#that still happens for sirius
jpg-of-dorian-slay · 2 years
headcannon that sirius black never cries. he gets angry and he yells and smashes things. his magic flies out of control and he says the most hurtful things. but no matter what happens, remus has never seen him cry.
and then one day the daily prophet announces that regulus black has died. and for the first time in eight years of knowing him, remus watches sirius breakdown and sob on their kitchen floor.
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outromoony · 19 days
*Sirius pointing at Remus' lap* Is this seat taken?
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allaboutlov3 · 2 months
The Marauders as conversations I’ve had:
James: Gideon looks FINE today.
Peter: Who is Gideon?
Sirius: Umm..that guy over there?
James: Peter, weve literally known him for years!
Peter: Yeah no, I know. But thats Fabian.
James: *smirks* No. Thats Gideon. Trust me, I KNOW.
Remus *starts to realize something* You do know that Gideon and Fabian are twins, right? Like, theres kinda two of them?
*James and Sirius are dying on the floor*
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velvetwyrms · 7 months
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Evening catch-up at No.12
I'm in love them your honour <3 (and so are they). As always, reblogging keeps my hard work from dying in your likes, spreads joy to others and is very much appreciated! Also, I may just colour this sometime (and/or add more drawings to it) so keep an eye out for my blog!
@celestemagnoliathewriter @messrmoonyy @in-love-with-remus-lupin @oswinthegeek
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casurlaub · 13 days
Sirius telling James about the sign Regulus put on his door and James reacting adequately:
He puts a note on Peter's sock lying on the floor, 'Do not pick up without the express permission of Peter Pettigrew', then drags Remus into it (because middle name = even more 'authority'), so he puts a note on Remus' things, 'Do not touch without the express permission of Remus John Lupin', and when Regulus wants to talk to Sirius James steps in the way, crosses his arms and says, 'Sorry, I must ask you not to talk to him without the express permission of James Potter.' *fake musing for a second* 'Denied.'
And then he would drag Sirius away.
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incorrectwolfstar · 10 months
sirius: oh moony…
remus: mmh. ‘love you. ‘love you so much
sirius: talk dirty to me
remus: there’s dust all over your nightstand(?)
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padfootswhiskers · 6 months
what possessed steve kloves to say lily and lupin were friends. he was probably her least favourite marauder
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noel-levine-fan · 3 months
i've seen people talk about sirius seeing noel for the first time and having a gay panic and while they are absolutely correct, have you considered the inverse
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solitaireobsessed · 10 months
Sirius: REMUS
Remus: No.
Sirius: But why?
Remus: Because money doesn't grow on trees, that's why.
Sirius: Moony...
Remus: What?
Sirius: What is money made of?
Remus: ...Paper?
Sirius: And where does paper come from?
Remus: ...
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astray-anomaly · 9 months
I literally have no idea what this is, I just drew it because yes
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starsofleo · 2 months
my brother in christ, why are we still arguing about which ships are most realistic in the year of our lord 2024? you can just not like a ship and move on without telling the poster they’re delusional. you can do that.
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valoflunar · 1 year
Pandora,Dorcas,Regulus,Remus,Lily,Marlene and Mary have the ability to communicate with eyes and the looks they give each other while barty,Evan,Peter,James and Sirius are just so confused at why they keep blinking and looking at each other
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Remus Lupin religiously uses wired headphones
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Sup bitches
im back and today I'm trying something a little different
Now I know I've written with baby/younger Harry in at least one fic before but I've never written anything with teenage harry cause I'm not a fan of golden trio era obviously lol
But I thought I'd spice it up a bit and try it cause why not (also this idea is amazing or maybe i dont have any others lmao and I don't wanna waste it)
So yeah enjoy
There was never a dull moment in the ancient house of black, always some commotion or excitement going on.
But somehow Sirius always found a way to get bored.
Maybe it was because he was always cooped up here, or maybe the anticipation of the though or idea of being needed for a mission of sorts and then the disappointment when it doesn't happen led to him being almost constantly bored or moody, Remus would take bored over moody any day.
Thankfully, Sirius almost always found Harry to help cure his boredom as Harry usually was also bored out of his mind.
Unfortunately, Sirius almost always found Harry to help cure his boredom as Harry usually was also bored out of his mind.
He swore, those two would tear the house down one day. Sirius with his clever mind full of ideas for pranks and mischief alike and Harry's lean, younger body that could easily climb up onto and crawl into things.
When Remus heard noise coming from Harry's room he headed upstairs to see what the issue was, preparing himself for whatever mess the boy had gotten into.
His surprise must have shown on his face to find Sirius sitting on Harry's hips and squeezing his sides and ribs causing said boy to laugh, eyes shut tight in his mirth.
"Harry's ticklish!" Sirius exclaimed with a grin before returning to torturing helpless Harry. Memories of the times he himself had tickled Harry when he was a baby came flooding back to Remus.
He didn't bring it up but stayed and watched from the sidelines for a bit, silently observing the similarities in Harry and James. The way Harry threw his head back and cackled when someone went for a bad spot, how he snickered if you poked him in the ribs.
Remus soon left them (much to Harry's dismay) not wanting to get too nostalgic.
This started happening more often. Sirius would sigh something along the lines of "I'm bored", smirk and then trot off (quite litterly, he would usually transform into Padfoot), moments later you'd here loud gigging.
Harry didn't mind fooling around with his godfather, he actually enjoyed it alot (as far as Remus knew). But that didn't mean that he didn't crave a little revenge from time to time.
So Remus wasn't surprised when Harry came up to him asking for help.
"Hey, Remus?" Harry asked as he entered. Remus looked up from his book to answer.
"Yes Harry?" He watched as Harry sat down on the opposite chair to talk to him.
"I need some.. assistance."
"What with? Homework?" Remus was always prepared to help with homework, it was a bad habit he'd developed from back when he was at school. Plus becoming a teacher for a short time didn't help either.
"No, not homework." Harry shifted, a little uncomfortable.
"Uhm.. if it's something else, I-I don't think I would be the best-"
"Oh! Oh no! It's nothing like that!" Harry quickly shook his head. Remus sighed in relief.
"Oh okay, good. What can I help you with then?"
"Well, I need some help to get Sirius back for constantly t-tickling me." Harry grinned sheepishly when Remus smirked and nodded in understanding. "You know him the best out of anyone in the house so I thought I'd ask you."
"You came to the right person," A million ideas came to Remus on ways to get him back, some of them things Remus had even done.
"Did Sirius ever tell you that he himself is extremely ticklish?" Harry's jaw dropped and he shook his head.
"Sirius is ticklish?!" Remus let himself grin devilishly.
"Why don't I show you." Remus left his book in his chair as Harry followed him out of the room. "Oh, grab the cloak."
"What for?" Harry asked.
"Just trust me, I know what I'm doing." Harry shrugged and ran up to his room. He returned shortly with the cloak in hand.
He wordlessly put it on and followed Remus into the sitting room where Sirius was sat. Remus felt Harry linger by the door, waiting for a signal to take the cloak off.
"Hi." Remus said, sitting down on the couch nearby to Sirius.
"Hey, Moons." Sirius sighed, letting his head fall onto the back of the chair.
"You okay?" Remus let concern seep into his voice. Sirius shrugged. "You want a hug?"
Sirius nodded and hopped up from his armchair to crawl into Remus' lap and wrap his arms around him.
"Anything on your mind you wanna talk about?" Remus knew not to push Sirius for answers but also knew that Sirius liked to know that people cared enough to ask.
"No, not really.. just feeling a little down today, I don't mean to be a burden." Sirius looked up at him with his classic puppy dog eyes that he has when he's sad. Puppy dog eyes always cause Remus' heart to melt.
Remus kissed his nose and leaned his forehead against Sirius'.
"All better?" Sirius grinned and nodded.
"Yep, the world's problems were all just solved, nothing will ever be wrong again, thanks Moony." Sirius said sarcastically.
"Alright you snarky little sod-" Remus dug into Sirius' belly with one hand the other squeezing his thigh.
"Wahait!! Hold on, n-nohoho!! Remus!" Sirius exclaimed in shock as his arms were grabbed and held above his head
"Harry!" Remus called, using his longer legs to hold onto Sirius' so he couldn't kick.
Harry immediately dropped the cloak and rushed over, sitting down on Sirius' legs.
"Did you two fuckers plan this?" Get me distracted and then jump on me?" Harry laughed and nodded.
"You'll never break me! I have a stronger will than you think I do, even when you're using tortuous methods." Sirius shouted playfully.
"Softly scribble on his lower stomach." Remus instructed.
"NO!" Sirius arched his back, flopping in every direction.
Once Harry grabbed onto Sirius' belly and started lightly tracing, scribbling and scratching Sirius became less wiggly.
"Nooohohoho! I hahate soft tihihickles!" He whined, letting his head fall back onto Remus' shoulder.
"Soft tickles work really well on his stomach area, it drives him up the wall- as you can see." Remus smirked when Sirius hid his face in Remus' neck. "But, harder tickles work well down there as well, including digging, kneeding, raspberries-"
"What's a raspberry?" Harry stopped his tickling to look perplexed. Remus gasped at Sirius and dropped one of his hands that were holding onto Sirius' arms to dig into his exposed armpit.
"You've never showed him what a raspberry is!?" Remus said in surprise. "I'm ashamed of you!"
"I'm sohohohorry, I'm sorry!" Sirius laughed, his wiggling renewed.
"Harry switch spots with me." Sirius groaned as Remus grinned at him and sat on his upper thighs while Harry held onto Sirius' arms.
"Harry do not let go of him or he will hit me, okay?" Harry grinned and nodded. "Sirius, be good."
"I'll try. No guarantees I won't smack the shit out of you." Sirius said.
"Ready, Sirius?"
"Just do it." He mumbled.
"What did you say? Sorry I couldn't hear you, are you ready?"
"Are you sure?" He teased.
"Are you really sure?"
"Mohohoony, stop!"
"Stop what?"
Sirius groaned and looked away. Remus saw his opportunity. He took a deep breath and quickly hiked up Sirius' loose shirt and blew a little below Sirius' naval, a sweet spot on himself.
Sirius went into a laughing fit, immediately trying to curl in on himself. Remus continued to raspberry across his torso to keep him constantly laughing before reluctantly giving him a break.
"That is a raspberry, Harry." Remus said as he and Harry went back to their original spots. "And Sirius' favorite thing, isn't it Sirius?"
"I ha-hate you both." He replied.
"I've barely done anything! Plus, you deserve this for all the times you've tickled me." Harry said indignantly.
"You guys still suhuHUCK!!" Sirius yelped. Harry had just experimentally poked his hips.
"Oh yeah, that's a bad spot." Remus said after see where Harry's hands were.
"Shut up!" Sirius shouted.
"I don't think you wanna be saying that in your position." Remus said up close to his ear, as teasingly as possible.
Meanwhile Harry had started pinching Sirius' hips to see what would get the best reaction. All of the methods he tried got Sirius to positively cackle but squeezing gave the best results.
Remus was still whispering teases in Sirius' ear and along with the hip tickles, Sirius was in hell.
"IT'S SO BAHAHAD!" Sirius knew his face had to be bright red. "P-PLEHEASE STOP!!"
With one final small raspberry to the neck Remus stopped and nodded at Harry to do the same.
"Learned your lesson? You gonna leave Harry alone for a bit?" Remus let go of Sirius wrists, using his arms to hug Sirius instead. Sirius huffed and nodded in response.
Sirius grabbed Harry and pulled him into their little cuddle pile, wrapping him in a hug.
"I'm tired, you two tickled the energy out of me." Sirius sighed. Remus kissed the side of his head.
"You'll live." Harry answered.
"Alright, Mr. Sass king." Sirius poked Harry's belly.
"Noho!" Harry turned onto his stomach to block the pokes. "No tickles!"
"Okay, okay! No tickles. Right, Remus?" Sirius turned to look at him.
Remus nodded from the crook of Sirius' neck. "No tickles."
"Good." Harry answered, letting his head rest on Sirius' chest and his arms return the favor and wrap around Sirius.
"Did you two date at hogwarts?" Harry asked after a few minutes of silence.
"That's a long story." Remus told him.
"I have time.." Harry said.
Sirius and Remus glanced at each other before silently agreeing to tell him. Harry deserved to know.
Sirius started off with how they met on the train station with Remus adding in little bits to the story as they went. By the time they made it to Remus' fourteenth birthday Harry was dozed off.
Sirius rested his head against Harry's, letting his body relax for the first time in a while. Remus kissed Sirius' shoulder once he knew he was asleep.
"Love you Harry, love you Pads.." Was the last thing he thought before drifting off to sleep.
This turned out to be a bit lengthy but finally one of my daydreams comes to life
Hope you liked
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pau mccartney
@theladyinwhite13 LOOK ITS US!! YOU (RINGO) AND ME (PAU MCCARTNEY!!!
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epicmarshmallow · 11 months
Okay but imagine that Reggie finds out Peter is a spy and that he's going to betray James and Lily. He goes to tell them but it's Halloween and they have no time to run.
So James tells Lilly to take Harry upstairs and hide. She doesn't want to leave them but she knows she has to protect Harry.
They're frantically trying to figure out how to beat one of the strongest wizards of all time. There's a knock at the door.
Reggie opens the door and Peter and Voldemort are faced with a fucking huge stag.
Peter obviously knows it's Prongs but Voldemort is so surprised that Prongs gets the upper hand and just fucking gores him. Like gallops full speed and just rams into him antlers first and then stomps him for good measure.
Reggie full body binds Peter.
The Potters live.
All is well.
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