit, Ortho's robo abilities, Kalim's kindness). But they were at an inherent disadvantage. (And on that note, it suddenly makes sense as to why the event started with the basketball team losing to RSA's—to establish that NRC isn't as strong as people would think).
It makes the situation all the more horrifying in the way that it's real. Aside from Lilia, the boys are still young people who are susceptible to crimes like human trafficking. A lot of victims don't make it out alive. NRC boys were just fortunate that they were able to talk to Fellow and have that his boss had one hell of a temper. Imagine if that boss was more patient. Imagine if they weren't able to get on Fellow's good side. Hell, the ending was hauntingly vague about the rest of the park goers. What happened to them as they blew up the amusement park? And hell, it gives not only the boys but the audience so much room for thought on the what ifs. What if that call didn't come through in time?
On the topic of being real, I also like that they really highlight Fellow being so done with his boss. It reflects a very real scenario of being tired of a toxic workplace, and you know what, rooting for you, Fellow. Get out of there.
It's so interesting how this ending works. Maybe there could have been a better ending. But as it is, it does work.
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commander-yinello · 1 year ago
Rangerlock Wyll Build
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Theorycrafted how I'd make Ranger/Warlock Wyll in game. The idea is that once he knows he will be released from the pact at some point (at the end of act 2), which allows him to get acquainted with the ranger class while still using his warlock powers.
TL;DR: Fighter 2, Beast Master Ranger 5, Pact of the Blade Warlock 5. Hits nice and hard.
Light spoilers for the epilogue and my build under the cut.
We know from the epilogue from the Blade!Wyll ending that:
He became a ranger and has a wolf named Lily, which means he took the Beast Master subclass
He uses shortswords which means he is a Two Weapon Fighter
And he had to unlearn using his warlock powers, which means he kept using them till it was over.
With that in mind, the optimal build I think for Rangerlock Wyll is Beast Master Ranger 5, Fiend Pact of the Blade Warlock 5, Fighter 2. Here's how I would level him. (Note: Everything here is purely my opinion, you should definitely pick and rearrange whatever you like more.)
Level 1: Start with Fighter so you get access to heavy armor.
8 Str, 16 Dex, 14 Con, 8 Int, 10 Wis, 17 Cha.
Take Two Weapon Fighting Style (or Dueling or Great Weapon Fighting if you prefer that more. Dueling allows Wyll to hold a shield) and whatever skills you fancy.
Level 2: Continue with Warlock.
Patron: The Fiend.
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast + Friends if you're the party leader, or Mage Hand if no one else has it.
Spells: Hellish Rebuke and Hex. Use Hex: Strength at the beginning of every fight. Use Eldritch Blast when you can't reach the enemy.
Level 3: Warlock 2.
Eldritch Invocations: Agonising Blast and Beguiling Influence if you're the party leader, or Devil's Sight.
Spell: Armor of Agathys.
Level 4: Warlock 3. Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade. From now on, always bind your weapon after every Long Rest (important!).
Spell: Darkness. From now on, use Darkness at the beginning of a fight, try to only cover enemies. (Darkness is stupidly powerful against enemies, and having Devil's Sight means you don't get blinded. You are now a force to be reckoned with. Give your allies anti-blind items and they can join you.)
Level 5: Warlock 4.
Cantrip: Blade Ward.
Spell: Misty Step or Hold Person.
Feat: War Caster so enemies don't smack you out of dropping darkness.
Level 6: Warlock 5.
Eldritch Invocation: Beast Speech or Repelling Blast if you like to knock things off ledges.
Spell: Counterspell (so good).
You now have Deepened Pact, which gives you an extra attack. Unlike other extra attacks from other classes, this stacks! (except on Honour Mode)
Level 7: Finally on to Ranger. (You can also get Fighter 2 here if you want, it's up to you.)
Get any proficiency you like.
Favored Enemy: Bounty Hunter.
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer Fire (other options are fine too).
Level 8: Ranger 2.
Fighting Style: Defence.
Spells: Ensnaring Strike and Longstrider.
Level 9: Ranger 3.
Subclass: Beast Master (Lily, finally!)
Spell: Enhance Leap or Cure Wounds.
Level 10: Ranger 4.
Feat: Dual Wielder or Ability Improvement (+2 Cha)
Level 12: Finally, Fighter 2.
Level 11: Ranger 5. We get an extra attack (which stacks with Deepend Pact which is soooo sexy) and Lily gets stronger.
Spell: Lesser Restoration.
All together, you should be a melee monster. You can hit 3 times in 1 turn, Darkness and high AC from heavy armor and your bonuses means enemies can't hit you but you can hit them quite well. Even without Darkness, Wyll and Lily can make mincemeat of monsters.
Other multiclasses you can try for Wyll are Paladinlock or Bardlock because of their matching stats, or Beast Master Ranger 11 Fighter 1 for a very strong wolf.
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basiatlu · 1 year ago
@black-occamy here again 🖤
Oh, amazing Artist! Would you be so kind to share some tips for absolute crap beginners?
Love 😘
Helloooo~☆ I took a moment to type this out a little bit ago and to tweak and edit as I saw fit so ty for waiting.
Ok ok so here's Crap Tips for Crap Beginners:
Stop calling yourself "crap, bad, and trash" when first starting out. - You wanna improve and have the drive to make art and feel satisfied at the end of a drawing? Then give yourself the positive reinforcement that most pups need in learning a new skill and trick. Treats and good pets and "nice jobs!" The whole world will fight against you, they'll try to beat you down and tell you what you do and how you do it doesn't matter. You've got to tell them to stick that where the sun doesn't shine. Aggressively support yourself - fake it till you make it etc etc. Pretend everything you do is intentional until you see yourself making more intentional decisions with your artwork.
With the pep talk out of the way - Warming Up is so important. Just like athletes and dancers do beforehand, you need to stretch your hands and arms and shoulders. And then you need to have a healthy back posture if possible. Draw with your whole arm and not just your wrists and fingers. Aaaand then you need to get the squiggles out. By that I mean make marks on your medium/paper/tablet. Little hatch marks, boxes, circles, tornados, silly emoji faces! When learning to draw, there will be 100 bad drawings before you reach a single good one, is what my college professor would say. And damn was he good.
If you can't draw something well or easily then you need to draw it again and again and again.... and again. I was really struggling to draw hands and feet! So I took pictures of my own hands, of my friends' hands, saved pictures from online, etc and made studies of them. Just paid extremely close attention to what I was actually looking at (and not what I thought hands where supposed to appear as). I also studied medical anatomical diagrams on hands to learn the bones, muscles, and tendons in the hands! It's very important!!! Studying can be applied to anything: cars, plants, animals, braids, fabric textures....
You have to refresh your lessons - once you do a study it doesn't permanently install into your brain for you to copy/paste whenever you need it. You have to revisit and keep that muscle memory in your hands for when you go to draw. I fall out of practice ALL the time and need to dedicate time to relearn how to draw things. And this isn't because I'm failing or wasting away as an artist, it's just a simple fact that I lost a little bit of my artist muscle mass and need to work out those muscles again. See?
You don't need fancy tools to draw, but they do help. I always break it down to the simplest form of sticks and mud. You can draw with pencils, twigs, charcoal, paint, on paper, in the dirt, in the sand, on canvas, on your phone, on a tablet. On and on it goes. Have the tools you need so you don't hinder yourself but don't hold back because you need to 'wait for the latest and greatest tech.' Why wait? Brush packs will not instantly make you a better artist, my dude. Printer paper and a sharpened pencil will take you miles.
And that's honestly it! Generally all good tips to keep in mind for when you're first starting. Some of these I have to also remind myself. I get down on my abilities and need the reminders too. Getting down to the basics is really important. Stretch, practice, stay strong, and oh! Also take breaks. ✨️
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