#that’s 9-12 pills btw
belle-of-a-time · 2 years
Must say I’m not jazzed for the day when I can’t swallow all my meds in one go. There’s something so powerful at swallowing all my pills at once in front of someone whose never watched me do it.
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walterdecourceys · 11 months
mutual 1: back in the basement lolllllllll hopefully the voices don't get to me this time
mutual 2: i <3 divorced catboys
mutual 3: guys i don't think this girlfriend is going to work out Maybe i should call my ex
mutual 4: i need her to beat me up so fucking bad
mutual 1: omw to kill my clone 🤪
mutual 5: god i wish i was a robot. what is autism btw?
mutual 6: I don't think I have a reason to live anymore
mutual 7: i need to beat her up so fucking bad
mutual 1: has mutual 2 taken his pills 🤔?
mutual 8: PLEASE stop sending me anons about my divorce and my drinking problem
mutual 9: Addressing The Claims That I Am A Government Agent
mutual 10: oh you sweet summer children you all need to get on INSTAGRAM and TIKTOK that's where the real action's at have you seen the supernatural finale
mutual 11: still underwater if anyone was wondering
mutual 12: @mutual9 Do you want to die with me
mutual 13: I was never an accessory to murder stop suggesting that I was
mutual 14: still trapped in the basement but it's okay i got this cool guy with me
mutual 2: i hate my job
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wedreamedlove · 1 year
I can rarely make a connection between L&N's chapter titles and the chapters themselves (except for Osborn and Wretched Love/Because I Felt Love). Do you have any interpretations of your own about the chapter titles?
what you brought up actually isn't a chapter title, it's the pv title or title for a chunk of main chapters and, in my opinion, applies to all of the men because they all make an appearance in the main chapters even if they aren't the spotlight of the chapter itself (which is who the actual chapter title refers to).
light and night actually uses a lot of classic literature for their chapter titles too btw so i'll be linking some!
Chapter 1: Turning Point of Fate 命运的拐点 = pretty self-explanatory because our game starts here.
Chapter 2: The Time In Between 时间针脚 = "an ordinary woman using her talent and courage to transform herself first into a prestigious couturier..." and then more.
Chapter 3: The Ocean and Flame 海水与火焰 = we're introduced to Evan and Osborn here, respectively the ocean and flame, although Osborn also has strong ocean themes.
Chapter 4: The Journey of Edward 爱德华之旅 = the novel itself "contains several themes involving loss and recovery, kindness and compassion, and the journey to self-discovery" and this is a chapter where the heroine and Sariel get closer together, as well as hints at their past together.
Chapter 5: His Border 他的边境线 = a chapter that delves more into Evan and his circumstances.
Chapter 6: The Cage and the Bird 囚笼与飞鸟 = where the heroine starts getting caught up in things and Charlie's introduction.
Chapter 7: If This Was The Finale 假如是终曲 = many "death shadows" appear here, like Osborn's car explosion, the heroine taking Charlie's russian roulette pill, Sariel's accelerating degeneration, and the burn victim who tried to commit suicide.
Chapter 8: Belated Midsummer 迟来的盛夏 = Jesse's introduction!
PV 9-10: FLAME AND ASHES 直至燃为灰烬 = everything starts escalating and falling apart.
Chapter 9: Enslaved Heart 被奴役的心 = Evan testing the heroine but realizing he's caught the feels.
Chapter 10: Ward No. 6 六号病房 = Charlie's philosophical and social conflict in his profession as a doctor.
PV 11-12: THE SILENT (CALL FOR HELP) 听不见的呼救 = the light and night men start catching on fire here, except for Osborn.
Chapter 11: Walking With Sin 与罪同行 = Charlie trying to save people in the hospital but the hospital itself being... well... and Jesse's path of revenge.
Chapter 12: The Savage Game 蛮荒游戏 = Sariel getting poisoned by the spirit clan and Evan starting to distance himself from the heroine as he sinks deeper into his chessboard.
PV 13-14: A BUSTED FLUSH 失败者的失败 = where all the men start losing their respective positions.
Chapter 13: Witness of the Past 过去的证人 = the debut of Osborn's other half and past.
Chapter 14: Border Crossing Angel 越界天使 = the cliffhanger where Charlie went from being a doctor to a killer.
PV 15-16: FOR WHOM THE SUN RISES 太阳为谁而升 = pretty sure this is a homage to Ernest Hemingway's book and how everyone is involved with each other.
Chapter 15: A Murder 一次谋杀 = the repercussions of Sun Taizhong's death and all the people that got dragged into it. there's also more metaphorical deaths like the heroine's memory of Sariel.
Chapter 16: Before the Storm 暴雨来临前 = ironic because this sets up Sariel and Osborn's flags and most of Evan's focus here until the end where he loses everything.
PV 17-18: WRETCHED LOVE 由于感到了爱 = look at what love made Evan do! imprisonment! look at what both Osborns are going through! look at how the heroine was about to die for Sariel! look at Sariel live with his perceived sin for the heroine!
Chapter 17: The Third Bang 第三声巨响 = there really are three iconic bangs that define Osborn's chapter here and the plot beats.
Chapter 18: Amongst All of Nature 在万物之中 = this one's hard to explain but it's like Sariel's zen about his death and everything else, but also how the universe actually isn't against them and things start taking a better turn at the very end.
NEW SEASON PV 1-3: WHITE THAN WHITE 大雪化为乌有 = both ominous and optimistic because snow and ice can be seen as bad and it's finally melting to show everyone's true colors underneath, which can be good or bad.
Chapter 1: Following the Past 沿往事而行 = pretty self-explanatory since we go really deep into Sariel's past here.
Chapter 2: Whenever I Hesitate 每当彷徨时 = applies to both Jesse and the heroine's growth in this chapter.
Chapter 3: A Sublime Disease 崇高的疾病 = Charlie's fight against DEA and his father.
coincidentally, the new chapters have released and their titles are below... very ominous sounding and my guess is that it will be Charlie, Osborn, and Evan in that order.
Chapter 4: Apoptotic Narcissus 凋亡的水山
Chapter 5: The Person who Eats Memories 吃回忆的人
Chapter 6: Runaway Mustang 野马私奔
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Season 3 finale! Episode 8!
1.) “We don’t know it’s your kids.” “Yes, we do.” We really do, Murray. They’re the only kids who do shit in this town.
2.) Jonathan could have been a track star.
3.) They really did not CGI that wound well. I forgot Jonathan reaches into the wound at all though. I just remember El using her powers to rip it out.
4.) And the gang’s all together again!
5.) I love Erica.
6.) I loved the group hug.
7.) STEVE’S HER DADDY NOW. Cute that you think you’d be the one being called Daddy, Steve. You’re a total bottom. Edit from the future: this isn’t me saying only tips are daddies or even only dons are daddies. I just don’t think Steve is a daddy because of vibes.
8.) “Oh honey, I’m gonna be fine.” It’s true. People will riot if Winona Ryder’s character dies, so I think she has plot armor.
9.) Oh, they finally remembered how Hopper actually talks to El.
10.) Here comes douchebag Billy.
11.) This elevator is definitely going slower with the adults in it.
12.) Andddd we’re back to bickering.
13.) Scoooooops Trooooop, do you copy?
14.) Move! That! Car! Oh well, didn’t work.
15.) Murray’s call sign being Bald Eagle is very funny.
16.) El dug through the trash to destroy a can of New Coke. They love to advertise Coke. I mean also they needed a way to say her powers are being on the fritz but they could have done that with the car.
17.) Mind Flayer dead above.
18.) That bitch big.
19.) “I think we make a pretty good team.” Never once did you act like a team, what the fuck are you talking about? And like, it pisses me off because they FUCKING DID WORK TOGETHER WELL IN SEASONS 1 AND 2 WITHOUT BICKERING THIS GODDAMN MUCH.
20.) I forgot these two idiots set up a date for Friday at 7 p.m. at Enzo’s.
22.) Fun Fact, I had to take a break during this episode because I think I discovered that flashing lights while watching tv in the dark is now a migraine trigger for me. Isn’t that fun? I took a pill and let my friends blow weed smoke in my face because I am whatever’s a step lower than a lightweight. I’m a baby weight? THat doesn’t make sense. I’m a lighter weight. I’m the lightest weight.
23.) The bald eagle has landed.
24.) Machine go off. Alarm go eeeeeeeeee. Monster go grrrrrrrr.
25.) Smiling and nodding works.
25.) 662608004 is not the code.
27.) Nancy WHeeler staring down a car with a gun in her hands, ice in her veins, and my total admiration for her. HELL YEAH STEVE TO THE RESCUE.
28.) Steve definitely has a concussion and both of them (him and Robin) have whiplash.
29.) Susie has a big ass house. Do we talk about how Susie has a big ass house? She’s also reading Wizard of Earthsea. I don’t actually believe the Duffer Brothers have read that book. I think they just put that in there because they know it’s a nerd book written by women.
30.) Susie is so goddamn cute.
31.) the Iconic Singing from Dustin
32.) I am shocked that Hopper doesn’t interrupt to be like WE NEED TO NOT DIE FROM RUSSIANS, PLEASE.
33.) I forgot that the monster is chasing the few people in the car before turning around.
34.) Hopper shooting the ceiling does cross language boundaries.
35.) Oh it’s Arnold from Wish. I hate that bitch.
36.) Do you think it was awkward filming a scene where you’re being carried over Dacre’s shoulder and if you open your eyes, you’re staring straight at his ass?
37.) “Don’t be afraid.” I don’t think that worked, Billy.
38.) Hell yeah fireworks. Yeah definitely don’t watch this show if you have a light sensitivity. BTW, I’m super mad that I have migraine triggers now. Like thanks Covid. Thanks for ruining big lighting things that I used to love.
39.) I think the Duffers rely too much on a plan never going the way it’s supposed to. Like they do it every single season and at this point it’s like, expected. It is straight up no longer a surprise. I’m now just constantly looking for how it’s going to fuck up.
40.) Mike and Max definitely have concussions.
41.) This is a sweet scene but I just realized she’s describing this scene like she’s trying to get a sketch artist to draw it at first. Like I get it, he got a shit fucking deal. I STILL DO NOT FORGIVE HIM FOR WANTING TO KILL LUCAS. No one made him do that! No one made him nearly kill Steve! Like yes he did a good thing at the end and I think MAYBE with some work people (probably not Lucas or Steve) could have learned to forgive him and maybe he could have earned forgiveness, but dying doesn’t actually earn that. Not even dying to protect El and Max.
42.) I do feel bad for Max though.
43.) Why doesn’t Hopper even try to move? Also I just realized they did that fade to black to hide him being taken away at the last minute because you don’t see him on the walkway before the explosion.
44.) I love how that mega powerful explosion that disintegrates Russians can’t touch glass though so Joyce is fine. I’m telling you, that woman has plot armor.
45.) Max is so sad. Honestly I am shocked she’s that sad, that fast. Not that it’s wrong for her to react that way, but IDK. I think I just want more representation of that first initial sock of like ‘I don’t know what I feel. This person sucked’.
46.) I forgot the fucking soldiers show up as soon as everything is already completed. Say what you will about the commies, but they were prompt all season.
47.) Owens showed up to have a disappointed dad face at a red crack int he wall.
48.) Will is getting so tall. I love him and Joyce reuniting. But also poor poor El. For a rare time they actually manage to convey information through acting and not words.
49.) THREE MONTHS LATER. I love that the deaths has Barb and Bob BUT NOT BENNY OR THE MORE THAN HALF DOZEN OTHER PEOPLE WHO FUCKING DIED IN SEASON 1. The show literally forgets who all died.
50.) Steve put his mom down as a reference because she’s ‘like super well-respected’.
51.) Steve isn’t an idiot, he’s just dyslexic and is bad at answering on the spot. But he definitely has seen all 3 Star Wars movies without being forced. It wasn’t actually nerdy to see Star Wars in the 1980s, guys. They were blockbuster hits that everyone and their mother watched.
52.) Byers are leaving Hawkins. Joyce has a terrible history with dating.
53.) I love Max and Lucas singing together.
54.) Okay Mike and Will are gay for each other.
55.) I didn’t expect Jonathan’s carpet to be that clean.
56.) Nancy Wheeler is the big spoon.
57.) “A wise man said, we’ve got shared trauma.” And I say Nancy’s a comphet lesbian
58.) El’s hair is so cute.
59.) everyone likes presents
60.) “Mike, I love you too.” Wait she says that and according to fanfiction he never says I love you back? What a dumbass. I guess I’ll find out though.
61.) Why are they acting like Hopper needed to be coached to write this letter? It’s super similar to what he said off the cuff to the radio in season 2.
62.) Millie Bobby Brown is very good at being pretty while crying.
Okay so season 3 is a mixed bag at breakneck pace. Hopper’s characterization is inconsistent as hell. I don’t care about Mike/El, tbh. I also think the Duffers don’t understand most media, let alone feminist literature enough to make a cogent point about anything. By this time the Russian angle was already super played out and being set in the 80s doesn’t make it better, honestly.
Anyway, it’s once again a mediocre season elevated by a good cast but I love Steve and Robin being friends. It has good moments and if they’d had a better script it could have been great. But that would require smart men. Smart men who don’t do a circle jerk because they remember 80s movie references.
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cero-sleep · 2 years
You got me so confused rn- I started at like 9:00 am on October 20 and now it’s 12:10 am on October 22. I think one of us did our math wrong or smth- Btw I’m getting tired but like I think it’s because of the allergy pill I took- Other than that pure energy time wee- I did eat more chocolate maybe that keeps me up idk-
Glitchy nooo avjsvssjgsvsjs I thought we agreed no chocolate at ungodly hours
Idk I literally count it like this lol (starting 6pm of the 20 I think which was when I woke up) ->
6 7 8 9 10 11 pm
12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 am
12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pm
12 am
And yeah I corrected it
It was me lol
The one time I don't obsessively re-check it avshcsjsscjssc
I'm at 30, yeah that seems more logical shjssvnsvs you said you're at 38?
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xiaozeal · 1 year
Hey everybody!~ Zeal Wei here. Just wanted to say what's up and to announce that the 5 Year break is finally over. I've been pretty busy getting acquainted with my Dynasty, The Wei Dynasty, of Ancient China. I was the Prince, to Emperor, now to Archemperor of the Wei. I do know the Olympians. I'm from Mount Olympus and Panem. I'm the Prince of Zeus. I'm the leader of the Water Clan, as The Gods, Goddesses, and Deities have been placed into their Elements (there are 12 in total). Zeus is my half brother. I'm the son of Tartarus and Rhea. Got a job as an Analyst. Doctorate from CSUF (Go TITANS!~) in Biochemistry. Created the innovation of Blood Tablets. The idea is you take one's blood to make personalized medication in which using the theory of the cells to not attacking the medication because the pill, I mean tablet, would be infused with ones blood and it would be analyzed through a computer and a team full of knowledgeable doctors and analysts. Oh, I did win my Hunger games as well. Victor of Luxury, District One. I enjoy K-Pop btw. I love performing arts, music, dance, act. Performance. It's cool. Hanguleh bo shipsh shani geh soh juh geh suup. Ni hao di jeh. Ohaiyoh, senpai and sensei!~ I learned some languages. I'm officially a U.S. Citizen!~ Love America!~
藍色的, 青, 파란색
With incandescence and exuberance,
Zeal Wei
Archemperor of Wei
Leader of the Water Clan
Member of The Negamoon Clan
Clow Descendent
Personal Senshi: Sailor Kitsune | Affiliation: Sailor Galaxia
Dead Moon Circus | Asteroid Affinities
Shinra INC.
Hater of SLUMS
Rule With Wisdom
Monkey Boy (1992)
Sagittarius (December 15)
Ganko | God: Serpent | Celestial Archgeneral | Affinity: Sex | Priestess: Diao Chan | Chamber (室)
Member | The Deep | 1/12 | Cube Entertainment
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mitsuributmexican · 2 years
thoughts while watching helluva boss s2 ep1
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this is gonna be relatable isn’t it-
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poor stolas :{{{{{{  (1:48)
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POV: how my mom reacts when i cry a vast majority of the time (1:51)
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is that blitz- it might be- or is that just another imp (2:47)
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🎶when i was 13, i had my first love 🎶(3:04)
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you did not just sell your son for a wet 5 dollar bill and a thin cock sock (5:12)
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this is so wholesome (6:05)
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the guilt tripping (7:03)
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i feel so bad :< (9:25)
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that looks very shiny and pretty (9:48)
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Awww 😭💞(11:59)
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oh no. thats quite the time skip btw (12:02)
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he looks so miserable 😭 (12:32)
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i can now understand why he is so miserable (12:52)
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thats so horrible :{{{{  (13:01)
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STOP SHITTALKING HIM. also “stone ass” 💀 (13:25)
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:< (13:42)
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perdon? (15:06)
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bro (15:24)
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ayo x10 (15:59)
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he seems very hesitant (16:06)
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sir- (16:43)
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this looks like a cursed image (16:51)
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he liked that WAY TOO much (16:52)
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i feel kinda bad ngl (17:45)
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uh oh (18:01)
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you deserved to be cheated on, you literally threw a whole party to mock him (18:08)
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a long needed divorce (18:16)
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his cloak is very cool (18:31)
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no thats so sad yo no puedo- (18:37)
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a song i see (18:58)
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cállate pinche perra (20:12)
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he’s doing it all for octavia 😭💞(20:58)
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you insult him 24/7 but then get angry when he wants a divorce? (21:13)
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the perra was gonna lay a hand on him. this is getting super sad by each minute :(        (21:20)
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so that was it huh? (21:54)
Summary/wrapped up thoughts:
omfg that was a rollercoaster. i never hated stolas and ive in fact taken a liking to him before but this episode has ranked him up in my favorite character list. cheese and rice i hate stella even more now. you can really see why stolas ended up how he did and it’s truly heartbreaking to know he’s been enduring endless ridicule and cruelty from stella to try to give octavia a normal life. 
cheese and rice this took me an hour to make-
stolas pls give me a chance i’ll treat u much better than stella ever could, i’ll be a good mother for octavia, i’ll peg u , i’ll try to make u happy so u dont need the pills anymore pls.
+subtitles cant get Stolas’s name right to save a life-
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sweetchup · 2 years
Things you might not know about Bivalve (Ch.12)
A/N: Once again, Minors do not read. Explicit content you have been warned.
Chapter 12; another fun chapter. Get ready Folks.
Fact 1: Vol. 3 is called Kiss the Girl. Messed up in many ways as it’s a Disney reference (and Amphitrite ironically looks like Ariel) and it is right after they hit 3rd base.
Fact 2: Reader casually wishes she had google to help search up what to do if you have sex with a god. Just normal things.
Fact 3: Poseidon is the type to read a book then fall asleep after sex. Then again he probably has more stamina than the reader so he isn’t likely that tired.
Fact 4: His bedroom also secretly reveals a similarity between him and Triton. Poseidon bed is a circle bed in the center of his room, Triton build a nest like bed out of pillows. Poseidon is laying on a pile of soft and silk pillows to keep himself upright, Triton likes soft and comfy things. Coincidence? I think not.
Fact 5: Reader casually insults Poseidon by saying she doesn’t see him as the type to read. Poseidon is also reading a book about Penguins btw. There was going to be a scene where the reader snatched the book away but that got replaced by the pillow scene.
Fact 6: The fact that Poseidon wrinkles his nose up at the term “wife” when referring to reader, once again shows that Poseidon and Reader are physical attracted to each other. They aren’t emotionally nor do they like each other like that yet.
Fact 7: However when the servant knocks on the door and both of them think it’s Amphitrite, Poseidon acts very defensive and suspicious. This shows that he is instinctively acting protecting over the reader, not feeling yet but he’s ahead of the reader a little.
Fact 8: Poseidon casually gives reader a vitamin/birth control pill. This reveals Poseidon didn’t wear a condom. Poseidon is an asshole.
Fact 9: Reader casually thinks it’s a good idea to throw a pillow to Poseidon. Poseidon also didn’t catch it. This shows his guard was down, either because he didn’t care since the reader is human or that he felt relaxed with her. I’ll let you guys decide which one is correct.
Fact 10: When Poseidon says “You aren’t going anywhere, Human.” Was this sexual? Yes.
Does that mean Author wrote another smu— Shush. Yes. Just take the answer as always yes. Once again, it’s locked in the deepest dungeons of my abyssal docs.
Fact 11: Amphitrite casually wondering where it all went wrong when Poseidon is currently having sex with reader. How convenient.
Fact 12: Amphitrite wears a dark veil to hide herself from the eyes of the gorgon sisters. This reveals that gods are affected by the powers of the gorgon sisters.
Fact 13: In Bivalve, Medusa is not pregnant with Poseidon’s kids (Pegasus and Chrysaor). This means Medusa is not raped by Poseidon. And before you all come for my head about that, I have my reasons. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that version of the Medusa story. I just felt that it didn’t fit with the fact that a. Amphitrite scares off any female near Poseidon and b. Snv Poseidon in Bivalve doesn’t really fit Mythology Poseidon. I made him much colder than a gross player.
Fact 14: So, this begs the question, SPOILERS IF YOU AREN’T CAUGHT UP TO CHAPTER 19, how did Euryale get pregnant with Orion. Well, that will be mentioned in chapter 20. It’s not through the usual way I assure you. Could this mean Medusa could secretly have Pegasus and Chrysaor when her head is cut off, perhaps? It’s going to be a little weird writing it though.
Fact 15: Now, I know people liked the gorgon sisters during this chapter but I promise from Ch 20 or 23 forward you will hate them. I will be surprised if you don’t.
Do with this information what you wish.
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izzielizzie · 3 years
as requested, oouil trailer breakdown (it’s long sorry)
1: first of all, there’s that:
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based on the overalls Bronwyn is wearing, I’m going to guess that this is the scene where Nate drives Bronwyn home after Simon dies. Also: there’s a beach and a highway which probably means that A) the Rojas live in a very wealthy and very far away area of town and B) there’s going to possibly be more beach scenes, which means the Jake, Addy, TJ beach scene in particular. And also Nate has two helmets? Who’s he driving around? Or does the show just want to practice good motorcycle habits in which case good for them.
2: next is Simon and Janae:
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This specific quote, her bubbly attitude, and the face Simon makes right after she says it leads me to believe that at this point Janae is either totally on board with what Simon’s about to do, or she doesn’t know. Because book Janae hated Simon’s plan from day one. 
and then, of course, there are the shots of the Bayview Four before all the shit that goes down, which probably means that there will be a montage or some sort of their lives beforehand. 
3: also here:
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Bronwyn’s crying, but she’s wearing the same shirt as she was at the lunch table which means that either she’s reading a post about herself before detention, or she’s just gotten the call about Simon. The background looks like a school, so maybe she’s looking at her real phone after Simon’s taken away because the fake one was what caused this mess?
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again, Addy’s looking at her phone, but wearing something different. This is probably after the big post about the Bayview Four, especially since she’s walking alone and not with Jake. 
5: look how confused Cooper is:
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all the other scenes of the B4 show them looking guilty, but here Coop looks like he has no clue what Simon’s talking about. Because he doesn’t, this is about him doing steroids instead. 
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you tell him queen. also Bronwyn’s shoulder is next to Addy which means that this conversation happens after the teacher leaves to make sure no one was hurt during the fender-bender. 
7: notice how Simon pouring the water isn’t actually shown:
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none of the narrators watched him pour the water either. It’s not very big but it’s clever
8: he’s reaching out to Nate:
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looks like Coop was right, he did regret it in the end
9: this is a good callback to Nate calling Addy useless in the books:
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I can’t wait to see their friendship grow
10: Bronwyn’s coming back home at night, which only happens once in the book
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probably a meeting of the B4? Or she was with Nate? She’s obviously not hiding something from her family though because she’s not being very conspicuous. Although that hoodie is the same from the football game, so maybe that’s where she’s coming back from?
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this is the Natewyn stairwell scene right? where he gives her a burner phone? He’s looking up at someone, so I assume it’s Bronwyn on the stairs.
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this scene was interesting because Cooper never outwardly accused anyone... but he’s suggesting it with Bronwyn. Also he’s wearing black and she’s wearing black so... funeral? 
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this is probably Simon’s room? Not sure why they’d be in there but also it seems like it’s an early episode because they’re all accusing each other. And Addy says she knows everyone but Bronwyn, which probably means that the show might be going on a Bronwyn and Nate vs Cooper and Addy path until they work together. 
14: okay so Cooper just goes to abandoned parks now?
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maybe to meet someone? Maybe Kris? But Kris has an apartment. 
15: the next few scenes are confusing. Addy’s taking,,, a pill. Idk what pill because she never did drugs. And Nate’s standing over a person. Maybe his dad? He’s very frantic so I think it is his dad
16: kind of unrelated but is that the funeral house or the Rojas’ house?
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17: Oh wow there’s really some animosity between Cooper and Bronwyn huh? “Why should we trust you”? Cooper never really had an opinion on Bronwyn. Also, they never explicitly said they needed to work together this early on, I’m intrigued if they’ll follow through. 
18: they’re making Detective Wheeler a real enemy here and you know what? They should she outed Cooper
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Also this is the cardigan Bronwyn wears when she tells Maeve that telling the truth won’t help anything, so I’m interested to see what causes Maeve to say that. And look at Nate looking at Bronwyn 🥺
20: again with the trunk scene what does Bronwyn keep in her car???
21: So Nate’s leaving that’s interesting. Either he’s packing his stuff when arrested but there would be more officers if that happened, or he’s running away? Not sure
22: Janae? And Maeve? In the same scene? That’s gonna be fun.
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also if Maeve doesn’t yell at Janae about how awful Simon was then what’s the point? But also why does Maeve look so sad? I get that death is sad but she hated him. 
23: look it’s an Evan sighting. Yuck
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24: Look it’s Jake dressed up for what I have to assume is their homecoming
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is that Addy’s mom, Nate’s mom, or Simon’s mom? Judging by how broken she looks it’s either Simon’s mom or Nate’s mom.
26: Vanessa and TJ at a party together suggests that this is pre Addy drama, but also she looks really cocky.
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27: I get why someone would assume this is prom, but also prom happens at the end of the year, it’s more likely this is homecoming.
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Also Keely looks like... a lot. 
28: What’s up with that safe?
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29: Cooper’s chasing somebody that’s cool
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judging by the high heels I’m assuming Addy is spying on her old friend group?
31: Okay detective Wheeler is spying on Nate now? And also those people looked unfamiliar so the fight probably is a drug transaction gone wrong, which is why Det. Wheeler looks so pleased. 
32: also mask? What? Is that Vanessa or Addy?
33: Nate, at a pool? Talking to a girl with dark hair? Vanessa and TJ at a pool? Is this a flashback type scene where Nate hooks up with Keely? Because in the teaser when Nate was kissing another girl he was wearing the same thing. 
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okay so look at Addy’s face. She’s upset. Cooper is confused. Everyone’s looking at them. So I’m assuming that this is another post with the stuff about the Bayview Four, but it’s before Cooper was outed because you can just tell that he has no idea what’s going on. 
honorable mention to Bronwyn untying that bow-tie btw 
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
Now that Nora's season is coming to end, what are somethings that you want for amira's season
Hi 😁 I bet you thought I’d never reply to this ask! Well, after you sent this in MARCH, I am finally posting an answer. 
Btw, I did the same for Nora’s season, and as a note, I’m a white European and an atheist. If any of this is offensive or not my place to say, I preemptively apologize.
1) I would like for Amira's arc not to be about being Muslim. That is, Cris' arc isn't about being bi, it's about learning (and accepting) that she's more than the fun friend. That she has and can offer more to the people in her life. Nora's arc isn't about being a feminist, it's about not being so set in your first impression of someone that you don't notice red flags or don't notice them trying to be better people. Same with Eva and not being defined by her mistakes, or about Viri and her financial situation. And I would like the same for Amira.
2) I think one common denominator of all Sana seasons so far is that they've shown the mains doing something that people assume hijabi can't do when it's more like they're systematically excluded from participating. For Sana, it was basketball. For Imane, it was dancing. For Amira M, it was boxing. I joked on twitter that Amira N's thing should be binging TV shows and eating junk, proving that hijabi are really like anyone else, but on a serious note, I'd like for Amira's thing to be photography (and maybe modeling? since Amira's friend was taking pics of her).
3) A scene where Amira explains how she can be a feminist and a hijabi both, just so we as a society have that scene to point to when the question inevitably comes up again. Seriously, I feel like that's one of the questions I most often see people asking Hajar.
4) I want the association girls to have their own youtube channel. Or at the very least, their own instagram and/or twitter account. I would love for them to post memes punching up about their experiences.
5) I feel like, much like with trans narratives, there's this "acceptable" narrative for hijabi in mainstream society, which is: the character made the decision to cover after coming up with solid reasons to do so. I.e. she made the decision early and can defend it with inarguable rebuttals. It's like women can't be trusted unless they know 150% what they're doing, be it covering, or dating a girl, or going vegan, or any number of things. I really appreciate that Amira started covering just because it felt right, and she's finding meaning in it after the fact. I would like for this to be a thing in her season, that she's still figuring herself out, that she's not already an Islamic scholar.
6) I also think that's what makes her stand apart from the other Sanas. I feel like (maybe with Zoya's exception), none of the other Sanas would entertain a crush on a white guy. They'd have never drunk or flirted (like we know Amira used to do). It's like they're not allowed to fuck up, or can only fuck up in acceptable ways, like engaging in a flirtation with a non Muslim only because they didn't know he wasn't a Muslim, or had booze at home, but it wasn't theirs, etc. I'm hoping that they've made Dani a love interest specifically to explore this idea (and not because they wanted to whitewash a character or give less time to an actor of color).
7) On that note, SKAM Hajar brought up an idea that, because the hijab makes them super visible, hijabi are perceived as ambassadors of Islam, expected to be able to answer any question about Islam, but also that people will judge all Muslims based on whatever mistake they individually make. I would like for a potential bench scene to allow Amira to say that it puts major pressure on her to feel like she can't make any mistake, because every Muslim will be judged based on her making a mistake, having a shitty day, being in a bad mood, not wanting to be Muslim wikipedia that day, etc. That sometimes she just wants to be Amira, not Islam personified.
8) I would like for Dani's character to represent not just white society, but also childhood, the safe choice, the choice her parents would love, and for Sofian's character to represent not just Moroccan culture, but also like... SEXY risk, independence, novelty... Because I feel like when I see Muslim girl/Muslim boy/white guy love triangles in fiction, the Muslim guy is positioned as the boring choice (but still incredibly wrong because he's abusive or maybe even secretly gay and forced to beard by his parents), the safety, the guy you'd bring home to your parents, whereas the white guy represents independence and carving your own path away from your parents.
9) Just once, I would like for a Muslim character to say, "what do you think of Catholic priests abusing kids?" to someone asking them what they think of such-and-such Muslim majority country doing such-and-such to its citizens. Bonus points if it's Sofian's character.
10) I would like for Dilan to get an insta and a storyline. And for that storyline to connect to Amira's.
11) In general, I would prefer that parents be kept to a minimum (not to get rid of them entirely, of course, but to be kept at the level they've been in other Sana seasons). I just have never thought the point of Skam was the parents. And I get why they have a larger presence in a second gen kid, but I, personally, am more interested in what they represent in the main's life, rather than in giving them a lot of face time.
12) And, on that note, if they do with Amira what I've outlined above, I don't think there's a necessity for Amira to have siblings. Particularly if eskam isn't going to continue after this season. I think it'd be far more interesting if Amira's character contained the elements of figuring her identity as a Muslim living in a Western country that Elias, Idriss and Essam had. (And maybe that way Dani is both Yousef and Elias, stealing not just one role for an actor of color, but two! lmao)
13) I really hope that the obligatory evak s4 side plot be kept at a minimum tbh. I'm really not interested in a) Eloy coming back to cause drama, b) Amira's friend causing croana drama because she's Joana ex or whatever, c) a physical fight breaking out because of (perceived) homophobia.
14) I want Amira to tell Cris that amiris es lo más real que hay. 😭 I would love it if, as a parallel to Cris' season, Amira doesn't tell Cris about her interest in Sofian's character at first because she's afraid of her reaction, only for Cris to be supportive of whatever she chooses to do.
15) I would be so fucking happy if eskam adapted the "is your faith stronger than your lust?" scene in this season. I have always wanted to love that scene, because how often do you get a scene where two girls get to talk that long and that much (even in Skam most of the iconic dialogue scenes between just two people aren't between two girls in the squad), but I just haaaated the purpose of the scene in Skam.
16) I would cry buckets if we got a scene like Det Beste fra Islam where Amira and Sofian's character both talk about what Islam means for them. Particularly if Sofian is introduced as not the Perfect Muslim Man, but it turns out he has THOUGHTS about religion.
17) And, finally, I would love for the unquestionable villain of the season to be a white guy. If the villain is going to be a woman, then I would want her to be Cris' mom, not a high school aged character. Not because of white feminism yayyy! but because I think the major issue Sana seasons have run into before is that the showrunners want to touch on white girls being the problem, but they also don't want to villainize white girls. So we have stuff like Sana inviting Sara and Ingrid (of all people!!) to Eid, Imane apologizing to Ingrid (of all people!!), random one clip white women attacking Amira M (and the Kiki/Amira friendship of course), etc. I'd just rather they didn't have girls doing shitty stuff to Amira N, if they're going to go back on it. Which they inevitably would, because eskam's overall message is sisterhood.
Bonus clips
18) I would love it if Skam España was like, "you thought we were dropping storylines left and right? Nope!" and resolved long standing mysteries like who was behind Eva's hate ig, who had the pills, who outed Cris to the school, who's the owner of the keys that were left behind at GSC, and so on. Will die if it turns out to be Ramón!
19) I want Joana to get that job she wanted so bad last season!
20) I would love for Emma to show up and come out as a lesbian, just as a last hurrah lol.
21) I don't feel strongly about which couples should be endgame and not (other than not Dani/Amira hghvvh please), BUT in my most embarrassing fantasies, I want Skam España to hire Alejandro Reina's irl boyfriend to play Lucas' boyfriend for the finale. Not because I can't separate fiction from reality or anything, but because when I thought Lucas would be getting a season, I wanted his boyfriend to be a poc, and I was highkey buttmad that they hired random white bread when they could just as easily have hired a poc.
22) I think it would be really cool if Inés got a clip on her POV, but I don't think we're going to get it. I think all bonus clips will be from the squad's POV, i.e. Eva, Cris, Nora and Viri. Not even Joana.
23) I want a Mallorca special or episode so bad, and I will be so FUCKING ANNOYED if we don't get it. Seriously, I can't imagine the team didn't feel betrayed when they watched Skam for writing purposes, and didn't get their russetide. So they should know how angry we would be if we didn't get even a little bit of Mallorca time.
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vslattae · 3 years
ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴄ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴋᴘᴏᴘ ɪᴅᴏʟ...ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ ʜɪs ɢʀᴏᴜᴘᴍᴀᴛᴇs ᴘᴀʏᴇᴅ ᴀᴛᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ..
ᴀʟʟ ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴠsʟᴀᴛᴛᴀᴇ
paring: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: sike it’s a angsty chapter (i’m sorry ;) i really am :( but hey...no sad ending right :) )
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Chapter 9: Car rides at 4 am and bad memories.
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Jolted by the sound of Rm and Jungkook waking everyone up running through the doors and finally making there way outside.
“Tae baby..” you yawned trying to get out of bed but a strong pair of arms swooped you back up but luckily you fought them off.
About twenty minutes or so everyone now fully awake and pilling in the cars that you rode on the way here. the car ride was silent most of it was filled with haru and jins laughter while jungkook little snores fought against their laughter.
This car ride felt different however..like something was off and not to mention in the back of your mind the texts that’s flown through you and haru about felix.
It’s not that you were hiding anything but the memories still haunted you at night wishing that you never bumped into that womanizing stupid Australian guy and if it wasn’t for Han it wouldn’t have ever happened.
Through the morning drifting in and out of sleep while tae hung onto you for dear life slanted in the seat, his arms around you while your head laid on his chest...although sure that you were not awake the memory played through like a broken record.
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“jeez y/n i’m sorry that i fell asleep studying and your fine i’m sure felix is waiting up there as we speak” haru laughs as you two depart from another girl in your class making it up to your shared apartment. The more steps you take the more anxious you get...as if your gut was telling you something is wrong very wrong. When glancing to haru you knew she felt the same..you just couldn’t press your mind to it so therefore you shrugged it off like it was nothing.
Approaching your apartment door, haru pulled the keys out as you both stepped in dropping your bags. Haru went straight into the kitchen drawing your attention. “Hey y/n you know jin seokjin right?” she looked at you laughing. “yeah jungkook talks about him all the time why” you cocked your brow and there was that smug face.. “shut..up NO WAYYY” you jumped up and down cheering but soon those cheers fell silent.
Throwing your attention to haru to see if she hears the noise too she nods quickly pulling her phone out to ring jin and jk to quickly come there ASAP. after the call ended she ending up picking the closest thing to her which happened to be the kitchen knife held up on the block in the kitchen.
cautiously advancing up the small flight of stairs you learn the sound is coming from your room, leaning into the door knob you peel it open and kick it only to find your boyfriend at the time balls deep in some other girl..in YOUR bed.
“what.the.fuck.is.this?” Haru drops the knife letting it clang to the floor while jin and jungkook had arrived ushering themselves up the door. “hey haru you call-” Jin stopped and jungkook advanced pushing felix off your bed while he’s stumbling to pull his clothes back on.
“hold the fuck up..Maria?” your eyes begin to water knowing the stranger was not only a stranger but just so happened to be your neighbor..and a good friend..not anymore. “y/n look i can explain.” you collapsed on your knees drowning out any sound that was coming from anyone or anything...what the fuck could you done wrong..? Questions flew through your mind left and right.
“JUNGKOOK STOP” was the first thing you heard before pulling yourself up wiping your face to glance at the horrible person that you’ve been dating for the past 2 years. Glancing at him you noticed the busted lip and an angry jungkook a few feet away from you getting calmed down by jin.
“y/n please..” felix pleaded searching your face to find any emotion to which you shrugged it off and gathered your thoughts before opening your mouth. “felix if you want to me a favor get your shit and go please. i mean it. don’t EVER contact me and keep your shitty apologizes to yourself. The AUDACITY that you cheat on me with my neighbor on our 2 year anniversary..and to top it all off you fucked her on MY fucking bed jesus.. and for you maria you’re dead to me and i mean that shit and keep your fucking band members off my fucking back...i have no shame to tell them what the fuck i just walked into.” you breathed finally watching him shamelessly walk out the door.
“y/n come on you can sleep over..haru can too okay..” jungkook pulled you into his arms doing his absolute best from going out and beating the fuck out your ex boyfriend. “o-oh kay come on haru” looping your arms around haru you both walked out and intos jins car, trying your hardest to not break down and cry and scream.
Once at the boys house jungkook rushes you into the house that’s surrounded by laughter pushing you up the stairs before you lose everything. once safely and secured in jungkooks room your finally able to let everything out and for damn sure everyone downstairs heard it.
“why jungkook” you sniffed, tears steaming down your face as a knock is heard and sure enough the boy with a sorrow face was taehyung. immediately running up to you he wrapped you in his arms letting you stain your tears into his hoodie sobbing. “y/n shh it’s okay listen..he was a complete asshole i know alright but you are so much stronger..i need you to promise me you’ll forget about that fucked up accent douche okay” nodding and wiping the tears away, pooling yourself to sleep and for a moment washing the memory away and replaced it was tae.
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Waken up by taehyung and the sunrise he noticed the tears that pooled in your eyes. “you okay y/n” his eyes scanning your face and pulling you closer to his chest. “i’m alright just bad dream...i don’t wanna talk about it” you sighed placing your head on his chest to listen to the thumping of his heart flattering you to coax back to sleep.
Once the drive was over and everyone pooling back to their normal lives you only had one goal and that was to somehow tell tae about felix and getting your dog.
the situation itself is tricky and seeing as the smallest detail can reside in that god awful nightmare you didn’t want to say anything.
“ i’ll call you later okay baby..? or if you want i can come over later tmr” tae pecked your lips, your forehead and both your cheeks before getting in the car with the rest of the boys and driving to their home.
Time skip ( i hate writing angst it makes me cry ;-; )
Pushing the door open to your mothers house, minnie runs up to you and jungkook. “hello my beautiful children” your mother comes up to hug you both before placing the plate of food that just so happens to be your favorite. “hi mom” you smiled and began to tell her about the amazing trip.
“y/n has a boyfriend now mom” jungkook smiles at you which left you kicking his right leg in a smooth swift motion. “oh really! who” she excitedly asks. “ Kim Taehyung mom...jungkooks bandmate” you see her eyes light up. “that’s great! he’s such a nice boy and so sweet i do hope to see all of your friends again Jungkook i’m just happy he’s better than that felix boy dear” she smiles while jungkook nods affirming that’ll they come over one day soon.
After a whirl with your mom and the goal completed of getting your dog you find yourself dropping into sleep until your phone dings...and now this has your heart racing..
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a/n: well..things got interesting didn’t they ;-; btw i hate writing angst it’s sucks for me but hey i did it :) I think ima let this ride out to 12 chapters maybe 14...with bonus stuff etc then on to the next story :) thank you for the love and the reads i appreciate it so much and lmk if you want to be on the taglist <3 until tmr :)
@hantaev @strawverryxmilktae @serendipitysev
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mammonlovesmoney · 3 years
i just need to type this out and get it out of my system don't mind me i just don't know where else to put it. i'm too paranoid to write it down physically;; and letting it sit in drafts doesn't feel like it's out of my system
i don't really care actually if anybody reads it or not, if you're curious then go ahead but it will be very triggering and i won't be tagging anything since it's under a read more
i've been Super™ depressed since i was 12 and i'm 25 now :/ and it's only getting worse which is why i hate all those posts that say "it gets better~ :):):)" IT'S BEEN 13 YEARS! WHEN. WHEN DOES IT GET BETTER
but i never say anything because i know that someone else that sees that might feel better or y'know? i don't want to be a debby downer. maybe it will get better ! i really truly hope so but for now it's :/:/:/
it's gotten so bad i'm considering getting Professional Help™ only i can't afford it? it costs 70euro per session the cheapest and for comparison i make 20euro a day working 9 hour shifts. and that won't even include any meds they give me
it's definitely gotten worse thanks to the virus and my city has been in lockdown for a whole year now so i'm definitely Feeling It
i'd have to say my tipping point was when i recently realized that my biggest regret in life was regretting not jumping off the balcony and killing myself when [parent] told me to (at age 13 btw)
or not overdosing on pills when [family member] shoved a whole bottle in my face and started yelling at me to "take them!! take them all so we can be done with you!!!" age 16 or 17
i want to be done with me too
and then i get extra sad because i realize i'm 25!!! FUCKING 25!!! and have no plan for my life i've just been drifting but what plan am i supposed to have when i never thought i'd live this long
the plan was to kill myself at 18 which is the plan that a lot of depressed kids have but i was too much of a coward to go through with it
my only "goal" is that i've always wanted to move to japan but of course i haven't been working towards that because i thought i'd be dead by now 0 :) and even if i manage to get there i know i won't make it so why bother in the first place :):):)
and rereading this now made me realize i've been depressed for longer than i haven't been...and i wouldn't exactly say i was happy before either
I Was Not A Happy Child. i wouldn't say i was sad before 12 either but i wasn't happy. i was neutral towards sad. if you'd ask people around me even now they'd say i'm happy because i've always worn a smile
people treat you better when you're smiling all the time
it makes them think i'm stupid...but they treat me nicer than if i were to not smile so i have to fake it every day...also i have resting bitch face so if i'm not smiling and just have a neutral expression people think i'm angry at them and call me a bitch completely unprovoked :)
even if we haven't interacted all day they'll just casually ask me "why are you being such a bitch all day!?!?" like? excuse me? i've locked myself in my room all day, i haven't spoken to you but you've yelled at me three (3) times today unprovoked for something that wasn't my fault and had nothing to do with and somehow i'm the bitch. ok. sure.
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plasmavamp · 5 years
How do you make your editing so pretty???
Hey there!! First off, kjfdgbjfdbgjhdfjh thank you so much. I know this is crazy late, I’ve been working hh. I’ve put a general tutorial(??) under the cut so it’s not too long on dash!! ♥
First off, what I currently use:
Photoshop CC
@intramoon ‘s Patchouli Rose (primarily)
@magicbats ‘s Happy Pills PSD set (turned to 20% on both folders)
CANVAS SIZE: 1920 x 1080 (but screen size might vary?)
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THE STEPS (”right-click > open image in new tab” if its too small!)
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^ 1) slap your image on your canvas with all the bs listed above (or whatever you use as your editing psd!)
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^ 2) since my current scene outside in the realm was kinda bright (for early early morning/late night of 3am in-game if i remember correctly lmfao), i had to tone down the brightness as well crank up the contrast for some Nice Touch of depth or whatever idk words. it makes a difference fam.
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^ 3) this is what the brightness/contrast editing did btw. now, i stayed on the picture layer and used the flood select tool and grabbed morgyn; while keeping them selected, i made a new layer with that button on the side mhm. it’s time for some light editing hahah
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^ 4) disregard the pun, im dumb lol. anyways, i took some peachy-orange and drew on some points where the light (from the opposite doorway in which they had exited in post 3) hits them. it’s not accurate but it is what it is. I set this layer to “overlay” and the opacity to roughly 50-40%. Make a new layer!
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^ 5) new layer: do the same exact thing but with finer brush lines but in white (or off-white). This is more of the highlights on the sim (or subject, whatever you’re editing). Set this layer to EITHER “overlay” or “soft light”, then play around the opacity until it looks natural. you CAN take a soft-edged eraser (set opacity to about 20%) and kinda soften up the brushing so its not too sharp and harsh. CTRL+D to deselect the subject.
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^ 6) this is the outcome :3 see the shadowing and lighting? it looks like the warm lights from the hall to Morgyn’s left is hitting them ~ Now, that things look okay, click off the brightness/contrast layer (you’ll wanna save this) and everything else EXCEPT for your picture layer and the layers you just did (lighting and such). Now you want to right-click on a visible layer and click “Merge Visible;” this merges the visible layers into one (I do this so that things dont get messy and disorganized in my layers bc i mass-open 4385873246 pictures and my post-edit psd has so many layers as it is lol) (but this is also a key thing to do for later steps~)
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^ 7) Now with your merged layer of the edited pic, you want to duplicate the image layer so that you have 2. On the top layer, flood-select your main focus—this can be a sim, or a few, and the front-and-center focus area of the image. Once the stuff is selected (make sure you zoom in and get all the little details ie hair, etc), you want to hit your “delete” button on the keyboard (or use the cut tool, whichever is easiest) and watch the stuff poof, as shown above.
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^ 8) grab your blur tool and set it to this setting. Then what i do is i just click on the (still top layer, the one with the erased focus!) layer and go HAM with the mouse. PS does this thing where the more i waggle the mouse the more it blurs. i just blur the background for 10 seconds and release. tada all blurred tf out. then, i go to the bottom (untouched!) layer and use a smaller size of the blur tool and lightly edge around the subject, just to casually blend the subject and background so that things look smooth. when done, merge visible again!!
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^ 9) I then go into Topaz Clean 3 and smooth out the image!! here are my settings ^-^
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^ 10) now my morgyn is a sunkissed-freckled bby. but topaz washes them out almost all the way :c so i take my splatter brush and zOOm in on their cute face and use an eyedropper to grab the color of one of their kinda visible fweckles. then i just splash that brush aLL over their face/skin in general. then i set that layer to multiply, then opacity like 20%?? Then i take a soft edged eraser, opacity to 20%, and kinda spam click all over to not make the “freckles” so consistent but also to blend them in a bit. 
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^ 11) this just shows the settings and outcome of the sunshine bby ♥
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^ 12) these are just what i have set on the Happy Pills PSD Set! I have both folders set to 20% because at 100% + my reshade, shit’s bright as fuck [swEAts] lol. so I turned them down a bit and adjusted as so ~
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^ 13) and finally, with all visible layers merged into one, the brightness/contrast layer turned back on, the Happy Pills PSD folders turned on, and my cinematic black bars on, we get the final image :3 here’s the pic after i finished some additional editing for my story post part 4
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(: !!! I hope this helps lolol ^^ ♥
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jessthebooklover · 5 years
Fic Rec List (a tag game!)
Thank you very much for tagging me @mercia-lachesis!!!!
Rules: Post links (Ao3, ff.net, etc.); specify fandom/pairing/etc; don’t answer the same fic twice - spread the appreciation; tag other people; you don’t have to answer all the questions, but leave them in the list so the next person can answer if they want.
Fandoms mentioned: American Horror Story, Hataraku Maou-Sama!,  Les Misérables, Game of Thrones, Liar Game, Cloak & Dagger, Shades of Magic
1. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (multiple chapters/parts): Coat Skin by Shiero (shieroell029) (ao3) >> American Horror Story: Apocalypse, AU, Selkie, Fantasy, Historical, mythological creatures, Domestic Fluff Michael Langdon/Mallory
(I haven’t finished it because I don’t have enough time, but it’s been great)
2. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (one-shot): demon king's hug is all she wants by jaecken (ao3) >> Hataraku Maou-Sama! | The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Existential CrisisLight AngstFluff, Maou Sadao | Satan Jacob/Yusa Emi | Emilia Justina
(After finishing the anime I needed more of those two)
3. Favourite WIP you’ve read this month: -
4. One fic/series you’ve read which you keep coming back to again and again: -
5. Most underrated fic you’ve read this year: Where A Wasp Does Wear Its Sting by  Aurelia_Combeferre (ao3) >> Les Misérables, 10 things I Hate About You - Freeform, The Taming of the Shrew, Modern AU, Shakespearean AU,  Enjolras/Éponine Thénardier
(Brilliant idea)
6. Most underrated fic you’ve read EVER:-
7. Favourite whump/angst fic of the year:  -
8. Favourite hurt/comfort fic of the year: -
9. Favourite fluff fic of the year: 
10. Favourite gen fic of the year: -
11. Favourite smut fic of the year: -
12. Favourite fix-it fic of the year/ever: I would have to post each and every Jonerys fix-it fic on the internet, can’t pick just one, all of them are masterpieces compared to GoT S8
13. Favourite crack-fic fic of the year: Bare Feet on a Stone Floor by  sakurahaiku (ao3)>>Game of Thrones (TV)A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Wedding Night, smut, Meera Reed/Aegon VI Targaryen
(I have no idea how I ended up there and i know it was written ages ago but I don’t have a better one for this, btw if George ever finishes the series I beg the old gods and the new to check out this crack ship, it’s worth it)
14. Favourite sick-fic this year: –
15. Favourite kid-fic this year: -
15. Fic this year which you didn’t expect to love as much as you do: Wishes on Bamboo by  dagas isa (dagas_isa)  (ao3) >> Liar Game,Tanabata, Holidays, Fluff, Romance, Akiyama Shinichi/Kanzaki Nao
(I got so late into this fandom but dagas isa got my back, their fics are *chef’s kiss* and I thought this one was the cutest )
16. Fic which convinced you to ship a pairing: -
17. Favourite AU you’ve read this year: A Thousand Times Goodnight by  valkysrie (ao3) >> Cloak & Dagger (TV 2018) Cloak & Dagger (Comics), Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate AU, Reincarnation, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Slow Burn, Denial of Feelings, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Childhood Trauma, Immortality,  Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson
(Best Tandy/Ty fic ever and it’s not even finished)
18. Longest fic/series you’ve read this year: What Lies Beyond byOnlyInAutumn (ao3) >> Game of Thrones (TV), 
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen
(I needed some high quality Jonerys and this fic delivered)
19. The last fic you’ve read:  A Promise by Andrea O'Down (ff.net) >> Shades of Magic, Hurt/Comfort, Delilah ‘Lila’ Bard
(I still have to read A Conjuring of Light but I needed a fic so badly without spoiling myself and I found this gem on ff.net)
20. Wildcard fic you haven’t mentioned but deserves a shout-out + why: Atonement by Starboundwanderer(ao3) >>American Horror Story, Hades and Persephone AU, Michael Langdon/Mallory
>> Because it is my favourite Millory fic and it deserves all the love <3
I’m tagging: @darisu-chan, @queenofloveandloyalty, @mrs-storm-andrews, @popping-pills-at-popeyes, @daenerys-the-unburnt, @paperinfinities, @lilacs-with-lavender, @graaaaceeliz, @shipsofthedamned, @paulfwesley, @lostinparisphotography, @dawnandpiplup and everyone else who sees this and wants to do it I’m tagging y’all, and if you don’t want to do it just ignore this.
 This was harder than I thought it would because I don’t really bookmark my fics anymore and I had to search my ao3 and web history for fics but I’m glad I got to share some of the best fics I read this year.
Big shoutout to all of you fic writers out there, whether I mentioned you or not I want you to know that you are appreciated and loved, keep doing your thing!
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chloelovestaylors · 6 years
Hey @taylorswift! I can’t wait to see you in Melbourne and Sydney soon!
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My name is Chloe, I’m 18 years old and I love Taylor Swift with all my heart.
Taylor was one of the only artists I was interested in when I was young, 7, 8, 9 etc. I would have a kids compilation CD and only play ‘You Belong With Me’ - if that gives you any indication.
I didn’t really become a ‘swiftie’ until i was 11 years old and transitioning from Primary School to High School.
I guess that maybe, she ‘showed up just in time’, because after that, I had the hardest years of my life.
I had my first panic attack, that i can remember, at 12 years old. It was terrifying, the only thing that helped me calm down was when my teacher started talking about Taylor. It’s worked ever since then.
When I was 13 years old, I was formally diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder w/panic attacks & with Major Depressive Disorder. I had started self harming everyday, and was at an all time low. I hated myself, I thought I was worthless and a waste of space. I thought everything was useless.
Then Taylor announced she was coming to Australia for the RED tour. Having missed out on the first two tours, I jumped at the chance to go.
In the weeks leading up to the concert, I managed to stay clean. The concert was the best night of my life. I ran from my seat to the B stage, and I was so close to her. I remember somehow making eye contact with her and absolutely melting.
The next few years somehow got worse. When i was 14/15 i was having panic attacks daily. I hated going to school, i hated the way I looked. I developed EDNOS due to my fluctuating eating habits and fear of gaining weight.
1989 came out, and the song Clean saved my life. I was listening to music, trying to calm myself down. I had a bottle of pills in front of me, and I was set on doing it. But then, clean came on. I broke down, I cried and cried. Taylor saved me. She saved my life. I would do anything for her to know how grateful I am.
I went to two 1989 shows in Melbourne. It was incredible. I got to see the last ever show of the tour, and got to hear fifteen live (while being 15) and Long live.
When I see Taylor on stage, it’s like its just me and her. No one else matters. She makes it feel like you two are the only people in the room and I’ve never felt like i matter, but when I’m at a Taylor concert, I do.
When I was 16, I had my lowest point. I was back to self harming every day, and withdrawing from friends and family. I had finally admitted to having been sexually abused when I was young. I had nightmares and flashbacks. Everything seemed like the world was going to end.
But Taylor was there. Her smile, her words, her songs. They were there. Every time I had a panic attack, I would go into my schools wellbeing and somehow, she was playing on the radio at that exact moment. She always showed up when I needed her.
Taylor standing up for herself in her own sexual assault trial was so inspiring for me. I wrote a long tumblr post about it, so I’ll sum it up pretty quick. I have never sobbed so much as when i read the quote “My advice is that you not blame yourself and do not accept the blame others will try to place on you. You should not be blamed for waiting 15 minutes or 15 days or 15 years to report sexual assault or harassment”. I waited 11 years to even speak about it, her words have never made me feel so seen.
I got better, I’m not perfect, but I’m a lot better. I’m now 18 years old, I haven’t had a panic attack in months, and am 23 months clean from self harm. The date of the Melbourne show (26th October) marks me being 2 years clean. I attribute quite a bit of my success in my journey to Taylor. Had she not been my best friend, big sister, and role model throughout it all, I’m not sure if I would even be here today.
I’m studying my dream course at University, a double degree of psychology/criminology and I’m working hard to get the future I didn’t think i deserved to have.
Thank you so much Taylor, for being the best friend and big sister I could ever ask for. I know you don’t know I exist, but my love for you is so, so big.
I can’t wait to see you again in Melbourne and Sydney for the rep tour, and I can’t wait to celebrate the fact that we’re both doing ‘better than we ever were’.
Taylor was, is, my constant and I can never thank her enough for what she’s done for me.
- Chloe xoxo
I’ll be in Melbourne with my little sister dressed as witches on the 26th of October! Here’s us at the 1989 tour where we were in ‘screaming colour’! (Btw she’s definitely taller than me now 😔 😂 ) @taylorswift @taylornation
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I’m travelling solo for the first time to see you in Sydney @taylorswift! I used to be deep blue, but you painted me golden ✨ Forever thankful for your starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights
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So, so excited to see you Taylor!
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Love always, Chloe ❤️
(Twitter - @chlosreputation)
@taylorswift @taylornation
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time-travel-bouqet · 6 years
Having a baby with Stucky
For my wifey @the-wayward-robot bc I love her and she deserves the world. I was almost done and tumblr ate it so this version likely sucks, lo siento. I LOVE YOU SO MANY I HOPE YOU LIKE IT JOOOOOOOV.
Having a baby with Stucky would include:
-Being on the shampoo aisle when it hits you how late you are.
-Bucky pushes Steve because they’re doing the most and Steve knocks down 74655 boxes of tampons.
-Oh fuck, when was your last period?
-2 months, 4? Damn irregular periods.
-They take your look as one of anger and fall over one another trying to clean up their mess, blaming one another for the disaster.
-They watch you step over the mess and grab three pregnancy tests, leaving them kneeling on the floor wide mouthed with value boxes of super tampons in hand.
-Seconds later they are on your heels, Steve spinning you around with a confused look as Bucky looks on with blatant shock. “I thought you were on the pill? Why are you buying tests?”
-Oh yeah, pills, you took them , usually.
-You respond by reminding them that you needed to buy ketchup.
- Steve turns to Bucky who steps up, grabbing the tests and your hand.
-Twenty minutes later you’re looking at 2-3 months in small blue font as you sit on the bathroom floor, twelve feet of worry hovering over you.
-”“What’s it say doll?” Bucky asks, biting on the side of his thumb as Steve rubs his neck.
-You hand it over, already apologizing for your mistake through tears.
-Bucky examines it, smiling as he turns to show Steve. They tackle hug one another, test clattering at your feet as you look on confused.
-”We’re having a baby!” they echo one another, crying as Steve scoops you off the floor.
-That is to this day the sweetest love they ever made to you, whispering thank you as they kissed your skin.
-Steve had all the dr appointments written on the calendar. He packed you fruits and veggies for hourly snacks, serving your prenatal vitamins to you and multivitamins to Bucky before bed. Exercise was a must.
-Lamaze class with you three was hilarious.
-More times than you can count you came to bed to find them asleep on one another, piles of parenting books and opened highlighters drying out on their laps.
-Bucky took a picture of you everyday, saying he didn’t want to forget one moment of this journey.
-It was unanimously agreed that the sex would be a surprise.
-The only thing you couldn’t agree on was a paint color, so the nursery was soft gray, blue, and muted red.
- They were mother hens, and you barely wiped your own ass the last two months.
-They would whisper to your belly often, but mostly when they thought you were asleep, kissing each other while their chins hovered over your bump.
-When it was time they ran around, a nervous wreck as you grabbed the bag Steve packed the day you came home with ultrasounds and waited in the car. When you called him 5 minutes later he said he’d be out in a minute he was looking for his phone.
-They never left your side, feeding you ice chips and talking you through it.
- When your son was born he was perfect, Steve’s eyes and nose with Bucky’s hair and chin, his lips just like yours.
-Brooks Rogers- Barnes was their son, 9 pounds 12 ounces, 24 inches long, LOUD and HUNGRY.
-Those two trying to use the toilet at 3 am with the child locks they’d insisted on was hilarious...until Bucky got pissed and broke the toilet.
-You should have bought stock in paint before Brooks was born for all the paintings Steve made.
-Unca Toady and Unca birdy ( which Tony and Sam would never admit they loved btw) were almost wrapped around his fingers as much as the boys were. This child is SPOILED.
-You thought you were a crier? Ha. The following events brought on DAYS of crying.
-Crawling, walking, first word(sam...he still brings this up), first tooth, first bloodied nose, first day of school, and on and on. But college? that was a hard damn month.
-When Brooks graduates from college they take you home and just as they had that day 19 years ago, make such soft love to you as they just say thank you over and over.
Who else wants this? @dean-winchesters-bacon @loricameback @stanclub @missjenniferb @hiddles-rose @its-a-pretty-interesting-wall @murder-daddy-buckyy
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