#Skibidi AU
hhamint · 6 months
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ttobyii · 1 month
Human Au
anotha one, this time i’m doing the girls cause they’re awesome. these are just my interpretation oh how they’d look like (aside from camerawoman i think that’s how she looks like canonically)
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unfiltered and full vers of the image:
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energizedtvwoman · 11 days
That's right,I should start posting things here. Hi guys,I'm new on this social media,atleast,and..trying to start a new carieer here since twitter said "Bye Bye" to brazillian's acc lol. My past name was @K.O.N.N.O.R-2.0,on Twitter and my acc in there is still up ig,btw. Plus..meet my Murder Drones x Skibidi Toilet AU. I've been quite absent but I'm still working on it.
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mockedandmonitored · 7 months
{File: Elite suspension}
Seeing as it's a tie between Armada and our elites, decided to tackle it and get it out of the way with what happened to our favorite dumbasses.
First starting with the Matriarchs as to get the lovely ladies out of the way. Camerawoman and Speakerwoman, known as Cyberpunk and Jazzpunk respectively weren't captured originally at the end of the war, going into hiding and avoiding the Armada for awhile. The two did try to lead their factions to rise up against the Armada in rebellions however due to Whistle-blowers, the duo were soon enough apprehended. TVwoman, Nickname being Flashpunk here, was brought down alongside her faction and the TV Titan during the start of the end. All three of them ending up in similar fates, being locked in stasis chambers alongside their titans within their respective "Museums". Rumor has it when the guards are inbetween shifts in the middle of the night, the song of the old rebellion echos where Jazzpunk rests.
(OOC but this was done as to ensure it's harder for the internet to internet the ladies. Best to put em on ice instead of who knows what else)
Moving onto the gentlemen of the Alliance, starting with Polycephaly (technically). Captured alongside his fellow TVs, Poly put up one hell of a fight, managing to stall enough time for his brethren to teleport out of the initial raid. During the scuffle two of his five screens were cracked and damaged but nothing too major. Poly due to being the only large tv unit was the source of taunt for awhile, the TVs speaking reverse however allowed Poly to get away with as much shit talking as he wanted. He once lashed out against his captors after a few idiots dragged him to the TVmen's memorial, seeing what had become of his leader and his mighty titan, He lashed out and attacked any Armada affiliated individual in sight. Now three of his five screens being heavily damaged and being down a strike, Polycephaly was thrown to the gulags. Around four years ago, Polycephaly joined the now labled the Banded Rebels, managing to actually gather a large amount of hardwares and a few scarce toilet allies to rise against G toilet. These rebels were however outted by a Whistle-blower merely known as X, and most of those affiliated with the group punished harshly. Polycephaly was down another strike, having four of his screens gutted and reduced to nothing alongside a cruel beating. Currently in modern day, He only has one remaining screen to this day, bottom left one which he's forced to see out of, his main head being too damaged for him to use properly. He hasn't tried anything since the rebellion, being left broken and untrusting of any cameramen.
Next up is our hardheaded Plungerman also called Dual thanks to the Creative alliance and thank @gamie99 for the idea of what he does here! They also help name the AU! (His story also leads into what happens to Assassin Speakerman).
Dual was initially captured alongside his fellow cameramen and always tried to look for an opportunity to get free but due to his reputation, was almost never given the chance. that was until five years into the new world that he was busted out of his holding/working cell by the Banded Rebellion, alongside his rescue was his old ally and friend Assassin Speakerman. From their rescue the two went on to go help the rebellion, saving hardware units from the punishment of the tally system. When the Rebellion fell, the two continued their mission to bring down the Armada, rescuing his brethren and keeping hope alive. Eventually the two however got into a situation the two couldn't escape from, at least that's what it seemed like at first, until Assassin Speakerman ran in the opposite yet visible direction than where Dual was. His partner in crime sacrificed himself to keep Dual out of custody and to continue what the two set out to do. Cameramen were judged and untrusted by their fellow hardwares due to the Whistle-blowers, with Dual doing good, it could at least rebuild some trust. Current day No one knows what happened to Dual, the Armada believes he vanished off the radar, probably ashamed of letting his closest ally getting captured. Speculation however points to a figure who lurks in the shadows, flushing any lone Enforcer skibidis on duty and seen helping wanted individuals evade arrest.
Last but not least is Assassin (or dark) Speakerman or as me and a few friends call him, Scarlet
Continuing from Dual's story, Scarlet had ran to distract and buy time for Dual to escape. He even lasted for quite a bit against the Enforcers but was eventually brought down and brought into custody. However due to him being affiliated with a Rebellion and continuing to break the law from there, he completed bypassed the tally system and was dragged to the "Reeducation Center". He was made an example out of, not only having his systems scrambled, muted but also had his memory banks completely fried and disorganized. From there he had his personality rewired and anything original from the elite was buried under the new slate the Armada made for him, even gaining the new title of Maroon(ed). He became the trophy of the center, being their proudest works. Turning such a rebellious and stubborn speaker to a docile and obedient servant, even fixing his systems just so he could play the anthem for everyone to hear. Modern day, he's working at the Speaker Shrine, unable to recognize the information of battles He took part in.
Bonus! What happened to Secret Agent?
Secret agent is M.I.A. He was caught off guard when the titans fell and tried in futility to try and assist the Alliance back to its feet. From there the secret agent has been trying to help any rebellion rise to the surface however. . these new systems seem to be out of his control, as if an old ally figured he tried something to get the balance in his favour, and blocked his abilities and technology from leaking into this new civilization.
Thank you for reading and don't forget that you can join into this AU with either suggestions, sharing what your OCs would do within this twisted world or simply asking questions! If this seems sketchy or bad quality- I wrote this in between like 2-5 am after late night inspo kicked in
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m-passer · 5 months
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flowerzgacha · 2 months
Who am I?
Hi!! Im tango/red, I've made like...5 or 4 other blogs, but all of them are deleted lol xD. Also I go by he/they, PLEASE respect that! ^_^ I also write on watpad!! (weaoaaahhh!!)
Will I be posting gacha content/skibidi toilet content?
ofc!! They're both my hyper fixations rn :]
Homophobes, transphones, people who hate on things cuz its "cringe", z00s, p3d0s, MAPS, N3cr0z.
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that-one-new-rpblog · 8 months
"Laying on the ground," "he screamed in blood," "tenno heika banzai!"
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eggcromancer · 5 months
Happy late birthday, it was a wonderful post you made, I just gotta ask something outta the silly.
Do you think it's as cute as I do, the idea of moon having a second nightcap that's party hat coloured and he swaps that on for birthdays
@sea-menace Dream big, my friend! Why stop at 2 nightcaps...? >:}
We got some seasonal caps:
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Modern day AU, where Fazbear Co. runs a content farm TikTok account; and Moon is horribly out of touch with gen alpha humour (because no one bought the animatronics internet plans 🥲) caps:
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And @lavenoon's jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, amazing Accidentally Undercover fic caps! ✨
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Pretend that Agent Dusk lost his original nightcap in a deadly shootout with a rival spy team and he needs to whip up a replacement PRONTO before he loses all street creds (He still won of course, but at what cost,,,,)
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keef-art · 2 months
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do either of you know what a scibidi toilet is?
neither do I
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lukzzzy · 2 months
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ink is a ipad kid and watch skibidi toilet
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ivanttakethis · 2 months
I know Till is the oldest in the Actor AU and people make him several years older than the rest of the cast so they can make old man jokes and all that.
But personally, I think it would be funnier if Till was just like… a year older than everyone else.
Like, yes he’s been in the industry longer than they’ve been alive.
Yes he just wants to go home and go to sleep early.
Yes he’s only 25 years old lmao.
The old man jokes still work too. Actually, they might be more effective because he’s not old and the fact that his cast mates act like he is drives him crazy.
Mizi: “You’re the only one of us born in the 1900s!”
Till, deadpan: “You mean the year 1999?”
Till insists his hair is naturally grey, but everyone else says he’s greying from age. (He doesn’t disagree that part of the greying may be from stress.)
They ask if his childhood years were in black and white.
He has back pain that kind of just showed up one day after he turned 23. They will not let him live this down.
When Till is reading scripts for a while, he’ll put on some glasses to help with eye strain. He got caught once and now refuses to wear them around others.
He’s earned the nickname “Senior Citizen Till”.
Ivan, Hyunwoo, and Luka call him “hyung” regardless of how close in age they are to him.
Luka: “Hyung, the directors are looking for you.”
Till, through gritted teeth: “Stop calling me hyung! WE WERE BORN THE SAME YEAR!!”
Till doesn’t use social media much (which does not help the old man allegations) and doesn’t really care about engaging with pop culture when he isn’t required to.
And he absolutely REFUSES to make a TikTok account. So his cast mates like to confuse him with TikTok brainrot quotes and memes.
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hhamint · 5 months
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ttobyii · 3 months
Skibidi art dump + cringe (/j) gay
More skibidi dump lololol i might post my other non skibidi toilet but im hyperfixated rn so uhh meoow.
Plunger and Knife as humans my au lol
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I hc that plunger was a big star wars nerd and grew out his hair so he could make a cool ass jedi braid on himself. Knife has no idea what star wars is but looked cool so he got one too (camerawomen helped braided both)
Art dump from roblox free draw cause i have art block
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energizedtvwoman · 11 days
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mockedandmonitored · 7 months
New ST AU idea (+blog)
Someone suggested I should do this and here I am. This new AU is called Mocked & Monitored, a bad end sorta with the original idea in mind of "What if the Alliance lost the war.". Kinda just continued to run from there. Sorry if this is hard to read-
To start off on the different au, it splits from our favorite canon timeline, around the time where TTVman had his screen stabbed through and it's where shit hits the fan. In this universe, Sugilite Not retreating due to his own ego ends up leaving him immobile and unable to move nor teleport. This leaves the TVs to panic and try to brainstorm what to do, their largest hitter has been captured and now the Alliance is down two titans. (Undecided what happens from here, will probably expand in the future)
The Alliance pushes and tries their hardest to stay standing, however eventually the third of the titans fall and that merely ensures the victory for the Skibidi Armada. With this triumph the Armada capture the remaining living units and their resources. With the war over, the Armda rebuild society to how they see fit and that's where the AU is focused in.
The story takes place after society is rebuilt, buildings repaired and laws put in place by G-toilet and his second command Scientist Toilet. Our beloved hardwares in this new society are the lowest of the low, mere servants and labor works doing the jobs none of the normal skibidis want to do. Being less than dirt and tossed around for the resistance they gave during the war.
To avoid an uprising the hardwares were also handicapped after being captured, depending on their faction and model, they would face their own hardships. The TVmen being forced to wear essential ankle bracelets which interfere their ability to teleport and having their screens forced to show Skibidi propaganda. The Speakermen being forced to only play the anthem of the skibidis or being stuck to No music at all, many of the veteran units taking a vow of silence. Now for the faction which started it all, The Cameramen. They were forbidden from broadcasting their point of views, however there is an exception.
The Camera faction was given the choice of joining the Armada, their eyes watching their fellow hardware to ensure they abide by the rules, In return The Cameramen would live like normal civilians. These watchers are known as Whistleblowers, adorned with new uniforms and upgrades to separate them from their stubborn brethren, always keeping eyes and tabs on everything which happens.
What happens exactly when a unit breaks the rules? Shares their footage? Blast their own anthem without fear? Getting caught by the whistleblowers leads to three strikes.
First strike, more harder and grueling yet dull labor, it being from Mining to factory working in the worse conditions. Hardly are these units ever repaired or take care of, often collapsing due to the long strenuous hours without break. Second strike, depending on your faction, they clip your wings so to say, Speakermen have their components replaced to mute them from making Any sound, TVmen have their screens cracked and left in disrepair, and the Cameramen usually have their sight tampered via different means the most common result leaving them only seeing only white outlines of objects against a black background. Third strike and your sent down to the "Reeducation Center", a place which No units returns from as their old self, only rumors speculate what go on in there.
Moving back to the titans, They're still alive in this universe, if you can count their state as living. All three of them at different ends of the city kept in buildings resembling museums. Trapped within a stasis and remaining in a state of disrepair, Large statues warning those who would dare oppose the faction. Rumors however speak of the Camera titan stirring ever so slightly, giving even the slimmest hope that their titan is still watching over them and that hope is not lost. Residing in the same museum as their respective titan would be the Matriarchs, sharing their fate. The message rings out to any unit which visits their fallen leaders, "We did this to the most powerful and skilled of your units, do not underestimate what we will do to You." (Putting the ladies in Stasis as to avoid rather. . Internet ideas.)
What about Resistances? Surely there must be some units trying to band together to rise against their hated enemies. A brown coated cameraman lead the most successful uprising from the shadows in the last 20 years however, it was only a matter of time until a Whistle blower joined the rebellion and brought it to its knees. Since then there's been a special task force of Whistleblowers dedicated to look like normal cameramen to stop any rebellions from arising and making too much of a problem.
There are more little facts but this thing has become long enough. I welcome anyone and everyone to join in on this little AU by asking questions or adding their own details and spins on it! Different details and facts wouldn't be here if it weren't for other cool fellas. This askblog is made to answer inquiries and expand this little AU. Feel free to join any role play prompts and or make your own to share! That is all for tonight now, Farewell and good night.
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zombiegirl789 · 1 month
Nightmare just wanted to pick up cross smh 😔
(Skibidi tw warning ⚠️ ‼️)
Epic sans by @ yugogeer012
Cross sans by @ jakei95
Nightmare sans by @ jokublog
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