#that was probably uh.. yknow. That guys last real time being here
cherrysnax · 4 months
oh yeah we were also wondering why we flock to media with dead kids that haunt the narrative both figuratively and literally and uh :) yeah we know why
#child death tw#rowan seemed so much older when we were kids#but realistically she was barely like 14#maybe even 12 or 13#Jason Todd chara and asriel. them mfs from fnaf and maria#they’re dead kids but at the end of the day they’re all apart of someone else’s story#and a lot of them come back. in one way shape or form#with the exception of maria they all come back wrong and hurt and twisted by their deaths#but still deserving of love. still craving it more than anything#being a vessel for someone else’s opinions. barely even themselves#rowan died. and a part of us died with her#that was probably uh.. yknow. That guys last real time being here#cheri took all the stuff as kid. all of it happened to them but buddy boy was still kinda around#and then rowan died and then. She did too#and then Jay had to take over for years and then cheri came back but didn’t know they were cheri until#like they were 17 because they just repressed repressed repressed#and obviously those are very shallow views of those characters#but to a hurting kid who resonated so much with them they were everything#I have no clue why I’m so introspective tonight#but my friends do call me the emotion guy so#I guess it means something. but yeah something died in us when rowan died#but something was also born. rowan was a person. a little girl who should’ve grown up and that’ll never change#but I think this year is the year that we learn to let her go#im happy i got the chance to know her when we did#I hope she’s a fucking butterfly or something really cool like an alligator if her next life#also we already knew why we flocked to this media because duh. but like it helps to know which part of us needs more healing#who needs a therapist when you have me ;)
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gemwolfz · 10 months
WHOOOO'S READY FOR BABY BIRD FOR KERONIAN AUDIENCE- ew why is the "coming up next" for this episode at the beginning of this ep instead of the back of the last one where it belongs. whats goin on aniwatch- HOLY FUCK MOMOKA'S MOM MENTIONED. anyway i think intro i havent seen yet dropped fr this time
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(keroro voice) fuuuuck i don't want to be the frog virgin mary.
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idk man he's fuckin green. but i assure you all if keroro had a child he would brag about it to you all well before it even grew arms
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hes literally pogging. Hey who wants to talk about the implications of baby keronians drinking milk. where is it coming from. why do you kids still have baby formula and bottles laying around anyway do you have secret babysitting jobs ive never seen. i love refusing to suspend disbelief for the bit
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soldier with heart of steel falls to the keronian nature of "awww babie :3" (probably with aims of impressing his crush but Nuh Uh. Reality can be whatever i want)
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true brood parasite behavior. i salute you
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POINTING. keroro babytalk...
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I'm not gonna sugarcoat it
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i like how dororo pulls a cushion for changing babubu right out of hammerspace. why did you have that with you you don't even live here. maybe it was on the floor beside him or something but thats not as funny
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my brother in christ you shouldnt be eating at the fucking morning meeting anyway smh
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what do you suggest sir. he cant just leave the fucking baby somewhere. he's not even taking maternity leave
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he's truly a frog in spirit. Infinite piss machine just like a real frog
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This is a really good image how have i never seen it
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you know it would actually help a lot if you guys helped. theres five of you this baby could be supervised every minute of the day. and then keroro wouldnt be on the brink of collapse at any given moment. bet you guys never considered that huh
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agab (assigned gender at bird)
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True brood parasite behavior
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naturally anyway. the alternative to "not a keronian at all" would be "secret war crime government project", not like keroro's not adopted one of those as well in his days
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yknow his fully fledged form has a strikingly tadpole-like tail.
gem's "think like gem!" assignment: - most parasitic birds will, at one point before they're fully-grown, encounter other birds of their species. babubu never did. - also being a brood parasite means that, unlike what they thought, babubu never had a name before keroro gave him one. remember keroro you truly were his only parent his birdparents are deadbeats (species-typical)
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beann-e · 3 years
I have a head cannon that bakugou would not be sweet to who he liked or dated and instead deny it and hate on them even more.
The reason being because he doesn’t really understand feelings so, when he’s talking badly about you he just assumes it’s normal and a bit funny at the lies he’s spitting that his just continuously friends are eating up.
he’s been talking bad about people for years so , who cares if your his s/o your no acceptation all people are equal in his mind. Now lemme explain please fall in line and hold a buddys hand kids we’re going on a trip inside my brain
It wasn’t easy getting the spiky haired male to ask you out honestly if someone asked you , which they’d never dare since they’d never know per bakugous request him saying it’s not their business , how you two got together you would shrug your shoulders and walk off.
It wasn’t that it was a boring day or a simple question that you supplied the answer for. It was that it was unusual.
You’d been at quirk practice after school in the gym like you’d usually do only this time bakugou made his way over to you.
You’d been seeing him more often when you were in the gym and you weren’t sure why until he explained that he was interested in your workout routine saying you two could have a contest to see who’s was more grueling
It seemed like fun so like any competitive person you agreed. Only for him to tap out on day two your laughs swirling around the gym as he fought so hard to say he only lost because he just didn’t like how the air would hit his ass crack anytime he did your little girly squats you’d wrote down for him.
You couldn’t say you weren’t both confused and happy when he let the air calm down before he spoke “ i’m kind of conflicted “ his eyes coming up to look at yours from the floor “ could you maybe help me“
“ of course what’s up “
“ i’m at a standstill “
“ more like a sit still “ you joked eyes peering down at his straight face “ yeah ok let’s imagine that didn’t happen —continue “
“ uh yeah anyways — i’m at a standstill because honestly I like your shit workout “ he shook his head to the floor “ but I also like you so I find myself thinking if I couldn’t get through your workout even though I enjoyed it so much could I “
his voice rasped shakily “ could I get through a relationship with you even though I like you even more “
truthfully you’d wish you’d said no because right now you wanted nothing more than to just be friends with the male sitting across the room from you.
It’s not that you didn’t like him of course you did he was hot , smart, and felt strongly about his goals but, he was an asshole.
Not in the aspect of hes just mean and rude but he was an all around prick as he laughed with his friends from across the room.
Their voices only getting louder as you sat alone a few seats away from them trying to complete some work on your desk you’d just been given “ dude gotta admit class 1-A’s got some hot chicks “
“ yeah honestly minas top three if we’re being truthful “
“mina dude come on have you seen jirou “
“ don’t even get me started “ denkis voice came out in a soft groan “ god I would— “
“ yeah yeah all that jazz but “ seros voice came out soft. His hand coming up to point at the seat as you sat in with your head down eyes furrowed in anger at the math on your paper that wasn’t syncing up with your brain right now
“ y/n “ his fist tightened as he groaned “ y/n could get it on all accounts — the car “
“ you don’t have a car “ denkis voice came out as sero continued
“ the school bathroom “
“ but which one ? because one of you would have to go in the wrong sex’s unless its a handicap or family stal-“
“the fucking dorms “
“ y/n ? “ kirishima asked quickly “ y/n l/n ? “
“ fuck yeah “
“ hmm “ kirishima studied you before shaking his head “ honestly kinda hot never really paid attention to that stuff before though “
“ what the fuck how can’t you “
“ uh i’m more so a personality guy “
“ so by personality would you fuck em ‘ “
“ not to be vulgar but of course “ his answer taking no time “ y’know how fun they’d be in a relationship though not just with sex ? imagine cuddles—fuck —what about cuddle monster y/n maybe ? god that’d be so hot “
denki getting restless as he held his thoughts in from the other males. His mind spazzing before finally getting to speak “ i’d fuck her too “ he yelled everyone’s eyes going sharp on the boy before he coughed “ id rock it too — we’re talking about getting mullets “
“ oh boys that’d be kinda hot “ you said laughing sarcastically sero turning to you smiling softly “ oh yeah on who in particular “
“ mm totally blondie over there “
“ the fuck ? “ his eyes shot away from denkis and moved to yours anger pouring through his gaze making you jerk back a little in surprise “ the hell you mean i’d look hot “
your eyebrows creased “ well because I — you do you would “
“ don’t go talking out of your ass you hear me—shit people like you don’t deserve to talk to anyone about looks “ your mouth went dry at his lazer stare.
His lips curling up into a smirk before he shook his head “ these assholes are talking about fucking you yknow “ he whispered to you “ you gonna let em ? you gonna let em right? because that’s the only attention you’d ever get right “
“ bakubro hold up chill out “
“ yeah bakubro chill out “ you said your gaze wavering from the hard one you’d had when you felt the heat radiating off of him no comfort coming from him to you only confusing you more. Had you two been in a secret argument that you knew nothing about
“ whatever “ he leaned back in his chair as the class went back to what they were doing your hands gripping the pencil when the class got even louder but you only searching for your boyfriends voice easily drowning out the others
“ i’d never fuck “ your heart broke at the deep voice youd identified
“ dude seriously come on with the lies —fucking beautiful “
“ correctomundo my friend their absolutely stunning “
his laugh ripping through their claims hand jerking back to point at you “ you think their beautiful much less hot ? “
“ yeah you don’t ? “ denki spat all of them looking at the boy like he was crazy for enjoying this obviously racy topic right now much less taking the wrong side of the debate
“ I literally just sat here and said I wouldn’t fuck em’ pokémon —so you can guess what that correlates to “
“ hey dude why’re you being sucha a dick —the personality’s top tier even if your stupid enough to think their not at least hot“ kirishima putting the ending words in quotation marks honestly a bit upset with his friend
“ hey watch it your over here defending an extra like your gonna make moves on em “ he laughed “ I advise otherwise “
you let out a sigh thinking he’d finally stopped acting the way he was. Your mind preparing to only give him the silent treatment for today and then tomorrow peppering him with kisses until he laughed and apologized for his words
Heart only being snatched away from your body when you heard his deep vibrating voice cut through the room “ probably gonna give you a rash from all the shit that’s on their mouth all the time “
it’s just lipgloss.
Lipgloss bakugou bought you packs of earlier this week after he swore he loved the taste and scent.
moving to wipe at it gently with the sleeve of your outfit him still going causing tears to start building up in your eyes “ bet the bitch doesn’t even shower —had em’ over for a project last night had to wash my sheets and blanket —took hours last night “
“ oh “ denki let out “ I was a bit confused when I saw you at the laundry room at 3 in the morning.
Tears blurring your vision as you thought about his earlier words when he’d given you your favorite sweater of his after saying he’d washed it for you because he knew you wouldn’t do it yourself because in his words ‘ you would never wash it without his help because you were a creep and didn’t want to erase his smell or some shit ‘
“ yeah —smelled so bad im telling you stay away you don’t wanna ask em’ out “
you moved to grab your phone as he kept talking you typing out a message as best as you could before hitting send. His hand moving off the desk and going in his pants pocket to pull his phone out keeping it hidden under the table eyes trailing over the screen
Firefighter >3
baby are we arguing
if your mad at me please just tell me don’t just talk shit about me in front of your friends
him locking his phone and placing it on his desk before you typed out one more message him letting out a sigh as he grabbed for it again
firefighter >3
if you keep going we’re over
“ but imagine whoever bags them apart from bakugou at least since we all know he’s all anti hot y/n “
“ they’d be so lucky “
“ yeah right “ he spoke lowly almost trying to hide his voice from you eyes glued to his phone “ wouldn’t dare “
“ wouldnt dare what bakugou “
“ oh wouldnt dare be —-be lucky “ he locked his phone again “ feel bad for the person dating them all the shit they gotta go through put up with , claims they make through message and not with real words, being too much of a pussy to speak up for themselves“
he shook his head softly eyes twitching “ you wouldn’t put up with that —you couldn’t put up with that your not built for it you gotta have tough skin y’know like me “
he licked his lips moving to sit up straighter when hearing his phone vibrate “ don’t uh “
firefighter >3
one more bakugou
one more bakugou katsuki and were over
his eyes darting over to yours before his eyebrows furrowed and body shook in anxiousness he couldn’t figure out what to do.
He was an asshole you knew this so why the fuck were you being such a crybaby now? did he pick the wrong person to date he thought you were strong
He genuinely just wanted to keep these creeps away from what’s his by scaring them off he wasn’t doing anything wrong? well at least in his eyes
He moved to talk again trying his best to string together a nice sentence “ just don’t uh ask —ask em’ out —-their utter dog shit when it comes to relationships leave it to someone who can handle that y’know “
he relaxed into his chair at his victory when he watched you throw your phone to the table and fix your skirt and standup. Him sighing out when you picked up your stuff to leave “ thank all might “ he whispered head shooting to lean back against his desk chair and look up at the sky blood running cold when his phone vibrated against the table
firefighter >3
all your shits gonna be outside my dorm door. So you might want to come collect it before I have half and half lighting campfires tonight
y’know since i’m such a shit person —gotta hope your bestie deku can give me some after school lessons on personalities. He’s so sweet I bet he’ll fix me right up
screw you katsuki see you in hell
“ the —the fuck what did —the hell did I do wrong “ he screamed when he saw you slam the classroom door after flicking him off
his friends eyes moving from the door to bakugous phone that he’d thrown on the table.
Todorokis eyes going wide when he read his stupid nickname given to him by the steamy male “ I —I uh“ he coughed “ I think i’m gonna go help y/n since their now single—don’t want em’ getting hurt with amateur fire starters again when i’m right here “
his stone face peered down at the red faced boy “ I mean that is ok with you bakugou seeing as though you two were most likely in a relationship by the messages before today “
“ you asshole did you go through me and my s/o’s messages “
“ judging by the series of recent text I don’t believe that’s the case for you two anymore “ he reached to grab his backpack saying a formal goodbye before he spoke “ I feel like i’m needed by a very —very perfectly intelligent unshitty person right now “
seros voice coming out softly as he let bakugous phone fall to the table disappointment in his eyes “ look uh —dude you didn’t have to mess your relationship up just to go against us ? “ he winced at the claim“ honestly you could’ve stayed quiet the whole time —it’s not like we agreed with you anyways “
bakugou leaned back in his chair anger swirling in his stomach as he felt his body sweat at the new heat spreading throughout his whole body.
How the hell did he mess up where the hell did he mess up he explained to you he wasn’t gonna treat you any differently than any other extra here and that went for basic conversations too
Maybe he went a bit far with the dont date em ‘ that was probably it you didn’t like how he said don’t date you because he was the only one who could handle you right ?
He shook his head a bit confused you just wanted him to say that you could handle yourself and didn’t need him right ?
So , why the hell did he feel like he’d done something wrong he wasn’t stupid but he just wasn’t well versed in feelings. He already didn’t know how to handle his own so how was he expected to handle another persons.
To him his words were normal he talked about all people like this hell, he bullied deku for 3 years going as far as to make a special nickname for him
that wasn’t even the worse he could’ve done and you knew that so why was he in trouble and worrying about Icy hot taking his place
He was honestly confused?
Could words really be that hurtful?
could his words really be that hurtful ?
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m88n · 4 years
[7.01 pm] - when a night spent together with mark lee makes you question his motives
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►listen to boyfriend - ariana grande
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You recall the events of yesterday night as you make your way to the upscale burger joint that’s been designated as the meeting point for a group of friends. Lingering touches, soft breaths. Whispers of sweet nothings from a boy with clear eyes and unspoken thoughts. You don’t know what happened there—one thing led to another, and before you knew it, you were cuddling with him under his cold covers, the touches of his skin and lips becoming all too familiar to you. 
Lost in your thoughts, you realize that you’ve finally reached the diner. You reach for the door handle to enter the vicinity.
Images of his slender fingertips on his game controller flashing through your mind, you two were supposed to just spend time playing games as new friends with similar hobbies. But before you knew it, you were exchanging gazes in the silence of his studio apartment, and suddenly, you were kissing each other.
You’ve been thinking about this since last night.
“y/n, come over here! Happy you made it,” A friend calls out to you from a booth.
You don’t know what to make of it, because the way he asked for 10 more minutes of your cuddles that night, yet tearing his eyes away from you all too quickly the morning after, avoiding any lingering touches as he takes you to your cab, makes you question his motives.
You sigh your thoughts out as you sit next to Sarah, the girl who everyone generally dislikes due to her disposition and behavior, but honestly, you prefer to focus on her good parts, like her bubbliness, and her ability to bring people together.
“Hey, what’s up guys?” You greet everyone, and they greet you back in unison, all smiles.
“So, everyone here?” Jeno asks Sarah.
She giggles coyly, then says in a lowered volume, “No, I invited this guy, he’s so cute. I’ve been trying to get to him since last month ever since I saw him in my stats class. Finally got his number last week,” She finishes, playing with her hair.
“Oh, alright. That’s taking awfully long, knowing how you play,” Jisung jokes backhandedly, and you shoot him a warning look, albeit with a smile threatening to break out.
Jisung smiles back at you and looks down at his cup, trying to contain himself from bursting out in laughter.
“Yeah, I know right? Guy’s got a real tight defense, what gives,” She continues, “Usually guys would’ve been all over me at this point. I wonder what’s his problem.”
Sarah turns at you, to your surprise, “Hey, y/n, what do you think? I need to get him for me.”
Not knowing how to respond, you shrug at her question. “I honestly don’t know Sarah, you’d know better than I do.”
“Yeah, thought I’d ask you cause you do these things unreasonably slow, it’s so weird, honestly y/n, you could do so much better,” She responds. You nod at her as she keeps on talking, your eyes lingering at Jisung, who gives you a look full of condolences, slowly shaking his head at you.
“—Oh hey, over here!” Sarah suddenly stops her train of endless lecturing in order to greet someone at the entrance with complete haste.
You breathed out in relief, that is, before your eyes hover over the direction of the entrance.
It’s Mark.
“Hey everyone, this is Mark Lee, guy from my stats class, the one I’ve told you about,” Sarah announces to the rest of the table.
“Hey guys,” Mark greets, waving at your group, before his eyes meet yours.
You swear you could’ve seen a millisecond of him slightly raising his brows, but he continues as if nothing’s happened, taking the only vacant seat next to you.
“Hey man,” Mark leans in to greet someone on the table.
“Hey, doing alright?” Jisung responds.
“Not bad,” Mark says as he sits back down.
Even though you don’t mean to, your eyes are definitely shooting daggers at Jisung at this point. He looks back at you and flashes a small reserved smile that’s hard to decipher. Park Jisung, I swear.
“I didn’t know you guys knew each other! Jiji, you never told me!” Sarah bellows from beside you, snapping you out of your train of thought. Though, you proceed to look at Jisung with the same questionable look.
“First off, Sarah, don’t call me that,” Jisung says, “Second, how am I supposed to know Mark’s the guy you have in stats? I’m not an oracle,”
“Oh Ji, always so cute,” Sarah responds as she looks over you to lock eyes with Mark, “That being said, Mark, do you want to switch seats with my friend here? She doesn’t talk too much to people she just meets so you’re probably better off—”
“I’m good here, thanks Sarah,” Mark responds with a polite smile, “I can go in and out easy to get water and go to the bathroom here, so I’m good really.”
“Oh well, whatever you say Mark,” Sarah says, giggling to herself, “Before we order, let’s introduce you to everyone, you already know Jiji,” She proceeds to give out a brief introduction of each of the people on the table starting from Jisung, Mark greeting each one with attentiveness.
“… And this is y/n. She’s a psych major,” Sarah finally gets to you, “She loves stuff like anime, but don’t get me wrong, she’s cool, kinda unexpected, she’s got around like 7 tattoos hidden on her body and stuff yknow,”
“Yeah, I know.” Mark says simply as he pulls the slightest of smiles, shifting his gaze from Sarah to you.
You see Jisung struggle to stifle a look in his face from the corner of your eyes, his hand gingerly coming up to cover his mouth, quickly picking up the restaurant menu before mindlessly looking through it.
“Oh yeah, I guess you would, you could see one peeking out on her wrist,” Sarah says as laughter bubbles out of her chest, taking the menu in one hand, “Alright now that that’s over with, let’s order everybody,”
Everyone talks about their orders with each other, while Mark and you sit in silence for a few minutes as you both browse the menu by yourselves.
Mark finally looks at you from the corners of his eyes.
“….Having trouble deciding?”
You chuckle, “Yeah.”
“Number 3 has beetroot in it,” Mark says.
“...Yeah, I know, but it’s so big. I won’t be able to finish it.” You reply.
“We can share.” He says.
You look at Mark, trying to figure this boy out, but decide upon yourself that it’d probably be the best outcome anyway since both of you love beetroot in burgers.
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea.” You respond.
“Cool.” Mark says.
“—What about you y/n? Have you decided yet? You always take ages to decide,” Sarah suddenly turns to you to ask in the midst of all the chatter.
“Oh, uh—”
“Yeah, she’ll be sharing with me, we’re getting number 3,” Mark chimes in.
“Oh. Okay, well, too bad I don’t like beetroot. Good thing Mark’s nice y/n,” Sarah says in response.
“Yeah, I guess,” You say.
Not too long after everyone finishes ordering, the orders arrive, and you’re greeted by the large burger you’re thankful to be sharing with someone else. You pick up your fork and knife to halve the burger.
“Let me.” Mark says, and before you knew it, he’s already in the middle of cutting your burger in half.
“Thanks, Mark.” You say to him, smiling. He just smiles back at you in response.
“....Yeah, he’s holding a birthday party next Saturday, at Scarlett Saturdays. I have an engineering essay due on the next Monday, but I’ll be going since he’s my bro and all,” You notice Jeno in the midst of his conversation with the others.
“Jaemin? You mean the Jaemin guy that went after y/n for the longest time?” Sarah asks in between bites. You notice Mark halts for a split second before he finishes cutting the burger.
“Is going after. He asked me to ask her to come. But knowing her, I didn’t even try,” He says, chuckling.
“Why don’t you go for it already, y/n? Even though he’s not really my type, I think he’s mad cute. Do you not think so?” Sarah says, turning to you.
“…I mean, yeah, he’s cute I guess. I don’t know.” You reply concisely, not really feeling like talking about that right now. You proceed to cut a small bite sized piece of the beetroot burger you’ve instead been thinking about for the past 10 minutes.
“Maybe think about it though. Just one night. Jaemin does seem like a bit of a flirt and a player, but I think he really does like you,” Jeno continues, munching on his burger.
“It’s about time you get some action don’t you think,” Sarah follows up on him.
You cough on your burger, startled by Sarah’s remark.
“Water,” Jisung readily hands you a new glass of water, as if on cue.
“Thanks, Ji,” You say, taking it from him, before gulping on it to ease your choking. God, it really seems like you’re not taking any breaks tonight. Not even to eat the beetroot burger you’ve come here to eat in the first place.
“Right? I think you really should go for it y/n,” Sarah insists, “You’re in uni, live your life instead of being inside all the time, watching anime and playing games or something,”
You sigh out, trying to ease the slight annoyance that’s starting to creep onto you. Would people just let you eat your goddamn beetroot burger already that’s starting to turn colder by the minute.
“Say, Jeno was it?” Mark suddenly says out of the blue, cutting his share of the burger, “You take chemical engineering? How far along are you in that report?”
“....Maybe 40 percent or something, probably not good enough.” Jeno muses, “You take the same class as I do, dude? Maybe we could shoot ideas to each other. Jaemin doesn’t take his studies too seriously.”
“Yeah, I’d be open to that.” Mark says, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
With that simple interruption, everyone finally drops the topic and goes back to eating. You sigh out in relief, finally revelling in the relative quietness.
You gently elbow Mark’s arm while smiling, “Thanks.”
He smiles back at you with those clear eyes that became overly familiar to you after yesterday night’s events. But before you get too deep in thought, and your burger gets even colder, you shake it off and continue eating.
That is, before you feel Mark’s thigh brush against yours, and continues eating while he lets your thighs touch, as if… He meant to do that in the first place. You figure that mulling over on these budding thoughts wouldn’t serve you well at the moment, it would only cloud your head even more, and so you finally choose to just ignore it.
“….Hey dude, what’s up? I’m eating right now,” Jeno says, after finally picking up his phone that’s been vibrating on the table for the past minute while the others continue eating.
“Yeah, I got Ben to join, probably a good idea to book 3 tables,” He says, “Can we call later? I’m with the others right now, it’s kinda rude—“
“Yeah, y/n’s here,”
You sigh out, knowing exactly who’s on the other side of the phone. Tired of dealing with the whole topic, you continue eating anyway.
“Yeah, yeah, I asked her dude. It’s a no go,” He continues, “Look, if we’re gonna be talking about this can we—”
“Dude we’re literally eating right now, I’m telling you that’s what she said,”
Jisung glances at you, knowing full well that you’re incredibly annoyed at this point but still keeping it under wraps.
“Fine but if you stuff up I’m not gonna do anything about it alright, I’m just the messenger,” He says, before putting the phone in front of you, prompting you to look up from your plate.
“It’s Jaemin. He wants to talk about the party.”
“Can’t he just call her phone directly instead of asking you to?” Jisung asks Jeno.
“He keeps on telling me she won’t pick up. Persistent, that guy.” Jeno replies.
You stare at Jeno in disbelief. Jeno’s actually a good guy, academically smart, but sometimes he could really be a blockhead, and it always surprises you how that part of him could annoy you to no end.
“What you waiting for y/n? Talk to him!” Sarah says excitedly.
To your complete surprise, Mark snatches the phone off of Jeno’s hand faster than everyone on the table could even register it in their minds.
“Hey dude, y/n’s not coming. Based on what I’m hearing, she’s really not into you. You don’t know me, my name’s Mark, and I’m really into her. Only difference is, she’s reciprocated in some ways. I wanted to do things in order with her, but I’m discovering it really doesn’t matter anyway. If she doesn’t like it, she won’t go for it. And she’s not going for it dude, at least not with you.”
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rainecreatesstuff · 4 years
LAMP Soulmate AU Bulletfic thing
Word Count: 2569
TW: Mentions and implications of abuse, mentions of anxiety, descriptions of panic attacks, mentions and implications of death + illness
They’re all connected in different ways
Virgil is connected to Patton through that thing where marks on your soulmate’s skin appear of yours too
Roman through a thing where on your eleventh birthday at 11:11pm a name will pop into your head and wow its your soulmate’s
And Logan through the string thing
Roman is connected to Patton through a timer on his wrist
And Logan through a tattoo-like mark on your wrist that says your soulmate’s first words to you
Logan and Patton are connected through a soulmark (A tattoo or raised pattern on your skin that is also on your soulmate)
Patton is blind
so in this au different soulmarkers develop at different ages
So when V’s little he’s super excited to meet his sm, bc his parents are soulmates and everything he’s seen abt them is so sweet and exciting!
He turns six and doesn’t develop a timer, which is what he was hoping for
But that’s ok! There are tons of other soulmarkers!
And then he doesn’t develop a soulmark when he’s seven
Or a sentence on his wrist when he’s eight
And he can see colours
So he’s starting to get nervous
And hey! Mom’s sick, and in the hospital, and she’s just not doing too swell
But then when he turns nine, a beautiful red string has been tied around his ring finger when he wakes up!
And wow! Mom look, I have a soulmate! Just like you and daddy!
And then a few months later he’s doing his homework at the kitchen table and the string goes limp before shriveling up and turning black
The doctors have no explanation, and V’s anxiety has really started to kick in
Mom doesn’t seem to be getting better either
So when he turns ten, he is fully aware that this is probably his last chance to develop a soulmarker
He writes on his forearm the night before his birthday
It says “Hey, I’m V! I guess we’re soulmates?”
When he wakes up there’s nothing new
Which is fine! Because that means his sm is probably in the same time zone as him!
But then he keeps waiting and
Nothing for a week.
Eventually his dad convinces him to wash it off
Then on his eleventh birthday he knows how uncommon a soulname connection is, but he needs to try
So it’s 11:10 and he’s sitting at his desk with a marker ready to write it down and then-
Roman Prince
Roman prince? What do you mean Roman prince? That’s not a name! What the hell?!
So he’s really sad and anxious and stuff because he doesn’t have a soulmate and, yknow, that’s kinda upsetting for him
And hey, your mom really isn’t doing too well, we have to visit her after school, okay?
At first Virgil doesn’t understand why mom’s being so dramatic or why she keeps telling him she loves him
Then it hits him
And now he’s sobbing and hugging her and shaking and he can’t breathe he can’t breathe he can’t breathe
Fun fact! Turns out this is a regular thing and he has really bad anxiety.
And mom has been put in a medically induced coma
So a year later dad decides to pull the plug
Virgil’s anxiety has gotten really bad
He’s just not in a good place
High school goes by without much happening
Now he’s going to university! How exciting and stressful!
Roman, too, was entranced by the idea of soulmates. His parents aren’t soulmates, but they encourage his excitement about them!
And when he turns six, he develops a timer on his wrist! Score! What a romantic way to meet the love of your life!
Or friend of your life
His moms are so excited for him! They get him new paints and take him out to dinner to celebrate.
And then he wakes up on his eighth birthday to words on his right wrist
It says “If you could stop talking, it would be vastly appreciated.”
He’s a little pissed
His moms take him to the doctor bc “wtf why does he have TWO soulmarkers?!”
The answer is that he has two soulmates
It’s uncommon, but possible
So while he is ecstatic and ready to parade his soulmarkers around the school, his moms are a little less happy and a little more worried
They may have made the suggestion that he wears long sleeves most days, those ones that he hates because they will not roll up
But he did what they asked because they’re his moms, and he loves them very much
And then a few years later on his birthday he’s typing up a short story for school
It’s due the next day so he’s rushing through it a little bit
It’s still amazing
But anyways, he’s writing, and he suddenly just gets the name “Virgil Miller” stuck in his head
He doesn’t think anything of it bc he’s writing and that’s normal
He ends up naming the main character Virgil 
Logan grows up in a bit of a run-down part of town
His Mami and Dad are soulmates (he doesn’t think they should be)
They fight a lot, and sometimes Dad’ll hurt Mami, especially at night when they think he’s asleep
And he’s heard Mami on the phone with his Tia, talking about court cases? And laws, and soulmates?
Needless to say, he isn’t all too enamoured with the idea of soulmates
When he’s seven he gets a soulmark, some bumps over his heart, which is a little distressing
He’s never met this person, but he’s supposed to spend his whole life with them?
He’s very scared that his soulmate will be like Dad
And then he develops the words “Bold of you to assume I can stop talking” on his right wrist
And then a string when he’s nine.
He doesn’t tell his parents about any of them. “Soulless” people existed, and he knew his Mami was hoping he was one of them.
And then later that year Mami sits him down and tells him that she’s going to live with his Tia until she can find her own apartment, and that she and Dad aren’t together anymore
Logan cries for a while, and tells her about all the things he’s heard, and the bruises he’s seen, and begs to go with her
Mami says she was hoping he would
His Dad finds out the day before they leave and he hits Logan
Multiple times
And when his Mami steps in, Dad scowls and yells and stomps away and Mami picks Logan up and they run to the car and leave
When they get to his Tia’s he hides in the guest bedroom they said is his and he takes a pair of scissors and
Snip snip, he’s 33% more “soulless”
He steals Mami’s concealer and puts it on his wrist everyday to cover the words there
The only one he doesn’t cover is the soulmark on his chest, which he almost never sees because of his shirt
Whenever anyone asks, he just tells them he’s soulless
He tries not to get too close to people, but he usually fails and so he has a very small, very tight friend group 
Oh also he’s a grade ahead of his year
Patton’s family is very well off
He’s the oldest of four brothers
He’s trans, but his family is v supportive and helped him transition as soon as they found out
His service dog’s name is Cookie and she’s a golden retriever
He’s had her since he was eleven, and he loves her very much
Because he’s blind there’s certain things he didn’t know about growing up
For example, nobody told him about soulmates until he was nine
Which really explains the weird ticking he hears every once in a while, as well as the strange, tiny bumps on his chest (which spell out “Loved” in Braille)
He doesn’t think about it too often, but he’d be lying if the idea didn’t entrance him
He didn’t think he’d ever meet his soulmates, though, and if he did, he wasn’t sure they’d want the responsibility of a blind soulmate
On the day he turns ten, there’s this little tickling on his forearm, like butterflies gently taking off on him
He doesn’t really think anything of it, though
Despite being blind, Patton is super capable
He can’t cook by himself, but if he’s supervised he does a really good job. He’s the most prepared for “real life” out of his siblings, which is strange, considering he’s the oldest
He goes to public school, where most kids are really nice (sometimes antagonistically nice), but there were also some rude kids
“You don’t really need that walking stick, you’ve got a dog, and we need it to play our game!”
The amount of times he’s had to explain that no you dumbass I do still need the stick is ridiculous
But he keeps a smile on his face and forges through it
And then in grade eleven Roman’s studying in the hallway when he sees some kid being bullied
Well, not bullied, but definitely teased. Something was wrong, anyways
He’s been on edge all day because his timer keeps going down
But he’s not really thinking about it rn
So he goes over and gets the idiots to leave and
Holy hell did heaven drop an angel? They must have, because look at this boy with his golden hair and tanned skin and freckles and
Beep beep motherfucker. It’s soulmate o’clock
And Roman is just so happy
“H-hey, I’m Roman!” “Oh, hi, I’m Patton! Did... did your timer go off?” “Uh yeah! It did!”
And Patton
Just grins so wide and there’s tears, and he leaps up and hugs Roman so tight
And Roman is so freaking happy!!!! He asks Patton for his contact because duh and Pat’s like
“Uhhh well I can’t text”
“..... I’m blind?” “OHHHHHHH”
So they figure they can talk over the phone because Patton does have a phone for calling
So they have a cute first date and they fall in love and everything’s good and dandy and Roman’s going to college but Patton’s found this real nifty job that just so happens to be right next to Roman’s college so they move in together and Patton knows about Roman’s other sm and Roman knows about Patton’s other sm
And Roman’s in a lecture now
And he didn’t really notice but he’s been muttering
And he’s just kinda sitting there when he hears it from the guy next to him
So he looks up and here’s this ethereal looking dude with gorgeous brown eyes and dark hair and
“Bold of you to assume I can stop talking.”
He curses every known god for making his first words to his soulmate be a meme
They excuse themselves from class because holy shit
And Logan introduces himself shakily
And Roman asks for his number
And they go on a date where Roman tells him about Patton and Logan mentions having a soulmark over his heart
Logan is really hesitant to join their relationship bc he was hoping he would never meet his soulmates
So they don’t put a label on it right away
But they go on a few dates and hang out a bunch and Logan realizes that he actually really, really likes these guys and he doesn’t really want to live the rest of his life without them
So he talks to them and tells them about some of the stuff that happened when he was a kid
Roman and Patton are horrified but they hug him and promise that they will never lay a finger on him if he asks them not to 
And Logan just has a moment of “These guys love me. Like actually love me. And want me to be happy. And I think I feel the same?” 
So on their next date Logan asks both of them to be his boyfriends and obviously they say yes
And basically they’re just all really in love
They move into a bigger apartment together at the beginning of year two
So then they’re all cuddling one day when Logan tells them about his string
And so the other two are like “oh shit is there another???”
And Roman says that on his eleventh birthday he just suddenly had this name pop into his head but he just assumed he’d wanted the name for a character so
And Patton says that after getting his soulmark AND a timer he didn’t think to check for anything else
So they’re all kinda like well whoops let’s hope we still meet them!
And Patton’s at his job one day when this guy walks in and he’s one of the new employees
Pat’s got his seeing eye doggo with him but the vest is off cuz they’re both on break
And so V’s like “oh cool dog can I pet him?”
Bc usually he would never just go up and ask but he literally can’t stop himself because here’s this adorable dude in front of him and the universe is screeching at him to say hi
And Pat hears his voice and immediately falls in love
“Oh, yea sure! She’s my eye dog, but she’s on break so it’s all good!”
And V meets Pat and his dog
And they end up exchanging numbers because they are coworkers and well
So a couple days later, after him and Patton have been talking a lot, Pat invites him over
So V goes over and meets Roman and Logan
And he hears Roman’s name and
Holy shit
And of course Roman is also freaking out because the name Virgil just really hasn’t left his head since he thought of it
So yknow
Logan’s a little unsure, but then the two get talking about astronomy and he doesn’t care if they’re not soulmates he is going to marry this guy
And they all get really close really fast
And then one day Virgil offhandedly mentions the string thing
And Logan freezes and just
Shows V his right ring finger, where they can both see this rotting string that’s still tied tight around it and
Fuck V can’t breathe are you kidding? right now?
So they help ground him, and Logan explains everything
And Roman tells him what’s up
But they’re not really sure how he’s connected to Patton but then he just
Grabs a marker and draws a heart on his hand and
It’s right there on Patton’s hand holy s h i t
So they take Virgil on a date and stuff and they make it official
And Virgil’s a little nervous bc like those three have been together for a while now and he feels like he’s intruding
But he talks to Logan and L understands bc Roman and Patton had been dating for 2+ years when he found them
He promises that V is not intruding and that they all really love him
And Virgil just full on starts crying because he hasn’t felt this loved since before his mom died and he loves his bfs so much
They find their bfs and just cuddle all night
Virgil moves in with the rest of them at the beginning of third year 
They get their happily ever after for the most part
Hopefully y’all liked this! I think I’ll be posting more writing on here, bc I have TONS of wips stacked up in a google docs and I’d like to get them out of there lmao
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frienderbender · 3 years
hey frienderbender is it ok to ask for some lore/information on your magpickles 🥺 I’m very invested in those goods ( off the topic but can I just say I am in LOVE with the way you draw Skwisgaar my heart is just fluttering to fast when I see him 🥺💞 Anyways muah you’re wonderful artist thank you have a lovely day/evening )
oh sure! first off thank you so much for the sweet message! that made my night :'] i love drawing skwisgaar and im glad you like how he looks in my style haha
anyways im assuming youre talking about my general lore for them in the canon timeline, so ill talk about that under the cut
i think they first met some time in the late 80s while pickles was still with snb. they met after a show specifically. magnus introduced himself as a fan, and that was true! but (quick tangent for some general mag thoughts) it brings up something that ive always thought about when i look at mag. magnus definitely gives off the vibe of being the guy who was always just Around in the music scene, especially in the rock and metal scene of this era. like, hes a mysterious dude but he has connections. he will play with random bands sometimes. he knows so many fucking people in this industry (not saying hes friends with all of them though); what im trying to say is. Everyone Has A Magnus Hammersmith Story. hes the type of guy that gets talked about in podcasts decades down the line. ok all that to say he was able to get backstage because he just Knows People. and he introduces himself as a fan blah blah pickles and magnus drink and do some drugs and honestly i wouldnt be surprised if they at the very least made out with each other the first night they met.
so pickles is like, pretty into him right off the bat. magnus was too, but i think on his end INITIALLY he was more just interested in hooking up but they exchange info and keep in touch and all that. so. this is RIGHT before snb implodes. and theyre still meeting up fairly regularly and becoming closer and doing a lot of drugs and drinking a bunch. typical rockstar stuff.
but pickles had been on a steady downward spiral at this point (he was already like this before he met magnus), and in one night snb is no more. having burned all those bridges in his band (for now), pickles turns to his only friend left: magnus. and i think its at this point, when pickles comes to him, wrecked by the dissolution of his band, that magnus kinda starts to realize he might actually feel something for him too? seeing him like this, seeing pickles from fucking snakes n barrels, so raw and real and not at all like the fiery redhead he met that night after their show...it just feels different somehow. like yeah he was attracted to pickles from snakes n barrels, but he realized he had grown to care about pickles from tomahawk wisconsin. he liked that one better, there was no bullshit. no hiding beneath layers of glam makeup and hairspray.
so its the two of them against the world. its the early 90s at this point. on a whim, pickles decides they should leave LA and just drive. wherever. just away from the city because LA fucking sucks. he takes all his money and he and magnus get in his car and just start driving. they end up in florida eventually, because its the other side of the country. or something. they get an apartment, and for a couple of months they live together and its. kinda nice. its different, for sure. but not bad. magnus and pickles both always kinda skirted around the topic of their relationship. they never called the other their boyfriend. but i feel strongly that they did tell each other that they loved the other, once. and they meant it.
so heres where things get tricky for me. how did dethklok form? what was the order? who met who first? i dont know!! i wish i knew! its something i have a million scenarios for and i wish we got a canon order of the members joining at the very least so i can model my headcanons around it haha
with that in mind though, i do think magnus and pickles were a bit of a package deal. like, whoever joined first was able to get the other in. so. yeah. they joined dethklok some time in the early to mid 90s now.
they have a pretty decent few years. theyre still.......something....even in their new band. like they arent open about it and hook up when the other guys arent around and all that.
its around this time though that i think magnus is really starting to go through it. combination of feeling frustrated because of the bands status at this point, general untreated mental health, etc. anyways i think the stabbing incident occurred some time in the mid 90s, probably like '95 or '96 or something. so.....he gets kicked out. obviously. and those are the terms they end on for awhile.........
but uh. you see. pickles never completely cut ties with the dude because. well. what do you do when this happens to someone you care so deeply about. and i think probably a month or so later, magnus actually contacts him for the first time since the stabbing incident. and maybe i have a comic script and thumbnails about this encounter what about it. magnus tells him he wants to see him, so pickles slips out that night to meet up at an old bar they used to go to a lot. may or may not be the depths of humanity uhhh anyway. theyre talking for awhile but it just kinda devolves into honestly more one-sided arguing on pickles end. hes frustrated and sad and confused because fuck! magnus! why would you do that? why, when the bands just starting to take off? it becomes this whole like. you arent the same guy i knew. and in that moment it quietly hits them both that like. we arent who we were, and we dont know what to do about that. magnus asks if pickles would want to join him and leave the band, and pickles tells him to go fuck himself. and thats the last thing he ever said to him.
and thats where the magpickles lore/relationship timeline ends. i realize it really did kinda turn into a timeline but also i did write a timeline during a slow day at work once like two months ago but. anyways. this is basically that.
but uh. yes. i love them. they make me sad but in a good way yknow. its like. its one of those situations where i feel like under different circumstances, they probably couldve made it work in their own weird way. they have such a specific dynamic, whether in their background together in the canon timeline or just me fucking around with AUs and being like hmm what if i actually gave them a scenario where they could have the time to develop AS an actual couple. im rambling but i just love these two so much. this is so long.
i feel strongly they wouldnt get back together in any sort of canon capacity, but i do think they still have feelings for each other in that way you do when you remember people you loved in the past. old friendships that dissolved with no resolution. the person you still have things you want to tell them, even though you know you will never get the chance.
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Thanksgiving with the Shie Hassaikai headcanons? Can we also pretend Pops is awake for this too? 🥺
(No worries! We always pretend Pops is awake because I live in a constant state of denial where I pretend Kai isn’t an asshole that put him in a coma. Anyway lol, let’s just pretend you work for the Hassaikai for this one! Ps: I was hoping someone would request this)
~Thanksgiving with the Hassaikai~
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-Although you’ve only been employed to the Hassaikai for 10 months so far, everyone already knew your personality well enough to see this coming. That’s why when you called an emergency meeting, nobody was surprised at your request for celebrating Thanksgiving together. However, that didn’t make it easy for getting everyone to agree. Rappa, Tabe, Deidoro, Pops, and Toya were excited for it! Hojo, Tengai, Nemoto, and Chrono were indifferent and didn’t mind trying it. The only complaints were from Kai (as usual when you suggested something fun) and Mimic (who didn’t see the point in it). Thankfully Pops was delighted by you from the very moment you showed up at the base. So of course he was on your side. Since he was still the big boss, there was nothing anyone could do to deny you. 
-”Okay everyone is required to bring something so we can have a feast. Work in teams to get this stuff done, and I’ll do the assigning! So Pops, you don’t have to worry about a single thing okay? Don’t worry about getting anything together but if you absolutely want to then I don’t mind.” You smiled at him and he cheerfully nodded. “Okay here’s the line up: Rappa and Katsukame are in charge of the Turkey. I’m putting a lot of faith in you guys. The turkey is the star of the show and I need it done perfectly! Or at least...as good as you can manage. Tengai and Mimic can handle the devilled eggs. Deidoro and Hojo are in charge of getting the drinks. Please do not show up with only alcohol. In fact, I’m mainly counting on you Hojo to make sure Sakaki doesn’t do this. Now Tabe and Setsuno are in charge of getting the plates, cups, cutlery, and the deserts. Toya I’d focus on doing the deserts so Tabe won’t get tempted to eat them. Finally Overhaul and Chrono can get the side dishes. This includes Macaroni, Greens, Cranberry Sauce, any and all side meats like chicken or whatever. Ceaser salad, Potato salad, etc. You guys get the drift. The reason why I put so much on you is because I’m confident you guys can handle the load. Finally I’ll be working with Shin to get the Ham. That’s all! Any questions?” Immediately you got hands in the air.
Pops: “May I help make some of the main dishes?” He asked with slight puppydog eyes. Rather childlike for his old age, but you couldn’t deny him even if you wanted to. “Pops we just want you to relax as the head of the table, but if you really want to then you may attempt it.” 
Deidoro: “How much and what kind of alcohol am I in charge of?” His eyes were super focused causing you to laugh a bit. “Okay well let’s not go overboard first of all. It’s not like a Halloween party or anything wild like that. We’re getting together over dinner and expressing thanks for the things we received so graciously.” You explained. He paused and deadpanned. “So...just wine then?” ...”Yeah, just wine. And not the strong kind either. Maybe you can get a little Sake for yourself.”
Rappa: “Yes uh, how in the fuck am I supposed to cook this shit?” Katsukame punched his shoulder. “You big idiot, we bake it!” Rappa punched him back as a reply. “Fucking DUH, but like what kind of seasonings???” Katsukame punched him again. “Probably something not too heavy so we focus more of the fucking flavor of the dressing in side of it.” Rappa once again punched back as a rebuttal. “Fuck off, cilantro is all you had to say you bastard.” You immediately had to speak up between them before their playful banter would turn into an entire indoor death match. “Okay guys, don’t focus too hard on it. This is kinda western so just look up some recipes and videos please? And most importantly, always have a back-up turkey on hand just in case you guys mess up the first one.”
Kai: “Yeah I have a question. Where the hell do you get off on telling me what to do? I’m you’re boss and you’re just barely high enough up to even be considered a precept.” Pops immediately got up and slapped the back of Kai’s head. “Bite your tongue Chisaki and apologize!” Kai grumbled and bowed for a second while uttering a short apology. Chrono chuckled off to the side as he tried to hold back his laughter. 
Mimic: “Who’s wallet is this coming out of???” You smiled at him and he gulped. “Well not from our pay. We’ll call it a holiday event and pull from the reserves. The yakuza has been thriving lately under Pops of course. Unless anyone wants to donate?” You looked at Kai with fluttering lashes and he glared at you. “Fuck fine. I’ll cover the expenses on my end.” You smiled and nodded. 
-If only from that point on things could’ve went well but there were just too many obstacles of course. Not on you and Nemoto’s end of course! You two were efficient and quick. You got in and out of the grocery store in under 2 hours with the perfect ham. You agreed to go to his apartment to cook it together since the house kitchen at the base would go to Pops, Chrono, and Kai more than likely. And the lower part of the base kitchen would belong to Rappa and Rikiya. The TRUE issues arose on the ends of everyone else. Pops was an angel and the food he attempted to make was reasonable, but the old man overdid it and ended up making 4 of the same cakes. What were you going to do with exactly 4 red velvet cakes??? Anyway, as to be expected, Rappa and Rikiya fucked up BOTH of the turkeys. You had to make them search all around town to find a pre-done turkey on the morning of Thanksgiving itself. They eventually found one from a generous donor in exchange for that person having their debt to the yakuza swept under the rug. Chisaki and Chrono did a pretty good job but they took so long that half of the stuff was still being set up when it was time to start dinner. Tabe actually did an okay job at setting the table up. The real surprise was that SETSUNO was the one that was tempted and ended up munching corners off of the deserts. Of course Sakaki showed up with a wide variety of alcohol that Hojo didn’t even notice he had snuck into the other shopping cart. Meanwhile Tengai and mimic had decorated the devilled eggs rather poorly. Tengai believed the minimal was better and Mimic was trying to cut corners with price/quality. Nevertheless everything was set up and you all began to review the things you were thankful for.
“Well I just wanna start off by saying that I’m thankful for this job and the bonds I’ve made with you all not just as coworkers but as people. I truly consider the Hassaikai to be like family.”
Pops: “I want to thank everyone as well for working so hard for our little family here. I also want to thank you Y/N for bringing some youthful joy into my life once again.”
Kai: “I suppose I’m thankful for my good health and sanity dealing with all of you on a daily basis.”
Chrono: “Yo, I’m thankful for my last paycheck but also for the years I’ve served here. It kinda has been almost like a fam to me yknow. Not trying to get sappy or anything but thanks you guys.
Mimic: “This is weird but I guess I’ll try it. I’m thankful for uh...the opportunities set forward in front of me.”
Nemoto: ”I’m very much thankful for our leader, and also for master Overhaul. I appreciate you for allowing me to strive in my work the way that I do. I can only hope to continue pleasing you both as my time goes on at this organization. That is all.”
-Deidoro: “Thanks to this damn Saki I’ve already had 2 and a half cups of while everyone wasn’t listening. Also thankful for my liver as well.”
-Hojo: “Well I guess I can say I’m thankful for everyone here and for the boss when he took me in off the street and healed me after I almost died.”
Setsuno: “Yeah thanks for giving me purpose again boss. I’m thankful for that too.”
Tabe: “Food...friends...found family...”
Katsukame: “Fucking thanks for letting us have enough chance after we fucked up two of those damn turkeys. I thought you were gonna kill us Y/N.” 
Tengai: “I’m rather thankful for my sanity as well, after dealing with this job so much...”
Rappa: “This shit is cheesy but damn it I’m thankful for everything here too! I aint much at speeches so I’m gonna stuff my face now.” 
-So there you go. It may not have been the most conventional thanksgiving but it was something along the lines of a ‘perfect disaster’ all in it’s own. You can only sit back and look at everyone eating and talking before you realize that a Christmas party might not be so bad to start planning for either.
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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spohkh · 4 years
miracle on cornelia street [dean/castiel]
so BASICALLY sarah @adanceinasnowglobe and i were talking about what everyone would be up to post-series -- yknow, like, now that theyre all safe and healthy n everythings cool and destiel is officially together. yknow. as happened in canon -- and we were like so obviously destiel get a house, and thats kind of the basis of this verse so !! this is the foundational fic for what i HOPE will be a series of fun lil day-in-the-life drabbles, from both me and sarah!! 
ehehehe :-) enjoy!
read on AO3
The house is a quaint thing, sitting low and snug under a pair of shady oak trees in a quiet suburb just outside of downtown Lawrence. Its brickwork face is weathered—definitely in need of a good power wash—and the roof is just as worn. The bottom step to the porch slants unevenly, and the porch itself has cracks in the concrete. There are chips in the paint on the window frames, the iron porch railing is rusting, and who knows when the gutters were last given a proper cleaning.
There’s a lot of work to be done, but standing there in the small front lawn, Dean Winchester can’t say if he’s ever seen anyplace else so perfect as the house at 3767 Cornelia Street. Dean’s house—his home. His home with Cas.
“Can you believe it?” he quietly says to Miracle, who has been sitting patiently by Dean’s leg. Miracle tilts her head and wags her tail. Dean looks back up at the house. “Yeah, me neither.”
The sound of a familiar car rumbling up the road snaps Dean out of his reverie. He rubs a knuckle at his eye and clears his throat and tries to look like he hadn’t been standing in his front yard about to cry while talking to his dog, christ.
The car rolls to a stop on the curb just in front of the house. The driver’s side door opens, and Sam slowly unfolds his ridiculous limbs as he gets out. It’s always a wonder how he can fit himself into a car at all. Sam gives a dorky little wave as he ambles over to where Dean is standing.
Dean peers behind Sam, trying to see into the car. “What, no Eileen?”
“Hello to you, too. Dick,” he replies snarkily. “She’s wrapping up a work thing. She’ll come over when she’s done.”
Dean sucks his teeth in disappointment. “Ah, well. Guess you can go home then.” Sam shoves at his shoulder. Dean just laughs and pulls Sam in for a proper hello hug.
“Why are you standing out here, anyway?” Sam asks when they part.
“Can’t a man just hang out in his own front yard? Accompanied by a dashing canine companion?” He leans down to pat Miracle on the head.
“I guess…” Sam looks down at Miracle. When she tips her head up and gazes back at him, Sam snorts.
“Miracle on Cornelia Street,” Sam says with mirth.
Dean squints at him. “What?” he repeats, now more incredulous.
“You know—like Miracle on 34th Street. But we’re on Cornelia, so.” He nods down at the dog. “Miracle on Cornelia Street.”
“Dude.” Dean rolls his eyes at Sam’s goofy grin and starts walking up the path to the house, Miracle trotting behind him. “Shut up and come inside already.”
Sam follows after him, pausing just inside the threshold as he spots something on the doorframe. “Oh, classy,” he says, throwing a sardonic look to where D.W. and C.W. are scratched into the wood.
“Just wait,” Dean jokes with a toothy smile, “when I got the time I’m gonna draw a little heart around it.” He was joking, but now that he said it, he kind of wanted to.
Cas looks up from the stove when they walk into the dining room. He’s wearing one of Dean’s old AC/DC tees, the logo all but worn away from being washed so many times. He’s usually in some ratty tee or other when lounging around these days. But in honor of Sam’s visit today (Cas’ words) and to seem a little more dressy short of donning his usual button-downs (Dean’s private opinion), he’s also wearing the cable-knit cardigan Sam got him as a gift last Christmas. “Hi, Sam.”
Sam leans against the counter that separates the dining and kitchen areas, craning his giraffe neck to catch a glimpse at the stove. “Hey, Cas! What’cha cooking?”
“Nothing. Dean made it. I was just watching the pot so it didn’t boil over.” He locks eyes with Dean, his intent stare very clearly communicating I did not touch the chili I added nothing I did not touch the dial I was just watching it like you asked so don’t even start.
Dean just smiles as he walks past the counter and steps into Cas’ space. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he says, and busses Cas on the cheek.
“You’re welcome,” Cas replies warmly. He’s gazing up at Dean with those summer afternoon blue eyes, standing in one of Dean’s shirts and that dorky cardigan, and Dean starts to get full of that feeling from out in the front yard again. If they were alone, Dean would probably say something recklessly sappy like I am so stupid in love with you.
As it is, Dean clears his throat and turns back to Sam, slinging an arm around Cas’ shoulders, and says, “He did the salad.”
Cas sneaks him a knowing look before, thankfully, putting his attention on Sam without commenting on Dean’s hasty redirection. “I did the salad,” Cas agrees blithely, and places the salad bowl on the counter for Sam to see, seeming pleased with himself.
Sam looks between the two of them, an amused tilt to his eyebrow that Dean implicitly distrusts. He’s definitely thinking mocking thoughts about the two of them. But he just quirks a smile and says, “It looks great.” Shrewd little diplomat.
Cas shifts to the side to see past Sam’s shoulder. Sam glances behind himself before shooting Cas a confused look.
“She’s still at work,” Dean tells Cas, guessing who he’s looking for. “Sadly.”
“What, am I not good enough?”
“Of course you are,” Cas promises earnestly, just as Dean says, “Well…”
Sam’s opening his mouth to retort, probably something absolutely scathing, when his phone chimes. He pulls it out of his pocket, a smile spreading over his face. “Speak of the devil,” he says, then tips his head with a grimace, “as it were. That was Eileen. She’ll be here soon, so I’m gonna go wash up.”
“Bathroom’s down the hall—“
“Dude, I know where it is. I did help you guys move in.”
Dean spreads his hands in assent. “Fine, christ, I swear never to be a good host to you in my home ever again. Go ahead and go take your dump now.”
“I’m not gonna—ohmygodnevermind.” He turns on his heel and huffs down the hall, Miracle trotting after him, the tags on her collar clinking together jauntily.
Dean reaches past Cas to turn the burner off, then lands his hand on Cas’ hip. “Have I told you today how cute you are in that sweater?”
“Yes.” Cas brings his hands up to cradle Dean’s face. “Four times.”
“Make it five.” Dean kisses him. He pulls Cas into a hug, pressing his face against Castiel’s shoulder. They sway into each other. After a warm moment, Dean says in a low voice, “The first family dinner in our house.”
Cas hums a soft, contented sound in agreement. “The first of many,” he responds, just as quiet. Dean squeezes him tighter. He knows they’re both thinking about Jack and Claire, their bedrooms sitting empty and waiting for whenever they can find the time to visit—and Kaia and Alex and Jody with Claire, if they can, and Charlie and her girlfriend, and Bobby, and all the other wayward extensions of their sprawling family caught out in the wind. Their house isn’t big enough to host everyone, but with Sam and Eileen up the block and the bunker just a few miles out, there’s plenty of room to put up people who come out their way. Dean has the hope that 3767 Cornelia Street becomes a common pitstop for folks—a suburban Roadhouse, a tidier (much tidier) Singer Salvage.
Dean presses a kiss against Cas’ neck, and Cas breathes a sweet little sigh that pushes all thoughts about future dinners right out the window. Fuck, this dinner could go out the window, for all he cares. He kisses a little higher up, right under Cas’ jawline, before pulling back to catch Castiel’s darkened gaze. “How ‘bout we ditch the nag and go have a private party of our own?”
“Dean, no. I worked really hard on that salad.” He sounds perfectly serious, but the playful glint in his eye gives him away. Dean snorts, mumbling oh, forgive me, Chef Cas as he leans in again.
Just as they kiss, Sam walks back in. “Hey, I think something’s wrong with your sink–- oh, sorry.”
“Huh?” Dean reluctantly pulls away as Sam clears his throat, looking sheepish. “What’s wrong with what, Sammy?”
“Uh, with your bathroom.”
“The bathroom? Oh, what, you clogged the toilet?”
“Then how did the toilet get messed up?”
“It’s the SINK, the SINK—”
“You took a shit in the sink?”
Cas pinches the bridge of his nose. “Dean…”
“What? He started it.”
“Started WHAT?”
Dean snaps his fingers. “The end of the world.”
“Oh! My god!”
“I guess technically, yeah, since god is our kid...” He turns to Cas. “Weird, weird lives we lead.”
Cas just shakes his head, clearly exasperated. Sam has given up on speaking completely and has fallen back on making a gesture like he’s one second away from grabbing Dean by the throat.
“I was there for all twelve years of it,” Sam says to Cas, “and I still can’t believe you stayed with this guy.”
“Well,” Cas muses serenely, “you’ve been here a lot longer than me.”
Sam grimaces when Dean throws him his best shit-eating grin. Nothing like his two favorite people bonding over how much of a pain he is.
The sound of the front door opening distracts them, and then a voice calls, “Knock knock! The life of the party has arrived!”
“Eileen!” Sam exclaims happily. Miracle takes off down the hall, Sam hot on her heels.
Dean chuckles at Sam’s unabashed excitement, then gives Castiel another peck on the cheek before moving away from him. “Can you put everything out on the table? I’ll go check out the bathroom sitch real quick.”
Cas catches his hand as he starts to leave, softly saying his name. When Dean looks back at him, Cas smiles and says, “I love you.”
Dean wonders if maybe three time’s the charm and he should just give in to what his body wants him to do. If a man has a right to stand around and cry messily anywhere in his own home, surely the kitchen would be the place to do it. The kitchen, after all, is the heart of any house.
But Dean doesn’t. He indulges in a little sniffle, Cas’ eyes glimmering with knowing in the soft light. Dean brings Cas’ hand to his mouth and kisses the neat gold band around his finger, and he kisses each peaked knuckle, and he turns Cas’ hand over and kisses his palm and his wrist. Then he lets go and puts his own hand against Cas’ cheek, and says his recklessly sappy thing: “I love you, too, sweetheart.”
And the glowing feeling inside him doesn’t settle, only grows brighter.
Whatever’s wrong with the sink will be just one more thing to a long list of shit to deal with. Their house needs work, no denying. But Dean knows they’ve got plenty of time.
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iwritesoimright · 5 years
Slip Up
Word count: 1,445
Summary: Chris convinces you to go on the tonight show with him and subject yourself to Jimmy Fallons curious games, specifically the spousal version of know your bro. And of course embarrassing secrets are revealed, just not by the person you originally thought would slip up.
Warnings: uhhhh it's just an interview my dudes, there's talk of a butt naked Chris Evans and like some curse words but very few, and like mentions of sex but nothing graphic. Oh. And the word Daddy... I'm sorry. lol not sorry. And like bad writing cuz I'm v rusty....
A/N: Ha! I wrote it! I finally wrote something in two goddamn years. So, to explain the bs that you're about to read if you so choose, I was on a Chris Evans/ Steve Rogers binge. This was mostly due to one @venusbarnes and her beautiful works Occupation: Brat and Heavy Is The Head. Both are amazing and if you suffer from the same afflictions I do you should definitely read them.  Anyway, so I watched that one interview with Chris and his brother and I had this idea and poof here it is. Soooooooo I hopes ya like it. I tried real hard. Also thanks to my lovely editors Andrew and Ashley whom this would never see the light of day without.
You had seen the episode with Scott and Chris. You knew how much Jimmy loved to get all the dirty little details out of Chris. You knew just how easy it was to get those details, Chris said it himself, he's a terrible liar. You knew if you went on the tonight show with Chris something was going to come out, and Chris knew this too, which is exactly why he begged and pleaded for you to agree to do an episode with him. And of course who could say no to those precious baby blues? Besides maybe Jimmy wouldn’t have you guys play the game that brought much embarrassment to Scott Evans, right?  
“So, here's how the game goes, well Chris you already know how to play, y/n, I assume you’ve seen the episode where Scott and Chris played the game?” Jimmy looked between you and Chris, who sat to your right. You nodded, laughing “yeah I've seen it and I'm going to be honest I'm just a little bit scared to play it.” Jimmy looked at you incredulously, “what why? Why would you be scared to play it?” “because of him!” you gesture dramatically to a very cheeky Chris next to you, his childish grin furthering the point you're making, “who knows what's going to come out of his mouth? He’s an actual child!” this caused an uproar of laughter from Jimmy and the crowd and for Chris’s grin to widen even more. He looked at you, eyes sparkling with mischief “yknow what's to say I shouldn’t be afraid? You're no better a liar than me babe” you scoffed at that, turning back to Jimmy who you could tell was itching to get the game started. “okay well since you both know how to play ill just describe it real quick for those who might not know, and we’ll let Chris wear the headphones first since its y/n’s first time playing” Jimmy said, handing you the headphones, which you helped secure on Chris’s head, while he sorted through the question cards. Chris immediately started bobbing his head to the music “i love this song!” he practically shouted into your ear. You laughed, playfully shoving his head away and turning back to Jimmy. “okay so while he's... distracted... I'll ask you a question and if your answer matches his answer then you win, simple as that capiche?” you nod, giggling as you glance back at your boyfriend, dancing horribly in his seat, he looks up and winks at you as mouths the words to what looked to be Stacys mom.  
“Okay so first question, what is the most embarrassing thing Chris has done around your parents?” Jimmy looks up at you as your brow furrows in thought, “the most embarrassing thing he's done in front of my parents? Wow um okay, that’s a tough one he's actually surprisingly smooth around my parents, at least around me he is” you pause in thought for a second before your eyes light up with an idea, “wait okay here we go here's a story! There was one time, my parents came to visit for a week or so and they were staying in our guest room,” you paused and looked at Jimmy and immediately saw what he was thinking, “no, I know what you're thinking stop thinking it they didn’t ‘hear’ or ‘see’ anything like that” you said pointedly, “however due to Chris’s habit of walking around ass naked they may have seen just a little bit more of him than they wanted to...” Jimmy gasped “no! Your dad saw his dick?” you nodded, tears forming in your eyes as you laughed, “all three of us did, we were in the kitchen when he came sauntering in, I guess he forgot my parents were still there” Jimmy eyes widened “your mom saw his dick?” “oh, she didn’t mind, him and Hemsworth were the only reasons we could ever get her to watch marvel movies,” that earned a laugh, “my dad didn’t offer him any sausage at breakfast and that might be the funniest part.” Jimmy was leaned back in his chair cackling at this point, finally fell forward, attempting to slow his laughter “okay, okay Chris, take ‘em off, let's see what his answer is.”  
Chris pulled the headphones from his head, eyes wide and staring at you, “yknow all that talk about you being scared of what I’ll end up saying, I'm genuinely scared of what you were all laughing about.” you grinned back at him, eyes sparkling, “don't worry babe, I didn’t go into too much detail.” Jimmy pulled your attention back from each-other, “okay Chris, let's hear your answer, what's the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of y/n’s parents?” Chris’s eyes widened and he let out a long sigh. “the most embarrassing thing I've done? God everything I do is embarrassing, okay umm god okay is it the time I-” he turned to look at you and see your reaction but Jimmy caught him in time, “no! No cheating! Don’t look at y/n, this is your answer” Chris sighed, turning away from you, “okay okay, god, okay uhhhh it has to be the time I walked in on you and your parents butt naked and your dad refused to offer me sausage at breakfast right?” you and Jimmy gasped as the crowd cheered, a look of relief washed over Chris’s face. “okay good sounds like got that right, there were so many other things I could've said that probably would've been much worse...” “worse? How many other embarrassing things have you done around my parents?” you questioned at the same time Jimmy asked “worse? What could you possibly do that’s worse than walking in on your spouse’s parents butt-naked?” Chris just grimaced at the two of you, “that's a story for another time.” Jimmy laughed, “okay well let's move on to y/n’s turn, shall we? y/n will you don the headphones?” you nodded and fitted the headphones around your ears, flipping through the available songs to play Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen.  
Chris turned to look at Jimmy, who grinned mischievously as he posed the question. “okay Chris let's get you in some trouble, shall we? Your question is what is y/n’s favorite thing to call you in bed?” Chris’s eyes shot open wide and he began stuttering “w-w-w-what Jimmy, c'mon man do you want me dead? This is the exact thing that will get me killed” jimmy just laughed and nodded encouragingly. Chris sighed and dragged his face through his hands, “okay uh well there's two answers to this question, there's what y/n’s favorite thing to call me in bed and what my favorite thing is. Y/n, well y/n is a huge marvel nerd so calling me Captain is probably the big one. It's like roleplay I guess.” a few wolf whistles emanated from the crowd, making them both laugh. “ooh okay, Captain, I bet y/n isn't the first person to want to call you that in bed.” Chris shook his head chuckling, “no, definitely not, but don’t tell y/n that.” “alright” Jimmy gestured to you to take the headphones off, “y/n you can take those off now.”  
You let them slide off your head and looked to Chris, “that was short, I only got through one queen song.”  “see! I'm trustworthy! I didn’t say anything bad!” Chris exclaimed. “okay y/n, the question was what is your favorite thing to call Chris in bed?” Jimmy asked as he leaned forward, his eyebrows jumping up suggestively. “your eyes widen slightly but not even a heartbeat passes before you're answering, “oh easy, I call him Captain like all the time.” Jimmy throws himself backwards in his chair, cackling. “you said that so casually I love it!” you shrug, cocking your head to the side, “listen I get to bed Captain America, you can bet your ass I'm gonna be calling him that, who wouldn’t?” Jimmy finally regains his poseur and leans forward one last time, “okay y/n, can I ask you one more question?” you nod for him to continue, “okay y/n, what is Chris’s favorite thing to be called in bed?” you don’t even blink and the answer is flying out of your mouth, “oh, Daddy.” the entire studio erupts into laughter as your face turns beet red upon realizing what you said aloud. You look over at Chris who's smirking triumphantly, “and you thought I was gonna be the one to say something embarrassing.” you roll your eyes, shoving his face away from yours. Your head drops into your hands and you groan, hoping to god your parents aren't watching.
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allforhader · 4 years
Grief Group
Richie Tozier x (M) Reader
Warnings: Langauge
Part 1 | Part 2
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“Eddie! Eddie—!”
A year later...
“You should go to this support group. I’ve been a couple times but it’d be a big help Richie”
“Don’t lecture me Bill”
“I wasn’t even lecturing! I’m just telling you. There’s a great support group that I used to attend and I think it would do you some good”
“Okay. Whatever. Send me the details and I’ll go the next one”
“Perfect!” Bill smiles picking up his phone from the table and immediately sent Richie the details as he continued to brood over his food. “Hell you can even meet someone-“
“Okay—In what regard?”
“A friend?” Bill scoffs to Richie’s defensive attitude. “Come on. You’re not replacing him. It’d...just be nice. To relate with someone that isn’t another loser or Patty”
“I guess”
When the time came to go to the grief group, Richie sat in his car for an hour beforehand. He didn’t really want to go. But if he’s being honest, therapy doesn’t help when it’s one on one.
“I hate you Bill” Richie states before finally getting out of his car heading into the building.
The grief group is well, a group grieving over someone they lost, and they sit in a circle like you used to do in kindergarten. Except show n tell is more with real life traumas instead of a stuffed animal from grandma. But everybody engages in conversation before coming together for group.
“New here?” A lovely woman approaches Richie who found himself hugging the wall.
“Uh. Yeah.”
“Well, you don’t have to speak for your first time if you’re not comfortable. Just know it’s a safe place to do so” She smiles resting a reassuring hand on Richie’s shoulder before going to take her seat. “Alright let’s group up!” she says with a smile. Misleading smile.
Richie walks over taking his coat off and resting it on his chair before taking his seat. A few people are around his age, very few elderly, and it’s said seeing a handful of 20 somethings. Could be their parents or a lover. God...a lover. His attention instantly drew toward a man sitting beside him. Petite. Built. Good genetics by still having a full head of hair. He knows Bill can rock a silver touch, but this guy can as well. What the hell is Richie thinking.
“Well shall we get started?” The lady states once everybody was settled. “It’s nice to see new faces, just a reminder we are here to listen and support one another during a difficult time in our lives. My name is Linda and I lost my husband three years ago in a car accident”
“Tsk...three years” The man beside Richie states as everyone looks at him.
“It’s always nice to see you here Y/N”
“Pfft. Likewise” Y/N laughs sitting up in his seat taking his tie off while doing so.
“Would you like to share? How was the funeral?”
“Okay well first off. For the new faces. Hi my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N and I lost my fiancé in a hit n run about four months ago”
Four months...shit. Richie can remember vividly how much it hurt when Eddie died and how fresh the wound was around the first few months. He can only imagine what Y/N must be feeling.
“The funeral was fine. Lovely. For a funeral. His parents and mine wanted me to talk. But I didn’t want to”
“Why?” Richie suddenly asks when he meant to just think it. “Oh sorry I-“
“Nah it’s fine. It’s a valid question. Why wouldn’t I want to talk at my own fiancé’s funeral? Probably because my last words to him were fuck you” Y/N’s honest during these meetings. Like Linda said.
It’s a safe place.
“Well Y/N there are things we regret for saying to our deceased loved ones as our final words to them. But we also regret what we should’ve said instead of what we did” Linda states as a few members of the group agree with her but Y/N wasn’t up for it.
“You said it was a hit and run?” The youngest out of the group that Richie spotted spoke up. “You can get justice for his death Y’know Y/N”
“His parents are doing that shit. I don’t want to be involved.”
“I would” Richie looks at Y/N catching more stern look. “Wouldn’t you want to feel relieved that...you got justice”
“Did you? Mr. Comedian?”
So someone does know who he is. And it’s the one that’s quite the ball buster with an attitude.
“Did you get justice for the lost of your loved one?”
“Sir you don’t have to share if-“
“No no. I’m good” Richie straightens up giving Y/N a look before looking to everyone else. “I’m Richie Tozier, and I lost the love of my life a year ago. He was murdered.”
The gasps coming from a few had a lot of mixed feelings. It’s the famous comedian Richie Tozier. He’s gay? His love was murdered?
Y/N retracts in his seat but relaxes kind of feeling awful for trying to push a button he’d know for a fact, wouldn’t want to be pushed on himself.
“So...justice?” Y/N frowns looking at Richie sharing an exchange.
“Yeah. I got justice. But not how you’re going to get it”
“Let me guess. The asshole died? Before you could lay a hand on him?”
“Something like that” Richie reassures with a half smile before looking down in his lap.
And that was the last of both of them talking. The rest of the group continued with sharing and keeping IN MIND OF OTHER’S FEELINGS. Excuse me.
When the group dispersed, Richie headed out of the building finding Y/N hitting a smoke outside. He walks over beside him giving him a blank stare.
“Want one?”
“If you’re offering”
“Well, you were staring. Assumed more than offer on my own terms” Y/N states reaching for the pack and lighter in his back pocket handing it to Richie. “So, Richie Tozier at a grief group. That’s a sight for the papers”
“How much you want to be there’s going to be a picture of me in that group somewhere around social media?”
“A round of drinks” Y/N laughs taking his phone out as Richie lit his cigarette.
After typing in the comedian’s name in the twitter search bar, and there were a few tweets about it. But no picture. So fans are calling it fake news. Y/N shows Richie while taking back his pack after putting out his cigarette.
“So, who’s paying?”
“I will. I was a dick in group” Y/N smiles putting his phone away.
After a long walk to the nearest bar and stealing the last booth. Y/N set down a scotch for the comedian and a bottle of vodka with two shot classes.
“You drink a whole bottle?”
“I pay for a whole bottle. But for the most part. I can’t handle past three shots” Y/N states popping open the bottle. “You want one?”
“Pour it” Richie states as he takes a sip of his scotch. “So...who forced you to go to grief group?”
“Well, I sat in the waiting room as my fiancé died in an OR. So a nurse did when I got a bag of his belongings”
“Shit I’m sorry”
“Nah. You asked. I’m only going to be honest with you and answer it” Y/N smiles before handing him his shot as he took down his just to pour another one. “Can’t believe people can’t handle vodka.”
Richie coughed after downing his which caught a laugh from Y/N.
“See. Can’t handle”
“I’d like to see you handle tequila”
“Gross. Yeah no. Vodka is my death wish. Ain��t adding tequila to the party” Y/N says as he takes his phone out after getting a number of texts from his parents. “Idiots”
“My parents. They’re worried but yknow. My death wish” Y/N raises his second shot before taking it down.
“At least it’s just two people bugging you. I have four”
“I wouldn’t see it as bugging. It’s annoying but Y’know” Y/N shrugs watching Richie take his bottle to pour him another shot for the both of them.
“They only mean well” Richie states clinging shots with Y/N before regretting it. “Mm—shit dude. I don’t see how you can handle this crap.”
“Mm. Death wish” Y/N shrugs.
“Man. I remember the first few months...my friends wanted to put me in AA because I’d drink until I blacked out. But come on. Not to be rude to my friends who I consider my family, but their lives got better after everything.”
“Leaving you behind to grieve.” Y/N states taking his scotch to get a different taste in his mouth. “Yeah. I’m sorry you went through that. And well still? Or you wouldn’t be in grief group”
“My best friend out of them all suggested it. So I listened. Didn’t want to. Sat in the parking lot for an hour”
“Yeah. Honestly I know I’m not the best influence. But if you need someone who’s willing to relate without the rest of the world moving on?” Y/N held his hand out for Richie’s phone and was handed it to him with no hesitation. “You can text, call, whatever. Just not during the stereotypical work hours during the week”
“What do you do?”
“As much as I wish I had as much free time as you did. I’m a journalist.” Y/N says calmly saving his number in his phone handing it back. “And no. I won’t put this in an article. Even if it would give me brownie points”
“Man. Journalists have a harder time than I do. For the most part and from my knowledge” Richie laughs a bit as Y/N rolls his eyes smiling. “Y’know what. Fuck it. My manager will probably drop me but it won’t be hard to get a new one. You can put out an article that I’m back. I’ll send you stuff to support it cuz fuck it right? You only live once”
“You only live once” Y/N smiles laughing a bit to that. “But as much as it would be fun. To write about a well known comedian? We live in LA and...it’s going to be a bitch finding another to support you.” He got up from the booth grabbing his bottle resting his hand on Richie’s shoulder. “You need someone to care about you other than yourself and well the ones closest to you. I’ve got your back Rich” he says making his leave.
He’s got my back.
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animaniacs - s1e40: puppet rulers
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episode summary: after seeing how small children react to the characters on their favourite tv show, brain decides that he and pinky will be children’s tv characters, too, before cryogenically freezing themselves for long enough that nostalgia tricks everyone into loving them enough to... elect them world leaders.
because people are totally thinking about old cartoons thirty years after they came off the air, right? that’s a thing normal people do.
the rundown:
we open in 1954.
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nobody knows when in 1954 though, because whoever owns this calender isn’t ticking off the days. never mind! i’m sure they have more important things to do.
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like welding some shit together, or whatever, like this guy is doing. “there. albert einstien’s latest experiment will be a powerful success.” if it’s albert einstien’s experiment, i don’t know why he hired this guy to do it, but i guess that’s between the big man and himself.
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turns out the experiment only needs to be “powerful enough to pull five boxcars and a little caboose”, which is fine. fair enough if albert einstien wants to outsource production of his trainset. he’s probably busy being photographed for ridiculous facebook memes that say shit like “masks give you HIV”. 🙄 
meanwhile, as the music swells and the theme tune comes into the musical layers, we see pinky walking towards brain, who is preparing his coffin. it has a little alarm clock on it so he doesn’t miss bill nye the science guy.
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“i’m finished, pinky.” he proclaims. he sure is. “with this cryonic capsule, we shall freeze ourselves and awaken fourty years in the future.” which i suppose is a little less morbid than, yknow, being dead. and bill nye should still be on tv, so it isn’t all bad.+
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“egad, brain. what will we do in the future?”
“i don’t know, pinky, but it has to be better than what we’re doing now.”
i feel for him. i have never seen these mice in a well equipped cage. would it kill y’all to put some fucking climbers in there??? jesus.
suddenly, some children appear.
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“uncle albert,” they cry. “uncle albert, it’s time.” ominous.
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“but kiddies, uncle albert is doing an experiment and did you say it’s time.”
ominous! fortunately, “time” here means “time to sit down and watch tv.”
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“hey kids!” says the friendly propellor worm on screen. “what time is it?” it is in fact “TIME FOR MEANIE!” as uncle albert and his fluffy brood proudly complain. yaaaay!
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anyway turns out meany’s a bit of a dick.
pinky and brain watch on as the worm gets beaten to death. they are not particularly interested in the violence taking place, until Tiny Einstien Boy Edition (tinestien?) mentions that he wishes “treacle and meanie was president.”
to which brain makes this face.
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hm. this is the face i make at my dentist when he asks to see if i’ve been maintaining my crown. sorry that my last dentist exploded my teeth or whatever. that’s kind of why i’m here.
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“pinky, are you pondering what i’m pondering?” i want to take a moment out here to point out how fucking tiny brain is pinky is laying on his chest. horizontal and he is still taller than brain i just/?? he’s so fucking small. pinky could just pick him up. he couldn’t do anything. pinky could fucking yeet him like a basketball. or maybe just give him a nice hug.
anyway it turns out brain finally has a use for his cryochamber! he wants to get himself on Time For Meany and “endear himself in the hearts of children.”
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anyway so once those kids grow up and become world leaders, they will remember brain fondly enough in their hearts so that... when he thaws out, they’ll, uh, elect him president. not entirely... foolproof, perhaps? but on the other hand if the nice couple from out of the box ran for joint prime minister i’d be pretty hype about it. out of the box doot doot out of the box.
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pinky wants his show name to be “big ears.”
brain is more into the idea of being The Iconoclast, an Unconventional Eccentric Who Marches To A Different Drummer. privately that sounds like every single half-bearded nerd man at uni who basically accused me of having my boyfriend do all my coursework for me. does brain intend to hang around cardboard forbidden planet and tell the puppet girls that they don’t have the right to be into guardians of the galaxy? is brain going to be passive aggressive about that 2:2 i got in sculpting and rigging, thomas?????
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“oh. i thought maybe you could be noodle noggin.”
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we then cut to the studio, where the Fat Ceo Man wants the puppeteer to come up with new puppet characters for the next show. unfortunately, the next show is in three minutes, so he’s not very happy.
good thing he gets this suspicious package in the mail, eh?
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as expected, it’s full of mice.
“oh my gosh!” cries our man, who has never seen a mouse before, apparently. “talking puppets!”
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“actually we are two laboratory mice who wish to be on your show as part of an intricate plan to take over the world.”
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“oh, wow, these are really good.”
so the boys make it on! they probably gave mr puppet man a religious experience, but we don’t see him again, so it’s fine.
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“hold it, meany! everyone must meet our two new friends! this is big ears! take a bow, big ears!”
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“and i am the iconoclast, an unconventional eccentric who marches to a different drummer--”
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“but you may call me noodle noggin.”
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you can’t see it very well in the last image, because uncle albert’s calender is in the way, but this is basically every episode. big ears says something, noodle noggin says something else that’s slightly more pretentious, meany hits him with a big stick.
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everyone fucking loves it.
(fuck me. i never actually looked at this screencap close up before. why is pinky in a mousetrap?? why does it have their real names on it???? and why the FUCK do i not have a little brain toy in his own tiny wagon??? hello??? socialist police????)
unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and all projects with talking mice in it must be cancelled absurdly early. and an elmyra reboot of big ears and noodle noggin would be pointless, because brain already gets hit on the head in every episode, so eventually brain has to make the announcement.
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“this program has been our last show.” he just sort of... says it, and you can tell pinky definitely wasn’t expecting it. he looks genuinely sad.
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but not as sad as the children. even mousetrap pinky looks distraught.
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the mice don’t care, obviously, and waste no time in jetting back to the Studio Fridge to activate their cryonic chamber, where pinky makes a very interesting point.
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“but brain, why are we freezing ourselves at the height of our popularity?
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“to stay fresh in their memory, pinky. we must, to paraphrase milton berle, ‘leave them wanting more’. i’ll see you in the future, pinky.”
there are no good frames for that portion of dialogue but whatever! let’s see how well that goes for them.
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so the first thing the boys do upon waking up from ice and dust is to broadcast themselves on tv. “remember me?” asks brain. “it’s your old pal, the iconoclast.”
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“and his old pal! zort! big ears!”
it’s very cute.
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unfortunately these people are less impressed. they just sort of point, in a scary way. brain invites them all down to the tv station to “shower us in praise and material gifts,” and waits for the fans’ inevitable arrival.
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“at last, we can write our own ticket, pinky. no longer in glorious suffering.” alright, hubert von vestra! calm down.
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which is when the fans show up. hopefully the fact that they are all morbidly obese is like... coincidental, or to show off the fact that they’re all wearing kid tshirts, right? surely pinky and the brain wouldn’t tell me, a disabled person, that fat people are Bad And Losers? surely not.
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“at last, my public has come to shower me with gifts.”
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“guess again, noodle noggin!”
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“you abandoned us!” cries the crowd. “you went away! you ruined our lives!” as brain tries to grapple with the fact that they are not, in fact, worshipping his image (and uploading pictures of him in the garden of mindy dress to e621) they present him with inordinately expensive therapy bills, because america be that way.
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“PAY EM.” yells a gruff man with terrible facial hair. pinky and brain decide they would rather not.
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honestly, i’m going to have to give this one to brain. sorry, brain. pinky did make the point earlier, and maybe if brain had thought about it, they might have been able to edit the plan a little and have things work out differently?
or maybe he was just tired of getting hit on the head all the time. ask pinky about that one, b.
brain: 3 pinky: 3 outside influence: 5
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“quickly, pinky, we have work to do.”
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“you mean taking over the world?”
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“no. like finding a good hiding place.”
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dinokeis · 4 years
self ship with tsukki things
putting this under a read more bc it’s actually really long and i go off on a tangent quite a lot
also i know this is really unrealistic but let a girl live out her dreams :”-)
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how we met + first impressions:
so im an exchange student at tsukki’s university
lets just assume i can already speak pretty fluent japanese OK
we met through common friends
like we were planning a surprise birthday party for said friend and we both had to communicate with each other to plan it and all
tsukki hates parties but he felt bad if he didnt help out at least since this friend was his roommate after all and his roommate did help him cover some chores occasionally
so during the actual day of the party we “officially” met and tsukki was being all snarky and his usual salty self and i was like “ok who is this tree and why is he so salty” but i just brushed it off bc i aint got the time to deal with it
THEN HE PROBABLY SAYS SOME SNARKY REMARK TOWARDS ME LIKE i was trying to put up the birthday banner or something and make sure it’s aligned but im short so the struggleTM is real and tsukki sees it and hes like “wow even on a chair you still need to tiptoe”
and im like “??????? at least i dont get hit in the face by door frames” yes i know im lame i cant think of a comeback nOW
and in tsukki’s head hes like “OH?” bc people usually dont sass him back and hes just so amazed and that i dont look japanese but i speak fluent japanese ???
so he got curious and just snooped around and found out that im actually an exchange student and then he kinda gets interested in me bc i make pretty good snarky remarks and we both have the same vibes and all issa same tired of your shit energy
also when i got a proper look at tsukki i was like “the tall guy in the glasses is hella cute” AND I LOVE HIS SALTY REMARKS TOO
i took the first step and like contacted him and befriended him and we both found out more about each other and got closer
how we got together + dates:
ok so im stupid and i actually cant tell when someone likes me you have to actually spell it out for me
tsukki and i spent a lot of time together like just the both of us and we both studied together and ate together whenever we had the time
tsukki is smart and he wants to keep his grades up and im just trying my best to even pass i am so bad at studies but we’re both in different majors so we just study together and make sure that we dont get distracted and lazy (me especially)
i drag him to school events he didnt plan on going initially
so like we had a lot of “dates” to cafes, libraries, me just crashing at his dorm room
i go support him at his volleyball matches and he does the same for me at my table tennis matches
somewhere along the way i get confused with my feelings and all like do i like like him or am i just being nice ???? what if he doesnt like me back ??? what do i do ???? but i dont tell anyone about it and i mainly keep it to myself 
and tsukki realises that he likes me but he doesnt act on those feelings bc i didnt exactly show any “signs” of liking him back
so here comes the slow burn and all our friends can tell we both like each other but one is stupid and the other is stubborn and they both know that we both will just give them the death glare about it
until the last week left of my exchange and im packing up my things to fly back home and tsukki is helping me pack
and he saw that i had put up a picture of the both of us from one of his volleyball matches (it was my favourite picture of us) and in that moment he realizes that he might have a chance bc i dont exactly like to put pictures up and ive said that only if it meant a lot to me i would put it up
so he just went like “fuck it shes leaving and god knows when i’ll see her again”
AND HE JUST TELLS ME “so uh i like you”
and im just in shock and all and i start crying bc like i came here for exchange and to make memories but here i am falling in love with this tall french fry and now im going back soon and basically im overwhelmed with emotions
and tsukki doesnt know what to do bc he has never actually seen me cry ??? i dont cry in front of people unless im really comfortable with you and trust you wholely
hes trying to comfort me and figure out what to do and i tell him everything that i had bottled up and was feeling
AND THEN after i had calmed down he went and bought a whole strawberry shortcake and we just ate the entire thing in one sitting
i love strawberry shortcake i refuse to have any other cake but that for my birthdays
on the day i had to fly back home tsukki sent me to the airport and he asked me if i wanted to give us a try especially with the long distance and i said yeah bc like im already in deep and i love him with my whole ass heart
when im back home we facetime and talk to each other everyday
my parents asked how my exchange was and i told them about everything
except i left the part out about me and tsukki getting together and stuff bc yknow they would probably kill me if they knew i FELL IN LOVE
but they soon picked up on it bc like who is this dude im facetiming everyday and im talking in japanese too instead of english and they suspected
so my mum just casually “you guys are together right”
and i cant deny it bc im as red as a tomato
during one of his breaks he actually flies over to visit me and im just A CRYING MESS AGAIN bc this boy would do anything for me even though he acts all unbothered on the outside
he flew all the way to see me im :”-)
my mum, upon seeing him personally for the first time: *looks at me and goes* “why are you so short”
me: “hes ???? literally ????? a tREE ??????” (also mum youre only slightly taller than mE)
tsukki is all nervous bc my parents dont speak japanese so he has to speak to them in english and hes worried that his english isnt good enough but MY MUM IS ALREADY IN LOVE WITH HIM AND MY DAD TOO
my mum says his english is better than mine
we’re still together even after we both graduate and i decide to move to japan so no more long distance and we get to see each other more !! (plus ive always wanted to move to another country and now i have an actual reason too !!!)
also we both have a killer death glare get on our wrong side and prepare to die
basically i love this tall salty boy and i would die for him
everyone wonders how i deal with his salty ass but it’s just im equally salty and we both love that about each other
also im just gonna tag @raevaioli bc i wanna see the raeji ;-)
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otterplusharchive · 5 years
youve probably said this somewhere already and i am just The Stupid but how did deidara first meet the trio...
dont u worry my friend ur not stupid ily.. i honestly probably said it a long time ago and i dont want u to have to dig thru my oc tag to find it i really need to work on the timeline for the oc universe to share it w everyone so ppl can understand what the fuck im talking about more but anyway!
they have a pretty unconventional meeting as far as best friends for life and future spouse meetings go theyre like.. a very vaguely enemies to friends thing they meet when the trio break into one of the akatsukis underground bases to find 1. evidence of the akatsuki/akatsuki subordinates involvement in the death of innas team 2. steal back the puppet that sasori made of nethers adoptive mom after her death.
the trio get in and get out of the base with both evidence and nethers mom and are able to rebury her mother along with looking over the evidence and talking about their next move forward.
meanwhile sasori has returned to his workshop and immediately realizes that someone has broken in & after taking stock he realizes that his most recent addition to his collection (nethers mom) has been stolen and hes predictably furious.
he sets out to quickly gather intel on who could be interested in stealing the puppet and figures out that nether is responsible. he angrily demands that deidara go out and retrieve the puppet and the theif and deidara really isnt that invested in it hes just like yeah whatever my dude peace out.
this is all happening within the course of three days or so and because of that the trio have already covered a good amount of ground and deidara may be a dumbass but hes not stupid and hes good at finding his targets, so hes able to spot the trio and recognizes nether from the file sasori was able to get on her and sends down a clay creature to try and drag her up to his bigger bird.
the trio really dont like fighting in general, inna refuses to harm people with the weapons she collects and only will use them in self defense or in an effort to protect someone else in an emergency circumstance and although spectre uses pshycic/spirit powers in hypothetical fights they only have so much energy to use.
so anyway basically what happens is that nether is able to cut through the clay with her ribbons and drops down to the bird and is like HEY! WHAT THE FUCK! and deidara in turn is like UH IM THE ONE THAT SHOULD BE SAYING WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST CUT UP MY BEAUTIFUL ART
and nether just starts losing her shit up in the sky while inna and spectre are like oh god oh fuck this is not good and inna is very good at strategies and figuring problems out so shes starting to try and sort this out but before she can tell spectre her plan they go hey inna catch and shes like wait what and then spectre astral projects out of their body which just slumps over
anyway. they overpower deidara and possess him and meanwhile inna is using a grappling hook to get to the bird after doing acrobatics thru the trees and calculating the exact distance and angles she needs to throw it at in her mind.
so anyway spectres like well i can only hold this guy off for a half hour at most and innas like thats great thats fine you can get this bird on the ground though right and spectres like yeah sure i can. ha ha wait. uh. maybe not. ah. fuck so theyre just stuck up in the air until they figure out a way to work together to get down using innas grappling hook, nethers ribbons, and the last bit of spectres energy as they stop possessing deidara to help them float down.
they go down back to spectres body and then skedaddle the heck out of there and then deidara wakes up like an hour later and he just screams angrily for a bit bc yknow i would scream after that too.
i know this is already long forgive me but were not done w the initial meeting yet.. the trio realize that deidaras from the akatsuki and that that means that their sneaky heist has been discovered and they dont really have a lot of time to figure out a new strategy because by this time sasori has come out and is after them as well, the trio get seperated as he enters the playing field and inna decides that shes going to try and distract deidara for as long as she possibly can because sasori is really focused on attacking nether and she knows that being attacked by both enemies at once would be really bad so she just spends the whole time jumping from tree to tree talking with deidara and asking him all sorts of questions and just completely refusing to fight him while also finding out stuff.
meanwhile spectre has regained about half of their energy and before the fight even begins they realize that the only way they have a chance of getting out of this is by having a suprise up their sleeve so they quickly put a protective seal over their body and leave it to partially possess nether which basically means theyre just surrounding nether with their energy and also feeding off of her energy so together theyre stronger in both their defense and their attacks.
without getting into 2 the details of the fight against sasori too much bc this is already long theyre able to break part of hirukos tail and smash through part of the rock enclosure that sasori has cornered them into in order to escape and regroup with inna.
its after this fight that the trio decide that they need to find a permanent place to stay that can be a safe home for them even as theyre looking for answers in the death of innas team and so they shortly find a small village which is fairly far away from the larger more powerful villages and they refurbish an old empty apartment building into their little shop with the apartment they all live in upstairs!
they live pretty peacefully there for almost a year until sasori is able to find them but rather than straight up attacking them hes interested in gathering information on them since they managed to beat him and could possibly be useful in the future to him so he starts spying on them himself out of hiruko because of course practically no one knows what he really looks like so going into the shop without any real disguise is the best disguise and nethers just like huh that quiet guy who just spends the whole time hes in here looking at our plants and glaring at me is back again. weird.
eventually he gets too busy to go spy on them himself and he sends deidara in his place which is a very big mistake on his part because deidara just blows his whole cover right away and instead of spying on the trio he becomes friends with them and is blowing off akatsuki business to be with them before eventually faking his death to live with them and to try and be a better person because theyve been such a good influence on him and shown a better part of the world to him
thank u for asking abt this!!! im sorry this got so long again i rlly need to figure out a way to make a good visual timeline thats easy to read that shows all the different plot points in the trios story and overall version of the naruto universe
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One PM Pajamas
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Final Fantasy XV/Prompto Argentum
Rating: PG/K+
Original Idea: Nothing. Just a cute scene in my head.
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) Hopefully this reads as cute as it was when I imagined it.
When my doorbell rang at one in the afternoon, I really should have been prepared to answer it.
But was I?
I was eating a Cup Noodle for lunch in my pajamas without pants on—just in my giant T-shirt and underwear. My hair had been brushed but that was it.
I crept to the door and peered through the peephole.
Confused, I opened the door just enough to peek around it, letting it get caught on the chain. “Prompto! What are you doing here?” I asked.
He beamed at me. “I need your advice,” he said.
“You sure that’s a good idea? Last time you took my advice you dislocated your shoulder.”
“I trust no one else with this question.” The seriousness behind the playful look he gave me convinced me. I shut the door, slid the chain to release it, and opened it again. I let it swing wide to let him in, pulling my shirt down to more securely cover my modesty.
“Well, if you’d called first, I could have looked like a normal person when you showed up. Let me put some pants on. Make yourself at home. Grab a snack and a drink if you want. Be right back.”
I headed down the hallway to my bedroom, still making sure my T-shirt was pulled down.
“Hey how come you’re in your jammies at one in the afternoon?” Prompto called jokingly.
“Buzz off!” I shouted, shutting my bedroom door to change. “Mimi and I stayed up till like three-AM watching makeup tutorials and trying to replicate them!” I shucked off my pajamas and pulled on a normal person outfit. Nothing fancy—it was Prompto. He’d known me since we were kids.
“Where is your roommate anyway? She gonna walk in on our secret discussion?”
“Decidedly not. She’s at work all day,” I said. “Hence why I'm eating a Cup Noodle in my pajamas at one in the afternoon.” I went back into the living room. Prompto was sprawled on the sofa, holding a bag of chips.
“What in Eos, gurl!” he teased, throwing a pillow at me. “You said you were putting on pants not a formal outfit!”
“Sweats and a T-shirt that’s actually in my size is not a formal outfit, Argentum,” I snapped, grabbing my Cup Noodle from the breakfast bar and plopping down on the sofa next to him. “Now what’s up?”
“I need your advice.”
“So you said. Carry on.”
“Okay. So. There’s this girl—”
“Ooooh! A girl! Prompto Argentum has finally succumbed to the endless stream of romcoms in his Chocoflix queue and fallen in love himself!”
“Shut up,” he muttered. His ears and cheeks were turning bright red.
I laughed and gave him a hug. “C’mon, Prom. You know I love and support you in all your endeavors. And that includes dating. I'm just surprised you’ve finally fallen for someone.” I crossed my legs and put some noodles in my mouth. “Now. What about this girl? What do you like about her? What do you want from your interactions with her? Are you going to ask her out?”
“Uh… she’s smart, funny, nice. Seems to actually care about me—which is, y’know, awesome. I don’t know. I’ve known her for a while and I just… well. I realized the other day that I was head-over-heels for her with no idea what to do about it.”
“So you came to me.”
“Well I would trust no one else with this information.” He gave me a mock-serious glance.
I laughed. “Okay. So do you want to ask her out?”
“Yeah… but I'm nervous that if I do, it’ll destroy our friendship. And I value our friendship a lot.”
I pursed my lips, jovial mood souring slightly. “That does put a damper on things. It’s a hard tightrope to walk, I’ll admit. Because feelings change things and knowing about someone’s feelings changes things. Like, if you liked her and kept it secret, you could just go on being friends and she’d never be any the wiser if you played it right. But if you told her how you really feel… well. There’s always the chance of rejection and then the awkwardness that comes after. Because you want to try to still be friends but she knows you want to be more.”
“So what do I do?”
“Honestly, Prompto, that’s up to you. I can’t make that decision for you. I feel like if you really like her and she seems favorable to the idea, you could ask her on a low-key, friendly sort of date. Which seems counterintuitive, I know. But, like, ask her if she’s seen that new movie and if she’d like to go see it with you. Or offer to grab lunch with her sometime to chat. If she agrees, you can try stepping it up. I don’t know, Prompto. I'm Miss Forever Single, remember?”
“Well… just tell me what you would want if some guy you’ve been friends with for a while suddenly asked you out.”
“Depends. Is he a creep that I’ve known for a while?”
Prompto sighed. “I hope not. Okay. Imagine it was me. You and I have been friends for… how long now? Twelve years? Since we were kids. What if I asked you out. Would you say yes?”
“Of course I’d say yes. It’s you. You’re like… the greatest, sweetest guy in all of Lucis.” I smiled and flipped some hair off my shoulder. “Any girl—actually, any person—would be lucky to snatch you up. Like, you are a catch, Prompto. And if this girl doesn’t see it… that’s her loss. Truly. You don’t have to start big, Prom. Just be casual. And be yourself. You’re awesome.”
Prompto regarded me thoughtfully, munching on some chips while I had another mouthful of noodles. “Thanks. I guess you’re right. Casual sounds really nice, actually. Like… less pressure, y’know?”
I smiled. “Oh yeah. And really, girls don’t always like fancy dates. Getting ready is a hassle and sometimes it’s awkward. I love chill dates. Like that blind date I went on a couple weeks ago. We literally went to the arcade in jeans and sneakers and stuff and played games. It was great. He smoked me at Skee-Ball but I beat him at Crossy Road. Like, that’s where the real fun and enjoyment is. To me anyway. Your crush might like being splurged on and pampered but ugh why.”
That made Prompto laugh. “No… I think she wouldn’t mind a casual date.”
“So go for it. We don’t get a lot of time on this planet. Sometimes we just have to shout YOLO while diving headfirst into the deep end.”
Prompto knew how much I hated the term YOLO for being annoying, but it got my point across and made him smile. He had such a bright smile. It always managed to make me happy just by seeing it. Which was probably why I had so many framed photos of the two of us in my room—though that was also because I got one every year on my birthday from him.
“You’re right. I think I will ask her out on a casual date.”
“Do it. And tell me how it goes!”
“Yeah. Yeah I will,” he said. He gave me a hug. “You’re the best dating coach in the world.”
“For being perpetually single?”
“Well, coaches don’t play the sport.”
I laughed. Prompto let me go and put the chips he got out of my cupboard away.
“I'm gonna call her on my walk home.”
“Tell me how it goes. Text me when you get home so I know you got home safe, ‘kay?”
“You got it, gurl!”
I ruffled his hair. He groaned and swatted at me like I was an irritating fly before heading for the door. We exchanged another hug and he left. I disposed of my Cup Noodles and went into my room so I could get some work done for Ignis before he started breathing down my neck. Mimi and I had a small study where we literally just stored books and the fancy desk my dad had given me when I moved out. I only used it when I was feeling really productive. I sat at the desk with my laptop and set to work.
I wasn’t sure how long I was typing up reports and council notes that Ignis had handwritten—thank the Six his handwriting was as neat as a computer font and perfectly legible no matter how fast he was writing—but I could feel the passage of at least a few minutes in a slight ache in my shoulder.
Out in the living room, my phone buzzed.
I sighed. “What now?” I muttered.
I got up and ran to get it.
Incoming Call: Prompto XD
“Hey! Would you want to come catch a movie with me sometime? It doesn’t have to be anything formal.”
“Oh my word. Were you talking about me?!” I demanded.
All I got in response was laughter.
“Prompto Argentum! I cannot believe you asked me for advice on how to ask me out. I hate you so much that I love you right now. Of course I’ll catch a movie with you sometime. If I can get this stupid report of Ignis’ done, I’ll be free tonight.”
“That’s great! I’ll come pick you up at five-thirty?”
I laughed. “Absolutely. I’ll be ready.”
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csauce-and-chips · 6 years
The Tipsy Side
Word Count: 2,032
Featured: Thomas Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Deceit Sanders, Remy Sanders
Pairing(s): Prinxiety, Logicality (though not mentioned).
Universe: Human AU
Synopsis: Thomas has to make sure his friends have a safe time drinking at a party. What he discovers about his intoxicated friends is shocking.
Thomas had no idea what he had gotten himself into.
Being the youngest amongst his group of friends had its advantages and disadvantages. One disadvantages is not being old enough to drink. Of course this sucked for him, and Patton had apologized about it many times before the party really kicked in, but Thomas had just said it was fine.
"You sure, kiddo? I can just hang out with you if you want!"
"It's ok, Patton. I want you to have fun! Someone's gotta be responsible."
How naive he was.
It took only half an hour for the party to really kick off. If you could call it a real party. There was at most 20 people there, however, that didn't stop them from getting wild. Particularly a certain group of four Thomas kept his eye on.
Shockingly, the very dramatic and Disney fanatic got drunk first. Thomas wouldn't have expected him to be a lightweight, but it only took him two shots to get him going. At first, he was laughing and shouting at the house's Alexa to change it to different Disney songs. And then, Thomas delved into the madness of his drunk friends for the first time ever.
A usually flashy and ambitious Roman stumbled over to Thomas at his spot on the couch. It had been about an hour and a half since the party had started and Roman was a mess. Thomas, of course, was a little concerned.
"Roman-" Thomas took his hands to carefully sit the older man next to him, trying to make eye contact with the wasted prince. "Woah, hey now.. you ok, Ro?"
For a moment, all Roman did was blink at Thomas like he was talking in rhymes. Then a goofy, soft grin spread across his drunk face. Thomas stared at him in confusion as Roman flopped against his shoulder, laughing softly.
"Hi Thomas~ you're warm.."
"Uh.. Roman?" Thomas chuckled as his concern mixed with his amusement. "Maybe you should take a nap?"
"Whaaaaat? Thomash- Thomas??" Roman paused in confusion as he squinted at Thomas' jeans as if they contained all the answers. "What was I sayin..?"
"I said you should take a nap?"
"..." Roman broke out in a slurred giggle fit, patting at Thomas' leg like a silly child. "I love you, Thomas~"
Thomas chuckled as he tried to think of what to do next with Roman to take care of his silly drunk friend. That was, before he heard a very loud shout from the kitchen.
Thomas let out a soft sigh as he stood carefully, moving a pillow to where he was sitting so Roman could lay down.
"Stay here, bud. I'll bring you some water, kay?"
"Thomas, you're so nice to meeee," He could hear Roman start up again as he had already left to push through the small crowd to the kitchen.
Knowing his friends, Thomas was pretty sure that Logan was behind all the screaming. Though Logan was a really intelligent and calm person, he had a temper he's seen jump out on many occasions. Different shouting sprees, but he always managed himself quickly. So this had to be Logan, unable to contain himself with alcohol in his system, right?
Stepping into the kitchen, Thomas was surprised to see Patton, who was pushing at a familiar face with an usually pissed off look on his face. He had a bottle in hand and it was clear that he was drunk.. still... this was a bit unbelievable for anyone who's met Patton.
"YOU'RE- YOU ARE SO FUCKING MEAN!" Patton was half shoving, half swatting his victim into the counter behind him. "YOU JUST MAN- MANIPULATE EVERYBODY AND IT'S SO FUCKIN RUDE-"
"Patton- uh- friendo-" Deciel had his hands up defensively as he bared the brunt of Patton's drunken rage. Can't say he didn't deserve it for what he's done in their high school days, but he's proven himself better since then. Patton seems to have forgotten about.. All of that.
"Uh, Patton?" Thomas placed a hand on his friend's shoulder carefully, unsure of what his friend was capable of in this state.
"WHAT-" Patton turned quickly, maybe too quickly, but catching himself on the counter at the last second. He squinted angrily, his bottle clanking against the counter.
Thomas sighed as he rested a hand on his friend's arm and cut him off. "Patton, it's me, Thomas. You're getting aggressive-"
"I remember, I remember, that was back in high school, remember?" He made eye contact with Patton and rubbed his arm. "Remember how it's been six years since you've been in high school, dad?"
One thing that really seemed to draw him back into the moment is the way Thomas called him dad. Patton opened and closed his mouth a  few times before he let go of his bottle and he sighed heavily.
"..'M drunk."
"That's right. You got it pops." Thomas lead Patton to the kitchen bar and sat him in a seat, grabbing two glasses and filling them with water. "It's ok. Just try to take it easy, kay?"
Patton nodded as he took one of the waters. "M'kay.."
Thomas gave him a smile and a pat on the back. "Thanks Patt."
"Thomas!" Thomas looked up and was surprised to see Remy, who looked pretty drunk himself- however, Remy was excellent at handling his liquor. "Hey Rem. What's up?"
"What's up is that your friend has been in the bathroom for like-fourty minutes and I'm seriously going to snap his neck if you don't get him out of there!"
"Friend?" Thomas circled around the counter to Remy who lead him upstairs. His first idea was that it was Virgil, because his anxiety probably got to him, and he decided to hide out in the bathroom. Of course, just his luck, he was wrong again.
Logan sat in the bath tub, curled up into himself. He had his face buried into his arms which were wrapped around his knees. His hair was a mess and his tie was dangling from the edge of the sink. So, yknow, it was weird to think that this was his friend Logan.
"Thomas..?" Logan lifted his head out of his arms but still had to rest his cheek against his forearm. His face was caked with tears, his eyes red and his skin blotchy from crying.
Thomas felt awful seeing him like this. Remy had already abandoned the bathroom for now, so he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Lo.. what's going on? What's wrong?"
It was clear by the way his bottom lip quivered at the question that that alone had bothered him. Thomas plopped himself on the toilet seat, prepared to listen to his drunk friend.
"I'm drunk Thomas.. imma mess"
Thomas waved it off and put a hand on Logan's shoulder. "Don't worry, Lo, everyone else is a mess too-"
"B-but that's just it!" Logan's voice cracked ad he looked desperately at Thomas through half-lidded eyes. "I'm- I'm supposed ta' be reshponsible! I'm supposed ta' be everyone's mom! What.. what am I supposed ta' do if I can't- can't-"
At this point, Logan was a bumbling mess of sobs and drunken slur. The bottles in the sink and on the counter surface suggested that Logan's drank the most so far. It hurt Thomas' heart to see his friend like this, to see him try to drink his troubles away to only get hit 10x harder with it in this state.
"Logan. You don't have to be responsible for the others all the time."
Logan sniffled as he frown heavily at Thomas, looking ready to cry again. "What'aya mean..? I need.. I need to know you-" a hiccup, apologies "-you, you guys are all acc- accounted for-"
"Look Logan, it's ok if you aren't being the responsible one all the time. We appreciate everything you do for us, you don't need to stress yourself out with us all the time."
His glossy eyes stared at Thomas' clear ones with drunken surprise as a "really..?" Slipped. As if he didn't know that they all appreciated him.
Thomas smiles gently. "Of course, Lo. We may not say it all the time, but we appreciate you. We love you so much. You do know that, right-?"
He fell quiet as he saw Logan had his eyes closed, his breathing still shakey but evenly rhythmatic. Thomas sighed as he stood from the toilet seat, adjusting his friend so that he was laying down in the tub rather than bent over and worse for his back when he inevitably awoke. A towel yo substitute as a blanket wasn't that bad either..
Just as he had placed the deep green material over Logan, someone crashed head-first into the bathroom.
At first, Thomas expected it to be a party-goer he didn't know that was hurling in the toilet he had been sitting on moments ago (thank god for wanting to get up). But instead he found the face of his final drunk friend, hair messier than usual and his shirt.... gone?
"...uh, Virgil?" Thomas asked in lingering surprise as his friend finished loudly vomiting, just the sight of it making him sick to his sober stomach. "You ok?"
Virgil huffed over the toilet bowl as he turned his head to look at Thomas. Every move he made seemed to make him dizzy. However, he didn't seem mad, or upset at all from hurling. What surprised Thomas the most was the perverted grin plastered all over his friend's face.
"Mmm.. hey Thomas~" Virgils voice was the heaviest with alcohol, a hum of pleasure behind it. His eyes were dazed and intent on looking over Thomas' entire figure like he was a hungry animal. "Mhmmm, I'm fuckin' faaaaantastic!"
Before Thomas could say anything, Virgil had shoved himself to his feet. However, it wasn't very steady as the boy stumbled, practically throwing himself into Thomas' arms as he pushed his hands onto his younger friend's chest with a look of stupid desire.
"Virgil..!" Thomas had a red tint to his cheeks as he tried to hold up Virgil's weight so suddenly, while feeling extremely uncomfortable by his actions. "Virgil- please just-"
"Jus' what, pretty boy~? Ya.. ya seeeeexy peice'a meat, hmmm?"
My God, if this wasn't the most uncomfortable thing ever, Thomas wouldn't know what was.
Thomas took a breath as he pulled on a stern tone. "Virgil, your boyfriend wouldn't be so happy if he found out you were flirting with me. Or am I wrong?"
Virgil fell quiet and his smirk dropped. Something seemed to shift in his eyes as he frowned, gripping slightly at Thomas' shirt.
"Wha's- where's Ro?"
"He's on the couch." Thomas sighed ad he realized what was going on. He hated seeing Virgil anxious again, slipping back into himself, but it was much better that when he was being touchy-feely. Plus, he knew Virgil wouldn't want to hurt Roman like that on purpose. "I'll take you. Here.."
Thomas adjusted himself so that he had an arm around the slightly smaller man, flushing the toilet on the way out. He made sure his fumbling, highly intoxicated and highly anxious friend got down the stairs and to the couch safely, glad to see that Roman was well passed out on the couch- oddly curled up with an innocent expression he never seemed to wear.
Virgil seemed to focus more when he spotted his sleeping boyfriend. Thomas let go as Virgil stumbled a little to lie a tad awkwardly next to Roman on the couch. Virgil seemed happy enough but well on his way to passing out hard.
"Mmm.. thanks, Thomas.." Virgil mumbled softly as his eyes closed contently. He would be glad the next morning when he figures out he didn't do anything unscenely with his youngest friend.
Thomas couldn't help but smile, relieved. He glanced around at his friends on the couch and in the kitchen. All asleep, all taken care of and accounted for. He made sure that he had set out a water bottle for each of his friends, along with ibuprofen, for when they all inevitably awake the next morning.
Needless to say, taking care of drunk idiots isn't easy. You never know what to expect. But if there's one thing that Thomas learned tonight was that no matter what surprises come his way, his friends were still his family- still the people he loved more than anybody else in the world.
Thomas made a mental note to scold them all in the morning, anyways.
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onewholikesthings · 6 years
Dean x Reader ~ Only One
This wasn’t a request but my brain was full of ideas so I had to write! I hope you like it :)
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“Surrounded by all these beautiful works of art is where I’m meant to be. I mean, have you seen me?“ Dean remarked as you two walked the halls of the museum. You and the boys were on a case in New York, searching for a shapeshifter who would take the forms of famous dead people. 
The celebrity murderers all had exhibits in the museum you were in, so you and Dean had decided to scope out the place while Sam did research back at the hotel. “Oh yeah you’d fit right in here.” You said, rolling your eyes. There were many world of art in the museum, but none compared to him. 
Of course, you couldn’t say that out loud…you had only told Castiel about your feelings for Dean. He wasn’t much help, but he was a great confidante. “Alright so what exactly are we looking for?” Dean asked, tilting his head down to make eye contact with you. You swore those bright green eyes would be the death of you. “Well we’re trying to find a pattern in this shapeshifter so we can find out his next move.” Dean broke the eye contact and chuckled. “What’s so funny?” You asked as the blush started creeping to your cheeks. “Huh? Nothing nothing, I just never would’ve thought I’d be talking to you about a shapeshifter; or any kind of monster for that reason.”
 You stopped walking, and placed your hands on your hips, clearly not aware as to why it was funny. “And why is that?” You asked, curious and intimidated. His eyes lingered on you for a moment before answering, “Eh you’ve always seemed the girly girl type to me.” He reeled back, anticipating you to strike him in some sort of way, but you just shrugged. “Well, you thought wrong.” You said, carrying on.
*back at the hotel*
“Alright Sammy what did you find?” Dean asked as he kicked his feet up on the table and enjoyed a hamburger you two had gotten on the way back to the hotel. Sam rolled his eyes in disgust at his brother, “Yknow it wouldn’t kill you to eat a salad once in a while,” Sam said as he regarded Deans burger. “You too (y/n).” Sam gestured to the fries in your hand as he said this. 
“Hey I just eat what’s good; and rabbit food is not on my list of good eating.” You said as you chomped on another fry, oblivious to Sams efforts. “Are we done managing our eating habits?” Dean asked, gesturing towards the laptop, “we’ve got a shapeshifter out there.” Sam gave up the battle with a sigh and began to give you the details on the monster.
*after Sam explains*
“So that’s all we have to do?” You asked Sam, making sure you heard him right. “Yeah that’s all it takes to kill the thing, which means we should all probably get some rest for tomorrow and go after it then.” Sam said as he made his way out of the chair he had been sitting in for hours.
 “Goodnight guys.” He said, which was followed by yours and Deans murmurs of goodnight. After a few minutes of trying to fall asleep, you decided to not fight it anymore and sit up. You notice Dean do the same and turn to face him. “Hey Dean I’m gonna go out…do you think Sam will mind?” You asked, knowing of Sams protective nature. 
Dean looked over to Sams snoring form and shrugged. “Who cares? But anyhow, I’ll join you.” Those words made your heart skip a little. You and Dean alone? It’s exactly what you’ve wanted for a long time, but you knew his history with girls so you decided to let it go; nothing would happen between you two. You were sure of it.
You and Dean grabbed your jackets and made your way to the nearest bar. Once you entered the place you were hit with a stench of alcohol and tobacco, the combination of the two burned your nostrils as you took your seats. As you sat you surveyed your surroundings. 
As your eyes scanned the area you felt Deans hand rest on yours. Startled, you turn to face him, “(Y/n), we aren’t hunting baddies. Relax, enjoy yourself.” He said as he put his hands behind his head and drawing out a deep and long satisfied breath. You slouched back in your seat and turned your attention to a pretty waitress making her way to your table. 
Dean sat up, his gaze fixed on her, “I think I’m gonna enjoy myself tonight.” He said as she came over, hips swinging and eyes seducing. “What can I get for you?” She asked Dean, and only Dean, her voice dripping with velvety lust. Dean shifter his body towards her, “I think the real question is…” he trailed off as the girl draped her arms around his neck, “…what can you do for me?” She smiled and practically sat on him, while Dean grabbed at her thighs.
 She cupped his face in her hands and planted a kiss on his pink lips, subtly biting them while separating. You watched all of this in anger and decided it was already too much for you. Tears brimmed your eyes as you quickly got up from the booth, startling the pair. “I think I’ll leave now.” You said through gritted teeth as tears stung your eyes, and headed towards the door; not caring about Dean calling your name. 
It was cold and dark when you stepped outside of the stuffy bar. The cold bit at your face as you sat down on the sidewalk and put your head in your hands, shaking from tears and the air. You wished he would see you, that he would look at you the way he looks at the pretty girls he sleeps with at the end of almost every night. The wind picked up and you pulled your jacket tighter around you. It was too cold to stay out here, and you didn’t want to see Deans face right now. So you decided to start walking back to the hotel. Before you did so, you heard the door to the bar open and shut, you turn and
 see Dean standing there. Confusion written across his face like his freckles. “Uh are you going to tell me why you got so worked up back there (y/n?)”He questioned as he took a few steps towards you. You wiped a single tear from your cheek and said in a small voice, “It’s nothing, forget it.” You said. “I was just about to go back to the h-“ “No there’s something wrong here. Don’t try and lie to me (y/n) I can always tell when you are.” He said as he advanced towards you. Now mere inches separated your faces, but you didn’t step back. “Fine you want the truth? The truth is I like you Dean, I like you a lot. Hell I might love you…so I’m sorry if that interaction with that girl back in there upset me ok? I know you don’t feel the same way so I didnt wa-“ Dean cut you off by grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him while pressing his lips on yours. His hands rose to your back and your hair while you stood there, shocked at first. Soon you fell into the kiss and began to glide your fingers through his hair, surely thinking this was a dream.
 He pulled away and cupped your face with his hands, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I know I’m not one for cheesiness but…those girls…I didn’t like being with them. And yknow why?” He asked as he pressed his forehead to yours. “Wh-why?” You asked as you felt your cheeks burn red. “I’d only ever think of you…and how much I wanted to be with you instead.” He said as he kissed you once more, this one sweeter than the last. “I never knew…” you said once you pulled away for air. 
His smile was gorgeous as he said these next words, the words you’ve been wanting to hear for what seems like a lifetime. “Well now I’ll make sure you never forget that you are my only one.”
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