#the 2019 moth work babies might know it
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Extensions - Moth Work x Seventh Virtue
A cute little sentence in Seventh Virtue (2022) that just about sums up Lonan & Harrison’s relationship.
Adapted from a scene in Moth Work (the iconic EAR PIERCING SCENE!!! who wants it!!!) Circa 2019.
On mornings like this, it was easy to pretend they were the only two men left alive on a scorched earth, that their deaths were so imminent that becoming an extension of the other was all that mattered.
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arofili · 4 years
fic writer tag game!!
i was tagged by @meztliel, thanks so much!!
AO3 name: starlightwalking
Fandoms: mostly Tolkien, my current main WIPs are Hobbit and LOTR fics, but i’m definitely mostly writing for the Silm these days, just lots of oneshots. i also dabble in Les Mis (at least once a year for Barricade Day!) and TAZ :)
Number of fics: 179??? how??? and i’m only gonna have more!! i’m not even done with B2MeM20 yet!!
Fic I spent the most time on: oh geez. that’s a tough one. this fic that i just posted, a Measse/Thuringwethil oneshot, i started in 2015?? but i left it sitting for 5 years, so i don’t think that counts. and i guess this drabble comp would be the next candidate, i started it in May 2016 and i last updated it in December 2019, but it’s...a drabble compilation, not an actual fic. so i think i actually spent the most time on my current WIPs, “Moonlight” and “Roads Go On,” both originally posted in May 2018 (jesus i was still in HIGH SCHOOL) and updated.....last year...... really i just haven’t had time to work on them, rip, though i think about them constantly. that’s what happens when you’re not in high school anymore i suppose....
Fic I spent the least time on: i mean, something from that drabble comp, probably. Or a B2MeM ficlet. probably this Glorfindel fic? I only remember writing it because I know it was written in a hurry at like 2am and my friend Moth @thishazeleyeddemon loved it and I was like “wow weird considering how little effort I put into it!”
Longest fic: Currently my post-BotFA Tauriel fic “Beneath the Stars” coming in at 49k! RGO and Moonlight both promise to be longer, but that would require me actually finishing either of them... but I love BtS so much that I’m glad it’s up there, it was a real labor of love <3
Shortest fic: “The Lay of Nienor” which I just wrote this past month! it’s only 238 words long - but it’s in verse, so that’s pretty respectable!
Most hits: My first BotFA fix it fic, “A Merrier Place,” with 5544 hits - to no one’s surprise by my chagrin. That was one of my first forays into Hobbit fic and I wrote it shortly after the movie came out, when people were most in need of a fix it AU. So I don’t blame them, really - but as I’m sort of setting out to rewrite my thoughts on what actually would’ve happened in an Everyone Lives AU in my current fic “Moonlight,” I wish people would pay more attention to that...
Most kudos: My TRSB19 Gigolas fic, “Love and Fear,” coming in with 155 kudos! this fic features art from @ginogollum and honestly, it deserves that love! (though, I think it does say a lot about what fandom wants that my only romo!gigolas fic has the most kudos of anything i’ve written, and all my qp!gigolas fics are much lower down the list... though perhaps I’m being unfair, considering my qp!Domadry fic “Wedding Blues” has the second-most kudos at 147.)
Most comment threads: My other TRSB19 fic, the Feanorian Redemption/Rebirth story “ATATYA” - that’s 71 comment threads and 147 total comments including replies!!! :) that makes me very very happy, because I wrote the 45,000 words of that fic in like...two weeks, about? it was INTENSE. and i’m very proud of that story, it’s got a lot of headcanons that I stand by, and I reference it frequently!
Most bookmarks: I added this category bc it felt weird it wasn’t here. Again, this prize goes to “Love and Fear” with 43 bookmarks!! woah :o second place is “A Merrier Place” with 35, and then the first fic I haven’t already mentioned is “The Naming Dame,” a HTTYD book fic with 30 bookmarks! I really should go back and update that fic, considering I wrote it before the last book came out and there’s new relevant information...
Total word count: I also added this one because I wanna brag!! I currently have 739,961 words archived on AO3 - holy shit!! adding the ~253k words I didn’t transfer over from FFN, that’s nearly a million words of fic! by the time i finish B2MeM I might push past that threshhold!!!!! that’s so exciting!!!! (fun fact about me: before Tolkien, my main fandom was...warrior cats...roughly 215k of that fic I left to gather dust on FFN is WC fic........)
Favourite fic I wrote: This isn’t fair, I can’t choose just one!! Ugh...well, if I must, I think it has to be “ATATYA”? This is subject to change, and “Beneath the Stars” is a close second, but “ATATYA” is my first real Silm longfic and I’m very proud of what I accomplished there, especially in such a short amount of time. Bonus: my favorite oneshot / favorite non-Tolkien fic is “and Love,” the aro Magnus fic I wrote for ASAW last year!
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I mean, I already talked about how “Moonlight” is kind of a rewrite of “A Merrier Place,” so...hm. Well, earlier today in an ask game I mentioned my fic “fell and fey” which is the Eol-living-in-a-fairy-tale fic I wrote just this past month. I started writing a longer, more poetic version of that fic that I’d like to return to and expand on someday, but I wanted to get that idea out of my head and B2MeM was a great excuse to do it, so I went with the shorter version instead - for now!
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on:
I’ve got a couple WIPs right now... here’s a snippet of ch8 of “Roads Go On” (which i PROMISE i will have up soon...i know i’ve been saying that for more than year but i MEAN IT this time...)
“What do you mean we can’t take the freeway?” Boromir snapped.
“My way or the highway, he means,” Gimli quipped. “And, uh...not the highway, I guess.”
Mithrandir shot Gimli a withering glare. Though he only smiled, some part of him shriveled up inside. A wizard’s evil eye was nothing to mess with.
I think I’ve already shared that snippet in a different tag game, so here’s one more for the road - this one’s from “Cause and Consequence,” my Halenthir baby OC fic. This snippet comes from a chapter that won’t be out for awhile (and might undergo some serious revamping before then), and it’s set right after the Nirnaeth, with my OC (Ryndil) about to confront their dad.
“This is no place for mortals,” Maglor said flatly. “You do know who we are, don’t you, Rýndil of Brethil?”
A shiver ran down their spine. Seven tall elf-lords, gaunt and scarred and bloody in the aftermath of a disastrous battle. Maedhros, the eldest, was a shell of the glorious figure he’d been on the battlefield; they weren’t sure if he was even awake, his eyes were so glassy and unfocused. Grief, they supposed. They’d heard the rumors about him and the High King, after all.
Maglor, leading in his place, trembling despite the firmness in his golden voice. Celegorm, bitter and angry and mean despite his fair features. Curufin, his dark shadow, flint in his eyes and venom on his tongue. Amrod and Amras, mirroring each other in their distrustful glares. And yet despite the blood and dirt and pain, a light shone from each of them. These were men to be feared, men to be worshipped.
And then there was him. Caranthir the Dark. Rýndil’s father, the blood flowing through their veins, the reason they were here in the first place. Gaunt and red-faced, the weary host of his defeated brothers, he had scarcely stopped moving about and making room for them since they arrived.
As much as Rýndil was of the Haladin, as much as they were the child of Haleth, they were bound to this family and people also.
there’s a lot of grief-stricken angry feanorian banter that comes after this (including some Maedhros characterization that i’m Very Proud Of), and honestly? i might just go ahead and post the whole excerpt if anyone wants to read it (it’s about 1.3k words) since I’m fairly sure I will be changing a lot of it anyway, even if it’s only for tone.
looking at these stats, i’m both kind of sad and kind of proud. like, i’m proud of myself for what i’ve written, and proud of the relationships i’ve forged with readers and writers on AO3, but i know lots and lots of folks who have waaayyy higher stats than me. i know considering i write a lot of gen and aro fic that i’ll never be a Big Name Fan, but that doesn’t stop me from being jealous... sigh...
anyway, this was very very fun!!! i tag @buffintruder @himrings @mushroomwriter @zealouswerewolfcollector @hennethgalad @absynthe--minded @stormxpadme @morifiinwe @raisingcain-onceagain annnd any other writer who sees this and wants to do it!! no pressure of course, only do it if you want to :)
(and LMK in replies if you’re interested in seeing more of that Ryndil snippet!!)
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nerdy-novelist017 · 5 years
Awakening (Joker/Arthur Fleck fanfic)
This is my first Joker fanfic. I absolutely loved the 2019 movie. Joaquin Phoenix deserves an Oscar for his performance. The film was cinematically beautiful The writing was haunting and stuck with me for a long time after. The soundtrack deserves its own Oscar, it was a perfect representation of Arthur Fleck. I just HAD to write something after seeing this movie.
Ps. Feedback is appreciated greatly!
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She had never wanted this for her life. When she was a young girl, her dream was to be a princes and fall in love with her brave prince charming, just like all those Disney movies had sold to her. The idea that she could live in a perfect world, waking up to birds chirping and animals talking, singing all day and, eventually, falling in love with this perfect, pure person. But it was all a story, a lie told to eager young girls. There was no talking animals. And singing in public caused people to to look at you strangely. And there definitely was no prince charming of any kind. Just a broken world full of broken people just like her. Elizabeth was no princess. She was a prostitute.
Elizabeth walks down the sidewalk of the empty sidewalk. Her shift had started ten minutes ago, for that she is sure that The King would have her head. Her black, strappy heels leaves soft clicking noises as she quickens her pace. Thoughts of how she could slip past her boss races through her head as she rounds the corner to go to the back entrance. She yanks open the door and slips mutely inside. Almost immediately her nose is filled with the obnoxious smell of cigerettes and beer, smells that she has gotten use to in her career. The noises of the club surrounds her with yelling, laughing and, of course, cursing. She feels like it might have warmed up at least five degrees inside from the the crowd of people. Liz is use to this atmosphere. She is use to rude drunks, the sore losing gamblers, and her customers.
She ducks into the back hallway where it leads her to the back room filled with her other coworkers who are lounging on the uncomfortable, velvet couches. The room is dark, and falling apart at the walls. Ugly, cracking gold paint covered the walls with a faux rich atmosphere. The front of the casino was rich and fancy, the back was not.
"Look what the cat drug in," a voice speaks loudly in a thick New Jersey accent. Elizabeth knows who it is without even looking. She can recognize that wretched, annoying voice in her sleep. The voice belongs to a woman named Imani. She is a prostitute in her late twenties, just slightly older than Liz. She's a beautiful, tall, African American girl who had been in prostitution since she was eithteen. Ever since Liz had found Saltwater Casino all those years ago, Imani has made it her personal goal to make her life a living hell. As if it isn't already.
"Dragged," Liz corrects her grammar as she digs around in her purse. Her fingers find the tube of lipstick at the very bottom, under piles of napkins, loose change and packets of gum. She quickly rushes to one of their many full-length mirrors to apply a fresh layer of her favorite red lipstick.
"Oh, screw you, Lizzie," Imani spits as she rose from her lounge. In three long strides, she is across the room, glaring daggers at Liz. Years ago, when Elizabeth had first started working at Saltwater Casino, she would have flinched away from Imani's towering form and beautiful glaring looks. She would have immediately apologized and slunk away like the weak person she was. But that was the past when Liz was just a young girl. Now, she turns directly towards Imani.
With faces just inches away , Liz speaks calmly, "Get out of my face, Imani,"
The room full of girls has turned their attention to the fight brewing. The atmosphere grows tense.
"Girls, knock it off," a strict voice averts all of their attention to the doorway where a larger man stands, arms folded over his large chest. He barely fits in the doorway with his towering height, but where he is tall, he certainly lacks any attractive physic. He's skinny, with arms and legs that look like they have not seen a day's worth of hard work in their entire life. Liz figures he is built this way from the cocaine she knows he uses often. His veins are in a perpetual state of protruding down his arms. However weak he may appear, he is certainly no weak man. She knows this from experience. All of the girls do.
Without missing a beat, Imani takes a step back, throwing her arms open wide, "Mistah King, look who was ten minutes late, yet again. She came in here with an attitude lookin' to start a fight with me as usual."
Elizabeth rolls her eyes, knowing there was no use arguing her side. A few of the others girls laugh, they all knew she was lying, but none bother to back Liz up. It is survival instincts that keep them quiet. Each of them know that if they say anything to her, Imani will make their lives unnecessarily complicated. So, they say nothing.
"Lizzie, walk with me," Mr. King demands as he turns, leaving Elizabeth to slide around Imani and follow her boss out of the room.
"She's lying, I wasn't --" Liz starts once they were out of earshot and down the hallway. The hallway that was decorated with dreadful red and gold wallpaper that warped and peeled in more than one area. It was dim, the wall scorns not bright enough to lighten the hallway. Nothing could brighten the back of the building.
"So you were on time?" Mr. King cuts her off. Liz looks away. Great, he was already in a bad mood tonight.
"Yes," Elizabeth lies, focusing her gaze on a particular bubble of wallpaper that shapes a mangled dolphin. Anything would be better than looking into her boss' cold, dark eyes. She swallows the frog in her throat. She hates the effect he still has on her. The knots in her stomach, the shivers on her skin. She hates the way he makes her feel vulnerable, small.
"What have I told you about being late, baby girl?" Mr. King leans in closer to her as he speaks in a low whisper. Elizabeth almost flinches at his pet name he had given her throughout the years.
"Don't let it happen," She answers, emotionless. Her nose burns from the stench of alcohol on his breath.
He reaches his skinny hand out to stroke her cheek and down to her neck. Elizabeth refuses to cower under his touch. She doesn't want to satisfy him in any way. Instead, she looks him straight in his beady black eyes, "You got a shift for me?"
He is quiet for a long time, only staring at her. Finally, he backs away and says, "Yeah, you're on from nine to five,"
She bites her lip in anger. He has purposefully given her a crappy shift because she had talked back to him. She shakes her head and makes her way to the front of the casino. It is a busy night as usual. It is a Tuesday night, so there is classical music playing in the background as customers gambled, drank or talked. She sits on a high stool where the girls sometimes wait for men who were looking for an hour's escape from reality. She immediately spies her coworker and closest thing to a friend she has.
"Hey, Nat," greets Liz as she moves to sit closer to the young girl at the opposite end of the bar.
The woman looks up from her ciggerette, causing her kinky, blonde curls to bounce slightly at the sudden movement. Her face breaks out into a wide smile, "Hey, sugar!"
"Is that a new shade of lip gloss?" Lizzie asks when she takes a seat.
"Oh this old thing?" Nat's messy manicured nails gestures to her lips, "Nah, I've had this for quite a while. Got it from my second cousin. Anyway, I didn't know you would be working tonight." her southern drawl slurs her words together. She constantly speaks of her childhood home back in New Orleans, where she has inherited her accent. Whenever she would ask Elizabeth about her childhood home, Liz would dismiss it as unimportant or not worth the time.
"Got nine to five," Lizzie confirms as she signals one of the many bartenders to bring her a drink. He's a kind man, often servers her for free.
"Oh, honey," Nat shakes her head in shame, "that is such a shitty shift. He's such an ass."
"It was because I was late, slept through my alarm," she leaves out the part where Mr. King got too close for comfort. It isn't like she is the only girl he has done it to. She's seen multiple new girls go into his office for longer than they should have. She pities them, but doesn't dare speak up against him. She needs this job. It is the only thing she is good at in life.
"Well," Natasha props her elbows on the glossy oak top, "at least you got a good night, there's been a dozen of cutie butterflies that came in earlier. They are all over there, by the slots."
Elizabeth's dark eyes follows Nat's gaze directed over to the east wing, where a group of clean-cut men pool around, cheering on their friend who was about to roll his dice. The two girls have code words for different type of customers. Butterfly is the code for an attractive young man. Because they are few and far between, they have been given the word butterflies. Moths are the name given to just about every other customer. They are usually old, fat and unattractive married men. Moths are ugly and always a pest to deal with, thus the nickname was born.
"I don't know, they seem pretty invested in their game," Elizabeth shakes her head and leans her chin on her palm, resting her elbow on the table top.
"A girl can dream, right?" she flashes one of her brilliant smiles.
As the night progressed on, Elizabeth chats with Natasha as much as she could before one of them would most likely be whisked away by a needy customer. They both have a drink of vodka before their Mr. King could see. Throughout her years of prostitution, she has learned to yearn for a drink to calm her nerves. A couple moths sway through, looking for a date for the night, both girls quickly show them to the other prostitutes on shift.
"Lizzie, you're on room nine, guy's already in there waiting for you," Mr. King appears behind her, eyeing them as if they are threatening him at gun point, "You planning on paying for that, or am I gonna have to take it out of your paycheck?"
"Course, Mister King," Natasha winks at him over the brim of her glass as she downs the rest of the amber colored liquid.
"I didn't even see anyone go in the den," Elizabeth raises her eyebrow in confusion. The den is what the girls called their workspace. Usually it consists of a queen bed and a couple of rickety night stands. It's a sad room where the girls spend most of their nights with various men.
"Let's hope he's a butterfly," Nat smiles in encouragement as she raises her empty glass of vodka, "look good, babe,"
Elizabeth nods, forcing a tight smile. She follows Mr. King out of the main room and moves down the cramped hallway, all the way until he pauses in front of a door. The wood has been painted black with a giant red heart and in the center is the number 9. Before her hand can grab the door handle, a large first curls around her bicep.
"This man is paying very well, baby girl, so don't screw anything up with your woman emotions, got it?" Mr. King spits through clenched teeth.
Elizabeth nods her head, "Got it,"
He releases her arm and takes a few steps back, "Good, he paid for an hour, so that's what your going to give him," and with that, he turns and disappears down the dim-lighted hallway.
Elizabeth knows if this man complained in any way, Mr. King would punish her severely. She runs a hand through her dark chestnut hair to make herself look more seductive. A shaky hand reaches out to grab the door handle again. She curls her hands into a fist to stop the shaking. She is strong. She can do this. Her usual prepping rings out in her head. Opening the door, she is greeted with a dark room, the only light illuminating was the light spilling in from the hallway behind her. For a moment, she actually thinks she has the wrong room. She reaches to flick on the light switch. The lights pop on and she can see his towering form over by the window, broad back facing her.
She gently closes the door and moves towards the bed in the center of the room, "So, you like standing in dark rooms?"
"No," his voice was low and calm. He speaks clearly, without any stutter or shyness. He is sure of himself, "I like the look of the city. When the lights are on, it leaves a glare on the window."
He still hasn't turned to face her yet, giving Elizabeth a chance to see his body. He is very tall, long legs and broad shoulders. Soft layers of black hair spills out around his neck and just touching his shoulder. He is lean but muscular enough to be intimidating. He wears a beige jacket that stretches across his long back. Simple boot cut jeans covers his lengthy legs and finishes at his boots.
Elizabeth thinks he is strange, but she shrugs it off and lays on her side of the bed, leaning one leg over the other, "Are you gonna come over here, or are you gonna stare out the window the entire time?"
His towering form turns slowly, stepping away from the window. Elizabeth can see that he has a sharp jawline, littered with a light dusting of stubble. His lips are splashed with just enough pink hue to make them look full and playfully tasteful. His hooded brows and lack of light in the room conceal his eye color from her.
His feet stop when he approaches the end of the bed. He rings his hands out as if he is nervous. She studies his face for a moment and frowns. She has seen him before. But where?
Elizabeth clears her throat before she speaks, "You don't have to worry about wearing anything. That's already taken care of by me."
She looks down at her cheap clothing, expecting him to want her to start stripping her sheer, black tank-top to reveal her lacy, red bra. She unconsciously plays with a loose thread on the purple bedspread. The nerves always eats through her stomach right before she meets a customer. None of the men that came in for the night are good people. All of them are either drunks avoiding their nagging wives, young men getting a taste of freedom, or even aged men without anyone in their lives. She can't quite tell what this man's tell was.
When he does not acknowledge her, she sits up a little, propping her upper half of her body on her hands, "What's your name?"
He tilts his head to the side, "I'm Arthur," he seems to pause a moment before continuing, "what's yours?"
This causes Elizabeth to pause and stare at him with a small, agape mouth. Hardly any of the men that come through on their nightly livelihood ever ask her name. They don't care. She is just a tool to them, just disposable. "Call me Lizzie,"
"Lizzie," he looks down at his feet as he tests the name on his tongue. An uncomfortable silence fills the room, creating a tense atmosphere for Elizabeth. Usually she is not this uncomfortable and stiff, but this man, Arthur, is forming a very afflictive attitude within her. His presence is unsettling, making her want to get away.
"Um, do you want to sit on the bed?" Elizabeth suggests, motioning to the fluffed pillows.
Arthur cautiously lowers himself to sit on the edge of the bed, furthest away from her as he could possibly be without falling off the side. Elizabeth scoots over to the middle of the bed, laying down on her back and closing her eyes. When he still does not move or speak, She peers an eye open.
"You alright? You only paid for an hour, so..." Elizabeth trails off.
"I paid for an hour in this room, right?" he asks.
"Yes, an hour with me in this room." she confirms.
He looks away from her face, suddenly finding the wood paneling more interesting than ever, "Is it alright if we just...talked instead?"
Elizabeth tilts her head to the side in utter confusion. She is expecting him to request a lot of different things, but she definitely does not expect that to be one of them. When his eyes float back to hers, she immediately looks down in embarrassment. She can feel heat rise in her cheeks. Who was this guy? "We can start with that, to calm your nerves,"
"I don't want to use your body for prostitution, Lizzie," he speaks softly and quickly, "I don't want that from you."
Her head is pounding with confusion as she stares at the mysterious stranger. Most men don't even care for her name, and now here this man is telling her that he doesn't want to have sex with her? Her immediate thoughts were that he is shy to be naked in front of her, hence the lights. "We don't have to leave the lights on, if that's what you mean,"
His face remains straight, "It's not. I did not hire you for sex."
She hears bells of alarm and panic in the back of her mind. This man was so odd, so unpredictable. "Are you a cop?"
He laughs loudly and shakes his head. he looks to be in pain as he covers his mouth with his hand and turns away from her.
Then she suddenly remembers that laugh. That eerie laugh. The same laugh he gave when he was on the Murray Franklin Show. The same laugh he gave before he killed the popular tv host.
She stands so quickly she stumbles in her heels. The door is the only thing on her mind. She needs to get out of this room and away from this murderer. However, she needs to accomplish this sneakily. Who knows what he would do to her?
He notices her change and stands beside her, his laughter has died down. She panics at his towering form and rushes for the door, barely pulling it open before he's by her side, slamming it shut.
"Don't," he growls and she yelps, hand still on the door handle.
"You're him," she whispers, "you're the Joker,"
"You aren't going to run out there and scream for security. I don't get out of jail just so that I can go right back in," he says lowly, his warm breath fans across her face. He smells strongly of cigarettes and a musky cologne. He is so close to her, she turns her head to the door, she doesn't want to look into the eyes of a murderer. Of her murderer.
"Are you going to kill me? My boss is just right down the hall. He and others would here if I screamed." she surprises herself with her newfound courage.
"They don't appreciate you as you should be," he says, "they wouldn't care if they found you dead in this room. You are just a tool to them. Just something to be used to gain them even more money. The rich come in here and abuse you then pay you way below what you're worth."
Tears prick her eyes as she gripes the door handle tighter. Though she knows all this to be true, it still hurts to hear.
She startles when she feels his cold hand slowly turn her cheek to face him. His fingers move to her mouth, his thumb gently tracing over her bottom lip before pulling her mouth into a large smile. He mimics her forced smile with one of his own, "Smile, I'm not going to kill you."
She feels herself being drawn to him, her hands falls of the door knob as he pulls her closer. His eyes, a brilliant green, hold so much emotion. So much pain. So much honestly.
His hands drop from her mouth, and he backs away. It feels as if she can breathe again. She watches him retreat to the bed, sitting alone. She swallows, her throat feels dry as she glances back at the door.
"You can leave," he speaks without looking at her as he pulls a cigarette from its pack, "but we both know you don't want to."
She wants to leave, more than anything. Her mind tells her to run and call the cops. But when she turns back to him, he's sitting on the bed, pulling out a cigarette from its pack. He lights it and takes a long puff from it before putting his head in his hands. He looks so broken, so defeated. So lonely.
       "There's nobody to talk to anymore," his voice drops off to a lower octave, "Even before they cut all the funding to those therapists, they never really listened. They never really talk. They didn't care."
       She is quiet for a few minutes before speaking with a scratchy voice, "I'm not a trained therapist. I don't know what to say like they do."
       "They never knew what to say either. That's why I like you, Lizzie. You aren't like them. You are like me." he smiles at her, and she wraps her arms around her torso uncomfortably.
       "I'm nothing like you."
       "You can't see it now. You haven't found your awakening yet," he takes another puff of his cigarette and looks away again.
      She hesitates a moment before slowing moving into a sitting position on the bed as far away from him as possible,"You paid an awful lot of money just to sit in this dingy room and talk with me,"
      He nods, "I know you must be confused, but I paid for an hour."
      She is quiet for a few painfully awkward seconds. She self-consciously tugs down on her skirt, no longer confident in her own skin. He sat completely still, as if he were waiting for her to leave through the door. But she doesn't. She needs this job. She needs the money. When she got home last night, her landlord had stopped her as she stumbled into the apartment building at two in the morning. Dan Flemmings was a short, balding Latino . Liz likes to blame the fact that his wife ran away to Belize with his best friend on why he was so mean, but the truth was, he was born to be bitter in this world. He never shows any mercy on her, or any other building attendant, in fact. If your rent was a day short, you needed to find a new building to live. He caught her as she was unlocking her door, ready to shower and sleep for a few hours before needing to wake up and repeat the process all over again. He had been waiting for her.
“You got your rent, Griffin?" his grating voice startled her, "It was due yesterday,"
She kept her emotions at bay, no matter how irritating Dan was when he used her surname, "That was yesterday? Must have slipped my mind."
“You know damn well that its always the first of the month," he stepped closer to her, the fluorescent light hanging above them highlighted his scared top lip, a final parting gift from his ex wife, "I won't make exceptions for you or your sister."
“Got it," she mumbled. She didn't have the money, in fact. She was almost two hundred short. With her food bills and her sister’s medical bills, she did not have enough money to pay for both her meals and her rent.
She needs the money. That's why she stays with the Joker.
“What do you want to talk about?"
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nanonaturalist · 6 years
So a ladybug rested on my working uniform all day while i was wearing it... could this mean good luck? if so is it normal for ladybugs to rest on certain clothing materials or do they just rest and then take off? i appreciate your buggos
Hello! You sent me another ask I have horribly neglected (sorrrryyyyy) so I’ll answer some of those questions too.
Ladybugs and luck go together a lot. When I was a kid, we also heard it was lucky if a ladybug landed on you, and you were luckier the more spots it had. Turns out, there are lots of different species of lady beetles (they are beetles!) and some have specific numbers of spots, some have no spots, some are super tiny and aren’t red, some have different numbers of spots depending on the individual, it really depends. If it’s lucky to you, then it’s lucky! Depending on the weather, they might rest on you to warm up. If you’ve seen any of those photos of hundreds of lady beetles crammed together in nooks and crannies, they are trying to hibernate until the weather warms up enough for their food to be more plentiful.
Also is there a way to attract moths without using lämps? Also also also what should i need to raise moth larvae? Your posts are inspiring, and thanks for helping me with the crab spooder id. Like keep it up
YES! Moths are also attracted to smells! Some people will put out an old banana, or they will "sugar bait” the side of a tree by painting it with a mixture of slightly fermented, sweet, sugary stuff. Here’s some more info on that [link]!
Raising moth larvae: What you need really depends on which kinds of moths, what they eat, and how they pupate. The most important consideration is you need to make sure you know what they eat, and you can get enough of it to last them until they pupate. Also, you want to make sure that you can keep them in their habitat without them escaping, and that they can safely pupate inside that habitat. I have had some tragedies on both of those accounts (so many escaped caterpillars, so many poor babies who couldn’t pupate because I didn’t know what they needed). Starting slow helps! I wouldn’t have had those tragedies if I wasn’t trying to do so much at once! Also, sometimes you will find caterpillars who are done eating and are ready to pupate, so it can be hard to tell when your caterpillar isn’t eating because he doesn’t like your food or he isn’t eating because he wants to pupate but he needs to dig a hole!Thank you for your messages and encouragement! Life is stressful sometimes, at least there’s always spiders somewhere. :D
January 14, 2019
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lycorogue · 6 years
So for the WIP game ask, I'm curious about "When Love Matters" since that's the only one on the list I can't recall you talking about. Haha and hopefully asking this won't cause you to get distracted from NaNo like the last time someone asked you about something for this game. XD
For those curious about the WIP list this references, you can find my entry to this game here: WIP TagLOL, well this one is a lot simpler to answer, so no info-dump like I did with Glitches.(For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the ask, and then the two-part series: GRID pt 1, GRID pt 2)
First and foremost, the reason you haven’t heard me talking about “When Love Matters” is because it’s relatively new. In truth, I came up with the idea when I did my three-part series character-study of Gabriel Agreste.Again, for those who don’t know what I’m talking about: - Why a Character Study? - Headcanoned Life and Thoughts of Gabriel Agreste  - How Hawk Moth/Gabriel SHOULD have been written
Specifically, “When Love Matters” popped into my head when I wrote that last part. It’s still in the baby stages since I’ve been focusing (or trying to) on my NaNo project, but here’s the rough concept:A novelization of the Miraculous Ladybug TV series. Most of it will be the same. It may even feel like a transcription, but it’s fanfiction so for this project I really don’t care about that.
What I do care about is what I AM changing. Namely: making Gabriel Agreste an actual decent father. A LOVING father even! I already have some scribbled notes on how to tweak some things. (see below the break for said notes)
Like, instead of Gabe just being a dickhead during Career Day, he tries to explain the struggles of agoraphobia to his son, or panic attacks, or maybe he just is so hounded by paparazzi…..Or, in Glaciator, Adrien isn’t just arbitrarily told he can’t go hang with his friends, but instead the meet-up was on the Agreste family night, and Gabe didn’t think “having ice cream” was a valid enough reason for his son to ditch their bonding time.
And maybe Adrien couldn’t go to the music festival because Gabe wanted to experience it with his son by watching the live feed (again, because Gabe has a valid excuse for not leaving his home).
The one I’m really struggling with though is The Bubbler: what would Gabe’s reason be to not have a birthday party for his son? Or, if he is cool with the party, what other reason could Nino have to hate parents ruining their kid’s fun?I’m also struggling to figure out Gorizilla: Why did Adrien feel like he needed to sneak to the movie instead of talking to his father about it?
Adrien can still have his abandonment issues, but mostly focused on his missing mother and how he has no clue what happened to her. Gabe can still have his secrets, which pulls him from Adrien, and causes a bit of confusion on the boy’s part. Changing Gabe shouldn’t really affect Adrien’s overall character, and yet it subtly will at the same time, which intrigues me.
Anyway, I think it would be a fun side-project to sort of break things up a bit while I’m working on edits of “One and the Same” in 2019. Plus, it might be a fun way to fill the void while waiting for season 3 to start. And on top of all of that, it gives me an excuse to obsessively watch episodes over and over. ;) (like I need one)
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sussex-nature-lover · 3 years
Sunday 15th August 2021
Butterflies and Other Chatter
Most people seem to be reporting the garden feeders going quiet as birds finish their breeding season and the adults go into moult. Our feeders are still extremely busy with Blue and Great Tits, but also Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Blackbirds, House Sparrows and Starlings are here in big numbers. We’re missing our Chaffinch and haven’t seen many Dunnock of late, but Nuthatch, Goldfinch, Jackdaw and Robin are around, just spotted less frequenty. I’m sure I’m missing out loads more.
Did I say though that when we went up through the Hop Garden last week that it was strangely quiet of birdsong? not at all like it usually is. I mean I know the Swallows prefer the other side of the lane, near the water supplies and some migrants may be already making their way back, but the fields and hedges are usually full of noisy natives too. I have a few pics of that walk for my next entry here. It was a lovely day though and we saw lots of butterflies, which I’ll concentrate on today.
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Red Admiral  (Vanessa atalanta)
Do you know, I’m not sure I’ve ever captured a male Red Admiral, their upper stripe is true red, whereas the female has orange, which seems to be the case in all my photos.
UK Butterflies site says
This butterfly is primarily a migrant to our shores, although sightings of individuals and immature stages in the first few months of the year, especially in the south of England, mean that this butterfly is now considered resident. This resident population is considered to only be a small fraction of the population seen in the British Isles, which gets topped up every year with migrants arriving in May and June that originate in central Europe
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Whenever we go that way we seem to see mostly Small/Large Whites or Red Admiral butterflies, which figures as they’re one of the most common types. The Red Admirals seem to follow us and I’m never quite sure if I’m photographing the same one! Most of them look rather dusty or rain battered too, but they’re a smashing splash of colour.
The Meadow Browns are smaller and much more discretely coloured - very delicate. We’ve seen quite a number of them, although they’re usually stationary with wings folded in, no matter how long I wait, which is frustrating sometimes. I just read that’s how they always rest (wings folded in) That reminds me of being told Elephants rest by standing still and raising one leg, I wonder if that’s an origin of the saying to take the weight off (your feet)? Seems likely.
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Meadow Brown ( Maniola jurtina)
The Meadow Brown is one of our commonest and most widespread butterflies, and a familiar sight throughout the summer months. This species can be found in all parts of the British Isles, with the exception of the most mountainous regions and Shetland. This is a highly variable species with four named subspecies found in the British Isles, although the differences between them are often subtle.
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Another orange and brown butterfly is the Comma, which has the very distinctive raggedy pattern to its wing edges.
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Comma  (Polygonia c-album)
The Comma is a fascinating butterfly. The scalloped edges and cryptic colouring of the wings conceal hibernating adults amongst dead leaves, while the larvae, flecked with brown and white markings, bear close resemblance to bird droppings.
The species has a flexible life cycle, which allows it to capitalize on favourable weather conditions. However, the most remarkable feature of the Comma has been its severe decline in the twentieth century and subsequent comeback. It is now widespread in southern Britain and its range is expanding northwards.
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Small White  (Pieris rapae)
It has brilliant white wings, with small black tips to the forewings and one or two wing spots. The undersides are a creamy white.
The Large White is similar but larger, and has a larger spot in the tip of the forewing that extends down the wing's edge.
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I’ve got a few more Butterfly pics in my folder.
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Holly Blue  (Celastrina argiolus)
Wings are bright blue. Females have black wing edges. Undersides pale blue with small black spots which distinguish them from Common Blue.
The Holly Blue is easily identified in early spring, as it emerges well before other blue butterflies. It tends to fly high around bushes and trees, whereas other grassland blues usually stay near ground level. It is much the commonest blue found in parks and gardens where it congregates around Holly (in spring) and Ivy (in late summer).
The Holly Blue is widespread but undergoes large fluctuations in numbers from year to year. It has expanded northwards in recent years and has colonised parts of midland and northern England.
I think that photo was in our own garden.
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Small Copper (Ycaena phlaeas) photographed at Standen
This little butterfly is commonly found in small numbers in a wide variety of sunny open habitats such as woodland rides, hills, commons and grassy coastal cliff tops.
Small numbers may also be attracted into gardens to nectar on a variety of flowering plants.
The males are restless, highly territorial and easily disturbed.
Both males and females are often seen basking on bare ground and nectaring on a wide variety of flowers such as knotgrass, fleabane, dandelion, buddleias and heathers.
During good summers in the British Isles there may be as many as three generations between April and October, with the last generation overwintering as a caterpillar.
Something I once found at home, which is apparently quite common, but I’ve only ever seen two, is this...
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Aren’t they lovely.
White Ermine Moth (Spilosoma lubricipedia)
you can read about it at the wildlife insight page if you click the bold text above.
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Now, above and below is a real quandary, for me at least. I’m far away from being any kind of bird or nature expert, I just live in the countryside and enjoy looking and learning. This butterfly on my camera roll has completely confounded me. It’s from an old camera back in 2019 and I’m struggling to identify it. I can’t remember taking it or where it may have been, on a local walk by the look of it, but I’ve honestly begun to wonder if I snapped it on the TV or my laptop screen, not that I can think why I’d have done that, but I can’t work it out at all, even searching for orange butterflies and moths worldwide.
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I’ve narrowed down for comparison below, but not found any type of Butterfly with those regular dots on the upper wing like this one. Might it be some kind of Frittillary? No idea, all I know is it has the pearl edging of the Tortoishell and the dark with white patches and some of the round, dark markings of the Painted Lady, I just can’t find a definitive match - not so far anyway.
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Internet sourced pics:  Painted Lady above and Small Tortoiseshell below
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If anyone can solve my mystery, let me know.
pdf identification of British Butterflies on This Link
The third nest of House Sparrows has fledged, so the side nest box has gone very quiet, however, the open fronted nest box in the porch has subtle changes in appearance most days
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We heard an awful lot of baby chirping this afternoon, my phone app said House Sparrows, but it was just generic chirping of nestlings I think. We watched for ages but saw no-one. It was hard to tell if the noises came from the box or the shrubbery just around the corner below. Watch this space - TBC.
WHAT MADE ME LAUGH TODAY? an excerpt in the weekly newletter from an author in France
When we first came to France, there were no gates to our garden, anyone could walk in – and they frequently did! One day Mark, my other half, was cutting the grass peacefully on our ride-on mower when a man driving past our house on a ride-on mower took a detour into our garden and started racing my totaly bemused husband. Up and down they went uttering not a word to each other. Le Mans it wasn’t, but they were both in it to win it. They raced with the speed of a pair of determined but geriatric snails, then the mysterious mower pulled away, raised a hand and disappeared back out of the gate.
Here are more of my photos on my other Tumblr page
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bthenoise · 5 years
Yes, Another Decade Recap List: These Are The 16 Most Impactful Records of the 2010′s
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Look, to be honest, when it came to constructing some sort of “end of decade” list looking back on the 2010′s, we here at The Noise really had no idea what we wanted to do. 
With literally hundreds and hundreds of amazing releases over the last 10 years, how in the world are we supposed to pick “the best” of the decade? 
The answer: We aren’t.
See, the idea of something being labeled “the best” is subjective. It’s simply one person’s opinion vs the other. And truthfully, the idea of us thinking our opinion on something is any better or more important than yours makes us look like a bunch of assholes. 
Really, who cares what we think is the best? 
So, after constructing a colossal playlist featuring 1000 of our favorite songs from the 2010′s, something became very clear to us. Of all the songs we picked, there were a handful of records that contributed way more songs than the others. 
Simply put, these albums made a lasting mark on this decade that go way deeper than them being any good or not. These particular albums helped influence a generation, jumpstart artists’ careers and ultimately solidify themselves as the most impactful releases of the 2010′s. 
The albums we decided to shine a light on from the last ten years are records that carry more weight than just being a fan-favorite. We’re talking about releases we’ll look back on as a moment where everything changed for that artist.       
To check out the 16 albums we think are the biggest movers and shakers from our scene over the last ten years, be sure to look below. Afterward, if you hate our list and really want to tell us your opinion, you can file a complaint at: [email protected].  
16) Movements - Feel Something
Starting our list off is a debut record from 2017 that helped propel a band from opening act to headliner in no time. With an impressive six-track EP released the year prior, SoCal act Movements quickly solidified their emerging star status with their flawless LP Feel Something. Following their first-ever full-length, Movements went on to sell out 27 dates of their first headlining tour and perform on the main stage of the final cross country Warped Tour. With a new album on the horizon, we’ll see just how far Movements and their unique brand of alternative pop-punk are able to take things leading into a new decade.  
15) Dance Gavin Dance - Acceptance Speech
How does a band with two former frontmen and four fantastic LPs continue to thrive eight years into their career? Enter, Tilian Pearson. Following another departure of original vocalist Jonny Craig, post-hardcore experimentalists Dance Gavin Dance turned to the former Tides Of Man singer to handle the vacant role of clean vocals. The result? The game-changing release of Acceptance Speech which helped spring-board the band to another level of musical perfection. Six years and three more genre-defining albums later, DGD and Pearson are still going strong gearing up to headline their own hometown festival and release their ninth full-length album all thanks in part to their 2013 LP.      
14) Ice Nine Kills - The Silver Scream
Coming in as the most recent record on our list, this horror-based release will be seen as the turning point in a band’s seasoned tenure. After 10-plus years of honing their craft, Boston’s Ice Nine Kills finally saw the fruits of their labor with the groundbreaking, career-defining album The Silver Scream. Taking the passion of metalheads and scary movie fanatics and combining them into a blood-soaked, breakdown-heavy package, Ice Nine Kills constructed a record that will easily withstand the test of time and help them extend their careers well into the 2020′s.   
13) Code Orange - I Am King
Dropping the “Kids” from their moniker and shifting gears into their first album as just Code Orange, the Pittsburgh bruisers constructed an unrelenting metal record that shook listeners to their core. With a punishing opening track that literally warns you about what you’re about to experience, it was pretty evident I Am King was unlike anything people have ever heard. Coupled with the mind-altering “Dreams In Inertia” and the utterly pulverizing “My World,” Code Orange quickly and deservingly so became the metal megastars they were destined to become.  
12) Ghost - Meliora
Speaking of metal megastars, after slowly creating word-of-mouth with their cult-like presence, throwback metal sounds and revolving door of Papa Emeritus frontmen, Sweedish act Ghost finally put it all together with their third studio album Meliora. Lead by the Grammy-winning single “Cirice,” Meliora fused haunting heavy metal imagery with roaring and anthemic songwriting creating the perfect package of evil-yet-accessible music. Debuting at number 8 on the Billboard 200 chart selling an estimated 29,000 copies in its first week, it was clear no matter which Papa was fronting the band, Ghost was ready to claim their spot atop the metal hierarchy.    
11) Issues - Issues
Not many bands can say that their first full-length album debuted inside the top ten of the Billboard 200. But then again, not many bands are Issues. Fusing djent, hip-hop, metal, pop-punk, R&B and more to create their sensational self-titled album, Issues proved they were more than just a band featuring former members of Woe, Is Me. Instead, Issues showcased a group of talented, trendsetting musicians destined to change the landscape of metalcore music for the better.     
10) I Prevail - Lifelines
After a famed cover of a well-known pop artist quickly put them on the map, Detroit’s I Prevail instantly had all the pressure in the world as they started to create what would be their debut album. Riding the success of their first EP Heart Vs Mind and tours with the likes of Hollywood Undead, Crown The Empire and Pop Evil, the Michigan act suddenly shot to the top of the metalcore ranks with the release of their remarkable, sonically-charged LP Lifelines. Charting at number 15 on the Billboard 200 selling over 19,000 copies in the first week, I Prevail went on to play Warped Tour for the first time -- finding a home on the main stage -- and later headlined the Rage On The Stage tour with scene veterans We Came As Romans, The Word Alive and Escape The Fate. Now Grammy-nominated and continuing to grow even larger, thanks in part to the accomplishments of Lifelines, I Prevail is without-a-doubt one of our scene’s biggest acts.
09) PVRIS - White Noise 
In the midst of metalcore’s supremacy in the Warped Tour scene -- thanks to the never-ending list of “Risecore” bands -- came an act no one saw coming. Featured on a roster with the likes of Memphis May Fire, Miss May I, Like Moths To Flames, Crown The Empire and more was a pop-savvy, synth-lead baby band mistakenly pronounced “p-ver-is.” With their infectious, critically acclaimed debut White Noise landing at number 88 on Billboard and totaling nearly 50 million YouTube views on its TEN music videos, PVRIS proved it was possible to make an impact in this community with sheer talent, hard work, and catchy-as-hell lyricism. After just one listen to the undeniably great lead single “St. Patrick,” you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.    
08) Knocked Loose - Laugh Tracks 
15 years from now, if we haven’t burnt the earth to the ground yet, we’ll look back on the Laugh Tracks era of Knocked Loose and remember where we were -- you know, because by 2034 Knocked Loose will be one of the biggest bands on the planet. Anyway, for us, the most memorable moment was watching them play “Billy No Mates” on the 2017 Vans Warped Tour at the Full Sail Stage. It was easily the largest and most insane side stage set we had ever seen in our 10 years of attending Warped Tour. From that very moment, we knew Knocked Loose and Laugh Tracks were going to be a big deal. Fast forward to 2019 and the band is now selling out 2,000-capacity venues on a semi-nightly basis. 2034 here we come!  
07) Beartooth - Disgusting 
Very rarely does a member of a former band make it bigger with his second act. In those situations though, those people aren’t Caleb Shomo. Venturing out from his teenage band Attack Attack!, Shomo started Beartooth as a fun project with zero expectations of anything blowing up. Little did he know after building buzz with his chaotic 2013 EP Sick, Beartooth was about to take things to a whole nother level with the release of their massive breakout LP Disgusting. Fiery and fearsome from start to finish and full of nothing but hits like “In Between,” "The Lines” and “Beaten In Lips,” Disgusting is definitely the fuse that lit Beartooth’s outstanding career.
06) Every Time I Die - Low Teens
How does a hardcore band 18 years into a well-respected career keep things relevant and progressing to a point where they’re anointed into “cult” status? Well, how about releasing their darkest, most emotionally charged album of their discography. After a life-altering scare to frontman Keith Buckley and his family, the longtime vocalist constructed some of his deepest and most honest lyrics for Every Time I Die’s soul-crushing LP Low Teens. Featuring guest vocals from Deadguy’s Tim Singer and Panic! At The Disco’s Brendon Urie (plus their most moving song to date “Map Change”), ETID showed off their versatility with their eighth studio album and were treated to a successful two-year touring cycle with the likes of Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, Motionless In White and Turnstile as well as a memorable run on the last-ever Vans Warped Tour. Not to mention, following the success of Low Teens, the band’s hometown of Buffalo, NY officially proclaimed December 15th, 2018 as “Every Time I Die Day” and a year later inducted them into the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame.     
05) Of Mice & Men - Restoring Force 
While some may point to 2011′s The Flood as the record that “broke” scene-favorites Of Mice & Men and others might argue their debut self-titled release was what laid the foundation for one of this decade’s most successful acts, we’d like to focus on 2014. Continuing to climb the metalcore ranks following the release of two very well-received records, Austin Carlile and Co. put out their career-changing LP Restoring Force featuring new bassist and clean vocalist Aaron Pauley. Laying to rest any displeasure about their changes in sound or lineup, Of Mice & Men went on to sell over 51,000 copies in the first week peaking at number 4 on the Billboard 200. Riding the success of their third full-length album, OM&M later went on to support bands like Linkin Park and Rise Against out on tour thus solidifying their spot as one of the biggest metalcore acts of the 2010′s.       
04) A Day To Remember - Common Courtesy 
Some people remember A Day To Remember’s Common Courtesy for different reasons. Maybe it was the hilarious “reality series” made to promote the record -- the “Golden Eagle” episode was our favorite! Or maybe it was the seemingly never-ending lawsuit battle between the band and the notoriously greedy Victory Records -- we’ll never forget when ADTR broke the news on stage that the album was actually coming. For us, what we remember most was the first time we saw the music video for “Right Back At It Again.” We watched that goofy, cartoony music video 500 times trying to catch all the different things they put in the video -- like did you ever notice the surfing dog or aliens abducting cows? Well, whatever it was that got you to check out Common Courtesy, there’s no denying the impact it had on A Day To Remember’s career as the Ocala natives have only gotten even bigger since that 2013 release. With a new album on the way from the not-at-all-greedy Fueled By Ramen, it’ll be exciting to see where the 2020′s take ADTR next.        
03) Architects - Holy Hell
With all the biopics being made today, there is no doubt in our mind one will be made about Brighton’s finest, Architects. With an already established career under their belts dating back to 2006, the band was continuing to see growth following their signing to Epitaph Records and the release of breathtaking LPs Lost Forever // Lost Together and All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us. Then, just like that, on August 20th, 2016 founding guitarist and primary songwriter Tom Searle lost his fight with cancer. Leaving the band in an obvious state of disarray after losing their bandmate and brethren, Architects were left with the choice of giving up or continuing Tom’s legacy. As with most biopics, this story has a positive ending as Architects decided to fight through the pain and ultimately release not just one of the best records of their career but one of the best records in metalcore, period.       
02) Bring Me The Horizon - That’s The Spirit 
This can go one of two ways: You either accept That’s The Spirit is Bring Me The Horizon’s most impactful career-defining record to date or fight with us to the death that Sempiternal is deserving of this spot. Either way, there’s no denying Bring Me The Horizon’s influence on this decade. With their boundary-pushing LP That’s The Spirit, frontman Oli Sykes traded his growl for more of a pop-laced bite as BMTH ushered in their most successful era as a band seeing their fifth studio album land at number 2 on the Billboard 200. Still doubting That’s The Sprit’s impact on the scene? In 2018, only three years after its release, the gold-certified record amassed over one BILLION Spotify streams -- billion, with a B!  
01) Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky 
Want to talk about a life-changing album? For San Diego scenesters Pierce The Veil, the famed four-piece went from a successful slow-building career to becoming a full-blown force with their third full-length record. Building off two well-received albums in A Flair For The Dramatic and Selfish Machines, Vic Fuentes and Co. (with the help of a Kellin Quinn-featured song) absolutely exploded into another stratosphere -- no pun intended -- with their now-gold-certified album Collide With The Sky. Lead by their platinum-selling single “King For A Day” and their Spanish-styled song “Bulls In The Bronx,” Pierce The Veil took the scene by storm thanks to their angsty, heart-pounding Fearless Records debut.
Honorable Mentions:
Deafheaven - Sunbather  Falling In Reverse - The Drug In Me Is You  Neck Deep - Life’s Not Out To Get You Nothing More - The Stories We Tell Ourselves  PUP - PUP State Champs - Around The World And Back The Amity Affliction - Let The Ocean Take Me  The Story So Far - What You Don’t See The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation Wage War - Blueprints
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isurviveddv · 5 years
October 15, 2019
On October 15,2019 I lost my soulmate.
I lost dances in the living room, sweet kisses on the head, and goofy pet names like babycakes or fathead. I lost my defender. I lost the heart I would listen to when I needed to calm down. I lost random singing in the car. I lost someone that would drive for me when I was scared. Someone that held my hand when I was in pain. I lost the only voice I wanted to hear when I awoke from a seizure.  I lost the person I loved to make laugh and the smile that made me melt. I lost my blanket thief.I lost my partner in crime. I lost the man that had chosen me.  I lost the strongest man I’ve ever known.  I lost my next 40 years. I lost my happiness. I lost a part of me that I doubt I will ever be able to find again.
I didn’t loose him from an accident or some horrible medical circumstance. I didn’t loose him from old age like I had expected. I didn’t loose him to his habits like I had feared. I lost him to me. I lost him to save me. I had to lose him to protect me. I had to break my own heart to keep it beating.
That same defender had become my attacker. That same solace had become my purgatory. Baby turned into bitch. Love became rage.That voice that brought me back now drove me away. That smile no longer shining. Now it was the voice that caused fear. The fists that inflicted pain. The lips that now lied. The driver who now put my life in danger. The screams that made me jump and cry and plead. My safety in his arms was no longer a promise. His touch made flinch.
For moths I said it would be ok. I said he would calm down. I said he’s just frustrated or tired. I said he doesn’t know his own strength. He didn’t mean to hurt me. Maybe I did loose that money. He just has a temper. He’s just venting. It’s just how he is. He works hard so I should just let it be.  And I did. For a time. Maybe I was ashamed. Too proud to admit I had allowed him to make me another statistic. Maybe my love for him was so strong I was unwilling to admit that maybe he didn’t love me as much as I had hoped. Maybe the last two years for him didn’t hold the same significance. Maybe I was embarrassed.
On October 15th we danced in the living room to our song. He kissed the top of my head and smiled down at me like I was the center of his universe. We laughed and cuddled and talked. We watched a show we both really enjoy and kept hitting rewind for the good parts as we clapped and cheered at the tv. We ate our favorite Chinese food.  We were happy.
On October 15th I had no idea it was the last time I would speak to him.He held a knife to my belly and told me he would end me. He blocked the door and told me to fight him with his fists at the ready. He picked me up by my ribs and threw me into the back of our couch. He screamed and yelled. Belittled and insulted. Threatened and promised all the pain in the world he knew I was afraid of. Pushing me and spitting in my face.
An hour later I was standing in the middle of town in my nightgown balling, frantic, shaking, in pain, and telling the officers I didn’t need an ambulance. I kept telling them he is a good guy, I love him, I don’t know what happened.I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. Please just get him out of my house. Make him leave. I was afraid.There were two officers, then three. Then there were five and they tell me to take all the time I need. My mind was racing and my lips were struggling to keep up as I told them what happened. I felt like I was betraying him with every syllable. Then they left, telling me to sit in my car, lock the doors and wait for them to come back. Time dragged on and on and on and on. My mind and my heart at war because my soulmate was being ripped away from me and while I had pulled the band-aid off he is the one that inflicted the wounds.
I will never forget that day so long as I live. I will never forget the hatred in his eyes. The coldness in his screams or the bitterness in his words. I will never forget how afraid he made me. I will never forget how helpless he made me feel. I will never forget the sleepless night or the day of confusion that followed.  I will never forget how far he seemed willing to go. I will never forget how I begged him to stop.How worthless and alone I felt in that moment. I will never forget the weeks of nightmares. The fear of what he might do when he was released from jail. I will never forget the silence of my home when I finally went back alone.
And I will never ever forget the strength I found in myself on October 15th.
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actutrends · 5 years
FanSided’s favorite sports and entertainment figures as Christmas gifts
Photo by INA FASSBENDER/AFP via Getty Images
Christmas gifts can be incredible, or they can be downright disappointing. For the holiday season, our FanSided staff decided to compare our favorite sports teams, athletes, movies and TV shows to what might be waiting under the tree.
From articles of clothing to gift cards to more exciting and unique presents, Christmas gifts can be thrilling or disappointing, often with little ground in between. We’ve all had that one aunt who insists on giving you socks when you wanted toys to play with, that one godchild who continues to give mom essential oils she’ll never use, or that cool relative who just asks your parents what to shop for so they actually get it right.
Across the major sports and entertainment industry in general, 2019 has been jam-packed with teams, athletes, movies and TV shows that have captivated us as well as underwhelmed us.
With the peak of the holiday season fully upon us, it’s time to take a look at FanSided’s favorite teams, players and binge-able content and compare them to the types of Christmas gifts we can expect to find under the tree this year.
New England Patriots are a tie for dad
Dad doesn’t really want a tie for Christmas, but it doesn’t matter because he’s getting one anyway and the same thing keeps happening to every NFL fan outside of New England. Nobody wants them around anymore, but they will damn sure be there in the end. — Patrick Allen
Joe Burrow is a shiny new video game console
There’s always going to be one marquee present waiting for you under the Christmas tree. Sometimes you think you have a good idea of what it might be based on the size, shape and weight of the gift. But most times you really have no clue what is waiting for you under the wrapping paper. That’s what LSU quarterback Joe Burrow was en route to his Heisman season. He is the biggest revelation in college football, and LSU fans will never forget the moment they got this present. — Patrick Schmidt
Star Wars is a 1977 Chevy Impala
Take a look at this old classic. It’s from a well-known brand, and it keeps getting updated over the years. That is, you were excited to see this old car back in the late ‘90s because it’s such a classic, but it kind of disappointed you. Now, it’s trying to live up to its old reputation, and naively, you expect it to be good once again. Strange enough, this old thing still runs pretty well, and you’re happy to have it back! — Mia Johnson
The New York Knicks are an ugly woolen sweater from grandma
Remember over the summer, when the New York Knicks were supposed to land all these big fish in free agency? And then how they didn’t and settled for Julius Randle and the rest of the league’s veteran power forwards? And then how they started the season 4-13 and hosted a press conference to essentially throw their head coach under the bus? Like the oversized, woollen sweater that grandma knitted herself, you feel bad, but the Knicks are just flat-out embarrassing. In the words of Kevin McCallister, “You can get beat up for wearing something like that.” That’s what it’s like to be a Knicks fan in 2019. — Gerald Bourguet
Game of Thrones is a Red Ryder air rifle
In A Christmas Story, all young Ralphie wants in the world for Christmas is a Red Ryder air rifle. After brief disappointment in which his parents subvert his expectation, he gets the gun. Unfortunately, when he goes to play with it, he shoots himself in the face (well, kind of) and then breaks his glasses. Still, when he goes to bed, he declares it the best gift ever.
All anyone could talk about this spring was the highly anticipated final season of Game of Thrones, but the last act went over like a BB pellet to the face. (Startling, undesirable, ultimately harmless.) Still, fans will tell you it’s the best show ever. — Shea Corrigan
Lionel Messi is an extremely generous check from your grandma
It’s the same every single year, to the point where you kind of forget how amazing it is, but in terms of what you’re actually getting, it can do things that no other gift can. Sure, it used to be part of an elaborate package and now it just comes tucked into a simple card, but the value is still there and it should be appreciated. Don’t forget to write your grandma a thank you note, and don’t forget to fully appreciate Messi, whether or not you think he’s the GOAT. — John Wilkinson
BoJack Horseman is that therapeutic self-help book you didn’t know you needed
When you first receive this kind of gift, your initial reaction is feeling shocked and possibly even insulted. This couldn’t possibly be for me, you think to yourself. But when you dive in, you find it to be charming and insightful. It’s laugh-out-loud funny at times and thoroughly heart-wrenching at others as you discover things about yourself. No one is claiming BoJack Horseman has all the answers, just as no self-help book can cure all that ails anyone … but damn it if this story about an animated anthropomorphic horse’s struggle with celebrity, depression, substance abuse, relationships and self-acceptance hasn’t blown away expectations for those who’ve given it more than a passing glance.   — Gerald Bourguet
Avengers: Endgame is a brand new iPhone
This is something that you’ve been waiting for forever to come out, and you’ve been counting down the days ‘til you could have it or see. Everyone’s been hyping it up, and it’s going to be bigger and better than the last one. Endgame certainly did blow past everyone’s expectations, and the iPhone 11 offered another powerful update to the long-running line. They’re exciting, they’re expensive, (and there’s a lot of them), but you love them either way. — Mia Johnson
The Houston Rockets are cash
Getting cash for the holidays is uninspiring, and nowhere near as exciting as receiving an actual gift. In short, it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. With that being said, it still gets the job done at the end of the day. James Harden and the Rockets’ ability to rack up regular season wins are a lot like getting a $20 bill in a Christmas card: Not everybody loves their style, but at the end of the day, it’s still a W. — Gerald Bourguet
The Mandalorian is a fuzzy blanket
Baby Yoda….that is the only explanation needed! — Carrie Bennani
The Pittsburgh Penguins are a sweater that accidentally got a bunch of holes in it
The Pittsburgh Penguins have been a constant playoff presence in hockey for years. The last time they missed the postseason was the 2005-06 season, a lifetime ago for some of us. This year, however, the team has sustained injury upon injury, to the point where their lineup each game looks like it was pulled out of a hat at random from across the NHL’s bottom six. This is certainly not the way Pittsburgh planned this season, much like how your aunt did not plan to have moths eat the sweater she worked tirelessly on all fall for you. The good news, though, is that Sidney Crosby may be able to patch the holes in the Penguins’ lineup through sheer force of will, though it may take some time. — Mary Clarke
Alabama is an Amazon gift card
Gift cards are what you get people when you don’t know what to get them. They’re also what you get people when you’re too lazy to get them a personalized or meaningful gift. It’s boring. It’s unoriginal. It’s been around forever. It’s definitely not exciting or something you rush to play with or use on Christmas morning. — Patrick Schmidt
The Oakland A’s are a rented video game
You know what’s fun? Opening up a gift. You know what isn’t fun? Being told that the gift is only yours for a few years, and then you have to give the gift away to the richest kid on the street. This is what it’s like rooting for the A’s. You have Marcus Semien, Matt Olson and Matt Chapman in your infield? Damn! Enjoy that, they’ll all be wearing pinstripes and underperforming in four years. — Matt Verderame
The post FanSided’s favorite sports and entertainment figures as Christmas gifts appeared first on Actu Trends.
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joannoble0 · 5 years
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
Rodents like rats and mice taint our food and living areas with their pee and feces and they carry diseases. Rats chewing through wires are known to cause over 50,000 structure fires per year with another 100,000 plus fires that are quite possibly triggered by rodents eating through house wiring. Rodents will occupy your home or building in search of housing, food, water and warmth. Roof Rats can access your house by tree limbs that touch your roofing, and Norway Rats and Mice typically find entry through small openings as small as a dime.
Rodent Control
 Rats and mice can possibly be some of the most significant pests we have to deal with. Rats and mice will constantly attempt to co-exist with us in just about every facility we live, eat, and work in. Rodents have been identified to carry and transmit diseases, damage and destroy our structures, electrical wires, and water pipes through their gnawing. Many people have a greater fear of rats and mice than they do of spiders. This anxiety can make you, your employees, or customers extremely uneasy.
Flea Removal and Prevention
Flea bites may leave you with puffy itchy bite marks. Fleas can cause allergic reactions for a number of people and can transmit diseases. Fleas are not the easiest pest in the world to treat. If you do have a flea problem or are worried about fleas, you can give your pet medication as a protective flea pest control measure. Fleas are parasites. The adult female flea must consume a blood meal before she can lay her eggs. The eggs fall from the host animal and collect on the surfaces below. Flea pest control is crucial as they will bite your ankles and legs. No one should have to put up with fleas and as long as you pay attention to your pet and make allowances for the flea season of summer you and your pet should be thrilled. Fleas are transporters of disease so you need to be extra careful if you even suspect you have fleas. Having your home checked and treated by a flea pest professional, at the same time treating your pets can help remove most future flea problems. Applying the do-it-yourself products found in grocery stores is often unsuccessful against big infestations and can expose unnecessary chemicals into your environment. Expert flea exterminators have easy access to the necessary equipment and high concentration insecticides. They also have the expertise and training to apply them effectively. Flea experts know the exact concentrations use these kinds of chemicals safely and securely and suitably for the situation. You could easily spend more money attempting to treat the problem yourself with sprays from the store and continue to have no results, than it would be immediately seeking help from someone proficient in pest control who offers a guarantee with the work.
Carpet Beetle Control
If you experience damaged clothing, carpet, upholstery and other items, it probably is carpet beetles. These little pests are more common than most homeowners realize. They can be very damaging, and to make it worse, they are quite difficult to control. You may discover one or two beetles or the evidence they leave behind, but the beetle situation can grow if not handled properly and quickly. In addition to eating on your belongings, these beetle larvae shed little hairs which can cause allergies. Infestations of these beetle pests have been linked to the spreading of infectious diseases, like Anthrax. Part of the problem with controlling carpet beetles is that they live in many areas of a house and eat a lot more than carpet. They eat everything containing organic fibers and organic products. There are three types of carpet beetle that are the most common problem for homeowners. These are the different carpet beetle, the black carpet beetle and the furniture carpet beetle. Larvae are by far the most unsafe stage in their life cycle. Females lay anywhere from 50 to 100 eggs near food sources. An adult beetle can live 4 years, laying eggs once a year. Eggs are extremely resilient. As soon as the eggs develop into cocoons and larvae, they stay in this stage close to a year. The larvae is the most damaging stage. Both eggs and larvae are very difficult to detect since they tend to blend in with the fabric they live in. Once they mature, carpet beetles are scavengers and may be found in areas well away from food sources.
You might locate one or two larvae creeping on surfaces. But the first sign of a carpet beetle infestation is typically irregular holes chewed in fabrics. They live on the nap of fabrics and carpeting without eating the base threads. If you are finding holes in fabrics around your home, and think the damage is due to carpet beetles, look for fecal pellets and skins shed by the larva. They usually feed in dark secluded places, so do a thorough examination for them.
Tick Control
Ticks are arthropods that are occasionally mistakenly termed insects. Insects have three body regions, six legs, and usually possess wings. Ticks lack wings, have two body regions, and depending upon their developing stage, may have either six (larva) or eight (adults and nymphs) legs. Ticks possess tremendous potential for transmitting organisms that may result in disease in human beings and other animals. These disease-causing organisms include protozoa, viruses, and bacteria. Bites from certain ticks can result in a rare limp paralysis starting in the lower limbs and moving upwards with death resulting if the tick is not promptly removed. In addition, tick bites can cause skin irritations or even allergic reactions in sensitive individuals who are repeatedly bitten.
Ticks affix themselves for a period of time, and then drop off their host to lay eggs. They need a blood meal at each stage of life in order to grow. The female tick must engorge herself with blood to obtain the nourishment necessary to generate the thousands of eggs she lays. Despite the large number of eggs produced, only a small percentage will make it to maturity.
Ground Squirrel Control
Squirrel pest control can be very challenging, but as with a lot of pests it starts with prevention. Cover all holes to your residence, repair broken house windows, and inspect your home for openings or structures that provide squirrels entry to the building. After you are sure all of the access points have been secured, you may think about an electric fence around your garden or home. Funnel-shaped plastic collars can be installed at the top of posts that support bird feeders to keep squirrels from accessing seeds or nesting babies. Branches that hover over your roofing should be trimmed to prevent squirrels from accessing your fireplace. Finally, eliminate outdoor food sources squirrels may find such as garbage or pet food. Regrettably, removing squirrels from your own property can be quite dangerous. As such, professional pest control is likely your best option. Often, squirrels are attracted by woods and trees, so if your property features trees you are more likely to have squirrel pest control problems. Once they enter your house, usually through a chimney or fireplace, they chew electric wires, mattresses and blankets, and other parts of your house. One of the primary concerns associated with a squirrel infestation is electrical fire, as these pests can compromise your home’s electrical system by chewing through wires. However, squirrels can decimate your garden by eating plant bulbs, seeds and buds as well as ripe vegetables. They may even damage your lawn as they bury food reserves.
Pantry Pest Control
Pantry pests are truly common and ordinary in many households. They are rather irritating and annoying, but you can effectively manage your pests problems through pest control treatments with the right pest control service company.
There are lots of pests that you can carry into your home from the wet market. There are moths, weevils and beetles along with cockroaches. Flower arrangements or decorative corns that are already dried, cake mix, chocolates, spices, muse and rat baits, cookies, granola, crackers, birdseed, pet food, dried beans, cereal and pasta are just some good examples that can cause pests. If you have this kind of situation then you need a proficient pest control service.
Selecting an pest control expert is the first step in solving the problem. At Go-Pher The Kill, we perform rodent control like nobody else. As well as trapping, baiting, and exclusion, we include video into our service. You will have a live video stream to the areas of activity so you can monitor our progress, and spy on your intruders, even at night! This service also gives our customers proof that their current problem has been resolved.
Go-Pher The Kill Pest Control Riverside 9880 Indiana Ave STE 23, Riverside, CA 92503
Find us on Google
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Google My Business Gopher The Kill Pest Control
Go-Pher The Kill Pest Control
Gopher The Kill Pest Control Location
canyon crest pest control
Canyon Crest Pest Control Services
Canyon Crest Exterminator
Pest Control Canyon Crest CA – Trello
Pest Control Canyon Crest CA Facebook Page
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
Lemona, Bannockburn Village, Belvedere Heights, Riverside Junction, Highgrove, Box Springs, Belltown, Pachappa, Riverside, Rubidoux, Crestmore, Edgemont, Prenda, Casa Blanca, Magnolia Avenue, Ormand, Sunnymead, West March, Ennis, Sunnyslope, Moreno Valley, Arnold Heights, Woodcrest, March Field, Serrano Heights
33.98057 -117.32893
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
from https://www.pestcontrolcanyoncrestca.com/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-rodents-canyon-crest-ca/
from https://pestcontrolcanyoncrestca0.wordpress.com/2019/12/24/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-rodents-canyon-crest-ca/
From https://pestcontrolcanyoncrest.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-control-exterminator-service-for_88.html
from https://pestcontrolcanyoncrest.wordpress.com/2019/12/24/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-rodents-canyon-crest-ca/ from https://joannoble0.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-control-exterminator-service-for_76.html
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brianrines0 · 5 years
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
Rodents like rats and mice taint our food and living areas with their pee and feces and they carry diseases. Rats chewing through wires are known to cause over 50,000 structure fires per year with another 100,000 plus fires that are quite possibly triggered by rodents eating through house wiring. Rodents will occupy your home or building in search of housing, food, water and warmth. Roof Rats can access your house by tree limbs that touch your roofing, and Norway Rats and Mice typically find entry through small openings as small as a dime.
Rodent Control
 Rats and mice can possibly be some of the most significant pests we have to deal with. Rats and mice will constantly attempt to co-exist with us in just about every facility we live, eat, and work in. Rodents have been identified to carry and transmit diseases, damage and destroy our structures, electrical wires, and water pipes through their gnawing. Many people have a greater fear of rats and mice than they do of spiders. This anxiety can make you, your employees, or customers extremely uneasy.
Flea Removal and Prevention
Flea bites may leave you with puffy itchy bite marks. Fleas can cause allergic reactions for a number of people and can transmit diseases. Fleas are not the easiest pest in the world to treat. If you do have a flea problem or are worried about fleas, you can give your pet medication as a protective flea pest control measure. Fleas are parasites. The adult female flea must consume a blood meal before she can lay her eggs. The eggs fall from the host animal and collect on the surfaces below. Flea pest control is crucial as they will bite your ankles and legs. No one should have to put up with fleas and as long as you pay attention to your pet and make allowances for the flea season of summer you and your pet should be thrilled. Fleas are transporters of disease so you need to be extra careful if you even suspect you have fleas. Having your home checked and treated by a flea pest professional, at the same time treating your pets can help remove most future flea problems. Applying the do-it-yourself products found in grocery stores is often unsuccessful against big infestations and can expose unnecessary chemicals into your environment. Expert flea exterminators have easy access to the necessary equipment and high concentration insecticides. They also have the expertise and training to apply them effectively. Flea experts know the exact concentrations use these kinds of chemicals safely and securely and suitably for the situation. You could easily spend more money attempting to treat the problem yourself with sprays from the store and continue to have no results, than it would be immediately seeking help from someone proficient in pest control who offers a guarantee with the work.
Carpet Beetle Control
If you experience damaged clothing, carpet, upholstery and other items, it probably is carpet beetles. These little pests are more common than most homeowners realize. They can be very damaging, and to make it worse, they are quite difficult to control. You may discover one or two beetles or the evidence they leave behind, but the beetle situation can grow if not handled properly and quickly. In addition to eating on your belongings, these beetle larvae shed little hairs which can cause allergies. Infestations of these beetle pests have been linked to the spreading of infectious diseases, like Anthrax. Part of the problem with controlling carpet beetles is that they live in many areas of a house and eat a lot more than carpet. They eat everything containing organic fibers and organic products. There are three types of carpet beetle that are the most common problem for homeowners. These are the different carpet beetle, the black carpet beetle and the furniture carpet beetle. Larvae are by far the most unsafe stage in their life cycle. Females lay anywhere from 50 to 100 eggs near food sources. An adult beetle can live 4 years, laying eggs once a year. Eggs are extremely resilient. As soon as the eggs develop into cocoons and larvae, they stay in this stage close to a year. The larvae is the most damaging stage. Both eggs and larvae are very difficult to detect since they tend to blend in with the fabric they live in. Once they mature, carpet beetles are scavengers and may be found in areas well away from food sources.
You might locate one or two larvae creeping on surfaces. But the first sign of a carpet beetle infestation is typically irregular holes chewed in fabrics. They live on the nap of fabrics and carpeting without eating the base threads. If you are finding holes in fabrics around your home, and think the damage is due to carpet beetles, look for fecal pellets and skins shed by the larva. They usually feed in dark secluded places, so do a thorough examination for them.
Tick Control
Ticks are arthropods that are occasionally mistakenly termed insects. Insects have three body regions, six legs, and usually possess wings. Ticks lack wings, have two body regions, and depending upon their developing stage, may have either six (larva) or eight (adults and nymphs) legs. Ticks possess tremendous potential for transmitting organisms that may result in disease in human beings and other animals. These disease-causing organisms include protozoa, viruses, and bacteria. Bites from certain ticks can result in a rare limp paralysis starting in the lower limbs and moving upwards with death resulting if the tick is not promptly removed. In addition, tick bites can cause skin irritations or even allergic reactions in sensitive individuals who are repeatedly bitten.
Ticks affix themselves for a period of time, and then drop off their host to lay eggs. They need a blood meal at each stage of life in order to grow. The female tick must engorge herself with blood to obtain the nourishment necessary to generate the thousands of eggs she lays. Despite the large number of eggs produced, only a small percentage will make it to maturity.
Ground Squirrel Control
Squirrel pest control can be very challenging, but as with a lot of pests it starts with prevention. Cover all holes to your residence, repair broken house windows, and inspect your home for openings or structures that provide squirrels entry to the building. After you are sure all of the access points have been secured, you may think about an electric fence around your garden or home. Funnel-shaped plastic collars can be installed at the top of posts that support bird feeders to keep squirrels from accessing seeds or nesting babies. Branches that hover over your roofing should be trimmed to prevent squirrels from accessing your fireplace. Finally, eliminate outdoor food sources squirrels may find such as garbage or pet food. Regrettably, removing squirrels from your own property can be quite dangerous. As such, professional pest control is likely your best option. Often, squirrels are attracted by woods and trees, so if your property features trees you are more likely to have squirrel pest control problems. Once they enter your house, usually through a chimney or fireplace, they chew electric wires, mattresses and blankets, and other parts of your house. One of the primary concerns associated with a squirrel infestation is electrical fire, as these pests can compromise your home’s electrical system by chewing through wires. However, squirrels can decimate your garden by eating plant bulbs, seeds and buds as well as ripe vegetables. They may even damage your lawn as they bury food reserves.
Pantry Pest Control
Pantry pests are truly common and ordinary in many households. They are rather irritating and annoying, but you can effectively manage your pests problems through pest control treatments with the right pest control service company.
There are lots of pests that you can carry into your home from the wet market. There are moths, weevils and beetles along with cockroaches. Flower arrangements or decorative corns that are already dried, cake mix, chocolates, spices, muse and rat baits, cookies, granola, crackers, birdseed, pet food, dried beans, cereal and pasta are just some good examples that can cause pests. If you have this kind of situation then you need a proficient pest control service.
Selecting an pest control expert is the first step in solving the problem. At Go-Pher The Kill, we perform rodent control like nobody else. As well as trapping, baiting, and exclusion, we include video into our service. You will have a live video stream to the areas of activity so you can monitor our progress, and spy on your intruders, even at night! This service also gives our customers proof that their current problem has been resolved.
Go-Pher The Kill Pest Control Riverside 9880 Indiana Ave STE 23, Riverside, CA 92503
Find us on Google
Find us on Maps
Google My Business Gopher The Kill Pest Control
Go-Pher The Kill Pest Control
Gopher The Kill Pest Control Location
canyon crest pest control
Canyon Crest Pest Control Services
Canyon Crest Exterminator
Pest Control Canyon Crest CA – Trello
Pest Control Canyon Crest CA Facebook Page
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
Lemona, Bannockburn Village, Belvedere Heights, Riverside Junction, Highgrove, Box Springs, Belltown, Pachappa, Riverside, Rubidoux, Crestmore, Edgemont, Prenda, Casa Blanca, Magnolia Avenue, Ormand, Sunnymead, West March, Ennis, Sunnyslope, Moreno Valley, Arnold Heights, Woodcrest, March Field, Serrano Heights
33.98057 -117.32893
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
from https://www.pestcontrolcanyoncrestca.com/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-rodents-canyon-crest-ca/
from https://pestcontrolcanyoncrestca0.wordpress.com/2019/12/24/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-rodents-canyon-crest-ca/ from https://brianrines.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-control-exterminator-service-for_70.html
0 notes
pestcontrolcan · 5 years
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents Canyon Crest CA
Rodents like rats and mice taint our food and living areas with their pee and feces and they carry diseases. Rats chewing through wires are known to cause over 50,000 structure fires per year with another 100,000 plus fires that are quite possibly triggered by rodents eating through house wiring. Rodents will occupy your home or building in search of housing, food, water and warmth. Roof Rats can access your house by tree limbs that touch your roofing, and Norway Rats and Mice typically find entry through small openings as small as a dime.
Rodent Control
 Rats and mice can possibly be some of the most significant pests we have to deal with. Rats and mice will constantly attempt to co-exist with us in just about every facility we live, eat, and work in. Rodents have been identified to carry and transmit diseases, damage and destroy our structures, electrical wires, and water pipes through their gnawing. Many people have a greater fear of rats and mice than they do of spiders. This anxiety can make you, your employees, or customers extremely uneasy.
Flea Removal and Prevention
Flea bites may leave you with puffy itchy bite marks. Fleas can cause allergic reactions for a number of people and can transmit diseases. Fleas are not the easiest pest in the world to treat. If you do have a flea problem or are worried about fleas, you can give your pet medication as a protective flea pest control measure. Fleas are parasites. The adult female flea must consume a blood meal before she can lay her eggs. The eggs fall from the host animal and collect on the surfaces below. Flea pest control is crucial as they will bite your ankles and legs. No one should have to put up with fleas and as long as you pay attention to your pet and make allowances for the flea season of summer you and your pet should be thrilled. Fleas are transporters of disease so you need to be extra careful if you even suspect you have fleas. Having your home checked and treated by a flea pest professional, at the same time treating your pets can help remove most future flea problems. Applying the do-it-yourself products found in grocery stores is often unsuccessful against big infestations and can expose unnecessary chemicals into your environment. Expert flea exterminators have easy access to the necessary equipment and high concentration insecticides. They also have the expertise and training to apply them effectively. Flea experts know the exact concentrations use these kinds of chemicals safely and securely and suitably for the situation. You could easily spend more money attempting to treat the problem yourself with sprays from the store and continue to have no results, than it would be immediately seeking help from someone proficient in pest control who offers a guarantee with the work.
Carpet Beetle Control
If you experience damaged clothing, carpet, upholstery and other items, it probably is carpet beetles. These little pests are more common than most homeowners realize. They can be very damaging, and to make it worse, they are quite difficult to control. You may discover one or two beetles or the evidence they leave behind, but the beetle situation can grow if not handled properly and quickly. In addition to eating on your belongings, these beetle larvae shed little hairs which can cause allergies. Infestations of these beetle pests have been linked to the spreading of infectious diseases, like Anthrax. Part of the problem with controlling carpet beetles is that they live in many areas of a house and eat a lot more than carpet. They eat everything containing organic fibers and organic products. There are three types of carpet beetle that are the most common problem for homeowners. These are the different carpet beetle, the black carpet beetle and the furniture carpet beetle. Larvae are by far the most unsafe stage in their life cycle. Females lay anywhere from 50 to 100 eggs near food sources. An adult beetle can live 4 years, laying eggs once a year. Eggs are extremely resilient. As soon as the eggs develop into cocoons and larvae, they stay in this stage close to a year. The larvae is the most damaging stage. Both eggs and larvae are very difficult to detect since they tend to blend in with the fabric they live in. Once they mature, carpet beetles are scavengers and may be found in areas well away from food sources.
You might locate one or two larvae creeping on surfaces. But the first sign of a carpet beetle infestation is typically irregular holes chewed in fabrics. They live on the nap of fabrics and carpeting without eating the base threads. If you are finding holes in fabrics around your home, and think the damage is due to carpet beetles, look for fecal pellets and skins shed by the larva. They usually feed in dark secluded places, so do a thorough examination for them.
Tick Control
Ticks are arthropods that are occasionally mistakenly termed insects. Insects have three body regions, six legs, and usually possess wings. Ticks lack wings, have two body regions, and depending upon their developing stage, may have either six (larva) or eight (adults and nymphs) legs. Ticks possess tremendous potential for transmitting organisms that may result in disease in human beings and other animals. These disease-causing organisms include protozoa, viruses, and bacteria. Bites from certain ticks can result in a rare limp paralysis starting in the lower limbs and moving upwards with death resulting if the tick is not promptly removed. In addition, tick bites can cause skin irritations or even allergic reactions in sensitive individuals who are repeatedly bitten.
Ticks affix themselves for a period of time, and then drop off their host to lay eggs. They need a blood meal at each stage of life in order to grow. The female tick must engorge herself with blood to obtain the nourishment necessary to generate the thousands of eggs she lays. Despite the large number of eggs produced, only a small percentage will make it to maturity.
Ground Squirrel Control
Squirrel pest control can be very challenging, but as with a lot of pests it starts with prevention. Cover all holes to your residence, repair broken house windows, and inspect your home for openings or structures that provide squirrels entry to the building. After you are sure all of the access points have been secured, you may think about an electric fence around your garden or home. Funnel-shaped plastic collars can be installed at the top of posts that support bird feeders to keep squirrels from accessing seeds or nesting babies. Branches that hover over your roofing should be trimmed to prevent squirrels from accessing your fireplace. Finally, eliminate outdoor food sources squirrels may find such as garbage or pet food. Regrettably, removing squirrels from your own property can be quite dangerous. As such, professional pest control is likely your best option. Often, squirrels are attracted by woods and trees, so if your property features trees you are more likely to have squirrel pest control problems. Once they enter your house, usually through a chimney or fireplace, they chew electric wires, mattresses and blankets, and other parts of your house. One of the primary concerns associated with a squirrel infestation is electrical fire, as these pests can compromise your home’s electrical system by chewing through wires. However, squirrels can decimate your garden by eating plant bulbs, seeds and buds as well as ripe vegetables. They may even damage your lawn as they bury food reserves.
Pantry Pest Control
Pantry pests are truly common and ordinary in many households. They are rather irritating and annoying, but you can effectively manage your pests problems through pest control treatments with the right pest control service company.
There are lots of pests that you can carry into your home from the wet market. There are moths, weevils and beetles along with cockroaches. Flower arrangements or decorative corns that are already dried, cake mix, chocolates, spices, muse and rat baits, cookies, granola, crackers, birdseed, pet food, dried beans, cereal and pasta are just some good examples that can cause pests. If you have this kind of situation then you need a proficient pest control service.
Selecting an pest control expert is the first step in solving the problem. At Go-Pher The Kill, we perform rodent control like nobody else. As well as trapping, baiting, and exclusion, we include video into our service. You will have a live video stream to the areas of activity so you can monitor our progress, and spy on your intruders, even at night! This service also gives our customers proof that their current problem has been resolved.
Go-Pher The Kill Pest Control Riverside 9880 Indiana Ave STE 23, Riverside, CA 92503
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x-puerbulla-x · 5 years
Im drainned dude
hi 10:33 18/08/2019
i need to vent my minds a mess idk, i havvent stopped in months and it has been very draining so i guess idk i didnt wannaa sounds cocky saying all the things i did but for the sake of me wanting tto le it out i will and all of this to lead uo tot he present that was me being eith my dad today and how it was, how i feel about it i guess. So it all starts back in may, 3 months ago, where i was trying to survive with my grades i had to make sure everything was gonna go smoothly in my desenho exam and then i also was starting to feel pressure cause june was coming uo and tbh june is just streeeessssfull, theres first mels birthday on 1st June and one week before we took her to the tosquia too, then theres Beas burthday but also my sobrinho santiago was born, on the 5th an then beas birthday is on the 6th, then theres the aniversary off bea and i's first date in the 16th wheere we had previously planned wed recreate to celebrate and then theres bea and i's actual birthday on the 22nd and we went to pride but i was all very hard cause idk i guess we wanted our first birthday to be good (or at least i really dis which gave it some pressure), but it happened;; we celebrated at pride cause we were lucky enouh this year it was on he 22nd, the 2 days later its my moms birthday and i usually dont do anything but this time i decided i was gnna do something and i did, i recreated her gradma's torta, clean the whole house spotless and then i recreated a card i had made for her back in '06;;; on top of all of these ne is exam seasson and i had to hardcore study for gd everyday trying to reach a unreachable goal of 67 exercises, with so much gd i ended up forgetting a litte about portugues and had to study last minute, luckly i knew what i was doing cause m aware i know pessoa pretty well so my plan was just to study the rest but i dont think i gave it enough time sinse i had an 8, the to desenho i didnt study cause cockly, i dont need to, i had a 13,4 which i wasnt happy with but thats life i guess, it wasnt woth the money tryng to ask for a revisao, well, and at gd i had a 5, when i needed a 10 cause i was aluna externa this resulted that after this hell of a month i had to suffer another one cause i neeeded to learn everything i didnt lean in 1 and a half years id gd, in les than a month so i had to stuy like a crazzy person, this time i didnt have to do 67 exercices it was a lot less but still i couldnt do it and i did as much as i could and more i broke down 10000 billion time ad i thought i couldnt do it i didnt fee prepared and tbh i was terrafied cause if i faied this exam i didnt have my 12th grade done and it as a pain in the ass to think about but still after madess of stdying gd all day and until 5 am i did it only with a 11;;; but i didd  it then that hell of a month ended and we get to this present moth but before that had sams birthday coming up and i wanted to surprise him with a cake cause bea and i had offered him cookie cake not knowing he was vegan now and it was dissapointing when we were like ,,, so you cant have it? cause we didnt know we wasnt jus veegetarian anymore blah blah blah, i had to do preaparations for his birthday and it was stressful, i wanted it to be good, the the day after we celebrate sams birthday im still not able to sit and relax a little cause its 2nd august and bea and i are going to veiros, dont get me wrong i was the one deciding to go but god i was tiring, i had more fun than last time i was there but theere wasa lot more stress too cause renataa was trying to cionvince us to go to university the whole time and it was a pain tbh cause i didnt know what to do but i ha a slight ide that i did wanna go bt then the problem was that because of that they ere all using me as an eexample to convince bea and i felt pressure to be like yeah im absolutely for sure going;;; at the end of the say i didd decide i wanted to go but then i was more stressed cause the dates were ending an i didnt havee my passe for dges cause there was a problem with it and my fcha enes was stuck to cause apparently you had to do thing in the secretaria to pik it up so i emailed the help line of dges for the password and asked my mom to go to school to ick up my ficha and ii did manage to have the pass in time but then the lady lied about the time the secretaria was open apparently cause when lena and my mom went there it was closed and i gess that meant that steess was over but id didnt manage to do the cadidatura in the 1st fase,;;;; which later on i found out i couldnt even do in the first place cause people with exams in the 2nd fase cant do the candidatura in the 1st fase soyahhhh unnecesary stess and now i need to wait until 9th september to do my candidatura and pray im accepted indesenho or pintura cause i do not want escultura as a everyday thing or at least i dont think i do ~ so;;; were n veiros also therees tension in the air cause tia tania an vo rosa are mad at each other, we did a lit of things everyday ehch made it less boring but i was so tired already that doing so much stuff wasnt my favourite at times now we came back 4 days ago but i still havent stoped and im tiredddddd, i think i only stayed 1 day home and it was to clean, we arrived in the 12, i slept in beas house and stayed ther the 13th, then i was home on the 14th, then there was the attempt to go to school take care of the ficha and it as closed but then spent the day with david and sof and bee, then my brother invited me to go meet santiag and then i actually went to school again and go stuff done and then the day arrived and i spent the day with andre and the baby, a friend, lena and rafaela, and her mom too for a bit (she was nice). all pf this leading up for today and this week, today i met with my dad just outside my house, he had miriam and pff idk he was having a talk to me cause we walked shiro and he was just saying o ho mirriam remind him of me and how were very alike and idk what to think of that, he said or drawings are the same and that she has my feitio, asked me to go to his place some day and all and idk it was confusing, he made me remember memories i was repressing, good ones but idk if itss good for me to remember those things, he reminded me of when i used hus bike and surprised him cause i was sall and he used to be on a bike aand id always ask like you could let me use it and etc etc and he was like come on mariana podes la tua andar com a bicicleta do pai its too big and all that and i told hm i couldnt go on it alone cause it was to tall but if he put me up there i could ride it and he did probably just to shit me up and i rode it to the end of the street did a cirve and got back and he was choked and all of this cause he said he really wanted miriam to learn too. he compared me a lot to her and talked about ho he still has lots of my stuff;;;;;;; i complainted about my doctor octopus;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; i guess it was to avoi talking about the situation with lena but he did meantion her at all ot as little as possible and it was weird cause that made it so that the way it was talking it was like i was his only daugther or that lena was never there which made me wonder about things idk i guess i never realised to what degreee i was ay closer to my dad than lena, its no surprisse we always knew lena got the looks of his side of the family but i got the personalty thats why me and andre get along so well (also andres sun is my moon cough) im pretty sure me seeing my dad makes my mom sad too, understandably so i dont plan to do it often, not everyone can be happy in this story and its definitely not my mom going to be the one thats not happy, i own her everything i ever had and tbh i only acceot the times i do see my dad out of ity and guilt and cause admiditely i do miss and crave having a dad idk i guess i never had one for real but id like to, but it doesnt sound very realitic so im not too expectant i dont believe i is ever going to happen i hope days fro here forward are a little more chill although i doubt that, at least for a week or so, maybe a few days if im lucky but today im meeting bea and sleeping there se if thats a bit relaxing, then tomorrow im supposed to go soewhwere with david and sof and then the day after with david, sof and sam so yah know, a bit busy i wanted to pint and to draw do thins in my sketchbook cause there hasnt been much time ffor that or cabeça i guess and knoowing myself i feel like that might work on making me a little better before the mess starts again cause of the candidaturas in like 2 weeks
12:46 18/08/2019 bye
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
If you have a squash bug (SB) or squash vine borer (SVB) problem, it can be a big problem. Some areas have even greater trouble due to increased season length and mild winters.
Despite SB’s greater versatility, I hate SVB even more. It’s utterly devastating, and requires much more attention ahead of time, because once the plant wilts, it’s pretty much too late.
Even if you’re not growing yet and don’t have any problems, push through this one anyway, just in case. You’ll need the fixes and preventatives on hand ahead of time.
Recognize the Enemy
SVB is a moth larvae that chews into and then up through vines of susceptible cucurbits. The plant suddenly wilts, then dies. It limits its destruction to cucurbits and doesn’t usually bother thin-stemmed melons or thin-stemmed gourds.
The SB is a beetle, and spawns freakish little spidery babies that go through green and gray stages. In addition to munching all kinds of plants, they spread disease. There are similar-looking pests with very similar control and prevention difficulties.
The eggs are the best identifier ahead of time. SB lay tight, regular patterns. SVB lay fewer, more irregularly.
SVB usually lay on stems, as close to the base of the plant as possible, but I’ve found them upwards of 1’ above the ground and some trailing up under leaves.
SB wants to lay on the underside of leaves, but I’ve found those diamond clusters on stems, too.
Check other plants, too – It’s not as frequent, but SB will lay on beans, peppers, sunflowers, okra, etc. SB adults will be found anywhere, too.
Conventional Traps, Spray & Powder
In their early stages, SB is somewhat vulnerable to Sevin spray. Powder isn’t super effective and it doesn’t bother the eggs. If SVB larvae aren’t crawling across it as they hatch, it doesn’t bother them, either. Spray can be more effective on more of the life-cycle stages, but it’s “more” – it’s not total wipe-out.
Some find neem oil effective, particularly in the early life stages.
All of them have to catch the bugs to be effective. SB are active enough to evade that spray by leaping away. SVB are inside, so you have to fill those stems to catch them.
Big Ag may be able to blanket enough dust and spray to do so, but most home growers even with a tow-behind disburser are going to struggle to blanket a big enough area fast enough.
!!! – Pesticides aren’t super effective on SB and SVB, but they are wicked effective against pretty much every single beneficial bug in our gardens, from worms and fireflies and their slug-hunting larvae, to pretty much every single pollinator, bees to butterflies to hoverflies and wasps, and can even affect the gut microbiology of hummingbirds and bats. – !!!
Traps work well, but require specific attractants and have to be replaced or rejuvenated.
Conventional Prevention’s
Squash vine borers can pop up after years of not growing squashes anywhere within 200-500 yards. Squash bugs are the same, with an added problem: They like squash. They don’t need it.
That means crop rotations aren’t super effective in breaking this particular pest cycle.
The smaller our spaces, the less effective it becomes.
The mobility of the moths and adaptability of the beetles means that for most home-consumption and small-plot growers with less than an acre (‘bout a football field) per crop butting into another half- or full acre of clean, bare earth, the advice to keep a “clean” garden and avoid mulches doesn’t actually help much.
Without that space, there are too many other options for them: tree and shrub windbreaks, perennial crops and ornamentals, wood piles, overgrown ditches and fence lines, woods, lawns and pastures, straw and hay piles, gaps under sheds.
Weigh that against the values of mulches before going the bare-earth road.
Unfortunately, control once they’re established is difficult, too. Enough to make you fantasize about spraying gas and lighting a match.
Tried & True: Squish ‘Em
Good luck catching the moth. (If you find something that doesn’t affect good bugs, please share.)
To help lower the load for the beetle, carry a jar to the garden to flick them into, and a board you can squash them against.
That board is handy for collecting SB’s – so is cardboard. Lay a chunk near the plants, flip it, stomp.
Tried & True: Pluck Eggs
Attentively checking stems and leaves for little red eggs is the most effective way to control damage.
You can scrape with a butter knife or thumbnail, or try wrapping good, sticky duct tape or packing tape around hands or fingers. You’ll have to press pretty firmly.
I do not just let the eggs fall to the surface under the belief stuff will eat them there (maybe, but maybe not). Nor do I deliver them to birds (some may escape). They get carted to the trash – the trash. In a world without trash, seal them in jars/pails.
Tried & True: Stick Juveniles
I like tape for snagging itty-bitty, speedy SB babies, although you have to really stick them or they can wiggle free.
There’s also the theory of stabbing the SVB by sticking pins/toothpicks in the stems and base of squash either as a preventative or as soon as frass is visible. It has merit, especially if a plant is months into growing but isn’t anywhere near harvest, particularly in a situation where we need this food.
Squashes develop really wide bases, though, and may have more than one larvae, so make sure you’re thoroughly stabbing to kill. They can easily crawl out and chew in elsewhere otherwise.
Foil – Fail
I have tried full-sheet widths of foil in a ring around squashes from the time they pop up. I have interwoven strips around as much of the base of the vines as possible.
The foil at the base in a wide collar akin to brassica collars might be helping, but it’s limited. I have no luck with other materials, either.
Again, I see SVB eggs way up on stems, not only at the base – mama lays on whatever’s exposed, and babies adapt.
Conditionally: Sacrificial Hubbard
Yes, SB-SVB do like Hubbard. I have ringed lots with it, with 20-yard gaps to the nearest other squash, and thrown it in right beside the other cucurbits. Sometimes it’s the only victim or the damage elsewhere is limited, but it’s at best 50-50 and it does nothing to lower the pest loads.
In Big Ag, the Hubbard goes out early and farmers kill the bugs on it to lower pest loads for direct-seeded cash crop squash.
Otherwise, once they’ve killed the Hubbards, SB/SVB have plenty of time to leap over to other cucurbits and kill them, too.
Yellow Traps – Fail
This is where you hang something fairly smooth and happy yellow (cups, frisbees, painted canning lids, yogurt tubs), lightly coat it in something semi-sticky or clogging (kitchen and garden oils, thinned-down glues), and hang it so that itty-bitty munchers get snagged and stuck or coated and suffocate. Wipe, re-coat, repeat.
I have never actually seen hoverflies, fireflies, brown wasps, or striped and fuzzy bees attached, no big butterflies or moths, just the teeny-tiny stuff, so it’s not really hurting. However, I’ve only nabbed juvenile SB on versions stuck down into the dense sections of foliage or laid out in a ring under foliage, and it’s few and far between and mostly a waste of time and resources.
(Again, it can take significant pressure to snag those SB babies – you need a serious level of sticky, and for them to willingly crawl onto it to get stuck, or to fall/jump onto it; they’re not flying or leaping to it on purpose like white-fly.)
Cup Collars – Fail
These guys are effective against some types of pests for other types of crops, just like foil and cardboard collars, but, again, SB lays mostly on leaves and is not restricted to cucurbits – it just likes them – and SVB will lay well up on the mature stem, with the wormy larvae crawling down as far as possible to enter but in no way restricted to entry right at the base of squash.
In the time when the plants are small enough to fit in the cups, their vines aren’t actually vulnerable to borer larvae, still too skinny.
Too, those cups only reach a couple inches up. Any SVB that come by later are going to have nice, exposed stems and leaves protruding to lay on, with their young readily able to slide down and chew in.
Squash are big plants with wide bases and sprawling vines by type – you only contain them in a cup for a little while. Then, there are months of season left for SVB to lay on exposed, viable vines.
So… once again, while effective against some pests, it’s a waste of time and resources for SVB/SB. 
Semi-Helpful: Bury Nodes
There’s the belief that once the adventitious root nodes of longer vines is buried, the adult SVB moth doesn’t know it’s there, and won’t lay her eggs there to burrow in. The idea that she can find a seed-started stem but not a buried node… I don’t know how that even gains traction.
Plus, again, she’ll lay way up on stems. Where they are doesn’t matter.
However, there is a benefit: It creates another feed point for the plant.
If you can kill the larvae in the original stretch(es), active nodes can keep the plant alive long enough to mature any fruits further down the vine.
Tried & True: Row Covers
They work, but there’s some issues that come up, because you have to seal the edges.
SB require really sealing the edges. They’ll crawl under any loose sections. It’s a definite time and resource suck to bury-unbury-rebury every time we need access.
Mesh is my choice control for the consistent SVB problems all over my area, though. They’re not quite as small and tough, so it doesn’t require sealing to the same degree. (I wouldn’t bother if we only had SB.)
Second Hitch: Pollinators can’t get in. That means hand pollinating more than seed stock. It’s also totally devastating for squash bees, so plant some melons for them.
Combatting SB/SVB
It takes some attention and it can be laborious, but we can mitigate SB/SVB infestations. There aren’t many critters that prey on SB/SVB, so it’s all on us. Since the most effective methods require time and in some cases materials, we have to make some preparations so we can act immediately when they show up.
Be Safe out there and be sure to check out The Prepper Journal Store and follow The Prepper Journal on Facebook!
The post Survival Gardening: Squash Bugs and Borers appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
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