#the “We're pregnant!” thing has been in my mind for so long
ghost-qwq · 12 hours
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idk even what to say with this post tbh
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chahnniesroom · 5 months
to have and to hold
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
summary: you don't think there's anything chan can do to make you love him more. chan continues to prove you wrong.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, lots of fluff!!
a/n: sorry it has been so long since i posted! i have been wanting to write this since that ep of return of superman where chan and felix took care of rowoon, it was so so sweet. also i'm so sorry but i did not edit this at all
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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“Do you think you’d ever want to have kids?” 
Your question breaks through the quiet dialogue of the show that you and Chan are watching. Behind you, you feel Chan freeze before he forces himself to relax and continue fiddling with your fingers.
Chan hesitates for a moment longer before answering.
“I don’t know,” he says, slowly and carefully. “I think that I’d want to eventually, but right now? Being an idol- It would be difficult. I mean, for anyone it’s hard, but especially with this career…”
“Do you like children?” you ask, curious even though you can anticipate his answer.
“Yes.” This time he replies immediately, although his voice is still cautious. He releases your hands from his hold and gently nudges your shoulders so that you twist to look at him. “Y/n- Do- Are you-”
“What?” you stare at him, not sure why he suddenly seems so worried.
“Are you pregnant?” he asks gently. “It’s fine if you are! We can totally work things out and I will 100% support you the whole time-”
“Oh!” You smack yourself in the forehead. “No! Definitely not! I was just thinking.” 
“Ah.” Chan slumps against the back of the couch, this time he’s actually relaxed. “Just thinking or- what brought this on?”
“I’m sorry,” you say hurriedly. “That must have been out of nowhere for you. No, it’s because my older sister’s wedding anniversary is coming up, the first one since she’s had a kid, so I wanted to let her go out without having to worry. I was wondering if you wanted to help me babysit?”
“I see,” Chan says, sounding relieved. “Your sister. Yes, I haven’t met Doyun yet, right? I’d love to help you take care of him.”
Your sister is delighted that you’ve offered to take Doyun for an evening and you quickly coordinate with Chan what day would work best. It’s not possible to babysit on your sister’s actual anniversary due to Chan’s schedules, but your availabilities line up on a Friday night the weekend after.
Chan is nervous leading up to it, which you find absolutely adorable. When you look over his shoulder one night, curious what he’s focusing so intently on, you find him scrolling through articles on interacting with babies as well as tips on baby-proofing an apartment.
Before your sister arrives, you work with Chan for a few hours transforming the open area of your apartment, placing pillows and draping blankets over sharp corners and making sure to keep any small objects out of reach. 
When the doorbell rings, Chan panics, popping his head out of the kitchen from where he’s been trying to figure out a way to prevent Doyun from being able to open the cabinets.
“We're not ready!” he says, eyes wide.
“What do you want to do, keep them waiting outside until you finish?” you joke, then pause when it looks like Chan is actually considering it. “Don't worry, I'll go let my sister in and you keep working on that. We'll be watching Doyunnie the whole time, so even if you can't work that out, it's fine.”
Your sister doesn't stay for very long. She hands Doyun off to you and assures both you and Chan that your place looks safe for a baby. After going through everything that is packed in the massive diaper bag that she’s leaving with you, she heads back home to get ready for her dinner.
Doyun has a short attention span and cycles between playing with a stuffed animal, a ball, some plastic fruits and vegetables, and toy trains within the first hour. He is so adorable that you and Chan don't mind how much energy is required to keep him occupied. Luckily he's a fairly easygoing baby and hasn't fussed at all, although it did take a while for him to warm up to the two of you.
He's comfortable now, especially since Chan has started to spin the two of them around, hands firmly gripping Doyun’s torso. Doyun absolutely loves it, shrieking in excitement with his eyes crinkling. Even after a few minutes of the same thing, he never grows bored, just as thrilled everytime that Chan lifts him above his head. Although Doyun isn’t very heavy yet, after 15 minutes there’s sweat visible on Chan’s forehead and he’s starting to get out of breath.
“How about we take a bit of a break? Do you want to read?” Chan sits Doyun down against some pillows and rummages through the bag that your sister packed, finding some of the books that she included.
Chan hands the books over and although Doyun accepts both of them, he throws them aside and instead clumsily reaches up towards Chan, clearly asking to be picked up again. Chan pretends to groan and complain as he lifts Doyun back up.
“Aww,” you coo. “He really likes you.”
“And I really like him,” Chan says, spinning Doyun around. “I just wish I hadn’t gone to the gym earlier today, I didn’t realise what a workout this would be!”
Eventually Doyun grows tired, no longer begging Chan to continue. This time when Chan settles him on the ground, he just looks around curiously before crawling up to Chan and grabbing at his curls.
“He’s so small,” Chan marvels. “Look at his little fingers!”
He reaches out towards Doyun, who immediately wraps his hand around Chan’s index finger and pulls it towards his mouth.
It's comical to see the difference in size between their hands and Chan visibly melts, allowing Doyun to gum at his fingers, quickly covering them in a sheen of saliva.
“Are you hungry Doyunnie?” Chan asks. “It’s almost time for dinner, let’s see what your auntie prepared for us.”
By the time Doyun is set up in a high chair with a bib on, you’ve finished cooking. Dinner for Doyun is simple, consisting of steamed vegetables, tofu, rolled omelette, rice, and a bit of fruit. You’ve also used the same ingredients plus a few additions to make kimchi stew for you and Chan.
Chan is distracted the whole meal, prioritising feeding Doyun and wiping his face clean in between bites over eating his own food. It's a futile effort since Doyun seems more interested in smearing the food around rather than getting it into his mouth.
When you're finished with your food, you switch spots with Chan and coax Doyun into eating the last few bites he has left while Chan scarfs down his own meal. 
After dinner, you carry Doyun into the bathroom and start filling the bathtub with a shallow layer of warm water. He watches with wide eyes as you add bubble bath that changes the colour of the water to a deep blue and creates a thick cover of bubbles. After washing the dishes and wiping down the kitchen, Chan joins the both of you just as you’re rinsing suds out of Doyun’s hair.
Cleaned and dressed in a fuzzy onesie with tiny bear ears poking out from the hood, Doyun struggles to stay awake for the rest of the evening. It’s obvious that he’s tired, he’s starting to get cranky and his blinks get longer and longer, but he stubbornly continues to play. After his third time nodding off while slotting plastic shapes into a cube, Chan picks him up and walks him around the room, rocking him slightly while humming a melody that you can’t recognize.
When your sister comes to pick up Doyun, he's sprawled out on Chan’s chest, deeply asleep. A line of drool drops from his open mouth to form a wet spot on Chan’s shirt, but Chan doesn’t seem to mind, staring at Doyun with stars in his eyes.
That night, right when you're about to fall asleep, Chan speaks up. His arms are wrapped around you and you can feel his breath against the back of your neck. 
“I think,” he says quietly. “I think I want kids. Not now, I still have the same concerns as before, but in the future? I want it.”
“You did so well with Doyunnie, it looked so natural,” you agree. “I think you would be a great dad.”
“Only if you’re there by my side,” he corrects.
“There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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itsfairly · 8 months
cw: drabble, sfw, pregnant!reader, established relationship fluff, fluff, fluff. not proofread
a/n: you can thank hospital playlist for this. i saw that scene in season 2 and just knew that would be what nanami would do. so yeah, papamin has been in my mind for a long time.
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When you first told Nanami you were pregnant, he wanted to show you how much of a good dad he would be. Yes, he would pamper you like never before and stay by your side so that you wouldn't have to lift a finger, letting you and the baby take it easy until the birth. But as the date of delivery came closer and closer, he asked you if he could record the birth.
It wasn't a weird request by any means, many parents wanted that memory when their little ones left the womb and came into the world to officially become a human. While many may think of birth as disgusting or traumatizing to the point where the mere mention of the process sent shivers down their spine, it made Nanami feel butterflies in his stomach. This was his child we're talking about, his child with you. Of course he wanted to capture their first cries, to remember whatever feelings and thoughts you two—three—had at the moment. It was a huge thing he wanted to keep somewhere other than your memories.
Besides, all good dads record their kid's birth, right? It was something Nanami believed. It was one thing to pamper your child from the womb and another one to have them right in front of you. You couldn't capture the moment he found out you were pregnant, but he could record when they came to the world as a little welcome. It was more than keeping a memory, it was showing how dedicated he was to being a good father.
His excitement made it hard to say no, not that you would anyway. It was a simple request. Even if you knew you wouldn't be in your finest appearance when delivering the baby, you couldn't deny it was a moment you wanted to look back fondly. You could see how much recording it meant to him and you couldn't say anything but yes.
As your belly grew bigger and bigger, doctor's appointment after doctor's appointment, it was time to get the camera ready.
It was nerve-wracking, to say the least. You looked so nervous and your screams didn't ease his nerves. It was a weird feeling if he was honest. Here you were, screaming and crying at nothing and everything on your way to the hospital that made his heart clench from his own hopelessness in trying to ease the pain. But on the other side, it was your little one causing you all this because they were ready to greet their parents after months of hearing your voices, kicking their way out of you. Bittersweet didn't cut it for Nanami, worried for you but excited for the baby.
His nerves finally eased when you arrived at the hospital and the two—almost three—were rushed to the delivery room. His hand was tight around yours, but not as tight as yours once he told you to take all your pain out on him, holding onto him for dear life with a white-knuckle grip. He tried to calm you down in any way he could as you headed to the room, anything that would make the pain more bearable, anything that would remind you it would be worth it in the end for the two of you.
It wasn't until you were settled in the room and the doctor and nurses were now in their positions to assist you in the birth that Nanami was told he could start recording now. Kissing your hand before letting it go, Nanami takes out the camera and stands far away to let the medics do their job in keeping you and the baby safe, pressing record once he found a good enough angle to capture the arrival of your little one.
Screaming and crying became louder and more desperate, making him grip the camera tighter. But with each push, Nanami realized something through the camera screen. As the doctors were telling you to push and you groaned and yelled each time, he realized how strong you were. The scene before him would be one others would think of as stressful, but he thought it was beautiful. That you were beautiful. All this strength and determination you had through the pain to get your baby out safely sent an arrow through his heart like all those years ago he met you. Sweat and tears may be covering your face, your hair falling and sticking to it strand by strand, and your expression wasn't what you called picture perfect, but you were beautiful.
He may have done everything while you were pregnant—provided for you, cleaned the house, built the nursery room, soothed your craving at 2am despite everything being closed, comforted you through your mood swings, showered you with love and adoration...and it still didn't feel enough to what you were doing right this second. You were giving him a child. You, you wonderful you.
When his own tears roll down his cheeks, he doesn't wipe them away, accepting them as part of this joyful experience you were giving him. He just felt blessed to have you so willing and determined and strong to be doing something as demanding as giving birth, he doesn't think he can emphasize how amazing you were to him right now. You were his adoration, now and forever.
With a final push, you lay back down on the hospital bed and a new high-pitched set of cries join the world. Your baby was here with you, all safe and sound thanks to you.
Nanami doesn't think twice as his feet guide him to you, placing his free hand on your head and caressing it gently. His tears continue to fall down his face, smiling at you so widely you were sure it was the anesthetic acting up. It is when his lips kiss all over your face, soft and wet from the tears, that you realize that this moment is real. As Nanami continued to caress you and pepper every area of your face with kisses, your baby making his presence known with his cries, the camera continued to record the moment. The only difference is that the focus wasn't on the baby, but rather on the husband and wife moment between you two.
I love you, honey. I love you so much, my love.
You did amazing. Thank you for bringing our child to us.
You're so strong, you did it.
All that praise and affection made it easy to see how much of a tender moment this was for the two of you. A moment that was now shared on your baby's birth video. The only difference is that now, instead of showing how your little one came into the world, it is showing how you brought your baby to the world. Nanami loves that idea far more.
That day, Nanami showed that he would be a good father. But he also showed that he would be an even better husband than he has ever been before. Both for you and your little baby girl. That video is enough of a proof.
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Hi So I go to a Christian school so get tonnes of sex misinformation on the daily
but the other day my bible teacher was talking about porn addiction (bad start I know) and I wanted to know if what he said was in any way accurate
he said that when someone first sees any kind of pornagrhaphic content it sticks in their mind and that’s all it takes to want to see more, does this have any basis in reality whatsoever?
hi anon,
well, yes and no.
if you enjoyed what you were looking at - if it made you feel aroused, if it was interesting to look at, even if it was funny! a lot of erotica is funny! - then sure, it may stay in your memory and make you want to see more. you know, the same way that having a tasty little snack might make you want to have another tasty little snack, or watching an episode of a cool TV show might make you want to watch another episode, or listening to a great new song might make you want to listen to it over and over. porn doesn't have a unique death grip on your brain, your brain just likes things that are exciting and enjoyable. being turned on can feel good, and there's literally nothing wrong with that - on a biological level we're wired for it, since sex is necessary to pass on our genes and continue the species. and even if the sex we're interested in isn't reproductive (sex alone, sex where no one can get pregnant, sex with protection against pregnancy, etc) your brain doesn't care - that shit feels good regardless. so, yes, wanting to return to things that make you feel aroused is as normal as, like, wanting another sip of a tasty drink or to keep playing your favorite video game. as long as it's not taking over your entire life, it's harmless.
crucially, it's not like this is a power that all porn has over every person. porn that does nothing for you - kinks that aren't your kinks, actors or characters using terminology that turns you off, scenarios that simply aren't sexy to you - is incredibly easy to just look away from, and it's not like you're doomed to an instant boner every time you see something even a little bit sexual. people read erotic novels or fanfic in public all the time, and on this very website it used to be incredibly common to encounter gifs of random porn among your scrolling (still possible in some corners of tumblr, but less frequent now). it was very simple see two (or more) people hardcore boning on the dash, say "huh," and then just keep trucking, no worse for the wear.
in my experience I've found that the people who have the most difficulty with obsessing over sexual images are the people who have been most thoroughly trained to think of sex as deviant and dangerous, which makes it very upsetting to see and difficult to get out of your head. folks who are able to conceptualize sex as just a thing that happens that people do sometimes tend to have much less trouble with those kinds of repetitive thoughts.
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pinkyqil · 6 months
Good news Bad news | a.Putellas x j.Hermoso
Hidden secrets series part 2
Mention of : Angst, comfort, mention of acl and pregnancy
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Alexia had never felt like this before in all her life.it felt like everything she worked for all fell apart. broken acl and on top of that finding out your having a baby after many failed procedures of her and jenni trying over and over again.
all she could do was lay on the couch rethinking her whole life purpose.Tears slowly streaming down her face.
She had recently been feeling unwell and decided to take a trip to the hospital. Thinking it had something to do with her acl. But no she was so wrong instead. after she got to the hospital explaining her symptoms to the doctor's.
they told her that she was 8 weeks pregnant.
the look of shock on her face was not missed by the nurses around her. Her and jenni had been trying for a really long time Their last try would be around the beginning of the year, we're they received a negative blood test. but here she was finding out that she's around 2 months pregnant.
The world really does surprise you at unexpected moments.and this was one of them for alexia. The only thing that was going through her mind at the moment,was how she supposed to tell jenni or anyone else. Stil deep in her thoughts she heard the nurses ask if she would like an ultrasound. all alexia could do was nod agreeing to do it.
After finishing her business at the hospital she decided to call her mami cause she's about to be a mami herself so why not call her own too let her know.
Alexia brought out her phone dialing the first number she saw since it belongs to her mom.it only needed to be rung twice for eli to pickup her phone."alexia what happened did you get hurt are you okay" her mother questioned ?. She couldn't replied as tears started slipping down on her already wet face. Eli could tell something was wrong, alexia never cried that much.
often keeping to herself and when she did it would be mostly happy tears, but eli couldn't bring herself to know what was happening has alexia sob became louder.
"bebe I'll need you to tell me what going if not I cannot help you". eli said delicately trying to clam her daughter with a soft tune.
"Are you hurt" eli asked.
"Not like that mami" alexia said still choking on tears.
"So what exactly happening xia" eli asked her again.
" i don't really know what to do mami,I felt sick and went to the hospital- alexia said before getting cut off by her mother
"Alexia Putellas Segura you just told me that you weren't hurt and now your telling me how you felt sick what honestly going on you have me really worried". She heard her mother say on the phone
"Just let me finish explaining", she said. eil could hear the crack in her voice and hummed letting alexia to continue.
"After going in the hospital and explained my symptom's to one of the nurses attending to me said that i was expecting i don't know what to do how I'm I suppose to let her know mami".
Eli was the only one who knew how the couple had been trying for the longest of time especially knowing how hard it was on her daughter and lover.
"oh ale it all going to be alright but you'll have to tell her at some point she also deserve to hear about it from you".eli told her daughter
A while later that she finished talking to her mom.
now home staring at jenni phone number deciding on how to break the news to her. but the panic in her body said otherwise.
Alexia had decided to send jenni a photo of the ultrasound pictures and the positive pregnancy test that she took.
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Message sent
Once she had sent the pictures she turned off her phone and decided to go too bed she couldn't deal with the emotions she was feeling at the moment.
mi amor 💕 : typing...
A/n: what's jenni's message to alexia gonna be ? How would she react too it and what does she plan on doing ??
p2 coming soon enjoy this small cliffhanger,ideas and questions about the series are always welcome and feel free to let me know what you think about it 🫶
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footballfanficwriter · 10 months
Kylian Mbappe with major baby fever but you’re not buying it
Let's have a baby
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Kylian and I are in bed having a conversation
"So uhm what do you think about having a baby?"
I'm silent, I don't have a response to that question, fuck what do I say
"Uhhhhh, yeah maybe in a few more years"
"How many years is a few more years"
How about 10-15
"3-4 years maybe"
"What that's too long"
"How long do you want it to be then"
"Maybe in the next year"
Is he mad the next year, that is way to soon
"Kylian we can't have a baby within the next year"
"Why not?"
"Because I-I I don't want to"
"You don't wanna have a baby or you don't want to have a baby with me"
"I don't want to have a baby"
"Why not?"
"I'm not ready"
"I've seen how you are with kids you are great with them, you'd be a good mother"
"So can we have a baby?"
I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day, he follows me and waits for my answer
"Not yet Kylian"
"But the last time we had this conversation you said you were ready"
"Well I changed my mind" I say getting angry that he keeps pressing on about the matter
"What made you change your mind?" He says getting frustrated with me
"Kylian I don't want to have a baby" I say getting louder
"What changed your mind?" he asks sounding even more frustrated
"I realised I wasn't ready to be a mother" I say
"You were ready the last time" he says
"We're going around in circles you realize that right, you keep asking me the Same question and everytime I give you the Same answer"
"Well maybe I wouldn't be asking you the same question if yourself explained properly"
"Kylian it's a new day and we're starting it on a bad note"
"You've been avoiding this topic for months now and everytime I bring it up you come up with an excuse"
"Because I don't want to talk about it"
"Why do you have to be so difficult"
"Kylian I know you keep asking me the same questions because you're not satisfied with my answers"
"Oh wow look at that, see this is why I married you, you know me so well"
"Stop patronizing me"
"What you don't like my responses,see how it feel?"
"You're hurting my feelings Kylian that's not funny"
"You're also hurting my feelings"
"Because I don't want to be pregnant?"
"But you know that for the longest time I've wanted to a father"
"You seem to forget whose body this is, you're telling me what to do with my body?"
"I'm not I'm just suggesting"
"Well I'm not talking your suggestion"
"Don't shout at me Kylian"
"There was a time when I found out I was pregnant, and I didn't tell you because it was that time you and Neymar were fighting and the world had seen you as an arrogant person, I didn't want to tell you because you always looked exhausted, and angry about the whole thing I didn't think it was the right time to tell you
Then one day when you were gone for the international break, I was having stomach cramps, and I knew it was bad because I  can't be on my periods and be pregnant, so I went to the doctor and I found out I had lost the baby, and I didn't want to tell you because  you looked much happier and I knew if I told you it would make you sad, I hadn't seen you that happy in a long time, so I decided not to tell you and you were never home so that made it easier to hide my pain and hurt"
"Mais pourquoi"
"Whenever we were together I wanted us to be happy because I knew the moments would be short lived and  you'd have to go back to playing"
I look at him with hurt and he looks at me with shock and hurt
"I'm sorry Kylian, please forgive me"
"I-I-I can't" he whispers
He walks out the bathroom then down the stairs and out the front door
I then cry, cry for my husband, cry for my unborn baby, cry for the life I would have and cry because of everything that has happened
After wiping my tears and fixing myself I continue with my day
But every now and then I think about the events of the morning and Kylian has ben gone for 6 hours now and I've been calling but his phone keeps going to voicemail
After 8 hours of being absent Kylian finally comes back home, I'm sat on the sofa when he walks in
"Hi" he says
He walks to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water
"Are you ok?"
"Can we please talk"
He walks towards me and we sit on the sofa
We sit in silence until I break it
"Kylian I'm sorry, for not telling you about the baby and keeping it a secret from you, but you have to understand that I was doing it to protect you and your happiness"
"I went out to clear my head, and to think about what you told me and I thought about it and at first I was angry and upset at you for not telling me what was going on with you, but then I realized you've suffered so much all on your own and I wasn't there to walk you through it"
"I am your husband and I'm supposed to be there for you, we are supposed to face problems together and that's why I say we are both at fault here, you are at fault because you didn't tell me what was going on with you and I'm also at fault because I wasn't there for you and I didn't give you an environment where you can tell me, I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry as well"
"Do you forgive me" we both say at the same time
"Yeah I forgive you"
"I forgive you aswell"
He pulls me in for a hug and says
"And we don't have to have a baby now, we can wait until your body is ready and until you are ready I won't bring up the baby topic anymore unless you bring it up"
"Ok, thank you Kylian"
"You're welcome amour"
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nmakii · 6 months
Omg ! I didn't think you'd actually respond !! We're gonna fly away from here is easily one of the best ones in the series!! It's so Twisted and disturbing but almost domestic... (Also tysm for including my name idea in your story, Idk where it came from, I just liked it and I appreciate you!) I digress. I've returned with a concept. Al almost always has a plan when he does something. I don't know where you want to go with the second child but this won't be too focused on that one...for now. I really liked how you interpreted Alastor being a weasel and weaseling his way back into the families life and was thinking about how many I wonder about if he has a plan right now, like not a long term one, obviously, but a very specific one for a 'short term'. Women back then, especially in the south weren't allowed to have bank accounts so finicial trapping works well in this case. Also just kinda the ability to turn their kids against her would be enough to terify me. People talk about the 1950's housewife, but oh my god, 1920's housewives were a new kind of depressed. I, personally, don't think Alastor is the type of physically abuse women. No, he's far too classy for that. Instead, like I said, I think he'd either use his status in their house to trap his wife. We were able to run away while we were pregnant and alone, but we have a child now...and would we be willing to leave our child with him? No, I don't think I would, personally. This was just me rambling. K, love u, currently hyperfixated on this au. Byeee !!!! _ Cherry Anon!
[before reading this, read the rest of the story!]
— seems as if alastor found out your little secret
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being married to alastor, the radio show host is quite the sensation in your town. but, behind the closed curtains, alastor did things that would’ve made lucifer shake in his boots.
no, he didn’t hit you. his mother would kill him if he hit his wife. but, just because alastor never hit you, didn’t mean he didn’t abuse you.
he tormented you in the worst way possible, through noah. and now, emilia.
it’s been 3 years. your little emilia lives up to her name, a cute little girl who’s eager to win. and, little noah is now a big boy, double digits and all.
and, since you’ve returned back to his house, alastor has done nothing but twist your babies’ minds. ‘once upon a time, mama wanted to run away from daddy… so, she ran away and took big brother with her. daddy was sooo worried for mama and big brother though… daddy was able to track mama down, and took her home!’ he cooed to your daughter, bouncing her in his arms— with you right beside him!
you wanted to yell; scream. of course, emilia was too young to understand what alastor was saying. but, still— the fact that he was trying to tell your children that he was some sort of white knight who saved you from yourself. you wanted nothing less, but to snap that neck of his like a twig.
you really shouldn’t act so brashly though. to outsmart alastor, you have to think like him. think of what’s smarter in long run.
alastor was ‘kind’ enough to give you an allowance. $200 every week for groceries and whatever you may need. he’s even so kind as to let you have some ‘private bonding’ with noah and emilia as they accompany you to the farmer’s market.
thankfully, you had a father who wanted to make his little girl survived even without a husband. and so, you had to hear all of his ramblings about finance. saving about 45% each week for 3 years… was about $14,000!
if you saved just a little more, you’d be semi-financially independent until you can get a proper job to take care of your children. it was run-away money, so to speak.
you hid the money in noah’s room. after all, who would expect money there? especially $14,000? and, it worked, for a while. every monday, while you tucked him into bed, you brought the money with you and hid it behind his dresser.
until, what had seemed like a normal tuesday. you came home from the tailor’s, getting back a dress that noah accidentally tore. when you came home, it was only two hours after noon. and despite that, alastor was home.
“a-alastor..! what are you doing home so early? you have a broadcast in 2 hours…” you narrowed your eyes at alastor, on the floor with your children, many new toys surrounding them. “ah, darling! i decided to pick up our children early, and we may have splurged on our little shopping spree…” he smugly grinned. “oh..? where’d you get the money?” you raised your eyebrow, closing the door and laying your bearings on the dining table.
“funniest story ever, my love! there was a random stash of money in noah’s room! seems as if the tooth fairy came early!” he laughed. random stash of money in noah’s room..? “oh. i see.” your breath stopped for a minute, thinking of what kind of consequences could come from it.
“do you have any idea how that money landed there?” he side-eyed you, expecting a lie. “perhaps it was from the old owners? you know this house, there’s so many secrets in here.” you said. “i see… i suppose you are right, darling!” he giggled.
you were back on square one. financially dependent on your husband, if you could even call him ‘husband’. as you climbed up the stairs, you heard alastor whisper to your son. “you see that? momma lied. she got less talkative when papa asked her a question.”
this is what alastor’s been teaching your son. as much as you want to protest, you did lie.
oh, how much you wished for much more simpler times. playing with your baby boy in the kitchen as you make little treats together for his snack at school. and now, the boy alastor’s turning him into— a cunning sociopath, the lord only knows what he will teach your daughter.
this is just a minor setback, it has to be.
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ratcash-wasgud · 6 months
𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎𝙼𝚘𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗!𝙼𝚒𝚣𝚞
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Hey heyyyy. I know I'm not doing the shit I'm supposed to, but this has been on my mind for so long, and I CANNOT get it out.
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Mizu hated her job. Working in a busy restaurant as a waitress is honestly exhausting, especially when someone is kind of masculine presenting. Sometimes she thinks that college isn't worth enough to suffer through this. Rude comments from middle aged customers about how she's not feminine enough, no tips from men since they usually think she's one of them until she speaks up, and little kids asking "are you a boy or a girl" are part of her daily rutine. But still, there is one good thing about her job. You.
She usually shares a shift with you, and you happen to be her polar opposite. You're cheery, optimistic and seem to be always shining. You're always there when she drops a plate, apologize in her place, and help her clean it up. You seem to be young too, almost her age. During some of the shared breaks, you told her you're four years older than her, and never managed to finish college. Why? You got pregnant.
You briefly told her about it once. You did really well on an exam, and went out to celebrate. You got really, reaaaaly drunk. Since there was this guy, who was paying for your drinks, you went all out. The next thing though was that you woke up in an unfamiliar apartment, naked. You did a test the moment you got home, and found out you were pregnant. You dropped out to get a full time job, to afford this baby, because you weren't able to get rid of it, and when your snob parents found out, they cut contact with you. Now you're still raising your two year old daughter, Charlie.
You're stronger than anyone Mizu ever met. When she learned that you're a mother, she suddenly understood why are you so motherly. Why are you so warm. You have practice in treating children, and even if Mizu doesn't know it, she is still one on the inside. And an angry one at that.
And with the though that you are a mother, she fell in love with you. Your gentleness, your kind nature, the way you unintentionally coo at her when she's grumpy...it all just made her crave your presence. You never gave her more than a hug though aside from those rare pets on her head her when she does something really well.
She knows she shouldn't think about stuff like this, and it's not even her place to even have the though, but...you were with a man once. You never talked about anything else that could give her a hint about any of your previous or ongoing romantic interests, and that frustrates her. Akemi always tells her when she meets a guy, or Taigen when he manages to hook up with a girl...even Ringo told her about this pretty girl at the local bakery he really likes visiting. So why not you? Do you not have anyone? Ever? You probably don't like raising your kid alone, so why don't you try dating? Or dating her, to be specific. But, to cut this short, as far as she knows, you're straight.
"Oh God, we're sorry." You give a customer an apologetic smile as you kneel down on the ground to pick up pieces of a cup Mizu had just dropped. "The next drink is on the house. Again, we're sorry."
Mizu crouches down beside you, and she starts collecting shards too in silence. When the both of retreat to the kitchen, Mizu stops your hand when you're about to add a drink to your own tab. "What are you doing?"
"I told them the next drink is on the house." You say, raising an eyebrow. Mizu feels your pulse as she holds your wrist.
"Yeah, so why are you writing it to your name? I dropped the cup." She says, her tone harsh and unfriendly as ever.
"Because you already had to pay for that rude man's stew the other night. I can't let your paycheck get reduced to a single penny." You give her a slight smile and a small chuckle. You're too good to her. She keeps messing up, and you're the one cleanig up her mess.
Still, Mizu takes the pen from you and writes the drink under her name. "Buy Charlie something on your way home instead. Tell her it's from the weird woman from work." She sighs.
It's worth it. Completely. The smile on your face after she does that is just too much for Mizu to handle. "Why don't you give her the treat yourself? The daycare is close to the bus top you usually wait at, so you could come with me to pick her up."
So, that's how she ended up here, holding Charlie's small little right hand as you hold the left while the little girl literally toddles, on your way to your apartment.
Mizu was never good with children. She found them annoying and useless. But she had to admit...Charlie was adorable. The little girl was really your kid. She had the same mannerisms, even if she was barely able to speak.
"Then, the bug...got on my face. And then, I was screaming. Mean bug." Charlie mumbles endlessly as they walk. You, on the other hand, seemed to be really invested in the story, as you smile oh so sweetly at Charlie, and nod along to the story.
After that, Mizu ended up at your place somehow. She didn't want the moment to stop, so she just...kept walking with the two of you. It was so comforting, she couldn't let it go.
She watched you coo at your child as you fed her, waited obedientlyin the living room when you gave her a bath, helped you pick up her toys, and even did the day's dishes.
But it has gotten late. She should go home now...home. She feels like she found home tho. She doesn't want to leave.
"Hey..." Mizu starts as she picks up her bag. "Thanks for...you know, introducing me to Charlie." She murmurs.
You chuckle at her. "She really likes you. She was even more chatty from usual."
"What about you?"
"Do you like me?"
She slowly takes your hand. She can't stand this endless longing anymore. She wants to be by your side, to help you raise Charlie, to make your life just a little easier. She wants that more than anything.
"It's okay if you don't like me yet...I should earn your love." Mizu says, looking down at the ground.
"Mizu..." Your gaze softens, your fingers wrapping around hers.
"But I will earn it." She says, now determination filling her eyes. "I will show you how good I'd be for you. And for Charlie. So wait for me, until I can prove myself. But be ready for me."
And with that, she's out the door. Her steps are light and fast as she enjoy's the night breeze hit her face. She can't help but smile. She feels free.
She now, has something in her life...something to look forward to. She can't wait to be part of that family.
You look at the now closed door that she just walked through, and smile softly to yourself.
"What a child..." You whisper to yourself with a small chuckle.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Love on Tour: The Documentary
we all know harry is working on a documentary, so this is my take on how young dad!harry would approach it!
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader universe
and now a little key:
bold and italics: camera directions, or what you would be seeing as a viewer of the documentary in person
just italics: interviewer questions, or people who are speaking off camera
Part 2 Part 3
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Harry jogs off stage, his mask wrapped securely around his ears as he leaves the sounds of thousands of screams behind. Even so, his squinted eyes make it obvious that he’s smiling. He walks into his dressing room and shuts the door with a soft click and immediately starts to change out of his concert outfit. After shimmying into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, Harry grabs his phone and sits down on the couch.
“Hi, Mama.”
“Hi, baby. How was the show?”
"Amazing. I feel like we get better with each performance."
"Aw, H. I'm so happy for you!"
Harry grins at his phone while resting his chin on his hand. "Missed seeing you. Missed seeing all of you."
"We're so proud of you, baby. No matter how far away we are," the voice on the other side of Harry's phone says. "In other news, the bub has been quite active today."
"Yeah?" Harry says, and his demeanor immediately visibly brightens. "Hope she's not giving you too much trouble."
"We don't know if it's a she, H."
"I do. I have a sixth sense for these types of things."
Cut to Harry sitting in an empty room for his interview.
“So, why did you decide to talk about all of this now?”
Harry rubs his chin as he ponders the question. “I think…I think it’s hard not to. When I think back on my career, I think about how old Simone was or how Jules had just begun walking or sneaking to a courthouse to get married. My family is a part of my life and has been a part of most of my career. My kids, my wife...they mean everything to me, and I—I know it sounds kind of crazy, but I can’t imagine my life, my career any differently. I wouldn’t want to do this without my family.”
The camera cuts to a series of home videos—Y/n and Harry sharing a kiss in a courthouse, members of One Direction celebrating around them, a toddler in Harry’s lap as he plays the piano, Y/n on a tour bus with a small bundle in her arms, Harry catching a little girl as she jumps into a pool, a little girl with dark curls playing with all members of One Direction backstage at a concert venue, Harry asleep on a hotel bed with his face covered in play makeup, a three year old sleeping next to him.
“Should we start with when you met Y/n?”
His grin is immediate. “I was seventeen years old.”
Harry’s voice becomes a voice over as clips of him and the members of One Direction film their music video for What Makes You Beautiful. 
“It sounds cheesy, but I’ve always thought it was fate that we met. Her friend was an extra in the video, and she happened to tag along. I was immediately taken with her. We got along really well and talked long after I left LA.”
The camera cuts back to Harry.
“Just talked?”
Harry blushes. “Obviously not, but I’m a gentleman. All I’ll say is, kids, understand the importance of practicing protected sex.”
A cut to a similar room where Y/n sits.
“He said that? My husband, everybody.”
Everyone behind the studio laughs with her.
“So you got pregnant.”
Y/n nods. “Oh yeah.”
“Was there ever a moment where you didn’t want to tell Harry?”
“It definitely crossed my mind. We were so young and we didn’t see each other very often in the grand scheme of things. No one ever expects something like this to happen to them, but it happened to us.”
Back to Harry.
“I was terrified. Mostly terrified to tell my mum, but it…it changed everything. Here I was thinking my life had already changed drastically with the band, and then Y/n is pregnant.”
The camera cuts to Anne’s interview.
“I mean, I think the possibility is in the back of parent’s mind,” she says, shaking her head a little. “But you raise your children to be smart and responsible and hope for the best.”
“How did that conversation go when Harry told you?”
“He was practically crying over the phone, which made me…less angry, which isn’t even the right word, I don’t think. Poor Harry was so scared, and all I kept thinking was, ‘I send my son to Hollywood and a few months later he gets some girl pregnant.’ I didn’t even know he was dating Y/n.”
“You didn’t?”
“No, so that made the whole thing even more surprising. But he kept saying, ‘Mum, she’s not just some girl. She’s really special.’ Things like that. But I won’t lie, it was a lot to digest.”
Back to Y/n.
“What was it like meeting Anne for the first time?”
“Oh God,” Y/n says. “Mortifying. I was already showing when we met, which made the whole thing that much worse. We couldn’t even pretend we were meeting under normal ‘meet your boyfriend’s mom for the first time’ circumstances. But she was really nice. She asked how I was feeling and helped me get set up with the right doctors. She made me feel welcome, which I appreciated.”
Back to Harry.
“Her parents weren’t as supportive as mine, and she was feeling kind of isolated and overwhelmed, so I convinced my mum to let Y/n live with her.”
Back to Y/n.
“You lived with Harry’s mother?”
Y/n nods and smiles at the camera. “It felt like the right thing to do at the time, and I stand by it. Things were really tense at home, and I just thought it would be a little easier going through everything with people who were completely on board.” Y/n shrugs. “I was young and scared and needed a maternal figure. I tried to think of it as going off to college.”
“But no one had a clue about any of this.”
Back to Harry.
Harry shakes his head. “My management at the time wanted to make this go away as quickly as possible. They tried to pay Y/n off so she wouldn’t contact me again or say anything about it.”
Back to Y/n.
“Yeah, but I told them to shove their offer up their asses. It wasn’t nearly as much as I would’ve gotten from child support, first of all.”
“Did you ever consider taking the offer?”
“Of course I did. I had to consider all my options.” Y/n is quiet for a moment and doesn’t look at the camera. “I eventually decided to stay with Harry and have the baby, but, you know, I had my whole life ahead of me. Both of us did.”
Back to Harry.
“Did you know about that?”
“The payoff? Yeah, she told me shortly after. As for the other stuff…I knew. And I would’ve respected whatever decision she made. But when she decided to keep the baby and keep me in her life, I told management they would have to figure something else out, and keeping her and the pregnancy was their solution.”
“What was it like to be in One Direction while having a baby at home?”
“Strange,” Harry says. “Like, some of the best moments of my life were in the band, but then I would get a text from Y/n and it would be a picture of Simone in the bathtub covered in bubbles, and I would want to be there all of a sudden.”
A series of videos and photographs of Harry and Y/n in 2012 appear. In hotel rooms, backstage at One Direction concerts, homes. With each image, Y/n’s baby bump grows.
(Voiceover) “It was this weird mix of having so much fun and feeling bad when I realized Y/n was at home by herself with a newborn. She’s never blamed me or never asked me to stop what I was doing, but this tiny seed of guilt was always in the back of my mind.
A video of a young Harry and Y/n appears. They seem to be in a dressing room. Y/n lays against Harry while his hand rests on her baby bump. Y/n looks up at Harry and smiles, and he smiles back before he looks up and realizes they’re being filmed. “Oi! Get out of here, Louis!” Louis laughs from behind the camera and says, “You’ll thank me later!”
“We were faced with a lot of decisions, none of them easy. And sneaking around had its drawbacks, especially when my management team wanted me to start doing all the fake dating and stuff.”
Harry stops talking, as if recalling a memory, but he doesn’t share it. “But one thing was easy at least. When we first met, we bonded over our love for Nina Simone. When Y/n suggested it, it just sounded right.”
Back to Harry in his dressing room.
“How is everyone?” he asks Y/n over the phone.
“I have four little monkeys that should be asleep, but they wanted to say goodnight first.”
Harry’s grin widens as a chorus of hellos echoes from his phone. From a different angle over his shoulder, four faces can be seen on his screen. “Hi, hi, hi, hi. Are you all being good for your mumma?”
“Where are you?”
“How was the show?”
“Hi my loves. The show went really, really great. I miss you all so much,” Harry says.
“When are you coming home, Dada?”
“Soon, Maeve, I promise. Just a couple more nights and I’ll be home.”
“Can we get ice cream when you come home?”
Harry laughs. “Yes, peanut, we can get ice cream. Now go to sleep. It’s past your bedtime.”
There’s lots of protesting from the four children on the phone, but one voice pipes up above the rest. “Can you sing us a song?”
“Of course, JuJu. How could I forget? What would you like?”
Back to Harry’s interview.
“So, how many kids do you have now?”
“I am a proud father of six. Five girls, one boy, one set of twins.”
“Full house then.”
Harry nods and makes a mock-exasperated sigh. “Oh yeah.”
“What’s that like?”
“There’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure. Y/n’s the real marvel, though. I don’t know how she does it.”
Back to Y/n.
“I’m not gonna lie, there are times where I don’t even feel like a person, but Harry works just as hard to give our family the life we have. And he’s an incredible dad. He’ll come home from tour, clearly exhausted, and he’ll still be the first one out of bed to get the kids ready for school and make breakfast and change diapers. I mean, the man doesn’t stop.”
“You’re a team, then.”
Y/n smiles. “Yeah. We’re a team. All eight of us.”
“Did you see yourself ever having six kids?”
“I mean...technically we were supposed to stop at four.”
“So what happened?”
Y/n sighs and shakes her head exasperatedly. “The pandemic happened.”
A home video begins to play in the Styles’ living room. Harry is filming and Y/n is in front of it with her hands behind her back.
“Alright. Tell me why the camera’s out, Mama. Where are the kids?”
“They’re building a pillow fort for us in our room, but first…I  have a surprise for you.”
Y/n leans past the camera to give him a small gift bag. Crinkling is heard as Harry pulls tissue paper out of the bag. “Are you serious?”
Y/n nods, a large grin on her face. “I’m about six weeks along.”
Harry laughs, and the camera wobbles as he rushes over to Y/n to pick her up. Their giggles and cheers of excitement can be heard offscreen.
“We’re having a baby!” Harry says.
Back to Harry.
“Are you gonna go for lucky number seven?”
Harry scratches the back of his head. “Currently up for debate. The missus is apprehensive, but I think I’m wearing her down.
Back to Y/n
Y/n scoffs and shakes her head. “He can keep on dreaming.”
“So you’ve had this discussion before?”
“It’s…been mentioned once or twice. But any time he brings it up I threaten him with no sex for two weeks. Am I allowed to say that?”
Back to Harry.
Harry opens his mouth to speak when a small hand tugs on his shirt. Looking down, he smiles. Harry bends down and picks up a little girl. For privacy reasons, her face is blurred. She wraps her arms around his neck so she’s in his lap and her back is facing the camera.
“I’m hungry,” the little girl says in what can only be described as a “monster voice.”
Matching her tone, Harry asks, “What would you like, GiGi?”
“Grilled cheese.”
Harry shakes his head and kisses GiGi’s temple. He covers the microphone clipped on his shirt so he can talk to his daughter privately. With another kiss, he lets go of the mic. “You got it.” Harry shrugs at the camera with a smile. To the camera, he says, “Can we finish this later? Duty calls.”
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moirindeclermont · 21 days
It's another episode of "all the Polin first time we didn't see in BridgertonS3 " and @reallifeeloise asked me to write about Pen and Colin discovering they are going to be parents. I think this will contain enough sugar to make even a sweet teeth collapse, so don't tell me I didn't try to warn you.
Some think the scene after Francesca's wedding is the one where Pen tells him, but it's too soon for her to know at that point. Instead, I'm thinking some weeks after their reconciliation...
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Pen starts to get nausea and she is always tired and next thing she know Colin has called the doctor.
When she tells him her synthoms, he just asks "when the last time you had your courses?" And that makes her think.
In all the chaos and drama, she remembers having her courses a couple of weeks before... Well, before she got married.
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She tells the doctor as much and she see Colin get pale and the doctor smiling at her.
"Well, you'll have to wait a couple of weeks more to be sure, but I think you're pregnant, Mrs. Bridgerton. I'll give you two your privacy" he says and a moment after it's just her and Colin.
Colin who seems to have clocked her growing confusion, because he snaps out of his own state of confusion.
"What's wrong my dear?"
"I know you told me - and mama also told me about pregnancy... But I didn't realize I guess until now. We are going to have a baby," and her face gives up the most beautiful smile Colin has ever see.
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Colin gets close to her, gets on his knees and kiss her stomach.
"We are going to have a baby," and he is the happiest Pen has ever seen him, even with tears in his eyes.
"Why are you crying?"
"Pen. This is all I ever wanted. A family with you."
"Don't make me crying too!"
And the moment after they are kissing through the tears.
Colin lifts her up and puts her on their bed, "you're going to be an amazing mother", "I can't wait to tell everyone", "you're amazing Pen". He says all of this while he is kissing every each of exposed skin he can.
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Pen is also in a similar state. "You're going to be the best father" "I love you Colin" she tells him as she kisses and caresses his face.
Their coupling is frantic after those declaration. Both of them need more but don't have time for finesse.
Colin just lifts her skirt up, place a tender kiss on her stomach and her mound and unbreeched himself. He just use a couple of fingers to make sure he doesn't hurt her and, even in those frantic moment, she appreciates the gesture.
A moment after he is inside her.
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Conversely, once he is inside her, both of them seems to calm down from their frenzy state. The reality seems to settle around them and in their mind as they begin to make love. Long thrusts, one inch at a time, eternity stretches as they exist only in their bubble of now.
Colin kisses and caresses her face, and Pen understand, as if she was reading his mind, he is kissing and caressing the part he hopes she will pass to their child. The eyes, her hair, the tip of the nose...
Her heart wants to burst.
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As they picked up speed, he is actually the first to come, something that happens rarely as he vastly prefer attending to her pleasure first. He must have been really overwhelmed.
"Sorry Pen, I could not resist," and he goes to standup but Pen stops him.
"That's okay, love. Stay here like this. When you're ready again, make me come."
"Bloody hell. I married a hell of a woman, Mrs Bridgerton," he says as he obeys her.
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They talk and talk and talk, until he stirs inside her and their coupling restart.
This time, Pen's release is right before Colin, and he collapse on her, she settles for putting her hands in his hair.
"I can't wait to see a little Colin around the house" she says, and she smiles as he looks at her. "we're going to argue for the upcoming months that it's going to be a little Penelope."
They kissed one more, Colin's hand on her stomach "we can't wait to meet you, little one".
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
"Guys, Josie and I have awesome news! You know how Arizona finally opened its first few detransition facilities? Guess whose doctor sent along two requests for us to participate? That's right, we are SO psyched he put in those requests and we got accepted. We each got a letter in the mail with our doctor's inquiry and it went something like,
'Dear (Director of Our County's Detrans Facility)
My two patients, Olivia and Josie, are optimal candidates to test your facility's detransition program. Both are males who have lived as girls most of their lives, going on blockers in junior high, and a substantial dose of hrt in high school. These boys love 'living as girls', and have exaggerated feminine figures (excessively big breasts, large asses and wide hips), and don't express much interest in detransitioning, despite me suggesting it as an option quite often. I would love for nothing more than to see these young men finally detransition and embrace male puberty.
Sincerely, Dr. Blah-Blah-Blah'
We read the copy we got in the mail and immediately whipped out our pathetic three-inch cocks and jerked off..... well, rubbed them like girls until we came. Sure, our doctor has wanted us to detrans for some time but we've been hesitant to do it. We both want huge cocks, to finally start growing facial hair, and to get chest hair and stuff, not to mention these big fat boobs make us both crazyyyy dysphoric like they're so huge. 🤢🤢🤢 But we liked being 'girls' just enough that we were scared to detrans, although we've both been thinking about it..... even if we don't tell our doctor.
Soooo, finally the choice was taken from our hands! We'll be detransed by the state in just a few days, this is SO exciting! We are absolutely ecstatic, calling up all of our other local trans 'girl' friends, asking if they got picked and a lot have! We're on Discord practically losing our minds anticipating our long-awaited detransition! From what we've seen of videos recorded in these places, it's like a big spa where you're given luxury accommodations and put on testosterone, as well as a massive dose of dick-growth pills. They basically use pumps and medication to make your cock 15+ inches, thick around as our upper arms, and our balls will be forced to grow to the size of grapefruits, at least! Oh, and naturally they remove our breasts shortly after we arrive!
Then we'll be put in a theater, where they'll show us extremely filthy, hardcore porn as our cocks are pumps by a machine, conditioning us to be turned on by the extreme pornography they show us. Stuff like graphic public gangbangs, free use and rape alike, pissing on girls, throat fucking them until they puke, all the girls are thick, massively pregnant, unable to escape, their breasts at least double even our size. And we'll be subjected to watching this for hours on end every day until our brains finally break and the only thing that can get us off is going out, finding some cute pregnant girls with nice plump asses and to pounce on them, jamming our oversized cocks into them like wild animals until we cum--and oh, I hear these orgasms are incredible, like shooting a whole liter of cum, rope after rope, your brain feeling totally shattered from the high, so much so the only thing you can even think about is finding pussy to fuck, just like us men are meant to be! ❤️ Wish us luck..... we'll be rooting for all you fake girls out there to get picked next!"
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ladymarycrawley · 11 months
Like father, like daughter - John Stones
Not requested but I've been woking on this piece for a while so there you go 💕 and dad! John is a weakness of mine so yeah (and it's quite long). Feel like dedicating this to queen herself @footballffbarbiex 🤍
Warning: pregnancy
Tag list: @prideofpd, @johnstonesfc, @chelsealover, @masonxomount, @kathb59 (cause she was eager to read it)
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Pregnancy is seen in the collective consciousness as a blessed time, where a new life is growing inside of a woman’s body and everything seems good but most people only see the pleasurable side of it, ignoring all the cons these nine long months carry with them.
Of course there’s physical pain (back pain, swollen feet, morning sickness just to mention a few), that’s something concrete everybody can see. What’s more painful it’s the hidden part of this journey, the one that takes place in women’s head: embarking on such a massive change might be scary and sometimes fear overlaps with the joy of welcoming a new human being, overcoming it most of the time.
The most common worry is about not being ready enough to become a parent (as it’s the hardest job a person can do) followed by the difficulty of giving birth: how is it going to be? What will I do if something wrong happens? Will it be as painful as they make it seem in films? 
All of this has an impact on mental health and stability, as all these fears may take a toll on a person’s mind and rely on the most disparate stimuli to give life to the most random scenarios…
"John I'm so scared"
"Of what?"
"There's people who like pregnant women but not in a good sense…"
"In what sense?"
"Like they find them hot and have a fetish for them, that's scary"
That what can be defined as one of the random scenarios mentioned above: that afternoon you were aimlessly scrolling through your phone to stumble upon an article about the most unusual fetishes and you happened to read about people who had the pregnancy kink.
"So what?"
"That's gross and what if these people steal my pics and do vile things with them?"
Your head started spiralling in panic as your hormones and your unstable state of mind was totally controlling you. Too many thoughts in that overworking brain of yours culminated in desperate tears rolling down your face. 
"Your pics are safe and you look so sexy"
"I don't, this thing is insanely big and…and the other day you called me whale" You confessed to him as sobs were making you shake.
"Affectionately though, I'd never call you a whale to insult you…" He wrapped his arms around your waist "You're the sexiest, most beautiful whale ever" John whispered with a husky voice right into your neck
"You're fake, you're just mean"
"I'm not mean!"
The sobs were getting harder and your boyfriend knew the breakdown was getting serious.
"You'll leave me for some beautiful, hotter woman that'll give you no problems and you'll be cheating on me and I'll end up as a single mother and -"
"Hold on, hold on. Calm down and take a deep breath" John tried to calm you, stressing those encouraging words and trying to take deep breaths with you as to show you the priorities you should have considered. 
"You're overthinking"
"What if something goes wrong? What if the birth doesn't go as planned? What if our baby -"
"Calm down"
"I've read a lot of stories of mums that had horrible experiences while giving birth to their babies and what if one of us dies?"
John blurted out his eyes in shock as fear and worry covered his perfect face as well.
"Don't even think about it. We're following literally what the doctor told us, I'm sure they'll do whatever it's in their power for your safety"
Your baby kicked in that moment, as if your worry suddenly became her own and she felt the urge to calm you down, coming to the aid of her dad.
You gulped and brought your hand to your belly as John’s eyes never lost sight of you.
He’d never lost sight of you, not even when you went through labour and you were holding his hand so tightly while following the midwife’s instructions, trying to coordinate your pushes with the deep breaths she was asking you to take.
You were trying not to think about all the fears that piled up during those months but it was so hard when all the contractions trampled over you so violently. He stayed there even when you were squeezing his hand so hard your nails dug into his skin, almost piercing it. 
He was the antidote to all your nightmares: someone who stayed there with you, holding your hand through thick and thin.
John only left at nightfall and only after you insisted for him to go back home to sleep on a proper bed.
You were feeling like a done and dusted whale, all bloated and tired while he was there looking so fine, surely fresh out of the shower as the unmistakable scent of his aftershave tickled your nostrils.
The sight of him entering what had been your room for the last two days made your heart swell and the butterflies in your stomach soar.
The tiredness painted across your face as well as your swollen eyes made your freshly woken up expression evident and John couldn’t help but smile as your tired smile welcomed him.
"Good morning"
He closed the door behind him, approaching your bed and looking at the small crib where your tiny baby girl was sleeping.
"How are you? Did you get some sleep?"
"Yep…slept a couple more hours"
"Good" He muttered while pressing his lips to your forehead.
"And how is she?"
Both your glances fell on the product of your love that was so small she could easily fit in one of John's large hands and looked so cute in her blush pink bodysuit, stretching her little legs as she was probably busy dreaming something. 
"She seems fine, we can't wait to go back home"
"I know…they said you would be good to go today"
"Yeah but they want to check in on us for a final check and then we can go"
"Okay" John was a bit disappointed he couldn't take his ladies with him and leave the hospital right away so he reluctantly nodded and got up to take you something to eat for breakfast. 
"I want a giant chocolate croissant"
"And a giant cappuccino as well?" He asked with a smirk, knowing full well your taste when it came to what to have for the most important meal of the day.
"You know me so well" You exclaimed, happy with those small things that weren't small at all in your eyes; they meant the world to you as him and your baby were now your whole world too.
John smiled, a blush pink tint colouring his cheeks and lowered himself over your seated figure, balancing himself on the mattress with his hands, his lips busy pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"See? Everything went well, you're both doing great" He whispered, referring to your fear of something potentially going wrong during the birth, your biggest fear.
You smiled back at him, watery eyes full of weariness and emotions looked up at him as you moved your head to the side to press a tender kiss to his hand that was soothingly caressing your cheek.
“I love you so much. Both of you”
“I love you more”
That sweet moment was interrupted by a nurse who knocked on your room’s door to check in on you and Iris, as it was time for the last visit before discharging you officially.
John waited outside for it to be over, using that time to buy you the delicious breakfast you have been longing for.
He really hoped they could give you the green light to go back home because that would have meant everything was okay and you were perfectly healthy. So he prayed to hear the good news he was waiting for, to see your baby in that white wooden cot you spent a whole day choosing at the store, paired with that flowery pink bedding set his sister gave you as a gift and that had you crying as soon as you opened the box.
After fifteen minutes or so the nurse opened the door followed by the medical staff who welcomed your boyfriend with a smile, the doctor holding your file in her hands. She complimented John on your newborn and told him what he was dying to hear: you and Iris’s health status was good and you were ready to leave the hospital.
He thanked her and nodded when she gave him some quick advice on how to take care of them during the delicate moments following the baby’s birth.
After saying their goodbyes quickly John rushed back to your room with a big grin plastered on his lips.
"We're going home babies" He cooed, taking the duffle bag with all your personal belongings.
“Not so fast, Stonesy” You chuckled “Help me get out of this bed so we can get ready”
The City player giggled and helped you step out of the bed so you could stand up properly. The standing posture made you feel pain in places in didn't even know they existed and the grimace on your face told it all.
“I’ll take the baby and all her things while you put all your stuff in here” He said, directing his tall body towards the crib where his princess was looking at him with her blue eyes. “Yes baby, you’ll come with dada” 
The moment you dreamt of a lot, that is to say John making his silly little voice to speak to your daughter, finally happened and it brought genuine tears to your eyes: funny how a small, tiny creature that you met for the first time no more than 72 hours earlier, that shared every single second of the last nine months of your life with you suddenly became the most important, priceless treasure you ever put your hands on. 
You thought there were some feelings it was impossible to give form to and love was one of them, but you had to change your mind the moment you took her in your arms because you  realised the human being you were holding was the embodiment of all the love you had for her dad. So some feelings, even the strongest one, had a shape and it was astonishingly beautiful.
“Oh I see you’re already taking the baby and leaving me with the heavy things” You mumbled, feigning being angry at him.
“You had her with you for 9 months, don’t be selfish”
“Me selfish?? Oh I’d have really liked you to carry her in your belly for 9 f-”
“Oi don’t swear in front of the baby”
You laughed seeing him all concerned and covering Iris’ ears as he was glaring at you. You shook your head as you slowly started to collect all your things around the hospital room.
“Give me my breakfast, I’m starving”
“See? Your mum has already changed and uses me as her butler and credit card”
His joke caused you to roll your eyes as you were trying to get dressed while dealing with your yet aching body.
You were in some baggy pants and an oversized hoodie because it was the only outfit you were feeling like wearing as John was there looking as flawless as usual even though his fit was quite simple: a pair of jeans matched with a gray jumper and a baseball cap on made him look hotter than usual. The child seat he was carrying with your baby girl in was making him even look like a real hot daddy and your heart was bursting with love. The right word to describe how you were feeling was blessed.
When you finally stepped foot in your house you sighed in satisfaction as you just wanted to get in your bed and cuddle with your new family in peace, eating some good junk food if possible.
“Home sweet home”
John smirked and carefully put the child seat on the floor so he could take Iris out of it.
“Welcome home, baby” He lifted her up to place her against his shoulder so her head could rest against it, as they showed him in the hospital. “This is your home”
“I’ve missed it so much…I think I’m going to lay down for a while”
Lying down on your own bed, on the bed sheets you chose, in the room you shared with the man of your life gave you that much needed home feeling.
You closed your eyes in the attempt to relax but the level of weariness, of emotions you had experienced recently didn’t make it any easier for you to sleep a little.
"Ok so I'm gonna go"
"I don't wanna see anyone" You mumbled when John finally entered your room, cradling Iris in his arms. When he looked down at her to see she was asleep, he put her in the wooden cot right next to your bed.
He couldn’t help but smile: that sight was the closest to perfection he had ever seen, as that piece of furniture that had been empty for all those past weeks was now full as it should have been, hosting the most important treasure ever.
"Not you, idiot. I just wanna see you and our baby" You grumbled as your voice came out feebly due to your state of tiredness.
John smiled and was about to sit next to you on the bed as your phone started ringing, much to your dismay. You groaned in annoyance.
"Who the fuck is now?"
"Your mum"
"Tell her I can't talk, I'm sleeping"
He nodded and swiped on the screen to do as he was told. You knew your mum was dying to talk to you, to make sure you were doing okay but you just wanted to enjoy the peace of the moment and keep that special moment for you only.
When he finished talking, he finally climbed on the bed and you soon were all over him, wrapping your arms around his body and letting your head rest against his chest with your eyes closed breathing in his familiar scent, the best fragrance in the world to you.
"Are you comfortable? Maybe it's better if you lay on a pillow"
"Nope, you're my comfiest pillow"
John scoffed with a half smile and kissed your head.
"Wanna watch something on Netflix?"
"Nope, too tired" You muttered, cuddling closer to his chest.
John's lips curved in a smile as he brushed his thumb against your right cheekbone.
He then scrolled through his phone, answering all the text messages the people he knew sent him ahead of your baby girl's birth.
"What are you doing?" You really wanted and needed to crack some sleep but your mind wasn't agreeing as the level of adrenaline in your body was still too high, plus you wanted to stay awake to spend some time with John and checking on Iris. 
"Answering all the texts they've sent for Iris"
"Read me some" You wanted nothing more than to bask in the sweet words of people congratulating you, saying how beautiful your baby was and how strong you've been through all the process. After all you deserved all those sweet words: bringing a child into the world is something so brave people tend to underestimate sometimes.
John pressed play on a voice note from Kyle that made you both laugh, then read you one from Jack and at that moment your own phone rang with a notification and you asked John to check who it was from.
"It's from Sasha, she answered the pic you posted with "congrats you gorgeous mama"
"Aww she's always the sweetest"
"Well, you're everything but gorgeous now…"
"HEY" You threw a fist against his bicep with the little strength that was left in you. "I just pushed your daughter out of my vagina, you should be a little more grateful"
John loved getting on your nerves, making your thin-skinned side come to surface. He giggled, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
"I know I look awful and I stink as I really need to take a shower but I can't, I'm so tired" The whiny tone you pronounced those last words with was about to turn into a desperate cry but John took action just in time.
"You know I was joking" He took your face in his hands to look right into your eyes "I'd get you pregnant again right now if I could"
He laughed and kissed your forehead.
"I'll help you with the shower later on"
When your baby whined a little in her sleep the little yelp caught your attention as you both turned your heads towards the crib.
"There's the blanket over there, put it over her" You gestured for him to take the pink honeycomb blanket to cover your baby girl's sleeping body.
She looked so cute with that tiny blanketyou fell in love with as soon as your eyes took sight of it on the shop’s shelf and you had no doubt it would have been perfect for your beautiful baby.
“Can you believe we made her?” You asked John in awe as he was lovingly tucking her in. You got up to join him, encircling his waist with your right arm and putting your head against his bicep. "We made her teeny tiny feet, those little hands..."
“Yeah…you know what they say?”
“Daughters tend to be more similar to their dads in the looks”
“So if she’s beautiful that’s all thanks to me... even Kyle said it”
Another thing the collective consciousness ignored was the post pregnancy period: the danger of post-pregnancy depression was real but you knew you had the most handsome dad in the world who would have helped you along the path, even when the downs would have outnumbered the ups.
“Yeah Stones…I think you and your friend need some sleep too…you’re hallucinating”
And no, you weren't upset at all: you only wished for your daughter to be the carbon copy of her amazing father. So you hoped deep down your heart the Kyle was right.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
Hi, bestie
How about a little drabble with the first time Tony realized he had breeding kink 🤭
GIIIIRL. GIRLY GIRL. BESTIE. This is why we're friends—you always have the best ideas, and this is definite proof of that. Thank you so much for sending me this ask; I'm excited.
For this one, I'll be diving into my Young!Tony Stark AU and giving a little sneak peek into my upcoming Tony Stark series called Healing Hearts. Breeding kink is by far one of my favorite kinks, so I will say strap in tight because it's going to be a fun ride! 🤍
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18+ divider: @cafekitsune
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PAIRINGS || Young!Tony Stark x F!Reader & Tony Stark x F!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 450 words
WARNINGS || Breeding kink. Pregnancy kink. Lactation kink. Nipple play. Masturbation (M).
Young!Tony Stark We've seen Tony's breeding kink for the first time in ''A small miracle".
"Are those your keys, or are you happy to see me?" you joke as you pull away, but his eyes darken as he pushes you against the door.
"Am always happy to see my girl," he says before stopping to look for his keys altogether, and he crashes his lips onto yours in a heated kiss, his hands slowly unbuttoning the polka dot blouse you're wearing.
When it's open, he uncovers your black lace bra and moans softly at the sight of your plump breasts filling the cups to perfection.
"Hmm, such perfect boobs, can't wait till they're full of milk. Will drink from them every day," he says as he pinches and rubs your hard nipples through the lace, earning himself soft moans from your lips.
"Yeah? Going to have to give me a baby first," you say, not thinking anything of it at the moment, but it's almost like a switch got toggled inside Tony. It's almost as if his breeding kink got multiplied by 10.
"F-fuck, yeah, need you pregnant all the time. So fucking hot with a round belly, showing everyone I've fucking you so full of my cum it couldn't go anywhere but inside your womb," he says, and he finally managed to get his keys after many unsuccessful attempts.
Before meeting you, Tony had never really thought about having kids and starting a family, but all that changed when he met you, and you two got serious in your relationship. Early on, there have been many talks about your shared future, and kids were a part of that - and that's when Tony realized he has a breeding kink.
Once your beautiful babies have been brought into the world, Tony loves nothing more than to give you all the babies you want, and you're more than happy to feed into his breeding kink every now and again as well.
Healing Hearts!Tony Stark Now, for this Tony, things go a bit different. While he already knew he had a bit of a breeding kink before meeting you, it definitely intensified when he started to feel a physical attraction to you. While he cannot share those thoughts with you yet, he surely has a field day when he is alone in his bedroom.
Tony's hand is wrapped around his long, thick cock as he slowly works it up and down, thoughts of you flooding his mind as he does. His eyes are shut as he's entirely bare, rutting into his hand as soft moans tumble from his lips.
"F-fuck, so beautiful when you spread your legs like that, my sweet Caramel," he whispers, your nickname sounding like heaven as he keeps working his hard member, pre-cum now gathering at the tip.
"Gonna give you all my babies; you'll be the hottest mama when you're pregnant. Will stuff you so full until you're dripping with my cum! Keep fucking you until you're carrying all my babies," he groans, and with that thought, he cums all over his hand and belly, feeling spent after the seemingly endless orgasm has finally ended.
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cheerfullycatholic · 3 months
hi! i'm pro-choice, but as a Christian, i want to start looking into pro-life beliefs and have some questions! i think my biggest question is that do pro-lifers believe that there is never an instance in which abortion is necessary? (ex. if there's a 100% chance the birth will kill the mother, baby, or both, or ectopic pregnancy, or if the mother unfortunately is a child herself or a victim of rape/incest?).
also thank you so much for including healing resources for women who have had abortions in your pinned! not many Christian blogs I've seen show compassion for women who had abortions :( we must remember that a lot of abortions are forced and a lot of women who get them are victims of domestic violence and keep them in our prayers!
Hi!! This is a really good question and I hope you don't mind my long answer!
The short answer is yes, I have not found a reason why abortion would ever be necessary, but please continue reading while I explain why.
I think high risk pregnancies are very important to talk about. They are dangerous and I think if the pro life movement is going to talk about valuing life we need to make sure we're being consistent by valuing the mother's life, as well. I've been seeing a lot more talk about dangerous pregnancies in recent months but I think it should be discussed more.
While there is no denying that high risk pregnancies are incredibly dangerous and sometimes tough decisions have to be made, I do not believe the answer is abortion. But let's talk for a minute about what an abortion is, so that maybe you can understand why I believe what I believe.
An abortion is commonly believed to just "end a pregnancy", but what is a pregnancy exactly? In order for a woman to be pregnant, one thing is always required; a preborn human being. No pregnancy exists without the fusing of a human sperm and human egg, which creates a unique, fully alive human being. To end a pregnancy is to stop the development of that human being. And to stop the development of that human being means to end its life. To kill it. So, an abortion purposefully wills an end to a developing human being, it purposefully kills it.
Now, back to high risk pregnancies. I'm no expert on all of the scenarios and conditions that make up high risk pregnancies, but all of the ones that I've looked into already have treatments in place that do not will an end to a preborn human being. Take preeclampsia as an example. The only treatment for preeclampsia is delivery. A lot of people who support abortion believe that the only solution is to abort the pregnancy- the baby. But thankfully with modern medicine it is entirely possible to monitor the pregnant woman and keep her and her baby safe until they reach a point where they can safely deliver the baby early, and at this point a baby can be viable as early as 21 weeks gestation. So in this situation with preeclampsia and with many other conditions, the baby needs to come out. There's no reason why it has to be killed before it comes out. Does that make sense?
Now, sometimes a baby needs to be removed before the point of viability, like with an ectopic pregnancy, which sadly does not have any life saving treatment for the preborn human being yet. But again, why does it need to be killed before it is removed? Very unfortunately, all ectopic pregnancies do end in the death of the baby, but I firmly believe that the life affirming approach to them is respecting the God given dignity of those babies, created and infinitely loved by God, by carefully remove them and allowing them to die naturally and peacefully surrounded by their loved ones. Not killed.
At the very center of the pro life movement's beliefs is protecting the life and dignity of all of God's sons and daughters. That means protecting them regardless of whether or not they're planned or wanted, have a fatal diagnosis, or if they were conceived in a horrible and violent way, like with rape and incest. Those crimes are truly awful and I will never be able to properly express my sorrow for the women and girls who suffer it. It is because of my love for them and for human life as a whole that I and the pro life movement could never support or condone abortion in these situations. Pregnancies that come from these situations still involve a living human being, a human being who has done nothing wrong. There are many stories of women who were pregnant from rape, had their children, and said that their babies helped them to heal from their trauma, and there's many who got an abortion who said it just caused more. And we cannot forget the people conceived from rape who say they love their lives and are grateful that their mothers chose life for them. Those people exist, and their lives are just as valuable as those conceived out of love. So the pro life movement firmly believes that rapists should be the ones held accountable, not the children, and that we need to find more, better life affirming ways to help women and girls in these situations, and thankfully I've been seeing more crisis pregnancy centers offering that help themselves or referring women to places that can, like Rachel's Vineyard.
To end my answer I really want to highlight how absolutely important it is to pray for and support these women, like you said. A lot of abortions are forced or unwanted but so many women believe it's their only option when it's not. They don't need judgement, they need love, care, compassion, support. And unfortunately, some Christians and some people in the pro life movement do not offer that and it's shameful. I believe that if we all got our priorities straight we could do much good, but at the end of the day, we're human, and we fall short. Prayer is necessary always, but especially for women facing difficult pregnancies or scary situations and for these people who've forgotten that Christ died for all, not just the ones they deem worthy.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
The shorter version: Hey could you talk about stone tops more? Or anything like that, people who like giving but not recieving?
The longer version: I’m sort of going through that process of self discovery, I’ve been meaning to ask about it somehow- basically I am sexually attracted to people (I think??), I get aroused, I enjoy masturbating, even talking with my partner about stuff we could do is arousing to me. I enjoy some submissive kinky stuff. Hell, my boyfriend (transmasc, both of us are) recently let me go down on him and it was like a fucking religious experience, I LOVED it, but I find it really difficult to enjoy anything being done directly to /my/ genitals. Like, I can feel the sensations, and they feel good, but I don’t build any arousal, like I can’t get in the mood? I know I’m not, but I do feel fucked up and broken. Spiritually, I want my boyfriend to rail me into next week, but physically I’m afraid there’s like. Something wrong with me, like,, I don’t work??? Idk. I’ve got major anxiety, I’ve got dysphoria, I guess I always figured it was one of those things. There’s only so many times I can feel Way Too Seen by fanfiction about Noted Asexual, Archivist Jonathan Sims before I start to wonder what exactly they’ve hit directly on the head, if that makes sense. I’m not asking you to Diagnose Me Asexual lmaoo but I was wondering about more like… asexual adjacent things? My boyfriend suggested I look into “service top” too. I… don’t feel like a top? I’m very submissive. But I’ve heard it’s not always top= dom, bottom=sub… how can I be a submissive top?
Sorry this is… so much. It’s really been weighing on me. Even if you don’t feel up to answering this I thank you profusely for the sex ed content you’ve been posting lately. Demystifying sex and promoting sexual health is so incredibly important, and even just what I’ve read from you makes a difference in the agency I feel over my sex life.
hi anon,
weeeeeee!!! this is a fun one.
so, first off, I'm just gonna throw this out there: liking the idea of something - for instance, your boyfriend railing you into next week - is not an innate sign that that's something you'd like in real life. I'll jack off to the idea of getting railed like Thomas the Tank Engine, sure, but in real life vaginal penetration has never felt like much of anything to me + I haaaaAAAAaaaate the idea of doing anything with even a teeny tiny slight chance of getting me pregnant. some stuff is fine to stay in the brain!
if you do ever decide to tentatively explore it with your bf, that's also fine and wonderful, but let's focus on what we know about your likes right now. you don't want to get fucked (awesome) but you like going down (also awesome). none of that means you are or aren't asexual, btw, there are loads of asexuals in the world who love to get railed and hate going down and also feel every possible way about every other possible array of sex acts. you're only asexual if you want to be, keep that in mind.
you're also only stone or a service top or whatever else if you want to be. words exist to be useful, not as an innate ontological truth to discover within yourself. personally I think it's waaaaay more important for people to refine their sense of likes, dislikes, communication, and boundary-setting than finding the exact right word for their particular cup of tea.
as long as we're talking about terminology, let's get into dom/sub and top/bottom. you're absolutely correct that they're not interchangeable, whatever the hooligans on various hellsites would have you believe. dom and sub are terms for power exchange play, when two people enact a power differential in which one partner is consensually given a great deal of control over the other, be it physically, psychologically, financially, or what have you. top/bottom simply refer to who is acting vs who is being acted upon during a sexual act; while some people identify intensely as either a top or a bottom, it's also a simple matter for those roles to switch on a dime depending on what kind of sex you're into. it's completely possible to have sex without designating anyone the top or bottom, and I'd argue that most people have sex without there actually being a dom or sub involved.
so can dom bottom, or a sub top? of course; people can mix and match whatever pieces of sexuality they want in their own explorations. a dom can boss their sub around like a little servant, giving them extremely detailed instructions about exactly how to rail them, and perhaps punish them (in the fun consensual way, obviously) if they fail to meet those expectations and don't get their dom off the way that was wanted. you can, and I cannot possibly emphasize this enough, do whatever you want forever.
a service top, incidentally, is generally considered a separate thing from a dom (which is not to say they can't overlap!) in that a service top isn't always dominating, but is topping because they enjoy getting their partner off in whatever way they like. the overlap of service tops and folks who are stone is notable!
in your particular case I would recommend not worrying so much about which of these terms, if any, are the correct one for you and focus way ore on exploring and playing with your partner to find a rhythm that works well for the two of you. doms, subs, tops, and bottoms all have something useful to teach people about how they like intimacy, but there's no rush to figure out which category, if any, you fit in. just focus on what's fun and feels good to you and toss the rest.
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mychlapci · 1 month
We talk about Swerve so much and yet we haven't taken advantage of pregnant Swerve yet. I will be the change I want to see in the world I guess.
I think Swerve would actually be so excited about being sparked, it's just like on his shows when a cute new baby shows up to liven up the cast, sure it's a ratings grab but hey! That's what Swerve needs right now with Mirage competing with him. I think he's taking full advantage of being sparked, he notices all the extra long looks he's been getting ever since his big bitty was starting to show on his frame. It takes a little more effort than usual, but he doesn't mind hopping up on the counter to let everyone get a good look at his bump. He's more than happy even to let customers pick him up and sit on the bar or even in their laps with big warm servos resting on his tummy.
Once his bump is really prominent, Swerve's opening the betting floor up. Betting on his due date, bets on the weight and height, the gender reveal bid that led to the best/worst bar fight the lost light may ever see. Swerve's not just waiting for emergence though to cash out on his little money maker, he's getting a real kick letting mechs throw him a couple shanix to feel his soft body. His special milkshakes are being ordered so fast Swerve almost can't keep up. Good thing the sparkling wasn't there yet to actually need the milk, for now every other hornball on deck can get the best drink they'll ever have for an upcharge.
Idk where to put this in but I have this crystal clear imagine in my mind of Swerve just letting bots do beer pong off his baby bump, he doesn't give a fuck as long as we're all having fun. The sparkling is gonna be so loved and spoiled, by Swerve and everybody else who can't get enough of their charming little bartender.
Hopefully this will slow my Swerve mania symptoms
HrhhHhhhhh Pregnant Swerve oh lord oh jesus oh good lird… my pebis is falling off
He’s all chubby and swollen during his carriage, and his belly’s so huge since the bitlet is pretty big. He has to waddle behind the counter as he serves drinks… it’s so cute when he holds his big baby bump with both hands, grinning like an idiot because he’s so happy to feel his sparkling's kicks <33
ahsahhsjsusbwj yes, his belly can hold a few solo cups for a game of beer pong just fine. It’s the best game you’re gonna get at Swerve's once he’s far enough in his carrying cycle...
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