#the 3 cups coffee this morning has done nothing to help me
flaming-toads · 4 months
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teletubbyinlipstick · 23 days
More Hybrid!Poly TF141 x Reader pleaaasseeeee? 🥹
(ps, love your writing!)
OwlHybrid!Poly TF141 X Reader
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Thank you for reading. You're all so sweet for the support! I'm negl. I didn't expect people to read it, haha. I'm so shocked by the love.
Thankyou @bina-passion-fruit for the morning after idea! See her reblog of the first part for the gist. And please feel free to send in scenarios you could see these birbs end up in!
The next day IS tense. The atmosphere has never been this suffocating.
Not in their own home.
Gaz sits curled up in Johnny's frame at the breakfast nook, head resting on the older mans shoulder, a deep frown setting into his face. His eyes are crusted a little, nose still deep red and cheeks puffy. He looks thoroughly exhausted, like he hasn't slept.
They all do.
Johnny has a cuppa sitting untouched. It's luke warm by now, but he can't bring himself to drink it. Face mirroring Gaz's, glaring down at the coffee like it has personally offended him. Every couple minutes, he huffs deeply, eyes darting away from the cup to glance around as if in thought, but he inevitably ends up gazing lost into his cup again.
Price and Simon are at the stove and counter. Quietly discussing things that need to be done for the day. There's lulls of silence in their convos, moments where their minds wander to the dove sleeping down the hall. Price feels guilt eating him alive. He's hunched a bit, chin tucked down in a clear sign of forlorn. Simon continues to run a hand up his spine soothingly, pressing closer to offer as much comfort as he can. But he can't deny the stabs of agony he, himself, feels.
It's raw. It sucks.
And Simon feels so fucking lost in this moment. He wants to gather all his mates in his arms (even you) and shush, coo, and coddle until there's nothing but purrs, chirps, and preened content lovers piled into a nest. He wants to scent you and rub you in their things to let you know you're safe and cared for now. He sees the trauma, the fear when Johnny reached for you. The self soothing you do by rubbing your arms.
He sees you. And in doing so, he sees himself. A scared fledgling unsure of the world, burned and bitten, spat upon by those who swore to love them.
Someone hurt you.
Tore at your feathers until you were too scared to take flight. And if Ghost ever gets a name he'd tear the motherfuckers wings from their spine.
The pitter patter of footsteps approaching the kitchen lifted them from their haze, four pairs of eyes snapping to you as you sleepily shuffled in. You wore a simple oversized t shirt and sweatpants to bed, hair rumpled from sleep, eyes and cheeks red and puffy from sleep. They can see the tear streaks dried from last night and it breaks their heart all over again.
Price makes the first move, taking a small step towards you with a plate held out. Buttered toast, sizzling eggs, and red srawberries sit on top.
"G'mornin' sweetheart, hope you slept well. 'Ve cooked some breakfast. There's coffee in the pot. Help yourself." Soft eyes gaze down at you. He's hunched inwards a little, head tilted down and the sweetest smile gracing his face. You feel very flustered, keenly aware of the 3 other sets of eyes intently watching.
Taking a deep breath, you offer a half smile, grasping the plate with slightly shaky hands.
"Uhm..t-thankyou, sir"
Wide doe eyes peer up at him, shock clear on your face. He feels his lips quirk at the sight.
"My mates call me John. Not sir. We're equal here, okay? You call me by my name." When his hand reaches out, you don't swat it away this time, only watching in marvel as he tucks hair behind your ears, crows feet aligning his kind eyes.
Taking a shaky breath, a soft, geniune smile spreads across your face, eyes darting to your feet and back up as you turn to the table. Johnny and Gaz are staring right at you, wings perked up. Gaz is quickest to his feet, pulling out a chair, a handsome grin settling on face. Pretty boy, you muse to yourself. Sitting down with a grateful smile and a hushed thankyou.
A hand reaches past your shoulder, jarring and unexpected. You whip your head up to see Simon offering a placate smile down at you, other palm face up to soothe. You tilt your head owlishly, blinking at him. It causes the older mans lips to quirk up on one side, brown eyes softening as he gazes down at you. He nods his head towards the table, and upon looking back to your plate, you realize he sat down a fork...oh.
Tears welled in your eyes, and a sniffle broke through. Simon's eyes widened a fraction, quickly backing away with both his hands raised, palm up.
"'M sorry luvie, didn't mean t'startle you."
It was sincere, filled with guilt. A small sob breaks past your lips. Johnny whines high in his throat, reaching out for your hand across the table, only to stop short, unsure if you'd appreciate the contact. His lips are once again pulled down, eyes saddened.
"Bonnie?..." Murmured so quietly into the air, the boys hold their breath, pulling their wings in to appear smaller. You wipe at your face again, sniffling, eyes glossy and cheeks rosy. And when you finally lifted your head, the last thing they expected was to see the brightest grin painted across your face, pure happiness shining, tear streaks lined with joy.
"No one's ever been so kind to me...thankyou. All of you."
Oh, dove, you haven't seen anything yet.
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caramelkoo · 8 days
warm as you
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pairing : Jungkook x reader
genre : established relationship, boyfriend jungkook yayyy.
summary : Jungkook gives you a little surprise which causes you to fall more in love with him.
warnings : Jungkook is nervous as hell, he's so in love with the oc, oc can't help but baby him, slight smut, fluff, lots of kissing <3, act of service and quality time as love languages.
a/n : hey angels, I saw the latest episode of "are you sure?!" and couldn't help but write this little piece. Jungkook is such a roundie. I hope you enjoy and let me know how you like it. xoxo.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
To be very honest, you've never been a morning person but when you're with the love of your life, your boyfriend, you can't help but eagerly wait to sleep next to him and wakeup next to him. He has a way of waking you up with kisses on your smooth skin and fingers through your brown locks.
Your eyes want to flutter open but you know once you're awake, he will stop and that's something you don't want. Jungkook's lips graze yours lightly causing you to break into a slight smile. His lips peck your forehead gently following with your cheekbones, your closed eyes, your nose, your chin and lastly the hollow of your neck.
"I love you, sweetie. Good morning, i know you're awake." he whispers and much to your surprise, he knows you've been pretending to sleep.
you chuckle and open your eyes, looking at him with so much love. His eyes sparkle like stars above you. No one has loved you like this and honestly, you don't want anybody else to do so. The bond that you share with your boyfriend is different and special.
He caresses your left cheekbone, a lazy smile on his face. It's soft and everything pure.
"What do you wanna do today?" you ask him.
"Is wanting to be in your arms an option?" he nuzzles his face in your boobs. Purring like a cat.
"I don't think that's a bad idea" your hands rub his back up and down, up and down.
"God, I love hugging you. You're so warm, so cozy. It's my own personal heaven" Jungkook puts his whole weight on you, being careful now to crush you in the process.
He makes you feel safe, protected whenever he wraps his arms around you. Being physically affectionate has not been hard for you when it came to him. Physical touch, as much as you hate to admit, is hard for you to receive. You've been uncomfortable with people touching you plenty of times but with Jungkook, it has never been the case. You don't know why but he's had a certain warmth to him ever since you met him. It radiates and lights you up.
"I know, baby. I love hugging you too."
You both stay like this for a while before he grunts and lifts his face from your neck.
"Want me to make you some coffee?" he asks because he knows you can't function throughout your whole day without starting it off with a cup of coffee.
One thing about Jungkook is he's going to notice. He notices the tiniest of things and he's made a mental note of making you coffee every morning just the way you like it.
"Yes, please. I want something sweet to go with it too."
"Perfect. You're the best" you kiss his cheek twice before he gets himself up and walk outside towards the kitchen. Before he opens the door, you call him out.
"Yeah, sweetie?" he looks back, shirtless and you try not to say something entirely different and nasty.
"I love you, too" his lips turn upwards before he leaves the room.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
After you and Jungkook finish your breakfast, he suggests reading together in the hall. Since it's a slow Sunday morning and you both have nothing else to do, you agree. Quality time with him is another thing you cherish the most. He knows that when it comes to receiving, it's one of your preferred love languages.
Since the day you let him know this tiny piece of information, he has tried his best to make it happen for you. Reading, baking, pottery classes, trying out new recipes, even letting you do his makeup, he has done it all.
"What are you reading?" Jungkook asks after picking up a book for himself and sitting beside you on the couch.
"I have been wanting to read this romance book for a while. You're reading thriller again?"
"You know it's my favorite" indeed it is. The thriller section on the bookshelf gives it away.
For the next twenty minutes or so, you both read quietly. Jungkook eventually puts his head on your lap demanding your hands in his hair. You chuckle lightly before giving in and run your fingers through it.
"Your hairs are so soft"
When you look down upon him, he has closed his eyes and gotten rid of the book.
"It's your shampoo"
"My shampoo? You've been using my shampoo?" you're a little surprised but not offended. On the contrary, you find it a little cute.
"Sweetie, it smells like vanilla and I was planning on using it just once but then I got a little obsessed. Couldn't help it." he whines.
"You're adorable, you know that?"
the hall gets filled with your laughter. You continue running your fingers through his hair while also reading your book and just when you think he has gone into a deep slumber, he gets up walking towards the washroom.
"Wh- WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" you yell behind him.
"GIVE ME A MINUTE" he yells back. He didn't go in there to jerk off, did he? you decide to leave him be and resume your reading.
Fifteen minutes later though when he comes outside and stands before you, you let out the biggest scream ever. It startles him.
"Is it that bad?"
"Jungkoo-", "what-", "I'm-"
He stands there with his long hair no more on his head, instead he has cut his hair in more of like a bowl cut. Yes, you screamed but not because you don't like his hair, it was because he looks cuter than ever like this. You were just a little surprised, that's about it.
"Seriously, is it that bad?" the nervous look on his face causes you to take few steps forward and hug him so tightly you're not sure if he can even breathe. His arms wrap around you in return. Hugging you has always calmed him.
"I love it"
"What was that, sweetie?"
"I said, I love it" you tell him again. You break the hug and look at him.
"Really?" his expression has turned into a an excited one now.
"Yes, baby. It makes you look so cute but can I ask why? why did you suddenly decide to cut your hair?" you can't help but touch his new hair.
"To be honest, I have been thinking about chopping them off for a while. I know you love my long hair so it was holding me back." he places a kiss on your temple. "I wasn't sure if you would like it."
"Jungkook, I loved your long hair but I wouldn't ever stop you from doing what you want. I love everything you love and you can always grow them back, right?" you smile up at him.
You loved his long hair a little too much. You had asked him to let his hair grow further and he had happily agreed to but you would rather poke your eyeballs out before you refrain him from doing something he has wanted to for a long time. You're just a little upset due to the fact that he even had to be nervous before doing so.
Jungkook nods, "Right. So you like them?"
"Absolutely" you kiss his nose.
"God, I could eat you right now." He hides his face in the crook of your neck and groans.
"Hmm, maybe later".
Later that night when you lay next to him he doesn't let you sleep before he buries his tongue inside you and asks you to grab his hair. When you do, you get reminded of his long hair but his tongue moving in a circular motion inside you makes you forget about it all. You moan, you scream and when he takes your nipples in his mouth while pushing two fingers inside you, you come so hard you're sure you see stars. You hear him whisper "You're mine" before you pass out hoping he'll wake you up the next morning again with his kisses and touches.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Hii!! I had an idea for soft!eddie x reader… I hope you like it!
So what about soft!eddie x reader that watch a horror movie before bed because Eddie wanted to and reader said yes… but then reader wakes up from a nightmare and gets a little bit paranoid? Like she wants to go get a glass of water, but she’s so scared that she’ll see a creepy face appear out of no where? Or she doesn’t want to look at the windows and that kind of stuff? (When I wake up in the middle of the night, I get so paranoid/scared, I wish Eddie was there 😭) and she finally gets up to get a glass of water and then (in between all of that Eddie woke up) Eddie says something like ‘why are you awake at 2am’ and she has a jump scare, and drops her glass, and basically the adrenaline kicks in and she starts to cry because it’s too much and she was so scared? And Eddie just hugs her and comforts her and he helps her falls back asleep?
I hope all of that made sense… if not… I’m so sorry😭😭
I’m sending lots of love!! Have a good day/night!! 💗💗🫶
- ☀️
Thanks for requesting lovely <3
Eddie Munson x fem!reader ♡ 750 words
It’s a while before you can convince yourself to set one foot on the floor, but the inside of your mouth feels like it’s made of wool and something needs to be done about this. When no clawed hand reaches out to yank you underneath the bed, you take it as a sign of good faith. 
Your footsteps are featherlight and cautious, every dark corner and unshuttered window a threat. An empty threat, you remind yourself, but even the voice in your head is shaky. 
The Munsons don’t have glasses, but they do have an array of things picked up from here and there, plastic cups from restaurants and old containers and one plain mug for Wayne’s coffee. You grab a cleaned-out jam jar from the top shelf, filling it with cold water from the tap. It does the trick, sweet and refreshing on your tongue. You feel instantly better. 
You pad back towards Eddie’s room with a clearer head. It was just a movie. There’s no creeping shadows here, no cloud so thick it blots out the moon. There’s fluorescent light from the street coming in through Eddie’s windows, and families sleeping in the trailers on either side of you. Nothing bad could happen to you here. 
You slow as you get to Eddie’s room, trying to be quiet. 
Your gasp is so sharp it hurts a little in your chest. Your body stiffens, the condensation on the glass making it slip from your hand. It shatters on the floor. 
“Shit, what the hell?” 
You turn, and it’s Eddie—of course it’s Eddie, who else would it be?—standing behind you in the dark hallway, a pillow crease imprinted on his cheek. 
“Oh my god.” Your voice comes out breathless, and you press your hands over your eyes. 
“Babe, what—shit, are you crying? Are you hurt?” You shake your head, and Eddie’s hands come around your arms, pulling you towards him. “Careful, don’t step on the glass. I scared you, huh?” 
You nod as he folds you into his chest, scrubbing up and down between your shoulder blades. 
“Yeah? Well fuck, don’t to cry about that,” he says, panic melding back into sleepiness as his voice takes on a fond bent. “I wouldn’t’a hurt ya.” 
“I thought you were the ghost,” you mumble sheepishly into his chest. 
Eddie pauses for a moment. Your face feels ten degrees hotter. 
“Me?” He sounds like he’s smiling. Then he lets go of you, taking your face between his hands, and you know he is. It’s giant and goofy, its own sort of light to combat the dark corners. “Shit, sweetheart, I’m flattered. But no dice.” Eddie shrugs like this is something he can’t help. “All flesh and blood in here, baby. The gross stuff.” 
“Yeah,” you say quietly, embarrassed. Those couple of quick tears have already mostly dried, but Eddie swipes at them with his thumbs anyway, grinning like you’re silly. “I’m sorry I broke your glass.” 
“It happens all the time,” he reassures you. “Don’t sweat it, I’ll clean it up in the morning.” He takes a big step over the glass shards, offering you a hand to help you do the same. Doesn’t let go of it even when you’re on the other side. “Should I be worried that you’re up at 2 in the morning looking for ghosts?” 
“I was getting water,” you mumble, letting him sit you down on the edge of the bed. Eddie gives you a look. “I also don’t really do well with scary movies.” 
“Yeah. I figured that one out when you wouldn’t go to sleep until I closed the blinds.” He grins. You smile back bashfully, and he makes a dramatic groaning sound, hauling you into a hug. “You should’a told me you didn’t want to watch it. I wouldn’t have picked it if I’d known you’d get all freaked.” 
“I didn’t want to be a wuss,” you say. You can practically feel Eddie rolling his eyes over the top of your head. 
“You can’t fight your true nature, babe. But it’s cool.” He flops the both of you over so you’re laying down between him and the wall. “This way, anything that wants to get you will have to go through me.” 
You turn in his arms, pouting. “I don’t want anything to have to go through you.” 
“Then let's go back to there are no ghosts, ‘kay?” He plants a kiss between your brows, snuggling you close. “Sleep tight, scaredy cat.” 
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Call Me When You're Sober
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Natasha Romanoff x GN! Maximoff Reader
Warnings: Angst. Nothing but angst.
Thank you @ginnsbaker for helping me re-live my emo stage that I haven't really left behind. <3
Ever since the accident, Nat has done nothing but drown her sorrows. Even ignoring the help of her partner Y/N Maximoff. Every night was the same for Nat, she would be sat on the sofa, a bottle in her hand as she drowned her sorrows. Every morning was Y/N picking up the empty bottles and throwing them in the recycle.
As the weeks went on and nothing changed, Y/N then went to their sister. Hoping to find some comfort they never had in their apartment.
"She's still drunk?" Wanda questioned as she made two coffees. The twins were out in the yard playing with Vision.
"Yeah. I understand the accident was hard on all of us." Y/N started as Wanda placed the cups in front of them.
"It was hardest on you Y/N. You're the one who has to live with a prosthetic." Wanda stated as Y/N shook their head.
"I feel like I am drowning Wanda." They whispered with sadness in their eyes. "I wish I had died in that accident."
"Don't say that." Wanda told them sternly. "If you want, I can talk to Vis and maybe you can stay here?" Wanda told them as they gave her a small smile.
"I'll be fine Wanda. Thank you." They supped their coffee before they hugged her goodbye, walking to their apartment only to find Nat sat there with yet another bottle in her hand. Y/N sighed before they snatched the bottle from her hand.
"Hey!" Nat slurred as Y/N poured it down the drain. "I was drinking that."
"And now you're not." Y/N stated plainly as they turned to face her. "I am getting sick of this Natasha. I wake up every damn day to the same thing! You passed out and a bottle in your hand. Empty beer bottles littering the counter. Hell, even my own sister who has a family of her own had to help me with my recovery while you drowned your sorrows in a bottle."
"Y/N." She tried as she suddenly remembered the accident.
The two were just coming home from Tony's party, Nat was drunk in the passenger seat as Y/N remained the designated driver.
"Come on Y/N. Let me drive." Nat slurred as Y/N shook their head no. "I promise I'm sober enub."
"If you said enough properly then I may have half believed you." Y/N chuckled at their girlfriend. Not really expecting Nat to try and take the wheel, causing the two to drive off down into the bank and into a tree. Her eyes widened as she noticed that Y/N was out cold as she reached for her phone in her pocket, dialing 911. Not anticipating the consequences of her actions. The life changing injuries that Y/N will have to live with.
"I almost killed you!" Nat yelled as Y/N sighed. "I almost killed you. I was the reason you lost your leg."
"Nat." Y/N started. "You were drunk that night and I was tired. Too fucking tired but right now, I'm exhausted or carrying us, our relationship on my shoulders." Nat shook her head as Y/N couldn't hold in their anger anymore. "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR ME!! I NEEDED YOU!! I lost my leg and had to learn how to walk again while you were here. Getting drunk and feeling guilty while Wanda helped me through it all."
Y/N looked around and grabbed a bag, ready to leave as Nat followed them unsteadily on her feet.
"Where are you going?" She slurred as she watched Y/N pack some clothes.
"Away from here." Y/N stated as they zipped the bag up. "I can't be here while you don't want to help yourself. I understand you're suffering but so am I and I can't focus on me while you are here getting drunk." Nat watched as Y/N walked passed her. Only stopping them when she grabbed the back of their jacket and knocking them down.
"Please don't leave me." She pleaded as Y/N groaned, looking at their prosthetic which lay on the floor.
"Fuck Natasha!" Y/N yelled as they noticed the the crack in the ankle. "You've fucked it."
"I'm so sorry Y/N. Please." She whispered as she watched them reach their crutches. Putting their bag over their shoulder.
"Call me when your sober Natasha." With those words, they left the apartment, leaving Nat with her tears and self hatred.
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spncrscasey · 2 months
One Chance (k.s.)
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Fandom/Characters: Chicago Fire - Kelly Severide x Fem!Reader, Leslie Shay
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Kelly Severide. The man who hasn’t stopped asking you out since you joined 51. But now, you have a date and his time is up.
Warnings: flirting, fluff, tiniest bit of angst? (idk if this would even be considered angst,) happy ending
a/n: i don’t rlly like this but it’s smth quick and short cuz i was bored. i literally saw this gif and the idea came to me, idk what it was about the gif but it resulted in this so here you go ! enjoy reading <3
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“Hey gorgeous,” You heard him say as you walked in, winking at you.
“Morning, Severide.” You reply, rolling your eyes.
“When are you going to let me take you out?” He asked like clockwork.
This had been going on since the week you'd joined the firehouse. Each day, he’d ask if you wanted to go on a date with him. And every time, your response would be the same,
Yet he still hadn't given up, “Never say never, m’lady.” His answer earned a chuckle from you, causing a grin to form on his face.
Truth be told, you really liked him. He was not only an excellent leader but also a great friend. And let's face it, he wasn't bad looking either. Who were you kidding? You could get lost in those mesmerizing blue eyes for hours. He was beautiful.
But you also knew him. You knew his reputation. A ladies’ man, a womanizer, a playboy— you could go on and on. You were aware of the multiple women he'd take home weekly and you didn’t want to be one of them. You weren't the kind of girl who regularly has one-night stands. There's nothing wrong with them, it just wasn't who you were.
The point is, you didn't want to just be someone he was one and done with. Which is why you were continuously rejecting his advances. You couldn't lie though, it was fun watching him flirt with you in hopes of one day, getting your attention.
As you entered the kitchen in search of coffee, you noticed that he had quietly followed you inside.
“So. Any plans for this weekend?” He questioned, as you poured yourself a cup.
“Actually, yes. You want one?” You asked, pointing the mug at him.
“No thanks, but do tell.” He inquires.
“I have a date.”
“With who?” He instantly questions.
“Not that it's any of your business, but this guy I met at a coffee shop down the street a few days ago,” You reply, smiling.
He rolls his eyes in annoyance but tries once more, “How about you ditch him and go on a date with me instead, beautiful?”
“Once again Severide, not happening.” You shut him down for the umpteenth time, walking away.
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Shay was currently at your apartment helping you get ready for the date you had tonight.
“I'm just saying, I've never seen him so into a girl before.” She tells you, lying on your bed as you rummage through your closet for something to wear.
For the last hour, she has been persistently trying to convince you that Kelly has suddenly developed a romantic interest in you.
“Leslie, I know he's your best friend and roommate and that you have to be on his side or whatever- but come on, we both know how he is. Which one?” You ask, revealing two black dresses you were struggling to choose between.
“The one on the left.” She answers before going back to the topic at hand, “He’s changed Y/N- he hasn't brought home a single girl in the last month! If that doesn't tell you something then I don't know what will.” She exclaimed.
“Just because he hasn't brought them home doesn't mean he hasn't been to their places instead.” You point out, putting on the dress.
She sighs. “Just give him a chance Y/N, he's a great guy.”
“I know he is, but being a great man doesn't also necessarily make you a great boyfriend.” You say while beginning your hair and makeup.
“You’re so difficult.” She counters, earning a giggle from you.
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Shay had gone home and since you were done getting ready with 30 minutes to spare, you decided to watch some TV.
You were flipping through the channels when you heard a knock at your door. Assuming your date had arrived early, you hurriedly went to answer it.
“Hey, you made it-” You speak excitedly before looking up and noticing who it is, “Severide?” You furrow your brows, not expecting him to be here.
“You look absolutely breathtaking.” He says, looking you up and down.
His words quickened the pace of your heart. And the way his gaze slowly roamed down the outline of your body caused a shiver to run down your spine, electrifying every nerve along the way.
“Uhh, thanks… But what are you doing here? If you're looking for Shay, she left a while ago-” You quickly answer, pushing aside the way his compliment made you feel before he cuts you off.
“I'm not here for her, I’m here to talk to you.”
“Well, you better make it quick because I'm sure my date will be here soon.” You open the door further, letting him into your space.
“Screw that guy!” He says turning to face you towards the door, “How many times do I have to ask you- go out with me. Please.”
If you didn't know him any better, you'd almost think he was desperate with the way he was pleading.
“Kelly,” You pause, noticing the way his breath hitches at your use of his first name. “I don't want to be just another name you add to your list of girls you've slept with.”
“You won't be! I like you Y/N and if you let me, I can prove it to you. I’m done with all the women- all I want is you.” He lets out exasperated.
“You mean that?” Still unsure of his motives, you look into his eyes searching for anything to prove to you that he’s being honest.
He nods before repeating his earlier statement while taking a step closer to you, “So how about, you call up your coffee shop man, tell him you're canceling and let me take you on this date instead?”
You laugh, “You drive a hard bargain Kelly Severide.”
“Is that a yes?”
You nod, not being able to contain your ear-to-ear grin, loving the way he beams back at you. That smile is something you could definitely get used to.
“Don't make me regret this Severide.” You say in a teasing manner.
“God no.” He says relieved before swiftly pulling you into a bone-crushing hug, causing you to erupt into a fit of giggles.
Maybe Shay was right, maybe he really had changed for the better.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
New in Town - Ch. 3: First Family Dinner
Sarah comes to visit and has questions for Joel. A continuation of New in Town chapters 1-2 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Best Friend's Dad!Joel Miller x Female Reader
CW: Smut :D Yeah, they're horny, OK? Just expect a lot of smut in this fic. No use of Y/N. Age gap (reader is 35 Joel is 47, not a focus of the fic). Minors DNI, 18+ only
Length: 5.1k
AO3 | First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Joel actually felt pretty damn smart when he got to his house. He stopped at the trash bin that sat outside the garage and dropped his now empty coffee cup into it, just in case Sarah asked why he’d gone to the place with the name stamped on the side of the cup. 
He didn’t have a good fucking reason to be at a coffee shop by your apartment besides being at your apartment. And he knew he wasn’t ready to tell his daughter about the fact that you two were… whatever the fuck you were. 
What were you doing with him? What did you want with him? Why was it so hard to know and why was he so fucking afraid to ask? 
Didn’t matter now. The morning Sarah showed up to surprise him with a visit was not the morning to be having this discussion. 
“Baby Girl?” Joel called as he closed the door behind him, dropping his keys on the table in his entry way. 
“Dad!” Sarah flew around the corner and launched herself at him, just like she’d done when she was a kid. He caught her, the air knocked out of him, laughing as he caught his breath. “I missed you, old man!” 
“Missed you too, Baby Girl,” he said, setting her down and stretching out his back. “But you’re gonna have to cut me a break, think my back is gettin’ too old to be catchin’ you like that.” 
“How am I supposed to properly shower you in affection if I can’t just throw my whole body at you?” She smirked. “But fine, I guess if it’s for the sake of your health…” 
He rolled his eyes and tugged her against his side, kissing her temple. 
“Just gotta have you move back closer to home,” he gave her a squeeze. “Wouldn’t need to tackle me if I just saw you more.” 
“Yeah, I’m working on that,” she smiled. “Trying to get promoted from junior copywriter to intermediate so I can come to the Austin office sooner rather than later…” 
“That’s amazing Baby Girl!” Joel gave her another squeeze before leading her to the living room and settling on the couch. “I’m sure you’re close, they know how good you are.”
“Speaking of my grand plan,” she said. “I see you’ve been hanging out with my work wife.” 
Joel coughed to try to hide his surprise. 
“What?” He asked after a moment. 
“Well I know you didn’t do the Seattle Zombie 5K last Halloween,” she nodded at his shirt. Joel felt his stomach drop. “But I know we did.” 
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
“Not doing a walk of shame are you?” She asked, her eyebrows raised. 
“You ever known me to be the walk of shame type?” He asked, scrambling for a reason that he’d have your shirt. “I just fixed her garbage disposal for her a few weeks ago, got soaked. She was nice enough to give me a clean shirt so I wasn’t drippin’ wet on the drive home. Didn’t realize it’d made it into my dresser is all. I’ll have to wash it again, give it back…” 
“But you are hanging out with her then?” She asked. “I mean, you said give it back like you were going to see her again so…”
“We went out once since I helped with the sink and shit,” he said, telling himself that it wasn’t a lie, not really. You’d only successfully made it out of the house together once. Sarah scrunched her nose. “What, Baby Girl?” 
“Nothing,” she sighed. “I was just hoping you guys would be friends is all. You’re both kind of alone down here, you know? I worry. I don’t want you doing nothing but sitting in the house doing… whatever weird old man stuff you do.” 
“I don’t do weird old man stuff…” 
“And leave her alone too long and the next thing you know she’s on the dating apps and she ends up going out with some total idiots,” she said, ignoring Joel’s protest entirely. “Really, Dad, her taste in men is shit and I’m not here to keep her busy, I was kind of counting on you here.” 
Joel frowned. 
“Not on you to protect her,” he said. Though, from what little he knew, Sarah was right. Your taste in men was shit. “And I’m sure she’s got better things to do than hang out with someone who does ‘old man things…’” 
That was something that Joel had been thinking about a lot over the past two weeks. Yes, you seemed to be about as insatiable for him as he was for you and he didn’t have any damn clue as to why. But he could think of plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t be. How long was it going to be before you realized that he didn’t offer you much? He couldn’t take you to fancy restaurants every week or on nice trips. He wasn’t interested in another child and you were still young enough that you might want to be a mother. His body was often sore and worn after decades of damn near breaking himself to make a living. How much longer would you be wanting to pull him into restaurant bathrooms and make yourself come on his leg because you just couldn’t bear to wait anymore? How much longer could he text you to bitch about work while on a break at a job site and have you respond with a gif from Sharknado because you knew it would make him laugh? How much longer could he look at the selfies you sent him and think to himself “that’s my girl,” even though you weren’t even his girl now let alone in the future?
He was already in too deep with you, way too damn deep. Someone was going to have to pry you out of him, you’d already settled inside his skin and he liked it that way. Liked thinking of you first thing in the morning and just before he fell asleep, liked that you were the first thing on his mind when he got lunch at a food truck and he stumbled on something really good, liked that you showed up with his favorite beer and some obscure snack food when you came over to his place because you said you saw it and thought of him.
“Her taste in men isn’t dangerously bad,” Sarah waved him off. “Just… she tends to go for guys who definitely don’t deserve her, you know?” 
“Yeah,” Joel sighed. “I know.” 
Fuck, did he know.
“Anyway,” she said with a dramatic eye roll that reminded him of when she was a teenager. He smiled a little. “I’m in town until Wednesday! I know you’ll have to work…” 
“I can take a few days off,” he said quickly. “Get Uncle Tommy to make sure shit doesn’t go sideways…” 
“Awesome!” She perked up at that. “Because I think there are at least two Curtis and Vipers I haven’t gotten around to seeing yet and I’m going to require a handcrafted Dad burger - preferably grilled - while I’m in town. My apartment doesn’t let me have a grill on my balcony, it’s so dumb.” 
“Probably a fire code thing, Baby Girl,” he smiled. “But I think we can swing some movies and a cookout while you’re here. Tommy’d love to see ya, Maria too.” 
“Can we start by jumping in the pool?” She asked. “Because I haven’t gotten to swim in months.” 
“Might be a bit cold…” 
“Please,” she scoffed. “This is mid-summer weather in Seattle, plenty warm enough for a swim.” 
Joel smiled. 
“Whatever you want, Baby Girl.” 
The water was definitely colder than Joel would normally jump into but, for Sarah, he’d do just about anything. 
He was still getting used to drinking with his daughter, the two of them floating around the water with beers most of the day. Joel got out for a bit to make sandwiches - he put potato chips on Sarah’s just like he had when she was a kid - and he just listened to what she’d been up to, hanging on her every word. 
Joel had always felt incredibly lucky to have Sarah as his daughter. There were the obvious reasons, of course. She was kind and thoughtful, she was smart as a whip and loved to do well in school to the point that he almost never had to tell her to do her homework, she actually liked spending time with him. But she never had a problem being open with him about damn near anything. 
It wasn’t always the most pleasant experience - hearing about boy problems when he couldn’t actually intervene was harder than Joel had expected it to be - but he was grateful for it. He never had to wonder what his daughter was up to, she just told him. 
Part of it, he was sure, was because he’d asked her to grow up too fast. He hadn’t meant to, of course, but it seemed to come with the territory of single parenthood. There was no one there to back him up when he had to work late, no one there to take over the child rearing when he was sick or just so exhausted from work that he slept through his damn alarm. Sarah fell into the role of second parent, sometimes raising herself as much as Joel had. 
He was just happy she didn’t resent him for it. She seemed to recognize how hard he’d tried to give her everything, do everything he possibly could to make her happy and give her a good life. Even if it hadn’t always worked, he’d always tried. The fact that she’d made it to college on scholarship, that she’d finished towards the top of her class, that she’d gotten a good paying job doing something she liked to do, the fact that she was happy and doing something with her mind instead of breaking her body down like Joel was every damn day of his life was the proudest he’d ever been of anything. 
Could he really risk his relationship with her for you? Yes, you made him happy. So fucking happy. You were the first thing in years that he felt like he really, truly wanted. And it had hit him hard, so fucking hard. It was like he’d saved up all his longing just for you, like it had been waiting for something powerful enough to show up and unleash it all and it had knocked him off his damn feet. 
But you were Sarah’s best friend. 
“So one thing that’s seriously lacking in the Pacific Northwest is good TexMex,” Sarah said, lounging on a pool float, her face tilted toward the sun, eyes closed. “Think we can go out for dinner tonight? I need enchiladas and tamales and I need them sooner rather than later.” 
“Only if you don’t get mad that I ask for the real spicy salsa,” Joel said. 
“How did I end up so cursed that my two favorite people love to melt their tongues off as a hobby?” Sarah sighed. “But fine, order the miserable stuff. I’ll just get the regular salsa like a normal person.” 
Joel scoffed. 
“The normal ship has sailed with you, Baby Girl. Me and Tommy around you so much? Never stood a chance.” 
Just an hour later, he and Sarah were headed into her favorite Austin restaurant. Joel added it to his mental list of places to take you. It was Sarah’s favorite for a reason, after all. 
“Table for two,” Joel held up two fingers to the hostess but Sarah cut him off. 
“It’s three, actually,” she smiled, not looking at him. 
“Three?” He frowned. She ignored him and just held up three fingers to the hostess. It took him until they were at the table to really put it together. “Sarah…” 
“I’m here to see you but I really want to see her, too,” she said as she slid into the booth. “And I do think you guys will really get along if you actually give it a shot. Please, Dad? Give her a chance?” 
A chance wasn’t the only thing he’d given you. 
“Baby Girl, I’m sure she’d rather do something besides…” 
“Besides what?” Your voice appeared over his shoulder, Joel turning toward the sound so fast it made his head spin. You smiled a little sheepishly. 
Well Joel clearly hadn’t been expecting you. 
That boded just so well. 
“Hey Bestie!” Sarah squealed and got out of the booth to throw her arms around your neck. You laughed and hugged her back. “Ugh, I miss you! The office sucks without you there. So does the rest of Seattle, honestly.” 
You laughed. 
“I miss you too,” you gave her a squeeze before the two of you separated. “I keep trying to convince the VP at this branch that I absolutely unequivocally need a junior copywriter on my team. He hasn’t bought it yet but I think if I just keep asking him I’ll wear him down and he’ll cave to my annoying tendencies and just give me whatever I want.”
“Oh so you’re playing hardball,” Sarah teased as she got back in the booth and you slid in beside her. 
“Clearly yes,” you nodded sagely. “I read ‘The Art of War’ and just bothering people until they give up is the best battle tactic in the world…” 
You turned to look at Joel who was watching you intently. 
You hadn’t expected Joel to show up tonight anymore than he’d expected you. Sarah was playing you both like a goddamn fiddle. You’d worn a strappy, silky slip dress with a denim jacket over it thinking you were going out with your best friend, not going to be stuck trying to keep from staring at your who-the-fuck-knows-what sitting across from you. 
Who also happened to be your best friend’s dad. 
You tried not to think about that part. 
“Figured I’d force you two to get to know each other better over margaritas,” Sarah said brightly. “I can’t let you both just sit and stare at a wall all by yourselves until I can move back to town…” 
“I don’t stare at walls!” You protested. Sarah ignored you. 
“So you can at least keep each other company,” she finished. 
“Good to see you again, Joel,” you said, trying as hard as you could to not picture him naked across the table. 
Which was really fucking hard. 
His dark button down was rolled up to his elbows and fit his damn broad shoulders so perfectly all you could think about was the way he looked as he fucked into you, the way his muscles rippled through his chest and you had to fight to not bite down on them. His hair was tamed without being sculpted or overly styled and you wanted to run your fingers through it and sink your grip into his scalp as he ate you. 
“You too,” he said. 
You’d never had this visceral of a reaction to a man you’d fucked before, never, not even when you were a stupid teenager. Of course, you’d never tried to hide your relationship before, either. 
But you had the feeling that wouldn’t matter with Joel. You’d feel this intensity toward him whether Sarah was beside you or not, whether you could be open about your affection for him or not. 
And now you were going to have to sit across from him when he looked that damn good all through dinner. 
The second the server came to the table you ordered a margarita. You had a feeling you were going to need the tequila. 
It took conscious effort to pay attention to what Sarah was saying as she tried to bring up things she thought you and Joel had in common. Almost like she was trying to launch an ad campaign for each of you. 
It felt like forever but you were sure you’d only been seated a few minutes when you gave up on not touching Joel. You carefully slid your foot out of your pump and started sliding it up his inner leg, starting near his ankle. Joel jumped a little in his chair at the contact, his eyes darting to you. You just raised your eyebrows at him as you took a drink from your margarita and slid your foot up his leg to his knee. He shifted in his seat, his eyes steadily on Sarah but you could tell he had to focus on her now, actively work to give her attention. You smirked a bit at that. 
You kept the pattern up as the three of you waited for your food, Joel’s eyes always going a little wide when your toes made it to his inner thigh. 
“Ugh, I’m starving,” Sarah groaned as a tray of sizzling fajitas passed your table. “Here, scootch out, I’m going to the bathroom. That’ll make the food come.” 
“It always does,” you agreed, quickly shoving your foot back into your shoe and getting out of the booth. 
You both watched as Sarah made her way across the restaurant, turning to Joel the second you knew she was out of earshot. 
“Did you say anything?” You were whispering anyway. 
“No,” he replied. “We hadn’t talked about it, didn’t seem like the time… Did you say somethin’?” 
“Not a word,” you said. 
“I really need you to cool it over there, Beautiful,” Joel said. Any other time, you’d think he was teasing you but his eyes looked open and earnest now. “We can’t just go into a bathroom right now and it’s already a fucking miracle I haven’t tried to rip that goddamn dress off you, Jesus Christ, you can’t just show up places lookin’ that damn good…” “You’re one to talk!” You replied, incredulous, as you looked down at his exposed, tan, muscled forearms and back up at his face. “Fucking hell, Joel!” 
He smirked a little. 
“That’s all it takes with you, huh?” He teased, leaning across the table toward you. “Just a little bit of skin and you’re outta control?”
“Oh fuck off,” you rolled your eyes but grinned a little all the same. “I know you know what the rolled up sleeves thing does to women.” 
“I promise I do not,” he said, watching over your shoulder now. “But you’ll have to enlighten me later…” 
Sarah came back to the table and her face fell. 
“Shit, that usually works,” she sighed. “Alright, scoot in, we can just trade spots.” 
You obeyed and slid over, purposely leaning over the table as you did, giving Joel full view of your bra below your dress as you did. He was all but glaring at you as you sat back in the booth. 
Consciously, you knew you shouldn’t be pushing him like this. For starters, this was not how you wanted Sarah to find out. Assuming she was ever going to find out. 
But you shouldn’t be trying to frustrate Joel. Not like this, not so early on in your… whatever the fuck this was. 
You had a tendency to do this, to bend things until they broke the second something was looking like it could get serious, the second that it looked like it’d be worth the time and the effort. You were starting to think it was something your subconscious did on purpose. If you sabotaged the relationship early, there wasn’t the same kind of risk. Push the guy too far and he’d break things off with you and you could return to the relative emotional safety of dating apps and bars. Only ever go out with someone for a few weeks and it wouldn’t hurt that bad if they left. 
And they would leave. They always left. You might be worth the time for a bit but you weren’t worth the trouble for anything real, that much had been made clear to you in the years you’d spent dating around. It had gotten you hurt when you were young and stupid, back when you were Sarah’s age. Now, you fucking knew better. 
You knew better than to get anywhere close to what you were starting to feel with Joel. 
And here you were, doing it anyway, with your best friend’s dad. 
So of course your first reaction was to push him. Push, push, push. It’s what you did. 
You stirred your melting margarita. 
You’d never been more relieved to have food brought to your table. 
“Thanks so much for coming out tonight!” Sarah hugged you goodbye in the parking lot, the awkward, hesitant conversation at the table through dinner still tense over you. 
“It was so great to see you!” You hugged her back and kissed her cheek. “Seriously, I’m wearing the bosses down, start packing now because I miss you too much.” 
She laughed. 
“I’ll be on the first plane out once I get a job offer,” she said. “Either way, I’ll be back for the holidays, we have to hang out then. Just us girls at least once, promise.” 
You smiled a little, hoping Sarah would still want to talk to you at the holidays. 
“Sounds perfect.” 
Joel gave you a tight smile and a nod. 
“Talk to you soon?” He said, his voice too open and honest to fit the shared awkwardness of your position feet apart in the parking lot. 
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Text me?” 
“Sure,” he smiled back. 
You poured yourself a glass of wine the second you were in the door, only pausing to take your shoes off as you made your way to the kitchen. You settled in on the couch without bothering to change, carrying the bottle of wine with you, and you put on some shitty Netflix reality show you could zone out and barely pay attention to. 
You were four episodes deep when your phone lit up. 
“Fuck that was hard,” Joel texted. 
You smiled a little. 
“Was that hard or were you hard?” You texted back. 
“Both,” he replied almost immediately. Your smile grew and you downed the last of the wine. 
You hadn’t had enough to drink to be drunk but you’d had enough that it made you feel… bold. Like you wanted to try something new. 
You took off your jacket and slid the straps of your dress down so your cleavage was spilling over the top of it, your breasts barely contained by it. You took a selfie, a needy look on your face, and sent him the picture. 
“Need help with that?” You asked. 
“Jesus Christ,” he texted back almost immediately. “Good thing Sarah just went to call some boy she started seeing back in Washington, can’t just send a guy shit like that and expect him to sit still.” 
You bit your lip for a second, getting an idea. You headed for your room and shimmied out of the dress before you put on the sexiest bra you owned and switched to the matching panties. You posed in the full length mirror in the corner of your room, one leg out, a hand on your hip. 
“What about shit like this?” You asked as you sent the picture along. 
“Really fucking mean for you to send that when you know I can’t come take it off you,” he texted back. 
You flopped down on your stomach on your bed, reminded of how you felt texting guys when you were younger and you had to make sure you didn’t go over your texting limit for the month. 
“You can always fight back you know,” you said. “I can’t come rip your clothes off either.” 
“You trying to get me to sext with you?” He asked. 
It took a few minutes before he sent you a picture. He was in his room, stripped down to his boxer briefs. He fisted his cock through the fabric of them, the veins on his hand prominent. 
“Something like this?” He asked. 
You groaned, your hand sliding to your clit before you even thought about it. You rolled onto your back and took a picture of your hand slipping into your panties before sending it on. 
“Just like that,” you replied. 
The one word was all he sent for a minute before he followed it up with a picture of his cock in his hand. You moaned at the sight of him, a pearl of pre-come leaking from his swollen head. You wanted to swallow it up, lick up and down his thick shaft, take all of him in your mouth until you were choking on him and he spilled down your throat. 
“Tried to make this last but you’re too fucking much for me,” he texted. “Couldn’t wait.” 
You took off your bra and tossed it to the floor before taking a handful of your breast in your hand, holding the phone high over your head, high enough that it could capture your needy expression and the way you were touching yourself. 
“Neither could I.” 
Usually, when you fucked yourself, you used toys. You had a few that you’d become partial to over the years of cycling through men and relationships, the fake dicks in your life lasting a whole hell of a lot longer than the real ones. 
Tonight, you didn’t need one. Didn’t think you could pull yourself away from touching your own body long enough to pull one out, not with Joel’s face and body and cock on the brain. You slid your hand down your chest, your stomach, back to your pussy. You rubbed your clit in little circles with your index finger as you stretched your middle finger down, down, down toward your dripping hole. 
When his next message came through, you dropped your phone in your rush to open it and you scrambled to pick it up with one hand, your other one too occupied to want to do anything else. 
This time, it was a video. His large hand was working his thick length, his cock still looking big even in his grasp that dwarfed your own. He worked his cock slowly, his thumb sweeping over the head and collecting the pre-come before he slid it firmly down with quiet moan. 
“Fuck, I need you,” his voice was soft, a whisper. “Need to feel that perfect fuckin’ pussy…” 
You were about to rewatch the video, your mouth watering, when he texted again. 
“Can I call you?” 
You didn’t respond. Instead, you just called him, putting the phone to speaker and setting it on your chest between your breasts. 
He answered on the first ring. 
“Hey beautiful,” he said, voice low and dark and needy. “Fuck, I gotta be quiet…” 
“I know,” you said, whispering back even though you didn’t have a reason to. “Don’t care, as long as I can hear you.” 
“Tell me what you’re doin’ to yourself,” he was almost panting. “What you’re thinkin’ about…” 
“I’m rubbing my clit,” you moaned. “Got one finger inside of myself, thinking about you eating me out last night…” 
“Fuck you tasted so good,” his voice became a little more strained. “Wanna taste you right now.” 
You moaned and fucked yourself a little harder, a little faster, your eyes closed in pleasure. 
“Add another finger,” he said. “Want you to work up to this cock, want you thinking about me deep in you when you come.” 
“Fuck Joel,” you were panting now, too, as you added another finger. 
“Tell me what you’re thinking now,” he whispered. 
“You pushing into me,” you groaned it. “Opening me up for you…” 
“Fuck, Beautiful, you’re gonna fuckin’ kill me.” 
You heard the pace of his hand increase on the other end of the phone and you worked your pussy a little harder and faster, too, whimpering as you did. 
“Can you fit a third finger?” He panted. 
“Yes,” you managed, getting desperate, your body starting to feel tight, all the heat of you drawing deep into yourself. 
“Add it,” he groaned. “Fuck yourself deep, hard. Fuck yourself like I fucked you last night, how I’d fuck you right now if I were there.” 
You obeyed, thrusting your fingers in as deep as you could reach, whimpering at the stretch that you knew had nothing on his thick cock. 
“You were so fucking deep,” your legs were restless, the tightness extending so far down that you knew your orgasm was going to make your whole body quake. “Fuck, you’re so goddamn big, Joel…” 
“And you take me so fucking well,” he panted. “Take me like you were made to take this cock, fuck!” 
“I was made to take you,” you whimpered, desperate and aching. “Made to make you come, need you to fucking come, please Joel, please come for me…” 
“Fuck, fuck, I’m coming!” It was a choking, strangled whisper and you heard him muffle his moaning in a pillow, the sound of his pleasure sending you over the edge. 
It was the hardest you’d ever come from your own hand, harder than you’d ever come with a vibrator, almost as hard as you came with Joel deep inside you the night before. Your body throbbed with it, so much that it felt like your fingers might break as they stuffed your overwrought pussy full. You all but sobbed as you kept working your clit, even as it was too much, fucking yourself through your own orgasm the way you knew Joel would if he were buried inside you instead of in his own fist. Once it was over, you slowly, gently, pulled your hand away from your dripping slit. 
“Fucking hell, Beautiful,” he said after a minute, still trying to catch his breath. You smiled and laughed a little. “Christ, I hope Sarah didn’t hear that.” 
“You stayed a lot quieter than me,” you were whispering again. It was fun to whisper into the phone with him, like you were going behind your parents’ backs with it. 
“Still,” he said before he sighed. “I gotta go clean up, you made me make a hell of a mess.” 
“You’re one to talk,” you smirked a little, looking at the slick gathered on your fingers. 
“Can I text you tomorrow while you’re at work?” He asked quietly. “Something tells me I’m gonna miss you like crazy.” 
“Course,” you smiled, settling down into your mattress. “Text me whenever you want, I always want to hear from you.” 
Maybe it was the post-orgasm haze but you didn’t care that it sounded desperate. 
“Good,” he said. “Because hearin’ from you always makes my damn day.” 
You smiled at that. 
“Miss you, Beautiful.” 
You smiled bigger. 
“Miss you, too.” 
Next Chapter
A/N: Awww doubt is creeping in and they're still fucking each other's brains out from afar.
We love to see it!
Thank you so much for following along with this story! These two are so fun to write and I hope you're enjoying their journey. Love you all!
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
summary: you're afraid, anxious, nervous; and aaron will stop at nothing to comfort you.
for the lovely @ssamorganhotchner <3 cw; description of anxiety, reader doesn't eat due to anxiety, mentions of food, type of appointment not specified - can be either the doctor, dentist, etc., just a whole lotta aaron fluff <333
you had one moment of peace.
the sun was shining through the blinds, you could vaguely hear birds chirping outside, your mind clear and hazy due to sleep. it felt like a normal day, until everything slowly started fading back into your head.
growing up, you hated appointments. hated them. you would rather give an arm and a leg than attend a regular check up, of any kind. it caused the utmost amount of anxiety to fill you from head to toe, and nothing has changed as you've gotten older. uncomfortable, silent waiting rooms - the perfect interlude for heightening worries, the peculiar smell only a doctor office's could possess, even the fluorescent lights made a chill run up your shine. and not to mention, the whole appointment itself.
with a huff you rolled out of bed, tears pinching behind your eyes. luckily your appointment was early enough, meaning it would be done by mid-day. 'just a few hours from when you wake up,' aaron had said as the two of you settled into bed the night before, one of the many reassurances he had offered, 'and it'll be over before you know it.'
speaking of aaron, it also partially didn't help you had woken alone in bed. while he had awoken you briefly to give you your kiss goodbye, he had to take jack to school before heading into the office.
you had taken the day off work, knowing you would need it - due to the anxieties before and the hum that lingered once it ended. and aaron had insisted you sleep in as much as possible.
internally, you repeated all the comforting words he had provided as you ran through your morning routine, knowing that they were the only stamina you needed to actually get through the whole ordeal.
you eventually trailed into the kitchen, freezing at the sight of aaron pouring himself a cup of coffee. his eyes easily found yours as he sensed your presence.
"what are you still doing home?" you gaped at aaron, blinking at him in disbelief, debating whether or not him standing there was a figment of your imagination. he wasn't wearing his usual suit either, but rather a pair of jeans and his orange sweater.
"i decided to take the morning off." aaron answered, and then gestured to his steaming mug. "breakfast?"
you shook your head, nerves always unsettled your stomach and made it impossible for you to eat. "but, why?"
"so i could take you to your appointment." he answered earnestly, his sweet brown eyes softening.
the sting behind your eyes resumed, tears threatening to spill. "really?"
"of course. there was absolutely no way i was going to be sitting at my desk all day, knowing you weren't having a good one." he crossed the kitchen to reach you, his hands finding place on your waist. "we'll do this together."
your only way of response was to bury your head into the middle of aaron's chest, your arms wrapping around him tightly.
the car ride over, aaron kept you busy, allowing your mind to stay occupied and not wander. he asked what you wanted to do this weekend, explained the new coaching technique he and dave had come up with for jack's soccer team, the school project jack had coming up. anything normal he could think of. aaron also made sure to have a hand on you for the entirety of the ride, whether it was clutching onto your hand or your thigh, his thumb rubbing small, soothing circles.
but normal couldn't distract you as he pulled into the parking lot, your palms sweating in anticipation immediately. and it certainly didn't distract you as the two of you approached the office's door.
"hey." aaron grabbed your hand, pulling you back and stopping you. "look at me for a second."
with a sigh, you gingerly gazed up at him. your hands were also shaking slightly.
"it'll all be okay, you hear me?" he asked softly, while you timidly nodded your head. "and i'm proud of you." his lips pressed to your forehead for a moment. "you're being so brave."
you scoffed faintly, "easy for you to say. you catch serial killers for a livin-"
"hey hey hey," aaron interrupted, shaking his head and grabbing onto both your hands now. "no. if something scares you, it scares you. and facing it, no matter how big or small, makes you so incredibly brave. so again, i'm proud of you."
you bit down onto your lip to keep it from wavering. you were close to tears - half due to your fear, but half because of how sweet aaron was. how understanding.
"i'll be here the whole time. and then we can go do something fun afterwards okay?" aaron offered, his eyebrows lifting lightly. "since you didn't have breakfast, we can go try that new cafe that just opened up. how does that sound?"
again, you could only nod.
"okay." he placed another kiss on your forehead, and then one onto your lips. "i love you. and you can do this, alright? i have no doubts about it."
391 notes · View notes
Crushed 13
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, cheating, sleazy behaviour, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your next door neighbours hook up, bringing to surface deep-seated feelings.
Characters: Colin Shea, Jonathan Pine
Note: Have a wonderful day!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you like my dog loves belly rubs (that’s a lot). Take care. 💖
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You hear Jonathan stirring before you leave your room. You carry your clothes into the bathroom and get ready quickly. You are almost excited to get back to work, to get back to routine, if only to have a distraction from the chaos.
As you enter the kitchen, you smell coffee. Jonathan is dressed already, his suit clean and pressed. You hope he didn’t have too much trouble with your cheap iron and tiny board. 
“Morning,” he greets with a smile.
“Morning,” you return as you go to the machine. He’s there before you, sliding over an empty mug for you. You fill it and smile sheepishly at the countertop, “thanks.”
“Not at all,” he lingers close to you, “I should apologise. For waking you up so early. My mother never has good timing.”
“It’s fine. Really. That’s… nice that she called,” you rub your neck and back away with your mug in hand, “you must miss her.”
“Certainly,” he takes his own cup and sips between words, “but I dare think my parents are better off without me. They do enjoy an empty nest.”
“Ah,” you nod, cradling the cup as you bask in the warmth. 
“And your parents? Do they live far from here?”
“A few towns over,” you answer, “they’re swept up in my sister’s wedding though. I don’t hear from them.”
“Pity for them,” he says, “they are missing out on a wonderful daughter.”
You chuckle dryly, “sometimes…”
“What? Sometimes… what?” He prompts.
“Nothing, just… you’re too nice. That’s all.”
“If that is my greatest flaw, then I think I’m doing just fine,” he kids.
“Be careful or you might end up like me. If you’re nice to the wrong person, they might just kick in your door,” you scoff and take a reviving sip of coffee.
He doesn’t laugh. You look up at him and swallow tightly, “I was joking.”
“I know. I just don’t think it’s very funny what he’s done,” Jonathan says, “forgive my lack of humour, but it worries me. To think if I hadn’t come in to return your lip balm, what he could’ve done.”
A cold wash flows over you and your face falls. You are suddenly very sober with fear. You nod and back away.
“I know, but he’ll forget about me. He’s that sort, you know? Always on to the next girl.”
“Hmm, perhaps,” Jonathan utters doubtfully.
“Well, lots to catch up on today,” you change the subject as you sit at the small round table by the wall, “I should enjoy these few spreadsheet-free moments.”
“Uh huh,” he nears and sits across from you, concern furrowing in his forehead, “it will be quite the day,” he checks his watch before planting his elbow and cradling his chin, “I’ve a meeting in Carline. I’ll have to drop you at the office and go.”
“Oh, that’s… I could catch the bus–”
“Nonsense, it is on my way out of town,” he insists as he sits back and lets his arm fall over, “I should be back before the end of the day but…” he turns his head, peeking from the corner of his eyes towards the door behind him, “if I am not…”
“I’ll be okay,” you say, not fully convinced.
“I could always leave you my spare key–”
“Really, that’s too much. How about… I’ll text you and let you know when I get in?”
He sighs and swirls his fingers on the tabletop, “he is a very aggressive man and you are…”
“I’m an adult,” you say, “I’ll have to go off on my own sooner than later.”
“Yes, yes, suppose you are right, but I can’t help it. It is only you don’t deserve all this stress,” he brings his hand to the handle of his mug, “perhaps, however, I did set him straight and he knows better.” He lifts his cup, “Still, I will be certain to keep my phone close.”
“Alright,” you agree, pushing away your trepidation. You’ll just have to be sure to be quick and quiet when you get in.
Jonathan lets you off outside the building and you look up at the corporate brick front with a sense of relief. Not just to be away from your apartment, but to have some time away from your overly attentive boss. He's nice enough but you're starting to feel a bit crowded. A day apart would do you well and hopefully dispel any errant suspicions of unprofessionalism.
Your desk awaits you in its simple tedium. You brew a pot at the shared machine in the break room and wait for the slow trickle to spew out enough for a cup. You take your coffee to your computer and watch it boot, the buffering circle spinning as the old hardware chuffs.
Shari arrives and claims a cup of her own. She gives a hum as she settles in at her desk and yawns. She looks at her mug and doffs it in your direction.
"I can always tell when you've made the coffee," she chimes.
"Right, you only like it when you don't have to do it yourself," you scoff as you wiggle your mouse and open up your browser.
"Not gonna deny that," she chuckles, "feelin' better?"
You look at her, hesitating. Oh yeah, you suppose everyone thought you were off sick. You suppose you were as good as.
"Yeah, vaguely," you shrug, "migraine."
"Ah," she takes a loud swig, "and where's that handsome boss of ours today?"
You don't look at her, focusing on your screen, "hm, I think he has a meeting. Says so in the calendar."
"Sure, the calendar says so," she snorts, "he also had a personal day..."
"Really?" You let your pinky edge over your lower lip and bite down on it.
"Hey," she lowers her voice to a whisper and wheels around the side of her cubicle, "I won't tell anyone. I just wanna hear how it was. Is he as good as I imagine?"
"Shari," you gasp, "really, it's not like that--"
"Anyone with eyes can see he's into you," she smirks, "a man like that knows how to keep his cool but around you..."
You growl her name again and give a sharp look, "he's my boss."
"What no one knows, can't hurt you. You know I can keep a secret. The hubby still doesn't know my book club is a bowling club," she smirks.
"Right," you shake your head and turn your attention back to your computer, "well, there's nothing to keep secret so it should be easy."
Lunch rolls around as you find yourself bogged down in all the work you have to catch up. As is stands, you were already working from behind. You skip the tuna sandwich you stuffed in your bag and opt instead for another cup of coffee. You sit with your chin in hand, going crossed eye at the excel sheets.
The monotony of the office lulls you, making it hard to keep your eyes open. You long for your apartment and a nice hot bath. That yearning doesn't last as the dread returns. Right, you don't even know if you'll come home to a front door.
Your phone buzzes and you check the notifications, swiveling slightly to read the screen. Jonathan checking in unexpectedly, confirming his arrival in Carline and his intention to be back in town around three. You have another message that gives you pause. The name over it matches the several missed calls you didn't notice in your mindless trance of expense reports and monthly budgets.
Colin. He only ever texted before to see if you were in so he could bum on your couch or mooch a meal from you. That's clear now. You can't believe you were ever giddy to see his name on your phone.
You hit the voicemail icon and put the phone to your ear. You listen to the automated voice that declares you have five new messages. The speaker scuffs before the first starts. It's him.
"Hey, buttercup. I guess you went out with that idiot wanker. I can't seem to find you..." you hear something bang, "nope, not hiding in the closet..." You hit seven to delete and the next message starts. "You better answer before I get real fucking pissed. I just wanna talk, buttercup. And I know you want me. So let's meet halfway--" Delete. "I'm about to break something, sweetheart--" Seven, delete. "PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE!" 
You delete all the messages as a new text pops up. Your thumb hits it without a thought and you see the endless scroll of caps lock floating in bubble up the chat. Every one is just an echo of what was in your voicemail. And pictures. Of your apartment, of your shelf overturned and the contents tossed over the floor. Your pillows shredded as feathers litter the carpet.
You black out your phone and push it deep into your bag. Not right now. You'll have to deal with it later. Maybe you'll wait around for Jonathan after all. Or maybe... maybe you can sort this out without troubling him any further.
You keep a hold of your phone and pull it back out. You ignore the urgent buzzing and search your contacts. You get up and leave your desk, going into the staircase to hide behind the heavy metal door. You hit Ally's name and let out a shaky breath. You wait for her to answer as you chew your thumb.
"Hey!" She chirps through the speaker, "what's up?"
"Hi, Ally, uh...." you don't know what you were thinking. What was you plan here? "Are you, er, with Colin?"
"Nah, I'm working unlike his lazy ass," she laughs, "why, what's up?"
"Well, um, I don't know how to say this... Ally, I'm going to send you some stuff, one second..."
You pull the phone away from your cheek and minimize the call. You bring up the chat and scroll, swiping your hand to screencap the litany of messages, barely able to catch them all as more spew in. You hold your breath as you go into Ally's chat and attach the images. You close your eyes and tap the send arrow.
You put the cell back to your ear and clear your throat, "Ally, please... just read what I sent you."
"Huh, alright," she giggles, "you're always so ser--" her voice cuts off as you sense the audio change as she puts you on speaker. "What the fuck?"
Silence as you sway, pacing on the leveled plain above the flight of stairs, waiting.
"Why-- did you fuck my boyfriend?"
"What? No. Ally. He-- He's the one who broke into my apartment. He's-- he's terrorizing me--"
"And why would he do that unless you were sneaking behind me back? I'm not stupid, I've seen you drooling over him."
"Al, no, I wouldn't--"
"Sure you would. I just can't believe he would," she snarls, "you're so pathetic. You fuck my boyfriend and now you think you can break us up?"
"Go fuck yourself, you sad old spinster," she barks and the line dies.
You stare at the phone, stunned. What did you just do?
You find it hard to shake the uneasiness cast by Colin's message and Ally's reaction. You suspect you've lost two friends in less than a week. All because you were stupid enough to like someone. Because you, an adult, had a dumb crush. Ugh.
You keep your nerves at ease through your work. The numbers are easier than emotions. Around two, your eyes flit back and forth between your spreadsheet and the time in the corner. You wonder when Jonathan will be back or even what you'll tell him. Should you tell him any of it?
You hear the elevator doors swish open and hit save on the file. You pivot, expecting your boss to be striding in early, instead finding a very much unexpected and unwelcome face.
You gape at Colin as he scowls around the office at the dronish workers, many of whom are too caffeine addled or underslept to notice him. You get up, hoping to get him out before he can start anything. You know by the tension in his neck that he's up to no good.
"I wanna talk to the fucking boss," he demands, jolting several people from their waking comas as other pop their heads over their cubicle walls. Shari lets out a strange noise and mops up coffee from her chin as it dribbles down.
"Who's this?" She hisses as you take a step forward.
"Boss isn't here," Ed snorts from his desk, "and we're not hiring."
"I'm not here--" Colin starts, "fuck your fucking jobs." He sneers, "who the fuck is in charge here?"
"Colin, please," you put your hands up pleadingly, "please, just go. We can talk after work--"
"No, no, you had your chance so I'll say what I came here to say and I want everyone in this office to hear it," he snaps, "so tell me where that British douchebag is."
"He's not here," you croak, "Colin--"
"Fine, who needs him," he stomps his foot, "hey, everyone, guess who's fucking her boss?"
"I-- I'm not," you exclaim, voice squeaking, "I swear-- he's crazy. He's just my neighbour, he doesn't--"
"Why else would he be hanging out at her apartment? He was there all night. I have proof," Colin waves his phone around, "so someone tell me who I send it to because I think HR will be real interested in this--"
"Colin, get out! Go away! Why are you doing this?"
"Ah, come on, you," he points to Monica and shoves his phone towards, her, "they looks real cozy, don't they?"
"Colin," you beg as you follow him, "please--"
The elevator doors part again but you barely notice as you try to snatch Colin's cell away. He holds it above his head and nudges you away. He snickers in your face.
"What is the meaning of this?" Jonathan's timbre rips through the babble of your coworkers and Colin's laughter, "Shari, call security."
"Ah, there he is. The star of the show. I was just coming to file a complaint," Colin face Jonathan, "you've been shitting where you eat, big guy and I have it all right here--"
Jonathan stands stoically across from Colin. It's like a Great Dane staring down and uppity chihuahua. He tilts his head slightly and peers past the intruder.
"Shari, put the phone down," Jonathan waves her hand down, "I shall deal with this myself."
Jonathan steps forward, coming chest to chest, or just above Colin's chest, as he glares down his adversary.
"I suggest you leave or I may just have to escort you out. I'm certain you don't wish to repeat last night," he warns.
"Nah, I'll stay--"
Colin barely keeps a grip on his phone as he grunts. Jonathan grabs him by the front of his hoodie and drags him away from the bullpen. Colin struggles with him, stomping around, trying to crush the other man's sleek leather shoes. 
Jonathan spins as Colin's fist glances past the instinctive turn of his head. Your boss keeps a hold of your neighbour with one hand and presses the elevator button. The belts grind, and the doors open. He dodges another fist as he throws Colin into the box.
"Good day, sir," He taps the down button as Colin lands on his ass. The doors open and leaves the office in deafening silence.  Jonathan turns to face his audience and raises his chin, "back to work."
He strides past you and between the cubicles. He swings his office door shut behind him, punctuating the tension. You gulp and go back to your desk, sitting numbly as your eyes haze with tears.
"I knew it," Shari trills.
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marner2tavares · 10 months
cardigan series: on a saturday, in a cafe ❣️
jack hughes x reader
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cardigan series masterlist
Ever since graduating college, life has been fast to say the least. Instead of going home to Michigan for the summer, you decided to spend your fifth summer staying in Colorado with the family of one of the girls you danced with. After telling her about your situation, how you felt like you couldn’t go back, she was more than happy to offer you a place to stay. 
Every year your parents begged you to come home for Independence Day, but you couldn't bring yourself to go back to the town that housed your only real heartbreak. 
You had boyfriends since him, but it was never the same. Never the same level of passion. Never the same level of love or family that the Hughes’ gave you. Never the same level of closeness with your boyfriend’s friends. Nothing could compare, love wise, to all those years ago. 
Now the time has come, graduation done. Time to start your real life. All summer you looked for anything affordable in the city, but New York is unfortunately very expensive. You found one apartment… shared with 4 people, only two bedrooms. After a long phone call with your mom, she convinced you to just take a look at places in Jersey. Jersey is a big place! You told yourself over and over again desperately trying to convince yourself that you wouldn’t run into him. 
And you didn’t. You’ve lived there for nearly 3 months now and you haven’t seen him anywhere. Hearing about him, though? That was a different story. You heard about him everywhere. You started bringing headphones with you wherever you went. You didn’t look up at the TVs when you were out drinking at your neighborhood bar. You were starting to be able to block it out, tuning out when the name “Jack” comes up in conversation. You just told people you didn’t understand or care for sports. After 3 months, you were finally starting to feel safe in the city. 
One Saturday morning, you walked into the same coffee shop you’ve walked into a few times a week for the duration of your stay in Jersey, ordered the same thing, and sat down at the same table to wait for your drink. You scrolled on your phone until you heard someone call your old nickname, a nickname you have been called in a long time. Your head snaps up to see who said it and seeing the owner of the voice, you could feel your palms start to sweat. Youngest of the Hughes brother, Luke was standing by the counter looking at you. 
“Oh my god, it’s actually you.” Luke said as he started walking over. You stood up from your table, accepting the hug he was giving you. You expected for that to feel out of place. It almost felt worse that it didn’t. “What are you doing in Jersey?” You took a deep breath before forcing yourself to reply. 
“I, uh, I live here now.” Luke’s eyes went wide.
“You live here?” You nodded your head, almost shyly. Luke looked perplexed. You decided to try to break the tension. You smiled with a light laugh and looked up at him. 
“You really grew, Luke.” He laughed too, thank god.
“Yeah, I kinda did. Hit the big 2-0.” Your stomach sank. The reality of how much time has passed hit you like a truck. Luke was 15 last time you saw him in person. 
“Yeah, I remembered.” There was a pause that felt so much longer than you’re sure it actually was. The barista called your names and Luke gave you a quick “be right back” and walked up to the counter to get both your drinks before sitting down at the table. Luke passed you your drink and you took a sip.
“How long have you lived here?” You took a deep breath.
“Uh.. almost since your birthday really.” Luke’s face fell a little bit.
“You didn’t call?” You cringed at the sadness in his eyes. Luke wasn’t just Jack’s little brother. He was like your little brother. You helped him with everything. You truly loved Luke like your own brother. 
“I just didn’t think you would want to see me.” You answered honestly. Luke looked down at his cup and then back up to you. 
“I’m always down to see you. I know Quinn would be too.” There's the other part. Quinn. God, you loved Quinn. He was your rock, almost more so than Jack. He practically helped raise you. Helped you through fights with Jack, picked you up from parties when you were too drunk to drive and too scared to call your mom, amongst countless other things. You missed him. You missed them all. You have for years. 
“I just didn’t know where we stood.” You took a pause. “And I was too scared of you guys hating me it was just easier to not reach out.” Luke just nodded for a second before he looked up with a small smile on his face. 
“Tell you what, you can make it up to me.” You let out a real laugh this time.
“Oh, how can I make it up to you, Luke?” You rested your chin on your palm.
“Come to my game tonight. We’re playing the Sabres, it should be a good game.” You let out a sigh and dropped your head a bit.
“I really don’t think Jack would want me there.” Luke leaned into the table a little bit.
“Never say never. I’ll leave you a ticket.” He noticed the deep breath you took and smiled at you. “Come.” You smiled at him and let out another sigh before looking back up at him. 
“I’ll be there.”
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mistypsych · 1 year
/ yoongi / suga / agust d /
summary: as a doctor you never expected to be dragged into “the criminal life”, nothing and no one seems to be true anymore, your whole world turns upside down after you save him.
pairings: yoongi mob boss x f.reader x non idol bts members.
warnings: smut, guns, knives, stabbings, blood, gore, murders, drugs, criminals, gang life, medical emergency, illness, abuse, swearing, angst, dubcon, gang violence, corruption, manipulation, lies, cheating - 18+ minors dni.
Note: Hi! This is an attempt of writing a fanfic long after writing anything at all. Please also keep in mind English is no longer my first language and it might be a bit rusty and odd at times but I try my best. The story is a non idol BTS fanfic with Suga being the main character. As promised slowly we are going into the chapters where Yoongi will be taking the main lead. If you want to join the tag list let me know!
After you had your hot bath and a glass of wine that turned into a whole bottle, tiredness of the whole event took over making you pass out on the couch. The fact was you also couldn’t bring yourself to go into the bedroom and fall asleep next to Hobi. You had yet to make sense of everything, but already your gut was telling you that all this new information was going to be a sticky deal. You dreaded that what Jungkook said is fully true and you didn’t know if you could pretend and ignore the facts.
You loved your fiancé with all your heart but could you be ok with him being dirty? Maybe if he had told you, maybe if he would not hide the fact he was entangled with the mafia and gave you a sensible explanation to all of it. You just didn’t know, because one thing you really hated was dishonesty. You could handle a lot of bad shit people have done or were doing as long as you knew about it. Once someone hid the truth from you it was a different story. You always believed the ugliest of truths was better than the prettiest of lies and this was a fucking hill you were willing to die on.
You felt a slight tingle on your cheek. A nice and warm feeling coming after it. Shutting your eyes harder and scrunching your nose you let out a quiet mumble as you felt an ache spread over your muscles. Last nights events surely strained your back. The decision to sleep on the couch did not help that matter as well.
Suddenly you felt a delicate kiss on your neck and then another one. You slowly opened your eyes to see Hobi sitting on the edge and leaning over you. Once your eyes met he gave you his sunshine smile and smoothed your hair back gently saying quietly “Hey. You slept on the couch?” his face had a bit of concern written over it. “Morning…” you croaked, your throat being dry from all the wine you consumed “Yea… I came back really late from that whole medical emergency. I drank some wine and passed out. I also didn’t wanna wake you…”
He hummed slightly soothing your cheek with his hand and grabbing a mug from the small table in-front of you. “Cold brew” he said smiling and passing the cup to you. Lifting yourself on your elbows you gladly drank the coffee, caffeine being exactly what you needed. While downing the brown liquid of life, your brain went back to yesterdays information about your fiancé that has been brutally thrown at you.
Seeing you’ve spaced out, he looked at you asking “You ok Y/N?” you shook your head throwing the intrusive thoughts to the back of your mind. You weren’t ready to confront him. Not yet. Matter of fact you didn’t believe that laying it out just like that would be a smart move. You had to plan it out safely. You could not draw suspicions and give him the option to lie himself out of trouble if what you heard about him would turn out to be true.
“Yes I’m fine.” you said forcing a smile. You had to keep your cool. He was a detective. You could not let him sense out that something was wrong. “I’m still sleepy a bit. Didn’t fully wake up yet” you cooed sitting yourself up completely.
Hoseok looked at you as if he was analyzing what you were saying but then he smiled nodding his head. “Not woken up yet hm?” he moved a bit closer to you, taking the mug out of your hands and setting it aside. You blinked a little raising an eyebrow “I’ve got just the thing to wake you up…” he said with a deep voice, a smirk painting over his lips as he leaned in to kiss your neck.
“Shit…” you thought to yourself as you didn’t think threw what to do if a situation like this occurred. Should you pressure that you are tired and not in the mood? Or should you play along? You actually didn’t know for a fact if Hobi was 100% a dirty cop and you wouldn’t be sure of it for some time. You were stressed out and needed to shut off your panicked mind. Giving in seemed like a really good idea. So once you felt his lips on you did just that.
A suppressed moan rolled out off your mouth as he licked down the skin of your throat. You weren’t aware how much you needed to be touched and just let yourself be careless at this very moment. “Told you I would get your blood flowing.” he groaned grabbing your chin and kissing you hungrily. You leaned your head back opening your mouth allowing his tongue to enter. You could feel him smiling, clearly happy about how you reacted to him.
Soon you were both out of your clothes and catching your racing breaths. Your mind still battling with the fact that Hobi might not be who you thought he was. But as his skillful fingers reached your wet core you decided to forget about it all for now. You pushed him down on the soft cushions and climbed onto him.
“So needy…” he chimed but you put your hands on his toned chest, letting your nails gently scratch over his perfect skin “Yea… so you better fuck me good Hoba!” you let the words fall out from your lips. There was no need to ask him again as you lowered yourself onto his already very hard member, deep moans coming out from both of you.
Grabbing your hips he stared thrusting into you, meeting your needy movements. Your breaths got shaky and uneven. As you bounced yourself to the sound of your bodies connecting you slightly wrapped your hand around his neck. You didn’t know what got into you. You never let yourself get too pushy with Hoseok. He was never really the rough type.
A bit shocked by your action he lifted himself into a sitting position, grabbing your back to make sure you didn’t come off of him. He continued to push deep into you as you moved your hand to his nape, not wanting to let yourself get anymore wild ideas. A knot in the bottom of your belly started to form. You pushed your hips back and forth hard into him seeking your release.
Loud groans and breaths slipping out from your mouthes. This time around all you wanted was to feel the pleasure to crash all over you. It was the only thing that mattered. You didn’t care to get intimate or sensual. You just wanted your mind blown so you could forget everything from that night, at least for a while.
So you kept the tempo, fucking your fiancé hard and fast until you both felt your bodies shaking from the short but strong release. You leaned your forehead on his chest catching your breath and not yet lifting off of him. You could feel him getting soft inside of you. He pushed your hair back from your sweaty face, saying with a slightly amused tone “well someone was in a rush today”.
Finally getting up you smiled with the corner of your lips “I guess I couldn’t wait since we didn’t get to have our fun for a while now…” you lied a bit. Truth be told you just wanted your needs fulfilled as soon as possible, so you didn’t have to be close to him for too long. You knew you were being a bit of a hypocrite, for not being honest with him. But he was the one who decided to hide things from you, so you felt you were allowed to bend the standards a bit.
Your gut was telling you that you couldn’t really trust him, that he was not being open and those facts taunted you. That is why you decided to start weaving a web of lies to shelter yourself. You could feel your morals screaming in your skull. This wasn’t like you. But you were angry, confused and fucking scared. Petrified that you were about to have your life blown up into flames and crumbled. You really had a lot to think threw. The realization that you probably will be facing some extremely hard decisions made anxiety slap you in the face.
* * * * * * * * *
The next days at work passed surprisingly well. You and Jungkook had an unspoken agreement not to bring up what happened. At least for now. Both of you didn’t direct any of the conversations towards that nights events. Luckily you were also pretty busy at the hospital.
You decided to take up extra shifts to the maximum and cover for some of your colleges. This meant you wouldn’t see Hoseok much those days. You knew you were procrastinating, but you needed to set your mind straight before making any meaningful moves and this seemed like the perfect way to do it.
Taking more on calls also meant you would get a couple days off after. You felt those would do you well and that you would then start your questioning of Hobi. Also you thought it would be good to simply go shopping and try to do the down-to earth little things to clear your racing mind and ready yourself for the tasks ahead.
You and Kook also coordinated work with the charities in such a way that you got to have the next week away from them. After all that unraveled, both of you had to fix up and manage some things in your private lives. You suspected Jungkook very much like yourself tried to ignore and push away everything that went down in that forsaken hangar. You could see he was trying hard to maintain your friendship and fix the trust he has thoughtlessly broken. But for the time being you felt other than hospital work, you needed a break from him.
* * * * * * * * *
As the final day of work before your days off passed, you could feel the anxiousness crawl up you skin. You were happy to take time for yourself but it also meant that you should start your head hunt for the truth about your fiancé. To say you were dreading that moment was an understatement. Your mind was already slowly making assessment and plans in case the accusations towards Hoseok were correct. All this shit daunted you.
Even tho you were a bit scared of the confrontation you gladly made your way back home after a long and hard day at work. Once you jumped out of the buss a couple of blocks away from your apartment, a strange feeling washed over you. Shaking it off, you turned around to check your surroundings. Nothing seemed suspicious so you shrugged, thinking it must be the anxiety toying with your tired brain.
As you were about to pass next to the alley of your apartments building, a tall figure walked out in front of you and blocked your way. Your heart dropped as you heard “Good evening doc…”. Namjoon was standing right there and looking down at you with his annoying smirk, that seemed constantly plastered to his face. If you wouldn’t know any better you would’ve surely slapped him, because of how he made your blood boil.
You could hear steps behind you as well. You turned your face to the side, so you could make out with the corner of your eye who it was. You recognized the shorter guy but the other one you did not recall seeing ever before. He was tall like Joon and had a look about him as if he has just stepped out of a GQ magazine.
“Oh wow not only is she talented but also pretty ey?” he spoke in a low, velvety voice. “Knock it off Tae, we are here to take her to the boss, not to romance her!” the low voiced brunette shook his head in disappointment and said “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t wanna find out what those capable hands could do. You know that surgeons have the steadiest of hands? Only imagine…”
You couldn’t take it anymore so you snapped “We also know how to use sharp scalpels!” the man laughed a little and winked at you clearly amused. You tried to walk off saying “And I am surely not going anywhere with your lot, so be so kind and fuck off! You have Jungook!”
You were only able to make a step before Namjoon skillfully grabbed your elbow and painfully yanked it, causing you to hiss. “I wasn’t asking doc, so now you’re gonna shut your pretty little mouth and get in the car!” he whispered angrily in your ear and stared at you warningly. You were sure if you tried something, maybe you would get away but the later consequences could be not worth it.
You ripped your arm from his grip and gave him a side eye while gritting your teeth. Now aware that you better cooperate, altho that didn’t stop the rage from bubbling in you. The fuck was their whole deal? Why did they have to bother you instead of your college. Taehyung opened the back door of the black SUV and moved his hand towards the seats in a welcoming way. If the circumstances were different you’d almost feel like some movie star. But the fact was, you knew you were about to get into deep shit.
Sighing you jumped into the car. “Jimin get in the back with her just in case she tries something” Joon said to the shortest male, who kept quiet until now. He sat next to you, his eyes scanned over you as he said quietly “Soon it will all be behind you. Just don’t make it more difficult than it needs to be…” his voice had a specific ring to it. You just gave him an angry eye roll, barely controlling yourself from telling them to eat shit and die.
Closing your eyes you waited for the drive to be over. You did your best to ignore the men who seemed to not be able to shut their mouths for even a minute. You just wanted it to be done. Go do whatever they wanted you to do and leave. Slowly your mind was starting to wonder towards considering moving back to your home country, especially if Hoseok was to turn out a liar.
Suddenly you heard the doors open and then slam. You jerked up in your seat, the loud sound startling you. Then your door got opened and you saw Tae with a big grin as he said “Let’s go!”. You dragged yourself out of the vehicle and took your medical bag. They were lucky to grab you right after work. Who knows maybe they were smarter than they looked and specifically chose that moment knowing you should have such things on you then.
You followed them inside the hangar. You could feel your back slouching a bit as if to block you from all the panic that was starting to rise from within. Walking into one of the big rooms with creepy walls made of small windows you felt your heart start to beat faster and then you saw him. He was sitting on a wonky looking stool, staring at the screen of his phone.
Once he heard footsteps, he rose his head and looked your way. You weren’t able to see his eyes during your last encounter but now they were piercing threw you in all their glory. They were almost pitch black and dark like his hair. Their gaze seemed cold but also had something extremely calm in it. You could feel a shiver run threw your whole body. He surely had an intimidating vibe about him.
“I wanted to file a complaint…” he said slowly in a raspy voice, while grabbing a cigarette and lighting it up. You raised your eyebrows giving him a dumbfounded look and letting a “Huh?” fall out of your lips. He stared down at his abdomen and then you saw it, the blood trickling threw his white T, that he styled under a Hawaiian looking shirt.
You straightened yourself and cleared your throat, showing you were starting to get ticked off “Well you are sitting here smoking instead of resting and let me take a wild guess, you sure had quite the activities in between?” you seethed threw your teeth. He took a deep puff of his cigarette letting the smoke blow out his nostrils and had an amused little smile come over his lips. “Can’t recall my doctor left any ‘doctors orders’” he hummed.
You could see he was a piece of work so, you mumbled a “Well I am not your doctor. You’re lucky you got to live in the end. You weren’t looking so hot on that table.” he jerked an eyebrow putting out the cigarette and saying “well we are gonna change the you not being my doctor part” after you heard those words, you let a loud, hysterical laugh out and dropped your bag, while clapping your hands and saying “how about FUCKING NEVER IN HELL!”. You were not about to get intimidated by some thugs, your anger went way over the roof at this point.
He sighed getting up and that was when you realized, everybody else had left the room. He walked up to you slowly like you were some sort of prey. You refused to look like a helpless deer in headlights, so you rose your head higher and masked your face with fake confidence. He was taller than you. When he got close, you realized he was a really good looking man. His body was slim and toned. His raven black hair was thick and wavy.
“I don’t recall I was asking…” he said in a very calm tone, that made you even more annoyed, so you shot the next sentence without thinking “Well I don’t care and if you kill me for refusing, you will have police looking at your hands. I don’t think you want that kind of attention…” once you heard what you spat out, you cursed at yourself in your mind.
He let out a deep laugh and shook his head saying “Oh I am well aware who’s girl your are Y/N. You think just because Jung Hoseok is fucking you, it will change the fact how well acquainted I am with the police?” you started, nervously blinking and thinking of what to say next but he cut you off “If I chose to break your pretty little neck, the police would not give one fuck, it would be just another sad accident.” he took a lose strand of your hair and tucked it behind your ear saying “That would be a waste wouldn’t it? And as much as I respect you trying not to get shaken down by a mobster, the reality is your shit outta luck and I don’t think I need to threaten your life to make you understand that?”
You could feel sweat starting to form on your forehead. The way he spoke of these things had you thinking he can make your life difficult. But you decided to try and lay out facts “Well I work in the hospital for your information and not like I would be at your every whim!” he laughed again and said very slowly “You really think that if I can handle the police like a bunch of dogs, a hospital would be a challenge? You really believe that director of yours isn’t mainly money driven?”
He looked at you with an amused gaze and shook his head lightly “But don’t worry your pretty head Y/N. I rarely get hurt and so do my men… and when we do it tends to be at nights and you wont convince me, you mainly work night shifts.” You gave him a glare, the fact he knew your name and other things about you, was bugging you beyond belief. He must have squeezed info out of your friend.
Seeing your irritation he sighed and walked behind you, just to lean over your shoulder and whisper in your ear “Don’t worry I won’t take up your precious time if it won’t be an emergency. Unless you will want me to…” You scoffed taking a step away from him and muttering “Yea for sure!” irony dripped from your voice but he did not seem bothered, if anything he was looking at you confidently as he said “Time will show won’t it? But for now…” he moved his head, showing down to his abdomen and saying calmly “I’d appreciate you handle the work you have already started”.
tags: @wobblewobble822 @nansasa @kooslilhoe @yoongisducky @danielle143 @xjiminsthighsx @nochook @kootieful
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stevebabey · 2 years
❤️🔥 hiiiii!! here to request a number 23 from prompt list 1: “fumbling with their hand as you tell a story.” i feel like you’d make it so soft and sweet <3
can u tell i was feeling so bad when i started writing this <3 nothing bout this prompt says angst but low nd behold, here's some hurt/comfort !! thank u for requesting alice m'dear :") this is like extra for u considering how sweet u are to me <33 1k+
It’s terribly late.
Really, the both of you should’ve wandered upstairs to bed at least an hour ago. There’s work tomorrow, early for you, less so for Steve, but it’s work all the same. He’ll grumble in the morning like he always does, tired and yawning all through his morning coffee.
Despite knowing this, Steve doesn’t even think of suggesting to turn in soon. Not when it’s one of these nights. 
Sometimes, Steve finds it takes gentle coaxing to get you to unwind from your day. When you spend so much of the day tense, reining in reactions and biting your tongue, he knows it takes more time, more touch. It’s worth losing the sleep, staying up to talk it out. Worth it to know he’s giving you peace of mind. That he can protect you from even restless nights.
Most of the time, you won’t even realise you’re wound up — it’s impossible to sift through feelings when all you feel is down. It’s not until after Steve’s worked his magic that you can tell how long the day has really been. When the stress leaks out of your shoulders and you slump into him like a puppet with its strings cut.
It’s one of those nights tonight.
You’re up on the kitchen counter. How you ended up there is lost in the haze of your tired night. You faintly recall tumbling through the door, somehow after Steve even though you started work before him. Overtime is a bitch.
Between then and now, you’re certain you’ve managed to shovel some food into you but mainly, you’ve been watching Steve fuss about the kitchen. To you, there’s no better remedy that the sight of your lover.
He’d already made dinner by the time you’d gotten in the door, some simple pasta dish, cheesy and delicious. He’d insisted on doing the cleaning up as well, seeing your low-lidded eyes and curled in shoulders. The fatigue rolls off you in waves. It makes Steve’s heart ache in an awful way.
So, he had kissed you sweet and ushered you up onto the counter, his warm hands helping under your thighs when you’d groaned and barely made a move to jump up. He mumbled something soft into your hair, ‘my tired, sweet girl’, and sealed it in with a kiss.
It had been soothing just to watch him, sleeves rolled up while he scrubbed at the soapy dishes. Rinsing the plates and working instinctively, letting the story about his own day come out in quiet rumbles, just letting you listen. You hum from time from time to let him know you’re listening, even if you feel a bit hollow.
But now, dishes done, Steve’s onto his most important job — drawing out the burdens of the day from his you. The cups of tea he’s fixed for both of you are beside you on the counter, long forgotten. Steam stains the air, just a hint of peppermint. 
Steve’s moved between your legs, hips leaning against the counter. He’s close enough that an inch forward and your head would rest against his collarbones. One hand sits on your knee, feather-light touches of his thumb against your skin. The other is held between yours, letting you fumble with it as you talk. Your hands work his fingers, playing with it idly as you talk.
“Yeah? And what’d she say?” He asks, voice low and head tilted to show he’s listening. 
“Y’know, just the usual. It wasn’t what she said, just like,” You sigh wearily, drawing a line down the middle of Steve’s palm with your finger. Your eyes stay fixed on your motions, his hand in your own. Your voice is smaller than you intend as you try to recall the rude memory of your manager today. “The way she said it? I don’t know, does that even make sense?”
“It does,” Steve assures, his hand giving your knee a quick squeeze. When your head remains bowed, still fiddling with his hand, Steve flips it over, his hand covering both yours to still your fidgeting.
“Hey,” He says, soft. His head ducks low, trying to catch your eyes. It’s alarming to see a sheen in them, glossy in a way he knows means tears. Something tears in his heart, his concern doubling in an instant. “Sweetheart, woah, woah, hey.”
You let out a pathetic sniffle and that’s all it takes for Steve’s instincts to kick in, pulling his hand out of your grip to bundle you into his arms. You cave, crumbling into his chest and burying your face away — one of his hands cradles the back of your head, loving strokes along your scalp. The other provides consoling sweeps along the curve of your spine. It all really just makes you want to cry harder.
“S’okay,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss into the side of your head. It’s warmth seeps into your skin, a silent comfort through your tears. "It's okay, honey."
It feels so utterly stupid to fall apart over something so little, just a bad day that’s crept under your skin, made its home in your nerves. It feels unbearable, trying to unwork it from your blood. You’re not sure how long you cry, just that Steve’s there the whole time.
When you finally pull back, shuddering breaths, Steve’s fingers make quick work to wipe your tears. Calloused fingertips that sweep across your under-eyes, tender and kind.
There’s a light kiss against your forehead, another against your damp cheek, gentle as ever. Steve doesn’t speak, his eyes just searching your face — though you can’t tell what he’s looking for. You’re too dead tired, exhausted by your own emotions, to give any semblance of a smile, even though you feel a bit better now.
“Bed now?” He suggests, voice soft and low. The clock on the wall ticks loudly in the lull of words, a reminder of how long ago you both should’ve been asleep. You nod, pitiful and small. Steve trails the both of you upstairs, sets out your pajamas while you brush your teeth, then waits in the bathroom doorway til you’re done.
It’s close to midnight when you both finally crawl into bed. Steve’s arms are around you the moment you’re beside him and you find immense comfort with your head against his chest. The echo of his heartbeat plays like a lullaby beneath your ear.
“Sorry for keepin’ you up.” You whisper in the dark.
Steve’s arms tighten around you. He shifts around for a moment, then his hand sweeps back the hair off your forehead, and he gives a soft kiss there. It lingers for a few seconds, and when he pulls back, he snuggles closer, resting his cheek atop of your head.
“M’sorry you had a bad day.” He counters. You know he means it completely.
“I love you,” the words slur a bit, feeling yourself already dropping off closer to sleep. It’s impossible not to when you’re this warm and this damn tired.
You’re asleep before you hear his response but it doesn’t matter, you heard it in every kiss, know it from every sweet gesture and moment of the evening. He loves you, and he takes care of you. The sleep is a peaceful one.
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I wrote this probably over 2 months ago and haven't done shit with it since. I thought it was cute but never elaborated on it.
So it is what it is. But it's about Nanami. ANYTHING to bring this man back lol.
SFW from what I can recall. Enjoy <3
Hear ... Me ... Out.
Nanami is at his favorite coffee shop one day and he sees this girl (woman, ok? don't get into semantics over it) and she is just a hot fucking mess.
Her hair is in the world's messiest bun on top of her head. It doesn't look like it's been brushed for a few days. Her clothes are like, less than casual. He doesn't want to use the word "sloppy", but damn. She look so sloppy rn that he has this overwhelming need to go straighten her up.
She's not ugly, not beautiful ... natural, though. But there's something about her that he is drawn to. She's kinda chubby. Which adds to her unique appearance(?), but with the right fitting clothes, she would be so cute, he thinks.
There's not a speck of make up on here face. And Nanami can't help but find that somewhat refreshing. There are stains on her sweatshirt from the coffee she is drinking. Crumbs on the table from her bagel with cream cheese.
GOD he wants to give her a napkin but doesn't want to offend her. What is the etiquette here, he wonders. Could he spin it so he comes off as polite? Caring, even?
He watches her for a while longer. Studies her face as she reads up on whatever textbook she's studying from. He can't get a good look at it, but it's a thick book.
Speaking of thick, he looks down to her thighs. They're thick, too.
His tired mind begins to wander uncontrollably to what she would feel like, what she would taste like. Then Nanamin catches himself staring too long. Spit pools in his mouth and he swallows hard. He looks away, hopefully before you catch him eating you up & out with his eyes.
But it's too late. You felt someone's gaze on you. And not just someone's. Fucking Kento Nanami's breathtaking brown eyes.
So now you're taking him in. And he is the most put together person you have ever seen. His blue button-up shirt is so well pressed that there isn't a single crease in it, even as he sits there in the cafe, it hugs his large arms looking like it was about to give at even the slightest miscalculated move. His tie hangs perfectly around his muscly neck. The light colored pants he wears - Oh God. They look like they're painted on. And they leave very little to the imagination.
He's got a tiny cup in front of him, his regular drink, espresso. But you don't know that's his regular drink. Because you have never seen him before. You don't even come to this cafe regularly. The one you like, the one closest to where you live, is having some renovations done. It has ruined more than one morning for you this week. Seeing the tall, ridiculously handsome man sitting across the seating area is starting to fix some of today's damages, though.
You tilt your head to the left and size him up, just like he was doing to you. But you're not even trying to be discreet. You decided that morning that you had nothing to lose by doing the societally deemed shameful things.
ie: oogling an attractive man, while you're looking like you're coming down from a 23 hour gambling bender with Toji (Nanamin doesn't know you know Toji and vice versa). Not that he'd permit you to keep associating yourself with him if anything were to become of the two of you.
No, he'd put a stop to that years ago. No proper lady of his would be fraternizing with garbage like Toji Fushiguro. No, no, no.
He's already decided he wants to talk to you. And while he has absolutely no reason to be shy about speaking with you, he can't bring his legs to move. That could be in large part to the considerable amount of blood that has pooled in the center of his body. He'll give it a minute and compose himself before he walks your way.
Nanami glances back at his newspaper and continues to read the daily stock updates. He sees movement in his periphery but thinks nothing of it because, after all, this is a busy cafe. It is a Wednesday. More people than you will move around.
It is you, though. You pack up your stuff, purposely leaving behind your cellphone beside your empty coffee cup, and walk toward him, holding eye contact for the entire time you're heading toward the exit.
He gets excited for some reason he can't yet understand and his pulse gets faster and faster the closer you get to his table for 1. Without thinking, he straightens up the scattered papers on the small table surface like he was expecting company. Your company.
But you turn at the very last second and push open the door to the sidewalk. The disappointment Nanamin feels crushes him like nothing he's quite experienced before. You are no one to him. He, in turn, knows that he's no one to you as well. Yet the dejected feelings remain in the forefront of his thoughts.
His eyes squint against the bright reflection of something silver on the table you were sitting at. You'd strategically forgotten and placed your phone to pick up the sun's light emerging from behind the clouds to get his attention.
It worked. He made his way across the cafe to the shiny object left behind. Picking it up, he tapped on the screen. To his great pleasure, there was no lock on the main screen. He had access to your photos. Your contacts. Your notes. Everything. He could look at everything.
Being the gentleman he is, Nanami thought it best to not look through it, though. He thought about giving it to the barista and letting them handle returning it to you. But there's no fun in that. He would track you down and give it back himself.
On the car ride to the "Return To" address in the phone, he felt his stomach turning. There was no reason for him to be nervous about this task, considering what his career is. He dealt with much worse shit than delivering a phone to a woman to whom he was attracted but couldn't figure out why. This was child's play. There was no curbing his excitement though.
Arriving outside your apartment building, he was surprised at how nice the place was. If he had to guess by just looking at you, he'd not have guessed a place such as this.
The doorman let Nanami pass with no problems. Looking as respectable as he does often grants him permissions that other people can't even entertain the idea of.
He pushed the button to call the elevator down and waited for it to carry him to the 14th floor.
Walking down the hallway until he found your place, he smoothed his tie down and knocked 3 times. He heard your footsteps coming as you padded your way closer to your door. And then he saw your shadow moving underneath, on the opposite side that he stood.
"Hello?" He said, his voice rumbly and deep. "You left your phone at the cafe we were both just at. I - thought I'd return it to you."
Nanami watched your shadow stretch out a little more and heard your fingers tap on the door as you looked through the peephole.
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@darkstarlight82 @viburnt @arlerts-angel @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo (tagging you on the off chance you give a shit =))
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Halt & Catch Fire: Part Four
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: You're done being a puppet in their plans. You're done letting them control you. You're finally going to take back your life by becoming something you didn't know was possible. your eyes are opened to something better and God forbid anyone who disrespects you.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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The next morning, reports of another death come flooding in. Some college girl died in her room with the doors and windows locked. The girl's dorm is blocked off with yellow caution tape. Where Sam and Dean lifted it to go underneath it, you yank on it to break it so you can get through. The detective on the case is there, and she starts spilling the beans when she sees their FBI badges.
"Delilah Marian, the roommate, found her this morning after an all-nighter at the library."
"Yeah. Some sicko used the power cord from the computer."
There is a nail kit on the bed so you grab the nail file and try to peel the device off your neck. Dean sees this and snatches the file to which you give him a deadly glare.
"Stop," he hisses.
"Maybe if I was let go, I'd stop."
Sam clears his throat loudly and gives you both a side-eye glance. "Suspects?"
"None yet. The odd thing was the door was locked."
"Have you talked to any of the other girls who live here?"
"Most of them have already left for spring break, but the roommate was really helpful. She gave us all of Julie's passwords. Nowadays, the only way to find out anything about teenagers is through social media. Trust me, I got two of them. Excuse me, agents."
"Vengeful spirit, much?" Dean says once the detective leaves the room.
"Yeah, but is it Joey or another ghost?"
"I don't know." Dean takes his EMf reader out and scans the computer. Again, like a Christmas tree. "First, it possesses a truck, then it possesses a computer? Both are machine-related kills."
"You think we're dealing with a 'Ghost in the Machine'?"
"Maybe, but if it is the same ghost, they usually anchor themselves to a place or a thing. How is this one jumping from one machine to the next?"
Sam takes Julie's laptop so he can search through it later.
"Come on, let's go find Delilah." She's not hard to track down since she stayed to see what the outcome of the investigation would be. She's eager to talk if it means they catch her roommate's killer. "We really appreciate your help, Delilah. We know this can't possibly be easy. Did Julie, by chance, know a student named Billy Bass?"
"Everyone knew Billy. He was the President of Sigma Theta Delta, one of the biggest frats on campus."
"Did Julie know Billy's brother, Joey?"
"I don't think so. I didn't even know Billy had a brother."
"Did she have any enemies? Any reason why someone might want to hurt her?"
"No. Julie was really popular and super-sweet. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her."
There's something she's not telling you. You know a liar when you see one.
"You know we're federal agents, right? Lying to us is a big-time offense," you cross your arms.
"I'm not lying, Agent. There's just... nothing else to tell."
Dean is hungry (there's a shocker) and Sam wants to break into Julie's computer so they take this to the cafe on campus. What if you were to run away? Would they be fast enough to catch you? Maybe not but they have that damn remote. If you want to get away, you need to get that remote.
"Alright, a café au lait for the lady." He hands Sam a coffee cup. He has a lot of food you know will only go to him. You don't eat or sleep. "For me--"
"A heart attack?"
"This is unreal. Look at this. I got Italian. I got Chinese. Serve yourself froyo. College is better than Vegas. What do you have?"
"Unfortunately, a lot of nada." Dean slaps your hand away when you try to grab a cookie off his plate. You don't eat but that doesn't mean you don't think cookies aren't delicious. "I hit up Julie's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Instachat, Snapchat, and A.I.M. There is nothing but posts on Rush and 'Fifty Shades of Grey', the movie, not the book."
"Yeah. I didn't get half of that."
"It doesn't matter," Sam scoffs. "Now I'm going through her deleted files."
"You can do that?"
"Yeah. I mean, nothing ever really gets deleted from the Internet. You knew that, right?"
"Yeah," he nods.
"He didn't know that. I bet his nudes are just floating around on the internet somewhere," you say.
"If you put them there, I'm gonna kill you."
You smirk.
"Here we go. This might be something. it's a deleted Instachat from last night right around the time of death with someone named PrincessElsa8. 'Liar. I know. You'll pay.'
"Well, this Princess Elsa's a bitch. What's 810?" Dean asks when he looks at the screen.
"I don't know. Maybe a date?"
"Or a time of day. Maybe an area code?"
"No, the area code is for southeast Michigan. You know what?" Sam types something into Google. "Here we go. There are three addresses in town that have 810 in them."
"I'll see if I can get this to go," Dean gestures to his food.
You're almost half-asleep in the back seat as Sam and Dean drive around town looking for the addresses. When they realize it's not the house they're looking for, they move on to the next one. Luck would have it that the last house on the tour is the one they need. A woman walks out of her house and makes her way down the sidewalk.
"Yeah. You got it. Thank you Detective Petranzyk. We will keep in touch." Sam hangs up the phone. "So, PrincessElsa8 is not some crazed cyber killer. She is a third-grader from Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin, who is obsessed with Frozen, and she was fast asleep when the Instachat occurred."
"Who say that coming? A hack job. Shocker," you sigh. The woman who left her house is carrying a garbage bag that she takes to the nearest utility pole. The pole is covered in flowers that she yanks off and shoves into the bag. "Someone's angry."
"Come on." You three get out and approach her. "Excuse me, ma'am. May we ask what you're doing?"
"Um, throwing away dead flowers. Is that a crime?" she asks when she sees the badges.
"It's not a crime, just a little strange seeing as how they aren't dead."
"It's not so strange when it feels like they're taunting you. My husband was killed in a car accident here nine months ago."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Boo Fucking Hoo. Get over it, lady.
"Thank you. We were newlyweds. We never even made it to our first anniversary, and to have to be reminded of that every time I look out my window or leave the house..."
"That's understandable. Forgive me, but did you notice anything weird after your husband's death? Any strange disturbances?"
"I'm not sure what you mean."
"Do you have any idea who is leaving the flowers?" Dean asks.
"Some teenage girl. I think she goes to the college near here 'cause she's always in Greek letters."
"Do you know her name?"
"No, but she has long red hair."
"That little minx," you say. "I knew she was lying."
Dean calls Delilah but she isn't answering the phone. While you wait for her to call back, Sam looks up the woman's husband who died in the car accident, Andrew Silver. Again, you sit at one of the cafes on campus so Dean can get more food.
"This is Agent Grohl again. Listen, I know I told you to call at your earliest convenience but scratch that. Call ASAP."
"Look at this. Andrew Silver, a twenty-nine-year-old High School teacher was killed in a fatal accident. The car burst into flames. Silver's body was burned beyond recognition, and he is believed to have been killed upon impact."
"So, Andy dies at 810 Downs Drive, then he torments Julie with 810 on her computer. What's his beef with her?"
"Yeah, and what's his connection to Billy?"
"Does it say where he's buried?"
He wasn't. He was cremated."
"So, no bones and he's not tethered to any object that we know of. How is Andrew haunting his victims?"
"Are you gonna eat all that?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, do you want some?"
Sam rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Dean can eat almost anything and it doesn't matter how much of it he eats. It amazes you how much he can put away. He's almost done with his meal when he gets a phone call from Delilah, and she is terrified out of her mind. You meet at her dorm and learn that her friend, Kyle, was killed in the rec room on the first floor. Dean stays downstairs to gather more information from the detective while you and Sam talk to Delilah in her room.
"Are you okay?" Sam asks.
"Not really," she whimpers.
Dean walks into the room five minutes later. "Death by decibel. Kyle's brains were jellied by his speakers. Oh, and get this, the clock on his stereo stopped at 8:10."
"Mm-hmm." He turns to Delilah. "Look we know you're the one leaving the flowers at Andrew's accident. So, why don't you just tell us what happened to Andrew that night?"
She looks nervous but keeps her mouth shut. She knows something.
"Delilah, please. This is the third death in five days. Who knows who's gonna be next?" Sam pleads.
She still won't talk so you're just gonna have to make her. You grab her hair and yank her head back forcefully. She gasps and stares at you with fearful eyes.
"Spill. What did you do to Andrew?"
"Y/N!" Dean yanks you off her and she begins sobbing. "That's enough!"
"Okay, I'll tell you," she cries. "The car accident wasn't exactly an accident."
"You just have to be forceful sometimes," you say and shrug off your husband. "Tell us what happened."
"My friends and I were on our way back from a party and they were all on their phones, the driver included. I'll spare you the gory details but we ended up almost crashing into Andrew. He went off the road and we didn't. He crashed into that pole and we didn't. We watched as the telephone line fell onto his car, electrocuting him to death. It started a fire and we didn't want to get caught. Not to mention Kyle was driving with a suspended license. Billy was worried about going to jail but Kyle convinced everyone it was okay to run. I wanted to go back but no one else did. Billy made us all promise not to say a word.
"I shouldn't have let them talk me out of it. It was wrong, and now we're being punished." Sam takes out two salt containers and hands one to Dean. He doesn't bother handing one to you. "Seriously, what are the chances that three out of the four of us die in one week? It can't be a coincidence."
"It's not a coincidence. It's a ghost. It's the vengeful spirit of Andrew Silver."
The brothers begin salting the room while you stand in the middle of it with your arms crossed.
"A ghost?"
"Yeah, they're real. This is sort of what we do."
"So, you're like Ghostbusters?"
"They are, I'm not. They're kind of forcing me to be here," you say.
"Shut up," Dean snaps at you. "First things first, you need to stay inside the salt circle while we take care of him, okay?"
"How do you take care of him? Please tell me you know how to take care of him."
"Did you not hear him when he said this is kind of what we do? Of course, we know how to take care of a man ghost."
"As blunt as she was, she's right. Usually, a ghost is tied to a place or an object. If you get rid of the object, you get rid of the ghost. With Andrew, it's different."
"What's he tied to?"
"We're working on it, but if we can figure out how he's traveling, we can figure out how to stop him."
"You know, this might be a Shocker situation. The paper said that he died from a collision, but Delilah says that he died from electrocution. Maybe that's how he's surfing. He's using the power lines as a conduit," Dean says.
"That would make sense with the computer and stereo kills but not the pickup. I mean, the truck runs on gas."
"Then it has to be something else, then."
"Alright, I'll go back to the accident site and check it out. You two stay with her."
"Take me with you."
"No, you're staying with me," Dean says and grabs your arm.
"Touch me again and I'll break that arm," you snap and yank your arm out of his grasp.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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iwritesickfic · 7 months
I would love to read a story about Theo getting sick while Seamus is away for a few days, and he comes back to find Theo with a bad cough and some other symptoms. Bonus if his cough is so bad Seamus has to take him to urgent care to get a nebulizer or something!
anon i know you've been waiting MONTHS for this fic, thanks for your patience and i hope you enjoy <3
The moment Seamus walks through the front door, he hears it. Deep, crackling coughing. He sighs, putting down his suitcase. 
“Theo?” He calls. Leave it to his boyfriend to contract some miserable virus in the only four days they’ve been apart in months.
“In here!” Theo’s voice calls, sounding distinctly hoarse. Seamus leaves his things in the entryway, only bringing his extra large airport coffee with him into the kitchen. 
His heart clenches when he sees Theo, who’s in the middle of another violent coughing fit. He’s standing by the kettle, a cutting board with uneven lemon wedges and a ginger root that looks like it’s been peeled with a blunt butter knife in front of him. One of his hands is gripping the counter, the other catching his hacking coughs. He’s almost gasping between them, and when they finally taper off, it takes him a while to catch his breath again.
He’s pale apart from the flush on his cheeks, swimming in one of Seamus’s sweatshirts.
Seamus lays a hand on his back, and he messes with his hair self consciously.
“Hey. Welcome back. What’s up?” He croaks, and Seamus’s hand rubs his back in slow circles.
“Nothing really. What’s up with you?” He asks pointedly, and Theo sighs, half laughing. He gestures to the butchered lemon and ginger in front of him with a shaky hand.
“Can’t fucking peel to save my life is what,” he says, and Seamus can’t help but laugh too. He kisses Theo’s cheek, and it’s predictably feverish against his lips.
“Sit down, I’ll show you.” 
Theo struggles up onto the counter, muffling a few coughs into his sleeve when he’s done. The cough seems desperate to get something up, but nothing is moving in his chest. Seamus catches a hint of a wheeze in his breath, but it goes away quickly enough that he turns his attention back to the ginger. A spoon is sitting alongside the paring knife, and Seamus laughs again.
“Were you using a spoon?”
Theo shrugs.
“What else am I supposed to use?”
Seamus shakes his head and takes the knife. It’s about the dullest one they have, which explains the lemon.
“A peeler. Or a knife. Sharpness is the only requirement,” he teases as he makes quick work of the root. He could do this with his eyes closed he’s done it so many times. He chops off about an inch long piece, then chops that in half, dropping one into the mug already on the counter, and grabbing another mug from the shelf. “Big ginger wants you to think you can do it with a spoon but that’s absolute bullshit.”
“Ok, well this is why you can’t leave me here all by myself,” Theo teases back, though his eyes are distinctly tired.
“Well you also caught the plague. Clearly,” he says, passing one of the steaming mugs to Theo. He cups it with both hands and sighs, though his breath is short.
“Just…a cold,” he says, voice soft.
“Sounds like more than a cold,” Seamus says, resting his hand on Theo’s knee. “I’m happy you took the day off though. And you’re not even bedridden.” Usually at 10 in the morning on a Friday Theo would be in the studio.
Theo rolls his eyes and takes a sip of the tea. He winces as he swallows.
“Max cancelled. And Elise. So…” He trails off, then quickly puts down his mug as he starts to cough again, wet and desperate. Seamus rubs his thigh, and Theo looks almost dizzy when he’s done. “I don’t know. I’ve had this fucking bitch of a cough since Wednesday and I guess they were tired of it.”
Seamus frowns.
“They probably wanted you to get some rest. And knew you wouldn’t be the one to cancel.”
Theo shrugs, eyes half lidded.
“Or they were annoyed I was messing up every take hacking into the mic.” He sniffles, and picks his tea back up with shaky hands. Seamus is puzzled by this turn in the conversation. Maybe it’s the fever making him irritable.
“You don’t think they like you? Or…would be worried about you?” Theo shrugs again, face blank. “I mean, Max, Elise…they’re your friends.”
“Now,” he says, and Seamus steps closer, so he’s between Theo’s knees. He lays his palm on Theo’s chest. He looks so exhausted, so miserable.
“C’mon,” he says, and Theo coughs again into his elbow. It leaves his breathing even tighter than before.
“Seamus, we both know when my number’s up none of these people will give a fuck about me,” he says, and his voice breaks on the words, from the tightness in his lungs or something else, Seamus can’t tell. His heart aches, and he cups Theo’s hot cheeks. He forces their eyes to meet.
“I’ll always be here,” he says, and a small smile tugs at Theo’s chapped lips. “Me and Zeke.”
“I know.”
Theo’s always had issues trusting people and their intentions, and after what happened in the wake of their breakup four years ago - blocked numbers, paparazzi leaks, closed door shit talking - it got even worse. It’d all been substantiated. All those fears and worries were proven right. So who was Seamus to tell him that wasn’t true?
Still, he doesn’t often talk about these kinds of things, and Seamus regrets bringing it up when he’s already sick as a dog.
“You’re sure it’s not the plague?” He finally asks, pressing his palm to Theo’s scalding forehead. He makes a soft sound, leaning in the touch, before it becomes another fit of coughs. The wheeze is pronounced now, his breath sounding like it’s coming through a straw.
“Could be,” he finally says, one hand on his ribs.
It only takes a ten minute video appointment with his doctor to get him a prescription for albuterol, and Seamus is thankful for the millionth time that anything and everything can be delivered in New York City. 
By noon Seamus has made soup, set up camp on the couch, and prepped Theo’s nebulizer with the prescription. In only a few hours, his cough has gotten even worse. His breathing is tight and noisy, and his fever has jumped a degree and a half.
Seamus’s heart throbs again when he walks into the living room with their bowls of soup. Theo’s fumbling with the mouthpiece of the nebulizer, huddled under a blanket with his knees pulled up to his chest. 
Seamus doesn’t have to say anything, just pushes his hair back off his face, and Theo hands him the small device. Almost every breath is followed by a few weak coughs, and Seamus wastes no time in handing it to him when he’s finished.
The first few inhales have him coughing, and Seamus rubs his back.
“What are you in the mood for?” he asks as he grabs the tv remote. “And don’t say bake off.”
Theo scoffs inside the rubber mask.
“I’m dying. I want bake off,” he says, voice muffled by the plastic. He coughs weakly, though it already sounds better than it did.
“Can we watch a different season at least?” Seamus already knows the answer.
“Season 5,” Theo says, leaning against Seamus’s side. His breaths are growing deeper, steadier. Seamus kisses the crown of his head, settling into the carefully arranged nest of pillows and cushions.
“Season 5 it is.”
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
Hi! I've been a follower for some time now and I always see your posts about trying to be productive and consistent. I'm a student who's studying fully online, and because I'm only doing my thesis, I spend all my time to myself, it gets really lonely, and I feel somehow disconnected with the work and end up not doing it at all. Do you have any tips? Also, I really enjoy your updates!
Hii! I truly get you, I’ve been doing like 95% of my studies at home myself too. Got the same feelings, so I don’t rly have a solid solution, but libraries help a lot. There are other ppl there so it’s not so lonely, and less distractions and something abt going home around the same time other ppl are going home from their jobs makes me feel a lot more like I’m actually in this society/world etc.
Ideal would be to have like a routine of going to do ur studies somewhere and coming back home after u’ve done ur things for the day. (I don’t follow this but would love to and I think it would really help; did do that in january for like a week and it was nice & I felt like a real person (but then the winter got to me lol)).
Also other things that have helped a bit:
Leaving the apartment every day, no matter where or for how long. Just gotta get outside
Routines <3 a sleeping schedule <3 makes things feel a lot less like a mess. (especially a solid morning routine is very important I think)
Going to the gym in the morning (bc gets u out of the house for a decent amount of time first thing so then the threshold of leaving somewhere later on the day is smaller)
Purposely going in places when it’s the 5-6pm rush hours (mainly grocery store bc like where else would I go) even tho it sort of sucks. But I used to avoid those and then realized I’d been seeing like maybe max 10 ppl per week and felt insane, like in an apocalyptic movie sort of way. Just try to get urself to places where there’s other ppl lol (except a warning: friday & saturday evenings? Stay inside lmao, there’s only friendgroups etc. out, and that makes it feel very lonely (at least that’s my experience lol))
Podcasts and music and tvshows and books all the time lol drown out the lonely (not maybe the healthiest but better than a social media doom scroll bc that just makes it feel like u’re the only one living like this, and u’re not)
Walks !!! Walks make everything better always. Feel sad? Frustrated or confused about anything ?Not fully there? Walk it out !! (Also music/podcast during the walk and it’s super chill)
Caffeine bc dopamine & serotonin (nothing a cup of coffee wouldn’t solve)
Putting on actual clothes you could to public places with every morning, even if u aren’t planning on going anywhere rly anytime soon
Live in delusion; u’re not ”studying while feeling lonely”, you’re now the obsessed genius who has no time for anything/anyone else character trope
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