#that unless I put effort into correcting it it’s not gonna work
parkminijiminie · 1 month
This fandom is fucked now. No one comes forward to correct anything about the translations. I do believe that op was lying about the translations now. People told her in comments too that she was changing the subtitles 2 days later and lying but it just irritates me so much that no one comes forward to give the exact correct translation who knows Korean too...lol she wasn't even coming forward by herself to tell those who are saying she is lying to confront them. If she's lying... someone should come forward to tell us that who wants to know and don't understand the language. That op was also a jkkr. There is no one on twitter on any social media who is ot7 and a true person who can give us the correct translation without any manipulation?? It sucks. No one you can believe really. They all are manipulators according to who they ship and it makes you feel like a puppet when you don't know the language.
( i just wanted to know bcz I'm curious otherwise I don't think it's gonna change anything when jk also said...."we wouldn't met either if it's not for this show..." So I don't think a line will change anything when he literally said this next)
I agree on this. I have many asks in my inbox about the translation, but I don't know what to tell you guys. I don't know who to trust, and I am not a Korean speaker.
The official translation was: "When you were busy and I was free, you never called me. When I was busy and you were free, I never called you. " Which means they didn't meet up because both of them didn't put the effort. To which JM replied: "I called you."
Since JM said he did call, that led people to believe it was actually JK who didn't stay in touch, which makes JK's previous statement like he was trying to make it seem like both of them were at fault when in reality it was more him.
Now, if we are to believe people that the translation is wrong, things do change somewhat.
People are saying JK actually said this: "When you were busy and I was free, you didn't call me. When I was busy and you were free, you didn't call me. " It sounds a little bit confusing and like he is repeating himself, but in fact he is trying to point out that whether JM was busy or free didn't matter, in either case Jimin didn't reach out to him.
This translation actually makes a lot more sense in the context of everything else we saw at the time - JM working and hardly mentioning JK. JK alone at night and always mentioning JM.
Both translations mean that they didn't look for each other a lot, but in one case, it was a mutual fault, maybe more on JK (because JM said he called) and in the other case, JM was the one to blame. I am sort of inclined to believe the new translation as it makes more sense with everything else. It would explain JK's body language and attitude in the car. He makes sense for him to be more abrasive if JM had put him on the back burner for months. He seemed a little bitter.
One more thing that sort of proves it to me is the fact that JK said with a serious face that they were supposed to meet up for a drink, to which JM replied with a laugh "staff like this happens". It leads me to believe there was, at some point, an arrangement to meet up, but for whatever reason, JM canceled it, and it never happened. If you look at JK's face at that point in the conversation, he definitely looks peeved. More than once, he sounded accusatory to JM. It seems like JM called from time to time (JM said that he did), but not enough for JK and it didn't lead to anything more.
When JK said, "we wouldn't have met if it wasn't for the show." Everyone took it as confirmation that they didn't want to hang out with each other, or JK didn't at least, but why would JM travel across the world for a little weekend if this was true? Why would JK agree to it this proposal so out of the blue amidst his crazy schedule unless he wanted it (or was forced by someone, but JK is a guy who can't really be forced into things)?
To me, when JK said they wouldn't have met, it sounded more like he meant given the schedule he knew was ahead of him and JM's own ignorance of keeping in contact. I think both of them realized this physical distance wasn't doing them any favours, and since it was JM who was maybe more at fault for it, if we believe the new translation, it was also him who decided to resolve it by taking a chance and going to NY.
When JM said the "this is why I came", I believe he meant exactly this. He knew it was time for him to do something or they would have drifted seriously apart. Especially that by this point in time, JK shedules were just beginning and MS was coming up, and even if they were already thinking about enlisting together at that point, which is debatable, they didn't know for sure. From JM POV at the time JK was getting busier, MS was approaching where they could be separated for 2 years and their relationship was in danger, so the first chance he actually had and was free, he acted.
And it seems this was exactly what JK was waiting for. That's why he responded with "I know. You're here. You're here. You're here. Finally".
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sexydreamgirl · 1 year
There is no wrong way to manifest, right? I hear some people say "Act as if it's already manifested in the 3D", or some say "Just believe you have it in imagination" or 4D, or say "Daydream and identify with the inner man".. wHaT? And now I'm hearing that I should shift my awareness of what I want and be conscious of it in the 3D? 4D?
Whenever I feel like I know what to do, I see these other posts on how to manifest and then I go back to not really being sure if I get how the law works or if i'm gonna be doing this correctly
I fear that if I apply what I know, it won't work and I will just be wasting my time and it'll all be for nothing, I'm going in the same cycle of thinking I'm finally going to manifest everything I've ever wanted To thinking I'm never gonna get what I want and this can't happen unless I put all my effort in it and take action, I'm so tired of going back and forth and there's just so much I want to manifest that most people would consider "Big" or "illogical"
And how long am I supposed to stay in the state?
Also, is there a such thing as "reprogramming your subconscious mind"? I hear YouTubers say that "When you're manifesting, it takes time before it can manifest or come into the 3D" Is that correct? Please be honest
Sorry for the long ask and all the questions I'm just so confused :(
There's a lot going on here so I'm going to answer little by little:
There is no wrong way to manifest, right? I hear some people say "Act as if it's already manifested in the 3D", or some say "Just believe you have it in imagination" or 4D, or say "Daydream and identify with the inner man".. wHaT? And now I'm hearing that I should shift my awareness of what I want and be conscious of it in the 3D? 4D?
"Act as if it's already manifested in the 3D" Disagree.
"Just believe you have it in imagination" Agree.
"Daydream and identify with the inner man" Identifying with the inner man absolutely, daydreaming depends on whether you think of or from.
I should shift my awareness of what I want and be conscious of it in the 3D? 4D? / Consciousness is the only reality so if you are conscious of it in the 4D (imagination) it will be expressed in the 3D so yes.
Whenever I feel like I know what to do, I see these other posts on how to manifest and then I go back to not really being sure if I get how the law works or if i'm gonna be doing this correctly
That's why I've always suggested you stick to a single source. Leave blogs alone and read Neville Goddard's books. If you find them hard to understand try Edward Art. Sticking to fewer people who are consistent with their explanations will make it easier for you to make sense out of what is being said.
And how long am I supposed to stay in the state?
You shift in and out of states throughout the day so you're not expected to be in it 24/7/ As long as you persist in it and it becomes your dominant dwelling state you're good.
Also, is there a such thing as "reprogramming your subconscious mind"? I hear YouTubers say that "When you're manifesting, it takes time before it can manifest or come into the 3D" Is that correct? Please be honest
No this isn't true at all reprogramming is such nonsense we are not computers that require rewiring. Please do not pay attention to this lol.
Please feel free to reach out again if you have more questions :)
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fadingstarfishthing · 2 months
OKAY, finally off work, here is that feedback I promised you.
This is gonna be a picky one because I genuinely love what I’m reading. So we’ll start with the praise! Pacing is flawless throughout, everything flows so naturally together. My favorite instance of this is when the narrator (whoever it may be) shifts from talking about the multiple therapist to the old woman…
“It's as if her thoughts were too "explicit" to render, one man said. But he was a man, not an elderly woman who says she promises to never tell anybody what she doesn't want them to know.”
Some of the imagery described is disturbingly beautiful. The picture of our girl in front of a mirror dropping pills into the sink and listening to the clinks is *chef’s kiss*. The scene that continues after this contains that same charm.
As I said I’m gonna have to get a little nit-picky. The line “the thought of her medicine faded as quickly as she came as her eyes began to blur…” reads a little awkwardly. I’m not sure if you meant to just say “the thought of her medicine faded as quickly as her eyes blurred”. I’m not sure what “as she came” is referring to. “Is she dying?” is asked twice. At “her girlfriend speaks to her again, desperately murmuring her name like a praise to gain her attention”, I would find a word other than “murmuring” maybe mumbling. Lastly but certainly not least I would have liked to see more effort from the girlfriend to help our girl out other than “murmuring” her name. Unless this was intentional then ignore me on this.
TYSM FOR THE FEEDBACK!! sorry if I'm late to respond as I've been busy with chores today-
It was rather early when I wrote that, and I checked over it twice, but I definitely agree with your response! I'm glad you enjoyed the story, as there will be more to come (when I don't spend all night doing random shit). I ain't the best writer, and I always appreciate anything, even a correction or two. "Murmuring" was meant to be there because they were trying not to startle Naomi further, if they shout at her, it would've gone worse. But the "blur" part? I think you can tell I was trying to put a bunch of words together in the end to try and make it make sense.
Thank you so much for the feedback, I'll write more tomorrow!
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another-sonic-blog · 2 years
The Fanfictioner Ch.4: Script
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Thank you @redsunlight again for the beautiful cover!
For better quality of reading:
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23815324/chapters/57221092
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/229947691-the-fanfictioner
"This has to be a fucking joke," Sonic slams the script against the table and looks up to his friends. "I am not doing this, I am not getting paid enough."
Today is 'reading script day' Sonic Boom cast is given two weeks to memorize their script before starting to film. At this meeting, the main actors gather in a big room to read the script and get pointers on what the director wants.
"I am so excited!" Knuckles did a small twirl as he sits on his chair and happily starts reading the script again. "This is a dream come true!"
"I am not acting on this fanfic thing!" Sonic says and then looks over at Tails. "Tails, what are my possibilities for getting out of this one?"
"You are on contract Sonic, you can't afford a lawsuit."
"I would be against this but this is the best writing I've seen from this show," Sticks also takes her to sit with a cup of tea in her hand. "It's like the writers actually put effort."
"I have to agree with Sticks, it's cheesy and a bit cringy but it's kinda interesting."
Amy is not speaking. This is probably the first time in which she would have so much screen on an episode. She is barely on half of the script and all of it is bonkers. It read like fanfiction with the usual SonAmyShad tropes. The script starts with Amy running in the forest after she sees Sonic kissing some random girl. Then she bumps into Shadow and then blah blah boring stuff.
Suddenly the conference room slams open, revealing no other than Shadow the Hedgehog himself. Wearing shades and a black leather jacket. Amy wonders how many of those he must have. She still needs to return the one he lent her.
"I am not doing this shit," Shadow says as she sits on his chair and crosses his legs. Slamming the script against the table and almost breaking it in half.
"Great," defeated Sonic sits next to Amy who is still not speaking her mind. "The script is shit and now I am agreeing with Shadow too."
"Do not misunderstand me, I am fine acting on anything as long as the writing is good."
The pink hedgehog is between the two and her mind brings her memories of Shadow acting in 'Forest of Dreams' which is still one of her favorite movies. Amy knows for a fact Shadow can act in a romance film. After all, he is known to be a 'dreamy' actor and even likes a 'prince' ... At least that's what his fangirls say about him.
"But look at this! If they want a good ShadAmy story then they should just read First Im-"
Shadow stops and by this time Amy is looking at him. She could swear she saw a little bit of red on Shadow's cheeks but she concludes that it must be her mind playing tricks since she slept really late yesterday.
"First what?" Amy asks as Shadow thanks Chaos she could not see through his shades because otherwise, she would see the panic in his eyes.
"First, just first," Shadow quickly corrects himself. "They should learn how to read first!"
"What if all say no?" Sonic speaks up, trying to get Amy's attention since she looks to be too busy looking at Shadow. "Hey can't force us to do this if we all say no?"
"But I do want to do this!"
Before everyone could get angrier at Knuckles, Mr. Johnson the Rabbit, the director walks into the meeting room. Following from behind are the show writers and Mia the Hedgehog, Shadow's tiny manager.
The air could be cut with a knife. Shadow is already throwing daggers at everyone with his eyes. They all quietly take their seats and after a few seconds of deadly staring, the director finally speaks up.
"Alright, how much for your to participate in this?"
"No amount of money is gonna make me act on that," Shadow crosses his arms in front of his chest, looking directly at Mr. Johnson. "Besides my contract ends every season ... I won't renew my contract unless you change the horrendous writing."
Everyone wanted to interrupt. Why did everyone's contract be valid until the entire series ends but Shadow's contract was per season? Still, they just let the actor speak his mind.
"Look, ShadAmy is the most popular ship of the moment. If we do this right, do you know what it means?" Mr. Johnson makes a pause. "Your first Ammy award. You have never been nominated for this award, right?"
Shadow rolls his eyes, the thought alone is stupid to him.
"Do you really think I can get nominated? Not with that shitty story."
"It's what the people like! Full of drama!"
"They kiss on the first episode!"
"And we will have a pregnancy trope too!"
Shadow facepalms so hard that he leaves a red mark on his forehead. He doesn't say anything else. He did not want to be disrespectful and he is at the point in which if he continues, he will definitely end up cursing at the old man.
Seeing his frustration, Mia, Shadow's manager, decided to speak for him.
"My client won't accept this role unless the writing changes."
"We have four writers on this, isn't it enough?" Mr. Johnson points at the writers who just waived awkwardly at Mia and Shadow who were bashing their writing.
"No offense to your writers but even Knuckles can write a better love story," Mia says and everyone turns to look at Knuckles who crosses his arms in front of his chest and just shrugs.
"I can, actually."
"I think our biggest problem is the radical change in genre. We are an adventure show, not a romance one," Tails, as always, tries to be the middle man. Looking at both perspectives, it wouldn't be bad to add romance to the show since it will bring more reception but the writers can barely write decent action scenes. He knew that writing romance ... good romance at that, will end in failure.
"I think it's better if we keep the adventure and just throw romantic elements from time to time."
"Shut up Tails, I actually want to see them kiss," Sticks has a devil smile on her face as she looks at Amy from the other side of the room. "Besides, you love dramas as much as I do."
Sticks did have a point. Besides this could help him get Sonic and Amy together if he plays his cards right.
"Mmm, I do love dramas."
"We still haven't heard Amy's opinion," Sonic interrupts and looks at the pink one. He just knew that Amy would be against it, but still wants to hear her opinion. "Amy ... Do you want to kiss Shadow?"
Was that even a question? Amy looks at Shadow who has his stoic, usual face. Although he did not look disgusted at hearing that, Amy just knew that he is thinking the same thing she is.
"Absolutely not. I hate it. I hate ShadAmy and all of it. It's so stressful and I won't act on this unless the writing gets better," Amy feels a heavy weight being lifted off her shoulders. She is not a picky actress, but she would also appreciate not being forced to do scenes she does not want to do. "Just get a better writer, please."
Now it is all up to the director, Mr. Johnson. Of course, it's not like he had much of an option after hearing everyone's opinion.
"Fine," he sighs heavily, taking off his glasses and lying back on his chair. "There goes our deadline."
"They ain't going to meet their deadline. Can they even find a good writer in just two weeks?"
"Whether they do or not, it's not our problem anymore. If they don't, we can just go back to the normal adventure stuff," Sonic says. "Besides we have two extra weeks to relax and chill."
Their meeting ended quickly and the group headed to Meh Burger. Except for Shadow who left in another direction as soon as everyone else exited the building. No one really cared where he went and left him be as always.
It was dead silence, and no one is in the mood to discuss the show further. Whatever would be, it will be.
"Anyways, Tails, how's Shadow's robot friend? Are you done repairing him?" Sonic asks as he takes a sip of his soda. He just wants to move on from the situation and stop hearing 'ShadAmy' this and 'ShadAmy' that. It got annoying.
"It's coming along. Shadow and Amy were able to find the piece I was looking for here. And Shadow went to Star Island to find the other metal I was looking for," Tails makes a short pause and this caught everyone's attention as Tails face began to express concern.
"It's going well but ..."
Tails feels everyone's eyes on him. He did not feel sure about telling them the information he knows but the peer pressure started to kick in.
"While working on Omega, I find out some interesting insight about Shadow."
"Which is?" Sticks asks this time. She could care less about Shadow but Tails' nervousness made her believe that the secret Tails is keeping must be worth knowing.
Feeling like he had no other option and that at the end of the day, Shadow was doing nothing wrong, Tails decides to speak up.
"Well, turns out, Shadow actually likes to-"
"Fox hunt."
Tails did not even feel the goosebumps, he knows he is dead. The mere fact that he is still breathing is a miracle. That miracle was that if Shadow wanted to murder him, he would have to do it in front of witnesses.
"Especially foxes who can't keep their mouths shut."
"I- Um-" The fox wanted to apologize but no words would come out of his mouth. Would his friends step in to help him? Why are they so quiet?
"I need to talk to you ... In private," Shadow says, his voice has softened now and is no longer having a threatening aura. However, Tails knew that all of his mannerisms were to lure him into a trap.
"If Tails does not feel comfortable, he does not have to go with you Shadow," Amy interrupts the moment and at the sound of her voice, Shadow rolls his eyes.
"I need to talk to him about Omega and I don't want to do it here because, after those stupid rumors of us dating, I don't want any more paparazzi to take pictures of us interacting."
Tails take a few seconds to relax. He has to think clearly before a fight breaks out. For a fact, Shadow won't hurt him. He knows that would clearly affect his career and second, he has the upper hand. After all, Shadow had ... an interesting hobby. And Tails could blackmail him with that if anything.
"It's alright," Tails says as he stands up from his seat, his burger left untouched. "I'll go talk to Shadow."
"You tell anyone about my search history and I'll tear off one of your tails."
This came out better than Tails had expected. He thought that Shadow might have killed him off by now but instead, he invited him over to his home and gave him a cup of tea. Yes, Shadow is being awfully extreme with his words but he did it in such a manner that Tails did not feel threatened... that much anyways.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Tails says."I promise I won't ever tell anyone that you are crazy about fanfiction."
Tails see Shadow get bashful at the word 'Fanfiction' and if he was being honest, he is not all innocent. He has had his fair share of reading fanfiction. Nonetheless, he is not as obsessed as Shadow is.
There were still many questions. Why did Omega have information on Shadow's web history? But he assumed that Omega, being the curious robot that he is, was just interested in Shadow's pastime and hacked into the wifi's server. Omega might be a smart robot but he is still not capable to understand 'privacy' May be he should do a few upgrades on the robot once he goes back to his lab.
"I am not crazy about fanfiction, I just-" Shadow makes a pause and thinks for a second. Yes, there is no saving on this one. "Well, maybe just a little."
"There is nothing wrong with that. I am just surprised. You seem to be the type to well ... Make fun of people who read fanfics, like Knuckles."
It's strange to be inside the home of his idol. Well, not really an idol, more like someone he deeply admires. Shadow has been acting since a young age but the reason why he started acting is still a mystery. However, one thing was clear. The reason why he chose to be in 'Sonic Boom' is simply that he is a fan of the show. At least, that's what Tails concluded.
"It's not just that I like fanfics ... Is that ... Well, they help me cope with some stuff and -"
"Hey, you don't have to tell me things that you are not ready to say," seeing his evident discomfort, Tails makes him stop. If Shadow did not want to talk about his past, then he shouldn't be forced to.
 "I am not shaming you for reading fanfics, I am just curious."
"Curios? About what?"
Now Tails is getting to the juicy stuff. He just hopes Shadow did not take offense to his question.
"Since when do you like Amy?"
Shadow immediately shows disgust as he hears 'like' and 'Amy' in the same sentence. That alone told Tails two things. Either he is genuinely disgusted and hates Amy. Or he hates the fact that he likes her and he is lying to himself.
"I don't like the pink hedgehog. I like Amy from the show. Your Amy is annoying," Shadow quickly responds, almost spilling the dark coffee he is drinking.
"You even requested ShadAmy fanfiction."
"And? I think Boom Shadow and Amy have potential. Imagine all the scenarios."
Tails did not see it. But then again, he is not the most romantic-sensitive fox there is. Maybe Shadow, like Knuckles, can see love where he can't. Maybe it's not about the facts ... it's about the potential.
"Anyways, why are you so scared of people finding out that you like to read fanfics?" Tails move on to his next question. "I thought you were the type not to care."
On the other hand, Shadow is about to take a leap of faith. He just hopes it's the right one. He could have thought of anything. Some stupid excuse or dumb lie. But the fox boy is not stupid, he could see right through him. And all Shadow could do is pray to Chaos - Even if he does not believe in it- that Tails is a trustworthy fox, unlike that blue rat he has as his best friend.
"Well ... To be honest ... There is someone ..."
Tails keeps working on Omega. Finally, he is giving him the final touches and by that, he means an update on his lie detector. He is a fascinating robot but his hard drive definitely needed an update. Tails wondered just for how long Omega went around malfunctioning.
"How do you feel Omega? It's been a few long weeks since reparations started," Tails puts his goggles on top of his head as he looks for the wrench in his tool bag. "You must be feeling exhausted."
"I am a robot, I am unable to feel exhaustion."
"Well, then I am sure you are tired of being in my lab all day."
"On the contrary, I feel like I am in a robot spa."
Tails appreciated Omega's nice sense of humor. In a sense, he reminds me of Orbot and Cubot but is more advanced and can actually kill you. He is more of a war robot than an assistant and Tails could tell due to all the weapons and artillery in his inventory.
"Anyways, Omega ... So tell me a bit more about Shadow," Tails says as he uses the wrench to tighten Omega's loose screws. "Unless of course, you don't want to share anything-"
"He eats coffee beans and likes to read funny stories on the web. He something looks up pictures of-"
Knock Knock
"Anyone home?" Amy peaks her head onto Tail's lab. Although Tails' strength is mechanics, he also plays around with chemicals from time to time. Especially after Amy started to bring him precious and rare stones that helped him create better equipment for the team.
"Sally Acorn."
Tails knew that he had told Amy to come by his lab to give insight on the metal rocks used on Omega, but for her to enter this exact moment ... She is going to start jumping to conclusions.
At first, Amy did not think too much about it. But then she saw all the signs. Tails starts to move his tails, his small ears are twitching. Omega is obnoxious as if he talking about an everyday thing. Thanks to her writing abilities and her way of shipping everything she sees, she can conclude that Tails likes the famous actress, Sally Acorn. It wouldn't be strange, however ... it's his nervousness that makes it strange. Tails wouldn't be so nervous, even more, when it's just a celebrity crush.
It had to be a celebrity crush because from what Amy knows, Tails still likes Zoe.
Now analyzing Omega. Why would Omega say the name Sally Acorn? What were they talking about that correlated to her?
"Think Amy ... Think. What do Tails and Omega have in common that made them say Sally's name? ... Things in common ... Mechanics? No, doesn't make sense Omega would say Sally's name .... Shadow? They must be talking about Shadow. What else would they be talking about? After all, it's Shadow who asked Tails to help him out ... Wait-
"What were you both talking about?" Amy asks as she walks closer to them.
"NOTHING!" Tails screams.
"Shadow likes to look at pictures of Sally Acorn."
After Omega said that so nonchalantly, Tails just looks at him and then back at Amy and her expression let Tails know that he better be preparing for his funeral.
It's going to take a few seconds before Amy could process the information and make conclusions about-
"SHADOW LIKES SALLY ACORN?!!!" Amy screams and Tails prays to Chaos no one else is around to hear her. "THE SALLY ACORN?"
"Shhh, I promised I wouldn't say anything!" The fox quickly runs and hits a button on the wall that makes his lab to completely shut down all the doors. He did not want to take any risks.
"Sorry, I got excited. Sally is a princess!
Amy makes a small twirl as there are hearts in her eyes. So many possibilities ... So many fanfics ideas.
"Poor guy, maybe that's why he is angry all the time."
Tails sees this, Amy's glowing eyes. Full of good intentions that will probably run it Shadow's chance to actually talk to Sally.
"Amy ... don't even think about it."
But it was too late.
"If I help Shadow get with Sally, this can be an excuse to spend more time with him and I can see him how he is in a romantic setting! I can learn so much for my fanfic!"
Tails' voice interrupted Amy's thoughts, reminding her that she has to act normal.
"Sorry, what?"
"You can't say a word," Tails pleads to her and Amy lightly feels bad for making Tails feel in distress but sometimes she can't help it.
"Please. Only Omega and I know."
"It's fine," she sighs, taking control of her feelings for a second. "I promise I won't say anything. It's just that I am surprised Shadow is capable of ... feelings."
Now the two look at Omega who is the only one who could have answers about the mysterious actor, Shadow the hedgehog. Even the robot finds it a bit amusing that these two were too interested in Shadow's personal life.
"Shadow usually has one-time encounters or dates with other actresses on a secret ... But he has never had romantic feelings for anyone but Sally Acorn."
As Omega says that Amy's mind went completely crazy. This is good for her fanfic. A bad boy who has to try to love other people but fails only for him to fall in love with the person he can't have.
"AAAA THIS IS SO GOOD FOR MY FANFIC! AH! I NEED TO GO HOME AND WRITE!!!!!" Amy's thoughts were going crazy even when she was keeping a 'normal' face.
"Omega," Tails points at Omega, raising his voice a little. "You need to be more secretive about Shadow's life. Shadow trusts you not to say private things about him to others."
There are few beeping sounds, Omega is processing the information. After a few seconds, he speaks.
"My apologies. I do not talk to other beings often. When I do get ... overwhelmed with excitement and happiness."
Both Tails and Amy look at each other and then back at Omega. Not knowing how to feel, they just smile at the robot.
"It's ok buddy, you can come to talk to us whenever you want!"
Sonic swore to never read fanfiction again. Not after he read a smut fanfiction of him that included Tails and Knuckles. There were no tags and no content warning. And it just took a few sentences for him to run to the restroom and throw up in the toilet what he had for lunch and the day before too.
Not wanting to go throw the same pain again, he distanced himself from the fanfic world and his fandom overall. He would just post pictures of himself and food on his social media even though when would want to repost some fanart of him from time to time.
But ever since that fanfic weirdo posted "First Impressions" and now everyone is talking about it. And if he is being honest he is ... a bit curious about it.
Everyone is talking about it. From what he has heard from Knuckles, the story has currently 4 million views. It may not be big numbers but their Island does not even reach the 1 million population. Meaning that everyone on the Island has read First Impressions. Not only that but also other nearby or far away islands.
It's tempting. It really is. Especially after all the 'ShadAmy' merchandise that started to pop out. Unofficial of course. It is no wonder that everyone at the production of Sonic Boom wanted to push the ShadAmy agenda. After all, they could be making bank if they started to sell ShadAmy merch as well.
"I just don't get it," Sonic mutters to himself. "ShadAmy is so bad compared to SonAmy."
It has been a long day and he wants nothing but to sleep. It's been a busy week. He should be resting, next week the shooting of Sonic Boom will start and he is not ready. Physically that is because all this week he has been saving and helping some folks around the island. Sonic is not one to complain, this is his job as a hero but sometimes he just wishes he could sleep for an entire month. He was free time and suddenly Eggman starts to attack. Strangely enough, he never attacks during shooting time, maybe he is low-key a fan of the show himself. Even when a random dude in a costume is playing his part on the show.
Now all of this ShadAmy stuff ... he really needs a break.
When he finally arrives home, he goes to his mailbox to see if anything has arrived. He has recently participated in a casting for a movie and hopes to receive an answer soon.
The blue blur quickly opens his mailbox just to find fan letters and some bills. As he looks at them one by one, he walks inside his hut, closing the door behind him. He is going to throw all of the letters on his table so he could read them in the morning once he wakes up but he noticed a letter that caught his attention.
A black envelope, golden letters, and a wax stamp with a symbol of a crown with an emerald on the center. The symbol of the Acorn family.
To: The hero of the Seven Islands, Sonic the Hedgehog.
From: Sally Acorn, Princess of Acorn Island.
Amy did not know what to do with such juicy information. All she wants to do is go to Shadow and ask him all about it. When did he get feelings? When did he realize he had fallen in love? Does he personally know Princess Acorn?
Type Type Type
The keys on her laptop were used up. Almost impossible to see the letters. It does not matter too much since she has memorized all the keys.
She is almost done with her new chapter of "First Impressions" she just hopes it's good. This chapter did not have much romance. However, this chapter will work as a stepping stone to what's to come. She writes about Shadow and about how he is in love with a faraway princess and Amy, still has feelings for the blue bur.
The pink hedgehog stops for a minute. Was this too personal? Would people suspect? Nah. It should not be a problem. People tend to ship SonAmy and the only one who knows that Shadow likes Sally is her, Tails, and Omega and they don't read fanfiction.
Besides everything can be a coincidence. Right?
Amy falls into her sofa and puts her laptop on her face out of frustration. This is a good chapter. One that she is proud of but tragically, she feels like she is giving away too much information. Was this right? Trying to be kind to Shadow just to see what kind of information she can use for her fanfic?
She did not know what to do but she knew someone who could help.
Putting the laptop on the table and picking up her phone, she opens the app Xiscord and looks through her contacts. It's not like she has many friends. Mostly she is in SonAmy and now ShadAmy groups, although she doesn't talk much. She just enjoys reading other people's fics and fanarts. There she finds him.
ARoseWithoutThorns#0923: Hey, are u awake?"
Not even a minute passed and he answers immediately.
TheFanfictioner#: "Yeah just watching Breaking Evil and you?"
ARoseWithoutThorns: "I need help with something, like advice."
TheFanfictioner#0619: "Oh, well, I think I can help. What's up?"
With a big sigh, Amy starts typing on her laptop. She hopes that The Fanfictioner can give her some good advice. He may be a little bit dumb but he always knows what to say ... most of the time.
ARoseWithoutThorns#0619: "You see, I have a co-worker and I kinda dislike him. A LOT. But I am trying to get close to him because he reminds me of Shadow and I get inspired to write. I learned something personal and well ... I kinda want to use that for my fic."
After a few seconds, Amy sees that The Fanfictioner was taking a while a reply. The Xiscord only says "Typing" and that made her anxious for some reason.
TheFanfictioner#0619: "So, you are using the guy to write your fic?
ARoseWithoutThorns#0913: "Well ... yes. Is it wrong?"
More time passes between answers. Amy now knew for a fact that The Fanfictioner is most likely saying how she is a bad person and that she shouldn't be taking advantage of people like that. There is a small 'ring' sound on her laptop and she quickly changes tabs to see the message from The Fanfictioner.
TheFanfictioner#0619: "I don't think so? It's not like you doing anything wrong to him. You need personal experiences to write. I think that's something normal writers do. Besides it's not like he is going to know you are using him as an inspiration for Shadow."
Now it's a big relief. Besides its not like she is pretending to be Shadow's friend to get more information. Amy is sure that she has told Shadow multiple times that she hates him. If she is clear with him then there should not be a problem.
ARoseWithoutThorns#0913: "Yeah, you are right. I just overthink everything. Thank you."
TheFanfictioner#0619: "No problem Rose."
TheFanfictioner#0619: "You are ARoseWithoutThorns, right? I don't want to type all of that everything I refer to you. So Rose for short is better."
Amy did not mind nicknames. Actually, she is fond of them, like when Sonic calls her 'Ames' it is cute but someone using her last name as a nickname is not that appealing to her. Nonetheless, she does not mind as long as The Fanfictioner says it.
Before logging into her fanxfiction.com account to read the new comments on her new chapter, she replied to her online friend.
ARoseWithoutThorns#0913: "You are the one who is "The Fanfictioner", what I am supposed to call you? Fanfic? That's dumb."
TheFanfictioner#0619: "Come on, "The Fanfictioner" sounds cool af."
ARoseWithoutThorns#0913: "Yeah, for an edgy teen. I thought you were 23."
It has been weeks since they started chatting and they got to know a few things about each other. The Fanfictioner is a year older than her, he enjoys writing but mostly reading and reviewing fanfics. His job, where he lives, and all of those things were still unknown. And Amy did not care. Their friendship was based on pure admiration of one another and sharing the same interests. She wouldn't change it for anything.
TheFanfictioner#0619: "DON'T. YOU. DARE. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT."
ARoseWithoutThorns#0913: "From now on I'll call you ... Mr. Edge Lord"
TheFanfictioner#0619: "I regret meeting you. Goodbye."
ARoseWithoutThorns#0913: "DRAMA KING!!!"
After a few giggles and a little more talk, Amy is finally ready to post her new chapter. She just hopes she won't disappoint her readers. And before going to sleep, Amy logins into her writing account and clicks 'Publish' on fanxfiction.com.
Finally, the day to meet with the writers has arrived. Amy's phone is bombarded with notifications but she keeps it on silent. Everyone is in the meeting room. Tails, Knuckles, Sticks, Shadow, Mr. Jonhson, and the three writers. The only one missing is Sonic.
"It's not like Sonic to be late."
Actually, it is very like him to get late. At least for a few seconds. Due to his speed, he always tends to do things last minute because 'he can get anywhere in a few seconds.'
"We can't waste any time. We need to start recording right away," Mr. Johnson, the director, cues his writers and they start passing out the scripts for this new upcoming episode.
"Fine, but first let's see the script," Shadow says as Amy notices that his manager is not there with him. How strange. He is wearing sunglasses inside the room, very usual of him. However, Amy did not know if Shadow wears them because he sleeps late and he does not want anyone to see the dark circles under his eyes ... or just because he thinks he looks cool with them.
Probably the second option.
"Here it is."
All scripts were given to the actors and after a few minutes of reading, there started to be some concerns looks and questioning. They start to look at each other, trying to see if they were reading the same thing or if this is a prank.
" ... This is ..." Sticks is the first one to say something but before she could finish her sentence, Knuckles interrupts her.
If Amy could jump off a window right this moment she would. But they were on the first floor and there are no windows in this room. Maybe she is dreaming. Having a terrible, terrible nightmare.
"Yes!" Mr. Jonhson exclaims, smiling from ear to ear. "You said to get a better writer and we are! There is no better ShadAmy writer than the one who started the ShadAmy lore!"
"You got ARoseWithoutThorns to be a writer for Sonic Boom?" Tails asks.
Amy did not know how to feel. Should she feel happy that Tails knows about her fanfic? Or maybe vomit on the ground and pretend to die so they would cancel Sonic Boom forever.
"No, but we are!"
"Wait, wait ... You did not get the writer yet?" Shadow takes off his shades and puts them on the table. There is a different aura around him. Threatening, confident and demanding. "How do you plan to record this fanfic without the writer's permission?"
"That is the best part we don't have to!" the director stands up from his seat and starts to walk around the room. Almost twirling in circles as he explains his plan.
"Look, it's simple. We own all characters, stories and concepts of Sonic Boom. Technically, all fanarts and fanfictions are illegal ... If we wanted we could sue this person for writing with characters that they don't own."
"But they don't profit from their writing," Tails gives his five cents of knowledge about copyright claims. Is not his field of interest, but definitely knew that if the Sonic Boom show wanted, they could totally sue.
"But the website where they post does! So ... if we really wanted we could sue. Even if we don't win that is ok. Do you really think some fanfic writer could afford a lawsuit?"
Amy's mind starts to go crazy. It's probably melting right now and no one is realizing it because they are more concerned about acting for a fanfic story. Fanfic that she wrote. Some fanfic that she had no idea would become 'popular'. Now she is facing the consequences.
"I am surprised Sonic Boom can afford one."
"What are you trying to get with this?" Sticks speaks up as she looks at Knuckles who is already absorbed in the script, reading it in silence.
"Well, the writer has two options. Either they come to write for the Sonic Boom show or ... They can see us at court."
Shadow slams his fists onto the table. The sound makes everyone look at him, even Knuckles. He removes his sunglasses, revealing the dark circle under his eyes. Vermillion's eyes are terrifying and mesmerizing to look at.
"That is fucking evil," Shadow says as he points at the director and the writers who were looking pathetically afraid of the dark hedgehog.
"Look, I don't think you understand. The reason why this story is popular is that someone is writing this out of passion itself with no profit. The moment you start doing something because of money then all that passion goes away. It's not a hobby you do out of love but instead, it's a job you are forced to do."
Amy's heart begins to beat a little bit faster. He looks so confident and strong. He sounds genuine, it's not just something that offends him. It is something he ... Shadow is passionate about. Something he is willing to fight for.
"Also, I fucking hate it when big companies try to profit from individuals that are not harming anyone with the content they create," seeing how scared everyone is of him, he falls back into his chair. He should not be too concerned as long as he is clear that he won't act on this farse.
"I won't act on it unless I know for sure that the writer is ok with writing on the Sonic Boom show."
"Shadow..." Amy could only think of him now. Surprised to see this different ... and very kind side of him. It made her admire him just a tiny little bit more. Maybe he is not so bad after all.
There is a loud BAM coming from the entrance of the room. It is no other than the blue bur. Giving everyone a smile and entering like he owns the place. He has a thing for perfect timing and Amy feels like she is saved again by her hero.
"Well, that's going to have to wait," Sonic says as he walks around the large table. Shadow rolls his eyes in annoyance, to him Sonic has bad timing.
"Pack up everyone we are going on a trip!" He stands behind Amy and places his hands on her shoulders, gaining a small blush from the pink hedgehog. Shadow just huffs in silence without anyone noticing.
"You can't! We have to start recording!" The director screams at Sonic who quickly runs and stands in front of him.
"Section 4, page 26 of our contract says 'All Sonic Boom actors are renowned heroes and therefore, their hero duties come first. All show productivity will come to a pause whenever the heroes are called for duty."
The blue bur reaches behind his quills and pulls a black envelope. Tails want to question his actions but he thought that would be better for another time.
"And yesterday I received a letter from the one and only princess Sally Acorn," he places the letter on the table. From afar, Shadow immediately recognizes Sally's signature. It is her handwriting. For a moment he stops breathing.
"She wants us to escort and serve as bodyguards for an important diplomatic event."
"Does that mean-" Sticks could not even finish her sentence as she is happy at the possibility of exploring a new island.
"Yes," Sonic says. "We are all going to Acorn Island!"
There is another loud sound. This time is coming from Knuckles who slammed his heavy script against the table. His phone is in his hand, and he seems to be extremely worried about what is on it.
"Would everyone shut up? I am trying to read First Impressions' new chapter!
For now, Amy does not have to worry about becoming a writer for the Sonic Boom show.
But she takes a quick look at Shadow. He is good at hiding them. His feelings that is. But he is nervous. He silently taps the floor with his right foot. His arms are crossed and his nose wrinkles every few seconds.
"He is totally in love," Amy thought. "He is in love ... and I can totally use this for my fanfic!"
A/N: No. I do not care for grammar and spelling mistakes I do not have time to fix the issues :D anyways I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. Is just twist after twist right? We shall see what happens in the next chapter? See you soon!!!
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tillyalf427 · 7 months
Characters: Akutagawa Gin, Paul Verlaine
Additional Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, Menstruation, Platonic relationships, Sparring
Verlaine was by no means stupid, sure he had never received a formal education having been created in a lab, but he knew all manner of things about human behaviour and psychology.
So why on earth could he not work out what was going on with his latest mentee sent by Mori?
Not even gonna lie, I'm obsessed with the idea of verlaine being kinda clueless about things like boiii
And I reckon between him and rimbaud they probs didn't have a lot of contact with people other than each other so I feel like verlaine probably never learnt what periods are and then Moris like hey can you train these to girls to be assassins and he's like yeah sure lol and then this happens 😂
Anyway, theres not a lot of plot to this just kinda verlaine being a little clueless cos I love him.
I suppose it can be treated as crack taken seriously but I was completely serious whilst writing this 😂
Verlaine wouldn't consider himself stupid by any means. Sure he had never had a proper education, what with his time in the lab and all that. But he had a fair amount of knowledge of humans and how they worked, and a decent understanding of psychology and people's motivations for their actions.
So why on earth could he not work out what was wrong with his most recent mentee?
Akutagawa Gin was the most recent mafiosi to be sent to him from the boss, with the simple instructions to train her as an assassin to eventually work alongside the black lizard squad.
Although the girl didn't have an ability, she had shown a fair amount of talent and skill in the short few months he had been training her. In fact, for the first time ever, he didn't mind his training sessions with someone sent by Mori, Gin was quick to learn and even quicker to correct mistakes the minute they had been pointed out. It was clear that she had the desire to win at whatever cost, and it showed through the effort she put into her training sessions.
However today, something was off, and he couldn't quite work out what.
Her movements were more sluggish than usual, lacking the usual grace and elegance that seemed to come naturally for her. And he had noticed from the minute she entered the training room how she looked paler than usual with dark circles underneath her eyes.
And although he had taken note of these things, he figured it was best not to bring them up unless she initiated the conversation lest she turn defensive and refused to tell him.
He had almost been willing to let the strange behaviour slide until they had ended up in their current situation.
Gin had completely missed him when she had come at him with her knife and he had managed to twist the blade out of her hand, switching their roles and pressing it quickly against her throat in a movement as swift as you would expect from a trained assassin. Gin froze in place, breathing even as she stood still as a statue, waiting for Verlaine to release the pressure on the blade now that she had been defeated.
He didn't remove the blade however, instead being quick to ask
"What on earth has gotten into you today? You'll be the first one killed if you act like this on a mission,"
He hadn't expected the growl that slipped from Gin's throat at his words and had only briefly managed to predict the swift kick aimed towards his knees, jumping back to avoid the hit .
If he'd have looked closer, he would've noticed the red flush on Gin's face as she headed to get a drink and if he'd have had more knowledge on life itself maybe he could've figured out the situation without pressing. Unfortunately, the whole scenario had him baffled.
He hadn't noticed any clear injuries, Gin hadn't been moving stiffly or in any way to avoid aggravating an injury so surely it couldn't be that, although he supposed she had looked paler than usual. Perhaps she was ill?
Deep in thought, he twirled Gin's knife in his fingers, having forgotten to give it her back when she had gone to kick him. He approached her now however, holding the handle of the knife out towards her.
She glanced up warily, and he noticed the way her hand trembled when she took the knife off him, returning it to its place hidden amongst her clothes.
And this was the part where Verlaine's skills were lacking. Tact had never been his strong suit, his words often blunt and lacking compassion. It had been something that Rimbaud had tirelessly corrected him on however, he never saw the need for sugarcoated words when his job was to kill as quickly and as efficiently as possible. What use was it to comfort someone before slicing their neck?
Now was one of those moments however where he could sense the fragility of the situation. They weren't close by any means, he was simply training her to survive in the mafia, nothing more. However he couldn't justify letting her train if she was injured or otherwise not on top form. That would be asking for trouble.
"Gin?" She glanced up apprehensively, steel grey meeting honey, giving away no hints of her thoughts. "What's wrong with you today?"
The fury that flashed in her eyes was unexpected, but what was more unexpected was the way she stood quickly, brushing past him to stand in the middle of the training room once more.
"Nothing's wrong, lets get on with it," her voice was filled with venom and Verlaine was left reeling trying to work out what he had said wrong.
He came up blank, instead joining her once more. If he noticed the grimace on her face, he didn't say anything, instead challenging her to try and take him down once more without him predicting her movements.
It took exactly 2 minutes and 45 seconds longer than usual for Gin to land a hit on him, not that he was counting. But when it came for the mafia, every second was precious. A single second could be the difference between life and death and he needed Gin to be aware of that.
"Enough," his voice echoed in the room and Gin froze where she had been preparing to send a punch his way. "I'm calling it a day, you're going to get injured at this rate,"
He could sense the protests before they even began, fixing a look towards her that dared her to argue with him
"Unless you want to tell me what on earth is wrong with you? If I find out you've been hiding an injury of any sort, you'll be training twice as long the minute you're fully healed," he turned to leave the practice room, footsteps echoing in the quiet of the room "I'll see you tomorrow, unless you are injured, then don't even think about it," Without further words, he reached the door before Gin's voice interrupted his movements.
"Wait," It was quiet after that and he did as she had requested, waiting and turning to look at her with one hand still resting on the door handle. A part of him was concerned by the red flush covering her face, maybe she was coming down with a fever? But he stayed quiet, waiting for her to elaborate further.
"Sorry, I'm just off my game today," she spoke quietly. He waited for further explanation but none came
"That much I can see, care to explain why?"
And this was when he became genuinely concerned, the flush had began travelling down her neck, a bright crimson against her pale skin, it definitely looked like some sort of fever.
"I..." Well that was new, in the months of working with Gin, he had never once heard her stutter. Sure she was quiet, but the few words she did speak were always confident and sure. "I ran out of medication- and I'm on my period because of it,"
And oh.
Well that was quite the shock. People didn't tend to admit their weaknesses to anyone in the mafia, knowing it could be used against them. But he had already predicted Gin was ill with something. He could safely say he had ever heard of this particular illness though...
"What do you need medication for? If you're ill the best way to get better would be to rest, not to show up to training,"
The silence in the room was so tense it could be cut with a knife. Gin's face was still red however, her eyes were analysing now, figuring out the situation and how to proceed.
Primarily, she was figuring out whether Verlaine was messing with her.
"An illness?" She couldn't keep the sheer surprise out of her voice when she asked him this, hoping for some sort of clarification.
Verlaine hummed.
"You've been out of it all day, not focussed, pale, you look like you haven't slept well. They're all clear signs of illness. And what else would you need medication for?"
And of all the things she had expected to come out of this shitty, awful day, finding out that her mentor didn't know what periods were was not on the list.
"Do you not know what periods are?" Gin was hesitant to ask, embarrassment fuelling her discomfort in this current situation.
"Should I?"
An okay, that was a little bit funny. Gin couldn't hold back the quiet laugh that escaped her at his words. It wasn't often that Verlaine said anything funny, ever the serious mentor, determined to pass on his knowledge and nothing more but this.
It was enough to make her forget the discomfort she was currently in, heading over to grab her stuff before brushing past Verlaine who still stood near the door.
"It's nothing," she was glad for the mask covering half her face or he would have seen the amused smile on her face. It would have ruined her image but she couldn't hold it back at the situation "Nothing serious anyway, I'll see you tomorrow,"
With that, she left the room to head for a shower, currently very appreciative of the newly renovated training rooms in the mafia basement with powerful showers and spacious changing rooms.
Verlaine was left watching the direction Gin had disappeared to, head running through what had just happened.
When he eventually snapped out of his thoughts, he returned to his room, eyes glancing across the various book titles he had laying around. When none immediately caught his attention, he turned towards the computer that had been set up for him to keep in contact with the boss without Mori having to traipse down to the basement.
Although for once he wasn't contacting the boss, instead, he opened his email, typing in the recipient box one that he didn't use often before writing out a message.
Hello Chuuya,
I was just writing to ask a question that has been brought up during training today.
What are periods?
Many thanks,
With that he pressed send, unknowing of the ammused chaos he had just caused within the mafia.
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yukiranine · 2 years
(Referring to last ask) Yes pls give me every single of your opinions on zhongli i devour anything related to that man
*breathes in* you are so terrible to be enabling me like this, anon Anyway here are my hot takes: 1. People need to draw Zhongli with silk flowers much more so than with glaze lilies. Glaze lilies are Guizhong’s signature flower, so unless the work is him contemplating Guizhong, I feel like it shouldn’t have them when it's a Zhongli centric work- where his signature flowers are silk flowers (as noted in Customs of Liyue). 
Speaking of which, I think it’s interesting bc while glaze lilies are very fragile flowers that need extra care to be taken care of similar to people that have not much “use” besides being gorgeous, silk flowers are multipurpose: can be used to spun silk, extracted into perfume, and can be used in desserts as it is naturally sweet. So while Guizhong’s flower is a seemingly useless but ephemeral flower that blooms at the sound of music, Zhongli’s is a pragmatic one with many uses. It feels like it represents their characters well, and my headcanon is that Zhongli used to not appreciate glaze lilies as much, but have come fond of them similar to his love for mortals- which Guizhong teaches him about. 2. His non-canon animal should be a tortoise, not a rabbit. Idk where to even start with this one??? How did people decide to keep drawing him as a bunny??? Is it bc he has 2 ahoges or like bunnies were common animal tropes in MDZS idk like he’s so much a tortoise- slow, old, wise, defense based, like its all there and when I’m done drawing the stuff I’m drawing, I’m drawing TortoLi and it will just be for myself bc I’m gonna get resounding boos. 3. ALSO another thing I need to draw is a fluffy Zhongli bc he’s theoretically also half qilin and not afraid of the cold. It’s cute to see him freezing in the cold but adeptus in general are less affected by temperature. Fighting anyone who thinks he gets cold like a lizard (ง •̀_•́)ง (However I’m super fond of Zhongli accepting Childe’s scarf in the cold because he thinks its cute that Childe cares for him and feels rude to not take the gesture of goodwill [but if Childe seems too cold then he will return it]) 4. Another headcanon I have is that Zhongli has the ability to see the memory of stone just like Azhdaha, as Zhongli was the one to give Azhdaha his eyes in the first place. I think it gives an extra layer for why Zhongli is so fond of gems, because he can also see how much effort and skill is put into certain ones and ofc he’d love to have those memories for himself- the memories of the culture and work of his people.
5. I just really want a training domain that you can test dmg for- or just a weekly boss domain for Zhongli.  But like its the most tedious, boring boss fight ever. You get dragged into his domain that looks like its in the clouds/mountains where the opening cutscene is him sitting down at a table and drinks tea. Which isn't bad until you realize he opens up with a 100mill HP shield. While you're in tears chucking down in vain at his shield bar, he's monologuing and correcting various Liyue tales like cycling through 10 or so of them thats randomized but each one is a good 5min monologue of voiced text. Nothing else goes on, just senior citizen ASMR. Theres only 2 ways to beat him: a) let him finish talking b) destroy his shield + reduce his hp to zero (he has like 1bill hp) Where he just simply leaves after he’s done talking or you beat him. Leyline pops up and you win! So on one hand! You can listen to him or go afk!! But on the other hand whales can show off their big pp dmg. But that's it. Thats his fight.
Anyways thanks for reading my long rant about my controversial thoughts for Zhongli
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mochipon-vt · 8 months
i just wanna say to the vtuber space (and ig any online or otherwise space), mostly bc i saw a post from someone on twitter saying how bad the vtuber space is RIGHT NOW but this goes like.. as a general rule ALL the time: u have GOT to curate ur spaces.
the online/content creator/streamer/vtuber space/communities is not any different than it's ever been. there is ALWAYS going to be drama, bad/hot takes from people too terminally online to think critically on any matter ever, inevitable parasocial relationships, people who for some reason think they can dictate what counts as a 'real vtuber' (or creator) or not and unfortunately, frequent call-out posts bc for some reason we've gotten to the point where people can't resolve or step away from things behind the scenes anymore and think it's a better idea to rally their fans to 'resolve' issues.
PLEASE. make your space fit for YOU. it doesn't matter what space ur in online or irl, if something feels negative and harmful, u have got to learn how to not allow it within your space or correct behaviors of ur own to not engage with stuff that doesn't feel beneficial.
stop doomscrolling socials; there's always drama in one form or another and socials are preying on u via rage baiting or drama baiting to get u worked up enough to engage with it. it. will. burn. u. out. i promise. (i had to step away from tiktok bc it's so toxic it was eating my life away and making me feel awful.. i miss the fun but it's so Yuck).
be wary of who u associate with. i would think by now it's fairly well known there's a lot of bad actors within content creator spaces (quite frankly, i've not had many 1 on 1 interactions with a lot of other creators and just about ALL of them have been bad..) don't blindly trust anyone and everyone and don't ignore even the smallest red flag if something feels off about someone. there's been far too many abusers and creeps in these spaces to not be wary of even the nicest appearing people.
please, PLEASE do not pay attention to people's rude, negative and nonsense comments. if ur not doing anything that's harmful or hurting urself or others, who fucking cares what kinda vtuber u are, what opinions u have about this or that, what things u like or dislike OR IF UR SINGLE OR NOT. there are NO RULES to how u create ur vtuber or space. do whatever is fun for u and brings u joy. i promise u, there is an audience out there for EVERYONE. don't try to squish yourself in a box to cater to people who don't care enough about u to even be kind. ignore them, block them and move on.
don't bring any further attention to them bc often that's exactly what they want and in this environment where no one knows how to NOT DOX, HARASS AND THREATEN PEOPLE, even if u think ur community could never be capable of that, there's always gonna be at least one person who might not be so obviously reasonable enough to not attack someone else for negative comments online. unless ur being actively threatened, just don't engage, don't bring attention to it, move on.
that goes for any interaction ur not comfortable with as well. u do not have to put up with people who don't make u feel safe and comfortable. it doesn't matter if what they did was a 'little' offense or not, u can block them if it makes u comfortable. (this is something i struggle with sometimes as well bc i'm too nice to people;) this obviously includes parasocial relationships as well.
unfortunately, i'm not sure if there's a perfect answer for avoiding parasocial relationships other than often reminding ur community that u do not want to be viewed or interacted with that way but that of course is not a guaranteed deterrent. really, all anyone can do is hope they're doing their best to communicate well and staying safe.
everything else that was mentioned was basically the cost, time and effort it takes to be a vtuber and really, any kind of hobby/content creation is going to take all of these things. if u want to be a video creator or editor, if u want to be an artist making videos or gallery content, if u want to do cosplay/pottery/metalsmithing/skateboarding/photography etc, everything is going to cost at the very least the price of materials or equipment plus whatever extra u want to use to make ur particular content 'unique'. programs, assets, editing labor from others, etc.
video and streaming content is probably on the higher end of expensive hobbies but that's bc u need good/a lot of equipment to handle running a stream, games, a camera, interactive programs, (for vtubers) a model; not to mention if ur not an artist and want a good/higher end model/assets/overlays and tracking, models and tracking equipment gets very expensive the more professional u get.
with all that being noted, pls know.. by no means is a lot of money needed to START vtubing. don't be fooled into thinking anyone who's established or well off today started that way. EVERYONE started with low cost or budget things and many, even multiple channels till the one they have currently stuck. if it's something that interests u and u feel capable of handling negative experiences when they happen (bc they will happen but i promise, u get better at handling them and standing up for the values of ur space) don't be deterred by veterans in the space saying how bad the environment of it all is 'currently'. it can be very fun/rewarding when u get to a point of familiarity and 'success' (whatever defines success for u).
the nature of any online spaces have always been and always will be the way it is (the internet is HUGE; this one teeny tiny isolated bubble in it's particular problems and drama compared to everything outside of it), u just have to figure out a way to separate urself from the negatives and curate ur specific bubble of space to ur liking and hold ur audience and followers to the same standards.
if the cost and work it takes to do this seems like it's not for u but u already participate in enjoying others for entertainment, pls make sure to give them a lil extra appreciation bc it IS a lot of work at times. setting up and troubleshooting fun things for interactivity alone is a lot of work but also if someone is working on failing or faulty equipment and still trying to keep things going for y'all, it can be really draining and stressful to depend on unreliable equipment interfering with plans and schedules.
as for whoever was upset on twitter over things, i am truly sorry they feel stressed and burnt out from what they do. i think some of it is a collective 'online too much and the nature of socials is forming bad habits in everyone' and just a 'it's okay to take breaks sometimes. it doesn't have to be grind, time all the time'. obviously that becomes a bit more difficult to come to grips w/ if u rely on vtubing for income but breaks are needed nonetheless.
but i don't think it's the 'space' of anything being the definitive 'bad' (yes, there is a lot of bad happening all the time and it should not be but if anyone waited for the collective cleansing of online as a whole before they did anything, no one would ever start anything bc it's not going to happen) bc i don't see much different in how things are/now than any other spaces at any other time.
i, personally, simply cannot take seeing call-outs and drama coverage of some new abusive creep in the space every single day and i choose to try to stay out of it as much as i can (other than becoming familiar with names that may need to be avoided) bc it does pull u down a rabbit hole of anxiety and despair to see so much yuck happening within a space that u want to be positive, wholesome and fun.
anyway, i thought i'd just say something on this cos it's not the first time i've seen people say 'THE VTUBER SPACE IS BAD' bc of xyz but it's the same stories u see all over. the internet is just oversaturated and bad. manifest and maintain your peace and have fun
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lethargical-lily · 2 years
I'm not really into Heavens Officials Blessing Fandom or well not yet, but.....
Can I get the First Years with Male!Hua Cheng!S/O?
TWST First Years x Hua Cheng!Yuu
I did my best with him, his main personality trait is just simping for Xie Lian unrelated but you are gonna love the show bro
♥️Ace Trappola♥️
why does his last name look like spaghetti
ANYWAYS I feel like at first he would jokingly try to show his dominance over you
You're an attractive guy with long hair, a mysterious eyepatch, muscles, and you're just taller than him
Every dude in school is all over you whether it's for romantic reasons, they want the clout of being your friend, or they want your exercise routine
Ace at first thinks his feelings towards you is envy since you get a lot of attention (and are crazy powerful like wtf) but after some thinking on it he realizes it's jealousy
Instead of confronting it he just pushes it way down and pretends it does not exist because he refuses to come to terms with the fact that he likes you
If say (god forbid) Xie Lian didn't exist in your original world then Hua Cheng would treat Ace like he would Xie Lian
Ace is not used to this in the slightest
You treat him like a piece of treasure, yet Ace is shoving as many pieces of gum as he can in his mouth because Deuce dared him
Both you and Ace actually have very similar attitudes, you don't do things for others unless it's for your benefit or it's for someone you know well and are fond of in some way
This makes your relationship to each other incredibly loyal and Ace appreciates that he's found someone who can see deeper than what he shows people and actively reciprocates it
You're always on Ace's side even if he's clearly in the wrong or just being stupid
You would help him fight Riddle no doubt
When (not if) Ace gets into a fight he always threatens people by saying something along the lines of "You wouldn't mind if I brought my buddy Hua Cheng right?"
Everyone scrambles
Those who don't are sent to the infirmary in 10 seconds or less
Magic and stuff works very differently in your separate worlds so I don't know how much help you would be to him when it comes to teaching but Ace likes to watch the stuff you make
His favorite is probably Blood Rain just because it seems so menacing but it does literally nothing
♠️Deuce Spade♠️
refer to Ace Trappola
JK but I can't deny I do feel like there are a couple similar traits here
The biggest one being loyalty, they're both very loyal boys but Deuce is more outwardly with it and is still willing to help others he doesn't know very well
You admire his efforts in his studies and just in everything he does overall
he may not be amazing at everything he does but he always gives it 100% and you love that about him
You're aware of his efforts to not pick fights with people so whenever you feel that may be happening you just gently put your hand on his shoulder, nudge him to the side a bit, and fight the person for him
You have no reason to keep a reputation in tact so may as well go nuts while ensuring your BF doesn't get in trouble
To Deuce this feels like the ultimate form of you showing your love
And it kind of is lol
Remember that scene where deuce thought that store bought eggs had baby chicks in them
Yeah that but you just smile at him and say nothing
Ace will have to be the one to correct him eventually
You would still somehow defend Deuce
It's still a recurring argument in the friend group
🐺Jack Howl🐺
He looks up to you like he looks up to Riddle
if you haven't read the vignette he basically respects Riddle since he puts in the hard work to get what he wants and doesn't take shortcuts
Don't know how much that personality trait applies to you but you're someone who came from a hard knock life and now you're one of the most powerful in your world (probably in their world too let's be honest)
If you thought ADeuce was loyal OH BOY you're in for a treat because this man will not leave your side unless he has to
Obviously if he thinks you may not be okay with him constantly by you're side he'll leave but if you like him as much as you like Xie Lian you'd be begging him not to
From an outsiders perspective looking in, your relationship is both somewhat hard to read but also tooth rotting sweet
Jack tries to put on a tough boy persona around everyone but is actually very sweet and loves affection, while one of the most intimidating people in school is all over him like he would die without him
This makes jacks face so red and leaves his tail constantly wagging
I feel like you'd just walk up behind him and grab his tail to spook him
This makes his ears perk up cutely
Jack is so used to being someone who's physically stronger than others so the moment you pick him up bridal style with no restraint leaves him floored
he tells you to put him down so he doesn't have to admit he likes it
You can tell by the tail though so you do it any chance you get when you're alone
He likes the butterflies that you create
They're so bright and beautiful and he has butterflies in his stomach when you make them fly around him and land on the tips of his ears or nose
🍎Epel Felmier🍎
you would bond over something very unlikely
like carving
he carves you apples, and you give him life sized statues of him in hyper realistic detail
Something about it creeps him out but in a good way
You would probably carve them in such a way that it gave him a bit more muscle
that's probably why he subconsciously likes them so much
Vil is jealous his first year managed to get such an attractive and dedicated peer before he did
he constantly asks you for tips on how to be more manly
you probably say some crap like "You're already the manliest man I know🥰"
He appreciates the self-esteem building but sometimes he would prefer if you took it a little more seriously
If he wanted to, you would probably help him get on an exercise regimen to build more muscle so he can get that ManlyTM aesthetic
Vil isn't against bettering oneself but if he finds out Epel is trying to build heavy bulk or something he would confront you
You would either tell Vil the truth but defend Epel or just lie to Vil about your plans
You defend Epel against a lot of things
Vil wants to unalive you at this point but then he'd ruin his clothes
You two are like the meme where Person A is trying to fight Person C but Person B is right behind them threatening Person C if they do
Epel thinks people are afraid of him and this gives him a confidence boost
Seeing him happy makes you happy
I don't know why but I feel like if you guys were play fighting and you just picked him up and threw him it would make him happy
He's always running up to you asking to be thrown like a kid in a pool
⚡Sebek Zigvolt⚡
This is giving me strong "I had to get a support dog for my support dog" vibes on Malleus' part
You like to bother him 24/7 and Sebek pretends like he doesn't like it and is always yelling at you while you just stand there like :)
It makes him flustered that someone is willing to not only put up with a part of him so many find annoying but embrace it too
You don't understand his obsession with Malleus but you can relate to having someone you care for so deeply you'd do anything for them
Sebek has a hard time seeing himself that way since his entire life has basically been for Malleus but he can't say he doesn't appreciate it
In the beginning of getting to know each other he thinks you're another lowly human
When you make the sky start bleeding he starts to wonder if he should've retracted that statement sooner
Knight training together?
Knight training together
He may have been training his whole life to be a knight but you have like 800+ years experience he has much to learn from you
Eventually I think he would view you as someone equivalent to Lilia which if you're not already aware is an incredibly high honor in his eyes
Which makes him all the more flustered when out of anyone you chose him to court
If he does that thing where he says something nice to you in a very loud and formal voice you would hold the exact same energy
This happens a lot
Everyone knows that when it starts they need to cover their ears for the next 5 minutes or so
I think Malleus truly does appreciate Sebek's loyalty to him but sometimes he needs a break so he's very happy that you provide that for him by keeping Sebek distracted
His eyes are so pretty please compliment them
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carriereedwrites · 3 years
Listen... this shouldn't be hard, people. But, starting a book really is one of THE hardest things to do.
The thought is daunting, the process overwhelming. The whole thing is enough to make giving up seem like the easiest route.
But, did Frodo give up on his journey to take the One Ring back to Mordor?
So, I figured it'd be easier to start with the naughty no-nos. One, because it's funny (and I think I'm pretty funny). Two, because you need to know what's incorrect before you can value what IS correct. Let's get started.
Warning: this is gonna be a rant. You've been warned.
Stare at your blank page and freak out
We've all been here. Anxiety creeps in and your Imposter Syndrome whispers in that creepy voice, "Yoooouu suuuckk baaallllsss." Tell that mother fucker IT SUCKS BALLS.
Don't freak out. Don't show weakness. Show that fucking blank page or word document who the hell is in charge around here. Write, damn it!
Who cares if it sucks? It's your first draft. IT'S GOING TO SUCK.
Get stuck world building for four years and have yet to write a single sentence
I get it. I'm guilty of this, too. You have this SUUUPERR AWESOME UNIQUE world in your head that demands you put all of your creative effort in to and by Gandalf's Beard, YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BRING IT TO LIIIFFEEE.
Reality Check: it shouldn't take you more than a few months to get everything down. Everything important, anyways. Unless you work a full time job, go to school or parent tiny demons from hell, world building shouldn't take you YEARS going on a DECADE.
Neither should writing books. I'm looking at you, Georgie Boy. #iykyk
Convince yourself that you haven't bought the right pen, notebook or found the right writing software to express yourself with
My secret shame. Oh, the shame. My super secret shame? I still convince myself of this.
The only way to get around this is to just fucking do it and make do with what you got. It won't please your brain. It'll be angry, wrathful even, and badger you relentlessly like a Nazgul. But, you have to trick it in order to get to Bree-- I MEAN, in order to start your story.
Listen, listen, listen... literally... this is what pen names (or Nom de Plumes, for you fancy writers) are for. You don't have to think of one right this moment. But, pressure off, guys. C'mon.
Also, as much as we would like our loved ones' support, they don't always "get" it, and think this is a hobby or passing fancy and not take it as seriously as you do.
What you should do is surround yourself with like-minded people or people who support you even if they don't "get" being a writer. It's those people who's unconditional love will get you through the hardest of times.
And my favorite: You will never be able to write like [insert revered author of all time here]
Shaddup. Just... shaddup. You will NEVER write like the authors you admire. That's. The. Fucking. Point.
YOU are YOU. Your responsibility as an artist is to breathe new life into old hats. Or some obscure inspirational bullshit like that. Readers will love what you write because it's uniquely YOU. Readers appreciate fresh, new takes on the same old tropes.
And if you're trying to emulate a classic author like Ol' JRR, you can't. We may still enjoy his stories today, but he wrote in a different time with different genre expectations (as in... he literally pioneered the genre... like... it's kind of hard to do in today's world. Not impossible, mind you. Just really freaking hard).
And that's it. My list on how to not start a book. Sorry, this one was a little aggressive, but... ya'll need to get aggressive. Writers can be a sensitive bunch that often need a good kick in the behind to get past those nasty blocks.
What are your resons for not starting a book? What have I missed? What are some of the ways you've gotten past the first sentence? Let me know!
~ Happy Writing, Ya'll ~
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
I am working on my Blackbonnet fic that's basically Blackbeard raids a port and he's offered a wife of his choosing in return for leaving them in peace and he's like yeah sure that sounds fun and then picks Stede who is just. he does not know what to do. with any of this, really. and then has to face down the idea that this pirate might just end up RAVAGING HIM, after all, isnt that why a pirate like him would pick a wife?
but anyway, here's some excerpts. i'm probably not gonna post it until it's nearly done, i have far too many abandoned wips, but i do need some dopamine so please tell me what you think because i really do feel i have nailed stede's voice and i'm pretty proud of myself
"He's already married," Mary pipes up. "You can't have him." It's a noble effort. He's surprised she even cares so much as to try and keep him from being taken as a captive by Blackbeard himself.  "Hardly matters on the sea," Blackbeard says. "In fact, anything goes once you're on the sea." He never takes his piercing gaze from Stede, never looks away and barely blinks.  "I'm not going to let you run off with my husband and do God knows what with him!" Mary puffs up and Stede really does admire her bravery, even if he thinks she really should stop it.  "It's all right, Mary," he soothes. "You'll be just fine without me." He puts on a firm smile and tries to put out of his mind the implications of everything both Blackbeard and Mary said. "The request was I go willingly and in return, they leave Bridgetown in peace, forever. Correct?"  "Mhmmm." Blackbeard's voice rumbles, low and sultry, and Stede valiantly tries to ignore the way that feels. "You have my word as captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge." Stede nods. "Then we have an accord." He tries to exude more confidence than he feels. "May I have a moment to say goodbye to my family?"  Blackbeard shrugs. "We've got shit to finish up here and since you're coming willingly, you can take your time." His eyebrows raise. "Within reason."
this is from chapter one
then chapter two:
He's just been taken captive by the infamous pirate Blackbeard -- the Blackbeard -- the most dreaded pirate on the seven seas, the actual terror of the deep, and worse still he isn't just taken captive, he's been taken as-- as-- as a wife. A wife! Stede is a married man. He knows what being a wife entails (and truly, he does pity Mary, he knows neither of them wanted any of that, but they did get two beautiful children out of the equation in the end, which is better than nothing) and that usually involves--  Blackbeard keeps looking at him. His eyes keep lingering on his clothes. Does he plan to take them off him? Does he have intentions already? Did he pick Stede because-- because out of all the options on the dock, Stede is the one he wanted to ravage? He feels a little faint. He's heard things -- after all, he did go to boarding school, it's hard to avoid at least a little knowledge of what goes on between teenage boys with too many hormones and not enough girls in sight -- and not all of those things sound-- Well, a lot of them sound interesting. He's always thought so! But-- but-- they also sound like being ravaged by the dreaded pirate Blackbeard might be-- Well, it might be unpleasant, is what he's thinking. It's not that he thinks it's always unpleasant, he sincerely doubts it makes a lick of sense for boys -- and men, he supposes -- to do it willingly if it's always an awful experience, but that's the point, isn't it? The willingly part, compared to whatever the hell is going on here, which he doesn't think is going to be willing at all! He only realizes he's been overthinking every last inch of what he's just done when he catches Blackbeard staring at him. He's led him halfway into the bowels of the ship, halfway to what Stede is assuming are his cabin, unless he intends to keep him in the brig like the world's most disobedient pet. He thinks he's been rather obedient so far, following Blackbeard like a puppy he just picked up at market.  He's still overthinking.
and then the chapter i'm working on rn:
Eventually, in a moment when he has his ear pressed to the wooden door, the footsteps get closer and closer and he realizes at the last moment they're outside of his door and then he nearly falls right out into the corridor when the door is suddenly whipped open and the short pirate stands in front of him, looking furious. "You are to dine with Blackbeard in his cabin," the pirate says.  Stede can only assume it's dinner time. "Oh! Well, righto then," he says, putting on a smile. "That's the cabin right out there, yes?" The face of the pirate before him darkens. "If you try anything," he warns, "I will skin you slowly over the course of three weeks and feed each individual strip of your pathetic skin to the nearest seagulls." Stede gags at the imagery his words conjure. "That's a little vivid a description, I really could have been intimidated solely by a promise of a prolonged, torturous death, but I accept your warning. I will keep my hands to myself!" The pirate pauses and eyes him like he's about to say something, but then changes his mind.
and this:
Izzy leaves the cabin, letting the door shut behind him, and Stede stands awkwardly, unsure what to do with himself, until Blackbeard stands, setting his pipe aside, and steps towards him.  "I don't think we were properly introduced," he says, and Stede resists the urge to point out he technically took him captive, "I'm Edward." He extends his hand to shake.  Stede shakes, albeit nervously. "Stede," he says. "Stede Bonnet." "Sit." Black-- Edward says when he takes his hand back, using it to gesture at the table. There's stuff flung somewhat haphazardly nearby, which Stede suspects was once adorning the table. He wonders where Bl-- Edward ate before, if he just sat in his chair to eat or if he ate with the crew or on the deck.  Stede sits carefully, especially once he realizes the table is actually a desk, with nowhere to put his knees, holding himself tensely and looking around. "I, ah, I like your cabin," he says, which isn't a lie, so he supposes that's a good start. "The windows are very, um. Well they're very nice! Stained glass. You have excellent taste." Edward pauses briefly, halfway to sitting down at the opposite end of the table. He finishes his descent and puts one foot up on the only unoccupied chair, the brace around his knee glinting in the candlelight. "It's not like I designed the ship," Edward says. "I stole it, innit?" "Right, yes," Stede agrees, possibly a little too fast, "but you still chose to steal it! And you didn't get rid of the windows or anything once it was yours. So... clearly you have good taste." "Mm."
okay there we go thank you for your attention
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clown-cult · 2 years
I don’t know if you read about the newest interview but the director admitted that rin was young and that he was troubled on how childlike she was. He also said that putting rin near the twins she does not look mother like at all. But one thing that caught my attention from the interview was that he mention that he tried to make rin eyes narrow in the last episode so she would appear adult like. I remember antis making comparisons saying that anime kids are usually designed to have larger eyes whereas adult characters are made to have narrow eyes. So rin was purposely designed to look childlike in the anime. Rin was not a petite woman at all like shipper love to preach she was designed to be childlike and everyone who worked on that sequel knew.
I did read this, anon, you’re absolutely correct. I almost feel bad for these people because they’ll voice and admit concerns that problematic aspects in their show (Sesshomaru’s neglectful parenting, Rin’s age) and then immediately pedal it back and try to justify it in an effort to save face. No, sorry guys, it’s not normal for grown women to act childish and more like a kid than their actual kids…unless they’re a very young teen mother, of course 🙄 And don’t even get me started on them trying to justify Sesshomaru abandoning the baby twins as a good thing “all kids could benefit from being left alone at times!” Yeah, when they’ve just graduated and moved out. Not when they’re still incapable of walking or speech. Jackasses. Just admit your show was bad, there’s more dignity in it than trying to make the nonsensical make sense.
As for the “she’s a petite woman and you guys are body-shaming!” argument. I have a headache so I’m not going to into a lengthy comparison breakdown of statistics but I am going to give you guys some stuff to work with and form your own analysis around.
Let’s start with a chart of some of our female characters heights and weight if known.
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They’re all pretty consistent and paint a good picture of the spectrum of heights and builds established by the female cast of the show. For good measure, here’s Rin. Not only is this height unsourced though, she’s also shorter than Kanna so I’m going to guess this is the height of her first appearance.
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I’m not gonna get into the whole stupid debate of her purple kimono somehow making her flat as a surfboard, but let’s have a look at how 18 year old Rin fills out a simple outfit without multiple layers of padding as compared to 15 year old Kagome.
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Rin’s shoulders are a lot narrower and so his her neck. She almost looks malnourished but the Sinners have no problem with that either, from what I’ve heard. Rin is tiny and frail because her loving husband just doesn’t feed her? Totally fine if it justifies her being so small without admitting she’s a child.
Let’s also add a few more reference images showing all the heights between various characters.
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Given that Kagome comes to about Sesshomaru’s shoulder and she’s the shortest of our female characters, it’s safe to assume Rin is below five feet which is stretching the definition of “petite woman” quite a bit by this point. As I’ve pointed out, Kagome is the smallest non-child character in the show yet you can still tell she’s a regular teenager.
Kagome is a petite woman. Rin is a child.
Now I’m not putting this all out there to be like “the creators lied and she’s not 18!” even though a case can be made for that given that they can’t keep their timelines consistent. If the creators wanna say she’s 18, fine. Whatever. But it was a very delicate choice that they themselves have admitted to being aware of that she looks so suspiciously young and if nothing else, I’m trying to point that out. What age she is or isn’t can be debated until forever. What’s right there, clear as crystal with receipts to accompany it, is that they knew and were even worried about how young Rin looked yet chose not to change anything and go ahead with the disgusting story anyway, only deciding in the very last episode to even try to make Rin look older. If that’s not telling as all hell, I don’t know what is. It’s giving me shades of when people told Dan Schneider to reign back the feet stuff because people were getting suspicious. They completely knew what they were doing.
Not that it’ll make any different to the SauceRibs of course. After all, this is what they’re into. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a shipping community so obsessed with sexualising every aspect of their ship’s interactions, and all completely unprompted. They’ll just continue to scream that she’s a petite woman being body shamed until they think the coast is clear again.
Speaking of unnecessarily sexualising things and body shaming, to close this rambling tirade all out, to any Raisins reading this (bc I know y’all can’t help yourselves and you should really be paying me 😘) you’ll forgive me if I don’t take your claims of body shaming seriously when y’all go out of your way to slut shame all the other Inuyasha girls for the crime of Takahashi drawing their teenage bodies naked at every opportunity. 🐸 ☕️
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: It’s not a secret that Corpse prefers taking care of his hair himself rather than going to a hair salon to get it trimmed and/or tampered. However, he only has so much knowledge of how to properly do it without having to obliterate his budget. Luckily, his girlfriend comes to his rescue.
Requested by Anon. Hi lovely! Thank you so much for the incredibly fluffy request! I’ve been very pumped to write it and now here it finally is - so sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post it but I still hope you come across it and give it a read! Love, Vy ❤
“Um, what are you doing?“
I just walked into Corpse’s apartment to find him barricaded in the bathroom, giving himself a hair appointment. We were supposed to have a chill night in watching movies, but it seems to me like those plans will either have to be delayed or canceled, given the chaotic state both Corpse and his bathroom are in. I mean, how dumb was I to expect he was actually doing his hair justice when he told me he styled it himself? Why didn’t that immediately raise an army of red flags in my head and lead me to question his methods?
I’m honestly quite jealous of Corpse’s hair. It’s always so soft and silky and no matter how much or how little effort he’s put in it, it always looks good: either evidently carefully styled or boyishly messy, it leaves me with heart-eyes regardless. But to see him massacre it like this, it makes me wish I could report it as a crime.
“Ain’t obvious?“ He sounds rather frustrated and I feel at least slightly better due to this fact. He deserves to be as frustrated as I am by the sight of the crap he’s doing. “Sorry, you’re gonna have to wait for me for...a little while. I just need to get this under control and, um, clean the mess. Sorry for ruining your night like this, babe. I-I really wasn’t planning on it to take this long but I forgot to buy one of the products and I thought I could wing it without it but...I very clearly can’t so...“
“Please, stop talking. I don’t need to know what sins you’ve committed - if I do I’ll probably have to give you the silent treatment for like a week or so.“ I call out to him as I quickly skip over to the kitchen to leave the food I bought on my way over before returning to the bathroom and carefully taking a step inside, mindful of where there are hair strands on the tiles. Even severed, his hair is beautiful and I have a ton of respect for it - ok fine, I adore it. Corpse definitely doesn’t appreciate it properly. I walk over to the shower, reaching out to the two shelves inside which are lined with different types of hair products. “Oh fuck...“ I let out the whisper without even realizing it because I’m so stunned by the brands I see on those shelves. “Corpse, um, what the actual fuck?”
He turns to me, eyes wide and terrified because of my menacing tone. “What? What is it?” His gaze searches the spot where mine was just pointed at, looking for anything that could’ve provoked such a reaction from me. Seeing nothing but the hair products, he meets my deadly glare yet again, “What’s wrong?”
Alright, this man-child needs some serious help
“I’ll tell you what’s wrong.“ I say, stomping towards the exit of the bathroom, “You’re gonna stay here and wait for me to come back and don’t you DARE, even touch your hair, let alone bring a pair of scissors or any chemical near it. Copy?“
“Copied and pasted, ma’am.“ He salutes me, knowing better than to ask questions when I enter my commander role. There are quite a few things that set me off into this bossy-ass persona, and hair mistreatment is most definitely one of them. Thing is, Corpse doesn’t know that. Well, he didn’t know that, pretty sure he’s guessed it by now.
Feeling myself soften at his obedience and trust, I give him a smile and a wink over my shoulder as I go to grab my bag and leave the apartment to complete my mission, “Good boy.”
                                                              *  *  *
“Isn’t that a lot better?“ I ask, gently running my fingers through Corpse’s freshly cut, washed and dried hair. I’ve spent a good five minutes just smoothing through it with my fingers. I bet he’s expecting me to say ‘my precious‘ at any moment now, and trust me it’s tempting, but I still don’t, I won’t give him the pleasure of predicting my actions. Wow, we’ve really reached that level of being familiar with one another that I predict that he’s predicting what I’m gonna do next. While I’m a guessing game for him, I tend to think of myself as more of an open book. You just gotta be fluent in the language it’s written in to understand it.
I’ve gone off-topic, my bad.
“Yeah, you’re a lot less scary now.“ He tells me, his hand finding mine in his hair and taking it to his lips to place a kiss on my knuckles.
We’re positioned so that we’re in front of the bathroom mirror with Corpse seated in a chair in front of me and I’m for once in my life towering over him from behind. Our height difference was threatening to be a hinderance in my work on his hair, but we easily figured it out.
I can’t help but laugh, “You know what I meant.“ I curl one of his already curly strands around the pointer finger of the hand that’s still wandering around the soft dark curls while the other remains in his gentle hold, resting on his shoulder.
“And you know what I meant.“ He shifts in his seat to look at me directly, not via the mirror, “Since when do you have a hair infatuation?“
I roll my eyes and retract my hands, defensively folding my arms over my chest, “It’s not an infatuation with hair, dummy. It’s an infatuation with your hair.” I correct him, doing quick work of styling the stray strands that fall over his forehead and eyes. “I really like your hair, you already know that. I can’t handle the thought you’re doing such a shitty job taking care of it.”
He shrugs, furrowing his brows, “Hey, I was buying top-shelf products, cost me a fortune every month, my hair was being treated like royalty.”
I roll my eyes once again, “High price doesn’t always equal high quality, Corpse. Did you ever stop to read what was in those products?” I don’t let him answer, I don’t need him to confirm what I already know. “Even if you did - which you didn’t - you wouldn’t know what each of those ingredients do to your hair. You see, taking care of hair, especially hair like yours, takes patience and knowledge. It’s practically an art form. It’s not like you can just buy any product that has ‘suitable for curly hair’ on it. There’s a lot more to that.”
It’s only after I finish my monologue that I realize he’s looking at me with amazed amusement in his gaze, almost like a parent listening to their kid talk about their wish of becoming an astronaut. “Since when do you know so much about hair? You’ve been using the same shampoo and conditioner since I know you and now you wanna lecture me on hair care?”
I raise an eyebrow at him, exasperated by his stubbornness on the matter, “Who said being consistent with your hair products is a bad thing? You know, frequent changing of brands has the potential of being damaging as much as aiding.” I explain with the most amount of patience I can muster, now taking over the parent role myself, “And as for your previous question, I know so much because my mother is a hairdresser.”
His eyes widen in surprise. I can practically see the gears in his brain turning as he tries to recall if I’ve ever told him this before.
“How come I don’t know that?“ He asks finally after a long moment of silence. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“You ask that as though I just tell you things like that on the regular. Did you also want me to drop the info that my dad’s a mechanic in passing conversation about video games? Cause that’s a little hard to shoehorn in....“ He cuts off my sarcastic rambling with a brief peck to the lips. He’s the only person allowed to shut me up, and only like that. Anything else will earn him either an earful or a silent treatment. 
Just kidding....unless...
“So, does that mean you’re continuing the family business?“ he asks when he pulls away, “I mean, you’re technically my personal hairdresser now.“
I furrow my brows playfully, “Wait, what? Since when?”
“Since I hired you approximately an hour ago.“ He beams up at me, satisfied that I’ve fallen in his trap.
“And what about my payment?“ I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looks to be contemplating for a second before he stands up from the chair, taking my hand in his leading me out of the bathroom, “Well, each appointment you’ll give me a different price, Miss Y/L/N. But, considering today was your first day, I choose to pay you with dinner.“ He sends a wink my way, laughing when he’s met with an unamused expression on my part as I stop in my tracks, causing him to halt his movements as well.
“You really plan on paying me with the dinner I bought?“ I raise an eyebrow at him, freeing my hand from his so I can put both my hands on my hips for the complete 'I’m far from impressed’ look.
“Yeah...? Problem?“ He asks, faking nervousness and guilt as he closes the distance between us, once again returning to the default of towering over me instead of it being the other way around.
“Several actually. First of all...“ I raise my finger in the air accusingly, ready to go off but the arm that wraps around my waist and lifts me off the ground causes my words to die down, evaporating in a frightened squeal, “Corpse no!! Put me down!“
Of course, he ignores me, carrying me into the living room while I don’t know whether to thrash or stay as still as possible. 
Tsk, so much for gratitude
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Part Fifteen. “eyes eyes eyes.”
word count: 5.9k (not including pictures) warnings: swearing
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist 
A/N: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know? anyway uh....... hope you like this... a lot is kinda going on in this part... but more details will come in the next chapter don’t worry i’m not scamming you 
"I can't believe you," Dream scoffed from the other side of the phone, which was displaying only his eyes and up as Y/n's phone laid face up towards her ceiling. She didn't mind; he had pretty eyes and his blond hair poked out wildly beneath his hoodie and it was enough to make her only half focus on their conversation about her newest Minecraft build.
Y/n smiled as she glanced back at her phone to see him squinting at his screen in confusion even though there was no face on the other side, then looked back at her monitor. Neither of them were streaming but were bored so they decided to wander around on the SMP, continuing their all-day FaceTime call instead of transferring to Discord. They were on their fifth hour of FaceTiming at this point. Y/n had suggested multiple times switching to voice call instead since she wasn't showing her face, hoping he would say no so she could see him still, and each time he denied it because he claimed it felt more real when he could see her ceiling. Whatever that meant.
"I don't know what to tell you, bud. I'm just playing the game."
"But..." he pouted, she could tell by his voice... and by the eyes that were still glued to the call. "How are you so good?"
"I knew it."
She giggled and looked back to Minecraft, where she was looking at the massive hideout Sam had helped her build, complete with secret doors and tunnels and a whole lot of redstone. "Sam did most of it."
"Bullshit. Look at that," he said as he looked away from the phone and his green avatar punched the side of the build. "That has 'Bug' written all over it. You did that."
"Okay, I did do that part, but the cool parts like the secret doors and stuff are all Sam."
"Stop downplaying your skills. It looks good, Bug." His voice was clear and genuine and sent chills down her spine. For someone who want physically affectionate, she really wanted to give him a big hug. And... well... other things.
"Thanks, Dream," she whispered.
"You're welcome," he whispered back childishly.
"What in the..." Y/n said as she turned and saw a familiar Minecraft character with a white and red shirt in the distance. She pressed the zoom hotkey and stared at him as he filled her screen. "What is he doing?"
"Oh, speaking of Tommy," Dream started, clearing his throat as his avatar ran back and forth between the door of her hideout and a tree about ten blocks from it. "Um, I had an idea about, uh, the lake thing? The New Years' trip?"
"What's up?" she asked, turning to face him as she listened.
"Well, it's only about three weeks away and I was thinking—"
Dream was cut off as Tommy ran over to hit him with an axe a couple of times before running away.
"What the hell?" Dream grumbled as they watched Tommy sprint and jump in the direction he came from. The young boy paused when he realized neither of them were following, just looking in his direction.
<TommyInnit> did I scare you guys <TommyInnit> I did, didn't I <TommyInnit> I am very good at scaring people
Y/n laughed and typed her reply
<BugsyGames> not one single bone in my body was scared, tommyinnit <BugsyGames> try harder next time ig :/ <TommyInnit> JOIN VC RIGHT NOW <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC
"Oh my gosh, he's so annoying," Dream mumbled with a small laugh but made no effort to do as the younger told.
<BugsyGames> idk if i really wanna HEAR you curse me out bc you already have over text multiple times <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC
"Are you gonna join?" she asked, opening Discord on her other monitor.
"Hell no," Dream scoffed before his voice turned worrisome. "Are you?"
"Yeah, he's entertaining," she said. "And he won't leave us alone until one of us pays attention to him."
"Oh, you wanna be left alone with me, Bug?" he teased and she couldn't help but smile widely in embarrassment.
"Whatever you want to think I said, Dream." Y/n laughed, making Dream pout.
"Buuugg... just say you love me already," he whined jokingly.
Since she couldn't ignore the overwhelming butterflies in her stomach, she ignored him and opened Discord and looked at the voice channel Tommy was in. "Oh, Tubbo and Ranboo are there too, so it's worth getting cursed out," she told Dream before sliding on her headphones and joining. She moved one side off of her ear so she could still hear Dream over FaceTime if he spoke to her, seeing as he wasn't going to join the Discord call.
"Uh... geesh Tommy, no hello?" Y/n asked. "Why do you get in so many fights with women?"
"They question my manliness."
"Hm. Maybe work on making it less questionable?"
"What is... happening?" Ranboo asked.
"I don't really know. Tommy came over and punched Dream and then made me join vc so he could yell at me, I guess."
"Oh, that's where he went!" Tubbo said. "I had no idea, he just disappeared."
"What is he saying to you?" Dream asked from the phone on the desk. "He's yelling at you?"
"No, it's just Tommy being Tommy."
"W-What?" Tommy asked.
"I was talking to Dream," she explained.
"I can get on and tell him to stop if you need me to," Dream offered before his keyboard started clicking. "Should I? Do you want me to?"
"No, Dream, it's okay. I'll just fight him."
"YOU'RE WITH HIM??" Tommy accused.
"No! We're on FaceTime."
"Yup," she stated before quickly changing the subject since Tommy and Ranboo were both streaming. "What are my sons up to?"
"We're just trident-ing around talking about whether or not my or Tommy's accent is worse," Tubbo said. "He says 'grass' weird."
"Tommy's," Y/n voted, wanting to piss off the youngest more. "You have the voice of an angel, Tub."
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Bugsy and Dream are FaceTiming right now?" Tommy asked in a calmer, more mumbled but still frantic voice. "Cause, I mean, I just think it's a bit strange is all but if we're just going to breeze past it, I mean... you know? The two faceless Minecrafters are staring into each other's eyes while we all talk on Discord like nothing is happening."
"We aren't 'staring into each other's eyes'," Y/n corrected.
She paused when Dream giggled and said, "I bet you're staring into mine, Bug." She glanced down to see his full face beaming up at her with a playful smile. He had propped his phone up on his monitor so she could see where his elbows met his desk all the way to the top of his fluffy hair. Her cheeks and neck burned hot as she looked at the boy cuddled up in his hoodie once again. He folded his arms on his desk and placed his chin on his forearms, looking impossibly cuter as he stared at the camera. "There's no way for me to know you aren't."
"Shut up, Dream," she mumbled before speaking to the others again. "We're not even showing our faces," she lied. "Dream sorta is but not really."
"No need to lie to everyone," Dream said, still smiling, sitting up from his position. "This is my entire face. What, you don't want people to know you get to see me whenever you want? You have VIP access, baby, the people should know."
An abrupt laugh escaped her lips at the nickname. "Can you guys hear Dream?" Y/n asked the boys in the voice channel nervously.
"No, why? Is he telling you dirty things?" Tommy laughed evilly.
"Nope. Just wondering." Her face was on fire. She hit Dream's character in-game and watched him focus back on his computer with a goofy smile. He returned the favor by hitting her character back once even though she was continually dealing damage until he had half a and begged her to stop.
"He's probably flirting with her like he does when we're on call but, like, worse because no one else can hear him," Tubbo proposed before all three of the young boys gagged and yelled over each other.
"GROSS!!" Tommy shouted.
"Ew!! Mom, is there a dude flirting with you? That's disgusting," Ranboo gagged.
"I cannot stand you guys," Y/n laughed, making her voice as confident as possible so they couldn't detect her lies. "That's not what's happening."
"Do my words mean nothing, Bug?"
"Dude," she mumbled to Dream again. "I wish you could see how hard I'm glaring at you right now." He laughed in response.
A knock on Y/n's door snapped her out of her conversation and she quickly muted on Discord. "Come in!"
Naomi poked her head in and quickly put her hand up. "Oh, sorry!" she whisper-shouted. "I didn't know you were streaming."
Y/n shook her head and smiled. "I'm not. What's up?"
"TUBBO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Tommy screamed, making Y/n deafen also.
Naomi stood taller and dropped her hand to her side. "I'm just bored and want to do something."
"I do too, actually," Y/n admitted.
"You're bored?" Dream scoffed. "Bug, I'm offended!"
Y/n smiled widely and turned back to her phone to see the blond boy frowning. "I've talked to you all day. Can I not go hang out with my roommate?"
"No! Tell her to fuck off."
"Dream! She's literally right here, she can hear you!" Y/n covered her phone screen with her hand to hide Dream's face as Naomi walked closer, laughing.
"Naomi?" Dream asked.
"Fuck off."
Naomi laughed as Y/n gasped. "DREAM!" Y/n grabbed her phone and held it up to show one eye in the corner of the screen so he could see her glaring, but he wasn't looking.
"I'm just kidddinnnggg... obviouslyyy..." he dragged out. "Unless you do steal Bug away from me, in which case I'm not kidding."
Naomi was silent with her hand over her mouth, not wanting to freak out and make Y/n back out before Dream could see her eye. It was a small thing, but a huge deal.
The silence caused Dream to look down and his jaw dropped. "B-Bug!!"
"You see this?? I'm glaring at you. How dare you talk to Naomi that way," Y/n reprimanded teasingly, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice.
"WHAT? Is this how you felt when I showed my face just to prove a point?"
"You're doing the exact thing I did! You're just proving a point!"
"Yeah, but I'm not showing my whole face like you did, idiot. Just enough so you can see the glare."
"Oh my gosh. Okay, yeah, I see you glaring, stop glaring!" he giggled and Y/n's camera went back to only showing her ceiling as she smiled. "I'm sorry, Naomi!"
"You can't just joke like that to someone you hardly know," Y/n scolded as Naomi continued laughing. She knew Naomi had that kind of sense of humor, but Dream didn't.
"Who said I'm joking?" he asked.
"Oh, shut up. I can't stand you."
"I'm kidding! I'm sorry, Naomi. I was just kidding."
"I know," she reassured. "It's all good, don't worry. I know you love your Bug too much to hurt her friends."
Y/n saw Dream quickly pull his phone away from his face after he smiled shyly, and she liked to imagine that he was blushing at Naomi's accusation.
"Yeah, I guess she's nice to have around," he mumbled.
<Ranboo> bugsy? you still there?
"Wait, both of you quiet for a second," she told Dream and Naomi before unmuting and undeafening on Discord. "Yeah, sorry, what's up? I was defended and muted."
"You were so cryptically silent, it was a little scary."
"Sorry, my roommate is talking to me. I'm gonna head off, actually."
"Aw, but we hardly got to play with you!" Tubbo pouted.
"We'll play soon! I promise! But not you, Tommy. I don't like you."
"Bye, Tommy."
"Bye, Bugsy," he grumbled.
"Goodbye, mother," Ranboo said as Tubbo laughed out a, "Goodbye mom," making Y/n's heart shed a proud tear.
"Goodbye, my sons. Be good. Be safe."
She left the Discord and then left Minecraft. "Okay, sorry, continue," she promoted Naomi.
"I think it's so cute how you talk to Tubbo and Ranboo," Dream cut in. "It's adorable."
"It is," Naomi agreed. "Tommy, too. I know you pretend to hate him but we can tell you want him to be your son too."
"Never," she murmured, making both of them laugh. She slid off her headphones and grabbed her phone, careful to keep it pointed away from her face as she walked to her closet.
"Anyway, I just wanna do something. It's really nice out today, do you want to go to the park or ride bikes or something?"
"Yeah, sure." She ripped a hoodie off the hanger with one hand, making the hanger ricochet and clank against the closet ceiling.  
"Yeah, sounds fun," Dream agreed from between them.
Y/n laughed. "Sorry, bud, not you."
A deep frown etched onto Dream's face and Y/n laughed. "What are you going to do there that I can't join? You can just prop me up on a tree and sit next to the phone."
"If we ride bikes, I can't hold you. And if we go to the park we usually skate. Besides, we want to talk about how much we hate you anyway so we don't want you there."
"Bug!" he pouted. Dream paused before saying, "Can you give the phone to Naomi real quick?"
Y/n hesitated but handed the phone to her friend. She used her free hands to slip on the hoodie before tuning back into the conversation.
"You don't have to show me your face but I want you to look into my eyes and promise me something, Naomi," he said.
Naomi held the phone up to her face anyway and Y/n could see both of them looking at each other. "What's up?"
"Promise me you won't let Y/n fall and scrape her knee or something," he requested and Naomi laughed.
"I promise not to let your Bug get hurt." That was the second time Naomi referred to her as 'his Bug' and she was not opposed to the sound of it.
"Thank you very much."
"Great," Naomi said before her voice turned teasing. "Now that that's settled, Y/n, you're right he is cute!"
Naomi was a pot-stirrer. Always was, always would be. She knew what to say to make tension rise in the room whether it was between people who hated each other or people who secretly liked each other. Or whatever Dream and Y/n were.
While Y/n's face grew warm, Dream laughed.
"Hey, you're pretty cute too, Naomi. Should I tell George or does he already know?" Dream fired back, trying to embarrass her as much as she embarrassed Y/n.
Naomi's evil smile fell before a confident one took its place with a raise of her eyebrow. "Oh, he knows."
Y/n laughed abruptly and grabbed the phone back from her friend. "Okay, I'm hanging up now." Before I lose self-control and show you my whole face right here, right now, she thought to herself.
"Boooo," Dream whined. "Will you call me back later? Please?"
"Maybe," she teased. "Depends on if I'm clumsy enough to fall and break everything like you think I will."
"I don't think that. I just want you to be safe."
He needed to stop being so sweet. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm a pro."
"I believe it. Still, though."
"I'll be safe. I promise."
"Also, Bug, um..." he paused shyly. "You have really pretty eyes. Just... thought I'd tell you."
Heat rose to her face again and the look on Naomi's face said she could tell.
"Thanks, Dream."
Naomi nodded her head towards her Y/n's door. "I'll be in my room," she whispered and Y/n nodded.
"Sorry," Y/n said to Dream with a short laugh. "I don't know why I did that."
"It's okay," he reassured. "I appreciate it. I know it was just a small part of your face but it still means a lot to me that you showed me because I know you haven't shown anyone."
"I want to," she blurted out. "I really, really do."
"Want to what?"
"Show people my face." She squeezed her eyes shut and walked to her bed, setting the phone face up towards the ceiling. "Specifically you."
He paused. "Then... why don't you? I'm not pressuring you, I just don't understand. If you want to, then what's stopping you?"
"It's not that simple, Dream," she responded softly. "I'm scared."
Dream was silent for a few moments. "That's kinda what I wanted to talk about earlier before Tommy came in."
"Really?" she perked up. What was he going to say? That she seemed too scared so he didn't what her to go on the trip?
"Yeah, uh, I know you're nervous about meeting everyone and Sapnap and I were talking and– well, okay, so I assume you, Karl, and Naomi are going to go to Georgia together?"
"Well, so, yeah, what if– only if you want, obviously, but, you guys could come down to Florida and hang out with us for a few days and then, like, the five of us could go up to Georgia together? That way you meet two people first instead of everyone at once. So, like, since you haven't shown anyone, it'll be like dipping your toe in the water and if you meet Sapnap and I and absolutely hate it you can go back home before meeting everyone else." He finally concluded his proposition and Y/n's heart was so warmed. He was so sweet it was killing her.
"I'll still pay for all the travel stuff for you guys to fly down here," he added with a shy mumble at her silence, "and it's only a four and a half hour drive from here so Sapnap and I were just going to drive up and we could just rent a bigger car to fit comfortably. But obviously you can say no. Just a thought we had."
"Dream," Y/n started softly, her voice coming out way more fondly than she intended but she did nothing to fix it.
"You're the sweetest damn person I've ever met in my entire life."
"I just want you to be comfortable," he said softly.
"I think..." she paused. "I think that would be fun. I'd like that. I'll see what Naomi and Karl think."
His voice perked up slightly. "Really? Awesome. You guys can come down whenever. We're going to leave on the 26th to get there that night but whenever you guys want to come, you can. You could even spend Christmas with us if you want to come a few days earlier. Might be hard to find tickets this late since it's the holidays but I can see what I can find."
"That would be cool! The three of us were just going to hang out together so we don't really have plans for Christmas. I'll ask them but I think they'll like that too."
"Cool," he breathed. "If you want to say no later, you can."
"I don't want to say no, Dream."
He paused and his next word had his smile laced clearly through them. "Okay."
"Thank you–thank you for thinking of me," Y/n fumbled out. "It means a lot to me."
"Eh, it might be a little selfish of me, too. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can."
She beamed and bit her lip to not laugh with pure joy. "I'm probably selfish too because I'm going to make Karl and Naomi agree even if they don't want to go."
"I have no problem if you need to use physical force," he joked.
Y/n laughed and shook her head. "I should go save Naomi from her boredom."
"Okaaayyy..." he sighed. "If you must. Thanks for talking with me today."
"I had fun! I'm surprised you didn't bore me to death," she teased and he scoffed.
"Well apparently I did since you're ditching me!"
"Nooo, you could never bore me."
"Hmm... sure."
"Dream," Y/n dragged out and he laughed. "You're so clingy."
"Ugh, I know," he joked. "It's almost like I like you or something."
Y/n froze before mentally scolding herself. He was obviously joking, but it still made her heart skip some beats.
"Almost," she mumbled. "Alright, I'm going to go. I'll call you later if you're free and want to hang out on call more or something."
"Yeah, I'd like that," he said. "Have fun with Naomi! And don't get hurt."
She laughed. "I won't get hurt. Bye, Dream."
"Bye bye, Bug."
Y/n finally hung up and threw her phone on her bed with a small external scream. Naomi came back into the room a few moments later with a smirk on her face and leaned against the doorframe. "Done with the call?"
"Naomi..." she said dreamily. "He's... too freaking cute."
Naomi laughed. "Come on, lover girl, you can tell me all about it while we go outside. Bikes or skating?"
"I haven't gone biking in a while, let's do that."
"Perfect, I found a new trail recently I've wanted to try out," Naomi said as she grabbed her keys off the front table. "Let's go."
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"OH, and then," Y/n recounted her story with Dream in detail (per Naomi's request) and she swerved on her bike a little in excitement."Then he said, 'it's almost like I like you or something'! What does that mean??"
Naomi laughed brightly and looked over her shoulder at Y/n. "Maybe it means that he likes you."
Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. Don't get my hopes up."
"I mean it, Y/n. I know you think it's not possible, but just think about it. Do you really think you didn't like him until you saw him?"
Y/n looked up into the treetops that provided shade on their trail. She dreaded that question. She had thought about it so many times, tossing and turning countless nights asking herself the same question over and over. When did she start liking Dream? She had always had interest in him but when did her starstruck admiration and wanting to be his friend turn into wanting to hold his hand and kiss him good morning? When did that change happen? Could it have happened before she knew what he looked like? It would go against so much that she believed, so much she had been told, but... maybe it was true?
"I don't know," Y/n admitted softly. "I really don't know."
Naomi's heart broke for her friend, knowing her internal battle was killing her slowly. "Hey," Naomi said in a lighter tone than she felt. "It'll all work out. I promise."
"What if it doesn't? What if he really doesn't like me and won't ever like me?"
Naomi shrugged. "Then... then he missed out and someone better will eventually come along."
Y/n nodded, wanting to talk about something a little happier. "So... I showed him my eye."
"You did," Naomi said cautiously. "I wasn't going to bring it up, but, damn dude. How do you feel?"
"Good. Great. I know it's small and insignificant but it doesn't feel that way."
"I don't think it's insignificant. It definitely shows you trust him a lot."
"He said I have pretty eyes," Y/n whispered excitedly, making Naomi laugh.
"You do! You really do."
"Speaking of thinking things are pretty, George knows?? What does that mean? Have you guys video called or what? I've been so stuck in my pity party that I have no idea what's going on with that!"
Naomi turned pink but her confident smile never faded. She slowed down and Y/n followed suit, both taking drinks from their water. "Can we sit for a minute?" Naomi asked as she nodded towards a large tree trunk. Y/n nodded and they sat down together, bikes haphazardly thrown to the side of the trail.
"So," Naomi started. "George."
"George," Y/n prompted. "What's going on?"
"I like him a lot. And... he told me he likes me."
Y/n raised her eyebrows and beamed at her friend. "Really? Naomi, that's great! That's so awesome, I'm so happy for you!"
Naomi let out a small squeal before blushing. "I know. We're both a little worried because of long-distance but we decided to not think about it until after the trip. Then we'll work out how often we want to see each other and stuff."
"Wait, so, are you guys, like, dating?"
Naomi hummed. "No? But I have joked about how I'm going to kiss him as soon as I see him and it always makes him turn bright red and he just laughs and is like, 'you're an idiot', so that's a good sign."
Y/n laughed. "Yeah, sounds like George."
"Sorry I haven't told you sooner. I just feel like since you're so confused about everything with Dream that it would be like I'm bragging or something? And I didn't want to make you sad that I'm talking to this boy so much and—"
"Naomi," Y/n smiled and grabbed her arm. "It's okay. I'm not upset by it. I'm so so happy for you, really."
Naomi let out a breath of relief. "Thanks, Y/n. You're a really good friend."
"You make it easy to be a good friend to you," she said with a smile and a scrunched nose. "You're the best. I love you."
"I love you too," Naomi giggled and threw her arms around Y/n, forcing a hug even if she didn't want it. Y/n accepted it anyway, hugging her friend back tightly.
"Alright, break's over. Let's finish this thing. How much more do we have to go?"
Naomi checked the map on her phone. "About a mile. Think you can manage not falling off for another mile?"
"I promised Dream I wouldn't let you get hurt."
Y/n rolled her eyes fondly. "He's so stupid."
"Maybe, but you like it."
"Who on Earth knows why? Oh! That reminds me," Y/n said as she got back on her bike and rode slowly next to Naomi. "I forgot to mention a huge detail."
"Ugh, you never stop talking about him," Naomi teased. "Just kidding, what happened? I want to know everything."
"This involves you and Karl. How do you feel about taking a detour to Florida before the trip?"
When Y/n got home, she showered while Naomi made them dinner. "Today was fun," she said as she sat down at the kitchen table. "We need to hang out more, just the two of us. Thank you so much," she added as Naomi handed her a plate off food.
Naomi nodded. "Agreed. But when do we ever have time when you aren't streaming and I'm not doing school or working?"
"Hmm, true. For a job with a flexible schedule, I don't feel very flexible. Maybe I should promise to join less streams."
"But then I can't join streams," Naomi joked with a laugh.
"Just ask George. I'm not your closest streamer friend anymore apparently," she fake pouted and Naomi blushed.
"He wants me to join one of his streams except neither of us want anyone to know so he thinks it'll be suspicious if it's just him and I."
'Wait, no one else knows you two have been talking?"
"Well, Dream does based on his joke earlier but you're the only person that either of us have told that we're, like, actually talking."
"Oh, I feel so special!"
Naomi laughed. "Good. You are."
Y/n smiled and looked down as her phone vibrated on the table.
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"Boyfriend calling?" Naomi teased with one eyebrow quirked.
Y/n stuck her tongue out. "Wouldn't you like that?"
"I would like that. Date him."
"Oh, shut up," Y/n said with a laugh. "But actually, Dream invited me to get back on and hang out."
"So I was right?"
"Well, go ahead, I won't stop you."
"Thanks, Naomi. I had fun today, thanks for forcing me out of my room and for dinner."
"Anytime dude," she giggled. "Put that sponge down, I'll clean up."
"But you made dinner. Let me help."
"No! Go, your boyfriend is waiting for you. I got it."
Y/n ignored her and started cleaning dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
"You're the worst. Love you."
"Love you!" Y/n called back as she walked to her room. She got on her desktop and opened Discord while she waited for Minecraft to load.
"Who just joined?" Tubbo asked in a tired voice. "Oh, Bugsy, hello again!"
"Hi!" she greeted back. "How's everyone doing?"
"Good, good, good. How was your, uh, thing? Bikes... or something?" Ranboo asked.
"Yeah, I went on a bike ride with my roommate. It was fun! The weather was super good today so it was good."
"Is it the roommate who's coming on the trip with us?" Tubbo asked.
"Yup," she replied. Ranboo fake whined and Y/n's heart hurt a little. "Ranboo I wish you could come."
"Me too. It would be fun but also very scary," he chuckled and Y/n nodded. "But I'm busy anyway."
"I'm terrified," she admitted. "So I fully understand."
"It's going to be good, Bug," Dream reassured softly, sending butterflies to her stomach. "I promise."
"Why are you terrified?" Tubbo asked.
"Um... just... you know... showing my face to everyone," she said with a small laugh. "Kinda weird." Though, admittedly, she was much less nervous than a few hours ago before she showed Dream her eye.
"Well, Dream has seen you, hasn't he?" Ranboo asked.
"No, what makes you think that?"
"He hasn't?" Tubbo spoke up. "I'm shocked! I could have sworn he had."
"What, why? Dream asked.
"You guys are just super close so I guess we assumed," Tubbo explained.
"No, we are close, Bug is just a tease," Dream joked and Y/n scoffed.
"Oh, whatever. You've seen more than anyone else."
"What?" Ranboo asked with a slight panic in his voice. "What, uh, what does that mean? Oh gosh."
"She showed me her eye today!" Dream announced like it was a huge deal. Which, it kinda was. "But she's a tease because that's all she showed."
"Why do you want to see her so bad, huh Dream?" Ranboo teased. "Hmm???"
"So I can call her pretty without her yelling at me that I can't know," Dream stated bluntly.
Y/n buried her face in her hands, the Minecraft welcome screen long forgotten, and laughed. "I cannot stand you, Dream."
"Awe!!" Tubbo cooed. "Bugsy, give the poor man a break, why don't you show him?"
When she normally would have taken that sort of comment to heart and would have beaten herself up about not showing him, she lifted her head to look at her screen. 'Give the poor man a break'.
"No, Tubbo, she doesn't owe me anything," Dream said with a nervous laugh. "Don't pressure her!!"
"I'm not! I'm not pressuring her to do anything!" Tubbo defended. "I was just joking! But it would be so easy to just send a picture of your face."
"But she doesn't want to and I respect that. Ranboo, are you still on the SMP? Where are you?"
Y/n tuned out the conversation, which had quickly changed topics, scrolling right to the picture she found the other day of her sitting on her bed. She didn't think twice. It just felt right.
"So, the next manhunt is going to have five hunters or what? Like what's changing?" Ranboo asked. "I think it's super cool that you're continuing the series."
"Yeah," Dream started to explain. "I'm trying to see who would be the best to have as the fifth person to make it—"
Y/n's heart pounded in her ears as she listened to the new silence, waiting for some verbal indication from Dream that everything was okay. That he saw the picture and that everything was still okay.
But he was dead silent.
"Dream?" Ranboo laughed. "Uhhhhh...."
"Uh.." Tubbo laughed too. "Did he break? Dream?"
Y/n bit down on her hoodie sleeve in anticipation and excitement, surprised that there were butterflies in her chest instead of raging thunderstorms of fear.
A loud sound banged through her headphones and her eyes darted to the Discord to see it came from Dream's mic. "Dream?" she asked softly. Did this man just knock something off of his desk?
His regard for them being on call with others completely evaporated. "Holy shit, Bug," he breathed out. "I-Is that you?"
"Sure is," she hummed.
"What the hell?!" he shouted, joy and surprise laced in his voice.
"Wait, what happened?" Tubbo asked before sounding excited. "Did you actually send him a picture of yourself?"
"Mhm," she hummed. "Maybe."
"AHHA! YOU BROKE HIM!" Tubbo laughed.
"Error: Dream.exe broke," Ranboo teased. "Man's files broke at the sight of Bugsy Games. Headlines tomorrow: Bugsy Games murders DreamWasTaken with a selfie."
"Oh, shut up," she breathed.
"Text me back right now," Dream demanded.
Y/n giggled as the other two teased Dream but she picked up her phone and found his one-word response.
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Seconds later, Dream's voice was back in her ears. "Uh... I'm gonna get off. I have a lot to process."
Tubbo and Ranboo laughed loudly. "A lot to process?? HAHAHA! Just say you're in love with her and move on."
"WhaaAATT?" Dream yelled. "I-I'm not in love with her, what the hell is wrong with you, Tubbo?"
Y/n laughed, agreeing with him even though it kinda hurt. He didn't have to sound too shocked at the accusation.
"Have fun processing," Ranboo said. "Are you staying Bugsy?"
"Nah, I'm gonna get off too. I'm pretty tired."
"Are you going to be in Big Q's stream tomorrow though?"
She hummed. "I don't know. I didn't know he was streaming tomorrow."
"Oh, I thought he invited you?"
"Guess not. He just lost points."
Dream laughed. "Good."
"Well... we should stream together soon," Ranboo said. "I think that would be really cool."
"I do too! We definitely should. If you have any ideas or anything let me know, okay?"
"Yeah, I will!" he promised. "Talk to you later."
"Bye guys," she said before disconnecting. She noticed Dream linger in the call for a little bit even though he said he was leaving and she decided to get ready for bed, turning off her computer and walking to her closet. She was stopped by some texts though. Priorities.
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taglist: CLOSED - bold couldn’t tag @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @jeyyes @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn @tinyegg @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @bellomi-clarke @possiblyanxioushuman @crybabyjabby @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot @fangeekkk @haseulreturns @queenwastaken @peteysgf @losingvienna @bi-narystars @zero-nightshade @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime @youhyakuya @danny-devitowo @clubfairy @loser-keiji @oi-itsemily @alm334 @the-katastrophe @wreny24 @applecakeradio @unicornblood4ever @aha-red @brendalopez99 @spacecluster @justonemoreepisode199 @strawbrinkofdeath @aikochan4859 @chaotic-tieflings @dreamsofficialwife @where-thesundoesntshine @jamiealenaa @unstableye @kageyamama-hinatatata @officiallyunofficialperson @secretly-a-weeb @localsimp @loxbbg @rhymeorreason1 @flubblubbb @kiritokunuwu @sylumarts @raining13lemonade @aiyncel @ghostfacefricker6969 @avengemepercy​ @modyoonie​ @sapnapsupremaci​ @donttellaweirdweakling​ @dreamiewrites​ @misfortunatem00n​ @mayempress @strang-ersclub​ @panic-at-space-camp​ @netheriteaxes​ @kaqinq​ @momo-has-a-gun​ @lunelicmoone​ @beller-18 @bluechocolatemint​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @crypticcandi​ @80sfeel​ @asianfrustration13​ @justanunknown​ @libbynotfound​ @osculatcr​ @bindythedemon​ @haikyall​ @hyuckslytherin​ @thatonearieschild​ @the-perfect-gemini​ @ialexabsuniverse​ @sleepingalaska​ @renjunniex​ @rebellionburnsthemup​ @moonchildwildx​ @sarcasticmichelle​ @carat-eri​ @ravennightingaleandavatempus​ @isthatyouritalian​ @sunf10w3r-f31ld​ @suwunarin​ @bxsmentchildxx​  @sunbunniie​ @mintchip17 @vincent-stargogh​ @jules-skye​ @askgeoff​ @d-fendyr​ @diedestress​ @idiotinnit​ @gabbysblogthingy​ @call-me-soap​ @fujiapfel @stxrryb1tch​ @onlynarry​ @squarky-sheep​ @ecao @ok-honey​ @saltishima-rex​ @kodzukatcore​ @gwendolyn02​ @kiwismoothies​ @flippyninja​ @xfihvru @anqelanqel @letkeefeswear​ @cantaloupe-draws​ @what-is-the-creature-oh-glob @theboywhocriedlupin​
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Emergency Contact
Summary: When Spencer ends up in the hospital again, his emergency contact — who happens to be his boyfriend, Luke Alvez — is called. Too bad he hasn't told the team about him yet...
Tags: whump, h/c, hurt spencer, broken ribs, coming out, relationship reveal, protective derek, team as family, fluff, au: different first meeting
Pairing: Luke Alvez x Spencer Reid // (heavy on the Derek & Spencer friendship, too)
Word Count: 2.6k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
Okay, so Emily was not in S11, but for this fic she is, because I wanted supportive Penemily and that's what I gave myself. Other than that, this fills the square "broken ribs" for my Bad Things Happen bingo card. Enjoy the whump mixed with fluff!
Spencer doesn’t mean to get hurt again, but he also isn’t exactly surprised when it happens. If anything, Hotch really needs to stop sending him out to scope places and suspects out by himself. Surely Tobias Hankel proved he’s a trouble magnet in that regard years ago.
The summerhouse the suspect rents is a nice enough place to lay incapacitated while he waits for back-up, he supposes, but he’s not exactly able to lie and enjoy the sunshine when his ribs have been smashed in with a metal baseball bat and he knows the suspect is currently hightailing it down the beach. Not to mention the fact that it’s worryingly difficult to breathe.
Still, it’s better than a dilapidated cabin in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere Georgia, pumped full of heroin while his feet are whipped. Small mercies.
“Goddamnit, Spencer, again?” Derek asks amusedly when he finally arrives and crouches down by his side, but the undercurrent of worry in his voice doesn’t elude him.
“Sorry,” he wheezes, still winded and in immense pain from the ambush. “I didn’t see him coming.”
Derek raises a brow, chuckling slightly. “Yeah, pretty boy, I figured that.” His hand goes to Spencer’s hair as his expression furrows in concern again. “Did you see where he went? I’ll send the others after him while I go with you to the hospital.”
Spencer smiles a little, relieved that he won’t be alone. It’s become a strange sort of tradition to sit in one another’s hospital rooms after the job kicks their ass, and he’s glad Derek isn’t about to break it now.
“I saw him turn right out of the backdoor, but that’s all,” he says breathlessly, before cringing at the effort and folding in on himself even more.
“Okay, Spencer,” Derek says soothingly. “Just relax. The ambulance will be here any second.”
He obeys and closes his eyes as he listens to Derek call Hotch on the radio and send the team in the right direction before coming back to sit next to him on the floor.
“This might be one of the nicer places one of our unsubs has owned, huh?”
Spencer nods, mirroring Derek’s morbid amusement. “Crime pays better than investigating it,” he manages, smiling up at his friend.
He snorts. “You can say that again. With the way the market’s turned in the last couple years it’s more like this is my hobby and my properties are my day job, rather than the other way round.”
Spencer tries to reply, but he moves involuntarily in amusement, and a fresh wave of pain has him wincing again, trying to will the tears away.
“You’re alright, Spence,” Derek says gently, his hand returning to his hair. “Help will be here soon, okay?”
Thankfully, the medics do show up in a semi-timely fashion, and both of them are loaded into the back of the ambulance as the EMTs check him over, Derek’s hand not leaving his person unless it absolutely has to.
“How many times were you hit, Dr Reid?”
He cringes. “Four.” It’s almost embarrassing that the unsub got four hits in, and the only reason there weren’t more is because he was fleeing the scene, not because Spencer was able to fight back. He tries to remind himself that there isn’t much you can do when caught-off guard by a furious arsonist armed with a steel baseball bat, but his ego is still bruised. Albeit not as badly as his poor ribs.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Derek mutters under his breath, his grip tightening on Spencer’s shoulder minutely enough for him to know he isn’t doing it consciously.
Spencer smiles appreciatively, closing his eyes against the pain. The non-narcotic painkillers they’re feeding him through the IV really aren’t doing anything.
“I think you’ve managed to avoid internal bleeding,” the EMT says, all though he tacks on a pointed, “just. But I’m concerned about the possibility of a punctured lung. There’s a chance your trouble breathing is solely pain-induced, but I don’t like the way your chest sounds. The doctors will check everything out when we get to the hospital, and get you all patched up.”
“Hold in there,” Derek says urgently. “I really can’t have you dying on me, pretty boy.”
Spencer smiles as comfortingly as he can through the immense pain in his chest and his mangled breathing. “Trust me, I don’t intend on it.”
The x-ray reveals two broken ribs and confirms the paramedic’s suspicions of a punctured lung, although thankfully, minor enough to not require surgery. He’s set up with oxygen and regular nurse check-ups in a quiet room after the doctor is able to remove the excess air in his chest cavity.
“How are you doing, Spence?” Derek asks worriedly as he pulls up a chair next to Spencer’s bed as soon as he’s allowed to see him.
He pulls away his oxygen facemask to answer. “A bit better,” he says, but his voice is dry and raspy from the oxygen so he certainly doesn’t sound it. “The pain meds are actually working now.”
Derek’s tight, anxious expression relaxes slightly. “That’s at least something.”
Spencer nods tiredly, but before he can respond, a nurse is popping her head round the door. “Dr. Reid,” she says genially, “sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know that we’ve managed to get a hold of your emergency contact, and they’re on their way.”
Spencer’s eyes widen. How could he have forgotten? Granted, he was a little preoccupied with the whole punctured lung, broken ribs thing, but how could he have let it slip his mind that this little accident would lead to the secret he’s been keeping under wraps getting out?
When he’d first met Luke at an FBI gala last year, he never could have foreseen the most intimate and special relationship of his life coming to fruition, but it had. They’d connected on so many different levels, and the chemistry between them felt like something out of one of the fantastical romance novels Penelope reads, and when he’d asked if it was okay for Spencer to put Luke down as his updated emergency contact, he’d been rewarded with a wide, beautiful grin and a firm, heartfelt kiss.
It was serious enough, sure, and they were coming up on having been together for a year, but besides Emily and Penelope — who’d met Luke and developed an amusing, playful rivalry with him — he hadn’t introduced him to anyone on the team.
“On their way?” Derek asks, raising an eyebrow in mild confusion. “Isn’t your contact Hotch? He already knows you’re in the hospital.”
Spencer just stares at him like a rabbit caught in the headlights, completely blanking on something to say. They’re working a local case, so it won’t be long before Luke is bursting into his hospital room armed with cuddles and comfort, and as much as he craves that, he’s too busy panicking about his team finding out to really look forward to it.
Eventually, after watching Derek’s face morph into even stronger, more suspicious confusion, he gives up. They’re going to find out anyway. “I’m dating someone.”
Derek’s face lights up. “Pretty boy!” he exclaims happily, playfully pushing his shoulder as gently as he can. “That’s amazing! Why didn’t you say something? What’s her name?”
Ah. That’s the primary reason he hadn’t told his team about Luke. He’s nowhere close to being ashamed about his sexuality, he accepted himself decades ago, but he’s still not worked up the courage to share that part of himself with his team. Excluding Penelope and Emily who have been together for years (he’s still baffled as to how the others haven’t caught on yet), everyone’s in the dark.
It had started as a basic survival tactic. He’d joined the FBI two years younger than the standard entry age in the early 2000s, and he was far too concerned with just getting by than living outwardly as a gay man. And then, as time went by and he knew his team was accepting and welcoming, he found it too awkward to try and correct people when they assumed he was straight. There just wasn’t ever the right time.
“I’m gay.”
Derek’s happy expression falls and for a split second, Spencer feels a flash of panic. Maybe Derek’s okay with gay people as long as they’re not his immediate friends, as long as he doesn’t playfully call them ‘pretty boy’ and play with their hair when they’re injured, maybe—
“Well, what’s his name, then?”
Spencer looks up from his panic, seeing Derek smiling again, eyes maybe even brighter than they were just seconds ago.
“Spencer, if you think I’m gonna care that you’re gay — if you think any of us will care that you’re gay, then you have another thing coming,” Derek reassures him. “Wait, that isn’t why you didn’t tell us right?”
He suddenly looks distraught at the idea that Spencer might not have felt comfortable coming out to him, and Spencer rushes to correct him. “No! No, I know everyone would be fine with it, I just didn’t really know how to say it. Penelope and Emily know, but only by accident.”
Derek relaxes, chuckling a little. “I’m sure there’s quite a story there.”
Spencer blushes. “Maybe.”
“I’ll find out later,” he says confidently, winking at him, and something in Spencer loosens at the fact that Derek hasn’t changed his behaviour at all. “But I’m more interested in Mr. Sexy Emergency Contact Mystery Boyfriend Man right now.”
Spencer outright laughs at that, before wincing painfully as his ribs twinge, and he has to fit the oxygen mask around his face again and breathe deeply for a couple of breaths before the nasal cannula can suffice again.
“I met him around this time last year at an FBI gala actually,” Spencer manages. “Everyone on our team bailed except Penelope, Emily, and me. He’s called Luke and he works in the Fugitive Task Force. We just clicked as soon as we met, you know? We have this chemistry that I’ve never felt with anyone before, and we started dating pretty quickly. We actually moved in together last month when his lease was up, but we’re thinking of moving to a bigger, nicer place in Mount Pleasant. Luke’s actually had his eye on this one house that went up…”
He trails off when he notices Derek looking at him strangely, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “What?”
“Nothing,” Derek says gently. “You just look happy, pretty boy. When you started talking about Luke you got this happy, dopey smile on your face, and I’ve just never seen you like that. It’s nice.”
“Oh.” He blushes fiercely at the acknowledgement of just how soft he is for his boyfriend, but it’s not embarrassing, he’s just ridiculously happy and head over heels in love.
Still, feeling a little awkward at the attention, he raises the oxygen mask to his face just for something to do.
“Does he treat you well?” Derek asks seriously, suddenly looking like the FBI tough guy he really is.
Spencer grins and nods, pulling the mask away again. “So good. He’s one of those people that looks out for everyone before himself, you know? He listens to my rambles and tangents like he actually knows and cares about what I’m saying, and he insists on making me every meal we’re both home for. Every day off, he brings me breakfast in bed, and he’ll even suffer through my documentaries even though his favourite thing to watch is action movies. He’s the best boyfriend I could hope for.”
“Good,” Derek says fiercely, even though he’s smiling just a little at the thought of Spencer being taken care of. “But if anything ever changes, I won’t hesitate to—”
“Spencer?” Derek’s interrupted by the door flying over, and a very harried looking Luke Alvez rushing towards the bed, seemingly not noticing the man literally threatening his death right next to him. “Oh my God, Spencer, I was so worried, I thought—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Spencer says, voice still a little weak. Can’t he at least sound convincing when he’s trying to tell these people that he’s fine? “I’m okay, I’ll be out of here before you know it.”
“Are you sure, baby? Do I need to get the doctor? Have they been looking after you, because I swear—”
“Luke,” he laughs, interrupting his worried tangent. “I’m fine, I promise.”
He watches amusedly as Luke sags with relief. “Oh thank God,” he breathes, and it’s then that he appears to notice Derek. “Oh, shit.”
He looks to Spencer with an alarmed look in his eyes, knowing full well that he isn’t out to his team yet, but before apologies can start dripping off his lips, he rushes to fill him in.
“It’s okay. I told him.”
Luke’s face brightens in an illuminating smile, his eyes wide and happy. “You did? I’m so proud of you, cariño.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Derek says, rising from his chair to shake Luke’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you in the last ten minutes.”
Luke grins. “All good things, I hope.”
Derek winks teasingly at Spencer. “Oh, better than good. Spencer here seems quite gone for you.”
He blushes again, but Luke just sits on the edge of his hospital bed and takes his face in his hand. “Well, I’m just as gone for him as he is for me. Probably even more so.”
“No way,” Spencer protests as vehemently as he can with an oxygen mask glued to his face again. “I definitely love you more.”
His words are half swallowed by the mask, and half muffled by the gaggle of FBI agents pouring into his room, all talking over one another loudly.
Luke jumps off the bed and stands to attention as they all quieten down, three of them in complete shock, one of them — Emily, recognising Luke — in anticipation of what’s about to happen.
“Uh,” Spencer starts unsurely, eyes flicking between his boyfriend and his team. “Meet my boyfriend?”
There’s a brief pause before everyone jumps into action again: Emily greeting him warmly, JJ introducing herself, and Hotch and Rossi giving him firm, threatening handshakes as a warning that no harm is to come to their pseudo-son.
Spencer knows they don’t have to worry about that, though, not with Luke, and they’re quickly shown that when he takes his rightful place sat on the edge of his hospital bed again, hands smoothing his hair gently.
“Thank you,” he says to Derek, voice soft and sincere as everyone’s sat leisurely around the room, doing their own thing now they’re calmed down after the initial meet and greet, “for taking care of him. I worry about him, you know, and it’s good to see that he has so many good people looking after him.”
“We all do,” Derek replies, looking over at Spencer fondly. “We’re all incredibly overprotective. Residual effects from him joining the team so young, probably.”
“I can see that,” Luke smiles, looking over at Hotch and Rossi, who still have their eyes trained on him, despite having warmed up to him quickly.
“Well between us all,” Emily interjects diplomatically, “I think we have Spencer covered. He has a lot of good people looking out for him.”
Spencer knows they all think he’s asleep, but he can’t help but say something. “I definitely do,” he slurs tiredly, causing Luke to quickly turn his attention to him, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead as he runs his fingers through his hair with the hand not intertwined with Spencer’s. “Love you.”
“I love you too, baby,” Luke murmurs. “And so does everybody in this room.”
Smiling softly and feeling safe as anything, Spencer finally gives into the heavy pull of tiredness, and lets himself drift off to sleep.
I'm such a sucker for coming out fics omg, I hope you didn't mind that element! But God, I've missed writing Ralvez fics. If anyone has any Ralvez prompts then please send them my way because I want to write them so badly but I really find it hard to find plot for them! <3
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @reidology @spencerspecifics @tobias-hankel @goobzoop @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @ropoto
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hoodieofholland · 4 years
Prove you something // Mob!Tom Smut
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Summary: you get jealous over a meeting Tom have with another woman without your knowledge, and he has to prove you something.
Pairing: mob!tom x reader
Word count: ~4.5K
Warnings: smut (18+), fingering (f.), oral (f.), language.
A/n: I’m a sucker for mob!Tom, judge me, but these last contents we’ve been receiving for the past month are the blame. here we go again, enjoy.
As a mob, Tom had to deal with a lot of different people throughout his busy day. You were used to the meetings all the time, even when it was past afternoon, hiting the midnight. Patiently, you'd wait your turn to share some good time with your boyfriend, unless he wanted you to stay for the day, besides him, in the conference room.
Today was slightly different. Tom was held for hours in the conference room, talking business, while you distracted yourself with some other work. But by the time it was around 7p.m., you were bored enough to walk up the place, wanting to know when he'd be over.
Wearing your favorite pyjamas, you walked through the silent house, and just as approaching the conference room, you heard an unusual type of voice.
"Listen, Tom, I'm not here to discuss the shitty situation..."
It got your attention, made you stop in your tracks to hear better, all because it was a female voice. Normally, Tom would always meet with men, them being the mob leaders around London. Not a woman.
You tried to sneak around and see if there were another voice in the room, but as soon as you put your ear to the door's thick wood, Harrison came up behind your figure, making you jump.
"Holy shit!" You screamed in whispers. "Jesus, Harrison, you scared the hell out of me!"
Harrison didn't make any effort to cover his laughter, making you shush him.
"Sneaking around, uh?" He teased through laughters. "You know what Tom says about listening behind closed doors. Someday it might come back to you".
Trying to contain your madness, you cross your arms around your chest and snort. "It's meant for you guys, you idiot. He's not talking about his girlfriend".
"Are you really sure?", still holding his teasing smile, he tilts his head a little. Eyeing the door again, he pouted. "Why didn't he invite you tonight, then?"
"Said it was some small business and wouldn't take that long". You shrugged, though you knew it was bullshit. Tom had already been inside that fucking room for what seemed forever. It wasn't any small business talk, for what it matters.
"I can tell you that there's not small talking inside there" he pointed his chin in the room's direction. "Melissa is right there".
A little confused, but still not wanting to give your feelings away, you stay cool with your voice. "Who is Melissa?"
Harrison’s eyes narrowed and you can tell he had no idea you didn’t know about a single thing that was going on inside there.
“Melissa. The majoriest woman in this whole fucking city. She’s, like, the only female mobster leader in England”. The emphasis in his voice made you feel the message he wanted to deliver. You felt even somewhat a little weak, as if the weight of the presence of that woman could be sensed in your lungs.
Harrison quirked a brow, waiting for your answer, but you didn’t say nothing. Why was Tom lying to you? Why he didn’t want you to know that this woman was right inside the room with him?
“Is he alone there?” You questioned Haz, who shakes his head negatively.
“No, I was there a couple of minutes ago. Just grabbing a cup of tea”. He lifted the mug on his hand. “There’s also her guard or something. The chick is a bit... ugh”
You felt the weight again. “What the fuck does ugh means?!”
Harrison was about to explain, but seeing your exasperated reaction, he just smiled teasingly again. “I think someone is jealous”.
You puffed your cheeks out in frustration, wanting to tug on your hair, or maybe on Harrison’s.
“You’re being ridiculous” you tried your best to sound neutral about the fact that your boyfriend was inside a not very large room with a woman you didn’t know nothing about, but it was getting harder as Harrison seemed like having some fun torturing you.
“Don’t worry, y/n, that’s not what I meant” he chuckled softly and gave you a apologetic smile. “It’s just business, that’s all. You know Tom is far from being suspicious”.
You knew that very well, and if you were being honest, that was not your concern. That didn’t make you less jealous, though. Tom was the most faithful man you knew, not only with you, but with his mates. He could do anything for you and he surely had already proved that you’re the only woman in his life.
Anyways, the thought of that powerful woman inside the fucking room was driving you mad.
“I wanna go inside”, you stated, already turning on your heels. Harrison was quick to grab your wrist, trying to stop you from entering the room.
“Y/n, what the fuck, he doesn’t want to-“
But you were too fast. Yanking the door open, you hear a slight gasp coming from Harrison and the entire room goes silent.
The first thing you notice is Tom, who were crudely interrupted by you. He looked tense with the conversation, eyes heavy, shoulders rigid. His elbow was supported by the large desk in front of his chair, while he seemed to gesticulate with his hand whilst talking to the woman, Melissa. His gaze was directed on you, a questioning look on his features, which didn’t softened like it always did when he talked to you.
“Sorry, I told her-“ Harrison was quick to say, but Tom interrupted him.
“What took you so long?” Ignoring your presence, without changing a single word with you, Tom averted his eyes to Harrison, who came out behind you and sat back at his chair.
“She wanted to come” he answered quietly, unsure of what to say.
Tom looked at you once more, face serious, as he seemed to calculate what say next.
“Why don’t you go wait in the living room, y/n?”
You open your mouth, just to close it again immediately. You didn’t recognize the way Tom was talking to you, almost harshly.
"What, Thomas? You don't enjoy a good woman's company? C'mon, let the girl sit with us" Melissa, who you just had the worry to look at said, putting her long polished nails over her chin. She eyed you up and down before speaking again. "What a beautiful girl you have, by the way. You didn't tell me she was all of that".
Tom closed his eyes briefly, jaw clenching, as he sighed heavily in frustration. You knew he was getting mad, and though you still didn't know why, you made up your mind.
"I'm fine, gonna wait in the room. Sorry for-"
"It's alright", he shook his head and looked back to Melissa. "It was good talking to you, but I need time to figure it out before we decide anything", Tom stood up from his chair and waited until the woman did the same. "I'm going to have a talk with my men and then I call you back".
Melissa smiled, but you could see very clearly that it was nothing but a false smile. "I'll keep in touch".
Tom just nodded once and waited for Melissa to walk out of the room, guided by Harrison, who was equally tense as he made his way to the door. Before she exited the room, Melissa had an eye on you again, a tiny smile making its presence on her face.
You shivered, too aware of the dangerous and power Harrison told you she held, clear in the way she wasn't afraid to show she was staring at you.
When the doors were closed, you couldn't lift your gaze from the floor. However, it was possible to see Tom by the corner of your eyes and the way he was supporting both of his hands on the desk, staring so intently at you that you bet he could see your goosebumps.
"Now that you have my attention", he started, voice deep. "Won't you say what was so important that you couldn't wait 'til I was over?"
You didn't say anything, neither looked at him, frozen on your spot.
"I'm talking to you".
His stern act had you conflicted. He would always use it in bed with you, but never got so mad at something that you did. Something that you didn't even know what was all about.
"You were taking too long, so I wanted to see if everything was alright", you answered, keeping your voice loud and clear enough, not wanting to give him the impression that you were intimidated by his words.
Tom snorted. "That's bullshit. I've already been out until later than this and you stayed in our room".
You roll your eyes, voice cheating you as the irritation consumes your thoughts. "Well, in these nights you weren't with a girl inside here".
Tom's face changed and a brow arched as a trace of a smirk made its way to his face. You had lost your though posture and you knew it.
"Are you jealous?" He chuckles, incredulous, "Really?"
You snort, unfolding your arms. Looking relaxed is the last thing you seem to be able to do right now, but also you didn't want to sound so immature being jealous over nothing.
"No, I am not. I'm just mad that... that you didn't tell me who you were meeting with." You corrected him, though you were too aware it was pretty much a lie. With an unwanted whine, you continue "And why you didn't let me in this time? You see, you just left a whole amount of suspicious things to my imagination."
Tom narrows his eyes, a mix of curiosity and confusion evident on his face.
"You don't actually believe it yourself, do you?" He questioned, a suspicious tone in his voice. A bit ashamed, you glanced down and nodded two times.
"I mean, Harrison just told me she's the biggest woman in London, or some shit like that" you shrugged involuntarily and felt tired, as you started to realise how silly you must be sounding.
It was pretty obvious to you that none of that should matter. Actually, it never did. Tom never turned his head to another woman but you, since you met. He never talked about any other girl than you, and you could tell he bragged about how much of a "lucky motherfucker" he was, as Harrison started complaining about Tom's random rambling just the other day.
Tom had done nothing but adored you since the first time he called you darling. And now you were overreacting because of a common meeting of his.
Tom sighed heavily and offered you his hand. Looking at it for one second, you reach for him, and he brings you closer. "That's probably my fault".
You tilt your head, not understanding his point. Tom sits down back on his chair e mention for you to take a seat on his thigh.
"Don't get me wrong, darling. I let you come to meetings only if I'm one hundred percent sure there's no harm on that. When I'm with friends, not my enemies" he caress two slender fingers through your cheek and you almost close your eyes in please, if it wasn't for his deep stare, full of concern and comprehension. "That woman is nothing but trouble for me and my men. She doesn't like us, I don't like her, but, apparently, one of my man messed up with one of her best one, so I was trying to settle everything down before one of us start a fucking fight about it. Obviously, she hates me and every single one of my mates, and that's why I didn't want you here today. My most important job is to keep you safe, y/n. I've already dragged you too far into this mess, I can't expose you even more."
By the look in his eyes, anyone could tell how Tom meant it. He worried about you and your protection had become a topic of discussions too much for your liking.
He shifts his position, making it more comfortable for you, hand resting in your cheek. His expression earned an even more stern look, almost in pain as he looked deeper in your eyes.
"Do you really think that you should worry about Melissa?" He asks, voice low and soft.
You didn't answer right away. Instead, you tugged at his white plain shirt's collar, breathing slowly as you tried to manifest more of your composure than before.
"A little" you confess, shrugging slightly as if it wasn't that big of a deal. But for Tom, it surely was.
"Darling... why would you be jealous over that woman?" The pad of his index finger touched in the slightest move your bottom lip, tracing delicate paths over it. "Why would you ever be jealous over any woman? You know I love you". He looked up once again, a brow arching as he seemed to doubt his own conviction. "Don't you know?"
You shake your head yes and bite your lip. "Of course I do".
"Then why did you have something in your imagination?"
You sigh quietly. "Yeah, it was silly", taking his free hand and in yours, you play with his fingers, trying to hide your embarrassment. "I'm sorry-"
"It's alright, love", he gives you a small yet sweet smile. "You see, I get jealous all the time. Much more than you do. Think it's fair enough".
You giggle. "Yes, you do. I hate that and did the same. Sorry".
Tom shakes his head and brings his face closer to yours, planting a soft kiss in the corner of your mouth. "What a silly little girl you are. How would you ever think I'd ever have eyes for another girl, when I've got the prettiest with me?"
You release a breathe, your grip at Tom's shirt stronger, pulling him closer. "You'd be really dumb if you did, yeah."
Tom smiles in your mouth and you do as well. "Guess I haven't been showing my girl how much I appreciate her properly lately" he whispers, heading his lips along your jaw, to chase a soft spot on your neck. "Tell me, love, would you like to feel it?" His low and seductive words sent a shiver right through your spine, making you release a quiet moan in anticipation.
"Do you want to feel how much I adore you?" He breaths in your neck, smelling your sweet scent, as carefully grabs your thighs to get you to straddle his lap. "How much I adore your pretty little moans and whines? Those wonderful sounds you make just for me?"
You nod yes, adjusting your position on Tom's lap, rubbing against his crotch on accident and feeling he grunt with the contact.
"Use your words, my love. Need to hear you". He insists, running both his hands to your ass, grabbing each cheek firmly. When you whine a timid 'yes', he smirks against your smooth skin. "Always so eager for me", with precise movements, he guides your hips to meet his, creating a perfect friction between both of you. You could feel his hard against your pulsing center, claiming for more.
Tom lets out a struggled sigh, as if he was holding himself back when feeling your center pressing against him. "See? Only you can make me this hard".
You gulp, trying to catch your breath as your hands make its way to his trousers, but Tom is quick to deny it and stop you. "No, pretty girl. As much as I'm aching to feel you right now, I need to prove you something" he smirks playfully. His right hand releases your bum and goes to your front, making a smooth path in his way to your breast. He put your hard nipples between two fingers, pulling it softly. You moan and move your hips over his lap. Tom's jaw tenses up. "Fuck, darling". He presses his hand firmly on your hip to settle you down, as you smile apologetic.
"Need you, Tom". You whine, arching your back so you were even closer to him.
"Yeah?" He smirks, hand going back to work, sliding inside your pyjamas' short. Tom's brows arch in surprise. "No panties?"
You bite your lip. "When I came down here, I was thinking that maybe we could do something. After you were done".
He chuckled a bit, his cocky smile showing off. "So you were planning on getting fucked in my office?" You only nod once, feeling your center pulse and your cheek heat up. "You dirty, dirty girl".
Tom reaches your pulsing core, a single digit sliding through your wet folds. "God, baby, you're so wet". You moan, letting your weight loose on top of Tom, whose strong arms could handle it. "I barely touched you".
"Stop teasing me, Tom" you claim, eyes closed, as you feel he was threatening to enter two fingers inside you, but collecting them all together again.
"Darling, I think you shouldn't have a word about anything today" he says calmly. "After all, you interrupted my meeting, messed my work up. All because you couldn't wait to get fucked. Do you think you were good, y/n?"
You swallow hard, voice trembling. "N-no".
Tom smiles satisfied. "Yes. Now, though you don't deserve any of that, I'm a man of my word, and I said I was going to show you what my girl is worth of". He gesticulates briefly and you have to take a few seconds to understand he wants you to get up.
You do so, waiting until he gets up too. Confused, you stare at him, who cups your face, kissing the tip of your nose.
"I want you to sit in my chair". He murmurs and you can't help the surprise in your face.
"Why's that?" You frown and he only gestures his head to the chair again. With no other choice, you find yourself doing as you were told.
It was a strange feeling, the soft material of his chair against the bare skin of your exposed leg, where your thin shorts couldn't reach. Strange, because nobody would ever sit on Tom's chair. It wasn't exactly a rule, but everyone did better than risking taking what was his, and that being the biggest and most imposing chair in the conference room, only he could sit there. And maybe that's what entertained him that moment, the sight of you in a place that held so much power as that chair.
It took a good few seconds for you to relax there, and Tom didn't take his eyes from you the whole time. Staring, he would lick his lips, arms crossed over his chest, making his muscular arms very visible for you.
"You know, you could do this. I can picture you sitting here, making demands", he says, as if he was deep in thoughts moments ago, approaching you with hungry eyes. He puts his hands over the chairs' arm rest and lean in you, smiling.
You feel your heart race and try to correct your breathing. "Really?" You arch a brow incredulously. "Don't think I could be so tough".
"You learn this with time, darling", he reassures you, "But I think we'd have to manage who'd be in charge from time to time. I can share it with you, but not give it all. Would you like that?" You knew that by this time he wasn't talking about the mob.
With a charming smile, Tom gets down on both knees and puts his hands in yours. "Yeah, I think", you say in a whisper, too concentrated in his actions to say otherwise or anything else.
"Mmm. You're such a delicate angel", he opens your legs slowly, grabbing the back of your knee to pull you in to him. You gasp in surprise, holding the arm rest to keep yourself steady. "I imagine how you'd look like taking control. Perfect, I know".
It was a sight to see, a powerful man like Tom on his knees, a position you never thought you'd see him at. He looked like he was at your mercy, under your control, just as if he was there to please you, though he still did take the command.
"Tom, please", you whine, not giving a care about sounding desperate anymore.
"Patient, my love. Wanna take my sweet time with you", he pats your leg so you can lift your hips to help him take off your shorts. "Cause that's what I appreciate doing with you. Take every single part of you, make you mine. Slowly". He brings you closer and you pant when he kisses the inner of your thigh, eyes never leaving yours. "Take care of my girl, as she deserves".
You feel yourself growing anxious as you tried to stay still when he brought his lips up to your core. "You smell so good, love. Can't wait to taste it". His lips make no hurry to reach your folds, hot breath hitting your aching center. He looks up at you, wicked smile, as his mouth hover you, teasing.
By this time, you’re already dripping, walls clenching around nothing for the expectation. Finally, you felt Tom's lips connecting with your pussy lips, skillful tongue smoothly licking your arousal, spreading it all over your core.
He put his tongue inside of you, tasting it, adoring the way you'd roll your eyes back with pleasure. "Sweet as fucking candy". He murmurs with his mouth against you, causing vibrations all over your cunt.
You moan when he flicks his tongue over your bud, and tug at his hair. The reaction comes right away and Tom moans against you, putting one of his fingers inside you, but not deep enough, waiting for you to adjust as your walls stretched deliciously. "Can feel you swallowing my finger, baby. You want me?”
"Tom", you whine, arching your back as Tom pushes his fingers deeper inside you. "Please. Gimme more".
"You want more, sweet girl?" Tom smirks, entering you as much as he could, adding a second finger to your pulsing core. You felt the cold of his silver ring against your hot skin, causing you to have goosebumps. Feeling you clench around him, Tom started fingering you, hands precisely moving to stuff you in the most raving way. He took his pace, fast enough to the sound of your wetness fill up the room.
He laps your bud once again, repeatedly, catching it between his lips once in a while and sucking, making you release a loud moan.
You tugged harder in his curls and that's when he realized you were close. "My beautiful girl is close? Can feel you clenching, baby."
You nod once, trying to catch your breath as your hips rock against his fingers. Tom took them out and you almost pulled his hair for that, but he soon replaced it with his firm tongue. "C'mon, darling, fuck yourself on my tongue".
You did so, not caring about your messed movements or your loud noises. Tom was right there, holding you hip down with one hand to keep you steady and stimulating your clit with his thumb with another. It was the most beautiful sight you could have and you were on the verge of your edge.
"You're- fuck, so fucking hot, Tom" you cry out, head falling back. "Shit! 'M close"
Tom started to fuck his tongue inside you again. Your toes curl, your belly burns and your heart couldn't beat faster. Tom grabbed the back of your legs and abruptly brought you closer to his face, keeping his tongue firm and thumb working on your bud. He replaced it with his two wet fingers for a moment, just to speak to you and coax your orgasm. “Look at you, baby, so, so beautiful when you’re coming. Fuck, wish they all could see what a pretty and dirty girl I’ve got right here, angel”.
You moan and Tom can tell you’re about to lose it, putting his tongue back to work. "That's it, love, cum on my tongue, make a sweet mess on my face".
You couldn't hold back anymore. Your whole body felt like sparkles, as you tightened your grip on Tom's hair, chest panting, muscles rigid, voice coming out as the loudest moan of your night. It’s all about you now, what you feel. Tom is right there, holding you, controlling your body squirming with his strong hands.
Tom helps you ride out your orgasm, tongue and fingers never leaving you. His noise bumped into your clit as he seemed to enjoy licking your juices, face still lost between your legs. But when you finally saw him again, you thought you could have another orgasm just from the look on his face.
"Fuck", you pant, still trying to catch your breath. "You're- you're all covered-"
Before you could even finish, Tom got up from his knees and took your face in between his hands, capturing your lips on his. The kiss was messy, clashing tongues and teeth, but it was all pleasure. You could taste yourself, take what Tom had left on his lips. It was sweet - a mix of both of you.
"You're a fucking mess right now" you tell him, a slight giggle coming out of your dry throat, wiping some of the wetness from his chin.
"I know", he smiles back at you, pecking your lips once more. He catches the fingers you used to clean his face and leads it to him mouth, sucking on them gently. "Proudly. Who else in this fucking world can have the pleasure of being a mess with your cum, eh?"
You shove his shoulders playfully and spin the chair. "Well, I think I could truly run things here. Feel very powerful now".
Tom puts his hand on the back of the chair to stop it from moving. "That's because you had me between your legs just a few seconds ago, love", he smirks "But I think we can manage that".
You get up from the chair and put your hands on the collar of his shirt, gripping it between your fingers. "Good", you look up at him, smiling devilishly. "First thing, though, I remember you were here to prove me something".
"Oh, darling" he chuckled darkly. "We surely are not finished yet".
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ask-zadr · 2 years
So... I was not in your blog when you started, so I know it's late, but at least I have an excuse for only now talking about what I don't personally get. I hope I am not gonna be a jerk about it, because I don't want to: There was a storyline about Zim used to not wanting to have a girl, which I don't think it makes any sense, unless some back-story is behind it in this AU. I mean, I get it what it was going for: Showing Zim is still a flawed individual and he has to overcome some of his personal demons to be mature to be a parent is a great concept and I think the excution was had effort put into it, but I don't think sexism is a character-flaw that should have been the one you choose for him, because it not only doesn't make sense for his character, it doesn't make sense for the Irken race as a whole. Gender literally doesn't matter to them: They treat them equally in their society. They also wear clothes solely based on their jobs and all of them can be anything. The thing they discriminate by is height and the view other races as inferior. And Zim himself doesn't show treating girls worse than boys. He treats people equally shitty (expect GIR and Mini, and maybe the Tallest?). It would make more sense if he didn't wanted the smeet(s) to look more human, because of internalized xenophobia. I know he is happily boyfriends with Dib at this point, but it's realistic for this kind of things not completely go away, not because the person is not trying per say, but because he had been subjected to propaganda from a very young age and it wouldn't be suprising if it was still deep inside his concious. Plus, you mentioned that he relapses. This could be a similar situation. Or them being really short, because despite being short, Zim can be pretty hypocritical and he was raised on an environment where short people are count as lesser beings. Or even the opposite: growing taller than their parent, despite he being their superior. Yeah, it doesn't matter on our planet, but he is still an Irken. Maybe these are stupid ideas, but I really find it odd how you had him learn not to be misognistic when he wasn't possessed this trait in the first place, instead of working on some bad trait he actually had. I am aware he should still feel Zim-like, so there is not gonna be a drastic change in character, but still. Yes, it's not canon, it's a Zadr-au, but you mentioned that Zim sees himself as a genderless, so why did he care so much? Okay, maybe it can be a situation that he doesn't have a problem with girls, but he himself doesn't want a girl. There are people like that in real life, but again he has no clear reason for that. Which brings me to my question: Is there an explanation why did you choose to go with this back than? (Is it got something to do what he learned about the gender rules while being on Earth?) Sorry, it's probably really outdated, but I am a late-comer, so... You don't have to answer of you don't want to, I am just would like it, of you did.
Okay this is a REALLY interesting question! And definitely about an outdated concept because I totally forgot about it. Haha. So zim isn’t supposed to be written to be misogynistic. but he doesn’t exactly always make sense either. Some things he did on this blog he just… did? But there wasn’t a deep reason. And if there was, I can’t remember what my thought process for what I chose that reaction for. As you said, he IS genderless and you’re correct gender doesn’t matter on irk with how their society goes, so….
If I were to give it in an explanation now I’d say that I think he just didn’t want a girl at the time and made everything overly dramatic but there was a hint of him being impressionable that he gained from the environment around him - as it’s not hard to start reacting to the world around you and letting it mess with your thoughts. The thought of gender is very confusing to him but also very prevalent here on earth and zim can take things very literally and deeply so I’d peg this to be the reason. however it’s not something you’ll really see again, I don’t think. After having his daughter zal, it’s given him quite a clear view of how he feels.
Thank you for the question!
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