#that's not the reason i have read 0 books this year but look it might be a contributing factor
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antiadvil Ā· 2 months ago
i love reading YA books it makes me feel so smart... yeah i read half this book in a day haha nbd
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hollowed-theory-hall Ā· 9 months ago
what's the one harry potter pairing u like that u mentioned in the tags of your hinny post?
Anonymous: Can I ask who that minor character you ship with Harry is? For some absurd reason my mind jumped to Stan Shunpike lol but it's probably not him.... Or is it?
Okay, so this is kind of a funny story. Like, my pipeline through hp pairings was a weird one. Like, I used to read a lot of Harry pairings, still do on occasion (some make more sense than others). None of them were ones I would point at and say: "that should've happened in the books"
One day, I was innocently writing a fic (canon divergence of GoF), and it was just for me, for funnsies, never posted it anywhere and not planning to. And I planned to pair Harry with someone there (honestly, I don't remember who because I didn't write the plan down) but when writing, Harry ended up with a different character. And it was so strange to me because that never happened.
Like, how do you write a ship accidentally?
But I did. I wrote Harry into a ship by accident. So I went back to the books to try and figure out why the hell would my subconscious decide that's the way to go.
I'll also preface it by all this being my subjective opinion and I do read other Harry ships in fics, this one just quickly became my favorite to write (and the only one I write). Also, I don't actually think this is a pairing that should've happened in the books, it's place is in fic and that's where I like it.
So, the character I accidentally shipped with Harry is... *drumroll*
Stan Shunpike!
Not really, it's:
Theodore Nott
Now, you might look at the name and go: "Who the fuck is that?"
And you'll be correct. Theo has 0 speaking lines in the entire book series. His name appears twice. He, himself, as a person, only appeared on page, like, 3 times in the background. The scene that gives the most information about him is other characters talking about him. He isn't even present.
That being said, I'm very good at extrapolating a lot of information from very little evidence. So allow me, to walk you through who is Theodore Nott and why I ship him with Harry.
Basic Information
So, let's start with the most basic overview before I pull out the quotes and go any deeper.
We know Theo is a Slytherin student in Harry's year. So he likely shares a dorm with Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle.
Theo's father is both at the graveyard at the end of GoF and in the Department of Mysteries at the end of OotP, so we know he is a Death Eater. We also know Thoe's father was one of the first and closest Death Eaters to Voldemort, who waited for him during his interview with Dumbledore in 1967:
ā€œThen if I were to go to the Hogā€™s Head tonight, I would not find a group of them ā€” Nott, Rosier, Mulciber, Dolohov ā€” awaiting your return? Devoted friends indeed...ā€
(HBP, page 444)
We also know the Nott family is "as pure-blooded as the Malfoys" according to JKR in an interview. We also know Theo's great-grandfather (maybe? the family relation isn't clear), Cantankerus Nott, is suspected to be the one who wrote the Pure-Blood Dictionary, the book that coined the term "Sacred 28" and made that list (which the Nott family are on).
The name Nott is potentially to be derived from the nameĀ NĆ³tt, which is the personification of the night in Norse Mythology. So it has been theorized the Nott family have a Nordic origin. Possible, but it doesn't really matter for this post.
What does, is that he comes from a dark, Death Eater, blood-purist family similar to the Malfoys. Even so, Theo never took the Dark Mark and never joined Voldemort in the books.
Now, that we have the basic information out of the way, let's look at Theodore as a person.
All the details I could gather from the books
Alright, now we get to the fun part. That is, me going through all the relevant scenes that mention Theodore Nott and actually creating a character psychoanalysis out of basically nothing.
So, the quotes aren't organized in a particular order. I'm just going to explain Theo and then explain why all this makes me ship him with Harry.
ā€œWell, I pity Slughornā€™s taste. Maybe heā€™s going a bit senile. Shame, my father always said he was a good wizard in his day. My father used to be a bit of a favorite of his. Slughorn probably hasnā€™t heard Iā€™m on the train, or ā€”ā€ ā€œI wouldnā€™t bank on an invitation,ā€ said Zabini. ā€œHe asked me about Nottā€™s father when I first arrived. They used to be old friends, apparently, but when he heard heā€™d been caught at the Ministry he didnā€™t look happy, and Nott didnā€™t get an invitation, did he? I donā€™t think Slughornā€™s interested in Death Eaters.ā€ Malfoy looked angry, but forced out a singularly humorless laugh.
(HBP, page 150)
This is a part of the conversation between Draco, Pansy, and Blaise, Harry overhears when he is hiding in their compartment at the beginning of HBP. I have a few things to note regarding this scene.
Firstly, throughout this conversation, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco all call each other by their first name. This shows closeness, they are all friendly and familiar enough to use their first names with each other. Theo, though, is referred to as "Nott" by all three in the compartment.
He doesn't actually sit in their compartment which is in itself a sign about how he isn't really friendly with Draco's group. Considering the group is most of his year from his house, Theo is likely very lonely, and it will be apparent from other scenes I bring up later.
Secondly, Theo's father is in Azkaban. We know Draco is bothered about his own father's predicament. He mentions it to Harry and bothers him over it, Theo doesn't though. Theo doesn't seem to be bothered by Harry or his father's incarceration.
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that the relationship between Theo and his father is not a good one.
(I know some fics like to have Lucius be abusive towards Draco, for some reason. But the books really don't back this up. Lucius loves Draco and Draco adores his father)
Theo, though, Theo seems to be the one with a very strained relationship with his father. Strained enough that he isn't bothered the man is in Azkaban. What I'm saying is that Theo's father likely abuses or mistreats him in some capacity.
If anything more was needed to complete Harryā€™s happiness, it was Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyleā€™s reactions. He saw them with their heads together later that afternoon in the library, together with a weedy-looking boy Hermione whispered was called Theodore Nott. They looked around at Harry as he browsed the shelves for the book he needed on Partial Vanishment, and Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent to Crabbe. Harry knew perfectly well why they were acting like this: He had named all of their fathers as Death Eaters
(OotP, page 583)
This is a scene at the end of OotP after Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Theo's fathers were caught at the ministry and sent to Azkaban because they are Death Eaters. There are a few important notes about this scene.
The first, Hermione knows Theo, while Harry and Ron don't really. This means she likely knows him from the classes she takes and Harry and Ron don't ā€” Arithmancy and/or Ancient Runes.
The second, he is sitting with other Death Eater children, but I don't think it's by choice. I mentioned in the previous quote how he isn't close to Draco and his crew. He sits with them here mostly because he doesn't have another choice. Theo doesn't seem to really have any friends, so he sits with the closest people he has to friends ā€” kids he has known since he was young because their fathers were in the same circle.
The other note about this is that Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco are all mentioned as being threatening and malicious towards Harry because they don't like that their fathers are in Azkaban. Theo, though, Theo doesn't threaten Harry, he isn't part of their whisperings. As I mentioned above, he's likely happy his father is in Azkaban.
A pair of blank, white, shining eyes were growing larger through the gloom and a moment later the dragonish face, neck, and then skeletal body of a great, black, winged horse emerged from the darkness. It looked around at the class for a few seconds, swishing its long black tail, then bowed its head and began to tear flesh from the dead cow with its pointed fangs. A great wave of relief broke over Harry. Here at last was proof that he had not imagined these creatures, that they were real: Hagrid knew about them too. He looked eagerly at Ron, but Ron was still staring around into the trees and after a few seconds he whispered, ā€œWhy doesnā€™t Hagrid call again?ā€ Most of the rest of the class were wearing expressions as confused and nervously expectant as Ronā€™s and were still gazing everywhere but at the horse standing feet from them. There were only two other people who seemed to be able to see them: a stringy Slytherin boy standing just behind Goyle was watching the horse eating with an expression of great distaste on his face, and Neville, whose eyes were following the swishing progress of the long black tail.
(OotP, page 445)
ā€œThe only people who can see thestrals,ā€ she said, ā€œare people who have seen death.ā€
(OotP, page 446)
The stringy Slytherin boy mentioned here is Theo. This scene proves that:
He takes Care of Magical Creatures
He saw someone die
Let's explore the second one for a moment. The fact Theo can see Thestrals means he watched someone die and was old enough to comprehend what he was seeing. We also know Theo's mother is dead. So it's likely the person he watched die was his mother.
I also want to draw attention to Theo's distaste towards Thestrals. He could likely see them carrying the carriages every year since 2nd year, it's not his first time seeing them. But it doesn't stop his displeasure with their sight from showing. Which says something about him. It means he likely recalls his mother and her death whenever he looks at the Thestrals. and these are memories Theo rather not experience.
We don't know how his mother died, but I'd hazard a guess it wasn't natural. After all, wizards have long life spans, they are more durable to illness and injury, and don't usually die from accidents unless very extreme or magical. And there was no epidemic of dragonpox (a disease that does tend to kill wizards) in the time since 1980 and the books. So, she was more likely killed at some point between 1985(ish) and 1991.
ā€œNo, I donā€™t think so, sir. Iā€™m Muggle-born, you see.ā€ Harry saw Malfoy lean close to Nott and whisper something; both of them sniggered, but Slughorn showed no dismay; on the contrary, he beamed and looked from Hermione to Harry, who was sitting next to her.
(HBP, pages 185-186)
First, Theo is an O student in potions since he is in the potions NEWT class, and was probably meant to be there even if Snape was the teacher.
Second, again, Theo doesn't really have friends. He sits next to Draco as the only other Slytherin in the class. Also, they share the circumstances of being sons of Death Eaters currently in Azkaban. Although both of them seem to deal with it quite differently.
Third, Theo joins Draco in making fun of Hermione's blood status, but he does not initiate it. Considering the environment he was raised in and is in, it makes sense he would make fun of it. Whether he's a blood-purist or not, he would want to keep his image considering he doesn't have many allies. Hanging out with Draco is survival, not friendship. They aren't even on a first-name basis with each other.
ā€œAmortentia doesnā€™t really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room ā€” oh yes,ā€ he said, nodding gravely at Malfoy and Nott, both of whom were smirking skeptically. ā€œWhen you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love. . . .
(HBP, page 186)
The final quote I have about Theo is from the same potions class as above. Both he and Draco are portrayed here as underestimating amortentia and its potential damage. It makes sense for their upbringing in the Wizarding World, which has no real laws or regulations regarding love potions that are seen as harmless fun more often than not.
I'll add Theo likely didn't witness a healthy romantic relationship. Considering his father is a Death Eater who is likely abusive and may or may not have killed his mother. With this as his reference to a marriage, it's clear why he'd look down on love and love potions.
Why I think Theo and Harry have potential
Okay, so now that we know who Theodore Nott is, let's talk about why I ship him with Harry.
I think Harry, in general, would get along best with a clever partner with the ability to be ruthless (Slytherins or Ron fall into this category). Because Harry isn't some golden savior; he casts unforgivables, and is very willing to poison Umbridge or Crocio Snape if he could get away with it. He needs a partner that won't be horrified by these thoughts.
Also, Theo literally never speaks on page. Even when spoken to, his reactions are silent. I think this quiet and no need to talk, the ability to be comfortable in silence, is something that would be comfortable for Harry. Harry in the books finds himself annoyed with Ron and Hermione's constant banter on occasion, so I think it fits well.
Theo would also be comfortable around Harry without a need to play a certain part. Because Harry wouldn't care about that. He would honestly rather Theo forgo the pure-blood Slytherin act.
I feel like Harry and Theo, have a good potential to understand each other. Theo lost his mother and likely experiences abuse from his father. It makes them very likely to trauma bond over their crap life and shared experience. Two out of three only ones who could see the Thestrals in the entire class.
The other thing I feel they could connect over is being lonely. Harry spent all his childhood until Hogwarts basically being on his own. Theo stayed on his own. Draco at least has his parents, he has other students he's closer to, not that he shares everything with them, but he has some support network. Theo has none. And this is something Harry knows well.
Theo, I think, wouldn't expect anything specific from Harry. He doesn't even interact with him, not to mock him, and not to idolize him, he doesn't care at all. And we know how much Harry appreciates being thought of as Harry and not as the Boy-Who-Lived. Theo would allow Harry to be himself without some mold he wants him to fit in.
The fact Theo never becomes a Death Eater, even though he was in Draco's year and his father was a Death Eater before Lucius (and in better standing than Lucius with Voldemort) is so interesting. It's somewhat surprising Theo wasn't marked. It means he didn't want to be. It means that Theo Nott didn't want to torture and kill muggleborns or blood traitors, or anyone really. And he didn't want to swear his allegiance to Voldemort. This is just a fascinating fact to me and something I enjoy considering. What life experience made him come to that conclusion? Was it just his dislike of his father that pushed him away? Could he have been another Sirius Black (Gryffindor in a Slytherin family) under slightly different circumstances? I mean, Voldemort likely wouldn't force him to become a Death Eater, but would his father? I don't know what at all went down there, but I like that potential story.
We also know he wasn't part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, even though some minor Slytherins were mentioned to be part of it. He just seems to be an actually decent guy (I don't care what Cursed Child says about him, I know he's there but I avoided almost anything to do with Cursed Child so I barely know the plot).
Finally, this is a character Harry doesn't have as much drama to get over with. Yes, sometimes I want to read overcoming drama between characters before it becomes a romance, but sometimes I want something chiller than that. And Theo is a really chill, safe, Slytherin option for Harry.
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bluee08 Ā· 2 years ago
Astro Observations 怊1怋
Disclaimer : I am not a professional astrologer. This post is only for fun and it is solely based on my observations and experiences. So, please take it with a grain of salt.
ā™ ļø Taurus Mars šŸ¤ Anger issues. It's either a disaster or unhealthy suppression. No in between.
ā™ ļø Mars-Neptune placements have some wide imagination when it comes to steamy stuff. It be going on in their heads 24/7! Also they might get frequent wet dreams. Infact on a side note they are quite looking forward to it when they go to sleep.
ā™£ļø Mars in 4th house went through a lot of family trauma in childhood. It could be anything like daily arguments, abusive household, domestic violence etc.
ā™ ļø Sagittarius venus and their frequent crushes. If influenced by Scorpio could be secretive as hell.
ā™ ļø Jupiterā€“Saturn negatively aspected could indicate a hard academic life in the beginning but once you work on it, you will succeed with flying colors. My friend has her jupiter squaring saturn and she was always at the bottom in her class. But once she decided to put her mind into it, she became one of the toppers in our school.
ā™£ļø Venus at 0Ā° has no idea where to began with love. They want it but are clueless about what they actually want.
ā™ ļø Sagittarius people love freedom. Speaking from personal experience, you don't want to tie them down by any means. Like Sagittarius moon hates being emotionally tied down by some melodrama. Don't even think about manipulating them they will run away know right away. Sagittarius venus hates being controlled in a relationship.
ā™£ļø Virgo sun might tease their partner now and then after their night together just to see their reaction. You better blushšŸ”Ŗ
ā™£ļø Someone mentioned in their post that having jupiter in 2nd house in solar return chart could indicate buying a lot of books. It's true! I had it last year in my chart and omg I bought so many books in one year! Also I never faced any shortage of money that year so later when I calculated the expense, I was surprised. It's also funny because whenever I felt like, okay I want this book, in the next few days I would have it in my hands by some means. I was obsessed with books. Let it be study material or novels. I still have many novels that I bought last year but haven't read yet. Lol no regrets tho, I love books šŸ“š
ā™ ļø Moon conjuct pluto šŸ¤ love-hate relationship with their mothers. It's likeā€” I can't live without you. The next momentā€”but if I die it will be only because of you. And it goes both the ways. I have this and trust me it hurts on a subconscious level.
ā™£ļø Asteroid Actor conjuct moon could mean that when you act, you act flawlessly. No one could tell if you are acting or not. Emotions are always on point. It comes very natural to these people. If underdeveloped, could make sly manipulators, like a wolf under sheep's skin.
ā™ ļø Scorpio MC people always have a strict control over their public image. They are not said to be mysterious just like that. You might think you have them figured out but there is always something going on in their lives which is unknown to the public. And if they don't want you to know about it, you will never know either.
ā™£ļø Pluto in 11th house/Sagittarius/Aquarius could mean that you might have a wide variety of friends all over the world, through online or even through mutuals. But for some of you these people just come along and go. Or maybe you are the one who gets distant for some reason. They still remain good friends though, it's just that the sudden closure is gone. Plus they don't reveal every single secret to their friends. They know later it won't matter.
ā™£ļø Venus conjuct/ Sextile/trine Mercury gives a very pleasant voice. These people should try applying in music industry.
ā™ ļø Asteroid Skip in natal chart could indicate what all things you missed or neglected in your life. For example, in 6th house you could have neglected your health a lot to the point later it backfired. Or in Capricorn it could indicate that you skipped working.
ā™£ļø Jupiterā€“AC people are very sharp minded. Especially if it's conjuction. They know how to turn the situation in their favour. They are also very versatile in nature, which makes them very well liked by people. Basically the All rounder placement.
ā™ ļø Asteroid Scientia positively aspecting Jupiter/Sun/moon could mean you work good in science fields. Whereas if it's negatively aspected you might face a little difficulty in dealing with science majors and need more effors to put in. I have jupiter square scientia and I know exactly what I am talking about.
ā™£ļø Asteroid Academia in 11th house/Aquarius could indicate changing many schools, colleges throughout your life or living in a hostel.
ā™ ļø Aries risings are the most restless beings alive. They can't sit still for two minutes to save their lives! These people are very competitive when it comes to athletics, as for academics, they are okay with being average. Two of the people that I know who have this rising sign won gold medals during their school lives in sports competitions.
ā™£ļø Mars conjuct MC or Mars in 10th house people are very dedicated and driven when it comes to their profession. They pursue their career with full potential.
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otterneuvillette Ā· 8 months ago
āœ§ WE'RE HERE FOR YOU ! āœ§
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ā‹†šŸŒ¼šŸƒā€” Pairings: tighnari x gn! reader x cyno (can be read as platonic or romantic, pick your poison :0)
ā‹†šŸŒ¼šŸƒā€” Sypnosis: You have been targeted by a group of Eremites for unknown reasons, so for your safety and the sake of their worries, you have been staying with Gandharva Ville. Here's how your life has become since then.
ā‹†šŸŒ¼šŸƒā€” content: gn! reader, mentions of injury and just fluffy with light angst.
āœ§āœ§āœ§ā āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§
It happened all so suddenly.
You were a Rtawahist researcher, one of the best of your years. You went on an expedition to the desert with a team of adventurers to research the sudden change of movement of the stars.
Along the way, you and your team had a couple of gnarly encounters with the same group of Eremites, which was weird, why are they so intent to capture your group? As far as you know, none of you had offended them or made them feel threatened.
Until they finally captured you while the others were sleeping.
"Come on, give us your research papers and your Mora, and we won't hurt your pretty little head, yeah?" One of them spoke with a gruff voice.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
"Archons! Why do you need my research paper so badly?! Like I understand if you wanted just my Mora, but my research papers??" You exclaimed.
"We don't have to give you our reasons, brat."
They stood up and stabbed the dagger they were holding into a crate next to you.
"Just give us the damn papers before things get ugly, you hear me?!"
You shook your head stubbornly.
"No! I worked hard on those, I will not let you have it!" You yelled.
They let out a sound of annoyance.
"Fine, I'll just do this the hard way then." They lifted the dagger up again, it's chilling glint underneath the desert moon made you shiver.
But you'd rather die than let them have it.
You closed your eyes, preparing for a moment of pain that never came.
A groan of pain echoed in your ears, and the sound of cold metal clashing made you open your eyes.
Sliver hair filled your vision along with flashes of purple lightning. You were dazed by its familiarity as a thought crossed your mind.
āœ§āœ§āœ§ā āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§
That was a week ago.
Cyno told you that your expedition had lasted an extra week than you wrote in your letters. He went looking for you out of concern, and he had found your team and they told him that you disappeared overnight and that the group of Eremites that were terrorizing you and them.
You thanked him with dinner and a couple of rounds of TCG, which you lost, miserably.
And you managed to hand over your research papers to your professor before the deadline.
A win-win situation one might think, right?
Because when you get home from running some errandsā€”
ā€”most of your house was burned down.
All your equipment, your research books are half burned into a crisp.
You felt yourself holding back a scream.
No, this is not the time for an emotional breakdown. You ran inside what's left of your home, as you took whatever you could save in it.
Photo albums, important documents, your boxes of trinkets, anything.
You groaned softly as you cursed yourself for getting a place further out in the city in the first place.
By the sevens, who could be this cruel to do this?!
After a couple of hours, you salvaged quite some stuff. But you were glad that the box was unscathed from the fire, it held all of your precious trinkets that you kept growing up. Everything that they had given you.
You dragged your stuff into a cart that you kept in your yard and headed towards the city. Along the way, you passed by a certain blonde haired traveller who helped you with your other stuff that you hadn't managed to fit into the cart.
When you arrived, you managed to get yourself a place to stay for a while. And without wasting any time, you reported what happened to the Matra. They told you that they will open an investigation as soon as possible. You thanked them as you went back to the place you were staying.
Moments later, you heard a knock on the door, and you opened to find a worried Tighnari and also a serious-looking Cyno.
"Hey, we heard what happened, are you okay?" Tighnari asked you, his ears twitching slightly.
You nodded quietly, too tired to give him a proper response.
"I have some leads to who's the culprit that burnt down your house." Cyno said sternly.
You looked up, curious to hear his answer.
"The group of Eremites that terrorized your team a week ago might have been the ones that did it." He said.
You sighed defeatedly.
"Honestly, I was dreading that. Archons, I have no idea why they are coming for me and my work." You sighed, slumping on the bed.
Tighnari approached you and placed a hand on your shoulder to comfort you.
"You should lay low for now. I suggest you find a safer place to stay, they may still be on the lookout for you." Cyno said softly, feeling quite sympathetic for you.
"You could stay with me? I'm sure Collei would be happy to see you again..?" Tighnari offered. His tail swished gently,as he looked at you with concern.
"I agree with Tighnari, you'll be safer staying with him." Cyno nodded.
"Meanwhile, I'll lead the investigation, I'll make sure the culprit will get the judgment they deserve." He added.
"Fine, I'll stay with 'nari. But only, until I repair my house." You said, sighing.
Both of them nodded in agreement, as you stood up to follow them to Gandharva Ville.
"Let me help you with your cart," Tighnari said, already holding on to it.
You thanked him, while Cyno informed the nearby Matra to gather information about the incident.
You hoped that this matter would be over soon.
āœ§āœ§āœ§ā āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§āœ§
It's been a few weeks since then, whoever did the crime was insanely good at keeping their tracks clean, it even had the General Mahamatra stumped.
Yet, both Tighnari and Cyno did their best to help you take your mind off it, they didn't want to see you stress yourself sick.
You'd just been in your room, minding your own business, when you started to hear voices coming from the living room of Tighnari's house. You decided to go out to the living room to check out what was going on.
"Well, you see, it's funny because-" Cyno seemed to be explaining some dumb joke.
"Oh, archons! Stop with the terrible jokes already!" Tighnari groaned, but his ears perked up when he saw you enter the room. "Make him stop, please!"
"Cyno....please behave?" You whispered quietly, clearly exhausted from the house repairs the day before.
Cyno's playfully pouted, but he sighed and gave in to your gentle request.
"I suppose I can behave myself. For now, at least."
He smiles at you affectionately and then turns his gaze to Tighnari, whose eyebrows were furrowed.
"What's with that face, 'nari? Are you having a headache again?" You said worriedly, hastily approaching where he was sitting.
Tighnari nods slightly, a small frown appearing on his face. "Yes. It's been a long day. The headache seems to be getting worse every day. Archons, I wish they'd go away." He sighs quietly, his ear flicking down in displeasure as you move closer to him.
"Hmm....maybe you should take a break... I'll talk with the other rangers, Let me help you with the patrols for the week." You immediately offered, without even a stutter or hesitation.
Tighnari blinks his eyes in surprise at your eagerness to help. He shakes his head slightly, a small smile appearing on his face. A soft, affectionate gaze wanders over your face.
"No, no. I'll be alright. You know I'm tougher than I look," he tries to protest, but you can tell from his expression how much your offer means to him.
Cyno steps forward and places a hand on Tighnari's shoulder. "Come on, Tighnari. Take a break for once."
"See? Even the General Mahamatra agrees with me. So, just sit tight and rest. Let me handle the rest."
Tighnari sighs and looks up at you then at Cyno, then sighs again, giving in. A slight smile forms on his face as he looks back at you, clearly relieved.
"Alright, alright. I suppose I can take a few days off. But you better not overwork yourself," he relents, his tail flicking slightly.
Cyno smiles and nods affirmatively. "That's better. You look like you haven't slept in days," he comments as his hands gently brush back Tighnari's hair to examine his face.
"I promise I won't overwork myself. I can handle the patrols for a few days. Don't worry, 'nari. I'll be fine," You reassure him, offering a comforting smile.
Tighnari lets out a quiet sigh and closes his eyes, clearly exhausted, his ears slumping down a little.
"Alright, alright. I trust you. Just..." He reaches out and takes your hand, squeezing it gently. "Take care of yourself, okay?" Cyno watches the scene with a fond smile and adds. "Yeah, don't do anything reckless. We both know how you get when you don't take proper breaks."
"It's not really that bad, guys! I promise." You whined playfully, before patting Tighnari's shoulder.
"Let me go make you some herbal tea. I've acquired some new medicinal tea from Liyue from my pen pal." You said excitedly.
Tighnari smiles faintly as you pat his shoulder, his ears twitching slightly in appreciation.
"Thank you. That would be very helpful," he says quietly, clearly grateful for your offer.
Cyno, meanwhile, gives you a slightly teasing smile. "Yeah, sure. And maybe don't forget to take care of yourself, okay? We don't want you getting sick, too. You're not immune to everything either," he adds, his tone playful and affectionate.
"Says you, Mr. "Oh no, I have fallen ill because I refuse to wear proper clothing during cold desert nights!" Seriously, Cyno. You should let me knit you a blanket or something." You huffed as you started brewing the tea, filling the small space with a light jasmine scent.
Cyno groans quietly, a little embarrassed that you've brought up the incident again. His arms crossed defensively, but he can't help but chuckle.
"I'm fine with my clothes, thank you very much," he responds, a hint of defensiveness in his voice. "Besides, I like the feel of the desert air against my skin. Even the cold is refreshing." Tighnari, meanwhile, chuckles softly at the exchange, his ears perking up in amusement.
He raises an eyebrow at Cyno, his tone lighthearted.
"You're always insisting that your immune to everything, but look at you. You're just as susceptible as the rest of us," he points out, a fond smile on his face.
Cyno sighs and chuckles, unable to argue with that.
"Fine, fine. I see your point. But... I still enjoy the cold air."
You chuckled, shaking your head.
"Sit down, Cyno. I'm bringing the tea over." You called out.
Cyno sighs and obeys, flopping down on the couch next to Tighnari. His lips curled as he heard your lighthearted chuckle.
"I guess you're right," he admits, leaning back on the couch and stretching his arms. "But I'll still take my chances with the desert air. As long as you brew me some tea to help me when I get sick." Tighnari glances over at you, amusement is evident in his expression.
"The things I'd do for the both of you."
Cyno chuckles, a fond smile spreading across his face.
"And we appreciate it. We really do," he reassures you.
Tighnari nods in agreement, his expression softening. "You always take such good care of us, even when we're too stubborn to admit it," he adds, his tail flicking gently against the couch.
Cyno glances at Tighnari, then back at you, a grin spreading on his face.
"Yeah, you're practically a miracle worker. Always knowing when we need a helping hand, even when we're too proud to ask for it."
Tighnari laughs quietly and nods in agreement. "We're lucky to have you around. Who else would put up with our nonsense?"
"You're being too sweet, just drink the tea already!" You said softly, flushing slightly.
They both chuckled at your reaction.
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"This is delicious. You've outdone yourself this time," Cyno compliments you.
Tighnari nods in agreement, his expression softening as he takes a sip. "Yes, it's so soothing. You're quite a talented herbal tea brewer."
"Thanks, I'm just gonna leave you two to it. I have an appointment with Kaveh soon, so I need to prepare some supplies."
Cyno raises an eyebrow, a teasing smirk spreading across his face.
"Kaveh, huh? What are you two getting up to?"
He takes another sip of tea, his tone lighthearted and playful.
"It's not what you think. I'm just going over my house plans with him. I'm repairing my house because a part of it got burned down, remember? The arson case a few weeks ago? The reason why I've been staying with Tighnari since then?"
Cyno's teasing expression quickly turns to one of concern.
"Right, of course. My apologies for teasing. I remember that case. How's the repairs going?" he asks you.
Tighnari nods in agreement and his ears perk up slightly as well. "Yeah, I hope you're not having too much trouble with the rebuilding," he adds, a hint of worry evident in his voice.
"Well, between having to acquire materials and trying to not break my back fixing it, I'd say it's going smoothly."
"I just hope that my savings are enough to cover for it. The prices of materials are insane." You sighed.
"But Kaveh has been helping out with finding affordable yet quality materials, so I think the repair would go as smoothly as I hope it to be," You reassured.
Cyno nods gently, relief is evident in his expression.
"Sounds like you're in good hands. Kaveh always has a knack for finding good deals. And as for your back, maybe you should take some breaks. Can't be overworking yourself with all this rebuilding," he teases lightly, a gentle smirk on his face.
"I know, I know, thank the Seven, Alhaitham offered to help me with my work, even if I didn't want him to, I could have perfectly done it myself,"
Tighnari nods in agreement, his ears perking up.
"Well, Alhaitham is somewhat of a difficult person to get along with sometimes, but I can't deny that he's quite considerate and helpful if the situation calls for it. Maybe he just wanted to return the favor you extended to him when you helped him in his research." He pauses for a moment, his expression softening. "But you should still take care of yourself. Don't overwork yourself, okay?" He adds, giving you a gentle look.
"I will. I'm going to head out now, so I'll see you tonight, 'nari and you later, Cyno." You said softly and waved the two of them goodbye.
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As you leave Gandharva Ville to meet up with Kaveh, Cyno, and Tighnari continue to chat in the living room over tea. Cyno shares a few jokes with Tighnari, who rolls his eyes but secretly smiles at the playful banter.
As night falls, the house feels a little emptier without your presence. Despite their easy-going demeanors, Cyno and Tighnari can't help but feel a slight sense of worry and longing for your return.
When you finally return home, the apartment is quiet. Cyno and Tighnari are just lounging around the living room. When they hear you enter, they perk their ears up slightly and look over at you. A wave of relief washes over both of them, and they can't help but smile at the sight of you.
Cyno greets you cheerfully as usual, while Tighnari gives you a gentle smile and a tail flick.
"Sorry I'm late, I had to run away from some angry group of Fungi on my way here." You said, catching your breath.
Cyno raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.
"Angry Fungi? Sounds like quite the adventure. How many were there?" He asks, a serious glint in his eyes.
"A whole group of five huge Fungi. " You answered him.
Tighnari's expression softens and his ears twitch slightly. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt at all?"
You scratched your head bashfully, before looking at Tighnari.
"I might've....gotten a massive bruise on my back...."
Tighnari's expression immediately turns to one of concern upon hearing about your injury.
"Oh no... Let me see that bruise," he requests gently, taking a step closer to examine your back.
"I-I'm fine! I swear, 'nari!" You said hurriedly. taking a couple steps back.
"One of the Fungi headbutted me from the back while I was busy dodging the other ones."
Cyno raises an eyebrow at your insistence that you're fine.
"Headbutted, huh? You should be more careful. We can't afford to have you getting injured. Especially when we're not around to look after you," he remarks, his expression serious for a moment before his usual smile returns.
Tighnari's ears twitch, his concern still evident. "Regardless, let me just take a quick look to ease my worry," he insists gently.
"Fine, fine, just let me change into looser clothing first." You muttered.
Cyno nods in agreement, acknowledging your need for comfort.
"Alright, take your time. We'll be here when you're ready," he reassures you, his ear flicking a little. Tighnari gives you a reassuring smile and nods as well. "Yeah, no need to rush. Just take the time you need to change and then we can check your back. We want to make sure you're alright."
You quickly changed, and soon, Tighnari carefully guided you to the couch.
"How is it? Is it really bad?"
Tighnari examines your back, his fingers gently ghosting over the massive bruise that has formed there.
He winces slightly when he sees the extent of the injury but tries to maintain a calm demeanor. "It's a large bruise. You're going to have to take it easy for a few days to avoid aggravating it. I'll prepare some herbs to make a salve that can help speed up the healing process a little. In the meantime, try to avoid any unnecessary movement, okay?"
You sighed yet again. "I guess I have to postpone the repairs again....." You muttered under your breath.
Cyno overhears your muttered comment and his expression softens, sympathetic to your plight. He puts a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, it's alright. There's no rush. Your health comes first. We can figure out a way to handle the repairs later when you're feeling better."
Tighnari gives a nod of agreement and gently pats your back. "Yes, take it easy. Let us handle the repairs for now. You just focus on resting and getting better."
Cyno and Tighnari help you get comfortable on the couch, bringing you pillows and blankets to make sure you're as relaxed as possible.
Tighnari prepares a soothing salve to help reduce the pain and inflammation in your back, while Cyno grabs a cold pack from the freezer to press against the bruise.
They sit with you, keeping you company and making sure you're feeling alright. They chat with you softly, making lighthearted jokes and sharing stories to keep your mind off your pain.
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Eventually, Tighnari returns with the salve he prepared, and he carefully applies it to your back with gentle but firm movements.
As the salve works its magic, slowly reducing the pain and swelling, Cyno gives you a smile and speaks in a teasing tone.
"You know, maybe this is just what you needed. A little break to rest and relax. Maybe a few days off might not be so bad after all."
"But I was supposed to help you so you could take a break, 'nari!" You whined quietly, pouting.
Tighnari smiles at your pouting expression, amused by your stubbornness.
"I appreciate the thought, but sometimes life has other plans. Right now, the most important thing is for you to focus on recovering. Once you're back on your feet, you can help us all you want."
Cyno rolls his eyes playfully and adds in a joking tone. "Yeah, and speaking of being back on your feet, maybe you should try picking on smaller targets next time instead of those huge Fungi."
"It wasn't my fault they came on me in the first place, I don't even know why they were so irritated in the first place!"
Tighnari chuckles softly, trying to imagine you fending off a horde of angry Fungi.
"Fungi can be picky sometimes. And they tend to guard their territory fiercely. Perhaps you accidentally wandered into their turf without realizing it, and they took action accordingly."
"I was walking down the designated path to Gandharva Ville! The Fungi weren't there when I first passed by on my way to Sumeru City!!"
Cyno bursts out laughing upon hearing your playful defense.
"Ah, well, perhaps those particular Fungi took a sudden detour and decided to set up camp on your usual path without warning. Those mischievous creatures can be quite sneaky, you know," he teases.
"Whatever..." You groaned, voice muffled by your face planting into the pillow.
Tighnari grins at your reaction and gently pats your head.
"Don't be upset. We're just teasing. We know you did your best." He turns to look at Cyno, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Cyno, why don't you make it up to them with one of your jokes? That'll surely lift their spirits."
"Please don't, can't you see I suffered enough? You guys are bullying me, I swear."
"Oh, don't worry, we're not bullies. We just believe in the healing power of laughter!" Cyno says proudly.
He takes a moment to think, then grins wider. "Hey, what do you call a snake with no legs?"
"What is it?" You groaned.
"An adder. Get it? Because it's a snake, and it has been 'added' without legs? Haha!" He laughs at his own joke, clearly pleased with himself. Tighnari hides a small chuckle with a cough. They both look at you, eagerly awaiting your reaction.
"I hate you guys...."
Cyno laughs even harder at your response, clearly enjoying your reaction to his terrible pun.
"Oh, come onnnn. Don't be like that. You know you love my sense of humor." He says with a smirk.
Tighnari can't help but smile at your groaning. He reaches out to pat your head softly, trying to soothe you.
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As the evening progresses, Cyno and Tighnari keep up the light banter, sharing jokes and stories to keep your spirits up.
Slowly, you start to relax, the stress from your injury fading away as their company puts you at ease. The room is filled with laughter, and a comforting atmosphere settles in. Cyno tells another terrible pun, and even though you try your best to maintain a scowl, you can't help but let out a small chuckle.
Tighnari notices your slight smile and grins at Cyno, silently signaling him that their efforts are working. They exchange a sly, knowing look, grateful that you are starting to feel better.
As the night drags on, the room gradually falls silent as you doze off into a contented, healing slumber. Even after you fall asleep, Cyno and Tighnari take turns watching over you, making sure you're as comfortable as possible. They can't help but share a warm, fond smile, appreciating the peace and tranquility of the moment.
Your healing progresses in the following days, Cyno and Tighnari take turns caring for you. Tighnari diligently prepares meals and soothing herbs to help with your recovery, and Cyno occasionally comes by to offer his own unique way of making you feel better ā€“ by sharing yet another one of his terrible puns.
Despite your protests, Cyno's jokes never fail to crack a dumb smile on your face, and you find yourself secretly looking forward to his visits, just to hear those awful puns.
Eventually, your injury starts to heal as the days turn into weeks. Your pain and discomfort gradually fade away, and the bruise on your back begins to yellow before finally disappearing completely.
Tighnari examines your back once again, his fingers lightly tracing the area where the bruise used to be, before nodding in satisfaction.
"Yup, it appears that you have fully recovered. The injury has healed nicely, and there are no signs of pain or discomfort left."
Just as you're about to express your relief and thanks, Cyno chimes in with a dramatic sigh.
"Ah, it's a shame that you've recovered so quickly. I was already working on a new series of puns to keep the cheer going."
Cyno remarks, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
Tighnari rolls his eyes but can't help but smile at Cyno's antics.
"Oh yes, because your terrible puns were an absolute cure for all our ailments. We simply would be miserable without them," Tighnari retorts, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
Cyno pouts, feigning offense at Tighnari's words. "Hey, they weren't that bad! And besides, I had a whole new stockpile ready to go."
"Maybe, some other time, Cyno." You giggled.
"Spoil sport," Cyno grumbles, crossing his arms in mock disappointment, but a smile creeps onto his face at your laugh.
Tighnari lets out a lighthearted chuckle, shaking his head at Cyno's antics. They both sit quietly for a moment, enjoying the light banter and the relief of your full recovery.
You felt relief knowing that no matter what, come rain or shine, both of them would go to the ends of Tevyat for you as you would do for them as well.
But for now, let's just enjoy the tranquility of the moment, shall we?
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Tighnari: hey, I noticed that you kept the pictures of our student years in the albums you have in your cart.
Y/N: of course I did, they're really precious to me.
*Cyno come closer and picks up a picture.*
Cyno:....hey, when did you take this photo of me passed out on Lambad's Tavern, and...wait...DID YOU SERIOUSLY BALANCE PLATES ON ME?!
Y/N: ......yeah, i'm just gonna leave- *sprints*
Cyno: OH NO YOU DON'T- *runs after Y/N*
Tighnari: *dies of laughter.*
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dried-mushroom Ā· 7 months ago
Hi hello! I absolutely adore how you write! Itā€™s so nice to read~
Ive Seen the dating profile thingy youā€™ve posted of Harlan, and the ā€žcuddlingā€œ really caught my eye :0
Idk if you take requests right now, but if you do, could you maybe write something about how Harlan or AM get some well deserved cuddles? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
Have a lovely day! :D
Aww thank you so much, (I might do this for AM as well hehe) I really hope you enjoy this :)
Take a break
Harlan Ellison x Fem! reader
(tbh this one is a little vague in Harlan's description so it can be read as younger or older Harlan. It's up to you Pookie)
Summary: Harlan is having a severe case of writer's block and needs to relax (aka a shit ton of affection).
Tumblr media
You were splayed out on the couch, messy h/c hair creating a halo around your head. You lazily drew patterns on the arm of the sofa, whilst the distinctive sound of typing filled the air. You lolled your head to the side, as Harlan sloped over the typewriter opposite where you were lying with a severe case of writer's block, to see how tense he was.
Your eyes travelled over the countless books and trinkets around the room to the expanse of his back and shoulders. Your eyes widen as you hear him sharply inhale and rip the paper out of the typewriter, discarding it onto the floor. When your eyes drifted lower, you saw the number of balls of crinkled paper beside the wooden chair he sat in, and your gaze softened.
You were another speculative fiction writer, that was one of the reasons he absolutely adored you. You met him at a convention, where you asked him to sign your old copy of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and Spider Kiss, he had also heard of your works and didn't think you were too shabby at the genre.
When you walked up to the desk he sat at, and it just clicked between you both, a bit of a cliche but you didn't mind (plus he did have you ride him in the backseat of his car swiftly after the convention ended). You and Harlan had been together for a number of years and hadn't quarrelled once so you had come to learn his mannerisms and him, yours.
You rolled off the sofa, sauntering over to the man who ran his hands through his soft hair, clearly irritated. You stood beside him and with two fingers you tilted his chin towards you, he looked up at you with, in your opinion, the most adorable pout you've ever seen on a man (you would never dream of telling him this though), You knew he was frustrated about some aspect of the new story he was trying to write and he needed to relax before it consumed him. You'd know because it has happened to you in the past and writer's block is one of the most excruciating things to go through for an author, for you, it led you to question your own capabilities.
"Honey, What's going on in that amazingly talented brain of yours?'
He looked up at you with his ethereal blue eyes before nuzzling his head against your stomach and mumbling against you;
"It's just so frustrating. I've spent so long creating this world and ideas just for it to amount to nothing, absolutely nothing. I fear my talent may have waned over the years."
You cradle his head in your hands (think challengers), stroking his cheek lovingly.
"Harlan Ellison. You are the most talented writer I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and your talent has not waned ever since you started writing. God I practically fell in love with you the moment I read Spider Kiss when I was 15. Now come on baby, you need to take a break."
That was another thing Harlan loved you for, your endless compassion towards him. He knew he could be a massive pain in the ass sometimes but you still treated him no differently even before you started living together. He smiled up at you, as you moved your hands to grasp him, pulling him from his seat up the carpet-clad stairs to your shared bedroom, him following diligently behind you.
It was approaching dusk already, so you closed the curtains in the room and got changed into something more comfortable, you could feel Harlan's obvious gaze on your body and you rolled your eyes in jest. You returned the favour when he removed the tight black shirt he was wearing and got into bed, you following in pursuit. Once you both got settled, he did something unexpected he started nuzzling into your chest, and you felt his arms embracing you, pulling you so close the warmth from his chest radiated through the thin material of your singlet. You eagerly reciprocated, intertwining your legs with his and stroking his back softly. He murmured against your chest,
"Thank you, I mean it. I don't think I deserve you sometimes, "
That made you smile. You kissed his foreheard before slowly succumbing to sleep.That night, Harlan peacefully fell asleep listening to your heartbeat.
The end
I'm sorry it's short and if I'm not writing fast, I'm trying to write the handful of requests I got (keep em coming and thank you to those who did request.)
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mjjune Ā· 2 years ago
How To Have a Good Beta Reading Experience (or: what I've learned from 3 years of beta reading)
So lately I've been having a lot of discussions about beta reading with my discord groups so I thought I would write it out here and also share some resources I've used over the years.
This is mostly by and for writers, however readers can learn from this post as well!
DISCLAIMER: I'm by no means a writing expert, but I have been either beta reading others' books, or having my own stories beta read consistently since 2020. THIS IS ALL PERSONAL EXPERIENCE/OPINION. Others may agree or disagree ā¤ļø
Here are the main points I'm going to talk about in this post, and I'll do it under the cut to save your dash space:
Understanding Alpha vs. Beta Readers
Choosing Readers
Being Clear About Feedback
Swapping / Compensation
The Importance of Writing Community/Groups
Websites/Resources for Finding Beta Readers
1. Understanding Alphas vs. Betas
So this is extremely important and for me, this may be the difference between me finishing your book or not. Many times, especially from new writers who had never had anyone read their work before, had extremely rough drafts that were barely coherent and were NOT beta ready, but asked me to beta read. I am not a person who can look past extensive grammar errors, nor am I the kind of person who will sit and fix all your grammar line-by-line for you.
Alpha Readers - for first/second drafts
Beta Readers - for polished drafts
It is ok for alpha reads to be unpolished and have grammar issues, and it's even ok if they have plot issues, continuity errors, etc. Because alpha readers are there for that purpose: to be the first eyes on your story and help you find and fix those issues.
The issue I have had over and over, though, is people asking for a beta reader when what they really needed was an alpha. I went in expecting a polished draft and got someone's Draft 0. In some cases, I got 100k drafts where the writer obviously had no idea how to format dialogue grammar and every single dialogue was wrong. Obviously this made me slow and in many cases, unable to finish.
Alpha readers will go in expecting it to be unpolished, and will be prepared to look past grammar/stylistic errors in order to focus on the big picture issues (plot holes, character consistency, pacing/engagement issues, etc). A Beta may be too frustrated by an unpolished draft to finish it or provide the feedback you're looking for. If you have been experiencing a lot of betas backing out and not finishing your work, you might consider this as a possible reason why.
I would also recommend, if you have never had anyone read your work before, even if you have had multiple drafts, it might be safest to ask for alphas rather than betas.
A quick way to see if your work is beta ready (again, personal experience): Pick up a published book from the shelf in your genre. Does your book read similarly? Does your formatting & grammar look the same? Bonus: read it out loud! If reading the published book out loud is significantly easier than reading yours out loud, you're probably in the alpha stage.
TL;DR: Understand your draft and which level of reader your draft is ready for. Know the difference between polished and unpolished, and be upfront about it.
2. Choosing Alphas/Betas
You may not like it but: Just because someone is your friend, real life or online, does not mean they will make a good reader for you.
I cannot stress this enough. As someone who writes vampire content, I cannot begin to express to you the amount of useless comments I got from readers who had clearly never read a vampire book in their life.
You need someone who is familiar with your genre and you likes your synopsis/blurb.
Caveat: that said, I did find a few great betas who had never read vampire content before and gave awesome feedback. However, these readers knew and admitted they knew nothing about the paranormal genre, and because of that did not make any comments on worldbuilding, instead sticking to plot and character development only. Some readers can't make this separation.
Another thing I would recommend, especially if you are swapping or the beta reader is also a writer/on writeblr, I would recommend reading their writing before having them beta read. If you read their excerpts and see that it's really unpolished or a style that's vastly different than yours, that might change whether you want them to read for you.
In my most recent beta round, I used a google form to do a quick survey to see who was interested in beta reading. This worked really well for me and I would recommend it! You can also use this to make all potential readers agree to not share/distribute/plagiarize your work, so you have it in writing just in case someone were to try something.
This was also a great way to see which genres they usually read and how many times they have beta read in the past!
TL;DR: Get readers who LIKE your genre. Read their writing and see how they write. Use an online signup form to narrow down.
3. Be Clear About The Type of Feedback You Want
This is perhaps the second most important thing when you get readers. Many readers will shy away from reading your work if you have nothing in mind for them to look out for. Also, being clear about this shows that you 1) know it isn't perfect and needs work and 2) you have insight into what the issues already are.
For Alphas, these traits are what I have found to be the most helpful:
Immediate inline reactions - particularly emotional engagement and pointing out lines that resonated with them
NO grammar/stylistic comments (unless incomprehensible)
Questioning of worldbuilding, character decisions, and character development - particularly if confusing or unclear
Comments on action sequences & their readability
Comments on believability of the plot points/progression
For Betas, these are what have been most helpful to me:
Comments on grammar, especially if repetitive
Stylistic comments, particularly for over-used words or noticeably repetitive sentence structures
Comments on pacing
Comments on plot initiation point and buildup/execution of the climax
Not questioning my worldbuilding/plot and trusting that what I have written is intentional. Only pointing out areas that have on-page evidence of inconsistencies.
Everything above is simply personal preference. You might find other comments to be better for alphas/betas. However, being upfront about which comments you want or don't want can drastically change which people want to read for you!
Some readers are obsessed with in-depth inline grammar/style comments, some aren't at all. Some writers LOVE these in-depth grammar comments, and some don't. Being clear about what you want is the best way to make sure you and your readers are compatible for the stage of editing you're at.
4. Swapping / Compensation
So this one I might have a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I wanted to cover it because so many people talk about it on here and other sites.
Again, based on my personal experience, swapping and compensation does not mean you're going to get better feedback or have a better experience or relationship with readers.
For the record, for everyone who beta reads for meā€”and finishesā€”I always offer to read theirs, even if it's a genre I don't like.
Personally, I have never tried compensation (re: money) for beta readers. However, there are a few issues I've come across with swapping:
Mine was beta ready and theirs was unpolished first draft
Our types of feedback didn't align
Our genre preferences didn't align
Their feedback was nowhere near as high quality or constructive as mine
In these cases, one or both of us burnt out on reading the others' work, and then we'd both bail. Especially with #4, it was very disheartening for me to spend hours finding their plot holes, helping them come up with ways to fix them, for them to then write 1 paragraph about what they thought of my story that was extremely surface level. To me, that wasn't even a swap, and was practically worthless. There was even one who got sensitive about the feedback I was providing (which was a queer sensitivity read) and then left almost identical comments on my story, which weren't even relevant. It was like revenge-commenting.
All this to say: I have had positive experiences with swaps. My alpha for twtr was a swap and I really enjoy her work and she enjoys mine, and we will probably continue to swap forever.
This goes back to #2 above: be picky & choose your readers well. Your story is your baby, and it deserves to be critiqued by people who value you and your story, and want to help you make it the best possible version of itself.
To summarize, I have had two good swapping experiences. I have had 10+ good uncompensated betasā€”with an offer for me to read their stuff when it's ready. Do with that what you will.
5. Writing Community / Groups
On to a more positive note! I have had the best experience here on writeblr, and this is coming from someone who has tried multiple other communities (which I discuss in the last section below). Having my own discord server from tumblr, joining a few other writers' discord servers, has completely changed the game regarding finding consistent betas, more resources, and just having an overall much more positive time writing and editing.
Writeblr keeps me grounded, keeps me hopeful, and even if I share something that doesn't get tons of notes, it's so nice to have interaction. It's so nice to give and get back, consistently.
I do want to emphasize the importance of giving to get back. If no one is liking/interacting with your excerpts, tag/ask games, etc. then that's probably because you're not interacting with them! It's very important to show interest in other people's work!!
I'm not saying you need to jump onto everyone's taglists for all their wips, but join the ones that genuinely interest you the most. Play in ask/tag games consistently. Follow writers back who follow you (if they post things you're interested in, ofc).
I have the same amount of followers as the people I follow right now, and I think that goes to show that people reciprocate here on writeblr! It's a lovely community and don't be afraid to reach out ā¤ļø
I have found almost ALL my recent betas from my tumblr and discord groups. They have been lovely so far and I would highly recommend building up community here if you are interested in finding betas.
6. Websites/Resources for Finding Betas
Alright, last section. Thanks for bearing with me. I'm going to go through the sites I have used, and why I still use them, or why I dropped them.
So, for starters, this is one I don't use anymore. This was the site I first used when I had a polished draft in 2020 and had no idea how to get feedback. Essentially, they have a point-system. The more comments you make, the more points you get, and then when you have 3 points, you can post a chapter. It continues in a cycle.
Pros: Personally, I think the site helped me a lot in realizing what a bad critique looks like (which is helpful!) and also helped me learn which comments/feedback types work for me, and which don't. I don't regret my time there by any means, and I found one life-long friend and beta reader there I wouldn't trade for the world. It also allows you to post/remove your story and the readers don't have direct access to itā€”meaning if they want to download/steal/plagiarize, they'd have to copy and paste or screenshot chapter by chapter. It's a little safety precaution.
Cons: It's not the best place to get constructive feedback. The issue with their system is it encourages quantity over quality in critiques. Because of that, you'll get strangers rewriting your entire chapter in their own style so they get 2-3 points for one critique, but... was any of it actually helpful to you? Maybe, maybe not. It's also random, so you can't control who comments on your stuff, and they might just comment to get points even if they hate your genre. I also don't think it's fair to have to do 3-5 chapter critiques in order to save up enough points to post ONE chapter of your own. And if you want to post your story for full beta reads and control who reads it and who doesn't, you have to subscribe monthly.
So I keep an eye on it occasionally to look through their forums on writing, agents, publishing, etc. But most of the forums gets nasty, because there are a lot of really pretentious writers who think they know all the rules. If you join small groups (e.g. sub-groups based on diversity, etc) they tend to have better and more meaningful discussions.
Personally, I would never use it for beta/alpha/feedback ever again. This is the site where most of my bad swaps came from. But you might find it useful! So I thought I would share it.
Nanowrimo Forums
This is another one I don't use anymore, but might consider reusing in the future. The biggest issue I have with nanowrimo is that a lot, and I mean A LOT, of these participants are first-time writers and have no concept of what polished vs. unpolished even means. I did find two really good swaps there (actually the only two good full swaps I've had) but those were very hard to find.
There is also the issue that a good chunk of them only write during November, not year round. So for finding consistent, year-long partners, this is not the best option. I'm a member of 2 discords that have all fallen silent as soon as Nano actually ended.
Also, in my experience, asking questions about anything related to "controversial" topics (especially trans and minority ethnic groups) becomes toxic very quick, which is unfortunate. There are even a few moderators who seem to be contributing to the toxic/immature discussions rather than fixing them/shutting them down, which is the main reason I stopped using it.
However, it's a GREAT place to get free, simple covers! Their artisan section is fantastic and there are a lot of people there willing to make basic covers/banners for you for free.
I've only been using this one about a month so far, but I'm really liking it. It's set up that you can invite betas to your story specifically, or you can look through a beta reader library, read their profiles, and invite them to see if they're interested.
This is essentially an alternative to Scribophile. It allows you to post your story online and find betas and become a beta.
Why I like it better than Scribophile: it's not a point-based system, meaning it's uncompensated so the readers have nothing to gain other than enjoying/helping your story. There's no hard feelings if someone bails. It allows you to see all comments in one place (which Scrib can't do). (And with discount codes found through google, it's cheaper, too. Message me if you need help with this šŸ‘€)
It also is all online, easily removable, so readers would have to copy/paste or screenshot chapter-by-chapter to steal it. So again, just a little safety net that makes me feel better.
Yep, that's right. Right here. Actually right here on tumblr has been where I have found the most beta readers and in the shortest time. I talked about this in the section before so I won't regurgitate. But there's a reason why this community is so long-lasting. It really is the best one out there I've found.
Know where your book is in terms of reader-readiness. Know the difference between alphas/betas and polished/unpolished. Know the types of feedback that work for you and specifically request it when recruiting betas.
Interact with a community. Give interaction in order to receive, and don't expect people to reblog/like your content if you don't reach out first. Join small, niche writing community discords. Find like-minded writers.
Decide to swap or not, but this won't make or break you.
There are many writing communities out there designed to help you not only find betas, to provide beta-reading feedback forms and commentary. Try them out and see what works best for you.
And above all, thank Writeblr for being such a lovely community ā¤ļø
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rainintheevening Ā· 2 months ago
Day 1: New Day
Grant Ward & Phil Coulson, Agents of SHIELD, AU
"Old habits die hard."
Grant smiled involuntarily, inhaling the steam rising off his coffee. "Speak for yourself." He glanced up, watching Coulson select a mug bearing the red and blue Captain America shield and pour his own drink, add the one sugar, the dash of milk.
Routine, comforting.
I missed you, burned on the tip of his tongue, but he'd already said it enough.
He had woken at take-off, and Agent May had already come and gone with her morning beverage, apparently preferring the solace of the cockpit, even with the Bus on autopilot.
"What are you reading?" Coulson sat next to him at the galley bar, glanced over.
Grant flipped the front half of the book up so he could see the cover. David Grossman's On Combat. "Re-read. Think I'll make it Skye's first required read."
Coulson's eyes flicked up to hold Grant's, a probing look, before a smile flickered across his face. "Good idea. Maybe balance it with Jane Austen though?"
Grant snorted a laugh. "There's a reason I hated English, you know."
"Really?" A raised eyebrow. "And here I thought you liked reading."
"Come on. I only survived senior year Shakespeare because we got to put on our own version of Julius Cesar, and I got to be stabbed."
"You were good at that." Coulson blew on his coffee, smiling a little, gaze unfocused as if remembering.
A sudden ache in his throat, and Grant had to look away, down at the page he could no longer read. Sure, it had been almost a week since the man he called "Dad" had returned from the dead. But it had been an incredibly hectic week, with Rising Tide hackers and exploding people, and even now they were bound for Costa Rica to assess a good old 0-8-4. This was the first time they'd had a morning like this, slow and easy, coffee and a book and quiet banter.
He wished it could last forever, the way it had seemed to when he was 17, and the summer sun was barely up, and he was raring to be off to his job at Bell's Hardware. But he wasn't 17 anymore, and this wasn't Klamath Falls, and much as he loved his job he never knew what might happen in a day.
"Do you think Skye's settling in alright?"
He blinked back his surge of emotion, focused on Coulson's question.
Skye. Right. "I think so." She could be annoying and juvenile, but Grant had started to respect her smarts, and she could be funny too. "She has no idea how to cook though," he added. "Other than boxed mac and cheese, and microwave meals."
"You can teach her."
The confidence in Coulson's voice warmed Grant as much as his first sip of coffee.
He'd had some good teachersā€”Coulson, of course; Agent Huff in his first year at the Academy; and his own SO, John Garrett. But he'd never been in the position of passing on that knowledge to someone else. What if he got it wrong? What if he got her killed?
That thought had him swallowing harder than necessary. "You sure, Dad?" It came out quieter than he liked.
"Of course." A hand came to rest on his shoulder, squeezed gently. "I wouldn't give you the job if I didn't think you could do it." An old familiar phrase, and Grant couldn't answer, merely nodding his head a few times.
He would never be able to express his gratitude for having his dad back, never.
"Alright, son?"
Grant cleared his throat, turned his head away to knuckle some moisture from his eyes. "Yeah," he muttered. He glanced at Coulson, summoning a little grin. "You're on breakfast duty, you know. When was the last time you made French toast? Or do I need to teach you that?"
A snort of laughter, before Coulson cuffed him gently on the head. "Young punk," he muttered.
The smell of cooking pulled the others from their bunks, and Coulson quickly found himself swamped in the tiny galley.
Grant found himself laughing at the near-chaos, and met Coulson's gaze with a little salute of his mug across the room, before he polished off the last mouthful of coffee.
Sure it was a different morning than the ones they'd once had. But that didn't mean it couldn't be good.
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imagionationstation Ā· 9 months ago
*Slams open the door to your inbox very, very loudly*
But this one is a little bit deranged.
AU where only Donatello and Karai are raised by Splinter and the rest (Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo) were raised by the Shredder. (Or vice versa idk which would be funnier)
It's stupid, I KNOWā€” but wdnsixjsksā€”
Just imagine the lone turtle being raised by the opposite side of the other three, accompanied with just as fierce + overprotective older sister who'd drop kick anyone who ever attempt to claim the title as 'Donatello's older sibling'.
Donnie'd be so confused to suddenly have a group of the same species as him suddenly thrusted into his life after spending years of beliving he's the only oneā€” and oh look they're now claiming him to be their brother, how neat.
Karai is NOT happy because that's HER little brother and they have to pry him out of her cold, dead hands.
Leo and Raph would be, "You're our master's daughter and that's OUR little brother", to which Karai would be, ">:0".
Cue to Mikey and Donnie arguing who is older.
I'm not sure about you, but I am also a sucker for (over)protective Mikey. It's a neat concept, one that hasn't been explored much by the fandomā€” but arhwidnsidnsi.
I just love the purple genius, okay?
This AU is purely crack and self-indulgent at this point hahah.
Donnie didnā€™t consider himself to be a bad son, per say.
Sensei always had a list of rules to keep him safe. Never go down to the ground floor unless the dojo was closed for the day. Never open the curtains because he might be glimpsed. Never go out into the yard unless he got permission or had one of them with him.
And never, under any circumstances, was he to enter New York City.
Sensei was always very careful when it came to his safety. Itā€™s the whole reason that he found a place outside the city for him to grow up, miles away from people, but close enough to the city that Miwa could visit to terrorize socialize whenever she feels cooped up.
Donnieā€™s never had that luxury, but now he was fifteen.
Fifteen was practically driving age. Fifteen is old enough to be in a high school and get invited to parties that sounded unsafe and rent adult movies behind parents backs and get to buy things at stores or check out books at the library!
Heā€™s definitely responsible enough to borrow some books on his own.
Fifteen is also the perfect age for sneaking out and breaking rules.
Itā€™s not really his fault. Itā€™s the hormone and teenage ritual stuff. He couldnā€™t help it, probably. Thatā€™s what Miwa always says. Sensei buys it sometimes. He goes easy on her. So when Donnie wakes up to a carpeted floor and a splitting migraine, he knows heā€™s been caught and heā€™ll need every reasonable excuse that he can get his hands on.
Itā€™s his birthday, anyway. Sensei canā€™t be too mad.
There are muffled voices around him as he lifts his head, immediately regretting it when pain spikes from his skull and scatters across his forehead. He clutches at his skull, groaning miserably. Heā€™s never had an all-nighter migraine this intense before.
He supposes that this is what Miwa would call a personal problem as remains on the ground, forcing his eyes open to get a read on the situation. He expects to see his father hovering as Miwa goads him into a punishment because the consequences of his actions was never enough for her.
Somehow, his father usually ends up letting him off the hook instead. A perk of being an extinct species that can never see the light of day, he supposes, is endless sympathy points.
Donnieā€™s greeted with three shells, four blinding overhead lights, five individual weapons, and six eyes, all balanced out by a truckload of confusion. He stares, blinking sluggishly, as one of the turtles announces, ā€œWell, heā€™s not dead.ā€
And just like that, this has officially slotted itself to be the weirdest dream Donnie has ever had.
So anyway, feel free to assume that heā€™s in pain and kidnapped for any number of reasons because I have about twelve different ideas and they are all equal GREAT for the crack AU atmosphere that is in development in my brain.
Iā€™m just imaging a backstory where Shredder fought the Kraang (cause he was hangry or something, who knows) and the turtles (sitting abandoned in the alley, maybe?) are corrupt with mutagen.
Absolutely dumbfounded but not stupid enough to leave the little freaks of nature behind, he (still human) snatches three of them, accidentally leaving one behind.
Hours/days later, Toddler Miwa hear Donnie crying, barely alive and all alone. Obviously, dad and daughter care for him.
Shredder and Yoshi are still human, but neither is on guard for the other. They both think the other remains in Japan.
Their sons donā€™t grow up hating each otherā€™s guts. They are both trying to leave their past behind. Yoshi is raising his family. Shredder is growing his empire.
So Donnie didnā€™t grow up knowing he had other brothers because no one knew they existed. Ergo, I imagine Donnie would be confused at first, but after fifteen years thinking that heā€™s alone in the universe, heā€™s eager to learn everything about these three fellow turtle mutants in ninja gear. Heā€™s a bit perturbed about the fact that they keep making excuses to keep him from leaving, but heā€™s not to concerned about it. He has brothers! How neat is that?
And since itā€™s a crack AU, it would be absolutely hilarious if Donnie seems like this naive, learned soul, who cannot social in the slightest- but the second that the need calls for it, he knows how to use several different type of weapons and can take all the brother down single-handedly. He had fifteen years of no brotherly distractions and a sister who takes training very seriously. Why wouldnā€™t he?
Itā€™s why heā€™s not concerned with technically being held hostage. Heā€™s reasonably certain that he can take them. And he proves it when Karai finds him and tries to take him home, only for the brothers attempt to stop him from leaving.
Of course, he always feels bad about his supremely awesome and instinctive skills. He prefers his studies.
No, but your ā€œpry him out of her cold, dead handsā€ comment made me think that sheā€™d need a reason to feel threatened. If they bond before she finds him, Donnie will begin looking at his older brothers (yes, even Mikey, who adores being able to feel in charge of someone) like, well, eldest brothers, and Karai will sense the change.
And, obvs, be completely and utterly ticked off by it.
Donnieā€™s spent his entire life admiring her and everything that she does- how DARE she have to share his attention with these three random strangers that literally kidnapped him?!
And his older brothers will all immediately decide that this lost child is theirsā€™ for one reason or another. And obviously, the safest thing to do when you find a stray mutant like you is to take it home and give it care. Heck, if it turns out to be your brother, even better!
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seafoamreadings Ā· 1 year ago
What are the differences between sidereal and draconic charts compared to tradition or tropical? What can you use them for and what do they mean?
this is actually a pretty huge topic and something i might write more extensively on later but let's do a rundown here.
what is traditional is going to depend a lot on where you are from and who you learn from. vedic and western tropical are the two most traditonal ones i think, and it seems like you are referring to tropical here, but i want to be clear that's not always the case.
so, tropical: this doesn't take into account the precession of the equinoxes over thousands of years, which is why it no longer lines up with the visible stars. i discuss this in more detail in this book and it's also something you can do your own research on if you wish. in this system each sign is just a thirty-degree chunk of the sky, and the 0 degree of aries is determined by the day of the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere (autumnal in south) NOT by the actual beginning of the constellation of stars that looks like aries the ram. i do not have any good scientific reason why this method should work better than any other, but my experience is that it is the best, and it is very old and widely used around the world so others must agree! i use this for pretty much everything although i know a thing or two about some other chart systems.
sidereal: DOES account for the precession of the equinoxes and DOES more or less line up with the actual stars as a result. but make no mistake, there's more than one way to do a sidereal chart. for instance, vedic astrology popular in india is one sidereal system. it uses the same 12 zodiac signs as the tropical system i use, but additional information and if i understand right also each sign is 30 degrees so it doesn't line up perfectly with the stars (someone correct me on this if i'm wrong in the replies please~). but there are other sidereal systems that don't have evenly sized signs, or they do but they incorporate eg the 13th sign, ophiuchus. i have written some before about how i feel like these sorts of systems SHOULD be more accurate but in my personal experience never are. the physicist/astronomer in me doesn't like that but whatever, i don't make the rules.
one thing i have heard is that while tropical is best for knowing thyself, sidereal or at least vedic is better for making predictions. i'm digging into that a little bit on my own time but i think tropical does predictions fairly well itself if you know what you're doing! since i am not as well-versed in vedic i still use tropical for my predictions and while i may not know the minute details it never really gets the vibe wrong.
draconic: a bit of a different thing. i offer these readings in my etsy. like everything i do, it varies a little bit from the most traditional/conventional manner. but it seems to work nicely. i think this style of chart has its origin in vedic astrology where the lunar nodes are the head and tail of the dragon, but it seems a lot of people do this chart in a tropical system anyway. it's defined by making the north node the 0 degree of aries and building the rest of the chart around that. so the planets and spacing of everything are the same as in the tropical natal chart, but the signs change. the idea is that this shows you something about your karma, your soul, your overarching personality in a way that is bigger than your personal egoic small self life as you know it. it's very esoteric and cool.
draconic charts are always really similar to natal charts. they are for a *person*. but you can do vedic or tropical charts about an individual, a meeting, a synastry, an event, a horary chart, etc. so that is another difference.
another thing i want to mention which you didn't ask explicitly but might interest you is all of the above are geocentric approaches. you can also do heliocentric astrology! i'm delving into that too because that's one of those things my science brain wants to work so much, lol. it is not widely practiced in the mainstream but astro dienst will generate heliocentric charts if you check off the right boxes. it's fun to play with. the big change is you no longer have a sun sign, you have an earth sign, and it is opposite whatever your natal sun sign is in tropical (eg i'm a taurus sun, but in heliocentric i have my earth in scorpio.)
that seems like a long post but seriously it just scratches the surface. i hope it helps anyway, and maybe spurs some further investigation! thank you for the excellent question <3 will definitely be reblogging this one for posterity~
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lurkingshan Ā· 7 months ago
1, 17, 29, 43, 62
Oh my god y'all are sending me so many.
What was the first piece of furniture you bought?
A custom-made headboard from an artist friend who did woodworking. For years and years I lived with hand me down furniture and it was the first thing I ever said, "fuck it" and bought for myself.
17. What's a movie you saw recently that you liked?
Oh I see, this was all a scheme to get me to post about Past Lives. Recently you tricked me into watching this on a plane and making an absolute fool of myself weeping in front of a bunch of strangers.
It's a really beautiful film about a Korean woman, Nora, who has made a life in the US with a career and a husband she loves. She is not unhappy with her life at all, but she reconnects with her first love and the life she might have lived and all her unresolved feelings about it come crashing down on her. My favorite thing about this movie is how generous and empathetic it is to everyone involved, including Nora, her husband, Arthur, and her first love, Hae Sung.
29. Go-to holiday card format?
I don't send holiday cards because I am lazy about that kind of stuff. If you want to see a picture of me in December just follow me on IG.
43. Favorite book you've read recently?
I have been having a bad few months for reading (my brain just gets like that sometimes post-COVID), so the last book I loved and actually completed was Da Ge during the early days of the Unknown watch. I still think about it all the time (and why the show adaptation messed up the ending FOR NO GODDAMN REASON).
62. Where are you on the minimalism-maximalism kinsey scale?
I am assuming 0=total minimalist and 6=total maximalist and we are talking about home decor, and I think I'm probably a solid 3. I like a home to actually have a personality and look like someone lives in it, but I also favor a soothing color palette and don't get too fancy with furniture.
Ask meme for people in their 30s
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huthurheartsdramione Ā· 1 month ago
Hiii! Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve posted on here and I thought I would maybe try to be more active again so hereā€™s some information about me to introduce myself.
Name: Heather
Age: 33
Screen name: huthurheartsdramione
Reasoning for screen name: my brother used to call me huthur and I love Dramione fanfic.
Reading Fanfic Since 2000: After The Goblet of Fire was published. Like many people, I read a little too much into Draco warning Hermione and friends about the Death Eaters at the Qudditch Workd Cup, and it spiraled from there and I started looking for stories/people who also thought Hermione and Draco would be a great couple. In the early days, I was on many now defunct sites including Coloured Grey and Granger Enchanted. I even printed out fanfic to take with me places where I didnā€™t have internet so I could read it. There are likely many half-stories lying around my childhood home. So Iā€™ve been reading Dramione in particular for over 24 years, and within the Harry Potter fandom.
I also just want to make note that I donā€™t endorse, condone, or believe in JKRā€™s views. I know we can never fully separate the fandom from her and her work, but I do not condone transphobia in any way shape or form.
Fandom Realted Fun Facts:
1. I have a spreadsheet of fanfics I read this year. I felt bad about not reading traditionally published books as much this year and tracking my word count makes me feel better about that. My goal is to reach 10 million words by the end of the year. Iā€™ve only been tracking since April of this year. Iā€™m a big data nerd and it makes my heart happy to track random things.
2. While I rate fanfic in my tracker, I only rate things 3-5. If I read it, it was at least a 3. I also rate traditionally published books this way. It has to be at least average if I finished it. I do not rate fanfic on any other websites or through my collections or any of those things. Fandom is free and the rating system is more for me to keep track of things I might want to reread in the future or that I was really moved by than anything else.
3. I still think about a song fic that I havenā€™t been able to find again. It was based off a song by Rilo Kiley and every time I hear that song I think about the fanfic.
Real Life Job: Event Planning
Published Fics: 0, but I have many half written drafts of things.
Some Favorite Tropes/Tags: War AU, BAMF Hermione/Draco, Burn the World for Hermione, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Marriage Law, Marriage of Convenience, Theo Nott is A Menace
10 Favorite Fics this Year in no Particular Order:
1. Bloody, Slutty, and Pathetic
2. Green Light
3. Measure of a Man (I followed this as a WIP and then fell off reading and finally went back and read all of it. I wish I had saved the original version before it was edited though).
4. Amina Gemella (my first ever Harry/Blaise and a companion to The Fear of Letting Go which is a Dramione. Itā€™s just so dang good).
5. EXIT and REBEL (I want to go back and tandem read these so badly)
6. These Ties that Bind
7. Of Sun Swords and Worms (listen this is a WIP but I can already tell itā€™ll be a favorite. It is so heart aching and well written).
8. Crimson and Clover
9. Stop All the Clocks (This Is the Last Time I'm Leaving Without You)
10. an ever-fixed mark
I would love to learn more about all of you! What do you like to read? Whatā€™s your favorite fic? What are your favorite tropes? Do you have a fic tracker? If so, do you want to compare?
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loppiopio Ā· 1 year ago
i've been sitting on this post for a few days now and it's literally just, me making assumptions about kudos i've noticed on fics lately (particularly aci since i've been checking that fic every week for book club these past few months) and this'll make me seem more insane than i already come off but by this point. how much lower can i go?
just going from top to down as of today.
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[ShibaLee] i know you from your art on here!! tumblr user shibaleeart i'm happy to see more people in potentially enjoying the stories this fandom has to offer :>
[reiscm] shizuchansmilk?? what are youuu doing here? i didn't know you read shizaya fic tbh and i was surprised to see you here suddenly, relatively recently too. does that mean you just started the fic then?? after at least a year of being in the fandom right? maybe this wasn't from your first time reading it (same) but at the very least it shows you visited it not too long agoā€¦ i may be delusional in thinking i could be a contributing factor there because, why now? it's not like i'm the only aci advocate out there but i've probably been the most vocal about it around this time sooā€¦ well whatever it is, hope you had fun with it! i'm so curious what drrr comedian shizuchansmilk thinks about hit fanfiction a cheap imitation šŸ‘ļø
i'm also recognising some of the other names around here like [anonymooose] and [durarasaiki] even though i haven't the faintest idea who they might be. i've just been seeing them lately across different shizaya fics which probably means these are the people doing their shizaya fic dive around this time. i have nothing more to add there i just, think it's cool noticing the same names across fics like yeah, we all feasting on the shizaya tag rn.
[ya_boi_twink] it took me a second to recall where i'd recognised your name from and then it hit me. i knoooow you! tumblr user yaboitwink in my notifsā€¦ i appreciate you, and i'm glad you liked the things i made for it c:
[bun_o_ween] oh i know you're here because of mr crapo. i hope you guys had fun with it! i wanna take the chance to also admit that like. the moment i found out you were that sebastian writer i experienced the wildest sense of deja vu. because. i had seen your name on ao3 before. but when i checked your fics there was no way i'd read a fic from you?? so then i realised i must have recognised you... through other kudos on other fics??? dude. i must sound crazy, i have no way of proving this because i actually don't remember what fics these were i just vaguely remember it was either bsd or tgcf? that i was looking at fics for, trying to find something to sate my hunger at the time. and i just remember, noticing your name across like a few of these fics in a row and thinking "heh someone else has been going down the same rabbit hole" AND NOW I SEE YOU AND CRAPO OF SHIZAYA FANDOM HITTING IT OFF it was surreal. like. my awareness of you had zero to do with black butler, i could not have predicted that you would have been the random ao3 user i'd seen apparently enjoying some of the same fics i was not too long ago. wow.
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there are like two separate flamingo related names around here [niceflamingo] and [flamingoo] which doesn't mean anything but for some reason they are standing out enough for me to want to mention them. i feel like i've seen ao3 user flamingoo in the kudos of some other fic before but idk.
[Luzki] omg hey!! twitter artist vi_138_ woah hiii funny seeing you here :0 especially like. not so long ago? since i'd imagined you would've been aware of the fandom for a while since you seem more invested in the alts than shizuo and izaya in particular? well it was cool seeing that you'd read this one, i hope ya had fun!
[frogsarefriends] right under that is artist hallucxnating >:O i know they've read the fic already but it was cool to actually recognise their kudo down here, especially since it's like. not recognisable just from the name alone, but you've shared links to this ao3 as your writing so now i know it's you. my impression is that you came into the fandom through slavhew since, i'd connected the dots at some point that you two were friends which. made a lot of sense since i noticed you both started being active around here at the same time lol. but hey!! welcome to the club :D
[7FlyingPancakes7] this is one of the ones i'd noticed earlier on during book club, i distinctly remember checking a chapter while walking home one night (because i do that i guess) then BAM what the hell?? i just see tumblr user mari-lair's ao3 appear down there, totally out of nowhere for me. for context this was a writer from the tpn fandom i recognise from like 4 years ago? idk it's been a while, i didn't talk to them much but they were active in the fandom at the time so i'm familiar with their name. i haven't been keeping up with them but last i'd seen they seemed to be into tbhk with no indication as far as i was aware that they'd shown any interest in shizaya. nothing wrong with that it was just unexpected, so i was just like woah!! how did you get here? i am so curious how they may have come across this fic, was it some rec from a friend? how familiar are they with shizaya? how invested were they in the story and characters? enough to go down more of shizaya's greatest hits? anyways, that was just a fun little small world moment for me.
[psych0tastic] hey isn't thisā€¦. axietoh? like, the artist who used to draw shizaya like 5 years ago? what are they doing here so high up the list? šŸ¤” i have no clue lol i still follow them because i really like their art style but i hadn't noticed their interest in shizaya resurfacing... i suppose they just haven't been too active on these socials in general. anyways their name stood out to me and i was like, waitā€¦.. well it's a shocker seeing their name so high up here, were they reading this fic for the first time there or were they revisiting it and happened to have not kudo'd it until then? well anyways, it's nice to see they've revisted the fic within the last two years at least :0 that's cool to me.
[MiyukiWynter] dude i was feeling crazy just now trying to figure out where i'd recognised this name from because i'd swwooooorn i'd seen it from somewhere like as someone on twitter?? i think i was mixing them up in my mind with unrelated (as far as i'm aware) twitter user miiyankhr but turns out they're someone who's fics i've seen in the tags before. i haven't read them myself but apparently they just posted a new one two days ago so that's crazy.
[Dodomka] heyyy it's dodo from twitter, hellooo šŸ‘‹ they've been the biggest supporter for my deep in the sauce fic tweets and for that i appreciate them very much :3 didn't expect to see them here tbh i wasn't aware of when they'd first read the fic but as i was expanding the list a few times to write up this post i noticed their name here and just thought that was neat. shout-out to them!
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[mochi010] there's a user named mochi that has shown up in my twitter notifs somewhat regularly and they have nothing on their account so i have zero clue what they might be like outside from that they've been liking my shizuo and izaya retweets. their handle isn't even mochi so i have very little reason to believe this could be them but idk, maybe? no conclusion has been made here. well i already spent time writing and cleaning up the paragraph, guess i'm leaving it in.
shout-out to [ouiouipussay] and [ramenflavorpacketsnorter420] just for having some names that stand out lol. i don't recognise you from anywhere but, i guess now i will if i ever come across those names again.
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[Stupidusernamepolicy] i struggled to find you amidst all these names for the writing of this post šŸ’€ had to ctrl+f that shit. but i remember seeing your name here while i was going through the list some days before and being like "oh hey!! it's slavhew :)" but okay there's actually a tangent i've been wanting to go on from here.
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outside of aci i've actually been noticing you and hallucxnating double duo'ing under some fics together, like after the story era which i'd reread after hallu reminded me of its existence in a reply, and also sacramental which i had reread because of your reply, lol. i find this quite funny, just like. this visual representation of you two reading and recommending fics with each other. then you talk about it on twitter and more people like me are visiting this fic too. chain reaction of sharing stories :)
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ALSO [anonymooose] and [durarasaiki] spotted down here in some of these kudos too!! that's craazy. wow. i tell you guys i'm recognising these names i'm not just crazy šŸ˜­
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[NotElectricT] this took me a second to dig up again since it's quite buried down that list at this point but the plan i'd had in mind for this post was to end on this one since i saw them kudo it right in front of me (through the vc stream) and i didn't think this post would get as long as it did but... well i already wrote it šŸ˜¬ but yeah, this is my good friend note! check out this art they made for, still one of their favourite chapters, sharks fly. it's sandwiched in between some squid game au they made for a gift exchange for me..... it's a long story i don't wanna talk about it (embarrassing......)
but what i do wanna talk about!! is how note (referred to as "patient zero" regarding aci book club by the only other patient lol) just decided to read this fic completely of their own volition?? i didn't tell them to do that and for sure didn't expect them of all people to try reading it, ever (they're not really a fic reader) but they just did that, two years ago. and that was like, insane to me at the time because it's seriously so out of their depth guys they don't do enemies to lovers.... they still don't lol. but i was insane about this fic back then with no one to really be insane about it to so i just yelled about it to these friends out of context and i guess???? that was convincing enough to get this one to start the longest fic they'd ever read šŸ’€
i had much fun having someone experience the fic i'd been insane over..... like i'm smiling about it rn thinking about the time i did a live reading of the chainsaw man (as i like to call him) chapter which was so fun i kinda forgot i had a hamilton musical i was supposed to watch that evening... that was awkward. and other chats we exchanged regarding the fic (they were reading chapters whenever they felt like it which i enjoyed because i like pacing these things out) but for some reason (i think things just happened around the time that disrupted the momentum) they never made it past chapter 26 šŸ˜” which was tragic to me but oh well....
well i'm am even more insane about this fic now because of this convoluted chain of events that gradually built and cascaded me towards whatever the fuck i'm doing now!! god. i've never made so much, anything, like ever. until now. because both note and rosa (who has not kudo'd this fic as far as i'm aware lol) made the decision beyond my expectations to commit to, a book club. which i organised. and i've been having a lot of fun! so much fun, there's all this wild "marketing" stuff i've been churning out in record fucking time by my standards. i've never felt so creatively fulfilled dude, never finished a thing in my life until these past few months. so that's awesome, and it's in large part because of note having committed to this fic again. so that's some of the story behind that one kudo haha.
and now we're at chapter 49, we're supposed to be talking about it tomorrow, which is today by now since it's 1 am but uhhhhhhh writing is so hard. i was supposed to just be cleaning up this draft i'd written like 5 days ago? i am now very hungry. there's actually more i'd drafted up from here just from more names i recognised as i kept expanding the kudo list that day buuuut i'm fuckeeeen cutting this off right here. i need to stop. the end.
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perigilpin Ā· 10 months ago
sometimes it returns, like rain that you slept through
Abbott Elementary | Barbara x Melissa
Her and Barb were great at avoiding things. Practically repression pros, she thinks. Barb in the religious kind of way, and her in the in love with your best friend kind of way. She'd apologize, give the awkwardness a few days to settle, and they'd be back to normal in no time. or, Melissa Schemmenti gets stuck in a time loop
read on ao3 here or under the cut
Loop 0
Itā€™s a shit day from the very beginning, Melissa will later recall.Ā 
First off, itā€™s a Monday.Ā 
Then thereā€™s traffic only a few minutes into the drive. A fender bender in oncoming traffic forcing three lanes down to one.Ā 
Next, her phone won't connect to the bluetooth for some godforsaken reason, so she turns on the radio, hoping to at least catch a traffic report. No luck with that either, and instead a sad voice croons out from her speakers.
Sometimes, there's a thought like you choose what you're doing, But it comes to naught when I look back through it
The words and melody echo and twist around in her head, playing nasty tricks on her thoughts as she sits at a near standstill in traffic.
I remember the view, streetlights in the dark blue, The moment I knew I'd no choice but to love you
She thinks of Barbara of course.
She can't quite pinpoint the moment when she fell in love with her best friend, but she remembers when she had realized it.Ā 
It had hit her with all the subtly of a fucking freight train one morning a few years into teaching at Abbott. They were side by side, drinking coffee, when someone across the lounge had said something incredibly stupid. Barbara had turned to give her a look,Ā their look, the one she gave Melissa during school assemblies or across the schoolyard when something ridiculous was happening.Ā 
And immediately she had known, had felt the wind knocked out of her chest as she had been cursed with knowledge, that she was in love with this woman that could never really be hers.Ā 
But she'll take what she can get, and she's not too proud to admit she'll settle for some over none.Ā 
Not when it's Barbara Howard.
Not when it's Barbara, who she would hang the stars for if she as much as implied it might make her happy.
Sometimes she thinks Barb must know too, know how she feels. To the outside world, Melissa has always been good at hiding her feelings, a steel trap under under constant lock and key. But around Barb? She feels completely exposed.Ā 
Once the lanes merge the traffic picks back up, and although sheā€™s late enough that she doesnā€™t have time to get coffee in the teachers lounge, she'll still be able to beat her students in.Ā So she parks and heads straight to her classroom, mind still preoccupied.Ā Her life is good and fulfilling, she thinks, and over the years sheā€™s painstakingly crafted a life she truly enjoys living, waking up every morning for. At the end of the day she only has one real regret.
ā€œBarbara!ā€ Ā Ava, hollers from her office as Melissa passes, and it stops her dead in her tracks, ā€œBarbaraā€™s been looking for you all morning Schemmenti.ā€
She looks down at her phone sighing. Sheā€™s late enough that whatever Monday morning gossip Barb had would have to wait till free her period.Ā 
Janine catches her on the way down the hallway, greeting her with a "Happy Monday Melissa!"Ā 
She returns a halfhearted smile and a, "Happy Monday kiddo."
The first decent thing that happens is the steaming mug of coffee sitting on her desk, made just the way she likes it. Leave it to Barb to make her smile despite everything else.
The school day itself is exhausting, she doesn't make it to the teacher's lounge for lunch on her free period, stuck in her classroom putting up this weeks book display that she had planned to do before school that morning. Luckily, the afternoon passes quickly enough, and Melissa is more thank thankful for it to be over.Ā She slumps backward in her chair and gets to grading her kids spelling tests, knowing that if she went home she'd fall asleep on the couch immediately.Ā 
She's only a few tests in when Barb opens her door and walks into her classroom, two mini bottles of champagne in hand.Ā 
"I have been trying to track you down all day!" She gathers herself up, preening like peacock under Melissa's gaze, ā€œMelissa Ann Schemmenti,ā€ she smiles, ā€œdo you know what today is?ā€Ā 
Melissa can feel the stress alleviating at the mere sound of the other woman's voice and grins, "Am I gonna be in trouble if I say no?"Ā 
Barb chuckles and motions for Melissa to come join her to where she's pulling out chairs to sit down at one of the studen'ts desks , "No you will not."Ā She peels the foil back from both bottles and twists off the caps as they let a gentle 'pop', "Today is the 25h anniversary of us."
"Oh?ā€, Melissa knows she should say more but her brain can't wrap itself around particularly what. There are practically sirens going off in her head warning her not to say anything she'll regret latter.
Barb doesn't seemed phased by her friend's lack of real response and continues," Twenty-five beautiful years ago today you subbed at Abbott for the first time. And twenty-five years ago today you sat down at our table for the first time in the teachers lounge and told me, completely unprompted, how ugly you thought Ms.Ormond's sweater was."Ā 
"And the rest is history." Melissa finally supplies, raising her mini bottle of champagne.
"And the rest is history." Barb echos, reaching out to lay a hand on Melissaā€™s forearm. ā€œYour friendship all these yearsā€¦it means, more than anything. Melissa, I canā€™t begin to tell you how important you are me.ā€
Barb is close, as they sit in the too small chairs, at the too small desk, and all of the words Melissa can think of feel too small as well. Or possibly, too big.
So Melissa lifts her eyes from where they linger on her bottle to really look at Barb, the emotion she finds on her friend's face is too much.Ā She can feel her heart in her throat, as she reaches out, her hand shakily threading through Barb's hair, palm coming to rest on her face.Ā 
And finally, finally, she closes the gap between them, bringing their lips together.Ā 
ā€œOh my god!ā€ Janineā€™s voice breaks them from their reverie, ā€œOh my god I am so sorry.ā€
Barb pulls away and Melissa can see in the other womanā€™s eyes, clear as day, the moment is gone and sheā€™s lost her.Ā 
Janineā€™s still talking, ā€œI wonā€™t say anything I-ā€œ
Barb has already grabbed her purse and is pushing her way past Janine.
ā€œBarb, wait!ā€
But itā€™s too late, Barbara's halfway out the building and Melissa is still in her classroom with an inconsolable Janine.
"Melissa I am so sorry."
Melissa has to breath, has to bite her tongue and remember that, itā€™s through none of Janineā€™s fault any of this is happening. So she fidgets, pulling her glasses down off her head and exhales loudly. "Not your fault kid." Melissa pauses ,"Just, keep this to yourself will you? For Barb?"
Janine nods and hovers in the doorway for a moment like she's going to say something, but then heads out.
Melissa sits, still at the too small desk, willing herself to not let tears fall.Ā 
Loop 1
When she wakes up the next morning, itā€™s with a rotten pit in her stomach. It had taken her forever to fall asleep last night, and even once she did, it wasn't as if anything in between then and the morning had been restful anyways. She had debated calling out sick, but figured it'd Ā just be more work in the long run. So she begrudgingly goes on autopilot, getting ready for school.
It would be fine after all.Ā 
Her and Barb were great at avoiding things. Practically repression pros, she thinks. Barb in the religious kind of way, and her in the in love with your best friend kind of way. She'd apologize, give the awkwardness a few days to settle, and they'd be back to normal in no time.Ā 
If she was honest, it was Janine she was worried about. Ā Another reason to suck it up and get to work, the girl would probably do more damage if Melissa wasn't there despite all of her good, if not naive, intentions.
So she gets dressed, shoves a granola bar she's too nauseous to eat in her purse and gets in the car.Ā 
The traffic is no better than the day before and of course, her bluetooth still isn't working. She'll have to get Jacob to fix it for her on lunch today. It'll be a good excuse to avoid her normal seat.Ā Not wanting to be alone with her thoughts for any longer than necessary she hits the button to switch to radio, and a familiar tune fills her car.
Sometimes, there's a thought like you choose what you're doing, but it comes to naught when I look back through itĀ  I remember the view, streetlights in the dark blue, The moment I knew I'd no choice but to love you
The words slice through the fog of her pain like a freshly sharpened blade, and the memory of the night before plays fresh and clear in her head.
The look on Barb's face after she had kissed her, her pupils blown out and lipstick smudged.Ā Barb gathering her things and nearly running out of the room.Ā Her hands burned where she had touched her, and she could feel the ghost of her lips, could still feel the other woman's cheek pressed into hers.
Mind elsewhere, she nearly rear ends the car in front of her at the last stoplight before Abbott's parking lot. Late again.Ā She drags herself through the front doors, making her way to her classroom.
ā€œBarbara!ā€ Ā Ava hollers from her office as Melissa passes, ā€œBarbaraā€™s been looking for you all morning Schemmenti.ā€Ā 
It only tangentially registers that itā€™s the same thing the principal had yelled to her the day before because her stomach drops. Barb hadnā€™t texted, but now she wanted to talk. She figured they were just going to ignore it, but Barb always liked to deliver bad news in person.Ā Her sole piece of solace was that she was so late again that didn't have to brave the teachers lounge this morning. That would be a problem for her free period.Ā 
She made her way down the hallway and saw Janine on her way to her own classroom. This would be a good test of the younger woman's ability to keep her mouth shut about the night before.
"Happy Monday Melissa!"Ā 
Not what she had expected, but okay. Maybe the poor kid was so nervous about saying the wrong thing she had panicked and said the wrong day.
"You mean Tuesday?"Ā 
Janine cocks her head, " No, it's for sure Monday today."Ā 
Melissa furrows her brow, and it hits her all at once.
The traffic, that damn song playing on the radio this morning, Avaā€™s comment, now Janine? She whips out her phone and looks at the date.Ā 
It reads Monday the 14th.
"The fuck?" she whispers. She could feel the beginnings of a migraine building behind her right temple and notices Janine is still staring at her expectantly, "You know what, must just be Deja vu. Ignore me, get to class.ā€Ā 
Janine shots her a worried look, but scurries off to her classroom nonetheless.
The day passes too quickly, Melissa moving through the motions of her yesterday and her today at the same time. Because if today was truly yesterday, then yesterday didnā€™t actually happen.
And if yesterday didnā€™t happen yet...
Melissa feels the hot sting of bile rise in her throat as Barb opens the door and walks into her classroom, mini bottles of champagne in hand. She has been dreading and anticipating this moment in particular since she came to whatever conclusion she had came to about this deja vu of a day.Ā 
ā€œMelissa Ann Schemmenti,ā€ Barbara smiles, ā€œDo you know what today is?ā€
She really thinks she's going to be sick.Ā Itā€™s exactly the same, in such a vivid way that she feels like she's been kicked in the teeth.Ā And in that moment, she decides that if it was yesterday again, or just deja vu, or some type of messed up dream, it must have been a warning, and sheā€™d be dammed if she made the same mistake again.
So when Barb places her warm hand on Melissa forearm, as they sit at the too small desk, she braces herself.Ā 
When Barb says, ā€œyour friendship all these yearsā€¦it means, more to me than anything. Melissa, I canā€™t begin to tell you how much you mean to me.ā€ Ā Even though she knew they were coming, the words hit her at full force, again.Ā But she wouldnā€™t do it, couldnā€™t do it again. She knows how it would end.
This time, a tear slides down her face, and Barb lifts her hand to gently wipe it away. Melissa feels the the cold metal of the other woman's wedding band graze her cheek.
ā€œBarbā€¦ā€ despite herself she leans into Barb's space, breathing the same warm air.
But no, she can't.Ā 
Even this is too much, too selfish she thinks. She couldnā€™t hurt Barbara like that again. Not knowingly.
So she squeezes her eyes shut willing herself to say something, anything, and get the hell out of this room. But before she can Barb is the one to close the small distance between them, pressing her lips to Melissa's, humming into her mouth, tasting like cheap champagne.
And just like that, she's completely lost in the kiss.
So lost, she forgets that Janine would be entering the room shortly.Ā 
Barb runs all the same.Ā And as Melissa she crawls into bed that night, she has a horrible feeling she knows exactly how the next morning will start.
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aprikosenklang Ā· 11 months ago
Review: Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action
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First, some context: I started watching A:TLA when book 2 was airing. Since then, I watched it at least 10 times. Half of it in German and half of it in English. The last time was in 2020. I know a lot of lines by heartā€”yes in both languages. Zuko was my fist teenage crush and Oncle Irohā€™s quotes helped my through a lot of dark times in my life. I might be biased because I love the original series a lot. But I try to reason everything carefully.
The Good
I loved it visually! Bending looked so cool and never felt out of place or weird. All of the shown places could be recognized in a blink. It was beautiful to see this world adapted in a realistic way.
The casting was mostly done perfect. A lot of the characters looked a lot like I would have imagine them.
The Kiyoshi Warriors were really awesome. Especially Sukiā€”even though she didnā€™t got a name at all?!
I loved the addition with the 41st devision. It gave Zukoā€˜s crew actually a reason the respect him and fitted to his character and backstory.
Zuko and Iroh give the same energy as in the original. Usually this wouldnā€™t be something to mention, since I would expect this from and adaption. But due to issues you can read further below, I have to mention it. Zuko and Iroh might be one of the few characters that never felt out of character. Iā€™m happy we got those two true to original at least.
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The Bad
Since there is so much, I structure it even further into story, production and costumes.
I didnā€™t liked any of the story changes. I donā€™t even understand why they had to tangle all the storylines. The original book 1 is 20 episodes each about 20-25 minutesā€”which results in 400-500 minutes in total. The live action had 8 episodes each about 45 minutes to an hourā€”letā€™s say about 400-450 minutes in total. So basically, they could have taken the timeline as is is. Donā€™t get me wrong. I donā€™t advocate for a 1:1 adaption here. I just donā€™t get why they saw the need to tangle storylines, pull in things from later seasons and leave out important scenes, places, character traits and even whole characters. Each and every story change felt out of place, out of character and over all pointless. Nothing added anything that made sense. Just like it was changed because they had to change something.
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Aang didnā€™t even learn water bending!!! Like what is the whole season even about if the main character doesnā€™t have a real character arc? All he does is having guilt over disappearing for 100 years. Yes thatā€™s also a thing he has to overcome. But it is just half of it. And he even doesnā€™t really get over it. He has none of his childish fun moments like he does in the original.
Why did Sokka have SOOO much screen time?!?! Sometimes it felt like heā€˜s the protagonist of the series. Especially with Aang not even learning water bending.
Momo in contrast had like 0 screen time. But than in the last episode when he became important as plot device Sokka was weirdly attached to him.
Katara being her own master made it pointless to actually go to the northern water tribe. Yes there was Aang's vision. But in the original the plot is not mainly driven by what the fire nation does, but by what team avatar needs to do. Likeā€¦ Aang learning bending!!!
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We didnā€™t get the epic intro we could have. It felt like they tried to make up for it in the first episode. But having three different versions of the epic lines and finally Gran Gran dropping the original ones was actually the worst. It felt forced and as if she would read them out.
Everything regarding Azula was sooo off for me. She felt like a completely different character with other motivations and struggles. I wish she would not have been so present in the first season.
Uncle Iroh drank not enough tea. Lol. This is maybe a personal one and I cannot reason it to be honest.
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Iā€˜m disappointed by the Lu Ten moment. Fist of all, why did it need to be in season one?! But also: It was a bonding moment for Zuko and Iroh. It didnā€™t payed any respect for Lu Ten in my opinion. And leaves from the wine was barely noticeable and didnā€™t make feel anything.
Katara never lost her necklace. Which I donā€™t mind. But it made a huge plot hole for the headhunter Zuko hired. They tried to cover it with randomly finding a piece of fabric. But how did they know this belonged to the Avatar? This change feels similar to the one with the water bending scroll. Important things just become meaningless.
Agni Kai was once mentioned but never explained. If I didnā€™t know what an Agni Kai is from the original series, this would probably be either the most missed or confusing thing.
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Hei Bai was never healed!!! Yeah sure, Aang saved the villagers. But what about the forest and spirit?! And why was there no winter solstice? And in general why did everything in the spirit world was so all over the place?
The siege of the Nothern water tribe being a distraction for Omashu is stupid. It would take them way too long to hear about it. So they would not be able to send troops there by time and it would not weaken them in any way.
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The world feels super flat and boring. Because they tangled so many story lines, they got rid of a lot of places. No fire nation prison in the earth kingdom, no nothern air temple, almost no villages. You never get a change to explore the world and learn about the ordinary people.
The directing felt bad. A lot of people say, the acting was bad. But I donā€™t agree. First of all, a lot of the cast were children. I think it is not fair to judge them so easily and hard. In my opinion the directing wasnā€™t good. And you could tell because even the older and more experienced actors were really stiff.
The dialogs were almost always awkward. This adds to the previous point and is another sign that the acting isnā€™t the problem. The lines were sometimes random, jokes felt forced and original lines never made the same impact as in the animated series.
Some of the CGI green screen backgrounds were awful. They reminded you that this is a show which really pulled me out of the immersion.
The costumes felt lifeless. They could have added so much details to the garments and accessories. But of all things they decided to stick to the original with the costume design?! I expected the outfits to be a lot more toned down in brightness too. Thatā€™s something you need in an animated series, but not in a live action. So much missed potential.
Why could they not cast old people for old characters? All of them looked so stale, emotionless and almost uncanny.
I was sooo disappointed by Yue! Maybe Iā€™m biased here, because she was one of my favorite characters of book one. But somehow she was the only character that didnā€™t felt casted perfectly. And especially her hair was awful and looked like a cheap wig.
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Overall, Iā€˜m disappointed. Again, I didnā€™t expected a 1:1 adaptation. But I donā€™t see that the same care was put into it like it was for the original. I would have wanted to have something that creates similar emotions and an overall known feeling. But it doesnā€™t. Itā€™s confusing, flat and carelessly made. I can definitely see why the original creators stepped back from it.
If you think about watching it, I would recommend you the original. Especially because it is not that much longer. So better invest your time wisely.
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vanesa Ā· 6 months ago
How I started reading more and better
"I used to read a book a day as a kid and now I don't read anymore."
"I call myself a reader (non-practicing)."
"I wish I had the attention span to read."
If you were like me, and spent much of your childhood devouring library books instead of going outside, and then lost that habit, I can tell you from personal experience that you can get back on that horse again.
I started out thinking, "Man, I wish I read again." I kept thinking this for years. But school or work or other distractions kept me from really pursuing it. In the end, I realized I had to carve out the time to read or I was never going to read.
Here is some of my advice (your mileage may vary):
Start small. My reading habit started up again because I decided to download Brave New World on a whim on Google Play Books, and I only read while I was on the bus, on my phone.
Try starting on your phone or tablet. Download a research paper, or an old childhood novel you love, or something short, or something else you can easily read. If you're always on your phone, might as well be more productive about it.
Read while commuting and on breaks. This was the only way I started and I still get most of my reading done on my commutes. If you drive, you can use audiobooks, but they won't be the same. Essentially, you're trying to make a habit of it, and the easiest way to make a habit out of something is to do things when you're already doing something you normally do (ex. if you have a bedtime routine, throw in reading a book there).
Avoid fanfiction. I know some fanfiction is better-written than some of the slop published today. I know. But you have to challenge yourself. Read non-fiction. Read original fiction. Get familiar with new characters and settings. It's easy to jump in written works where everything has already been established.
Don't be afraid to go slow. I would rather slowly read 1 book over 2 weeks than read 0 books over 2 weeks because I'm so used to reading books in one sitting. Don't think you need to set aside a huge amount of time. You're an adult now, with responsibilities. Not a child you can spend an entire summer day at the library. If you want to do that on a day off, by all means, go ahead, but a reading habit is more sustainable. I know I can finish 300 pages in one day, but I get maybe around 50 (or less if it's a non-fiction) or up to 100 (if it's fiction).
Let books digest. The reason you read so much as a kid was because a lot of the stuff you read was less technical. As an adult, you might be more enthralled with more complex books, but as a result, you won't be finishing it all in one day. Pace yourself.
Challenge yourself. Read a book that might be too hard for you at first, where you have to look up words and re-read pages. Read translated books. Read obscure books. Read classics. Read a diverse array of books. If you read slower but process more, you're going to get more out of reading now.
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sonderwrit Ā· 1 year ago
C117: BUG
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
(Note that author also put out a mini-chapter 116.5 which is just diary entries, but I'll translate that later.)
Author's ęœØē«ē„¶ Weibo post:
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Translation: I sincerely invite everyone to look at the Demon Clan Wang Yi (not really). There's a lot of plot with this arc, wrote myself to death with it, there'll probably be plenty of dialogue going forwards!
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(Qin Xian's dialogue bubble gets blurry)
Qin Xian: Discipleā€¦
QX: Disciple.
QX: Disciple!
Wang Yi: ?!
WY: Masterā€¦? What happened to me?
QX: Disciple's true qi suddenly turned chaotic during breakthrough and Master couldn't call you awake.
WY: (I seemed to have seen something ominous just then. What invading army? And there was a mountain of corpsesā€¦)
QX: !
QX: (Why would he see hallucinations in his inner consciousness? Is it the beginning of cultivation deviation, or the awakening of an unusual bloodline?)
WY: Thenā€¦am I all right like this? Will it be like the book where the disciple had a troublesome secret for the Master?
WY: (These strange visions appeared in my childhood too.)
QX: ā€¦..
QX: It won't. Is there anywhere else you're uncomfortable?
S-0: ā€¦ā€¦
S-0: (Huh, are these signs of the villainous supporting character showing themselves?) <- *misunderstood*
S-0: [The original villainous senior brother Immortal Sovereign Wan Yi* did have a bloodline from the demon race. Otherwise, he wouldn't have rebelled during the Daoist-Demon War in the latter half of the story.]
*Immortal Sovereign Wan Yi is Wang Yi's daoist name
S-0: (Thank goodness Host's memories are sealed. If his brain was running off like a train and the Sword Saint, [slaughterer of all demons under heaven], read his mind, the story would end just like that.)
???: Sword Saint Qin?
???: You're Sword Saint Qin, right?
QX/WY: ?
???: As expected.
[Luo Wenliu - Protagonist shou of Defying the Gods, originally expected to show up one year later.]
Luo Wenliu: I am the sect leader's new disciple Luo Wenliu. I have the ability to divine Heavenly secrets.
LWL: Hurry and get away from fim. Your disciple Wang Yiā€”
LWL: ā€”is a snake demon!
S-0: (WTH?!)
S-0: [Isn't the protagonist shou Luo Wenliu supposed to join the sect a year later after being noticed by the Sword Saint?]
S-0: (Why did he show up early?)
S-0: (He even knows about Wang Yi's demonic bloodline, as if he just showed up to tattle.)
S-0: [Could it be another transmigrator? Let me connect to the other System to seeā€¦]
S-0: ?
S-0: (What was that just then, me seeing things? Strange, I thought it found something, but it suddenly disappeared.) [Refreshing it is useless too.]
S-0: Could it beā€¦
S-0: An actual world BUGā€”appeared? (That's way too much of a coincidence!)
LWL: That there, it's a bit sudden, but after divining the results, I came to find you straightaway.
WY: *hisses in pain*
LWL: Although you might not know who I am yet.
S-0: (In any caseā€¦)
S-0: (Since the Main System is here, I have to report it.)
LWL: But I can tell you lots of things only you know, so please believe m e.
QX: Oh. *turns away emotionlessly*
LWL: Sword Saint, believe me! *darts in front*
LWL: Disciple genuinely wants to help you.
LWL: Becauseā€¦
[I lived a lifetime in this worldā€¦]
[But for some reason, regressed to Heaven's chosen one as a child.]
LWL: Iā€¦regressed?
[With memories of my previous life intact.]
LWL: Then can I find my lovers ahead of time and stop the Daoist-Demon War?
White cat: Meow~
LWL: Because disciple has divined that disciple isā€”
QX: ("Regressed"?)
QX: Little friend*, please don't lie.
*little friend - 小友 xiaoyou, common way for Daoists to refer to well, acquaintences and stuff,Ā  like "kid" or "fellow"
QX: Let's go, he's probably not telling the truth.
*WY grabs his wrist*
QX: ?
QX: What is it, disciple?
WY: Ah, sorry.
WY: I grabbed on without realizing it.
WY: (Eh?)
WY: (What was I thinking about just then.)
WY: (My chest suddenly feels tight after smelling the wine in that child's hand.)
WY: (As if something importantā€¦was taken away by someone.)
Qin Xian (X): Apologies, this is the only way to get you back.
QX: Don't blame me.
LWL: Hey, did you guys hear what I say? Sword Saint, you're being tricked by him!
LWL: Senior brother Wang has the blood of the snake clan, he'll definitely betray the sect and you in the future.
LWL: This gourd holds realgar wine capable of forcing the snake demon to reveal its true form. Senior brother's obviously affected by it, doesn't Sword Saint get it yet?
WY: Urkā€”
QX: Disciple?
QX: Little friend Luo, please close the lid of the wine.
WY: Hahhhā€” hissā€”
LWL: ā€¦.!
LWL: Sword Saintā€¦no way, right?
LWL: Aren't you supposed to slaughter all demons under Heaven?
LWL: Didn't you say you liked me the most?
LWL: Was it all a lie?!
QX: (You're the one who can't tell human from demons.)
QX: (Forget it, since it's Wu Zhen's disciple, I'll leave the discipline to him.)
LWL: ?!
LWL: Sword Saint, please wait!
LWL: As long as Sword Saint speaks a little longer with this disciple, you'll understand my good points and who's truly treating you with sincerity.
LWL: Disciple believes that Sword Saint Qin has a righteous mind to see right from wrong.
LWL: So I'll follow you from now on until you see Senior Brother Wang's true nature, and severely punish the snake demonā€”
WY: You're so noisy.
WY: Snake demon this, snake demon that, there should be limits to what you say!
WY: When was it ever a little kid's right to tell Master what to do?
LWL: *startled!*
WY: As I see it, the one who's problematicā€”should be you, right?
WY: (Hahah, the pain's killing me. Why did the seal on my memories break?) [But there's no time to think, I need to assume my character role.]
Sword Sect's Disicple-Raising Diary (Pt. 4)
XX Year XX Month XX Day Clear skies, my disciple doesn't seem to have a rebellious phase?
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QX: *studying contents of book* WY: ZZzzā€¦
XX Year XX Month XX Day I really think he has none.
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WY: ?
XX Year XX Month XX Day He does.
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WY: I grabbed on without realizing it.
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