#ben twisters
Cathy: Hey, where are Kate and Tyler?
Javi: *sigh* They're racing down to the courthouse.
Cathy: Uh, why?
Javi: Because I had to spend the last four hours hearing them argue over whose last name sounds better. So I told them whoever marries the other first should get to choose. They were shouting out the door and until I couldn't see them anymore.
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kaizsche · 20 days
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tyler flirting with kate TWISTERS (2024)
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kai-ninjago · 27 days
Twisters clip— Dead End Road by Jelly Roll
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logan-bear-bear · 1 month
I need more people talking about Dexter and Ben and Lily and Dani and Boone and that one guy from Storm PAR who said “Chase it” when we meet the wranglers and Addy and Jeb and Praveen and Kate and Tyler and Javi and Scott and Kathy and and
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pey0805 · 8 days
Twisters prompt:
(Tyler/Kate) 🌪️
After Tyler and Kate leave the airport, Tyler gets arrested for the destruction of property he committed with his truck and Kate goes to bail him out of jail.
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winterfieldfrontiers · 2 months
My OTP in Twisters movie
Trevor Owens X Boone
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Scott X Javi
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Dexter X Ben
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Lily X Dani
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americanhoney913 · 1 month
Can you please explain why you think each animal in your daemon post represents each character’s personality?
These are just my thoughts on why each daemon was chosen. Thank you for asking about them!
Kate's kestrel- I really wanted to give Kate a bird and I think she would have one that can be found in OK. Especially since she is so tied to where she comes from. And her kestrel represents freedom for Kate, the ability to sense and ride the wind. She's also opportunistic, patient, and precise in action. Which is something a kestrel represents. She's observant and able to predict/sense patterns in the wind. But I didn't want a big bird of prey, so I chose a kestrel.
Tyler's Redbone Coonhound- Tyler's got a strong will and will follow his instincts. He's reliable, strong, and loyal to those he loves. He's also really enthusiastic about what he loves. When you've learned his loyalty, he'll stop at nothing to protect you. I think a coonhound fits him and I went with a redbone because, well, Tyler's really associated with red in the movie, so it fits.
Javi's raccoon- Javi's adaptability helped me pick out a raccoon for him. Yes, they're trash pandas, which I think fits Javi's snacking habit. They're not always trustworthy but I think they're courageous and can represent change. Because Javi changes a lot during the movie, which I love for his character arc.
Boone's hyena- I really chose Boone's hyena because of how much he loves life and how bright his laughter is. I can see him and his daemon sharing a laugh because of everything. He's the one who's going to tell people to lighten up, relax, and take life a little easier. But he can also be serious and extremely protective of who he considers his family. And he works really well in a group, which hyenas are known to do.
Lily's Great Eared Nightjar- The Great Eared Nightjar feels very much like it would be a great companion for Lily. She, like, Kate, seems to be drawn more towards the sky than the ground. In a different way than Tyler or the other Wranglers. Nightjars can represent intuition and remembering to be aware. I also think it's perfect for Lily because she would have a daemon that's really unique. People nicknamed it the Dragon Bird and if anyone's going to have a cool daemon, it's Lily.
Dani's opossum- It was hard to come up with daemons for characters that don't have their backstory or character fleshed out too much throughout the film. However, thanks to those in the Twisters discord, we were able to figure out which daemon to give to Dani. Opossums are opportunistic, resourceful, and considered strategists. Dani just gives me the same kind of vibe.
Dexter's bearded dragon- Dexter is another character that doesn't get too much backstory/character fleshing out as a tertiary character. And, again, Twisters discord coming to my rescue. They're adaptable and resilient. I think Dexter very much gives off a "dad of the group" vibe which fits the wise teacher representation of a bearded dragon.
Ben's hedgehog- I thought it would be really cute if Ben had something small enough to fit in his pocket. Small and prickly but also meant to represent protective, introverted, and cautious. Which fits Ben very well. Although he seems to change at the end of the movie, his daemon would have Settled long before he decided to write about American storm chasers.
Cathy's Tobiano American Paint- Cathy's horse represents just how tied she is to where she lives. Horses can mean strength and freedom but they can also mean guidance and forward movement. A pillar of strength for Kate, even if Kate wouldn't accept it. Courage and dedication, which Cathy is. She's loyal to Kate and her friends and her farm. I wanted her to have a beautiful horse and an American Paint is perfect.
Addy's clouded leopard- I picked Addy's daemon based on the fact that clouded leopards are extremely good climbers. Which is harsh because Addy can't climb up the ledge. But, looking further into what a clouded leopard can represent, it really does fit her. They're inquisitive and love to explore. Less cautious as well, which is what we see with Addy vs Praveen in the car before the storm. This is another character that obviously doesn't get much screen time but I'm working with what little we're given.
Praveen's burrowing owl- Like Addy and Jeb, we don't get much in the way of knowing this character before the end of the first scene. But, I believe that he would have a burrowing owl because they represent being grounded, which also helps when we learn Praveen got struck by lightning. He's resilient for that but is cautious in the face of the storm, like a burrowing owl.
Jeb's black bear- I think Jeb is probably really protective of his friends. He seems to balance Kate, to ground the rest of the group in the little time we get to know him. He probably has a great deal of patience. Jeb seems to like sleep but isn't lazy. He's also got quick thinking and problem solving.
Scott's asp viper- Scott seems like a slippery snake so we in the Twisters discord group thought an asp would be good. Snakes can be seen as protectors but also be deceitful. And I think Scott falls in line with the latter.
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Sky Above Oklahoma
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Chapter 1
Tessa Owens is four years younger the her older brother Tyler Owens, they have been joined at the hip since Tessa was born. Tyler has always taken his big brother role very seriously, even scaring off boys he didn’t think were good enough for her.
Tessa always wanted to be like her big brother, but her parents wouldn’t let her bull ride so chose to run barrels. But made sense for Owens's kids to follow in their parent's footsteps their mom was a pro barrel racer and their dad was a bull rider. He stopped once Tyler was born but encouraged his kids to follow their dreams. Tessa did four years on a rodeo scholarship at the U of A for meteorology and minored in photography, she was on Storm Par before she found out who Rigs was, she’s also Javi Rivera
Tyler and Tessa stopped by their parent's house before heading up to Oklahoma, Tessa would leave her truck there and ride with Tyler and Boone up “Tyler you bring your sister back down here alive.” Their mom said, “I always do mama.” He said hugging her “Tes keep both these boys in line.” Their mom said pointing to both Boone and Tyler, Boone he known the family since he was in middle school, and he would help Tyler get ready before his rides “Mama I don’t think I can.” She laughed hugging her the three walked out “How do I always end up in the back.” She said crossing her arms “You're the baby.” Boone said hugging her “Get off me.” She said shrugging her brother's best friend off “Oh you love me.” Boone said smiling “Not right now.” She said getting in the truck, Javi messaged her earlier saying his crew was in Oklahoma, she hated one of his partners Scott, to the man was a dick and not to mention who they worked for “Tes you can have the front seat.” Boone offered her “No it’s fine.” She said buckling up, they met with the others before heading out to Oklahoma
When they pulled into the gas station Tessa saw the Storm Par trucks and smiled to herself, Javi noticed when Tessa got out of her brother's truck and smiled, he messaged her “You going to say hi to them?” Tyler asked her, “Nah.” She said, shaking her head, she went in with the rest of the crew “Look at them nice shirts no wrinkles.” Lily said, “Looks like they are ready for church.” Boone said, “Hey I used to wear that.” She said looking at them both “Thank God you don’t anymore.” Lily said, putting her arm around Tessa “Not going to hold the door?” “Too heavy?” Dani questioned Boone, as Tessa walked out she stopped to look around “You know your brother has an effect.” Javi said standing next to her “I know.” She sighed looking at him, “Hey, be careful setting it up.” She smiled at him, “I will be.” He said he wanted to grab her hand, but her brother was there “When can we tell him?” Javi asked her “I don’t know, they don’t like you, well the guy that is your investor.” She said, looking at him, “I know.” He said looking down “I gotta go, I'll see you later.” She smiled before walking to her brother's truck “I thought you weren’t going to say hi?” Tyler questioned her “Shut up.” She said they drove off the same way Storm Par did, her brother passed Javi and sped off to the tornado, she made sure her camera was ready to go to get pictures of the storm, they drove into the storm and set off fireworks as soon as it passed, Tessa realized she should have been with the others to get the shots
Later that night they all went to the hotel, Tyler fixing something on the truck everyone was gathered around the truck, “city girl!” Tyler called seeing Kate, the grouped whooped, it made Kate stop “The cells to the west will choke each other out she said.” Tyler looked at Kate “And the one to the east will put on a show.” “Well didn’t throw you of the scent.” Kate said “See that what makes Tyler famous.” Boone said pointing at Tyler “You mean on YouTube?” Kate questioned her tone going higher “Uh, y-yeah we’re- were on the YouTube.” Boone stuttered over his words “We got what? About a million subscribers now, huh?” Boone questioned the group in sure “Yes sir.” Lily and Tessa both said “Kate what?” Ben asked, Kate gave Ben a confused look “Your surname, just incase I include you in my piece.” Ben said getting ready to write it down “Oh um, just Kates fine.” Kate said nodding “She’s a tricky one.” Tyler smirked “Actually you made a good call earlier. The other cell it looked stronger but the cap never broke.” Boone said, Tessa nodded agreeing with Boone “What’s a cap?” Ben questioned, it wasn’t to anyone in particular “It’s the temperature inversion in the mid part of the lower atmosphere. It inhibits a storm from forming.” Dexter said, Boone and Tessa nodded “Right. Okay. Good.” Ben said “Where you guys all meet? Did you, uh, did you study meteorology at the U of A?” Kate asked the group, the group laughed “No. No.” Dexter laughed shaking his head “All right, Kate, Me? You know, I just flow with the wind. You know what I’m saying.” Boone said holding his arms up and moving “Boone be careful.” Tessa said where she was sitting on top of the truck “Yeah, I-I never went to, like, school or nothing. Um, Tyler, he-he studied metrology, though, so did Tes.” Boone said pointing to the siblings “Him?” Kate questioned shocked “Yeah. You know, he’s a cowboy scientist, you know. He’s got this natural instinct.” Boone said getting cut off by Tyler “Okay, Boone.” Tyler said speaking over Boone “He taught me everything I know so.” Boone said “Boone that enough.” Tyler said looking at his best friend “You know, our crews not like your crew, Kate. We don’t need PhDs and fancy gadgets to do what we do. I guarantee you these guys have seen more tornadoes than anyone else in this lot combined.” Tyler said pointing to his group “Is that right?” Kate asked him “Do think there’s a chance we’ll see one tomorrow?” Ben asked looking up at Kate “Oh-yeah.” Dani and Boone said at the same time “Out break baby.” Boone said adding a little yip at the end “You know if you keep up maybe we’ll put you in the episode.” Tyler said grabbing his beer and taking a sip of it “Wow.” Kate said amazed, Tyler smirked at Kate “Where you chasing tomorrow.” Tessa asked her, she knew Kate was good. She heard the story’s for Javi when he wanted to tell them “Oh, no, no, no. Not falling for that again. Kates from New York you. Can’t trust a thing she says.” Tyler said looking at his sister “Well, can always trust a guy that puts his face on T-Shirt.” Kate said and then walked away. There was a bunch of ohs from the group. Tyler smiled and watched Kate walk away “man that was good.” Boone said “Oh my, God look at his face.” Lily said “That was spicy wasn’t?” Boone questioned. Tyler looked back down at what he was fixing. Tessa went to get off the truck, once she was down she grabbed her bag “I’m going to head to bed.” Tessa said, “Oh come on Tes.” Boone said, holding out a beer “No, I'm tired.” She said shaking her head, she walked to her room and got changed before heading to Javi’s room, he had sent her his room number earlier.
She knocked and Javi answered the door, his hair was still wet from the shower he had taken, he smiled and he brought her into the room, they laid on the bed “Why were so far?” She questioned him “Kate got scared.” He shrugged “Oh.” She said looking at him “I don’t blame her, it's her first tornado in five years.” He said looking down at her, “You get any good pictures?” He asked her, she shook her head “Why not?” He questioned her “It disappeared too fast.” She sighed “Also I was worried about you.” She said looking at him “That was cool, your brother shooting fireworks into it.” He smiled, he did think it was cool some of the stuff Tyler did, did he agree with his methods hell no he didn’t, Tessa laid her head over his heart, and listened to it as she traced random patterns along his abdomen as he ran his hand up and down her arm “This feels like old times.” He chuckled, “It does.” She smiled at him, Javi reached down and brought the covers around them and pulled Tessa closer to him before they both fell asleep.
When Tessa woke up it was one am. She needed to get to her room, so she left a note for Javi and stole his hoodie, before heading back to her room, she fell back asleep she was woken up by a knock on her door “Tessa rise and shine.” Boone yelled through the door “I’m going.” She yelled back, she got dressed and threw on Javi’s hoodie, before gathering her stuff and heading downstairs, she was with the crew getting stuff ready for the day “You sleep okay.” Boone asked her “Yes I sleep good every night do I wish it was my own bed hell yes.” She smiled at him, she watched as her brother talked to Kate and then Kate walk off “Here we go.” She mumbled “Pack up the burrito we got a winner.” Tyler said, “Lily get your drone in the air we need your video stream.” Tyler said, “Ride with us.” “Northwest 10 o’clock.” Dexter said hitting his iPad “That’s the one.” Tyler said getting antsy “Let’s ride.” Dexter laughed as he went to the caravan, Tessa hopped in the caravan, and Tessa messaged Javi good luck, Tessa laughed as they passed Storm Par “Let go.” Tessa said, “You are way too into this this morning.” Dani laughed shaking her head “No they did not just pass us.” Tessa said looking as Javi and Kate passed them “Shit.” Tessa said looking at the twin tornadoes “There’s a name for that.” Dexter stammered “Just enjoy it, man.” Dani said “Fujiwhara Effect.” Dexter yelled remembering it, Tessa watched the tornadoes “Already got Tyler we gotta make a choice left or right?” Dani asked over the radio “Alright we’re taking the right.” Tyler said over the radio “Okay let’s go right.” Tessa said, they left the Storm Par and went towards the right twin. Tessa watched as the tornado disappeared, and the crew got out and watched the other one “Hey we should have gone with her.” Dani said, Tessa watched the tornado knowing Javi was going to be right in the path of it “Come on.” She whispered while watching it, Tessa turned away and went to the truck and got in “What’s up with her.” Boone asked Tyler “Have no clue.” Tyler said, shaking his head, Tessa opened her door “It's heading for town.” Tessa yelled at the group, they drove to town and helped where they could, Tyler and Boone were looking for a lost dog, and Dexter, Dani, Lily, and Tessa were passing out food and water to people, Tessa watched Javi he walked to the Storm Par car and sighed “I hate the investor.” Tessa mumbled.
“Tessa.” Tyler said nodding his head towards the truck “Where we going?” She questioned him “Rodeo.” He said they had taken food to Kate before, going to the rodeo and watching Tessa listen to her brother and Kate “You ever seen anything like this city girl?” He asked her “You keep calling me that.” Tyler looked at Kate “You know I grew up on a farm, yeah Sapulpa. Couple hours from here.” Kate said putting her hands on her legs “This ain’t my first rodeo.” She said, “Yeah, learn something about you.” Tyler said looking at Kate, Tessa listened as her brother and Kate kept talking she kinda felt like a third wheel though, she wondered what Javi was doing, “I’m going back to the truck.” She said getting up “You not staying.” Tyler asked looking up at her, she shook her head, on her walk back she felt the wind pick up and started running to the truck to check the radar, she opened the door and turned on her laptop “Shit.” She said she heard the sirens, she got out of the truck and ran inside, she heard her brother and Kate asking questions “Do have a storm shelter?” Kate asked, “Maybe a basement?” Tyler asked “There’s a line here buddy.” A guy said, “We need to get these people underground now.” Tyler said, “Okay there’s no tornado 9 times out of 10 it’s false alarm.” A gal said fanning herself “We gotta find shelter fast.” Kate said, “Everybody come with me.” Kate said everyone ran to the pool, Tessa helped the little girl and mom into the opening along with Kate, Tessa closed her eyes as she held on to a pipe, Tessa could feel tears in her eyes, and she could hear the wind howling and then it stopping, they all got out and looked around. Tessa was standing looking around when she heard her name “Tes.” Boone yelled running to her “You okay.” He asked her, she nodded her head and hugged Boone, she looked over and saw Kate and Javi and Scott said something “You're shaking.” Boone said he could feel Tessa shaking, he didn’t know if it was her brush with death or the fact it was raining
Tyler saw Kate leaving and then saw his sister and Boone being approached by Javi “Hey you okay?” Javi asked her “She’s fine Storm Par.” Boone said, “Boone I’m going to grab my hoodie.” She said nodding towards Tyler’s truck, Javi followed her “You okay?” He asked, “Maybe ask me when I’m not coming to terms with the fact that I almost died.” She said not looking at him “Tes.” He said grabbing her hand, she looked up at him “Did you know?” She questioned him “About the storm on the radar?” He asked her “Did you know?” She questioned him, but he didn’t answer her “Javi answer the damn question.” She yelled, “I knew, it didn't look like it would amount and then it got its hook.” Javi said frustration in his voice “Thought you were supposed to tell me. Even if we aren’t on the same team.” She said before walking away from him “Tessa.” Javi yelled after her “Go get your data for that guy.” She yelled back and walked to her brother's truck
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tylrowens · 1 month
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This one to the east has the sky all to herself.
Twisters (2024)
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kateowens · 20 days
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Twisters (2024)
+ Bonus (aka what I see)
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allaboutalf · 2 months
Not enough people are talking about Twisters team of queer hillbilly tornado wranglers. That’s a full fruit bowl, including Tyler’s disaster bi cowboy-scientist ass. They’re the rainbow flag of storm chasers, the Young Avengers of meteorology.
What is their story? How did they meet? Did Tyler put an advert out for his crew like ‘must be hot, hets need not apply’?
Need a movie solely focused on their adventures being gay and chasing tornadoes. They were the story.
*Honorary members Ben and Kate pictured
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Tyler: I would let you ruin my life. Kate: I'm busy ruining my own. You'll have to wait.
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kaizsche · 22 days
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tyler, do we know which storm we're going after yet? TWISTERS (2024)
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logan-bear-bear · 19 days
Little fun fact: in Twisters during the El Reno tornado when they’re all hiding in between the chais, Ben holds onto Dani. You can only see it for a brief second but it does happen. I love how Ben really integrated himself into this little family and I am a firm believer that they still keep in regular contact with him after the article comes out.
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amelia-mariee · 1 month
I took my mom to see Twisters because i assumed she’d love Tyler Owens, but she was actually much more focused on that guy Ben. She was so worried about him the entire movie. After Kate’s plan worked and the tornado disappeared, my mom immediately turned to me and went “wait what happened to the British guy? Is he okay?” She was so proud of him for getting his first cowboy hat. She laughed every time he said anything. My mom is Ben’s biggest (and probably only) fan.
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