#that’s heartbreaking oh my godd
kadextra · 8 months
Just realized that memory lapse today was probably the longest one q!bad has ever had so far, bc dapper said he randomly left in the middle of the night & she’d been searching for him for hours. he was wandering around lost for hours. haha im okay :)
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irlplasticlamb · 2 months
I need to know how you feel about the rhaenicent reunion scene
i have so so so many thoughts…. and i’m gonna preface everything by saying i treat hotd as entirely different canon than f&b so i don’t mind the different characterisation and such. i know it’s technically an adaptation but let’s be honest — it’s more of a fanfic and genuinely i enjoy it more than the book.
if we put this scene in a void i think it’s genuinely a wonderful rhaenicent scene with tons of little moments that just highlight their love towards each other (“you speak as if from a distant dream” ESPECIALLY! rhaenyra’s tender smile and the parallels to “i want to fly with you on dragon back, see the great wonders across the narrow sea, and eat only cake” oh my GODD it reminds rhae of a dream because that’s what she’s been dreaming about for YEARS) (also alicent asking rhaenyra to go with her paralleling criston except in this instance rhaenyra doesn’t mock the person. you could almost say if the circumstances were different she WOULD go with alicent) (also ALSO i’m a sucker for role reversal in fiction and the visual representation of rhae becoming caged in her duties and alicent choosing freedom was BEAUTIFUL! honestly the visual language in s2 is incredible)
i do struggle a bit with alicent (seemingly) so easily sentencing her sons to death but considering her insanely complex relationship with the boys it kind of makes sense for her character — aegon and aemond are such complicated little beasts. i do believe alicent loved them but i also believe she was a bad mother — then again, she was a teenage girl FORCED to become a mum and it’s 100% understandable for her to struggle with motherhood. alicent’s very complex and it’s hard not to let the book version of her character muddle the perception of the show one. i don’t want to babble a lot more about this but basically, with a heavy heart i do agree alicent deserves to make a selfish choice. is it still heartbreaking? i think so. aegon and aemond LOVE HER i truly believe that. not every female character has to be 100% morally good. alicent made a choice to save herself, her daughter (who i think she sees herself in so it’s easier for her to empathise, also helaena’s always been good to her) and her granddaughter. we’ll see how it affects the later story. i am just a tiny bit baffled about daeron thing — it seems they don’t have a super strong relationship in the show but alicent is shown to love him still, yet she betrayed him. idk idk!
for rhae, i think this scene mostly makes sense. she’s always had a soft spot for alicent i think, she stood her ground ordering aegon’s death (and, i think, aemond and maybe daeron’s as well. it’s not stated in the dialogue obviously but when you think about it, they do pose danger to her position as queen) but still gave alicent a choice. she did not detain her, she agreed to the plan. again, we’ll see how this all ends up.
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vechter · 5 days
omg hear me out... so what do you think about bruce's voice note thingy about dick in gotham knights? idk if you've heard it bc its from the video game.. though ive never played it myself. the way he talks about wanting dick to come home and acknowledging that nightwing is the better version of what batman was meant to be.. gosh vech my heart! it's soo devastating and tender at the same time, makes me wonder what bruce is rlly thinking after all of those fights and if dick knows what bruce TRULY thinks about him deep down, not just as a partner or a son but as a human being. an extraordinary person whose existence touched many lives including bruce's own.
never played the game but i have heard the voice note! it's sooooo good and heartbreaking. and so on brand for bruce to record all this shit and never communicate it 😭 rmb when he analyzed everyone, including himself, in third person in the gotham knights comic? he's such a Freak <3
i think a lot of the times, dick doesn't know which is why he's always so surprised the rare times bruce is actually able to express it. like rmb when he had to confirm what bruce said to faith in the obsidian age?
but i do think after the adoption, dick feels a lot more secure about his place in bruce's life so he has a vague notion that bruce trusts him. but i doubt he knows the extent of it. one of their main issues will forever be miscommunication/lack of any communication at all.
"I'd tell my son that I miss him. I'll tell him the next time he comes back. He doesn't need me bothering him. He doesn't need me at all."
man that shit broke my heart a little. he doesn't have to need you to want you in his life, bruce!!!! sigh.
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kwop-kilawtley · 1 year
the movies robbed us of so many great bella x jake moments that were in the books… and some were just half-assed with no real impact, such as their breakup in the end of eclipse. the scene in the book is beyond heartbreaking, but in the movie it’s so? meh?? or on a lighter note, the training scene when jake was in wolf form and he licked bella’s face, that was some cute bff shit that i wish they had included. so if you had to pick 3 moments from the books that you wish were in the movies, which would they be? 
We were ROBBEDDDDDDD!!!!! Simply! Okay Literally the end of eclipse is the bane of my existence it ruins me every time and the movie scene was NOTHING. The entire purpose of eclipse was her fighting with the fact that she does love Jacob and that she DOES have to make a choice. So for them to just throw away that end scene with them was horrible. She doesn’t even say she’s in love with him or cry or give us ANYTHING. Also like in the book they were cuddled in bed and then afterwards she was grieving over him and depressed. It’s my biggest issue with all the movies. WE NEEDED THEM CRYING AND CUDDLING AND GRIEVING OVER THEIR LOVE AND LIFE AND FUTURE. WE NEEDED HER TO SAY WHAT SHE SAYS IN THE BOOK that Jacob is her soulmate and she WANTS to stay with him but that she didn’t have a choice. We needed edward being like are you sure? I never seen you so upset… and then bella being miserable about planning the wedding cause she never wanted it.
I also understand why a lot of this fandom is team Edward bc if you only watch the movies it makes sense bc it doesn’t even seem like Jacob is really all that important. In the books he is there ALL the time and all of Bellas best moments are with him. They have more of a romance than Edbella.
Idk if I can just pick 3 tbh….. also this is not counting the end of eclipse but that’s totally my main issue and wish we got it so bad
1. In new Moon Bella having that dinner with Jake & the family pre wolf. She was holding hands with Jacob giggling and being a cute teenager with him & she said she felt genuinely happy for once. GODD I love this scene so much.
2. In new moon where after she jumps off the cliff and they go back to jakes house and she’s changed into his clothes and they’re cuddling and he falls asleep on her.
3. Conversation hearts. Sorry but this has a grip on me and I wish they included it so bad 😭😭😭🫶🏻
But like there’s SOOO many tbh. So many scenes of them in the garage being real and cute. There’s a few scenes in eclipse I am thinking of that were so good.. like when she’s just with him on the beach when she shouldn’t be. There were a few beach meets with them and they’re just so tender ugh. That scene in eclipse where Jake and her are doing dishes together and he accidentally cuts himself and she’s like freaking out. Jacob is in eclipse a LOT and it’s so obvious how much she loves him and how much she’s really trying to be annoyed at him. Which is all revealed in the end ofc. Oh also them trying to find the meadow!! Hiking together unsuccessfully. There’s so many honestly ugh. Feel free to send me some more than you wish were included or scenes in the movies that did not properly portray. OH SPEAKING OF DUHHH THEIR FUCKING KISS IN ECLIPSE???? Bellas inner monologue is so intense it’s such an insane awakening for her and she sees their whole future and the fact they cut that out is HORRIFIC. tbh I think a lot of people skip over Jacob parts. I also think the producers knew that if they portrayed any of this then it wouldn’t be good bc exb is endgame.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Follow up from this post about The Silent Alpha because wow this is wild (also this posr is long as fuck because i basically just started retelling the plot because it's entirely drama now lol:
-Vanessa is one determined bitch, you have to give her that. She actually gets her hands on black market werewolf venom because Christian refuses to turn her and she's read becoming a werewolf can sometimes heal old injuries and she thinks it can give her her fertility back (also she fucked the guy who sold it to her for a discount)
-Vanessa um. Is actually kind of justified for being the way she is. It's revealed that her and Natalia's parents always heavily favored Natalia for being smarter and more talented to the point Vanessa was just openly insulted. Like it gives us some flashbacks and Vanessa goes to show her mom a good report card, mom throws it on the table "what, you want a medal? You should be making the honor roll every time just like your sister. I didn't leave my country for you to not take advantage of your education" but then Vanessa joins the cheer squad and her mother still has no time for her? Just always comparing her to Natalia? And then you know what happens? Vanessa, needing some praise and recognition, goes to a party and winds up getting roofied and raped by a college boy, and after her experience, which she never even told a single person about btw, it traumatized her and she became sexually promiscuous to "erase every single trace that he ever touched me. Sex became like a transaction to me. It's something i can use to my benefit" LIKE Y'ALL THAT'S LITERALLY TRAUMA? I can't exactly sitting here boiling with rage "oh wait youre telling me the big bad villain is a girl who was neglected in her childhood, raped as a teenager, shoved aside as a young adult, and then had her heart shattered as her love found another? Yeah no I actually want her to have something good come here way at this point" So I can 100% completely genuinely understand how Vanessa became this way.
-being hit with the venom, which was specifically supposed to be Alpha werewolf venom, sends her into a delirious coma (it's during this coma we see these glimpses into her past and it's kind of heartbreaking, it kind of just sounds like all she ever wanted was some recognition and praise) where she's fighting for her life for an undisclosed amount of time but it sounds like she's suffering really vivid out of body experiences of being stuck in pitch blackness and falling into water and. At the end of it all? She sees her wolf, a big beautiful strong wolf! Except the Moon Goddes appears and says PSYCH, bitch this WOULD HAVE been your wolf if you had trusted MY PLAN. I had a wolf and a mate who would have the patience and love for you all picked out and you ruined it girl!
-the moon goddess tells her straight up that, you know what, in fact I'm giving this Alpha wolf to your sister instead since you took her mate from her :) which uhhhh I feel like this raises some consent issues but maybe Natalia is going to ask Zane to turn her this time around and then she gets a wolf? But otherwise if Natalia just wakes up as a wolf someday I feel like that raises some red flags
-Vanessa wakes up and finds out Christian's Beta, Derek, is her mate now that she has a wolf. But he instantly pussies out and rejects her because she's the Luna and is already with Christian (even though Dereks wolf literally says outright 'but christian is just planning to replace her when he finds natalia, why dont we just take our mate? We literally dont even have to reject her dude' But Derek doesnt really want Vanessa after seeing what a snake she is). But like, was he supposed to be her mate the whole time? Why did they never feel the mate bond before? It's kind of a plothole
-Vanessa fucking JETS once Derek rejects her and leaves the room to speak with a nurse, who reveals, hey yo Vanessa is like magically healed and she's pregnant? (Presumably with the rogue werewolf's baby since Christian doesn't sleep with her anymore after finding out about Natalia being pregnant years ago) which btw means Vanessa doesn't even know she's pregnant either
-Derek goes to tell Christian that Vanessa is pregnant and Christiain outright tells Derek to kill Vanessa and the unborn pup "because Dakota is his only heir and Natalia is his true mate" like he's obsessed with getting Natalia back, meanwhile Natalia is rising Zane's dick and Dakota has started calling Zane his dad. Like Christian says straight up "get rid of that pup before Dakota and Natalia come back or so help me--"
-honestly? I feel bad for Vanessa. Yeah she did something really shittty and horrible but I understand it. Christian was actually a genuine source of support for her after a lifetime of being looked down on and she lost him to Natalia? I would kill myself. I find it kind of odd the moon goddess felt the need to say "oh, I had it all planned but you ruined it" like clearly it already wasn't working out? You literally mated Natalia with a piece of shit scumbag who wound up betraying her, was that part of the plan too? Like is the moon goddess implying Vanessa is responsible for Christian's actions and that this sort of scenario never would have happened without Vanessa? That Christian never wouod have cheated? That feels like bullshit and doesn't make Christian take accountability at all? And how long is Vanessa supposed to wait for her happiness, for this oh so sacred plan? She's a grown woman in her twenties, like how long is she supposed to wait. I find it a little um insulting and deflective that the story is framed as Vanessa getting her just desserts when it's like uh, actually she had a pretty valid reason for being bitter and a snake, she was literally put down her entire life. Like she's literally a product of her environment? Was it Vanessa's fault her mom treated her like shit and called her an idiot to her face? And really tbh, how good even is moon goddess' oh so beloved plan if you can. Knock it off track. Spoiler alert but if you can uh change your destiny it's not actually your destiny. So. Idk?
-I'm still real bitter about Vanessa actually. Moon G is like "I'm still going to give you a wolf tho, she isn't much but you can become strong together if you work hard" nd Vanessa's new wolf is like small and brown and pitiful and we don't even hear her speak or learn her name unlike the first wolf who literally spoke up and introduced herself, to be honest I'm not sure if the new brown wolf CAN speak? (Edit: Nevermind, its a plot point that humans cannot speak to their new wolves until they are marked which is lowkey really stupid tbh) And isn't it kind of a punishment for this innocent wolf spirit to be given to Vanessa? Unless the wolf spirit is also on some sort of probation? I actually read another story once where when a werewolf dies they burn the body so the wolf spirit can go back to the moon goddess and be reborn again so idk, maybe these are old spirits or something 🤔
-this is, like, a graphic sex audiobook by the way. They give you the whole menagerie of "cunt, pussy, pussy folds, wet hole, hard cock" there's a queef at one point that becomes a recurring joke, like, some of these stories have no erotic, some of them have tasteful erotic, and some of them get naaaaaaasty, like I think literally the whiplash between chapter 3 is Natalia leaving her pack heartbroken and chapter 4 immediately beginning with having Christian fucking Vanessa in graphic detail like it literally transitions from Natalia being betrayed and heartbroken to Christian nose deep in her sister
-backstabbing pussy Gamma Jordan is sent to find out where Natalia was living and gains the trust of her coworkers to get her number and warn her that Christian is going feral and is coming for her and Dakota, as well as Vanessa being infertile
-Christian contacts motherfucking WITCHES to track Dakota and Natalia down because he's too impatient to wait for Jordan. The witches perform a ritual with blood and Natalia's hairbrush and say the God of Chaos heard their plea and can find his family "for a hefty price"
"I can give you all the money you need"
"No, not money, blood"
"Your mother's"
-I have to briefly go out of the order of events to bring up that like 10 chapters later, Christian does in fact kill his own mother and it's CHILLING. His mother, Kay, is genuinely scared and worried for him and asks him out for a run. They shift and are running and playing tag and he's remembering his childhood and he's legitimately fucking broken. He and his mother stop and she tells him she just wants to help, that hes sick, and it's emphasized that he's very meek and quiet while he asks "do you really think I'm sick mom ..?" Like he's actually considering some sort of help
Do you remember how before I mentioned that I felt bad for his wolf Jack. No. No. No. JACK IS THE TRUE VILLAIN OF THIS STORY. Christian is literally being held by his crying mother while Jack is going "KILL HER, SHE TOOK YOUR MATE, SHES A LIAR, KILL HER" and I can't remember if Jack takes over or not but, Christian kills his mother and takes her body back to the witches to perform the ritual and btw the main witch basically makes it obvious she's judging the fuck out of him, literally looking him up and down like "so you actually did it" like yeah girl he's clearly fucking crazy
-knowing Christian is coming after her actually gives Natalia the courage to fully devote herself to her own happiness and she tells Zane to mark her THAT NIGHT (which means a lot since she's been refusing to be marked up to this point because of the trauma of Christian. It caused her horrible pain to break the bond and her mark faded in 3 days, so she got legitimately depressed "those years of love and promises, gone in just 3 days. What did it even mean. What was it even for")
-theres a B plot about like Zane's pack and family and how his mother is still alive and there's gonna be a war because one of the werewolf kings is evil, Zane's dad Sebastian killed the wife of one of his enemies, Toren Ravenstone, his enemy responded by killing Zane's mom, who, resurrected while her body was being brought back to Ravenstone for unknown reasons besides "the moon goddess must have had a plan" and she lost her memory and fell in love with the guy trying to get revenge, so Zane finds out not only is his mom alive but is like married to the man who technically killed her, and also that "Mr big evil villain" is actually way nicer and more chill to his mom than his father ever was
-I literally never brought this up because i was waiting for it to like actually be important but ages ago Natalia's witch friend who helped her deliver Dakota was like "just trust me, I need you and Kota to get on a plane, you're in danger, just trust me" and Zane, Natalia, and Dakota were flown to California where Aurora, protagonist of the first book and the Ivory Queen of the werewolves lives. It's been like idk over 20, 30 chapters and we still don't know why Gwen said they needed to come "because i cant tell you yet, just trust me". Like it's keeping them safe from Christian but like we've spent a quarter of the book in this gd palace and we still don't know why, it feels very plot convenience-y, im getting annoyed because at this point Aurora from book 1 is becoming a weird plot device "oh how convenient the protagonist from the first book is our friend now and she's also super cool and powerful"
(Edit, it really still isn't relevant yet. Apparently there's a plot twist that Natalia may not be 100% human and have fae-enchanted blood that protects her species from vampires and guess what emergency Gwen needed them to evacuate for. Vampires. But up to the most current chapter, it doesn't really play any part of the story)
-so the b plot with Zane is a little complicated. He's an Alpha heir but his father is an asshole and cast him out, demoted him to Omega before making him a rogue, and Zane was replaced by another heir and halfsibling, Caine, who HATES him because Caine's mom, well, stereotypical evil slut who came onto Zane who turned her down and she accused him of rape which his father knew wasn't true but let him be punished for anyways. So. Caine finds out he has a brother and he's alive and then finds out it's Zane, the accused rapist, and also hey before even knowing this information, his mom told him straight up "hey, KILL Zane actually? He's after your title as future alpha, you have to secure the right you have earned"
-so, Dakota has a nightmare that is vaguely implied to maybe be a premonition (edit: yeah lmao its later revealed to be actual visions) of "mommy getting hurt by a bad wolf and there was red water all over her" and to console him they try to take him to the park to see the butterflies and GETS SHOT AT, by Caine, who MISSES ZANE because hes a fucking idiot firing a revolver from a moving car, and hits Natalia, which at this point I'm thinking "are they gonna have to turn her to save her life"
-yes and no. While she's in, you know the injury coma, that's when the moon goddess has a chat with her, gives her a wolf and stuff
-in this series, all werewolves have unique gifts, it's some real like MHA Quirk bullshit sometimes. Zane is a mindreader/empath who can share memories and actually like mindcontrol people into obeying him, and other people do things like, turn into sand, create hallucinations, create illusions that can fight, it can be kind of dumb lmao kinda just reminding me of the werewolf alpha Bakugou x Reader thing I wanna write lol
-Zane's wolf Grayson doesn't fuck around fighting with Caine (Natalia isnt turned until after the fight so he's worried she's dying and can feel that she is through the bond). "Take that revolver and let's play Russian Routlette" except, you know, not taking the gun from him, using the mind control powers to make him pull the trigger until Caine is dead
-Natalia loses consciousness and enters this kind of dream where she thinks she's dead and her exact reaction is to be sad she can't be with Zane and Dakota anymore but "she can rest knowing her son had a father that will raise him with love" like she loves both of them so much 🥺❤️ like she actually thinks of that and it brings her so much peace she basically accepts her death like I'm crying?? What the fuck??? She's falling through the same black nothingness, breaking away into blue skies, and then falling into water and having to swim to the surface and finding herself in the middle of the lake with a voice calling her to the shore. And guess what. This is the exact same fever dream Vanessa had when she turned
-yeah, Natalia meets a silver wolf who takes her to the moon goddess herself. She doesn't realize who she's talking to amd basically tells her straight up she doesn't believe in fate, she makes her own fate, and moon goddess kind of drags out actually introducing herself. All wolves, the ones werewolves have at least, are vessels filled with souls and love created by the moon goddess personally. She basically handcrafts every wolf and every mate to every person's destiny and Natalia's just like "why did you let Christian hurt me then, I loved him and trusted him, and I trusted YOU" and reads her for filth and asks why she can't just leave her alone
-honestly moon goddess kind of personally encapsulates the pompous holy figure attitude "I do the best I can" fake apology bullshit that makes religion really crawl under my skin. She says she can try and teach the wolves but humans have free will and she can't control everything but like... her apology, which isn't an apology, is more self pitying about how it hurts her as a mother to see wolves suffer. She picked Natalia for Jack because she thought it would balance Jack's temper out (oh so Natalia has to be sacrificed to fix Jack's fucking problems???) but also she KNEW Christian was flawed and hoped he would change, and she also expected Jack to help protect the mate bond which he didn't, so im just sitting here like, why would you even create this sort of mate bond system if it is so flawed and easy to go wrong. Why are you dragging HUMANS into this if you're supposed to be the werewolves god.
-also it should be noted that she is apparently specifically the moon goddess from Greek mythology because they later bring up the goddess of night being her mother, and also the God of chaos and, basically there are multiple gods
Like ok. Look at it this way. Moon Goddess is kind of playing matchmaker but she doesn't know the eventual outcome. But she's also. Implementing soul magic bullshit which can literally manipulate your thoughts and feelings and then saying "oh but I can't keep things from going wrong, I can ONLY SLIGHTLY ROB YOU OF FREE WILL" like, you're basically kidnapping and brainwashing people and playing sanctimonious about it??? You're kind of forcing people to fall in love and then saying "oh sorry I made it where you literally feel like incredible lightning when you touch and even looking at him makes your brain mass produce dopamine but he turned out to be an abusive prick who never respected you, lmao my bad, let me give you another attempt at a mate as my apology" like no leave me alone actually? You're creepy? The mate bond has HORROR MOVIE potential???
-apparently there's a mandatory dress code in this magical dream world, which I'm theorizing is the moon goddess' realm, because both Vanessa and Natalia find themselves wearing white dresses in these dreams, and in book 1 Aurora had dreams where she entered a realm and wore white dresses but I can't go into that without spoiling some of book 1 💀
-after Natalia wakes up and spills what the MG told her, and mentions that the moon goddess mentioned her wolf was blessed by the goddess of night, the moon goddess' mother, and, Aurora investigates and goes to get Gwen who would know more about rhe Night Mother and, apparently Natalia is probably something called a Latum human, which is a human with special blood that was once enchanted by a fae to protect his human lover from vampires drinking their blood and basically created a new race of demihumans and Natalia is just now finding out she's not 100% "home grown organic human" and that even her wolf is unusual
-GIIIIIRL Natalia's wolf is a SLUT but like we get it. Her and Zane are marking each other because the b plot about Zanes old pack means he kinda lowkey has to go to war, and her wolf, Davina, is talking to Grayson, and he's all tongue-tied, and she says "do you not like my mark?"
"Well, y-yeah"
"Then why aren't I cumming yet?" And "This clit isn't going to lick itself" GIIIIRRRLLLLLL
-so anyways, Christian brings the now dead Kay back to the witches, his father is blowing up his phone because he "can't feel his mate" and can't find her and he's freaking out, he has no idea she's dead, and Christian is just emotionless like "wow I can't believe I did that. At least I get Natalia and Dakota back" meanwhile Jack has absolutely no remorse. So the witches complete the ritual and summons the God of Chaos, because, apparently, Kay's blood wasn't for the job itself, it was just to summon the God who will help, who communicates by possessing one of the witches
-the chaos God is a troll and is totally off their rocker. He's gonna help Christian but there's a new price now to actually DO the thing, and Chaos asks "what are you willing to give". Jack speaks up from inside of Christian and says "ANYTHING"
-MOTHERFUCKING CHAOS, this goddamn TROLL, takes JACK HIMSELF, PUTS HIM IN A MAGIC ROCK LIKE A POKEMON. Tells Christian "I took your wolf, bring your son and the medallion he will be wearing back to me by midnight or you'll NEVER get him back" and gives Christian the Jack-rock to hold onto. But also lmao, guess how he helps Christian find Natalia and Dakota. Touches his forehead and bro starts hearing VOICES who start trolling him but also telling him directions like they're basically like "turn right, MOMMYKILLER. You MOMMYKILLER, NEENER NEENER" like lmao they actually start driving him insane
-I shit you not, I shit you not, Christian is occasionally hallucinating because of the voices and looks at this hallucination of Dakota and Natalia that suddenly manifested in the backseat of his car and fake-Nat is cryiny and he thinks "for once I actually want to comfort her" bitch, what do you MEAN 'for ONCE'???? SO YOU BASICALLY DIDNT EVEN LIKE HER THAT MUCH ANYWAYS???? EVEN BEFORE SHE COULDNT CONCEIVE????
With every passing chapter that reveals what an even bigger piece of shit Christian is, I can't help but wonder how the moon goddess could have fucked up THIS badly, like now that Natalia is gone he is obsessed but even when reflecting on the past he acknowledges that he was basically ALWAYS a bastard to her.
-fucking loser ass Christian does all this shit to get his family back and you know what happens? He kidnaps Dakota from a play center and he doesn't even have a car seat for him, so he's laying Kota flat in the seat and buckling him in while the voices are literally jeering "child endangerment! We've got father of the year over here!" Which, agreed! You can kill your own mom but not get your toddler a car seat? idiot!!
-Christian takes the medallion back to Chaos and oh my god this guy's hilarious. He's like "oh yeah, to get your wolf back, just smahs the rock he's contained in and call out to him" and Christian is just like "wait do you mean I could have gotten him back at any time" and Chaos is like "LOL YEAH I WAS JUST FUCKING WITH YOU" LMAOOOOOO
-oh my god. Oh my gosh. I never saw this twist coming and its actually SO GOOD. Actually kind of scary too. Christian is calling out to Jack, and he just hears growling and laughing? And then??? JACK TAKES FULL CONTROL. CHRISTIAN GETS ACTUALLY FUCKING BODY SNATCHED, HIS SUBCONCIOUS THROWN INTO A MENTAL CAGE, AND JACK SAYS HE IS NEVER LETTING HIM OUT EVER AGAIN. Christian LITERALLY cannot do anything anymore, it's all Jack, in full control, and now that he has Dakota, he's coming for his Natalia, his mate, his Tiny
And that's kind of where the story is so far, with the side character who was babysitting Dakota, Agnes, being unconscious because Christian roofied her and is unable to tell Natalia that Dakota has been taken, meanwhile Zane is literally on an island in Ravenstone territory fighting CHEMICAL WARFARE with his father's pack. Definitely a nail biting cliffhanger and I hope there aren't too many more chapters to go 😩
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couthbbg · 9 months
Hey, Jem, merry Christmas/happy holidays! I just had a KrisErik brainwave out of nowhere, do with it what you will.
So, what if Kris and Erik got together at the 2011 All Star Game (they were team mates too!), and were together for six years, Erik breaking things off in the heat of the moment after the 2017 Eastern Final, leading to mutual heartbreak for a while.
Then, they get back together casually at the 2019 ASG, having to negotiate the distance, but nothing is serious. However, Erik is doing all he can to get back east somehow.
When Erik finally arrives in Pittsburgh, he's desperate to get back into Sid and Geno's good books, hence the overtures. But, like, him and Kris have been lowkey back together for years now. But, no one on the team knows yet.
Sid and Geno find out when they go to Kris' place, and find Erik there with him, seemingly moved in. Bonus points if Sid and Geno are the last ones to figure it out.
Oh my godd this ask has been on my mind all day in the best way ! I really want to write a fic about this and I’m gonna, but I write really slowly 😭 so I’m gonna post this now so other kriserik club friends can maybe get inspired too 💙💙💙 let’s do our part for the fics !!!
Also merry Christmas, lovely !! I hope you had the best day 🩷💘💞 thank you for sending me your kriserik thoughts, I want to hear everything kriserik, always 🩷
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
hi i am here to talk about one of my favourite movies that nobody knows about so sit down, get some popcorn and enjoy
okay so there’s this french movie called jeux d’enfants or love me if you dare and it’s basically the story of these two ppl sophie and julien who meet as kids and start playing this kids game that’s basically a dare game so they have this like tin that they pass back and forth when they have a dare and growing up they become best friends and they’re always daring each other to do stupid things that get them in trouble and the older they get the bolder the dares become and there’s this whole will they won’t they thing going on bc they both obviously like each other but neither one does anything about it and so as adults their dares become more and more dangerous and they keep almost getting together but things always get in the way and at one point sophie goes something like “i need you to tell me that you actually love me bc i’m afraid you’re just doing this as a dare” and it’s so heartbreaking and i just love it ugh i actually really wanna turn it into a wolfstar au😭
okay thank you for coming to my ted talk pls watch it if you can find it (it’s a bit old now i think) it’s really nice!! and the ending is… quite interesting… 👀
Okay yes this is first on my list after bladerunner (have to watch this for school)
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
because he'll see. he'll ask. and she doesn't have the strength in herself at that moment to explain anything. why does she look at him with so much adoration/warmth when they just met? why does she care for him so much? why does she smile so sweetly at him? HOW do you explain that without saying that he's the most important person in her life where she came from? from the 'future' for him but 'present' for her. it's impossible. and she hugs him to silence her own longing too. just for a moment to feel the familiar warmth and then once again step back.
she misses her first man, her first demon, her one and only love. her priceless mammon. she knows this person is mammon but he's not hers and she must keep a certain distance but when he does all of those things she's just reminded of her time with ariel's mammon and she's just ... suffering from longing. her heart misses him.
and when she's back, she hands-down proposes (if not already lmao) but also isn't letting go for hours. mammon will get all the kisses, hugs, words. she just might cry from how happy she is to see him again. and zarina crying? this woman of power and authority? listen. it'll be heartwarming but also heartbreaking.
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earthtooz · 2 years
*taking notes immediately and pulls up Pinterest for ideas on drawing rin with you* 🤭🤭🤭 !!! wowwieee!!! *scrolling through the silly Pinterest app* !!!
giggling and kickin my feet while reading your fics are part of my routine now !!! I love your works sm I hope you get enough rest Like??? Is your back not heavy from carrying the fandoms you write about?? take care earth !!!🙏🙏 remember to eat, drink and pee !!!
— 🫶
help the chaos of every ask u send 😭😭 SO REFRESHING !!! you can never catch a break can you... like... the phone... what... (L), wait but like is ur bank account okay bc of the new phone 😟😟😟 I HOPE IT DIDN'T COST TOO MUCH 😨😨 BUT HEY AT LEAST YOU'RE HERE, WELCOME BACK MY FRIEND TO THE DARK SIDE OF THE INTERNET !!!!
YOU DON'T NEED TO ACTUALLY DRAW ME AND RIN, i mean like... if you want to... 😁😁😁 i'm not stopping you 😁😁😁 BUT I'LL FEEL BAD, YOU GENUINELY DON'T NEED TO WASTE TIME AND EFFORT ON ME UNLESS YOU WANT TO !!!!!!! you should exert your creative liberty and free will however you want to 💪
ALSO YOU WERE EXCITED FOR THE FAKE LOVE EDITION WITH REO AND KAISER RIGHT??? well bc you're my favourite (real, all of my anons are favourites of the earthtooz blog), you get a little snippet MWAHAHAH.
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“reo, please, leave me alone,” you request with a shaky voice, trying to get out of his grip with no success.
“i can’t, not when you’re like this,” he protests, “deep breaths, y/n, come back to me.”
a few moments of silence pass by, allowing you to return to your senses as reo holds your hands to his heart, stroking your skin with his thumb. no longer overwhelmed and suffocated by your thoughts, it’s hard to look your boyfriend in the eye, cowering away from his gaze.
“what’s the matter?” he asks gently, pressing a hand against your cheek delicately. it’s warm. you want to melt into him.
“it’s- i, i had a really- you know what, nevermind,” you murmur, shaking your head, turning your back against reo as you pull your hands away from his. 
you miss the expression of heartbreak that appears on his pretty face. 
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anyways hope u enjoyed i think that was like 100/2000 words LOL
also you are too kind :[ like pls stop flattering me i don't deserve this level of praise 😫😫 OKAY WAIT LET ME BE REAL - MY BACK HURTS ALL THE TIME BC OF MY POSTURE WHILST WRITING... I'M LIKE HUNCHED OVER, TYPING FURIOUSLY WITH NO END IN SIGHT BC I AM DETERMINED TO FINISH !!!!
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What's your favorite moments from Blood and Ash?
Ok I love this question but it's also one of the hardest asks I've ever had to answer because how HOW do I narrow it down!!! I'm just going to do the first book because otherwise this post is gonna be as long as the books themselves lol!
The Red Pearl scene! Just an all round A+ first meeting. Poppy freezing up and going along with it because "oh no he's hot, and oh god he's taking his shirt off look at his abs" The "you should get off" "I was planning to" innuendo. Poppy thinking about how she feels "safe" with Hawke right from the start. Hawke feeling "contentment" being around Poppy, oh the signs, the signs that their heartmates, I cry. And the Hawke pov where he's like how sloshed was I the last time I was with the owner of this cloak because I do not remember their body being like this??!! And when he removes Poppy's hood and is like HOLY SHIT IT'S THE MAIDEN!! And when Poppy says hi and he's like that was... cute!!! 💓😄💖😄💓
The rise scene! Everything about it is *chefs kiss* The tension™ so much tension! Poppy trying to play it cool and not reveal who she is. Hawke knowing the WHOLE time and letting her sweat. The fighting, the banter, their bodies pressed up together and Hawkes thigh between Poppy's legs 🙄 Poppy throwing the dagger at him. Him loving it. The "I came back for you that night". And of course this scene gave us the iconic "you're an absolutely stunning murderous little creature". One of my fave scenes in the whole series!
Hawkes first day guarding Poppy where they're in the atrium and Davena and Loren are talking about the dark one being hot and you just know Hawke can hear them and is trying not to smirk. And Tawny being like "what are you going to do about him?" And Poppy all confused being like "the dark one??" And Tawnys like no Hawke! The blatent foreshadowing! And then they turn around and he's standing right there! And this is the scene where Casteel finds out Poppy's nickname and they start counting how many times he says it.
The scene immediately after the rise scene when Hawke confronts her in her room. Again just great banter and tension. Poppy stamping her foot and Hawke being like did that help? And them both realising what Poppy's wearing and Hawke giving her THAT roving look. But also I like that they start to talk and open up to each other a little bit in this scene.
When they're in the corridor and Casteel talks about his brother and Poppy touches his hand and takes his pain away and he doesn't know she's doing it. It's just soft. And it's made better knowing that later when Hawke finds out he says it was the best he's slept in ages.
The library ledge scene. Again the banter, the chemistry. The first apperance of the diary A+ for all.
The Willow. Enough said. Actually I'll just add this quote “I was seconds from taking you to the ground and becoming a very, very bad guard.” UGH
The Blood forest. When Hawke's talking about what he wants to do but is like we can't do that tonight "Because if I get any part of me in you, every part of me would be in you, and I want to hear every sound you make when that happens." Again UGH
The first night in New Haven for obvious reasons 👀 And again I'm adding a quote "I know my limitations, I know that I’m not a good enough man to remember my duty and yours or that I’m so incredibly unworthy of you it should be a sin. Even knowing that, there is no way I wouldn’t strip that robe from you and do exactly what I told you I’d do when we were in the forest. I’m not just going to hold you. I won’t stop at kissing you. My fingers won’t be the only thing inside you. My need for you is far too great, Poppy. If I stay, you will not walk out this door the Maiden." OHH MYY GODD 🔥🔥🔥 And don't even get me started on the "promise me you won't forget this... whatever happens tomorrow... you won't forget that this was real"
The following morning in the stables where Poppy realises Hawke's betrayal. This scene has everything, fighting, banter, betrayal, heartbreak. You really feel Poppy's confusion and pain. And I love the way she just goes absolutely feral at Hawke. Like yes girl he deserves it. Her trying to knee Hawke in the groin and him going "you'd be sad if I couldn't use it later" asdgjkkhf he's so annoying! (in the best way) But also so frustrating because he's just betrayed her and broken her heart (her looking down at her chest to see if there's a dagger in it because it hurts so much 😭) and he has the audacity to joke around after what he's done! And you know that he knows that he's hurt her and that he hates that he's hurt her, and he's just doing it to try keep the mood light and show her that he's still the teasing Hawke she knows, but you still feel so bad for Poppy.
The scene after Poppy gets stabbed and  Hawke's so worried and is like Poppy please open your eyes please! And Poppy goes "it hurts" and he misundetstands and thinks she's talking about herself, but she means him. He hurts seeing her hurt 💔 My heart 😭. And also the part before this in the cells, when Delano gently nudges her with his nose and Kieran picks her up and carries her to rush her to Casteel. My Wolven boys already protecting and looking after her 😭 the first signs of what's to come.
Poppy stabbing Hawke in the heart. How could I not include this scene. The whole "oh my goddd whattt did she do!!" moment the first time you read it. Even though you know he's not gonna die, you're still like how... what... how... because you don't know yet that Atlantians can't die from being stabbed in the heart, so you're trying to like rationalise it in your mind, like ok she must have missed his heart because I know he's not going to die but how could he survive that?! And Hawke going "you're crying". She just stabbed him in the heart and he's worried she's crying 💔 And Poppy being like "I'm sorry I'm sorry" and Hawke banging his hand on the ground and letting out a choked laugh like "no you're not." The drama of it all.
And then immediately following that in the forest 👀 The way they go from Poppy being so angry at Hawke she stabs him, to them banging in the snow, and them being all soft and Poppy taking his pain, all in a matter of minutes! These two are all about the extreme 180's. I can only imagine what everyone in the keep thought when they saw Casteel saunter back in from the snowy forest shirtless, carrying the maiden who's wearing his shirt, her pants all ripped and a bite mark on her neck.
And lastly of course "We go home to marry, my Princess" Because what a great cliffhanger/last line.
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rinoomi · 2 years
OH OH! And the fact that he knew it was the reader calling! like he could tell all this fucking time that the reader was the one watching them above the court, but still played it off saying that he wasn't miya atsumu hahahahha and then immediately turning to look at her just to prove his point that he knew that she was stalking him this entire time LMAO loolol but man, that confession scene... as sweet as that was, omg how heartbreaking it became right afterwards rfsdjkfd the fic was so good
same same hahahah, sometimes you're just not in the mindset of wanting to read the ones you've marked for later uwu after all there are so much out there you kinda wanna indulge in all lololol these writers are so good gdurfjd (also im always tempted to read works i've already read hahaha)
YES GOD I'M SOO ATTACHED TO THIS FIC🤧 it just felt soo real? and I think I sobbed at all the chapters haru was in,, that part hit too close to home aaaaa godd I remember this one scene when they were kids and had climbed this tree and atsumu kept pointing at the horizon saying how he could see the tokyo tower from up there and the reader just believed him? pls that was soo fkin cute😭😭
no fr exactly!! I wanna start some long fics but my attention span has decreased sm lately,, I keep getting distracted 🥲 I can't get thru one chapater without taking a break </3
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ok bhah ch1 reread thought dump lets goooo
@youngbloodbuzz  @romanitwontletmetagyouuuu??? thank u for writing this. in return I gift u this lightly unhinged commentary
oh the opening quote “Do you think it all meant nothing, all the longing? The longing for home?” violence
lmao ok I started this ages ago and then got distracted for a week because that’s just who I am as a person lets try that again
eddie n his glowing glasses nice we love a canon nod
ok I remember getting really emotional reading the chapter where Dani’s car died bc of what it represented to her n now I’m being reminded of it all again with the ‘poor little car’ comment oh dear we’re like 2 paragraphs in and I’m already compromised
the wavering reflection in the water in her hands..... Dani posessed by the ghost of comphet..... I am Drawing Conclusions
eddie “we can hang out more” dani “aha wouldn’t that be neat”
god the prom photo... remembering Dani’s meltdown at the prom bc she missed Jamie... I’m dying Jack I’m dying
lil palm kiss... I know u will not ever love hm that way Dani but fuck I’m a sucker for a palm kiss
lil nerd ass w her folder tabs I love her
god the tone of this is so comforting like I can just hang out n imagine each scene progressing so naturally. wish I did not have to suffer emotionally at the same time but at least it’s a smooth read
Dani feeling like an invader amongst all the physical representations of her relationship w eddie BABY U DON’T HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY STOP LETTING OTHER PEOPLE INFLUENCE UR LIFE AND RUIN UR HAPPINESS
“Hannah Grose, seamlessly elegant” yes
Hannah: congrats on ur engagement. Dani, with tears in her eyes: thank
Dani relaxing when they’re talking about teaching pls I love her love for it so much
Dani at the blackboard with the “Miss, Ms?” confusion now I am thinking about the Ted Moseby professor/proffessor scene. HIMYM my beloved
mikeyyyy my boy
the image of Dani w chalk dust on her skirt is v endearing.
oooh the library trip gay foreshadowing yes
wait the silver stars on his backpack......... cup of stars crying time
Mikey correcting her on his name when she was the one to give him the nickname in the first place... feeling some kind of way
Dani fostering the talents she sees in her kids is so sweet and mikey shy lil math genuis is also so sweet pls i love this duo
i do wonder if part of her is like I know a Mikey Taylor but I literally refuse to believe it is the same one bc his sister broke my heart and we are absolutely not in the business of confronting hard feelings in this house!!
keys on a lanyard... ok lesbian
“You’re still here?” the love I have for canon lines being used when I can hear them being said in my head
awww bonding over Wonder Woman. cute!!!! When Dani becomes Mikey’s official second mum (everyone be quiet I am manifesting) my heart will explode
eddie ur really just gonna rock up and toot at her. jail for 1000 years
ooohhh Dani is Realising who the sister is. honey you got a big storm comin. oof (the ‘wonder woman punching stars out of her foes” to “dani feeling like she’s just recieved a blow to the ribs.” the cinnamontography). aw baby :(
“Jamie. Jamie, here. Jamie, home.” please i am thinking about her last letter and I am not strong enough
“Somehow Eddie didn’t notice.” sum up a relationship in a sentence
“Jamie would appear, as if summoned by the gravity of Dani’s pounding heart” fuck this hits on so many levels I need to go think about my life for 45mins
CARSON MY BOY. in his studded leather. a fashionable gay never loses.
I looove how soft n caring Dani n Carson are with each other thank gods she has him.
god this post is already so long n I’m only halfway through why do I have so many silly thoughts
god just the... expectations of affection from her by eddie w that placating cheek kiss she gives him is like... I cannot imagine Jamie ever asking that from her in the same way even when they are in a relationship!!! and it’s not even wrong of him to do that??? but it’s just a lot to think about the kind of person Dani makes herself to be to stay with him vs the kind of person Jamie lets her be by not expecting anything of her. they’re such opposites
dani not even feeling at home in her own (former) home pls when is she going to find a soft place to land (it’s also making me think v hard about the title like... the haunting of Dani and Jamie’s relationship (and what that represents for Dani) on Dani’s whole life and Jamie coming home and bringing that to Dani’s doorstep. resurecting a ghost so to speak........ too many homes to think about. I don’t know if I fully understand but I am Thinking)
dani and her inhaler... asthmatic bitches represent
oh my god not the box of memories. been trying to erase that from my own for weeks now let me live
ooh the line about her feeling like an archaeologist at the start of this section and then her ‘exhuming the past’ w the photos of her n Jamie i love a consistent narrative.
THE MIXTAPE. THE MIXTAPE. is there a playlist for this chapter I would like to take that aural journey
oh no i cannot remember where the flower comes from but aahhh this box of memories pain.
this description of carson in a tight white undershirt tucked into his jeans makes me think of freddie mercury. didn’t mean to make you cry etc
lmao Dani trying to get info from Judy abt Jamie in a roundabout way... international superspy she is not
Dani entirely uncomfy in church... i feel it. godd the repression of it all w the movie and the feelings and the Jamie-influence on the feelings my heart hurts.
God knowing how much Judy loves her but the weight of that love also stifling her... pain
they’ve really got her all shacked up w a house and a husband and a kid on the way can we let the girl be a lesbian in peace (also lowkey hoping Dani gets some time on her own at some point no Eddie no Jamie no weight of expectations pls she needs it we all need it)
the thread of Dani refusing to do things for herself in order to make other people happy throughout this entire piece hits so fucking close to home and is entirely heartbreaking to read thank you
Jamie: appears. Dani: every single emotion all at once
Judy and her girls back together is v sweet even if Dani is dying inside at it all
“Jamie only had eyes for Dani.” Again, sum up a relationship in a sentence.
What do you even say to a girl who *the sky goes dark as i attempt to even summarise a fraction of their relationship*. Apparently the answer is “Jamie. Hi.”
It’s ahh. fairly entertaining to be going through Dani’s emotional journey alongside her and knowing that Jamie is also Going Through It on some level but having 0 insights to it bc she keeps her emotions so in check.
oooh how much of a gut punch is this engagement revelation for Jamie??? like on some level I’m sure she always knew this was coming but I’m sure another part of her still desperately hoped one day Dani would choose her. god I would kill for Jamie’s POV in this scene
Jamie’s scarrrr. Literally Dani’s impact
oh fucking hell that moment of like... familiarity and almost a coming home for Dani when Judy is talking and she meets Jamie’s eyes... she really was entirely screwed from that moment on huh.
oof god this is a hell of an opening chapter lets see if my attention span will let me continue this journey (also @ myself reminder to read this all in chronological order one day for a real nice session of emotional destruction)
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yoonpobs · 3 years
oh my godd. back burner is so good? i literally feel my heart beating and physically feel all the pain in my chest when im reading it. its so painful but so beautiful laid out that it makes your heart burn for the oc. she honestly deserves the world and i hope that stupid idiot of a boy realises what she's been through because of him being so freakin oblivious. or maybe he isn't, but he's still blatantly ignored to look at or acknowledge her feelings when she's given him so many hints at every step of the way. fighting with him for his attention, pushing his buttons so he atleast expresses something to her and even straight up questioning their relationship. but no. he has to be a cold hearted bitch about it. urgh. and now even if he does reciprocate her feelings, he should at least somewhat have a hard time gaining her trust omg.
the lastest update is such a tearjerker omg. why are they even giving it a shot? it's only gonna end badly for them. unless... no I don't even wanna think about it. nope. tell me this has a happy end? please?
ill be waiting for the next one. thank you for writing and giving us such beautiful stuff to read.
ahh!!! i love reading your asks 🥺
thank you so much for your high praise as always!!! im immensely grateful that you think that way ☺️
and for the story, yes - it is heartbreaking indeed! and at times, cruel. oc deserves the world and im fully intending on giving that to her!
i cant say much on the ending, but i do think it's the ending that oc deserves ❤️ we shall see how things progress between oc and yoongi, and hope that they find a comfortable path 🥰
thank you so much for reading as always! much love to you 💕
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and waht happens to ur family?
U caht deny the unsafety
We're all up to die
Slaugeters to slaughters
But u nver shed tears
U wanna shed blood ur the the kind of
Fool that would rip the child's heart out
And drink like a demon would
And Whnn the hrs turn into yrs
We grief among the frames
Of half our life together
And Donald there was never no
Love on my common ground
Ur whole campaign was nothing
But a joke and the spread of
Lies was In my system
Hold meh tight dear lover
Don't turn into our lovers
Don't kill our lovers kill my flow
Ur killing  meh over and over
Keep the skies from ur skies
From ur love for there's nver
No grace from it I don't make
Any sense I'm thinking off the wall
Am writing on myself there's
Writing on the wall by I didn't do it
Heartbreaks my mind tears up
Indside common lovers
With no morals but we die
All the same we argue without
A care in the wrld and there's
No peace u losers wanna pull the
Gun on my child u wanna use
Excessive force on my young daughter
Oh why seek the death of meh?
I could wait til the days stahp on end
But I'm trying the killing before
We're killed off into the existence
But I caht truly believe I need to be
The immortal but a mortal man
Cannot prosper under the winter
I faced harsher trails under the dammed
Cursed sun fans start to leave
The Commitment was dead like shooting
Stars I knew u didn't want
To make a wish seal the dead
With puckered kisses they'll last til
We lay nxt to and so on
But fatal as we met our in
Gruesome ways I couldn't
Find death to justice they do
Harm in the nighttime
They got meh killing myself
In the nighttime I wish I could
Die in the daytime I wanna be
Dead by miday  u left her there
All battered and rused under
The fallen pasters so say:"let's make this better." by sticks and stones
Do u not feel Earth's turn?
As the nxt rare roses are taken from us
Never again will she love meh
Never again will trust man
No more will the dawn rest
On the day for the day is
Ever gone evermore does
Keeps the singing while the
Victim dies in cold rain
In bitter ways I look twrds my gun
Never loaded it rest coldly
On Mahogany marble slated
Like ur skin drops twrds meh
Like a dead cadaver I sing
The horror gospel u don't my death
But my breath was cold as dry ice
For the suffers weighs on u
The pain burden is more over
To Attempted murder
But the glove never fits and
The shoe leaves no justice
Ur sole didn't do meh a favor
Pardon our favors for we
Are just lost tmrrow my friend
Our character was shot in the head
Layed down tied to wheels
Just ever dying the slowly
I must be the fool my kindeness was shot
Who killed the lover? U assume
Meh the killer no saviour no medal
All  blame on thee I shoot the place
Down leave like a school shooting
Bomb meh a 11 stories high
Where I shall shot a comitted Kodak
Such moments too saddening
Whnn we die whether trampled over
Don't mend Meg I wanna breathe
New life I seethe meadows none
Calms like great pains royal blues
Plays as legends keep on a dying
We faint under the masses of it
Put down ur gun child
U couldn't shoot ur  oppressers
Plz don't kill urself off with
Ur parents with u Backs are turning. Quiet footsteps fllow
And the bleak morning showers
The crimson they shall write
A horrid story I'd endured
But I always falter Im no better
Thnn my sperms donors tragic
Tale of  meh?  Sé la vè
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subskywalker · 5 years
As I’ve been writing I’ve also been reading some fics and I have honestly been crying for 500 years over these wonderful fics. Like seriously I still haven’t stopped crying as I just finished another beautiful fic and the writing of these fics are so raw and heartbreaking and it literally gutted me (in the best way possible) and I seriously have to talk about it them bc seriously these fics have seriously become some of my all time faves!
One is a Wild West au and god holy shit I died so many times reading this one. The writing is absolutely phenomenal and haunting and so, so damn beautiful in every way possible. That the storytelling of this fic literally had me on edge the entire time I was reading. And god the reveals were so heartbreaking, they’re we’re hints to it through the fic but then when it was revealed what had actually happened that night you realize that not everything is what you thought it was and it was so utterly perfect. Heartbreaking and I cried because this fic really made you suffer with the characters and made you feel what they went through. And I absolutely love how close to canon they kept the story plot even though it was vastly different and god I love the characters voices in this. I think my favorite part of this fic has to be the flashbacks, the flashbacks make this fic even more gorgeous and raw in the best way possible. Also, also!!! There’s a nickname that one of the characters uses for the other and it literally made my day and it just fits them so well??? This fic has me at the edge of my seat since I started reading it and I just want to read more of it!!! And goddness just this fic honestly has me crying from start to finish and broke my heart in the best way possible and I seriously can’t wait to read more of this wip!❤️
Another one is a canon setting fic and oh my goodness?????? Like seriously this fic was everything that I never knew I wanted until I came across it the other day. The pacing of the fic is so damn wonderful and it leaves me wanting more. It does such a good job of setting up the the story and following the events in canon and how things got to where they are. And I especially love the the way that it starts off platonic but the fic is definitely holding up to the character getting together. Honestly one of the reasons why I love this is the darker take on the characters, that they are who they are and they do what they do because it’s what they have to do. And I love the complexity of their relationship—that neither of them know exactly what they want and that it’s new for both of them. And I love the raw emotion in it and the haunting feeling of it, tbh I also really love the darker aspect the fic and the gothic horror feel of it because it is that. Because it is darker feel fic, at least dark in a way that’s canon typical. And I love that characters voices in this—like it’s seriously dead on and the interpretation of the characters and the motives and the relationship between all of them is damn beautiful. It’s a wip and when I finished it I almost cried, partly because I want to read more of this fic so badly and partly because of the ending and the heartbreak of it. Like as soon as I finished I wanted to go back and re read it all over again.❤️
I just finished this fic today and it’s a rivals au, and this fic had me crying for 500 years over the raw emotions in it and how beautiful it was. It has that unreliable narrator aspect that I love so much and reading this fic absolutely gutted me in the best way possible. That there was so much love and heartache and anger and it was so perfect and heartbreaking. And the slow burn?????? Bruh that motherfucking slow burn Jane Austen who??????? Jane Austen could never and I’m dead. This honestly has to be the best enemies to lovers au I have ever read in my life!! The pacing of the fic is so lovely and the build up between the characters is so, so gorgeous and god it hurts but the ending is so fucking worth the pain and the tears. Like seriously this fic is wonderful in every single way!!❤️
Honestly just bless fic writers and bless these gorgeous fics @ the writers I literally owe you my life these were so damn gorgeous and I have been making heart eyes @ them with tears in my eyes ❤️
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
They are both vicious, they are just both red flags in their own accords 😭😭😭😭🚩🚩🚩🚩
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