#that matthews kid eh
sergeifyodorov · 8 months
holyyy shit guys we forgot about matvei. we forgot about matvei michkov. what are we gonna do about him. are we gonna have to mogilny our way out of this one
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tulipsforyourlips · 4 months
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (6)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 4K
WARNINGS: slight angst
A/N: okay brace yourselves ladies it's a long chapter. and slow paced too but i genuinely loved writing this chapter and showing intimate conversations between dream and her. its a slow burn after all the chemistry has to be right.
PART 6 ✧˖°.
"Morning lads," you greeted the pair sorting through the daily mail.
"Mornin- woah what happened?" Charles' eyes motioned to your hand.
What? How were your injuries from your dreams transferring into real life? Well, technically that happened outside your dream. Whatever, you had no energy to mull over the technicalities of the realm differences, that was better left to the Endless.
"Eh nothing. Just slightly cut my hand open on the bed railing."
"How did that even- you know what nevermind."
"How's Jesse doing?" You changed the subject.
The boys had been monitoring her full night.
"The demon did peek through but for like half a second. Too brief for us to use our incantations and extract him out," Charles answered. "Poor kid. Must be suffering."
You gulped down some water and nodded.
"So? I was in-"
"Hell for seventy years." Charles and you finished his sentence.
"Oi turn up the volume a bit," you said as the television screen displayed some news in the background.
"As you can see around us ladies and gentlemen, the sleepy sickness has indeed made a comeback. We have Shiara's parents with us right now who has been diagnosed with the same, just one victim out of the thousands being affected," the lady reported from a hospital.
Shit shit shit. This was bad.
"Will the number soon soar to millions like it did around a century back?" The reporter continued.
You had obviously read about it. And Morpheus himself had told you how his imprisonment had befallen this plague on the waking world.
"That's..intense," Edwin said.
You never heard Charles' reply because your brain was busy trying to comprehend what you had just heard. You needed to see Dream. In response to your plea, Matthew pecked against the window.
"I will be right back," you told the guys. "Need some fresh air." You grabbed your coat and hurried out.
Dream was waiting for you in the alley behind the building.
"The sleepy sickness is back," you said as you approached him.
"I know."
"But-I-," you stuttered, "I don't understand. I thought things were supposed to move in the healing direction after last night. Atleast not worsen."
"You are coming to the Dreaming with me."
"Right now?"
In answer, Morpheus fetched his sand pouch from his cloak. You knew he could easily transport you through his cloak disappearing trick. But he seemed determined to avoid any direct contact between you two. Except when he had bandaged your hand. Ugh not the time to be a hopeless romantic. Sand enveloped you in a tornado and took you to the Dreaming. Your heart shuddered when you took in the scene awaiting you. Ruins littered the ground everywhere which in turn bore fresh cracks. You revolved your head around, assessing the damage. You took a step back, bad idea. Your feet connected with nothing and you fell, would have if not for the sturdy arm wrapped around you. Something in your guts uncoiled, partially from the apparent death, and partially from the proximity of him. This close you could see the crystal blue of his sapphires for eyes. Loose rocks fell into the crevice, showing you your alternate fate. He uprighted you on secure ground before withdrawing his hand from your waist. That was the third time he had contacted you, willingly or not. Were you keeping track? For fuck's sake you almost fell to your death and that's the part you want to fixate upon?
Shoving your flustered state deep down, you asked, "How did this happen?"
"Honestly, I dont know," Dream spoke, "What I know is we need to take another approach, a more direct and dangerous one. It is our only shot at saving humanity." He looked down at you, his eyes imploring you to trust him and validate his decision.
Had he so little faith in you? "When do we start?"
You were flopped on the couch alongside Jesse watching some lame ass family movie. The boys were on some haunted house case according to the note scribbled in Charles' ugly handwriting. On the screen, a daughter hugged her mom and you tasted a palette of emotions- jealousy for being denied what others had for granted, lonely for having no one to call your own, frustration for not remembering anything. Even though you had accepted the erasure of your past, you couldn't help but grieve who you were. Who were you? Someone who mattered so little that her family and friends didn't even bother looking for her? Didn't deem her worthy of putting themselves through the trouble.
The door busted open and Charles stormed through.
"Where's Edwin?"
"Fuck knows." Was all he said before shutting himself in his room.
Okay something was seriously wrong. The door creaked on its hinges as you opened it.
He was sat on his bed, whimpering softly.
"Hey? What happened?" You asked in a whisper and sat down beside him.
He shook his head. You gave him time to gather his thoughts. "He just doesn't understand."
Charles sniffed, wiping his tears away. He took a deep breath and started, "There was this family. The husband murdered the wife and children."
You inhaled a bountiful. You were aware of his traumatizing past starring his abusive dad. That fucker. The first time he had told you about him, a rage you had never been familiar with before had tightened around your veins. If that sick brute hadn't already had departed the waking world, you would have hunted him down and done that.
"I am so sorry." You intertwined your fingers in his.
"I tried to intervene but apparently had some strong emotional response to it and got sucked into the situation itself. I am aces now-"
He continued on, "but that didn't stop Edwin from yelling at me for getting involved in the first place." He sucked a breath. "I couldn't help it Hazel, I just couldn't. When I saw his ghost murder-" he choked on his words. New tears escaped his eyes and burned at the back of yours.
You cupped his face in your hands and swiped your thumbs across his cheekbones, dampening his tears. "Look at me Charles." 
He reluctantly met your gaze. "I am so sorry you had to go through that. I can't even begin to grasp what that might have felt like. That's simply fucked up. But you have to know, if there is one person who understands you, it is Edwin. He cares for you more than any other person or ghost on this Earth. The only reason he yelled at you was because he was scared Charles." You didn't release your hold on his face. "Of losing you."
Charles' eyes softened.
"He loves you. We both do."
"I know." A hint of a smile graced his lips.
You kept tossing and turning in your bed. Charles' tearstained face kept flashing in your mind. You had found Edwin at the bottom of the stairs, equally devastated at his outlash. He had explained to you what you already knew, that he was worried for Charles, of losing him. Oh these boys were going to be the death of you,  provided you survived long enough.
"You are late," Dream declared when you appeared in his realm.
"Sorry, trouble at home."
"Nothing serious," you added to erase the crease in his brows.
"I want to show you something."
"Lead the way your Highness!"
You followed him to Holy shit. You'd thought you'd toured through every phenomenon in the Dreaming, been fascinated by every miracle it had to offer. You were proved wrong as you titled your head backwards to witness the dazzling fabric of sky warping around you. When you propelled it downwards the same enchanting sight glimmered. The water was coated in the sheen of the starry night. An admiration blossomed deep in your core for the Endless standing at your side, the creator of the spectacles you had witnessed in the realm, the cause behind all your fascination. These docks just being one example, perhaps your favourite yet. After your very own dream of course.
"And this, mortal, is where the magic happens."
He extended his arms and the sea waters responded to their master's call. It roared to life from its dormant state and danced to the tunes of the Endless' hands. Spiral of waves loomed from the sea, stray droplets settling on your skin as you watched the Dream lord at work. Globes of water bounced on the ocean's surface. An assortment of objects and beings went about in their respective bubbles. In one such bubble, through its foggy exterior you recognised a dream you had gotten to trust mere days ago. And then it dawned on you, you were watching people's dreams. You were staring at the collective unconscious of the living world. There was no horizon visible as far as sight took you, the sea and the sky effortlessly blended into one entity. You were in infinity itself. Where you stood was sacred ground. And Morpheus had brought you here, to a special rendition of his soul. He trusted you. No, he had no other option but to, with the waking world now in turmoil too. Unknown to your captivated self, Dream was taking in each and every shift in your expression.
He came up just beside you. "Dip your hand in it."
You peered through the mist swathing the globules of dreams floating in front of you. Seeing your apprehension, he went first. His skin immersed the film and once he was halfway through, he rotated his head back. An invitation.
"You will be fine," he said.
"You promise?"
A thousand emotions collided in his eyes all in a fraction of a second. "I promise." And he disappeared into the globule. You followed suit and landed on your butts on solid ground. The Endless at your side who was standing on both his feet having failed to make a clown of himself unlike you, paid no heed to your graceful landing. You were on your feet in a quick motion. Butterflies fluttered their wings around you and you extended your arms for them to rest upon. A giggle left you as one plopped itself on your nose.
"What is this place?" You couldn't keep the wonder out of your voice.
"This is Fiddler's green. One of my proudest creations, I confess."
"I don't blame you." Your eyes raked past the waterfall and the pure greenery of the place.
A boy, just a child, hopped a few feet away from you.
"Why are we here?" You asked finally.
"To try our new approach."
"Dream you really have to start being elaborate."
"We need him to wake up. He has been here for a while."
"Wouldn't really hold it against him. Have you looked at this place?"
Dream looked at you. Of course he had. What kind of stupid rhetorical question was that to ask the person who had made the effing place.
"I mean it's beautiful."
He brushed past your compliment and said, "Hazel he has the sleepy sickness."
"Oh. But how am I supposed to get him to wake up?"
Nightmares weren't the only ones running wild. Dreams even as pleasant as the one you were currently in, were drifting from their original purpose to serve humankind. They used their beauty and kindness as an added advantage to lure humans into staying in a fragment of their mind forever. You'd known humans' resolve was fickle, being one of them. And provided with an opportunity to escape, no one would ever turn it down. Even the strongest wills would shatter with the passage of time. And that was why you listened intently to what Morpheus had to say.
"Invoke trust in the Fiddler's green as you did with others. Without hope, their sense of their purpose is growing corrupt. They are feeding on humanity's innate desire to run away from reality. Your trust has to fill in the void left by the absence of hope."
"What if I can't?"
"You don't have a choice."
"Dream but I- what if I am not the person for this? This was Hope's job. It was never meant to be mine."
"Will you tell his parents that they can stop visiting his bed every second of the day, quell their prayers, and say goodbye to their son because you were afraid to try?"
Brutal. But the impact was necessary. "No."
"Then the fate of the world is in your hands mortal."
No pressure then.
"Oi where are you going?" You asked Dream's retreating figure.
"This is your fight Hazel. I will see you when he wakes up."
"If you think you can just leave me here- " He definitely thought so because you were standing alone on the grassy landscape, except the jovial boy chasing butterflies.
You looked at him, airy giggles erupted from his throat. You sat down, feeling the grass beneath your palms. And closed your eyes until the beating of your heart was all you were aware of.
The dream collapsed as back in the waking world, the boy began to stir, accompanied by exuberant cries of his parents. You found yourself back on the docks, completely drenched. Beads of water dripped down from the hair sticking to your face.
"You look pathetic."
You swirled around to face the Endless who had spoken those words.
"A thankyou, you did remarkably well. Yoo hoo you are saving the world and I am indebted to you. And I apologise from the bottom of my heart which I am not even sure if I possess one, for abandoning you back there, would be nice but you know whatever," you rambled. "Wouldn't want to disrupt this whole emo vibe you have going on," you vaguely gestured to his hair and robes.
Your sour mood immediately dissolved as a smile graced his lips, his perfect cherry lips, you didn't deny it this time. An actual smile, fleeting but it was there. As real as the wind blowing through his hair, bestowing an air of ethereality upon him. A god, an Endless, who had just smiled at you.
"It's time for you to wake up mortal. The sun has already risen in your land. We have a lengthy path to walk, Fiddler's green was just one on it."
"Has anyone ever told you that you're one massive buzzkill?"
You didn't think so with the authority he owned and his general 'you dare say anything to me?' demeanour but the reminiscent twinkle in his eye made you doubt otherwise.
"Goodnight Hazel."
You were lying in your bed since you had woken up, which was seconds or minutes ago, brooding over stuff, enjoying the quiet laziness before one of the guys would barge into your room and drag you out of bed. They were late today. The faint ticking of the clock was the only sound in the room when a sudden scream interrupted the monotonous ticking followed by a loud thud. You dashed through your room to the living room where an unconscious Jesse was slumped on the carpet. Charles and Edwin were both lying on the floor next to a book on incantation and Charles' pandora's box, as you liked to call his bag of tricks.
"Oh you are alive," Charles addresses you.
"What the fuck happened?"
"The demon happened," Edwin exhaled in a breath.
"Don't worry we had it contained, like forever." Charles jiggled an opaque jar in his hands. "No thanks to you," he quipped.
"I-" You were dumbfounded. "You could have woken me up."
"Oh we tried mate, but you were sleeping 'like a log' won't do it justice. We thought you were dead for a moment."
"Or worse, that you had the sleepy sickness. But before we could assess that for certain, Charles had to pee and then Jesse got possessed so we kind of had our hands full."
It was because I was in someone else's dream you gits. But it isn't like you could explain that to them. And you did have a history of sleeping like someone who had just been introduced to the concept, so you let it pass.
"But we are obviously super relieved to see you fit and aces."
"I can see that. Charles you chose pee over me!" You cried.
"Mate it was nothing personal. It was really urgent."
Okay that was the last straw. Your hands were around his neck in a second, your knees pinning him down as he tried to wiggle free from your grasp.
"Careful with the jar, you two." Edwin said flatly, unconcerned if you would strangle the ghost.
What would happen if you did? Could ghosts die again? A part of you wanted to find out badly, but a sympathetic loser  part of you took pity on his reddening face and let go. You fell down on the space next to him, both of you heaving air into your lungs.
"I hate you," Charles huffed, his earring still dangling from the aftermath of your force.
You patted his shoulder. "Don't fret it son. I hate you more."
You were headed back to the agency with arms full from your grocery trip. A yapping Charles trailed on in front of you. Jesse had moved out, to your ghost friend's dismal and ranting about it was his way of dealing with it, unfortunately.
"And she said Edwin-that Edwin had a better fashion sense than me! Can you believe it?"
"I can."
He stopped and you took the lead. "What?" He blinked.
"Come on Charles you can't be serious. His taste is impeccable. I would have stolen his wardrobe a long time ago if he wasn't a ghost."
Passers by gave you judgmental glances, but you were used to it.
He caught up to you. "Hazel, this." He gestured to his baggy jacket. "And this." He flicked his earring.
"Yes even after this and this."
"I can't believe girls sometimes, scratch that, all the times." He fastened his pace, muttering to himself.
You brought your wrist to your hand to see the time when you got knocked off balance as someone bumped against you. Your groceries spilled out of the paper bag onto the road.
"Oh I am so sorry," a stranger's voice apologised.
You both were on your knees, gathering your escaped items.
"No it's okay my fault. I wasn't lookin-" You looked up and golden eyes met you. Wow. That was one rare iris.
"Oh shush now darling. Mistakes happen," they cooed.
You both scrambled to your feet as they handed you your bag. "Thankyou."
"You're welcome Hazel."
"How do you know my name?"
"Oh I overheard you and the boy talking," they said with an unnerving smile.
They could see him? Well quite a many people could, guaranteed that they'd had a similar bump in with death, not the Endless. You watched Charles distant profile walk on far ahead still seemingly mumbling to himself. You turned your head back to ask them if they had been in a near death incident, but they were already gone. Weird.
"Haz are you coming?" Charles shouted, realising you weren't with him.
You forsake the encounter with the golden eyed person and made your way towards your impatient friend.
Cool water lapped around your ankles where you had dipped your feet in them. The past week you'd fallen into a routine, a tedious and rewarding one, as you helped more and more people get rid of their eternal sleep. You had learned to manoeuvre the waters on your own, invading people's dreams while Dream devoted his time in mending his realm. Some days he'd join you after your daily targets and you'd both sit together, relishing each other's company. Today was one such day.
"When do we begin with the nightmares?" You had only focused on the sweet dreams till yet. Dream was insistent on it, forbidding you from trespassing through any others.
"Not yet," he said.
"Don't you ever get tired?" You asked after some time.
"Of what Hazel?"
"Of being immortal."
He raised his eyebrows at you, "Would you?"
"Fuck no!" You bit your lip. "Sorry. I mean knowing your time is always running out, does generate a new appreciation for life. But that life seems to be gone in a blink of an eye. Too brief, to leave a mark, to have your existence mean something. Time becomes the most precious and most despised instrument at play," you spoke. "But being immortal, it's-it's something else. Imagine the wonders you could witness, could be a part of. An eternity of just living, carrying the past of the world with you into the future. I like having a particular destination to swim to, but I would rather be lost in the infinite ocean, you know?"
Dream listened to your words intently. "I have a friend back in the waking world. Hob Gadling."
"I didn't strike you as that."
"As what?"
"As someone having friends. But go on."
"We met in the fourteenth century. Death and I visited this pub together and there he was, proclaiming humans could cheat death."
"What did you do?"
"Death granted him his wish."
"What?" What?  "So does that mean he is still alive?"
"Yes. In fact we meet up every century."
"Hold up hold up. The devil meeting with an immortal man in the pub, that has nothing to do with this right?"
Dream's lips twitched imperceptibly.
"Will you ever cease surprising me?"
Quiet ensued you both.
"So this Hob Gadling, does he enjoy his immortality?"
"To my initial surprise, yes. I had thought after a hundred years, he would surely be begging me to take the curse back but he seemed to consider it a boon. Even after centuries had gone by, his zest to live never died, hasn't died. He reminds me of you. Or, you remind me of him."
"Oh careful Dream lord, are you implying I am your friend?" You nudged his shoulder lightly.
"Now let's not get too ahead of ourselves."
You let out a half suppressed laugh.
"Perhaps," he said.
You titled your head towards him, "Eh. I don't think I'm ready to promote you from acquaintance just yet."
"Is that how it is?"
A shooting star dived through the sky, cutting a blaze of fire through it.
"What do you wish for Dream?"
He glanced at you.
"Come on. It appears every day without fail, in the abode of your creations. You made it. What do you wish for everyday?"
He was silent.
"And here I thought we were friends."
"I created it in memory of Hope."
That was the first time he had willingly mentioned her. 
"Do you miss her?"
He took his time to answer. "Sometimes."
You drew your feet out of the water and hugged your knees. "Well. Tragedy does birth-"
"The most beautiful things."
You looked at him to find his eyes already on you, a quiet yearning displayed in them.
"Ok mind reader," you scoffed.
"I do not posses those powers, unfortunately."
"Oh a creep then?"
When you looked at him again, his lips imitated the crescent moon in the sky on his perfect face. It wasn't like any of the fleeting twitches, no matter how treasured, he had given you before. The smile reached his cheeks. His teeth glittered under the moonlight, his skin washed in it. A weak crinkle formed at the end of his eyes. Your heart lurched in its rib cage, wanting to join another. No. You won't fall for him. You won't fall for an Endless. You won't fall for the pompous goth guy. You won't fall for him. You weren't falling for him. You weren't falling for him. You weren't falling for him. You were not falling for him. Shit. You were falling for him. 
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The Origins, Ramsay Fiction & The Confusing Mishmash of Everything Before Fix Me - A Marianas Trench Retrospective
Okay, so my post got likes, but I only got one actual response from anyone, agreeing with me on the fact they like things in chronological order. So, I guess it's time to talk about the bands early days, eh?
The truth of the matter is, the band as many know them started in late 2003 and early 2004. Anything before that gets placed in this weird murky middle section with a name change, members leaving, and also a complete and utter mess of when Ramsay Fiction came to an end and where Marianas Trench begins. We have located a demo disk from 2001 with the Marianas name on it, but we also don't have any dates as to when certain things were recorded or uploaded onto MP3.com.
Here's what we do know: Josh Ramsay, a teenager dealing with both an addiction to heroin and an eating disorder, loved music from a young age. His father owned a recording studio, and his mother was a vocal coach. Music was literally in his blood, but even though the two had connections into the industry and everything, he set out to make it into the business on his own. And he knew one thing for certain: He DID NOT want to be a solo act, he wanted to be in a band.
The issue for Josh was getting that band together. At first, it was him and his sister Sara (backup vocals), her then boyfriend and later husband Trevor Spilchen (on bass, even though he was a guitar player), Josh's friend Steve Marshall (on guitar and backup vocals, despite being a BASSIST), and a rotating list of drummers, eventually finding Ian Casselman in a series of classifieds in a newspaper late into the bands life. This lineup didn't last long, as once Sara became pregnant with her and Trevor's first kid, they stepped aside... leading to 2 new members joining: Josh's friend Matt Webb (originally a keyboardist), and Steve's pal Morgan Hempstead (the man who bestowed them the Marianas Trench name). It's tough to say who plays what on a lot of the Ramsay Fiction tracks that make up Cooler Than Me, as I think they come from two different recording sessions, if not more. Same goes for a lot of the self-titled EP work too, as we know at least two tracks from that era, an early recording of Fix Me, and a early recording of Skin & Bones, were both first made public to people in 2004... months after Steve and Morgan left, and Mike Ayley joined the group after getting to know everyone as Ian's roommate.
In fact, for the longest time, a lot of the Ramsay Fiction stuff was lost media, songs that nobody outside of a rare few had ever heard. As of April 1st this year, this is no longer the case, and all the songs have been found and preserved (yes, even PMS... despite it being taken off Youtube, has been saved.)
To talk about these songs is hard. There's definitely a lot of emotion and pain in these tracks, and the overall sound is very 90's, going for more of heavy grunge and alternate rock sound, very reminiscent of Matthew Goode. But you can also hear those other elements creep in from other acts Josh has referenced time and time throughout in small snippets. The biggest thing holding a lot of these songs back is a mix of production (which is still insanely impressive for the time period and the fact it was done by a teen no less), and lyrical ckunkiness, making them semi hard to decipher.
What do I mean by this? Take track 1, the one everyone knows: Primetime. The song's verses speak about how something is this, but the person is the opposite... bu we don't get a clear picture of who the person is.. only that supposedly a hit of heroin will make everything feel better. It's odd that this is the song that's somehow lasted the test of time out of all these tracks. But hey, it did lead to a great callback on End of An Era.
Track 2, Shiny Like Dirt (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG-OoIsFbow), is truly a song where Josh took a ton of ideas he had for songs, and threw it against the wall to see if it would stick. And... it does stick, but also doesn't? The chorus is super catchy, basically admitting he's a confusing person, and that nothing he does makes sense... and yet, despite it all, he still has fears of the unknown. The "coming up for air" bridge is probably my favourite part, but it's definitely an earworm I return to occasionally. I've also linked it in case you've yet to hear it.
Track 3: Shallow. The song we've known about for the longest time, the one the fandom cherished like a baby... and honestly, it's probably my least favourite? I've tried to decipher the lyrics on this one for ages, but I can't come up with anything concrete. I do think the song has a good tone, and the guitar solo is totally awesome. In fact, there's a lot of great guitar and bass work throughout a lot of these songs. But there's something missing for me on this one.
Track 4: Playing Dead. This seems to be the earliest recorded song of this bunch, going off Josh's voice here. And honestly, I think it's the closest tonally to a current day Marianas Trench song. There's a bit of a swing sound going on in the drums, the harmonies.... and it's an interesting number overall. Also, it's our clearest sampling of Steve's voice, and just how close it is to Matt's vocals xD... it seems to be a simple love song about a girl and how he's open to roleplaying almost anything with her, using "playing dead" as his main metaphor. It's the black sheep of the CD, but a good one.
Track 5: Hideous. Here we go... the first track Josh ever wrote about his bulimia and depression... and how it was eating him from the inside... and how he was asking for help, even though he wasn't fully ready to accept it at the time. The beginning parts are very slow, and methodical.... only for the song to pick up energy in it's second half and become truly one of the standouts on this album.
Track 6: PMS. Okay... so... this one is tough to talk about. We knew for years it was supposedly very comedic in nature and that it was also politically incorrect, but that was it. For those of you who still have not heard it, there's a copy of it in this Discord server in the links and archive section: https://discord.gg/d5M3xVN9
As for the song itself, I personally really love it. It's a song about Josh being petty to a girl and truthfully telling her off. It's definitely of its time period, but in the best way possible. And once again, the guitar work here is SO GOOD. If you can stomach a song that truly is a time capsule and understand that Josh would never write anything as juvenile today, give it a listen.
Track 7: Don't Touch Me. The song that holds a special place in my heart... as I was the one to LOCATE IT after 18 years in the massive pile of MP3.com links that were given to the Internet Archive in 2021. And it's a ballad all about Josh dealing with both the arguments and turmoil he would feel when coming down from getting high. Truthfully, this might be the most emotional song of this batch, and one that definitely sticks its landing.
So, my overall thoughts here are to give these songs a listen, and understand them for what they are: the start of a musical prodigy finding his footing and his sense of style while getting clean and hoping somebody, anybody, would give him a chance. While the tone might not have influenced Josh’s style fully going forward, there are elements from these songs that were taken and repurposed into later Trench tracks.
Luckily, and also sadly... Jonathan Simkin & Chad Kroeger gave him that chance. And thus, we got ourselves a self titled EP... and a full title debut. But that'll be next time.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 14 days
Heyyyy I love ur work so much!!! Can I request an allies x reader in which they go out on shopping and reader has the urge to buy something so ridiculous and maybe childish lmaooo like a figurine or plushie and is kinda embarrassed to admit it lmao I just wonder how the allies would react to their partner ❤️❤️
⭐️✨❤️💗 Fluff 💗❤️✨⭐️
Suitable for all so like yeah.
🇺🇸 America 🇺🇸
“Hey Y/N! Which pizza are you trying to-” 
The sandy blonde looked up from his grocery list to see that you were several paces in front of him, trying to rush off to the other side of the store. You were itching to get past a cluster of people blocking your path. This allowed Alfred some time to catch up. 
“Yo! Y/N! What’s the rush? The freezer section is to the left not all the way in the back!” 
“Yeah, I know…I uh…” Your eyes were estimating how much closer you were to the aisle you were trying to get to. “I just want to grab something real quick. You don’t have to-” 
“Well, I want to come, darlin’; show me what you’re so eager to get to.” 
You bite down on your lip, and your pace begins to slow. Alfred notes this and moves to your side, with the cart still in front of him. 
“Why’d you slow down? You were moving at breakneck speed earlier.” He playfully pokes at your cheek.
“I…..” You still had a little ways to go before you were where you wanted to be. “There this series of plushies I’ve adored since I was a kid & there is this re-release…” Your hands nervously rubbed the fabric of your hoodie. “And I really want one of them that I haven’t been able to find for the past couple of years so I can finally add it to my collection.” 
“Aw, babe.” Alfred pulls you into a bear hug and tousles your hair. “Hop in the shopping cart! Let’s get to the toy aisle ASAP!” It will feel like you’re playing a live-action game of Mario Kart with how he runs and steers the basket. 
🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦
As Matthew crossed out another errand that needed to be completed, he noticed that you’d been distracted by the directory. As he caught up with you, he couldn’t help but notice the excitement that began to blossom in your (eye color) eyes. His violet eyes trailed behind where yours were concentrating on. They landed on the specialty toy store that imported figurines from all across East Asia. 
“Y/N? Is that where you want to go next, maple?” 
You flinched a little when you realized that he was behind you. 
“Heh. Yeah…..” 
“Is everything alright Y/N?” 
“Yeah. I’m just worried about you judging me…. A little.” 
“Why would I do that, my sweet maple?” 
“Well, there is this one anime/manga series, and I have this collection of figurines that I’ve been trying to complete for almost ten years.” You turn your head to him so you can make eye contact with him. “And I’m just a little afraid you’ll like me less because of it. Or think I’m weird or something.” 
Matthew cocked his head to the side before he let out a polite giggle. 
“Oh, Y/N. I could never dislike you for something that makes you. YOU. Eh! Come on.” He grabbed your hand while he began to lead the way. “ I frequent this import shop. I know for a fact they just got in a new shipment this morning.” 
From there, Matthew will be comfortable enough to tell you that he comes here for all his oversized kawaii plushie needs for his secret room in his house. (He stays there when Alfred is visiting and needs to go MIA due to his social battery being dead.) 
🇨🇳 China 🇨🇳
“Come now! We have to hurry, or we’ll miss the shop before it closes for the evening!” 
Yao’s grip on your hand tightened as you made your way through the congested pedestrian traffic. Your attention was split between trying to concentrate on keeping up with him and seeing if you could spot that street vendor you’d seen before. 
So far, there has been no such luck until you saw it. The unmistakable pastel blues, pinks, and yellows that decorated the cart. 
“There!” You said absent-mindedly as your eyes lit up like a lantern. 
“Hm? Y/N the shop is at least two more blocks upwards.” Yao began to notice that walking with you while holding hands was like trying to drag a boulder. 
“Y/N! If we don’t hurry then-” When he turned around to see what had halted you in your tracks, his amber eyes immediately took note of the iconic pastel sign which read: “Chen Family Fluffy Handmade Companions.” Yao realized the look in your eyes demanded you to go over. He was about to complain about missing the chance to buy the remaining ingredients he needed to make tonight's dinner. He stopped himself when he felt his stomach rumble. 
‘Yeah, maybe it would be better to eat out tonight. I haven’t eaten since breakfast & I don’t have the patience to cook anymore.’
“Come on Y/N. Let’s go see if they have that one sparkly light-up bunny plushie I’ve seen you be mesmerized by a couple of times.” 
“Yes, Y/N. The last five times we’ve been to the night market together, your eyes have been glued to it.” 
“Is it that obvious?” You blush while evading his gaze to look at other illuminated signs. 
“Yes, but I find it cute. Why not just ask me to get it for you?” 
“I….I dunno….” Red consumed not only your face but your neck too.
“You’re so adorable, Y/N.” Yao removed some of the hair that had fallen in your face and tucked it behind your ear. 
“Let’s go get you that plush, then grab some dinner.” 
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
The calm early evening atmosphere of the small tea shop temporarily put your nerves at ease. However, the closer it got to 18:00, the more your eyes wandered from your phone to the cobblestone, back to your high tea. Every few minutes, you’d see someone roaming in Brilliant Bright Bee merch. It was a small, internationally known brand of accessories and plushies that you had admired for a long time. 
Your eyes bounced back once more to the grandfather clock that was stationed near the entrance. 
“Y/N love? Is everything alright? You keep spacing out & seem antsy.” Arthur looks up at you from his Earl Grey tea. 
“Yes, I’m fine, Arthur really. It’s just…” Your eyes bound once again to the cobblestone path outside only to spot a cluster of 25-30 people all wearing similar BBB merch, outfits, and plushies. They were all headed in the same direction of one of the three BBB shops in all of the U.K.
‘With that group alone, they may clean out the entire shop….AND take all the Polar Bear n’ Bee  limited edition holiday plush I’ve been pining for since July!’ A frown had anchored itself to your face. 
Arthur’s eyes followed yours to look at the crowd that was beginning to head towards the Brilliant Bright Bee shop. 
“Looking at all those blokes preparing to battle it out over that new holiday collection from that popular indie brand.” As he spoke he noticed how your eyes had widened into cavernous pools of (eye color). They looked eager to join the battle. 
“Alright, love. Alright. But we get to redo high tea at midnight.” Arthur gives you a mischievous grin as he reaches for your right hand and places a scintillating kiss on it. 
“Pardon me, waitress! I need a shot of Expresso. I need to prepare myself for a retail bloodbath! Cheers!” 
[Arthur, my man Alfred’s energy be rubbing off on you. That or you are thinking bout yo pirate days ahahahah] 
🇫🇷 France 🇫🇷
Walking hand in hand with your flamboyant Frenchman through the Parisian streets felt like a romance novel coming to life. 
“So where shall we end the night? By the river? In a late-night wine shop? On the balcony at home?” Francis was shooting off ideas since, thankfully, he didn’t have work tomorrow. 
[A certain British man drank too much booze & needed to get his stomach pumped. JK headcannoning the reason he doesn’t drink caffeine is that while he benefits for the first five hours after having expresso of any kind later on he will be praying to the porcelain god for the next day.] 
You weren’t really concentrating on much of what Francis was chattering about. You’d gotten distracted by an ad that was for these handmade bears that would have a special charm sewn into them said to bring good luck. 
“Y/N, what could possibly be taking your attention away from Moi?” Francis says while playfully snatching your phone. When his blues land on the familiar stitching logo of the toymaker a Cheshire cat-like grin adorns his place. 
“Y/N, you didn’t tell me that you liked patches d’amour (loving patches)! I know some of the people who design and craft the bears….” Francis watched your face transition from shock to pleasantly surprised he knew being flashy in this instance was better. 
“I can pull some strings & get you one mi’amour.” He pulled you in close so he could plant a kiss on your forehead. Brimming over with happiness, you almost knocked Francis over when you thanked him with a big bear hug. 
🇷🇺 Russia 🇷🇺
“Which coat do you think looks better with my scarf Y/N?” Ivan placed one coat over the other as he looked at the floor-length mirror. Originally your attention was completely on him as you helped him find a new Winter coat. 
However, you gradually became more distracted. You continued to roam toward the front of the store & stay there for extended periods of time. Ivan heard your familiar footsteps rush back towards him near the dressing rooms. 
“Sorry about that, Ivan! I was just browning some other stuff that caught my eye!” When you turned the corner, Ivan’s violet orbs landed on your smaller figure. He could see that sweat beads were forming at the top of your forehead due to running back and forth so much. 
“Eye, see what you mean. It must be a ball because you run like dog to catch it.” Ivan says through a bright smile. 
“That's a very fetching joke.” You walk closer behind him. You get onto your tip toes so you can pinch his big nose. “But also, the coat in your left hand is very fetching too.” You rubbed your nose against his, before giving it a quick peck. 
“Thanks Y/N. But, seriously, what are you looking at, sunflower?” 
“Promise you won’t laugh?” Looking at him with a slight pout which Ivan always found amusing. 
“Da. Now tell me.” 
“Sooooo. You know that build-a-bear across the way?” 
“Da.” Immediately knows where you’re going with this. 
“They just dropped the seasonal sing-a-long Holiday Bear & I really want it!” 
Ivan giggles. 
“Hey! You promised not to laugh!” 
“Not at you or in a mocking way Y/N. You are the cuteness just like the things you want. Come.” 
Ivan tossed you over his shoulder. 
“Let me buy my coat & we can go get your bear.” 
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marnerparty · 1 year
austin with an ‘o’ pt. 2
Auston Matthews x reader
part 1 here!
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ynmatthews the 2nd best day of my life
View all 271 comments
austonmatthews what’s the first?
ynmatthews the birth of our sons .. ?
austonmatthews and where does our WEDDING DAY land!?
ynmatthews 3rd!
marner_93 you finally met him
trevorzegras didn’t just meet him, SKATED with him
ynmatthews & it was everything I could’ve dreamed of and more
penguins we’ll have you back any time
ynmatthews say the word!
user1 I wouldn’t put up with this if I were Auston
ynmatthews lol good thing you’re not!
williamnylander & you left Auston with the twins!?
ynmatthews our roles were reversed
jackhughes was he low key flirting
ynmatthews him? no. me? …
user2 you are perfect
Liked by ynmatthews
jamie.drysdale I didn’t know you could skate
ynmatthews I learned for Sidney
austonmatthews false, she knew
trevorzegras was he impressed with your skills?
ynmatthews doubtful, but I did make him laugh. a lot.
trevorzegras did he know you are not available?
ynmatthews unfortunately 😔
austonmatthews thanks babe
user3 Sidney needs Instagram so he can see this
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Liked by marner_93, trevorzegras and 87,550 others
austonmatthews Baby Matthews #3 is a girl :)
View all 562 comments
mapleleafs half of a team 👀
trevorzegras IT’S A GIRL YES!
ynmatthews excited?
trevorzegras you have no idea
user1 awe
marner_93 she’s gonna be treated like a princess
ynmatthews I think uncle Mitch will be her favorite 🫶🏻
ynmatthews we’re having a baby girl :)
austonmatthews I hope she looks like you
breyana_matthews omg he’s such a sap for you yn.
austonmatthews 🙄
_quinnhughes congrats you guys!
ynmatthews love you quinner!
alexandriajmatthews I’m gonna have a niece 🥹
austonmatthews it’s surreal
user2 i don’t think they’ll last
williamnylander you’re gonna have to learn to braid
austonmatthews I’ll leave that to yn 🫣
ynmatthews and what’ll you do when I’m skating with Sidney and you’re alone?
jamie.drysdale guys … I have a confession to make. I can braid
austonmatthews 😮
ynmatthews are you serious!?
jamie.drysdale dead.
austonmatthews I always knew Jamie was the best man for this job
ynmatthews Jamie, you’re hired
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Liked by austonmatthews, nhl, and 76,559 others
ynmatthews Taylour Ema Matthews 🤍
View all 592 comments
williamnylander Taylor w/ a ‘u’?
ynmatthews blame Austin w/ an ‘o’
austonmatthews I didn’t spell my names, blame my mother
user1 is it even Auston’s?
ynmatthews not sure! should I get a paternity test?
user2 I live for yn responding to haters
Liked by ynmatthews
marner_93 finally needed a kid named after him eh
ynmatthews he wouldn’t stop whining
austonmatthews not true
ynmatthews oh yeah? are you saying I’m wrong?
austonmatthews no I wouldn’t stop whining
breyana_matthews she’s perfect 🥰
ynmatthews beautiful like her auntie Bre :)
_quinnhughes she’s perfect you guys
ynmatthews love you quinny!
bunting27 congrats you guys!
austonmatthews thanks Bunts!
ynmatthews thank you Mikey!!
trevorzegras okay that was really cute
austonmatthews she’s actually crying now
ynmatthews I am 😭 Jamie is so perfect
user3 facts
nhl now you have half of a team!
williamnylander im really rooting for 6
ynmatthews I think 4 is the max
austonmatthews I’d have 10 if yn would
ynmatthews 10 is a lot bud
jackhughes I think I’ll call her Rowdy
ynhughes Rowdy?
jackhughes after me ofc
ynhughes not following
_quinnhughes his middle name is Rowden. occasionally he’s called Rowdy.
ynhughes okay I really love that tho
austonmatthews she’s really perfect. I love you mama
ynmatthews I love you more my love🤍
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ynmatthews Mitch Marner, the favorite uncle :)
View all 448 comments
marner_93 my Tay❤️
Liked by ynmatthews
user1 yn and Auston make the cutest kids
mapleleafs our favorite jr. leaf!
jackhughes who allowed her to grow up so fast?
ynmatthews you’re telling me. I’m planning the twins’ 4th birthday 😭
jackhughes what are you talking about?? they can’t be four
ynmatthews yep. wait til you become a parent and it’ll go even faster
jamie.drysdale she’s adorable. heartbreaker for sure
austonmatthews better be that way
trevorzegras what a cute outfit I wonder who bought that
user2 Trevor picking out cute clothes for children??
ynmatthews he’s quite good at it! half of the time he shops for me 😂
alexandriajmatthews that hair 😍
ynmatthews right!? I’m so jealous
_eliaspettersson little salty she hasn’t met uncle Eli but whatever
ynmatthews 🫣 my bad
_eliaspettersson it’s okay, I’ll let Mitch have the favorite uncle title for a little while longer
marner_93 good luck bud
_eliaspettersson oh I’ll fight for Taylour’s love on or off the ice
jamie.drysdale not what I meant when I said she’ll be a heartbreaker
user3 someone give Mitch his own baby please
williamnylander the kid who’s named after him doesn’t like him the most?
ynmatthews no actually. Hudson’s favorite is for some reason Jack
jackhughes that was mean
ynmatthews sorry jacky poo
jackhughes that was extra mean
_quinnhughes I’m coming over soon
ynmatthews our door is always open for you Quinn :)
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austonmatthews our last picture before becoming a family of 7 ❤️
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marner_93 but you’re a family of 5 rn
austonmatthews yeah …
marner_93 YOU’RE ADDING 2 BABIES!?
_quinnhughes AGAIN!?
lhughes_06 holy shit
user1 congratulations!
williamnylander almost at a full team! 1 more!
ynmatthews we’re definitely done now
austonmatthews never say never
_eliaspettersson maybe I’ll finally become the favorite uncle
ynmatthews it’s your time, Elias. I feel it
jamie.drysdale who will these ones be named after?
ynmatthews Sidney Crosby
austonmatthews no fucking way. uh uh
ynmatthews please 🥺
austonmatthews don’t use that emoji on me you know it makes me fold
ynmatthews so you’ll think about it?
austonmatthews 😐 yeah. yeah I will
trevorzegras can I make a sperm joke?
tterry19 Trevor are you 12!?
jackhughes damn can’t Auston keep it in his pants?
ynmatthews literally no
austonmatthews babe wtf! there’s children here!
ynmatthews where?
austonmatthews Jamie 🤫
ynmatthews wow you really love him
austonmatthews cannot confirm nor deny
jackhughes what happened to the 4 kid limit??
trevorzegras Auston’s sperm
ynmatthews Jesus Christ
nhl can’t wait for the new additions!
Liked by ynmatthews
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Liked by austonmatthews, trevorzegras and 71,509 others
ynmatthews and just like that girls have taken the lead! Sidney Elise & Grace Jamie Matthews. Our hearts are so full ❤️
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jamie.drysdale are you kidding me right now?
ynmatthews we love you so much jamie! It only felt right ❤️
austonmatthews it was an easy decision kid
jamie.drysdale 🥹
trevorzegras more girls! can’t wait to meet them! congrats guys
ynmatthews love you Trev!
user1 I still think this relationship is doomed
kerfy14 they literally have 5 kids
williamnylander congratulations! but you gotta have another one still
ynmatthews oh will
nhl the Matthews clan keeps growing! congratulations!
Liked by austonmatthews
_quinnhughes should we talk about the name …
austonmatthews I caved, I know
ynmatthews Quinn, tell me it’s not perfect
_quinnhughes I can’t because it really is
austonmatthews there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just the fact that you’re in love with him
ynmatthews babe, I took YOUR last name and had 5 of YOUR children
austonmatthews I don’t care I’m still gonna pout
mapleleafs welcome to the family Sidney and Grace!
Liked by ynmatthews
user2 they’re the best family
austonmatthews I wish there were more ways for me to tell you how much I love you
ynmatthews will you marry me 🥹
austonmatthews I would marry you 100 times over again
trevorzegras barf but cute barf
jarnkrokofficial congrats yn & AM!
ynmatthews love you Calle! our kids will have to have a playdate soon!
jarkrokofficial drop them off when you need some alone time! they’re always welcome :)
austonmatthews thanks man!
elblue6 2 more gorgeous (kinda) grandbabies!! bring them all to the lake this summer 🤍
ynmatthews we do anything for you Ellen!
_quinnhughes somehow yn is the favorite Hughes
elblue6 damn right
lhughes_06 they’re gonna need some devils merch!
jackhughes they all already have my jerseys 🤪
lhughes_06 all five!?
ynmatthews I’m sorry moose, but yes, it’s true
lhughes_06 damn I’m behind. I’ll make up for it don’t worry
breyana_matthews Alex and I gotta get to work 😂 love you yn! thanks for giving me two beautiful new nieces
ynmatthews Bre 🥹 I love you! thanks for accepting me into your amazing family 🫶🏻
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Liked by breyana_matthews, marner_93 and 100,529 others
austonmatthews life lately: one, yes, we seriously ran into Sid at the store and had a Sidney squared moment (yes, Grace was in a separate cart) two, Taylour absolutely adores her older brothers, and three, I have the hottest baby mama (who, by the way, is pregnant again 😳 my bad).
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Liked by nhl, kerfy14 and 78,091 others
ynmatthews Mason Brian Matthews, the 6th and final Matthews ❤️
tagged austonmatthews
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williamnylander THE FULL TEAM
ynmatthews I did this for you
williamnylander no the hell you didn’t, this was an accident
ynmatthews 😳
mapleleafs the future of the NHL 🫡
nhl how many times have we said it!? congrats Matthews’!
Liked by ynmatthews
marner_93 another MM! congrats!
austonmatthews alright, 6 is a great amount
ynmatthews the perfect amount
elblue06 congratulations my yn ❤️
ynmatthews love you always mama E!!
_quinnhughes another one!? these babies have the best mom & dad. congrats yn 🤍
ynmatthews you’ve always been there for me Quinn, and for that I can’t thank you enough. love you!
user1 too many kids
breyana_matthews IM FREAKING OUT HOLY SHIT
ynmatthews trust me we were just as shocked 😂
breyana_matthews you are so strong yn! congrats you two!
_eliaspettersson last call?
ynmatthews for babies? yes 😂
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writing-for-life · 4 months
@morpheusbaby3 thinks we need a bit more comedy fics around here, and I agree.
I’m trying that precarious balance with Dream’s Therapist, but I also often insert a bit of humour into my fics (tragedy often needs a bit of comedy around the edges, and comedy works best when it’s weirdly tragic. I’ll die on that hill 🤣).
So I’ll just post a little snippet from my WiP. I don’t even know if it’ll make the Final Cut (it’s quite bad actually 🙈), but it was fun to write and sorely needed at the time.
Merv and Matthew are bitching. What else…
Mervyn busied himself, broom in hand, with sweeping up the leaves of the oak that sat in the centre of the courtyard. The bristles frequently caught on the cobblestone underfoot, made of meticulously placed stones, and he began to mumble to himself. “No idea why I’m sweeping up again, the stones take care of themselves, why don’t the bloody leaves? Should take ‘em away himself, wave his hand or somethin’… but what do I know…”
Matthew sat perched on a bench and cawed, “The roses are particularly vibrant this afternoon, eh, Merv?”
Mervyn leaned on the end of the broomstick. “Not here to talk about vibrant roses, are ya?”
Matthew was just about to say something when a bee flew past his beak, and with one snap, he ate it.
“Scoffin’ down a dream like it’s nothin’. Don’t let the boss see that.”
“Sorry,” he burped and quickly flitted over to the fountain to take a sip of water.
“Ain’t got all day, whaddya want, bird?”
Matthew hopped closer again and puffed up his feathers, seemingly weighing up his words. “Did you notice anything? I mean, about him?”
“Like what?” Mervyn grunted.
“Well, he’s not completely oblivious to his surroundings, but he seems a bit… lost in his own world?”
Merv took a cigar out of the breast pocket of his dungarees and lit it.
“Well, you don’t let the boss see that,” Matthew commented.
“As if he cared. Not at the moment anyway.”
“So you did notice?”
“The lovey-dovey thing? Yeah, caught ‘em giggling away like kids a few days ago. Well, she was anyway…”
Matthew cawed in very apparent discomfort. “That’s not what I mean. Well, maybe, but they’re sorta… married, or whatever you guys call this shizzle, so I don’t care. But I can’t be the only one noticing the stolen glances, the knowing smiles, the constant touches even when they work, and those… sudden disappearances? And it’s not like they’re exactly trying to hide it. Well, don’t know, they seem to make an effort to be discreet but… I mean, we’re not stupid?”
Mervyn’s eye-holes narrowed. “Hate to break it to you, bird, but we all know what those fireworks mean, right?”
“What fireworks?” Matthew shrieked, then croaked. “The aurora?! Across the night sky?!”
“Yep. Should be grateful that’s as far as displays of his hard to control feelings go these days. Could be worse. Has been worse. Could tell ya stories you’d not wanna hear.”
“What the fuck, man…”
“Merv, come on, that’s rude.”
“Not me using swear words, bird.” He blew smoke circles into the air. “Whatever makes him easier to be around is fine by me.”
“Yeah yeah, he might even get you a leaf-blower one day…” Matthew muttered.
“A what?”
“Never mind…”
Sorry, it’s awful, but it had to be written at the time. I’ll go hide under a bush somewhere 🤣
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olympeline · 6 months
FrUK FACE family Parent Trap AU, part 7! Part 1
So, Alfred and Matthew made a successful switcheroo and are now living with their other respective dads. The first few days for both of them just pass in a whirlwind of new experiences: new sights, new sounds, new smells, new surroundings. Alfred and Mattie struggle to take it all in, but in a good way. And, of course, at the centre of it all is Francis and Arthur. It’s tricky being around them because the twins want to get to know them so badly but they can’t act like it because that would be weird. Alfred in particular has to dash out of the house to go run around with Mr. Kumajiro a couple of times because the need was getting too much. Francis notices “Mattie” has become more energetic, but accepts Alfred’s excuse that he got really into sports at camp. It’s not such a stretch since Matthew has always been outdoorsy anyway and Francis puts it down to his little boy growing up. Wine, misty eyes, and a long purusing of their family photo album once Alfred has gone to bed that night. Francis may be a suburban dad now with a mortgage and PTA meetings, but he sees no point in life if one can’t be dramatic every once in a while ;)
Then, Summer is over, and the twins have to go back to school. Alfred to Matthew’s fancy private school, and Matthew to Alfred’s normal NYC public school. Alfred puts on his uniform (urgh, monkey suit! Didn’t his dad used to wear something like this?) and is surprised when Francis drives him to school rather than let him walk or get the bus. The school is pretty close, but Francis does it anyway. He’s chill about things like Alfred’s earring, but then pivots and is overprotective about stuff like Matthew getting to school alone. Weird. Meanwhile, Mattie braces himself for the journey on the subway. Arthur is generally stricter than Francis, but he trusts “Alfred” to make his own way to school right through the heart of New York? Weird.
School for both of them goes about as well as it could. Alfred has a lot of friends and Mattie is immediately swept up in their hustle and bustle. Acting up in class pains him, but he has to do it to maintain the illusion. Alfred isn’t a bad kid, but he is a loud and energetic one. Matthew does his best (cringing inside) but his teachers still comment on his good behaviour. Mattie is worried…until he goes home and sees how pleased Arthur is. The teacher messaged him and Arthur couldn’t be prouder “Alfred” is taking school more seriously. Mattie can’t feel too bad about it then. Not after seeing his dad smile. Until Arthur bakes them some cakes to celebrate.
It’s a curse, Mattie thinks to himself as he struggles to chew through the charcoal without his eyes watering. A satanic curse. It must be, eh?
Meanwhile, Alfred does his best to keep up his Mattie act in his new “ooh, la, la” (his words) private school environment. Matthew is a model student, behaviour wise, and warned Alfred that he can’t get in trouble even a little or people will suspect. This is not easy for Alfred. Even less because Matthew is also a loner, so he has noone to help distract him from the boredom. It’s not that the other kids dislike Matthew, rather they just don’t seem to notice him. The teachers appreciate how well behaved he is but they also tend to forget he exists. Again, extremely not easy for extroverted, vivacious Alfred. He can’t keep his exuberance fully under control and it’s a shocker moment for the class when their geography teacher has to tell Matthew Bonnefoy to pay attention for the first time ever(!) Haha, oops. At least they didn’t call Francis. Yet.
The twins have kept in contact and message each other frequently for hints and tips, and (in Alfred’s case) reminders about French vocabulary. They have a long talk about school after the first week and Mattie is irritated and stung when Alfred thoughtlessly comments on his lack of friends. Matthew snipes back about how happy Arthur was when the teacher complimented “Alfred” on his behaviour. Something which gets to Alfred more than he likes to admit. The boys end their talk early that night and both go to bed feeling ruffled.
The next morning when Matthew wakes up, he comes down to breakfast (🥲) as usual. Only to freeze in the kitchen doorway when he sees who’s making it. Arthur is sitting at the table, reading the paper news he still refuses to trade in for an app. At the stove, cooking omlettes that actually smell good, is:
“Buenos días, Al! You want two eggs or three?”
Mattie recognizes the handsone spaniard from the pictures Alfred showed him. His work trip done, Tony is back.
(Life has been busy so here’s a shorter update. Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for part 8 (´ε` )♡)
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writing-whump · 11 months
it's not my fault i'm in love with him. 😄🎉🎢🤢🤮 for Matt? my baby boy
From this ask game. Thanks for the ask, Soup!💕
The trio has a bonding moment experience with Vienna roller coasters. Matthew eats too much before a ride. Warning for motion sickness and emeto.
Unexpected turns
"Everyone celebrates the end of a semester, not the start of it," Matthew said, pouting his way to Prater. It was the biggest and most famous roller coaster side of Vienna - he had quite a view of it from the economy uni campus - but he hadn't been there for years. It was for little kids, damn it.
"No can do," Seline said cheerfully, determined to keep up a good mood. "We should celebrate all new beginnings and endings. And beginning semester isn't something to mourn, thank you."
"Speak for yourself. Only you can be happy about school staring," Matthew grumbled.
"What can I do? I hold the seminars now," she said smugly.
"Look at you, not losing any humility over it," Isaiah said with a snicker. He had a long black coat and by all means looked like a parent escorting them to the roller coasters. How did he make himself so much older and more serious just by looking and acting elegant? It was annoying.
"That's rich coming from 'my research project is financed directly by the government for my incredibly important goal of city planning development for mental welfare'," Seline said, turning to stick out her tounge at him.
She was so impressed and proud of Isaiah getting the position like it was her doing or something. Matthew could just roll his eyes.
When Isaiah was smooth enough not to bring it up, she always had to.
"So, what do you guys want to do first?" Isaiah asked.
Seline looked pointedly to the giant ferris wheel.
Matthew groaned. "Oh come on. At least choose something for adults."
"That's exactly for adults. You can have lunch up there, did you know? There is an awesome view with a map and it's slow enough to-"
"Exactly my point. It's slow. Let's go to something real."
"Something scary to get sick over? No way," Seline protested. "Though I wouldn't mind a big boat. The way the high swings make your stomach jump is amazing."
"And you don't wanna get sick, eh?" Matthew shook his head.
"I never get sick on boats. I love the feeling. I just don't want to scream my head off on those fast ones with crazy angled turns."
Matthew rolled his eyes. "Then our ways will be parting, I'm afraid."
Seline huffed, but she followed him to the rides nonetheless, waiting at the bench in front of it.
There was lots of fire in that sweet blond disposition of hers, and she wasn't one to back down in the smallest of things. As if sticking to her decisions was a moral mission of hers. But she still went with them, determined to make this a bonding experience.
Once you got behind the rage at how wolves treated witches and the push for affiliation with packs, Seline was actually quite lonely. It was something he was realizing only now that they were living together. Introvert alright, but even they needed contact.
On the other hand Isaiah couldn't say no to either of them. Too gracious to leave Seline alone, but when she sat down at the bank it didn't take that much convincing to get him to join him.
Matthew was excited. It was with big disappointment that he realized that not even the most brutal of roller coasters provoked any interesting reaction from Isaiah. The raven was as stoic and smooth as ever. The maximum he got was an amused smile here and there.
Maybe not everyone had to be so vocal about their emotions. Isaiah was more of a holding it all in kind of guy.
Matthew wasn't going to let that ruin the rides though. After he found the hammer, he rediscovered his childhood passion for the crazy turns and speed and couldn't get enough of them.
He could laugh and scream however he wanted, thank you.
And watching Seline's reaction was a joy. They varied between disbelieving, horrified and actually worried. Matthew got a record on the Mamba and Hammer while she shook even watching them get on and off.
When they opted for lunch at one of the cafes, Matthew had his voice almost screamed off, but he felt so happy with the adrenaline waves he had to admit it.
This was a great idea.
Seline still watched him in disbelief, like he grew a second head, but she was smiling and playing with her rings self-consciously in a way he learned to recognize. Nervous and hopeful and overthinking this. She was really trying.
The realization prompted a wave of affection swell up in his chest and he followed the impulse to throw an arm around her waist. She squealed, but didn't protest.
Matthew didn't stop there and grabbed Isaiah as well. The guy was way too polite about personal space to be spontaneous.
Matthew happily secured both of them, with himself in the middle. Seline was giggling like a little girl and Isaiah was pointedly looking away, trying to not let them see the insistent smile.
Matthew was getting more and more convinced that if those two ever acted on their attraction to each other, he of all people, would have to be the one initiating it. It was incredibly tiring just watching them skate around the issue for eternity.
Seline treated dating like job interviews - here are the 100 questions about our political and philosophical alignment plus the 5 tests on unexpected reactions and loyalty. Brrr.
Isaiah had his closeness issues of being nice to everyone and not particular to anyone. And there were the secrets and mysteries and closed doors Matthew had the feeling would have to force his way through to find out anything. Somebody would have to take them all down.
The living together helped in the sense that wolves were very territorial. Sharing close space meant they treated each other like a pack on instinct, no mind the formalities. And just like Isaiah planned, other packs saw them similarly and were much more reluctant to pick fights with them.
In no time the three of them became touchy about the shared apartment and there was the unspoken reluctance to bring visitors lightly. Thank god neither of them was into casual dating or one night stands, or that could have been a problem.
If there was a spectrum between "roomates" and a "pack" they wouldn't be quite there yet, but they would be moving up on it.
The realization, the thrill of the ride, the effort they were all obviously taking to make this work formed an new kind of untrained happiness around them as they ordered food.
Matthew felt genuinely happy. Something about having steady friends, roomates to come back to, have someone take time for him and indulge his ideas was creating incredibly strong feeling of peace and steadiness against his normally easily irrated personality. Maybe being angry and a troublemaker wasn't all he could be. Not by a long shot.
They ordered three giant meals that they shared around to get good taste. Isaiah came with the idea for proper Aperol Spritz and Seline insisted on trying out the cakes and coffee.
Matthew didn't even notice through all their grant ideas about what else to order that Seline focused too much on her Sachertorte to finish her gaint salad and that Isaiah let him eat most of his Schnitzel.
At the end, Matthew was panting with the extertion of fitting all of that food in, while the two had the audacity to watch him with taunting smiles.
"How can you fit all of that in?" Seline asked, sipping on her coffee. She always had coffee after food.
"Cause I'm no lightweight like you. Couldn't you have just taken the cake? It's the only thing you finished."
"It's a celebration!" Seline protested with a grin.
Matthew muffled a burp against his hand. His stomach was bulged out, pressing against his pants. He was satisfyingly full.
Seline scrunched her eyebrows at him playfully.
"What? My heroic effort is saving the food here, so I don't want to hear any complains," Matthew said with a shrug.
"Alright, Mr Hero. I'll ask for the check and we can go home," Isaiah said, nodding to the waiter.
"Home? Already? We still got time till it gets dark." Matthew didn't want this moment to end. Or this day. It was way too enjoyable, like a new era was starting for him.
"You can't actually want to ride anything after eating all that," Seline said, pointing at the series of empty plates on the table.
"Oh, you wanna bet?" Matthew leaned forward eagerly.
"Please, don't challenge him," Isaiah groaned.
"No, I'm serious," Matthew interrupted. "I didn't expect this to be so fun," he grinned at Seline, indirectly giving her the credit.
Seline shook her head in exasperation, blushing slightly. "I don't mind staying longer if you guys want to," she said, eyes wandering to the floor.
Matthew loved seeing this shyer side of her. It came out only when she wasn't unsure about something - which wasn't a lot - but social interactions belonged to it.
"Not too long. Just one last ride at the hammer," he promised.
Selime opted for waving them from a nearby seat at the fountains as they went to buy the coupons. Matthew had been on the hammer 3 times today already and he couldn't get enough of it. The feeling of somersaults in the air and the fast up and down movement with the spinning head left him crazy thrilled.
Isaiah watched him with an raised eyebrow as he got them both the entrance coupons and climbed up in their seats. Matthew just snickered at his concern, so the other man dutifully got his seat beat on as well.
It was middle of the second week of the semester, so Prater was empty, except for some schools kids coming in early after class. There was no better opportunity to enjoy his favourite brand of a roller coaster.
The steel of the pole keeping him in the seat felt tighter than the previous times, but Matthew didn't pay it any mind. He spend the slow ride up to the top with anticipatory grin and an occasional wave towards Seline's fountain.
And then the somersaults started.
Matthew's stomach twisted on the inside with the sudden movement. His head was spinning in a way that wasn't enjoyable in the slightest. He lost any sense of direction and orientation as if his head detached itself and simply rotated in the air, while his stomach stayed somewhere at the top of the roller coaster, not keeping up.
The wagon came to a sudden stop before speeding up again to start all over. Matthew braced against his seat, iron grip on the pole in front of him. The nausea hit him like a bus. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't tell right from left. Everything was spinning and he was very aware of his lunch twisting inside him. Like someone dropped stones into him and then started shaking them.
And then the whole ride started all over.
It was plain torture. Matthew kept all his effort on gripping the pole, closing his eyes in the process, hoping it might help with the nausea. But he felt the last bits of Schnitzel and cake mixing together at the back of his tounge. He just wanted the thing to stop.
Matthew didn't realize the hammer stopped until he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. "Matthew? Come on, it's over."
Matthew opened his eyes to slits to see Isaiah leaning over him. It wasn't enough to discern his expression though and the mere attempt had his head spinning anew.
Isaiah seemed to understand something was wrong, because he reached around him to open his seat belt and gently coaxed his hands from the pole. He was hoisting Matthew up by the elbow soon after.
Matthew followed Isaiah's effort and direction, not trying to decide anything for himself.
His stomach finally caught up with the somersaults, flipping itself up and down, right to left. Without Isaiah's strength his legs would have given up several times, except the raven always steadied him and kept them moving.
They stumbled around the back of the roller coaster to a green area, barely covered by a few bushes.
"There is a bathroom around the cor-"
Matthew interrupted him with a loud retch, stumblig forward. The pain in his stomach was coming in waves, contracting in and out.
Isaiah braced an arm against this chest and Matthew grabbed on to it with both hands as he heaved. A torrent of chunky vomit flew out of his mouth. He shook with the force, tipping forward. Isaiah braced against him to keep him up.
Just in time for round two. Matthew's body doubled over in half, projectile vomiting over Isaiah's arm.
"Okay, you are okay. Just get it up," Isaiah said, rubbing Matthew's back with the hand that wasn't currently serving as Matthew's guardrail.
Matthew could taste the whole menu coming back up, the chunky meat, the mushy cake and the soup and cola in a disgusting mix. He heaved over the grossest itself, surprised his body could still jump with so much energy.
The last wave was mostly liquid and finally allowed him a break.
Matthew panted heavily. His shirt was sticking to him, he completely sweated through it as if he jumped in a pool. He was shaking with the effort of the heaves, bracing against Isaiah and blinking dazedly.
"Better?" Isaiah asked with a sarcastic half-smile.
His stomach felt like a warezone, still flipping and twisting. He spat on the ground, which made him dry heave, but nothing else came up.
"That hurt," he croaked, one hand still holding Isaiah's arm, the going to massage the offended organ.
"I told you that wasn't a good idea right after eating," Isaiah said nonchalantly. He stayed rooted to the place, letting Matthew breathe and slowly lift himself up.
Matthew wanted to glare, but all he managed was squint at the sun. His head was still swimming and his stomach hurt like crazy. The vomiting helped with the nausea at least, though he still felt full and achy.
"You did. And yet you came with me anyway," the red haired man grumbled. It wasn't fair Isaiah got to be right and not sick at the same time.
"I didn't eat half as much as you," Isaiah said, steering Matthew away from the mess pooling at their feet. Matthew was grateful for it, cause the smell was suffocating. "And someone had to keep an eye on you."
Matthew swallowed the saliva overflowing his mouth experimentally. He was too sick to care at the time, but the emberessment was catching up to him.
"Don't tell Seline?" Matthew tried.
"I think she noticed. Asked the guy at the controls to stop it earlier."
"Ugh. What cued her in?"
"You weren't laughing on the zoomed in pictures," Isaiah said.
She was taking pictures of them on the rides? Oh my.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin-"
"Oh, shush. You didn't ruin anything," Isaiah said, carefully pushing Matthew's arm around his neck. "Don't know why you wanted to make yourself sick though."
"Thought I could take it," Matthew said tiredly, feeling stupid himself. He leaned against Isaiah, not minding how pathetic that must have looked as they maneuvered back into the street between the attractions and stands.
Matthew rested his weight on Isaiah gratefully as he watched Seline buying a set of water bottles from the nearby stand. Somehow she always managed to be very practical, when it came to a crisis situation. The picture of calm. Just like Isaiah.
He coughed and smiled to himself. Not just fair weather friends he got himself, eh?
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themirokai · 2 years
I genuinely don't know if you can send URLs in asks, so if this doesn't work, blame the blue hellsite... but how about a raven being adorable? And naughty. But mostly adorable. https://youtu.be/hh52CfnGCK4
Thank you so much for this! Over on my last Matthew The Emotional Support Raven fic, I asked for prompts of real ravens and this one is perfect.
The URL does work but just in case it needs to be included in the answer as well, I strongly recommend that everyone watch this beautiful lady hanging out and entertaining herself:
The thing that got me the most about this charming video was the mimicry! I kind of knew ravens did this, but I loved Fable saying "Hi" in what is clearly the same tone her handler uses. So that's where I started with this silly little fic. Enjoy!
Matthew landed on the branch of a gnarled tree. “Heya, Merv.” 
Mervyn Pumpkinhead glanced up from where he was digging a ditch. “Hey, new kid. Whaddaya want?” 
“I’ve been practicing,” Matthew told him. 
“Aw yeah?” Mervyn stuck his shovel into the dirt and leaned on it with his elbow, puffing on his cigar. 
“Yeah, ya wanna hear?” 
“Go on, then,” Mervyn gestured with his cigar. 
Matthew took a deep breath and attempted to draw himself up regally. “I Am The Shaper of Form, Prince of Stories.” 
Mervyn’s orange face scrunched up. “Nah, needs work, kid.” 
“Wait wait, I can do better!” Matthew cawwed, fluttering his wings. He took another breath, closed his eyes this time. “Guardian of Sleepers, Lord of the Dream Domain.” 
Mervyn waggled his head from side to side. “Eh, better, but still not there.” 
“Anthropomorphic Personification of the Collective Unconscious.”
“Whoa there!” Mervyn put up his hands. “Too far, kid! Pull it back!”   
“Sorry, sorry,” Matthew said in his own voice. “How’s this?” he cleared his throat. “King of Dreams, Ruler of the Nightmare Realms.” 
Mervyn’s eyes went wide. “Oh yeah! You got it, kid!” 
“I am the Sandman,” Matthew continued. 
“Very amusing.”
Every feather on Matthew’s body stood on end as he watched Merv’s cigar fall from his gaping mouth into the dirt. Slowly, inch by inch, Matthew forced himself to turn his head and look behind him. 
Lord Morpheus was there, clad in a gray t-shirt and black jeans, arms crossed over his chest and frown on his face. Just behind him stood Lucienne, face contorted with the effort of containing her laughter. 
Matthew’s heart hammered in his chest. “Uh, hi. Boss.”
“You might have considered practicing with something other than my names.”
“I’m sorry, Boss, I j-“
Lord Morpheus held out his hand, his face stern. “Come, Matthew.”
Matthew flexed his feet against the branch and tried to look small and inoffensive. “Uh… where are we going?” 
“To my gallery. I am going to block the visual connection.”
If Matthew had eyebrows they would be scrunched up as he flew to Lord Morpheus’s outstretched hand. 
“Wait…” Matthew landed as gently as he could and was immediately transferred to Lord Morpheus’s shoulder, “you want me to talk to your siblings? As you?” 
Now he could see the little smirk on Lord Morpheus’s face. 
“I do.”
“Oh this is gonna be fun!” 
I hope you enjoyed! I don't usually write Morpheus's dialogue in bold, but it worked here.
Update: the master post of my Matthew the Emotional Support Raven ficlets is here.
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bisluthq · 16 days
Me again lol. I love A Single Man so much that I don't recommend it to people irl anymore because the 3 people I did said it was slow, boring, pointless and "really gay?" - no shit at that last one but I'm a closet case so yk 🤫 but the bad reception physically hurt me, so now it's just for me and no one else can ruin my perception of it. I love everything about it so much, the story and lighting and acting and styling of people and scenery.... I legit forget it's Colin Firth ( LOVE HIM) and I'd argue it's one of his best performances, and one of the best stories and performances about grief and - idk how to describe it, but there's so much physicality in the acting by how much emotion he shows just with his posture, and then the subtle facial expressions - but it's hardly a "physical role".
And Matthew is like the embodiment of love and sunshine and safety in it 😍🥹
I just love that movie so much my heart explodes 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
I didn't like the story in Nocturnal Animals, but the attention to detail was immaculate. I really don't know why he hasn't directed more because he has such a unique style - though I'm no film buff, so maybe it's not lmao.
Do you know any movies like ASM? Like just that vibe of a bittersweet, beautiful telling of a story even if it's sad? I thought About Time was a bit similar but much lighter - and again, everyone I suggested it to said they thought it was stupid or boring or just didn't like it and I was sitting there crying next to them 😭😭 lmao
Have you ever watched Never Let Me Go? I love the book too but it's quite different in the film and I like the film a lot. Most people I have recommended it to though didn’t like it lmao. It's also a bittersweet/sad story with a lot of little details and there’s a period aesthetic. The Boys in the Band (1970 but the Jim Parsons movie isn't bad either) is a gay bittersweet/sad/but kinda funny thing. Also maybe God's Own Country (with Josh O'Connor)? This next one is not a super popular movie, but I also like Stephen Fry's Bright Young Things a lot. It's a bit like that also - lots of like bittersweet drama and a period setting. Maybe also History Boys? Idk this is such a vague criterion lmao so I'm just listing movies I like... The Kids Are All Right? Not a period setting but that kind of like 'eh' heartsore vibe - some funny bits, some sad bits idk. Speaking of Julianne More, Far From Heaven. I also think a lot of the Noah Baumbach films fit vibes wise, like The Squid and The Whale? Idk watch any of those/let me know if you liked any of those and then I can maybe recommend other ones...
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indiehorrorgamemovie · 11 months
isthefnafmovieout reviews the fnaf movie (SPOILERS)
Pre-movie thoughts (written 10/25):
I get to see it a day early! YAY!
I might have hyped this movie up in my brain a little too much, because I'm SUPER anxious.
The polarizing reviews i was seeing throughout the day were definitely a little nerve wracking! Lots of good and bad reviews, lots of weird contridicting statements. I saw lots of people complaining about the lore being "wrong" or whatever but... Eh. It has already been established that this movie won't have the same lore as the games, so I won't mind any lore changes. They're like the Silver Eyes books, in their own seperate canon but with similarities to the games.
Overall Im keeping my hopes reasonably high. Horror films and video game adaptations tend to get a bad wrap from even the fairest critics. I'm a die-heard fnaf fan, have been for all 9 years of its existence. If Dawko loves it then I will love it I think 🫡
Okay, now with that out of the way...
Spoiler free review, posted on my letterboxd:
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Post-movie thoughts (written 10/26):
The way they incorporated Mike's dream sequences into the narrative was really interesting, how he tries to use his dreams to find out who took his brother. He and Abby were really sweet :) I like how their relationship drives the plot along, with how they befriend Abby but only as a front because they want her to "be like them," and how Mike is caught up in the past and realizes that he needs to focus on protecting Abby, not bringing his brother back. Its surprisingly emotional, i really resonated with their story. Josh Hutcherson and Piper Rubio both did well!
It's basically everything I expected, and I liked it! I think it's story was good, with its focus on childhood innocence.
Vanessa is great too! Different from her game counterpart, but thats okay! And the twist that she's actually William aftons daughter? Holy shit I gasped like I was watching a soap. Thats so interesting!! I loved how she just FELT suspicious. I know it's very different from the game lore, but I expected the movie to be, and I liked what they did! I got chills when Vanessa showed the picture of her and William to Mike and you could see her holding the plane that Mike's brother used to have.... my dad thought that was the creepiest part. Speaking of william btw...
Matthew Lillard, man. wow. What a great William Afton. They do some subtle implications that hes William in the beginning and if i didnt know it was him already i would've been surprised. He hams it up like he did with Stu Macher and it's great! I wish he was in it a little more, and they expanded a little more on Williams character through Vanessa, but yeah, he was good! I hope to see more of him in any sequels!
I wish the animatronics showed up a little more, thats probably my biggest critique or whatever. But they are so well made and cute. I liked how they befriended Abby, and that they rlly honed in on the animatronics being possessed by kids and that their violence is from William Aftons influence. I wish they went more into depth about how William influenced them though, and why it's all the pictures drawn of what happened that control their vision of what happened. What we did get from them though was so cool! Jim Henson did so well with these guys, they're so cute yet can be so scary.
The kills were pretty tame on the surface, as I expected, but some of the implications were quite disturbing to a point where it didn't rlly take away from it for me. Especially Max's, it gave me a "Ada in the laser room in the re4 seperate ways remake" vibes. Same with the security guards death to the faz-trap in the beginning.
There were some pacing issues, theyve definitely cut some things i wouldve liked to see, there was some goofiness (that fort making scene made me laugh so hard im sorry, it was cute though), and some story elements that needed a touch more expanding upon, but this movie was still really fun! For non-fans, honestly i dont know how they'reresponding as a whole besides those really weird reviews im seeing on rotten tomatoes and such, but I saw it with my dad, who knew very little going into it, and he liked it, especially the story with the missing kids! For fans... well, If you like fnaf, are are willing to forgive some lore changes for the sake of telling a coherent story, then you'll love it!
Also why was Matpat there lol. isthefnafmovieout, out. See you on the flipside.
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floor-a · 11 months
Just finished watching the Five Nights At Freddy’s Movie. I can say that i was pleasantly surprised, and i enjoyed myself for the most part. Anyone who doesn’t want to be spoiled should stop reading here and just know that the movie is not the pile of garbage some people are saying it to be. I’m sure there’s lots people don’t like, but overall i don’t mind a lot of that stuff.
Spoilers beyond this point! Do not read if you do not want to know stuff about the movie! (I do not know how to mark something as a spoiler)
Okay, firstly, the MatPat cameo was a very welcome surprise. I didn’t expect to see him in it, and his lines were a funny reference.
The aunt was awful, i hope she is dead, that will only raise my rating of the movie.
I’d love to have seen an entire night from the perspective of that other security guard, really get more of a look at how terrifying the animatronics are.
The Living Tombstone being the end credits song was a brilliant choice, out of all the options to chose from that song was definitely the right call. It is still a bop almost a decade later, and i will stand by that opinion.
Matthew Lillard was fantastic, i only wish we saw more of him. (Maybe have shown Mike around the pizzeria, or had it be him in the training tapes, just a bit bigger of a presence in the movie. Still no complaints about it though). This isnt surprising though considering how great of an actor he is and how well he pulls of murderous individuals. Can’t wait to see him in any future fnaf movies (hopefully).
I want one of those security guard badges, who do i have to bribe/kill for one?
All of the animatronics looked brilliant, and the yellow bonnie suit looked especially fantastic. My only gripe is that we did t get to see the empty, white eyes of the animatronics, but that’s a minor thing, and makes sense given how they were technically being controlled.
The murderous animatronics were great, i only wish we got a better view of what was done to the guys who broke in, because seeing a cupcake mauling a guy to death was hilarious and i could only wish to see more. Also, loved that bonnie was in the supply closet, fun detail. Most of all, the scene where the babysitter got bitten in half was awesome and unexpected, loved it.
The springlock scene was good, would have maybe preferred a few more and faster snaps of the suit to really show the violence of the machine, and a bit more blood like how it happened in the games, but eh, it was definitely good either way. Naughty rabbits get put in the pain cupboard.
The robotic voice at the end was a great touch.
Balloon boy is creepy as fuck and definitely warrants the reaction he gets, even if he’s smaller. I would punt that asshole so far.
The fort scene felt a little out of place but it wasn’t as bad as I’ve heard some people say it was. They’re kids, and they’ve just met their friend for the first time, they’re gonna want to do kids stuff. Was it a odd? Sure, but it’s fine.
I feel like all the roles were well cast, and enjoyed their performances. Could have definitely been a lot worse.
Overall I’d give this a solid 7-8/10. While there were aspects I’d have liked to be different it was in no way a disappointment as some have said. As much as i can understand that, i don’t agree with it. Maybe it’s just that my expectations were a bit low to begin with, but i was pleasantly surprised.
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marnerparty · 1 year
moth to a flame
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Mitch Marner x reader x Auston Matthews
warnings: mentions of sex, infidelity
The first time it happened was supposed to be the only time. Y/N told herself that she truly did love Mitch. After all, there was a reason that she was marrying him.
But then there was his teammate. Auston.
And as much as she hated to say it, she couldn’t help but gravitate towards him. And now anytime she was around him, she couldn’t say no.
“Like a moth to a flame, I'll pull you in”
“This is so wrong.” Y/N sighed as Auston’s lips found the sweet spot on her neck.
“Then tell me to stop.” He threatened as his mouth moved lower and lower. All Y/N could do was look at the ceiling of the empty conference room. She wanted to stop. To tell Auston this was a bad idea, and that they shouldn’t be doing this.
But this was the best she’d felt in a long time.
“Don’t stop.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Auston momentarily stopped his actions as he looked the woman in her eye.
“Are you sure?” He asked as reassurance, knowing her relationship with her fiancé, and his relationship with his best friend, could be over. She shook her head ‘no’ before leaning in and kissing him.
All was quiet in the house except for the buzz of the hockey game on TV. Y/N watched intently as the Leafs were taking care of the Candiens just fine.
She would usually travel wherever her fiancé, Mitch, would be, but that drunken night with Austin weeks ago, and all of the times after that, stopped all of her travel.
She knew she should be rooting the most for Mitch, but whenever the camera panned to Auston, her heart fluttered.
The ring of Y/N’s phone pulled her from thoughts. She wondered how long she’d been spacing out as she looked up to see the game was over. The Caller ID on her phone read the name of her fiancé, and a small smile grew.
“Hey Mitchy.” Y/N breathed out. She could practically see his eyes role at the nickname.
“Hey babe.” He responded easily. “How’s my girl?”
His girl. Was she his girl?
“I’m good.” She said as she cleared her throat. “I watched the entire game. It was amazing, I’m so proud of you! 98 points now!” Y/N said sincerely. He laughed on the other side of the line, no doubt blushing.
“God, I love you, Y/N. I can’t wait to make you my wife.” Y/N nodded to herself, unsure of how to react. She should be happier than ever- she’s marrying the man of her dreams. The boy she dated when they were young. The kid she grew up with.
“Y/N? Still there?” She heard Mitch ask as the tear she didn’t know escaped rolled down her cheek.
“Right here love. Sorry, just, uh, thinking.”
“God, I know.” He said. “I’ve been doing so much of that. I can’t wait to have the perfect wedding. It’s still so surreal.” Before Y/N could get another word out, there was commotion on the other line. “Sorry, Y/N/N, but I gotta go, babe. There’s a couple guys flying back tonight so we have to leave early for them. But I’ll see you in 2 days, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too, Mitch.” She responded before hanging up the phone. She hated constantly lying to Mitch. While she’d only hooked up with Auston once, there were many times they’d see each other to hang out or talked to each other until early hours of the night.
“But does he know you call me when he sleeps?”
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours? You’ve been quiet.” Y/N heard Auston ask through the phone. She sighed as she played with the strings of her hoodie.
“What’s wrong, Auston.” She said a bit harsh. “Is the fact that I could be sleeping with my fiancé right now, but instead I’m having a secret conversation on my couch with his best friend and teammate because that’s what I’d rather be doing.”
Y/N knew Auston was smirking on the other side because of the hold he had on the girl.
“So he doesn’t know we talk eh?” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“You know he doesn’t. How could I tell him that?” She complains as Auston lightly laughs at her frustration.
“I’m just teasing, you know that.” Auston says before sighing. “I don’t like this either. It makes me feel like shit. I think I lo-”
“Stop!” Y/N says a little too loud. “You can’t be saying that, Auston. I can’t be-” Y/N heard the bedroom door open as the soft stomp of Mitch’s footsteps filled the house.
“Babe?” He asked through the dimly lit living room. Auston could hear his voice too as he tried to hang up, but stayed on to hear what was said.
“I’m sorry, Mitch.” Y/N responded. “My sister needed to talk. She’s been drinking.” He nodded, too oblivious to not believe her. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” He shook his head and made his way over to kiss Y/N’s head.
“It’s not a big deal love. Family comes first. I’ll head back to bed and wait for you.” Y/N smiled and nodded watching Mitch walk all the way back before putting the phone back to her ear.
“So now I’m your sister?” Y/N hoped Auston couldn’t hear, but knew she wouldn’t be so lucky.
“You’re my nothing, Auston. We carried on this little relationship, and it was clearly a mistake. End of story.”
“If it’s the end of the story then why are we here on the phone right now?”
Y/N was taking advantage of Mitch at this point. That was clear. Taking advantage of his relationships, of how close he was able to allow Y/N to get to the team, and most of all, his time away.
Mitch wasn’t one of the guys coming home a day early from the roadie. But one of the players who was? Auston.
Y/N hadn’t known he flew home early until she was tanning by the pool in the back of her and Mitch’s house when she heard the gate open. She knew she put the lock on it, and knew Mitch wouldn’t be coming home, so she jumped up from her spot and grabbed the nearest item.
She tiptoed over to the side where she could see the gate, and she let out a breath when she saw was Auston walking in.
“What the fuck, Matthews?” Y/N yelled. “I thought someone was breaking in!” She huffed walking back to her chair. She became aware of the small bikini she was wearing and tried to pull it down in the back before Auston could stare.
“I’ve already seen it all, princess. No need to hide.” Y/N rolled her eyes as she tried to get herself comfortable again.
“What’re you doing here Auston?” Y/N asked in a flat tone. He took the opportunity to come up next to her and sit down in his own chair.
“Well, I know Mitch won’t be back until tomorrow, and you’re all alone in this house …” He trailed off, hoping Y/N could catch on to what he was insinuating. She took this time to pull off her sunglasses and get a good look at him. His facial hair was slightly longer than usual due to them being on a long roadie, and the tank top he was wearing showed off most of his tattoos, which Y/N was a sucker for.
“Haven’t I made it very clear that we aren’t going to sleep together again?”
“But why!?” He fired back. “We already have this weird thing, and it’s not like either of us want it to stop! I get that you care about Mitch, but-”
“There can’t be any buts, Auston! He’s my fiancé! We’re getting married for God’s sake. And he’s your teammate! Don’t you respect him more than that?” Y/N asked fully turning to face Auston. His gazed stayed fix on the girl, thinking of anything to say.
“Are you really telling me you don’t feel anything else for me?” Y/N stayed silent. She knew she was lying to herself. She felt amazing with Mitch, but Auston made her feel … different. He made her feel like she was perfect.
The silence was all Auston needed to move from his position in his chair to hovering over Y/N. She didn’t cave in as he leaned in close to her ear and whispered.
“If you feel nothing else for me, then you’ll tell me you don’t still have those Polaroids.”
“But does he know the pictures that you keep?”
Y/N didn’t know how she managed to do it, but while they were vacationing in Mexico with a few of the guys, Mitch believed her when she said she wanted to go shopping as some alone time.
What shopping really meant was that she was sneaking away to Auston’s hotel room.
Y/N truly felt bad. Mitch was about to become her husband and all she’s shown is how to be a piece of shit. She knew whatever was going on between her and Auston had to stop, but right now, she needed him.
When she arrived at his room, she made sure there was nobody around to see her go in. She knocked quietly and within a second the door flew open. She couldn’t help but smile when she saw the man in nothing but a pair of shorts.
The lights in the room were off besides a small lamp beside the bed. A soft hum of music came from the bathroom as Y/N entered to see a bubble bath filling up.
“What’s this Matthews?” She asked as she wrapped her hands around his neck. He leaned down and gave her a kiss before pulling back with a smile of his own.
“I thought we could just hang out, but, you know, naked.” Y/N couldn’t help but let a laugh escape her lips at Auston’s bluntness.
“I’d like that.” The pair got undressed, stripping away all of their clothes, before Y/N got in first. She poured 2 glasses of the champagne Auston set out before telling him to join.
“Wait.” He said, shifting his mood. He seemed almost nervous as he reached into his bag and pulled out a Polaroid camera. “If I promise no one will ever see these, will you let me take a picture of you?” Y/N couldn’t help but find his nervousness sweet as she giggled and nodded.
“As long as you don’t kill me, sure.” She joked. He then rolled his eyes and snapped a couple of pictures of her in the bath. He couldn’t help but admire her beauty as he began to remember she really wasn’t his.
“I wanna take one of you.” Y/N said through the silence. Auston immediately shook his head.
“Look at me, Y/N. I’m out of season, so I’m not as buff, and my hair’s a mess, the facial hair is out of control-” Y/N abruptly stood from the bath and tracked water across the floor to get to Auston. She grabbed the camera from his hands and set it down before giving him a sweet kiss on the lips.
“I think you’re gorgeous.” She whispered, looking him dead in the eyes. That was all she needed to say for Auston to kiss her again with everything he had.
“If you stand in the mirror with me I’ll let you take it.”
Y/N never got rid of the pictures. She couldn’t. She loved them. She loved Auston. But there was no way she could do that to Mitch. It would be worse to break up with him for Auston.
“I have them.” Y/N admitted to the man. She could hear him swallow hard, clearly not expecting her answer. “I want you right now, Auston. But this has to be the last time.” He didn’t hesitate to pick Y/N up in a quick motion and bring her inside. He all but ran to her bedroom where they wasted no time tearing off each other’s clothes. The kisses they shared were full of hunger, and lust, and passion.
The exact opposite of what Mitch’s kisses were like. They were loving, and gentle, and sweet. Everything Y/N wanted, but sometimes not what she needed.
When the night came to an end with her and Auston, they lied in her bed in silence.
“What are we doing?” Y/N spoke. Auston let out an airy laugh.
“We’re fucking behind your fiancé and my best friend’s back. And he doesn’t deserve that.” Y/N nodded but stayed quiet.
“This has to end.” She said, not fully believing her own words. Auston nodded knowingly, but not wanting to accept it.
“One more night?” He asked facing the girl. She turned to face him too, taking in how peaceful he looked in the moment. She sighed. If she wanted her relationship with Mitch to work out in the long run, it needed to end. And although it wasn’t what she wanted, she made a commitment to Mitch first.
“One more night.”
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choosejoyangel · 11 months
Not Another Macallan
With love, Vanessa @choosejoyangel. :) Thank you to @whoevrwhatevr for encouraging me to write. I am grateful.
Author's note: Anything SVU-related belongs to their respective owners. The original character, Christmas Grace Lennox, and everything else belong to me. I am on no other platform besides Tumblr, Vimeo, and Google/YouTube at my handle, @choosejoyangel. Enjoy, angels! :)
Just some positive goodness to brighten your day!
Soundtrack: Queen-You're My Best Friend and Dave Matthews Band-Crush <3 :)
I thought it would be more engaging for the reader to follow Rafael and Rita’s banter if it were written as a transcription. Get cozy as you imagine being in the same room as besties for life, Rafael Barba and Rita Calhoun, reflecting on an evening most likely spent alone, just the two of them starting the night at their favorite ice cream parlor over a banana split debating a case and ending the night keeping each other warm like they have always done since their Harvard Law days. Rita realizes it is time to let Rafael know how much he truly means to her, and that includes showing him he deserves to be happy with the woman he does not want to imagine his life without. Who is this woman? Is it her? Or, is Rita helping her best friend allow himself the chance at true love with someone else? 
Rita: Why are you in my kitchen, Rafi? It is your birthday, not mine.
Rafael: You know I hate surprises.
Rita: Then why are you trying to hide your smile?
Rafael: I am not smiling.
Rita: And I am 39.
Rafael: For the sixth year in a row.
Rita: I should have bought you another bottle of Macallan.
Rafael: I liked this gift better, Rita.
Rita: Speak up, babe. Did you lose your speaking voice all of a sudden?
Rafael: I liked this gift better, Rita!
Rita: I heard you the first time, but I wanted everyone still here to know how cuddly you are.
Rafael: You can take the man out of the Bronx.
Rita: But you can’t take the Bronx out of the man. I get it, Rafael. We don’t like letting our guard down. It may work in the courtroom but not in the bedroom. 
Rafael: You never had complaints about either of our bedrooms, sweetheart.
Rita: Never! 
Rafael: I trust you.
Rita: I trust you too, Rafi.
Rafael: Um, are you up to finish tonight with a bang?
Rita: I don’t think that is a good idea.
Rafael: What is wrong? I’m so sorry. I loved my party. Seeing everyone from work…um.
Rita: And home?
Rafael: Yes.
Rita: If not for her, you and I would celebrate your birthday over a banana split.
Rafael: Her?
Rita: Yes, Mistletoe.
Rafael: You mean Christmas?
Rita: Mistletoe, Christmas, who cares?
Rafael: Her name is Christmas, and yes, you do care.
Rita: Who in their right mind names their kid after a holiday? 
Rafael: It’s not important. Leave her alone. She is my friend, Rita.
Rita: Friend, eh?
Rafael: Yes, my friend.
Rita: I have known you for over twenty years, Rafael Barba. 
Rafael: And?
Rita: I have not seen that look on your face since, um, well, you know who I am talking about.
Rafael: Yelina?
Rita: Ugh! I thought I told you never to repeat her name in my presence.
Rafael: Come on! Yelina broke my heart, not yours.
Rita: Don’t say her name!
Rafael: Okay!
Rita: Christmas helped me plan your surprise birthday party. She was a big help, considering my caseload. It’s not like she has much to do besides play in her art studio.
Rafael: She works in her art studio, Rita. That is her job, and she is busy, too.
Rita: I know, Rafael. I love it when you defend her. You start blushing, and your green eyes get brighter in defense of what you call her “your friend”?
Rafael: I hate you.
Rita: I hate you too.
Rafael: She helped you?
Rita: Yes, she did. And the feeling is mutual between you and her. 
Rafael: Are you psychic now?
Rita: No, I am a woman. 
Rafael: Oh, I didn’t know.
Rita: I am trying to tell you that I don’t think it is a good idea for us to have sex anymore, Rafael.
Rafael: You and I can still be friends.
Rita: You will always be my best friend, Rafi.
Rafael: You will always be my best friend, too, Rita.
Rita: Christmas is your best friend now.
Rafael: I am allowed to have two best friends.
Rita: I know. She wants you to be happy, even if it may be you and me. I assured her that you and I are or were what young people like her call “friends with benefits.”
Rafael: She is not that young, Rita. 
Rita: You were in high school when she was born, Rafael.
Rafael: It does not bother us; does it bother you?
Rita: No!
Rafael: Will you be happy?
Rita: I am happy, and I am happy for you too. Besides, I am seeing someone.
Rafael: Really? What’s his name?
Rita: She.
Rafael: Well, okay then. What is her name? 
Rita: She is a lawyer; that is all I will tell you for now.
Rafael: Please tell me her name before you put a ring on her finger. 
Rita: Changing subjects.
Rafael: I was kidding. I do hope to meet her if that is what you want. 
Rita: You will be the first to know. 
Rafael: I think Christmas is still here. 
Rita: Of course she is. I can smell the holly from here.
Rafael: Rita! 
Rita: If you want to help in my kitchen, make some coffee for us, Rafael. 
Rafael: I don’t want to ask her to leave yet.
Rita: The coffee is for her, too, silly. If she leaves, you leave with her. You two live near each other. Oh, you have protection?
Rafael: Rita, I am not discussing my sex life with you.
Rita: She is cute. Ask her to spend the night with you.
Rafael: Rita.
Rita: I don’t want to find out you didn’t at least give her a kiss goodnight. And you know I am not talking about a chaste kiss between friends, Rafael Barba!
Rafael: You won’t, Rita Calhoun.
Rita: She and I are friends now.
Rafael: Hmm.
Rita: Rafael and Christmas sitting in a tree…
Rafael: I will meet you in the sitting room.
Rita: You better hide that blush of yours.
Rafael: Rita.
Rita: What?
Rafael: Thank you.
Rita: You’re welcome. 
Rafael: I love you, Rita.
Rita: I love you too, Rafael.
Rafael: My wish came true.
Rita: Yes, it did. Happy Birthday, Rafael. Now, get out of my kitchen.
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lazyrants · 3 months
Trash Trouble (prod 209)
Original airdate: September 27, 2006
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarrson, Noah Zachary
Directed by Sigvaldi J. Karason
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stalling
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess, Ronald Binion
This episode better not be trash.
Sportacus is in his airship and he flips, lands on a button and turns to the screen. He tells the screen to look for Sportscandy and it zooms into an apple tree. The record for obtaining it is 59 seconds which Sportacus believes he can beat. So, he rides into town using the Sky Bike, and once he sees the apple tree, he throws a boomerang at it, and it slices the apple off the branch and it lands in his hands.
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If this was realistic it'd have just landed in the grass. While going back to the ship, the boomerang flies back to him. Without even looking he catches it! Then he goes back in the ship - the record was 51 seconds! Anyways, back in the town after the intro.. Sportacus is literally lifting a bench. Stingy is carrying a bunch a trash in his car (including himself) when Milford comes to him. He tells Milford that he found some stuff that he doesn't want - and gives it to him. Trying to carry it, Milford falls down into Stingy's car wagon, sending Stingy flying into the air. Lucky Sportacus is there to catch him.
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That doesn't get a 'thank you, Sportacus' from Stingy. He is only concerned about his car. So, Sportacus pushes the mayor out of the wagon, then he goes after Stingy's car. Then he checks on the mayor, takes the trash out his hand and throws it at Stingy's car - Well, I'd do that. I am NOT cut out to be a super hero. He throws it at a far-away garbage can and makes a perfect shot! The mayor compliments him on it, and he goes back to the airship. Stingy advises Milford 'not to do that again'.
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Back at Pixel's house, the kids are watching an episode of a show they've already seen and Stephanie asks Pixel where the remote control is, but his room is such a mess he can't find it. Stephanie proposes the idea of cleaning up but everyone including Steph declines. Then Ziggy panics and tells everyone not to move - he lost his lollipop. Stephanie promises to get him a new one. Then Trixie wants to play outside, assuming it'll be cleaner there. So they all go. Ziggy is reluctant, but little does he know..
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Robbie is in his lair, eating gooey sticky taffy, and THROWING THE WRAPPER on the floor - making a mountain of taffy wrappers. Anyways, it's still dirty outside (Steph found Ziggy's lollipop), so Pixel says that they can't play - and that cheers up Robbie. Imagine being such a jerk your happiness is at the cost of a kid's sadness. Anyways, he goes to look at the periscope, and questions how simple it can be. He says the answers to his problems is episode thirty - Greatest Hits.. hey, he said trash. No difference. Anyways, he has the usual disguise time except this time it's not funny - Too fifties, too sixties, too seventies, 'eh', then he finds the trashman costume.
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Ta-taa! His plan is to fill a cannon with.. well.. trash, and launch it into LazyTown! HAHAHAHA! Anyways, he launches it to test if it works - but he forgot to open the hatch and it all comes crashing down. LOL. He's happy it works, completely ignoring the fact his lair is a mess.
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Meanwhile, the kids aren't fond of Stingy's idea to not be a lazy slob in a dirty town, and they run away when he bends down to pick up gloves. 'All you need is some organization.' So, he runs back to Pixel's house. But all his efforts won't be needed, because Robbie's finally driven into town with the cannon. Meanwhile, the kids are playing a video game (you pick up a MUSHROOM with a LEEK..?) when Stingy walks in angrily. Trixie's excuse is that they don't know how to clean - which gets Stingy to start performing 'Clean up'. Since the town is pretty clean, the kids tell Milford to take a rest and Pixel takes him to his room to play video games. After the song ends, Steph looks for a place to put her rubbish.
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Then Robbie comes up in his trash-man costume, saying he is the trashman and tells her to give the rubbish to him. No hesitation, she does it. Not as easy with Trixie who argues with him for ten seconds before giving up. She's not too sure about this. He sees some more trash and smiles. Then for some reason he notices some taffy in his mouth he didn't even know was there. So, he throws it onto the ground before going to pick up more rubbish. Meanwhile, Ziggy is.. licking a lollipop.
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Stingy is NOT being a lazy kid, and he is working on his very own recycling system, then Robbie comes to mess it up. Eventually he convinces him with three questions - 'Do you stay up late at night studying trash?' 'Have you ever been to trash school?' 'Do you even have a Trash Man Badge?' As suspected, the answer to all these questions - is no. Then Robbie spits out more taffy. Slob. Stingy scrapes it up and flings it into a bin, telling Robbie to 'not do that agaen'. He says he'll be watching him. Robbie's so annoyed by this once he leaves, he throws his taffy wrapper on the ground and says 'I'll be watching YOU!!' Anyways, Ziggy finally finishes his lollipop.
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He jumps off the bench, takes a bin, and steps on Robbie's taffy. He's stuck to the ground. (That would be hard to get off but it's possible!) Anyways, Pixel is still attempting to teach Milford to play the Leek game when the kids all come into the house, informing Milford and Pixel the town is tidy. But not for long - Robbie has finally got his cannon to work and he pulls the lever, making trash fireworks. Stingy comes in and makes an announcement - the town is tidy. Thanks, I heard. So, he pulls up the window to demonstrate and boy does he get a surprise.
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Stingy thinks this is just a dream so he tells someone to pinch him - and Trixie does. Really hard. By now, Robbie's broken the lever. Stephanie realizes Ziggy's missing - so Stingy DIVES IN the trash to find him. That's no use because Sportacus' crystal beeps (Man, this sucks, he was only in three scenes of this episode..) and he flips into town. The kids watch on Pixel's computer as if it's a movie. Sportacus calls for a boomerang and throws it at the lever. The trashpour stops! Hooray! Trixie has the audacity to say 'We did it'.. little brat. Sportacus finds Ziggy and tries to pull him up but he can't because of that bing bang taffy. Stingy pops up from some trash and throws a scraper at Sportacus, and HE dives in.
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For a while nobody can see him, but he pops up with Ziggy! I don't know how he scraped off the taffy - he couldn't possibly see under all the trash. Ziggy preaches - 'I'm free!' Robbie jumps from a wall to another wall and climbs on top. He says that this was a bad idea and he wobbles and falls into a trash can. (I love how Stefan screams when he's trying to talk. 'Maybe this trash wasn't such a good idea after aAAAAAUGGGH') Sportacus hears the lid drop, and goes to rescue him. He pulls him out but his hat/wig and moustache have fallen off. Then he goes back into the bin after everyone realizes it's him. I'd do the same. Stingy says that they have a little job to do, and in the span of a fourty second long 'Bing Bang' they've CLEARED THE TOWN.
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Maybe it wouldn't be as dumb if they sang the extended version of Bing Bang, but, kids show. Robbie is sulking in the lair, and he throws yet another piece of taffy on the floor. He steps on the piece he JUST THREW. Did he forget about it 1 second after? Then he falls onto the ground in the Taffy Mountain (TM, TM).
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He greets the trash. LOL!! So simple and so funny.
7/10 - Needed more Sportacus scenes, the slice in the middle of Clean Up was unneeded, and frankly, Trixie and Ziggy annoyed me in this one.
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charlie-artlie · 11 months
just got back from the fnaf movie, i really need to go to bed but i have to get some thoughts out NOW 🫠
movey good C:
matthew lillard was just so so good god bless
the animatronics were amazing, i really wasn’t expecting the scene where they all played and had fun together????? it was such wish fulfillment i was just sitting there like is this real
(on that note HEY. someone had better gif that fronnie scene were theyre just playing and dancing together. 👉 get on it giffers)
maybe controversial but i liked the matpat and coryxkenshin cameos a lot they were funny and didnt detract from the flow too much
the jumpscares were not terribly hacky like i thought theyd be, and the balloon boy one was really good 👏
all of the parts and service room was so cool tbh, all of the creepy old endos and parts, the little fetch easter egg, all of it so so good
the easter eggs in general were really fun, im looking forward to watching this movie be micro analyzed for years to come
the springlock scene 🤌 cinema…..
that scene were william roundhouse kicks mike is just like. so amazing. this is going on the positives. i cant believe they did that. what an amazing movie.
in general the lighting and sound design were very nice (i mean as a layperson i thought they were nice idk XD)
no puppet?
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i feel like this story suffers from the same issue TSE has, where by straying from the games canon you’ve actually made things so much more complicated? while some things definitely made sense (vanessa being williams daughter was a nice touch and made sense for both characters fight me, also a great nod to how shes mind controlled in game canon) others feel like they just made things more complicated? like, why was garrett just a random kid in a random campsite? why was william there, why did he kill him, why do the ghost kids know him? i guess you could say, if there is a reason, it will be revealed in a later movie? but thats so many unnecessary steps when all you had to do was have garret go missing from a freddys location (like in TSE). like, mikes brothers disappearance is linked to freddys, thats why he needs to work there, you could save a lot of time aunt jane ate up. speaking of.
its such a hilarious plot hole that they just totally move past aunt janes death. like this guy is fighting tooth and nail for custody of his sister against his aunt and she shows up dead at his house and nobody is suspicious or cares. also he shows up at the hospital with a stabbed cop who’s apparently in a coma and cant verify his story at all?? the plot armor on this man!!
i realize they needed to put abby in danger at some point or else why would she even be here, but having the ghost kids want to ghostify her doesnt make a whole lotta sense >_> like they kept saying william was confusing them but they never really showed that, golden freddys spirit kid seemed pretty aware of the situation the entire time.
that one jumpscare with the kid with black goopy eyes was pretty silly lmao. feel like they could have captured the creepypasta vibe better
this is semi positive and negative, but i really really liked vanessa’s creepiness i just wish theyd leaned into it a bit more? that scene where shes staring lovingly up at the animatronics and then asks mike to dance is just so 👌 like girl what is wrong with you fr 🥰 but then her behaviors dont make much sense after that, i was a bit confused as to when she was supposed to be trying to get mike to stay and when she was supposed to be warning him away.
the writing in general was definitely a bit weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ eh
sorry if my negatives seem like bummers, but i really enjoy picking apart movies i like, and i tend to like things more when there is stuff to pick apart! (sensory fandom experience…..) in general i really enjoyed the movie and i think most fnaf fans will! it’s fun cheesy horror that has a lot of love for the source material without trying to BE it, which wouldn’t be possible anyway
man theres definitely other things i could say but i really have to go to sleep now 😭 gn!!!
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