#that's the crowd!
lilith-91 · 3 months
Imo, atla has a bittersweet ending
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Aang is sitting alone and wearing the air nomads clothes, his culture clothes, a necklace similar to GYATSO's necklace. I can't even imagine the emptiness and sadness he was feeling here
There are no airbenders in the crowd
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All nation gathered..... except the air nomads.
No one else in the crowd wearing orange or yellow.
Aang won the war, but his people are still gone.
Yes, he has the Gaang, he has Katara, he has Momo and Appa. But he's still the last airbender.
This is so heartbreaking.
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nipuni · 1 month
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"I am a higher dimension life form, I am a complex space-time event"
A step by step process of this will be available at my Patreon next month, you can find prints of my work at my Store 😊
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amalgamezz · 6 months
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thunderon · 1 year
i was in the library and the lights went out and i whispered “dark academia” and only one person laughed but ive been having a bad enough week that it felt like a win so cheers
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reblogforsamplesize · 5 months
edit: to everyone saying "only half of these are candy" well then fine, pick a "sweet" or perhaps a "confectionery" instead
edit 2 since its such a massive issue: this poll says "candy" instead of "dessert" or another word that might fit better because it started out as just the lollipop hard candy and chocolate bar and i never changed the poll title. i cant change it now. please stop insulting my intelligence over a poll about emojis :)
edit 3: reblogs are now off because i didnt expect this to get as big as it did and i dont like the note spam of having big posts. thanks to everyone who voted (and wasnt rude about this poll)
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oifaaa · 7 months
Fun new game I'm playing while watching the new Percy Jackson show called "Was this actually different in the books or is my memory just shit"
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the-vegetarian-artist · 6 months
the PJO fandom working their butts off to find two italian babies in the background only to realize the Easter egg is Nico calling for Bianca around the 12:3 mark.
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heritageposts · 6 months
large zionist blocklist below
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i've compiled a list of all the blogs positively interacting with the @/israel-palestine-bingo blog
there's more info about how the names were complied under the read more, but just to get an idea of how vile the blog is, i just want to quickly mention that the first prize offered in their pinned post, "eight hours of memi mamtera," is the song used in the viral israeli tiktok trend of kidnapping, humiliating, and torturing palestinians in the west bank.
and the "grand prize," which needs no explanation, is "all of palestine! for free!"
some quick info: all the names here have either approvingly replied to, reblogged from, or liked one or more of @/israel-palestine-bingo's posts. for likes, i've only gathered names that appear under their original posts; mostly ones that have not been reblogged, and some with 2-3 reblogs that have not left the immediate sphere of zionists. i've also made sure that these are blogs who have either liked more than one posts from them, or who frequently reblogs from other zionists.
you can also quickly look through the blog yourself (it doesn't have that many posts), or check out any of the names on the list with a quick 'israel' or 'palestine' in the search bar or their blogs.
there are more screenshots at the end of the posts, including ones showing who made the blog (ani-lo-daredevil / katenotbishop), and the bingo board itself (ashenpumpkin).
blocking tip: fastest way to mass block users (on desktop) is to go to settings -> the blog your blocking them from -> scroll all the way down to 'blocked tumblrs,' and then copy-paste the name your blocking
names listed below in alphabetical order reminder again, block don't engage
2peachy acleverforgery ani-lo-daredevil apollo-enthusiast ashenpumpkin <- credited for making the bingo board, reblogged/liked almost all of their posts. aureatecorvid avi-on-jumblr (main @/clear-what-i-was-seeing) awstheticshit bambahalva bleepiesheepie bluenorther blueredfetch bones-and-crows britneysmeanshirt cannibalism-is-my-love-language captain-navii casavanse celepito chubbybubba ciitrus--fruitz coffeelovinggayidiot da-socks davos-is-the-one-true-king dchan87 disregardenedgnostic elder-millennial-of-zion faggotry-enjoyer fdelopera flowercrownsandfairylights fluffel677 fluffy-art-moss george-lucas-is-god got-chavi icereader12 illegitimatetenenbaum inklingm8 its-hila jewishlivesmatter just-illegal karinhasdacookie
katenotbishop <- the main account of the person running the blog. her sideblog is @/ani-lo-daredevil
kelluinox kingofslush letaot-ze-magniv lingonberryjamistakenwhat lovelyhairedpianist magic-coffee marrymepadfoot marvel-ous-posts masters-puddle <- pornblog mixmangosmangoverse morganas-simp mossadspydolphin multifandermissesanakin nameless370 namiko026 nevleg32 notcrazyiswear oakstar519 perfectlynormalperson psychologeek queerius randomname3 redvodyanoi rhysaka sally006 sbinklebooper scp-1296 shinekocreator <- commented, 'but is this the 8 hour version?' on a post where someone ''won'' the song used in the tiktok torture videos. snakelung sort-of-a-demon soxiyy stuffandatherstuff tearsandice tedious-waffle thebejeweledwatercat the-library-alcove thirdmagic thisgingerhasnosoul timegirl tolaat-bli-toelet <- the person running the bingo blog. mainblog is @/katenotbishop transmascpetewentz tribulation-of-somnolence unexistencerpg viktorrotkiv wanderingmadscientist whiterose-blackrose whitesunlars why5x5
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note: @/tolaat-bli-toelet changed her username to @/ani-lo-daredevil (her main is still @/katenotbishop)
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and from the same post,
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the last post was also reblogged by the creator of the israel-palestine-bingo blog
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incredubious · 6 days
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MODERN AU ACESAN !!!! first impressions with a guy who barely passes the No Shoes No Shirt No Service rule
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ana-bananya · 2 months
This campaign was started by @/atute_insp on tiktok and her team Mutual Aim to collect money for the DRC, Sudan, and Tigray. The donations will be divided between the three causes. If you would like do donate but don't have the funds to donate to multiple campaigns, this is a great way to help both the Congo, Sudan, and Tigray.
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palipunk · 7 months
‘Blocking traffic/public disruptions aren’t going to help your cause’ if that is so, why have there been larger and more numerous pro Palestine protests than ever before? Why is public knowledge on Palestinian oppression more prevalent now? Why do a majority of countries in the world call for a ceasefire? Why do a majority of the countries in the world call for Palestine’s recognition? And why is it that people who complain about disruptions not helping our cause have never supported us in the first place? I wonder.
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free conversation ender for people who continue to willfully misunderstand source material and start inane arguments about it
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tojisun · 2 months
ex-husband price fingers you in front of the mirror because you said your cunt does not miss him and he’s here to prove to you otherwise.
he has you on his lap, your legs thrown over his thighs, exposing your pussy to yourself. all the lights are turned on, of course they are, because how else will you see how wet you are for him?
he starts with one finger—a pretence of your virgin days, back when he had to break you in for his thick fucking cock—and is pleasantly surprised when you can barely fit in three.
john muffles his snort on the crook of your neck.
“new boyfriend’s too small, he can’t even stretch out y’r cunny, huh, sweet thing?”
“sh-ut up,” you mewl, toes curling in pleasure with his thumb circling your clit. “s’none of your—ah!—businesssss—fuck john! john like tha-! like tha-!”
he laughs again as he strokes deep in you, and croons, “y’sure do know how to inflate a man’s ego, huh love?”
you can’t even snipe back, your mind buzzed with nothing but the intense euphoria burning in you, your eyes still trained onto your wet and dripping cunt, and your mouth open for a soundless scream as your pleasure builds, ready to break, so close to tipping—
but john stops.
he stops.
“no-!” you sob, thrashing, squirming on his lap, breaking eye contact from the mirror to try and see him from behind you. but john just squeezes your jaw, making you turn to the mirror again where your eyes meet his through the reflection.
he’s flushed, his eyes narrowed in his own twisted enjoyment.
“not yet,” he says, commanding. unyielding.
you hiccup, feeling so caught in his dangerous games again.
it’s like you never left.
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orcinus-veterinarius · 3 months
Learning anything about marine mammal training will make you re-evaluate so much of your relationship with your own pets. There is so much force involved in the way we handle domestic animals. Most of it isn’t even intentional, it just stems from impatience. I’m guilty of it myself!
But with the exception of certain veterinary settings where the animal’s health is the immediate priority, why is it so important to us that animals do exactly what we want exactly when we want it? Why do we have to invent all these tools and contraptions to force them to behave?
When a whale swam away from a session, that was that. The trainer just waited for them to decide to come back. If they flat out refused to participate in behaviors, they still got their allotment of fish. Nothing bad happened. Not even when 20-30 people were assembled for a procedure, and the whale chose not to enter the medical pool. No big deal. Their choice and comfort were prioritized over human convenience.
It’s almost shocking to return to domestic animal medicine afterwards and watch owners use shock collars and chokers and whips to control their animals. It’s no wonder that positive reinforcement was pioneered by marine mammal trainers. When you literally can’t force an animal to do what you want, it changes your entire perspective.
I want to see that mindset extended to our domestic animals.
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kazz-brekker · 4 months
dune part 2 really is one of those films where everyone is like "this is the best thing ever" and you're like "it can't possibly be" and then you watch it and spend 2 hours and 46 minutes understanding why paul atreides has a cult the size of a planet
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zeestarfishalien · 3 months
Ya know Danny could absolutely get away with doing homework on the watchtower bc ghosts would absolutely go for a school called Casper High School in the ghost zone. I imagine it going a little like this.
Some Leaguer: "What the...are you doing homework?"
Danny: *not really listening* "Uh, yeah, of course."
Leaguer: "but you're, y'know..."
Danny: *panicking internally but committing to the bit* "Ghosts have schools too."
L: "Okay yeah. Sorry, that was insensitive of me."
D: "It's okay."
Also the idea of someone finding a piece of paper like a form for school gets left behind and they immediately know it's for Danny because Casper High School? That's a ghost school if they ever heard one.
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