#thats him in that scene. and i love him. for the third time. im ending this post now forever and always stan mine
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months ago
plane scene is so funny cause why is mine a sleeper agent that wakes up whenever daigo is mentioned
can’t wait to see it in dragon engine :3
mine has been the winner for Funniest Character Imaginable for 15 consecutive years and i have yet to see anyone come close i fear
#snap chats#originally i wrote 'funniest character alive' and then remembered. HAH im so funny //throws up//#all my fave charas know how to do is get crazy on planes over men they love its disgusting#utterly hilarious cause after making the last post i went on twitter and they mentioned ANOTHER plane scene i throw up over#diff franchise so not important it is just SIMPLY funny how coincidences work and further confirming I Have A Type#BUT NO BACK TO MINE IT'S STILL SO FUCKIN FUNNY I HAVE TO REWATCH IT#i have to replay it .... all of y3 ...#if anyone remembers my friend from college and how we used to stream she asked me if we could stream#and i was like 'girl i havent streamed in Fuck Ever huh' and yk what maybe i'll stream y3 with her#at the very least ill stream y3 for myself ... legend mode .....#ive beaten y3 legend mode one (1) time and it was the worst experience of my life because if its not shadow the hedgehog#i am not good at the game i am playing !!!!!!!!!!! it'll be funny tho#i remember wanting to do a y3 drinking run but i told myself id stop drinking so i simply think. i will substitute drinking for hot sauce#its an idea im ironing out and i also have to like. properly set up a twitch- or maybe ill stream through youtube#ive always liked youtube streaming more ... at least as a viewer#these are all details for plans i will not be enacting literally any time soon can i stay on topic#the topic being i love mine. i love that plane scene forever the casual Whats Goin On Here :)#and he is the embodiment of :) in that scene casue :] is gen friendly but :) has an underlying aura of Im Going To Kill You#thats him in that scene. and i love him. for the third time. im ending this post now forever and always stan mine#if and whenever y3k comes out i cant wait to see !! but i personally believe that's well and away from us at this point#not impossible since they did mention it but yk. i dont think itll happen within the next year or two#maybe next five or ten realistically. if that jVLAEKJVLAEKJ ok bye fr now
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kfaem · 5 months ago
play video games with the LADS
i feel bad for not writing more for xavier but i honestly dont know how to write his character all too well
also i did go a bit heavier with sylus lol, sorry about that
also warning for cursing and probably ooc for xav and raf, im a sylus and zayne girly so i focused more on them lol
I feel like our doctor would lowkey love farming/life sims like Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, etc. cause he'd like the mundane grind of it all.
you'd introduce him to Stardew and leave for like 3 hours to do some errands and whatnot and when you return his farm is like fully functional and he's already rich.
when you ask how in the ever loving shit he got so far he said he just played the game as he saw fit. which also includes him doing the tasks on the board at Pierre's.
now whenever you both have free time, you two sit down and play a game together, enjoying the calm that it gives while making Zayne feel like he isn't doing nothing.
i feel like he'd enjoy fps games?? but like, not accurate ones, yk, he wants to play a fps that has magic and shit in it.
he wouldn't play alone since he gets bored too fast, he needs you there with him.
dies "accidentally" so you have to revive him every few minutes, he'll sigh, leaning back on the sofa before looking at you, who is absolutely glaring at him for dying for the third time in a ten minute period.
whenever you visit, you two have a habit of sitting down and playing together, cuddled together with the lights dimmed and some snacks and beverages of choice (hot chocolate, tea, coffee, maybe some alcohol wanted)
he acts like he doesnt enjoy it all that much, but it really is some of his favourite times spent with you.
also, the twins have interrupted you guys a few times. they're pretty wicked at whatever games you guys end up playing too lol (pico park with sy and the twins? ultimate rage, the angriest you've ever been)
isn't it canon that he's really good at video games? i could see him joining you in games like powerwash sim, a little to the left, or crime scene cleaner.
he'd probably want to play something thats more gameplay heavy (i've never played but i could see him playing the zelda games) but he honestly just wants to be close to you so anythings fine
the slower games dont keep him as well energized so be ready to nudge him awake when you two are in the middle of a powerwash sim map.
house flipper, unpacking, dress to impress
anything that includes fashion/design he is so fucking in dude, gets actually invested in dti and hates playing in most of the lobbies since those kids dont know how to vote for REAL fashion
at some point he kinda tunes you out and gets really invested in what game hes playing. its not that he doesnt want to pay attention to you, he just really wants to do his absolute best and if he focuses too heavy on what you're talking about (ie. shit talking the children in the lobby who are not sticking to theme)
after hes done with the task he zones in on, his attention is fully back on you and you guys will collectively bash the others who arent on theme
he calls it a bonding moment between you two
when one or both of you make it on the podium, he gets excited beyond comprehension lol
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calkale · 8 months ago
Jake “Hangman” Seresin headcanons
(Disclaimer im keeping this non ship specific besides one past hangster mention but if anyone wants a ship specific one lemme know) 
He’s from texas (obviously), his family owns a ranch with a huge ranch house on the property thats been in their family for generations. His father died while he was in the naval academy and his mom runs the ranch now. Theres a smaller ranch house on the property he stays in when he’s not on deployment and his siblings each have one too. 
He has 3 sisters and 1 brother, one of his sisters is a lawyer and the rest of his siblings work on the ranch. His brother does occasionally work other jobs but never for too long and always comes back. Jake was third born child so truly the middle child of the family
His mother is truly an amazing woman, shes super sweet and super nice but do not piss her off, she has a gun cabinet thats stocked full and she does not miss a shot. She looks like miranda lambert but shes the same height as jake (5’9, glen powell is lying and i make the rules). 
His dad was a piece of shit, plain and simple, they got married after finding out jakes mom was pregnant so everything was super rushed, they were both really young when it happened and he hated the way his life turned out and made it really obvious without doing anything about it because he felt obligated to stay. He was bucked off a horse out in one of the fields and hit his head on a rock and died almost instantly from the impact, the family all took it in very different ways but it didn’t take long for them to all move on, everyone knew he was miserable and him being gone only made their lives better. 
Jake used to be a bronc rider until he decided he wanted to be a fighter pilot and stopped immediately so he didn’t get a serious injury (shockingly enough he hadn’t had any SERIOUS injuries prior to this decision). He still rides horses all the time tho he’s a pro at heading cattle. He still attends every rodeo in the area when he can and two of his sisters participate in a few of them, one of them is a barrel racer and the other is a tie-down roper. 
He’s so snuggly!!! He has so many blankets at home too like the man has a problem. If you sleep with him he’s gonna steal the blankets then latch onto you like a koala and when you wake up he’s gonna act like nothing happened. 
Him and Bradley have been on a few deployments together and somehow always end up in bunks above or below each other so of course they’re annoying about it. Despite popular belief they did not room together at the naval academy, they did know each other in passing tho and hooked up once or twice in Bradley’s bronco in the middle of nowhere so they wouldn’t get caught but of course they were both also super wasted 
He didn’t meet Javy until top gun, he had heard of him from other people they’d both worked with but it wasn’t until top gun that they became friends. They’re the type of friends that seem like they’ve known each other their entire lives, they immediately hit it off despite being up against each other for the top gun trophy (which Jake won) and they’ve been in touch ever since. Jake lets Javy store stuff at his place on the ranch and he’s stayed with him more times than they can count. 
Jake never really had close friends before Javy, he mostly kept to himself and the friends he did have didn’t really know too much about him. During middle and high school he never had friends stay over or hang out, he did go out to parties but it wasn’t really his scene, he much preferred to go for a horseback ride and watch the sunset from the fields than spend the night out drinking. When he attended the academy he went out more and started building the hangman persona, he did enjoy it and definitely enjoys going out to bars now but he still thinks about those horseback rides he went on when he was a teenager and when he’s back at the ranch he goes out every chance he gets. 
All that being said he absolutely LOVES karaoke, he will only do it once you’ve gotten a few drinks in him but he’s good at it and knows it too. He has a long list of go to songs but an absolute classic is any man of mine by shania twain. He knows how to line dance but he isn’t good at it. 
Megan Moroney is one of his favourite artists, he went to one of her concerts and it was one of the best nights of his life 
He realized he was gay when he was 20 but didn’t really accept it until he was 30 (he was 35 at the time of tgm in my head even tho glen wasn’t). The first man he hooked up with was Bradley and the first man he loved was another pilot (who i made another post about). He never dated any women in high school and did get bothered about it but he really just had no desire to even try, people didn’t bother him about it for long and kinda gave up when they found out he didn’t care and he was fully capable of physically fighting back. It never crossed his mind that he could actually be gay until he moved out and started noticing men more but he had a really hard time accepting it and only allowed himself to engage in it if he was drunk so it “didn’t count”. It took the first man he loved dying for him to get his shit together, he never got to tell him he loved him and he didn’t allow himself to process it for months but when he did he realized he had to be more okay with this part of himself. He’s not super open about it but thats just because he doesn’t feel the need to be, he’s okay with it and his family is okay with it (he came out to them when he was 31) so he doesn’t really feel the need to tell anyone else about it. 
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months ago
ok so i just watched star trek the motion picture for the third time and this time it was the directors cut with the extra scenes, and i have some Thoughts™️that may or may not be entirely coherant but i need to share them
here is my in depth literary analysis of why star trek the motion picture is the greatest queer love story ever written (/hj). buckle up because this is gonna be a long one
so our story starts (after the klingon cold open ofc) with spock on vulcan, during the final ceremony in which he is supposed to acheive kohlinar, the purging of all emotion. now, right off the bat, i want to make a comparison to conversion therapy/being closeted/repressed here. spock is trying to repress an entire side to himself, a part of him that is inherantly different to those around him, in order to be accepted in society. spock is already a very queer coded character, and i think reading this scene through that lens is a valid interpretation, especially considering everything else that happens in this movie.
the ceremony stops before its completion. because spock has Not purged all of his emotions. a consciousness calls to him from the sky. now, i think this line could be interpreted one of two ways. either this 'consciousness' is v'ger, or its jim. i think the writers intended it to be v'ger, but in the context of the scene it sounds a lot more like jim. of course jim would be the one preventing spock from purging his emotions: jim is the reason for many of spocks emotional slip-ups throughout the series. he fears for jims life when he is in danger, he feels friendship for jim but also shame about those feelings (that shame is also queercoded, but thats not the point of this post so i wont get into it here). he feels compassion for jim. he feels loyalty and a sense of duty to him. these feelings are so strong that he cannot purge them fully.
so what does spock do? he off goes in search of something that he feels will help him achieve his goal. he wants peace within himself, to find a balance between his two opposing mindsets, that of logic and that of emotion. purging all emotion was unsuccessful, so what else can he do?
he feels that v'ger is a being of pure logic, and wants to understand it, in hopes of achieving that for himself. in the process he meets up with jim again. now, you would think, that a vulcan nearing kohlinar who has been training for years to purge all of his emotions and act purely logically would not stop to change clothes and cut his hair when on his way to acheive LITERALLY HIS LIFE GOAL that is super important to him. and yet. when spock turns up on the enterprise hes wearing his nicest black robes and has his classic bangs back. why is that mr spock?? why would you take the time to do that?? especially when he then immediately changes into his uniform.
and while we're on the topic of clothes, what does jim do immediately after spock boards the enterprise? thats right folks, he changes into a shirt that shows off his arms and has a v-neck to show off his chest. any. particular reason for that jim? when you said just a moment ago that every minute counts and the earth is in danger? hmm. interesting.
and then of course we get that exchange between jim, spock, and bones. where jim 'needs' spock. just like he needed bones. theres a desparation in his eyes, he wants HIS spock back, and hes not seeing that spock in front of him. the conversation ends with jim looking dejected, since spock only seems to be there out of convenience and not because he Wants to be. wonder why that is...
of course then spock mind melds with v'ger. and to do so he has to. go through a very sphincter-like opening. and says he has 'penetrated' the next chamber. now im just saying. if anything is a metaphor for gay sex, this has to be, right?
spock mind melds with v'ger and is flung back into jims arms. because of course he is. and what did he learn from the whole experience? that v'ger is pure logic, and therefore cannot experience beauty, imagination, and "this simple feeling". wait. hang on. what simple feeling would that be, spock? the one you're talking about while holding jim's hand (HANDS?? VULCAN HOLDING HANDS?? HELLO???) and staring into each others eyes? what feeling would that be, i wonder?
and then. SPOCK CRIES. for v'ger. he 'weeps for v'ger as he would for a brother". v'ger is 'empty', as spock was when he came aboard. "incomplete, and searching. logic and knowledge are not enough," he says. bones asks if spock has found what he needed, and v'ger hasnt. spock says that v'ger wants to know what it was meant to be, to reach out and touch its creator.
spock is crying because he empathises with v'ger. v'gers journey parallels his own. they were both empty beings of pure logic. spock found his fulfilment in... what exactly? its not explicitly clear. but if we continue the spock/v'ger parallel to its conclusion, what do we find?
v'ger has taken ilia's form, and decker decides to merge with v'ger not only to save earth, but also to reunite with the woman he loves. v'ger becomes satisfied only when this happens. so... spock found his fulfilment by reuniting with someone he loves? if we take this in context with the 'this simple feeling' scene, the queer subtext is right there.
at the end of the movie, spock is offered to return to vulcan, and he refuses, stating that his business there is finished. he has achieved his goal of finding peace within himself. not by purging all emotion, but by embracing emotion, alongside logic, and allowing himself to feel what he has repressed his entire life. he resumes his place at jims side, which, as edith keeler stated, is where he belongs.
this movie is a queer story, and i will die on this hill. all of the evidence together stacks up that way. it is a story of repression, self acceptance, and love.
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pinazee · 3 months ago
Overall, not one of my favorite episodes but by far my favorite ending because oh boy what a gut punch of feelings!
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First, look at how he set this up. There is no way shawn thought this would work so he 100% knows these kids are only there to see him crash into this kid. Also, im guessing the actor for gus was unavailable, but i like to think hes not there because he knew Shawn always intended to crash into him.
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Lol what are you talking about henry? He’s got like 9 years of life here and a third of it was in diapers. Stfu
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This is random, but is this the only time we’ve seen the pinball machine? I dont recall it being in later eps. I’ll have to keep an eye out now.
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So far my favorite pineapple reveal. Should i start playing find the pineapple?
Shawn can read lips ✅
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Probably the dumbest thing Shawns ever done. also, I’m guessing Vancouver roof tops were out of the question, cause that green screen be working real hard haha
The first time i watched this show i was in middle school, so all of the references, went completely ignored by me. Now im picking up on references ive never heard before. Like who Aldo nova is.
Gemcitabine and capecitabine are actually pancreatic cancer treatments and they even showed it correctly (the one being an IV the other a tablet) so major kudos to psych for the attention to detail.
As for the lassie sideplot. Eh. I can see what Vick was trying to say, but at the same time, if Lassie is getting complaints because he’s throwing little tantrums then Vick should have handled it instead of telling Juliet to. Plus, Lassie is the type to respect authority, so it would’ve meant more if it had come from her anyways. Though, i do find it funny that Vick told her to handle it, and Jules’ interpretation of that was “i gotta find him a date,” when she probably meant like, beat the sense into him haha i will say though, i liked the resolution of Lassie going from i don’t need your help, to please, i need your help. I think thats good growth for him, but i think it was a little sloppy in the execution. I think it could’ve been better if lassie actually did get in trouble with Vick and Lassie had to work on not letting his personal life affect work as much and make that the focus. OR, if you wanted to keep the relationship stuff, you could forgo Vick getting involved at all and keep it simple. Jules feels bad for lassie getting rejected again and tries to set him up the whole episode, then when they have that bit with the prostitute, thats when he accepts her help (because again he has terrible instincts. Like, how did he make it this far as a cop. Truly astounding.)
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Wait i have the answer to this! Let me check my notes:
By this point in the series- 6
NOW ABOUT THAT ENDING! Ohmygod! First of all, one of the rare Psych ep’s that doesnt have an actual murderer or even victim. They just got swept up into a poor dying mans attempt at suicide. I love that Shawn doesn’t tell anyone and is honoring his right to die. I think thats a very bold message to make on a cable show. But i also love that hes actually really nervous because he does want to convince him not to go through with it. and then after he left, Its one of the few occasions where we can actually see him questioning if he made the right decision. You can see how much he hopes his words resonated with him enough that it saves his life. Plus it was so smart to keep the camera on Shawn to watch his reaction. It kept you in that tense moment with him so you can feel the relief shawn has when he landed the trick. Such a great scene and possibly one of my favorites in the series.
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P.S this is my favorite bit lol Gus is so much funnier to me this watch. I think the first time i watched Psych i pitied him a lot, so that anytime he looked kind of foolish i just felt bad for him haha but damn, Dulé is so freaking funny
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ends-chronicles · 6 months ago
Why does Alan keep duplicating stick figures?
now I get it, its some gag or something, or to show off more fighting scenes with even more characters. But Alan has done this "duplicating sticks" thing pretty much almost 5 times.
Don't get me wrong I love when sticks get duplicated! Showing off their teamwork and fighting combat is cool!! >_<....
though its happening a lot now, for no apparent reason.
first it appeared in AvA1, with victim cloning himself. He does this is a weird way, none which I've seen the others do. He pulls himself out of his files icon(?) physically and boom, alive clones! who shakes victims hand. The fandom likes to make these clones all have their own personalities and names, since they act pretty different from eachother and have each of their own weapons.
Second was with Purple in L.O.L. In Purples very cool cloning spread (yes im going to call it a clone spread). It shows later on that Purple wasnt really there after all, but rather controlling their clones. Purple also mightve made the clones beforehand with code. [So not physically].
Third was in the exact same episode with T.S.C at the ending. TSC clones themselves same dramatic way Purple did. Clone spread..
Fourth way was in AvA 10... In The Box, where victim tortures Chosen for information. He clones himself again, second time hes done this! Victim sure loves cloning himself...
Though, not physically, since he isnt controlling anything in the box, but just Agent. He orders Agent to clone him. (I find it interesting how all stick figures communicate with body language. I also find it interesting with how aggressive victims body language is). Four extra clones... wonder why he can't make a whole ahh army atp. Agent brings them in by copying victim on his panel.
Fifth time was recently with Greenscreen. (Thats what everyone is calling him)... he duplicates him with a button in Adobe. Nothing really interesting about this, though I will look more into this after.
Alan really loves duplicating his sticks, huh.
Though is there a difference between some of these clones? Most interesting clones were victims, as he physically pulls them out of himself. Not with code, not with a button but just pulling them like real beings. Is there a difference between clones and duplicates? how one side might sentient while the other is simply a copy of their original?
All the clones we've ever seen are only shown... fighting.
That brings us to the real question: can clones/duplicates ever have sentience? Can they be different from their originals? Where do they pull the line at control of free will at?
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ravewing · 6 months ago
honestly after rereading arc 2 ive realized that ive come to like the idea of qinter than the actual canon version of it.
like at the end of the day ive been a qinter fan since i was in third grade so of course im going to be biased towards it and itll always hold a special place in my heart but i must say that a lot of their canon interactions were just qibli making jabs at winter to a point where it sort of seemed like he didn't like it anymore?? if that makes sense?? dont get me wrong i love the sunshine x grumpy dynamic but with them idk.
i cant lie i feel like the entire jade winglet completely cut winter off and they were always against him even though literally he was completely justified in pretty much everything he did?? like im sorry but him going to save hailstorm (HIS BROTHER THAT HE THOUGHT WAS DEAD FOR YEARS) rather than going to look for the ancient nightwing who has killed hundreds of his tribe was perfectly reasonable. the vase scene was completely reasonable (could you imagine YOUR best friends defending the man who put you under a spell and wanted to commit genocide on your people and wipe them out entirely?? id be pissed as hell). to an extent, winter being suspicious about moon and the cave explosion was reasonable (i do agree that he came off as very aggressive in that, but at the same time you have to see things from his point of view. how WOULD she have known about the bomb?? not to mention how hes been conditioned and indoctrinated to distrust nightwings).
i feel like qibli especially comes at winter for these things and tells him that hes wrong for it and that hes being toxic even though hes LITERALLY NOT. and the whole thing with him saying that if he had animus magic that he would change winter's personality always rubbed me the wrong way. i feel like toxic is too strong of a word but i dont think that theyd be necessarily healthy together, not until theyve matured a little more and have found better ways to cope with their past traumas instead of repressing it and putting on this charming guy who makes jabs at people persona or taking it out on other people through anger and frustration.
in all honesty i feel like tui shouldve gone with moon not making a choice in the qibli/winter/moon love triangle to sort of show that you dont need to be with someone to be happy and that its okay to stay as just friends– icl, thats how i thought that it was going to end when i first read arc 2. i feel as though moonbli was a little rushed, and i do like the idea of winterwatcher (just like i do with qinter) but i dont think that he's emotionally ready for a relationship. also this is unrelated but when initially reading book 6 i thought that moon was going to end up with turtle; ive always thought that theyd be cute together lol.
im thinking about it now and i really like the idea of turtle and winter but i cant for the life of me remember if theyve ever had any one on one interactions. if theres anything please can someone send in reblogs ..
im getting off topic now so tldr i like the version of qinter that exists in my head but i feel like they shouldnt be together in canon, not at least until they sort out their own issues.
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livlocus · 17 days ago
thoughts on killer instinct by jennifer lynn barnes
omg so this was a wild book !! it was so entertaining, and i think that i enjoyed the writing in this book more than the writing in the naturals.
overall i rated it 3.75 stars just because some of the characters were just a wee bit annoying.
spoilers under the cut, warning for all of the random things that i remembered and spewed out about the book lol
this was so entertaining i never wanted this book to stop omg
all of the dean and michael stuff was kind of annoying because i kind of always assumed that cassie would end up with dean anyway
like the entire time cassie is seeking out dean, an dean reciprocates in his own ways, he was really going through a lot in this book so you could tell it was hard for him to let anyone else in to his life
michael on the other hand, was the one seeking cassie out, mostly to vex dean
or at least thats the impression that i got from michael
i think that michael is a pretty fun character, but i dont think that he was ever going to end up with cassie
i really enjoyed meeting sterling, her character is so cool, i liked seeing her development throughout the book
like the whole scene where sterling is trying to take the keys to michaels car away from him is so funny
like "keys."
"spatual... we aren't just saying random nouns?"
i need to know more about lia and sloane yesterday
like i need to know so much about them, i need to have read the third book asap
the entire plot of this book was crazy
like the fact that redding orchestrated this from prison and there were THREE unsubs??? it was crazy and pretty cool
lia, michael and cassie going to the college party to talk to people about emerson's murder was such a needed event to happen
learning about sterling and briggs was so interesting
that way i can prove that i was thinking that before it was revealed and not be one of those "it was obvious" people who say that after it's been revealed haha
i need to know more about judd's daughter right now
like what do you mean nightshade??
like clark being one of the unsubs was kind of sad, like when they were speculating about him, i initially thought that it was a red herring
i think that showing the weird relationship that some women have with serial killers in prison was very eerie
the way that the simms house was described, like all of the figurines and pictures, so so eerie
webber was such a messed up unsub
like jeeeeze it was kind of intense
like that was amazing
also her scheming with the gps ankle monitor was AMAZING
like dude i really like sterling and i LOVED how sterling and cassie bonded in this book
is it bad of me to want sterling and briggs to get back together...?
im excited to see how the characters are now that there isnt this back and forth from michael to dean to micheal back to dean so hopefully lia will not feel the need to get all up in cassies face about dean...?
i already said this, but omg i NEED to know more about lia, she is such an interesting character, i need more moments with lia that arent just her freaking out to cassie about dean
also the fact that cassie didnt think that sloane would be upset about them not inviting her to sneak out was so sad
like been there done that, sloane you have my heart
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cupidzome · 4 months ago
i think that everyone can tell now that i like seeing stainmight domestic & happy — so instead of posting more random art i'm gonna elaborate on my stainmight domestic au , & i'll probably have to tag it later!
im just yapping about how chizome survived, their living situations, what they do, & how they get together
my askbox is open too (ineed more excuses & ideas of what to write for them since my pen cannot always move) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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first of all, how chizome survived!
i imagine that chizome was dead for a while. maybe an hour or two, but people had rushed to toshinori's aid and he demanded they get stain from where he was blasted up by afo. and though he was pronounced dead on the scene, toshinori begged for them to do whatever they could to at LEAST see if he could be brought back.
and lo and behold, chizome was very very narrowly brought back. he was in a coma & he has lasting damages on his body (and his psyche from how mad he was when he woke up in the hospital) but he's alive!
(ive got a writing draft on this part,,)
second, living situations.
chizome was placed in an ERC (Enriched Residential Care) for his injuries and for his mental state. toshinori has an apartment that's close to ua, that he bought when he first decided to start teaching there. close but far enough so that if he's found and attacked, ua won't be in any danger y'know? something something a metaphor for how he distanced himself in almost all parts of life in order to keep others safe
when chizome is cleared to leave, he'd start living with toshinori though so toshinori is no longer alone!
i didnt wanna place chizome with toshinori immediately, because 1) i LOVE slowburn and 2) i think both toshinori and chizome have respective personal problems that they need to deal with; jamming a guy who's used to being isolated but wants to connect with other people's feelings and feel 'useful' and 'normal' — with a guy whos used to being isolated and carefully keeps multiple parts of him under wraps to solely present himself as a villain and someone unredeemable — MIGHT not go the best way. toshinori tries to connect with him on a deeper level out of guilt for chizomes devotion towards him almost causing his death (haha almost), and chizome rejecting it all and centering himself on toshinori because he's got nothing else to live for... great angst but thats NOT what im going for.
third, what they do!
i sincerely doubt that a hero gave chizome that glider he had, and with the special shaping of his swords and his do-it-yourself attitude, i imagine chizome as a mechanic if he's got a job (he'd want to provide for himself & toshinori obviously). he's gone a step up from gas station cashier!
and i imagine toshinori is still a teacher (but he's gone to college and began to lean towards history teachings) at yuuei, as a freshman teacher because his attitude and teachings really help the newest students. he'd LOVE working with izuku, in fact, i know he jumped for joy seeing that young midoriya was his coworker (and then cried because young midoriya was his COWORKER not his student)
fourth, how they get together!
i imagine that they were still in-contact with each other but extremely busy. not in a 'we dont talk anymore!' way but in a 'bakuman-esque; they encourage each other to work on themselves for the goal of living happily ever after with each other, and text nightly!'
and when chizome is released from care, he gets to have an apartment near toshinori! and that's when they fall deeper into love with each other. first phase was getting attached to ech other due to the stress of war, second phase was properly sliding into a relationship due to truly learning about each other!
i can already imagine chizome and toshinori both going 'i'll work extra hard for the next week, so i've got no work to do when it's time for me and him to go on a proper date!' and chizome waiting patiently for toshinori all bundled up in the winter (he ends up giving toshinori his scarf out of concern but then they BOTH start sniffling).
its a really cutesy au, but chizome will NEVER not be some degree of unhinged. whenever toshinori is in danger or he sees something bad happening, whatever is in his hand becomes a weapon. in fact — toshinori goes running off to danger first, and chizome outlaps him
theyre just TOO sweet together,, i love you stainmight/toshizome
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svtjinny · 2 years ago
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[editors captions] | speaking warning: food mentions for context, during the filming of game caterers she was blonde. she dyed her hair again soon after.
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ep 2-1
jinny's first part is in like the first few seconds lmao
she was wandering around with hoshi & vernon
she was third in the shop line behind hoshi
for her task, jinny had to name a foreign candy brand
[ (Foodie gets a question right up her alley ) ]
she named the first american one she could think of and took the earth arcade plushie [we'll pretend dk took something else..]
[ (Can you spot the difference between her and Torong?) ]
you can see her sitting with woozi & watching jun eat the lemons !!
then after she goes around and lays in the grass with hoshi & shua with her prize
[ Jinny joins them with Torong ]
she doesn't go again after getting her prize but she does sit and watch
jinny didn't talk much soo there wasn't that much of her here
when myungho did the relay & went to the back, the camera zoomed into her telling him you're so cute, gēgē~
[ (Winner compliments another winner) ]
jinny : [when seungkwan said wwksb to dino] seungkwannie.. stop being open minded..
jinny can be seen sitting with the others a couple of times but for the most part she just sits there quietly talking to the members
there was a cut of her talking about torong to a staff member saying how cute it was and how happy she was to get it
the staff was looking at her so fondly..
everyone loves jinny :sob:
her last scenes were her walking into the break room, sitting with jeonghan, and laying her head on his shoulder
she also helped clean the spill !!
[ (Was laying down right next to the mess) ]
[ (Stood up second) ]
thats it for 2-1
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ep 2-2
PLEASE this was made for jinny omg.
she was on hoshi & seungkwans team because she grabbed hoshi by reflex LMAO
she sat in the middle
yes there could have been 7 teams of 2 but idc.
jinny : ["why are you disappointed?"] don't be disappointed, oppa~ we'll lead you to victory!
[ (Holding hands as they go) ]
[ Dramatic/Torong/Tiger ]
jinny : ["were you attracted to your partner by instinct?"] woah.. we totally were..
seungkwan : why does that sound so sarcastic..
jinny : don't worry about it. [eng]
she made everyone laughksejrjhuih
[ (These three are notorious for teaming up against one another) ]
[ (Today they're working together) ]
for the flaws hoshi & seungkwan agreed on the fact that jinny argues too much on shows LMAO [playfully..]
jinny : a flaw? hm. for seungkwan-oppa, he's too picky.. and for hoshi-oppa, he's, like, obsessed with tigers..
she can be seen a few times talking with seungkwan & hoshi and yells the slogan with them
jinny smiled so big when pd said it was a music quiz
[ K-pop professors at MIT ]
jun / woozi : that's what seungkwan and jinny are good at
[ (K-pop prof) (K-pop producer) (Performance Team leader) ]
[ The best players teamed up ]
hoshi : shinee
seungkwan : sher -
jinny : - lock!
my boosoonyeon crumbs i love them
jinny ate that dance up let me tell you.
[ (Living up to their team name) ]
jinny : i would've been disappointed if we didn't get that, the dance is engraved in my brain
[ (They did a cover of the song for MAMA 2018) ]
[ (And again at the HYBE Family Picnic) ]
yes im writing that cover in because we all know svt would absolutely end if they covered sherlock
she got up so fast for stayc !!! yoon's jinny biased btw.. (luckiest carat ever?)
they didn't get it but she still danced
jinny : ASAP!!
[ (Jinny) (Wrote a song on this album) ]
[ (Punch) ] [ (Punch) ]
when drink less and talk more said the 4th (5th? i forgot pls) it was seventeen she was so confused LMAO
jinny : really? thats seventeen? baby you helped make this song.
[ (JINNY) (Composed most of SEVENTEEN's songs) ]
[ ('CLAP' composed by JINNY) ]
[ They didn't recognize their own child? ]
please jinny just banged her head on the table in disappointment
giving jinsoul hitting her head..
hoshi / seungkwan : ..??? are you okay ???
[ (Disappointed in herself) ]
jinny : ["jinny, what happened?"] i..have no words. you cheated me. [eng]
shua and vernon were giggling.
jinny : ["but someone still got it"] still!
5th song!! you already KNOW jinny jumped up from her seat
the three of them are still splitting the songs into three syllables sobbing
[ ('Hype Boy' produced by JINNY) ]
[ (I'll dance over here then) ]
she was still close to the table and they went to the far right side...
[ (Let's play together) ]
jinny : i love this song. newjeans, i love you. [eng]
[ (A message for the bunnies) ]
jinny : seungkwannie, you just embarrassed yourself in front of the camera..
jinny : don't cut that out please!
[ (Don't worry Jinny, we won't) ]
the amount of force jinny hit hoshi with at txt istg.
she was sitting not paying attention and then all she hears is "run for you"...
the second time around she was the one who said run away
cause she didn't trust hoshi LMAO
[ (Jinny, who's brother is a TXT member) ]
[ (Disappointed in her teammate, but still dances with charm) ]
that was her last scene bcz she took a bathroom break and then got carried away while getting a snack.. yes she confirmed it herself..
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quinnxey · 8 months ago
OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD! i was so totally right (sort of). here is the link to my previous post where I did a review of acolyte before the season finale - ending with my predictions.
(also: holy fucking shit! holy shit! holy shit!!!)
ok so: my first prediction was that "osha becomes qimir's apprentice", which FUCKING HAPPENED! haha guys I'm so smart. i think this one was pretty easy to tell depending on how you were looking at how the story was progressing- but their relationship was becoming really close REALLY quickly (....) and it felt obvious to me that they would become master/apprentice
second one: "mae accepts being sol's apprentice" uh........ almost? not SOL'S apprentice, but mae technically works with the jedi order? not sure about this one. i was completely totally fully not expecting the memory ending, but I was somewhere up there with mae "betraying" osha/qimir and helping the jedi. we can see how she changes emotionally throughout the show as she becomes kinder/softer, understanding, as she realizes that osha is alive, that she isn't trapped, things like that. osha is the opposite, we see as she becomes crueler (?) and... yeah.
third one: "maybe/maybe not they find osha and qimir and qimir convinces osha to fight against her past master" ok so THEY didn't find osha and qimir qimir and osha found THEM. ok so...qimir technically didn't convince osha to fight sol, she convinced herself. does this count? idk. but she also didn't really Fight him, she just.....youknow. wow
"fourth" prediction: "would love to see some kyber bleeding in s2" ok so I said that I wanted to see kyber bleeding in SEASON TWO AND IT FUCKINGH HAPPENED HERE. OH MY GOD ; I STARTED FLAILING AROUND AND SCREAMING I was like holy fucking shit they're recreating kyber bleeding in REAL FUCKING ACTION! oh my god. this is the first time we've scene this(???? ) and holy shit. SO COO. L
I feel like this is how I exactly pictured it - osha is going through all this grief, anger, hatred, fear, all the dark side biz and shes holding this perfectly great kyber crystal saber — did anyone else notice how when the lightsaber fell, they focused solely on the crystal? WARNING! lol. omg. the way she didn't even realize she was focusing her anger onto it too. THE WAY THAT THATS THE SAME SABER THAT SOL KILLED HER MOTHER WITH.
the way also that osha thought that she was mae in her vision. i cant fucking believe she couldn't tell the difference between her and mae. was it because she couldn't see any part of her turning against her past master?? interested
IM SO INTERESTED IN VERNESTRA. OH MY GOD. is she psychometric? she seemed to be able to flit between "audio memories" when walking through the fortress? and when she was looming over sol's body, she was able to tell what happened. because then shes able to go and talk about it to the senate, even when no one else from there is alive and she was never told what happened. she sensed an echo of what he had said (or of that night that it did happen) and used it for evidence.
sol.....uhm....sol is,....hm....he's ... a person. i feel like he's an ok jedi but an even worse person. he's not a TERRIBLE person but holy shit he really hammered it down. "I did what I thought was best for you" YOU? THOUGHT??? ? ohmy god. he deliberately CHOSE osha over mae because he "thought" she was meant to be his padawan. he killed their mother and never told anyone about it. sure he tried to become better but he never. admitted his actions? i know it was because if he did they would have never let osha become a jedi - but like,... does that matter anymore? jedi vs truth? ugh. i just. he's too human it hurts literally
are qimir and osha dating? unclear
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thesungod · 1 year ago
their theme is so inconsistent like at the beginning it feels clear, being who you are and accepting each other’s darkness, but the way its done is 😬 and then it switches up to being literally budget toa saying “well everything can change yk??? don’t stay in the darkness” but in a horrible fashion and they’re acting like this is what they’ve been trying to tell me in the past 400 pages when it ISNT dont LIE to ME
i don’t think EITHER of them was reading the book as they write they were just mashing words together bc im watching a book promo for it rn and rick’s saying that will likes nico bc he likes nicos ““darkness”” and how intrigues him and mark’s saying neither of nico or will wants to change that core part of the other. which explains away him in BOO trying to tell nico that nobody disliked him—being that will was projecting his own feelings about nico onto others—and also relates will to apollo even more with their need to reach out to outcasts and love them. but then they didn’t write that they literally wrote that will doesn’t like it and he wants to fix it. thats my STEP SON and they did that to him.
rick did not want to write this book at all, and mark probably projected their nico stanisms onto the other characters without justifying the stanisms. you can really tell when rick has a passion for writing something and when he could not care less. the subtle toa promo in one of the gorgyra scenes and apollo’s updated glossary—he wants you to read toa so bad he could not gaf about this book. and yet apollo is never mentioned positively like give him back to me.
speaking of mark i think this is just a consistent issue they have when writing. i read reviews of one of their books (anger is a gift) and some were very negative about the way the narrative made the protagonist the most righteous person ever and completely revolved around them. ifl that issue bleeds into this book as well.
i saw people (including the writers) say this book is darker than a lot of rick’s other books and i really need them to shut the fuck up; THO literally had kids tied up in crucifixes to be burned at the stake 😭
ok sorry for the ramble i see the letters tsats together and i go on a rampage
you absolutely ate this up!!
also laughing at you calling it “budget toa” because that’s exactly what i said to a friend about this book once. i felt almost offended over the authors trying to fit the “everyone can change!!” narrative last minute and make Nico the symbol of re-invention after five whole books of ToA. i was very “how dare you stand where he stood” about it which is childish but alas.
i’ve also mentioned several times how will and nico’s conflict in the book was not intriguing to read about because it was inconsistent. not to mention that according to the timeline they’ve been together for a year!!! an entire year!!! and the book still has Will acting #shocked that Nico, idk, likes darkness.
the Mary-Suing of Nico literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. i’m usually all for my faves winning, but that’s after they’ve been through the mortifying ordeal of losing, yk. and i get that Nico has been through a lot but the book was basically a 400-pages-long ass kissing and i couldn’t do it.
i couldn’t even feel particularly moved or vindicated by Bob pledging loyalty to him in the end because it wasn’t cathartic at all. i was like we get it dude lol
same with his “friendship” with Piper tbh. not everyone needs to like Nico😭 i would have totally loved it if the book had shown a friendship progress organically through their grief for Jason or common interests (even if just briefly narrated through a recollection!! i’m not saying we needed chapters of flashbacks or Piper as a third main), but Nico does not mention her once ever. they didn’t even like each other in HoO!! then at the end of the book he calls her and he is all like “of course she wouldn’t be angry at me for not calling after Jason died <3 she understands that grief is complicated <3”
my king Piper isn’t angry at you for not calling because she dgaf about you. why would she. who are you to her
another thing I’ll never get over re: Nico and Will’s relationship is how, per the book, Nico encouraged Will to come out and was the first one of the two to do so, when every. single. thing written about them in the Hidden Oracle suggests the opposite.
why the fuck is Nico so reticent and embarrassed about admitting to be Will’s boyfriend in the first book of ToA if it’s Nico who came out first? IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP might I add?
because i get that coming out to someone doesn’t necessarily mean being comfortable coming out to everyone, but Nico announced his crush IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP. and asked Will out. and Will wasn’t out at the time. so whyyyy is their dynamic on THO literally the opposite of this? with Will pushing Nico to be more open about their relationship while Nico plays coy? because Apollo is Will’s father? idk, maybe i guess😭
but it’s pretty obvious the change in the dynamic was established later on and that the impression we were supposed to have while reading THO is that Will was the one more comfortable and in tune with his sexuality. like, come on.
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fearowkenya · 1 month ago
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heres the opening segment of the Yuffie Accidentally Concusses Herself On A Zipline fic ive been working on since uhhhh. lemme check. oh my god, april????
it's still not done, and i prefer my entire fics to be complete (barring editing) before i even think about putting them anywhere, but im trying to be more proactive about posting WIPs to try to amp myself up.
yuffie really caught me off-guard when i first played the remake dlc. i liked her well enough when i played OG, but i didnt realize how much id come to adore her by the end of it. there were a lot of moments in rebirth that reminded me that shes kind of an outsider with regards to most of the party: shes the youngest along with nanaki, and unlike him she doesnt have the benefit of being part of the team that bonded over Escaping Hojo And Getting The Fuck Out Of Midgar. the way she acts reminds me of a third grader who REALLY wants to make a good impression on the big cool sixth graders at recess, like a lot of her confidence reads to me as a desperate attempt to get people to like her and then doubling down on whatever gets her a reaction , for better or for worse, while completely downplaying or deflecting whenever a sore subject comes up. thats why legally i had to concuss her so that she is physically unable to get out of difficult conversations. sorry kid.
i love fanworks that go into missing scenes and tiny offscreen moments , so that's really what im aiming for here - the rest of this fic after this part flips between her perspective and the perspectives of some of the other characters, mostly centered on her integration into the group and the interpersonal speedbumps that come up along the way. ive only played thru most of rebirth once, but it really stood out to me how affectionate yuffie was with aerith by the end , and i want to explore how they got there. im in the middle of an aerith and yuffie scene that got WAY longer than i expected it to, and ive still got a barret scene, cloud scene, and maybe a nanaki scene to add after that. im nowhere close to being done yet but im having a nice time working on this. i hope the full fic, properly formatted and fully edited, can see the light of day sometime soon.
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aroace-poly-show · 10 months ago
Friend could you please go on a rant about siffrin or rui im having a Piss Brain Moment and need to distract myself + your rants are soa awesome always
SURE SURE UM i don’t know how you feel abt spoilers so uh. will try to avoid that. anyway watching siffrin throughout the loops just slowly going more and more insane is so. ougrdhjfg. he loves his friends so much too :( he wants to protect them so bad :( one of his main goals later in the loops is to find out how to help them with any of their problems :( they keep going through the loops miserably but having their friends with them keeps them going :( and whenever theres like smth about him that his friends notice he goes all :0 bc its weird when he’s like perceived and his friends notice things about him bc he’s actually seen like wow thats crazy but just.oughdsg he loves. so much. he makes me ill. me when the character is full of so much love. ourgdhfsgfbdfds……………..
if you don’t care abt spoilers uh. more rambles under the cut
siffrin in the later loops esp the third ending after you beat the king while also having done the friendship quests is so. oughghdgdhj. during the friendship quests before where they help all their friends and make all of them happy and they all love them theres that moment at the picnic scene i believe where after he says he’s happy it goes “in this moment you are loved.” and he thinks he wants to try going through the castle to the end bc maybe this time it’ll be different now that he’s with friends who love him (LIKE THEY DIDNT LOVE HIM BEFORE LIKE HE WASN’T ALREADY LOVED LIKE MJFHDJSBSNDFHD) (also i got the tutorial event after doing all 4 of them but i’ve seen some of my friends get it earlier having only done a few of them but the tutorial event made me. ill. bc it was directly after them saying that they wanna try going through the castle without looping bc now their friends love them and then they brutally kill a sadness in front of all his friends horrifying them. with faces that make him think he’s already ruined this. like he’s happier and loved right now but goodness gracious he is still. going a little insane.) and when he makes it to the end the first time not much changes aside from odile noticing how he looked and getting worried and all his friends trying to run for him to help him before whatever was happening (the loop restarted) happens and at first he berates himself for thinking the power of love or whatever would save him but by the third time hes fucking smiling at them and its like “they love you! they all love you! you could do this forever!” they love him enough to try to run after him to save him and hes fucking smiling at themmmm and the restart screen ends with “in this moment you were loved” and i am ILLLLLLLL ITS SO. ITS SO. OURGDFHSDJGHAFJGHJHFJHAAGDJHJHDFG.S…………..siffrin……..fucked up little guy………..later in act 5 when he’s told he’s gonna be in here for eternity he tries to be like “its fine its fine because you’re here with your family right? because you’re loved? because you’re with them? ot’s fine right? but this thought…IS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU TO GO ON ANYMORE!!!” bc atp they’ve been through it so many times these aren’t their friends anymore to them they’re just actors and copies and fictional versions of them that will never ever change and they want to be with their real family and theres this whole thing of them comparing these loops and how they act and how their friends act to actors in a play and that he has to keep following the script and UWAGHDSHS HES A STUPID FUCKING TEHATER KID TOO. ITS ALWYAS THE THEATER KIDS THAT GET ME. FUCK. okay this was a lot. i’m not even done i could say so much. but yeah sorry
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azumasoroshi · 2 years ago
guess who just watched summertime rendering (it's really good)
guys what the FUCK
(spoilery-review stuff will be below the cut but tldr: summertime rendering is really good, subverted a lot of my expectations, gorgeous animation, keeps you on your toes and has smart characters and good writing, just try not to cringe too hard at some of the haha boobs/haha panties jokes i swear there's not too many)
okay funny story. i got interested in this anime literally yesterday because one of my favorite channels was analyzing its ending song by chance
and i was like oh it's like anohana but a murder mystery? interesting premise. doesn't necessarily guarantee that it's good, the animation looks pretty at least, but it's 25 episodes and my attention span kinda sucks...
and i see the main girl in a swimsuit and im like alright. the second there's a really weird zoom on her chest im out
(my live thought process pictured below)
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and the first shot or so was of the swimsuit girl (ushio) without any weird zooms so i was like okay hey we're in the clear so far
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one minute ten seconds. dawg. that actually has to be a record of some sort
and i was 🤏this close to dropping the anime but i really wanted to see the dark horrifying stuff so i continued anyway
like. maybe that's a one off joke. maybe they wont do it again and that was just to get weirdos to be like AYYY and keep watching. maybe there is hope
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there was no hope.
but i hung on anyway because right after that was the OP and it looked really interesting mostly because there were no anime visuals at all until the very end
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which was. shinpei being a little bit silly. little but quirky. vibing persona 3 style baby baby baby baby baby baby baby
so yeah i decided to keep watching until the end of the first episode despite my apprehension because i just. wanted to see the dark shit go down. uaghhhhhh
and i kept watching EVEN THROUGH the clear insinuation that the mc's adopted sister was in love with him and that the mc was in love with his other adopted sister and the police officer was looking at porn in public and then FINALLY
(major + ending spoilers start here)
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they killed my favorite character.
and then they killed the younger sister and then they killed the MAIN CHARACTER AND I WAS LIKE DAWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
like i was expecting it to be dark but i didnt expect them all to straight up die on screen with blood splatters n everything :sob: wasnt expecting the time loop either
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like. you gon have this gorgeous animation just to make the characters' deaths that much more brutal. holy fuck
i realized the other anime this reminded me of. this anime is a anohana x kagerou project crossover. thats fuckin crazy i kinda dig it
people also compare it to re:zero which is fair cuz it has the time travel, the unexpected brutality, the short haired girl who gets rejected in favor of the long haired girl (lmao) i just like kagerou project more
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it somehow didnt connect the first time that it wasn't mio and i was like huh i wonder why they suddenly skipped time
and then when this scene rolled around for the second time i literally like. it hit me so fast and i was like FUCK. i was like genuinely terrified help
and then she started stabbing the ever loving shit out of totsumura and i was like oh okay! guess i dont have to wait in suspense for what she'll do at the very least
and then she stabbed shinpei in the throat and i was like OH OKAY
that scene also terrified me cuz like the phone call happening while the killer is nearby is a classic horror trope but like. i dont watch horror usually. that's my worst nightmare
it was on his third death that shinpei really started to shine for me as a protagonist because like. he's smart. notably so! it was really nice because the classic horror starts to fade away at this point and everything becomes a giant chess match
fair enough though cuz bro was like "LMAO NAH I REFUSE TO DIE AGAIN THAT SHIT PAINFUL AS FUCK" (and then repeatedly died a bunch more anyways)
it's interesting that his whole "take a step back" thing is like. a trauma response too. we love dissociation representation lmfao
shinpei was also really quick to adapt to everything and it took a LOT of shit going down to make him finally lose his composure, but he gets back in it and doesnt waste time and it was really refreshing because yknow anime (and the horror genre in general) with its overdramatic clueless protagonists
and also!!
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i immediately pegged sou as the loud dumbass yosuke/ryuji type (i love them and their depth, im talking about surface level) best friend who wingmans for shinpei and immediately gets sus of shinpei and gets killed first n shit
but that was my bad like damn sou was a really good character
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to be fair this was his first introduction
and the line "I should tell Sou everything" with a shot of the sky is REALLY FUCKING OMINOUS, so i feel like that was a bit of a bait and switch on the author's part lmfao
i stopped taking screenshots around this point so ill just talk about a bunch of parts that stood out to me pff
she's so autistic and so smart and so just. god. i love her
i literally wanted to cry seeing him in the ending like dawggggggg he's SO cute id marry him no questions asked
he and hizuru were my favorites along with nezu because badass old man SLAYS
i also surprisingly really liked ushio lmao i thought she'd be like the usual manic pixie dream girl and then just based on her being in a swimsuit but like. she was honestly a joy as a character lmfao
like. her being the biggest powerhouse next to hizuru? did not see that coming, we love a girlboss!! and she's also smart and forward-thinking despite the airheaded vibes so like damn. good character! i really liked what little we got to see of the real ushio interacting with her shadow too, it was a nice bit of character building + it was funny lmao
mio was the only character other than shide that i just straight up did not like lmfaosgkjhsjg the whole "im in love with my stepbrother" was just. fuckin. weird to me from the start and you have no idea how fucking relieved i was that shinpei didn't accept her confession or get with her at the end
of course it's like. not any better that he got with his other stepsister. but like mio was more annoying so it's fine (😭)
she ended up being a damsel in distress who didnt really do anything up until the school fight where she still didnt do much, and with how much ushio emphasized "protect mio" you'd think she' have some sort of plot relevance but nope she just. thought about her brother a lot and confessed after 20 episodes and got rejected and cried
it's like all the buildup to her confession was PURELY to buildup for the ACTUAL confession which was shinpei telling her that he was in love with ushio
which is lame
like jesus her shadow had more plot relevance than her. i literally liked her shadow more than her like ????????
tokiko was a good character though i liked the "i didnt dirty my hands for this" foreshadowing and also her being a lesbian was an unexpected surprise that i liked lmfao she's a fuckin real one for still encouraging mio to be with shinpei despite being madly in love with mio. what the hell was that "i want her to see all of me" line like girl????
shide was a good smart villain, he kinda started getting cheesy typical anime villain by the end but by that point the anime was pretty firmly in the action/strategy genre and relying a lot less on the horror/mystery part so it was alright
i did love the talk he and shinpei had about video games and the FF7 namedrop was hilarious lmfao
it was cool how they had the callback to him being a video game nerd during the first fireworks festival with that 2d 3d king thing
absolutely despise him for what he did to hiruko though like. ew.
i didnt really get why hiruko deadass reverted into this weird lookin baby thing at the end but like haise was cute i liked her
didnt understand how they literally changed history either but i guess the magic eyes are like "fuck time lmao all my homies hate time" so oh well, i guess it works
the ending was really a full on "everybody lives and is happy" type deal but like. i didnt even mind man i was literally ecstatic seeing hizuru's boobs again like holy shit. you know you're watching a weird ass anime when you start crying at the fucking fanservice scenes like ohhhh my god
and like goddammit they deserve happiness
although. i was a bit pissed that they brought ushio back to life. like yeah she deserved to be brought back and yeah i do love her but rip the themes of grief and regret i guess
the show was never really about grief so i get why she was brought back but like ueeeuueueuueuee the whole "i don't want to do anything i'll regret again (including leaving ushio before we had the chance to say goodbye) so i have to keep moving forward" was really good character stuff and hrekjajsghjhsg i guess it paid off at the end???
whatever ill take getting hizuru and ryuunosuke back no matter the narrative costs
anyway yeah really good anime, definitely exceeded my expectations (which were pretty low to be fair though), i did watch all 25 episodes within 24 hours so i might be a little insane
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everybodyloveshippos · 1 year ago
finished lolth's warrior!!!!
holy shit bro (thoughts under the cut)
KIMMURIEL FUCKING EXPLODING?????? im literally . holy shit holy shit dudeee that whole scene was insane. jarlaxle was so beside himself. and then just. begging kimmuriel to find another body. dude. (ruka i cannot imagine what emotions you were feeling at this time my condolences)
okay so i know kimmuriel isnt Gone Gone but that little séance was so bittersweet like 'oh you miss me' jfhshjg alexa play ghosting by mother mother
okay other than that;
i liked the ending to the war, i was worried it would be rushed but it actually made sense, a mass exodus makes more sense than being able to reform the whole city first try.
malagdorl i need you dead! i need you dead! justice for voselly.....
gromph flop baenre needed a staff of the magi to explode a stalactite when 19-20 year old catti brie did it without magic. unoriginal! hes so obsessed w her!!!!! okay just kidding i actually loved that whole bit. the second they focused more on the staff i was like oh wait oh wait i know what hes about to do lets goooooo
alsoooo did anyone else think that 'ethan sindalay' was a typo/autocorrect of Effron?? bcus thats the only thing that makes sense.......ethan sindalay the necromancer is Not A Guy i was like who tf is ethan?? you mean effron??
dinin getting the cold shoulder from drizzt is so funny i know it does make sense and drizzt does care but oh my god. something about his standoffishness made me laugh bcus both him and zak wouldve been so welcoming to vierna and you know it kfjksdzhsfjgj. i like it. i hope there's more books for them to develop a relationship.
things i found funny that i remember:
yvonnel asking if drizzt and catti want a third
artemis 'this is greasepaint from a theatre performer and a prostitutes wig' for his disguise and then not elaborating. king you are theeee funniest man alive never change also do u think in another life hes a theatre kid. did he have those on hand. i love him
saribel and ravel going off into a side room to debrief after every family meeting and being like 'our mom is NOT making good choices here' i genuinely love these two im so happy theyre in cahoots. last xorlarrin siblings standing (well, last of the core group we met).
i hope there is more books after this! the unfinished plot threads to continue we got were good like
-dahlia missing (refusing to believe shes dead bcus you cannot kill a bad bitch) girl i miss uuuuu
-yvonnel missing
-dinin is on secret lolth sanctioned toddler murder mission. my hope for this is he is allowed to babysit and becomes to enamoured of his niece to do anything except be her uncle <3
the last pages made me cry happy tears w everyone playing in the snow and also burst into tears when i finished it
excited for the webcomic but theres a few things i rlly wanna see in the near future not the 12-ish year gap to that
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