#that something was Heatwave waking up from stasis
annabelle-creart · 4 months
As an answer of this post
And this post
And this post
And this post
Ladies and gentlepeople:
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And yeah, I give Soundwave a redisigne because I wanted him look more like Heatwave, but I liked too much the Prime disigne to leave it
And of course, Sune is an edgy boy
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He needed both his mask and tentacles anskjssk
And now: lore
“The day 3 waves come into the world, the sun will burn everything, the electric storm will replace the bright days and the only sound will be the suffering of the fallen”
A old man with really firmly believings thought the best would be kill them, but instead, they were separated. It was normal to separate twins sparks because they saw them as one and not as a whole, probably that’s why they never get how connected two or more sparks can get to the point of the shared feelings, you know Bulkhead and Boulder could, but Heatwave, Shockwave and Soundwave were a different whole thing
Soundwave since a sparkling was shy, couldn’t get the rest, except cats and animals, all his life he had been in love with animals, an introvert who prefered pass the day reading or petting a pet rather than playing with Heatwave or Shockwave, they were the active ones, but Shockwave and Soundwave were the clever ones
Shockwave was active, sociable, kind and loving, with high hopes and great dreams, always getting in trouble and wondering for the future, he loved reading but he prefered action and experimentation, which wasn't good all the time
And Heatwave was aggresive, weird, a clown with the skin of a soldier, always searching problem and rescuing his brother from their own experiments
But one day they couldn't stand anymore see them together, and with "they" I refer to the people in general, the triplet were about to have Sissi's age and nobody wanted them in any part, Primus knows why
And then Shockwave was called
He could live the life he always wanted, but couldn't see his brothers anymore, he only told Heatwave and he kept his promise to not to tell to Soundwave and of course, to never leave alone the other...
The eones passed but the feeling remained, they were so connected that sometimes they could talk by their minds, thing that they lost with the time, Shockwave was named senator and called Soundwave to help him, but Heatwave was raised in the mines and end up as a rescuer, search him was hard and trying to bring him was harder
This part you know it already, Megatron was called on congress and both Shockwave and Soundwave were there, Heatwave saw it through tv, and while Heatwave felt bretrayed by Megatrons speech, Soundwave and Shockwave were obssesed with it.
Shockwave was seen as a problem, so they replace his head
And nobody
In all Cybertron history
Felt how much it hurted not to have feelings as much as the Wave Triplet
Because it wasn't just not to have feelings, it was a rage, a burn of rage inside their chests, but only Heatwave and Soundwave could sense it, Shockwave never did
You also know this part, the Sigma-17 were into an exploration and get lost in space
And when both Soundwave and Shockwave couldn't feel Heatwave's spark they get so angry they almost destroy and entire autobot army by themselves...
The war was still raging and Megatron killed Shockwave to stop his madness and became an autobot, just before escaping Cybertron with destiny to Earth, Soundwave knew this too late and almost get killed by Megatron too, like Starscream. Whatever, Soundwave got lost only with the twins, Rumble and Frenzy, just kids who needed him, and Ravage the cat and Laserbeak the bird, now his spark wasn't so alone going on Earth... but 30 years later he felt something again...
[And as a fun fact: Heatwave couldn't tell Soundwave and Shockwave about Boulder, but his spark was too noisy for Boulder to not to figured out before, so, yes, in Earth was the first time Boulder and Soundwave met]
[Edit: Soundwave's favorite activity was to make jokes to Heatwave with Shockwave, but they were really bad at it, Heatwave was a better joker than them but they never understand o get the jokes without crying so Heatwave decided to be their joke bottle to protect their feelings... the problem is that Soundwave found a better joke friend now that Shockwave is gone: Kade]
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lets-try-some-writing · 11 months
So I read your fic of the transformers being like the cybermen and how they reproduce and could not get it out of my head. So I had this thought,
There are instances of cybermen and the like not realizing what they are or waking up to try and warn who’s next. Imagine it was one of the rescue bots like blades who desperately pulls Cody and the other humans aside and begs them to stop accepting his and the others gifts.
He tells them that he remembers fighting this but when he looks back he can’t remember why and often finds himself thinking it was silly to fight. He doesn’t know about the others. He was the last one their sire was able to make. He knows Optimus made Bumblebee and that Bumblebee had excitedly told him Optimus planned to give him siblings.
He feels like a fraud because this doesn’t feel like rescuing these humans.
Ohhohoho this is the good stuff right here. Don't mind me at all :)
Previous part here.
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The Rescue Bots had been given clear orders to not bring any into the fold when they were woken from stasis. Optimus had not cut any corners in explaining the delicate situation on Earth and with the war. The Rescue Bots were disappointed considering they could instinctually sense their low numbers and had all long since matured enough to bring more into the fold, but they obeyed. They did nothing to possibly even hint at bringing more into the fold as they interacted with their human companions and worked to protect the organics under their care. However, that certainly did not stop them from keeping their optics on those with potential. Of course that meant that their interest inevitably drifted toward their human companions, at least those young enough to potentially survive the process.
Blades was no different than his fellows. His interest drifted between Dani and Cody, the two most viable for folding and those which he cared for most amongst the organics. But unlike Heatwave who was focused on Cody as well, Boulder who took a liking to Graham, or Chase who held an appreciation for Kade despite the fact that they were not teamed up... Blades was uncertain. His fellows watched the viable humans eagerly, their optics bright with greater and greater instinctual desire with every feat their chosen performed. But Blades? While he most certainly felt the same pull toward Dani, there was something deep in his spark that remembered. He knew what folding looked like, he knew what it did to an organic to make them one of Primus's creations. However there was just something so very... wrong with the idea of turning the humans.
It wasn't really the idea of folding them that upset him. No, he had no issues with that. He wasn't exactly enthusiastic, but rather apathetic toward the concept as a whole. What bothered him was the fact that the humans were unaware of folding and what it entailed. It was custom to not tell the potentials of the folding process, largely to ease their minds and keep them from thinking hard. Stress was the most common killer of sparklings being taken into the fold. It couldn't be risked.... and yet despite that, Blades felt and all encompassing disgust toward the idea of the humans not knowing. His memory was not the greatest, but he recalled fighting against the folding process. He remembered screaming and trying to bite and flee when it came to his Sire. Why he did so was beyond his understanding. He was made stronger, he had his weak mortal flesh stripped away and was gifted a frame far superior to the organic material from which he originated. It was ridiculous for him to have fought. Yet, he remembered doing so and a small part of him felt that it was almost his moral obligation to give a warning.
He had no reason to worry about the humans and warning them for many long months. His life was too hectic to give it a lot of thought outside of his few moments of downtime, but that changed when Optimus Prime arrived at their base without warning.
Heatwave: Sir? What are you doing here?
Optimus: There has been a serious change of plans.
Chase: What does that mean?
Optimus: My team and I have been bringing three humans into the fold. However the Decepticons have infiltrated our efforts and have already placed joint claims on our wards.
Boulder: I am not liking where this is going.
Blades: Wait, you were folding humans? But you told us not to!
Optimus: Yes, now listen. Megatron now has leverage over me and my team, but in turn, so do we.
Heatwave: What do we need to do?
Optimus: You catch on quick.
Optimus: We will keep the Decepticons distracted for as long as possible. Your mission is to begin creating a folding order here on Earth. Bring as many into our ranks as you can feasibly manage. More Autobots will be stationed here to assist.
Boulder: This is a very... aggressive tactic.
Optimus: We are at war Boulder. Not only that, but the sparkling rearing laws have already been broken. Megatron has placed a claim on my sparkling without the proper rites being performed. It is only right that we too do what we must.
Chase: We can fold as many humans as we can, but how will we keep them safe from being similarly claimed?
Optimus: This island is all but totally cloaked. Those brought into the fold will remain here, and this is where we shall establish our stronghold. Autobot city, the place where our ranks shall be renewed and where we might have... leverage.
Heatwave: Sir you can't really be considering-!?
Optimus: The sparklings will be our ticket to ensuring we maintain the upper hand. Megatron is cruel, but his lieutenants wish for sparklings more than anything else. It will not be difficult to begin drawing more and more Decepticons to our side with the promise of sparklings, especially considering we have the resources to take hundreds of potential candidates at once.
The Rescue Bots were of course incredibly dubious about the plan. They all wanted sparklings, even Blades. But they were not exceptionally thrilled about the idea of said sparklings also playing the role of political tool. Well, that was until Optimus pulled a small being from within his carrying chamber. The Bots instantly fell silent, each watching as Optimus unwrapped his charge to reveal a human child, one about halfway through the folding process. For Blades it merely set a strange uncertainty ablaze in his spark, but for the others, it was not hard to see how it made all their reservations go flying out the window.
Their orders had been given. They were to begin the folding process with as many young as possible, and soon enough the plan was put into motion. Optimus pulled some strings and soon enough there were government agents bringing over young children, orphans who had been brought over under the guise of receiving special teaching from Autobot agents. It was not wrong by any means, but Blades only grew more and more unsettled as Autobots began arriving en mass. Blurr, Quickshadow, High Tide, and even Bumblebee were quickly deployed and were swift in beginning the correct rituals. All the while Blades could only watch on in discomfort as the island was changed, walls being put around the border, new Cybertronian structures taking root, and so much more.
The humans did panic as more and more Autobots arrived and began to build, but whatever Optimus said soothed them and it seemed the running lie was that the island was being fortified against possible Decepticon attacks. The poor humans believed it, hook, line, and sinker. There was nothing Blades could do as Kade, Dani, Cody, and Graham began accepting gifts and affection while Burns similarly took offerings with a smile. Blades had no problem with the folding on its own... but this felt wrong. They didn't know. They had no clue what they were getting into, and with orphans being brought to the island as more Autobots arrived, Blades felt the urge to at least do his due diligence.
Blades: Do you like this life you have?
Cody: Yeah?
Blades: Then stop accepting our gifts. The more you take, the more our rite progresses.
Dani: What does that mean?
Blades: I can't tell you much. It's not my job.
Kade: Spit it out Blades!
Blades: ...
Graham: What's going on?
Blades: We want you all to join us. Accepting what we offer only tells us that you wish to join the fold.
Blades did not tell them much, but it was enough to set the humans on edge. For weeks they were hesitant, but one by one, they seemed to think Blades was referring to joining the team fully or something of the like. He could only frown as the humans unknowingly started to accept energon from the Rescue Bots and other gathered Autobots. He felt a degree of guilt for not telling them outright, but this was going to happen whether he liked it or not. It was best that they were unburdened during the process.
And so he watched and took Dani under his wing, giving her his energon in small doses without her knowing as the quietly dubbed 'Autobot City' began to rise around them. The humans didn't know yet, they did not know that the Autobots were digging in roots. They were unaware of the fact that Bumblebee had given Optimus and his team full control over communications coming to and from the island. Already there were plans for unfortunate deaths to occur for the human children being brought to them, and Optimus had made all sorts of deals Blades was not privy to in order to ensure Burns stayed quiet once the changes began.
Things were progressing, and while his spark flared in growing joy at seeing so many being brought into the fold, an echo of guilt followed him. These little ones may not survive, and they were going to be taken from their families. It was the way of Cybertronians, but a small part of Blades, a piece of him that failed to fully change... it wept as Bumblebee gleefully brought three small sparklings with him to the island.
"These are my newest siblings! The little one is Atlas, the femme is Terra, and the biggest is Cronos!"
"They were given... Earth names?"
"They were the first. Optimus and the others wanted to honor that!"
"Oh, I see."
Three young sparklings. Their frames still appeared very human, but their sparks were there. They were the first. Three children, three small humans taken from all they knew to become part of a dying race. Blades could not help but be grieved, especially when Burns was silenced with hush money and his children taken from him.
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sturthepotofmadness · 2 years
I have more ideas for my Unicron Redemption AU. :)
First post (general timeline and what started this) here: https://sturthepotofmadness.tumblr.com/post/698121264982786048/i-just-thought-of-a-crazy-transformers-au-that
Second post (Skyquake & Insecticons) here: https://sturthepotofmadness.tumblr.com/post/700220416473645056/i-wanted-to-add-more-to-my-accidental-unicron
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I forgot the relics existed in the first post (: I have to address them now
Also the Rescue Bots... why didn’t I cover the Rescue Bots in the Skyquake post?
(fuck, what would happen first, uh--)
We’re doing the Rescue Bots first.
Rescue Bots:
As per canon, they crash land off the coast of Maine and near Griffin Rock. As not with canon, Skyquake is the first one to make it to the crashed ship
Some humans join him and some of the largest drones help get the ship out of the water and onto the shores of Griffin Rock.
Unicron decides to force-ghost his way to see what’s up as Skyquake and the humans explore the ship
Skyquake and Unicron are the ones to find the current in-stasis Chase, Heatwave, Boulder, and Blades first. Skyquake attempts to get them out of stasis, but that fails.
The humans finally rejoin them as Unicron attempts. He wants to only do one, just in case, but he accidentally wakes up all of them so they now have to deal with these four, relatively young (they were in stasis for like four million years) bots freaking out because what the hell did they wake up to and HOW???
They get an explanation from Skyquake, since the humans are too busy vibrating with excitement and Unicron doesn’t want to scare them again.
The RBs are mainly told how Unicron cares for these organics, Unicron is an actual good mech to these tiny organics, they have no clue how to recreate blue Energon, the war hasn’t even touched this planet yet, and that the RBs are free to leave Earth if they so wish (once their ship is repaired).
The RBs ask to talk alone, that is granted and Skyquake goes help Unicron with calming down the hyper little guys that followed them.
In the end, the RBs agree to stay on Earth and join Skyquake as general Cybertronian inhabitants that kind of follow Unicron and these tiny organics.
No, I’m not explaining the Unicron part.
Oh, and they work all across the planet and later all across the colony planets thing, so no Burns family. Maybe they’re there, but they aren’t important.
Anyways, RELIC TIME--
I’m only including the eleven that are in the Iacon relics category on TFWiki and one (technically two) other thing randomly on Earth. I’m just gonna go down the list.
Apex Armor: 
It was found in Greenland roughly a month before Unicron’s body was first entered and humans had zero idea on how to use it, so kept in storage for the longest time. 
When Unicron finally began to like these strange organics that called his body home, the humans went “oh yea, that thing we found” and showed it to Unicron. He did not understand either.
Then Skyquake woke up and, after gaining his trust, showed him the collapsed armor. He identified it as the Apex Armor and they promptly gave it to the seeker.
Skyquake was flustered. Unicron laughed.
Force Field Generator (now on Blue Shield):
Like in canon, it was found in a random cave system.
The humans showed Unicron the Blue Shield, he did not understand. (Expect that for all the non-Thirteen Prime relics)
Skyquake was shown next. He grabbed it, attempted to use it, then accidentally activated its force field function.
The humans immediately began backwards engineering the Blue Shield with scans and Dark Energon. That’s what helped make the force field to help Unicron free himself.
Forge of Solus Prime:
Some scanning drones found the weapon buried on some plateau and immediately alerted the humans to something being weird.
It takes, like, three months, but the humans and some digging/mining drones manage to get the relic out of the Earth.
Skyquake has zero clue on what the relic is, but Unicron sure does recognize it.
After learning that it’s just a big hammer and completely useless to them, they put the Forge in some vault and forget about it.
The relic is found off the coast of Griffin Rock by some diving drones and, like always, the humans are alerted to the weirdness.
While retrieving the relic, it accidentally activates and Unicron freaks out because I CAN.
The Liquefier is promptly shut off by some sort of spark pulse burst thing directed straight at it by Unicron. It also caused a small earthquake, but the humans (and the RBs) managed to deal with the aftermath.
The humans put the Liquefier in some sort of stasis chamber and seal it away.
Omega Key One: Egypt:
(yes, I’m giving the keys code names)
Using an altered scanner that’s like the scanner they used to find out that Unicron’s arm was hollow, they manage to find this strange reading in a pharaoh’s tomb, use some drones to open it, and find the first Omega Key.
They humans show Unicron, Skyquake, and the RBs the Egyptian Omega Key, all of them do not know what the Omega Keys are so are unable to recognize it. The best thing they got is Skyquake suggesting that it was some machine made that only works with some other machine they don’t have.
It gets shoved away in some vault.
Omega Key Two: Lake Erie:
I’m aware the lake is unnamed in canon, let me name it, ok?
The key is found by some lake/beach goers who decided to go to Lake Erie and promptly found the second Omega Key.
Some scientist/engineer people take the key, comment on the fact there’s two of the weird keys, and promptly put it with the first one.
What else are they going to do with it?
Omega Key Three: Olympic National Forest:
Guess what the scanner drones found weird?
Like with the Forge, they take a long while to actually dig out the key.
Someone comments on how there’s now three things that are exactly identical and promptly shove it with the other two.
We’ll come back to Smokescreen...
Phase Shifter:
Oh yea, this thing is under fucking Manhattan.
Guess what the drones found? At least they only had to dig into the wall and it only takes the same time as canon.
The humans show Unicron, Skyquake, and the RBs the Phase Shifter and Chase is the one to recognize what it is.
The Phase Shifter is shoved/gifted to Chase. Chase is confused, Unicron laughed, the other RBs take a moment to process...
Skyquake: You too, huh?
Polarity Gauntlets:
Guess what the drones found?
They dig up the gauntlets and promptly ask the local Cybertronians about it.
Skyquake recognizes it as a design made during the war, but he has no clue how it got to Earth. Boulder makes an off hand comment on how it could be useful in rescues and the gauntlets were promptly given to Boulder.
He’s embarrassed, the others think it’s kind of funny.
Resonance Blaster:
Guess what the drones found? That’s right, this is another underground relic... joy.
They show the Resonance Blaster to the Cybertronians, Skyquake once again identifies it, and makes sure the humans know that it is a weapon.
The Resonance Blaster is promptly locked away and forgotten.
Spark Extractor:
Guess what the drones found? It took a bit to dig up.
They showed the Cybertronians, all of them sans Unicron promptly freaked, and they destroyed it.
The Spark Extractor is better off ruined, anyways.
Seismic-Shock Warhead:
Flamesnort... exists. And I don’t like that name. Because RiD2015 can go fuck itself, we’re calling her Ignis.
The Rescue Bots, using their ship’s scanner, notice there’s a bot in stasis and decide to go there to see if they can find this in stasis bot. They inform Skyquake before they leave, but he doesn’t join them.
The RBs get to the island off of England and, after a bit of searching, find the in-stasis Ignis and the warhead. They take one look at the bomb and decide to... request Skyquake to come over.
He does so and identifies the warhead and that it’s, well, a weapon. They get the humans involved and they promptly take the weapon.
The moment any of them touch the weapon, Ignis suddenly wakes up and turns to face them. She sees the ruined Decepticon mark on Skyquake and the not-so-ruined RB marks on the RBs and asks what happened.
Skyquake explains to Ignis the situation as the humans and maybe Boulder take the weapon out of the cavern to put into the vault and forgotten about.
Ignis is... kinda forced to join them, because where else is there to go? She ends up sticking around with the Rescue Bots mostly, helping them with rescues and what not. 
Star Saber:
The humans find this weird, indestructible rock with a sword stuck in it and ask the Cybertronians about it.
Skyquake, Ignis, and the RBs don’t recognize it.
Unicron immediately recognizes the blade as the Star Saber and now he has a choice to make.
After some thought, he tells the humans that it’s a weapon from when he and his brother were in conflict.
The humans hear the word weapon and promptly stuff it in the same vault with the other weapons.
Unicron does not like the fact that the Star Saber is so close to him, but he can’t really do anything about that so...
Omega Key Four: Smokescreen:
Yea, time for this idiot.
Like with the RBs, he crash lands on Earth, but no one knows how the fuck he got so close to Earth. Unicron didn’t sense him, the Rescue Bots’s ship didn’t detect him or a SpaceBridge, the humans didn’t notice anything wrong... now blame Alpha Trion.
(Not that they can blame him, they don’t even know it’s his fault. Plus, Alpha Trion thought the Autobots and Decepticons would be on Earth by this time, apparently not, as he is now learning.)
Skyquake, Blades, and some large transport drones are sent to retrieve Smokescreen and the pod he landed with.
They get him out and Smokescreen is so confused.
Smokescreen gets a rundown of the situation as they go back to wherever the Rescue Bots are stationed.
Like with Ignis, there’s no where for him to go, so just ends up staying with the Rescue Bots and Skyquake, though he mostly follows Skyquake around.
Tox-En Volcano Edition:
Some drones encountered this weird capsule while collecting obsidian/hardened lava and alerted the humans.
The drones and some humans managed to get the Tox-En capsule out of the ground, opened it, and asked the Cybertronians about it. All of them sans Unicron freak out and the humans promptly punt the Tox-En into the lava.
Tox-En Ireland Edition:
Yea, there’s two Tox-En locations on Earth. Thanks, RBA.
This is also the technical thirteenth “relic” on Earth.
Anyways, heavily altered “X Marks the Bot” follows and when they get to the Tox-En, they take it and promptly yeet it into a volcano.
This post is already long as fuck, so sadly I’m not getting to the interactions the Autobots and Decepticons have with Unicron, the humans, and the Cybertronians that stick with the humans/Unicron. Next time, though, that’ll be the interaction post!
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naiad-dream-way · 3 years
WiP previews
Goodness I have been in such a funk really lately.
Real life has been a drag and I have been moving from one WIP to another the last few weeks and not really making any progress on them lol.
So, figure I would share some of them.
Maybe sharing some bits will get a fire under me going and get one of these silly things done.
Just remember, these are rough, unedited so just enjoy these bits of pure, raw forms of writing before I ripped them apart later down the road
so here is one for 'Who Needs Rescue'
When they came back online, Heatwave thought it would like waking up from recharge. That they would be brought into Recuse HQ and he would have to give a report on their missions and what happen. He hated doing the reports and most offend than once did he pass the job off to Chase.
Then there would be medical check-ups, maybe be luck and get a couple solar cycles off before being assigned to another mission. The same thing over and over again.
Only, things weren’t the same.
“Oh nonononono, this can’t be happening! This has to be some kind of joke or something.”
“Would be a cruel one…”
Blades and Boulders’ words said it all. There in front of them were images of Cybertron. Their home.
Only it wasn’t their home anymore.
It didn’t appear to be the bright and lively planet he once knew. All his friends, bots he had worked with, his Lobbing team-mates, everyone he knew…all where gone. How cruel was Primus to them?
To be awoken from stasis on a world that was lightyears away from their own, to discover that Cybertron was in fact, dead, barren from a civil war that had ripped the planet to pieces. It was as if Heatwave was living a nightmare that he couldn’t wake up from.
Heatwave felt his jaw tighten, grinning his denta together. His servos tighten into fits, straining against his need to smash someone’s faceplate in. It took every wire and cable of his processor not to go crazy with rage, to find someone to blame and whoop their aft until their spark no longer flicker with life.
And here is a snippet of a bit from the Cellmate AU cause I just couldn't help but still touch that one.
“And where do you think you’re going?
Freezing mid-step, Sentinel turned around and there was Ratchet. The elder mech stood there with his arms cross over his chest and a look of a mixture of being tired and annoyance. Made Sentinel feel like he was back at boot camp again. Which is stupid. He wasn’t doing anything wrong. In fact, he was the ranking officer here so if anything, Sentinel should be the one asking questions and giving the orders.
Not sneaking around like some kind of sparkling.
But again, during his time on Earth, Sentinel found that ones doesn’t order around Ratchet.
“I thought I told you to leave him alone,” said Ratchet.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Again with the look.
“Ok ok,” said Sentinel, holding up his hands, yielding to the medic before he lowered them. “But its been long enough, don’t you think? I really need to talk to Optimus.”
“And I said to hold back the questioning until he become more comfortable with everything. The poor mech went through enough,” said Ratchet.
More comfortable? Why do they need to wait when they are wasting important time? Didn’t Ratchet realize that Megatron and his cronies were still out there and they could still be planning some kind of attack on Cybertron or other Autobot outposts. They needed to act now and try to crush the Cons now.
And Optimus is the key to do that.
Beside, his old buddy had to be wanting to get back at Megatron for his deception anyway. If Sentinel was in his pedes, he would want some kind of revenge. To be tricked and used to fight against your homeworld but an tyrant, manipulated into thinking that the Autobots were the enemies while the Cons were the on the side of Primus. Made Sentinel sick in his fuel tanks thinking about it.
Optimus had to want some kind of payback.
“Look, High Command is going to hear about Optimus and his 'coming back from the dead' and if he doesn’t want to appear to look like some turncoat than he going to have to tell us what he knows,” said Sentinel, putting his ‘I’m in charge so listen to me’ face and tone.
Which doesn’t really work on Ratchet.
“And I say that High Command and shove it up their tailpipe. Optimus can’t be held responsible for his actions since he didn’t know better. He was being influence by a master, who insolated Optimus into being the only mech he could trust. He is as much a victim as any PoW.”
Sentinel wasn’t sure High Command nor the Elite Guards were going to see it like that.
And finally...'Shuffling the Playlist', the guilty pleasure of my writing cause gosh darn it, I want Bulkhead stuff. If someone doesn't do it, than I might as well do it myself.
It was that moment of pure arrogance that made everything Powell had planned and plotted everything fall apart.
The moment he buckle up and looked over at the driver and the arena worker behind him, Powell smirked at the two, “Well, lets get going now.”
“Oh yeah, things are going now.”
With the doors locked, the sudden speed that the Bulkhead SHOULDN’T be driving at, Powell started to panic.
“What the hell!?” he screamed as the driver drove them right into the arena. They didn’t seem to care where they were going, crashing into the vans on displayed.
People took to screaming as the driver continue to plow right on through the rows of Bulkheads. Everyone dove away, trying to avoid being crush to death by the crazy person behind the wheel. Powell himself felt panic as the man behind him took to laughing his head off. As if this was some sort of a game.
Than the explosions happen.
It had been one of the many flaws that they had overlooked. When making vehicles that were created to serve police and the army into something to be mass produce to the public, one had to cut costs. They had used cheaper material, cut down on some safety features and a list of other things that Powell couldn’t process right now. In the end, there was no way that the Bulkheads were safe to drive in such a matter. They could flip over at 20mph going into a turn. The fuel tanks were bombs waiting to go off if they got into a crash.
It shouldn’t have gotten pass the safety tests. But, Powell knew that with the right amount of cash, anything could pass.
Now he was seeing what that small pile was costing him as the entire of the stadium floor was on fire with the vans he had been so easily to sell to the people of Detroit. All without a care of their lives.
He only care now cause it was his own life on the line.
“Stop! Stop!! Let me out!!!” screamed Powell, banging on the window.
“But aren’t you having fun? Isn’t this going to look great on the news,” laugh the man in the backseat.
Powell didn’t reply as he grabbed a hold of the handle and tried to open the door. No luck, he was locked inside this death trap.
“You’re all insane! These things are nothing more than overprice, gas guzzling machines of death!!! It’s going to blow!!!”
Reaching over, Powell attempted to stop the driver, try to remove his hands off the wheel. It didn’t work as their hands were like steel.
No, they were steel.
Grabbing the hood of the driver, Powell stared at the camera lens right in his face. No, no, this had to be some kind of trick. His stomach dropped as his world faded. The only thing was the screams of people outside trying to escape the carnage and the cruel laughter from inside the van.
“Smile! You’re on Candid Camera, fleshie!” bark the laugh from behind him.
Powell wiped his head around and felt more of a sense of dread as the hood was down as well. Now, he could see the small robot that sat right behind him ripped off his disguise.
His vision of the blur, and for a few seconds it felt like he was riding one of those amusement rides. It didn’t last long and soon enough Powell found himself landing hard on the ground. Moaning, Powell looked up and saw all the horror.
Fires were surrounding them, people were screaming. Calls for love ones as everyone tried to make their way to escape. Scrambling onto his feet, Powell attempted escape himself. He had to get out of here, had to escape and try to covered this whole disaster. This whole disaster will ruin him.
Taking only a few steps, a giant metal panther got into his way. It snarled, baring it’s teeth at him. Letting out a scream, Powell turned right around and tried to run the other way, only to be stop by the robot in the back seat. This time there, there was two of them. Both the same but only different from the paint jobs. One being black and red and the other was blue and purple.
“Where do ya think ya’re going? The bosses hadn’t even talked to ya yet?” the black one sneered.
Didn’t even get a chance to ask who their bosses were when two giant shadows came over him. Powell, shaking and ready to piss himself, looked on up and in a moment felt as if this was some sort of cruel joke or karma or whatever bullshit that was his life right now.
It seems that the Autobots were really not happy with him.
Two of them stood over him now, both in a menacing fashion. Even more threatening matter as two flying robots circle above them. One seem to be shaped like a bird while another was a bat. One giant robots was new to him, a navy blue one that Powell didn’t recognize. Was it on the ship with all those other ones that arrive. Didn’t matter as it’s looked down at him with an expressionless face but Powell could still feel the hate coming off of it.
Than there was the green one.
The Autobot he gleeful used as a mass media campaign to sell the namesake vans cause Powell knew that they could get away with it. No way that there would be anything would go wrong. The Autobots were trying to all friendly and peaceful, couldn’t be seen as mean or hurtful to their human allies.
Powell was now starting to regret it as the green oaf sneered down with these now red eyes.
Looking ready to kill him.
Well, hoped you all enjoy these and really hope I can finish something soon lol.
If I could just focus on one of many...many WIP
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