#spooktober special
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hauntedautumnwhispers · 7 months ago
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getting closer everyday
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hotluncheddie · 4 months ago
For the @steddie-spooktober day 18 prompt : candy
rated: M | cw: none | tags: college AU, pining, d/s undertones
Eddie near enough growls. He’s pricked his finger again trying to sew the finishing touches of his stupid costume, but at this point he’s almost ready to throw it all in the trash.
And it might all be for a stupid Halloween contest that the college is putting on, which really shouldn’t matter, and doesn’t, not to Eddie. His focus is his music and his DnD society, the rest of the college bullshit can go fuck itself as far as he’s concerned.
It’s Halloween.
It’s his favourite time of year. And all his friends are going and he wants to make an impression okay?
So he’s sewing his stupid costume and he’s going to finish it and his going to win the stupid damn prize. And, if his stupidity hot and nice roommate Steve is there to watch and it causes him to fall madly in love with Eddie, well, that’s just icing on the cake.
‘Fuck!’ Eddie shouts, sticking his throbbing finger in his mouth and blinking angry tears from his eyes.
He throws the costume onto the bed beside him, burying his head in his hands, trying to just breathe for a sec.
Something taps him on the head.
He looks up to find Steve, who’s materialised out of nowhere.
He holds a piece of candy corn up to Eddie’s lips. Opens his mouth with a little ‘ah’; prompting Eddie to do the same.
Eddie feels his cheeks heat. Eyes locked upward, on Steve’s calm, pretty, too gorgeous for this world face.
Eddie opens his mouth slowly. Lets the candy be place on his tongue.
‘Good, relax a bit yeah?’ Steve says softly, smiling down at him.
Eddie closes his mouth. Lets the sugar flood his tongue. He nods. His brain gone all fuzzy quiet.
Later. Once he’s finished his costume for tomorrow and is brushing his teeth ready for bed. He stops. ‘What the fuck.’ He squeaks, confused and more than a little aroused.
Tag list (lmk to be added / removed) : @scoops-aboy86 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @pearynice @marvel-ous-m @thecatkingsthrone
@cheesedoctor @chickensinrainboots
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solarmorrigan · 4 months ago
Movie Nights
For the @steddie-spooktober day 25 prompt: Frankenstein Friday Rated: T | Words: 1514 | CW: None | Tags: established relationship, outsider POV, I know the movie is over 90 years old but I didn't actually watch it myself until a month ago, so just in case there's anyone else out there who hasn't seen it, Frankenstein (1931) spoilers Divider credit: @steddiecameraroll-graphics
Part 3 of the Good Neighbors series
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Gladys can appreciate new things. Books, television, music – the little joys to be found in new discoveries are what make life worth living. She isn’t as set in her ways as some people her age can be, but she does have her favorites.
She loves her mysteries and her thrillers above all else; the likes of Agatha Christie, Elizabeth Peters, and Arthur Conan Doyle line her shelves. She’s dipped into the genre of spies and intrigue, digging into Ian Fleming and John Le Carré. She’s even been known to appreciate a good horror film now and then.
Emphasis on “good.���
“So this is what passes for horror these days?” Gladys asks as a young man on the TV screen is sucked down into his bed, only to be spat back out as an absolute geyser of blood.
Eddie chuckles, glancing up from the screen. “Not your cup of tea?”
Gladys leans on the back of the couch, resting her arms there. She’d only come over to the boys’ apartment to see if they had a spare baking dish she could borrow; they certainly hadn’t invited her in to critique their choice of entertainment. But all the same–
“I just think they should try a little harder to really scare people. These days, it’s all shock and gore. All they have to do is shower people in blood and call it a day,” Gladys says. “I remember a time when they put real effort in.”
“Back in your day?” Eddie teases, grinning at her.
Gladys tsks, cuffing him upside the head – not hard, barely more than a tap, but he still falls sideways onto the couch with a gasp, clutching his head, and then rolls right off and onto the floor with a thump. Gladys rolls her eyes, but doesn’t bother to hide her smile at his antics.
“Hey, will this work for–” Steve exits the kitchen, a glass baking dish in his hands, and stops as his attention is almost immediately diverted to Eddie. “Why are you on the floor?”
“Gladys attacked me,” Eddie replies.
“Oh. Good for her,” Steve decides, holding up the dish again. “Will this work for you?”
“That would be fine,” Gladys says, accepting it as Steve passes it over.
“She also thinks my movie is trash,” Eddie says brightly as he levers himself back up onto the couch.
“I did not say it was trash,” Gladys says. “At worst, I said it was cheap.”
“Okay, but that’s not better,” Eddie says.
“I’m not a huge fan, either,” Steve leans in to stage whisper to Gladys, “but it makes him happy.”
“Yeah, yeah, everyone’s a critic.” Eddie rolls his eyes, then leans back a bit so he can look up at Gladys. “What would you call a good horror movie, if not the genius of Wes Craven?”
Gladys purses her lips, thinking for a moment. “I don’t suppose you’ve ever seen the classics? Dracula, The Creature from the Black Lagoon?”
Eddie lets out a thoughtful little noise, shaking his head. “Can’t say I have.”
“Well, you ought to. You’ll see where it all began, then,” Gladys says.
“And I get the feeling you’d enjoy showing us,” Eddie says, wiggling his eyebrows up at Gladys.
“’Us’? Who’s ‘us’? When did I get roped into this?” Steve asks, and Eddie reaches out to take one of his hands.
“We’re a package deal, baby, everyone knows that,” Eddie says.
“No one around here but Gladys knows that,” Steve reminds him.
“Everyone important knows that,” Eddie amends. “Anyway, what do you say, Gladys? Feel like educating a couple of horror philistines such as ourselves?”
“Well,” Gladys says slowly, “I’m sure I could come up with something.”
This is how she ends up in her armchair the following Friday night, the boys both sitting on the loveseat, all watching as the audience is warned of the frightening nature of the upcoming film playing out on the television.
“Now, this wasn’t Universal’s first horror film, and it wasn’t even the first movie adaptation of Frankenstein,” Gladys says when the opening credits come on, “but it is a bit iconic. I thought you might get a kick out of it.”
“But is it scary?” Eddie teases.
“Well, I don’t know about scary, but maybe a bit shocking. Look at it this way:” Gladys says, “it was 1931. Graverobbing and murder might seem mundane to you, but we weren’t quite as desensitized to seeing it on the screen back then.”
Steve glances over at her. “Do you remember when this came out?”
“Oh, barely.” Gladys wiggles her hand back and forth in a so-so gesture. “I certainly didn’t go to see it in the theater, I was only six or seven at the time.”
“Still, that’s pretty cool,” Steve says, and Gladys favors him with a smile.
If they aren’t altogether horrified by the movie, the boys are at least engaged, keeping up a running commentary that has even Gladys laughing. (“He had that coming,” Steve says when the monster finally catches Frankenstein’s assistant. “Yep. Rest in pieces, Fritz,” Eddie adds.) However, as they reach the midway point, the father onscreen bidding his daughter to go play with her cat while he works, Steve shifts uneasily in his seat.
“Wait, they’re not going to do anything to the cat, are they?” he asks, cutting a worried glance at Gladys.
As if the thought hadn’t occurred to him until Steve voiced it, Eddie sits up straight in his own seat. “Gladys,” he says, pointing an accusing finger at the screen, “you’re not showing us a movie where they kill a cat, are you?”
One brow raised, Gladys regards the pair of them. “You’re worried about the cat, but not the child?”
Steve scoffs. “It’s 1931, they’re not gonna kill a kid,” he says, while Eddie nods in agreement.
Both brows raised now, Gladys only gives them a little “hm,” and turns back to the screen. With some suspicion, Eddie and Steve do the same, watching as the scene unfolds.
“Oh, shit,” Steve says, taken aback as the monster tosses the little girl into the lake.
“Damn. Guess we should’ve worried about the kid, after all,” Eddie says.
“You have to have some idea of how this movie ends,” Gladys says, shaking her head. “Did you really think they’d form an angry mob over a dead cat?”
“I would,” Eddie declares, then looks down at Steve, who at some point in the last half hour had ended up tucked into Eddie’s side (when, Gladys isn’t sure, but it’s sweet; it’s a pleasant feeling knowing how comfortable the two of them are here). “Steve, would you form an angry mob with me if someone killed our cat?”
“We don’t have a cat,” Steve says.
“That’s not the point,” Eddie insists, and Steve relents.
“I would come with you if only to make sure you didn’t get yourself killed,” he decides.
“I’ll take it,” Eddie says with a shrug.
The rest of the movie plays out on the screen – the forming of the mob, the confrontation with the monster, the burning windmill, and, at last, the peaceful conclusion.
“Wait,” Eddie says, brows furrowed as he watches the end credits play, “that’s it? That’s how it ends? A toast to the house of Frankenstein, the end?”
“Yes…” Gladys says slowly. “Why? How should it end?”
“Oh, I don’t know, how about a little restitution for the guy whose daughter got murdered?” Eddie demands, shooting up out of his seat so quickly that Steve has no time to brace himself and falls sideways onto the loveseat with a little ‘oof.’ “How about a little accountability? I mean, seriously, this is just typical; some rich, entitled asshole plays around with things he can’t control, creates a problem he refuses to solve, and the poor end up being the ones to pay the price!”
“Now you’ve got him started,” Steve mutters to Gladys as he sits himself back up.
“Is there any way to get him to stop?” Gladys asks, though she’s a little fascinated with the theatrical way Eddie throws himself around the living room as he rants.
“Uh.” Steve glances over at Eddie and back away again, and there actually seems to be a little color rising in his cheeks. “Not, um…”
“Take him home first, if you’re planning to do something like that,” Gladys says primly, only to lose the fight to her laughter when Steve looks over at her, aghast.
“I wouldn’t–!” he protests indignantly, his face going redder.
“Are you guys even listening to me?” Eddie demands, turning back to face the pair of them.
Gladys declines to answer, asking instead, “Eddie, dear, how did you like the movie?”
“Oh. Aside from the ending, it was great.” Eddie drops back onto the loveseat, reaching out absently to tug Steve back over to his side. “What else ya got?”
“Well,” Gladys says, picking through the stack of tapes she’d managed to dig up at the video store. “If you like entitled rich people, let’s see how you feel about Dracula.”
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cuddlybats · 5 months ago
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Happy October 1st! ^^ Let the spooky season begin <3
© 2024 Cuddly Bats  
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bloomingkyras · 1 year ago
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It's time for a Spooky Seasons!! 💀🎃
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THE DAR' FAMILY: Dar'leen as Witch ┃ Charlotte as The Ghotic Bones
Globetrotter CH: Mona Allen as The Mask Killer
NSBextended: Sienna Evans as The Glitch Alien
🎃 Tq to all cc creator .. Happy Halloween! 🎃
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 4 months ago
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I hope you like this @asianbutnotjapanese
Pairings: Finrod (Findaráto) & Bëor
Prompts: “Unwilling Sacrifice" & "Ritual"
Rating: E
Themes: Dark    
Warnings: Human sacrifices | Bloodletting | Death 
Wordcount: 1.7K words
Summary: Bëor accompanies Finrod for the first sacrifice involving one of his own people.
Minors DNI | 18+ | Original image is from Unsplash
A/n: AU for Prosperity of Nargothrond and Bio for Faeldor, the headcanons and OC that came about because of this story, can be found here and here.  
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“And this all came about by sheer happenstance, you say?” Bëor followed his elven friend as they walked deeper into the bowels of Nargothrond. He held his lamp aloft as they tread narrow, winding steps fashioned for the nimble feet of elves. “You did not know what would come to pass until the dwarf’s blood had seeped into the very roots of this city?”
“Indeed,” Findaráto said. He paid no heed to the shadows that took shape and danced along the walls and the engraved scenes that embellished them. They could not harm him or anyone else who was in his presence. “Three days after we performed the final rights, we struck good fortune and found veins of Mithril just beyond these very halls. I did not give it much thought, truly. Then, after a full turn of the moon, another dwarf was slain after he quarreled fiercely with one of his own and they came to blows. The one he quarreled with followed him not long after. The storm that plagued us for days and kept us confined behind the doors of the city died down, and our next battle with orcs succeeded even beyond our wildest imaginings.”
Bëor shivered when a cold breeze swept over the stairs toward them. He looked at the shadows. They reached out to him like thin, bony hands crawling out of the dark.
“Dwarves are diligent in their labors,” he said at length. “They can also be quite prideful and quick to anger.” Findaráto was not afraid, and he was determined not to, as well. He had little desire to show fear and disgrace himself in the presence of his companion. “I am not surprised to learn of those among their kindred quarreling and coming to dreadful blows even in a place like this.” The shadows slowly took other shapes. Bëor returned his thoughts to the present subject, thinking what he saw before were the figments of a ripe imagination, nothing more. “Did you become suspicious, my lord, after the third blessing?”
“I did,” Findaráto began, leading his companion through an open, arched doorway half again as tall as a Balrog. They stepped into a cavernous chamber with towering columns carved to look like ancient trees. Their leaves were edged with emeralds, and their flowers were gilded with gold. Bëor looked up at them, unable to comprehend the skill that went into their making. “And so did my council. But we could not put our assertion to the test by offering the blood of more dwarves. Their abrupt ends would have raised too many questions, and any plea for sacrifices would have caused us too many troubles. Besides, the dwarves are too faithful to the Great Smith; they would not agree to sacrifice their own in such a way. So, we decided to offer the living blood of orcs instead. They were unwilling sacrifices, to be sure, but it was better than us having to contend with the enraged Children of Aulë.”
“A wise choice, my lord, offering orcs instead of dwarves,” Bëor agreed, his curiosity aroused. His boots clicked as he walked over a floor hewn out of polished cavestone. “Pray tell me more about this being who demands blood in exchange for blessings. Will he reveal himself to me if you ask it of him?”
“Faeldor is a primordial being,” Findaráto revealed, halting. He turned to face the mortal, his eyes glinting with the light of one who had beheld the light of the Two Trees. “He was one of the many who emerged long before this world was even a dream in the thoughts of the one who wished to create it. But he does not appear to others unless he desires to, and I will not compel him to do so for you. The punishment that would fall upon our heads for such impertinence would be severe.”
Bëor nodded. “I understand all too well the consequences of angering those greater than myself.” His skin prickled. It was as if an unseen pair of eyes followed his every step. Nevertheless, he kept his gaze fixed on the elf ahead of him. He did not wish this divine being to take him as a coward. “Enough of such talk, my lord. Show me where the ritual will take place.”
Findaráto smiled and urged him to follow. They walked around the splendid columns, silent and respectful, until they reached a high altar in the center. It was hewn from the finest marble and adorned with ornate scrollwork of gold and silver inlay that created a mesmerizing display. Resting on top of it was a dagger crafted especially for such rituals, and beside it lay a young maiden garbed in robes of white. A golden circlet rested around her brow, and a crimson stripe ran around her eyes. It made her clear green eyes more vivid than before.
“Is she willing?” Findaráto whispered. “Does she do this with a free and willing heart?”
“She does, my lord.” Bëor gave his lamp for one of his attendants to take. He stepped over the candles arranged around the altar in a perfect circle and came to her. He rested his hand over hers. “Are you willing, my lady?”
“I am, my lord,” the maiden said without hesitation. She had prepared herself for this moment after Bëor spoke to his people about the bargain he struck with the elven lord of Nargothrond and the many promises made. The opportunity to engender the goodwill of the elves and, in turn, enjoy the same fabled prosperity they bathed in was not something they were ready to refuse. “I go to my death very willingly.” She looked at him with questioning eyes. “Will there be much pain?”
“There will be very little pain, my lady,” Findaráto promised. Edrahil came to him and relieved him of the lamp he carried. He returned to the others after that, for no one but his lord and the lord of the Edain could step over the circle of candles. “The dagger is sharp and the cut will be quick and clean. A moment is all that will take, then you will pass on to the world the One has prepared for your kind without torment.”
“Close your eyes, sweetling,” Bëor urged softly. He gave her hand a tender squeeze. “It will be over soon.”
She did as she was bid as elven and mortal attendants occupied themselves by lighting the candles. They were clothed in robes of white and crimson, and stripes of crimson paint ran around their eyes. It was a custom born after the first proper ritual, for it seemed the sight of them dressed in such a fashion pleased the divine being they offered living blood as a sacrifice. Findaráto joined Bëor within the circle, and the last candles were lit. He took the dagger left beside the maiden into his hands. Then he began to chant. 
It, too, was born after the first true sacrifice, a song that was both an invitation and a plea. It brought a sense of peace over those who had gathered and appeased the being that would soon feast upon the blood offered as tribute. Findaráto sang in the tongue of his kin, his voice seeping into the air the others breathed. They sang also, their voices forming an eerie and hypnotic spell full of power.
Bëor closed his eyes and swayed rhythmically, having discovered himself being swept away by silver and gold waves that pulled him further from the world of waking. He, too, began to sing, his voice joining the others in a sweet euphony that drew them into dreamlike states. They all raised their arms, imploring the one who watched over them to come to them, join them, and partake in the gift that would soon be offered.
Findaráto lifted the anointed blade into the air. He had acquired a taste for wielding it after bringing it down many times on many screaming orcs. There were no cries now, no animal-like shrieking that could have driven the most steadfast of minds to madness. All he heard was singing—the sweet singing of others, the worshipful singing of his own. With the Edain, he told himself, the elves would no longer have to endanger their lives seeking fresh offerings to ensure their continued wealth and protection. The trials of both kindreds were now at an end, and all it took was one chance meeting during a hunt.
“With the greatest humility,” he declared for all to hear, “we deliver this offering to you!”
The blade glittered even as it was dragged across a naked throat with skill and speed. Flesh parted around it with a soft, wet, tearing sound. Findaráto heard a strangled gasp, gurgled breaths, and the rattle of death spilling into the room. The sharp smell of copper followed it. He opened his eyes after taking a deep, steadying breath to compose himself, and drew back his blade.
“It is finished,” he pronounced and looked down on the maiden lying on the altar. Her cheeks and throat were now tainted with an ever-growing stain of deep red, and her eyes had clouded over like milk. Her final moment was near. “You have done so well, my lady,” he praised. “Our kindreds are forever grateful to you for your sacrifice. Go now. Be forever at peace.”
She smiled weakly and took her final breath even as her blood ceased to pulse out of her earthly vessel and into the little basin carved beneath the back of her neck. Her head rolled to the side after her soul departed her body.
“We must now leave,” Findaráto said. He cleaned his dagger with a square cloth of white silk he carried at his belt and returned it to its place by the maiden's side. “Faeldor prefers to sate himself without us bearing witness to it.”
“Is Lord Faeldor pleased with our offering? Will he agree to honor our agreement?” said Bëor. He trembled when, suddenly, a strange wind swept through the chamber and snuffed out the flames of the candles. The place abruptly grew darker because of it.  
“It will be honored,” Findaráto said. His head tilted to his left. It was as if he was listening to an unheard voice. “Now come. Our benefactor desires to feast. We must return to the chambers above us and feast also."
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kuroiyoungart · 4 months ago
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In the bittersweet Halloween special, we have our little succubus tempting our mother, if you pay close attention to candy she says: "gay, gay, homoxessual, very lesbian!" in spicy's ear. UuU✨
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narumi-gens · 4 months ago
Mel’s Spooktober 31 for 31
October 20
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16 for 31
Spooktober Bonus: Best Letterboxd Review
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gatoinside · 1 year ago
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Spooky Halloween!
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bbybearcubbs · 1 year ago
Due to unforseen circumstances the 2023 Spooktober Special has now been CANCELLED. I do strongly apologize.
✧ ˚·₊•𝐶𝑢𝑏𝑏𝑠' 2023 𝑆𝑝𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑡𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙•˚·₊✧
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𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝐺ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐺ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝐶𝑢𝑏𝑏𝑠' 𝑺𝒑𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍!! 𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑝𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑦, 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠!! 𝐴 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼'𝑣𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏🎃 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑎𝑠 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑎𝑠 𝐼 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚!!
[ Networks: @kflixnet @k-films @k-labels ]
⚠️𝕎𝔸ℝℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾⚠️ - Majority of these stories contain graphic depictions of Blood, Death, Murder, Psychological Torture, Betrayal, Gore and Angst.
⚠Proceed with caution⚠
╭───────ೋ 🕸️ 🎃 🕸️ ೋ───────╮
【 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 】
✰ It Was Never Meant To Be - K.Sunoo | 6/10
✰ We Trusted You - Skz OT8 | 7/10
【 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 】
✰ [To Be Added] - Skz Member | 13/10
✰ [To Be Added] - TxT OT5 | 14/10
【 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 】
✰ [To Be Added] - TxT Member | 20/10
✰ [To Be Added] - BND OT6 | 21/10
【 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 】
✰ [To Be Added] - BND Member | 27/10
✰ [To Be Added] - Enhypen OT7 | 28/10
𖤐 [To Be Added] - Group | 30/10
╰───────ೋ 🕸️ 🎃 🕸️ ೋ───────╯
[ Taglist ] 🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤
@myboyfriendjake @afelia-123 @wonillaa @jinhyun
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duranduratulsa · 1 year ago
Spooktober Duran Duran song 🎵 of the day: Ghost 👻 Town (2023) from Danse Macabre #duranduran #ghosttown #dansemacabre #thespecials #SimonLeBon #nickrhodes #johntaylor #rogertaylor #rogertaylorduranduran #andytaylor #2020s #spooktober #halloween #october
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aventurineswife · 4 months ago
Trick or treat :3
Trick-or-Treating Mishaps!
Summary: On a chilling Halloween night, you and Sebastian go trick-or-treating and discover a mysterious house offering enchanted candy. After indulging your curiosity, you unleash mischievous ghosts and a lurking specter. Together, you confront the supernatural chaos, forging a strong bond as you uncover the secrets of the night.
Tags: Halloween Special Fanfic, Human! Sebestian, Supernatural, Horror(kinda? I tried my best 😔), Adventure, Trick-or-Treating, Enchanted Candy, Ghosts(👻), Suspense, Platonic Relationship, Friendship, Human! Sebestian.
Warnings: Mild horror elements, Spooky themes, Paranormal activity, Intense situations, Human! Sebestian.
A/N: As someone who has never celebrated Halloween her whole life, I hope you enjoy this piece of fic ����
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The chill of Halloween night hung heavy in the air, the moon casting an eerie glow over the neighbour hood. Your heart raced with excitement as you adjusted your costume—a makeshift witch ensemble complete with a crooked hat. You turned to Sebastian, who was beside you, dressed in a simple black cloak. He had always had a serious demeanor, but tonight, something about the atmosphere made him appear more intense, as if he sensed the looming darkness around you.
“Are you ready to go?” he asked, his voice steady yet laced with an undercurrent of anticipation.
“Absolutely! Let’s get some candy!” you replied, your voice bright against the backdrop of creaking branches and rustling leaves.
The night was cloaked in darkness as you and Sebastian set out for a night of trick-or-treating. The crisp autumn air was alive with the sounds of laughter, distant music, and the rustle of leaves as other kids darted from house to house. Dressed in your costumes, you felt the thrill of Halloween, but the atmosphere had an underlying chill that sent shivers down your spine.
As you strolled through the neighbourhood, you admired the elaborate decorations—glowing jack-o’-lanterns, cobwebs clinging to trees, and ghosts hanging from porches. But as you turned onto a quieter street, the mood shifted. The lights flickered ominously, and an unsettling silence settled around you.
“Does it feel… off to you?” you asked Sebastian, glancing sideways at him. He nodded, his expression serious.
“Yeah. It’s too quiet here.” Just as you were about to suggest turning back, you spotted a house at the end of the street, adorned with an eerie glow and a sign that read,
“Magic Candy: Trick or Treat at Your Own Risk.” Intrigued, you exchanged glances with Sebastian, and he shrugged, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
“Let’s check it out. It might be fun.” you said, excitement mingling with unease.
Approaching the house, you knocked on the door. It creaked open, revealing a shadowy figure in a tattered cloak. With a raspy voice, he offered you a bowl filled with strange, glittering candies.
“Take one, if you dare…” he rasped, his gaze penetrating. You hesitated, glancing at Sebastian, who stepped forward, a protective instinct flickering in his eyes.
“Do you really think we should?” he asked, his voice laced with caution. But your curiosity got the better of you, and you reached into the bowl, pulling out a shimmering piece of candy that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.
As you popped the candy into your mouth, an electrifying sensation coursed through you. The world around you twisted, colors blending and morphing, and suddenly, you were surrounded by ethereal, shimmering figures—ghosts that danced in the air, laughing and swirling around you.
“Whoa!” you gasped, your eyes wide with wonder and fear. “What’s happening?”
Sebastian’s face was pale as he took a step back, his instincts kicking in. “Stay close to me! We need to get out of here!”
But before you could respond, the ghosts turned their attention to you, their laughter echoing eerily. They moved closer, their translucent hands reaching out, and you felt a cold grip on your arm.
“Help!” you cried, panic rising in your throat. Sebastian immediately stepped in front of you, eyes narrowing as he faced the spectral figures.
“Get away from them!” he shouted, a surprising fierceness in his voice. The ghosts paused, their laughter fading into a low murmur, as if they were assessing him. A moment of tense silence hung in the air, and you could see confusion flicker across Sebastian’s face.
Just then, a larger specter emerged from the shadows, its eyes hollow and mouth twisted into a menacing grin. It reached toward you, and instinct kicked in.
You grabbed Sebastian’s arm, pulling him backward as you dashed for the nearest tree, pressing your backs against the rough bark, heart racing.
“What… what just happened back there?” you whispered, trying to keep your voice steady.
“I don’t know,” he replied, his brow furrowing as he peered around the tree. “That candy was definitely enchanted. I’ve never seen anything like those ghosts—or whatever was that thing.”
You shivered at the memory of the creature’s hollow eyes. “Why were they after the candy? And who was that man? He sounded… off.” Sebastian nodded, his expression serious.
“There’s a lot we don’t understand. That candy could have been a trap—something meant to lure unsuspecting trick-or-treaters into danger. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more going on in this neighbourhood than meets the eye.”
“But why now?” you asked, struggling to piece it all together. “Why do this on Halloween? Isn’t it supposed to be a fun night?”
“It might have something to do with the thinning of the veil between our world and the spirit world,” Sebastian speculated, his voice low as the specter’s form hovered dangerously close. “On Halloween, the supernatural often becomes more active, and it’s possible that the candy was some kind of conduit for those spirits to reach out.”
You frowned, the implications heavy on your mind. “So, this could happen… again?”
“Maybe,” he said, his gaze still fixed on the specter. “We need to be careful, especially if we encounter anything strange. And we should warn others.”
A chill ran down your spine at the thought of what might lie ahead, but there was a strange comfort in knowing you weren’t alone in this. “I’m glad I have you here,” you said softly, casting a sideways glance at him. “I don’t think I could face this kind of thing on my own.”
Sebastian gave you a quick, serious glance, and for a moment, his usual stoicism cracked, revealing a flicker of warmth. “I won’t let anything happen to you. We’ll figure this out together.”
As the specter finally moved away, the tension in the air began to lift. You felt your heart rate start to normalize, but the shadows still danced at the edges of your vision. The laughter of other trick-or-treaters rang hollow against the backdrop of your encounter, a reminder that not everything was as innocent as it seemed.
“Do you think this was just a random occurrence or perhaps a dream or something?” you asked quietly, still peering out from behind the tree.
“I can’t shake the feeling that it’s part of something bigger and something real,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. “We need to keep our eyes open. Whatever is happening here might not be over yet.”
Together, you stepped out from behind the tree, the night still young and fraught with mysteries yet to unravel. With newfound resolve and the strength of your bond, you ventured back onto the path, ready to face whatever the Halloween night had in store.
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Does anybody play DTI 😭? I NEED HELP IN CH2!! 😭
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scotty-brenden · 5 months ago
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Bring along your werewolf lover!
Now through October, go on a date with your favorite canine babe for the price of having a personal depression session! Don't spend Halloween alone! DM or see https://artistree.io/scottybrenden to order your commission today!
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thebonnevillegamepodcast · 1 year ago
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN! If you need some ideas for a movie marathon today, all of our characters have some recs. Each of these movies takes place on Halloween or directly involves Halloween in the plot.
Minty's is Night of the Demons.
Teenagers party at an abandoned funeral parlor on Halloween night. After they hold a seance, they awaken an evil force and demonic forces keep them from leaving, turning the party into a living Hell.
Laura's favorite Halloween-set horror film. Hers is the more tongue-in-cheek WNUF Halloween Special.
A local TV personality leads a team of supernatural investigators, including an exorcist, into the darkest corners of a supposedly haunted house. The movie mimics 1990s TV flawlessly, commercials and all!
Ingrid's favorite Halloween-time horror movie is similar to Laura's. It's a British mockumentary called Ghostwatch. It's said to have a War of the Worlds effect when it first aired in 1992.
The BBC sends in a camera crew to investigate the "most haunted house in Britain," assuming it's all just a hoax. It isn't long before they realize they're really in danger. It was presented as a real documentary, even getting Michael Parkinson, Sarah Greene, her husband Mike Smith and Craig Charles to play themselves.
Bex is a fan of franchises and she thinks Halloween III gets a bad rap.
The Halloween franchise was once meant to be an anthology series until Halloween III: Season of the Witch was a flop.
Kids all over America want Silver Shamrock masks for Halloween, but Dr Daniel Challis realizes there's something sinister about them.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 4 months ago
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“Unspeakable Horrors”
Pairing: Lungorthin & Glorfindel (Laurefindelë) | Lungorthin & Tevildo | Tevildo/Glorfindel
AU: Fall of Valinor
Rating: E
Themes: Dark | NSFT
Warnings: Gore | Blood | Torture | Branding | Non-consent | Prior ideations of self-inflicted death  
Wordcount: 900+ words
Summary: Tevildo convinces Lungorthin to show restraint with his new slave. What he has in mind proves to be just as unwelcome as the physical torments used by the Balrog.
A/n: This was only supposed to be Lungorthin having some fun with his special elven toy, but I lost it a little when Tevildo came into play. Sorry not sorry 😁
Minors DNI | 18+ | Timeline of the Fall of Valinor AU can be found here
Original image is from Unsplash
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Tevildo sat upon a stone bench and kept to the shadows of the damp and dimly lit chamber while his companion amused himself with his lord’s gift to him. He closed his eyes and sighed when yet another bloodcurdling scream greeted him.
“You are too abrupt, my friend,” he counseled, “too impatient when inflicting torment. This one will become quite exhausted of your…ministrations… by the time Telperion reaches his greatest bloom again.”
Lungorthin turned to face him, a red-hot brand in his hand. “You are saying I should keep this one alive?”
“Why not?” The Sprite returned. He brushed his hand over the head of the white cat resting on his lap. It purred in contentment. “He can do more than just satisfy your craving to torture another. He could amuse you in other ways, I am sure.”
Tevildo’s suggestion gave Lungorthin pause. “By amusing me, you mean to say he would serve me better as a bedslave?” 
“Of course. There will be no rituals involved, no gifts or vows many among our kindred expect during courtship. You can take whatever you desire from him, and suffer no consequences in return.”
The Balrog smirked. “And I suppose you desire to bed him also?”
“You know me so well, my friend,” Tevildo replied, amused. He put the cat down beside him and stood. “This one is quite beautiful, is he not? It would be such a shame to put an end to him before you truly enjoyed yourself with him.”
The Sprite drew close to his companion’s slave, his boots drifting silently over the dark stone floor. His emerald and crimson eyes were already alight. Laurefindelë was terrified. He struggled against the shackles around his wrists in vain. They were crafted of a substance wholly unfamiliar to him and affixed to a chain that rose to meet a hook driven into the ceiling; it kept his feet well above the floor. And the pain that followed even the smallest of movements was nigh unbearable. For more hours than he could even recall, his new master, for Lungorthin was indeed his new master, pressed his brand along his back, his arms, and his sides, marring his torso and his limbs in its wake. Gothmog’s trusted captain had sworn he would mete out unspeakable horrors, and the elf did not doubt him. He had already glimpsed the strange blades, twisted forks, and blood-stained iron masks adorning the length of one wall, and he braced himself. His new master’s companion plainly desired a turn with him in ways he could not have imagined.
“He is most beautiful indeed,” Lungorthin agreed heartily. He set his brand down on the floor, having grown weary of it. Tendrils of smoke flowed from its still-smoldering edges. “Even when his flesh is a ruin. What do you propose we do with him?”
“Many things,” Tevildo said, brushing his fingers along the thrall’s side. “We can bed him to our hearts’ content, and slake our lusts upon his body.”
“And when we tire of that?” Lungorthin asked, ravenously curious. Tevildo may not have possessed his love of inflicting physical torment, but he did find a particular delight in inflicting torment in more imaginative ways.
“We can toy with him after we grow weary with bedding him,” Tevildo crooned softly. He had already devised other ways they could amuse themselves with the elf, and none of them involved spilling the elf’s blood. “We can offer him comfort and fine promises, and then we can snatch them away. We can wipe away his tears, and then condemn him to more. We can shatter his mind, utterly and completely, and by the time we have had our fill of him, he would be on his knees, begging us for more of what we did to him before.”
All that Tevildo described appealed to the Balrog greatly. “That is all well and good,” Lungorthin remarked merrily, “but perhaps we should wait until he is no longer bleeding. I have no desire to bloody my featherbed.”
“True,” Tevildo said. Still, he reached out and slipped his hands through the tattered remnants of Laurefindelë’s breeches. The elf clenched his teeth and looked away when he caressed his exposed flesh. “Do not flinch so, little elf,” the Sprite commanded, burying his face in soft, golden hair. “Many consider it a great honor to be bedded by one the Ainur.”
“There is no honor in this,” Laurefindelë retorted weakly. He lamented his choice not to fall on his sword like the others who did so after the battles ended, and Melkor declared himself king. He truly believed there was still hope. Now, it was plain to him there was none left to be found. “Put an end to me,” he implored. “Please. I beg of you. You can have no further use of me now.”
“No further use?” Lungorthin growled and crossed over to the bench. He drank in the sight of Tevildo indulging himself shamelessly, and he decided to let him have his turn first. He found himself overcome with the desire to watch. “Such lies you utter, little elf. Did you not pay heed to what was just said? But no matter. Your lies are mere trifles to us.”
“Most certainly.” Tevildo grew insistent. His hands moved between Laurefindelë’s thighs and palmed his cock. It sent an unwelcome flash of pleasure surging just beneath the elf’s skin. “Rousing this one will not be a difficult task,” he whispered, pleased with himself. “Have him cleaned and seen to, my friend,” he declared, pulling away. “He can amuse the both of us later.”
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tags: @cilil
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mixedmuzic · 1 year ago
HAPPY HALLOWEEN ALL!!!! HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!(I treat halloween like its christmas or new years because its my special interest/hyperfixation and i love it sm)
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