#that said: me saying that maybe jenny was giving angel back his soul from a place of vengeance
theajaheira · 2 years
i love being the kind of double thinker who can see the holes in my own argument & then immediately starts trying to attack them with a stick
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 190(?)
Slumber Party/The Snowmen
“Slumber Party”
Plot Description: The brothers call in IT expert Charlie to help them track fallen angels, and they all join forces with Dorothy to stop the Wicked Witch’s evil plans
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died, and it was a flashback to like…the 40s maybe?
I have to ask, is this basically gonna be a bottle episode at the bunker??? I’m kinda hoping so
Crowley, babes, you have basically no leverage
I LOVE when Dean just decides he’s going to get into the nitty gritty of a machine
What is THAT?!?!
He’s so done with being around nerds (despite being one himself)
Charliiiiie “they’re in a top secret place I call Amazon” re: the spn books
Charlie, baby…you are so much better off if you don’t have a destiny or quest. In THIS show???
Gross. Did the witch from the 50s reincarnate or something??
Uh…what now?? Why’d they have to make the woman hunting the “wicked” witch named Dorothy?? And she bound her soul to the witch?
Wait. No. It’s THE Dorothy?? From THE OZ BOOKS?!?!
I cannot take this episode seriously…it’s THE Dorothy and THE Wicked Witch and a game of keep away from the witch so she can’t get back to Oz… come on
COME ON!!! She got the key??? And Charlie may have sacrificed herself for Dean? She Last-Agni-Kai-Zuko-ed for him.
They’re trying to girlbossify Dorothy and…..no……no I can’t do this
There a subplot about Sam not making this place his home and I swear to Chuck if either he or Dean say “there’s no place like home” at the end, I’m not watching any more (me when I lie, but I will be annoyed)
Scrubs did the Wizard of Oz homage episode so much better
Keep the shoes, Charlie
After everything, I can’t believe I’m still feeling bad about Crowley’s situation
Omg, Charlie gets to go to Oz. THAT is not a disappointment
Of course they said it…it wasn’t in the context I THOUGHT it would be, but they still said it…and since it wasn’t in the context I thought it would be, I GUESS I’ll continue watching
“The Snowmen”
Plot Description: Christmas Eve 1892, and the fall of snow is the stuff of fairy tales. When the fairy tale becomes a nightmare and a chilling menace threatens earth, an unorthodox young governess, Clara, calls on the Doctor for help
Oh! And I know we get Definitely-Not-Named-Vriska and Jenny back this episode!!(I think)
Child, why are you actually talking to that not yet fully made snowman??
Rude. Why does snow need to feed on people??
Doctor. What on earth are you wearing?? You have…atrocious taste in headwear
Ugh, stop doing this. Stop traveling alone. Everyone tells you not to, you’ve SEEN what it does to you but you NEVER LISTEN
VASTRA! (One of these days I’ll remember her name on my own)
“Winter is coming” shouldn’t produce such a “ah ha! I see what you did there” response in me anymore…it’s a basic phrase especially in a Christmas special
I really hope Clara grows on me this time. She’s around for a while, but she’s…a little too manic pixie dream girl and everything’s a little TOO mystical around her.
I knew I recognized the voice behind the Snowmen. I knew it was a famous old wizard. But I think Moffat missed the opportunity to give the snowmen big naturals
Why is Clara only allowed to speak in one word answers?? That is……..quite the odd requirement
Omg he’s wearing Amy’s glasses still 😭
I’m thankful they didn’t make Sherlock Holmes a real person in this. Though given this was 2012, this is just cruel…putting the Doctor in the getup (this was just 7 months after Reichenbach)
Omg. There’s too much cheesiness in these episodes today. I can abide by the Doctor not realizing he put on his bow tie but I can’t take Clara saying “it’s cooler” after, even if she’s literally talking about the temperature
They’re just too alike. They’re too….I really can’t explain it. No. It’s that they’re both so clever in the exact same way. There is no “I got the bronze in gymnastics” there’s no actively studying medicine, no deep knowledge of how office life works. All of which covers the Doctor’s blindspots
I don’t like the TARDIS’s interior renovation. The lighting is too cool. I liked the warm lighting it used to have. But a 1200 year old alien didn’t consult ME
Girl, that is the quickest you’ve ever given someone a TARDIS key wtf
It’s gotta be weirdly traumatic to watch your NEW companion be dragged off by a grayish humanoid creature in a dress when we just watched Amy get zapped by the Weeping Angels last time
It’s 2012, you can’t just have your villain yell “winter is coming” over and over
Clara repeatedly dying just doesn’t pack the same punch as when it was Rory
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Ichabbie ways of saying ‘I love you’
“Our fates are intertwined now. Running away isn't going to change that.”
“I do take comfort knowing that this strange road we find ourselves on can only be traveled together.”
“So if she dies in the dream...”  "She dies. Period."  "I see." *Ichabod marches over and drinks a concoction.  "Crane!"  ....  "What are you thinking?"  "Well, i'm coming with you now, so no point in discussing it."
“Believe me when I say that you belong in Sleepy Hollow. In the here and now.”
“You are home, Crane.”
“I look forward to you expanding my horizons further.”
“You know how important Crane is.”   “To you?”  “Yeah, to me.”
“Through these centuries, against the impossibility that we would find each other, we did. And I am most grateful for it.”
“Perhaps it would be easier if you left.”  “There's no way. Too many people I never got a chance to say goodbye to. You are not gonna be one of them.”
“You were right. There's always another way.”
“Next time listen to me, okay? I can't go through that again.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I feel pretty alone sometimes too.”  “Perhaps this is the sacrifice that witnesses must carry. all we really get is one another.”
“Your company holds the greatest value to me.”
*lifts glass in a toast* “To family.”  “To finding family.”
“If using this map meant betraying your trust, that's something I cannot do.”  *burns the map  “For the world. For our friendship. You and I will choose our own destiny. We have free will. I choose to forge my fate with you.”
“When I remembered you, I saw this world for what it truly is.”
“I swear to you, for as long as I can draw breath--”  “Our work is not done. You will come back for me. That I know.”  *precious Ichabbie hug  “Remember our bond. I'll come back for you.”
“I just...I don't think I would've made it without you, Crane.”  “Nor I you, Lieutenant.”
“I promise you: I will return for you!”
*precious Ichabbie hug  “Crane! You're alive.”  “We are survivors, you and I.”
“Maybe you don't come back.”  “And leave you here? No. Lieutenant, I do not accept good-bye.”  “...we're fighting a war, crane. Coming back for me is a risk I cannot let you take.”  “The Bible foretells two witnesses. You and I must remain together if there is any hope of victory. The only risk, Lieutenant, is in leaving you behind.”  “No matter what I say, you're coming back, aren't you?”  “I made a promise.”
“Hold fast, Abigail Mills. I'm on my way.”
“You never did tell me the full extent of your ordeal in that place.”  “Truth is, it got to me. Everywhere I went, I felt it slowly clawing at my mind, my soul. You know what the worst part was? Seeing you.”  “Must be why you beheaded me.”  “That demon version of you appeared just when that place was about to break me. I'd never been so happy to see anyone in my life.”
“That's what scares me. My faith in you is my greatest weakness.”  “That's what they want you to believe.”
“The only ones we can count on now are each other.”
“What matters now more than ever is that you and I stay true. Trust is the only currency with any value. All other forms are too easily counterfeited.”
“...but hear me, Grace Abigail Mills: it is not our fate for one of us to bury the other. We shall be victorious or defeated together.”
“I will be with you at every moment.”
“Our duty must be to one another before anything or anyone.”
“Of course I'm coming with you!”
“Be careful.”  “You too.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant. It is thru your eyes that I see myself most clearly.”
“I swear to you, his sacrifice will not be in vain.”
“No matter what obstacles we face, no matter how many disagreements we have, our bond cannot be broken.”
“Even in times of great peril, we could always rely on one another.”
“I'm glad I'm not in this alone.”  “I echo that sentiment, Lieutenant.”
“We're partners. More than that, we're friends.”
“You knew I'd not survive without you.”
“No matter what the course of fate, and no matter how I get there, I look forward to experiencing your America. It will be a pleasure to make your acquaintance all over again, Miss Mills.”
“You know, Crane, you don't need some stone tablet to justify your place in the world. You belong here just as much as anyone else.”
“You were wrong when you said that Henry and Katrina's death meant that you were alone. You may not have family, but you are not alone.”
“Of course having you by my side is the greatest boon.”
“After you passed out, she showed up.”  “Pandora? Did she harm you?”
“I'm most grateful, Lieutenant, that you and I have found one another once again.”
“We are a partnership of opposites, yet our affinity for one another bears the ripest of fruit.”
“You noted that I've been off my game of late. When I pledged my allegiance to this country in 1776, I had a very clear vision of what my future would hold. Nowhere in that vision did I imagine waking in the 21st century, and yet,,,more and more, I feel this desire to acculturate. But the idea of losing the archives, of losing my fight for citizenship for a country that I, in part, founded, the idea of losing you...to some wretched federal promotion to...I don't know, Dallas or Los Angeles or... Sometimes it seems as though the unbeatable enemy is the 21st century.”  “Yeah, but the thing is, Crane, Joe, me, Jenny, we are the 21st century. And every day, we take you a step further in that direction. That is the unbeatable enemy beating itself. And we ain't goin' nowhere.”
“I'd like to think you and I have developed, over the years, Lieutenant.”
“With all respect to my fellow compatriot, Major Revere, your spirit and mine is made of far heartier stock. Hence our most impressive roster of victories. Tis because we care. Come what may.”
“You ready to fight some bad guys, Crane?”  “Indeed.”  “My man.”
“If the Lieutenant were here, she would say something tough yet encouraging. Of which I would wholeheartedly concur. She is very good at that.”
“This particular (monster) feeds off for desperation. The locator spell I cast must have brought it to the area. And it focused on me because of my... emotional state [from missing Abbie].”
“I have worked and fought alongside many people in my time. It was only recently that I truly understood what a partner is. What it means to have someone who makes you more than you are simply by being by your side. Truly your better half.”
“I will never cease my efforts to find the Lieutenant.”
“Our shared connection as witnesses means I am the Lieutenant's best chance.”
“Tis a relief to find you hale and hearty, Lieutenant. I knew you were alive.”
“Thank you, Crane, for never giving up on me.”
“I meant what I said before: you're always here. With me. Ever since we first met. There's no explaining it. Two people could not be any more different. But we work things out. Together.”
“Stay with me, Crane.”
“[He's] not alone. Not ever!”
“In the darkness. Lost. I heard your voice. I followed it.”  “We made it.”
“You were my Wilson.”
“In all candor, Lieutenant, whilst you were away, I spent every waking hour endeavoring to bring you home. All other responsibilities fell by the wayside.”
“I'm trying really hard.”  “And you will succeed. Just as you were by my side when I returned to Sleepy Hollow, so I shall be by yours.”
[Jenny to Crane] “You seem happier.”  “Yes, I admit I do feel rather suffonsified. And your sister's mood appears to have taken a significant upturn of late.”
“I knew Crane was out there looking for me. I held on to that.”
“The supernatural has given you a lot of good too. It led you to Crane.”
“Lieutenant--”  “Oh. Yes. I'm scared out of my mind of seeing that place again, and no, I'm not letting you go without me. Whatever you do, I do. That's the deal.”  “Truth bomb if I ever heard one.”
“I prefer to focus on what we have, and I have a partner of the highest caliber.”  “Better than Betsy Ross?”  “Well, she was occasionally rather pushy. Prone to talking with a mouth full of food.”  “George Washington?”  “Well, now there was a great man. But a great man with legendary halitosis.”  “I really beat those guys?”  “Oh...handily.”  “You...never waiver in your faith. In what we do. In me. And you know how rare that is, don’t you?”  “When it concerns you and me, Lieutenant, there is no greater certainty.”
“I'm really going back there.”  “Only this time you're not alone.”
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Chivalry is dead (JJK x Reader) 💜(☁️)🔞
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🖤 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🖤 Genre: CEO x Secretary AU, Fluff/Romance, Coworkers to lovers?, mild angst, Smut
🖤 Warnings: swearing, mentions of surgery, did I mention swearing, Kookster is whipped, it’s kinda cheesy, please someone get me a Jungkook like that, slow sex, gentle lovemaking, it’s nothing freaky this time, oral (f rec.) protected sex, sugary sweet live confession you might get diabetes
🖤 Summary: Jeon Jungkook was your boss. The roles were clear as day, so why did it seem so complicated?
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You had no idea who in the hell actually invented coffee- like who thought roasting some weird beans and spilling hot water over that stuff was a good idea? Well, whoever it was, that person could go fuck themselves royally; because first of all, that stuff tasted bitter as hell, and second of all, it made your early morning shift an absolute nightmare.
Maybe it wasn't the coffee, but the person who loved them- Jeon Jungkook. Self-proclaimed savior of his Dad's company after taking over at the mere age of 22. Now, at 25, he was a well known face in his business, with famous magazines naming him 'one to watch out for' when talking about deals and sudden decisions. He's headstrong, smart, and unbelievably good looking too.
And also an asshole.
Thats at least what your flatmate Jenny usually says whenever he's the main course of your conversations. You'd told her time and time again that he was merely this rough with you because he was stressed- yet she simply stated that you were just an angel too good for this world- and especially too good for him.
"2 Minutes late." Came his rough voice as he didn't even look up to greet you, simply tapping on the surface of his crisp white table where he expected you to put his coffee. (Black and bitter as his soul, as Jenny always said.) He nodded, hand raising to dismiss you as always, until his eyes turned downwards, spotting your scaped up knee; half-hazardly covered by a bandaid that already came off at one side due to the rush you'd been in. Sure, you could apologize now, tell him how you were late because that freaking dogwalker let a leash of one of his huskies slip, which basically ran you over like a truck considering your rather short height, but you'd found out early on that Jeon Jungkook didn't care about your stories. Yet with his still lingering stare, you felt like he'd glued you to the ground by the soles of your shoes, without his dismissal you were forced to stay right where you were. He took a sip of his black beverage before setting the cup down with a sigh, getting up to walk towards a small bathroom connected to his office. Emerging out of the room again with a couple of items in his hand, he sat down on his chair behind his laptop, turning it towards you.
He had to lean down a bit as he took off the bandaid, not even saying sorry as you hissed at the sting. You did notice however how he took it off more gently after that, as he threw it into his bin, opening the plastic bag of desinfectant wipes, before his large hand held the back of your knee, almost delicately. He began to clean the scrape, brows furrowing a bit at the view of the raw skin, thinking about how you probably ran with that all the way to his office just to not be even later. He wanted to apologize, at least give you some form of verbal reassurance that it was okay to put your own health before his goddamn coffee, but the words got stuck inside his throat as he gently placed a new, more properly sized bandaid over the wound, sighing as some red seeped through immediately. "Get that checked after work today." He simply said before getting up to put all of the items away into their proper place as you were left with still tingling skin from his touch. He turned around, looking at you with an almost bored, but soft look. "What're you standing there for? You're dismissed." He said, and you practically ran out of the office.
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"He wants to fuck you." Jenny simply said as she bit into her sandwich, while you were left almost spitting out your lunch. "What? That was electricity, I'm telling you! He so wants to screw you." She said, almost accusingly pointing a finger at you as she took a sip of her water, watching you.
"Stop. He only did that because he.." Oh well yeah, why did he do that? He could've simply told you to get it checked instead of taking care of it himself for that matter. But he was someone who wanted things done immediately- e rarely could wait for things to finish or to be done, so maybe he just wanted to have things more proper during your shift? Exactly. He just wanted to keep the image of his company intact- maybe even raise it by showing other employees that he cared for everyone deeply, even if he didn't. "He probably just wanted me not to look like I got scraped off the streets." You mumbled before taking a bite of your lunch, Jennies eyes rolling.
"Truth is;" She started, as she threw away her plastic waste before checking her watch, "That I still think he wants you bend over his desk." She finished, as you turned shades of pink, lowering your gaze at that. You always tried to keep those thoughts away from you, knowing how unprofessional it was. "Does he know you're leaving soon?" She asked, now a bit softer since she knew it was a touchy topic. You shook your head.
"I haven't put in my termination yet." You answered, your food suddenly looking stale. Jenny sighed, hugging your side.
"I'll buy some icecream on the way home, you're finishing later than I do I assume?" She asked, and you nodded again as a confirmation. "Alright. Let's binge on movies tonight, and have a nice weekend alright? Heads up." Came her reply as she left with a wave, to get back to her own desk in the company.
Jenny and you had met while you were waiting for your interview with Jeon to begin, and when you began to talk, you immediately hit off. You'd told her how much the driving back and forth from your old apartment to work would be, and eventually she'd decided to share her apartment with you close to the company. You were a bit hesitant at first, but eventually agreed; and it was one of your best decisions yet. The way to work was basically half an hour by foot- if it wasn't for your daily task of bringing your boss a coffee from this one specific shop downtown, almost an hour away by foot. It was okay however. Everyone had their preference.
At least you told yourself that to feel better about being Jeon Jungkooks personal slave.
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"You're in love with her." Jimin stated, as Jungkook almost choked on his instant ramen.
"What the fuck dude, I don't." He exclaimed in a scandalized manner, long dark hair successfully hiding the red tips of his ears. He simply furrowed his brows, chopsticks now digging in his cup as if to search for treasure, just so he didn't have to look up and meet the eyes of his very nosy friends who were sitting in his living room.
"So you only want to fuck her." Yoongi grumbled as he hit after Jimin, who'd tried to steal a peace of meat from his plate.
"Exactly- Wait no!" The young company leader corrected himself immediately. No, this wasn't just pleasure he was seeking with you- but he also denied every single clue that he was into you, romantically. After all, he'd had his fair share of romantic involvements in the past; all pathetically killing themselves royally simply because there was never true love involved. It was either for benefit, for public image, or most of the time- for his money. It was never truly just about him.
Jungkook was simply a number, nothing more. In a way, his success was mostly just a curse for his soul; he was convinced by now that everyone just wanted something from him at this point, as pathetic as it sounded. He was always just the punchline of a joke, elderly woman seeing him as a piece of meat on a richly designed table ready to be consumed- just to be spit out as soon as he'd loose flavor. It was sad really, how much he hated trusting at this point.
"Look." Namjoon started, putting down his empty cup as he sniffled from the spicy meal he'd just consumed. "As far as I know, she'd from a regular background, right?" He asked, and Jungkook nodded, slurping some noodles without paying much attention. "How long has she been working for you at this point, two years? Three years?" The younger in question nodded at three, remembering the moment you'd stepped into his office for your interview, back then with a different haircut and color, and a bit more shy than you were now. You'd found friends in coworkers, when it came to gatherings and dinners you were always missing, however. He'd never seen you at any afterparty or bithday gathering for that matter as well. "She also didn't eye you up at all during these years, right?" He asked, and Jungkook got a bit more serious as that, because his friend was right. You surely looked interested in him, but you kept it charmingly subtle- it was more like a shy glance every now and then, never to linger uncomfortably. Just like a mouse showing itself to the cat every now and then to keep the chase going without any intention to.
"Oh, did you ever pay her for buying you a new suit by the way? The one she spilled her strawberry milk on?" Jimin asked with a laugh as Jungkook shook his head.
"She didn't want it." He said, and suddenly everyone got quiet.
"She what?" Yoongi asked. "Is she stupid?" He got out before Jungkook threw him a serious glance.
"Shut up." He said through gritted teeth, as Jimin laughed and the oldest in the round threw his hands up in mocking defense. "No but.. I offered several times, but she said it was her fault. She even got mad at me when I simply put the money on her paycheck- she practically demanded me to take it back." He explained, and Namjoon nodded.
"Probably because she'd feel bad." He answered. He knew you longest and most personally out of everyone in the current gathering; he'd been in the same class back in school for a few years. And you'd always been like that- you hated being paid back favours, because you didn't want to seem like you did them just to gain something afterwards. You kept people at a safe distance, never to have them cross that line, so you could always push them away without getting seriously hurt in the process. You'd also never been in a romantic relationship for long as far as he knew- only having had one scandal back in school, where the guy you'd lost your virginity to had publicly shamed you for being 'bad in bed'. It was a mess really, and Namjoon had felt bad back then, but there was no way you'd let anyone close to you afterwards. "Look." Namjoon started, looking at the youngest. "I'd say go for it. From what I know, she's a genuine person. I'm more concerned about her in this situation than you, if I'm being honest." He said, and Jungkook looked at him scandalized.
Yoongi chimed in. "You're known to fuck around. Don't just use her as a place to throw your half-assed cumshots into, that's what he wants to say." He replied, making Jimin scrunch up his nose in distaste.
Jungkook only continued to eat in silence. You maybe had the role of the mouse in this chase- but he was a tiger waiting to be taimed.
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"What is this?" He asked, very unamused, and very much not pleased. It was understandable to a level- after three and a half years you'd just handed in your termination. What you did not understand however, was the amount of emotion you could spot swimming behind his eyes- he looked a bit like when he'd accidentally spilled tea over his workspace once, scared to death if that accident would mean the death of all his hard work of the day. You'd reassured him back then that everything had been saved on the main servers, so even if his laptop was to die, which it did not, everything would still be save. He could surely find a new secretary however- there was no use to make such a huge fuss over it.
"It's my termination sir. I'll be leaving at the end of this month." You answered, a bit unsure now on your spot in front of his desk, as he pushed the tip of his tongue against the inside of his cheek, a clear sign of irritation on his side.
"Thats in two weeks, Y/N." He stated, and you nodded. "As a reason you stated 'health issues'. Is there something I should be worried about?" He asked, and you swallowed, hard.
"Is it uhm.. do I need to answer-" You began, but he cut you off with a stern voice.
"You don't have to, but I'd have to decline the termination if I don't see the reasoning as fit to be taken seriously under such short notice." He began, putting down the papers as he suddenly looked at you more intensely. "We have clear rules here Y/N, I thought you knew them by now. Vacation requests three weeks prior, and terminations as well, except for important reasons." He said, and you looked down.
"I'll be having an operation that can't be pushed anymore soon sir, and I fear I won't be able to meet your standards afterwards. Which is why I'm terminating my contract." You stated, and you swore you could see a flash of concern in his gaze as he nodded.
"Is there anything I can help you with, in preparation for that?" He asked, now shifting his interest on his laptop screen again, typing something as you got confused.
"Pardon sir?" You asked, and he clicked a few times on his touchbad, seemingly searching for something before he turned his attention back onto you.
"Your severance pay will be quite high due to the quality and timespan you've worked here. I want to make sure however, that you're taken care of personally as well, if you'd let me." He said, in such a manner that you felt like he was actually growing a bit self-conscious.
"I uhm.. I will stay at the hospital for a while to recover, and afterwards I guess I'll be fine on my own. It's really fine sir, I don't uhm.. you don't need to do anything really." You said, before sending a smile his way, trying hard not to think of this chapter as finished. Your eyes already stung at the realization that you'd be leaving this comfortable environment soon. It may seemed childish for someone else, but you considered this place a second home- everything was familiar, every routine saved into the memory of your bones, it was your comfort to work here. "I uhm.. I really enjoyed working here." You finished, as Jungkook took a closer look at you.
He seemed to think about something, before he carefully stood up, slowly walking over towards you. For the first time he didn't look detached or as if he needed to do something; his gaze was soft and gentle, and it made it so much harder not to be a crybaby in this situation. You'd always thought that he merely saw you as a secretary, but this situation, as normal as it seemed, felt so intimate. "I'm glad." He simply said, slightly opening his arms to give you the option to take or not to take his invitation for a hug.
You would've been a fool not to. After all, Jungkook wasn't a physically affectionate person- he hated the act of merely shaking hands with a passion, he'd once told you.
"Will you tell me what exactly it is?" He asked, voice so much richer and deeper now that the side of your face was leaning against his chest, head growing dizzy from his presence. You could smell his faint cologne and a fabric softener similar to the one you used- again showing you that he preferred to wash his clothes himself rather than letting others do it for him. "You don't have to, but you have me worried." He simply said, now detaching himself from you hesitantly as he saw some coworkers outside the office staring. He didn't want to make you the talk of town now, only weeks before leaving. Rumors could be aggressive, after all.
"I uhm.." You started, sniffling a bit as you sat down in front of his workdesk. "I'll have a surgery on my knee, since I take a lot of medication for the pain now, and I kinda don't want that anymore so.." You explained to him, as his brows furrowed.
"Why didn't you say anything? I wouldn't have let you work so hard if I'd known you were in pain." He said, almost with a whine, which made you smile a bit in return. You waved him off, however.
"No no, it's fine really. I keep stuff like that to myself anyways." You admitted, and he thought for a moment, before he decided, no.
He wouldn't keep you working just so he could benefit from seeing you. That would be selfish- and he didn't want to be like that. Not with you, at least. He screwed up his chance, and that was okay; he'd had all the time to ask you out, to get closer with you, after all. Maybe it was simply karma. "Take those two weeks off. Don't worry, it won't affect your payment in any form- you'll need to take your vacation time anyways, or I'll get a slap on my hands for not letting you have freetime." He simply said, as you nodded. "Dismissed." He said, in his usual tone.
This time, it made you smile, as you nodded, stood up and walked towards the door. "Y/N." He said from his desk, not looking up. "I really enjoyed having you here." He mumbled, and you grinned, nodding, before leaving the office- and the building alltogether.
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"Still can't believe you haven't hired anyone else yet." Jimin accused,as he drank his soju across from Jungkook, who'd simply shrugged. It's been two months by now, and he still refused to let any secretary work as closely with him as you did before. He rather got up a bit earlier and got his morning coffee himself instead of telling anyone to do so; it was as if that was reserved to you. It wasn't the act of having you bring him his coffee like a personal assistand; it was more the fact that he got to see you first thing in the morning. In a weird way, he didn't want to see anyone so early apart form you- he was simply too grumpy for that. "What about Hannah?" He asked, and Jungkook shook his head. Hannah was a promising candidate for the role of a future girlfriend- he really liked her. But there was no romantic spark between the two, and when she'd looked at him almost as if he'd ate her dog when he'd told the waiter to split the bill of their shared dinner, he knew that it wouldn't work out. She'd been so sure that he would simply pay for everything that he had to pay the entire thing- because she didn't even carry her purse with her. "Another piranha, I see."
Namjoon came into the room, several take out boxes in hand. "What're you talking about?" He asked, and Jimin chuckled.
"Jungkookies nonexistent sex-life." He said, before getting hit with a spoon from the younger one.
"Oh, interesting actually-" He began, putting down the food before sitting down himself. "Just saw Y/N-" He started, but Jungkook, almost chomically, cut him off.
"Did she look okay? Was she alright?" He asked, and Namjoon laughed for a second before taking some chopsticks for himself, breaking them apart and making Jimin laugh when they broke the wrong way.
"She seemed okay. Walked without help, but seemed a bit wobbly still." He explained, and Jungkook nodded. "My dad said she's gonna be alright, but it's gonna take a while since she waited so long to get it done-" Suddenly, Jungkook coughed.
"Your DAD did the surgery on her?!" He yelled out, making his dog bark as if alerted, as Namjoon became wide-eyed.
"Yeah, I mean, didn't I tell you.?" He began, but Jungkook shook his head, still heavily irritated.
"No, you did not!" He began, before letting himself fall into the couch defeatedly, whining. "I could've sent her flowers or some other shit, now I fucked it up!" He exclaimed to no one in particular, his dog jumping onto his lap.
"And they say chivalry is dead." Jimin said, playfully wiggling his eyebrows as Namjoon shot him a look to shut him up.
"You can still do that though?" He asked, and Jungkook furrowed his brows.
"No, that's just.. weird. Like, imagine getting flowers from your boss MONTHS after you quit." He said, before huffing like a child. "I screwed it up, its fine." He mumbled, before Namjoon continued.
"I mean, she asked about you though.." He hummed, taking a bite of his food.
"She did what?!" Both Jimin and Jungkook asked in disbelief.
"She asked about you. How you were doing, you know, that stuff." He explained, before continuing. "Told her you fuck around, she left after that." He said, shrugging his shoulders as Jungkook yelled furiously.
"You did what?! Namjoon, what the fuck-" He started, almost tearing up before the elder one laughed. "Not funny." Jungkook commented, clearly unamused by the humor in Namjoons face.
"Sorry." He said, putting down his chopsticks. "No, but for real, she actually told me to tell you she didn't change her number or anything so.."
Jungkook looked at him quesitoningly. "So?" He asked, and Jimin groaned.
"What the fuck, is she supposed to lay on your doorstep with her legs spread out while telling you 'Oh hey come inside and make yourself at home' for you to get the message?" A grumpy Yoongi groaned out as he walked into the living room, greeting the dog. "She basically told Namjoon to tell you she wants to sit on your dick." He said, stealing a dumpling from Jimin as he took off his jacket.
"She did not-" Namjoon started, before turning to the youngest again. "But she basically did say you should message her."
"To make up a date to fuck each other!" Yoongi yelled from the kitchen. Jungkook groaned.
"I mean I do have her number.." He mumbled, and suddenly a hand was on his shoulder as the eldest came back, a glass of water in his hands.
"Then go get pussy." He said, and everyone laughed.
Everyone but the young man in question.
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"You uh.. sorry its nothing special but you said you wanted something not fancy so.." He said, as he pulled out the chair as you sat down.
"No no, its fine. I like this." You answered, now a bit shy with him sitting in front of you- all casual and not at all in the regular environment you both met in. He wore a simple black button up, ripped jeans- clothes that were so.. regular, yet he made them look so expensive. Maybe it was how his body was proportioned, with long legs and a broad chest, or maybe it was simply the way he carried himself.
"You look really nice." He casually complimented, as you blushed a bit, unfamiliar with such compliments as he smiled at your reaction, licking his lips almost impishly.
He would've been a bit more shy if it wasn't for the several conversations over the phone you both have had in the past couple of days; your answers and innuendos making it clear that you were genuinely interested in him, on a higher level than just 'hit and run'. No, you'd asked about his dog when he'd sent you a picture of him, you'd wanted to know about his family, or what he did in his freetime- you both even played several rounds of overwatch together when you'd revealed to him that you play the game as well.
It made him feel confident.
Another reason he was so adamant on making sure his impression on you was the best was that you'd openly talked about your, admittedly shitty ex partners, giving him even more reason to treat you the best he could think of.
You felt a bit weird.
Not a bad weird, but a.. tingling weird. This kind of weird where you don't know where to put your hands because wherever you began to rest them your mind thought about if it looked weird. It made you feel like a kid waiting to finally be let loose on a playground. You felt so comfortable with him, that it was important for you to make a good impression on him. So when the waitress came back after you both ate a bite, you began to search for your wallet, as he smiled at you, his larger hand covering yours in a manner that told you he'd pay. "All on me." He simply said, as he payed, making you pout a bit.
Walking outside, he made sure that you were comfortable with him walking you home before walking side by side with you, never too close to not pressure you. After a moment, you began to speak. "I could've payed, you know-" You started, but he cut you off with a question.
"Why won't you call me by my name?" He asked, and you began to chew on your lip. There was no specific reason you could think of that would make sense to him. It just felt like you'd let him in if you were to say his name out loud. It was a taboo thing to call your superior by his first name, but that had been the past. Now it would mean that you were considering him your friend. Or maybe even.. more. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" He asked, and you shook your head immediately.
"No, its just.." You started, trying to think of something.
"Don't make something up now just for me. I promise I won't be offended; just be honest." He said, and you nodded.
"I'm not someone who, you know, lets people get close to me, normally." You explained, before you continued after he'd nodded, telling you wordlessly that he was following your words. "It just seems.. so intimate, if that makes sense?" Against what you'd expected however, he simply continued his gentle smile.
"That's okay. You don't have to love me right away." He offered, looking down at you with a smile. "Say it when you feel like it. We'll do whatever is comfortable with you." He offered, and you smiled.
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"So you both did not, in fact, fuck each other." Jenny said, as she ate another spoonful of icecream.
"No, we did not." You said, and smiled a bit at the memory. Jenny had just gotten back from her business trip; a week full of torture as she'd called it. "We simply talked and he brought me home every day." You explained, and your friend fake-gagged playfully at that.
"Oh god, someone get me a grater for all that cheese!" She laughed, as she suddenly smiled a bit more seriously. "No but really, I'm happy. He seems nice." She said, and you nodded.
"He does."
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"Do you treat everyone like me?" You'd asked one night as you shared takeout with Jungkook in his living room, having agreed to meet up at his place.
He shook his head. "Not to that extend, no. But I learned from my dad was common chivalry is- it's not that deep to be honest." He explained, as he continued eating. He looked so young like this; merely wearing a sweater and sweatpants combo, hair a bit unruled and piercings on full display. With all that business on his shoulders, one could easily forget that he was just a young man, even if he did turn 26 recently.
"Its not common, though." You commented, and he shrugged his shoulders, leaning back against the couch as he finished his meal.
"Do you want to take my bed or the couch?" He asked after a moment, after you'd finished your meal as well. You shrugged. "Then we'll sleep together." He playfully said, but got a bit shy after you'd simply nodded, not having noticed that he didn't truly mean his statement. No taking it back now though.
"Are you tired?" You asked, wondering if that was why he'd brought up the question. Jungkook was an honest guy, so he affirmed.
"A bit, honestly. Sorry." He said, but you shook your head, already picking up the empty containers and plastic bags to throw them away.
"It's fine." You simply said, as he nodded, his gaze following you for a moment before he opened the door to his backyard, ushering his dog to go out to finish his business before bedtime.
You knew you should feel at least a bit nervous, after all you'd be sharing a bed with him. But for some reason you weren't- even if something was to happen, you felt comfortable with him- enough to trust you at your most vulnerable state. At this point he'd already sneaked his way around your made up walls, way too close now to be let go off without pulling on your skin painfully at the same time. Hurting him would hurt you now- so you had simply accepted the fact that he was going to stay at your side for as long as he saw fit.
"Alright, bedtime mister." He said, leading the dog to its bed by the front door- a place his pet had chosen willingly, he once told you. "Goodnight." He mumbled, gently petting his companions head before he made his way inside his bedroom, where you followed. He closed the door quietly, turning on a small lamp on his bedside desk, before opening a window. "I like to sleep with the window open, hope you don't mind." He said, as you shook your head. You simply got into the bed after him, your way of trying to find out which side he preferred as you slipped under the covers, the smell of his by now familiar fabric softener, and distinctively his smell flooding your senses. His mattress was soft, way softer than yours at home- but it was probably worth several months worth of rent as well.
"I uh.." he suddenly said, low voice cutting through the silence after he'd turned off the lights, darkness swallowing the room fully. "I have a habit of, uhm.. undressing myself during the night so. Just to warn you." He said, before groaning a bit. "Oh god that came of kind of creepy, sorry-" But you simply laughed.
"It's okay. I hug things when I sleep, so I'll probably latch onto you during the night." You admitted, and he chuckled.
"Oh I don't mind that at all." He hummed, as you felt him turn over, probably to face you as your suspicions were confirmed when a finger almost shyly brushed over your bare arm. He was silently testing the waters, trying to find out if you were comfortable enough with him to let him go that far. To his surprise you reacted by scooting closer towards him, until your nose was close to his. He couldn't quite see you, only able to make out rough outlines as the moon wasn't shining at all outside his apartment. "Is that okay?" He asked, in a whisper, careful as if he didn't want to scare you away. He felt you nod as his hand went to lay down on your cheek, thumb finding your lower lip as he guided his onto yours, slow, as if he was only testing the waters yet.
Always so considerate.
You slowly deepened the kiss, a bit hesitant since it has been a while you'd ever kissed someone; but he took the lead after noticing you accepting his gesture, his tongue gently asking for entrance as you granted his wish, making him close his eyes as he lazily continued kissing you, his desire taking over.
Everything was slow, comfortable, and warm- the way he slowly moved to lean over you, the way his hands roamed over your body underneath your clothes. It was as if you both knew eachother already, as if you didn't need to hurry anything at all. And it was true.
He slowly undressed himself, before directing his attention towards you, helping you out of your clothes as well, careful to leave the covers over his body, as if to shield you from the chilly air coming inside from the opened window. He truly enjoyed every second, every inch of skin he laid bare of you, as his head dipped downwards, placing open mouthed kisses against your neck and collarbone as his hand gently ran over your chest, squeezing the soft flesh or a moment before his thumb grazed over the hardened nipple, making you squirm underneath him. You felt torn between a feeling of being worshipped almost, and the frustration of him going so slow. Every past sexual encounter had always been straight to the point- this was entirely new territory.
"We got time darling." He hummed suddenly amused as you began to squirm more underneath his touch. You felt his hard on against your inner thigh clear as day, yet he seemed to absolutely not notice it; his attention more so on you, as he suddenly moved underneath the covers, shaking his head a bit to get his long hair out of his eyes, piercings jingling brightly at his sudden movement before he dipped downwards, making you gasp as you felt his tongue on your center. He chuckled again as his hands held down your lower belly, keeping your hips down and legs open for him as he sucked and swallowed, making you whine at the feeling. This was the first time someone had ever gone down on you, and it made you feel absolutely incredible.
Jungkook moved again as you became close to your orgasm, hands fumbling around for a moment until he found in his drawer what he'd searched for; the crinkling sound of the foil package filling the room as you still breathed heavily. He rolled the condom over his length before he moved over you again, cooing at the cold feel of your damp skin, sweat making your body cool down rapidly. "Are you cold?" He asked, and you nodded, but held out your arms, desperate to have him close to you again. "Let me warm you up." He hummed lowly, pulling the covers over his back again before he led his cock into your core with the help of his hand, groaning at the feel of your warm walls welcoming him inside. He moved after a moment, kissing you again as if he needed to confirm that this was truly happening. "You feel like home darling." He whispered out of breath as he slowly moved a bit faster, your hands searching for his as he helped you find them, fingers intertwining as he felt his soul grow fond. He loved you, he truly did, and in that moment he realized it to the full extend. It was the same for you as he kissed your neck, hot breath against your skin making you feel protected and adored as he picked up his pace, thrusts becoming more erratic as he suddenly pushed himself inside you in one swift move, hand leaving yours to desperately move over your pearl, making your back arch off the mattress as you whined in pleasure, throwing him off the edge as well as he spilled inside the condom.
His forehead rested against your shoulder as he chuckled, slowly slipping out of you as you laughed along with him.
"I swear that was not my intention when I said we'd sleep together." He said, and you laughed a bit harder at that, kissing the side of his jaw affectionately as he kissed your neck. "I love you. I really do."
"That's okay." you said still a bit out of breath, and he wished you could've seen the bright smile he sported at your next words.
"I love you too, Jungkook."
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side character deaths in buffy
I've been thinking a lot recently about death in buffy, mainly inspired by Help and everything that has to say to us about avoiding, accepting and understanding death
obviously the main characters' deaths are heartbreaking, because they're written to be heartbreaking and break our relationships with characters we love and know well. buffy (twice), angel, spike, joyce, tara, anya, and all the many alternate universe and dream vision deaths that kill the main characters rip my heart out of my chest for obvious reasons. but today I've been thinking more about the deaths of people we didn't know that well and whose deaths we watch without knowing them well. so I'm gonna talk about some of those cause it's my blog and you can't stop me.
(for the purposes of this post I'm counting main characters as anyone who was in the credits, with the addition of joyce because come on)
Deputy Mayor Allan Finch/Warren in Bad Girls and Villains
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These two deaths both make you gasp for the same reason - they're sudden, physically icky (warren has the edge here with the flaying but the dark blood and death rattle for allan is also horrible to watch) and while we don't have a lot of positive feelings for the victim, we gasp because of what it means for the murderers and how we suddenly realised this season is going to get darker than we thought. faith and willow both spend the rest of their time on the show dealing with the consequences of these deaths and the audience knows in the moment they happen what it has to mean for the main characters. we want to save faith and willow from the consequences of having done this. just like faith, we're confused in the dark when a figure comes towards the slayers and we don't realise what's happening immediately, and with willow we've been watching her friends approach through the forest the whole time she's giving her evil speech thinking they have to be in time to stop her because no way would the writers let willow torture a man to death on screen. If warren or the deputy mayor had died because of a demon or accident we probably wouldn't have noticed (in the deputy mayor's case) or we'd have actively applauded (I rly wanted to watch warren die).
Jesse in The Harvest
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I'm guilty of forgetting about Jesse (and so is the buffy writers room when they fail to mention him for seven years) but killing off a character who looked all set to become a scooby in the pilot and then making his best friend dust him as a vampire was both shocking and showed us a lot of the issues the show would go on to consider in miniature, right at the start. we've had campy vampires running around and wisecracking, we've had vampires being cool and edgy, the master being a total ham, but then we suddenly have to watch xander grapple with the idea that vampires are more than strangers in graveyards, they're the people you knew with yellow eyes and no soul, they can talk to you with all their childhood memories of you intact. season one might do a lot of floppy cardboard monsters but Jesse's death tells us they fully intend to Go There with the horrifying psychological implications of what vampires can do to you.
Jenny Calendar and Kendra Young in Passion and Becoming
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I think of these deaths together because they were both characters that we half-knew and thought we'd get to know more. they were both characters who we felt could have gone on to be in the credits, have their own plots, and had a lot left to explore on the show. having two slayers in town could have been interesting (and would go on to be interesting in season three) and as well as her love story with Giles, we'd just had the veil pulled back about Jenny's heritage and reason for coming to Sunnydale - so both of these deaths were in the horrible sweet spot of having got to know the characters more than someone like Jesse, but not feeling 'done' with them yet. they were both killed by vampires who didn't even feed on them, by neck injuries that weren't bites by 'big bad' vampires who were really after someone else. after their deaths they both set more in motion and had long thematic afterlives - we think about Kendra when faith is called, and when we meet the potentials, and Jenny gives us the soul curse and gets willow started casting spells. Kendra definitely deserved more remembering than she got, and in a world where Joss Whedon had more time for Black characters I like to think we'd have got more of her and Mr Pointy.
the normal teens buffy couldn't save
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before I started writing this post, I knew this was where we were going to end up.
(Jonathan maybe doesn't totally count here but I did because his final lines made me so sad)
characters who chose to join a battle between good and evil and died as part of that fight break my heart, but at least with Jenny and Kendra they knew at least partly what they were signing up for. Larry and Harmony we knew enough to have compassion for, and even when they were mean they were mean in regular school kid ways rather than big bad evil ways. I went to school with all of these people and probably so did everyone else.
Larry and Harmony died on graduation day when they were meant to be becoming adults under posters that said 'the future is ours' - Larry was newly out as gay and Harmony was about to get out from under the popular girls and maybe become a person who could stand on her own two feet, and Buffy could have helped them if there'd been less murder and death going on everywhere around them. harmony as a screaming blonde teen was exactly the type of victim buffy saves ten times an episode in alleys outside the bronze. Jonathan had more of an arc but at the end, back in high school after making an optimistic, bittersweet speech about coming to terms with high school and being optimistic about the rest of his life, leaving behind Andrew and Warren's bitter obsessive revenge of the nerds fantasies.
and Cassie, my heartbreaking queen, the one that gets me more than anyone that I wrote about a lot yesterday, knew what was coming and that no one could save her, and all the things she listed that she knew she'd miss were teenage coming of age things. she wanted to go backpacking, attend college, go to a dance with a boy, and fall in love one day. the whole of Help, she's considering the rites of passage she won't get to do, and in her therapy sessions Buffy tries to inspire her to want to go to college or join the french foreign legion. for buffy, saving Cassie means giving her a future. we haven't met the potentials or heard the word potential yet in Help but this episode is all about potential, and Buffy's attempts to save a life meaning safeguarding someone's potential and right to grow up.
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let-the-dream-begin · 4 years
A Place to Belong Chapter 38: The Wandering Soul
Chapter 37
Read on AO3
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Jenny crossed the threshold with a basket of wash, Maggie and Kitty trailing behind. Kitty was dragging her feet and groaning.
“Why doesn’t Brianna have tae help wi’ the wash?” she whined.
“Because Brianna isna my bairn, and she’ll do what yer Auntie says,” Jenny said simply. “And she had chores to do while ye were gallivanting all over the grounds on yer horse wi’ yer Da. Today is her turn tae be wi’ her horse.”
Kitty kicked a pebble with her big toe, grunting in annoyance.
“I like helping wi’ the wash, Mam,” Maggie piped up. “Especially on a fine day like this.”
“Och, shut yer gab!” Kitty rolled her eyes.
“Oi! None o’ that talk!” Jenny smacked Kitty upside the head with her free hand.
Kitty rubbed the back of her head and stuck her tongue out at Maggie, who was more than happy to return the gesture, however daintily.
“Come on, lass. Get the stool.”
Kitty obliged, not without kicking another pebble.
Jenny constantly had to remind Kitty to stay put, stopping her from harassing the goats and chickens or from wandering down the road and into the woods. She got away somehow -- again, leaving Jenny to call after her.
“Mam!” her little voice answered. “There’s a man comin’ up the road!”
Jenny’s throat went dry, and she dropped the sark she was scrubbing and rushed toward the grand archway. “A Redcoat, Kitty?”
“Nae! It’s a great big man, and he looks dirty!”
“Come here to me this instant,” Jenny called, and Kitty’s sandy head soon reappeared, bounding back to her mother. Jenny firmly seized her hand and dragged her back into the front yard. “See why it isna safe to be roaming around alone? See why ye must do as ye’re told?”
“What does he want, Mam?” Maggie asked.
“He’s giant, Maggie. Maybe he wants tae eat ye!” Kitty splashed Maggie with the water in the tub, eliciting a little squeal from her. “He’s got hair like fire, and he’s tall as a tree!”
Jenny felt her blood run cold.
“Brianna’s got hair like fire,” Maggie said haughtily. “And she’s never wanted tae eat anybody, ye numpty.”
Kitty giggled madly as if she were planning on announcing to her cousin that she must have been a goblin all along.
“Enough,” Jenny said shortly. “Back tae work. If he comes to us, I’ll deal wi’ him.”
Jenny was doing quite a poor job of hiding how her fingers trembled.
There are other redheaded men in Scotland, Janet. Redheaded men that are alive.
Yer brother is dead.
She briefly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, then scoffed at her own stupidity, having gotten soapy water on her face.
She heard the sound of footsteps crunching up the road, getting closer and closer. She did her best to ignore them, to not appear as if she were ready to welcome a strange visitor without the menfolk nearby.
Her heart leapt into her throat, and she swore she stopped breathing. The hairs on the back of her neck stood straight up, and her hands froze in the water.
“He kens ye, Mam?” Maggie said in a small, frightened voice.
Jenny looked up from the washtub, and she screamed.
“Ma? Ma, what’s wrong?”
“Ma! Who is he?”
The girls were a cacophony of noise, tugging on her skirt.
“Thig an Diabhal a mhallachadh sinn!” Jenny cried, crossing herself several times. “Inside, girls, inside! Now!”
“But Ma!”
“Now, Katherine!” Maggie said, tugging on her sister’s hand, and they clambered up the steps, Kitty asking questions all the while.
“Begone!” Jenny shrieked. “We dinna welcome evil spirits in this home! Begone at once!”
“Janet -- ”
“Don’t ye dare say my name! I willna be Satan’s hoor!”
“Can’t ye see I’m flesh and blood?”
“Dinna come any closer!” Jenny lifted the washboard from the tub and held it over her shoulder, water dripping and all, poised to strike. She was aware of the absurdity of waiting to strike at a spirit, but every instinct in her could not listen to reason. “I rebuke Satan! We dinna want ye here!”
“It’s alright, a piuthar…” His voice was too soft, too sweet, too soothing. Too real.
Too Jamie.
“No!” Jenny shrieked, angry, hot tears spilling down her cheeks. “Enough! I’ll no’ bend to ye! I won’t!”
“I didna die, Jenny. I ken what ye’ve been told. All lies to keep ye safe. I’m home now. D’ye see?”
Jenny let out a fierce, high-pitched growl, hurling the washboard at him, which he sidestepped with ease as he moved closer to her.
“Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name…”
“It’s really me, Jenny. I swear it. I’ve come home.”
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth -- Stop! Get away!” She was fully sobbing now, fully terrified, so deep in denial that even if it were true, she wasn’t sure she would ever accept it.
“Let me touch ye, sister. Let yerself feel that I’m no more than a mortal man.” He reached out with trembling hands.
“...as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses…”
“As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation…”
Dinna be tempted. It canna be true. It canna be true…
He was only arms’ length from her now.
“And deliver us from evil…”
His hand came to rest on her cheek, and she shrieked again.
“Janet!” he cried, very abruptly seizing her shoulders and shaking her violently, nearly lifting her off the ground, Jenny screaming all the while.
She stood on her toes, held firmly in place by it, whatever it was, frozen in terror. She couldn’t stop herself, could not resist the temptation to look in his eyes, her soul be damned.
“Christ…” she breathed.
No spirit could hold such depth in its eyes as her brother. No spirit could ever replicate their mother’s soul so completely.
It’s him.
“It canna be...It canna…”
“ ’Tis, Jenny. It’s me.”
She shook her head, her mouth flapping uselessly as her eyes watered again rapidly.
“It’s...very fine to see ye again, Janet.”
“You bloody bastard!” Jenny howled, her rage completely overshadowed by the guttural sobs of relief tearing through her. “Where in God’s name have ye been…? What the Devil d’ye mean just...just showin’ up here like this…?”
Jamie did not answer her. Instead, he crushed her to him and buried his face in the crown of her head. Despite herself, Jenny clung to the fabric of his shirt and buried her face in his chest.
“Damn you, Jamie...God bloody damn you…”
Jamie hushed her and held her tighter, whispering Gaelic into her hair.
She suddenly tensed in his arms. “My God...My God…”
Jamie released her immediately, pushing her away and gripping her shoulders, looking her desperately in the eye. “Where is she?” 
Apparently he’d read her mind.
“She’s here, brother, she’s here...my God…” Her voice caught in her throat.
“I need to see her, Jenny.” His voice was tight and rough, his grip on her shoulders nearly bruising her.
Jenny nodded wordlessly and dashed off, nearly certain she was not running in a straight line.
And then there she was.
She was even more beautiful than the image he’d conjured of her, even more beautiful than the angel that graced his dreams every night.
He watched as every possible thought and emotion danced over that glass face, and he thought his heart would burst.
“Will ye no’ say anything?” Jenny shoved her, but she remained rigid as wood, unblinking.
“It’s me, Claire.” It was difficult enough to breathe at the sight of her, let alone to speak.
She finally moved, however minutely; perhaps only he even noticed. Her chest spasmed, and her chin began trembling.
“I’ve come home to ye.”
She made a terrifying sound, and collapsed like a sack of grain, and whatever little was in his stomach leapt into his throat.
“Christ!” Jenny cried, dropping to her knees beside her. Before she could even blink, Jamie was upon her, scooping Claire into his arms, leaving Jenny to scramble to her feet, hiking her skirts and taking long strides to keep up with him. He stomped through the halls, right into the parlor. Jamie laid her limp form gently on the sofa, kneeling beside her on the floor.
“I dinna ken what ye expected!” Jenny said, exasperated. “Ye may very well have shocked her to her death!”
“Don’t. Say that.” Jamie burned his eyes intensely into Jenny. She blanched, feeling her face and neck getting hot.
“I…I’m sorry, brother…I only meant…”
“I ken what ye meant,” he said quickly, though less aggressive.
“I’ll…I’ll get her some water.”
Jamie nodded, returning his gaze to Claire. He looked down at his hands, suddenly very aware that they were touching her. Her. The real Claire. He removed his hands, suddenly overwhelmed by the sensation. They hovered over her face, ghosting over her features, afraid to touch her. 
When he no longer felt like he would lose consciousness, he willed his violently trembling hands to move closer to her face. He swore he was lit afire as the very tips of his fingers came in contact with her skin again. He raked his fingertips down her cheeks, reverently, as if she were the Holy Mother of God herself. Still shaking fiercely, he willed his hands to cup her cheeks, ever-so-gently caressing her sweet face. He let his thumbs swipe over her eyelids, desperate to see them open, looking back at him with the same hunger that was in his eyes as he looked at her.
There was dirt on her forehead from her fall, and he gently wiped it with his thumb, smoothing her hair with his other hand. She suddenly whimpered, and his heart leapt into his throat. He dared not speak, lest he frighten her out of her wits again before she even opened her eyes. Her eyes fluttered open, dazed at first, but they quickly came into focus, and then widened. He heard her breath catch in her throat.
“You’re real…” she whispered.
“So are you,” he answered.
“You…they said…you’re dead…”
“I’ll explain it all…right now I…” Claire struggled to push herself into a sitting position, and Jamie helped her. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly, removing his hands from her. “I dinna mean to presume…”
Tears gathered in her eyes. “Presume…?”
“Well I…I want to touch ye of course…but only if ye want me to.”
Her chin trembled again. ���I do.”
He took her hands in his; they were shaking as fiercely as his. “I want…” he stammered, pausing to lick his lips in hesitation. “I would very much like to kiss you.” Claire thought her heart would explode. “But only if ye want me to.”
She exhaled sharply, and he could taste her breath. “I do.”
Both of their lips now trembled like their hands. They hovered over each other, feeling the vibration of each other’s lips, but still not touching.
“I havnae done this in a very long time,” Jamie breathed. Claire finally closed the distance, and her stomach felt like liquid fire. They could each feel the other’s tears slipping onto their cheeks. The kiss deepened, only slightly so, before they pulled apart to look in each other’s eyes.
“I’ve dreamed of you for so long…” Claire’s voice hitched, and she swallowed thickly. Touching him, holding him, kissing him…it was enough for her to lose herself completely in the bliss of it all. But the realization of exactly what this meant was starting to come to her, and she blinked rapidly, her chin trembling.
“I mourned you…for eight years…” She shook her head, her eyes widening in a mix of horror and astonishment. “You were dead…we had a bloody funeral for you! We grieved you for eight fucking years…I…I buried my heart in that empty coffin…I raised…oh God…”
“Claire…” he groaned desperately. She was breaking his heart.
“There is a headstone with your name on it! I sat in front of it and talked to it like you were there…but you weren’t even there because they wouldn't give us your body…your body…and all this time you…Oh God!” 
Her hands balled into tight fists, grasping the collar of his shirt, shaking him furiously.
“Where have you been?” she spat. “I have been your widow for eight fucking years…” She opened her mouth to say more, to scream, admonish him, but the only sound that came out was a wretched, miserable sob. Her fists loosened and trembling fingers spread over his chest, pressing her palms into him.
“Claire…oh, Claire…” His hands hovered over her uselessly, entirely unsure of what he should be doing.
“Oh, hold me…” Claire sobbed. “Hold me, Jamie. Please.”
He obeyed immediately, enveloping her in his strong arms. Rather than Jamie getting onto the sofa with her, she ended up slipping to the floor beside him, melting into his embrace. She buried her face in his chest, weeping freely into his shirt. He held her as tightly as he possibly could without crushing her, caressing her beautiful, brown curls with one hand, pressing her head into him, desperate to feel closer to her than he already was. If he could fold her into himself permanently he was sure he’d do it.
“Jamie…Jamie…Jamie…” She whispered his name, over and over, as if to convince herself he was really there.
“I’m here, Claire…Oh, Claire…mo nighean donn…Claire…”
Neither of them kept track of how long they’d held onto each other, but they were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Claire only partially moved, just her head so she could see. Jamie did not relinquish his hold on her.
“Glad to see ye’re awake, Claire,” Jenny said. “I’ve brought ye some water.”
“Thank you, Jenny,” Claire said, her voice hoarse. Jamie suddenly felt her tense. She gently pushed herself out of his embrace so she could sit up to address her. “Jenny, keep the children outside. Tell Fergus to keep them busy. We just…need a moment, first.”
Jenny immediately understood her meaning, and she nodded vigorously. “Aye, I’ll do that.” And she was gone.
“Fergus? The lad is still here?” Jamie said.
“Yes. He…he calls me Maman now. He has for…a long time.” Claire eased herself onto the sofa, and Jamie followed, their hands not leaving each other all the while. “I did as I promised, Jamie. I raised him as my own...our own. Our boy.” Two lone tears trickled down her cheeks, smiling bittersweetly.
Jamie exhaled with a great shudder, another single tear escaping his eye as well. “I had no doubt ye’d be a fine mother, mo ghraidh.” He pushed her hair back, threading it through his fingers.
Her stomach flipped at his words, and she nodded. “Yes...which...I...” Her heart was bruising her ribcage. “Jamie…there’s something I need to tell you.”
Jamie’s hands immediately left her. “Ye remarried.”
“No.” Claire said firmly, frantically taking his hands back into hers. “No. Never.”
He sighed in relief. “Even when ye let me kiss you, I couldna be sure.” He kissed her again, possessively this time. “That was my greatest fear, ye ken.”
“I…I couldn’t. Not ever, Jamie. You are the love of my life, only you.”
“And you are mine.” He hungrily kissed her again.
She put a gentle hand on his chest, separating their lips. “But Jamie,” she continued, their faces so close she couldn’t even discern his features. “There is something I didn’t tell you. At Culloden.”
“What are ye talking about?”
“Something I knew would…would make you change your mind about sending me to Lallybroch.” She took a deep breath, bracing herself. She backed up only slightly so they could look into each other’s eyes when she said it. “I was — ”
Her scampering footsteps got louder and louder, and Claire scrambled to detach herself from Jamie, scooting several inches away.
“Claire, why’ve ye — ?” 
“Mummy!” Brianna appeared in the doorway to the parlor and immediately approached Claire at the sofa. “Oh, Mummy, I ken you didn’t want me going very fast, and I promise it wasna that fast, but Alastair got to a trot, and I promise Fergus didn’t let go the whole time, and the wind felt so lovely in my hair, and Alastair was so pleased, he was so very bored before when we were only walking, and — ”
“I am sorry, Maman.” Fergus appeared in the entryway, breathless. “I tried to keep her in the corral, but she was too excited, and she got away from me…” His voice trailed off as his eyes fell on Jamie, his jaw falling slack.
“Fergus, tell Mummy it wasn’t really that fast, tell her! Tell her how I was a good girl and that’s why you let me go fast! Tell her, mon frère!”
Jamie very abruptly stood from the sofa, stumbling over it as he backed away from Claire and the child.
“Fergus!” Brianna started to panic. “Tell her!” She fretfully looked back at Claire. “Oh, Mummy, I’ll never do it again. I’m sorry. Please don’t be cross wi’ me.” But Claire wasn’t looking at Brianna; she couldn’t take her eyes off of Jamie, who couldn’t take his eyes off of Brianna. Brianna followed her mother’s gaze. “Mummy! Is that man a giant? Did he come from a faery hill?”
Too little too late, Claire returned her attention to Brianna. “Darling, why don’t you and Fergus — ”
“He has hair like mine! Copper, and gold, and auburn, and red, and cinnamon,” she sang the words, a silly song that Claire had invented. It had first come about when she was a baby, still afraid of the water and the soap. It was a list of the “ingredients” that went into her hair. It was just nonsense words strung together in a sing-song pattern, meant to keep her calm while she got clean. Claire had planned on forgetting it after a while, but it kept coming back for every bath thereafter, and now they sang it together, in the bath and even when Claire brushed her hair.
Jamie turned suddenly, knocking over the little table that Jenny had placed the water pitcher on, shattering it as he quickly strode out of the room.
“Jamie!” Claire stood up, terror seizing her heart. She threw a distressed look to Fergus, then hurried after Jamie. “Jamie! Stop!”
“Mummy! Are ye angry wi’ me?”
“Viens, Brianna. Now.”
“Jamie! Wait!” Claire followed him through the house and out the back entrance.
He stopped several feet away from the back door, his back to her, running his hand through his hair.
“Is that — ” He whirled around, pointing into the house. “That…Is she…”
“Yours, Jamie. Yes,” Claire said. “She’s your daughter.”
Jamie opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. The hand that was pointing at the house ran through his hair again. He began pacing, putting the pieces together. “You were…you were with child, at Culloden. Ye were carrying my child…”
“I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid!” Claire cried. “I was afraid you’d send me back through the stones to keep her safe, and I couldn’t bear it! I couldn’t leave you!”
“The…the stones?” Jamie stammered. “The stones?”
“She’s safe here, Jamie! She always has been! We are both so much happier here than we ever could have been if you’d sent me back.”
“You…you lied to me?”
“No! I just…didn’t tell you…”
“That’s lying, Claire!” Jamie took several menacing steps toward her, pointing that finger again. “I canna believe…after what happened to Faith…ye gave up the chance to have yer modern medicines, ye risked yer life, and her life…my child’s life…”
“I know it was selfish! But I only regretted it one time, and only very briefly!” Claire’s voice threatened to break, so she paused, taking a breath and swallowing against the lump in her throat. “I never, ever thought of being happier in my own time with her,” she continued evenly, as calmly as she could muster. “I couldn’t leave Jenny, or Fergus. He needed me; you said he needed me to stay,” she reminded him pointedly. “My life at Lallybroch was just as much your idea as mine. She belongs here, and so do I. I’ve only ever once had cause to regret it.”
He took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair yet again. “Why…what made ye regret it? Even the one time?”
“Her birth was difficult…almost deadly. But your sister saved both of our lives. And I am grateful to her every day.”
“As am I, but she wouldnae had to do it if ye’d kept yer promise to me!”
Every word he said was another blow to her chest, widening the crack in her heart.
“Aren’t you happy I’m here? That she is here? You would never see me again, you’d never even meet her if I’d gone back!” Her voice was rising dangerously, her throat searing with pain. “I never could have known you weren’t dead! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“Of course it does! Ye dinna think I’ve been burning for ye every day these past eight years? Ye dinna think I thanked the Lord and every Saint above to see ye still standing on this Earth? And ye dinna think…” His voice caught in his throat. “My heart wasnae fit to burst when I saw that…that bonny wee lass, calling ye her mam…” Tears spilled down both his cheeks, and Claire felt splinters in her heart. “It’s…it’s almost too much to bear.”
Fresh tears sprang out of Claire’s eyes as well. She fought the urge to run to him, to close the space between them and take him in her arms and never let go. Instead, she hugged herself around the middle, wetting her lips before she spoke, calm and level.
“I…I’ve told her all about you. How brave and strong you were…or, are. How you fought for your clan and country. How you…how you protected her from Heaven, how you…” She breathed shakily. “How you had to leave us to be Faith’s father in Heaven.” Her voice broke, and Jamie looked like he could collapse. “That’s what I told her. That’s how I got her to understand how you couldn’t be with us and still love us as much as I said you did. You’re…you’re her hero, Jamie.”
Jamie sank to his knees, and Claire could not stop herself from rushing forward and gathering his shuddering frame in her arms.
“I’m sorry, Claire,” he wept. “Please, forgive me. I dinna mean…it’s just…my heart…I canna bear it…”
“I know, Jamie, I know…” She was all the way up on her knees, and he was back on his haunches, leaning into her, so she was able to press a kiss to the top of his head. “Forgive me for betraying you all those years ago. It was never my intention. I just…I wanted you to be able to meet her if you survived.”
He gently pulled himself out of her embrace, rising to full height on his knees. “Forgiven.” He tilted her chin up to kiss her, sweetly, tenderly.
“All the times I imagined you coming back...none of them ended up like this.” Claire offered a weak smile, feeling foolish even as she said it.
“Aye...I’m sure my shock could rival yers at the moment.” His brows furrowed, and his gaze became far off as he slowly sank back on his haunches. Silently, they settled into the grass together, sitting side by side, holding each other.
“What are you thinking?” Claire said softly, looking up at his face, following the patterns of the protruding veins with concerned eyes.
He remained silent for another brief moment before answering. “I’m thinking that I canna imagine what I’ve done to deserve ye.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Claire sat up straighter, taking his face in her hands, holding on perhaps just a bit too tightly.
“All this time I’ve been...a shell of a man. My soul wandered aimlessly, reaching blindly fer any semblance of...of you. To come home to you, Sassenach, my wife, to see yer face and hear yer voice...Christ, I was grateful enough fer that.” His jaw hardened; he was struggling not to cry. “The pain I know I’ve caused ye these eight years...fer ye to take me in yer arms again is more than I deserve…”
“But to know that through it all...ye brought my child into this world, ye raised her, even in yer pain. Ye told her...about me.” He swallowed thickly, and another tear trickled down his cheek. “I dinna ken what I’ve done to be so blessed.”
Claire’s face screwed up with the effort of holding herself together. “Raising your child is the greatest gift I’ve ever been given. She has saved me over and over. And I only have her because of you.” She pressed her forehead to his, and he sighed shakily again. “I told myself...before...that you were saving me from beyond the grave through your daughter. And I was so...so grateful for that.”
He cupped the back of her head and kissed her, their tears mingling together on each other’s cheeks.
“No grave, Sassenach. I’m home now. To stay.”
Claire whimpered with a mixture of relief, disbelief, and fear -- fear that it was a vivid dream that would disappear any second.
“I mean to be yer husband again. And I mean to...to be a father to our child. If ye’ll have me...if she...will have me.”
“Of course. Of course we will have you.” Claire kissed him fervently, holding his face firmly in place for several seconds, only pulling away when she was sure she would faint again for lack of air.
“This is more than I’ve ever dreamed of,” she whispered.
“Aye. I could say the same.”
They smiled tearily at each other for a brief moment, before Jamie pulled her into his lap, cradling her like she was fragile as glass. They sat for a while in reverent silence, relishing in the strange familiarity of each other’s embrace.
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Dean is in love.
Hello my friends!!! We almost arriving to the half of the season!
I will talk mostly about episode 14x12, the episode Dean confesses he's in love, okay. Kind of. 🤣
Let's start this mess ...
Family Love
Episode 13x11 talks about family love to point us the difference with romantic love (Dean in the firsts 5 episodes).
We have Sam depressed, because he thinks they won't be able to find Mary. Now, the one that had lost his faith and hopes is Sam. And Dean will be the one keeping the hopes up, because he just got back his angel back.
The brother go to help Donna. Donna is desperate trying to find her lost niece. Her despair and her seek is a foreshadow how Sam and Mary searching for Dean in the first episode from season 14.
The vamps wear mask, (as symbolic representation of future Dean's possesion).
Another important point here is Doug breaking up with Donna once he discovers Donna hunts monsters.
This fact could be seen as a parallel to Cassie and Dean, but also, as a premonition of Dean and Cas break up.
The parallel of depression between Dean and Sam rests on the fact that Sam wasn't suicidal.
Sam had put all his hopes in Jack and now Jack is gone, so, all the words that come out from his mouth, are examples of how he feels. His speech to Donna after Doug left, it's a recalling of Dean's speech to Patience.
SAM: Let him go. Donna, when you choose this life, anyone who gets too close, eventually they get hurt. Or worse. So let him go. He’ll be safer that way.
And then, when he's alone with Dean...
DEAN: I mean, we save people, Sam.
SAM: Yeah, we also get people killed, Dean. Kaia, for instance. She helped us and she died for it.
DEAN: Hey, look, I know you’re in some sort of a—
SAM: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, don’t – don’t… You keep saying I’m in a dark place, but I’m not, Dean. Everything I’m saying is the truth. It’s our lives. And I tried to pretend it didn’t have to be. I tried to pretend we could have Mom back and Cas and – and help Jack. But we can’t. This ends one way for us, Dean. It ends bloody. It ends bad.
Sam is now where Dean had been, but not even bringing Castiel back gives Sam faith and hopes. He had a plan, and the plan failed. So he lost hopes. It points perfectly the difference with Dean. Dean recognized he was in bad shape, he recognized to Billy he wanted to die. Because the pain of loosing the love of his life was unbearable.
"I'm in love"
Episode 13x12 starts with two sister, witches, dressed in red and yellow, (Dean and Sam colors) Jennie and Jamie. Both girls want to bring their mother back from dead just like Sam and Dean want to bring their mother back from the AU.
They use a hammer to kill the first man in the episode. The hammer represents JUSTICE, and it will be seen a lot in the next season related to Dean, trying to make justice for what he lived possesed by Michael. The one killing the man is Jamie, Dean's mirror.
Let's jump now to Sam and Dean scene. And because this is a Yockey episode, we have some books to pay attention to. Don't worry, my friend @emblue-sparks did an excellent work analyzing the books that Yockey put in this episode. You can find that meta here.
All those books played their role as a premonition of AU!Michael possessing Dean experience.
Now, keeping the Family Love vs Romantic Love mirror, we switch places again in this dialogue...
SAM: I’m just saying, Dean, Jack was our way over there, obviously, so with him gone…
DEAN: Okay, well, Jack’s been gone before. We found him once. We can find him again.
Remember when Sam said this to Dean the so many times Cas was gone?
Now, just a piece in what Dean says... Shows us how much he misses his angel...
DEAN: We should probably loop Cas in at some point.
The scene with Cas and Lucifer locked in prison, and trying to escape, is another foreshadow for Dean's inner prison. But, it's interesting how we cut this scene to pass to Dean and witches sisters, with Jennie saying...
JENNIE: Doesn’t a kiss, like, usually wake up your true love?
So Dean kisses Dean's mirror... How symbolic is this? Very much...
Remember when in season 14 I was screaming all my way DEAN NEEDS TO LOVE HIMSELF BEFORE LOVE OTHERS? To ourselves is PIVOTAL for our mental health. Talking about Dean, it's fundamental to release himself from his emotional prison. Dean needs to know HE IS WORTHY. He needs to really love himself, that's the symbolism of this scene.
Now... The scene in which Dean days "I'm in love" has a tiny prelude... We need to see what Sam is doing or thinking before his brother enters joyfully confesses it...
SAM: Hey, uh… I think you might be right. I think maybe it’s time we go ahead and call Cas, because, I mean, if…if…
Why is Cas here again? Preluding Dean's quote? Simply because DEAN IS IN LOVE WITH CAS
SAM: You all right?
DEAN: Am I all right? I’m in love.
SAM: You...Oh, are you?
DEAN: I mean, I am, like, full-on twitterpated here. Seriously, I can’t wait for you to meet her, either (...)
(Gif set credit @inacatastrophicmind )
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(Gif set credit @bennylafitte )
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And the big SAMMY KNOWS SCENE, poor soul he thought Dean will confess his feeling for the angel to his brother, that's why he wheels enthusiastically to hear him. That's why he asks as if he didn't know. But then Dean goes 'her' and Sam shakes his head puzzled... Why? Because he's sure his brother lives Castiel, and Castiel's is a 'him'. Wrong pronoun.
That's when our insightful moose starts to suspect something is fishy.
Rowena and the fifth base
Another important scene was Rowena talking about the fifth base, which, everybody knows what it means...
ROWENA: (...) Tell me, did they get to fifth base?
DEAN: There’s no such thing as fifth base.
ROWENA: Oh, you poor, sheltered boy. [Dean gives Sam a confused look] Anyway. What’s by is by.
(Gif set credit @whoeveryoulovethemost )
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Analyzing Dean's reaction to Rowena's wording in second meaning, we can Conclude he knew what was she exactly talking about. He swallows at the WHAT'S BY IS BY, and blinks flustered. Someone knows his secret hahaahahaha
Also, Rowena deceiving the boys, is Asmodeus playing Cas...
DEAN: Oh, I’m gonna say it. She played you.
SAM: [defensively] She played us.
This is a foreshadow of Dean recognizing in front of Cas that Asmodeus played him and his brother, they should see that coming. Dean will feel guilty and will confess it to his angel.
Another little but interesting scene was Jamie and Jennie killing each other, just the ending Chuck will reveal he wants for Sam and Dean in season 15.
At the end of the episode, we'll see Rowena releasing herself from her chains. As a representation of Dean releasing himself from his inner prison.
To Conclude:
These two episode keep playing with symbolism and foreshadows of season 14.
The scene of Dean kissing Dean's mirror shows us the idea of Healing!Dean in season 14.
Sammy definitely knows Dean is in love with Cas, fight me.
Hope you like this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you wanna be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, February 7 2021 1:58 PM
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mrallnight57-blog · 3 years
The Crystal of Mordokia
Chapter 5
    Jenny left the park and quickly made her way to the East Town Hospital. Once she entered the building, she made her way to the front desk. Before getting there, Jack had sent her a text with the name of the man she needed to see.
   There was no one at the front desk, so Jenny stood there waiting. Her finger nails tapping the desk as she was becoming impatient.
   Jenny watched as a couple entered into the emergency room. The man was spitting up blood. A nurse approached them, asking what Happened, and the woman tried to explain how he fell down some stairs. Jenny thought the story sounded fishy, but she figured it was something the local police could handle.
    Finally someone came to the front desk.
"Can I help you ma'am?"
    Jenny pulled out her badge. "Yes I'm Jenny Ramirez with the FBI. I'm here to speak with a Mr. Dan Spelling."
    The Lady at the desk began typing on her computer. "Alright, it looks like he is in room 108. He just got out of surgery. So he is probably going to be a little loopy after all the anesthetics we gave him. So if you're going in to question him, just keep in mind, he probably not going to be able to remember everything, and anything he says, should probably be taken with a grain of salt."
   "I'll keep that in mind." Jenny left the front desk, and began moving through the hospital, looking for room 108.
   As Jenny walked around the Hospital, she asked a nurse where room 108 was. The nurse pointed down a Hallway and told her it was at the very end on the left. Jenny made her way down the hall, and once she got to the room. She took a deep breath and let it out to prepare herself for what she had to do. Jenny was never much for talking to people, especially strangers, and she hated having to pry information out of them.
    Jenny walked into the hospital room, and saw Dan laying in the bed. His eyes partially opened. Once Dan saw her, he began sitting up. Jenny pulled out her badge. "Jenny Ramirez, FBI. I'm just here to get your statement."
   Dan nodded, and Jenny took a step closer to his bed. "Some of my colleagues have already taken statements from your coworkers. They said some men in hoods broke into your lab, and apparently they were using some kind of hallucination gas, because all of them are claiming to have seen hallucinations."
   Dan put his hand up to try and stop Jenny from talking. Then with a very weak voice tried to correct Jenny. "It... wasn't a...gas."
   Jenny looked at him with confusion. "Excuse me!"
   "It..  wasn't a gas..  it was a man."
    Jenny raised an eyebrow. She figured he must still be feeling the effects of the morphine, or whatever they used on him in the surgery. Jenny thought about maybe coming back later, but she also knew Jack was planning on making a move against the people responsible, later today. So she needed to get as much information out of the man as soon as possible. So that meant she was going to have to listen to everything the man said, and determine which parts where true, and what parts was created from the drugs, he is currently on.
    Jenny thought carefully about her next question. Then she finally decided to indulge a little bit in the man's possibly delusion. "So tell me about this man. What exactly happened?"
    Dan didn't have much strength, but he tried his best to recall what happened. Dan explained how Steve and him, were working on a project. Then the hooded men arrived, and that was when people began seeing the hallucinations. Then Dan began describing the events that led to Steve's death. Tears began running down his cheek.
    Jenny could tell that Dan was pretty close with his friend, and watching him die, had to be the most traumatic moment of his life. Dan was doing his best to describe his killer. How the killer just held his hand up, and said, "Fear." How shortly afterwards, Steve went into cardiac arrest.
    Dan also said that one of the hooded men had called the man Gothic Mirror, and apparently someone by the name Litias had shown him how to use his power. Then he explained that it was about this time, he got stabbed.
    Jenny was writing down everything Dan was saying. Once Dan was finished talking, Jenny looked over at Dan and asked, "Do you know what they were after?"
    Dan remained silent for a minute. It seemed like he was trying to remember. Then Jenny noticed Dan's eyes grow wide, and he started panicking. "The crystal!!! Oh my God!!! They took the crystal!"
    Jenny stared at Dan for a second, before asking. "What crystal?"
   Dan tried to regain his composure. He wasn't sure how to answer that question. Finally he thought it would be best to start from the beginning. "Five years ago a team of archeologists went to Greece. Once there, they went to a small village deep into the mountains."
    Jenny sat down on the edge of Dan's bed, so she could hear him better. Dan looked at her. "How much do you know about Greek mythology?"
   Jenny thought about it for a second. "I took a class in high school. It wasn't a subject I cared much about."
   Dan gave a faint laugh. "Well it wouldn't have helped you much anyways, because what I'm about to tell you, you won't find in Homer's Odyssey."
    Jenny gave a faint smile. "I barely even remember that."
    Dan continued. "Well when the archeologists got to the village. They were told that the mountains they were in was possibly the location of the fabled Mount Olympus, and over two thousand years ago. The people there still believed in the Greek Gods. You know, Zeus, Hermes, Hera, and so forth. You know what I'm talking about right?"
    Jenny was trying to be polite. She didn't care much about stories of ancient gods or even religion for that matter. She just wanted Dan to get to the point. So Jenny gave Dan a slight smile, and said, "Yeah I've seen movies before."
    Dan laughed, then winced in pain. "Yeah, I guess there is alot of movies about Greek mythology." Dan was trying to get back on track. "Anyways... according to legend one day a red woman appeared."
    Jenny interrupted. "Was she wearing a red dress or something?"
    "No!" Dan sat up more. "This woman's skin was red. Locals say she had the body of an angel, but the head of a Lion. Her teeth were like little spikes, and she had a fang like a Saber tooth tiger."
    Jenny was puzzled. "You mean fangs like a saber tooth tiger?"
    "No!" Dan fired back. "I mean fang. On the left side of her mouth."
    At this point, the only thing going through Jenny's head was how much morphine did they give to this guy?
    Dan continued. "The Red Woman told the villagers to never go into the mountain cave. For if they did. It would bring the end of our species. After that, the people there stopped believing in the Greek Gods."
    Jenny raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
    Dan lowered his head. "Because they believed The Red Woman killed them all."
   Jenny sat there wondering what exactly this had to do with the crystal they were working on. "So you're saying they found the crystal in these forbidden caves?"
    "Yes." Dan adjusted himself again, to get more comfortable. "The team that found it and brought it to us. All of them ended up with psychological damage. All of them eventually wounded up in therapy. They all reported having terrible nightmares. Most of them were afraid to go to sleep. All them kept saying death was coming, and one of them even committed suicide.
    Jenny sat there quietly as Dan took a deep breath to compose himself. "The crystal isn't from our world. The Element that it's made from doesn't show up on our periodic table, and anytime someone shows anger around it. It goes very dark, and an orra of death will feel the room. It's as if the soul of the Grim Reaper himself was trapped inside it."
    Jenny was beginning to believe some of what Dan was saying. Dan didn't seem like a crazy person, nor did any of this really sound like something brought on by morphine. It was far to detailed.
    Jenny stood up and looked down at Dan. "Why do you think the men in hoods, took the crystal?"
    Dan looked up at Jenny and starred into her eyes. "There is only one reason to take the crystal. To destroy the world."
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
Home - Harry Styles
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2.7k of cute fluff
Harry has always struggled with finding the place that fit him best. London was nice because it was similar to where he grew up and close to family, but it didn’t hold his heart. The states were just so different from what he was used to and so far from family. It held the appeal of Malibu and everything Los Angeles has to offer. He always spent his time bouncing between the two.
That is until he met Y/n.
She came into his life as a force of nature, smiling and changing every fiber of him as she went. Harry knew that he had to talk to her or he would regret it until the day he died.
(Harry’s POV)
I can’t tear my eyes away from her even if I were lit on fire, I’m sure of it. She is throwing her entire body into the music, her eyes closed as she’s entranced in it. She doesn’t care what she looks like, but dances with how she feels. I’m in awe of the energy she’s providing. The club scene has never been my favorite, especially in L.A but I know if she were always here I would never leave.
She finally opens her eyes and they meet mine instantly. It’s as if she knew I was staring. She could feel it in her soul like the way mine is right now. I feel my cheeks heat up, but I smirk at her completely unashamed. Her dancing doesn’t even falter for a second as she winks before turning back to her friend.
She spins around, jumping around occasionally to the beat. The light shines on her perfectly. I’m sure I’m not the only one in this club that recognizes there’s an angel on the dancefloor tonight. She throws her head back in laughter at something the friend said and all I can wonder is if I could make her laugh like that.
She makes me want to get up and leave the VIP section, which I’ve never done to catch the name of a girl. I don’t know if I can go much longer without knowing her first name. Against my better judgement, I leave the higher up VIP area and wander down to the dancefloor. It’s warmer down here with all of the lights and the bodies, it takes me a few minutes for me to find the mystery girl. Once I do, it’s like my feet glue me to the ground. I don’t know what I would say to the girl that I think might plague my every thought for the rest of my life.
“And he leaves his kingdom to come down and join the peasants.” A voice yells closely. My eyes refocus as my attention is pulled to the Mystery girl now in front of me.
“Is that what you think of me being up there?” I ask, mustering the courage to speak to her. I don’t think a person has ever had this affect on me, not like this. Her sass is even more intriguing.
“What? Do most girl you eye-fuck just come right up to you begging to sit with you in VIP?”
“That’s not what I was- eye-fuck?” I chuckle.
“You have been eye-fucking me all night.” She smirks and takes a few steps closer to me. Her breath fans across my cheek. “It’s alright though, I don’t blame you.”
The confidence.
“Wow.” I roll my eyes, I can’t let her know she’s right.
“Bullseye. You know I actually thought you might be different, though it’s rare, I am wrong sometimes.”
She starts to walk away, but as if my body is acting for itself now I grab her upper arm and pull her back.
“Different how?” You don’t even know me?”
“Don’t I? I see the appeal for you, Harry Styles.”
She knows who I am!
“The girl who isn’t fawning over you, I’m not drooling. I’m just some girl. You don’t know her story.” She smiles, “But trust me, I’d only break your heart.”
“I think you already are.” I tease, causing her to smile, “Can I at least get a first name, Mystery Heartbreaker?”
“Ooh, I quite like that. It’s fitting. It sounds like a song title if you ask me.”
And just like that, she disappeared from my grasp and the dancefloor. Unfortunately, she didn’t leave my head however. For weeks I had lyrics inspired by her floating around my head until I finally sat down in the studio and put everything together. I even went back to the club one night hoping to see her, but she never showed.
“Harry, where is this coming from? The album was nearly finished.” Mitch asks, tuning his guitar as we record the final take.
“I was inspired. I feel now that the album is incomplete without this on it. We still have a few weeks until the release, just enough to add this.”
The song is one I am very proud of, it’s one I’m sure performing will be outrageous in the best way possible.
I’m sure she’s proud somewhere. The tracklist was released today, the last song being simply titled Mystery Heartbreaker. She was right, it’s a great title.
It didn’t take much time after that for the album to be released. I wonder if she listened to it? She came across it and had the curiosity to see what I had written about her. It took me months to find out the answer to that question.
“We’re back in our city!” Mitch announces with a cheer. I’m sure he’s happy to be back in Los Angeles. We first performed the album here at the Forum and now we’re back.
I can faintly hear Jenny Lewis’ voice echoing through the stadium. This year has flown by. It’s hard to believe 2020 is already more than half over. I hear Jenny on her last song, we’re close to showtime. We all make our way towards where we make our entrance. I smirk hearing the fans get louder in the dark. They’re just waiting in anticipation, it builds and builds until the first note of Light’s Up begins. The lights come on and we kick off the night.
It flies by and I’m sweating, the energy is absolutely amazing tonight. Every night on tour so far has been great, but there’s something about tonight. Being here, I can feel that I’m performing better.
It’s one of our slower ballads from the new album, I finally slow down and look around the audience. I read a couple signs and smile. My gaze dances across all of the faces in the pit that I can see. Faces filled with joy, tears, excitement, until finally a proud smirk. A smirk I have been thinking about for months. Her smirk only widens once she catches my stare.
I finish the rest of the song, my eyes unwillingly drift to hers. It kills me knowing that I hadn’t seen her until this moment in the night. I know what I need to get off of my chest. The finale, which it has been all tour is Mystery Heartbreaker, the powerhouse that the fans have grown to love. Every night I’ve sung it, my mind going back to when I met her. I know tonight I have to give it my all since she’s here. She came to my show.
“Alright, our night has come to an end unfortunately, but I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming tonight. We have one more song-”
The crowd becomes defaning, they know what song remains. I glance to the woman and she’s laughing looking at the audience reaction.
“This next one is called Mystery Heartbreaker. I would also like to announce that we are in the presence of the Mystery Heartbreaker herself, so lets make it a good one.”
I’m sure that my bandmates are surprised to find out the woman that they ask endless questions about is here tonight, but before they can we start. The beat kicks off and I can say that the entire four minutes of the song were euphoric. I feed off of the energy that the crowd gives me. I know that I am adding more to it, knowing that she’s watching my every move.
I glance down to find her, and it’s just like the night all those months ago all over again. She is throwing her entire body into the music, completely enchanted by the music while I’m completely enchanted by her.
The night ends all too soon. I don’t know how to find her, it’s not like I can just walk back out there to ask for her number. The band and I go back to our big green room with all of the food and a few others hanging out while our equipment gets packed up.
“She was here tonight?” Clare asks, smacking my shoulder. She almost makes me drop my water bottle.
“Yeah.” I nod with a laugh.
“Did you know she was going to be here?” Mitch asks.
“No clue. I just saw her face looking back at me from the pit. And it’s killing me because I don’t know how I’m supposed to find her.”
“If she wanted to find you, she would.”
As if on cue and God had really blessed me, a knock on the doorway rings out. My head snaps in the direction.
“John?” I ask, the head of security is standing in the doorway.
“I have a woman here claiming to be Mystery Heartbreaker.” He looks over his shoulder and doesn’t look so sure of himself.
“It could be any fan, you said she was here tonight.” Adam says, stepping in.
“Let her in.”
“Are you sure?” John asks, making sure.
“Just let her be.” I insist.
“Well that’s awfully high-handed of you.” She comments as a tease. “I’m glad you didn’t just kick me out.”
It’s her. Up close and real.
“You know I couldn’t do that to you.”
“I would introduce you, but I still don’t know your name.” I smirk. It makes her smile.
“So you’re the girl we’ve been singing about for months?” Mitch asks, stepping closer to meet her.
“That would be me, but Mystery Heartbreaker seems a bit formal, you can just call me Y/n.”
Y/n. I finally know her name.
“Y/n.” I say her name out loud for the first time.
“That would be me.” She smiles.
“C’mon, let’s go for a walk.”
She waves goodbye to my bandmates over her shoulder as I usher her out. We walk around the arena backstage.
“So, you came to my show.” I smirk, looking down at her as we keep walking.
“I did. I kind of felt that I had to once you released a song about me.” She smirks right back, unwavering. “I just kept hearing you on the radio sing about how amazing I am, and I figured coming here is the least I could do.”
She teases so effortlessly. I stop and trap her between me and the wall. She’s unfazed and still smirking up at me.
“Hey!” I groan with a laugh. “I didn’t think I was going to ever see you again, and I have to say you left quite the impression.”
“Apparently. I thought maybe I should give you a second chance.”
“Really?” I lean in closer.
“Really, but you should be warned, this offer only lasts for tonight.”
“Well then, what are we waiting for.”
We go back towards my dressing room so I can change into something more comfortable and casual. We decide to go out for drinks.
“So what does the Harry Styles do for fun?” She asks, spinning her straw around her finger.
“Wow, are we to the ‘get to know you’ part of the night?” I tease.
“Something like that.” She shrugs.
“Well, I like to write music obviously. I spend a lot of time in the studio when I’m not touring.”
“But what do you do for you? Just you, no one else. Something that's fun and selfish.”
It takes me several seconds to think of what I could answer for this.
“I paint my nails.” I flatten my hands on the table to get a good look at the colors on my nails this week, “I know it’s not a traditionally masculine thing to do, but it brings my joy.”
“That’s a good answer. The colors suit you by the way.” She admires the colors, her fingers lightly trace over the rings while she looks.
“Are all men as entranced with you as I seem to be?”
The question seems to catch her off guard, her hands falter for a second as her eyes shoot up to meet mine.
“That depends, how entranced are you? I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had a song written about me before. Definitely not one sung in front of thousands of people. But who knows, as we’ve said, I make a good first impression.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised, you did say that you would break my heart. Do you still think that?” I ask, leaning in closer across the table.
“I don’t know. I definitely could do some damage, but I don’t think I want to.”
“Really? You’ve had a change of heart?” I reach my hand forward to join hers.
“Hmm, you could definitely say that.”
I can tell she’s slightly scared. She’s always been so confident in my encounters with her, a relationship is new territory.
“This is going to be fun, you’re already almost in love with me.” She teases.
“Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into?” I ask, rolling my eyes as a joke.
“One of the best things of both our lives.” She smiles.
Before I know it, she’s leaning over to connect our lips in a blissful kiss. I have dreamt of her lips many nights before, but nothing could ever compare to the real thing. The feeling of her fingers in my hair, her cheek soft under my thumb.
“Alright Styles, let’s give this a go.”
Things couldn’t be better between Y/n and I now. The first two months had a few hiccups, it took awhile for her to let me in completely. Once she did, I couldn’t ask for a greater love. I never believed it when people said that ‘you’ll know when it’s real love’ until she said those three words to me.
It’s been over three years since we officially started dating. We’ve been through so much together at this point, it’s weird to think of a time before her. I was happy to tell the fans that she was no longer a mystery nor a heartbreaker. She happily became a new muse for me in a thousand other songs which fans loved picking up on.
“Wow, both of my girls out here talking about me.” I mutter, noticing Y/n and my own mother whispering about me at the kitchen counter over cups of tea.
“Well obviously, I have to complain about you to someone.” Y/n giggles.
“I’m moving out.” I tease, our banter still going at this point in our relationship.
“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind when I go back to my secret lover.” She teases, her mischievous smirk making an appearance. She presses a kiss to my temple before walking out of the room to give me some time with my mom. It’s been a while since we’ve come to visit.
“She really is the perfect one for you.” My mom smiles, watching Y/n leave to go outside with the dogs. Y/n happily taking them out, she’s been complaining about wanting one for awhile.
“She definitely keeps me on my toes.” I smile, looking at her run around outside. She’s still got that childlike spirit as she falls over laughing, the dogs piling over her. She gives me goosebumps and butterflies still. She’s always kept me guessing, but I’ve never felt so comfortable around someone. 
She brought my soul home to Los Angeles. I never found completely at home in a place until I was in her arms. She made is so I could live anywhere and be perfectly happy, as long as she was there with me. She’s my angel that still enchants me daily. 
To me, Y/n is home. 
As I grip the velvet box in my pants pocket, all I can hope is that I can be the same for her.  
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Highland Destiny Chapter 20 ~Lallybroch Part 2~
Jenny proved to be an enigma and a revelation to Claire, and she couldn't help but feel amused at how one tiny person could assert herself with the aplomb of an army commander to two huge strapping men. Tough love, Jenny had called it, and she had revealed, with conviction in her voice, that someone had to be around to keep everyone in line. Abrasive and gentle at the same time, Jenny was quick to reprimand but was always generous with her praises where it was due. Although temperamental, which Claire put down to pregnancy hormones playing havoc, Jenny was fierce in her love and loyalty to the people she cared for. Claire quickly surmised that this tiny effervescent bundle of vivacity was the heart and soul of the family.
They had just finished eating their early dinner of roast lamb and "neeps and tatties,"  and the kids were already in bed, tired from all the excitement at seeing their uncle and meeting their new auntie. As an extra treat, Jenny had added a last-minute batch of Yorkshire pudding as her way to welcome Claire to the family. "Aye, Yorkshire pudding... that's very English! I'm quite sure Claire would love it," Jenny suggested earlier to herself as she had bustled about the kitchen, banging pots and pans.
"Aye...we must have a party... that is a braw idea! Aunt Jocasta is coming from the States, we have a village festival just around the corner, we have yer wedding to celebrate and the weather...oh goodness, the forecast is braw for the rest of the week ..." Jenny announced as she stood up to clear the dishes, clapping her hands.
"Jenny!" Ian, Claire and Jaime simultaneously interrupted the hyper petite woman's babble, as they watched her collect the plates. 
"What? It's a perfect idea! Don't ye think so?" Jenny's face was a picture of disbelief, looking at all three of them as if they've lost their mind.
"Jenny sweetheart, nae parties please. I ken ye like to cook and entertain, but Claire has been through a lot, and the last thing we need is attracting the attention of the paparazzi. Ye ken what it is like...ye said so yersel'." Ian firmly but gently reminded his stubborn wife, looking at the worried faces of Jamie and Claire, but he knew already he was fighting a losing battle unless, of course, the newlyweds can change Jenny's mind.
"Rubbish! The village folk will take care of the paparazzi if we tell them in advance of our plans. They love Jamie, and they will make sure everything is hush-hush. He's like their laird around here, ye ken," Jenny retorted defensively to her husband. Then turning to Claire, she cajoled sweetly and angelically. "Claire, please say aye. I promise ye, I'll take care of everything, and I will make sure by hook or by crook that nothing and naebody will spoil this day. I dinna ken what else to give ye for yer wedding present, but let this be my gift to ye."
By hook or by crook, indeed!  Jamie leaned back on his chair, hands rubbing his full stomach and grinning. He knew full well what his sister was like as he watched Claire's face go through different expressions, from worried to appalled before settling to an uncertain look. He found it adorable how she bit her lower lip when she concentrated on something, her brows puckering in her indecisiveness. Then Claire looked at him, bright golden eyes, willing him to say something or anything. But Jamie thought better of it and shrugged instead.  Let this be the battle of the womenfolk!
Claire cleared her throat, trying to summon excuses in her head so she could put off Jenny, but looking at her sister-in-law's eager and excited face, she knew she didn't have the heart to deny her. Well, where is the harm in having a party, after all, she is now surrounded by her new family. "Well then..." she breathed deeply, "...let's have this party, BUT, under one condition - we'll just invite very close friends and family." And then she looked at Jamie, sternly. "And no shinty and no rugby!"
Jenny squealed, her face a picture of excitement and Claire couldn't help but feel happy for her sister-in-law's gaiety. Even the men were relieved that the matter was resolved quickly, their faces puffing out breaths of relief. "Oh, that's wonderful, Claire! We'll do it this coming weekend, and ye can give me the list who ye want to invite. It will be a pretty garden party, and that's a promise! And before the day of the event, we'll go shopping for clothes and maybe pamper ourselves. Now isn't that grand?"
Jamie's hand reached out to Claire. "Are ye sure Sassenach, ye alright with the party. Ye ken ye dinna have to..."
Claire nodded, smiling, but stopped when she noticed a stunned Jenny with mouth wide open, staring at her engagement ring. Thinking Jamie hadn't told Jenny about the ring, she placated her new sister-in-law. "Jenny, I know this is your mother's ring, and it must be an heirloom. Would you like to have it back? Well, if I could take it off, that is..." Claire had started to wriggle the ring unconsciously and was bewildered when it came off with just a gentle pull, after having tried everything in the last few days to remove it. She placed it on the palm of her hand to show the ring to Jamie, who, too, was astonished that it finally came off. They had both joked that it would remain on her finger for the rest of her life unless someone decided to chop it off from her.
Jenny made a sign of the cross. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Claire! Ye can wear the faerie ring! Look at that Ian...I've told ye about this ring, aye? Naebody could wear it without breaking into a rash. Ma was only able to wear it when she was pregnant with Jamie, and after that, she couldna. Aye, she told me this story. That is why she gave the ring to Jamie because none of the Mackenzie women can wear it...or any other women in the family, near or wide."
Ian didn't dare say anything even if he never believed the faerie story. Instead, he reached out to squeeze Jenny's hand.
"Christ, Jenny! Faerie ring?? I thought ye would have outgrown that story!" Jamie objected impatiently, rolling his eyes. "Claire, it's just a highland myth. It's all hogwash!"
Claire gave Jamie a stern look, before nodding to Jenny to continue.
Jenny ignored her brother, determined to tell the story. "Weel, Mrs Graham...ye ken Mrs Graham aye, the housekeeper of Reverend Wakefield? She told Ma that the ring is passed on from one lifetime to another and it always belonged to the same soul." She began, nodding excitedly at all three of them. "Apparently, back in the olden days, there were these star-crossed lovers, a Highland warrior and his Lady. The story goes, there were always these outside forces determined to keep the couple apart, so they went to Simon Fraser of Lovat's seer called Maisri to ask her counsel. The seer, after going into a trance to see their future, she found out their love was doomed for that life, so she gave them this amber stone. And the seer told them if they couldn't be together in that lifetime, they will find each other again in another through this gem. And Mrs Graham said, there is a hex on this ring protected by the faeries of the standing stones, and she said only the soul of the Highland Warrior's Lady can wear the ring. The ring should bring the souls of the lovers back together by the power of the spell cast upon it." Jenny paused to breathe before giving Claire a wide-eyed look as something dawned in her mind. "Oh my God, Claire, ye must be the soul of the Highland Warrior's Lady and ye Jamie must be..." Jenny's hands flew to her mouth, her sapphire blue eyes about to bulge out of their sockets.
Jamie and Ian burst into a loud guffaw much to Jenny's annoyance. Both men knew she had always believed in the old folks' stories of the Highlands, of faeries and superstitious beliefs that had been passed down from generation to generation.
"Oh, Jenny, that story is so adorable. A charming bedtime story for the kids, definitely" Claire giggled nervously, feeling an odd shiver run down her spine, the ring suddenly becoming warm in her hand.
"Aye laugh at me ye goons. Here watch this." Jenny grabbed the ring from Claire's hand and placed it on her right-hand ring finger. And sure enough, within seconds, the pale skin at the back of her hand started to turn red. "See...what did I tell ye? Look at that!" Jenny then returned the ring to Claire, and her skin colour returned to normal.
Jenny, with hands, on her hips, eyed them irritatedly, both eyebrows raised. "Weel, what ye say now, huh?"
Nobody said anything but replied only with a shrug, unsure what to make of Jenny's story.
The days that lead to what Jenny called,  ceilidh , cautious not to call it a wedding party in case the word got out in public, was a flurry of activities in Fraser's household. Jamie had insisted on hiring and covering the cost of a catering company and local musicians as well as other expenses, so as not to burden his sister. There were enough things to organise as it was, such as invitations, preparing the outside area, the house and guest rooms, making reservations at local inns and hotels for their guests and even a bar had been set up, of course, compliments of Frisealach.
Claire had given up, eventually, in offering her help with the preparations, if not a futile attempt but more to appease her sister-in-law who seemed to be in her element orchestrating the event. Instead, she spent most of her days with Jamie as he showed her around his childhood home and the surrounding area, and going on day trips that either involved picnics, fishing, exploring the woods or shopping in Edinburgh. The people from the neighbourhood who have known Jamie all his life came to visit, bearing gifts of homemade fares from their farm such as smoked or cured meats, haggis, jars upon jars of assorted pickles, elderberry cordials and sourdough bread. It was all very idyllic, and Claire cherished the laid-backness and uncomplicated way of life. And even Jamie seemed more relaxed and content to be surrounded by all things and people that he grew up with.
Evenings were always special as the whole family gathered around the massive family room, the men drinking whisky, the women herbal teas and the children playing with their toys until it was ready for bed. And once everyone had retired for the night, Jamie and Claire would make slow passionate love, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms content that everything is right with the world.
Two days before the event, the guests started arriving and among them were Claire's friends from Inverness; Joe and his girlfriend Gail, Geillis, and Murtagh and a few of the men from work. Even Stephen, and Phil, who cancelled his wedding to Mary MacNab made it to the guest list, upon the insistence of Jamie that there were no hard feelings between him and her long-time friends. Most were staying at nearby inns and hotel that Jenny booked and some at the manor's guest rooms.  
Much to the secret delight of Murtagh, he spied the arrival of Jamie and Jenny's widowed aunt Jocasta who arrived from the States with her niece. She was the sister of Jamie and Jenny's late mother, Ellen. He thought Jocasta looked so much like the sibling's mother, who he had been infatuated with for most of his younger years. Seeing Jocasta reminded him of their youth, banter and happier times and he had in mind to reacquaint himself with the handsome woman, and maybe ask her for a dance during the party.
Claire had tried the last few days to get in touch with her uncle Lamb as she had wanted so much for him to be part of this special family event, but her efforts had proven to be unsuccessful. So she was surprised when her uncle turned up with Mother Hildegarde, Jaime feeling proud he was able to pull off the surprise for his wife. Unbeknownst to her, Jamie was able to track down her uncle through Mother Hildegarde of St. Agnes, who had been a family friend to Claire and Quintin Lambert for years. Claire couldn't be happier now that she had one of the most important men in her life to share their joy.
True to her words, Jenny arranged a day of shopping and pampering for the ladies who wished to come along and most especially for her sister-in-law. Although not alien to this guilty pleasure and recreational past-time, Claire was not used to spending so much money on herself for a mere indulgement all in one day. Nevertheless, she indulged and splurged and even treated the ladies to an afternoon tea of scones, cakes and miniature sandwiches during a break from their spree in Edinburgh. 
When they finally got home, Claire was surprised at the progress that was made to transform Lallybroch for the  ceilidh.  There were people from the catering company, family, friends and even neighbours littered everywhere, each busy with the preparation for the following day's party.   Still, it didn't stop Jenny from barking orders after seeing with very critical eyes things that were not to her satisfaction.
Jamie, upon seeing his wife, abandoned what he was doing at the makeshift bar he was working on and rushed to her. Burying his face into Claire's neck, he lifted her for a bone-crunching hug, unaware of the smiles and stares of family and friends. They had never seen Jamie so enamoured and affectionate towards another woman before, that some couldn't help but let out a dreamy sigh.
"Jamie! People are watching!" she whined in a muffled voice as his mouth swooped down for a ravenous kiss.
"I dinna care, Sassenach," he muttered under his breath, one hand cheekily reaching down to squeeze her bottom. "Christ, I've missed ye. Ye were gone for seven hours and thirty-five minutes." After a long, lingering kiss, Jamie pulled his head back a bit for some air, eyes fixated on Claire's swollen lips before dropping his gaze down to her multitude of shopping bags. "Ye have something for me, Sassenach?"
Claire nodded weakly, her head still foggy from the kiss. "I bought you some ties for work and a few shirts..." she said her voice trailing, as she saw Jamie eyeing a lingerie bag.
"Mmm, I see something verra pretty in one of the bags, Sassenach," Jamie observed, one eyebrow cocked, his eyes turning a darker hue. "Would ye care to oblige yer husband and try it on? I would be verra pleased if ye could do that."
"Oh, alright then," she hurriedly mumbled, heat creeping up to her face. Claire was slightly uncomfortable with all the stares and secret smiles that she just wanted to go in the house.
Jamie quickly took Claire's shopping bags from her hands and in one swift, effortless movement, he carried her to the cheers and wolf-whistles of the onlookers. "Wifey is pregnant ye see, and needs plenty of rest, aye? I have to make sure she gets one, her being a stubborn woman and all," he explained cockily before quickly heading towards the entrance door.
As they went in, Jamie and Claire snickered as Jenny shouted after them. "Oy, ye two, dinner is at 6 sharp, dinna be late! Or I'll throw a bucket of cold water over ye both!" Roars of laughter ensued, but Claire was beyond caring as Jamie kissed her while carrying her to their bedroom.
Murtagh incentivised by Jamie's amorous display, eyed Jocasta and approached her with a suggestive smile. "Weel pretty lass, fancy showing me what ye bought today?"
Jocasta surprised, but delighted with the unexpected attention, took Murtagh's offered arm and linked hers through his. "Aye, of course, I bought a few lingerie myself if ye fancy a peek."
It was a beautiful day for a  ceilidh.  There was not a cloud in the sky and everybody, well almost everybody that they had wanted to be there for the special day, was there. The women looked elegant in their floral dresses, men, smart in their kilts and even the children scrubbed up very well. White heart-garlands hanged everywhere across the courtyard, white canopies set up for the buffet, the tables and chairs were all covered in white with umbrellas and in the far end was the dance floor and the musician's stage. The florists have done a fabulous job decorating the tables, buffet, bar and the inside of the house with assorted Highland wildflowers. It was all very rustic and charming.
Claire sat next to aunt Jocasta after refilling her glass with Prosecco with a splash of orange juice. They had been introduced a couple of days ago when the older woman arrived with her niece, and they got better acquainted during the ladies' spree in Edinburgh the day before. On Jocasta's other side sat Murtagh, preoccupied with dabbing the corner of her mouth, after feeding her a canape, just like a maid in waiting, to the amusement of Claire. Jocasta was half-blind and could only make out shadows and blurs in front of her and needed constant assistance. Murtagh thought to take over in assisting her, not so the niece could enjoy the party, but so he could have Jocasta to himself.
"Tis lovely weather for a party Claire. I think Jenny had timed it right. Mind ye, the lass has a knack for perfect timings and organising. She's so much like her mother," Jocasta smiled as she reached out to grasp Claire's hand, her face immobile as she looked straight ahead.
"Perfect timing indeed, and I'm so glad we have this gathering while you're here, Jocasta. You know that you're more than welcome to visit us in Inverness next time you visit Scotland," Claire offered, putting her hand over the older woman's.
"It's aunt, Claire...call me aunt. Ye're part of the family now. I wish Ellen could see how happy her lad is...she would have been proud of this moment. He's always been a good lad and a hard worker, but some of his life's choices have been questionable, and Jenny has done right by him. Such a strong lass she is. And as for ye dear, my darling Jamie has ye now...I can now live the rest of my days in peace." Jocasta tittered at her last statement before she opened her mouth for another delectable canape Murtagh offered.
Claire leaned over to kiss aunt Jocasta just as a shadow fell upon them. Looking up, she saw her friend Stephen, a handsome smile plastered on his face.
"May I have this dance with the beautiful bride?" he drawled in his thick Belfast lilt, blue eyes dancing mischievously.
Claire laughed, and when she looked at Jamie, she noticed he had his eyes on her. He nodded as she took Stephen's hand, after excusing herself to Murtagh and Jocasta.   I didn't ask your permission you cocky bastard!   She thought, smiling at her husband and silently scolding him with her eyes.
Stephen took Claire in his arms before expertly twirling her around. "Ach Claire, even if you're not in a bridal dress, you still make one gorgeous bride."
Claire was wearing a nude coloured, floor-length floral dress with sheer long sleeves and V- cut neck, which Jamie had complained was a plunging neckline. To her amusement, Jenny had rubbished his claims. She had swept up her hair loosely with a few loose ringlets hanging down and only wore the pieces of jewellery Jamie had given her. Her skin, normally pale, was slightly tanned from her mornings sitting in the sun, giving Claire a healthy glow and radiance. 
"And you Stephen, you'll never change! You're still the biggest flirt ever," Claire chided jokingly. "So, when are you going to let a lass make an honest man out of you? You're a kind soul, you know, under all that bawdy and coarse exterior of yours. And a romantic too, if I may add!"
"Well, now you've asked, I think there is a lass...a very pretty lass indeed. But, I'm making her suffer a bit though before I answer her calls," Stephen confided with a hint of devilry in his eyes.
"Oooh! Someone, I know? Please tell, now I'm totally intrigued."
"Mmm...maybe...I saw her sat next to you during the rugby game..."
Claire's eyes darkened a bit, remembering the snobby girl dressed like a million dollars. "Please don't tell me it's Geneva Dunsany! That woman was horrid, and you deserve better! Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, Stephen, what are you thinking?"
Stephen chuckled. "Aye horrid she was, but I taught her a lesson....or two. After I left your husband at the bar at Cullin's Hotel in Skye, I bumped into Geneva, and I thought to mesel' what a gorgeous lassie...aye, maybe a bit haughty. So I was flirty to her but not indecent when I said hello and tried to make conversation. But when I tried to slip my number into her purse, she went ballistic and started calling me all sorts of names. Let's see...what did she call me...in-bred was one. Mmmm shameless, indecorous, lewd and a stinking bastard. I thought the girl was ballsy and spirited. So...I carried her outside and took her near the hotel's fountain. And before I threw her in, I kissed her for the longest time. And oh lordy, lordy, the lassie can kiss. Anyway, now, she can't stop calling or texting me, but I'll let her stew a bit before I get back to her. That lass needs a bit of chastening."
"Oh, my God, Stephen, no you didn't! Please tell me you're joking!" Claire, already knew he wasn't, but she laughed nevertheless.
They laughed and twirled some more as Stephen recounted more of his antics during Phil's party. And in the next hour or two, she was passed on from one arm to another as the band played tirelessly from one Scottish jig to the next modern music. Claire thought she had never danced so much in her life and was glad she wasn't drinking any alcohol; otherwise, she would have toppled over from all the exertion, so she thought.
She had just finished dancing with her Uncle Lamb when Stephen decided to give the lead singer of the band a rest. He had with him his own guitar, as he took centre stage, strumming a few chords before speaking. "Right folks, I know this is a Highland party, but I would like to inject a bit of Irish flavour for you lot. This song is dedicated to the gorgeous bride and her groom. I used to play this for Claire and Quintin...unlce Lamb... many years ago when we were in the middle of nowhere and missing home."
Stephen paused until the cheers, whistles and clapping subsided. 
"As you know, the Scots and Irish are Gaelic brothers and sisters in arms...so I hope you'll enjoy this wee Irish song...it's called  I'll Tell Me Ma . So everybody, grab a partner and lets parttttyyyyy!" Stephen's voice boomed in the speakers as the first notes of his raucous Irish country folk began to play.
Nobody needed encouraging, and everyone gathered near the musician's stage. Everybody knew the lyrics, and everybody knew the tune and everybody grabbed a partner, adults and kids alike. They all formed a formation to do a fast Grand Chain dance with Jamie and Claire at the head, stomping, clapping and singing along with Stephen's song.
Each faced their partner, and as they passed each other, they gave their right hands. As they let go of their partner's hand, they took the left hand of the person that came towards them, and pass them by the left. They kept on moving right and left alternately until they stopped and facing their original partner once again. As they moved and danced, they all sang loud and enthusiastically and some, drunkenly.
I'll tell me ma, when I get home
The boys won't leave the girls alone they
Pulled me hair, they stolen me comb
But that's alright, till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city
She is a-courting one, two, three
Pray, can you tell me who is she?
Albert Mooney says he loves her
All the boys are fightin' for her
Knock at the door, they're ringin' the bell
"Hello, my true love are you well?"
Out she comes white as snow
Rings on her fingers, bells on her toes
Ol' Jenny Murray says she'll die
If she doesn't get the fellow with the roving eye...
After the last chorus was sung, everyone cheered, whistled, roared, and clapped while some started shouting  More!  To Claire's horror and at the same time, amusement, Jamie ran up the stage.  Jesus! Please, don't tell me he'll be singing! That bloody Scot...he can't even hold a tune!
"A round of applause for Stephen and the band!" Jamie's voice reverberated as he spoke on the microphone. After everyone had quietened down, he continued in a more subdued voice. "Before we continue with our dancing and singing, I would like to thank each and every one of ye, especially my sister and brother-in-law, on behalf of my lovely wife Claire, for making today memorable. We are truly blessed to have ye in our lives, and I hope we can have more days or evenings like this in the future. Most of all, I would like to thank my wife, Claire, for making my life complete and whole. Sassenach, ye are the most precious thing in my life, and because of ye, ye have made me a better person." 
More cheers, whistles, and clapping followed.
"Now Sassenach, I know ye're about to die of embarrassment here as ye've told me often enough I have a terrible singing voice."
Everyone roared with laughter and Murtagh shouted, "Get him off the stage!"
"As I cannot sing to save my life, I would like to assure everyone that I took three hours singing lesson with Stephen earlier and practised with him this song. So without further ado, I would like to dedicate this song, to ye, my beautiful wife, Claire. It's from The Proclaimers,  I'm Gonna Be 500 Miles.  As I cannot sing as quick as our dear friend Stephen, I will sing the slower version of this song."
Claire's eyes started to well up as Stephen took his place on stage with his guitar behind Jamie. It was apparent that Jamie was about to sing with only Stephen's guitar to guide him as the other musicians have left the stage for refreshments. As Jamie cleared his voice, everyone hushed, and waited for the melody to play. And then Jamie sang, his sky blue eyes never straying from Claire's. 
When I wake up, well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you
When I go out, yeah, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
If I get drunk, well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you
And if I haver, hey, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you
But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
When I'm working, yes, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you
And when the money comes in for the work I do
I'll pass almost every penny on to you
When I come home (When I come home), oh, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you
And if I grow old, well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you
But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
When I'm lonely, well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you
And when I'm dreaming, well, I know I'm gonna dream
I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you
When I go out (When I go out), well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
And when I come home (When I come home), yes, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who comes back home with you
I'm gonna be the man who's coming home with you
But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
As Jamie sang the last chorus, he made his way down the stage to stand before his wife, tears evident in his eyes.
Oh my giddy heart, he's done it again, the bloody Scot!  Claire, who wasn't prone to crying in front of anyone, was now crying openly. If truth be told, Jamie had sung the song so beautifully, and from his heart, that she thought her own heart was going to implode.
As the last tune ended, everyone was so quiet, and so still, you could hear a pin drop. Jamie then gathered Claire into his arms and kissed her tenderly as one thumb wiped her tears away. "I love ye so much, Claire."
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whiskynottea · 6 years
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Death Dreams
Previously Help Me. Wide Awake. Not Yet. Five Years. Angel-Forest-Train. You want to hear more. Six Months. Guilt.
For Gotham’s Writing Workshop, week 37, Love makes me hate the world.
Distorted Thoughts.
Jamie’s fingers drummed against his jeans, his jaw set as if for a battle. He didn’t want to be in that office. He wanted to go back home, crawl under the sheets and forget about the world.
Wishing the world would forget about him too.
But Claire had come with him, and she was waiting at the reception. Her whisky eyes were hopeful when Dr. Hildegard walked out of her office to welcome him.
“Good luck, love. I’ll be right here.” Her whisper had been soft and her smile strained. Jamie was sure her heart was beating as fast as his did.
Psychotherapy. Their biggest fight in months.
Their voices had been raised, forcefully grazing against their throats only to get low again, mere hisses spat through clenched teeth. A duel to prove their superiority, waiting to see who would bleed first. She had insisted, but he didn’t want to hear about it again. He had repeatedly told her that he didn’t need therapy.
How sharing all his problems and thoughts with a person he didn’t know would help, anyway?
The moment Claire had stood in front of him with her fists in balls and her breaths uneven, a thought had come to his mind. Maybe she had had enough. Maybe she couldn’t - didn’t want to - deal with his ragged psyche anymore.
He felt betrayed. He felt relieved. Without thinking about it, he told her to live separately. He would never utter the words if they had stayed long enough in his mouth or his head, but he could keep nothing inside anymore.
Claire had cried a desperate “No!” and doubled up as if he had stabbed her. He had won. He saw her break, there, next to the kitchen table, and knew he was the one who broke her. He, who had promised to keep her safe.
Love made him hate the world. If only she didn’t love him that much. If only she would finally leave him alone.
But she hadn’t. Strange are the ways of the heart. Stabbed and broken and it keeps beating.
Claire had left the house only to come back an hour later, still in her blue scrubs, hugging him as if her life depended on that embrace as much as his did. Saying she was sorry.
Claire, apologizing to him, as if the mistake was hers.
He knew then, that she would never leave him. That he could never win, without her. And he accepted to give psychotherapy a try.
For her. For them.
For him.
He had felt her tears on his skin when he told her, her heart dancing against his chest. Rejoining, for him. Calling to his as it had always done, in their unique rhythm, unbeknownst to the world.
Most of the days, he could feel his heart singing to hers. But then, there were times when he felt his whole existence frail, secured in a bubble wrap; mute, alone, safe. And he wanted it to remain that way. Being with Claire made him vulnerable, made him care. She gave his life a meaning, and with that came the world’s expectations, demanding to be fulfiled, to be carried along. But they were heavy and he failed, time after time, each step getting his feet deeper in the mud.  
So, here he was. Psychotherapy. Asking help from a stranger, to find his lost strength.
He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. He had decided to try. Maybe Claire was right, maybe these sessions would prove helpful.
Doctor Hildegarde’s voice was soothing. He didn’t know what to expect, but talking to her didn’t feel wrong. She asked him why he was there. He said the truth. His wife wanted him to try psychotherapy. He was already on medication, and he was doing better - most of the days. Hildegard nodded, looking him straight in the eye.
When did you see the first signs?
It had all started when his latest book became a bestseller. When he returned to his desk, away from his editors and his devoted fans, away from book presentations and reassuring pats on the back. The moment he sat alone in front of his computer screen, his breaths were different. It took him a while to realize that he was afraid he could never create something just as good. Terrified, that his much-praised talent was just luck and good marketing.
Every time his fingers crushed on the keyboard, he felt the ghost of inadequacy heavy on them. He used to caress the letters, whisper to them, making them move in a mystical dance forming words. Now it was pure force. He had to find a story, a good one. He had to talk to people’s souls. He had to be good, better, the best.
He spent whole days writing only two sentences. And even in those, the words had been wrong. They didn’t have a heart. They edged towards the margins of each page, eager to leave.
He had been struggling for months. Months, until he wanted to throw up the moment he turned his computer on. The pages, stark white, hurt his eyes. The stories remained hidden. They didn’t itch his fingers, desperate to tumble out.
He was hiding it all from Claire at the beginning. It was stupid, to tell her that he was a writer who couldn’t write. It was insignificant, when she had lost human lives doing her job and yet carried the weight of these memories along the way with grace. It would be okay, he had told himself. It would soon get better.
Only it didn’t.
When Claire realized that something was off, he didn’t admit it. It was a weakness, and he was strong. They had gone through harder times in the past. He hadn’t crumbled when they lost Faith, how could he get worse now, over the ghost of an unwritten book?
It made no sense.
And yet, like a modern Prometheus, he was bound on a rock, waiting for the eagle to feed on his liver every single day. Or, rather, his brain. Ancient Greeks were wrong about that - the liver wasn’t the seat of human emotions, the brain was.
It was when Claire found him crying on the floor, that he asked for her help. And ever since that day, she had been there, patient and strong, loving and caring. And his. She hadn’t left him, even though she should.
How do you feel?
It was a simple, short question. How did he feel? Less. He felt that he wasn’t his best self, that he didn’t give the people he loved what they deserved. He was a disappointment. To them, to himself.
In the following thirty minutes, Jamie replied to her unhurried questions and gave voice in thoughts he hadn’t said aloud even to himself. Claire had never challenged him to explain his situation. She was there when he started breaking, she knew what he was feeling and why.
Speaking to Hildegarde was liberating in a way Jamie hadn’t expected. He didn’t care if his words revealed how broken he was - he wouldn’t affect her life, her day, or her mood by saying the wrong thing. He could just be, shitty as he was, and don’t care about it.
Jamie dropped his facade. He had adopted it almost two months ago, when Claire’s face lit with hope after adopting a new medication plan. Since then Jamie had plastered a smile on his face on bad days, pretending everything was okay. In therapy, however, he didn’t need to try and be something he wasn’t.
“Jamie, the first thing you told me when you got in this room was that you are here because of your wife. But I must tell you now, that If you don’t want to be here, if you doubt psychotherapy, I can do nothing to help you.”
“Aye, I ken,” he smiled faintly, but meant it. He understood now. “I’m here to try,” he said, fully aware of the difficulty of the undertaking. Nothing would change miraculously.
“We will try to connect your thoughts and your emotions. Your brain has adopted certain patterns to react to the environmental stimuli. Cognitive distortions, if you like. I know it sounds complicated now, but we will take one step at a time, and everything will clear up. We will make a crisis plan for you, including stress-reduction activities and the people who will be your social supports.”
He nodded. A plan. Taking things in his hands again. He could do it.
“I also want you to keep a journal, noting down your emotions, your thoughts and the incidents that triggered them. It would help if you included how you responded to it, as well. Could you do that, you think?”
He could.
Distorted thoughts. When the world was flipping. When he heard Claire asking him how writing was going and he felt that she was accusing him of worthlessness. Of not doing what he was supposed to do. Of not being the man she had married.
Jamie looked at Hildegarde and saw neither pity nor compassion in her eyes. He didn’t see the love he saw in Claire’s whisky eyes, the love that made everything worse. The unconditional love that required nothing from him while making him feel he ought to give her everything.
Love made him hate himself. He couldn’t love her back the same way, he couldn’t even be there for her when she needed him.
He had heard her crying more than once and had shied away, terrified of finding the reason behind the tears was he, desperate of being unable to help her. His feet were urging him towards her as they always did, but his heart shrank in his chest, his breaths came faster, his mind focused on just one thing. How much he was hurting her.
What could he say, when he had ruined their world? What could he possibly whisper in her soft curls to console her? What could he say that would not be a lie?
But Hildegarde wasn’t Claire. She was a professional. She wanted to help, but with her he didn’t feel that imminent pressure to get well. He didn’t feel he had to laugh, as he did to Murtagh’s jokes, to make his godfather believe he was getting better. He didn’t feel he had to lie, as he did every time Jenny called him, asking how he felt. He didn’t feel he had to hide that he slept the whole time Claire was at work, not to make her worry.
Maybe Claire was right. Maybe this would work.
Next Chapter
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leechanluvbot · 6 years
Make A Splash! | Boo Seungkwan
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Maybe nearly drowning in the wave pool at Typhoon Lagoon wasn’t the highlight of your day, but finally talking to the cute lifeguard on duty sure was.
Part 1/13 of the Disney w/ SVT series! | masterlist here 
Genre: fluff, mini bit of angst, non idol!SVT, Seungkwan x reader 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drowning and mini panic attack 
Recommended song: Candle Light - NCT Dream
Summer in Florida was especially hot this year
You and your friends were dying for a day off of this sweltering temperature 
So your close friend, Jennie, came up with a plan to beat this heat for one day at your house
“I’m so boredddd” Jiyho groaned, throwing her phone somewhere behind her
Your barely glanced up from your book that you were reading
“Go eat a popsicle or something then” you mumbled
“Boooo I don’t like your tone,” Jiyho yelled back
“I wanna do something fun for once! Like there gotta be something we can do” 
“Idea!” Jennie said sitting up quickly from your bed she was sitting on
“Lets go to the waterpark!” 
“Oh my gOD I haven’t been in years, y/n can we go??” 
You looked between the two rowdy girls, contemplating this idea 
I mean, what was there to loose? You loved the water and going to a waterpark genuinely sounded fun
Except for the fact you were not a strong swimmer 
You figured you would still go to swim, but nothing too crazy 
You threw your book down and stood up
“Fuck it, lets go” 
 An hour later, you and ur girlies drove over to the closest waterpark
Typhoon Lagoon 
“I haven’t been in years!” Jiyho said as you passed through the gates
“I wonder whats changed.”
Leaning back in the front seat, you also wondered the same thing
After spending a shit ton of money JUST TO GET IN i’m big mad about the one day pass like tf
Y’all found seats near the water to sunbathe 🤩🤩
Laying out your stuff, you just happened to look up for a second
And thought you had had developed sun stroke and went to heaven
Cause w h o was that fine ass angel in the lifeguard tower??
And apparently you said this out loud cause your friends immediately whipped their heads to check him out 
“He is cute” Jiyho whispered “Do you think he’s available?”she questioned, to which Jennie smacked her 
“Eyy y/n called dibs relaxed” Jennie grumbled
 But you weren’t listening
You were too focused on staring burning holes into that beautiful boy’s back
y/n stop being whipped challenge: failed 
You immediately made a pact with your friends to try and get this cute boy’s attention at all cost today
When he wasn’t busy that is!!! please don’t try to distract a working lifeguard 
Standing up straighter and smiling while sending little glances up at the chair, mission get y/n their man was a go 🤪👊🏼
Meanwhile, Seungkwan was bored™️
There was little to do at Disney, since everything was pretty much baby-proofed
expect for the wave pool, where he was currently stationed 
The amount of dumb tourists that were knocked down by waves and then proceeded to come to him to complain when it is literally called a wave pool was frustrating to say the least
Like he’s supposed to be on duty, what is he supposed to do, fight the pool? headass 🗿
So whlle he was grilling away in the heat, he decided to people watch
his personal talent
And his eyes landed on you and your rowdy friends
Mentally groaning to himself, he sat up straighter to make sure to keep extra watch on your group
It was always the rowdy groups that caused the most trouble 
Trying to not make it so obivous he was babysitting your group from far away, he only took sparring glances at your and your friends
Meaning he missed the signals you sent to him to,,, “flirt” if you can even call it that 
Which was frustrating,, to say the least
So with you growing more and more unconfident in making Kwannie turn, your friends immediately knew what they had to do when they got to the deeper part o the wave pool 
Which was faking you drowning
Sounds kinda desperate but how else were you gonna get his attention?? he’s a working man
Jennie cleared her throat after sending Jiyho a look
“Hey y/n, lets go in deeper!” 
You immediately got nervous with that 
“I don’t know guys,,, its already pretty strong over here, and its barely up to our thighs,,,”
 Jiyho just waved it off “You’ll be fine, you have us to hold you up<” Jiyho started
“And if anything goes wrong, mr cute over there can hold you up ;)))” 
“Y’all better not be planning my funeral” you warned wearly as they dragged you deeper into the water
Jennie + Jiyho: “Don’t worry!! You’ll live”
Watching you being dragged over to the deep end of the pool, Seungkwan started to really focus on you guys
Only to be blocked by Chan who stood in front of him
“Hyung, you can take break now, I got it” the younger boy stated
“Give me a couple more minutes” he muttered, eyes never leaving you and your friends
Chan followed his gaze over to the pool, where you were currently being dragged into shoulder height
“Ah! do you like one of them or something?” Chan said loudly
Seungkwan opened his mouth to say something when he heard a loud shout from the pool
Just as he thought, it was you that went under the waves
He cursed to himself, shoving Chan out of the way 
“Move fathead, I got this” he grunted before sprinting over to the scene 
Chan, ten seconds later: “fATHEAD?? BITCH-” 
Meanwhile during that short talk, you were trying to break free from your friends
“Guy I really don’t feel comfortable anymore, we’re almost over our heads!” you called, but they weren’t listening anymore
Struggling to break free, you coincidentally didn’t see the rather large wave coming towards you and your friends 
“Here we go!” Jennie shouted gleefully, as the wave crashed into the three of you 
Not expecting it, you took in a large gasp of pool water while under there, and were failing after Jennie and Jiyho let go of you
Panicking as if you forgot how to swim, your body completely went into fight or flight mode and you started to flail 
This in turn, made things worse
Just as your boy was about to completely knock out from sheer terror, a strong grip grabbed your arm and yanked you up
Sputtering and thinking it was Jennie you turned to give her a piece of your mind
Instead you found yourself being dragged to the land with a concerned Jennie and a near tears Jiyho behind you, the two apologizing profusely
Putting two and two together you slowly turned to see none other that the cute lifeguard from before,,, shit 🗿
Finally hitting ground where you could stand you gently pried your arm out of his grip
“I-I can stand from here,, but t-thank you for all your help,,,” you said awkwardly
He turned and gave you a hard look 
Expecting him to yell a you, you prepared for the worst
But wasn’t expecting his reaction  “It’s my job” Seungkwan said with a laugh, “Are you in need of any other assistance now that you have my attention?”
This was the opportunity you friends had been waiting on
“Actually yes!!” Jiyho started, briskly walking over to you two
“She’s still a little weak on her feet, could you maybe help her??” 
And guess what 
Seungkwan, as if he was expecting it, caught your flying body before you knocked the two of you over
“Careful now, you did nearly swallow the whole pool” he joked 
“Watch it” you said gently hitting his arm
As unprofessional as it was, Seungkwan couldn’t help but admit that you were really pretty,,,
He couldn’t really tell from afar and underwater, but damn
Boy was: whipped
SO he was gonna try and milk any time he could have with you 
“Maybe we should have you checked out, just to make sure” he said
“YES! She would love that!” Jihyo blurted, making you turn pink
Smooth Jiyho. 10/10 
“O-oh? Your face is turning red,” Seungkwan said, feigning ignorance. “ I think we should at least give you sunscreen or a some water.” 
So with that said, he took you over to one of the huts selling drinks and bought you one
“Wait-” you started but he raised a hand. 
“No need,” he said with a smile. “After all, it’s my job.”
“At least let me pay you back somehow,,” You said ”I feel bad that you saved me and bought me water.” 
“Just your name with be enough” smooth, Kwan
“It’s y/n” you said, sticking your hand out. “And you? What’s yours? Or should I keep calling you the cute lifeguard that saved my life?” 
Now its Seungkwan’s turned to be flustered uwu
“I’m Seungkwan. But cute lifeguard works too,,,”
After returning to our friends with your water and a comfortable silence between you and Seungkwan, you turned to him
“When’s your next break? Maybe,,, if you want company,, I can chill with you while they go swim?” you questioned bashfully 
“I would love that”
During his short yet sweet break, you guys got to know each other better 
Seungkwan tried to finesse the system and tried to make Chan take his second shift 
“Im helping the poor soul who nearly drowned! D R OW N E D, Chan. I’m in a therapy session right now shut up” 
RIP Seungkwan 
Later, as you were finally leaving the pool, Seungkwan jogged up to you stopped you yet again 
“Wait!” He said, nearly out of great from running from his shift
“I know it’s a little early but, can I get your number?”
*Cue internal screeching*
“S-sure!” And with that the two of you shot each other a quick text so the other would have the number saved
As you sat in the car talking to the two troublemakers up front, your phone dinged once more
Cute lifeguard 😊💞: hey, when can I see you again?
You nearly made Jennie crash the car after the scream you let out LMAOO
And once you told the girls, they screamed too DBDJDB
Texting back quickly you responded with:
You: I’m free Friday night, if you wanted to catch the Disney fireworks?
Cute lifeguard 😊💞: works for me! See you then! 😆
me that’s who 🤪
Putting the phone down and grinning, you couldn’t help but be excited for whatever was next to come with you and Seungkwan
Who knows, maybe this summer will be a memorable one with a boyfriend?? Only time would tell ;))
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angelinthefire · 6 years
giles/jenny, jenny's an ensouled vampire?
oooooh, thanks for this! When I was considering writing a follow-up to This Isn’t A Kingdom, before I decided it was going to be too depressing to write because the Wishverse is awful and I’d have to take all the characters to a dark place and Jenny would have to die at some point, I was actually thinking of going down this route. I didn’t get very far. But of course, a better setup than the Wishverse is if Angel turns Jenny instead of killing her. So we’ll go with that. The other possibility is an AU where Jenny is an ensouled vampire from the beginning, but that would make it too complicated to set up and get the groundwork of her dynamic with Giles right. These answers are going to look more like brainstorming for a fic than solid headcanons.
1) How Jenny gets her soul back. I don’t think it would make sense for it to happen at the same time as Angel, either dramatically or technically. You’d want Jenny getting her soul back to have it’s own narrative weight. And I think after doing Angel, Willow would be exhausted and that’d be all she has in her. 
I like the idea of Jenny being a mini-nemesis over the summer while Buffy is in LA, and into the first few episodes of Season 3. Willow would suggest the idea of re-souling Jenny, and Giles would be against it, because he knows it’s a curse and he doesn’t want her to suffer. And I think it would fit well with Willow’s development if she tries the spell anyways, but she’s unable to make it work the same way she did the first time, and that plays into her frustration with learning magic. And Jenny’s not a terribly powerful vampire or anything, but she knows a few tricks, she was mentored a bit by soulless-Angel, and she’s good enough to stay ahead of the gang. There would have to be a scene where she visits Giles and talks to him and tries to convince him to join her, and you think he’s going to give in, but then he tries to kill her, and she runs off. 
But anyways, I think Jenny getting her soul back would have to come at the same time as the reveal that Angel has returned, and would signify the next step forward for Willow’s development, and if Angel could play a part in the spell then that would be even better. If there was a plot-related reason to re-soul Jenny that would be the best, because as I said, it IS a curse, and it shouldn’t be something they do just to try to make amends. Maybe if Jenny has some kind of knowledge or skill that they need, and it’s the only way to save the world. Or something. Point being, Giles is not okay with it. Maybe he isn’t even informed of the plan to re-soul her, and is horrified when he realizes.
2) Jenny stays at Giles’ place at first. She doesn’t talk much at first. Even though she wasn’t a vampire for long, Angel taught her to be cruel, so she has some guilt to deal with, on top of being dead. I’m imagining a scene in the library where Buffy asks how Jenny’s doing, and Giles answers, “Not well.” Buffy tries to ask if she can help, but Giles cuts her off and changes the subject. Then later he comes home, and all the windows are shrouded, it’s all very dim and moody.
(I seem to think the apartment set has a skylight? I don’t know if that’s right, or if I’m imagining it. But I was thinking how Giles would cover it, and then I realized that it would be cool as a set element to have the entire space is shadow, except for this one beam of light that Jenny has to walk around. And maybe she does things like hold her hand in the light, not wanting to believe how it burns, kind of fascinated by it, kind of wanting to step into the light but being afraid to at the same time. But this is a tangent.)
Jenny would just be sitting by herself, probably on the floor, leaning against the wall. Giles asks if she’s eaten. There’s several beats before she answers, no. He stammers, trying to say that there’s blood in the fridge, and offer to heat it up, very awkward, and she cuts him off with, “I know.” There’s a long silence, with the two of them just being still, Giles very obviously wanting to take care of Jenny but not knowing how, and Jenny just dealing with her situation. She turns her head to him, and meets his gaze across the room, and says, “It’s okay.” Which hits Giles like a knife, because she shouldn’t be the one telling him that. He starts, “Jenny…” She closes her eyes and rests her head against the wall again, and repeats, “it’s okay.” More dismissively. Giles leaves her alone.
3) There would have to be a confrontation between Jenny and Angel. It would be set up in the episode “Amends”, Jenny would go to him and demand that he help her come to grips with what she’s going through, but he turns her away. After “Amends” he’s in a better place mentally and emotionally, and he goes back to her an offers to help. Whatever conversation they have, it would end on a more light-hearted beat, where Jenny asks something like, “What do you do all day?” and Angel answers, “Brood?” And Jenny’s like, “But, no, seriously.” And Angel just kinda shrugs. 
So the next day, when Giles gets home, Jenny is waiting for him. “We need to talk,” she says, which is the most words she’s said to him at one time since she got her sould back. 
“Of course,” he says, setting his things down on his desk. 
“I’m not staying here,” she says, and Giles kind of freezes and stares at her, surprised. She continues, “I’m not leaving today, but Angel’s going to help me find a place. Hopefully with internet.”
Giles blinks. “Are you, um, are your sure that’s… wise?”
“Rupert…” She shakes her head, and sighs. She goes to him, and kisses him briefly. He’s shocked. “I love you,” she says, and his breath catches in his throat. “But if I’m going to deal with this, then I need you to treat me like… like me, and not a ghost.”
This is actually the first time that Giles begins to process that Jenny’s actually back in any real sense. He starts to choke up. “I missed you,” he says, and runs his fingers through her hair. “I’d lost you, you were gone, and I…" 
"I know,” Jenny says, softly, murmuring, “I know, I know,” in between kisses. 
“I love you.”
He kisses her hard, and she kisses back, and she pushes him against the wall, with more force than intended. It takes them out of the moment, and reminds them that Jenny’s a vampire now. 
Jenny backs up awkwardly. “We should… stop.”
“Yes,” Giles nods. 
But they keep staring at each other. And Giles draws Jenny towards him again, and kisses her gently.
4) I kinda think that being aware of the consequences of breaking the curse is itself a foolproof on the curse being broken. At any rate, as we saw on AtS, sex itself is not necessarily enough to break the curse. So sexytimes are a go. Though it would probably take a while to work up to that, just out of caution. And don’t kinkshame me for this, but it might have to involve a small crucifix or something, as a kind of counterbalance. 
5) Jenny finds a way to make money on the internet, or to be employed by someone remotely, or something. So she’s making money, and can live in an actual place instead of squatting somewhere abandoned like Angel does. Though it would still be a bit out of the way. I think it would be fun if Jenny became a bit of an internet personality in occult circles, low-key famous, as, like, the vampire blogger, or something like that. While Giles is totally oblivious.
Jenny would be in a great position to make fun of Angel’s drama. She would also make jokes about killing Wesley, that Giles would only mildly rebuke her for.
I think that’s all I’ve got for now, and also I’m falling asleep. Thanks for the ask!
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lushscreamqueen · 3 years
The Buffy Horror Picture Show
Movie Script Parodied by: Alex Jacobs ([email protected]) December 25, 2001 Note: This takes place at the end of Season 4. Cast: Dr. Ang-l-us (a vampire)                David Borenaz Riley Finn (a heroine)                  Buffy Summers (a hero)                  Sarah Michelle Gellar Xander Harris (a handyman)              Nicholas Brendon Willow Rosenberg (a domestic)           Allyson Hannigan Cordelia (a groupie)                    Charisma Carpentar ) Mr. Giles (a rival)                             Anthony Stewart Head Spike (a creation)                      James Marsterson Jenny Calendar (ex-computer teacher)    The Werewolf (Narrator) (an expert)     Seth Green The Vampire Prostitutes Perry Bedden                            Fran Fullenwider Christopher Biggins                     Lindsay Ingram Gayle Brown                             Penny Ledger Ishaq Bux                               Annabelle Leventon Stephen Calcutt                         Anthony Milner Hugh Cecil                              Pamela Obermeyer Imogen Claire                           Tony Then Rufus Collins                           Kimi Wong Sadie Corre                             Henry Woolf Tuesday Evening/UPN NERF HERDER (FANGS) Joyce Summers felt down When the school burned to the ground So she moved to Sunnydale. And the Master was there In his underground lair, Waiting for the Slayer to fail. Then something went down In that old coastal town; Buffy died and opened the mouth of Hell. Then she came back to life And the Master?? Just died. And the special effects looked real swell: CHORUS Tuesday Evening, UPN Angelus will lose his soul again. See vampires fighting Buff and Riley Cordelia Chase will Show her hiney. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh On the eight PM, Tuesday evening, TV show. NERF HERDER (FANGS) I know that Rupert Giles Was pissed off by miles When Angelus killed his girlfriend. And I really lost favor When I saw the Slayer Fight Angelus and to Hell he was sent. Chanting magical tunes And gypsy runes Willow saved Angel's soul just too late. But when Angel came back, And the Mayor attacked, I knew the school couldn't escape its fate. Not on? CHORUS Tuesday evening, UPN Angelus will lose his soul again. See vampires fighting Buff and Riley Cordelia chase will Show her hiney. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh On the eight PM, Tuesday evening, TV show. I wanna go Watch the eight PM, UPN, TV show. By Mutant Inc, Hee hee hee. Go watch the eight PM, UPN TV show. Hope it won't blow, Oh Oh Oh Not the eight PM, UPN, TV show. HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT Here they come! (Highschool Students cheer and drink) DEMON WITH A CAMERA Let's get a picture. Close together now.  The natives and the transfer students. Just of the those that survived graduation.  Ahhh, hold that. Beautiful. And?  (A giant snake comes out of the ground and eats all the students) DEMON Congratulations. (Buffy and Tara walk past the snake) TARA I guess we finally did it, huh. BUFFY I don't think there's any doubt about that. You and my Mom have been almost inseparable since you broke up with Willow after catching her with that strange hickey. TARA Well to tell you the truth, Buffy, your mom's the only reason I dated Willow in the first place. (chuckles)  You know, to meet hot older chicks. BUFFY That explains a lot? too much.  We must never speak of this again. JOYCE O.K. you guys, this is it. (everyone screams) TARA Well Joyce is going to throw the bouquet. RILEY I got it! I got it! TARA Hey, looks like it could be your turn next, eh? BUFFY Like I'd ever have a relationship stable enough for marriage. TARA True, but you don't like girls so I don't care either way. Guess we better get going now Joyce. Come on, hop in. (Buffy gives the car the finger.  They drive away) (sign saying "Sunnydale High School: One Year Reunion") RILEY Oh Buffy, wasn't it wonderful?  Wasn't your mom radiantly beautiful? I can't believe it. An week ago she was just plain old celibate Joyce, and now?  now she's Mrs. Muff-diver extraordinaire. BUFFY Yes Riley, Tara's a creepy girl.  And thanks for
wigging me out like that. RILEY Your welcome. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT I always cry at death scenes. BUFFY Everyone knows my mom is a tight little fuck.  Why does everyone know that? RILEY (shrugs) BUFFY Why Tara herself'll probably be teaching her about rim jobs in a minute or two. RILEY Yes. Crimey Riley BUFFY Hey Riley. RILEY Yes Buffy? BUFFY I've got something to say RILEY Uh huh. BUFFY I really love the? Coincidental way? The Initiative disappeared? When things went astray. RILEY Oh Buffy. BUFFY The journey was tough but now finally (CHORUS: Riley) The future is looking quite smiley. (Riley) So please don't take it unkindly. (Riley) I've one thing to say and that's Crimey, Riley the Initiative blows. The leaders were lame but they died-y (Riley) There were monsters in tunnels that cried-y (Riley) I know that you're really tired-y. (Riley) I've one thing to say and that's Crimey, Riley the Initative Blows. Here's some things that prove that I'm for real. There's three things that they could have done: That's run, fight, or imprison. Oh R-I-L-E-Y They failed their mi-i-sion. RILEY Oh, it's not my fault that we were crap stuff. (Oh Buff) Or that our plans were just lame fluff (Oh Buff) And I don't blame you for leaving in that huff. (Oh Buff) I've one thing to say and that's Buff, you're tough, but we sucked chode. Oh Buffy? BUFFY Oh... crimey. RILEY You're tough... BUFFY Oh... Riley. RILEY ? We sucked so much. BUFFY I lost my lu-u-unch. BUFFY & RILEY You/We were standing on a crutch- ah - utch. BUFFY So let's go see the man who so finely (Riley) Taught me how to kick your hiney. (Riley) When I compare you to him I just smiley (Riley) Now I've one thing to say and that's crimey, Riley, the Initiative blows. Crimey, Riley. RILEY Oh Buff, you're tough. BUFFY Crimey, Riley. BUFFY & RILEY They sure blew. OZ I would like, ah, if I may, ?to take you on a strange journey (goes for black book opens book) It seemed a fairly ordinary night when Buffy Summers and her bitch, Riley Finn, two young,  stupid, healthy kids, left Sunnydale that late June evening, to visit a certain Mr. Giles, ex-Watcher, now friend to both of them.  It's true there were dark storm clouds.  Heavy, black, and pendulous, toward which they were driving.  It's true, also, that the spare crossbow they were carrying was badly in need of repair, but, uh, they being stupid kids, on a night out?  well, they weren't going to let a storm spoil the rest of their evening, were they?  On a night out?  It was a night out they were going to remember?  for a very long time. JOYCE (ON RADIO) I have never been a quitter...  To leave the show before my contract is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body.  But as an actress I must put the interests of my career first.  My income requires a full time acting job?  and an in depth part? RILEY Gosh, that's the third vampire prostitute that's passed us.  They sure do look skanky, what with the tube tops and all. BUFFY Yes, but they're pretty cheap to the right type. RILEY I'm that type. BUFFY What did you say? RILEY Oh, nothing?  Say, What's the matter, Buffy darling? BUFFY Oooh. We must have taken a wrong turn a few miles back. RILEY Oh, but where did those vampire prostitutes come from? BUFFY Hmmm? well I guess we'll just have to turn back. RILEY Oh! What was that bang? BUFFY My driving.  CRIMEY!  I knew I should have gotten that spare crossbow fixed, it would make the next few hours a lot simpler.  Well, you just stay here and keep warm and I'll go for help. RILEY But where will you go in the middle of nowhere? BUFFY ?Didn't we pass the new high school back down the road a few miles? Maybe they have a telephone we could use. RILEY I'm going with you. BUFFY Oh, no, darling, there's no sense in bringing you along when you'll just get in my way. RILEY I'm coming with you!  Besides darling, the owner of that phone might be a handsome vampire and you might never come back. BUFFY Eh.  Probably. Over to the Sunnydale Hellmouth RILEY In the velvet darkness, Of California
night, They rise despite, All the vamps you slay. Even if you kill them all day. BUFFY & RILEY They will come? CHORUS Over to the Sunnydale Hellmouth. BUFFY & RILEY They will come? CHORUS Making people scream and shout. BUFFY & RILEY They will come, come in the darkness of California night. XANDER The vampires must go down the river of night's killing. They make me sick, but then pretty girls come spilling Into my life? Into my life? BUFFY & RILEY They will come? CHORUS Over to the Sunnydale Hellmouth. BUFFY & RILEY They will come? CHORUS Making people scream and shout. They will come, will come. BUFFY & RILEY ? in the darkness of California night. OZ And so, it seemed that fortune had smiled on Buffy and Riley and that they had found the assistance that their plight required.  Or had they? RILEY Buffy, let's go back, I'm cold and frightened? BUFFY Just a moment Riley, they might have a phone. XANDER Yo! BUFFY Hey! What are you doing here Xander? XANDER Eh.  Got turned by some über-vamp.  You? BUFFY I-I was wondering if you could help us.  You see our car broke down a few miles up the road? do you have a phone we could use? XANDER (stares at Buffy's t-shirt which has gotten so wet it's transparent) You're wet. RILEY Yes - ?  - it's raining. BUFFY Yes. XANDER Yes?   I think that perhaps you'd better come.  Come inside.  That's what I said, come inside. RILEY About time. Oh Buffy, I'm frightened. I thought the school blew up and wasn't supposed to be rebuilt for another three years? BUFFY Oh, it's probably some kind of temporary high school to educate the young until a new plot-hook can be built. RILEY Oh. (forlornly) XANDER This way. RILEY Are you helping students cram for finals? XANDER You've arrived on a very special night. It's one of the master's affairs. BUFFY Master? XANDER Uh? -bater? RILEY (Buffy and Riley share a look) Oh.  Now I'm wiggin'. WILLOW You're wigging, He's wigging, I'm wigging, we're all wigging! ha ha ha ha ha (school bell rings seven times) Fuck Over Xander XANDER It's astounding; Vamps are fleeing; The Slayer takes effect. But listen closely... WILLOW Not for very much longer. XANDER Things aren't over yet. I remember hating the vampires. Wishing They'd get a nice tan. But then hypnosis hit me XANDER & WILLOW And I heard a voice calling... (Willow and Xander put on vampire game faces) VAMPIRE PROSTITUTES Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. OZ (pulls down chart.  There are dozens of pictures of Xander slumped to the floor, unconscious) It's just a knock to the head. ALL Or a pretty girl in plain sight. OZ With gigantic tits. ALL And an embrace so tight. But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives him insane. Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. WILLOW I was so easy, but he never bothered to please me. So you could see me, getting really pissed. But I found a vampire, A Scooby insider, Who agreed, To give us the kiss. XANDER After Angelus's neck bite WILLOW Everything was made right. XANDER Now nothing can ever be the same. WILLOW I'm spaced out on orgasms. XANDER They're giving her spasms. ALL Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. CORDELIA (in vampire game face) Well I was living in LA, but not eating every day When this beautiful face put me in my place. He took me to a party, I figured what the heck He had a Ferrari, but then he bit my neck. He sucked my blood and I felt a change. Food meant nothing, never would again. ALL Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. OZ It's just a knock to the head. ALL Or a pretty girl in plain sight. OZ With gigantic tits. ALL And an embrace so tight. But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives him insane. Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. (Cordelia pole dances) (Cordelia falls) ALL Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. OZ It's just a knock to the head. ALL Or a pretty girl in plain sight. OZ With gigantic tits. ALL And an embrace so tight. But it's the pelvic
thrust That really drives him insane. Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. RILEY Buffy, say something. (whispered) BUFFY So, you guys are vampires now? (vampire prostitutes get up and start walking towards Buffy and Riley, licking there lips) RILEY Buffy, please, let's get out of here. BUFFY For God's sake, Riley, keep a grip on yourself. RILEY But it? it seems so unhealthy here. BUFFY It's just the undead, Riley. RILEY Well -- I want to go. BUFFY Well we can't go anywhere until I get to a phone. RILEY Well then just slay them already. BUFFY Just a moment, Riley -- we don't want to do anything that might upset them. RILEY This isn't the Initiative headquarters, Buffy. BUFFY They're probably just getting used to their new vitality-challenged lifestyle. They may do some more folk dancing. RILEY Look, I'm cold, I'm wet, and I'm just plain scared BUFFY I'm here -- there's nothing to worry about. (Riley screams and faints) Pretty Vampire Angel So glad you're here, I See you've met my Latest acquisition. He's just a tad depressed Because when you knocked He thought you were the Red Cross deposition. Don't get turned off by the way I dress. Afterwards I can still wear black shades. I'm not man about town by the light of day But by night can make your womb ache. (drops cloak to reveal leather pants and no shirt) I'm a just a pretty vampire.  From Los Angeles, California. Let me show you my chest Or maybe the rest. You look like you're both pretty turned on. Or if you want something tactual, That's not entirely factual, We could put on an old Martin Gaye song. BUFFY I'm glad you're in this strange place, Didn't you leave for LA? We're actually somewhat rushed, now. RILEY Right. BUFFY We'll just say give Giles a ring, Then go get our things. We want to tell Oz, Willow's straight now. ANGEL So you're crossbow won't work, well, You're both jerks. I'm sorry, but things break. By the light of the dawn it'll all turn out wrong. It seems you two made a mistake. I'm just a pretty vampire  From Los Angeles, California. Why don't you stay for the show? XANDER Show. ANGEL See how far things dare go. CORDELIA Go. ANGEL I could show you my favorite night wear. I've been assisting a fiend With blond hair and big thing. And it's great when he touches me (hand passes in front of crotch) right there. I'm just a pretty vampire  From Los Angeles, California. THRUST IT, THRUST IT! (thrusts hips on "THRUST") I'm just a pretty vampire CORDELIA, XANDER, & WILLOW Pretty vampire ANGEL  From Los Angeles, CORDELIA, XANDER, & WILLOW California. ANGEL So come down to the crypt, And I'll show you my stick. I see you shiver with erotic plea- sure. But maybe the plot Isn't completely shot. So I'll remove the chicken (Chuckles) But not the feathers. (applause) RILEY What in the world does that mean? BUFFY Who knows? (Buffy and Riley are given towels) RILEY Thank you. BUFFY Thank you very much. (Willow and Xander start to undress Buffy and Riley) RILEY Oh!  Buffy! BUFFY (Buffy grows impatient with Xander, pushes him away, and strips in two seconds) It's all right Riley. We'll play along for now and pull out Mr. Pointy when the time is right. (Riley looks down in shame) CORDELIA Faster, people, faster!  Some of us have lives here.  Well, technically only these two, but you know what I mean. BUFFY Hi, Cordelia, remember me, the Slayer, and this is my boyfriend and former Initiative member, Riley Finn.  You are really pissing me off and you're a vamp so if you'd just shut up? CORDELIA If you don't shut up you'll never get down to Angelus's crypt.  Some people would suck cock for the privilege. BUFFY People like you maybe? CORDELIA Pretty much. (Xander pours wine into a glass, takes a swig from the bottle, and lets it drop after Willow says "Screw it.") XANDER Come along ? Angelus doesn't like to be kept waiting. WILLOW Screw it. (Riley screeches - the elevator goes up) RILEY Is he ? Angel, I mean ? still good? XANDER The master-bater is not good, nor do I think he ever shall be
again. We're all pretty happy about this. RILEY Oh. ANGEL Willow, Cordelia go assist Xander.  I will entertain?  uh huh huh... (chuckle) (camera shows Buffy) BUFFY I'm the Slayer, remember.  And I don't think you've had a chance to meet your replacement, Riley "Fuck." RILEY Finn. BUFFY Shut up. ANGEL Embrassez mon âne.* (Riley giggles) Well! How dull.  And what boring underclothes you both have.  But here. Put these (negligees) on.  They'll make you feel more sexy. It's not often we receive visitors here, let alone offer them? hospitality. BUFFY Hospitality?! All we asked was to use your telephone, goshdarnit, a reasonable request which you've chosen to ignore. RILEY Buffy, don't be ungrateful. BUFFY Ungrateful! ANGEL How forceful you are, Buffy.  Such a perfect specimen of manhood. So? dominant. You must be awfully submissive, Riley. RILEY Well, yes I am. (giggles) ANGEL Do you have your virginity, Buffy? BUFFY Certainly not!  You took it from me, remember? ANGEL No.  How about you? (to Riley) RILEY No. (giggling) XANDER Everything is in readiness, master-bater.  We merely await your (pause) creepiness. ANGEL Tonight, my undead death-conventionists?  you are to witness a new breakthrough in biofatalistic research?  and Sunnydale is to be mine? It was strange the way it happened?   Suddenly you find your voice? Vampires start to obey your commands, not a sign of rebellion?  What fools!  The right vampire was there all the time but it took a small accident to make me realize?  AN ACCIDENT! WILLOW & CORDELIA An accident! ANGEL And that's how I discovered the key, that elusive nosferatu, that vamp who'd be the breath of death?  Yes, I have that power?  I hold the key?  to the Hellmouth?  itself! You see?  you are fortunate for tonight is the night that my beautiful creature is destined to destroy the world! Up now! (Curtain is lifted exposing a pair of large doors with a strange seal) Throw open the doors to the tomb? and shine in a flashlight so I can see what the Hell is going on! RILEY Oh Buffy! BUFFY It's all right Riley. (Xander takes a crowbar and forces one of the doors open.  He shines a flashlight in revealing Spike lying in his underwear) (Spike emits some guttural garbage) ANGEL Oh! Spike! The Chip of the Initiative SPIKE The chip of the Initiative is stuck somewhere in my head, And while it's in there I can't make anyone dead. Oh, woe is me, my un-life is a misery. Oh, can't you see, that I'm starting to act like a pansy ass bugger. I woke up this evening and I cried when I remembered my fate. ALL That sure sucks ass. SPIKE And for awhile I thought there was nothing I could do to escape. ALL That sure sucks ass. SPIKE It's blood I need, I'm all bleached but still can't feed. And I know it seems like I'm starting to act like a pansy ass bugger. ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh ho no no ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh ho no no ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh ho no no The chip of the Initiative is stuck somewhere in my head, ALL That sure sucks ass. SPIKE And while it's in there I can't make anyone dead. ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh no no no ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh no no no ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh no no no (repeat until end -- Sha-la-la) ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass.  Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass.  Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. Sha-la-la. ANGEL Well really.  That's no problem if you know what to do about it. (Angel punches through the side of Spike's head and pulls out a microchip) SPIKE Augh!  You wanker!  That really hurt. ANGEL But because you've got such "exceptional" strength, you should be able to handle it. SPIKE Augh Agh  (applause) ANGEL Oh, I just love success. XANDER That was a credit to your strength, master-bater. ANGEL Yes. WILLOW A triumph of your fist. ANGEL Yes. CORDELIA He's in pain. ANGEL In pain? Only in pain! I think we can do better than that. Humph! Well, Buffy and Riley,
what do you think of the hole in the side of his head? RILEY Well, I don't like to see a grown man cry. ANGEL I didn't make him cry for you!  If he's tough enough to break heads he can have his own broken. To Make You a Vamp ANGEL A weakling weighing just ninety-seven Will get left in the dirt When bit in the neck. (pats Spike on the head) SPIKE Ow!  It still hurts you bloody git! ANGEL But give him some blood after draining him dry, The hunger takes effect as he sucks on your neck. We'll make him muscled and rough. And with blood, and just a little bit of manly love, He'll be dead and quite tough He'll be a strong vamp. So bloody? ALL But all vamps ANGEL Will eat nothing high protein.  They just swallow raw blood? Trying to build up an appetite, martial arts, but not? Lungs And an evil diabolical man Doesn't even need seven days... ANGEL & VAMPIRE PROSTITUTES To make you a vamp. ANGEL He'll kill cheerleaders, and bankers, kill the old, young and feeble. He thinks beating old ladies is fun and quite evil. Your obsessed with living.  I just don't understand, When it doesn't even take seven days... To make you a vamp. (Beep Beep Beep) ANGEL What the? CORDELIA JENNY!  I mean, Miss Calendar!  You never changed my grade like you promised! (Runs up to Jenny with a change of grade slip.  Jenny ignores her and begins stripping) C'mon Giles (Show Me Affection) JENNY Whatever happened to going on patrol, When your stake was all sharp and you'd take a stroll? It don't seem the same since the mayor died And I came back to life thanks to gypsy magic inside. Two years ago I fell for a librarian, Before being killed by a barbarian; He was dressed in leather pants and a black silk shirt. I ran to the back of the school knowing it would really hurt. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. (Sex solo) (Jenny thrusts) My head used to swim from the cologne he wore. My hands kind of fumbled down there til I'd roar "Just come in my bed and I'll be your whore." He'd answer that tonight he was just gonna read. Go back to school, Put the kettle on The library was closed and the night seemed so long. Masturbating to his picture I'd try to get along. It felt pretty good. But not what I really need. (Cordelia slides to a halt at the V of Jenny's crotch and begins pleasuring her) C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. (for a total of twelve times) (Angel attacks Jenny with a vibrating alpinist's pick) (Cordelia begins screaming how she did her part and not to hurt her before Jenny does hers) ANGEL One from last season. (chuckles) SPIKE Ha!? ANGEL (opens door) You baby?  Don't be upset?  I know it was a messy killing the first time but I like to clean up after myself?  She had a certain innocent appeal, but no eroticism. (Spike flexes a bicep) ? Oh! To Make You a Vamp (Reprise) ANGEL But a jugular and a corpuscle. A hot vein and some neck muscle. Makes me, oooh, bite, Makes me want to take Jenny Calendar by the ? ha-ha-hand. ANGEL & VAMPIRE PROSTITUTES Doesn't even take seven days To make you a vamp. ANGEL I don't want no weird demons, Just able bodied seamen. RILEY That's a crazy plan. ANGEL It doesn't even take seven days, To make you a vamp. Run now if you can It doesn't even take seven days, To make you a vamp. (Angel and Spike's wedding march) VAMPIRE PROSTITUTES Angel and Spike, rah-rah-rah! Angel and Spike, rah-rah-rah! Angel and Spike, rah-rah-rah! Angel and Spike, rah-rah-rah! OZ There are some who say that vampires are imaginary, and demons are but a figment of gothic literature.  If this is so, then Buffy and Riley are quite safe?  However, the sudden departure of their host? and his childe? into the seclusion
of his somber crypt left them feeling both apprehensive and uneasy, a feeling which grew as the vampire prostitutes departed, and they were shown to their separate rooms. (Buffy and Riley are shown to their separate rooms by Xander and Willow) (Riley enters room) (Buffy enters room) (knock) (howling) RILEY Uhh! Who is it? Who's there? ANGEL (BUFFY) It's only me, Riley. RILEY Oh, Buffy darling, come in.  Oh! Buffy, Oh Buffy. Yes, my darling? but what if? ANGEL (BUFFY) It's all right, Riley, everything's going to be all right. RILEY Oh, I hope so, my darling. Oh? Ah?  Ahh OHHH! Oh, it's you! ANGEL I'm afraid so, Riley, but isn't it nice? RILEY Oh, you beast, you monster?  Oh what have you done with Buffy? ANGEL Fucked the shit out of her but that was two years ago.  Did you mean recently? RILEY You tricked me?  I wouldn't have?  I've never?  I would never? never? Unless Buffy was ignoring, or it was an incredibly hard day, or I hadn't gotten laid in the past three hours, or the vamp was really cute.  But otherwise never, never? ANGEL Yes, yes, I know, but it isn't all bad, is it?  I think you really found it quite  pleasurable. RILEY Oh, stop?  I mean help?  Buffy Buffy!?  Oh Buffy!! ANGEL Shhh. Buffy's probably asleep by now. Do you want her to see you like?   This! (Grabs Riley's wrist and starts sucking) RILEY Like this like how?!  Oh, it's your fault?  You're to blame?  Oh?  I was saving myself for the Red Cross drive. ANGEL Yes, but I'm sure your not drained yet? RILEY Promise you won't tell Buffy? ANGEL Cross my heart and hope to die? (assorted sucking noises) (Scene with Xander and Willow, Willow with a mop, Xander putting on gloves) (Xander walks over to Spike) (Xander grabs a cross and uses it to threaten Spike) (Spike runs away) (Spike climbs up the stairs out of the highschool basement) (Xander throws the cross after him then makes out with Willow) ANGEL (RILEY) Oh, Buffy darling, it's no good here.  It'll destroy us. BUFFY Don't worry Riley, we'll be away from here in the morning. ANGEL (RILEY) Oh, Buffy you're so strong and protective. BUFFY Ah, ah, ah, oh YOU! ANGEL I'm afraid so, Buffy, but isn't it nice? BUFFY Yes, but what have you done with Riley? ANGEL Nothing.  Why?  Do you think I should? BUFFY Probably, but that's not the point.  You tricked me, I wouldn't have? ANGEL Oh yes you would, I know?  I was there the first time, remember.  And it wasn't all bad, was it?  Not even half bad, I think you really quite enjoyed it. BUFFY Oh? so soft?  More?  More?  More Riley?  RILEY! ANGEL Riley's probably asleep by now.  Do you want him to see you like THIS? (Buffy sits up and yells) BUFFY Like this, like how?  It's your fault, you're to blame, I thought it was the living thing! ANGEL Oh come on, Buffy, admit it, you liked it, didn't you?  It isn't a crime to give yourself over to pleasure, Buffy.  We've wasted two seasons already?  Riley needn't know, I won't tell him? BUFFY Well, promise you won't tell? ANGEL On my mother's corp-... XANDER Master-bater, Spike has broken his chains and vanished.  Your new playmate is loose and somewhere on school grounds?  Willow has just released the dogs? ANGEL Mmmm? Coming! RILEY What's happening here? Where's Buffy? Where's ANYbody? Oh, Buffy.  Buffy, my darling, how could I have done this to you?  Oh! If only we hadn't made this journey? If only the crossbow hadn't broken down? If only we were amongst friends?  Or living persons. Oh Buffy, oh Buffy.  What have they done with her? (screen shows Buffy bouncing up and down on top of Angelus) Oh, Buffy, Oh Buffy -- How could you? (he fondles vacuum cleaner) (Spike emits moans and general cries of pain) (Spike gets up) RILEY Oh, but you are hurt?  I mean, good.  I mean, did they do this to you? SPIKE You are a bleamin' idiot. RILEY I'll dress your wounds? baby there? (Rip his boxers and dress Spike's wound) Let me make it all better. SPIKE You're aware that vampires heal on their own? (glances down at Riley's wripped boxers) And that I'm straight? OZ Addiction: abnormally dependent
on something?  Psychologically or physically habit forming. In other words: a powerful and irrational master?  and from what Willow and Cordelia eagerly viewed on their television monitor there seemed little doubt that Riley was, indeed, ?its slave. WILLOW & CORDELIA Tell us about it, Riley. Suck-a Suck-a Suck-a Suck Me RILEY I was feeling turned on,  From vampire spawn. I'd only ever killed their kind. CORDELIA You mean he? WILLOW ?s even dumber than he looks. RILEY I thought don't try to consort, Except as a last resort. It only leads to trouble And military court. Now all I want to do is go to you. I've given blood and I want less. WILLOW & CORDELIA Less, less, less. RILEY I'll put up no resistance But I have one insistence: I've got an itchy neck It's your subsistence. Sucka sucka sucka suck me! It's okay if you hurt me. Bite me, slight me, excite me! Creature of the night. Then if my veins shrink, while you drink, I'll get a needle and stick it in. WILLOW & CORDELIA In, in, in. RILEY And that's just one penetration Of the prime elation. You need a willing meal plan and I need sensation. Sucka sucka sucka suck me! It's okay if you hurt me. Bite me, slight me, excite me! Creature of the night. CORDELIA Sucka sucka sucka suck me! WILLOW It's okay if you hurt me. CORDELIA Bite me, slight me, excite me! WILLOW Creature of the night. RILEY Sucka sucka sucka suck me! It's okay if you hurt me. Bite me, slight me, excite me! Creature of the night. SPIKE Creature of the night. BUFFY Creature of the night? ANGEL Creature of the night. WILLOW Creature of the night. XANDER Creature of the ? hey!  Nachos (walks off camera) CORDELIA Creature of the night. SPIKE Creature of the night. RILEY Creature of the night. (scene change, Xander being whipped) XANDER Owwwwwwwww!  Mercy! (Being kicked by Angel) ANGEL How did it happen?  I understand you were to be watching? XANDER I was only away for a minute?  Masturbating. ANGEL Well, see if you can find him on the school's security cameras. XANDER Master-bater, master-bater?  We have a visitor. BUFFY Hey, Giles! ANGEL You told your Watcher where we were? BUFFY Well, no.  He, he's a friend of mine and we were on our way to meet him but I never knew we were going to end up here so how could I tell him to meet us here and? is there at all a chance you believe me. ANGEL I see.  So this wasn't simply a chance meeting.  You came here with a purpose. BUFFY Hello?  I told you, my car broke down.  Car right outside?  You saw it, remember. ANGEL I know what you told me, Buffy?  But Giles is not exactly unknown to me. BUFFY He was a librarian at Sunnydale High.  You should know, you brought him books, remember. ANGEL Yes!  And now he works for the Watcher's council again, doesn't he, Buffy? He's attached to the bureau of extermination of that which you call HST's!!!  Isn't that right, Buffy? BUFFY He might be? I don't know. XANDER The intruder is entering the building, master-bater. ANGEL He'll probably be? entering the library.  Shall we inquire of him in person? (activates triple contact faggot magnet) (Pause) BUFFY What the Hell? GILES Angelus, we meet again. BUFFY Giles! GILES Buffy! What are you doing here? ANGEL Don't play games, Mr. Giles.  You know perfectly well what Buffy Summers is doing here.  It was part of your plan, was it not?  That the slayer and her bitch could check the layout for you.  Well, unfortunately for you all, the plans are to be changed.  You must be adaptable, old man; I know Buffy is. GILES I can assure you that Buffy's presence here comes as a complete surprise to me.  I came here to find Jenny. BUFFY Jenny! I've seen her! ANGEL Jenny?  What do you know of Jenny? GILES I happen to know a great deal about a lot of things.  After all, Jenny happens to be ex-girlfriend. (Angel gasps and releases Oz) (Riley gasps) BUFFY Giles? RILEY Ah! GILES Riley! RILEY Mr. Giles! BUFFY Riley! RILEY BUFFY! ANGEL Spike! GILES Riley! RILEY Mr. Giles! BUFFY Riley! RILEY BUFFY! ANGEL Spike! GILES Riley! RILEY Mr.
Giles! BUFFY Riley! RILEY BUFFY! ANGEL Spike! Listen?  I made you?  and I can stake you just as easily. (to Spike) WILLOW (Rings gong) Master, dinner is prepared! ANGEL Excellent.  Under the circumstances, formal dress is to be optional. OZ Food has always played a vital role in life's rituals, even for the dead.  The breaking of bread, the sucking of blood from a dying man, and now? this meal.  However informal it might appear, you can be sure that there was to be a little hoot and even less nanny. (Xander and Willow wheel in a cart) (Xander opens the lid) (Xander places a large piece of meat in front of Angel) (He carves the meat and Xander serves it to the others) (Xander pours and spills wine before this) ANGEL A toast? to absent friends? ALL To absent friends. BUFFY (to Riley) What exactly is in these glasses? ANGEL And to Spike. (Angel starts a verse of staccato "Happy Birthday Spike" and cuts it off after "Dear Spike." Riley continues until he realizes he is the only one left singing.) Shall we? GILES We came here to discuss Jenny. CORDELIA Jenny! (Angel threatens her with the slicer) ANGEL That's a rather tender subject. Another slice anyone? CORDELIA Excuse me. (Exits room, closes door behind her, and screams) GILES (to the entire table) I knew she was in with a bad crowd, but is was worst than I imagined?  Demons! SPIKE What the blazes are you talking about?  We're vampires you twit. BUFFY Giles! ANGEL Go on, Mr.Giles.  Or should I say?  Ripper. BUFFY Just what exactly are you implying? GILES It's all right! BUFFY Giles! OZ It's all right, Buffy. Jenny GILES  From the day she came here. She was annoying. She was an itch. In my boxer shorts. She tried in vain? OZ ? but of sex he would always abstain. GILES But I wept the day she was no more.  From the day she was gone All I wanted Was computer geek porn And my Jenny back. Hiring mystic jerks? OZ But not a damn thing they tried ever worked! GILES And my sex life was feeling the lack. ALL When Jenny said she wouldn't wear a teddy Giles acted like a stuck up prick. But when he shut off his cock with a kryptonite lock ANGEL That poor wench! RILEY But her stench. OZ Made me sick. CORDELIA Everybody failed me But when Jenny nailed me I said, "hey, can you pass me? And I'll give you my ass for free!" But she didn't run from Angel fast enough to flee. GILES But then she was brought Back from the dead, Making me fraught With worry when I read? ALL What'd you read? What'd you read? JENNY'S VOICE I'm out of that Hel Oh, hurry, this won't turn out well. Angelus might just come out ahead. (scream) ALL When Jenny said she wouldn't wear a teddy Giles acted like a stuck up prick. But when he shut off his cock with a kryptonite lock ANGEL That poor wench! RILEY But her stench. GILES Made me sick. ALL When Jenny said she wouldn't wear a teddy Giles acted like a stuck up prick. But when he shut off his cock with a kryptonite lock ANGEL That poor wench! ALL Oh-oh-oh... RILEY But her stench. ALL Ew, ew, ew... GILES Made me sick. (Angel pulls the tablecloth off of the table and the slaughtered remains of Jenny are seen under the glass surface) (All scream) (Spike runs to Riley and bites his neck) ANGEL Spike! How can you think of food at a time like this? GILES (To Buffy, who's running alongside him) This way, this way. (General mayhem as Angel chases Riley.  Xander and Willow laugh, until Xander suddenly says "Why are we laughing?") XANDER Why are we laughing? Hiney Whiney ANGEL I'll drink your blood but I won't give in. You'd better shut up, Riley Finn. Your soufflé is a bit too thin. You'd better shut up, Riley Finn. I've broke her cherry; it should make things quite merry. You're as bright as a nightlight; wound up like an G.I. Joe guy. When I sucked you, were you this contrary? Ya gonna bitch? Well, pay attention. You better shut up, Riley Finn. The hypnosis will cause sclerosis. RILEY My boots! I can't move my boots! GILES My glasses! My God, I can't clean my glasses! BUFFY It's as if we're glued to the
spot! ANGEL Bingo!  So quake with fear, you mortal fools! RILEY (Breaks down in tears) We're stuck! ANGEL (sung) It's something you'll get used to. Everyone needs a little fuck. GILES You won't find mortals quite the easy mark you imagine.  This hypnosis sclerosis?  it is I suppose, some kind of psycho-somatic capillary-constriction command word? BUFFY You mean? GILES Yes, Buffy, it's something we've heard of vamps having for quite some time.  But it seems our friend here has found a means of perfecting it.  A power capable of breaking down human will and then controlling it within the body and, who knows, perhaps even mentally projecting. RILEY You mean he's going to mentally control our hineys? ANGEL Hiney, Whiney Riley! You better shut up, Riley Finn. You better shut up, build your butt up, You better shut up? OZ And then he stood up? RILEY Stop! ANGEL Don't get hot and horny! This line is quite corny. BUFFY You're an asshole, but you better not try to enspell us, Angelus. (Angelus's eyes flash red and Buffy turns to stone) GILES You're an asshole, but you better not try to enspell us, Angelus. (Angelus's eyes flash red and Giles turns to stone) RILEY You're a poopyhead-- (Angelus's eyes flash red and Riley turns to stone) CORDELIA My God!  I can't stand any more of this!  First you cancel my credit cards, and then you throw out my wardrobe for an old overcoat and these pajamas!  You bully other people and take their stuff?  I wanted you?  d'ya hear me! I wanted you.  And what did it get me?  Yeah, I'll tell you -- a big nothing.  You're like a leech.  You drink, drink, drink, and drain others of their blood and emotion. Yeah, well, I've had enough!  You're gonna choose between me and Spike, so named because of? something I can't think of. (Angelus's eyes flash red and Cordelia turns to stone) ANGELUS It's not easy finding good help? (Angelus's eyes flash red and Spike turns to stone) Even feeding makes my face ache?  And my childers turn on me?  Spike's behaving just the way he always did.  Do you think I made a mistake, taking out his chip before getting him to agree to destroy the world for me? (Willow walks over to where Angelus is. Xander follows) WILLOW Ahhh! I grow weary of this world!  When shall we open the Hellmouth, huh? ANGEL Willow, I am indeed grateful to both you and your boyfriend, Xander. You have both served me well. Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded. You will discover that when my libido takes me, I can be quite generous. WILLOW I ask for nothing? ANGEL That works, too. Come, we are ready for the ritual. OZ And so, by some extraordinary coincidence, fate, it seemed, had decided that Buffy and Riley should keep that appointment with their friend, Mr. Giles. But it was to be in a situation which none of them could have possibly foreseen. And, just a few hours after declaring their mutual hatred of the Initiative, Buffy and Riley had both been tasted?  By the Initiative's enemies.  This irony was proof that Angelus was again a vampire with no soul and a significant appetite. What further dangers were they to be subjected to? And what of the ritual that had been spoken of?  On top of the Hellmouth?  In the middle of the night?  What diabolical plan had seized Angelus's crazed imagination?  What indeed?  From what had gone before, it was clear that this was to be? no picnic. Blood Tints My World (Unfreeze - Cordelia) CORDELIA It was great when he first bit me. I was an Angelus devotee. But it was over right when he decreed To damn the Sunnydale bourgeoisie. Now the only thing that's left to try Is to find myself a handsome guy. Blood tints my world, keeps me safe from hunger and pain. (Unfreeze - Spike) SPIKE I'm two hundred years young, And extraordinarily well hung. And the next few days should be quite fun Since my hunger has been unstrung. But the one thing that I like best Is biting into Riley's neck.. Blood tints my world and keeps me safe from hunger and pain. (Unfreeze - Buffy) BUFFY It confuses me; Angelus uses me! I'll look good; you'll see, In a
spaghetti strap bikini. What's this? Let's see, I feel sexy! What's gotten into me? Woo! Mr. Pointy again. (Camera close up revels Buffy's?  um, impaled herself on her own stake) (Unfreeze - Riley) RILEY I feel anemic; Hypoglycemic. The problem is I'm bulimic; How do I get it back? My blood sugar has gone away; And the craving's there to stay. Spike can suck me all day. I love his hunger attacks. ANGEL Whatever happened to Faith? That buxom, young Slayer who left? As she fought Nine vampires. When she lit them On fire And in black leather she was quite well dressed. Give your blood over to nocturnal demons. Feel the warm fires of flames coming from Hell. Erotic nightmares, without any reason. So you lose the daytime?  It's just as well. You don't really need it.  No, no, no. Don't bleed it, drink it. (four times) ALL Don't bleed it, drink it (eight times) (On sixth line, Angelus's eyes flash and Giles is unfrozen) GILES Whoa!  We've got to get out of this school Before this vampire makes us food. I've got to be tough, and hope that's enough or else my control may well snap and my life will be lived? (feels face which has gone all bumpy and ridgey) as a vamp! BUFFY It confuses me; Angelus uses me! RILEY God bless Joss Whedon. ANGEL Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me? me I'm a crazy and an deadly vamp. I'm undead with a pissed off rant. You get a red light on the indicator lamp. Your heart'll thump and you make me pant. So run for cover in the nearby woods. We're gonna getcha just like we should. Blood tints my world, keeps me safe from my hunger and pain. ALL We're crazy and deadly vamps. We're undead with a pissed off rant. You get a red light on the indicator lamp. Your heart'll thump and you make us pant. So run for cover in the nearby woods. We're gonna getcha just like we should. Blood tints my world, keeps me safe from my hunger and pain. We're crazy and deadly vamps. We're crazy and deadly vamps. We're undead with a pissed off rant. You get a red light on the indicator lamp. Your heart'll thump and you make us pant. So run for cover in the nearby woods. We're gonna getcha just like we should, should, should. Rose tints my world, keeps me safe from my hunger and pain. (Xander and Willow enter from the rear door in black leather outfits) XANDER Yo, Angelus, it's all done here. Your family is a failure; Your childers go astray. I am your new sire; You now are my childer. We return to Los Angeles. Prepare the Chevrolet. ANGEL Wait! I can explain! (Angelus goes and speaks to Cordelia, who goes and turns on the spotlight; and to Spike who goes and turns on the stage lights) I'm Spinning Off ANGEL On the day the school blew up? ALL Oh no? ANGEL I nearly threw up? ALL Way to go? ANGEL I want to act again, and stay on. ALL With my own show? ANGEL Sign here, and that will mean I may. ?cause I've been, Undervalued oh, Underrated in my eyes (Willow yawns with disinterest) And I realize, I'm spinning off. ALL I'm spinning off. (Willow yawns) ANGEL In Sunnydale it's been the same? ALL ?feeling? ANGEL ?like I'm outside feeling lame? ALL ?wheeling? ANGEL ?Easy To try and find a fight? ALL ?dealing? ANGEL ?death from pencils, death from light. ?Cause I've been, oh, undervalued, Underrated in my eyes And I realize, I'm spinning off. ANGEL & ALL I'm spinning off. (3 times) (applause, then Vampire Prostitutes disappear) WILLOW Well that answered nothing. (Angelus turns around and sees the house empty) XANDER And rather self-centered, even for you. You see, when I said we were to return to Los Angeles, I referred only to Willor and myself.  I'm sorry, however, if you found my words misleading, but you see, you are to remain here; in ashes, anyway. GILES Good lord, that's a crossbow! XANDER Yes, Oz.  A crossbow capable of firing a bolt of pure anti-mater. BUFFY That doesn't make any sense. GILES Neither does anything else in this episode.  Continuity must be protected. XANDER See, Oz gets it.  And now, Angelus, your time has come.  Say good-bye to all of this, and hello to
oblivion. (Cordelia screams - get staked) (Angelus tries to escape by climbing the curtain) (Angelus screams - gets staked, falls) (Spike moans over and falls on Angelus's ashes) (Picks him up and begins to climb the tower - gets staked in the stomach, staked in the back, staked in the shoulder, staked in ther armpit, and finally staked through the heart ? Spike's and Angel's ashes fall into the pool) BUFFY Jeez, Xander!  What's your problem? RILEY Oh! You killed them!  Now they'll never feed from me again. (Buffy glares at him) WILLOW But I thought you'd liked him.  He liked you. XANDER I didn't like him! I never liked him! GILES You did right. XANDER (Primping) A decision had to be made. GILES You're O.K. by me. (holds out his hand as to shake it with Xander) XANDER Oz, I'm sorry about your? GILES Jenny? Yes, well, perhaps it was all for the best, heh, heh, heh. (cleans glasses) XANDER You should leave now, Mr. Giles, while it is still possible.  We are about to suck the entire school down through the Hellmouth, into Hell.   It's on the other side.  Of the Hellmouth. Go? Now. (to Willow) Our vision is completed, my most beautiful sister-like-platonic-friend-except-not-now-that-we're-both-sexy-creatures-of-the-night, and soon we shall return to the blood-drenched shores of our beloved Hell dimension. WILLOW Oh?  Sweet Sunnydale, land of the Hellmouth?  To sing and dance once more to your demon lords. To take?  That? pretty girl in plain sight! XANDER & WILLOW Ha! XANDER But it's the pelvic THRUST! (flashback to Fuck Over Xander sequence) ALL That really drives him insaaaaane WILLOW And the demons will fuck you over AGAIN! (Shot of the entire school being sucked down into the Hellmouth as Buffy and Riley carry Giles out) Super Heroes (Buffy and Riley are crawling around on the ground outside the school, in mist) BUFFY I've slain a lot. Vamps know I try To end their days. I slay their kind. But all I know is down inside I'm? ALL ?bleeding? (Riley comes on the screen like a cat) RILEY And so my girlfriend comes to slay To fuck them up Three times a day. And all I know is still the vamps are? ALL ?breeding? BUFFY (Buffy is on the ground) My bitch, I can't find my bitch. RILEY (Riley is on the ground) My mistress, I can't find my mistress. GILES (Giles is on the ground) My glasses, I can't find my glasses.   (Red light on Buffy) (Scene starts to turn grainy, and fades into a woodcut illustration in a book, which Oz closes) OZ And crawling Past the ruined school Some mortals I regard as fools? They keep us safe While vampires rule The evenings. ALL Evenings? Tuesday Evening/UPN - Reprise NERF HERDER Tuesday evening, UPN. Angelus has died and. Lost his friends. Dust has covered Buffy and Riley. Willow and Xander At least are smiley. Grr, ah, ah, argh. On the eight PM, UPN, TV show. I want to go, oh, oh, oh. Watch the eight PM, UPN, TV Show.
0 notes
davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
/ first love / things of first love / looking on my parents as my first love / who looked on me as her first love / (but) "My Greatest Love' / commitment to truth about love / minjung theology / "total christology" - / returning love to the first love and greatest love (john 3:16) / "The Roommate" - Westfield (NJ) Snow - the Kim brothers - Trader Joe's - Zegna shirtmaker(?) - Tracy Espiritu - "The Faces on the Heights" (2008) - from social media, my governor's school friends, Mona (Monna?) Yao I never met, who made Chingwen stop hating Shanghainese, ECE girl from RU GSE (Graduate School of Education not Governor's School of Environment) - very black eyes - She wanted to buy the Minnie Mouse dress from the Disney Store - Jessie Lee, he drinks a diet coke then goes running - "California" is a frisbee play I thought only I know - Jessie wanted to be my friend or so b/c my brother is excellent - "That play is called California [dumb----] - Always California is a Law School Discussion person whose essay I told her what she meant / where she was going with her past-future but nowadays Millennials etc. can actually form a face-intent without finding themselves first and go forward forever instead of "whatever shrapnel in my back pocket could afford" or people who try to base their plans on available resources instead of aiming then looking for resources / materials.  Jessie told Lydia Han "Take care of yourself" - She was playing DDR at Fusion Ti and not talking to me - I don't remember her last words to me - They were making noodles in Edison - / what did i ever do that was not writing about my friends / alden's vanilla bean ice cream (maria / change mind), 2 everything bagels davidovich, earlier a few ginger coconut candies from h-mart but made in china, coconut oil for brain, MiO energy thing Acai Berry and Ginseng, earlier 8th continent soy milk thing, almond silk, spanish mixed nuts, 7 almonds (obama?) - i had more - avocado butter - drinking canola oil - californian olive oil burns - i have a cold sore - i can't have canned tomatoes anymore - 183 pounds AHC "All His Children" / my password used to be for tassadaromega... canisexmachina... then I changed to impluveam impluveam11 impluveam11et - jaeyoung's son "fullness" - a glass of white wine at centraal the full measure of god's spirit (sauvignon) - mushroom soup i didn't touch - Why did I not follow through on what was demanded not to talk a word with him - the beginning of "Stepfather" - It is clean at the Food Court at Mayfair Mall  - I feel powerless and pure - I will read the paper with you and explain why you should not take "Parasite" as a Gospel message about what has to happen, or... but it is easy for me to promise 'strong benevolence' is better than immediate economic justice or - In my first dream of "Searching For Towards the Eastern Empire" "lily Sarah" moved with her baby wrapped swaddled in light dove gray right to left through the woods to the field / meadow, in a cool spring or so, now past a frozen lake through the colors of "Elizabeth's Nightgown" or the summer colors of 2012 2021 left to right, the whole procession, carrying lanterns too, a bit like Caspar David Friedrich colors and a bit like that frozen lake out in the suburbs of Madison where Nikki called me and the phone vibrated on my heart to tell me Chi Hye tried to call me on Valentine's Day night - I called her - I forget - someone's phone ran out of batteries - the next day we got (?) at (?) Japanese "I really want to eat rice" - and a bit like "Fantasia Night on Bald Mountain" - the procession of the Saints with the lanterns, "we all of us."  The rainy cliff, the Korean refugees(?).  The image from "The Admiral" where the civilians flag Yi Sunshin from the cliffside shore.  In my 645 rendition they are walking, the notes are like babies on their heads.  But the image of the peasants signalling to YSS in another vision are chained together and being gatling gunned which is why I say some people want to kill all Koreans.  Maybe it is because of that short from Apocalypse Now or maybe it is because of and why I named Segalchik "Danilov" from "Enemy at the Gates" the Commissar who wants to build a new world and man and whose dying words are "There will always be rich in love and poor in love," then allowed Koenig to shoot him in the head to draw him out for his "teacher only friend" because I guess enemies are enemies and friends are friends and Russians are loyal, even in failure, like how Nabokov synaesthete said "loyal is like a gold fork," and Putin doesn't forgive traitors.  Putin reminds me of Houellebecq's voice from the end of Particulaires "This book is dedicated to the human race who saw beyond themselves" - as and with the poem from the beginning, "Now that we dwell in the eternal afternoon we can revisit the end of the old world order" - and in the end "the medieval grace and sin" - "ontology of states not space" - I still remember the bruised skin on the cover, which would come from limited beatings or a certain kind of holding sex - My favorite Houellecq poem is "Liquid Birth" from "Art of Struggle" - "This world has never been written of" - It makes me cry like thinking about Kendi's beauty - "It's there, at least possible." - What's Macron up to - He married his teacher(?) - "My thoughts are too complicated" - Putin's too - Russian elementary piano teachers hold the student's hand and split the fingers for toward cantabile - I learned the Goldbergs and the only book I'll touch anymore is Kempff's organ transcriptions with his precise description of pedaling like a certain kind of chapel organ - "Kempff played better than he could (Liszt's Saint Francis preaching to the birds) - and when he played "Berceuse" in 1946 it's like saying to Germany "Dream for a while" defeated in WW2 - He lived to be 95 - father-like.  Wilhelm Kempff is "saenggi(?)" - "Oh [Dave]."  He doesn't try to give, or make.  He just "says."  Like "the wave said what the sea broken once laboriously spoken."  That's why I say he's the best; he's one of the best pianists ever.  "Sospiro" final fioritura - I wrote "sospira" where the piano-teacher is mandatorily retired and euthanised after his best student - Arrau said relax use your soul - I drove through Indiana corn fields listening to his "Emperor Concerto" 1st movement - "Beethoven America power" - but Kempff does'nt rely on his own soul, he "waits for the Spirit of God" or "waits on the Lord' - "asks the sky."  This is why I like Stritch University Francis statue with the birds as well and Francis PP.  St Francis of Assisi from whom Michelangeli claimed to be descended and I bought Michelangeli's op 111 DVD at Seoul Arts Center at the Liszt Society concert actually married his secretary in secret or something and "loaded" pieces whereas Kempff loaded nothing, ABM offered to teach Martha Argerich who is my favorite Andante Spianato like Josephine Park but I don't think she took him up on it, he smoked, he practiced at night, his head exploded(?), he died in Lugano.  A pianist is a pianist (not a brand, franchise, go into teaching).  Jenny / Jaein said I want to be a pianist.  My first "Lullaby" was Idil Biret, IDK if the clock motif left hand is 1 2 3 4 5 6 or 1 2 3 4 5 ().  A steady lake lapping, not a clock.  In "Being Kim Poor" Krystal Jung fell asleep in the rowboat on the lake in Switzerland after the wedding in the chateau and trying to eat / hang out with the caterers.  KP is an ex-soldier, her bodyguard, his friend is a Southerner like those Blackwater / Academi types who got rich quitting SF gov't to do contracting but Paul / Poor won't really.  I thought about Sunny something something cyber stalkers in Whitefish Bay walking up the hill where I also listened to Fifth Season SSWFL later and in the neighborhood of the Obergefell blackout.  "Free firewood" a chopped-up desk - am I an "afterburner" for having a desk and "free."  
The original love-truth-faith-promise.  The Minjung Theology book is "whiteness-words," holiness.  
I feel like I almost arrived all in one piece for a while.  I put on my white shirt.  I weighed 160(?).  The caseworker said she couldn't imagine me another weight.  Pop was writing letters to the caseworker.  I recommended "Whisper of the Heart" to for her son.  
Now I feel like Hananim / God will let 300 saints die young so one sinner can be saved.  "I was born in 1970" - I thought she meant "I became an angel in 1970" maybe.  
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theajaheira · 6 years
s3e21/s3e22: graduation day
synopsis: faith comes up with a plan to exploit the mayor’s weakness, and jenny and giles are faced with the possibility of an abrupt end to their very new relationship.
The living room is full of cardboard boxes, and Giles is packing away his books while Jenny folds clothes. They both look pretty happy about all this, particularly Jenny.
Maybe I’m being a little too greedy, but it’s honestly going to be so amazing to have a house with more than one bedroom and no lofts after we survive the Ascension.
There’s a very determined note to her voice, like she won’t hear anything that might suggest one or both of them won’t survive.
Yes, the loft really was much more efficient when this place was a bachelor pad.
You were never a bachelor, Rupert. You went, like, straight from “rebellious teen” to “hot professor.”
Hot professors can be bachelors.
Yeah, but mine better not be.
Giles smirks a little and puts down the book he’s holding, stepping deftly around the boxes to pull Jenny into a sweeping kiss. She drapes her arms around his neck, kissing him back, when—
Guys I forgot my keys and I need to get in here. Right now. I need to be in here right now.
Worried, Jenny pulls away from Giles, hurrying to open the door. She steps back, waiting for Faith to step over the threshold, but Faith just stands there, swaying.
Faith, are you okay?
Yeah, I, yeah. Just, just give me, give me a minute—
Faith scrubs at her face. It looks like she’s been crying.
Faith swallows, sniffling, then steps into the apartment without any need for an invitation. She doesn’t notice this, but Jenny breathes a visible sigh of relief at that.
He knows.
It takes Giles and Jenny a moment to realize what she’s referring to.
The Mayor?
Yeah. And he isn’t happy that his number one girl turned out to be double-crossing him, not the Scoobies.
But you’re okay.
I won’t be for long. I think he’s gonna start sending his guys after me tomorrow night, and he’s probably setting up guys at the Sunnydale exits to make sure I don’t split.
And don’t start telling me off about how I should have listened to you and not taken stupid risks, okay? I know that now. This wasn’t worth the info we got, Jen. The look on his face—
It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.
Jenny takes Faith’s hands, then pulls her into a hug. Faith sobs, once, into Jenny’s shoulder, then pulls back, trying to pull off the tough-girl act. She can’t swing it.
I don’t like feeling like this. I-I want to be like Buffy. She just goes charging in without getting scared—
Buffy’s got Slayer strength. You’ve got something better.
Don’t give me some stupid crap about how what really counts is having a good heart or whatever.
I was going to say you have a bunch of weapons we brought out from storage, but okay, yeah, you’ve got a good heart.
That makes Faith give Jenny a watery smile.
We can start making arrangements for you to leave town with Joyce. The Mayor isn’t going to put off his Ascension just to chase down Faith—
Jenny and Giles both look at her.
Holy shit, guys. I think I know how we’re going to take down the Mayor.
Faith’s standing in front of the gang, still a little shaken from her ordeal with the Mayor but visibly determined.
I really got to him. I did. He was a total evil monster guy, but there was still some kind of humanity in him. He liked the idea of having a firecracker of a Potential on his side, and he trusted me, and he’s not gonna forgive me easily for turning on him.
What you’re suggesting—
—is the only option. You know that.
Jenny looks at Faith, then nods.
I don’t want to lose you, Faith.
Faith shrugs, trying to look brave and nonchalant. It’s clear she’s pretty shaky about this plan.
Yeah, well. I don’t want a giant snake demon to eat the entire population of Sunnydale. A lot of this is prioritizing, I think.
Willow’s mouth trembles, and then she moves forward and hugs Faith very hard. Faith stumbles, then hugs her back.
Chill, Red. I’m not dead yet.
As the group at large begins to talk amongst themselves, finalizing plans, Giles quietly tugs on Jenny’s hand.
Everything okay?
Could you — come with me?
Jenny follows Giles out onto the roof, turning to lock the door behind her. Giles walks out towards an empty space overlooking the courtyard, looking down on it with a strange, sad expression.
Gotta love those warm California nights.
Do you remember how, during Buffy’s sophomore year, we used to avoid eye contact in the hallways, and I tripped over my own feet on more than one occasion trying to make sure you didn’t accost me in the faculty room to talk to me about digitizing library files?
Jenny steps up next to Giles, tucking her arm quietly into his and looking down as well.
We have wasted so much time. Barely a month of finally admitting we’ve been in love for years and we are facing a foe who is very nearly impossible to kill.
Giles turns, then, looking at Jenny with desperate sadness.
What happens if we lose each other?
Jenny looks at him, then tries to smile. It doesn’t work.
Rupert, I just — I can’t think about that. I’m not even saying it like it’s some conscious choice of mine to block out that concept, I, I just can’t imagine losing you. My brain won’t process it.
Giles lets out a sobbing breath and pulls her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. They stay like that for a long moment, and then Jenny pulls back to look at him.
Let’s go home.
Should we — I mean, what of the children?
We can check in and make sure we’re all on the same page with Faith’s terrifying plan, and then we can go home, and then—
Jenny seems to fumble for words, and settles for kissing Giles very deeply. She pulls back to look at him, pained.
I should have told you how I felt about you. After you gave Angel his soul back, or, or even before that, I should have told you — we could have been happier longer, at least—
But we got something.
(smiles, wobbly)
That means something, right? That we got a few weeks and one hell of a lot of kissing.
Giles nods jerkily, then kisses her again, then again, then again. The kissing’s very clearly starting to get a bit out of hand; neither of them really wants to stop it.
(pulling back)
We don’t have to go check in right away, you know.
(breathing hard)
I know.
We can stay up here for a while.
Giles carefully pushes Jenny’s leather jacket down and off her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. Jenny looks at him steadily.
And you did lock the door.
Some good forethought on my part.
Giles and Jenny are gearing up.
You know what really sucks about this whole Ascension thing? Before we found out that it was going down on graduation day, I was really looking forward to the idea of getting all dressed up and watching our kids graduate and crying and stuff. We could have all gone out for pizza afterwards and talked about how everyone grows up so fast.
You are horrifyingly sentimental for a woman who I once saw put a stake directly through a vampire’s face.
You keep bringing that up like that’s a regular thing that I do. That happened once and it wasn’t even on purpose.
They smile at each other, tired. Jenny takes a cross from her bag, presses it into Giles’s hand.
I already have—
I know, I just — doesn’t hurt to have an extra, you know?
Giles looks at the cross, then takes Jenny’s hands in his. The cross clatters to the ground as they kiss quietly.
(pulling away)
I’d damn well better see you after all this clears up.
You know you will.
Let’s get a move on, guys!
Jenny and Giles look at each other for a long moment before they finally drop each other’s hands. Jenny turns, heading in the direction of the assembly, and Giles stoops to pick up the cross.
Faith is sitting next to Jenny among the parents, holding her hand very tightly. Her eyes are on the Mayor, who hasn’t looked away from her and Jenny for most of the speech.
He’d rip my throat out if there weren’t all these people here.
I know. I’m here.
But in a minute, you’re not gonna be.
Jenny swallows, then turns to Faith.
Faith, do you remember when you showed up in Sunnydale and burned down my house taking down an age-old master vampire?
That wasn’t — that was different.
The Mayor knows me. He knows the kind of person I am, and he cared about me. He’s got a vendetta against me that’s bigger and scarier than any vamp I’ve met, and—
(voice shattering)
Jen, I don’t want this. I don’t. I didn’t figure it out till just now, but I, I just—
Faith sobs, turning her head into Jenny’s shoulder. Jenny strokes Faith’s hair, eyes never leaving the Mayor.
It’s okay.
(into Jenny’s shoulder)
I wanna be a kid.
And you’re going to get that chance. But right now, a lot of people are trusting you to exploit the Mayor’s weak spot, and you said yourself that you’d be able to do it.
I know. I just — god, I’m so fucking scared.
Me too.
The sky begins to darken. Faith, looking nervous, raises her head to look up at the Mayor’s podium.
Oh, God.
I love you, Jenny.
Jenny stands up, pulling Faith with her, and hugs her tightly.
I love you too, Faith. Kick some demon butt out there.
Faith lingers for a moment. Then people begin to scream, and she steels herself before pulling away from Jenny, pushing towards the Mayor.
Jenny watches Faith go, looking very much like she wants to run after her and pull her back. She’s two steps away from actually doing it when a vampire grabs her shoulder, trying to sink its teeth into her neck. Jenny headbutts it, then pulls out a stake from her purse, dusting the vampire as quickly as possible.
Okay. Let’s do this.
Jenny charges into battle, weaving through panicked parents to reach the main fight.
As the battle goes on, Faith finally reaches the Mayor, who’s just about finished the last of Principal Snyder.
Hey, ugly!
What was once the Mayor turns, a bloodthirsty rage in its eyes. Faith falters, but stares it down, a jut in her chin that isn’t unlike Jenny.
You want a piece of this Potential?
Faith turns and sprints towards the school, the Mayor close behind.
The students continue to fight the vampires. It’s a struggle, but it’s clear that the kids have the upper hand.
Giles is waiting with the dynamite. A beat, then Faith dives through the window, glass breaking everywhere, and collapses in a heap next to him. Giles slams the plunger down, then pulls Faith back, supporting her, as first the library, then the entire school begins to explode.
Holy fucking shit.
Aptly stated.
Faith is sitting calmly in an ambulance, letting the medics patch her up, while the Scoobies surround her and shower her with excited compliments.
You killed it, Faith! Like, literally and metaphorically, how cool is that?
Seriously really cool.
Weirdly, I, uh, kinda think I’m done with the supernatural scene after this. I might just lie down. Maybe visit Hawaii.
Giles is standing by the ambulance, though he isn’t paying as much attention to the kids; his attention is focused on the stragglers and the wounded. He hasn’t yet seen Jenny.
Angel comes up to the group, looking battered and exhausted. He leans in to give Buffy a kiss hello.
Pretty sure Wesley’s off being treated for a tailbone fracture or something similar. He seems upset about it.
The guy literally busted his ass trying to make things right with us.
Well, if that’s the case, I think we should extend an invitation to him. Maybe he can stick around a little longer, see if he’s really Scooby material.
Yeah, once you get past his annoying desire to be in charge, he can actually be… kind of okay. Sometimes.
(to Angel)
Don’t quote me on that.
Oh, hey, there’s Ms. Calendar!
Giles whirls, then sees Jenny, whose jacket is a bit scuffed and who’s sporting a few new bruises but looks otherwise unharmed. He presses a hand to his mouth, tears in his eyes.
Chill, Giles. She wasn’t actually going to die, she’s Ms. Calendar.
That isn’t how probability works, Cordelia.
(to Xander)
Emotionally on the fritz, and he still finds time to be all British and correct-y.
Jenny makes her way through the crowds, stopping in front of Giles. Without a word, she raises a hand to his face, and they both just smile at each other.
Summer is going to be a nightmare if those two keep on giving each other goo-goo eyes all the time.
I think it’s cute!
(not looking away from Giles)
Comments can be saved for after the romantic reunion, thanks.
“Romantic reunion?” You sound like me.
(smiling, teasing)
Is that a good thing?
Decisively not. I like it when you sound like you.
A beat, and then Jenny steps into Giles’s arms, kissing him. Xander wolf-whistles and Buffy starts up a round of applause. After a few seconds, Giles and Jenny pull slowly apart to shoot the kids a look.
I think we should all go out for some post-apocalypse ice cream.
Ooh, or pizza sounds good.
I am not getting pizza grease on the very nice dress I wore to graduation.
The nice dress that’s covered in blood and vampire dust?
My point still stands—
The kids’ chatter fades into the background as Giles and Jenny finally let go of each other.
So what happens now?
Happy endings, I’d wager.
There could be another monster coming, you know.
Please. No self-respecting monster shows up during summer vacation. We have at least three months to just—
Giles looks a little overwhelmed by his realization.
Just be together.
Now Jenny looks overwhelmed too.
I really, really like the way that sounds.
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