#that man has no morals to cling to! no class!
slythereen · 1 year
personally i think jos verstappen should launch another pr war against the sainz collective on behalf of his son(-in-law)
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tiyoin · 6 months
cult of pomefiore au:
vil is the god
rook is the head priest
and you and epel are devoted followers 😌🙏
it’s rook’s job to keep everyone’s moral high, tell stories of their beloved good, and to pick out the sacrifices!!
you and epel get chosen but oh no! epel wasn’t really chosen :/ he’s actually bait!! for you!! so you don’t feel alone when you’re going to get killed off
why does vil, the god of beauty, success, and tragedy need sacrifices? to put it in lamines terms; pretty sacrifices make his skin glow and hair silky 😋
night raven college, a public university where the best of the best go. which includes looks.
thinking about how there’s 7 secret societies / cults ran by the dorm leaders for their respective ‘interest’.
but in today’s episode we’ll be talking about the cult of pomefiore!!
you and epel meet at college, he slowly indoctrinates you into the cult by introducing you to little mementos he uses to ‘pray for good luck’ in exams- which usually always work!!
eek!!! epel targeting pretty girls / handsome men so vil can get his share while simultaneously knocking out the competition- it’s a win-win all around!!
all the hot people get to mingle and they rook themselves with their prided good looks and tall, tall bodies…
you’re a bit… different though. you’re always hovering around epel…
go!! forlick with chad or mindy!! they seem to like you! but no matter how much he encourages you, ignores you, or just plan up ditches you; YOU DINT GET THE FUCKING HINT
sometimes you do, but you’re always subconsciously hovering around him. yapping about how you only feel comfortable around him- IS IT CAUSE HES A- oh it’s not? you like his personality?
…epel bring this up to rook, his college upper class-man who insists on meeting you!
très bien! you’re everything rook hoped to be!! a socially anxious pretty girl who clings to whoever shows them an ounce of kindness!! though he gives you credit about being wary of him, most people are, but you’re still kind to him nonetheless.
that’s very important to rook.
if you turn out to be as rotten as the lot then he’ll have no choice but to😋
but rejoice!! you’re the chosen one! albeit you’re heart is broken and wounded from past experiences, your soul’s true nature always seems to pop through at randomly given moments.
rook has to give epel a pat on the back for finding the diamond in the rough before the other dorms.
though when vil gets a look at you from afar, just to size up his next sacrifice rook provided, he stops. yes you’re a very pretty girl, but there’s so much potential in you! you can’t be sacrificed yet!
it looks eating an apple that half way rotten, he needs to glow you up before he consumes you.
so try not to fight it, or do, it’ll just make them want you sacrificed more. but if you catch on and some how manage to weave your way into their intricate lives, then congrats!
you’ve been promoted! 😋 you’re now an elite employee! a fellow baiter
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tuulikki · 4 months
Was anyone going to tell me that Engels really hated the Irish or was I supposed to find that out for myself???
These are some really impressive anti-immigrant talking points:
The southern facile character of the Irishman, his crudity, which places him but little above the savage, his contempt for all humane enjoyments, in which his very crudeness makes him incapable of sharing, his filth and poverty, all favour drunkenness.
With such a competitor the English working-man has to struggle, with a competitor upon the lowest plane possible in a civilised country, who for this very reason requires less wages than any other. Nothing else is therefore possible than that, as Carlyle says, the wages of English working-man should be forced down further and further in every branch in which the Irish compete with him. And these branches are many. All such as demand little or no skill are open to the Irish. For work which requires long training or regular, pertinacious application, the dissolute, unsteady, drunken Irishman is on too low a plane. To become a mechanic, a mill-hand, he would have to adopt the English civilisation, the English customs, become, in the main, an Englishman. But for all simple, less exact work, wherever it is a question more of strength than skill, the Irishman is as good as the Englishman. Such occupations are therefore especially overcrowded with Irishmen: hand-weavers, bricklayers, porters, jobbers, and such workers, count hordes of Irishmen among their number, and the pressure of this race has done much to depress wages and lower the working-class. And even if the Irish, who have forced their way into other occupations, should become more civilised, enough of the old habits would cling to them to have a strong, degrading influence upon their English companions in toil, especially in view of the general effect of being surrounded by the Irish. For when, in almost every great city, a fifth or a quarter of the workers are Irish, or children of Irish parents, who have grown up among Irish filth, no one can wonder if the life, habits, intelligence, moral status -- in short, the whole character of the working-class assimilates a great part of the Irish characteristics. On the contrary, it is easy to understand how the degrading position of the English workers, engendered by our modern history, and its immediate consequences, has been still more degraded by the presence of Irish competition.
—Condition of the Working Class in England, 1845
Dirty, stupid immigrants stealing jobs? Revolutionary take
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aweina · 1 year
ᰔ. boyfriend material : miles morales.
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miles would help you create a signature, especially if you’re not well versed in calligraphy. the both of you would spend hours just figuring out what suits you. and whenever miles does them, they look perfect — leaving you struggling to make it look identical. he’s patient and a little bit amused of your lack of penmanship when it came to your own signature. at the end, miles came up with a very simple one for you because you cannot make it look as pretty when he does it. “hey it’s fine, at least it’s not ugly anymor — ow! hey, i was just teasing.”
speaking of signatures, miles has one of your name every time he does graffiti art. compared to his other portraits and simply tying their names along their faces — the design of your name has remained unchanged and distinguishable from the rest. during class, he would doodle your name and face when his mind drifted towards you (which was all the time). he would create calligraphy art that perfectly matched you, furiously scribbling at the bad ones with thick led and crumple the paper and toss it to the trash. miles would be absolutely flustered when you see your portrait in admiration, brushing off his racing heartbeat to answer your questions about the piece itself. “you love it? oh shit, thank god. wha — nothing, it’s nothing.”
if you asked, miles would guide your hand while making graffiti art. it’s not usually how he would teach you how to do art but hey, any excuse to be closer to you. he tries to play off the closed distance but inside, he’s an absolute wreck and it’s pretty much shown through his quivering hands and dilated eyes. miles is choked up every time he explains how to do certain art techniques and ends up stopping mid sentence to study your focused face. you are his muse after all. “sorry you’re just … really pretty.”
he loves to pass notes during class as well. miles just doodles you from his seat since the teacher separated the both of you (disrupting class? never heard of it. he took the blame for you though — got detention for it). each doodle is a different pose everyday, some are very silly and some made you look like an absolute doll. they always had some little cute messages or just a bunch of hearts and thought bubbles hovering your head. you save all his small doodles in a scrapbook that the both of you started together — alongside the polaroid photos you took together on his apartment rooftop and the random notes you guys wrote when one of you kept the book for the day. “heh.. i really like you too. oh? i’m just responding to what you said … in the book.”
miles has this full pack of name tags and blank stickers to his disposal. when he’s spider-man, he plasters them on the usual criminals that he would pass by during his patrols with written quirky quips that made you instantly recognize that it was from the hero himself. well, he does that with you too. since miles is very light on his feet and can go unnoticed with his invisibility, he would gently pat a name tag and other customized stickers on you throughout the school day. it’s not until your friends point it out with an amused snicker or when you find it clinging on your arm or back — a warm smile instantly grows on your face. they either go like ‘hello my name is the most beautiful girl ever’ or ‘miles morales was here’. you always looked forward to what he had to say everyday, but damn, how did he even get it on you in the first place? “that’s a secret, it would just ruin the fun if i told you, wouldn’t it?”
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© aweina : please do not copy, repost, or modify any of my content.
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oceanicmarxist · 5 months
"Why Communism and Religion are incompatible"
Religion is the opium of the people,' said Karl Marx. It is the task of the Communist Party to make this truth comprehensible to the widest possible circles of the labouring masses. It is the task of the party to impress firmly upon the minds of the workers, even upon the most backward, that religion has been in the past and still is today one of the most powerful means at the disposal of the oppressors for the maintenance of inequality, exploitation, and slavish obedience on the part of the toilers.
Many weak-kneed communists reason as follows: 'Religion does not prevent my being a communist. I believe both in God and in communism. My faith in God does not hinder me from fighting for the cause of the proletarian revolution.'
This train of thought is radically false. Religion and communism are incompatible, both theoretically and practically.
Every communist must regard social phenomena (the relationships between human beings, revolutions, wars, etc.) as processes which occur in accordance with definite laws. The laws of social development have been fully established by scientific communism on the basis of the theory of historical materialism which we owe to our great teachers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This theory explains that social development is not brought about by any kind of supernatural forces. Nay more. The same theory has demonstrated that the very idea of God and of supernatural powers arises at a definite stage in human history, and at another definite stage begins to disappear as a childish notion which finds no confirmation in practical life and in the struggle between man and nature. But it is profitable to the predatory class to maintain the ignorance of the people and to maintain the people's childish belief in miracles (the key to the riddle really lies in the exploiters' pockets), and this is why religious prejudices are so tenacious, and why they confuse the minds even of persons who are in other respects able.
The general happenings throughout nature are, moreover, in no wise dependent upon supernatural causes. Man has been extremely successful in the struggle with nature. He influences nature in his own interests, and controls natural forces, achieving these conquests, not thanks to his faith in God and in divine assistance, but in spite of this faith. He achieves his conquests thanks to the fact that in practical life and in all serious matters he invariably conducts himself as an atheist. Scientific communism, in its judgements concerning natural phenomena, is guided by the data of the natural sciences, which are in irreconcilable conflict with all religious imaginings.
In practice, no less than in theory, communism is incompatible with religious faith. The tactic of the Communist Party prescribes for the members of the party definite lines of conduct. The moral code of every religion in like manner prescribes for the faithful some definite line of conduct. For example, the Christian code runs: 'Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.' In most cases there is an irreconcilable conflict between the principles of communist tactics and the commandments of religion. A communist who rejects the commandments of religion and acts in accordance with the directions of the party, ceases to be one of the faithful. On the other hand, one who, while calling himself a communist, continues to cling to his religious faith, one who in the name of religious commandments infringes the prescriptions of the party, ceases thereby to be a communist.
The struggle with religion has two sides, and every communist must distinguish clearly between them. On the one hand we have the struggle with the church, as a special organization existing for religious propaganda, materially interested in the maintenance of popular ignorance and religious enslavement. On the other hand we have the struggle with the widely diffused and deeply ingrained prejudices of the majority of the working population.
N. Bukharin & E. Preobrazhenky, ABC of Communism, Chapter 11: Communism and Religion
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thevagueambition · 6 months
Les Mis 1.1.8 thoughts
If you mix and match Myriel's and the senator's arguments and perspectives, you soon get to the real meaning of Marx's "religion is the opiate of the masses."
The point is not so much that to believe in a religion is to be an addict seeing the world through a haze, but rather that when you are poor, beat down, a miserable, religion is what soothes you. The people is not stupid for being religious, it's natural to cling to the one thing that makes life feel easier rather than harder. The point is also not some banal "but logic!" point about religions not being provable. It's about the material conditions people live under and how religion fits into that structure. If you're powerless in life, believing that divine justice will sort things out makes that powerlessness more bearable.
The senator is a self-serving noble who exists in large part as a straw man of atheism, but I have no doubt that this type of person existed at the time. The atheism of the modern west did start as an upper class thing, to my knowledge, and it certainly can be a useful belief to synthesise if you want to avoid certain moral duties.
(It is obviously an annoying and untrue idea that atheists simply have no morals because we don't derive them from the belief in god(s), but if you are a rich/powerful person in a highly Christian society and want to rationalise your selfishness as well as dodge the sort of moral responsibilities Christianity (and practically all major religions, afaik) explicitly expects the powerful to take upon themselves, you can get out of that through ahteism. Another way is of course to just interpret the Bible in a self-serving manner (e.g. the prosperity gospel) so it's not like powerful atheists are any more likely to be bastards than powerful Christians.)
What I find interesting, however, is that the senator does identify the use of religion for the miserable. "He who has nothing else has the good God." Indeed! That is exactly what "opiate of the masses" problematises. The senator is merely saying this as some with no solidarity with the masses. And Myriel agrees with that part, as far as I can tell, but as someone with solidarity with the masses. But to him that doesn't problematise the role of religion, it problematises materialism/atheism as a way to escape moral duties and to grandstand about how much smarter one is than the miserable who have been "tricked" into their beliefs by circumstance.
Anyway, this is certainly not what Hugo intended, but what I take away from this chapter is yet another way Myriel's charity and desire for reform is never going to be enough -- real change is needed
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julieverne · 10 months
Doctor Isles warily eyed the ships in harbour. She had to flee; her biological father, Paddy Doyle, had been gravely injured by her ex-best-friend (and sometimes lover) Detective Jane Rizzoli. There was nothing left for her in the boggy settlement of Mass any more. Without Paddy in charge, the other gangs were after her, and her father's second in command wanted her to take over her father's work.
She might be an outlaw, but that was only because she'd left Detective Rizzoli handcuffed to her bed before coming down here. She was dressed in Jane's Sheriff uniform, hoping no one would recognise her. The Doyles ran these docks.
There. There it was, the Firefly class ship she'd been told about. Frost had said it popped up, now and then. Part of the underground railroad; browncoats.
She could respect that. Sometimes authorities asked for things incompatible to someone's own moral compass. Who was she to judge, anyway? She adjusted her kerchief and slid her Stetson lower, fingering the gun at her hip. Jane's shirt was too large, but the waistcoat tied it together nicely.
"Looking for a ride?"
Maura looked up in surprise. A rainbow umbrella tilted to show the cheeky smile on a grease-smudged face. Maura found herself licking her lips, considering how to answer.
"Won't find yerself finer than a Firefly," the young lady continued, an affectionate hand running over the tungsten plates of the hull beside her. "Don't usually take lawmen, but our mutual friend mighta said you were more than meets the eye. And I hafta say, what meets the eye is mighty pleasin'." A surprisingly clean hand dipped into a basket beside her, drawing out a strawberry. Maura watched transfixed as Kaylee raised it to her mouth, eyes closing in pleasure when she bit in. Maura could almost taste it herself; the sweet, tart juice, the tiny hairs and seeds on the skin. "Want one?" Kaylee offered, but Maura shook her head. "Then get in afore anyone else sees ya."
Maura scuttled on board, hearing the ramp close behind her. She had a carpet bag of belongings; mostly clothes. Some jewels for trade. Not much. She'd shifted her money into accounts that couldn't be traced, thanks to Nina.
"Word is yer a doctor. We have need of one. Cap'n always getting us into scrapes." It didn't sound like a complaint. "Won't say the outfit ain't doing it for me, though." With a wink, Kaylee strode past Maura, obviously expecting her to follow her. She did.
"We take off when the Cap'n comes back. He has some business with a man named Hoyt."
Maura paused and Kaylee looked back.
"Oh. Not business business. He aims to main him somewhat. Found out what he done to his aunt."
"Hoyt's dangerous," Maura breathed. Kaylee chuckled.
"So's the Cap'n. C'mon. Mess hall. We do for ourselves. Down here are the bunks. I got you one near me, in case you're nervy of sleeping next to mercenaries."
"You're not..."
"I'm the mechanic," Kaylee shrugged, as if it was of no account. "The other doctor we dropped off a while ago. Didn't work out. Had trouble coming after him. Not that you don't, but there's different scales of trouble. And the Doyle gang is small fish in a 'verse this vast."
There was something lyrical about her small-town talk. Her accent was unrefined, and despite obviously cleaning herself up there were still the marks of hard work on her; rough hands where they brushed over Maura's, little lines around her eyes from time spent under unregulated suns on worlds with unreliable atmospheres. But there was something endearing about her too, something that made Maura trust her.
There was a hum, and then Kaylee's arms around her, hands clinging to the ladder behind Maura as they obviously ascended, far faster than Maura had ever experienced or expected. Kaylee's breath was warm on Maura's cheek and smelled of strawberries, and one hand let go of the ladder as they hit turbulence to hold Maura against herself instead of letting her hit the ladder behind her. The body under those baggy overalls was soft and pleasant, and Maura released the death grip she'd had on the other woman's ribs.
Once they hit space, Kaylee relaxed. She didn't let go of Maura just yet, just held her and pulled away a little. Maura was short, but Kaylee's nose brushed against hers, almost the same height.
"Gorram Wash," Kaylee grumbled, but she didn't look upset, grinning into Maura's face from inches away. "You c'n get outta yer disguise now, we're on our way."
Maura had neglected to check where the transporter was headed.
"What's our destination?" Maura asked. Kaylee pulled aside a curtain - a luxury on any ship, to expose the entire universe that lay ahead of them.
"Into the black," Kaylee said cryptically. "See what trouble comes our way."
"I get the feeling your Captain goes looking for trouble."
"Lucky for you, huh? Either way, welcome to Serenity."
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lyledebeast · 1 year
Fathers, Sons, and Imperialism in Turn and The Patriot
It’s interesting that between these two narratives about the American Revolution there are three British characters from three different social classes, with three different problems that all, somehow, have the same solution: military service. And in each case, the British Army provides for the character in a way his father could or would not. William Tavington joined the army because his father “squandered” the wealth he was meant to inherit.  Edmund Hewlett joined because the trade embargo the Continental Congress enacted in 1775 nearly bankrupted his father.  Ensign Baker never knew his sailor father, grew up in an orphanage, and joined up because the Army needed healthy young men even if no one else wanted them. That military service is treated as a catch-all solution goes to show how imbued with imperialism 18th C society was at every level.
Of course, it turns out to be a very poor solution for all three characters. Tavington and Baker are both dead by the ends of their stories, and Hewlett comes near death many times, often at British hands, and is forced into one morally untenable situation after another, which nearly breaks him.  Their similarities end here, though, because while Baker and Hewlett are presented as sympathetic men who are doing their best to do what they see as right, Tavington is presented as the ultimate evil.  For a movie that is just under three hours, it has an extremely brief resolution.  Benjamin Martin stabs Tavington to death, delivers a voice-over monologue that fast forwards to the end of the war when he and his new bride/old sister in law find the house Tavington burned being rebuilt.  Martin’s job is much easier than Turn protagonist Abe Woodhull’s.  While Martin only has to kill one man and fix what can be fixed of the problems he caused, Woodhull has to uproot the effects of imperialism, including in his own father’s beliefs and values.
Of course, Turn has more room for nuance in four seasons than The Patriot has in three hours, but there is a deeper difference at work here.  The reason Turn can afford sympathetic British characters is that it presents imperialism itself as the ultimate evil.  Part of the reason Richard Woodhull clings so stubbornly to the British empire is that he recalls a time when it did defend his community from the Dutch and the Iroquois.  Abraham has no success in convincing his father until the community, and Abraham himself specifically, come under British attack in the form of Captain Simcoe.  
The major antagonist of the series, Simcoe is also the character who most effectively represents the evils of imperialism: While Tavington and (presumably) Baker are from England and Hewlett is from Scotland, Simcoe has never been to Great Britain. He is the son of a British surgeon who suffocated in the infamous Black Hole of Calcutta. By far the most enthusiastic soldier in the series, he sees it as his personal mission to “remind” colonials throughout the empire that their homes “belong to our king,” in Ghana and the Caribbean before he was stationed in Long Island.  As much as he is an advocate of imperialism, though, Simcoe is its victim as much as Hewlett and Baker.  In Simcoe’s final scene in the series, General Clinton offers him an appointment in upper Canada, citing the effects of the wound Simcoe received in his last encounter with Woodhull as preventing the wartime appointment he wants. Violence has been such a staple of his life that he is deeply bewildered by the thought of operating in a British colony where the only enemy to be subdued is the weather.
Regardless of narrative length, presenting Simcoe as an agent of imperialism, the true evil, makes more sense than presenting Tavington as the main enemy to be defeated, not least because no one man could possibly have all the power The Patriot attributes to him. The movie’s original tagline invites the audience to see Martin as having no choice but to take up arms against the British in response to Tavington’s actions, and the movie’s producer describes General Cornwallis as “a victim” of Tavington’s seduction.  The idea that only Tavington has any volition in this story is ridiculous.  Cornwallis has the ability to restrain him and does retrain him for the entire middle of the movie.  Martin has the ability to take his grievances against Tavington to Cornwallis before he massacres the British soldiers in the woods, and even after that he has a militia full of trackers and “excellent marksmen” who could eliminate Tavington.  They choose to not do these things. There are numerous Watsonian and Doylist explanation for this, but the one I’m most interested in here is that the story needs a villain, and that villain cannot be imperialism because the movie’s protagonists have spent too much time enforcing and benefitting from it themselves.
While Turn is a story about children pushing back against the patriarchy of imperialism--both figurative and, in Abe’s case, literal--The Patriot is a story about fathers.  A number of the fathers in The Patriot are also veterans of the French and Indian War, known as the Seven Years War in Europe, a global conflict between the British and French Empires.  While Abe’s freedoms are palpably restricted--he can’t even have an extramarital affair in his own home without the British walking in!--The Patriot’s fathers chafe against what they see as ingratitude for their service in preserving Britain’s empire.  “I lost a leg fighting for King George, and now he cuts off my other leg with his taxes!” Mr. Howard complains near the start of the movie.  Of course, he has more to complain about when Tavington arrives and visits the same brutal treatment on him and his family that colonial forces under Benjamin Martin had visited on the Cherokees during the last war.  Well, not quite the same.  Tavington does not use pieces of his victims as bargaining chips or incentivize murder with a scalp bounty. 
The narrative seeks to balance Martin’s past actions with his current feelings about what he has done, but those feelings do not diminish the concrete rewards he continues to enjoy owing to the exact same set of actions. Gabriel Martin tells us that all his life, men have bought his father drinks because of Fort Wilderness; he does not mention his father refusing to drink them. Men choose to fight for Benjamin Martin because of Fort Wilderness. His house is being rebuilt for him on land he took from the Cherokees by committing atrocities at Fort Wilderness.  The wages of imperialist violence have served him well.
It seems worth noting that while Martin’s arc ends with him killing a British soldier, in some respects, Abe Woodhull’s begins in the same way.  He makes several attempts to resist or give up spying in season one, but Baker’s death is the action from which there is no going back.  When his wife Mary asks him if Baker’s death meant nothing, he replies, “It meant everything!” He ends his explanation to her by declaring “I will not stop until every king’s man goes back to England.” His choice of words is interesting here.  He took no pleasure in killing Baker and he does not want to kill British soldiers in the future; he just wants them out of his home.  Obviously, his views evolve a great deal over the next three seasons, but ultimately he does not lose sight of what the real enemy is.  Whether it is Baker’s untimely sense of honor or the best chance he ever gets to kill Simcoe, Abe is not going to let one British soldier stop him from doing what he believes is right.
There is a degree of understanding for British soldiers as people in the young patriots of Turn that is completely foreign to the fathers of The Patriot.  One pervasive example is that the preferred moniker for such soldiers in Turn is “bloodyback.” Having lived in British-occupied Long Island, the young patriots are all too aware of how that term originated, and as the audience we see several floggings of British soldiers administered by British officers.  Imperialism harms its enforcers, not just those whom it subjugates.  Meanwhile, the moniker used in The Patriot is “redcoat:” ironic given how many characters have donned “red coats” themselves in the not so distant past.  
The fathers in both stories are afflicted not so much by poor memories as by short-sightedness.  Like Benjamin Martin, Richard Woodhull is a supporter of imperialism until it threatens the life of his son, but he catches a lot more criticism for his choices throughout the series than Martin ever does.  “You’re a businessman, and you think the British are a safe bet,” Mary chides him before encouraging him to prioritize his family over his politics, as she has done.  He only takes her advice when Abe has a rope around his neck, having clung so tightly to the benefits of imperialism that he very nearly loses his only son.  In this story, it is the children of independence who guide their imperialist fathers, showing them that change is possible.  Meanwhile, the valorization of Martin’s gains through imperialist violence in The Patriot assures the audience that no change was necessary to win the fight for independence.  Small wonder that movie came to enjoy such popularity during the second Bush administration.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
i don’t care that rhaenyra’s oldest are illegitimate not bc i’m a targ stan who thinks she can do no wrong but because legitimacy is a social construct that does nothing more than enforce the patriarchy and class system, and rhaenyra having kids out of wedlock with a man she is consenting to sex with is fine, actually, and if you’re hung up on that it is my opinion that you are clinging to the rules of propriety and patriarchy when analyzing her because you think she should be punished for having sex outside marriage and not like, all the things she actually does that are morally wrong, which is like, textbook misogyny.
“but the lords” so the thing is i don’t give a shit if the lords think she’s a slut. i understand the time period bc not only am i not stupid, i also understand that it is still a big issue in many communities for mothers to have children out of wedlock. i am saying i do not care because it’s a fake issue the way “brienne can’t really be a knight because she’s a woman” and “sansa can’t rule winterfell when she has true born younger brothers” or whatever else. legitimacy is a tool of the patriarchy, of colonialism irl, of classism, and the argument “rhaenyra is a bad person for having children out of wedlock when she knew that would put them in danger” is stupid bc legitimacy doesn’t fucking matter and neither does marriage.
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High School Lit Tournament Side C
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Of Mice and Men: They are an unlikely pair: George is "small and quick and dark of face"; Lennie, a man of tremendous size, has the mind of a young child. Yet they have formed a "family," clinging together in the face of loneliness and alienation. Laborers in California's dusty vegetable fields, they hustle work when they can, living a hand-to-mouth existence. But George and Lennie have a plan: to own an acre of land and a shack they can call their own. While the powerlessness of the laboring class is a recurring theme in Steinbeck's work of the late 1930s, he narrowed his focus when composing Of Mice and Men, creating an intimate portrait of two men facing a world marked by petty tyranny, misunderstanding, jealousy, and callousness. But though the scope is narrow, the theme is universal: a friendship and a shared dream that makes an individual's existence meaningful.
The Grapes of Wrath: First published in 1939, Steinbeck’s Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression chronicles the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s and tells the story of one Oklahoma farm family, the Joads—driven from their homestead and forced to travel west to the promised land of California. Out of their trials and their repeated collisions against the hard realities of an America divided into Haves and Have-Nots evolves a drama that is intensely human yet majestic in its scale and moral vision, elemental yet plainspoken, tragic but ultimately stirring in its human dignity. A portrait of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless, of one man’s fierce reaction to injustice, and of one woman’s stoical strength, the novel captures the horrors of the Great Depression and probes into the very nature of equality and justice in America. At once a naturalistic epic, captivity narrative, road novel, and transcendental gospel, Steinbeck’s powerful landmark novel is perhaps the most American of American Classics.
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eternal-echoes · 2 years
“The social contractualists (Hobbes and Rousseau) thought that the origin of society was only found in the free consent of man. Human will created society and law. According to Hobbes, in the primitive state of man, there was no society, no other measure of ethics than utilitarianism based on the innate instinct for self-preservation, the war of all in all. To cure this condition, human beings created society and founded the great social institutions. The mind and soul of these societies was the ruler informing and governing all the members of society. Nothing was just by nature. Nothing was just before these societies were founded. The will of the sovereign made something just. This creation was called the “social contract.” The contract created justice and authority. What in civil society is called theft, murder, adultery and lying is not evil by nature but only by human institution. The civil law determines justice and there is no prior human nature. Instead, man is by nature a wolf to other men. (Homo homini lupus.) Human beings are naturally anti-social. Good and evil are created by human wills.
In this view, the social union is, however, a real union of individual wills. There is no social intellect or will which acts apart from the individuals in the society. Both authority and subject radically retain their personal wills. It is their common moral action for a good pursued in common which is the origin of the social relationship. So their nature as persons is the origin of solidarity.
Rousseau has a variation of the same theme. He taught that man by nature is asocial, but not because he is in a state of war. Man was rather created in a state of friendship. Man in the beginning led a life of contentment with no desires, envies or struggles. In this state of happiness, he little by little developed art, agriculture, class, property and riches. It is because of these things that discord entered the human race. To do away with this evil condition, human beings were forced to freely found the social contract. This pact was fixed in the people who made it and was inalienable and indivisible. Law receives its sanction from the universal will of the people. The people thus confer all the power and sanction on the sovereign. They therefore can remove the power for the slightest cause and even execute the ruler. Every citizen clings to the social contract like a plank in a shipwreck. The origin of society is wholly in the collective will of the people.
The general position of the Popes is very different from the social contract theory. The final cause of society which is the goal for which a society is founded is the common good. This common good in the domestic and political orders is natural to man. The origin of society is thus founded neither in the fact that men are natural enemies nor are they naturally completely autonomous. Rather, the social relation is founded on the necessity of human wills acting in concert to obtain a good which they could not easily attain by themselves. To be a person entails participation in society. For Christianity, this is obviously seen primarily in God who is not an autonomous solitary. God is a communion of persons who are completely united in a communion of knowledge and love for all eternity. This is the archetype of all society. The Persons are radically distinct and yet radically united with each other. The origin of society is thus primarily in the natural order based on the objective nature of a person possessing and intellect and will. Since the Godhead is made up of the three primary Persons and they are the author and founders of the natural order, the primary source of all society is God through the natural order.”
- Fr. Brian Mullady OP, Christian Social Order
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etcnnante · 2 years
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i always found mista's interest about luck being his saving grace and his strange connections with being superstitious to some degree. we know next to nothing of his background- so i like to think about where this trait comes from. i think it might have something to do with his estranged family. i don't think they're dead or gone- i just think they're out of the picture for now- which greatly affects his worldview.
maybe they're not in the picture because of more personal reasons, such as religion. i think a part of his natural gravitation towards luck and believing in strange is because of leftover beliefs and the persistent influence christianity had on him when he was younger. and as time went on, and as he got older he realized what they preached didn't line up with his moral views- and some of it was just genuine bullshit. especially since his parents preached the old testament- which endlessly showcases the wrath of god and how sinful humanity is- and how they need to suffer for their sins. it's was just ... too much for someone like him, for someone who clearly believes in the good and betterment of humanity. it's why he wholeheartedly believes in bruno with no hesitation- another man who understands his worldviews and wanting to better society- even if it is just a small fraction. and- when it comes back to how he was raised, and the never ending sermons, the singing of certain psalm before mass began, having to sift through specific verses and decipher their deeper meaning during bible study. specifically having to get up before school to attend more bible study classes. all while focusing on the old testament- a rather graphic and ruthless depiction of how god was ... i think it all got too much- the religion, the studying, the pressure of it all. then, they wanted him to settle down with a nice christian lady and further his education, maybe get a reliable trade job and stay close to home. maybe even follow in his fathers footsteps and become a deacon for the church- or possibly the bishop if he wanted to aim higher! but ... obviously he didn't want that. truthfully, he doesn't particularly know what he wants to do yet, either. but he certainly didn't want to settle down with some random woman, not when he's ready to see what the rest of the world has to offer him. especially not when he's just found out his newfound talent and power with firearms. religion just ... wasn't for him anymore. that's when his parents kicked him out, realizing he wasn't a follower of god and struggling to now cling onto something after years wasted believing in something he didn't necessarily believe in anymore. you can see it still affects him in ways he doesn't necessarily notice, the more he tries to distance himself from such a influential lifestyle that he lived in for years- the more it lingers in ways not yet realized. obviously he still believes in some sort of higher power that is looking out for him and granting him all this luck- it's just not god anymore. now he's just glad he can do something he enjoys, even if he feels a piece of him in now missing from having to deal with the sudden loss of something that was so influential to him- even if it did harm him in the end. still struggling with the verbal assaults from his parents and the sudden abusive tendencies his father displayed once mista started to feigned interest in the church- skipping study periods and not staying after mass to help clean up. but, he wants to see his parents again- which is the hardest part for him. but to see them would mean dragging up years of turmoil and conflicted feelings he is definitely not ready to face yet. maybe his siblings he'd like to come back into contact with- but as for his parents ... he will have to wait and see. he still wants to have them in his life when he inevitably has a family of his own. but their old way of thinking- it hinders a lot of progress that they otherwise could of gotten over. honestly, he just wants the familial feeling again.
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cursed-herbalist · 2 years
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𝓔𝓵𝓲𝓸 𝓐𝓶é𝓭é𝓮 𝓓𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭
Slytherin • Pureblood • French/Italian • Gemini • ESFJ • Quidditch Captain and Seeker • Surfer Boy • Environmentalist • Film and History Nerd
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A/N: Elio is open for friends, rivals and love interests! So if you’re interested in discussing a plot, hmu!
Name: Elio Amédée Durand
Meaning: Elio – Italian origin meaning 'sun'; Amédée – French origin meaning 'lover (of God)'; Durand – comes from the Old French durant, meaning 'enduring,' derived from the Latin duruo, meaning 'to harden or make strong'
Nicknames: Io (by Jupiter); ‘Jupiter’s hot brother’ (apparently by her friends xD)
Birthdate: 2th June 1995 (5:06AM)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini Sun, Cancer moon, Taurus Rising
Personality Type (MBTI): ESFJ - The Consul
Sexuality: Bi, until proven otherwise
Gender Identity: Wizard (he/him)
Blood-Status: Pureblood
Nationality: French/Italian
Residence: Skalafell, Norway
Hometown: Paris, France / Fort Durand / Skalafell, Norway
Languages: French, Norwegian, English and some Italian
Physical Appearance
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Face Claim: Brandon Flynn
Hair: brown, blondish ends from sea salt and the sun
Eyes: silvery blue
Height: 183cm
Weight: 75kg
Body Type: lean and muscular
Skin Tone: warm ivory, slightly tan
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): might get a few tattoos when he's older
Voice Claim: tbd
Accent: RP British – sometimes his frenchness says hi tho
What do they carry on them?: wand, school stuff, board wax (idk man, it's just in his pocket and he never took it out), an old family photo (from when his mom was still alive), his dad's old compass
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Mother: Clelia Bellona Durand née Rovere - Clelia was an Italian Spy/Auror for the International Confederation of Wizards. She was a strong-headed woman with strong morals. Tasked to keep an eye on the developments in the UK during the Second Wizarding War, she was killed only a few months after Jupiter's birth, leaving behind her husband and two little children. Unlike Jupiter, who has no memories of her at all, he still has a few that he clings to desperately—her singing him to sleep, singing 'Non ho L`età' being one of them.
Faceclaim: Alessandra Mastronardi
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Father: Aldéric Mylon Durand - Aldéric is a renowned Dragonologist from France. He is friends with Kaari Arcano and was part of the Phoenix Resistance and helped to smuggle innocent wizards abroad, granting them refuge at Fort Durand. He was devastated when his wife Clelia was murdered by Death Eaters, merely months after the birth of their daughter, Jupiter. But it only made him more determined to put an end to it. After the war and now a single dad, he decided to move to Skalafell to get away for a while, heal his emotional wounds and work with Kaari at his sanctuary. Between his studies and travels, he’d go back and forth between France and Skalafell, taking his kids with him wherever he’d go. The early loss of his wife caused him to be quite protective of his kiddos—so be aware! He can definitely be a little intimating but he's actually just a soft idiot. He recently agreed to fill in the spot of Professor for CoMC—although only temporarily. Offers extra classes on Dragonology for students that are interested. Elio and his father have a very good relationship and the two often go on surfing trips together. Tbh they're just best buds xD
Faceclaim: Vincent Cassel
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Younger sister: Jupiter Durand - Even if Elio can be a bit of an idiot and likes to tease Jupiter, he loves her to bits and always looks out for her. He admires her creativity and supports her as best as he can. The two regularly train together near the black lake and have movie nights that, more often than not, are accompanied by a live commentary on the plot and characters and blanket forts (what can I say, it's a tradition).
Godfather: Kaari Arcano @kathrynalicemc - Kaari is a big role model to him. He low-key encouraged Elio’s silliness/flirtatiousness (as if Aldéric wouldn't have been enough influence already).
Godmother: Semele Thorne @endlessly-cursed - With his mother dying so young, Semele has become the closest to a mother figure for him. He always goes to her for advice and respects her deeply!
Elio grew up in the wizard village Skalafell for a large part of his childhood. His father had moved them there after the loss of his mother which was an especially hard hit for him. Surrounded by nature and due to frequent hiking trips, he learned to love and respect his environment and nature and expects others to do the same. The stories told by Alatar also triggered an inherent interest in myth and history which reflects in his pretty impressive collection of history books and historical maps.
With his father being a Dragonologist he was bound to travel a lot, however, his father always took his kids along with him—anywhere that didn’t propose any immediate threat to them. Travels, dinner parties and lectures quickly became part of their daily lives and so did duelling, physical combat and archery. Elio loved exploring different countries and cultures alongside his family and even picked up a few muggle customs during their travels—surfing, as the muggles call it, being one of them.
Just when Elio was about to start school, his father was asked to step in to teach CoMC at Hogwarts which made Elio want to attend the school in the Scottish Highlands rather than Beauxbartons or Durmstrang (which otherwise would’ve been the obvious choices).
After his Hogwarts years, he was offered the position of Seeker by the Quiberon Quafflepunchers and quickly proved himself worthy to play on the French National team as well. After a few years of being a successful quidditch player, he quit focusing his attention on more pressing matters and became a full-time Conservationist (maybe? yes?).
Elio goes back and forth between the fort, Paris, and Skalafell—and sometimes Florence to visit his grandparents.
House: Slytherin
Best Class: DADA, Flying, Muggle Studies, Herbology
Worst Class: Potions
Quidditch: Seeker (2nd year) and Captain (5th year until he graduates)
Clubs: -
Wand: Ceder Wood, Dragon Heartstring Core, 14 1/2” Length, Ridgid Flexibility
➔ Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Animagus: –
Boggart: environmental pollution, manifesting as a moving sphere of water filled with rubbish and dying fish
Riddikulus: the sphere bursts into millions of iridescent bubbles
Patronus: Dragon
Patronus Memory: first hiking/camping trip in the mountains with his dad and Jupiter
Mirror of Erised: tbd
Amortentia (what he smells like): sea salt, fir needles, a dash of board wax, honeydew melon
Amortentia (what he smells): tbd
Magical Abilities: can speak to and understand dragons
11–18: Student at Hogwarts 18–?: Seeker for the Quiberon Quafflepunchers and the French National Team; Geology and/or Wildlife Biology major on the side; Environmental Advocate ?–?: Conservationist?
Personality & Attitude
Personality: Elio is outgoing and has an exuberant and lighthearted approach to life. He likes to have fun and make things awkward, especially when it involves Jupiter—though when provoked he can be a fierce opponent. He has a solid moral compass and tends to be somewhat opinionated regarding social and environmental issues. He loves to talk film and history so if you're not into that sort of thing you might want to avoid those topics at all costs—unless you're cool with him going on about it for hours.
Moderator: ‘Okay, so why don’t we all introduce ourselves?’
Elio: ‘I’ll go first! I’m so excited to be here and meet everybody. Hm, my name is Elio. My friends would describe me as warm, bubbly, outgoing, gregarious and always up for an adventure.’
Strengths: quick learner, charming, easy-going, chatty, determined and strong-willed, daring
Weaknesses: can be a little too idealistic at times, difficulty separating his own feelings and moods from those around him
Stressors: tests, pressure to win the quidditch cup, littering/environmental damage, Statute of Secrecy
Comfort: surfing, hiking, his family, watching movies/documentaries, the smell of evergreens, the sound of ocean waves, blanket forts
Priorities: his family, the environment, embarrassing and protecting Jupiter, being kind and helping others, being happy
Colours: ocean green/blue
Food: honeydew melon; he’s a vegan
Drink: black coffee
Flowers: doesn't really have one I mean who could just choose one when nature, in general, is so beautiful?
Books: maps and survival guides, history books
Weather: strong/surfable waves no matter what the weather or temperature
Hobbies: hiking, surfing, muggle movies/documentaries, quidditch, history and myths
Style: pretty laid-back but still likes to look put together, surfer boy meets french guy?
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Significant Other/Love Interest and Best Friend: Gareth Montague @magicallymalted
The Arcano-Thorne kids aka Siv, Mikael @kathrynalicemc and Lennox @endlessly-cursed - They basically think of each other as cousins since they grew up together.
Dayamanti Arcano @kathrynalicemc - They too grew up together in Skallafell and are the designated parents of the group. They always have each other's backs and make sure the little ones are doing fine <3.
John Arthur @potionboy3 - At one point in his first year they randomly met on the pitch, wanting to practice quidditch and just hit it off. Smol them used to meet up to train together ever since and quickly became quite close. As both of them became seekers and captains of opposing houses, they developed a friendly rivalry when on the pitch. John was the one to introduce Elio to the 'Muggle' concept of environmental activism.
Open for friendship requests :)
Rivals: tbd
Mr. Popular; literally knows everyone
is very athletic; knows how to fight (physically and magically)
can do a backflip; uses this skill to show off and impress people he’s interested in
always keeps an eye on Jupiter and the Arcano kids ... just in case they run into trouble 👀
regularly attends HogwARTS showcases
Gareth and Elio like to team up to embarrass their sisters from time to time 🤝
life of the party and not afraid to make a fool of himself in order for everyone else to have a good time
touch his surfboard and you won’t have hands 🤗
fascinated by muggles and their technology but also high-key devastated by their carelessness in regard to the planet they’re living on
would LOVE to just solve environmental issues by using magic but—Statute of Secrecy and would it really solve the problem if wizards would just make all the pollution disappear? (this got weirdly philosophical, sorry)
Semele forged some graduation papers in order to enable him to study at a Muggle University (Oxford?)
skilled braids maker and blanket fort builder
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sloshed-cinema · 2 years
McCabe & Mrs Miller (1971)
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Plenty of filmmakers have sought to subvert the American Western, but what happens when the king of dialogue seeks to do the same?  The opening sequences of poker games and various dastardly dealings are peak Altman, dialogues interweaving as McCabe establishes himself as a charismatic presence within this lawless world.  But what does he really want?  A legitimate business of ill repute.  He finds his match in Mrs Miller, who has the business savvy and the high-class hookers from Seattle to boot.  This is a deconstruction of character, a man starting out on the top and ending up barely clinging on, staggering through the snow with a gunshot wound.
This does a beautiful job of capturing just how ugly is life on the frontier.  McCabe ingratiates himself as a charismatic stranger, and yet has to excuse himself to take a piss.  Everyone drinks straight from the bottle when they do, and the whores take their men in tents.  The promise of McCabe and Miller’s establishment is a gross edifice, equal in construction to the Church, which speaks to the community’s divided morals.  While there’s a shootout in the closing minutes, are there any genuine white knights in this situation, or is someone just trying to eke out a profit in some sense?
A Leonard Cohen song begins.
Someone takes a swig from a bottle.
McCabe belches.
The camera pushes in on something.
It’s raining in a scene.
McCabe courts salmonella and drinks eggs.
Someone says “turd in your pocket.”
0 notes
paradigmkrp · 2 years
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ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ 𝐆𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐏 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆: #1 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: January 22nd, 2023 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: The following post contains mentions of abuse, drug use, and sexual activity. ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: All writers consented to have their muses featured in the gossip blog. ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- Dearest Readers,
The 2023 school year has started quite eventfully it seems. Though we are only on the second week of classes, already the halls have begun to whisper. Let’s see what our little birds have brought to us for this week’s edition.
As students usher around campus adjusting to new schedules, it appears that some of you have been busier than others. Settling on campus again often means establishing new habits… or slipping into old ones.
Lotus Library is hailed for the young minds that it nurtures among rows of books, however, it seems that studying isn’t the only thing students have taken to using the library for. Lady Estelle de Chagny found herself in the arms of a man just one week after classes began. Instead of taking to the books, she has taken to finding intimacy just outside of the library doors.
It appears it wasn’t just any man either, but rather a certain Avani New Rich that she was spotted with last semester as well. Despite her claims that their fling last semester was only a temporary romance, it seems as if the young Lady simply cannot get enough of the poetic young man. Perhaps he has charmed her beyond compare, enough to let her morals slip for nothing more than a pleasurable exchange.
I suppose Lady Estelle de Chagny was in need of some comfort following a tearful exchange with her proclaimed best friend Lady Eden Kobayashi in front of the football locker rooms – and my dear readers, we have quite the story for you about those locker rooms – after team practice. By all accounts, the two exchanged words before Lady Eden caused her dear friend to burst into tears and her own followed not long after.
Trouble in paradise?
It makes us wonder how Lady Estelle feels about constantly taking to the school’s newspaper to defend her friend turned football star and captain. She certainly has a way of choosing her company. One best friend who makes her cry without impunity and a lover who is involved in illicit activities. I’d argue that the Duke of Nanami is due a visit with his dear daughter to discuss her choice in friends… and even worse lovers.
Speaking of interesting choices made by Arcadia University students, it appears that one student, in particular, made some rather big choices over the break. Sora’s very own Lord July Merlo came back from break looking quite different. There is no denying that the famous Lord has always been good looking, but fans can’t help but speculate whether his need to constantly appear perfect under the spotlight has gotten to him.
Bigger eyes, a sharper jawline, and a straighter nose. The noble-turned-influencer has stopped at nothing to keep all eyes on him. Perhaps he was offered a 4-for-1 deal because he’s even come back looking a bit slimmer.
If you ask me, I’d say that the work doesn’t look half bad – just slightly ridiculous, but what do you expect from someone desperately clinging to fame? Though Lord Merlo may want to consider slowing down on the work. It’s a swift slide to becoming a living botched mess.
Lord July Merlo may not be the only one consulting a plastic surgeon soon. The poor, delicate Lady Autumn Wu was seen fleeing the dueling team practice gym late one night on campus. A witness reported the young Lady in tears and covered in fresh blue and purple bruises.
The culprit?
Her one and only betrothed, His Royal Highness, Terran Ajax Alarie.
It’s awful to think that the future King of Avani would dare raise his hand to his Queen, though one might say it comes as no surprise. After all, any Avani national would be quick to tell you of the Prince’s temper in his younger years. They claim he has calmed down in preparation for the throne, and yet evidence says otherwise.
Usually, I would speculate on such matters and try to find out what led to the altercation in the first place, but there is no need for speculation here. The simple fact remains that His Royal Highness, Terran was wrong in striking his fiancee. It would do him good to remember that all eyes are on him and his people look to him as a future leader.
What example does he set by striking any Lady… much less his betrothed.
We send Lady Autumn our well wishes, in hopes that her injuries are minor and she won’t need a trip to Lord Merlo’s surgeon to patch herself up.
Though not all students have immediately started the year on a foolish note. Some are more determined than others to step into the new year with a fresh slate.
Lord Emrys Narelle was seen handing out name brand clothes to citizen students outside of Snell Hall. Some may question why he didn’t go inside to pass the clothing out, but in the Lord’s defense, we must remember that questionable entities grow within the infamous halls of the citizens’ dorm. Surely, it is enough to have a warm, open heart, so eager to help the less unfortunate in the world.
Although it would be remiss of me to not mention that this rumor wasn’t submitted to us in a typical way, but rather came about as an email with a press release and professionally taken photos. Regardless of how this story came about, we are quite impressed with the Lord’s charitable efforts because it certainly isn’t often that a noble of such a reputable house finds themselves tending to the citizens. Like always, the Narelle family leaves a pleasant taste in our mouths.
To all of our citizen readers, if you are in need of a helping hand, consider seeking out Lord Emrys’ charity.
And if you’re in need of illicit substances, you may want to consider paying a special visit to the President of Spoken Reasons himself: Oleander Weathers. It isn’t our first time hearing about the young man’s alleged penchant for mind-altering substances. Though it appears as if he has now taken to indulging before the poetry club’s meetings – and one can only wonder if he enjoys a quick boost in the midst of their recitations as well.
By all accounts, the Weathers boy is quite talented with his words. After all, one doesn’t become President of Spoken Reasons without presenting some type of natural talent. But with how often he takes to his vices, it’s hard not to question whether the new rich student is a natural poet or if he just closes his eyes in the midst of his high to imagine the words in his head.
Regardless of the young man’s questionable habits, for the sake of his club members, we must ask that he at least take the proper steps to rid himself of the foul scent before he steps foot into their meetings.
It’s no secret that money can’t buy happiness… but clearly it can’t buy etiquette either.
Money appears to be a hot topic among citizens, new rich, and noble students alike.
Inappropriate encounters at student parties are far from a new topic, but we cannot say that it’s everyday we hear of two noble students bickering over money.
Our campus football star Lady Eden Kobayashi was seen in yet another verbal altercation this week though not with her supposed best friend. Instead, it was Lord Alon Lee of Nanami who found himself on the other end of the young Lady’s apparently hot temper. Several witnesses report having seen the two in the corner of a party speaking in hushed whispers whilst the Lord’s hand danced around her neck.
Grabby much?
One can only assume that it’s hard to get close to two nobles in the middle of a back and forth, but our little birds claim they were speaking of theft. Some say they overheard Lord Alon accusing the Lady of taking something from him. Yet, others claim it was in fact, Lady Eden who pointed an accusation of theft at the Lord. It’s hard to imagine a world in which a Lord from as long lived and respected a house as Lord Alon would have the need to steal from Lady Eden, the heir of a disgraced family name.
Yet, dare I say perhaps the Lord stole nothing of material value, but rather something of emotional value?
After all, the two were seen leaving the party together with little to no space between them. Theft or not, these young nobles certainly do have a way of flirting with each other.
As we all know, theft isn’t limited only to the noble and rich. It is no secret that desperate citizens may be prone to stealing from each other or in the case of particularly brave ones, from the nobles and new rich that employ them. In all of my years of writing, however, I cannot say I’ve ever seen a theft of this nature.
Whether or not, Lady Eden has committed theft against Lord Alon, she most certainly is the victim of theft from her very own personal servant: Fiona Choi.
The Sora citizen was reportedly seen pocketing a piece of her employer’s clothing as she did her laundry in Winthrop Court. What did the unassuming, rather quiet citizen take exactly? I would ask you to guess, and yet I fear that even the most talented of earth nation nobles could not figure it out.
A scandalous piece of underwear from the dear Lady.
Surely, Fiona means to use it with purpose, and while one may assume she took it for her own perverted desires, after some digging, we’ve found that she shares a room with Avani citizen, Rhys Park. With no other viable romantic prospects in her life, there is certainly only one logical explanation. Does Fiona Choi mean to wear the skimpy little piece in her small shared dorm for her supposed friend and roommate Rhys Park?
It isn’t often that a citizen manages to catch the eye in this way, though I can assure you we will be keeping a close eye on the rather interesting citizen duo and their remarkably shameful debauchery.
However, Lady Eden isn’t the only one who is losing her panties on campus.
I venture to say that the rumor that comes next tops theirs by far, and my dearest readers, I did assure you that we would come back to the locker rooms.
Lady Aeryn Tang was caught stumbling out of the men’s dueling team’s locker rooms, followed shortly after by none other than Lord Yejun Han. Several witnesses report seeing the Sirius nobles emerge looking messy and exhausted. It does not take a far leap to assume that the two were up to degeneracy in their time within the locker room, but we will allow the evidence to speak for itself.
Suspicious vocal sounds, thuds, and newly blooming marks on both of their necks. It appears the two couldn’t have even bothered to attempt to cover themselves up, but we should expect nothing less from the ex-fiances.
A messy arrangement only to end in a suspicious, even messier dissolvement.
Still, one has to assume, if the two nobles are so eager to spend carnal time together – going as far as engaging in a locker room of all places – then surely a new arrangement is overdue. Accidents happen, and considering that neither Lady Aeryn nor Lord Yejun can be bothered to hide their chaotic entanglement, we must remind them that protection is always a necessity.
The last thing two heirs of strong, noble households would want is an accident that ends in a shotgun wedding.
At least one noble on campus has remained responsible and steady in protecting her family name.
Lady Selene Yu has been commended recently for her dedication to the campus gardens as President of the Belladonnas. We’ve received several credible reports that she has been seen tending to the gardens late at night without complaint and always with a smile on her face. It’s no surprise that after a charming speech at the greenhouse that Lady Selene continues to win the hearts and adoration of her fellow student body.
The Pearl of Nanami continues to garner positive attention even far outside of the water nation’s boundaries. Perhaps she would be a lovely example for the student body to look to when in need of a positive example of how nobles should be conducting themselves on campus.
Kudos to you, Lady Selene for allowing us to start the new year on such a positive note.
The first two weeks of classes have been full of so many surprises – good and bad – and we have been happy to write about all of them. The eclectic student body of Arcadia University never fails to grace us with plenty of content.
Like always, my dearest readers, keep whispering and writing in, for we will always be listening.
Stay tuned.
Yours Truly, Lady Astor
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xtruss · 2 years
Two Reasons That Europe Would Be Forced To Decouple From The US
— Jan Oberg | January 05, 2023
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Several years ago, I wrote in a Danish book about foreign and security politics that Denmark and other European countries would be wise to begin to walk on two legs: One for The West, and one for The Rest. One leg would be friendly, correct and necessary cooperation with the United States, the EU and others ultimately belonging to the West, and allowing friendly criticism too. The other leg would consist of taking into account the emerging world order change and seek cooperation with the Rest - China, the Belt and Road Initiative, and at least some of the non-Western regional organizations. As expected, there was no reaction.
In the fields of foreign and security policy, Denmark and quite a few other European countries have put all their eggs in one basket, where earlier they maintained some freedom of navigation. EU countries Finland and Sweden joining NATO speaks volumes: The dominant psychology is that the West must stand united against - not with - the Rest. The NATO-Russia conflict playing out so tragically on Ukrainian soul is just one example. Many European countries might just as well close down their Ministries of Foreign Affairs and become US State Department divisions.
Now, what do we mean by the West? Politically and militarily, mostly the US + NATO + EU. Culturally, more the Christian world, which has been created through Western colonialism, imperialism and militarism - coming with a Bible and, if that wasn't enough, the Sword. In terms of civilization, deeper values or ways of thinking, it means the individual over the collective, Man over Nature, Man over Woman, one God over Man (and monotheism), either/or thinking over both/and thinking, linear over circular time, the psychical/mechanical over social/organic, the body over the soul and spirit, the idea of one center guiding peripheries benevolently or by violence - that is, the West's civilizing mission on the Rest, the White man's burden.
The old Cold War that ended around 1990 was between two versions of that West which actually had a lot in common, namely deep Westernness. The Eastern West lead by the socialist Soviet Union with its vassals in the Warsaw Pact and Comecon; it built upon a mechanical social philosophy by a German mind, Karl Marx, embodying everything Western/Occidental. The Western West on the other hand, grew out of Enlightenment, free spirit, industrialization and even revolutions but that too built on a stale center-periphery thinking with the US, God's own country, as its center and the Rest as 2nd- and 3rd-class peripheries. Its center is NATO, not the EU, because the EU has been manifestly unable to get its act together.
This system's philosopher was Adam Smith, originally a moral philosopher but ultimately twisted into a father of the capitalist market economy with its God-like invisible hand. It's main - false - assumption was that individual utility and profit maximization would benefit all society. Alas, it led, instead, to perverse and unstoppable inequality and global militarist dominance for its maintenance. Around this market, revolves a parliamentary democracy. But it's based on 2-3 percent of the people who are members of a party - compared to about 7 percent in China - who make up the lists of candidates the citizens can vote for. Western democracy is about voting, but not selecting; it's representative but direct rule of, for and by the people. The Eastern West fell apart in the late 1980s. Predictably, the Western West is now in rampant decline and bound to fall, mostly because of its unwise, triumphalist response to its "brother's" demise. It falls also because of a) militarism beyond any rationality, b) lack of self-criticism and innovation and c) lack of a vision beyond the four-year election periods.
For the above reasons, my prediction is that the Western West will cling to the US as its leader. United in decline, it needs the image of an external image, narratives and a negative vision: Everybody and everything non-West is a threat to us! Win/lose is the message, instead of win/win. Confrontation instead of cooperation. The EU Lisbon Treaty states that the EU shall serve peace, speak with one voice in foreign policy and that it shall build efficient supra-national structures. It has succeeded in none of them. It lacks true democracy, its top leadership not voted into office. Its security is mostly NATO/US-based with no vision of an alternative common civil-military security.
The EU failed miserably to build peace with Russia, handle the refugee crisis in 2015 and the COVID-19 crisis, and now it blindly follows the US' response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and becomes a victim of it. However, there could be two reasons that Europe would be forced to decouple from the US. One, if the post-Biden US becomes extremely isolationist or disintegrates into a civil war-like situation. Two, if the effects of the US sanctions, cancellation of everything Russia, the destruction of Nord Stream 2 and the US selling liquefied gas at four times the price in the US cause stronger anti-US sentiment throughout Europe.
When the West falls, the Rest will be wise to mitigate and help the West - non triumphally, but also without compromising its own development philosophy and momentum. It won't be easy, but that will be the task the next few years. Everything must be done to avoid a new Occident-Orient Cold War because even a cold war will prevent us from solving humanity's urgent problems.
— The Author is Director of Sweden-based Think Tank Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research.
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