#that's rich coming from you Nathaniel
mhedusard · 16 days
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Translation-> "Kim is so susceptible, I have to be careful to what I Say, if I want to keep going with her"
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jenneyquinn · 24 days
𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
in which the pine tree and llama are the epitome of soulmates w/c: 11.2k words (not proofread) masterpost
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“in case if you have forgotten, pacifica northwest is the worst.”
well, near the end of their first summer in gravity falls, worst would be the cumulative word to describe pacifica—in the view of dipper pines, that is. and how could he not? so far, all he’s seen of her was a spoiled, rich, mean girl who was nothing but awful to his sister. a product of a family consistent with fraudulence and an unwavering desire to be at the top—
“pacifica’s rich, she’s cheating at life”
“nathaniel northwest didn’t found gravity falls and your whole family’s a sham”
—dipper could describe pacifica in many words that would paint her in a negative light, but there could be only much to say about her that is justified by his character. he doesn’t hold a lot of money to his name, or his family for that matter, but he lived life honestly. to find the truth in all things.
and considering pacifica northwest was cruel enough to make his sister feel bad about herself? what more truth was there in calling her the worst?
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amongst the roars and cheers of the audience in the telepathy tent, there was a pair of starry eyes that were completely struck in awe, and maybe... admiration?
but how could she not? from the flashing lights to the glowing cerulean bolo ties that match their eyes (which also managed to glow?)—pacifica southeast was hooked on the gleeful twins, especially the male counterpart of the pair; as revealed by the faint blush on her cheeks.
her cousin, gideon pines, begged to differ. though knowing him, pacifica knew that the chubby little nerd is hard to impress—hard enough that he might as well be dubbed the "fun police".
gideon just doesn't get it, she thought, if those dreamy blue eyes were in front of him, alluring as he is mysterious...
she then gets lost in the image that occurred just a moment ago: the gentle look of dipper gleeful's eyes boring right into hers, taking her warm hand in his cold one as he brings it to his lips, barely grazing the surface; all the while looking directly at her, the smallest hint of a grin gracing his face right after.
despite how cold he felt, how cold his aura was—pacifica couldn't have felt any hotter that summer night.
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“i went from undergrad to phd three years ahead of schedule, wrote a thesis that was nationally ranked and was awarded an enormous grant for my own scientific research! but what to study…?”
after being rejected from his dream school, dipper pines worked twice as hard from his time at backupsmore uni to reap success similar to what he would’ve achieved had he made it into west coast tech.
one day, dipper pushes his hair back when he looks at himself in the mirror, pondering over his constellation-looking birthmark…
then suddenly, click!
in the blink of an eye, he finds himself in the middle of nowhere in gravity falls, oregon, obviously needing a place to stay.
that's when dipper goes to northwest realty, where he meets up-and-coming realtor, pacifica northwest.
"so, you wanna buy this lot?" she asks, unclear if she heard the guy right. "are you sure you wouldn't like to reconsider and opt for an alternative location? i mean—given this lot has been a preserved environmental space, and you'll be ways away from the town—you'd be funneling a lot of money just to get this lot and build a home here."
"oh, it's alright, miss—"
"just call me pacifica." she interrupts, but smiles.
"sorry—pacifica, i can assure you that money is no issue to me. i've recently received quite the grant to pursue an independent study, and this would be the perfect location to conduct my research."
"i see, but mister pines—"
"it's dipper," he cuts off, returning her smile from a moment ago.
she chuckles before continuing: "if it's researching your business here, i can gladly show you a place close to the local library—or the museum? our town archives?? surely this would be a more efficient use of your money."
"heh, you're not like the other northwests," dipper replies, reflecting on his own knowledge of the northwest family, "aren't you supposed to be like, bleeding me dry? i'm practically helping you more than myself here."
pacifica gasps, looking offended: "excuse me?"
suddenly, dipper realizes he's messed up. sometimes that mouth of his is too smart for his own good. he didn't mean to insult her, it was meant to be playful teasing that's all!
so he stammers, trying to undo the damage.
"i-i'm so sorry! i didn't mean it—to be insulting, that is! i s-swear it was only meant to be a lighthearted joke! you smell r-really pretty—"
amidst his ramblings, pacifica breaks into a fit of laughter.
"you're something, dipper pines. you know what, let me sell you the lot, and i'll pay a lumberjack to build your new home for you. don't worry, you seem to know a thing or two about my family anyways, so it's no big deal."
"really?" he asks, dumbfounded. "you'd do that? but why?? surely i have some money to spare after getting the lot—"
"i do have one condition, though."
dipper breaks into a sweat—though, he thought he's already gotten past that phase from his adolescent years.
pacifica takes out a small, square pad of yellow sticky notes from the front pocket of her orchid-purple blazer, puts it on her clipboard, taking a pen and writes on the pad. when she finishes, pacifica peels the sticky note from its pad and promptly hands it to the brunette.
"when that house of yours is built, how about i drop by for dinner? that better be some study if it's taking you away from civilization."
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“call me crazy, but maybe she’s not so bad after all…”
dipper thinks aloud, surprised by the sudden change in his opinion. besides, how does one go from being the worst to not so bad?
perhaps he was crazy, or maybe it was the faint smell of champagne and flowers in those probably-fake blonde locks of hers... could there be something more to pacifica northwest that goes deeper than the surface? or something deeper between them??
impossible! come on, this is pacifica he's talking about. pacifica northwest! the greatest link in the world's worst chain—but that's like picking out a fresh apple from a basket filled with mouldy fruit.
so, as soon as he let his vulnerability scrawl across the journal page through his pen, dipper just as quickly crosses it out.
the picture can stay, though. after all, his artistic ability does a great job capturing the likeness of her beauty—
okay, i've got to stop that!
pacifica, on the other hand, could not have slept any better.
sure, she had to endure a grounding by her parents and a nightmare traumatizing enough to keep a tapestry of a one-eyed triangle demon locked in her closet so it would no longer bore through her eyes and into her soul.
but she also couldn't deny that it was a humbling experience for herself. pacifica had to face the music and realize that the pines twins were far from her problems... in fact, they might have been the first real friends she has ever had in gravity falls—and she's lived here forever.
the pines twins were the first to show pacifica northwest the truth—about her heritage, about what her family has really done to others, about the kind of person she's come from and whether she wants to maintain that legacy or not.
when she refused to shake that stony, moss-riddled hand, something clicked in pacifica. something that said her integrity was worth more than a dollar sign, that the price of morality could actually mean more than money; and she would have never come to that epiphany if it weren't for dipper and mabel.
after all, them being here has to mean something, knowing that she could sleep in peace, with dipper pines only a call away.
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as the morning newspaper plopped on their doorstep, gideon was the resident of the mystery shack who picked it up off the planked stoop. what once was a facial expression of exhaustion immediately turned to one of shock and possibly disgust?
of course, when you read a headline talking about gravity falls’ most dangerous guy dating your cousin, those sort of things will do that to you…
gideon doesn’t bother reading the article himself, but he could tell from the pictures of his mortal enemy and his best friend-slash-cousin being dangerously close to each other—there is something calculated about gleeful’s smile… it’s clearly there for the paps, cameras and flashing lights and all, but there’s something more sinister to that small, suble, charismatic grin.
and that something sinister says: screw you, gideon pines.
despite the local news jolting him wide awake, nothing could’ve prepared gideon for the wolf-pitched squeals filling the shack, all coming from the small southeast.
“no! there is no EEE-ing about this, pazzy!” he bursts, all red in the face and pouty, to which pacifica couldn’t help but laugh to; it was a sight for sure.
it doesn’t take long for them to have yet another conversation about dipper gleeful being too dangeous for pacifica to date—let alone be in close proximity with—but she knows, deeper than the dark side dipper does have, that he is a good person.
but when you see the good in everything, rationality and skepticism won’t budge—which exactly is making the subject between the pines-southeast duo a million times rockier than it needs to be.
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i should really get that mirror dusted… dipper thinks to himself as he adjusts his tie using his apparently dusty reflection in the mirror.
embarrassing. the man is already in his twenties, and you think that growing up properly-dressed, the least he could do is put on a tie correctly…
a ding-dong from the front of the shack pulls him out of his concentration, causing dipper to groan and throw his hands up in frustration. he was so sure he was going to get it right this time.
but a final tired, defeated glance at his reflection said otherwise.
nevertheless, dipper goes to answer the front door, where he sees his date looking… why is she wearing sunglasses, a shapeless trenchcoat, and a big hat? is she wearing a disguise??
is she embarrassed to come out here to see me?
letting herself in, pacifica removes the big hat and sunglasses, her platinum blonde hair cascading on her shoulders and down her coat, diamond eyes and strawberry-pink lips giggling at her dorky-looking date.
she approaches him already, which makes dipper more red-faced and sweaty. they couldn’t have their first kiss already?! not when their first date barely began!
he’s all the more ashamed when he puckers his lips only to meet air—cracking one eye open to look down at the woman adjusting his tie, smiling fondly.
when she finishes, she tip-toes to meet his height, giving a single peck on his red-hot cheek and chuckles.
“glad to see you, too.”
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if there was anything that mabel has brought to the people of gravity falls, it would be her natural talent for matchmaking.
it’s already one thing that your enemy has stopped being your enemy, and another thing that your twin brother is finally starting to get over his one-sided crush, but for both your ex-enemy and twin brother to have a spark and potentially experience an epic enemies-to-lovers romance?!
it wasn’t the match she ask for, but love works in mysterious ways…
and if this match needs to be made, it shall be made!
it all started with the party at northwest manor…
while mabel had made up with candy and grenda, done with eye candy for the night, she just wanted to have fun and appreciate her girlfriends for a night—after all, it was their dream to party inside of northwest manor than camping out by the main gates like the rest of the townsfolk…
but then… from the corner of her eye, had she spotted her brother… smiling? and having fun?? with another girl???
if mabel has to be honest, she wasn’t exactly thrilled to find out said girl was pacifica northwest, but hey—if dip had to get over wendy, he had to start somewhere…
it didn’t help that she was laying in bed, wide awake in the dead of night, trying to figure out what was going on between the unlikely pair. it got more frustratingly confusing the more mabel paid mind to it, and can someone stuff a sock in her snoring brother’s mouth’s already!
but for a guy who rarely gets any sleep, mabel’s grateful that pacifica was able to entertain dipper enough that he practically went out like a light as soon as his body hit the mattress…
‘though not before sneaking in another quick entry in his journal,’ mabel notes in her head as her tired eyes spot the open journal laying atop dipper’s chest; rising and falling with it.
her eyes squint, trying to make out the drawing of the creature in his journal (not to mention, she’s trying to figure that image out in the dark)
when she catches a glance of the side profile, puffed dress sleeves, and voluminous hair, mabel’s hands join together as her eyes sparkle and a smile spreads across her face.
a scheming smile, that is.
roses are red, pacifica's blood is blue i read what you crossed out i'm onto you!
then, before she signs off her short, yet beautiful poem, mabel takes a final look at dipper's sleeping state; squinting her eyes and chewing the tip of her gel pen.
"start combing your hair, bro-bro..."
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although pacifica southeast has barely cried in her lifetime, given that seldom events and things have caused her to be in such a miserable state, nothing could have possibly prepared her for the worst forms of sadness.
betrayal, deceit, heartbreak.
she knew she should've seen it coming, deep down in her heart she knew the true nature of the boy who instantly caught her eye... but it didn't stop pacifica from ignoring all of her cousin's warnings and looking on the bright side, as she typically did.
but maybe this time, there was no silver lining.
she looks back at the polaroid pictures in her summer memories scrapbook, a memorabilia she compiled of her first vacation in gravity falls and the first moments she would share with her family and new friends.
thinking that she would look back at these times in the future and see heartfelt memories, pacifica could only see the polaroid picture where she looked her happiest with dipper gleeful, as a tear drops between where the pair are shown.
he broke her heart, made her cry, but after some tears were shed and noses were blown, pacifica southeast was left with a heart done wrong and justice to be served.
if the gleefuls thought they would get away with this, they were dead wrong.
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walking up to the doorstep of her boyfriend’s place, pacifica holds a small gift bag on one hand as she uses her free one to knock on the front door.
excitement is spread throughout her face as she smiles from cheek to cheek, unable to maintain her patience with each passing moment.
though, she wasn’t prepared for her smile to drop the instant when another woman opens the door, greeting pacifica with a single smile before swiftly exiting dipper’s home.
“oh, hey paz!” he greets his girlfriend, smiling. as if some other woman didn’t just leave his place—a woman pacifica clearly had no idea about.
she looks indifferent, refusing to give the guy any sort of response as she enters the shack, bumping her shoulder against his as she walks in.
noticing her sour mood, dipper tries to sweeten it up by using up his nerd charm. i mean, it was how he got to date her from the start.
“c’mon, northwest, no ‘hey four-eyes’?” he asks playfully, dropping his arms to her waist, “no ‘hi dip-head’?”
pacifica pulls away from his arms before he got the chance to pull her in any closer, turning her nose up and away from him as she closes her eyes and huffs.
“hey…” hurt starts to rise in dipper’s voice as she pushes him away, “are you okay? if i did something wrong, you need to tell me. you know i’d never hurt you, right? paz…”
“do i, pines?” she retorts, sounding frustrated. “do i know anything about you? because i know nothing about that girl who just left your house in a good mood, i know nothing about your family, i don’t even know what the heck you research or why you’re in gravity falls!”
she sobs as more tears stream down her face: “is it because you don’t think i’m smart enough for you? that i’m nothing more than a pretty face and sort of walking, breathing trust fund you hold onto so when you’re short on money, i’ll be the one saving your butt??”
the blonde turns away from him, not wanting him to see her so vulnerable. dipper, on the other hand, refuses to take this. was this what his girlfriend really thought of their relationship… of herself?
in that moment, dipper curses preston and priscilla northwest for causing their daughter to possibly think so low of herself.
“pacifica,” he speaks up, bringing a hand to her chin and getting her to face him, “the reason why we’re dating isn’t only because of your looks… surely, you must know that?”
he looks into his girlfriend’s tear-filled eyes, his heart breaking at the sight of her miserable state: “you’re so much more that what your parents make you out to be. i date you because i have fun whenever we’re together… you absolutely destroy me in fight fighters and show me that there are other ways to have a good time than books…”
he blushes, internally recalling their shared moments, “the truth is, i get scared. a gorgeous woman like you, inside and out, going out with a nerd like me? it’s like a dream i don’t want us to wake up from… but what if one day, you do wake up? i have nothing much to give to you, pacifica. i don’t have much money to my name, and my research is… laughable to a lot. what if you laughed at me too? you’d think i’m just some loser that’s wasting his time and grant money on weird stuff…”
“dipper pines…” she looks into his eyes intently “do you trust me?”
a silence fills the room for a moment, until he replies.
“of course i trust you, pacifica.”
taking a deep breath before she continues, pacifica continues to look into his eyes through those big glasses of his: “maybe i don’t understand what you research… maybe i never will… but, your work makes you happy."
she smiles at him, her diamond-blue eyes still hot with tears: "i like when i see you happy, dipper. it's... cute? i never felt this way about anybody else before, but i like feeling like this. i like when you geek out about weird stuff—it's when you're really yourself, and i like that you don't let what other people think change that about you."
now, dipper begins to tear up, but trying his best to compose himself—wondering how he got so lucky to be dating such a person.
finally back in her good mood, pacifica hands the gift bag to her boyfriend.
"i got this for our one-month anniversary, it's not much, but i thought i'd get you some more 'thinking pens' for your research... and a pack of chewing gum because i don't want to date someone with braces... or worse—toothless."
after sharing a laugh together, dipper takes pacifica by the hand, leading her to his lab.
"maybe now would be the perfect time to show you what i've been studying since i've moved to gravity falls."
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mabel knew that summer's end was fast approaching, but it doesn't mean that there would be no time for romance!
besides, she knew that the plan she was about to concoct wasn't something to be done overnight... sure, making a match for robbie stacy valentino took a couple days to work out—along with the consequences of her social circle—but this project? compared to robbie, he was a piece of cake!
this was her brother. and her former enemy.
the seeds still needed to be sown.
it wasn't completely hopeless though. at least, after the events of the northwest's party and dipper's journal entry, there was potential to be explored. and if dipper pines singlehandedly had the ability to spark a change of heart in pacifica...
if only mabel knew how pacifica northwest felt for her brother...
then, just like a prayer answered, a 'ping' goes off on mabel's phone, revealing a text from an unknown number...
hey, dipper... so about that hug...
hug?! what hug?! she had all wendy's, candy's, and grenda's numbers in her contacts, so who could've possibly wanted to text her brother about some hug that they wanted to forget—
suddenly, as mabel gasped, it was totally clear who it was.
now, there was many ways she could approach this. so many possibilities. does she pretend to be dipper and try to hook him up? does she try to be a supportive friend and be honest with pacifica??
actually, come to think of it... after all the times she's been embarrassed by the hands of that northwest, she's been overdue for a bit of humiliation herself.
a mischievous smile spreads across mabel's face. matchmaking can wait, anyways.
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“it’s over, southeast!”
cornerned by the two terrorizing twin-bots, pacifica is left out of options as the gleeful twins have captured gideon, his tiny body restrained by the big metal grip of the mabel-bot.
“you’ve been had,” mabel continues, “the only way for boys to be interested in you was by pretending—which is exactly what my dear brother had just done."
as pacifica turns from mabel to dipper, he turns his head; refusing to look back at her. whether he actually felt a twinge of guilt or didn't care enough to return her gaze was irrelevant—pacifica's heart broke all the same.
"now, we’ve won! with gideon possessing the first and third journals, the gleefuls can finally take over gravity falls… heck—we can take over the galaxy!”
as she laughs maniacally, the turns to gideon, still in her steel grip: “with you as my lil’ king!”
“a-hem,” dipper calls from behind—his robotic hips on one side, metallic arms folded over each other, and a foot tapping against the forest floor; probably scarring away any woodlen creatures nearby.
“you heard me, diphead. there’s only room for one pair of rulers here—but hey! you and will have made decent sidekicks in the past. if all goes well, i’ll make sure there’s room for the both of you in my court—ha!”
with that, mabel’s robot violently shoves dipper’s with one hand as she keeps gideon the other; her grip still tight on the poor child.
dipper screams as he falls out from the robot’s head, his eyes shut as he braces his demise… if only he still had his amulet.
pacifica gasps, watching dipper in the sky.
pulling out her grappling hook, she shoots it without a second thought, praying to whatever force out there that it latches onto some sort of strong branch, and leaps forward; the recoil pulling her towards the endangered gleeful twin.
then, before he had any idea, dipper doesn’t feel the weight of the wind and gravity pushing him down anymore. instead, he feels the warmth of something… or rather yet, someone, holding onto him.
he cracks one eye open to see that, pacifica southeast, the girl he’s been deceiving for the past month, glaring at the mabel-bot.
“shut up, gleeful. the only reason you’re alive is because you’re helping me get gideon back.”
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the stones that hit against the glass of pacifica's bedroom window were enough to annoy her awake. she hoped that her parents weren't bothered by the sound as well, despite her doubts.
"chiu?!" she exclaimed in a hush voice, "the heck are you doing out here? it's three in the morning!"
"pacifica!" the ravenette in the lab coat calls out to the northwest, fiddling with her hands, jerking her head from side to side; as if somebody was watching her. "y-you need to talk to dipper! he doesn't g-get it! wh-what's coming—"
"whoa, candy, hold on," pacifica interrupts, rubbing her temples, "chill. breathe. slow down. what doesn't dipper get? what do you mean 'what's coming'?"
"i'm not crazy, pacifica!" candy panics. "something's coming. something bad. but dipper's too stubborn to stop his work! if you don't stop him, this could be the end of gravity falls!"
"c'mon, talk sense. this is dipper, we're talking about. he wouldn't hurt a fly."
"i don't think we're talking about the same dipper."
with that, candy makes a hasty leave from the grounds of northwest manor, leaving pacifica in a mixed state of exhaustion and confusion.
candy doesn't know what she's talking about, the blonde tries to convince herself, dipper's stubborn, but not stupid.
she sleeps with some difficulty that night, but come morning, she goes to her boyfriend's place to visit; clearly concerned about candy's warning from the night before.
when the door opens, pacifica greets dipper with a big smile, to which he reciprocates, but then asks about the reason of her visit.
"can't i just visit my boyfriend? c'mon, let's go to the lake—your skin's getting pale, dip."
"look, pacifica," dipper speaks as he takes her hand, leading her down to his lab, "i need your help. you've got to take this journal, get as far away as you can from me, and bury it where nobody can ever hope to find it."
as he gives his instructions, dipper shoves a journal into his girlfriend's hands; on the cover is a blue pine tree with the number '2' printed on it.
candy was right. why would dipper need her to go away from him? what did that dummy do??
"wait, you can't just tell me to do whatever you want—especially getting away from you. why do you need me to do this?"
he opens his mouth, but pauses before answering: "i don't think i can tell you that."
she scoffs, "you're kidding. you can't tell me or you won't?"
"i'm serious, i'm not going to risk you knowing too much."
"that's a whole load and you know it. what about candy?" she asks, pointing a finger at him, "she's clearly capable of knowing more than me."
dipper sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "don't make this a whole ego thing, pacifica—"
"an ego thing?! i thought we were a team, dipper. i thought you trusted me! or was that nothing more than a bunch of words filled with empty promises?"
she angrily waves the journal, now pointing to it accusingly: "recently, you've been doing nothing but coop yourself down here and write in these dumb books of yours! i swear, these journals have probably gotten more action with your face than i have for the past few weeks. and after finally getting to see you in person for so long—you want to tell me to get away from you? sending me off like some sort of blind dog?!"
"it's not dumb, pacifica—it's dangerous!" dipper exclaims, losing patience with the blonde, "don't ever talk down on my research—"
"well, it must be so lame if you never want it to be seen again. in fact, i'm going to walk to the city dump right now—"
"pacifica, don't!"
as she walks away, dipper goes up to her, trying to tear the book from her hands.
"my life's work!"
as he hastily snatches the book from her grip, dipper gives her a single push of his hand while protecting the journal with the other.
pacifica yelps, losing her balance as she is forced backwards. the side of her head makes an impact with one of dipper's many machines, cutting into her skin before meeting the ground.
"oh my god, pacifica! i'm so sorry, i didn't mean—"
"stuff it, pines." she spats back, dismissing him with her hand. pacifica tries to recollect herself by getting herself off the ground and dusts her clothes.
she then looks directly into his eyes with pure disgust.
"if your work matters more than our relationship, if you don't even trust me enough to let me help you or even tell me what's going on, i'm done."
pacifica turns away from him again, but dipper calls out to her.
"pacifica, wait."
she only turns her head: "do you trust me, dipper?"
just like before, the room is filled with silence. only this time, pacifica doesn't get any reply.
so, she leaves his house for the final time, leaving dipper by himself.
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hey mabel, um... is it okay if i could text dipper for a bit? need to ask him something real quick
summer is almost over, her thirteenth birthday is fast approaching, but it already seems like mabel pines' wishes are already coming true.
dipper didn't find mabel's exaggeration amusing in the slightest. "it's not a date mabel, she just wants to hang at the lake—as friends."
"okay, so maybe i should join you guys. after all, we're all friends, right?" she shoots back, taunting him.
"no!" dipper objects, his voice squeaking; to which mabel smirk grows. going red in the face, he clears his throat before continuing: "i mean, since paz only asked for me—"
"i'm gonna ignore the fact that you're on pet-name terms now, but you do realize she only asked for you because she—i don't know—might be totally into you!"
his blush deepens at his sister’s accusation.
“c-c’mon! this is pacifica we’re talking about! she only just stopped hating our guts like, less than a couple weeks ago?”
“fine, but you’re still gonna hang with her today, right? she still needs a friend, bro-bro.”
dipper knew mabel was right, and even if she wasn’t as encouraging, a part of him deep down was genuinely looking forward to hang with pacifica one more time before his birthday and leaving gravity falls.
before summer ended and heading back into the unknown.
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“help us, will! don’t forget i’m still your master!”
“don’t listen to him, you moldy nacho! i’m your master, not dipstick’s! obey me!”
the sound of will’s voice booms throughout the forest, bringing the town of gravity falls to a standstill. apart from the triangular demon, only the gleeful twins, pacifica, and gideon remained unfrozen
"i've had just enough of you two brats! generations of torment... well i'm sick of it. no longer is will cipher going to be a slave to the gleeful family! from now on—you guys are on your own! good luck taking over gravity falls without me, you weak flesh-sacks!"
the four children gasp, in shock at the enslaved demon's outrage. with a single snap, the mabel-bot goes powerless, causing it to go limp and tip over.
dipper and mabel clutch onto pacifica for dear life as the latter panics; trying to find a way to get to gideon as he is loosened from the metal grip, freefalling to his demise.
an electric, smoky bubble of blue bursts upon the mabel-bot’s impact on the ground, a ripple spreads throughout the town; bringing a gust of wind to the to the townsfolk.
because of the robot’s explosion, the people of gravity falls gather towards the source of the damage, where they don’t find bodies.
instead, they spot pacifica, mid-air, her hold on the grappling hook breaking her fall. dipper and gideon cling on to each of the blonde’s sides, with mabel’s arms wrapped over her brother’s shoulders from behind; nearly choking the gleeful twin.
as officers powers and trigger catch sight of the gleeful twins, they rush even closer to their aid.
"mabel! dipper! what happened?" trigger cries.
already pulling out the waterworks, mabel puts on her mask again: "it was southeast and pines! they tried to attack us and blew up our statues with dynamite! arrest them!"
dipper simply rolls his eyes as powers gets the handcuffs ready; gideon and pacifica gasp.
"officers, she's lying!" gideon exclaims.
"sorry kids," powers apologizes, "but we trust the gleefuls. and there's nothing short of a miracle that could ever—"
"okay, i'm getting tired of this," dipper deadpans, cutting off the officers. "pacifica southeast and the pines kid are innocent. we were the ones responsible behind the—"
"mason pines you shut your mouth right now!" mabel snaps, momentarily breaking through her façade, before realizing her slight error and giggles it off.
"heh, what i mean to say officers, is that my poor brother must be concussed and clearly has no idea what he's saying—heh—right, dipper?"
"hmm..." he hums, tapping his chin in thought, "i don't think so, i remember someone shoving me... causing me to fall from seventy feet high..."
staring at mabel, dipper gives a smirk her way before swiftly referring to the hand in his front pocket, revealing only a sliver of a small, black, flash drive.
then he leans close, whispering to his sister: "now wouldn't exactly be the best time to put our enemies incarcerated, mabel. don't forget who saved your butt from meeting death just a moment ago."
mabel growls for a moment, then takes a deep breath before she speaks again.
"as a matter of fact... it was all a misunderstanding, officers. gideon and pacifica were saving us," mabel explains, pulling gideon close to her for a peck on the cheek: "my heroes!"
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it has been weeks since pacifica had left dipper's place for the last time, and obviously, the heartbroken blonde hadn't heard from the four-eyed dork.
good riddance, she thought bitterly. as if it was any surprise.
but as the days turn from weeks to months, pacifica knew she needed to leave the house. the fluorescent lights and chandeliers in her family mansion wasn't doing much to help her tan... but what to do...
she starts by walking to dusk2dawn, the same darn convenience store where she met her ex-boyfriend.
yeah, smart move there, northwest.
as pacifica reaches for the smile dip, mainly to take a closer look at it, she can't help but to overhear some commotion going on by the register.
"i've heard some strange stories about that old shack, strange and spooky experiments..."
"gosh, i'd pay anything to see what sort of shenanigans you've got going down in there."
no... could it be?
when the curious blonde sets down the smile dip and heads to the front, she couldn't believe her eyes on what's happening before her.
it was a woman. she looked like her ex-boyfriend. similar build, similar facial features. her appearance could easily mistake anybody for dipper, but the fact that this was clearly a woman kept pacifica's mind focused.
what is this lady doing here in gravity falls? why does she look like dipper pines?? and why is she claiming to live where he lives???
"what is your name, you madam of mystery?"
"uh ma—" the woman takes a brief pause, "mason pines. parents thought i would come out a boy, so you can call me dipper."
pacifica gasps, but covers her mouth to avoid drawing attention. she stumbles back, then rushes out of the store.
dipper, where are you?
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"when are you going to start opening your gifts? i broke a nail wrapping mine."
as pacifica holds up her taped-up hands with an amused smirk, the pines twins laugh along, picking up their gifts—though none of them were from pacifica.
not that she minded. in fact, she hoped that no one else would watch as dipper got to opening her present. she didn't think it was much special, so it must've been embarrassing in comparison to the other gifts the twins will receive, especially after losing northwest manor to preserve their fortune—but she did put a lot of thought into them.
after selling her parents' yacht and her last pony, she hoped that the presents she prepared for both dipper and mabel would be enough. more than enough, ideally.
"oh, pacifica! i think this one is from you!"
dipper's voice pulls her out from her thoughts. he gives her a big smile as he holds up the gift box, which is evidently, poorly wrapped. everyone else sees this, all of them giving her looks.
unable to take all this attention, pacifica's cheeks flush red, rushing towards dipper before pulling him over to the side of the mystery shack.
"whoa, sorry! i didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed," he immediately apologizes to her, reassuring her that it was never his intention, "if it makes you feel any better, i did so much worse my very first time gift-wrapping."
the two share a laugh, followed by a single nudge from pacifica.
"just open it, dork."
"you don't have to tell me twice."
so, dipper rips his gift open, revealing a book with a written note placed on top of the cover.
something to go with that new journal mabel got for you - paz :)
"you got me a revised, updated copy of anomalous phenomena!? anomalous phenomena was one of the books grunkle ford studied after university! how did you get a hold of one of these?!"
"i'd be lying if i said i didn't ask around for help," pacifica answers, looking a bit bashful, "mabel suggested i talk to ford, and he told me about the book. apparently, fewer and fewer copies of the book get made with every revised edition, so i called in some favours. it did cost me my last pony and my parents' yacht, but after everything you've done for me—i mean, the town—it's worth it."
she really has changed, he thought. and to think, this was the same girl who bought her way to keep up her family's fraudulent past, who actively tried to humiliate his sister every chance she got.
it can't be, not since he can't see her that way anymore.
so, dropping the gifts to the ground, pacifica lets out a small yelp as she is caught off guard by dipper's arms wrapping around her; pulling her in for an embrace.
"thanks, paz. i couldn't have asked for a better birthday gift."
returning the hug, she rests her head on his shoulder. "don't mention it, dork."
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i'm watching you
at the gleeful manor, dipper and mabel haven't been getting any sleep. not since they've brought will to the edge and emancipated himself from their family.
where will has been tortured day-by-day, he has generously returned the favour to the gleeful twins nightly.
but today, mabel isn't having it.
"ugh! how the hack can we defend ourselves against will if we only have the second journal?! everything we know, will has a way to counter-act it!"
"you know, if you keep pacing like that, you're going to burn a hole into the ground."
mabel stops pacing at her brother's words, noticing how much she actually had been pacing. she groans in frustration, all while dipper smiles into his phone.
"you know, instead of being completely useless, you could help me—considering will's going to be after you, too?"
"i could..." dipper chimes back, "but where's the fun in that?"
"are you implying that staring at those not-so-secret creepy photos you take of the southeast girl is more fun than helping me? your own sister??"
"pacifica saved our lives, mabel."
"you heard her—she's done with you. why don’t you just move on like the rest of the human race?"
but if there is anything to know about the gleefuls, it's that they are indeed stubborn.
“how could i have moved on when i’ve never been infatuated at all?”
as if the timing couldn't have been any more perfect, mabel's phone buzzes.
"besides, i suppose your recovery in getting over gideon has been going spendidly, is that correct?"
“you better watch that mouth of yours since will’s not around to protect it anymore,” mabel threatens, turning away from her twin and picks up her phone.
“looks like my widdle giddy-widdy’s going golfing with—” she shivers before finishing, “pacifica.”
dipper sighs, putting his phone down.
“i’ll call soos to bring the car up front.”
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"thanks for visiting the mystery shack! come back soon!"
as dipper waves off the last customer of the day, she goes back inside to close the front door; turning the sign from 'OPEN' to 'CLOSED'.
what she didn't notice, however, was that there was a stranger out in the woods nearby... hiding in the bushes...
wait, it was not just any stranger...
"alright, you con-artist..."
pacifica mumbles to herself as she observes the shop owner as closely as she can, though the windows prove themselves a difficult task for the blonde.
"i don't know what you've done with my—i mean—the real dipper pines..."
the merchant remains on the sales floor, adjusting, tidying, and restocking product. it looks like... she has even more knick-knacks to display, and...
oh god, that does not look fashionable at all...
pacifica shakes her head, getting her focus back.
"i don't even know who you are... but i know you're not good news..."
she looks down at the notebook before her, filled with notes and sketches of some sort...
maybe you're not such a dummy after all... she thinks to herself, reminiscing her former partner, hopefully these parts of your research will be enough to find you...
pacifica reflects on one of her many dates with dipper, this one taking place in her room at northwest manor...
"whatcha working on there, dummy?"
pacifica's question pulls dipper out of his thoughts, turning away from the open notebook before him to face her. he chuckles before answering her.
"you'll see..." he replies as he concludes his notes, "... and there!"
upon finishing, dipper tucks his pen back in his pocket, closes the notebook shut, before handing it to his girlfriend.
"what... is this? you know i can't understand all this anomaly junk like you do..." she says, chuckling afterwards.
"you're selling yourself short, paz," he speaks as he places a hand on top of hers; which is on the notebook. "you're smarter than you realize. when you put your mind into things, you excel at them..."
he then looks back at her, making direct eye contact with his partner.
"... this isn't to say that i want you to get into this life with me... i could never force you to do what you are not interested in... but i have a feeling, paz. a gut feeling... that i may be getting in too deep, that i'm about to discover some truths that will come with dark consequences..."
"dipper... don't scare me like this..."
"sorry, pacifica. i didn't mean to... but it's the truth. this research of mine—i have a feeling that someday, i won't be as careful as i usually am... so when that happens..."
he looks back down at the notebook, causing pacifica to look down as well.
"let this notebook help you. it may not be as detailed as the journals—but this information is still important. i'm going to need someone that i can trust and count on to help me if i get myself in trouble."
she's silent for a moment, taking in her boyfriend's words: "... but you're gonna be safe, right? if this is very serious, maybe candy would be a better—"
"it has to be you, pacifica. i trust you."
as she finished her reminiscence, she looks back up from the notebook to the newly-opened 'mystery shack'—catching the right moment that dipper inputs some sort of code into the vending machine, creating a secret passage for her to enter through.
"i'm going to save you, dipper. i promise."
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"so this is it... you're really leaving, huh?"
dipper is in shock to see pacifica northwest standing at the front door of the mystery shack as he is about to leave it for the final time this summer.
she looks at his bags, then back at him as she makes her comment: "i guess gravity falls is about to have two less dorks once again... heh, g-good riddance."
her voice trembles a bit toward the end of her words, clearly saddened by the twins' upcoming departure.
yet, dipper gives pacifica a soft smile in reassurance.
"it was bound to happen sooner or later... but you did it. you finally got rid of us, right?"
she sniffles, but gives a chuckle, "right."
"hey... it's not like we'll never talk again. we have each others' numbers—well, you have mabel's and we have yours. we'll always be a call away from each other."
pacifica's eyes begin to water, trying to keep up her act up: "ha! l-like i'd ever miss you or your weird sister..."
she crosses her arms, turning her head away, but he sees right through her.
pulling her in for a hug, he whispers in her ear.
"i'll miss you too, pacifica."
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as a crowd gathers around pacifica, at the final hole, she gets her golf club ready; a determined look written across her face.
from afar, the gleeful twins and observe with two wildly different facial reactions: mabel's being of digust and unimpressed, while dipper looks rather bemused and intrigued.
as the golf ball makes it way through the final hole, it becomes merely inches away from a hole-in-one, which draws further attention from the gleefuls.
so close... so, so close... is it going to—
but right as dipper thinks about it, the ball misses the hole by some centimetres, swerving around it and landing in a muddy puddle.
"pathetic, isn't it, diphead?" mabel taunts, "anyways, it's about time to show that loser how a real golfer plays, right?"
dipper scoffs, "whatever."
with that, the gleeful twins make their appearance known to gideon and pacifica: mabel sucks up to gideon as usual, but he rejects her advances and reacts uncomfortably.
dipper goes back to his antics, as well. he steps closer to pacifica, taking a bow, as well as her hand. however, this time, she quickly pulls her hand back and gives him the cold shoulder.
"what gives, sunshine? c'mon, let me see that contagious, cute smile of yours, huh?"
pacifica doesn't say anything back, but only frowns deeper.
"can't you guys just leave us alone?" gideon asks, breaking the silence, "you two have been enough trouble for us this summer!"
then pacifica finally speaks up, only looking back at mabel: "and apparently now we can't even play golf without you two stereotypical horror-movie murderous magical twins lurking over us!"
mabel gasps in disgust, but dipper is dumbfounded... maybe even impressed?
"oh, it's so on."
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oh, dipper... what have you done?
as he wakes up, dipper finds himself in... he can't even begin to describe his surroundings. though, to sum it all up in one word: unnatural. yeah, that's the word.
even though he could try to pin all the blame on her, deep down, dipper knew he had no one else to blame but himself for putting himself where he is right now.
"bill! you lied to me! where does that portal really lead?!"
"oh-ho! looks like mister brainiac finally got smart! let's just say, when that portal's complete—your dimension's gonna know how to party!"
"no, i'll stop you! i'll shut it down!"
"a deal's a deal, pine tree! you can't stop the bridge between our world from coming, but it would be fun to watch you try! cute even!"
good going, dipper! he berates himself in thought, internally facepalming, if you didn't build that dumb portal, you wouldn't even be in this mess!
after lamenting his current situation, dipper thinks of his loved ones, those that he's come to realize—he's just left behind.
pacifica... oh, god—pacifica...and █████... take care of yourselves, please.
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in the first month since they've returned home in piedmont, dipper and mabel were stuck in a loop between sleeping and hour-long calls to friends back in gravity falls while bringing their parents into the loop of their family lore as well as going back to school.
sadly, they couldn't make time to talk to their grunkles as much as the likes of wendy and soos, but, given that the stan brothers needed time for themselves to catch up with each other, the mystery twins weren't bothered in the slightest.
in fact, there was so much that was happening—with melody permanently moving in with soos and his abuela to assist her boyfriend's new promotion in the mystery shack, wendy working less hours as she faces another year of hell— high school along with the rest of the group, and the friends of the twins who were closer in age also preparing their return to school.
"you can stop smirking, dipstick, we both know i'm not enjoying this."
pacifica orders as she looks at her phone screen, currently on a video call with dipper... on mabel's phone, that is.
"c'mon, public school isn't as gross as you think it is, paz..."
"it's not just that... i just— i don't know how people will treat me... after, yunno..."
"hey," dipper smiles empathetically, trying to reassure her, "we've been over this. candy and grenda promised they'd take care of you and have your back."
"i know, i know..." she waves it off, knowing all that worry to be a waste of energy, "it's all too surreal though... like i'm trying to wrap my head around it. after all, a lot has changed for the northwests since we've had to sell the mansion."
"well, at least you can take this fresh start with a sense of pride, right? you could change what it means to be a northwest. make something honest of yourself and bring truth to your heritage. you were the chosen one!"
pacifica giggles at dipper's clichéd humour, "speaking of... lazy suzan said she'd be glad to take me in. something about needing an extra set of hands at the diner—another pretty girl to reel in some empty stomachs with full wallets."
"she's not getting any younger, right?" he asks.
"more like, she could only handle so many customers at a time."
"you'd make a pretty cute waitress, greasy's won't know what hit 'em."
heat instantly rises in pacifica's cheeks at dipper's sudden comment, immediately taken aback by his words.
although it looks as if dipper didn't fully register what he was saying either, as his facial reaction practically mirrored pacifica's as soon as the words left his mouth.
"you're getting too clever at sucking up for your own good... before you know it, i'll be hearing about a new girlfriend by the time you come back to gravity falls, huh?"
pacifica tucks a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear, revealing more of her face along with her signature purple hoop earring; to which dipper's blush intensifies.
"maybe... it's not a bad thing, right?"
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"i will sue you! i will sue you and i will own you!"
gideon, pacifica, and dipper share a victorious look as mabel threatens the lilliputtians from the outside of the gold course. though, those looks were wiped off their faces as soon as the latter turns back to look at them.
"look, i don't have any idea what just happened right now," mabel speaks, pointing a finger at pacifica, "but if you think—"
the guilt-ridden blonde cuts off the angry mage, handing her a turquoise-colored sticker with bubbly text which reads 'i a-paw-logize', featuring a mini illustration of a small—yet adorable—puppy.
"i'm sorry mabel," pacifica apologizes, rubbing her arm in shame, "i should've let you beat me fair-and-square."
mabel looks down at the sticker in her hand, inspecting it with a look of indifference as she raises her eyebrow. then, after a small moment, she looks back up at her arch-rival; reverting back to her casual behaviour, but visibly calmer.
she replies as she pats the sticker on her teal polo, "you're just lucky this sticker looks good on me."
pacifica smiles, a sense of hope and the idea of finally leaving this feud between them in the past. although mabel isn't as joyous, a hint of a grin graces her face, showing that the feeling is mutual.
then, a tap on the former's shoulder along with the sound of someone clearing their throat causes pacifica to turn around, finding the other gleeful twin holding a rose, looking more shy and sympathetic than he's ever been in his life.
"i believe i owe you an apology as well, sunshine," dipper says nervously, "it wasn't right to toy with someone's feelings, especially somebody who's kindhearted as you—"
"can it, gleeful." pacifica cuts off coldly, which is rather out of character for the bubbly blonde.
"you've got to try harder if you think i'm trusting you again."
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twenty years have passed...
twenty years since dipper had mysteriously disappeared... the real dipper pines, that is...
and as much as pacifica hated to admit it... the search for her former partner is getting more and more difficult with each passing day.
when she looks at herself in the mirror first thing in the morning, she doesn't even recognize herself anymore, but it wasn't her looks she was thinking about... in fact, she aged gracefully and managed to stay as radiant as ever.
though, as someone who's been self-absorbed in their personal vanity throughout their whole life, pacifica doesn't see the point anymore. what's a couple wrinkles compared to losing someone who actually meant something to her?
so instead of the natural blonde that remains in her hair, or her designer top, pacifica looks into her eyes and sees someone who's stopped living twenty years ago.
in her reflection, pacifica sees nothing more than a shell of who she used to be.
however, today, she decides to try something different. since she's heard word of the new twins that have come to town, descendants of 'dipper' that are staying in gravity falls for the summer.
especially the six-fingered child. something about him reminds pacifica of the man she once dated—but she can't put her finger on it...
she goes to her walk-in closet, rummaging through the deepest corners to pull out... a-ha!
it wasn't anything special, no name to it, unlike her designer top, but the worn-out, slightly oversized cotton orange shirt brought some warmth to pacifica's cheeks as well as a heartfelt smile.
so, she replaces her slim-fitting lavender top with the worn-out shirt. seriously, it's a miracle how this shirt hasn't managed to get any moth holes in it or gradually fall apart after multiple washes...
then again, as long as that shirt's in pacifica's care, she can take care of that shirt for as long as she's willing to.
she has to—because it means that one day, he'll come back, and who knows if he needs something decent to wear.
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after a few more months pass since the young pines twins have returned home, christmas has come to both piedmont and gravity falls—and though the feeling is supposed to be merry all around, it's not exactly the case for either dipper and mabel this holiday season.
with the possibility of their parents' separation being more and more of a reality each day, it's also becoming more and more difficult to keep spirits up—even for the shooting star.
but not all hope is lost—because today, the pines family has gone out to do their christmas shopping, and mabel was obviously looking forward to restocking on yarn for more sweaters to knit for her friends and family back in oregon.
dipper on the other hand, was stuck. not only did he not have the slightest clue on what to get for the others, but his mind was simply too pre-occupied with his parents' situation to even distract himself by consumerist indulgence.
"hel-lo! earth to dipper!"
the sound of mabel's voice was enough to pull her brother from his thoughts.
"c'mon bro-bro, i'm all stocked on yarn but you haven't touched anything yet... what gives?"
he sighs, clearly not interested in talking about their current familial situation, "i just... don't know what to get anyone. stan and ford are practically neck-deep with treasure, soos and melody are more interested in raising funds to improve the shack, wendy and her family are visiting relatives out-of-town, and pacifica—"
"ooh, pacifica~" mabel teases in a singsongy tone, smirking.
dipper blushes, but continues: "pacifica has everything. well, she lost all her ponies and the yacht after weirdmaggedon, but what do you get someone who has the money to get anything?"
as he crosses his arms, dipper leans back against a nearby wall and sinks down to the ground; bowing his head into his arms as if suggesting defeat.
so, mabel sits down as well, placing a hand on his shoulder: "dipper, you're the smart one here. if i was the one upset about being unable to find the right gift, what would you say?"
he raises his head slightly, giving only a peek at his sister: "i dunno, something about how christmas shouldn't be about gifts, but the people you care about?"
"ding-ding-ding!" she cheers, smiling proudly.
"okay, but it doesn't change anything. stan and ford are probably still out in the middle of the atlantic or pacific ocean or whatever, wendy's not even in town, and everyone else is with their own families. so what does that solve?"
the once bright, encouraging grin on mabel's face begins to falter, disheartened by dipper's sadness.
however, he catches sight of this, beginning to feel worse by his own actions. after all, his sister was only trying to lift his spirits and make him feel better. he told her what had been going on between their parents before they left for gravity falls in the beginning of the summer, and she's been trying to look at the bright side even more than usual.
this christmas might've not been perfect, but mabel was trying to make the most of it... maybe dipper should as well.
"i'm sorry, mabel. i've been too much of a buzzkill. the holidays have just been sucky this year... we've never known our family outside of california, but now that we do, i guess i wish we could've gotten together this year. things haven't been great since mom and dad... yunno... and things aren't getting better..."
"i know, dipper." mabel says, a mix of bitterness and disappointment in her voice.
"—but we have each other. we've had each other our whole lives, so at least there's one thing that can save this christmas from completely being the worst."
mabel sniffles, holding back her tears as she smiles at her brother.
"let's go home, bro-bro... i have a feeling that it'll feel better being there than at the mall."
so, the pines family leave the mall, returning home to rest before dinner. while mabel is beginning to knit sweaters for candy and grenda with the help of waddles, dipper plays dungeons, dungeons, and more dungeons with their father; leaving their mother to cook dinner for the family.
however, beknownst to her children, mrs. pines prepares a dinner that is definitely much more than four stomachs to fill.
as the family is occupied with their own activities, the ring of the doorbell along with a knock at the front door gets the attention of everyone in the household.
"dipper, mabel, could one of you please get the door?" their mother asks, remaining at the stove.
"not it!"
"not it—augh."
mr. pines smiles at his son amusedly, nudging his head towards the door.
"maybe next time, dip."
getting up from the floor, dipper walks towards the front door.
who could it be? he asks in thought, it wouldn't make sense if it was a food delivery, especially when's mom's already cooking.
nevertheless, dipper turns the doorknob, to which he's met with—
he couldn't believe it.
"grunkle stan?! grunkle ford?! soos?! melody?!"
as their names take mabel away from her knitting, she dashes towards the front; squealing and jumping into the arms of her grunkles.
"you've made it! you really made it!"
dipper, taken aback by his sister's words, asks, "mabel, what are you talking about? they never told us they were coming."
"correction, bro-bro: they never told you they were coming," mabel says, "but actually, they didn't tell me they were coming—not if i was the one to invite them over!"
"what?! what about mom and dad?"
"why do you think mom's been cooking a lot since we got back home?"
the sound of their dad's voice causes dipper to turn around. jaw dropping, his shock intensifies as he realizes that their parents were in it too.
"we totally got you dude!" soos exclaims, laughing with melody, "just look at the look on your face!"
"what about candy? grenda?? wendy???" mabel asks excitedly, tugging on stan's dress-shirt.
"sorry, pumpkin," stan apologies nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, "of course they wanted to come over, but they have their own families to spend the holidays with. i hope you're not too upset, honey."
"besides, you still have one friend who'd rather drop dead than spend christmas with her own family, anyways."
as the four visitors step aside, another familiar face is revealed to be in their company.
same old blonde bangs and bouffant, same atlantic eyes, but in place of her signature purple eyeshadow, she wears silver with a subtle red to frame her eyelids paired with a slightly-muted matte red lipstick. instead of her diamond-shaped earrings, are diamond-encrusted snowflakes, her classic purple outfit replaced with a lake foam green chiffon dress stopping at the knee with a fur wrap that is white as snow, finally completing the look with a pair of pumped-up silver louboutins (remember, pacifica is less rich, not flat-out broke).
"pacifica?" dipper says, his cheeks turning into a very faint pink.
"lied to my parents that i was going to the bahamas with tiffany, alexis, and tiffany's parents—thank god they make good alibis."
mabel's squeals cut off the blonde as she rushes over to her old enemy-turned-frenemy-turned-friend; the former pulling the latter into a crushing hug.
"AHH! PACIFICA!!" mabel screams in excitement. "i'm so glad you're here with us for christmas!"
"so, you must be the pacifica our mabel and dipper have been telling us about," mrs. pines approaches, rubbing her hands off on a kitchen towel, "i've heard a lot of things about you."
the child's eyes widen, immediately turning bashful: "um, more good things than bad, right?"
"of course," mr. pines answers, "we knew mabel would take a liking to you, but dipper? well, i—"
"okay!" dipper intervenes, laughing rather too loudly for comfort. he takes pacifica's hand, leading her into their home. "i think that's enough of that! everyone, come in!"
pacifica giggles at the boy's awkwardness, her cheeks growing a tad warm.
"glad to see you too, nerd."
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"my wittle giddy-widdy! i need your help—"
"you're the worst."
and with that, gideon shuts the door, already heading back to the armchair before he hears the same pounding on the front door a second time.
"mabel?! let me answer!" pacifica beams in excitement, causing gideon to shrug and continue to make his way back to the television.
"go nuts," he deadpans.
"hey, mabel!" pacifica waves, smiling brightly, "what brings you here?"
"oh, hey pacifica," mabel replies, instantly losing her enthusiasm, "there's something haunting gleeful manor—"
"it's true, sunshine," dipper says, smiling at her, "if your cousin can't help us, our party could be ruined."
"okay, first of all, you're the worst." pacifica narrows her eyes, glaring daggers at the gleeful brother before turning back to his twin, "the party? you mean the same party your family throws at gleeful manor every year?!"
"yes, this party," mabel answers indifferently.
"hmm..." the blonde hums, tapping her chin in false thought, "i suppose i can convince gideon to help you guys."
"really?!" mabel asks, suddenly beaming.
"i guess..." pacifica draws out in response, "but in exchange, he's going to need three extra tickets to the party."
gideon's attention breaks away from the television once more, returning to the front door to clarify what he just heard. he tugs his cousin's arm, pulling her aside to speak to her in private.
"pazzy, these are the gleefuls! the same pair of twins who tried to kill us earlier this summer?!" he says in a hushed voice.
"but it's tiffany and alexis' dream!" she explains.
the two then turn to pacifica's friends, still by the television.
gideon then sighs in defeat, turning back to dipper and mabel.
"you heard her, it's three tickets or nothing."
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"aah! i don't understand—what could i have possibly done to warrant this much arrest?!"
today's the day. after twenty years, pacifica had finally done it. she had caught that imposter; resolving the last piece in the puzzle to bring back dipper pines.
stepping outside of the government-owned vehicle, she joins agents lee rianda and nate menville, smiling victoriously as an officer pins the person identifying as 'dipper pines' onto the hood of the car, placing handcuffs onto her wrists.
agent menville takes out a tablet, displaying it in front of the felon, revealing footage of a government waste facility.
"at 0400 hours last night, we've noticed footage of an unknown party stealing three hundred gallons of hazardous waste."
"that's not me!"
pacifica, having just about enough of this con-artist's cover-up, steps up, raising a finger, pushing dipper's chin up.
"don't play dumb, pines. we all know it's you. you're as guilty as stealing that nuclear waste just as much as you're guilty for committing identity theft and causing a disappearance!"
the northwest was by no means, as smart as her ex-partner, but she used her strengths where they were needed.
she had connections. people she knew who specialized in genealogy, the kind of people who could scientifically prove that the apprehended woman before everyone wasn't really the person she claimed to be.
because of this, the evidence made the poor woman all the more incriminating to the government agents; fueling the grounds on which she were to be arrested for.
"miss northwest, you're making a mistake! sure, grauntie dipper might shoplift the occasional sticker sheet here and there, but she wouldn't make herself a threat to national security."
feeling guilty for the confusion and childlike naïvety that the young stanley pines was experiencing, she walks over to him, squatting down to his level and placing a empathetic hand on his shoulder.
"look, hon, these guys may have been watching your grauntie all summer—but i've known about her ever since i've moved here. i know i've been nothing but civil to you ever since you boys have come to town, but what you need to know is that your grauntie is not what she seems."
"you're lying!" stan accuses, pointing a finger up at her. "a-are you?"
"i wish i was... but the truth is... uglier than i'd like to talk about."
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A/N: that's the end of the first part! if you want more, don't worry! i have a lot more coming! unfortunately, i reached the limit of 30 photos per post, so i'm going to have to make this a two-parter! basically, what i wanted to do here is work on three arcs in one! the thing that i really love about gravity falls, really comes down the endless possibilities! i've heard so much about the reverse falls au, but the relativity falls au is also brand-new to me. also, when it comes down to it, i really am just a sucker for multiverses (one of my first gravity falls fanfics was a crossover between this show and rick and morty—it was for a creative writing class in high school). i'm not sure if i'm 100% certain if i'm going to post the second part, because if anything, this was mainly me yapping about how i see dipcifica becoming official in not just the canon universe, but also the other au's i've included here. but if this turns out to be interesting for you guys, i might as well try to finish it.
in the meantime—please please please tell me what you think of this! i wanna know about your guys' interpretations of dipcifica in both canon+other au's! or maybe just other au's in general, since there are slightly different interpretations in both relative and relativity falls... i noticed that i've had more fun writing relativity falls, probably because that au is more new to me than reverse falls...
now that i'm yapping here, i gotta cut this short and get into the next part of this... fic?
and if you actually read through all this and got to this part—thank you so much :') it's been fun writing this so far, especially since this has heavily distracted me from the pain of my wisdom teeth extractions.
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imsparky2002 · 2 months
Miraculous Animal AU
Hey everyone! Just thought I'd introduce an AU that will feature for JuleRose July. It's an AU where everyone is an ordinary animal on a special farm. Today we'll look at the Akuma Class (along with some extras)
Marinette the Ladybug - A lively yet clumsy lil ladybug who doesn't let her small stature prevent her in helping her friends. She's needed for making sure the farm's crops are healthy and loves munching on aphids and nectar. She's always flitting around, looking for inspiration for her designs, even if they are incredibly tiny.
Adrien the Cat - A kind and curious cat with golden fur. A total cinnamon roll, Adrien's always there to lend a paw. He can be a bit naive about the world at times, which can get him into trouble. He absolutely adores Marinette, as well as his fellow mates Kagami and Luka. Give him some catnip, and he shows a more wild side!
Alya the Fox - Alya is a crafty and corageous fox who's always yipping about news she heard from the other farms nearby. Farmer Caline even set up a little blog for her to report her findings. Unfortunately, humans can't understand her yet. She often finds herself debunking her fellow fox Lila's fibs. She also cares deeply for her turntable-loving turtle Nino.
Nino the Turtle - Slow and steady is Nino's motto. He's as chillaxed as they come and doesn't mind taking his time. The turtle thinks of himself as a DJ, which really means he likes climbing onto the record player and spinning on hit. If he needs to unwind, he'll often pop into his shell.
Chloe the Bee - Chloe is always buzzing around flaunting her status as a queen bee, even if she's a a lowly worker. She can be full of herself and snobby at times, but get to know her and you'll see she can be sweet as the honey she produces. Her mates Lila and Sabrina know this firsthand. When she's not flying around with her sister Zoe or racing for pollen and nectar with Marinette, she likes to fly into rich human's parties.
Max the Horse - Only a tad larger than a pony, Max is more of a nerdhorse than a workhorse. You'll often find him trotting around, either trying to make an invention or nudging his special ball while neighing about something dorky. He's not too much of a fan of people riding him, but he won't buck you off unless you harm him. Otherwise you'll just get an annoyed snort.
Alix the Bunny - Easly the fastest in the farm, Alix is a cocky and energetic rabbit who's tasked with the job of keeping track of time. She makes sure everybody's present for a meeting or for bedtime. Despite being pint-sized, she packs a mean kick and will school her friends in parkour.
Kim the Monkey - A mischevious and cheeky simian, Kim often sneaks out of the farm for some monkey business. He loves playing pranks on his friends, usually escaping by swinging on special bars and vines created by Farmer Caline. He's also quite athletic, meaning he and Ivan often build up their strength together. He happens to love and cherish a heron by the name of Ondine, who flies in every now and again.
Mylene the Mouse - A timid and talented little mouse, Mylene often scurries aroud the farm, observing things that her bigger friends may have missed. She loves cheese and the stage, and puts on little shows for the others. It's here where she stops being so shy and stands out from the crowd. Juleka and Adrien care for the mouse, but also love chasing her. She finds it fun, knowing they wouldn't harm her, and even pops in their mouth so that they can carry her when she's tired.
Ivan the Ox - A burly ox with a gentle soul. Ivan's the main bodyguard of the farm and is always practicing his headbutting. He loves to graze and listens to heavy metal music through the record player. Ivan and Mylene are mates, always taking time to snuggle or nudge eachother. He's very protective of his friends as well, especially Nathaniel, as a fellow horned mammal.
Sabrina the Dog - A loyal dog and a faithful assistant, Sabrina's always got a watchful eye on the farm. She and the felines love to chase eachother, and Sabrina often works with Max on keeping track of the farm's resources. She's always there to be Chloe and Lila's right-hand girl, as they are her loving mates. Still, she can't resist when one of her friends throws a stick or tells her to roll over.
Juleka the Tiger - A majestic purple tiger with a love for darkness, goth stuff and meat. She's quite timid, and it takes a lot for her to let out more than a quiet growl. Still she can't help but roar with joy whenever her favorite pig waddles into her arms. Her and Rose are mates and she often protects the little oinker from harm. She also likes to model tiny hats from Marinette, and going for a swim in the water.
Rose the Pig - A perky perfume-loving pig. For Rose, an awesome day is when she gets to roll in mud, smell Farmer Caline's perfume, and dig into a nice bowl of slop. She also loves Juleka and they'll often sing songs together, even if it comes out in the form of squeals and roars. It's very hard to put a frown on her face. She also sneaks out to go to fast food chains, oinking at them to stop eating her species.
Nathaniel the Goat - Nathaniel is a goat with a love for art and those funny books that Farmer Caline leaves out. He's more keen to munch on a tin can and lovingly headbutt Marc than take part in the farm's more wacky adventures. Often the snarker of the group, Nathaniel's always there to clean the land in the farm and bump people to show affection. He's also a huge fan of art, and bleats with joy whenever he sees a painting, inspired to make one himself.
Marc the Rooster - Marc's crows wake everyone up in the morning, but he's not usually a screamer. An anxious and skittish rooster, Marc's always staying close to someone. He's always watching for potential predators or if other birds from Farmer Olga, Farmer Alonzo and Farmer Dahlia's groups come by. He loves to write, and is always clucking and flicking a book. He and Nathaniel have a comic together, which is really just Nathaniel's hoofprints from dipped paint, and Marc pecking little rips into the paper. The others love it and think it's a masterpiece.
Luka the Snake - A relaxed and musical viper, Luka loves to slither around the farm, usually resolving conflicts or sharing his songs with others. He and Juleka see eachother as twins, since they were born in the very same barnstall. He often hisses words of wisdom to his sister and loves to coil around Marinette, Adrien and Kagami, his mates. He, Ivan, Juleka and Rose have a "band", but really it's just the group of them making noise with their mouths and bodies.
Kagami the Komodo Dragon - Though she may be cold-blooded like Luka, they both share a warm heart for their mates and friends. Kagami often crawls around the farm, practicing her fencing skills with a small stick in her mouth. A stoic, she feels as though it is more important to keep calm and carry on. Though she does get a bit competitive and will easily agree to dares put on by Kim and Alix.
Lila the Fox - The other fox in the group, Lila likes to tell tall-tales when she feels insecure about herself. She also has an adorable rivalry with Alya, which to humans, just looks like the two of them hissing and yipping at eachother, while their mates nudge at them to stop. She likes messing with Marinette, since her reactions make the fox giggle. Still, she cares deeply for her friends and especially her two mates.
This took some time to think of, but I'm happy with the result! Stay tuned for Ondine and the other Science Kids, then the Recess Kids and finally the Theatre Kids! Make sure to comment, reblog and like for more! @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Do you have some background to spare for the Andrew First AU?
Andrew First
Background info in general because this one is a little bit more nebulous than the Math Nerd AU but this is ANOTHER one of those time travel AUs that I've mentioned live rent free in my head.
In this one, Andrew regains his memories FIRST. It's while he's still in high school that he remembers his other life. He realizes that Neil is still ALIVE right now and he wants to find him. He also realizes that well...why not get filthy rich off of his memory? Like lotto numbers, the rise and fall of companies, and what remains of his share of Tilda's insurance money is all right there.
Besides, he has NO idea where Neil is right now. He knows where Neil will be in like half a year though. So he makes a shitload of money, gets Aaron into rehab, pays for Nicky to go visit Erik, and he contacts the Moriyamas to buy the right to Nathaniel Wesninski. It's heinously expensive but of course it is, it's Neil, he's worth every penny.
Then Andrew sets out to find whoever Neil Josten is right now.
It's not his Neil but it's Neil and Andrew will never love him the way he had loved his Neil but he loves Neil no matter what. He's made plans y'see? He wrote 'em down because even if his memory is perfect sometimes it's easier to plan when it's solid and in front of you.
Except when he finds this Neil, scared bleeding and trying to get away from Mary and Nathan, it's his Neil. They reunite and Andrew lets Neil know that the Moriyamas don't own him anymore, no one does.
Andrew brings Neil home to Columbia and Nicky and Aaron are confused by it when they get back but eventually are fine with the new housemate. It's all okay, good even, and then Neil sees the 'plans' and realizes that Andrew hasn't done any of them with him. The thought hits him that Andrew maybe...wanted the not quite so fucked up Neil Josten.
Neil runs because he really can't handle Andrew being disappointed that it's him. (This is the furthest thing from the truth but y'know what this is my quasi-angst fic so I get to make the misunderstandings).
Andrew is despondent but Andrew gets an offer from Wymack.
Neil will never give up Exy right? Neil's a fox. He'll come back home for Exy. Then Andrew can fix this.
Andrew is even surlier his freshman year because he wants Neil back, he's unmedicated, and he has to deal with these fifth year assholes again.
Then Kevin Day is there and it's slightly better to have something to focus on. There's a difference this time though and the USC offers Kevin a chance for some spring training for his hand. Andrew figures it's butterfly effect. Kevin goes for 2 weeks and comes back for a bit to rest his hand. Kevin is floating, he's elated, he just had the time of his LIFE.
He mentions that the USC has signed a striker for next season.
It's Neil.
Thus begins Andrew's courtship of one Neil Abram Josten of the USC Trojans.
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artzychic27 · 2 months
Nathaniel and Marc date night in the DC AU!
It’s a quiet, peaceful noon in Paris… Or it would be if Marinette weren’t behind the wheel of a sports car she managed to hotwire. Civilians jump out of the way as the car races through the streets, the howling laughter of the five villain kids making chills go down their spines
Juleka: Can’t this go any faster? She points to the two police cars tailing them
Marinette: Relax, kitty, I happen to be an excellent driver. She drives through three red lights and nearly runs over a crossing guard Fuck! I missed! Alix, light my fireworks cannon, would ya? It’s under my seat.
Alix: FUCK YEAH! She grabs a handheld cannon and lights the wick. In a few seconds the firework shoots out of the cannon and hurdles for the police cars. Before they veer out of the way, the firework is suddenly stopped mid-air in a floating sphere of water Fun’s over.
Rose looks in the rear view mirror and sees the Hero class after them
Rose: Ugh! We didn’t get to rob the jewelry store yet! She summons several vines that spurt from the ground and grab hold of Aurore and Mireille. A few try to ensnare Simon, but he manages to outrun them and get them tangled
Jean: Serit rieht nettalf!
When the purple aura of Jean’s magic encases the tires of the sports car, they quickly flatten and the car stops in the middle of the road
Marinette: FUCK! Do you know how hard it was to make Juleka sneak into that rich dick’s mansion, then mess up the security system and then let us in?! She pulls out a tank of laughing gas and sprays it toward the heroes
Reshma rapidly flaps her wings to fans the laughing gas away, and Lacey, in the form of an octopus is thrown by Denise at Marinette
Marinette: Trying to pry Lacey off of her face GET THIS CTHULU MOTHERFUCKER OFF OF ME!
Ismael zaps the vines with his laser eyes while Denise fends off against Alix, blocking her scratches with their bracelets. Juleka repeatedly avoids Zoé’s bird-a-rangs.
Noticing Ismael coming up behind her about to use his ice breath, Juleka leaps into the air, and Ismael ends up freezing Mireille instead from the neck-down.
Ismael: Sorry, ‘Reille!
Mireille: Shivering I-I’m good. I’m good.
Aurore summons a geyser of water from a fire hydrant and morphs it into an arm to fight Rose’s carnivorous plants. When the water arm doesn’t seem to have an effect, Cosette electrifies the water and the plants are soon incapacitated
Meanwhile, Marc and Simon are getting civilians to safety, however, Marc finds himself unexpectedly trapped in Nathaniel’s massive fist. Unable to free himself, he resorts to a different tactic
Marc: Nathaniel, let me go, or else!
Nathaniel: Smirks Or else, what?
Marc: Or else, I’m canceling date night!
This declaration catches everyone listening off-guard. The villains and heroes even pause mid-fight
Marinette: With Lacey still on her face Wait, what’s happening?
Nathaniel’s eyes widen in alarm at Marc’s threat, and in not time, he releases the Tamaranean, not wanting to risk a nice evening with his boyfriend. He even gives Marc the puppy eyes for good measure
Marc: Aaw. He kisses him on the cheek Okay, I won’t cancel our date. You’re lucky you’re so cute.
Ismael: Wait… You two are dating?! Since when?!
Later that day
Lacey: You’re absolutely sure you want to go on a date with Nathaniel?
Marc: Brushing his hair It’s not like this is the first time we’ve gone out. Now you all just know about it.
Ismael: Yeah, but… It’s Nathaniel, you know… A VILLAIN!
Marc: I’m aware he’s a villain, Ismael. Puts on his boots
Zoé: Yeah, a villain who can crush a sixteen-wheeler with his bare hands.
Cosette: And makes Godzilla look like a whiny little bitch.
Ismael: And who made me have to twist and bend twenty lampposts in order to make handcuffs big enough for him
Jean: And… Oh, shoot, what’s one?… Gimme a minute.
Denise: Leave him alone, guys. Nathaniel obviously loves Marc, and Marc loves him. And there is nothing we can do about it.
Marc: Thank you, Denise.
Denise: Yeah, and if Nathaniel breaks his heart, I’ll break his titan-sized kneecaps.
Marc: … Thank you?
Reshma: … Alright, I’ll ask him. Do you have any industrial-sized pepper spray? Scarab wants to know before you leave.
Marinette: So, what’s the plan? Make him feel all loved and vulnerable, and then POW! She shoots one of her ‘POW!’ guns That’s when you ambush him! One less crazy-strong alien for us to deal with!
Nathaniel: No, there’s not gonna be any ambushing.
Kim: Ah, I see. There “isn’t” gonna be an ambush.
Nathaniel: There definitely isn’t.
Nino: I hear you, bro. Wink.
Lila: You clever bitch.
Nathaniel: I’m not gonna ambush my boyfriend.
Chloé: But here’s a hero! It’s what we do!
Nathaniel: If it were any of his other classmates, then yes, I’d gladly ambush them, but not Marc. Also, one of you is gonna have to fight him during our weekly battles.
Adrien: We can’t fight him! He has laser eyes!
Juleka: Are you asking us to choose death?
Ivan: We can’t all be immortal like Denise is, I assume.
Max: We need your freakishly strong hands to hold him and Ismael hostage!
Nathaniel: And that comment earns you a time out. Picks Max up and holds him captive in his fist
Max: Muffled I’ve gotta learn to shut my mouth.
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bashvaughn · 5 months
a few months prior…
A few months prior, Sebastian and Jocalyn as a collective, had been nothing but distant, childhood memories of the past. Sweet and innocent, the budding friendship had come to a sudden and abrupt end when Josie and her family had travelled to Europe and further for some few years whilst her father and his band had completed successful tours after tours. And what was left behind was a particularly gutted 10 year-old Sebastian, having lost his best friend, and though today he didn’t grow so upset when he thought about Jo as he had done in his younger youth, his thoughts often crossed back to those times. He wondered how she was, what she looked like, and where she even was. Had she kept the necklace he’d gotten her? Did she even remember him?
He wasn’t entirely the same as he had been as a child. He was a sweet boy growing up, polite and kind, but after all these years, there wasn’t really much left of Seb Vaughn from 1988. He’d sort of just, well, vanished, one day, faded into the background. His older brother Nathaniel’s death had left a deep and empty wound in the bottom of his heart, still raw and unhealed seven years on. It had left him angry at the world and unable to express his emotions, when really, inside, there was still just that little boy who’d never really grown up, a little boy who just needed some assertion that whatever was going on inside his brain was okay. He didn’t spend much time at home, any opportunity to be out the house, he took; his relationship with his parents wasn’t exactly the best, not since Nate had died. It was hard watching your mother often breakdown once the working day finished.
Out the house. Yes. Being out the house was good. A party! He loved parties, rich kid parties were the best. They had the best sound systems, the most liquor, the biggest pools. The angry teenage boy wasn’t very popular amongst the younger students, amongst those that 1995 would class as “uncool”, as over time had turned himself into quite a bit of a bully, a thug or sorts who enjoyed taunting those less fortunate or lucky as him. But to the majority? He was rather sort after, envied in ways. Guys wanted to be him: he was the tallest kid in school, built strong and toned at 6’5” with a sharp jaw, played quarterback on the school football team, always had his brown curtained locks of hair perfectly swept back at all times. The girls wanted to be with him for all those very reasons. But sure, despite having a fling or two over the years, a couple of nights tangled in bedsheets, he strangely paid them little mind. He paid very few people any mind these days. Or anything.
He arrived as the sun had just set. A final all-out party in the school holiday before they returned back for the new academic year. One last send off. Some kid who lived just outside the city in some sprawling mansion. He walked up the steps of the house entrance with a bounce almost, pack of beer in his hand, his good friend since childhood, Brian, walking beside him. He wore a pair of blue denim jeans, a black belt secured around them, a red plaid shirt tucker inside, sleeves rolled up, top buttons undone, a tiny, silver hoop in his ear, cigarette packet in the pocket. The door wide open, he stepped inside to a house almost bursting full of students. It was loud and chaotic, full of booming music and disorganisation. The perfect party.
He was a presence amongst his peers, that could be said. Idolised in many ways despite the element of fear from some. You had to be when you’d just been made football captain for the new year after the previous one had graduated. He had a pretty intense reputation. Walking inside, he was greeted with happy cheers and welcomes from the students, the owner of the house walking over to him with a wide grin. “Vaughn, you made it!” Sebastian’s smile was never as big as anyone else, it was more of a just an upwards turn. Nodding, he greeted his friend, shoulder tapping him as a hello. “Sup, man.” He responded, ignoring the way people turned their heads a little. Turning to some of the partygoers, the house owner clapped his hands, “New captain himself, ladies and gents!” The teens nearby cheered, some downing their drinks as a toast of sorts.
Laughing quietly, he shook his head, “Touching — lemme get a drink, man.” He beckoned towards the large, open kitchen ahead, beginning to hear over in search of a clean red cup.
Sebastian was, however, obliviously unaware that there was also another big revelation in attendance tonight. A unexpected storm that arrived back with an awestruck greeting from students all around.
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ashfordlabs · 3 months
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another attempt at a comic sans powerpoint in the wrong font (you can pry times new roman from my dead hands).
transcript under the cut.
we start with the death of mayumi sakamoto at the hands of nathaniel ashford. what happened??? experimentation that’s all i’ll say. but nathaniel’s younger brother, theodore witnessing her death and being the only person trying to save her causes a string of events to happen. it starts with her coming back as a ghost and instantly trying and failing to kill nathaniel with a seat belt. so she goes to theo, viewing him as the only person who can help her, she ends up pressuring him into doing so. breaking into her apartment (is it really when she let him in?), they’re not the only one, not when a friend of mayumi’s also breaks in. and it properly begins when two of london’s most famous criminals, a socialite, a ghost and theo sitting at a table coming up with a plan to bring mayumi justice. but there’s more to be uncovered, and some will go far to ensure their secrets remained buried six feet under.
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THEODORE THEO ASHFORD. history nerd who spends most of his money on expensive art and books. socially awkward but has everyone fooled. gives everyone whiplash by changing the subject during a serious conversation. named his cat darcy after mr darcy from pride and prejudice. been in love with the same person since he was fifteen. ELIJAH ELI CLARKE. resident liar, that isn’t even his real name. what is it? no idea if i’ll ever say. kills people for a living. enjoys blasting rock music while punching a punching bag and not caring about the noise complaints from his roommates. constantly in denial about his own feelings, like seriously, everyone knows he’s in love with theo but he’ll deny it.
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HENRY BOHEN. knows everything about everyone and someone who you can’t keep a secret from (he will find out even if it’s through illegal means). bad posture and poor sleep schedule due to how much time he spends on his computer. enjoys watching true crime video about his crimes and will send flowers to those who catches his attention. DOROTHEA BOHEN. has ruined a few marriages accidentally. really enjoys sex and isn’t afraid to admit it; the invitation isn’t limited to ghosts, apparently. plus sized and confident in her body, everyone else be damned, she loves herself and that’s all she cares about. diamonds are a girl’s best friend personified but prefers emeralds and rubies, as well as lace, satin and silk.
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MAYUMI SAKAMOTO. dead within the first chapter, so sorry to say. doesn’t remember much about her life except fragments that come and go but she remembers dorothea. self appointed best friend to theo. enemies include: nathaniel ashford and theo’s cat. likes to watch nathaniel sleep and attempting to smother him in his sleep, all attempts have failed. NATHANIEL ASHFORD. bitch with control issues and extremely jealous of his younger brother. villain of this story; able to get away with murder because he’s thought about it a little too much. bit of a mad scientist. people fawn over him and consider him a golden boy but that’s all thanks to a perfectly curated persona. rich but can’t pay to get rid of his ugly personality. i hate this man.
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i literally don't know what else to include. thanks for reading.
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the-delta-42 · 10 months
Stuck on Repeat
Stuck on Repeat
Lila’s day started normally enough. Wake up, get out of bed, perform the usual hygiene routine, have breakfast and walk to school. She spent most of her walk fuming about Marinette, Adrien and their oh-so subtle needling of her stories.
She couldn’t see what the fuss was about, it not like their other classmates were telling the truth. Come on, a sentient AI and a rising DJ and Director? Alya was mediocre at best, Nathaniel’s comics were predictable and linear, and it’s not like Myléne or Kitty Section were going anywhere. To Lila, the only ones who were the rich kids, Adrien and Chloé, and an already recognised designer, Marinette.
She hated to admit it, but Marinette was talented, if she hadn’t seen through her lies, Lila would’ve made sure to reel Marinette in. Lila stopped across the road from the school and Marinette’s parent’s Bakery. Marinette was just leaving, a box of Macarons in her hands.
Lila frowned and glared at Marinette’s back, silently wishing harm on her.
Lila was shocked when a car came bombing down the road and hit Marinette with enough force to send her flying over the roof and land with a sickening crunch. There was silence, before the door to the bakery swung open and Marinette’s mother ran out.
A crowd surrounded Marinette’s prone form, with someone calling for an ambulance and Marinette’s mother wailing. Lila didn’t know why she just didn’t walk into school and ignore the crowd.
The ambulance arrived, and a few minutes later, Marinette was pronounced dead. Only then, did Lila move. The school day was downtrodden, Adrien kept casting dark looked at her, as if she was responsible for Marinette being hit by that car.
The day passed quickly and, soon, Lila found herself getting into bed. On one hand, she was down a nuisance, but on the other hand, she was down a distraction. Lila shook her head, before pulling the covers up to her chest and going to sleep.
Lila woke to her alarm clock going off, which was odd, since she didn’t set her alarm the night before. She shrugged, got out of bed, performed her usual hygiene routine, had breakfast and walked to school.
She stopped across the road from the school and the bakery with… Marinette leaving? Marinette held the same macaron box from the day before, looked both ways and started to cross the road, when a car came bombing down the road, hit Marinette with enough force to send her flying over the cars roof and land with a sickening crunch.
Lila stared at the scene, before pulling her phone out and looked at the date. It was the day before. Lila stared at her phone screen, before hastily putting it away, she looked around and hurried into the school.
The day passed and ended the same way.
‘Maybe this is just one bizarre dream?’ Thought Lila, before she went to sleep.
Three weeks. Three weeks. Three. Fucking. Weeks.
Lila seethed as she stalked towards the school and the bakery, she’d been stuck in this loop for three weeks. Glancing around, Lila quickly crossed the road and stopped outside the bakery. Marinette stepped out and rushed toward the road, looked both ways, started to cross and was tackled by Lila as a car came bombing down the road.
“What the hell?!” Demanded Marinette, glaring at Lila.
Lila huffed, her eyes dark, “I’ve been stuck living the same fucking day for three weeks. Three! Weeks!”
“What are you talking about?” Asked Marinette, the rage subsiding.
“The same day, for three weeks, I’ve been living this exact day,” Snarled Lila, “I wake up, I get dressed, I eat, I wash, I walk to school and I see you get hit by that fucking car!”
Marinette stared up at Lila, before frowning, “So, you got tired of seeing me die and decided to save me?”
“Don’t say it like that.” Scoffed Lila, “I don’t want to keep listening to your friends crying and bitching about you dying.”
Marinette gave Lila a dead pan expression, “And there goes my hopes of you turning over a new leaf.”
Marinette turned around and walked up the schools steps, “Thank for saving my lif-”
Marinette was cut off by Kim flinging the door open, hitting her in the face and sending her tumbling down the steps and landing on her neck with a sick crack. Lila stared down at Marinette, whose head was jutting out at an unnatural angle.
“You just killed Marinette.” Said Lila, as she looked up at Kim.
Lila grabbed Marinette’s arm and marched her up to the steps.
“Okay, why are you doing this?” Asked Marinette, as Lila looked at her, “Kim’ll push the door open, hit you in the face and making you fall down the stairs and break your neck.”
As if on que, Kim pushed the door open and bounded down the stairs. Marinette stared at him, before looking at Lila, “How long has this been going on again?”
“I stopped counting on day 578.” Said Lila, guiding Marinette through the school, “You’ve been hit by cars, pushed down stairs, stabbed, shot, beheaded, set on fire, torn apart, had your head crushed and being turned into a hand puppet.”
Marinette stared at Lila, before straightening up, “Okay, anything else?”
“Monarch got your miraculous.” Stated Lila, making Marinette freeze, “I don’t care about his problems, or yours, I just want to eat something for breakfast that isn’t stale cereal.”
Marinette blinked, before swallowing, “Okay.”
Lila banged her head against the table, Marinette and Alya staring at her, “Why do you keep dying?”
“Akuma?” Suggested Alya, frowning.
“I still think this is some elaborate lie,” Said Alya and Lila together, “Lucky guess. Random Akuma. Stop that. Lila. Lila, Stop. Lila Rossi has a big forehead. Lila Rossi wets the bed. Lila Rossi sleeps with a horses head and every morning when she wakes up-”
“Okay, okay, stop!” Interrupted Marinette, grabbing their shoulders, “I believe you.”
Lila didn’t say anything, reaching out and grabbing the front of Marinette’s shirt and yanked her forwards.
A circular saw blade embedded itself into the wall where Marinette’s head had been.
“Okay,” Said Marinette, looking at Lila, “anything else that I should know about?”
Lila stared at Chloe, “She’d holding a different book.”
“Chloe’s holding a different book, she’s supposed to be holding Great Expectations, not Wind in the Willows.” Said Lila, getting up and stomping over to Chloe.
Marinette looked around, before she and Alya hastily followed her.
“Why are you holding the wrong book?!” Demanded Lila, glaring at Chloe.
“You’re supposed to be holding Great Expectations!”
“What’s going on?” Asked Ms. Mendeleiev, storming over, just as Marinette tripped over Chloe’s discarded bag, falling over and narrowly avoiding a large arrow.
“What the fuck?!” Screamed Chloe, pulling her legs up as if to avoid something.
“It’s a long-” Started Lila, just as Marinette’s head exploded, “Oh, for fucks-”
Marinette jerked as Lila jammed a helmet on her head as soon as she tripped over Chloe’s bag.
Moments later, Mendeleiev dragged the four girls out of the library and into her classroom.
“What’s going on?” She demanded, glaring at them.
“Lila says she keeps watching Marinette die.” Said Alya, pointing at the Italian, “Then she started going on about how Chloe was reading the wrong book.”
“I think there might be an Akuma.” Said Marinette, her voice slightly muffled.
“Right.” Said Mendeleiev, before pinching the bridge of her nose, “What else could it be?”
Chat stared at Marinette, surrounded by Alya, Chloe and Lila.
“You…think there’s an Akuma trying to kill Marinette?”
“There’s an Akuma who’s successfully killing Marinette.” Corrected Lila, “I’ve been living the same day for…” Lila trailed off, before she looked at her hand, “6,498 days.”
“I thought you stopped counting after day 578.” Said Alya, frowning at her.
“I started counting again after Marinette had her head explode.” Said Lila, frowning, “I just want to wake up and not worry about seeing a dead body today.”
Lila then pushed Marinette into Alya, as the ground where Marinette had been standing exploded. Chat zeroed onto the source of the shot, and launched himself towards the Akuma, landing a solid punch on the Akuma’s face. There was a cracking sound, as the porcelain mask broke, the Akuma flew away.
Marinette froze, before running off. A flash of light later, Ladybug caught the Akuma, purified it and looked at the former Akuma. It was a blond-haired, blue eyed man glaring at her and snarling.
“Let go of me, that mongrel doesn’t deserve to live!” Ladybug stared at him, before kicking him in the face.
Marinette watched her father spit his coffee out as the mug shot of the killer akuma appeared on screen, “That’s Joseph!”
“Who?” Asked Marinette looking up at Tom.
“He used to work for us, before he was arrested for some serious…charges.” Said Tom, “He’s supposed to be in prison.”
Marinette frowned, before looking at the screen, as the man, Joseph, screamed about purity and white superiority.
“What a dick.”
Lila dropped down into her seat and stared a head of her, both she and Chloe had taken to using the Akuma charms they had to ward off any future Akumatisations. Strangely, Lila felt happier not constantly talking about herself or making grandiose lies to make herself seem better.
She doesn’t dwell on what could’ve been, only that she was glad she didn’t have to eat stale cornflakes again.
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envihellbender · 5 months
Teen Hezekiah killing his monster in the final boy support group AU
Rating: Mature
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Characters: Hezekiah Wakeley, Nathaniel Beale
Content: Murder, serial killer, sexual assault mention, addiction, abuse, age difference, gore, buried alive
Summary: A letter Hezekiah wrote to Nathaniel about his experience with a serial killer.
Found within patient Hezekiah Wakeley’s belongings: a letter, never sent.
Dearest Nathaniel,
I have wanted to discuss this in person but it seems you have been reluctant to come visit me in the hospital. I suppose it would make things difficult for you if the lecherous journalists and photographers gathering outside were to spot you. I have decided you are owed an explanation, despite the fact I think it must be rather obvious given recent events. Since no individual from our St Columba’s Church has been to visit me, despite me attending since I was a babe, I assume their rhetoric on the subject differs from my account. I think it is only fair I give you both sides of the tale and I leave the matter of your own morality and allegiance to you.
You are aware of the story up until we left the aptly named “St Columba’s Rehabilitation for Wayward Teens” I am sure, or rather the story you prefer to tell yourself. I do not intend to list the ways in which you and the others failed us. As you also know, it turned out that the forest retreat was nothing but a well crafted lie, in reality the Monsignor took us to a house instead of a camp site, we were kept in a cellar with several mattresses. The cold stone did not have the same heart and life to it that I craved from the ground, we were allowed books to read I suppose, the others did have mobile devices that did not have any ‘signal’ or enough ‘battery life’. Junia was taken first, she was the loudest, she screamed when the Monsignor would check on us and fornicated with Zion when she thought we were asleep. Zion was next. The both of them were just like us in a way, following the rules of the rehabilitation centre only to have someone visit to rip the sacraments to shreds. Junia had a friend who brought in water bottles filled with vodka, Zion had a boyfriend who injected him with varying substances, and I had you slipping me red wine in a flask. I think that was why it was so difficult for us three, the cellar quickly became filled with the stench of vomit, it was not cleaned up as much as it should have been.
I cannot tell you what they went through. I can tell you Bridget’s abduction hurt the most. Back at the chapel we were almost perhaps friends. We would swap books, I would never be able to return her copy of Turning of the Screw. I still have it. I cannot bare to be rid of the thing. She used to help run the garden with me. I do hope someone is still taking care of the plants there. Whilst I am glad I am alive, seeing all of them be taken past me was quite horrific. I would not trade it for anything. Whilst Junia and Zion were loud in their removal, Bridget went quietly, she simply nodded and got to her feet. All I could think about were if you took my warnings seriously, we would have been safe - but I suppose there is little to be done now. Judah, Naomi, and Claudia. They were next. Would hearing of the descriptions of those you helped doom to the earth truly help? I know not.
When it was simply I left in the cellar, that is when I can regale to you the entire truth. I am unsure how long I was there for. I slept, vomited, and hallucinated much of the time I was there up until I was brought up to his small cabin, he had me bathed by some nurses who were too thorough, he had me an intravenous drip, and made me a rather delicious meal with a glass of rich expensive red. Of course I was suspicious of the entire display but I was too starved and desperate not to play along with the charade. From this entire story, I expect this next part will be the elements you dispute and argue against, as if being a pederast is anything compared to serial murder. After I finished eating the old man came up behind me, pulled me up by the hair, slammed my face into the table, and decided to use my weak body however he saw fit. It was not long, but it was not quick, it was painful and repulsive. He would use me in various ways six more times from either my behind or mouth depending on his fancy. I did tell you he had wandering hands, did I not, Nathaniel? I told you of his fingers brushing my thigh, of him slipping his hand into my trousers during confession, and you had told me I misunderstood. Will the church look upon his deeds in the same way?
It is most odd, for when he brought me to my feet I had no strength to fight back. He began to beat me, he punched, kicked and slapped me. He pulled my hair and forced my face into the table again and again. He had a cane he used to whip my thighs and between my legs. Eventually I was a whimpering, crying dog on the floor, curled up and desperate for mercy. He picked me up into his arms, he carried me into the forest like a babe, he kissed my forehead and after a few minutes in the cold and dark he dropped me. The fall was quick yet slow, numb yet overwhelming. My head was particularly loud upon hitting the earth, my cranium bled internally as it felt as if it had split in two. My body felt so angry, weak, and sore that I was pleased to be against the earth. I felt the mud around me and my eyes closed. I felt a smile spread across my face. Can you believe it Nathaniel? A smile! A smile for heaven’s sake! I felt as if I was returning to the earth, and I was at peace. That was until I felt the dirt be shovelled onto my body, a strength I did not know I had filled my body. I may be one with the earth, a peace I will never part from, but I knew I shall not return to it by the hands of this evil, sinful, rotten man.
I waited for the shovelling to pause before I made my escape. The Monsignor had not been wise enough to pack the soil in tightly. The loose dirt was easy to displace in a way, the hard part was pulling myself out. I was buried around four feet downwards, a pathetic attempt I agree. I was able to aid myself and this is when God I am certain must have been with me. For he sat on a lawn chair facing away from me looking upon a bare patch of ground between the trees. I noticed that there were six rocks in the ground two feet apart from each other and realised this is where they had been buried. I picked up the shovel that had been leaning on a nearby tree, and without a moment’s hesitation I began to beat the devil’s cranium. I hit him again, and again, and again. I did so until his head was concave into his body. It feels so small now I write it down, perhaps that is why it was so easy for you to dismiss my fears.
When I called the police, I anticipated an arrest, not a mug of tea. Not a safe house with a comfortable bed and a garden. I did not anticipate the kindness, the understanding. To be admitted into a secular hospital with a secular rehabilitation facility and psychiatric ward. I know I am one of the lucky ones, but I cannot say I was lucky when the only person I had to aid me was you.
I will forever be yours. I do love you. But I must beg of you: Please do not contact me again.
Hezekiah Wakeley
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Do you think you could do a oneshot where Flint is raiding a ship and he comes across the reader; the reader is a servant on the ship, (maybe working for a wealthy noble), and got caught trying to escape the crossfire?
Ahh i see what I can do with this! :D
Hope you enjoy it and sorry if the gammers are wonky.
Flint X Reader: Servant and a Pirate.
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You were caught in the middle of the crossfire between the navy and pirate that were raiding the ship you were on.
It all happened so fast. One minute you were out to fetch something for your master and all of sudden, as if you were in an unexpected war, a cannon start shooting at the merchant ship.
And your instinct now is to stay alive much as you can.
Many pirates begin invading the deck and the soldiers use all they’re strength to push them back. Straight ahead you saw a door that leads to down below deck where the longboats are at.
You took a deep breath and splint across while avoiding on getting shot. But you bumped into someone since you were too focus on the door you barely known your surrounding.
You perk up to see who it was and your face grew pale. The person who you crash into was no other than Captain Nathaniel Flint, the leader of his pirate crew. You heard stories about him. About how he was cruel and bloodthristy towards his victims and the last thing you want to do is to meet with this monster.
Shaking off your frozen with fear, you pass him and ran towards your only escape. Running down the stairs towards the hallway you make your way towards the longboat room and saw people up ahead running to that room.
But you felt a sudden chill making you stop. You feel as if someone was watching you. Your head made a slight turn and you let out a fright scream to see the Captain staring down at you. Before you can make a run, he snatch your arm and you scream more and struggle to break his grip.
"Let go of me!" You cried and pray someone hears you. "Help somebody! Help me!"
"Shut up," He sneered which made you stop in fright. "I only want your gold."
You breathed heavily and shook your head. "But I don't have any.." He silence you by pointing your free wrist, which has two golden bracelets. "Those. now."
At this point it was your wise chose on giving them to him so he can let you go. But you cant right now, you needed them for purpose. With much courage you refused.
"I..I'm sorry I cant give them to you,"
You watch him roll all his eyes," Save your pathetic excuse about it belongs to your family members."
"No its not that!" You cut him. "I need to sell them for good money."
Flint gives you now a puzzle look. He slowly let your wrist free and asks,
You quickly explained to him while rubbing your wrist. "I dont have enough money to buy more food. I barely have any even though I work for the wealthy family. After you were done he gives you a long look.
About a few second he forms a fang grin and starts to howl with laughter. You stood there, with much confusing on him sudden find this amusing.
He slowly ceased his laugh and spoke. "These rich pigs cant share they're riches with you? After you work with them so much?"
'They only give me a small payment," You answered almost wanting to defend them since they given you shelter and let you voyage with them.
"But its never enough to satisfy your need," He reminded you. This you cant find anything to defend with since he was mostly right. Then he got on his knee to look at you straight. You gulped to glance at his many pale yellow eyes and waited for him to say something.
"im offering you a choice lass," You almost gasp to hear this and let him finished.
"A choice if you join my crew, I can let you steal all riches from other wealthy where you'll never be worry about feeling hungry." His offering was tempting, even more with a thought on this act of revenge on these wealthy family you worked for many years.
But stealing wasn't your thing. You feel it was wrong to do since your life you were a good person. Before you can have a second thought Flint added with a dark tone.
"If not, you will die in flames like others boarded this ship," He held his hand out to you. "What is going to be?"
You stare at his hand as you in this situation of life and death. Thinking on if you join piracy maybe this was an easy way out of your stress on saving money. And thinking on how much food and other thing you can buy without worrying.
Finally decide on choosing, you nervously reach your hand out and took in his large bony hand. "As long as you let me steal riches, Captain.
Flint smiles at your decision holding your hand.
"Welcome to The Walrus lass,"
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nocturnalazure · 1 year
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As Far As The World Goes (AFATWG) is a Sims 3 graphic novel and a long-running generational family drama following the overlapping life of several families. It starts as the story of a whole town, with narration coming and going between households, but gradually focusing on the Golzine mobster family. Most storylines are connected to them in some way or another. Golzine heirs all have different styles but are bound by honor and duty (and a tendency to have complicated love stories).
In AFATWG, there is drama a-plenty, with a pinch of comedy, there are heaps of romance, but also action scenes (guns!), a whole cast of supernaturals, and above all, there are morally grey characters struggling with internal conflicts.
The beginning of the story is long-winded and confusing and was not published in graphic novel format, which is why it exists now only in the form of summaries.
Disclaimer: Mature content such as nsfw scenes or trigger warnings (blood or drugs for example) are properly tagged. There is no gore but violence does occur in that world.
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Part 1 Summary -> Click
In which you meet a whole variety of families. How can a love story between terrible mob boss Theo Golzine and a teenage daydreamer end well? Will workaholic businessman Thomas Leneuf manage to rise up against his sleazy boss and raise a family? Will Rose Wong manage to fill her father's shoes as a mayor? Why would broody Violette Blake let her high school bully get anywhere near her? Will Jacob Golzine be a famous musician someday? And... can vampires actually have children?
Part 2 Summary -> Click
In which Theo Golzine declares war on the vampires while Yu Wong tries to outsmart him and it may very well turn against her. Thomas Leneuf finds himself facing an old enemy while his children Gabriel and Amelia experience the torments of adolescence. Eve feels responsible for turning Cain into a vampire against his will, but a new protagonist named Tristan will meddle in their already complicated relationship.
Part 3 Summary -> Click
In which Nathaniel Golzine falls in love at first sight with a girl his father Theo does not approve of. Eve gets estranged from Cain and falls right into Tristan's trap. Juvenile delinquent Seth Zay becomes unintentionally involved with the Golzine criminal family. Jacob Golzine achieves stardom, and while Gabriel Leneuf is once again attracted to somebody else than his fiancée, will shy Johan Blake finally be able to confess to his best friend's sister that he loves her before she gets married to another man?
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Part 4 Summary -> Click
In which mob heir Nathaniel Golzine, exiled to Lucky Palms with a heavy heart, finds love again. Theo Golzine and Yu Wong go together in search for the last werewolf. Eloise struggles with a dark part of herself. Seth Zay follows his father's footsteps as a criminal. Gabriel Leneuf takes responsibility for his past mistakes.
Part 5 Summary -> Click
In which Nathaniel Golzine meets his first love again just when his relationship with Ivy is deteriorating.  Skirt-chaser Noah Deville dreams of a rags-to-riches story for himself, but also longs after artistic Emily Golzine. Following her predecessor's death, Pippa Crewe takes over the function of local witch. And an evil vampire lord makes his appearance…
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When it actually starts: Part 6 and Final Part -> Click
In which Nathaniel and Ivy are finally ready to commit to each other. Risa finds out that she might have special genetic capabilities. Theo meets his father’s ghost and it doesn’t end well. Young witch Pippa erases her past. Baron Gilles de Rais starts calling upon his past followers: to defeat him would require joining forces. But most of all… Sam Golzine makes the acquaintance of Ashley Blake, an encounter that will change their whole life and possibly the course of time.
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“To the Edge of Time” (TTEOT) is the continuation of As Far As The World Goes, starting when official heiress Sam Golzine has accidentally been sent through time and space with her half-brother Ashley. And it looks like they both have undergone a few substantial physical changes during their journey through time, further complicating their already complicated relationship. They have left unresolved conflicts behind and need to cope with their new situation.
Will they be able to retrieve their former appearance and go back to their timeline? And what happened to their families in the meantime?
Click to start reading TTEOT
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You can also directly catch up with the story of Laurie, the current Golzine heir, if you start reading as from here but please be aware that some parts of the plot may not appear entirely clear if you don't know the background. 
Happy reading!
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parabelllvm · 6 months
only doing the main six so...
any time she doesn't want to do the emotional labor of being "motherly" or whatever, it immediately snowballs into a conversation that somehow becomes "she is going to be worse than her mother. she's going to be abusive. she shouldn't have kids blah blah blah" and their source is a 30 second clip of her saying she's tired. like yikes
i feel like he, for some reason, would get a superiority complex attached to him because he's smart and is a "fixer". like "i'm better than these people and i have long inner monologues about how stupid the people around me are." it'd get very unnecessary and categorically wrong super fast. the proof provided is him correcting yoyo on something... once.
also they'd think he's a tsun because of how he interacts with yoyo.
take his very spirited personality and either make him super obnoxious and dense or make him aggressive. when he is neither.
don't take him seriously because he is very much a fiery person with a similar personality and he's bold so obviously, he's always trying to start a fight or butt heads with someone. doesn't know how to mind his own business
she has a victim complex despite the fact that she is actively trying to do something about the situation her and her friends are in. i will ignore all her attempts to fix it because she complains too much about her rich, "fuck-you-money" family literally isolating her for years. no, i will not give proof because google is free.
cannot do anything without her brother. cannot do anything without her brother. cannot do anything without her brother.
they are attached at the hip and if you saw her without nate, functioning normally, no you did not. you're fucking lying
what do you mean google is free
He's quiet and he does not like people. so obviously, he is so fucking rude without reason and everything that comes out of his mouth is an insult
"He doesn't usually resort to flat out violence" --ERR WRONG. yes he does.
Bonus:Jaime and Nathaniel
I'm just gonna combine them and just. leave them here. and i won't say a god damn thing :) no i will provide proof because google is, once again, free.
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hooter-n-company · 1 year
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Dropped a little teaser in this post, so I guess there’s no time like the present for another OC lore drop!
This two-headed pirate captain used to be two separate humans, Captain Levi and Captain Nathaniel. The two developed an intense rivalry over the years, trying to outclass and outmaneuver one another in their quest for riches and infamy.
This quest eventually led them to the long lost Temple of Dagon, where both pirate factions battled over possession of the treasure within. But in the midst of battling over a mysterious chest, they set off an explosion of eldritch energy, which transformed every last crew member into a monstrous human-fish hybrid. As they were both right next to one another and holding the chest at the time, Levi and Nathaniel were fused together right down the middle.
Since that day, the duo began a new quest across the sea: to find some way to turn themselves back to normal, and most importantly, split them up so they can get as far away from one another as physically possible... 
Full bio(s) under the cut. Prepare yourself, you get two characters in one, so there’s a LOT of info:
Name: Captain Nathaniel Pronouns: He/him Age: (Before transformation) 40 Species: Nautilus mutant Role: Pred Height: 8.7 feet tall Abilities: Tough exoskeleton, 4 tentacles in place of normal arm, sharp beak and radula, trained swordsman, cutlass, flintlock pistols Personality: Reserved, cold, calculating, and despite his capacity for cruelty, he can be reasonable and prefers to negotiate to get what he wants (even if he only views people as means to an end. Almost views himself as a Robin Hood type figure, stealing from the rich to give to those less fortunate (although the only ones that qualify are his most loyal crew members and himself). Still greedy and gluttonous, but he prefers to savor everything that comes into his possession. Likes: Fine dining (especially crabs and shellfish), sampling exotic cuisine, drinking (loves wine), reading, cartography, art, card/dice games, treasure, privacy, peace and quiet, his prized weapons, his loyal crew members, strategizing, being pampered, belly rubs (would never admit it) Dislikes: Being stuck with Levi, Levi’s crass behavior, Levi eating important hostages and crew members, Levi’s snoring, uncivilized individuals (like Levi), Levi’s crew, indigestion, mutiny, government authority, messes on his ship, magic
Name: Captain Levi Pronouns: He/him Age: (Before transformation) 36 Species: Eel mutant Role: Pred Height: 8.7 feet tall Abilities: Fast healer, powerful tail, extendable neck, vicious brawler, boarding axe, blunderbuss Personality: A foul tempered, hotheaded bruiser and shameless hedonist all about instant gratification. Loves using brute force and intimidation tactics to get what he wants. Has a one-track mind set on eating everything and everyone who gets too close when he's hungry. Vicious, but has has plenty of moments where he comes off as immature and a bit of a dope. Likes: Binge eating (especially eels and slippery cephalopods), squirmy prey, binge drinking (loves rum and beer), gambling, the trill of battle, striking fear in the hearts of others, blowing shit up, beautiful women, competition, partying, treasure, music, playing the concertina, treasure, his prized weapons, showing off his battle scars, belly rubs Dislikes: Being stuck with Nate, Nate’s prissy behavior, Nate interrupting his meals, Nate being a killjoy, Nate’s crew, indigestion, mutiny, government authority, classism, talking about his past, his intelligence being insulted, being forced to clean up his messes
Other Info: -A pirate captain is nothing without a ship, and Leviathan is no exception. Originally, when Levi and Nathaniel were humans in separate bodies, they both had separate ships. Nathaniel's was christened "Poseidon's Pride", and Levi's was "The Ravager". In the pursuit of Dagon's Temple, both captain's ships sustained some serious battle damage, but they both reached their destination at around the same time; a lone island out in the middle of the ocean.
As soon as they set foot on the shore, the weather quickly takes a turn for the worse, but Levi and Nathaniel are both gunning for the treasure and ignore it. However, the entire course of events leading up to the pirates being cursed takes much, much longer than expected; The Temple of Dagon is a huge labyrinth full of traps and puzzles, and the two captains are evenly matched the entire time. And so, when the monstrous, mutated crew finally crawls their way back out of the temple, they find a massive typhoon swept over the island in the day they were gone. Both of their ships have been tossed ashore, reduced to useless wrecks of wood.
After a LOT of arguing and hurling vicious threats, the newly fused Captain Leviathan orders their combined crew to complete their first major task: building a new ship from the remains of the old. Said ship wasn't exactly pretty; a very large, jagged Frankenstein's monster of a vessel that matched the mutated fish-man crew to a tee. But on the water, it is both durable and shockingly fast, as well as incredibly effective at striking fear into the hearts of enemies. Which is why, after much disagreement, Levi and Nathaniel settled on a new name: "The Fangtooth".
-Nate and Levi have two separate brains that think independently, so one head can fall asleep while the other remains awake. It's actually pretty useful when they need to keep watch at night, or keep an eye out for any sneak attacks, but it's annoying when one head is too loud and disrupts their "twin's" beauty sleep.
-When it comes to walking from Point A to Point B, their legs sync up automatically if they are in agreement on their destination. But if they can't agree on where to go, it can screw things up to the point they're unable to move at all or are left stumbling all over the place (which they were doing a LOT of when they were first fused together). It often comes down to a battle of wills, where one of them can wrestle control of their legs from the other, with some difficulty.
-Some of their internal organs are fused together, while others are divided between them. They each have one lung and pair of gills, so they can talk and breathe out of sync. They also have two esophagi, but they share a single enlarged stomach and digestive tract. This means that they are very prone to eating too much too fast, since it all goes to the same place, and when one of them gets a bellyache, the other one feels it too.
In vore scenarios, if they are not in agreement over turning someone into food, their digestion will slow to a crawl (possibly leading to their prey fighting their way out if Nate doesn't let them out first). If they are in agreement, their gut works much faster at churning up whatever they ate.
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positivelybeastly · 8 months
Mancation: maiming; mutilation / Sinister
"Make the incision, McCoy."
There was a pregnant shine of a scalpel, the movement of an oversized hand, the twitch of fingers . . . and then . . . moments passed.
A sigh.
"I said, make the incision, McCoy."
There was a momentary wobble of a finger, a halting breath - before the scalpel moved, the gleaming stainless steel tip pressing to warm, unmoving flesh, unzipping the thin layer of - in front of the - that covered the, sternum, that . . .
A clatter, a turn of a stomach. And then warm, pale fingers on the back of his neck, and Henry went stiff, feeling the familiar touch of his - mentor's hand on the so very human looking flesh of his neck.
"You don't want to disappoint me, do you, Henry?"
The shake of a head.
"So why do you persist in doing so, boy?"
The bob of an Adam's apple, and the garish homunculus that once was, still called itself, Nathaniel Essex, let out another sigh.
"You're fifteen years old, Henry. You're more than old enough to do this now. It isn't even a mutant you're working on yet, this is just a flatscan. They aren't people. You know that. You've seen the research we've done on them, we know that they don't feel pain the same way that we do."
Did they? Did they know that?
"There are thousands of mutants who would kill to be in the position you're in now, boy. Thousands of people with lesser intellects but greater wills to do what must be done, and they're all just sitting, waiting, for the chance that you keep squandering. How long do you think I shall wait? How many chances do you think I'll give you?"
He was quiet. The boy couldn't normally shut up when he was cloistered with his books and his research journals, but the instant it came time to do some actual damned work, he was quiet? The human spine of him was so very disgusting.
". . . I had high hopes for you. I selected you personally."
There was - a vague memory. Henry wasn't sure if it was blanketed out by some kind of mental alteration, by what he knew to be a young mind's inability to form long term memories the same way a fully formed one did, or if it was just . . . fear.
A fear of half-remembered warmth that had turned so very cold so very quickly. He remembered . . . sitting on the floor, it had been a wood floor, next to a fireplace, he couldn't have been more than - four, maybe five. Very young. Very very young. He could remember hushed, frightened voices, a man and a woman, talking about getting out of America, about leaving the farm behind and just going.
He could remember not liking that idea. Of wanting to stay on the farm, with its strings of golden corn and rich, brown earth, with its never-ending horizon and all the things he could swing from - it was a playground to him.
Everything gleamed, sparkled, it had such lustre, it begged to be looked at, turned over, investigated, prodded, poked. He'd had a field day when he discovered worms liked mud, he'd just sat there watching them for hours until his . . . someone, had found him, told him off, cleaned him up. Held his jaw and smiled, telling him that she wasn't upset, that she just wanted to make sure he was all right, that he could tell her all about what the worms had done over dinner.
Dinner had been burbling away when the knock at the door had come. The low tones and the panicked, assertive whisper-shouts of two people who knew their time was running out had ceased, replaced with silence. Just the burbling of a pot.
The swing of a door. A shadow in the doorway. A voice.
His voice.
Every time he tried to remember past that point, it got hazy. Complicated. Like a knot of hair that had been left to scraggle around itself for months, tangled so tight it was impossible to unwind, fit only to be cut out and regrown healthy. Untangled. Uncomplicated.
"I have raised you, taken a special interest in your education, in your growth, in your being. You would be lesser without me, you know that, don't you?"
In his mind, Henry pulled at that tangle, and it bled. He could remember - smoke, coagulating in his lungs, choking him. He could remember a sweet smell even through the salt of tears, blood soaked wood, and then pale. White. Pale white with a little red diamond.
"You insult me with your silence, Henry, but that's fine. It's the burden of a father to be disappointed by his son. You have one week. If I return to this lab and you do not have results for me, you'll be released from your service and you can make do out there."
There was an instinctive chill at the mention of out there. A tensing, a revulsion, a creeping horror at the knowledge that the world was not as it should be and there was nothing anyone could do to make it the way it should be.
Footsteps. The door. And then, as if like magic, the air returned to the room.
Henry breathed and pulled back, his hands shaking as he looked down at the tiny incision he'd made, barely a cut, really, but even just that speck of blood had made him want to retch. An invisible hand reached over the back of his and squeezed, directed him to grab a surgical cloth and clean, apply pressure, stop the bleeding.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
He pulled away the instant he could, moved to the sink, refused to look in the mirror for as long as he could. Why hadn't he been able to do it? He'd been taught the correct method, he had studied all the surgical manuals, it should have been easy, he had hands that could, that could disassemble and reassemble a pulse particle rifle in twenty seconds, that could detect the vibrations from the music three floors down if he pressed his palm to the walls, his hands never shook, but the instant he'd . . .
He looked up, in the mirror, and winced. He was pale. Sweaty, weak, white as a sheet, god, he was disgusting. Why was this the hand that his X-gene had dealt him? Why did he have to look so basely human? Why did he have to look so degenerate, so much lesser? Why couldn't he have been one of the lucky ones?
His mutant gift was concentrated in hands that couldn't do the work he had been given. What cruel irony was this?
"Have you read the Lord Apocalypse's latest treatise, McCoy?"
Henry's eyes flicked up from the food he'd been pushing around on his plate with a blunted knife, regarding Kavita with a cool, cautious eye. She was a human, but - she was all right, by most standards. Allowed to work with the other mutant scientists by virtue of her intelligence and her willingness to work in the ways that Henry found so hard, she was probably a front runner for his replacement if he continued to falter.
For a moment, he considered plunging the knife into her throat, just on the off chance that happened.
"What? No. No, I have not, I've been - busy."
Busy being not busy. Busy staring at the drugged subject on his lab table, trying to work up the nerve to carve them open and nourish himself with the information that was hidden inside. Busy trying to be someone he wasn't.
"Too busy to read the Lord's latest treatise . . ? That doesn't sound like you."
He scowled.
"If you wish to continue to be enigmatic, Rao, you can leave. I'm in no mood to entertain you today."
Kavita rolled her eyes, knowing better than almost anyone that Henry was just in one of his moods, and though she elected to leave, as he'd suggested, she did, nonetheless, slide over a pamphlet - a slim one, by Apocalypse's standards, but that usually boded well. That usually meant less philosophy, more science.
'The Awakening of Mutancy - Secondary Mutation.'
"I think you'll find it an interesting read. It's still just theory, for the most part, but Apocalypse truly believes that there's potential in it."
Henry devoured it. From the first word to the last, it was seared into his brain, because in amongst the quasi-religious, gallingly obvious propaganda about the purity of the mutant form, there was science here - there was theory, there was data, there was hypothesis, there was . . . promise. Unfulfilled, as of yet, but it was there.
X-gene manifestation at puberty as a result of a cocktail of hormones, adrenaline, acetylcholine, forming a brand new hormone that had yet to be isolated, but that was theorised to be the root cause of mutant gifts. A hormone. Fascinating. Chemical instructions, chemical blueprints for a new form that catalysed the unique genetic markers, pulled something new out of the code, a form of alchemy, really.
"Rao, I assure you, Essex knows the specifics of this project, and it's to him, and him alone, that I'm responsible. Now, if you'll excuse me, this cell diagram has to be programmed immediately. And to do that, I'll need absolute concentration. Which means, I'm afraid, you'll have to leave."
There was a moment of pregnant silence as Kavita took Henry McCoy in, took in the frantic, manic little man as he all but raced from table to table, from station to station, before she spoke.
"Henry, this is . . . you only have three more days before Essex returns, and you haven't even begun to do the work that he's asked you to do. Are you sure you should be wasting time on this?"
"It's not a waste of time. You don't understand."
The short, clipped tone made Kavita feel as though she were staring at Henry through a funhouse mirror - he was still unmistakably himself, still that same too intense fifteen year old with a mop of brown hair, but there was a look in his eyes that was . . . impulsive. Propulsive. Determined. Worrying.
"I almost wish I hadn't given you that pamphlet now, it's clear that I set you down a path for fai - "
In an instant, he was upon her, grabbing her by the shoulders and slamming her against the nearest wall. Her head bounced and she groaned in pain, but even though she could see a flicker of remorse in those searing blue eyes, it didn't stop him for even a second.
"I. Will not. Fail. I can't fail. It's impossible. I'm too smart to fail. I just need time, to focus, and I don't need wittering little humans with their fragile little four chambered hearts and their shrunken brains to talk to me as if they know me."
Kavita swallowed.
"Henry, your heart is - "
"Six chambered. Just because I look like you, just because I look like a genetic mistake, doesn't mean I am. What matters, is what is in here - " He tapped fervently at his temple and his heart. " - and that is mutant." He released her, stepping back, breathing deeply, and she rubbed at the back of her head.
". . . You've done me a service, Kavita. That pamphlet was the key. But you are, in the end, only human. Don't forget that. No-one will ever let you."
He turned, and she watched him stalk over to the cell diagram once more.
"I hope - I hope that this brings you what you want, Henry. I hope, more than anything, that what you want, is what will make you happy."
Perhaps you should have listened to her, Henry. Instead of focusing on the genetic extractor you were developing, perhaps it might have saved you.
"There - it's done. I've finally diluted the precipitate. This . . . this is the hormonal extract, the chemical cause of mutation. With this solution, we'll be able to extend the natural chromosonal imbalances - in effect, to turn any man into a mutant."
You swallowed, Henry. You could feel, on some level, that this was a moment that would define you. What might other Henry McCoys have done? Put the extract down, throw it in the trash? Accept failure? Accept defeat? Accept the human face that stares at you from the mirror?
Not you, though.
The fear. The sheer, unbridled terror that's sat in your gut since that day so many years ago. The low, dull throb of anxiety that pulses like a second heart inside of you. The crippling, choking shadow of a hand around your throat, and something wet coagulating on your face.
The fear is what makes the decision. Not you. But then, what is a man but the sum of his fears? What is a man but the totality of the roads not taken? What is a man, if not what he'll do to avoid failure?
"Don't know what will happen if you mutate a mutant . . . but I've got to take the chance. I've got to."
That wasn't precisely the truth, was it, Henry McCoy? You didn't have to. But the fear that's driven you since you were five years old and newly adopted by a thing not of this earth told you differently, and you took the hormonal extract, and . . .
You changed.
Blinding, searing pain - for a moment, you thought you might have swallowed acid. You bent over, clutched at your stomach, and for that long moment, you thought, this is what it means to die. But that was when you understood.
It's all right to die. Resurrection, reformation, rebirth, re-emergence, resurgence, is what separates the man from the mutant, after all.
And resurrected you were. Your skin burst, the flesh separating from the muscle as the soft cells of a human burned away, to be replaced. Your nails surged forward, blood bubbling up around the cuticle as the digits swelled and everything about you grew. You screamed as that hole inside of you was suddenly filled to overflowing, as newfound strength thrummed through you, new life, new power, new you.
It's all right to die, isn't it, Henry? Nothing of value inside of you was lost. Not truly. Some other Henry McCoy might see this as a curse, but you . . . ahhh.
You were blessed.
"Well now, Henry, young Doctor Rao here tells me that you've been quite the busy bee - I do so hope that you've applied yourself to - "
Essex stopped.
The broad back that worked and flowed and tensed and relaxed before him was covered in a thick layer of harsh black fur. Heavy strands of hair were braided, hung low with beads. There was a glimpse of a hand, twisted into cruel, shimmering claws and grabbing, eager fingers, and Kavita brought her palm up to her mouth. She spoke through her fingers, taking it all in.
"What is all this?"
The voice that answered was deep, sonorous. There was a rumble to it that wasn't quite human. An edge to it that wasn't quite all there, or, maybe it was. It sounded so very sure.
"It's science."
Essex's voice was dubious.
"Science. How delightfully vague, Henry. What have you been doing? I hope for your sake it's been what I told you to do."
Henry - or, whatever it was that had assumed Henry's shape - turned around, and Kavita wanted to scream. Essex, even, started.
A mouth twisted with glee at their reactions.
"Why, Kavita, Nathaniel, you look as though you've seen a ghost. But then, perhaps that's accurate."
He stepped aside, revealing the body flayed open, pinioned with steel rods, the flesh taut like canvas, organs conspicuous by their absence. There had been no mercy, no invisible hands, no memory here. Just efficiency. Just good, honest science.
"After all, a ghost is nothing more than a memory, a memory of who we once were, before we become what we must."
The thing laughed, and Sinister laughed with it - delighted. Proud.
"And what am I to call my young protege, now that he's become what he was always meant to be?"
It was almost affectionate, the way Sinister's tongue curled around the words, and Kavita could see the creature revel in them. He didn't have to think twice.
"Beast. Call me Beast."
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artzychic27 · 8 months
I said I'd make incorrect quotes for this
Myléne: Of course fair-skinned people have problems.
Sabrina: Yeah, but it's the same way rich people have problems.
Adrien: What?
Sabrina: Oh no, I can't fit all my money in my pockets.
Nino: Heavens, the butler is sick. Who will apply my SPF-162 to my translucent fair skin?
Kim: Drake jokes are not light skin jokes.
Adrien: Of course they are. You're saying he's soft because he's light-skinned.
Kim: No, I'm saying he's soft because he pees with his pinky out.
Nino:*Voiceover* Another thing Black people don’t like to talk about is the gay people in their family or friend group. Take my friend, Nathaniel. He’s gay… I think. He watches a crap-ton of anime with his friend, Marc, who reads a lot of Yaoi manga, and they share custody of a cat they found, Kitty Lang. So, yeah, he’s definitely gay.
Max: White people stole our freedom. You don’t think they’ll come in here and steal my X-box?
Marinette: Well if I'm not really black, then could somebody please tell my hair and my ass?
Marc: *Leaving a store with Kiran; The store alarm goes off and he sees that he’s holding a bag. Several officers quickly surround him* Oh really?! Oh, I see, it takes you two hours to find a little black boy, and then you're here in two seconds when I accidentally steal a clutch? Well, you know what? I'm keeping it!
Alya: This ain't our culture, we're black, not African. Africans don't even like us.
Lila: Juleka, if you can handle our class’ issues with complexion, then you can handle anybody else’s.
Juleka: What issues?
Marinette: *Voiceover* If you’re wondering why this feels like an accident about to happen, it’s because colorism is something Black families really don’t like to talk about. And in this classroom? We’re family.
Lila: I just meant you’ll get used to it. You know, since we’re all a little colorist. I mean, especially Marinette.
Marinette: The hell you saying?
Lila: Oh. My bad, did you wanna be the one to break it to her?
Marc: Adrien, who has been doing your hair?
Adrien: Oh, my stylists.
Nino: White stylists hired by white daddy.
Juleka: Ah. What shampoo do you use?
Adrien: I use Tom's of Maine.
Kim: Like the state?
Adrien: No, like the toothpaste. They make a six-in-one, so it's soap, shampoo, a laundry detergent-
Marc: Okay, okay. What are we gonna do with his hair? I mean, are we twisting it? Braiding it?
Adrien: Well, I like braids like yours', but, I don't think I have enough hair.
Marc: *Pulls out some synthetic hair* Oh, don't worry about that, we've got plenty.
Adrien: Oh! Oh, no, I don't want somebody else's hair.
Juleka: What the hell do you think I have?
Adrien: So, your hair is a liar?
Juleka: Oh, I'mma hit him for real this time.
Gabriel: It is a six-in-one!
Adrien: But it doesn't work on black hair!
Nino: Straight facts.
Alya: Fucking right!
Marinette: That's tea, bitch.
Marc: I refuse to soften my tone or remove slang from my vocabulary just to be compatible with a system created on stolen land and slave labor!
Luka: Ooh, yeah. Speak on it.
Marc: I’m gonna talk how I talk, like Ryan Coogler. He’ll be on The View sound Black as fuck. Even Whoopi be confused.
Chloé: Oh, please! You think Ryan Coogler sounds the same as a cookout in East Oakland as he does in a boardroom at Disney?
Rose: You know who doesn’t code switch? Eeyore. He’s always sad.
Luka: Oh, that’s true. That donkey suffers.
Adrien: What about Jay-Z?
Marc: What about HOV?
Adrien: You’re celebrating him, and he’s the ultimate code-switcher!
Marc: Look, whatever, code-switching is corny as shit.
Adrien: I’m not corny! I’m super popular at parties and red carpet events!
Marc: Let’s dissect this, though! Why do they like you? Because you’re the light-skinned black guy white directors wanna cast in all sorts of movies as the lead so they can say, “See? We’re diverse!” You hoop? You know how to do the latest viral dance?! You do the “whoa” for them?!
Ivan: It’s about putting to rest some very ugly stereotypes… So no watermelon.
Adrien: He says you’re never supposed to say that word.
Nino: Gabriel can’t say it, ‘cause he’s of the Caucasian persuasion. But you can.
Adrien: Oh, no, no. I don’t- I definitely cannot.
Alya: Yes, you can.
Adrien: I promise you, it is not okay for me to say that word.
Nathaniel: Adrien, your dad is shitty as fuck. And worst of all, he’s been depriving you of your own culture.
Adrien: He has?
Juleka: Yes, have you ever had your hair braided?
Adrien: No.
Alix: Forced to watch a bootleg of a Tyler Perry play?
Adrien: I don’t know.
Rose: Do you prefer pumpkin pie, or sweet potato pie?
Adrien: What’s the difference?
Rose: I’m gonna slap him in the face.
Nathaniel: Your dad has not let you be Black.
Adrien: What?!
Marc: So, you’re mad at Louis because you think he thinks you can’t swim? Which you can’t.
Alix: You can’t swim?!
Nathaniel: Well, I-
Rose: Hold up. So, when we’re swimming, and you’re just dangling your feet, reading a book, supposedly life guarding us… Is that for show?
Kim: Yeah. He’s basically just there to witness your drowning.
Akuma Class: *Watching the news with their fingers crossed*
Nadja: The shooter has been described as a six foot tall…
Nino: Don’t be black, don’t be black, don’t be black!
Marinette: Come on…
Nadja: White male.
Akuma Class: *Cheering*
Kim: Hell yeah!
Marc: *Walks into the room* Eight people died.
Marinette: Oh…
Ivan: Yeah, that happened.
Sabrina: Right… But we didn’t do it!
Akuma Class: *Continue cheering*
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galacticspaceguy · 1 year
Do you do GN readers? Or just readers with they/them? Honestly idm male either just wondering.
Okay so totally super original ideas here (sarcasm)
But how about found family hcs with Nathaniel? Maybe he's a dad or brother figure, or even s/o and the crew are the family as weird and backstabbing as they may be. I think it'd be interesting when it comes to Nathaniel's paranoia about the crew, with a s/o or friend who views them so closely.
Reader who's a noble or somebody from a rich family somehow getting involved with Captain Flint, perhaps he doesn't know about their past, maybe he does, whichever would be more fun to write about! Platonic or romantic, whichever suits your fancy.
But anyway, it's like 2 AM where I am so I should probably sleep soon lmfao, have a nice night or day or whatever time it is.
Nathaniel Flint x Reader / Platonic + Romantic
-you’re not his biological, he just picked you up out of nowhere. One moment you were standing there, the next moment you had been thrown over his shoulder
-you ever so slowly began to accept your situation. Flint was a bit harsh at first, but it was clear he cared for you- in his own, strange way…
-like B.E.N, you are always with Flint, unlike B.E.N, you are given some freedom
-he taught you everything he knows, how to shoot, gamble, EVERYTHING
-he’s a mix of “don’t get into fights” and “cheering you on, beat their ass” kinda guy
-the crew questioned the point of bringing you onto the ship, but their curiosity was silenced by Flint’s gun shooting a bullet through one of their heads
-you get paid just for being there
-Flint gives you petty punishments just for fun, like washing all the dishes or scrubbing the entire deck
-you two spend a lot of your time together just sitting in silence
-there wasn’t a “father-child” relationship officially established until the crew started referring to you as “Flint jr” or “little Flint”
-he’s protective, and the eutherium doesn’t want to know what he’ll do if something bad ever happens to you
-biologically or not, it didn’t matter
-you had spent your entire life with Flint, even before he became a pirate
-you have made a name for yourself, but it’s hard living in your brother's shadows at times. You are the lesser known of the siblings
-after Flint became a notorious pirate captain, you were practically set for life. He paid for all of your luxuries (housing, clothes, food, etc)
-if you did go another path or go off on your own, you’d still have secret meet ups
-Flint gives you petty punishments just to poke fun at you, washing all the dishes, scrubbing the entire deck, organizing stuff that didn’t need organizing in the first place, kinda just low level pirate chores
-picks on you ALL THE TIME
-you are his closest advisor, his most trusted. You have a lot of control over the ship
-you two are a danger on the battlefield
-you and Bones are best friends and make fun of Flint behind his back (LITERALLY)
-how did you two meet? Were you on a ship he attacked? Were you rival pirates? Were you friends before he became a pirate? Who knows!
-he’s protective of you, even if you don’t need protecting
-he’s not the most physically affectionate, at least not publicly
-your dynamic is “somewhat normal person x rash pirate husband with a gun”
-anything you want? It’s yours
-you’re living in luxury
-Flint’s going crazy again? The crew practically hides behind you as you calm him down
-your word almost overrides his own. He cares for your opinion over all others
-he steals outfits/items from the ships he raids just because he thinks you’d like them
-you’re the only reason he hasn’t gone completely insane yet
Hcs for all three:
-despite his deep care for you, it doesn’t stop his paranoia. The mere thought of you betraying him, or being lost to him drives him to mad
-the crew loves you (in a way). You find yourself arm wrestling, playing cards, or sparing with them often
-you’ve got to deal with his insomnia, either staying up with him, or forcing him back to bed
-he picks you up a lot. Why? He doesn’t need a reason, don’t question him, he’s the captain
-he’s not the most reasonable person ever, which can lead to fights
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