#that type is people who love assasinations
im-very-sorry · 1 year
on one hand i would like to put her hyperfixiations on a dni list but on the other hand who hyperfixiates on the death of a former us president
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yandereforme · 7 months
Damian wayne? nah, Damian AL GHUL.
(in my perspective his al ghul blood is where he gets his yandare shii from cause yk..the al ghuls..it just fits right..)
(imagine if damian stayed in Nanda parbat)
so imagine damian going on an assasin mission in gotham and crosses paths with vigilante!reader(Female if possible xx) on the gotham rooftops where they get into a fight and for the first time, Damian loses, to a girl/woman and now he's obsessed interested in her, now I see him purposely taking missions that's from gotham just to see reader then just one night he plans a kidnapping, think several other assasins on standby so the kidnapping will be perfect and..idk anymore, I ran out of brain juice.(I'm gonna be honest this was my dream last night, and I woke up 💔)
also, me personally, Damian al ghul>damian wayne
I wanna ask without anon but I'm EMBARRASSED CAUSE IDK WHAT I TYPED SOUNDS LIKE WHEN SOMEBODY READS IT!! (and ik my grammar suckz ass cause English ain't my first language. far from that💔💔)
oh no I'm yapping again I'm so sorry
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You are not a bother at all! I love this idea, and you don’t need to be embarrassed, that’s how I write most things lol.
Damian Al Ghul x Vigilante! Reader
I’m thinking he went to Gotham to scout out his father and his subordinates (they aren’t a focus in the post)
He completely forgets about them after he meets (and gets his butt kicked by you)
You are an independent vigilante, and you have always been that way. You avoid Batman and his birds, preferring to take care of things like human traffickers, muggings, abusers, etc.
That being said, you knew enough about the big stuff that the boy in ninja gear set off alarm bells. You were prepared for his attacks, and had your weapons at the ready
You were a badass, and wiped the floor with Damian, even pinning him down before other ninjas came out of the darkness, hellbent on you.
He yells at the others in Arabic and you take your chance to slip away. This was above your pay grade, and the Bat could deal with them. You needed to continue your patrol.
Damian was expecting an easy fight, but you surprised him. When you glared down at this boy, blood streaked across your face, eyes alight with hatred as you held him down, Damian fell hard.(I headcanon that Al Ghuls fall for/become yandere for strong fighters or general badasses, while Wayne’s tends to become yandere/protective over kindness/innocence due to their trauma)
Those idiots who interrupted his fight with his beloved were killed immediately, and he immediately set his sights on finding you again.
He found your vigilante work a worthy endeavor, but your civilian life was not up to par. You worked two jobs, both of which were meant to be taken on by peasants, not by important people like you. He admired and hated the fact you survived on your own, admiring your strength but despising what you had to do to survive.
This man will fight tooth and nail to get to go to Gotham at every opportunity. He prefers to watch you on patrol, and privately dispose of the simpletons you were surrounded by
After a while, when your room and all the supplies were prepared, only then did he set up your kidnapping. He approached you late at night, outside of your suit. You gave him another worthy fight, but this time he wasn’t going to let you get away, and knocked you out quickly.
When you wake, it will be to Damian sitting across from your bed, reading one of your favorite novels (he doesn’t like this kind of book, but as his beloved enjoys it, he will be learned on the subject).
Be prepared to have a life of being Damian’s Queen, Y/n Al Ghul. By the time you wake up, he will have already removed all traces of your past from the rest of the world, making sure you had nothing to go back to, if you were ever able to escape, so your best bet is to stay as his queen, and hopefully figure out a way out(you won’t escape.)
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orchidsangel · 9 months
Hi! I love how you write about jason! If you take requests I was thinking about how Jason is usually serious but when the reader is around he always smiles and even laughs and maybe people notice that and get surprised
*sighs while looking out window into the distance* i think about this so very often. it's not that he doesn't smile or laugh, of course he does. it's just that it's very often still hidden behind a wall of some sort. his smile doesn't really reach his eyes and he's still on guard as if something might happen at given moment, like he can't trust that the people around him won't hurt him in some way (*cough* rejection *cough*). everyones used to it, and nobody thinks anything of it anymore. that's just jason, that's just who he is. but then you come around, and he doesn't tell anyone about you. he doesn't mean to keep you a secret, it's not like he's hiding you or anything. just keeping you out of harms way which means not putting you in a rom with a bunch of heroes, vigilantes, and assasins who all have enemies. but even though he never explicitly states that he's seeing someone, everyone around him can feel it. he's not so standoffish, his energy isn't like a black hole (that often) anymore, and they sometimes catch him with a small smile on his face. the confirmation comes when you finally do meet them on a random night when a few people drop by his apartment unnanounced. he thinks that this might be the end of the world and he's honestly surprised it didn't happen sooner. his shoulder are up to his neck and he finds himself eyeing everyone in the room, seeing your reactions to them and their reactions to you. to everyone else this is typical jason, tight smiles and half-hearted laughs because he's a loner and you never know if he's in the mood for company. but you, you know somethings off. you know (even though he's never told you) that he tries to keep you seperate from that life, and so you know that this is his worst nightmare and the reason he looks like he wants to kill everybody in the room. you hand finds his arm, rubbing up and down the length of it and he immediately softens a little. when he turns his head to look at and makes eye contact his shoulders drop fully, and he smiles at you. it doesn't reach his eyes, but it's different. genuine. "how the fuck did you do that?" someone asks, pulling your attention away from eachother. and he laughs, a real laugh. not crazy loud or obnoxious, but real nonetheless. (which makes everyone around you even more confused)
(this isn't proofread, literally typed this as i'm leaving a hotel for a cross country trip. hope i did your idea justice tho xoxo)
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hoodedboy79 · 2 months
Hey. I just saw your post of the idea to write about Assassins Creed. It’s lovely to see someone who would write about the Assasins, like Bayek (he doesn’t get enough love). I don’t have anything particular in mind but I’d love to see some/or reactions of some kind of Bayek, Arno and/or any you feel comfortable with. Have a nice day :))
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Being Best Friends With Them: Bayek, Arno & Jacob.
Just to start off with I'm sorry this took so long for me to do but I've got major writers block atm so these might be ass but I tried. Also Arno might be extra ooc cuz I only brought Unity a few days ago when it went on sale and haven't done more than the beginning yet so apologies in advance 😅
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• The most loyal, lifelong friend you're ever going to get right here.
• Even if you two don't see each other as often anymore after Bayek became a Medjay and started a family.
• Talking about him starting a family, you were one of the first people he told when he found out Aya was expecting.
• Invites you over regularly to eat dinner with him and his family, along with Hepzefa and Rabiah if they are free.
• He loves that his closest people get on so well.
• You accompanying him, Khemu and Chenzira on their hunting trips.
• As much as he wants to confide in you after Khemu's death and Aya's departure, he can't bring himself to. Not only because he doesn't want to speak about it when the wound is so fresh but he doesn't want to burden you with his feelings.
• So he doesn't say much to you before leaving to track down the Heron.
• When he eventually returns, and is in a slightly better headspace than before he left, he was happy to see you, and Hepzefa, waiting for him.
• You two have a lot to catch up on.
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• Will silently judge every stupid decision you make, his face tells you exactly what he wants to say though to the point it doesn't feel as 'silent' anymore.
• He will help you clean up and or defend you from the consequences of said stupid decision though.
• The type to have clothes made for you, regardless of your social status.
• Depending on your personality, there's going to be a LOT of disagreements between you two due to Arno's stubbornness (and yours, potentially) but he's willing to come to a compromise with you after enough back and forth, he probably won't admit if he was wrong though.
• Arno never truly gets over Élise and has times where his grief rears it's head, sometimes he'll allow you to comfort him even if it's just by sitting in the same room in silence while you both get on with your own things or other times he'll avoid everyone completely and try to keep himself busy with random tasks till he feels ready to see people again.
• Would like to visit the theatre with you occasionally or just relax for once and have a discussion about art or the newest plays.
• Gossip duo 💅🏻
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• Sheer pandemonium.
• You two together brings the fear of God into people.
• Spending hours with him in the pub, whether it be indulging in drinking games, playing Whist (don't worry he won't drown you in the river if you beat him) or just chatting with the Rooks, Jacob will make sure you enjoy yourself and hopefully get you to stay just another hour (and buy another round).
• Tells Maxwell about you and eventually invites you to accompany them on one of their random outings.
• We all know how that eventually ends.
• Both of you teasing Evie about Henry. Jacob will definitely turn on you though if he finds out you are courting someone/being courted, it isn't just Evie he's willing to tease.
• He would find out as much as he could about the person that you're interested in, especially if their the one trying to court you. He's been betrayed by people close to him before and doesn't want you to go through the same thing if he can help it.
• He'll make almost everything a (friendly) competition with you; Who can climb this building faster? Who can kill the most Blighters in this random street fight? Who can escape the police quicker?, things like that. Evie will even sometimes join in, which usually ends with the twins bickering after she wins.
• You and Jacob really do share the same braincell at times fr.
I haven't done any hc's in a hot minute and I can see why lol. Maybe I'll rewrite these one day or add to it I dunno.
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reddeaddamnation · 2 years
Hello! Your blog is great and I love it! But if I could ask, do you take AC yandere requests? If not, that's ok! If yes, can I have some headcannons for the assasin's?
Basim: Would act like he is chill at first and let you do whatever you want until you get comfortable. Then he would pout and nag you when you want to go without him or talk to someone until you give up doing something without him at all.
Yandere meter: 7/10
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Eivor: Is not subtle at all. Demands you go with him everywhere otherwise there would be problems. If you refuse, he would just pick you up and take you anyways. Even if you don't talk or do anything together, he still wants you around him because he wants to know where you are.
Yandere meter: 8/10
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Alexios: I imagine he is kind of the person who would kill anyone you go in contact with, watching closely,his rage slowly building up until ge goes in a fit and after he comes down from the rage he would act like nothing happened.
Yandere meter: 10/10
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Bayek: In no world can I imagine Bayek being a yandere. He is just too sweet.
Yandere meter: 0/10
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Altair: He would secretly watch you from far away and keep track of who you're speaking to. Women are safe but any man you speak to, even if it's he is asking for directions, he would be assasdinated shortly after. Altair would act innocent in front of you
Yandere meter: 9/10 (a hidden threat)
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Ezio: He wouldn't necessarily kill for you, but would threaten and beat anyone who looks at you even in front of you and if you get angry he would use the puppy dog eyes to make you forgive him.
Yandere meter: 6/10
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Connor: Would go into a rage at the thought of you leaving him. Even if you do some day, he will hunt you down to the ends of the world and bring you back.
Yandere meter: 9/10
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Haytham: Would prolly just lock you in his basement and tell everyone you died tragically.
Yandere meter: 10/10
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Edward: Would keep you on his ship at all times. No leaving without him. No leaving at all actually. He will bring you whatever you need but the whole time you will stay locked in his cabin with people guarding the door so you don't escape
Yandere meter: 10/10
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Arno: After Elise left him, his abandonment issues skyrocketed and he will do everything to keep you. He is livid. Would be alright with becoming your slave even. Bringing you everything you want or don't want, be attached to you 24/7, insecure af and scared of doing mistakes for which he will always apologize and cry. Absolutely obsessed. Meanwhile he will be hunting down everyone you know.
Yandere meter: 10/10
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Jacob: Is the type to say "Look who I ran into today" with an evil grin and throw the head of your high school crush or colleague at your feet.
Yandere meter: 10/10
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whitetulip25 · 2 months
Can we talk for a moment how the writers butchered Rhaenys' character from the beginning till the end?
Like, she's presented like this type of a bored wine aunt being done with everything and everyone in her life, existing solely on purpose of throwing in "cool" pretensious girlboss one-liners. She's stripped down of any agency and power in her life. "My husband pimping out our 12 years old daughter to my decomposing cousin who happens to be king? Nevermind. He's trying to pass over his seat to Rhaenyra's bastard instead of one of our trueborn granddaughters? Guess I should obey. Oh, yes, and I will support her bastard's unexisting claim just because my lord husband wishes so, despite the fact of me having suspicions Rhaenyra had a hand in the death of my son. Oh, yes, and I will support Rhaenyra's claim to the throne because she's so noble and wants to prevent the war, unlike all these stupid men around us."
She was the voice of reason when she said that the war started with the eye incident, but other than that she's painted as a dull and hypocritical woman with no actual desires in her life. Instead of exploring political reasoning of the Velaryons being team black she supports Rhaenyra because "girl power, yay" kind of nonsense.
And let me tell you the funniest thing. All of her inspiring speeches about disgusting men lusting for a war were just for the fact that she went on the suicide mission just because.... she got emotional over Corlys' cheating? Like, really? The woman who'd been constantly yapping about poor women being oppresed by evil men and calling out Alicent of all people for being a the service of the latter basically died because of feeling rejected by her husband. Like, I don't know if it was the intent, but it looked exactly like this.
Also, I'm not a huge fun of f&b, but book! Rhaenys' death and the character overall was so much better. She fought fiercely, knowing perfectly well that there's no going back and perished honourably because she believed in her team's cause. And yes, she wouldn't give a flying fuck about Corlys' and Rhaenyra's bastards and certainly wouldn't promote the pseudo-feministic narrative "men bad, women good".
Also I just love how every single character and event is represented in the way that absolves Rhaenyra of any guilt. Peak feminist writing strikes again, yeepee.
On top of that this kind of character assasination is simply offensive and disrespectful to such an amazing actress as Eve Best, glad she's free in the end of the day.
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leonardoeatscarrots · 5 months
Tell me about YOUR favourite historical figure and what it is you like about them the most 😄 (also any images are added bonus 🙏🙏)
Bullet points on why I love Felix Yusupov so much, because otherwise I'd be here all night:
Oddly enough not the "killing Rasputin" thing, though he did do that
His general incompetence over anything and everything.
He did drag and crossdressing when he was younger and did performances. His exact gender identity is unknown, mainly due to lack of terminology during the time, but he was gender-spicy for certain.
Raging bisexual and considerably open about it in his memoirs for the time period.
Loves his wife. Turns into a bumbling mess whenever he writes about her. She was a badass btw. I can't blame him.
Killed Rasputin WITH the help of his lover, Dmitri. Pretty sure those two shacked up afterwards.... but you know.
He actually planned to do a lot of charitable work with his family's money and estates, including opening museums and restoring wetlands and such, but the other nobles hated the fuck out of this idea and also the revolution kind of forced him out of the country before he could try.
Pathetic. Absolute fool.
According to his own accounts of the assasination, he passed out and fell down the stairs after killing rasputin. This is why he wasn't there when they disposed of the body. All adaptations omit this event.
His memoir Lost Splendor is marketed as "the amazing memoirs of the man who killed rasputin" but it is only 20% about rasputin and 80% random shit he pulled as a kid. Tom Sawyer type shit. This book is genuinely one of the most entertaining things I think I have ever read. One day I might make a comic adaptation.
Pretty sure this man had ADHD. The symptoms are all there...
The first time I kissed a girl was because I was having an autistic info-dumping session on this dude and she thought it was super hot 🔥
Some of my fav pics include:
This goofy cropped one (its one of our discord emojis lmao). His little squint is so funny to me ahshdhshhs
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This photo is just very charming. 10/10. My current computer background. Also a discord emoji.
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These two i just find to be cute ::3 I really love photos of him with his wife, Irina, because again she was a baddie. Also I'm such a sucker for photos of people working.
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This last one I just really like because it's very fun and playful. The boy on right is Felix as a tot, and the other on the left is his brother, Nicholas (I really love Nicholas auuughhh).
The right photo is the original postcard scan, and the left is a version I did as photo restoration practice ::]
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streets-in-paradise · 4 months
I'm gonna go on anon with this one cause it's my first time sending an ask n I'm lowkey shy lol
what do you think Achilles type would be(personality and looks-wise)?
( Don't worry at all, i'm respectfull of your shyness)
This is an excellent question, I have so many thoughts!!!! ( And for so, this will be long so get ready. )
Let's get to the point: girls this gorgeous man would be into.
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( First i'm doing a fem version of the answer because I think of this way too often and, since I am a woman, I tend to think about it from a fem perspective. Just my regular thoughts will take a lot of space lol, so let me know If you want a male version following this reply)
For a start, Achilles as a character is stucked in a paradoxical duality. I believe is the way in which the film makers tried to tell us from a de-mythification perspective that he is a demigod. Through human lenses in his characterization, we see him in two clearly opposite phases of himself that live in constant tension.
He is a soldier who despises the power of Kings, but also a militar leader followed by the myrmidons. For moments, a simple man, yet also a hero who ambitions inmortal fame and glory. There is a part of him that is very commoner, but another that feels royal. Half mortal and half divine, mundane and exceptional at once.
Taking this to romantical themes, i think Achilles can be into girls on a wide range within this dichotomy. The film confirms it, since Briseis is the synthesis of both opposite poles ( a slave girl and a princess, simultaneously the lowest and highest a woman can be.)
Social status wouldn't be a factor conditioning the attention of the myrmidon warlord: he is as likely to go for a slave girl as he is to fall for a free common girl or a princess.
In terms of personality, I think there are 3 core traits he would seek. Achilles likes brave, clever, caring girls. How this aspects would combine would depend of the unique personality of each girl, but it's most likely they would have any form of it going on. This means they don't necesarily all need to be unapologetically outspoken like Briseis. Let's say, for example, that a shy girl stands up against something unfair. He was not used to hear her voice, but now that he did he doesn't want to stop doing it. You don't have the courage to admit your crush on him, but you are calling out a soldier of Agamemnon for abusing of his authority? Achilles is thrilled, now he won't stop paying attention to you.
He loves being surprised, his expectatives challenged even despite you may not be openly challenging him. That's where the cleverness plays a role and, like explained before, he doesn't mind the source of it. Can it be streets wit, playfull trickery or calculative thinking obtained from transiting palace intrigue. Any show of cleverness put in service of courage from a kind heart would get him.
( Movie canon supports this in the moment Briseis schemes the assasination attempt for the sake of the people he may kill. Clever act requiring courage based on the doubts from her kind heart. We can expect different combinations of those 3 aspects would result in a similar effect)
On their approach to him, he also tends to prefer girls keeping a good balance between their appreciation of his core duality. He likes to have a girl admiring all the qualities that made him famous, but will find her way more attractive if she shows to have a mind of her own.
If she is only Interested in the handsome hero, and she has catched his eye, this may evolve into cassual sex, but Achilles falls in love for the woman willing to call him out from his bullshit. It doesn't have to allways develop in a negative way, with this I mean someone willing to scratch the surface of the cocky champion seen in the first ten minutes of movie because they are invested in discovering the man underneath.
To put it in other terms, it's a bit like this quote from Axl Rose I kinda remember from an Interview he did at the peak of GNR. He said that most girls wanted to date Axl as his character on stage, not him. " They don't know me, they don't necesarily want to know me. ", and this is how I think Achilles often feels.
The moment one shows up in his life invested in the complexities of his real self, he won't let her go.
Now speaking of looks, i'm more inclined to abandon canon for a bit with the hiper narrow standards of 2000's Hollywood making the only 3 girls we see him with look practically all the same except for hair colour.
It's hard for me to imagine him having a type when it comes to physical appearance. A short girl looking helpless under him? Lovely, he loves it. An amazon shaped tall girl challenging him to fight? Better call it a first date, he would be flirting the whole time. A skinny girl wearing an oversized garment of his? Perfection. A plumpy belly dancer giving him more attention than expected during a feast? Man is entranced. ( Don't let Hollywood deceive you, he would love bigger girls too. Have you seen the greek statues of curvy Aphrodite with her thick thights and soft belly?)
About his favorite body parts of his woman I can be more precise.
Canonically, he is seen paying attention to hair and I agree. The romance scenes always show some level of worship to his partner's hair. He likes to caress it, smell it, and he does it with surprising tenderness. Getting into spicier territory, I headcanon he has a thing for hips.
( I seriously loved so much to answer this, please come back anytime for more headcanons. )
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timaeuslover001 · 2 months
Why I HATE DBS Broly Film:
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Other than the disjointed story telling ….
It dehumanized the tragedy of the saiyan life under Freiza.
The original had a lot or be desired too but at least he did love his son, but he ants cruel to him when he WAS controllable .
His son had two personalities and his carzy side was growing more and more uncomfortable as he got older.all of this was brother form Trauma.
Instead he just has anger burgers and has a shock collar to “control” him which makes his situation less empathetic and sadder than a man who has no clue what’s going on and has an alternate personality.
I wish instead of King VEGETA it was Frieza who ordered it because that seemed much more likely because Frieza already was threatened and hated The Saiyans.
Only logical reason King Vegeta may have ordered it if it came from Frieza! But I highly doubt he’d stomach to do that to the babies.
Cuz what sense would a King do that to his own peopel and have them NOT revolt?!? Cuz imagine if he was successful to Get rid of Frieza?! King Vegeta would be GONE.
Hence prob why Freiza picked the planets the babies they got sent to.
But villainizing the father complex is the type of disrespectful storytelling I hate, Paraguay wasn’t perfect but he didn’t have the heart to kill his own KID!
I’m sure none of them , even Goku would have an easy time doing that.
How I would do the movie:
paragus losing control of broly, Broly attacks ANOTHER planet and some rouge survivor lives and that begs for Goku and Vegeta Help.
They help, realize how strong he is, they help but transport to another planet/moon/ with no people to avoid more damage.
Realize how strong he is , Paragus shows up and tries to control him but struggles because the head band isn’t working.
He even fights Goku and Vegeta when he sees them hitting his son. But they convince him that he needs to let him go and that Broly isn’t the same anymore.
They struggle some more and he even proves to be too run for them.
They do a lot of damage to the moon/planet thing .
Goku and Vegeta manage to knock Broly out and as the planet/moon self destructs and Paragus stays behind with his fallen son and they both die together , because all he wanted was peace for his son and now they can BOTH have it.
Cuz having him kill his son is too cruel and heartbreaking, but In a Tragic way they can both be together.
And mabey the spirit of broly can appear back to Goku at the end as a spirit as his normal self and whispers a soft spoken “Thank you”
Mabey Vegeta and Goku can even talk about it. Vegeta seemingly unsympathetic to Broly situation.
Goku goes home and gives a big bear hug to Gohan.
I mean no one had to be the “villian”
They’re both victims of Freiza cruel Reign on his people.
And even in the DBZ film version Paragus wasn’t a “villian” yea he was seeking revenge and using him but his son was ALIVE and he kept him close to him he could have let him loose AGES ago and cause havoc on the cosmos alone but he didn’t, he wanted him to be close to him.
Broly can still be sweet and soft spoken and gentle when not crazy but don’t make his father be the cause of it. 🙄 Freiza is a terrible enough person to be the cause of anyone suffering.
I think Broly is way too OP anyway, but I love the tragedy a of the situation and how his trauma as a child made him what he is and have him this alternate personality.( in mo way do people with D.I.D. Have a nurderous personality trait that’s a possibility , that never happens in real life but for fantasy purposes I’ll allow it )
ngI don’t know how their going to keep his trauma childhood🤔 cuz Broly almost got killed at night time in the movie and planet Vegeta exploded RIGHT during the assasination attempt. Which contradicts the Bardock film when planet Vegeta exploded during the DAY.
Ugh….akira Toyinama🤦‍♀️ bad memory strikes again ….
not to mention diminishes Goku specialness of being a super saiyan.
And Living distant other than Goku and Vegeta is always nice to see too.
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howhow326 · 1 year
"Kim was kind of a jerk in season one"
"Derision assasinated Kim's character"
Are two statements that can and should coexist. Yes, season one had hints that Kim was a sort of secondary antagonist (the origins episode where he gets Ivan akumatized, that one episode where he gets Alya's dad akumatized due to his idiot jock behavior, his idiot jock behavior, the fact that he had a crush on Chloe which apparently is grounds for being a bad person in Astrucs eyes) but most of those traits disappeared after Dark Cupid. Season two onwards, Kim hates Chloe just as much as the other good guys (which is grounds for being a good person in Astrucs eyes) and dosen't really cause akumas anymore. Season 3 onwards, Kim is established as a pure good himbo that Master Fu likes enough to personally give him a miraculous (something he only did with the main characters of the show). Season 1 existed, but it dosen't invalidate evey season after itself.
"Marinette is so forgiving for helping Kim with his love life in Dark Cupid"
Is historical revisionism based on a retcon. And a bad retcon at that! The writers did not write this idea into the show until Derision came out, that is so obviously a retcon that it's almost as bad as Kim being retconed to be a pure nice himbo!
Miraculous Ladybug is terrible at character writing and Derision just highlights that fact. In any other show, the idea that Kim helped traumatize Marinette would have been either some type of dark secret (Kim is deeply ashamed of his actions but has moved on since them and become a better person) or a very dark plot twist (Kim and Sabrina are secretly terrible people who helped Chloe abuse Marinette and are almost just as bad as her). But because it happened in Miraculous, Kim is going to leave this episode scot free while Chloe is going to be racked over coals cuz "tHiS pRoVeS sHeS pUrE eViL!1!"
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loreleiv3 · 2 years
If I had to take a shot for every time someone mischararcterizes Gon , I would be an alcoholic.
But in all honesty the amount of times I've seen people present Gon as an oblivious , innocent guy with only two working brain cells who can't tell the definitions to basic terms and words is too much.
Like the amount of love confession fics from Killua's side I have seen with this dialouge
Killua : I want to be more than friends
Gon : You mean best friends ?
Killua : No more
Gon : Bestest of best friends
Like I'm sorry but Gon is not that dumb to not know what Killua must be implying.
I think that because Killua has always been the more calculated and reserved one people automatically assume he must be more intelligent than Gon. And because Gon can be reckless + that unfortunate math scene ; people just labeled him as stupid and decided to roll with it.
And I want to talk about that
First of all, let's ask ourselves what does it mean to be intelligent?
By a definition I've found on the internet it says that being intelligent means " having or showing the ability to easily understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations " There's not a point in this description where it says in what external way intelligence is shown. And it's because there are different types of intelligence and while in some areas of life you might be a literal expert , in others you might feel like a little baby trying to to make their first steps.
For example , someone can be very academically gifted, but they are not life smart. Like they can have straight A's , absorb information with no effort and etc , but they can't go anywhere alone because they will get lost.
Or someone can be very emotionally intelligent. They always know what to say , how to act and they are very mature. But they struggle academically. They make amazing leaders or social workers but you ask them to calculate a simple math question and it's the end for them.
See ? Both of these examples show how in different ways intelligence can be shown , but it doesn't mean that one is less important than the other.
Gon might be reckless , bad at math and not as observing and calculated as Killua is , but that does not make him any less intellectual. And there are definitely areas of life where Gon is more knowledgeable than Killua is.
Let's start with the first example. When Tonpa gives out the orange juice , Gon spits it out a few seconds later because the juice tastes wierdly to him. After this scene Gon explains that the reason he knows all that is because he posses a great knwoledge on plants and can tell when something tastes bad. Killua on the other hand drinks it because well he knows that poison won't affect him , due to the training he has endured. However if you really think about it if it wasn't for his immunity to poison , Killua might've not known the difference as easily as Gon did.
Now let's look at the 4th phase ( ? ) of Hunter exam , when Gon is hunting Hisoka to get his badge. And throughout this whole ordeal you can see a great strength that Gon posses which is his ability to observe things in the enviroment around him. He uses butterflies to help him locate Hisoka , and uses flying birds as a way of practice.
Like this shows us that Gon's intelligence is very much focused on the external world. He knows about plants , animals , knows how to make use of his environent and etc.
While someoene like Killua who did not grew up on an island could've a harder time doing something like that if it wasn't for his assasin training. And I'm not saying that to make Killua look stupid now. I'm just stating that there are parts of life where Gon is definitely more knowledgeable than Killua because both of them had a different upbringing.
I really really wish that people recognized that because a character doesn't display the textbook stereotype of an intelligent person doesn't automatically mean that they are stupid
Thanks for listening to my ted talk : )
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dailybayonetta · 2 years
sorry, if im bothering you with this (you don't need to anwer if you don't want to), another one of these discourses about bayonetta i've seen with queerbaiting with bayojeanne and that one spoilers thing. do you agree it's an actual thing that happened?
Okay, so BIG SPOILERS AHEAD (metion of them, but not explicit) and lots of text ________
So let me start by saying, usually, as a gay person myself - I've been in this situation. When you clearly have a dynamic between friends of the same gender but it's written much more deeply and with the care and with the actual tropes that get used for het couples and filled with love (and that word gets thrown around, but like, we talking about any kind of love). That happens. But what also happens - is that writers / devs usually never confirm these. Fans and fandom do more job of putting lgbt rep into something that originally doesn't really have it or hidden in narrative (pushed, that also common with censoring) and then act like devs or writes or show runners own them something they invented. Again, it's a complex issue, because sometimes authors take time or have to push for relation ships (LoK / adventure time) and sometimes authors take credit for the ships fans popularised (that one supergirl show comes to mind???) However, in Bayojeanne cause, I can kind of see where people coming from because: a) Bayo herself is an ambiguous character, people been saying for ages that she's bi coded (i can't speak on that honestly) b) Kamiya called Bayonetta and Jeanne couple - not a pair, not duo, and compared them with other couples (that also semi-canon / canon)
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c) a lot of promo material art, just as concept art depicted them in way that would couples would. especially couples that have "different side of the coin" dynamic and that complement each other some examples: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5
Fanservice? Sure. Still. A thing that did happened. d) the scenes they had were also common for couples, shots on the reaching hands (the recent one i can think about with cloud and tifa in ff7remake), bayonetta holding jeanne "bride" style, bayonetta holding jeanne when saving her soul (do i need to mention how later they did that scene in familliar way with luka and bayo but just without the kiss, riiiight) and like, i could go on, but you get the idea
d) And what I also think Bayojeanne isn't just that kind of ship that was "oh fans hyped it up and they never interacted in canon" or something. It's in the story. Again, maybe it wasn't explicit and writers probably didn't intended to be that way (maybe Kamiya did but looking at bayo3 who knows), because once again it's a common thing when writes do this type of dynamic and "oh, the bond is so strong" and that kind of thing has a right to exists, if it wasn't for the othert stuff i said about. Again, it's a complex idea and situation. And many things matter in the case. And I'm not a professional and not that type of person who cared about it in Bayonetta of all things. Does that falls under "queerbaiting"? Hell, if I know, because I never expected them somehow to get canon or anything (and if you go through my baoyjeanne tag you know I love them dearly), cause not only being a game from japanese devs but also that I know better now because I got baited enough in various media before. Can I blame people for thinking this was queerbaiting? No, I don't think I can. Especially because it's just bad for the script. What this implies of such strong and impowering fantasy character as Bayonetta is even worse. And like, Bay///o/lu//ka doesn't in any way erase Bayonetta's bi-coding or her being into Jeanne (afterall it's not the same Bayo and we got multiverses now🙄) but I think people are upset because it was executed reeeeeally poorly and untasteful for such character. And people saying it's kind of character assasination are right in a lot of ways. Hell idk why anyone skips the part that Luka also didn't got any development and got thrown in this mess as well. And also THAT PART. What happened with it - who knows what was even going on in the writing room of Platinum.
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respectfulkitfistosimp · 10 months
The Abode
A Kayn lol x reader fanfic part 7 masterlist
Contrary to how he had been acting so far, Zed didn't exactly trust you. He thought that the way Kayn had met you was too perfect, let alone how strange it was for his student to immediatly trust you enough to offer you a job in the order, still he allowed you in with the sole purpose of watching your every step to know what you were planing. The suspicion he held towards you increasing with each talk about ethics, the importance of living in a sanitary enviorment and "unionizing assasins so the rich won't take advantage of the Order". He saw the way you slaved away every night working or studying, saw the interactions you had with all of his acolytes and payed special attention to how you behaved around Kayn, you might be able to fool Kayn with a calm, unmoving facade but not him, in fact your feelings for him were so very obvious that he didn't know why Kayn of all of his students couldn't see it, but clearly you were blind to his feelings too. Zed meditated on wether or not to trust you for months, testing you all of the time with even the most simple of tasks or questions yet you still unknowingly aced every single one of them, he was fairly conflicted to say the least, he understood that you were someone who could be trusted yet his instincs told him that you were hiding something, whether that something good or bad he was eventually going to find out and what better way to make someone reveal their cards than to give them exactly what they wanted. Zed presumed that it would happen when you were "alone" with Kayn, so the obvious course of action was to get you two together and hopefully one would confess their love for the other, causing you to spill all the beans.
Zed, however, hadn't foreseen just how infuriatingly dense you could be, each time Kayn displayed in the most obvious way his affections towards you you would still find a way to stir the conversation away from the almost-confession and continue on like nothing, not even questioning it to yourself. He wished he could simply put you two together in a room and comand Kayn to confess, but that would simply ruin his plan, so he decided to give you one last chance to recognize Kayn's feelings for you and if you failed then he would honor his part of the contract, which you had one day made him sign, and allow you a vacation to the spirit realm. The oportunity had basically landed in front of him when yet again his acolytes had been called to war, he hoped that this time Kayn would do something other than kiss you when he eventually sent you to take care of the injured.
But the conflict proved to be too deadly, the Noxian forces had been undercounted, many Ionian soldiers and even the assasins that prided themselves in fighting within the shadows had been put to rest in the cold reality of the war. By the time you got there the ground couldn't be distinguished from the blood and bodies, ripped flags moved with the wind along with ash and glint from the burning surroundings; you had heard that the smell of burning bodies was one that even if you had never smelt before you would be able to recognize it in a second, and unfortunatly you did. The corners of your eyes quickly filled up with tears from both the smoke and the sheer horror your eyes had to see, you wanted to cry like a baby in the face of such barbarity and to scream and howl into the wind until no more sounds could come out of your throat, but you had people to take care of, so with selfmade courage you ran trhu the desolate battlefield searching for someone to give medical attention to. You scanned the faces of the bodies in the dirt to see the smallest type of movement that could tell you if they were alive, you recongized some of those faces but they were all already cold, until eventually you heard whimpers that you knew too well so you ran faster than you had ever done so before in your life towards the body laying on the ground, covering it with thick blood and then your clothes as you knelt next to him, almost screaming his name so that he could open his eyes and see you as you administered first aid to his biggest wound.
The loss of blood and pain had most likely affected Kayn at this point, because the second he opened his eyes the gruesomenes around you two faded into the background, the look on your eyes and messy talking filling his senses to a point where he didn't even know who he was, what he was doing there or the pain he was experiencing, all Kayn knew was that if he didn't speak now he would regret it more than whatever atrocity he had commited in the past. So he took a deep breath, feeling it sting and finally you focused your eyes on him, next he wetted his busted lips with his tounge, tasting iron off of them and finally he spoke:
—I will protect you from everything, I will walk into a thousand battles for you and win all of them if it means that I get to return to you, I want those compassionate eyes that you show to every other acolyte to only look at me.
He whispered all of that and you couldn't believe a word he said, your mind tried to sabotage you by telling you that it was all just a lie but when you saw his eyes starting to shut every part of you became a mess, from your heart to your mind to even your trembling fingers, you held him close to you to try and somehow give him your strength, you were crying in silence both tears of happiness and distress, one of those tears fell into his face and his eyes flutered open for just a second and you took this opportunity to talk to him.
—Don't close your eyes, please—you begged him thru shaky breaths and sniffles, speaking quickly—you have to pull thru, I need to treat you and I can't do that if you die, please don't leave me, please.
You weren't sure where Kayn pulled the strength to open them and even keep them open but you where thankful for it. It meant that he was able to listen to you but that didn't mean there wasn't a possibility that he could die and you didn't want to close his eyes when he was gone. Somehow you were able to carry him in your back, feeling his blood sticking to your shirt as you looked around for a door or anything that could be opened but you found nothing.
—I'm cold—he whispered closed to your ear, if the wind had been any stronger you wouldn't have been able to hear him.
The tears that you had managed to stop earlier returned, your eyes were open wide to a point where it looked like they would jump from your skull, you looked everywhere as you took in each part of the terrain but there wasn't a door anywhere and as you dropped him carefully to the ground you fell hard on your knees, possibly bruising them, and then you held him and tried to rub off a bit of dirt from his face with your own dirty hands. That's when you saw smoke coming from somewhere, your intuition telling you to follow it and after carrying him on your back again you walked towards it, hurried footsteps developing into a full on run as you realized what was burning: a house, and where there's a house there's a door and you saw it, a beaten down, almost completely burned wooden door, your hand went to immediately grabb the doorknob which burned your hand, you gritted your teeth before grabbing it again, the pain from the hot metal knob burning the skin of your hand but still you opened it to reveal the hallways you knew too well. A step inside and the door closed behind you as you walked inside The Abode, Kayn's body resting on the table as you started to work on him, all of the equipment you needed spawning next to you along with the technology you had missed so much.
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sidesteppostinghours · 10 months
For the seven forms of love, ludus 5 - Caine, philia 5 - Cyrus, eros 4 - Cythia, and a free ticket if you want :)
good evening! thank you for the ask wonda :)
Ludus 5. What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
see, heres the thing about caine. on top of being demisexual and dense as a brick, they also just. dont believe things like that apply to them. he was never made to be attractive(i hc that they used to map infiltration routes + carry out the occasional assasination or two), and his demisexuality made him assume that regenes weren't capable of sexual attraction. the first time he felt sexual attraction to his boyfriends he basically went "????? THIS ISNT EXCLUSIVE TO HUMANS????" and had a crisis about it the whole afternoon. the idea that people can feel that way towards them and act on it has never once crossed their mind. so good luck on getting them to realize youre flirting. chen barely made it. ortega failed. however. once the initial barriers have been breached, even if the seduction doesnt technically work, the knowledge that theyre trying to flirt is enough to get him embarrassed; so, technically speaking, anything would work as long as it comes with a flashing neon sign prefacing what theyre trying to do. hes very awkward with these kinds of things. its very cute watching him flounder.
Philia 5. What is their most fervent wish for their best friend(s)? How far would they go to make it happen?
to keep them safe. and whatever it takes.
Eros 4. Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
oh yeah, absolutely. shed say thats what happened to her with ortega. shes wrong about that, it was only a crush at the time, but she did hold a strong admiration thats easy to confuse when looking back. as for whether or not she had a crush based on looks alone, i dont think so?? she's not the type to put too much stock in appearance– even with ortega it was a mix of how she held herself and her perceived nobility– but then again, its also easy for her to see the pretty in people, and itd be a lie to say looks arent a contributing factor for if she likes them or not. for her, how a person looks just highlights the way they are as a person. its easy for her to develop crushes, though. be friendly with the other person long enough, and its pretty much inevitable. shes very Very lucky shes got all eyes on ortega at the moment, otherwise her love life would be the most embarrassing and inconvenient thing ever.
oooo, free reign. hmmmmm. well i gotta do this with ceci now to complete the group
Ludus 1. Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
ceci always comes up with a new pick up line. always. and its always the corniest thing in the world. she loves the creative outlet, and loves throwing her enemies off even more. now that she has a consistent target, shes more motivated to come up with something new. she wants to see what makes argent tick. what makes her roll her eyes, play along, or in rare cases, actually fluster her. whether theyre effective or not depends on who shes using them on, some are more responsive to flirting than others, but the end result doesnt really matter. as long as she gets to do her thing, its a good time.
questions are from here!
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acourtofthought · 1 year
"Do people honestly believe a character like Elain who prefers to have nothing to do with weapons and violence is well suited for a character who enjoys torturing people on a regular basis? Over her own Mate who has very similar ideas on hurting others and wanting revenge (which is to say they don't prefer it at all?)"
You nailed it.I believe some El/riel ship them together so they can have three brothers and sisters😍—when they have to understand that Nessian and Feysand were written to be compatible, EQUALS-Feyre is an high lady,Rhys is an high lord; Nesta is a valkirye to match her mate who is A GENERAL
What does Az and El have in common? NOTHING.
Well, it's a forbidden love; she becomes his will to live :D
Forbidden love where?we have already a forbidden love and that is Helion and Lucien's mother—the circumstances don't allow them to be together and her husband can kill her if he found out about Lucien.
That's the forbidden love we need to root for because we know that Lucien's mother deseves better—SHE HAS HELION'S KID, SHE COULD HAVE..ended the pregnancy but she didn't because she wanted a piece of Helion.
If Elain wanted a piece of Az, she would have kept the necklace.
She did?
No, she returned it.
Why? We need to find out.
Forbidden love where?
Does Lucien kidnapp Elain and threaten to kill her if she doesn't go with him?
Az was going to risk the alliance with Lucien, invoking a blood duel to be with Elain because he believes he deserves her and to fit in the "Three brothers and sisters category".
Well Az is- No. We are adults, Az is an adult, he's not some baby to fuss over-it makes me laugh that is believed he's a soft baby and with Elain it would be the purest and gentlest love we have ever seen🥺(I don't lie to you that was some comments in Tik Tok😑) but we know the quote- the quietest person are the most dangerous and not in the good way.
Lucien didn't do anything to protect Feyre from Tamlin-Yes he didn't do anything and I acknowledge he's not perfect and he was caught in the middle between Feyre and his friend that he has known for decades...doesn't Cassian show that level of loyalty to Rhys?doesn't he defend him with all his might?
Yes the circumstances are different, but Tam was still Lucien's friends and at the end of the day he chose to save Feyre, without powers..so yeah..
Az has very serious issue and the last thing I want for El is to be his savior.
I believe he sees El as something pure to protect like you have pointed out in your analysis and that'a major flag—Az has self-esteem issues and doesn't see himself as worthy.
Do we want El to be his saviour?to show him that life is worth to fight for( what kind of message would send?to be the punching bag and the personal therapist of an assasin? Ew.No.)
No because El doesn't fit in the NC( and the author has stated over and over again that El prefers gardening and dancing instead of battles and violence; she returned Az's knife to him, a part of him)
In 2018 the author has made an interview and talked about Nessian's date's type and the last book of Acotar came out in..2021.
The author hinted Lucien's new companion in 2015.
I don't think she has changed her mind and with the bonus chapter she has shown how problematic Az can be; and if she wanted to hint a possible triangle, Az could have talked about about El's personality NOT her body, how soft and delicate she was.
He could have thought about unfair the mating bond was to give the woman he loves to Lucien; he did not, he didn't think beyond his sexual fantasies
He's not jelaous of Lucien because he has the woman he loves, he's jelaous of the mating bond and that is connected with his self-esteem issues; and if she ever wanted El/riel as endgame, why his chest sparkled when he thought about Gwyneth who doesn't seem bothered by violence and blood and doesn't reject who Az is, calling him shadowsinger.
Rhys was Feyre's savior and Cassian is Nesta's strength.
El doesn't need a savior or need to be strong(she doesn't already fit in NC☹-I'm gonna repeat it until the day I die) she needs SUNSHINE(LUCIENNNNN)
Also Lucien is the author's favorite character so she wants him to suffer MORE THAN BEFORE? What?
So all this build up from 2015 for nothing? A decade for nothing?
Sorry to rant, just angry that they reduce El to the soft and gentle love interest and for that she's matching with a cruel and cold spy😒
I've always got an ear to lend for any rants necessary! And you're right, Az and Elain really don't have anything in common and I think it goes over E/riels heads that the moments they seem to have something in common (like Feyre noting that they are the most polite of the characters) ignores what SJM has told us about Az. He did not have a normal upbringing, he learned to don the "frozen mask" in his fathers dungeon, pushing down his emotions. To me, Az acts the way he does because he learned later in life that in order to fit into society, you have to behave in certain ways. A lot of how Az acts in front of the others is because he's wearing the mask that he knows others would expect of him. Occasionally his true self slips through and it scares the characters. He's been able to hide that side of him from Elain but I think she'd be in for a big surprise if Az showed her his true self. And forbidden love? Does Elain know it's forbidden? And if she found out, do readers honestly think she wouldn't march up to Rhys and give him the exact same speech she gave to Nesta? Part of me thinks she heard exactly what went down between Az and Rhys in the POV (remember, she could hear the sea from the townhouse AND Lucien's heart beating through stone walls at opposite ends of the HOW) so chances are, she may have heard exactly what Az told to Rhys and Rhys told to Az and she chose to give back the necklace as a result. I highly doubt Elain would be a fan of hearing Az wanting to be with her because she's the third sister (saying nothing of actually liking her as a person) refusing to answer whether he's over Mor, and that he thinks so little of killing Lucien. Az is acting like a giant whiny baby right now and I honesty believe he needs to be put on a time out. He doesn't deserve to be rewarded with a mate at this stage (or at least not be aware that he has one just yet) and get a HEA before Lucien. And I want more for Elain than using her as a plot device for Az's self worth, forcing her to be the one to fit in to his world of cruelty, making it so she's there to calm the baby's feelings over his temper tantrums over Lucien and not getting a bond and feeling like he can tell others what Elain should or shouldn't be doing. Elain deserves to walk away from yet another person who thinks she's too pure and innocent and can't handle anything dangerous.
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alzrite · 7 months
Worldbuilding! (this is worldbuilding right?)
Incubus edition!
In this story incubus are love "demons"!
The first incubus was born when witchuntings were the rage. They weren't born an incubus though, they were a demogod! Only son of life and death. At the time at least.
He was the one to name his species. The guy is a little shit that makes jokes and decisions without thinking about the after. He's a charming guy though, got it from his mother, who he calls dad due to habit.
When he chose the name he thought he would remain the first and last of his species. So, when he found out his new adoptive brother became an incubus, he spit out his boba! (He likes boba)
The second incubus was born when kings ruled the lands. Unlike the first, he was born a human. He was given the gift of mortality upon the request of his father. His father is friends with the god of life and death.
His name is Arthur. He got a husband. But he was Arthur's wife to the public. His parter became the third incubus. His name is Augustus (Augustina).
The fourth incubus was born during the two thousands. His name is Wayne. He was born a human. He was sold of by his mother to camp that brain washes those favoured be gods into soldiers, assasins. He was considered a failed project.
The god of health and beauty liked him. She disguised herself and acted as his mother figure. She trained him and taught him how to survive. She taught him how to read, write, act, read people, how to use his gifts, how to use a bow and arrow, short blades, baking, cooking, forage, everything. She essentially succeeded what the camp failed in doing. To help him survive, she taught him how to become the perfect soldier.
He escaped the camp. He saved other victims and destroyed the entire settlement in the process. With help.
They have tails!
The first has a classic heart tail, with the sharp point of the heart being the end of the tail.
The fourth one also has a heart tail, but the heart is facing the opposite direction.
The second has twin tails with teardrop shaped ends. Put the. side-by-side and it forms a heart!
The third has a tail that just taper out. Kind of like a rat tail.
Their tails are a thin line with the shaped ends being as flat as a piece of paper. This makes them easy to hide. They simply wrap it around their torso and make sure not to wear crop tops.
Their tails are long. When in idle position each tail reaches the floor and then makes circles and loops according to each incubus's preferences.
Their tails are also supper strong. They can't train it to be strong as the tail contains no muscles to train. They can already lift entire houses anyway (their tails aren't long enough to wrap around any though).
Colors and "domains"!
Each inccubus has a signature color. Their eyes offer change into said color when experiencing strong emotions. They can also make their eyes can't color on command if they want.
First incubus has purple.
Second incubus has red.
Third incubus has green.
Fourth incubus has pink.
Most incubus have a love domain, the type of love the represent, experience most, is most familiar with, etc. Some have emotions that their color is tied to. If another incubus's eyes turn into their color, they are experiencing said emotion.
First incubus: Romantic love, Adoration
Second incubus: Familial love, Hatred
Third incubus: -, Jealousy, Rage
Fourth incubus: Platonic love
You might have noticed I didn't mention the first incubus's name. That's because he doesn't have one. He has a placeholder name though, Eros.
Second, third, and fourth also had placeholder names.
2: King
3: Mirror
4: Flash's grandson (this didn't last long)
Here's a list
No. Color, Emotion, Love, Codename, First name
1. Purple, Adoration, Romantic, Eros, _
2. Red, Hatred, Familial, King, Arthur
3. Green, Jealousy, _, Mirror, Augustus
4. Pink, _, Platonic, _, Wayne
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