#the JUST KISS ALREADY one is referring to hunter and bobbi
wheelsup-sevenup · 1 year
okay i just went and dug up all the texts i sent my friend when watching aos for the first time. here are the highlights:
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3 notes · View notes
rudikawhy · 11 months
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Three
Just like I did with season two, I took some notes while watching season three.
There are spoilers, but since I've marked when a new episode starts, you could just skip those you haven't seen yet. If there are any.
(S03 E01) I feel you, Coulson. It's hard for me too to get used to calling her Daisy
"He looks big and intimidating. But inside, he's just a soft, little, fluffy little teddy bear."
It must be so tough, knowing you can't go back to your own life
I was waiting for them to mention that Simmons has been swallowed (15 minutes)
Glad that Bobbi's back at work tho.
What's your mission, Fitz!?
"One last thing" what does that mean!?
I loooove sassy Fitz. "Hey, wait. Ah. I want to see Yusef. You understand? Or is your English worse than you think?"
Why doesn't Hunter talk to Bobbi now?
How dare you touch Fitz!
Is it just me or does Iain sound here more scottish than in season two?
I would like to have Fitz as my hero
This "monster" that appears at the hospital looks pretty creepy
And now, Fitz can also read Hebrew. What can't he do?
I love that both Jemma and Elizabeth are from Sheffield
No, don't accept it yet! This is Marvel, of course Jemma isn't dead
Fitz continues to break my heart (DO SOMETHING!!)
What the hell is happening there? Wherever Jemma is
(S03 E02) "In all of history, no one has ever returned" well maybe it's time someone does. Jemma, would you be so kind?
Okay, that was close, pulling Fitz away from that thing
I really love soft Bobbi
"So you think the Rock is a portal?" "No. No, I'm proving that it's a portal." I like confident Fitz (I also like self-conscious Fitz. I like Fitz in general)
"... and a Sandwich would be nice" Mood
Fitz would do any- and everything for Jemma, wouldn't he?
I'm confused by Bobbi and Hunter's relationship
"Don't die out there" I love that they keep saying that
If Hunter is looking for Ward at Hydra and Ward built his own team, than Hunter won't find anything, will he?
Coulson doesn’t open the portal just for ONE life. It's Jemma's life
"A lot of speculation back at HQ as to why you went AWOL. Spiritual walkabout. Mid-life crisis. EARLY mid-life crisis" Saved last second, Hunter
What the HELL do you think you're doing, Fitz!!!?
Why does it hurt so much more when they are inaudible?
Also my heart started beating so loudly
Fitz smiles! For the first time in what? One season?
I absolutely LOVE Hunter's reaction "Fitz, you absolute beauty!"
First Hunter sleeping by Bobbi's bed, and now Fitz by Jemma's bed - I love them
(S03 E03)
Jemma doesn't look too good
I, too, would be creeped out if someone put a tracker on me
I like Hunter
Fitz taking Jemma's hand is just the beginning of cuteness I expect from them
"Besides, she knows I'm lying, so it's not even really a lie." What kind of logic is that?
Did I mention that I love Bobbi? The way she speaks to Fitz
Would you mind leaving Hunter alone? I mean I know he kinda signed up for this but still
How is it that even when Fitzsimmons get to go to the restaurant where Fitz was holding the reservation for MONTHS, they manage to hurt my heart?
Does Hunter really want to meet Ward in this condition?
Why would you have to go back there, Jemma?
(S03 E04) The guy in the first scene who died kinda looked like Lee from the Kissing Booth
I can't make really sense of Coulson, what's his plan with this "cooperation"
Hunter calling May first "love" and then "mum" is just brilliant
"It's tough when people keep things from you" is Fitz referring to the beginning of Season two or to the present when he doesn't know what Jemma plans with the folder?
"Sorry, this coming from the guy who shot his own girlfriend by mistake?" Sassy Hunter is cool Hunter
Sooo, I have a feeling May's gonna kill Hunter after what happened to Andrew.
"It's time I told you the truth about everything" is "Something happened to me, Fitz, on the other side" already the truth about everything or does she simply not tell US the truth?
(S03 E05) Why is Jemma running, though? She has no destination
Note for myself: always charge your phone. Just in case you get swallowed by a monolith and you need to update your file of research and take pictures
It looks so cold there
Her talking about the restaurant to herself is too cute
I don't want to know how clean that water is
Where did she get the bathing suit from?
Okay, I see now, it's not a bathing suit
"You're dinner, biatch" Fitz and her ARE really the same
"Everyone always said we could read each other's minds, Fitz. So I really need you to read mine right now."
You're telling me she only had one picture of Fitz on her phone?
"I know you won't give up, so I won't, either"
Whatever this magic phone battery is, I need it! One month and it still works (or maybe I just need a Fitz in my life, not only for the phone battery)
"You wouldn't happen to have any alcohol, would you, Will?" - "Yeah, I'll run down to the drugstore and get it for you." - "Would you, please? If it's not too much trouble." I don't know if Jemma doesn't understand his sarcasm or just replies with own sarcasm
Is this just going to be a whole episode of Jemma on that planet?
"His name is like your favorite word" you're not wrong
Oh, that's the scene from the end of S03 E01
And Will's the reason Jemma needs to get back. That makes so much sense
You said you wouldn't give up hope
I know it's not really cheating but still, JEMMA!?
What was I saying? Fitz would do really anything for Jemma, even get Will back
(S03 E06) Why take Hunter (who does it for revenge) off a task and put May (who does it also for revenge) on it?
I never would have thought that May couldn't think clear
"You're not gonna say the thing?" That's exactly what I thought that moment. 'We don't get a "Don't die out there" this time?'
But Hunter, it's more than just keeping Simmons warm with a fire. She honestly couldn't have survived without him.
What language does Bobbi Not speak?
I'm always impressed how good they all can improvise
May smiling is just wrong
"Now we use the new dwarf Fitz crafted. He doesn't think it's ready yet, but that's stupid because it's awesome, so I stole it" isn't that with most things Fitz crafts? That he thinks it's not finished but other think it's awesome
Finally some soft Fitzsimmons scenes
I haven't said it yet, so I'll say it now: I don't like Rosalind
Even when she (apparently) has good intentions, I don't like her
Badass Bobbi
I don't know, for some reason I saw that coming. That Andrew is Lash
(S03 E07) Now knowing that Andrew is Lash, it makes it so much worse when they talk about inhumans in his present
Why do agents tend to keep information they got to themselves?
I like Hunter/Bobbi scenes
Can we please also see Fitz listening to the other audios?
Thank you, wish fulfilled
"Do you remember when we first met? I do. You were so quiet and pasty, and... so incredibly smart, handsome... quite a strange feeling... isn't it? Never wanting to be without someone. You must have been so annoyed, me following you around all the time." - "No. Never." - "I imagine our dinner sometimes... where we'd go, what we'd eat. I wonder about us a lot, actually. There's this small cottage in Perthshire we drove by once when I was a girl, some... some... family holiday, and I don't know why but I... I found it so lovely. I still think about it... a place where you and I could have... But that's that, I suppose. I'm not sure how long this battery will last. I should save it, just in case, for more important things. But I'll still talk to you on my own, if that's all right. I'll always be with you, Fitz." I'm sorry, I just HAD to write this down.
It must have been so hard for May to shoot Andrew and put into that box
Soft Fitzsimmons incoming!!
"Didn't know you thought about setting down in Perthshire. That's in Scotland." - "I know where it is, Fitz." :D
Also: "So when you said all those things about... I mean, you were tired and dehydrated." - "I was as clearheaded then as I've ever been... when I said all those things.... What do you think we should do about it?" - "For now... let's just watch the sunrise."
"You should think on a grander scale." - "Oh, I'll be grand." Yes, cause he is already Grant (Ward)
(S03 E08) That escalated quickly
I like Lincoln's voice
Fuck Ward
Why can Lincoln just work with them from one moment to the other?
Hunter's "Damn the Yanks" Shirt 😅
Coulson and Price together is just urghh
That wasn't a nice thing to do, Ward
"Stop. Just stop trying to do all the right things. It's too much." But that's what we love about Fitz
Why is it so funny; Hunter typing on the computer with Daisy on comms
And of course Hunter can't be really serious (Username: God Save The Queen), and Daisy feels the need to clarify that that wasn't her idea
I love jealous Fitz
"And you dove through a hole in the universe for me!" Thank you for pointing that out
I didn't even realize at first that this was really the FIRST Fitzsimmons kiss, it felt so natural
I may or may not have squeaked
I never realized how long Iain's eyelashes are
No, Fitz, you're not cursed
Watch out, Bobbi, I still need you
"Our friend Mr Banks has just showed up, and I do not have a handkerchief to cover my face... and that would be weird, anyhow." Indeed that would be weird
I don't know if I like Lincoln
I love Bobbi/Hunter dynamic
Of course everything is connected
(S03 E09)
Why is this dinner so awkward?
I mean I didn't like Rosalind, but she didn't deserve that
Aaaaand of course it was Ward
This episode started off with so much, and so fast, I can't even put my thoughts into words and write them down
Kinda cool, the interrogation
Crazy how Coulson, who is normally one of those who can think clearest, is now acting fully emotionally.
First May, then Coulson, everyone is attacking Hunter
Okay, what is going on here? Always putting Fitzsimmons in danger, aren't we, writers of AoS?
You can't just simply separate Fitzsimmons!
Don't you touch Jemma
Ward, you bloody psychopath
I kinda like Thomas
How many phones does someone with anger issues buy each year if every time something inconvenient is said on the phone they throw it away?
Cable ties are really the worst to be bind to something
Oh Fitz, when I said you'd really do anything for Jemma, this isn't what I meant
I beg you pardon, Ward? S.H.I.E.L.D. killed Kara? I think you got there something really wrong. That was you, you shot her
"Fitz, please just let them kill me." Jemma, you know that that's never gonna happen. He would do anything in his power to keep you alive
"I lost you once. I can't lose you again. I'm just... I'm not strong enough to live in a world that doesn't have you in it"
She wants to hug him but she can't 😭😭
Okay, Coulson, that was crazy
They really could have given Fitz some better clothes
(S03 E10) That way, Fitz won't be able to figure out anything
"This is how S.H.I.E.L.D. works. You make a plan, plan turns to rubbish, you make a new plan." Well said
Oh god, oh god, what can I say? I'm literally shaking because of this Fitz/Will thing
I wasn't really able to pause the episode to write something down, so I don't really have any notes from this episode.
But, some things:
I feel bad for Jemma because she looked so guilty when May said that Lash killed all the inhumans, and she was the one who let Andrew free, just to save herself. I don't know, I just feel bad for her
Also, I feel bad for Fitz because he just wanted to bring Will back for Jemma and then Will turns out to be "it"
Also, the few seconds between Fitz shouting to Coulson that they have to hurry and them actually hurrying, when Coulson left his hand by Ward's side, that felt so much longer than it actually was.
Jemma standing by the container at the end, thinking that Fitz didn't make it, just hurt really
Also what was that last glance between Coulson and Fitz suppose to mean? That confused me
And because I feel like I haven't said it in a while: I really love Bobbi and Hunter
(S03 E11) What president is that supposed to be?
I love that Jemma still asks Fitz for his opinion, even when (it seems like) she doesn't really need it
This person with those super powers (who puts Mack in the car) is scary
What did Fitz do to Will, though? I thought Will really died saving Jemma and that, whatever it was, was just disguised as Will
Who could this person be who might know something about Malick?
Ah, van Strucker
This new "Ward" is really weird and scary
Bobbi's "Hey you" (rescuing Mack) made me unreasonable happy
When Coulson said "What about him?" to Lincoln, I thought he wanted to put him into this machine
Why is there almost no episode where no one is captured, hurt, knocked out, or anything like that? And why is it once again Bobbi and Hunter?
"Why are you really here?" is a pretty stupid question you can ask a person who you've kidnapped
Okay, now Elena's no longer scary, more cool
Also please keep Bobbi and Hunter save
"I miss you"
"You've been nothing less than extraordinary this whole time." Jemma's here to speak the truth
"Can we start over, back to where we began?" - "Sixteen and achingly shy" - "Two people, endlessly inquisitive, about to embark on a relationship that will change their lives, but they don't know where it will go. I'm Jemma Simmons, biochemist." - "Leopold Fitz, engineering." What are you planning with this?
Sometimes I feel like they just let Ward live (or something similar), so that Brett Dalton can continue to be a part of the series
(S03 E12)
"What are you?" - "What are we?" That was creepy
"No one would ever intentionally cut their hair like that" That's what I've been thinking about Talbot's hair cut for quite some time
Sometimes I wonder if Lincoln really doesn't follow orders because he doesn't want to or because he can't stop using his powers on command
I'm impressed by Brett Dalton's acting
How could anyone not want to be Hunter's friend? I mean, yes, sometimes he can be out of control and maybe he isn't ALWAYS the greatest friend, but deep down, I believe, he is a great friend and always there for you
Oh, I was wondering, why his right arm is in that sling, but that's actually a smart trick
Jemma calls him Dr. Fitz :)
Why does Hunter keep on doing his own thing?
And why is he always right? ("Oh, guns. Why does no one ever listen to me?")
And why do agents continue to read something or look for something with their backs to the room when they're in a room they're not supposed to be?
Oh, COME ON, Hunter
Well, that's kinda your own fault now, Hunter
Excuse me, Talbot!?
Each episode, my trust issues just get bigger. Like, who CAN I even trust anymore?
Also, why does Coulson always, literally always, look like he's smiling, even when he's not?
"I hate to be a buzzkill, but this is a gun free zone, so I'm gonna have to take that off you." I love you, Hunter
"I love you" same, Bobbi, same
How do the villains always manage to turn things to their advantage?
"Were we the only ones that got the "no weapons" memo?" Probably
"I'm bored of this." Only a selected few could say something like that in the middle of a shooting, and Bobbi is one of them
Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again, Bobbi
"Oh, damn" was my (and probably Hunter's) though, when he saw the red point on his hand
Talbot's "Where is my son?" reminded me very much of Hamilton's in Stay Alive (Reprise)
Grant Ward (or whoever you might be now), that's disgusting!
Hunter, Bobbi, don't die out there
(S03 E13)
Not me who simply said "Bobbi!" when I saw her sitting there
"I'd like a cheeseburger, medium, with cheddar cheese, ketchup, mayo, lettuce, and tomato. And some curly fries. Crispy." Queen Bobbi is here again
"There's no one else to help you here" what happened to Hunter?
That was nice, that Hunter and Bobbi, for once, had a conversation on their own
But of course it had to be interrupted
For a second there I forgot that Bobbi speaks a lot of languages, including Russian
"How's everyone's Russian?" - "My pronunciation's not fluent." - "And mine's nonexistent." - "I dated a Russian hacker once, but I only learned the dirty words." Why is this all so in character?
"Amadeus Ravenclaw Hunter" only Hunter could give that answer (OH WAIT, that is really his real name!? I thought it was just Hunter not taking anything seriously) (Or isn't it? I'm not following. Can anyone give me answers whether or not that's his real full name?)
Would any of them mind just leaving Bobbi and Hunter alone?
I love it so much when Hunter calls her "Bob"
"Wait, wait, hold on. The letter that looks like New Hampshire with legs, that's "D," right?"
A person who has a shadow even though they're not visible, that's creepy
"I have an idea, but it involves May hitting people" May's smirk
I'm sorry but it looked kind of pathetic, the way they were trying to beat the shadow
"As I was saying, don't panic, sir, but your life is in danger"
Fuck. The panic and fear in Bobbi's voice as she says "Hunter, are you OK? - Hunter, please answer me"
The forehead touch🥲🥹🥺
"It's a spy's goodbye" and I started crying, really hard, and didn't stop until the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo appeared
This can't be it. I can't accept it. Why would they let Bob and Hunter go? Why would they do that to me? To all of us?
I see it coming. I'm gonna rewatch season two and three just because of these two
At least they get to go together
I'm gonna miss them so much
The spy's goodbye was really beautiful, though
(S03 E14)
Why would you think that's awesome, brother-of-Mack?
I can't quite keep up
"No, I'm quite comfortable blaming myself, actually, for the lot of it. For all the miseries endured to rescue helpless little Agent Simmons. Will died trying to save me. And Fitz... Poor Fitz nearly got himself killed a number of times, and that's not even the worst of it." - "Andrew. What happened to those Inhumans... not your fault." - "No, I just let a known murderer loose to save my own skin. Traded all those... those lives for mine. Well, it won't happen again. And since I'm practically the only woman here, who can't kill with her bare hands..."
"OK, Fitz, you're with me." - "Uh... Am I?" That's so me
Sometimes I think Coulson is too hard on people, in this case Lincoln
Daisy, you're not supposed to get in a stranger's car
Fitz looks so shaky and kind of afraid when holding the gun against that guy in the car
Daisy can be charmingly dangerous
I'm not overly fond of Mack's brother. I mean I understand why he's angry for Mack constantly putting him off, but still
I hate it when people are somewhere they're not supposed to be
As I was saying, I'm not overly fond of Mack's brother
Oh please, not Fitz again
"Sooner or later, this bomb is gonna go off. And then... I'll implode. Which is gonna be messy." Fitz talks too casually about him imploding
Joss, Jed, Maurissa, would any of you mind not hurting or trying to kill Fitz anymore?
A shotgun axe!!
"Mini Mack"
I was totally expecting Ward to be in that car at the end
(S03 E15) Fitz didn't look too good in Daisy's vision
Why do people (/villains) always want to take over the world? Like, what would you get out of it?
Okay, it wasn't Fitz but Lincoln, still not looking too good
"And Fitz-Simmons will stay out of the damn snow." I mean I know it was part of the vision but why exactly is it so important to stay out of the damn snow?
"Ward" or whoever that is now is even crazier than the original Ward
That's actually a smart idea, them rehearing the fight
But it's also very funny
Ward's wayyy too crazy
Hurry up, hurry up, Daisy
I KNEW that their plan wouldn't work. When Coulson said that May would go in, no one else. That he'd stay away from guns until this is over. And that everyone else stays at HQ. And I can only assume that it's going to start snowing any second
"It's not snow." - "I think we're supposed to hold hands now.... Maybe some things are inevitable." They're too cute
Oh, right, I forgot that that plane explosion was already foreshadowed
I'm sorry for Charles
(S03 E16) I kinda feel sorry for Nathaniel
That transition of It wasn't necessary
Wait, so Nathaniel is It?
That sacrifice was disgusting
(S03 E17)
I was starting wondering what happened to Yo-Yo
And if I'm being honest I forgot about Joey
Daisy surely can jump out of a plane with style
"This seal gonna hold?" - "Hope so. It's chlorine gas. If not, we'll all go blind." And once again, Fitz talks too casually about them getting harmed
"Who needs space? 'Cause I've got something magnificent right here... A picture of space."
Finally, a wholesome Fitzsimmons scene
Also a beautiful, genuine laugh from Jemma
Oh fuck, I did not expect Daisy to be Hive's sway
Don't they have some kind of emergency alarm button in the quarantine room, so Lincoln could warn the others?
I'm confused. How can Daisy be stopped?
Can Daisy be stopped?
Daisy is probably the reason why people aren't allowed to walk under the wings of planes
(S03 E18) Fitz and Simmons are awfully formal, conspicuously inconspicuous
Fitz trying to talk without actually mentioning what he's talking about, and then there's Jemma with "You mean once we have sex"
Daisy, to me at least, looks suspicious the whole time when talking to Hive, but I'm not sure if she is aware that she is possessed
Fitz looks nice in a suit
"Happy to make the sacrifice" is the new "Happy to comply," isn't it?
"But she's the closest thing I have to a daughter."
I see it coming, the suitcase will be gone any moment
Or not
Fitz being confused by Jemma's actions is cute
Fitzsimmons tends to be separated and I am not happy about it
"I thought it would be cool if the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a shield. Fitz agreed, so..."
When did Jemma say, she'd go nowhere without Ward? (Or did he mean Will?)
Okay, he meant Will
Don't you dare choking Fitz like that
"You know how many times Bobbi and Hunter pulled the "my comms are broken" trick?"
When Mack knows Fitzsimmons better than Fitzsimmons knows themselves
I've been screaming so loudly internally when they kissed (again). I literally had to put my hands on my mouth, so it would stay internally
(S03 E19) What was done to Hive's ancestor looks pretty disgusting
"You didn't see Daisy. She acted like we were still best of pals all while threatening to murder me." - "No, you're right. I didn't see that. I was much too busy listening to the disgusting face of Grant Ward act like my dead boyfriend." - "That's true. That does sound worse." - "Right. If this was a competition, then I'd win. I had to shoot him three times just to shut him up." - "Bet that felt good." - "Yeah, it did. Though it would have felt better had he actually died, instead of just sort of oozing."
Okay, that was even more disgusting, Dr Radcliffe's attempt
I hope that they find a way to get Daisy out of there soon
Fitz talking about Milton, the absolute worst, is too funny
That was pretty stupid, Lincoln
Urghh, May smiled
Why are there suddenly so many nameless soldiers who say more than just "Yes sir"?
Also, I'm constantly expecting Hunter and/or Bobbi to appear on the screen
Hive Daisy's recklessness is scary
And now you've made Hive angry
(S03 E20) I didn't manage to write anything during the episode
But: I thought the lift from the bar to the HQ was really fancy
I was constantly angry at Lincoln for wanting to be with Daisy. So he fooled me too
I was definitely glad that he fooled me and didn't actually wanted to go to Daisy
I still don't like Talbot, even though he didn't really do anything for disliking him
I thought it was really cool that they tricked Hive and Daisy
I am still surprised that Lash doesn't harm Daisy, in contrary really. He was so careful when saving her and freeing her from Hive's sway
I am honestly not sure if I am glad that Lash died or not. Because, yes, he did kill a lot of innocent people, but he also saved Daisy, and maybe they need this power a few more times to free inhumans from Hive's sway
I did not really understand what bad news Fitzsimmons had in the end
(S03 E21) Fitz screamed like a monkey
I'm impressed that Fitz could keep up with that code
Fitz finally initiated a high-five and there's no one who's willing to give him one
Oh dammit, Coulson wants to put Daisy into that machine
Don't provoke Lincoln
Okay, he did
Brett Dalton is honestly a very good actor
Don't get too excited about catching Hive. There is always a hook
Fitz really is the romantic one
I told you, don't get too excited, Hive would find a way to escape
What the hell do you think you're doing, Daisy?
(S03 E22) some post-episode notes
That was... a lot
No, seriously, that was really thrilling
I can't recall particular thoughts or details I want to point out
But a few times I realized I'd clapped my hand over my mouth. I didn't know people really do that, I thought that's just something people in movies do
These new inhumans certainly are pretty creepy
When they were in the room where Jemma was hiding, I was so confused why they couldn't see her
Also Dr Radcliffe is too full of himself
Dammit, I knew Lincoln would die in this episode, but still- Whyyy? I was just stating to REALLY like him
Also Daisy didn't make it any easier not to cry
And that six-months-later scene wasn't what I was looking for. That Daisy left the team
And what the hell does Radcliffe plan to do?
Who is AIDA?
So many questions
But this also means that Fitzsimmons is now at least half a year together, which makes me happy
One of the few things in this episode that made me happy
So, this was me watching AoS season three within 11 days. That was... something. A lot to take in, to think about. I mean we finally got Fitzsimmons. Hive's dead. A lot of other good things happened. But sadly also a lot of bad and not-so-good things. I'm gonna miss Bobbi and Hunter like hell. I already do. (Well, not that I actually miss hell, but I'm gonna miss them really really much). But now to season four. Looking forward to it.
14 notes · View notes
440mxs-wife · 2 years
It’s About Time
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Pairing: Bucky x F!Reader, mention/hint of Dean x F!Reader (past). Other Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Clint Barton, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester and Jeremiah Nelson/Demon!Dazon (OMC). Mentioned: Happy Hogan and Bobby Singer.
Word Count: 6456
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, but for the most part, here there be FLUFF. (And maybe some references to “bow-chicka-wow-wow” times, but no smut.)
Summary: The final battle is at hand, with the Demon Dazon making his appearance. Everything seems to be going to plan, until....it doesn’t. A wrinkle in the plan appears from an unexpected source, so you have to think fast. You only hope your hunting skills will be enough to be successful in defeating Dazon and avenging your parents.
A/N: Last part!! It all comes down to the final battle between the Hunters and Avengers vs. the Demons. And of course, there was no way I was going leave this without including a wedding! This has been a fun mini-series to write, but the characters make it so easy. Thank you all so much for joining me on this ride, and hope you like this last part.
A/N 2: You;ll find Part 1, Perfect Timing here, Part 2, Running Out of Time here, Part 3 In the Nick of Time here, and Part 4, Turning Back Time here. Enjoy!
By the time you and Bucky had joined the gala, it was nearly in full swing. You saw the usual crowd of CEOs and other executives with their wives in attendance, along with some government officials. Some were dancing, others were hanging out at the bar, the buffet table, or bending Tony's ear about something.
Every once in a while, you checked in with your team members through your earpiece to determine if Dazon had made an appearance. So far, no one had seen him, but you knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up. Until then, you'd have to remain on your guard and ready for pretty much anything.
A little over an hour after you and Bucky arrived, you were coming back to the table when you spotted Dazon at the ballroom entrance. He was flanked by the same two bodyguards that had stopped you, Natasha and Wanda outside the clothing store a few days ago. "Heads up, everyone, the Eagle has landed," you murmured into your earpiece.
"Do not engage, repeat, do not engage," Dean commanded. "You're the one he's after, and you need to stay out of his sight," he added.
"Acknowledged, Dean. I'm not going to do anything to make things worse," you retorted.
"Oh, like you did the other day outside the store?" he shot back.
"Hey, let's cut the chatter and keep our focus on the objective," Steve broke in.
"Sorry, Cap," you replied. By this time, you were back to Bucky's side, his arm around you. The smell of his aftershave sent a wave of comfort over you.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Bucky inquired as he kissed that spot behind your ear that he knows can make you weak in the knees. He took a deep breath and caught the scent of his favorite perfume on you, causing him to be the one with possible knee problems.
"I'm fine, just want this to be over and done with already," you muttered. As you scanned the room, a thought occurred to you. Of all your team members, you had yet to see Clint "Hawkeye" Barton. "Hey, has anyone seen Clint yet tonight? Repeat, anyone got eyes on Hawkeye?"
Before anyone could answer, Tony appeared on the stage with a folder in his hand and grabbed the microphone. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for being here tonight. As you know, the Stark Foundation is always looking for opportunities to support the community. The inspiration for tonight's award comes from someone within my own company," he announced.
Tony went on to explain that a scholarship was being created in honor of your parents in the amount of $1million. He mentioned that while you attended college, you took classes within the Foreign Language Department. Since then, the Foreign Language program of your school had received private donations from your parents to keep it afloat. With his help, the scholarship would continue to fund the program for future students of foreign languages.
Tony's eyes roamed the crowd until they landed on yours. He smiled and beckoned you to join him on the stage to accept the award on behalf of your parents. A certificate had been printed for you to present to the dean of your college alma mater.
As soon as you were halfway up to the stage, the lights in the ballroom went out, plunging the entire ballroom into darkness. Realizing that Dazon was finally making his move, Tony shouted, "FRIDAY! Lock down the Tower and seal off this room!"
When the lights came back up, your upper arms were being gripped by Dazon's guards. But most concerning was that Hawkeye was standing in front of you. He had an arrow in his bow, drawn and aimed straight at your heart. His eyes had flashed completely black, indicating he was being possessed by a demon, confirming your worst fears.
Bucky, Steve and Natasha started to rush towards you and Clint. "WAIT! NO, DON'T! STAY BACK EVERYONE, PLEASE!" you implored. Dazon's guards tightened their hold on your arms, making you wince from the bruises you knew were being inflicted.
Dean and Sam walked slowly over to the table where you and Bucky had been sitting. "Yeah, don't. You'll never reach her in time, and there's a demon controlling Hawkeye right now," Dean carefully explained.
"Excellent advice, Mr. Winchester, and you are exactly correct," Dazon confirmed. "Although, if you care more about your precious archer than this woman, then by all means, keep advancing," he smirked. He sauntered over to where you were being held. "I've been waiting a long time for this, my dear. Your parents caused me no end of trouble by interrupting my plans for a demon army," he remarked.
You lifted your chin in defiance, glaring at Dazon. "My parents were right to put a stop to you all those years ago. The world may be a mess right now, but one thing it doesn't need is another demon trying to rule it," you spat out.
Dazon drew his hand back and slapped you across the cheek, leaving a red mark. Bucky charged at Dazon, intent on making him pay for putting his hand on you. Steve and Natasha were only barely able to hold him back, knowing it would be worse for you if Bucky tried to fight Dazon. You silently communicated to Bucky that you were all right, and to hold on just a little bit longer.
"You know, I think I like this meatsuit. He's durable, in great physical condition, and a captain of industry. Which means I have thousands of loyal employees ready and willing to do whatever I tell them to do. I like it here. I think I'll stick around for awhile, rebuild my army," Dazon mused.
"Now, you know we can't allow you to do that," Dean replied, his M1911A1 pistol raised and pointed at Dazon. In response, Dazon waved his hand and sent Dean flying across the room, crashing into a table covered with empty drink glasses. Dean was a little slow in rising to his feet, but you were more concerned with the gash in his forehead from the impact with the table.
"I don't think you're in any position to stop me, Winchester. None of you are, as a matter of fact," Dazon declared. "It was so easy to get to Mr. Barton here," he motioned in Clint's direction. "Apparently, he forgot to get himself inked, which would've kept my lieutenant, Tarkil, out. But, with no anti-possession symbol, it was like walking through the front door and setting up shop," Dazon gloated.
You turned to Hawkeye, locking your gaze on him. "Clint," you started. "Clint, I know you're still in there, and you're stronger than the demon. You know me, I'm your friend, and I know you don't want to hurt me. Come on Clint, you can do this! Fight it! Kick the demon out!" you shouted.
The grip on his bow and arrow had started to waver and his aim had shifted a little from its original target. He was blinking rapidly and shaking his head as if trying to clear it from the demon residing in his body. Suddenly he dropped his bow and arrow and clutched his head with both hands, roaring in intense agony. The demon was trying to keep control, but you could tell it was rapidly losing ground to Clint, who was getting close to expelling the offending party.
"That's it, Clint, you're doing great, you've almost got him out," you coaxed. Black smoke suddenly erupted from out of Clint's mouth and he dropped to the ground, still alive, but unconscious.
"SILENCE!" Dazon screeched. His hand shot out and grabbed your neck, lifting you off the ground, then he started to squeeze. "You are as troublesome as your parents were, and you know what happened to them," he seethed.
Black spots started appearing in front of you, and were getting larger the harder he gripped your neck. You didn't have much time before you would completely lose consciousness. "Any last words before I finish choking the life out of you, hunter?" he retorted.
"Yes," you managed to whisper. You took a deep breath before uttering what you hoped wouldn't be your final words. "FRIDAY....SMOKE ON THE WATER," you exclaimed.
A puzzled look crossed Dazon's face at your choice of last words. A chime sounded to indicate that FRIDAY had indeed heard your command and began to play the pre-recorded message.
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.
Ergo, draco maledicte. Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!
A red smoke seeped out of Jeremiah Nelson and floated to the ceiling while his body dropped to the floor, unconscious, but alive. Dazon's spirit tried to escape through the air vent, but was blocked. It tried seeping under the door, which was also blocked. The smoke that was Dazon's spirit began to swirl around on the ceiling, as it was trapped with no meatsuit to wear.
From a nearby table, Sam produced an Enochian puzzle box and opened the lid, which pulled Dazon's spirit in. As soon as the lid to the box was closed, the markings and symbols glowed orange for a few seconds then went dark. Sam took the puzzle box and placed it inside of a bigger box. The larger box had the proper warding and symbols on it to ensure Dazon's permanent captivity.
Once Dazon's spirit was no longer connected to his meatsuit, you were released from his hold and you dropped to the floor. Bucky rushed over to your side and cradled your unconscious form in his arms. "No no no, baby, come on," he crooned. "Please wake up, sweetheart," he pleaded while rocking you back and forth.
Dean knelt down beside you and Bucky, his fingers pressed to your wrist. "She's just unconscious, I can feel her pulse but it's kinda weak," he affirmed.
"Okay, let's get her to the MedBay. FRIDAY, ask Dr. Cho to meet us there so she can check--" Tony started but was interrupted by a groaning noise heard from you.
"My head hurts," you rasped. "Did we get him? Is everybody okay?" you asked through half-lidded eyes.
Bucky breathed a sigh of relief that you had regained consciousness. His right hand cradled your cheek, and when you gazed into his soulful eyes, you could see unshed tears shimmering in them. "Hi," he whispered shakily.
"Hi," you whispered back, then turned to press a kiss to the palm of his hand. Bucky closed his eyes, reveling in your touch. A few tears escaped, which you brushed away with the pad of your thumb before covering his hand on your cheek with your hand. "Is it over?"
Bucky nodded. "It's over. His spirit is trapped inside one box, which Sam put inside another box. Clint's demon is gone, he's being tended to right now," he informed you.
You tried to maneuver yourself to a sitting position so you could then stand up, but your body was still a little weak from the fight with Dazon. Bucky helped you up from the floor and into a nearby chair from one of the dinner tables. He brought you some water to ease the burning in your throat due to the lack of oxygen.
"Tony, everybody, get out of my way, I have to see her," Clint bellowed. He was struggling to escape from Tony and the medical personnel trying to treat him to get to you. As soon as his eyes found you, he ran over to where you were sitting. "Sunshine, I'm so sorry for what happened," he implored. "I can't believe I almost....If I had released...." he trailed off, trying to keep his emotions under control.
You put your hand on Clint's arm and looked him straight in the eyes. "Clint, you have nothing to apologize for. I know that wasn't you in control, because the real you wouldn't have let anything happen to me," you replied.
"I would never," Clint whispered, his bottom lip trembling. "I felt so helpless, I couldn't do anything, couldn't stop any of it from happening."
"I bet it felt like you were in a dream, right? You know, the kind where you scream at the top of your lungs and no one hears you?" you asked, to which he nodded. "Yeah, I've been possessed by a demon before, so I know what it feels like and it sucks," you chuckled. Clint responded with a watery grin. "You're still my friend, Clint, that hasn't changed. I'll follow you into battle any day," you asserted with a smile. The two of you embraced, then Clint allowed himself to be taken to the MedBay to be checked over.
"How about you, pretty girl? You ready to be checked over by Dr. Cho?" Bucky asked.
"I'm fine, James. Nothing a little rest and cuddling with my favorite super soldier wouldn't fix. And if it happens to lead to....'other activities', well....I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it," you added slyly.
Bucky scooped you up in his arms and held you close to his body. "I can certainly manage some cuddling, but I think we should stick to getting some rest. We've had a busy night, solnyshka," he replied with a weary grin.
Back up in your room, you and Bucky helped each other out of your formal attire and made sure it was all carefully hung up in the closet. After you had changed into pajamas, you climbed in under the sheets and Bucky soon followed. He laid on his back, with one arm curled around you, keeping you close by his side. Your free arm was draped across his midsection, your fingers dancing on and under his T-shirt.
The two of you had been laying in bed together, enjoying each other's presence, when you lifted your head and waited for Bucky to look at you. "Let's get married," you declared.
"What are you talking about, sweetheart? We're already getting married a few months from now," Bucky reminded you.
"I know, but I mean this week. Let's get married this week," you clarified. At the puzzled look on Bucky's face, you continued. "Think about it, James. All of our friends--family, really--they're all already here. That's all we need. I'm sure Tony can pull some strings to expedite the marriage license, but why couldn't we?" you pondered.
The more Bucky thought about it, the more he realized you were right. Neither of you wanted a big, flashy wedding, but one more intimate, only close family and friends. "Okay. Okay, let's do it," he responded with a grin on his handsome face.
"Really?!? You mean it??" you exclaimed, to which he nodded.
"Solnyshka, there is very little in this world I would deny you, and this definitely isn't one of those things. I can tell how important this is to you. If it makes you happy, then who am I to stand in the way of that? Besides, it means I can call you my wife that much sooner," he added with a gentle tap to the end of your nose.
"Oh, James," you whispered, tears prickling behind your eyelids. "I love you so much, and I can't wait to call you my husband," you remarked.
"I love you, my solnyshka," Bucky replied, then rolling over so he was facing you. He started dropping feather-light kisses anywhere he could reach, your cheeks, your neck, eyelids, nose. It was like he was on a mission to leave no inch of your skin untouched by his lips, as if to devour you. Not that you minded in the least.
It's amazing the amount of stuff that can be done in a short amount of time with an unlimited bank account. Tony was indeed able to call in a favor for nearly every major part of the wedding experience. Whatever you needed, Tony had a connection for it.
Tony was able to get an expedited marriage license for you and Bucky, because one of his friends was a judge. This judge also happened to be at the fundraising gala that night and was a former hunter, long since retired from the life. He was only too happy to grant this favor to Tony in exchange for having saved his life at the gala. The judge even offered to officiate the wedding, to which you and Bucky agreed.
For his part, Bucky chose Steve to be his Best Man, with Sam Wilson as a groomsman, while Thor and Loki were designated as ushers. Knowing how important they are to you, Bucky personally extended an invitation to the Winchesters to be his guests for the wedding. As such, it put them in the front row at the ceremony. At the reception, Sam and Dean had seats near the head table with all the other Avengers.
On your side, you asked Natasha to be your maid of honor, with Wanda as a bridesmaid. Since your father and Uncle Bobby could not do so, you asked Tony if he would walk you down the aisle.
When you asked him, he tried to act like he wasn't emotionally affected by hiding behind his tinted glasses. You could tell he was a little choked up, but you wisely refrained from saying anything out loud. Deep down, you knew he wasn't expecting you to choose him, though he was deeply honored to give you away.
Everyone in the wedding party and the small number of guests were either Avengers or close friends. For this reason, you and Bucky chose to have the ceremony in the Tower Gardens. As such, there was no need for the men to dress in tuxedos, but they did make use of Tony's favorite tailor. Everyone got new suits, including Sam and Dean.
The bridal party once again set out together to find their wedding attire. The bridesmaid and maid of honor dresses you chose were floor-length in navy blue satin with spaghetti straps. They had a racer-back and a mesh criss-cross at the waist.
Your wedding dress was a white, off-the-shoulder ball gown style, with a sweep train and a navy blue and silver beaded sash at the waist. It had metallic appliqués with beads and sequins from top to halfway down the tulle skirt that sparkled when you moved.
The minute you stepped into it, you knew it was the dress. Nat and Wanda's reactions confirmed that you had made the perfect choice. Although you were more comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt, you felt very much like a princess in your dress. You couldn't wait to see Bucky's reaction to you.
As was tradition, the night before the wedding saw you and Bucky sleeping apart. Of course, that didn't stop the two of you from texting each other well into the night. The two of you officially signed off at around 1:00 a.m., with promises to meet each other at the altar.
The wedding day was a flurry of activity, making sure everything for both sides of the wedding was done perfectly. For the bride's side, that included professionals for hair and makeup. Tony also sent Pepper in to the bridal suite to keep everything organized and running smoothly.
"Okay, something old? Check, I have this locket that once belonged to my mother. Something new? My dress. Something borrowed? Nat's shoes, thank you, love. Something blue? The sash on my dress. And a sixpence for my shoe," you finished, looking around for a penny.
"Here you go," Pepper held out a penny with the current year on it and helped you slip it into your shoe. "You know, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but you threw Tony for a loop when you asked him to give you away," she shared.
"I wondered about that," you murmured. "He tried to hide behind those tinted glasses of his, but I know he wasn't expecting me to ask this of him."
"Yeah, he's tough on the outside like that iron suit he sometimes wears, but inside? He's just a soft marshmallow," Pepper grinned as she shrugged her shoulders.
You giggled at her analogy. "With the penny, that's everything, then. I'm ready to get married now," you affirmed. "How do you think it's going with the guys?" you wondered.
"Hey, Steve, you've got the rings, right?" Bucky asked his Best Man.
Steve made a show of patting his pockets and looking around like he didn't know where the rings were. "I don't know, Buck, they were just here. I swear I put them in my pocket, but I don't feel them in there right now," Steve replied.
"Aww, you gotta be kiddin' me, Steve! How could you lose the rings? Holding on to the rings was pretty much your only--" Bucky trailed off when he saw his best friend's shoulders shaking from laughing so hard. "Punk," he muttered.
"Just a bit of pre-wedding humor, Buck," Steve remarked.
"Yeah? Well, you nearly gave me a heart attack," Bucky retorted. Then he gave Steve a friendly nudge to let him know all was forgiven. "Wonder how it's going with the girls. 'Specially my bride, I bet she looks just like an angel, Stevie," Bucky mused. "Today's the day I make her my wife."
Steve clapped his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I know. Let's go get you married, Buck," he grinned.
Bucky, Steve and Sam made their way to the front of the altar to await the procession of the bridal party. First, Natasha sauntered down the aisle and took her place opposite the groom's party. She flashed a wink at Dean, taking him completely by surprise. Wanda soon followed, filing in behind Natasha.
The music changed to Pachelbel's Canon in D, signaling it was your turn to walk down the aisle towards your groom. You caught Tony just before he took his first step forward. "Sunny? You okay?" he asked.
You flashed him a brilliant smile worthy of your nickname. "I'm perfect, Tony. I'm marrying the love of my life today, and a lot of the thanks goes to you. So thank you, Tony. For everything," you whispered, trying to hold back your tears.
"You're welcome, kid," Tony replied gruffly, his voice thick with emotion. He cleared his throat to disguise his attempt to get his emotions back under wraps. "Let's go get you married, Sunny," he smiled.
When you took that first step into view of the altar, Bucky's breath was taken away. He already knew you were beautiful, but today, you were exquisite. For him, time seemed to slow down and the rest of the world melted away until it was just the two of you. With each step that brought you closer to him, his smile grew so much, his cheeks felt like they would split open.
The moment your eyes landed on Bucky, his was the only face you saw. No wedding guests on either side of the aisle, no bridesmaids or groomsmen at the front, just your future husband. Every step you took was one towards a life you would share with the man who was your best friend, your lover, your everything. And he would soon be yours, as much as you would be his, as husband and wife.
Once you finally reached the altar, you looked closer and could see there were tears shimmering in Bucky's eyes that had yet to fall. You hoped they were of joy, because it was rare for you to see Bucky cry except under extreme circumstances. Bucky held out his hand to guide you the few extra steps to the altar. As Tony put your hand in Bucky's, he leaned over and said, "Take care of her, Barnes." Bucky nodded in response.
"Hi, sweetheart. You....you look....you do look like an angel," Bucky finally managed.
"Hello, my love. You look more handsome than I've ever seen," you remarked softly.
A rogue tear had broken loose and rolled down Bucky's cheek. You handed your bouquet to Natasha and turned back around to Bucky. With your right hand, you cradled his face and wiped away his tears with your thumbs. Bucky gave a huff of laughter and he smiled. "There it is. That smile I've been missing since we parted last night," you whispered.
"Let's do this, hmm?" Bucky responded with a wink. You nodded, then you both turned your attention to the judge.
The ceremony was simple, but it was easily the most beautiful, because of the love you and Bucky held for each other. The judge announced that you both had written your own vows, and he invited you to share them with everyone.
"My sweet solnyshka....you are one of the best parts of my life. You accepted me, all of me, even the darkest parts of my life. But that's why I call you 'solnyshka', which means 'sunshine'. It's because you shine your generous, caring heart on me to chase away the darkness. I will love, honor, and definitely cherish you. I will be your shoulder to cry on if or when life overwhelms you. To share in all of your joys and to not be the source of your pain. This I promise to do for the rest of my days," Bucky affirmed. He winked at you and mouthed the words, "your turn".
"My brave sergeant....ever since that first conversation we had in my office about books, I knew how special you were. I had heard about what the hardships you'd experienced in your life. But despite it all, James, you have remained a kind, compassionate, thoughtful man. You are worthy of everything good this world has to offer you. I will love, honor, and definitely cherish you. I will be your safe harbor whenever a storm rises, and mend any parts after it passes. To show you how much you mean to me and to not let you forget it. This I promise to do for the rest of my days," you pledged.
Next came the exchange of rings. This time, Steve did not risk Bucky's ire by pretending he'd forgotten them or couldn't find them. With trembling hands, Bucky slid your wedding band on your left ring finger, then kissed it. You grasped Bucky's wedding band and gave him a wink before slipping it on his left ring finger and kissing it.
"By the power vested in me by the great State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride," the judge announced.
Bucky wasted no time in sweeping you into his arms and giving you that first kiss as a married couple. "I love you, solnyshka," he whispered.
"I love you, James," you responded.
"Ladies and gentlemen: It is my distinct honor to present to you Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes!" the judge proclaimed. The garden erupted into cheers of joy and shouts of congratulations for the new married couple as they walked back up the aisle and into the Tower for the reception.
"Reception is in the first ballroom on the 81st floor, the one right as you step off the elevator," Tony informed the guests.
After a lavish dinner of prime rib or chicken, with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables, it was time for toasting the happy couple. Steve went first as Best Man, followed by Natasha as Maid of Honor. Each of the wedding party members, including Thor and Loki, had a chance to offer their congratulations or even words of advice.
Even Tony had a chance at the microphone and after he was finished, he placed it on the table near Sam and Dean's places. The brothers first looked at each other, then at Tony who acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. Sam motioned for Dean to take this opportunity and give his toast. Dean rolled his eyes, but picked up the microphone as he stood from his chair.
"Hey everybody," Dean started, then cleared his throat. "My name's Dean Winchester, I'm pretty new around here, well, I guess so is my brother, Sam. But, we've been friends with the bride for a long time, since we used to work together. I could probably tell you some really good stories, but I think I need a few more drinks for that," he chuckled. A ripple of laughter went through the crowd at his remark, then he continued.
"Her nickname around here is 'Sunshine', which sure fits. At one point, I used to think she and I would end up together, but....guess it wasn't meant to be, not for us anyway," he remarked. Raising his champagne flute to you and Bucky, he continued. "She's an amazing woman, Sergeant Barnes. One of the best. Take care of each other, be there for each other, love each other. Do that, and you'll have it made. To the bride and groom," Dean finished.
Everyone raised their glasses after Dean's speech. Afterwards, you locked eyes with Dean and smiled, then mouthed, "Thank you". You then turned and gave Bucky a lingering kiss on the lips. Tony walked over to Dean's table and retrieved the microphone to make a few announcements. He mentioned that some of the tables would be cleared momentarily so that the dancing could start.
Fortunately, Tony's usual go-to DJ for his parties was available. After the tables were cleared, you and Bucky shared your first dance as a married couple. After that, it was dancing with the parents, but both your parents and Bucky's were gone. So, Tony danced the father part with you, while Pepper danced with Bucky as the mother part.
The DJ played the usual group dances, like the Cha-Cha Slide, the Hokey Pokey, the Electric Slide and even the Chicken Dance. During one of your breaks, you told Natasha how Dean had asked about her the day he showed up at the Tower.
Nat gave you a knowing wink and left you with Bucky, then approached Dean at his table to ask him to dance. You were surprised when he accepted, because the last you knew, thee Dean Winchester did not dance, not even when asked. They danced the end of a fast song, which led into a slow one. At one point, you caught Dean's eye and toasted him with your drink. He gave you the thumbs-up from his hold on Natasha.
After much dancing and champagne drinking, it was time to leave for some alone time with your husband. You and Bucky decided to spend your wedding night in your room in the Tower. Soundproof measures were engaged of course, courtesy of FRIDAY.
When you got to the door, Bucky opened it a crack, then scooped you up into his arms. You let out a shriek of surprise when he cradled you to his chest, then threw your arms around his neck. Once inside, he gently set you back on your feet, but didn't fully release you. He dipped his head towards you and gave you a long, breath-stealing kiss.
You carefully slipped your feet out of Nat's borrowed shoes, groaning in relief. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Bucky staring intently at you, his hands in the pockets of his trousers. "See something you like, Sarge?" you wondered coyly.
Bucky took your hand and tugged you closer then wrapped his arms around you. "You're so beautiful, solnyshka. I can't believe you're finally mine," he murmured.
"I was always yours, James," you remarked, caressing his cheek with your hand. "Now, I can't seem to reach the zipper on the back of my dress. Would you be so kind as to assist me in that task, Mr. Barnes?" you asked innocently, batting your eyes.
"As you wish, Mrs. Barnes," Bucky replied. He placed one hand on your shoulder and with the other, he brushed your hair from your neck. Then he took hold of the zipper tab, slowly dragging it down, wanting to savor every second of undressing his new wife.
Bucky leaned forward and dropped soft kisses to each new inch of skin revealed by the retreating zipper. Once it reached its end, he pushed the dress off your shoulders while you drew your arms out of the sleeves.The fabric and lace pooled at your feet, leaving you in your thigh-high stockings and new lingerie. The item, a white bodysuit with a lace front and cutout in the mid-section, was a gift from your bachelorette party.
"Whoa, baby," Bucky whispered. "Who do I have to thank for this?" he asked.
You giggled at his reaction. "It was a gift from Wanda at my bachelorette party," you explained.
"Definitely have to thank her for this. Now, as much as I like this on you, I'd much rather it was on the floor," he remarked. He curled his pinky finger around one of the straps and gently tugged it down from your shoulder, then repeated the motion on the other side. By the look in his eyes, you were in for one of the best nights of your life, made better because now he was your husband.
It was late morning the following day before any Avenger or Winchester ventured outside of their rooms. Steve came in first, followed by Sam Wilson, only one of whom was nursing a light hangover. Thor and Loki were next, still feeling the effects of the Asgardian mead they consumed at the wedding reception.
Sam and Dean came in next, followed by Natasha and Wanda. Neither Winchester appeared to be nursing much of a hangover at all, a fact which did not escape attention.
"Wait a minute, hold up," Sam Wilson started. "You two drank the most of all of us, yet you're in here fresh as daisies. What gives?" he demanded, pointing at Dean.
"High alcohol tolerance," Dean responded. "Whiskey, or alcohol in general, is pretty much currency in the hunting world," he explained.
"He's right, Falcon, but even the great Dean Winchester has his limits. Oh, I could tell you some stories," you teased. "Good morning, everyone," you smiled. Bucky appeared a few seconds later, wrapping his arms around you from behind and offering his greetings as well.
"Good morning to you, newlyweds," Natasha replied. "Certainly didn't expect to see you today, if not for a few days at least," she smirked.
"Really, Nat? I certainly didn't expect to see you in a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, either. Particularly because I know exactly where it came from," you responded smugly. Natasha's face flushed a deep red, which left her unable to reply. On your way to make coffee, you affectionately squeezed her shoulder so she knew you were only teasing.
Moments later, Tony appeared with a large envelope in his hand. His face broke out into a smile when he noticed you and Bucky in the kitchen. "Ah, good, you're both here. Although, I must say, I'm a little surprised," he mused. "Anyway, I know you were stressing about the honeymoon, not wanting it to interfere with any missions, so here you go. Two weeks, go, have fun," he said as he handed you the envelope.
Bucky peered over your shoulder as you opened the envelope to find a pair of airline tickets. In addition to the wedding, he had taken care of planning your honeymoon as well. He assured you that it was all arranged and all paid for you and Bucky to take a two-week cruise in the Mediterranean. There were stops in Lisbon, Marseilles, Athens and so many other cities it made your head spin.
"Tony," you breathed. "This is wonderful, it's a dream come true, but it's too much. You already did so much for us as it is," you protested and tried to return the envelope.
Tony held up his hands, refusing to take it back. "Nope, uh-uh, sorry Sunny, but this is non-refundable, so you two had better go get packed. There's a car waiting for you downstairs for Happy to take you to the airport. I'll even let you use my jet to take you to the port where you board the ship," he stated.
You and Bucky looked at each other and decided that yes, this would be the perfect honeymoon. Before you left the kitchen, you threw your arms around Tony's neck. "Thank you, Tony. We'll never forget everything you did for us," you choked out.
"Okay, okay, come on. Go get packed, you don't want to miss your boat," Tony muttered. You disentangled yourself from Tony. Then you grabbed Bucky's hand and practically ran back to your room to pack your bags.
About thirty minutes later, you and Bucky were in the car, waving goodbye to everyone as it pulled away from the curb. Happy drove you around to the private jet terminal, where there was a red carpet leading up to the steps to enter the jet. Two flight attendants greeted you and Bucky and followed you up the stairs into the cabin of the aircraft. They congratulated you on getting married, and you promised to let them know if there was anything more they could do.
Soon after you and Bucky were secured in your seats, the overhead speaker crackled to life, with a pre-flight announcement from the pilot. You smiled as you reached over and took Bucky's hand in yours, intertwining your fingers.
"Good afternoon, this is your captain speaking. We are currently fourth in line for takeoff to your final destination, which we will reach in just under two hours. I would like to wish a sincere congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. I hope that the two of you will have a wonderful and romantic honeymoon on your Mediterranean cruise. Please relax and enjoy the flight."
As soon as the seat belt sign was off, you grabbed the packet of information that Tony had put together for your honeymoon. "Oh, James, this is going to be so amazing! We have our own private balcony on the ship, right outside our room. There are tours we can take to explore--" Bucky gently interrupted by placing a finger on your lips.
"My love, my darling wife, all of that is wonderful, really. What I'm most looking forward to is the room service available 24/7. Because I don't see us getting out of our room much, at least not the first couple of days," Bucky remarked, an amorous look in his eyes.
"Oh. Well, I can see what you mean, my love. However, I don't think we should spend ALL of our time on the ship. We're going to be stopping in some pretty amazing places," you pointed out.
"Hmm, that may be true, but they're not as amazing as you, sweetheart. By the way, did you know that this jet has a bedroom in the back? Care to join the 'Mile-High Club' with me, Mrs. Barnes?" he grinned and waggled his eyebrows.
You took his hand in yours and started walking towards the back of the plane. "I would, but....I may have some trouble getting out of this dress," you pouted. "Do you suppose you could help me with that, Mr. Barnes?" you batted your eyelashes.
"I'm right behind you," Bucky chuckled. He nudged you forward until you were practically dragging him behind you to the room. Once inside, he closed the door and slid the lock in place. "I love you so much, Mrs. Barnes," he remarked.
"And I love you, Mr. Barnes," you replied.
@katelyn--renee, @evergreencowboy, @lassie-bird, @phoenixisred, @rslizj, @writercole, @vicmc624, @huffle-pissed, @imherefordeanandbones​
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onlyonekenobi · 4 years
I love your jupernatural head canons!! Please share some more??
In honor of tomorrow being Sam and Eileen’s wedding, let’s talk about their ketubah: they do have one, but instead of having fancy artwork around the text, Jack finger painted it. and then everyone signs it (around the outside like that) yearbook style. also, they definitely wrote their own original text, and there are no less than three very sneaky hunter puns in it
you’ve heard of Dean speaking in idioms and references that no one understands, now get ready for this Exact Same Thing, but in ~yiddish~! Dean talks in full on bubbe-speak. no one has any god damn clue what he’s prattling on about, ever <3
amendment to the above, sam definitely does know what “quit kvetching” means
Sam tries to make vegan challah once and dean threatens to disown him
dean making the biggest, most ridiculously oversized hillel sandwich you’ve ever seen in your life, stuffing the whole thing in his mouth, and grinning broadly. jack thinks this is very funny. cas does not (but yes he does)
Dean leading the seder and Cas repeatedly interjecting to tell them all what actually happened, because obviously he was there
yes sam is a jew who practices pagan magic, WHAT OF IT but also he does study kabbalah, purely for the lore of it all
okay I have already perceived in my heart that jack (this is also a baby jack truthing post in case you couldn’t tell, because hi, it’s me) calls dean and cas “dad” and “papa” respectively, but like sam is also his dad right, so i think there’s potential here for jack to call him “aba”? I’m on the fence about this one, mostly because I don’t know what it means for eileen (would he then call her ima? or just, like, dodah or tante? what is she Cool With what is the Vibe of this Situation) but! i think it’s cute! and also i feel like most non jews don’t know what aba means (or maybe they do, but like. definitely in kansas i feel like probably not) so it wouldn’t cause mass confusion when they’re around other people, which is a plus
sam accidentally drops a spell book on the floor and jack’s eyes get super wide and he runs over like “KISS IT ABA YOU GOTTA KISS IT” and sam is like you know what fair enough, *kiss*
at some later point sam explains this incident to rowena and she is Extremely Endeared. she thanks baby jack for taking such good care of her books
afikomen hunt in the BUNKER, are you KIDDING ME?? Yes this is normally a game for children, yes EVERYONE participates (but of course they let jack “find it” <3)
obviously mary is jack’s grandmother and presents the tallis at his bar mitzvah but I think also rufus joins bobby in standing up as the grandfathers (“Not to impose, Bobby, but you got no clue what you’re doing”)
okay. okay, listen. point a, dean has cas’s grace in a vial necklace. point b, they stepped on a breaking glass at their wedding. point c, they seal a little bit of the broken glass into another vial or a locket or idk something, and they make it into a necklace for jack (“So you always remember that your parents love each other, and you, forever”) (this point inspired by a real couple I met who did something similar for their daughters and when they explained to me what they were doing I Cried in Public)
Alexa How Do We Prepare Our Child for Their B’nai Mitzvah When They Were Briefly G-d as a Toddler
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(took this uquiz and suddenly had a lot of Opinions about the Destiel wedding, so here you go)
The music starts out perfectly fine. Dean and Cas spent hours working on their playlist, sitting across from each other at the kitchen table in the bunker, tapping their legs together and getting into full-blown foot wars on no less than three separate occasions.
It was nice. Domestic. Something neither of them thought they’d ever get, or deserved, and yet here they were.
They had come up with a mix of classic rock (of course) and the pop songs that Cas had developed an affinity for, because Dean was quickly becoming incapable of looking into those pleading baby-blues and continuing to say no. There were also some Taylor Swift songs thrown in, which Dean would blame loudly on Cas to anyone within earshot every time one of them played.
Their first dance was to REO Speedwagon’s “Can’t Fight This Feeling,” because Dean’s a sappy son of a bitch sometimes. (Screw it, he deserves this. Plus it made Cas smile that adorable, gummy smile of his, so he’s gonna put that one in the worth-it column.)
After that, things were awesome. Hell, they were perfect. The floor of the Roadhouse was crowded with more friends and family than he’d ever realized he had, tables and chairs pushed up against the wall to make room for an impromptu dance floor. People were laughing and smiling, relaxed in a way that hunters rarely were. Bobby and Ellen were talking in a corner, smiling over at where Jo and Ash had drawn a small circle of spectators to their intensely competitive arm-wrestling match. Jody and Donna had struck up an eager conversation with a prickly Rufus, who was enjoying himself far more than he’d ever let on. Patience and Alex were listening patiently to an over-eager Jack, who had somehow inherited Cas’ old fascination with all of bee-kind. Claire and Kaia were dancing suspiciously close together, but judging by their matching blushes and wide grins, they were pretty happy about it. Rowena was having an equally suspicious conversation with Charlie, who was talking in between sporadic bouts of dancing whenever she heard a bit of a song that she likes. (She had brought her good camera, petitioning Dean and Cas for what she referred to as a “wedding montage.”) Garth was dancing enthusiastically, pausing only to look at Bess and their kids with the sappiest damn doe eyes Dean had ever seen. Linda Tran was determinedly steering a protesting Kevin to the opposite end of the room from wherever Crowley happened to be, wearing his most innocent, detached look as he surveyed the room. Even Mary had come, and was busy trying to cheer up a storm-faced John. (It had taken a considerable amount of effort to restrain Cas from stomping over as soon as John had entered, but Dean had managed, not wanting to deal with drama on this of all days.)
And, perhaps most importantly to Dean, was Sam, who had been glued determinedly to Eileen’s side the whole time. He was happy for them, and so had obviously spent every possible second teasing them about when the next wedding would be. Judging by the way they were rocking slowly from side to side to the tune of “Highway to Hell,” off in their own little world, it wouldn’t be too long.
And so it went for the first hour and a half or so. After their first dance, Dean and Cas had been content to sit off to the side, holding hands (because that was a thing they could do now, and Dean didn’t think he was ever going to get over the novelty of it), and contentedly observing the little family they had built up over the years.
Then, all of a sudden, the music stopped with a scratch, and none other than Garth clambered unevenly onto a table, shouting into the already still room for silence. Someone had made the mistake of letting him drink a whole beer, and he had then decided that the music arrangements were unsatisfactory, and he could do better. (Maybe the open bar had been a mistake.)
Two and a half a cappella renditions of “I Like Big Butts” later, someone finally coaxed Garth off of the table, and the music started up again to relieved cheers from everyone in the room. Garth retreated glumly back to his family, who assured him that he had been wonderful, then had to hurriedly stop him when he took this as an invitation for an encore.
Dean watched all of this play out with a smile on his face, wanting to watch the shenanigans play out rather than interfere. As the music resumed, he sighed and scooted over to lean against Cas, who turned and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head.
This was just the beginning, and things were good.
They were finally free to have what they wanted - and it was perfect.
(Also, I should thank @castiellesbian for making the uquiz that inspired my gay little writing spree. You’re wonderful!)
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samanthaswishes · 3 years
Agents of SHIELD Rewatch Season 2A (ep. 1-10)
Here's my commentary on my rewatch of Agents of SHIELD Season 2 Episodes 1-10. This may not be the best commentary since these are just the thoughts and opinions that come to my mind as I watch the episodes rather than a full-blown analysis, but I'm just having fun with it!
2x01 Shadows
I wish Trip's grandfather was in this scene. Would've been so cool.
The Kree and the OG 084
Skye with bangs! *chef's kiss*
We got the introduction of Hunter, Hartley, Idaho, and Mack. And only 2 of them make it out of this episode alive.
I know we couldn't really trust Hunter back then, but his first few lines really did make me like him.
"You're the man in charge, but I'm in charge of you." YES YOU ARE, MAY
I just wanna say I love Skye's stealth outfit this season.
So did Hartley meet Hunter through Bobbi or did Bobbi meet Hunter through Hartley? Because Coulson refers to Hunter as a friend she made undercover.
I remember my first time watching this episode and being so shocked that Jemma wasn't really there.
So since Fitz was imagining Jemma, were the other scientists in the lab just ignoring him talking to himself cause none of them seemed to be really fazed by it?
The first episode of season 2 and there's already been 3 bottles of beer drunken.
Trip freaking out about the Koenigs is a mood.
Skye just misses her dad
Again, no one talks about Skye's trauma with Ward. She really did not want to go down there! She's fucking terrified!
When did Raina and Ward have time to have a conversation about Skye's dad? I mean, I know Raina told him about the monsters, but when did she ever tell him "I know Skye's dad. He's alive."
How did we go from goofy, disgruntled side character to season 5 villain with Talbot?
"Hi again" I love Melinda May.
Sometimes the military people in this show are really stupid.
Honeycomb Kill Room™
Idk about y'all, but I'm low-key getting red flags when Fitz referred to himself as the team golden boy. Like, relax, Koenig is literally just doing his job. I'm trying to not think about my dislike towards Fitz in later seasons, but the more I watch earlier seasons, I see more aspects of him that I really don't like.
Absolutely love every moment Shield plays Talbot.
Was it ever established if Hartley and Idaho were in on the whole Real Shield thing?
The way May turns to Skye and says "Let's stick together." I love these Mama May moments.
Was I the only one who low-key shipped Skye and Trip this season? Cause I totally did.
"Talbot out."
Okay, but honestly, Creel wasn't that hidden. I'm pretty sure it's easy to see abs on a wall.
"Cut it off" This line foreshadowed many more scenes to come in this series
"Have you seen what they've done with robotics these days?" "Probably an upgrade." We really got the Coulson robo hand foreshadowing 21 episodes prior.
So how long was Creel waiting for the Shield car to just pull up in the middle of the road?
And goodbye Hartley and Idaho :(
2x02 Heavy is the Head
Can we talk about how May wanted to get Hunter out of the car and save him from being captured by soldiers before going after Creel?
I needed more of May on the motorcycle aka Lola's Boyfriend™ (if you know, you know)
"I know. And we just retired the bathrooms."
I love Mack. He always has faith in people even when other people don't 100% believe in them.
I know Coulson is trying to protect Skye, but leaving her in the dark about the alien writing wasn't the best call.
It's canon that Mack likes singing in the shower.
I never noticed halluci-Jemma checking Mack out😂
I wonder if when she was looking at the picture of Izzy and her sister, Skye was thinking about the family she never had.
Oh, there's my answer. Hunter and Hartley met each other through Bobbi.
"I doubt it. The guy's jacked, and he can turn any body part into any material." Oh, Skye, I love you. Also, this line catches me off guard every single time😂
"Beat it. You're pissing him off!" Said to the extra scientists who haven't done or said anything.
"How did we get the nonlethal option?" "Coin flip. Trip called tails." I love these little small lines.
Hunter made the biggest mistake ever, and that mistake was icing May.
"Aw HELL no"
Hunter, you idiot. You just don't go stalking up in public in broad daylight, guns blazing.
We love the callback to the device in 1x07.
"Is Coulson okay?" "Of course." "WhAt Is WrOnG wItH yOu??"
And there's Skye's daddy. Cal seemed so much scarier in 2a, but he just turns into a lovable character in 2b. I love him.
"Can I call you Glenn?" "No. Where's Hunter." "Watching Cake Boss." Idk why but this exchange is hilarious to me.
"Let's get out of here before the iceberg runs out of fuel."
Talbot was so close to the quinjet. I wished he ran into it.
2x03 Make New Friends and Influencing People
This whole brainwashing thing is so creepy. I hate it.
So sad that Kara was actually a really good and loyal Shield agent before Hydra.
Okay, but this whole opening with Jemma is adorable, and I love it.
When I first watched this, I had no doubts in my mind that she wasn't undercover. I mean, Simmons would never be with Hydra.
"I pretended they were all Ward." HA
Thinking about how May telling Skye that her shots weren't puny probably made Skye really happy because as a kid, she was hardly complimented or rewarded for a job well done.
"Don't be sorry. Just wait." She says while holding a massive sniper rifle.
"Experience doesn't make it any easier to cross someone off." Ooh, the Bahrain references. This season, you guys! THIS SEASON!
I still feel bad for Donnie Gil. He was just a kid who was manipulated then brainwashed by Hydra and has a power that was taken advantage of.
Coulson once again in Full Dad Mode™
See, I understand Jemma and why she left. She wanted to help Fitz and truly did care about him, he was her best friend after all, but she ended up not helping him and making him worse, so she left. She also needed time to work on herself and come to terms with what had happened. She was at the bottom of the ocean too. Not just Fitz. I understand that Fitz does need help and support, but so does Jemma. It's not fair that people say they hate Jemma for leaving him because they are basically saying it was her job to make sure he was okay.
"I wasn't loyal to Hydra. I was loyal to Garrett." THAT'S THE SAME FUCKING THING.
"My family tore me down." Yeah, so did every foster family Skye had ever had, and she turned out to be a ridiculously nice person. She didn't even have anyone to build her back up, but she still turned out good. God, I hate Ward so much.
I also fucking hate the people that said Skye should've been more sympathetic and should've comforted him. HE LITERALLY KIDNAPPED AND MANIPULATED HER AND EVEN THREATENED TO DO EVEN WORSE. NOT TO MENTION ALL THE PEOPLE HE KILLED OF HIS OWN FREE WILL. It was not her job to change him. She deserved so much better than be turned into Ward's object in the eyes of these "fans".
I also noticed that Ward sympathizers/SkyeWard shippers still refer to her as Skye even after she changed her name to Daisy, literally ignoring all the character growth she had done to reach that name and why giving up the name Skye and becoming Daisy was so important. (I'm only calling her Skye rn since that's what she is called in s2)
Love how Hunter is trying to psych Skye out of jumping out of the plane, but her heartbeat remains steady.
Also, I have mixed feelings about the whole Ward/Fitz cell scene. I obviously don't agree with Ward in one slightest bit, but Fitz was acting impulsively. Granted, he did get information out of Ward.
"WhAt ThE hElL? I jUsT tOoK OuT tHe BoOmErS!!"
I just wanna sing "Let it Go" this entire episode.
Skye's heartbeat was steady when she killed Donnie, but I really wished we could've seen the aftermath of it, and how it affected Skye taking her first life. They do briefly, but it turns into something about Simmons being undercover and not Skye's own psyche.
"We're even, right?" "We are." I love Trip's face in the background. Wish he never died so he could've gotten even.
"Reminds me of before." Aw Skyeeeee
Again, we don't talk about Skye's trauma with Ward. Her heartbeat was steady when killing someone and jumping out of a plane, but the second Ward pulls the 'your dad is alive' card, he gets under her skin and freaks her out.
2x04 Face My Enemy
Let's go! I frickin love this episode!
"Five Finger Discount"
I absolutely love how quickly May changes her face from smiling to absolutely hating everything. She just does not want to be there😂
Also, I love how May laughing is its own whole scene and joke.
As a former competitive dancer, I want to take the dance elective at Shield Academy.
This episode is one of the few where the team has major sibling vibes.
This undercover May is still so jarring, but I love it.
"Maybe Talbot's still pissed cause we kidnapped him that one time."
Coulson was so ready to show off his skills in front of May.
May's remark when Talbot says "I've been thinking." She knows what's up.
"You liked it." "No, I didn't." "A little bit?" "A little bit."
Psycho Living in Our Basement™
Love that they brought back the nano mask from Winter Soldier. Absolutely love Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Black Widow, but Agents of Shield did it first.
As much as I dislike Fitz, I really relate to him here. I have really bad social anxiety and talking to people is so, so, so difficult for me. I either have nothing to add to the conversation, or I want to say something, but I can never get the words to form to get it out. Even online, I'm constantly rereading everything I want to say.
Bakshi really thinks he has the upper hand on Melinda May? Bitch, please.
Love how Coulson automatically knows that she isn't May. He knows his wife best friend.
Why did I get excited for Skye and Mack literally just standing next to each other? I know they don't even get close until literally the end of the season, but I just love my big brother Mack and little sister Daisy dynamic.
All I can think about when I see the elevator opening is the blooper where Clark and Ming are kissing.
^I love Mulan way too much😅
Watching the Live With Lil' of this episode with the stunt double from this episode makes me appreciate the May vs May fight even more than before (and I always LOVED that fight scene so much. It's probably one of my top favorite fights.)
The move May does off the coffee table is very similar to a ballet move that I can't remember the name of, but the dancer in me really likes that.
"wE gOtTa Go" Idk why but the way Coulson runs in is so funny to me.
Ugh, okay, this moment between Fitz, Mack, and Hunter is very sweet, but I hate the way Fitz presents Simmons to them. He gives them an image of her that they see in a bad light. They don't even have the full story and Jemma's not there to defend herself.
"Some people are better in small doses." YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN! That's probably why I like season 7 so much since Fitz is only in the last 3 episodes.
Love how May's plan to protect Coulson is to send him to a cabin. And what does he do when Skye needs protecting? Sends her to a cabin.
2x05 A Hen in the Wolf House
This wedding opening is so funnily random (is funnily a word? who cares, it is now.)
UGH just tell Skye already. She deserves to actually know and not be spied on.
Again, Cal was so much scarier in 2a
And now the dude's dead.
"Pretty awesome, right?" What the hell is wrong with this guy?
"I wAs A fAt BaBy"
Fish Tacos~
THERE SHE IS! We love you, Bobbi.
I love Bobbi so much. This is the only thing I will talk about for this episode haha.
I love how protective the whole team is of Skye.
Ooh, Cal's not gonna like that. Skye's got another dadddd.
May's hand on Jemma's shoulder when she sees Fitz again
I was too invested in this episode to commentate haha😅
I love May's face in the background when Bobbi and Hunter were arguing.
Also, did Trip really not know Hunter and Bobbi were married? He seemed to know Bobbi pretty well in the quinjet.
"wHy ThE hElL wOuLd YoU dO tHaT?"
2x06 A Fractured House
Why did they have to start with a scene of Ward working out??😑
"We're not responsible for this, are we?" You'd think they'd all be aware if they had a mission in killing government officials. But this is so funny how they're all like "WaS iT uS?"
"Guess being a douchebag runs in the family."
I don't like particularly like Jemma this season because of how she acts when Skye gets her powers and her low-key xenophobia, but I truly feel bad for her in terms of Fitz. She's not allowed to express her feelings. She's treated like she owes Fitz something. Yes, he saved her life, and she really did want to help him, but she only made him worse, so she did what she felt was best for both her and Fitz.
"It's funnier now."
I think both Ward and Christian have some truth to their sides. I do believe Christian forced him to throw Thomas down the well, but I also believe that Ward had a dark side as a kid and still chose to make these decisions.
Am I supposed to feel bad for Ward? Cause I don't.
One thing I miss after Bobbi and Hunter left is the Bobbi and May team up fights.
"Don't die out there."
I love that Jemma stood in front of Skye, protecting her from Ward. Why she couldn't do that in season 5 is beyond me. Maybe because she was personally affected by him, but as soon as Fitz did something bad to her best friend, she chooses the abuser over the victim. Ugh, not looking forward to season 5.
They gave him an inch, Coulson.
2x07 The Writing on the Wall
Is there not security that checks you for weapons at a bus station? I'd feel like they'd treat it almost like an airport. (As you can see, I've never been to a bus station) How the hell did Ward get in with all those bombs?
Love how easy they were able to get a dead body😂
Bobbi, aren't you supposed to be one of the best spies? How come you've been on the same page the entire time? Ward's really good too. Why didn't you turn the page? Even when I'm pretending to read something, I'm scrolling down or turning pages.
I need more of Hunter dressed as a cowboy.
Project TAHITI is scarier now
Ward going back to Hydra proves that he is not a good person. I get he was doing that to give Bakchi to Coulson, but still.
May definitely not only yelled at Coulson for going into the memory machine but also for putting things onto Skye while she was in charge of him.
*lets Fitz play the video game* "It's good for you."
"YoU wErE dReSsEd LiKe A cOwBoY!"
Okay but that guy was smart to cut the rope on the nail. I wouldn't have thought of that.
It's so hard to see Mack during this season. There's obviously this rift between him and Skye because of the alien DNA. Love that they became partners in season 3 because next to MayDaisy, their relationship is my favorite.
2x08 The Things We Bury
"What are we gonna do, storm Oahu?"
Why does the Hawaii mission seem so chaotic?
"You ever want kids?" *slowly takes the object out of pocket*
Jemma being the biggest Peggy Carter fangirl is the cutest thing ever.
Still kinda crazy how (I believe) Peggy Carter and Jiaying have canonically met. Even crazier when Jiaying's daughter (Daisy) ends up dating Peggy's ex (Sousa).
I couldn't care less about the whole Ward and Christian side plot in this episode
I love the whole progression of Whitehall's cell scene
So it is revealed that Bobbi fears judgment, right? She does regret giving up the safe house where Kara was. That was established, right?
Okay, but Christian is right. Ward believes himself to be a hero, but really he is a terrible villain who couldn't care less about human life.
"Man With a Plan" Was Trip referencing the song from CA:TFA?
Um, yes, Cal, Phil is in fact the closest thing Skye has to a father, so I think it's best you don't hurt him.
Anyone in this show who says "the end justifies the means" is always in the wrong.
I was so scared Trip was going to die this episode the first time I watched this. I was relieved when he lived but then 2x10 had to come in and take it all away.
I've binged this show so many times, and I always forget about the whole vivisection of Jiaying scene. I like literally suppress that scene.
I don't know why but the cut from Bobbi and Hunter to them making out in front of the car is so funny to me.
This scene always makes me giddy. Like... THAT"S SKYE'S MOM!
2x09 Ye Who Enter Here...
Okay, but this dream sequence! Not only do we get a little insight into what might have happened in the Hunan Province, but we also get the confirmation that mom and dad in Skye's mind have sort of been filled by May and Coulson.
"Of course, I'm her SO"
This is one of the only times Simmons is allowed to share her side of the story without any biases. She also refers to him as her best friend. Why isn't she allowed to want him to be a best friend? She doesn't owe him her feelings. It's not like she doesn't care. Ugh the whole Fitzsimmons thing this season is so frustrating.
"You're a big brother, but you're not my big brother." Um, in the happy domestic timeline au I have in my head, Mack is everyone's big brother. Except obviously Yoyo's since the two of them are soulmates.
"CaLl An AmBuLaNcE, tHiS gUy JuSt PaSsEd OuT!"
"Whot the hell is that?" "May's evil twin."
"Ooh hats!"
This is why I love Coulson! He really does care for human life.
I'm like on the bridge on whether or not I actually want to be in a car with May. I feel like she's a good driver, but in this episode, she's so aggressive.
"YoU kNoW sHe StIlL hAs My FaCe?"
"Where's your friend Diego go?" All I could think of is GO DIEGO GO!
Mack low-key being afraid of the ghost story is a mood and totally sets up his hatred for robots and basically everything he's about to experience in the coming years.
2x10 What We Become
Yayyy, this is my fav season 2 episode. Except for, you know, Trip dying.
This is another episode I'm too invested in, so I might not say a lot😅
So why did Cal decide to tell Skye that Jiaying was dead?
That whole "Bicycle Built For Two" song was already creepy because of Cal, but TikTok made it even more creepy.
I just wanna punch Ward.
Ooh, Coulson, Cal's not gonna like that.
Skye crying over Coulson gets me every time. It's not your fault Skye!
The Quake Theme is literally my favorite score from this series.
How does Skye look so great after going through terrigenesis? Like, my god I want whatever the terrigen has.
And Gordon. No matter how many ties I see him, he creeps me out.
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impalas-r-important · 4 years
Love of my Life - (8) Decapitation is usually a cure-all
Summary: Sam, Dean and Y/N travel to Idaho to help out a friend.
Warnings: Show level violence.
A/N: I'm trying my hardest to get the chapters I already have written published quickly. I have a final coming up that I'll have to take a few days to study for before I can get back to this story.
Series Masterlist
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You were the first to wake in the morning, probably because you slept on a couch made of bricks. You stood up and stretched your sore back, looking over at the boys sleeping soundly and feeling a pang of jealousy at their comfort. Grabbing your bag, you quietly went into the bathroom and closed the door then started up the shower. By the time you were cleaned up and ready, the boys were awake and shoving clothes into their bags.
“Mornin’ sunshine.” Dean beamed at you.
“Hey yourself. You guys ready to go?”
“Almost.” Sam grumbled and rubbed his hands over his face. “I dibs the bathroom next.” He grabbed a small black toiletry bag and yawned as he shut the door behind him.
Dean was wearing a dark green henley and you couldn’t help but stare at the man as his muscles bugled through the thin fabric while he packed his things.
Don’t fall for Dean Winchester, you idiot!
“So, who’s the hunter we’re helping out? Maybe I know him.” Dean looked over to you and zipped up his bag, tossing it by the door.
“You know Mitch Miller?” You neatly folded your pajamas and placed them in your duffel.
Dean thought for a moment before answering. “The name sounds kind of familiar, but I can’t place him. Maybe I’ll remember him once I see him. Any details on what’s going on?” He walked over and sat on the couch where you were packing.
“Nothing so far, he just said he couldn’t figure out what he was dealing with and would fill me in on the rest when we got there.” You could feel Dean’s eyes on you and met his gaze, feeling your stomach flutter when he smiled softly at you. As you finished gathering your things and pulled your bag over your shoulder, you felt a tug that jerked you backwards. Dean had pulled your bag from your grasp, leaving you dangerously close to him.
“Why don’t you let me take your bag to the car?” Dean insisted, just inches away from you.
“You don’t need to.”
“I want to.” He spoke gently as his eyes traced your lips then looked up to meet your gaze. Were you really about to do something as stupid as kissing the man that people had warned you about? Both of you stood silent for a moment before Dean slowly leaned down, almost touching his lips to yours before the bathroom door slammed open and pulled you two apart.
“Let’s get out of here, there were four spiders in the shower.” Sam complained as he shook his hair dry and tossed his bag by the door with Dean’s. “You riding with us or driving, Y/N?”
“Driving, I guess.” You looked at Dean with a longing glance which he returned. Maybe it was for the best that you don’t explore that avenue of a relationship with this well-known womanizer, but all you could think about was kissing him.
The drive was short, and you made good time following Dean in the impala. The man had a lead foot. Mitch had asked you to meet him at his motel room, and you pulled into the parking lot in the early afternoon.
“So, some guy wants you to meet him at his motel room, and that doesn’t sound sketchy to you?” Dean questioned as you stepped out of your car.
“Oh, no, I’m actually meeting my bookie here. You guys want to wait in the car for like five minutes?” You rolled your eyes. The frown on Dean’s face was quickly followed by an amused smirk. He appreciated when a girl was fluent in sarcasm.
“You know what I mean. I don’t trust this guy yet.”
“Do you trust me?”
Dean seemed surprised by your question but was quick to answer. “Yes.”
“Then come on.” You nodded towards the motel and Dean followed, draping his arm around your shoulder.
The two of you followed Sam to room seventeen and knocked. Mitch answered with a smile. “Y/N!” He looked at the two brothers standing behind you and his smile turned into a questioning frown.
“Hey, Mitch. Do you know Sam and Dean Winchester?” You pointed to the boys.
“I’ve heard of them. Never met before though.” Mitch hesitated for a moment as he saw Dean’s hand placed protectively on your shoulder. “Come on in.” He stepped aside and you entered first, followed closely by Dean and then Sam.
“So, what do you have?” You asked as you looked at the newspaper clippings and maps that were hung on the wall.
“Three women dead. Each of them drowned in their sleep, nowhere near any kind of water.”
“What the hell?” Sam muttered as he read through a case file.
“Witch?” You and Dean say at the same time, exchanging a proud glance.
“I didn’t find any kind of hex bags.” Mitch countered.
“Not all witches use hex bags.” Dean argued, glaring at Mitch. You couldn’t help but notice the crusty looks exchanged between the two.
“Get this,” Sam spread some pictures out on the bed, “all the victims have the same pictures in their house.” He pointed out identical pictures in the background of each crime scene, just hidden enough that the average eye wouldn’t find it.
“Good catch. Let’s figure out who that is and go from there.” You suggested and the three boys nodded.
“I’ll hit the internet.” Sam declared as he sat down at the desk and pulled out his laptop.
“We’ll go back to the crime scenes one more time. See if we can get a closer look at those pictures?” Dean suggested. Mitch nodded and they headed for the door. Dean paused when he saw you hesitate. “You coming, Y/N?”
“Nah, I’ll stay behind and help Sam. We don’t need three of us looking at a picture.” Dean sent a betrayed look your way when he realized he would be partnered up with Mitch. You sent a snarky smirk back his way. Mitch huffed as he opened the door and stomped out.
“Play nice.” You instructed Dean with a wink.
“You owe me one!” He pointed in your direction sternly, but the light in his eyes told you he was just playing around.
You pulled out your laptop and sat across from Sam.
“You know, you could have gone with Dean.” Sam looked up from his screen.
“I know, but what do you think Dean would have hated more? Staying behind and helping you with research or going out alone with Mitch? Those two have some kind of seriously misplaced testosterone battle going on.”
Sam chuckled and answered with confidence, “Definitely going with Mitch.”
“That’s what I thought! He was getting too comfortable around me anyway. I gotta keep him on his toes somehow.” You shrugged and sent a playful grin Sam’s way. He gave you an approving nod, knowing full well that he had found an ally to mess with Dean when the opportunity presented itself.
An hour had gone by when you found something that sparked your interest.
“Sam, check this out.” He leaned back in his chair, listening intently as you read. “Known throughout Africa and the African Atlantic, Mami Wata embodies the spirit of water. Much like the ocean, she can be volatile and dangerous. She brings good financial fortune and also governs water sprites.” You scrolled down the page and stopped on a picture that looked identical to the ones from the crime scenes. You spun your computer around to show Sam.
“Good work, Y/N. That’s gotta be record time. Sounds like it could be our mystery monster. I’ll call Dean and let him know.”
You pulled out your phone and called Bobby for any info he might have on how to kill the thing. He told you he’d do some looking. You and Sam continued your research for a few more hours when the grumble of his stomach interrupted your reading.
“Come on,” you shut your computer, “let’s go find some food. We can take our stuff with us and keep looking but I have to get out of this creepy motel room.” You looked around, referring to the wallpaper that you were sure had been in at least a few horror movies.
“Agreed. I’m starving.”
There was a cute mom and pop restaurant down the street from the motel where you and Sam decided to set up shop. You sent Dean a quick text letting him know to meet you there when they were done. You ordered drinks and some appetizers to hold you over until the other two joined you. You were flipping through a book about African culture that you checked out of the library and Sam was still online, both of you searching for a way to kill this water spirit.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sam began, “I just wanna say thanks.” You shot him a confused look. “We’ve have had a rough time lately between Dad dying and Dean going to hell and coming back. It’s really taken a toll on him, but he’s been different since we met you. The past few days, he’s the almost fun Dean that he used to be.” He shut his computer and sat it on the bench next to him. “I know you’ve probably heard stories about him being a lady’s man and normally I’d be telling girls to run for the hills, but he’s smitten with you. I can see it in the way he looks at you and talks about you.” The waitress brought the drinks and onion rings over and Sam paused.
“Sam Winchester, are you being a wing man for your brother?” You joked as you took a bite.
“I guess I am. Which I never thought I would ever do.” Sam raised his eyebrows in surprise. “But I mean it when I say that he’s different with you. It might take him a little while to admit it, but he’s a better person when you’re around.” Sam took a big drink before adding, “Plus, I think he’s a little scared of you, so I doubt he’d try any kind of funny business.”
You couldn’t help but smile at Sam’s honesty. You should be focused on the case but your mind was on Dean. It was rare that you ever felt so at ease with someone so quickly. Although you had never known what a true home felt like, you imagined the comfort that you felt with him was as close as you’d ever get.
You spent the next while talking with Sam about himself and how he had tried a different path at Stanford. You were genuinely intrigued to know about college. Maybe in a different life you would have gone, and you soaked up every word he told you about a life so foreign to yours. Dean and Mitch arrived soon after. Dean was clearly annoyed and walked a few paces ahead as Mitch babbled on about something. Dean plopped down next to you and put his arm on the back of the booth. You instinctively scooted closer to him.
“How’d it go, boys?” You asked and slid the basket of onion rings closer to them. It was obvious the two hadn’t cleared any of the ridiculous tension between them. Neither answered and Mitch glared at Dean who had a mouthful and was looking out the window.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” Mitch grumbled.
You waited until he was out of sight, then you and Sam both turned to Dean with judgmental faces. He slowly caught on and looked between the two of you, midchew.
“What?” Dean tried to play innocent.
“Why is Mitch so pissed?” Sam interrogated.
“Because he’s a baby? Why the hell would I know?” Dean answered straight. Sam rolled his eyes.
“Well, did you find anything at the crime scenes?” You looked up into his eyes, realizing you missed him more than you should have for him being gone just a few hours. Dean pulled out a coin with a water serpent on it and set it down on the table.
“Found these behind each picture on the wall along with a photograph of the victims.”
“Great, so we know who this thing is after next?” You were happy to catch a break seeing as there was only one person left in the photo who hadn’t been killed. “Maybe we set a trap?”
“We gotta move fast though. Someone has died every night and it’s almost six already.” Sam added.
“We still don’t know why she’s here, either.” Dean interjected as he finished off the appetizers. “Let’s order. I can’t hunt on an empty stomach.” He grabbed the menu and waived the waiter over.
That night, the team had gone over to the next victim’s house on the list. She was clearly scared and easily believed you when you told her what was happening. She explained that she and the other four victims were in water aerobics together and had read online that if you summon her with those weird coins and enslave this Mami Wata, that she would make you rich. So, they did. Idiots. But soon after, the water spirit became angry at being held captive and turned on them. Lucky for you, Bobby came in clutch and had found that stabbing it in the heart with a blade forged with African ore would kill it. Unluckily for you, you had nothing like that and no chance of finding something like it this late at night. So, you would have to try and make do. It was a stupid plan, but the only one you had.
You instructed the woman to lay on her bed like she was going to sleep, while you, Sam, Dean and Mitch hid, waiting for her to show up. You had an arrangement of weapons, hoping something would work. Hours passed, and it was getting late. You felt your eyelids began to droop, but a sudden clang from the bathroom woke you right up. You were in the closet and peaked though the crack to see water overflowing from the tub and into the bedroom, soaking the carpet. You waited a few moments more to see a horrific serpent woman crawling from the bathroom, slowly slithering her way towards her next victim, leaving a trail of slime in her path. You couldn't help but subconsciously pull a disgusted face.
Mitch was the first to jump out from his hiding place just outside the door. Mami Wata quickly tuned her head and held her arm out, throwing him across the room, his body going limp as he surely was knocked unconscious. Sam and Dean were next. Dean shot at the monster while Sam stabbed her with a silver blade. Both taking a toll, but neither doing much damage to her. She stood up tall on her tail and threw Dean up against the wall, holding him by his neck. You sprang into action, using a long blade to chop her head off. Her body stayed writing for a few moments, but eventually stopped.
Dean rubbed his neck and caught his breath. “How’d you know that would work?”
You gave an innocent shrug. “I didn’t. Decapitation is usually a cure all.”
“We should burn the body just to be safe, Sam added.” You and Dean nodded in agreement.
You pulled Mitch from his unconscious state and after the woman you had saved thanked you profusely, you left with the body in your trunk, finding a remote location to burn it. It was almost eight in the morning by the time you were finished and were pulling into town, heading back to the motel. You went and got a room for you, Sam and Dean and all four of you went to go sleep off the post-hunt exhaustion.
Sam was the first to pass out. He hadn’t gotten very dirty and was sprawled out diagonally, face down across the mattress. You and Dean both had blood stains and slime on your clothes. He let you use the shower first, then took a quick one when you were done. You pulled on a comfortable t-shirt and some shorts, then began to set up your bed on the couch. Dean grabbed your hand and stopped you from laying a blanket down.
“Nope, you need to actually sleep. Come on.” He pulled the blanket from the couch, wrapped it around you and led you over to the bed. “You can share with me.”
“Are you asking me to sleep with you?” You asked in an accusing tone of voice and kept a serious face before slowly letting it turn to a small laugh. Dean turned bright red and swallowed hard. It was fun to mess with him. You laid next to him and he pulled you close.
“Thanks for saving me. Again.” Dean whispered in your ear. You turned to face him.
“I’m not going to let some creepy ass mermaid kill you. That’s not a very ‘blaze-of-glory’ way to go out.”
“What makes you think that’s how I want to go out?”
“Sam told me when we were talking earlier.”
Dean smiled and kissed you on the forehead. “Get some sleep, Y/N/N.”
Little did you know, Dean wasn’t planning on going out in a blaze of glory at all anymore. He was planning on retiring with you by his side, holding you close just like he was now. You drifted off to sleep to the sound of Dean’s steady breathing. For the first time since you could remember, you slept peacefully without waking up in a cold sweat from nightmares. You knew you had someone there to protect you. Someone who you fully trusted, and someone who made you feel like you belonged.
Chapter 9
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Empty Space
A fix-it fic because we were ROBBED.
I wrote this for my own closure, and it is unedited, but I thought I would post it here anyway. 
Dean didn’t want to open his eyes.
He couldn’t feel the chains and the heat, or hear the screams. Not yet. But he knew it would come. He wanted to savor these final moments of simple nothingness. A story left unfinished. The bliss that came before eternal suffering. There was no coming back this time. 
He could still feel Sam cradling him. His last breath. The pain in his back.
This was it.
Dean stood for god knows how long, willing himself anywhere but where he knew he was. The Veil, the Empty, hell, even being reincarnated as a tree would be better than whatever was waiting in front of him. 
A bird chirped, startling Dean’s eyes open. 
He stood in the middle of a field adjacent to a road, tall pines lining the asphalt. The sun nearly blinded him, and he put a hand up to shield his eyes. It shone in that in-between kind of way, as if it was the middle of October, everything in flux. He could see a small, wooden building not too far ahead. Dean looked at his hands, then back up at the sky. 
“Huh,” he huffed. “I made it.” 
It was both a statement and a question. I made it to heaven. How did I make it to heaven? Dean took a step towards the house, half expecting the jig to be up at that point. When the ground didn’t crumble beneath him, and the bright blue sky didn’t melt away into hellfire, he took another step, one with more conviction. And then he was walking toward the building.
Dean’s mind was racing. With what memory would he be spending eternity? If his life hadn’t flashed before his eyes at his death, it sure as hell was now. Dean swallowed hard at the revelation that there were too many heavens for him, that his life had so many more good memories than he had ever given it credit for. Motel rooms with Sam, Lawrence with Mary, Jody’s dinner table… And Cas. Bars with Cas, the Impala with Cas, the bunker with Cas… 
He knew Cas wouldn’t be in his heaven. That was more torture than paradise. Dean would look at Cas and only see all the things he never said.
Finally, Dean reached the building. Someone was sitting in a rocking chair -- 
“Bobby?” Dean asked, incredulous.
“Hey, kid,” Bobby said with a smile. “Took you long enough.”
“What memory is this?” Dean had realized he was standing on the porch of Ellen’s roadhouse. But where was Sam, where was his mom, where was -- 
“It’s not a memory,” Bobby said.
“What? But I thought --”
Bobby shrugged. “Things have changed around here. Your boy, he shook things up. For the better,” he added, opening the cooler next to his chair. “You can sit, you know.”
Dean accepted the invitation, settling into the rocking chair across from Bobby. He graciously accepted the beer from Bobby’s hand. “So… Jack did… all this?” He asked, taking a sip. 
“Well,” Bobby sighed, shifting in his seat. “Cas helped.” 
Dean nearly choked on his beer. Not that it would matter. I’m already dead, his brain joked, helpfully. 
“C-Cas?” He whispered, searching Bobby’s face for answers. 
Bobby just raised his eyebrows and took another swig. 
Dean stared down at his hands. Bobby was explaining the logistics of this new heaven, how Rufus lived five miles down the road, how Mary and John had a place not too far from Bobby’s. Dean could hear him, but his mind was miles away. 
“Dean?” Bobby prodded, evidently having finished his explanation. Dean nodded at him, a wry smile on his face. 
“It’s almost perfect,” he said, and he meant so many things. If Sam was here, it’d be perfect. If Jack was here, it’d be perfect. 
If Cas was here, it’d be perfect.
“He’ll be along,” Bobby said, referring to Sam. Dean nodded again. “It’ll take time, but he’ll be here.” 
“How long?” Dean asked, looking up to meet Bobby’s eyes. 
Bobby just shrugged. “Time passes differently here,” he answered. 
“What do I do?”
“What do you want to do?” 
Dean considered the question and realized it might be the first time he’d ever asked it of himself. 
“I think I’ll go for a drive.” 
Cas watched Dean die from a distance. 
He might have been able to find some comedic irony in the whole thing. Dean Winchester, who beat God, killed Death, saved the world…  killed by a rusty barn nail. 
Cas watched Sam burn Dean’s body. 
Cas watched new hunters.
Cas watched old friends.
Cas watched humanity learn to live in a world without his family protecting it.
But mostly, Cas just watched Dean. 
He watched him as he opened his eyes in heaven. He watched him talk to Bobby. He watched him get in the Impala.
He watched him drive. 
Dean drove for miles, windows down, Led Zeppelin screaming through his speakers. Cas watched him bellow the lyrics offkey, watched him pump his fists in the air, watched him push 120 with his eyes closed because, of course he would, it’s Dean. 
Cas watched all of this, but he did nothing.
Cas had fully expected the eternal sleep of the Empty. Embraced it, really. But instead, he simply woke up in heaven. It was a little bleak for a while there, with Chuck attempting to destroy the universe and all that, but then there was Jack. 
“What am I doing here?” Cas asked. “I’m supposed to be…”
“The Empty can’t take you,” Jack replied with a smile. “You have a soul.”
Cas tilted his head in confusion. “I’m an angel,” he said in monotone.
“Yes,” Jack said. “With a soul.” 
“How is that even possible?” Cas asked, now entirely at a loss. 
Jack shrugged. “It might have something to do with your true happiness.”
Cas blanched at that. 
Jack was glad to have him in heaven. He needed all the help he could get, he said, changing the place, making it more of a paradise and less of a prison. 
Cas was happy to oblige him, but quietly, reservedly. 
What was it? Your moment of true happiness?
Cas couldn’t tell him. Not while Dean was still alive, while he had a chance at a normal life. Jack would want Cas to see him, talk to him, to do something, and Cas couldn’t. He wouldn’t take that chance from Dean. Not ever. 
And now? Dean was dead. His story, over. No more second chances. Cas knew he would have to do something eventually.
And still, he watched.
He watched Dean pull the Impala to a stop on top of a bridge. Take a deep breath. Get out of the car. Look around. 
Cas watched Dean bow his head. 
And, finally, Cas watched Dean pray.
This might be the dumbest shit I have ever done.
Wait, can I swear in heaven?
Hmm… Fuck?
Anyway, this is definitely the dumbest shit I have ever done. I’m in heaven. Who prays when they’re already in heaven? But, anyway, it worked in Purgatory, so I figured it might work here…
I’m sorry, man. I’m sorry I got myself sent to hell and you had to save me. I’m sorry that every time you tried to do right by me, I told you how you fucked it up. I’m sorry that you rebelled for me. I’m sorry that you gave up an army for me. I’m sorry that you died to save me. More than once. 
Jesus, am I sorry you died thinking anything but the truth.
Cas, I don’t know where you are, or if you’re busy, or if you never want to see me again. But if you got time… I got something to tell you. 
“Hello, Dean.”
Dean’s eyes shot open. His heart was pounding -- weird, I still have a heartbeat? -- his mouth had gone dry. He felt rooted to the spot, as if turning around and seeing one more bit of perfection might shatter the rose-colored glass. 
But he turned around anyway. Slowly. Deliberately. 
And there he was, stupid trenchcoat and all.
Dean could barely swallow over the lump in his throat. Cas was regarding him with a curious, reserved expression, his hands in his pockets. 
“Hey, Cas,” Dean whispered.
“I heard your prayer,” Cas said, and it was all Dean could do to choke back a tearful laugh. “You said you… had something to tell me.” 
And, shit, if Dean had thought being dead would make baring his soul any easier, he was dead fucking wrong. 
“Uh,” he shifted on his feet. “How long you been back?” 
Cas shrugged. “I never really left,” he said. 
“What? I saw the Empty take you.”
“I don’t know. I woke up in heaven. Well, the other heaven,” Cas said. “Jack seems to think I somehow… Gained a soul.” Dean raised his eyebrows. “It makes sense… I think,” Cas continued. “My moment of true happiness, it fundamentally altered who I was. Happiness is a uniquely human experience. When I finally achieved that, something in me became human.”
“Well, Jack is God, now,” Dean said with an awkward chuckle. “So he must be right. All-knowing or whatever.” 
“Right,” Cas said, eyes narrowed. 
“I guess you’ve been busy,” Dean said. He didn’t say, that’s why you didn’t come to see me. 
How can I still manage to fuck this up in heaven, Dean yelled at himself, looking anywhere but Cas’ suspicious face. 
“Dean?” Cas prodded, and that was enough. 
Dean closed the distance between them in three long strides, wrapping Cas up in his arms. Cas went rigid with surprise, but eventually, he hugged back. 
“I thought you were gone,” Dean whispered. “Like, really, really gone.”
“I did too,” Cas replied. 
Dean’s face was wet with tears, but he buried it in Cas’ shoulder anyway. “Fuck,” he hissed. “Fuck. Okay.” 
He lifted his head, but didn’t release Cas from the hug. They stood, locked in embrace, while Dean screwed up his courage. 
“You can have it, you know,” he said softly over Cas’ shoulder.
It seemed like every atom in Cas’ body stopped moving. His shoulders tensed, and he maneuvered out of Dean’s arms. 
“What?” He asked. Dean panicked for a moment, seeing Cas’ guarded eyes. He almost convinced himself to laugh it off, punch Cas in the arm, make some joke about how this really must be heaven if the Impala can go that fast, but he stopped himself. 
“You told me, before you… That the one thing you want, you can’t have it,” Dean said, forcing himself to hold Cas’ gaze. “Well, I’m telling you now, you can have it.” 
“I don’t understand --” Cas tried to say, but Dean leaned in and the words were gone. 
The kiss was everything he could have wanted and nothing he could have dreamed of. The feeling of right, of home settled into Dean’s molecular makeup, as if this was all it would have taken to fix him all those times he had been broken. As if the gaping hole in his chest was always just Cas-shaped empty space. 
Cas pulled away slowly. Was he in a dream? Was he actually asleep, in the Empty, and now it was playing with him?
“Dean,” Cas said. “Are you --”
“In love with you? Yes,” Dean finished, urgent. “I’m sorry I didn’t say it back there. I didn’t -- you left so fast.” 
Cas blinked. “I wasn’t expecting a response,” he said, his mind feeling more than a little fried. 
“You weren’t…” Dean trailed off into a chuckle. “Really?” He asked, smiling, his eyebrows raised. 
Cas would have spent every eternity in the Empty for that smile. 
“Really,” Cas said, smiling wryly back. “Evidently, I was incorrect in that assumption.” 
“You gave me a whole speech, Cas,” Dean said. “What was I supposed to say?” 
Cas gave him a serious look. “You needed to hear those things, Dean. I couldn’t leave without you knowing how I felt about you.” He swallowed. “You are real, though?” 
Dean stared at him for a moment, then pulled him into another kiss. Cas thought he must have a soul, and this must be heaven, because nothing in his millennium had ever felt like kissing Dean Winchester. 
“That answer your question?” Dean said after pulling away. 
“Yes,” Cas said softly. “It does.”  
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Day 7: Domestic
Word Count: 1475
Summary: A few years after God d-worded and family dinners are still a bit weird.
Seeing demons now is strange as Rowena has a protection order over them. Dean will quote because he was there when she said it so quietly and scary that even he had chills running up his spine, “Don’t touch my boys. They’re under my protection and if anyone or anything dares touch any wee hair on their delicate heads,” She stopped to scoff as she crossed her legs clearly relaxed when she sat back on her throne. “I’ll just get creative.”
Their Auntie Rowena, well Sam doesn’t like calling her that but that’s what Jack refers to her as now, had demons walking out of rooms when they were near. Or they’ll just get up to introduce themselves and let them know they were just there to eat or enjoy the movie. Which was worse because now Dean can’t just gank the one’s that were being polite to them because it felt weird.
Of course, they had those rogue ones that still didn’t like that the royalty from hell seemed to have a thing for the Winchesters. Crowely and now Rowena, hell even Lucifer and Asmodeus were always talking about the Winchesters. Though he considered the Mom and Son duo more like family, well Crowley was a friend but dying for them kind of earned him the family title.
He liked the rogue ones though, they talked a lot. They are always so personally offended by the Winchester’s mere existence but Dean found it flattering how famous they are getting. Maybe they won’t be remembered by normal society but the underworld, heaven, purgatory, and some hunters from Earth will remember them. Maybe as hero’s, he did kill Hitler after all and not to mention his son killed God himself, so maybe legends will be more appropriate. It’s nice to know their legacy will live on.
“Dean, are you coming?” Cas laced their fingers together as they headed down to hell to visit Rowena. Jack had been asking to come, not wanting to go alone even though he was the second favorite to Sam. “You have been quiet lately. Are you okay?”
They followed Sam and Jack down to hell, something only they could really say. He could also say his kid is God and his husband was an angel of the lord. Of course, he’ll never say this out loud to a normal person but he wished he had a shirt or bumper sticker. Like one of those My Kid is an Honor Roll Student magnets.
“Our lives are weird, man.” Dean quietly said back to Cas as he squeezed his hand gently.
Cas only chuckled, pulling their hands up and kissing the back of Dean’s hand before letting them fall again. “Yes, well, I have never experienced normality in a human civilian way. So this is normal for me. Though, in my thousand years of life,
“Damn, you’re old.”
Cas ignored Dean and continued. “I never would have believed that the Queen of hell would insist on me calling her Aunt. Or that I would be having dinner in hell with said Aunt. Or that I would love her like family. So yes, our lives are weird.”
Dean pulled his husband in as he smiled and kissed his cheek cause he had this damn cute expression with a head tilt and all. He could hear some demons snicker at them and Cas was quick to show off his angel blade as they walked down the hall to the throne room. While they were protected Rowena didn’t say anything about the demons being off the hook and even though Cas was a human now doesn’t mean he’s any less intimidating. He was still the best damn fighter in Team Free Will 2.0. Jack doesn’t count cause he cheats with his powers.
“My wee boys! Look at you!” Rowena walked towards them with her arms stretched out to bring Jack, who already was making a beeline towards her, into a hug. “Oh, how I missed you! How’s my little God doing? Good things I hope?”
Jack nods with a big smile on his face that only grew when Rowena pinched his cheek. “I learned how to create Angels out of scratch. It’s a slow process but now I won’t need human souls like before.”
“That’s my boy!” Sam was next to get the biggest hug, the favorite of the bunch as he is her protégé after all. “Samuel, how’s the wife?”
“Rowena.” He kissed her cheek as a hello as he pulled back to look at her. “She’s good. Hunting something as we speak. She says she looks forward to her next lunch date with you.”
“Oh, glad to hear it! Eileen is a keeper.”
“I think so.” Sam chuckled as he gave her one more squeeze before letting Cas hug her hello.
Cas and Dean’s hugs were quicker than the other two not because they didn’t love the witch because obviously, they did, she’s one of the reasons they’re married now, but because Rowena always pulled away to comment on their marriage.
“Oh look at you two, old married couple!”
“Old?” Dean looks between Cas and Sam before he touched his own face. “I’m not that old. Cas maybe but-”
“Dean.” Cas said in a way that said, Dean for the love of God or Jack whatever just shut up.
The dinner passed by in a blur as they all caught up with each other. Since they are more separated than together nowadays and luckily they weren’t poisoned like the last time they had dinner there. Jack was quick to heal them and Rowena had no hesitation in punishing. Demons say you can still hear the screams of the poor bastard. A reminder apparently.
They promised to visit soon. Jack promised to take her upstairs to visit his throne room that he rarely visits himself because he’s 6 and would rather spend time in his room playing video games.
“Dad’s?” Jack calls for Dean and Cas as they walk over to the Impala, Sam heading over to his truck. “Can I stay over at your house tonight? I don’t wanna work tomorrow.”
“Sure but call Naomi to let her know.” Cas quickly answered before Dean can lecture the kid about responsibility.
Jack’s grin was enough for Dean to swallow back the lecture and instead say, “We can get some ice cream on the way back and maybe have a family day tomorrow? We don’t have a hunt to worry about right now.”
“Can we?” Jack asked and while his kid is God with the capital G he was still his kid. He looked his damn age when he smiled up at Dean like that. Like he just surprised him with a Disneyland trip or something. “Can we go visit Grandpa Bobby? I’ve been spending too much time with Mom that I forget to visit.”
“Sure kid.” Dean puts his hand on Jack’s shoulder and leads him to the Impala. The other world Bobby wasn’t keen on being apart of the family much but since Jack got a new promotion he has visited all their old friends and family. Bobby is the most excited for a grandkid. Barely pays attention to Dean and Sam when they go visit as it was all about Jack when he’s around. Saying something about how Grandparents need to spoil their grandkids while the parents do the hard work.
Yeah. Their lives are pretty far from normal but finally, fucking finally, Dean is in the light at the end of the dark tunnel.
“Can I drive?” Jack asked while looking at him with wide puppy eyes and a tilt of the head, a mix of Sam and Cas things that make it hard for Dean to say no to but Jack forgets one thing.
“Nope.” His Baby is number one priority.
Jack snaps his fingers, making them all flinch, but he just pouts as he says, “Damn, I was sure that would work. Dad Sam told me it would.”
“Maybe if you would have asked for something reasonable like the moon.” Cas jokes as he gets in the passenger seat and Jack slides into the back.
They wave at Sam as he honks at them and drives in the direction of his house, the opposite way from Cas and Dean’s home. The bunker, though it was hard to let go of, is now used as a hunter base. One Sam and Cas run while Dean just stays back to watch. He wasn’t much of a leader but his husband lead armies in heaven, still does for Jack, and his brother was the most trusted in the hunting community.
Dean drives them back to their home with the sound of his brother on speaker because they didn’t just talk for the last 3 hours, while Cas held the phone. The rambling of his family filling the car made him smile. He loved his normal family.
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bittererlemons · 3 years
A Study in Family
Gen., Bobby&Dean, Family Comfort.
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Dean wakes up to the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee. He rubs his eyes, which are still light red and agitated from crying the night before. He’s 10, and his dad says he’s practically a grown up �� too old to cry like a baby. Bobby tells him he’s just a kid though, and that it’s okay to cry sometimes. It’s confusing, but Dean thinks he believes Bobby more. Kids on television and in movies cry all the time.
Besides, dad dropped him off at Bobby’s last night without an explanation and – more importantly – without Sammy. So Dean’s having a hard time putting much faith in his dad’s words at the moment.
He peels himself off the couch and trods to the kitchen, bare feet making soft noise across the carpet and linoleum. Bobby’s on the phone with someone, but he hangs up as soon as he sees Dean turn the corner.
Dean fights back a flinch and averts his eyes. Guilt climbs up his throat like a bug.
“Wasn’t listenin’ to your phone call, I promise.” And wow, if he thought his eyes looked rough from crying, his voice is a hundred times worse – rough and scratchy.
Bobby takes one look at him and scoops him up, sitting him down on the kitchen counter. He ruffles Dean’s hair and hands him a bowl of pancake mix and a whisk, “C’mon kiddo, enough worrying. ‘Gotta busted up Corvette in the garage just waitin’ for us to finish breakfast.”
Dean smiles as he whisks the pancake batter together. Pancakes mean maple syrup, and Bobby knows a couple of hunters up in Canada who send over the real stuff in exchange for help and intel.
Dean wonders if this is what normal kids feel like, waking up to their normal families with normal fathers and normal hobbies. He wonders if normal kids always have enough to eat and enough love to go around. He wonders if normal boys become mothers at age four, or if they have to call their fathers Sir. The thought of normalcy suddenly makes his chest hurt, so he stops wondering.
“Hey Dean, why don’t you go wash up? Food’s almost ready,” Bobby is gentle as he takes the pancake batter bowl and starts dolloping batter onto the griddle. Dean nods, hops off the counter and rushes to the sink.
By the time he gets back, the table is loaded with food and drinks better than any greasy truckstop diner. There’s enough for Dean to eat and feel full, and enough for leftovers if he gets hungry again before lunch. Bobby always makes sure he has enough food, even sneaks nonperishables into Dean’s bag every time he goes back to life on the road with John and Sammy.
Dean allows himself to wonder again, just briefly, if this is how it feels to be loved.
The Corvette is more busted than Dean expects, but the sight of it fills him with a purpose. The thing looks like a modern art piece, all hard angles and uncomfortable valleys and canyons. He throws on some very clearly oversized coveralls and slides underneath the heavily dented body, only to find rusty wear on the exhaust and the passenger’s side strut shattered, abrading the front right tire.
Fixable, of course, but it would take some creative graverobbing from other cars to do so. He tells Bobby so, and he laughs and claps him on the shoulder proudly.
“Best get to it then. C’mon, let’s take a lap ‘round the scrap yard and find our victims.”
And Dean runs into the yard so fast he nearly trips over to too-long pant legs of his coveralls. Bobby smiles fondly down at him and kneels to re-cuff the material around Dean’s ankles.
They circle around the scrap yard like vultures, picking out Cameros and Novas to pick apart for pieces-parts for the Vette.
Bobby walks him through the process of welding patches into the exhaust. He doesn’t yell when Dean messes up the first tew times, only offers gentle correction and the opportunity to try again.
They settle into a steady rhythm, Dean working patches while Bobby drops in a new LT-1 engine under the hood. Bobby replacing both struts and Dean changing the front tires. Dean playing around on the creeper while Bobby brings out two glasses of lemonade and suggests a break.
Dean can’t argue with that; dad won’t be back for a couple days, so they have time to work on the car gradually. What work they’ve already done has lifted his mood and settled the restlessness in his bones. He feels alright enough to call it a day.
Bobby ruffles his hair and tells him he’s done a good job.
For a second, he lets himself wish that Bobby was his dad.
They study after lunch.
Bobby takes pity on Dean and gives him a book he’d already translated into modern English. He also gives Dean a notebook for notes and margin doodles of the described creatures. Bobby picks out a file-folder of pictures from the inside of long-forgotten Greek temples to Hecate – the writing on the walls is barely legible, but he’s been working on it for a solid month so far. He also pulls some Greek myth compendiums to cross-reference.
He does all this knowing that he’ll likely spend most of their little study break helping Dean with reading comprehension and pronunciation, but Dean gets embarrassed when Bobby hovers too much, so Bobby has to have a project of his own to work on.
Dean makes good progress on the book, doodling absentmindedly as he works through tougher concepts and more complex syntax. More structured drawings come at the end of each chapter, almost as a reward for getting through the highly technical reference material. He only asks for Bobby’s help a handful of times.
Dean yawns and asks for a break. Bobby sends Dean off, staying behind to clear off the desk they’d been working at, hiding a smile as he does. Dean did well – had asked for help, had asked for a break, and had read through several chapters of the book without a fuss. Bobby is proud beyond words.
“That’s my boy” he whispers, just to see how the words feel.
Dinnertime rolls around, and Dean is fast asleep on the couch, drooling into a pillow and clutching a blanket loosely. The television is on, playing a secondhand VHS copy of High Noon.
Bobby drops the volume down a bit
The house is warm and safe, and there’s no pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Bobby reaches to smooth out the furrow between Dean’s eyebrows; Dean leans into his hand, snuffling quietly. Bobby can feel his heart melt like butter in a hot skillet. He drops a kiss to Dean’s forehead and tucks the blanket around him snugly.
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Never Gonna Lose You
Summary - Even with Chuck's danger hanging over the heads of the Winchesters and the Reader, preparations for Dean and Reader's wedding start in the bunker
Pairing - Dean x reader, Sam x reader (platonic)
Warning - Fluff, just pure tooth rotting fluff (yeah ik it's highly unlike me) and maybe a bit of swearing
Word Count - 1.5k
A/N - This is the sequel to Don't Wanna Lose You as requested by @miss-nerd95 (I finally wrote it)
This is the first time I have attempted to write a fic with a wedding ceremony in it so I hope it turns out okay. (Also if there is any rule wrong in the wedding ceremony, please let me know because I wrote the rules of the ceremony after I saw it on the internet and from movies).
Spn divider by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89 (if you can, check out her blog. She is so good)
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"Hey! I came back to the bunker to find it empty. Where were you both?"
You were trying your best to stop the large smile that was threatening to spread on your face.
"We were uh..out", you gave Sam an innocent smile.
"Oh no. No I don't want to hear about my brother's sex life", Sam scrunched up his face in pure disgust.
"Get your mind out of the gutter Sammy because we have some news", Dean said with a stupid grin on his face.
"Please don't tell me Y/N's pregnant because I can't handle a mini Dean right now in the bunker", Sam said.
"What no! I am not pregnant-"
"We're getting married!" Dean declared proudly.
"What? That's great! Congratulations you guys", Sam literally ran towards you both and pulled you and his brother into a bone crushing hug.
"That's enough Sam", Dean groaned.
Sam let go of you both, "So when's the wedding? Where's the ring? Show me the ring".
"When did you become so girly Sammy?" Dean teased Sam which resulted in him getting a glare from the younger hunter.
"I'm just very excited for you both. Welcome to the Winchester family, Y/N. I am very happy for you Dean but Y/N not really, you could have done a lot better", Sam smirked.
"Ow", Sam yelped when his brother smacked his head.
"So when's the wedding? Did you tell Cas and Jack? Where will be the wedding?" Sam started to fire different questions at you.
"Hold your damn horses, Sammy. I don't know when's the-"
"We are getting married next week," Dean said, cutting you off mid-sentence which made your eyes go wide.
"Next week?" You exclaimed, "Dean are you crazy? We can't get married next week! There is so much to do! It's a goddamn wedding! Decorations, dress, catering - are you out of your mind, Dean Winchester?"
"We'll manage, sweetheart. It will be fine," Dean tried to assure when he saw you had already started panicking.
And damn did he make sure it was fine. The week went by a blink of an eye. With every passing day you were growing more anxious even though Dean did his best to make this the perfect wedding.
Growing up as a hunter, you never thought marriage was in your cards. You always thought that you would be long dead even before you meet the man of your dreams but it all changed when you met Dean.
Your meeting with Dean was out of pure luck. Your car had crashed into his when you were on a run from a monster. They immediately found out that you were hunting the same nest of vampire that they were. They were quite taken aback when you told them that you were a solo hunter.
Although as much as Dean was furious at first because you damaged his beloved Baby, you and him slowly became good friends. So when Sam invited you to live with them, you agreed without any second thoughts. Sam was like the younger brother you never had but Dean was another story. After several months of dancing around the fact that you both had feelings for each other and also because of Sam’s annoyance, Dean decided to ask you out.
Now, today as you looked at your reflection in the mirror, tears started to well up in your eyes. You never thought you would be able to see yourself like this - wearing a beautiful white gown as your would-be husband takes a stand at the altar, waiting for you to walk down the aisle.
“All done, sweetie,” Jody said as she put the final touches to your makeup and hair, “you look beautiful.”
You took a final look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes travelled south, eventually finding the beautiful engagement ring on your hand. Dean had given it to you on the same night he had asked you to marry him. The ring was perfectly kept in the pocket of one of his coats - he wanted to ask you for a long time but he always would chicken out at the last minute until that night. After he had put the ring on your finger, Dean had pulled you close, whispering “I love you” into your ear a thousand times. That night had ended with you and him in bed, entangled up with each other, panting and mumbling ‘I love you’s into each other's ears.
You smiled when you remembered the soft memory from that night.
“Jody, just don't let me fall while I walk down the aisle,” you said, standing up. Claire and Alex helped with the gown.
“Oh honey, I won't let you fall but if I do Dean will be there to catch you. That boy will always catch you before you hit the ground,” Jody said.
Jody Mills, you met her after you became a permanent resident of the bunker. She was a good friend of the Winchesters but she was more like a mother to you than a friend. She was there whenever you needed to talk. She supported you always so when Dean asked you about who will walk you down the aisle, you went straight to Jody’s house and asked her the question. She was surprised but eventually agreed, with tears in her eyes.
“We're ready,” Donna poked her head into the room and said.
Alex and Claire walked out of the room before you.
You linked your right arm with Jody’s, taking a deep breath, you tried to calm down your racing heart.
“Let's do this.”
You walked out of your dressing room and started to walk towards the garage where the wedding crremony was being held.
When you reached the garage you saw a carpet was spread out for you, with flowers sprinkled over it. You looked up and saw Claire and Alex standing on the side, Jack standing there with your wedding bands. The few guests you had invited - Bobby, Charlie, Rowena, Donna sitting at the front. You saw Sam standing beside Dean, he had a black tux on. He was looking right at you with a small smile on his face. Just beside him, stood Dean, a soft smile playing on his lips.
You started to tear up when you saw him. This was all you ever wanted - to spend the rest of your life with the man you love, your soulmate.
You walked towards Dean, Jody letting go of your arm. He extended his hand at you. You took his hand and stood beside him. You looked up at Dean, your eyes locking with his jade ones. His eyes were moist and you were yourself trying not to cry.
“You look beautiful,” he said softly, a shy smile playing on your lips.
“Should we begin?” Cas asked. You had asked Cas to officiate your wedding because who would be better other than an angel?
You and Dean nodded.
Cas began the ceremony but you weren't paying attention to what he was saying. You were too mesmerised in Dean's eyes. You mind wandered off to all the times you had spent with Dean, hunting with each other or just spending a lazy day in bed with him.
You were broken from your thoughts when Cas asked if you wanted to say your own vows. You both nodded and Dean started to speak.
“Y/N, five years ago, when your car crashed into mine I didn't know then that I would be standing at here with you today. I love your coffee obsessed, nerdy self who is also a badass hunter who doesn't take any bullshit from others. Being with you brings the best out of me. I promise that I won't let anything happen to you ever even if I have to walk through fire to keep you safe. I promise I will never take you, us for granted. I promise to love you as you love me, through all hardship, darkness, and pain to reach for our joys, our hopes, and always with honesty and faith and lastly I promise to never make fun about how much you love the Harry Potter books.”
You wiped the tears that were now rolling down your cheek. “Y/N.” You heard Cas say your name and you started to speak.
“Dean, today when I woke up I had to catch my breath to believe this is real, that I am really marrying my true love, my heart's desire, my soulmate. I couldn't make myself believe that it was all real and not one of Chuck's plans, but after seeing you standing here, waiting for me, all my doubts flew out of the window. I promise to always love and cherish this relationship even when you are annoying me. I promise to always protect you and keep both of us from harm's way. I promise to always love and support you. I promise to always leave the last slice of my pizza for you and lastly I promise to not roll my eyes everytime you say a stupid movie reference.”
Tears were now flowing freely down your cheek. You didn't even bother to wipe them. You looked at Dean and saw him sniffling. His green eyes clouded with emotions. He mouthed “I love you”.
“It's time to bring in the rings,” Cas announced and
Jack walked in with the rings, “Y/N and Dean will now exchange rings to symbolize their commitment. Dean now you may take Y/N’s hand in yours and repeat these words after me.”
Dean repeated the words after Cas with a grin on his face, and took the ring from Jack, putting it on your finger.
“Y/N, please take Dean's hand and repeat these words.”
You repeated the words after Cas, with a smile playing on your lips. You smile got bigger when you took the ring from Jack and put it on Dean's. You and Dean said your I do's, your heart heavy with emotions.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Dean you may kiss your bride now,” Cas said and for the first you noticed, he had a big smile on his face too.
Dean pulled you into a kiss, the first kiss as husband and wife. You immediately melted into the kiss. Cheers erupted throughout the garage but you didn't pay any attention to them. You were finally married to Dean, the love of your life and that was what mattered the most. Dean finally let go of you and looked at you with a stupid grin on his face.
“Hey Mr. Winchester,” you whispered.
“Hey Mrs. Winchester,” Dean said.
“We are married.”
“We are married, sweetheart,” Dean sighed.
“Now let's go save the world,” you smiled.
“Let's go save the world, together.”
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Forever taglist - @donnaintx @devil-in-my-boots @amandamdiehl @miss-nerd95 @foxyjwls007
Dean/Jensen Taglist - @akshi8278 @mrsjenniferwinchester @jensengirl83 @defenderrosetyler
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fanfic-corner · 4 years
I genuinely have no idea where this ship came from, but it is pretty cute, and I was curious to read a couple fics of them. Besides, I’m currently on season 13 and we deserve more Gabriel content in this time of stress. All of these also have Destiel in them, but which one the fic is focused on varies. I hope you enjoy them!
Rewriting the Book by MonPetitTresor on AO3. (37,224 words).
Tags: Dimension Travel, Alternate Universe, Gabriel in the Bunker, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sam Remembers Hell, PTSD, Post-Gadreel, Mark of Cain, Hurt Sam, Scared Sam, Emotionally Repressed, Sam Has Panic Attacks, The Cage.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: When Sam gets a little too close to stopping Metatron’s plans, the angel decides to use some of his extra juice to get Sam out of his way by sending him to a completely different reality. He never could’ve predicted what Sam might find there – or what he might bring back home with him.
Notes: The trauma in this was written so well, and it is part of what made this amazing. It was really respectful, realistic, and clearly well researched. And, as a bonus, an excellent plot!
In All Your Borrowed Finery by vanishingact on AO3. (67,950 words).
Tags: Winged Dean Winchester, Winged Sam Winchester, Winged Castiel, Winged Gabriel, Spells & Enchantments, Hunters & Hunting, Case Fic, Harpies, Canon-Typical Violence, Major Character Injury, Slow Build, Slow Burn, Fluff and Humor and Smut and Angst, Wingfic, Fan art. 
My Rating: 5 stars. 
Description: Dean finds an interesting symbol in Kevin's angel tablet notes and, against Sam's counselling, uses it in the heat of battle with a pair of angelic assassins. Side effects include pain, disorientation, and uncontrollable new appendages for the Winchesters. A disgruntled Castiel and a delighted Gabriel show up to help. Hunting (and life) gets interesting when wings are involved.
Notes: Okay this was literally adorable and you can not convince me otherwise. Every time I read a fic with everyone’s favourite archangel, I miss him just a bit more.
Black Swans by omphalos and Wolfling on AO3. (66,455 words).
Tags: Post-Apocalypse, Road Trip, Blasphemy.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: A post-apocalyptic road trip with a still recovering archangel wasn't how Sam had envisioned the aftermath of their big plan, but it sure beat a lot of the alternatives.
Notes: This was absolutely brilliant, so well written, and the plot was phenomenal! The misunderstanding was painful, and the original characters were great.
omni gladio ancipiti by lifevolutionary on AO3. (10,892 words).
Tags: Wingfic, Telepathy, Psychic Bond.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: The archangel Gabriel had never chosen a Bearer for his sword. Until now.
Notes: This was so freaking sweet, and I love the idea of Sam just casually having a flaming sword.
Dies Irae, or Something by AlchemyAlice on AO3. (51,223 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe - Apocalypse, Blasphemy, Alternate Universe - Canon, Biblical References.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: It starts with headaches, and it ends in a clusterfuck. So, business as usual, Apocalypse-wise.
Notes: I know it says Good Omens as well, but it is just a brief mention of Aziraphale and Crowley, so you don’t need to know anything about it! And this fic was written beautifully. Is it bad that I miss the apocalypse days?
That One Time Sam Winchester Googled Something Weird and It Had Pretty Awesome Results by quitepossiblyjanuary on AO3. (2,587 words).
Tags: Romantic Fluff, First Kiss, Stars, Humor, Courtship, Short & Sweet.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: In which Sam Googles something and his curiosity doesn't kill the cat. Or him. Or anyone. It's a pretty awesome feeling.
Notes: This was so adorable! Gabe was so sweet, and his mind reading skills made me laugh.
Bing Crosby’s Pennies From Heaven by twentysomething on AO3. (9,613 words).
Tags: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Gabriel, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Death.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Sam always asks inappropriate, poorly-timed questions, so what comes out of his mouth doesn't exactly surprise himself. "Where were you?"
Notes: This was brilliant - the little gifts that Gabe left for Sam were adorable, and I burst out laughing at the image of trying to get Bobby’s wheelchair on top of a toilet.
‘Star Wars is Overrated’ by leftdragonpainter on AO3. (38,186 words).
Tags: Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Pining, Drinking, Writer Castiel, Mechanic Dean, Neighbours, Swearing, Winchester Logic, Big Brother Gabriel, Clueless Dean, College Student Sam, Awkward Dates, Pie, Dean Cooks, Slow Burn, Injured Sam, Fixing Cars, Emotional Constipation, Angst, Confessions, Smut, Love Confessions, Temporary Amnesia, Star Trek References, Star Wars References, Angst with a Happy Ending.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description:  When Dean Winchester turned sixteen he was disappointed by the words that appeared on his chest. He never expected that it would take so much to find his soulmate. He never expected to not remember meeting them…
Notes: Every time I thought I knew what was going to happen, it either went in the complete opposite direction or something totally different happened, and I loved it.
Start Quoting Shakespeare and We’re Done by pyrebi on AO3. (15,579 words).
Tags: Romantic Comedy, Misunderstanding, Banter, Libraries, Food, Ridiculousness, Alternate Universe - Library, Alternate Universe - Human.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: In which Dean has the hots for a librarian named Cas, Cas may or may not have the hots for a mechanic named Dean, and Gabriel joins Sam in the peanut gallery in the hopes that he might just get to do a horizontal tango of his own.
Notes: Damn, the misunderstandings in this were so unbelievably painful. Overall, though, it was very funny and quite cute. Also, I love the idea of Gabe owning a sweet store.
Bring it On Home by lilyleia78 on AO3. (34,482 words).
Tags: Romance, Alternate Universe, Drama, Bonding, Angelic Soulbond, Angels, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: When John sells his sons to Heaven in exchange for the Colt, Dean and Sam find themselves separated from each other and in the care of two very different angels. Dean and Cas work together to find out why Heaven wants Sam and how they can reunite the brothers - all the while growing closer every day. Meanwhile Sam should hate Gabriel and his endless string of conquests, but Gabriel's twisted sense of humor and attractive smile inspire something much more complicated.
Notes: First of all, I would like to say that John absolutely does not deserve any redemption or forgiveness in this fic, but okay. The idea - especially the Sabriel side - was a little creepy, but it was executed fairly well.
Our Mornings by entanglednow on AO3. (2,155 words).
Tags: Morning After.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: That would be the sound of his brother having sex with an angel three rooms away.
Notes: This was fairly cute, but a bit short for my tastes.
And, for all the Sabriel fans who don’t ship Destiel:
Highway of Love (Or: How Sam Winchester Learned to Stop Worrying and Relax Already) by Jassy on AO3. (24,536 words).
Tags: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, The Trickster.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: AU. Sam noticed a few things weren't quite right after they killed the Trickster. After going back to check things out, his life will never be the same.
Notes: This was probably the first Sabriel fic I ever read, and honestly I just didn’t understand it. I mean, not complaining, because I’ve read Mystrade fics before and we all know they don’t even share a scene, but I was still confused. Then, I read a really nicely done thing on Instagram explaining it, and I kind of got it. So I read this, and I really enjoyed it, and now I ship Sabriel. 
So, they may be this fandom’s crack ship, but I hope you enjoyed this edition of Destiel + other ships. I’m thinking that I might do a Saileen one in the future, because she may have only been in one episode I have watched but oh boy she was an icon, and it’s good for my heart to ship things that actually happen (I think. No one tell me otherwise. I will cry).
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laufire · 4 years
Supernatural s2
I’m halfway through s3 already (technically a rewatch, but there were episodes I didn’t watch the first time around), so this post is a little overdue lol. At this rhythim the posts will overlap. Plus I’m hoping I can finish s4-5 during the holidays to see the ~intended ending~ before I have to slow down on the binge-watch. After that, a season a month sounds achievable AND won’t take longer than 2021 xD
-Overall, I’ve enjoyed it more than the first one, but at the same time I’ve found myself missing how... claustrophobic? Insular? Compact? That one was. s2 was about the world opening up just a little bit more, introducing new characters to the brothers’ life, etc. I do love the detail that this is something that can only have, narratively speaking, once John is dead. Again: this show gets abusive families, consciously or not.
-The foreshadowing is beautifully done. 15 seasons make for a lot of unintentional and ironic foreshadowing later on, I’m sure, but the purposeful foreshadowing is superb this season. About the crossroads deals, of course, but especially about John’s last words. I already knew he’d told Dean he might have to kill Sam (father of the year, seriously. Though I side-eye the fandom even more for always having acted as if this is only awful for Dean lol), so I was hyperaware of every single detail. My favourite moment was the absolute horror of hearing Gordon proudly, cheerfully relate how he murdered his sister when she became a vampire (which, btw, as someone that’s still bitter about what went down with the Gunn siblings on Angel, I found it healing to see something like that treated as a horror story).
-Speaking of Gordon: I unashamedly love his character lmfao. Sterling K. Brown is mesmerizing, always. At the same time, I have serious mixed feelings (especially after seeing his arc in full in s3) because man, if it isn’t a racist mess. I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s not exactly revolutionary that the first time we see the story from the monster’s POV (something I want the show to do! Often!), it’s when white monsters are stalked and brutalized by our first black hunter. Especifically a white woman, btw (although I’m happy to see Tara Maclay as a brunette vampire. I didn’t know I needed that in my life, but I did). And you can tell that the show thinks it’s just so SMART and FUNNY to have a ~racist black hunter!! I mean, the comment about how psychic kids would be “betraying their race” if they allied with demons?? FFS.
And ofc there’s the fact that he’s condemned for the exact same type of stuff that makes Dean be hailed as a hero lmfao. Though I won’t like, I love the moment where, faced with the comparison, Dean’s response is “I might be like you, I might not. But you’re the one tied up.” I love those kinds of character moments. As of s2 I officially have a love-hate relationship with Dean Winchester, I hate it here xDD
But still, on his own, Gordon is an amazing character (it’s one of the most frustrating things about the show, the greatness tainted by the bigotry :))). Charismatic, terrifying, and ofc superbly acted. Also, I love that the fact that he praised John (as opposed to every other hunter having a rockier relationship with him) is clearly supposed to be a red flag LMFAO.
-I enjoy how the seasons delves more deeply into Sam’s ~~dark origins, since it was my fave thing about him way back when. I’m already mourning the (as I suspect) lost of his powers, ngl. There’s a little more attention in how he tends to over-identify with supernatural creatures struggling with their ~dark sides too (bitch me too, the fuck xD), which I LOVE to see (among other reasons because at least in that way we get a little of their POV in the forefront lol). One of my favourites in that sense was the episode centered around the ghost-who-didn’t-know-she-was-ghost, played by Tricia Helfer. I clocked early one what was going on, but it was still very enjoyable, especially with Sam’s empathy with her (contrasted by Dean being a total bitch about it, btw. I can’t believe I still see post about how Dean is all heart/kindness/compassion/whatever the fuck. Dean is all about selective empathy and only when it conveniences him, pls).
I was more divided on the episode with Madison the werewolf, tbh. OTOH it put Sam in a better position, for a change xD. As the one willing to make The Hard Choices by fulfilling his promise to kill her because she was dangerous, even when Dean offered to ~take the burden from him. OTOH I hate that kind of thing lol. YOU GUYS KNOW A HUNTER PRO LIKE BOBBY, I BET HE COULD’VE FIGURED OUT SOMETHING TO CONTAIN HER A FEW NIGHTS A MONTH. Also, my immediate reaction was to compare this to when my man Angel had a crush on a werelady and helped her every month lmfao. But then, very few characters can withstand a comparison with Angel, in any sense :P
I also liked Sam’s subplot with his fellow demon-psychic kids, though I wish it’d lasted longer :/ (also: RME at the queer girl dying almost immediately AND her power being killing people, her girlfriend first of all, with her touch. The black guy was the last one to die at least...?). My fave was Ava, by far. I loved her since her reaction to helping Sam stealing a psychiatrist’s records was yelling “I’M AWESOME!!”. It made it easy to buy that someone that appeared so mundane, with her easy life and her fiance and whatnot, would become so power hungry and go off the rails, IMO.
BTW: RME at Dean being all “oh Sam is going too dark/becoming to cold” when Sam kills Jake. Jake ripped off his spine and killed him first!! It both amuses me and infuriates me all the times Dean tries to push Sam to be more like himself and then freaks out whenever Sam is not all sunshine and rainbows (while still remaining, IMO, far less cold than Dean himself. Besides, it’s not easy to be colder than Dean, lol).
Lastly, a little character detail I loved was when Sam was jealous about Dean being in the federal database but not himself lmfao. 
-I loved the new foreshadowing crumb with Sam finding out Mary knew the demon, too (information he’ll withhold from Dean, which I approve of LOL). I mean, I know exactly what’s up, I’ve watched most of s4 xD (also, what is UP with this family and making deals with demons. Everyone but Sam so far!! And then HE gets dragged for ~getting too close to one smh. Maybe lead by example!! Also also: yes, it was meant to be ambiguous, but I can’t help but notice the only kiss-pact -or further, depending to how close YED was to Lilith’s levels, since to make a deal with her you have to fuck xD- we didn’t see was the one that must’ve happened between John and YED. Cowards!! xD). Still. I’m so curious about her. Her resurrection is one of the main reasons I’m determined to make it to the later seasons, ngl.
-Another thing I LOVED about this season is how they used sibling relationships to parallel/foreshadow stuff about the brothers, the way s1 did often with fathers. I’ve already mentioned Gordon and his sister, but the others are not less brutal imo: Andy having to kill his evil twin, who wanted him all for himself (... Dean is that you xD); the little girl’s ghost who wanted her grand-niece to commit suicide to stay with her, and didn’t give in until her old sister agreed to die in her place. It was chilling. Also, at one point the parallel was between the brothers and a married couple (the ghost-who-didn’t-know-she-was-a-ghost) and asñdlfkajsf. I’m guessing they had fun with the shippers lol.
Speaking of the brothers’ relationship, this season also goes a little further in escalating the violence between them, when Dean punches Sam in the face and he refuses to respond (“you can hit me all you want, it won’t change anything”. Fuck), or when Dean again punches Sam after Sam was possessed by Meg ¬¬
-Going back to my love-hate relationship with Dean, lmfao. My biggest beef remains how much validation his POV gets from the narrative, granted or not; he’s one of the most irritating cases of protagonist-centered morality and I know it’s only going to get worse smh. At least this season it feels a little more balanced than in s1, with episodes like the one where the civilian Sam had tried to keep away dies halfway through the ep because Dean allowed him to get involved, for example. Still, it grates on me xD. The continuing prison rape jokes/demonic possession rape jokes (with Meg and Sam), his general grossness with women and his lack of sympathy for non-humans even when they’re not trying to hurt anyone don’t exactly help. Also, I often see him praised for some of his political views, a lot of which I agree with (his mistrust of cops, saying convicts don’t deserve to die no matter what they do), but when contrasted with his general attitude across the show it’s really grating ngl.
But then he has such AMAZING character details thrown in, that make me appreciate him as a POV character nonetheless, as much as I often want to curb stomp the guy xD. I loved his speech about how there’s no such thing as a dignified death. I love how he refused to come near his mother’s grave, both at the beginning and at the end of the episode (this show is like, the cure to DCCW’s shows false fuzzy sentimentality istg). I love his pop-culture references, like when Sam mentions Dean always thought OJ was the murderer or Dean jokes about freeing Katie Holmes from Scientology’s cult xD (sometimes it really hits you how old this show is lol). I enjoyed his Wishverse episode, and his lines after Sam dies/he sells his soul to save him (“I had one job”, “my life can mean something”) hit HARD.
But most of all? I LOVE how and why he starts losing respect for John. It’s so fucking cold and abrupt and makes so much sense!! Like, yes, part of it is John’s message about killing Sam (... again, father of the year!), but most of all it’s about John making a pact with a demon and dying TO SAVE DEAN (and probably, simply that he died at all. That shit de-mystifies anyone). IT’S SO FUCKING GREAT TO WATCH. “He spent his life chasing that demon. He was supposed to die fighting, not making a deal with the damn thing. That was supposed to be his legacy, not this." Damn, Dean xDD. The *contempt* with which he said that killed me.
I also love his inherently atheist vision of the world (even if yes, it’s extremely funny knowing this show has canon God and angels and shit -no Jesus Christ though, which I find endlessly funny-, or that they actually meet the archangel Gabriel in disguise xD. Either way, the episode with the fake angel and its foreshadowing was hilarious), his anti-destiny stance, and that it’s him and not John who gets to kill YED.
-I liked Ellen and Jo. Not LOVED, but I liked them. I keep fearing that secondary (especially female) characters will feel empty/shallow but the show keeps proving me wrong, even with one-episode wonders, and at first I wasn’t sure about them, but I was sold quickly. Partially because of the actresses, they both had this... humanizing, endearing quality? It worked really well.  I also loved the explicit contrast between John and Ellen’s parenting styles, with Ellen wanting Jo to return to school and be safe from the hunt, and Jo wanting something different. Also, I wouldn’t ship it if you paid me, but LOL at anyone who actually buys Dean sees Jo as a ~little sister just because MEG said that rme.
This show is just REALLY good when it comes to giving depth to a character with only a couple of brush strokes, which makes it all the more frustrating when they abruptly die or disappear to never be seen again/only once more (to abruptly die!) :)))
I was less sold on Ash; he was amusing, but having a Genius Hacker TM helping them out seemed like the beginning of increasingly giving the brothers ways of deux ex machina-ing them out of problems, when one of my favourite things about the show is seeing them creatively find ways out themselves. I like when they’re competent! Like with the multitude of codes they have to improvise plans, like in the episode where with two words through a lawyer they implemented a quick scheme so that Sam would escape from a police precinct. I like that stuff.
-I’m still so bitterly jealous about the dead man’s blood hurting vampires detail. SO BITTERLY JEALOUS. I love a lot of what this show does with its lore but that little bit is the worst offender. I want it so bad xD
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deans-missing-pie · 4 years
Yeah, She’s just ill
You woke up to the smell of cigarettes, grimacing you rolled over in the bed and let out a loud yawn, Sam heard this and smiled.
"Good Morning Y/N" He greeted and you lazily nodded and mumbled an inaudible response.
"Mornin' Y/N." Dean called from the bathroom and you could hear him chuckling as you again let out another sound. Sighing, the uncomfortable motel bed won and you sat upright, pulling a stray piece of hair from your mouth. Pulling back the duvet you slid your legs from under the cover, shivering at the contact of the rough carpet on your bare feet, you stood up and walked over towards the small kitchen area pulling on the stiff fridge door you took in the seemingly endless tubs filled with different salad contents, you smiled, Sam had bought these with you on the hunt. Much to Dean's dismay, the younger brother loved salad as much as Dean did burgers, rooting through the cupboards  you eventually find the milk and toss it onto the side, careful not to spill it. 
Opening the cupboard you found the lower shelf filled with hunting gear, you cursed under your breath as you looked onto the top shelf, the only box of cereal sat there and you pursed your lips in annoyance. 
You weren't exactly tall.
Suddenly you felt a warm body move behind you and an arm reach up into the shelf. The box disappeared and reappeared on the counter and the body moved backwards. You spun around to see Sam blushing slightly and looking at you.
"Sorry about that Y/N." Sam chuckled nervously as he walks backwards banging his side on the counter. He cursed and winced at the pain and you stifled a chuckle.
"Being tall's a curse and a gift" He mumbled embarrassed.
"Yeah, bet you get all the girls" You replied awkwardly.
Sam walked towards the sofa and mumbled something.
"What was that?" You asked. He looked up.
"Oh. Nothing" He said pulling out his laptop. You nodded and resumed pouring your cereal into a bowl.
"So we got any leads on the vamp?" You asked, silently praying for a small break. As soon as you thought you heard a ping sound, you glanced towards Sam's phone. It was Bobby. You read the message over and when you had done Sam was taking the phone from your hands. You blushed as his hand brushed yours and you let go of the phone.
"Looks like we do" Sam said as Dean popped his head out of the bathroom interested.
"What'd he say?" Dean asked, Sam looked at him.
"Apparently it's not too far from here, about 16 miles drive South" Sam replied. You nodded. Dean did too and grabbed his bag.
"Better set off then" Sam smiled at him and grabbed his bag as well, you followed suit and sighed slightly as you did. Sam heard this and turned around to face you.
"You okay?" He asked. You smiled and nodded at him, walking out of the motel room quickly and heading towards the impala. Sam frowned he prodded Dean and pointed at you.
"She okay?" He asked. Dean raised his eyebrows and looked from his brother to the H/C hunter. 
"Yeah. Just suffering from an illness" He said walking off opening the front impala door and getting in the car. He turned around and winked at you. You frowned and watched as Sam opened the back seat of the impala. He looked at you worriedly.
"You okay?" He whispered as Dean turned on the ignition. "Dean said you were ill" You eyes widened at his comment, you blushed and looked at your boots.
"N-Nothing it's nothing" You said cursing Dean. You knew he was talking about your crush on Sam, which Dean referred to as your 'illness' ever since he had found out about your feelings for the brother he had relentlessly teased you for it, and practically begged you to tell him about it. 
Sam stared at you disbelieving.
"If you're sure.." He trailed off as the fluttering sound of wings filled the car, the three of you jumped and caused Dean to swerve slightly as the angel appeared in the front seat of the car next to Dean.
"Dammit Cas!" He practically shouted. "How many times. Give a man a warning" The angel looked at him with apologetic eyes and turned around to face you.
"Y/N, Sam, Dean" He greeted and you grinned at him.
"Hey Cassie" You smiled and he smiled in return, Dean shook his head.
"I still can't believe you get to call him that and none of us can" The said angel turned to face Dean.
"Y/N and I share a profound bound, just as you and I do Dean, I allow her to call me this, it pleases her" He stated as if it was obvious, you stuck your tongue out at Dean who saw it in the mirror and mumbled a quiet Bitch you replied with Castiel's famous Assbutt and he shook his head.
"How is that even an insult" You grinned.
"It's just funny" You stated and Sam chuckled, Castiel spoke again.
"I came to give you information on the vampire. It seems that the alpha is particularly strong. Which is why I have come to assist you" Dean raised a brow at the angel.
"I thought you were with April the last time we spoke" He said the angel nodded in response.
"Yes, my time with April was very educating." He spoke carefully.
"Yeah, I would think that getting killed is something" Sam helpfully commented. Cas tilted his head.
"And having sex" Dean coughed and spun his head to look at the angel in shock.
"You had sex with April?" The angel nodded to confirm this.
"So...Did you use protection?" He asked. The angel nodded again.
"Yes I had my angel blade" You chuckled, and Sam coughed.
"Oh. Oh, he had the angel blade" He shook his and concentrated on the road.
"You jealous Dean?" You helpfully commented. He glared at you, mouthing the words shut up. Sam laughed and Castiel just looked confused.
"Why would Dean be jealous of me?" He asked. "I was unaware you were infatuated with April" The angel continued making you and Sam laugh harder.
"No he's jealous of April" You said. And Dean pulled into a drive by.
"Okay shut up now" He swore and opened the car door. "And by the way Y/N, while me and Castiel are going for a talk. About the Vampires. Why don't you tell Sam about your MAJOR crush on him" He slammed the car door and Castiel stepped out as well. You blushed and went to open the car door when you felt Sam grab your arm.
"Y/N, what was Dean talking about?" He asked and you looked down, not wanting to look at him. You felt a hand go to your chin and you were suddenly staring at Sam. You averted your eyes and he sighed softly.
"Y/N, just tell me." He pleaded gently.
"N-Nothing, Dean was just being stupid is all" Sam frowned at your comment.
"I think we both know that's not true" He stated and you looked at him. 
"You really want to know?" You started taking a deep breath and Sam nodded.
"Fine, I like you, like really really like you, and I get that you don't feel the same way, and I've tried so hard to ignore it for the past few months but I can't OK. Every time I try, I just can't stop thinking about you. And I know you don't feel the same because why would you..." You trailed off tears building up. Sam looked at you sadly.
"Maybe you're not as perceptive as you thought" Was all he said as he tilted your head forward and you felt a pair of soft lips cover your own, your eyes widened as your eyes fluttered shut. The kiss stayed like this for a few moments until you both pulled away, you blushed and stared at your lap.
"I'm an idiot.." You mumbled Sam grinned.
"Yeah but you're my idiot.... I love you Y/N" He said looking at you, you smiled softly.
"I love you too" You said and he leant in to kiss you again when you heard a banging on the window. You turned to see Dean grinning at you too. He hopped in the car again, the angel doing the same on the other side.
"So looks like you two got cozy" He said, you grinned and went. 
"Yeah but Dean?" You said and he turned to look at you.
"Yeah?" Your grin spread wider.
"One word for you" He frowned and Sam started to smile.
"For gods sake" Dean flipped you off and turned on the ignition leaving a blushing castiel in the front seat looking rather confused again.
"Dean. What's Destiel?" The angel frowned and tilted his head. Dean blushed and averted his eyes. Focusing them on the highway whilst you and Sam started to explain.
"Basically, we think you two would make a good couple. Romantically. We ship it" the two of you said as Dean blushed and castiel looked down awkwardly.
"But Dean and I are profoundly bond already" You laugh and Dean blushes.
"No you need to be romantically bonded not profoundly" Castiel nodded and looked at his shoes
"Dean and I are romantically bonded though" You coughed at this
"You what?" Sam asked. As Dean cursed.
"Damnit Cas, I told you not to tell them" you and Sam chuckled as you notice your hands growing closer to each other. Dean and castiel were arguing about earlier so you take the risk of holding Sam's hand. He smiles at you and tightens his hand around yours. Meanwile Castiel and Dean were finishing their argument about keeping thair relationship secret. Dean stops the car. You look up as he grabs the angel by the back of the neck and pulls him closer. In a instant he's kissing him. And Castiel is kissing him back. You pull out your phone and take a picture before they notice and when they pull away Sam coughs awkwardly and Dean continues driving as if nothing has happened. Castiel turned around about to give you info on the vamps when he coughed awkwardly and looked away still unable to look at you You laughed and patted his shoulder.
"It's fine Cas, just say what you were gonna do"
He smiled at you and continued.
"The vamp seems to be a head. A strong alpha. So that's why I'm here. He also has several of his victims still alive in there. We should maintain their safety. But kill the head vampire you nodded and looked at Sam. Who smiled at you. You pulled out your phone and showed Sam the picture you had taken and he grinned and mouthed for you to send him it. You blush as you quietly send Sam the picture. Castiel awkwardly looks away wondering what you and Sam were mouthing to each other.
 You arrive at the co-ordinates emailed to Sam's and Dean's phones, your legs slightly weak from the long journey.
"Sam, you're coming with me." Dean commanded, grabbing his colt M1911A1 from the trunk, tossing a spare to his younger brother, Sam gave you a worried look.
"I guess that leaves you and me Cassie" you sighed gabbing Dean's favorite silver blade and a bottle of dead mans blood just in case.
"You wont be needing that dead mans blood Y/N, don't worry yourself." the angel said as he slid his blade from his coat pocket.
his voice suddenly becoming more serious "But you can never be too careful."
"Your right cassie, we should all start to head up to the vamp hideout before it gets dark" you stuttered as Sam stepped towards you in a small but charming attempt to comfort you.
"don't worry Y/N, you'll be safe with cas. Ok? And if you and cas need help or find the head vamp call me." he chuckled as he slid his number into your pocket
"Thanks Sam." you said blushing towards him getting the same in response
"Any time" he said blowing you a small kiss making you blush even more. Dean and Cas watching you two in curiosity and Dean in mock disgustd as you arrive at the nest.
"Sam your coming with me, Y/N go with cas we will meet back here in 20 minutes." Dean demanded as he stormed off towards the right hallway as you said goodbye to Sam, kissing him once again. Then turning around to look at the angel.
"should we head forwards or to the left Y/N?" castiel asked with yet another confused look on his face as you pointed to the left hallway feeling as if it was calling to you.
"Left.... I feel that we should go left" you said anxiously as you heard creeks and groans echo around you. You shivered rubbing your arms. You had always disliked vamp nests.
"Don't worry Y/N, as Sam said your safe with me." he said smiling softly at you as you walked down the hall. You smiled back at him as you and Castiel walk down the unlit hallways of the vamp nest, floor boards creaking with nearly every step you take.
You stopped walking as you heard footsteps echo behind you. You stopped. Perhaps it was Dean and Sam. But they had gone another way hadn't they. You tugged on castiel's sleeve and he turned around. Sliding out his angel blade as he did. You did the same with your knife. And turned to see a vampires behind you. 
He tore at you with inhuman speed and you stepped backwards to avoid his blow. In an instant he was in the floor. Dead. Castiels angel blade dripping blood as he stepped back and grimaced as he cleaned it on his coat.
"There will be more" he said pointing down the corridor. "They heard him" He said standing in front of you as shadows came around the corner. 
 -Time Skip-
 The vamps had surrounded you Castiel was to one side fighting the alpha. Who had been stronger than any of you had anticipated. Which was probably why Crowley wanted him so much. 
You blocked a blow from a camp and stabbed your knife into its side whilst it was distracted you took this time to swipe it's head clean off. You watch as it rolls to the floor and the body crumples into a pile. Turning you take on the next vamp. When you hear the door open. 
"Move it Y/N!" Dean shouts as he shoots one of the vampires. Firing several shots to slow the attack. 
You suddenly wince in pain. Pulling your arm back. Dean had now come forward to swipe some more of the vamps heads off and you took this pocket of time to examine your arm.
A bullet had grazed your left arm and it was bleeding. Cursing under your breath you swapped your machete to the other hand and began swiping vamps that way instead. Trying to forget about the pain in your left arm.
 -Time skip-
 "You okay Y/N?" Sam asked worriedly as he looks you up and down in the back of the impala. You shrug his worry of and lean your left arm back. You don't want to make him worry and you can take care of your arm yourself when you get back to the motel.
"Yeah I'm fine. How about you?" You asked he nodded and replied with the same. Wrapping and arm around your shoulder. You smile and lean your head onto his shoulder as you head back to the motel. 
Sam moves his hand down to your arm and frowns when he feels something warm and wet. He pulls his hand up to see the blood stains and his eyes widen.
"Y/N... Why are you bleeding?" He asks. You stare at him and mumble. 
"I just caught myself... It's nothing big don't worry about it I'll sort out back at the motel" you tried to explain not wanting Sam to realise it was Dean who had fired the bullet causing your wound.
"I'll patch you up. Are you sure it's not that bad?" He asks as Dean pulls into the mottel.
"Right well you love birds Go and stitch each other up. I'm gonna get pie" he says as you and Sam exit the impala.
"Come on" Sam says as he pulls you inside. And pushing you down gently onto the bed. He walks into the bathroom and comes back with a first aid kit. He sits down beside you and slides of your jacket. You wince slightly and he immediately apologises.
"Sorry sorry. This is gonna hurt a bit. It doesn't need stitches but it needs cleaning" he explains and you mind as he pulls out a fifth of whiskey. He pours it onto your arm and you clenches your teeth turning your head away from him. He apologised again before presses and damp cloth to it and then placing a gauze over the wound.
"That should be okay .we just need to keep replacing the dressing and that's it" he says as you thank him. He presses a kiss to your forehead and you blush. He shuffled closer to you and kisses you on the lips. He pulls away and smiles at you.
"I love you" Sam says and you smile.
"I love you more" you say and he frowns.
"No I love you more" you throw a pillow at him and he complains.
"Hey not fair!" He laughs as you grin at him.
"All's fair in war" you say grabbing another pillow, Sam doing the same in a cute attempt to protect himself.
You threw a pillow at Sam aiming for his head but he turned suddenly and the pillow missed. Hurtling towards the door as it opened and Dean stepped through. it hit his face and he let out a cry of surprise.
"Son of a bitch Y/N!" He picked up the pillow and lobbed it at you as you fell on the bed laughing
"Sorry Dean" you giggled as Dean stepped in and unpacked his bag of pie and other confectionaries, Sam putting down his pillow and pulling you towards him, kissing your forehead.
"Love you Y/N" he said softly as you stood up heading to the shower room to get ready for bed.
"Love you too Sam" you said blowing him another kiss, shutting the door behind you
 -Time Skip-
 You walk out of the shower room only to see that Dean and Cas had already fallen asleep, Sam lay in bed still trying to get some rest.
"Hey Sam~" you whispered as you tiptoed towards him, sliding into the bed with him kissing each other goodnight.
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whydoyouwantmyname · 6 years
Imagin Dean Loving You, But Never Expressing It To You
Age 9
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He raced from the impala, his feet carrying him to the one normal thing in his life, his small fist quickly beating against the older wood, before it swung open. In seconds he heard the chuckle of his father, and her’s as a small force collided into his chest, arms coiling around his neck, as the faint smell of strawberries waffed from her hair.
“Gosh Bobby, with a greeting like that you would never think they just saw each other last week.” John called as Sammy raced up to the porch to join his brother, and his best friend.
[Y/N] Singer was her name, and since the age of five, she and Dean had been best friends, always playing with them, and showing them that girls can do the same stuff boys can. But that day as she pulled back from Dean her normal smile caused his heart to quicken.
It was like he was seeing her for the first time, his heart speed up, his hands got sweaty, he was missing her, even though she was right there, and slightly annoyed when Sammy got a hug too. And just like that though her attention was back on him, as she took Dean’s hand, and went racing towards the junk yard. It was in the mess of old car parts, that he first figured out what it felt like to be in love, and in that very yard where he decided to keep it a secret hours later.
Age: 13
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“Dean, you can’t be serious.” Sammy sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his older brother as he looked at the floor, his breath slowly slipping out as he clutched his fist, admitting what he had known for years. Sammy, however was filled with excitement, “You have to tell her!”
“NO!” Dean barked, his eyes meeting his baby brother’s as he tightened his fist.
“But Dean... you just said you loved her.”
“Yeah, and I am a hunter, you are a hunter, and she is...”
“A hunter.” Sammy finished, “You really think that just because you want to follow in Dad’s footsteps...”
“Just drop it Sammy, pretend I never said a thing.” Dean pushed himself from the bed, and slowly walking into the empty living space of the hotel room, his eyes gravitating towards the bottle that held the amber liquid. As his hand grasped the bottle however he heard his brother say, “Sully, I am sure she loves him too.”
Age 16
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She was gorgeous, she was smart, and caring, and seemed to understand Dean. She was everything Dean could have wanted in a girl, and her one way out. He tried, really tried to love her too, but it was her who said it first.
“So who is she?” Robin asked, her voice a whisper as Dean pulled away from the kiss. His eyes opening to see a sympathetic girl looking at him, confusion filling his mind as she smiles, “I know there is another girl, you seem almost scared to do anything relationshipy with me.”
“She is in the past.” Dean lied, he missed [Y/N] more then anything, but he knew she would understand.
“No she isn’t.” Robin slowly stood up, and peppered his forehead with a gentle kiss before walking away, her parting words, “Well whoever she is, she is definitely going to have a good kisser.”
Dean walked in slowly, his feet dragging as he thought about the longing he felt for you, knowing he needed to see you. As he shrugged his coat off, he heard Sonny walk into the hall, “Where is Robin?”
“I think she just dumped me. Said I was in love with someone else.”
“Well are ya?” Sonny asked, crossing his arms as Dean slowly inhaled,
“Yeah, I have loved her since we were kids, she has no idea though, and besides, it would never work.”
“How do you know that, if you never told her?”
“It is a family thing, relationships never work.” Dean sighed, “Besides I have moved on from that life, remember?”
And just like that he heard the purr of the car. He slowly turned towards the window, seeing the dark outline, and the blinding headlights. He then heard his father’s door close, and caught a quick glimpse of Sammy in the back seat. He then heard a second door close, and watched as you walked around the impala, right towards the door. Before you even reached the steps, Dean opened the door wide, his feet carrying him away from his new found normality, and towards the normality he missed. His arms engulfing you as you gripped him back, a silent sob shock your frame as you both engulfed the other.
After Sonny and John talked, Sonny asked to say his final words to Dean, causing him to slowly push off the car, and away from you and Sam. John and you whispered, while Sam got back in the car, as he joined Sonny for the final time for a while, “You sure this is what you want Dean?”
“Yeah, he needs me.” He answered referring to Sam.
“I think she does too. Maybe you should tell her?”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Age 23
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His fist pounded against the peeling paint of the motel door, waiting impatiently for it to open. From the outside he heard you call, “Give me a minute.”, before it creaked open slightly.
“Dean....now isn’t a good time.” You whispered, your body blocking the small opening between the doorframe and the door. Your hand clasping your robe closed as he stood there, Whiskey on his breath.
“I need to talk.” He whispered, sorrow flowing from his voice as you looked at him pleading, “Can it wait till...”
“No.” He pushed against the door, your frame willingly moving away as he entered. Before he could even say anything, he looked to you, and unfortunately saw what was behind you.
“Who the hell is that?” Dean growled, pointing to the mostly naked man laying on your bed, fully erect, and staring at you lustfully.
“Dean, you remember Éric, he was...”
“The bartender. Why would you sleep with the bartender.”
“Well she hasn’t yet, seeing how we were rudely interrupted.” Éric snapped as you turned towards him, snapping back, “Did anyone ask you?”
“We need to talk.” Dean repeated, harsher this time, but also beaming with pride slightly, since you snapped at the bartender.
“Please Dean, can it...”
“Sammy is gone.” He said, all of a sudden, you turned back to the bartender, “Get out.”
“Seriously! We can’t just do it quick, and then...”
“I said get out!” You screamed, causing him to huff away, clothes in hand, slamming the door on the way out.
“Where did he go?” You asked, as Dean explained everything with tear filled eyes. At the end of it all, you quietly said, “You must be exhausted.”
He just nodded, as you took his hand, leading him to bed. He slowly laid down on the slightly hard mattress, as you settled beside him. His arms slowly engulfed you, as his head settled into your bosom, your own hands playing through his hair, and resting on his arm as he inhaled your scent. Your comfortable silence soon drawing you both to dreamland
Age 26
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“So did you finally tell her?” Sam asked, staring at Dean, as he played with his drink.
“Nope.” He answered, looking towards the bathroom waiting for you to exit.
“So what, you two have just been ignoring the odvious and just paling around on hunting trips?”
“Yeah, I mean why ruin a good thing.” Dean gulped his drink, before catching sight of you out of the corner of his eye. Your jeans clung to your legs in all the right places, his flannel hung over your frame, your torso encased in a black, scoop neck tank top. Your boots lightly sounded against the wood floor, as you flashed a smile at him behind your red lips, eyes popping from your eyeliner. His heart wanted to bound out of his chest at the sight, but like he said, why ruin a good thing
Age 29
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“No.” Your hand slammed against the wall as Dean looked at you. He just returned to your childhood home with Sam, they both looked like shit. After feeding them, and offering them both a drink, Dean whispered that he needed to talk to you privately. He was currently seated on your bed as you stood by the door, he could see the words he just said sinking into your brain.
“This isn’t how it should be.” You whispered as he looked at you, his heart fluttering slightly at the concern in your voice, but honestly after loving you in secret for so long, it was just normal now.
“Well it is sweetheart.”
“We will fix this, we always do. Dad has got to be able to find something, I think in one of my books...” your voice slowly tuned out of his head, and instead he focused on the little things, engraving every detail into his mind. Like the way your eyebrows scrunched as you thought, or how your eyes gleamed when you were thinking, or how you would start tying your hair up while you brainstormed. Your foot tapping slightly as you say on the bed, carefully flipping the pages with just your thumb and pointer. The way your nails were painted, but chipped from picking, and how they were alway short from breaking. You wore only one ring, it was your mother’s, your jeans were always ripped on your left knee, your left shoe untied. He inhaled your faint scent of strawberries and leather as you pulled him back to reality, “Dean.”
“Hmmm.” He replied as you looked into his eyes, tears slowly filtering in.
“There is no saving you is there?” You whispered.
“Not this time sweetie.” He replied, and as soon as he did, you were leaning forward, lips on his, his hands under your shirt, and soon clothes on the floor as you both wrestled under the sheets.
When you were done, you both agreed, much to Dean’s dismay, never again.
Age 30
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He sat on the couch, his eyes casted towards the window, watching the breeze slowly move a tree branch, as Bobby entered the room, a strong, spiked cup of Joe in hand.
“Here, Son.” He said, placing it in front of the newly resurrected Dean.
“Thanks Bobby.” He whispered, taking a sip as he whispered again, “So what did he say?”
“Not a whole lot. However they are both on their way.”
“Who else is coming?” His voice failing, already knowing the answer, when he heard the door bounce of the wall, and the bag hit the floor. The sound of boots echoed as the person ran towards the sitting room, and before Dean could stand, a small force hit his sitting form, much like it did when he was nine. Tears hitting his shoulder as you tightened your grip, burying your face into his shoulder, a silent sob rattled your body, knees resting on either side of his lap.
“Hey Sweetheart.” He whispered, his voice barely audible as he tightened his own grasp on you.
“Don’t you ever do that again Dean Winchester.” You whispered, as he smiled, “never dreamed of it.”
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douxreviews · 6 years
Supernatural - ‘Lebanon’ Review
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What a lovely episode. It didn't feature a huge battle or the culmination of a major story arc. It wasn't a musical production with a large cast. It was small and personal, and deeply emotional.
Clearly, Sam should have been the one to wish for his heart's desire, because I bet it would have been what they wanted, that Dean be free of Michael. Instead, Dean held the pearl, and what he wanted more than his own life was his father back. Not a surprise, but it says a lot about Dean, doesn't it? That he wanted John Winchester more than he wanted to be free of the probability of eons of suffering? That in Dean's heart, just like when he went to Hell, he still doesn't believe he deserves to be saved?
This heartfelt Winchester reunion would have seemed bogus if John and his boys had just fallen into each others' arms. John, an active hunter fresh from 2003 who got dropped into the darkened bunker with his sawed-off in his hands, had trouble recognizing his own sons as they are in 2019, and who could blame him? It was almost a miracle that he didn't shoot first and ask questions after.
But once the truth set in, it was lovely. I keep using that word about this episode, but it bears repeating.
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The best scene was the one where John apologized to Sam for not being a good father. I honestly believe this was Jared Padalecki's best dramatic scene in the entire series. Sam told John that their argument was a lifetime ago, that he had thought for years of John on the floor of that hospital and how they never got to say goodbye. Sam was crying. John was crying. Of course, I was crying, too.
And during all of the bunker scenes, Dean's heart was in his eyes. This was what he had always wanted: the four of them together, his father expressing total love, pride, approval of him. And I loved how Dean was sensitive enough to leave his parents alone. Mary got to embrace her beloved husband one more time, touch him, kiss him, and I hope they did more than that while the boys were out shopping. Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Samantha Smith did a wonderful job expressing John and Mary's love and deep connection, especially when you consider that these two had only one scene together in the pilot episode way back in 2005. No need to mention that both of them look older. It wasn't important. The two actors aren't old enough to be J&J's parents, anyway.
I thought centering the reunion on a family dinner was, I'll say it again, lovely. These four people have never even had a family dinner together. Sam was a baby when Mary died, and Dean was only four.
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Like all of the best Supernatural episodes, "Lebanon" started out funny and ended tragically. Of course the boys couldn't have their father back, and I loved that John was the strong one. John was determined that they all simply enjoy being together one last time. John kept smiling at them, a genuine smile. He stayed positive. He gave Sam closure, and he gave Dean approval. He kept holding Mary's hand as if he couldn't bear to let her go. And he took a bit of it back to 2003 as a dream. It will have to be enough.
The rest of the episode was delightful, too. We've seen way too little of Lebanon, even though the Winchesters have been living there for six seasons. I enjoyed every single easter egg and callback, and I'm sure I didn't catch them all: the clown ghost; Max stealing the Impala like the valet in "Baby;" the Winchesters using the name Campbell, which is Mary's last name and an alias that actually means something to them. The movies at the Lebanon Vista Theatre included Hell Hazers and All Saints Day.
The three kids, Eliot, Max and Bea, got to find out who those two strange brothers were, and thought that monster hunters were incredibly cool. (Well, they are until you need them.) I also loved how Marta the post office clerk melted when Dean flirted with her, while she looked at Sam distastefully. How could anyone but a monster find Sam distasteful? I watched this episode with my son Daniel, who was going, "Yeah, let's take home an entire box of actively evil occult objects, because nothing could possibly go wrong with that." And "It's never a good sign when a teddy bear has no eyes and its mouth is sewn shut." I assume "Precious Pawn" was a reference to Lord of the Rings. Loved the dragon's breath. Laugh out loud.
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It was even nice to see Kurt Fuller as the nasty Zachariah again, although I hated seeing Castiel so hateful. It's sad to think of how Castiel would have been without his love for the Winchesters – although it would have been much sadder if Misha Collins hadn't been in the 300th episode. I'm glad Sam thought of the sigil so that he didn't have to kill alt-Castiel. Even though it wouldn't have mattered since time was reset and it never happened.
And the alternate timeline versions of Dean and Sam were a hoot. Especially Sam as a self-help guru with glasses. And kale.
— This is Supernatural's 300th episode. Wow.
— There was no credit card for Jeffrey Dean Morgan in the opener. He got an end credit as "special guest star." Thoughtful, although I bet every fan of the show was already spoiled that he was going to be in this one.
— The date was the same as the episode air date: February 7, 2019. Skip day.
— I assume Mary didn't tell John that she's been dating Alternate Universe Bobby.
— The boys were at the pawn shop because of the skull of Sarah Good. She was a real person.
— As has been mentioned before, Lebanon, Kansas is the geographic center of the contiguous United States, a clever choice by the writers.
— The Agents of Doux put together an article on our favorite episodes of Supernatural. What do you think? Should "Lebanon" be on the list? It would absolutely be in my top twenty, that's for sure.
— We're getting a mini-hiatus. The next episode airs March 7.
Dean: (re: the dead pawn shop owner) "They always talk too much."
Eliot: "Where did they even come from? Them, or their weird sidekick with the trench coat? And what about that kid with the dumb Bambi look on his face all the time?"
Marta: (to Sam) "So you want me to give you an underage girl's address?"
Dean: "A serial killer clown. I mean, this is like the best/worst thing that's ever happened to you. You know, 'cause you love serial killers but you hate clowns." Sam: (frantically trying to burn the cigar box) "Yeah. I get it, Dean."
John: "So. You saved the world." Dean: "More than once." John: "Then it's all true. God, the Devil, you boys smack in the middle. Now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and Lucifer's kid." Dean and Sam: "Yeah." John: "And you've done this whole time travel thing before?" Dean: "Few times."
John: "I went out taking out Yellow Eyes. I mean, that was the point, right? Get the thing that killed Mom."
John: "Son, I am so sorry." Sam: "I'm sorry, too. But you did your best, Dad. You fought for us and you loved us. That's enough."
Dean: "According to the internet, you run a law firm and love kale." It's sad that even in the alternate timeline, the boys had no families.
Dean: "I googled me as well. Lot of beheadings."
Zachariah: "Earth, where you're always stepping in something. Come on, Constantine." Castiel: "I don't understand that reference." Zachariah: "You wouldn't."
Dean: (to Sam) "I'm good with who I am. I'm good with who you are." They're not angry young men anymore. They've grown up.
John: "I choose grateful. So to whatever brought us together, we owe you one. Amen."
Supernatural does time travel good. I could probably write about this episode for a few more hours, but I'd better stop here. Four out of four pearls,
Billie Doux has been reviewing Supernatural for so long that Dean and Sam Winchester feel like old friends. Courageous, adventurous, gorgeous old friends.
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