#the King of Hearts
vaguely-concerned · 2 days
speaking of jareth and also once upon a witchlight, I love how blatantly the king of hearts is introduced crotch first as an expy/homage to him. too iconique a design and character to pass up, this was undoubtedly the correct decision. (also still reeling with delight from kremy 'born opportunist' lecroux asking him to have a threesome with him and his husband. no notes, perfect. you miss a hundred percent of the shots at hot morally amiguous arch fey you do not take. shut up gricko I'm trying to pull here)
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endomentendo · 2 months
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Just to keep you all on your toes, here’s the lovely couple.
She love him and if anyone treats him unrighteously, ITS OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!!
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ilovegrimm · 1 month
I made two versions of damnation Au.
the king of hearts and boss of the hyenas, I know the drawing styles are a little different, but I have different drawing styles and I'm working on my own drawing style.
I want to make mini drawings of the different damnation AU MC's and other fanfics, AU's etc.
I'll make the others later, I'm working on the octavinelle one, but I don't like how it's turning out, I want to make the pomefiore one, which is my favorite.
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inbarfink · 4 months
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king-mera · 9 months
"King Magnifico and Queen Amaya could have been Disney's first evil power couple!"
Excuse you,
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kabishkat19 · 8 months
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Disney NextGen❤️(Villain Edition)
Prince of hearts (6)
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dwellerofdepths · 9 days
Rewatching Episode 34 A Change if Heart and 57:33 got me thinking
Does Gideon do pretty much anything Kremy asks him to do for him because he thinks he looks good?
Obviously lighthearted, but still I think it's funny
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kickasscentral · 1 month
"WOW!!!! I wonder if I can find some friends for Billy..."
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"Come ere' little bugs! Don't worry, I won't hurt you!"
"Hey does anyone know what's actually in these things?"
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"...I wonder if Riddle would like one"
HEY YALL!!!!! i decided to participate in @ashipiko 's school-side vacation event with my own fan made cards for the event featuring my ocs Reese Kingbit and Kingsley Rule!!! (if they look a little weird its because I did these in MS PAINT lolz) I hope yall like them!!!
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hooked-on-elvis · 9 months
"It was his fans who defined the word 'devotion' and it was Elvis who was propagating the faith."
— Alfred Wertheimer about Elvis interactions with his fans in the 50s.
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June 30, 1956: Elvis and Barbara Gray (Elvis' date that day and the girl immortalized in a photograph with him in what would be known as one of Elvis' most iconic and sexy portraits by Alfred Wertheimer, shoot that same day, a portrait known today as 'The Kiss'). On the first picture they were at Jefferson's hotel restaurant, and in the second picture they were with Elvis' cousin, Junior Smith, inside a cab on their way to the Mosque Theatre in Richmond, VA, where Elvis would perform in a few moments. Alfred Wertheimer's recollections of this moment:
"The cab drove up Main Street, drifting through the still heat until it landed at the rear of the Mosque Theatre. I had expected Elvis to march directly up the backstage ramp, — it was only twenty minutes to show time, — but, instead, he laid back and held court with the few young ladies who had gathered, all primly dressed in their Sunday best and ready with their Brownie cameras. For someone who was moving up pretty fast he never seemed to be in a rush. He always had time for the fans. The blond in the black chemise (Barbara Grey, Elvis' date) and Junior stepped aside. "Elvis, can my girlfriend take a picture of you and me?" asked one of the young ladies. "Sure, honey." "Elvis, are you going to sing 'Heartbreak Hotel?'" "Maybe. Are you gonna watch me tomorrow night on television?" "Oh, yes." Elvis was not a celebrity who had some vague love of the people or a star who, with a wave of hands, would acknowledge some generalized gratitude for all who had made this possible. He was specific, giving his attention to each, as the Pope gives a personal audience. It was his fans who defined the word "devotion" and it was Elvis who was propagating the faith. He may not have known what he had but it was clear they knew he had it. I was still trying to find out what "it" was.
Excerpt from "Elvis '56: In The Beginning" by Alfred Wertheimer
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Fans backstage at the Mosque Theatre, Richmond, Virginia - Some with their Brownie Kodak cameras, as mentioned by Mr. Wertheimer. June 30, 1956. © Alfred Wertheimer.
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Elvis onstage at the Mosque Theatre, Richmond, Virginia on June 30, 1956. Photo by © Alfred Wertheimer.
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explosiv-glasses · 7 months
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lovelyllamasblog · 10 months
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Alice Liddell 🐇
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and What She Found There
Alice Through the Looking Glass
November 18 1865
By Lewis Carroll
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echoing-locations · 10 months
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LOA Star Wars!! On today’s episode we have the king of hearts!! + a Gideon!
Info under cut
he’s the senator for the planet of fey wild in the grand republic, he’s known as senator Heart, and his wife Zabilna is the queen of the planet.
Look I was going off very little already also I’m tired.
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inbarfink · 4 months
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Trace and Tamara
Parents: The Thorn Queen Nireka (mother) the thorn King Benson (father)
Personality type: trace and Tamara are both mischievous, evil, villainous twins that are best friends with each other who like to cause up trouble on the Isle of the Lost with their crew, but have their eyes set on taking over auradon in the name of their parents
Relationships: Trace is dating the daughter of scar scarla and tomorrow is dating the son of one of the Thorne Queen's guards
Family relationship: the thorny Queen and Thorn King are very loving parents who care deeply for their kids and tomorrow and Trace are always striving to make their parents proud of them which they always do even when they don't succeed in their plans more or less their parents are proud that they can get far enough in their evil plans that they consider them top a villainous unlike most Disney villain parents
Appearance :They both were similar styles if Trace having buzz cut black hair with his black cat ears and tomorrow having a kind of wash and go hairstyle showing off her natural curls with her cat ears also she wears glasses which some people on the aisle find nerdy but nobody dares to speak about it cuz they're afraid of the twins they also both wear black leather jackets with black ripped jeans and black boots and Trace usually wears a purple shirt reminiscent of his mom and tomorrow are usually wears a blue shirts reminiscent of her dad
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Chesh Cheshire
Age: unknown since time works quite a differently in Wonderland but about 16 on the Isle of the Lost
Parents: the Cheshire Cat
Personality type: sometimes a sneaky and mischievous pranksters and at other times a madvillain that wants to watch the world burn and at other other times a great spy to help bring down auradon prep
Relationship: she is currently not dating anybody
Family relationship: the Cheshire Cat is quite a mad and odd feline but he does deeply care for his daughter and taught her everything she knows about causing trouble mischief and Mayhem. At first he used to live in Wonderland with the rest of the Mad residence but after some examination he was banished to the Isle of the Lost for the crimes of trying to get Alice killed by the queen of hearts and being an overall animal to get you in danger
Appearance: chesh Cheshire have many different looks depending on how you catch her sometimes her fur is in more of a grayish Hue with blue stripes and other times it's in more of a pinkish Hue with purple stripes but either way you catch her most of the time she's pink with purple stripes mostly wearing a purple jacket with pink stripes along the side of it along with a neon pink shirt with neon lighting and a purple skirt with neon pink lights with striped pink and purple stockings with pink and purple boots sporting a large Cheshire Cat grin with her tail to erase the tracks
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Frankie facilier and Filia facilier
Age: Frankie is 15 and philia is 12 1/2
Parent: Dr facilier( father) Ursula( stepmom)
Personality type: Frankie facilier is a bit of a lone wolf trying to make his dad Dr facilier proud of him however it doesn't always work because Dr facilier mostly gives all his attention to his girls making Frankie feel more bitter and jealous towards his sisters especially Celia but tends to have a better relationship with philia.
Filia facilier is a mischievous Trickster using her Voodoo powers to tell the future to Poor Unfortunate Souls on the aisle and earn easy bucks but ever since she joins Tia and Tamara's crew she's also had her site set on taking over the Isle of the Lost with help from her friends on the other side
Relationship: neither of them are currently in a relationship however CJ hook has a secret crush on Frankie but tries to act tough and not mention it so that he will notice her
Family relationship: Dr facilier is a loving father towards all his children however he sometimes favors his girls over his sons, and he is always hardest on Frankie because he feels that he has greater potential if he just uses it the right way making Frankie a bit bitter towards his sisters, the only other sister aside from philia that understands him better is Freddie facilier who Dr facilier is also hard on as the oldest sibling.
Filia facilier has a great relationship with her dad and along with her older sister Celia is her dad's favorite child mostly because the two of them inherited most of Dr facilities powers but aside from that doctor facilier really just loves his daughter cilia and philia the most because he's used them as his baby girls from the day they were born, and the two of them have kind of used this to their advantage and have become a bit spoiled by their dad Dr facilier Who just cannot say no to them, a bit like Steve Harvey and his daughters but I digress, philia and Frankie always strive to make their dad proud of them and for the most part at works but Dr facilier always wants them to do better because he feels that they have great potential and that they can make him very proud if they put their powers to a greater use but he also understands that they won't have that opportunity on the Isle of Lost which is why he he was very excited when Celia got the opportunity to go to Oregon because he viewed that as a way for him and his family to raise their profits as discussed the limit after all it's like he always says if it don't make dollars it don't make sense
Appearance: Frankie has A bit of a Small buzz cut fro That is died a deep red And he can usually be seen wearing When of his dad's old top Hats Along with round sunglasses , mostly with red lenses and cross earrings. He mostly likes to wear A dark turquoise stress shirt with a Denim red vest and purple rip jeans Along with black boots with white Accents to them.
Filia facilier Was a big fan of her sister's hairstyle and decided to copy it Which slightly annoyed Celia, but didn't really care all that much. She can oftentimes be seen wearing a facilier Voodoo hats inspired by her dad Along with wearing a voodoo necklace that was passed down to her from her dad As a gift. She preferably likes to wear Purple and green dashiki printed dresses and shirts and Likes to sport them with Black leather or dark blue denim jackets And most of the time where is Oxford sneakers But also owns a pair of Knee high boots.
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Melvin and Treycor
Age: Melvin is 13 1/2 and Treycor is 13
Parents: Maleficent and Hades however Treycor got some of his his uncle Poseidon's jeans which is why he's black
Personality type: Melvin is a shy sometimes timid antisocial slightly emo boy who inherited most of her mom's abilities which is why he has a dragon tail and wings plus his mom's horns but at the same time if if you piss him off then he is more than willing to set fire to you and becomes extremely aggressive and angry mostly got that from his dad but also from his mom, so much so that he's been suspended a few times for setting his school Dragon Hall on fire after some dumb kids decided to bully him and he went full on Dragon on their asses
Treycor on the other hand is more calm and peaceful and isn't really much of a villain like his parents however his parents don't seem to have a problem with it as long as their son is happy and after Hades and Maleficent divorced he became even less villainous when he started Living more with his dad who didn't really care how his kids turned out, however at the same time when Trevor joins Tia and tomorrow's crew he started to gain back some of his old villainous habits which kind of made Hades and Maleficent proud. He's generally more if not the most calm out of his family but if you take him off too much, he is ready to spit flames and yeah his hair can catch fire just like his dad
Relationship: Melvin has a crush and later on started dating the daughter of Jafar Jinny who is the only one who can make him soften up.
Treycor has a crush on the adopted daughter of Captain Hook Hannah hook I believe but it's too shy to tell her however she kind of knows about it but is waiting for him to confess it himself
Family relationship:Treycor is actually the twin brother of Hattie but has a more twin-like relationship with Melvin and gets along with him much better which leads to them exploring places getting into trouble and doing all sorts of fun stuff as for their relationship with their parents Maleficent is a loving yet strict mother who makes sure her boys always act in line but can be calm when Melvin's Dragon Powers get out of control because she understands the feeling as for Hades he's more of a chill back dad to the point where he's more like a brother than a father to them only acting strict when he really needs to which isn't often aside from that he likes to play guitar with his sons cause fires with them or just be that cool dad that everybody loves, both of their children strive to make them proud however Treycor tends to also want to do his own thing more of the time which hate is this completely fine with because in his own words whatever makes my children happy makes me happy as for Maleficent her words are it's the Deeds that separates bad from truly evil
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Darson Oscar de Ville
Parents: Cruella Deville and her late husband Oscar
Personality type: darson DeVille is a bit of antisocial person who is quite tech savvy and mischievous but often times sarcastic and a bit rude to those he doesn't find respectable especially towards Morgana lafaye rival to Merlin and former teacher to his mom when she was going to the school of Good and Evil who also didn't respect her. he's also just as cruel as his mother and has a strong hatred and dislike for dogs mostly Dalmatians but does have a lightning towards some animals not all but some mostly cats
Relationship: he doesn't currently have a crush on anybody and mostly keeps to himself so he can focus more on his studies and evil plots to take revenge in his mother's name
Family relationship: the DeVille family despite contrary belief is actually a very strong family well strong now that Cruella is the head, before when the baroness was the mother of Cruella and her brothers David and Cecil B DeVille was the head of her family it was quite broken with her abandoning her children at a young age killing their new adoptive mother and them when they became adults trying to kill her daughter Cruella who she saw as a fashion rifle and didn't even recognize until she revealed herself, but now things have calmed down a bit ever since Cruella became the head of her family however that was only within her family outside of that people viewed her as just as awful as her own mother and there were even rumors that she was an abusive person towards her children and treated them like slaves and over time some of her children including Carlos started to believe this thinking that Cruella did truly love her fur coats and her car over them and viewed her children as a last priority which started to build low confidence within the Cruella did try to convince them otherwise and show them that she loved them as a first priority with her Furs and car being just behind them however even though her children knew she loved them they often times did doubt it and had low confidence about it all except for Darth sin who always believed her mom to be a good person well good mother at least person's a different story however whenever it came to these rumors he would always fight against people stating that even though his mom was a bit overdramatic and did him and his siblings do a lot of chores around the house it wasn't out of malice it was just Cruella being Cruella and she did still love all of them however people didn't always believe darson which made him even more infuriated, but Cruella was still proud that her son darson believed in her to be a good mother and did what every villain especially the veils do for family fight for them she was also extra proud about how her son was not afraid of dogs. You see at a young age Cruella implemented a fear of dogs into all her children because just like in the movie they were the ones who killed her adoptive mother not out of the malice that people describe but after Cruella describes how dangerous dogs are to Dawson instead of being afraid he became angry and obsessed with killing all dogs to the point where dogs truly feared him as much as they feared Cruella Deville later on in the years he started having a fondness for fur coats and jackets just like his mom and eventually decided any dog he dispatched would look better as a trophy that he wears and his mother Cruella always was proud of him for that and saw him as her favorite child and spent the most time with him which kind of made his siblings feel slightly neglected however he never noticed this
Appearance: darson DeVille as black and white hair just like all DeVilles however he likes to wear them in dreadlocks as a modern style. Along with that he likes to wear anything in the shades black and white and everything between as well as anything with red. He has many forms of fashion but his most common where is a black and white shirt with red jeans and black boots and a red and black fur coat in a striped pattern
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Drizel Tremaine(16) daughter of drizella Tremaine and Prince Hall and granddaughter of Lady Tremaine
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Quinn(16) daughter of the Queen and King of hearts
My original descendants a use feel free to ask questions and I will answer
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allycatcreatethings · 8 months
Alice in Wonderland
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thepaladincosplays · 9 months
Been a while but do you have anything more to share from your original story?
No art as of yet, but I do! Here’s a quick list of character fun facts for ya!
While Lotho isn’t as staunchly faithful as many others in Lunaria are, he will pray to Liba, the Goddess of Love, Lust, Beauty, and Marriage, before seeing his lover at her brothel. He always says a prayer at the statue outside of the Temple of Liba outside the Heart of Lunaria, the castle of the Heart family.
Lotho comes from the sea side country of Oasis, and grew up around fisherfolk and learned to sail and swim before learning to farm and fight. His family worked for trappers on a shellfish barge before they immigrated to Lunaria to start a farm.
Despite also coming from Oasis, Serena’s journey to Lunaria was nowhere near as pleasant or smooth sailing as Lotho’s. No one really knows what happened to her before she joined the Adventurer’s Guild, and that’s how she keeps it.
Kaizu, the King of Hearts’ court wizard, was once a student at the Arcane University in Khóndur, the home of the Arcana Elves (the true name of the Crimson Elves), and that was where the two met. Sandor had traveled to the Arcane University to study and master the magical arts and trained alongside Kaizu for a time before being crowned the King of Lunaria.
M’ara grew up in a village near the border Lunaria shares with the Great Plains, a cliffside village known as Ridge Town.
The King of Hearts’ father is a mystery, but many who had theories believe his father to be a member of his mother’s court when she sat the throne and ruled Lunaria.
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