jestermeows · 6 months
deerpelt: i abandon my clan to die a slow death by leaving them with no one to capable of taking care of them...please starclan, help me bring my clan back, I'll do anything to bring them back! Just tell me what to do!
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jestermeows · 1 year
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jestermeows · 1 year
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im sure it'll be fine
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jestermeows · 1 year
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tough titties bitch
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jestermeows · 1 year
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image of leader woman who has unexplained half clan kits, goes "i'm worried about what my clan thinks of me :(" and then as soon as said kits are adults has ANOTHER ONE WITH THE SAME GUY
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jestermeows · 1 year
ipod brother found
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jestermeows · 1 year
everytime i stay up a little late my humor goes to shit and i know because checking on my sketch wips this made me lose my shit
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jestermeows · 1 year
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Two little guys I thought of at work yesterday, while thinking about my current selection of music I use while drawing and trying to come up with more villains 4 Newstar's story, Meet the twin Kittypet Brothers Jekyll and Hyde!
Adopted together from the same litter, they were named for their similar appearance, yet contrary temperaments, the Mild mannered and friendly Jekyll, and the Wiley, quarrelsome Hyde. While the latter of the two is quick to make fun of his brother, and the former to chastise his hastiness on exploring to far and to brazenly into those "Dangerous Wild Cat's" Territory, they still love each other more than anything, Hyde being protective of his pacifist brother to a fault.
...But unfortunately...apparently not enough.
Maybe it was bad luck, maybe Jekyll was right about those forest cats, but one day, a patrol mistook the gentle cat, looking for his troublesome brother after he had been gone for much longer than usual, as such brother, who had been mucking around a bit to much in their territory, Squabbling with previous patrols, catching to much of their food and straying far to close to their camp. The end result was poor Jekyll meeting his untimely fate at the claws of one of the most aggressive of said clans patrol, sick and tired of this pet disrespecting and taking from them.
When Hyde came across his brother, bloody and lifeless, he was more than devastated, his own brother, the brother who wouldn't hurt a mouse, the brother who he loved more than anything...
...the brother who's claw wounds beared the scent of the clans.
He would avenge his poor, late brother, and he would do it by staining more than just his pelt red....
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jestermeows · 2 years
Omg I advertised this on my old account and completely forgot to do it again here!
A few months back I made this (overly organized) warriors pinterest board. I'm not as active as I used to be but I AM STILL ADDING THINGS... I'm just kinda picky with my references!
Link: HERE
The categories are:
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Videos (Having trouble figuring out the way cats move about? Need some animation help? Made this with that in mind!)
Coats (Good for design inspo)
Kittens (All your kittens looking like tiny adult cats? This is for you!)
Close Ups (Good for expressions / muzzles, for those who struggle in that regard)
Poses (Mostly things like jumping, running, stretching, good for dramatic scenes)
Camps/Groups (Dont know how to put multiple cats in a drawing? Need help with perspective and whatnot? Yeah, me too...)
Friendliness (Cats being friendly / affectionate with eachthother)
Fighting (Cats fighting eachother, for those epic battle scenes)
Hunting/Prey (Good if you need some size references, you really underestimate how big some of these animals are)
Parents/Mentors (For those who struggle sizing kittens alongside adults, especially)
Scenery (Just some pretty scenery ideas, good for making fan-clans imo)
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jestermeows · 2 years
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Newstar, most specialist show kitty turned cat that's trying to convince you to live in a swamp like environment
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