#that’s great for ya so I got a couple things if you wanna give em a shot. ends up having to buy new ones that are considerably tougher a few
trollbreak · 9 months
Do you think Lovely would have friends who’d let them lick their face like Beastly does sometimes with his. I think it could be enrichment
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bubblergoespop · 8 months
My Top Milo Quotes
i wanna devour this man so bad. the original version of this is at least triple the length omfg. @mrsmiagreer it’s finally here <3
“From one pretty face to another.”
“Bedroom? Oh. Ohhh. [gremlin giggling]”
“Cute?! You’re gonna come here, into my home, uninvited, and tell me I look cute when I’m mad? First of all sweetheart, you’re damn right I’m cute—“
“Jesus Christ who taught you how to do healing magic, a construction worker with a jackhammer?!”
“Me and Ash give each other shit all the time. He calls me a runt, I call him a bitch bottom, we laugh, we move on.”
“Cuddled up with you, in front of a fire? That’s a one-way ticket to sleepytown, USA, population: this guy.”
“I do not spoil him! Well whaddya want me to do? He’s my lil guy.”
“I swear to god, if I’m lyin I’m dyin, he looks him dead in the eye and says “if concerns about the future of your relationship with Amanda are weighing on you too heavily, I’m sure I can get by with just Milo and Asher here.”
“Are you Lasky?”
“Touch me and your life will be measured in milliseconds. I can see myself out.”
“It’s back. I’m back.”
“And next thing you know, boom, you’re sitting here, a broken man, barefoot with no fucking dress socks.”
“‘So Mr. Greer, what was it that ultimately pushed you over the edge?’ Oh, I don’t know officer, might have something to do with the walking terror I call a mate.”
“So what if I am sappy? I’m running on sleepy middle of the night brain, you get what you get. Shhh. Hush. Don’t you be mean to me. I’m trying to help.”
“He’s a good little dude. Isn’t that right, bub?
“I got to hold my favorite person in the whole world. And only occasionally had to threaten to choke them out.”
“Mmm. You’re cute. Yeah, I called you cute. What are you gonna do about it? Get grumpy? Just makes you look cuter.”
“Do not call them my ‘titties’ you asshole!”
“Personally, I think I’m better at getting clothes off a ya than putting em on, but I’m ever at your service, baby.”
“No no no, don’t do that button. Yeah. Yeah, leave that one undone.”
“There’s my sweetheart.”
“Yeah. Well, it beats for you, sweetheart. A little more sappy shit for the road.”
“There ya go, that looks perfect! Yeah, what you’re wearing right now! You look fucking incredible in it. Yeah, I know you haven’t even started changing into the next look, what’s your point?”
“When I say you’re my mate, I mean it with every inch of me. When I say it, my core lights up like a firework. And when I feel your core answer it, and mirror it back, it feels like the fourth of fucking July in my chest.”
“I mean, obviously we’re gonna look fucking great no matter what, it is us after all”
“Hey, I know Ash is your mate, but would you mind if I use that choke collar you have for him real quick?”
“The power couple”
“And the energizer bunny takes a tumble.”
“And you won’t believe this next part but, uh, as a wolf, I don’t have hands.”
“You don’t have to ask, baby, I trust you. I know you’ll be gentle.”
“You feel like forever in my arms.”
“Oh my god, do they think my house smells weird?”
“I don’t want this for you, baby.”
“These muscles got more knots in em than you had wrapped around you the other night. And that’s saying something.”
“You run through my blood like oxygen, sweetheart.”
“Whose mouth is this?”
“And do not wear that belt, how old is that thing? It looks awful!”
“You’re not alone. I’m here. The pack’s here.”
“You want to see a hissy fit, bootlicker?”
“Cmon, head up. Up for me. There you go. I wanna see this pretty face.”
“Kissing my palm like that… you’re too fucking cute.”
“I just wanna feel you.”
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himbo-in-limbo · 1 year
Kure Rain x s/o Rant! (New season spoilers)
[tw gore n bloody stuff mentioned]
In hype of the new season (that I literally just finished binge watching a couple days ago)
It got me thinking of my mans
That crazy bastard that I love sm Kure Raian
(I'm so fuckin mad about what was supposed to be his big fight when the coup happened)
Anyways anytime I read a fic of Raian x reader it's always the same-ish thing of the reader not fully loving the sheer brutality that Raian is
I can't be the only one that gets excited seeing him covered in blood! Like dawg if I saw him all nice n bloody like that with a sexy smile comin at me all nonchalant
Like "Hey baby~ did you like the bloodbath?" I'm jumping on him and making out right then n there..
I wanna be covered in the same blood ya feel me? (That's TMI probably..)
It's probably bc I'm a fan of gore or something but like you gotta understand that killing is not only his job ITS HIS PASSION
And him being an asshole is also part of it, sure you can try n convince him to not FULLY kill someone but honestly I'd say you have a 1% chance of succeeding...
It'd have to be a solid good reason tho
Not just cuz your his partner...
Even so! Odds are the person he's messing with is a stranger to you 😭 (if your not into him killing random ppl then maybe not be in a relationship with him)
He has few morals...which align with his assassin fams code but he's just a morally grey character
That's what's so hot about him honestly
You can't ever really predict who he'll spare and for what reason...
But you get to see his fine ass just deal with grown ass men like nothing is a treat all in it's own
Hell we don't even know how he'd act in a relationship bc he hardly ever shows interest in anyone like that! He likes scarring people to hell tho
So I'd wager if you "end up with him" expect it to be a big ol situationship...
It's best to not put labels on it bc if you pressure him with that he looks like the type to leave...
And even if you are sick of it! Just tell him up front that he can either make it official or you'll leave!
That might make him realize that he has something genuine with you OR y'all just break it off and you can find yourself a better partner
Bc lets face it 😭 he's....not the best
His familys great tho I bet they'd be all over you
Especially if you're cool with reproducing an heir 💀
If not hey their just shocked he was able to find ANYONE that would "date" him
Like really? Him? Okay...
Raian doesn't strike me as the type to care much if you leave him, tho if you did have a profound impact on him
I think he'd stalk you for a bit...you'd never know he's there btw
He'd totally stalk the hell outta your new partner tho...and if their no good he'll kill em with much thought..
He dose care in his own way :D it's just bat shit crazy
I feel like If Raian did have a canonical partner they'd have to be a bit cooky themselves ya know? 😭
N yeah he might not say much but he dose better expressing his feelings through acts of service or just in general sleeping with you
Bc again we haven't seen him interact with anyone like that or show interest at all!
So odds are him sleeping with people is a rare thing! (Demisexual ass...)
But yeah back to him fighting n stuff I feel like he'd be super happy if his partner was also excited about seeing a real blood bath of a fight
Like yeah probably not the best influence on him like that but asdhsjsnskk
Honestly I wouldn't be able to help it
He's like when ppl are in love with the horror icons
You love ppl like ghost face n Jason! There def not gonna stop doing what they do! N their hella crazy!
That's the vibes Raian gives me...
The only thing that's different is, I feel like the more years you spend with him he WILL calm down by like 10% and he may not go off on ppl randomly like when he was younger but he'd still do it on occasion...
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livfastdieyoung69 · 2 years
Edge x reader where edge and reader are bored in a hotel room one day and they decide to try on each others clothes and have like a fashion show and Christian walking in
Ring Gear
“I’m bored.” Edge and Y/N sat against the frame of his hotel bed, the tv playing Cops but it clearly wasn’t keeping Edge’s attention very well.
“Yeah, I got that from the first five times you said it.” Edge groaned at the sarcastic response, flopping over to continue his complaining against their thigh. “If you’re so bored than go pick out what you’re gonna wear tonight or something!” Instead of replying, Edge continued his huffing but walked over to his suitcase, dragging his feet. He quickly unzipped it, pulling out all of the options onto Christians bed- who had left Edge in their hotel room to go get a few drinks with a couple of friends that he knew Edge wasn’t really a big fan of so he made Y/N babysit him.
“How about the green pants? I like those ones.” Y/N took their eyes from the tv to give their input. Edge turned to look at them like they were insane.
“I wore those last Monday babe! You totally have to wait at least like two weeks before wearing the same thing!” He explained as if everybody was supposed to know that already.
“Well, sorry, Jesus. I didn’t mean to affend you..” Y/N mumbled with an eye roll, turning their attention back to Cops.
“How about these ones?” He held up a pair of white ones with red details.
“Yeah, those are cool. I like the red velvet ones too they look fuzzy.”
“They are! It kinda sucks to wrestle in, I always feel like I’m overheating but they look cool.”
“That’s kinda gross.’
“It’s true, babe! Here try em’ on, see for yourself.” Edge threw the pants at them while talking, accidentally hitting them in the face.
“I don’t really wanna try your sweaty ring gear on, Adam.”
“I’ll try on your ring gear if you do.” Y/N’s eyebrows raised, a smirk settling on their face at the idea. “And I’ll wear the green pants tonight?” Y/N got out of bed and made their way to the door.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
“Well, I gotta get my ring gear don’t I?”
Y/N sat a pair of ridiculously big sunglasses over their eyes, tinted red with white frames, before moving back to sit on the bed, Edge’s pants bunching around their ankles due to the height difference he held above them as they waited for him to leave the bathroom.
“You almost done in there?” Y/N shouted over Edge’s grunts.
“Dont rush me, these pants are like impossible to put on!”
“Please dont rip-“ Before they were able to finish the bathroom door swung open to reveal Edge posing with one hand to his head and the other on his jutted hip. Y/N tried to speak but their laughter wouldn’t allow it.
“I know, I just look so great, huh?” He continued with the poses while making his way over to the bed. “Ooh, look at me, I’m Y/N in my tight leather pants, ooh I’m so sexy!” His voice went high in impersonation. Y/N slapped him on the arm before jumping out of the bed and lowering their voice.
“I’m Edge, I’m so cool dude and totally a great wrestler, I definitely don’t cheat in every match! And Christian totally isn’t wayyy cooler than me!”
“Just speaking the truth.” Y/N spoke with a shrug before they were roughly put into a headlock.
“Take that back!”
“Just becuase you can’t handle it doesn’t mean its not the truth, Adam!” They spoke through giggles. Edge opened his mouth to answer but someone else beat him to it.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Christian spoke from the door frame of the hotel room. Edge and Y/N quickly seperated, refusing to make eye contact with the newly returned man. Christian signed before speaking again. “I knew I shouldn’t of left you.”
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ya yeet little brother jakey tryna roast me? ive had that in my head literally all dayyyyy bro i used to love logan paul i literally watched that one video of the Suicide Forest before it was taken down
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12-cluh · 5 months
*warehouse door opening* Agent Landon: Hey, how ya doin' Mista Oakland? O5-14: Fine, Landon. I received your message. The android is completed? Agent Landon: Indeed, we've actually got a demonstration rigged up if you wanna see it. Wanna check it out? O5-14: Hmm... I suppose the meeting could wait. Agent Landon: Great! I promise you, your confidence was not misplaced. Boys! Get that demo ready! *a few minutes later* Agent Landon: So this is it, whaddya think? O5-14: It's quite... extravagant, don't you think? Agent Landon: Well, yeah, but I didn't think you'd be using it for a stealth mission. O5-14: True... which of my suggestions did you give it? Agent Landon: Well, *presses a button on a remote* it's got a wrist blade, which was my idea, *presses another button* and a prehensile tail. It's got a reactive adaptation module that lets it see what hurt it the first time, regenerate what got broken with a nanite core, and then adapt so that thing doesn't hurt them again. We've taken the liberty of already throwing everything in the foundation at 'em, so nothing short of a nuclear bomb can have even a chance of breaking it. We also included that slider you wanted so you can determine what threat level the things your facing are so you're not smashing some poor insurgency member with a fist going Mach 10. At 5%, it's about 10 tons of TNT in punch. At 15, it goes to 50 tons. At 50%, 100 Kilotons. If our calculations are right, at 100% power, it'd be about 500 Exatons. O5-14: That's enough energy to decimate the moon... Agent Landon: Remember, that's in a single punch. As for speed, it's range is Mach 0.5 all the way to Mach 12,000. O5-14: Mach... 12,000? Agent Landon: Pretty cool right? Just a couple more things, *taps another button* UA682, who's your master. UA682: O5-14. Agent Landon: Responds only to your commands, on anyone else you give that privilege to. So, whaddya think. O5-14: I think... I need to start on the next blueprint.
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gaiatan · 3 months
What the heck is a ghost?
Ghosting is the act of making avatars for other users. This usually happens in the dressing room, a sub of the avatar talk thread (but sometimes you'll see it in the main AT thread or chatterbox)
Old farts (like me) might remember Tektek, which was similar in that you could make avis for people using its dream avatar simulator
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but tektek is dead now! so what do you use?
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why gaia's own avatar builder! now i cant say this thing is great....in fact a lot of people hate it but its all we got (unless you wanna build inside the normal avatar function) you can also change its layout with gaiaupgrade if you have it
At the top you'll see the Ghost? button, this lets you open a lil box you can type in someone's Ghost ID (the numbers on your profile url are your id) or their username (new-ish feature!) and then BAM you have their lil avatar (provided they have ghosting turned on, remember if you're asking for a ghost to make sure its on! or to let someone know that its not on if you want to ghost them and theyre asking for them)
there's three inventory options from here
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Item DB: this is every SINGLE item that is on gaia and in the avatar builder, this does include items you cannot get as they've either never been released or are limited to like...one person and whoever they give them out to (so good luck if you're using this as an actual way to find new items)
My Inventory: this is items YOU own, this will be the only other option if you are not actively ghosting someone (which means the default avi will be you) this could be a good way to find items you know that the person you're ghosting doesnt have
Ghost User Inventory: this will only show up once you're actively ghosting someone, make sure to check you're on this if they request to ONLY use their own items! now you can see every item they own! (provided its for the base they're currently using, ie you wont see any paw items for human bases)
You finished the ghost now what?
navigate to the bbc code area, pick the option that fits their base and then copy and paste the code into a reply in the thread you're showing the ghost off to. mind you the image only is hosted for a limited time (the list will always be there) so if you need to keep the image you might want to save it somewhere!
How do i ask for a ghost?
You want a new avatar but you're stumped, maybe you really want to cosplay your oc or a character but you're stuck! or maybe you have a challenge for someone!
You have two main options
make a new thread: go to the board of your choice, usually the dressing room but hey if you wanna post in CB go ahead. state what you're looking for, if you want it to be strictly your own items or not (and if not if you have a budget or not), and as many details as you want. dont care? tell em to go nuts. have extremely specific needs and hate most avis people make? give htem as much info as you can and try to provide previous avis if you can (or avis you're inspired by)
you can also tack this onto your closet thread if youve made one (or whatever fitting thread if you're hosting a contest or something)
look for someone's ghosting shop: these are threads that people will run where they ghost other people, usually for a fee (more on that in a second) or for free (they also might not be really stated to be a shop they might just wanna ghost you or its a ghost for ghost thread)
I can get paid?
Ya sure can! and you can pay others as well! How much you pay is really...up to you as there's not really a set price on what people pay for ghosts. I've gotten anything from the mithril coins, a couple grand, to nearly 100k for avatars. you also can send wishlist items, items you dont want (some people ghost to get rid of items), just the tipping button (which i believe goes up to 1k?), to gcash, and even art
you also...dont have to. some people do ghosts for free
now go out there and haunt people i mean make avis for them or get avis made for you
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an-ecu-harrypotter-au · 3 months
TPS Part 15: Tests And Trials
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"Toby what are the three main ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion?"
"Leaf River water, Valerian sprigs an mistletoe berries."
"It's Lethe as in lethal."
Ah blink. Ah gotta look at mah book agin.
"Ohhh. L-E-T-H-E. Greek thang right? Also why'd they use mistletoe berries if they're poisonous?"
"Yes it's a river in Greece. As for the mistletoe berries it's because, as you said in the past, they can cause visual disturbances and convulsions. Those things impact memory and would therefore make sense to use in a potion like this."
"Ok. So fer the magic part what kinda charm do we use ta make it?"
Jacklin thinks. Ah know the answer Ah jus wanna test 'er like she's testin me.
"The Memory Charm. You spell it O-B-L-I-V-I-A-T-E and you would make a wand movement that looks like a brain."
"Ah gotta draw that then so Ah don't ferget."
Ah laugh at mah own joke an start ta draw the outline of a brain.
"Ya know Jacklin Ah think Ah can do this."
"That's great to hear, Toby. I really think you can do it too."
Ah look at mah Transfigurin notes an ask a question.
"Why's we gotta learn bout turnin mice inta stuff?"
"Mice are small. You need to start with something small because there's less room for mistakes."
"So we don't really need ta turn mice inta anythang in the real world?"
"No we don't."
Ah look at how Ah got it spelled in mah notes. Ah dunno how Latin works so Ah hope Ah got it right.
"How do ya spell it the words fer that?"
"It's mures emuncta greges."
"Ok lemme write that down."
Ah write it phonetically an the real way so Ah know how ta spell it. Mirror-ez em-unk-ta gregs.
"Toby did you finish your map of Jupiter for Astronomy?"
"Ah think Ah did. Why ya wanna look at it?"
"It's because I have a feeling Professor Sinistra would want us to fill it out from nothing. As in she would give us a piece of paper with nothing but a circle. We would have to color and label everything seen on Jupiter."
Ah pull out mah map a Jupiter.
"Ah ain't gonna do well on this part. If it's only part a this map Ah can probly do it. But the whole map from scratch uh uh."
"You need to make many maps until you can make a complete map from start to finish. That's how you'll remember, Toby."
"Oh yeah yer right. At the same time it's way easier ta remember stuff in History a Magic like Elfric the Eager than tryna label everythang on the surface a Jupiter."
"I understand that, Toby. Both of these classes are important but at least you won't need that to be a Healer."
Ah look at mah notes then look at Jacklin.
"Well tha's good. If Ah can jus keep gettin E's in mah classes that'd make me a real good student yeah?"
"Of course, Toby. A Healer definitely isn't an easy job. In fact if it wasn't for Healers a lot of Aurors would've died during the last Wizarding War."
"Oh yeah Ah guess that makes sense. But wha's an Aura?"
"An Auror is someone who actively tracks down and fights to defeat Dark wizards. They are the ones who helped Headmaster Dumbledore take out Voldemort's followers before he was defeated by the Headmaster himself."
"They're the wizardin FBI then got it."
Time Skip
"So how they plan on testin all a us?"
"Outside of our OWLS and NEWT exams all exams are done during our regular class period. Some of them are divided into practical and theoretical exams."
"Oh yeah Snape said we gotta do our written test taday, our incantations on Wednesday an a whole potion on Friday."
We end up in the dungeons an sure nough Ah see a whole pile a papers on Snape's desk. Ah sit down at a table bout a chair apart from Jacklin. Snape comes in an looks real serious as usual. Makes sense cause tests're always serious business.
"This is your final chance to prove your competency in mastering the most basic level of potion making. Should you fail this set of exams, the results will be quite..... ghastly."
Ah hear a couple kids gulp an take a deep breathe. Ah dunno why they're so nervous. Even Jacklin kinda looks nervous an it makes no sense ta me. She's always helpin me an other kids so it ain't like she's a dummy.
"You will have exactly 45 minutes to complete this part of the exam. Do not even think about cheating because all of your exams are different."
Ah hope tha's a good thang cause Dumbledore tol me Ah gotta have special tests. Ah look at mah test an Ah read all the questions. A lotta a the questions're multiple choice. Ah got a couple questions at the end that are writin questions. Gotta do the writin questions first.
"Explain the effects of the Cure for Boils Potion."
Ah try ta control mah wigglin. Ah know all bout this question. Snape tol us all bout it day one.
"It's used ta remove boils, such as those produced by the Pimple Jinx."
Ah realize Ah gotta change ta ta to. Snape'll take points off if Ah don't write properly. So now Ah got "It's used to remove boils".
"Question 2: What's the difference between aconite and wolfsbane?"
Ah know tha's a trick question cause Ah know mah plants. So far this' real easy.
"There's no difference. They're the same plant. People only call it wolfsbane since it's used in the werewolf potion called Wolfsbane Potion."
Ah finished both a mah writin questions an Ah feel real good bout it. Now Ah can jus fly through the rest a the test. Ah got bout 30 mins left ta finish an Ah think it's doable.
Time Skip
Ah'm workin on mah last question a Quirrell's paper test. It's a bit harder ta me than Potions cause a lotta the words look the same.
"Explain the difference between an imp and a gnome."
This' an easy question. Imps an gnomes ain't the same creature. Sure they're both small, annoyin, an like ta hide in dark places. But they look different, love gardens, an actually got animals that eat 'em. Pop wrote me a letter sayin Uncle Travis was complainin bout the gnomes in his garden so Ah practcally got 1st hand knowledge on 'em.
"Fi-five min-minutes left c-class."
Ah stand up an hand in mah test. Jacklin's been long gone but that don't matter cause Ah awready know she's smart an can do all this fast.
"Tha-thank you, Mr. Kw-Kwimper."
Ah get mah stuff an go back ta the Gryffindor Tower. Somethin bout 'em's felt off. Ah dunno what'd it could be outside a him stealin the stone. Ah can't think bout that though. Ah jus hope Ah pass all mah tests.
Time Skip
"Toby? Our grades will be posted in the common room soon."
"Wha's that mean?"
"That in just a matter of minutes we'll not only know if we move onto our second year at Hogwarts but also be able to focus entirely on telling Headmaster Dumbledore about the philosopher's stone."
Ah get nervous bout all that. Dumbledore ain't gonna believe us if all we got's mah visions ta go off of.
"Ah dunno if he'll believe us. Seerin powers ain't an exact science like potion makin."
"If Headmaster Dumbledore can believe that you're a Parselmouth, he'll believe that you're a Seer."
"Ya mean if Ah can show 'em Ah can talk ta snakes, then that'd prove Ah ain't lyin bout mah Seerin powers?"
Ah see Jacklin nod an Ah guess it'll be a good idea ta try. Who knows maybe he awready knows bout Quirrell wantin ta steal the stone an we don't gotta worry bout it.
"I'll be right back, Toby. If I see that the grades have been posted on the board, I'll come and get you."
Ah wait in mah room an talk wit Trevor. If Jacklin's gotta use the bathroom ta deal wit 'er bleedins tha's her business.
"What'd ya think Trevor? Did Ah pass all mah tests?"
Trevor jus looks at me wit his froggie eyes an croaks.
"Yeah Ah kinda feel good bout mah tests too. Ah dunno if Ah got O's on all a 'em but Ah know Ah didn't fail. Tha's all Pop ever wanted outta me. So long's Ah jus pass mah magic classes that'd be jus fine wit 'em."
Trevor stands in a way that tells me Ah gotta feed 'em.
"Yer tryna butter me up fer a bloodworm ain't ya. Well yer lucky cause it works."
Ah feed 'em a worm an he jus gobbles it right up. Ah love watchin 'em eat cause he jus looks so happy.
"Toby come downstairs! Our grades have been posted."
Ah follow Jacklin down ta see our grades. Ah jus hope Ah passed.
"Wow. Whole lotta kids here."
"This is for all of Gryffindor. We need to find the first year section."
Ah look through the thangs on the board.
"Found it. Yer up there Jacklin."
"Thank you, Toby."
Ah see mah name bout a couple rows below hers. Ah dunno if Ah can look at the line a grades till Jacklin tells me wha she's got.
"I got all O's!"
"Wow! Wha's that star next ta yer name?"
Jacklin takes a deep breath. Ah'm gettin excited cause she's gettin excited.
"That star means I'm at the top of our class!"
Ah can't help but flap mah hands round till Ah grab Jacklin's hands.
"Ok. Now Ah gotta see mah grades."
"They have the names of the core classes across the top. You would've had to skip every class to not get a passing grade in Flying so they usually don't count that."
Ah'm feelin too nervous ta look as much as Ah wanna look.
"Can ya look fer me?"
"Of course I can. Potions: O. Defense Against the Dark Arts: E. Magical Theory: E Charms: O. History of Magic: O. Herbology: O. Flying: O. Astronomy: E. And Transfiguration: E. That means you have 5 O's and 4 E's."
Ah can't even think of how ta react ta that.
"Sorry Ah think mah brain broke fer a sec there. Did.... did that mean Ah made it ta 2nd year?"
Ah don't even know wha ta say. Ah jus gotta write Pop or tell Dumbledore bout Quirrell or somethin.
"How much time we got till the last day a school?"
"Our last day is on the 31st. We have to have our final Quidditch match to determine who wins the Quidditch Cup."
Ah try ta think bout wha ta do next.
"Le's go talk ta Dumbledore bout this. Quirrell's been feelin off the whole time Ah was takin mah test."
"Yes, I agree."
We walk ta Dumbledore's office. McGonagall sees us first though.
"Is there any reason you wish to be in this part of the castle?"
"Yes Professor McGonagall. We have something to ask Headmaster Dumbledore."
"Well I'm afraid you must wait. The Headmaster had left on important business and won't be back until tomorrow morning."
Ah feel nervous an Ah dunno what we gotta do now.
"I see. Thank you Professor."
Ah follow Jacklin back ta mah room.
"Professor Quirrell had to have sent a false notice to lure the Headmaster away. He's going to steal the stone tonight if he hasn't started already."
"Jacklin... Ah don't think Ah'm gonna be able ta stop 'em. Ah don't even know how ta get past Fluffy or what's even past the trapdoor."
She sighs an Ah dunno if she's mad at me or not.
"In that case, I'll go alone."
Before Ah can even think bout wha she says, she grabs the invisibility cloak an heads outta mah room. Ah know Ah don't gotta be a Seer ta know this ain't gonna go well. Ah jus dunno what ta do.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis,
@vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters,
@pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, @thetaoofzoe, and @elvispresley4life.
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A fluffy 'Dean WinchesterXTrans!Male' Reader one-shot where you had come out to Dean, and Dean decided he's going to do everything he can to support you.
“So,” Dean began. His heart was pounding. He rather be facing any number of ghosts and ghouls to avoid fucking this part up. Hell, he’d even take a few demons over this. Anything over these tense emotional moments. Still, he was glued to the bed, hand holding yours. He loved you. He wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of helping you.
“Y-yeah?” You stumbled over your words. You had no idea how your boyfriend was going to handle the news. Tears were threatening to fall over your cheeks as you kept your eyes glued to the floor.
Dean swallowed. Dammit, his brother mentioned something like this in the past. Why couldn’t he remember now? “Well in that case, I suppose we better get you some comfier clothes. C’mon.” He stood up, offering his hand to you. Looking up, you saw that same smile dance across his lips, the same smile you fell in love with. “Wouldn’t want my boyfriend to be uncomfortable.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you jumped into his arms, relief and love washing over you. Dean just chuckled, quietly as he shifted to wrap his arms around you, squeezing you against him. “Thanks Dean…Thank you so much.”
“Of course. You have a different name you like to be called now?”
“Y/N now- I uh, kinda picked it out when I realized I just-”
“Y/N is perfect babe.” His lips left a light little peck at your nose. “C’mon. Sammy’s with Bobby looking for another job, let’s take the day to get you feeling as good as possible, hm? I just had that great poker payout-”
“I thought that was for silver bullets-”
“Pshh. I can win another game or too.” Dean went to smile, but it quickly drooped into a frown. “Your clothes...do they make you feel-” He tried to find the right word.
“Dysphoric? Well I mean a bit. I didn’t exactly have time to choose great clothes when I ran off with you Dean.” Before you could even finish your sentence, Dean was digging through his duffle.
“I was going to drop them off somewhere, they feel a little small.” Dean grinned, poking his head back up. In his hands were an AC/DC shirt and an old pair of jeans. He even pulled out his spare hunting boots. “Might not be the most practical all the time, but we’ll get you some stuff today.”
You tried not to cry once again.
Few minutes later, you found yourself wrapped up in your boyfriend's clothes, in the passenger seat of the car. AC/DC rang out through the speakers. You couldn’t help but smile.
“You...really don’t mind Dean?”
“Mind? Why the hell would I mind?”
“Well you were into me as a-”
“I am into you, period.” Dean smiled a little. “Masculine, feminine, It makes no difference to me. You are still you. So, clothes we’re doing. Not half assed Walmart clothes either, we’re gonna get you some good hunting gear.” You couldn’t help but chuckle a little at that. “Masculine fake IDs from now on, easy enough. Anything else you need?”
“At the moment, I’m not sure...I kinda like what Sam does with his hair so I don’t think I’ll cut it off yet. It isn’t as long as his at the moment anyway.” You giggled at the scrunch in Dean’s nose at the mention of his brother.
“Cute guy with a ponytail never hurts either. Ah. Here’s the shop.”
“Dean this is a mall-”
“Yeah, sporting goods, including guns, bullets, as well as various clothing stores to get you what you need. Plus crowds to blend into. Malls are great Y/N.” He turned into the parking lot, picking a spot somewhere in the middle. “Plus, the impala doesn’t stick out too much here.”
Dean slipped out of his side, opening the door for you before you were even unbuckled. His calloused hand still felt tender as it grasped yours tightly, pulling you towards the store.
Your boyfriend was right after all. The crowds were seamless and the selection would be much greater.
“I’m thinking, we hit the sporting goods store, get some food and supplies. Take our time with it. Then just meet up with Sam and Bobby for the job, sound good Y/N?”
“Sounds perfect Dean.” Your smile was glued to your face as you leaned against his arm walking into the shop Dean had picked. “Is this where you got all your flannels and things?”
“Most of em, yeah. Why? You like that one?” He winked as he saw your cheeks turn a little pink. Sure, you loved the flannel. It made you feel more you, it also smelled like the man you loved more than anything.
“Well it’s nice and warm and-” You tripped over your words again. “Just really nice hunting clothes ya know? Like durable enough you have some protection, it’s also warm enough for nights but I can always open it ya know.”
“Great. So a couple flannels. Some jeans that won’t trip you up. Shirts.” Dean guided you to the clothing area of the store, whipping out his cellphone.
“Dean? Something the matter?” He doesn’t often look at his screen with that much concentration.
“Nope. I was just looking at a size chart.” He matched his screen to a couple of the tags. “These your colors?” He held out some forest green flannel and a black shirt.
“To start with, yeah! Although lighter colors are still nice. I don’t want anything thinking I’m your little brother if I match your style.”
“My style is functional and timeless. Plus, if I had a nickel for everyone who thought Sam and I should-” He scowled as you laughed. You couldn’t help but pick up those books when you saw them. Plus, as prank wars broke out it definitely gave you an upper hand.
“Alright, I concede your style is wonderful Dean.”
“Damn right it is.” He smiled a little. “But I get it, c’mon. Let’s walk around and see what catches your eye.”
The two of you scoured the store from top to bottom. Dean’s arms quickly became laden with fabric as you both approached the fitting rooms.
“Find everything you need sir, and-?” The guy in charge of the rooms spoke.
“Sir.” You introjected. Your heart rate spiked a little. Dean’s hand rested on your shoulder as he nodded to the cashier, as if confirming what you said.
“Of course, right this way. Here is your room, sir.” Without batting an eye the cashier escorted you back to try on your new wardrobe.
“Give 'em hell babe!” Dean called after you, taking his seat. He fiddled with his phone. Sam had finally convinced him to upgrade, and this one had a camera on it.
Quickly, pulse racing, you put on the first outfit of clothes, and slipped outside to model for Dean. Your nerves subsided when met with that goofy grin of his, and you couldn’t help but match it.
“You look amazing.”
“I feel amazing.”
“Wanna try more?” Dean snapped a photo. “That’s gonna be my new cell wallpaper.” You stuck your tongue out to him, a look he cheekily returned.
You went through this a few more times. Different mixed and matched outfits and hunting gear. Dean flirting with you every time you slipped into his sight. Soon you had a week's worth of clothes, with some extras to wear during a wash. Eventually you made it towards the food court, carrying the bags. You both went immediately to the burger stand and sat down.
“Fucck~” Dean’s eyes were closed in bliss. “I forgot how amazing these burgers were.”
“God we ate at gas stations so much I had forgotten food could be juicy.” You were devouring your burger as ravenous as Dean was. Oblivious to the look he was giving you.
Dean just smiled, chewing as he looked at you. It had only been a few months since you were traveling with him. Demon blooded kid like Sammy, you wanted to be able to help. Truthfully you were thankful they accepted.
Dean sometimes kicks himself at night for almost saying no. He had fallen for you, hard, the first time you rode in the back of the car. The way your eyes lit up as his own music started to play. The way you got along with Sam. He had fallen hard. You were perfect in his eyes now as you were then.
“Dean?...” Your voice was quiet, head against the window. After eating Dean had loaded you and your new things into the impala before starting to make your guy’s way to Bobby's place.
The excitement of the day had driven your eyelids to a close by this point. The soft rumblings of the engine were lulling you to sleep. Dean’s hand found yours once more, with a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah babe?”
“I love you Dean…”
“I love you too Y/N.” His words were the last things you heard before finally succumbing to sleep.
Dean drove on, hand never leaving yours. He had found the best boyfriend in the world, and he intended to keep things that way.
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yemilnisu · 4 years
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nisu entries:
i got this idea from @memekingofwwiii and some of it are theirs 🙇🏻‍♀️ thank you for letting me add it here 😊 it’s a mixture from buzzfeed unsolved supernatural and true crime 👀 i really had fun doing this!
warning: swearing, mentions of death/murder/killing/blood/weed
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「part 2」
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Tendou: i did have a neighbor who had an overhang of a lime tree, and it was great because i could go pick a little lime.
Ushijima: did you ever think about killing your neighbor?
Tendou: when he didn't give me limes, yeah.
Ushijima: oh, okay; all right.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Matsukawa: this is my bridge now, if you want it back you’re gonna have to kill me.
Oikawa: he did throw someone off the bridge once.
Matsukawa: fuck you, goatman!
Oikawa: Jesus Christ.
Kunimi: *behind the camera snickering as mattsun taunts the goatman much to oikawa’s dismay*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Matsukawa: hey demons, it’s me, ya boi.
Matsukawa: if you want to eat my heart, turn that light on. If you want to eat oikawa’s heart, turn that light on...
Oikawa: don’t drag me into your shit, mattsun.
*torch turns on*
Oikawa: *screams*
Matsukawa: *laughs hysterically as he continues to lie on the pentagram*
Kunimi: *actual wheezing*
Matsukawa: i think this demon’s a wimp.
Oikawa: he’s out of his fucking mind.
Kunimi: *having the time of his life*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Oikawa: every human's capable of murder if you push them enough. i just don't know if this is enough of a push.
Iwaizumi: okay.
Oikawa: it's true!
Iwaizumi: is that so?
Oikawa: yeah.
Oikawa: i bet you you would murder me if I pushed you enough.
Iwaizumi: yeah, probably.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tsukishima: …
Tsukishima: so, you're telling me, at nine years old, you don’t go to church. the first time you cross the threshold into holy ground,
Nishinoya: *makes noise and imitates blood coming out of his nose*
Tsukishima: blood expels from your nostrils?
Nishinoya: yeah, yeah. they ran outta tissues! mopping that up.
Tsukishima: …
Nishinoya: it was wild!
Tsukishima: it sounds wild.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kuroo: i think it was the neighbor. look, i’m a simple man. i see a trail of blood going to someone's house. even if they didn't do it, come on; you're going to jail.
Kenma: i think it might've been a random person.
Kuroo: all right.
Kenma: it just seems too obvious.
Kuroo: okay.
Kenma: there's a paper trail of their feud. why the hell would he be that dumb?
Kuroo: rage, you know? lust, rage. rage just- just building up, bursting out.
Kenma: well, i've never really gotten that angry. i don't really have that capacity.
Kuroo: it's building. it's building inside you. everyone sees it; we all see it.
Kenma: that's great. oh man, i can't wait for krakatoa then.
Kuroo: *shuddering* oh- oh- i shudder.
Kenma: hope no one's in the way 😺
Kuroo: …
Kuroo: scary.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Daichi: he allegedly chased his mother with an axe when he was 19.
Asahi: not great.
Daichi: (wheeze) no? not off- off to a bad start?
Asahi: no good. i’ve never done that. you didn’t do that did you?
Daichi: no! i didn't- what- is there anything to suggest that I would chase my mom with an axe?
Asahi: (inhales) not outright i feel like if you peel the layers back.
Daichi: you think if you peel the layers back from this onion, you'll see something you don’t want to see?
Asahi: yeah. i think you wear a mask sometimes 😅
Daichi: mm-hmm i think you should keep digging and maybe see what happens 🙂
Asahi: uh no i'm good 🧍🏻‍♂️
Daichi: *staring at asahi*
Asahi: 👁👄👁💧
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Osamu: my takeaway is people from chicago are weird.
Atsumu: the- this does not represent chicago. this is people and go "ey! chicago tylenol murders"
Osamu: (laugh) home with the beam, the cubs and the chicago tylenol murders and of course our nation's greatest tragedy, miya atsumu.
Atsumu: that- that's not me.
Osamu: i read it somewhere 🤷🏻
Atsumu: no, you didn’t, you probably wrote it.
Osamu: yeah.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Suna: i’d love to be an heiress.
Kita: (snickers)
Suna: i know she’s probably gonna disappear or something.
Kita: so you wanna be a trust fund baby?
Suna: i’d like someone to give me a lot of money for doing nothing. but i want-
Kita: and then you wanna disappear?
Suna: yes. i want to get a lot of money and then vanish from the face of the earth.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Ennoshita: her family believed that when she left at 11:30 am, she had as much as $30 in her purse, which in today’s dollars would be more than $750.
Nishinoya: holy moly!
Tanaka: that’s a lot of quiche—
Nishinoya: yeah.
Tanaka: that’s a lot of quiche.
Nishinoya: thirty bucks going that far in 1910.
Tanaka: i don’t even have $750 in my bank account.
Nishinoya: i’ve never had $750 in my pocket! i rarely have had $30 in my pocket.
Ennoshita: well i don’t really carry cash anymore-
Nishinoya & Tanaka: who does!?
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Yaku: stop number one, mothman statue.
Lev: it looks very ornate.
Yaku: *shocked that lev knows that word*
Yaku: you’ll be able to stare at it eye to eye.
Lev: what’s that supposed to mean?
Yaku: it means you’re eight feet tall, it’s a tall joke. get it?
Lev: 🧍🏼
Yaku: 🤦🏼‍♂️
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Akaashi: any... any thought in that so far?
Bokuto: (fart sound) nope. what year is it, ‘66?
Akaashi: ‘66.
Bokuto: few teens out there probably smoking a few funny cigarettes.
Akaashi: you could say weed. it’s 2018.
Bokuto: ...some grass.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kageyama: so my guess is the couples were somewhere around here, maybe on that road over there.
Hinata: yeah.
Kageyama: and i'm not sure of the exact location but this is where they saw him stumbling around.
Hinata: they just… saw him kinda shambling?
Kageyama: yeah.
Hinata: big shambling man. kinda *shuffling his body*
Kageyama: i- i don’t know, maybe he was just taking a walk, i mean, what's it to you?
Hinata: why would you take a walk if you had wings?
Kageyama: he's a fucking creature, he can do what he wants.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kuroo: but all im saying is that what you need to gather from this is that he has an effect on people's psyche.
Lev: this mothman's a complicated character.
Kuroo: what does he sound like? what does he sound like?
Lev: he sound like the blood bird.
Kuroo: …
Lev: flappy spookster.
Kuroo: …
Kuroo: that's- come on.
Kuroo: *glances over to lev's notes*
Lev: the winged wretch. did i already say that?
Kuroo: this just says fright terror.
Kuroo: *throws away the notes*
Lev: you know, just call him batman, why is that hard? 😩
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Goshiki: what the fuck.
Shirabu: well those are coyotes… or dogs. Or a large pack of something.
Goshiki: holy shit.
Shirabu: just some coyotes.
Goshiki: are you not fucking alarmed right now?
Shirabu: are you scared? (laugh)
Goshiki: dude wait- this goes beyond belief, that was a pack of, whatever the fuck that was.
Shirabu: it was coyotes!
Goshiki: is that our cue to leave? i think maybe. we've been out here for quite a bit.
Shirabu: yeah, i don’t know if were gonna find anything tonight.
Goshiki: i don’t wanna be in the mouth of some coyote later, that's not how i want the picture wrap on old tsutomu to be.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Atsumu: air force one? they filmed air force one here?
Atsumu: air force one actually, now that i think of it, remember the reason they hijacked the plane is to release for the-
Sakusa: i’m gonna go ahead and cut you off right there 'cause i don’t give a shit.
Sakusa: we’re gonna move over here.
Atsumu: …okay.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kai: four people in a cell, that's a lot
Kuroo: i mean, you put any normal people in a room that's too small. like if you’re in a dorm in college, if you hate your roommate…
Kai: it's tough business
Kuroo: listening to music too loud when i'm trying to study
Kai: hwfrrrrr…
Kuroo: cookin' uhh… top ramen in the microwave when i'm trying to sleep
Kai: you got some axes to grind?
Kuroo: no.
Kai: oh
Kuroo: fuck you, daishou.
Kai: daishou?
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
(distant thud)
Yamamoto: what the fuck?
Kenma: :3
Yamamoto: is all i have to say to that.
Kenma: they didn’t like the thumb talk.
Yamamoto: you didn't like the thumb talk? was it too much thumb talk? i thought we went about two minutes long on the-
(distant thud)
Kenma: they don’t like the thumb talk.
Yamamoto: *looking around in shock*
Kenma: *stopping himself from laughing*
Yamamoto: uhhhh… holy fuck. holy fuck, holy fuck. if you’re one of the people that had that thumb thing to happen to you, that sucks. what was it like?
Kenma: what do you think you're gonna get right now? 😑
Yamamoto: i feel like we should go see what that is, to be honest.
Kenma: *shakes his head*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tsukishima: we’re walking over to the source of the disturbance.
Hinata: hello? (sigh) i’m gonna lose my mind. so, it did that twice within the span of 10 seconds but nothing else?
Tsukishima: but, we can confirm that it did sound like this right? *slams the cabinet door*
Hinata: yeah.
Tsukishima: that was the sound.
Hinata: do you think the wind’s gonna do that twice?
Tsukishima: *blows on the cabinet door*
Tsukishima: not moving 🙄
Hinata: well, shit.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sugawara: oh there it is. it’s that. *pointing to where the sound was coming from*
Asahi: what?
Sugawara: there’s a logical explanation for you.
Asahi: ah! okay, there it is. well, there you go, there you go.
Sugawara: but, if we hadn’t seen that...
Asahi: if we hadn’t seen that we would be fooled 😅
Sugawara: no, we wouldn’t have been fooled. you would have been telling me for months.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
*inside the prisoners of ohio state penitentiary*
Kageyama: this is fucking terrible.
Tsukishima: it’s the opportunity of a lifetime to be here.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tendou: i’m separating from the group.
Semi: it’s the ideal time to kill him.
Tendou: yeah i mean, if i were gonna die in camera it would be a pretty noble thing.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Osamu: I don’t understand what’s wrong with atsumu sometimes.
Atsumu: what was that?
Osamu: i didn’t say anything.
Atsumu: you sure you didn’t say anything, ‘samu?
Osamu: now go back and set ‘em off to make sure they work.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sakusa: *inhales*
Atsumu: *inhales*
Sakusa: you need to back up from me. i can feel your air intake. it’s like a gross nasal jet, i don’t know.
Atsumu: *takes a step towards sakusa*
Sakusa: uh no *takes a step backwards*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Futakuchi: latch yourself onto my soul, come back to hollywood with me, and destroy the lives of all my friends and coworkers.
Koganegawa: a little hard to follow, but i like where you’re going.
Futakuchi: kogane’s family has a little-
Koganegawa: ey! ey! do-! do-! don’t!
Futakuchi: -dog named mickey.
Koganegawa:*trying to stop futakuchi*
Futakuchi: real good. you wanted me to give it my all. i’m throwing stuff on the table.
Koganegawa: insults, not personal information. you’re giving him a dossier on my life!
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@halesandy @lina @babyshoyo @midnightsun30 @polaris-song @kac-chowsballs @sugawaraaaa
just answer this form to be added to my tag list!
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kiyosamu · 3 years
HQ boys when they have too much to drink
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
Atsumu Miya
• take his typical personality and turn up the volume to 100. this man is LOUD. his laugh obnoxiously booms around the entire place, he’s straight up yelling as he talks (he doesn’t realize it though), and he’s such a flirt.
• there is a tipping point though, that one drink that pushes him over the edge of no return. he goes from happy, loud tsumu to an absolute baby. this massive hunk of a professional athlete will cry, and he’ll cry hard.
osamu offered to treat the msby boys to a dinner and drinks after another excellent win, of course they accepted with pure gratitude and excitement (they all loved osamu’s food).
although it was at his house and not his restaurant, the food was just as good; if not better. you all thanked him for the meal and sat around his large table chatting and drinking.
“cheers, boys!” atsumu exclaimed, leaning over the table to clink glasses with everyone, downing his beer immediately after.
“not just boys here, ‘tsumu, you forget about y/n already?” osamu smirked.
atsumu gasped, leaning down and squeezing you around your shoulders. you laughed as he practically pushed all of the air out of your lungs.
“forget her?! i was going to do a toast for ONLY her. just had to get ya scrubs outta the way first” he teased, sticking out his tongue at the group.
you smiled, shaking your head. “it’s fine, atsumu, there’s no need for tha-”
surprisingly, you were interrupted by osamu.
“cheers to y/n, for makin’ my brother happier than i’ve ever seen ‘em.” he looked down at you, smiling. “never thought he’d find anyone, ‘specially a stunner like yourself~ happy to have you in our family and to have you as a future sister in law.”
you almost teared up at his words, not expecting osamu to say something so sweet. you were about to speak again but were interrupted by the rest of the boys, standing up and clinking their glasses again.
“cheers to y/n!”
they all knocked their drinks back and you covered your face in your hands. you really were thankful for these boys, they’d come into your life and you never wanted them out of it.
“alright stop flirtin’ with my woman” atsumu grinned, pulling you up to your feet. he pulled with enough force that you practically crashed against his chest. your forearms rested against him and you looked up at the blonde towering over you.
“heh” he smirked, “fancy meetin’ ya here, pretty girl”
you rolled your eyes, pushing off of him, and excused yourself to the bathroom.
when you got back, you heard osamu cursing in the kitchen. you peeked in to see what was wrong.
“you okay, samu?”
“huh?” he peered up over the refrigerator door, “oh, yeah, i’m good. thought we had more beer but i forgot it at the restaurant. these boys knock ‘em back quick.”
“want me to go pick some up?”
“ah, would ya?
“sure” you smiled, heading into the living room where the other boys were.
atsumu pulled you into his lap, immediately giving you a big wet kiss on your cheek.
“ah, atsumu, ew!” you giggled as you wiped your face. he hummed in complete bliss as he buried his face in your hair. you could feel how warm he was, and could tell he was already pretty drunk.
“i’m gonna go to the store quick, you guys want anything other than beer?”
bokuto’s eyes widened at the possibilities. he turned towards the kitchen, and back to you.
“y/n... psst...” he whispered and motioned for you to get closer. you went over to him, kneeling down as he was sitting on the floor.
“can you get me a cheeseburger?” he flashed a classic bokuto smile and you playfully nudged him.
“hey! i heard that!” osamu said as he charged into the living room. “there’s leftovers still, you insatiable beast, eat those. don’t ya dare insult me like that.”
he threw a pillow at bokuto and went back into the kitchen, coming out again with a mixed drink in his hand.
“whatcha drinkin?” atsumu asked, looking at his brother.
“doesn’t concern ya, the last thing you need is hard alcohol.” he motioned for you to catch something, tossing you his wallet. “thanks for going, y/n!”
you told the boys you’d be back quickly, but that turned into almost an hour. the first store you went to was closed, and the second was 20 minutes away.
as you were paying, you looked down at the wallet and card osamu had given you.
it was atsumu’s credit card, not osamu’s. you couldn’t help but laugh. not like atsumu would mind (or even notice), but it was the little things the twins do that always cracked you up.
you were having a great night. however, the house you left earlier and just came back to were severely different in a few ways.
the first thing you noticed was the music you could hear from outside. not unlike them to put some on while hanging out, but it was pretty loud.
the second thing you noticed was hinata running full speed in front of you (practically knocking you over) and slamming the bathroom door.
the third was the loud slam of glasses on the kitchen counter. you peeked in to see atsumu, bokuto, and sakusa all standing over a half drank bottle of tequila.
“poor shoyo” atsumu cooed. “prolly gettin’ sick all over samu’s bathroom.”
“not like he didn’t warn you,” sakusa said casually. “you two practically forced him to.”
you sighed, setting the beer on the table and the boys turned their attention to you.
“my baby!” atsumu sprinted towards you, throwing you into his arms and squeezing you. you tapped on his shoulder for him to let you down. he gave you a kiss, the smell and taste of alcohol much stronger than a beer overtaking your lips.
“you smell like a bar, ‘tsumu, how much have you had to drink?”
“only a couple beers, and one shot, don’t worry babe~” he said between the many kisses he was covering your cheeks with. you didn’t believe him considering he was already slurring his words.
“bullshit, ya filthy liar” osamu glared at him as he walked into the kitchen. “i had one drink from that bottle and now it’s halfway gone, i leave for 20 minutes to make a phone call and you savages drink my liquor too?”
bokuto and sakusa silently left the kitchen, grabbing the beer on the table before heading into the other room.
“why, do ya gotta lie, ‘saaamu?” atsumu put you down, walking over to his brother and scrunching his nose at him.
“oh, yer done. i’d know that stupid look anywhere.” osamu peered around atsumu’s shoulders to look at you. “he’s wasted, y/n, if ya wanna keep your sanity you can just leave him here for the night.”
you shook your head. “it’s okay, osamu, i don’t mind. plus everyone’s still here. we can still hang out.”
osamu shrugged. “don’t say i didn’t warn ya, but the offer still stands.”
atsumu glared at his brother, shoving him a little harder than playfully.
“stop flirtin’ with my woman”
“ah fucks sake.” osamu rolled his eyes, giving atsumu the middle finger. “don’t ya dare get like this tonight, atsumu. yer gonna embarrass yourself in front of your girlfriend AND friends.”
you quickly grabbed atsumu’s hand, leading him back over to you to distract him. osamu scoffed and went back into the living room.
“surprise surprise, osamu ran away again” he growled. “like usual.”
you touched his cheek, looking at him thoughtfully.
“what’s wrong, baby? you okay?”
the unprovoked anger he had in his eyes vanished, he turned into complete mush when he looked at you. he nodded, his eyes watering now.
“oh, ‘tsumu...” you said quietly, leading him into osamu’s spare bedroom and shutting the door.
you guided him to the edge of the bed for him to sit down.
atsumu reached out for you and you sat on his lap. he rested his forehead on your shoulder.
you were sitting on him sideways and leaned into his chest. he wrapped his arms around your waist. as you were about to say something, you could hear his breaths become uneven.
atsumu shook his head, not looking up at you.
“hey...” you said softly, cupping his cheeks in your hands. you could feel the tears on his warm skin.
you tilted his head up. his eyes were red and it broke your heart seeing him upset like this, fueled by alcohol or not.
you pushed his messy hair out of his face, kissing his forehead. “what is it, baby?”
“it’s just, ugh-” he sniffled, “samu... pisses me off...”
“he’s just looking out for you, babe.”
“nah not that. just always leavin’ me, walkin’ away, past few years that’s all he’s good for.” he rubbed his eyes, leaning back into your shoulder.
“s’pathetic, i know, me sitting here cryin’ on ya like a total scrub”
you shook your head, ignoring the last part. “it’s not pathetic. you miss him?”
“i- ‘course i do! i mean, i’d never tell ‘em that...” he grumbled.
you nodded. “well let’s make more of an effort to spend time with him. i’m sure he’d really like that.”
your mind drifted to a previous conversation you’d had with osamu that he made you promise not to tell his twin. he’d pretty much said the same thing, but a little less emotional.
the boys did still see each other often, you were pretty sure they talked almost every day, but they went from spending almost every waking moment together to only seeing each other once a week, at most, at this point. they were both just so busy.
atsumu was always vocal about how he wished osamu had pursued volleyball with him, but he was still happy his brother found his own passion. he just wished that passion was the same as his.
when you first met their mom, she’d told you about how their bond was different from regular siblings- twins were a bit more attached to each other. she laughed, saying sometimes she was convinced they shared a brain. “they’re a package deal.”
“okay...” atsumu said, his face still in your shoulder. “ya can’t tell him i was cryin’ though. just say hanging out is your idea.”
you laughed, running your fingers back through his hair and stopping to give soothing scratches to the short hair of his undercut. “sure, baby.”
atsumu squeezed you tight and gave your butt a little pat, which told you he was ready to get up.
“you okay now? ready to go back out there?”
he nodded. you took a good look at him, his eyes a little puffy and cheeks flushed, but it wasn’t as obvious, he could easily blame the alcohol.
he tilted your head up towards him, giving you a kiss. his hand pressed against the back of your neck, the other snaking around your lower back. you stood on your tiptoes and rested your hands along his jawline.
“mmf-“ atsumu exhaled, tightening his grip on you and kissing you more. “on second thought” he said in between kisses, “think i wanna go home with ya, spend some quality time with my baby, yeah?”
you giggled as he trailed kisses along your cheek and down your neck, unable to hide your excitement. it was funny to think how this massive flirt was just crying into you only a couple minutes ago.
the award for biggest mood swings would definitely go to your boyfriend.
“hmmmm?” he hummed into you, his lips finding yours again.
you nodded. “fine, but only because you’re so handsome and i just can’t resist you.” you teased.
he smirked. “not sure if yer teasin’ or being serious, but i’ll take it. c’mon.” he grabbed your hand, both of you heading into the living room to say your quick goodbyes before heading home together
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
Quote 7 for Mammon Pls!! Congrats as well on your followers btw, really love your stuff, keep it up! ☆
Thank you!! Call me biased but Mammon is my fav brother. I still love em all but I can’t help but love him a lil more (can you tell by how long this got lol) 😭 Reader is gender neutral!
Prompt: “We’d make a cute couple.” with Mammon!
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Having Mammon by your side throughout the day was one of the main things you looked forward to whenever you woke up. While he may have his moments where he can be a little bit annoying, you could never fully be upset with him. There was never a moment where you two weren’t together: walking to RAD, walking to class, walking home, doing homework, pissing off Lucifer. It seemed like you two were inseparable, joined by the hip with how much you two were side by side. The only time you two weren’t together was when you went to bed, and even then you still had sleepovers/movie nights to make up for it.
You honestly wondered why you two weren’t dating yet.
You knew part of the reason (honestly the main reason) was Mammon. He’s so stubborn and determined to deny his feelings for you when it is so painfully obvious that he’s in love with you. Was it a pride thing? A demon thing? Maybe it’s just a him thing, either way you didn’t understand. Plus, it’s so obvious that you love him too! You wanted to slam your head into a wall every single time Mammon brought out his tsundere side. It was cute at first (and still was sometimes), but it was starting to get old very quick. When will he stop being so hardheaded and just admit to it already?!
Whenever it was you two, he let his soft side come out. Being the family’s punching bag, he let a lot of stuff slide, and he held a lot in. He’s able to lean on you whenever he’s struggling, never having to worry about keeping up facades and having to be strong all of the time. Everyone has moments of weakness, and you made sure that Mammon always knew that and never felt ashamed when he came to confide in you. He’s a sensitive demon, and you have no problems comforting and encouraging him when he’s down.
You two balanced each other out, and he’s always there for you just you are for him. The whispers of “I love you” that he thought you didn’t here among the gentle looks that he gave you that he thought was unseen, all taken in my you.
So no more beating around the bush! This is happening, and happening now.
He couldn’t avoid you forever (not that he would be avoiding you anyway), and he couldn’t avoid his feelings either (not that he tried to hide them well in the first place). It was the weekend, and after eating dinner with everyone, you were in your room for your scheduled movie night. Some action movie was playing on the screen, empty instant Hellfire noodle cups scattered while you two laid side by side on the bed. Mammon was deep into the movie, while your attention was elsewhere.
“Oi MC! Look at how that agent landed a double shot from behind his back while driving blindfolded!”
“Uh huh.”
“And the way that he’s blowing through these guys like nothing is crazy! Bet I can do that too! Wanna bet?”
“Uh huh.”
“And- MC? Ya not even listenin’, are ya?”
“Uh huh.”
“Sorry if I’m boring ya to sleep.”, he grumbled, looking away and pouting. But he still peeked back at you, gaze forming to show his worry. You were out of it, mind focusing on something that wasn’t you and him time, which never happened. So what happened? Did someone do something to make you mad? Did he do something and made you mad? He doesn’t recall anything happening...maybe you’re just getting homesick?
It was making him get uneasy and had his mind racing now. What is going-
“You know Mammon, we’d make a cute couple.”
Well that caused him to choke on his spit and shoot straight up, knocking the empty cups over and spilling the blankets off of your bodies.
“W-where is this coming from?!”
“I mean,” you turned to him, the movie illuminating your face in the dark. “Am I wrong?”
It’s so easy for Mammon to get lost in your eyes, just as it is for you. You believed that all of the brothers’ eyes reminded you of jewels, but Mammons’ eyes were always the most unique to you. They always found a way to draw you in, the mix of gold and cerulean never failing to captivate you. Not to mention how expressive they are, his emotions easily showing through them. Like now, you could see the hesitation and uncertainty swirling through them after your declaration.
You took a leap of faith, and you’re only hoping that he would do the same.
He sat with his mouth opening and closing a couple times, the tips of words never leaving his tongue. He started to fidget, eyes darting to look anywhere else that wasn’t you, his cheeks turning scarlet and spreading to his ears. You felt disappointment bubbling in your stomach. You should’ve know that he wouldn’t confess, that you just pushed him too far. You should’ve just kept quiet and never addressed-
“You really think so?”
He said it in such a small voice, that you barely heard him. And when he looked at you, he stared in so much awe, like he couldn’t believe what he just heard.
“I mean, yeah. Don’t you think so?”, you were trying to still be casual about it, but you feel yourself starting to sweat. The look that Mammon’s giving you is getting to your nerves, making your heart beat even faster than it already is. He’s already caught off guard, but it’s what he says next that does the same to you.
“I do,” he has tears welling in his eyes now with an infectious smile to match. “I really do. W-what took you so long to say something, you dumb human?”
“Me?! You’re the one who’s always acting so tough, you dumb demon!”, but you shoved him, laughing the whole time. “Geez, you stress me out for no reason-”
You didn’t even have time to pretend to be mad as he tackled you to the bed, his trademark laugh filling the air. It didn’t take that long for you to join him, you both just appreciating the moment. You both longed for this moment, just to be in each other’s arms, not a care in the world. Nothing else mattered right now; just this.
“MC, I really do care about you and”, he paused. “I- I don’t ever wanna let you go. I don’t know what I would do without you now, and I don’t ever wanna find out”, he tightened his grip around you as he spoke. “You’re the only one I wanna be greedy with.”
The satisfaction you felt when hearing this was indescribable. “I care about you too Mammon, and I wouldn’t mind that. Not at all.”
“G-Good! Because now that the Great Mammon is blessing you with this opportunity, ya better be grateful about it! It’s not easy to get with me, so count yourself lucky!”
Ah, here’s the old Mammon. Minus the denial.
“Okay, Mammoney.”, you chuckled, getting yourself comfortable. The warmth radiating from his body was making you sleepy, and you couldn’t fight it anymore. “I’m the luckiest person in the world.”
As you mumbled a “goodnight, love you” as you succumbed to sleep, you felt the forgotten covers being brought over you both. Mammon admired you as you snored lightly in his arms, and he couldn’t help but lightly kiss the top of your head. No amount of gambling could ever beat this high that he’s feeling, nothing could.
“I know I count myself the luckiest demon in the world right now.”
He’s already won something better than a prize, and that’s you loving him.
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myonechicagoworld · 3 years
Christopher Herrmann: Let me-let me ask you something. What
                                         kind of equipment do you use for your
Otis Zvonecek: Oh, the podcast you call ‘dummy-vision’? Now
                           you’re interested.
Christopher Herrmann: All right, listen. The baby’s due in a couple
                                        of weeks and Cindy, she wants me to set
                                        up a video journal or something. You got
                                        a video camera I can use?
Otis Zvonecek: Herrmann, you got a hi-def camera on your phone.
                           Why don’t you just take some footage, I’ll edit it
                           for you?
Christopher Herrmann: Aw, thank you, Otis.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah. All right.
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Gabby Dawson: Ladies’ night specials. You’re kidding me.
Otis Zvonecek: See? I told you she’d be pissed. You know why?
                           ‘Cause it’s sexist.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, sexist against men.
Gabby Dawson: It just feels a little desperate.
Christopher Herrmann: Oh, look at the new shop.
Gabby Dawson: Great. Great. Now it’s gonna be construction traffic
                            that’s gonna clog up the block?
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, easy, negative Nancy. This is gonna
                                        be good for us. You know, it’s probably
                                        gonna be a bunch of new condos, nature
                                        food places. I told you guys, the
                                        neighbourhood, it’s up and coming.
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Joe Cruz: You’re messing with me.
Leslie Shay: No. Women love it. You would not believe how many
                     nerve endings are…
Joe Cruz: Morning, Lieutenant.
Matt Casey: Don’t stop with the sex advice on my account.
Joe Cruz: How you doing?
Matt Casey: You know. Just taking it day by day.
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                                         [jacket zips]
Joe Cruz: Lieutenant.
Matt Casey: I’m fine. Really.
                                     [locker door shuts]
Joe Cruz: If there’s anything I can do.
Matt Casey: Thanks, man.
Leslie Shay: Hey. Sorry I’m late.
Gabby Dawson: Leslie Shay. Did you get your blood drawn this
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah? Where are you on your cycle?
Leslie Shay: Um, I’m a day late.
                      I didn’t wanna take a home test ‘cause they’re not
                      100% so Kelly and I went to the doctor and they’re
                      gonna call us later on with the results.
Gabby Dawson: Oh my God. I get to throw the baby shower, right?
Leslie Shay: Don’t jinx it. It’s too soon to be talking about that stuff.
                      You and Mills ignoring each other?
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Gabby Dawson: Uh, not completely. I mean, we pass each other in
                            the halls and say “Good morning, see you later.”
Leslie Shay: You were trying to protect him. It’s crazy if he can’t
                      forgive you.
Gabby Dawson: Well, you gotta be able to trust the person you’re
                            with, right? And if you can’t…
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Kelly Severide: Mills. Wanted to give you a heads up. Boden got
                          word. Squad decisions are being made today.
                          This could be your last shift on truck.
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Christopher Herrmann: Hey, Severide. I got something for ya.
Kelly Severide: What the hell is this?
Christopher Herrmann: It’s a pregnancy pillow. Cindy used it up to
                                        the 7th month. It helps with back issues
                                        and whatnot. You give that to Shay when
                                        the time comes and you will be her hero.
Kelly Severide: Okay, thanks.
Christopher Herrmann: All right. Hey. Having a kid is the best thing
                                         you’ll ever do.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, that’s what I hear.
                                  [house alert blares & buzzes]
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(Over PA): Squad 3, Truck 81, Engine 51, Ambulance 61, Battalion
                  25. Structure fire, 3015 South California Avenue.
                                            [sirens blaring]
Matt Casey: Don’t worry, Mills. These kind of calls usually aren’t too
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Peter Mills: What kind of calls?
                                            [sirens wailing]
                                           [horn honking]
Woman 1 (Officer/Warden): Over there. Up against the curb.
Chief Boden: You in charge?
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): Facility director, Rick Esposito.
Chief Boden: Okay, what are we looking at?
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): We got smoke in pod four, a dorm area we
                                       set up for overcrowding.
Chief Boden: Thought you were evacuating.
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): Well, I pulled most of my staff out. But I
                                        think it’s best we don’t move the inmates.
                                        We have vents that’ll draw away the
Chief Boden: Are the sprinklers turned on?
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): The inmates were turning ‘em on to cause
                                       trouble. So I had ‘em deactivated.
Chief Boden: Will you turn ‘em back on now please? Right now?
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): Find Roy. Tell him to turn the sprinklers
                                       back on.
Chief Boden: Casey, build a small team together, go inside.
                       Severide, I want squad standing by for RIT rescue.
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): RIT rescue?
Chief Boden: Rapid Intervention Team.
Matt Casey: All right, Cruz, Herrmann, Mills, leave your irons. Bring
                     a pry axe, pike pole, two silver bullets, 1 ¾ hose.
                                   [security door buzzes]
                                   [shouting in distance]
                                      [banging on door]
Warden (Lucci): Back up! Come on, follow me.
Inmate 1: What the hell are you looking at?
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Matt Casey: Mills. Keep your eyes open and your back to the wall.
Inmate 2: Hey baby.
Matt Casey: Don’t take any lip from anybody, got it?
                             [banging on glass, inmates yelling]
                                             - title screen -
Mouch: I wanted to thank you for not spilling the beans about my
              lady friend in Japan.
Otis Zvonecek: Your steamy online affair’s still going?
Mouch: As a matter of fact, Mari lands at O’Hare tomorrow. We’re
             finally gonna meet.
Otis Zvonecek: Mary? That doesn’t sound very Japanese.
Mouch: M-a-r-i.
Otis Zvonecek: Uh huh. Now did Mary ask you to carry anything
                          back to Japan for her or, you know, make deliveries
                          of any kind here in the States?
Chief Boden: Right. I understand. I’ll let Herrmann know.
                       (over radio) Christopher Herrmann, can you read me?
Christopher Herrmann: (into radio) What’s up, Chief?
Chief Boden: (into radio) Cindy just went into labour. Your folks are
                       bringing her to Lakeshore right now.
Joe Cruz: [chuckles]
Christopher Herrmann: How about that? For once in her life, the
                                         woman’s early.
Chief Boden: (into radio) I’m sending someone in to come get you
                        right now.
Christopher Herrmann: (into radio) Eh, that’ll take too long. We’re
                                         almost there. I can smell the smoke.
Warden (Lucci): (into radio) Master control, what do you see in pod
                           four overflow?
Master Control: (over radio) Can’t see anything. Too much smoke.
                                          [muffled shouting]
Matt Casey: Let’s go, let’s go.
                                        [door alarm buzzes]
                                         [inmates shouting]
Warden (Lucci): (into radio) We gotta get into pod four overflow
Master Control: (over radio) Copy that, Lucci. Opening pod.
Warden (Lucci): Get down!
Matt Casey: Mills. Locate a standpipe.
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Matt Casey: What happened to the exhaust?
Warden (Lucci): I don’t know.
                           Get down on the floor!
                                       [pod door buzzes]
Warden (Lucci): All right, get down. Back up! Get low! Let these
                           guys work! On the floor!
                           Stay low!
                                     [inmates coughing]
                                  [extinguisher spraying]
Matt Casey: We’ve gotta get these guys out of here.
Warden (Lucci): I gotta clear that through master control.
Matt Casey: Then clear it.
Christopher Herrmann: Back off.
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Joe Cruz: Lieutenant! This guy’s hurt!
                            [inmates coughing, shouting]
Inmate 3: [groans]
Christopher Herrmann: I said back off!
Matt Casey: We’ve gotta get this guy out. We ain’t waiting for
Christopher Herrmann: Okay, who started the fire?
Warden (Lucci): (into radio) It’s Lucci again. We’re coming out with
                            an injured guy.
Matt Casey: Cruz, clear off that vent.
Joe Cruz: Got it. Herrmann!
                                         [pod door buzzes]
Warden (Lucci): [coughs]
Inmate 3: [groans]
Matt Casey: He’s all yours, candidate.
Peter Mills: Hey, I need your help, man. We’ve gotta put pressure
                     on these wounds. Hey, I need your help, man! Put
                     pressure on these. Come on.
                                        [pod door closes]
Peter Mills: Stay down, stay down. All right?
                    (into radio) Chief, we got a victim here with multiple stab
Chief Boden: (into radio) Mills, can you transport the victim out?
Peter Mills: (into radio) Uh, no, negative, Chief. Bleeding too heavy.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Hang tight, Mills.
                       (over radio) Shay and Dawson are on their way to you.
Gabby Dawson: I’ll grab the bag, you grab the chair.
Leslie Shay: Okay.
Inmate 3: [groans]
Peter Mills: All right, stay down, buddy. Keep holding.
Inmate 4: [grunts]
Christopher Herrmann: Hey! What’s wrong with you, huh? You
                                         wanna die? Knock it off!
Matt Casey: Where the hell’s Lucci?
Peter Mills: Now we’re gonna get you to a hospital, okay? Hang in
                    Hey, what’s your name, what’s your name?
Inmate 3: Bite me.
Warden (Lucci): His name’s Randall.
                                    [scattered coughing]
                                  [extinguisher spraying]
Matt Casey: Get those flame out.
Christopher Herrmann: I’m out!
Joe Cruz: Yeah, they’re through.
Matt Casey: Stay back!
Christopher Herrmann: Back off!
Officer (Fojas): Lucci, where you at?
Warden (Lucci): Up here.
Gabby Dawson: Hey there, you got a name?
Inmate 3 (Randall): Hey. It’s Randall. What’s yours, sweetheart?
Warden (Lucci): Yeah, now you change your tune, right?
Inmate 3 (Randall): Unh.
Gabby Dawson: Ah, okay.
Leslie Shay: Okay, we got stab wounds to the thorax, left flank, left
                      and right abdomen.
Gabby Dawson: All right, get me gauze. Lots.
Leslie Shay: Yep.
Peter Mills: All right, I gotta get back in there to my Lieutenant,
Warden (Lucci): Fojas, you got this?
Officer (Fojas): Yeah.
Warden (Lucci): (into radio) Open up pod four.
Master Control: (over radio) Give us a few seconds, Lucci. Standby.
Gabby Dawson: All right, this is gonna hurt.
Inmate 3 (Randall): [chuckles] What’s gonna hurt, baby?
Gabby Dawson: You don’t feel this?
Inmate 3 (Randall): [grunts]
Gabby Dawson: How’s your back feel, Randall? Did you take a fall
                            during that scuffle?
                            Forget the stair chair. He’s not going anywhere
                            without a backboard.
Leslie Shay: Okay. I gotta get out.
Officer (Fojas): I can’t leave her alone with him.
                                 [door alarm buzzes]
                                   [inmates shouting]
Leslie Shay: Mills, stick with Dawson.
                      Let’s go.
Peter Mills: Watch out. All right [heavy breathing]
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                                [scattered coughing]
                                [electricity crackling]
Matt Casey: Okay, we’re done. Let’s go.
Christopher Herrmann: Amen to that.
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                             [multiple alarms buzzing]
Gabby Dawson: [heavy breathing]
Warden (Lucci): Oh, this ain’t good.
                            [coughs] (into radio) Hey, guys, what’s going on
                            with the power here? We’d really like to get out
                            of here now.
Master Control: (over radio) We have no way to open that door. I
                            advise you to let yourself into the pod and wait
                            for a power reset.
Warden (Lucci): This way.
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Christopher Herrmann: Deeper into this hellhole?
                                     [scattered coughing]
Leslie Shay: Okay, let’s go.
Officer (Fojas): All right, it’s gonna be a minute.
Chief Boden: We got a power outage, Shay. Standby.
Leslie Shay: Mills and Dawson are alone in there, Chief. We gotta
                     get back inside.
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): You can’t. The perimeter doors fail-safe to
                                        a lock position.
Chief Boden: Don’t you have a backup generator?
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): It’s not a problem with the grid. The system
                                       just shut itself down. It’ll reset soon. Hold
Chief Boden: Get me the blueprints to this prison. We need to find a
                       way out for my guys.
Gabby Dawson: Okay. This is creepy as hell.
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): All right, Lucci can move about within the
                                       pod, but every point of exit is remotely
                                       operated which requires power.
Chief Boden: Is anyone trying to get the power back?
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): Well, Roy, my facilities guy, he went down to
                                        the basement to deal with the sprinklers
                                        and now he’s trapped. We’re trying to reach
                                        our other guy, but he’s off site today.
Chief Boden: Do you have an emergency plan to get my firefighters
                       out of there?
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): My emergency response team’s ready to
                                        go. But until the power’s back up…
                                           [cell phone rings]
                                          [cell phone beeps]
Leslie Shay: Hello.
                                        [scattered coughing]
Christopher Herrmann: Lovely clientele you have here.
Warden (Lucci): Yeah, smoke up the place just to conceal the
Matt Casey: They did it by tampering with an outlet. Must be what
                      overloaded the system.
Warden (Lucci): Don’t worry, it’ll reset itself.
                            Any minute now.
Peter Mills: (into radio) Hey, Chief, this is Mills. Any idea how much
                     longer it’s gonna be? Our victim is bleeding out in here.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Just do what you can for him, Mills. We’ll
                        get you out as soon as we possibly can.
                        We are not waiting anymore.
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): Do what you gotta do, Chief.
Chief Boden: Get ‘em out, Lieutenant.
Kelly Severide: Yep.
                           Is that the doctor?
Leslie Shay: Yeah. It didn’t take.
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Kelly Severide: Damn.
                           [sighs & stutters]
Peter Mills: It’s official. We’re trapped until further notice.
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Inmate 3 (Randall): Nice.
Peter Mills: Hey, hey! Easy, player.
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Peter Mills: You want me to finish what those guys started?
Inmate 3 (Randall): [ragged breathing]
Gabby Dawson: Hey, Randall? Randall, you with me? Hey.
Inmate 3 (Randall): [chokes & ragged breathing]
Gabby Dawson: That sound…Yeah, that’s stridor. He’s got a
                            hematoma pressing on his trachea. We need to
Peter Mills: All right.
Inmate 3 (Randall): [groans]
Gabby Dawson: Come on! No, he’s fighting me. Um… we gotta do
                            a nasotracheal intubation. Um, get me a-a-a size
                            seven ET tube.
Peter Mills: Have you done this before?
Gabby Dawson: In the OR room in training.
                            Okay, hold his head back for me. Do not let him
                            move and keep that flashlight on his face.
                            [panting] Come on.
                            [frustrated grunt]
Kelly Severide: Boy, they don’t make this easy, do they?
Officer (Fojas): That’s kind of the idea.
Kelly Severide: Well, bolt’s pretty hard to get to. I’m gonna take the
                          hinges instead.
Harold Capp: Shield.
                                       [motor sputters]
Christopher Herrmann: (into radio) Hey, Chief, you got any updates
                                         on Cindy?
Chief Boden: Shay.
                       (into radio) Shay’s gonna call the hospital right now.
                       Hang on in there, Herrmann.
Christopher Herrmann: (over radio) Thanks, Chief.
Leslie Shay: Hello, can I get an update on Cindy Herrmann up in
                      maternity? [sniffs]
                                        [door squeaks]
Warden (Lucci): You guys, close that door.
                                  [scattered coughing]
Warden (Lucci):  Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, what the hell is
Matt Casey: We’ll check upstairs.
Warden (Lucci): Come on, move back.
                           What are you guys doing out here?
Inmate 5 (Rios): We were getting smoked out. Corbett opened the
Warden (Lucci): So where’s Corbett? He just opened up your cells
                            and left?
                            (into radio) Hey, Corbett, where are you, buddy?
                            Got a little bit of explaining to do.
Matt Casey: There’s smoke here too.
                     (into radio) Chief, we got a second fire smouldering
                     somewhere in the HVAC system. Probably an electrical
                     fire caused by the inmates tampering with the outlet.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Copy that, 81. See if you can locate that
                       (over radio) Severide, you making any progress?
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Hey, Chief, just finishing the first door
                           now, but we’re going through a lot of blades.
                           Security studs? You watched me cut through all
                           these hinges and you didn’t tell me that they got
                           security studs?
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Officer (Fojas): I didn’t build the place.
Kelly Severide: Eh, Capp, prep the torch. We gotta cut through this
                          bolt after all.
Harold Capp: All right. You got it.
Gabby Dawson: [grunts]
Peter Mills: Is it in?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, I think so. Attach the ambu bag. Give me a few
Peter Mills: Okay.
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] Ugh. I d… I can’t…I-I don’t know. I can’t tell
                            if it’s in the trachea or not. I hear breathing sounds
                            everywhere. I gotta get in there to see.
                                           [clinking sounds]
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, the… that may work. Hold that steady.
Peter Mills: Uh huh.
Gabby Dawson: Okay, uh, hand me that stylet.
                             If the tube’s in the right place we’ll see the light
                             shining through his skin.
                             [heavy breathing]
Peter Mills: Oh, Gabby, Gabby, it’s in.
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Gabby Dawson: [exhales & laughs] Oh my God [laughs]
                                   [Dawson & Mills laugh]
Matt Casey: (into radio) Chief, if the fire’s electrical, it might be
                      keeping the power from resetting.
                      (over radio) We should try shutting down the cell block
Chief Boden: (into radio) Got it. Keep looking for that fire. It gets out
                       of control, we will not be able to evacuate.
Christopher Herrmann: (into radio) Hey, Chief, any news about
Chief Boden: (into radio) Standby, Herrmann.
Leslie Shay: The baby’s in distress. They have to do an emergency
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Chief Boden: (into radio) No news yet, Christopher.
                       Esposito. Where’s your substation?
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): ComEd should have someone over here in
                                        about 40 minutes. But if you wanna give it
                                        a shot, the substation and switch gearbox
                                        are on the East side.
Chief Boden: Go.
Matt Casey: Don’t worry, Herrmann. We’ll get outta here.
                     Hey, Lucci, is this some kind of maintenance access?
Warden (Lucci): Yeah.
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Matt Casey: Thanks.
Christopher Herrmann: This guy’s cold.
Matt Casey: (into radio) Chief, we got a real bad situation here.
                     (over radio) We got an officer down. Looks like his
                     throat’s been cut. He’s dead. Bled out.
Warden (Lucci): Corbett.
                            Where are his keys?
                            Hey! Hey! They got his keys!
                                      [door slams open]
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Mouch: Holy cow. What happened to the old-fashioned fuse box?
Otis Zvonecek: You remember the power outage at the Super
                           Bowl? We’re the guys everyone’s waiting on to
                           fix it.
Mouch: Great. No pressure.
Warden (Lucci): Hey! Who did it? Huh? Which one of you
                           scumbags did it?
                           On the floor!
Inmate 6: [grunts]
Warden (Lucci): On the floor now!
Inmate 6: [groans]
Warden (Lucci): Get down! On the floor now!
                            Everybody, let’s go!
Kelly Severide: Got it?
Harold Capp: I got it.
Kelly Severide: [grunts]
                          (into radio) Hey, Chief, we’re through the first door.
                          Maybe we should turn back and start cutting our
                          way to Casey.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Negative, that would take too long. You
                       keep going.
                       (over radio) Find Mills and Dawson.
Kelly Severide: [grunts] Capp.
Gabby Dawson: This whole thing with Boden and your mom…
                             I messed up. But I had good intentions.
Peter Mills: I-I appreciate that.
Gabby Dawson: So maybe we… we put it past us and start over?
                            Day one? Clean slate right here?
Peter Mills: You want a clean slate? You just tell me honestly that
                     you don’t have feelings for Casey. All right, you tell me
                     that and this right here becomes day one.
                                      [metal banging]
                                      [knock on door]
Kelly Severide: Dawson, Mills, you in there?
                           It’s Mills.
Warden (Lucci): You. Acevedo, you did it?
Inmate 7 (Acevedo): No. No.
Warden (Lucci): Then tell me who did or you’re going down. You’re
                            all going down for this.
Matt Casey: Everybody just take it easy.
Inmate 7 (Acevedo): [groans]
Warden (Lucci): On the floor!
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Christopher Herrmann: Whoa! Whoa! Hey!
Inmate 5 (Rios): Nobody move. Nobody move.
                            Back off. You understand me?
Warden (Lucci): You’re going down, Rios. Hard!
Matt Casey: Everybody just take it easy.
Warden (Lucci): You think you’re gonna get away with this ‘cause
                            the cameras are down? No way.
Inmate 5 (Rios): Back off! And you get us out of this smoke.
Matt Casey: Hey. Here’s what we do. Is there some place we can
                      move these guys?
Warden (Lucci): You wanna move these lowlifes?
Matt Casey: Yes. Let’s get out of the smoke. Get ‘em some place
                      they can calm down.
Warden (Lucci): Okay. We, uh…[heavy breathing]
                           We can move ‘em to the chapel.
Matt Casey: All right.
                     Everybody, just take it easy.
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
Matt Casey: (over radio) Chief, we’re heading to the chapel. One of
                      the inmates has a knife to Herrmann’s throat.
Chief Boden: You tell them that we have a hostage situation and
                        they have got one of my man.
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): The guy’s still a half-hour away.
Chief Boden: We don’t have half an hour! I mean, there’s gotta be
                        someone at ComEd who can talk us through this
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): They’re not familiar with our setup.
Gabby Dawson: He’s barely hanging on.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Chief, victim’s on his way out to you.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Thank you, Severide. Now you get to the
                        basement and the quicker the better. ‘Cause
                        apparently this facilities guy is the only one who
                        can get the power back up.
                                       [inmates shouting]
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Matt Casey: Okay?
                      The smoke’s not so bad in here. Let’s talk now.
                       Now, let my man go.
Inmate 5 (Rios): Uh uh.
Christopher Herrmann: [grunts]
Matt Casey: [sighs] Rios. My guy there, he’s got a baby on the way.
Inmate 5 (Rios): [laughs]
Matt Casey: He’s got four more kids at home. Let him go.
Inmate 5 (Rios): Come on.
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Matt Casey: Fine. You want a hostage? I’ll be your hostage.
Christopher Herrmann: Casey, don’t.
Matt Casey: But you let my man go.
Christopher Herrmann: Don’t.
Inmate 5 (Rios): Shh shh. I-I don’t want you.
Matt Casey: Then what do you want? Huh?
Inmate 5 (Rios): I want him.
                            Huh? Huh?
                            I’m going down, I might as well finish what I
                            started, huh.
Matt Casey: I am not handing someone over so you can kill them.
Inmate 5 (Rios): Then you ain’t getting your man back.
Christopher Herrmann: Unh! [grunts]
Inmate 5 (Rios): What? Huh? Huh?
                            Hey, yo, Mr. Fireman, you wanna trade or what?
Matt Casey: How do you reason with these guys?
Warden (Lucci): Reason with them? They’re animals. They just
                            don’t like their zookeeper.
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): Do not leave his side, Fojas.
Gabby Dawson: [grunts]
Peter Mills: Gabby…
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Gabby Dawson: I can’t tell you what you need to hear. It wouldn’t
                            be the truth. I’m sorry.
                                 [ambo door slams shut]
                                         [siren blares]
Kelly Severide: Hello?
                           Roy? Anybody down here?
                                      [banging on door]
Man 2 (Roy): Over here!
                       Down here. I’m trapped! Help!
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Hey, Chief, we found Facilities Roy.
Chief Boden: (over radio) Good news.
                       (into radio) Get his ass out here.
Harold Capp: We’re out of cutting rods.
Kelly Severide: [sighs] Damn it.
                          Hey, can you talk someone through resetting the
                          electrical system?
Man 2 (Roy): It’s against union rules.
Kelly Severide: There’s a firefighter being held hostage. I think
                           they’ll give you a pass.
Man 2 (Roy): Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kelly Severide: (over radio) Chief, he’s gonna relay instructions.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Mouch, Otis, you listening?
Otis Zvonecek: (into radio) Yeah, we’re ready.
Man 2 (Roy): Uh, first, uh, look at the indicator panel on the switch
                      gear. Make sure that it’s green. That means it’s ready
                      for operation.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Okay, look at the… the indicator on the
                           switch gear panel…
Man 2 (Roy): [talks simultaneously with Severide) The indicator on
                      the switch gear panel.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) And make sure that it’s green. And then
                           it’s ready for operation.
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Otis Zvonecek: Looking for an indicator. You see a green indicator?
                           Is that it? Where is it?
Mouch: Right here, right here.
Otis Zvonecek: (into radio) Okay, got it. Go ahead.
Doctor: Got the report. Is the airway secure?
Gabby Dawson: Think so. Stats are 100%.
Doctor: Nasotracheal intubation. Get him to room one.
Leslie Shay: Excuse me, I need the status of a patient up in
                     maternity. Cindy Herrmann.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Casey, the power reset’s gonna take a
                          minute, but Otis and Mouch have their instructions.
Matt Casey: (into radio) Thanks.
                     (into radio) Hey Severide, if you’re still in the basement,
                     see if you can locate the supply duct for pod four.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) You got it.
Inmate 5 (Rios): Yo. What are you talking to them about, huh? Huh?
Matt Casey: We still have a fire burning in the vent system
                      somewhere. I’m trying to put it out before the smoke
                      kills all of us. What do you think?
Chief Boden: (into radio) Casey, can Herrmann hear me?
Christopher Herrmann: [whimpers]
Matt Casey: (into radio) Yeah, what’s up, Chief?
Chief Boden: Go ahead, Shay.
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Leslie Shay: (into radio) Christopher, they performed an emergency
                      c-section on Cindy.
                      (over radio) It’s a baby boy. There were some
                      complications. The baby’s in ICU.
Inmate 5 (Rios): Back off. I don’t care about no damn baby. Hm.
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Christopher Herrmann: (into radio) Are they okay? Is everyone
Leslie Shay: (over radio) I’m trying to get more details.
Inmate 5 (Rios): Back off…
                               [inmates shouting & fighting]
Inmates: Try to get Lucci!
                Get Lucci!
Matt Casey: Hold ‘em off!
                                       [chairs toppling]
Warden (Lucci): Come on, in here.
Inmates: Get Lucci! Get Lucci! Get Lucci!
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Inmate 5 (Rios): You’re dead, Lucci. You ain’t coming out of here
                                   [grunting & groaning]
Matt Casey: (into radio) Severide, did you find the supply duct?
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Yeah, big problem, Casey. We got the
                           fire. We’re putting it out now.
Matt Casey: (into radio) No, not yet. We need the smoke. There
                      should be a smoke damper. It should have closed
                      when fire alarms went off.
Inmate 5 (Rios): You hear me, Lucci? I’m gonna kill you.
Firefighters: Push!
Kelly Severide: Smoke damper!
Harold Capp: Severide, right there.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Got it!
Matt Casey: (into radio) Okay, break the linkage on the damper and
                      open it manually. Hurry. Otis, Mouch, get that power
                      up. We need the fan to start blowing.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Damper’s open.
Matt Casey: (into radio) Otis, Mouch, where’s the power?
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Mouch: (into radio) Uh, it’s coming up. Mo-momentarily.
                                     [generator whirring]
                                           [fan buzzes]
Kelly Severide: (into radio) All right, the fans are blowing, Casey.
Chief Boden: Power’s back up. Get my men out.
Man 1 (Rick Esposito): Go.
                                         [inmates coughing]
Matt Casey: Rios. Rios! Let me and my firefighters go. You can have
                     Lucci. We’re not dying for him. Just let us go.
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Inmate 5 (Rios): Deal.
                            Come on out, Lucci.
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Warden (Lucci): Thank you.
Chief Boden: Herrmann, it’s the hospital.
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Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, this is Christopher Herrmann. What’s
                                         happening with them?
                                         Huh? [panting]
                                         Okay. Okay, yeah.
                                         No, I-I’m-I’m on my way. I’ll be-I’ll be right
                                         They said the baby’s not getting enough
Chief Boden: Get him out of here.
                                          [car doors shut]
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                                            [siren blaring]
Christopher Herrmann: My wife, Cindy Herrmann and my baby
Nurse: 310. But sir…
Christopher Herrmann: [out of breath]
Cindy Herrmann: Christopher.
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Christopher Herrmann: Cindy. What… what happened, honey?
                                              [baby fussing]
Christopher Herrmann: [sigh of relief] Oh.
Cindy Herrmann: Say hello to your son.
Christopher Herrmann: Oh, man.
                                           [both chuckling]
Christopher Herrmann: Come here.
                                         Hey. Ah!
                                            [both laughing]
Christopher Herrmann: [awws at baby]
                                         Look at him [chuckles]
Cindy Herrmann: He’s beautiful.
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                                                [baby coos]
                                              [kissing sound]
Cindy Herrmann: [giggles]
Christopher Herrmann: We got a real good one here, huh? [laughs]
                                              [kissing sounds]
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, pops.
Nurses: Oh! Isn’t he cute?
Christopher Herrmann: Hey.
Chief Boden: Oh my God! There’s my boy.
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Christopher Herrmann: Thank you.
Mouch: Oh my God.
Christopher Herrmann: What do you think, Chief? [chuckles]
Chief Boden: Fantastic.
                                            [cell phone ringing]
Chief Boden: Boden.
Kelly Severide: It’s a little Herrmann.
Leslie Shay: It’s a little Herrmann. Herrmann, this kid’s the cutest
                      thing I’ve ever seen.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah? You’re gonna make that W.C Fields
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Who’s that?
Chief Boden: Hey, Mills. Can I talk to you?
                        Just had a call from the higher ups. Unfortunately,
                        you did not make Squad this time around. These
                        things are political. A few names float to the top of
                        the list. This is not a reflection on you or your hard
                        work. I have seen men brood, lose focus when they
                        didn’t make it into Squad. I’m hoping that you can
                        rise above all that. You keep working hard, you
                        keep up with the latest training methods, and I am
                        sure your chance gonna come back around.
Peter Mills: That’s good to hear. So, anything else?
Chief Boden: No. That’s all.
                       You got something you wanna say?
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Peter Mills: No.
Christopher Herrmann: See you in a bit, guys. Hang on. Gonna
                                         take him back to the room, all right?
Joe Cruz: Congrats, brother.
Christopher Herrmann: Oh, hey, hey, hey, you guys? Cindy wants
                                         to see you for a minute, okay?
                                [kids laughing & playing]
Cindy Herrmann: Hey.
Leslie Shay: Hey, there.
Cindy Herrmann: Hey. Come here, you guys.
Leslie Shay: Mwah.
Kelly Severide: Congrats.
Cindy Herrmann: Thank you.
Christopher Herrmann: Knock it off.
                                        So, Cindy and I wanted you to know, if
                                        you’re… well… We were hoping that…
Cindy Herrmann: We want you to be Kenny’s godparents.
Christopher Herrmann: You don’t have to answer right now.
Kelly Severide: I’m…
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Leslie Shay: Ah! I’d be honoured!
Kelly Severide: Yeah. Hell yeah, man. Me too.
Leslie Shay: Thank you.
                                 [Shay & Severide laughing]
                                            [all laughing]
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
                                         Thank you.
Leslie Shay: Thank you.
Cindy Herrmann: Of course.
                              Thank you.
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Christopher Herrmann: What the hell?
Cindy Herrmann: Is your finger blocking that circle on top? ‘Cause
                              that’s the camera, honey.
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Christopher Herrmann: Cindy, I know that.
                                         Oh. Oops.
                                         Your ma’s kind of a control freak.
Cindy Herrmann: Christopher.
Christopher Herrmann: [laughs] All right. But you’ll learn quick.
                                         We do whatever the lady says, so she
                                         wants me to impart some wisdom to you
                                         to start you off right, so here we go. Day
                                         one, Little Kenny James Herrmann.
                                   [construction sounds]
Christopher Herrmann: (voice in background) It was kind of a
                                         rough one. At least until you came 
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Otis Zvonecek: You’ve gotta be kidding me [sighs]
Christopher Herrmann: (voice in background) Bunch of us took
                                         some knocks today, but that’s the way
                                         it goes sometimes. Might as well hear
                                         it now.
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Peter Mills: I’d like an application please.
Christopher Herrmann: You came along and you made a lot of
                                         people really happy. Not just your old
Mouch: [sighs]
                                           [car door shuts]
Mouch: Konnichiwa.
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Christopher Herrmann: You’re a lucky guy. You were born into a
                                         really big family. A lot of people gonna
                                         have your back no matter what.
Gabby Dawson: Casey?
Matt Casey: Nothing… nothing makes sense.
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Gabby Dawson: I know.
                                             [kissing sound]
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Christopher Herrmann: Like I said, it’s not gonna be all sunshine
                                         and roses. But I can promise it’s gonna
                                         be a hell of a ride.
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Kelly Severide: You okay?
Leslie Shay: Mmhmm.
Kelly Severide: Sure?
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Kelly Severide: Renee?
Renee Royce: Hi.
Kelly Severide: I [chuckles] I didn’t… I didn’t know that you’d be in
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Renee Royce: Well, I just wanted to tell you in person.
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                                                 - end -
RIT rescue = Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) – team of two or more firefighters dedicated solely to the search and rescue of other firefighters in distress
Pry axe = Lightweight, multi-purpose, ‘Slam & Ram’ tool designed to pry, enlarged openings, cut sheet metal and twist off locks and latches
Pike pole = The pike pole is the “hook” in a truck company. They have remained the preferred tool to tear through sheetrock and ceilings to find hot spots and hidden fires
Silver bullets = Underutilised tool for small fires in the incipient stage. If during an investigation, a firefighter come upon small flames or hot spot, the silver bullet may just stop the fire from growing until a line is stretched, if even needed
Standpipe = A standpipe is a type of rigid water piping which is built into multi-storey buildings in a vertical position or bridges in a horizontal position to which fire hoses can be connected, allowing manual application of water to the fire
Shivving = A small, usually improvised pointed or bladed weapon
Stridor = Noisy or high-pitched sound with breathing
Hematoma = Localised bleeding outside of blood vessels, due to either disease or trauma including injury or surgery and may involve blood continuing to seep from broken capillaries
Nasotracheal intubation = Involves passing an endotracheal tube through the naris (the nostrils) into the nasopharynx and the trachea. Most commonly performed after induction of general anesthesia in the operating room. May be performed in patients undergoing maxillofacial surgery or dental procedures or when orotracheal intubation is not feasible (e.g. in patients with limited mouth opening)
ET tube = Endotracheal tube (ET tube) is a flexible plastic tube that is placed through the mouth into the trachea (windpipe) to help a patient breathe
HVAC = Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Stylet = Refers to rigid or malleable rod or wires used to adjust the curve of an endotracheal tube in order to make insertion easier. The use of a lighted stylet is to guide blind endotracheal intubation, which relies on the principal of trans illumination. The presence of a well-defined glow in the neck indicates tracheal placement. Oesophageal placement is indicated by the absence of a glow in the neck
Konnichiwa = Hello (in Japanese)
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Filthy Tease (Eugene Roe x f!reader)
I meant for this to be a spicy Roe piece but it kinda of took a different route than anticipated... oops? Anyway, i wanna dedicate this to @saritanotserena for giving me the idea but also cuz she is amazing! (sorry if this is awful, i still think i’m terrible at smut) also, not super edited cuz we die like men, alright?
Warning: sexual content- teasing & fingering & my poor attempts at dirty talk
Tag list: @happyveday @saritanotserena @sydney-m @evelynshelby
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 There were many things most people were not aware of in regards to Easy Company's Eugene Roe. For example, he was terrified of bees. But instead of running away screaming, he would freeze and not move, barely breathing until he felt safe enough to move. Also, the man was obsessed with strawberries. He would pick them any day over chocolate or any other kind of dessert. When alone, he enjoyed quietly quoting poetry. He never did it in front of the men, for fear they would mock him. The biggest secret that would surprise people though?
 Eugene Roe was a filthy tease whose lips dripped sin and hands brought you to heaven with their touch. 
 And you were well acquainted with this side of him. 
 In Albourne, the replacements had begun calling you 'mama bear' shortly after you punched a Sergeant from a different company, who was picking on one of Easy's replacements. You also had the habit of checking up on them and trying to teach them extra things that training left out. You did not mind the nickname. Honestly, you thought it was sweet how all the boys took to you so. Since most of the Toccoa guys did not want anything to do with the replacements, you stepped up. 
 Unfortunately, all this extra attention from the replacements seemed to spark unnecessary jealousy from Roe. In the quiet moments you two managed to sneak away, you always tried to remind and show him how he was the only man who caught your eye. You would shower him with words of affection, hold him close and kiss him until he forgot his worries. You both hated that you had to keep your relationship a secret. You tried to remind him that this was only temporary. One day you could kiss and hold hands in public. One day you could stand before him in a white dress. One day you would make others jealous with the overwhelming love you had for each other. 
 But that was not today. Or in any sense of the foreseeable future. So you kept your relationship secret and tried to keep your affections on a slow simmer as to not alert the rest of the company. 
 After you started gaining more attention from the replacements, after you started spending more time with them…. Roe changed his tactics in reminding you of who always stole your breath and made you feel like a goddess on earth. 
 And that was how you learned he was a filthy tease. 
 It started off with simple things. He would walk past you and let his hand caress your ass for a fleeting moment before moving on to avoid drawing notice to the pair of you. Or if you sat next to one another to eat, he would place his hand on your knee or thigh underneath the table, giving you an occasional squeeze. If your hair got in your face, he would tenderly tuck it behind your ear or adjust your cap if your hands were full. It was sweet how tactical he was. Always seeking for a way to subtly touch you. 
 Then one day, you were walking with a couple of replacements back from the firing range, having been helping them with their accuracy. You saw Roe approaching, hands in his pockets, his eyes focused on you. He commented how he needed your advice for something and so you innocently followed him towards the small aid station set up in Albourne, having waved goodbye to the replacements. 
 As you passed a huge stack of empty boxes next to a brick building, he pushed you off the road and behind the boxes. You slammed against the brick wall, shock making you unable to cry out or demand about his actions. He had never been rough with you before. Concern and anger warned in you, unsure if something was wrong with him or he was being an asshole. When you leaned back, ready to demand what was going on, your words were cut off by his mouth covering yours and his tongue slipping between your lips. His body pressed against you, pinning you between him and the brick wall behind you. His mouth and touch dominated you, bringing you to the brink and turning you into a puddle of desire. Just as a whine left your throat, desperate for him to touch you where you needed him most, he pulled back. Through the haze of lust, you could see his lips swollen, eyes dilated, and chest rising and falling rapidly, matching your own. 
 "What…?" You stumbled out, your mind and body quaking with need. 
 "That's so ya don't forget." Even his voice was affected, more husky than normal. God, it sounded delicious and you wanted to taste it from the source again. 
 "Forget… forget what?"
 "Who makes ya feel good. Who can please ya… and who always wants ya." He stepped back, a smug smirk tugging on his lips. "See ya later, chéri." Then he walked away, back onto the road, hands in his pockets as if nothing had happened. As if he had not left you aching in need and obscenely wet. 
 You stayed there against the brick wall for longer than you would ever care to admit. Your heart hammered in your chest, the ache in your belly at an almost painful level, your breathing heavy in anticipation for what you thought was to come. But now you stood there… alone… and horny. 
 You thought maybe this was just a one-time thing. He had never done anything like this before. 
 Oh, how wrong you were. 
 A couple days later you sat in the back of a lecture room, Nixon at the front talking about something very important. But you could not hear a word he was saying. Oh no, because Eugene Roe was sitting next to you, whispering in your ear about all the dirty things he wanted to do to you in quite explicit terms. Half the stuff he whispered, you wondered where he even got the ideas. Soon enough, his words seeped into your mind as he painted such lewd images of the two of you. You had to press your thighs tightly together to deal with the growing ache. Something you were positive he noticed and delighted in. At one point, he even drew his finger slowly up from your knee to your hip as he whispered about sneaking into Sink's office and letting him fuck you over the man's desk. Once the lecture was over, Roe just gave you a wink and easily got up to walk away with the others heading out. You had to sit there for several minutes, taking long, deep breaths to try and will away the flush over your skin and suppress the pooling desire in your belly. 
 You could not decide if you loved or hated this new side of Roe. 
 Another time he asked for your help, that he might practice a new technique he read about in one of his medical books. You laid down on one of the beds in the aid station. The quiet chatting of a couple of the other medics behind the half-wall curtain filled the otherwise silent air from the other side of the station. Roe snuck a quick kiss to your lips making you giggle quietly and the two of you easily fell into a light-hearted conversation about a party being set up for the enlisted. Though as you two kept talking and he practiced wrapping and unwrapping various parts of your body, his hands began to…. wander. His fingers skimmed up your thighs, moving teasingly close to your groin then darting away. 
 At first you thought it was an accident and paid no mind, but after a couple times, you realized he was doing it on purpose. When you called him out on it, he pretended to have no idea what you were talking about. Then he told you he needed to practice working on a chest wound. Next thing you knew, he had the top several buttons of your army-issued jacket open, and he was laying a bandage on your exposed skin. His hands roamed across your chest, brushing your breasts with firm strokes. At one point he murmured something about giving you morphine and pretended to jab a syringe into your thigh; but as his hand moved back up, it grazed over your sex, leaving a fiery trail up your torso and back to your chest in its wake.  
 "Gene…" you moaned, unable to take it anymore, wriggling underneath his touch seeking friction. 
 He hushed you, wicked eyes glancing towards where the others were in the aid station. "Ya gotta keep quiet, pretty lady. Can ya do that for me?"
 You nodded but it was only half-hearted, your mind already drawing in the euphoric hunger he induced in you. His hands worked you- skimming, fondling, cupping and teasing- in all the ways that soon left you a quivering mess, biting down on your hand to keep the lascivious moans at bay. 
 The whole time he complimented and whispered to you, saying things that only seemed to heighten the experience. "Doin' so good, mon chéri, look at ya. Beautiful." Or "gotta keep quiet, pretty lady." Or "just imagine when I do this to ya, but with my tongue… I know ya taste so damn good. How's that feel, darlin'?"
 Finally, you were toeing the edge, body desperate to fall off that cliff. Your body vibrated with maddening want. "Gene, please…." You begged without shame; the desire, the need too great for you to care. 
 "Shhh...can't let 'em see ya like this." He cooed, one hand cupping your cheek while the other fondled your breast. "This is for me only, yeah? Say it, chéri."
 "Just you… just you, Gene."
 "Mmm… good girl." Then he finally slipped his skilled hand into your pants and pushed you off the edge. Your body drowned in bliss, mind hazy with pleasure. 
 This went on for weeks. Any opportunity he could pull you into a dark corner, push you against a wall, touch you, or drive you wild… he took full advantage of. 
 To everyone else, he still remained the quiet, slightly reclusive medic with a heart of gold and healing hands. 
 But to you… he was a fallen angel with the sole purpose to tempt you with that delightful Cajun accent and take control of you with those sinful lips and magical hands. 
 The atmosphere in the pub was jovial. Glenn Miller played in the background from the radio. The many voices of the paratroopers filled the pub, overshadowing the famous artist. The place reeked of beer, cigarette smoke and testosterone.  
 Buck, Luz, Toye and Heffron played darts in the corner. A few of the other Toccoa men heckled them and laughed at their own jokes, ignoring the replacements scattered about. The divide between Toccoa men and replacements felt like a terrible chasm. You tried to bridge it though. Floating between both parties, you laughed and cracked jokes with everyone while sipping on your beer. 
 This was the first time you had worn your WAAC uniform in months, reviving fond memories at its feel and look. You had started in the WAAC but then threw a series of unexpected encounters and circumstances, you eventually found yourself at Camp Toccoa training to be a paratrooper. Now, it felt odd to be wearing a skirt, stockings and kitten heels. You had become so used to your dirty ODs. Tonight though, you donned your skirt and heels, even going so far to put on some red lipstick. Who knew when the next chance you would have to dress up would be?
 "Come on, just one dance." Simmons was begging from the seat beside you, his boyish charm on full display, enhanced by the dimples in his cheeks. 
 You laughed, more amused than annoyed by his persistence. "No, if I dance with you then everyone else will expect a dance too."
 "Give it up, Peter." Burkle chuckled. "Mama bear ain't going out there."
 You pointed a finger at the dark-haired replacement across the table. "I knew there was a reason I liked you, Frank."
 "Ya hear 'bout the man who got caught joy-ridin' the other day?" Ralph Nestor changed the topic thankfully, leaning forward against the table, ready to spread the latest gossip. 
 Taking another sip of your beer, you listened but scanned the crowd around you. It was about time for you to move on to the next group. 
 As if sensing a pair of eyes burning into you, you swiveled your head trying to locate the gaze. It did not take long for you to meet the eyes of Eugene Roe. He sat with Spina and a few others at a table on the other side of the bar. He subtly tapped the empty spot next to him after he caught your eye. A warmth filled you. It was stupid since you knew he loved you but even here amongst a crowd, he wanted you by his side. 
 "Well, I'm off, fellas. Don't get too drunk tonight please… and if you do, make sure to keep all your clothes on. I'm looking at you, Private Burkle." You teased, watching the young man's face redden at the reminder, while the others laughed. Standing up, you brushed your skirt down, still unused to the feeling after so long. 
 "Yes, mama bear." A couple of them chorused. 
 You smiled. As you reached forward to grab your half-full beer glass, a hand slipped into yours and spun you around into a solid chest. "What?"
 Simmons held your hand as he placed his other on your waist. "Come on, one dance. I'll even keep my hands to myself."
 "Your hands wander at all, there's at least thirty men here who will rip your hands off for me if I ask."
 "Oh believe me, I know." He squeezed your hand, a cheeky smile on his face. "Please?"
 "Simmons, give it up!" Nestor said. "I see your platoon Sergeant looking over here."
 That got Simmons to freeze, glancing over his shoulder to see Guarnere with eyes narrowed at the two of you. 
 You laughed, pushing away from the replacement. "Better not piss your platoon Sergeant off. I'll be back for my glass." Swiftly, you moved in the direction of the bathroom, sending a wink Guarnere's way and receiving one in return. 
 The women's bathroom was small and cramped with two stalls, barely room to move, and a small counter with a sink. Either women did not frequent this pub much or this was awkwardly small to discourage women from lounging and socializing in here away from men. In your mind, it could go either way honestly. 
 After you finished your business, you stood at the sink washing your hands. The cool water soothed your skin after the heat in the pub. Looking up in the mirror, you saw your lipstick had faded and was slightly smudged. Most likely from the beer glass. Carefully, you tried to fix it using the tip of your finger. It seemed absurd, with everything you had been through- the training and combat you had seen- for you to be standing here worried about your smudged lipstick. Perhaps it would not have felt so odd if you stayed in the WAAC instead of joining the paratroopers. 
 Behind you, the bathroom door opened which surprised you. You thought you had been the only woman at the pub tonight. Maybe a few local women showed up? You looked up into the mirror, prepared to greet the woman. After the person stepped through, your jaw dropped and eyes widened. For it was not a local woman in a pretty dress that stepped in.  
 It was Eugene Roe. 
 "What are you doing in here, Gene?" You looked at him through the mirror. "Is the men's bathroom full?"
 Instead of verbally responding, you watched him latch the simple lock over the door. Your movements stilled as you realized what he just did. 
 In a single stride, he came up behind you, putting his arms out on either side of you, caging you between the sink and his body. 
 "Darlin'," he crooned in your ear as his lips left a trail of sweet heat along your neck. "Ya look too damn sexy out there. I see ya legs in those heels and skirt and all I can think about is how good they feel wrapped around me as I pound into ya."
 Your skin felt feverish as the heat radiated off his body. Even through all the layers between you two, your body soaked it in like the parched ground after a thunderstorm. With the warmth of his breath ghosting over your skin and his filthy words, your womb clenched from that alone. 
 "Then I see that boy with his hands on ya… shit, it took everythin' for me to not rip him off ya."
 "He didn't mean anything, Gene. I promise."
 "Don't matter. I hate it." His hands gripped the hem of your skirt, slowly pulling it up and bunching it around your hips. He began laying open-mouth kisses along your neck, the whole time his eyes holding yours, as you watched him in the mirror. "I need to 'ear ya sing, pretty lady, I need to 'ear ya gorgeous sounds."
 "Gene…" you moaned out, your eyelids fluttering. That delicious warmth, that only he could fuel, began growing in your belly. "We can't right here." 
 "Shall we find out?"
 Without preamble, one of his hands slipped under your skirt, the other still bunching the fabric up around you and out of the way. You hissed slightly as he touched your bare core, unable to completely hide the smirk on your face as he gave a slight groan. 
 "Mon chéri, where ya skivvies at? Ya been out there this whole time with no underwear on?" 
 "I wanted to surprise you… I thought you might try something."
 "Fuck!" He bit your earlobe and ground his hardening cock against your ass. "Ya tryin' to tease me? Mmm?"
 Before you could retort something smart back at him, you gasped as he slipped a finger into you, finding you already wet for him. 
 "Look at ya, sweetheart, so fuckin' beautiful right now." He murmured, eyes not having left yours in the mirror this whole time, pining you even more so than his body still caging you. 
 With one hand, you grabbed the sink to anchor yourself, your legs turning into jelly beneath you from the onslaught of pleasure coursing through your veins. "Gene, please." You begged. 
 Eyes boring into yours, he pulled his finger out of you, drawing a whiny whimper from your lips. With a salacious smirk, he opened his mouth and placed his pointer and middle fingers in his mouth, making sure to swirl his tongue around them then pulled them slowly out. 
 "Holy fuck…"
 Still smirking, he reached down and slipped both fingers into you. They plunged in and out of you, the wet sounds lewdly echoed in the small bathroom. Roe continued to grind against you from behind, timing it to match with the thrusts of his fingers. You wanted to close your eyes, to sink into the heat bubbling in you. But you were unable to for Roe watched you with a heated, heavy gaze in the mirror. Your gazes locked as he brought you closer and closer to your climax, moans and sighs slipping from your lips. 
 "Good girl, mon chérie, so beautiful. Look at ya."
 He continued to whisper in your ear in between leaving open-mouth kisses and bites on your neck and jaw. 
 "Ya close, sweetheart? I can feel it, so close."
 "Oh God, please, Gene…. Don't stop. Please."
 With a dark chuckle, he gave one last flick to your clit and pushed you over the edge. As you opened your mouth, he slammed his mouth over yours, greedily swallowing your cry of bliss. You floated on waves of ecstasy; your eyes closed to soak in the sensations. Eventually you opened your eyes, even if the movement felt sluggish and your body limp. 
 "There's those gorgeous eyes." Roe nuzzle your temple. "Ya back with me?"
 "Mmm… I think so."
 He chuckled. "Think ya can stand?"
 That was when you noticed he was practically holding you up between an arm now wrapped around your waist and you still pinned between him and the sink. 
 "Sorry." You mumbled, standing up on shaky legs. When you noticed his cocky smirk, you languidly swatted at him. "Shut up." Slowly you turned around to look at him. It did not escape your notice his… um… large problem he was sporting in his trousers. 
 "You know… the couple I am billeted with, they left this afternoon for a weekend in London visiting family."
 "Oh? Well, that is interestin' news."
 "Uh huh. What's the likelihood we can sneak out of here unnoticed?"
 He leaned down to press his lips against yours, drawing a soft sigh from you at the sweetness in the kiss. "Very likely… Guess we'll find out though."
 "And what's the likelihood we'll actually make it to the house before you try to get under my skirt again?"
 "Less likely."
 You laughed, pressing a hand to his chest to push him back. Running a hand over your skirt, you tried to smooth it out as much as possible and hide any evidence of your tryst. 
 The two of you somehow managed to sneak out of the bathroom and out of the pub without drawing notice to yourselves. As you stepped out into the night, walking quickly down the street, you both were giggling like teenagers having snuck out of your parents' homes. He snagged your hand and pulled you along, almost jogging down the silent road in Albourne. 
 Before you even made it halfway to your billeted house, Roe pulled you into a dark corner, just off the road. You laughed before his mouth covered yours, silencing you and turning your laughter into moans. 
 You did not mind too much. 
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katsumox · 4 years
bakusquad skating hcs
cw: cussing, bakugou being a bitch, cuteass couple shit?? idk
notes from candy girl: uhhh excuse my subpar writing, i dont do this v often, and you don't know how to skateboard in these.
also..... skaterboy brainrot fhrjisfnvksjn
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kirishima, denki and sero are the reason behind this menace on wheels
didn't really care for it until the boys got him into it but now he's such a skate elitist like shut uppppp
has certain fits for skating,,, stuff that makes him look good but can get scuffed up a bit
(hella techwear and darkwear. that is all)
one of those boys who are like, super into skating but only because he wants to be good at it
gets unreasonably pissy when anyone gets too close to him while skating
DEFINITELY quietly critiques everyone in the park while waiting to enter the bowl and shit
will talk hella shit about how great he is and how bad anyone else is
will legitimately attempt to fight you if you enter the bowl while he's doing a session
he's a good teacher if you wanna learn to do cool stuff fast, but he's kinda mean about your initial skill when you first start
will CACKLE at you if you eat shit while trying to skate
doesn't really night skate due to his grandpa-ass sleep schedule
is 100% the only guy here who takes his safety a teensy bit serious, but only wears kneepads and occasionally wrist guards
(under his clothes tho)
he'll make you wear all of it though, OVER your clothes, talking bout sum "You're not gonna fuck up your bones on a shitty skateboard with these on, got it, princess? Now relax, damn."
if you ask he'll just say its because you "Have weakass bones and need to save your strength for hero training, dumbass." not that he cares, though.
he doesn't
*wink wink*
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does not give TWO SHITS about his safety while skating
(literally does not give a damn and has the gnarliest falls and scars because of it)
i don't even think he owns any pads or guards lmao
when he's not skating by himself or with the bakusquad, 9 times out of 10 he's skating with shinso
thinks he's a Cool Skater Boy**TM but kinda looks like he doesn't know what he's doing because he constantly does stupid shit
like he carries around monster energy and wears VERY specific fits just to skate, but fucks 'em up bc he does dumbass shit for laughs
pestered bakugou into getting a board along with kiri and sero
tailgates bakugou just to piss him off, but generally likes riding alone with music blasting in his ears at night time
has a playlist for it and everything
(has lost multiple pairs of airpods like this)
LOVES night skating in general and is always the one to suggest it to the rest of the squad because he likes the nighttime ~vibes~
(will take you night skating and share airpods with u<3)
has hella boards.
pennyboards, longboards, cruisers, etc.
would totally give you one to keep, sweet baby :')
won't let you do anything too dangerous,,, he hates when you get hurt
if you do get hurt, he doesn,t have bandaids, but he'll kiss it better!!
kind of bad at explaining things so he tries to do it with you ON the board, and holds you while doing it :))))
"So, you uhm... you kinda just woosh, and then you do uhhh.."
"Denki, honey, why dontcha just show me?"
"Or.. what if we do it TOGETHER!! That'd be fun, wouldn't it, babes?!?"
this eventually leads to impromtu cuddling on the park bench<33333
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this boy also does not wear protective gear
however... Red here has a valid reason,, i mean he can harden before anything really nasty happens
would 110% carry cute bandaids for ya if you ever fall
(key word is" if" because kiri takes your safety so damn serious it's probably not gonna happen)
typically throws on whatever he has to go skate but the main aesthetic is athlete meets streetwear
is the most likely to take you skating with his friends (he wants you all to get along aweeee)
secretly wants to go on a skate date really in the morning so the two of you can skate around, watch sunrise and then go for breakfast<3
gets SO annoyed when people take too long in the bowl
like hurry up bitch we've been waiting (but he won't say that cuz he's nice)
doesn't really know complex tricks like bakugou but is the best teacher in terms of getting balance and stuff
only has two or three boards because he used to accidentally break 'em a lot but would still give you one
he's so nice about how to skate,,,, like he corrects you so kindly and he'll fix your posture and stuff for you and ughhhhh<3333
will compliment you SO MUCH when you do something right!!
"Eiji,, im doin' it!"
"Aww you're doing great, babe!! Keep going and w-OAH SHIT"
ya'll took a break after that, because you ended up scraping up your knees and hands
its okay though because kiri had bandaids and kisses to make it better :)
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records denki + kirishima's stunt escapades for fun (sends a BUNCH of snaps of them doing dumb shit while they're out)
wears all protective gear besides helmets and elbow pads, but says he would wear the pads if he could
(he's lying, he's just trying to get you to be safe)
will hold your hand and walk next to you when you first try to skate :)
likes to hold your hand in general, so onse you get good at skating and don't need him to hold you anymore, he'll do it anyway
takes you skating with the squad and their s/o's
brags about how well you're doing to the other boys (until you fall, that is)
unlike denki, he pulls off the whole laidback Cool Skater Boy**TM thing really well
prolly because he's not really trying
he skates the least out of the group, mainly because he's always out doing stuff with you<333
also carries bandaids like kirishima but they're boring
makes every outing with you a date, and skating is no exception. actually, skating has become one of your favorite couple activities
always makes a point to take you out afterwards, whether that be for boba or for ramen or something.
"Well, we're done here, so what do ya wanna eat, chiquita?"
"Hmmm... what about onigiri?"
"We had that last time, but anything for you, mi reinita."
wanna be on the taglist??
send in an ask, babe<3
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imjustwritingg · 4 years
no doubt in my mind
Happy Valentine’s Day babes! Here’s a fun and sorta fluffy one shot with our favorite couple to celebrate the day. Based loosely on the song “Make You Feel My Love” by Adele. Enjoy and let me know what you think! 
Also here: AO3 and FanFic.Net
It’s been a month of them and their new thing, and as much as things had changed between Hailey and Jay, things had also remained just the same. Their dynamic in the field hadn’t faltered once since the first night they’d gotten together. If anything, their partnership had only grown stronger. The lingering looks, the way they could communicate with one silent glance, a simple placement of a hand on a shoulder to let the other know they were there.
They were sure no one had noticed a change in their relationship. So sure up until the point the door to their Sergeant’s office opens suddenly one afternoon and he stands in the doorway with a vacant, unreadable look on his face.  
“Upton, Halstead. My office for a sec.”
The pair share a quick glance before they stand from their desks and follow after their boss into his office. He nods at the door and Jay closes it behind them. Hank sits back down behind his desk while the partners stand on the other side of him, both of their arms crossed in front of them and waiting. They watch as Hank reaches into his desk, pulls out some paper, and then leans forward and hands them to Hailey and Jay. They glance down at the sheets as soon as they have them in their hands. It’s hard to miss the words printed in bold at the top of each sheet.
Chicago Police Department: Workplace Relationship Disclosure & Declaration
Hailey and Jay lock eyes again, both inhaling a deep breath, and then Jay looks back at the man behind his desk.
“Sarge, we - “
Hank holds up a hand and Jay goes silent. He’s been in this position before, he and Hailey both have, and he’s not so sure of how this will play out given the unreadable look on their boss’ face. To say it makes him nervous would be the biggest possible understatement.
“I’m only gonna say this once,” Hank starts, looking between the couple in front of him who nod once at their boss and wait for him to continue.
“You both might just be two of the best detectives I’ve ever worked with, the leading officers on our team aside from me. The job comes first and you don’t jeopardize this unit. Do you understand?”
Jay and Hailey share another look, but nod their heads regardless. Neither quite exactly sure as to what is happening or how it could be this easy.
“That’s it?” Hailey finds herself asking the older man a second later.
Voight sighs then, looking between the two again. There’s a fleeting smile that appears at the corners of the man’s face. He looks almost nostalgic for a moment before he speaks again.
“After everything this team has been through over the last few years, after everything we’ve lost,” Hank sighs again as he looks between the two.
“Look, anything outside of Intelligence and the job, relationships or whatever you guys do on your own time. I gotta tell ya, I just don’t care anymore. Fill these out. Give ‘em to Platt for the Ivory Tower. That’s it,” he tells them.
Hailey and Jay glance at each other again, both of them breathing a silent sigh of relief. This certainly was not what they’d expected happening when this conversation started. They turn and head for the door, but just as Jay is about to pull it open he turns back around to face his boss. He just can’t help himself.
“How’d you know?”
“I’ve got eyes Jay,” is all their Sergeant says.
Jay nods once, glances at Hailey, who just offers a small smile, but doesn’t say anything, and then he looks back at Voight.
“Thank you,” Jay tells him and Hailey nods her head, a silent thanks of her own.
It’s not lost on either of the three of them the weight those two simple words carry.
Thank you for not splitting us up. Thank you for not kicking one of us or both of us out. Thank you for understanding.
Hank leans back in his chair, a smirk on his face now, as he looks at his two detectives.
“Believe me, it’s not lost on me the number of partnerships that have crossed lines in this unit. I shoulda been a matchmaker instead of a cop. And send the other two lovebirds in on your way out, will ya?”
“Copy you,” Hailey tells him, and then her and Jay turn head for the door. Jay shakes his head in near disbelief at the outcome of the conversation as they re-enter the bullpen.
“Voight wants to see you two,” Jay calls out, nodding in Adam and Kim’s direction as he stands in the aisle next to his and Hailey’s desks.
The other couple shares a similar look of concern, but head for Voight’s office, closing the door behind them. The disturbance makes Kevin stand from his desk and walk up to Jay, noticing the sheet of paper in his hand.
“What’s that about bro? Y’all good?” He asks. He glances down at the paper in Jay’s hand and catches the words “workplace relationship” before Jay puts it away inside his desk.
Jay nods quickly. “Yeah, all good.”
The officer glances between Jay and Hailey, noticing the same sheet of paper on the blonde detective’s desk before she drops it in her drawer and closes it. He looks back at Jay.
“You and Upton? Like, you and Upton?” Kevin asks, his eyes widening.
Jay looks over at Hailey, notices her flushed cheeks and her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. The two lock eyes and the look doesn’t go unnoticed by Kevin, who shakes his head in disbelief, not thinking his suspicions of the pair over the last few weeks were in fact true.
“Well, alright then,” is all Kevin says. He picks up his coffee mug from his desk and makes his way to the break room, leaving the partners to themselves.
“That was not as bad as I thought it would be. Definitely expected worse,” Jay says a moment later as he sits on the edge of Hailey’s desk.
“Yeah,” she says as she exhaled a long breath. She’s still a bit caught off guard and the words of their Sergeant are playing on a loop in her head.
“Molly’s tonight?” Jay asks her a moment later, noticing her deep in thought.
Hailey’s being just a little too quiet for his liking, considering the confrontation they’ve just experienced, and that nervousness from Voight’s office is beginning to creep up on him again. He can’t help wondering if she’s starting to second guess this new thing between them. That maybe she’s having regrets and it scares him. He can’t lose another partner. He can’t lose her. Not now.
Hailey turns her head to look up at him, grateful for the distraction and momentary cease of Kevin’s gaze and the eyes of Voight, but soon scrunches her face in realization.
“You know what today is right? That place is gonna be a mad house tonight,” she tells him.
He does in fact know what today is; it’s Valentine’s Day, their first together, and potentially their last given the look on her face and the uneasy feeling he has rising in his chest.
Jay just shrugs, trying to play it off, with a smirk peeking out over his face. “It could be fun and the others are going.”
“Never would have pegged you for the type to wanna celebrate Valentine’s Day,” she tells him.
“Well, if it makes any difference, they’re doing half price pints and they even got a food truck catering from Offset BBQ tonight.”
“What about Offset BBQ?” Kevin asks as he walks out of the break room with a fresh mug of coffee.
“Food truck at Molly’s,” Jay says before standing from Hailey’s desk to sit back down at his own.
“Ah yes, and half price drinks. You can’t pass up half price drinks at Molly’s. Can’t pass up the opportunity to see Herrmann go off the rails over it either,” Kevin tells them as he returns to his desk.
Hailey smiles at Kevin, knowing he’s right, and feeling relieved over the fact that the man doesn’t look at her differently or ask any questions about her and Jay.
She turns around in her chair to look back at her partner. “Fine, but if it gets too crowded I’m bailing.”
Jay just smiles at her and nods his head, and they go back to their jobs and the seemingly never-ending piles of paperwork they have to do. He can’t seem to shake the uneasy feeling still bubbling inside of him at the way the woman across from him remains quiet and doesn’t look up at him again for the remainder of the afternoon.
By the time their shift is over and the last of the paperwork has been done for the day, Jay and Hailey are the last ones in the bullpen. The others had left a short while earlier, even Voight had already called it a night.
“You ready, Hails?” Jay calls out to her as she returns to the bullpen from the locker room.
“Yeah, just had to grab my bag,” she tells him, a duffel slung over her shoulder.
The pair shut down their computers and put on their coats, and then head down the stairs. They don’t say a word to each other as they make their way out to the parking lot to his truck. It’s just as quiet on the short drive over to Molly’s and by the time he finds a parking spot down the street from the bar, he can’t take the silence anymore.
“We gonna talk about it?” He asks her as soon as the truck is in park. He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns his head to look at the blonde, but she just quirks an eyebrow up at him.
“The conversation with Voight,” he answers her unspoken question.
“Do we need to?” She asks a moment later.
That’s not exactly the response he was expecting and it surely doesn’t help calm the nerves he’s been feeling all day.
“I just wanna make sure we’re on the same page. We’ve been doing our thing the last month or so and it’s been really great. At least I think it’s been really great, but we haven’t talked about what exactly that thing is either.”
“So you wanna put a label on it?” She asks, trying to hold back a smirk and failing to do so.
“I just don’t wanna assume anything,” Jay tells her, a shy smile appearing on his face.
“What exactly are you assuming?” She presses.
Jay can tell she’s pushing him by the look in her eyes and he’s nervous again. He knows there hasn’t been anyone else for her since that night in the bar when he first kissed her. There hasn’t been anyone else for him either. The fact that they’ve spent every night together at either of their apartments since that first night solidifies that for him. He’s also sure that what they have, this new thing between them, isn’t just some fling between co-workers out of convenience or opportunity. There’s no doubt in his mind about that.
Jay wants to believe it’s the real deal between them, that Hailey is it for him, despite her quiet behavior and the nerves he’s been feeling all day. He takes a deep breath and then he takes the plunge to hopefully solidify what they’ve been doing and make it official.
“You being my girlfriend,” Jay tells her. His eyes are on hers and his heart is pounding so loud in his chest that he’s sure she can hear it.
“Jay,” Hailey says, her voice soft and quiet and he suddenly feels like he can’t breathe. Maybe he had been wrong.
“I already filled out that form,” she tells him a second later.
“When you and Kev took those boxes of CI files back down to the file room,” she explains as a smirk forms on Jay’s face.
“And what exactly did you write on the form?” He asks her.
“That you’re my boyfriend,” she says with a shrug as if her answer should be obvious.
Jay raises his eyebrows at her response and she gives him a playful roll of her eyes. She unbuckles her seatbelt and leans just slightly over the console between them. She grabs his arm to pull him towards her and they meet in the middle.
“I know I’ve been acting weird since we talked to Voight, but not for the reasons you think. I like you Jay, I really like being with you, and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way, and it seems pretty clear to me what we’re doing, so yeah. I declared you as my boyfriend on that form. Is that okay with you?”
Jay grins at her just before he closes the remaining space between them and captures her lips with his own. He brings his hand up to hold the side of her face, his thumb brushing over her cheek for a moment before he slides his hand to the back of her neck. He quickly deepens the kiss, earning a moan from his partner, and then feels her hands on the front of his jacket. She pulls him as close to her as she can considering the middle console that is wedged between them now.
“I’m gonna take that as a yes,” Hailey whispers against his lips a second later.
“You can take that as a hell yes,” he tells her before kissing her again.
When they separate again, they’re grinning, both of their dimples out on display.
“Gotta say, I was a little nervous there for a second,” he admits then.
She reaches a hand up to the back of his neck, the tips of her fingers brushing through his hair, as she looks him in the eyes.
“I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t because of you or because I was rethinking us. After we talked to Voight, all I could really think about was a conversation I had with Platt actually,” she tells him a small smile.
His eyebrows raise at that. “What conversation with Platt?”
He feels her fingers slip away from the back of his head and she leans back just slightly before taking a deep breath.
“It was a while ago, back when Adam and I were doing whatever we were doing. Platt said that if he was the one that we’d have to make it work. And that if we wanted to be together, one of us would have to leave Intelligence,” she tells him. He nods slowly at her in understanding and then she continues.
“And after what Voight said, I guess I just got lost in my own thoughts and feelings. I know I wouldn’t have given up Intelligence or the job for Adam, but for you? It wouldn’t have been a very hard decision for me and I was ready to make it today in Voight’s office. And I guess it kinda just scared the crap out of me.”
He’s smiling at her now. A wide grin taking over his face as he looks at her with so much admiration and happiness and love. She had chosen him over the FBI. She would have chosen him over her career today. She’s chosen his side countless times before.
“I love you,” he whispers to her then.
He says it so easily, like it’s not the first time he’s uttering those special words to her, and the look she wears on her face after he says them makes him smile like an idiot. He doesn’t care that they’ve only been together a month. He doesn’t care that to others he may be rushing things. He knows it’s been much longer than four weeks that he’s been feeling this way, and not just for himself, but for her too.
He leans towards her again, hanging back just enough to still look her in the eyes, and he brings a hand back up to the side of her face. She’s got tears in her eyes, but they’re shining bright blue, and she smiles back at him just the same.
“I love you too,” she whispers back before closing the space between them again and kissing him hard on the mouth.
When they separate moments later with shallow breaths, they’re still grinning at one another and his hand is still holding her head just centimeters away from his.
“Really wish we didn’t have to leave this truck right now,” he tells her remembering where they are. His voice is so deep and gruff that it sends a heatwave through her almost instantly. She nods in silent agreement before giving him another quick kiss, and then leans back into her seat.
“Let’s go. The sooner we get in there, the sooner we can leave,” she says with a wink and he just smirks at her.
They exit the truck and make their way up the sidewalk side by side and shoulders brushing. When they reach the door to the bar, Jay holds the door open for her, placing his hand on her lower back over her coat and guiding her inside.  
When they enter the bar, they’re not all that surprised to see a slight crowd inside just as expected. The twinkling string lights shine bright from the ceiling, and familiar faces from the district and firehouse scatter the bar and tables.
Jay uses his height to his advantage given the crowd and quickly spots the rest of their team at the back of the place. He drops his hand from Hailey’s back and reaches for her hand hanging at her side. He gives her fingers a quick squeeze to get her attention, letting go of them when she looks up at him. He nods off in the direction of their friends and Hailey follows him to the back wall.
“Tell me one of those is for me,” Hailey says in greeting when her and Jay arrive at the table.
They’re met with hello’s and smiles from Kim, Adam, and then Kevin, who grins back at the blonde. He nods down to two pint glasses full of beer and foaming at the top.
“Of course, help yourselves,” Kevin tells the pair.
Hailey and Jay each take a glass, and then take a seat next to one another on the remaining stools at the table. The group begins making small talk and when Adam starts in about the case they just wrapped, Kevin raises a hand to stop him mid-sentence.
“Hold up, the only shoptalk I wanna hear about is those lovely little forms y’all got from Voight today,” Kevin says as he brings his glass to his lips.
Hailey and Kim both shake their heads, amused smiles on their faces, while Jay nearly chokes on his beer as he’s mid-sip and Adam throws his head back and groans.
“Man, come on,” Adam says.
“You two? I get. Lot of history there,” Kevin starts pointing between Kim and Adam.
And then he turns and looks between Hailey and Jay. “But you two. Y’all have been in sneaky stealth mode and I don’t like it. I thought we were all friends here. I mean, I had suspicions, but how long has this been going on for exactly? Inquiring minds need to know.”
Jay just shakes his head, an amused smile on his face, and Hailey laughs.
“You really wanna know about our love life?” Jay asks before he takes another sip from his glass.
Hailey’s eyes dart to Jay at the mention of the word, thinking back to their exchange from minutes before outside. She moves her free hand from her lap to his knee, not caring about PDA – it’s not as if anyone can see the gesture anyway. Jay glances over at her at the contact and she just smiles at him before turning her attention back to the group.
“Ya know, Kev has a good point. I’d like to know that as well. I mean, Kim and I assumed, but we didn’t know for sure until today,” Adam chimes in while Kim just nods in agreement with a smirk on her face.
“The three of you are relentless,” Jay says before glancing at his partner.
“Yeah, there’s nothing really to tell,” Hailey says with another casual shrug hoping they’d back off, but knowing they won’t.
“No, no, no. There’s definitely something to tell. Come on, it’s us,” Adam pushes with a boyish grin.
“Exactly,” Jay teases, pointing in the officer’s direction.
“At least tell us who made the first move because my money is totally on Hails,” Kim says.
“Well, you’d be right about that,” Hailey tells her with a grin.
“Yes! Ladies for the win!” Kim yells out and the two share a high five across the table.
Adam shakes his head in mock disappointment and Kevin runs his hand over his face before looking back at Jay.
“Bro, you didn’t make the first move? What’s the matter with you?”
“Well, she’s my partner for one,” Jay says as if it’s obvious. All he gets in return are eye rolls and a shake of heads from all of them except Hailey, who just smiles at him and squeezes his knee under the table.
“Semantics,” Adam chimes with a wave of his hand.
“Ok, so I was a chicken. Happy now?” Jay says as he takes another drink from his glass.
“In his defense, he did kiss me first. I just had to give him a little push in the right direction,” Hailey tells them, bumping her shoulder against his and smiling coyly at the memory of that night in the bar.
“Alright, so hold up. I gotta ask, am I the only one here that hasn’t slept with their partner? Is that like some Intelligence initiation thing? Because if it is, I’m pretty sure I missed that in the employee handbook,” Kevin says glancing between the two couples who break out laughing.
Jay shakes his head, a grin still on his face. “Shut up, Kev.”
“I’m just saying. I’m the only one here not getting any. And it’s Valentine’s Day. That’s just a damn shame,” Kevin says as he surveys the bar. “Ya know what, y’all enjoy the rest of your evenings. I’m gonna go and find me a lady friend of my own.”
Kevin shoots them all a wink and a bright smile, and they say a quick goodbye before he stands up and heads off into the crowd.
“I’m assuming you guys got the same speech we did from Voight then,” Adam says a moment later looking over at Hailey and Jay. The pair glance at one another briefly before nodding.
“Man, the way things have changed. Voight’s getting soft on us,” Adam tells them, bringing his drink to his lips.
Jay shakes his head, his hand moving over top Hailey’s under the table and giving her fingers a squeeze. “Not sure if that’s it exactly. I think the unit, us, is all he has left. We’ve lost a lot over the years. I think he just doesn’t want us to lose anything else.”
Adam nods and Kim smiles back at him, and he feels Hailey’s fingers tighten against his.
“I’ll drink to that,” Adam says then, raising his glass. The other three nod and raise their own drinks. They clink their glasses together and then drink, and dive in about hockey and work and swap stories about their friends – their family that are no longer with them.
After another round, Kim and Adam make their way to the bar and get distracted with talking to some of the firefighters from 51. The crowd has only grown larger and the volume of chatter around them makes Hailey turn and lean into Jay so she’s leaning over his shoulder.
“Wanna get out of here?” She asks against his ear.
He gives her a nod and the pair stand from the table. They weave their way through the crowd and say a quick goodbye to their friends, and then head for the door.
As soon as they’re outside, Hailey leans into Jay as they head for the truck. He wraps an arm around her shoulders, holding her against him as her arm snakes around his waist.
“Ya know what I just realized?” He asks her as they walk down the sidewalk.
“Who knows,” she teases. He slides his hand down her arm just enough to poke his fingers into her side, tickling her ribs, and she squirms against him.
“What did you realize?” She asks him, giving his side a squeeze.
“We’re one of those cheesy cliché couples that say I love you and make things official on Valentine’s Day,” he tells her, a smirk spreading over his face as he looks down at her. Her eyes go wide and then she laughs, knowing he’s right.
“At least neither of us will ever forget our anniversary now,” Hailey tells him a moment later with a smirk of her own as they reach the truck.
Jay smiles at her again, taking a step towards her and pressing her against the passenger side door. His hands find her waist and his lips are on hers a second later and she’s kissing him back instantly.
It still feels like a dream to her that she can be like this with him. Kissing him, touching him, loving him. Like it’s not still some new thing for them despite the familiarity and the fact that they’ve been doing their thing for a month already. Kissing her partner, her boyfriend, has become one of her favorite things.
Sure, they’ve slept together. And while those times spent in bed with one another have been nothing short of amazing, it’s these moments where he’s pressed against her with his hands holding onto her, and his lips moving over hers that she’s come to enjoy the most. Because it’s all she’s wanted since falling for her best friend. It’s these little moments that she’s wanted and thought about and it’s what causes her to smile against his lips as he kisses her once more before pulling away to look her in the eyes.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Jay whispers to her.
Hailey nods, leaning back into him, and smirks up at him. “Might just be my new favorite holiday.”
And then she kisses him again just because she can.
105 notes · View notes
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Top 5 Reasons Javier Garcia’s Pretty Great
Of all the games in TWDG, A New Frontier seems to get the most shit. Stick around this fandom long enough and that’ll become apparently pretty quick, especially on other platforms such as reddit and instagram... and y’know, I get it. ANF is far from perfect, parts of the storyline go no where and characters don’t get the development they should have, a lot of people were upset that Clementine wasn’t the main playable protagonist, and certain character models look like... well, they look like potatoes. 
Hell, I’ve talked to some people who flat out say they don’t even consider ANF as part of the canon and skip it when they replay the series, which.... harsh, but you do you. However, if you do skip over ANF for whatever personal reasons you have, you are missing out on what I would consider the best part of that game: Javier Garcia. 
I love Javi, and I will stand by the fact that he’s a pretty damn good playable protagonist. I just wish more love and time was put into developing ANF to give him an even better story but y’know... Telltale was goin’ through shit, so we got this... 
But, I still wanna talk about how great I think Javi is so c’mon, let’s take a walk. 
5. Javi’s relationship with David
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Now this might come off as a weird one, especially if your Javi has a more hostile relationship with David. Even so, I find the dynamic between Javi and David to be one of the more compelling aspects of ANF and I wish it was more front and center than it is but y’know. 
So we got Javi, who is the younger, more irresponsible brother who became this hotshot baseball star only to lose it all by gambling. Then you got older brother David who is a military man with a couple kids and a second wife, and he’s always felt a little overshadowed by Javi. This creates this dynamic of brothers who do love each other, but don’t always know how to communicate and confide in one another and it can lead to a lot of tension or hostility.
The route I usually take with a Javier who tries his best with David, who wants this connection despite everything, who made the promise to their father to look out for David and be there for him, to stand with him when he needs it, y’know? 
Some stand out moments for me is during the baseball flashback when David’s trying to open up about something, but struggles because Javi isn’t taking a hint about the serious nature, when they stand together on the roof, and the last conversation we see between them if David survives. 
Oh, and ya can’t forget the “I love you”’s when David is two seconds away from murdering Javi... that’s the good shit. 
And y’know, on the flip side where Javi is against David every step of the way, you can still argue that acts as a more tragic yet compelling story of two brothers who never saw eye to eye, never tried to, and it ended in tragedy... I personally don’t prefer this route, but to each their own. 
Again, this is at #5 because it’s not handled the greatest and it’s a bit of an unpopular choice.... but I don’t care, Javi and his relationship with David is one of my favorites. 
4. He’s pretty charming, isn’t he?
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I’m sorry, I can’t help it.... if a charming character can make me laugh, then I almost always end up loving them. Javier Garcia is so damn funny and I love him for it. 
Yeah, ANF is a mess but this dude makes it so much better with his dialogue, a great performance by Jeff Schine, great facial expressions, and just an overall charismatic air around him. 
He’s just super likable, okay? Even when you play him as a total bastard, I have a hard time not enjoying his presence. I’ll be honest, if Javi wasn’t the playable protagonist or if he was this bland, watered down version of himself... I might be one of those people who skip over ANF. 
He’s easily one of my favorite parts of this game and one of the few redeeming things about it. 
3. His growth as a character
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Like I mentioned in #5, when we first meet Javi he’s this irresponsible ex-professional baseball player who wasn’t around, even though his father was dying from cancer. After his father dies and he runs to try and make it home in time... he’s too late and David and their mother are pretty upset with him. 
And then his father turns into a walker, and the apocalypse happens. Javi is now trying to survive with Kate, Gabe, and Mariana while everything goes to hell around them. But for someone known to not be around or to skip out when things get a little tough, Javi doesn’t abandon them. Nope, he stays with them for years, traveling around and surviving, making sure they have what they need. 
By the end of the game? Javi’s proved to be a leader, proved that he’s better than he once was. Again, this is ANF so this growth isn’t super smooth or the greatest, but damn it, Javi makes it work. 
He and his family, no matter the combo you got, are staying in Richmond and they’re going to try to start over and rebuild it, make it better than it was.... which I can only assume they succeeded because after that they were never heard from again. 
Also, Javi is constantly having shit thrown his way and somehow he manages to pull through. 
So good job, Javi, you did it. 
2. Javi’s got a lot of force
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Listen... Javi is so fun to play as. Like okay, I know that Telltale games don’t have the most complex combat system... you literally just push the buttons as they appear on screen. But I don’t care because Javi makes that fun. 
Javi really puts all of his weight into each hit and you feel it. I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s something satisfying about the way Javi fights with a melee weapon, and it’s not something you feel when you play as Lee or Clementine. You do get it a few times when you place as Michonne in the mini-series, but even then, I would argue that Javi did it better. 
It’s especially prominent towards the end of ep5 if you go after David and Gabe,  and Javi’s on this motorcycle with his damn bat knocking over walker after walker until he finds them... then you get all this intense force when Javi is just gunning and beating down walker after walker to get to the vehicle Gabe and David are trapped in. I love it so much, it’s easily one of my favorite moments in ANF. 
Don’t get me wrong, I have fun playing as Lee and Clementine, but Javier Garcia hits different, y’know? 
1.  He’s really trying his best to care for everyone, okay? 
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When we think of Lee as a playable protagonist, we tend to think about how wise he was, how he always seemed to know what he was doing and how much he was willing to sacrifice for Clementine... and when we think of Clem as a playable protagonist in S2, we’ve got this sad little girl who gets punished no matter what she does, she’s smart and often underestimated, but she makes plenty of mistakes which she learns from.
And then we have Javi who has a bit of both in him. He’s older and can have his moments of wisdom [like with Gabe and Clem] but he also has plenty of mistakes he’s gotta learn from and sometimes no matter what he does, everything goes to hell... but Javi does manage to stand out on his own among these two. 
Javi does what he can, he tries his hardest to look after these kids even though he never planned to be a father figure, he works with Kate to make sure they’re safe. When he fucks up, he tries to make things right... even though it doesn’t always work out. He loves Gabe and Mariana, and you can see and feel his heartbreak when he’s the one to bury Mari after she’s killed.... and now he has Gabe, who’s hurting, and he does what he can to make sure he doesn’t meet the same fate which.... sometimes doesn’t work out depending on your ending.
I just-- he’s trying, okay? Javi is trying his best and I love him for it.  
Honorable Mentions
-Javi has some of the best deaths/fails moments... seriously, I could watch him confidently run right into those metal stairs and fall to his doom a hundred times. -He’s a literal disaster bi.   -He fucking loves pudding and I mean, who doesn’t? Y’know?  -His bromance with Tripp is pretty good until Tripp dies for death quota reasons. 
So what are your thoughts on Javier Garcia? Do you agree with these reasons, or do you have any to add? Lemme know, it’s always fun to have character discussions.
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F
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