#that'd be neat-o
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vveltergeist · 3 months ago
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This is their dynamic in a nutshell to me
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volt-reblogs-n-rambles · 2 days ago
I know the whole Persona 4 domain registration thing is DEFINITELY a remake but it'd be REALLY funny if we got a new Arena game instead.
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todayisafridaynight · 1 year ago
Not related to ANYTHING but the Yamaguchi girlies have been talking about this manga and theorizing the yakuza dude was based on Yamaguchi and/or his Nihon Touitsu character (not even unlikely since there's a mangaka who based a character on Motomiya and is now working on the official NHT manga lol)
Conspiracy Theories Aside I saw the cover and was IMMEDIATELY reminded of half the manga you talk about on here so I wanted to show you :)
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It's called A Story About an Offline Meet-Up Between an Otaku and a Yakuza and it's only got a fan-translation (one that's REALLY far behind, at that) but it looks cute to me idk... I also like the Aoki-lookin' plushie...
O MY GOD IVE ACTUALLY READ THIS MANGA HELP it's such a cute manga... funny enough i actually see a lot of people say the main yakuza looks like tatsu from WotHH....
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Found ur blog a few months ago and I LOVE ur writing 🙌🙌 I would like to drop in a date night prompt with Gotham Zsasz. His s/o is a fellow hitman/enforcer (maybe they have a history of some rivalry 👀). She’s reserved and introspective, but still tough and has a dry sense of humor, if slightly awkward (she’s kinda giving Dexter LMAO). The date could take place at an underground bar/club. I’m not sure how it would end, but honestly with these two? Anything goes
"Hell and You" Gotham Zsasz x F!Reader Valentine's Date (Valentine's Day Event 2025)
Fuck yes! It's funny, I've been on a Zsasz kick lately so I'm glad I got an ask for that guy. Also I never watched Dexter so forgive me if I'm not catching the exact vibe;;; This ask is for the 2025 Valentine's Day Event. You can still submit prompts for this until I wake up tomorrow (2/21/25)!
also uh, I made a spotify playlist for Zsasz because I kept getting pulled away and having to start and stop was fucking with my concentration. So bonus.
TW: Very suggestive verging on nsfw, some oral fixation
The staircase was one of the sketchiest you had ever seen. That was really saying something considering the places you'd had to frequent for your "job" in the past. It went to an underground floor level, the only indication of there being a club was a handwritten sign that said "The Hellhole" along the wall. Was this the moment Victor would pull your plug, so to speak?
Really, that'd be almost impressive for him to act out a longer-term con like that just for a hit. You'd been dating for several months now. It was all so new- Paranoia sat in your stomach for just a moment. It was healthy in your fields of work. Despite that, you decided to trust your boyfriend and descend down. Still, you allowed your fingers to trace the glock pistol slung to your thigh under the long coat you wore.
Eye scanned the crowd as you entered the club. Music thrummed into the floor and wracked up your body. The dim lighting was accentuated with the occasional pop of color from the dance floor lights. Every face could be a potential target. Someone in the way. A threat. Even on a good night, it paid to pay attention.
Yet even in the sea of people, you could see Victor wave at you from the bar. There was a rose on the tabletop. Those dark eyes drew you closer, as they always had. For not having any hair, it was those eyes that you'd noticed on your first meeting. Competing hitmen, on the same job- he'd snatched it from you which only started something much bigger.
Almost a year of stealing each other's kills, almost killing each other... Winks and stray bullets in a cocktail of snarky commentary only added fuel. When the two of you had drank your fill of it he'd finally popped the question- After a strange date at a vegan burger place, you sort of... kept going out. He brought something out of you that no one else seemed to. The two of you were awkward with others but... awkward together.
Then there was the way he looked at you, the way he was looking at you right now- Like you were the only one in the room. After a life of hiding in crowds and the darkness to get where you needed to be, it was like being seen for the first time.
"Hey, you." He practically purred, getting up to hug and kiss your cheek before sitting back down, "I was worried you'd gotten lost."
You sank into the seat next to him, "That for me?"
"Thorn for my thorn?" Victor slid the still-thorned rose over before a hand went to your knee. It crept up, his fingers grasping the gun holster on your thigh, "That for me?"
"Only if you misbehave." You flagged down the bartender, loosely pointing to your partner, "Whatever he's having."
Victor leaned over then, kissing just before the tragus of your ear, "Don't tease me. I just might." The kiss went lower, to the place where your jawline met your neck. Then he was back in his seat with a grin neat-as-you-please.
The drink was placed in front of you. You noted the mix of colors in a purple to black gradient.
"How much money do you think it would take to pay a guy to poison a stranger at the bar?" Victor asked knowingly.
He liked playing games.
You sipped the drink. The sweet taste of cherries and blackberries blended with the harsh burn of whatever liquor there was.
"Not enough, apparently." You quipped.
His laugh was more of a bark in the click of noise in the current song. Something in you knew he wouldn't hurt you, despite what years of experience whispered to you from the shadows. The imaginary therapist you probably needed noted how that may have effected past relationships. That was then, though, and now? Now, you slid a foot onto his chair and finished the drink.
"Why here?"
He hummed, pulling you up to your feet, "I wanted to dance somewhere people wouldn't stare. Nice, dark and scuzzy." He almost shrugs at the question, as if you should have figured it out. He took his own jacket off before assisting in taking yours off and slid the bartender a bill to keep an eye on them and the rose.
As a beat blared through the speakers above you, the two of you wove into the edge of the crowd of hot bodies. Lots of black, lots of piercings and the general attitude of leaving everything else out the door. You couldn't say Victor was the best dancer, but he moved in a way you followed, bodies melting together. Lips brushing exposed patches of skin until the two of you were making out as you moved.
The taste of your drinks passed over your tongues even as you separated- A trail of saliva lilting from his grin. You couldn't help but put a thumb between his teeth and cheek, extending the grin.
"You look awfully proud of yourself for foreplay." You leaned in with a grin of your own. Then, as you noted someone in the crowd being nosy, you tilted your head and stared until they looked away. It made him laugh.
He hummed, "Careful, I could bite-"
"Bite me then, dog." You pulled your thumb away, wiping it off on his cheek. You leaned closer before teasing the tip of your tongue at his mouth.
Victor's carefree nature seemed to break for a moment as he pulled you towards a nearby unoccupied corner. His hand roughly grabbed the shoulder of your outfit, pulling it and your bra strap out of his way. A moan left you as his teeth sunk in. Just so to not break skin, but enough to leave a nice bruise later. He smothered your neck in nips and kisses, panting.
His cheek rubbed against yours and you could feel how tight his pants were against your leg, "You make me crazy, you know? We could fuck right here and I don't think anyone would notice."
"Is that what you want?" Your leg pressed between his, your thigh giving friction to his obvious hard-on, "Right here?"
A small hump against your leg and he sighed. The palm of his hand slid under your chin, taking hold of your face, "I don't think I want to share just now. Besides, things I want to do to you? Might get us arrested."
"Like what?" You pulled him by the belt, forcing more pressure against his cock with your leg.
He seethed, "This dog is going to eat you alive."
"Then I guess we better move this to your place." You kissed him on the lips, inspiring him to wrap his arms around your body. It was... loving. His fingers smoothed into your hair and you could feel his smile.
The two of you made a swift and hasty exit, coats thrown back on. Victor cut himself on the rose as the thorns dug into his hand. The pain of it was thrilling- Just a start to a very good night.
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lwde-encrusted-sideblog · 2 years ago
Something something Pyrrha kabedon Jaune which leads to- whatever happens next, I don't know.
Jaune: ... So then you have a choice - Join the Legion, Follow Mister House, join the NCR, or be a wildcard - take The Strip for yourself!
Pyrrha: *Not understanding anything he's saying* That's a neat way to take the story! What did you ch- *Sees a spider on the Wall near Jaune*
Pyrrha: Look out! *Kills spider, kabedoning Jaune in the process*
Jaune: *Blushing* Th-Thanks Pyrrha ...
Pyrrha: ... Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Yes?
Pyrrha: What's Poking my thigh?
Jaune: ... C-Crocea Mors?
Pyrrha: *Grabbing his Bulge* Oh Jaune~ I don't like it When people lie to me~
Jaune: P-PYRRHA?
Pyrrha: But if you do have another sword, You should let me help train you!~
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: And what a Greatsword it is~
Pyrrha: I'm going to MILK you.
Pyrrha: *Slamming Jaune's hips into hers, Amazon Position* FUCK! YOU HID THIS FROM ME!
Jaune: PyrrhaPyrrhaPyrrhaPyrrhaPyrrha!
Jaune: *Aura Flaring*
Pyrrha: CUM JAUNE!
Jaune: P-Pyrrha!
Jaune Came, and Came Hard, at the same time Pyrrha did, her vice-like grip on his dick nearly breaking it, as the two collapsed into a sweaty, smelly, heaving pile.
Pyrrha: *Cups Jaune's Nuts* These are Mine. You got that? No other girls, only Me.
Jaune: Y-Yeah.
Pyrrha: Are the sore?
Jaune: Yeah ...
Pyrrha: then let me take care of them~
She began gently sucking on the wrung-out testes, almost completely drained from the near religious experience Jaune just had.
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 1 year ago
Can I please request Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear(because I always have to include Pepsi chan in my requests, you write her too well) with a faceless changeling S/O who's love language is turning into the character?
Like they love them so much, they feel the most comfortable as them. I think that'd be neat
(FE: Engage) Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear with a shapeshifting S/O
NGL I'd be freaked tf OUT if I saw that. And thank you for the kind words about Alear! When it comes to Fire Emblem characters, I feel obligated to make sure they're in-character as possible. It'd be an insult to my love for the series to do any less.
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Ivy was startled when S/O first changed shapes right in front of her.
Truth be told, she felt she should be a little less surprised, considering what was in this world already. Gods, heroes from another world, magic.
Yet here she was, shocked by the fact there was a shapeshifter.
Ivy didn't mind S/O being a changeling, though she was curious as to what they looked like naturally.
What she did mind was the fact another Ivy was next to her as they were cuddling.
(Ivy) "...S/O."
(Ivy?) "Yes?"
(Ivy) "I...I understand that you're comfortable with me, to the point you are me...Um...How do I put this?"
The fact the other Ivy was tilting their head so curiously, something she would never do was throwing her completely off.
(Ivy) "It's strange. As if I'm staring into a mirror that is not mimicking my own actions."
(Ivy?) "Sorry, I can change if you wa-"
(Ivy) "No, please. I am quite flattered that you even want to turn into me it's...please keep this between us. I do not need Somniel screaming in terror from a second me."
(Ivy?) "Ha, alright."
She didn't mention it, but she also felt quite self conscious.
Was her chest that big...?
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(Goldmary) "Why, it's no shock that you decided to transform into perfection!"
The other Goldmary began pouting.
(Goldmary?) "That is not why I changed into you, Goldmary..."
It was honestly a bit jarring for her doppleganger to sound exactly like her, but have their manner of speech to be completely off.
(Goldmary) "Who can blame you? I am quite beautiful!"
Goldmary becomes extremely happy whenever S/O transforms into her. Imitation is the greatest sign of flattery, after all!
And she had no idea she was so comfortable to snuggle into!
And so beautiful when she was smiling too!
Author's note: I can only write Goldmary admiring herself before an ego singularity forms and swallows this post whole, this whole bit goes on for a while, you get the idea.
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(Alear) "Huh...that's what I look like?"
(Alear?) "Beautiful? Yes, yes you do look like that!"
Alear giggled sheepishly, her hand covering her mouth.
(Alear) "It's a little weird, hearing my own voice say that. But...thank you. Are you sure you're alright with this though?"
(Alear?) "Of course! I choose who I transform into, and I chose you for a reason!"
The other Alear gave her a peck on the cheek. While the gesture was quite affectionate and made her heart flutter, it was still really weird.
(Alear) "Thanks, it means a lot to me, and to you I'm sure. Someday, I want to see your true form, you know. That's who I love the most, after all."
The other Alear now shared her same blushing smile.
(Alear?) "Hah, you're such a smoothtalker...!"
Marth materialized next to the real Alear, eyeing the situation currently unfolding.
(Marth) "Wow, this is a confusing sight."
(Alear?) "You know who the real one is, right Marth?"
(Marth) "Yes, but it's like I'm seeing Alear speak into the mirror. Thank goodness she isn't actually like this by herself..."
(Alear) "Hah, I couldn't imagine...I am quite dashing though, don't you think me?"
(Alear?) "Why yes, yes you are!"
Marth playfully rolled his eyes as he disappeared, both Alear's laughing at their antics.
(Alear) "Oh! This should go without saying, but don't let Vander, Framme, or Clanne see us like this. I think they'd begin frothing at the mouth if they saw two of me."
(Alear?) "...Oh gods, I didn't even think of that. Where do we even go? People would be confused if they saw two Divine Dragons!"
(Alear) "...Maybe this isn't such a good idea."
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twisters-incorrect-quotes · 3 months ago
Boone: If you were to vacuum up Jell-O through a metal tube, well, I think that'd be a neat noise. Dexter: I beg to differ. Boone: Then beg.
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puppycheesecake · 1 year ago
would you ever be open to ppl submitting one of their sims to you and you like... make them better/in your style? sorta like the requests you did but with a base to start with? i guess it's basically a make over
Oh, that'd be fun! :o You'd have to tell me how much you're cool with changing, but yeah, that sounds like it could be neat.
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nenoname · 2 months ago
while i talk about the stan twins switching genres throughout their lives and how it'd be neat for stan o war stories to get more mature ones, my brain going "hey this horror story might be fun" is immediately hit back by "oh right. that'd be super traumatising huh."
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itsgirlcraft · 3 months ago
Timeeee for more minecraft Trapped/mc vr ramblesssss! ((Mostly me thinking out loud abt my thoughts on cool vr roleplay/practical effects/mods/etc)) (Feel free to ignore bc it's not really. Lore.)
I've unironically just finished doing mini "research" collecting video clips for this post rn- it took like an hour bc I couldn't find a Slimecicle clip- yes its important-
So two things. One, I have a L O T of ideas for practical effects done with the vr headset/controllers setup, just as they are. Two, I REALLY wanna see if the "first person model" mod is compatible with vr.
Ramble beneath the cut.
Like. I've wanted to play vr minecraft and do a little single-player roleplay for actual YEARS now. We've had a headset for most of that time, too. I just. Can't. Like it's been ACTIVELY in my mind for years, y e a r n i n g. And I HAVE researched and tested and troubleshooted over and over again, I just can't get QUITE to the end.
So. I've mostly been trying to use Sidequest, to install minecraft directly onto the headset. But it requires using a pc, and not my laptop, so that's problem 1. Problem TWO that I've struggled alot with is that I have to use the meta app (I've got a quest 3 headset, I think) which only works on your phone. But I have to use my DAD'S account/information. That's the biggest problem, even tho I've gotten him in on it a few times.
But the headset itself is wonky at best and might be outdated. One of the more recent times I tried it, it had to update bc it wouldn't show me its connection code thingy. I'm still not sure if it'll even allow me to install Sidequest or minecraft in general.
The other option is just connecting it to the pc, but that TOO is having connection problems. And since my brother's always playing on the family pc, it's a lil awkward if I wanna try to do that. Even tho there's literally two monitors. Cuz it's a whole Process still so I'd need the keyboard available. And plus even if I do somehow connect it with a cord, it may not be long enough to do much with. So yeah that's what's been up with me.
Anyways, now the actual ideas I have that I'd like to try/think are just cool.
So I've watched plenty of people play vr, and I've never seen anyone try first person model. It may very well be that it's not compatible at all, and I wouldn't be surprised. But it has somewhat worked with unique player models, so maybe if you just remove the mod's arms...eh. it may not be worth it, or even be possible.
But I remember a scene in MC Trapped where Sabre notes that he still can't see his own body when he looks down. And tbh I just can't stop imagining how immersive it'd be. Like, it wouldn't really...follow your movements like your arms. But it'd be cool. Though then there's part two of that immersion.
If the mod did work, we'd have OTHER issues that you can see from others' POVs. One major one being that the player body can't lay down when you do. Your hands just go thru the floor, but in your pov it looks fine...without the body. I think a simple sit/crawl button will fix that, but there's still a chance that wouldn't work. Crawl usually puts you laying on your stomach, so that'd need to flip sometimes. And generally just looks kinda strange in some instances.
Having a mod that tracks your body movement and puts the player model in the right position could be neat, but unnecessary. Especially since vr just has so many potential bugs, there's no way to anticipate everything.
Now the OTHER idea I have, thanks to Slimecicle lol.
So this clip has been on my mind for awhile. (I hope that actually works) And I gotta say, Charlie's king of random practical effects. Like I know most of what he does is short bits, but imagine putting your controller on a fan as a swinging blade attack or something! Like, there's a lot of ordinary objects that could serve an interesting purpose.
Like, walking up invisible stairs or something. Doing something different irl than in-game, for like a ghost character or insane character. Maybe an interdimensional being, in two places at once. That's something I would love to see in a series similar to Trapped. Taking that same basic concept - trapped in vr - and using that as an op/strange character.
Obviously, Trapped!Sabre was sort of that, clearly a fish out of water. But take it up a notch, and use the medium to its full potential! Or the opposite, doing the same irl as in game. Like eating an apple, so it's easier to, like, describe.
It could be interesting to have one of those fancy pain-receptor vests and like treadmill thing that lets you walk/run in place. But that might be excessive, it'd take a lot of effort AND money and may not be worthy.
BamBaeYoh did a "physical minecraft" video with the treadmill. I doubt it'd be better than good ol' acting. (Here: "I survived 7 days of physical minecraft")
But yeah. Like, maybe you setup boxes and things explicitly TO trip over, to make the character seemingly falling over nothing. Might not be good tho, since the headset and stuff could break. But like, also with multiple people/actors!! One with the headset, two with the controllers. So, like, maybe the Big Bad is torturing them, and dismembers their arms. I mean, hey, it's not a big stretch (hah, pun) from what you CAN do normally. Having a 2nd or even 3rd person there would let you use your arms while dismembered, basically. And make moving them easier than just. On the floor.
Like that's REALLY what I wanna try here. I already have a Trapped au where that happens, and it's not too hard to actually accomplish in-game. I wanna see what features/bugs/etc exist in minecraft vr, and use them for lore.
Thanks for reading my long ramble if you got allll the way down here ^^
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dirtyoldmanhole · 11 months ago
miscellaneous current rev run bits:
recruited kana yesterday. i honestly did not realize the 2 brigand bosses showed up on that map a few turns later since this map in the previous runs was completed so fast. :o while they're not an archetype that's particularly done well, it's neat to see how there's variables/surprises still to uncover.
speaking of kana yrmr-verse, i headcanon corrin/gunter deliberately try for at least one child post rev. that said, i kind of love the 'wouldn't that be totally fucked up or what' :D implications of fathering kana right uh. right in the possession, lmao. i've talked about the anankos specific bit in one of my old posts here, and how it was probably the impetus for IS to close off the gunter romance in rev vs making it explicit with a paired ending. (cowards)
here, let's say all of that shit is canon >:) in this current rev run the conception probably happens with the classic assumption of ~he's too old for his swimmers to do anything~. naturally with the amount they're screwing oops baby time!
this story's the absolute closest i think any mainstream media's actually outright put 'old man villainfucking with an incredibly textual side of daddykink' in the actual god dang plot so i'm milking all the skeeze for what it's worth.
can you. imagine the emotional roller coaster of that poor dude though. :') like. a child is already a big deal. then you throw in his backstory which makes it super frickin tragic feelsy. and then, THEN you throw in the fridge horror of the possession and him wondering if he's fucked up kana somehow and still unable to actually spill the beans on everything. the angst of not being able to tell corrin? (WITH anankos' influence muddling everything to be the cherry on top???)
edit holy shit what if (like in yrmr) anankos drip-feeds that true familial relation to corrin as yet another emotional wedge between gunter and corrin, driving him further into the possession. anankos is already outright to shown to prey on character's worst fears. you absolutely know that'd be a huge one for this man (being abandoned again for something he can't change).
rest in pieces
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dariusult · 7 months ago
FFXIV Write Day 10- Stable
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(Featuring (old) artwork by the ever talented Creepy Porpoise!)
"You gotta cut me some slack here, kupo!" A gravelly, loud, and downright unpleasant voice shrieked, resounding through the confines of a modest wooden treehouse in one of the the more upscale sections of the Northern Shroud.
A pair of Moogles sat on either side of a tiny wooden desk strewn with papers and parchments. Moglow, the more well-kept of the two moogles with his neat fluffy fur, thick eye-pleasing ruff, and a bright bouncy pom, shifted through papers marked with unintelligible glyphs and doodles. "I'd love to, Kuparl, but I'm afraid I can't, kupo. You've managed to accumulate a frankly staggering amount of debt."
Kuparl, a shabby, bedraggled moogle with what appeared to be a greasy comb-over as well as a suspiciously bushy mustache and pair of eyebrows, sat across the desk from Moglow, slowly deflating. "It's my ex-wife, kupo!" He barked in a rough, gravelly, 'I smoke a ponze of tobacco a day' kind of voice. "She's got me by the freakin' kupo nuts over here!" He pounded a tiny fist on the desk, sending a few stray knickknacks tumbling across its surface and to the floor. "She took the kids, the house, AND all my freakin' savings, kupo! I'm drownin' here and you're just gonna LET it happen!"
"Kuparl, please." Moglow said as he retrieved and then carefully arranged the various aforementioned knickknacks back in their spots on his desk. "I want to help you, and I've tried, but you just kept digging your hole deeper and deeper, kupo."
"There's gotta be somethin' you can do, kupo!" Kuparl pleaded, laying his hands on the desk and shaking it, sending the recently replaced knickknacks tumbling back to the floor once again. "If I can just get my shop back I can get back on my feet and get a stable income! THEN I can show that miserable harpy what a HUGE mistake she made, kupo!"
Moglow sighed uncomfortably, looking away from Kuparl and down to his re-scattered knickknacks. After taking a moment, Moglow began picking the items up once again, this time sliding a drawer open and placing them inside. "Well, I can't just take your word for it, kupo." He then slid the drawer shut and looked back up at the greasy moogle across from him. "If you had some sort of guarantor to co-sign a loan, that'd change things, kupo."
"I can do that!" Kuparl shouted, his mood improving almost immediately at the possibility of being able to get a loan. "I can do that EASY! I'll call someone RIGHT NOW, kupo!" The moogle then turned and hopped off of his chair, floating over to a small dirty bindle by the door. "Just gotta get the ol' linkpearl out, heh." Kuparl unfolded the bindle and rummaged through the contents until he found what he was looking for: a small dull pearl-like object that he went to put in his ear, thought better of for a moment and brought it down to his mouth to blow a suspicious crust off of it, and then shoved it in his ear before throwing a smug smirk at Moglow. "You wait right there, Kupo. I'm gonna call me some o' my business associates real quick-like."
"Take your time, kupo." Moglow said as he slowly slid open his desk drawer and began replacing the knickknacks once again.
Kuparl reached up and placed his hand on the linkpearl, charging it with a little bit of aether to activate it and then adjusting it to a specific frequency to contact the intended recipient. "Alright, Darius. Time to come in clutch for your ol' pal Kuparl, kupo." He then looked back up at Moglow. "He's a business owner like me, not much of an entrepreneur but I taught him everything he knows, kupo."
"Well then I can understand how he's not much of an entrepreneur, kupo."
"Nothing, kupo."
Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! Kuparl waited as the linkpearl continued ringing, and then there was as little 'click' on the other end as it was picked up—and Kuparl got to work immediately. "Heeeeeeey Darius, it's Kupa-" click. The call suddenly went dead. The moogle furrowed his bushy eyebrows at the sudden drop. "Huh, that was weird, kupo. Lemme call him back." He called back. Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! "..." Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! "...Are you kiddin' me, kupo? Is he screening his calls or somethin'!?"
"Everything alright, kupo?" Moglow asked, having finally arranged his desk exactly how he liked it once again.
"Yeah, just peachy, kupo." Kuparl replied. "Changed my mind about callin' Darius, kupo. Idiot wouldn't know a business opportunity if it came up and yanked his pom!" He ran a hand across his greasy and inexplicable comb-over. "I gotta make another call, I know a girl who owns property out this way, she'll co-sign for me, kupo."
Ring ring ring! Kuparl tuned the linkpearl so he could call Sudeki. Darius wasn't going for it, and none of the other adults with businesses in that social circle were viable. Twilight Dove and Koyuki Godo were too frightening, and Lilisa was too fiscally responsible. It was time to ask one of the young'uns for money, and Kuparl knew for a fact that Sudeki had been given a decently sized house to look after by her mom who was a Sharlayan bigshot or something. A decently sized house would be perfect collateral.
Click! The linkpearl picked up on the other end, and the familiar voice of Sudeki Nankali entered Kuparl's ear. "Hello?"
"Hey Sudeki! It's yer old pal Kuh-rayzee Kuparl!" The moogle of that very name said. "I got a business proposition for ya, kupo!"
"Oh, sure." Sudeki replied quickly. "Just a sec." There was a brief pause, then some rustling. A lot of rustling actually, kind of like Sudeki was taking the linkpearl out of her ear. Then a whoosh followed by the really loud rushing of air... aaaaand plunk! The tiny splash of a stone or pebble-like object landing in the water.
Kuparl sat in silence for a moment, there was nothing on the other side of the linkpearl. Not a peep. He sat there, and sat there... And as he waited, the tension mounted, and he broke into a cold sweat. Finally, the moogle hatched a cunning plan. He perked up and began talking with his hand over his ear. "About time, kupo! I'm a busy moogle y'know! Lots o' important business deals goin' on!" He paused, waiting a few seconds as the other side of the call was silent. "Yeah alright, I forgives ya, kupo. But listen I got an opportunity for you! It's a real-"
"Kuparl, I can hear that there's no one on the other side of the line, kupo." Moglow said flatly. "I thought of letting you pretend, but it's too embarrassing for both of us."
Kuparl sat in silence for a moment, he was pouring sweat now. He then feebly reached up to his ear once again. "W-what's that Sudeki? You're interested in that business opportunity, kupopo?"
"Kuparl..." Moglow sternly repeated, leaning forward on his desk.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME KUPO!?" Kuparl suddenly turned and screamed at the other moogle, his composure having finally broken. "THEY'RE ALL DEADBEATS, KUPO! CUSTOMERS LIKE THIS ARE THE REASON I'M IN THE RED!!!" The moogle threw himself against the desk, laying face-down across it and banging his tiny fists into the surface. "It's not my fault, kupo! I'm a gods-damned business genius! I just need a chance to PROVE it, kupo!"
"Enough, kupo!" Moglow exclaimed as he struggled to maintain the order of his desktop—and in his haste to maintain the careful arrangement of knickknacks on his desk, he knocked over a framed picture, which fell flat onto Kuparl's pom. "Oh, shite. Not-"
"Argh!" Kuparl growled angrily as he pulled his pom back and picked up the framed image. "The hells is-" The moogle flipped the frame upright and was greeted by what looked like a child's drawing of a family of moogles, the big one was clearly Moglow- you could tell by the ruff. And over the picture of the Moogles holding hands was written in the unsteady writing of a child's hand. "Best Dad ever!"
Kuparl frowned at the picture and then looked up over the frame at Moglow, who seemed weirdly tense but Kuparl didn't think anything of it. "I can't believe you'd be so callous as a father yerself, kupo." He looked back down at the picture, now determined to use it to guilt Moglow into approving the loan. "This kid looks up to you so much and has no idea what you even do for a livin' kupo. Wringing money out of honest working stiffs like me..." He sighed and hung his head, then glanced up and peeked at the name in the corner of the picture, reading it out as he spoke. "Poor little Kuparl Jr. has no ide-"
Time stopped inside that small office in the little treehouse located in one of the more upscale sections of the Northern Shroud. It stopped, and the heaviest of pauses hung over the two moogles. The silence was heavy, agonizing, dragging on, and on, and on, until suddenly—the silence imploded. "WHY IS MY SON CALLIN' YOU THE BEST DAD EVER, KUPO!?' The picture flung through the air at Moglow's head, who dove out of the way, narrowly avoiding having his pom dented by the corner of the spinning picture frame, which smashed against the wall. Kuparl climbed up onto the desk, practically frothing at the mouth with moogly rage. "KUPOLINA SAID SHE MET A HANDSOME BUSINESSMOG WHEN SHE LEFT, KUPO!!" He crawled to the far side of the desk and scowled over the edge like some sort of hideous fuzzy gargoyle, glaring directly at Moglow as he spoke in a much lower and much more menacing tone. "It was you, wasn't it!? You home-wrecking pom-blighted bastard."
Moglow, to his credit, was unfazed by the other moogle's outburst, he climbed back into his seat and shoved Kuparl back across the desk, his gaze was stern- stern enough to silence the raging moogle across from him as he spoke in a clear and authoritative tone. "I met with Kupolina specifically because she wanted to help you get back on your feet." He leaned across the table, neatly folding his tiny fingers together. "But you kept failing to pay your debts, and she left you. Then months later, she came back to ask for help funding Kuparl Junior's education."
"Boy wanted to be a business man like his pa- kupo..." Kuparl muttered under his breath.
"No, he wanted to be a conjurer." Moglow shot back quickly. "I helped them both out, and one thing lead to another, kupo. I still wanted to give you a chance to set your life back on track, though- so I took this meeting." He reached down and opened his desk, sliding another drawer open. "But I can see now why Kupolina told me not to bother, kupo. So I've got one last deal for you."
Plunk! A sizable bag of Kupo nuts dropped onto the table, Kuparl's eyes widened as he glanced between it and Moglow, who elaborated. "Either come back with someone to co-sign for a loan and do things the proper way, or take that bag of kupo nuts and never come back."
Kuparl scoffed, and then scoffed, and then scoffed one more time for good measure. "Just who do you think you're talkin' to, kupo!? Tryin' to give Kuparl Mogalewski an ultimatum!?" He scoffed a fourth time. "You got some big kupo nuts on you, alright! Well you can take your handout and SHOVE it!" The moogle banged his hands down on the table, and then quickly scooped the bag up, glancing into it really quickly. "This- um.." He faltered. "That's a lotta...Khm.." He cleared his throat and put the bag back on the table. "That's a lotta BUNK is what it is. Kupo!" Kuparl hopped up out of the chair and floated up with a defiant flap of his tiny wings. "You've gotta do better than that! You scraggly son of a flurble, kupo!" He shot his tiny hand forward and grabbed the bag before turning and hurling it out the door, sending the bag careening to the forest floor far below. "THAT'S what I think o' yer handout!" He then flapped his way over to the door and angrily turned back to glare at Moglow, who was sitting at his desk looking positively unimpressed. "You'll RUE the day you insulted Kuparl Mogalewski, you hear me!? RUE it kupo!" The incensed moogle then slammed the door so hard that it bounced back open, but he was already gone, speeding down towards the forest floor with an audible "Heh heh hehhh, come to papa, kupo!"
Moglow simply let out a long sigh and reached under his desk, pulling out a small bottle of moggle mog premium reserve and a shot glass. "What a day, kupo."
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cloudcountry · 2 years ago
I’m basing an oc of mine on this fish.
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Not sure what characteristics I should give him, any thoughts?
awww you asked me?? lil old me??? :O this makes my reputation as The Fish Person in twst fandom even more clear to me LMAO
so you picked an anglerfish!!! which is a lovely pick!!! they're super cool and even though their mating is creepy as hell i love them!!!
since they live deep the ocean, i would think a darker personality with the occasional smile as a nod to the light used to catch prey? anglerfish are deceptive as hell so that could work too!! also, anglerfish are aggressive and territorial. C:<
also, since the anglerfish has some serious teeth, maybe give them braces!!! i think that'd be cute C:
since the anglerfish dont have scales they're probably really squishy so maybe like,,, sensitive skin???
ALSO i'd say since their eyes typically show up as alike,, a white ish color on camera, maybe give them a silvery eye color? i think that'd be neat!!
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d20fuckability · 2 years ago
Best Of: Wuvvy, our bewuvved
"Unhinged dyke representation"
"She does everything for her best friend whos shes unrequitedly in love with AND she can beat u up im groveling"
"This choice might be controversial bc undying devotion is definitely not for everyone. However, I think theres something here both the "I could fix her" crowd and the "whatever she has going on is at least sexy" crowd. Also who doesnt want to fuck the fae? Sometimes an emotionally unavailable fuck is what everyone needs."
"This is my own personal bias but she's just sooo sexy. Imagine if you were a tragic satyr woman hopelessly in love with your best friend but they fell for someone else. Also you can go feral and fuck bitches up. Ppl should be spreading their legs everywhere she goes"
"....... hear me out. first of all Aabria Iyengar. you can't blame me. Second of all furries and monster fuckers need representation and she is that. Again also extremely devoted she deserves the best"
"The Yearning. THE Yearning. the YEARNing. The yearning!!! THE YEARNING. the yearning. the YEARNINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! The Yearni-
also while normally I suspect she craves to please Rue *no matter what*, if she were to one day snap & let out some pent-up feelings while in her feral form that'd be pretty neat-o I reckon :)"
"i love her and i think she does so much for the monsterfucker community who want their animalistic companions to be a little submissive also what’s hotter than total devotion"
"Wuvvy <3"
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thedemises · 1 year ago
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contains! . . .  get to know me a little better! :D, don't whine about the word "sex" normalize it already 😒, a mention of the Tragedy Of The Andes, nothing really too serious! :D notes! . . .  tysm for the tag, my best buddy ring @ringdabel!!!!!! 😭😭 I was going to post this WAY earlier but forgot about it so- 💀 (oh and, I have an ao3 account now >:))) i use the same username as the one I have rn-)
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LAST SONG : Farben by Orange Sector.
► Farben is quite a great German song I stumbled upon on YouTube while scrolling for a video to watch out of boredom. I truly recommend listening to it! man, do I love songs from other countries...
FAVORITE COLOR : any shade of any color!
► im sorry I just CAN'T choose a color when all of them are sooooo pretty!!!! 😭😭😭 I mean, most of the them... some are just kinda not my vibe 😃 like neon yellow or hot pink- but honestly, any shades of blue and green are my personal favorites :]]
LAST MOVIE : Alive (1994, Adventure/Thriller Film).
► I watched it by myself cuz my mom REFUSES to watch it bc it's based off an actual incident that happened and it contains acts of cannibalism- I don't remember much of it?- but I assume I enjoyed it, oh and I also watched the documentary(?) of the Andes Plane Crash Incident and it was great (pls don't think of me as a weirdo- I just like watching real crime/murder/etc. documentaries sometimes 😭)
SWEET/SPICY/SAVOURY : any flavor for me really! depending what I feel like tasting rn.
► any flavor is fine with me and I love all of them! I can't really pick what kind of flavor if I was told what kind of flavor would I eat for the rest of my life- spicy is really good depending on the food!! :D
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Single and ain't looking for anyone 🔥🔥
► I'm aroace y'all if you didn't really know?- (aromantic asexual) which means I really am not attracted to anyone romantically or sexually! I hope you respect that (plus my mom forbids me and all of my siblings from dating anyone 💀 (not that'd i would actually date or have sex at all)
LAST THING I GOOGLED : yokai that sucks blood.
► pls don't ask. :,) the only explaination i could give is that i made a few ocs inspired by yokai- plus i think it'll be kinda cool to make a yokai oc who sucks blood for a possible scenario- but maybe that's just me :,)
► okay so- I've gotten a little too carried away when creating OCs cuz now I have like 82 of them and 47 other side OCs.. 😓😦 but am I gonna stop? no! :D i love creating OCs either having different nationalities, ages, genders, traits, appearances, names, origins, and etc.! though I probably wouldn't be using like,, half of them for something, I just think they're neat! :DDD there's probably nothing stopping me from doing this! and if you don't like it, just go on about your day and ignore this!! :DDDD
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tags!!! . . .  @gummyshark-soda, @starracoonagain, @freelyhappycycle, @trashiest-person
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slanax · 2 years ago
so the podcast playlist ran out at work earlier today and left me with just music and my thoughts while I continued packaging products on autopilot. Now over the last month or so I've done a lot in my day to day life to stop stagnating and settling for 'good enough' as far as like household and stuff is concerned, I finally upgraded my phone and phone plan after like five and ten years respectively, I bought new clothes that actually fit me instead of the holdovers from back in the day that I was still wearing, my kitchen now has an actual workspace bc I've rearranged my furniture and added some more - shoutouts to my mom who wanted the doors off of my ikea cupboards so she'd have a matching set for the ones I left at home (the kind I had wasn't in store anymore) bc her offering to drive me to Ikea to get replacements triggered a bit of a binge in rearranging my whole apartment and let me transport the new stuff home too. Visiting my brother made me cook more and eat healthier bc he showed me the burgers he's cooking up when he needs something fast but like, with standards.
anyways. rambling. point is that the whole thing got me thinking about other things in my life that I'm kinda 'eh good enough' on, and the big one there is my identity and my body. Me being cis is, at least at this point, a conscious choice born from indifference, the factory settings work well enough and it'd be effort to even start looking into what I'd have to do to change them. But at the same time, it doesn't feel super cis for my position to be "yeah I'd prolly trans my gender if given the chance but that sounds like I'd have to file shit and call people and bureaucracy would be involved. But I would. But the effort." like I'm remembering Ranma 1/2 from my childhood and think that'd be neat to be able to do, just switch genders at the drop of a literal bucket, I feel that's not a very cis thought.
so then about two weeks ago my workplace gave us access to some health benefits, because they're feeling bad about keeping the warehouse people a bit out of the loop and removed from the office people, and also they're having trouble finding new people and really don't want any of us to quit, or something along those lines. Point is I have better health insurance now, based on a calender year budget, so I basically have an above average budget for the second half of this year now and I wanna make use of that, because it's a use-it-or-lose-it kinda deal. Now I don't know if I can use that for any gender affirming stuff, but I might.
The problem that remains is that I still couldn't care less for going through the whole rigamaroll of a social transition, but like. staying on-paper cis and continuing to use my given name to avoid all those complications, legally still being the same person and just looking different (might need a new ID if I go that far lol) doing whatever the fuck I want with my body in the meantime without it ever affecting my legal identity because it's not a deadname if I'm still just using it, it doesn't actually give me dysphoria, and they can't force me to change my name just because I have boobs, might be what I want? And then maybe I can consider a legal gender and/or name change from there?
idk on one hand it sounds like something I'd want to do but on the other hand I also feel it's not like, committed enough? like both on a practical level where I need a doctor to help me transition physically while still using the same (male) name, and on an ideological level where it feels like appropriation in a way to just want the body and the appearance but skipping over the whole paperwork thing because I can't be arsed while for a lot of people changing name and officially recognized identity is a just as if not more important aspect of transitioning.
genuinely can't tell on my own if that standpoint is a valid one, if I'm right to be hesitant for that reason or if that's an exclusionist brainworm take, would appreciate feedback and second opinions on that part especially
either way I am going to look into using my newfound health benefits for getting my facial hair lasered first and foremost because even if I stay physically 100% male that shit is annoying, I don't care for how it looks on me, I feel messy when it's there and can't be assed to shave it regularily. Avoiding effort is a key part of my identity either way whether I'm Cis+ or Legally Cis For Tax Reasons
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