#thats gotta count for something! a good something im sure
scribsisnotdead · 2 years
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omg…… i drew this year.!!>?!>?!>>?@?>>!?>
years of arts past / template
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songspirits · 2 months
rating fanon portrayals of the outsiders boys
note: my guesses on the canon personalities probably arent even true lol this is my opinion
ponyboy curtis
sometimes the portrayals are really good!! but i hate that often, people portray him either as a moody brat or a weak baby. he is canonically a good fighter, especially after the fire, though he doesn’t like to. hes a loner, hes a reader, hes a pacifist, hes a good kid.
you have to remember that the outsiders is literally written in HIS POINT OF VIEW!!! ofc yes he’s a sassy and snarky teenager but he is also so intelligent and smart. hes a loner, but the gang would never shun his company. he has so much depth that a lot of writers often forget. hes a 14 year old kid with thoughts of a adult and can only do so much. thats what makes the outsiders so relatable to alot of people. its his intelligence that makes him and darry argue, because of how darry sees himself in ponyboy
but also on the other side of the coin ponyboy is a fragile character after the events of the book, because he is 14!!! but he has thoughts!!
i feel like people forget his good traits and only focus on the bad (and oh my goodness does this count for darry too!)
sorry for my rambles i just love his character so much :-(
darry curtis
besides fanfiction.net and like 30% of the fics on ao3 hes actually a solid portrayal most of the time, but tons of people forget that his relationship with ponyboy wasnt actually that batshit awful. sure theyd butt heads alot and go back and forth but they love each other thats why they did that. hes so much more than just an angry man who happens to be ponyboys brother.
hes a man who peaked in high school (IM KIDDING) and lost it all not because of his brothers but because of his parents. there was probably some strong resentment there for a while until they died. darrys problem or flaw is that he cares too much and his fear turns to anger. its love for sodapop and ponyboy that brings him back when he realizes his anger is doing more bad than good for his little brothers. It’s opening up and allowing his brothers in that helps his character.
that being said, people often focus more on his bad traits than his good traits. its a running theme in the outsiders fandom, i’ve noticed
sodapop curtis
highest rating i have on this list!! fanfiction.net outsider fics ive gotta say i actually just cant handle it so thats why it isnt a full 8 and ao3 is a 50/50
people put that hes soft but also forget that hes wild. hes batshit CRAZY. hes just as protective as darry and just as snarky as ponyboy. hes soft!! hes rough!! sodapop curtis is a dynamic character!!!!
ehhhhhh, most johnny portrayals i’ve seen are either really good or really bad. kinda ponyboy’s problem, being seen as weak. hes just a dynamic character who is allowed to be weak but also has so many strong traits about him. he is a frightened wounded animal to most but to the gang hes something more than that. also, snarky and ‘over’ johnny portrayals are great.
most portrayals i’ve seen are pretty good but its the same problem ive seen in all the boys— they only focus on a few traits dallas has (aggressive, tough, hardened) and stick with that. forgetting the youth in dallas winston and making his character honestly… less tragic?
imo the tragedy of the outsiders is the youthfulness in all the boys and how shitty situations couldnt make them more vulnerable, so i would love more of a vulnerable dallas in fics around the gang. another thing, people forget how much ponyboy really does mean to dallas. johnny and ponyboy were both his brothers and he’d did so much for the both of them precisely bc of that
again.💔people forget how DYNAMIC these characters are!!! two-bit knows when to get serious for the love of god!!
what portrayal. ☹️ppl dont write him enough and if they do its like one line #justiceforsteve
in conclusion
the outsiders fandom often have such good portrayals but only for one part of their character. this isnt to shame anyone or anything!! but this is just a helpful criticism ?? for any writers out there portraying the boys!! trust me i had to think abt this too lmao
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detectivehole · 3 months
if youre american; you gotta go vote and you have to vote for whoever the democratic party ends up tossing your way, this time. it takes only moments of your day and slivers of your effort, it does not impede your ability to preform additional political actions, neither does it somehow lessen the impact of those actions
it is a necessary step this election to try and reduce harm- the election will proceed with or without you, and you will live with the consequences of it regardless of your participation; are you going to lie down and take it, or exercise all avenues available to you? i will not pretend your vote is anything but a drop in leaky bucket but its something, and its free and its easy. "i could never bring myself to vote for such a monster!" you are right, hes a monster, and an idiot, and ill feel miserable checking the box, but if the only legitimate reason not to vote that you can provide for me is your own moral repulsion im afraid thats just not good enough
compromising your sense of right and wrong to a limited capacity is necessary to be both politically active and impactful, as well as to just be a functional human being, because how you feel in the face of greater issues like this is, frankly, immaterial. action is the only language that matters at this moment. moral purity is a myth and your ability to maintain any semblance of it is a privilege
the only two choices here are voting or not voting; not voting, when you know conservatives will be lining the fuck up this election is, genuinely, rolling over and conceding their victory. if you find yourself asking, "how could things get any worse!?" i very earnestly urge you think about Trump; what hes said, what hes been saying recently, how his congregation feels about him, and how he and the republicans stacked and manipulated the other branches of the government during his presidency- and research how exactly it still effects us today
things could get worse. ill admit were in for a "worse" next four years regardless, honestly, but theres no biting the bullet of crappy futures. theres no "getting it over with" here. 330 million+ people domestically (not even considering the global implications) are counting on each other. you have to choose the Better Shitty Future
you gotta do it. you dont have to like it, you dont have to be happy, you dont have to tell anyone who you voted for or even that you did it at all. but you have to go vote, and you should encourage others to do the same
i definitely understand why you feel like you just can't. that you could never do anything that might be taken as actual support for such a spineless, shitty party and genocide-mongering, incompetent man. i had come to the exact same conclusion myself, initially. honestly i'm not sure anyone with a brain could think less of you for it. but i've Thought about it, like i'm encouraging you to Think about it, and it's just not a game of support, it's about making sure one of them loses. the system is broken, but you're still inside- you can't leave, and no one's coming to save you, so you have to play. make peace with it
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spookyscaryskidnpump · 6 months
my thoughts on spooky month 6
copy pasted from a page and a half of google doc. crying. spoilers inbound.putting it under the cut cuz its super long. also swear warning.
Ok to start off LILA. LILA MY GAL NO UR DOING UR BEST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Im crying im actually fucginf crying. She's trying. So hard. Skid is trying so hard. THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST PLEASEEEEE. Father Gregor can go EAT SHIT. THEY'RE TRYING AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS GODDAMNIT.
Susie… Susie no… please… she deserves better istgggggg. What happened to their parents? Are they actually just busy? Are they DEAD? Holy shit what if they're dead. Poor Pump, poor Susie, god please just let these kiddos be ok. PLEASE. ABUELO WONDER IS TYING SO HARD BUT SUSIE KNOWS IT ISN'T REALLY FROM HER PARENTS IM CRYING. SUSIE NOOOOOO
ROYYYYYY ROY MY BOI NOOOOOO poor guy :( i understand why he hates the kids they DID kinda ruin him so. At least he knows theyre trying now :( and ross n rob just ASSUME he did something bad isnt helping here!!!! I get that theyre also trying to help him and its nice to see him opening up to them about stuff (even if we dont get to know what specifically PELO WHY) but PLEASE get this kid an anger management class or smthn PLEASE. He needs SO MUCH THERAPY. I dont think hes gonna get therapy because im pretty sure his parents are Part Of The Problem but STILL.  Also FUCKER LITERALLY GOT POSSESED BY A DEMON?????? THATS GOTTA BE TRAUMATIC TF
Side note i love ross and robert dearly and i appreciate them doing their best to help on both sides i love them smmmmmm AUGH
KEVIN AND RADFORD FRIENDSHIP REALLLLLLLLLL i am SO fucking happy about that!!!! Also Kevin having conflicted feelings on the kids FAIR. Similar thing to Roy except hes an adult with a semi-functional support network and is able to understand that theyre just dumb kids and they dont actually mean any harm. He’s harsher on the hatzgang cuz theyre teens and old enough to know stealing is wrong but Skid n Pump are little kiddos they dont know better. Also him disapproving of father gregor REAL THO. also HE GOT POSSESSED TOO?? TRAUMA CENTRAL HOLY SHIT
Rick just has the WORST luck lmao
JAUNE AND ROSS’S DAD… HE'S REAL HE EXISTS!! I get ur trying jaune but that is NOT the best way to comfort poor lila… AT LEAST SHES TRYING THO I APPRECIATE HER
MOLOCH IS GONE. he deserved it but also THE KIDS ARE SO SAD ABOUT IT? Like they don't really get it but they just watched someone they thought was their friend DIE. HOLY SHIT.
Ok for real tho theyre so much more self aware than the fandom and bulk of the show give them credit for?? Like Skid is VERY aware of his dad being dead/possibly missing and legit just doesn’t wanna talk about it. He knows what death is and he finds fun in it to cope. My poor sweet boyo… and PUMP. PUMP ANSWERING THE CALL AUGHHHHHH HE WANTS HIS PARENTS BACK IM CRYING. SUSIE AND ABUELO ARE DOING THEIR BEST AND HE'S TRYING SO HARD AND AAAAAAAAAAUGH. Also him getting possessed by Moloch while having Star-Eyes basically debunks the theory of the Star-Eyes being a form of possession which is FASCINATING. Anyway that scene with Susie and Pump got me misty eyed and then during the ending with Skid and Lila i actually genuinely started crying. I just want them to be happy. Please let them be happy. Please. PLEASE.
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you know what?? Fuck it, there's something I've GOTTA talk about:
(don't worry this isn't like a serious post or anything. also its gonna be really badly written with grammar errors because I'm just really excited to finally be talking about this and I'm shaking like a leaf) (also, if you don't agree with this that is completely fine; everybody ships different ships, this is just one that I personally love and me explaining how it came to be and how I image it. I'm not trying to convince anybody of anything, this is just for fun. If you don't like, that's fine! All I ask is that there is no hate and that you just move on. Thank you!)
I love rairpairs. Like, LOVE them. Anyone who's seen my old transformers art knows that I ship DreadOp which is like, a nonexistent ship. like, the ship equivalent of being an endangered species (there's like 10 fics about it on AO3, so you KNOW it's rare). There's a few examples of me being like this but this is the best example that i have.
But this has gotten to the point where i have done something absolutely ridiculous: I have created an entirely new ship- no, TWO entirely new ships (I'm only going to be focusing on one rn). AND I'VE GOTTA TALK ABOUT THEM because honestly? I love them! so, what monstrosity have I created? Whoo... prepare yourselves (especially you, dark cacao cookie fans...)
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Yep. Don't hate me. Please hear me out because honestly iv'e seen more heinous ships in my time on the internet.
so, first of all, the white dude is known as the milk village elder in CRK, and we only see him once in the entire game (that i know of). I love taking npc's and giving them characters, so this is kinda how this happened. I'm gonna start by talking about the milk dude and how i headcannon/ imagine him because it will come into play later.
I gave the milk village elder the name Whole Milk Cookie, because i couldn't exactly call him Milk Cookie; that names already been taken
Whole Milk Cookie isn't actually anyone's grandfather, despite him being called grandad/ grandpappy in the actual game. We never see anyone his age in the milk village, and I like to imagine that its sorta like an honorary title. Like, he acts like everyone's grandpa, so everyone calls him grandpa but no one is actually related to him.
Whole Milk Cookie is like, ungodly sweet. Like, diabetes kind of sweet. its ridiculous. there are only a few ways to get him angry; and trust me, you don't want to...
He's strong. Like, think Hollyberry type strong. Gives the BEST hugs too.
Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but people suspect that he's actually much older than he looks. This could be caused by his extreme talent with the milk that comes from the villages well; if its used right, the milk can cure disease, help pains, or even extend someone's lifespan/ help retain youth. either that or he's some sort of demon but hey, who's counting?
got all that? good. Now the question everybody's asking; why the hell do i ship this? What's the story here? What's the origin? Well hold onto your pants folks because this is where we get into me overanalyzing shit.
behold the line that started it all:
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This is so SO vague. why the hell did they put this in here it is SO VAUGE. what does he mean by "THAT king"? you know what it sounds like? someone reminiscing of their time with a loved one who has now changed....
they never elaborate on what exactly this line means and this is the very last line we hear Whole Milk Cookie say in the main story
wondering where exactly he's gone instead of wondering when he's coming back? idk man you sound worried about him...
also saying "laid your eyes upon" just sounds so gay/loving and i don't know why. yeah your laying something thats for sure glfbnvbrfnjkrb (im so sorry)
There's also this line:
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The ally thing is kind of given, but why and how isn't this guy talking shit about dark Cacao? Like, he has EVERY right to! but he's not.... its almost like he cares.... and sure he mentions the generation thing but just because your parents were friends with some dude doesn't mean you necessarily like them right? so what gives??
Then there's the matter of Dark Cacao Cookies SON:
now Dark Chocolate usually doesn't have any milk/dairy in it, but it DOES need a fat, which whole milk DOES have!!
So, in theory, it would make sense for cacao and milk to make chocolate of some kind, AND it would account for Dark Choco Cookie having a lighter skin tone than his father (lighter eyes and the double white hair streak too)
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I also like the story implications outside of cannon:
two people who would generally not be allowed to be in a relationship due to differing status keep a relationship going for years behind the backs of their communities
Dark Cacao Cookie taking full responsibility for taking care of their son, only for everything to become too overwhelming and he begins to remove himself from everything emotionally, wanting to give his son over to his other father to be properly taken care of but can't due to the dangers that poses for everyone in his family
Dark Choco nearly kills him and Dark Cacao has to exile him and (because of a mix of psychological manipulation, grief, and regret) locks up the citadel, leaving Whole Milk Cookie out of the picture entirely
Whole Milk Cookie stews in anger due to everything that's happened and Dark Cacao cookie not taking proper care of their son but eventually falls into guilt as well because he saw the signs of stress and overworking from his partner and didn't step in, assuming that everything was fine (but is still mostly mad at Cacao because he REALLY fucked up and it's not an excuse)
Gingerbrave and the crew comes strolling up and gets the citadel open, and Dark Cacao admits to Dark Choco that he didn't care enough and that he should have done things differently, and that he loves his son. Dark Choco leaves the cookies of darkness and begins a journey of recovery while Dark Cacao vows to do better for his family and kingdom in the future.
Dark Cacao meets up with Whole Milk Cookie to truly apologize to him, admitting everything he's done wrong and that he should have done far, FAR better. He tells WM that he deserves better than him
Whole Milk is obviously still angry and will never forgive Dark Cacao for what he's done. but he still loves him despite everything and would much rather the two of them work together to fix things (not necessarily romantically, more just not hating each other wise) moving forward instead of breaking things off and stewing in grief and anger.
The two of them take things extremely slow and carefully because it's been a long and difficult process, but they, eventually, get back to where they were.
Their recovery process takes years, but by that point Dark Cacao has improved himself exponentially, wanting nothing but the best for his partner and kingdom (and now knowing exactly what NOT to do) They also eventually find Dark Choco Cookie and fix things with him, but that's a whole other can of worms I'm not going to open here.
Just generally a story of two very different people, who despite goin through unimaginable hardships, do their very best despite the circumstances. they love each other more than even they realize and the fact that they are able to fix what was broken by their own hands is a testament to that, despite all of the arguments and tears along the way.
TLDR: Dark Cacao fucks up, his husband is mad but still loves him because he knows him better than anyone else, Dark Cacao actually makes an effort and succeeds to be much much better, and the two of them eventually figure things out. An unlikely love story :)
Ok, wow, that was a lot and kinda sad. But there are a few thiings that i couldn't fit into the rest of this so imma just stick them here:
Whole Milk Cookie finds Immense joy in picking up his husband and throwing him across his shoulder like some kind of really important sack
Whole Milk calls Dark Cacao "Cacao bean"
Dark Cacao loves Whole Milk Cookies cooking to a stupid extent
Dark Cacao loves playing with his husbands fluffy hair
the two of them will often help each other do their hair because they both just have SO MUCH of it
Dark Cacao, despite popular belief, is a flustered mess around his husband and can very often be found blushing like a madman whenever Whole Milk uses his strength
these two have the ABSOLOUTE WORST bedheads. Like, Cacao HAS to braid his hair before going to bed because otherwise the two of them will wake up tangled in it. And Whole Milk will just have an untamable afro.
uhh anyways. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
Heya! Same patchwork anon here >:]
Im so glad you like the idea! And id definitely see Vash being so protective of it, but sir we need to clean that omg 😩
But i did wanna shoot another reply cause i had another thought (Its 3am, so its the perfect time for thoughts) but imagine instead of white solid thread for Nai's janky ass milk puzzle blanket, its instead stitched with colored thread to at least give it some more life :0
I do like the idea that Nai just keeps it hidden, but imagine Nai's mate finding it and wanting to improve on it more, so little by little theyve been hand-embroiddering stuff on each patch to give it more life, and Nai doesnt notice cause he doesnt really lay it out often, and one day he just has this urge to look at it again, maybe give it a chance and add it to the nest, afterall its the thought that counts right? but then he spreads it out and sees the different embroiderry, like hearts or flowers that Nai's mate saw in books~ Theres even an ongoing embroiderry that makes it clear that his mate has been stitching this behind his back lol
(okay thats all sorry for the ramble im just so weak for them huhu)
Authors Note: Oh my gosh??? I'm so sorry for being away everyone work is busy busy busy rn, gotta serve up some of my drafts fr...anyways! Patchwork anon strikes again! You know nesting hc's are my weakness I had to indulge, R.I.P. Knives milk puzzle.
In reference to both of these post: Nesting Hc's, Patchwork Anon
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A Blanket of Many Colors, Knives x Reader
You run your fingers over the blanket you had gifted Nai, the patchwork of white making the blanket look more like a haphazard ghost costume rather than a gift you'd painstakingly sown together. You sigh, you didn't really blame Nai for hiding it away in fact you'd been a be relived when you found out your mate kept the scraggly piece of fabric at all. While the vision had been there the end result had ended up lack luster at best.
You groan, about to tuck it back away in its hiding spot for good when you pause over one of the squares. Although by itself it wasn't much...it'd be the perfect base for something else. You think of what you could fill the tiles with, you had more than enough colored thread to add a bit of life to it, you mull over a couple options before remembering the book of flowers Nai had shown you once, his expression had soften as he explained the differences between each species. Inspired, you quickly grab the blanket and march over to the large bookcase in the corner of Nai's room, running your fingers over the spines of the books trying to find the correct one.
"c'mon...it's gotta be here somewh- ah!" you say triumphantly, pulling out the book containing pictures hundreds of different flowers. You'd been amazed when Nai first showed you, plants like this didn't bloom on Gunsmoke, so the idea of their soft petals were all you had to go off of. You quickly flip through the book picking out one of the flowers and grab some red thread and a needle, ready to go to work.
Some where along the way this little practice had become routine for you. Every time Nai was away or you were bored you'd sneak over to the cabinet your mate had stored the blanket and add a small embroidery. Adding a different flower every time until the blanket was becoming a colorful tapestry of your own making. You weren't sure if Nai even knew what you were doing, if he did he didn't say anything about it. So you continued the harmless pass time figuring he had just forgotten about the gift to collect dust.
He hadn't. Nai was, admittedly, particular when it came to his nest and he knew it. He'd mull over the sheets over and over making sure they were the same shade of white and that they were both soft and large enough. When you had presented him with the hand made blanket...it wasn't that he didn't apricate a gift from his beloved mate, it's just that he cringed internally anytime he thought about it in his nest. He couldn't bring himself to throw away something made by your hands though, so he had stored it away for safe keeping, not wanting anyone else to get their filthy hands on something made specifically for him.
It wasn't until a couple months and one tedious day later that he found himself marching towards his quarters. His instincts where screaming to wind down and drag you into the nest with him but you were out in Ja'Lai, escorted by Legato. He huffs, thinking of grabbing some of your clothes to add to the nest for your scent but then grimaces at the idea of all that disorganized fabric against the white sheets and pillows. He pauses looking at the cabinet that contained the gift you had made all that time ago. Although he still bristles slightly at the idea of it sprawled out in his nest...maybe it's the thought that counts? No. Absolutely not. But he could at least drag it out for a little while, maybe it wasn't as bad as he remembered.
Nai opens the cabinet and reaches in for the blanket but when he pulls it out...his eyes go wide. He holds it up so that he had a better view of what he's seeing, flowers he had only seen as a child blossom against the white fabric painting a scene of an intricate garden that only his memories and dreams could recreate. Had his mate been doing this the whole time? He tilts his head and gently traces the patters of the petals and whining stems that adorns the blanket now, then...he glances up towards his nest.
"Nai? You you here?" you call walking towards your shared room. The others had informed you of your mates arrival while you were out in town and you were eager to welcome him with open arms. You pad in, cold floor beneath you feet. He must be curled up in the nest it's where he liked to recharge after being gone. You walk towards the bed where you know a heap of white blankets and pillows is waiting as you quietly peek in the room. Your mate is in the nest alright, but...instead of the usual stark white, a myriad of color litters the top. Your blanket, you realize, is now the main center piece of the nest, curled securely around your sleeping mate as he purrs in his sleep, plant marking glowing softly. It seems...he liked the gift after all.
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decodedlvr · 1 year
the band-aid to my wounds
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Older!Eddie Munson x naive!Fem!reader - eventual twins Steve Harrington x reader x Kurt Kunckle series| pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3.. TBC
Summary: After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
warnings: talks of cheating, abuse, angst, slight stockholm syndrome at a glance, anxiety, childhood trauma, parent problems; daddy issues, eventual smut, cursing, drinking, smoking, perviness, slight dub-con, miscommunications, blood mention
word count: idk? 1.5k?
previously: 'your stomach knots when he calls you sweetheart.
okay maybe he harmless, just very kindly harmless?
"Here" he throws his arm out, "I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
You look down at his hands
Looking back up at him with a tight lipped smile, taking his hand to shake it aggressively, "y/n."
"Wow y/n, gotta grip there, im assuming somebody properly taught you to shake hands with a someone?"
how did he know that
its probably a common thing to be taught
"Uh yeah thanks.. my dad actually taught me, said it would make me look knowledgeable at job interviews"
He chuckles throwing his head back slightly, "well i dont know about that but definitely does look impressive to some"
I nod not knowing what to say
my stomach growls loudly
he looks down with wide eyes
"Sheesh, are ya in the mood for some breakfast? We actually made quite a lot of and have left overs i can rewarm for ya--
"whos we?"
He smiles softly "Here" -he walks to the door frame turning back to say," ill introduce you to my farm workin family"
family? ok.. that makes me feel a little better to know im not alone
"Sure" i say walking out of the bedroom door with him
getting to the bottom of the stairs--
damn i was carried up these things?
Spotting a blond and a read head; why are they dressed the same?
probably like close or something, ive done that with my best friend
Eddies voice breaking you from your thoughts
"So.. y/n this is Chrissy and Sarah.”
"Hi.." I say quietly but still politely
"Wow! the blonde says getting up to touch my hair; I flinch slightly but let her continue."Your hair looks so soft.. its full too, Sarah come feel-
Now watching the red head scoot on over to me, also having a feel of my hair "oh yeah, your hair reminds me of my mamas, it was also so healthy like this-
"Oh, where is she ? you ask
"She left me."
I swallow automatically feeling horrible "o-oh, im sorry about that
"Eh, that's okay Sarah says surprisingly not sad, " I found a better family being here on the farm"
"wait what do you--
I get interrupted.
At the corner of your eyes, hearing a new male voice, spotting him
damn whos that?
ive never seen such hair on a dude that looks so.. healthy?
"Steve!!" Chrissy yells making you jump ,"come feel y/ns hair its just bout as soft as yours, if not softer"
you look at her with wide eyes saying "Oh thats ok"-
by the time you’ve finished your sentence Steves making it all the way over to you
"Ooh this is soft, very very soft actually."
you look up to him immediately taking in his features
moles, pretty eyes…wow his hair does look good.. i kinda wanna touch it--
NO! dumbass
snapping out of it, you hear steves voice again but his mouths not moving
am i having a stroke?
“Kurt, Kurtie come meet y/n”
who the hell is kur—
I look over seeing the same face as Steve’s
oh fuck theres another one?
“Hi y/n im Kurt, Steves twin brother”, he grabs your hand to shake and you’re just standing there with amazement not replying
he looks.. the exact same as Steve but something is different..
his hair.. a bit more flat..unwashed maybe?
damn he looks good though
feeling a hand graze your back, forgetting to breathe
“Miss y/n ya feelin alright?”
It’s Eddies voice, and hand that clears your head
“ Oh..uh yeah, sorry guess I was a bit stunned to see that uh Kurt? and Steve look exactly alike” I say slightly chuckling and finally turning around to look at Eddie
its much brighter in here
Eddie. so this is what he looks like
his hair in a low ponytail, tanktop covefred by a flannel..tattoos? dirty overalls and are those buny slippers?
he catches your gaze to the floor and the confusion on you face
he laughs. “Oh these are Chrissy’s bedroom shoes, havent put my boots on yet and our dog chewed mine all to hell” he smiles widely
looking back at him, “Oh no it looks fine to me..”
you melt at the warmth of his smile
are those dimples. damnit thats my weakness
“ I got your food warmed up for you”
“oh cool, t-thank you” i say following him to the kitchen table, i turn back to give a slight wave to rest of the house then back to following Eddie
“She seems nice, dosent she? Sarah says outloud
“Yeah and so pretty too, kinda jelous of her hair” Chrissy states
“Now dear—, Kurt starts “you know jelously is never good for the heart”
“ I know” Chrissy says “i dont mean it as a bad thing..its like i want her hair type of thing i promise and besides, Steve you felt her hair, its soft like yours wouldnt ya say?”
“Yes, its real soft honey” he replies licking his lips as he looks in your direction from the livingroom. “..real soft he mumbles to himself heading to the sink
After sitting down to with Eddie looking down at my plate theres a biscuit, eggs, bacon and fresh cut fruit
“Looks good” i say glacing at him with a small smile
“Thanks” he grins, watching you eat lookin around to see if anyones around
“Now i wont push, but do you wanna tell me why and how i found you in my barn asleep?”
I swallow hard on my strawbeery a bit too harshly coughing, grabbig the water that was also placed on the table, sipping it
clearing your throat looking nervously. he notices.
“Its okay, i wont tell the others if you would like this to be private.. but it is my farm and i just need to know whata young lady like you was cuddling up in my barn
nodding understaningly “yeah no, i totally understand, a few miles after walking”—
—“you walked here?” he asks worried
“Yeah, it was fine ive walked in the dark plenty of times. It doesn’t scare me” he nods for you to continue. “Me and my probably now ex boyfried got into a big fight, found out he cheated he called me crazy when the proof was physically all over his neck,—“ you dont notice you’re just rambiling now—
—and he wanted to be a dick and leave me on the street and just.. left! can you belive that shit..asshole”
—oh shit sorry” i cover my mouth
“Thats okat sweetheart i cuss all the time”
theres that gut wrenching twist from that name again.
“Uh, may i ask, you said "probably" broke up? are you not certain?”
“Oh no i am, i dont stay with cheaters no matter how long we’ve been together”
“ And how long is that?”
“6 years..”
his eyes widen and shakes his head dissaprovingly, “Thats alot time hun, I am sorry about that”
“Eh, his actions over the years start to make sense to me now.. its honestly not surprising he did cheat..makes me wonder how many times he truly has..” you say pushing your food around shrugging
“Eddie reaches over placing his hand over yours soothingly, catching your line
I get chills from the warmth and rough feeling of his hand, finally looking at his face in full—
how did i not see those before? asking myself
his..his eyes their so beauifu—
“Hey yn/!”
both Eddie and you separate hands, jumping back at Chrissy’s sudden surpise
“Y-yes?” you say slighlty annoyed
i kinda miss the warmth of his hand
bitch, calm down you have a boyfeind
no the fuck i dont
“What can i do for you Chrissy?”
“..well, i wanted to ask if you could braid?” she say sitting down at the table beside you
“Yeah, i can why do you ask?”
she sighs, “nobody in the house knows how to braid but Eddie, and his dry hands yank my baby hairs too much”—
“Hey! its not my fault” Eddie interjects
“ I gave you lotion for it ya know”
“Yeah you did, and i keep forgetting to use it” you chuckle causing them both to smile at each other and then at you
“was wondering when you’re done and if you wouldn’t mind..if you could braid my hair?”
i mean.. shes harmless its just hair
“Yes, I was just finsihing up anyways”
“Chris? what do we say when we ask for somethig?” Eddie arches his brow at her
“Sorry.. please?”
your eyes slighly scrunch, “thats okay I was going to anyways” i say back to Eddie
“ I know hun, just know its good to have manners is all” I nod at is reply turning to braid the back of her hair, seeing Eddie at the corner of your eye, to take your cleared plate. you stop him
“Oh i could have taken that for you “ saying looking up at him walk to the kicten
“Thats alright, i was headed this way anyway” he says winking at you before clearing the room
Walking back to the sink Eddie spots the twins, emptying your plate turning to make conversation. “So what do you think Ed?” Steve asks “Yeah, whats your thoughs on y/n?” Kurt adds—“she looks nice,—and very sweet too” Steve says looking at Eddie, then all 3 of them look back at you, admirng you braid Chrissy’s hair
“Yeah, she is a sweet one isn’t she?” real..sweet thinks Eddie snapping out of stare
“Hey, aren’t yall suppsoed to be rollin them hay bells we got extra from Rick yesterday, its gonna storm I’m pretty sure, and i dont need them gettin all soggy”
Both Kurt and Steve groan, nodding heading out the door grabbing their hats on their way out.
After finishing Chrissy’s hair and her thankinng you with a hug, skipping out, I make my way over to the kitchen spotting a phone, then Eddie beside it,
“Can i use your phone?, I think it was about time i get out of your hair and find a way home”
“Sure darlin, but it may not work, the service out here is very poor”
you nod and he moves letting you continue with your task
dialing the only person you can think to call.
1 dial, 2 dial, 3 times trying his phone you exhale agitated
maybe he can take me home?
“Mr. Eddie?”
going to find where he went seeing him standing and turning up the weather channel hearing:
Today the forcast shows severe thunderstorms and hail later today at 2pm–
I glance at the clock on the wall reading 1:55pm
-and 2 tornado watches. There hasn’t been a tornado in Hawkins in 6 years, the dry weather must be causing this it. the woman jokes on the televishon, while you trun around to go look outside at the clouds.
Eddie watches and follows along, trying not to scare you, walking out of the backdoor also
“By the looks on your face im assuming nobody answered huh?”
“hm? looking back from the sky to him, —“oh no.. he didn’t of course he didn’t, prick i utter.
“ I’m assuming your ex boyfriend?”
“Ashton yeah, called 3 times probably out fucking another whore” you say spit vomiting cuss words
“Gosh, sorry! I know i have anasty mouth”
his cheeks flush at your statement, “no, its quite alright sweetheart , im not judging you”
you nod giving a tight lipped smile, looking at the ground not knowing what do now—
“ I can try and take ya home? you have anyone else who can”—
interrupting him, knowing hes probably talking about your parents
—“my parents? yeah no thats a joke..”
He comes up closer with a hand on your shoudler, which you eye subtlely “May i ask what happend with them? if you dont mind?”
“Its fine, my dads an abusive drunk and my step mom.. shes every bad word I could think of right now”—
“Wheres your real mom?”
damn so may questions
you shift your eyes uncomfortably he notices hes gone too far
“ I-im sorry, I keep just a nit picking arent i..?”
“No, its a funny story..shes actually married to my boyfriends father”
“Oh” he says in actual shock
“ I know right” reading his face. “ it’s a crazy story, maybe another time”—
so you want another time too? He thinks
—“and by looks at the sky”—
both jumping at the sound of rumbled thunder and instant rain and hail falling out if th sky
“Jesus Christ!”
I hear from afar turing to see both Steve and Kurt holing ass back to the house with soaked shirts
oh god
making way for them to get inside along with Eddie and you—
“Well.. sorry miss y/n i dont think its too safe to attempt to drive you home right now”
my heart pangs with a odd feeling. “Thats alright its safer to wait, right?”
“..Right, welp, just you make yourself at home until then and let me know if you need anything okay sweetheart?”
“Y-yes, I will thank you mr Eddie”
“Just Eddie” he smiles at the name walking off, leaving you here standing by yourself, taking in a real look at the house, spotting the girls, choosing to go take a seat with them on the couch
what the hell am i supposed to do!?
arguing with myself glancing to the right, spotting the twins with Eddie working on some door frame; catching him smile deeply at you
I gulp giving him a quick smile then turning my attention back to whatever’s on the tv screen, in silence.
Reblogs appreciated :>
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hanatagami · 2 years
Batfam! Reader x Platonic! Damian Wayne - cuddle sessions
this is probably some wishful out of characterness but i dont really care, i just want some fluffy damian sibling time in my life screw capitalization
and please dont look at the tags i dont know if im doing them right
i also haven’t checked for grammar errors
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so im gonna show a damian under some very specific conditions
its gonna take you being a very affectionate person
but also someone who doesn’t tease, or knows when not to cause if you do it even once this is never happening again
its gonna take him being absolutely completely sure you wont tease him, or utter a single word about it to anybody in the house
he also has to be completely sure you won’t say no, like 120% sure you won’t say no
heres what i think thats gotta happen for cuddly sibling damian
first is to show an example of how much you want to crush him with affection but don’t because he wouldn’t like it
the scenario i imagine to start this is a competition between all the wayne siblings
the winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser
you are the fortune winner, damian is the unfortunate loser
well he wouldve been unfortunate if it was anyone else
ignoring all the suggestions from the others that would most certainly piss damian off, you already had your heart set on something
“You gotta let me hug you for an entire minute!”
que jason laughing (just ignore him)
the others get a big smile on their face for multiple reasons i dont feel like getting into
but damian grumbles and reluctantly steps up to you
(dick is in charge of the timer)
you crouch down and proceed to wrap him in what you want to make the best hug in the world
you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him to your chest, cradling his head in your arms
you gave a good amount of squeeze, a good comforting amount of squeeze
you don’t think you’d get a chance like this again, damian would never let himself lose again no matter what it takes if you have a good chance of winning
lost in the feeling of finally being able to smother your youngest sibling with affection you didnt really take notice of his reaction
you didnt notice how his body melted into your embrace (though only just a bit)
you didn’t feel how his breath on your neck began to slow down and relax 
or how his eyes began to droop halfway
you were lost in your own little word- and so was he
in fact when dick decided to break you out of your trance, it seems you both had gone passed the promised time without realizing
you had assumed damian was keeping count and would shove you off immediately after it hit the 60 second mark
but he didnt
and by the embarrased look on his face you could see he had MEANT to, but for some reason forgot
you had never seen his composure so broken as jason took the chance to immediately poke fun at him
(tho damian didn’t know that jason was also a secretive fan of hugs from you)
it was a good time 10/10 would hug again
lets skip a bit
but just know theres been a lot of thinking while damian has been on his  lonesome
he liked your hug a lot more then he thought he would
it was so warm and comforting and he had found himself unconsciously leaning into it
his mother wasn’t an affectionate person, being an assassin didn’t allow such luxuries
bruce wasn’t much better, though he tried to be
and by the time his siblings and him got any kind of close he was already uncomfortable with such affections
he never realized how truly touch starved he was cause at this point in his life he didn’t see why he would indulge in such niceties, it was unpleasant
but it more pleasant then he expected, and he had let his guard down which was a critical mistake in both assassination and vigilantism
but there was an itch he now couldn’t scratch with that mindset
he’d been going back and forth with himself for days about asking you to hug him again
(cause lord knows he wasn’t asking anyone else)
and after a particularly stressful day, people at school just bugging the hell out of him, and not being allowed to go out on patrol that night cause bruce noticed his stress
and damian could only assume bruce thought he’d take it out on criminals
which damian was too proud to admit was possible
So imagine your surprise when Damian just bursts into your room, slams the door shut, and turns towards you with his eyes squeezed shut and his arms out
now this is what i meant about teasing and joking, a teasing “no” or any other funny comment and he’ll be humiliated and outta there faster then he was in and he will never come back
its a good thing you knew that right?
you couldn’t help the smile that spread on your face as you approached him and gently wrapped your arms around him
you could tell he was grateful you didn’t say anything
you’d have to guess he has been wanting this for a minute cause it didn’t take him long to completely snuggle up into you
You hadn’t realized he was so craving of affection, and you hazard a guess he hadn’t known either
it was a couple minutes before he broke away from you
when he looked up and saw your warm smile he turned completely red and sped out the door
how cute!
and now to your greatest hopes, it had started becoming a common occurrence!
your youngest brother is now actively seeking out your affection and its an incredible feeling
after the first couple times you had actually gotten him to speak to you during or after
and then a couple times after that, you had gotten him to stop speeding out of your room
he came the most at night, after dinner when everyone would be too busy working or in their room to notice his venture to yours
it was now common for you to silently hug him with one arm with him sat with you in your chair while doing homework or studying for college
or when you play something he’ll sit in front of you and let you rest your head on his
one of your favorite memories is him falling asleep on your lap on accident and him being so embarrassed when he woke up he pretended to still be asleep
you could feel the heat in his face so you decided to do him a favor and pretend you hadn’t noticed and instead moved him to your bed
though you couldn’t help the small kiss you planted on his forehead, knowing he couldn’t bring it up without outing himself
he’ll have to live with it
and you were surprised to find out he was the kind of brother who would sneak into your room at night
now you never caught the reason why, but you at least knew he didn’t want you to know
he came in and laid next to you when you were “sleeping” and left before you “woke up”
you assumed he was facing some inner demons when he did this, and wanted the small comfort but didn’t want the embarrassment of waking you up and asking you
you and alfred now have a hidden code, not that alfred knows (he probably does but you didnt tell him, but you were sure him and bruce had noticed and got a good idea as to what was happening)
well its not much of a code but when alfred asks for you or damian for one thing or another, you can send him something along the lines of “hey, ive got damian helping me with something” and alfred seems to get it and leaves you two alone for now
im not gonna say how, you and damian dont even know he does, but bruce has pictures
which is crazy cause you’ve never taken one, even while damian is asleep, cause this isn’t something your ruining
but bruce has pictures and he keeps them safe and secure for only him and alfred to see
seeing damian be so close to you makes him so happy
not that he’d say, him and damian are alike in that way
but alfred knows though
he always knows
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thesimulacrasimp · 8 months
Okay so Charlie actually didnt forget Vaggie for lying for that long, which is understandable, really.
Rosie is really sweet lady, but im not really vibing her voice
But i really DO vibe the cannibals. They all have this cool aesthetic n i really love that!
Carmillas n Vaggies song was also really good!
Also when Vaggies wings SUDDENLY N OUT OF NOWHERE came out i was like: OKAAAAAYY... IM NOT SURE WHY BUT GO OFF IG!!
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Also they so cute n silly, I love em
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the 8th ep...
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Also can we talk bout how Charlie n Vaggie FINALLY KISSED??? I CANT IMMA JUST----
Im really so glad that Alastor is actually protecting the hotel and all people in it, hes probably doing it just because he have no choice, but i really hope that he do care about Charlie n everyone else. Also their fighting outfits is really cool. AND THE ANIMATIONS WHEN HE TOOK HIS DEMON FORM WAS SOOOO COOL, IT WAS LIKE IN 3D (maybe it actually was in 3d idk-)
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Okay yknow.. When Adam blasted (idk if thats a correct word for that) at Alastor n broke his michrophone and Als voice became so clear, like, without any radio effects, I actually thought that he lost all his abilities, cuz Adam is clearly stronger than Al, and i got so scared becuz that would mean that he wont be able to protect the hotel anymore and maybe even die... But it didnt happen so its all good!!
Also Vox watching this whole fight being so exited for Als death was kinda funny to watch.
Okay.... I dont wanna cry again so can i not talk about sir Pentious? Thank you. All i gotta say, I really happy he managed to confess his feelings to Cherri before he... yknow...
Also i immediatly thought that sparing Lute was a mistake. Guess what? IT WAS!! :DDDDDD
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And we saw his demon form n its really cool!
Okay, at 1st ep i was not sure bout Katies new voice, cuz it clearly was hearable that its a mans voice, but in this ep its actually working! I absolutely loved this: «Nobody gives a shit about you, Tom!» xd
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Also this last part of the song with Alastor was so strange. Yk english is not my first language so i probably missed alot what he said in that, but i clearly remember that he said something bout his wings n i was like WHAAAAT????? I know i probably just heard it wrong, cuz HE JUST CANT BE AN ANGEL RIGHT?... RIGHT??? He also said smt bout his freedom, so yeah, I think the wings was just a metaphor. But overall he looked really scared for some reason, which is actually so weird. Its so weird to see Alastor actually being scared..
ALSO WE FINALLY SAW LILITH, but sadly didnt hear her voice. N what is weird, it looked like she was on sorta vacathion, and Lute talked with her bout Adam being Killed AND THATS SO WEIRD AHHH I CANT WAIT TO FIND OUT WHAT IS HER ROLE IN ALL HERE!!
ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT CHARLIE WAS RIGHT?? SINNERS CAN BE REDEEMED. CUZ PENTIOUS APPEARED IN HEAVEN AFTER HIS DEATH (n im really-really happy for him actually, im so glad that he didnt dissapear from the show, cuz he actually was my fav character in the pilot)
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aoisjdjdjndndnns i cant wait for season 2!!!! Ig that the main antogonists in this season will finally be VEES?? OHHH IM SO EXITEDDDD
My review/thoughts on eps 1-2
My review/thoughts on eps 3-4
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
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moxxis-bar · 2 years
I think something platonic with the Calypsos would be cool! Maybe you all became friends on the ECHOnet as kids before they started streaming?
Internet Friends
Platonic Calypso Twins x Gender Neutral Reader
I’m so sorry it took me forever to write this! I’m a dummy who’s bad at time management. It wasn’t specified if this was a oneshot or headcanons, so I just wrote a oneshot, but I liked how this turned out so I might come back and write another part for this. I don’t remember if the Calypsos had access to the ECHOnet as kids since it’s been a minute since I’ve played through Borderlands 3, but we’re just going to assume they did lol
Content: Platonic fic, takes place before the events of Borderlands 3
SPOILER WARNING! Slight spoilers for Borderlands 3 and the Calypso Twins’ backstories.
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Your phone couldn’t seem to stop vibrating because of the sudden influx of messages from two of your internet friends, a set of twins who looked to the ECHOnet to save them from the boredom of their lives, at least, that’s what they told you. You spent an amount of your time online, talking to them about everything there was to talk about, and they kept in touch with you often, creating a group chat between the three of you to talk in.
‘u should get online’
‘nd settle a fight between me n troy’
‘bc this idiot thinks pineapple belongs on pizza’
Tyreen blew up your Echo Device as she often did, desperate to get your attention. The heavy hand unit never seemed to stop buzzing, even as you picked it up, only now you were being bombarded by both twins.
‘ty is a LIAR’ 
‘that is NOT what we were fighting abt’
‘and my pizza opinions have NOTHING to do with this’
‘plz get on’
‘i need another voice of reason’
This was a very common occurrence, you can’t even begin to count the number of times you’ve been dragged into their weird arguments with absolutely zero context, but it was always fun to watch how passionate they were about these weird disagreements. Ready to join in and get some context, you typed into the group chat you shared with the twins.
‘whats this abt troy liking pineapple on pizza?’
It only took a few seconds for Troy to respond, Tyreen following shortly after.
‘nuh uh he totally said that’
‘did not’
‘ok he basically said that’
‘basically and totally arent the same thing’
The conversation was taken over by Troy and Tyreen again until you typed back.
‘wait ok so what did troy say?’
‘all i said was that pineapple on pizza can still be valid if you dont like it’
Tyreen was quick to respond, excited by what she assumed was an admission from Troy.
‘y’know who would say that? people who like pineapple on pizza’
The chat continued to be flooded with messages of Tyreen accusing Troy of liking pineapple on pizza, while Troy tried his best to explain himself, though you weren’t really sure if he was desperate to make Tyreen believe him, or if he was actually hiding the possibility of him liking pineapple on pizza. The world may never know.
‘whenever we meet up we gotta get troy some pineapple pizza and settle this’
Tyreen typed back excitedly, loving the suggestion, much to Troy’s chagrin you assumed.
‘im not eating pineapple on pizza for you weirdos’
‘even if i would’
‘its not like dad would ever let us go see you’
‘he definitely wouldn’t let you come see us either’
‘not like you could find us anyhow’
Oh. That’s right. You’d nearly forgotten. They’d mentioned before that their dad refused to let them go out. Something about him being super protective of them. Well, even if it wasn’t possible, it was a fun idea to imagine, spending actual, in-person, time with the twins. You would be able to see them face-to-face and fulfill all the other weird plans that stemmed from the strange but fun conversations you had with the twins. They’d told you that it was unrealistic to ever actually see each other, but you still held on to that slight hope that maybe one day you’d be able to finally meet them.
Tyreen texted back.
‘ugh thats right’
‘its not like he can actually keep us here all our lives’
‘even if he tried’
‘he won’t be able to stop us >:)’
‘we’ll be so sneaky nd run away’
‘and then we’ll come see u’
‘waddya think troy?’
‘i guess…’
‘but i do wanna see (y/n)’
Tyreen was often playful when she talked with you and Troy, but you wondered if any part of her was serious about that. About running away from her father with Troy. Your thoughts were interrupted as your ECHO device vibrated once again, this time a message from Troy.
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j2zara · 1 month
YAAAAAAY EHEH I GET TO SEND YOU A BUNCH OF ASKS 💖💖💖💖💖(<- these ones are just me being excited)
HIIIII SORRY THIS TOOK ALL DAY im so exhausted which is why i feel like my answers are not the best but here u go
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
Argh…. Ngl i sent this one to more than one person in the circle of perverts bc I want to force ppl to say nice things abt themselves and now i gotta do the same thing. I feel like my answer before this year would’ve been my dialogue!!!!!!! Like. I do think i’m good at that. It’s hard to even say that because I feel like when I do enjoy a good quip and i feel like whenever i reread my original stuff im like “oh. I’m so marvel brained”. I don’t think dialogue is my strength in cloneverse tho.  At least. I don’t think it stands out. But otherwise that’s what i would land on.
Maybe it’s bc i’ve been in a very sorry for myself slump lately bc my current wip is giving me such a struggle but i don’t even know. Before now and my latest wip driving me crazy I would’ve said. Maybe coherence or theming? Like i don’t even know if thats a thing i CAN say like is it possible to be good at themes? Sorry im being so hard on myself rn I think if i were to look at my writing i would say i think it’s halfway decent but i don’t know the answer to the question…
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Oh this is an interesting one. For such a long time the answer would’ve been my old Talentswap fic for DR, tbh it always was like. Surprising and honestly kinda nice to get like a random comment of someone being like ‘hey i just discovered this! Sad its not updating but i really enjoyed it!” something like that. And I think b/c it was multichap it was very interesting and different when ppl were reading Almost for sure.
My secret weird answer is IYWD. Like. I’m at peace with the fact that its practically dead and nobody is gonna find it again i guess but a small part of me still considers it my favorite thing i’ve done in a long time so nobody does comment anymore but. That would be the thing i secretly kinda want. I’ll take literally anything tho obviously i love anybody that ever comments on anything.
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
I have a Love is Blind au for a fandom I’m not gonna mention. Idk i might’ve mentioned it somewhere but eh. Its like ten chapters but only the first 5-ish are done i’m kinda 
And i’ve talked abt this this isn’t really a. Like. Oh I’m hiding this forever thing but. I have a DR Togakure hookup fic that’s written like. To take place during a naegiri wedding like in the post first game canon. And it is one of my favorite things i’ve ever written even tho it is smut, ngl my friends have been trying to convince me to post it and i might but im genuinely terrified nobody is gonna read it and im gonna be. Sad about it
📊 Current number of WIPs
Lol um… lj3porter fic. I’m two sentences into twelfth night coded j2 wooing Jace for Porter fic. Unfinished creeper Jace + j2porter fic…  a Jace topping Zara zarajaceporter fic. A fic that is in the IYWD verse that’s like a prequel that’s normal SB related. And if we could old fandoms I have semi abandoned talent swap (the ch 3.3 doc is like 10k lmao). Love is blind au.
If we’re counting original projects. My fantasy pseudo taming retelling. Horror comedy / locked room mystery called Date / Die. I have a. Sports romance (don’t look at me). And my weird lofty rom com thing that is this decade spanning story and used to be abt a “platonic” romance but idk I was like. They’re best friends they’re the most important ppl in the world to each other and they like having sex does that make this a normal romance. Maybe. Maybe not.
So ten. Yikes.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
This is such a weird pull b/c i haven’t read it in years but Wing Man is a Bokuaka fic thats one of my fav of all time that makes me so happy idk its so like. Sweet and tbh i feel bad i never commented on it i really should bc they deserve to know i still think about it. but i just don’t reread fic all that often even my favs.
Actually that’s a lie i just remembered! I’ll cite something recent and i’m a little shy to cite something from the circle of perverts but also this is completely sincere i know i jokingly call @innskeep bambi’s LJ3 fic the perfect piece of fiction all the time but i do reread it… I just like them. I think it��s really cute and i like my little guys…  I love getting J3’s pov so much like i genuinely think its so comforting and special…
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I won’t lie I have a total DurDawn soft spot so like. I do think it wouldn’t fun to write something small for them. Also fucking hilarious as zukkacore that I’ve never written zukka and like. In my heart I would like too but they’re almost too precious for that? It’s hard to explain. Actually another answer might be for Mailee I actually think Mailee is soooooo underrated as a ship bc they have so much potential to be good for each other that wasn’t able to foster under azula’s thumb so I like that slightly toxic edge 
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
I do a little bit of research but honestly not at much as i should. Last super deep dive i did was on the different filipino mythologies and history throughout the different regions bc ithink that subject is so interesting. but that has nothing to do with the sb circle that was for my own stuff. Lately I had to look up a little bit of elvish for something sb related lol. im such a fake fan of LOTR i love it but i’ve never actually read the books
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
A few! I’ve talked abt Jace hireling au I think that would be fun. And I joke abt Clone gamechanger au all the time and I SAID I wanted to try and make it work so like. Maybe. I’d love to try clone gamechanger au i think its funny and cute and i wanna do something indulgent.I feel like i’m forgetting something. Jess has real estate in j2porter vegas roleplay so i kinda wanna try maybe doing J2porter 50s housewife roleplay as a sort of sequel? I still like the idea of doing a You’ve Got Mail Shop Around the Corning fic. And. I feel so so so so indulgent wanting to write LJ3 stuff but like i just like them. I don’t know what i would wann write for them but i just like them
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acaciapines · 11 months
If you’re still doing songs - song 69 and 138?
im always up to do em lets GO! i'll put both above the cut n then talk below :)
69. It’s Called: Freefall – Rainbow Kitten Surprise
king misses his mom. he misses his sister. he misses his aunt and his grandparents and mari trying to pin him down and luz letting him crawl under her covers and eda hugging him when he grabbed for her and firefly chirping good morning and good night and throwing out her wings to keep him safe.
“kiiiiiiiiing,” the collector whines, flipping upside-down through the air. “you’re so boring, what is your problem?”
“just tired,” king says. it’s hard to look at the collector straight-on. the thoughts that surround him are a messy array, and barely any of them are his, the way they are for anybody else: it’s a weird conglomerate of old thoughts like those that drift through the sky, but so packed together he can’t make anything out. it’s a beach of golden sand the collector runs through, leaving kicked-up grit in his awake.
“naw, c’mon,” they needle, landing right in front of him. “you’ve been tired forever. be fun!”
he misses his family so bad he’s sure it’s a wound spilling out of him. how can’t the collector see that?
“okay,” king says, “fine. let’s play.”
138. Habits – Genevieve Stokes
ask anybody: edalyn-owlbert clawthorne was never planning to have kids.
never really interested her. not the settling-down part, not the needing to keep another living creature alive part, not the having to be a good influence, gag. nah. kids were never going to be her thing, and so she never sought them out.
and then the little buggers found her.
well. she’s technically the one who stumbled across king, the owl beast’s faltering flight into that abandoned ruin he was living in, but king was the one who followed them both and refused to be left behind. plus, that stone-monster was going to kill him. eda wasn’t a fan of kids, but she didn’t want to leave them for dead, either.
looking back she’s pretty sure the owl beast was laughing at her.
laughed even harder when she took in luz. you’re an apprentice, kid, eda had told her, and the girl had squealed, and her daemon had sat there on her shoulder with her tiny chest puffed out, and something in eda knew this was going to be a permanent thing.
oh well. at least she skipped the changing diapers phase of things.
for the first one: oh! hey! this one is relevant to for the future which im writing right NOW! ive been thinking a lot recently about how kings gonna be Doing in that entire like, 2-3 months he's basically on his own with the collector, because i'll be expanding out from what was shown in the show, and just...god. poor kid.
its terrifying! im a collector lover but even i'll admit he is Not great with king, especilly towards the start, and thats not going anywhere--king misses his family and the collector has been on his own for so LONG, and has this sense of entitlement to kings time + space. why does everyone else get a lifelong friend with them since birth? the collector wants that! and if they werent born with it they'll find a friend then! like KING!
its just a LOT. it makes for fun writing though kdnfkgdfg king doesnt hate the collector but oh boy is he not actually friends with them.
this one also makes it pretty obvious what im doing in regards to king being a titan lol but ive decided not to talk so explicitly about that unless im asked a question in which i cant speak around it. i gotta keep some of my secrets!
for the second one: MOM EDA MY BELOVED sorry i literally love that trope so much okay. its so so fun to write. eda really tripped and fell into parenthood like ah shit now ive got to be responsible for HOW MANY of these guys now? two? three? am i supposed to count mari and luz as one or two because based on the day that is a WILDLY different answer.
but yeah <3 its also made even more funny that firefly knew 100% what she was getting into. this was a massive shock to eda, but firefly's been a mom from the start!
also ooooh got that owlbert mention huh wonder what that is about...wonder what my owlbert secrets might be....if he shows up at all....hmmmm...
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salaciousslut · 8 months
Done! Also do you have a favorite tequilla brand? Just curious! 🫣
Technically i have freckles all over my face but i only really count the ones that are darker and in a line under my eyes and over my nose, the other ones aren't prominent enough to call them freckles imo. And i'd feel more than lucky if you did worship me, sweetheart<3
I would love to take you to the gym with me, it honestly helped me with my depression as well! And of course i'd watch over you sweetheart<3 i wont lie, i love to go after dark bc theres less people. And i had the same problem but now i catch myself and try to stand straighter. I mostly lift weights when i work out so I know my posture improved due to needing to have a straight back to lift. Plus its super fun imo!! I miss the gym so bad but i hate going alone. I also miss feeling sore, im a bit of a masochist so i love feeling sore the day after working out🤭
Dont apologize for giving me info<3 organization's overrated anyway. Ive found that girls with glasses tend to be my type🫣 you literally sound so pretty sweetheart<3 i knew i wasnt wrong calling you a pretty princess<3 im kissing the tip of your nose and your forehead rn🥰 you are literally so cute, puppy coded too🥺 ive never had crawfish it seems yummy but im not sure if i should try it! Shrimp ceviche used to be my favorite but then i developed a shrimp allergy to uncooked shrimp and around 17 i had to call it quits bc it stopped being worth it to risk it. Im still pissed but at least i can still eat shrimp its just gotta be thoroughly cooked, not just get cooked through the acidity of lime juice like its sucks so bad i just miss ceviche so bad. Ohh just a butch latina and a pretty asian girl what ever will they do hehe<3 and i knew but not cause you told me 🫣 your dni made it obvious, like yeah im just now saying hey but ive been aware of you for a little bit now🫣 also please lemme be ur body pillow one day<3 savory is good!!! Whats your favorite kind of snack?
Also thats adorable, youre just a cute little puppy that has to get off once a day to function her best<3 i mean if i were stressed from school i'd probably need the same thing🤭
tbh im not too picky about my brands, as long as it gets me drunk, then im happy!! also tequila makes me take my clothes off oopsies i think i should warn u about that!! but if im buying for myself, i typically will get espolon bc i feel like its yummy and reasonably priced!
yes i love feeling sore after a workout!! i am also a bit of a masochist (omg who knew)!! but ive never lifted weights before. all the dude bros scare me and i feel like im always being judged but if we went together i know u would take care of me!! i like aerobics and like calisthenics (i had to google how to spell that word) and love yoga sm!! the burn of stretching feels amazing!!
hehe i am very puppy coded! i used to think i was more kitten coded but now ive grown and realized puppies are sooo fun!! so much energy and just wanna be cherished and loved!! which is everything i want!!
nooooo thats so sad that ur allergic to ur fav food :(( i love ceviche but at least u can still tolerate the cooked version. i know its not the same but its still something!!
ohhh i forgot that i put that in my dni, people are so weird about race here smh i just gotta cover all my bases so i can have fun on this website!! but aww we would look soooo cute together
im a sucker for chips. u know how they say all bi girls do is lie and eat hot chip? yeah all i do is eat hot chip hehehe. not so much lying but hot chip very much so. i also loveee chips and salsa and chicken wings and yeah all the fun savory stuff i guess!!!
hehe cumming is like a lil treat!! a reward for myself for being sooo good you know? but it would be a million times better if someone else was making me cum rather than myself 😳🫣
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Hey I'm about to go to sleep but PLEASE for the love of GOD tell me more about your strange little demon bug boy (affectionate) he's everything to me
He reminds me of a love-bug (those bugs that come around this time of year that are black with red heads that mate and die and everyone finds them incredibly annoying?) [I like them personally </3]
Also this poor gayboy is going THROUGH it I need to give it a hug and a kiss on the forehead please please please tell me everything btw I'm insane about your guy ok? Tysm and also I hope you filled your pill box, sleep good, drink water, and eat food. Gn man 👍
WAAA YOURE SO FUCKING SWEET IM GONNA CRY I love this piece of shit man sooo much. I didn't know love bugs were REAL but im storing this information in my brain youre so fucking correct
Here's a bunch of miscellaneous information about it that didn't end up in the giant 24 paragraph post:
- It's so fucking bad at video games bro. Its SO BAD at video games. It streams on twitch and it loves to speedrun stuff but its speedruns take like 8 hours. for games that normal people can get through in 1 hour. and its still so proud of itself every time it pb's
- I don't know his gender and I sure as fuck don't know his sexuality. He falls in love with every single person he meets without fail. I've been calling him pan but I do not fucking know if thats correct and at this point I think its funnier if I never know
- Amedeo wasn't actually all that hated by the other members of the gamer club before things got bad. Eden was willing to hang out with him if he asked, he just never did. Aiden genuinely enjoyed his company, before he. Yknow. Killed them. But even after that they at least think he's entertaining to fuck with so that's gotta count for something. People didn't... HATE him for the most part
- On that note, it and Eden's friendship FUCKS ME UP MAN, oh my god. When she finds it in the manors backyard she tackle hugs it before it can run. It thought she hated it, and she didn't. She just wanted it to come inside and eat something. It's such an important moment for it, it's something it'd never forget. So when months/years later, she comes to it, shaking, barely able to get the words out, telling it it was the only person she could think to come to and the only person who would understand what she'd done, the people who's lives she'd just ruined. Amedeo is ready to Kill for her. It tells her the same comforts she told it all that time ago. When it had ended up in the manor, it ended up falling asleep on the couch resting its head on Eden. When Eden comes to it, she ends up falling asleep resting her head on it. And that fucking kills me. They would die and kill for each other
- He actually has a very normal and loving relationship with his parents so if you thought all of his issues mustve been because of the way he was raised, surprise! He's Just Like This AHFSGDAFHSHD He still regularly calls his mom to tell her he loves her <3 She likes to watch his speedrun streams and call him to tell him he's doing a good job and she's so proud
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
for your recs: got any DC rarepairs you have recs for? platonic teamups also work, i just like seeing new and interesting combinations.
oh thats such a good question. i definitely dont read as many rarepairs for dc, so its usually like an author i like writes something or im recommended something and it goes kinda hard. for hs i could list about a million, but let me take a look
A Hummingbird Suspended
by poisonivory (@pluckyredhead on tumblr)
When Thad escapes from the Speed Force, there's only one thing on his mind: killing Bart Allen and the rest of the Flash family, and destroying the Allen line forever. But teaming up with his old ally Match proves…complicated. And distracting. And makes Thad wonder if there might be more to life than being a weapon for a family he never knew.
thad/match, obviously. now, i have never read a comic with thad OR match. BUT, poisonivory's writing is so goddamn good i was compelled to read this anyway. their dynamic is so fun and OFC its beautifully written, and honestly im just a sucker for like. evil clones or copies learning to live lives for themselves and define themselves apart from the people they were made to be.
by darkpurpledawn (@purpledawn on tumblr)
You’d think by now that when Bruce Wayne throws a gala, he’d do it somewhere without a large glass roof overhead.
you know ive gotta recommend the one tommy/2f fic that isnt written by me. this is the one. this is the fic that got me thinking. you may have already seen my rant about this ship, and this fic is really what planted the bug in my brain. the potential that lingers in this fic is so tantalizing, it just. ugh. trust me, ok, just trust me. it may be the only one but its also the only one that matters
aside from those two tho, i dont think anything i read for dc counts as a rarepair? or if it does, its definitely something i found on an authors page and knew zero things about that character but read anyway (like poisonivory. i read just about everything they write just cuz its fun to read and not bc i understand whats happening). but i dont know anything abt the characters so i cant say for sure its even a rarepair lol
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mywifeapril · 2 years
ok im watching outer banks and idk maybe im just too chill or something, but some of these people are so dramatic like (spoilers btw). sure sarah kissed topper, and john b sort of has the right to get upset, but sarah apologised extensively, and she was totally drunk at the time too, so i think john b is just being too dramatic, ykwim? also they were stranded on an island together so thats definitely gotta count for something right? and on the island topic, they are all deeply emotionally unstable teens, so they are gonna do some dumb things, so just fucking forgive each other, you know. like get over yourselves and see that you all totally love each other and go help each other. im just finished episode 7 i think, so i guess ill just have to see where this goes.
also unrelated note i totally thought jj was gay. but i still think jj and kiara are good together and it does kinda make sense
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