#that’s her name I’m giving her
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winn-wynn · 4 months ago
Foodcourt Au !!! (Magic Modern Times)
w/ Percy, Oliver, Marcus, Penelope, and Audrey
to start it off it’s the summer before college. They all need jobs to tie them over before school officially starts
Percy works at Smoothie Paradise. He’d be really good at memorizing the recipes. Usually the only one on shift because it doesn’t get that busy. Has fought with a Karen at least once per shift. Has tons of overtime. He needs the money. Manager has talked to him at least for it but at this point lets him have his overtime. Percy is his only regular full time employee.
Penelope works at Cinnabon. She’s really extroverted and friendly with customers. Is very fast and efficient. Always on cashier. Is also the caller to shout out customers names because she has the loudest voice.
Oliver works at Auntie Anne’s. BELIEVES HIS PRETZELS ARE SUPERIOR!!! Runs his little store like a quidditch team. Fast and efficient. Will win. Believes in teamwork but will kick your ass if you’re slacking. Works very fast. Has the pretzel shapes engrained in his mind and hands. Can do it in sleep.
Marcus works at Wetzel’s Pretzels. HIS PRETZELS ARE SUPERIOR OLIVER!!! Works in the back, mostly is the one shaping and baking pretzels. Do not put him on cashier he has no patience. Probably has threatened to kick out customers out at least once per shift.
Audrey works at Panda Express. She loves cooking the back. She does not want to talk to customers. Will do it begrudgingly though. Half -Chinese, so she makes jokes at least once that she’s working for her people even though Panda Express is not authentic. (It’s really Chinese American.) She always cleans as she goes. Refuses to do overtime because of dishes or cleaning the floor. Will get out on time. She will make sure of it.
They all met on accident because they were closing shifts. They all had a similar break time and sat at the food court tables to eat.
Percy knew Oliver from school so they were eating together. Penelope just plopped herself down and declared she was going to be friends with them because she’s seen them around school. Percy and Oliver just let it happened. They were to shocked. Percy didn’t mind. Oliver was like bombastic side eyes. Penny won Oliver over by her knowledge of quidditch.
Penelope brought Audrey over. They were friends before. Funnily enough Audrey brought Marcus over because she likes drama. She just thought Oliver and Marcus has a lot in common.
Oliver and Marcus were Not Happy TM. They fought like cats and dogs. They growled at each other once. Percy was not amused. He locked them in a janitors closet and said to sort it out.
They did it eventually. They’re still rivals and agreed to a truce. They still fight though.
Obviously, Oliver and Marcus are rivals. They work at different pretzels shops. They go over and fight each other at their place at least twice per shift. Percy is unfortunately stationed next to them and has to stop their fights. Penelope is across from them and watches while eating her cinnamon rolls. Audrey watches exasperated but she can’t say shit because her and Penny bet on when Percy will snap or who will win the fight.
That’s all I have for now. Tell me if you want more !!!
Also in case you don’t read tags, which fair I write goddamn essays, im Chinese. So please don’t take the Panda Express joke too seriously. I make that joke everytime I eat there.
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cowgyaru · 7 months ago
‘does she go to the brothel for girls or boys!???’ now you know damn well
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amoritasart · 2 months ago
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Don’t meet your heroes?
I like the idea of Philip taking odd jobs to survive before finally deciding on slaughtering everyone.
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The Beginning
:) I said I was going to write this lol. Hope you guys like it sorry for my words and stuff if you seen my other posts you can tell I have bad grammar
Anyway enjoy the story
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Danny doesn’t know how long his been flying and it’s starting to take its toll and if he doesn’t see clockworks tower soon he’ll have to stop and take a break ( not to mention being incredibly injured )
Especially with him now being pregnant… whoa that’s really weird to say
As danny was thinking of that that’s when he saw Clockworks tower Danny let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding
Was it because of seeing a familiar face
Or was it the knowledge that They couldn’t hurt him anymore
Danny shakes his head like he’s trying to get rid of the thought. As Danny gets closer to the tower he stops flying and just floats to the main entrance of the tower ( he will most definitely fall if he doesn’t and he knows that ) there at the entrance is clockwork floating there as Danny sees him he starts to speed up and as soon as he reaches clockwork and just cry’s like the child he is…
Clockwork knew this had happened in other timelines.
Some where Danny ends up in a GIW facility being a experiment
Or where Danny goes on the run from the GIW or his own parents
Or where clockwork had hoped with all his core this timeline would be like where Danny’s parents loved him even if he was a halfa ( even if this universe is one of the rarest of all the timelines )
But when he saw Danny hold on to him like it’s the only thing that is keeping him from getting even more hurt than he already is
Danny has multiple cuts and bruises from different weapons and angles from where he was running and it looks like one of his ankles is barely holding on to a thread the bone is most likely shattered and there are multiple deep cuts around his neck like someone was trying to put a collar on him more specifically a shock collar that looks like it got a good few shocks in if the bit of burns on his neck were anything to go off of. And Danny has fallen asleep on him
Clockwork smiles softly at this and picks Danny up and brings him up to his tower he summons a bed to put Danny on while he heals him the best he can but some of the cuts around his body are going to scar and the cuts around his neck are some of the worse injuries that he’s seen on the boy in this timeline and the only ones this bad in this timeline. Now where would the boy go? Clockwork can’t take care of him and with his human half it would be impossible for him to live in the ghost zone so where would he go..? Clockwork thought about it for a few minutes before he remembered something a dimension and pocket dimension to be specific it has everything the boy could ever need but it does have a population of snakes that take care of the little place they call home and are not afraid of fighting off others if they are not a part of the nest but the boy does seem to like snakes what is it he called them once ‘danger noodles’ if he’s remembering correctly the boy always finds away to be endearing clockwork thinks before he goes to get the portal to the dimension this place will be the perfect place for Danny to live in with his unborn child he is currently caring for.
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That’s all for the first part I hope you guys like it! Sorry if it’s a bit short this is my first time writing a fic. And the second part will be out soon anyway byeeeee (also here are the people who asked to be tagged I hope you guys enjoy the story)
@thatoneweirdshipper @phantasama @siluver
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doctorsiren · 6 months ago
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he’s mad she ratted him out
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lunar-years · 7 months ago
Surfing is kind of the best, I have found the perfect sport to watch whilst knitting. Each heat is 30 minutes long and often mostly nothing happens so you just get to listen to soothing ocean noises until the commentators start popping off because a good wave has come along. Then you get to look up and see hot people surfing rad waves for a hot sec. A whale just breached in the background of the women’s semifinals? Incredible stuff.
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cosmiclumalee · 17 days ago
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Been watching/reading the Urusei Yatsura anime and manga lately. I also really wanted to make ship art of these two for the longest time, we have a very big soft spot for them. For those who might not know, this was based off the anime’s first and very catchy OP.
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embv · 1 month ago
I think everyone’s subscribing to the “Helena Infiltration Theory” WAYY too quickly. I kinda feel like a lot of the oddities in the way she was acting could be chalked up to something else, and defaulting to “that’s not Helly” feels a lot like… I don’t know, like brushing off character flaws by saying, “No, [X] is possessed! That’s not actually them!”
I’d probably buy into it a bit more if she didn’t have that moment in the halls with Mark where she fervently said, “We’re not the same, actually. Us and the outies, we’re not.”
There are reasons why Helly would want to lie about her identity, and chief among them is the fact that she hates her outie—desperately wants to place distance between them, desperately wants to convince herself that the person she saw wasn’t her.
But there are compelling reasons for both angles, and I can’t say that I won’t be scanning future episodes for hints to either prove or disprove this, so… cheers, 🥂.
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purplecatghostposts · 8 months ago
Concept: Mouse Holder Félix. He’s everywhere.
His powers allow him not only to multiply himself, but essentially control a hive mind of tiny versions of him? He immediately sees allll the things he can keep an eye on at one time.
Adrien opens his bag and yelps because a tiny Mouse!Félix is there like, “Finally, I’ve been waiting to talk to you for at least half an hour.” and Adrien is like, “You couldn’t have texted??” and Félix replies with, “No, this is more discreet. Also more dramatic. Anyways-”
Kagami is enamored with Mouse!Félix. She can hold him in the palm of her hand. He chills in her pocket. She can sneak him into any place she wants. There are many benefits to Mouse!Félix.
I also just imagine there’s like, a spy network of many Félixs watching the city and tracking down leads. However even if he manages to bypass the timer and not detransform, I do think he probably gets killer migraines from being in Multitude for too long due to needing to process what every version of him is experiencing at once and getting major overstimulation after a while. Do you see my vision.
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the-star-rigel · 5 months ago
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vera, sister of minnie.
Vera - Wikipedia / unknown / Agnus, Korobov / Sharp Objects, Gillian Flynn / Summer Years, Death Cab for Cutie / unknown / Little Red Riding Wolf, Jason Schneiderman / The Fates Gathering in the Stars, Elihu Vedder / Evelyn Evelyn, Evelyn Evelyn / Family Tree (Intro), Ethel Cain / Like the Wolf, Erin Elizabeth Smith / The Wolf and the Lamb, Jean-Baptiste Oudry / from “Ðôi Mói,” Diana Khoi Nguyen / When the Chips are Down, Anaïs Mitchell / Quora
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DPxDC media story prompt
Okay first off, this sort of thing has been done before, but here’s a different version involving Jazz Fenton.
Popular in DPxDC fanfic is that the GIW have a media blackouts—or whiteouts, there’s kind of a difference, where whiteouts work more like… there is a file, but you can’t edit it or it may be locked out for certain users, or an edited version of events where things are ‘whited out’ like with correction paste, among other definitions.
Point is!
The GIW have a media restriction, and among these is social media, probably with certain words or phrases pinging to location restrict the post. There was probably a phase for a while where the A-Listers tried to get around it, but ultimately failed, and since they could only get information IN rather than information OUT, and possibly still a limited amount of outside information in the first place, social media didn’t take off as much in Amity Park than in other places in the world. There’s still a small local presence, but at this point it’s almost like a city wide chat room than actual social media.
Enter in, Jazz Fenton. She’s chronically behind on trends, so by the time she decides to get on social media, the GIW aren’t being as militant on it. And she has that habit of calling the ghosts by code names instead of their actual names, such as Crate Creep instead of The Box Ghost, or Ghost X instead of Skulker. By pure coincidence of her personal language use and Tucker messing with all of Team Phantom’s phone locaters for easier excuse giving, Jazz manages to dodge all the word censors.
She accidentally creates a whole online story community convinced it’s some kind of altered reality game or role playing game, what have you. Meanwhile, Jazz is letting off steam by ranting online with, of course, made up names of all the people involved. She doesn’t even notice the numbers, and that’s assuming the GIW didn’t just—region lock the ability to see them for whatever reason. The few Amity Parkers on social medias see Jazz, maybe look at a complaint post or two, then move on because this isn’t even an unusual video inside Amity Park’s social media sphere.
Heck, PHANTOM has a social media presence and he’s done several rant videos too! One particularly famous one is him complaining about keeping his boots and gloves white while being chased and one of the GIW agents actually stops and gives him advice before shooting at him again.
Those outside Amity Park, of course, only see Jazz’s videos. And she has no idea that she has an entire online presence and mild amounts of online fame. And again, almost everyone thinks the whole thing is just a fun little game, if oddly detailed.
Until, that is, a certain young man by the name of Bernard comes in. One of the few who are totally convinced this is real, he tries to also convince his boyfriend—Timothy Drake-Wayne. Who, in turn, finds it incredibly suspicious that it’s this hard to get news and posts from one random town in the Midwest.
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great-tusk · 8 months ago
I’ve made this rb game in the past, but I wanna do it again! Reblog with an F/O (or more than one!), and I’ll give them a Pokémon!
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rotteneldritchhorror · 29 days ago
I’m sorry but the entire time Max is out after season 4, Eddie is working on making her a cute little battle jacket with cripplepunk, arcade/gamer and skater patches (with a couple patches from Californian brands kindly donated from Argyle) and some cute embroidery done by Nancy
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icarusticrat · 9 months ago
hello i am alive i have drawing to show okay bye
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luuxxart · 9 months ago
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lmao remember when I had FE3H fankids, haha , well. here they are again
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blue-eli · 3 months ago
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Ink October day 22: Teenybopper
A young teenage girl.
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