#thats all folks! i wish you guys all the best
cybertron-after-dark · 6 months
I was gonna ask a question but i honestly forgot it 😅 so just tell me something you want to rant about
If you do happen to remember what you were gonna ask feel free to do so, do not worry about spamming my inbox bc I live for that shit.
As for the rant
Transformers Rescue Bots had some of the best, kindest, and most respectful representation of neurodivergence I have ever seen in media and I'm tired of pretending it didn't.
While there are obvious complaints to be made about neurodivergent traits (especially autistic traits) usually being portrayed in media by inhuman characters like aliens or robots, this being a case of both, I feel like thats a pretty negligible sin given just how human the show makes the robots feel. (Also it was like 2011 and we were STRUGGLING for any scraps of rep anyway)
But like. The behaviors all these robots exhibit are all shit that I do that was always deemed unacceptable when I was a kid and seeing it portrayed with the level of kindness and gentleness they do in that show has me fuckin crying a little man. I wish I had actually watched it when I was younger and it was first airing because maybe if I did I would've had an easier time explaining what the hell was going on with my brain a LOT sooner.
Blades being anxious, overly sensitive, and WHOLEHEARTEDLY queer (which they had the absolute unparalleled balls to just casually confirm by having him swoon over "hunky vampires" in one episode and NOBODY commented on it. Fucking iconic) and getting so so deeply invested in the shows and movies he loves that he acts out the roles with enough passion to steel his nerves and completely flourish.
Boulder getting really confused at concepts that are basic and intuitive for most people, but still being so fucking intelligent, and never being made to feel stupid for the mix-ups, as well as just being so wholely, unabashedly in love with the planet he's found himself on, even if he doesn't understand all of it (Also apologizing to inanimate objects when he knocks them over 😭)
Chase being obsessed with rules and law because he NEEDS the structure to not fall apart at the seams, even feeling the need to fabricate a minor crime to justify using the emergency line to get a hold of the firehouse when he can't find the other bots. As well as just fully not understanding comedy (BUT TRYING HIS DAMNEDEST), taking things super literally, and having a lot of trouble with tone and expressions (even though you know just how deeply he feels All The Time).
Heatwave being desperate for attention and recognition, but completely allergic to asking for it. And honestly allergic to showing any genuine emotional responses other than aggression. The constant sarcasm and sass and defensiveness that he POORLY maintains because everyone knows that underneath that tough guy front is the loneliest robot on earth that wants to be loved SO bad but would rather jump into unicron's mouth than voice it because if he lets his guard down who knows what will happen to him or the people he cares about.
Just. All of it man. Seeing them exhibiting all these behaviors and quirks that all too often get met with poor reactions from people who don't want to deal with what they don't really get, but here they're met with patience and understanding?? It's got me fucked up. They get to be functional adults that struggle with what they have going on but still push through. They get to have unconditionally loving relationships with people that treat them with respect. And that's the kind of shit that gives me a lot of hope for folks like me because maybe some neurotypical kids that watched it picked up on what's helpful when their friend who acts like one of the bots is going through it. And maybe some neurodivergent kids watched it too and for the first time they just felt SEEN.
Okay rant over, I'm gonna go cry over some plastic robots 👍
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Hello, can I have some headcanons of LJ, Toby and EJ with a y/n who acts like Ai Hoshino?
Various creepypastas w/ an hishino-type!reader!
OKAY SO I LITERALLY just watched the first episode/prologue thingy for the anime ai is from and lemme tell you. i fucking cried. like i knew how the first episode ends, more or less, but i still wasnt ready. she deserved more screen time frfr i wish to admit that i had a very hard time writing this one (not your fault!) since i struggle with writing characters similar to hishino SOBS so i sure hope this doesnt turn out too too bad! also if it sounds im ragging hard on ai/ai/type reader im so sorry TToTT i think its because i relate to ai a fair bit in regards to the whole masking/lies thing also spoilers at the end after all the hcs, has nothing to do w/ the request i just wanna yell ab episode one
Characters: lj, ej, and (platonic) toby
CWs; none!
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Laughing Jack;
when he sees you acting cheerful and happy and put together around him, hes none the wiser
he may eventually catch onto some clues if the mask slips, and when he does hes going to poke and prod and pry
"why so sad, sugerplum?"
when or if you drop the perfect façade hes kinda... taken aback
more or less not much changes but hes more likely to keep a closer eye on you, pick up on small things that effect you
in a weird way he can relate
outwardly presenting as a charismatic person ready to catch the spotlight, but in reality being an reckless and inexperienced kid
its... comforting in an odd way, and while i want to say that lj helps you better yourself, i think he would cling onto it too hard and you two end up feeding into the lies
like i want to make this cute and lighthearted but with how i currently see lj, i just dont see him as being... the best, even if he doesnt mean harm to you
i mean, you love him, right? thats not a lie, is it? sure... neither of you had really.. said the words to each other, for fear that it wasnt going to be true.. but, hes sure he loves you-!
honestly i think a raw and hard conversation is in order for the two of you to move forward and last
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Eyeless Jack;
catches on almost immediately, unlike laughing jack, hes good at reading folks
i mean he kinda has to given that when he needs food....
moving on
he sees right through you, and hes scared that he can understand exactly what youre deal is; another who understands where youre coming from, only real difference with eyeless jack is that hes not trying to keep some charming act up
he subtly urges you to let the mask fall and talk to him, human to semi-human-turning-into-a-monster-human... afterall its not like he has someone to spill your secrets to, given youre really the only person he talks to on a consistent basis.... even if you werent the only person he had he wouldnt dare share your issues with others
with that said, if he cant help you, he wont force his help onto you... at least for as long as its not getting to ridiculous heights
generally minds his own business but he would love to get to know the real you
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Ticci Toby;
obligatory hes written as platonic since im not comfy writing romantic stuff for him + im still trying to figure out just how to.. write him...
honestly i think its a 50/50 if he figures out something deeper is going on with you
on the chance he doesnt know, he just thinks youre a charming and bubbly person to be around albeit a little bit of a clutz... but hey when has someone not done something kinda dumb? doesnt think much of it, and things go on as usual
if he does find out youre only acting? i think at first hed be kinda mad, that you lied to him about... a lot of stuff, i mean can he really be sure he knows the real you? well, given the nature of your personality, yeah, to a degree he doesnt
as selfish as it sounds, i think hed need a minute to cool it before you guys can talk and find a way to move forward with the friendship. like i think ultimately hed come to some sort of understanding, since there was SOME ...genuine-ness.. to your actions
tries to make you cut out the pretending stuff outright, you can be genuine around him you dont gotta act like how others want you to act
ooooof yeah no im not too proud of this one but i didnt want to just give you nothing, so i hope that this doesnt totally suck to everyone else </3 again, im bad at writing like characters like this since obviously i feel i focus a lot on the façade thing anyways, below is me yelling about the first episode as mentioned above, spoiler warning !!!
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and when it showed the 1st birthday recording :( that just restarted the waterworks
i dont usually get so hooked on characters and feel for them this easily so quickly, but boy! was this an exception! maybe it was because the thing was an hour and a half long so thats a lot of time to get attached (thats probably what it was) but god
i knew it was coming but it still broke me
and when the babysitter lady offered to take them in
i might watch the rest of the episodes sometime, but idk how the rest of the anime is like after that banger opening
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dearinglovebot · 3 months
Not really a question just wanted to say love your blog a whole lot!!
This may be a weird semi question but is it weird that I find the raptor/handler lady as great mutism/selective mutism/ disabled rep? Like to me what makes her fascinating is how she does not say a word and feels closer to her animals cause for me I feel more close to my animals then anyone else and shut down and go mute sometimes. Like the is cool as a villain because we can’t really read her. I know in general disabled folks are put as the villains but to me she’s not really a villain? Like I’d find her offensive if we didint see more of HER as the show goes on, I see her as like an anti hero, hero of her own story. Idk maybe I’m yapping about nothing but she’s been my fav human Jurassic villain and also a cool representation and it makes her more badass
aweee thank you ❤️❤️
this got long I’m sorry. TLDR; it’s never weird to find characters relatable. it’s beautiful. the handler is my girlfriend who I love dearly but, for me, she’s not someone I consider mutism *representation* quite yet. open to having s2 rock my world with her tragic backstory though
honestly, there’s layers to it in my eyes. it’s like: are flamboyant villains used to mock queerness? yeah. will I still say they served amongst my fellow gays? yes. do I think they’re good representation to the wider public? absolutely not.
i don’t think it’s weird at all to love her and feel kinship in her. i like what we’ve seen of her so far. she’s fascinating in how little we know about her or her motivations. I hope she continues to girlboss her way across the world and strike fear into the hearts of many. and i think a lot of us do tend to closely bond with our animals because they don’t put unrealistic expectations on us. that’s a very realistic aspect of her. my cat is my hashtag best friend 4 life. but I do also think there’s a difference between good representation and interesting characters that we like.
personally, I think the handler is a relatively unoffensive portrayal, but I wouldn’t consider her representation for mutism. for one, I genuinely haven’t heard any talk of them consulting any nonverbal people to respectfully portray her like they did with brooklyn’s limb difference. for two, does she accurately show the experience of mutism? her backstory is going to play into this, but in her current state, I’m meh. most people already assume I’m plotting their downfall because im a non-expressive (autistic) and silent bipoc but she genuinely is trying to kill people so (tbf i wish i could hunt people for sport too sometimes so maybe not THAT inaccurate). I think the strongest thing she has going for her representation wise is that she used body language to comfort the raptors instead of words. that ability to silently communicate with her pack felt real.
how they handle her in s2 might change my opinion, but rn I don’t see her as rep in the same way that, say, yasammy represents me as a lesbian or kenji represents me as a member of a diaspora. love that freaky woman but when I explain what it’s like to be me, I wouldn’t use her as an example is my basic thought process. I’ll never knock other nonverbal people’s thoughts cause we aren’t a monolith but *i* see representation as something made for us. yaz and sammy were handled so lovingly and thoughtfully and THATS what i want representation to mean (<- guy who can’t go 2 seconds without praising yasammy)
I would also like to lightly push back on the idea that verbal shutdowns are the same as mutism, though. being mute means that you speak rarely, if ever, on a constant basis. they’re distinct experiences, though some people (like me lol) will have both! the way I’d describe it is kind of like: verbal shutdowns are temporary breakdowns caused by high emotional stress. but being nonverbal is daily life. it might be physical, mental, or both but it’s not really something that changes without purposeful interventions. the experiences are relatable to each other, but they have their nuances
I DIGRESS! at the end of the day, there’s no authority on representation thought because that defeats the purpose of us all being unique people with our own opinions. if a character makes you feel seen, then that’s beautiful. keep loving them. don’t let anyone tell you it’s weird. our experiences shape how we relate to characters. the good, the bad, and the ugly. hell, you’re talking to the person who soapboxes about autistic claire everyday because I think she acts like one of us. she’s relatable to my experience so I’m gonna claim her all I want every day of the week. that’s the beauty of fiction
I hope this didn’t come off as shaming or superior in any way. I tried to emphasize personal opinion where I could but again I’m autistic. makes me sound more confrontational than intended online. I genuinely do not think it’s weird in any way. I mainly just hope s2 gives the nuance I’m looking for in her portrayal
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mockedandmonitored · 6 months
Mocked and Monitered, Armada edition (PT.1)
This has been- Long overdue after these guys won the poll.I was here I thought it was gonna be a tied- so you want more stuff on the toilets themselves huh? Fine by me! This is going to be more leaning on what the toilets as a civilization do now that the war is over rather than specific individuals such as G-toilet or wrinkly prune.
Modern day M&M AU (20 years After the official end of the war.)
Mostly everything is rebuilt within current date of the timeline and has expanded past our modern technology to a more Sci-fi situation. With the war effort being over with and a new workforce under their control, to sum it up to a comparable game? Overwatch environments with that level of tech. They have many settlements and cities scattered across the world however they keep to a large circle of a megalopolis surrounded by cities. Titans forbid I try to name it right now at midnight but you get the idea.
Society has rebuilt to what you imagine a normal city to be like, new generations of Skibidi running around, going to school, having hobbies and free time. Most heavy work is forced upon hardware leaving the toilets to do whatever they wish! Being artists, chefs, actors? You can name it! Don't have to worry about Labour heavy tasks when you got trusty non-sentient robots running around. well so propaganda goes anyways. Skibidi have gotten rather squishy and complacent since the war, with hard work going to the alliance members. Those who actually participated in the war more prepared then those after them, treating the Alliance members more then mindless beings. They've seen the damage they can do and know not to underestimate them.
There are of course still enforcers within a new world to maintain order. Our policemen which ensure everyone (mostly hardwares) abide by the law. Think the police toilets from the early days of the show then buff them up around six to seven times. These folk work alongside the Whistle Blowers and keep rebellions from arising, occasionally "reminding" disobedient units of their place. The older Armada soldiers which were dissatisfied with the end of the war possibly turned to this to as their new jobs.
Finally we have sympathizers, while somewhat rare, they are still present. Whatever you do though, try not to say it aloud or get the attention of the enforcers. With enough sympathizers, things could start changing for the hardware, and No one sensible wants that right? Most sympathizers hide their beliefs when public eye a well kept secret example of a sympathizer would be DJ toilet, His Night Club while also being THE place to be, it has also sheltered plenty of rebels and strays before. "It ain't groovy how the Speakermen are stuck to one type of music, its like getting stuck to country, eugh, it just ain't right!". (Someone has asked this soo! Might as well put a little something here.)
Finally, with the time skip (EST updated to 20 yrs), there are new generations of the armada, those untouched by the war and bloodshed. How toilets make more toilets? Its best not to question it. Look to the left, whistle a bit then ignore those intrusive thoughts. Most merely listen to the generations before and believe that the units are nothing more than dumb robots. But of course, sooner or later questions are gonna come into play, perhaps new Sympathizers or more Enforcers, it's truly dependent on the environment.
Thats all for now! Have a nice Day , Noon, Or Night! Don't forget to ask questions if you're curious or just drop around and interact,
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 3
"Even if you say you believe in me..."
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Noble Bell College]
Silver: We've almost arrived at the lecture hall where the masquerade is being held.
Sebek: Silver and I are going to be watching you carefully to make sure you don't try to slip away!
Idia: Urgh. The showtime's getting closer… and closer, and closer... This is my biggest nightmare…!
Idia: Urk, I hate this. I can't do this. There's no way I can do this… How can I possibly sing besides those two who're brimming with confidence…?
Sebek: Are you still griping to yourself? You sure are a hopeless human…
Idia: I mean, think about it… We're going to gift a song, but is anyone actually gonna be happy to receive this?
Idia: Both Malleus-shi and Azul-shi, as well as all the other backing chorus folk were practicing and getting super into it, but…
Idia: What makes any of them think that our singing voice is worthy of gifting? Sorry, but I'm def not as optimistic as they all are.
Sebek: What did you say…!?
Idia: I don't want to hold all you happy-go-lucky folks back, so don'tcha think I should just not participate?
Idia: Don't think anyone'll notice if just one of us disappears… Or, I could just join the backing chorus and lip sync…
Sebek: How dare you come this far and still be constantly whining…!?
Silver: ...THATS ENOUGH!
Sebek/Idia: HUH?
Idia: Was that bellow… Was that from Silver-shi, not Sebek-shi…?
Silver: Idia-senpai. Why do you always state such self-deprecating things?
Silver: At times, even pessimistic words can alleviate expectations… But that doesn't mean you should only ever be speaking like that.
Silver: Your behavior, as well as your future actions, will be pulled down by those dark words in the end!
Idia: Wh-What's with that super serious tone… Huh!?
Idia: And it's not really being self-deprecating, I mean, I told you guys from the beginning that there's no way I could be a main vocalist, didn't I?
Silver: I disagree. I know that you want to sing with everyone deep down in your heart.
Silver: Were you not practicing in your room every day by yourself ever since you were chosen as one of the main vocalists?
Sebek: …Ortho came to Diasomnia when you weren't there.
Sebek: He came to tell us and Malleus-sama to believe in you, because you were properly practicing in your room.
Idia: Ortho did…?
Silver: It matters not if the song is a success. It is meaningful enough that we all did our best as one cohesive unit.
Silver: I'm certain you understand that, Idia-senpai. That's why you continued to practice, did you not?
Silver: And yet, just before the performance, you wish to give up and run away?
Idia: …
Silver: There are people who believe in you.
Silver: Not just Ortho. But Malleus-sama, Azul, and everyone else, too… That includes me, as well.
Silver: Please, do not let us down.
Idia: …
Idia: Even if you say you believe in me… Hearing it from people I don't really know isn't really… What am I supposed to do with that…?
Sebek: …Humph, he's clammed up. That was an uncharacteristically long speech, coming from you, Silver.
Sebek: Let's go, human. We're here at the masquerade venue.
Idia: …
Idia: …I really don't know what I'm supposed to do with that super serious lecture just now. Ugh, so scary. This is why I don't like Diasomnia.
Idia: …
Idia: Don't let them down, huh…
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[Noble Bell College – Lecture Hall]
Malleus: Well then… Is everyone ready?
Malleus: Come, this shall be one unforgettable night.
Idia: It's starting…!
Idia: Urgh… Singing isn't in my character at all.
Idia: I know that better than anyone.
Idia: But…
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Sebek: …Ortho came to Diasomnia when you weren't there.
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Silver: Please, do not let us down.
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Malleus: Shroud, you seem to be clutching your head, are you alright? We will begin the song soon.
Azul: Please fix the position of your hat quickly. You cannot run after coming this far.
Idia: I'll do it, 'cause I have to.
Idia: I'll show them all what I can do!
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Idia: Aah… It's finally over… The gift of song… At the masquerade…
Idia: …Huh. I mean, once I started singing, it actually wasn't that bad.
Silver: Idia-senpai.
Idia: Urk. It's Captain Serious…!
Idia: Wh-Wh-Wh-What do you want!? If you're gonna try to flatter me, I've already heard enough… Ah!
Idia: Or what, are you coming to find something else wrong with me…!?
Silver: I thought perhaps the way I worded everything earlier did not reflect my feelings to you properly, so I've come to speak to you once more.
Silver: I apologize for my rudeness before the masquerade. In my desire to give you an encouraging push, I may have gone too far…
Silver: That was a spectacular performance. I think you had a lovely singing voice that truly conveyed the song's emotions to everyone.
Silver: Ortho was absolutely correct when he said that your singing was sublime.
Silver: I will make sure to tell Ortho of your brave effort once we return to Night Raven College.
Idia: …I mean, it's nothing that amazing?
Idia: I-I don't really need you to say anything, I'll be telling Ortho about this myself…
Silver: Is that so? You two are very close.
Idia: Yeah. There's a ton I want to tell Ortho about this social exchange, so…
Idia: I guess I can tell him the song was a hit… And if I can survive the masquerade that comes now, then…
Idia: Then I think he'll be very happy, and I won't have let him down.
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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frogndtoad · 9 months
Do you have your favorite albums shared in a post somewhere? I've been trying to find new music and the only thing I wouldn't care to listen to are songs that tend towards vulgarity, so I'd really appreciate some recs if you've got some :,)
howdy anon! always happy to share new music - i don't have a post, but a few of my all-timers are:
Stars - Heart maybe my favorite album by my alternatingly favorite band; absolutely atmospheric indie pop mostly about love, for better or for worse (as in contextually. all of the songs rule). plus theres french horn!
Streetlight Manifesto - Everything Goes Numb the ska-punk album so good it took me over half a decade to get into ska fr because nothing else could measure up. absolutely epic horns quite good lyrics. wish i coulda made any of the anniversary shows this year
Clipping. - Splendor & Misery perfect afrofuturist noise rap concept album about a slave spaceship and the sentient ai that controls it and the human who breaks free. probably the least gory clipping album if thats an issue for u. i love listening to static dot jpg
The Mountain Goats - Beat The Champ if there is a theme in this list let it be my love of horns. other alternatingly favorite band, and if you havent checked these guys out what are you even doing sending asks to frogndtoad dot tumblr dot com. this is their concept album about pro wrestling - a lot bigger sounds than some of the earlier lofi stuff, plenty of lines still about getting stabbed or doing stabbing. but to a jaunty little horn feature! i have rotating top goats but this has been it for a bit
Willi Carlisle - Peculiar, Missouri one of my favorite if not my favorite finds of the year. truly truly beautiful folk album i dont even know what else to say here. absolutely so excited for Critterland next year
disclaimer also that i was taken a little aback by the use of the word 'vulgarity' here in my asks on tumblr dot com for a couple reasons but tried at the very least to take ur sentiment as best as i could and provide some good albums i stand by. might not meet your needs but its not esp gorey and its not esp raunchy and i hope that you enjoy
oh also!! i do keep an #album-log tag that i update periodically with roundups of what ive been listening to and how much; theres a few stats there. might try to keep a better maintained recs tag in the new year but mostly i do that at least for myself i just think its fun to share also
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joifee · 1 year
Ok ok ok, since you allowed me to ramble in your asks, I have come here as I have a fanfic idea that I cannot stop thinking about for the past two weeks, and I cannot write it yet. Thus I'm left with an idea left in my head and I gotta let it out somewhere.
So it does connect empires s1 and s2. I have an idea that when S2 Scott has gotten his magic eye, he also gets memories of his past life, which was ofc S1 Scott. And as we know, S1 Scott was courting Jimmy, despite the other not really realizing it, and later on in the series there just wasn't time for the courting.
Plus we see, at the end of S1 Scotts pov in the other realm -- in his perfect world -- it's heavily implied that those two are together or at least lived together [There was something queer romantic going on there, and I live for it]. So it made me think, that s1 Scott's pov ending was just the man's wishful thinking before his body just shuts down, and he got reincarnated years and years later as S2 Scott, only getting memories back when he got the magic eye.
Tbf I dont think it even would be that weird for the series, as S2 Sausage himself has memories of S1, so I think it would fit in some way.
I just kind of want Flower Husbands S2 where Scott now has started developing feelings for our neighboring Sherrif, but at the same time, he thinks he's just projecting his feeling onto the man, that isn't the same guy, but only looks at him and kinda behaves like the one he loved.
Funnily enough, if you watched Pix's Empire's ending [Which Im sure you did], he has also said how Tumble Town folks are actually armor stands powered by magic, they just don't really wanna admit it as time goes. So Mezalean King could have made someone similar to Jimmy [his best bud! His first and best Ally!] to try to cope. So. The sheriff isn't Jimmy in the end [at least not from what I've been thinking about atm. It can always change]. But he's just made in the image of a long-dead Codfather </3
okay but this fucking slaps i looooooove the drama when you have the time you might as well revisit it! its a nice, romantic but also sad idea lotas of angst potential BUT omg yessss he is projecting the feelings on the "armor"stand version of jimmy because he does look like esmp 1 jimmy but like its definitly not the same person, considering personality and like the fact he aint a fish anymore so of course he has to think "hey its not the same one" but he cannot help falling in love all over again with like a different version of jimmy but one: its not his jimmy and second maybe he gets over the feelings and like both of them go their own ways nkdbsblbfkjfb yeeeee thats such a good ideaaa thanks for telling me :D wanna makes me spam my ideas to you /or like my fanfic draft
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allgoldenelite · 7 months
Talk Jay white to me :)
i'm gonna put julia hart in here too since you asked about her as well.
jay: have loved him ever since his debut. i thought he was a bit rough around the edges when he first got thrown into all these high profile matchups, but thats only natural lol he was literally a child. i think lots of ppl perked up tho after him vs kenny in sapporo. i was a bit disappointed they didnt do more with the history between him and hanger, kenny and ibushi for wembley but there was a lot of negative stuff going on at the time so w/e.
i love him a lot but id have to say that i have cooled down on him a bit cause im not watching aew rn and there really isnt any other way to perceive him, sadly. i know the gang gang scissor ass bang or whatever is immensely popular and i did like some of the stuff i was sent by friends but i gotta say im a little bit over it just by consuming from afar lol so next i would love for him to get into a grimy nasty t i g h t feud with someone swerve someone and really bring back the rat (like during the time he was chasing after ibushi like he wanted him to [redacted] him sm that [redacted])
hes still for some reason kinda an underrated wrestler who does lots of small things in the ring i appreciate but that dont necessarily stand out so ppl dont really pick up on it a lot. hes not very flashy, i suppose (in the in-ring sense; hes very loud otherwise lol). i think he really stepped up like kenny said and grew into his own, and thats not as easy to do as ppl sometimes say it is. i hold a lot of his matches in high regard, especially him vs ibushi g1 finals, that match is immortal to me and one of my fav matches of all time, ever.
julia: i was extremely meh on her when she started out, the cheerleading stuff just didnt appeal to me even if i can agree that its athletically impressive. whoever trained her tho did a really good job, there are a lot of areas that you can tell she really did her homework in and improved a lot. i think joining hob was the best thing that could ever have happened to her. i said this before somewhere else but i absolutely do NOT get what anyone (tk cough) was smoking to say she shouldve stayed with the varsity blondes, that wouldve been the death of her character 💀 i love her father daughter relationship with the hob guys out of kayfabe and in kayfabe she has some of the coolest gear and entrances.
i really liked her match against kris for the title and i wish it couldve been a little bit longer but i still felt they did everything in their power to get over in those 8? 9? minutes. julias turnbuckle jumpscare is probably my favorite thing about her.
other than that i sadly dont have much of an opinion on her bc, again, i dont watch aew, so if shes done something cool lately sorry folks 🤷 (i did see her gay entrance with skye? iirc, so that was 👌)
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botslayer9000 · 8 months
just watched the boy and the heron and i have thoughts?
loved the animation, it was gorgeous as always
music was great. joe hisaishi stays based
the atmosphere was incredible. there are so few movies i feel that really take their time and have quiet contemplative moments, which is why i usually leave the theatre with a headache afterwards, but not today! there were so many scenes with minimal music and just ambient audio and i liked that v much
the beginning was very interesting and really got me invested, like the part where mahito goes to fuck up the heron with his wooden sword and when he wakes up it breaks just like it did in his ''dream''? now thats what im talking about! downright cerebral
^^^^ i wish the movie had more of this particular avant garde direction tbh and was less. uh
what even was most of this movie? the best way i can describe the experience of watching most of the boy and the heron as watching someone else's dream. it makes sense as its happening, but you're detached from it. you just kinda have to roll with it as it happens. weird stuff happens but you don't question it, then suddenly the plot changes halfway through and you just have to accept it because its a dream, what are you gonna do? the problem comes in when you try to actually make sense of what happened the next morning/after leaving the movie theatre
like ???? im torn between liking the individual scenes/plotlines here (like kiriko the fisherwoman taking care of the weird little guys and dead people? based plotline. i would watch a movie about that. wait we're already moving on to the carnivorous parakeets. what. pls stick with one plotline pls)
what is happening with natsuko
why do we have this tangent involving the great grand uncle like 3/4s of the way through the movie...
man idk there are a lot of fascinating ideas here that i really like, individually, on paper, but jumbled together, it just kind of makes a mess. i wish there were some kind of narrative cohesion sticking all of these plots together. making a dream into a movie is great, but this just feels like me rambling in the morning right after getting up about that craaazy dream i had last night to my family while they don't pay attention because im talking total nonsense
just when i thought i was starting to figure stuff out, the ending kind of lost me. why is the parakeet king so important when we the audience became aware of his existence like 10 minutes ago
the more i think about it the less sense it makes and not in a good way
man idk. i wish i could love this movie more than i did but it was just doing too much
why were the parakeets holding up signs that said ''duch'' when tumblr has told me that they are nazi allegories... they should be holding up signs that say ''deutsch'' instead. plot hole alert folks you heard it here first
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holy shit
3 weeks of editing and basically 2 years of game play to get the best clips edited in the very best way and holy shit the montage is so close to done there is only room for 1 more clip and i just have to wait for my guy to be able to send to me and as bad as i want him to just see it because its so good its TOO good to spoil i cant show him it unfinished i need him to see it completely finished so he can experience the the little mini movie event that ive put together in just under 4 min i did so much editing and touched up the clips themselves even to make sure none looked dull or flat and i brightened up night time clips and etc etc etc i just want this video to be perfect cause i think of it as a legacy in a silly way in however many years we'll be able to look back and go "remember that time we started getting pretty good at beach aw in gta online?" and just having the proof to myself and not having to rely on memory and being able to relive those things, thats really what i think the channel is all together, i never made it to be a big youtber i made is for personal prosperity and now its just in prosperity for me and my guy. Our channel is just going to be a little section of memories and as much as i love gta its why i want to post other stuff too because i feel like eventually a large amount of memories and things will be had uploading different things and being able to capture that is really precious. I couldnt do that in my childhood, what i would give to have streams of me when i was little playing crash bandicoot with my sisters or spyro the dragon. I have these really faint flashes of memory but not much else and i wish i could just have those moments preserved like me and him do right now. I think im gunna start really doing different things with the channel now that im fully realizing this just uploading whatever we wantg to anything and eveyrthing because i basically just want it to be a time capsule and i know i know "youtube is a private service its not guaranteed your videos will always be there" okay we'd lose some stuff a little bit of raw footage here and there and we'd lose most of the streams but all the public videos on the channel i have backed up to a hard drive and now that im also realizing that in context i'll need a hard drve to start backing up the raw footage of streams to preserve those in perpetuity as well. Growing up we had photo albums that was like your definitive little book of memories but you can have so much more now, you can have almost every part of a person you can have their face and their voice and their presence you can re live those moments without having to try as hard as you can to remember and human memory sucks and is flawed you dont remembers things how you think you do, you think its like finding a file on a computer and putting it away but the brain doesnt work like that every time you remember something you remember the last time you remembered it. So the more often you remember something the likely it is details to change but it can make entire scenarios change because everytime you've remembered it you're altering the file its like your pulling up the file, trying to copy it really quick, we're human so we have certain tendencies and those play out subconsciously, copying the file and adding your extra human brain goo smudges to it and putting it back and very time you remembers it this happens those smudges build up more and more god damn i nailed that metaphor lets go OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH's in the chat folks
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misqnon · 5 months
u gotta try harder /j
I WASNT ON TUMBLR MUCH TIL LIKE.. A YEAR AGO... SO I HAD NO IDEA .... that is extremely funny. thank u
theyre in a 3 way qpr with luffy as the center
"i like to imagine he speaks with the emojis like you typed them. (“how are you saying that out loud-”)" NAHDIAHE hes magic thats how
i have a big crush on ace too but TRACE HEATFIST.... something abt him.... idk he just hits the spot for me. i love big brother characters n characters that r good with kids.. ace fills that spot.. and then u add his silly smoothness in the 4kids dub and its like wow. u are Perfect.
STEAL THEM!! i have . a pinterest board of . meme image. silly meme image. (is pinterest something ppl still use... i only started using it a few years ago)
NO A CUP MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE... I think u were rightm.
THATS SO FUNNY... see i never thought dragons were real but i DID believe . that unicorns were real for quite a while (i never liked to admit it). honestly i didnt consume much dragon content but i did like to just. think abt them . i had this mobile game i liked playing that was just a choose ur own adventure type story . but ur a dragon. never played spyro (and didnt even know about it til i was like... 12) but it seems rly fun and i would love to play the remaster,, purple dragon ily. i cant believe ur the kind of kid who could beat games... i was so stupid as a kid i didnt even know how to play animal crossing city folk correctly .... YOU ALSO??? FLIGHT RISING???? i joined in uhh 2019? i think? i found out abt it in like 2016 but forgot and then tried to join in 2018 but it wasnt accepting new users.. and then yeah. 2019. so ive been on and off a lot but i LOVE flight rising. i love my dragons. even tho theyre mostly un-gened 1st generation dragons..
sanji is . arguably the most human of all the straw hats.. which is interesting bc he is also the only one who was supposed to be inhuman. ofc i think theyre all very human but sanji has the most moments where i can relate to him. the sanuso fic i was reading yesterday... he was so full of shame... and they wrote him hiding behind his hair.. and i felt so intensely SEEN by that. like oh my god he is ME i do all these things.. i find that my comfort characters are usually... ones who suffer a lot. i love suffering. in media.
"sanji vs. minnie mouse his hardest battle yet" oh my god........ ur mind...... wow...... genius...... crackship time (have u seen . oh wait ur not into jjk.. ok have u seen frollo x goofy... its insane...)
BEING MAD ABOUT SIMPING FOR SANJI IS SO REAL.. please dont be attractive please stop please... please . IVE SEEN THAT OUTFIT and every time i get ANGRY (not for real but y'know.) because he looks SO GOOD and i dont like to admit that.. i hate to admit that. UR RIGHT that outfit is extremely gay like wtf is going on with that tie???? or whatever it is? around his neck??? this is like gay men wearing scarves
"have u seen that post where its drawings of each of the strawhat “rescue teams” of arlong park, enies lobby, and whole cake?" I SAW THAT A FEW HOURS AGO AHDHSH
"law 1: edgy. flipping u off. deranged. a bit evil looking. kinda hot" i see u...
i love law so much he is so antagonizing and then . the contrast.. when he is stupid or cute. its wonderful.
"HE ALSO LOOKS SO SO PATHETIC 😭 SOPPING WET CAT OF A MAN" i LOVE how pathetic he looks. i like pathetic people so much.. like why are u like that.. making me pity u.. only in media tho never in real life 🙏🙏
CHOOPA MY GUY.. he looks so silly as a full deer i wish he did that more often
this is blue period but im running out of funny images i have saved ...
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dw abt taking a bit to reply!! i am patient /gen
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sharing my veteran knowledge
trace heatfist the magic man. skeazy magician and fuckboy
ace is VERY likeable idk a single person who doesnt like him. even my non one piece friend likes him but i think shes weak to his freckles
i trade memes like pokemon cards. i look forward to this symbiotic relationship
arent unicorns the national animal of scotland…(or ireland maybe…) THAT WOULD MAKE ME THINK THEYRE REAL
I COULD ONLY BEAT SOME GAMES a lot i didnt but usually bc i got out of the rhythm of playing them and left them unfinished. when i was younger i made my older brother play the hard parts for me a lot LMAO. ALSO DO YOU WANT MY FLIGHT RISING DRAGONS. IDK WHAT TO DO WITH THEM ALL MAN I DONT PLAY ANYMORE
i love that sanji is arguably the most emotional of the group (aside from franky or chopper, but for them its just played for laughs) and that overemotional/low self esteem part is exactly what makes him so relatable. i actually really appreciate that oda gave that trait to a male character. sanji cries a lot and is overemotional and kind of hysteric sometimes jdvbvfjdk so im glad they didnt make it like nami or robin who was like that stereotype. GOD I REALLY CONVERTED U TO SANJI TOWN DIDNT I. SORRY WE’RE ALL HERE BECAUSE WE HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM AND PROJECT ONTO THE WEIRDO
and yes law too…listen. i have a big heart, ready to love, [possessed by sanji]
the little scarf/ascot is the gayest part 
“"HE ALSO LOOKS SO SO PATHETIC 😭 SOPPING WET CAT OF A MAN" i LOVE how pathetic he looks. i like pathetic people so much.. like why are u like that.. making me pity u.. only in media tho never in real life 🙏🙏” exactly…PATHETIC FICTIONAL MEN GO HARD
i agree i like almost all of chopper’s other forms better than when hes a little baby 😭
also u are free to keep sending me e-letters but if you want to just message on discord that is also fine. as i said. message me whenever 🫡
lets see what we have for 2day...
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violentivy · 2 years
Review: happiest day
By stage name
(@residuai )
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Full disclosure, this is my birth son's album. This is a kid that I raised until he was 8 or 9.
So there is a bias there.
This is an experimental folk album, and it is meant to make you feel something.
It's LoFi, buzzing and crackling and intended to sound like something someone found in a time capsule years in the future. Or, that's how it sounds to me.
This is one of the best concept albums I've heard this year.
Let's dive in.
freedom of form: This song does a very good job of establishing the tonal feeling of this album. It is the important first bookend. It shares pieces of it's melody with the title track, as well as many of the noise rock themes that exist through the album.
duster: this track screams "I was heavily influenced by passion pit" and I'm not mad at it. One wish, I kinda wish lyrics had been included with the liner notes but I love the sound of this track. It evokes the cover art for me, but again there's some CONTEXT.
as_oilrig: !!!!!! When I first heard this track in July, my jaw hit the floor. I have been following Stage Name's career since he was 6, and he wailed about the boss killing him. Over and over. For 20 minutes.
This floored me to think this was the same guy. This is a well composed song. I have shared this track with my friends and family as a single.
This song encompasses Gen Z's experience on this planet so far. It's confusing, terrifying, and the corruption is getting deeper by the day. Their parents promised them it gets better, and no matter how they look at it, it's just getting worse.
And it encompasses how fucking LOST everyone feels right now.
It also brings to mind a picture we had of stage name at like 18 months old when his uncle put him in the dryer with a small bottle of vodka.
His uncle showed me and his father the photo and said "hey, you might want to talk to Little e about his alcohol consumption. 🤣" He was, in a very literal sense lost within the laundry. That's just my fun little story of how he wrote this. He was just watching the constant family slide show they have going on the computers over there and he was like "YES THATS IT!". I am almost sure this is not how the song was written but it's my head cannon now.
skinbag: the rhythmic use of noise evokes Battles as an influence. It reminds me of many of the industrial tracks I listen to. Then the auto tune and piano that comes in at the end brings you back to center.
evolutionary spite: HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS TRACK. Old timey film strip audio with a lovely track in the back... Wait. He's talking about how there's all this bacteria fighting, fighting for control of his mind...
And with the understanding of Mx. name's insomnia, the whole "how to avoid being a night owl, cut out caffeine after dinner" right into a loud explosion-like sound. Same feels broski, same... Fucking... Feels.
mindcloak: again with the !!! The tone stage name has on this track is so, so good. Even if it's partially auto tuned.
Yes I heard about the dash of shrooms. If I were my child, I would also do drugs about it. In fact, if I was sure I didn't have anywhere else to be today, I would currently be doing drugs about it.
All kidding aside, I'm not sure if the deep voice sounding entity was supposed to be his father or who, (again, I've got the poor audio processing gene.) But I thought that was pretty funny because stage name's father actually sounds almost exactly like him. But when on shrooms no one sounds exactly as they should anyhow.
And stage name is very public about their struggles with aphantasia. That's the point of this song. They were able to SEE things when they closed their eyes.
Holy shit the DRUMS on this track. So, so good.
Satan! stop living your life: this feels like the ending of side one, were this a record or cassette. This is mostly just rhythmic and melodic noises, that's not to say it's bad! These filmstrip audio tracks are just killing it! You can hear aspects of laika's ideas here, continuing the album theme.
happiest day (interlude): this song brings you back from the shroom trip to a quiet and somber moment. Echoing the themes from side one by starting side 2 this way... Very good design.
laika's ideas: I love this one, I think amongst the muddiness of the rest of the album this sticks out as a lucid, beautiful and shining moment. This song is written in the perspective of one of s.n.'s original characters. This feels very much like an Iron and Wine track.
sammy: writing a song from the perspective of a 26 year old man is definitely a new and interesting perspective. I fucking love this song. "Nowhere, Bad news it said, 'you are a man in a song and nothing more!'". Chef's kiss. This song reads Iron and Wine meets Radiohead and has a jam session. Yes. Just all of the yes. Again we are hearing from another original character. Should we tell him that all these oc's are just songs waiting to happen? Then the third movement with it's vibraphone moment, then that CHUNKY AS FUCK guitar anthem!
enough and too much: oh, we got real sad again. He is processing the death of a friend, writing about a previous album that he wrote and recorded in a week. This track brings the mood down to where it needs to be for the title track. Speaking to Riley, a friend who has passed.
happiest day: "I've got boots on the ground but my head's in a nightmare, I'm trying to wake myself up" this describes the experience of a cat being euthenized. We've all had that experience of having boots on the ground and heads in nightmares.
This morbid and beautiful track takes you through stage name's feelings about the whole experience. How he felt her missing, how he hoped she had had a very nice day at the end of her life. Those who have lost pets will recognize the horror and terror of the realization that your companion animal's body just isn't going to hold up any longer, and continue live would merely be continued suffering.
Not going to lie, this was a personally hard listen being as I knew, and in fact adopted said cat in 2004. Before Mr. name was born. But the MOST difficult thing was hearing my son's voice crack as he cried and not being able to DO anything. You could hear his heart breaking as he sang. That's hard for a Mom, especially a somewhat absent one.
post-human ideas: this cheery chip sound song initially sounds like it will be this instrumental bookend, but then you hear "Thousands of minds compete for this body..." And you realize it IS a bookend, but that there is substance here. The drums absolutely kick in the end.
And then that reel to reel sound that's been on each track as a quiet thematical reminder.
This is stage name's best album to date and if you aren't streaming it, or buying it at stagename.bandcamp.com, you're missing out.
I love you, little punk. Keep being your wild and free self. The rest of us will catch up eventually.
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snowchuu-blog · 7 years
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(wow I made a gif?? for the first time??)
As promised! Hopefully this is everyone. This is my first time making this and if I stuffed up pls don’t take it personally ._. I still dk how tumblr works sometimes wow hahaha 
You guys have been amazing and I’m going to miss you all so much. You are deeply loved. Do me a favour and always remember that.
mutuals are bolded :)
Every single one in this list is special to me 💖
❄️ - you leave me in awe when I see you on my dash
💞 - i get so excited every time you interact with me
✨ - a warm-hearted being!! thank you so much for being you
# - a
@-chanhyuks | @04suga ❄️ | @07jin ✨ | @148iq | @17pjm ✨ | @1kimjoon ✨ | @1ovecity ✨💞 | @1ove-jk ❄️✨ | @1taesgf ✨ | @2miel ❄️ ✨ | @4kook ✨ | @7iwi ✨💞 | @93-bangtan | @9km ❄️ | @acastlemadeofdreams 💞 | @achoonice | @agust-kook | @ahnjaerin ✨ | @aletheia-l | @allforjeongguk ✨💞 | @almondyoongi | @animtae ✨ | @apgujeon ❄️ | @apricotmin | @arosydaze 💞 | @artistictae ✨ | @artychim  ✨ | @awakcs✨ | @awesomekpopmusicaddict 💞 | @ayojeon 💞✨💞
@baekhyunniee 💞✨ | @bangtan-latte | @bangtanhmu 💞✨ | @bangtanroyalty ✨❄️💞 | @bangtoori ❄️ | @bekyon 💞 | @bfkook ✨❄️💞 | @bfnico | @birthdayjin ✨ | @blankvtae ✨ | @blumiin ✨💞 | @brightjoon ❄️ | @bts-trans | @bts420 | @btsmicdrop | @bubseok ❄️✨💞 | @celestial-jeon | @chanyeolchannie ✨ | @chickenkooks | @chim-jiminie-cricket ✨ | @cinnaminsuga-kookie ✨💞❄️💞 | @cinnaminsvga ❄️ | @clockwork-lullaby  💞 | @cloudjeon | @coerry | @comeherejimin | @cosyjeon ❄️ | @cottontae | @cuddlyguk ✨ | @cupidtae 💞✨💞 | @cutiepiebts | @cyphrpt-v ✨ | @daegucrew ❄️ | @dear-creative ❄️ | @deletaed | @dimples  ❄️ | @dimplesbts ✨💞 | @dn-a 💞✨ | @dnasus ✨ | @donewithjeon | @dumblets ❄️
@eggcoups ❄️ | @eunwoosgirlfriend ✨❄️💞 | @exxivbtsgot7 💞 | @f1rstwin ✨ | @firejeon 💞 | @floralseokjin ❄️ | @florejin ✨❄️ | @floreksj✨❄️ | @flowerboyjjk ✨❄️ | @ggukbun | @glossykth | @guktwt ✨ | @gukyi | @hearthobi | @hibabyimjungkook 💞 | @hiimcaroline 💞 | @hobieism ✨ | @hobiismybrobi 💞 | @hobiolidays ✨ | @hobjoon ❄️ | @hoeseok | @hollyyoongi  ✨💞 | @honeychai | @honeymygs | @hoodiejungkook | @hopieiaaa 💞 | @hosokey
@idk-agustd ❄️ | @igot7youngjaeisbae 💞 | @ilovechimin | @ilumilk | @incorrect-bts-quotes | @incorrectblackpink | @inktae ❄️✨ | @introjimin | @inuera ❄️ | @itschaeng ✨❄️ | @itschims ✨❄️💞 | @itsjinsday ❄️ | @jackvtae ✨ | @jellymint ✨ | @jeoldentheory ✨ | @jeon-core | @jeonify | @jeonjungkoko | @jeonjungrude ✨💞 | @jeonnseagull | @jeonofkook | @jeontxpia | @jhsxrsq | @jiguki | @jihyo | @@jiminicriket 💞 | @jiminiestardust ✨ | @jiminniemouse ✨ | @jiminnight ✨ | @jiminolgi | @jiminparks | @jiminyoongs | @jimlingss ✨❄️ | @jineatthis ✨ | @jinsasleep✨❄️ | @jinsweater | @jjeonguk ✨❄️ | @jjkfire ❄️ | @jksdimple ✨❄️ | @jminies | @jollyrocky ❄️ | @jongkoookie | @joonfriend ✨💞 | @joonwithhearts ✨ | @jungk0oksthighs | @jungkookio ✨❄️💞 | @jungkookpcy ✨ | @jungkookslefteye | @jungkopie | @jungkxook ❄️
@kairoseok | @kawsofhobi ✨ | @kimiin ✨💞 | @kimtae95s | @kimtaehyungl | @kookiemonster1997 💞 | @kookies-and-kreme ✨ | @kookiewithak | @kookmint ❄️ | @kooknochu ✨💞 | @kooky4kookie 💞 | @ktaebwi ❄️ | @ktaevk ✨ | @ladydna ✨❄️ | @lalisa-manoban | @lattetae  ✨💞 | @lets-go-north | @likeygirls ✨❄️ | @lisatie ✨ | @literaltae | @longlivekookie | @lovedjimin | @lovlesbians ✨ | @mellonjin ❄️ | @merrymochi ❄️ | @micdrcpbts ✨❄️ | @micdropgirl ✨ | @teddybearksj ✨❄️ | @miiinchi ✨ | @milklattaes ✨💞 | @mingyou | @minhyoonki | @minsuxga | @minsvga | @minyaah ✨ | @mistlemochi | @mnet-anti | @moon-iovers 💞 | @mygjhs ❄️
@nochuie | @nochutae | @nochuu ✨❄️💞 | @nojamgirl | @notjhope | @officerkook | @officialjisoo ❄️ | @ohhgukie ✨ | @onlynochu | @panicattheswiftie ✨ | @park-yeol ✨❄️💞 | @parkjmzl | @parkmochibean  ✨ | @peachjeon | @pjmksj | @pjmslatina | @pris-10  ✨❄️ | @protectaetae ✨❄️ |  @puriseutin ✨❄️ | @rainmyg ✨❄️ | @rainpjm ✨💞 | @rapmonluv ✨ | @realvalor | @retrokook ✨💞 | @rookiesof2017 ✨❄️ | @rosejimin | @rosejjk ✨ | @rosekooks | @rosesscent
@seokjoysook | @sheis ✨ | @shoogakook | @skeletonhobi | @snowglhobi ✨ | @stargguk | @starprincejimin | @strongjeon ✨ | @sugacavity | @sugacotaed | @sugagumdrop ❄️ | @sugaiover  ✨ | @sugaspiano | @suntaes ✨💞 | @swanguk | @taehoneyy  ✨ | @tae–bear | @taeboos | @taechubs ✨❄️ | @taeculiar |  @taeisvcute | @taengerinee ❄️ | @taeonice | @taepott | @taesquishe | @taetaez ✨ | @taetle ❄️💞 | @tahyungs ❄️ | @thaidesu ❄️ | @the-golden-jhope  ✨💞 💞 | @the12boyz | @thegoldenmaknae97 💞 | @tokiki-dokiki | @ttaegiis / @craigy-ferg ✨💞 | @uhmbangtan ✨💞 | @ulttrash | @vampytae | @velvethoseok | @vikook | @vocalkookie 💞 | @voidjeon | @vtopiaa
@whatskookn | @whoajeon | @whydoievenstanthem | @whyparkjimin | @winktaes ✨ | @workofteaguk ✨❄️💞 | @writtenyoongi | @xoxo-bts-rv ✨ | @yerimluv ✨❄️💞 | @ygsgirl ✨ | @yoongbeans | @yoongeleh ✨ | @yoongiski | @yoongles | @yqrt
special mentions 💐 !!
@cinnaminsuga-kookie - karli! you’re one of the first few mutuals who interacted with me. you made me feel welcomed with ur sweetness 💖 thank u for everything! i’m never going to look at firebunnykook and that bapsae yoongi meme ever again without being reminded of you and our chats :( hahaha
@the-golden-jhope - aaa julia… you’re like a sister to me 💕 more like a twin bc we’re so whipped for jungkook hahaha i’m gonna miss u and ur doggy so much omg
@cupidtae - the ever so lovely lucy, every time we talk i feel so soft?? and u’re so supportive omg tysm for all the cute little chats! hahaha, i wish you all the best in life
@ayojeon - alison aka #1 jungkook tagger lol every time i see you mentioning me on my notifs ik it’s gonna b a cute lil guk post 💕💕 hahaha i’m gonna miss u and our small chats sm
@blumiin - nine omgg the cutest?? i’m never gonna look at jungkook’s little habit of fixing his jacket in a rude manner the same way again hahaha i’m gonna miss our interactions smm, continue to be sweet and positive all the time !!
Thank you all so much! 💗
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reggieservices · 2 years
Random idea, but how do you think the Bowers gang would react if their best friend, that was really close with all of them, suddenly started distancing themselves?
Yes I can and Yes I darn will >:]
Bowers Gang x GN!Reader
warnings: angst (obviously), drinking, just sadness really :(
Henry Bowers
∆ You guys had been best friends since 3rd grade
∆ You were his ride or die, and he was yours
∆ Thats why he got so confused when you suddenly blocked him out
∆ It started small, with not returning phone calls, and then ignoring him at school, then straight up not talking to him at all, ever
∆ He was so hurt
∆ He tried acting cool around other people, but he was being eaten up inside thinking "what did I do to drive them away?"
∆ at first he was angry, and would think about yelling at you and making you tell him what your deal was, but he was scared that would drive you away more
∆ He drifted away after too, but his heart would twinge everytime he saw you at school talking to someone else, and he still thinks about it late at night when hed reflecting on himself and his actions
Patrick Hockstetter
∆ It really depends how he views you
∆ If he thinks you're a "real person" like him, he'll go fucking insane
∆ Will shut himself away from the world, drink away his feelings, leave drunken messages to you all the time, some sad, some angry, some emotionless.
∆ Wont allow anyone near him again, and would despise you forever for "betraying him"
∆ Can't cope with anything anymore, just rots away and barely registers anyone else around him because "how could he let himself be so stupid to believe you wouldn't hurt him"
∆ Seriously messed him up, borderline catatonia stuff
Vic Criss
∆ Doesnt understand why you did it
∆ From being close friends and talking to each other about everything, to being total strangers and not even looking at each other in the hallways
∆ He'd be lying if he said he didnt cry a few times
∆ He just wants to know what went so wrong he wishes he could just get you to talk to him again
∆ Would try talking to you multiple times again, hoping you were just going through a rough patch he could help you out with
∆ But you were a brick wall
∆ nothing seemed to be working so he just slipped away too, even though it hurt him like hell
Reggie Huggins
∆ tried pretending everything is alright infront of others, but people can tell you not hanging with him has changed him alot
∆ He's less likely to make jokes, doesnt have that sweet glimmer of happiness in his eyes
∆ His heart was crushed
∆ Tried forgetting about it and you, but that just made the feelings well up more and more
∆ tried calling you after you ghosted him, but stopped trying after a week or two, he doesnt want you to get madder at him for being annoying
∆ Overthinking so much, can't bear the stress
∆ Nothing helps, he just wishes you would talk to him again because theres nothing he wouldnt do to laugh and speak with you again
HI I'M BACK AT LEAST FOR A LITTLE WHILE sickness is getting better we r sigma today💪💪 enjoy, enjoy its kinda sad ik but i will be trying to finish more requests soon PLEASE i'm sorry for the hold up folks you'll be paid in due time good bye love you all sleep well🙏
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rat-typewriter · 3 years
Hello! If you're still taking requests for Botw, I was wondering if you could please write some Headcanons for Sidon, Link, Urbosa and Revali dating a Nonbinary reader. Specifically someone who uses She/They pronouns (so referring to her as feminine pronouns is fine) and is very small yet boyish in both attitude and appearance. That's incredibly self indulgent on my part, but I'd love to see something like it! Thanks so much.
Also, I started a new blog called @hinox-headcanons to take Zelda Fanfic and Matchup Commissions, but so far nothing's come in yet, and I really need the money. If you could possibly help me get the word out, I'd be so appreciative. I really love your blog, and I hope it's alright that I ask. Thanks so much hun, I really hope you're doing well and staying happy and healthy. Best wishes!
Of course my lovely!! Im so sorry this took so long, Ive got a lot of exams atm! :(
Sidon, Link, Urbosa and Revali with a boyish, nonbinary S/O
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Sidon would probably take a minute to understand your pronouns - but he'd be really polite and just ask you to explain them to him.
Once he'd had them explained - he'd always (and I mean always) get your pronouns right
he'd even correct others who get them wrong
It doesn't even remotely bother him that you're boyish and masculine
he just sees it as meaning that he's got amazing S/O
he undoubtedly thinks you're cool beyond belief!!
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Urbosa would be the most understanding
I feel like although gerudo town is only women, they basically let in anyone who feels comfortable with the gerudo ways
they're particularly happy to let nonbinary and genderfluid folk in because they're so chill
((irrelevant but thats why they let link in))
urbosa definitely meets a lot of people who are confused or questioning their gender identity
she's used to a variety of pronouns and identities
so long as youre happy - she doesn't care
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Revali does admittedly take a hot minute to understand - like sidon - but the second that he does, hes so protective and proud to have you as his s/o that he couldn't care less
if anyone dares to misgender you he'll roast them to hell
like no questions asked he'll just destroy them
you find it a little embarrassing - but he's just trying to show you how much he cares
your boyish attitude doesn't change much - it does confuse him a little - but if you explain that it's what makes you happy then he'll trust you
if anything, he's thrilled to find someone who's competitive like you
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Link doesn't care
the second he knows your pronouns he just like
cool lets go burn some stuff
if he loves you - which he does, duh - then it doesn't matter to him how you identify
all that he cares about is that you're happy
you spend all of your time goofing around on your adventures
he's an understanding guy
My requests are open!!
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chokemewanda · 3 years
Flamingos And Spiders
Main Masterlist Only Child Series Masterlist part one / part two chapter warnings: violence, sarcasm, lack of pockets
“Do you think I should change my uniform?” Y/N looked up at Natasha and narrowed her eyes, appraisingly. “Clint said it’s basic.”
“Well standing out isn’t going to help the whole stealthy spy thing.” Y/N pointed out. Natasha nodded to herself. “And it has pockets.”
“Yes! My point exactly. Clint didn’t get it.” Natasha sighed.
“Men and their pockets.” Y/N said, patting her own suit and wishing again for the pockets Natasha got.
“Ladies, if you’re done with this week’s Vogue, maybe we could get some help.” Tony spoke through the com’s and the pair shared a look.
“Men.” Natasha sighed, echoing Y/N’s earlier statement.
“Tony, we’re a little busy.” Both women were zipping between computer screens, doing their best to download the villain of the week’s search history. It was pretty grim.
“We’re getting swamped down here. An extra pair of hands wouldn’t hurt.” Steve grunted, clearly taking a hit.
“Geddit, swamped.” Clint huffed a laugh before groaning. “Cause they’re alligators.”
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.” Natasha and Y/N spoke in sync, Y/N groaning soon after looking at Natasha’s rock and her scissors.
“You ever seen an alligator, Clint?” Y/N asked.
“Nope, I’ve seen a flamingo though and that’s almost the same thing.” Y/N frowned when she reached the ground floor of the compound, bursting into the lobby guns blazing.
“Not even remotely, what the hell do you think a flamingo is?” Tony asked. He was flying around the ceiling height, blasting the suckers from above.
“The little, baby lizards.” Clint sounded unsure suddenly. His aim was more sure, arrow after arrow nothing into the scaled creatures.
“Thats a gecko. Flamingo’s are pink birds with the long legs.” Steve explained patiently, hurtling the shield through the air. Y/N tried her best not to laugh, Clint had been raised in a circus after all, but it was so funny to her that he had no clue about the wider world, despite how well travelled he was. Just yesterday they’d watched a movie set in Ireland and he’d told her it was his favourite made-up place, right after Atlantis.
“Pink birds? You guys are kidding me!” Clint exclaimed in shock.
“You know, I thought you’d be better read up on your fellow species.” Y/N wasn’t impressed when no one laughed at her joke, grumbling to herself as she used her garrotte wire to strangle one of the scaled-lizard-people-that-weren’t-people-but-definitely-were-not-alligator-type things. The thick scales weren’t being cut with the wire so strangulation was her back up plan. Always good to have one of those. It threw itself back, slamming her head off a wall and she grunted, pulling the wire tighter. She had a vague thought that maybe these things didn’t need to breath before it collapsed.
She surveyed the scene, noticing that for every one of these things they killed more seemed to spawn from all entrance and exit points.
“We might have to call a Code Green.” Steve took out two of the scaled beings and caught the shield on its rebound. Y/N made her way through the mess to stand with her back to his, surveying the mess. Tony and Clint had the advantage of height to protect them but Steve and Y/N were on the floor with these things.
“You think he’ll let me off not turning in my chemistry homework if he’s recovering?” Y/N asked and Steve huffed a laugh she could feel from where his back was against hers.
“Not likely kid, either will any of your other teachers. Stop putting off homework or you’ll get grounded by Hill again.” Tony told her, shooting through one scaled thing and hitting another.
“Damn, double homicide.” Y/N muttered, shooting one after the other. No one laughed again and she sighed, wondering why she bothered with all the old folks.
“I’ve got a back up plan.” Tony told them. Y/N nodded when Tony backed up her earlier thought. A back up plan was always good to have. Plan A-Z in her case. She had a lot of bad ideas. “He should be here soon.”
“Is he cute?” Natasha asked, joining the fight. She was shocking the lizardy things which seemed to be working a lot better than anything else.
“The one time Thor is off-planet and lightning would’ve been actually useful.” Tony muttered, blasting each of them as quick as possible.
“Can we get Chinese tonight?” Y/N asked and everyone groaned in-sync making her roll her eyes. “I’m so sick of all you old people.”
“I take offence to that.” Natasha spared time to glare at Y/N before returning to shocking the monsters.
“I have no idea how old you are but I know it’s more than 25 and so you’re ancient- what the fuck was that?” Something or someone was swinging between rafters shooting something white at the monsters like a giant net, in her distraction she got pinned by one of them and then caught under whatever the hell the white stuff was.
“That’s my back up plan.” Tony sounded proud but Y/N was busy glaring into the jaws of death. Quite literally. She shoved her gun in its mouth and emptied all her bullets into it. It stopped wriggling and she groaned at the blue blood that spattered her face in disgust.
“A little help. What is this stuff?” The new person didn’t have a com, at least not one that was directly linked to the rest of the team so Steve answered her request, attempting to pull her out but she was well and truly stuck.
“Uh kid, maybe you could help us over here.” The masked man laughed awkwardly and managed to free both her and Steve who had gotten tangled up in the webs trying to help.
“Sorry about that, I’m-“
“Spiderman!” Y/N answered in excitement when she figured out the suit. “I showed Tony videos of you!”
“Stop taking the credit for what was my discovery and awesome back up plan.” Tony landed next to them and shot one of the things that snapped at his feet from where it was stuck under the web.
“Well I’m-“
“Y/N, I know. I saw your videos.” Y/N flicked her hair back over her shoulder and shrugged.
“I am pretty great.” She joked and Tony rolled his eyes at her before sighing.
“Uh guys, how’s it going in there?” Bruce cut into their comms and everyone smiled at his nervous tone. He hated check in because he hated being called in for a Code Green.
“Bad, I’m going to need an extension on my chemistry-“
“Not a hope. Get back on this quinjet and we’ll be home in time for you to get it finished.” Y/N grumbled when everyone laughed. Oh now they had a sense of humour! She was so annoyed she didn’t even think to say goodbye to Spiderman.
She didn’t get her chemistry done and Hill did in fact ground her again.
this is a maybe part one? if people like it I guess?
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