#that rule is dumb imo but like GIRL
jestermeows · 1 year
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image of leader woman who has unexplained half clan kits, goes "i'm worried about what my clan thinks of me :(" and then as soon as said kits are adults has ANOTHER ONE WITH THE SAME GUY
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shopcat · 2 years
HI. this is the steve harrington autism post. source: i have the steve harrington style autism that makes me autistic about him
to preface this i would like to say i am working off of personal like interpretation and thru the lens of my own experience :0... also this is long lol <3 so, tl;dr, here are the autistic traits or things that are caused by autism i believe steve showcases, (except.. do read if you like <3):
sensory issues -> wearing only ever the same style of clothes, adjusting/touching his hair, (potentially) eating certain foods
stimming -> walking in place to think, fiddling with small objects, spinning/flipping/throwing objects to keep himself focussed or entertained, listening to music
scripting -> repeating phrases/words aloud and practicing what he's going to say, repeating the "plan" aloud
routine -> strict hair routine with specific steps, was in routine sports with strict rules/timing and enjoys them otherwise, driving robin to school every day without even knowing she couldn't bc it was routine, working jobs that require mindless but engaging tasks including organisation
poor grasp of social cues, especially with girls, and saying the "wrong" thing at the wrong time (including the 6 little nuggets speech, "he ate dustin's cat", confessing to robin, etc)
other people feeling like they have to tell him things he's "missed" socially (dustin telling him he likes robin, eddie telling him he likes nancy)
likes to set/follow rules and is upset when people deviate from them (i.e. max wanting to leave in s4)
out of-the-box/atypical/lateral thinking
delayed processing of thoughts/concepts/complicated subjects especially in high-intensity scenarios
picking up on small details (like background sounds in large areas or recognising something) that other people don't pick up on
fixating on certain things (hair, clothes/shoes, sports, etc)
high pain tolerance/sensory dysregulation (shaking off concussions/consistent, continued ability to function while severely injured)
inability to conceptualise his OWN mortality/safety and engaging in at risk situations with little thought other than instinct + making impulsive choices
developmental differences/delays (literally crawling backwards)
poor grades in school/not getting into college
trouble regulating emotion
poor self esteem due to feeling worthless :(
i also have adhd so i also keep this in mind a little and obv at the end of the day this is just my own interpretation + autism is a spectrum :) NOW. i will go into detail >:)
SOOO i'm not sure if steve was deliberately coded as autistic but i DO think they intentionally in one way or another coded him with a developmental disability of some kind!! which i will talk about first!!
this is shown particularly in season 2 in a couple different instances and continues into season 3 at undercurrent ..
we've discussed this a little before but i also think this is why when people like to just describe him as genuinely "dumb" it like hurts people's feelings 😭 my feelings... and that's not intentional ofc but while it is a personal insecurity of the character himself that is being ironically picked at, positively or not, by those who love him in fandom, it's also evident of something happening under the surface that people may be unaware of imo
i think he display a out of-the-box, atypical or lateral way of thinking combined with delayed processing in a way that is very typical to neurodivergent behaviour!! and more...
in season 2 we get a really nice little look into his psychology about it when nancy is reading his college admission essay (that he presumably asked her to do) and he's sitting there SO nervous and full of doubt and worked up about it he's like. basically twitching 😭
he says "it's crap i know" and nancy's like no it's not! and he's like "ugh it's not good..." sooo stressed out.. and nancy says it just needs some reorganising, which is INTERESTING!!! someone who is insecure in his own skills and inability to get his thoughts across in a succinct way + has good, complex ideas that translate poorly when he tries to explain it out loud or in text + a host of insecurities pre-rooted and explicitly about his own intellectual "failings" all = a very neurodivergent read of Steve Vs School i think
also, maybe a tangent, but: in that essay itself nancy says he starts by using one of his basketball games as a metaphor for his life, then he confuses the metaphor by comparing it to the war his grandfather was in. nancy says she doesn't see how they're connected and he's like "um. it connects because we both won" (i actually think she's being very sweet in this scene!! idg when ppl say she's mean here)
ik this wasn't the show's intention and just extrapolation but i find it really cool + interesting that there IS a war of some kind that steve could talk about that HE fought in, there is a description of high stakes combat where it's him VS them and he is the only one who now has to make this high stakes, risky choice, instead of playing it safe like he always does that relates directly to his life as a metaphor and he DOES feel connected to his grandfather in this sense...
but he can't actually talk about that. so it's basketball. and it's a slightly clunky metaphor that makes it seem like, trite, like oh silly steve, basketball isn't WAR. the essay itself is actually really well-written and evocative!! but to me signifies this inability to directly translate what he's thinking, hence it needs a little "rearranging", or maybe it's a little "all over the place" even
(also, that he crumpled up the entire essay and dismissed it entirely and fell back on nihilistic thinking and "i'll just work for my dad i guess". he already had cast disbelief upon his own ability to thrive because he feels he's not good enough :( )
his failing grades, which ended in not getting into college, tech or otherwise, is a big part of his post-highschool arc i think. to me it also shows sympathy to a problem many young neurodivergent (in every which way, btw) people face, including myself, and is potentially a really almost kind portrayal of the capability of a person not being wrapped up in their intellectual or i guess SCHOLASTIC endeavours and "achievements", and that you can be successful and "useful" to others in different ways :0
to call him dumb and really mean it (both in and out of show -_-) after all this is a certain kind of disservice i guess? like okay i think a little jokey joke is fine and also absolutely RELATING is fine (and another extension of another one of my points which is basically just "he's just like me fr" can actually = "he's JUST like me... like For Real". he's dumb in the way i'm dumb and we're both not actually dumb) but let's all be cool okayyyy
beyond school, i think he displays SOO many behaviours both characteristically and even like in his physicality that build to this beautiful conclusion... i think steve is this guy who was served up to be an initially one dimensional being who proved himself again and again to have a multitude of complexities beneath the surface :). i think his literal entire character arc is adjacent to the autistic experience LOL... perhaps...
he showcases a certain need and comfort in routine in a variety of ways, like:
being interested in sports both watching recreationally (which have timed matches and he HAS to be there on time, too) and as the hobby itself. sports are a high-routine activity with strict rules and rituals, before, after and during, as well as the extra work you have to put in otherwise!!
ESPECIALLY something like swimming, which is all about certain timing (and an individual-based sport as opposed to the team-based basketball) which he took for years!! (and actually got his cpr verification for, which you absolutely don't need to just like. be on the swim team. but it would be the "right" way to do it LOL) (also idk how it worked in 1980s fictional indiana but you need your verification a year in advance to actually do anything with it where i live!! which means he did it FROM freshman year)
driving robin to school every day, and then presumably picking her up for work sometimes too, despite not even knowing she COULDN'T drive herself because he was so dedicated to this routine (and friendship :D <3)
his hair routine!! it's SO specific (four puffs EXACTLY!!! no more no less... and when it's DAMP not WET) and i am honestly of the mind it's actually far more complex of a routine he even makes it out to be .. and i am willing to bet the multi step experience of it all is sooo long and has to be just as specific too. also extra points for it being something he does that aids in his own self-image and would make him feel like he's putting himself together.? so to speak
i think, in a way, that he owns about 9 pairs of shoes and most of them are white sports shoes with a colour accent + he's been shown to wear the colour accent that matches his outfit more often than not. which i spose is a certain kind of. ritual or routine or something.
he also shows a whole host of sensory issues/complexities/...things!!
he wears the same style of clothes like CONSTANTLY. almost everything he owns is either a soft sweater or a polo shirt, plus the same style of jacket he cycles through, all of which are well-worn (despite him being like, rich) :) the exception is that colourblock denim vest (which i think is the exception for him too because he just wanted to look like marty mcfly. which is so autistic)
i.e. wearing something that you know is comfortable over and over that doesn't give you a poor sensory experience, and continuing to buy the same style of clothing because you know it's safe to do so because he FEELS comfortable. super autistic trait. beloved prep trait as well i also just think he doesn't actually care what he wears but whatever
he also sometimes favours tight clothes and sometimes looser/baggier ones (think one day the s4 blue/white polo and jeans, the next a sweater and loose chinos) which indicates to me possible different sensory needs in the day by day...
he also wears a lot of undershirts, including with the scoops ahoy uniform (which could've been to avoid a POOR sensory experience)
he adjusts/runs his fingers through his hair and makes sure it's in a nice state at an almost compulsive level but it's also like an afterthought kind of. it could also just be a sensory thing to want to retouch his hair and play with it and follow through with the prior routine of it Looking Good + a grounding technique for sure
along with that he stims a LOT, including the thing where he has to twirl or throw ANYTHING in his hands up to and including -> a lighter, the baseball bat MIDFIGHT, a torch, a phone MIDFIGHT, his ice cream scooper, keys, his sailor hat, a banana, a random ball he found... he's also very fiddly and tends to sort of be happy sitting quietly and doing something over and over like that (this is also a trait with adhd :) )
the jobs he worked are relatively low intensity despite customer interaction and had him working with his hands plus at FV there's a lot of sorting/organisation. also "not my TAPES man" because he already sorted them and now it's ruined 😭
you tend to see him taking a little moment for himself in the background of scenes a lot, sometimes with robin as well!! he kind of just wanders off and does his own thing but in the wake of the high emotion, high adrenaline various combats in-show it makes sense, even more so if he just needs a little moment to himself to unwind
he walks/paces to think!!!
the reason he and robin only even threw up in season 3 is a) the stimulating lights he noticed that then b) over-stimulated them
this one's a little less obvious but he listens to the same kind of music and listens to it LOUDLY when he's stressed 😭 he also doesn't turn it off even if he like, technically should like on the way to fight monsters. i think he just likes music a lot tbh but also very autistic to me (and also a reason why he and eddie would be friends and/or kiss on the mouth)
one of the biggest things that sounds off to me is his social interactions :0 he is hailed as this like, ladies man but almost near constantly plummets to the earth in insane social blunder which personally i love actually (and it extends beyond these situations too!!). all the hottest boys are autistic...
i know that this is to show him just like, losing his charm...? and that he peaked in highschool or something and i do love his patheticness but it's also sooo autism. one of the reasons i actually think he's gay (lol) is his compulsive need to try and "land" a social interaction with a woman, then fail, while also not "feeling the spark" with the women he DID land and failing to see why (like his date at the basketball game). he's constantly seeking companionship but it feels like it's just out of his reach and he doesn't get it... sigh... and that it's definitely in part bc he feel he can't relate to them because HE'S so different i think. for whatever reason. multiple.
in season 3 the ENTIRE you rule/you suck board is like a beautiful shrine to this... he's honestly so funny . but like constantly awkwardly flirting and somehow saying the wrong thing every time whilst also not getting that they're Not responding to him until they like, leave, which is like. a statistical unlikelihood to me of times this can happen without something else going on in his little brain. i also like that he "invented" a makeout point bc that opens up the ability to just go um. let's go to skull rock. and the person would be like oh okay yes i am going to makeout with steve harrington.
beyond just girls or failed flirting or whatever a lot of his interactions with the kids or his other friends ping to me as having trouble with social cues and some accidental bluntness!! a FAVOURITE being -> "dart ate a cat?" "no. what? no." "what are you talking about? he ate mews" "who's mews?" "it's dustin's cat" "STEVE..." 😭😭 i love him. also him suggesting he could work his charm on the dean of the school and nancy being like... not that kind of charm.
oh another good moment for this is in the epilogue to season 3 actually like he's trying so hard to show he's seen Some movies (but only remembers the significant/stand out details) and then when robin's like can you give us a moment he's just like. Why. and does this funny little head shake movement. and robin does the steve -_- and he backs away kubrick staring... beautiful scene
he also falls victim i think to saying the wrong thing at the wrong time which is a lot of the time not necessarily his like FAULT ofc but suggests further little issues or . unalignmentd with social interaction. the entire 6 little nuggets speech to nancy to me is one of these situations (and maybe the convo in the woods with her?? idk) where he's kind of just talking and digging a hole and the other person is sort of just sitting there. it's also shown with like "like the germans?"
ALSO, a lot of the time people end up coming to him specifically and sort of like... telling him what to do/how HE feels?? and i think he just sort of goes along with it. in season 3 dustin tells him he has a crush on robin until he kind of talks himself into it and then he accidentally crash-fails for a second time by confessing to her at a sort of insane time as well (not that i think he actually had any feelings for her!!). and in season 4 eddie does the SAME with nancy which is almost spectacular.
alsoo while i think he struggles with certain social cues i also think he's very emotionally intelligent and he picks up on people's feelings easily which i guess someone could say it seems to counter? other autistic traits (silly) but to me i think. autistic people are aware of PLENTY of social cues sometimes the cue is just stupid -_- and i can read other people's emotions for sure in fact i'm almost like hyper attuned to it i just don't know how to RESPOND to it a lot of the time. whereas steve picks up on dustin's nerves at the snow ball and reassures him accordingly (and so cutely..), then picks up on robin's emotions after his confession and near-immediately course corrects after her confession in order to make her laugh!!! he was also really good with picking up on nancy's feelings and knowing exactly what to do about it/using forethought about it (like idk holding her hand when they were having sex or something to ease her nerves but also noticing she was upset at the library) when they were together at least 🤔
there are also a number of other various things very dear to me that i have no where else to include. LIKE:
his high pain tolerance!!! he's able to shake off torture, multiple concussions, various beatings with little to almost NO actual repercussions. in s4 it was actually really interesting how he was feeling bad enough to almost faint after the bats but once he was patched up he was "fine", and acted like he was fine for... the rest of the entire show. he did a backflip. high pain tolerance is an offshoot of a sensory dysregulation!!
specifically a lack of filter and moments where he goes "too far" especially when he's struggling with an emotional dysregulation of sorts, like with dustin in s4 or even with jonathan s1, but also like. the dumb faces he was making behind his date's back.
"when i was a baby, i crawled backwards"!!! autistic children can have different development i.e. their early CHILDHOOD development that can present itself in a variety of ways!! atypical to the norm crawling/walking is one of them (also matches up with robin taking 6 months longer to walk than other babies which she Also said to nancy and i think this is significant of something and i don't know what. maybe it's just funny. also stobin soulmates ofc).
to me, being the guy who mid plan debrief is the one saying "so let me get this straight" AND that he's the one asking the necessary questions to get everyone's minds (and in the 4th wall sense the literal plot) moving suggests that he both feels the need to want clarification of like, plans/instructions and what the situation is so everyone is caught up and he didn't get it wrong, and that just speaking it aloud helps cement it in his mind (which is also scripting as well i believe). also his ability to ask the RIGHT "wrong" questions suggests out of-the-box thinking as well (i would say both of these are also an adhd trait!)
his friendship with robin is honestly a point for me LOL. robin is an example of a character i do believe IS intentionally absolutely autistic coded, especially in season 4 but also 3, and his bond with her seems to be a personal one based in trust in each other and their own similarities... in season 4 when they're lamenting their love lives and say they should "just combine" is so important to me.. ugh
he's very particular and possessive about his belongings in an almost pedantic way (c'mon man not my SCOOPER! and wipe your feet before you get in my CAR and honestly even that he refuses to let max drive it fullstop, a little bit)
he also ate. SO many bananas at scoops i think for a time being it ended up being a safe food which literally happened to me as well. a very small thing but i like it
he scripts!! ie he repeats words and phrases aloud as a form of stimulation and getting himself to think or practices what he's going to say before things so he's "scripting" it (his "i'm sorry wtf am i sorry for" speech before he runs into dustin in s2)
he gets along better people who, by majority, aren't in his peer group i.e. the kids!!! and even robin and nancy were a little younger! he is very genuinely friends with the kids and it is Very Genuinely so sweet, but particularly with dustin too i found it sooo... <3
he also shows like these moments of high-intensity like silly child-like qualities of (autistic) joy LIKE when he sees dustin in scoops and they have their little lightsaber fight (which they. had practiced and made beforehand) that is just so sweet to me...
he picks up on things that other people don't!!! as the Normal Guy in a group of people he typically ends up settling in that role BUT he's multiple times picked up on small details that other people don't or DIDN'T notice, which is a neurodivergent trait!! he recognised the song in the russian recording, recalled where it came from like. right after + was the only one who heard dustin in the upside down + other things like noticing when someone's missing from a room
i also think he may be prone to like. i guess sensory overload/emotional dysregulation when he reacts what i think is appropriately to these HUGE scary scenarios but everyone else is like chill out and therefore it's inappropriate to them that he's losing his mind about it. but as time passes and he gets used to it all it lessens for sure (most evident in season 1) but there are moments where he struggles to reign in his truest reactions to things i think LOL. he is also just very dramatic tbf ☝️
his other vague neuroticisms but specifically commenting when things aren't Correct or Right or Safe including complaining about the sterility of the needle he was being injected with mid TORTURE
when he defaults to sports metaphors bc that's the easiest thing he can relate to in s2. god
100% of autistic people i talk to about this all go OH YEAH he's so autistic. tbh i think autistic people relating to a character can be enough of a diagnosis to me. peer diagnosis...
i just think so :)
in conclusion...
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freakyshibs · 7 months
Shows that were canned too early that deserved better (imo)
We all hate it when we get wayy too invested into a show with good characters, an interesting plot, and a solid setup right? Well it seems that the networks for these shows didn’t really see it that way sadly, some of these shows are known, others aren’t, but this is just gonna be me rambling about how we didn’t get more of these said shows 😭
The Owl House
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Now this one I wont dig deep into too long? We did get a solid ending in the end, but we were definitely robbed of a full season 3
The fact that this was Disneys next big thing, (like Gravity Falls) and still got axed kinda baffles me a bit because executives love big ratings
I heard they cancelled it because of it ‘not fitting the disney brand’ (mostly because there were two main gay characters in it) which I thought was super unfair, because they really were that homophobic 💀
All in all, I enjoyed this show and wanted a full season 3
Close Enough
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From Regular Show creator J.G Quintel, this show was definitely more for an older audience, and let me say they did amazing at it.
The shows humor didn’t revolve around cussing or sex jokes, (which is what I see all the time now in modern adult animation) and the show was definitely funny!
Unfortunately though, Max cancelled it after 3 seasons due to the merge of Discovery + and HBO Max, with Max canning alot of shows during that time, this being one of them
We kinda sorta got left on a cliffhanger of sorts?? At least imo. Liked the show and wish we had more
Wander Over Yonder
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For a show made by Craig McCracken (Powerpuff Girls, Fosters Home) you’d think it would be popular and have a bunch of seasons right?
Well no, with this show only having two seasons after Disney cancelled it because ‘80 episodes were enough for this show’ which is kinda dumb?? I dunno I just don’t like executives and rules and stuff
I remember this show from my childhood, it was really good in my opinion, I feel like we could’ve had more if Disney didn’t cancel it as early as it did
Love you WOY 🫡
Inside Job
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The fact that this show left on a cliffhanger too made me even more upset that Netflix cancelled it as early as they did
Not only was this another adult animated show that didn’t rely on cussing or sex jokes, the story was actually really interesting too and if the show did continue, we would’ve had a happy ending
Screw Netflix actually I will never forgive them for this one
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I CANNOT stress enough about how this show deserved so much more than what it got, I actually would’ve put it at number one, but the next one is kinda justifiable so ._.
From Todd Kauffman and Mark Thornton (Total Drama Island) this show featured a kid and his friends that were in a band, and used lead singers sisters diary as lyric ideas, bc they suck at writing them
And I loved it
I swear I don’t think I’ve ever been heavily interested in and emotionally attached to the characters in a show before, it was so good
The songs in this show were also heavenly, I suggest you give them a listen, theyre really good!
Also another reason I really liked the show was because it was a Canadian toon that didn’t revolve around gross out humor (I applaud them for that)
Unfortunately this was a show Cartoon Network screwed over BIG time, with when it came out during the summer it was airing, kids were mostly outside playing, never really gaining an audience, and then after the first half of the season aired, it was on a 2 YEAR hiatus. With fans questioning if the show would ever come back
Fortunately it did! Except Cartoon Network shoved it on their app, and a year later shoved it onto their sister channel, Boomerang. Then, after the show FINALLY ended their first season, the show was immediately cancelled, with Cartoon Network never really giving it a chance
The whole way Cartoon Network handled this show frustrated me immensely, with it having a decent fanbase, and people wanted more (me being one of them:()
The creators even had alot of plans for next said season, but I guess we will never get to see them (unless a Clone High situation happens but that’s doubtful)
Show was very underrated and deserved SO much more, Cartoon Network fumbled this one and the last show Im about to mention
Sym Bionic Titan
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This sci fi animated series by Genndy Tartakovsky (Samurai Jack, Dexters Lab) only lasted one season with 20 episodes
With Cartoon Network cancelling it because of the failure to produce a TOY LINE
The fact this show got axed because of toys just makes me so upset
This was one of those shows that also left on a cliffhanger sadly, so we never really got to see how this show properly ended
With Genndy even saying that he wrote 10 more episodes, but now we will never get to see them
ALSO THE SHOWS SOUNDTRACK WAS SO GOOD?! Love when shows put banger songs in the bg, reminded me so much of Clone High
Anyways thats pretty much it? These are just my opinion tho, everyone is entirely different
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dearweirdme · 3 months
i wanted to talk abt this before,
i do believe jm dated that daeun girl there’s a lot of proof, however, it ended pretty terrible and i believe she is the person jm speaks about on face… about wanting him for money and blindsiding him and i feel like she’s going crazy on socials right now either for attention or to annoy fans. since all of her pics are old and correlate to 2021/2022. i hope he finds someone that loves him for who he is and not for his status or what they can get from him. i feel like armys in general are mostly ignoring her because she wants a reaction out of it. if confirming her past relationship w jm is what she wants, it’s kind of dumb to do it now - isn’t it? it’s giving jennie posting the paris pics weeks later to gain a reaction out of it.
i do believe they wanted, i just think is now over and it didn’t end on good terms.
Hi anon!
Personally I’m not ruling out them having been broken up for a while but restarting their relationship at one point.
I think women are always way to easy looked upon as attention seeking and acting out emotionally. But when we consider that Daeun and Jm are equals (when you’re in a relationship outside opinions on someone being famous would hopefully not matter) I can also see her posts as her being possessive and wanting to make it clear that he’s hers. It is as much her right to speak about their relationship as it is his. I think in relationships we often want to show how much the other means to us and it’s possible imo that that’s what she’s trying to do. I don’t think she’s going about it the right way, but then again it’s really not up to me to decide what way someone should act.
If we consider the possibility that Daeun thinks the way Idols and their relationships are being regarded is stupid.. then to me her behavior could make sense.
I agree though that the lack of recent footage is weird in this case. So basically.. I’m not sure of anything accept that she very clearly links herself to Jm and that I most definitely think they were involved at one point.
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wishesofeternity · 2 years
what do you think of Rhaenyra?
from the books? I think she's overshadowed and underused in her own narrative because grrm is far too obsessed with her loser ass uncle/husband Daemon and has consciously or unconsciously made HIM the central character of the Dance, to the detriment of every other character. I also think the Blacks suffer because the Greens are not their enemies as much as they're caricatures, which weakens the conflict between the two and is pretty lackluster writing imo.
that being said, from the pieces you get of her, Rhaenyra is visceral in a way that Cersei is visceral, she's angry and raging and alive like wildfire. she's on the brink of greatness and glory but she's her own worst enemy, she's a terrible person and an incompetent tyrannical ruler. she's someone who walks herself to the edge of a burning chasm and thinks she's found gold. she's also someone who stares into the mouth of hell and refuses to flinch. she's bold and selfish, loving and hateful, proud and pathetic. she's hated by history, but she's also remembered, and that is a victory in itself. she's fascinating!
in the show? I see an echo of the character she COULD have been - a radiant bold anguished girl turned sharp and wild by the world she lives in, a world she both rages against and wants to rule, a world that will eventually devour her. but this means nothing because she's been declawed and defanged, she's become passive without any true agency. they refuse to let her be entitled, be selfish, be ruthless. she's just a bland generic badass who's wronged by her nasty enemies, and all her self-made problems are justified and/or solved by her indulgent father and her worthless husband. she's boring, and that's the worst thing a fictional character can be.
Rhaenyra is also framed as the enlightened sexually liberated feminist (she's the crown princess of a feudal society, give me a break) to Alicent's brainwashed consersative Madonna, which I completely disagree with because that's not the reading I have of their characters AT ALL, the idea that Alicent has any power over Rhaenyra is laughable, and it also has a potentially harmful and horrifying message, considering Alicent's experiences as a child bride and rape victim at the hands of Viserys, who is Rhaenyra's primary supporter and enabler, and how despite this they're very keen to hammer the fact that ALICENT is the one oppressing other women and upholding the patriarchy. That's all levels of problematic writing, and it's done with complete bias and worship towards Rhaenyra to the detriment of the female characters around her, which automatically makes me irritated with her. and it's not like Rhaenyra is given any agency, either. she's just...there, as a generic badass we're automatically supposed to root for. it's dumb and I hate it
(also: this is just my opinion based on what I've seen and watched, I'm not, like, passing eternal judgement on her and you can obviously view her differently) (im just clarifying this in case anyone takes personal offence to this answer because people in this fandom are insane)
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agaypanic · 1 year
who is your favorite character from each show you write about? and why?
ooo this is fun
Derry Girls - i honestly can't choose between james and clare, i love them both so much!! james seems so awkward bc he doesn't know what's going on and clare is so funny when she gets panicky, i love the english fella and the wee lesbian lmao
I Am Not Okay With This - stan!! he's just so unapologetically himself, plus i love his style. his fits go hard. (also i love bloodwitch, i'm so glad that netflix made an album for a fake band lmao)
My Babysitter's A Vampire - obvi benny, that man's the love of my life (atticus mitchell is so dreamy). he's like one of those guys that immediately comes to mind when someone brings up stereotypical disney 2010s boys. but rory is so close up there, i love dumb blonde men
Malcolm In The Middle - malcolm!!! despite being an only child, i relate to him a lot. he's the whole reason i started writing for mitm in the first place
The Maze Runner - gally, mainly bc he's the only tmr character i write for (although ive only written one thing for him and it was over a year ago). i absolutely love will poulter, plus gally's so real for being like "fuck this greenie we can't trust him" bc imagine being stuck somewhere for 3 years and this newbie comes along and breaks all the rules and figures out how to get out in like less than a week (love thomas tho)
That 70's Show - eric!!! i love nerdy beanpole men. he has his moments but for the most part i think he's def one of the best members of the friend group (the writers did him and topher so dirty at the end tho, making him have like no direction in life and then making him move to africa and break up with donna, that felt so out of character imo) (topher grace <333) (i still have to see that 90s show, if youve seen it lmk if its good!! no spoilers tho pls lmao)
iZombie - even if i wrote for more than just him, i love ravi. again, i love nerdy men. there's just something about him and his sweaters that has me kicking my feet and giggling. also, when he ate that brain the first time we see him getting his monthlies RAHHHH made me feel stuff
obvi i love all the characters i write for but for some fandoms, i def have favorites lol
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ladymorghul · 2 years
I know how this might sound, but I feel like the writing sort of validated takes like: her children were never in any real danger, it was all manufactured by Otto, or that Alicent has been unreasonable this whole time. Others have said this but the reconciliation was not a good writing choice. From my understanding, the last time the Greens and Blacks see each other is after Driftmark, after Aemond is permanently disfigured and disabled, after Viserys made it very clear that he would cover for Rhaenyra's treason, going so far as to yell at Aegon (who had nothing to do with the fight, but he couldn't even bother to reprimand Luc or Jace), after Rhaenyra herself suggested Aemond be tortured and pushed Alicent until she snapped. During those ten years Rhaenyra married Daemon, who was Public Enemy #1 (it wasn't just Otto who suggested Viserys make Rhaeneyra heir, it was the entire council because they didn't want Daemon near the throne), and Viserys slowly dying, basically a countdown to the inevitable war. 
When they reunite Vaemond is executed for voicing the exact same concerns (having him call Rhaenyra a whore was to soften Daemon's reaction, I refuse to believe that Vaemond is that stupid when he saw how far Viserys is willing to go to protect Rhaenyra at Driftmark) Alicent has had since Otto's dismissal and no one is punished, instead there's a big happy meal and wait, it turns out that Alicent has been unreasonable this whole time. That it was all in her head, her paranoia created and fed by Otto. So about 20 years worth of terror, Alicent pushing and punishing Aegon for not assuming his responsibility as heir...were all for nothing, smoothed over by a toast? Good queen? Girl, where, when??
The prophecy was dumb. It feels like that was just inserted to 1) keep the plot going because no, Alient's fears aren't valid, all she has to do is accept Rhaenyra as queen and everything's going to be okay (making Alicent more sympathetic to audiences because again, there's no other reason Alicent would want to crown Aegon, even though the prophecy makes her look dumb instead), and 2) it takes away from Aegon's storyline and the family tragedy as a whole. Before episodes 8-10, it felt like the Green family tragedy is that they all step into roles to protect one another: Alicent may not want to crown her son (imo Alicent comes off as someone who doesn't want power) but has to protect him and his siblings, Aegon doesn't want to be king but does so to protect his family, Aemond probably doesn't like Aegon but he'll fight and defend him to the end (it all goes horribly wrong but still). Now the dance is all about a prophecy, about men stealing the crown from the rightful heir, erasing the socio-political implications of Rhaenyra's ascension??? This isn't Shakespearian smh. 
This is getting long but lastly, Otto scheming to kill Rhaenyra was dumb. He's never really had a problem with Rhaenyra, his problem has always been with Daemon. Killing her, Daemon's wife and mother of his children, is basically unleashing him. The Green Council should have been the council talking about the politics, why the realm, if they accept a woman on the throne, would not accept bastards inheriting over true-born children and Aegon & his family. No gross feet scene (why, why do that to both actors?), no trying to force this "men = bad, women = good" shallow depiction of the patriarchy, and no Rhaenys. 
i agree with almsot everything you said here except for the depiction of patriarchy.
it is important to show that while rhaenyra may be spoiled, may be politically struggling, may lack this skill or that skill (which has happened with plenty of ruling male monarchs), a huge reason why she's being fought against is because she is a woman.
it's why viserys is chosen over rhaenys, why corlys gives driftmark to laenor, etc.
i don't think the green council should necessarily have sounded like some pompous sociopolitical class on why they're better for putting aegon on the throne, but i do wish the writers would understand that alicent had every right to push for what she believed is her own best interest, regardless of whether that would be wrong or right.
by that point in the story alicent had every reason to fear rhaenyra and daemon and if the weird reconcilliation at the dinner scene would be deleted, just those few minutes, all the greens should be scared of what daemon and rhaenyra might do.
and yeah i agree about the prophecy... they could have worked it into a story without it seeming like that's the only reason alicent pushes aegon to be king. they should have given her more agency.
i bet she will go down as one of the most hated female characters just for how they decided to shape her for rhaenyra's story.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
The discussion of what would’ve happen if for some reason there was no Dance and Rhaenyra came to the throne is on again on Twitter, many are now agreeing that there would any sort of new conflict, even if Rhaenyra didn’t want it and tried to be a peaceful ruler (which I doubt ‘cause she doesn’t know the first thing of ruling) principally because of Daemon because he like to cause trouble and problems for everybody and their mothers; but that’s not the important thing in this (for me); Rhaenyra’s technically legitimate heir is Aegon III and that would be a problem to Jace and the String kids because Daemond would play his cards against them (and he wouldn’t be on the wrong at least on the eyes of the lords of the realm, his children do are legitimate at least on the books; show Rhaenyra has practically only bastards).
Putting that aside; do you thing that Aegon and Helaena would still be forced to marry or would Alicent choose someone else like a Hightower cousin or Cregan (just because everyone thing he is the epitome of a good men; he got three wives and that caused his on succession crisis) or would she choose some other fate for her like being a silent sister or septa?
Aemond would probably be more free of choosing his partner or destiny, I think, so does Daeron. And Aegon probably would keep being him but with less stress on him .
I do think that who ever they married they still would be in danger of Daemon coming after them and their children; specially if any of the boys have a son that was legitimate.
Plus I think that Targaryen’s where kind of dumb for never tying the largest part of the Seven kingdoms (The North) to the throne, like at some point just honor is not enough for maintaining loyalty, you need something that has weight; lol it would be funny if Aemond or Daeron ended married to a Stark and that caused to the North being loyal to the greens (I just love my Starks)
Imo multiple things about Rhaenyra’s situation can be true. It can be true that many people in the realm would have looked down on having a queen rule, and that in a feudalistic society - patriarchy and misogyny reigns supreme. That’s not fair. Just like it can be true that Rhaenyra fucked up royally by having not one, but three bastards (technically five in the show lmao). She royally fucked up by having her brown haired strong boys (named Jacaerys Lucerys and Joffrey) then turning around and having super blonde targs named after kings.
Rhaenyra was set up to fail by even being named heir tbh, knowing the precedent that had been set by her own father becoming king over rhaenys. It was going to be an uphill battle regardless of whether it was the Hightowers or any other family. Or if she assumed the crown.
Anyway I just wanted to get that out the way because people chalk up everything wrong in Rhaenyra’s life to the greens when half of her problems come from her (and viserys) giving them ammunition and emboldening them through their stupid decisions.
As for the marriage piece, in the book it is said Viserys wanted Aegon and Helaena married to each other. The steps are bit more dubious in the show. I’m of the belief if it was possible to keep Helaena in particular, bc that’s her baby and she’s clearly anxious about her daughter in specific :(, close and married off to someone other than her brother, Alicent would have done it. Probably same with Aegon. His marriage would been of the upmost importance. They actually had a lot of opportunities to create alliances with having a girl and three boys. With the way Aemond was basiclaly offered up to the baratheons, it makes think the same would’ve happened to the other kids if given the chance
It’s funny you mentioned cregan, bc though I don’t mind him as a character and I’m interested to see where they take him the show, the way people talk about him… as if he is the stark to end all starks 💀. I saw a tweet talking about how people only speak about him that way because of the targaryen connection. I can’t help but agree :/. Like you mentioned, he creates his own mini succession crisis. Cregan and jace technically do bind the starks and targs together. “Regardless, Lord Cregan and Prince Jacaerys reached an agreement, known by Munkun as the Pact of Ice and Fire, which stated that the future firstborn daughter of Jacaerys would one day marry Cregan's son, Rickon. Cregan pledged his support to the blacks.”
That’s sort of just dropped when jace dies, and not followed up at all with rhaenyra??
Ellard Stark supported rhaenys (it was really more laenor’s) claim and the starks swore to Rhaenyra, I can kind of see why the greens didn’t try that. But imo the staunchness of the starks supporting ANY targ in this situation is weird to me. Whether it be Rhaenyra or Aegon. I understand the idea of wanting northern inclusion fomr greens/black standpoint… but I also don’t get it?? from the northern stand point. Idk it would’ve made more sense to me if they took the dornish/independent approach and just watched the targs slaughter themselves.
But I have a whole rant for about how which houses swore to which side makes no sense in general
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scarefox · 1 year
Always sad when I meet people who basically forbid their partner to have friends from the opposite gender..... Like I met a guy who didn’t want his gf to have male friends and a woman who sees it as cheating if her bf has female friends.... 
(not surprising that both their relationships didn’t last long AND they both broke their own rules. dude was friends with girls and she was lowkey into cheating)
But it’s so dumb and restricting and heteronormative. How about not dating if you can’t trust eo? Also what about bis, with their logic they could never be friends with anyone then. I personally love having friends from all genders regardless if they are in a relationship. If lucky I could get a free second friend to that one friend 🤷‍♂️ And I love listening to partnered friends talking about their loved ones. 
imo it’s even more ‘relaxing’ knowing someone is happy in a relationship, so I don’t have to worry and question if they might like me more than what I like them platonically (unless they are poly or in an open relationship). I can take such ‘we are on a date’ jokes easier when I know they are taken.
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Thank you for answering my question earlier .I appreciate it
If you do end up making Sky and Stella twins,would he have powers too or just be a specialist ? What would his powers be ? and are he and Bloom still a couple ?
Are any of the girls LGBTQ ?
Is Daphne gonna be resurrected in your rewrite (assuming you even do a rewrite of season 5)or will she just be dead and a disembodied spirit ?
Is Roxy’s backstory the same as it was in Season 4 ? (And if it isn’t what are the changes ?)
Do the Terrestrial fairies exist ? If so what role do they play ?
What transformations are you keeping in your rewrite ?
Is Diaspro gonna be redeemed ? Or a reluctant ally to the Winx ? (please don’t let there be drama between her and Bloom about Sky)
Is Domino gonna be revived (like it was in SOTLK ?) since I’m assuming that’s the realm that Bloom would’ve ruled if it hadn’t been destroyed
Thanks for asking! I like answering where I can ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
So regardless of their possible twinsies status Sky does have magic it's just very weak sun magic making him a "disappointment", in a similar vein Darcy has very powerful lunar magic and is also a "disappointment" while Stella gifted with equal amounts of powerful magic for both. Solaria had to step up and rule over an additional court of refugees and need a monarch to be seen a powerful unified pillar of strength for the people. Sky still becomes a specialist.
Bloom/Sky never happens, she does develop a crush but he doesn't return her affection because he's gay. In fact the vast majority of the main cast are LGBTQ including Bloom herself. The list of het/straight characters is so short I can count the characters on one hand. Like the only main character that isn't LGBTG is Stella which still doesn't change her queer platonic relationship with Bloom in the slightest.
The rest is basically all spoilers, the most I can say about Roxy's backstory and the Terrestrial fairies is that there's no natural magic on Earth at all. As for the transformations I'm keeping all of these and have made a few original ones to better suit some of the Winx. Diaspro has a very different part to play but that's spoilers (please note I love Diaspro a lot actually). As for Domino (yes that's the name of Bloom's court (Sparks sounds better imo in context but super dumb as a fantasy fairy court name) and Daphne I have a few ideas on how that storyline ends so it might end similarly or very different. Sorry that these aren't very forth coming.
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Transphobes are wild, dude. Just watched a short that came up where someone talked about plant fertilizer for her fish tank and all you could see was the hand and hear her voice.
The comments were full of transphobia because she has a somewhat deep voice.
On a QnA she actually answered to this in the hate mail section of the video. She showed pictures of her laying in a hospital bed with her baby after giving birth. She laughed a lot about it, because it's got to be really ridiculous going through that and being told she is a man and have people say "I can see 'her' Adam's apple!!!" when she is literally cis. Transvestigators are insane.
Of course this doesn't defend them going after actual trans people or their transphobia/misogyny towards anyone really. But it's just always this little extra layer of insane when they think they were able to tell that someone is trans and hate on them... when they are very much not.
I consider myself agender but I'm also chill about my agab. I'm just used to and often prefer being refered to with female pronouns and titles and it doesn't bother me too much. Unless it's 'but you're a woman you need to do/like [stereotypical thing]' in that case fuck you no I don't #feminism babey. I like the things I like, regardless if they are considered feminine or masculine things. Which is dumb anyway.
I've been told I'm a man or had transphobic/misogynistic things said to me despite imo just... living normally. I'm fat, I'm gay, I don't have a super duper femme voice (because you need to sound like an anime girl or you are not actually a girl lol), I like to dress a bit butch sometimes, I like to dress a bit femme sometimes. But it's so weird to me when (rarely luckily) people will look at me and harass me for not being feminine enough, either because they think I'm ftm or mtf. I'm not, I'm wearing clothes that are comfortable to me and I like to wear my hair short because it's easier to care for with my skin condition. I struggled with ovarian cysts and had surgeries multiple times, I wish I could get rid of it all. I don't want to get pregnant anyway. But a woman wanting her reproductive organs out or just clamped is ohhhh suuuch a big deal and also you're actually insane if you want it and people don't care for your reason. Apparently that makes me a man, so alright. I'll embrace it then. Man it is.
I'm just ranting. It just amazes me that people can be so closed minded that they can't accept variety in humans. Variety that has existed since what? Hundreds of thousands of years? But suddenly now in our modern times we have to make it all fit into either box A or box B. And if it doesn't fit perfectly in either then it isn't accepted and deserves ridicule or even death.
tbh hating trans people also means hating your fellow cis people and humans as a whole. Only a handful of people fit into those very small and restrictive boxes of yours with very specific rules and a majority will not. Trans or cis.
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anbubisibuna · 1 year
what is your opinion who would die first and who would be last? ( the order)
9. Felix. Probably would be killed in the first few minutes.
8. Delia. She would probably freak out fall and then get killed.
7. Nina. She would use some of her resources but then again she's not very strong or smart like the others.
6. Luzy. She's not very smart. I don't think she's dumb. But compared to other characters, like correct me if I'm wrong, but I never seen her being clever in something. She's also quite impulsive. She is more like appears to be badass but is soft in the inside.
5. Kaya. He would get this far with his physical abilities. He would probably get alot of sponsors from girls aswell because he's " hot
4. Charlotte. She's smart. But I don't think she would handle the games very well. She's quite neurotic. And after losing Luzy and Kaya she would probably lose it.
3. Daniel. He gets this far because he is able to think calmy the best. As the guy has barely or no emotions.
2. Magnus. He is the type of smart which is probably the most useful in the game. He wouldn't figure out the game, but more so crash it idk. ( He wouldn't play chess, but more so flip the table.) In S2 he doesn't play fairly but in the end he gets the grail and everything. He wouldn't go by the rule and be good at manipulating the capitol Either he gets killed somehow by the capitol or he kills himself so Mara lives.
1. Mara. One of my favourite part about her character is how much people underestimate her. And that's probably a huge advantage. Because who thinks that she cute small girl is gonna be a threat? She's very athletic. More so than Kaya. She's an absolute in ace in sports. And it's proven that she is physically strong. She is most likely the strongest from the girls. As she throws Felix over the shoulder one time for sneaking up on her. She's not the type of character who just threatens you to kick your ass, she actually is able to kick your ass. Imo she is actually more badass than Luzy is. Other than that. She probably could fight or has some skills as she is fast, has great accuracy and is quite athletic. Other than that she is also smart. She's not impulsive. She's cautious. And probably Magnus is keeping her safe aswell.
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cowboycakes · 2 years
hey sheppie, can you tell me some things you love about johnny joestar 🎤
finn. you shouldn't have asked (yes i'm going to tell you so many things i love about johnny. thank you for asking i love you i squealed when i saw this.) but, like, don't feel obliged to read this. i am in love with him. i am obsessed with him. you've been warned.
tw: my opinion and my own (dumb, prob wrong) interpretation of johnny is in here. like lowkey johnny discourse. this post is kinda sad too. mentions of mental illness and (jjba canon) violence/death. also me gushing about johnny obviously.
Tumblr media
#. johnny is so beautiful. like he has the most breathtaking face ever (esp in official art and towards the end of sbr. official art of johnny is what broke the camels back and made me watch jjba.)
#. prettiest when he cries.
#. i relate to him, and his character makes me feel less alone. he's sad and i am too. it was refreshing to see a male character feeling emotional and defeated and explicitly showing it instead of keeping a straight face. i enjoyed seeing a character who feels perpetually guilty and seeing how that guilt intrudes his mind constantly, to the point that his guilt physically follows him around (as danny the mouse.) he's ashamed and he hates himself. and every time he'd break down from said guilt and shame and self hatred, i would be like "no! its not your fault! don't cry!" and that helped me reflect on my own life... sometimes life hands you shit cards, but that doesn't make you deserving of it. and the human spirit is still built to overcome it. johnny reminds me of all of that.
#. cowboy! yee haw!
#. i love his storyline. i loved how much backstory araki let us see (though reading that shit was painful.) and i love love love johnny's monologues throughout SBR, especially how his narration at the beginning parallels his narration at the end. way to crush my soul.
#. i know he's kinda framed to have "righteous" goals... but imo he's amoral and most of what he does is out of self-interest, and i like that about him. only time he breaks away from that mindset is when someone he cares about is in question.
#. he's a nervous lil guy. i like nervous guys.
#. kissable face. cutie patootie wanna snuggle him. he just looks like he's good at cuddling and he's lowkey wearing jammies. the other day my irl friend was like "johnny looks like he's wearing a onesie" and that's kinda right. his clothes look soft i wanna put them on.
#. he’s got the hottest poses sorry i don’t make the rules. he's always arching his back n spreading his legs n shit
#. we are both horse girls.
#. he's OP as fuck. AND he's willing to throw everything away and sacrifice himself to achieve his goals, which was extremely exciting to watch. like every fight scene with johnny in it had me so hype. like the FUCKING SCENE WHERE JESUS SHOWS UP AND JOHNNY USES HIS NAIL BULLETS ON HIMSELF. one of my fav scenes ever.
#. LOOKS SEXY WHEN HE'S MAD <3333 and when he's not mad he's just being cute. he's so damn cute.
#. hates the american government.
#. dude's kinky!
#. i love his relationship with gyro. canonically, i don't know what it is. i do believe they loved one another, like so so much. i think they had what love is at its core: devotion, loyalty, sacrifice. and they both had goals consuming them the whole time, but their love for one another ultimately outlived those goals, and johnny's love for gyro outlived gyro himself. the way that gyro's last thoughts were of protecting johnny, the way johnny prayed for gyro's safety and it was all in vain, the way johnny ended up carrying the wrong corpse "home." all of it is absolutely gut wrenching and i cry about it daily and it makes me love johnny's character even more.
#. i love his sarcasm and deadpan expressions
#. TUSK!!!!! tusk. the cutest ever. that's my baby. and the way Tusk is named after a song from my favorite band... Araki did that for me and only me. i love that tusk evolved as johnny's character developed. i love how johnny freaked out when tusk first appeared. like dude chill that's just a little pink guy.
#. i love his name. jawny.
#. johnny showed concern for lucy when barely anyone else did. and lucy deserves the world. so.
#. stupid little hat with stupid little hair horns
#. fat booty.
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shaftking · 4 days
I agree with your assessment of the Barbie movie. Tbh I thought it was pretty stupid. I get that the message is about gender equality, but I’m not a fan of how the real world was depicted as this super misogynistic place for some reason, and then this one character goes on this long rant about how hard it is to be a woman, and I just didn’t relate to any of it. I’m tired of womanhood being depicted as a universal experience like this. The ending was pretty lame and wasn’t built up properly either imo. I think the filmmakers had good intentions but ultimately fumbled and filled the movie with too much cringe and on the nose commentary to be enjoyable.
For sure definitely too much cringe on the nose commentary. And they almost had something with Ken not actually being able to accomplish anything in the real world bc he has no skills but then they went and added that dumb line directly after they told him he’s not qualified being like “don’t worry men still rule the world were just more subtle about it now *wink*” like what??? And then Barbie at the end of the movie at the gyno like all women are is having pussy and trying to be perfect all the time?
Why did the movie even need any of this hamfisted messaging, would it have been such a loss to have just made a fun silly movie about Barbie coming to the real world bc in the real world someone was playing with her weird and it was wigging her out? I’m not even against having some nods to the fact that Barbie is, for a lot of girls and women, an aspirational woman figure. Her whole thing is “be who you want to be” and comes with the undertone that you can be capable and skilled and beautiful and these things don’t contradict each other.
Also I think the makers had no idea how little girls actually play with their Barbies bc otherwise wayyy more than one would be “weird Barbie” than just Weird Barbie. It definitely felt like the writers refused to kill their darlings and ended up with a movie that at best needed revisions to create anything approaching subtle and nuanced.
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omens-and-more · 4 months
"Important question: Did anyone read those comics and is Noah a good writer lol"
I've read the comics and the story is not good imo. Hopefully someone can correct me if I'm dumb, but from what I gathered, the story is about gangs? Who run LA. There's a guy in charge of it all (the rule maker) and BO want to overthrow him. They want people to make art.
The katana girl Mira is one of the opposing gang people, but she's actually on BO's side.
There are funny parts, cringe parts and the artwork is good but also weird things that are never explained. It's confusing but I did like the last issue.
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applecherry108 · 4 years
Just got this weird flashback to my sixth (fifth?) birthday party, you know, one of those parties where I had to invite all the other girls in my class? Anyways, this girl I didn’t even really talk to got me a set of baby dolls, and I hated them. I didn’t like baby dolls, and this girl spent the rest of my party playing with the present she got for me. I was so upset about it for years afterward, and I think that was probably a formative experience for why gift-giving is one of my love languages. This girl’s parents didn’t care enough to ask mine what I even liked, they just grabbed something “any girl” (or maybe just their daughter), would like. Look, I know now about my ADHD and my emotional dysregulation, but literally those stupid baby dolls ruined my birthday for me, and being like, 5, I could never quite articulate why. And just now reading about the history of Barbie and how toy manufacturers resisted her because “girls should only mother baby dolls because that’s all they’ll do in life” really struck a cord with me...
Anyways, I haven’t changed much in 25 years bc I still absolutely Do Not want children and I will get irrationally angry if someone doesn’t put a modicum of thought into a gift for me.
#apple talks#to the tune of spam#and now im remembering that how despite being the ostracized Weird Girl growing up#the one who hated all things feminine#i was the only girl in my class that liked pink let alone that it was my favorite color#i hated makeup and itchy closed and babies and boys#but i loved pink to death. and it baffled me that these other very traditionally feminine little girls hated it so much#the almost ritualistic denunciation of pink in favor of blue seems like a key piece of growing up under strict gender roles imo...#god and i still remember in COLLEGE my SENIOR YEAR OF COLLEGE that dumb bitch who gave me shit for having a pink laptop#she literally told me i wasnt ‘allowed’ to like pink bc of How I Look (ie not feminine) and yet she#a stereotypically thin blonde sorority bitch (thats not hyperbolic thats litterally what she was) was not only allowed to like pink but also#allowed to hate it too#her fucking face when she told me she never sees me wearing pink and i unzip my hoodie right then and there to reveal the pink tank top#shed walk in where something pink amd id ask why if she didnt like it andnshed scoff and say it was a present#like??? dont wear it if you dont like it?? whos forcing you???#what fucking rules are u forced to abide?? theres no dress code here#that guys wearing his pajamas to class#worst of all was my laptop broke so i got a new one. which was also pink (i like pink tech sue me)#and i had to fucking lie to her and convince her it was the same laptop bc apparently the fact i got ANOTHER pink computer#was riotous to her. fuck that bitch we were both 22 what the fuck was her damn problem
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