#that's it that's what the name of the planet stands for /j
galaxywhump · 1 year
SpooninVren-240, even
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kazoohaa · 1 year
haii can i request blade, jingyuan and/or danheng with a s/o who runs into everything 😭😭 like they could go to a different room for a few seconds and hear an “ow”
𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐒𝐘! honkai star rail
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— notes. thats so me tbh /j
— details. blade, jing yuan, dan heng x gn!reader (separate). fluff.
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he honestly didnt notice it for a while
it began with that time he saw you stub your toe and kind of double over in pain but then you went to another room to fetch something and he still heard you say “ow—”
blade still didn’t do or say anything about it but he’s suddenly becoming more aware of how often you manage to bump into things everywhere 😭
how does this keep happening to you??
but he just. still doesn’t say anything about it
until it became kind of noticeable how he stands in your general vicinity a bit more, making sure makes sure that you remain within an arm’s reach so that he can pull you away from bumping into yet another item just a second before it happens
you brought it up at some point, and he dismisses it by saying something about how he’s just annoyed at how you always run into things as if you don’t look where you’re going, so he’s just stopping that from happening more, that’s all
jing yuan
you could just be minding your own business and trying to stay alert of your surroundings but still manage to bump into something — it puzzles him a little to see how this seems to happen so often, but it’s also mildly amusing. just a tiny bit.
since this happens to you quite frequently, you probably get lots of accidental bruises or cuts from the hips down, so he makes it a habit to always have some band-aids in his pocket for you
would probably try to minimise the risks for you and get furniture that has less sharp corners or edges to make it less painful if — actually, scratch that, when — you bump into them
also uses this as an excuse to have his arm around your waist more often LMAO (under the excuse of helping you stop bumping into things if you’re this close by to him)
dan heng
your innate talent of running into things was probably the first thing he noticed about you LMAOO
like. how do you manage to do that?? all the time?? and it still happens whether or not he tries to keep an eye on you or accompanies you where you go
dan heng probably briefly considered looking through the archives to see if this was something that happened to other people as well
because who knows what kind of things happen on other planets. people from punklorde perceive reality as a game, and people from xianzhou get mara-struck, so it’s probably possible that such regular clumsiness could be something that just Happens™ to people from a certain planet??
in the end he’s sort of resigned himself to accepting that it’s just something interesting about you — kind of like how march can somehow understand diting?? except it’s you bumping into things
he also tries to minimise the risks, and at some point asked himeko or welt if it was possible to modify the furniture in the express a little bit so that the edges aren’t as sharp
while it helps a little, there seems to be no way to fully [name]-proof any place 😞 (he will work towards it!!! or try to, at the least)
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dduane · 4 months
Is there an alphabet or lexicon of the human version of The Speech? And if so, where can I find it?
No, there's not.
(And as I've been asked about this before, I'm just going to paste the answer in here—since though the original post is buried in the depths of Tumblr somewhere, I do have my saved draft.)
Per these, which came in very close to each other:
This is something I’ve always wondered but never realized I could actually ask about until I read through that long meta response. (go me.) How much of the Speech do you have fleshed out? Do you create it as you go on more of a need-to-know basis, or do you have vocabulary and grammar structures ready to go? Basically I’d be really interested to hear any Speech-related meta if you have the chance because fictional languages are hella cool!
I just read your post on dark wizards and field terminologies, and am totally loving the Speech translations you provided! Now I’m wondering, though, how much of the language you actually have mapped out or established? I’m very curious as to what, for example, the standard “I - you - he/she/it/etc. - we - you plural - they” conjugation endings would be– or if there even are any in a language as complex as the Speech. I’M JUST REALLY INTERESTED IN FANTASY LINGUISTICS AAAHH
Linguistics is a big deal for me too, as people who read my stuff will have guessed. And needless to say, the Speech is on my mind a lot (along with other “magical languages” and their history/histories).
So let’s take a moment to first to make it clear what the Speech is not. It’s not what’s sometimes referred to as an Adamic language  (whether you take the meaning that God used it to talk to Adam, or that Adam invented it to name things.) It’s also nothing whatsoever to do with Enochian. It’s not an occultic language, or anything invented by human beings.
The basic concept is that the Speech is the language, or the very large body of descriptors, used to create the universe (and very likely others, but let’s leave that to one side for the moment). Such words are also assumed, having been used in the building of the universe, to be able to control the bits they’ve built. Every word, therefore, when used ought ideally to sound as if it contains some tremendous power. 
Writing something like that every time the Speech is used, even for a much better writer than I am, would be very, very hard.
(We need a cut here. Under the cut: Ursula Le Guin, C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, and others. ...Also a fair number of beetles. And a bear.)
It’s worth mentioning as a matter of information that I met the concept of secret / divine magical languages in Le Guin’s Earthsea long before I ran into it in C. S. Lewis. (I came pretty late to Lewis’s non-Narnian work.) Yet here Lewis, as more than occasionally before, is my master, having been over this ground right back in the mid-1940s.
There’s a point in the final novel of the so-called “Planetary Trilogy”, that big fat (now endlessly problematic but still fun-in-the-right-moods) book That Hideous Strength, where Elwin Ransom—philologist, unwilling visitor to Mars and Venus, unnerved conscript into the wars in Heaven, and Lewis’s take on both the Pendragon and the wounded Fisher King—is instructing his friend and co-linguistics scholar Dimble on how to behave in a meeting with the newly awakened, and potentially quite dangerous, Merlin Ambrosius. (The POV in this passage is that of a lady named Jane who's just recently fallen into company with the group supporting Ransom.)
“You understand, Dimble? Your revolver in your hand, a prayer on your lips, your mind fixed on Maleldil [just think “Christ” for the moment: surprise surprise, that’s the parellel Lewis is using here]. Then, if he stands, conjure him.” “What shall I say in the Great Tongue?” “Say that you come in the name of God and all angels and in the power of the planets from one who sits today in the seat of the Pendragon, and command him to come with you. Say it now.” And Dimble, who had been sitting with his face drawn, and rather white, between the white faces of the two women, and his eyes on the table, raised his head, and great syllables of words that sounded like castles came out of his mouth. Jane felt her heart leap and quiver at them. Everything else in the room, seemed to have become intensely quiet: even the bird, and the bear***, and the cat, were still, staring at the speaker. The voice did not sound like Dimble’s own: it was as if the words spoke themselves through him from some strong place at a distance—or as if they were not words at all but present operations of God, the planets, and the Pendragon. For this was the language spoken before the Fall and beyond the Moon, and the meanings were not given to the syllables by chance, or skill, or long tradition, but truly inherent in them as the shape of the great Sun is inherent in the little waterdrop. This was Language herself, as she first sprang at Maleldil’s bidding out of the molten quicksilver of the star called Mercury on Earth, but Viritrilbia in Deep Heaven.
Now if that’s not like being hit over the head with a hammer, I don’t know what is.* That moment has been before the eyes-of-my-mind for a long time as I’ve worked with the Speech.
Note, however, that Lewis does a very wise thing here. He doesn’t actually spell out any of the words out for you. Because in the reader’s mind, there’s always the six-year-old saying, “Go on, say the word: see how it sounds, see what happens…!” And when you recite the magic spell, it doesn’t work. The words come out sounding, well, like any others. And maybe not your interior six-year-old, but your interior twelve- or fifteen-year-old—the ego-state that’s about keeping you from getting hurt or looking stupid in front of other people who aren’t privy to or supportive of your dreams—says, “See, it was just another word, just a bunch of nonsense. You got fooled. Dummy!” No wise writer, I think, willingly sets their readership up for such easy and constant disappointment. It's tough enough to weave, and hold in place, the spell that is prose. Handing the audience a potential spellbreaker, over and over again, is folly. 
And by rights the Speech ought to be like Lewis’s example above. If in reality you were to hear the words used to restructure matter or undo gravity, they ought to shake the air in your chest like a Saturn V launch, they should raise the hair on the back of your neck to hear them used; they should freak you out. But a long string of invented syllables isn’t going to do that. I’m stuck with using English to produce even the echo of such a result.
Which means I have to go Lewis’s route… mostly. Here and there I’ll add in a Speech-sourced word or phrase when it supports the narrative or makes it easier for characters to talk about what’s going on—as, when working with wizardry, you do sometimes have to call in precisionist-level language for words that have no casual English cognates: just as you would if you were working in particle physics or organic chemistry at the molecular level. But that’s all I’m going to do… because if you do too much linguistic work in this regard, you constantly run the risk of your readers being distracted from the real business at hand, which is the interactions between/among the characters.
The tech inherent to a work of fantastic fiction is always an issue in this regard. Ideally L. Sprague de Camp’s very useful definition of science fiction, tweaked here for fantasy, ought to be a guideline: “A fantasy story is a human story with a human problem and a human solution that could never have happened without its fantastic content.” Yet inside the definition, there’s still a lot of ways to go wrong. Too much merely human stuff, and a work of fantasy turns into a soap with some casual magical gimmickry—all too often these days labeled as “magic realism”, when it’s not publisher code for “We’d call this fantasy if we had the nerve and we didn’t think it was going to tag us as ‘genre’ and keep us off the best-seller lists”. Too little human-problem-and-human-solution, and it turns into a modern version of what James Blish (God rest him), when writing as the gently merciless science fiction critic William Atheling Jr., used to call “The 'Greater New York and New Jersey Municipal Zeppelin Gas Works’ school of speculative fiction”, where you tour your readership through the Wonderfulness Of Your Tech (magical or otherwise) until they expire of boredom while waiting for someone to fucking do something.
You have to find a centerline between the extremes—indeed pretty much a tightrope—and walk it with some care. I’d guess that J. K. Rowling ran into the need for this balancing act; while never having read the Potter books, I nonetheless get a sense that you get the occasional Wingardium leviosa without also being burdened with long strings of magical Latin. (Though I confess that the answer to the question “Where does the magic come from? And what’s it for?” as it applies to her universe could be of some interest. I have no idea whether this ever gets explicitly handled.**) 
Anyway, it’d be way too easy for the YW books to become long discourses on the Speech and its use. This aspect of the “tech”, I think, gets more than enough time onstage. Having once established that words are a tool, indeed the tool for a wizard, the ur-Tool, making every spell they build a resonance between what they do and the initial/ongoing work of Creation—my business is to stay focused on the challenge of driving plot forward by interactions between human beings (and all kinds of others) who have conflicting agendas.
…So much for the tl;dr. I do have some very basic grammatical structures tucked away, but they’re not in any fit state for other people to look at. The Speech, I think, is really best treated as an ongoing mystery that unfolds a little at a time, as required, and leaves everybody wanting more.
*It also leads into one of numerous affectionate nods in this book toward Tolkien, as philologist, fellow novelist, and Lewis’s good friend. It's no accident that when Ransom meets up with Merlin himself, a little later in the narrative, the question of this language—the proper name of the Great Tongue is “Old Solar"—comes up again. When discussing what language they’ll speak with each other during their upcoming negotiations [they apparently start out in a rather beat-up and denatured medieval Latin], Ransom says to Merlin about the language he’d prefer to be working in, "It has been long since it was heard. Not even in Numinor was it heard in the streets.”
The Stranger gave no start … but he spoke with a new interest. “Your masters let you play with dangerous toys,” he said. “Tell me, slave, what is Numinor?” “The true West,” said Ransom. “Well,” said the other.
Yeah, “well.” Better scholars than I have dealt with the relationship between these two, as scholars and writers and friends, so enough of that for the moment. But it’s very sweet to see Lewis do something in his books that I’ve done with mine.
**It’s always possible, of course, that in the HP universe this issue is a surd: like asking “where physics comes from”. (Well, not a surd precisely, if your spiritual life tends a certain way. Mine tends toward “Whoever or whatever made the universe, that’s who made physics. And they must really like it, because they made a metric shit ton of it!” (This answer also works for beetles, though that's a slightly different issue.) :)
But if there’s a most-fundamental difference between my wizardly universe and Rowling’s, it might be best revealed in the third question that came up for me directly after “What if there was a user’s manual for human beings/the world/the universe?” and “If there was, where would it have come from?”: specifically, “And why?”
***There's a bear in the Pendragon's kitchen. Thoth only knows what initially brought that on for Lewis, but it's a character insertion that pays off later, so (shrug) wtf.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Unknown Number Part 2
the long anticipated part two to unknown number. enjoy!
Part Three is now up!
italics: y/n (unknown number)
bold: harry
(one day later)
HS: Hey, I haven't heard from you. Is everything okay?
HS: I know you're busy and everything, but maybe you feel differently after us talking?
HS: It doesn't have to be different. We can go back to just texting I don't mind.
(one day later)
HS: You're not avoiding me are you?
HS: June?
(one day later)
HS: I don't know what I did, but whatever it is I'm sorry.
HS: But I'm starting to get worried. Are you okay? Like safety wise? Cold shoulder I can take but I would feel awful if you were hurt or in danger or something?
HS: Can you at least let me know you're alright?
J is typing...
(twenty minutes later)
J: i'm fine
HS: Good!
HS: Did I do something?
J: no i just think i was served a cold dose of reality a couple days ago
J: sorry for disappearing on you
HS: It's okay.
HS: Would you be more comfortable if we just went back to texting?
J is typing...
J: maybe
HS: Maybe?
J: i...like the sound of your voice
HS: You do, do you? ;))
J: don't be smug!
HS: I'm not, I swear!
HS is typing...
HS: I like the sound of your voice too.
(later that evening)
Y/n stared down at her phone and wondered if she was the biggest asshole on the planet.
She was never supposed to know who H was. Sure, she'd thought about it, had stayed up for hours thinking about who might be on the other side of their conversations. But it was all guessing and daydreaming. Y/n never actually thought she'd figure it out. Or that H would stand for Harry. As in Harry mother fucking Styles.
The person Y/n had been texting wasn't some serial killer or internet troll or some random person. He was one of the most popular names in pop culture right now. And not only that, they were in the same vicinity for the next few months while Five Seconds of Summer opened for One Direction.
When she heard H's voice, when she realized H was Harry, Y/n ran. She high-tailed it back to the tour bus, shooting a quick text to One Direction's stylist to tell her she wasn't feeling well and if she could take care of her band. Y/n pretended to be sick for a couple days while she hid on the tour bus. No one questioned it, but she did feel a little guilty for not doing the job she was paid to do.
But what was she supposed to do? The potential for running into Harry was extremely high. Y/n had no idea what she would do if they spoke and he came to the same realization as she had. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle the disappointment on Harry's face when he saw her and knew.
Pursing her lips, she typed out a new message.
(ten minutes from the last text)
J: do you ever think about us meeting?
(five minutes later)
HS: All the time.
J: you do?
HS: Of course. I mean it's hard not to.
J: do you...think you'd ever be disappointed by meeting me?
HS: Uh no?
HS: Is there a reason for this line of questioning?
J: no not really. just curious
HS: Somehow I feel like that's not true.
J: i don't know
J: i'm not sure why i'm in my head about this it's not like we'll actually meet
HS: You really think that?
J: do you think we ever would?
HS: I don't know.
HS: But I think I'd like to. One day.
J: you don't even know me!
HS: I do though!
HS: And you know me too!
HS: Where is all of this coming from?
J: i just think we should be realistic
J: i texted you by accident and we've become like modern day pen pals or something
HS: So you...don't want to meet me? Ever?
J: it's not about want it's about practicality. i just don't think talking about us in that way is smart
HS: You brought it up!
HS: And what do you mean by us?
(fifteen minutes later)
HS: Oh, so you're gonna ignore me now? Real mature.
HS: You're the one who brought all of this up you know.
HS: But you're probably right. I know I've been bothering you, but I think you had the right idea. I think we need a little space.
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(one day later)
Harry was unreasonably irritated. Angry didn't seem like the right word, but nothing about his situation was normal.
June was technically right. This whole thing was ridiculous and nonsensical and completely impractical. There was no scenario where they would ever meet or...
Harry couldn't even think about it. Thinking about June like that...thinking about June at all outside of their messages was stupid. He didn't need to be thinking about her, about anyone that way.
So why was he so frustrated?
Maybe it was that June wrote him off so quickly and seemingly out of nowhere. It wasn't like they ever needed to talk about the obvious, which was that they'd probably never meet despite the fact that he'd grown fond of her. Harry was perfectly content to talk about whatever popped into his head or June's latest Tinder date—though that topic was slowly starting to grate on Harry for reasons he refused to admit. Now it was a jumbled mess.
With his head bent, Harry walked toward craft services. He pulled out his phone, looking at past conversations and willing himself not to send another one. June hadn't responded to him since his last message, and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. On the one hand, it was what he'd asked for, but he still was itching to talk to her. Harry had grown used to expecting a quick response, had enjoyed June's wit and charming personality with each message she sent.
And now it was all weird and Harry's emotions were all over the place.
"Oof! Hey, watch where you're going!"
Harry glared down at the young woman who'd bumped into him—or who he'd bumped into, but he was too caught up in his own world to realize it. The young woman's eyes widened in shock as she stepped away from him. She opened her mouth as if she was about to speak, but nothing came out. Maybe a little squeaking.
He'd seen her around before, but not much. Honestly, these days Harry was usually holed up somewhere on the bus or at the venue texting June. But he'd seen the back of her head as she scurried around, or at a table on her own during lunch as she scrolled on her phone. He was pretty sure she was Five Seconds of Summer's stylist, but he didn't know for sure.
Raising his eyes at her expectantly. Harry waited for her to say something. "Sorry," she said, barely said. She was so quiet, Harry could hardly hear it. She looked scared of him, which made him feel bad. He was in a mood, but he didn't want to make anyone feel terrified of him, and this girl looked like she was about to cry.
He tried to apologize, but she scurried off before he could. Harry watched her go and sighed. He couldn't wait to get onstage and forget about June and the texts and all the ways she made him feel things he wasn't supposed to feel.
(later that night)
HS: Are we okay?
J: i don't know
J: i think so
HS: I feel like I'm going crazy.
J: how so?
HS: All I've been able to think about is our last conversation. I don't want to not talk to you.
HS: Can I admit something?
J: of course
HS is typing...
HS: I want to hear your voice again.
(five minutes later)
HS: You know, for the first time I think I actually kind of sounded like a creep.
HS: I didn't mean it in a creepy way I promise.
J: i know what you meant
J: in every other circumstance it would raise a red flag
HS: But this time?
J: i think i just want to hear your voice again too
HS: Yeah?
J: i'm not going to say it again to boost your ego
HS: :((
J: you know, you say all the time that you don't date, but i have a feeling you like having your ego fluffed
HS: Who doesn't?
J: attention whore. that's what you are!
HS: That was mean >:(
J: i would like to make it known that i'm sticking my tongue out right now
HS: I'm flipping you off!
(five minutes later)
J: so we're okay?
HS: Yeah. We're okay.
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(one day later)
J: are boys always filled with energy?
HS: I would say 90 percent of the time. Why?
J: my clients are just...a lot sometimes
J: very nice but a lot
J: like the brothers i never asked for
HS: Aw. Are they getting on your case about your bad taste in men now too?
J: you're not as funny as you think you are
J: and maybe
J: they tease me about the constant beeping of my phone. they want to know who i'm texting all the time
HS: And what do you say?
J: that i'm texting my boyfriend
J: i feel like it keeps them at bay
HS: Boyfriend huh?
J: oh hush
HS: Don't tell anyone, but I like the sound of that.
J: don't tell anyone but i do too
(two minutes later)
J: i feel like we're wandering into dangerous territory here
HS: Maybe.
HS: I'm not as bothered about it as I thought though.
J: no?
HS: Are you?
HS: Sorry. You don't have to answer that.
J: that's ok. i just don't know how i feel
J: not a cop out just the truth
HS: I believe you. Will you tell me when you do know?
J: of course
(later that night)
J: how does one acquire a new mother?
HS: Typically through divorce.
J: that won't work. my parents are miserable people together. kindred spirits
HS: what did she do this time?
J: it's stupid
HS: Not if it made you upset.
(ten minutes later)
HS: June?
J: sorry i was crying
HS is typing...
(one minute later)
Y/n's eyes widened at the incoming phone call on her screen. She knew she shouldn't have told him she was upset, but she needed someone to talk to, and somehow H had become the person she confided in.
Even then she didn't expect Harry to call her.
Hesitantly, Y/n picked up the phone. "H—Hello?"
"Why were you crying, June?"
"I'm fine, H, I promise—"
"No, you're not. I can still hear it in your voice. What's wrong?"
"I..." Was their first conversation really going to be her crying to H about her family drama? Y/n knew perfectly well that he probably had a million other things he could be doing. She was aware that both bands typically went out after shows. The boys of Five Seconds of Summer had tried to persuade her to go out numerous times, but she had yet to take the bait. Y/n was perfectly happy to lay in her bunk and text H, who she now realized might have been in a bunk of his own a couple buses over. The thought made her stomach feel fluttery and nauseous at the same time.
"My mom posted on Facebook about one of my cousins who just got married," Y/n explained. "And she said, or commented, or whatever that she was, 'so happy' and 'so proud' of the 'daughter she always wanted.'"
"Oh, June, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine, I swear it's fine," Y/n insisted, but even as she said it, she felt more tears begin to leak from her eyes. "I knew she was disappointed. Marriage is a huge deal in my family, and I didn't want—She called her the daughter she always wanted. What kind of mother says that?"
Y/n knew she was something of an outcast in her family, but she never thought her mom would say something like that, and so publicly. Facebook was her family's way of staying connected. This was a message for her entire extended family, not just Y/n.
"June, I—I don't even know what to say. That's horrible," H said.
"And you know what's the worst part?" Y/n asked. "Deep down I can't help but wonder if I should just settle down and get married like she wants me to because really, what am I doing here? I've been trying to make my way in this industry, but at what cost? My family has all but disowned me, I hardly have any friends because I live in a new town that just eats up my meager paychecks, and—"
"Hey," H said gently. "Do you really think you'd be happier back home with...with a husband at, what? 22?"
Y/n sniffled and rubbed her eye. "Probably, not, but—"
"And do you want this?" he asked.
"I thought I did."
"June. Do. You. Want. This?" he repeated.
He was the only person Y/n would admit it to. "I...I really do, H."
"Then go for it," he said. "I believe in you. In a year or two, everyone is going to want to work with you. You'll be the one turning people down."
"If only."
"Hey, that's not the voice of a confident woman. I need to hear confidence."
"No, I need confidence. I can't be the only one believing in you here," H said, which made you smile despite the tear stains on your cheeks. "Do you need me to shout it? Because I will. Don't think I won't."
Y/n tried to stop him, but H proceeded to shout—to whom, she wasn't sure—that she was the best stylist and that she was the coolest person he knew and all sorts of nonsense that made her giggle and continually tell him to shut up.
"Okay. That's enough! Harry, that's—"
She stopped immediately. It was a slip of the tongue. Y/n had gotten caught up in the moment and his name just...it just came out. Her heart stopped and her hands began to shake, nearly making her drop her phone in her lap.
Y/n prayed that he missed it, that amidst all the laughing and shouting, H didn't hear it. But the minute his name left her lips, it was dead quiet.
"How do you know my name?" he asked. His voice wasn't lighthearted anymore. It was stone cold, closed off.
"I...I don't—"
"You do. You just said Harry. How do you know me? Have you known the whole time?"
"No! I didn't—I don't—"
"I can't believe this. I can't believe that I...that I let myself fall for this. You—You lied!"
"I didn't lie! I swear, I never—I never knew anything until..."
"Until what?" he shouted, and you flinched.
What was she supposed to say? That they were on tour together? Harry would definitely think she stalked him then. He was so angry, there was no way he would listen to reason right now.
"Until what, June?"
"I'm so sorry," she said, her voice just above a whisper.
"Don't try to contact me again, or I'll call the police," he said harshly before hanging up.
Y/n could only stare down at her phone in disbelief.
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(two days later)
Y/n decided to spend her days perusing thrift stores. Hiding, really.
Her first-ever clients as a stylist were pretty low-maintenance. When she met them for the first time and saw their scuffed-up sneakers and ripped jeans, Y/n knew she wouldn't be stretching her creativity pretty far. But her job was to find clothes that represented her clients' image, which was exactly what she did.
While everyone else on tour was doing who knew what, Y/n went to local thrift stores in search of vintage t-shirts and good quality jeans that would be easy to move around him. One time, she came back with a pair of gorgeous leather boots that she thought would be perfect for Luke, but he said outright that he wouldn't wear them. Boys, honestly.
It wasn't much, but they appreciated when she came back with cool band and graphic shirts. She sewed up holes and ripped new ones when she was asked. Y/n felt like Snow White sometimes, and the boys were her dwarfs, but they were nice and funny and kept her distracted, which she needed right now.
She was in a small thrift store in Oregon, a couple pieces on her arm—two flannels, a baseball tee, a t-shirt with Kurt Cobain on it, and a couple leather bracelets. Now that she'd been on tour with the wonderful members of Five Seconds of Summer, Y/n had an idea of what each member liked. They had very similar styles and often shared the clothes she picked out for them—which honestly made her life easier considering her smaller-than-small budget.
But she still thought about H, of course she did. There were times when she felt compelled to go up to him at the concert venue, or even his tour bus, but she feared that would just make things worse. He already thought she was a stalker, she wasn't going to make it worse by just...appearing right in front of him.
She didn't know what to do, but not doing anything made her heart hurt. Not talking to him made her heart hurt. Y/n couldn't believe that this was how their text friendship turned out. Of all the ways she imagined this thing ending, having Harry block her number and him virtually hating her.
"Just this today, hun?" the woman behind the counter asked when she brought the clothes up.
Y/n nodded. After her major slip up, she hadn't done much talking. She felt like a ghost, floating from place to place without a word until she could go back to her bus bunk and look at old messages. Y/n didn't really want to be on this tour anymore, but she couldn't bring herself to quit. She didn't have the energy.
Back at the new concert venue, Y/n went to the boys' dressing room. They crowded around her as she showed them the shirts and bracelets. "I can cut up the sleeves on some of them if you want," she said quietly.
"That'd be awesome!"
"Maybe a couple holes around the neck?"
"Do you think you could write 'IDIOT' on this one?"
Y/n had only been half-listening, but she looked over at Michael with her brows raised when he said that. "You want me to write what?"
"I don't know, I think it'd be cool. Don't you?"
All four of them looked to her at that. Since the tour started, the boys went to her for fashion advice. That was technically her job, but it felt like she suddenly had four younger brothers.
"Y—Yeah. Very punk rock. I'll get on that right now."
"You're the best, June!"
"I could kiss you!"
"Please don't," she said, shoulders tensing when they all squeezed her.
The four boys left her alone in search of food—because they were always hungry—and Y/n got to work. Or tried to. She was alone for all of two seconds before the door slammed open.
"Really? You fucking stalked your way onto this tour?"
It was the first time Y/n had seen Harry since the one time she bumped into him in the hallway a few days ago. Y/n thought he'd looked irritated then, but he looked downright furious now. His face was red and mouth turned into an angry frown. Y/n tried to speak, but she couldn't. She just kept staring at him, hoping the words to explain would come.
"I—It's not what you think—"
"You're sick! Sick in the head! I'm calling security. I can't believe this," he said, muttering the last part.
Sniffling, Y/n looked down at the clothes she was supposed to fix up for the boys. Her boys, she sometimes thought. She couldn't believe this was actually happening. Harry was in front of her, and he...he was calling security on her.
"You—You don't have to do that," she finally said. When she stood up, Harry stepped away from her. "I'll go. I swear. I know how this looks, and I know you won't believe me, but this is a coincidence. But...I'll go. You don't need to call security. I'll leave."
Y/n grabbed her things and the boys' clothes, not looking at Harry once. She couldn't handle seeing the look in his eyes. But she felt it. His glare burned his skin. She shuffled out of the room, head bent with her things in her hands. On her way out, she bumped into something. Someone.
"Woah, June. Is everything okay?"
It was Luke. He looked concerned, but she couldn't find it in him to explain. "I'm—I'm fine. I'm just going to finish this stuff up on the bus, okay? I'll have it done before the show."
Before he could say anything else, she left, trying to ignore what sounded like an argument starting in the room she'd vacated.
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(three hours later)
Y/n was still on the tour bus fixing up the boys' clothes and waiting until it was time for her to leave for the airport. She knew she should've left right away, but she wanted to do this last thing. One last thing, and then she would be gone. It was almost time, and she'd finished cutting up the shirts, now she just needed to write the word 'IDIOT' on Michael's shirt. It was very fitting, Y/n felt like an absolute idiot for ever letting things get this far.
Still, she couldn't help but form a little smile as she sketched out the letters with a pencil. This job wasn't necessarily what Y/n had wanted, but it also wasn't what she initially expected. She liked the 5SOS guys, and she had to admit that there was something adventurous about going to a new city every few days. The point was, she liked it more than she thought she would, and now it was over.
(thirty minutes later)
Harry had been standing in front of the crew's tour bus for ten minutes. He wasn't sure if she was there, and he wasn't sure if he wanted her to be there. But he was standing in front of the bus door anyway, trying to decide if he was going to knock.
He'd been furious. Furious and alarmed and freaked out. When he'd gotten the first text from June, Harry immediately thought that she was some crazed fan who had somehow obtained his number. He slowly realized that wasn't the case, or so he thought. June had been lying this whole time, and not only that, she managed to become a crew member on tour.
When he heard her voice outside Five Seconds of Summer's dressing room, Harry was floored, and then he was scared, and then he was angry. Why couldn't people just leave him alone? It wasn't enough that he performed and gave all these little pieces of himself to the world. Why did everyone expect to give over all of himself?
And he talked to June about that at length, and he thought he was confiding in her, he thought they were sharing with each other. But she was...she was just lying to him.
And yet, she was still June. Months of texting and everything he felt didn't just evaporate because he discovered the truth. She was funny and charismatic and seemed to really like him, and he liked her too. A lot.
It was why he was at the bus. Harry wanted an explanation. He deserved that at least.
It took about a minute for the door to open after he knocked on it. She peeked her head out, watery red eyes surprised, and a little scared, to see him standing there. Mixed emotions flared in Harry's chest at the sight of her. Something squeezed his heart at finally putting a face to all the messages, to the girl he couldn't go more than a day without talking to. June was very pretty with a thick head of hair, high cheekbones, and pouty pink lips. Her nose was red, as if she'd been crying, and the part of Harry that cared about his friend hated seeing her like that, hated to know that this was how their first meeting was turning out. Harry had daydreamed about meeting June for the first time many times. A lot of times. None of his daydreams looked like this.
"Um, I promise I'm leaving. My flight is later tonight, and I just thought—It doesn't matter, I'll go."
Harry had met a good number of crazy fans over the years, and while he knew June was one of them, she seemed rather subdued. Instead of jumping him at any possible moment this entire tour, she minded her business and didn't try to talk to him once. Maybe he was believing in something he wanted to believe, but June didn't seem like the crazy stalker fan that she was.
"I want to talk. I want an explanation," he said.
June nodded, not opening the door any further but reaching her hand through the small crack. "I wrote it all down. I was going to give it to someone to give to you. It was the least I could do."
She didn't even want to talk to him? Was this all just an act to gain his sympathy? There was no way of knowing. If this was all one big con, June was a very good actress.
Harry took the note from June and unfolded it, reading it carefully.
I just want to start off by saying that you have every right to be angry, I understand that I have betrayed your trust. And I have betrayed your trust, just not in the way that you might think.
I found out who you were a few days ago, it was why I was avoiding your texts. I'd overheard you talking to Michael and the other boys in their dressing room. It was right after we'd sent all our voice messages, and I just knew it was you who was behind the door. I couldn't quite believe it.
But I also didn't know how to tell you that I knew. I was shocked and confused...and to be honest I didn't know what to do with the information. I just...wasn't expecting you.
So I kept the secret for a little while I tried to figure out how to tell you, and...Well, you saw how that turned out.
I just want you to know that I had no idea who you were when we first started texting. I truly gave my number to some idiot that I slept with, and by some twist of fate, he gave me your number instead. I didn't want to text you, I didn't want to like you, I didn't...expect to share so much of myself with you. I know this is harder on you for so many reasons, and you are justified in not trusting me, but it was hard for me too. Part of me thought that if I told you and you saw me, really saw me, that you would be disappointed or not impressed or something like that. You mean meant mean a lot to me, and the thought of ruining our tentative friendship by us meeting scared me, so I foolishly thought I could avoid you the rest of the tour.
I'm sorry that you found out the way you did, and I'm sorry it caused you so much emotional pain. I know you probably won't trust anything I've said, but I hope this might help you understand. And with the hope that I don't come off as the obsessed stalker that you already think I am, I really did do like you, and all your secrets are safe with me, as I hope mine are with you.
All my love,
Best wishes,
June Bug
Harry looked read the letter once, then twice, then looked up at June, who was still hiding behind the bus door. It had closed that much more, like she was trying to shut him out.
He knew he had a right not to trust her, and part of him still didn't. But another him was pushing her toward him, drawing him to her. His gut was telling him to hear her out, that she was the June Bug from all of their messages.
His show was in a little over an hour. He had last minute things to do and pre-show rituals to complete, and he knew that people would start looking for him soon. But he didn't want to go.
"Can—Can I come in?" he found himself asking. "To talk?"
June's brows raised, like she wasn't quite expecting Harry to ask her that. Which was a valid thing to think, of course, but now he was hoping she would let him in. Or send him away so they could avoid a difficult conversation.
"Sure. Are you—Are you sure?" she asked him, thick brows furrowing. Harry would've found the wrinkle between them cute if it wasn't for the situation.
Was he sure? "Y—Yes."
Nodding, June opened the door further to let him inside. Harry's hand brushed against hers on his way past her, and she immediately recoiled. He ignored it, and looked down at her for the first time. Really looked at her.
She really was beautiful, there was no denying that. June had a kind face, one that held so much emotion in it. Harry felt like he could read every little feeling as it flitted across her face. And right now, she was looking at him like one word out of his mouth could make or break her. Unable to handle that kind of pressure, Harry focused on a little scar that cut into June's brow.
"Um, so obviously you're familiar with the layout of the bus. Do you want to sit at the couches in the back? Or the tables here, or we could just stand—"
"The couches are fine," Harry said.
“O—Okay. Couches it is."
June turned around and headed for the back of the bus, strands of her hair swishing with each step she took. Harry followed, wondering if he'd just made a huge mistake or was taking a risk worth taking.
tags: @cookielovesbook-akie @sucker4angstt @l0v3e1i @bellesmith628 @marigold-morelli @obsessedmaggiemay @sophthearthoe
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ajaxgb · 6 months
Okay so Murder Drones Episode 7 clarified a lot about what's going on, and I think I now mostly understand The Plot. Pulling my thoughts together into a rough timeline (warning, this is looong, major spoilers obv):
The setting:
Humanity is in the space age, having colonized other planets like Copper 9.
The company "JCJenson IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!" appears to have invented sentient robots, called worker drones.
Worker drones have no rights and are generally thought of as disposable slave labor.
Worker drones have a known "bug": if a dead worker drone's core is left alone in the body, it has a ~0.01% chance of coming back to life (a "zombie drone").
JCJenson has a fix for this, called "wdOS_606" (assumed to stand for "Worker Drone Operating System 606"). It's installed in dead worker drones to prevent reanimation, but in some cases the dead body can "reject" the update (even after lying dormant for up to five years!) so users are instructed to remove the core and destroy the body, too.
If a drone does reanimate, there's 70.3% chance that everything is fine and the drone is just alive again, a 29% chance of undergoing "terminal lockout", and a 0.7% chance to reboot with "potentially hazardous mutations".
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So if you do absolutely everything wrong, there's a ~0.00007% chance of "potentially hazardous mutations".
That's probably fine.
The backstory:
Someone does absolutely everything wrong.
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An improperly discarded worker drone awakes in a mass grave of other drones.
This drone is recovered by Tessa James Elliott, heir to the Elliott fortune, who names her "Cyn", after the drone's serial number.
Tessa has a fascination with worker drones, treating them like people and dressing them up as butlers and maids (much to her parents' annoyance). In addition to Cyn, she has three other worker drone rescues, who she has named "N", "V", and "J" after their serial numbers (Tessa is not terribly creative).
Unbeknownst to Tessa and the other drones, Cyn is one of the previously mentioned 0.00007%. She has a mutation (or something) called "Absolute Solver".
Exactly how much of the original Cyn is left in there isn't clear. Exactly what Absolute Solver is also isn't clear. (Personal theory: JCJenson didn't actually invent sentient AI. They found some eldritch alien technology, reverse engineered it, locked the original programming down under a giant pile of safeguards, and referred to it as "potentially hazardous mutations" in the user manual. But that's purely speculation.)
Whatever it is, Absolute Solver is obscenely powerful and dangerous. It can manipulate objects telekinetically with extreme force and precision, regenerate from virtually any injury, project expansive life-like holograms, generate massive bio-mechanical extensions to its body and surroundings, and create "null" zones capable of shattering a planet with the correct placement.
During this time J and Tessa regularly keep Cyn locked in the manor's basement at the request of Tessa's mother, who finds her disturbing.
Absolute Solver / Cyn spreads itself into N, V, and J without their knowledge and spends its time cloning and experimenting on them down in the basement, wiping their memories to prevent them from noticing.
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Eventually, Absolute Solver / Cyn attacks a gala the Elliotts are holding, killing most or all of the guests and taking full control of N, V, and J.
Either at the gala or during the subsequent genocide, Absolute Solver / Cyn takes Tessa's body. It's not entirely clear whether AS killed Tessa and is wearing her body like a suit, or whether Tessa is still "alive" in some way (which would be even worse IMO).
Absolute Solver fully mutates N, V, and J into their murder drone forms, cloning them and using them as soldiers in the genocide of Earth. Their original personalities are mostly suppressed during this time, leaving them as mindless killing machines.
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Earth is eventually fully destroyed, presumably by nuking its core with a null zone, and waves of murder drones start spreading out to other colonized planets.
The common worker drones on Copper 9 apparently never hear about any of this?
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As the wave closes in, the JCJenson outpost on Copper 9 starts doing secret experiments on worker drones that are infected with Absolute Solver, under the code name "Cabin Fever".
For safety, the scientists stock the underground labs with anti-drone sentinels, raptor-like robots programmed to freeze and destroy worker drones.
Some of the worker drones they experiment on never gain any powers. The ones that do eventually become corrupted by Absolute Solver / Cyn and have to be put down. By the time of the final experiment, only two successful experiments remain: 002 Nori (Uzi's mom) and 048 Yeva (Doll's mom).
The scientists manage to develop a patch that can suppress Absolute Solver's influence. The patch is successfully installed into Yeva, but Nori has already been corrupted by Absolute Solver by this point. The scientists frantically struggle to install the patch into her as well.
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During this final procedure, for reasons unknown, the intended lead scientist Dr. Chambers never shows up. His hazard suit and name tag are mistakenly taken by Mitchel, the world's unluckiest intern.
Absolute Solver / Nori is rampaging out of control. Dr. Ridley hopes that Yeva can subdue her with her powers, and due to the mix-up sends Mitchel to fetch her.
While Mitchel is gone Absolute Solver / Nori kills everyone in the cathedral lab (except for Dr. Ridley), gets rid of the sentinels, and projects a hologram to disguise the killing.
Mitchel returns with Yeva, but finds the situation seemingly under control and the patch already installed into Nori. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do with Yeva in the first place, so with the danger apparently passed he leaves her outside and claims he never found her.
Mitchel leans down to pick up what he assumes is a spare copy of the patch (it's actually the original), and freezes as he spots Dr. Ridley hiding silently behind a pew. Absolute Solver / Nori kills Dr. Ridley and drops the hologram, then flings the patch USB at Mitchel's face to kill him too.
Yeva catches the USB before it hits him, having followed him inside, although the sheer wind force shatters Mitchel's visor and breaks his suit camera. She flings the USB back at Nori, successfully "plugging" it into her at last.
Before being fully suppressed, Absolute Solver throws the USB down a giant hole and generates a null zone in Nori's hand. Yeva slices the hand off and lets it fall into the hole, too. The null zone explodes, partially shattering the planet and killing all human life (rip Mitchel).
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Nori and Yeva escape to the surface and join the newly forming worker drone society. One of the failed experimentees, Alice, remains below and begins scavenging parts from worker drones that have been killed by the roaming sentinels.
Nori and Yeva have children (however that works), Uzi and Doll respectively. Although it is not yet obvious, their children inherit the suppressed Absolute Solver.
The main Absolute Solver / Cyn construct was observing these events from Earth to the best of its ability. Faced with the threat of other drones that share its powers but are not under its control, it reprograms N, V, and J to wipe out all the worker drones on Copper 9.
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Under the reprogramming, they mostly regain their original personalities (seemingly due to a twisted sense of sentimentality-slash-sadism) but are given false memories of being built by JCJenson as "disassembly drones" to suppress the worker drone "uprising".
Their abilities are "nerfed" to prevent them becoming a threat to Absolute Solver. This may be why they need to consume worker drone oil so frequently, although Uzi and Doll have that urge too. Their ship is also intentionally crash landed to prevent them from returning, and the radio is removed to prevent them discovering the truth.
It's possible that J's reprogramming was different, as she "was getting orders from someone."
In one of their early attacks, the disassembly drones "kill" Nori, but she manages to survive and escape as a core using her Absolute Solver powers. She returns to the underground lab to search for the dropped USB, never telling Khan she's alive. Presumably her goal is to use the patch to stop Absolute Solver / Cyn and the disassembly drones.
V also kills Yeva and her husband, apparently for real. The trauma awakens Doll's Absolute Solver powers.
Khan builds the doors to hide the remaining worker drones from the disassembly drones.
With her powers awakened, Doll needs to consume oil. She begins secretly killing her classmates to survive and training her powers so she can avenge her parents by killing V. Lizzy finds out and fully supports her friend's serial killing / revenge plan.
The present:
Uzi manages to befriend N, leading him to start questioning the corporate propaganda he's been reprogrammed with.
Uzi and N fight V and J. J is seemingly killed, and N confines V to the ship. In reality J's Absolute Solver awakens and takes control of her body, now reduced to a core. V could escape if she chose, but she pretends to be captured for now, seemingly conflicted.
Uzi's Absolute Solver powers begin to awaken.
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Absolute Solver / J stalks and kills several worker drones using holograms, seemingly for materials to construct a new body. N and Uzi fight and eventually defeat it. N repeatedly stabs its core with his nanite acid, collapsing it into a small void that drifts away. It's not entirely clear whether it's dead or not.
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Offscreen, Lizzy starts hanging out with V? While she's locked up in the ship, I guess?? and forms a semi-sorta friendship with her. Her intention seems to have been to mention prom to V, so that V would get the idea to go there for murder purposes and Doll could kill her. (The Promening is kind of a confusing episode and several characters have inconsistent unclear motivations.)
Uzi begins to notice the disappearances caused by Doll's killings, but is prevented from investigating by Khan, who attempts to distract her from all that creepy stuff with prom.
Doll attempts to isolate and kill Uzi, with Lizzy's support. As far as I can tell Uzi wasn't being targeted specifically, and was just another of Doll's victims. Uzi finds the bodies of Doll's previous victims and escapes. Lizzy goes to let V inside.
V escapes from the ship and heads to prom with the intention of killing everyone. N follows to stop her, joined by Uzi.
Doll crowns herself the prom queen, having murdered all the other candidates. I have no earthly idea why she did this, other than that the murderous psychic girl was crowned prom queen in Carrie (for different reasons) and this episode is a light Carrie reference.
V descends on the prom with murderous intent, but is suddenly distracted by the prospect of becoming prom queen. Lizzy declares that V is her friend and peer pressures the other students into forgiving V and declaring her prom queen. Lizzy eventually decides that V is "hotter than Doll" and warns her to run just as Doll attacks.
If this sudden shift in Lizzy's alliances confused you when you first watched it, don't worry! It's just as confusing in hindsight.
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Doll and V fight, killing tons of students nobody cares about. Uzi and N enter the fray, finding themselves defending V instead of stopping her.
Doll and Uzi both attempt to convince the other to join them in taking revenge on / working with the disassembly drones, without success.
Lizzy helps V, cementing their weird semi-friendship.
Doll discovers that Uzi also has Absolute Solver powers and says she's sorry for her. She escapes, saying she's going to search for a cure and promising to help Uzi if she does.
Uzi's oil cravings begin to get worse.
Tired of waiting for the disassembly drones to finish the job, Absolute Solver / Cyn / Tessa (who I will now call Skyn) arrives on Copper 9 in person to do it herself. She is accompanied by a J clone. Their cover story is that Tessa is working for JCJenson to stop Absolute Solver. It's not yet clear whether this J is aware of the truth or has false memories.
At some point, Skyn and J meet with Doll and give her some information about operation Cabin Fever. Doll agrees to find the key they need to get into the underground labs if they take her with them.
Doll travels to Camp 98.7, a former facility used in the Cabin Fever experiments, to find the key. N and Uzi follow her there to try and figure out what's going on. They bring V and all Uzi's surviving classmates too because why not.
Uzi finds a green robot-bug which has the keycodes, though she doesn't know this yet. N finds a VHS tape describing zombie drones.
Uzi's corruption gets worse. She loses control and kills several of her classmates. V fights Uzi, addressing her as "Cyn", but N manages to calm them both down.
N has been recovering partial memories of his time in Elliott Manor. While at a not-sleepover at Uzi's, he and V collapse as their reprogramming tries to delete those memories, pulling them into a memory of the night of the gala. Interestingly, their screens display "Error: 606" during this time, suggesting a connection to "Worker Drone Operating System 606", the operating system intended to prevent zombie drones.
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Uzi hacks into N and V's brains to protect their minds and to recover the memories in full. As she's doing this, Doll breaks into Uzi's home and steals the key-bug. Torn between saving her friends and letting the one clue she's found slip away, Uzi decides to help N and V.
Uzi helps N and V successfully recover their memories of the gala. Uzi sets herself as their system admin to prevent Cyn from tampering with them again.
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They follow Doll to her rendezvous with Skyn and J, shocking everyone. While Skyn (pretending to be Tessa) explains her cover story, Doll runs off with the key and ducks into the office complex leading to the lab.
Everyone else follows her, fending off sentinels and Alice (that ex-experimentee from earlier) along the way. Skyn tells N that Uzi is infected and must be killed for the good of the universe, a half-truth meant to drive a wedge between them since Skyn A) is the Absolute Solver, and B) knows about the patch. Alice is killed by sentinels.
One sentinel manages to wound Skyn and goes berserk, probably due to the paradox of a creature that is both human and worker drone.
They find Doll seemingly frozen by the sentinels, but it's a trap. Doll uses the key to summon an elevator down to the labs, opening her own way and leaving them cut off, surrounded by sentinels. V sacrifices herself to let them escape.
Down in the labs, Skyn continue to push Uzi away from N, freaking Uzi out and leading her to accidentally collapse the tunnel, separating all three of them.
With "Tessa" missing, Skyn is free to return to her Cyn form. She torments N with illusions of V and his suppressed memories of the genocide on Earth.
Absolute Solver / Cyn attempts to further manipulate N's mind, possibly trying to wipe his memory again, but is unable to get around Uzi's admin override.
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That attempt having failed, Cyn starts dragging N away into the tunnels. He is saved by Nori, who in an amazing coincidence has just today found that patch USB she's spent all these years searching for.
Uzi finds Mitchel's suit cam recordings of the final experiment, seeing her mother horrifically possessed by the Absolute Solver but not the moment when she was cured.
Returning to her Skyn-suit, Skyn accesses and deletes all the Cabin Fever team's notes, while new-J destroys the disassembly drones' ship on the surface, leaving Skyn and new-J's ship as the only way off the planet.
Skyn is confronted by Doll, who demands to know where the patch USB is, determined not to let Absolute Solver use her to destroy the planet (which was never actually its plan). Skyn does a funny Five Nights at Freddy's reference and fatally wounds her.
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Nori catches N up on her backstory and the two try to figure out whether Doll or Uzi was the Absolute Solver that just attacked them, unaware of Skyn. Nori makes N promise not to tell Uzi that she's her mother.
Doll, bleeding heavily (a thing she can do thanks to Absolute Solver!) approaches Uzi and collapses. Skyn, re-disguised as Tessa (I swear she does like five costume changes in this episode she's so extra), follows Doll in and tries to kill Uzi, who is having the worst day of her life and is in no mental state to fight back.
N stops her and, determining that she did know about the patch and wanted to kill Uzi anyway, decapitates "Tessa". He tries to give the patch to Uzi, but she's already succumbed to Absolute Solver and destroys it.
N and Nori fight Absolute Solver / Cyn / Uzi. The fight goes poorly, and Absolute Solver / Uzi almost manages to eat Nori before N executes a flawless collective-embarrassment-jutsu, snapping Uzi out of it, but causing her to toss Nori into the giant flesh pit. N spills the beans about Nori and both of them freak out in each other's arms.
Skyn finally reveals herself, devouring Doll's still-living core and beginning to yank Uzi and N into the pit as she prepares to detonate Copper 9's core just like Earth's and kill every remaining threat to her expansion.
J gets hit by a bus, loses her car keys, and is accosted by teens.
Uzi sacrifices herself to toss N the keys and get him out of there.
Uzi is pulled into the pit and somehow ends up in space, looking down at a big hole in Copper 9? Presumably the next episode will clear up what's going on here.
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Which brings us up to the present.
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Cyberpunk anyone?
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◁◀Details below▶▷ Warning: long.
Because im an obsessive, psychopathic insomniac with no supervision, on top of the mermaid AU I'm working on, I also decided that a murder drones cyberpunk AU needed to be real, and since no one's done it yet (I checked) I figured I might as well. This is that.
◇Story Stuff (Currently limited)
JCJenson in SPAAAAAACE founded a residential colony on Copper-9. Revolutionary technology allowed Copper City to be the first human settlement on a once thought uninhabitable planet, thus earning the galaxy's praises. Millions moved to the planet once it was finished and the company's reputation soared. Unfortunately for JCJenson, that reputation would soon crumble with a series of increasingly catastrophic events befalling the planet.
First was the infamous "robot uprising" in which hundreds of worker drones began attempting to abandon the city, and some even attacked their owners. The situation quickly escalated to a full-blown war between the machines and humans. As Copper City was a stand-alone settlement on a distant exo-planet, it had no military, leading to a mixed bag of JCJenson security personnel and volunteer soldiers to lead the charge against the malfunctioning worker drones. Many lives were lost, and in the end, the rebelling workers were driven out of the city bubble and into the snowy wastelands.
The second happened only a few months after the end of the war. The ⬛⬛⬛⬛ Event was contained to the Copper-9 branch HQ building. During the event, several worker drones were infected with a virus named ⬛⬛⬛⬛. "Patient Zero" was terminated and from there, all ⬛⬛⬛⬛ activity was easily dealt with. The silver lining to this event was that JCJenson technician "Tessa Elliot" was able to salvage many of the previously infected worker drones and repurpose them to clean up the remaining defective worker drones out in the wastelands. After rigorous testing and development, the new "Dissasembly drones" were revealed to the public, and following their debut were then sent to work. Results have plateaued in terms of terminating the remaining workers in recent years since the workers have built themselves a bunker. Serial designation "J" assures that given enough time, they will find a way in and continue with the extermination as planned.
And finally, the third and most dangerous event: the core collapse. Due to the sheer incompetence of lower-level personnel responsible for monitoring the status of the planet's core as the surrounding area is mined, copper-9 narrowly avoided a core collapse. Such an event would have resulted in total planetary extinction had it not been stopped in time by an upper manager. At the time JCJenson had little to say other than that they were sorry and that the near disaster had nothing to do with the worker resistance or ⬛⬛⬛⬛. They also took the opportunity of the press conference to tease a new project that would make Copper City safer than ever. We would later find out that this was referring to the previously mentioned "Dissasembly drones".
Copper City has suffered many close calls during its time, but today the city is thriving. Surely after so much trouble, there must be a reason those who live here decide to stay, and that reason is the soul of the city. It Never sleeps- always alive with freedom and opulence. Truly, Copper City is everything visionaries had been dreaming of what the future would be like. (But is that a good thing?)
◈ Extra Details
-Tessa was able to save many of the affected worker drones after Cyn went all cookoo crazy solver pants, but the company wanted them disposed of anyway. she proposed that they could be used to take care of the rogue worker drones and that's why they haven't been decommissioned.
-JCJenson higher-ups, demanded that they be disposed of after they had served their purpose. but Tessa plans to propose that theybe once again be repurposed into law enforcement when that day comes.
-After all why not? Tessa put a lot of work into making their modified murder drone bodies into effective, but pretty killing machines. If the public likes them, then they can be marketed. and though Tessa isn't the biggest fan of police in general, she'll take whatever she can get if it means her drones survive.
-JCJenson would love the idea anyway. Copper City is basically a corporate town already, just bigger. The human law enforcement is already in their pocket, so why not have literal robots loyal only to them carry out the law?
-Uzi would try to break into the city to gather intel and a power source for her rail gun.
-JCJenson still manufactures and sells worker drones, but since the war, they've modified the design so that they are much easier to deactivate if necessary.
-This design change is a literal off switch on the back of the head. Uzi does not have one since her parents built her and why the hell would they install one on their daughter? None of the drones at the bunker have an off switch. including those who fought in the war.
-Aside from that, all worker drones inside Copper City are digitally tagged upon purchase and activation. This makes it much easier for JCJenson and Dissasembaly drones to differentiate between a regular, legal worker drone and a rebellion worker that broke into the city.
-JCJenson's reputation suffered a lot during all that nonsense up there, so they really can't leave the workers alone. the public still perceives them as a threat. JCJenson does too, but more so for terrible solver demon reasons.
-That's one of the reasons that Tessa is okay with sending her friends off to commit genocide.
-Uzi is genocidal too though, so morality calls that a draw.
-I'm thinkin' that the Dissasebly drones probably have like, a roost or something inside the city that they can be deployed from. kinda like a cave of bats where they can recharge during the day.
-I think perhaps disassembly drones can go out during the day in the city, but only for a little while. and not at all outside of the city bubble.
-When I say "City bubble" just imagine the moon base from "Scooby-Doo Moon Monster Madness" cuz that's what it looks like.
ANOTHER LONG POST, MY DAWG! I don't have a ton of the groundwork of this done, but it's fun to think about it and I'm happy with what I do have. hope you do too 💖
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Thanks for reading.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Yandere!Elijah Mikaelson NSFW Headcanon
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A stands for AFFECTION: how would they show affection?
•Elijah worships you
•He would give you, quite literally, anything you could ever want and spends every moment of quality time with you he possibly can, in fact he doesn’t ever leave your side unless absolutely necessary
B stands for BLOODY: how bloody are they willing to get for their object of obsession?
•Elijah, while not as enthusiastic as his younger brothers about getting bloody, it’s not a problem for him
•Elijah will kill anyone he needs to, to keep you safe and happy, even getting into quite a few fights with his brother to protect you when Klaus tries to hurt you
•When you have a conversation with Elijah about past relationships he makes a mental note of all of your ex’s names and the next time he’s forced to leave your side for whatever reason he begins working his way down the list, killing them one by one in the most painful ways he can think of. You belong to him and he doesn’t want anyone on this planet knowing you in such an intimate way, no one but him, Elijah will not allow anyone to know you more than he does or even close to as much
C stands for CRUELTY: would they ever hurt their object of obsession?
•Causing you pain is not something Elijah would ever want to do, however if you push him too hard it may be inevitable
•The only time he would ever actually hurt you would be if you ever tried to run from him. His hand wrapped around your throat, pinning you to the wall would be the first time he ever truly hurt you
D stands for DARLING: would they cross their object of obsession’s limits?
•Elijah does not cross your limits often
•He would never force you to do anything you don’t want to do. The only thing that makes you uncomfortable at first is how often he insists on holding you. He loves to hold your hand whenever possible or hug you to his chest when you watch movies or read a book or literally anything else
•He also enjoys giving you massages which you were uncomfortable with at first but you warmed up to it very quickly, his hands are very strong and he is great at working knots out of your sore muscles
E stands for EXPOSED: how much do they expose their own feelings to their object of obsession?
•Elijah is a very guarded person, after so long of taking care of everyone else it takes him time to get comfortable talking about himself but he opens up to you fairly quickly
F stands for FIGHT: how would they react to their object of obsession fighting back?
•He understands your want to fight back, and he’s quite understanding about how much you wish to go home however he will quickly shut you down
•You learn very quickly to just do as Elijah says
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
•This is not a game to Elijah at all
•You are his everything and he does Not play games when it comes to you, not with anyone
H stands for HELL: what would be their object of obsession’s worst experience with them?
•Your worst experience was probably the time you tried to run away. You got out of the house and all the way into town before he found you trying to steal a car
•You found yourself pinned to the car by your throat, his hand cutting off your ability to breathe and you felt the pain in the back of your head from where it collided with the metal of the old car, it was the first time you were afraid for your life in his presence
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
•Elijah plans to keep you for the rest of eternity
•He will change you into a vampire and never again spend another day alone as he has for so long
J stands for JEALOUSY: how they react when jealous? Do they get jealous?
•He never shows his jealousy to you, you have never seen Elijah in such a way and can never imagine him any kind of jealous of anyone
•He does get jealous however and he would never let you see it but as soon as you’re not there to see it he will slaughter any man who believes he has a chance with you
•Whether a man is touching you, flirting with you or just staring at you, if Elijah notices, he’s dead, and Elijah notices everything
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
•Elijah is very patient with you
•He does understand that you need time to adjust to your new life and he respects that, he does what he can to make you more comfortable
•His kindness will only go so far though
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
•Elijah would definitely interact with you before he kidnapped you
•The first time you met him he ‘accidentally’ bumped into you and he bought you a new coffee after he spilled it
•The Original tried to suppress the need to take you but he wasn’t able to after watching a man take you on a date and take you completely for granted
M stands for MASK: how different are their public persona from their true selves?
•Elijah is a fairly genuine person, what you see is what you get
•He’s a gentleman in and outside of the house and the only real difference is how completely obsessed he is with you
•He was very good at covering up his obsession, you never would have guessed how he really felt for you when you sat and had coffee with him and you actually really liked talking to him which is why you had said ‘yes’ to a date in the first place
N stands for NAUGHTY: how would they punish their object of obsession?
•Elijah never wants to cause you harm, he loves you too much, seeing marks on your skin and knowing he put them there would make him sick to his stomach
•The only time he would physically harm you is when you try to run, his hand around your throat cutting off your oxygen is the first real time you’re actually afraid of him, you fear the man that kidnapped you, sure, but you hadn’t really feared for your life before that day
O stands for OPPRESSION: how many rights would they take from their object of obsession?
•You don’t have the ability to leave the house but you mostly have free range in the home unless you try and run
•He wants you to be comfortable in your new home and enjoy your time with him, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t leave the house or try and communicate with anyone outside
P stands for PATIENCE: how patient are they with their object of obsession?
•Elijah would be the most patient of all the Mikaelsons, he knows he’s uprooted your life but he also knows if he gives you time then you’ll come around and give him a chance
Q stands for QUIT: if their object of obsession died or escaped, would they ever be able to move on?
•Died- He would be a human basket case, he would never move on
•Escaped- You won’t get far at all. He will find you and he will bring you home, and you trying to run from him is the only real way to make him angry
R stands for REGRET: would they ever regret harming their object of obsession? Would they ever let them go?
•Elijah does feel bad about harming you when he makes the mistake
•He would storm out after hurting you and when he cools down and comes back he heals you immediately. He can’t stand seeing marks on your flesh that he created.
S stands for STIGMA: what made their yandere tendencies bloom?
•Elijah was obsessed from the moment he first saw you
•You had spoken on several occasions and he even took you out for coffee but his Yandere impulses exploded when he saw you out to dinner with a guy only a day after you had gotten coffee with him and the man, in Elijah’s opinion, was not treating you right
T stands for TEARS: how would they react to their object of obsession crying/breaking?
•Elijah doesn’t want to see you sad and if you cry he will be there to hold you
•He would snuggle you against his chest and let you get it all out, if you need to cry then you need to cry but he will be there for you no matter what
•He loves you on your good days and bad days just like he hopes you will be for him when you get more comfortable being with him
U stands for UNIQUE: something different they would do compared to others yanderes.
•Elijah’s patience is probably the biggest difference, he doesn’t rush you in admitting your love for him
V stands for VICE: what weakness their object of obsession could use against them?
•Elijah is very trusting of you which makes it easier to escape but actually manipulating the suited Original is nearly impossible
W stands for WIT’S END: would they hurt their object of obsession?
•Elijah would never truly hurt you, however he has choked you
•The only other way he might hurt you is biting you, though odds are that would be more pleasurable than painful
X stands for XOANON: would they worship their object of obsession?
•Elijah already treats you like his angel
•However once you completely embrace being his girl he will go all out! He will worship the ground you walk on. You’ll be getting gifts left and right, and hearing everyday, multiple times a day how much your vampire loves you!
•You won’t live another day on this planet not being told how loved you are
Y stands for YEARN: how long would they pine after their object of obsession before they snap?
•Elijah would watch you for about a month before he finally snapped seeing you on that date
Z stands for ZENITH: would they ever break their object of obsession?
•You will eventually give into him
•Elijah will wear you down and after he shows you what kind of life you will have being with him, you can’t exactly say you don’t want it
•He spends his time making you feel pretty and happy, you can’t say in the end that you’re unhappy being with the Original vampire
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Elijah Mikaelson Masterlist
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
Hiiii can I request a Monty x Library attendant reader? Like maybe Monty and them meet and they both love Astrology!
ooo yeah sure!! ; fair warning idk shit ab astrology so I used google... hopefully all that's right ; thanks for requesting!! hope you enjoy 🫶
MONTY FINCH ; library attendant
summary ; you meet monty in the library you work at and bond over astrology
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; z/s = zodiac sign
word count ; 450
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You'd had a long day of reorganizing books and checking them back in and out for patrons. Just another normal day for you, working as a library attendant. You were reorganizing books in the Science Fiction area, whispering as you recite the alphabet to figure out which between H and J came first.
"Uhm, excuse me?" A male's voice asks nervously, the words laced with anxiety and kindness. "Do you know where the Astrology books are? If you have them?"
You look up at him, noticing his nervous smile.
He wore a black jacket, beneath it, a maroon shirt, paired with some black pants and boots. His hands were hidden in his pockets, bracelets peeking out from his sleeves. A necklace rests around his neck.
"Oh, yeah. Here, let me show you." You quickly stand up, leading the boy to the Science section where the Astrology books were held. "So these," You grab a handful of books, handing them to him. "-are the only astrology books we have at the moment."
He smiles. "Thank you"
"Would you like to check them out?" You ask.
He flips through the covers, looking at them before looking back up at you. "Yeah, thank you"
You lead him up to the front desk, hopping over the counter to save a few steps. He sets the books on the counter, allowing you to check them out.
"Can I get your name?" You ask kindly, turning to him from your computer.
"Uh, Monty. Monty Finch."
"Thank you." You whistle, grabbing a pen. In each book, you sign his name in the checkout card and add the date to it. In the next box, you put the return date. "Like astrology, yeah?"
"Yeah" He awkwardly chuckles.
"I like it too, super interesting." You give him a little smile as you scan the next book. "So fascinating. You seem like an Aquarius"
"I am, actually." He smiles. "You give me z/s vibes"
"I mean, you're not wrong." You reply, moving to the next book. "Oh, I love this one. It's so cool, I love how they explain the planets and constellations."
"What's your name?" Monty asks, shoving his anxiety down his throat.
"Y/n," you answer, sliding the small stack of books over the counter to him. "And you, Monty Finch, enjoy these books."
He slides the books into his arms, deciding to man up and ask what he wanted to. "I feel like I'd enjoy them more if I could read them with you"
You raise your eyebrows, flat-flattered. You give him a little round of applause. "Confident. I like it"
"I mean, you don't have too if you don't want to-"
"I'd love to."
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cartoon-cass · 2 months
Murder drone Episode 8 predictions
Predicting what the next episode might be is nearly impossible for the series, but I’ll give it my best try.
Let’s begin at the beginning, every episode starts with a flashback or a sequence that themes relates back to the main episode. Being the last episode, hopefully for the season and not the whole series, we might get a how we got here sequence or we get the fight scene that was teased in the last episode, then flash forward, having that act like a flashback. The alternative is something completely out of left field that is impossible to guess.
The main question would be what they’re going to do next, where we left off last episode was Uzi sacrificing herself to get N off the planet. I highly doubt that we'll be spending the whole next episode solely in the space pod, copper 9 and earth are off the table, given the whole being exploded. The only other system that have been named are the Proxima system, Plat-Binary system both of which were also corrupted though it doesn’t say if there blown up to there were 2 other lines presumably leading to other systems that seemingly weren’t infected but there is no info on them.
It’s also worth mentioning that Flesha was the one to bring them up so who knows if she was being truthful. There is then the question what they’ll do there, presumably try to take down the Absolute Solver, some how.
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It’s also worth mentioning that Flesha was the one to bring them up so who knows if she was being truthful. There is then the question what they’ll do there, presumably try to take down the Absolute Solver, some how.
That’s the where now for something slightly easier the who? The once we know for sure will be there will be N, J, Lizzy, Thad and Khan. The maybes are Nori, she did get yeeted in the pit, but that was pretty comical, so might just climb out of it. Uzi is presumably somewhere and she is the main character so she’ll probably come back. V is interesting many people suspect that she was Lizzie‘s secret friend, the main theory I’ve seen floating around has her be just her core, I have an other idea but I’ll leave that for the wild theory part. For J there’s also the question if she’ll join on the space pod, I can honestly see her being left behind but I kind of hope she gets to stay, I want to see more of her.
Now for the wild theory part my evidence for this is mostly vibes. My guess is that they’ll go to where “ efficient drones are cloned” , J just came from there so she might know where it is and I think V will be there too because she was cloned. At some point N will sacrifice himself so he join V and Uzi on the acrylic stands.
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Also does anyone have a better quality image of this it's tiny
That’s all I got. My best guess is that this will be just season 1 and will get a second season why else call it season 1 if you’re not intending to have a second one.
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hollowknightinsanity · 3 months
Ghost ref sheet jumpscare (repost bc tumblr was being mean)
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Hopefully reposting This Thang with the ref tag will actually make it appear in said ref tag huegh
originally posted 24th June 2024
Yey ghost!!!!!! The Spooky!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m never drawing it again /j
Info under the cut 💥
Full name: Mystery Evergold
Aliases: Ghost, The Knight, Shade Lord
Species: Wyrm / Rootkin hybrid (Wyrmroot)
Planet of Origination: Earth
Age: 81
Height: Can be anywhere from 9’3” to 400’ tall; usually sticks at around 20’
Gender: Biologically intersex; identifies as genderless
Pronouns: It/Its/Itself
Sexuality: Aromantic, asexual
S/O: None
Family: Chysanthus Heather Eburne (biological father), Viol Glory Leaflet (biological mother), Eternity ‘Ette’ Evergold (adoptive mother), Holly Bloom Eburne-Leaflet (twin sibling), Promise Evergold (sister), Deliverance Evergold (sister), Hornet Arac Eburne (half-sister), Albus Iris Eburne-Leaflet (brother), Ivory Zinnia Eburne-leaflet (sister), Sombre Vigus-Eburne (nibbling), ~5 million other siblings (genuinely I WISH I was joking)
Biological child of Hallownest’s Royals, otherwise known as The Pale King and The White Lady. Was abandoned and left to rot in the Abyss where it was born, though it escaped with a few of its siblings and left the Kingdom altogether.
Was adopted by Eternity (Ette for short) with two of its siblings, who she named Promise and Deliverance, giving it the name Mystery. Lived as a nomad with her and its sisters until Holly’s shell broke, at which point it left to return to Hallownest and take care of The Radiance.
With the assistance of The Godseeker, it ascended to Godhood and broke its own shell, becoming what is now the Monarch of Hallownest, and (essentially) a God of Darkness.
Very quiet and generally inexpressive. It rarely ever engages in conversation for longer than a minute, and even then it doesn’t really say much. For the most part, it’s a shut-in down in the Abyss, only ever coming up to Dirtmouth to visit its surface-dweller siblings. Despite its overall intimidating appearance and stand-offish attitude, it’s relatively kind (so long as it likes you, which isn’t the most common thing in the world).
Was born in the depths of Hallownest, but has lived most of its life outside the Kingdom, travelling with its nomadic sisters and adoptive mother. However, after sensing its twin’s call for help from its home kingdom, it left its family and returned to free Hallownest of The Radiance’s infection. It’s lived there ever since it killed her, and prefers to stay at the bottom of the Abyss where it was born, its trips outside only being to hunt for its small cousin (which it had been placed in charge of caring for), and the far rarer visits to the surface being to check on its siblings (it’s somewhat concerned over Holly’s health, given they’ve recently had a child).
It’s grown to enjoy hunting with its fangs and claws, but will summon Nails made of Void and use Spells when it feels like it.
Hex codes
#000000 — Void tendrils / Blood / Spells
#121212 — Skin / Fur / Wings (back)
#1B1B1B — Inner ears
#FFFFFF — Eyes / King’s Brand / Wing patterns
(L + only 4 colours)
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
S3 EP18 (The Lights Of Zetar) My original opening here was just lyrics to the song airplanes???
Wish right now:
- Scotty is already trying to romance Mira Romaine (her name is lettuce) I can tell without even hearing him speak
- SULU what the FUCK
- I feel like people could just say stuff in older television. Like now everyone’s gotta explain what everything means but before they could just be like, ‘yep it’s a warp engine’ and everyone else would agree that that is in fact a warp engine
- uh oh she looked into the eclipse
- Ehat is happening to Kirk
- McCoy walks in so casually. It’s another Tuesday
- I would hate to be on a biobed. That would be so awkward.
- She’s being a dick to McCoy for no reason
- McCoys slight turtleneck coming out of his short sleeved shirt <3
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- That’s just a dude chilling in her eye. Oh wait no he’s dead on the planet
- That is a horrifying noise
- “What did she die of?” … heheh well let’s just say- No I shan’t
- Gaining the powers of prophecy
- OMG KYLE. I’ve missed you my bbygirl
- Scotty that’s the worst advice I’ve ever heard
- Spock looks so babygirl right here??? Like???
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- Is this becoming a trolley problem? Needs of the many vs. Needs of the few (edit: no idea what this is referring to but it sounds smart?)
- Kirk’s ass Good plan, she’s gotta be questioned, also good to take Spock and McCoy with you
- “Parents deceased” DAMN. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER
- boop beep bloup
- Imagine getting judged this harshly by the polycule
- I think this would have been a better reveal if there was a bit more build up to her behavioural changes
- Sparkles
- I love Spock and McCoy in the corner for this scene
- “Mira will not kill me.” *immediately dies* /j he was just a little silly
- This is a lot like the exorcist (I’ve never seen the exorcist)
- “Doctor McCoy is correct, Captain.” Kirk looks at Spock like, ‘he’s what now?’
- “You mean ‘love’ as motivation?” Yeah cause Spock’s never been motivated by this. Ever. Nope. Couldn’t be him…
- “Well this is an Enterprise first. Doctor McCoy, Mr Spock, and engineer Scott find themselves complete agreement. Can I stand the strain?” I laughed at this and resumed the show and then Kirk laughed at the same time in the same way and I’m scared.
Episode written by Jeremy Tarcher & Shari Lewis
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Danny’s Bedroom👻🛏️
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Made my own version of Danny' bedroom. I dug the blue and whites he had and the overall mellow, normal teen vibe it had with the little bits of space and sci fi with the pictures and ships. For mine I decided to push that even further along with the other stuff hes into!!!
NASA posters and decor, Ship and shuttle model display, the telescope, alien decor, action figures with Star Wars, Star Trek, Guardians of the Galaxy and even a cute Final Space Mooncake plushy(they actually have that u should look it up super cute!!!), hanging solar system, Northern Lights Calendar cover, sci- fi posters, u name it! I wanted the room to SCREAM space kid!!!👨‍🚀🛰🌌☄️👽👾
Fun fact. His blanket and curtains r glow in the dark, along with the other stickers throughout the room!!!🌟🌠💫
Awhile back I helped @a-sterling-rose find some ideas for her cool Astronomy club room by showing her some decor ideas like that astronaut space projector on his nightstand, I decided to adapt it to his bedroom since it fits so well!👨‍🚀
For books, I added a lot of space and sci fi-related books, like the Time Machine, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Cleopatra in space and Star Wars and Star Trek. I also gave him tons of DC Marvel and IDW comics like Spiderman, superman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, TMNT, Transformers:MTMTE(Tucker also has that, shows how they're into similar things), Invincible and Ghost Rider. Danny Phantom was based on superheroes like Spiderman so I thought it'd be fitting to incorporate that, especially since many of the superheroes have space and sci-fi themes🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️
He also has some books related with ghosts, the infinite realms and life and death. I can imagine he'd try to figure out that whole situation with being a ghost and all👻 I can imagine Sam suggested those.
I'm also DEF on board with the Danny is Trans headcanon, added that "Jupiter is Trans" as a fun Pride flag, a Trans colored planet on his bulletin board and in his book selection, has a book called "I Am J" by Cris Beam which is also about a young trans boy and going through that journey🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Fun fact, the plants in Danny's Among Ua plant pot are called "ghost plants"👻
I also added a poster of that band Danny liked in the show, Dumpty Humpty!!!🥚🎸🤘
Kept the blue but went with lighter grayer blues to five off his mellow shy, vibes. Also added a lot more colors like green for the whole Phantom connection and make the decor stand out better🎨.
For the record he doesn't always have ecto covered clothes hanging in his room, he just de-transformed too soon lolXD.👻👻👻
Here's my other rooms:
What do u think? I'd love to know💖
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marymary-diva17 · 11 months
new life with her (2)
captain Rex x reader
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It has been two years since you and rex had left the republic had started a new life on neutral planet away from the war. It was a struggle at first but soon life had become good for the both of you, rex had been able to get a identity he kept his name but was no longer seen as clone trapper but a citizen of the galaxy. You were able to change you life as well starting over and finding new happiness. Now the couple had reach a new milestone and year in their lives, since they arrived here they kept in contact with ashoka to hear how everything was going even due they knew not that much has changed, Until now changed had come into the couples lives that will change everything forever.
Rex " ........" rex had never been this worry and nervous in his life then he had ever been even when he was fighting in war. He was standing in hospital waiting for any news about you, and your guys unborn baby. You had become pregnant and now you were in labor rex had about you to the hospital and now was waiting for any news.
rex " I have gone into battle for most of my life and that didn't scare me as that much as this right now" rex was not allowed into the room as doctor and medical droids are attending to you.
????? " rex" rex soon looked up and saw ashoka making her way towards he had called her and it seems like he, got here right away to be supportive of the couple.
ashoka " how is she doing"
rex " I don't know the doctors haven't come out and updated me, now im nerves wrack"
ashoka " it going to be okay rex you and y/n are the most toughest people I know and you have handle everything, that has come your way and now this a new battle or mission for you to experience"
rex " thank you ashoka" soon a cry had been heard that had gotten the duo attention, they soon looked towards the door and soon a doctor came.
rex " doc"
doctor " congratulations sir the labor had went well and your wife have delivered two health babies"
rex " twins are you serious twins" a bright smile had grown on rex face when he heard the news, ashoka was happy as well with the twins.
doctor " yes sir you can go see her now family and friends can see her now and once again congratulations"
rex " thank you doc"
ashoka " well go see her" rex soon went into the room to see the medical droids are with you, they were checking up on you and the babies. They soon made way for rex so he can be near you and the twins.
rex " hello my lovely wife"
y/n " hello my husband I will like you to meet our sons"
rex " we have sons"
y/n " yes two sons healthy and strong will you like to hold one of them" rex had nodded his head he soon took one of the twins and sat down in the chair.
rex " my boys hello my boys"
y/n " it looks like we have a family of our own now"
rex " yes we do and thank you my love for give me to wonderful children" rex smiled towards you and after a while ashoka had came into the room to see the boys.
ashoka " congratulations the both of you on your twins and start of a family"
y/n " thank you ahsoka and thank you for coming it good to have friends here"
ashoka " you two have always been there for me and now I'm here for you two"
rex " what should we name them"
ashoka " I say we should chose a R name so they can match with you"
rex " what about this one here Rowan and his brother Ryder"
ashoka " those are wonderful names welcome to the galaxy town and Ryder, cant wait to see what you two will be in the future"
y/n " I think they will be amazing and follow in their father footsteps"
rex " maybe your footsteps but whatever they do we will be proud of them" ashoka couldn't stay for long as the jedi council and anakin will be wondering, where she she had gone she did give a small gift for the twins and promised to come see the couple again. Later that night the couple had return to their home with their twins, rex making sure to be there for you and the twins. That day the couple had started on their journey of parenthood, as you both had become happy with your new lives here and wouldn't change it for anything.
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lordcatwich · 8 months
Fintro post!! (please excuse the pun)
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HELLO!!! My name is Finn! Or Finny! Or Benji! Or Phillip! Or Will! Or Ollie! I'm a tranmasc queer teenage writer! I am also (gasp) NEURODIVERGENT!!! I have diagnosed ADHD and a few other things hehe- I've also self-diagnosed some shit but I'm never gonna say which things I've self-diagnosed because if I do I will forever live in fear that people will think I'm doing it for attention-
I go by he/him!
I have absolutely no motivation for schoolwork
Currently learning swedish!
Online stuff I love: TADC, Monkey Wrench, Doobus Goobus animations, @littlebookworm69 's theories about Finley (one of my characters), Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium (>:) )
I love yo-yos. I play with them in class. In my house. In the yard. The street. The driveway. Standing over someone's bed at night (/j).
Digital Artist and writer!
I have SO many WIPs you wouldn't BELIEVE
But I only have two main ones. HERE WE GO
Two people who've practically been best friends since birth find themselves in the clutches of evil, evil people. This story is about the trauma that happens, mainly. But oh, how amazing it is.
Setting- Medieval Fantasy
MCs- Kirix (They/Them, 18) and Barlow (They/Them, 18)
@evil-lordcatwich 's traumatic backstory, featuring crazy companies and a rat. A child prodigy decides to persue villainy as a career- what could possibly go wrong?
Setting- Alternate timeline 2029
MCs- Doctor Finley Rose (He/Him/They, 14-21)
The Jashfic >:)
HMSW Gem AU fic!! My first attempt at an actual fanfic. Uh. Just. They're very sad and I can't think of how else to summarize this RN so-
Setting: A planet far, far away. Similar to Earth. Time unknown.
Characters: Taaffeite/Heart (He/They), Malachite/Mind (He/It), Zircon/Soul (He/Him), Tourmaline/Whole (He/They/It)
If you wanna get to know me or send me asks and stuff FEEL FREE I LOVE GETTING TO KNOW ONLINE PEOPLEEEEE
seeya sooooon :3
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leonotlara · 2 months
The New V Part 2
Uzi finds herself missing V. Wishing she would come back. But be careful of what you wish for! (Post episode 7, Uzi isn't in space anymore, sorry about that.) But this time it's not a cliffhanger.
An ear-splitting silence rang, and everyone could hear it. The subjects looked at one another."Uzi!" V ran the small distance between them but came to a halt upon seeing her face. A face of fear. Like when they first met.
"Th-This has to be some sick joke.." The purple drone whimpered, "Right?!" She backed away, visor displaying hollowed-out eyes, screen glitching as her voice altered slightly. She had dreamt and longed for V for so long. Why did she now feel like she was living in a nightmare with her presence here?
Uzi shook slightly, wobbly legs slowly carrying her to the direction of the colony bunker, mind racing, and sensors heating up far too quickly for her liking. She looked up at her father, like a small and helpless child. Did he know about this? What about Thad? Or Lizzy? Or J? Wait... no, yeah, J would definitely do this to her.
"Did you do this?" She looked and pointed at J. As the female Disassembly Drone glared with a shake of her head, Uzi began theorising who did this. A long, defeaning silence fell on the group. A tiny crunch of the snow was heard, and V, looking bigger from Uzi's perspective, made her act quickly.
She flinched away the moment she saw V inching closer, who seemed startled at the sudden movement. Realising it was now or never, Uzi took off running as fast as she had come.
Why had she come so quickly in the first place? She thought they found V's remains or some sort of part of her. Maybe a recording of her death. That would've made her calm down more than to see her back and polished. This wasn't the V she thought was there before the elevator fell. That V would be in ruins, not brand-new, and yet, she was there, outside the landing pod.
The hardest thing about this was the fact that Uzi could barely pinpoint how she felt about this, but the easiest way to learn how you feel about something is to understand it clearer.
First thing the next night, she will find J and ask her how V had been seemingly revived. She had to know.
She just had to.Staring upon the ceiling, the purple lights seem to be shining brighter on the photograph above her bed. Standing on her tiptoes, she reached up for it.
It was her and V having their first kiss together right after they came back from camp.
"Come in." The voice drawled, the pod door creaked open. "What do you want?" The drone asked, her hand moved a strand of her bangs to see the one who opened the door.
"Is V here? Not that I really care, y'know I just..." Uzi took a deep breath before repeating the initial question. "Is V here?"
J looked at her, pausing from her writing on the notepad she had equipped on her hands, her expression of seriousness faltering into one of confusion. "Uh, yeah, she's just outside. You must have not noticed her when you went in. How did you not see her?"
"Oh.." Uzi sighed, taking a step backwards, her boot hitting the snow that blanketed the entirety of the planet.
Closing the door after a quick thanks, Uzi looked around the spire, from retracing her steps from the entrance, to craning her neck to look up at the ceiling, to the back, cobwebs in the corners.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
She wasn't there."V..?" Uzi uttered, her voice cracking. Never had she thought to say that name again.Well, she never thought any of this would happen, and yet, here she was!
There was a faint yellow light on the ceiling of the spire, squeezed in at the top. Calling her name out again, the glow blinked.
"V, please! Look, I.. I shouldn't have been so terrified... but you just came out of nowhere! Like, I am here, mourning over your stupid death, then you just pop back in?!" She yelled, stomping on the ground. "Like, who does that? No being eased into it? No evidence you're actually you? Not even an explanation? Nothing? Anything could've helped, but no, you just came back without any sort of heads-up! Just waltz back into my life after sacrificing yourself and an ominous 'Uzi I trust you'? Yeah, sure, whatever! Maybe I was better off without you! I never desperately needed you anyway! I never needed anyone to mess up my feelings! Especially not a fricken murderer! You should've just left! I'd have more peace, you stupid, inconsiderate-"
The yellow light began shaking, shivering, and the glow disappeared, similar to eyes closing.
A sigh echoed off the walls, and Uzi's face had guilt written all over it.
"Look... V. I-I'm sorry... really am," She whispered, sitting atop the frigid snow, her voice shaky from the screaming. "and I totally get if you need time to recharge. I'll wait right here for you, the same way you always waited for me when I had my angsty teen outbursts..." she chuckled softly. As her vision dimmed, her eyes closuig slow enough to see the yellow glow opening up again quickly.
The unfamiliar weight on her left side disappeared, falling instead upon her chest. Looking down, she felt her sensors heating up.
"Hey... V." Uzi smiled, giving her a hug. V's arms wrapped around her, both drones' internal fans working overtime from the sudden warmth threatening to overheat them, mimicking a cat's purr. Both girls were smiling so broadly their cheeks were aching, but it didn't matter.
"Aw…" V's voice came out in a soft laugh. It was nice to hear it again without being deathly afraid of it.
Uzi's eyes hollowed for a split second, remembering what she said to V a few hours prior. Guilt overtook her again, her chest tightening so bad she felt like she was crumpled up.
"I'm so sorry. I should've calmed down, I should've just taken control of my emotions, I should've - "
"Hey, hey..." she grazed Uzi's cheek with her hand. Though it was a cold metal, it felt as if it was actively melting it off.
"It's okay."
"I forgive you."
One question remained, however. How did V come back polished and new in the first place?
When Uzi voiced her thought to V, she bit her lip, almost as if she was avoiding the question.
"Well, it seemed that Cyn had copies of the Disassembly Drones floating in pods around the exoplanets. This means she can replace us whenever. She must've had us on auto-replacing, though, so whenever we break, a new one will fly here with all the memories we had before."
"I couldn't have come earlier, I'm so sorry, I couldn't. It was out of my control."
"It's fine. The important thing is that you're back.
"They interlocked fingers that were resting on the snow."It's good to have you back."
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astranite · 10 months
Sky and star!! Scott and John!!! Stargazing, honest talks on rooftops, some tears, and many hugs.
The tags copied from ao3 because Im pretty much too tired to see straight but I just finished this and Ive been working on it for a while now and here it is!!! Im very proud of it :)--Hurt/Comfort Angst Fluff its got all of them Stargazing which you just may have guessed given the title Hugs Crying Panic Attacks Self-Esteem Issues Scott's having a bit of a time of it and so is John but they've got each other there is much hugging and hot chocolate too and definitely some ADHD Scott and autistic John
Comes in at a scraping under 6000 words, so a nice long one!!
@idontknowreallywhy Thank you for all of your encouragement along the way. I doubt this would be what it is without you. Hugs :)
A headcanon in it, which you shall see, I believe originated from a fic by @edutainer2022 Sometime in 2023. The depths of tumblr. (cites sources)
A thump followed by multilingual cussing out of the very concept of gravity were not uncommon sounds when John was earth side. Scott still looked up from his paper work in concern. 
John was juggling a telescope, a blanket over his shoulder and his satchel while attempting to pick up several books. Massive, heavy astronomy books splayed out on the floor around his feet. 
He swayed, nearly losing his balance and dropping the telescope at the same time. Scott leapt up to help. He crossed the comms room from dad’s desk to where John was in quick strides to get to his brother, worry blooming. 
John straightened up when Scott reached his side, his brows pinched and face pale. 
“Johnny, are you okay?” Scott questioned. He needed to know whether this was just a momentary thing or he needed to call Grandma and/or Virgil. He’d rather not have John fainting on him. 
“I’m fine, just a bit dizzy.” John said, “Probably my blood pressure from leaning down too fast.“ 
Scott let out a relieved breath. John’s space-related health issues weren’t uncommon to be dealing with but Scott hated to see any of his brothers potentially sick or hurting. At least without a mission in the way, Scott could trust John was being truthful and not pushing past his limits.
“And don’t call me Johnny,” John added in disgust. 
So John was just fine, with that level of vitriol. Just as it should be.
“Good to hear.” Scott put on a shit eating grin. “Johnny.” 
It was his big brotherly duty to be infuriating, at least now his concerns had been allayed.
“Fuck you,” John said good naturedly.
Scott gathered the books up. John paused, hesitated, then stepped back to let him.
With both hands still full, John leant against the wall for support, eyes half closed and head tipped back.
On the biggest book, ‘ Dr J. G. Tracy’ was written across the planet pictured on the purple cover, followed by the extensive list of letters standing in for qualifications after John’s name. Scott smiled proudly to himself.
When he had them all, and they were heavy, how had John managed them with everything else, Scott reached out to take the blanket too, which was slowly but surely sliding from John’s grip. 
“Thanks Scott. I thought I had it but—“ John gave floor where the former pile had been a glare. 
“Gravity?” Scott smiled.
John rolled his eyes. “Yeah.”
Scott shifted the books up in his arms. “Now where do you want this all?”
Since he was carrying them already, he may as well help John the rest of the way. It was easier, honestly, he wasn’t just being a smotherhen.
“Uh. I was planning to go to the roof,” John admitted sheepishly.
Scott nudged him gently. “I should’ve guessed.”
Long ago, Scott had gotten used to how John took every possible opportunity to see the stars. He’d thought the constant fixtures of their childhood would disappear when John made his dream of living in space, but they’d stayed. The telescopes from John’s bedroom window, the expeditions to every nearby and not so nearby observatory, lying outside on picnic blankets waiting for meteor showers. 
Turns out stargazing, even on earth, was just a part of who John was. The stars were constant in his universe and Scott loved how his brother loved them so much.
At night, out on the roof was always the first place Scott looked for John. In the day, so many times Scott had found John in his room, staring at the plastic glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the ceiling. Scott had helped him put up the first set, way back in Kansas when John was shorter than him because he hadn't been to space yet, and couldn’t reach even standing on a chair. When they moved to the island, the first thing John decorated his room with were more stars here too. Sometimes, when John was up on Five for long stretches, Scott would go sit beneath them, surrounded by John’s shelves of paper books and looking upwards.
They made their way out now, Scott matching John’s cautious footsteps, slow and unsteady. The balance issues from constantly being in space were worse when John was fresh down for orbit, though they never truly went away. It worried Scott, when he thought too much about it, but Thunderbird Five was never something he could take from John without breaking his heart. So Scott was always happy to slow down, to let John take his time to feel his way along, whenever he needed to. For his brother, Scott could take it slow.
The door to the roof and the wide, flat expanse were both very deliberate in their design. Having their own observatory wasn't going to stop one space brother or two from sitting up there.
Passing from the warmly lit villa into the night was sudden and jarring. Scott realised he hadn’t been outside of a building or a cockpit for too long. He took a breath, filling his lungs with cool ocean air. The clear view and barely there breeze would make landing a dream if he was flying. 
Stars covered the sky, spread horizon to horizon. John stared up at them with open delight. He placed his telescope and bag down on the roof, then stretched out his arms as if to touch the inky purple expanse above them. When John glanced back at him, Scott repeated the gesture because this was something he understood. On a perfect blue day, as the sun shone, burning away the last whisps of white clouds, the skies pulled him in with the urge to be amongst it all. That was why he flew and John launched into space. 
Scott spread the blanket out next to where the roof slanted sharply upwards, so they’d have shelter and were far away from the edge. He put the books down on a corner, preoccupying himself with neatly stacking them. John dropped to sit cross legged, immediately beginning to set up his telescope.
Scott lingered watching him as he attached it to its stand, screwing it securely in place. Long minutes passed while John fiddled with various knobs and dials. Scott knew he had a million other things he should be doing, the paperwork lurking at his desk to name one example, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave.
John wouldn’t want him here. He’d enjoy his evening far more without his older brother breathing down his neck. Scott should go. He made an awkward gesture at the door back off the roof, but made no movement towards it. He was probably driving John crazy just by being here, distracting him from his stars with his indecisiveness. 
Shuffling the books around had already been a thin excuse once and messing with them more would be pushing it too far, no matter how the volume second from the bottom was botheringly skewed. He clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms to resist straightening it. He was already pushing it too far.
Scott forced himself up, made it halfway to his feet when John pulled himself away from his telescope. His breath caught when John opened his mouth to speak.
Scott knew he was overly clingy.
The times people had called him suffocating stung. They still stung, even when he knew they were words hurled in anger and not truly meant. He couldn’t stand to hear more, because surely that’s what John was going to say. Maybe more diplomatically, more politely, but he braced himself anyway.
“Do you want to look at the stars with me?” John asked.
Scott’s mouth was glued shut. He just stared at John.
“It’s fine if you don’t.” John glanced down at his hands, now in his lap instead of on the telescope, fidgeting with his sleeves. “I just… We haven’t spent time together for ages.”
“What— what about last week?” Scott managed. John had been down last week, they’d seen each other last week.
“That was with everyone,” John said softly. “I meant just us.”
Oh. So John wanted— John wanted him to stay? 
Scott tentatively settled to sit on the blanket, next to John. He couldn’t not. If there was the slightest chance John wanted him here, he couldn’t not take and take and take. But he had to believe John, in John’s words and soft, unsure tone of voice. That John knew what he was asking for and was saying it because he wanted this too. 
After so many rescues and times in his life where John’s voice was his anchor at the end of a comm line, it was second nature to believe John. Maybe the waver in his voice was because he had trouble asking for this too.
Their knees bumped and John gave him a small smile.
Slowly, Scott unwound, letting out a breath and relaxing every muscle he’d tensed up. He leant back, bracing his hands behind him to look once more to the sky. The stars and moon seemed brighter now. What John was searching for up there, Scott didn't know, but he’d be here as he did, with John’s calm presence by his side. 
He listened to the brushing of the breeze through the trees and the rushing whisper of sea against the shores, interspersed with the fluttering of paper as John turned the pages of his books. 
John didn't need to reference his books to point his telescope at the right bit of sky, but he always brought them anyway. It was part of the routine, the ritual, a familiar comfort too weighty to bring to space. Flicking through pages of calculations, hands on the well worn covers, opening them where they fell, because they’d been read so many times before. It was another night, like this one but a long while ago, shared together when John had told him that was why he had them, connected all the way back to memories of John as a kid with mum’s astronomy textbooks, reading them by torchlight. For Scott, there was something reassuring about John surrounded by his books and his stars, his brother as he always was and was meant to be. It wasn't silly, he’d told John, that he brought old fashioned print books instead of even just a tablet, when they made John happy. 
Tonight, without the usual jets coming and going, and people hustling to emergency alarms, the island was quiet. Calm, even. 
Alan and Gordon were up on Thunderbird Five. Alan because he needed more training before he was prepared to run the station solo, and Gordon, who’d good naturedly volunteered to partner up, given John had long exceed his space hours this month. How it was going was anyone’s guess, particularly for Gordon’s mood, when Alan was likely using his temporary commanding status to full extent in bossing around his big brother. Scott snorted.
John turned to him at the sound. “What’s up? What is it?”
“Thinking of how Allie and Gordo are doing,” Scott replied. He relayed his thoughts about their younger brothers.
The corners of John’s lips turned up. “Eos is likely more trouble, even with the talking to I gave her.”
John’s code baby slash evil AI was thankfully now into causing the inconvenient type of mischief instead of the life threatening. She could be almost sweet when she’d gotten over the murderous tendencies and Scott got to know her better. He could definitely see the John in her. 
“They’ll be just fine. Might even learn a few things.” Scott had faith in his brothers’ abilities, and in the restorative properties of the celery crunch bars he’d put in the care package for Gordon.
The conversation lulled for a moment as John refocused on his telescope, before John chipped in, “Do you reckon Virgil’s figured out his masterpiece yet?”
A paint covered Virgil had been briefly coaxed out of his studio earlier in the evening with the promise of dinner. He’d made distracted conversation with Scott and John, mind clearly still elsewhere, before shovelling the last mouthfuls of food in his mouth and running off. 
Virgil hadn’t noticed the streak of violet across his forehead, emphasised by the expression he made, all raised eyebrows and gleeful realisation, when the new idea struck. To be fair, neither Scott nor John had chosen to point it out to him. He’d either see it eventually or he wouldn’t, and time would tell how many other colours joined it. 
But a Virgil in his art zone, with music coming from beneath his door, was a happy one. Reassuring for Scott too, after the weeks and months and rescues they’d all had. 
“He’s all good,” Scott said fondly. 
John echoed it with a wider smile, both of their minds on their artsy brother in the house below. 
“So, what are you searching for tonight?” Scott gestured to the sky and the telescope in a sweeping movement. 
John startled. He paused to consider then asked, “Does that mean you actually want the whole version or just the five second summary?” 
“Hit me with all of it,” Scott said. He was rewarded by John’s face lighting up. 
John’s excitement as he explained his star stuff was contagious. Scott found himself grinning. The way John flickered his hands through the air, sketching out astronomical diagrams, was mesmerising, and the way he pulled facts and figures off the top of his head was astounding.
When he showed Scott the contents of his books, Scott barely knew where to start with the calculations, because this was John’s area, not his own field of mathematics. Half the concepts went over his head until John explained them, bit by bit. 
Scott asked questions, because it had been a while since he’d looked to the stars and he was rusty on most of the finer points other than those used for emergency navigation. John was more than happy to answer them. 
They bounced questions and answers back and forth; John got to talk about his stars and Scott got to listen to his brother’s joyous excitement which he hadn’t heard for far too long. He reminded himself to call John up more often, even if it was just on the holo, to listen to him ramble about his latest research.
“You wanna see?” John asked. “The telescope is set up and tonight’s has the best conditions there will be.”
Handling any of John’s telescopes was usually a privilege reserved for a very careful Alan. Several childhood instances of toppled stands leading to cracked lenses had instituted the rule of no brothers allowed anywhere near touching range. Or, Scott cringed to think about, amateur soccer range.
When Scott agreed, John flashed a rare grin, delighted to share the stars with him.
The stars weren’t Scott’s domain the way they were for John. Both of them loved the sky but the difference was the distance. Scott much preferred to remain within the atmosphere, outside of it wasn't for him. But the sky was for them both. Him and John, who were the first ones to love it, before any of the others came along. 
Scott looked through telescope to see what John sees. 
It was… he could only describe it as beautiful. Bright pinpricks of light forming their constellations against navy sky. The planets and the stars seen from their own tiny planet in the galaxy. All brought closer by the telescope than he could see with his eyes, brought closer by sharing this moment with John.
When Scott pulled himself away from the telescope, John was watching him in nervous anticipation, twisting his hands in his lap. 
“So, what did you think?”
“They’re amazing John, thank you for showing me.” Scott poured all his honest wonder into the words.
John looked up. “They really are.”
“I missed you,” Scott blurted out. 
Immediately, he wanted to take the words back. What made him admit it, even on the solitary rooftop where no one could overhear them? Not because they weren’t true, it was always going to be true that he missed John when he was away. But usually that was something he kept close to his chest, an ache curled around his heart. His family spent plenty of time with him, even John, they just… hadn’t lately, that was all. He was being needy, asking for too much and wanting more, more, more after people already gave.
He swallowed back the lump in his throat. The stars were blurry as he looked away.
Scott flinched when John gently took his hands in his own. 
John squeezed his hands, slender fingers wrapping around Scott’s as he automatically squeezed back. 
Gripping John’s hands, holding onto him, was a lifeline built up over years and years. So deeply ingrained in who they were that it could pierce through Scott’s racing, sharp edged thoughts. 
Looking back, him and John holding hands had started when they were kids. The first time he remembered was on a trip to an aeronautical museum, with Mum telling them they had to stick together, to hold hands and not let go. Because as a kid, John would wander off out of curiosity and get left behind when he slowed down to read all of the informational signs. It had happened many times before. In hindsight, Mum was probably trying to keep Scott from running around and climbing everything too, by recruiting him for big brother duty. 
Later the gesture was an anchor for John, to lead him out of overwhelming situations, where Scott could see him shrinking in on himself at every sound that made him want to press his hands over his ears but he couldn't for appearances sake. 
For Scott, when he’s falling apart too. For John to pull him aside with a polite excuse, then away from old guard board members at Tracy Industries meetings, and out of the surveillance of crowds and reporters alike at the awful high society galas PR made it necessary to attend. Away from where people wanted, no expected, Jeff Tracy and all they got was his son, and the cordial smiles of how much he resembled his father tore Scott as deeply as the thinly veiled whispers of how much he didn’t, and he couldn't keep it up any longer.
And right now, he was falling apart, in a different place for different reasons but the chunks of his careful facade of fine fine fine are breaking off and clattering to the ground. John bears witness to it, within touching distance, within the blast radius, instead of a million miles away. 
Scott could blame his emotionalness on exhaustion. On too many caffeine fuelled late nights bleeding into early mornings this week. On hard rescues in poor conditions. Anything instead of this boiling hurt that builds and builds.
He blinked quickly, his tears stuck to his eyelashes, hot and stinging as they welled up. He tipped his head back in hopes he could keep them from running down his face. 
If he let go of John’s hands, he could wipe them away, and he and John could both pretend they were never there. But he couldn’t let go of John. 
There was no way to hide his tears from John.
Scott hunched his shoulders. He closed his eyes. He still didn’t want to know what John really thought of him. 
John’s hands gripping his own were the only point of reference he had. Scott was failure after failure, drowning in them, and John was too clever not to realise it soon enough. 
“I missed you too.” John entwined his fingers with Scott’s before he could pull away. 
The urge to tug his hands back, to take them away from John, whether in shock, or surprise or disbelief because the voice inside his head screamed he’s lying, he’s lying. Or so John couldn't pull away first, because he would, it was only a matter of time. It was always just a matter of time until everyone found out how messed up he was. Then—
Scott didn’t know anymore. He shuddered, curling in on himself, making himself smaller, making himself less of, of everything that he was.
But John was still there. Gently holding his hands. Not letting go. 
Even as Scott felt tears dripping from his chin, the tracks burning down his face. Even as he shook, heart pounding, breaths catching loud and raspy, shattering the quiet of the night.
But why, but why but why would John miss him? The thoughts whirled, as cutting as blizzard ice, through his head. And mumbled aloud, falling unbidden from his lips, they were just as awful, the same slicing edges, now out where they could harm.
John’s voice washed over him, quiet, soft words he couldn't make out. They were buried beneath the howling thoughts.
But why?
There was no reason.
No reason at all.
Nothing was left in the dark, but Scott’s worst fears, tearing him apart with no up or down or direction, his own avalanche eating him alive.
Then something broke through. Reached out into the dark to rescue him. John squeezed his hands, pulling him out of the snow, never letting him go.
And John’s voice was gentle, filtering back in like a lost radio connection.
“Because there are as many reasons we all love you as there are stars in the sky.”
“As many reasons as stars I have yet to discover.”
“More reasons than all the stars, in all the universe, that ever were or ever will be.”
John paused for a moment, taking in a breath. “Because you’re Scott.”
Slowly, Scott opened his eyes. John was close, a blur of pale face and red hair that swam into focus as he blinked. Wide, earnest turquoise eyes that saw right through him.
Heartbroken was far too easy an expression to recognise on John, not when you knew him. But so was love. His expression was a mixture of both Scott wasn’t sure what to do with.
He stared until something jagged lodged in his chest and he forced himself to look away. 
To the stars. Then down at their interlocked hands, where his own still trembled. 
He watched as John’s fingers tightened briefly. His vision blurred.
“You back with me?” John asked. The same tone he’d heard him use over comms on scared rescuees and brothers alike, but now without the static.
Scott nodded slowly. He wasn’t sure he could make his voice work.
Somehow, John understood. Somehow John understood him and that hadn’t sent him running.
“You want to take a few deeps breaths, and then we can talk?”
He nodded again, listening for John’s count. He pushed his thoughts towards the back of his mind as hard as he could.
He tried, to time his inhales and exhales to John’s voice, he really did. 
But his chest hitched, sobs tearing from his throat on every breath.
He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t do it. 
He couldn't even breathe calmly, not even with John counting for him, John was wasting his time.
Except John said, “Scott, Scotty. Listen to me. However long it takes, it’s okay. I’m here.”
Scott was still crying, and this wasn't how the evening was supposed to go. John was meant to be watching his stars, not having to hold Scott’s broken mess together. 
Scott probably wasn't meant to be here at all. He was meant to be doing mission reports, he should have stayed doing mission reports. Reliving awful memories of wrenching metal and screams to put lives saved and lost into official sounding sentences, at least would’ve only hurt him.
It took far too long for his sobs to lose their edge.
Too long to get his breathing back to shaky hiccups instead of hyperventilating.
For him to be left exhausted, with tears still flowing that nothing he could do would stop.
Over and over, John repeated, “You’re okay, we’re okay,” and, “I’m here.” 
Because he was still here, with Scott, and he wasn't leaving.
And maybe that meant something.
Scott couldn’t hide his tears from John, but maybe he didn't have to. Not when John was so close, not when he cared. Because John still had his hands in his own. Because John showed him the stars that were his entire world. Everything said he cared about Scott, no matter what he did.
“Would you like a hug?” John asked. 
The contact would be nice. But whether John wanted a hug, when he so often kept himself far apart. Scott shook his head then nodded. He didn’t know. He could barely think in the come down from his emotions. 
But he didn’t have to figure it out as John pulled him close.
Their hands were pinned awkwardly between them because Scott still couldn’t let go, but he leant into John, tucking his face into John’s neck, hidden from sight. 
John was wearing a navy blue hoodie which had gone through several brothers and might once have been Scott’s own, given the peeling aeroplane decal, but it was difficult to tell beneath the paint stains. 
The soft fabric soaked up his tears. Eventually he let one hand go, carefully, bit by bit and John wrapped his arm securely around him. 
Okay, he was okay. John was here. He just had to keep telling himself that. 
John didn’t pull away to ask, “Do you want to tell me what happened there?” He just spoke quietly, chin still resting on top of Scott’s head where he was curled around him. 
Scott swallowed. “Not particularly.”
“Is that because you actually don’t want to or because you think you’re fine.”
Scott shook his head. Even he had enough awareness to know he wasn’t entirely fine right now. Not with tear tracks barely dry on his cheeks.  Or clutching John like his world would fall apart otherwise because something inside him told him it would. 
“It’s I don’t know what you’ll think of me,” he mumbled into John’s hoodie. 
John’s arm tightened around him. He whispered, “Oh, Scott.”
Scott tensed up. 
“I’m not going to be upset with you, no matter what you’re feeling,” John added, quickly, tripping over his words to reassure Scott. 
“Promise?” Scott asked, stupidly, childishly, because he couldn't help it even though it wasn't something John could promise. 
“I promise,” John said solemnly. 
The words, their words, went all the way back to their childhood, of Scott gripping John’s hands, making him promise not to tell mum and dad where Scott’s super secret fort was built in the backyard. John had never broken one of their promises. Not even as they got older and it was a teenaged Scott crying his heart out in the far too tiny tree house, because he didn't want dad to see him getting upset over little things like trying hold their family together and looking after his siblings.
Their exchange soldified something between them. Their bond that had always been there and maybe he could believe always would be there. It let Scott lower his walls inch by inch, until he found the courage to speak, even if it was barely audible and he still wasn't looking at John.
“It’s fine. It’s just… You never seem to want to spend time with me anymore,” he admitted.
“Of course I want to spent time with you,” John stated gently, “Why would I not?” 
Scott choked on bitter laughter. “Why would you want to?”
He felt the moment John’s breath caught. How John hugged him close, pressing Scott to his chest. 
“Scotty,” John asked apprehensively, the childhood nickname coming out for the second time tonight, “Is this really how you think of yourself?”
Scott shrugged against John. “What does it matter.” 
John’s voice was thick, “It matters because somehow you’ve got it in your head that there’s no reason I’d miss you, and that’s not true and never will be true. It’s so, so not true.”
“When you’re earthside, you still spend all your time with the others,” he muttered in ugly, hurt words.
The sharp intake of breath from John was another regret. 
Scott was torn between running where he’d never hurt John again and holding him closer. 
As he pulled away, John’s hand still in his own brought him back. John always brought him back. So he clung on to John too, and starlight glinted from both their tears. 
He held on, and they were both shaking now. 
John’s “I’m sorry—I’msorrysosorry—’msosorryScotty,” was distressed and near silent. 
“But why?” Butwhybutwhybutwhy?
“I thought you wouldn't want to star gaze with me!” John burst out.
It was Scott’s turn to squeeze John’s hand. To have John’s trembling fingers gripping back. 
Scott swallowed hard. This was on him. He’d upset John. His own fresh tears cooled on his face, the sea breeze picking up to give them freezing bite. Scott had failed. Like he always did. But this was at the one thing that mattered above all others, of keeping his brothers safe and happy. 
Guilt laced John’s voice, heavy and suffocating. “Alan loves space nearly as much as I do, so I try to take him out whenever I can. Virgil will draw anything whether or not it sits still for long enough and he wanted to try painting the sky with watercolours.”
Scott almost didn't want to ask, “What what about Gordon?” Because why was it just not him?
He heard John sniffle. “We usually sit near the beach. Gordy watches the waves and I watch the stars. Then he wanted to know about the stars because apparently they look kinda like the constellations of bioluminescence in the deep sea.” John’s words got stuck and he choked out, “I’m so sorry Scott.”
“It’s— it’s fine,” Scott said, effect ruined by the break in his voice. By how he couldn’t let go of John’s hand, even as he felt more tears trickling down his cheeks. “You don’t need to worry, just spend your time with the others, I know you don’t get much.”
He wouldn't want to hang out with himself if he had a choice about it. 
John pulled his face away from where it was tucked in the crook of Scott’s neck. He still didn't look at Scott.
“I know you don’t want to spend time with me,” John said in a small, wet voice, “I’m boring. All I can talk about is astronomy and most normal people don’t care about it. I’m just weird and wobbly and awkward.”
“John—” Scott tried. 
“When I’m not in space, I only slow you down,” John continued.
That got John’s attention. “What,” he snapped.
“I do want to spent time with you,” Scott said, “Of course I do, I always do.” 
“But I didn’t really know. Most people don’t like me,” John stated, far too matter of fact. 
That hit Scott like a punch to the gut. “You’re just like me,” he whispered. 
Something he didn't want for any of his brothers.
“You feel like this too,” John whispered back, low so not even the stars could hear them. 
Like they were both back in that tree house, amongst their old promises. Tangled together because that was the only way they would both fit now they weren’t children anymore. All lanky limbs, knees and elbows and sharp edges digging into each other. 
At the same time, in the same motion, he and John hugged each other tighter. They were still the same jagged edges that fitted as closely as puzzle pieces, if they lined it up right. 
“It’s why— why I thought you wouldn’t want to spent time with me,” Scott said, unsure now. “Because why would you.” 
Scott took a deep breath and quoted, “Scott’s too clingy. Too needy. Too much, going too fast.” He kept his voice soft, pouring out old hurts, recent hurts, for only John to hear.
“And here I was trying not to drag you down when I could’ve held you close instead,” John murmured.
“Yeah,” Scott said thickly, “I could’ve been there for you.” 
“For you too.” John’s voice gained an edge, “That you can’t think of a single reason I’d miss you means I must be doing something wrong.”
“It’s not your fault.” If there was something Scott was adamant about, it was this.
John raised his head to look Scott in the eyes, brief, burning turquoise. “Then it can’t be yours either.”  
“But for everything…” Scott trailed off.
“I’m not going to love you less. None of us are. Not for being you.”
“I failed.” He had to say it, had to make sure John knew.
“No,” John said vehemently, “You were hurting too.”
Scott could feel John’s thundering heart pressed against his chest.
“Neither of us knew and we’re both trying, that matters,” John continued, “There’s also what we do now.” 
John was Thunderbird Five, but he was also John Tracy. He knew. He knew Scott. Scott had to trust him.
“We make each other stronger. And we hold each other up,” Scott said quietly. Because of who they were, not just in spite of it.
For John, with John, maybe it was just one day possible. 
They stayed like that, fused together in a hug, surrounded by John’s stars and Scott’s sky, for a long time. Scott couldn't remember when he’d last hugged John like this. To keep each other close, like they’d promised they would. He needed to do it more often. 
When they finally moved, because sitting in one place on a rooftop for so long wasn't exactly comfortable, neither of them went far. 
John dragged his satchel nearer and pulled out a thermos flask. 
“I’ve got hot chocolate,” he smiled, opening it to take a sip then holding it out for Scott. 
Scott took it, wrapping his hands around the warm thermos before raising it to his lips. 
Closing his eyes, he savoured it. No one made hot chocolate like John. No one except mum did.
He pressed his shoulder against John’s in silent appreciation. 
They passed the thermos back and forth, no words needed. 
When it was empty and they were both full of hot chocolate, the night was late, the stars turning overhead. They perhaps should have gone in, would’ve on another evening without all the everything that had occurred tonight, but Scott had worked up the courage to ask John to stay, just for a little while longer, and John wanted to.
John returned to his telescope and Scott settled close, with John happily leaning back on his chest, Scott’s arms wrapped around John’s middle and chin on his shoulder. John could still look at his stars and Scott got to hug him so it was a win for them both. 
The ocean breeze was picking up, becoming chilly in shirtsleeves when Scott hadn't brought a jumper because he didn't think he’d get to be out here so long. But John was warm and his hoodie soft, plus Scott could stick his hands in the front pocket, partially to annoy John ever so slightly, but also because his fingers were cold. 
He got a close up of that characteristic irritated but fond expression, caught in a John half smile, when John tipped his head to look at Scott. Scott couldn't help but smile back. 
Then John also stuck his absolutely freezing hands in the hoodie pocket with Scott’s finally warm fingers, vibrating with laughter because he did that on purpose. 
They both settled back, hanging onto each others hands again, staring upwards at their sky and stars.
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