#that's older sister behavior right here but I love when he is cooking and making some delicious meals
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fionnalovesanimeboys · 3 months ago
Big sister Rin
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lz-didyounotice · 1 year ago
Baking weekends : The surprise
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Those gifs do not belong to me.
Heyyyyy! How are you lots ? As promised, here comes another episode of the baking week ends ! This follows up the event of "An hymne to love", as well as the last espisode, "Kiss the cook".
Anyway... Hope you enjoy !
Warning : there's a lot of fluff, mention of making out in the tardis. English is not my first language.
The grocery store seemed to be way too full for a Saturday morning. Paying for the few articles you had in your basket, you got out, frantically searching for your car. There was so little time until the doctor and Clara came back from another of their adventures.
Driving as fast as the law allowed you, you pulled up to your small cottage, sprinting toward your house, paper bags in hand. Your coat was quickly put on a hanger as your shoes went flying in the entry. 
Washing your hands conscientiously, you tried to get your plan straight one more time, making sure nothing was missing. 
You had wanted to surprise the Doctor for a long while now. Back when Amy and Rorry were still traveling with you, a brilliant idea had come to you in the form of a red recipe book. The cover was old and titled with circles and other intricate designs you soon realized, was Gallifreyan. Having seen the notes the doctor tended to leave in the console room for repairs the Tardis needed, it was only ever so obvious.
For the sake of this recipe, you had to go to small markets while on another planet, wanting to find every single ingredient of what the doctor had stated to be his favorite dessert back home. Finally opening the book, you couldn’t help yourself, and shed a tear as you saw the numerous yellow sticky notes on every page, annotations left by Donna, your previous self older sister.
"How can I be sure he ain't as rotten as the last one?" 
Donna was upset to be keeped from such an important part of your life. If you were honest, you were sad to not be able to share it, but it was either that or losing her once more.
On that day, you had asked for her help, but she wanted to know more about that brilliant 
stranger you said changed you in better ways.
"Do you reckon I would be baking for him if he weren't important?"
"Cor blimey, you two had been goin’ out for bleedin’ three years, and I still never met the bloke!"
“I told you he traveled an awful lot.” you let out passing by the radio and changing the station.
“Just spill it if he's scared of meeting mom.” She let out with a small laugh. You could only do the same, bumping her with your hip as you did so.
You missed her dearly, her and her sassy comebacks. Since your new “Regeneration” you haven't been able to see her. What would she even say ? She didn’t know this version of you, you didn’t even look the same, and putting her life at risk would be irresponsible. You had just hopped that may be one day you would meet her once more. 
Putting up some energetic music, you wore your apron and got to work, sleeves put up to the elbow. The adventure only truly started now, something you waited so long to put up.
The doctor and Clara had been off all day, the brunette insisting on going a little longer, still waiting for your signal. The timelord was starting to be suspicious of Claras behavior, wondering what got his companion so energized for such a long adventure, he even was starting to wonder if she wasn’t a clone trying to keep him from earth longer than normal. 
But like the over-excited traveler he was, he couldn’t put down the offer, for all he knew, he was expected back at your cottage by the end of afternoon. Today was a busy day for you, and even if he wanted to have taken you with them, you insisted for them to spend some time together. It saddened him of course, none the less he understood today wasn’t a good day to go off with her.
Right now, the doctor was admiring a beautiful fez he had found within the small shop he and Clara came across, visiting a brand new planet. Soon enough he felt his shoulder being tapped on by the said girl, a tired smile visibly drawing itself on her lips. Asking the doctor to take her home, Clara had just closed her phone, saving it in her back pocket.  
After buying the fez, he seemed proud as he pushed the levers on the console. Rocking his new hat, Clara only could wonder if he would ever come across one without having to put it on. Even if she didn’t dream of seeing him less happy, she wanted the surprise that awaited him back home would light him up even brighter. 
With the Brunette back at her apartment, the doctor had no patience in waiting some more and launched the Tardis. Soon, his foot touched the vast landing of grass, still illuminated as the sun slowly hid behind the clouds.
Without any hesitation, his hand found the ringing bell of the small cottage, his heart pounding harder and harder as the seconds got by. 
Passing your head by the now unlocked window, the doctor seemed to ignite, happy to finally be back. “Darling, the door is open! Come on in!” Your hair was a mess, your glasses hanging from around your neck, beautifully portrayed by the light of the setting sun highlighting your figure. Smiling at you, the doctor entered the house, coming practically 10 seconds later face to face with you. “Well, welcome home Sweetheart”.
“I told you to not cheat! close those beautiful eyes before I smack you.”
The doctor was too curious to wait for the surprise you had put up for him. And right now, all he wanted was to take a tiny peak. But knowing how serious you could be about those things, he didn’t jocked around long before closing his eyes.
Soon you entered the room, a beautiful cake in your hands. Its sunny color, outshining the yellow of your apron. Slowing placing the cake before the Doctor. You gently brushed his shoulder. “Doctor, you can open them… ”
Finally letting go of his face, the man thought he was dreaming. Before him stood something that was supposed to be long gone, never to be seen again. And as he admired the wonderful pâtisserie, he couldn’t help but notice it wasn't just any Gallifreyan cake; it was a homemade one. 
Both his hearts skipped a beat as he realized the significance of the gesture. Turning to his wife with a mixture of surprise and gratitude, he couldn't help but smile.
"Did you...?" he started, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
You couldn’t help but beamed with pride when you saw the love in his eyes. "Yes, Doctor. I thought since you couldn't go back to Gallifrey yet, I'd bring a little piece of it to you."
The Doctor's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he looked at the cake, overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of your gesture. At this moment, all he could think of was how much he loved you, and how much you meant.
Taking a deep breath to steady his emotions, the Doctor rose from his chair, wrapping both arms around you, burying his head in the crook of your neck, trying to hide his tears as they got out of control. Pulling you into a tight yet comforting hug, all he could muster was a soft “Thank you” thick with all the love he could let out. "This... means more to me than you could ever know."
Your hand was now passing on his back, soothing him as much as you could. Your other tangled itself with his soft hair as you stood there for another minute. You never wanted this embrace to end. But as you pulled slightly away, you could only see how much the doctor truly meant every word.
With a gentle smile, you reached down, your hand slowly cradling his cheek as you leaned in softly, closing the distance between them. Your breath mingled, warm yet sweet as your lips brushed together in a soft yet passionate kiss. But as you parted, the doctor only tried to reach for your lips, making you snort softly at the surprised look on his face.
“I do believe we still have to taste the cake, now don’t we?”
“I- … yes”
“We will continue… this after…-”
And to say you had outdone yourself was an understatement. You would have expected it to taste funny with the numerous strange ingredients you had to add. It was heavenly, and by the doctor's face, you could only tell he was enjoying every second of it.
“Is it any good ?” Serving yourself another portion.
"Blimey, love! This... this is fantastic! Haven't had a nibble like this in eons... It's not just good, it's utterly brilliant! Delicious doesn't even begin to describe it!" He answered, still trying to shove more cake in his mouth.
Your cheeks flared up, genuinely happy, and proud you had done such good work. In the beginning, you feared it wouldn’t have the same taste as the one that existed back home, and you felt relieved that the doctor could recognize a fond memory in it.
It was safe to say, the cake did not survive long enough. You and the doctor, now cuddling in the softness of the Tardis covers.  
After the cake had been devoured, you had to have a turn. The thankful kisses you gave one another, turned into a heated session of making out against the tardis console, his fingerprints still lingering on your inner thighs. And just like that it was you and him against the world once more. 
His fingers passed through your short ginger hair as a comfortable silence installed itself. You looked up at him and could tell he had some questions about the whole surprise.
“You have a lot of questions don’t you ?”
“I always do…”
“Ask away then, I know you’re curious.”
Shifting slightly closer, the doctor leaned onto his elbow, making his face right above you. “How long did this take you ?”
Your hand reaching out for his jaw, you pulled a small but sad grin. “I started trying back when Amy was still traveling with us. Unfortunately, I died shortly after so… been planning longer than our wedding. ” 
The doctor laughed slightly with you, remembering the chaotic moment. “And the recipe? Where did you find it? The Tardis database is still written in Gallifreyan as far as I’m aware of- ”
“No such trouble when you have learned to read it.”
“Why so surprised? Did you think I would traverse the universe for eons and not try to embrace your culture? What sort of wife would I be ?”
And just when he thought he couldn’t love you more, he did. His hearts swelled with pride as he looked into your eyes. Caressing your cheek, he kissed your forehead, brushing away some strands of hair still in the way.
“You truly are remarkable (Y/N).....”
“It goes both ways my Bowtie maniac.”
And as the sun rose again on the Tardis, the two lovers intertwined once more, laying one against another as close as you could, afraid time might slip by and take you both apart.
You couldn’t have dreamed of a better outcome.
Bonus : 
“I knew Clara was up to something!” Complained the time lord only now realizing why his companion was so indecisive about where to land.
“Only figured now she had to keep you busy while I was baking?”
“That’s an awful trickery-”
“As far as I’m aware, if you hadn't been off, you wouldn’t have this wonderful fez of yours, now would you ?” Turning around him you swiftly took the red hat off his head, putting it on your own.
“Oi, mine-” He quickly tried to retrieve it, but knowing you it could be easy or involve a lot of running.
Dodging his hand, you took the opportunity to run off in the Tardis corridors singing “Nope, mine now!” as you ran across the control room.
“(Y/N)! ” The doctor was slightly panicked but it was just a matter of time before all of it evolved into laughter. 
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Oooo how about some more alois headcannons with an older sister figure reader? Boy needs some familial love lol!
he sure does!! I love himmmmm <3
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At first (and sometimes in certain moments) he acts incredibly embarrassed by you. He isn’t some little kid who needs to be constantly looked after, you know! He’s an adult! (Or, depending on verse, close to one!) It flusters him in particular to have you treat him, well, like a big sister while other people who aren’t the servants are around. And, occasionally, even the servants. If he didn’t make the triplets stay quiet, they would have quite a bit to say about your coddling him, and he knows it, and he doesn’t like even knowing they’re thinking it!!
Frequently you tag-team with Hannah to figure out how best to handle particular situations. Neither of you have been in his life for very long, but Hannah does have at least a year or so on you. (Again, depending on verse, possibly longer.) As much as you care for Alois, you don’t know all his quirks and preferences yet. Even Hannah doesn’t know them all. Working together is the best way to effectively handle Alois’ behavior so he doesn’t either spiral out of control or turn things round on you. No room for jealousy or competition here, the earl can have two big sisters! Even if he figures out what you’re doing, he’ll probably just begrudgingly accept that you and Hannah together likely know what’s best. Doesn’t mean he won’t fight the both of you, of course.
In private, Alois is far less uptight about being treated like a child or having you take care of him. Without prying eyes around, suddenly he desperately, visibly wants the childhood he never had. He wants the love and affection and security that comes with having a big sister. He’ll let you carry him round the house, he’ll hug you tightly and fuss if you have to let go before he wants you to, he’ll even ask for things like a goodnight kiss on the forehead if he gets comfortable enough. He doesn’t fight you as much if you have to to unpleasant things to make him feel better when he’s sick or hurt. He stops caring what people think, because there’s no one around to give a shit if he’s letting you treat him like a baby.
He likes to watch you cook, particularly if you’re cooking breakfast. It’s his favorite meal of the day, and he asserts that Timber just never gets it right the way you do. He’ll happily sit in the kitchen, still half asleep and resting his tired head on one of the counters, and let his eyes follow your movements. Sometimes he even gives you orders, asking you if you’ll add more milk than that to the tea or whining that you need to go grab the toast because it’s about to burn. Although he might be a bit irritating sometimes, that early morning haze takes away his filter of being cruel to protect himself. He’s just soft and annoying and loving in the way a younger brother is, without any of the unpleasant defense mechanisms. If you start to break his shell enough, he’ll begin to shed those defense mechanisms and just be himself anyway. Keep letting him watch you cook breakfast.
Once he relaxes or if he’s having a bad day, he’ll cry in your arms for a long time. The weight of his whole life has been something he’s carried alone, and it’s heavy, and he just wants to fucking put it down sometimes. Even if he doesn’t tell you everything, he cuddles into you and sobs. He begs you not to leave him, and he says he’s sorry for being difficult so often, and he thanks you for not giving up on him. Quite possibly the saddest thing you’ll ever hear anyone say passes his lips during moments like this: “You… you promise that… you won’t ever stop loving me… will you? Promise me… promise me you won’t…!”
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barebcnes · 1 year ago
Character Sheet
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full name. Leonard Horatio McCoy nicknames / aliases. 'Bones' (given to him by Jim Kirk) age. 36 zodiac. Aquarius spoken languages. English, German
physical characteristics.
hair colour. Brown eye colour. Hazel (shifting from dark green to brown, depending on the surrounding light) skin tone. Fair body type. Fit dominant hand. Right posture. Normal / Good scars. One on his lower abdomen, on the right side, beneath his navel - a remnant of an appendix removal with complications in his late childhood (about 2 inches long, pale pink), as well as a few minor ones here and there from every day life tattoos. None birthmarks. A few birthmarks and moles scattered all over his body, mostly shoulders, upper arms and back, but some are also on his stomach and thighs most noticeable features. The light sprinkle of freckles along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, his nose by itself (pointy tip), the shape of lips, his big expressive eyes
place of birth. Earth; Georgia, USA siblings. Two older sisters, both alive parents. Father, deceased (american), mother, alive (german)
adult life.
occupation. Chief Medical Officer on board of the USS Enterprise residence(s). Either the USS Enterprise or a small apartment in California, USA, where he sleeps and lives whenever he's not out in space close friends. Jim Kirk (best friend), Spock (good friend... most of the time), Enterprise Bridge Crew as a whole (friends), other members of the USS Enterprise are mostly considered colleagues / acquaintances | Thread-dependent (@paramounticebound - they work on it :D) relationship status. Single (Thread-dependent | @paramounticebound - things are being worked on... ;) ) financial status. He can live a comfortable life driver’s license. Yes criminal record. No (he stole a chocolate bar as a kid, however, and the memory sometimes haunts him to this day) vices. He drinks too much alcohol (Bourbon mostly)
sex & romance.
sexual orientation. Pansexual (because of his nasty divorce with his ex-wife, though, while still flirting with women (sometimes and rather rarely), he does not actively search for a relationship with one at this point) preferred sexual role. Switch, he's easy-going and likes to be everywhere basically libido. Normal (single), high to very high (relationship) turn-ons. Kissing & making out in general, dirty-talk, being cheeky & flirty, neck touches & neck kisses (especially the back and side of his neck), kissing the space between his shoulder blades, cuddling, physical closeness, mental closeness turn-offs. Blood & Gore (sees too much of that as a doctor), bad hygiene, general bad behavior & being rude love language. Calling his partner by chosen nicknames (lots of those), being cheeky in general & teasing his partner from time to time (playfully so), touching his partner (like putting his hand on the small of their back, on their upper arm etc), acts of service (making coffee or breakfast, helping out when needed etc), sex (important), kissing, hugging & cuddling relationship tendencies. A bit of a rough outer shell but biiiig emotional softie on the inside. Enjoys romantic movies but wouldn't admit, ever. Will shower his loved one with affection (in private).
hobbies to pass time. Reading (he loves old-fashioned books, prefers them over reading on a tablet / padd), listening to music (it relaxes him), playing puzzle games on his padd (to pass short amounts of time), cooking (rarely, but he enjoys it) mental illnesses. High-functioning depression, anxiety, alcohol-use disorder self-confidence level. Normal
Stolen from: My other blog Tagging: No one because I guess everyone has already done it? :'D If you see this and you want to do it: YOU.
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kaijurakunsobs · 4 years ago
If requests are open could you do a Heisenberg fic with a teen or young adult reader(no older than 20 please) who stumbles into the village trying to get away from their parents and after they get attacked by Lycans Heisenberg patches them up and takes them in trying to hide them from his sister and mother miranda. Could you please do it with an AFAB reader who doesn’t identify as female? I am currently dealing with borderline verbal abuse from my conservative father who doesnt like that though I am AFAB I don’t identify as female.
first, baby, I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I know how bad and mentally taxing that kind of living situation can get, I was in a similar situation and somehow managed to pull through.
you are not alone, you are loved and I hope everything gets better, never forget that it's you who defines yourself, your self worth should NEVER be defined by others
All you can think is...how cold everything is around you, how the freezing air burns your skin and lungs, but, you have endured something worst, physical pain can be healed with time, emotional and psychological pain is what hurts the most, what feels eternal and haunting, it coils around you, it grows and never let's go, like being branded, it leaves marks that never go away.
Running aimlessly through the snow feels like nothing.
What made you get out of the car?
Was it anger?
Does that even matter anymore?
You can't hear their voices anymore, so that's a win.
Farther away you see smoke and fain lights, distant sounds beckoning you closer to that place, and you let yourself smile widely when the silhouette of someone standing so close to you, you could get help, start somewhere new, be happy!
But it's so short-lived, that you question if there's divine retribution, karma, or just the universe laughing in your face.
Your "savior" is covered in blood, a man with a perpetual expression of agony lays in the snow, dead. The monster turns to you and finally the cold freezes you where you stand, it's not alone, and all the other creatures are looking at you, dark soulless eyes fixated on their new prey.
You have felt like that before under his gaze like if you were vermin, it made you furious how you were treated and consider as something lesser than a person. These things look at you the same like you are just a speck of dust in their path, and maybe you are, if the mangled body is any indication that taking a life will be nothing for them.
You see it from the corner of your eye, one of them lunges for you, and then? everything is a blur.
You remember kicking and punching wildly, adrenaline making you forget about the pain of the bites and scratches, there are memories of you running and using something to smash the head of one of the monsters, a rock, perhaps? But in the end, cold, blood loss, and exhaustion are enough to bring you to your knees. One of them grabs a fistful of hair and roars in your face and you know, that, this is it, you fought and did your best, but this is the end of your travesty...so much for your new life of freedom.
"Get the fuck away...I SAID FUCK OFF!" his voice is so loud that it makes you whimper and recoil "LET GO, CAN'T YOU HEAR ME? LET GO, DAMN IT!" the smell of blood and a warm liquid hits you hard, but at least you are free, letting your body hit the snow
"What do we have here?...this one is alive, but ya ain't from around here, do you?" he's smoking and something small and silly wants you to tell him that smoking is bad, which makes you smile so softly "...Interesting"
Heisenberg rarely gets intrigued by anything, he hasn't found anything to spark his curiosity in so long, so of course, he had to come and see what was causing such a commotion. What he thought to be a villager, fist fighting the lycans so valiantly, turned out to be a teenager, he saw you from afar,  furiously kicking lycan after lycan, you didn't even notice the growing red spots in your clothes and the black eye, it was survival and feral like behavior. Truly interesting.
Now, what made him pick you up with care? years from today he will say it was just "Scientific interest kiddo! nothing more", but, it's the pain in your face that makes him act so soft, it's not the agony brought by your wounds, this goes deeper, it's different and he knows it very well.
Under normal circumstances, he would have taken you to Moreau, but he knows the loud mouth will give you to that bitch Miranda and that will be it for you. Dimitrescu is OUT of the equation, so does Beneviento, hell knows what her psychotic ass would do to you. So he brings you back to his home and takes time to clean your wounds, true, his stitching abilities are amazing...on corpses, and a lack of anesthesia and your occasional movements makes it hard for him to stitch you properly, but by the end of everything, you are bandaged and clean, isn't that the important part?
He’s done his part, the rest is on you. If you had the strength to fight and even kill a lycan, you might live to see another day
How long were you out?
You are warm and so fucking sore, cracking your eyes open is a big task and even harder to sit up in the bed you are laying on. The room is black and smells like tobacco, oil, and something you can’t place but it’s nice.
Barefoot and curious you start to get up, wincing deep and loud when pain floods your body, but you get up non-less, you feel the cold air hit your legs, and immediately pull down the shirt to cover yourself. Then it fully clicks, the jagged memories of what happened slaps you in the face and make you lose your footing, falling back on the bed you pry the shirt off from your body, you see bandages and patches placed on smaller wounds, your head is killing you and your right eye hurts like crazy.
With small breathes you pull the shirt back on and force your body to get up and investigate the room. There are piles of clothes and pieces of paper everywhere, picking one of the pants you sigh, these are yours, but they have been destroyed either by the beasts or by however brought you here. Looking around there’s nothing more, time to go out.
The only door leads you to an open room, the kitchen and living room placed together, in one of the sofas you can see someone laying down, their chest rising and falling softly, their face obscured by an old hat.
You try to be as quiet and sneaky as possible when getting back into the room “Where do you think you are going, kid?” his voice is thick with sleep but the sound is enough to make you yelp, slamming your shoulder against the door frame, the man jumps up and in a couple of strides he’s beside you “Can you more fucking careful? the stitches gonna get open and if you get an infection I ain’t risking my neck to get you meds”
He’s a bit taller than you with squared and wide shoulders, his face is stern and it seems like he’s annoyed about something, is it you? Did you anger him? You try to remember what could you have done to make him so mad but nothing comes to you, is not like you remember much, and what you do, is better to be left forgotten.
Heisenberg has seen many people look at him with fear, reverence even, but he has never been in the receiving end of a look like yours, he has to close his eyes for a second, carefully grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the kitchen, almost forcing you to take a seat in on of the wobbly chairs he owns.
“Well now that you are back with us, I can finally cook something to eat. You must be starving! I would too after the way you fought back there” he lets out a howl while he busies himself with pulling ingredients for whatever he’s cooking “I saw ya, you know? That was one hell of a show and I know about putting up good entertainment, you gave those lycans a good beating”
Lycans? So those things have names...uuuh, who would have thought.
"What's your name kid?" you get pulled out of your mind by his voice and the smell of cooking eggs, for a moment you wonder and think, that this is the time to be addressed by YOUR name "...I'm Y/N, sir"
"Cut the sir bullshit, you ain't trying to impress nobody here, you can call me Heisenberg, Karl if you wanna get my attention quickly, got it?"
He's rather harsh from what little you have seen of him, but he's careful when serving you breakfast, a steady hand serves you tea and makes quick work of a loaf of bread, whit that you two eat in relative silence, he eats like a wolf and that's enough to make you hide a smile.
"Once you are...better..." he's speaking between bites, eew "I'm taking you to get some new clothes, staying here ain't gonna be free, ok?" with his fork pointing at you he waits and continues without you answering "I'll have to teach you...that's gonna take time..."
"I'm a faster learner!"
Heisenberg laughs at the offended tone in your voice, taking a big gulp from his mug once he stops "I like ya kid, there's a fire in you and I respect that, we gonna get along"
It takes you almost 2 weeks to fully recover and be able to move without crying out in pain. On the day he announces that he must take off your stitches, he's kind when pulling on the thread, talking about how that same day he's taking you to the seamstress cuz he's "done" having you wear his stuff.
The seamstress in the Village seems flabbergasted when "Lord Heisenberg" comes into her house, demanding she makes you good sturdy pants and easy to move in shirts. From that sole visit is enough for people to call you "Heisenberg's assistant" whenever you are sent to the village or just went spotted by anyone. The Duke, the merchant that sometimes you have found yourself talking to, does nothing but fuel the rumor, people already fear Heisenberg on a god day, now they fear you might be spying for him.
You would be lying by saying that, Heisenberg is a normal man, he's flamboyant and loud, filled with pride, and what you can describe as...showmanship, he speaks with passion when explaining to you the ins and outs of the factory. He's always close, never breathing down your neck, just close enough to hear if you need help.
The first time you see him use his gift is the most embarrassing and awkward moment of your life.
You are working on some molds for pieces he needs to make from scratch, he taught you where you should work on that, away from whatever lurks in the lower areas of the factory. You were so engrossed in getting the mold out perfectly, tongue sticking out and heavy gloves helping you to pry open the damn thing open, you don't even jump when a hand lands on your shoulder, but you do when the ghoulish face of a corpse appears beside you.
He's running the second he hears you, a high pitched sound tearing through the noise of the machinery, he sees you bolting it towards him and a Zwei Soldat quickly catching up with you, the drill in its arm too close to your back, the moment you are close enough he pulls you towards and behind him, a metal sheet flying to the thing and beheading it in an instant.
"Kid...Kid, look at me, hey, eyes on me" you are not crying, there's no blood anywhere and nothing seems to be missing, you seem more startled than anything else, but you listen to him, concentrated on him and his voice "Y/N, it's ok kid, I'm here"
Then it happens, you let it slip. "Thanks...thanks dad"
You feel him go tense, the hands-on your shoulders shake for a second and embarrassment comes crashing down on you, you are ready for him to yell or push you away and order you to see if the mold is still useful, but he pulls you close, patting your back like you never said anything.
There are days when you can hear him talking on the phone, his voice growing irritated, and his explosive temper getting worst.
You are curled up in the crawlspace that he turned into your room, listening to him talking with someone, he sounds exasperated and nervous. This time he takes longer to come out from his room, a new cigar in his mouth and hammer over his shoulder, usually, he would tell you that he's leaving for a couple of hours, this time he's just there, tapping his foot and sparing quick glances at you.
"Get your coat, we need to leave"
That's new...he never takes you with him to wherever he goes, but you don't feel like arguing and do as he says, slipping your boots on and grabbing your coat.
Heisenberg is unusually quiet this time, only the snow crunching under your feet make enough sound to fill in the void, he takes you farther from the village and into a rundown church, you can hear new voices and the unforgettable sounds of the lycans snarling.
Inside the candlelight is soft and cast strange shadows of the people already waiting inside. There's a woman in a white dress that probably towers over you, another lady dressed in black and her covered, she sits in a corner with a creepy doll on her lap, and finally, a shy man who battles to cover himself with the torn cloth of his jacket.
"Is this why mother Miranda called us? Did you brought a new toy and never informed her? what a bad dog you are Heisenberg"
"Non of your business, Dimitrescu" Karl does everything to keep you behind him, away from the doll or the twisted man, but especially from the woman, Dimitrescu as he called her.
From where you stood, you could see how beautiful and regal she is, sitting with grace and a sarcastic smile plastered on her face. Noticing you, she moved slightly to get a better look, narrowing her eyes, making you feel small and like food. Before she can't even speak the sound of feathers caught your attention, giving Karl enough time to guide you to one of the pews, making you take a seat beside him.
The four adults greeted the new woman, the infamous mother Miranda, you have heard about her in the village and through small stories shared by the Duke, but mostly, you have heard Heisenberg curse the woman and call her every single name under the sun.
"Usually I wouldn't care for what my children do in their dominions, but, Karl, I must say I'm disappointed in you...to hide this child and avoid telling us?"
"I apologize, Miranda, the right opportunity never came" ooooh he's pissed
"I say you take his toy, Mother Miranda, and if possible, give me that lovely lady to me?" at that your gut twist uncomfortably, it's been some time since you were...addressed like that
"Excuse me?" Heisenberg cocks his head to the side, looking at Dimitrescu over his shades "Are you talking about my SON?"
"YOUR SON?! Don't make laugh, child, I can smell the sweet maiden blood running through her veins, that's a lady not one of your dirty lycans"
"And you are bitch no matter how well you dress!"
"ENOUGH!" Miranda's voice breaks them apart, everyone looking at her "Care to elaborate, Heisenberg?"
Karl takes a second to take a drag from his cigar and blow a cloud of some into the air "I found Y/N here, they fought hard to survive and I took them in, just like Alcina, and her lovely daughters...I decided it was my time to have a child of my own"
"That doesn't change the fact that you brought an outsider and didn't inform mother, and now you are trying to do what exactly? have...them...play house with you?"
"Lady Dimitrescu, that's enough" she's looking at you, mother Miranda in staring, and Heisenberg as a hand on your back, suddenly you are hyper-aware of everything, the sounds and smells, the movements each person in the room does, the way the candles flicker "I allow it, may this never happen again, Heisenberg. Next time there will be consequences"
You feel like passing out after that, the screams of Dimitrescu and the doll get drown by the ringing in your ears, everything keeping you together is Heisenberg's hand on yours cursing up a storm as he pulls you along with him.
The cold air feeling nice against your burning skin.
"Kid? I think you are ready" you are halfway through the trek back to the factory when he speaks again
"Ready for what?"
"To be introduced to the Heisenberg family true work, of course! What kind of father I would be if I don't involve you in our family's business"
You trip with your feet hearing him say that, so...he meant it? what he said in the church...that you are his son?
"Come on Y/N, I won't go easy on you because you are my kid now, quick quick"
Catching up to him is easy and you feel at peace when one of his arms wraps around you, he begins to talk about how many things he's gonna teach you and how exciting is to have a young mind to shape.
For the first time, you are eager to get back home.
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sunoorintarou · 3 years ago
𝐃𝐚𝐲 1: 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 3𝐬: 𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐚 02𝐳
Warnings: Vampires, blood, slight stalking ig, implied kidnapping, nothing too detailed and serious, just 02z being,,, normal vampires?
Since your childhood, you've been told time and time again by your grandmother that troubles comes in threes. You had always assumed she meant you and your two siblings or even her daughter, your mother, and her two siblings who also had three children each but now you're at an age where you're starting to believe that she was, perhaps, right. Especially considering the 3 vampires, yes, as in the undead eternally living creatures said to suck the blood of the living, that stood in front of you and seemed like nothing but absolute trouble.
You may be wondering how you got into this situation, well, it wasn't a silly dare to visit some abandoned place or some sketchy transfer student love story where you decided to befriend them regardless of all the red lights, followed by blue lights, then followed by a loud wee woo wee woo sound that was almost impossible to ignore. In fact, you considered yourself quite a smart, rational person.
When the boys had moved in next door to you, you swore yourself off interacting with them simply because of the horrible feeling in your chest whenever you were near them. There was something, off, about these boys. Other than the fact they seemed to be the typical partying play boys you despised. You had assumed, incorrectly, that it would be easy to avoid them considering you rarely left your house, your friends often coming to visit you instead knowing your house bound nature. But one Saturday morning you had walked down the stairs to greet your parents (your siblings were still asleep) and lo and behold there at the table sat with them were the very boys you had been avoiding like the plague. Despite your panicked glances and vigorous head - shaking, you mother seemed oblivious to your obvious attempt at escaping and instead sat you down before making you introduce yourself.
The intimidating one with the short black hair that specialized in sweet talking which your mother seemed to have fallen for hook, line and sinker was Jay, the overly friendly one with the longer black hair and calm demeanour who reminded you of your grandmother's golden retriever was Jake, and the tall cocky one who seemed confident, too confident actually, with the oddly sharp teeth that kept staring at you was Sunghoon. A match made down below you'd say.
You were constantly on edge during what you'd name as the worst breakfast of your life trying to eat as quickly as possible while avoiding conversation. Your mother apologized for your behavior before explaining, "She's always like that." to which you received a chorus of understanding words and "comforting smiles."
Maybe you were being irrational or rude, but you've watched enough horror movies to realise that once you think of, "giving them a chance, you might have them all wrong," you'd be a goner. Your gut has never lied to you to this day so you therefore had no reason to doubt it.
After that day however, it seemed as though they were everywhere you went. When you walked outside to fetch the newspaper, Jake just so happened to be in their yard playing with his dog and trying to make conversation which you skillfully dodged. When you had got home from school, you almost had a heart attack seeing Jay in the kitchen helping your mother fix dinner while she praised his cooking skills and kindness, not seeing the glint in his eyes that gave you chills. When you had gone to the library to study, Sunghoon just so happened to be there too, sitting next to you and greeting you before stealing constant glances at you as you attempted to study. And of course the one time you decided to go out to a cafe with your friends, Minju had mentioned that a group of boys sitting at the back of the cafe were staring at you and asked if you knew them. And of course it was your neighbours you were quite frankly sick of seeing. Where were their parents? Shouldn't they be more concerned about their not so little monsters running around and wreaking havoc!
And now that leads to today. Your friend's older brother, Jaemin, had insisted he drop you off at home after staying late at their house to study. You weren't going to deny a ride over walking home in the dark and agreed happily, making light conversation until you arrived home. Jaemin had always been a sweetheart so you didn't mind spending time with him.
However, when you got home, the lights were off and you immediately paused, even though you knew your family wasn't home, they'd still always leave the lights on for you. You immediately walked to the door, scared to see it already unlocked and fumbled for your phone, calling your sister Yeji.
"Y/n? Are you OK? Did Hyunjin eat all the sweets I left for you-"
"D- did you guys leave the door unlocked?"
"Why would the door be unlocked- Oh! Hyunjin was supposed to lock up and meet us here, but he's with his girlfriend and hasn't come here yet, knowing him, he probably forgot because he was too occupied with her."
"Oh, yeah OK, OK."
"Why? Is something the matter? If there's a problem, I can call him and tell him to pick you up?"
"No- actually, yes, yes please, I have a bad feeling about this."
"OK, I'll phone him, I promise it will only take a second, then I'll phone you back, please stay safe."
You nodded, feet planted on your doorstep as you rushed to call Minju, knowing your best bet was to stay on the phone with someone at all times in case anything happened. In a split second however, your phone was gone and you felt a presence behind you. Your heart rammed against your rib cage as though it were trying to escape the confines of your chest before you whirled around, coming face to face with the trio that had been terrorizing you.
Sunghoon held your phone in his hand, he, Jay and Jake watching as your kept your face nonchalant, eyes barely wider than usual.
But what did make your eyes widen was the mysterious red stains on their clothes and skin as you scanned their forms. Your mind raced at a thousand miles an hour, wondering if you had been living next to a group of serial killers this entire time, until you noticed their irises turn a scarlet red and Sunghoon's fangs glint in the moonlight. You had always been a believer of the supernatural, so your natural assumption was-
"Vampires. You're all vampires."
The trio seemed impressed by your answer, Jake letting out a chuckle before patting your head lightly. You couldn't move, the sheer shock and adrenaline coursing through your veins as your body made the fatal decision to neither fight nor flight but to freeze.
"She actually got it right, I'm impressed." He grinned, the other two nodding in agreement.
"She seemed to be on the smarter side, at least a little smarter than the others." Sunghoon chimed.
The sound of Hyunjin's car driving up the street became louder and louder. You hoped and prayed he'd be able to get here before anything happened, but unfortunately for you, the trio had other plans.
"Oh, looks like we might get interrupted. But what's the rush, let's take our time and explain things to her. But for now, goodnight princess."
You were confused, ready to object to Jay's words but before you could do anything, everything turned dark and your mind doubted you'd ever see the light of day anytime soon.
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stray-kids-react · 4 years ago
02 liner aussie girl joining the group
Bang Chan
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° Sees you as a little sister, and will baby you nonstop for that reason alone. Expect very long hugs and him trying to beg you for some affection.
° Let Felix take charge in helping you around JYP, watching from afar like a proud father. Even if you aren't much younger than the members, he can't help but become a giddy mess when you literally do anything.
° Since he sees you as a little sister, that also means he is very protective over you. Not even Minho can tease you for too long without Chan becoming a bit tense. He just doesn't want you to ever feel uncomfortable.
° Does many vlives with you, chatting about your life and what parts of Australia you grew up in. Whenever he is introducing you or if you call him during a vlive, he'll call you little sissy.
° Many stays have made edits of Chan babying you or treating you like a literal angel, you both have watched edits like these and neither of you can deny that he doesn't do either of those things.
"My little sissy y/n did great today in our dance practice, isn't that right sissy?" he asked, sitting you on his lap.
"Yeah, Minho Oppa helped me learn quite a bit. But I couldn't have succeeded it without my personal cheerleader Chris." You replied.
Lee Know
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° Doesn't make a huge deal out of it, is honestly just really happy to have a new member. He doesn't care that your a girl or a fellow aussie, just sees you as a member.
° If you are ever struggling with Korean he'll do his best to try and help you, even if it is only on small thing such as the way you pronounce words. He admits to finding your struggles pretty adorable.
° Even though he is a huge tease, he'll go easy on you for the first two months. Letting you get settled in and get use to the chaotic behavior of all of them. But after those months pass, he'll start to tease.
° Minho likes to challenge you to dance battles during practice, seeing if you will ever beat him on one. But luckily whenever Snsd comes on you are in your element, showing him the true Gee master.
° Minho has a soft spot fro you due toy your age, he won't tease you too harshly and won't get mad if you don't remember one of his cat's names. All of the members notice his new soft spot for you.
"So I know Soonie, Doongie... And?" you sighed, trying to remember the third cat of Minho's.
"Dori, it's okay. At least you remembered two of them." He reassured, Felix looking at him with shock from across the room.
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°When he heard that you would be joining the group, he hoped that you wouldn't make fun of him as much as the other members. And if you did, it wouldn't be too harsh.
° Appreciated that you weren't teasing him 24/7, and if you are shorter than him then he would be very smiley and giddy for days. Changbin likes your company and would often want to hang around you.
° Buys you coffee/tea every morning, and only you (occasionally Felix). And when the members ask, he explains that you earned your coffee/tea by not teasing him. Even if they haven't teased him for days.
° You are his favorite member, even if he won't admit it... Everyone knows it. You are his best friend and he doesn't want that relationship to change. Unlike the fan's pov, he sees you only as a best friend.
° Whenever he does a vlive with you, your ship name is all over the chat. Neither of you speak out about it, but both of you don't like each other in that way. And it makes situations awkward when they ship you two.
"I can't believe we're a ship, that is so weird to me." You chuckled, scrolling through Instagram on your phone.
"I know right! I don't get why a girl and a guy can't be friends without people shipping them." He sighed, clearly frustrated.
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° Becomes putty in your hands, he just finds everything about you adorable. It also doesn't help that you are Australian, which he happens to have an interest in.
° He wouldn't describe his feelings towards you as a crush, more as a little sister and der brother relationship. He would feel weird if you ever developed something for him, since he is too close to you to be a couple.
° Very clingy towards you, constantly draping himself across you. Or sitting you on his lap when you are worn out from practice, he often let's you take naps on him. He also treats you to sweets, even when on diets.
° Hyunjin once got frustrated over how JYP was treating you, giving you an extreme diet even though you were already working hard enough. So he'd reassure you that him and Chan would talk with JYP about it.
° Hyunjin can be seen copying your accent, whether it be for fun or just to tease you. He'll copy or pick up on your accent, many fan's hearts melting at his determination to be part of the aussie line.
"I shouldn't be having this cupcake." You sighed, placing the cupcake you've been eyeing for the past few minutes.
"Screw JYP, eat what you want. You are your own person and shouldn't listen to some old man." He defended, passing the cupcake.
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° Was the first member you met, even though it was by total accident. You both ran into each other when he was leaving the building and you were entering.
° You dropped the coffee all onto yourself in shock, making him chuckle as he tried to help you clean yourself up. He helped you into JYP, having no clue that you are going to be the new member joining.
° When Chan introduced you to the members the next day, Han was shocked. He was surprised to see a familiar face, but was also pleased knowing you seemed to be quite a sweet and charming person.
° You both are the stars whenever on reality shows together, many seeing you both as a chaotic duo. Doni and Coni once tried to correct you, telling you that women shouldn't be so hyper. Han got pissed.
° Not only did Han correct them on their manners, but also told them that a man shouldn't tell a woman what to do. Many fans and netizens applauded him for protecting his new and sweet Maknae.
"I swear those guys get on my nerves sometimes, don't listen to them." He sighed, patting your head softly.
"It's okay Hannie, I'm glad that I have some older brothers to stand up for me." You reassured, melting his heart.
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° You are nervous to be around Felix, not because he's intimidating or harsh. But because he is so nice and angelic, and you don't want to develop a crush on a member.
° Even if you don't see him in that light at first, it will happen eventually because he has such an addicting energy that surround him. Felix is a sunshine, and it isn't hard to see why everyone loves him.
° Felix wants to make you feel as comfortable as possible, usually being the member picking up pads/tampons for you. He secretly develops a small crush on you, but he knows it would end up bad.
° You both would be worried about it ending bad due to the popularity of the band, Felix's popularity, your new career, and JYP's strict rules. So both of you don't truly progress that side of your relationship.
° It could blossom into something more serious in the future, but for right now it is just a mutual crush that both of you must hide. Your friendship is still very strong nonetheless, and you appreciate that.
"Okay here's a hard question, Back Door or All In?" you asked, as the managers watched you both from behind the camera.
"Neither because you aren't in them." He answered, trying to play it off as playful more so than flirtatious.
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° Seungmin is your dorm mate, who always manages to make your nights more calm. He reassures you every night that you are doing great, even if you don't believe him.
° You both wrote down a schedule for dishes, laundry, cooking ect. The only exceptions to it is having a terrible day, birthday, or being sick. Either than that then you must follow the schedule stuck into the fridge.
° You both have derpy photos of each other as your wallpapers, both being taken when both of you just woke up. Seungmin can't help but giggle silently whenever he opens up his phone, looking at your bed head.
° Seungmin helps you out with waking up, letting you get use to the schedule of being an idol. Taking as many pillows to the face as he needs to for you to finally wake up, Once getting feathers in his hair due to it.
° Many think you both knew each other before you became a member, but you both explained that you just understand each other well and clicked when you met. Neither of you grew up together.
"Is today you dish day or mine?" he asked, bottle of soap already in his hand ready to begin cleaning.
"Mine, but I had a terrible day today. JYP critiqued everything about me." You huffed, getting a soft hug from Seungmin.
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° Is glad he won't be babied as much since he isn't the maknae anymore, but will miss the benefits of being able to aegyo your way out of responsibilities.
° All of the members call you the babies or the baby line, even if either of you ar taller than some of them. Jeongin is also appreciative that he now has someone to relate to with being a babied quite often.
° He'll still call you noona just to get under your skin, but you honestly don't mind being called noona or unnie. Especially since some stays are younger than you, but you can become playfully annoyed at times.
° Jeongin will warm up to you very fast and treat you like a sister, he'll spoil you with stuffies and share his food with you every meal. Even though mama gets scold him for it, he doesn't care and continues to do it.
° Chan will cover both of your eyes when the members do something sexy, even if you kind of want to see it (mostly to tease them). But you understand why, since both fo you will get flustered by it easily.
"Y/n noona likes to steal my food sometimes." Jeongin admitted to fans, smiling at your playful glare.
"You share your food and insist I eat it Jeongin Oppa." You defend, watching the fans respond to the situation.
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saturnberry · 3 years ago
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V is for Violet
Part of my current project: ABC's of Flower Symbolism hosted on AO3.
Didn't post it on there because I haven't made it past letter B. So here it is, being posted out of order.
Violets symbolize, loyalty, "I'll always be there"
Characters Featured: Luke Valentine, Jan Valentine, mentions of Zorin, Rip, and Dandy
Ships Featured: None
Content Warnings: Strong / Creative language, sibling fight, mentions of mental illness, mention of childhood issues
Summary: Jan and Luke get into an argument on how Luke treats his younger half.
Now that Jan came across it, there was never a moment in his life where Luke actually hated him.
Sure there was the screech followed by whatever his pale brother's hands could get hold of being thrown at him in the act of bothering his older brother, but never a lasting anger or hatred was felt.
Although it had come close. Oh of course it came close to feeling like his brother disowned him.
Like the time Jan shot a druggie in an ally way because he thought he was turning into a ghoul and wanted to put him out of his misery. Or when Jan knocked a kid blind and unconscious back in high school because he made a playground insult towards Luke. He got the silent treatment for weeks for that one. Or when Luke was scavenging the sidewalk for money because he was a few cents short and Jan went and stole what they needed anyway.
All those instances ended with the silent treatment, a grounding, and a lecture about morals and humanity when Luke mustered up the strength to combat his responsibility. Luke took upon the parental role once the two moved out. It wasn't the best for Jan and Luke for that matter. Instead of being equal, Luke felt like a hovering authority constantly watching his every thought and move. It was like if moving out had a sequel. It was worse for Luke since he felt that all of Jan's actions were from his own negative influences or lack of educating him. He was more of a child than a sibling.
This of course led to an unhealthy dynamic between the two. Jan wanted to be seen as an adult and Luke wanted to be seen as an authoritarian type figure. This, above all else, was the reason for their common disputes.
Only when the brothers joined Millennium did they face a variety of problems bigger than their dynamic. It was not only a battle between the brothers, but a battle between everyone else. Others would now be affected by their disputes and arguments. Often times, the higher ranking members got themselves involved, pulling Luke aside and lecturing him on how he should appropriately be treating his brother.
"You're not his parent, Luke, you're his brother who is older by a few years. Your behavior towards him is not helpful and is detrimental to your relationship as well as his own growth. You can't act like a mother. He's an adult who can make his own decisions, no matter how stupid they may be. You have to respect that."
Were the wise words of the Dandy Man, who grew up as the second oldest of four. Dandy spent his young adult years on his own, completely leaving his family to chase his own dreams. That meant leaving his younger brother to be the man of the house and his little sister to help her mother when she could. His job once he turned into an adult was no longer to care for his family. The same had been done when his older brother left the house.
"Either love him like a brother, or don't love him at all. You can't protect him forever, Valentine."
Spoke Zorin in between deadlifting sets. To her avail, she had more credibility being the oldest of six. She cooked, cleaned, and worked while still taking care of her siblings at the young age of 13. It wasn't until she enlisted that she learned they would have to fend for themselves.
"I think you should let him parent himself. Let him learn what's right and wrong on his own."
Rip had the least credibility on this topic. She was an only child whose parents spoiled her to bits and let her do as she pleased . . . including drafting herself into the second Great War when she already had plans to go to university for a degree in the sciences.
Luke's response was the same to all three of them,
"I want to protect him. I don't want him to hurt himself or die."
And it was true. No matter how much he despised his brother and wanted to rid him from his hair like a louse, Jan was his flesh and blood. Jan was the only family he could stand. Jan was all he had left in his constantly changing and unpredictable life. The thought of losing him from something Luke could prevent would live on his conscience even beyond the grave.
And still as his response was the same, their responses were the same as well,
"You have to be prepared for that. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. You can't prevent his death, Luke."
"Well prepare to be disappointed in yourself."
"Then he'll never learn how to live on his own."
Then followed by them saying that they were all left on their own at some point, and they were fine.
Luke didn't believe that. Millennium was nothing but a ces pool of the mentally unwell who all shared the moral complex of Satan. He could name at least five problems the three first lieutenants all had in common along with individual issues they gathered from being alone in the real world as ignorant children.
Zorin learned that you'll never be anything in life if you take breaks. As well as having a good complex nobody cares to challenge.
Tubalcain, after not being able to find a decent job once he immigrated to Brazil, joined the black market business.
And Rip came crawling out of WWII with the mind of a lamb as well as a mind full of PTSD.
None were good examples of living on your own, and Luke feared he would never find a good example.
"When have I ever come close to dying?"
"That's not the point."
"Wasn't I the one who saved you from starving, being beaten to a pulp, dying from some natural disaster, and being sick?"
Luke averted his gaze. He didn't want to believe that Jan was the one who knew what he was doing. How Jan was going to live if he were on his own.
"You don't know how to survive by yourself!"
"I do. I've been keeping you alive-"
"You haven't been doing dick. You've been keeping me sheltered. Luke listen to yourself. Who taught you how to live on the streets? Who taught you the smarts you know today? You grew up in your pretty little fuckin' house in the pretty part of the fuckin' city with your pretty little fuckin' daddy and mommy. Daddy who sure as hell didn't make any visits to come see me. His other dickin' son."
Jan paced around Luke's room. It was small, only housing a bed and desk, yet still had enough space to stretch ones legs out.
"You didn't spend your elementary school days coming home and making yourself dinner because your mom was at work 12 hours a day so she could keep food on the table. You didn’t have to go without hot water, a stove, or even lights for months because your mom couldn't pay the bills."
Green eyes plastered themselves to the floor, scared to look up and meet their counterparts'. His brother never showcased negative emotions like this. Sure he projected his anger to people around him, but this was different. This was a deep hearted rage and sorrow. Rage because for years, his older brother treated him like a child for knowing more on how to survive rather than how to graph an equation or know where some famous mountain lay on a map. And sorrow for the lack of a good childhood he had. Yes, he spent it well with friends and went to many places with his mom when she could muster the money, but Jan didn't have the luxury of an organic homecooked meal or going to fucking Disneyland for a vacation every four summers.
"If it weren't for me, you would be dead. Your Dad would've thrown you onto the streets and you would've been homeless, starving, and dead because someone would've put a bullet through your skull."
Jan stared his brother down before making his way towards the door.
"Stop thinking I'm nothing but a child. Stop acting like you're my savior. Act like my fuckin' brother for once. 'Cause that's how I've been treating you for the past however fuckin' years."
He turned the handle to the door, promptly unlocking it, then walking out. He was as nice as to not let it slam shut for his brother and everyone else's sake. Luke was thankful for that, or at least his subconscious was. He really was focused on trying not to stain his lap with tears. It was truly obvious now that he, Luke, was a terrible sibling and would be six feet under right now, decaying, if it weren't for Jan.
Luke didn't know how to locate the city they were in once he was kicked out. He nearly went up to a man ready to rob a store and ask where the cheapest gas was. He had no idea how to live in a world that wasn't bubble wrapped in rainbows and daises. Luke didn't know how he could live without hot water, for he never had to take a cold one. Luke was sheltered, and had to face the unpleasant symphony proposed in front of him.
As he thought more, dwelled deeper into his mind for a meaning as to why he sheltered his brother so much, it hit him.
The reason Luke wanted Jan to be protected was because of his own life. Luke didn't want Jan to face nearly being shot because he can't recognize criminals, he didn't want Jan to spent his first night kicked out in an ally way with diseased rats. He didn't want Jan to experience what he did. The only problem with this line of reasoning, was that Jan had already experienced it. He couldn't protect his brother from what he wasn't there for. Luke can't erase Jan's memories of his dad walking out and leaving him with a single mother, memories of being verbally beat up as a kid because he didn't have the courage to stick up for himself yet. All of the bad in the world, Jan had already been exposed to.
The only way to truly protect Jan, was to let him go and use what he knew to propel him in life. And if he did lose his brother, that was an issue he would have to face when the time came. For now, living with Jan, was the most important responsibility he had.
"I'm sorry. I thought I could shield you but I can't. I don't want to make anything worse for you."
"Glad you finally realized that."
There was a tone of bitterness in Jan's voice, but in the years of knowing him, this was normal.
"Jeez, I'm just glad you're not gonna be such a cunt to me anymore."
Long arms outstretched to Luke's torso as Jan embraced his older sibling into a hug. Hugs between the two of them weren't frequent. They were little treats each deserved after a mission well completed or an advancement in their relationship.
"Yeah, no need to worry about that-"
"I love you."
Silence filled the room. Not an awkward silence, a silence of comfort and register.
"I love you too."
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stxrrywildflower · 5 years ago
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - you intern for garcia at the bau
warnings - mentions of case
word count - ?
note - takes place during season 7 around 2011
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you knew penelope from the minute you were born.
both of your parents were extremely close, living just a few short blocks away in san francisco. penelope was only 17 when you were born, you instantly becoming her new favorite person. her mom was even named as your godmother.
when penelope’s parents had died, yours had looked after her even though she did go underground as a hacker. despite how much penelope had changed, she was always there to check up on you and your parents.
and then she had gotten caught by the fbi of all people.
you were far to young to even comprehend what was happening. all you could remember was penelope hugging you tightly before she left. the two of you kept in contact by letters ever since that day.
now 17, you were an expert with computers. penelope was your guide, helping you learn to hack everything and anything as well as your way with all technology.
adding on to that, you were incredibly smart, taking all advanced placement courses at school. one of your classes was an internship, you had to find a local company to spend a certain number of hours a week in order to earn credit.
when penelope hears the news, mostly since she had access to your course schedule, she pulled a couple strings.
before you knew it, you were booked to have an internship with the behavioral analysis unit in washington d.c. under penelope garcia. aaron hotchner would be your ‘boss’ as he was the unit chief.
your parents were incredibly supportive, working out the details for you to stay with penelope for the semester and possibly part of the summer.
with multiple bags packed and a plane ticket booked, you were set to leave for washington d.c. in just a few short days.
arriving at quantico, you were more than nervous.
a car was arranged to pick you up from the airport, an agent named anderson picked you up to bring you to the bau. from there, you would be able to see penelope, meet with hotch, and get your proper paperwork and badge.
you could tell from the second you stepped in that your presence was out of place. a teenager was rarely in the bau, nonetheless one few people could connect to someone on the team.
“alright this is the floor you will be working on. garcia’s office is down the hall but through those doors over there is what we call the bullpen. that’s where the main teams desks are as well as where they do briefings,” anderson spoke, giving you a mini-tour.
“and the staring?” you asked. “that will stop soon. once they see you with agent hotchner they’ll back off. as much as i want to defend your case, i can’t say i wouldn’t act the same. this is the first teenager working at the fbi ever,” anderson informed you. “oh wow, didn’t know i was making history.”
“yeah you are, and I'm sure-” he was cut off.
“penny!” you exclaimed, rushing forward to hug the tech analyst, your luggage remaining behind you.
anderson smiled to himself, waving towards garcia before heading back to work.
“i’ve missed you so much sweetie,” penelope grinned, matching your enthusiasm. you hugged her for a little longer, overjoyed to see her after months.
morgan was next in the hallway, hugging you once penelope let go. “hey kid, how are you? school okay?” he questioned, ruffling your hair. “everything’s good derek, i’m just stoked to be here,” you grinned.
the rest of the team, to say the least, was extremely confused. there were a ton of questions running through their heads as the scene played out.
“maybe it’s morgan and garcia’s secret love child,” emily snickered, spencer and j.j. laughing too.
“i can take your bags down to my lair and we can bring them to my place after work,” penelope offered. “and i can take you in to meet hotch,” morgan piped in.
you kept your backpack with you, the three of you splitting up. morgan stayed by your side, guiding you into the bullpen.
the two of you couldn’t have been in the main roof for more than a few minutes before who you assumed was hotch was down to greet you.
“welcome y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to finally meet you,” hotch greeted, extending his hand for you to shake. you took it, nodding with a “nice to meet you too sir.”
“please, call me hotch. we can talk up in my office,” with one final smile towards morgan, you were following the into chief up for your meeting.
“so how do you know garcia?” hotch first asked.
“she’s pretty much my godmother, her mom was my official one before she passed. our parents were friends so i’ve known her for most of my life,” you explained, a smile on your face. “she taught me to hack when i was only 10.”
hotch nodded, “and you’re seventeen, correct? have you committed to any colleges?”
you shook your head no. “not yet sir. i’ve been accepted to a few but haven’t made any final decision. pennelope is pushing me to go to school around here though.”
“i’m sure wherever you go will be a good fit. but now, we have to get into some of the more official stuff. how are you managing school with this inteenship?”
“my teachers moved all of my classes online with virtual lessons and work. penelope and i have already worked out a schedule so i can focus on my work here and do schoolwork at night,” you explained.
hotch was obviously satisfied with his answer so he continued, “now with your internship, we don’t expect you to work cases with us right away. it is mostly just learning under garcia. once you feel comfortable enough and get a recommendation, you can move up.”
you nodded along, taking in the information about your job. “i can take you down to get your badge and then you can meet the team,” hotch offered. “sounds perfect.”
photos and paperwork didn’t take more than twenty minutes. you were back up, a crisp new badge clipped on your jacket, soon enough.
“my team,” hotch called. “conference room.”
with his usual ‘unit chief’ tone, no one bother to argue with him. adding on to your interaction with three out of seven members, changes were obviously happening.
you were seated on top of one of the file cabinets, morgan beside you and penelope next to him. your conversation died down once more people entered the room.
both you and morgan quickly got down, wanting to look at least a little bit professional.
“everyone, i would like you to meet our newest team member, y/n y/l/n. she’ll be interning under penelope and helping out on cases,” hotch inteoduced.
you waved to everyone, a slight smile forming on your face. “from left to right is reid, prentiss, rossi, and j.j. and your already know garcia and morgan,” hotch pointed out each individual member.
“wait i’m not following. you know morgan and garcia?” rossi asked.
“my parents knew penelope’s for a long time. i grew up with penelope pretty much as an older sister. and i know morgan since he’s visited home a few times,” you explained.
the team was already eager to get to know you, having a fresh face around, nonetheless one that was only 17, would definitely be nice. so, for your first day, you were pestered with questions. you already fit well with the team, a new member being added to their little family without problem.
your first week was pretty much just learning the basics of how the computers in garcia’s lair actually operated. you had your own little station in one of the corners, a few computers and monitors set up for you to work with.
two weeks in, you had your first real assignment.
it wasn’t by choice, you were supposed to start working with the gory stuff in two weeks, or a month of working there.
you absolutely loved the job with the team. oftentimes, you found yourself hanging out with either emily or j.j. for dinner and time with sergio and or henry. you went on morning runs with morgan, the two of you constantly sending each other new routes to run on. spencer helped you with your homework, planning a schedule for the idea work time like it was no issue. if you ever had a problem with school, he would always help you figure it out.
rossi found a new sense of joy in teaching you to cook. you grew up in san francisco, eating a lot of sea food and not much else. rossi changed that, making you various pasta dishes to try as well as the recipient. and hotch, hotch became an overall mentor and pretty much another dad to you. while spencer helped you with work, hotch would keep you in line with everything.
the latest case was pretty intensive on you and penelope. you did as much work as you could, you still weren’t officially clear to handle crime scene information just yet.
the one time penelope was out of her office getting coffee for the two of you, her office phone had started ringing. you quickly pushed away from your desk, your chair rolling across the floor until you were in front of hers.
“office of the most talented and magical members of the bau here. how may i help you?” you greeted. “man garcia is really rubbing off on you,” you chose to ignore that comment.
“speaking of garcia, where is she?”
you sighed, “getting coffee. what do you need?” hotch was quick to answer, “i need you too look up an unsub. name is roger clark.”
in lightning speed, you clicked away at the computer as you dug up information on the man.
“ah here his is. clark rogers was born to a frank and mary rogers. was a normal child, played sports and graduated with honors. did have a case of aggravated assault in college though he got off free since his dad was a lawyer. oh shoot, his mom died a few weeks ago,” you quickly explained.
something about a possible trigger as barely audible in the background of the call. “we need a location asap,” emily spoke.
“oh i’ve has the location sent from the minute you called,” you leaned back in your chair, most of your work already done.
hotch actually had one of his rare smiles on his face after that. “thanks so much,” he spoke. “stay safe,” you called before hanging up the call.
little did you know, your work was more than helpful. though it was minimal, small details you had provided actually proved to be useful in taking down the unsub. even penelope, who heard news of everything once she returned, was thoroughly impressed. it wasn’t super easy finding out that information as fast as you could.
all you knew is that you were guaranteed a job once you graduated.
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @tinylumpiaa @sapphicspence @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @change-the-world-someday @ah-blossom @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @kissessforharryyy @garcias-batcave @spenceneedsahug @jjandreidsgirl @zoseph @spencerreidxoxo @marvelxmendes @kissessfordraco @ogmilkis @cm-is-kinda-cool @ssa-morgan @matthewgublerswife @spencerslatte @babyangellee @agentshortstacc
715 notes · View notes
terrm9 · 4 years ago
The Ray Women
Ethan and Chiara visit her family in San Francisco for the first time.
Set in the renovations period between Book 2 and Book 3.
This is the fourth part of the mini series The Couple & the Others. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 can be found here.
Words count: 4 200
Author’s note: The final part is here! I do not think I have much to say, other than THANK YOU to Ruby @starrystarrytrouble​ for this beautiful moodboard and for reading the last part back then!
Warnings: mention of death (it’s Chiara’s background, there is no way I could have avoided that), other than that fluff
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Ethan let out a long exhale as soon as they stepped out of the airport hall and he felt the first rays of San Francisco sun on his skin.
There were several reasons why he never considered to leave Boston and its reasonable climate was most definitely big part of those reasons. Boston was... normal. Bearable. San Francisco was hot and the wind was barely there and the sun was too bright and-
He turned his head to look at Chiara and decided to snap his mouth shut before he could mutter something about the hell being colder.
Chiara, with the wide smile on her face and eyes closed, the whole face turned up to absorb as many of those annoying rays as possible, looked exactly as she should at the moment. Like she was finally home.
It was no secret that Chiara loved warm weather and complained about the one in Boston for the good part of the year („How does your ass not freeze in this damn city?“) and until this moment, Ethan didn’t really think about it. But now, the situation was reversed and only now he realized that he would most likely never agree to live in San Francisco, because he wouldn’t bear the heat.
And Chiara was undoubtedly dedicated to stay with him in Boston, even though she could hardly bear the cold.
„Why are you staring at me?“ she opened her eyes suddenly and tilted her head slightly to get a better look at Ethan.
Deciding not to get into discussion about weather and how it spoke volumes about the difference between them – especially not now, when Diana was about to come to pick them up any minute – Ethan answered with a statement that was not at all untrue.
„Because you are beautiful.“
Chiara let out an amused laugh at that and squeezed the hand she was holding, but it didn’t escape Ethan’s notice that her cheeks flushed and not from the shining sun.
The moment of silence and unspoken confessions between them was quickly interrupted by a delighted shriek coming from behind them and arms – bare arms that didn’t look bare because of the tattoo sleeves decorating them, Ethan noticed - wrapped around Chiara’s shoulders just a moment after.
„Alicia!“ Chiara screamed when she turned around and hugged her sister tightly, the moment lasting long enough for Ethan to absorb the only Ray he hasn’t yet had a chance to meet.
Chiara talked about her younger sister a lot ever since they agreed to visit San Francisco – or rather, she warned him about Alicia.
„She is wild.“
„Should that surprise me?“ Ethan didn’t even bother to look up from his medical journal. „She is your sister.“
„Oh no, you don’t get it. She is really wild. Alicia is the copy of my mother, the exact younger version of her. And she is... she is out of this world. The laws of nature do not apply to her. She is loud and gestures too much and speaks her mind too freely and she doesn’t walk, she bounces and she... she is wild, Ethan.“
And it went like this for weeks. Even the flight from Boston was filled with Chiara’s occasional „please do not be surprised“ and „it is who she is, it is nothing personal“.
Ethan met Diana once before, although the circumstances were so tense they both tried to forget it. Chiara was fighting for her life and the whole hospital was fighting to find a cure in time – and Diana flew to Boston, her voice shaking and eyes wide and she pleaded, begged Ethan to save her daughter because she wouldn’t survive losing another child.
Neither of them wanted the first meeting to be that way, but life had its own way in creating surprises and so Ethan knew that Chiara inherited her mother’s hair but not her eyes‘ color, he knew what her voice sounded like and that she loved her children more than life.
All that Diana remembered about Ethan from those three days she spent in Boston back in November was that his voice was soothing and calm while his eyes were terrified and just as pleading as her words and that he managed to save her little girl.
Chiara didn’t lie when she said that Alicia was a copy of Diana – her hair, just as Chiara’s – were the color of a summer sky seven minutes before the sun set completely, but unlike her mother’s or sister’s, hers were not falling on her shoulders in soft waves. Her hair were much longer, falling almost to her waist in dozens of dreadlocks. Several piercings on her face – her lower lip, her eyebrow and her nose – attracted attention and Ethan had to fight his sudden urge to ask her if the upper part of her body is hot and her feet are cold when he noticed her outfit, made of a tank top and high-waisted shorts combined with black leather boots.
She is barely 20, he kept telling himself, an obvious explanation of the difference in their points of view. And she is wild, as Chiara reminded him so many times.
„So you must be the famous Dr. Ramsey, huh?“ Alicia turned to Ethan so fast he almost didn’t manage to look away from her. „Nice to finally meet you... in person.“
She winked at Chiara at that, earning herself an annoyed glare from Chiara, something Ethan wasn’t used to seeing often.
„Ethan is just fine,“ Ethan nodded, shaking Alicia’s hand – as impossible as it felt, even smaller than Chiara’s. „It is very nice to meet you too, Alicia.“
Alicia didn’t even try to be subtle as she took Ethan in and he tried his best to hold her gaze, to not give her any reason to doubt him as the right person for Chiara.
Finally, Alicia sighed dramatically, the sound that startled Ethan visibly, as he had not a single clue of what that sigh was supposed to mean – did he disappoint her already?
„Mom was supposed to pick you up but she had some work to finish in the atelier, so she sent me.“
She turned on her heel at that and without sparing as much as another glance, led the couple to her car.
And saying that Ethan was nervous would be an enormous understatement.
*** *** ***
Whether Alicia set up some kind of test on Ethan and he passed or she was just trying to make him feel uncomfortable – knowing rather well that nobody else would – and it stopped being fun, Ethan didn’t know. He knew, however, that there was no trace of tension or hostility in Alicia’s behavior from the moment they stepped into the house.
By the time Diana came home and joined them, Ethan has seen the whole spectrum of Chiara’s annoyed glares, along with her embarassing teen-years photos and love letters she wrote to Milo Ventimiglia when she was eleven, believing that he would read them one day.
„She‘s always had a thing for older men,“ Alicia winked at Ethan at some point and part of him wanted to feel embarassed, but it took one look into Chiara’s diary filled with Keanu + Chiara or Chiara Reeves notes and yes, Alicia was right.
Chiara has always had a thing for older men. (And he should be glad.)
Sitting in a cosy living room, Ethan didn’t feel uncomfortable, not in the slightest. He felt welcomed and overly happy that he finally had something to tease Chiara with in return.
The room was bright and filled with so many photos, Ethan felt like in an art gallery for a moment. There were pictures on the ledge of a fireplace, on the walls and on every shelf. Pictures of babies and toddlers and kids, all with the same red hair and wide smiles; wedding pictures of Chiara’s parents; pictures of a man Ethan never got to know but recognized in an instant, the greenness in his eyes so well imprinted to Ethan’s mind, as Dorian’s oldest daughter was the only child to inherit the colour.
Pictures of a happy family, of a family Ethan so long wished to have and that was took away from him at the age of eleven. With an ache squeezing his heart, he realized that Alicia was barely thirteen when the happiness of their family was taken away from her. Just a child, just as he was all those years ago.
„Dorian would love to talk to you, if he was here,“ Diana smiled at Ethan, breaking his thoughts.
„He would?“
„I am sure,“ she nodded, the smile not – never – leaving her face. „He always missed a rational brain in this house – I am an artist with my body and my soul, my head always somewhere far away, ignoring the basic laws of this world. He would be so delighted to talk about science and medicine with you and I am sure by the end of your stay, he would just nod and nod and say „A good man, this one“, without even trying to give you the typical talk about his precious daughter deserving only the best,“ she laughed at that and Ethan tried to laugh too, but the lump in his throat made the task impossibly hard.
It has been seven years in which the Ray women had to learn to live their lives without Dorian and Liam, but the way they talked about them today, with so much love and gratitude, it made Ethan feel as if they never truly left the house.
„Yes, and I would just ask him something like Dad, aren’t you gonna fight for me?, and he would just laugh and tell me that he didn’t buy Dr. Ramsey’s book all those years ago just to scare him off now,“ Chiara chuckled.
After exchanging some more stories of Chiara’s childhood, Diana decided to start cooking a dinner and just as she was leaving the room, she said: „You kids stay here and catch up some more,“ which was an innocent statement, truly, but it left Ethan feeling rather awkward – was he supposed to leave with her or did she count him as a kid too? Considering the fact that his age was closer to Diana’s than Alicia’s, he could hardly be sure about anything.
In the end, he stayed with the sisters that seemed like they were not physically capable of not talking, the only moment of silence falling over the room when Alicia left to make them all a coffee.
But it didn’t last long and for a moment Ethan wondered if Chiara has talked that much naturally and only learned to control herself around him.
Was he changing her personality?
„I met Marc the other day,“ Alicia spoke again while handing Chiara her coffee, her tone light.
Ethan felt his jaw tense at the mention of Chiara’s ex boyfriend name and despite himself, he held his breath while waiting to see Chiara’s reaction.
„You did?“ Chiara asked with her eyebrow raised, sipping the hot beverage slowly. „How is he?“
„Handsome as always,“ Alicia smirked, sighing dramatically again. At this point, it didn’t even startle Ethan anymore. „He still looks like Harry Styles with those long hair.“
Ethan has never heard the name Harry Styles before but seeing Chiara’s amused grin and the way she just playfully bumped Alicia’s shoulder with hers – and that was the only reaction she gave away at Alicia’s description of her handsome ex – Ethan slowly, subtly took his phone out of his pocket and seeing that the Ray sisters paid him no attention, he decided to do his research on who the famous Marc resembled.
Harry Styles was... young. And rather good looking. With the dark hair and bright eyes, it would be easy to say that Chiara had a type (if Marc really look like that), but that was not enough to calm down that weirdly uncomfortable feeling that tried to raise up his throat.
Marc was as old as Chiara and it was no secret that even all those years after the break-up, the two were rather friendly. And he looked like this Harry Styles guy.
As much as Ethan hated to admit it, there was a name for that feeling, the name known to him but no, he was not-
He shouldn’t feel jealous of Chiara’s ex.
But Marc was young and handsome and did Chiara feel the need to talk less around him, less than she wanted? Did Chiara feel that need with Ethan?
This was stupid, Ethan knew. Chiara chose him and that should have been enough.
But Marc probably didn’t hate San Franciso’s weather as much as Ethan did.
Ethan became so lost in his own stupid, not at all rational thoughts, that he didn’t notice how Chiara left the room to help Diana in the kitchen. He only noticed Alicia’s intense gaze on him, amused smirk on her lips and maybe there was a trait that both Ray sisters carried proudly, maybe Alicia’s ability to observe was just as great as Chiara’s and maybe – probably – she knew exactly what was on Ethan’s mind at that moment.
*** *** ***
„So what do you say?“ Chiara couldn’t help but ask the moment she closed the door.
It was not that she wanted her mother to tease or test Ethan, but was her family really giving up on her so easily? Were they all just ready to give Ethan their blessings and wishes of luck with Chiara, without as much as making sure his intentions are pure?
It was not fair towards him, she knew. Alan has been nothing but kind and exceptionally nice to her, always. And Bryce did make Ethan sweat at the stupid brunch all those weeks ago.
Still, she just wanted to see him flush and stutter. Just once. Just for fun.
"He is as handsome as the pictures you have been sending," Diana grinned at her oldest child over her shoulder. "Maybe even more in person."
"You know that is not what I am asking," Chiara whispered, not wanting Ethan to hear the conversation. It was not that she didn't agree with her mother, but anyone could appraise Ethan's good looks. And Diana was not anyone - her opinion mattered to Chiara more than she'd like to admit.
"I know Ethan is a great man for you, darling. He makes you smile so much I can see these little wrinkles around your eyes," Diana gestured at the corner of Chiara's right eye, too close for Chiara's liking considering she was holding a knife in her hand. "For so long I have only seen dark circles around them. Anyone who can make you this happy is more than welcome in our family."
Chiara exhaled softly and watched her mom cut the vegetables, mulling over her next words in her head.
Before she could decide on what to say next, however, Diana smirked and spoke again.
"Not that I was worried. I spoke to Bryce few weeks ago. About you and Ethan. And he made it clear that your relationship is one he approves of."
„You did what?“
It shouldn’t surprise her, she knew. Bryce and Diana called each other so often at this point, Chiara was pretty sure Bryce asked Diana for an advice before his own date last time he went on one.
„Yes, he called me after that lunch you all have had back in December? Or was it January? I am not sure, but it was the first time Ethan joined you and your friends.“
That damn brunch.
„He called you to let you know that he roasted Ethan already and so that you do not need to do that?“ Chiara chuckled, putting her question as a joke.
„Exactly!“ Diana exclaimed happily and unlike her child, she was not joking.
„And you just... believe him?“
Diana shrugged, turning to Chiara wholly now, her smile only partly amused. Mostly soft and affectionate.
„You know I love Bryce as my own kid. I know you love him as your own brother. Has Bryce ever hurt you?“
Chiara shook her head without any hestitation because no, no matter how many people did hurt her – Ethan included – Bryce never did. Never.
„He wants you to be happy and he would never let you date anyone who wouldn’t make you so. And I wouldn’t either. Ethan makes you happier than I have ever seen you, Chiara, and that is all a mother needs. For her children to be happy.“
Not needing to hear more, Chiara wrapped Diana in a tight hug, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
„And he looks damn good, too,“ Diana whispered into her hair before any of them could start to cry.
*** *** ***
Ethan was standing at the desk in Chiara’s old room, smiling softly at yet another photo of a wide-eyed, smiling redhead child with a hefty book in her hand. The plan for the second day of their visit was to see all of Chiara’s favorite spots in the city.
„Uhm, Ethan?“ Chiara’s voice resounded from behind his back and it was the unfamiliar hitch in it that made Ethan turn around rapidly to face her.
„I... this is stupid probably and I will totally get it when you won’t want to go but, uh,“ she took a deep breath, her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides, tension around her almost visible.
„There is one place I want to go to before we start the day and it would mean so much to me if you wanted to go with me but it is probably very morbid from me to want you to go and-„ the words left her mouth at such crazy pace they almost sounded like one very long word instead.
And suddenly, it became very clear what she was trying to say, even though she didn’t know how to go on.
With two steps Ethan closed the gap between them and gently put her hair behind her ear.
„Let’s go,“ was all he whispered before taking her hand and letting Chiara lead their way.
 Chiara asked Ethan to give her a few minutes of solitude with her dad and brother and left him to stand under the huge oak tree while she sat down slowly, gently in front of the grave she used to visit every day.
For a long moment, she didn’t even know what to say, how to start. If at all.
She just kept staring at her crossed legs, letting the tears to fall freely.
How could it be that she had the privilege to have eyes to stare with and legs to stare at, while the mere privilege to be alive was taken away from them?, she wondered.
„Hi dad, Liam,“ she spoke at last, her voice just above a whisper.
Ethan didn't want to eavesdrop. It was not polite, not appropriate, it was invading Chiara's privacy.
It was also impossible not to do.
The place was small and quiet and the three he was standing under was too close to the place Chiara was sitting at and what was he supposed to do, sing? Whistle?
That would hardly be any more appropriate.
And so he heard everything Chiara said and he was sure he was not meant to hear any of that.
„Ethan is here with me,“ he heard her say. „I wanted you to finally meet him. I know the last time I was here, I was not overly happy about him, but he got back from the jungle and he is forgiven. So could you forget how I called him an utter asshole and just... be nice?“
Ethan’s whole body tensed and a regret washed over him like an icy shower. He couldn’t be anything but ashamed by the fact that Chiara already shared him at this place and that she probably hated him at the time.
„You would love him, dad. He is so smart, like, genius smart. As smart as you were. And he respects me more than anyone has ever respected me before. You always said that if the man does not respect my career, he does not deserve me, dad and if that is true, then nobody deserves me as much as Ethan.“
He heard her chuckle and there was a long moment of silence before she spoke again and with some kind of internal terror Ethan realized that he didn’t even try to stop hearing what she was saying anymore.
„And I am sure you would like him too, Liam. He is a great target of jokes and teasing.“
Another silence.
And then Chiara said something Ethan so desperately wished he hadn’t heard, something that made him hate himself for listening and even more for what he heard and he just wanted to run away, far away and hate himself in hiding.
„You know... I cannot say this to him, because he is not very keen on this kind of things and I don’t want to scare him but guys, I love him so much.“
*** *** ***
Chiara didn’t know how many times she thanked Ethan that he visited the cemetery with her, but she was sure it was not enough to express how grateful she was.
The least she could do was to make sure that their next stop would be her absolutely most favourite coffee shop in San Francisco and Ethan would get his morning coffee just the way he liked it.
Something was off, however. Ethan was extremely quiet the whole time and even though she was used to his moods at this point, it surprised her here, today. It was kind of their vacation, their free time, something they both so desperately craved.  
Chiara could see that he was lost in his thoughts, brows furrowed and his gaze pointed somewhere behind the window. And doubts started overtaking her, because of course it was too much to take him to meet her dead father and brother. It would be too much for everyone.
Before she could decide on how to apologize for dragging him there, Ethan beat her to it and spoke first, although his gaze was still pointed elsewhere.
“I must apologize.”
Only then he turned to her and her confused raised eyebrow was the push he needed to finish the thought.
“For-“ he stopped, biting his cheek, mulling over his next words and by the expression on his face, even those he speaks next are not the ones he wished to find. “For making you feel like you cannot express yourself when you are with me.”
“Oh?” Chiara shook her head slightly, her confusion growing even bigger at the odd statement.
Ethan exhaled, suddenly aware of the place being rather empty. There were no groups of teenagers, no kids, nobody that would muffle his words and his wild heartbeat.
“I overheard some of the things you said to your dad back then,” he admitted slowly, softly, quietly and he was not proud of himself for not even trying to not to overhear it.
The confusion in Chiara’s eyes was quickly replaced by comprehension and just after that, panic.
“Oh,” this time, the sigh that left her was full of understanding.
It all clicked now. It all made sense and Chiara so desperately wished it didn’t, because she loves him and he heard and now he is scared.
She tried to come up with a response that would make everything make sense, her head starting to hurt from the pressure she put on her brain to just come up with something, damnit.
Chiara opened her mouth several times without any sound leaving it and she was internally panicking and Ethan was not even looking at her.
 Until suddenly he was.
“I love you too,” he blurted out, the words a little bit slurred.
The third “oh” that left Chiara’s was so soft, had there been the teenagers or the kids, Ethan would have missed it. But he didn’t.. He heard it and it took all of the air of his lungs away, because it was almost nothing, mere two letters and yet they carried such meaning it made his throat tighten.
“You do?” she whispered at last.
“Yes, I do.”
“And it doesn’t scare you?”
“God,” Ethan laughed, pulling her closer to him and putting a long, lingering kiss on her forehead. “It scares me more than anything has ever scared me before.”
Chiara laughed softly, her warm breath tickling Ethan’s neck and she pulled away just enough to tilt her head and look at him and in her eyes, those emerald greens, so warm, so soft, so beautiful, Ethan saw more than Chiara could say at the moment, in those depths he saw that this woman, his Chiara, his light, loved him more than anyone has ever loved him before and it warmed his chest in a way he didn’t recognize and it was that moment when he knew.
There was one thing that scared him more than love. Than being loved and loving Chiara.
Losing Chiara.
And he knew it then, he knew he would fight his fears of that unknown warm feeling every day, every second of those days until it didn’t scare him anymore, because losing Chiara was not an option. Not anymore, not ever.
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octupus-on-the-moon · 4 years ago
I`m the favorite
Pairing: Non, just the Wilson family and Red Wing.
Wordcount: 2689
Warning: Non
Author´s note: This little story is based on this post of this super cool blog @justsamwilson, check it out too.
The moon stood high above a lake bathed in darkness; only a soft light, that emerged of a house near the shore, reflected on the water surface. The air was pleasantly warm and humid, around the double-gallery house, whose blue color almost seemed black between the shadows. Crickets were chirping and fireflies humming, only the subdued sound of conversation and laughter, coming from the residence, disrupted the almost complete silence.
The Wilson family was having dinner. James Barnes or ‘Bucky’ as everyone called him, came over to spend the weekend. The kids where specially excited about Uncle Bucky’s visit, he was the only one with enough time to play. Sam and Sarah were also glad that he came over every once in a while, to help out with whatever he could.
Now after a long day of fishing, cleaning and packing up deliveries all were enjoying Sarah’s gumbo.
“The soup is amazing Sarah” Bucky praised her with a warm smile, she blushed looking down at her half full plate.
“Thank you. It´s a family recipe. I can write it down for you if you want” Sarah replied, tucking a strain of hair behind her ear, earning an annoyed look from Sam who was sitting across from her.
“That won´t be necessary, if I want some I just need to come here. It´s really good so I’ll be around a lot” Bucky chuckled tilting his head and taking another spoon full of gumbo. The boys whispered at each other giggling.
Sam sighted irritated “Okey enough flir…”
A loud melody coming from his phone in the pocket of his jeans interrupted Sam.
“Oh it´s Torres” He said tapping on the screen “Hi, what’s up?”
A distorted voice, only understandable for Sam, came out of the phone as he stood up. “I’m with my four-favorite people in this world having dinner” He explained, walking out on the porch into the friendly night.
The scraping of spoons continued unaffected.
“Of course, I’m his number one favorite nephew and person” Stated Cass out of the blue, blowing at his glasses that tarnished under the steam of the hot soup.
“Ha. You can´t even eat a soup right” AJ opposed, whose glasses where perfectly clear “I´m older than you, so I´m his favorite”
“At least I can take my glasses off and stop seeing your ugly face” Cass snapped back sticking out his tongue.
Sarah took a deep breath “Stop it you two” she scolded both, clapping her hand gently against Cass´s head, who was sitting right next to her.
“Well, I´m his partner in crime and I saved the world with him, so I would be his favorite number one” Bucky added, innocently starring at an interesting spot on the wall, while Sarah glared at him.
“That’s not fair. Just because he didn’t let me go with him” Cass pouted “I could have saved the world too”
AJ rolled his eyes behind his glasses. “You couldn´t even walk back then, dummy”
Sarah quickly chewed her last bite “Hey, we don´t talk like that in this house” extending her right arm over to the front side of the table to clap softly AJ´s head, as she did before with Cass. “And you are all wrong. I’m his sister. I know him longer than any of you. So obviously I am his favorite” She taunted, challengingly looking towards Bucky now.
Turning their eyes into the same direction, the brothers waited expectantly a response; causing Bucky to clear his throat and shift his torso to sit up right. “Oh really” he said still searching for a quick answer.
Then his eyes lit up “IIIIIIII spent five years with him in a weird glitch reality. That” Bucky paused dramatically “Makes me his number one”
The mention of that unfortunate time stiffened Sarah´s shoulders, but went unnoticed by the boys who high fived, twisting around on their seat, to see their mother´s reaction.
“Aha. After a month you probably bored him to death” Sarah countered with a serious tone “I can cook him all his favorite meals, ergo I´m the favorite”
The brothers quietly glanced over to Bucky, who did not appear amused either. The last words altered the atmosphere. It was chilly in the room, yet the temperature had not changed.
Bucky lifted his chin pretentiously “Pff. That´s nothing. Sam went two years on the run for me” his voice had a harsh undertone, that was not there before “I am his favorite”. Sarah stared back at him with ice cold eyes and the brothers hold their breath.
The tense moment passed as soon, as Sam’s heavy steps entered the room “What did I miss?” he asked with the always welcoming warm tone he had.
Bucky relaxed, as far as he could, picking up his spoon pocking the remains of his soup.
Sarah turned her head, letting down her shoulders, with a bright beam “Not much. How´s Torres doing?”
The dinner went on as before, polite conversation and more gumbo, but something unkind lurked in the air among the plates.
A silent dare between Sarah and Bucky settled.
Prove each other who was the favorite.
The weekend passed under an invisible contest between Sarah and Bucky.
The kids thought it was a fun idea persuading uncle Sam to admit who was the favorite number one, by doing extra nice things for him. The brothers gifted Sam some self-painted comics, with their cool uncle Captain America saving their day and helped him cleaning his super suite, among other little chores; But quickly let go of it, when their uncle Bucky and Mom took it to the extreme.
Bucky was constantly around Sam asking him at any given moment if he could help him or do it all himself instead of Sam. From renovating the whole cabin of the boat, to just serve him a coffee. Always being polite, letting out any teasing or offensive joking, which rapidly irritated Sam.
Unlike Bucky, Sarah, worked in the background: Serving the meals he most liked, bringing a refreshing lemonade under the hot sun of July or checking on the boats motor, so it would not die while Sam was out fishing. Smiling and being nice, without drawing to much attention on herself.
Sam did not mind being so well attended by his loved ones the first hours of that Saturday morning. After lunch he started to feel that something was off, apart from Bucky´s suspicious behavior. On his way back to the boat after a little break he realized, that the Boys were quieter than usual around their mother and that Bucky had not flirted with Sarah in more than 12 hours, which was nearly a miracle.
As almost every Saturday, Bucky and Sam, kept working on the boat.
“Hey Buck, can you pass me that screwdriver?” Sam asked looking straight at the doorless frame in front of him.
“Yes of course. Do you need something else? Can I help you with that?” Bucky passed him the screwdriver, looking interested on the hinges Sam was exchanging.
“No, it´s fine, you check on that doors paint” Sam replied, signing towards a freshly painted door leaning against the rail of the boat.
"Just" he stopped for a moment turning around to see Bucky in the eyes. "One question"
Bucky nodded enthusiastically, unusual for his serious persona "Of course, what is it?"
"What the hell is going on with you all?" Sam asked leaning against the doorway, crossing both arms over his chest.
"Us? Nothing. We're just doing what we do every weekend?" Bucky’s enthusiastic face fell apart, making place for his familiar icy expression. Without awaiting another word from Sam, he turned around to keep working on the paint of the door.
Sam sighted. He knew that face far too well and now he was more than sure that something was up. But Sam never got far pressing Bucky to tell him what he knew, felt or thought.
He will need to ask the boys what is going on.
Sam pressed a button on what at first sight could be a wristwatch. It was actually a remote for Red Wing. Sam made a second one for daily use. Red Wing is not only a weapon for him; he could be quite useful for many things.
"Red Wing locate AJ and Cass, tell them they should come to the boat" Sam quietly order into the remote. "Then I want you to fly over my position and take pictures"
The roof of the cabin was leaking since Sam had memory. Bucky wanted to climb on the cabin earlier this morning, since Sarah lent their ladder to one of the neighbors. But with the boat slight movement and the wet surface of the cabin roof, Sam did not want him to get hurt. With a few good pictures of Red Wing, they could see what needed to be repaired and do it the next time both had a free weekend.
Almost an hour passed, till Red Wings hum, announced the arrival of the two brothers.
Sam did not worry; both often went down to the village to play soccer with the other kids.
"Hey uncle Bucky, hey uncle Sam. What's up?" AJ questioned tiredly climbing on to the boat. The two were covered in mud and Cass was holding a brown round mass of what must be a soccer ball.
"You two had fun I see" Bucky said smiling at them.
"Only your mom will not be pleased when she sees you two like that" Sam added, smirking towards Bucky, who nodded accordingly. "Anyway, you need to clean up and I need to talk to you. Dinner must be ready soon" Sam answered AJ's question.
"Buck, I'll be back in a second. Then we can hang in the door and finish up for today" Sam's bracelet remote beeped. Red Wing had sent the pictures to his phone.
"What's going on uncle Sam?" Cass asked after all three had left the boat and were slowly walking to the back of the house to clean up their mess, before their mother saw them.
"That's exactly what I wanted to ask you too" Sam replied.
"Nothing. What should be going on?" AJ eluded him, nervously side eyeing Cass.
Sam specified his question "Why are your uncle and your mom acting so strange?"
"Oh, about that..." Cass and AJ responded in unison, looking at each other. Then both giggled. And Sam's confusion grew even worse.
Then a high pitched and blurred voice, from inside the house, screamed at them.
It was Sarah. She opened the window "Look at you two. Who is going to wash that? And the grass stains on that jeans AJ?"
"I was goalkeeper" AJ said, loud enough so only his brother and uncle could hear it.
"You’re not going to enter my house like that! AJ I heard that. No talking back to me, you know that. You two are going to wash your own clothes, just so we are clear" Sarah's frustrated tone changed immediately as she saw Sam "Oh, hey Sam, are you done for today? Dinner is almost ready, but you can shower before that if you want"
The boys went around the house to follow their mothers request and get rid of the mud, while their mom was distracted; Sam´s question already forgotten.
It took him a beat too long to respond, but Sarah waited patiently “Yes we´re almost done. I’ll shower before dinner, but don´t wait for me. Bucky probably wants to…”
“Oh, don´t worry we can wait. It´s not like we’re starving to death” Sarah interrupted him with an exaggerated laugh.
Sam sighted again. The day was pretty busy, the sun hot and he was tired.
But curiosity killed the cat, right?
“Sarah” Sam voice now a little sharper “What is going on between you and Buck?”
With a frustrated huff Sam let the cold water run down his body.
Nobody knew anything, but everyone acted strange, he thought, massaging his temples enjoying the cool wet.
Sarah did not answer. She gave a short explanation about her relationship with Bucky, completely missing the point of his question. Then she vanished from the window, leaving Sam with his doubts.
Now he was trying to figure it out himself. What exactly he needed to figure out was unclear too. “What did I miss?” he questioned out loud in to the empty bathroom.
Everything was perfectly fine till today morning. They couldn´t have discussed in the morning, because he was always the first up on his feet.
Absentmindedly he soaped and rinsed his hair and body.
Then it struck him. Torres´s call. They must have discussed during his call. That would explain why the boys were so obediently quiet afterwards.
“But what could they have discussed about?” another question floating unanswered in the steamy air of the bathroom.
Sam stepped out of the shower, at the moment his Red Wing remote beeped. He sent the little drone out to look for bee nests around the house. They were pretty common around here, but for AJ deadly due to his allergy.
He must have found one somewhere.
Sam made a mental note to call the beekeeper, to remove the nest safely. But he dismissed the idea almost immediately.
Red wing.
Red wing was laying on the sofa last night, he probably recorded the whole evening. Bucky complained afterwards that Sam leaves Red Wing everywhere after repairing or upgrading him. He must have recorded the discussion between Sarah and Buck.
Without wasting much more time in the bathroom, Sam rushed over to his room, where Red Wing was patiently waiting for new orders on his bed.
“Red Wing, replay the audio footage of last night between” Sam rapidly took his phone out “7.35 and 7.40”
AJ and Cass looking shiny new in their fresh clothes, were nervously waiting for uncle Sam. Their Mother and Uncle were ignoring each other sipping on their glass of wine. The kitchen smelled amazing with the different pregnant spices of the casserole hanging in the air.
From the top they could hear Sam´s distinguished steps coming down the stair. At the sound of it, Bucky´s and Sarah´s posture changed immediately to warm smiles and relaxed shoulders.
Sam came down with a big grin on his face and Red Wing in his hands.
“Finally” Cass sighted, already grabbing the spoon to serve himself, just to get his hand clapped away by Sarah.
“Don´t be so impatient Cass, let your uncle take a seat first”
“Oh, don´t worry about me. Cass serve yourself; I still have something to say” Sam intervened his grin growing even bigger. Sarah and Bucky exchanged for the first time a glance.
“Red Wing, had been quite useful today” Sam said laying the drone on a little side table near the stairs. “Yes, quite useful” Sam repeated with a chuckle seating himself on his usual spot besides Bucky, who seemed really preoccupied over his strange behavior.
“I think if I ever stranded on a lone island, I would hope to have Red Wing with me” Sam kept on talking, taking the spoon from AJ, who already was pouncing his plate. “He could alarm me from any wild animals or even hunt something for me, without complaining or competing” he added savoring the confused expressions of his family “Yes, he truly is my favorite” Sam finished, passing the spoon to Bucky.
Sarah choked on her wine, looking over to Bucky, who couldn´t compute what was going on.
The boys bursted out in to a laugh, Sam gladly joined.
“How?” Buck asked knitting his brows, still holding the serving spoon, then his eyes shifted to the little red drone on the side table “Oh”
“Yes” was the only thing Sam managed to say between tears.
Sarah and Bucky looked at each other for another moment completely embarrassed. Then both grinned joining the others laughs.
After everyone caught their breath again, Cass broke the silence “But uncle Sam who´s your real favorite?”
Sam smiled at his little nephew “Red wing is real isn´t he?”
All rights reserved.
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pretoriafics · 4 years ago
Being Jackson’s older sister
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Yay, guys! I'm bringing you a few headcanons about being Jackson's older sister.
Remember: My requests are open. Remember²: English is not my main language, so I’m sorry if my writing maybe sounds bad for you.   
Let's get started?
Word count: 1.093 Warnings: Inappropriate language
Look, I think Jackson suffers from an inferiority complex because of the adoption. I think that sometimes he felt he is an intruder in your life and your parent's life.
Despite loving you, he felt jealous about all the attention you got, not just from your parents but everyone. You always knew these Jackson's feelings, and you always make sure that he knew you love him.
A lot of Jackson's school colleagues would have a teenager platonic crush on you, like Isaac, Scott, Stiles...
You think it's inappropriate because of your age, but funny and cute at the same time.
Jackson thinks it sucks.
"Get away from my sister, morons. She's too good for you."
Lydia was absolutely enchanted by you. I think you two really would have a great friendship.
You would "adopt" her as your younger sister. And it would be really cool.
You two would be out to the hairstylist to care for your hair.
You would share your celebrity crushes.
And you would give her a lot of advice about your brother and life in general.
I think that you and Jackson would be arguing a lot because of his jealousy and envy about you.
You would be worried about him. Because of it, you're always making sure he is feeling loved by you.
You cooked the things he loves the most.
You invited Lydia for tons of family dinner.
And you were watching your little brother's behavior closer, to make sure he is okay.
But you notice that Jackson was hiding something.
Well, you had dated Derek for a looong time. He was your first love, first kiss, first boyfriend, first everything. BUT...
Here we got the "Kate Argent" factor. She really needed to get closer to him, am I right? So, she guaranteed that you would stay away from the Hale family, making you think that Derek cheated you with her.
You cried for days, and Jackson saw how much you were sad about it. Your parents even send you to exchange studies overseas, and that's the reason Derek really never got the opportunity to clarify things with you.
But was in that phase of your life that you'd learned about werewolves and all that stuff.
Because of it, your suspicions raised about your little brother be a werewolf.
The end of your relationship with Derek was one of the points that made Jackson dislike Hale. He hurt you, after all.
While you were trying to discover the truth about Jackson, he was protecting you from Derek because, well, Hale really wants to fix things between you two.
Jackson really doesn't want Hale in your life again, so he's making sure Derek is away from you.
"Look, just don't get closer to my sis again. I don't wanna see her hurt just because you're an arse."
However, your brother and your ex totally agree on one thing: They want you out of all that mess the supernatural world is.
You find it out quickly. And you don't give a fuck.
I mean, come on! You need to take care of your little brother and not the opposite.
When you were sure about Jackson, you began to let a few tips and useful advice about the werewolf world. I mean, you just want Jackson to know he can count on you.
Look, despite you two argue a lot, Jackson still loves you. When you let your advice for him, he became even more worried about you get in trouble in the supernatural world.
And he demonstrates it in his own way.
"I don't need your help! I'm fine, okay? Damn."
"Yeah, you need my help, and no, you're not okay. Stop being so stubborn."
So, he did a thing that was really hard for him: Jackson swallowed his pride and request for Derek's help. He knew Hale worry about you too, and knew he would help to keep an eye on you without hesitation.
"But no touches! You will need to watch her from a distance."
"I'm not complying orders from you, Jackson. Find another one to do this."
They finally agreed to talk with you. Together.
Because, no, Derek will NOT be alone with you. I mean, no way. Jackson would freak out, and Derek is trying to get things easier for you.
You froze when you saw your brother and your ex in front of your front door. That was the first time you saw Derek since you broke up with him.
Look, do I said that Jackson loves you? I mean, a lot. Despite you being the older, he really cares about you.
And when he heard the beat of your heart when you saw Hale after all that time, and after that tempestuous end of relationship, he felt conflicting feelings.
First: He knew what that means. When Jackson saw your face and heard the beat of your heart, he knew you missed Hale, and you were, still, hurt with all of what happened.
Jackson doesn't want you bad, just happy.
Second: He knew what that means!! And if you let him aside because of Derek? So, yeah, he's jealous about you.
Should he stay and talk with you about all the supernatural stuff? Should he leave and let you fix things with Derek?
Fuck off, he would do both things. Despite being a little bit selfish sometimes, Jackson knows when he should give up something. In that case, he knew you need to fix things with that stupid Alpha. If that's what you need, he will give it to you.
Derek and Jackson tried to talk with you about being away from all that supernatural stuff. You were rolling your eyes. You were not a princess in danger.
This conversation hasn't any results. But...
The next one maybe has resulted in a white peace flag between you and Derek.
Hale and Jackson considered that it would be better if you stay close to them, doing the investigations and all these things. It would be easier to take care of you.
After all, you would have a brother who would take care of you. Sometimes it would be hardest because of his inferiority issues, but you know that he still loves you.
Despite being a hard one to deal with sometimes, Jackson would do the necessary to protect you and to see you happy.
If deal with that weirdo Alpha would do you happy, and would make you feel better, he would do it for you. He would do it without a sign of doubt.
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nina-a-pines · 4 years ago
Takaishi Takari
So, a couple of days ago I mentioned I had found an old Digimon work and well... here it is. This story is really old, and it wasn’t even written in English at first, I’m translating this right now, but I honestly want to add a piece to the digimon fandom so bear with me, please. And if you guys end up enjoying it and having a good time, that’s a win ^-^
The sunset was beautiful that afternoon in Odaiba. Although it was summer, a nice breeze blew, refreshing everyone, and that included the kindergarten students, who had just left the classroom at the sound of the bell.
Among the many children who went out at that time, two of them stood out: A little blond boy with blue eyes wearing a whistle around his neck, and a little girl with medium brown hair and the same blue eyes. Both looked eight years old.
“Ahh, I'm so hungry... What you think Mommy’s cooking today?” asked the boy.
“I want omelet!” Pagumon exclaimed in the blonde's arms.
“You two are hopeless,” murmured the tanemon on the girl’s head.
And speaking of the little brunette, this one just watched and giggled. Tanemon was right, Hikaru would never change, but she liked her brother just like that. Only sometimes did he go overboard.
“Hey, race ya to the gate!” Like when announcing sudden races for example.
“That doesn't count, Hikaru!” she exclaimed, still smiling, and running after her brother.
However, in her desire to reach the blonde, she ended up bumping into another child. That entire area of ​​the patio quieted down instantly when they saw the two of them lying on their butts, in front of each other.
“I'm sorry,” the brunette was quick to apologise, looking at the boy, whose main feature was his surprisingly light brown hair. She recognized him as Yoru, one of her classmates.
But despite the apology, Yoru looked at her with an angry face. He got up quickly and patted the dirt off his uniform before staring down at the girl. And with a mocking tone, he said:
“It had to be the Taka girl.”
A chorus of "Ohh...!" and a few giggles could be heard in the crowd that had formed around them. With the nickname, the brunette frowned, and as the usually sweet tanemon growled at Yoru, she finally got up and stared back.
“I already told you I don't like to be called that!”
“But it's the truth, everything in your name has Taka! Takaishi Takari!“ Yoru also raised his voice, emphasizing the syllables that made it possible to joke with the girl. “And it looks like your name was just because of that. What even is Takari, after all? Not even in other languages ​​have I heard that word!”
“As if you knew all the languages ​​in the world, Yoru!” Finally someone stepped in to defend Takari.
Hikaru returned when he noticed the crowd, getting between his sister and his classmate. Her gaze was skittish; he might be only two minutes older than Takari, but he was still the oldest. And even if the difference was two years, they always took care of each other.
“I know more than you,” replied Yoru, but he decided to take advantage of the blonde's arrival to continue his tease against Takari. “But since she's your sister, you should know that. Where does her name come from?”
Hikaru gulped, continuing to glare at the brown-haired one. Nor did he know how his parents decided on that name.
“You don't know, right?” Yoru mocked, looking at the girl over the blonde's shoulder. “I was right, your name was meant to be a joke, TAKAishi TAKAri! Taka girl!”
“Argh- Enough, Yoru!!” Hikaru finally yelled, controlling himself not to jump on and punch his classmate. “Let's go, Takari. You don't need to listen to this idiot.” He took his sister's hand, who had remained quiet until then, and left, pulling her without hurting her.
When they finally left the school and reached the end of the block, they stopped waiting for the signal. And it was only then that Tanemon spoke up.
“Nee, Takari, Hikaru is right, don't listen to Yoru,” he tried to cheer up his partner, seeing that her head was down to the point of covering her eyes with her bangs.
“Yeah, your name is... cool,” Pagumon agreed. Praises weren't his strong suit, but other than the girl being his partner's sister, she was one of the few humans he actually liked. Maybe because he liked Hikaru and the blonde cared a lot about his sister.
But not even with the support of the two digimons did Takari’s mood get better, she kept her head down.
“Forget about it, Takari,” Hikaru spoke once more, pulling her by the hand still joined when the light turned green for the pedestrians.
And they didn't exchange another word the rest of the way.
However, that didn't stop Takari from rambling the rest of the way. The girl's neurons were racing, thinking about Yoru's words. The nickname, Taka Girl, was no surprise; everyone has called her that at one time to annoy her (even Hikaru during one of their fights).
What was really bothering her was what her classmate pointed out, about where her name would have come from.
She was also curious now. She had never heard of another person named Takari, nor of anything with that name. Was it really a word from another language? And if so, what did it mean? It should be something really special, because it wasn't worth having a name that seems like a joke for nothing.
The sound of the doorbell pulls her back to reality. Takari is surprised to see that they were already at their family’s apartment doorstep. She didn't even notice they had entered the building... how far were her thoughts?
The door was opened by a woman with brown hair identical to Takari's, only a little longer. The reddish-brown eyes rested on the children and a smile spread across the older woman's face.
“Okaeri, Hikaru, Takari,” She looked at the digimons. “Tanemon, Pagumon.”
“Tadaima.” Hikaru hears her sister answer, to his surprise. She was so distracted that he had had to drag her all this time by the hand.
Releasing her was the first thing he did when he realized that the girl no longer needed it.
Hikari made room for the children to come in and as they went to the bedroom she returned to the kitchen, giving the usual warning, “Take a good shower quickly, dinner’s almost ready.”
“Hai, okaa-san!” The two responded together, in an incredibly perfect sync. Hikari smiled at that.
“They're definitely twins,” Tailmon put her partner’s thoughts  into words.
“Yes... they are,” Hikari just nodded, turning part of her attention to the on the oven.
I say ‘part’ because the rest focused on her children. Whenever May came, she was like this, nostalgic, thinking that they would soon be another year old when the fifth day came.
This has been going on for nine years... They were no longer those little babies she brought into the world, and they would only grow up more and more! Now they were turning nine, but before long they would have eleven, and then fourteen! Just that idea made a shiver run up her body, after all it was with fourteen that she and Takeru began to have something more than friendship.
Speaking of her husband, he wouldn't linger much longer at the publishing house, where he set things up for the announcement of his new book.
Like her, who became a teacher, Takeru also fulfilled his dream of being a writer and write down all their adventures at the Digital World. Both achieved everything they wanted and more. And the proof of that was the ring on her finger and the two children who, at that moment, were having fun making a mess in the bath.
“Hikari, the rice’s burning!” Taimon warned, seeing some beans becoming of a toasting brown.
The brunette hurried to turn off the fire, checking if her little slip hadn't compromised the meal, and sighed with relief when she found that it hadn't.
“What were you thinking about to be so distracted?” asked the digimon.
“Hm... Just a few good things,” was Hikari’s only answer, before concentrating once and for all on the pan.
Less than an hour later, the entire Takaishi family was gathered at the table.
“And then, I managed to catch the ball and shoot it into the basket!” Hikaru narrated excitedly about his day.
“It looks like we have a real basketball player here,” Hikari smiled at her son.
Both she and Takeru love this. Dinnertime was when they could pay most attention to their children and the twins made the most out of that time. Although... Takari was strangely quiet tonight, just poking food off her plate. She seemed lost in thought.
“Takari?” Takeru noticed the girl's behavior. He was used to his little girl being the life of the room, so that silence was concerning. “Is something bothering you?”
The brunette seemed to be awakened from a daze with that question from her father. She looked up only to see that both her parents and her brother were staring at her, waiting for an answer.
"Actually…" Takari started, a little hesitant if she should tell or not.
She looked at Hikaru, as if asking for his advice on what to do, and just with a look too, the blonde replied ‘If you want to tell, go ahead’. It might not be the best advice in the world, but it was enough for the girl to make up her mind. She wanted answers, so why not ask?
“Otou-san, okaa-san… Where does my name come from?”
That question took both adults by surprise.
“Why this now?” asked Takeru.
“It's just... I need to know,” she pressed the hem of her green T-shirt, trying to muster the courage to speak. “I need to know where my name came from, what it means. Because maybe then, it won't bother so much how weird it is.”
Okay, now even Hikaru was surprised by his sister's words. He didn't imagine she would put them like that. Hikari quickly turned to Takeru, worried, and she saw in the blue eyes, which still remained on Takari, a hint of pain and guilt.
“Weird...?” repeated the older blond.
“Well yeah,” Takari went on. She had already started, so now she would go through with it. – After all, what is Takari? Is it any other language?”
“Well, not exactly. – Hikari replied, wondering if what had formed her daughter's name could be considered a language or not.
“So what is it??”
“Takari, why is that now?” The girl's mother responded with another question. “Your name’s a bit different, but it’s not weird.”
"Maybe," Takari frowned, getting angry. “But when combined with my last name, it really is!”
A heavy and uncomfortable silence settled over the place after that exclamation from Takari. Hikari stared at her daughter, shocked at those words; Hikaru was also surprised; And Takeru still had that guilt in his eyes, only now with greater intensity.
The bad mood started weighing on the little girl’s shoulders as she became aware she had created it. She was still immersed in anger, however, and so she continued to speak:
“Takaishi Takari. Takaishi Takari! Everything has Taka! And the fact that my first name doesn't exist only makes the joke even worse! Was this supposed to be a joke?!” And with a snort, she concluded her angry speech.
But she didn't stop there to find out her family's reaction. She jumped down from her chair and ran to the room she shared with Hikaru, just giving Tanemon time to come in before slamming the door shut. And she slipped dowm on it as soon as she did, letting out a long breath.
“Nee... Takari...” the digimon tried to call for his partner after a few seconds. “Don't you think you exaggerated a little?”
Exaggerated? Takari pondered about this. Yes, she had exaggerated with that last speech, but the anger that raged in her was too much. So you mean to tell her that her name, in addition to being used in bad jokes, had no meaning to it? Was it plain and simply... Takari?
She didn't pay attention to how much time had passed after she'd collapsed onto her bed and buried her face in the pillow. Takari thought it had been hours while she brooded over the latest events, but looking up at her watch, she saw that she had barely spent ten minutes thinking it over. That explained why Hikaru hadn't invaded the room yet.
But even after a short time, Takari was already gathering the courage to leave the room and face her family again. She knew she owed them an apology, especially to her dad, as she had spoken ill of the last name he had given her. She should also make up to her mother for leaving food untouched on her plate. Yeah... the list of excuses to ask was long.
Knock Knock Knock
The sound of knocking on the door caught Takari's attention. Her throat went dry. She already knew it wasn't Hikaru, as he never knocked, let alone to enter his own room. So it could only be one of her parents.
“C-come in,” Takari authorized, sitting upright on the bed and thus leaving her lap free for Tanemon to accommodate on it.
Who entered the room was none other than Hikari. She looked calm, and brought along a plate of food (the same one Takari had left behind) and a smile. But that didn't calm the girl down, she knew her mother had the gift of teaching her right and wrong without having to raise her voice.
“Hi,” Hikari greeted, walking calmly towards her daughter. “I thought you would be hungry so I brought your food,” she explained, leaving the plate with cutlery over the dresser.
“Thanks...” Takari replied in a whisper, unable to stop staring at the floor. Having her mother treat her well after what she did was worse than getting scolded for it.
“Can I have a seat?”
Still not looking up, Takari nodded and felt the bed move when Hikari sat beside her. A few seconds passed until the eldest decided to speak,
“Takari, do the boys still call you by that nickname?”
Once again, the hem of the green shirt was gripped tightly. Of course, Hikari knew about her terrible “nickname” given by her peers, since the first year of the garden, when it was created.
At the time (two or three years ago), Takari, instead of getting mad, would start crying when they called her Taka girl. And Hikaru, always willing to defend his sister, picked up a fight6 with whoever had done that. Such an attitude could not be expected to be resolved elsewhere than in the principal’s office, with the parents present. The result: both their parents and the parents of most of their class knew about that nickname.
“Yes, they do,” takari decided to be honest. “But it doesn't bother me anymore.” ... Or almost.
“Are you sure?” But Hikari almost always knew when her children were lying. ”Takari, I already explained that there's nothing wrong with having Taka in the first and last names. Is it annoying that they keep calling you that? Yes, and it is wrong as well, but the problem is not you.”
That speech did nothing, Takari barely raised her face to look back at her. Hikari sighed, deciding then to do what she had decided was about time to do, and the reason she had went to talk to her daughter in the first place.
“Do you want to hear a story?”
Finally Takari looked at her mother, with confused aeyes. A story? Now? What was the ex Yagami up to?
“About what?”
Hikari just smiled. A sweet, nostalgic and full of love smile.
“It's about two people, a girl and a boy, who you know very well, by the way.”
Flashback on: I told you guys this story was old
Was there a better way to celebrate the peacetime of the Digital World than with a picnic? In the opinion of the second generation of Chosen Children, there wasn’t. Which was why on that cool spring morning, they were on top of a hill, with a towel spread out and several snacks just waiting to be devoured. A little way away, near the river, their digimons played all together.
“You can attack, everyone! I brought only the best from the market!” Miyako spoke with evident excitement, sitting next to Ken.
“I also brought some snacks that my mother made,” Iori spoke up.
“Hey, Hikari-chan, do you want to try the noodles I made myself?” Daisuke had a bowl in his hands.
“You made that? You are really working on becoming a cook, Daisuke-kun,” Yagami commented smiling, as she accepted the bowl.
“Yes, yes! I'm still going to become a famous ramen cook,” the teenager puffed out his chest proudly, before adding with a suggestive look at her, “And my skills in the kitchen will help a lot when I cook dinner for my wife and children.
Hikari suddenly started coughing, choking a little on the noodles at those words.
“R-right?” She tried to smile at her friend, but the gesture was evidently nervous. “Your family will be very lucky.”
“We'll be very lucky! “Daisuke exclaimed, already daydreaming about four or five children, mixes of him and his beloved Yagami.
As Motomiya wandered off, Hikari glanced sideways at Takeru, who was relatively close to them to hear their conversation. As usual through the past weeks when that happened, the blond had an amusing look. However, with each time, Hikari could see a hint of annoyance growing in Takeru’s eyes. She suspected it shouldn't be easy for him to see that and keep silent.
And you know what? Hikari couldn’t bring herself to hide the fact anymore either.
A smile grew on her face with an idea.
Being sure to get the attention of all of her friends, she went to Takeru's side, and sat down with him, who just looked at her inconfusion. And in front of everyone, she took the blonde's hand and approached their faces, placing a light kiss... on his cheek.
But that alone was enough to trigger a series of reactions. Takeru himself turned red, looking wide eyed at the brunette. Daisuke started having a fit, screaming, pulling his hair and even thinking about going after the blond, but he couldn't manage with Hikari so close to him. Ken was slightly embarrassed to witness the scene, and only that. Iori at first looked surprised, but then he got a face like he was expecting that. And Miyako... Well, she was still in shock.
“Hikari-san, Takeru-kun...” she started, gradually recovering. “That right now… W-what does that mean…?”
“Minna, we have news to share,” decreed Takeru, finally calmer by the latest attitudes of his "best friend". Smiling and holding Hikari's hand a little tighter, he left the big revelation to her.
“Takeru-kun and I have been dating for three weeks.”
Two screams echoed throughout the place (if not across the Digimundo!) with that declaration. One was the "NO!!" from Daisuke, and the other one was a “KYAH!!!” from Miyako. While Motomiya slapped himself trying to see if this wasn't just a nightmare, the purple-haired girl practically danced in place.
“WOO-HOO!! My Father in heaven, my ship became canon!! TAKARI TO THE WIN!” 
The girl continued her fit of hysteria, with everyone (except Daisuke) watching with drops on their foreheads.
“Takari?” Hikari repeated, finding that word to be strange. “What is that, Miyako-san?”
“Why, it's the name of your ship!” she replied as if that were obvious. “The perfect mix of Takeru and Hikari: Takari!”
Despite having found the fact of being “shipped” a little weird, Hikari ended up laughing at her friend's ideas, soon forgetting what she had said.
But Takeru didn't let it get lost so easily.
“Hmm...” he muttered, with a distant look, before smiling. “Takari, huh?”
Flashback off:
- Your father never forgot what Miyako-san said that day,” Hikari continued, still smiling and having her daughter's full attention. “And when you were born, with my hair, but looking at everything with his eyes, there was no doubt. The perfect blend of Takeru and Hikari,” she looked at the girl, her eyes full of tenderness. “It's you, Takari.
Silence reigned again, but not uncomfortable as at the dinner table. Takari just needed time to process everything she had heard. And by the flicker of her blue irises, one could tell she was experiencing strong emotions.
So that was the meaning of her name? Was that why he was so different, unique? Takari smiled, letting out a light laugh. She couldn't believe she complained about something so special!
But wait, if it had been her father who remembered about that word, then-
“Mom!” she called, getting serious all of a sudden. - Was Daddy who chose my name?
“Yes, it was,” Hikari replied simply, already knowing where her daughter's reasoning had brought her.
“I have to talk to him!” Takari declared, and jumped off the bed. But before she left the room, she smiled at Hikari. “Thank you.”
Finding her father was not a difficult task, she soon saw him in the living room, more precisely on the couch, watching a basketball game with Hikaru.
“DAD!” she exclaimed, drawing the two blonds’ attention.
Without waiting another second, she ran to them and threw herself into Takeru's arms. 
“I'm sorry!” she circling as much as she could from her father's torso with her little arms. “I'm really sorry, I didn't know! I didn't mean to say that!”
“...Takari, what's wrong?” Takeru wasn’t understanding a thing, but even so he responded to his daughter's hug.
The little brunette lifted her head to look at her father. And Takeru was amazed to see that, despite smiling, she had tears in the corners of the blue orbs. Giving a sniff to chase away the crying, the little girl declared:
“I just want you to know that I no longer care about what others say,” she opened her smile even more.”I’m proud to be Takaishi Takari!”
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Happiness Begins
Part 25
Chapter Summary: The reader finds herself dragged to a charity event by her big brother. What will she do when she finds out what he really has planned for her?
Word Count: 4.6K+
Warnings: Language, angst
Author’s Note: Well, here it is. The final part. I am honestly amazed I even made it here. This story turned into a true monster from its original inception. I know I would have never made it here without all of your guys’ love and support. Your feedback means the world, so keep it up. You never know whose day you might make. I hope this is all you dreamed it would be if not, don’t blame me, I just typed this shit out ha. xo Alex
Catch up with the series masterlist and check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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Jared had insisted that Y/n ride with him and Gen to the fundraiser he had begged that she go to in the first place. He knew her too well, after all. If Y/n didn’t want to go somewhere, she was exceptionally good at getting out of it. But their sharing of a ride to the event left her without a number of excuses. So she bit the bullet and just accepted her fate. After all it was for a good cause, and she was authorized to make a donation on behalf of Et Cetera. 
Y/n followed behind her brother and his wife into the event, the two of them practically skipping, their fingers entwined between them. The sight made her both smile and her stomach turn. 
Out Youth Austin had organized this little shindig at the country club that Jared frequented in town. It was the perfect sunny afternoon for a party. Y/n laughed to herself as she took in the image in front of her. It reminded her too much of the final scene from Step Brothers, well, minus the ocean in the background and the giant ice sculpture of a helicopter. 
The place was bustling, there was a live band playing some song she didn’t recognize, but they had a certain aura about them that was infectious. The charity had also decided on a fully catered Texas style barbeque, complete with lots of alcohol. Y/n mumbled a silent ‘thank you’ to whatever was listening as she spotted the bar. Silently she slipped away from her brother and towards the bar, looking for something cold and fruity to keep her sated. 
Jared noticed her absence almost instantly, taking the opportunity of her departure to initiate his plan. Well technically, her spotting the bar was step one of his plan, which she had fallen for hook line and sinker. Genevieve stood begrudgingly by his side, also in on said plan, no matter how much she truly hated it. The things we do for love...
“She’s going to kill you when she finds out, you know that?” Gen whispered to her husband as he was bent over the sign-in table. 
“I can handle myself. Besides, I’m sure she’ll thank me later.” 
“You have a lot of confidence in that. I hope you are right.” Gen mumbled. Jared made a face at his wife as if to say ‘trust me’. He knew full well how badly this could go, but he also understood how good it could all work out. Things were still tense between himself and his baby sister and at this point he could lose her either way. He at least had to try this. 
Once they had signed themselves and Y/n in, they went to find her with their seating assignment. She was reluctant to go too far from the bar, earning a sour look from Jared. Like a scolded child, she followed him to their table, a small frown on her face. 
Once she knew where she was to eat dinner, she left them again to network. Jared and Gen were quick though to follow her into the crowd. They stuck to her like glue the whole time, unwilling to let her out their sight. After all, she didn’t want to be here in the first place, making her a flight risk in Jared’s eyes. And he couldn’t exactly lose her if he wanted this to work. He also was there to steer her in the right direction. After all he couldn’t risk her seeing something she shouldn’t and ruining everything. 
Y/n, on the other hand, couldn’t understand her family’s odd behavior. Everytime she turned around, there were Jared and Gen. It didn’t matter where she went or who she was talking to, they were always a step behind her, making the young woman uneasy. Y/n chose to brush off their peculiar actions, chalking it up to Jared’s lack of trust in her. 
The dinner was served about an hour after the three of them had arrived at the venue. The food that was served was like nothing she had ever tasted before. It gave a true definition to southern style cooking. Y/n made a mental note to get the caterer’s information from whomever she could pry it from. 
Y/n quirked her head up as the music died down from the stage and the audience was applauding. A spritely woman, who Y/n deemed to only be a few years older than herself, bounced onto the stage, taking the mic from the lead singer, “Desert is about to be served, we hope you all enjoy it as it was made right here in Austin. We have about thirty minutes until the auction starts, so get your wallets out and ready.” The organizer rushed off the stage just as quick as she came to a hoopa from the crowd. Y/n turned back to her brother, her brow scrunched together on her forehead. 
“You didn’t say there would be an auction.” She noted, confusion written on her features. Gen suddenly became very interested in the ice cream now being placed in front of her as Y/n spoke. Y/n picked up on the way the woman averted her eyes, not daring to look up at her sister in law. 
“I didn’t? I could have sworn I did...” Jared’s voice was high as he played her comment off. 
Y/n hummed, annoyance now bubbling up in her chest. “No, you didn’t.” Her tone was firm with her resolution. “Jared, what are they auctioning off?” She had to ask the question even though, based on her family's sudden change in demeanor, she was afraid she didn’t truly want to know the answer. 
“Oh, you know, just the usual.” 
“Jared.” Y/n set her lips in a tight line as she glared at her brother. He was up to something, and she knew it was going to piss her off. 
“They are auctioning off dates with local eligible bachelorettes.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal. A huff of air left her lips as the realization dawned on her. Y/n closed her eyes.
“Please tell me you didn’t…” 
“I did.”
“Jared! You signed me up to be auctioned off like some cattle to a strange old rich guy? I can’t believe you!” Y/n threw her napkin on the table and moved to leave. Jared grabbed her arm, an action that only sent more fire through her veins. She tugged her arm from his grasp. “Don’t.” 
“Y/n.” Jared’s voice was soft as he attempted to not draw more attention to themselves than had already been drawn. “It’s for a good cause. Please? Who knows, maybe this could be exactly what you need.” 
Y/n stared at him, incredulous. His words didn’t make any sense to her. Jared said ‘this could be exactly what she needed’? What does that even mean?
“You can’t back out now, they already have your name. Think about how that would look.” Jared raised his eyebrows at her and she could only clench her jaw. He was right, and that only pissed her off. He was smarter than she cared to admit. 
“I hate you for doing this to me.” Y/n growled as she sat back down in her seat. Jared smiled, the action quickly faltering when he realized she would not be smiling back at him. 
The sun was just beginning to fall towards the horizon as the auction started. Jared explained that Y/n was to stay in her seat until they introduced her, then she would head up on stage. The whole notion of selling dates with women churned at her gut, causing her to leave her desert untouched. 
As much as she hated the idea, she was in this now. There was no way she could go back without making herself and the charity look like fools, and she hated that Jared knew that too. The only saving grace that was helping her hold back the bile in her throat was that she knew it was all for charity. 
She did a quick check of her makeup as woman after woman was sold to the highest bidder. One more girl was sent off to her fate, when the announcer introduced Y/n as the next prize. She made her way to the stage, her head held high and a polite smile on her face. 
“Miss Padalecki is a seasoned and truly talented makeup artist. She studied at E.I. School of Professional Makeup in Hollywood and has worked on multiple television shows, including the one in which her dear older brother, Jared Padalecki, stars; Supernatural. This beautiful woman also owns her own makeup line headquartered right here in Austin; Et Cetera. Shall we start the bidding at one thousand dollars?” Multiple hands went up before she could get the words out, much to Y/n’s surprise. The number jumped to five thousand dollars before she even had a chance to blink. 
“Ten thousand.” A hand in the far corner went up and her eyes immediately snapped towards the voice. Y/n would recognize that voice anywhere and her suspicion was confirmed when she locked eyes with those familiar golden green orbs. Her breath caught in her throat as she finally understood what Jared had been talking about. He had set this all up, reasons for which she didn’t understand. Last she knew, the two of them hadn’t even been on talking terms. What had she missed?
A few more people out bid Jensen, and she wasn’t sure if she was relieved about that or not. Hell, she wasn’t even sure if she should be relieved. But Jensen, the stubborn ass he was, wasn’t letting her go that easily, coming back with a counter offer of a good three grand over the last one. He was dead set on making sure he won this one. 
“Eighteen thousand.” Some guy called from a table in the front, but she didn’t even glance his way. The steady drumming in her chest began to pick up pace, threatening to burst from her chest as she waited with bated breath, her eyes never leaving Jensen. 
“Twenty five thousand.” Y/n scoffed, if he won this thing she was going to punch him for spending this kind of money on her, especially when he could have just called her. It was a stupid, ostentatious gesture, but that being said, she couldn’t deny the butterflies it had awoken in her gut. 
“Do I hear twenty six?” The auctioneer called out. It was quiet. “Going once,” Still silence. “Twice… Sold to paddle 853. Thank you so much for your generous donation.” Y/n let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. A hand found her elbow and began to guide the stunned woman off the stage. 
Her body was shaking as she fought her conflicting emotions. On one hand, she was relieved that she wasn’t stuck with an awkward night with a stranger, but on the hand, she was pissed at Jensen and her brother for setting her up. Jared met her stare across the tables and she glared before stomping off across the golf course to get her some space to think.
Her heels were just hitting the pavement of the far side of the parking lot when she heard someone calling her name behind her. She didn’t want to turn just yet to face the man she knew had chased after her, but she had nowhere else to go. 
“Y/n, wait!” Jensen tried again as the woman spun on her heel to face him, the confusion evident even behind the anger in her eyes. “Listen, I know you’re mad-”
“Damn right I’m mad! You two had no right to do this. If you wanted to talk to me, you could have just picked up the phone. Why go through all this?” She seethed.
“Would you have answered if I called?” He asked her, his head tilting even though he already knew the answer. 
“That’s not the point.” She mumbled. Though honestly, she couldn’t answer him as to whether or not she would have answered. Right now she wanted nothing more than to say no, just to pour salt in his wounds, but she couldn’t do that. 
“It’s exactly the point, Y/n/n.” Jensen’s voice dropped as he made his point. “If it helps, it was all Jared’s idea.” Jensen tried to ease the tension with a small smile and she hated how her body instinctively reacted to it with a smile of its own. She quickly composed her face as soon as she realized her slip. 
“I think that makes you feel better, not me.” She answered honestly. 
“You’re probably right.” Jensen let his shoulders fall as he looked at her. Y/n looked just as stunning as he remembered, if not more so. That fact only had his heart clenching in his chest, the evidence of his mistakes standing in front of him. As he admired her tanned skin where it showed dark in contrast against her yellow dress, the way her hair fell in waves framing all the high points in her face, and even the tension in her jaw as she fought herself to let him see her smile, all the reasons for his past choices seemed irrelevant. This woman standing in front of him had his whole heart. He understood that now. There was no one else that he would ever love more than her. 
“I know I may not be your favorite person right now, but I won’t take back what we did. All I’m asking is that you listen to what I have to say.” 
Y/n chewed on the inside of her lip as she eyed the man in front of her. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, his features pulled down as he pleaded with her. And no matter how much she wanted to tell him to fuck off, she couldn’t. All she could do was nod. 
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow, six o’clock?” Jensen offered.
“Six o’clock.” Y/n confirmed before turning away and leaving him at the edge of the parking lot. 
Y/n stared at her open closet, contemplating how she should dress for this. Honestly, she knew full well she was overthinking all of it. It didn’t matter what she wore, but she also knew that it was just her anxiety’s way of diverting from the real problems raging in her head. 
Eventually she just landed on a pair of jeans and a nice blouse. She paired it with her favorite sneakers. In the end, she decided she just wanted to be comfortable. 
Y/n was making sure she had what she needed in her purse when there was a soft knock on her door.
Taking a deep breath, she went to the light wooden door and pulled it open. Jensen had a soft smile on his face as he came into view. He was sporting a pair of dark wash jeans, paired with a soft looking tee. It seemed he went just as casual as she had, topping off his look with a pair of converse. 
“You look beautiful.” He noted as his eyes racked up her figure. Heat flooded her cheeks under his intense gaze.
Y/n cleared her throat, not wanting to dwell on his compliment. “Shall we go?” Jensen stepped back, signalling for her to exit. Y/n locked up behind herself and headed down the stairs outside her door that lead to the parking lot. 
Once they were pulling out of the lot, Y/n could feel his gaze on her from the driver's seat. It made her uncomfortable and hot all at the same time. “Mind paying attention to the road, you aren’t fake driving here.” She turned to him just as he snapped his head back to the road. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel weird.” 
“It’s okay. Truly this whole thing is weird.” Y/n admitted, her voice low. 
“I’m sorry.” Jensen repeated himself. Y/n rolled her eyes at that, it grated on her nerves more than it should have. 
“Jensen, you’ve got to stop saying ‘I’m sorry’. It won’t make a difference.” What she wanted to say was it wouldn’t make a difference because she had already forgiven him. What she wanted to say was he was wasting his breath. But she didn’t, just because she forgave him didn’t mean that everything was rainbows and butterflies. Jensen still owed her an explanation. And besides, it was fun to watch him squirm a little. Her comment had officially shut him up, for now. She could see where his jaw was clenched as he kept his eyes fixed directly ahead. It almost made her feel guilty… almost. 
Jensen pulled off towards McKinney Falls State Park, parking in a secluded spot under a tree. He hopped out of the car without a word. She watched him as he walked around the car and opened her door for her, offering her his hands as she stepped out. With a silent ‘thank you’ he let go of her hand and went to his trunk. Y/n couldn’t help her curiosity, only to have it satiated as he pulled out a small cooler and a rolled up blanket.
“A picnic?” It was hard for her to hide the upturn of her lips. 
“Yeah, last I remember you liked my cooking. And I thought you would feel more comfortable away from my place.” Y/n cast her eyes away from him. It was a sweet gesture, and she had to fight the tears stinging in her eyes. Sometimes she really hated how easily she cried. 
“Lead the way.” Jensen moved past her into the relatively empty park. The whole place was huge, leaving plenty of space for people to spread out. They were walking for she didn’t even know how long, when he finally picked a spot under a large oak tree near the water. Jensen tossed the blanket out for them to take a seat on and placed the cooler in the center. 
“Come on.” He urged her to follow his lead as he sprawled out on the blanket. The grown man looked hilarious as he tried to find a comfortable position. Y/n crossed her legs and sat up straight across from him, waiting intently for him to start unpacking whatever it was that he had. “I didn’t think this through.” He admitted as he continued to shuffle around. 
“Just lean back against the tree.” She gestured to him and took it upon herself to pull items from his cooler. She started with the two bottles of sweet tea, then a tupperware container filled with what looked like coleslaw, followed by two bags of chips and some sandwiches. Y/n handed off Jensen his share then grabbed the forks and moved to sit next to him, her back resting against the tree. She set the container of coleslaw between them and handed Jensen a fork before turning her attention to the sandwich. Y/n took a bite, her taste buds exploding with flavor with one bite. 
“Holy,” She mumbled around a mouthful of food. 
“Yeah?” Y/n nodded, she could never deny his cooking abilities, especially considering this was one of the best sandwiches she’s ever had. How the hell does he do that? “You should try the coleslaw, it’s grandma Ackles’ secret recipe.” 
Y/n covered her mouth as she swallowed her bite. “Okay.” she agreed. Jensen filled the fork with the dish and held it out for her to eat. Her mouth closed around the utensil, her lips pulling all of the tangy salad into her mouth. Jensen had to bite back his groan as he watched her movement, followed by her eyes rolling up in her head. After all this time, she still had that effect on him, and he knew she always would. 
“Good?” The tip of Jensen’s tongue was peaking out of the corner of his mouth as he waited.
“That’s amazing, like really amazing. What does she put in that?” Y/n hummed.
“Sorry, I promised her I would take her secret to the grave.” 
“Your grandma Ackles was a very mean woman.” Jensen laughed as a pout formed on Y/n’s features. He had to avert his attention elsewhere. Y/n could have gotten him to do anything she wanted with that pout. It was unfair, really. 
“She actually kind of was.” Jensen mused, remembering the strict yet loving woman. 
The two of them continued their picnic in relative silence. Everything Jensen had put together was beyond delicious. It amazed Y/n how he could make something so simple taste so delicious. But she never doubted the man, after all he was annoyingly good at everything. 
Once the food began to dry up, they both knew that they were just postponing the inevitable. For once, Y/n found the courage to just bite the bullet. “Well, you have me here. I’m listening.” 
“Okay...” Jensen sucked in a breath as he brushed the chip crumbs from his fingers. “Gotta be honest, I’m not exactly sure where to start. I’ve gone over what I would say in this moment since you left Vancouver, but nothing ever quite came out right.” His hands rubbed up and down his jean clad thighs, one of the other nervous habits that Y/n had quickly picked up on from him. He cast his glance down for a moment, before looking back at her. Her eyebrows were perked up on her forehead as she waited in silence. 
“Jared and I have talked. We’ve actually been talking for a couple weeks.”
“I’m glad.” And she was glad for the both of them. They were important to each other and they deserved to be in each other’s lives. As much as she hated how much their mistakes broke her relationship with her brother, she also hated what it did to Jensen and Jared’s relationship.
“He actually came to me and we hashed out our differences. I mean we aren’t where we used to be but I think with time we will get there. He told me you guys are talking again too.” 
“Yeah, well it’s debatable how long it will last this time.” Y/n grumbled. She was still pissed at him for lying to her and she felt like being dramatic about it for a while. 
“Y/n/n, we messed up, I messed up. We went about this all the wrong way. But I don’t take back leaving you, because it did give you a chance to make up with your brother, and that’s all I ever wanted, your happiness.” Jensen admitted. 
Y/n pursed her lips, pushing down the fight building in her chest. “So why are we here then?” 
“Because you’re not happy Y/n.”
“And you know that how?” She pushed back. 
“Jared told me you are thinking about selling Et Cetera.” 
“So that means I’m unhappy?” 
“Yeah, it does. I know you better thank you want to believe. Selling the most cherished thing to you and moving across the country away from everyone and everything that you love is not like you. The woman I fell in love with fights for what she believes in, for what she wants. And I can’t let you go without telling you it’s a mistake.” 
“All of this is just you telling me what is best for me again. I don’t see how it’s any different than the last fight we had.”
“It’s different because you know it too. You’re running, and don’t try to lie to me. I know this is about me.”
“So what if it is? I reserve the right to make my own life decisions.”
“You’re absolutely right, you do. But I can’t let you do that without knowing all the facts. Y/n, I love you, and selfishly I don’t want you to go. Walking out that door in Vancouver left this emptiness in my chest that’s suffocating me. Everyday I wake up wondering how you are doing, and if you are okay. You’re the first person I wanted to call when my manager set up this big audition for me, and you were the first person I wanted to call when I didn’t get the part.” Jensen let out a huff, composing himself before continuing. “I just couldn’t let you go without knowing that.”
Y/n was at a loss for words, for the first time in a long time. That was quite the admission, and what was one to say to that? “What about Danneel?” It was the only thing she could come up with in the moment, her words startling even her.  
Jensen smiled. “I was hurting and needed a friend to talk to. I was looking for advice on how to get myself out of this funk. Danneel knows me just as good as anyone.”
“What did she tell you to do?” 
“She said that if I love you, and you love me then we would find our way back to each other, even if I had to go and get you.”
“So this is you just coming to get me then.” Y/m mused to herself, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “What if I don’t love you?” 
“Then I’ll walk away, and you can go to New York and be a big successful business woman that lives out all her dreams. But only if that’s what you truly want.” He paused and shifted himself towards her more. “Is that what you want?” 
Y/n swallowed, the motion getting stuck in her throat. “No, I want you. It’s always been you.”
“Then please don’t do this. Stay here and build your business big enough to scare that other company into bankruptcy.” Jensen pleaded with her. Y/n shook her head, chuckling. She knew it would come to this at some point. 
“Jay, I already turned them down. You are right, I couldn’t leave my family behind, and I couldn’t leave you.” 
“How long were you going to listen to me rant for?” His voice rose an octave, his thousand watt smile returning to his face.
“You were on a roll,” she shrugged. “Besides, you said all I had to do was listen.” Y/n failed miserably to hide the smile on her face. Jensen shoved at her shoulder, sending both of them into a fit of laughter. 
As he got back his senses, a warm smile spread across Jensen’s face. There was one last thing they needed to clear up. “Listen, I know we still have some things to work on, but I want to work on them. You and me. What do you say?” 
“You had me at ‘you look beautiful’.” Y/n licked her lips, an action not unnoticed by the man next to her. Jensen shook his head, fighting back his own smartass comment. “Seriously though, best idea I’ve heard all day.” 
Jensen chuckled as he leaned himself towards Y/n. “I’d really like to kiss you now, if that’s okay.” 
Y/n reached her hand out, cupping his jaw as she ran her thumb over the stubble on his face. “You are such a sap sometimes.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“And an idiot.” She finished with a roll of her eyes, all the while smiling like an idiot herself, before leaning into him and bringing his lips to her own. At that moment, it didn’t matter what had happened in the past. It didn’t even matter what was going to happen in the future. All that mattered was that he loved her and she loved him. And all the rest, well, it would fall into place, one way or another.
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Forevers: @spn-impala @22sarah08 @turtlepad @callmekda @chaldei @hobby27 @cowboysnwinchesters @tranquility-or-chaos @pikabootoyouchu @dawnie1988 @grease222 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @polina-93 @clarinette07 @moonlight-babeh @suckerforfanfic @witandnargles @sleepylunarwolf @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan @geeksareunique @akshi8278 @superfanficnatural @malfoysqueen14 @deanwanddamons @waywardbeanie @emoryhemsworth​ @talesmaniac89​ @waywardbeanie​
Et Cetera: @jbbarnesgirl​ @hillface89​ @arses21434​ @thevelvetseries​ @sslater34​ @mrsirishboru​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @encounterthepast​ @facadeformyrealblog  @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @rebeccathefangirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @heartinmyhead1​ @1d-killed-me​ @samsgirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @woodworthti666​ @supraveng​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @heartsaved​ @know2grow​ @littlewhiterose​ @surprisinglysarah​ @stoneyggirl​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @thebookisbtr​ @youaremyfiveever​ @kalesrebellion​ @lilulo-12​ @winchester-fantasies​ @vicmc624​ @supernatural3002​ @winchester-writes​ @maralisa124​ @therollingstoners​ @parinarain​ @kaz11283​ @charmed-asylum​
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yzkhr · 4 years ago
Part two of the Love Language miniseries!
Once again, I dedicate this to one of my favorite Shinran authors, @meitanteisachi
Part three might take a little while since I'm in my lazy mode. So please forgive me if the next part will be late 🤧
Warning: Probably my longest fic ever. So long that I need to divide into two parts. I kinda got carried away.
Receiving Gifts-You feel loved and appreciated when your partner or someone gives you a gift. It doesn't need to expensive, just something sentimental and thoughtful.
She was seven when Ran received her first memorable gift from Shinichi.
She remembered how It had been a month since her mother moved away, turning her life upside down. At a young age, Ran forced herself to be responsible; learning how to cook without burning the food, doing household chores that her father never knew how to do, and taking care of both a child who's too young and a grown man who's too immature and broken to live on his own.
It vastly made a growth and development in her character. Teachers and classmates alike noticed the way she had matured, from the way she handled her emotions—always putting on a smile and being the bigger one in the petty fights— to her mannerisms and gestures that resembled an older sister.
To them, her mother leaving became somewhat a good thing, with her maturity blooming early.
If only that were true.
No one knew that as soon as she opened the door of the empty detective office, Ran would be filled with her mother's presence; Hearing her voice, seeing her face, and even missing her scolding. Instead of saying anything to her father however, she brushes it off, puts on a facade, being a mother, a wife, and a daughter all at the same time to a drunk and emotionally unstable man.
But at the end of each day, entering her room and not crying was impossible. Her eyes watering at the sight of the empty bed that used to be filled with her mothers' scent, all gone. And like the child that she was—that she should be— she would sobbed and whimper silently, until exhausted enough to close her eyes and unaware that there's no one beside her just to sleep.
Ran was sure no one knew or was even remotely aware of her secret. After all, her smile shined and eyes glimmered in school so different from the distraught face she wears each night since last month.
But she had underestimated him.
On the day of her birthday, everyone greeted her with their own set of trinkets and gifts. Most were letters and drawings, filled with gratitude and love through the used of poorly executed writings and simple but meaningful pictures. Ran was happy to received all of them, whether they were small—like a piece of her favorite candy— or expensive and big, such as the dress given to her by Sonoko.
But unlike all her other birthdays, she didn't feel as contented and satisfied. There laid a gnawing feeling inside of her, aware that she'll never have what she truly wished for.
As they walked home from school, Ran expected Shinichi to give her at least some sweets. So, when he invited her to come by his house she agreed with a nod, genuinely having no idea.
So, she stood for a few minutes outside the mansions' gates, reading out some letters to pass time. She became so engrossed at reading that she didn't even notice him go outside until he was finally in front of her. Catching a set of feet just in front, she looked up. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw a fairly large and fluffy inanimate object in Shinichi's hands, holding it out to her.
"Here you go, Happy Birthday, Ran." he greeted, tilting his head on the side behind the cute teddy bear grinning from ear to ear. Instinctively, Ran accepted his gift and brought it close to her chest, feeling it's soft synthetic fur.
She slowly scrutinized it, it's features somewhat reminding her of...
"M-mom?" whispering incredulously, she glanced at Shinichi. Still wearing a smile, he nodded.
"That's right. Even if you don't talk about it, I know you miss your mom. You've been crying a lot too--"
"I wasn't crying!" she denied, but her mask slipped a little when he deadpanned.
"Yes you were," he stated calmly, as if he saw her doing so. She glared.
"How would you know? I never cried in school!"
"I'm sure before we go to school you do. Your eyes were always a little red and puffy when entering the class after all." he argued back. Instead of being embarrassed, Ran found something more important to point out.
"You were watching me?" she questioned, eyes curious. She didn't know why, but the thought of Shinichi watching and observing her made her smile(and a little nervous).
In an instant, gone was the confident and composed childhood friend of hers, image being ruined by his immediate coughing as if he swallowed a huge thing, cheeks flushed a healthy red, and a stuttering mess as he negated her claim.
"B-Barou! Those were just coincidences!!" then he slightly looked away, seemingly afraid to meet her violet orbs. Scratching his still blushing cheeks, he changed the topic.
"W-Well, Happy Birthday. You can use that stuff animal when you feel, you know, lonely." he dazed off, then glanced over her shoulder. As if realizing something significant, his eyes widened.
"It's already sun down! You gotta go home now or Occhan is gonna scold me!"
Ran followed his advice right after. As soon as she arrived home, she found her father in a sober state, and was even the one who tried to cook dinner for the both of them. Eri called later that night, which made Ran happy. She still asked her mother when the woman will come home and Eri would always reply with a vague answer. She didn't pressure her mother anymore, not wanting to ruin both their day.
That night as she entered her room, strangely enough, Ran didn't feel lonely. She also didn't feel the need to exhaust herself, now having a sweet stuff animal to comfort and fill her warmth. She settled on her soft bed, hugging the teddy bear tightly. And for the first time since her mother's moving away, Ran didn't cry.
They were thirteen, she recalled, when she received her second most thoughtful gift from him.
"Hey Ran, did you find the kitten?" Ran glanced up, hearing her name from Sonoko. She shook her head as an answer.
"It's still missing. I tried asking around but they said they never saw it." her bestfriend looked at her worriedly, knowing what she was thinking.
A few days ago, her, Sonoko, and Shinichi found a little ball of fur on their way home from school. They all took pity, Ran specially. So, the three teenagers took upon themselves to look after it until just a week ago, it disappeared. They searched everywhere around the area, trying to spot a little black kitten with huge and round green eyes. Unfortunately, they never succeeded.
Seeing Ran's mood depleted, Sonoko patted her back as comfort, grinning.
"Don't worry about it! I'm sure it has found an owner by now." Ran smiled, being reassured but still a bit dissatisfied. She decided to adopt the kitten after all but it was still nowhere to be seen.
To lighten the mood, Sonoko changed the topic to new shops, magazine, and gossips. Since the teacher was late, the Suzuki Heiress was unstoppable.
Rans' attention was grabbed however, when a certain someone entered the classroom. He was yawning, not bothering to hide his sleepiness. Rubbing his blue eyes languidly, she noticed how the dark circles under them became even more pronounced than before. Her eyes also became aware that there were some lines seared into his skin—scratch marks.
As if conscious that someone was watching him, Shinichi turned his head around, meeting weary blue with observing violet. It only lasted for a second, with the former looking away and going straight to his desk.
Shinichi had been acting weird lately. It started a week before, with him telling Ran that he would be late and she can just go ahead without him. True enough, he always came late ever since, which normally rarely happens.
Another thing to note would be his physical state. He looked restless, eyebags so obvious along with the constant yawning and even sometimes sleeping through an entire period. The last part wasn't new, but Ran heeded how easily he fell asleep, unlike back then where he needed to toss and turn his head for a comfortable position.
The last thing to caught her eye would be the little scratch marks. She would've been convinced that it was another case but seeing the scrape from his arms threw her off guard. They were shallow, but it didn't wave off her suspicions any less.
So, Ran decided that after class, she would visit him, whether he liked it or not.
The day went by rough, with Ran not being able to focus thanks to a sleeping classmate who looked far too exhausted for a normal student. Sonoko, looking at her stressed friend, ask her out to eat that sounded too appealing but she had to refused, knowing that if she didn't find out the reason for her best friend's odd behavior, she'll be the one to act weird next.
Knowing Shinichi's detective instinct, Ran knew better than to follow him on the get go and get caught. She waited an hour around the area, before making her way to the Kudo Mansion. The only problem now was how to enter without being seen.
She treaded through the stone path, finding the gate unlock. The middle schooler shook her head, both thankful and a little scared. What could he be so busy about for him to forget closing the gate?
Once Ran reached the front door and checked, that's when the immense feeling of worry kicked in. Shinichi also forgot to close the front door!
'What's happening to him? Is a case stressing him this much? Did something terrible happened? Why isn't he telling me--'
Her thoughts were abruptly stopped when the sound that something metallic fell reached her ears, making her anxiety increased tenfold.
Wasting no time and completely losing her initial target, Ran rushed in like lightning, fear evident in every step.
Upon reaching the kitchen and thoughts of her bestfriend in danger flooding her senses, she barged in.
Only to find the great detective Kudo Shinichi rubbing his head, and a couple of pans and plastic bowls scattered around the tiled flooring.
They gaped at each other, unable to register the current scenario. Ran was broken out of her trance however, when she noticed a light bump growing on the top of his head, which he was rubbing a while ago before he froze.
Previous distress setting in once again, Ran hurried by her childhood friends' side, helping him to stand.
"What happened?" she asked, examining and touching the bump. As if electrified by their contact, he flinched and backed away slightly, eyes a bit hazy.
"R-Ran, what are you doing here?" he seemed more concern of her presence than his own well being which made her glare.
"You've been acting weird this past week!" she accused as he treaded away from her, a bit too cautious. She took note of how his left hand slid behind him, fully intending to hide something away from her sight.
"Weird what, me? Barou, I've been perfectly normal. You're just overacting." the response didn't sound so convincing when he was literally sweating and avoiding her scrutiny.
"Yeah, then why were you always late this week?" the interrogation began.
"I was busy with a case Megure-keibu presented me, that's why." gaining his composure, Shinichi answered in a confident manner but that didn't drop any of her suspicions.
"Then what about you being constantly tired these days?" Ran pressed on, ambulating near her suspect. he kept his ground, so sure she was the one who was weird, not him.
"The case was so hard that I couldn't find time to sleep." he casually said, looking bored and done with the questioning.
She kept on walking towards slowly and when she was finally in front of him, she smiled innocently.
"Okay then, I have one last question to ask," he smiled, thinking he won. Then, feigning obliviousness, he consented.
"Fire away."
With those words as her signal, Ran forcefully yanked his left arm that he had been so carefully shielding and him having no time to react, she succeeded, revealing the scratch marks as her last piece of evidence and a.... kitten!?
Silence ensued. Until a mewl came out fromm the little ball of fur. Ran examined the little thing, coming to her conclusion.
"Please don't tell me this was the little kitten that's been missing since last week." she quietly pleaded for him to deny, but all he offered was a gulp and a weary nod.
Anger and bewilderment filled Ran, as she shook her head as an attempt to calm, but seeing the kitten that she had been desperately looking for, for the past few weeks made her burst.
"Why didn't you tell me you had the cat!? You knew that I was looking all over the neighborhood! I even told you I was going to take care of it--"
"That's exactly why I took it!" he interrupted, his excuse perplexing her thoughts even more than before.
"What?" he sighed and put the little kitten down gently, moving to the counter and sitting on one of the tools.
"Well, remember when you first tried to take it home? It was really aggressive, wasn't it?"
She did remember her hand getting scratch and almost bitten when she endeavored to adopt it. So, she gave a nod.
"Well, knowing what you were planning to do, I decided to take it to a friend of mom's who happened to be a vet and get it checked just to make sure. She said it was fine but it seemed a bit violent to humans so she advised me to take care of it so that it will get used to the environment. Knowing you, you would've been dumb enough to just take it without any examination and might get yourself really injured." she tried to refute his last statement but decided against it, knowing he was probably right.
But there was one thing that didn't made sense. "Then why didn't you tell me about it? If I had known I wouldn't have wasted my time, you know." hearing her question made him clearly uncomfortable, eyes now travelling anywhere but hers and cheeks tainted a light pink. They kept quiet, him contemplating while Ran patiently waited.
Knowing his loss, the detective whispered but she still heard it. "I was planning to give it to you next week. I just wanted it to be a surprise."
For some really unexplainable reason, Ran felt her heart beating faster than normal that she might die, face heating up, and even having a stampeding elephant on the pit of her stomach.
"Shinichi..." she uttered, not knowing what to say. Still looking the other way, he misinterpreted her calling as scolding.
"I know, I know. I shouldn't have done that. I should've told you properly and you wouldn't have to put so much effort into finding--"
His next lines were suddenly gone when she wordlessly went in front of his sitting figure and patted his hair softly, just like petting a feline. He stammered and tried to speak but found himself to be voiceless by her next words.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it..." she wanted to say more but was being suffocated by the swarming butterflies in her stomach, not allowing her to do so.
"You better be..." he mused, trying to lighten the mood and to calm his racing heart. As if by magic, he felt a sudden urge to close his eyes and lean on her posture, loving the way she stroke his hair so gently. And so he did.
Ran was taken aback by the unforeseen intimacy but didn't complain. They stayed like that for a few minutes, until she felt almost all of his weight on her, coupled with his heavy breathing that she concluded he fell asleep.
Slowly, she moved him to the sofa of the living room, all the while trying to not burst at the feeling of his breath on her neck. Succeeding, she grabbed a pillow and a blanket from his room, finally setting him down on the couch.
Ran couldn't help but feel guilty, finally figuring out that she was the reason of all his strange behavior all along. It explained his worn out expression throughout the entire week, having to take care of an aggressive kitten without having any prior experience must be exhausting, and it showed through his sleepless nights and lack of energy at everything in class.
Then, her eyes travelled to the little scratches and wounds all over his arms. They were nothing serious, but they must have at least sting. Wanting to at least alleviate the pain, Ran brought the first aid kid from his room and tenderly tended to all of the gashes and marks, and him not even flinching one bit despite being supposedly a heavy sleeper, became proof of how much time and effort he put for her surprise.
Ran went home that day, carrying his gift with her. She knew that he was supposedly giving this next week, but the teenager was pretty sure that Shinichi wouldn't be able to handle another week of torture like that. So, she left a note to make sure he didn't worry.
Years passes after that, but Ran would never forget the kitten he gave her, and the inexplicable giddy feeling with it. Sonoko would remind her how happy she was that she couldn't physically stop smiling for a while that it weirded many out but personally for Ran, it was worth it.
(Has a part 2 because it's so unnecessary long)
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btschooseafic · 4 years ago
Hey you, what’s your dream?
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Pairing: platonic!oc x ot7
Details: manager!oc, predebut/idolverse, partial BTS World!verse
Summary: Jimin does his best to get abs worth showing off.
Warnings: This is a fictional story based on real events. The characters presented here are not the same as their real life counterparts. (TW: eating disordered behavior/body image issues/perfectionism) [Masterlist]
Track 13: Jimin’s diet
Body Terror Song-AJJ
“I'm very sorry that you have to have a body
One that will hurt you and be the subject of so much of your fear”
Aviva had somewhat been avoiding Jin since their last conversation—which was difficult, as she was his manager, and they were smack-dab in the middle of a busy training schedule.
Hoseok was currently working with the choreographers to put together a routine to go with their debut song. Aviva hadn’t come to every rehearsal like she used to, busy talking to booking agents, and besides that, not having much (any) experience to do with dancing. Still Hoseok was a friend, and an important group member, so when he asked her to come see what they were working on and give him some feedback, she came.
“This part is on the offbeat, then you turn,” Hoseok explained, demonstrating the move for the other boys. “So, you want to take it from the top?”
Aviva applauded as she entered. “As expected from our dance captain!” She grinned at him, never unimpressed with Hobi’s dance skills. He smiled back at her.
“Don’t overdo it, Avi-yah, his head is big enough already,” Namjoon warned.
“Go hydrate while you have the chance!” Hoseok ordered, pointing off to the side where there was a line of water bottles along the floor. Jimin was already sitting, drinking and stretching. The others moved over to him, chatting as Hoseok sighed.
“What’s wrong, Hobi?” Aviva wondered. Hoseok shrugged.
“It’s going pretty well for our first run, but… there’s just one problem. I can’t help but feel like something’s missing…” He tapped his chin, looking frustrated. “What do you think, Avi?”
Aviva grimaced. “Sorry, I think I’m pretty useless in this situation. I’ve told you before, I don’t know much about dance routines—”
“Yah! Don’t put yourself down like that,” Hoseok said. “You might not be a dancer, but I’ve seen you speaking to the choreographers, watching videos, attending practices and taking notes. You’re our manager, and you’re our friend, your opinion is worth something.”
“Okay…” Sometimes Hoseok made her feel like crying with his emotional words. Half the time she was pretty sure he was doing it on purpose.
After watching the routine, Aviva spoke to Hoseok off to the side again.
“Yeah, I kind of get what you mean. It’s a pretty solid routine, but there’s no…” She made a like explosion movement with her hands. “No spice to make it stand out.”
Hoseok laughed, copying her movement. “Spice! You’re adorable, Aviva.”
“Shut up,” she muttered, feeling her face get hot.
“You know… I think you might have given me an idea though,” he said, leaning down to whisper it in her ear. Her eyes widened.
“Well that’s… daring.”
“Right?” He grinned widely.
“And, I guess, from a numbers standpoint, that would fit our projected demographic well.”
“You mean we’re hot so teenage girls are gonna be into it,” Hoseok translated.
“Teenage girls are one of the most powerful forces I know of,” Aviva said seriously.
“Hey, I’m not gonna argue with that.” Hoseok nodded. “I grew up with an older sister and five girl cousins around my age, and they saved my ass several times in our teenaged years.” He paused. “Come to think of it, they were the reason I got into trouble in the first place, half of the time, but eh, at least they cleaned up after themselves. Anyway…” He cupped his hands over his mouth. “Okay, boys, I have an important announcement to make as your choreographer!” The boys gathered around. “We have a signature dance move for our debut song! It’s… drum roll, please.” Yoongi slapped at Jin’s arm, creating a staccato beat. Jin winced and pouted at him. Hoseok laughed. “The ab reveal! We’re gonna pull up our shirts in the middle of the routine and show them off!”
Namjoon’s eyes widened.
“Are you sure? Pulling up our shirts? That seems… over the top.”
“The top over your head?” Aviva suggested, grinning. Everyone blinked at her. Aviva tilted her head. “Ah, that doesn’t work as well in Korean…”
Namjoon repeated it slowly to himself in English and then rolled his eyes.
“Ah, who are you, Jin-hyung?”
“She’s not as handsome,” Jin said immediately. Then he shrunk back as she looked at him. “Sorry…”
“Joon’s right though, we don’t want to overwhelm our audience,” Hoseok said thoughtfully. “So let’s just have one person do it! More of an impact!” He pointed excitedly at Jimin.
“Why… why are you looking at me…?”
“We’re counting on you, Jimin-ah! The success of our debut song is riding on your abs!” Namjoon said, clapping him on the shoulder and then speeding out of the room, the other boys following suit, as if afraid Hoseok might change his mind and make them all do it again. Aviva frowned.
“You okay, Jiminie? If it’s too much pressure, Hoseok can think of something else.”
Hoseok frowned. “What? I like this idea,” he grumbled. She elbowed him. “Yeah, sure, fine. Leave to me, manager.”
“No, it’s fine,” Jimin said, his smile a lot weaker than his usual shining grin. “I’ll do it. Don’t worry about me, manager-noona.” He left the room quickly. Aviva let out a breath.
“You guys better not pressure him too much. Honestly, it’s like we’ve learned nothing from that whole thing with Kookie…”
Over the next few days, Aviva kept an eye out for Jimin. She made a worrying observation that he didn’t appear to be eating, turning down even Jin’s home cooked meals in favor of diet shakes.
So Aviva sucked up her pride and asked Jin and Taehyung for help.
“I’ve heard it’s unfortunately pretty common in the idol industry, but has Jimin-ah done anything like this before?” Aviva asked Tae as they gathered in her kitchen early in the morning.
Taehyung had been excited to be invited to her apartment, but now seemed nervous. “Ah, noona, you know, I’m not really sure it’s my place to talk about that.”
“Right…” Aviva let out a breath. “Right, that’s true. I should just talk to him about it directly, but I was worried he was going to get embarrassed and not want to talk…”
“That’s a possibility,” Taehyung agreed.
“So, I thought I’d carry out Plan B at the same time as Plan A,” she told him.
“Is that where I come in?” Jin wondered, pointing at himself. Aviva nodded.
“I wanted to ask for your help making a lunchbox for Jimin-ah.”
“A lunchbox!” Taehyung clapped his hands together excitedly.
Jin smiled. “That’s a lovely idea.”
“If you’re comfortable telling me some of his favorite foods, and we can try to keep it as healthy as possible as well,” Aviva thought.
“Right!” Taehyung nodded, his expression turning serious. “I will make a list.”
“I’ll think of some healthy recipes,” Jin added. Aviva smiled.
“Thank you both.”
“Ah, there is something I wanted to talk to you about, Aviva-yah, if you don’t mind,” Jin said. She looked at him, curious. He cleared his throat. “In private, maybe?” Taehyung glanced at him, looking slightly suspicious. Aviva considered for a moment, and then pulled out her wallet.
“This is the company card,” she told Taehyung, giving it to him. “Why don’t you buy some ingredients for us to work with?”
“Yes!” Taehyung flashed his typical victory sign. “Grocery store, here I come!” He rushed out the door.
“Don’t forget your coat… ah, too late.” Aviva shook her head. “That boy.” She turned, seeing Jin smiling at her. “What?”
“Ah, no, I just thought, for all their flirting, mostly you just seem like their mom.”
She blinked. “Really? I thought that was Namjoon-ah, or you, maybe.”
“Me?” Jin tilted his head. “Well, I guess we can all share the burden. It takes a village to raise a child, right?”
“What did you want to talk to me about?” She cut to the chase.
“I wanted to apologize, again, for overstepping, when I was drunk,” he said. She frowned. “I wouldn’t bring it up again, but I know you’ve been avoiding me, so I realized it must have really hurt your feelings.” She ran her hand through her hair.
“I don’t know… It, that wasn’t very professional of me, oppa, sorry.”
“I accept the apology from you as a manager, but from you as a friend… it’s unnecessary. In the matter of friendship, I was in the wrong.”
“You didn’t hurt my feelings,” she said. “You just brought up something… something I’m not ready to think about, and I was worried you might bring it up again if we talked one-on-one.”
“Ah, well, I guess I almost have done that?” Jin smiled sheepishly at her. “I’ll do my best to avoid it from now on.”
“…Okay,” she said. “But, maybe… some day, if I ever feel like I’m ready to talk about it, would you… would you listen to me? Even if it doesn’t make very much sense.”
“Of course,” Jin said, taking her hands in his and squeezing them lightly before letting go. “Now! Please tell me you have a spare apron, because I am too handsome in this shirt to get it messy.”
She snorted. “Ah, yeah, there’s the one I bought for Soonie as a gag gift.” She pulled the frilly pink apron out of a closet and handed it to him.
“Hmmm…” He was blushing slightly.
“Oppa?” She gave him a weird look.
“Ah, it’s nothing. I just thought… she’d probably look cute in this.”
Aviva nodded. “Of course. She looks cute in everything.”
Jin laughed. “Hmm.”
Later that day, Aviva headed to the studio. She could hear Jimin working on his moves in the room down the hall. Then she heard a loud slam and ran forward to find Jimin collapsed on the ground.
“Jimin!” She quickly moved over to him, pulling his head onto his lap. He groaned.
“Ah!” He put a hand on his head, wincing. She ran her fingers through his hair gently, trying to see if she could feel any bumps or cuts. Jimin made a happy little noise, closing his eyes for a moment before jerking out of her arms. “Manager-noona!” He sat up, scouting away from her. “I’m alright. I just got a bit dizzy and it made me mess up the step.”
“Jimin-ah,” she said, trying to catch his eye, though he appeared to be avoiding her gaze. “I know this can be a sensitive topic for some people, but have you eaten today?”
“Hmm, that’s right, it’s about lunch time. Do you think you can hand me my bag? There’s a shake in there.”
“Jimin-ah,” she said again, taking his hands in hers. They were shaking. “I’m worried about you.”
“I’m fine!” Jimin said, his cheerful tone a little forced to her ears. “This diet is really working! I’m starting to get abs! Wanna see?” He started pulling up his shirt. “Here—”
“Yah, pabo!” Taehyung appeared in the doorway.
“Ah.” Aviva smiled slightly. “I thought you might have followed me here.”
“Tae?” Jimin frowned at him. “Who’re you calling pabo?”
“You!” Taehyung said. “I saw you fall over.” Jimin’s face flushed. Tae looked at Aviva.
“Show him what we made for him.”
Jimin looked at Aviva. She opened her bag and held out the lunchbox to him.
“Tae helped make this?” Jimin said doubtfully. “Tae Tae, you know I appreciate your cooking, but—”
“Don’t worry, Jin-hyung and Avi-noona did all of the cooking, I just helped pick out the ingredients,” Taehyung told him. “I know I’m not a very good cook.”
He wilted a little.
“I still appreciated the thought,” Jimin said quietly. “When you’ve tried making food for me in the past…”
“Yeah, but I don’t think Avi-noona appreciated when I set her smoke alarm off,” Tae thought. Jimin squinted at him.
“Tae, you bad boy—”
“It wasn’t too bad,” Aviva interrupted, waving her hands. “Everyone’s safe, so that’s all that matter—”
“You went to noona’s apartment without me?” Jimin pouted at him. Aviva blinked.
“What? That’s what you…?” She sighed.
“Yeah, so? You get to eat her home cooked meal,” Taehyung pointed out. “So you’d better appreciate it.”
“I will.” Jimin turned to her. “I do.”
“Say that after you eat it, maybe?” She suggested.
“Anyway, Jin-hyung was there the whole time, so it’s not like anything could’ve happened,” Taehyung muttered. Jimin grinned, opening the box.
“Yeah, I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” Aviva said.
“It looks really good,” Jimin said, staring at the food. “But, my diet…”
“Noona and Jin-hyung specially picked the recipes so that the food was healthy, particularly for a dancer,” Taehyung told him. “Noona printed out scientific articles like she was possessed by Namjoon-hyung or something.”
Jimin snickered, and then his face turned serious.
“You did all that for me?” He asked Aviva. She nodded. “But, I’m trying to help too. I’m trying to be the best I can be, for this group. That’s why everything’s got to be perfect… When it’s perfect, I’ll feel better.”
Aviva sighed, pulling her knees up to her chest, and resting her chin there, staring at her feet. “You sound like Jungkookie, or my sister, or me…” She looked up again, finally catching Jimin’s gaze. “But let me tell you a secret, Jimin-ah. You’re never going to be perfect. There will always be another loose thread you can pick at. If you keep doing that, whatever it is you want to do, will never get done. Sometimes the best you can do, is the best you can do at that moment. Maybe one day you will be better, but that kind of change can’t happen instantaneously.” She smiled. “But what am I telling you that for? You know. You’re one of the hardest working people I know, Jiminie.” Jimin rubbed at his face and then took a deep breath.
“Don’t you make me cry!” He warned her.
“It’s okay if you cry,” Taehyung said. “I’ll hold you if you do.” Jimin made a face.
“…Only if Avi-noona joins.”
“…How about a pat on the head?” She offered instead.
Jimin ate half the lunch, slowly. He apologized for not finishing it all, but Aviva assured him that was okay. He hadn’t been eating, so eating quickly all of a sudden could make him sick.
She and Taehyung stuck around for the rest of Jimin’s practice, Tae doing his best to follow along, Aviva even joining along for a couple moves, making them all laugh as she growled with frustration at not being able to follow the choreography.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day, manager,” Jimin teased her.
“Oh, I know,” she grumbled. “But I would’ve probably died trying.”
“Ah.” Jimin nodded. “I can understand that.”
“Live instead,” Tae suggested, slinging his arms around their shoulders. “It’s more fun to hang out all together. I’ll get lonely alone.”
“Okay, but get off of me,” Jimin said, shoving him. “You’re sweaty.”
“We all are,” Aviva said, wrinkling her nose as she looked down at her business clothes. “Hobi’s gonna yell at me for wrinkling my clothes again.”
Jimin snickered. “Oh yeah, hyung does that to me all the time! You’ve just got to change quickly and hide the clothes before he sees them.”
“Yeah, but I was going to drive you back, so he’ll see me,” Aviva thought, chewing at her lip. Jimin smiled slyly.
“We could stop by your place first, and could can change.”
“Ooh, can we borrow your shower?” Taehyung asked, his smile matching Jimin’s.
Aviva sighed. “Boys, I really don’t think it’s your intention to make me feel unsafe in my own home, hmm?”
They both blinked, and then exchanged a guilty look.
“Not at all!” They said in unison.
“Sorry.” Tae bowed slightly. “I know I’ve been teasing you a bit too much lately. I got overexcited because your reactions are amusing and I enjoy learning new things about you.”
“Alright, alright,” Aviva said. “Just get in the car.” She drove them back to the dorm.
“You practice this late every night?” Taehyung asked, looking up at the dark sky as they moved down the path towards the dorm. “Alone? Amazing!”
Aviva frowned. “Jiminie... are you sleeping enough?”
“I’m fine!” He said. “I’m not tired!”
“That’s not what I—“
“I’ve got to make sacrifices for my abs,” Jimin interrupted.
Taehyung poked at his own stomach.
“Hmmm. I’ll just hope for them in the next life.”
Aviva touched her stomach. “A healthy body looks different for everyone,” she said quietly. Taehyung and Jimin exchanged a thoughtful look.
“I know I said I’d stop teasing, but you do have a nice body, manager-noona,” Tae commented. Jimin shoved him.
“Tae! You can’t just say things like that!”
“What? She’s soft and nice to touch.”
“That’s worse!”
Aviva sighed, rubbing her temples. “Taehyung-ah, I think maybe you mean well, but you’re giving me a headache. Jimin-ah’s right, it’s not appropriate to say things like that.”
Jimin shot Tae a pointed look. “Okay, okay.” Taehyung waved his hand. “I’ll retract my statement.” He made a weird swooping movement as if swallowing back his words. She snorted. He smiled slightly. “There now… don’t be sad, manager. You and Jiminie can both have abs if you really want, but do it in a healthy way, please.”
Jimin blinked. “Tae, you—” He squeaked. “What the fuck was that?”
“Huh?” Tae looked around.
“I just saw someone sneak out of the dorm!” Jimin said, pointing at a far off darting shadow. Aviva squinted.
“It’s too dark, and my eyesight isn’t good enough to see who it is. Maybe it’s just Hoseok sneaking out to party. I know he did that sometimes in the early days of training.”
“Did he?” Jimin’s lips twitched. “Sounds fun.”
When they got inside, Yoongi was sitting on the couch working at his laptop.
He looked up when they entered.
“You’re back late.” He crossed his arms over his chest, giving them a pointed look. “Just what will I tell your mother?” Taehyung laughed as Jimin rolled his eyes.
“….Jin-oppa is the mom?” Aviva guessed.
“Of course.” Yoongi grinned.
Aviva looked around. “Joon isn’t up working with you tonight?”
Yoongi shook his head. “Everyone else is asleep.”
“Alright, boys. Get some sleep. I’ll be back in…” She glanced at her watch and groaned. “We’ve only got a few hours. By the time I drive back home and then I have to clean up, and then go to sleep and then wake up and come back here and—”
Jimin held his finger in front of her mouth.
“Why don’t you stay over?” He suggested. “I promise Tae and I will behave.”
“I will,” Tae seconded. “I don’t want you driving while you’re so tired, noona.”
Her brow furrowed. “Well, I guess you’ve got a point…”
Tae smiled. “Yay! Where are you going to sleep? Cause I like to snuggle—“
“Nope!” Jimin said, slapping him over the back of the head. “You literally just promised you’d behave.” Taehyung whined as Jimin pulled him out of the room. “Let’s go take a shower before bed.”
“Are they showering together?” Aviva wondered. Yoongi shrugged.
“Saves time.”
“…South Korea is surprisingly open-minded about some things,” Aviva thought.
“Maybe,” Yoongi said. “Or maybe it’s just us. Anyway, I’m going to be working for a while longer, so you can use my bed if you want. No cuddling with hormonal teenagers necessary.”
“Cuddling aside, I don’t particularly want to be sleeping in a room with six to seven boys,” she told him. He nodded.
“That’s fair. Neither do I.”
“... Sorry I haven’t found a bigger place for you guys.”
He sighed, brushing his bangs away from his face. “That’s not what I meant, Aviva-yah.”
“Okay...” She chewed at her lip. “Can’t I just sleep out here?” She pointed at the couch.
“You don’t mind me working?” He wondered. She shook her head.
“You don’t mind me snoring?”
He laughed. “I’m used to Joon-ah and Jiminie already.” He stood up, stretching. “I should get you a blanket or something—and do you need something to sleep in?” She hesitated, and then nodded. “You’d better come into the room with me, so you can tell me what’s okay.”
She frowned. “Won’t I wake them?”
He shook his head. “They’ll be dead to the world at this point.”
They walked into the bedroom. Yoongi walked over to the dresser, searching through a drawer. Aviva glanced around at the sleeping boys. Hoseok had his hand on his stomach. Jin was surrounded by a sea of stuffed animals. Jungkook was wrapped in his blankets like a caterpillar. She glanced up at Namjoon, who was sleeping with his laptop open on his chest. She hesitated and then climbed up the ladder, taking the laptop from him. He grunted and rolled over, continuing to snore. Aviva started climbing down the ladder, but fumbled while trying to hold the laptop steady.
She half fell on top of Yoongi.
He sighed, his breath in her ear.
“You’re just as bad as Namjoon-ah, honestly.” He steadied her on her feet and stepped away, shaking his head.
“…Thanks.” She placed Namjoon’s laptop on top of the dresser, careful not to disturb any of Hoseok’s figurines.
“Would these work?” Yoongi held up a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt.
She chewed her lip. “The shorts are fine, but the shirt would be a little… tight.”
“I figured.” He glanced her over and then looked away. “Namjoon-ah’s shirts are the biggest, but I can’t tell what of his is clean.”
“It’s fine,” she said. “I can just sleep in my undershirt.”
“…Alright. And there’s an extra blanket in the closet.” He smirked. “I’m not sure you’re tall enough to reach it.” She rolled her eyes.
“You’re barely taller than me.”
“Still counts!”
“You keep telling yourself that,” Jimin said, walking in with a towel wrapped around his waist. He glanced at Aviva and then quickly avoided eye contact, his face turning pink. “Ah… a little privacy please, noona?”
“Of course!” Aviva zipped out of the room, past an equally shirtless Taehyung, who just gave her his patented blank faced look. Yoongi followed her at a slower pace. He walked over to the closet and opened it. Aviva walked up to him. “Are there clean towels in there? I’m thinking maybe I should take a shower too. I tried to dance, so I’m all gross.”
Yoongi glanced her over again.“You look… fine, but I understand the feeling.” He handed her a blue towel with a yellow duck on it. “I haven’t used this since I last washed it, so it’s clean.”
She stared at it. “This is yours?”
“Yeah.” He shot her a challenging look. “So?”
She just grinned. “So, you’re cute.”
“Just… just go shower,” he said, his face flushing. “Go shower and then get some sleep before you have to start your day.”
Aviva felt much better after showering. She could use Hobi’s iron in the morning on her button up, and trousers, she thought it had some kind of gentle clean setting on it. She came back into the living room, wearing her camisole and Yoongi’s shorts, which were a bit tight on her, but not too much so.
Yoongi glanced up at her when she walked in. He froze. She sniffed, glancing at the mug in his hand. “Coffee? Are you not even trying to sleep?”
“I have to finish this, but you…” He frowned. “You’re the one who’s cute…”
She blinked at him. “What?”
“Too cute.” He suddenly pulled off his hoodie and held it out to her. “Wear that and cover up before the maknae line rushes over here drooling.”
“Stop being gross,” she said, pulling the sweater over her head anyway. It was warm. The fabric was worn, but not overly soft, it felt nice against her skin. “But thanks for this.” She snuggled into the sweater further.
“…I made it worse,” he muttered.
She squinted at him. “What’s that?”
“Nothing. Go to sleep. The blanket’s over the back of the couch. I’m going to record your snoring and use it in a track.”
“Use Joonie’s, it’ll have more impact,” she told him. He snorted. She plugged her phone into a charger and then put her glasses down on the side table. “Night, Yoongi.”
“…Night, Aviva.”
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