#that shit was wayyy too blurry
coulsonlives · 7 months
Finished all eight episodes and well, that was underwhelming. Here are my main impressions.
Clothing was too clean and looked like it came out of a cosplayer's closet instead of being actual, lived-in clothes (if there's one thing the failed movie did right, it was the clothes)
Zuko was decent
Sokka had an a+ personality but was missing some nuance
The Sokka and Suki meeting was boring and had typical teen romance cliches galore
Appa and Momo were cute
Not sure how I felt about them starting with 100 years ago, and the cut between that time and the present day was jarring, I feel like the title card should've been there instead to break it up. And just the title card, none of that weirdly glowly, oddly-colored narrative with the bending examples and stuff, it looked so odd
If Katara were a spice, she'd be flour, if she were a book, she'd be two books, where the heck was her fire and spunk and generally just. differentiating traits because I didn't see any and it was so boring to watch her
Like honestly! She didn't have her motherly/parental role thing going on, even in a toned-down way, and she was missing her passion, I just. What else is left
Bumi was scary af man
Lots of the compositing was blurry as shit and it was distracting, probably a lot of newbie, abused comp artists with pay cuts given dneg was working on it
Aang revealing himself all mystically with the intense music, then two seconds later the music stops and he slides down on the ice with a thump made me lol, and I don't think that was the intended reaction
They're in the arctic and you can't see anyone's breath, why is that, tell me
Suki removes her makeup in like 2.4 seconds without missing a single bit of it, teach me your ways gurll
Momo is actually cute and not a demon, praise raava
The fire nation armor is pretty brutal, the shoulder pads are like obvious cardboard that isn't even trying to look like metal (I still can't really tell if it's supposed to be metal? That's not a good thing fam)
Way too much exposition and 'telling, not showing', some of the convos dragged on for wayyy too long
The fox thing was unnecessary, but I liked Yue's added motivation to help Aang as well as her people
What the f did they do to Azula, the foundations of her character are totally different from the og show and she barely even feels like a villain. Some of her lines about being inadequate or 'not good enough' felt really contrived too
Lots of strange cuts and camera work, more than a few times there was a person talking and the camera was looking at their waist or something else for no reason lol, and there wasn't an establishing shot when there needed to be, so things were just disorientating a lot of the time
Lots of things happened but the show just. didn't give any time for them to marinate. Sokka telling Aang he abandoned his people, he knew it, blah blah in one of the early episodes? It's poignant but it lasts like five seconds before the scene totally changes, I got major whiplash, fam
The lion roaring sound effect every time someone firebent, please stop I beg
Azula being defiant was interesting and the lightning scene was cool but I still miss Daddy's Pet Azula
Sokka screaming on Appa was funny
My favourite scene was probably the dude going 'but we're the forty-first!' and Iroh telling them, 'and you're all alive because of his sacrifice'. Like dang that hit hard and I loved it. I liked how they added that
Avatar Roku was like ?? um. I know he and Sozin were goofballs but cmon man
The shots with Koh capturing Sokka and Katara were cheesy as shit especially with the sound effects lmao, it looked like horror movie jumpscares from a b-movie
Some of the acting was hammier than a ham sandwich. Even Zhao gave me that impression at times especially with the dang spirit fish scene
Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the third
I know they had to condense a crap ton of episodes, but it really felt like the show was just checking off boxes at times instead of (like I said earlier) letting anything marinate
The opening scene with the earthbending and firebending was cool, it's a shame the rest of the show didn't live up to that
The bending vfx looked good. The choreography did feel a bit disconnected though, and not as martial arty as I would've liked
I felt like I could blatantly see some of the reasons the og creators left the show
Grumps tbh I'd give it like 4/10.
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worldhell-archiving · 10 months
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ @devoteyrheart ⤸ random ask time! bc phew i haven't sent some of these to my mutuals in wayyy too long. for nile + floch + petra + porco + kenny + nifa: what are 5 images we'd find in their phone's camera roll? 👀
this is so cute!!! and very sweet!!!
nile has so many pictures of his wife and kids on his phone that take up 80% of his gallery and he will show them to you if you seem even the slightest bit interested. He also has accidental screenshots of his lock screen because buttons are confusing.
floch's images are screenshots of group chats and photos that are sent in said group chats. he doesn't take photos himself but he has a lot of stupid shit stored in there. the four first images to come up consist of a lot of dumb things said in chat that he had to save because he wants to repost them in that very chat as a dig. the fifth one ONWARD is the other squad members accessing his camera and taking a photo of themselves.
for petra the first three images would be her squad mates and her and she does take it selfie style and oruo is always unprepared and yells at her to take it again so he can make sure his hair looks good. she never does, he looks blurry or is pulling a confused face in every one. another image would be of a flower field that she found inside of the walls and marks it as spots to visit (she also has a lot of these from their expeditions in wall maria) there's one photo she manages to get of the captain when he's looking content. she then has to profusely apologise for taking it without asking first.
porco has so many pictures of himself out and about, and he's got at least one shirtless photo. the others are selfies of him with pieck or colt. he's got a photo he took of the younger candidates just being kids and playing about. the rest consist of close ups of reiner in unflattering angles, he takes them from afar and zooms in really close.
kenny battles with his phone. he's got at least two photos of men he's beaten to blood and bone which he uses just to show them how fucked they look. the other three are unflattering photos of his face that he accidentally took when trying to turn the camera around.
nifa's images are usually saved images of aesthetics or images of her in cute outfits because this girl adores fashion. a lot of squatting by the mirror images. she also has a few of moblit and the team when they're running on nothing by hange's energy and has caught them mid fall when she's trying to take a group photo.
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lostnfounder · 1 year
[The following is a transcript of a conversation that took place between Lostfield Reporter Ruth Shirbon and Mikayla Du-Silva behind the Lostfield Denny's.]
M: Well, I’m going to assume you’re Ruth. Nice to meet you in person!
R: Yep, that’s me, uh. Hi. Mikayla, right?
M: Yours truly! Now, I guess I’ll start by asking what made you go to the forest near Showfall?
R: … Ah. Right. Normal… forest… things…?
[Brief pause.]
R: [Sigh.] Okay, well. Up until I found… I was going on, uh, adventures in the woods. Treks. Hikes, I guess was the word I should’ve used first? But, uh. That specific day I was looking for a sp… birthday present for my roommate Chase. 
[ A soft laugh can be heard.]
M: You're weird. But I kinda like that.
M: So, I won’t press further into your forest escapades, but I would like to know details that led to you finding Adeline, such as environment and the like.
R: Oh. I’m… Glad it’s likeable, at least, uhm. Yeah. Well, uh… your average forest in summertime, I guess. Lots of plants, wayyy too many bugs. I nearly tripped and fell in poison ivy, like, twice. But I did find a present for Chase in some mud from a seasonal riverbank, so I remember that part. Uh. Oh. And… there was a hill. Right before I found…
M: Ah, alright. Then, I guess we’ll get straight to the point.
M: I would like you to explain what you saw that made a blood loss related death unlikely. You don’t have to go into too much detail, but if you can, it would be helpful.
R: Right. Yeah, I. I explained this to the police already, uhm. Shouldn’t be too hard.
R: I… I went down the other side of the hill. And I smelled rot. Uhm. So I went all the way down the hill and- at the bottom there was a ditch, and, uh. That’s… where she was. There- There- I don’t remember a lot of it, to be completely honest, uh. I… I didn’t black out, it just. Gone. Like. It’s blurry. Uhm. T-There was glass, though, I remember- I remember a lot of glass. And metal. And- And blood. There was dried blood everywhere, all over the sand and the dirt and everything. The debris too. It- It looked more like she got in a car accident, but there weren’t any cars anywhere. 
M: Odd. I sadly had a glimpse of her before we had Adeline cremated- she looked like her jaw had been ripped clean off, but other than that she looked like a “normal” skeleton with a bit of flesh.
M: The only thing odd I noted was that the remaining bit of her jaw looked like it got sharpened into points, kinda like tusks.
R: [Quietly.] … Oh, shit. Yeah. Uhm. That’s the other thing. I… mentioned it to the police, but they… didn’t… react. I guess that’s kind of their job?? To be all aloof and shit??? But. It felt… off. I don’t know. It- It scared me really bad. I didn't even tell Chase about that part. [Awkward laughter, quickly trails off.]
[Brief pause]
M: Shit, I have an idea on what probably happened.
M: So- I have the knowledge that Adeline was going to her first day of work at showfall before she disappeared without a trace.
M: I- I think they may have some kind of thing going on with the full depth of their horror shows, and how they sometimes have monsters and stuff.
M: It worries me. My sister must’ve done, or SEEN something, that made someone at showfall do… well, y’know. And because Showfall is a pretty wealthy company, they bribed the police to keep quiet?
R: YE- [Throat clearing.] Yes, ah. That’s what I’ve thought for FOREVER. Uhm. Along those lines, it’s--uh. I don’t know. I’ve never trusted them, and no one believes me, and. It’s a nice change of pace to have someone else bring it up, at least. What else makes you think so?
M: Thanks. I’m sure were not alone. But, anyways, I’ve looked into the actors who’ve joined Showfall, and I literally can’t find anything. The best I tend to find is their names in a few census, and the occasional promotional material.
M: I also think that the “beautiful acting of genuine fear” in some of the more darker shows is, well, too real. Like the final scene in “The Social Experiments.” 
R: The… Oh, yeah. That one. Ugh. I remember when the first trailer for that dropped. Everyone at my highschool lost their minds and I was the only one who… well, not the only one, but one of the only people who wasn't exactly thrilled about it. I… I kind of blocked all the tags though, so. I’m not exactly sure what happened. Not sure if I want to know.
M: I won’t give you a description on the death… but, the audience got to vote on whether they lived or died. Originally, they begged everyone to vote live, and thats what they did, but then the host said something along the lines of “we’ll be able to play with you forevermore should the audience declare it” and then they began to beg for death.
M: They died, credits rolled, I threw up in a nearby trash can.
R: Jesus. I knew this was the start of them going in a different direction with their productions but I didn’t know it was… that. 
R: But- what, you think they aren’t actors? I mean Showfall’s definitely haboring de- evil, but I think at the end of the day it’s, uh. Y’know. A media company. Just with… more evil. Uh.
M: We haven’t heard anything from Ranboo since that occurred. And the twitch account that I swear he’d stream on has been completely wiped.
R: That’s… odd. I’d never heard of them, but. It could just be a publicity stunt, I suppose. Or, like, they’re under some sort of contract. I dunno. 
M: Whatever. But, back on the topic of Adeline and what happened to her, I won’t be able to investigate much as I do have other things going on, but I think you should try. Maybe you could start with contacting people with connections to Showfall?
R: But where would I even find…?
M: Not too sure, but I trust you to look. Send me a text if you find anyone, or anything, alright?
R: … Okay. Yeah, okay. I'll, uhm. I'll try. Thanks, Mikayla. I hope I could help.
M: No problem. See ya!
[Transcript end.]
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Main Character Basic Information.
Casey Abel Tinniel He/Pup, Gay, FTM. British/Japanese, Mixed (Obviously White passing, though). WereWolf Demon, Age 17 (average, lore will change it). Demigod of the Moon. AuDHD, BPD. Casey is a soft, silly tall demon boy, who's still trying to figure out how to use his abilities, he has healing abilities but they don't work very well because he doesn't need to use them often, but he can heal small bruises and things and leave no scarring. He also has the ability to create small shields, but again, doesn't need them due to modernity. He's rarely angry, and is gentle and caring as often as he can be. He's getting as much help as he can for his BPD, it was worse when he was younger, but he's getting better.
Astrophel Helios She/He, Bisexual, Agender. Greek, POC. Shapeshifting Demon, Age 19 (average, lore again) Demigod of the Stars. PTSD. Astrophel is kind of a mom friend, and is definitely the second most mature of the group, being second only to Samael. He's incredibly quiet and values other opinions more than his own feelings, which leaves him burnt out. She has the most control over her abilities, able to heal wounds on almost all levels (not mental scars though), leaving no scarring at all no matter how deep, this is due to her being able to shift other people's forms (bc everything is made up of stardust).
Oliver Kalaw Dalisay He/They/Bug, Gay, FTM. Filipino. Dragon/Bird Demon, Age 16 (average. you know the drill) Demigod of the Weather/Sky. Blind. In the politest way possible, Oliver is a little shit. Being blind doesn't stop him from doing anything to the point of bullying Casey into letting him skate (on rollerskates or a skateboard). He's incredibly loud, and definitely the life of the party. He can't use his abilities well, but they will randomly happen due to his emotions (eg: when he's sad a little raincloud forms over his head). He uses echolocation to get around mostly, but he can see colors to a point (very very blurry though).
Kaito Kano He/Him, Bisexual, FTM. American, mixed(? havent solidified). Fox Demon (Kitsune? kinda? maybe?), Age 17 (average). Demigod of the Sea/Waves. American. (/j, he's got no disabilities/disorders. though in all honesty hes undiagnosed adhd probably.) Kaito is wayyy too encouraging and isn't a good influence on Oliver at all. Them (Casey, Kaito and Oliver) all being friends since secondary school, they're almost constantly together, either skating (and scaring the death out of Casey) or just messing around like usual teenagers. Kaito is the one constantly feeding them bad ideas, due to being an American exchange student, he's used to doing "usual American things", which.. aren't usual in Britain. He doesn't use his abilities often but are your usual basic water powers.
Hikari Sara Tinniel She/They (But doesnt rlly care), Demisexual Lesbian, Demigirl NB. Japanese/British, Mixed. Wolf Demon, Age 17 (lore, Casey's Sister) Demigod of nothing, just has base demigod abilities. ADHD Casey's very loud, party animal of a twin sister. She tries to get him to do all sorts of social stuff and Casey just won't unless Kaito or Oliver is there. She's incredibly boisterous and social compared to Casey, almost making them complete opposites if not for their looks and a few likes. Unlike her brother she only god the demigod "immorality" and a little extra strength, whereas he got the powers associated with the moon. She'd be jealous but she's glad their father doesn't bother her due to it.
Samael Anubis They/He, Bisexual, Nonbinary?. Egyptian Demon, No specifications. Age 20 (lore, again) Demigod of Death, Gatekeeper of The After. No specified Disabilities. Samael is kind of just a guy studying biology and medicine. He's been friends with Astrophel for years, Astro meant to follow them into university but was held back and never got in. Sam is pretty chill outside of class work, and usually will hang out. Dad friend of the group to Astro's mom friend, platonically of course. He's legally not allowed to use half of his powers, yk, dangerous death god. But he does decide who dies and who gets to live longer.
Elliott Hanayo Any Pronouns, AroAce, Nonbinary. Japanese. Demon/Nymph. Age Unknown. (physically around 23) Demigod of Nature. No specified Disabilities.
Demon that took in Kari and Casey, they live in her apartment even though its pretty small. Elliott is incredibly chill, and usually stays out of Casey and Kari's business, but they are the *true* mom friend, usually making sure they have snacks in at all times. Even though they wouldn't class themselves as a part of Casey and Kari's friend group, Kaito and Oliver always make her feel like shes important to them having fun whenever they see her, chanting their name, etc. His powers are your usual run of the mill nature powers, creating vines, flowers, etc, easily out of the ground.
Net Voltage He/They/It, Aroace, Agender. British, kinda. Robot. No Age (Mentally 18 or so) Not a demigod, just a robot no brain, no problems.
Net's a robot butler, built for butlering, he doesn't really understand emotions, he's learning and trying his best, but he is willing to do anything for the others.
Sai (No last name) She/They/It, Unknown, Unknown. Unknown. Ghostish Shapeshifting Demon (ghost.) Age Unknown. (Physically looks about 18~, has been around for ages though). Demigod of [UNKNOWN] Unknown, no specified Disabilities. Playful ghost, used to roaming around until eventually finding Astrophel's mansion and latching onto it for unknown reasons.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
ok so. i have now had a chance to skim through both volumes of the mtmte notebooks and instead of posting the entire thing one blurry photo at a time, i am going to do a quick post with my initial reactions/stuff that stuck out to me/etc.
if you want to keep things a surprise for when you get it and read it yourself, just ignore this post, haha! and i really do recommend getting this if you can. this is a very very fun thing to have for a comic. it's WILD to have this kind of stuff for one as niche as MTMTE, like the fact this exists is honestly kind of absurd (admiring).
it is amazing how many things from late game stuff is right there in 2010 notes. the rewind transformation sound thing that is in LL #23 (iirc)? THAT'S IN THESE. repeatedly. he has a whole thing about rewind having old transformation sounds and rung's transformation sound, it comes up and is iterated on several times. so though these notes are from "pre-production" and the first "series", there's a ton of stuff that goes right through to the end of the run.
one thing that LEAPED out at me is related to my opinion that mtmte series one is in part a slightly tilted LSotW sequel in its way. because it turns out two of the characters jro originally wanted for MTMTE were impactor and guzzle, who would have showed up later. like. holy shit i did not see that coming. that's wild to me. like it makes sense because again, a lot of mtmte s1 is indirectly a follow on from parts of last stand. but it's so far removed from that context that just seeing jro like 'yeah i want impactor and guzzle here' is. weird.
this guy wanted prowl for his book so fucking much folks, there are so many bits where he's trying to worm prowl in, LMAO rip
jro was not lying about how the plan was for chromedome to be the surrogate re: the baby. but by surrogate he meant instead of GRIMLOCK, chromedome was going to ADOPT THE BABY. i am losing it.
the rung situation is interesting. rung WAS suggested as being primus right from the start of these notes, but it wasn't the only idea he was throwing around- he wanted something to be up with rung but hadn't 100% settled on any one thing for ages here (though the primus thing comes up the most). other possibilities included him being the hivemind scraplet concept that got reused for Silent Light (yes, really), and him being one half of an unstable combiner. there's a lot of different stuff re: the primus concept too. so it's not WRONG to say the primus stuff was planned from the start per se, but it was in no way a sure thing.
in general there's looooads of stuff in there about religion. lots of different concepts for the guiding hand, for rung, for the knights. the early notes especially talk a lot about quintessons, there's various ideas for how to incorporate them, and unicron. which is vindicating because i have said FOR AGES i always got a vibe that jro was writing a universe in which 'the quintessons' was at least one plausible possibility for 'who made these guys', and while there's no actual discussion in here of the quintessons as direct creators (though yeah, there's talk of them as the knights), i wasn't far off. unicron too, he has various concepts including 'a small mech like rung as primus'. also one time he was like 'what if unicron was an idea' and the 2022 annotations are just 'oh dear' LMAO
oh and TONS about the concept of whirl being super religious in a 'fire and brimstone avenging' kind of way??? like this is something he returns to a lot, he liked the idea of the irony with rung, haha. (also, they were gonna have wayyy more of a prominent antagonism, i think. that's the vibe i got.) there's an issue pitch he mentions about some 'witchfinder general ft extreme violence' type coming on board and whirl hero worshipping him. it's interesting stuff
brainstorm was straight up gonna be bad. he was an actual decepticon double agent, and the quark plot originally had nothing to do with him- he was developing time travel, but jro literally says at one point he needs to come up with like. actual motivation for him. the quark plot was originally chromedome stealing it and going back in time to save the person who died after overlord.
who was… swerve. no joke. swerve and CD were originally the ones he was pitching as "best friends" before rewind replaced swerve (and then later on they're made married instead obviously, but that was wayyy later that was decided). also, one idea jro puts up before he makes said swap is that prowl is paying swerve to keep an eye on CD, but he starts to feel guilty and actually grows to like CD… which THEN jro would swap so CD was doing that to rewind before dropping it partway through actually writing the series, ofc.
oh man there's so much chromedome shit in here btw. AND rewind. those two get a lot of iteration and attention. originally CD's abilities were gonna be an outlier thing, it might have been implied he was in part a prisoner AT the institute, there was going to be a thing where he regretted having the opportunity to shadowplay megatron and didn't take it… also, i thought this specifically was VERY interesting:
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surprising absolutely none of you. i am sure. yes, there's a lot of stuff hammering out cybertronian reproduction in here. lmao. (there is a point where the phrase 'birthing fields' is used.) but! specifically one thing of note, it goes into quite a lot of detail about ye olde concept of quickswitch being created (from what cd/prowl/etc learned from overlord, as a new phase sixer), and what that plot would have looked like. which is very very neat as i have always been SUPER curious about that. a lot of stuff re: nature vs nurture seems like it cropped up in that concept, plus the ethics of creating new life during wartime which feels like it became a foundational thing for MTOs conceptually.
drift! there is A LOT of drift stuff early on in here! fun fact: there was originally a plan to have rodimus want to detour to investigate his dead duplicate and drift got mad and refused because he was 100% desperate to find the knights, and they would have split up and the comic would have alternated between them/their crews. i can see why this was dropped in favour of exiling drift because that sounds like a structural nightmare in a monthly comic, but MAN i didn't expect that to even have been conceptualised. there's also LOADS about drift like, being someone who is very deliberately manipulating rodimus in series one. i'm just gonna show this whole character breakdown, because imo it is VERY interesting and puts to rest a lot of 'how much is deliberate, how much is it fandom overanalysing him?' stuff. while most of this didn't actually happen, it's clear a lot of thought was being put into drift's internal contradictions right from the start, they're definitely present.
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god i have so much more shit i could say but i should probably stop here for now. LMAO. but it's just absolutely wild. a lot of the stuff here was definitely cut for a reason. many of the ideas are 'interesting, but near impossible to execute in the format', many more are 'buckwild but not necessarily good', some are genuinely like 'ah, yeah, not surprised you dropped THAT immeditaely', but just the sheer AMOUNT of conceptual STUFF going on here is fucking wild. there is so, so much just. raw STUFF he's poking at right from the start. you'd think they had told this man he had to create a continuity from scratch. it's an incredible document of just how much work went into this comic before issue #1 was even written.
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amintyworld · 4 years
Candles - Dream SMP Star Wars AU
A/N: Welcome to - Another piece that’s wayyy too long to submit. I spent two days straight writing this between writing the next chapter of Beginnings. I sent this as an ask but then I think Tumblr ate it so anyway here’s a fic based on the concept. This is from @dreamsmp-au-ideas‘s Star Wars AU. I’m a sucker for father/son Wilbur and Fundy, okay? Anyway, hope you enjoy! - Minty
TW: Major Character Death, drinking(?), kidnapping, fighting, cursing. (Tell me if I need to tag anything else!)
Summary: Wilbur still has hope of finding his missing son, and has a special way of remembering him. Fundy gets a renewed sense of hope for finding his own parents and grows closer with Wilbur.
“Sir, you need to let us in.”
“The fuck I will!” Wilbur shouted angrily from the other side of the locked door. “We don’t want any part of- We’re not with the Rebellion, we’ve done nothing to you or the Empire. Leave us alone.”
“Sir, you need to open the door.”
“I know you’re taking kids, and I’m not letting you take him. You’ll have to get through me first, and I don’t go down so fucking easily.”
“Sir, please calm down and open the door.”
The house was humid and dim from the hot day, the windows shut and every entrance locked. The only way in was through the front door, which Wilbur trained his blaster at, ready to shoot whoever was stupid enough to enter. Sally sat behind him, her blaster on the ground as she held the small baby in her arms, trying her best to keep him quiet. Wilbur could hear screaming children and sobs from across the silent town, as the stormtroopers marched down the road, children grabbing back for their parents as the parents desperately rushed after their children only to be knocked down with the blunt of the blasters, a few bleeding out, writhing on the ground in agony with their skulls cracked open, a few dead bodies scattering the ground. He noticed a hysterical woman shaking the body of her husband, a bleeding wound in his chest, and a sizable dent in his head that looked like a bruised watermelon. He wasn’t moving. A sizable knot formed in Wilbur’s throat at the sight.
This was sick. 
Wilbur’s body shook with anger and adrenaline as he heard the click of the stormtrooper’s gun. A tense moment of silence passed before the door flew open so quickly that it almost fell off its hinges as three stormtroopers rushed in. Wilbur gunned down the first in the chest, Sally managed to blow the second one’s head clean off from her position on the floor, leading the third scrambling for cover, not realizing exactly who he was messing with. “B-backup, I repeat we need backup in Section 10 House 23, two soldiers down, I repeat, two soldiers down!” Looking over to Sally with a nod, they moved deeper into the house for cover as they heard more stormtroopers approaching quickly, flooding into the house. “Shit, they’re Mandalorians!” A commander shouted from outside the house. “Surround the house, send a widespread barrage!”
From the sounds of it and the blasts whizzing by, there were at least twenty stormtroopers around the house, maybe thirty - it was hard to get an accurate count from where they were. Sally cupped his cheek as she gave him a reassuring smile. “You take the left, I’ll take the right?”
“As always.” Wilbur’s face brightened as the two shared a soft kiss. The small baby made grabby hands toward Wilbur as Sally gently put the child in his arms.
“Hm, looks like someone wants his Dad.” Wilbur loved how much Sally was always so confident, so relaxed when it came to times like this. At least, more relaxed than he was. She moved out of cover to begin to shoot back, and Wilbur kissed Fundy’s forehead. 
“You’ve gotta be quiet as a mouse, alright? Stay right there for now and stay quiet, Dad’s gonna be right back.” Gently as he could, he placed the baby in a small steel cabinet to keep him safe from any stray fire. Fundy looked up at Wilbur with wide curious eyes, a hand in his mouth. Wilbur’s heart melted at the sight as he securely closed the cabinet, grabbing his second blaster and moving toward the window to aim. 
“Oh, uh… I didn’t mean to interrupt anything-” Fundy asked awkwardly from the doorway as Wilbur kneeled in front of a table, a single candle sat on it. The glowing flame was the only thing otherwise lighting up the dark room. Wilbur moved around quickly, slightly startled when he saw Fundy, and rushed to put his helmet back on. Though Wilbur couldn’t see Fundy’s face through his own helmet, he could see how the kid awkwardly shifted in the doorway, looking away quickly in embarrassment. “Wait, I’m not supposed to-! I’m so so sorry-!”
“No, no. It’s fine, Fundy.” Wilbur breathed, not exactly expecting any company. “Did you need something?”
“Yeah, uhm… well Eret wanted to go over the plans with you for the attack, and…”
Wilbur sucked in a breath as he nodded. “Yeah, yeah, of course. Tell him I’ll look it all over with him tomorrow.” 
Fuck, they didn’t know. He was so used to being left alone today that he forgot he wasn’t living on the ship anymore. They didn’t know. Wilbur mentally kicked himself. “Right. Uh… why is this so hard to explain…”
“Is this another Mandalorian thing?” 
“Well, uh… not- not exactly.” Wilbur managed. “Kind of. It’s a long story.”
Fundy moved to sit down a bit behind Wilbur on the floor, smiling behind his helmet. “I’m all ears.” 
“Heh.” Wilbur smiled behind his mask. “Well, you know how I lost my son to the Empire when he was a baby?”
“Well, in Mandalorian culture, we keep the memories alive of those who aren’t with us anymore, but we don’t really have any way to keep the memory alive for something like that. I know that he’s alive and out there somewhere, so any of the normal ceremonies just don’t feel right. I needed to do something to keep his memory alive in me, so I won’t forget him, and I can find him again.” Wilbur said, turning to gently take the candle in his hands, careful of the wax. “So, I light a candle on his birthday every year.”
“Every year?”
“Of course.”
Fundy’s eyebrows furrowed. “How are you so sure he’s still alive?” His eyes flicked down toward the ground in thought. “So much could have happened, I mean, it’s been so long...the Empire’s not exactly merciful.”
Wilbur slowly took Fundy’s hand in his, placing the candle down next to them. “I dunno, it’s like… there’s some kind of feeling in the air, like a connection. No matter how far away he is, I just have this feeling that I can’t ignore when it comes to him. As long as it’s there, I know he’s alive - out there, somewhere, and I’m gonna find him.”
Fundy stared up at him in awe, not finding any words. After this long, after everything that’s happened, Wilbur still had hope. He lit candles and sat and loved and remembered. Despite odds, despite logic, all because of a hunch. It was more than admirable, and Fundy moved to pick up the candle, watching the flame flicker. Something about all of this felt right. “Could I… maybe… light candles too? For my parents.”
Wilbur placed a comforting hand on Fundy’s shoulder and Fundy looked up to see Wilbur’s helmet framed and lit from the flame. “Of course.”
“Drop your weapons.”
They were surrounded, several stormtroopers pointed their blasters at them. Even if they shot two of them down now they’d be dead within seconds. Sally looked over to him, her confident smile gone and replaced with worry. Wilbur swallowed the knot in his throat as he slowly raised his hands in surrender, dropping his blaster to the floor.
“I said drop ‘em, missy.” A stormtrooper growled at Sally, who reluctantly tossed her blaster to the ground and slowly raised her hands. The Commander looked around the small house for a moment before angrily pressing his blaster to Wilbur’s forehead. “Where’s the kid?!”
Wilbur took a shaky breath as he kept his calm. Quiet as a mouse, Fundy. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Within seconds, Wilbur was hit across his face with the blunt of the blaster as the Commander kicked in him the stomach, leaving Wilbur sputtering for breath. “Does that jog your memory?!”
“Babies go missing, sir. The galaxy’s an imperfect place.” Wilbur huffed from his place on the ground, gaining confidence at the Commander’s growing frustration. More pain suddenly as the Commander’s boot collided with his face, each kick making his vision more blurry as blood dripped to the floor. He struggled to breathe in as he heard Sally yell, pure emotion in her outburst.
“Leave him alone, fuckface!” Tears welled up in her eyes as she began to stand, ready to charge at him and tear him to shreds. Her arms were quickly pulled behind her back, and she struggled against their grip. Wilbur coughed a bit of blood, trying to stand, as the Commander slowly walked over toward Sally. He tilted her head up to face his.
“Such a rebellious spirit...stupid, reckless, pointless rebellion. You do know how the Empire treats rebellion, don’t you sweetheart?”
“Fuck you.” Quickly, Sally was thrown against the wall, pictures and furniture fell to the floor with a loud crash. Scratches and blood littered Sally’s skin as she struggled to move or even speak as the room spun like a top. “Ugh…”
“It’s time you learned to hold your tongue.” The Commander spat as he aimed his blaster at Sally.
“NO!” Wilbur leaped, helplessly, across the room only to be punched down once more. “Leave her alone, I told you the baby’s not even here-!”
Wilbur’s heart dropped as a baby’s cry rang throughout the room. The Commander stared down at him coldly. “Not even here, huh?” 
Wilbur’s eyes grew wide. “I-” Another strike across Wilbur’s face and he went down, shaking as he tried to crawl and stop the Commander who was walking toward the cabinet swiftly. No, no no no Fundy-
Suddenly, Sally gripped the Commander’s blaster as tears streamed down her face, fighting for control. The Commander pushed her up against the wall with his blaster with ease, shoving her to the floor. The sound of a shot rang through the air as blood poured down from Sally’s head. Her body dropped to the floor in a heap. 
Tears welled up in Wilbur’s eyes as he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her lifeless body. Nothing about this seemed right, nothing seemed real. She was just there, she was just alive and moving and talking, and the next moment she’s just… gone. Wilbur screamed as he rushed over to Sally’s body, tears streaming down his face as he shook her. Words tumbled out of his mouth like a waterfall, so fast he had no idea what he was even saying. His heart felt like it shattered as he held her cold hand in his, a pool of blood beginning to form that stained his clothes, but he didn’t even care. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as blood dripped down from her forehead across her limp body. Wilbur’s shaking hands ran through her hair for the last time.
Fundy’s cries quickly pulled his attention away from Sally toward the Commander, who looked down at the child making grabby hands toward Wilbur, hysterical. “Aw, what a cute kid.” Wilbur stumbled to his feet, pain coursing through his body. Blood seeped down his skin, and his head throbbed uncomfortably. He raised his fists in a sort of fighting stance. 
“Get the fuck away from him.”
Another shot rang out as he rang down and saw crimson blood spill down to the floor from his chest. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. He fell to the floor, crimson spilling onto the floor as he fought to stay awake. He curled into himself, all he could feel was pain, pain, pain…
Tears blurred his vision as his body shook. The stormtroopers and the Commander looked down at him with almost pity. You’re weak. Weak weak weak weak...
He could practically hear the smile in the Commander’s voice. “The Empire thanks you for your sacrifice.”
Fundy’s eyes lit up in wonder as Wilbur handed him the matches, and moved to go grab something. The two candles are old - one shorter than the other, each with varying fruity smells compared to Wilbur’s vanilla one. He leaned over, lighting up the tall yellow candle then the smaller pink one.  He turned, blowing out the match then turning to stare at the flames. Warmth spread in his chest as he whispered to himself, head bowed. “I’ll find you, Mom and Dad. I promise.”
“Guess what I found!” Wilbur smiled as he brought over a large corked bottle and two steel cups.
“What’s that?”
“Phil found Tihaar, I haven’t seen this stuff in years!” Wilbur smiled, and Fundy looked toward him confused. “It’s a Mandalorian drink, nothing too heavy, I promise.” Wilbur laughed a bit as he poured out the cups. “You can’t find any of the good stuff anymore anyway.”
Fundy took the cup and sniffed it curiously. “It smells like syrup.”
“Tastes a bit like it too. Much more sweet than alcoholic.” Wilbur said, raising his cup. “Now then - a toast.” Fundy raised his cup as well with a smile. “To all those we’ve lost along the way. We keep you in our thoughts always, and may we reunite again.”
“We will find each other again,” Fundy added, looking to the sky, more hopeful than he’s felt in months.
Wilbur looked over toward him, nodding in agreement. “We will find them again.”
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
Bloody & Bruised || Drinking Games
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mob!bucky barnes x boxer!reader
𝒄𝒉. 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: You, Shuri, Gamora, and Wanda all head to a new bar in town. You see a secret area that’s restricted, and of course, Wanda wants to see what’s behind it. The breath you hold ultimately leaves you as you stare at those cerulean blue eyes again.
author’s note: soo i’m liking this series wayyy better than before and I think it just flows better. I really like it and i hope you all do too!
warnings: drinking, violence, blood, a little angst, smut, fingering, [18+ only!!]
chapter one // series m.list // m.list 
You sighed, your hips joined Shuri's as you sat in one of the booths at the bar she asked you to come to the other day. You took small sips out of the stirring straw of your tequila sunrise. The sweet taste of syrup and tequila rushed down your throat, a nice burn following after. You’ve already had one before this, so you were getting quite buzzed.
It was nice feeling a bit dizzy as yesterday you were a ball of nerves from figuring out that the guy on the subway was a famous mobster. Shuri was luckily able to calm you down and promised to help you relax. You felt relaxed, considering you haven’t thought about him the whole time you were here.
You laughed as you watched a drunk Gamora try to get Shuri’s brother, T’challa, to go dance with her. Her words slurred together, but T’challa agreed as he was then dragged to the dance floor. There were bodies all around them, dancing next to them as they disappeared into the crowd.
You turn to Shuri to tell her something, but neither Wanda nor Shuri were paying any attention to you. You follow their line of sight to see them staring at a bunch of people walking into an area that looks restricted.
All three of you could see a bouncer in front of a doorway near the bar, letting people in and out of the secret area. Wanda’s eyes sparkled slightly, and you internally groaned. Whatever was behind that door, you wanted no part of it. You had a match tomorrow, and you didn’t want to get tangled in whatever the fuck.
Both Shuri and Wanda quickly turned to you with gleaming, begging eyes. You outwardly groaned at the sound of their pleas and begs. Wanda grabbed your arm and, you rolled your eyes. 
“Please, please, please-”
“Alright, alright. We can try to get in, but if we-” Shuri and Wanda drowned out your sentence with cheers of victory. You chuckled beside them while they shoved you towards the doorway. The tall bouncer looked at the two of you with a raised eyebrow.
“Wanda. Wanda Maximoff.” She stares hard at the bouncer as he narrows his eyes and tightens his folded arms across his chest. His lips were in a thin line, clearly unimpressed by Wanda’s reaction. She leaned a little closer with sneering eyes.
“You don’t know who I am, do you? Heard of Pietro Maximoff? One of the wealthiest men in the city? Well, that’s my brother.” She looked at her nails as if she was bored with the conversation. “I wonder what he would think about his little sister being turned down?” 
You and Shuri could only look at her wide-eyed at the scene in front of you. You never knew that Wanda had it in her to manipulate somebody like that with her money, it was kind of impressive considering she could never hurt a fly. You also didn’t even know her brother was some kind of wealthy businessman.
The bouncer stutters over his words and quickly moves aside, letting the two of you inside. You all cheer in victory and laugh together at the situation. “Damn, Wanda, that was harsh.” She just brushes it off with laughter as you continue down the hallway.
“Yeah, I bullshitted all of that. My brother works at that pizza place near my apartment.”
Your eyes look around the place, and it was not what you were expecting. You thought that it would just be a bunch of rich people snorting coke on a brunch of tables. You thought you were going to be bored as Wanda and Shuri bounced around to other tables talking to people. 
You were quite surprised to see a bunch of people surrounding a boxing ring, with two shirtless men fighting each other. Shuri smirked next to you, but you missed it, completely enamored by what was before you. Wanda dragged the two of you towards the front of the crowd. In the middle, the group formed a circle while two men had wrapped bands around their fists while they punched and dodged each other.
Pounding sounds of cheering escalate as one of the men punch the other one in the face, his body going limp and hitting the hard floor. However, not everyone cheers as some have to cough up some of their money because they lost the bet.
The referee walks up to the winner as he yells in excellence and pride, then walked around high fiving those who had bet on him. The ref quickly grabs the boxer’s fist and yanks it in the air, the crowd still cheering as loud as they can for the winner. They start to die down, the referee trying to calm down the mob of people so he can speak. 
“Who wants to challenge the winner?” 
The referee scans the crowd, looking for any sign of an opponent willing to fight the winner. For a short amount of time, there was silence. Considering that this boxer was notorious for winning all of his rounds, nobody wanted to challenge him.
You didn’t know whether you were just dumb, or it was the liquid courage that was coursing through your body as you blurted out that you wanted to join in on the fight.
“I do.” 
Your voice chimes through the silence of the ring; widened eyes glanced your way. The referee slightly hesitates before making a motion that beckons you forward and into the ring. However, not everyone has happy to see a woman challenging the winner.
“I’m not fighting a measly woman.”
Anger had coursed through your body, lying still on your stomach. All you did was roll your eyes at the boxer, a smirk coming forward across your face. 
“You think I’m inferior, and yet you won’t fight me? It sounds like you’re more afraid that I’ll challenge your authority and obscene masculinity.” 
Shuri and Wanda were backing you up with cheering while the crowd around the ring slowly started to join them. “The crowd wants her to fight, Jeff.” The man snarled at you as the referee gave you some bands. You took off the jacket that sat on your shoulders, which Wanda took immediately. 
The referee paused, making sure that you were good to go before the match started. You were now facing your opponent, a smirk teasing your face. This was a terrible shitty idea, but you couldn’t help but feel giddy at the adrenaline that was bouncing around in your body. It felt good to fight other than those with rules and guidelines. 
“Who are you fighting for?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “For?”
The referee points with his finger behind you, and you whip around. A gasp leaves your lips at the man sitting in what looked almost like a throne. There he was, James Barnes, the asshole that you met on the subway. He had three women surrounding him with flirtatious touches. He almost looked like a king. 
Next to him, you recognized slightly as the henchmen in the subway. One was a man with blue eyes and blonde hair, and the other was a woman with fiery red hair. You assumed they were his most trusted partners. 
Your eyes narrow slightly at the man, and you turn around, facing your opponent again. You never saw the Mob Bosses eyes dancing around you with a humorous gleam.
“I’m fighting for myself.”
The referee shrugged at you before locking eyes with James, making sure that it was okay you weren’t fighting for the mafia. You infer that he gives a nod towards the ref as he nods back before turning towards you, telling everyone that the fight was about to start.
You were given a mouthguard that you placed in your mouth. Your eyes flutter close, and you take a deep breath, letting your senses calm itself as you prepare to fight. The ref starts to count down from ten, looking at the two of you as the crowd starts betting on the guy in front of you. 
You knew that no one was going to bet on you, none of these sexist jerks would be able to see how incredible you are unless you beat the shit out of this dude. To them, you have to prove yourself.
“Fight!” The referee breaks out of the ring, and your eyes snap open, watching the muscular man in front of you. He takes the first swing, which you were able to block easily. The crowd around you had gasped, definitely not expecting you to prevent that like it was nothing.
Your opponent narrowed his eyes and proceeded to swing another punch. Again, you dodged it with ease, and the boxer in front of you didn’t miss the sly smirk on your face. While he was distracted at thinking about his next move, you swung a right hook that connected straight to his jaw.
His body took the blow, and he almost fell backward, there was a bit of purple bruising already forming onto his now injured jaw. The crowd erupted in cheers and yelled at the amount of force you were giving. All Shuri and Wanda did was smirk, knowing that the man had offered defeat when you said you were going to fight.
The ref holds up his hand, and you stop for a second while he checks on the guy; he nods that he’s okay, and the referee jumps back into the crowd. The boxer groans in annoyance and narrows his eyes at your figure. He couldn’t even get a swing in and punch you in the face, which was something that never had happened before. 
This time, he went for an uppercut just as he thought you were caught off guard by the crowd cheering again. However, he was clearly wrong. This time though, you completely stopped his movements. You had quickly grabbed his fist, his punch wholly deflated. 
In fast movements, you quickly swing with your other arm and hit him square in the face, blood seeping out from his nose and onto your jaw, which you knew would be sore tomorrow. He stumbles slightly before looking completely stunned. His eyes were rapidly moving from side to side as his vision became blurry. He sunk to his knees, the crowd was now silent in shock.
Immediately, he was fully slumped to the ground now, eyes fully closed. The ref ran over to him, counting down from ten as he watched for any movement. He got down to one and was astounded as he looked at you, your face and body completely untouched.
Two punches, that’s all you gave for this man to be knocked cold onto the ground. You definitely weren’t fighting to just fuck around in the ring. The crowd had practically exploded, never before had they seen somebody K.O. someone in a matter of minutes. 
Shuri and Wanda, on the other hand, were extremely pleased with the rich men giving them all their money. They were delighted to have them cough up their riches. You turn around to see the mob boss stare at you with a look that you couldn’t quite decipher. 
However, his demeanor quickly changed into that of a cocky one as a smirk came plastered onto his lips. 
“C’mon, doll, you’ve earned an award.”
Your chest was heaving up and down from the fight. You let your eyes trail from the top of his head down to his shoes.
“I’m good, oh so dangerous mob boss.” 
A chorus of laughter left the red-headed woman at your remark while James just sneered. You were about to leave when his guards stepped a bit closer to you. 
“Not even going to stay for a drink?”
A sigh escaped past your lips, knowing you didn’t exactly have a choice with his guards. You could take these two; however, you figured this whole place was riddled with them so it was probably a wiser choice to just roll with the flow. 
You watched as the got out of the throne-like chair and fostered you to follow. Behind his chair was a red velvet curtain, which you assumed led to a private bar. His two friends, including the other guards, stayed still while you followed James into the private area.
It was quite dark and it was undoubtedly empty, not even a bartender was at the bar. It looked to be quite an old bar, lots of the finishing touches looked like they were from the twenties. He sat onto one of the barstools, swirling what looked like whiskey. 
“So, Bronx girl, where’d you learn to fight like that?”
Your eyebrows shot up as his question; you definitely didn’t expect him to remember you. He grabbed an empty glass and slid it over to you, pouring you a glass of whiskey. His eyes flicker over towards yours, and he chuckles at your expression.
“You left quite an impression, doll. I’ve never been turned down before.”
A sly smirk appears onto his face when you roll your eyes. You take a sip of the whiskey and hiss a bit at the burn but then let the oaky flavor fill your taste buds.
“My dad. He was one of the biggest boxers in Morris Heights. He taught my sister and me how to box at a younger age. He always said he’d get in trouble one day, and he needed to know we’d take care of ourselves.”
His lips curled into a smile as he took a large gulp os his whiskey, his eyes never left yours. 
You turn towards him a bit with confused eyes before taking another sip of your whiskey, now giving you numbness where your knuckles are bruised and bloody.
“That’s my name, my nickname anyway.”
You nod, turning towards him with a light smile. For the big bad and misogynistic guy that you met on the subway, this was someone you could potentially be friends with. Yeah, he’s a mob boss, but he doesn’t seem to see you as an object.
You don’t really know when the night progressed, but it very much did. Currently, your lips were locked with a certain mob boss and boy were his lips sweet. All night he would talk to you about old memories with his friends and he would even speak to you about his mother. You got to know who Bucky was, not some mob boss that rules over the city. 
He definitely didn’t treat you like you were some object, so you were just hoping all his riches and fame were a ruse. He had treated you like a gentleman all night, and as you got a closer look at him, he was definitely more handsome than you remember.
His lips were engulfing yours, his hot wet mouth swallowing you whole. His velvet tongue made its way into your mouth, leaving trembling kisses. He tasted like whiskey and faded mint, which made your knees slightly weak. Your hands moved down to his chest, prompting a sweet groan to erupt from his throat.
Your back was pressed up against the bar wall, touching some of the bottles behind you. Your legs were tightly wrapped around his torso as your kisses became hungrier. 
The whiskey bottle was long empty by now, the two of you had drank one whole. His hands were touching all over your body, from your legs to your stomach to your arms and your back.
You were both sloppy, tongues peaking out to wet each other’s mouths. 
You whimpered when he squeezed your hips, his slick tongue flicking against yours. A chuckle had lifted off his mouth at the sounds you were making from his touches. Your head was spinning, and your heart wouldn’t stop pounding in your ears. His hands moved down to the waistband of your jeans, and he hurriedly yet gently unbuttoned them. 
With your permission, which you gladly gave, his hand slowly reached down to stripe your slick folds. His middle finger circled around your entrance, which elicited a gasp from you. 
“You’re so wet, doll. All we’ve done is kissin’, huh?” 
All you could do was groan as he slid a finger inside, your walls slightly clenching at the feeling. Your hands were now pressed in a tight hold on his shoulders as he took his thumb and started to circle your clit. The sensitive bud felt good against his rough finger, your nails dug against his shoulder, which leads a dent in his tailored suit.
He wickedly smirks at the way you almost scream when he adds another finger, his throbbing cock was pressed up against your thigh. 
“You feel so good against my fingers, babydoll. Your moans are like a song.” 
You whimper as his fingers curl slightly, hitting the rough patch that was your g-spot. Your arousal was spilling out of you and onto his fingers, your clit was now very swollen and tender to the touch. He pressed fast, hot kisses against your mouth and cheeks, his tongue wetting every surface. 
You sucked in a breath as his fingers started to go in and out faster than ever, trying to chase that sweet release. You were almost there, that coil inside of your stomach, and the nerves that circled your cunt was about to pop.
“Bucky, please, I-”
“That’s it doll. I’ve got you. Cum around my fingers.”
A few pumps of his thick fingers into your heat, and you screamed his name, not caring who heard at the moment. Your lower body shook with pleasure as his fingers were riding out your high, which he then gave you much praise. 
His fingers were completely covered with your arousal. He never lost eye contact with you as he pulled his hand out from your pants and licked his fingers like they were lollipops.
His lips locked with yours as his hand lifted up to caress your cheek, and you tasted the sweetness of yourself. You grew dizzier, so you pushed your arms up to his chest, breaking your lips from his. You both sat there regaining strength, the sounds only heard was the club and you both panting. 
“My place?”
You quickly nodded, not giving a fuck at the moment. 
“Drax, get the car. Now.”
next chapter
Bloody and Bruised: @xoasalxo @raven-rust @widowbite-legit​
Permanent Taglist: @captainchrisstan @angstysebfan @teenagereadersciencenerd
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
Veronica’s Phone HCs📱(Veronica x MC)
Requested by anon
Prompt fic by @omgjasminesimone
1. What is the background photo on their phone?
Okay, I think she has two different phones. One for personal use, the other for all her influencer stuff. On her work phone, I see like a pastel pink/purple aesthetic going on. Her personal, maybe a vaporwave aesthetic. Though once she started seeing MC, she has this cute closeup pic of MC sleeping in her shirt as her wallpaper instead.
2. What’s their usual battery level? Are they a 99% charged all the time responsible type, or do they live on the edge at 3% battery?
V’s is always somewhere in the 40%-60%. Maybe a little more or less. She’s on it wayyy too much to always have it in the high numbers but she always makes sure she has enough charge in case she has to do an impromptu livestream or vlog.
3. What’s their Instagram aesthetic? Landscapes? Selfies? All food or pet posts?
She also has two accounts, her influencer one and her Friendsta. Obviously, her main account is typical influencer aesthetic. Tons of pics of herself and her vacays, loads of promos for her sponsorships, and once in a while, a pic of her and MC looking like absolute bad bitches. Her Friendsta is a fucking mess though. It’s full of blurry pics of her and friends getting shit-faced and being dumbasses. But there’s really soft and cute photos of her and MC just being domestic and hanging out together.
4. What are their most frequently used emojis? 👀
On her work phone, it’s 🤩🙌💞✨💋🔥
Her personal phone it’s 😉😏🙄👀 and a coloured heart she specifically uses for MC.
5. Do they prefer texting or phone calls? Does it depend on who they’re talking to?
Definitely prefers texting cuz she can answer any time she wants to (she’s a little bit of a slacker when it comes to replying). In fact, she’ll probably ignore most calls unless it’s from her manager or MC.
6. What’s the most embarrassing app on their phone?
An app from some sponsorship for sure. She never uses it but she has to have it and she’s really embarrassed to even see it on her phone.
7. Are they glued to their phone? Impossible to reach because they never have their phone? Somewhere in between?
Glued 100%. But even more so to her personal phone cuz she has stuff in there that she definitely does not want to get leaked. She might be glued but that doesn’t mean she’ll always respond on time.
8. How technologically savvy are they?
Veronica is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to tech stuff. Of course, she’s no expert but she’s picked up a few things since she started doing social media more seriously.
9. What’s their voicemail message?
Her work phone is very formal lol is something like, “Hello! You’ve reached the voice mailbox of Veronica Lombardi! Unfortunately, I’m not available right now but leave me a message and I’ll get back to you ASAP!” And it’s in a very cheery tone. Her personal would be, “‘Sup, bitches! Leave me a message or something, whatever”.
10. What’s their ring tone for their parents? Their significant other? Friends? Work?
She has one for MC, a song they listened to on their first date or kiss ‘cuz V is actually a big softie. She has one for Chloe too and for Poppy it’s some scary sound effect lmao.
11. Read receipts or no read receipts?
Her’s are NEVER ON which frustrates MC to the max because she never knows if V got her message and since V is always busy, she forgets to reply too even though she tries her best to get back to her.
12. Is their phone in good condition? Or has the screen been cracked for months and they’re too cheap/lazy to fix it?
Oh no, both phones are in pristine condition, especially her work phone. If she sees so much as a scratch on it, she’ll get it fixed immediately. She’s a bit more lax with her personal phone but it’s still in great condition.
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reine-des-etoile · 5 years
Prompts: "but you promised…" and "you’re really drunk right now. I don’t think you’re gonna remember any of this. ‘i’m not drunk, you’re just blurry’"
Tonight was Maeve's 25th birthday party. Since Maeve is, well…Maeve, everyone who's invited to her party is currently at a rooftop bar uptown getting shit drunk while strippers are dancing on the pole.
You would think twins would celebrate together, but that's not the case for this pair of twins.
Maven, Maeve's twin brother was already too drunk to remember anything. That's my best friend over there, jumping into the pool with a margarita in hand. I feel like I should go get him about now.
"Maven! Get out of the pool!" I shouted at him.
Maven proceeded to swim away while shouting back, "No wayyy. Get in loser!" I sighed. Here we go again.
After 20 minutes of chasing him around the pool trying not to get wet, I manage to get him out of there. It was such a hassle seeing as I had to run in 5-inch heels.
I hand him a towel as I drag him out. "Wipe yourself off, you'll get sick in this weather if you stay wet."
I can barely understand him with his drunken slur when he mumbles, "Mmm... but I'm cold. Hug me. Let's cuddle."
"Yeah Maven, okay okay but let's go inside first, deal?” I've known Maven for 20 years, this is nothing new.
"Yes, come on let's go home."
Maven held out his pinky. I interlocked mine with his and pressed our thumbs together to seal it off.
I say my goodbyes as I make my way out of the bar while Maven slumps on my shoulder while mumbling incoherent nonsense.
I try to say goodbye to Maeve but she's too busy grinding on the strippers. The one she's with tonight is smoking hot, I have to admit.
I get to my Lexus, put Maven in the passenger's seat, and secure his seatbelt around him. His head was already lolling to the side. God, how much did he drink?
I chose not to drink too much today since it was my turn to be sober. It was seriously so hard. I mean, the martinis were practically calling me.
I get into the driver's seat and start the engine. "Mavy, hey wake up for a bit. Can you drink some water for me?"
He's not being bratty today. He drinks half of the bottle.
"Okay good, come on you can sleep for a bit, okay?" He mumbles in agreement.
I reach over the back to get my jacket and a pillow. I place the jacket over Maven and put the pillow around his neck.
This happens often. Either he gets shit drunk and I bring him home or vice versa. Most of the time it's the former because I have a higher alcohol tolerance than he does. But when I do decide to drink 20 shots of tequila in under 30 minutes, he makes sure to bring me home as well. It's what we've been doing for years now.
I really like driving at this time because it's so peaceful. There's no traffic nor noise and everything is just so serene.
After a twenty minute drive to Maven's place, which is two blocks away from mine, I go park in the basement of his apartment complex.
I pat Maven lightly on the shoulder. "Maven, wake up we're here"
Maven doesn’t even open his eyes as he says,"Mmm already? I'm sleepy. Carry me up."
"You know I can't carry you. Come on let's go, just lean on me"
"Mmkay fine."
I make sure to hear the familiar beep beep of my car locking before making my way to the elevator. Maven lives in the penthouse just like I do.
We get to his floor and I open the door with my key card and bring him to his bedroom.
His bedroom is pristine as always. The sheets are fixed and the floor is free of dirt. I lay him down on his bed and change his shirt to a comfortable hoodie. It's the lilac one I bought for him, my favorite.
People would think me changing him is too much, but I've been with him since we were five years old, so it's nothing I haven't seen before.
But for some reason, nowadays it feels different from how it did in the past. It's been different for a while now, but I've chosen to ignore it.
He looks so cute sleeping like that so I stroke his hair to soothe him, it's soft as always.
I tuck him in and dim the lights.
"Goodnight, Mavy."
I'm about to leave when I feel him tugging on my arm.
"Maven, what is it?" I whispered.
He says ever so softly I can barely hear him, "But you promised..."
The events of the night played back in my head.
I can barely understand him with his drunken slur when he mumbles, "Mmm... but I'm cold. Hug me. Let's cuddle."
"Yeah Maven, okay okay but let's go inside first, deal?” I've known Maven for 20 years, this is nothing new.
"Yes, come on let's go home."
"Oh...yeah of course. Hold on, let me change first. I don't wanna lie down in this dress."
I make my way to his closet and pick up a pair of grey sweatpants and another hoodie, a blue one this time. I change quickly and head back to the bed. I do this often and he doesn't really mind if I wear his clothes. He never did.
"Scooch over.” I slipped in beside him as he moved a bit to the side of the bed.
Suddenly I felt his arms wrap around my waist. My heart starts beating faster every second. His arm around my waist is burning hot but somehow it’s comforting.
It's just Mavy. This is nothing. You've always been doing this.
I lean into his touch as he lays his head on me. He snuggles in even more and I don't think it's possible to get any closer than that.
"Mmm I love you, Val"
"Yeah I love you too Mavy."
"Noooo I mean I love love you. You can't leave. You make me so happy and sometimes I look at you and I just want to kiss you, but I can't because it's not like that between us. It makes me so sad." He pouts and I just want to squish his cheeks because he's so adorable but my heart stopped at the exact same time. I could barely process anything.
"You’re really drunk right now. I don’t think you’re gonna remember any of this." My voice almost cracked.
Maven looked up at me with his big eyes. They shined, even in the dim light. "I’m not drunk, you’re just blurry, hmph."
I laughed a little at that. "Come on Mavy, go to sleep now, okay? Let's talk again tomorrow."
He squinted his eyes at me and said, "Okayyy. Goodnight Val. I still love you.” He snuggled in close again and after a few minutes I realized he was already sleeping.
My heart was still pounding rapidly against my chest when I figured I was just going to sleep beside him since I didn’t want to disturb him by moving away. He's sleeping so soundly, I just couldn’t bare waking him.
I try to sleep, I really do, but I can't get those words out of my mind.
"No, I love love you. You can't leave."
What was that even supposed to mean? I don't know what to think anymore.
I wake up the next day and the bed is empty except for me. Maven woke up before I did, I guess.
The smell of bacon and pancakes hit me and I instantly shoot up. Maven's cooking always tastes the best. I make my way to the kitchen to see what he's up to.
"Good morning sleepy head!” Maven calls out to me.
I grab a banana from the fruit tray.”No hangover?”
He smirks."Killer hangover, but Advil and hangover soup always helps."
"You cooked hangover soup this early in the morning?"I said while chewing my banana.
"Of course not. Some of my mom's helpers came over this morning and dropped some off. She said to give you some as well.” Of course she would, knowing her daughter had a party tonight. Everyone knows how those parties end up...
I smiled thinking about Maven's mother. I loved her like she was my own mother as well. "Oh well then give her my thanks."
Maven smiled back at me. “I called her already to say thank you and she said she misses you.”
“Oh really? Let’s have lunch with her some time then.”
“Sure. I’ll ask her when she’s free.”Maven said while he gestured to his phone.
Maven dropped a plate with pancakes and bacon in front of me and with the biggest smile and said, "Eat up, I cooked breakfast." His eyes literally disappeared from smiling so wide. Too cute.
I smiled back a soft smile. "Thanks Mavy."
After a while, he got his own plate of food and sat down across me.
"So you stayed the night?"
I stopped eating and placed down my fork. Just as I suspected.
"You don't remember what happened last night?"
"Not really. Everything was pretty hazy. I just remember jumping in the pool and next thing I knew I was in your car and then after that I wake up and the sun was already up and you were sleeping beside me."
"Don't worry that's pretty much what happened. You were shit drunk and you even jumped into the pool, so I brought you home and stayed over to make sure you were okay. You drank too much over your limit this time."
Maven just nodded while eating more of his pancakes.
"Ah well... Thank you for doing this for me all the time."
If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought he was blushing quite a bit.
"It's no problem, Mavy. It's what we do." I smiled the brightest smile I could and he did the same.
“Just… be careful okay? What would you have done if I wasn’t there?”
“That’s why you’re always there.”
“But what if I’m not.”
He flashed a cheeky smile at me.“Then I’d drag you with me to the party, or I just wouldn’t go.”
I made a show of rolling my eyes. “Unbelievable.” I looked at him again. “Just promise me, okay?”
“Okay, I promise”
He interlocked his pinky with mine as our thumbs touched to complete the promise.
At the back of my mind all I could think of were the words from last night.
“No, I love love you.”
And he didn't remember any of it.
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the-demonic-daddy · 6 years
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they both look blurry but thats finEEE i guess my computer crashed 4 times while editing this so thats fun and im too lazy to fix shit enjoy another inut edit though!!! by the wayyy the top right pic of inut was also edited by : @kkriii
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soopranatural · 7 years
Fever dreams
Summary: Steve takes care of you while you are sick. You did the same for him a long time ago. (Also, I made this wayyy more complicated than I needed to but that was the original prompt.)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sickness, mentions of the Winter Soldier program, mostly fluff? Feelings? Steve is a sweetheart and a worry wart. This is probably terrible sorry.
Words: 2127
A/N: being sick sucks, I can't breathe and everything's trash. (Also yay my first Marvel thing)
((Also also, imagine after CACW everyone went back to being friends))
Mobile Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
Steve remembers waking up  feeling like he was going to die.
His nose was stuffy and his throat was uncomfortably raspy. He swallowed hard and cringed at the scratch.
When Bucky had left the day before he had been fine. But now he felt awful. He grit his teeth when the sun filtering through the curtains made his head pound. Unable to get up, he covered his head with a groan and went back to sleep.
Maybe a few hours later, you came in, smiling sheepishly and carrying a bag of groceries.
"Sorry, I used the key under the brick, but only because you wouldn't answer and I knew you were here, I got worried" Steve looked up at you dumbly, half delirious with fever, as you strode through his apartment as if it were your home. He ignored the flutter of his heart at the thought, it was probably the fever.
You had taken care of him then, made him warm soup and kept an eye on his fever so it wouldn't get too bad. You were a great nurse.
And that's why you went to war.
He had nothing left in Brooklyn after that. He had been able to rescue Bucky, that first time, but shortly after he found out you had been shot in the field, and you wouldn't be coming home, to his apartment or otherwise.
Then he had lost Bucky, and flown a plane directly into the freezing ocean, and everything had gone to shit.
"We found her" Steve looked up from his paperwork, eyebrows raised at Natasha, who had strutted into his office already talking about something as if she was picking up on a previous conversation.
He rubbed a hand down his face tiredly. Couldn't she wait until he at least finished his coffee?
"Remember the missing soldier from last year?" He nodded, looking at her through half cosed eyes. She looked up at him and smirked knowingly.
"Jesus Cap, maybe you should go and take a nap and we can talk about this later. It's only vital international business." he grumbled at her, took a sip from his lukewarm coffee, and gestured for her to go on.
"Yeah, I remember that. You found her?" Natasha shifted her weight to one leg, hip jutting out as she pursed her lips and looked through the file she was carrying.
"Yup, she's pretty, right?" She smiled brightly and slapped the file on his desk on top of the unfinished mission reports.
Steve lifted the coffee mug to his lips, then promptly choked on his sip when he saw the picture.
"What's her name?" He breathed, his hands shaking and his breath caught in his lungs.
"Why, got a crush?" Natasha smirked playfully, wiggling her eyebrows "You know, personally I like Linda from accounting, y'know, the sane one, but if your type is..."
"What's her name, Nat" he sounded gruff but dangerous, he knew those eyes, the shape of that mouth. He knew the name was in the file, but he couldn't bring himself to read it.
Natasha straightened, squinting her eyes at Steve when she sensed the sudden shift in his tone.
"Y/N Y/L/N, she was captured by Hydra after being presumed dead from a shot wound"
How many people could say they had lost their best friend in the Second World War only to discover seventy years in the future that they had been brainwashed but alive, part of the Winter Soldier program this whole time?
Not many, he was sure.
It was weird that it had happened to him twice.
He hated every moment of getting you back, from finding you hiding out in Belgium (the old Y/N would have never approved of that apartment from hell), helping you remember your own name (you had gotten a haunted look then, "I don't know her, did I kill her?"), to trying to dig into your brain to find a cure (you had screamed as soon as you were strapped into the chair, you had broken your own finger trying to get out and they had to knock you out to stop you from hurting yourself too much).
It had been hell, these past five months, but he had slowly noticed you becoming more yourself. You still had trouble remembering stuff, and you always looked exhausted. He wondered why Hydra had decided you were a good candidate for the program, when you looked as fragile as you did. Maybe that was exactly why.
You had started to talk a bit more, mostly to him (he suspected it had something to do with the knowledge he could take you down if he needed to). And he was glad that you seemed to be making progress. The flutters were back, and he could now recognize them for what they were, but he couldn't possibly make a move on you, not while you were still like this.
Yesterday they had tried something new. They gave you a shot to lower your immune system, since the serum improved it so much, so they could take some samples and run some tests. (It was like two gallons, Steve, it hurt like hell) He was hopeful, maybe they would finally find a way to get you back for good. And if it worked for you, maybe it would work for Bucky as well, and they could finally wake him up from the cyro sleep.
The samples were still in the lab, and you were having a celebratory quiet day.
You and Steve had carried all the blankets and pillows to his room and built a nest on his bed, cuddling into it. You had planned to eat junk food and catch up on your list of movies, so you weren't planning on leaving his bed at all.
It was weird, cuddling like this. Sure, you had hugged before, but human contact had been rare since you were captured by Hydra, and hugs since you were back were short and to the point. Plus there was the Cap factor. You knew this was still your Steve, but the fact that he was now three times his previous size and could surround you completely was jarring.
You made a face and laughed quietly as you cuddled into his side. He pressed play on the remote and the opening credits of Star Wars showed on the screen.
You whispered commentary occasionally as you watched the movie, you had already finished a bag of popcorn and half a bag of chips by the time the second movie started playing. You shivered and made grabby hands at Steve so he would get back to the comfortable warmth of the nest. He chuckled and snuggled next to you, kissing the top of your head absently before settling back down.
You tensed suddenly, immediately forcing your muscles to relax. You resisted the urge to look up at him. He hadn't seemed to notice and you didn't want him to.
It hit you suddenly how much you were acting like a couple. And how much this looked like a date. You decided to ignore it. You were not normal people, and this wasn't a normal situation, you had always been protective of each other, and you knew you both needed positive human contact. Maybe he had just slipped, so you wouldn't mention it.
Instead you pulled up one of the thick blankets and tucked it tightly around you, you were feeling drowsy and the night was getting chilly.
In the span of an hour, you had managed to turn yourself into a bundle of shivering blankets. Steve was still hugging you, but he couldn't feel you trembling underneath the thick layer of blankets and covers, your eyes were burning, and you thought maybe it was because you had kept your eyes on the television for too long.
It wasn't until your teeth started to chatter that he noticed something was wrong. He looked at you for a few long seconds, but you ignored him. Jesus, you were cold as hell.
"You alright?" You nodded, but he was unconvinced. "Jus' cold", you relented, Steve frowned and pressed his hand to your forehead. It felt like ice against your skin and you closed your eyes at the feeling.
"God dammit Y/N, you're burning up" you blinked up at him blearily. "I am?" He pressed his hand to one cheek and then the other, wincing.
"I think you might be getting sick" you frowned at that, you couldn't be sick, you hadn't been sick in more than eighty years. "'Mnot sick" As if to prove you wrong, your head started pounding as soon as you said that and you groaned. "Okay, maybe I'm sick"
"We need to get your temperature down, I should probably call Dr. West, 'cmon, covers off" he started wrestling the blankets from around you and you fought him weakly, whining like a child.
He finally managed to get them off you, and the sudden cold bit your skin so harshly that you yelped. You were freezing.
"Yes, hello, Dr. West?" You groan "no, she has a fever" he hums and you try to take the blankets back while he's distracted, but he throws them to the corner of the room. You fall back to the bed face first, groaning pitifully. "Should I take her....okay, yeah, that makes sense. Thank you, I'll call you if anything changes."
He breathes out a chuckle as he takes you in, face smushed into the mattress and groaning dramatically, his hands are on his hips and you hear the smirk in his voice when he speaks again.
"Dr. West said this might happen. They lowered your immune system, so now you're sick."
"Great" you mumble. "I feel like shit."
There's a moment of silence as Steve considers the situation, then he leaves the room. You assume he left to go get the doctor, or maybe a thermometer, but after about ten minutes you start to think he just left you alone to die.
In the time he's been gone you have gotten worse. Your head is pounding and your vision is blurry, you feel hot and cold simultaneously and you feel half delirious.
You hear the door open and close, but it sounds muffled, like you're underwater. You don't bother moving.
You feel a cool hand touch your forehead and you hum. Your eyes are closed, but you hear someone move across the room to the bathroom. The door opens and you hear the tap running. The footsteps are back and then you feel a damp cloth been pressed to your forehead. You hum again.
You think it's Steve, but you only know for sure it's him when he climbs back on the bed, cuddling up behind you.
His scent surrounds you and you sluggishly move so that your face in against his chest. Your breathing is deep and heavy against him, you feel him sigh in worry and you feel his arm come around you and pull you tightly to him.
It all feels like a dream afterwards, sometimes he is cuddled up against you, with you mumbling nonsense into his side. Other times, the cold bites at your skin as he gets up to replace the damp cloth, which heats up quickly against your burning skin.
You hear him murmuring from time to time, asking questions or just talking. And you try to answer him whenever you can. Are you feeling better? Do you need another towel? Covers on or off? Do you want something for your headache?
Sometime later, you're guessing maybe a few hours considering the soft light that has started to filter in from the windows, your fever breaks. You feel weird and mushy still, but you know that your body heals faster so you'll feel better in no time.
You don't say a thing though, just breathe a sigh into Steve's neck and revel in the way he shivers. You think maybe he's asleep, but then he shifts and his face is right there.
Neither of you move, just stare at each other, silent and unmoving. His eyes are really blue.
"You're a good nurse" you say, your voice is hoarse.
"Thank you" he says, his smile is soft and shy, and your heart lurches.
"Thank you for taking care of me" you think maybe you should pull away.
"It's no problem" he pulls you closer.
He kisses your forehead before wriggling a bit. You wait a minute and then hear his breathing change and deepen.
Well then. You kiss him tenderly on the cheek before laying back down in his arms and relaxing into his hold.
You miss his blush and hopeful smile, because you're already asleep.
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
(You can be added to my forevers, SPN, Marvel, Sam or Dean tags, just shoot me an ask)
Forever tags:
@artgurl559-blog @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @mandilion76 @docharleythegeekqueen @call--me--princess @emmysthougts @ladylachesis @raylin19 @hells-angel-hevens-demon @sgarrett49 @jane00doe @boxywrites @lilyleely @gemini75eeyore @winchestaelson @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @blue-eyed-boys
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heejinsgf · 7 years
get to know me tag?? i think
Tagged by @12moonas ♡ 
This is probably going to be wayyy too detailed… oops? Some more nsfw things will be under the cut (it’s also super long for this blog i’m very very sorry :< )
Drink: water !!! stay hydrated, kids
Phone call: asking my mom to rescue me pick me up
Text message: replying to my close?? best?? friend after a rant about her day
Song you listened to: Sogyeokdong by Seotaiji, sung by IU ♡
Time you cried: last night because i felt really sick :(
Dated someone twice: two times zero is still zero !!!
Kissed someone and regretted it: what is kissing
Been cheated on: what are relationships
Lost someone special: my first dog, Percy. I miss you so much, bud.
Been depressed: this morning when i found out someone i knew had passed away this year…
Gotten drunk and thrown up: I Am Underage. Only adults can vomit, obviously.
(idk if the last five were supposed to be under “THE LAST” category but… i’m just rollin with it)
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: (surprise surprise i’m canadian yes i spell favourite colours with the u’s)
Blue (my dog’s name too)
Made new friends: yep!
Fallen out of love: what is love
Laughed until you cried: probably lmao
Found out someone was talking about you: nope?
Met someone who changed you: ok i didn’t meet them, but i’ve become a big fan of the chinese women’s national volleyball team i’d say they (esp. certain fave players) have definitely changed me
Found out who your friends are: idk? what are friends
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: n o
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them :D don’t talk to strangers, kids
Do you have any pets: my lil pup, blue ♡
Do you want to change your name: no?? Candy is easy and memorable lol, although i can’t say the same for my last name…
What did you do for your last Birthday: uhh i was probably drowning in either physics or bio :/ my bday’s during exam season
What time did you wake up: i woke up multiple times (damn you, you weird illness thingy), but meant to wake up at 7AM to watch China play Russia in the FIVB Grand Prix Preliminaries 2017 :D (China won!!! the match was so close it was magnificent)
What were you doing at midnight last night: either trying to sleep or rewatching the previous day’s China vs. Italy volleyball match lol. i am a piece of trash, i know :<
Name something you can’t wait for: my two week break before school begins!!!! *cries*
When was the last time you saw your mom: two hours ago??
What are you listening right now: NCT’s Cherry Bomb :3 but Neon Bunny’s New Moon is next !!!
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: who is tom
Something that is getting on your nerves: that nakamoto yuta’s vocals are not appreciated fully ://
Most visited website: messenger.com ;)
Elementary school: too many to remember
High school: a self-paced school in ontario
College: i want to get into a health sci program at either the University of Toronto, or McMaster University :)
Hair colour: black woot woot
Long or short hair: ok well i have an undercut with long hair because it’s super thick, so i guess it’s sort of half and half lmao
Do you have a crush on someone: someone i know personally? n o. someone halfway across the globe? Yan Ni, Ding Xia, and Zheng Yixin currently :)
What do you like about yourself: I’d say i’m a good student, friendly, and um… i don’t give a shit about my appearance so that saves a lot of stress 
Piercings: I DON’T HAVE ANY BUT i really want to get some this summer (a single, !!uninfected!! helix ring or stud is my dream)
Blood type: idk :(
Nickname: is Candy not enough of a nickname already
Relationship status: been single for 16 years and 1 month!! (i was born in june 2001, do the math)
Pronouns: she/her
Favourite TV Show: ATLA !!!!!!
Tattoos: nah. too much commitment lmao
Right or left handed: right !!! 
Past surgeries: nonono 
Piercing: why is this here again
Do you play any sports: welp i used to do badminton, running, and long jump but nahhh
Vacation: i’ve never been on a vacation in my life :) !!! BUT I’M GOING TO MONTREAL THIS OCTOBER TO SEE THE ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS i am so blessed (kohei and kenzo and songsong pls stay healthy)
Pair of trainers: what does this even mean??? If it’s asking if i have a pair of running shoes, then yes i have multiple, but i have to get new ones and orthotics from a podiatrist soon, so :/ who knows
Eating: love it!!! buy me a roast duck, cherry tomatoes, and/or cheesecake, and i will love you forever
Drinking: i now see what they mean by “more general” now lmao. well i basically drink water 24/7
I’m about to: procrastinate on do hw :/
Waiting for: life to sort itself out ??
Want: stable income, a career i enjoy, health for me and the people i care about, healthy pets, fun experiences, a less… vile world, being able to safely come out
Get married: idk bud
Career: health profession
Hugs or kisses: idk i’ve done neither as far as i can remember
Lips or eyes: i think both are great and some can be very pretty, buuuttt it’s really hard for me to look people in the eyes so i’m gonna have to say lips lmao
Shorter or taller: doesn’t matter :)  (but i’m like 5 feet tall so they’d probably be taller anyways)
Older or younger: uhhhh
Nice arms or nice stomach: I Am Obsessed with hands, wrists, and forearms !!! is that a kink
the ~rest~ under the cut lol
Sensitive or loud: what
Hook up or relationship: idk but both sound great when done right lol
Troublemaker or hesitant: what
Kissed a stranger: noooo
Drank hard liquor: noooo
Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes :< had to spend a day walking around in a blurry mess
Turned someone down: noooo
Sex in the first date: what
Broken someones heart: what
Had your heart broken: look i have had z e r o relationships o k aa ayy
Been arrested: noooo
Cried when someone died: once, for my dog Percy 
Fallen for a friend: for like 2 days ok
Yourself: y-yes?
Miracles: idk
Love at first sight: i dkdkd kdk kk
Santa Claus: who is that
Kiss in the first date: that doesn’t sound too bad ??
Angels: what are those
Current best friend’s name: V******* aka vanilla bean
Eye colour: dark brown?? i srsly can’t even look myself in the eye in the mirror OTL
Favourite movie: i don’t watch movies?? do the last 4 episodes of ATLA count lmao
ok so idk who to tag, so whoever wants to have fun, just go with it!! also, if you read this entire thing… i am so sorry lmao
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fiirelords · 7 years
blograte under the cut :) (why you keep asking me for these when I know nothing about anything?? that means the blograte won’t say perfect!! even though you are AMAZING!!)
   B A S I Curl - dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible!domain - don’t have one | dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible! (MAYBE YOU COULD GET THAT URL YOU WANTED AS A DOMAIN!!)(I TRIED TO FIND WHAT IT WAS IN YOUR BLOG BUT BITCH U REBLOG WAYYY TO MUCH SHIT, DAMN)icon - basic yikes | don’t recognise it | poor quality | pretty cute! | omg awesome | tempted to steal it    T H E M Edesktop theme - basic yikes | not my style | kinda pretty | gorgeous | i wanna stealcolour scheme - not my taste | pretty | gorgeous | my fav colours!updates tab - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfectnav page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfectabout page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect (kinda offended I’m not #1 on you friends list but wtvz)(I didn’t even want friends anyway :((  )mobile header - nonexistent | i don’t get it | not my fandom | bit blurry | alright | lovely | absolutely gorgeousmobile colours - kills my eyes | don’t match | looks nice | urgh aes af    P O S T Sactivity - you post too much | you post too little | you post the perfect amountreblogs - urm nonexistant ?? | kinda random | not my fandom | pretty good | wonderful | incredible!aesthetic - inconsistent | eye pleasing | absolutely perfectoriginal edits - you don’t have any | not my fandom | great start | not bad | lovely | so original | gorgeous | omg i’m jelly af of your skills (I’m sure I’ve seen some?? maybe??)personal - nonexistant | not enough | too many | you seem sweet | omg you make me laugh so muchactivities [e.g. botm / awards / rates etc] - nonexistant | not enough | good | wonderful | such original ideas    O V E R A L Loverall - meh | pretty nice | lovely | incrediblefollowing - no sorry | not my fandoms | now | how was i not before?! | yes ofc | you’re one of my fav blogs (why do I follow you omg??! we have like 0 things in common but ily)
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