#that's probably sufficient?
taruruchi · 1 month
I bet y'all didn't expect...
Spy X Family AU >:3 (Sort of)
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Real ones would remember the context of this scene (/j the og scene and context are under the cut)
Anyway >:) Now it looks like they're actually in an anime HAHAHAHA You will definitely be seeing more of this in the future bc I am not Normal about them nor sxf đŸ«Ą
ORIGINAL SCENE + side by side comparison:
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CONTEXT: Season 2, Episode 10 (I'm pretty sure)
Yor gets a little exhausted after her mission and spending the day enjoying the resort with Loid and Anya. She ends up falling asleep while walking somehow 😭😭 Anya joins in her sleepiness and Loid has to carry both his wife and his daughter now 👍 (I would've drawn that too but like. I should probably replace Anya, but with who?????)
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linhzard · 3 months
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atla if zuko was actually an asshole
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th3e-m4ng0 · 8 months
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re: that post about the lack of enrichment in trucks
i bring yet another megop au where op is another depressed fellow whose EM field is always emitting gloomy and tired vibes. vs megatron who is at his happiest when hauling materials and messing with his coworkers/friends
they haven't seen each other in years since the war ended and they signed all these treaties and paperwork !
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canisalbus · 8 months
Imagine for a moment that reincarnation is real... and now imagine senior, gray muzzle Vasco rescuing a sickly albino horse who seems very frightened and uncomfortable with the concept of being a horse. Vasco is too old and frail to ride anymore, as you've mentioned in the past if i remember correctly, but he takes this horse in.
No one at the stable can even make eye contact with this pale steed without its ears pinning back and its eyes threatening to bulge out of its head. However, Vasco visits every day he is physically able to, so he can gently comb its mane and tail and handfeed it oats and hay, since it refuses to eat otherwise.
Vasco doesn't give the horse a name, but in a voice soft enough for the two of them to hear, he calls it various old pet names only he should know. He swears the horse's eyes light up at his words despite not fully believing the possibility.
Regardless, they comfort each other.
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bloodonmysqueegee · 3 months
another batch of asks done :3
a lot of you wanted drawings of engie or engie ships, so heres a masterpost of all the engie asks
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non anon askers: @scouts-cosplays @jester-addict
sorry these are a little lazy on the anatomy front, but these were just silly little doodles
TF2 REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN AS WELL!!! PLEASE SEND MORE, and if I haven't gotten to yours yet, i'm probably doing it next :3
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thedawningofthehour · 2 months
I was thinking more about how Yokai life stages are so different from ours and what kind of effect that would have on everything else. Like, if we assume their life cycles is similar to that of a human, just on a much longer scale, then a Yokai could be in their 'child-bearing years' for literally centuries. (I mean, it all depends on the Yokai and the life cycle of their source DNA and how much they inherited from that, but assuming most of them are more human-like) And their kids do take slightly longer to mature, but not by that much.
I've already figured that there's much less of a push to get people having babies as soon as they can-they've got so much time, and especially since Yokai are generally healthier and less susceptible to disease they're expecting most of those kids to survive to adulthood. That would just be a lot of babies, and rapid population growth would really put a strain on resources. So even though Yokai are legal adults at 20 and probably reach sexual maturity around the same time as humans, having kids before you're a century old is considered super early. Like, Bella is 45, and she would practically be considered a teen mother if she had a kid now. "You're not even fifty yet, oh my god, you haven't lived! You need time on your own to figure out who you are!" (ironically, there are kids she went to school with who are grandparents now)
But anyway, considering the baby-having window is so wide and Yokai kids don't take that long to grow up, I feel like it would be the norm to have one, maybe two kids and then raise them to adulthood before having the next. That way you're not splitting your attention between a bunch of kids and can devote all your energy and resources into the one you're working on right now. Then once the kid is a young adult and doesn't really need to be actively parented anymore, then they can move onto the next one.
This also makes Draxum's decision to mutate and raise four mutant children at once even more unhinged.
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Why doesn't Thingol just give the Silmaril to FĂ«anorians?
One thing I find curious about the discourse around the Silmarils and their ownership issues is how it seems to often simplify the Sindarin and especially Thingol's perspective. I mean, Thingol giving the Silmaril Beren and LĂșthien stole from Morgoth's crown to the FĂ«anorians is framed as somehow easy and obvious option. But I don't think it really is?
It's not even about whether Thingol is right or wrong to act as he does, it's about why his actions are justified from his point of view (and why it is more believable than him being compliant to Noldor).
1. Noldor disrespected and antagonised Thingol from the start. They have given him little reason to be nice or helpful.
When the Noldor arrive in Beleriand, they immediately start to do their own thing, and disregard Thingol, the local sovereign who is regarded as the overlord or at least respected and revered by the Elves native to this region. But Noldor (and Fëanorians) do not attempt to gain his friendship and alliance, they don't establish diplomatic relationships, they bring no gifts (which would be expected in this kinda medieval based society) and neither do they ask for help as Exiles, they don't let Thingol know where they are going to settle down or ask whether it's convenient but grab lands whether the locals like it or not, they don't recognise his position even as a friendly gesture, they don't disclose the nature of their expedition, withhold important information, and most of all, they bring violent trouble to his backyard. This must seem deeply and outrageously insulting to Thingol, especially because these princes are children and grandchildren of Finwë, Thingol's close friend - and yet they treat him without an ounce of respect.
Thingol is no less proud or particular about his position than FĂ«anor or Fingolfin is. He probably has not had it challenged or ignored by anyone except Morgoth's servants. Also he may see it as indicative of general Noldor prejudice/disdain against Sindar.
Whether Noldor had justified reasons for the way they act upon landing in Middle-earth, you can't deny that they don't do even the bare minimum to win the locals over. Yeah, you could argue that bringing reinforcements at the time when Morgoth returns and becomes active in Middle-earth again is something, but this is still not a way to treat potential friends and allies.
2. The Kinslaying of Thingol's people and kin at Alqualondë and the burning of their ships.
Obvious, really. He may see himself as standing in for Olwë, and regards the Silmaril as weregild for slain relatives and friends - people he himself probably knew before Teleri were sundered. Also why would he respect Fëanorian property rights when from his point of view, Noldor don't give a damn about Teleri or their rights?
Thingol may also judge that the Kinslaying and burning of the ships disputes the FĂ«anorians' right to the Silmarils and their moral high ground to a degree where anyone brave and cunning enough to reclaim even one of them becomes a rightful owner. Obviously he is biased in Beren and LĂșthien's behalf but it would be weird if he was not? After B&L's efforts and their suffering, and quite literally achieving the impossible, he may be of the opinion that they have more right to the Silmaril than FĂ«anorians who seem more invested in competing Morgoth for land than for the Silmarils. Thingol may share the same attitude as Dior has in one of the drafts: there are two more Silmarils in the same place where the one in his possession came from, so why don't the FĂ«anorians go get them first?
3. Celegorm and Curufin.
I mean, after the way LĂșthien was abused and attacked by the two brothers, Thingol could be holding on to the Silmaril out of pure spite. His daughter never gets any apology for how she was treated, and Thingol has no reason to believe that C&C's actions - and the attempt to force Thingol into an alliance - were not sanctioned and approved by the rest of the brothers. These people have been consistently terrible at everyone Thingol loves and cares about, so why should he help them in any way?
4. The Silmarils mess with your brain.
It's clear that the Silmarils have an unwholesome effect on almost everyone who possess them. Time and again Tolkien describes how characters fall prey to this greedy, possessive lust for the Silmarils. I mean, FĂ«anor and his sons are ready to spill blood again and again just to get them back. There is something about the jewels that, if you desire them for their own sake, kind of enslaves you to them. Thingol won't give up the Silmaril to FĂ«anorians because he can't.
5. The Doom of the Noldor compels him.
It's explicitly stated in the Doom that while the Oath will drive the FĂ«anorians, it will never yield its objective, and the Silmarils will elude them. As soon as Thingol names a Silmaril as a bride price for LĂșthien, he becomes involved in the Doom and what it dictates, limiting his control of the situation. Because of the Doom (and the effect the Silmaril has on him), Thingol is not free to give it to the FĂ«anorians.
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mering · 11 months
even the dogs!
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 5 months
The next person who acts like ocd isn’t a serious debilitating mental illness is getting their shampoo and conditioner replaced by bleach and ammonium respectively
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blood-orange-juice · 4 months
I am unpleasantly surprised by the lack of Ningguang x Lumine fanfiction. 29 fics on ao3 (Wriowinne has 24, to help you understand the scale of the disaster).
I think the fandom is sleeping on these two.
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paisleywraith · 1 year
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So they thought they'd target a retired hero's kids...only to find out their other parent isn't quite as retired.
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mayasaura · 1 year
ntn spoilers ahead
I appreciate that you champion Harrow's schizophrenia, and I had a thought that I'd like to run by you. It's intended with full respect for anyone with the disorder, and is also related to the neuro-bio-psych elements.
When Nona, Cam, and Crown are visiting the Captain, Nona hears Varun speak through the Captain. Afterward, she references the incident and realizes that neither Cam nor Crown had heard this happen. I was confused *how* Nona-lecto had that sort of experience, but...
If Nona-lecto is in Harrow's body, is it possible that she's experiencing schizophrenia symptoms? I'm not wanting to imply that it's a full hallucination, though perhaps since Harrow's 'meat' is schizophrenic meat, there are effects. Would mental health/illness be tied to the soul? Personality certainly seems to be, and some forms of memory.
Just rolling this around in my head a bit, and have no thoughts more advanced than this. Thank you for all your theorizing and writings about the books 💀 - heedee
I've been wondering how or if Harrow's schizophrenia effected Nona since the cover first dropped, and literally speaking, the way you're wondering about? I'm still not really sure. Brain stuff is complicated, even before souls are part of the equation, and everything about Nona is already so goddamn weird. I do think Nona is thematically schizophrenic, the same way she's thematically intellectually disabled.
Like the scene you're talking about here:
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I think you're absolutely onto something, seeing this as related to psychosis. Reading this scene with that framing in mind, Nona's experience is so clearly about hallucinations. She was just trying to change the subject, and fuck. Turns out no one else heard that! Camilla and Crown's reactions, too.
But to your point about neurobiology, and the relationship between soul and body, it doesn't really tell us much. Nona wasn't hallucinating, because it turned out Judith wasn't just screaming. Varun was speaking to Nona through Judith in the language of a murdered planet, a language that sounds like screaming to human ears. Like Nona's uncanny knack for human languages, that's a product of her soul, not her brain.
We get proof of that later when Nona is pretending to be Harrow, and faking being effected by the blue light. She imitates the way Judith screamed, makes her mouth make the same shapes Judith's did, and her words come out in italics; just like Judith's words that Camilla and Crown heard as screams. She calls for help, in the screaming language she'd heard from Judith, with Judith in the room to hear her, and Varun answers by attacking the planet.
To your question about whether schizophrenia would be connected to the soul or to the body in setting, I don't think there's a dichotomy there. Body and soul aren't separate things, even when they're separated.
Lyctorhood, for example. You'd think muscle memory would be a clear cut case of living in the body. It's muscles. But when Ianthe chowed down on Naberius' soul, she got his reflexes with it. His swordsmanship, his stance, his training. The soul brought the body with it. And when Harrow literally cut Gideon out of her brain, it removed Gideon from her memory even when her soul was elsewhere. She spent half that book in the River, but didn't remember Gideon until her skull construct failed and her brain began to heal. So I would say that, just like memory, it's both. Harrow's schizophrenia is tied to both her soul and body, and there's not really much point in trying to separate the two.
#ntn spoilers#nona the ninth#nona palona#the locked tomb#harrow's schizophrenia#also hi Heedee!! big thank you for the big juicy question to roll around in my head#and thank you for liking my meta!! 💕 I love making it and it really means a lot to me that you like reading it#sorry it took over a fucking month to get this one back to you#it kept picking up new questions and implications#like a snowball rolling around a yard#like#so how does the non-dichotomy of soul and body work re: Pyrrha?#I think its partially the eightfold word and partially maybe bc Pyrrha's soul has had ten thousand years to acclimate to being Gideon's bod#Pyrrha isn't surprised to hear that Nona is dying in chapter 24 because (to quote):#'It takes a lot to acclimate a soul to a body it wasn’t born in if that original body’s around for it to miss'#and this is while Pyrrha still thinks it's probably Gideon in there#we know bc she tells Nona later in the same conversation that she thinks the body they're going after might be hers#so that means even the eightfold word isn't sufficient to acclimate a soul to a different body#Gideon and Harrow have done it as completely as Pyrrha and her Gideon ever did#but the eightfold word DOES lay the groundwork#or at least I'm pretty sure it does#because Ianthe in Naberius' body was nothing like Wake in Cytherea's or Palamedes in Naberius#Wake and Pal's movements were awkward and jerky while Ianthe moved with the same grace and fluidity as Kiriona inhabiting her own dead body#speaking of Ianthe and Naberius I am eyeing that line about 'if that original body's around for it to miss'#what happened to the bodies of the other lyctors' cavaliers is a long standing mystery#and Pyrrha seems like she might be implying there that her original body ISN'T still around to miss#can't just be that it's dead; Gideon's is dead too and Pyrrha was talking about Gideon's body when she said the line#so maybe there is something in the theory that the original cavaliers were cremated#I can see the lyctors doing it if they thought it was the only way to prevent complications or later failure of the process#kinda makes me wonder what kinds of complications might arise from Ianthe keeping Babs around to play play with
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nefamphetamine · 5 months
gonna pull a stupid move and jump on the sebaciel discourse bandwagon and state some of my thoughts.
i am not a sebaciel shipper, and i never will be. on the other hand, it is not my business, or anyone else's, to get on a high horse and moral police strangers on the Internet who, for whatever reason, like something that you find distasteful. for instance, i find it weird to ship sebaciel. more than that, i find it to be disrespectful to ciel from a narrative perspective. ciel is a character who was brutally sa'ed by adults and making claims that sebaciel is somehow even remotely canon shows an astounding lack of reading comprehension, regardless of the presence of bait. and, regardless of this opinion, it is still not my place to go up to sebaciel shippers and call them freaks. so what if they are? being a freak doesnt make you a criminal.
black butler is fictional, and namecalling each and every person you find who ships something that repulses you is never going to make even the minutest dent in the amount of sebaciel shippers. so grow some thicker skin, block tags and blogs who ship sebaciel, or the opposite, and enjoy the damn anime.
because that's all it is. an anime.
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trans-cuchulainn · 6 months
the thing about having a health condition that gets worse with inactivity is that people really don't want you to buy a wheelchair. and if you get a wheelchair they only want you to get a cheap and uncomfortable one so that you're not tempted to use it too much. but what they don't understand is that it's very rarely a choice between "do this thing on foot" and "do this thing using a wheelchair". it's "do this thing using a wheelchair" or "don't do this thing bc it'll hurt too much if it's even possible at all". and the latter does not actually offer any more activity/mobility/improvement than using a chair, it just means you don't get to do stuff.
i am well aware that it would be actively detrimental to my health to use a chair all the time. which is why i'm not planning to! there are many areas of my life where the chair would be hindrance, if it were possible to use it there at all, so i've automatically got built-in non-chair activities anyway. but i am currently Not Doing a lot of things because i can't stand, and the chair allows me to do those things, and that's what it's for.
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ramblebrambleamble · 1 year
"But then I realised that the things that interested me and brought me joy terrified and hurt everyone else."
I always wondered why Durin died in such a relatively good mood but Elynas' words make it make more sense. It's not that Venti's music kinda hypnotised him to make him stop attacking Mondstat; it's that he was just playing the whole time. Unfortunately, his idea of playing terrified and hurt the populace.
It's also interesting that Elynas has the potential to be brought back to life despite being an entire literal pile of bones. But it begs the question of what death is, if it is not a true death. What is it that makes his bones and his being remain, when all the small things we kill turn to dust? Why does Durin's heart still beat? Is Durin the mountain, now? Is the reason Dragonspine is so dangerous that, even now, he does not understand his own strength?
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callernumberthree · 1 year
One more Babel thing- I'm pretty sure the first time actual swearing was used in the book was when Letty "broke the world". Major spoilers under the cut.
When Robin wanted to "tear that white bitch to pieces"???? I resonated with that so hard in that moment. When Ramy died, oh my God- when the character that felt like everything I kept quashed down inside me died? When the personified expression of all I am and am scared of becoming and wanted to be seen as died because of a bullet? A gunshot? I don't even know how to articulate what I felt. Ramy was a big part of the reason I kept reading Babel- of course the book is beautiful and incredible for the plot and accuracy and portrayals and concepts, but Ramy felt like looking in a mirror. And the fact that he was seen from Robin's eyes was particularly special. So yes, Robin's heart broke when Ramy died, but my heart did too, again and again every time Robin thought of Ramy, because all I could think of was my history and my personality and my becoming. Maybe it's superficial and self-absorbed, or maybe it's just a mark fo a great book, but I felt like I was reading myself when I was reading Babel. When Ramy died, I kept reading, and I am still impressed, but after all of that it felt hollow, in some way. Like my story had ended, so why should I keep reading someone else's? But I did, of course, and I'm so glad I did, because I read the epilogue- I read Victoire's story and her second genesis in her new world, and again I was introduced to new self-awareness. It reminded me that stories that only apply to me aren't the only worthy ones. That's the basis of privilege, is it not? To think that the only concepts worth perceiving are the ones that pander to you? Victoire was just as much a crucial part of Babel as Robin or Letty or even my mirror, Ramy, and the way the story ended with her and the start of her journey was an unspeakably poetic way to remind me of that.
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