#that remains a dream atm
misscrawfords · 5 days
Dramione Month 18: Pride and Prejudice
For once, it was quiet in the sitting room at Grimmauld Place. Hermione had taken advantage of the interlude to curl up with an old friend of a book and hope it would distract her from whatever might be going on outside of their safe house.
She had only read a chapter, however, when the peace was shattered as Harry and Malfoy apparated directly in front of her and brushed themselves down, only stopping their bickering when they saw she was there.
“Everything okay?” she queried Harry, studiously ignoring the recent unwelcome addition to the Resistance.
“No change,” he confirmed. “You and Ginny still on for the late shift?”
“Of course.”
“Right.” He hesitated a moment then turned to Malfoy. “You want a drink?”
Malfoy shook his head and collapsed into an armchair, closing his eyes. Harry hovered a moment before shrugging. “Suit yourself, I’m getting coffee.” He left the room.
Hermione gazed at Malfoy a moment to see if he would make any effort to acknowledge her but he did not open his eyes. In fact, he looked exhausted and Hermione bit back a snide comment and picked up her book again.
She read several paragraphs before she was assailed by the prickling feeling of being watched. She lowered the book and saw that Malfoy, still sprawled in the armchair, had opened his eyes a slit and was observing her in a particularly cat-like way.
“Pride and Prejudice?” he murmured.
She glanced at the book cover, surprised he had been able to read the title from that distance. “Yes, it’s a novel by-”
“Jane Austen. Yes, I know what Pride and Prejudice is.”
“You do? But she’s a muggle!”
“I’m not a bloody philistine, Granger.”
Hermione blinked. “I’m surprised you know what a philistine is,” she remarked snootily, recovering quickly.
“Careful, too many distressing revelations in one day can be bad for your health.” He pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked at her with more focus.
“Shut up, Malfoy.”
“Pointed, clever, subtle, devastating. You really know how to wound a man.”
She rolled her eyes. “I do, actually.” She turned a page ostentatiously before she had finished it. “So, what do you know about Jane Austen anyway?”
“Is this is a test, Granger? Loathe as I am to suspend any pleasure of yours, I’d rather not.”
Something in his turn of phrase made her frown but she could not place it. “Have you even read any of her novels?”
“All six.”
Hermione looked up. “You’re joking.”
“Not at all. There’s a very charming nineteenth century illustrated wizarding edition at the Manor. I’ve read all of them at least twice.”
She cocked her head at him. “A nineteenth century – illustrated? So the pictures-”
It was his turn to roll his eyes. “Move. Yes, Merlin, Granger, that’s what magical pictures do.”
“Oh.” Hermione had to sit with this. She did not want to wish to go to Malfoy Manor in pursuit of a complete set of magical Jane Austen novels. But she also did not not want to do that. She pursued a different tack. “But why do you have them? I didn’t think you’d read muggle novels.”
Malfoy smiled somewhat wearily. “Perhaps you don’t know me as well as you think you do, Granger. Austen may be a muggle but she’s highly relatable if you were brought up in a pureblood wizarding household. Just replace social class with blood status.”
“So what does that make me, the muggle-born? Some kind of servant?”
“No.” He thought about it while Hermione observed him sceptically, waiting for the insult. “Something middle class. In trade perhaps like the Gardiners. Not as bad as being a muggle but still not really acceptable to my family’s kind.”
There it was.
“Not really acceptable… Good to know. Thanks for that! And what does that make you – Mr. Darcy?” she added with a mocking sneer.
“Something like that,” he replied with a grin, quick as a flash.
“Ugh, you’re repulsive.” She raised the book to block him from view and for a moment she thought it had actually worked until he plucked it right out of her hand and stared down his nose at her.
Hermione opened her mouth but for the second time that evening something about him and the way he was looking at her arrested her.
“That’s what she thought too,” he said when he had fully gained her attention. Then, after holding her gaze a moment longer, he turned away, yawned into his hand and stated that he would have a coffee after all before leaving the room without a backward glance.
Hermione was left disturbed, the foundations of her preconceptions rattled.
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chasingsereine · 2 years
didn't I know how to write at one point
what the hell even happened to that
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
i do genuinely hesitate to ask, as i am sure i will find out more than i meant to in time, but atm my various feeds and an uninformed google are not telling me what most recently exploded about the british government, so if you have the time and the inclination i'm agog for your summary/take
HOO BOY. It has been a Things Exploding In the British Government day to the extent that in the hour-odd between my previous post and this one, I had to go back and check if anything ELSE had exploded while I wasn't looking. Everything that they are currently denying will probably be confirmed within the next 12 hours or less, though, so nobody get too comfortable.
Anyway, we all remember how Liz Truss succeeded Boris Johnson as Prime Minister, met the Queen, the Queen immediately fucking croaked which honestly was the funniest time she could possibly have done it, the country ground to a total halt for ten days, and then when it got going again, Truss and her chancellor (aka finance minister, for those of you happily ignorant of British politics), Kwasi Kwarteng, proposed a Thatcherite wet-dream economic plan of unfunded massive tax cuts for rich people, because something something Stimulate Growth. We are also generally aware that this crashed the pound through the floor, blew up people's mortgages and other mildly important bills, and did nothing to deal with the actual energy bills/cost of living crisis currently engulfing the UK. Oops.
After absolutely everybody, including the commie socialists at the Bank of England, screamed OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU MORONS DOING???, and the day after Kwarteng insisted he would absolutely remain in post and he had 100% confidence in the Plan, he... got sacked for creating this, the Plan that Truss had asked him to deliver and which had won her the Tory party members' election. This made him officially the second-shortest serving chancellor in UK history aside from the guy who literally died in office. Womp womp. That will be a pub quiz answer for you. You're welcome.
Having spent all this time hiding from the press, then giving eight-minute press conferences during which you could literally track the pound crashing in real time, and performing more U-turns than a dancing dashboard hood ornament, Liz Truss took a break from her busy schedule of conducting the Economic Disaster Waltz in the key of B Fucked to appoint Jeremy Hunt as the new chancellor. Jeremy Hunt is mostly notable for being a Tory who can put his pants on without assistance and being a genteel failure at all the previous cabinet posts he's held, which is why he is now regarded as a "safe pair of hands" in a party that has dissolved into a lot of shit-flinging coked-up gibbons who can only scream BREXIT BREXIT BREXIT and IMMIGRATION IS BAD!!! (Side note: they recently had to cancel a festival designed to "celebrate the freedoms of Brexit" due to logistics issues associated with, you guessed it, Brexit. That is not directly relevant to the current clusterfuck, but it is too funny not to include.)
To nobody's surprise, Jeremy Hunt then ripped up the entire economic plan and offered a new one, which was not measurably better than the last one but at least reversed some of the most egregious cuts, and which made everyone ask if Liz Truss had been tied up and duct-taped in the boot of a Range Rover and/or if Hunt had secretly staged a coup with the help of Larry the Downing Street Cat and taken over the government. Probably nobody in the Tory party would mind very much if he had, because they were all busy either planning how to oust Truss or publicly denying that they were indeed planning to oust Truss. One of the popular names for her successor? Boris Johnson! No, I am not making this up. Maybe this has all been a horrible dream and we're going to wake up and find that BoZo is back in charge, after massive public scandal for being a serial liar, which he had been from Day 1, finally made him resign. I repeat, what even the hell is going on here. Nobody knows. Meanwhile, Hunt is warning about even more budget austerity and "eye-watering" cuts to public services that can least afford it, because the last decade didn't result in quite enough preventable deaths for the Tories' tastes, and because they have been forced into this by a car crash completely of their own making.
....anyway. This brings us, more or less, to today. Yesterday, Truss refused to commit to protecting something called the pensions triple lock, which guarantees that old-age pensions (the UK form of social security) will rise in line with inflation, costs, or earnings. A) Inflation in the UK is now at a whopping 10.1%, and B) given as old people are literally the only demographic still willing to vote for the Tories, this miiiiiight seem like an even more unnecessarily stupid and self-sabotaging idea. Sure enough, U-Turn Number Eight Million was duly performed this morning, and Truss insisted she had always intended for the triple lock to be protected. But would Universal Credit and other welfare/benefits programs also be adjusted upward for inflation? HELL NAH! THOSE ARE FOR POOR PEOPLE! GROSS!
This, however, was only the beginning of the unpeeling of the latest idiot banana. Keir Starmer, riding high on the back of recent polls that have given Labour a 36-point lead and predicted that the Tories could be left with as few as 22 seats in Parliament if a general election was called tomorrow (leaving the SNP as the official opposition), appeared at Prime Minister's Questions and got to shoot fish in a barrel. Truss did not dissolve into a pile of goo on the floor and/or have a bucket of water thrown on her and melt into Margaret Thatcher, so that was taken as a win. Well, at least for two hours or so. Then Suella Braverman, the ex-Attorney General who had briefly run for the leadership when BoZo resigned, and who exists along with Priti Patel in order to prove that in the modern Tory party, women of color can heroically be just as much as awful xenophobic monsters as crusty old white dudes, resigned as Home Secretary. Did you even know she was Home Secretary? Neither did she. She took over Patel's job in a bid to apparently make Patel look cute and cuddly by comparison, as she is even more determined to do horrible things to migrants as much as possible. The official reason given for her resignation was that she sent an official document from her personal email account, and this had something to do with immigration and/or the Office of Budget Responsibility forecast that the Tories have, in the valiant spirit of freedom, resisted actually publishing for any of their current economic plans. CONSERVATIVES ARE GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY!! yell people on both sides of the Atlantic. Oh-kay.
Anyway, Braverman used her resignation letter to blast Truss for pretending that everything was fine and dandy, which means the BUT HER EEEEEEMAILS was absolutely just an excuse and even she wanted off this sinking ship as fast as possible. Grant Shapps is now the Home Secretary. It's not important. The point is, if more ministers start resigning, the government will probably implode just as it did when they deserted BoZo en masse. What the hell happens then? Fuck if anyone knows. Since they will, as noted, get absolutely cosmically annihilated if they call a General Election, the Tories will resist doing that with all their might (the next one isn't due until 2024, which is about 1004329 years away at the current rate that time is passing here). Truss was already elected by a tiny minority of the country (about 160,000 Tory party members). STICK RISHI SUNAK IN THERE AND CHANGE THE RULES AGAIN?? HECK, SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN! KEEP THOSE MUSICAL CHAIRS COMING, CHAPS!
(Also: we will recall the Daily Star's Lettuce Cam, where a picture of Liz Truss has been placed next to a head of lettuce to see if she is kicked out of office before it rots away. It now has a special companion, Tofu. This is because Braverman, just yesterday, gave a speech attacking the latest round of climate protesters as being spurred on by Labour, the Lib Dems, and the "Guardian-reading, tofu-eating wokerati," which she doubtless thought was a very clever line at the time. Because British Twitter is British Twitter, the Tofu: 1, Braverman: 0 jokes have been rife.)
And since we are still not done: tonight, Labour forced a vote on a fracking ban which was being treated as a de facto confidence vote in the government. Aka if the Tories voted for it, they would be considered to be defying the government. Because Britain is a cartoon country run by clowns, the method of Parliamentary voting literally involves walking through Door A for Aye and Door B for Nay. The "whips," or the people whose job it is to assure that party members vote according to the government's position, have thus been known to physically stuff recalcitrant MPs through these doors, because Hail Britannia, or something. So we soon had reports that the anti-fracking vote was, dare I say it, a total clusterfrack, and the Tory whips were literally throwing crying Tory MPs through the Nay door so they would Vote To Support The Government. This sounds like a beginning to a Monty Python sketch, but it is just another ordinary evening in British politics in 2022! (Did Truss herself vote? Or BoZo, Patel, or any of the other Tory big beasts? Nope. Evidently she was "too distracted" with all the other crises going on, which probably means she just didn't want to show her face or she might get killed. Hard to blame her.)
So: the fracking ban was defeated, Labour MPs were like "oh my god the sheer clownery," even Tory MPs were spitting mad, we soon had more rumors that both the Tory chief whip and the deputy chief whip had resigned (currently in the Official Denial stage, so yeah, that will be confirmed before tomorrow morning), and I haven't even mentioned the part where one of Liz Truss's press aides admitted that they used to lie about various relatives of hers having just died so Truss didn't have to do interviews (actual quote: "just aunts and cousins, not any major relatives!"). We all wondered if that wasn't actually a lie but the minor members of the Truss family had voluntarily decided to die rather than have anyone know that they were related to her. Either that or she just sent MI6 after them. It's entirely possible.
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trueebeauty · 4 months
Hii i dont know if requests are open or not
If not then ignore! If open then can i request a fic or hcs about dating gitae? Thankk youu :)♡
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ notes ; hello! I take requests, and I would be happy enough to do yours! I did both a short fic and dating hc's! <33
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𝖦𝖤𝖭𝖤𝖱𝖠𝖫 - regular, daily
» Gitae has absolutely no clue what it takes to be a decent boyfriend. Arguments are practically your national anthem, and he solves problems by ignoring tf out of you.
» Boyfriend Skills? Nonexistent. He's more like a grumpy roommate who occasionally throws money at you. (Hey, at least he pays the bills?)
» He may not communicate like a normal human, but he sure knows how to shower you with gifts.
» Physical affection? Never heard of it. If you try to snuggle up, prepare to be launched across the room like a ragdoll. (No judgment on how you interpret that.)
» Love Bites (Literally). Be prepared for black and blue marks – a badge of honor (or a cry for help, depending on your perspective).
» One minute he's a raging inferno, the next he's eerily silent. You never know what to expect, which is both terrifying and weirdly exhilarating.
» You're the brain, he's the brawn.
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𝖲𝖥𝖶 - his soft side (?)
» Despite the chaos, Gitae somehow guarantees you a good night's sleep. 
» Hand-Holding Enthusiast. Okay, so he might grunt disapprovingly, but deep down, he kinda likes holding hands. It's the little things, right?
» Hair Play (on His Terms). Consider it a major victory if he lets you graze his hair. Don't get too grabby, though – he might just cut your fingers off.
» Your Personal ATM. This man's bank account is practically yours. 
» Gentle Giant (Ish)---not really. Believe it or not, he can be surprisingly sweet… around you, at least. (He won’t kill you, so that’s kind of sweet. Just don't test your luck.)
» He needs you.
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𝖭𝖲𝖥𝖶 - not really nsfw ; only a little
» A whore. Let's Just Say He Earns His Nickname. AHEM. Moving on.
» Chivalry is definitely dead in the bedroom. 
» Makeouts? Those lips come with a price – be prepared for some serious bleeding (blood kink???)
» PDA? Not Exactly. He might sneak a grab here and there during meetings. Just channel your inner calmness (or give him a good whack – he secretly digs it).
» Surprisingly Gentle (the First Time). Who knew the big, bad KOS could be such a softie… at least initially?
So, is he your dream man? Probably not. But hey, at least life with him is never boring! 
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You could only breathe in deeply as you forced yourself not to break out into a scream. Under the polished mahogany table, a very familiar set of hands were grazing you – none other than Gitae's. They moved with practiced ease, sending shivers down your spine in a way that had nothing to do with the seriousness of the situation.
One of your members, was in mid-rant, laying out the latest intel on a rival gang. His voice boomed across the conference room, punctuated by the occasional slam of his fist on the table.  Every fiber of your being should have been focused on the intel, formulating your own response. But all you could manage was a glazed stare, your mind fixated on the subtle dance unfolding beneath the table.
Gitae's touch was infuriating. It was a blatant disregard for the seriousness of the meeting, a silent taunt that only you could understand. The barely noticeable smug smirk you knew played on his lips only fueled the fire. You yearned to reach over the table and slap it right off his face. The urge to retaliate, to prove you weren't some pushover, warred with the delicious tension building within you. Taking a steadying breath, you tried to refocus. "...ambush our shipment at the docks," he finished, glaring around the table for confirmation.
A chorus of gruff agreements filled the room, but you remained silent. You needed a distraction, something to break Gitae's hold on your attention.  Feigning deep consideration, you cleared your throat.  "-random name-," you started, your voice carefully measured.  "What about the informant we have planted in their operation?" The room quieted. You felt Gitae's touch falter for a moment, a flicker of surprise crossing your peripheral vision—a small victory.  You continued, detailing a plan that utilized the informant, successfully steering the conversation away from your current predicament. As he elaborated on your idea, a spark of approval glinted in his eyes.  Behind you, you felt a slight pressure under the table.  Was it a lingering caress or a silent apology?  
You couldn't be sure, but a small smile played on your lips.  Later, after the meeting, you'd have your chance to settle the score with Gitae.  And who knows, maybe you'd even give him a taste of his own medicine.
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verspia · 19 days
Hi!! I would like to request a Kenan × jealous reader. The story can be however you like with whatever genre as long as they have a happy ending <333
( pairing ) kenan yıldız x reader
i’m so sorry i’ve been pretty inactive recently but college has been rlly busy atm! i’ll get to all your requests and write them as soon as i can!
this is literally the perfect request because i’ve been listening to the boy is mine nonstop and it fits the vibe yk?
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If there’s one thing about you that’s commonly broadcast, it’s that you are the jealous type. Not jealous in the sense that you envy what others have, but rather it drives you up the wall when something that is yours is toyed with by another person.
The more accurate term would be possessive, and there’s no denying that you tend to get… territorial when it comes to Kenan.
Truly you can’t be faulted for your avaricious behaviour because Kenan is the sort of individual that can’t help but draw everyone’s eyes to him, and along with it, the desire of a plethora of girls.
It fuels you with an ugly sort of pride that you have what other girls can only dream off, a sharp glint of emotion that is slightly cruel and substantially domineering.
Another part of you feels enraged at the thought of anyone else besides you thinking of Kenan in ways that only you, in your opinion, should be capable of.
It’s not that you aren’t secure in your relationship, rather Kenan makes you feel as if you’re the only girl in the world. He goes out of his way to make you feel special, cherished even, and there’s more than enough clarity that proves, to Kenan, you are the only girl in the universe.
He always has you on his mind, in interviews he manages to mention you in some way or another, and even his celebrations are often dedicated to you. His online persona itself shows this, with you being the only girl in his following, and him being the first to comment and like your posts. Although you two aren’t very public, he has managed to get the point across that he’s yours, and some even say that he seems to orbit around you.
Nonetheless, there are consequences that happen when you’re in a relationship with a famous footballer who’s not only massively talented but also incredibly handsome.
This means that more often than not, some girl will be deluded enough to think she can rub her grubby hands on your boyfriend and blink her abnormally large eyelashes at him and have him wrapped around her nasty little finger.
You’re being harsh, but the green monster inside of you called envy is vicious, and well, Kenan is yours.
You watch with thinly veiled rage as the supposed interviewer brushes Kenan’s arms for the umpteenth time, giggling as she shuffles closer to him, and the next action makes your blood boil, pressing herself on to him.
It’s clear to anyone, in fact even a blind man would be able to tell that your boyfriend is uncomfortable. Kenan’s face is contorted into a permanent grimace that this interviewer seems oblivious to, and from where you’re seated, you can tell that even the camera man has grown to notice the awkwardness that permeates him.
Yet no one does anything, and you feel yourself begin to frown, you can’t help but think, “Is this not workplace harassment?”
Her movements carry a subtle confidence that makes you scoff, but it is evident that she’s clearly unbothered by the lackluster response from Kenan, and seems to show no intention of backing off despite the younger man’s obvious discomfort.
You remain seated, even though you desperately want to run up across the field and rip that interviewer into shreds.
You don’t want to cause a scene, but your patience snaps when she brushes away a strand of hair on Kenan’s face, who’s grimace has now turned into a scowl. Her gaze on him is predatory and you know if it was directed at you from a man, it would make you shiver in disgust.
You stand up, marching down the bleachers and across the freshly cut grass with determination, having had enough of this absurd behaviour.
As you make your way to them, the interviewer makes eye contact with you and you notice a glimmer of smugness flash behind her eyes, but underneath it, her expression bubbles with an annoyance that infuriates you.
Her intentions are clearly anything but innocent but the smile she flashes your way seems to mimic it with expertise. It’s so evidently fake, the sweetness on her face is overpowering and a far cry from the sultry tone she’s had the entirety of this interview, from what you’ve observed.
You have never felt more inclined to slap a person than now, but you keep yourself in check, if this girls wants to get bitchy? Well, you’ll show her bitchy.
Kenan’s expression, on the other hand, brightens at your presence, but his eyes widen a little when he spots the aggression behind in your eyes. The smile on your face is as ingenuine as it gets but before he can say anything to appease you the interviewer opens her mouth.
“Hey… We were just talking about you.” Her voice floats out and it drips with sugar, in a way that makes you want to vomit, your ears cringe as if you’re hearing nails on a chalkboard.
“Oh were you now?”
“Yeah I was just telling Kenan how nice it must be to have a girlfriend who doesn’t seem to care about what the public thinks!”
The backhanded compliment is abrupt and strange, and you’re confused, is that really the best she could come up with?
You almost want to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
One moment this girl is boldly rubbing herself on your boyfriend and the best she can say to you is this?
You’re about to retaliate with a response but then smirk as an idea crosses your mind.
You don’t leave Kenan even a moment to blink or process the situation, even the interviewer and the Camera Man are stunned, as well as the millions of viewers watching the live stream.
Your hand reaches out to grab the collar of Kenan’s jersey, your actions reckless and abrupt, as you grab him closer and pull his head down to yours.
A gasp escapes his mouth as he stumbles a little, surprised and taken aback at your actions, but responds in kind when your lips meet his.
Kenan’s reaction makes it seem like he forgets the events that lead to this moment entirely, melting into you as you cradle his head.
It seems as if you two are lost in another world, just the two of you as everything around begins to blur. You press closer to Kenan, softly kissing him as he responds to your actions just as gently, both of you exhibiting emotion that spells love.
You move your mouth against his, trying to show your adoration to the man in front of you, forgetting the purpose of your actions in the first place as you feel his arms wrap around you.
You begin to lose yourself in his touch, his kisses have your mind feeling hazy and stars cloud your eyes as you sigh into the kiss.
Your whole form begins to turn into puddle, and your mind only seems to echo the singular thought that crosses your mind primary when he’s touching you.
Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan.
Like a mantra.
All you can focus on his touch, his hands, his lips, only him.
The same effect seems to reflect on him, as Kenan seems equally as dazed, kissing you fervently like a starved man, as if you’re the first drop of water in an isolated desert.
Kenan drinks you up eagerly, holding you tightly.
You only break apart at the purposeful cough from the interviewer, and you realise where you are.
It takes you a moment to gather yourself and remember what your original motives were, and then a smirk graces your swollen lips.
“Is that right Kenan? Your girlfriend doesn’t care about the public eye” Your voice is smug and sarcastic, filled with pride and the interviewer seems embarrassed, put off by your very public display of affection and the clear response to her supposed insult.
It’s comical to see the snobbish expression on her face be replaced by a look of mortification.
“Huh” is the only reply he offers, and you can only smile at the boy who still seems to be processing the aftermath of your very steamy kiss.
His cheeks are flushed red and his hair is tousled. The look on his face extinguishes all your previous agitation at the moment the interviewer had touched it.
You beam at him, and it’s more than clear to perhaps the whole world now that Kenan is yours, and only you can make him feel and look like this.
You turn back to the interviewer, “Oh! I must’ve gotten distracted, I just came here to say… wait! what’s your name? oh nevermind, I just wanted to say I admire your confidence, walking around like that! Now is the interview done? I’d like to… speak to my boyfriend about something private.”
The interviewer looks even more flustered than you’d have thought possible, and if you were a nicer person, you’d have felt the tiniest bit of sympathy, or atleast pity, for her, but all you feel is a surge of self satisfaction as you watch her mutter something about wrapping up and squaddle away from the two of you.
Once she’s finally disappeared from your sight, you turn to Kenan, who still seems a little astonished, and you can’t help the fondness in your eyes as you run your eyes over him.
He catches the look and his cheeks grow warmer, but he reaches out to cradle your hand, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
Confusion rises in your eyes as you look at him, “Me? I should be asking you that, someone from a mile away could tell how uncomfortable she made you.”
Kenan shook his head, “Don’t worry about me, I can handle myself, I’m a big boy you know” His voice is teasing and you chuckle at him.
“Seriously though, she just wouldn’t take a hint and I didn’t want to be impolite.”
You shake your head at him, tugging his hand a little as the both of you begin to walk out, “I could tell, but I guess we gave her a little show”
Kenan smiled at you, pulling you close as one of his arms comes to rest at your waist.
“Oh you gave her a show alright,” He whispers affectionately, “But i’m glad you did, I don’t mind letting the world know i’m yours.”
You can’t help but blush at his words, your heart flutters wildly in your chest and it’s insane how despite being together for so long, Kenan still has this effect on you.
“Mhm I don’t mind either” Your voice takes on a coquettish edge, as you lean over, your face only inches away from his.
Kenan’s hands wrap around your hips as he grins at you.
“Trust me I know.”
“I should just post a picture of you and I and caption it the boy is mine.”
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liked by kenanyildiz_official and others
ynusername - the boy is mine.
kenanyildiz_official - only yours 🤍
user09 - that kiss on live television wasn’t enough girl
↪️ user86 - nah she’s letting yall know that’s HER man
user12 - nah tbf i would’ve done the same if my bf looked like that
user3 - yooo we get it bro
user96 - the second slide??? bro calm down ain’t nobody gonna take her from you
user916 - plss you ended that interviewer with the “what’s your name”
↪️ user1 - lmaooo i would never show my face again
↪️ user123 - i just know she’s crying seeing this post
user - WHATS 4 + 4
user22 - damn.
user0 - yall need a third? pls pls pls 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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charliedawn · 7 months
hi charlie ^_^✧*。i hope you're well. i'm not sure if you're accepting requests atm, but i had an idea which is how would the slashers react to a siren nurse (fem or gn) who walked the corridors of st. louis late at night singing haunting and alluring melodies as they went about their job, or whatever song was in their head? one of their favorite songs would be "curses" by the crane wives. maybe they would sing brahms a lullaby sometimes? but a creepy lullaby that was also strangely soothing to him. anyway, i would just like to see what you'll do with that idea. make any changes or adaptions u like, feel free to put your own spin on it. and take your time bc i know u get a lot of asks ♡
this is that song:
(Thank you for the request and the song ! It’s beautiful. 10/10. 🤩 Hope you like it.)
The Right Wing of St Louis:
Michael Myers:
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Michael rarely sleeps. He doesn’t need to and is unable to. Too many nightmares and concerns about his own life and duality. And he usually sleepwalks too. So, really…He doesn’t like sleeping. But, this is why you were put in charge of the night shift.
"Sleep, Michael. Sleep your sorrows away in the darkness of the night. Let your dreams take over…" You whispered to him, but he only looked up at you with a saddened expression and shook his head.
"I don’t dream." You read when he gave you a piece of paper before bedtime and you smiled knowingly before looking back at him. You then stroked his cheek.
"You will tonight. I promise. Rest, Michael. You deserve it."
He seemed skeptical at first, but finally complied and went to bed. You then tucked him in and started humming next to his bed. When you started singing, his eyes started to slowly close and strangely enough…He dreamt that night.
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"P-Pretty voice. Soooo pretty. Such a pretty bird." Penny giggled and looked at you with a wide grin. He knew you were a siren, but he had never seen one before. He was curious and whenever you would start singing, he would appear behind you and just squeeze you tightly or just start tilting his head to the rhythm.
Penny doesn’t sleep like normal people do, so he can appreciate the music fully. Most people would sleep, but he would take your hand and start dancing with you. Unlike his brother, Penny is no singer. But, he is one hell of a dancer.
He would smile and laugh while you keep singing and he’d even watch over you when it’s YOUR time to sleep.
Penny *watching over you.* : "Sleep sleep, little bird. Sleep well."
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Pennywise also has the power to sing people to sleep. But, he doesn’t use it because a) He doesn’t like to and b) He doesn’t want to. He only ever sang to the children he ate and his past family. It isn’t a memory he likes to keep and he would simply hum along to the songs you are singing sometimes. He’s also move forward and backwards on his rocking chair as you sing. Sometimes, he’d sing with you and even dance when it is the middle of the night and no one is around to witness this moment, but he’d never do it in front of the others.
Pennywise *smirks* : "A siren, huh ? I wonder how a siren tastes…"
He would never eat you of course. He likes to joke a lot, but he would protect you and feel affectionate towards you. He would listen to you and sing along sometimes and then…the most beautiful and sweet melody would put the whole hospital to sleep.
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Brahms remained silent as your majestic self walked through the halls of St Louis—your magic voice singing everyone and everything to sleep. Your voice was soothing and deep, so deep he was afraid he might fall asleep and never wake up. He laid down on his bed and waited for your arrival—as per every night.
He never locked his door at night.
When you arrived, you sat next to him and kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes and when you started singing, he felt at peace and relaxed. He held your hand and smiled when you whispered.
"Sweet dreams, Brahms…"
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason is the same as Brahms. He likes physical touch and be reassured. He waited for your voice to soothe him to sleep. You usually slept in their room at night because both babies wanna hang on to you and they both feel safe in your presence.
Jason would sleep on your lap and have a good rest. He would slowly fall asleep to your gentle words.
Arthur Fleck:
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"Y/N. I knew it was you. Come in. Come in. Please."
Sometimes, Arthur asked for private sessions. The man had nightmares and dark thoughts that none could even begin to comprehend. But when you sang, he forgot his troubles and worries. You would sometimes take his hand and softly lull him to sleep. He liked it.
Freddy Krueger:
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"Yo ! Who’s singing ?! Shut za hell up, bitch !" Freddy shouted before shoving a pillow on his head. Freddy is the sleep demon. He isn’t one to sleep with siren songs. He prefers silence. But sometimes…He would stay awake to hear you and a small smile would appear on his face.
Secretly, he didn’t mind your singing all that much…
Bo Sinclair:
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"Hello, birdy. Come here. Come to Papa."
He literally tackled you to the ground his first night in St Louis. You must understand that Bo was raised by fishermen and bars. He knows what a siren is and knows that whoever owns a siren is supposed to get extremely lucky. He would want to capture you more than anything and make you sing ONLY for him. Fortunately, Brahms and Jason would never allow you to get hurt or captured. So, they’d defend you and fight the Sinclair brothers if necessary.
The Left Wing of St Louis:
Father Paul:
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The first time Father Paul heard you, he thought he was losing his mind. Your voice was like an angel’s and he truly believed his time had finally came. But, it didn’t. And every night, he would hear you and his mind would settle for a little bit. He would hear your song and find mercy in that moment.
The only link the Right Wing and the Left Wing of the hospital ever had: You.
Your voice would make them feel a little better in their misery and Father Paul enjoyed hearing you, when all thoughts of happiness and hope was lost…one beautiful thing remained.
Jonathan Crane:
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Jonathan Crane was laid down on his bed—locked up and attached securely. He was staring at the ceiling and let out a small sigh. He was restless. It was the third day in the row that he was being tested on and he had no moment of peace…not until night fell and a voice came from outside. A quiet lullaby. So beautiful and peaceful. His eyelids felt heavy and he finally found a certain inner peace within.
"…Thank you, lady of the night." He uttered in a whisper before closing his eyes and sleeping soundly.
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There is so much airing right now. It's insane. July is already crazy but with more coming in August I'll probably do a shorter version of this mid august to kinda keep all the shows straight in my head. And I know we still have a couple of days left this month but I wanted to do this to close the weekend. Also because I'm watching a lot this is gonna be long. And also. Spoilers and opinions below, read at your own risk.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭 4 Minutes [1/8] - Living for the visuals in this show. Just like with DFF, I feel the framing is very intentional. Only one episode so, for now, I'm very intrigued by the premise and the characters and will be looking forward to the meta that will no doubt be a big part of watching this show for me, as with dff. Also, is it just me or is Jes just ridiculously handsome?
🇯🇵 Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! [4/8] - I love it here. I'm having such a good time with this show. Hiroko is the master of selective perception even when Ayaka is trying so hard to make her see. I'm looking forward to see what happens next. Also we had a small moment of running to the beloved!!!
🇹🇭 Century of Love [5/10] - Did not see this coming. After The Trainee this is the thai bl I look forward to the most weekly. Daou is doing excellent work, even as he's softening because he's in looooove, I can still see the demeanour of the 100 years old man. Love reading all the theories after the last episode. I'm on team Vee is Vad, and the girl is an imposter with sinister intent.
🇯🇵 I Hear the Sunspot [5/12] - It's excellent. I love Taichi, he doesn't always understand Kohei, or himself, but he will stay by his side regardless. That moment in the stairs was probably my favourite so far. I'm expecting this show to break my heart again.
🇹🇭 I Saw You In My Dream [2/12] - It's cute. I like the premise but I've been burned by Thailand when they venture a bit into high concept so we'll see. I like the characters and the actors so far. At least there seems to be communication between the leads which for me is already a win.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! [10/12] - Latte and Almond are great in their boyfriend era. They seem comfortable with each other without being way too cutesy which honestly would feel kinda weird for them, especially Latte. Poor Thanwa though. Look I feel for Peak. He lost his mum and so not wanting to disappoint the remaining parent is completely understandable but damn, I wish he got some nerve and spoke for himself. I really hope the boys visit will give him the support he needs to finally do what he needs to do.
🇹🇭🇨🇳 Meet You At the Blossom [6/12] - I'm watching because it's kinda historic but I'm not enjoying it as much as other people so I'll just say there are some funny bits and some cute moments.
🇯🇵 Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke [1/10] - Oh Japan how you spoil me. Chaotic boy✔ Older openly queer man✔ Food✔ Dog✔. I'm in jbl heaven.
🇹🇭Love Sea [8/12] - I'm watching.
🇹🇭My Love Mix-Up! [7/12] -I'm stopping the weekly viewing of this one and probably binge it when it's over. I probably shouldn't but I know myself and my curiosity will win in the end. I've said a couple of things what bugged me about this show and this thread started by @twig-tea and all the reblogs [@bengiyo @hallowpen @silviakundera @doublel27] are an excellent read and the reason this last episode finally made me drop my weekly viewing. It was bad before but now it makes me too angry and there's a lot airing atm, so I'm choosing joy.
🇹🇭 SunsetxVibes [6/12] - It's just fun for the most part. I'm honestly trying not to think too hard about this one because there are some things that just make no sense. Also I keep getting confused by the time on this show. The editing is weird. But like I said, I'm trying not to think about it and just enjoy the ridiculousness. Definitely more into the side couple's dynamic.
🇯🇵 Takara No Vidro [4/11] - What an excellent time it is for jqls. I'm fascinated by Takara and desperately need to know more about him and it seems I'm gonna get my wish next episode. Maybe it's the hole Hayama left in me, but for some reason I find some similarities between them. Something about people liking them on a surface level, and isolating themselves and encountering someone who sees them in a different way and being drawn to that. I also like how the show is using the episode storylines. The creep episode was interesting given that Taishin was called a creep early on, for following Takara to uni, so the contrast worked well in establishing that Taishin motivations are completely different. And then the stan episode was really interesting not only in reinforcing the idea that Taishin was really sheltered growing up but also he's so lost and confused so he's just looking for clues as to what he's feeling for Takara. 🇹🇭 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans [4/8] . I'm watching for the sides.
🇹🇭 The Rebound [10/12] - I guess the crazy ended with a bang, or several, and now we're back to our regularly scheduled programming with a very average high school bl. Also, can we stop having sick grandmas drive the narrative?
🇹🇭 The Trainee [3/10] - I love everything about it. First of all, Jane. Look, I've loved Off since my first OffGun show, which was Theory of Love, and every character since then has only increased my devotion. Him and Mix had me weekly watching a show (The Jungle) that in normal circumstances I wouldn't waste a day one let alone 16 whole episodes. I have a problem. And I thought Ten was the ceiling honestly but Jane is just another level. Not only is he, oh so pretty in this, but his character is just perfection. He's tough but reasonably so, will give credit where it's due, notices the people around him and will apologize if he's in the wrong. And yes, that hand gesture have me fanning myself. Ryan has no business being in that company honestly, but I'm a sucker for an underdog that tries and improves and is genuinely a good human for the people around him. Oh and also, this show is funny. I'm having a great time and I'm always excited for the next episode. Please be... nope, I won't go there. It's great.
QL - Finished
🇯🇵A Man Who Defies the World of BL 3 - First of all massive thanks to @ikeoji-subs for making it possible to finally watch this season. I think this is my favourite season so far. I love Mob's and Hatano storyline and would very much like a fourth season to see what happens next. @emotionallychargedtowel wrote here and here some of the reasons why this character is so different from all the ones we've seen so far and I also speculated in the tags about how he could connect to the mangaka and that's why he can hear some of Mob's thoughts and see him breaking the fourth wall. Either way there's not enough information. I need more. I definitely think Mob is struggling more to keep his secondary characters status this season. I adore Ayato and Toujou. So many couples and so many tropes, I was in heaven. I still need to rewatch all of it.
🇯🇵Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! - Fansubbers are angels and deserve the world, so once again, massive thanks to @isaksbestpillow for allowing me the privilege to watch this show. And what a privilege it was. I'm gonna miss this family so much. The kindness and empathy of these characters will stay with me for a long time. I wish everyone would watch this show and I can't really find the words to talk about this show but this post by @lurkingshan explains way better than I ever could all the reasons this show is an incredible watch, as does this spoiler free pitch by @twig-tea. So do yourself a favor and go watch it. 🇹🇭 Wandee Goodday - I love Cher and Oyei.
🇹🇭 We Are - Final thoughts here.
Rose Watches OJBL
Nothing to report this month. The obvious reason being the absolutely insane number of shows in the currently watching list.
Others - Watched
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BL Metamorphosis (2022) Kashimashi Meshi (2023) Second Chance (2021)
As usual my ask box is open for questions or requests. Have a wonderful week💜
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
Omg James idea, so rich boy James, that’s it, THAT is the idea, please go mad and mental with it pls pls pls
ok i know you probably wanted him to be cocky or maybe something filthy but this just HAPPENED so i'm SORRY!!!! i think he's too nice here. but what can i say, i need a nice boy atm. maybe i need to try something filthy and flirty with rich boy james later... | rich!james always pays for you. it's getting on your nerves. angst to fluff, 1.4k
You talk it through in your mind before you and James enter the restaurant. You're here to pick up takeaway and bring it back to his place for a movie night -- and you are determined to pay. You have cash in your pocket, ready to produce before he can even whip out his wallet.
It's silly, sure. But James always pays for you. And you know the reason why -- he's rich. You've always known that, even before you were together. Weekends at the country club with his parents, stories of holidays to places you've only dreamed of. His clothes are always a brand you've never heard of, beautiful shirts and creased trousers. Leather shoes and bags, a nice watch, and gold signet ring on one pinky. His flat is beautiful and far too big and you're not sure who pays the rent.
Sure, you thought he was an asshole at first. Most people do. But as you got to know him you found that he's always generous. He picks up the tab most nights out, always offers to get dinner for the boys when everyone is too busy to go to the shops, buys nice but personal presents for holidays and birthdays and just because. And you? Sometimes you think he's trying to buy you the world. And they're not empty, hollow gestures. He's loving in every way possible -- picking you up out of the blue and leaving you notes to find after he's left your apartment. His touches are free yet priceless, his hand on your elbow or your back or in yours worth a thousand dinners. James Potter was born to love, he's exploding with it everywhere he goes, and you feel incredibly lucky to be on the receiving end of it.
But the git won't let you pay for dinner. Ever. And you don't know how to bring it up with him. Is it because he thinks you can't? No, that's not James. Is it because he thinks you don't want to? Also stupid, also no. But it feels like you have something to prove, to show him that you want to do this, too.
But James being James, he finds a way to thwart your attempt.
"Pickup for Potter?" he says to the counter, one hand firmly in yours. You reach into your pocket, primed and ready. But before you can, he's handed a large paper bag and waved off.
"Don't we need to pay?" you say. James looks at you with mild interest.
"Did it when I ordered," he says. "Thought we'd want to get home fast as possible." You blink at him as your plan dies a slow death.
"Oh," you say.
"Thank you!" James calls to the restaurant, pulling you out the door and down the street back to his place. He doesn't try to chat with you, happy to stroll through the evening, swinging your hands as you walk. You, on the other hand, are trying to sort through the frustration you're feeling. Is it fair to be mad at him for this? In the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal. Right?
But your mood remains in flux when you get back, as James unloads the food you've ordered onto his cozy kitchen table. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" he asks you. You realize you haven't said a word to him.
"James," you say, sucking in a big breath. "Can I ask you something?" He stills at your tone then runs a hang through his hair.
"Course," he says. "Anything." You sit and he follows, choosing the chair next to yours rather than across, the food forgotten for now. You cross your arms and your knee bounces up and down.
"Why don't you let me pay for anything?" You look at your hands as you say it. "I know you're rich, James, and that's fine, but it's making me feel like you think I can't, or that I shouldn't, or that I don't want to--"
James's hand is heavy on your knee, stilling it. You look up and find him staring at you, looking a few shades away from heartbroken. Like he can't believe he's made you think any of that.
"No," he says, breathily. "No, that's not it at all." You wait. He seems to be searching desperately for the words. "I know that you can, but I don't want you to waste money on me--"
"It's not a waste," you interrupt. "If mine's a waste on you then yours is a waste on me."
"I mean, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I let you pay?" he tries. "That's not how you should be treated--"
"I think I can discern how I should be treated just fine, James," you say tightly. "Money doesn't mean anything." James scrubs his face with his free hand before flipping the palm on your knee up, begging for your touch. You grant it, though you don't totally want to continue this conversation. You're not sure that it's a fight worth having to begin with, but you're still frustrated.
"I'm not doing this right," he mutters. His shoulders go back as he sits up straight and he circles your hand in both of his, thumb stroking the top. "Look," he says, his dark brow furrowed. "I've got more money than I know what to do with. You know that. I didn't earn it, I don't need it, but I have it. I like to spend it on the people in my life that I love -- the people in my life that matter to me." He brings one big, wam palm to your cheek. You lean into the touch. "And that's you, darling," he finishes softly. "You're right that it doesn't mean anything. I know you'd be with me if I lived out of my car. I'd do everything I could to make you happy no matter my circumstances."
You sigh, turning your head so your lips brush the edge of his hand. He knows that, at least. That you'd love him with or without the money. "But, you're not going to let me pay for things, still?" James shakes his head, scoots his chair closer to yours. His knees slot between yours in a way that must be uncomfortable for him, but he doesn't seem to case so long as he's close.
"You can pay for whatever you want." The thumb on your face swipes under your eye. James touches you with tenderness you didn't know existed. "It's not that I don't think you can, or want to. I'm sorry that I made you think that. I know you want to..." He tucks his chin into his chest just a little bit.
"I want to take care of you, James," you murmur. "Partners take care of each other."
"I know," he says, looking at you again. "And you do. You take such good care of me. You remind me to bring my keys, you have my favorite tea in your cabinet, you run those magic fingers through my hair when I'm being a right asshole." He squeezes your face gently and you smile.
"Those are easy, James," you tell him. You mean it. Loving him is easy, always has been.
"And paying for your meals, or clothes, or anything you want is easier," he says firmly. "You know, one time Remus said to me that love isn't something that needs to be repaid. And he's right. But if I can use my stupid fortune to make you happy and comfortable then I will."
You pull his hand from your face and lean in so that your foreheads touch. "I'm getting dinner next week," you tell him. He huffs a breath and you feel it on your mouth.
"Whatever you want." He kisses you a little harder than you expected, his hand moving to the back of your head to keep you from falling back in your chair. You consider climbing into his lap right there, your worries assuaged for now, but then the kiss is over before you can move.
"Was this a fight?" James asks, turning to the cooling food. He remains in the chair next to you rather than moving across from you like a normal person. "If it was, does that mean we get to have make-up sex?"
You laugh, digging your knee into his thigh. "Let me eat the pasta my rich boyfriend bought for me first." He sighs dramatically, but he's smiling.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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mentallyinvernation · 8 months
Courting disaster for the wip game <3
Courting Disaster (the title will proooobably change it's just a filler atm) is an Alpha/Beta/Omega, arranged marriage, royalty AU. I blame the entire thing on Queen Charlotte because I watched that and immediately got ✨inspired✨so it very very very loosely follows that.
ANYWAY, a snippet for your time:
“God’s wounds, you could at least pretend to have a good time. It’s supposed to be our wedding day, is it not?” “It is.” “I get it. I’m a troll to you.” Hob mutters. “You’ve made that much perfectly clear.” Dream diligently refrains from rolling his eyes. “I do not believe you to be a troll.” “Then you despise me, correct?” “You are my husband.” Dream replies by way of answering, though his expression remains a practised blank.  “Impressive how you made those two things sound synonymous.” A wry smile twists the corner of Dream’s lips. “I do not despise you. I was transported overseas so that I might be here with you. How could I be anything but happy? A crowd of nameless faces cheer for our union. It is their wish to see us dance, so I will dance. It is most unfortunate that my family could not attend on such short notice, and it is unlikely I will see much of them henceforth. But no matter. I consider it a great honour to wed a man I met mere hours ago. A man whom, from the moment I stepped foot inside these walls, I have been poked, prodded, weighed, and assessed to ensure that I am fit to please. So tell me, Your Majesty, do I please you? Have your staff succeeded in presenting me as an adequate mate?”  Hob’s mouth hangs open. “Of course, you’re -” “Then the matter is settled.” Dream interrupts, tone sharper than the edge of a steel blade. “I cannot despise you. I do not despise you. You are my husband. We are the Crown. I have been agreeable. It is done.”
As you can see, they're both very happy 🙃🫠
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dxstopiaa · 2 years
Illicit Immorality…
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Synopsis: Seems like turning to a life of crime was disapproved by your tutor, now there’s a price to pay for it. [Request, a sequel to my last fic if you may. ] (¯ ³¯)♡
Characters: Teacher! Al Haitham x Fem!Criminal! Reader.♡
Warnings: NSFW, interact at your own risk. [Includes: Previous Teacher x Student dynamic, Reader is aged 18+, bondage, degradation, male masturbation, edging, cockwarming.] [Please forgive me for the haitham brain rot, my poor brain flooded with him atm. ] (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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It would be a crime not to remember you, his pretty little student who sat quietly at the back of his class, who excelled in all assignments which touched her hands, who he never expected to see in a run-down warehouse selling knowledge too forbidden for even Al Haitham himself to know.
Yes, it was the last place he expected to see you, sitting atop a crate whilst you surveyed all of the canned knowledge you obtained, by illegal means. He stood behind a rack of barrels, watching you pull each and every item from a dilapidated sack, smirking slightly to himself. Just five minutes left.
He recalled when he would slump in his office chair, thoughts of you and your provocative actions clouded his hazy mind as he guided his large, calloused hand up and down his thick cock, struggling to keep his groans from being unheard of. Surely you knew what effect you had on him back then?
To see you here now, so oblivious, so content with your crimes that Al Haitham was itching to punish you in ways you couldn’t even dream of. He thought he had taught you better than to do this, when you could do so many other things for him instead.
You continued to inspect the loot, transferring it all into the box to your left, humming unknowingly. You knew you shouldn’t let your guard down, after all you did have a client to tend to very soon. Barely audible footsteps, an exasperated sigh, then that familiar, baritone voice followed.
You quickly regretted turning to greet the once anonymous customer, the synthetic smile immediately wiped from your lips. His deep chuckle drew you from your trance, now merely a few feet away from you.
“Foolish girl.” Al Haitham mocked, watching your features merge into one of horror, perhaps even fear, “Did you really think you could get away so easily?” He continued, crossing his chiseled arms over his torso. His slow, almost teasing steps towards you didn’t help, you struggled to come up with a suitable defense.
Instead, you remained silent, gazing intensely at your past tutor with shame, his own eyes flicking from the items back to you. He continued to scrutinise the labels on the knowledge capsules, at times reading them out loud.
“Archeology and architecture? You’re pirating these objects for this?” Al Haitham critiqued, looking up, though the sight he was greeted with was not one of fury which he presumed. Instead, he was met with a timid glance. The same expression you wore in all his classes.
He hummed in consideration, seeing your shaky hands clasped in your lap. With another stride, he crouched down to your height, his turquoise irises filled with an indescribable emotion. Were you simply frightened of being caught out? Or was there something else you refused to admit?
“If it’s imprisonment which you’re so worried about, why don’t i make a deal with you, doll?” Al Haitham bargained, snaking his arms either side of you, his lips brushing against your neck. You shivered at his words, a futile attempt to stand your ground lost, an amused chuckle left his lips.
“Why don’t i get what i’ve wanted, and you can leave partially unscathed?” He offered once more, but the cryptic tone he always carried made it much more difficult to decipher his intentions. You sat still on the box, words caught in your throat.
“What…What do you mean.?” You hesitated, but those half lidded eyes of his was making it increasingly more challenging to concentrate on anything other than the arousal growing in your abdomen, squeezing your plush thighs together.
This exerted a displeased sigh from the Scribe, he placed a heavy hand on your thigh, the other cupping your jaw. A very poor execution of proving your innocence, he thought.
“You know exactly what i mean, don’t you do this for all your clients, princess?” Al Haitham ridiculed, that bitter language mixed with the false fondness of the petname making your condition a whole lot worse, “Unless you’re doing this on purpose.”
You’ve always known he had a tendency to be cold and deceptive, occasionally even ill-tempered, but not to this extent. He lifted you up with no trouble, sitting down himself and placing you on his lap. You withdrawed from his stare, feeling ashamed to be doing this now despite the numerous times you’ve longed for it.
Al Haitham latched onto your waist, quietly snickering as he pulled up your skirt, admiring the pretty shade of green your panties were whilst tracing lines upon the delicate fabric. Squirming and whining around in his lap from his touch did not aid his formed erection, for he gripped your hips tighter, leaving marks for sure.
“Stay still, i’m not accepting any obscene behaviour from you.” He commanded, you could feel his unmoving fixtation on you, feeling ashamed in his presence. Your hands covered your face as you leaned closer into the crook of his neck, inhaling the cologne he often wore.
A discontented noise of sorts left his lips, next the sound of rustling and your hands pulled behind your back. You gasped in realisation, seeing his belt no longer on his waist, but clasped around your wrists. Though you knew better than to thrash about in protest, this seemed more ideal than prison.
“Really, now you’re embarrassed? What happened to you wanting to repent? With your body nonetheless,” Al Haitham teased, continuing to ghost his thumb over your clit, broken pleads from the edging almost inaudible. He beckoned you closer so he could whisper in your ear, chuckling from your hesitance. “Whore.”
Archons, has he always been like this? You asked yourself. So reluctant to give you what you want despite your urgent pleas, or so sadistic to enjoy seeing you writhe in frustration as he pleasures himself directly in front of you?
He merely sat slouched, spreading his precum over his tip, almost tauntingly, as he shifted his hand up and down his dick, then placing his fingers in your mouth, compelling you to lick them clean.
And which you did, the Scribe groaned at your compliance, wondering how your mouth would do the same to his cock, yet that could come at a later, less desperate time. He supposed he could reward you temporarily, pushing your dampened panties to the side, scoffing at how pathetically you were whining now.
You whimpered in anticipation, growing more needy by the minute, latching onto Al Haitham’s biceps in an attempt to stabilise yourself whilst he lowered you down onto his dick, partially sobbing from the sensation of him stretching you out. You clenched tightly around him, eliciting a deep groan from him.
“Relax sweetheart.” He hummed, hilting himself fully inside of you, savouring your pleased moans as he bounced you on his cock. By now, he was certain that anybody outside the warehouse could hear the lewd noises you were making, seeing you being fucked so aggressively by the Scribe himself, eyes rolled back and mouth agape in hedonism.
Seeming pleased enough, Al Haitham firmed his grip, halting any movement from you, returning your discontented, almost confused glare. So now he’s teasing you?
“Now, explain to me what you’re doing here in the first place and i might let you have your way with me.”
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sketchspook · 5 months
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The Father of Hell
Watched Hazbin and Helluva the other day. No expectations really, never paid much mind to it until watching, but I'm head over heels for the Lucifer there; love the little guy. Did a "redesign" for fun; feel waaaay fonder of the OG, however.
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Apologies to this tumblr account. Been having a rough time with job bouncing and instability, but I'm trying as best as I can since I don't want to just leave this account all dried up like I have. I'm going into a far better place, so I plan on just going apeshit with it once I can utilize my time. I want more Michael myers, more tf2, more dbd, just the absolute works. I want to draw Gummigoo from the digital circus, even. I want to commit to all sorts of things; the passion is there, our time together just... isn't there yet, yet.
This particular Lucifer Morningstar of mine, though he's rushed, I still have attachments to and he's got his own lil tidbits. Listing them below for my sake (VERY long, he's my boy and I wish I could dedicate more to him other than a one time post):
As tall as an redwood tree: the floor of the seven rings used to be stairs for him before he expanded and relinquished them to the other sins.
He played a huge part in giving the other sins their forms - mutilating himself in the process to ensure they had a foundation to build on. Legs to Asmodeus. A piece of his chest, down to his core, for Beelzebub. The original eyes on his face to Mammon; he's got enough to spare. (All I got atm)
His wings got fried like chicken on his way down and instead adopted heavy drapes to compensate for the weight of his wings being largely gone; part of him now, but he's able to take it off... roughly the weight of the moon.
Can't speak, no mouth! It's all telepathy; Charlie is the only one that he can converse with at length without fear of giving hallucinations for days to (at it's worst, schizophrenia indefinitely). Not actual words, just images of things and emotions not designed for things other than angels. It's lonely being at the top.
Even though his legs have been replaced by a tree-like entity of himself (crafted from the remaining ashes of his wings), he can teleport wherever he likes, but the ground is a little weird after, aside from the pride ring.
He can shrink, but never pass 20ft; goes blind after.
His hair tastes like apple dumplings and will keep you fed for a century! (Charlie's only snack once every 100 years)
In his presence, one feels watched from every angle and you are! Thoughts and emotions aren't safe from him. He already has dozens of replies, via symbols and mental images, at the ready for however you choose to voice yourself to him.
Be not afraid: though he can't converse with hellborn or sinners at length, he's a gentle giant. You're an imp from the wrath ring that wants to know what stars are? He has a vast amount of knowledge and know-how (He helped create the universe!) and he'll offer you a memory so far from earth, humans will never see it. If only he could get out more without destroying your farmland wherever he teleports (it won't grow back). Also a pushover. A rug you have people wipe their feet before entering. He was rebellious, outspoken once; never again.
The snake around his waist is the key to his... most "extreme" form. Face of a "Leo." They don't call him the "dreamer" for nothing - if you know, you know.
His violin and bow, the Morning and evening star. Lucifer and Noctifer. No strings, but upon playing, is a melody that Heaven can't replicate. He can spontaneously create without, but upon forgetting about it or it just leaving his mind for other things, it disappears; his violin is what gives substance for his dreams to continue existing without him. He hasn't played it since expanding the seven rings.
His fingers, how do I describe this, can grip both ways: put a palm on the back of his hand? His fingers can hold yours as though you were touching his palm.
His "ducks" are rats and gerbils (just cause one of the stray flames I drew of his hair looked like one and I didn't have the heart to get rid of it)
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sillybucket · 1 year
“I’m here” { Johnathan Ohnn/Spot x g/n reader }
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Dude - this guy conquered my heart ever since the first scene of him stealing the ATM machine got released !
I can’t get enough of how chaotic and adorable the Spot is , so I thought it would’ve been fun to write a little fanfic for him :D
As always I apologize for eventual ooc moments , and if someone already wrote something similar to this know it’s not my intention to copy anyone !
🍃 Warnings 🍃 : some depictions of the Alchemax accident are present at the start , nothing too graphic but still look out if that’s something that could make you uncomfortable !
This story features Johnathan waking up from a bad dream about his transformation with the reader comforting him … I just really wanna give him a hug :,( ❣️
⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . … a sudden bright light …
… the deafening noise of the Collider exploding …
… the rumbling of the building falling apart …
Johnathan’s heart was pounding in his chest , his breathing sharp and frightened as he held on to his experiment with shaky hands while desperately trying to make his way outside the room , constantly tripping onto the pieces of the collapsing lab …
… why … ?
… why was this happening … ?!
Suddenly , the sound of glass shattering pierced through his ears , and as he looked down he realized …
“No … ! NO !!”
The capsule had broke , and when the dark matter contained inside it surrounded him and entered his body he couldn’t help but let out a terrified scream :
… the pain …
It felt like holes were forming on his skin , making parts of it disappear into nothingness …
And his face …
Johnathan could clearly feel his features vanishing , from his eyes , to his nose , to his mouth and even his ears …
All gone in an instant .
The man fell to his knees in agony , his body shaking as he tried looking at his hands …
They looked … bigger … unfamiliar … they didn’t feel like they were his at all , they didn’t even look like a part of him anymore .
“No … no no … nono no no no plea- no … nono …”
Johnathan sobbed uncontrollably , covering his now empty face with his arms , and everything around him seemed to become blurry and faded …
“Johnny … ?”
“Johnny , love …”
That voice … he knew that voice …
Slowly Johnathan woke up and got up in a sitting position on the bed , looking around the room while taking a few shaky breaths :
he was home … he was safe in (y/n)’s apartment , and they were right there next to him … that thought immediately managed to comfort him .
“(Y/n) … ?”
, he whispered , moving one hand towards their face to caress their cheek , almost as if he wasn’t entirely sure if what he was seeing was real .
“Yeah I’m here , I’m right here …”
They gave him a sweet , tired smile while holding his hand in theirs , suppressing a yawn .
“Did you have the dream again ?”
Johnathan nodded in response , the vivid memory of his transformation sending a shiver down his spine …
The man just didn’t seem to be able to escape it , no matter how much time had passed … he had even found himself a loving partner who accepted and cared for him despite his … unusual looks , and yet the events of that day were still haunting him , tattooed in his brain and following him wherever he went .
“It’s okay though , I’m good now . You should get back to sleep while you still can , I know you have work tomorrow …”
(Y/n) shook their head , moving closer to hold him in their arms while gently caressing his back .
“I’m gonna stay awake with you until you fall asleep , Johnny … I’ll be okay tomorrow , don’t worry .”
, they replied , burying their face in his chest .
Johnathan remained silent for a moment before hugging them back , slowly laying down with them on the bed once more . Their warmth immediately calmed him down , and as he placed his forehead against theirs he couldn’t help but smile to himself …
“Thank you (y/n) …”
After a while , they both fell asleep in each other’s arms , and no more bad dreams came to bother their peaceful slumber .
⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ .
Thank you so much for reading this little fanfic until the end ! :D
I’ll definitely be writing more for the Spot , I just really enjoy coming up with cute , fluffy scenarios with him :,) ❤️ Feel free to leave some feedback if you feel like it !
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theoperativeif · 2 years
The Operative: Fires of Revolution [18+] (Updated 8/03/2024)
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You are an Operative, one of hundreds of modified beings that saved the Empire of a United Earth in its war against the Commonwealth. The war you were created for is over, billions dead in a duel between raging Empires that ended in a stalemate on a barren planet that left both sides ravaged.
But now ghosts from your past threaten to plunge the galaxy into another war and threaten all you have fought for.
Battle against those you once called family, discover hidden truths behind the Operative Project and protect those you love as you are drawn back to an all too familiar barren planet...
Content Warnings
[This game contains, violence, depiction of war and innocent casualties, strong language, drug references, major/minor character death (including possible ro death), optional explicit sexual content(fade to black only atm), references to abuse and other mature themes. Please use discretion and this list will be updated as content is added.]
Play as a man, woman, or non-binary.
Become a legendary super soldier, are you the ideal soldier? The perfect protector? An expert assassin? A walking war machine? Or maybe you are the monster that haunts your enemies nightmares.
Help shape the future of an Empire recovering from war, or just go where your superiors tell you.
Shape your character’s personality and have their choices influence the galaxy.
Fall in love with one of six romance options. Including an Imperial Marine, a fellow super soldier, an Imperial Agent and a mysterious chemical weapons expert.
Unearth the mystery of a failed revolt and a quarantined planet.
Will you build the Empire up? Or ensure it tears itself apart?
Notable Characters
Ari “The Old Flame” [M/F]
A loyal companion since you were both made Operatives, Ari is either your closest friend or your old flame of youth. They served in some of the darkest moments of the Empire, having thousands of kills under their belt. Recent events forced you both into conflict and then separation, now leaving memories and dreams as your only respite together. But something behind the scenes may force two people intertwined by destiny back together…
(Appearance)  6'8 A pale white complexion with wide diamond blue eyes and mid length snow white hair. Broad-shouldered with a toned musculature Ari's life as a soldier along with their enhancements make them an intimidating foe.
Liana Swarovski “The Soldier” [F]
One of two marines personally assigned to you by the Admiral. Despite spending the past several years in combat she forces herself to maintain as cheerful a disposition as possibly. Having been saved by an Operative in a past mission gone wrong she remains open and friendly to her newest assignment…
(Appearance)  5'7 with bright hazel eyes and a bright smile. Warm beige complexion and bright blonde hair done in a ponytail when on the job. Slightly stouter build then one would expect.
Jacob Miller "The Tactician” [M]
One of two marines personally assigned to you by the Admiral. Not much to note about the ordinary man, except that for someone with only two combat missions under their belt he spent the remainder of the war in service of Admirals and Generals. Recent events have reportedly chipped away at his once Casanova and pleasure loving disposition, but behind his kind eyes lies something much colder very few see…
(Appearance)  6'1 with soulful green eyes and a small smile, longer dark brown hair that he often slicks back. Average body build.
Designate Six “The Loyalist” [NB]
A deadly combatant even to Operatives, Designate Six commands the Chemical Core under your command, a group of specialist who utilize chemical and biological warfare tactics to render enemy forces inert. Hidden behind robes and masks Six is first and foremost an explorer of the deadly and arcane, but second a person of undying loyalty to their Operative…
(Appearance)  5'5 Two large expressive eyes resembling two pools of purple, tan skin intermixed with scars and patches of discoloration are hints of the price they have paid for their service to the empire.
Agent Roads “The Investigator” [M/F]
Agent Roads is an agent for the Imperial Heartbreaker Division, a branch of the Emperors secret police, specializing in tactics best left out of the spotlight. Their history with Operative 002 is an interesting one born of violence and strife, but now, all this time later perhaps its one of fascination. Especially when Road’s own dark past surfaces with one thing on their mind. Revenge. 
Their reputation is one rivaling the most bloodthirsty Operatives, but will someone looking closer find something worthwhile behind those cruel eyes?
(Appearance)  5'9 with predatory silver eyes and deep olive skin, bobbed thick raven black hair, thin build with a removed tattoo on their chest just below their collarbone.
Polina Cartigan “The Princess” [F]
Princess Polina is the second in line of the Emperors children, despite her calm and thoughtful demeanor do not be mistaken, beneath lies a powerful drive to improve the Empire. Seeking a peace with the ACC so as to rebuild shattered supply lines and defenses she is opposed by the majority of the UEG leadership. But a steadily rising wave of idealistic young military and political minds now stokes the flames as she prepares to take her first true steps onto the galactic stage.
(Appearance) 5′8 dark complexion with burning amber eyes and a thin graceful build.
Linky Links:
Demo Link
Discord Link
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thecraftyninjacat · 6 months
shoutout to @princeasimdiya12 for their super cool matakara utena analysis, check it out i am chewing on it as i write this!!! i was honestly blindsided by how much the two had in common and it really made me think about why my interpretation was the way it was in the first place, so this ended up being…about a lot of other things, and a lot more complicated than my arajin utena post.
anyway, you wanna see me go fully off the rails? *slaps matakara = reverse anthy ramblings on the table*
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(i would recommend reading my reverse utena arajin post first for slight context for this insanity. also some major utena spoilers below the cut, so be warned!!)
Now I can hear you asking: How is Matakara the reverse Anthy to Arajin's reverse Utena? How is Matakara an Anthy in the first place?? crafty how the fuck does this make sense to you this show is not that deep??? I can answer two of those questions!
First we gotta bring up princesses again. Princesses do not have a tangible equivalent like how honki people = princes, but they don't have to have one. After all, princesses plays a vital role in the Aladdin allusion. And yes by the logic of Utena all girls are princesses, but Matakara is specifically the princess to Arajin's 'prince', which from an meta perspective is what makes him special. But he's not the only princess. Let's talk Arajin and Mahoro!
(there was a tangent here about how the show defines strength, but it was kind of off topic so I cut it. TLDR, uhhh despite some evidence stating otherwise strength in bucchigiri exists separately from gender, something something girls can be honki people men can be princesses etc.)
In RGU, the student council members and Utena see worth in claiming Anthy because to them the Rose Bride is a symbol of something they wish to attain. Their wishes stem from events from their past, and since they all refuse to grow past these events they remain stagnant characters, trapped within the academy.
Guess who also remains stagnant because he refuses to mature past his wish!
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(what i'm getting from this is that a reverse anthy is a lot like an utena lol)
Let's focus on Arajin for a second. Arajin, as the reverse Utena, abandoned the honki person dream as soon as he realised he couldn't save Matakara. Mahoro is a symbol of the ordinary life as a teenage boy he wants to have, and Matakara symbolises the fairytale he doesn't feel worthy of and wants to leave behind. Mahoro is like Anthy (and Matakara) kind of in the way that Nanami is like Anthy. Essence of Anthy. Rose Bride Lite. Which makes Matakara more of an Anthy imo.
(I think there's something to be said about compulsory heterosexuality if you consider how Mahoro being a girl makes her a conventional princess for Arajin to chase, while Matakara may be everything Arajin wants, but his gender and closeness to the fairytale Arajin is trying to escape bars him from being an option. Also interesting how no matter how Arajin tries to distract himself with Mahoro, everything he wants Mahoro to be eventually circles back to Matakara.)
(something could also be said about the mahoro/matakara and nanami/anthy parallels, but i Do Not have the brainpower to unpack that atm lmao)
Anyway, Arajin is just so, stupidly determined to achieve his dream, which I think makes him a lot more Utena-like. Matakara...not so much? Before Arajin comes back into his life, it's the community of Minato Kai that gives him the stability he needs to largely ignore his monster, so he kind of puts his dream on the back burner.
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He was doing fine...then Arajin fell back into his life and he got reminded of the promise he left behind.
So, Matakara is a princess! He's literally the princess of the fairytale allusion and he's someone who wants to be saved from a monster (the nebulous driving force for princes to save girls and turn them into princesses). In Anthy's case, the monster Utena wanted to save her from was the burden of humanity's hatred. Matakara's monster is a product of his own inner darkness.
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It’s established that while Matakara may have a strong will, he’s too weak-hearted to become a honki person on his own. In fact, his weak heart is exactly what makes him a princess. But even then he doesn't fully fit into the mould. Princesses are supposed to be pure and passive, and Matakara is neither (at least not completely). His darkness may manifest as a monster, but before his recruitment into Minato Kai he goes to pretty morally dubious lengths in his attempts to become ‘strong’. Furthermore, not only is he rejected by his prince, it's revealed to him that his prince never existed. Arajin was a liar, and he was never going to save him. And so Ichiya uses that against him. He acts as Matakara’s saviour and threatens him with the idea of the monster to get him to kill the 'false' prince.
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As powerful as she is, years of trauma have made it impossible for Anthy to break from the cycle of abuse on her own. Isolated from all support, Matakara is not in a mental state where he can break free of his monster either. Ichiya and Akio have free reign to manipulate Matakara and Anthy into becoming vessels for their revolution because at this point in the plot, they're all they have left. The twisted visions of the once-noble prince and honki person.
In Utena terms, Matakara is a princess who wants to defeat his own monster by becoming a prince. Anthy is a princess who doesn't think she should be saved at all. Matakara is someone who fights tooth and nail to be free from his demons at all costs, while Anthy simply allows hers to consume her out of guilt and love for the monster she used to know. Both need help from someone who understands them.
But killing the fake prince won't turn Matakara into a prince himself. What was that saying about girls who can’t be saved by a prince? What's left for you if you're not strong enough to be a prince and not pure enough to be a princess?
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Anthy could tell you.
Matakara from Episode 1-7 reminds me of the version of Anthy from Adolescene of Utena. Dios and Akio can no longer directly influence Anthy, so she gets to be far more strong-willed and assertive. However, she’s still ultimately trapped within mental barriers she’s set for herself, hence why she still wants Utena to become her prince (like how Matakara still wants to become a honki person with Arajin). If you interpret Adolescence as a sequel to the original series like I do, then you can picture Matakara's descent from Adolescence Anthy to RGU Anthy due to Ichiya and Akutaro's manipulations as the reverse of Anthy’s character progression. 
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so...matakara is basically a reverse anthy.
Incredibly jaded Anthy neck-deep in manipulative abuse from a higher power gradually warms up to Utena because of her genuine kindness and inner strength. Incredibly naive Matakara is manipulated by a higher power into losing faith in Arajin through the revelation that his strength and bravery were an illusion. Through their abuse and suffering both characters attain power that stored/drawn from their chest/heart from someone emotionally manipulating the absolute shit out of them to serve their own selfish goals. Almost the whole cast victimises Anthy and considers her lower than them, while Utena alone treats her like an equal. Matakara alone believes he’s inferior to Arajin and strives to be on even ground to him, while Arajin pushes Matakara away because he believes he’s not good enough for Matakara. Anthy gives Utena a respectful title that she gives to all of her grooms, only to call Utena by her name without any honorifics once she’s freed herself from the Rose Bride system. Everyone who wants to get close to Arajin gives him a nickname, but Matakara’s is particularly childish and personal. Anthy's older brother is a manipulative monster, and Anthy’s ultimate revolution is her emancipation from him and the system he perpetuates. Matakara's older brother is so ideologically good it ultimately becomes his downfall, and his injury becomes the catalyst for Matakara’s descent into despair. Anthy constantly changes how she acts depending on who she needs to manipulate into the duels. Matakara is the only main character who always presents himself with utmost sincerity. They’re both full of love at their core, but their circumstances fill them with hatred and hopelessness. Their first reintroductions to Utena and Arajin are them being observed through a window. They both suck at cooking. i have to post this before the next episode proves me wrong-
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morbidology · 4 months
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Growing up in the projects in New York, Jonathan Luna always dreamed of going to college and making his family proud. He graduated from Fordham University and the law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He eventually settled down in Elkridge, Baltimore, where he got married and had two sons while working as an Assistant United States Attorney.
The 4th of December, 2003, started just like any other day for Jonathan. He kissed his family goodbye before departing for work. He had been working on a trial which involved two men who were suspected in running a drug ring. One of the men was also facing a murder charge. Jonathan had spent the entire evening working on the case and left a voice message to a co-worker at approximately 9PM that night, saying he was ready to go home and that he would see him the following morning.
They were going to offer the two men a plea deal and Jonathan said he was going to work on it at home throughout the night so it would be ready for the morning. According to the clocking out system in his office car park, Jonathan didn’t leave the officer until 11:38PM, leaving behind his phone and glasses, which he needed to drive.
What happened next is shrouded in speculation.
At around 1AM, Jonathan’s car entered Delaware where $200 was lifted from an ATM. He then crossed into New Jersey and on to Pennsylvania at around 4AM. His E-Z Pass was used on the I-95 into Delaware but after this, he started to purchase toll tickets. His car was then parked behind a Sensenig & Weaver in Denver, Pennsylvania. At around 5:30AM, a worker of Sensenig & Weaver arrived to discover the discarded car with blood smeared all over the door and the front of the car.
When the worker peered into the car window, he found a large puddle of blood on the back seat and back footwell. The car was partially in a creek and underneath the car, the worker discovered Jonathan’s bloody body. He had sustained 36 stab wounds with his own penknife.
The pathologist that performed the autopsy said that Jonathan's hands had been “shredded” and that his scrotum and throat had both been slashed before he drowned to death in the creek. Inside the car, detectives found that the purchased toll tickets had blood smeared on them, indicating that he was already injured when purchasing the tickets. Additionally, the puddle of blood in the back seat indicated that he hadn’t been driving the car, but somebody else.
While the death was initially ruled as a homicide, “law enforcement sources” soon began to speculate that he had taken his life and thus a smear campaign on Jonathan’s reputation was born. It was soon reported that Jonathan had most likely been involved in a robbery case in which $36,000 went missing. The Baltimore Sun implied that Jonathan was involved in the robbery and had ended his life because he feared losing his job. Everybody that knew Jonathan had nothing but pleasant words to say about him and found the allegations to be “a well timed hit job on Luna’s reputation.” The FBI ascertained that Jonathan had ended his own life but the local Lancaster counter authorities were adamant that he had been murdered.
What happened to Jonathan Luna from the moment he left his place of employment until he ended up stabbed and slashed in a murky creek still remains a mystery.
While the FBI believes he ended his own life, this leaves too many question. For one, how could he have driven approximately 95 miles without his glasses? Why did he switch from using his E-Z Pass to toll tickets? Why would he have stabbed himself 36 times as well as slashing his scrotum, throat, and hands? What would motivate him to end his life when he was known by all to be an upbeat, full of life, family man? The case still remains open with a $100,000 reward for information leading to a conviction.
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oh-my-may · 4 months
I'm still alive omg!
Lots of irl things happening atm, BUT I managed to play through Penacony 2.2 (stretched over 3 days, no less)
Woah. Just ... woah. So much happening, so many characters interacting, so much lore, IT WAS GOING ON FOREVER but I loved it nonetheless. Of course they had to make the finale of Penacony long and epic.
FIRST OF ALL I KNEW IT! I TOLD Y'ALL!!! Literally in my post about 2.1 I talked about how Misha definitely has some close connection to Mikhail/the Watchmaker. I suspected him to be a child of his or something but the actual thing was close enough, I guess. My sweet boy. I love him. Mikhail being a Nameless was so cool. I'm really glad we're finally getting more lore and info about Akivili and previous Nameless, but I feel this was only the beginning.
I'm still madly in love with Sunday and Acheron. Robin is such a cutie too. I'm not gonna pull for her because I need my savings for Mr. Boothill and then Jade but I'll try and pull for her on a rerun. Sway to My Beat in Cosmos is such a banger. Caught myself constantly singing "riiise into my wooorld" (ofc much worse than the one and only lol)
On the topic of Boothill... my god. Love him. The way they can't make him swear so they just make him say??? Whatever??? Whose idea was that 💀 mother loving instead of mother fucking?? What the fork?? Wubbaboo?? I would die for this man. He looks so hot too. Again I have to say that HSR never misses with male character design. THEY'RE ALL SO PRETTY.
On the topic of pretty men... SUNDAY. My little radicalized bird man. I cackled when Sparkle called him chicken boy. She's just a hater, love her for that. Serious question... is he straight up dead now? I have only played the main quest so far so in case it'a mentioned somewhere in game don't spoil me but if it's not... tell me will I get to see him as a playable character... pls...
The whole thing with Ena the Order was so interesting to see. The fact that they made Order so similar to Harmony... AEON LORE. Love it. Resurrecting an Aeon is possible, you say? Kind of? The way they make Sunday'a motives understandable... he's just a boy
So I had the feeling that facing the boss Dominicus was a bit too easy the first time around. Wdym he has only one phase. I should have known there was more to it. Nevertheless loved to see IL and Jing Yuan cameo. They slayed (literally)
But then the eerie feeling I got when Black Swan talked to us on the Express... the way she makes us question everything that happened... GENIUS. I did kind of get flashbacks to Sumeru act II. The line between dream and reality, who is dreaming, what happens outside of the dream, the repetition of events... not critiquing or hating, but the concepts were just similar to me and I liked it :) Penacony just put a different twist to it.
The final fight was still very cool. The several toughness bars to break is really interesting, and the fact that you get a shield value the more bars you break. Also the Astral Ecpress literally crashing into Sunday??? I barely realized what I had just watched ghe first time around. Idk why, but the concept is hilarious to me. And the question remains... is Sunday dead now??? What about Robin?? Are they both dead??
Aventurine isn't dead either?? What about the present that Sparkle gave out to several people? What was it and what did it do? Is there smth I don't remember about that rn? Did I miss it? Also if Robin didn't actually die, how come we saw her body? If she just got transported to Dreamflux Reef, then there wouldn't have been a body, right? ALSO is Firefly dead too? She didn't make an appearance throughout the second part after we see her leave and she talked abput the way that the script said she would die 3 times in Penacony... I'm so eternally confused. It's part of the reason I think there's still gonna be more in the next patch... They're not gonna give us playable Firefly without at least a Story Quest for her, right? And Jade, too? She had one appearance in a throwback during the story, the Trailblazer hasn't interacted with her in person yet so the IPC probably hasn't finished their business with Penacony yet?
And since I mentioned Trailblazer... HARMONY MC??? LOOKS SO GOOD? LOVE THE MOVES?? THE HAT? The Significance of it had me 😭😭 my MC obsession ks back y'all. He looks so good. Caelus ily. The silly little dance with Clockie 😭 Can't wait to build him, I heard Harmony MC is really good.
I also briefly have to mention my girl Acheron. So they've literally just casually confirmed that she's Raiden Mai? I actually don't know what Bosenmori means or it's significance BUT RAIDEN MEI. And her whole flashback with Tiernan... I had my suspicions about his identity but the reveal was interesting, anyway. I've got the feeling this is not the last we've seen of Acheron. I never played HI3rd far enough to fully understand Raiden Mei's story, but I'm really intrigued with the whole thing. How come her and Welt exist in noth universes, how did they end up in HSR and what's their motive?
One thing I'm also still hung up on is the Annihilation Gang... no more mention of them? We don't get any real eyplanation as to why Acheron killed Duke Inferno? No little animation of the scene? I'm guessing it's gonna play a role later? The reason they talked about it is probably to tell us that Acheron was dangerous but like... idk what to think of it. No question the other members of the Gang are gonna appear later and maybe then we'll get more background? But if they don't play a large role in Penacony, why introduce them to the players prior to it in such a grand way?
Anyway, I judt have lots of questions still but no doubt the game is gonna answer them when the time is right... I had a really good time playing the quest, went through a whole lot of emotions during it, fell in love with even mlre characters... the new maps are GIGANTIC and look so cool and let me just say rhe music was so so epic too. Can't wait for the OST for this to get released.
I also wanna mention here (outside of discusaions about the story) is that having a fully leveled Acheron with pretty decent relics paired with a tank Aventurine feels like playing the game on easy mode. Nothing can penetrate a fully def stacked Aventurine, and Acheron's damage is straight up insane. Gonna take a while before I get tired of using them. They helped me clear basically all Stage V of every SU World I hadn't done yet... legends.
Now we wait for Boothill... The grip that Hunt characters have on me is unbelievable. Meta wise I know I should invest in Harmony characters... Ruan Mei or Robin but... HAVE YOU SEEN BOOTHILL? HAVE YOU???
Alright, that's it for now. Really excited to dive into exploration and events and quests of the new maps. Might post a little about it.. or maybe not. I still have to tell you about my thoughts on the Arlecchino quest and Remuria exploration, I began a post about that and never got around to finishing it.
As always, have some cool screenshots from the story!
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